#known cases in us history. how are there people that dont know the history behind it?
question coming from also a third world supremacist (i think?) figuring out political ideology: how did you form yours?? i think i remember you saying you used to go off of empathy before forming a more solid worldview and i'd wanna know how to start that. apologies if i'm completely off base and you didn't say that in that case it's just nice to follow someone who's not from a first world country thank you for that
sorry this is quite meandering. i dont have a clear cut answer of a specific turning point, its just been a journey of learning ive been on as ive come of age. as for how to go about doing it yourself, id say to stay curious, but also stay skeptical. learn about the patterns that repeat in history- the way outsiders are blamed for problems, the way the world tends towards complicated answers, the fact that things are more often implicit than intentional- and be wary of them when you are confronted with an answer. remember that 'common sense' is not an edict passed on by god, its the culmination of a lot of decisions, some made with ulterior moments, so interrogate who benefits from you believing certain things that 'everyone knows'. and try to get some bearing on the theory behind certain philosophies and modes of thought. it could be a video essay, if you just need to get your foot in the door. my mentor is wary of documentaries and video essays because he thinks they can lie to you easily, but a book can do that too, especially if you think it cant! still, the audiovisual language is very easy to take at face value, and its more difficult to assess the legitimacy of a youtube video or documentary than it is with a book thats been cited by other authors a lot.
anyway, my own journey. i did in fact say my ideology is founded on empathy first and foremost. i was already pretty left leaning (but without a framework, just very 'live and let live') at that point but one of my teachers in secondary school (who ive known since my sister went to that same secondary school over 10 years prior) (hes the guy i call math dad occasionally) used the times allotted for christian education and christian family life education which were basically free periods during which were supervised by our homeroom teachers (though its not really supposed to be that) to teach the basics of anarchist philosophy (like what can or should be considered violence) to our class, and i was really engaged in that framework. there were only two people in the class who were interested in that myself included so he eventually stopped but hes always been something of a guide to my beliefs, and this introduced me to anarchism as a philosophy.
i have to say what radicalized me beyond just my love of my fellow human was curiosity. i wanted to know why the caribbean is poor. i wanted to know why certain people are mistreated. i wanted to understand racism. and it was a gradual process for me but eventually i learned that pretty much all real bigotries are systemic, but i didnt fully understand why those systems were in place until i started to understand the 'flaws' inherent to capitalism, or rather, the way its supposed to work. all these systemic injustices are in service of capitalism.
i was still quite imperial centric until fairly recently in my life though, id say like the past 5-7 years ive become more and more critical of modern empire and more disillusioned with its manifestation worldwide and as you might imagine especially in the caribbean. i hate tourism now, while it tends to be something both major parties invest in to some degree (its the liberal position). while im a little less superficially patriotic than the average st lucian, im very invested in our politics, though i find it difficult to navigate as a lay person for a myriad of reasons that frustrate me. as much as i have opinions on politics and policy, im not an economist or political scientist or commentator and have auditory processing issues that make it just hard enough to sit and watch parliamentary debates and things like that that i dont.
i would be remiss if i didnt shoutout the tumblr community for also informing my politics. ive been introduced to all sorts of people and all sorts of problems and all sorts of ideas by being on this website for as long as i have, and listening and learning and looking into things myself.
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di-greglestrade · 7 months
john sent me his chat with you out of character (where you and him are out of character i mean) and i sent you screenshots as proof dont show it
just letting you know he's talking about you and idk of he's proud? bc he like harasses u until u say stop even though you said you were uncomfortable already. fucking weird.
I don't think it was terribly rude of him to keep messaging until I said stop, I felt I was more saying,"No more after this." Rather "Please stop you are harassing me."
But when he takes those screenshots and sends them to others, that is reaching into the realm of harassment. (Speaking about me like that, claiming I would.)I'm not sure how he thinks I am the bad guy when I want to start moving on, most of this is me reacting to them continually doing injustice to me. No matter, though. I was mostly resting, and doing other real life or internet hobbies.
That's something I want to remind everyone of, please don't get surrounded by drama or other situations, especially ones easily walk away from! I have a family, career, hobbies, a whole life. I know not everyone has more rounded lives, or use the internet to escape. In such cases, remember other websites exist, other friends. (If you're only watching the drama, it's easier too. Enjoy 😭)
Make sure you step back, even metaphorically, when things become too much.
I didn't know speaking out would cause such reactions/harassment, and I certainly didn't think those not speaking out would have to entertain the same harassment. (I am not saying John harassed Blurry, but the way John involves people who don't want to or have not wanted to speak out. Not to mention whatever John/Mycroft are doing to Sherlock, who also hasn't said anything.)
Please remember also in the sharing of screenshots, if personal information is revealed - regardless who is sharing it - remember if it is information they would normally not want to be exposed, to ignore it. Regardless who it is, me, Sherlock, John themselves, it is private conversations with private personal information.
It doesn't matter what is revealed but we must respect it as personal and not reference it, but the matter personal and private information is being shown and that is inappropriate.
Also remember anything you say online, even if it is in a private message, is public information now. It's up to us to respect it as private, and not share it, but when you say it know it is "out there" now. So to be cautious, do not reveal what you don't want known online.
These characters, while often friendly, are not your personal friends. There are mods, real people, behind these characters and they are not your friends. These mods who are projecting through their characters, while normally fine with smaller details, is inappropriate to use them to harass others. It is a power imbalance. They are not your friends. Be careful of telling them information of yourself.
Keep the discussion mature, and please wish no bad on the mods behind the characters or use personal information learned against them.
His actions show me I was correct and I should not have spoken to him. I was uncomfortable, who knows what I could have shared? Thinking he wants to discuss it, only to screenshot and share? I'm not sure his motivation for it yet. 🤷🏽‍♀️ (Or messaging Blurry when they had very little history talking, just to involve him heavily like that.)
Keep spirits high, hope for the best. Thank you, take care.
One last note on this post. Screenshots are fine in my opinion to show, if the intention behind them is pure. I just posted some to show they were in character. That was my point. That is what I proved. Once Mycroft started messaging me out of character, I have not shown them. When Harry and John messaged me out of character, I have not shown them. Even though Harry and I disagreed, and even though I requested John to leave me alone. I shared nothing.
Unless there is some threat, I suppose, I wouldn't have anything to show. But one thing is for sure, personal/private information is different from showing somebody playing a character.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hey its anon here who said solomon would kill us, i dont hate him, i just dont trust him,
Solomon has 72 pact demons who may or may not abuse these..he is powerful and strong, and could kill MC if we were the enemy....we dont know enough about his magic to assume he can probably change time... but he is a human... who is old and wise, however, everyone in the game is a danger to us whether intentionally or unintentionly.
Solomon is the most known prophet and king... he employes princes of hell, and demons, he may or may not have spoke to God. However MC can side with Solomon and Solomon may love us, and they can work together...
So basically MC will have to trust themselves and their gut before trusting others.
So yeah... trust and communication is the relationship between MC and solomon...One of those breaks Solomon or MC ..
Oh, anon, thank you for elaborating!
I think I was correct in my original interpretation of your ask, but then I remembered that there are a lot of people who don't like Solomon as a character. So I was questioning it lol. I can't always tell when it's a short ask like that.
Anyway, it's certainly valid that you don't trust him. We know for a fact he isn't telling MC everything he knows, considering the conversation he had with Nightbringer in 10-A. However, we have zero evidence that this is actually a bad thing. It's possible that Solomon is keeping some secrets because he as to, that he's doing it to protect MC the best he can. It's also possible that this is not the case and that he's got some ulterior motives of some kind.
But if we consider only what we've seen in the game already, which is that Solomon has always been there to help and protect, to support and to teach MC, then I think MC can trust him.
Assuming that each season is equal to one year, MC has known Solomon for four years by the time Nightbringer happens. And the third year involved spending a lot of time with him learning magic. I can't imagine that MC wouldn't be able to trust him at this point.
From a storytelling standpoint, it just doesn't make sense for Solomon to be doing anything incredibly deceitful behind MC's back. This is part of why I have the two Solomons theory. Because it doesn't make sense for the Solomon we know to hurt MC, no matter how he feels about humanity and so on. If he's keeping secrets, it's far more likely to be because he thinks it will help MC or because he promised someone else he would keep the secret.
Solomon is indeed a powerful sorcerer. They've said it in the game multiple times, that he's the most powerful human in all of history and so on. But we've never really seen him use that power for anything other than stuff like messing with his cooking and researching magical spells and what not. I would say his biggest transgression when it comes to deliberately using his power was the time he used his pact with Barbatos to force him to create a portal that would take them out of the labyrinth. We also know that he tried to fight the whole Devildom, but that was many many years ago.
OOF okay I'm getting really rambly here. I could easily write quite a bit more about Solomon, but let us not go there. My point here is that there is no evidence that Solomon would ever kill MC. I don't think that would happen in the current story.
And you know if you want to find a character who has actually threatened MC, Lucifer is right there. (And I don't think I need to bring up Belphie again...)
Anything is possible, of course. I could be completely off, but I guess we'll see how it ends up!
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weird ascension of darius the great
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have u ever heard of Darius the great. i  mean people who are passionate in middle east’s history might or probably do know about this king since he was the first Persian ruler who actually unified the what is now known as persian empire and under his rule it went onto great heights. he kinda reminds me of Julius creaser since their story is pretty much the same :- great majestic prime then died tragically.
anyways back to the topic, what really makes me laugh about his case is not his empire and his rule but the hilarious chain of events that led to him becoming king.
never heard about this...buckle up since this is going to be a hell of a ride.
the story starts with Cyrus the great
yes that Cyrus the first to ever write a human rights tablet. great ruler. salute to this man. he was actually a distant relative of Darius.
one day he dreamed of Darius with wings behind his back one wing shadowing Europe the other Asia. Cyrus fearing that Darius might be plotting against him send him away. though Cyrus's story ends tragically i dont really feel bad for him. he died at the hands of queen Tamarius. badass lady seriously dont mess with her as Cyrus learned the hard way. she cut off Cyrus's head after he killed her son and dipped his head in the pool of his own blood. i think the exact words she said were i always keep my word and    "Drink your fill of blood!. Badasssss i say with a capital B. well she had aright to be angry since Cyrus got her son slaughtered.
SO after Cyrus death, as the custom dictates his eldest son should inherit the throne the problem was Cyrus had 2 sons Cambyses and smerdis.
while Cambyses was the elder one he was also a short tempered spoiled  and paranoid man who had a habit of going into fits of rage and doing things he later regretted. in my opinion he was also an idiot.
there is actually a story of how when a close comrade of him told hm that he drank too much. and he was like ,”ok if i drank too much then i wouldn't be good at shooting a bow and then he had the comrade’s son stand against the wall and used him as a target board. he said that if he drank too much then he will PROBABLY miss the shot and then proceeded to shoot the comrades son in the heart IN FRONT OF THE COMRADE.
WHAT.    A.     DICK.
kinda like Joffrey from got.
smerdis was....
his brother?? he is not the focus here and is irrelevant.
ANYWAYS, he also had a weird mind considering he sometimes had very crazy plans that always ended in disaster.
case in point in his new years of crowning himself  he had this awesome (not) plan of invading Egypt by basically sending his army through Sahara desert. SENDING AN ARMY THROUGH SAHARA DESERT!!!! l
even today i think people have not fully travelled through Sahara desert through foot or on horses and camels imagine in that time.
understandably this ended in disaster as i think we still haven't found the lost army of king Cambyses as people have named this mystery.
though he did end up conquering Egypt during the reign of pharaoh phastmik 2?? i think the name is. but the first attempt and its consequence still remain a mystery. (probably)
So when he visited Egypt he took his brother with him because he had a dream of smerdis on a throne and his form  big enough to touch the heaven.
(i swear this family has weird dreams).
this nightmare made him fear that smerdis will usurp him in his absence so he ordered smerdis to come with him. now the most logical decision in these circumstances would be to go yourself and in order as to not have a power vacuum in your empire u leave a close family member to rule temporarily. but what this idiot dd? he took his brother with him and put a magician aka a complete stranger to rule in his absence.
i.  am. done.   with.   this.   guy.
soon his paranoia reached its limit and he had his brother assassinated.  througha trusted confidant of his - perxasspes. after the deed was done prexasspes returned to egypt to give his master the good news.
also fun fact i dont know where this comes in the story but the guy who assassinated smerdis, perxasspes his name was i think, his son was actually killed by Cambyses.
when Cambyses was to return to his Syria after a successful conquest of Egypt he received very surprising news considering the circumstances - in his absence his throne has been taken by..... SMERDIS?? yeah smerdis.
or is it??
continue if u want this mystery solved. HEHEHEH......MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Cambyses at first was confused by this recent development until someone reminded him that this must be a power grab by an opportunistic usurper.
i. am. honestly. loving.  this.  whole.  situation.  really. so.  far.
in his haste to reach his kingdom Cambyses accidentally  stabbed his thigh with his sword  while mounting his horse and died in Egypt. BUT BEFORE DYING HE INSTRUCTED HIS NOBLEMEN TO SEIZE HIS THRONE FROM THIS SMERDIS...
since he had no heirs the power vacuum that was created and the fuckup events following it are finally here so lets get STARTTTTEDDDD!!!!
the problem the Cambyses men faced was that this smerdis was an extremely popular king and majority of the population believed him to be real son of cyrus. yes this is fake smerdis. i really suck at keeping suspense *sigh*.
perxasspes the one who killed the real smerdis could have resolved this confusion but he kept his mouth shut most likely to keep himself innocent because no one is going to leave u alone if u admit that u killed a prince on his brothers orders. most likely this would have created a scandal. or because perxasses was sadist who enjoyed peoples suffering.
the smerdis on throne also kept himself in seclusion whenever possible and surrounded himself with people who never met the real smerdis so as to further protect his identity.
enter one nobleman named otanes, otanes had a sneaking suspicion as to who this imposter was. years ago during cyrus’s reign a man had his ears cut off. otanes believed that this man could be the imposter. but to find out if this was true was very difficult since the imposter king always had a turban on which hid his ears and thus he could not confirm if he had ears or lack there of. so otanes had his daughter who was part of imposter kings harem sneak up on him  while he was asleep and and check if he had ears.
it gets worse btw.
turns out i the magician who was tasked to keep an eye on the empire had a brother whose name was smerdis and he  in the absence of cambyses and smerdis crowned his brother king. its awesome timing since the real smerdis had just been secretly murdered.
otanes now gathered a bunch of men to overthrow the false king and one of them happened to beeee.........
DARIUS!!!! our man is finally here.
it seems that darius had pieced the plot together himself and came to assist the noblemen in their rebellion.
meanwhile the fake smerdis and the magician were getting nervous because the rumors of their scheme were spreading and so to get control of their situation they enveloped perxasspes in their scheme to make a public formal announcement that the false smerdis is the real smerdis and that the real smerdis had not been killed but the weight of his lies and betrayals finally began to crumble upon the assassin. he decided that he will no longer follow the line filled with betrayals and falsehoods. he climbed on a tall building and openly denounced the false king and confessed in front of the astonished crowd that the smerdis sitting on the throne is indeed an imposter. he urged to those who were listening to him to rise up and destroy the false king and restore the true persian royal family line. then in a dramatic exit he jumped and fell to his death. he must have realized he was fucked any way so death seems like a better alternative.
back to otanes and his men, after storming the royal palace and killing the imposter and his magic bro. the noblemen took to the streets and explained the evil plot to their people and urged people to cut down any magi they see. by morning, almost every magi was slaughtered.
the people seem easily impressionable tbh.
after their successful rebellion the noblemen had to decide who will rule them. in order to decide who will be king they determined that they will mount their horse  and whoevers neighs first on the sunrise will be the king.
well at least there wasnt another war. that is a very effective yet childish way to do it.
according to one version of the story darius turned to his horse master obareus  for help who proceeded to help his master by rubbing his hand on one of darius horse’s favourite mare’s vulva and then just before sunrise bought it close to darius’s horse nose which caused the horse to immediately snort and whinny.
ughhhhh so disgusting!!!
and thats how my friends darius the great became the ruler of persian empire after a chain of hilarious clusterfuck of events.
well his intelligent reflects from his actions. piecing together a conspiracy theory from abroad which turned out to be accurate is pretty sherlock holmes stuff.
darius my pal hope u are proud of yourself. u really left a mark on history and ur legacy.
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bunbunpawz · 2 years
Ignorance is bliss
Have you ever had this thoguht, that maybe you’re inside of a dream, a simulation or some other kind of fake reality and that the real you is sleeping somehwere in the real world out there? Isn’t it weird how this thought has popped into peoples mind throughout modern history. I had this thought when I was younger, before I watched or even known about the matrix. It was a theme that kept being talked about as I was growing up, it was mentioned so casually in talk shows and on tv, as if its almost a given that at some point you’ll question your reality and the existance of this world. But do you think this was always the case? You think people in the biblical era, also qustioned their reality?  I think they lived their life in ignorant bliss, they had to focus on survival and life rather than what is beyond what they see or understand. Sure some of the smarter people were seeking out the truths of the universe and advancing in all kinds of fields like psychology and science. But those that were not so smart, what do you think they did? How do you think they felt while living each day as it came? I think they were the more lucky ones. You remember being a child? and being connected to the world and yourself. You knew what mattered the most. If not to the world then at least to yourself. If someone cried, you wouldn’t consider them weak, or scoff at them. You wouldn’t even hold back yourself and start crying along side with them, because you understood that what was important at that moment is the pain this other person felt. You weren’t taught yet, how to understand the pain people feel, that a heartbreak exists, that there are often reasons behind peoples pain. You weren’t taught yet to hold back your sympathetic feelings towards their pain. And you weren’t taught yet that they must hold their own emotions hostage to face the public. All you knew is that this person is in pain, and it made you feel bad. You were connected to your most primal and instincutal feelings. As a child the world was new to you, everything was amazing and exciting, everything was a first time, colors were amazing, experiences were stronger. And you felt alive. The world has not worn you out yet. And you understood the beauty of where you are, and how life really works. Those that mattered to you, mattered to you. Those that didn’t didnt exist. Your love, compassion and understanding of the world was at the purest form it could ever be. Before everyone tried to erase that off you and confirm you down to a life that is expected. Hard works is a must, but it was more meaningful years and decades ago.  Advancing technology and new information day by day is forcing us to focus on more information and knowledge than on actually connecting to the world we live in. “Stop and smell the roses” is a sentence I took to heart as a kid. I would walk slowly and try to take in the scenery of being alive. The flowers, the world. But this made me too slow in comparison to everyone else. And the world is moving too fast for me to stop and see those roses, let alone smell them.  Everything is shamed, being human feels wrong. Too slow, Too fast, know too much, know too little. Dont play with those , dont use that, stop doing this, just do that.  Social media. Put your life into a phone, put your pictures into your value of self. “I dont know how to live without my smartphone” generation. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is sad that we are forgetting how to live as people and are living as the influencers inside the machines we have built. Do you remember how to connect to yourself and the world? I forgot. I don’t particularly use social media. I don’t have followers, I don’t use mainstream social media. Even this Tumblr Account is pretty much new to me, I couldn’t figure it out I just use it to vent out some thoughts. I don’t know how to live dependent on social media.  I see other people, they do their tiktoks, make videos, pictures and they keep up with those followers and trends. And it’s all just so confusing. I am of the same young generation, alot of famous influencers are my age. And yet I can’t seem to figure it out. I still seek validation and love from the people around me. But I don’t even know how to connect to them if its not through a text on chatting app. Was there really a time we had to come over to someones home to talk to them? Were you accepted by them into their house? Welcomed into their life? My dreams. They feel so real. I feel connected to the world and the universe, and I feel like I’m on solid ground. Not every dream but the dreams I get to dream when undisturbed. The world makes so much sense inside my little inner world. I lucid dream often. I know I’m dreaming, because I feel human. I feel like my emotions matter, the world is more understandable and reasonble. And people are people. I dont need to figure out people, I just need to accpet their being in my life and how I feel towards them. But in my waking life. I feel like I’m walking on a meaningless cloud of confusion. Like nothing is real, nothing is there. I don’t understand anything and how to be a person. How do people just do things? Just wake up and live. How?
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lokigodofaces · 2 years
studying political science means every day i go online and see people spouting off nonsense and people believing them
#liv won't shut up#after roe v wade was overturned i saw quite a bit of stuff everywhere that drove me insane#& not just anti women stuff no there are people that might have good intentions posting stuff that clearly know nothing about scotus#my favorite was when someone (i dont remember if it was here facebook twitter or whatever) said that scotus cant ever overturn overturning#is illegal. & i'm sitting here blown away by that bc i hate to break it to you but 1 of the most important scotus cases in us history#overturned another case. original case was overturned 17 times. totally legal. happened in the 60s. along with that ppl saying that cases#being overturned is always bad and thats why it is/should be illegal. again. do you not know one of the most important scotus cases in us#history? the cases i mentioned earlier were plessy v ferguson & brown v board. plessy v ferguson legalized segregation in schools. thats#where 'separate but equal' came from. set the precedent for segregation in other public places. reaffirmed 17 times. brown v board overturn#ed it banning segregation in public schools. & you want to tell me overturning a decision is always bad?#just. if this was a not so important case from 1821 that no one really knew about whatever then. but brown v board is 1 of the most well#known cases in us history. how are there people that dont know the history behind it?#'overturning should be illegal' okay guess we're going back to segregation then#& thats just one example. i'm sure there have been lots of other cases overturning stuff that arent as well known as brown v board that#have been good but it's too late/early for me to look into that for now
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vincememes · 3 years
banana fish starters
WARNINGS: IMPLIED SA, VIOLENCE MENT, DRUGS MENT spoiler warning .    to make it less long, the rest is under a cut.
feel free to adjust pronouns / names as needed !
❛   even if i did know something, what good would it do?  ❜  
❛   even a stupid street punk like me knows that  ❜  
❛   i envy you … being able to jump like that.  ❜  
❛   what could be more relaxing than three days away from these guys?  ❜  
❛   i wish i could hate you. i need someone to hate.  ❜  
❛   someone is dead. not that you’d give a damn one way or the other.  ❜  
❛   treating him like you’re giving the pope a bath isn’t going to help.  ❜  
❛   aren’t there any decent parents in this world?  ❜  
❛   that guy always regarded me as a human being with a real heart, not some sort of tool.  ❜  
❛   this little act of charity, you’re going to regret this.  ❜  
❛   i tried to forget.  ❜  
❛   stay with me... i won’t ask "forever". just for now.  ❜  
❛   well, i already know you’re a sick man.  ❜  
❛   ready to lose your life over a pizza?  ❜  
❛   my name... has become the signal for a massacre.  ❜  
❛   what on earth... have i become?  ❜  
❛   what do you think i am...? i’m a murderer... okay?  ❜  
❛   i told you before. i kill people.  ❜
❛   they paid the price for their decisions— that’s all.  ❜  
❛   what the hell do you know?!  ❜  
❛   let‘s say i am ‘exceptional’. the problem is, i never, ever, my whole life wanted to be.  ❜  
❛   you said i am not like ordinary people.  ❜  
❛   there’ve been countless times in my life when i thought i’d be better off dead.  ❜  
❛   that nothing could be worse than what was happening to me right then.  ❜  
❛   at times like that...death looks sweet and peaceful, and unbearably enticing.  ❜  
❛   war is always good business for those in power.  ❜  
❛   sorry to destroy your youthful innocence.  ❜  
❛   you have any idea what those guys made us do?  ❜  
❛   don’t tell me you still believe the pen is mightier than the sword.  ❜  
❛   if you ask me, the white house can go screw itself.  ❜  
❛   i wonder if i’m dying somewhere.  ❜  
❛   i wasn’t expecting the law to protect me.  ❜  
❛   i’ve ignored it all my life... i sure as hell don’t plan on hiding behind it now.  ❜  
❛   just keep them away from me— please!  ❜
❛   this town’s my backyard, remember?  ❜  
❛   sunrise and sunset are about the only times this junkyard of a city looks good.  ❜  
❛   even if i said no, you wouldn’t go back anyway.  ❜  
❛   if you went home i’d probably worry if something happened to you.  ❜  
❛   so it’s better you’re right here, where i can keep an eye on you  ❜  
❛   some people never change.  ❜  
❛   vulture got together with the viper. you make a great pair.  ❜  
❛   why now after all this time— does it have to be you, of all people...?  ❜  
❛   i don’t stand a chance. i’m dust against him.  ❜  
❛   over my dead body. if anybody hurts you... it’ll be over my dead body—  ❜  
❛   i don’t care who it is. i am not letting anybody hurt you.  ❜  
❛   do i scare you?  ❜  
❛   dont give me your stupid advice.  ❜  
❛   i’m happy, goddammit!    ❜  
❛   i know there’s at least one person in this world who cares about me. who doesn’t want anything from me.  ❜  
❛   do you have any idea what that’s like? i never did... not once in my entire life—until now.  ❜  
❛   and that’s worth more to me than anything else.  ❜  
❛   go back home! don’t look at me!  ❜  
❛   i don’t want you seeing me like this!  ❜  
❛   my hands are dirty with other people's blood.  ❜  
❛   i don't even know how many people i've killed.  ❜  
❛   i'm bad news.  ❜  
❛   i wish i could’ve been like you.  ❜  
❛   it’s just that… i always picture the worst-case scenario, that’s all.  ❜  
❛   guess it’s because i’m a coward.  ❜  
❛   i just can’t relax. it’s turned into a habit.  ❜  
❛   i was so scared i couldn’t speak, i couldn’t cry, and i screamed in my head, but... nothing came out.   ❜
❛   if i ever lose you too... i'll go crazy.  ❜  
❛   come back safely. i'll be waiting for you, forever.  ❜  
❛   if you feel responsible, the same goes for me.  ❜  
❛  my words might not mean anything now, but just remember one thing.  ❜  
❛   even if the world turns on you, i'll always be on your side.  ❜  
❛   humans can change their destiny.  ❜  
❛   if i'm going to die anyways, at least i'll die trying!  ❜  
❛   don't apologize. that's something for people like me to do.  ❜  
❛   i'd do anything for you.  ❜  
❛   i know we'll meet again, no matter how far apart we are.  ❜  
❛   you're the greatest friend i'll ever have.  ❜  
❛   you're not alone. i'm by your side. my soul is always with you.  ❜  
❛   you asked me over and over if you scared me. but i never feared you. not once.  ❜  
❛   i'm really glad i came here.  ❜  
❛   i met lots of people. and more than anything, i met you.  ❜  
❛   that’s when i decided. i would always believe in you, no matter what.  ❜  
❛   no matter what happened, he would always have at least one person...  ❜
❛   i am very worried because i haven’t seen you and i don’t know if you are okay.  ❜  
❛   but so what? we are friends. isn’t that enough? what else do we need?  ❜  
❛   actually, i always felt that you are hurt, much more than me - that your spirit is wounded.  ❜  
❛   i know you are much smarter than me, and bigger, and stronger - but even so.. i always wanted to protect you.  ❜  
❛   but what did i want to protect you from?  ❜  
❛    i think i wanted to protect you from your future.  ❜  
❛   because your fate was sweeping you away, like a flood.  ❜  
❛   but i’m not saying “goodbye” to you... because this isn’t goodbye.  ❜
❛   are you going off on your own again?  ❜
❛   somewhere far away.. without a word?  ❜
❛   i want to see you. i wish i was with you right now.  ❜ 
❛   a bloody history is inevitable when you are the one ruling.  ❜  
❛   what's wrong? you hated him, right? guess what? so do i.  ❜  
❛   no need to glare. i won't eat you up.  ❜  
❛   there's nothing you can do to help.  ❜  
❛   and what can you do to help?  ❜  
❛   you really irritate me.  ❜  
❛   you make people want to protect you or make them want to tear you apart and crush you.  ❜  
❛   so, what to do with you now.  ❜  
❛   i heard you tried to escape again. you have some spunk.  ❜  
❛   we have hired him, his target is your friend.  ❜  
❛   i have other things for you to do for me.  ❜  
❛   we still have two more scorpions.  ❜  
❛   i am a monster, too.  ❜  
❛   i'm not hearing any good news.  ❜  
❛   you become all tame when you’re around them.  ❜  
❛   you’ve degraded from a lone lynx to a content pet cat.  ❜  
❛   depending on your answer, i may not forgive you.  ❜
OTHER CHARACTERS (shorter, max, sing, shunichi, etc.)
❛   his face when he laughed was cute, and childlike, and totally angelic.  ❜  
❛   it's my problem too! if you go alone, you'll just be killed.  ❜  
❛   you'll die for nothing!  ❜  
❛   i won't let you go alone.  ❜  
❛   i'm sorry, but believe me when i say this: i'll die before i let them lay a finger on you.  ❜  
❛   i can't anymore. set me free. i'm in so much pain.  ❜
 ❛   we need to stay apart so at least one of us survives  ❜   
❛   if the former boss gets hit then it's the duty of the new boss to make the drop.  ❜   
❛   if we don't fight back now, we'll forever be expendable tools. ❜  
❛   you asked me to look after them.  ❜  
❛   yes, honey.    ❜  
❛   that’s for you to decide for yourself..  ❜  
❛   what’s wrong? you can’t punch me from that far back.  ❜  
❛   this will be the last time i give you a word of advice.  ❜  
❛   time is an ironic thing. for us, it means to age. but for people like him, it means to grow.  ❜  
❛   i love all women. they're beautiful and strong. like life itself.  ❜  
❛   it would only be making another one of us. ❜  
❛   one more wretched being, unloved and unloving, whose only sustenance is hatred and nihilism.  ❜  
❛   don’t fight your memories, cuz you’re never going to win.  ❜  
❛   i guess home isn’t something you want to remember if you ran away from it.  ❜  
❛   in one second i knew he could read everything on my mind.  ❜  
❛   i wondered when this boy had started to watch out for his soul, then i knew how much he had suffered.  ❜  
❛   you are the most beautiful and the most dangerous, of all the beasts i have ever known.  ❜  
❛   rather than hate and be triumphant, you chose to love and be destroyed.  ❜  
❛   i staked my life on that choice. please try to accept it.  ❜  
❛   one who does not love cannot be loved, either.  ❜  
❛   you at the very least knows what it is to love.  ❜  
❛   how can you expect someone who suffered so much to have any respect for authority? ❜  
❛   fine line between offender and victim it’s hard to know where to draw it.  ❜  
❛   there’s something about you that i just can’t hate.  ❜  
❛   'cause you’re hurt your soul’s bleeding-even now.  ❜  
❛   you’re just like me that way.  ❜
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Ekphrasis in The Danton Case, Thermidor, and their adaptations
Ekphrasis is invoking a piece of visual media into a literary piece. It can be done for a variety of reasons, from entirely pragmatic (mostly grounding the literature in reality - if the invoked piece is a real piece of art, one you could find in a museum, for example) or more poetic (drawing some symbolic meaning between the piece of art and the idea behind the text).
In Przybyszewska's plays ekphrasis is nonexistent, at least on the foreground. I don't recall any clearly established visual, given to the readers by the original author. It's not weird in any way - how many pieces of medai do you recall which refrain from its sophisticated and additional piece of subtext and iformation? Hundreds, probably. The only other artistic thing that she has weaved into her plays is La Marseillaise, which is invoked twice in The Danton Case. There are also three book references to Othello, Orlando furioso and this one book Robespierre summarizes to Saint-Just when he's talking about hatred (but of which I have no idea if it's a real one - it probably is - or not). Other than that - nothing, plus the books count only a little, forekpfrasis should be, as I said, visual in nature.
Of course, the historical aspect of her works is what grounds them in our reality, and so cleverly, too (seeing as they're not really historical plays in any way or form, but manage to fool most anybody). And thanks to her extensive stage directions, we have no need of any additional element helping us visualize the scenes, for she does it perfectly enough on her own.
However, seein as these are plays calls for a mirror ekpfrastic effect and thus theatrical and cinematographical adapations are born. And they, on the other hand, have a potential to be filled to the brim with visual refernces. Here I would like to have a look at a few, which are taken from one of the most well known staging and the famous Wajda movie (plus some). In no particular order, there goes:
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This is the very first scene of a controversial theatre adaptation of The Danton Case. Instead on portraying Robespierre as a firm leader, who only in the very end collapsed temporarily under the huge responsibility he now had to bear, the director decided to portray him as someone physically weak, not in the sense Danton meant when he called him a weakling, but in the sense of somebody who already bears so much responsibility, pain, physical ailments, doubts and whatnot. Just: everything, everythin a human could possible deal with, he deals with, and has to do so in a way that doesn't make people suspiscious about his "shortcomings". There is a interesting parallel between him and Saint-Just, whose upright and unbreakeable character is symbolised by a neck braces, something which people wear after a spine endangering accidents - and incidentally, wasn't it Saint-Just who accused Robespierre of "breaking his spine"? But not in this adaptation, oh no - here their very last scene is cut extremely short and they recite the last few sentences along with some Thermidor lines as two floating heads, a vision into the future which awaits them.
Enough about Saint-Just, though, let's focus on Robespierre and Marat. I must admit I know next to nothing about him, only what some passage here and there in this or that historical study might tell me, but I know, as does everybody, that he was known as L'ami du Peuple, which is why of the reasons, I think, why the director took this image and transposed it onto Robespierre: to make him even more likeable, to show for the umpteenth time that it is Robespierre whom we should cheer on and whom we should feel sorry for. This might also be a parallel between their both's tarnished health, their premature deaths and - last but not least - the role of an icon of the Rvolution both of them play in nowadays' audience's minds. You don't have to study history to knowwho Robespierre was, you don't have to study art to know this painting. Even if you don't agree with some more in-depth explanation of linking this person to this painting, it is a good opening image. It captures our attention in a good way.
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I had mention Saint-Just and there he is, in the background of the picture, symbolically assisting Danton and his clique in their last moments. Instead of shwoign them in torn shirts, the director went into another direction altogether and enshrouded them in white sheets from heads to toes, making them all look like very stereotypical ghosts, whom they will all become in just a couple of moments.
In Polish culture, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about ghosts is Dziady, an old slavic tradition that is now replaced with the Catholic All Souls Eve. Dziady is no longer, apart from perhaps some small minorities who still practice old pagan faiths, but as a ritual, they are immortalised in a play by Adam Mickiewicz, undoubtedly the greatest Polish poet ever. Everybody know this play, some scens - by heart, and they were and are being staged pretty much constantly from one point on. Needless to say, they inspire a lot of art, and I decided to show this very fmous poster by the most famous Polish poster designer, Franciszek Starowieyski…
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…who is important in this case, because he played David in Wajda's movie.
Not many people know - because his other carreer overshadowed by a lot his first one - that Wajda was a painter. Who actually hated his art, some of his pieces are in the national museum of contemporary art in Łódź alongside stars such as Władysław Strzemiński (the hero of Wajda's very last movie), which is a fact he absolutely detested. I dont know, nor do I care, why was that, because what matters is his previous education as an artist at the very least helped him not only to envision the visuals of the movie, but also acquainted him with great works of art. On which he could model this or that setup. I think it's a nice little detail he catsed Starowieyski as David, a real painter acting as another real painter, it adds a layer of reality onto the movie, and presumably makes for a more natural acting in the few scenes he was in his studio (I also think they look alike).
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Speaking of David's studio, I once stumbled upon a lecture which drew parallels between some scenes in the movie and some paitings, which was mostly focused on character and costume design, and truth be told didn't contribute much to the overall watching experience of Danton. However, I must admit the lecturer had a very good eye in this one particular case, in which he pointed out that this quick shot in David's studio pretty obviously invokes the Fussli's The Artist's Despair Before The Grandeur Of Ancient Ruins. I don't think it's a coincidence (or at the very least, would be funny if it were) this shot is shown during the scene where Robespierre starts to grasp at desperate measures to save the country/save his own face in the trial. It is an artist's despair, only artist of a different kind. And it is a despair when being faced with a (possible) ruin of something great, even if its greatness is not yet formed, as opposed to the greatness passed.
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The very last example I was able to think of was this photo I found of The Danton Case from 1975. It is one of those old, very classical (I presume) adaptations, which are mostly filled to the brim with riddiculosly attractive people and very often deliberately drew from other sources of artistry, like the one pictured above. No matter what the real relationship between Louise Danton and her husband was, in the play it is portrayed as something atrocious, and I cringe whenever directors try to make it something else without good reasons for doing so, so I am very glad in the past at least they stuck with classicaly depicted acts of violation against women, not because it is a violation, but because in the classical stories (like the myth of Persephone shown in the sculpture above) the woman will usually get her revenge. Just like Przybyszewska's Louison did.
Thank you for bearing with me until the end, and if you have any other examples of this come to your mind, I compel you to share them with me!
List of pieces of art in the order of their appearance:
Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat
Franciszek Starowieyski, Dziady
Jacques-Louis David, Self-portrait
Heinrich Fussli, The Artist's Despair Before The Grandeur Of Ancient Ruins
Gianlorenzo Bernini, The Rape Of Persephone
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Goof Week: Goof Troop: Forever Goof Review (Everything’s Coming Up Goofy, Good Neighbor Goof, Gotta Be Gettin Goofy) (Commission for WeirdKev27)
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Yahhahhooooeeeey all you happy people!  WELCOME TO GOOF WEEK! Now normally when a character who got their start in theatrical shorts has a birthday, I do a marathon of them. I have since last year with Donald and it’s one of my favorite things: it allows me to explore Disney’s rich history of them I was largely unaware of till Disney+, and allows me to revisit the shorts I grew up with in the case of The Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry while discovering new favorites. SO naturally with Goofy’s birthday in two days I intended to do the same for him, especially since I’d covered Donald and Mickey the same way.
But fate had other ideas. Not thinking about this tradition, Kev, my patreon, friend and the guy who commissions a LOT of reviews from me ($5 an episode if your curious and I WILL make room on the schedule so your commission gets done as soon as possible), suggested reviewing the Goof Troop pilot movie Forever Goofy, later split into the episode Everything’s Coming Up Goofy and Good Neighbor. I loved the idea since I genuinely loved Goof Troop, and decided to do both that week.
It’s then I got a great idea.. why limit myself to JUST doing two things? I hit my 15 dollar patreon stretch goal, so a review of the Goofy Movie was on the Horizon anyway, and for it’s anniversary year Kev has been commissioning House of Mouse Episodes, so it wouldn’t be THAT much of an ask (and it wasn’t) to simply randomly select from a pool of Goofy-Centric episodes instead of all the episodes. 
Thus GOOF WEEK was born, and Kev once again proved vital to all this by suggesting the special Sports Goof from the 80′s. I’d like to give him special thanks as outside of the Shorts Special, which as a patreon he still got to pick one and if you’d like to pick one for Donald’s special, sign on up even one dollar patreons get the honor. , this week is either entirely paid for by him or in the case of A Goofy Movie, is partly thanks to him. I wouldn’t be able to do NEARLY as many reviews nor make money off this without you bud, so thank you. 
So naturally given the idea to do this two parter gave me the idea for this week and that Goofy Movie makes a logical finale for said week, it only made sense to start the week with Goof Troop. Bop-dop-da-da-do-bop, YEAH. 
Goof Troop is the first Disney Afternoon show I ever watched and the only one I watched when I was younger, as Disney Channel used to play it ocasinally when I was younger and Toon Disney would do the same and I even got to Marthoon it when Disney XD did a weekend marathon. Given it starred my faviorite Disney Character, Donald hadn’t worked his way up to tying with him quite yet, I loved what I could grab of it. And as an adult.. it still holds up. It has problems i’ll get into, but it is a real good time so I was exastic to get an excuse to watch some of it and much like with Darkwing wish I had sooner. 
Before I can h-h-h-hit it though, I have to talk about the series history. I ALMOST didn’t find anything: much like the other Disney Afternoon shows there really wasn’t much on the Disney wiki nor wikipedia, google turned up nothing... it wasn’t till I went to the Tv Tropes Trivia Page for the series, where i’d remembered reading about some early versions of the show, that I hit gold: A two part behind the scenes blog post by series co-creator Michael Peraza. You can find part one HERE and part two HERE. It’s a short but fascinating read. 
Speaking of fascenating Peraza himself is someone i’d never heard of till reading this article but damn if he isn’t a legend. Seriously the guy’s career is as an unsung hero, starting work under the Legendary Nine Old Men, and working on some of disney’s greatest films: The Great Mouse Detective, Aladdin, The LIttle Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast, along with live action cult classics Tron and Return to Oz via concept art. And concept art is where he’d hit his stride: he did conceptual work for all the big Disney Afternoon shows apart from Gargoyles, being one of the key guys in the early days of Disney Television animation. He didn’t stop at just designing things either as he worked as Art Director for Ducktales, The Proud Family and of course given how vital he was to it’s creation, Goof Troop, and to this days gives lectures with his wife to aspiring animators. He even did some guest work for the 2017 Ducktales Episode “Treasure of the Found Lamp!”. So yeah dude’s awesome
So how did he come to be a key part of this show’s creation? Well he’d just finished up some concept work on some other Disney Afternoon shows, and being a company man was glad to report to the Goof Troop..ers to help as the show was having trouble getting off the ground. The reason for this was the creative exec, who Peraza didn’t name out of kindness as the guy wasn’t a BAD person.. just a clueless one, this being his first job in film and tv.  As such rather than work hard to develop around goofy or focus on his strengths the kid threw out one concept after another: The series got it’s name from a pitch that had Goofy as a scoutmaster, something I was glad to finally know. To quote Peraza
“ Although while I was doodling versions of the show that were destined to never see the light of the TV screen,  the pitch date remained etched in stone and kept creeping closer. Various versions would find their way to the surface only to sink again into the wasteland known as the roundfile (trashcan). One moment Goofy was the Captain of the Fire Department, the next day a detective out of the Maltese Falcon mold, or a swash buckling hero fighting The Flying Dutchman. 
The supporting cast he came up with really wasn't very supportive when you consider they sometimes included alien dragon babies with wings along with a large gorilla. Somebody at Walt Disney Television Animation must have really had a thing for giant gorillas around this time as they were plugged into almost every concept we  assembled.”
It was clear that while Goofy COULD fit into just about anything, this exec was just throwing everything at the wall, nothing was sticking, and rather than try to refine his supporting cast, they kept having to throw them out and start over. And dont’ get me wrong, cartoons go through a lot of development and changes as they go.. but it’s usually born from a concept and usually by this point, they at least have what the show will be ABOUT in stone. While i’ve had the same creative changes and what not when coming up with projects that ultimately never saw the light of day, and currentlly some I hope to but might not, I’m not being paid by a studio to do this nor had a hard deadline. I was just spitballing trying to get something anything off the ground before reviewing gave me a steady outlet for my creativity and thus ballanced me to take my time with stuff. Peraza WAS turning out amazing art, like this concept art for the fireman pitch that honeslty makes me want to see it as a series. Who DOSEN’T want to see 9-11 with Goofy as the main character? Throw in Donald and grown up versions of Max, PJ and PIstol (And even not THAT much for the former two, as they did go off to college and all), don’t forget Roxanne this time out and you have a worthy goofy movie sequel. 
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So yeah this wasn’t working and the latest pitch was not great: Putting Goofy in ToonTown as a cabbie driving the Cab from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. As Peraza TRIED to point out to the exec, putting Goofy in a naturally goofy setting didn’t really play to the characters strength, his whole shtick being a goofus in a normal world. Enough of an every man to root for but also a slapstick joly weirdo. 
The executive’s INCREDIBLY douchey response, especially since Peraza was a Disney Vetran at this point and had spent quite a lot of time on Ducktales, so he knew what he was talking about was “Do it anyway and leave the “Visionary” part to me”
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As you can tell by MR. OOC there, this might be one of the most punchable sentences i’ve ever read. 
So Peraza wasn’t in a great place and was naturally terrified when he got a call from Gary Krisel, president of Disney TVA, asking about the show and to see him about it. 
Turns out though Krisel was a nice guy who already had a great working relatinship with Peraza, and genuinely wanted to know what was going on there and wanted his honest opinion. It’s why i’m not AGAINST executives in animation as sometimes they can come in when somethings clearly not working or allow a smooth transition of power if a propelmatic creator has to be booted off their own show so the show and i’ts crew don’t suffer as a result. It’s just more often than not they cause headaches or cancel shows for entirley stupid or self motivated reasons. But I will give credit where it’s do and point out times where there NOT stupid or homophobic or what have you and this is indeed one of those times. 
Peraza was indeed straight with him: pointing out all the concepts they’d gone through, and like with the other guy honestly gave his opinon the ToonTown Pitch wasn’t working.. and he not only agreed but asked Peraza himself, actually respecting his experince instead of yelling at him that he has a vision that wouldn’t last the end of the day probably. 
Peraza was HOPING this was where this was going and gladly gave him a far less high concept pitch and one truer to the character, quoted in full bellow:
“ My spiel went as follows, "Goofy is a recognized star of Disney animation, so why re-invent the wheel? His son is an average kid dealing with many of the usual issues they face: peer pressure, young love, grades, school bullies, and so on. On top of all that, he has the zaniest, wackiest GOOFIEST dad to live down. No matter how insane the situations get though, they will always love each other. They're a family." Gary asked how I would pitch it and I replied, "It's ONE day in  the life of Goofy and son. From getting up in the morning to fixing breakfast, we see their difference side by side as his son tries to distance himself. No matter what though he knows deep inside that his father will always be there for him, whether he likes it or not."
If your wondering if Peraza noticed that that original pitch line is basically the peremise and emotioinal core of The Goofy Movie down pat.. your extremley correct and he notes that the film was based on said pitch even if he had no involvment with it that I could tell. The series would still use this but the whole embarasment aspect was toned down, and honestly fit a teenager better than an 11 year old.. 
So the exec loved it and Peraza shaped the core of the series: the idea of having Pete as his nemisis, pete having a nuclear family including a gorgeous wife, and the show being more slice of life and what not. He made some great sketches, got roaring approval and then pitched it to rousing success and the rest is history. Goof Troop was a moderate success and The Goofy Movie after it is a classic beloved by all. We have this wonderful man to thank for all that and I also thank him , on the offchance he ever sees this, for bringing Goofy into modern times in a way that did the man-dog justice.  It’s thank to you we got this fun series, two great movies, and a goofy the way he is today: the best of everything about him rolled into one. Thanks man, free review.. not htat you NEED It since you’ve worked on things i’ve covered and what not, but I feel like I should offer.  Outside of Peraza, I found one last bit of making of stuff before I get to the premiere proper. These two early concept shots:
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The first has Max who both looks older and has red hair like he did in the shorts. Honestly I see a lot of his Goofy Movie self in thiis design, the only diffrence obviously being the red hair which was wisely changed to make the boy look more like goofy, something kept for the movie. 
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The more intresting one is this shot of the Pete’s. Starting with Pete he’s more athletic and has a perfectly tacky outfit. While changing him to be a bit more slovenly honestly fit this version of the character better, I do wish they’d kept hte outfit as the tacky gold and green jacket, the gold chain, the open ollar.. it all fits this version of pete so well, as well as his illusion of being a big shot when he is in fact a medium one. Peg is both slightly younger looking and far more doting and is so different I swear this picture looks like Pete remarried after the divorce and got some lipo. Pistol has about the same design but with a vastly different, more Isabella-ish outfit. Finally we have PJ who looks the same, but has a diffrent outfit and a far more sour demeanor, probably meant to be a bully. My best guess is sthis stuff comes from the pitch, and was likely made to simply get the basic premise across before fine tuning the characters for series
So with all of that out of the way i’m calling eveyrone to join in the fun under the cut and report to the Goof Troop. 
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Everything’s Coming Up Goofy:
Our first episode opens in a small but cozy trailer, where Goofy’s cooking up lunch as only goofy could: by making osme meatballs then serving them to his son over a game of table tennis, with Max doing the same. It’s really freaking adorable, and a dynamic i’m not used to since i’m more familiar with Teen Max. Seeing Max genuinely get into his dad’s hyjinks and enjoy them.. it just warms the heart and adds weight to The Goofy Movie by knowing there was a time the two really were thick is thieves before the stygian hole that is high school drained all that out of him. 
So the two are like buddies and pals until the Mailman arrives, not even phased at this point. Turns out it’s a Diploma, and with this Goofy can get a job he’s been up for in Spoonerville and plans to move immediately. Max is devisated he’ll loose his friends and runs away to use a magical mystery box to keep them together only to end up in a land full of frogs with an old man who sounds like his dad minus the drawl and two other tinier frogs and ... I may have the wrong show. In fairness you try dislodging a finale where Keith David runs a 13 year old through with laser sword and then talk to me. 
Goofy is sympathetic though: While he seems a tad oblivous to Max’s worries, it’s very clear he’s jumping on this job and this move so far to give his son a better life. Sure he runs through all the cartoon moving away talking points that don’t work in real life or most other cartoons such as there being a nice lake and that max can make new friends, and Max accepts it weirdly fast because this episode is only 22 minutes and they don’t have time for that subplot... but it’s clear the idea of a better paying job, a secure home not in an alleyway, and some stablility for his son is the real reason Goofy’s doing this, and he probably wants to simply give the boy the childhood he had growing up. 
Meanwhile in Spoonerville, we meet Pete. To my shock this is where Jim Cummings took over the roll he was born for and has played since and with good reasons as Cummings is just amazing with Pete no matter the incarnation and excels here  his penchant for playing jerks, hams and gravely voiced guys all coalesicing. Pete is planning on building what modern toxicly masculine weirdos such as himself would call a Man Cave on his lawn, because Pete is a very SPECIAL kind of douchebag. He also plans to stretch it into the neighboring property, tear down the house there and set it up. 
This is news to his wife Peg, played by fellow voice acting Legend whose stillg ot it, April Winchell in her star making role. Peg is Pete’s strong willed wife who dosen’t put up with her husbands crap.. you know that trope that infected sitcoms for kids and adults of the doofy husband whose either a manchild , a skeevy self serving quipy asshole or some horrible combination of the two. The kind that has still been so prevealant the wife from one of said sitcoms helped produce a show about the wife finally doing the logical thing and plotting to kill the bastard. No really.. that’s an actual thing that’s happening. It’s even got a Little Bit of Alexis as Anne Murphy plays the poor, poor wife. 
And why yes the series is called Kevin Can Fuck Himself. And why yes said former sitcom wife was the same one on a sitcom called Kevin Can Wait who was fired because they wanted to retool the show with the wife from Kevin James other sitcom. That also is very really a thing that happened. Payback is a bitch aint it? Fun too. 
But yeah from minute one Pete is a terrible husband: Peg is a realtor and thus is trying to sell the house because it’s her fucking job instead of letting her husband throw their family deep in debt to very likely illegally demolish a house so he has a giant yard to play in. I mean even if this is all played for jokes i’ts just not funny enough to not make him an utter bastard. The fact his response to her VERY valid criticism and subtextual worry he doesn’t’t take her career seriously is to fake a panic attack, from a very REAL tendency he turns out to have giant breakdowns under stress, to try and guilt her into letting him have his giant public man cave just backs this up.. as does the fact she simply glares at the camera as he’s clearly DONE this before. 
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Since I have to put up with this version of him for the rest of this episode, the next, AND a portion of the movie, i’m proudly introducing the Pete Sucks Counter. This will carry over to any other appearances of the guy from here on out. So that’s one for his insane plan, one for disrespecting his wife’s career and one for faking a panic attack to try and win an argument Pete Sucks Counter: 3
So because this episode ran short Peg caves and compromises: He can have the property if it isn’t sold by 9. So Pete does what ANY husband would do: uses his spy camera and booby traps he’s set up in the other house to try and scare away prospective buyers. 
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Yeah.. while the show TRIES to have Pete not as his old-timey villian self.. they traded in for him being fucking MODOK. I mean he is a grotesque monstrosity who has a nuclear family and spends all his time in a chair thing and can barely function as a Husband or Father. Though at least I can belivie MODOK LOVES his family which not so much with Pete. 
To prove this Pete tries using a fake spider to scare some buyers then CALLS THEM TELLING THEM PEG IS A CON ARITST. I.e. something that if they mention to her bosses could get her FIRED. He respects his wife’s autonomy, what she wants and what she’s asked him for, which is a fair shot to sell the place before he tries to wreck the place, as well as likely what his neighbors want. I mean I can accept breaks from reality for comedy, snakebird is my boy. 
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So I can accept pete has this stuff.. I just can’t find it funny when these shenanignas very transparently show that while he surface level loves his wife he dosen’t respect her or actually listen to her except when she gets angry. He IS the villian so he’s still a slight step among monst sitcom dads but i’ts not great. I can find it funny that his den also functions as a super villian lair though. That shit will never not be great. Also Pete Sucks Counter: 6 For the record: one for the spider itself, one for having traps set up in a property hat both isn’t his and his wife is trying to sell and another for threatening her job and her self esteem as she is baffled at what she possibly did wrong. 
So Goofy and Max get on the road, leaving moving the rest of their stuff to an old coot whose a friend of theres. So it’s goodbye Duckburg, Hello Spoonerville! And yes I headcanon this as Duckburg. Goof Troop is one of two shows that very clearly happened in SOME form, the other being Tailspin, the only difference being the time period (Goof Troop taking place in the 90′s and Tailspin in the 30′s or 40′s) and any adjustments for clashes with the 2017 verse. So going off that, we also know Donald and the boys KNOW goofy and didn’t remotely question his presence, as did the rest of the cast. 
So figuring out the timeline, Goofy likely met Donald in college, even if he never finished college as per an Extremley Goofy Movie, which may not happen the same exact way given Goofy still has his old job and may not loose it in this timeline, though i’d like to think he still meets Sylvia. But point is he drops out, possibly to marry Max’s mom, they end up moving to Duckburg for her work, she sadly dies, and Goofy is left raising Max alone. Donald and Goofy likely bonded as single parents struggling in low paying 9-5 jobs. Goofy left here, likely said goodbye to Donald and the 5 or so year old boys offscreen , and left. As for how anyone else knows him that’s simple: he probably visits whenever he can.  He’s a good friend, genuinely loves Donald like a brother in all continuities, and of course would show up with a progressively more then less grumpy Max every time. As for what I think the rest of the cast would think of him: Scrooge would hate him for his disaster area ways, but at least respect him as a hard worker, he just wouldn’t personally hire him which is.. it’s fair. Beakley would be aggravated by him. Webby would of course like him because she’s essentially him but competent and gay, and Launchpad and him .. god that’d be a joy to see. And drive up Scrooge’s insurance. Della would also like him obviously. I”m really disappointed we didn’t get a season 4 if for nothing else the fact we probably would’ve got another Goofy episode. It also feels weird he’s not in the finale in any way shape or form you know? Why have such a big guest spot for him and then just not bring him or Max back? GIVE ME MORE MAX DISNEY DAMN YOUUUUU So they move right along with Goofy excited to get back to where he once belonged, and to call Pete with the good news on his 90′s cell phone. Pete is utterly TERRIFIED finding out Goofy Comin and tries to send him off course to prevent it. Naturally despite nearly running into a truck, Goofy makes it to Spoonerville by evening anyway and we get a delightful bit that shows off BilL Farmer’s comedy skills as he rapidly lists off all the things in town while driving Max through town. It’s so damn smooth. This also is notable since before this farmer had just played the character in some DTV music videos, which stands for Disney not Denton but god I now want Shock Treatment with the Disney Crew. I mean who wouldn’t want Donald as Brad, Daisy as Janet, and Gladstone as Farley Flavors I ask you. Not sure who every one else would be i’m sorting that out. And if you don’t know what Shock Treatment is, here have this trailer with a nightmarish opening. 
Dammit now I want to watch Shock Treatment again... so I am. Found it in full on YouTube, and I feel no shame in sharing that as it’s not on VOD, nor any streaming service, the DVD, which I own, is out of print, and the Blu Ray is a UK exclusive. This film both needs to be seen more and needs another proper US release damn it!
So naturally Goofy somehow finds Pete’s house.. I dunno maybe Peg’s been sending him letters. Can’t blame her for having a wondering eye long as she dosen’t act on it. She’s married to a walking lump of ego, selfishness and cholesterol and likely only held on as long as she did for the kids. Which for the record Peg as a child of divorce whose parents got divorced rather than keep up a sham marriage or anything.. it’s not worth it. I was MUCH happier that way in the long term. 
Anyways Peg and Goofy happily reunited while they awkardly try to get the kids to meet, with Goofy and PJ not warming up to each other at first, likely because Max just lost all his friends, and PJ clearly had none going into the series from context we’ll get later in the pilot. We also get a hilarious bit where Peg alternates between warmly greeting the goof’s and hilaroiusly shouting at Pistol to not play with worms.. in what honestly sounds like a protype for Miss Finster’s voice. 
Meanwhile the kids try to hide a small crack in Pete’s boat.. which he notices as he’s just about to steamroll the house despite NOT having asked Peg if she sold it yet and just assuming, possibly opening himself and her to a lawsuit
Pete Sucks Counter: 7
Discovering his boat is trashed, he has a comical panic attack, which I can forgive since this was 1992 and they weren’t as well known as a serious problem. Seriously while pete is a bastard man.. the animation on him is GORGEOUS as it is HILARIOUS, while Jim Cummings brings the hell out of it. He’s kept the roll for three decades as of next year for a reason. Goofy ends up accidently destroying his boat in the process of trying to help him as you’d expect. 
So Pete reluctantly lets the goofs sup with them.... and by reluctantly I mean he don’t wanna but Peg’s forcing him, which is pretty much the other half of their relationship in a nutshell: When pete isn’t lying and betraying her, Peg is forcing him to do stuff. As you can probably guess by how harsh i’ve been this aspect has aged INCREDIBLY poorly for me. This is your standard sitcom setup: asshole or dumbass or both dad, put upon wife who has to keep him in line.. but it’s just not how a GOOD marriage works and got so damn draining over time. Again and again we got things saying marriage is awful, comitting sucks unless your young, again and again. It’s why i’m REALLY happy we’ve been getting far better sitcom dad’s and marraiges lately. Bob’s Burgers is naturally the example, with the wife being the less sane one but both having their quriks and neither being so entirely dysfunctional you ever question the marriage. The Louds are another good example: Lynn Sr. And Rita NEVER right with each other that i’ve seen, have a perfectly happy relationship despite 11 kids, and wholly support each other, with Rita happily giving her husband the go ahead to quit his soul draining desk job so he could pursue his deream as a chef, and later letting him take a massive fincial gamble and open up a restraunt, purely because she belivied in him. Finally we have the Williams from Craig of the Creek who are easily one of the best married couples i’ve seen in western animation and one of them’s played by Terry Crews so that shoudln’t be a shock. I could prabobly find more but my points made: this trope REALLY ages the show poorly, more than any of hte 90′s specific tech or swinging theme song I just realized I forgot to talk about. Eh i’ll save it for the next episode. 
I have NEVER liked this trope anyway: only simpsons has really made it work for me and Family Guy did until they just stretched it too far, and with Simpsons at least they freqeuently have episodes pointing out how unehalthy it is. It dosen’t help this trope somehow STILL isn’t dead, as evidenced by the fact Rick and Morty has it in spades and for SOME damn reason got them back together.. I mean they don’t fight anymore but it dose’nt fix the problem. So yeah while I’m not holding against the show TERRRIBLY as this trope wasn’t as widespread at the time, it still dosen’t make it GOOD even at it’s core. 
Things get worse for Pete though as while Goofy praises him (And the Pete Kids rightfly wonder if Goofy is from space given the logic of ANYONE being that fond of pete. ) Pete finds out GOOFY bought the house he was going to demolish and will be staying with them till they move in. I have only one response to his misery....
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Max also futzes with the tv which you THINK would lead to Peg finding out her husband is the antagonist of a Blumhouse movie but instead just does nothing. 
So then we have Dinner where we find out SUPRISINGLY, Pete actually has a somewhat valid reason for resenting Goofy: Goofy cost him the big game in high school as Goofy and Peg were on the cheerleading squad together and Goofy accidently kicked pete in the face at a crucial moment, which Pete got the blame for. Granted I did say SOMEWHAT: Goofy is genuinely apologetic and says Pete shouldn’t of been blamed and Pete’s apparently been hiding the truth from his kids this whole time. I do call bullshit on that as while admittedly i don’t get into local football or any sportsball, Pete works at a dealership. At least one asshole would bring it up to either rile him up or out of genuine rage at something that happened at the very least a decade and a half ago. Pete hasn’t let go of this footbullshit DESPITE owning a successful dealership, having two wonderful children, an even more wonderful wife, and a friggin nice boat.  But really.. it speaks to Pete’s character in any version: His ultimate undoing is his greed, his tendency to keep going and never settle. It’s something he oddly shares with Donald but Pete lacks Donald’s’s heart or redeeming moments. Pete just wants and wants and wants no matter who gets hurt because he’s inehently selfish and will simply TAKE It if he can’t get it. But it’s why he’s miserable, and ultimately ends up divorced: He can’t be satisfised so he often looses what he has. 
So with Pete on the rampage Peg sends the boys upstairs. It’s here we get PJ’s first Woobie Moment: He has a room FULL of cool toys, comics and what not but his dad is such a greedy asshole he refuses to let the kid actually use them. He even knows this isn’t normal but is just resigned to it. Rob Paulsen is phenomenal as PJ, being funny and energetic, snarky and off to the side or depressed and fearful all with grace and ease and all making this all feel like the same sweet kid. 
I mention this because Paulsen’s action is so good it highlights an issue with PJ: the writers lean way too hard into how much a hardass Pete is, to the point the series, likely intentionally, HEAVILY implies he physically abuses pete and the stuff on screen isn’t over the top enough, at least for tehse episodes, to get away with how he emotionally abuses him either. He talks down to him, doesn’t let him play toys and as seen by various episode synopsis and the next episode, uses mind games to keep him in line. THIS is why I can’t stand this version of Pete. He’s an abusive monster to this poor boy and I won’t stands for it, nor it being played off as a joke, especially since they try to ping pong between using it for comedy and using it seriously which just.. doesn’t work. 
So Max earns his future best pals’ friendship by trying to help him.. and succeeding by pointing out that while he said not to use the Tank anywhere on the ground.. he didn’t mention the celling or walls and has the tank going up the walls. And clearly by the fact PJ is seen sleeping with it later, despite Petes’ss anger at this, Peg presumably ripped him a new one once she found out about the toys thing. 
So that night Pete can’t sleep with Goofy tromping around the house and tries to whack him with a Golf Club. I’d give him another sucks count.. 
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But given my brother lives in the basement and I sometimes accidently wake him by tromping overhead without meaning too, I DO get getting a bit fed up with someone clomping around and waking you up, and it is a slapstick cartoon so trying to physically assault someone is less of a crime here and more a setup for a punchline. 
So get an UTTERLY hilarious scene as teh combination fo tripping on golf balls and Goofy singing his family lullabye, camptown races with lyrics
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So Pete proceeds to have another freak out this time RUNNING ALL THE WAY TO DUCKBURG, THROWING THE OLD MAN OUT OF THE CAR AND THEN BRINGING IN THE GOOF’S BEDS AND BOXES BEFORE TOSSING THEM IN THE HOUSE. It is truly an amazing combination of Jim’s utter talent as he babbles hialriously and the animators as they just make it sing. It’s a great climax to part one. So with that the goofs are home and Pete semeingly gets to go to sleep.. until they start working on unpacking. 
Final Thoughts On Good Neighbor Goof:
This is an excellent start to the series. The jokes are really well paced, the characters well introduced and the humor top notch> I had my complaints obviously.. but i’ts more systemic issues with the series, and stuff that honestly it dosen’t hamper my viewing experience for the most part. The PJ stuff does, but it’s not as big a deal this episode as he barely interacts with his Dad, but otherwise it’s stuff that just hasn’t aged well and they can’t be faulted for not seeing a deluge of terrible sitcoms a comin. The cast is top notch: I didn’t get to them in the proper review so Dana HIll deserves praise as Max, giving just the right amount of 90′s TV Kid mixed with real honest emotion and i’ts a tragedy she’s gone. She would’ve been right up there with the rest of this amazing cast in history. Though at least she got a worthy succesor.. but that’s not for now. For now we’re taking an interlude to look at the wonderfully 90′s music video that was aired along with this special:
Gotta Be Gettin Goofy:
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This was my raw reaction to this video. Now is it bad? No the song has great flow it somehow manages to scratch Bill Farmer’s goofy vocals with the beat, the rapper makes the cheesy lyrics work, and the chorus of “gotta be getting goofy” backs a great bit. It’s not a bad SONG.. but the video is a hilariously insane mess. We have two of the poor dancers forced to wear just.. HORRIFYING looking Goofy costumes that look like the Dog based sequel to cats that thankfully only exists in my nightmares
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I pityt hose poor dancers. Meanwhile the rest of the dancers are wearing Goofy Baseball uniforms and letterman jackets for some reason. is it beause Goofy likes sportsball. I thoguth they just had them lying around but now I see the g’s on the uniform. They CHOOSE to do this. Max also does a shredding guitar solo, not the max up there the animated max. Combine that with LOTS OF random clips from the show and you get this thing.. and i’ts worth a watch> it’s just hilarously what the shit.. not the most hilariously what the shit thing i’ve seen.. not even this week... that would be this thing from the Eurovision Song contest...
Your welcome. So moving on because this is already badly behind. 
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Good Neighbor Goof:
So our second episode opens with the Goof’s trying to move in and pete being upset their being loud. Now being upset your neighbors are being loud is one thing: Mine set off fireworks all week around fourth of July. Granted Pete would probably be the one doing such nonsense but still, I get it.. but it’s fair to have a lot of noise when your moving in and in Goofy’s case also trying to patch up a massive hole in the place. 
So he does what any reasonable man would do and activates the earthquake machine he hid in the basement. 
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I wasn’t kidding about the MODOK comparisons. Granted the thing uses a belt to somehow do this.. but it’s designed to SIMULATE AN EARTHQUAKE AN DDOES SO WELL. The only reason Goofy’s not dead is that pete uses a low setting that instead ends up unpacking everything. IT’s a neat gag but again... PETE HAS AN EARTHQUAKE MACHINE.
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Which Goofy accidently destroys his boat with. Meanwhile the boys try to talk over tin can phones only for Pete to notice and try to stop it because he’s a dick and doesn’t want his son to be happy because he hates Goofy. So Pete’s idea of a punishment is for PJ to wear the family shoes to go crush cans while wearing a helmet and given Pete mutters to himself about this keeping PJ away from Max i’ts likely something that he made up to torture his son soooo..
Pete Sucks Counter: 8 Max being a good pal agrees to help his friend crush the cans down to recycle for money and comes up with a zany scheme to do so
Meanwhile we get a few scenes of Pete trying to eff with Goofy’s day: Peg is making food for Goofy like a good neighbor/someone planning for their eventual divorce, so Pete makes him some too with tons of hot sauce. By the laws of classic cartoons, naturally Goofy loves it and wonders if Pete has hot sauce, while Pete trying it explodes his head Scanner’s style. 
He then tries giving Goofy a chainsaw loaded with some kind of explosive or something... so yes he’s esclated to MURDER over.. Goofy annoying him a bunch as he’s apparently given up on the whole taking over that lot thing. 
Pete Sucks Counter: 9 But it is hilariously petty and naturally backfires again by cartoon law as Pete ends up starting it for Goofy who can’t get it going. 
Meanwhile PJ and Max inact the plan which is to drop a bolder with a rope on the cans, but end up having to ride the cans down when PJ lets it go too early and it ends up sweeping both boys on top of the box. They have fun though, with PJ actually getting to enjoy life for once and loving having a new friend.
So as his lot in life Pete has to ruin it by yelling at PJ for getting diryt, then for hanging out with max as he can SMELL the goof on him.. which means he’s either exaggerating or he knows what goofy smells like. 
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So he forbids PJ to see him insluting max.. while Max is hanging out the window and ends up crying. Oh and Peg never gets involved in any of this across both parts, likely because she dosen’t know.. which makes it even MORE horrifying as it gives off the implication Pete gets away with his abuse of his son because he hides it, like a real world abuser. But even then some things like trying to break up his and Max’s friendship or the toys thing you’d THINK she’d notice. 
So we get more untetionally telling stuff as PJ says he’ll treasure this day and the only time he was happy.
Pete Sucks Count: 14 2 for the last scene, 3 for ALLL this one implies. But Max won’t give up the ghost no he won’t give it up. They haven’t the strength to hold on for long but if they both hold on together they can make each other strong. So he has a plan: have Goofy throw a Luau and invite the petes.
Peg naturally forces him to attend and Pete is a dick about it at first, but eventually enjoys himself when they do a conga line. The pets, Waffles and Chainsaw get into some antics. I do love Waffles because I love a kitty. Chainsaw is okay even though I love me a good doggo. Especially this one.
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You are a Good Boy, Good Boy. But eventually while playing a party game about passing coconuts, Pete considers the coconut and considers the trees but dosen’t consider Goofy kicking him in the face AGAIN
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So Pete is naturally a dick about this despite it being you know, an accident. But he takes it a step further by insulting Max Pete Sucks Count: 15 So Goofy gets mad. But here’s where a rather sizeable flaw shows up in the episode as Goofy.. acts exactly like Pete does about the insuing feud. He forbids Max to see PJ makes up rules and is generally petty and vindictive. And look Goofy could be in the shorts. He’s endlessly adaptable.. but here nothing about his character has shown he’d sink to this and it feels forced to bring abotu the climax. 
Thankfully said finale salvages thing: That night Max pulls PJ into his room via the cans, and comes up with a plan.. weirdly asking PJ to hit him with a muffin to save their friendship... but it’s not random it turns out. His plan.. is brilliant. While I really don’t like these types of feud between neighbors make our kids suffer by making them not be able to be friends because we’re being petty children plots, this one has a REALLY clever solution to that: Max and PJ FAKE an oversclated fued similar to their parents, starting with insutls and throwing mulch and escalting to taking down each others fences and then throwing food at each other, before injuring their dads with planks and stuff, nothing serious just slapstick stuff, all to get both to settle down and try and get the boys to stop fighting.. it works like a charm, it’s full of great bits like Peg offering the boys pie only for Max to use it as amuination and i’ts just a great way to end one of these episodes. Not that I WANT more of these episodes but if your going to do this stock plot you might as well be creative with it.
So we end on the Petes and Goofs having a BBQ, all friends again, with Pete having his marina and Goofy nearly burning Pete’s house down and us getting a photo to end the episode.
Final Thoughts:
This one was a step down. Pete’s abuse is REALLY highlighted here and the plot is very paint by numbers and forces Goofy to be out of character for the last act for it to work at all. He just strikes me as too genuine and noble to hold onto a grudge this easily. Peg is also reduced from her usual feisty self to being oddly useless, not stepping in at ANY point to stop any of this depsite it being grossly otu of character. There’s a few great gags and a great climax, but the whole product is just okay
Later Today: Goof Week and Goofy’s birthday continue as I complete the trilogy of Shortstaculars with one about my boy! Featuring Goofy’s first apperance, his first short and the first apperance of what would eventually become Max! 
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narvana27 · 3 years
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Omi's past:
His history and my headcanon of him-
History of why Omi was at the temple this whole time, I mean since the beginning of the show was never revealed to us. All we get was episode “Omi’s town”, where we finally get to know the last names of the monks (and Dojo), and in which Omi’s “past” was touched a little bit. All we know is that he probably was at the temple since very young age, perhaps maybe even since he was neweorn. And as much as I hate this character, something like that couldn’t pass next to me without me thinking about it. In my headcanon Omi’s parents, whoever they were just “dropped” him to the temple's door and left him there, knowing he will get a proper education in everything that place stands for, but also food, roof above his head, care etc. There’s plenty of scenarios of what could be the reason of that, but mine is simple: His parents were poor and they couldn’t afford having him in the house. It would make sense with the restriction of having only one child. Having more than one babie was associated with many legal ailments, and the situation when parents decided to abandon their child was pretty common, so...But there also could be possibility his parents were for example famous xiaolin warriors, or just “regular” warriors and monks , who died in some fight or something. That would leave a hole tho: If that would be the case, Omi probably would know about them. Canonically he doesn't know who they are , so my theory about abandonment is making more sense. Unless the story behind his parents and their death, past and everything was so complicated and difficult, that the truth couldn't be spilled to him just like that. Also in my headcanon Omi is somehow related to Dashi. Maybe that’s too much, and I get it. I like Dashi but hate Omi, so that is the biggest compliment I can give to this boy, next to saying his word twist’s are funny sometimes. I'm not even saying that because of how similar they're looking to each other, but it’s just making sense! Imagine: Dashi having, idk, sister, who had children, who had children, who had children etc. U know where I'm going with this, dont u? And maybe he don't know about the fact he’s related to Dashi, because Fung waited to tell him that to certain age, but then Omi became narcissist and egocentric ass so he was like: “Noo, there's no need to bust his ego even more smh”, and that would also make a lot of sense. Maybe the family he was coming from had this tradition of being a xiaolin monks, since they were related to Grand Master Dashi himself, but then some tragedy happened, and his parents died and no one wanted to have abything in common with Omi for some reason, maybe he was a child out of wedlock, and his strict grandparents didn't want that in their family because they were afraid of being disrespected in society? I'm thinking about it while I'm going and I have a couple of good ideas now XD. As I said in my previous post about the relationship between Chase Young and Omi - I don't believe in “canon” served us in Chronicles, in which they're both related...To me - bullshit. On a side note: I love how the creators of the show thought about such a thing as giving Omi personality trait being his word’s twist. It’s so logical, cuz he was raised in a temple his whole life, in Tybet, being far away from today’s lifestyle, and he somehow knew some of the sayings and slang, but never fully understood them or remembered them correctly. Another small theory: I always bitch about him being a narcissistic, egoistic little piece of shit who doesn't care about letting other people feel like they’re not as good as him and he likes that? Well, what if all of that is the result of Omi actually being insecure about himself? Kids who were abandoned or raised in child care houses often thinks there’s something wrong with them, cuz if they would be “fine”, then their parents wouldn't leave them. (btw, don't u ever think that way, that is straight up not true, you’re amazing) So maybe growing up knowing he had “no parents” that leaved him and never even contacted and checked on him resulted him being insecure
like that as well, and he wanted to cover that. Just like Rai is masking his fears and insecurities behind jokes and mask of always happy and funny guy, Omi could do the same , but he replaced it with A BIG EGO. And that would be it. His past: Still not fully known, his future: He will be a Master of the Temple after Master Fung, or he will travel the world looking for knowledge, trying to learn modern life, and some new martial arts from around the world. But at the end of the day (and his life) the temple is gonna be his lifestyle forever.
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druid-for-hire · 5 years
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(pt i) (pt ii) (pt iii) (you are here) (pt iv) (pt. v) (epilogue) (askblog)
this one’s got some revisions/retcons/refinings and new content. there will be some minor rehashing. this edition is more on the drama eurydice goes through on the path to find orpheus, orpheus’ deterioration in the Beyond, little bit of persephone and even littler bit hermes, finding orpheus, and finally getting to leave
thank you @supercantaloupe, @sonyalone, @unholy-boi, @s-aint-elmo, @ferretteeth for helping author this & help out w ideas and all!! sasha, u esp.
sits down and rests my old creaking bones in a rocking chair by the hearth and lights a pipe
gather round kids. this one might be a little long
one note: 
on the same night that orpheus falls, persephone, when she finally composes herself enough, marches up to hades. the fury is still present in the vitriol with which she speaks. “you can’t have done that,” she says. “you can’t have just thrown him away. he didn’t sign any papers. you can’t make him work.” 
 “there were no papers,” he agrees, “but prisoners do not get papers.”
ok jumping back to kind-of-present
it’s taking a while to find orpheus. (too much of a while)
in between work and searching for him, both of which already take up so much of her time, eurydice... makes her attempts to craft a new guitar. hades took orpheus’. he’s going to either want it back or want a new one, and right now, she doesn’t think she can manage the first. it’s going to be important to their escape, she thinks, because she isn’t planning on staying in hadestown forever
but she’s not skilled, and making a real, good, balanced guitar is incredibly hard. she’s not trained. it never comes out good enough, never remotely close to a properly tuned instrument, much less the guitar that seemed to fit perfectly around orpheus' hands. and she doesn’t have a lot of time
so as it turns out, stealing back the original is the more feasible option
problem being: it’s a trophy. hades didn’t smash it, but it’s locked away with his other little “victories,” and he’ll notice it missing eventually
(those other trophies are other relics from other daring humans he’s had to deal with in the past. no one has come as close as orpheus)
but she does have more buffer time than usual because it's also a reminder of the martyr and the fact that his marriage is in the shitter so it's been put out of sight (and out of mind), so she's got a few days or more before he'd notice it's gone
as she keeps searching for orpheus, telling her story and getting help and word of her spreading...
eurydice stirs the town as the ladle stirs in the pot; out of all the feelings her story wakes, the most dominant—and most important—is the anger.
and for the first time, somewhere in some could-be-anywhere part of Hadestown, someone says no.
the age-old, unmoving, immovable hadestown, begins to... change. there’s persephone’s crack in the wall, and then there are others, and then they join, and then there’s unrest, and then there’s the threat of riot.
(which i know i already established but shhh im reiterating my point for this:)
unholy-boi: hades was at least formerly hands on enough to give orders, to scrape down new souls, to preach about the wall
now he locks himself in his office, head in his hands, unable to handle the idea that he’s losing control, and every MOMENT he spends locked away he loses control more, but he needs to think, he needs to think, he needs to think--
The fates are at his door, they sing horrible music, things he doesn’t want to hear, lies and twisted truths to manipulate the king. except he’s not being manipulated at all. this is all him, he knows it--this is just him and his paranoia and the workers' rage beginning to boil on his doorstep.
the god is hidden away in his office and hardly lets anyone in. he isolates himself and Persephone barely even visits this winter anyway.
he wonders if the martyr boy really did fail.
(no, he tells himself--he did fail, because his goal was to get him and his lover out, and now both of them are damned here forever. all of this? an unfortunate side effect.)
hades... was very nearly swayed by orpheus, but took his “obligation” to a city (that he’s already lost) over the slightly breaking voice of orpheus, and the rumors. however when he sent orpheus away, things only got worse. but how could he just crawl to pull orpheus back now? would that not be sacrificing his iron will? his grip of steel? how can he turn to go back if he’s already made his decision? moreover- how can he trust bringing orpheus back will fix anything at all?
a lamenting reprise from hades with orpheus’ guitar would be cool. i don’t know if it’d be in character or appropriate to the story but. its been a fun thing ive been tossing between my hands
it probably starts when he accidentally kicks it over--there’s a trophy room, but he hasn’t cleared a space for the guitar yet. he kicks it over, and when it hits the ground the strings hum Menacingly at him
after the song he puts it away--out of sight, out of mind
show them a crack.
and they’ll tear down the wall.
besides the immediate danger orpheus is in and his voice failing being drives to find him as soon as possible, eurydice also has to worry about the fact that persephone won’t be there to help her soon. the hadestown debacle happens on the onset of proper spring
persephone, for once, is grateful that hades keeps her late. it means she can help the lovers. for so many weeks she sends  that boy’s voice on a wind straight for Eurydice to keep her going
but later is not never, and to the surface one day she goes, and bitter with the absence of his wife Hades drives them all to work harder
which strains Eurydice for time and energy even more
things are harder when she’s gone, as always—eurydice has less time to track him down, and without persephone’s sing-sing wind, pinpointing him is more difficult. 
Hermes is there at the station to greets her when she returns to end the winter
“how is he doing?” “not well.”
“you think they’ll make it?” “i don’t know.”
hermes asks her, “how long?” how long will orpheus last? how long will it take for them to find each other and leave? how long will it take until hades finally snaps? persephone can’t answer any of them
(hermes knows, of course. but he has a role to play)
the summer roars to life on top, but persephone can’t stop thinking about the lovers underground. she knows that orpheus won’t make it through the summer. she sneaks down below for two weeks in june and in that time, a hurricane devastates the surface without her to control it.
the sing-sing wind returns with a straining melody and eurydice wonders. she’s grateful, but she wonders
and... one day it doesn’t. she feels the breeze, but there’s nothing on it.
i’ve fucking had enough, eurydice decides. i’m stealing that fucking guitar, hades be damned.
in the sleeping hours of hadestown she sneaks her way up to the palace, dodging searchlights and finding havens, already at an advantage because she’s scoured Hadestown so long and made allies in so many places
and when she makes it up to the palace, the... the guards, the hounds, all of them are... either missing or intoxicated to shit. which is odd, she thinks, but doesn’t question it
she makes it to the trophy room (after a Lot of searching, because she doesn’t have a map)
she walks in and marvels in awe at all the trophies
she wonders about the histories behind all of them
to be honest, she doesnt know that this is where the guitar is, but it’s a pretty good guess (and the right one)
and then there’s a sound at the doorway. eurydice freezes. there’s nowhere for her to hide
she turns, and... it’s persephone in the doorway. persephone, who should not be here.
they lock eyes for a moment, and then she points at a locked case in the back of the room and keeps on walking. whistling loudly. a very “nope, nothing here at all” move
... well, works for her
eurydice breaks off the padlock, gets the guitar, and flees
musing on kampê for unswayed because i really dont want her to just be a two dimensional villain: 
- homegirl is bitter. she used to rule the underground. she was the queen of the dark, and every god and titan knew her name, and hades did fear her too. 
until. well. 
and now she’s practically half-forgotten—a footnote. she hates it. hades and persephone are both her younger and yet they came into her realm, and she was shunted aside to this dismal little hole, and she has to answer to him and she fucking hates it. no mortal up Top or even in hadestown remembers her name. if an old dragon like her has no place out there... if she can’t make herself known in the outside world anymore, then she’ll fucking sear herself into the minds of the people she has, in the only way she knows how
(it should also be noted that homegirl is. unstable. i think kampê sort of violently switches between abhorrently vicious to weirdly sweet and manipulative and anywhere in between depending on the day/time/situation)
(also, she wasn’t always deaf. but being even older than the world, than hades and persephone, things... happen)
also, part of how she keeps everyone here is 1) working them to death and 2) telling them that they’re needed here, and that hadestown is an oasis of stability outside the chaos up Top
orpheus is not doing well.
orpheus forgets.
orpheus wears down.
(orpheus gets sick.)
whoops! That’s An Issue. but still he works, because no one can rest long, and the coal dust and ash and smoke and stifling heat do him zero favors
his focus drifts; he loses track of eurydice, of his songs. the work is first and foremost
you ever get worked so hard and pushed past your physical limit that u get like, spots in your vision and want to throw up? yeah thts orpheus
orpheus doesn’t stop sneaking off every day to the spot at the edge of the Beyond. he doesn’t sing out for help anymore, but... he sits, because he knows that it’s important. this place, where he sang out for a lover he doesn’t remember anymore with songs he no longer has
(cue Flowers but for orpheus, in quiet & faltering breathy lines)
he’s “forgotten a little thing called spring” 
kampê still comes after him to drag him back to work. sometimes it’s wordless; sometimes she yanks him to his feet by the straps of his overalls, sometimes all she needs to do is put a hand on his shoulder and he’ll get up and shuffle back into the mines and smokestacks
other times she asks why he’s still doing this, why he’s still out there. other times she tells him that there’s no need to come out here anymore. he shouldn’t have in the first place. out there--it’s no better than here.
the times when she yells--few and far between, because fetching him is hardly much of a chore anymore--he winces, since it’s not like she has the finest grasp on volume control, being deaf
the scene we see is her sing-speaking some fucked up reprise of hey little songbird, beckoning him to come back and taunting him; i didn’t write this one out but i imagine there’s some fun things to be had with the “vipers and vultures” line
and orpheus sing/saying, in this cracked, hoarse voice, “I wanna lie down forever”
he’s. so tired
(also singing his voice, long since shredded, sorta finally collapses in this one and i don’t imagine him having another sung line after that)
the canary in the coal mine isn’t dead yet but he will be
eurydice goes into overdrive after she steals orpheus’ guitar back
(she strums a few notes on it, and it hums warmly of sunlight in her hands. her chest fills with something indescribable. god, she missed this)
she takes more risks. sneaks out farther and strays out farther. skips out on work, keeps cutting close, nearly gets caught more often than she did before
eventually. finally. finally, she finds him, almost unrecognizable in the crowd masses, but she catches him alone
and she calls out to him, her arm outstretched, “come home with me.”
so i’m going w the “recognize her right away one” and following what i wrote in the first post
BUT: the callback to “come home with me i” with orpheus’ forgetting in “come home with me” “who are you?” is Too Fucking Good and I ended up writing my own lyrics to a “Come Home With Me III”
i’ll post it somewhere. i’d link the google drive link here directly but then tumblr would nerf this post off of the hadestown tag.
 you can play off of that if you want, toy around with it as a sort of small canon divergence to this au, but for the main one i’m rolling with what i already did in the first post... it’s unfinished btw there’s this small section i’m stuck on but i didn’t wanna delay this post anymore for something so minor
eurydice sees how much the beyond has ground him into the dirt—his eyes are sagging and half-lidded, dulled and shadowed and barely focused on her, miserable but too exhausted to feel
she sees this plenty in the ver. w/ Come Home With Me III before he remembers her, and for a moment in the other version before his eyes light up with recognition and suddenly it’s like some of the soot has sloughed off of him with the way his whole face lights up
also she shoves his guitar at him and he’s !! 
it’s. horribly out of tune though. he’s tuning it while they talk a little
but either way: the steam whistle blows, the signal to get back to work, and orpheus is immediately lowkey fearful and trying to get back before kampê catches them
eurydie is completely “oh hell to the fuck no i JUST got you back after MONTHS of searching you are NOT leaving”
orpheus is just afraid of what kampê’ll do if she sees them together, he doesn’t plan on leaving her -- he doesn’t hand her back the guitar, after all
again, kampê isn’t the most stable
then uhhh Whoops they spend too long there and she catches them, a la Papers
cue panic
cue tousling w/ eurydice and somehow getting kampê still enough (probably w pinning) to try and listen to Orpheus and she's just waiting to kick his ass because no music is ever gonna sway her, boy
(the dogs get placated by a few chords plucked out)
he can't sing, but he plays
and the other workers listen, and are moved
they are moved by eurydice's act of coming here after him
by listening to orpheus sing of love
by listening to orpheus forget, and deteriorate 
by having spent months listen to their love last and finally succeed with eurydice's arrival, this stalwart notion of hope
they didn’t ignore it. everybody knows the walls have ears
and they join by accompanying orpheus' song with the heavy metal sounds of the factories
they stomp, they clang, they turn grinding gears that crash and pound, in synchrony 
(where the little wheel squeals and the big wheel groans)
it’s a percussive song that they make
more than a simple tune, a steady beat, more than just the music of machinery
it shakes the entire Beyond with the force of the determination of a thousand weary souls, of the hopeless regaining hope for the first time in centuries
Forced through the percussive force of the entire Beyond, implicit in its rhythm and shake, is the old song. all of this old and rusted metal, all of this harsh machinery, all of it singularly resonant in the notion of la, la la la, la la la 
kampê feels it all through her feet and it rumbles in her chest, it shakes her to her very core and rattles her down to her bones, twists in her gut and forces in her fear and awe, and awe and wonder, and... something else
eurydice feels her loosen under her grip and backs off from pinning her and she still doesn’t move
at some point she lurches forward with her fist raised--orpheus doesn’t stop playing but he does shut his eyes, thinking oh god this is it, and eurydice rushes forward to pull her back
but she just... punches her fist into the ground by his feet
she feels everything not only through her feet but up her arm, more directly to her chest, to her heart, to her head
at last, swayed, feeling far more of something other than fear or anxiety or anger than she ever has in a long time...
she lets them all go
ok ngl there’s some blank spots here. i’m blanking here. idk how to transition
it's an entire exodus out from this tiny secluded part of Hadestown
The Great Beyond empties itself out and Kampê is left behind
the move is headed by Orpheus & Eurydice and the mood is very similar to the exodus from Egypt by the jewish folk in the movie Prince of Egypt
including the dark lighting, teal against the warm orange-yellow of their torches (lamps in this case), the wind, the craggy rock, everyone together, overall just the general tone
so during this walk from the Beyond to central hadestown with orpheus & eurydice more or less alone at the front is when Promises happens
it’s. a hell of a lot sadder here, but also a lot softer and more tender
orpheus’ lines are spoken like with Come Home With Me I / II coz he ain’t singin’ anymore. he can’t
and that’s the thing, he can’t sing anymore. 
all those things he said in wedding song, all his promises--that his voice would convince the world to give them everything they need
orpheus... doesn't have that anymore, or at least not nearly as strong, or traditionally lovely as it used to be
his voice was cut into pieces from the nasty shit air in the places he was sent to work
all he has is his guitar, and while he’s good at it, his real strength is in his poetry--it’s his voice and his words that makes the rivers and the trees and birds sing along
the people of the Beyond may have been inspired to percussion by his guitar, but they were more swayed by the notion of their love that was built up over the past few months ever since he got banished
so like. to walk with eurydice and be by her side for as long as he lives, is really all he can really promise her at that point anyway
it's not even that he doesn't have anything and broke the promise that he’d sing them all they needed. he can’t even do that anymore
the voice that charmed her, that said he’d provide for her, is gone
would she love him now, he wonders, if the great poet can no longer sing
and many thanks to @sonyalone for contributing this:
he offers his devotion to her. the only thing he has that’s worth anything, the only thing he can do. and when he does hes so afraid that he'll see in her eyes the understanding disappointment, the pity and "i suppose so" that he fears, but he finally raises his head and he cries because her eyes are shining with joy and love and hope. thats all she ever wanted from him. she just wants to be with him, voice or no, amenities or no, and hes never felt so loved
he weeps, and she weeps--from grief and relief and love--and they hold each other close
sheltering under each other
and they have never been more secure in their love
he walked the whole length of the railroad into hell for her, he survived in the pit for her, she scoured the underworld for him, she came for him and she's keeping him
and the return of all these workers startles everyone in central hadestown and a lot of the work gets stalled out
which, of course, draws hades’ attention.
tune in next time for more on this shit ✌️
(pt i) (pt ii) (pt iii) (you are here) (pt iv) (pt. v) (epilogue) (askblog)
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minimenace · 5 years
Felix live thoughts:
i still don’t get why gabriel, who is known to wear his ring, is polishing both his and emilie’s rings
nathalie smiling at gabe aww
its been a year???
cat song from chat blanc
sitting together, bonding time??
gabriel: i need to tell adrien im hawk moth and its for the greater good - the greatest good id ever get - emilie’s ass
adrien: oh dad i know
gabe: wHAT??
adrien: yeah...you and nathalie  👀 im cool
not that adrien knows his mom is even alive smh
gabe, you can’t expect your son to be all hopeful when there’s nothing he knows of to be hopeful for
gabe: bitch get ready cousin you is coming
1 year since emilie ‘went for cigarettes’
adrien: healing  😌
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marinette’s first act as class president: class meeting!!!! (plus luka and kagami) we need to cure adrien of his depression
adrien is hallucinating his mom isn’t he
wait it’s his mom’s twin isn’t it
amelie and emilie huh
gabe is not “NO get out”
grouch kitten time!!!
felix getting hugged: bitch...fine ok
so felix and adrien’s favorite game as kids was Parent Confusion huh
gabe: how dare you shake my hand
felix: how dare you not shake my hand
so gabemilie wedding rings were from her family
emilie’s maiden name was NOT agreste...bitch no im DYING with this headcanon
felix whats to know what the FUCK is up with kyle gabriel
marinette...no...do not tell your crush you’re in love with him when you’re trying to console him about his missing mom
ok slightly better
bitch you’re still recording
is this gonna be another copycat where marinette tries to get the phone to delete the message
wait this is LITERALLY another copycat
“I’m really sorry I didn’t come to your dad’s funeral” OH BITCH NOW I GET WHY HE HATES YOU
explains why they’re wearing black
felix with bryce’s voice hits bad
he needs kousei arima...max mittelman...pLAGG
“you do everything your dad tells you to” “oh well yeah you know”
do do do do-dUUHN
adrien and felix used to challenge each other in chess...nerds
plagg: “you’re cousin is being sus BUT HE TOUCHED MY CHEESE THAT UNFORGIVABLE”
plagg: *points out adrien’s mother is* adrien: *gets sad* plagg: oh baby fuck im so sorry
felix i know adrien is complete dumbass but you cannot call him an idiot!!!
wait is felix gonna find out marinette is ladybug because she was recording for so long
probably not lol
felix fuck you im the only one allowed to make fun of nino’s dudebro accent
felix bby youre not building a good case for yourself by making fun of my babies
also bryce is trying to do a lower voice and he just sounds dudebro
wait is felix gonna rip chloe a new one
YES felix and chloe knew each other
the one time chloe is being genuinely nice for no discernable reason and felix is like “fucker”
well with the season finale we know it doesn’t matter
marinette time bitch lets see what happens im scared
ok thats mean
the writers are trying very hard to make me hate felix but joke’s on them, i’ll never hate anyone on this show
no joke i used to hate theo and call him a pedo and now i’m like “aww poor baby”
wait where is theo i havent seen him around
ok he deleted the videos so immmmmmmmmm hmmm
felix getting ready to cause havoc
ok luka is kind of a joke
*strums guitar* im supportive. this is my personality.
i cant really be mad about felix sending that mean message but adrien deserves to be a feral kitty
fel-ien: i renounce all my friends y’alllll SUCK
me: ...
calls out chloe specifically: NO THATS MEAN but true
marinette: there’s no way adrien can be mean he’s an absolute...aNGEL (how does that meme go)
i mean she has a point because he’d never call chloe out like tHAT
lila spying for gabe seems to be a good thing but im concerned about what gabe will be doing with this video
oh ok they knew it was felix
nathalie: so uh...sir...now’s a good time to um...akumatize some vulnerable kids...
gabe: ok amelie lets see how you feel about THIS akuma attack
gabe getting people to go chase down your “son” is still going to inevitably hurt your son
im fairly certain that max and kim know marinette is ladybug at this point 
*announcer voice* and in the confusion, reflekta, lady wifi, and princess fragrance were deakumatized because they couldn’t figure out who to be mad at
WHICH ONE OF YOU IS THE FAKE ADRIEN they all shout. “idk what do you think” says adrien 1 to adrien 2
adrien: *starts acting all mean*
punishers: IT MUST BE HIM
nathalie: STOP IT ADRIEN
punishers: wait who
adrien: muwahauwah i wonder who I could BE AJAHAHAHA
felix: bro why the fuck are you covering for me
nathalie get your grove on
felix: ha...no?
felix: oh well...KONO FELIX DA- LET’S FIGHT
istg if felix has his own miraculous
ladybug saves fel-ien
fel-ien: i love you
activates “smooch”
marinette: *has flashbacks to spook-drien* uhhh no
felix you’re being very menacing about this kiss
ok... i feel like marinette going “NO MEANS FUCKING NO” is a brownie points moment just the entire structure of the scene...also she has no reason to suspect adrien is not adrien, so the punching is just...intensely weird to me
this also feels like astruc trying to be like “FELIX IS THE OPPOSITE OF ADRIEN WHO IS A PERFECT GENTLEMAN AND RESPECTS WOMEN AND THEIR BOUNDARIES” when like um i dunno, adrien ALSO tries to kiss women (ladybug) without their consent but those moments are always treated as comedy so you’re not being very slick with this scene
side note; idk why when a male morally dark end character gets into a fight or something with a girl very one goes “THAT’S SEXIST”, like basically what you’re saying is “you can’t hit girls” which in itself IS sexist. everyone can be punched. don’t fucking hold back.
side note; you shouldn’t punch ANYONE
“You’re not Adrien, he would never be so pushy!” *looks at chat noir* uhhh....
i mean good deduction skills tho? i still think it’s pretty hastily and badly written
adrien is fucking OUTING his cousin lmao
i feel like there was pre-existing tension
felix: is actually ashamed for once
lb: great!!! now break the tablet felix: bitch this is some good fucking money i aint breaking it
felix and lila are the moth gang
hawk moth: why felix: uncle give me your fucking jewelry
felix: manipulate the situation...and profit
that has got to be the GREATEST defeat ever...truly lucky
felix looks like he thinks that he’s going to jail
adrien: dude wtf amelie: ...his dad- felix: no dude that was pretty fucked up, ill own up to it
“i hope to become a better person and see you again soon!” this was one concentrated bad incident but yeah ok
the tone is making me think this is supposed to be inauthentic and he doesn’t mean it but im hoping this isn’t the case.
but if it is genuine, it sounds like there’s a tacked on “learn to be better- from you” which like, yeah adrien is better than felix we get it but you don’t need to emphasis adrien as a model dude when he’s like tier 1 good guy. he’s decent. lmao.
wait felix has always been wearing a ring i didn’t notice
awww felix and gabriel made up.
what even happened between them to begin with.
adrien: aw sHIT CUZ WAIT gabe: nO DAVIC
adrien: if you need to talk in here felix: thanks
astruc: see he’s morally superior
did felix just gift adrien some expensive cheese lmao
felix: hey i feel bad, i replaced your cheese
adrien : *records message to thank everyone and says “i love you”* marinette: *obsessively plays back the “i love you”*
marinette: ill take what i can get
so felix really is a magician huh
i feel like him and jean duparc would get along
oh so there’s history behind the rings?
“where it belongs” everyone hates gabe huh. wuh happened
gabe why are you taking your wife’s ring
it’s like he needs that thing to function
the ring: why you so obsessed with me
is it like an anti-nathalie charm or something
gabe: bitch get it together yOU’RE MARRIED, YOU’RE WIFE IS DOWNSTAIRS
the beef is, probably like all things, related to the miraculous
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sciencespies · 4 years
What we don't know about parasites in our changing world could be deadly
What we don't know about parasites in our changing world could be deadly
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In the salt water marshes of southern California, a splashing killifish is easy prey for a hungry shorebird. Like a jerking marionette, the helpless creature shimmies and flashes on the surface of the water. And all the while, hiding deep in its brain, an invisible other quietly pulls the strings.
The puppeteer in question is the super-abundant parasitic flatworm known as Euhaplorchis californiensis. Throughout its life, this one parasite will infect no less than three animals, and a bird’s intestine is the final destination it wants to reach.
To get there, the parasite’s larva must penetrate a killifish, crawl to its brain and lay down a carpet of cysts, which it then uses to manipulate the host’s swimming, sending it thrashing to the surface.
As it happens, infected killifish are preyed on by birds some 10 to 30 times more, which means that parasites are essentially increasing the amount of resources available in the ecosystem: a relationship we often overlook in the natural world.
The story of the infected fish is a tantalising peak backstage, but it’s also a reminder of our sheer ignorance. As the world’s climate changes, we can’t ignore our parasites any longer.
A parasitic dark matter
Though often hidden to the human eye, parasites are, by some estimates, more than half of all known species on Earth. What’s more, they can influence virtually every other free-living animal.
Humans alone play host to nearly 300 types of parasitic worm, and around a third of us are currently infected, whether knowingly or not, with at least one.
They’re everywhere, on all sides, maybe even inside. And yet when we picture a classic food chain, how many of us remember the lions, zebras and grass, only to forget their hidden puppeteers?
Compared to free-living species, scientists have collected relatively scant information on parasites. Historically dominated by medical researchers and overlooked by ecologists and conservationists (Darwin himself viewed them as “degenerates“), these organisms are often entirely missing from modern depictions of food chains; even though, in the average ecosystem, parasite–host links actually outnumber predator–prey links.
Only in the last 30 years or so have we realised our mistake.
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 (Cizauskas et al., Royal Society Open Science, 2017)
Above: Global distribution of parasite climate change research. Research on parasitic species is disproportionately oriented towards human emerging infectious diseases (EIDs), especially in countries where the majority of parasite research occurs.
When parasites like E. californiensis are included in the ecology of California’s salt marshes, the classic food web – with a few predators at the top and lots of smaller species on the bottom – is almost literally “turned on its head“.
“Essentially,” the authors of a 2008 paper explain, “a second web appears around the free-living web, and this completely changes the level of connectivity.”
Parasites are thus described as a sort of hidden “dark matter“, not only in our ecosystems but also in our models of infection. When Chelsea Wood, a parasite ecologist at the University of Washington, first started researching mass fishing nearly 15 years ago, she told ScienceAlert that we had virtually no idea how this practice might impact resident parasites.
Even now, she adds, when ecosystems are facing unprecedented changes, we have only the foggiest idea how more than half the species on Earth are coping.
Whether acknowledged or not, parasites are key indicators and shapers of healthy communities, influencing the survival and reproduction of whole host populations, causing food web cascades or even epidemics.
Some call them the “omnipresent agents of natural selection“, others the “ultimate missing links“, still others the “invisible puppeteers“.
Whatever the label, it’s about time we consider the parasite.
Shooting in the dark
If the history of medical science has taught us anything, Wood argues, it’s that the emergence of a new infectious disease can go unnoticed for a long time: the tale of HIV, jumping from primates to humans decades before we recognised it as a global epidemic, is a prime example.
Today, a similar story might be unfolding in our oceans, like a shadow, creeping up the wall behind us.
“We really are just starting to scratch the surface on whether a changing world means rising rates of infectious disease,” Wood told ScienceAlert.
In the last few years, scientists have grown ever more concerned that our planet is not only getting warmer, it’s also altering the spread and distribution of parasitic diseases.
A recent finding, not yet published by Wood’s lab, indicates that from 1978 to 2015, there was a 280-fold increase in Anisakis simplex, a cold water nematode responsible for some 20,000 cases of herring worm disease, usually contracted from eating raw or undercooked seafood.
Whether the trend is due to fishing, climate change or something else, is hard to say for now. In Arctic waters, where this nematode flourishes and climate change is at its worst, we often lack baseline and long-term data, even for the best known parasites and their diseases.
Unfortunately, this means our future projections can often fall short of the rich reality.
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The domino effects of climate change on parasites and their hosts. (Cizauskas et al., Royal Society Open Science, 2017)
The latest climate-parasite models are trying to fill-in this blindspot, incorporating not only climate data, but also information on parasitic life cycles, ranges, and opportunities for new hosts.
The initial results suggest that climate change will play a much larger role in disease transfer than we once thought. But what that specifically means for bird-flu, human malaria, A. simplex or other parasitic diseases remains unresolved.
After all, wherever there’s few data, there’s plenty of doubt. Even Wood, who directly measures parasite prevalence, admits that her research may well contain a sneaking bias. Researchers, you see, tend to pay more attention to those parasites that matter to humans.
“No one cares about parasites that are diminishing into extinction, because they don’t hurt people, they don’t hurt animals, they don’t cause outbreaks, they don’t ruin your fish fillet, they don’t crawl across your plate at the sushi restaurant,” Wood explains.
But that doesn’t mean they aren’t a vital part of our ecology. While an increase or change in parasite populations will no doubt have serious repercussions for health and agriculture, the flip side may well entail ecological upheaval. Some parasites are certain to flourish, while others will likely decline and go extinct.
A 2017 study on 457 parasite species predicts that five to 10 percent are committed to this fate by 2070, solely from climate-driven habitat loss. The researchers went on to create the first “red list” for parasites.
“Accounting for host-driven coextinctions,” the authors write, “models predict that up to 30 [percent] of parasitic worms are committed to extinction, driven by a combination of direct and indirect pressures.”
Will the aforementioned E. californiensis number among these wormy losers? Will another invasive parasite take its place? What then will happen to the size, distribution and abundance of killifish? The hungry shorebird? The precious salt marshes? The humans who rely on them?
Gathering answers on the complexities of parasite-host dynamics in all the thousands of mammal and bird species is a simply impossible task, says Konstans Wells, a parasite ecologist and modeller at Swansea University.
“We need more data for certain aspects,” he told ScienceAlert, “but we certainly can’t sample everything and we also can’t wait with the modelling because there is always a need to make better forecasting or maps where diseases are being distributed.”
As the clock ticks, researchers must act like ghostbusters, hunting down invisible foes, diseases that don’t yet exist or have yet to re-emerge in some new unexpected location.
Danielle Claar, a postdoc working in Wood’s lab, is studying the effect of El Niño events in the parasite-rich Tropics, because she says these can act as windows into future warming. Others in the team are sifting through countless museum samples and old journals for evidence of the past.
“When you arrive into science you think everyone’s got everything figured out,” Wood says.
“But as you get deeper in you realise there’s so much we don’t know. It’s staggering.”
As the climate crisis takes a firm grip, squeezing some parasites out and holding on to others, what we don’t know could very will kill many. And that goes for both parasites and humans alike.
A version of this article was first published in June 2019.
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gangtheway · 5 years
42 45 50 gogogo
42. do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
i do both simultaneously. but given that im sitting all day at work, i flop on couches like no other. then slep.
45. favorite pajamas?
some kinda sweatpant/pj pant with pockets (not flannel unless its actually cold out) and a tshirt from somewhere that was giving out free tshirts at some point in my life.
shirt n socks optional depending on temperature
50. what’s your dreamhouse? 
i am constantly flip flopping between extravagant mansion with hidden passages and secret rooms/ small house within walking distance to a supermarket where i can just lock myself in, emerging only for supplies on an annual basis.
but see a big house is harder to clean and also im gonna be living alone and at that point the only upside is the acoustics of a big house for dramatic speeches to a dog.
definitely needs a slot for mail and packages. maybe a smart fridge so i stop eating spoiled food. roomba for cleaning up. A/C and heater is a must. black-out curtains bc fuckt he sun.
aaaa i want a library even though i havent read an actual book in YEARS. mostly so i can hide doors behind bookshelves. Oh. I could put a whole fucking maze behind bookshelves just for funsies since this is a dream house. I will build a hidden labyrinth for brooding and also maybe so when i die no one can find my body until a couple of intrepid teens happen upon it years later and go on an adventure.
oh you know what lets put a big ol tv in here somewhere for games. and like 50 really good computers incase i break one. homeless people can come into the computer room and use them. there’s free laptops and phones for them too. they came with the house shhh. there’s a 3d printer.
one room has the entire library of alexandria in it. i saved it by making a time paradox and now its in my house that can be filleld with literally anything. i cant read any of them though bc im dumb. so there’s like a scientist chilling in my house too i guess.
one room opens to space. just as an option. yes there is an endless vacuum behind this door and yes it will kill me instantly but its fuckign SPACE. i can shoot shit through a vacuum tube to go into space too. i shoot all my embarrassing poetry adn art into space and the aliens make a religion about them. im the 7th grade god now.
oh yeah theres a room filled with money. actually its a corridor full of doors that lead into the bank accounts of the rich. like the physical versions of them. i use this corridor to become robin hood and finally find fulfillment in life. i steal all the crown jewels and send them to their countries of origin. OH and also doors into museums. im gonna do crimes of culture. save the cultures. give them their art back. and leave a calling card with just a crude drawing of a dick at the museum. i become known as the cock crusader but SURPRISE i didnt have a cock this whole time its the perfect crime.
theres another room thats a straight up time machine. i go into the past and un-birth hitler. i seduce his mom/dad/grandpappy and then also matchmake them to randos. i proceed to appear at various points in history as a mythical creature. i m the mothman i predict the tragedies now.
i have a room of spiders. i throw my enemies in there. i dont really have any enemies yet. i hope one day i will so i dont waste the spider room.
theres probably a pool somewhere too. it’s filled with the cure for all disease but it doesnt work unless you have less than 1 million dollars of material wealth. i dont make the rules. the pool does.
at least one room is noneuclidean. i dont know how it works either so take it up with god
theres a room with real pokemon. no mr mimes though bc he freak me out. tbh its mostly pikachus bc im basic af with my faves and pikachu herds sound adorable and i will die.
another room is like. a room where you go and talk to people who died. not like a dedicated ouija room. thats in the bomb shelter. no like you sit at a table and their soul just floats on over and theres a hologram and everything.
i have a ton of robots. theyre all vaguely sexy. they make me uncomfortable but i am irresponsible with my power
one room has a megaphone. when you speak into it it doesnt make any noise but instead it beams your voice into the mind of who youre thinking of. i use it to brighten the days of my friends and destroy the psyches of my enemies. still dont have any enemies yet. would it be overkill to do this in addition to the spiders?
there is an attic filled with mannequins. this is my nightmare room. i never go there and i pretend it doesnt exist. when someone wanders in there, their heads follow their movement wordlessly. they dont do anything but its really unnerving and no one likes it.
there is a completely soundproof room that i go into and make whatever noises i want. no one can hear me here. i practice doing accents where no one can hear how bad and ashamed i am. even with no one else listening, i get self-conscious. this room is now the Screaming Room for makign stress noises in.
one room is filled with conversation starter cards and a mirror. i go here and study often. the cards ask me about my childhood traumas and i burn them. the room is now a room for pep-talks. i get self-conscious halfway through the peptalk and walk out, dejected. why is talking so hard.
one room opens into a ranch. it’s where we put all the shelter pets. there are therapy areas for them so they learn love and be loved again. they run in large open areas and are happy and fuzzy and clean and full. it’s staffed by people who know how toactually take care of animals. i go there sometimes to get swarmed by big ol dogs and big ol cats and so many fuzzy babies. then i go to the allergy removal room bc i didnt think that through.
there’s a never-ending food room. i dont know where it comes from or how fully-prepared food just appears like that. world hunger is ended and im still a lazy shit and forget to eat more than a single tortilla. the food doesnt make you sick or unhealthy its just good food that tastes good and feels good and is good. there is maybe an onion corner and i dont acknowledge its existence aside from the occassional glance.
theres a dumb bitch dungeon for the people i have a one-sided hatred for who ruin life for the entire planet. it shoots off into space. they get dissected and analyzed by aliens. the aliens decide to never come to earth bc jfc is this really what yall do. a small price to pay. maybe other aliens might come and be chill. i have a room for the aliens just in case.
theres other houses for people i care about and a few more for those i dont yet know that i care about. no rent. just a place to live and be happy. its filled with friends and happiness and i really want this eldritch abomination of a house now.
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nikvs-blog · 5 years
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pov rp: i try to wink at u but i close both eyes like jinsoul in this gif <3 SBJDWBDJWBDJ hello im xan im 22 & from the est timezone i use she / her pronouns & ur watching disney channel. is this super late ? yea...but thats super on brand for me its fine its fun its sexy so * jugkook vc* let’s get it !
— jung jinsoul. she/her. cis female. | was that niko seo i just saw in the hideaway lobby ? i hear the twenty-two year old spends most of their time working as a waitress, but i’ve always just seen them scribbling poetry on napkins. they live in 3A and i often see them in the halls. they always give me a vibe of making wishes on falling stars, silk ribbons adorning messy ponytails, and breakfast at midnight.
so miss niko was born in a teeny tiny suburban town in north carolina to a pair of  young high school sweethearts ! unfortunately her mom passed away during childbirth so it was a very bittersweet arrival into the world for baby niko
her dad was a mechanic who never made it to college since his girlfriend got pregnant towards the end of their senior year. they got married before niko was born though because they were pretty serious abt raising her right but they never really got the chance to /: but her dad loved his job he loved working with cars & it was something his own dad did before him plus it was a job the town really valued since it was so tiny ( u really only needed one of everything )
when i say tiny i mean everyone knows everyone tiny. growing up the town kinda pitied niko bc of her mom dying so to compensate everyone kinda tried to do their part in raising her ! her neighbors were just as much of a parent to her as her own dad was, and everyone had stories abt her mom so niko kinda appreciated how small the town was.....sometimes
that changed as she got older ! when she started high school her dad kinda entered a rough patch & started drinking more with his buddies, started working less, and niko started getting calls from the sheriff at 2 am like “hey we’re gonna keep ur dad for the night he didnt do anything crazy but he got a little too drunk u can pick him up tomorrow” sort of thing 
she was there for him every time but it got kinda overwhelming knowing everyone was in her family's business & how much kids would gossip at school or adults would give her sad looks
basically she kinda just....became very disillusioned with her reality & began to realize no one around her was really.....happy or had big dreams and their entire lives revolved around this tiny town which scared her
but also ? it had started becoming her life, too. she was voted prom queen senior year, she had a job at a diner where the same people ate everyday, she’d been dating the same boy for four years and everyone talked about how they’d probably get married soon. she’d become exactly like everyone else without even realizing it....she didnt have some big dream.....she didnt even have plans for college she was just so stuck
and then disaster hit the summer after she graduated high school. her dad had crashed right into a tree on a rainy night trying to drive home after a night out drinking & died on impact. the news honestly didnt feel real to her until her grandparents were helping her clear out her house so she could come move in with them 
which is when she finds her mom’s old diary ! and boy was that thing . fat & juicy ... it had all four years worth of her mom’s high school years inside and niko became ...obsessed with it. all she did that summer her dad died was read her mom’s old diary learning more abt the woman from those pages than she ever had from the mouths of everyone in her town
 thats how she found out her mom had always dreamed of moving to some city like seattle and starting this new life once she found out she was pregnant with niko ! so niko was like ok this has to be a sign....told her grandparents she loved them but she couldnt stay in north carolina.....and boop ! she pretty much disappeared from the town, didnt tie up any lose ends ( including her bf of four years who she was kinda engaged to ? JSDBJBDJ ) because she just had to leave that bad. 
cue a scene on bus with niko looking out the window as some dramatic song abt new beginnings plays . JSDBJSBDJW seattle was truly her new start at 18 ... and all she wanted to do was just ... reinvent herself 
so she did ! first thing she did was get a job as a waitress bc uh ur girl was BROKE broke but she knew she was good at serving. the first year was.....pretty rough there’s no sugar coating it niko was struggling bad, probably living in some questionable apartment when she wasnt coach hopping at her coworker’s places. despite all this she was....insanely happy she really believed ( and still does ) seattle is magic !
she was working at a diner ironically, just like she had been back home, but this diner changed her life about a two years ago. one day one of her regulars ( a very well off lawyer who worked downtown ) told her she was way too pretty and charming to be serving at a place like this & that he had a buddy who owned an upscale restaurant near his job downtown & that he could probably get niko a job there if she wanted
so she was like UH hell yes....showed up the next day at this fancy restaurant, charmed the pants off the owner, and the rest ? is history !  she moved into hideaways a bit after getting this new job & has been there ever since <3
personality wise niko is kinda ....hard to figure out. she doesnt do it on purpose, she’s just still learning about who she is and what she really wants. back home in north carolina she was kind of the small town golden girl, loved by everyone type of deal but also very romanticized by those around her ??? ppl thought she was brilliant and knew so much about everything when the truth was she just knew a little about a lot. she would read to escape the suburban boredom of her reality & took a special interest in things like art and poetry and astronomy. shes the type to want to share the stuff she’s learned with those around her
in seattle since no one knew her the way they did back home, niko decided she wanted to keep it that way. because of this and because shes so hesitant to talk about her family sometimes she can come across as mysterious but she’s a surprisingly open person !! she’s naturally super curious and friendly and she’s found it really helps to be the kind of person people want to get to know and trust when working in the service industry. she’s got the type of aura about her that makes you feel as if maybe you’ve known her forever, even if she’s only told you one thing about herself ( which is often the case) . can probably make anyone feel at home within five minutes of talking to her & you won’t even realize how she’s doing it. her boss swears she’s charming enough to sell honey to a bee ! 
she’s also got a flighty side though that comes out when you get too close. niko’s great at relationships when they aren’t deep, but the moment you start and figure her out and see past the smiley walls she’s got up she recoils fast. in a way she’s terrified of anyone knowing too much about her because she’s scared that once they do they’ll pity her, and niko can’t stand being pitied. she’s also super good at dishing out affection but not so good at receiving it. the type to fall in love then right back out of love in one day. kinda a heart breaker bc of this but she doesn't mean to be, she just gets infatuated kinda easily & isn’t very good at keeping things serious ever since literally running away from her long-time ex in north carolina JSBCSJBDJW 
some fun facts: she wants to get a cat and name it cat so bad but she’s not sure she’d be a good pet mom so she just settles for petting stray cats in public. 100% that weirdo crouching in the street making kissy noises because she saw a cat and wants to pet it. she can name just about every constellation & loves to sit outside and look at the stars on clear nights, usually while smoking a joint . she’s a hardcore lightweight .... im talking one tequila shot and she’s floored ... two glasses of wine and she’s taking her top off  then crying kinda deal like she CANNOT handle her liquor so she tries to keep partying to a minimum. she’s got a collection of napkins from work were people have scribbled their phone numbers onto as well as a collection of napkins niko herself has scribbled on. she mostly writes poems and sometimes she even leaves a napkin with a poem on it behind at a table like a little gift for whoever sits there next. she’s probably always writing poems for all her friends or infatuations so if you’re in her life....you’ve gotten one at some point ! 
the only thing she brought with her from north carolina were all her records. she’s got a pretty extensive collection that ranges from donna summer to louis armstrong to led zeppelin & when she finally got a record player of her own in seattle it was probably the best day of her life <3 she really likes to watch scary movies but also they scare her so bad so it’s a cycle of oh yes lets watch this.....fuck why did i do that.....im sleeping with the lights on rinse & repeat. she really likes to cook ! she learned at a pretty early age out of necessity but now she does it for her own pleasure also because of her growing interest / knowledge in the restaurant industry. her wardrobe is 95% thrifted and 5% stolen from miscellaneous people ( her dad, old boyfriends, hookups, friends, etc. ) is a notorious hoodie thief so dont lend her yours......
and this is WAY too long im.....so sorry this literally always happens aha <3 yes i ramble but thats bc . i have a lot to say and i also have a lot of love to give ! spare some plots ? we can im on tumblr but i am 100% easier to reach on discord  @ EL i love u 💖✨🌙#8172 so hit me up there & lets get this show on the road baby ! 
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Movie Reviews (2019)
8. Bohemian Rhapsody
"I am a legend." - Freddie Mercury once said and he is.
He still are.
The band Queen is a legend. They still are. I am ashamed of myself why I only discover Queen now. Why did I have to watched the movie before I could appreciate them. They make music to unite the people. They dont make music just for the sake of money or fame, they make it for the people to enjoy and have fun. To be part of them.
As they said, Queen doesn't have a meaning. They are just bunch of misfits that came together to make music to every other misfits (at least that's what I comprehended as I've watched). I am truly ashamed to love Queen now. I wished I have known them sooner. There music is authentic. It's unique. It's really out of the box. Every single, every track, it's never the same but that's what makes Queen. Even though their music is not the same, it still has the Queen style in them. And I think that's what makes Queen, a legend in the music industry. Their bond, the family is unbreakable. And I really like how they were going to fight but ended up making music.
I will definately download all their music now. Specially, Love Of My Life. Even though, they didnt end up together, no one will ever compete to what Freddie did to Mary. Imagine thousand of people singing a song that's made for you out of love I mean. Maybe a lot of singers did that now but I personally like this one. Maybe it's because of the movie. The story behind it.
As Freddie's life was quite short, it was worthwhile. I think, it's worthwhile. Maybe he had regrets but I know he enjoyed his life so much.
It's he's way of telling us through all the songs that we need to enjoy our life too. We need to savior it because we will never know the ending of our own story.
Queen is a living legend along side every other musician that made history in the world, and Freddie Mercury will be forever our Royal Majesty in the music industry.
Rate: 10/10
Tell me one bad thing so that I dont rate this 10 out of 10?
I guess so.
Case closed.
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