#bdubs x reader
lunar-writes-things · 10 months
okay since bdubs is such a bold n outspoken person, i would like to request anything you can think of that would include flustered n stammering bdubs
maybe pair it with one of my favorite fic tropes, kissing practice? 👀 (entirely up to you tho :))
Making Moss Turn Red
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Pairing: Bdoubleo100 x Reader
Summary: In which your attempts to get a single kiss from your crush successfully fail
Extra notes: My friend wrote down a line in here and I didn't wanna delete it so I integrated it into the fic-,
Content warnings (If any): ALSO I WORTE A MAKE OUT SCENE IM NOT SORRY, Bdubs gets grabby ;)
WC: 1,656
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You couldn't help it. 
You would think after knowing someone for so long it would drive off any feeling for them but even now as you watched him build you couldn't help but swoon for the man. 
Bdubs was pulling himself up to the place he needed, but all you could see is how his biceps flexed and how his back muscles looked through the sweat-soaked and see-through white shirt of his. You held his moss coat in your lap as you drooled over the man with a dopey grin on your face. 
"-n! Y/n!" Bdubs called and snapped you back to reality. The man had a smug grin on his face as he began to walk towards you "Enjoy the show?" 
You flushed a sweet pink as you let out a light laugh along with your retort "Of course! Why else would I be here if not for the show?"
Ah yes...
The only unfortunate part of your relationship with Bdubs other than your hidden feelings. 
The flirting that was supposed to be fake. 
It was never fake on your side and almost always had the man feeling even bolder than always when he saw you began to flush and stammer. 
However, this flirting was new... Very recent in fact only a few days old. 
About a week ago, after realizing your feelings for the man after years of pushing it back, You wanted to come up with a plan so you could make a move. 
But nothing had come to mind...
except for flirting.
And you think that much would be obvious but when it comes to Bdubs... nothing is obvious. 
The man took all your advances and Uno reversed them to you. You tell him he looks gorgeous with the moss coat? He tells you it would look better on you with nothing else on! 
Come on! How do you respond to something like that?! 
"Y/n," He cooed out and placed a gentle hand on your thigh which made you jolt out of your thoughts "You with me now?" 
"Yeah, Sorry," You said and smiled at him "Just tired I guess. Maybe I need to follow your sleep schedule." 
Bdubs laughed at you and patted your thigh gently. 
"Maybe you should! I'd be willing to free up some space in my bed so you can join me."
He gave you a smug look and you swatted him away, you're cooling face now rising with heat once again. 
"Oh stop playing around Bubs," You laugh and hop off of the wood you were sitting on "Anyway, what were you saying?" 
"Oh!" Bdubs grinned "I wanted to show you My pride and joy! Horse Mountain!" 
He stepped aside and revealed a giant man-made mountain that had a horse head carved into it. It was mossy where the mane was and had realistic cracks spanning the entire mountain. 
"It's beautiful!" You exclaimed, eyes shining in pure joy "Oh my void! It's so gorgeous!" 
You spun and took Bdubs up in your arms as you gushed about how beautiful the man-made mountain was. 
"I'm glad you like it!" Bdubs laughed as you spun him around "Come Here! I wanna show you something." 
You let the man out of your grip and followed his lead. He took you to a fairly hidden part of the mountain and when he knew the two of you were fully hidden from anyone and everyone's sight he pressed you against the wall with a soft smile and eyes.
"You're so pretty," He cooed out and it made you blush from how sincere it sounded 
Your breath caught in your chest when you finally registered the look in his eyes. It was... genuine. His big bright eyes were filled to the brim with sincerity, adoration, and Intense with an emotion you couldn't identify. 
It made you... nervous 
"I- uh-" You couldn't focus and what was making it worse is that he just put a warm hand on your hip and its making you malfunction 
"You uh?" He repeated, a cocky smile on his face 
You gulped and shivered as his hand lifted the smallest bit and his fingers dragged along your side in feather light touches. You did your best to not melt in his touches but to no avail. 
"Thank you," You finally managed to say, a small whimper to your voice as your face burned 
"You're welcome, Y/n." Bdubs grinned, probably at his victory of getting you so flustered 
"I- Uh-“ You start but can’t seem o get the words out
“you- Uh?” Bdubs has a small smile on his face, his eyes dancing with delight as he leans in closer and closer
”I have a crush on y- someone.” You blurt out, barely stopping yourself from saying ‘you’ 
when you looked at Bdubs he looked… empty. 
“Oh? Do you now?” he asked softly slowly stepping away 
“Yes and I want to practice kissing them with you,” You said and pulled him into your body “Would that be okay?” 
Bdubs’ face turned into the color of roses and he nodded slowly, eyes shining with more hope but still held disappointment. While you felt bad for lying to him, it was the only way you could do this. 
… Was it even a lie? 
You did like someone… You liked him. Void, did you want to kiss him too… 
but still seeing how sad he looked after you said you liked someone… it crushed your heart
”Do you want to practice right now?” He asked softly
”… Please?” You whisper
”Of course,” He replies in the same hushed tone “Come, let me lead.” 
He was gentle and slow, as if he would scare you off if he moved too fast. He gently cradled your face and he moved up to lean in 
“Are you sure?” He asked you, his voice was barely audible and his breath danced on your face but his eyes were focused on your lips and your facial expression 
“I have never been more sure in my life,” You said and leaned down 
Bdubs leaned up and met you in the middle
His lips were soft, and he tasted like mint. He moved slow and steady and what felt like forever in euphoria was only a few seconds. 
“Was that okay?” He breathed out, his hands holding your cheeks were shaking and you placed your hands on top of his to calm him down 
“It was perfect.” 
“OH MY VOID!” Gem screamed in excitement and shook you by your shoulders “YOU KISSED HIM?!” 
“Ye-es Pl-ea-se St-op Sha-king- meeeee-“ your words were barely audible as Pearl and Cleo freaked out with Gem
“This calls for a celebration!” Pearl said 
“Waitwaitwait-“ You said and rushed forward after Gem let you go “You guys never let me finish what I was saying.” 
The three girls looked at you expectantly and you sighed and finished your story. 
once you finished they stared at you in disbelief 
“so wait- let me get this straight,” Cleo stated “You told him you liked… SOMEONE and didn’t specify who and asked to practice kissing with him?” 
“…Yes?” You replied shrinking back 
There was a group sigh and it made you defend yourself “hey, it was a spur of the moment thing. I almost confessed to him but I backed out last minute and now I'm stuck here. Any ideas other than coming clean?” 
“wuss-“ Pearl coughed between her word playfully “But Seriously Y/n, not your smartest move. Truthfully I think the best way is to let it play out how you have it now. Maybe something will happen because of it?” 
“I’m not sure, But the longer this goes on…” Cleo trailed off and You got her gist
The longer this goes on, the longer you could be hurting not only yourself but bdubs. 
“I’ll figure it out,” You said desperately “I promise.” 
Everyday for the next two weeks were bliss
Bdubs insisted on meeting everyday so he could ‘teach’ you and you never once protested. 
Today, however, was different. Bdubs was touchy, hand on your hips or lower back. His eyes wandered multiple times. When he couldn’t take it any more he dragged you to where you two first kissed and smashed his lips into yours. 
It took you by surprise but you never fought it. 
instead, you melted into the kiss. Your hands diverging, one going up to tangle in his hair and the other gong down to rest on his heart, feeling the beat of his body pulse faster and faster. His hands… his hands dipped below your waist and behind you… 
You wanted control of this situation 
You turned and pushed him against the wall, protecting his head with your hand from the rock, and kissed him harder. He had let out a gasp when you turned him and his hands backed away from your body but the passionate kiss continued. 
When you both pulled away for a breath he looked into your eyes and you couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of your mouth. 
“I’m in love with you Bdubs. You enchant me in heart and soul and I want you to be mine. Please be mine.”  You pull him closer by the waist and cup his face “You’re the one I like and you’re the one I love. Let me be your partner please.” 
He looked shocked and blank before his face turned a deep red and he started stammering
”I- Uh- We- ye- well-“ This went on for a solid few seconds before he gathered himself and said “Yes. Please.  I have been in love with you since season 6. Please be mine Y/n.” 
“Always have been and always will be.” You promised and sealed it with a kiss
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candy-applers · 6 months
Fandom?: Hermitcraft/MCYT
Who?: Anyone-ish
Warnings: blood, respawn mechanics, let me know if i missed any
Your eyes blur slightly with tears, the clouds rolling above you slowly, It gives a certain calm compared to now. The moon shines so brightly with its massive form, Slowly closing in on the world as you know it. You had been building when you were struck by a flying skeleton, its arrow embedded within your shoulder, blood slowly drizzling down from the wound, tainting your clothes a dreary red. A shadow looms over  you, blocking the moon. Their face comes into view, tears collecting in their eyes. Your name slips past their lips, as a tear slips past their eyes. A gentle hand caresses your cheek, moving to  your collar, finally resting next to the arrow. “I can save you…” The whisper, “I could bring you with me..” Your eyes start to droop, your chest slowly expanding and shrinking.  Tears Fall from your own eyes, joining theirs. “If only…” You say slowly. They open their mouth to say something when the ground starts shaking, you and them rising towards the sky, they hold you close as you rise, the moon shining brightly, slowly closing in on the world you once knew. Your eyes drift over your bases, the tall, short, mostly finished, mess and smile.  Remicicing the mornings you cuddle in bed together, the dinners you'd make together, the times you'd die only to respawn in each other's arms. 
You close your eyes as a tear slips past before opening them again, looking towards the moon,and as your eyes make contact,  you whisper one..last…thing.…
"Hope you enjoyed! The pearl fanfic is coming, tumblr was just being an ass and deleted the draft. Have a good day my lovlies!"
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dvskf4llz · 9 months
Hello wonderful person! Could I request some bdubs x f!reader where the reader is really worried because bdubs hasn't slept in a few days because hes trying to finish a build he's making for the reader and so the reader helps him get some rest (that was so confusing to write im sorry)
I'm so sorry if this is too much I hope it's not -is 🕳 anon available? -
I was actually planning to make some bdubs fluff soon! :D
I love this idea sooo!
I can re-write this in 3rd POV if everyone prefers it that way!!! ^^
(Also yes 🕳 anon in available <3)
Go to sleep
𝓕!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓑𝓭𝓾𝓫𝓼 (𝓑𝓭𝓸𝓾𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓞100)
TW: Literally just pure fluff, a bit of persuasion by the reader
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"Go to sleep." "But the build—" "Sleep."
Ever since you and Bdubs became a couple, he's always been finding ways to spoil you
You would always end up getting a little box/package infront of your base, obviously from Bdubs.
Bdubs would even write little love letters from time to time, sneaking it from under your door or in your bedroom. (I imagine Bdubs's love language would be giving the reader gifts)
One day, you would be talking about something you've taken a liking to and then *boom*. The next day you'll suddenly have it, either set on your desk or outside of your base.
This time, Bdubs had decided that he wanted to make you a nice little (not actually little) [a build of your choice].
Now, the problem with this is the fact that Bdubs hadn't gotten a single ounce of sleep since he was too carried away with building [build of your choice].
This worries you a lot, you had found out that he hadn't gotten any sleep by the other Hermits. You may or may not have asked them to check up on Bdubs everytime you're not able to since you're also busy with other stuff.
You loved Bdubs dearly but, you hated the fact that he'd practically destroy his health just for a build that's meant to be for you.
After watching Bdubs never taking a break from the build, you decided it was time to confront him.
You walked over to where Bdubs was currently very focused on building, you tapped his shoulder
"Bdubs, could you stop building for a second?" You asked sweetly, waiting for Bdubs to stop whatever he was doing. Bdubs stopped himself as he was about to place a block, he looked back at you curiously
"Yes what is it?" Looking up at Bdubs close, you could see the dark eyebags underneath his eyes, his disheveled hair and the same pair of his outfit that he wore yesterday.
"Listen, you need sleep Bdubs. You can't just be building without any sleep!" You said, almost scolding him
"I've been without sleep before anyways! It doesn't matter!"
"And I thought you were the one who would always be insistent to go to sleep."
"Well-" Bdubs trailed off not knowing how to argue with what you sId
"Exactly, you can't argue back." You said putting a hand on your hip
"Go to sleep." You added
"But the build—"
"Sleep." You cut Bdubs off before he could argue back
Bdubs sighed, knowing he had no choice but to sleep
"Could we atleast cuddle?" Bdubs asked, giving his best puppy-dog eyes to convince you to cuddle with him. You could not resist his puppy eyes at all unfortunately, so you gave in.
You and Bdubs in bed together, getting comfortable so that you guys could start cuddling. You both were in your comfortable sleeping clothes. Once you two both found comfortable positions, Bdubs wrapped his arms around your waist, snuggling against you. You did the same, making sure Bdubs was still comfortable as you two cuddled.
After a good minute or so, you could hear snores coming from none other than Bdubs. You looked down to see Bdubs' sleeping form, you smiled to yourself watching him finally sleep after weeks of him not sleeping at all.
You soon felt yourself getting sleepy aswell, finding Bdubs' soft snores and the silence peaceful, your eyes soon closed, falling asleep in Bdubs' arms with a smile on your face.
As soon as you woke up in the morning, Bdubs was not there by your side. Your immediate thought was that he was already working on the build for you once more. You stood up and went out of the room, thinking Bdubs would be outside.
Except, you were wrong. Bdubs was in the kitchen, making breakfast for the both of you. He had a little apron ontop of his pajamas, he hasn't heard you yet since he was focused on cooking the perfect meal for you. You looked at the scene infront of you, chuckling to yourself quietly.
You slowly approached Bdubs from behind, being quiet with your steps before wrapping your arms around Bdubs' waist which ended up startling him a bit
"GAH!- Jeez! You scared me [Name]!" Bdubs laughed, seemingly calmed down from the previous events. He took the [Insert favorite bfast food] out of the pan/pot and onto two plates/bowls, it was surprisingly not burnt.
"I made breakfast for both of us!" Bdubs exclaimed proudly and happily, you pulled away so that he could move properly. He then went over to the counter-table and set the food down before sitting down on one of the chairs, he motioned for you to sit down with him, a happy grin on his face.
You happily sat beside Bdubs, eating the breakfast he made with him. It was really just a sweet moment as you and him would talk before chewing on a spoonful of food, Bdubs would sometimes try and attempt to feed you but you would always catch him and he would always just laugh it off.
Overall, it was just really wholesome and nice to sit with your lover and eat in peace <3
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aaaaaaandddd you've reached the end!! Congrats! I really hoped you enjoyed this!! I've had this request for a while- I will be actually posting PT 2 of revenge on Christmas so stay tuned!!!
Goodbye lovely! We'll meet again soon! Always take care of yourself okay? There are people that love and care for you <333
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nix-writes-mcyt · 1 year
Hello! I see that your requests are open. Could I request some Bdubs x gn!reader fluff headcanons for fall activities and/or Halloween stuff? thank youuuu
The start of a series! Please excuse the bad formatting as I'm on mobile, I'll fix it as soon as I can with PC, but that might not be until the end of the week (same for it going on the masterlist)
Autumn Headcanons
Bdubs x reader
Contains: Fluff
Decorating for the season is done all year round with Bdubs
He makes most of the decor himself. Or he did until you came along
The two of you grow your own pumpkins, harvesting them is the biggest task of the season
He hand selects which will go home and which will be sold Although you find a way to sneak some in that you like He finds this cute
As the leaves change colour and start to fall, Bdubs makes a wreath for the front door
You help him choose the leaves
He even taught you how to preserve them so their colours wouldn't change
With this knowledge the two of you make Bdubs a new jacket since the moss one isn't great for camouflage against the reds and oranges of the leaves You might also happen to have a matching jacket
Once the wreath is up and the pumpkins decorating the property you're done... Not!
Bdubs instead hands you the lead
Foraging for berries, mushrooms and other tasty things is where you come in, you and your handy book of all the plants that are edible
You and Bdubs make for not only yourselves, but for the Hermits Harvest Festival
You make all manner of treats, sweet and savoury
Bdubs is very good at designing the tops of pies
He's not great at making them though Let's just say a few have been burnt, or whatever comes after burnt
Bdubs' decorating skills are used at his booth, he even uses some of the other foraged foods for decor
All the things you've made together are up for sale, and are always a big hit with the hermits
Any leftover berries are always fed to the birds
You both make price tags out of leaf cutouts! They're super cute and 100% recyclable
Whatever Bdubs and you make you try and do it with as little waste as possible
As the days get shorter and nights creep in faster you keep Bdubs awake
You watch sunsets with him from an established safe place of course
Bdubs promises to protect you from the monsters
You both know who will be doing the protecting
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patxhwrk · 1 year
Heya! I'm kinda new to writing requests so lul. But uhh... could you write about Bdubs x autistic!Reader? Like he helps Reader calm down from the very hard day working in the court (could be a meltdown or anything really. Stuff happens) cuz Ren (even tho he's a sweet guy ooc) is an annoyance. So He leads Reader to a quiet room, not trying to not overwhelm them more by touching them (cuz restricting movement is something I hate so so so so much. Childhood was horrible from how people held me like I was an animal) and he lets you calm down from the intense stress of melting down and they go back to work when they're ready and able (cuz ready and able or to different things for me). You can decide pronouns Reader uses. Just wanna have comfort for something I do that makes me worry about judgment.
Also can I be ☕ anon if it's not taken. If it is, please suggest one!
Thanks for the req! Im not sure if i represented autism well, i tried to go with what i know through my research because im not autistic as far as im aware. Please do tell me if i made a mistake or presented something bad!! I dont want to accidentally portray autism wrongly ^^ also its short as i dont want to prolong it if i did misportray autism
And ofcourse ofcourse! You can be ☕ anon! I didnt really think of having anons until now so thanks for reminding me!
-ˋˏ✄— Order in the Court!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ BDoubleO x Autistic! Reader
Pronouns: they/them
"At ease, please!"
.navigation. // .hermitcraft & empires smp masterlist.
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“Order! Order! Order in the court!”
The loud voice of Ren the King’s shouts startled Y/n not the slightest. Their thoughts had dozed off a few moments ago, wondering how their collection of animals back at base were doing. Did they remember to leave enough food for them? Were their animals left with enough entertainment for the hour they were gone? Was the temperature fitting enough? They had over a dozen creatures—from cats to dogs, parrots to pandas, axolotls, a few barn animals, a warden—
“Order! Order!”
They flinched slightly, unnoticeable to most Hermits.
Most. BDoubleO always seemed to notice their little habits—from flinches to stutters, and the little happy finger click they did when they successfully tamed—or captured, you can’t really tame wardens—another creature.
He turned his head slightly towards them, sending a side glance their way.
The mumblings of the King’s Court never seemed to die down. Ren sighed and rubbed at the bridge of his nose.
“Guys, guys! Your attention, please!”
Y/n licked at their lips, their head downwards as their fingers danced with each other. The mumbling and whispering eased down soon after, and the members of the court finally paid attention to their flustered king.
His hair was wild, standing in all directions as his face flushed in red.
“What may be the issue, my king?” Bdubs, voice calmer and lower than usual, spoke up first.
“Well, as thou shalt see—” Red pointed to the outside of the castle, out the window where the statue of himself stood. “Someone has graffitied my glorious statue!”
Y/n subconsciously shuffled backwards further into their seat. Ren’s increasing volume as he rambled on and on about how the renegades—as he says—disrespected his statue.
“Uh—my king?” Bdubs mumbled lower now, eyes flashing towards Y/n’s direction for a split second. “My liege?”
When Ren hadn’t responded to his quiet calls, inaudible to his loud complaints, Bdubs resorted to whisper-shouting his name instead.
Ren turned his head towards Bdubs, ready to correct the man, when his eyes moved from the mossy man to the jittery Y/n beside him. Their head hung lowly, their hands gripped each other tightly, and their widened eyes refused to make contact with anyone in the room. “Oh,” Ren mumbled softly. “Oh—I, uh—”
“It’s alright, Ren,” Bdubs whispered, standing up shortly. He tugged lightly on their shirt, enough for them to feel it but not enough to startle them. They turned their head backwards, glancing at the general direction of Bdubs’ face. He held his usual smile, calmer and softer, before pointing his head in the direction of the door.
“Come on, love,” he whispered lowly. “Y’wanna get outta here?”
Without another word, Y/n followed him outside.
As soon as they were out, as soon as the air brushed through their face, Y/n let a sigh leave their lips.
“You alright there, hon?” Bdubs whispered, standing a comfortable distance away.
Y/n stayed silent, letting the wind brush through their face for a few moments. Bdubs waited, patient and kind.
A moment passed, and they sighed. “Yeah—yeah, sorry. That…that was dumb of me.”
“No, no.” Bdubs was quick to reassure them, voice still soft and smile still kind. “No, that wasn’t. You’re fine, Y/n. You just needed a moment of silence, and Ren didn’t notice it in time.”
“But—” “No buts,” Bdubs scolded them lightly. “If you ever need just a moment to keep yourself comfortable, I’ll always be there to help you, got that? You're not a problem to me or anyone.”
They stayed silent for a second before nodding. “Yeah.”
“Good, good. Do you wanna go back or do you want to stay here for a moment.”
“I think—I think I can go back in now.”
Nodding, Bdubs gestured to the door, opening it for them.
“After you.”
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elis-corner · 2 years
your last post was adorable! if you’re up for it, can I request bdubs x reader who’s an insomniac? if not, no worries and have a wonderful day :)
Heya wonderful anon :D As I say to everyone who requests, sorry this took several months! I don't know what happened, but I got a bunch of asks that just didn't appear in my inbox until around December, but they said they were all there from months before.
It's only short since I'm trying to get back into the fanfic side of writing, hope you don't mind~ I also wasn't sure how to frame this the way I wanted, so I went with a mix of headcanons and drabbles
I hope you enjoy <3
'You can go to bed without me, you know.'
The concept of being unable to sleep was something that, at first, Bdubs couldn't even begin to comprehend. Of course, you'd explained insomnia to him time and time again, but let's be honest, nothing can separate him and the idea of "sleep good".
And certainly, nothing will get in the way of him trying to get you to come to bed with him.
'It's okay if you can't sleep,' he whined, 'you can even be loud and I'll still doze through. Just be there next to me! Please? For me, Y/n?' The look he gave you with those big, gorgeous eyes of his was taunting.
The idea that you struggle to sleep is painful for the poor guy. Of course, poor you more, but you're his main comfort after a long day! He might be your scrunkle, but you're definitely his too, no denying.
Bdubs will do whatever he can to help you sleep, even if it's things that don't really help.
'Love, I'm not a child. You singing doesn't hel-.' 'So you don't want to hear this gorgeous voice?' 'No!'
Please, give this man an award for caring, then frame it and hang it on the wall for him to proudly stare at.
Did you do it yet? Good.
Bdubs might not understand insomnia, and he might not be the most helpful person when you're struggling with falling asleep at two in the morning, but he's certainly going to be the one to try and stay up with you.
Even if he doesn't work as well the next day, or has to drink an extra few dozen cups of coffee to stay awake, it's the least he can do, so he says.
'I'm not leaving you alone, Y/n! If you can't sleep, than neither will I. Etho will be the one to suffer in the morning, not me; there will be no repercussions for me to deal with at all!' *insert a charming grin here*
And I promise you, the first thing he did when he learnt about Shubble's potions when they were on Empires, was see if she could make one to help you sleep. You're always his top priority.
He really does love you.
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prianya · 2 years
Fuji Apples
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Posted in Alphabetical Order by Hermit!
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Nothing here!
Tournament Aces • Platonic
Blurb • Romantic
Routines • Romantic
Concerto • Romantic
Emotional Diametric • Platonic
Off Course and Unmapped • Platonic
Staggering Schedules • Romantic
Costume Negotiations • Romantic
Wavering, Unwavering • Romantic
What a Flirt! • Romantic
Disheveled Feathers • Romantic
Twinkling Lights • Romantic
Throwing Stones • Platonic; ft. Mumbo
La Lune • Platonic; ft. Tango
So This is Love • Romantic
Lemon and Ginger • Romantic
Beloved and Beautiful • Romantic
All’s Fair • ?
Bountiful Harvests • Platonic
Crystal Clear • Platonic
Waltz of the Flowers • Romantic
Ad Amicum • Platonic
Romantic Discourse • Romantic; ft. Cub
Emotional Isolation • Romantic
Sandcastles • Platonic; ft. Cub
Shattered Teracotta • Romantic
Once in a Blue Moon • Romantic
Dirty Dishes • Romantic
Faulty Coding • Platonic
Sunny Side of the Morning • Romantic
Late Night Reassurance • Platonic
Shooting Star • Romantic
L’amour • Romantic
Altruism • Romantic
Sick Days • Platonic
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• Enjoy your stay! • Come again soon! •
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nyxmisfortune · 1 year
Hermittober day 2-Time
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Paring- Bdubs x reader
Summary-You thought being in the life games would be fun, and it was. For awhile.
Notes-Day two! Hurray! I did not watch Bdubs's POV in Last Life, so if it isn’t perfectly accurate. I’m terrible at angst, and I’m sorry about that. And also, all of my fics for this month are pretty rushed and aren’t of great quality. I’m really sorry about that. I’ll be skipping day three as well.
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Time was always an odd concept to you. Sometimes it can go so slowly, others it feels like you’ve just barley opened your eyes and it’s time to fall back asleep. 
Today was one of those slow days. Usually it wasn’t slow on the life server. It felt as if your brain knew something it just wasn’t willing to tell you. 
You roll out of bed and find that Bdubs was already awake. Your lover had always been in early riser in all the years you knew him. You on the other hand preferred staying up at night and sleep in late. There were many days were Bdubs practically had to drag you out of bed in the mornings, and days were you had to cling to him to get him to stay with you ater you’d pulled an all nighter.
After a moment of looking you didn’t find a note from Bdubs anywhere. You quickly got up to go ask Cleo and Scar if they knew were he went. Instead, you find him in the kitchen. You walk over and hug him as he cooks. You can’t help but smile as you feel him laugh. It vibrates his stomach and erupts out of his mouth.
You wish things could still be that way.
All you could hear was the loud dinging of a clock in your ears as your timer starts to run out. 1 minute left. You just prayed Bdubs wouldn’t have to see you die. And of course, your prayers weren’t awnsered. Bdubs walked into the room. “.....Y/n?” You weakly look up a him. “Oh um… Hi Bdubs” 
He drops to his knees next to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He whispers, looking at the clock in your hands. “I didn’t want to worry you…” “Worry me!? You’re going to die soon!” Bdubs begin to panic. 
“Hey, Hey no- You’ll see me after, you know that.” You try to reassure him, but it didn’t quite seem to work. You only wish you had more time. “That doesn’t make losing you any easier.”
“I know, I-” You could feel the air leave your lungs. You could barely hear Bdubs frantic screaming. Youl fall back against the wall as you begin to see spots in your vision. The only thing you can hear is the ticking of a clock. It only gets louder the less time you have.
Sometimes time goes slowly. Sometimes it goes to fast. Right now, you wern’t quite sure what you wanted. For this to be slow, so you can stay here for just a bit longer, or fast so you can go home. It’s not like you had a choice anyway. You heard the clater as your clock fell o the ground and shattered. 
Times up.
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poetthewriter · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if you're taking requests or not but I had an idea! Would it be possible to do a bdubs x reader oneshot? Just some fluff or HCS will do! <3
Ello I would love to write for you this is actually my first request<3 please give me feedback and tell me how i did and how to fix and improve
If you request agian feel free to become someone on my anon list just leave an emoji
𝒜𝓁𝓁ℯ𝓎𝓈,𝓉ℯ𝒶𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓉ℯ,ℴ𝓇 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓃ℯ𝓇𝓈
𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬=𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐬&𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐬🌶🥕🌽
limited life : Bdubs x reader
Here we are again, three hearts stain my arm and a clock on my communicator set to twenty four hours starts counting down. we once again stand in a circle and on the count of three we all run away from spawn, cowering around the area I pick up food, sugarcane and herbs along with an abundance of items that I will be sure too use later on. the whole server will be sure to team up with people soon so I better start looking out for who will be my ally's and enemies for this run through, my first thought is Bdubs as hard as it is to remember certain things about the last seasons I always remember Bdubs and how he has been loyal and kind to me even if I haven't been on his team so after I go mining he will be the first I search for.
17 diamonds, about a stack and a half of iron aswell as 33 gold is quite a good turn out for only a half an hour of my time and its certainly enough for a chest plate, a pair of nice new pants, and a sword. while I was in the caves a message had popped up on my communicator saying that Scott had killed Skizz and that another boogieman would be chosen so on my way out I better be sure to watch out and make sure that I stay weary of the people I keep around me, finally I can leave the caves to find my hopeful ally or maybe even teammate, as I reach me final steps I hear a voice above me as I lay on the grass, my eyes shoot open and I zip right up off the ground to look at who's talking to me.
"Timmy. . ."
"AHAHAHA WHAT HAPPEND TO YOUR HAIR" I yell out giggling at Timmy's slicked back hair, Tim's face changes as he looks down, an annoyed face covers him before speaking to me.
"what are you laughing at Y/n" he mumbles as Grian and Joel come behind him wearing matching outfits before I can say anything to them a message pops up again.
Skizzleman was slain by Bdoubleo100
shock covers all our faces again as we realize Skizz is now on around nineteen hours of time left, the boys stand there a little longer as more chats pop up including one saying "rematch at spawn NOW" typed by Skizz.
yells and chants are heard across the server and no one is in sight I run to the fight happening on the mountain as the suited man swings one last time before Bdubs falls to the ground and disappears, reappearing a few meters away from the fight circle. skizz walks towards the revived boy and starts attacking him again swinging and punching trying for even more hits but then i see skizz pull out a sword, it shimmers as he lifts it up and i run towards them slidding down just blocking the sword from hitting bdubs, i push skizz away well bduds clings and falls to my back i turn around and grab him running away well leading him to a little den in the hills of a meadow, I lay him down agianst the dirt and stone walls of cave and look around the land for crops and flowers to use in helping him.
red bloody cuts covered in yarrow to stop the bleeding as well as many other herbs and flowers blended nicely are now placed in a pot with boiling water over a hot seeping fire, a wooden tray with fresh honey, sugar and butterfly pea flower petals lays beside me and I start to place pieces of ice from a few biomes over on Bdubs bruises, he slowly shivers awake. I can see that he is looking at the moss bed and rhubarb leaves under the spot he lays and I now see him look at me, his eyes look confused and they shine at me I feel as if he is speechless at the moment.
he starts to lean towards me and he pulls me into one of the most heart felt and strong hugs I've ever been given he just lays his head into my shoulder, "thank you" he whispers, I just sit there hugging him back I don't exactly know what to do but I just cant seem to let go something just feels familiar.
"I was trying to find you, I just knew I needed someone like you on my team but I didn't expect to find you like this" I say quietly while chuckling but he still doesn't look up.
a few minutes go by and we finally get up and start walking around the forest as the sun slips away from the sky, we talk and talk about what ever we can including the odd days in this game and how its different then the other seasons as well as our ally's and who we might be able to trust, soon enough everything goes quite and he starts up again in a different tone.
"i was looking for you"
we continue walking but he just looks at me, why me? why was he looking for me? did I do something? I question and wonder off into my thoughts but I snap back when he hands my a tiny bouquet of wild flowers
he slowly looks down and starts to slowly talk again "i feel this way every season... i always want to be around you. its like i NEED to be around you even if we are not teamed". he spits as he tucks himself in to his sweater all embarrassed.
"really?" I just question I feel a little rosy as he continues to ruffle out but I cant help my self but saying that I was looking for him as well.
we sit down at a flowery river side and just look up, "I love you, you know that right? and I think more happened between us in previous games but I don't remember".
"why do you think more happened, what do you think happened between us".
"because I feel as if I love you like your oxygen, you are someone I know even if I cant remember how I know you" i fumble out.
"I think we know each other better then we remember to because I don't think I would want to kiss you if you were just a person I could trust", my heart jumps a little as he turns to me placing his hand behind my ear into my hair and he pulls him self in close to my face, we just lay there and the thing I've been waiting for him to say finally comes out of his mouth.
"want be my partner?"
"of course, lets go home"
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t4t4tclethian · 5 months
Dating Bdubs Headcanons (Bdubs x Reader)
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he leaves you for etho
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candy-applers · 1 year
All too cute
Fandom: Hermitcraft
Who: Bdubs
Yawning slightly, you stretch your arms above your head, granting a satisfying pop of your back. You sigh, placing the blocks you had back into the shulker, adding to the monster starting to grow at your mega build. Turning away from your build, you pop a rocket, and fly towards your starter base, that of which you share with your partner, Bdubs, who of which would be busy elsewhere. 
Landing at the base, you open the door, a startled yelp coming from you. Righting in front of you is a moss hoodie, but the owner is nowhere to be found. You’re surprised, he never takes it off, only to mend it. You smile, an idea coming to mind. Moving past the mossy cloth, you shrug off your armor and elytra, rolling your shoulders and stretching out your tight muscles, before putting your plan into action. 
Landing at the door, Bdubs shivers slightly, scolding himself for forgetting a bed as well as his hoodie. Quickly moving into the house, he pauses, his heart melting at the sigh. You, his partner, the one he wakes up next too close to every morning. You who are on the couch, sleeping, and snuggling in his moss hoodie. 
He chuckles slightly, quickly and quietly removing his armor and elytra, placing his next to yours, before moving towards your sleeping form. He gets on the couch next to you, wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you close to him. You do start, mumbling something about how he’s home,before falling back to sleep just as quickly. But as he’s lying there with you in his arms, one thing is for sure…
“You’re all too cute for me…”
Hope you like it anon! Can't wait to write for you again!
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massivewaffle · 2 years
Carol of the BDubs
Paring: GoodTimesWithScar x Reader, GoodTimesWithScar x you Word Count: 3402 Warnings: None Rating: PG AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43821297
Summary: Visiting your cousin BDubs server for Christmas is going great! That is until he sends you on a late-night run to the shopping district, where you fall into the arms of the servers' resident dreamboat - literally.
A/N:  Happy Holidays to all those who celebrate <3 May your 2023 be better than you ever hoped for. ❄️
“You’ll know it when you see it!”
Those were the words your cousin had imparted upon you before being shoved into the portal to the shopping district, leaving you to fend for yourself to find the necessary Christmas tree lighting. Tumbling through the other side, you do your best to adjust your seasonally appropriate outfit, tugging down the sleeves of the oversized sweater embellished with enough glitter to blind a Watcher.
You’ve visited your cousin BDubs’s server, Hermitcraft, a few times over the past year, but trying to center yourself as to specific locations still proves to be an uphill battle. The portal’s location is relatively centralized and had you thought to bring your elytra and rockets along, you quickly could have flown around until you found the shop you needed, but BDubs insisted a quiet walk around the shopping district was worth it.
Refusing to complete the tree without the end rods he craved, BDubs had sent you on a mission to retrieve some from a store called iLuminate, claiming he had ‘too many totally important and not at all classified’ things to work on to accompany you.
Luckily, iLuminate isn’t hard to find, standing proud with its branding in glowing signage. Pulling your hat off as you enter, you’re taken aback by the room's brightness. Sure, it’s a lighting store, but it feels as though someone had walked through the shop and purposefully turned on every single item that could be considered a display. Squinting, you walk forward, remembering that BDubs told you end rods are on the second floor. Following the arrows guiding your path, you step into the honey block elevator and ascend to the next floor. It’s far less bright upstairs, and you can easily navigate o the end rod barrel, using the diamonds BDubs gave you to complete his purchase. If you keep a few extra to buy yourself a beacon to bring back to Empires, who’s to know? He can consider this your service fee.
Packing your purchases into your Enderchest, you collect yourself and head back downstairs, eager to get back to BDubs’ base and make yourself something warm for dinner. Stepping out of the elevator impairs your vision yet again, and although you know the route this time, you wince as your eyes strain to see. As you head toward the entrance, something steps into your path, knocking you both to the ground.
“Oh no. No no no no no!”
You’ve heard that voice before, but you can’t place it. Seconds later, there’s a crash, followed by the sound of several more. There’s a tinkle of sound in the air, provided not by the quiet Christmas music playing throughout the shopping district but by glass falling off its stands and careening into the ground. The stranger's body flops on top of yours, knocking the wind out of you for a moment before they quickly push themselves up onto their hands.
When the sound of broken glass ceases, your partner in crime finally speaks again. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry! I came in to get some glowstone, BDubs was complaining about everything being too dim around the theatre, and I thought it might spruce it up a bit, though I’m still not certain glowstone is the way to go. I mean, froglights would fit the theme much more, but BDubs insisted that they were too bright with everything else I have going on. I settled on glowstone, but I’ll grab some pearlescent froglights too. If I could show him my way, I think he’d understand, but he’s so stubborn sometimes!”
Blinking up at the man above you, it takes you a few beats to process his rambles. Scar. You knew that voice sounded familiar. You’ve never spoken more than a few words to one another, having been quickly introduced to him a few months ago in passing by BDubs. Since your last visit, his voice has been bopping around in your head, a calm, deep timbre that echoes whenever something is ‘amazing.’ His hair is longer than the last time you were here, and there’s now a light dusting of stubble across his jawline. Once tied around his neck, his scarf is slowly coming loose, falling into you. He thinks as he speaks, betrayed by how his eyes dart around the room as he thinks about what to say. By the time you open your mouth to respond to his prattling, he’s started again.
“...I walked in, and gosh, Impulse went all out with this design, it looks absolutely incredible, but I could do with five fewer lamps. It’s blinding in here!” He says, looking down at you with a ridiculous smile. He hasn’t yet seemed to notice that you’re pinned under him.
“...Well, I think you handled the lighting issue quite well.” You reply, turning your head to look at the crushed glass pile a few feet away.
“Yeah, I should probably fix that before Impulse notices.”
“Good call.”
Again, he’s in his own world, staring ahead at the pile, and you can practically see the cogs turning in his head as he contemplates how to recreate Impulse’s original designs.
“Y’know, it might be easier to clean all that up if you have help. Which I can do, providing I’m actually able to get up.” You smirk as you look up, waiting for the realization to kick in.
“Mhmm. Oh. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I didn’t realize! Oh my, I am an idiot.” Scar rambles again as he pushes himself up and away from you, stumbling to his feet. He brushes his coat off with his hands a few times and takes a few breaths before turning back toward you. You push yourself onto your elbows, smirking at his oddly adorable panic. You’ve never noticed how tall he is, having met for only a moment, but even from your prone position, you can see Scar easily towers over you by a few inches. He runs a hand through his hair, and his eyes widen as though he’s just had a thought. As you shift to sit up fully, his hand thrusts into your vision; an invitation.
You accept his hand and allow him to pull you from the ground.
“Thanks.” You say with a chuckle. “I was getting cold down there.”
“Of course, of course. Can’t have visitors taking up residence on the floor now, can we?” Scar asks with a tilt of his head. His voice is undeniably attractive, but he has a laid-back charm that adds so much to his demeanor. It’s like he’s not even putting forth effort; his charm is entwined with his very being.
“True, it’s pretty rude.” You admit,
“Oh. Yes, that too. I thought it would take up optimal floor space in shops, but hospitality is a better reason.”
You roll your eyes in his direction, a laugh playing on your lips.
“We can work around it. I’ll just tell everyone I was floored upon meeting you. Eh? Eh?!” You joke, raising and lowering your eyebrows obnoxiously. Scar’s face falls flat, and he shakes his head, looking forlorn.
“Wow. That was awful. Never mind, I think I have to let you take the fall for this one.” Scar says, gesturing to the pile of glass still covering the floor. “I can’t be around jokes this bad.” He dramatically moves for the door while you reach out to capture him by the wrist.
“Oh no, pretty boy, you’re not going anywhere!” You will yourself to hold eye contact with Scar, working hard not to notice the heat radiating from his wrist in your hand. “You broke it; you buy it. Or at least you break it; you haphazardly use Impulse’s own shop to reconstruct it.”
“Interesting argument. Go on.” Scar says.
“I mean, what Impulse doesn’t know can’t hurt him.” You offer. “He’s got all the supplies right here if you remember the setup. I’ll grab end rods for the base if you think you can reconstruct the designs.”
“Psh, can I reconstruct it?! This is child’s play! Silly little lamps cannot best the h0tGuY!” Scar brags, straightening his stance and posing.
“I mean, they did blind you.” You joke, sending him a pointed look.
“Yes, but look who is in a pile on the floor and who is still standing! Clearly, those lights were no match for a professional like me! Now grab those materials; time for me to save the day!”
You nod with a smile, turning to hurry back upstairs and grab everything Scar will need. Lucky for you both, Impulse restocked recently. You grab the required materials and hop back downstairs to find Scar disposing of the last broken glass into one of his shulkers.
“He might miss out on some diamonds, but he’ll never know who did it!” You say, depositing all the items onto the table. Scar chuckles as he begins reconstructing the lights, clearly remembering their exact configuration. It only takes him a moment to put them back together, and you both step back to take in the finished product before flipping the switches to illuminate the room. It’s as blinding as before, and Scar frowns as he watches you turn away, sensitive to the light. A moment later, you feel the light dim as the strain on your eyes lessens. Turning back toward Scar, you see him walking down the line of lamps, switching out every other ‘bulb’ with the pearlescent froglights he came for.
“There we go! Good on the eyes, wouldn’t you say?”
“You’re good on the eyes.” You mutter just as Scar drops his unused materials into his EnderChest.
“What was that?” Scar asks.
“Nothing, just said it’s great on the eyes, yep. Big improvement.”
Scar’s beaming smile could be a prominent feature of iLuminate. If it could be bottled and sold, it would easily rake in more diamonds than any shop in the district combined. You wonder in Impulse has a customer feedback form.
Scar turns away, hunching slightly to peer out one of the windows.
“We should get going, just in case someone drops in for some late-night shopping. You never know when Etho is around, peering behind things like some sorta ninja. He scared the life out of me the other day! Popped right out of a window in Scarland just as I was adding detail work. Who knows how long he was in there waiting in the dark.”
“Oh, I think he’s preoccupied. I’m pretty sure BDubs was eager to get me out of his base for a reason.” You respond, raising and lowering your brows again, this time in an entirely different context.
Scar gasps. “Do you think he and Etho are sneaking around? Like teenagers?!”
“Well, there are more masks in that base than I’ve ever seen BDubs wear, so unless he’s got a particular interest I don’t know about, I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s being sneaky, and Etho lets him believe it. Honestly, he’s terrible at it, but he’s trying.”
“Terrible at it but trying. Yeah, that basically sums up BDubs.” Scar says with a chuckle. Scar leads the way out of the shop, pulling the door open and holding it there. His positioning requires you to duck under his arm to exit, and you wait for him outside.
Making sure the doors to Impulse’s shop have fully closed, you stand with Scar silently for a few moments, eyes adjusting to the change in the light yet again. Outside, however, is lit to a much more acceptable level. Some shops still have lights on the inside; others are controlled only to turn on when someone enters. The shopping district has lanterns, garlands, and flickering colored lights that could only be the work of Redstone prowess.
“I suppose I should make my way back to Scarland soon.” Scar mutters, looking out over the shopping district. “There’s still a lot to decorate there. What are you up to for the rest of your evening?” He inquires, turning to meet your eye.
You scoff and shrug all at once. “Not sure, honestly! BDubs told me I had to go to the shop now; he was insistent, but now that I think about it, I don’t think I should rush back. I don’t want to accidentally interrupt, uh, whatever he and Etho may have planned.”
“Huh. That’s…huh.”
“What? Thinking about Etho and BDubs break your brain? Sorry for the visual.” You jest, bumping Scar’s arm with your own.
“No, no. Not that. Happy for them and whatever is going on there. I just find it interesting that BDubs insisted you come here now.”
“Really? Why?”
“He messaged me something similar. He couldn’t stop thinking about my B-tier lighting and wanted me to fix it right now and send him a photo.”
“Oh wow, he went straight for the B-tier insult, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s what motivated me to come by the froglights, I know he’s wrong, but I need to prove it to him.”
Scar trails off his words, looking back out over the shopping district. You can tell the cogs are turning again, and he’s thinking of something.
“You don’t think….” “He couldn’t have….” You both start in unison. Blushing you look away, shaking your head. This was all because of BDubs.
“He planned this, didn’t he?” You finally surmise, vocalizing your thoughts. “He told us both to be there at the same time for a reason.”
“It certainly seems that way.”
The quiet passes between you both yet again. There’s a snap from somewhere in the area, and you and Scar turn your heads in sync to spot the source. Nothing seems to be moving through the area, but you have a distinct feeling of unease, as though someone is just out of sight.
“Uh. Was that here before?”
Scar’s voice knocks you out of your concentration. As you turn to look in his direction, you see Scar staring up into the awning that covers you both. Finally, you can get a good look at his stubble, creeping down toward his neck. You can see a spot he missed when shaving and a small patch of red where he might have nicked himself this morning. His neck's elegant expanse makes your mouth dry as you look up to mirror his pose.
That mistletoe was not here when you arrived.
“That’s definitely new. I would have noticed on the way; I was looking everywhere for this place.”
“Not just me, then. There’s been a lot of pranks around here ever since you Empires folk came to visit, I’ve been dodging and weaving left and right, but this was not here when I walked in.” Scar agrees, lowing his head to catch your gaze.
“What should we do about it?” You ask, turning your head back to meet Scar. You wouldn’t be opposed to a cheeky kiss with the most handsome man on the server, but you usually don’t make a point of kissing people the first time you meet them.
Scar takes a breath, and the cogs turn again. He sighs, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
“After all this business with the rift, I’m very hesitant to go against the wills of Grumbot or whatever entity set all this up.” He smiles fully, broad and cheerful. “I haven’t been the victim of kiss-based curses, but I don’t believe I want to test that.”
He shifts, facing you head-on, and moves into your personal space. You step forward in turn, practically pressed against the woolen pea coat he’s wearing.
“Sounds like something Xornoth would do, but I’m willing to risk it.”
“Who’s Xornoth?” Scar asks as his head dips closer to yours.
“I’ll tell you when you're older.” With that, you feel the press of Scar’s lips against yours. He’s smiling as he kisses you, light and soft. The kiss lasts only a few seconds before Scar pulls back, but his lips quickly find yours again. Not in a kiss, but in a small gesture of intimacy, brushing lightly against your top lip as if a promise of more to come.
Scar pulls back and straightens himself to his full height as he beams down at you. His cheeks are rosy, and you can't be sure whether it’s a side effect of the crisp winter air or the kiss you shared. You are confident that your face matches his either way, and you can feel the heat rising from within.
“Now, if BDubs potentially set this whole thing up, I think we should let him suffer a bit. Dilly-dally until he sits up, waiting for you to come home like a concerned parent.” Scar’s eyes twinkle with delight, and you can’t help but be drawn in. An idea pops into your head, and you hope your eyes express the mischief you’ve just thought up.
“I have his diamonds.”
Scar’s eyes light up like the Christmas tree you’d be so concerned about illuminating an hour ago.
“Well then, let’s spread holiday cheer and burn through those diamonds. Sand Daddy needs some glass. And Rockets,” Scar says with a laugh. “Moss O Menos could use a redesign too, don’t you think?”
The twinkle in Scar’s eyes returns at the possibility of prankage, and you hop on board.
“BDub’s always said Christmas is about helping the less fortunate.”
“Exactly! I can’t think of anyone more less fortunate than our kingmaker! Sick as a dog, he barely got to decorate for the holidays. What do you say we spend some of his money on supplies and leave him his own surprise? And if some of those supplies fall into our inventory, gosh, we must not have noticed!”
“Mhm, I agree. The shopping district is so laggy, too, don’t you think? Things lag into my inventory all the time around here!”
Scar tips his head back as he laughs, a loud, robust laugh that leaves you vibrating in your skin. The look he sends you when he regains his composure is so fond you’ll have to thank BDubs for everything later. But, like, much, much later. His head is already inflated enough, that little sneak!
Scar offers you his arm, and you slide yours around to accept.
“My dear, I think this is the beginning of something ah-may-zin, don’t you think?”
“Okay, they’re headed down the path. I think we’re in the clear Etho!” BDubs shrieks from his spot, hidden amongst the shadows of Gigalogs. Dressed entirely in black with grease paint across his cheeks, BDubs looks more like he’s minutes from going into combat rather than curiously spying on his romantic set-up attempt. The infrared, night vision glasses are pushed up into his hair as he pulls down the hood of his moss jacket.
“Great news,” Etho responds, monotone. He’s hanging upside down from a log, legs secured and hair wild in the brisk winter breeze. His eyes are closed, and while BDubs is 95% sure Etho slept through most of their stakeout, he’s still pleased Etho agreed to come along for reconnaissance. “Can we go home now?”
“Etho, this was an important mission! We’ve completed our objective!” BDubs yells, voice cracking. “But yes, we can go home now. Sorry I dragged you out in the cold all night.”
Etho releases his hold on the tree and falls back perfectly, landing on his feet without a sound, crouching in front of Bdubs.
“It’s fine; this was important to you. Plus, you look cute in those ridiculous glasses. Now get up, and let’s go home and warm up if you know what I mean.” Etho winks in BDubs direction, grabbing the shorter man’s arm and lifting him to his feet.
“Oh, I think I do! Hot cocoa, coming right up!” BDubs beams up at Etho, joy etched across his face. Etho can’t help but laugh.
“Yeah, hot cocoa it is. Let’s head home, elf.” Etho chuckles to himself as BDubs runs ahead of him, skidding in place to turn and yell back to Etho.
“Elf!? Who you calling an elf you—AHHH!” BDubs screams as he falls into a bush below.
Etho sighs to himself. He better get two hot cocoas for this.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 1 year
For His Viewing Pleasure
Drabble Budbs x reader Contains: No implied relationship, angst, Yandere typical behaviour, manipulation, posessive behaviour, kidnapping. Unspecified Hybrid!reader
Read at your own discretion and remember that this is not a healthy relationship and should not be seen as one! _______________________________________
The night was dark, as always when it was allowed. Night didn't often come around with Bdubs around.
You love the night, the blanket it gives you. It allows you to show your true form, to its full extent. It's been a while since you've been able to, you don't tend to show it in the day. You don't want the attention.
You pass under the Tree of Whimsy, marveling at its beauty in the night. The bark glows under the moonlight, stars can be seen twinkling between the leaves of the canopy. It's a beautiful tree which you're grateful to see on a daily basis, and especially tonight.
You reach out a hand to touch the bark, when a weight from above causes you to fall to the ground. A net. You struggle to get out of it, you hadn't realised there was a net. You've never seen one in the tree before.
Hearing footsteps you look the best you can in that direction, two large eyes shining in the dark. "Bdubs!" You exclaim, "help me out of this will you?"
He lets out a laugh. "But I just caught you. Letting you out now defeats the point." Your heart thunders in your chest as his words sink in. This was a trap.
"See, you've figured it out all on your own. So clever and so beautiful a creature you are. A fitting gift for my King." "Gift? For the king? What do you think I am?" You struggle more with the net, ultimately becoming more tangled with it the more you try escape.
"I think you're stunning and will be a great addition to the castle. I'll make sure to look after you, don't worry." His smile scares you.
"I don't need you to look after me, I need you to let me out. Bdubs, please." He kneels in front of you, allowing you to better see the derraned look on his face.
"Nuh uh. You're mine now, you'll be displayed in the Crastle for the King, but you'll still be mine really." He throws a splash potion on the ground, it covering you. Then he pulls the net from you with a bit of work.
You want to run but you can't, body weak. He chugs a potion of his own, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you up.
It's obvious he's taken a strength potion on top of the weakness he's given you. Otherwise you could have escaped.
But you can't. You try and try all the way to the Crastle but you can't shake the feeling of your body being heavy.
He takes you in a back entrance, making sure you enter every door first just to be safe, and locking each one behind him. With each one you feel more and more mentally weighed down.
"Welcome to your new home!" He beams with excitement, showing you a decent sized bedroom, fully furnished with things you'd find in your own house. No, these are your things. These are your belongings from your house.
"I brought all the important things over here for you. And don't worry there are other rooms. That door leads to your own bathroom, that one to my bedroom, and this third door leads to where you'll be spending most of your time. Go on, take a look."  He opens the door for you, knowing you don't have the strength to open it yourself.
You walk out into the thin room, it has a high ceiling and a small raised area in the center. You walk slowly through, noticing the grand paintings on the wall. Then you see the other wall. Tinted glass.
You can barely see through it, after all it's designed so people can see in, not out. But you can see enough to know what that room is. The throne room. Directly in line with the throne is the raised area.
"That's where you stand." Bdubs says, demonstrating. You shake your head, backing back into the bedroom.
"You'll learn to love it, I know you will. A creature as stunning as you deserves to be seen." He follows you back into the other room, eyes on you as you walk over to the small barred window.
"You can't keep me locked in here, I'm not a zoo attraction." Your words are through gritted teeth, full of anger and frustration. You whip around, Bdubs immediately throwing another splash potion at you.
"Oh but I can, Y/n. And I will. You're never leaving this Crastle again. You are mine." With that he slinks through the door to his own room, the lock clicking once he's gone.
You stare long after he's gone, realising quickly there are potions being dispensed into the room right as your existing effect begins to run out.
As the room begins to light up with the rising of the sun you hide your true form. Maybe if you just don't show it he'll let you go, right? Maybe this is all a bad dream. You just hope you wake up soon.
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ethoslove · 5 months
jimmy has definitely written a smallishbeans x reader fic where boat boys are the established relationship that he and bdubs have to break up so hw can date joel. who said that
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welsknight-central · 6 months
this post will kind of act like a directory of all the wels knight and hels knight shipping posts that can be found on this blog ^-^
the general tag for any posts with shipping of wels knight or hels knight is #hermitshipping
hermits with wels:
#bdubs x wels knight
#beef x wels knight
#biffa x wels knight
#cleo x wels knight
#doc x wels knight
#etho x wels knight
#evil xisuma x wels knight
#grian x wels knight
#hypno x wels knight
#jevin x wels knight
#pearl x wels knight
#python x wels knight
#ren x wels knight
#scar x wels knight
#stress x wels knight
#tango x wels knight
#wels knight x hels knight
#xisuma x wels knight
#hermits x wels knight *this one is for posts that may have either hermitcraft as a huge polycule or multiple ships with wels (like more than 3 in one post)
hermits with hels:
#evil xisuma x hels knight
#impulse x hels knight
#scarlet pearl x hels knight
#wels knight x hels knight
#wormman x hels knight
#hermits x hels knight *this one is for posts that may have either hermitcraft as a huge polycule or multiple ships with hels (like more than 3 in one post)
other random ships:
#eret x wels knight
#eret x hels knight
#martyn x wels knight
#reader x hels knight
#satan x hels knight
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hermit-lover · 2 years
Hiya! I was hoping if ur requests r free!
If so could I request a hermit x reader (cubfan)
Where the reader is bad at any pvp or combat and gets injured by a skeleton late night and the only close house is cubs and takes shelter there and how would cub react?
(U can change the character idm)
Uh- Hi...
Character: Cubfan X Reader
Type: Blurb (~1.5K)
Theme: Romantic/Platonic (left up to interpretation)
Summary: After an unfortunate run in with a skeleton, You're left to take shelter a certain scientist's base.
TW: Injuries, fear
A/N: Thanks for requesting! I wasn't sure if you wanted romantic or platonic so I tried to keep it as in between as possible. Also sorry for taking so long! Enjoy :)
This was a terrible idea. The firm body of your horse beneath you was reassuring, they gently whinny as you stroke a hand between their ears. Air blowing through your hair as you ride, it brings the cool smell of earth. You had just come from Jevin's, the slime offering you some materials to help with your mega base. It was kind of him, as you had joined the season late and were left scrambling to catch up. A shulker filled with dark oak and grey concrete lay heavy in your inventory. Standing out alongside your iron, barely enchanted tools. The two of you had gotten into a conversation about the historical style of his cathedral build, and accidentally talked until sundown. Architecture being a particular interest of yours, you had a tendency to let time slip away. Now, as the cold night creeps in around you, you regret rejecting his offer to stay the night.
You would use an elytra, but you had just barely learnt how. The Hermits were shocked to learn your last server had banned them. Plus, flying around in the dark in an unfamiliar server sounded like a death wish, and you were not keen on potentially losing your few possessions. So you leapt onto the back of your familiar steed (a gift from Bdubs.) and rode off into the night. It was more efficient then foot, of course, but meant you couldn't see potential dangers. A risk you were willing to take to get home faster and sleep the terrifying night away. You could build someone the most amazing mega base in record pace, or work out the hardest redstone problems. Yet...combat bested you. Something about the high stress situation didn't bode well with your reaction times. Shaking the idea of having to fight away, you focus on leading your steed back home.
The area was not well lit up, you noticed immediately. Carrying the ominous, anxiety inducing vibe of monsters being around every corner. Overgrown bushes that you had easily navigated around in daylight snagged at the legs of your horse. Catching against your pants where they stay pressed against the animal. You narrowly manage to duck out of the way of a low hanging branch, when your horses front legs buckle. Sending you jolting forwards as they neigh panickedly. Scrambling to sit upright, you try to reassure them.
"Hey- hey your okay, calm down." You soothe, running a hand up and down their neck. They whinny again, but still remain in their awkward crouching position. Throwing a leg over, you slide down, landing on the ground with a large series of cracks. Immediately you notice the issue, brambles covering the forest floor have trapped your horses leg. Digging into the flesh and threatening to twist an ankle. Dropping down to your knees, you use the edge of your sword to gently slice the plants. Taking a sigh of relief when your steed backs up out of the tangle.
"We have to continue." You decide, returning once again to their side. "I know It's scary," you pet their nose and down their neck, smooth yet corse fur familiar. "but we can't stay out here." They whinny back, and you take it as agreement. Placing a foot into the rung, you prepare to hoist yourself up.
Whoosh- Thunk! You leap as an arrow wizzes past your head, imbedding itself in the tree just behind your horse. They cry, startled. instinctively rearing up into a buck. You cant react before you've hit the ground. Wind pushed from your lungs. Ribs exploding in pain. A grunt passes through your lips as you try to protest- but the horse has bolted off. Powerful legs stampeding the ground flat. Sounds of hooves fading into the night. You want to lay there and recover- but another arrow stabs into the ground inches away. Rolling, you manage to stand. Ground swaying as you righten. The skeleton is fairly obvious amongst the dark logs, white bones gleaming in what little moonlight shone through the leaves. Okay, this will easy enough. Then you can go save your horse.
You stumble out of the way of another arrow, picking through the thick brambles towards the mob. We got this. The string of a bow is drawn again, and you side step away. That was easy! Raising your sword you lunge the small distance towards the skeleton, swinging at its exposed ribs. It slides across with an unpleasant noise, and the mob skitters backwards, Injured. A small surge of pride makes you smile, and step forwards for another blow-
Thump. The hilt of an arrow sticks out from your shoulder. A beat of realization, and then pain explodes. Your feet don't obey your commands, and they twist as you attempt to stumble back. Panic crawls up your chest. Closing your throat. Leaning against a tree for support. An arrow lodges in the wood next to your head. Splintering the log.
Pushing away from the tree, you dash away. This was a terrible idea. Armor heavy on your limbs. Sword flailing to try and clear the path. Theres a pool of light up ahead, and you continue towards it. Hope flutters beneath your skin. Just a bit closer-
You break from the trees into a clearing, you recognize the shop immediately. Gigapies. Praying to whatever god may be watching, you dash for the door. Its sturdy under your panicked fist, loud knocks resonating throughout the building. Theres a beat of silence. Was no one there? Were you going to die out here?
Then the door creaks open, a curious set of eyes gleaming behind glasses. Your mouth works faster then your brain.
"Uh-hi I'm so sorry to bother but my horse ran away and I got shot could I-?" The words are rushed, overlapping one thought to the next. Out of breath.
"Come in." They answer for you, pulling the door open fully. You blink in realization. Cub. He places a hand between your shoulders and gently guides you to a seat. It's surprisingly plush, and you realize how much your legs ache. Your shoulder throbs, arrow hilt making you nauseous. The room is basked in warm light, low and comfortable. The spiced smell of pumpkin pie is welcome compared to that of the damp, chilled forest. Candles flicker, casting a dark shadow on Cub's face, besides where his glasses catch the light. "What were you doing wandering around this late anyways? You don't strike me as the type for night walks anymore." His voice is calm as he turns away, opening an Enderchest. He sifts through it in quick motions. It takes a second for you to be able to pull together an answer.
"I was talking with Jevin, he gave me some materials." You answer, trying to be coherent. Voice shaking. "We talked for too long and it got dark." Cub nods, and turns back. A bottle gleams in his hands, pink liquid sloshing around inside. A regeneration potion.
"I see." He hums, crouching down to be level with you. Unexpectedly you are stuck by his expression. His eyebrows are pulled together in worry, a small scowl across his lips. Was he really so shaken by your injury? He sounded so calm? Cub seems to notice you watching him, and manages a small smile. "Well its a good thing you stopped here, I'll heal you right up." He winks, heat flushes your cheeks. Laughter bubbling in your chest, you wince slightly as your shoulders move in amusement, but that doesn't dampen the feeling. His eyes glitter with fondness, but he clears his throat. "I'm going to have to remove the arrow." He explains, keeping his tone even. Its good for your nerves, and you can suddenly understand why he remains neutral. You nod slowly.
"Be careful, please." You request quietly, worry creeping back again.
"I will." Cub vows, and you believe him. You've had no real reason not to trust Cub, he is a bit sketchy sometimes but overall is pleasant. Last season, despite whatever was happening with the moon, Cub was a friendly face you spoke with often. Its weird to think you've haven't interacted much this season.
His hand presses against your shoulder, sending a small jolt of pain. "Ready?" He asks quietly, voice barely above a murmur. You nod, and he nods back. "Just relax." And you do, dropping the tension in your shoulders and brow you didn't know you were holding. In that brief second of peace, Cub reacts. The room spins, and an terrible aching pain over takes your shoulder. Then a strange tingling sensation. "You're alright." Cub soothes, placing a hand on your cheek, your eyes focus. His face is gentle, eyes glowing a slight blue. Vex magic, you recall blearily. Something about season 5 and Scar you've been told. Tension releases from your body, letting your head rest into his palm. The tingling slowly fades, and you can sense the wound is healed. "There you go, all better." He grins, teeth pointed as usual. You offer him a small smile back, tiredness creeping up now that the adrenaline is wearing off.
"Thank you." You say sincerely, affection lacing the words. Now its his turn to flush, pointed ears twitching.
"Don't mention it, wouldn't want you losing your stuff." He brushes off smoothly, slowly removing his hand. "Lets get you set up to sleep, yeah?"
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