#be honest- the reason you're upset is bc you cant use what was on that blog against me
snekdood ยท 4 months
personally, i dont see the fundamental difference between deleting your account and making a new one and deleting all your old posts, if we're talking about "running from ones past", then what are you tryna hide there, bud?
#mood#vent#the evidence of your past is gone regardless either way sooooooooooo#how is it so different and how do you keep convincing yourself you're morally superior?#i mean- this is me pretending I agree that that's true to play devils advocate a lil here#bc i know the only reason i deleted any account of mine was bc i just like fresh starts sometimes#and tbh i struggle to find a username i like and some website require me to delete & remake in order to change it#what-- is the problem that you struggle to hold on to me and keep track of me?#bc i promise as soon as i start posting my ocs people Will know who I am regardless of if I recreate-#at least yall and your kiwifarms stalking-ass followers will recognize it and immediately report back to their cult leader#so whats your issue here EXACTLY?#you're already documenting everything I do. so whats your issue?#i mean. is it bc other people wont 'know who I am' and what YOU think i'm like? even though other people- strangers-#already dont know who I am?#bc if thats your argument- I could say the same for you! how are people supposed to 'know who you are' when you delete all your posts?#there was only 1 time I actually deleted my acct out of fear of how ppl would treat me- and it was bc I was dating you!#you made me feel like I had to be Perfect. so quite frankly#blame yourself you bum#what can I say- ig i learned how to cover my tracks from you.#bc before you- I probably would have left it up even with all the bs happening at the time#and now I regret deleting it bc the only reason I did was to impress you with how Good I Am. ๐Ÿคฎ#be honest- the reason you're upset is bc you cant use what was on that blog against me#even though what was on that blog PALES in comparison to the kind of shit you've done and posted.#ok ignoring you now and focusing on me again- there was so much art on that blog thats just lost forever and it makes me sad.#even any problematic things. I woulda wanted to keep it if only to keep an archive of my growth as an artist#plus there was a gif of hoody dancing to the thrill by wiz khalifa (i think that was the song I made the gif to) that i'll never get back ๐Ÿ˜”#i honestly have an issue with deleting my art in general- stuff that isnt problematic so dont start w me bitch- but- for some reason#I just used to get these urges to delete shit like out of shame. I think its bc of being trans and trying to stuff that down and feeling#ashamed that I even wanted to be the guy I wanted to be so I would just get rid of it all and .-.#theres a lil chunk of my comic art that's just gone forever and i wish ik everything I drew. at least I remember one of the ocs i deleted
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destinyc1020 ยท 1 year
having been on twitter myself and very recently left it, i would for sure agree that there's more timmy fans who come for tom, it escalated like mad over the past couple years. of course there's good timmy stans because i am friends with some of them, but it's so so strange how i think that among their fandom some have really made dunking on tom normal and acceptable. the proof of this can be seen when there's a hate tweet for tom made by a timmy stan, there are lots of likes on it from people within the timmy fandom. but on the flip side, when there's a rare tom fan hating on timmy, the tweet has less likes and more quote retweets calling them out or arguing in the comments. at least for toms fandom that seems to signal a less toxic fandom, i get the sense that most of the stans don't really care about the drama and just want to keep on vibing. i don't know what it is that those types of people who get so mean are big fans of timmy, it's certainly not a reflection on him since he's never encouraged that behavior. you're right destiny when you say he'd cringe if he knew what some of his fans say.
i don't know why timmy's fandom is like that, they shouldn't really be feeing insecure, but there's just a sect of his fans that really delight n dragging others down. it's really weird to me, i'm not sure if more of them are younger or cliqueish and that leads to the behavior or what. i'm glad that there's a really open discussion on this page about it bc it's one of the reasons i left twitter i was so done with the constant negativity on tom and also z from the normie dudebro side of twitter. there's a really nice supportive community on there for tz stans, but unfortunately it's just not the greatest for someone sensitive like me. something i've noticed, though, it is hard to stay away from twitter now!! i feel like i got so used to checking it that i almost have an 'itch' now that i'm off my account and deleted the app off my phone. i don't really want to call it an addiction but it feels pretty similar to it, i think the sense i'm getting from a lot of your anons is that people upset by twitter have got to step away from it. if you feel a compulsion to check it like i did, that's a big red flag that it would be a good idea to step away. another thing im glad of is tom speaking up about taking social media breaks. i truly cant imagine what it would be like to read such negative things about yourself or a loved one, so im glad he has the self awareness to step away. this is the longest anon message i've ever written but i love the thoughts you have on this kind of thing destiny, its good to see some honest talk about how fandoms can effect us. fandoms should be for fun so if yall arent having fun for sure reassess!
Thanks for your input Anon ๐Ÿ˜Š
I honestly don't know much about Timmy's fandom tbh, so I can't really speak much on it, but just based on what some of you have said, it just seems to be a huge sense of insecurity on their end? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
I mean, if you're solidly sure of your fave, and you think he's the best (or whatever), you won't feel the need to bring down OTHER actors. I keep saying this.
The fact that SOME (notice I said some) of his fans seem to need to put down Tom all the time just gives me the impression that they must view Tom as some kind of a threat. If they didn't, they wouldn't be behaving that way imo.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
That's my psychoanalysis for the day lol.
Re: Twitter...
Yea, if you're finding it difficult to quit ANYTHING, then technically it is an addiction.... whether you realize it or not. ๐Ÿ‘€ If you feel anxious or uneasy when you leave social media or delete the app after a few days, then yea, you're addicted lol ๐Ÿ˜†
You should be able to leave social media alone and feel completely FINE, and not feel like you're "missing out" on anything. You really should be able to live your life without being "plugged in" all the time. ๐Ÿ‘€
Jmho ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
I most definitely urge fans to just delete the app and take at least a week off and see how you feel! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ The great thing about this is that the longer you stay away from smthg, the less and less you will feel the urge to be on it.
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wasflypaw ยท 3 years
c!Dream and his Pursuit of "Peace" and a "Big Happy Family"
(Gonna be honest this one later just turns into random rambling about his character)
Everyone always talks about c!Dream just wanting peace, wanting to stop conflict or wanting the server to "go back to how it was". The server, however, was... never peaceful. There were just Less People at one point.
People always refer to the old DSMP days as "peaceful" before c!Tommy joined but.. I think they're just confusing "chill streams" with "peaceful streams" bc while Dream, George and Sapnap did do quite chill streams back then (compared to Tommy's loud energetic streams) a lot of what happened in the streams were still chaotic. (Sapnap killing BBH's fish making BBH upset and say he doesnt want to play on the server anymore, Sapnap n George fighting and Sapnap accidentally killing his own horse that George stole leading to a court case, Ponk pranking ppl, Dream and Sapnap determining George as "too powerful" then hunting him down to kill and burn all his items which were enchanted diamond tools and armor (prot 4))
c!Dream has always had this idea of peace and using brute force to enforce his rules. He's mad that George got OP stuff too fast and was focused on enchanting powerful armor, feels he's advancing too fast and hunts him down, kills him, burns all his items, repeatedly calls him a tyrant for having said OP items and says, and I quote:
George: why did you burn my items
Dream: because it is too powerful - we just started this survival series, we- you have had too much stuff, everyone else has iron, you have OP stuff, we would need to build our house, make it better, but you're too focused on Protection IV, Looting 5, everything. This is a coup - everyone got together in a meeting, everybody, and decided it was time.
Another quote I found interesting is "we're working towards a Utopia, we cant do that if we're killing"
This stream he repeatedly goes on about wanting to have a "peaceful nation" and "no killing". I think it's worth it to note that George didnt start the above fight, Dream and Sapnap did. Regardless of why it happened and the reasoning this is proof alone that the "peaceful" server never existed and Dream has never been able to uphold peace on the server, this was Not a new thing from when Tommy joined. The only thing that happened when Tommy joined was they found a scapegoat for all the issues.
This has repeatedly been an issue - Minor issue starts, nothing too harmful, Dream decides to "stop the conflict" by escalating it, burning stuff and killing people, then goes on about how he just wants to stop the fighting despite him now being the one to have caused the most damage in the situation. It happened with George, it happened multiple times with Tommy, it happened with L'Manberg. Dream's idea of achieving peace has Always been by forcing it.
People somehow believe a server that had Sapnap, Dream, George, BBH and Ponk in one space was peaceful and that's funny. They literally cannot go 3 minutes without randomly punching eachother for no reason or arguing
Tommy joins the server and honestly.. doesnt do much? He kills George for making a crafting table joke which starts a conflict in which he's repeatedly killed by Dream. He blows up a creeper hole in a path one time and steals like 2 items. The truth is Tommy has literally never been more chaotic than say someone like Sapnap. Sapnap got away with a lot of shit - helping start the disc war, constantly fighting during early days, killing pets - but Dream was biased. That's why he was never punished for the disc war and his focus was on Tommy. That's why he has never been punished for any of.. This. Sapnap has done way more things to a more extreme extent that actually lead into much bigger wars with lots of damage. Sapnap alone is proof that the "no stealing, no griefing" rules were held at a MAJOR double standard, when he was literally the most chaotic force at the time and punished for... Nothing as Dream and others focus on Tommy for doing something much less severe.
Dream had rules that he allowed pretty much everyone... except Tommy to break without consequences, and so eventually everyone stopped giving a Fuck about said rules.
Tommy wasnt the only one to even join. We had Tubbo, Fundy, Purpled, and Punz join too. Fundy joined with the full intent of causing issues bc he's Fundy, his first fight was a hit n run on Tubbo, Purpled and Fundy were constantly at eachothers throats, etc etc.
It never went "Peaceful server > Tommy joined > Oops chaos now" it went "A bad attempt at a peaceful server > lots of chaos > 5 new people joined > shit none of these people are peaceful > more chaos"
Tommy wasnt the "start of all chaos", all the members had been chaotic, Tommy was just another member that added to the already existing chaos, and most of what he did was... literally harmless - other than Tubbo's house which was rebuilt and he apologised and gave him half his diamonds. The ONLY way Tommy stood out from the rest of the chaos was he was loud and unashamed, therefore easy to blame. Truth is he was literally No Different from everyone else.
It's around this time that Dream started stepping out of his "uwu I just want peace" thing and actually started causing chaos. He enjoyed picking fights with Tommy, he enjoyed the wars they had. He would log in just to mess with him even if he was doing chill streams. The Tommy/Dream wars were far from one sided "Tommy annoys Dream, Dream retaliates".
The server was so chaotic that the "no stealing, no griefing!" rules straight up ended up being trashed sometime after the L'Manberg era and replaced with "just dont do anything that would make anyone genuinely upset" as people realized there was exactly 0 chance of these rules being upheld, ever. For things like George's house, people will repeatedly say "well he broke the rules-" when it had been literal months since the last attempt to enforce said rules at that time, and there was no rule against messing with the DSMP king.
In canon, AND out of canon, Dream has never once treated Tommy like a stranger. They knew eachother, c!Dream knew what c!Tommy was like, and yet he still invited him, knowing damn well what to expect (...bc he'd rejected adding him before hfjdkd)
Failure to uphold peace didnt just "suddenly happen" after Tommy joined. Dream has ALWAYS failed to keep peace in his server, and I do think he genuinely tried at one point, before he spiralled into what he is today.
c!Dream let c!Tommy join because, simply put, they were FRIENDS. It was a world in which Dream's friends could join and live in, and Tommy was no exception. Their rivalry was lighthearted and theyd hang out all the time. The Disc War and the shift to the Darker Tone started around season 2 as Dream was deep into his villain arc.
Early season 1 Dream was not evil, in my eyes. He was chaotic, but so was everyone else. He became more morally gray during the L'Manberg war, but I never really thought Back Then, he could be classed as Pure Evil. After he joined Manberg's side is when he started stepping into the Actual Villanous role, cheering for L'Manberg's destruction, later griefing bases and blaming c!Tommy, and orchestrating Exile.
c!Dream talked in his Tyrant book about how he felt L'Manberg called him a Tyrant for simply defending his land, how he thinks Schlatt is too ambitious, how "Schlatt is not Wilbur" and later says he left L'Manberg alone bc they were harmless and just frolicking in the flowers until Schlatt joined and was ambitious. A lot of people say this is manipulation or lies but I... Genuinely believe it. He gave Wilbur the TNT after Wilbur said he'd Also be ambitious and the best way to go about things is destroying L'Manberg. A lot of people quote his line about liking chaos and I agree with that also! The two can go hand in hand. He did enjoy chaos but he... did also leave L'Manberg alone pretty much (he messed with Tommy/Tubbo but he left the nation itself alone) until Schlatt joined. So what he said seemed,,,, true.
The way he gave Tommy all those items including one of his special attachments - his Crossbow - which he has had since very early on, and signed off as "Big D" (the nickname Tommy had repeatedly called him) it seemed genuine to me. I dont think This era c!Dream was a good person at all, but he wasnt what he became in season 2, after Schlatt gave him the revive book. I do think he did want peace at one point, he Genuinely believed he wanted peace, but became conflicted as he realized he enjoyed chaos and power.
His character has always been consistent with saying "I just want no conflict / a peaceful server" for it to have always been an excuse. He said it at the beginning of the server and continued to repeatedly say it.
I do believe he felt offended and villainised by L'Manberg, but it wasnt ever Wilbur or Tommy's fault what he chose to become. He was chaotic back then, Pre-L'Manberg, but "tyrant" isnt the word I would've used to describe early c!Dream. Just chaotic. He wasnt there for the drug van incident, but came back to be told "we're seceding from your tyrannical rule". He hated being called a tyrant, that clearly stuck with him, and he once again went to Extremes to fuck up L'Manberg. Taking 4 canon lives (we dont know if he even knew what a canon life was back then), hiring a Spy, blowing the place up, burning down Tubbo's house.
I'm not blaming c!Wilbur or the rest of L'Manberg. Wilbur had his reasons for feeling he needed to create an independent and safe nation, Tommy/Tubbo already had bad experiences with Dream, etc. L'Manberg didnt MAKE c!Dream a villain. He personally felt villainised, but that doesnt mean L'Manberg made the rest of the server think he's a villain. L'Manberg's "propaganda" didnt really do much. Everyone except Wilbur, Tommy n Tubbo were fine with him, actually even Tommy still enjoyed hanging out with him. Niki n Fundy joined for non-Dream related reasons. Jack joined and was immediately given a horrible first impression of Dream as he repeatedly attempted to bribe him into burning Tommy's items and killing Tubbo's villagers. Tommy n Dream were in their "we are rivals but we're also friends and vibe sometimes" era.
It was Dream's own actions that ended up turning the server against him. Nobody forced his hand, nobody made him into what he is. He has autonomy, he made his own choices. He even if he felt villainised, he willingly became what he is.
L'Manberg turned pretty much.. nobody that didnt already have a bad experience with him against him. Dream's friends still liked him, people still hung out with him, they were fine with him - until he did something to hurt them personally. Like helping Fundy kill Sapnap's pet, helping Tommy destroy Sapnap's Eiffel Tower, giving Mars to Tommy, leading Tommy to Sapnap's pets, later screaming about how he didnt care for anything. That's why c!Sapnap turned away from him, it had been a long time coming and it was never due to L'Manberg's "propaganda". People started being wary of him due to his own actions.
On the topic of Tommy - people like to always say "well Dream's like that because Tommy villanised him-" Tommy LIKED Dream! They were friends at one point! They would bump their heads a lot but a lot of it was lighthearted and Tommy Genuinely liked hanging out with him. They made Church Prime together, when they werent in a war Dream would follow him around and hang with him. Once they were hanging out, Tommy shifted at Jack to say hello and Jack never shifted back to which Dream went straight to threatening to shoot Jack to which Tommy was like "WTF DREAM NO"
And the Pogtopia era? Tommy was HAPPY to have Dream on his side. He was so excited to have Dream hand him all these important items and tell him he's going to be on his side as he takes down Schlatt. Dream even helps Tommy in the Pet War. Why did this end? Because Dream betrayed him. Because Dream took the book from Schlatt. Because Dream told him "I was never on your side, Tommy!" to which Tommy was devastated. It was never "Tommy constantly villainised Dream and Dream became a villain"
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lowkeyorloki ยท 3 years
phoebe anon: oh noooooo not the bday breakup ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” heart broken hopes and dreams shattered etc etc. just kidding HAHA i knew it was coming so at least i can say i (and BC anon before me, ofc) called it ;) but wow what a fantastic update, i really really liked how that conversation was written!! iโ€™m also glad that reader brought up how upsetting it would be to hear loki talking about baby names, because sheโ€™s exactly right, it lets her know that he would want to keep it and it shows a lack of consideration for her life and her timeline on his part, even if he didnโ€™t mean it that way. ๐Ÿ’” ouchie and also DAMN BRO.....THE โ€œIM NOT HIS MOTHERโ€ LINE??? BRUH.....that was diabolical. that shattered my heart, i know she was kinda purposely going for the jugular but gah damn . ๐Ÿ˜–
also, thank you so so so much for the birthday wishes!! that was so sweet of you ๐Ÿฅบ and i will def celebrate in your honor (and in memoriam of reader and prof laufeysons relationship. at least for now. ow๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ)
cant wait for march 17th!!! <3 <3
You know I had to do it 'em ๐Ÿค  (<- this emoji but sad). It was coming I wrote you called it and now we all have to deal with the consequences lmao!
I'm so glad you thought the chapter was good ahhhh!!! I'm going to be honest I really don't have any recollection of writing it but I was/am the most excited about the dialogue so I'm so so happy to hear that you enjoyed it! And I agree. I would be a lot more harsh/judgmental of the reader if Loki hadn't mentioned the baby names. But he said it, and I think at 41 years of age he should have had the intuition to know that was Not The Right Timeโ„ข๏ธ. In fact, he DID - in the scene where he talks about baby names his inner monologue is saying to stop, but he doesn't. Even if you don't think him talking about baby names was a big deal, the fact Loki acknowledged he shouldn't and then did so anyways is telling. Loki isn't perfect and that's okay (the story would be pretty boring if he was imo). So yeah we're on the same page with that!
As for the reader saying she isn't Narvi's mom... yeah there's no excusing that she had very specific reasons for saying what she said but damn that doesn't make it right!! Leave the six year old BABY out of this he's the one innocent party in the whole fic ๐Ÿ˜– Some people are mad at Loki some people are mad at y/n but Narvi... Narvi unites us all. Also that line will be explored in the Loki POV chapter hehe ;)
YOU ARE SO WELCOME FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES if I could I would ditch class and go to starbucks or something with you but I cannot so I did this!! I hope your celebrations are fun in spite of the fact you're mourning Professor Loki x y/n (2018-2018). Gone but never forgotten ๐Ÿ˜”โœŠ
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