#bc in botw we don't really get to see much of that
spilledstars1234 · 4 months
Guys i need a good ao3 botw fic recommendation.
I want to find something that captures's botw's emphasis on isolation. Like, the game had a very lonely feel to it, you know? I want to find a fic that has that very same feeling of loneliness, like something to do with Link randomly exploring Hyrule and encountering its empty, silent ruins. The world feeling familiar to him but so unfamiliar at the same time, the world being drastically more desolate than it once was a century ago, where it had once been lively, but Link having no recollection of that liveliness. Something well-written with good desciption. A fic of Link feeling alone in this world that has little liveliness to it, something somber yet tranquil at the same time. I don't know how to explain it, but something quiet, almost calm. maybe having some angst of link struggling to recall memories of his past as princess zelda's knight, memories that he knows he should have but just doesn't have.
I've been searching through ao3 for a fic like this, but to no avail. if i didn't have so many writing wips i'd write it, but oh well. If you find anything somewhat close to this, let me know.
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wayfayrr · 4 months
I first have to say that since I’ve only played Botw, some of totk, and maybe half of twilight, idk the other Links except for how people write them in fanfics and LU, so if my reason for each one doesn’t make sense, sorry!
1. Twilight - calm country boy but won’t accept being taken advantage of, also deeply cares about his friends and family (of the Links, he reminds me most of one of my best friends)
2. Four - also calm, logical, in fanfics is usually the only one holding the group’s singular brain cell lol (I’m a very logical person as opposed to emotional)
3. Sky - mother of the group, very sweet and loving (reminds me of my other best friend, but both Sky and my best friend can be a little too serious bc of this trait, I like to make jokes and mess around sometimes)
4. Tears - I think he’s a little less chaotic than Wild, I say a LITTLE lol, but idk, he can drive things so that’d help with traveling because I don’t like walking too much, but seeing scenery while flying would be pretty cool
5. Hyrule - most of the fanfics portray him as a very shy timid follower, and while I don’t want someone to dominate me in r relationship, I also don’t want to dominate, I need to have someone who can take charge but doesn’t boss me around
6. Wild - kinda already explained this one, ik he also has horses we could ride but still
7. Legend - his sense of humor being sarcasm is the same as me, I love sarcasm, I once said to someone “my sarcasm makes up for the whole population”, but while r senses of humor would be the same, I can’t see us working that well in a relationship, his abrasiveness is a lot and I’d rather have someone who’s softer and can cuddle with me w/o having to pretend it’s the worst thing ever bc eww feelings
8. Warriors - ik he has a soft side but his very flirtatious and arrogant personality would absolutely clash w me, it would turn me off immediately
Time and Wind excluded bc of age
If u want/have the time, I’d love to hear ur reasons for each one!
sorry I didn't put up the reasons on the og post, I kinda completely missed that bit 😅 but yeah there are reasons for why I've ranked them as such
1 - sky (literally no matter what au) He's insanely caring about people that he's close to, but can also be pretty snarky and rude. He and I have pretty similar senses of humor plus he's really loyal and honest to people he wants to keep close. (also I see him the most as being ace and even if I hc the others as such it just fits him the best IMO and idk if I would want to date any more allos after my experiences fbvsbfbvs)
2 - Twilight soft! country! boy!!!!! He's loyal to a T and is just so warm cuddly and oh I do love him so - I think he'd be number one for compatibility if it wasn't for my fear of dogs lmao
3 - tears I mean, besides him being like wild but more interested in technology and with more ability to cook? also I wanna help him dye his hair because that would be so fun :3
4 - wild I often get told that I'm him irl (personality and action-wise), so I hope that'd translate into us getting along? I like being outdoors and we could probably bond over eating rocks tbh
5 - hyrule soft fae boyyyyyyy, he's so sweet but I don't think I could move around as much as he does, he's none stop compared to wild.
6 - warriors So, this is more for canon and how other people see him rather than my own hcs (my hcs actually bumping him up from dead last surprisingly) he's usually shown as a playboy and knowing people in most places he goes while flirting with people to get things for reduced prices and I have pretty bad trust issues! I would wouldn't want to date him if he was showing interest in others while with me <3 also his arrogance would make me shutdown and not interact with him sdvsf
7 - four So while I don't mind being with someone shorter than me, I would like to be with someone a close height to mine whether that be a bit shorter or taller. the line is drawn when he barely makes it to my elbow when we're both standing. Plus I think our personalities simply match better to be friends rather than romantically, I could see myself being good friends with him - just no romance
8 - legend Idk I just don't think I would ever want to date him tbh, I see him as more compatible with a friend of mine and that's partly why too - I wouldn't want to nab him from her <3
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
what do you think ganondorf’s deal is going to be in totk? i think it’s pretty clear they’re not just going to have him be a mindless monster like in the previous game bc they quite literally humanized him, but also i wonder what exactly his plan is going to be. it’s clear some cataclysmic event is happening in hyrule that caused all sort of strange things, and i’m thinking is it all ganondorf’s doing, or is it the other way around, and said cataclysmic event caused ganondorf’s revival? also i’m interested (although not without a bitter taste in my mouth considering zelda’s history with orientalism) to see the dynamic between him and the current gerudo tribe. urbosa mentioned him in botw, talking about how ganon reincarnating as a gerudo is disgraceful or whatever, so i’m curious as to riju’s reaction to actually seeing him. i’m also curious if they’ll bring up the whole a man gets born every 100 years rule - in botw it seems they either dropped that tradition or just don’t mention it. either way i’m interested in your opinion bc botw’s scale of just how much shit gets fucked up seems a little incongruous with ganon being just some guy. i wonder if he’ll be either a secondary antagonist or even a villain who’s not responsible for absolutely all the issues but is just adding to the problems.
i go into some of my theory about ganondorf's revival & the monster vs human thing here, but yeah i think that the cataclysmic events we see are probably caused by him, not the other way around. the general trend with ganondorfs in this game is destruction for destruction's sake, which tracks with the fact that he's. yknow. demise incarnate, but he also usually goes after link and zelda specifically in the hopes of getting the triforce. i think that could be a REALLY interesting way to take ganondorf in totk, since this link and zelda don't KNOW about the triforce. he would be hunting them for seemingly no reason.
as for the gerudo yesss i am super interested in this too. the gerudo in botw are unique in that they're a society completely independent of ganon--in most other games where they exist, the desert people are completely under his rule. i think it would be really funny if he expects them to bow to him when he revives by virtue of Being Ganondorf and then the warriors throw him out at the gates for being a man. but fr i hope they go into some gerudo history and elaborate on ganondorf's whole deal bc it has a lot of potential!!
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local-writer · 1 year
Just a post about what I think on totk and what I like to do
Spoilers for totk ahead
Whenever I see Zelda in the sky I can't help but take the time to go and visit her and put her favorite flowers in her hair <3 I wanna make a flower crown for her, but it's probably gonna take a lot of patience
But it's worth it for my Queen <333
I also like to visit Sonia's grave sometimes and drop a few sun flowers to pay my respects. I felt so bad for taking her flowers after finding out it was her grave 😭 left way more then I should have lol. She and Rauru simply did not get enough screen time in my opinion 😔 and the fact that there won't be a dlc with extra memories makes me sad :')
Also, can we talk about how Zelda follows link around hyrule? I noticed throughout my time playing that she'll hover over the next region you have to visit, and once you've visited all of the locations she'll just follow you wherever you go <3 I find it sweet because I feel like she's watching over link, even if she isn't aware of it. It just proves that her love for link is strong, so strong that even without her memories as a dragon, her heart remembers. And her sheer will to protect him and her people amazes me, and it shines bright during the final boss fight when she comes to aid link. Omg I'm gonna cry just talking about it help-
It still disappoints me that we didn't get a hug at the end though 😔 I feel like we got so cheated in the English version of the game, because in the Japanese version, Link's personality shows more I feel like because in the quest log, it's written in his pov, and he even writes his thoughts down too.
I headcanon that zelda and link live together, and no, I don't take criticism.
I really believe that link loves zelda the way she loves him, and sure, I'll probably get shit from nonshippers (or toxic shippers, whichever sees this post first lmfao) for saying this bc according to them, all zelink shippers think this way just because we ship them. But I really feel like their relationship is so much more then what Nintendo shows us, and I wish they wouldn't overlook the idea of giving us just a little look at that relationship.
I hoping that some day, we'll get some zelink content out of them. Whether it's a hug or a peck on the cheek, or even just a simple 'I love you', I'll take it. Also, I'd like a game where we can play as zelda too.
Before totk came out people were spreading a rumor that we'd get to play as zelda too. I didn't believe this ofc, but I still had a bit of hope that Nintendo would consider it. The game would have been so much more badass if we could have played as zelda and explored the past a bit as her. I was a little disappointed, but wasn't surprised after I beat the game that we didn't get to play as her.
Something that ticks me off is that they practically erased all of the shiekah tech from botw. Why didn't the keep a few ruined shrines or towers? Why didn't they leave the divine beasts? I think the divine beasts should have been left alone. At the very least, they could have given an explanation as to where they went and why they're gone. Maybe they did, I could have missed it somewhere, but if I did someone please let me know. Oh, and let's not forget how some of the NPCs in the game don't even remember link. The disappointment I felt when Hudson didn't recognize link was big. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't beat botw again before I played totk, but if that's the case then I'll be happy. I'll have to speed run the rest of botw so everyone remembers link in totk lol
Okay I'm done, sorry about the long post lol. I talk a lot sometimes when it comes to something I love
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runicmagitek · 10 months
stole this from @wingsyouburn because why not! Not going to tag anyone, but if you'd like to fill this out yourself, consider yourself tagged!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 384 :')
What's your total AO3 word count? 1,836,435
What fandoms do you write for? Yes.
Ok but real answer? Current active ones are FF, Fire Emblem, and 13 Sentinels. I'll bounce around tho, depending on what inspires me. Like I always dip in and out of any video game fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) Sweet Dreams (Witch from Mercury, sulemio) 2) Finally, Beautiful Stranger (FFVII, aerti) 3) Wings of Valor and Compassion (Overwatch, pharmercy) 4) Give Them Something to Talk About (TLOU2, Dina/Ellie) 5) No Safety in Desire (BotW, Urbosa/Zelda)
It does please me that my top fics are all femslash HSKDJAJD
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I definitely try my best to!! Unless it's very rude or makes me uncomfortable in some way, then I either don't comment on those specific bits or just ignore it altogether. I've had a handful of people make very backhanded remarks and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's really awkward when an absolute stranger treats me with too much familiarity just bc we share the same ship.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Limbo? It does not have a happy ending and ends on a very horrifying note. What Becomes of Practice also comes to mind, seeing that the main character goes through hell and ends up dying, though IS reunited with her father in the afterlife 😭
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? God I really don't know. I'm more of an angst writer, so a lot of those happy endings are prefaced with a lot of pain lolsob so I feel pretty much any of my angst with a happy ending fics can qualify for this!! Tho I have received a ton of comments about how fluffy and cozy Finally, Beautiful Stranger's ending was, so I'll pick that one!!
Do you get hate on fics? Not regularly, but it has happened. I've gotten "ew this is gross" remarks on just writing about gay people. I've gotten weird comments about a brief nightmare scene in a fix-it fic, despite tagging for it, bc "she's suffered enough, why would you do this". And more recently, I've gotten some "this doesn't make sense, why would this character ever be depressed/angry" bc I guess female characters who are conveyed as bubbly in the source material aren't allowed to experience any range emotion outside of that and shame on me for wanting to explore darker themes, like recovering from trauma and depression. Bonus points when the male pov character does way more fucked up stuff and no readers call him out on it (sorry, I'm still very bitter about this)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hell yeah! All my smut, even my attempts at pwp, always incorporate feelings and more often than not gain a plot along the way. I can't help it. I love the build-up and tension leading to the main event. I need to give my readers blue balls, I guess fjlahdskdh
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not really. I'm more of an AU person than anything. Even going through my fics, the only proper crossover I've written was If You Had Life Eternal, but even that is like, reimagining Warcraft characters in the Diablo universe and that's kinda it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? SADLY YES >:/ thankfully, it was removed from FFN, but I really hated that someone copy-pasted my fic and just changed the character names to fit their ship.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have!! Several times!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. The closest I've come is like, sharing ideas on a single continuity with someone else and then writing it out on my own. I do like collaborative stuff with people I trust, but I don't want to co-write anything lolsob
What's your all-time favorite ship? EVER????? It varies from fandom to fandom, even year to year. Celes/Setzer will always have a special place in my heart, even if I don't write for them as often anymore. But right now, keinatsu is dominating my life and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? God, so many. I have my one Setzer fic that I posted the first chapter, managed to write the second one two years later, and then…. did fuck all with it. Also remembering the Darill/Maria/Setzer longfic I wrote and even did an initial editing pass, but that's now rotting on my laptop. It got a bit too personal at one point and I don't know if I'll ever share it :/ oh and that one Overwatch longfic I got 80k~ into and then abandoned bc the fandom was shitty and I didn't want to invest any more time in it
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, describing scenery, evoking all kinds of emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses? jfc I'm incapable of shutting up and keeping things short
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I guess it depends? Like I used French in Darkness/Starlight for Jidoorian and the only times Setzer spoke in that was when he was open about his feelings, but didn't want Celes to know. But if the reader translated those parts, they could get more insight as to where his headspace was at. But normally, I would want things written out in a way that's understandable to the audience. If there's a phrase or whatever in a different language, I try to italicize it, but that's it.
First fandom you wrote for? Vividly remember writing about my self-insert OC in a post-canon FFVII/Sailor Moon crossover that lived in spiral-bound notebooks at the age of 11. But the first fandom I actually posted something for online was Metal Gear Solid back in like… 2001???? It was forever ago lolsob
Favorite fic you've ever written? This changes over time, but I'm still very proud of What Leads You Here. I put a lot of work into it and am so happy I could share it with the fandom and even happier that a ton of folks enjoyed it!!
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science-lings · 1 year
What do you say to a giving a little more lore on the priestesses AU?
first of all, some things need to be adjusted for totk, and that means I have to share a different theory that I have that's kind of independent from the priestesses au.
The idea that the Zonai weren't the only race that disappeared. I think that probably at the same time as the Zonai there were a race that lived almost exclusively in the depths and were able to manipulate the darkness. (see Thypho ruins in botw) they could be what form the ancient hero took, (bc that magical fursuit does not look like any zonai we know, the tail, the ears, the hair, etc...)
That way there could still be a connection to the Twili, (also since Midna's and Zant's helmets are down there). It really bothered me that the Zonai suddenly came from the sky and looked like goat people and what little we knew about them was shattered. But if there were a race that cooperated with the Zonai in the depths, a mirrored world of the surface, blanketed in pitch darkness, that may have disappeared alongside them, and after thousands of years had been forgotten entirely, that makes sense to me.
The priestesses au is largely centered around creating a backstory for the three elemental dragons in botw, and so totk... made me have to make more changes for it to make sense. Originally the AU was supposed to happen a hundred years after the first calamity, like how botw happens a century after the second and final calamity. The plot was going to be that just like in the future, even with all the tech and the might of the champions and the princess and the hero, the calamity still wasn't quite sealed. It still had influence and a wanting to take the triforce from its chosen guardians.
But in totk the whole idea of the dragons was kind of explained (though I'm not sure if the dragons appeared in any past cutscenes or if Zelda was kind of 'the first'. I have a feeling due to the abundance of massive skeletal remains, the dragons aren't as immortal as they seem and there were more of them than just the four that we know about)
So, that just means that I now have a method of how the priestesses became the dragons. Perhaps after Ganondorf was sealed, more secret stones were discovered and given to those of extraordinary power, or perhaps they were just a last resort to keep the sacred springs and the goddesses that they represented safe. There was a reason calamity ganon tried to take over Naydra (Zelda) but wasn't able to fully control her. Her divinity was too much to turn her into a threat against Link. I have a feeling he would've tried to go after the other dragons but after the first one, knew it was a losing battle.
Or, they could be the reason draconification was banned in the first place and they turned before Hyrule was even a kingdom. Perhaps there used to be nine secret stones (Rauru/Zelda's- Light/Time, Sonia/Ganondorfs- Time/Gloom, Sages- Lightning, Fire, Wind, and Water, plus three more for the dragon trio) and the Zonai, who wanted to keep the secret stones within reach, banned the practice. After all, dragons don't really do much other than vibe and a secret stone is much more useful to have available.
Now, enough of that, it's kinda boring, let's get to the good shit, I want to talk about Ravio being the equilibrium between darkness and light, out of the rest of his siblings, he's the one who takes on the most 'twili' traits, he has the greatest grasp over darkness, which he uses to conceal his face, and his hair glows the brightest. And he's the one chosen to wield the sword that seals the darkness. I think it's important to note how the character of Link as the hero is always kind of a sponge of the magic and people around him, so Ravio is no different. He's the balance of the darkness and the light, and the magic prowess and the skill with a sword that it's important for the hero to have.
Every other character has a more clear delineation of skills, they have more extreme strengths and weaknesses but Ravio is made to be a little more adaptable, he is the duality that is needed to be the hero. He knows when to run and hide in the shadows, and he knows when to fight. He just has to learn that his nature of being a jack of all trades is a good thing rather than being disappointed that he can't seem to get good at one specific thing like all the people around him.
thanks for letting me go on a tangent, however, I am still open to more instigation lmao, my typing fingers aren't tired yet
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give me your trans pjsk headcanons NOW 🤲
tbh i think the characters all have so much potential transgender swag but when it comes to my personal hcs
mizuki - transfem like in canon, but specifically i think trans girl that uses they/them (and maybe later starts using she/they once they've started to be more confident in themselves- ala the fact that in the last line of kitty they use atashi instead of boku)
rui - nonbinary cat baby!!!!! i flip on whether i lean more on nonbinary but amab or full transneutral but either way he is so he/they. to me. i don't really incorportate that in my writing bc i struggle to write a character using multiple pronouns without making it confusing but that IS the vibe. also he's wearing a binder in his canary card idc if you think it's a normal tank top you're just wrong <3
nene - trans girl mermaid symbolism go BRRR. you agree. reblog
shiho - shiho is fucking botw link brand of trans to me. i don't really have a personal favorite here i think you could say shiho was transmasc transfem or transneutral and i'd be like “HELL YEAH BROTHER” on all of them
airi - also has so much trans girl swag to me. i don't have as much to say about this but i see it i agree with it and i think she's neat.
akito - the most UNBELIEVABLE amount of tboy transmasc swag. i've already made a post about this i don't have to say anything but just. he's a deceptively small guy and he wears baggy clothes he is SO transmasc. hypothetically you could have both shinosibs be trans and switch wardrobes bc i think that's a fun concept but by default i mostly just go with trans akito specifically
mafuyu - i do not default to transmasc mafuyu but the vibe is so real. i get it. not for nothing but one of the reasons sweet syndrome mafuyu has short hair and isn't wearing a dress in my shuffle au is because it's something i'm heavily considering i just haven't fully decided how that's going down
honorable mention: emu uses neopronouns. you know it. i know it. we agree.
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20 questions for writers, tagged by @aobawilliams
how many works do you have on ao3? 76!! If i hadn't purged a few a couple years ago (and they truly were ones that needed to be gone forever and i feel no guilt bc they all had like 3 views and i think they were all mine tbh.) it'd probably be nearly 200 by now.
what's your total ao3 word count? 1,126,631... hm. Maybe i have a problem? nah. I'm sure it's fine.
What fandoms do you write for? My Hero Acadamia; Trash of the Count's Family; Person 5; Batman; Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild; Danny Phantom; Justice League; Miraculous Ladybug; Fire Emblem: Three Houses; SK8 the Infinity; Megamind; Kiss the Abyss; White Collar; Dio Field; Scum Villain Self-saving System
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) The old bait and switch 2) Uncle John 3) #NewestWayne is trending 4) Blood Stains the skin red 5) Rooks and Bishops don't get to choose their moves
Do you respond to comments? why/why not? I do occasionally. I guess it depends on what kind of comment it is? If it's a 'More!' or 'Update?' comment i just ignore it. I also tend to leave like emoji comments on their own bc honestly like thank you for giving me an emoji but i am a bit lost as to what I'm exactly meant to respond with you know? Longer comments or compound sentence comments are the ones i tend to respond to purely because there tends to be something to respond to!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh god... uh. I had to have a quick glance and... i don't really know? There's a few options okay! You have 'Fine, I'll do it Myself' as a strong contender because of the whole 'the person you most love is trapped an entire universe away and you have to wait years to see him again' vibe going on. There's 'Blood Stains the Skin red' because it's literally about what if shit was even more fucked than canon and Midoriya had blood in his hands. Oh! Or "We Don't Remember a Boat in a Bottle" which damn... forget how angsty that one was ngl. I mean there's also 'Group hug' where the champions reunite post BOTW only for Link to die in their arms... (These are the especially angsty ones like the question asked bc honestly... most of my fics are angsty.. hehe.)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Between 'well then...' and 'This is Love' both Trash of the count's family fics. Well Then is a strong contender because it's just a silly little 'identity reveal is so misconstrued everyone thinks there's *so* much angst and the protag is just vibing. like cale literally starts having a canon-typical spiral bc he thinks people are trying to intimidate him and it's kike a 17 year old being like 'im telling my adopted dad/adopted big brother about all the fun me and my younger siblings have had!' And 'This is Love' is still in progress but each chapter end is a comedy so ya know.
Do you get hate on fics? I used to. I don't really clean my fics up all that well since i tend to miss things so i just stopped and the only times i ever tried to get a beta i got blew off so.. Anyway. I used to get shit and told my work was so horrendous that I was lying about english being my first language. Even looking back at it now it's horseshit that it was 'that bad' bc it really wasn't. I also got this one guy who got really pressed because he didn't have the reading comp to see the tags 'canon divergence' and 'crack treated seriously' and then understand why the characters in the fic weren't acting canon compliant.
Do you write smut? if so, what kind? I do, kind of? Like I've written something that *I* would class as smut but it's not like *full on* explicit descriptions of stuff so it is smut but not in the way people would probably normally think? It's my fic 'pretty boy' and im not even going to lie it was my excuse to write a praise kink fic for Cloeph/Cale.
Do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one? OH DO I. I don't publish nearly as many crossovers as I used to. When I had a wattpad that bitch was almost nothing BUT crossovers. I've written: Ass Class/OHSHC, Ass Class/BNHA, DC/MLB. Those are my tame ones. I have 2 in the works and i think they fit the 'craziest crossovers you've written.' They are: Scum Villain/Trash of the Counts family (aka woke up as a scum villain show down) and Persona 5/BNHA (aka i make Akechi's life so much worse)
have you ever had a fic stolen? Yeah, I had one of my Miraculous Ladybug fics stolen, but i contacted AO3 and it got taken down.
have you ever had a fic translated? No, not with my permission at least. I've had a few people as permission that I've given but they haven't been uploaded so. I have a rule that if it's translated i'd like it to stay on ao3 and unfortunately not a lot of the people interested in translating my fics want to translate them on the archive so i've said no a bunch of times.
have you ever co-written a fic? Yep. A friend-insert fic from when i was 12 with my friend cookie on wattpad. Alas, it is lost to time.
what's your all-time fave ship? There is not a singular answer to this so imma pass-
what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will? All of them. But probably my Persona 5/BNHA crossover. Like I really want to write it but every time i open the document i just sit there like 'eugh.'
what are your writing strengths? According to my creative writing class leader, it's my descriptions and suspense build ups.
writing weaknesses? Again, according to my class leader, it's my inability to resist telling rather than showing. Also I sometimes make my sentences too long, when i could cut them shorter.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? It depends? For example if it's something that *absolutely* must be there - for example if I was to write a Percy Jackson fanfic and some exchange in the book was in broken greek/english then YES, but if its not something like that then no i just slap the text in italics and make sure it's obvious somewhere in text a non-english language is being spoken.
first fandom you wrote for? Batman. Self insert fan fic.
fave fic you've ever written?
So. Proper hard question here because like how am i supposed to choose ya know?
It comes down to though, when im pushed to answer, probably 'the old bait and switch'.
I wrote that bitch in the car to high school and between revising for exams so it holds a special place in my heart.
@gremlin-bot , @grubus (hope its okay to tag you), @salaapaoo and @vveirdnobdy
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fruitanddarkness · 6 months
Send ✒️ and I’ll tell you a muse I’ve thought about writing, but never did
Tumblr media
OOc;; Ok long-ish post.
AAAA ok this was back when I was first getting back into tumblr after a several year hiatus. I had this version of Gerudo Link I really wanted to write; this was when BOTW was fresh on the market and muses from the game were spreading across the RP-space like butter on hot toast. I made a whole blog and everything, I even think back to it now and I still get some old feelings of 'OH YEAH BRUH THAT WOULD BE SICK' because I really like the idea of what if he was raised within the gerudo village as a woman but still ended up becoming the chosen hero like we see in the game. It makes me sad I was never able to fully explore that, but that doesn't mean I can't now? I still have yet to play TOTK because I still technically haven't beaten the first game and my neurosis is being neurotic.
Other muses that are more recent are Muichiro, Beelzebub from the Hellava Boss series, and Mash from Mashle: Of Magic & Muscles. Mash is honestly my most recent comfort character and I relate to him on so many levels. I also think it would be funny as fuck to throw him at other muses just to see what happens because his whole premise is this: "Autistic gym rat gets into wizard school because his strength basically allows him to do magic. Local ballistics and wizards are bamboozled by his rizz."
Muichiro.. I'm hesitant because he started as a HC/AU version of him and I truly don't know if I could do a 'standard' of him justice. I will admit however, I do have strong hesitancy about writing HH/HB Beelzebub just because of the inherent drama that exists in the fandom even if you simply mention the name. And after some discord convo's with a friend, I'm honestly chomping at the bit to write Bee. Thing is, I am a humble creature who lives under a rock and exists only when summoned. I usually don't interact with fandoms and just try to vibe with my friends/mutuals when I do have the energy to write. The last thing I want to do is make people uncomfortable, but this is the internet, I cannot win every battle.
Lastly, I've been wanting to get into writing my OC's more. Ones that yall don't know about. My friends have been telling me they deserve more love and should be revamped bc they are very much overdue considering the last art I did of most of them them was 6 years ago.
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(the screenshots are gonna be sorta outta order bc of grouping for analysis)
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First thing, there’s those twisty green things that were over ganon in the first teaser! It’s interesting that one of them is in Hateno… especially because that other shot doesn’t seem to be over Hateno, so there’s multiple?
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What are these dudes??? Mini-Dragons??? Are they related to the three dragons we already know of??? I’m terrified by the fact that they can carry other enemies…
Also that’s a heat-seeking arrow!!! Will there be other new arrows???
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There’s more of those markings, like from the Title Reveal Trailer! Still no real evidence of where they came from, though…
Plus, the third image has that glow around the towers… It kinda makes me wonder what role they’ll have during the new game? Is this an indication of the towers also being lifted into the sky alongside the castle? Because this shot appears to be prior to the islands appearing...
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In fact, there's only one shot of a sky island that's in the stormy weather! But, meanwhile, there's numerous shots from on top of sky islands, as well as with plenty in the background.
This leads me to a belief that there's going to be a part of the early game which comes before parts of the ground (such as hyrule and the towers) lift into the air, and that part of the game will be in stormy weather. Then, when whatever happens with ganon's corpse... happens, everything will be lifted into the sky.
However, I don't think we're just getting new areas in the form of the sky...
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...because it seems pretty clear there are some major cave areas now, too! Besides the fact that the First-Look Trailer takes place fully underground, it seems like some pretty major parts of the story are related to the underground. I find it interesting that both these shots are mini-bosses. Kilton's gonna have something to say about that.
Also, what's on the Hinox's neck? I don't think we've seen anything like that before. It is that same shade of green from the spirals earlier in the trailer/from the First-Look Trailer, which is interesting...
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The Blood Moon seems like it's gonna be a lot more involved this time around. I almost feel like you might actually have to be actively able to keep playing while it occurs, instead of it just being a weekly cutscene.
Also, the side of the castle looks to be absolutely coated in malice, though that's not much of a surprise.
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This scene really caught my attention. It's so strange!!!
Those are definitely guardian arms, and the floor's texture is reminiscent of a shrine (actually, we don't physically see any of the shrines in any of the trailers, which is strange...). But the rest of the building is very clearly Hylian-made. It's even got a Sheikah logo in the corner.
Plus, this is very clearly just a building somewhere since you can see the outside under the curtains. I wonder if this is a new tech lab built on some newly uncovered Sheikah structure's remains. A new tech lab, maybe? Kakariko didn't have one, after all, and Link's got a new piece of clearly-Sheikah tech attached to him...
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On the topic of structures, actually, there's a couple parts of the floating islands that are very geometric. In fact, the cube in the second shot (which appears five whole times in the trailer, jeez.) is actually the North Lomai Labyrinth, I noticed, which is absolutely insane.
Is the other structure a new labyrinth? Because both the others in botw were rectangles... Also, isn't the North Lomai Labyrinth attributed to the Zonai, the group that people are speculating will be heavily involved in this game... it's all very interesting.
Also, it's worth noting that that giant-drone thing Link is on is the third of three shots of Link piloting various vehicles.
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The fact that there are multiple modes of aerial transport makes a lot of sense, because the only real "flight" Link has is the paraglider, which can't go upwards on it's own, and I doubt they'd make us rely solely on finding updrafts and using Revali's gale for the whole game (if we even have access to the latter anymore).
But the car is very interesting. The fact that we'd need a car at all implies that getting around on the ground is gonna be rougher than before. And it also looks very much like it's Zonai-made based on the structures we've seen which are attributed to them. Mainly the dragon heads on the front wheels, that's blatant Zonai. The hovercraft also looks Zonai, though the hot air balloon is definitely Hylian.
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We also visibly see Link fish a wheel out of the mud in another shot (using his new arm, no less!). And that chest in the background also looks to be of similar origin, and also locked? It seems similar to the skull chests that open upon defeating an enemy camp... I wonder if those chests have a different task connected to them. (A replacement for Korok puzzles, perhaps?)
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Jumping somewhere completely unrelated, there's so much to unpack in this shot.
First off, I have almost no clue where this is. I thought it was that forest with the flat-topped trees before, but it definitely doesn't look like that upon closer inspection. It actually appears to in some giant cave, which lends more to the idea that we'll be venturing both in the sky and below ground.
I think the enemies here are malice-infected Lizalfos and a Bokoblin. I find it very interesting that the Bokoblin are mining. It seems like the enemies are definitely smarter this time around. (Which does align with Ganon's dialogue that begins on this shot.)
That glowing tree in the background is also very strange, but I don't know enough about Zelda lore as a whole to really make any calls there, I think. Best I can say is that it looks significant.
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This is another very perplexing shot. It's obvious what's going on; Link's moving the island with the weird floaty thing, again using his arm. The floaty thing he's controlling seems to be the same shape as the island, no less.
It looks a bit similar to the Apparatus from a couple of the same-named shrines in BotW, which makes me worried about motion controls, but I'm too elated over the trailer to actually be that nervous about it.
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This scene is very interesting. It's clearly pulled from a cutscene of sorts, but who's in it and what's happening is hard to parse.
First instincts told me this was a new scene of Link being re-knighted in some way, or something along those lines, post BotW. The white dress is very remiscent of Zelda, and we know Link has the hand. But then I thought about it a bit more and realized that didn't really make all that much sense.
I saw a different post that said they might be the princess and soldier from 10,000 years prior to BotW, the ones on the tapestry. That post also made me consider if this is Hylia and Demise.
Though, then I wondered (and someone with real Zelda Lore knowledge is gonna have to help me here); If Hylia's reincarnations are Zelda and Demise's reincarnations are Ganon, do we know who's reincarnating as Link? If we don't, is this them? Is this when Hylia recruits a protector for the Zeldas throughout time?
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And, of course, this shot. If this doesn't confirm Zelda as being playable, I don't know what does. "But Link, I'm not sure you'll be able to stop him. Please, lend me your power!" is Zelda's full quote in the trailer, and it sounds very "It's dangerous to go alone"-like. The second half is over this shot, even, which I feel adds to the evidence that Zelda will be an active player this time.
(Also, Zelda's pose in this scene looks like that one horizontal figure from the mural in the Name-Reveal Trailer, right?)
But anyway, I've hit the image limit for Tumblr posts, so that's as far as I go with this post. I'll be making a lot more posts about TotK in the next few months, and I've decided to delegate them to a different blog, @robot-gaming, because I wanna spare my mutuals and followers from this being the only thing I post about for the next half of the year.
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ketchupkio · 10 months
hey ho, op of the totk rant about the sandbox approach to totk here, i read your tags and i just wanted to add that i am german and played the game with the original japanese audio and german text, i like to call the things as the names i know them as even if i know the english version of them as well :D
i understand that you like the sonau tech stuff (personally i found it super clunky and mostly too tedious to deal with .. also i just like walking or riding around gdfhkbndj) and i get that, i totally do! and im not trying to argue against having that sort of movement in the game, but the EXECUTION of it!
like you could have achieved the same kind of movement and abilities with shiekah tech, you have all the parts from guardians, you could make flying maschines too! even more effiecient with guardian legs beign able to step over stuff that wheels get stuck on- and after zelda is in charge now shiekah tech could have been developed further again since she liked it too and wouldnt impose any rule against it, the time reversal for example could just have been the stasis rune but taken further- and if you had zelda as your companion, you could have an ability to losely attached the pieces you want to build (like with the shiekah arm prosthetic i gave link for the rewrite im doing for example) and zelda does the actual building to make it work in a quick little animation- for nearly everythign the sonau are used for the shiekah basically already had it and its driving me nuts that they instead undid it all only to .. do it again but worse o-o
sorry for the lil rant hdbksbfsbfkjd
YEAH I TOTALLY AGREE!!! The stuff that they wanted to implement could have been done much better with more ✨nuance and finesse✨ than the actual execution, and the reason given that the Sheikah tech just magically disappeared one day???? Bullshit. No one acknowledges this, and there are still Sheikah tech parts in the towers and the tech labs??? It obviously didn't ALL go away bc it's still there in those specific places. I don't know how the tech that's lasted 10,000 years up to this point, that works regardless if we take the tower warp pads as evidence, would know that the Calamity is gone and just disappear. It didn't go away once you did all the shrines, and you could argue that the monks were the last living part of it that would know if Link did it or not???
It's just. It's stupid, and very evident that the director was different from one game to the next. Totk kind of undoes the message that botw had and that just makes me angy (not to mention the blatant lore crimes that we're all going to have to work around if we wanna make the whole timeline make sense. I want to tear my hair out).
It would be better, as far as the botw shrines go, to just make them inactive. The door closes, the light goes out, the warp pad turns off. The totk shrines are plopped around because that's a Rauru thing, and they look like they're going to disappear anyway once his spirit is at rest, bc it's just a big rock, a decorative stone thing, and some sand. They're not part of the landscape like the botw shrines were.
Really, I only like the Zonai tech for the hover bike part and the steering stick applications, everything else I don't usually touch (though rocket shields are fun as a replacement Revali's gale). Like a lot of people have done really cool things with it, but I'm not those people 😂😂😂 I just have my One Thing that I use to get around scary places and it pulls left pretty hard so it's far from perfect.
The same thing could have been accomplished many different ways without introducing the Zonai. Like I would have given anything to see the Twili come back with their lore entwined with the Sheikah (bc the Sheikah probably learned how to make their stuff from the Zonai! It would make sense if the game acknowledged it).
Hahaha,,,,, I could go on about this forever tbh. My opinion on totk as a whole is: fun to play but disappointing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Now all we can do is fix it with fanfic.
Though that was a good idea on how to re implement the Sheikah stuff! If you're cool with it, I might use it :3c (not for a whole retelling of totk, just for like. Flavor in the au I'm working on bc I was already planning to ignore the botw shrines disappearing.)
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ampersand-antics · 1 year
So I just beat TotK... and I have THOUGHTS
(I also think I got a secret ending? So spoilers for that)
I think the biggest accomplishment for me so far has been beating that malice-infused Silver Lynel under Hyrule Castle
So funny story, right after the spirit temple, I was like "Well I bet gdorf is under the castle, imma hop down there and see if I can find him." I went to the under-depths under the castle but I didn't see gdorf anywhere! I went past the likelikes and the horriblins and I didn't see any sign of gdorf so I left. Did the kogha depths quests (very much enjoyed the kogha depths quests they were epic!!!! (except I couldn't find the rito chasm)) and then kogha was like 'he's under the castle lol' and so I WENT BACK UNDER THE CASTLE and nothing was different!! And then I found the pass!! That had been there this whole time!!!
Uhhh thoughts on the castle... I loved it. I loved the enemies and how genuinely difficult it was, I loved the aesthetics, the music?? THE MUSIC!!!! oh my god I loved the music sosososo much. The way it progressed throughout the castle?? The way we went so far down was fuckin epic. I enjoyed it immensely. And I loved being able to be back in the first area - the echoes of going back to the beginning, cyclicalness, idk there's a much much deeper theme there but I don't have the words to express it.
I really enjoyed the fights with gdorf and I'm sososo glad he got rehydrated eventually. The hearts getting quite literally destroyed was an amazing twist. And the fact that he could flurry rush you??? I hated (loved) that sooooo much!!! At least he couldn't give like five attacks in return. I got out of that fight with two hearts left, and it was such a weird feeling to have full hearts and there only being two. The draconification was incredibly incharacter for gdorf but I still wasn't really expecting it. Just goes to show how fuckin strong link is, bc he felt THAT desperate. The dragon fight was kinda underwhelming tbh but I absolutely loved the aesthetics. I wish there was a way that the Demon dragon would still be there in the overworld. I'm glad Zelda came back, I'm sosososo glad she got her happy ending, I've heard a lot about how it felt cheap but honestly folks use 'the power of love' as a reason for so many things all the time so it's not bad. And the fact that there's an actual Explanation (sonia's and raaru's spirit powers, coming to finish the job?? Epicccc) one thing i didnt like (or think makes sense) is that links arm went back to normal all in all tho I really enjoyed it!!!!
I liked the secret ending too. I don't really know what to say about it (my brains going brrr rn and it's hard to actually articulate it)
The one thing about all this that really pissed me off was that things just went back to the way they'd been before. I mean, it really didn't have to. You could've kept the gloom by just being like "yeah for some reason all the gloom didn't go away". Then don't transform Zelda back into a human, just extract her, so there's the dragon form and the human form and you can still get horns, let link keep his arm and have mineru's construct be inhabited by an AI. Maybe even add a side quest series about getting rid of the gloom from hyrule/the depths via Zeldas light powers? As for Zelda herself, either go SMO style and have her pop up in random locations talking about stuff, have her stay in Hateno at her house and the school, or (and this would be really cool) make her into a companion! We already have the baseline for that with the other sages, she could have a moveset similar to Zeldas basic light moves in aoc, and maybe her sage ability could bathe a little area in sacred light and make it so gloom wasn't existent in it? Idk it could be super fun. And not having it matter at all in the end makes everything feel much much less meaningful.
All in all, I think i like totk less than botw. But not by much, they're both great games and I LOVE how totk built on botw. Maybe it's just the nostalgia talking, but there's just something I can't put my finger on that makes botw better than totk.
I'll keep updating this blog with more of playthrough!!
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
i miss the champions so much i know there's like no logical reason for them to come back in totk but i wanna see my guys again even if it's just more memories or something. do you think there's any way they could pull that off based on what we know about the game already?
i really hope so! at the very least i hope the abilities you get in botw won't be removed bc i cant navigate that fucking map without revali's gale. even the lack of expedited cooldowns from the dlc starts to get to me after a while at this point LMAO. in terms of actual implementation i'm trying to think if there's an easy way to give us more champion content in totk. In theory, we could continue to recover link's memories and see more of the champions that way, but from a writing standpoint that might feel clunky & at odds with the rest of the story unless it's VERY carefully implemented. My honest answer from a writing & game dev standpoint is that i don't think we're likely to get many more memory-style cutscenes, especially with the release of hyrule warriors a few years ago sort of serving as an extra source of champions content already. that might have been the point of hyrule warriors from a game dev standpoint, actually, if they realized while in production that totk wasn't going to have a lot of room for champion-centric content, hyrule warriors would have given them an easy way to satiate fans who really loved those characters without compromising the integrity of their already-written story in totk. tldr realistically i don't think there's going to be a whole lot of champion-centric content in totk but for now we can pray that i will have to eat these words in 3 months
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
I'll say something controversial: I feel like almost nobody cares about any weird shit with Yona/Sidon bc they're a straight-couple. I've been in the LoZ fandom for some time, and the amount of double standards for shipping are really just depressing. Mainly looking at Botw/Totk bc of the bigger amount of folks into it: M/F? Yeah do whatever, doesn't matter. If you dare claim that some point of proof isn't that clear cut tho? Fuck you! You're just huffing copium!! F/F mostly porn, but literally no one cares. Doesn't matter if what their relations are? Urbosa/Zelda? Sure they're like aunt and niece in the game, but now they fucking, we don't care! M/M "How dare you men can just be friends you weirdo." "Haha, fujoshi's just can't handle their precious ships being destroyed." Etc etc... Idk, just THE DOUBLE STANDARD.
See, I didn't want to answer this ask because I was hoping that the backlash against M/M ships in Western TotK fandom was dying down.
Although, when I say that, I should just specify 'against SidLink' because I've been seeing tons of Ganon/Rauru content or Tauro/Link content and no one has beef.
But, once again, a SidLink artist who has been posting their comic recontextualizing Sidon's marriage with Yona -- not even dismissing her character, merely showing how she would be supportive with Sidon 'having so much love in his heart to share' -- has been showing the pages of Instagram comments they've been getting about 'lol, cope harder', 'fujos just want everyone to be gay', 'so you we're hating women?'
Honestly, it reminds me of that window of time back in the MLP: FiM heyday where Equestria Daily was posting fics with every ship variable of the Mane Six or other female characters possible... But the moment they had a fic spotlight for an M/M fic (iirc it was for Big Mac and Caramel aka Horseshoes) there were a bunch of comments going 'Ugh, why are we posting gay fanfic now?'
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hi excuse the random. au troubleshooting? or whatever that's I'm doing in your inbox or whatever but anyway the thing with the botw au is like. ok I love the idea of the party being the og champions (lucas=revali, el=mipha, dustin= daruk, max=urbosa) for multiple reasons. a. the angst potential is awesome I love that shit THEY'LL ALL BE DEAD IT'S GREAT. b. I feel like lucas as revali actually has some really neat potential, and dustin as daruk isn't special but it's fine. c. el as mipha is SO GOOD. THERE'S SO MUCH THERE. BUT. The Issues. ok first of all. idk. max as urbosa is like. well urbosa has a stronger connection with zelda bc she knew her mom and shit and like. not everything has to be a one to one but idk i just don't LOVE max as urbosa right? it's not hitting the same as the others. but overall the party as the og champions works better, but than WHO ARE THE 2ND GEN CHAMPIONS? like we have the older teens but it feels weird to be like. "yeah the first gen is the younger kids and the 2nd gen is the older ones" AND THEN ALSO. splitting up sibling pairs so they aren't related or whatever isn't something I vibe with. but jonathan is will's older brother and nancy is mike's older sister so I'm like??? where would they fit in even if they were champions like it doesn't work quite right? and then who gets to be impa? OR PURAH AND ROBBIE? actually the idea of steve and robin as purah and robbie is something I've been entertaining that sounds fun. BUT ANYWAY YEAH I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. PRIMARY ISSUE IS WHO WOULD BE THE 2ND GEN CHAMPIONS. I'm thinking about this too hard for someone who will take this nowhere bc I don't write but. I need to figure this out for some reason
It's very hard to adapt the specific relationships of ST in BOTW, and vice-versa.
For Max's special relationship with Will, maybe instead of knowing Joyce, she could know Jonathan? Becoming closer to him because she's running away from her brother ? Throwing ideas out there.
Speaking about Jonathan, I think it'd be interesting to get him to fill in Zelda's Father's role. He could be the king, and then Joyce would be the Queen Dowager, right ? That would give the perfect excuse for Jonathan to know Max from the Gerudo, I believe.
For Impa, I honestly see Nancy, as weird as it sounds. I think she'd go well for the role, helping her brother get back his memories while trying her best to save Will. Plus, she was the one who brought Mike in the temple, and some Wheeler sibs angst is very tempting.
FOR THE 2ND CHAMPION GEN I'LL BE HONEST. I don't really know. In BOTW, I didn't feel very close to them anyway, and the focus isn't really on them... we technically could put characters like Jason, Chrissy, Eddie, etc... maybe even Kali ? I'm not really sure but, I feel like putting side characters like them wouldn't hurt the story too much ?
I'm still having a lot of thoughts abt it so I'll definitely come back to write them out but... yeah these questions are almost out of the way.
But the potential this AU has is insane. I really want to write it since it's so GRHSFDIFOGVO but MAN !!!!
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insecateur · 1 year
i did NOT know you liked LoZ oh my GOOOOD
do you have any theories related to the new game? im lowkey interested to hear
i do!! i love tloz i played ocarina of time on the og nintendo 64 when i was a kid... my friend owned the console and let us borrow it for like a few months so we could play it at home which was really sweet in retrospect. i also played some of the handheld ones like minish cap (my beloved) and phantom hourglass (i almost 100% it with all the ship parts you could collect but my save got corrupted </3) i never finished botw tho mostly bc when i play open world games i become exploration-pilled and cannot care about the plot at all I'D LIKE TO GET BACK TO IT WITH THE NEW GAME COMING OUT THO...
i don't rly have theories bc i didn't play all of botw and also i'm not much of a theory guy 😔 i've rly enjoyed reading other people's takes tho (esp my friends had some cool ones imo) and i'm rly excited to see what they do with ganondorf... i'm not too optimistic about them giving us a ganondorf who isn't evil incarnate and can achieve some kind of redemption but a hope remains... within my heart
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