#bc why should women have to do this too????
femgoddess-hecate · 8 months
Is this what we're heading towards? Marketing to women is already overboard but now this?
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Um?????? You found it weird? That was weird to you? Ok sure whatever. The condoms are ph balanced and the brand is female owned. Congrats. U cared the bsre minimum for women's health. But why on earth is it (in your mind) up to women to take on this also????
Don't women generally bear the brunt of ensuring reproductive health already? Taking bc, getting tested, risk of pregnancy etc etc. Now you wanna market condoms to women too? And you can check out the page, that's 100% what's going on it's not even subtle.
Like girl. Don't let men convince u of this and make a whole BRAND about it. You're not the cool girl for thinking of this and I'm sorry men made you feel that way.
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moomeecore · 9 months
fr they where like. "simon should have made MORE sacrifices and been MORE obsessive about betty. that would have fixed them, i promise" what the fuck even
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yaburnae · 2 months
do you ever think about nesta reading romance books because she grew up knowing that she would never have love since her only job was to be a wife and that never equated to being loved in the world she knew so she could only escape in make believe stories where make believe women were make believe cared for and respected
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curseofdelos · 1 month
I think all female characters should be a little unlikeable. as a treat
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littlehatmouse · 4 months
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wips from valentines day art that i did not plan well and am not finishing tonight
#this is going to be shenjinlan but right now yun jin is BEATING MY ASS WHY IS SHE SO HARD TO DRAW#i think i need to completely chang ethe way i draw noses#dunmeshi has changed the way i draw noses from 3/4 view and i think i should change the way i draw front view too bc everything looks WEIRD#anywayyyyyy i have no idea when im going to finish this#but Hopefully soon!!!!#i can complete projects!!!! just you wait!!!!!!!#also i promise yelan isnt wearing lingerie it will hopefully look better when i color it#wip#i draw shenhe so different every time i draw her but its bc shes buff and i actually dont rlly know how muscles work#so im kind of bullshitting it every time#i should probably. get on learning anatomy and stuff#but idk how to go about that#and idk how to tell my art teacher Can i please learn how to draw muscular women#so i need to do that on my own#which is hard bc idk if ur supposed to study like anatomical muscle charts or muscular people#bc ik knowing every single muscle and bone and stuff is kind of unnecessary#but alsooo its good to know what muscles do what things#bc then i can make certain muscles stronger that would be used more#bc right now shes muscular kind of just. for looks lmfao#but i want to make it Make sense for what she does#like .. what muscles do you need to use a polearm and to lift things#i also Dont work out which would be useful for that information#anyway. shenhe would be buff af in canon if hyv wasnt a pussy#wdym she can lift rocks the size of houses IWHTOUT ANY TYPE OF ADEPTUS ENERGY#like shes just that strong....#heart eyes emoji#shes wearing a skirt btw hejhfejfhjhr#you cant rlly tell because i Refuse to draw legs unless absolutely necessary#but i would like you to know that that Is a skirt#she could do anything to me
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guinevereslancelot · 2 months
most fucked up thing at my new job is there's only zero calorie sweeteners at the coffee station in the break room. three different kinds of zero calorie sweetener but no regular sugar because the assumption is that literally everyone is on a diet?
#is this because its a job dominated by women in particular??? idk#that's so weird#like sorry i can taste the difference and i prefer naturally occurring sugar from nature how is that not even an option#drinking nasty bitter af coffee bc i am So Sleepy but i refuse to use artificial sweeteners#they Do taste different and they're not even good for you im not doing that lol#also they got mad at me for telling one of the parents that we took one of the kids temperature and it was 99 and he threw up a little#when his dad came to get him yesterday and all of the other teachers were nowhere to be found#they were like tou shouldnhave had colleen do that#ma'am colleen went home before that and so did you#i should have left already too but waited bc the ratio on the playground was bad#anyway i did NOT say he had a fever i said it was 99 and to talk to the teacher inside#but the dad didnt yalk to her clearly then went home and scared the mom that he had a fever and threw up so she texted my boss freaking out#i literally just said he threw up a little and we took his temperature and it was 99 and to talk to the other teacher#which was all true and there was no one else there to tell him#anyway#apparently the person who had my job before me was a wacko who scared the parents with fake medical information or something#but that is not my fault and nobody told me that or not to tell the parents anything medical until this morning#ugh#also my supervisor is kind of a weirdo#she wanted to show everyone ~cute~ pictures of animals she has killed while hunting???#and i said i didnt want to see#and she was like ~oh it's not dead yet in the picture~#like okay but its dead now???#she traps them first so its a cute little fox in a trap about to be killed 😭#like wtfff#i know trappong predators is a reality but why take pictures like ohhh so cute then kill it#THEN show everyone the cute pictures like yeah isnt he adorable i killed him btw <3#huh??????#she has a bobcat tail on her keychain too she was giving it to the teachers and kids to pet like ohhh its so soft <3
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sparrowposting · 1 year
I love my Nonna dearly but I also just got my first real "here's how you should find a man" advice so truly 2023 IS my Charlotte Lucas year
To be fair, I'll give them credit, this is one of the first times my family has pulled this shit on me. I suppose my "I'm too busy focusing on school" excuse that I used through all 8 years of undergrad and grad school doesn't really work now that I've been working full-time for a year. And she also didn't bring it up in front of everyone or out of the blue, it came up because we had been discussing how insane my motherhas been about babies lately and my Nonna said "oh it's BC she's waiting for grandkids"
And like??? Just because my mother got married and had kids by my age (which may have been the right decision for her, this isn't judging even if I think her life went to shit bc of it) doesn't mean it's the right decision for ME
In fact, it is the ABSOLUTE WRONG decision for me. Theres a whole long list of reasons why I'm not getting married + or having children, including but not limited to: the trauma of my parents marriage and my childhood, my own ongoing health stuff, the whole religious queer anxiety guilt complex I've got going, the fact that if I were to get pregnant the resulting mental health crisis and dysphoria would undoubtedly make me *** y'know not soemthing that is frequently a source of nightmares for me or anything, my inability to take care of myself let alone CHILDREN, and the anxiety of raising children religious when I don't even know wtf is going on with me, CHILDREN??? IN THIS ECONOMY????
Ofc I can't exactly say any of this to my Nonna who, while incredibly sweet and loving and Good, is also like. Not at all exposed to these concepts and would probably freak out if I was like hello yes I am a big fat queer and I rlly hate the concept of gender and societal ideas of womanhood :) it also doesn't help that rlly the only single, middle aged woman my Nonna knows is this lady who works at the church who is DEFINITELY a badly closeted lesbian but also she's super fuckin mean and condescending and no one likes her BC she's a bitch, on top of the whole being a badly closeted lesbian in a conservative heteronormative religious environment
Like even IF I were to get licitly Catholic married to a man. You wanna find one for me??? My Nonna was like "go to church more to find a man" HELLO??? WHERE??I GO TO MASS EVERY WEEK?? Every religious man I know irl is a radtrad women can't wear pants type or is a manchild. Even if I COULD find a normal man, he'd have to get real cool about some stuff real quick. In that forever dilemma of too leftist queer for the religious and too religious for the leftist queers. (Obvs your partner doesn't have to be your duplicate but I'm like. Generally being on the same page. The same BALLPARK. is probably conducive to having a healthy relationship, y'know?)
Besides a significant part of my having 0 social life is because I am living in my parents basement which is in a shitty not-a-suburb of mostly immigrant families with youngish kids or super old folks from when the neighborhood was built, so it's poor and run down but also super fuckin far from anything To Do, so it's the WORST of both worlds of urban sprawl. And I have no car. And I already spend 2.5 hrs a day commuting for work. And I'm chronically tired. And joining a fencing club or taking art class or whatever costs MONEY y'know the thing I'm trying to SAVE by living in this hell place???? She literally said in the same convo "live here as long as possible to save money" like??? YOU CANT HAVE UR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO as long as I'm living here I'm NOT going out and meeting ppl BC there is literally Nowhere To Go. Big box stores like Walmart? Yet another strip mall? The highway??? THIS IS SOULLESS HELL of neither nature NOR accessible city amenities
And anyway, I would rather be in a long term marriage for tax benefits relationship anyway. Not platonic, not romantic, but a secret third thing (jk but also serious). Like. Mutual devotion that blurs the lines and transcends labels. It could be completely chaste. It could not be. It's not a dealbreaker really. It's about trust and devotion and companionship and love. But also I'm insane and I KNOW how insane and obsessive I sound, and society prioritizes nuclear family relationships and not the weird ass shit I crave, and I feel too much too fast and would ruin any relationship I had even if I WERE to somehow find someone who prioritizes those things too
So like. It's fine. Most days (not all ofc, but I'm trying) I'm okay with this and being on my own and learning to cultivate my own peace and Goodness and I know who I am and what I believe and what I trust to be Good and I'm working toward that and I'm not sacrificing it for anything. But also. Can you give a bitch a break. Please. I'm so fkin tired
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bobmckenzie · 5 months
genuinely makes me sad when people hate on penny from stardew valley 😔 BE NICER 🔫 OR ELSE
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deus-ex-mona · 18 days
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i’m gonna be s o o o o annoying about chuucon come 12 june
#im begging for there to be an online bonus for this bc aauauuauauauauauauauauauaaaaa#the month delay has been b r u t a l i need my high quality yunaisms asap aaaaa#and now. time to think about whether to tl or not to tl it… ahhhh…#on one hand. it has y u n a . i think everyone needs to meet and love yuna. most normal aizo stan ever (lies)#come to think of it why are aizo stans all so aggressive lol there was that one who picked a fight with kobayashi#there was kanami who ‘accidentally’ bumped into aizo during his downtime#and there’s whatever’s going on with chizuutan and yuna lol#aizo stans be normal challenge!!!!!!!#hm. maybe i should just throw some out of context yuna panel tls instead to make everyone (including myself) miserable#bc there’s no wayyyayayayaayayayyyyy im gonna do this alone esp if do i get [insert job im not qualified for]#i dont think hospital workers will have enough time to tl more than one project at a time lol. um.#anyways i’ll try to get this other lxl magazine tl done this weekend and finally!!!!! return to idol sengen after that!!!!!!!!#i wanna barrel through vols 4-5 as fast as i possibly can for ✨asuna-chan✨#hmammamsmmamsmamamma i think asuna and yuna should be mutuals on priv#pov ur online besties with a girl who also cancels her gf on priv just like you do with ur own gf#flashtag womens wrongs flashtag this too is yuri#idk sorry im too tired to be coherent rn thinking is for the w e a k#chizuutan chizpost#…for a chizuutan post this was remarkably not about her huh…#lord i forgot to turn of rbs a g a i n what if i crode
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
i have a very peculiar life where i've often, due to chronic illness and the resulting reclusive tendencies from said illness, just plain not associated with people of my own age on a regular basis for months or years at a time. but when i do go out, i'm, like, not an unattractive or socially unsuccessful person. well i'm not necessarily socially successful but i'm not unattractive. and i'll look back on like a certain period sometimes and realize that i had a lot of people trying to pursue me romantically, and i'm like "hey what happened to that? its been such a long while since anybody asked me out........."
"oh yeah i dont leave the house"
#at my work i am the kid between kids#i am DEFINITELY too young to be considered to strike up a workplace tryst with lol. at least relative to my coworkers#most of my coworkers are women anyway#im one of the only 20-somethings who works in the entire district too.#tales from diana#not necessarily to say that i desire to be asked out in fact im very uncomfortable w it naturally. as an aroace person#who only ever has the pleasure of letting people down.#when i was a teenager though (especially before i realized i was aroace) no one ever asked me out#i felt very undesirable/unnoticed bc of it. in retrospect ppl did find me cute they just didnt talk to me.#i was kind of unapproachable. if i want to be really cruel to my teenage self then i could call her a pariah.#whatever ppl thought of me... nobody talked to me. and i never talked. plain and simple#then i entered the young adult world and it felt like everywhere i went there would be some man i hardly knew#asking me out when he had just learned my name. very strange to me!#im like why should you do that? i realize it's bc these men want a girlfriend#& they see me & i seem pretty & nice enough. theyre just like 'she will do'#no i wont! lol#sometimes i think like 'have i changed? that hasnt happened in quite awhile'#yes that kind of thing has ceased to happen since ive ceased to hang out w new ppl.#in the past year especially ive made more deliberate attempts to extricate myself from various social spheres#and i dont see really anyone socially except for some friends ive had for years.#if one of them were to suddenly express romantic interest in me. well. boy would that shake things up! lol#they know me though. they know i dont love.
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kkujo · 1 year
#seeing weird t //rf takes abt surrogacy is so. 😨 'you can't pay to use a woman's body!!!!' ok first of all that is. Not how it works.#like. obviously in some situations people choose to be a surrogate as a last resort which is absolutely not good#but i really really really hate this black and white mentality these people get where if it's bad sometimes it's labelled Bad#some ppl genuinely choose to be surrogates bc they enjoy the process of pregnancy & helping people achieve their dream of starting a family#'surrogacy should be illegal' do you realise how fucking insane you sound?#forcing women into surrogacy should be illegal sure. but can we like. focus on making a society where women don't feel forced into that.#rather than ruling it out and labelling it bad overall when it's so much more nuanced than that??? it's really really weird?#if a woman knows the risks of pregnancy but genuinely wants to experience it to allow someone else to have a child??#that's? their choice?#the least f*minist thing you can possibly do is say hey actually it shouldn't be allowed for women to do that w their body#like you do realise that sounds fucking crazy right#and then the whole 'they only 'enjoy' it bc they've been conditioned to think that blah blah blah GOD do you HEAR YOURSELF...#why are you acting like all women are immature children incapable of making informed decisions.#in the name of f*minism too like you must realise how patronising it is.#'she THINKS she wants it but no one wants that!!!' or maybe you just don't understand that different ppl feel differently abt stuff.#if YOU don't want to be a surrogate then don't 😭 it's no one's place to tell anyone what they want.#and for those with fertility issues etc etc who can't have their own children biologically it's such an immense kindness & blessing#to have someone willing to carry a child for you. like it's really incredible that people choose to do that#and undermining it by acting like they've been groomed into it by the patriarchy...... hello.#anyway rant over it's just such a weird take and not what i expected to see today#'just adopt' yes adoption is super important and there are so many kids who need homes but. it's also an extremely lengthy process#and rlly difficult sometimes too#& if a couple wants their own biological child that's their choice yk as long as everyone involved is ok w it ur opinion does not matter😭
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"he followed you home through the time vortex!"
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caterpillarcrypt · 2 years
Confession: I kinda like booty shorts…. I think that they’re more comfortable than knee length loose shorts. I like tank tops and crop tops. Like it’s hot out, I want to be comfortable. I am not overly concerned with “modesty” like that.
I wasn’t allowed to dress comfortably in hot weather after I started puberty bc it was “too sexy” for me not to wear baggy, too long, too hot, ill-fitting clothes according to my mother (and the church) even tho I was a literal child, and I wasn’t supposed to “tempt men to sin” or whatever. I grew up with purity culture forced on me and it’s weird to see that kind of thing being praised as feminist now? Same thing with bikinis being seen as bad. I can’t fit most one-piece bathing suits bc I’m too tall. It’s way easier for me to find a bikini that actually fits.
Knee-length shorts are itchy and I have gotten rashes from the hem of those before because it rubs my skin wrong. I used to only be allowed to wear capris and knee length shorts, and it SUCKED. It was so freeing to finally be an adult and be able to buy and wear the clothes that I wanted to wear and that I felt comfortable in, even tho it was seen as “too sexual” or “slutty” for me to have my shoulders showing and wear shorts that didn’t go past my finger tips. Why should I care if it causes a man to sin in his heart or to “stumble”? Why should I care if it makes people think I’m a brain-dead whore? I can’t control other ppl’s thoughts and they’re wrong for thinking it anyway. Nothing inappropriate is even showing. I’m fully clothed, some people just feel like it’s wrong for women to show “too much” skin. I’m not going to wear uncomfortable clothes just so other people are comfortable instead. It’s none of anyone else’s business if I’m wearing a fucking tank top.
Idc that this purity culture shit is coming out of the mouths of women. That doesn’t change anything. It’s still stupid. It’s complete bullshit. Like you wear whatever you want, I’m not going to insist that other women dress how I do. I just want to be left alone about it and I want other women to be left alone about that kind of thing too. It’s like obsessive at this point. Stop defining women by how much skin they are or are not showing jfc.
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soumal · 2 years
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lokigodofaces · 2 years
studying political science means every day i go online and see people spouting off nonsense and people believing them
#liv won't shut up#after roe v wade was overturned i saw quite a bit of stuff everywhere that drove me insane#& not just anti women stuff no there are people that might have good intentions posting stuff that clearly know nothing about scotus#my favorite was when someone (i dont remember if it was here facebook twitter or whatever) said that scotus cant ever overturn overturning#is illegal. & i'm sitting here blown away by that bc i hate to break it to you but 1 of the most important scotus cases in us history#overturned another case. original case was overturned 17 times. totally legal. happened in the 60s. along with that ppl saying that cases#being overturned is always bad and thats why it is/should be illegal. again. do you not know one of the most important scotus cases in us#history? the cases i mentioned earlier were plessy v ferguson & brown v board. plessy v ferguson legalized segregation in schools. thats#where 'separate but equal' came from. set the precedent for segregation in other public places. reaffirmed 17 times. brown v board overturn#ed it banning segregation in public schools. & you want to tell me overturning a decision is always bad?#just. if this was a not so important case from 1821 that no one really knew about whatever then. but brown v board is 1 of the most well#known cases in us history. how are there people that dont know the history behind it?#'overturning should be illegal' okay guess we're going back to segregation then#& thats just one example. i'm sure there have been lots of other cases overturning stuff that arent as well known as brown v board that#have been good but it's too late/early for me to look into that for now
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kuiinncedes · 5 months
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