#bc they give out passcodes to random people
firstluvlatespring · 1 year
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becauseplot · 1 year
Sorry if this is weird but I saw on the tags of one of ur reblog’s that you’ve been thinking about c!phil in the qsmp and can you expand on that??
I’ve genuinely been thinking about this for WEEKS as well and I’d love to hear ur headcanons!! Only if you want to ofc!!
Oh sure, I'd love to!! (SUPER long post incoming, hope you're ready lmao.)
Honestly they're not so much headcanons as they are ideas for plot?? I like writing, so a lot of my ideas are in the form of stories. The main reason I haven't attempted a fic yet is bc I don't have Enough plot to make anything atm, I've only got random scenes.
ANYWAY. c!Phil in qsmp. I'd probably take c!Phil as he is shortly after c!Techno's passing and chuck him into the qsmp story in the little bit of lore-downtime between the spiderbit wedding and when the election stuff started kicking up (but it's been announced by this point). It’s just so that I don't have to worry about working him into any major story arcs. Missa and q!Wilbur are also there because I said so.
The main thing I have in mind is just c!Phil seeing how different the community is on the island relative to his world---how united the island is, how alive the island is. People have waystones directly connecting each other to their bases and central areas; they drop in on each other all the time. People's comms buzz constantly as full conversations take place over global chat instead of through whisper-messages. There are security doors and reinforced walls but they're not necessarily to keep other islanders out; people share passcodes and access keys for emergencies. Everyone seems to know and trust each other despite the mysterious (and sometimes dangerous) circumstances they find themselves in.
In c!Phil's quiet, post-post-post-Doomsday world, where most were scattered to the wind or went into hiding, this would be a serious shock for him. I think it would take him a bit of time (and quite a bit of reassurance from q!Missa and q!Phil) for him to adjust to the fact he doesn't need to put a hand on his weapon every time someone gets a little too close. He'd probably be a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of people and how inviting they are (introvert/isolationist moment). q!Phil (also introverted and isolative by nature) would clock this Immediately and come up with excuses for c!Phil whenever he clearly needs a break. Suddenly being around so many people, especially after c!Techno's passing...it would be draining.
What else... Oh, the "tttt" system! I have a whole Idea(TM) about this scene so I won't say too much here but c!Phil marveling at how everyone shows up to help. Again, the whiplash.
Also, hearing about the upcoming elections would give him an immediate shot of anxiety. Like, someone mentions the elections and c!Phil's face goes white. Yeah. Elections and community division are what led to him making the worst decision of his life (killing his son---though c!Wilbur's downward spiral started long before the elections). He hates to think that this loving community could be corrupted like L'Manburg's was. Before he's sent back to his homeword, he definitely takes the time to warn them about the potential danger they're running into.
OH! And the Technoblade shrine Tallulah made! Again, I've got a whole Scene about the Technoblade shrine in my head, so I'll keep this brief as to not just write out the whole scene (lmao), but I think he would really appreciate it. In his world, c!Techno had a lot more enemies than friends, so seeing how cherished c!Techno’s memory is in this world (cherished by q!Phil, by Chayanne, by Tallulah, by everyone who has heard the stories about Phil's old friend) would probably be so...relieving for c!Phil, who has felt so alone in his grief. (Of course, he has c!Niki and c!Ranboo to grieve with him back in his world, but again---hardcore isolationist. It would be a long time before he felt the motivation to reach out.)
I have a few other small details floating around (talking to q!Wilbur, the fancy "technology"/mods on the island, using paragliders to pseudo-fly, complaining about the tropical weather, the dubious existence of q!Kristin, anarchist solidarity, interactions with Chayanne and Tallulah, and so on) but I've laid out the meat of it.
God this post got long lmao. Clearly I need to get to writing that fic. Thanks for letting me ramble at ya! If you’ve got any ideas u wanna share, send em my way! No pressure to respond to this at all ofc I know this is a Lot. Thanks for the ask :D
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severeballoonknot · 2 months
I just realized Like most people have never heard of Hole Island and I think that’s so ridiculous cause I thought it was a really common place to go to during summers growing up but I guess I was wrong. (I guess this generation’s parents don’t care about good clean American fun anymore 🙄)Lmk if you remember going here cause I wanna find y’all hole island goers. It was this really allusive island that had like a specific passcode to get in but a lot of people found out about it so it got really popular as a vacation spot. It’s the main destination for busses and boats so all you gotta do is get on and go up to the driver and do the secret pass code (you gotta climb onto his lap while he’s driving and give him a long, wet, kiss and if he doesn’t crash you get to go) and you get launched from the bus onto this zip line that leads to hole island. You get there and you gotta bypass the no girls allowed gate (girls have cooties and the island is gay) and if you’re a girl you get zapped with the “randomized fate ray” and if you’re a guy or a they you get to enjoy the beautiful beauty of hole island . It’s got alot of holes and in one of them is the zombie ghost thing of former American president Ronald Reagan and like the main attraction of the island is that you get to skin him alive every morning and by every night his skin grows right back so the cycle can repeat forever! When I was a little kid I remembered wandering off into the woods after the daily Slut Skinning (that’s what we liked to called it) and I found what I think might’ve been the literal fountain of youth. It was being circled by helicopters bc the government is full of fun hating squares but I figured out that if you drink enough of the water fast enough that you can actually de-evolve so far that you don’t pass as a human anymore and so therefore the law doesn’t apply to you. Anyway hmu
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h4rin · 7 years
rivalry - chapter 01
ok so this is my lil fic about nct dream! one of them is gay bc Fuck U I’m Gay and she’s out asF and is gonna be out next chapter. anyway, this is rivalry!! it’s gonna be really bad -- i never write multiple chapters about real people tbh. but i have hope!!
chapter one | chapter two
word count: 972
“SM Entertainment’s youngest group, NCT Dream, and JYP Entertainment’s youngest group, ROSE’s rivalry took on a new level today -- leading to fans taking sides on Twitter,” the spokeswoman for a K-Pop fan/drama channel on YouTube said. “The hashtags TeamNCT and TeamROSE have been trending for the past several hours. Currently, the NCTizens have more tweets, but the Thorns are quickly catching up. Who do you think has the stronger fanbase? Leave a comment, or tweet us!” Lily closed the laptop.
Violet sighed into her hands. “Jesus Christ,” she muttered.
“Remind me why we have a ‘rivalry’ with them?” Hyacinth asked.
“Because both companies wanted us to get publicity, and it seemed easy,” Lily sighed, exasperated.
“God, this is hell.” Daisy mumbled, waking up from her nap, and realizing what the others were talking about. “Where’s Peony?”
“She went out to grab us some coffee about ten minutes ago.”
As if summoned, the maknae knocked on the door with one hand, trying to balance the mix of hot and frozen coffee with her other. Peony was only fourteen, just on the verge of turning fifteen, making her the youngest. Hyacinth was older than her by about eight months. Daisy had about six months on Hyacinth, and Lily was only about a month older than Daisy.
“Lily, here’s your iced coffee with caramel, Violet, yours but with chocolate, Hyacinth, your black hot coffee,” Lily and Daisy took theirs, but as Hyacinth took hers, Peony made a face.
“Thank you, dearie,” Hyacinth said, slightly melodically, taking a swig as Peony cringed.
“Did you get my --” Daisy was interrupted by Peony answering.
“Yes, I remembered, I got your frozen green tea.” Daisy kissed the maknae’s forehead, grabbing the cup, ready to drain her cup, momentarially forgetting about brain freezes.
Peony took a sip of her hot chocolate. “So what’s up? Why’s everyone look unhappy?”
Hyacinth sighed, ready to answer, but Lily beat her to it. “The fanbases are pushing the rivalry more than our companies.”
“What do you mean?” Peony cocked her head just a little bit.
“#TeamNCT and #TeamROSE are trending worldwide.” Peony exhaled strongly through her nose.
“Twitter?” she asked.
“Of course.”
The group were anything but unfamilliar with the mother of all drama. They sincerely believed that if Twitter didn’t exist, that there wouldn’t be any fandom drama. They knew for a fact that America would have a qualified President.
“Can I go on the account?” Peony asked.
“I already did,” Violet quickly responded, but yeah, of course.
“What’re you going to say?” Hyacinth asked, resting her head on Peony’s shoulder.
“Something simple. ‘I don’t have anything against NCT, but our Thorns are the best!!’ with some muscle emojis, and the swirly heart.”
“Don’t forget to sign it,” Lily mutters out of habit.
“I did, mom,” Peony mutters.
“Don’t disrespect your mother!” Hyacinth stage-whispered, suppressing laughter.
Violet, on the other hand, didn’t suppress hers, letting loose. “What?” she asked, sipping her chocolatey coffee. “It was funny.” Lily made a face, and Peony’s turned red, before Lily let loose with her laughter. It felt good to laugh, and soon they all were.
An awkward silence followed.
“We could call the company, figure out how to end this to both of our satisfaction?” Violet suggested.
“No, they’d never go for that,” Lily sighed. “I guess we just have to deal with this, and maybe eventually we start to end it?”
“Ooh, they tweeted something,” Hyacinth mumbled, just loudly enough for the members to hear in their shared apartment.
“How do you know?” Daisy questioned.
“I have their tweet notifications on,” Hyacinth responded, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I didn’t get anything?” Lily asked, slightly confused.
“Private personal. Zero followers, random username. I look like a spambot, in all honesty, except I have a cute layout.”
Violet looked over her slightly younger twin’s shoulder. “Ooh, that is cute. Wait, is that…” she trailed off. “GOT7?”
“Yeah, it’s a light hint as to who I am. Live life on edge, y’know?”
“Wow, so dangerous,” Peony said, expressionless before she burst out laughing.
“What’d they say?” Lily asked, getting the younger members back on track.
“Pretty much the same thing as us, honestly. They said that the NCTizens are the better group, and that they love them a lot. Aww,” she cooed. “They also said that they’re looking forward to meeting with management later this week, hoping that means they have releases soon. It was signed by Chenle.”
“Ooh, nice,” Violet mumbled to herself, earning weird looks from her bandmates. “What? I like their music.” She blushed lightly. “It’s catchy, okay?”
“I mean…” Peony muttered. “You’re not wrong.”
“Anyway, don’t we have a meeting with JYP in a few days?” Lily questioned.
“Ooh, yeah,” Hyacinth muttered to herself.
“What if we release stuff on the same day? It would be amazing to give the Thorns a chance kick the NCTizen’s asses.”
“Hey,” Lily responded to her younger member’s comment, “be nice - the NCTizens were nice when there were rumors.”
“Rumors?” Peony asked.
“Yeah, remember when most of our fanbases thought I was dating Jeno?” Lily responded with another question.
“Oh, yeah.”
“I hadn’t seen him in years -- it’s not my fault I jumped on him,” she defended herself.
“I know, I know. The rivalry must really hurt him.”
“Well, since both of us know it’s fake, we still talk sometimes. We just can’t meet up.”
“Guys?” Hyacinth interrupted the pair’s conversation. “Their account tweeted something again.”
“Ooh, what’s up this time?”
“Jeno tweeted the snake emoji with Lily’s signature emoji and the eyes.”
“I’ll text him,” she mumbled, quickly swiping her passcode in. She dropped her phone in shock about half a minute later.
“What is it?” Violet asked, her heart beating fast.
“It says he blocked me.”
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