#beakhyun scenario
whippin-cream · 4 years
Blooming Day, Part 1
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You neve imagined that your engagement would fail, that you would move to Korea, or that by a series of coincidences you would meet your long-term celebrity crush, Byun Baekhyun. You most certainly never imagined that someone like him would take an interest in you either, but he did; and now you’re stuck because you don’t trust like you used to and you just aren’t quite sure if you have the courage to take a chance on him. 
Wordcount: 4k
You let out a sigh as you dropped your spoon back into your tea. You wondered how long it would take for the cheap metal to turn the drink as bitter as you felt about the state of your life at the current moment. You flopped back onto the floor, still not having any actual furniture despite having been in Korea for just under a month now.
Who needed a sofa or a nice set of kitchen chairs when you had that homely camping chair you picked up for cheap at the street market? Sure, the arms were flimsy, the cup holder was too small, and it sagged very low when you sat in it, but, it was something and it was yours.
To be fair, you thought, you were never supposed to have been here.
You were supposed to have rejected the opportunity to study for a year in Korea in favor of finally marrying your fiancé in the Spring: transferring to a college just 15 minutes away from the job he was offered at some powerhouse music label. 
That was what you had been planning ever since you got engaged 6 months ago. Even found a nice apartment with the view of a park filled to the brim with tall trees and dickhead geese that you liked to watch chase people. You spent so many Saturday mornings with Ethan on the balcony. Nothing sounded better than finally starting a life together with the man you loved more than yourself.
 Well, at least until you came home early on your anniversary to surprise him with his favorite dessert and found him balls deep in your (former) best friend.
 On the bed you paid for.
 The bitch even had the nerve to be wearing the fancy set of lingerie that you had bought for yourself just a few months prior as a reward for acing a particularly brutal exam.
 You remember dropping the sweets onto the floor, furiously yanking the diamond off your left hand, and throwing it somewhere in his general direction. You tightly clutched the purse that you never even got the chance to set down to your body and ran back out of the apartment. He rushed after you, yelling some bullshit about how it “didn’t mean anything”, “it isn’t what you think”, and “(Y/N), I love you! I’m sorry. Baby, please stop!”
 You didn’t, though. Your brisk walked changed into a full sprint when curious neighbors opened their doors to take a peek at the commotion. They glanced repeatedly between the sobbing girl and the naked man yelling after her. It was by far the most humiliating experience of your life.
 From there the details of that day get a little fuzzy, but you remember taking a taxi to the airport and buying a last-minute flight to Seoul. A child kicked the back of your seat for at least half the time you were in the air out of boredom, but you didn’t have the energy to tell him to stop. After a good five hours of doing nothing but staring blankly in front of you, you managed to drift off.
When you came to, a flight attendant was explaining to everyone that they needed to get ready to disembark. Her warm smile and friendly tone did nothing but annoy you. Who gave her the right to be so happy when your world just crumbled beneath your feet?
 You knew you were being irrational, but still.
 After making it to what appeared to be a small shopping center within the airport, you decided that you needed a drink. Preferably something warm and sugary to get you out of the daze you were in. Luckily, a Starbucks was nestled in between two shops: One being an overpriced gift shop and the other selling fast food that was far too greasy for the average customer. About 20 minutes later you were sitting alone on a barstool, with a half-full venti cup that was most definitely cold by now, but you didn’t mind.
 With one more deep breath, you reached into your purse and slid out your phone. You had turned it off immediately after buying your plane tickets and you were scared of the notifications that you would receive. Part of you was even more scared that you wouldn’t receive any.
 Was it possible for him to just toss five years together away so quickly? Could you? After all, he did say he was sorry. That it was all just a big mistake, and that he loved you and not her.
But how could he do something like that to you when he said he loved you? You loved him, and you most certainly never slept with another man. Especially not in the bed you shared with him and with his closest friend.
  How many times had they done it? Was it truly a mistake? Maybe he had just gotten drunk and it was all one big accident. Your head started to hurt with all the possibilities floating through your mind.
 You had shocked yourself with a quick, but firm smack to the center of your forehead. “You don’t accidentally stick your dick in someone else, idiot. Why would he be drunk at 2 pm? He knew what he was doing.”
 With your thumb pressing into the power button you watched with bated breath as the welcome screen flashed on. You waited for the notifications to flood your phone; the flight to Seoul was long, surely, you’d have received many texts in that time, right? Your finger tapped anxiously on the screen as it refreshed.
 Then, one after another a notification popped up in a bright banner at the top of the phone. There were several voicemails and even more texts. They started out apologetic, parroting the words he yelled after you in the hallway. However, they grew increasingly nasty. Ethan always did have a nasty temper, and it flared up when he was being ignored and when he was drunk.
Judging by how slurred his voice was in the last few messages, and how incoherent his texts became, it was safe to assume that he had downed the bottle of (far too expensive) whiskey he loved to always keep stocked at the house.
 While you weren’t able to make out everything he said to you, the gist was that you were just some dumb little girl that he had settled for because you were safe. That he never loved you and that you needed to apologize to him for the scene you created when you left the apartment.
  “The neighbors were staring.” Because that was your fault, just like the reason he cheated was your fault too, apparently.
 He ended his drunken tirade by saying that you would never find a man like him again and that sooner or later you would come crawling back to him. After all, you were dating up by dating him, he claimed. "What other man would want you?"
 Though, you did not go crawling back to him. Not even after he sobered up and the second round of “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any of it”s started back up again.
 It was clear that he didn’t respect you. The only thing your father ever made you promise about how you would date is that you would not tolerate staying with a person who treated you with less dignity than you deserved. You knew that you would never be happy marrying a man that looked down on you. How would your life be anything but constant paranoia with a person that could run around with other women without even acting guilty about it?
 It definitely was not easy, and there were times where you did consider that maybe you had overreacted. Admittedly, moving across the globe did seem rather dramatic at times, but going to Korea was something that you wanted to do long before you ever met Ethan. When you tried to look at things in a positive light, you saw that: you got to move on in your life, continue your education, and cross an item off of your bucket list all in one go. Despite trying your hardest to stay optimistic, most days you simply did not have the energy to do anything other than wallow in your own self-pity.
 Today was one of those days.
 You brought your hands to your chest and rolled over a few times to get on the sleeping mat you wanted to snuggle up in. While it was no Tempurpedic, it was surprisingly comfortable; especially when you wrapped yourself in the soft and bulky you crocheted the week prior.
 You slipped off your glasses and placed them a few feet above the mat. Light was still pouring in through the window, so you brought your blanket up and over your head. It covered your eyes while the edge curved down around the side of your face and rested under your chin. You loved the darkness and all-around cozy feeling it provided without having your mouth covered by the blanket. You hated having your mouth covered by the blanket. It never felt like you could get enough air when it was.
 Unfortunately for you, the sleep was not as comforting as you assumed it would be. The happy dreams where everything you could have ever wanted and hoped for were nowhere to be found that night, neither were the strange ones that left you with a feeling of confusion that you couldn’t quite shake when you woke up. Instead, you were plagued with watching a replay of your anniversary on loop.
 After a few hours, you managed to pry your eyes open. Your skin felt uncomfortably sticky due to the cold sweat you had broken out in. You felt warm tears welling up in your eyes and threatening to spill over. You blinked them away, angry at yourself for still crying over him. 
You felt pathetic.
You pressed the heels of your hands against your temples in a sad attempt to get the thump, thump, thumping in your head to stop. You raked your fingernails down your face, wincing at the slight burn you felt. You snatched the glasses from the ground and hastily shoved them onto your face.
 You picked up your phone and tapped on it harder than you probably needed to. You didn’t know what you were expecting to find on your phone, but you hoped that there would be something there that stop the lonely feeling you felt in your chest from consuming you entirely.
Your salvation came in the form of a text from Minji. “CALL ME!!!” It read, several emojis following the exclamation points. It brought a smile to your lips. That was something Minji had always been good at.
You had first met her back in high school when she was taking part in her own foreign exchange program. The two of you became fast friends, staying in contact with one another even after she went back home to Korea. Her personality was bright and warm, and she had a knack for making even the most socially awkward people feel comfortable in her presence.
Despite your history, you had to admit that you were a bit shocked to hear from her. Seven months ago she became a trainee for SM entertainment, and your communication with her went from nearly daily to radio silence. It stung, but you understood. Becoming an idol had always been her dream, and you didn’t think it would be fair to try to distract her from that.
You had let her know when you first arrived in Korea, and while she seemed excited over the phone, she hadn’t seen you yet. You pressed the phone icon next to her name, opting to put the call on speaker because your earbuds were nowhere to be found.
“(Y/N)! You got my message.”
“Yeah, what’s up Minji?” You replied, lightly digging your fingers into your thumb. You couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous. You wondered what exactly it was that she needed.
“Look, I know I’ve been a bad friend. I have been distant lately, and this isn’t fair. Especially not to you. I mean, you’re the one who encouraged me to even go to the audition in the first place. If you hadn’t of yelled at me until I got off my ass and went…. Well, I wouldn’t be where I am now.”
She paused for a moment to take a breath.
“So, I want to make it up to you. I don’t exactly have the money to take you out for dinner or anything, but SM is having a party on Friday. All the trainees that are close to debuting will be there, and so will the established artists.  It is supposed to help us build “inter-company relationships”; whatever that means. We are all allowed to bring a plus one, and I want that to be you. There will be expensive catering, and that fancy booze that is so easy to get drunk on since it doesn’t taste like alcohol. The perfect venue for catching up. So, what do you say?”
She sounded slightly awkward, but hopeful as well. Before you could answer she started speaking.
"I know it isn't exactly your scene, but I really want to see you."
"What's the dress code, Min? I wouldn't want to look totally out of place." You replied. You closed your eyes tightly. Minji was right, big parties were not your thing. However, you reasoned, maybe you needed something out of your comfort zone.
Minji squealed so loudly that you recoiled slightly. "Does that mean you're coming? Yes! Nothing too fancy, but not casual either. Remember, simple is sexy, baby."
You snorted and shook your head. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind."
"I'll text you the address.” You heard her name get called in the background. “Sorry, I have to get back to practice now. I’ll see you in a few days. Bye!” The line went dead, and you rolled back over. You felt a contentedness that you hadn’t felt since the breakup wash over you. It was nice to know that you still mattered to someone.
The days leading up to Friday flew by quickly. You had bought yourself a fitted black dress for the party. You wanted to look nice, but you didn’t exactly want to draw any unwanted attention to yourself either. You paired the dress with some flats and kept your makeup minimal as well.
You grinned at yourself and gave a little twirl when you did your final once over in the mirror. You rarely got to wear dresses; Ethan had always gotten upset with you when you tried. He thought they brought on too much male attention, and in the interests of keeping the peace you just gave them up.
You felt pretty.
You felt happy. Truly happy.
A pleasant warmth bloomed in your chest, and you could feel it spread throughout your body. You eyed the perfume you had bought and saved for a special occasion. This occasion, you decided, was special enough.
In 20 minutes time you found yourself in front of the doors to SM Entertainment. They seemed big, and mildly intimidating, but you pushed through them regardless. You sent Minji a text that you had arrived and you moved to stand by some chairs in the lobby.
You dug your fingers into your thumb while you waited.  It stung a bit, but the feeling kept you grounded. You took in the architecture of the building, staring in awe at how sleek the whole place looked.
A hand on your shoulder startled you and you turned to see Minji’s smiling face. You smiled back at her, and you were quickly brought into a hug. It was slightly awkward, as a hug was a greeting she reserved for her foreign friends only. Nevertheless, you appreciated the gesture.
When she pulled away you finally got a good look at her. The first thing you noticed was that she was significantly slimmer. You felt a flash of self-consciousness hit you, but you quickly dismissed it.
“Come on, the party’s this way.”
After a few hallways, and a short elevator ride you found yourself in the reception room. It was loud, and lively. Minji led you closer to one of the walls by the back of the room. It was in close enough proximity to the dancefloor that you two could join in without too much trouble, but just quite enough that you two could talk comfortably. Minji spoke first.
She went on and on about all the funny things that happened in practice, and how she was so excited to have been placed in a group she knew would debut sometime in the near future. She hadn’t been given an exact date yet, but they had started to shoot promotional content. Minji explained that she had done three photoshoots in the past week, and cringed when she talked about how awkward she felt doing her solo shots.
She giggled and grabbed a glass of something pink and pretty from a waiter that was carrying them by. “I felt like I was doing school pictures again. Hopefully these ones turn out a little bit better.”  She took a gulp of her drink and then nodded toward you.
“Enough about me. How have you been? How’s the wedding planning going?”
Ah, right. You hadn’t told her about the breakup yet.
You coughed awkwardly and brought your left hand up to show it off. “It’s…” you hesitated “It isn’t anymore. Ethan and I are over.” You averted your eyes, grabbing your own alcohol and downing it. When you looked back at Minji, her eyes were wide and she sputtered out a quick apology. Her cheeks were stained an embarrassed pink.
“What happened?” She questioned before she could stop herself. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”
“I caught him and Rachel in bed together.” You answered simply, not wanting to go into too much detail. You didn’t want to ruin the night that had been so fun so far.
Minji’s face hardened. She had never liked Rachel, or Ethan for that matter. You knew that, and you were hoping to escape an “I told you so”.  Minji scoffed. “What an asshole.” She muttered quietly. “Who needs him anyway?”
You smiled at her. “Not me; but what I do need is some more of this.” You held up your empty glass and shook it slightly.
After a few more drinks and reminisced memories you found yourself on the dancefloor with Minji. You felt the heat radiating off of you, and you weren’t sure if it was from the alcohol or from the dancing, but it was nearly too much for you. You made a mental note to just drink water for the rest of the night, but your head was fuzzy and you weren’t quite sure if you’d be able to resist a pina colada if one became accessible.
You weren’t the best dancer, especially compared to the trainees and idols surrounding you, but you were enjoying yourself. You felt a fresh rush of adrenaline hit you when Exo’s Wolf came on. You were sure you and Minji looked ridiculous when you made wolf ears with your hands at the “awoo” parts, but the two of you were laughing to hard to truly care.
“I haven’t heard this song in so long!” You shouted to her.
She looked at you in surprise. “What? But you love Exo.”
You nodded back to her. “I do, but Ethan didn’t like me listening to them.”
“Why not?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, he never really gave me a good reason.” Minji rolled her eyes once again.
“Just another reason to be glad he’s out of your life.” You giggled at her statement. She was right. The more you thought back on your relationship the more you realized that maybe he wasn’t really the prince charming you thought he was. You couldn’t just be you when you were with him. You were the you he wanted you to be. The only thing that you left the relationship with was a monthly payment to a landlord for an apartment you weren’t even living in. Ethan had refused to allow you to take your name off of the lease. So, fuck Ethan.
“Have you met them?” You asked. Her eyes brightened, and she nodded her head rapidly.
“Yes, and god. They are so much hotter in person.” You noticed a shift in her expression then. Something mischievous made its way onto her features. “Are you ever going to tell me who your bias is?”
You laughed. “Fuck no, Minji. Definitely not now. You know them! That would be weird.” You whined. You knew that if you admitted to holding a fondness for Baekhyun that you would never hear the end of it. She pouted at you. Her lip stuck out and it wobbled slightly.
You walked backwards a few steps and she followed. “Puppy dog eyes won’t work on me, Minji.”
“Oh, come on. I don’t know Exo that well. Just tell me.”
“Nope, too weird.” You laughed again. The room was spinning, and everything seemed far more funny to you than it should have. However, your laughter was cut short when you backed into the firm chest of someone behind you.
You felt the warm exhale of breath against your face as a voice you only recognized from interviews and fancams whispered in your ear. “What’s so weird about us?”  You froze. A feeling of terror shot down your spine and your face became far hotter than you thought was humanly possible. That voice definitely belonged to a one Byun Baekhyun, and his tone was teasing. “Huh?” He questioned again. After the initial shock wore away, you realized that your body was completely pressed against his.
You shot away from him like you had been scalded. He had a Cheshire-cat grin plastered on his face. “N-nothing.” You stammered. Your eyes were so wide they nearly popped right out of your skull, and you were sure Minji’s were doing the same.
His eyes slowly glanced down the length of your body before his gaze found Minji’s. “Friend of yours?” He asked. She merely nodded in response. He turned his attention back to you and bowed slightly. “I’m Baekhyun, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You didn’t respond until you felt Minji elbow you in the side.
You bowed back, slightly lower than what he had given to you. “(Y/N).”
He grinned at you once again. He ran a hand through his neatly styled hair, causing a few strands to fall back over his forehead. His cheeks were flushed red, and you wondered if he was as tipsy as you were. “Minji, we are having a bit of an afterparty at the dorms later. Well, technically it’s supposed to be a mentorship meeting, but we want to make it fun, you know? The rest of your members have already been invited. Feel free to bring your friend along.”
He winked at the two of you, and then he was gone.
You stood there for a moment, not quite sure how to process what had just happened. You glanced over at Minji to find that she was already staring at you. “What the fuck was that?” You whispered to her. You felt a sudden need for secrecy, and it seemed she felt the same way.
“I think Baekhyun just hit on you.” You shook your head violently.
“And I think you’re crazy.” You stated, though conviction was nowhere to be found in your voice.
“You are coming with me to that afterparty.”
“I most certainly am not! You heard him. It is supposed to be a mentorship thing.”
“And you heard him when he said he wanted something more fun that that.” She hissed back.
“Minji.” You warned.
“(Y/N).” She shot back as she raised her eyebrows at you. “If nothing else, come for me. Tonight is our night to catch up, remember?”  Your fingers went to your thumb, and you nodded your head. Butterflies bloomed in your stomach and you tried to expel them with a sigh.
“Okay, I’ll go.”
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saddestofthesad · 3 years
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So let us runaway-Chanyeol
This is my favorite song on the album, I dont get how people can hate this masterpiece.
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baekhyun rejecting you and not realizing how much you actually meant to him until he sees you with someone else — cue pouty byun — he’s upset bc he’s supposed to be your baby boy, not jongin. he proceeds to conduct a plan of some sort to try and seduce you. can it include degradation, spanking, and pegging? also anything else you see fit, thank you !
Sorry for the long wait. I also made this way too long so I'm gonna split this into two parts, I love Baekhyun a lot so I got a little bit carried away 😅. This first part doesn't really have any smut (unless you count the making out at the end) but it was already pretty long so that'll have to wait for part two. Hope you like it anyways 😊. (part 2)
(Y/F/S) - Your Favorite Show (or it could be a movie if you want)
Pairings: Sub!College Fuckboy!Baekhyun/Fem!Dom!Reader , Sub!FWB!Jongin/Reader
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The sunlight blinded you as you awoke, turning to bury yourself in Baekhyun's chest but grunted in disappointment as you felt an empty space where he was supposed to be. You reluctantly stood up, shuffling out of the bedroom as you heard the t.v playing something in the living room. You turned the corner, happy to see Baekhyun giggling while watching a random episode of Knowing Brothers. 
     "Good morning." Baekhyun greeted once he saw you standing in the doorway. You lazily smiled and waved at him, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion once you had realized how awkward he had suddenly become. 
     "You okay?" You asked as you sat down next to him. He let out a small sigh and turned to look at you with a serious expression. Oh god, had you done something wrong? You were trying to think of everything that had happened last night to see if you had done anything he was uncomfortable with, but nothing out of the ordinary had popped up.
     "I-I need to talk to you about something you said a few nights ago." He suddenly looked nervous, eyes darting around the room so he wouldn't have to look at you. You tilted your head, trying to think of what you could have possibly said to make the usually confident and bratty boy in front of you so nervous. "Originally I was thinking of just dismissing it, but I don't think it would be good for either of us if we keep doing this."
     "Doing what?" He finally looked in your eyes, his hands gesturing to both of you.
     "This! The sex, we shouldn't do it anymore." You felt your heart crack. You should have known that this was going to happen, that he would break it off. When you had first started fucking Baekhyun it was just that- sex with no emotions involved. He was the biggest fuckboy on campus whom you had met through your mutual friend Jongin. But as you kept hooking up, he would stay over most of the time and you would just talk to each other. Before you could stop it, you found yourself falling for the rambunctious boy. Jongin had told you multiple times to break it off because you would just hurt yourself in the end, but every time you tried, Baekhyun would somehow convince you to stay. So it was odd that he was stopping your hook-ups now, when as far as you know you didn't do anything.
     "What, why? Did I do something you weren't comfortable with? I told you that you could always let me know if I'm hurting you or doing anything you don't like." He let out a sigh and looked to the ceiling. 
     "No, it's not that." You grabbed his hands, making him look at you.
     "Then what did I do?" He looked away from you, an almost uncomfortable look on his face.
     "A few nights ago, at one of Chanyeol's parties, you had gotten really drunk so Jongin told me that I should take you home. Once I put you to bed and was about to leave, you grabbed my arm and started mumbling about something and you, uh- Y-you said…" he paused for a second to clear his throat. "Y-you said that you l-loved me and I-" After his statement you started to block out his words, your eyes widening as your hands fell limply to your sides. How stupid were you? Granted, you were drunk out of your mind, but still. You really should have taken Jongin's advice and left before you embarrassed yourself like this. By the time you had come back to your senses, you noticed that Baekhyun had left, leaving you alone in your room. 
     You sat there quietly for a few moments, letting the reality of what was happening sink in as the episode Baekhyun was watching continued to play in the background. You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of someone knocking on the door. You were somewhat hesitant to stand up until you heard a familiar voice.
     "(Y/N)? Baekhyun came home and told me what happened. I brought food and ice cream if you want any." A soft smile spread across your face as you stood up, the sound of Jongin's voice comforting you slightly as you shuffled to the door. A smile lit up his face as soon as he saw you, his smile making you give him a smaller one in return. He walked inside, hurriedly placing the food on the table so he could wrap his arms around you. A quiet sigh escaped you as you pulled him closer, hugging him around his waist. 
     "Go ahead, you told me so, I know you wanna say it." He pulled back from the hug to hold your face in his hands with a smaller smile.
     "I'll say it later, I'd feel like an asshole if I said it now." He jokingly said as he pressed a light kiss to your forehead. You giggled softly in reply, following Jongin as he walked over to the couch with all the food in his hands. Neither of you said anything as he laid on the couch, letting you snuggle up to him as he changed the channel to play (Y/F/S).
     It only took a little over a month to get over what happened with Baekhyun. Now everything was back to how it was before you met him- you and Jongin would spend a lot of time together, hanging out or studying, the latter most often leading to him moaning and drooling underneath you. You started showing up to parties again, which would also lead to you taking Jongin home and fucking him anywhere you could. It was a surprise that you hadn't seen Baekhyun at any of the parties you had shown up to, though you had always heard from other people that he had been there. Then again you did tend to leave early, so you guessed that was the reason. 
     Baekhyun had also been alright since he had broken things off… for the most part. He kept telling himself that anyways. He got this weird feeling in his stomach whenever he had sex with any of the other girls that would swarm him at parties, an almost empty feeling. He didn't know what it was or what had caused it, but he kept pushing it to the back of his mind, hoping it would disappear after a while. He had noticed Jongin disappearing more often than usual but thought nothing of it, thinking he was just spending more time at his dance club that he was practically obsessed with. 
     You looked yourself over in the mirror one last time before deciding it was acceptable and meeting Jongin outside. As soon as you sat down he started the car, driving to Sehun's house for the party he was throwing tonight. Both of you were laughing and screaming the lyrics to Super Junior's 'Black Suit' (the best song ever)  as Jongin pulled over and parked the car. You were hit with the smell of sweat and alcohol as soon as you entered the house, both you and Jongin heading straight for the kitchen to grab some drinks. 
     You were laughing at a random story Sehun told you guys when you saw someone staring at you out of the corner of your eye. You turned your head, eyes widening in surprise once you met the gaze of Baekhyun. You shifted uncomfortably in your place before awkwardly waving in his direction. He seemed to snap out of his little trance and send you a smile that was just as awkward. You brought your attention back to Jongin as he rested his chin on your shoulder. 
     "Something wrong?" You asked once you noticed the small pout that had settled over his lips. 
     "Yes, your attention was somewhere besides me. I even dressed up all pretty for you." He said with a whine, gently brushing his lips over your jaw. You smirked with a quiet chuckle before reaching down and squeezing his ass, making him yelp in surprise. 
     "Jeez, such an attention whore aren't you baby?" He bit his lip, trying and failing to hold in a small giggle as he wrapped his hands around your waist.
     "Only for you mommy~."
      Baekhyun's jaw clenched as he watched your little interaction with Jongin. He didn't understand why he was so angry at him, it's not like he owned you or anything. Sure, you guys used to fuck all the time- and Baekhyun had convinced himself that you were probably the best fuck he had ever and will ever have- but that was over. He totally didn't miss you, or the way you would fuck him so hard he wouldn't be able to walk for days, making sure he understood that he belonged under you. Or the way you would whisper in his ear using that deep, husky voice that you knew would do things to him. Or how whenever you were done, no matter how hard you fucked him or how many bruises you left, you would always make sure he was okay with that soft smile, letting him cuddle up to you and bury his face in your neck, letting him inhale your comforting scent of your favorite vanilla perfume… or how if you woke up earlier than him you would make sure to leave him breakfast and watch his favorite movies with him, laughing about the stupidest things while stuffing your faces with your favorite foods and snacks… treating him like an actual person instead of just someone to use and leave once you were done… Nope. He didn't miss it at all. I mean, come on, it wasn't like he was in love with y- ...Oh fuck. Baekhyun almost choked on the beer he was drinking once the realization dawned on him. As much as he tried, he couldn't stop his eyes from shifting back to you. Butterflies erupted in his stomach as he saw you laughing at something, a laugh that he used to be the cause of. God, love really fucking sucks.
     You heard Jongin snicker quietly next to your ear, making you turn to him confused. He didn't say anything but gestured behind you with a small smile. 
     "Looks like someone can't keep their eyes off of you." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before turning to look at your supposed admirer. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise as your gaze met Baekhyun's, making him look away from you instantly. You furrowed your eyebrows, turning to look at Jongin who had a smirk plastered on his face. He lightly pushed you in Baekhyun's direction. "Go ahead, I know you still like him. If he doesn't feel the same just come back to me." You lightly smiled at Jongin before taking a deep breath and walking to Baekhyun. You saw the boy's eyes widen as he saw you walk toward him before he seemed to calm down and lean against the wall. 
     "Hey." He greeted once he knew you were close enough. 
     "Hey." There was a short, awkward silence before Baekhyun cleared his throat.
     "So, you and Jongin. Is that why he's been disappearing more often?" You shrugged. 
     "Maybe. I don't really see how that's any of your business though." You said, watching the slight pout that appeared on his face as he looked away. You snickered. "Why, ya jealous?" He scoffed at your question, turning to look at you with a small fire in his eyes.
     "Jealous? Of him? Please, I know I could fuck anyone better than him any day. You know he isn't as good as me." He said with that cocky little smirk, one that you loved to wipe off his face as he begged beneath you. 
     "Oh really? I'm leaning towards Jongin, since he actually listens to me unlike some spoiled little brats that I know." He chuckled, placing his cup down on a nearby table before looking back at you. Your breath hitched in your throat as he grabbed your hands to make them rest on his waist, his eyes hooded and swimming with little sparks of defiance. He leaned forward so he was whispering in your ear.
     "Oh please, we both know how much you love to put me in my place. To throw me down and spank me until I can't sit, until I'm begging for you to fuck me. How you call me your pretty little slut as I take you cock like a good boy, all for you. And I know how much you loved my moans and screams as you fuck me as hard as you can into the mattress, making sure I know my place. He can't give you that satisfaction now, can he?" He smirked as he saw how dilated your pupil had become, moving your hands down to squeeze his ass. "While I may not be as obedient as Jongin, I can still be a good little cockslut for you mommy." A shiver shot down your spine, making you unintentionally squeeze his ass. He whimpered as he squeezed your shoulders, the look in his eyes making him seem so innocent though you both knew that was far from the truth. You pinned him to the wall he was leaning against a minute ago, grabbing a handful of his hair and tugging it to the side so you could expose his neck. He whined at the slight painful pleasure that shot through his body, quivering in anticipation as you leaned into his neck, brushing your lips lightly over the skin. 
     "Fuck, I almost forgot how much of a needy little whore you were." You muttered before biting and sucking a spot on his neck, making sure it would leave a mark. He whimpered, gripping onto your shoulders tightly and bucking his hips into yours. You pulled away for a second, turning your head to lock eyes with Jongin to make sure he was okay. Jongin simply smiled, giving you two thumbs up and mouthing the words 'get some' which almost made you laugh. After the confirmation you turned back to Baekhyun, smirking at the needy mess you had already made of him.
     "So, my place or yours?"
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oh-beyond · 7 years
Saviour AU - Part 9
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He wasn’t rich like the others, he didn’t really fit, but he was part of the group, the rich boys that had investments in one of the biggest companies in the country, they were powerful and handsome and they could get anything the wanted, money had corrupted their every day actions, money that Byun Baekhyun didn’t have, to what extent was he like them?
You were lucky enough to be delivering the coffee every morning, you just wanted to see him, and to see him meant seeing the others too…
You had faith that he was different… just don’t trust him too much he might surprise you, and not in a good way.
Business AU/Angst/Smut in future parts.
Baekhyun x Reader ft. Chanyeol, Chen, Kai & Lay (Mentions of EXO OT12)
Warning: some smut references, not much, not yet    ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° soon my lovelies… soon (ᵔ.ᵔ)
Saviour Masterpost
< Part 8 - Part 10 > 
Summary: Baekhyun gave in ^_~
Your legs weren’t holding you, you leaned on the car next to you watching Baekhyun murmur what looked like nasty words walking away. He gave you one last disgusted look before getting into his car sprinting as he drove recklessly, the engine sound loud resonating in your ribcage.
Your knees felt wobbly walking towards your apartment, all while thinking that this was yet the worst feeling you’ve ever felt since you were born. Indeed, the man you loved slipping away from your hands in the most heartbreaking way. You could live with the thought that he would never be with you because of Chanyeol. Or because he simply didn’t like you, but him thinking horrible things about you, him telling you what he just told you was too much to handle, you weren’t strong enough to live with this though. You knew yourself. You would never be able to overcome this…
And he was right, you needed to disappear… forever.
Kai called you that night several times, you didn’t answer, but when Chen called you knew you had to, you promised him that, and you weren’t the type to break your promises.
Things weren’t going too well for him, when he went back to the company that day Suho had already began procedures to basically quick him out. You grew very interested to the story, you didn’t really understand how he was opening to you this fast, but also the lawyer in you wanted to hear more.
It was your time to shine, you could help Kim Jongdae and get revenge at the same time from this nasty situation.
“Tell me more Baekhyun-ah” said Chanyeol already tipsy lifting the bottle of whatever he was drinking way too early in the morning rocking on his chair behind his desk.
“Chanyeol-ah, come on, enough already, I just told you so you can move on. She doesn’t have to share you feelings, you cannot force her” said Baekhyun coming closer trying to get the bottle out of Chanyeol’s hand.
“Leave me alone! Don’t fucking touch the bottle, WHAT ELSE HAPPENED? TELL ME!”
Now Chanyeol stood up clearly affected by the alcohol, not being able to stand still.
“Chanyeol-ah, nothing else happened, enough please, please bro, she is not worth it”
“He must of fucked her well, he had a point that fucker, he said it at the beginning of the bet ‘she will be in my bed’ Chen can predict these things. Especially when they are whores”
“Chanyeol she is not- why do you care? Enough already!” cried Baekhyun desperately to make Chanyeol forget about you.
“What is all this? Chanyeol go home right now! What if an employee sees you in this condition, take him home Baekhyun” said Suho entering Chanyeol’s office very unhappy at the view.
“I am waiting for Chen and his new conquer, the woman I liked. I was ready to start something real with her hyung, you know? She was here in my heart” now Chanyeol switched from angry to melancholic, speaking as he harshly punched his own chest. It was tearing Baekhyun’s heart, he regretted telling him about what he saw the day before.
“Whoah, whoah, I am missing all the fun in China” added Lay closing the door behind him.
“All this scene is for the girl Xiumin hyung brought, the coffee girl Yixing! Can you believe it?”
“Suho-yah! Don’t address her like that” Lay replied annoyed.
“Whatever! All I know is that she is causing quite a commotion, I don’t like her” added Suho.
“Yeah you are just used to sluts, cannot cope when you meet a decent one, that must be it” Lay’s speech firm.
“Decent!?” asked Chanyeol laughing out loud hysterically.
*Door knock*
“Good morning gentlemen, your secretary told me you were here Kim Junmyeon-ssi, do you have a moment for me?”
“What the fuck Chen? Why are you talking to me in that formal tone?”
“I have my lawyer also to be preset” added Chen letting you in.
“What? Lawyer?”
“___!?” asked Lay stunned “holy shit! You are a lawyer? Good on you girl! I’m so happy for you. Well done Chen, I support you, and whatever Suho here said or did I’m against it” Lay patted on Chen’s back enthusiastically.
Baekhyun looked at you head to toe while he held on Chanyeol that kept moving side to side. He was perplexed, was this a joke? Were you this cunning? He hated himself that at some point he did believe you.
“So how did he hire you? Before of after sleeping with you?” asked Chanyeol trying to get closer, Baekhyun not letting him.
“CHANYEOL!” exclaimed Lay.
You shot Baekhyun a disgusted face before taking the seat next to Chen. Suho called Xiumin to attend the improvised meeting that looked more like a mental hospital.
Xiumin opened the door panting heavily, clearly not believing what Suho had told him in the phone “___! Where were you?”
“Here Kim Minseok-ssi, my resignation letter” 
“What? No you can’t, you signed a contract, if you breach the terms and conditions you will have to face a penalty clause” said Xiumin trying to sound confident.
“Yes hyung, I will avail her, I will pay the amount stated in the contract, that is in return of her services”
“And sex! All the great sex she can give you, I guess it must be good, right Chen? How is it? Does she like it rough? Did you spank that pretty ass of hers?” Chanyeol sounding more and more drunk.
“If you don’t shut that mouth Chanyeol, I will have no other choice but to punch your ugly face” threatened Lay pointing his forefinger at his face.
Suho got up and whispered something to Xiumin going outside. The panic clear in his face “we will be back in just a second”
You closed your eyes trying to calm down, you couldn’t not look at Baekhyun and shake your head in disbelief, he really had no feelings towards you, not even pity, the view wasn’t amusing as he still kept caring about his asshole friend.
Chen went to the water dispenser to get a cup of water, while Lay went to talk to Baekhyun away from Chanyeol, and that was Chanyeol’s chance his drunken thinking made him believe.
“Bitch, you are going to get it from me too. You won’t win” 
Chanyeol grabbed your wrists pulling you towards him trying to kiss you, he pushed you to the couch, making you fall backwards, in an instant he was on top of you.
“CHANYEOL! WHAT THE FUCK? MOVE AWAY FROM HER!” screamed Lay pulling at Chanyeol’s shoulders.
Chen and Baekhyun joined in trying to get him away from you, you tried to scream but he had gaged your mouth with his hand while you punched his chest. The man was very big and strong, you looked from Chanyeol to Beakhyun who held a worried look, more than anger.
“Move fucker! Leave her alone!” said Chen.
Baekhyun pulled both Chanyeol’s ears and that seemed to be the trick, Chanyeol got up and faced Baekhyun “WHAT?”
“You need to calm the fuck down, don’t you ever do that again, understand?” said Baekhyun calmly.
By now you were crying as Lay and Chen tried to calm you, Chanyeol ignored his best friend going back to you pushing the guys aside untying his belt.
“I’m going to fuck this bitch if it’s the last thing I do in my life” 
As an instinct you hid behind Baekhyun’s back, taking everyone by surprise, even Baekhyun himself. Your brain made you believe that he was the safest place, not Lay, not Chen, only Baekhyun.
“Baekhyun please, please, don’t let him touch me” you pleaded, your breath hitting his back hairs giving him instant goosebumps.
He was surprised that after all what happened between you two, you still saw in him a man, the man, the only man, ignoring your new friend Chen, the same one he thought you had a thing with, and even Lay who was basically your guardian angel.
“Why is that bitch hiding behind you? Why you? Baek-why!? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME!? DID YOU FUCK HER TOO?”
“Chanyeol stop it! Don’t come closer” said Baekhyun calmly securing you behind him.
Chanyeol got more aggravated when he watched how you clung onto Baekhyun desperately, as if he were your saviour from the evil him, one hand on his shoulder the other on his hair, absolutely terrified of him. Chanyeol could only take so much and out of all guys you were clinging on his best friend, the same friend he’s confessed to how much he liked you, the same he had threatened to kill if he ever took you away from him. 
Betrayal is what he felt…
And that was when Lay’s patience run out, he interrupted Chanyeol punching his nose, knocking him to the ground, when you saw him fall your knees gave up and you landed on them. 
Chen and Lay went on their knees too making sure you were alright. But you weren’t, you were having panic attack, you shivered and snivelled hysterically. Chen pulled you up and hugged you while patting on your back.
“No time for this right now, listen to me ___, you need to get out of here, quick! If you want to report this I will support you, but for now please you need to leave. Fast before he regains his consciousness”
“I’ll take her home” said Chen.
“No no no, not her home, Baekhyun take her to my apartment, you stay here with me Chen. I don’t want Baekhyun here either right now"
“But Xian came with you hyung, and you know how she is” said Baekhyun.
“Shit yes, Chen check on Chanyeol while think of this one”
Chen patted your back one last time before detaching himself from you, Baekhyun was close to you so he just naturally took Chen’s place, the moment his hand touched your back you lifted your sorrowful face and looked at him in the eye. Just a few hours ago you thought that you would never be able to be this close to him, few seconds ago he hated your guts, but then this happened, and now he was patting your back.
“Yes I got it!” said Lay snapping his fingers “So Baekhyun! From now on you are ___’s boyfriend”
Both of you shut your eyes wide open at Lay in disbelief of his request.
“Xian will skin me alive if I brought a girl home of any kind, I can’t even have a female secretary”
“I don’t understand” you said confused.
“Xian my girlfriend, she is the insanely jealous type, but hey! I love her more than anything in the face of earth, so that’s it, you are Baekhyun’s girlfriend and an argument happened at work with Chanyeol, and that is why you cannot go back to Baekhyun’s apartment”
“I can go to a hotel” you suggested “I don’t want to cause problems, I also need to be alone”
“I don’t want Chanyeol finding you, until you decide what you want to do, you are staying with Xian and I, also because the last thing you need is to be alone at the moment”
You sat in the car next to Baekhyun, the only thing audible were your sobs, you were waiting for any kind of apology, any kind of supportive words, any kind of feeling or emotion… perhaps this was for the better, Baekhyun wasn’t the right guy for you, he had many chances to prove otherwise but he chose to take his evil’s friend side.
You chose to give him another chance to be at least human…
“We need to get our story straight”
You didn’t acknowledge what he said and just ignored him as you ket crying.
“So I saw you when I was in high school, we met in the park and I had a crush on you, I also used to see you in the convenience store, I used to visit everyday but it couldn’t be. So when I saw you again after 10 years, I knew it was fate, I couldn’t let you slip from my hands this time, and things develop-”
“It sounds accurate, you are describing exactly what happened, only that it was me instead of you” you interrupted.
Baekhyun gulped turning his head at you, giving you a new face expression that you’ve never seen before… not readable however…
“Yes baobei, she is Baekhyun’s girlfriend” said Lay through the phone trying to sound convincing.
“Why here? I don’t get it, why can’t Baekhyun take her somewhere else?”
“Xian, it’s very complicated, I will explain when I go home. Chanyeol is still unconscious, be a little bit understanding, supportive, Xian I need you, don’t be a burden in this difficult time, try and help me out”
“Supportive by bringing a random girl home?”
“She is not a random girl Xian, she is Baekhyun’s girlfriend, and they are on their way, get the visitor’s bedroom ready, do this for me baobei”
Xian opened the door already not impressed, your puffy eyes and Baekhyun standing uneasy at the door, you looked weird. Distant…
“Xian! I missed you, how have you been? When was the last time you came to Korea?”
“Hi Baekhyun, I missed you too. Well your hyung doesn’t bring me often, you should talk to him” she replied as she hugged him giving you a nasty look.
“This is my girl ___, ___ this is Xian, Lay hyung’s fiancé”
You offered your hand shyly as Xian took it judging you hard.
“But please come in, don’t just stand there”
“I really need to go Xian, we had a huge problem with Chanyeol today and they need me”
“They need you… well your girlfriend looks like she’s had better days, and you just want to leave her? Sounds off… what is all this Baekhyun? And don’t you dare lying to me”
“I don’t think ___ wants me here though, she’s a bit upset with me” 
Baekhyun really tried to improvise but Xian was hard to fool.
“I’ll go get you a glass of water dear” Xian tapped on your shoulder heading to the kitchen.
“Damn it! She is too intelligent” whispered Baekhyun to himself audible enough for you to hear.
“Don’t look but she is watching us” he added coming closer with a smile.
His hands took yours, brushing his thumbs on the back of your hands while bringing you closer slowly “just go with it, don’t act awkward, please” he said before embracing you into a soft hug. 
His left hand holding you from your waist as the other stroked your hair lightly “for god sakes Xian is just watching us, from the kitchen hole, I can’t believe it” spoke Baekhyun low in your ear.
You couldn’t believe him right now, what was he? Did he have blood running in his veins or Seven Up? Was he just this cold? All he cared about now was Xian?
You started to cry not knowing how to act anymore.
“I want to die, I thought yesterday was the worst day my life but nothing will top this, you have no consideration of my feelings” your weep loud and desperate.
Baekhyun pushed you lightly at your shoulders to look at you, his heart was ripping deep down inside, he knew he was the one who hurt you and not Chanyeol, or anyone else for that matter.
His hands didn’t respond to his own commands when they landed on both sides of your head at your ear level. He brought you closer to his own until his forehead rested on yours, his thumbs wiping your tears feeling how you stopped breathing for a moment, your eyes doubled in size questioning his actions.
His hands cupped your cheeks as he titled his head to one side kissing your cheek, then your nose, then the side of your lips, all while your breath was held in disbelief.
His head went backwards slightly to watch your reaction, you had stopped crying, and you almost had forgotten that you were allowed to breath. Suddenly feeling better.
“Encircle my neck”
He took your arms and placed them over his shoulders, his own hands sliding feeling all your back until they rested at your waist bringing you closer. He nudged your nose before titling his head again, this time his lips landing on yours. Your heart started to pump blood so fast that you were afraid it might explode, it was just a simple peck, but when he moved away you tightened the grip on him.
“Keep acting” he spoke on your lips.
“I am not acting Baekhyun-ssi”
When he heard you say that he exhaled calming himself down, your voice gave him a tingling sensation in his stomach, he looked to his side momentarily and back at your face, you were adorable, after all this you still had nice words for him. He hated himself, he hated seeing you this vulnerable, he hated not knowing what exact messages his brain was giving, he was confused…
He walked forward to the nearest wall caging you with his body, both hands at the nape of your neck bringing you close to him his lips landing on yours harder this time, he had no hesitation in pulling your lower lip between his teeth before sliding his tongue inside your mouth, his lips were soft and warm and felt just right, like no other kiss you’ve experienced before.
He moved slowly and you complied his movements, he pressed his body harder when the kiss deepened feeling your shivers, both his hands moving from your neck to the wall behind you as he felt that you were comfortable and not going anywhere, your hands pulling at the lapels of his blazer to get better hold of him.
He stoped for a moment to catch his breath. When he saw you smile he hated it, he hated the effect he had on you even when he was being a jackass, but he also liked it too much. Like a forbidden feeling that he wasn’t allowed to have.
“Guys? The visitor’s room is ready, you can go there an discuss whatever happened that made ___ upset with you Baekhyun” interrupted Xian offering you the glass of water.
Baekhyun run his hands over his face as you giggled.
“I really need to go, Lay hyung will want to kill me for taking this long”
“Of course, don’t you guys be late for dinner, you can spend the night here too”
Baekhyun looked at you drawing a little smile on his face, when he heard your giggles he almost forgot the big shit he just got himself into.
“Take care of my Yixing, Baekhyun”
“Take care of my ___, Xian”
When he closed the door to leave he scolded himself, he took the stairs to clear his mind. Did this actually happen? How could he just give in too… too what? Was it curiosity? Was it because he liked how you liked him? Was it to calm you down after what happened? Did he like you? What about Chanyeol? What about Chen? 
“Aghrrrrr” he punched the streaking wheel as he drove away.
He didn’t know what to do or where to go because lay had actually told him not to come near the office that day, but he wanted to check on Chanyeol, even after being the biggest asshole, he still wanted to check on him.
Meanwhile with Xian things started to look better, once she witnessed the unexpected scene, she didn’t doubt of your relationship with Baekhyun. She asked you all sorts of questions about how you met and you went wild with the answers. You weren’t really lying, you just exposed how much he got stuck to your head since that moment at the skateboard park 10 years ago.
Xian noticed how your face expression changed when Chanyeol was mentioned and how your face lit up when it was Baekhyun you talked about. She also tried to get some details on what happened, but Lay advised her not to be pushy because it was a sensitive issue. You also avoided any talking in the matter. 
You helped her prepare dinner and helped her cleaning the apartment that was closed for several weeks.
“I could give you something to change into but it will not fit you, I’m minuscule, I wish I had those hips and boobs”
You chuckled when you heard her complementing you the way she did.
“I’ll call Baekhyun to get me something”
Just the idea of being this close to Baekhyun made your heart flutter.
Chanyeol regained his consciousness looking around, he lay in the same couch were he had pushed you hours ago. Sehun and Kai were there now having a small talk about the incident.
“Where is Baekhyun?”
“Hyung! Are you OK? How do you feel?” asked Sehun while Kai didn’t move from his seat, way too annoyed with him to even ask if he was alright.
Chanyeol got up holding onto his head, he was still dizzy from the alcohol and the punch. He headed outside his office, looking for Baekhyun, he went straight to Lay’s office without knocking where he found Baekhyun there with Lay, and before they could do anything about it Baekhyun was met with Chanyeol’s fist on his jaw, causing an immediate bleed as he bit on is lip.
“Chanyeol!” exclaimed Lay.
Soon all the guys were holding onto Chanyeol to avoid him from getting closer to Baekhyun.
“Traitor, I hate you, I trusted you, I let you in, I never treated you like you were any different, but you are just a cheap rat, just like your family, you are worth nothing Byun Baekhyun!”
 Xiumin pulled Chanyeol out of the office, Sehun, D.O and Suho followed them, while Kai and Chen stayed in Lay’s office with Baekhyun.
“I told you not to come here! I would recommend you not to come for a while Baekhyun” said Lay patting on his back.
“Hyung, what happened between you and ___? Are you playing her?” asked Kai “because if you are that punch you just received is nothing comparing to what I will do” he continued as he handed him a tissue to clean the blood at the side of his mouth.
“I’m not playing with anyone, look who is talking, all of you were playing this stupid game and now I am getting blamed”
“He is not playing her Kai, I think it’s ___, she likes Baekhyun-ah, am I right?”
“Well damn ___, she’s actually falling for the best one among us, she has a good taste Baekhyun-ah” added Lay kissing Baekhyun hard on his cheek.
Baekhyun was suppressing a smile, he did blush however, just the thought excited him, but then he was reminded that this costed him his best friend.
“Reminds me, here call her because she needs you to bring her some clothes from her apartment” said Lay taking Baekhyun’s phone from his hand to save your number.
“C-clothes? Is that necessary?”
“It is because if Xian finds out there’s nothing between you 2 I will not sleep in my bed tonight, and that is something I don’t look forwards to” added Lay typing your number on his phone.
“Oh but hyung, she is convinced” whispered Baekhyun looking at his hands.
“What did you do you little shit?” asked Lay as he encircled his arm around Baekhyun’s neck “tell me all about it as we go to her apartment”
“Mmm hi”
“I am at your apartment- Lay hyung said-”
“My passcode is 0000″
“Wow ingenuous, not very secure, anyone can guess it”
“I’m forgetful” you giggled.
“So what do I need to get you from here?”
“Alright so, first of all take your shoes off” Baekhyun smiled into the phone “then go to my room, there is a chest of drawers. Get me a pair of leggings and a t-shirt from the 2nd drawer”
Baekhyun opened the door to your room and smiled again, you were extremely tidy, everything smelled like fabric softer, a soft and sweet one.
He put you on loud speaker placing the phone on your bed, he opened the drawer and found an assortment of leggings, he pulled out the blue ones and a pink t-shirt.
“OK got them, anything else? I can bring you home tomorrow morning and you can pack a small bag anyways”
“Sounds good but until then, I need…”
“Socks! Yes a pair of socks from the 1st drawer”
Baekhyun opened it without hesitation meeting your underwear instead of socks.
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“Oh… there-there’s no… there’s only…”
“Get me one please”
“Which one?”
“I’m not going to pick for you your freaking underwear ___”
“Just pull anyone”
“I can’t chose”
“It’s better than telling you get me the lacy one or the stripy one, just pull anything”
“OK bye” Baekhyun hung up with a loud sigh.
He was sweating, he looked away placing his hand over the bras, what he didn’t expect was literally getting a static shock from the nylon fabric, his hand retracted forced to look straight ahead, his eyes falling on your bras.
‘It’s like as if they want me to look at them’ thought Baekhyun in his head.
He placed his hand over the lacy one that caught his eye, nothing fancy but he liked it, he pulled it carefully feeling the cups shamelessly, he was about to close the drawer when he was thought that you might need panties as well.
But she didn’t ask, I should close the drawer and leave… but then again if she was going to change her bra for sure she must need fresh panties… but no, it would look weird I just came with panties that she didn’t ask for… but also I didn’t give her the change to ask for anything else.
Baekhyun’s thoughts clouded him.
Fuck it.
He looked through the drawer getting the matching panties placing everything in a small bag.
Lay and Baekhyun arrived earlier than expected, Xian welcomed Lay with a kiss and a jump encircling her arms around his neck, Lay absolutely adored her, it was mutual. How much you envied having something like that, they moved from the door never breaking the kiss to let Baekhyun in, he whispered a ‘hi’ shyly, but you guessed you had to show some sort of affection, you went on your tiptoes kissing his cheek softly, taking him by full surprise. You noticed a little scar that wasn’t there this morning, you frowned and felt it with your fingertips, Baekhyun watching your worried face.
“It’s nothing ___, I’m alright”
Dinner went well, you cleared the table and Baekhyun took some plates to the kitchen to help you. You loaded the dishwasher in silence but the gazes Baekhyun was giving you made you happy. He was shy and treated you with care, it felt awkward but nice, this is all you ever dreamt about, having Baekhyun close to you, it felt perfect.
“So guys we are going to bed early, please make yourself comfortable” announced Lay as he held Xian from her back kissing the crown of her head.
“I should head home too” said Baekhyun. 
“But wait, no Baekhyun stay the night here” 
“Xian let him go, a lot happened today” said Lay pulling Xian to their bedroom.
“Wait, how is this possible? Aren’t you dating? You sleep away from each other? On a day like this? You said ___ was upset with you and you are just going to leave her?” Xian’s tone sounded suspicious, Lay was clearly panicking.
“I guess they are right, we just thought that invading your apartment like this was not…”
“Nonsense, Yixing baobei get Baekhyun something comfortable to wear”
“No need, I don’t use pyjamas” said Baekhyun winking at you.
He managed yet again to make you hyperventilating with the though to ‘naked Baekhyun’ in your bed.
Baekhyun closed the door of the visitor’s bedroom, you were blushing your cheeks felt like burning.
“I will leave when I make sure they are asleep, you can tell them I left for work early”
You nodded taking the bag with your clothes entering the ensuite bathroom, you took a shower and put on your comfy leggings and t-shirt, you combed your hair and went outside, Baekhyun was sitting in the armchair wearing only his undershirt as he played with his phone, he lifted his head and smiled at you again.
You weren’t coping with Baekhyun smiles, he looked too beautiful… too dreamy.
Baekhyun stood up taking your hands in his “I am sorry for today, I am sorry for everything”
“It was the worst day but also the best… although you didn’t get me socks… but you got me panties, I don’t recall asking for panties Baekhyun-ssi”
“I’ll take a shower” he replied nervously.
When he got out of the bathroom he saw you lying down in bed hugging the pillow, he thought you were asleep, so he tried not to make any noise.
“Baekhyun?” you asked with sleepy voice rubbing your eyes.
“Shhh go back to sleep, I’ll sleep in the armchair”
“No I will feel horrible, you take the bed” you tried getting up but his hand stopped you making you fall back in bed.
“I insist”
“I hope you don’t mind that I leave the night stand light on, I can’t sleep in the dark”
He nodded covering himself with the quilt closing his eyes.
But how could you fall asleep anyways having him in front of you in the same bedroom? You were ‘sharing the room’ were you dreaming? 
Not that Lay and Xian made it easy to sleep with all the fun they were having, but you were not planning to sleep… 
Indulged in memorising every single detail in Baekhyun’s pretty face. His damp fringe falling on his forehead, the little pout forming in his beautiful soft lips, the mole in his upper lip that was the cherry on the top, imagining next time you had a chance to make sure and feel it with your fingertips, just the thought alone made you giggle covering your mouth in excitement.
You were so consumed by Baekhyun… he made it actually possible to forget all the bad experience of this morning. He made you happy…
After 2 hours of uninterrupted staring, you got thirsty, you got up and went to the kitchen to get some water, the entertainment at Lay’s bedroom was still on, you snorted hearing all the talk they were having while they were at it taking another sip of water.
“Still awake?”
You gasped in surprise when you heard Baekhyun’s voice dropping the mug on the floor.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you, I’ll clean that, don’t move”
Baekhyun bent down collecting the pieces carefully, luckily the mug broke neatly in 3 big pieces.
“I heard it! There is someone in the kitchen” you heard Xian’s voice whisper-shouting nervously.
Baekhyun took off his undershirt in one swift movement standing up, he hugged you burying his face in the crock of your neck.
“Oh! It’s you guys!” said Lay holding on to the baseball bat in one hand his eyes doubled in size shellshocked at the view, he didn’t realise that whatever was happening between you 2 had developed this much.
“Goodnight guys” 
When Lay and Xian left Baekhyun detached himself from you “I’m sorry”
You didn’t answer and just headed back to the bedroom. He followed you knowing he screwed up. Again.
“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to do… this” he said putting his undershirt back on.
Your mind was clouded, too fast… too uncertain… too… you couldn’t put your finger on what was really happening.
“Are you going to keep acting? For Xian I mean?” you asked sounding pissed. But you could never really be, not with Baekhyun.
“Are you upset? I swear is not my intention, not after tod- I don’t want to upset you anymore”
“I kind of actually am, you haven’t gotten me any socks” you flashed your killer smile when you heard genuineness in his apology.
He run his fingers through his hair nervously, as if hesitant.
“Well? Don’t you have anything to say for yourself? Are you one of those perverts that look through womens underwear?”
Baekhyun took 2 steps forward grabbing your waist roughly attacking your lips without previous warning, it was so sudden that you winced at the action, he didn’t move for a second to taste waters and make sure that you welcomed it, and he got his answer when your hands caressed his chest before returning the kiss.
You heard a loud groan as he kept pushing you till the back of your knees hit the bed before falling on the mattress.
“Damn it, why are you so cute? It really pays off to be the good guy sometimes, I got the girl everyone wants”
He leaned over taking your lips again, savouring every corner without fear, he loved the feeling of being selfish right now. Not thinking about anyone but you and him, you were so docile, so pure, so everything he wanted. He liked this, he liked it a lot…
You gasped for air when you felt his body rest comfortably over yours, he retracted caressing your face “I’m sorry got carried away, you are too beautiful, I’m acting like a jerk” he said standing up.
You saw him sit in the armchair wiping his lips with his fingers looking at you intensely.
“I guess the armchair is not comfortable” you said naively.
“Go to sleep ___”
“But you have work tomorrow, and your back… the bed is big enough, we could share it”
A/N: Is he being an asshole? Or not?
Thanks for reading, feedback always welcomed ^_^
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banghyunchanji · 5 years
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Imagine beakhyun inviting chanyeol to help watch the kids for the day
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blasian-kpop · 5 years
My Silver Knight. (1)
Anonie asked:
Baekhyun sugar daddy scenario?
At the age of 21 you were kicked out of your parents house after a confrontation.
Since you’re in college your parents allowed you to stay at home to finish college but the campus was more than an hour away. So, it became a habit that you wouldn’t come home sick for days on end. Living with you then boyfriend and is crappy apartment with his two other roommates became your home 30 minutes away from campus. Since you’re in college your parents allowed you to stay at home to finish college but the campus was more than an hour away. So, it became a habit that you wouldn’t come home sick for days on end. Living with you then boyfriend and his crappy apartment with his two other roommates became your home 30 minutes away from campus.
But your parents wanted to see you home more often than what you gave them. After a while it got so annoying that you just didn’t answer their phone calls anymore. One day, you got a voicemail from your mother, where she threatens to cut off all allowances for you, unless you came home. At the time you thought this was the most stupidest thing ever. ‘Why couldn’t you live your life without being chained down to your parents.’ You didn’t know, but all of this started a snowball effect where you went home and practically cussed at your parents for being too clingy.
“Cut the umbilical cord already”. You scream to your mother who looked at you with absolute shock. And in that same moment your father screamed in your face about your disrespectful attitude and how that you were no longer welcome at this home since you didn’t decide to live there. You packed up the rest of your things in your room when you left that same night. And you thought finally freedom but that wasn’t the case.
After the first month of having no disposable income, And your fruitless effort of finding a job, your boyfriend broke up with you as you couldn’t pay your way to live in his apartment. Of course it was his friend who convinced him to do this as they were all paying rent and you were kind of just freeloading. But he was kind enough to let you stay a couple of nights until you can find your own way. There was no scenario in your mind that would lead you back to your parents house, And do you didn’t want to be that person hopping from couch to couch but after a week your luck started to rise.
A close friend of yours (sasha) in College reached out to you after seeing you struggle in classes. You told her about the situation and she agreed to let you stay with her until you could get back on your feet. You are grateful, and in the same week you moved out of your exes three room apartment and into your sashas cozy little studio. The days went by and you still remained unemployed and collecting debt. You came across this website, it was for sugar daddies looking for sugar babies.
It seems stupid at first but as you considered it more and more it was actually kind of a smart idea. Acting as a companion for these older men in exchange for money, it was borderline prostitution but still legal because they weren’t paying for sex, they are paying for love.
So, you’re scrolling through this site day after day having conversations after conversation, when you finally run into this one guy who didn’t look that old but who knows. Byun Baekhyun was is his name. He looked 25 but his age said 37. That was hard to believe, but you message him anyways. If he was a catfish then you’ll just move onto the next right?
So you message him and he’s nothing but a gentleman in text form. But he’s very straightforward and blunt. Within the first few days of talking he already asked what your monthly expenses were and of course you didn’t know what to take and count for his monthly expenses as you didn’t pay for anything major. You barely had a car, splitting the rent in the studio apartment would’ve been easy as of already cheap, and because you didn’t have any income to begin with leisure spending wasn’t really the top thing on your mind. So he gave him a ballpark estimate of $35,000.
He explains to you that it was an a lot of money actually and that he’d be happy to pay that much maybe even rounded up to 40,000 a month. Soon after that he scheduled for you to to meet up at a Thai food restaurant that had the best tea ever. Friday at 6 PM, and he was very adamant that it was just going to be a short meeting.
So you go through your wardrobe and you find the most classiest outfit that you could find yet still casual. Nice black leather pants a pure white blouse and silver 5 inch block heels. Your friend asked where you going and for some reason you just wanted to keep this whole exchange it secret from her. She came from a very religious family and you didn’t know with what you were about to do was morally correct in her eyes and or if she would still allow you to live with her if she knew. Because as far as you knew this was still borderline prostitution.
So you tell her you going on an online date and told her not to wait up as you didn’t know if you’re coming home. You’re obviously joking but it produced a nice chuckle from the both of you. So you grab your keys and off you go to the state. As you get closer and closer to the location you get exponentially more nervous and suspicious about the authenticity of this whole exchange. What kind of crazy person pays someone else just to be around? How desperate does that make somebody? Isn’t this a fetish? So many questions went to your head and you singled out only if you to ask this me and once he saw him. You promised yourself that no matter what he looks like you were going to go through with it. But if he was a complete psychopath you’d be allowed the first chance you got.
You text him from the website telling him that you got here. He said to just walk inside and asked for bacon in the lead you to his table and that’s exactly what you did. Expecting the worse you get ready to put on a brave face as you meet this man but when you saw him you were stunned. He looked just as useful in his pictures his hair slicked back, face shave and clean, suit as sharp as ever. A nice silver suit with a metallic black shirt underneath and a gray tie. In a soon as he locked eyes with you he felt like nothing but pray. He just oozed dominance.
“ and you must be the little lady that I’m waiting for, huh?” He stands up to greet you giving you a handshake and pulling you into a hug. You are already nervous as it is so when you stumble over your words it just made it 1000 times worse. Now you’re embarrassed and nervous what a combination. “ you look stunning, I’m glad you stayed true to your photos, even on sites like those you can get catfish”
You chuckle at all of his words as you sit down. He’s a lot less blunt in person and seems to want to take things slow so he offers you a meal and you look through the menu order your food and as you’re waiting for it to come out he just makes the general conversation to learn more about you and to tell you about this whole arrangement that he has planned out.
And you asked your share of questions of course, like where he works? what he does on his free time? what he expects out of this relationship? And apparently he is a vice president for a PR industry and keeps up high disposable income by making investments in major companies.
“ so here’s how I’m thinking this can work out, we will meet at least once a week but will never meet at my house and I will never go to yours, but don’t worry will be in a very lavish environment nonetheless. But this exchange is more business than personal to me and I like to keep my personal life away from my business. You said you’re new at this rate?”
“ yeah, you’d actually be my first sugar daddy so you know, be patient with me, I guess” you say this was such a cool way that it releases a slight chuckle from his mouth as he replies “of course you’ll be treated well”
“ this arrangement can go as short or as far as we take it, and we won’t engage in anything new unless you’re comfortable with it. So make sure you’re communicating with me because even though I don’t want to force anything on you I do like surprising my little sugar babies all the time.” He smirks at you, and his staring just made you feel hot all over. Like what kind of power did this man have.
“ every meeting I’ll give you $10,000 and all you have to do is be nothing short of my cute little girlfriend”
“ I mean, you’re making this really hard to refuse. So I guess if you’re OK with taking things a bit slow at first then I’ll be all In” he’s excited to hear this and offers to drive you home. Do you deny this request but Thanks him for the meal that he paid for it anyways. You to exchange phone numbers so that you could confirm this relationship as official.
As he walks you to your car you contemplate it if this was the right way to go or not. Just then he stops you read as you make it to your car and spins you around.
“ trust me baby girl, I’ll make you the happiest that anyone ever could.” You are speechless and could only develop a shy smile as you look down to the ground. He grabs you cheeks gently and kisses you on the four head. It was so loving it made your heart skip a beat, he was so gentle.
“ thank you for this time, can’t wait to see you again.” You show your gratitude by giving him a hug before you get back into your car. And he walks away to his.
Before you get the chance to drive off you get a text from an unknown number. Undoubtably Baekhyun. “ get home safely baby girl, and make sure to text me when you get there. So I know you’re safe” you reply of couse and smile to yourself. This wouldnt be so bad after all.
So it wasn’t until I finish this whole scenario that I realize the request was for a Text and not a scenario so I guess part two would just be text based with some scenario in it. Oh well.
Oh and sorry for any errors... i didnt proof read.
Bai for Now
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itslilliansnow · 5 years
His eyes lingered on your body, you could feel his gaze fixed on you. You didn't know who he was, your friends told you he was handsome but you hadn't been able to see him yet. Turn around and calm down your sense of curiosity or don't turn around and let it gobble you up little by little?
It was a quiet afternoon and in the café shop the atmosphere was pleasant, liberating after a week of hard work and almost sleepless nights.
"He's coming here." whispered your best friend, the taste of the cigarette she had smoked just before still on her mouth. The cup of cappuccino you held tight was warm enough to heat up your hands, the steam and the scent of coffee that emanated a panacea for you.
Turning you got the reason your friends had that dreamy look in their eyes. He was really a gorgeous boy but he wasn't your type, especially since a boyfriend by your side existed. Maybe you were on break - he asked it - but you were faithful in any case.
"Do you need something?"
"Are you by any chance _______?"
It was strange that he knew your name and you had no idea who he was, but his shy smile reassured you. Much more than you would have expected.
"Yes, that's me. And you are..? " You asked as you turned towards him, the steaming cup abandoned on the table and your friends drooling in his presence.
"Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun. Your new step-brother, nice to meet you."
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Okay, this is a little spoiler of my new scenario (after a.c.e!sleepover au) and.. NO, THEY WON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER.
Stay tuned! Love ya. 🖤
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pcygoldenchild · 6 years
Beakhyun Request
Anon: can i request something with baekhyun being really turned on by reader riding his thighs?
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Baekhyun seemed to be a little tense ever since he got home. You knew how hard his scheduled days were so you tried to help him relax a bit as much as you could without bothering him too much. You left him in the studio of your house to let him work while you made him a fruit bowl, his favorite snack.
You walked in quietly to see him sitting at the computer desk focused on whatever was on the screen. You put the bowl next to him and have him a kiss before leaving again. But before you could pull away he grabbed your wrist. You looked back to see him staring at you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. You didn’t know if you did something wrong or if he wanted something else.
“Nothing.” he says still staring at you raking his eyes up and down your body. You were wearing one of his button ups and that’s it. You guessed he just got to take in how you looked since he came home.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you question trying to free your wrist.
“Just thinking.” he mumbles. His intense gaze is making your stomach flutter.
“About?” you ask but the way he’s been staring at you lets you know exactly what he’s thinking about. He takes his other hand and trails it up the inside of your thigh until it reaches your core. His delicate finger slips between your wet folds immersing itself in your juices. He pulls his hand away and sucks his finger. God he drove you crazy.
“Thinking about how good you taste. Why are you so wet? I haven’t done anything?” He pulls you between his legs. You decide to take things into your own hands, your turn to get him frustrated.
You open your legs to straddle one of his thighs before you unbutton his shirt to let it fall off your shoulders and rest on your arms.
“Because I’ve been thinking about how good your thighs look in these pants and I can’t help myself.” you say as you lower yourself on to his thigh. You knew how much he loved when you used him to make yourself cum. It would turn him on so much while also making him extremely frustrated. You start to grind your hips on him making you whimper at the feeling of the fabric rubbing against you. He grabs your hips pushing you down as he tensed his thigh muscles.
“Why must you do this to me? You want to fuck yourself on my thigh when I have a perfectly good dick just for you.” he moans. He takes your nipple in his mouth and bites making you pull his hair to make him look at you.
“You wanted to know how good I tasted, I wanted to ride your thigh. Fuck it feels so good.” you tease. You use your hands to massage your boobs and sensitive nipples as you watch him. Your thigh was rubbing against his hard cock as you rode his thigh. He was enjoying the sight and light stimulation. You look down to see the wet patch on his pants making you smirk.
“You’re making a mess. Wasting so much that I could be tasting.” he growls. His hand is on your hip as the other palms himself. He’s letting you fuck his thigh as a warm up. You feel yourself getting messier as your climax approaches. Your thighs are shaking a little the closer you get.
“Cum on my thigh baby. Such a naughty girl.” he says as his thigh tenses again. You let your head fall back as your orgasm crashes over you. He doesn’t let you stop as he tenses his thigh under you over and over again as his hands force you down. He’s forcing you to grind down on him making your orgasm last longer.
“Baek stop I can’t!” you scream as you put your hands in his shoulders. The hard movements on your sensitive clit are making you dizzy.
“Next time don’t waste your cum on my thigh baby. I want it in my mouth.” he whispers in your ear as he slaps your ass.
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peculiarbud · 6 years
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| Oh Sehun |
"Sweeter than Honey."
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loeysbxtch · 5 years
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Pouty Baekkie
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exo-overload · 6 years
exo reacts › going to the beach/ocean with you
© to gif owners/creators ( all gifs except lay’s are from Dear Happiness! which is actually my favorite thing exo has done and is the source of most of my favorite photos/looks!!!! they’re sexy and soft at the same time!! (≧◡≦) ♡ ) 
XIUMIN Agrees because you seem like you really want to go but now has to tell you that he’s actually afraid of the ocean and the story that goes into that fear. Doesn’t mind the beach though (or seeing you in your swim outfit) but does feel like you won’t be able to have the fun you want. After some convincing, you two still go and build sandcastles instead~ “We should have a sandcastle building contest~ I’ll even go easy on you~”  
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SUHO Mother Suho is out to play. Agrees to the beach instantly but is like a mother hen getting everything ready. Sun screen? Beach towels? Umbrella??? Very energetic and excited to be able to go with you. Will most definitely use this opportunity to show off his rad swimming skills. Then Mother Suho turns into Daddy Suho. ( lol rip )
“Don’t worry jagi, I’ll be keeping my eye on you so you don’t float away haha”
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LAY Will 1000% fall asleep at some point. (are we surprised?) Likes water but the ocean might be a little much and he’ll most likely not stay in long. Everything is a delight, even how salty the water is. Gives you a pretty rock that he claims is a seashell. (protect him) Is also pretty big on beach games so be ready!
“Look at this seashell I found! Here, I want you to have it~”
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BAEKHYUN Of course loves to play, but also seems a bit more mellow? He likes the way the water feels and he’s honestly like a puppy in water. (he loves to do flips and such)  Any games will bring out his competitive spirit and even simple games like Marco/Polo are about to get hardcore. Also, prepare to spend all day at the beach. ALL DAY.
“What? We have to go?? But we haven’t even tried catching fish!” (beakhyun no lol)
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CHEN Instantly agrees but also doesn’t know how to swim. But that’s a little detail right? His energy and joyfulness reminds you that’s he is just a young man who likes having fun and as long as he has his life vest everything is 100%. You’ll have to keep your eyes on him though, he’ll try to push his limits often. “Nah, I got this babe, a man should be able to swim!”
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D.O You ask him with the idea that he may not want to go, but he surprises you with his enthusiasm. He may not be running around on the beach or in the water very often but he enjoys spending time with you under an umbrella enjoying the breeze. Even the simplest things are amazing with him. “It’s so nice to get to relax...but it’s nicer here since you’re with me.”
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CHANYEOL Pft, the moment you suggest the beach he’s already packing his bags, with all the toys included: snorkeling gear, cameras, everything. He’s a fairly good swimmer although he’ll still use a vest to be on the safe side. He does worry a little about you and while he would venture out on his own, he tends to linger by your side to make sure you’re okay at all times. Would keep a photo of you two from this trip somewhere in his room. “Jagi, jagi look! Let’s take a picture underwater!”
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KAI He’s a little intimidated by the ocean but his child-like wonder wins in the end. He enjoys taking in the sights but not for long! He’s already in his life-vest before you even get a chance to lay out your things. After swimming he’ll definitely suggest some beach volleyball~
“Come on jagi! The water feels amazing!”
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SEHUN Just like Kai, he’s nervous but also excited. Even with his mature face, you’re reminded he is still very young and still practically a kid, especially since he rarely has time to relax like this. Would also like to include water games or even try stuff like jet skiing or rowing (which he of course drags you along to). “Jagi what should we try next?? Is that a boat?! Let’s get on a boat!”
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[ request - faq - masterlist ]
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saddestofthesad · 5 years
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One for all, all for one
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Letting Go by @biaswreckingyourlifefics
Go check it for your own good!
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Keep the Cash
Prompt: “Come a little closer.” - @challengingwords
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Word count: 514
Warnings: smoking
“She should learn her place,” you muttered, barely moving your lips as you sent daggers that fan girl’s way. A fan girl that dared to come and ask for your signature, bringing the book you wrote with herself as if that would prove something to you. “And know who she came here for.”
“You can’t be like this,” said the soft-haired man, Baekhyun. The gentle waves of his fringe made you want to snap a picture of him and hang it on your bedroom wall. “You need to be kinder.”
You arched one eye brow in challenge. “And why would that be?” The cigarette that was slowly burning away held between your index and middle finger seemed to not be satisfactory enough, prompting you to bury it in the ashtray.
“Because you are the person the whole of nation’s attention is roaming around,” he exclaimed fervently which caused you to chuckle at his passionate outburst. “You live off of those people’s money.”
“Yours too,” you added and leaned back in your chair as you crossed one leg over the other. The uncomfortable feeling from running around whole day in your heels was slowly catching up, the joints in your ankles sighing in relief at the sitting position. “So what.”
Baekhyun gave you a calculating look, seemingly shy to continue with his arguments. Your nonchalance, blasé-ness was much more severe than he predicted, and he sighed when you reached for your drink, not initiating any further conversation.
“How long till we are done here.” You checked your phone.
Baekhyun blinked rapidly a few times, before he checked his wrist watch. “Forty-five minutes.”
You hummed in response as you grabbed your purse, roaming through the contents until you grabbed the hearty cash that was thrown into it earlier. “And how much for overtime.”
When he didn’t respond right away, you looked up at him through your lashes before quirking an inquisitive eyebrow.
He contemplated for a bit, moving in his chair while sucking his lips in. Eventually, he let them go with a quiet, but nonetheless audible bop, and said: “50.000 won for another hour. Since it’s you.”
A smile slowly grew on your face as you grabbed the cash and put it on the table in front of you. With your freshly done nailed fingers, you slid it over the wooden surface of the table, not once breaking the eye contact with him. “Come a little closer.” Baekhyun seemed to hesitate, frowning softly while he did as you asked. “Make it 200.000 won and my manager will think I spent the whole hour here with you, consulting.”
Baekhyun’s lips parted slightly before he quickly pulled himself together, scowling. “Listen. I’m not someone you can pay to lie to other people. That’s the opposite of all my beliefs. Neither am I required to sit here with you, looking at you acting like a child that is in detention. So if you ever feel like taking yours and my time seriously, look for me.” He abruptly stood up, bowing his head with a cold stare. “And keep the cash.”
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bts7writings · 7 years
Dating EXO’s Byun Baekhyun
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Ahh where do I begin with Byun Baekhyun?
First of all forget about boring and simple
He is a literal car battery
“Y/n! Come to the dorm now! We just saw a cockroach and I want you to help me burn all my stuff”
“If you come to the studio, I’ll help you study this week”
“The guys and me are going to the amusement park and I already bought your ticket. so...”
Honestly just likes to go on adventures with people he loves
He’s the one dying to go public, but its because he doesn't like thinking you’re a secret
“Let’s say - I forgot my face mask, hypothetically. worse case scenario?” he jokes with his manager as he's on his way to see you
Warns you before hand of some of the consequence and will try to hold it off for as long as he cans if you're uncomfortable with it.
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Doesn't let anything go
“Remember when I beat you last week in Mario Kart?”
“You said Saturday we’d go see a movie and today is Saturday so get dressed.”
“You promised me a kiss for that - so..” already picking his lips
Wants to make you friends with all of his friends, but because he doesn't like separating times and likes everyone together.
“Go downstairs to your building an Chanyeol will be there to pick you up and bring you to the studio”
“We should get D.O this for his birthday”
“Chen likes flowers, you know”
tries to include you in small things that he does.
He likes alone time, but it doesn't last long because he’s ready to go to the new restaurant that just opened downtown.
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Everywhere is considered a date.
“Oh you’re here grocery shopping too? what a coincidence”
Prefers dates outside sometimes alone sometimes with friends.
Very charismatic and actually likes the feeling of you staring at him as he talks to others.
Pet names
those three will be juggles around a lot, mostly because he doesn't have a specific reason why he calls you them, he just says what comes to mind.
all jokes aside, he doesn't like you teasing him - he prefers the latter.
“Stop it, before I have you strapped down”
Not so hyper or speedy with this. His long slow strokes, with his toughie slightly sticking out from the view of you below him, picture perfect.
Likes to end inside of you, every time, with him swallowing down your screams into climax.
Loves taking a shower with you in a nonsexual way.
“I bought us new scrubs and bath bombs!”
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On Tour
Whines most of the time and jokes about it
“What’d you have for lunch? Oh I wanted that” his face resembles a crying one, “Well I guess I could settle from real Colombian coffee from Colombia”
Doesn't let distance get the best of him, mostly because he likes to summarize his day in some form to you.
Wake up to long text-essays explain why he didn't call and what he did that day
Forgets to send you photos and videos, but when he come back he goes through them with you.
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Jealousy much?
You can automatically tell when he’s jealous.
The other guy never leaves his eyesight and he’s not paying attention or talking as much as he usually does
“I just don't like other guys thinking they can just stare at you”
“This is annoying” he says rolling his eyes at the guy and putting you infant of him so the guy can't see you.
Pulls you closer to prove his point
Teases you when you're jealous and tries to avoid situation that would make you feel that way
“Are you jealous?” he begins laughing, “Come on, I don't even remember her name and you should either. I’ll let her know she was getting too close to me then.”
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Period cuddles
Doesn't know how to make anything better, but does cuddle you
Wraps his arms around you and just lets you do whatever you wants
Runs to the store for you because he gets free cuddles
Even-though he's loud the majority of the time, when he's serious he gets more quiet and thoughtful
He listens to everything you say and tries to come up with a solutions
“Y/n, if you want to then go for it, but just know that I’m not going to be able to go back and forth”
“We can do this, if you think we can - so give me something here.”
He’s a lot of considerate then people give him credit for. He can't be selfish with you
When he’s mad, you'd know
he gets closed off for sometime until he’s leveled out his anger - so it’s best to give him time and space
He takes and talks up the whole room and he knows it, but with you he wants everywhere and everything to be filled up with a little of you so he can smile brightly. He’s not one to have patience or a filter, but he does mean it when he says you’re his princess.
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Back To Masterlist ♡
Make Your Own and Request ♡
Rules + Regulation ♡
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miastideclock · 2 years
name playlist, rubina
anon asked:
hiiii, could you do rubina for a name playlist?? and as a challenge, could you do only k-pop? thank youuu!!
one kpop playlist for rubina, coming right up!
R - Run BTS by BTS
U - UN Village by BAEKHYUN
B - BABE by HyunA
I - I Am You, You Are Me by ZICO
N - No Air by THE BOYZ
A - All Mine by f(x)
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hope you liked it! feel free to request again! -bennie♡
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