#bc shes a giant nerd
allsketchesnononsense · 6 months
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Made PJ in My Time at Sandrock
She's still a gremlin but she's alot more Tolerable in this AU
But she still makes Qi regret letting her into the research center anytime she can
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giantkillerjack · 11 months
What up I'm married to a tall person who is basically Milo Thatch but agender, and uhhh, basically, yeah, everyone should be jealous and I LOVE MY CUTE TWINK NERD WIFE!!!!! 😤😤🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤👌👌
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#original#i love my wife#had a big crush on that character growing up#you know who else is really into her? EVERY OTHER CHUBBY TRANS GUY IN CHICAGO apparently we just see her and are like OH HELL YEAH#do you know why this is? it is because we have excellent taste that is why.#and also we want non threatening masc people to be into us and respect our gender! that's me anyway#and this is excellent news for her anyway bc we're in an open relationship & she thinks guys like me (her HUSBAND 🥰😁) are incredibly hot#this is also bc she has excellent taste.#but it is a running joke that she keeps getting nice OKC matches that look a lot like me 😂#anyway this post is a thing that would have made young me BOIL with envy if someone else said it but in fact it is ME#and young me grew into me and is in here like AAWWWWWWW YYYEEEEEEEEAAAHHHHH 🤘🤘🤘🤘🚀🚀🚀#she doesn't just look like Milo she also moves and emotes and talks like him. and until recently her glasses would not stay on her face!#she got new ones. nerd. i adore her.#she is so kind to Jack (me) and to my giant anxious pitbull child#she puts his blankie on him as he rests on her toes to make sure she doesn't go anywhere 😭😭❤#she is my best friend and she never makes me feel stupid or fake or undeserving. she just likes me so much and she fkn acts like it!#and we have good boundaries and communication in a very autistic way [positive] and she is so smart and funnyyy#oh i am falling asleep now#probably has something to do with how thinking about my wife makes me feel safe and warm or some gay shit like that 🙄 ;)#edit: omg it just occurred to me that she is like 80% Mill and 20% Jessica Jones. just in terms of like. vibes. XD#she cares a lot about Jessica Jones. I will tell her my findings in the morrow#*80% Milo
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autisticlancemcclain · 6 months
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this is me asking you about your popstar lance au ‼️
i love u for asking & marry me also.
lance has an affinity for music.
partially this is canon. but also jeremy shada is a musician so. i KNOW his voice is good and i KNOW he can play bass and guitar and keyboard too i think. basically he’s his own band.
in my head, dicking around on instruments is just smth he’s always done. one time when he’s like twelve he records a christmas song for his mama and she LOVES it, like she shows all her friends, and lance is teased by his older siblings (mamas favourite lol) but veronica notices that he’s quite quietly….happy is not the right word?? the weight that seems to follow him lifts for a while. so she makes some offhandedly comments that damn, patito, as much as ur a goober ur one of the few people whose voice sounds really good when it’s recorded. just to plant the seed u know.
and since lance is like early teens and the youngest and easily manipulated it WORKS, and lance starts actually hesitantly trying to make and record his own music.
of course he’s too insecure and embarrassed to like TELL anybody. (veronica is not a dumbass and can fully see it happening. she just keeps to herself and resolves to find him and be an anonymous fan and never EVER let him find out) and he’s a tv obsessed nerd so he’s like omg i have to have a secret name??so his dweeb ass chooses JAVELIN 😭😭 cause. yknow.
he writes songs as javelin for YEARS and he gets like bo burnham success he goes viral QUICKLY. and he gets a twitter account to have fun with. BUT…he never posts his face. just his music. (and social media presence lol).
anyways i have more details. but i like to imagine lance is in space and the team gets to talking about like pop culture and music and stuff and pidge mentions an artist that she loves, javelin, and lance is like lol do i have news for you.
some other random details:
- as lance gets older his twitter gets more batshit insane ala jaboukie and he gets banned like four times lol
- he does eventually tell veronica. one day he collects a bunch of her pining gay texts and writes a song and asks her to sing it. bc it’s lesbian as hell. she does and it’s one of his most famous (based off a real song i’m obsessed w)
- while he’s away at space someone literally figures out who he is. they connect his disappearance w the disappearance of lance esposita-mcclain, garrison airforce cadet, and their debunking youtube video gets like MILLIONS of views and half of the viewers agree half don’t. it’s this giant conspiracy. first tweet on javelin’s account (made on the lions as they touch down on earth literally the second his phone connects to data lol) after YEARS of total radio silence is a link to the video and the caption “well damn” lol
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chocostrwberry · 7 days
chocoau! Chloe secretly being a giant theater nerd!
Since she wants to be an actress when she grows up but completely forgets about her dream until the high school is hosting a play and she’s dying for that main lead, but being Chloe she does all kinds of mean things like intimidation and whatnot to get her way, but in the end Marinette gets the lead anyways and she’s so devasted bc Chloe gets the understudy role
And Marinette ends up forfeiting and Chloe gets it automatically because Marinette knows Chloe wants it more than her :D
Marinette: “I’m not giving it up because I’m scared of you. It’s because I want you to know what it feels like for someone to do something for you because they want you to be happy.”
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razberrypuck · 1 year
so many thoughts about mama and papa tidestrider now that we know a little more abt them (they're briefly mentioned in gill's character sheet) so have a collection:
knowing that falyn (gill's mom) is a fucking shark tamer actually makes total sense. who else would be batshit insane enough for their child to be born in the scenario gill was born in.
reed (gill's dad). is a florist. and im fully expecting him to be a giant nerd I can feel it in my bones. this man was raised by finn tidestrider. there's no way he isn't.
gillion's respect for nature doesn't come from the elders it comes from his parents I know it!!!!!! even if he doesn't have many memories of them I KNOW reed and falyn's jobs being so heavily based in nature influenced gill in some capacity!!!!!!!!!! with the added bonus of finn being The Biologist of the undersea,,, its them theyre the reason bc why would the elders care whether or not gill cared about nature
gillion looks more like falyn. edyn looks more like reed. I don't make the rules.
if/when we eventually get their canon designs I want falyn to be jacked and I will accept nothing less (bonus points if reed is just a silly guy. her lame husband that she hypes up.)
btw I just decided reed is trans. he named himself after the plant.
in personality, edyn is quite similar to falyn-- but edyn shares her more quiet nature with reed. both parents had very little influence on gillion.
reed has a massive garden at the house. he keeps plants everywhere inside.
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muchmossymess · 5 days
Okay I've been thinking more about my majoras mask boat boys au so here are some things (and cries for help)
So for those unfamiliar, majoras minecraft au (I think thats what I've been calling it??) is a relatively boat boys centric au but I want to contain other characters and such. Only problem, I dont watch that many people. So I call on the help of you lot of nerds! /aff
Oh and uh, if you don't know majoras mask, what are you doing with ur life go play it!! (or just learn a bit about it)
So we have etho as link and joel as tatl (fairy companion), grian as skull kid and jimmy as tael (also a fairy). That's about all I had confirmed back then, I have done a little thinking since then.
Mask salesman scar. You cannot tell me anything else it woks so perfectly. He keeps the masks in these sort of hidden compartments of his wheelchair, just like opens up a little door with a 'peruse my wares' look on his face.
Mumbo is the moon. No explanation needed. (I might make him someone else as well to give him a bit more of a role but like. cmon I had to)
Now in the more uncertain categories I've got postman pearl (duh, but I don't want to feel like im just shoving her to the side?), lizzie as either a great fairy (mby all of them bc why not) or zelda, bc a sheik lizzie would be great but she's not much in the story, and maybe oli (orionsound) is the zora mask, idr his name but he was weird and he was music so it feels appropriate.
Now onto a big hurdle is WHO WILL BE ANJU AND KAFEI!?!? Anju and kafei are THE love story of majoras mask, the are so cute and sad and I love them very much. I was first thinking impulse and bdubs (bc I am unoriginal and don't know many pairings, also the short bdubs jokes will never end) but then I was thinking hmm, maybe ren and martyn?, bc kafei has a cute lil canine mask and the fits ren and also he's the mayors son so like power? (can you tell I only watch like 3 people) and then martyn is there being all worried girlfriend (anju in game is not flattened to love interest dw).
I've also been thinking very baseline with a few of these but cleo as the gibdo mask man in ikana, gem as the fierce diety mask or maybe the goron mask, bdubs as romani (or epona lol), and like a ties/best/ect thing for the bombers (- etho ofc), maybe tango as cremia
Anyway so yeah because of the IMMENSE amount of characters I am asking for y'alls aid. Some other notable characters (that I know about) are: shikashi/the telescope guy, the professor, Pierre the scarecrow, the indigo-gos (especially lulu), deku princess, deku butler (and his dead son), sharp and flat, kotake and koume, kaepora gaebora/that really big fucking owl, the four giants, the rosa sisters, kamaro, guru guru, and finally, grog.
(Oh, and tingle is chat personified ;P)
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katiekatdragon27 · 12 days
I was listening to "All Eyes on Me" and "Respectless" during a car ride and had an epiphany.
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Progress shots and lore below cut:
Design choices and character motivations are very much based on my own hcs (such as Wizard being woman, Wizard being Ales's twin and having his hair as a result, the whole Rabiteen/Hopiteensy lore situation, Bad Rayman and Goth being homies, etc.) I love self-indulgence, what can I say?
Here is a synposis since ik most of you looooooooove my essays below my posts:
This AU takes place between Origins and Legends. Instead of Goth being the 4th player, it's Wizard (like in the concept art). She and Ales are the magician twins that Polokus talks about when pulling on his beard in Origins.
During Origins, Wizard and Ales are working together to harvest lum magic. However, the two of them are not that good at it. So, Ales has the brilliant idea to have Wizard hang out with Rayman and help convince him to help with lum collection. The game proceeds as normal, until they get to Moody Clouds.
While the build is falling apart, the Raygang, minus Wizard, fall to the groud bc of a magic spell Ales casted while they were all busting it down. They fall asleep in the random-ass tree they're found sleeping on in Legends and that's why they're all out of the plot. Wizard, fueled on anger and betrayal of her brother's evil plans, chases his ass onto the ship and stops it from hitting the giant lum ball. Ales thinks his sister is protecting him, but then gets socked in the gut and thrown in a cage. Wizard then hijacks the ship and returns to the port in Moody Clouds, leaving Ales in a dark basement under his office. She returns to the lum ball and considers letting all the lums go but goes back on that decision and decides to keep them.
By enhancing some of Ales's mechanics (all of it is fueled with lums) with her natural strong magic, she goes on a massive power high, capturing all the remaining yellow lums on her own. She then turns her attention to the blue lums.
The ones that are inside of people.
At first, she goes for objectively bad people. The baddies who beat up all the teensies in Teensies in Trouble and so on, but then goes for the bigger fish. The fish like Jano. And she wins. Kills his ass so fast. It's terrifying.
She then starts trying to get the Fairy Council in on her tech and lum magic usage. No one (especially Betilla) vibe with this, cuz they're too busy looking for Rayman or a replacement. She then shows of her Jano kill and everyone is utterly flabbergasted. All the teensies are onboard tho, so that's a win. They start doing public executions of bad nightmares and dreams. Then... it turns into executing people who dislike executions or people who just dislike Wizard in general.
(This is the point where she starts dressing like this. The orange is a ref to her old concept art and the purple with yellow is pieces of Jano's hat she turned into cloths. Also, the stick's not wood. It's actually very strong steel that is incredibly sharp.)
Fun times.
The fairies really don't vibe with any of this, especially Voodoo Mama and Betilla, but for different reasons. For VM, it's because her populations are in dwindling numbers at this point. For Betilla, it's because the lack of lums is stunting/destroying the growth of the Glade and is lowkey incapacitating Polokus. The two of them then come together to figure out a way to stop this girl. They decide to recruit two individuals, a young looking Rayman clone that Betilla remembers a certain dark magic user creating, and a little nightmare teensy who is a massive nerd when it comes to lums. Those being bad Rayman (Shadi) and Goth Teensy.
We love recruiting kids to kill grown ass baddies cuz the authority figures are all shit at figuring their own problems out.
Together, the two of them, plus some other figures like First King and Rabbiteen, go to fight this overpowered scary woman who could easily smite them if she wanted. Good luck soldiers🫡🫡
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I have more, but I'm still working on the story not bc I'm lazy noooo neeeeeverrrr.
Anyways, have a lovely day :))
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cherriko-art · 3 months
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Introducing my Coral Island sibling-duo farmers, Mili and Lu-Ran!
I switched character genders mid-game since I was too busy to start a 2nd save file, so now I headcanon'd that I have sibling farmers that run their farm together!
They're super close despite their large age-gap, and in my headcanon, they lived with their grandmother bc they're on non-speaking terms with their parents, who did not accept them coming out as queer (Mili as gay, Lu-Ran as nonbinary). They later moved from Pokyo to the island to start their own farm!
They each have their very different preferences that conveniently work out for splitting up farm duties.
Lu-Ran is more laid-back and quiet, and doesn't have much physical stamina. They're a big plant lover and nerd, so they take care of most of the plants on the farm, the accounting, and their spare time is spent in the library with Millie, or chilling with Raj or Ben. (I'd like to think of Raj and Lu-Ran as nonbinary besties). Lu-Ran enjoys foraging, fishing (but they suck at it) and diving. In-game, they're the one that has helped cure the sick corals by cleaning up the ocean. They cannot stand any bugs or insects other than butterflies.
Mili is super energetic and friendly, she talks a lot and is always on the move. She's a thicc girl but solidly built, so she's in charge of taking care of the livestock and building any farming structures/machines. She has a lot of courage and a thick skull, which equates to a female himbo. She thinks and lives simply. She loves ore mining and monster hunting and is part of the Band of Smiles. In-game, she's the one who is helping the Giants recover. In her spare time, she plays volleyball with Chaem and Aaliyah, hangs out with Scott in the mines or chills with Alice and Noah (she believes everything they say). The only thing she's capable of cooking is Bug Jerky and Candied Tree Seed.
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kybelles · 3 months
for the choose violence ask game: 10, 16, 18!
HELLO BABY!!! sorry in advance since this is all about DAMEN DAMEN and DAMEN cause duh... ik it's not a trendy expression anymore but he really does live rent free in my head 💔
10. worst part of fanon
OH DEAR..... yk i'm trying really hard to not sound deranged and delusional but i feel like there are so many skewed interpretations of damen even though the books are literally from his pov. here are some of them:
a. "damen is an unreliable narrator" i've literally gone to battle with people over this take cause NO HE'S FUCKING NOT?? you say 'damen didn't see laurent's good qualities and was overly judgemental of veretians' i say damen not fucking with his captors who's been nothing but awful to him doesn't mean he was unreliable!! it wasn't like laurent was a golden angel and damen willingly hated on him for nothing. book 1 laurent treated him horribly and damen had every reason and right to not trust him or find him honorable.
b. "damen was a fuckboy who discarded the people he slept with the second he was done with them before laurent" breaking news: if someone sleeps with a lot of people that means he has no respect for them and is bound to treat them like shit! the lack of canon evindence doesn't matter!
(if the take is about damen not being in love with his partners before laurent then i'm on board!! it's the implication that damen was an inconsiderate sex partner that boggles my mind cause... did we read the same books?)
c. "damen is actually bad at sex" is a take/joke(?) i've seen MULTIPLE times and it never fails to make me think what a fucking stupid thing it is to say ❤️
d. "damen learned empathy from laurent" ????? lmao. anyways...
e. "damen was lazy and kastor picked up his slack" is everything ok with your eyes? when's the last time you've seen an ophthalmologist?
f. "theomedes neglected damen" damen literally spends page after page reminiscing about his father's words, advices and their last days together. he also says theo was the only parent he knew all his life and since someone needed to raise him to be this fascinating gentle giant... 1+1=3???
g. any interpretation where damen is some sort of neanderthal who is a selfish spoiled and clueless oaf who needs to be educated by girlypopboss laurent OR where he lets laurent walk all over him and has no agenda of his own. just... no.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing
any setting where laurent is downright cold and rude towards damen FOR NO APPARENT REASON and yet damen is still obsessed with him, again for some mysterious reason??? not to sound like some know-it-all condescending bitch (tho i suspect to some degree i'm already infamous and some ppl dislike me bc of it 🥺 oh well...) but i think most people forget damen only started giving laurent the time of his day once laurent started showing him basic deceny during pg. i really don't think he'd be interested in someone who rebuked him at every chance and showed no interest at him.
(some ppl give jokaste as an example to excuse this but damen only says jokaste wasn't easily courted aka she didn't immediately jump into his bed (which is admirable omg... i wouldn't be as strong...) he never said she aloof towards him)
18.it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
THE FACT DAMEN IS A HUGE NERD!!! seriously, who listens to FOUR HOURS of poetry in one sitting... we all tend to focus on his martial insterests but ik my boy is also a sophisticated man 💅
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millym00n · 8 months
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Wip! I was playing a lotta totk while was sick so lotta sketches on their way. plus its the only thing that can get me through college lol.
So, i just got like the memory where zelda brings the purah pads to mineru, right, and idk,, Zelda was super sad bc she still didnt have answers and Rauru was like, dw youll find answers with time and study n stuff. And i was just thinking like… thats the kinda thing Zelda would have wished her bio dad (King Rhroam butt face) had told her when she was tryna get her sealing powers, before the calamity.
So I’m like,,,,, sobbing over the fact that Rauru and Sonia are literally Zeldas mom n dad and GAHHH T_T I feel like Zelda would info dump a bunch to them, but like theyd listen and be excited bc theyre both giant nerds too. I love head canons man. anyhoo.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 7 months
Autistic Anime Girls Group 1 Round 3 Match 8
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Ed -
"RADICAL EDWARD AUTISM WIN!!! Ed is always stimming!!!!! she sings little tunes and repeats different phrases constantly! She's a genius hacker! she's best friends with a dog! She spent a whole week playing one game of chess non-stop! She has a computer named tomato! She likes to bite things!!! She often repeats the things people say to her back to them, she refers to herself in the third person, and she's known to space out or be 'in her own world'. She doesn't wear socks! :-D"
Tsukimi -
"Tsukimi NEEDS to win this bc she is singlehandedly THE most autistic anime girl ever ok. She has been obsessed with jellyfish nearly her entire life because her mom took her to the aquarium ONCE, promised her a princess wedding dress with lots of lace like a jellyfish and it rewrote her entire brain chemistry. She has zero social skills UNLESS her jellyfish passion is triggered and then she will infodump on ANYONE. She nearly ends up married to this giant nerd because he went to Venice to get her a handblown jellyfish ring which is SO cute. Her bffs are her pet jellyfish that she rescued from a pet store that wasn’t treating her right, her roommates that are all autistic too, and then a crossdressing guy who lovingly bullies her into making her dream jellyfish dresses. PLEASE I LOVE HER and also she has sensory issues and only loves to wear jersey fabric bc it’s so comfy!!"
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seiyasabi · 2 years
If All Else Fails, Try Again
(Yandere Reiner <33 I love him sm! So here’s a yandere reiner x fem reader story :)) I envision him as a football player from the south, who falls in love with his nerd darling. 
TW: !noncon/dubcon!, football player Reiner :)), reader isn’t necessarily popular, he’s like crying while he assaults u, bullying!, peer pressure low-key, he’s p vanilla but you know… yikes, size kink (y’all need to remember that when I write for characters, they’re always two feet taller than you bc u deserve to feel tiny)!, body worship!, Voyeurism!!!, physical assault that ends in bodily harm (not towards you)!! genuinely loves u but u want nothing to do w him, EVERYONE IS 18 AND OVER,  etc..
Please proceed with caution!!!)
“So, I was thinking,” The scruffy blond has a self assured grin on his stupid face, his football buddies gathered around the two of you, holding up different signs spelling out ‘You intercepted my heart - prom?,’ “That you and me will make the perfect team. Whaddaya say?” 
You’re honestly speechless. Whilst the football player hadn’t been particularly mean or cruel to you, you just couldn’t understand why he’d ask you, of all people, to prom. 
“Huh?” Your shock is evident on your pretty face, as you chuckle in discomfort, “No offense, but I’m kind of confused right now.” 
He raises an eyebrow, leaning farther onto the locker beside your head, “Why’re you confused, darlin’? I feel like the situation is spelled out for ya.” 
You notice Annie, the only girl on the football team, glaring at you, as if daring you to reject his proposal. You feel a cold sweat starting to bead at your brow, “Well, uhm, I’m just confused as to why you’re asking me? We don’t really know each other, and you’re super popular, and I’m just-“ He interrupts you with a booming laugh, using his hand that isn’t balanced against the locker to clap you on the shoulder. 
“Popularity doesn’t matter, (Nickname). Just cuz yer a nerd, doesn’t mean I can’t ask ya to prom. Remember that time we were partners in Mr. Ackerman’s class? You were so cool, and I’ve wanted to get to know ya since then.” 
He has to be playing a prank on you. There’s no way that the captain of the football team is interested in you. You’re a nobody! At least, that’s how the popular girls make you feel. 
Swallowing thickly, you glance around at the others, noticing how they practically giggle amongst themselves, hearing some of them whispering about how ‘Reiner can’t possibly be serious,’ and how they’re ‘glad to get answers from the smart kid in class now that she's dating Reiner.’ 
Hurt blooms in your chest, as you realise that your suspicions were true. Tears brim your eyes, as hot, boiling humiliation fills your being. Of course he’s fucking with you, no popular boy would ever be interested in you. 
“This isn’t funny, Reiner. Please stop,” To his credit, he plays the part well. He almost looks genuinely surprised by your reaction. 
“Whaddaya mean? I’m not messin’ with ya,” His friend Bertholdt starts to sweat at your crestfallen expression, Annie’s eyes begin to dart around in discomfort. 
“He-he’s n-not messin’ w-with ya, (Your Name),” The giant tries to soothe, but it does the exact opposite. 
“This is cruel, even for you,” You try to hold in your tears, not wanting them to have another thing to make fun of you for, “I know that I’m not popular, I know that boys don’t find me attractive and that the girls want to make my life hell because it’s easy. But, for the life of me, I can’t understand why you’d do this. What can you possibly gain from making me feel like this?” 
His football buddies, besides Bertholdt and Annie, begin to laugh at you. They throw jab after jab at you, not caring about how they tear you apart seam by seam. 
Reiner looks like a fish out of water, eyes wide, mouth opening and closing indignantly, “I’m bein’ serious- I wanna go to prom with ya. I’ll take ya dress shoppin’, get matchin’ flower things, do anythin’ if it makes prom special for ya-“ 
“Just stop!” You shout, tears finally falling down your face, your countenance feeling hot with shame, “Reiner, I don’t want to go to prom with you. You’re mean, cruel, and have no regard for what your actions and words do to people. Don’t talk to me ever again.” 
Apparently, someone had filmed a video of your sad interaction, making you the laughing stock of the school. 
Needless to say, you didn’t go to prom- choosing to be alone in the comfort of your home, eating a tub of your favourite ice cream, and watching a rerun of your favourite show. 
The rest of High School was hell, all thanks to Reiner Braun. 
You both go to the same college, but for the past two years, you’ve somehow been able to avoid him. 
You’d made new friends, grew out of your shell, and ultimately felt happier than you had in years. 
That is, until you finally see him at some stupid frat party. 
Your friend Historia begged you to come to the party with her and her partner Ymir, along with their friends Sasha, Connie, Jean, and Marco. The moment you heard that Marco was coming, you practically jumped into your closet, ripping out your best outfit. 
So, here you are waiting for your group outside the frat house, dressed in a bodycon purple dress made from velvet, and a jewelled bralette holding up your tits and adding some flair to the seemingly simple fit. Along with that, there’s a pair of jewelled heels on your feet, which hurt way more than you thought they would. 
You looked good, yet completely different from when you were in high school. 
Historia practically screamed when she saw you, alerting your friends of your presence. Their jaws were practically on the floor; having never seen you in a dress before. 
“You look amazing!” The blonde grabs you into a tight hug, swaying you side to side. 
You laugh, returning her embrace, “Thanks, Historia, I appreciate it.” 
When she releases you, a sudden arm is thrown around your shoulders, causing you to jump. Glancing up, you see a sly looking Jean, “Who you tryn’ to impress, sweetheart? Got a boy on yer mind?” You wanna punch the animal science major in the head, but you refrain. 
“Well, uhm, you see-“ He teasingly punches your cheek, before releasing you from his hold. 
“Don’t worry, I think he’s Lookin’ at ya right now.” 
You look at Marco, whose face is blazing a bright red. He tries to avert his eyes, but he can’t stop staring. 
“You, uh, look beautiful, (Your name). Golly, I can’t take my eyes off of you,” You smile at him bashfully, as Jean all but shoves you in the dark haired male’s direction. He catches you with ease, having been a pig farmer since a young age. You’ve seen his ribbons from the county fair, and have even seen a video of him lifting a pot bellied pig right off its hooves with ease. 
“Thank you,” Your eyes take in his dress shirt and dark jeans, noticing how he doesn’t have his usual hair gel on, allowing curtain bangs to rest prettily against his tan skin, “You look quite handsome.” 
Now you’re both grinning like fools, faces feeling hot. Connie and Sasha make mock gagging noises, pretending to keel over and throw up, causing the group to laugh. 
“Let’s get this over with,” Ymir mutters, ushering your group inside the frat house, music and loud voices already echoing from the premises. 
“Don’t be a party pooper, Ymir!” Connie crows from beside Sasha, “This’ll be a night of firsts, I’m sure.” 
He winks in your and Marco’s direction, causing both of your faces to feel hot. Ymir groans, Historia giggles, and the rest of the group makes weird faces. 
Deciding not to comment on his suggestive words, Marco, ever the gentleman, holds his arm out to you, “Ready to head in, sugar?” 
Smiling up at him, you nod, “Yessir, I’m ready when you are.” 
Your group walks up to the door of the frat, a boy with a backwards hat and sunglasses is standing at the door, “Gimme yer names and years.” 
You all state your information, causing him to nod his head and grin like a madman. 
“Alright, since y’all have a buncha girls in yer group, I’ll let y’all in. But you,” He lowers his glasses, exposing aquamarine eyes which glare into Jean,  “If ya ever mess with my kin again, I’ll thrash ya, pretty boy.” 
Jean nods, suddenly starting to sweat under the pressure, “Yeah, yeah, ya said that last time, Eren.” 
Eren nods, giving your group one last look over, causing his eyes to land back onto you, “Say, ain’t ya Reiner’s girl?” 
You freeze, not expecting to hear that name. Your friends all whip their heads to look at you, questioning looks on their faces. Marco looks at you befuddled, “No. We went to high school together, but I hardly know the fella. I’m currently single.” 
He pushes his shades back up his nose and nods, “I shoulda known that fool was lyin’, ain’t no way a pretty girl would go for his meatheaded ass. Y’all head on in, there’s lots-a booze to choose from.” 
Marco glances down at you, a questioning look on his face, “Howdya know thick neck?” 
You frown, shrugging, not liking to talk about him, “I’m not sure why he’s talking about me, but he and I went to high school together, like I said. But, he used to terrorise me in school, along with the rest of the school population. We aren’t friends or anything.” 
He nods, giving your arm a reassuring squeeze, “I think I understand. I’ll keep ‘im away from ya if I see ‘im. He sounds like a real winner,” Looking up at him, you see an uncharacteristic frown on his handsome face. 
Giving him a small smile, you give his arm a squeeze back, “Thank you, Marco. I appreciate you.” 
Falling into a comfortable silence, your group enters a large hallway, music sounding from a large room at the end of it. You can already see drunk people stumbling around, people dancing, and drinks being poured every which way. 
A pit forms in your stomach when you notice a certain large, blond man, who's currently chugging whiskey straight from a Jameson bottle. His buddies are cheering him on, along with a few pretty girls that giggle at his ministrations. Seeing him, your group goes to the other side of the room, right next to the outdoor patio and the food table with random bottles of alcohol. 
Sasha immediately goes in for the kill, indiscriminately grabbing appetisers from the table, before shoving them unceremoniously into his mouth. You all laugh, including the drunks surrounding you, everyone knowing about the brunette's antics. 
“Damn, Sasha! Not even a minute in and you’re already mukbong-ing at the damn party,” Connie practically giggles, grabbing a few pizza rolls for himself. You all follow their lead, snacking on anything that is readily available. Ymir grabs a previously unopened Smirnoff bottle, taking a large swig without flinching, causing you to cringe in mild disgust. 
“Awe man, that must’ve been heinous,” Connie and Jean make fake gagging noises, causing you all to laugh, whilst Ymir rolls her eyes. 
“Yeah, yeah, but at least I’m actually drinking. What’re you lightweights gonna do?” 
Jean grumbles, practically snatching the bottle from the tall woman, “Ya sure are good at peer pressure.” 
Snorting, she rolls her eyes once again, “All I did was call you a lightweight, maybe you’re just an undercover alcoholic.” 
Marco lets out an uncharacteristically loud laugh, causing Jean to glare, “I don’t wanna hear it from ya, Marco. Ya need to man up and-“ 
“Now, now, no need to argue,” You’d recognise that voice anywhere, not bothering to look in their direction, “There’s enough alcohol to go around.” 
Historia greets the blonde woman warmly, trying to lessen the tension, “Hi, Annie! There’s no need to worry, we’re just messing around.” 
The taller blonde scoffs, “Sure,” You can feel her cold eyes on you, as you all but curl into Marco’s side. The brunet holds you tight, also feeling uncomfortable under her scrutiny, “Now, here’s a face I never thought I’d see again; how’re ya likin’ the party, (Your Name)?” 
You shift in discomfort, but force a tight smile onto your face, “Yes, it’s been a while. The party is pretty fun, right y’all?” 
Your friends murmur in agreement, whilst Annie hums, “I see, I’m glad yer likin’ it. Why don’t ya go say hi to Reiner? I'm sure he’ll be happy to see ya.” 
You drop your smile now, finally looking in her direction, “I don’t think I’ll be doin’ that. He looks content with his friends, and I’m sure as hell content with mine. Whilst it was nice seein’ you, I don’t believe I want to hang out with you. Now, if you’ll excuse us-“ 
You’re rudely interrupted by the previously mentioned man, “Wow! Lookin’ good, (Nickname)- not that ya never looked beautiful before- eh, ya get what I’m tryin’ ta say.” 
Reiner is slurring his words, swaying on his feet. You're surprised no one heard him coming, with all the stumbling he’s doing. 
“Thanks,” You respond simply, Marco’s taller and stronger frame still holding you close with an arm around your shoulders. Your friends shift in the tense atmosphere, staring at you to gauge your reaction. 
The blonds eyes never leave your form, somehow ignoring your dark haired companion, “Did ya come here ta see me? I always knew ya liked me the way I liked you.” 
There’s a beat of awkward silence, before Marco responds for you, “No, she ain’t here for you.” 
The larger man glares down at him, suddenly noticing him, “Who the hell are you, and why do ya have yer arm around my girl?” 
“She ain’t yer girl,” Ymir interjects boredly, grabbing the Smirnoff from Jean and taking another swig, “Her an’ Marco are an item, it’s best you understand that.” 
Marco shared a grim look, arm moving from your shoulders to your waist, “Yes’m, she and I have liked one another for a long time-“ 
Reiner laughs a great booming laugh, “Only like each other? Naw, she and I’ve loved each other for years, ain’t that right, (Nickname)?” He stares down at you with a soft look on his flushed face, and before you can make your opinion known, he continues, “Even tried to take ‘er to prom our senior year. I plan on marryin’ her.” 
Your entire group gawks at him, along with Annie. Whilst she knew he had very strong feelings towards you, she never realised just how deluded he was to reality. 
“No, you’re not. I’m not marrying a bully like you,” You all but snarl, gripping at Marco’s waist like a lifeline, “I’ve wanted you to leave me alone since high school, yet here you are, making a scene at a party. Leave me and my friends alone- I don’t ever wish to see your mug ever again.” 
Reiner looks absolutely gobsmacked, not expecting you to say something so final, “Now wait just a moment-“ 
“No,” Your brunet now-boyfriend interjects, “She don’t wanna talk to ya, please respect that,” He looks around at your group of friends, “Now, we best be goin’, I don’t want us to be in an uncomfortable situation any longer.” 
With that, you all leave, ingraining your disdain for the large blond man. 
You hope to never come in contact with him again. 
Standing at your front door, you gape up at the large blond taking up your door frame, wondering how you got into this situation. 
“What in the hell are you doing here? How’d you get into my apartment?!” You grip your house keys in your hands, as the disheveled looking man stands stalk still. 
You both stare at each other for a long moment, before the large man snatches you by the arm, and drags you inside. You try to stab at him with your keys, try to scream, but he cups his hand over your mouth, practically silencing you, all whilst seemingly unaffected by your jabbing. 
He doesn’t breathe a word, only slamming the door behind you with his boot clad foot, speeding through your front room that is littered with photos of you and Marco. He’d made it a point to get as many photos of you as he possibly could, buying frames from the dollar general when he’d printed them out. He’s currently in his last year of veterinary school, having finished his masters in business the year prior. You, on the other hand, had finished your (degree/certification) in (field) the previous year, and began your job not too far from Marco’s family farm. The two of you soon to be moving into your own home out in the Styx where your job and his farm is located. 
Reiner throws you into your and Marco’s shared room, slamming the bedroom door behind him, before locking it. The room is dark, and you can hear an eerie whimpering coming from the other side of the room. 
You begin to scream when you’re wrenched up from the ground and pushed onto your bed, only to be silenced once more by a wad of fabric being shoved in your mouth. 
“Darlin’, there ain’t no need to be thrashin’ like this- ya know who I am,” You feel his hands grip onto your shoulders, causing you to try to shove him off of you, try to roll around and fall onto the ground. This only causes the large man to grab your wrists, stopping you from removing the gag in your mouth, “Stop that! I ain’t gonna hurt ya, I swear! I just-I just need to show ya somethin’.” 
Within a moment, your bedside lamp is turned on, bathing the room in LED light that is too bright for your eyes. Blinking blearily, your eyes take a few moments to adjust. Looking around the room, you make out the outline of your beloved boyfriend. He’s tied to your vanity chair, mouth gagged with a pair of your panties, face swollen and bleeding, his eyes black and blue. You can make out red marks around his neck, which are also starting to bruise. He’s crying, you notice, which starts your own waterworks. 
Reiner’s free hand grabs your face, forcing you to look at him instead of your horrified boyfriend, “Now, there ain’t no need to cry. I know that boy took my place fer the past six years, but I’m here to reclaim ya. I made it big in the NFL, so there ain’t no need ta hold onto some middle class farmhand.” 
You begin to sob, noises muffled by the cloth in your mouth, as you shake your head in disagreement. The blond clicks his tongue in mild irritation. 
“Would you stop that? Yer actin’ as if I beat ya silly,” He throws an indignant glance at your boyfriend, “That freckled freak on the other hand? I let him have it- no boy can put his paws all over my girl.” 
Reiner’s huge, calloused hand rubs against the fat of your cheeks, a large smile present on his rugged face. 
“Yea, now yer all mine. I love you so much, (Nickname), ya don’t even know,” He releases your face, toying with the gag in your mouth, “Now, if I take this shit off, will ya be a good girl fer me?” 
Between your belligerent sobs, you nod, causing him to pull the cloth out of your mouth, “If-if you leave now, I promise we won’t report you to the police,” The blond furrows his brows in confusion, but you continue, “We can pretend like this didn’t happen, okay? I-I will see to Marco’s wounds and we will just-“ 
His mitt-like hand slams over your mouth, causing your teeth to clack together, “Don’t you say that- you ain’t doin’ nothin’ fer that boy. I’ll tell you what,” He leans in close to your face, “This is a moment of celebration- we can finally show the world our love. I got ya a real pretty ring, a big ‘ol house, and a dog that’ll keep ya well guarded.” 
You shake your head no, biting his hand, causing him to let go with a hiss, “I’m not going anywhere with you! You-you broke into my home, beat my boyfriend black and blue, and now you want me to play house with you?! Hell no! I want nothing to do with you!” 
Trying to yank your hands from his grip only causes him to tighten his hold, a hurt look on his face, “Ya don’t mean that, yer just overwhelmed.” 
“No, I mean it! You’re some sick creep who harassed me in high school, and now you’re trying to ruin my life! I hate you, Reiner Braun. I wish I never met you!” That seems to have pushed him over the edge, as he shoved the cloth back into your mouth, grabbing at your throat like a lifeline, causing you to momentarily choke. 
Marco’s muffled screaming can be heard, as he rocks back and forth in his chair, trying to break free, “Stop it! Yer just bein’ mean,” He lets up slightly on your throat before speaking again, “Ya must not believe me when I say I love ya, I reckon I just have to show ya.” 
Your boyfriend and you yell in protest, as he releases your throat in favour of pulling at your clothes. More tears stream down your face as you hyperventilate, panic and fear combining into an almost deadly concoction. 
The blond tears open your shirt with one hand, exposing your bra clad chest. He smiles a wide grin, taking in your breasts and tummy, “Ya look amazin’, darlin’. I’ve dreamt of this moment fer years.” 
With that, he makes quick work of your trousers, practically beyblading them off of your legs. He rubs his free hand over your right thigh, relishes how your skin feels against him. Reiner gives your hip a soft kiss, causing your body to jolt. The large man practically giggled at your reaction. 
“Awe, have ya not reached third base yet? Don’t ya worry, pretty thing, I’ll show ya how a man makes love.” 
You can’t respond, but you try to kick him off of you. The large man swats at your thigh, chiding you for your ‘transgression.’ The hit was probably light for him, but it felt like he bruised you down to the bone. 
“Now you best sit and let me love ya, (Your Name),” He grabs your panties and literally tears them off of you, exposing your cunny to the cool room. His eyes practically have hearts in them, “Wow, ya keep amazin’ me, darlin’.” 
The blond fiddles with your bra that’s still on your chest, thinking for a long moment, before he releases your hands and forces the bra off of you in one big swoop. He’s fast, but not fast enough, as you’re able to swing at him with one hand and remove the gag with the other. 
“Get the fuck away from me!” Your blow lands, but it barely does a thing. He probably has the world’s thickest neck, which causes your punch to hurt, but not do any damage, “Help! Help me-“ 
You try to scream for help, but he quickly shuts you up with a pillow to the face. You can’t help but think he’s going to suffocate you,  “You better right yourself, an’ do it quick. I won’t tolerate no brattiness, ya hear?” He doesn’t let up on the pillow, but you’re luckily somehow able to breathe correctly, “You best just sit back and enjoy, alright? No need ta be nervous.” 
You can hear Marco struggling, his own hoarse screams barely audible. Sobs still wrack your chest, as Reiner, with one hand, forces your legs over his shoulders one at a time. 
He is face to face with your pussy, his warm breath fanning over your thighs a cunny. The blond practically drools at the sight, which causes him to lose all sense of self control. He attaches himself to your clit, sucking on it like his life depends on it. You thrash and squirm, trying to get away from the feeling. He’s using too much pressure too quickly, making your head spin and body shake. Your hands try to reach up and push him back, but he simply grabs your wrists with his free hand, not once breaking his concentration. 
He’s sucking on you like his life depends on it, moaning into you, as if you’re the one giving head. He swipes his tongue over your opening, slightly disappointed at your mostly dry cunt. So, he forces his tongue inside of you, trying to find your g-spot, whilst he releases the hold on the pillow over your face, in favour of rubbing your clit with a rough thumb. 
Somehow, he finds it rather quickly, flicking over it in rapid succession. The pace of him rubbing your clit increases, causing his ministrations to become quite pleasurable. You try not to pay attention to him, not wanting to moan through your tears, but when your thighs begin to shake, both men in the room realise just how close to an orgasm you really are. 
Reiner pulls his mouth back, readjusting his fingers so two are thrust right against your g-spot, thumb still rubbing over your clit. His own drool and your juices coat his chin, as he grins down at you, “Go ‘head, sweet thing. Fun fer me, won’t ya?” 
You shake your head underneath the pillow, sobs becoming louder as you begin to orgasm around his fingers, unable to ignore the assault on your g-spot and clit. Your juices shoot out, coating even more of his face in your liquids, as Reiner looks down at you in awe. 
“Holy shit, darlin’, that was amazin’! Ya gonna coat my cock with squirt too?” Marco’s screaming reaches a peak, as he struggles so harshly, that the entire chair he was sitting on falls over. You try to yank your hands away from him, digging your nails into his rough flesh. The large man lets out a hearty laugh, “Don’t be shy, I ain’t gonna judge ya,” He finally releases your hands, allowing you to rip the pillow off of your slick face. Your eyes are red and weeping, face scrunched up in despair. 
“Let us go,” You cry, covering your chest with your hands, “Please! At-at least let Marco go. Your bullying should end with me-“ 
A stressed look appears on the blond’s face, “Darlin’, I ain’t bullyin’ ya, I love ya more than words can describe. But,” He casts the crumpled man on the floor a disgusted look, “He needs-ta know that ya only belong to me, he was jus’ a bed warmer in my absence.” 
“No, no he’s not,” A harsh sob stunts your words for a moment, “I’m gonna marry him! I love Marco, not you! How many times do I have to say it?” 
You try to move your legs off of his shoulders, but he grips your calves with a harsh grip. His fingers dig into the meat of your legs, causing you to let out a pained whimper between your sobs, “Fine, I’ll just show ya what ya’ve been missin.” 
“No! Let us go!” He releases your non dominant leg, fumbling with his fly, before pulling his large cock out from his trousers. You try to kick him in the face, but once again, it doesn’t work, “Stop fightin’ me,” He hisses out, teeth grit in ire. 
You curl into yourself, using your arms to replace your hands as you cover your face, entire body shaking with your sobs. He ignores your and Marco’s cries, looking down at your pussy, and guiding his cock into you without hands. His weeping tip catches in your opening, and you try not to look at what he’s doing to you. 
His cock has the same thickness as your wrist, multiple veins running down it, with a tip that’s somehow even bigger than the rest of it. It also doesn’t help that he’s long enough to slap against his own belly button. 
Marco continues to struggle on the ground, unable to see what’s about to happen to you. You wish so desperately to hold your boyfriend, for him to tell you that it’s alright. But, he can’t, and you’re currently in the embrace of a crazed man. 
With a quick thrust, the large man is fully sheathed inside of you, causing you to let out a high pitched wail. You weren’t wet enough to take him, much less stretched enough. 
“Take it out! Take it out! You’re too big-“ Reiner adjusts his hold on you, putting your left leg in the pit of his elbow, and holding your right leg in his hand. He reaches down to your clit, rubbing it once again with his large thumb. 
“Naw, yer fine, darlin’. Just-just give it a second,” You’re so tight around him, throbbing and warm, practically milking him. 
You continue to cry, struggling against him, but it doesn’t help. He still remains inside of you, stimulating your pretty clit. 
Soon enough, you loosen up, allowing him to give an experimental thrust. One of his veins rubs directly against your abused g-spot, causing a strangled moan to escape your throat. He halts his movements, a look of awe on his face. He’s never heard such a beautiful sound in his entire life. 
���Do tha’ again,” Your shake your head, still crying. Deciding to take it into his own hands, he begins a leisure pace, dragging against all of your sensitive spots with every move. You try to hold in your moans, but are unable to. They’re small and airy, eyes teary and rolling with every movement. 
Reiner’s heart is practically bursting with happiness, you feel so wonderful, and you’re so beautiful. He can’t believe that he’s finally able to show his love to you. 
His own tears brim his eyes, as he releases a choked sob, “I love ya so much, (Your name), ya just don’t understand.” 
You ignore him, trying to ignore everything happening around you, which causes him to cry even more. 
You’re so close to orgasm, throbbing and wet and tight. Reiner feels this, practically cumming at the feeling of your oncoming orgasm. 
“I love ya, please, please say it back,” You shake your head, back arching as he hit your sweet spot one too many times, causing you to cum for a second time. You gush around him pathetically, as he bucks into you like an animal in heat, chasing his orgasm through your own. 
He cums deep inside of you, spilling so much that your tummy feels bloated. His and your cum leaks out of your battered cunny, and when he pulls out, it’s like a torrential downpour. 
Reiner’s face is bright red when he takes in the sight of you, tears still rolling down his face as he realises that you didn’t say ‘I love you’ back. 
“I bet that boy ain’t make ya cum like that, darlin’. Can’t ya see that I’m the perfect one fer ya?” 
You say nothing, forcing your legs out of his hold, and rolling into a ball on your side, sobbing even louder than before, “I hate you! You-you’re a monster, how could ya do this to me?” 
He hears Marco sobbing like he heard the news of his mother dying, filling him with rage. If that son-of-a-bitch hadn’t taken his spot, you wouldn’t be throwing a tantrum. 
Climbing off of the bed and tucking his cock into his trousers, he yanks the chair back upright, disorienting the dark haired man. 
“I shoulda killed ya the first time I met ya- yer ruinin’ my relationship, ya piece of trash.” 
Reiner begins to punch at Marco, battering him even more than before. You yell, trying to get his attention away from your boyfriend, but it’s in vain. He isn’t listening anymore. 
So, you all but tackle the blond man, arms wrapped around his throat, using all of your body weight to pull him back. 
“What’re you doin?! Are ya tryin’ ta get hurt?” He stops his assault on Marco, trying to get you off. 
“Leave him alone! Don’t hurt him, please! I’ll do anything you want, just leave him alone!” You’re crying so hard you feel nauseous, head light headed and all. 
He relinquishes your hold, spinning you around to his front. His sheer amount of strength is terrifying, especially when he’s looking at you like you’re the sun in his sky, “Then stop this foolishness. Ya know yer actin’ crazy, talkin’ about ya hating me and crap.” 
You look at the love of your life, seeing him barely hanging on by a thread, and you make a choice. 
“O-ok, I’m sorry. I’ll behave. Please, just let him go.” 
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tojisun · 7 days
HI SUNNY HONEY (it rhymes bc it's true, you lovely lovely person)
i went to the british museum today and i love that place v much it's maybe my favourite place in London (I am.. nerd). me being brown i have mixed feeling about all the "donations" (COLONIAL THIEVERY) that are there BUT this is one of my favourite sculptures ever and I want to show you hehe
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it's the crouching venus and i thinks she's so pretty!! i don't have hip dips but she does and whenever i see people online being insecure about them all i can think about is the fact that the goddess of beauty has those same features!! they're gorgeous!! and her bit of pudge is just yum validating.
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the first one's of twin deities apollo and artemis slaying the 12 children of niobe bc she boasted to their mum (leto) that she has so many more kids. petty petty gods
the second one is from south india (looks tamil but may be from a diff southern state im not too sure) but it's v pretty and I like it lots :)
i love sculptures they're so pretty and so impressive. my favourite ever i think is the Veiled Virgin - the folds of marble are actually like insane
this is... a colossal rant of nonsense but i hope i haven't bored you right to sleep
drink WATER and eat yummy food love you lots sun🕺🕺
HI VIOLET MY BELOVED (it sorta RHYMES! and it is true because you are just such lovely soul)
this is not a colossal rant of nonsense—this is a colossal rant of what you love and for that i’m sat 🥹 thank you for sharing pictures to me!! the british museum is one of the places ive always wanted to visit (but also wanting to boycott because of their colonial thievery!!!) and its so full of pretty (STOLEN) artifacts hhhhh
i love love that sculpture of venus. in my ancient roman class, we talked sm about sculptures of her and, how, rome is not as open w nude so those who are fashioned using the portrait type of venus is denoting a message of how they’re as beautiful as venus or they’re as bountiful as venus. or smthn like that!! i have hip dips and seeing venus have it is so 🥹
apollo and artermis’ devotion to their mother is quite…fascinating, to say the least. i remember that the first myth ik of them with their mother was the one where they slayed the giant tityus because he attempted to rape leto. i was ultimately hooked with the three of them.
that (possibly) tamil sculpture is so rich in detail! the leafery design surrounding the deity, as well as the jewels shes adorning; the pose and the facial expression; the regality!!! oh but im obsessed
and i love the veiled virgin sculpture too!! its so fascinating how sculptures can make marble look see through???? LIKE? HOW
heres some snapshots of what we have in our museum too! its located in my university so i cant rlly disclose heheh but-
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take care of yourself too oki?? i love you lots!!!
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toournextadventure · 4 months
ok so obviously for prof to be that strong they have to work out like.. obviously u can't spawn muscles
So I can just imagine prof working out (profnis a nerd they calculate the force and gravitational force thing needed to lift the weight like the whole ass 115 lbs times 9.8m/s means that I need to lift at blah blah blah blah)
And Sam is still kind of worked up from the door thing, and they r at profs place anyway (prof is too shy to workout in a gym bc the other people looking at this giant casually lifting while fully listening to you belong with me or spice girls makes them nervous (what are they looking at is there something on my face) and also asking for a spot while lifting makes them sooo anxious, so they built their own half assed gym made of eh material until Joker found out this and got concerned about all the seriously dangerous things in there and used some of the "accounting" money to buy the highest end equipment they could for prof which ended up in them both in tears and calling eachother bro twice in every sentence and prof giving J a key bc "you bought it so you should be able to use it bro and are you really not gonna be my workout bro bro?" "of course bro I got your back bro" I got sidetracked sorry) and so anyway Sam is worked up and sees prof coming out of the gym all sweaty and simply melts (I fully think Sam is a power bottom too) and needs to feel prof against her and needs to feel the pumped sweaty muscles against her and absolutely needs to feel the slightly bitten lips of prof pressed against her. She also wants to feel..small in a way. and prof bless their heart is so gentle sometimes but this time they must feel the urgency in the kiss because all of a sudden prof is backing them against a door and slamming her hips back before working their thigh between her knees and against her and oh the height different doesn't let her feet reach the ground all the way but let's her press and move against the muscled thigh in the best way (prof is tall in my head) and she has to smile into and almost out of the kiss because she remembers who shes dating again when she feels profs hand leave her hips for one second to put their hand right behind where her head was about to smack against the wall before gently letting it down onto the wall before asking in between kisses "if this is okay" and getting a half whisper half groan of a yes and tilting her head back to the side to make room for prof to make their way down her neck marking up as much as they can stopping in certain places that they know sam is weak for and stopping sam's hips from speeding up because no, not yet (and also because after the first time they had sex prof wrote in a notebook a list and outline of things that sam liked and disliked and prof aspires to be better each and every time). Prof is reveling in the noise thats coming from sam slightly parted lips and the hands that squeezing and touching and stroking all of the different body parts that Sam can reach before she has finally had enough of the shirt that profs wearing and breaks the kiss to pull it off. In the split second that it takes to take that shirt off sam can finally finally see and feel all of prof and the sweat dripping down them. and while sam gapes at them for a second prof realizes that they have class. and then they are stuck between wanting to stay here with sam and knowing that its the last review class for their class before the final so all prof can do is lead them into the shower before finally FINALLY ravaging Sam the way that she wanted.
after the shower prof walks out with this dopey smile and sam is now in the tub cause walking is a little hard for her right now and the lavender scented Epsom salt bath that prof left for Sam before scuttling away to make her coffee and "breakfast in bath because I want to have breakfast in bed with you but I can't cuddle you there so what's even the point"
I want you to know THIS? This has got me thinkin about things because my GOD is this perfect for them. You got me plannin a oneshot about this, hope you're happy ✋️
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randomnameless · 2 months
To continue the woobified view of the Elites and my comparison of them to the Black Eagles :
Same for me regarding the BE, especially because they also literally fought Edelgard's troops in WC when you choose their house, and even if you don't, they definitely still would know that Edelgard dus nasty shits in WC.
The idea that media literacy is dead is quite fitting, because the idea that even rotten persons have loved ones/that having loved ones doesn't mean you're not rotten is a known thing, yet the Eagles and elites get a pass solely because "they genuinely believe in the cause" and "they love and care for each other"
Probably Fraldarius was as devoted to Nemesis as Ingrid to Dimitri, Lamine very well may have been as sassy as Dorothea, perhaps Goneril was as brave and endearing as Caspar, or Maurice was as loyal to his clan's interests as Petra to Brigid's happiness (through a strong bond to the Empire) but like the BE, they are butchers, who relished in the destruction of everything those against them hold dear, lap dogs and rabid curs of someone they definitely know have crushed innocents and scorn the very idea of peace except under their domination.
The only meaningful difference between Edelgard-following BE and the elites is that we can know more about the BE and we are forced to dislike cutting them down even as they refuse to let northern Fódlan alone.
Honestly I need a fanfiction where the BE are called out for that bullshit.
That's the tone deaf feeling I got from Nopes, the Deers are hunting someone bcs their leader wants her dead for no reason, but Raph only comments on how hungry he is.
Uh, sure Raph, you're not the most thoughtful character in there, but come on? Some commentary or exposition on what you're doing? Hello KT? Can we have characters be challenged or even react to the events of screen instead of wondering what's for dinner/teatime?
I wouldn't say it's an issue of media litteracy being dead, but more something in the lines of people being more and more "all or nothing" nowadays, without any nuance and conflating liking a character with the idea/image that might project on you : if I like ASOIAF's Cersei, I don't think everything she does is "justified", but modern fandom, I feel like some people would categorize you as a "good" or "bad" person based on the characters you like, and it's just... not what fandom is or was supposed to be imo, I'm here to nerd and gush about favourite characters, not write litteral essays about the Geneva Convention.
Corollary is what, imo, made the Fodlan fandom hell : some people really take "criticism" against a character personally - sure the way FE16 was written invites projection, but at the end of the day, making a Berning Fire Joke is, just, making a joke about a bunch of pixels, nothing more.
Back to the BEs, they can have a sense of camaraderie and genuinely support each other... as they tear apart "people because Supreme Leader told me to" and fight side by side with Bob the Carpented who was turned into Waldi the demonic beast.
Ferdie can skewer Flayn on her father's lance because she is "a creature that has plagued humanity for ages" even if they reached a C support before shit hit the fan - and still protect Mercedes and Bernie from their abusing Fathers. Does that make him a great guy? A nuanced guy?
I think the trope is called "even evil people have loved ones" or something like that?
I don't think so, but he is no random one note villain sycophant either - now, what is the more annoying with the Fodlan games is how this dichotomy is never called upon : everything is just a giant blob or Hresvelg Grey ("morally grey" but only applied to Supreme Leader) where no one really is angry at her, and all the "sacrifices" she's making are off-screen while the characters on-screen always moan about her "ReFoRmS" and "IdEaLs" without talking about the cost bar some milquetoast "but war bad". And no one, in the game, will ever throw this hypocrisy to their face - Gallant Ferdinand will dream about the Opera as he wipes off the blood of a young woman who just wanted to return to the only home she had.
FWIW, some mutuals and I have nothing but pure lols about Doro's line in the non-CF routes being "we killed Ferdie professor :'(" because, hey, why should I care more about Ferdie than about random loldier 55 ? Rhea? Felix? Claude? Ignatz?
Maybe the Elites were really friends and became """"nice""" persons with time, to their families and loved ones ?
Does this magically erase what they did before? Will that "good" they did erase all the "wrongs" they have previously done? Will theyr forever escape the consequences of their actions?
In a game that depicts Flamey as a terrorist for 11 chapters only to drop that plot point by the window to moan, again, about her "IdEaLs", "consequences" are maybe something you can eat as a snack, or throw in a trashcan.
So following the rules of this verse, given how Supreme Leader never receives flak for her Flamey stunts, why should the Elites receive any for what they did? Look, Maurice calls Daphnel his friend, surely he is not that bad of a man? Well yeah, he might have seduced women and planted a lot of wild oats here'n'there, but he cares about his friends!
Jeritza likes ice creams and cats! Surely it's more important to paint him as a cat lover than to deal with all the consequences of his stunt as the Death Knight, kidnapping and implied rekting young woman while he was in GM, under Flamey's orders, right?
Calling it now, after eviscerating Seteth's older brother, Goneril might have melted in front of one of Rhea's kittens, and adopted the cat asap. Surely that makes Goneril a "good" character right? And forget the entire "genocided a bunch of hippies living isolated in their village" stuff?
I don't have fanfics recs where the BEs are called hypocrites, but I confess I don't read a lot of fanfics in the FE16 fandom because of all of the aforementioned issues.
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Virtual Character Tourney - Round 2 - Bracket B - 5
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Sophia propaganda:
She's one of the two characters who are exclusive to the Strikers spinoff, and I think they have an interesting take on how she plays into the worldbuilding (although admittedly I haven't finished the game, I know small bits and pieces of how it ends.) Seeing as the series is very heavily based around psychology and how humans interact with their surroundings, having a character whose entirely artificial is a different take on how they interact. She's not the only artificial game of the series, but she is the only one for Persona 5, and that's important because of how much P5 focuses on the psychology aspect even more then the others already did. Also, she's really silly and I love her. She has hearts for hair because she has so much love to give!!
Sophia is an AI character that can fight in battle and wield a Persona. As humanity's companion, she is duty bound to help people any way she could.
Her hair is made of hearts, she hums when she's happy, you find her in a giant box in a trash heap and she immediately decides to come with you. She lives in your phone when you're not on a mission and asks you about the human heart because that's her mission but really because she wants to be as human as you are. She's wonderful and amazing and is one of the best AI characters in gaming.
Ultraman X propaganda:
X canonically lost his physical form and lives in Daiichi's phone. His presence caused Daiichi's phone to turn gold, instead of the standard-issue silver the rest of XIO's employees have. It's possible for XIO's scientists to send powerups to X because he lives on Daiichi's phone. There's also a couple episodes where X gets trapped in cyberspace and Dr. Gourman and friends have to design something for Daiichi to help him escape. (Dr. Gourman is the first to notice Daiichi is secretly Ultraman X. Also in the crossover movie, Daiichi and X got separated and X couldn't live on Daiichi's phone so he jumped to the nearest computer (which belonged to Naomi from Ultraman Orb, air date 2016) and began pulling up photos of Daiichi in a "Have You Seen This Nerd?" sort of way. The enemy goons saw Naomi and her cryptid hunting gang putting up missing posters for Daiichi and tore them down bc they had him captured at their crystal witch's base, a creepy haunted house. Eventually when Daiichi and X reunited as man and lil alien on his phone, they were so happy they ignored everyone else in the room. They were grateful enough to fight alongside Naomi's sad space cowboy, Kurenai Gai, in battle.
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