#bean lawliet
lawliet-imagines · 2 months
BEAN Chapter 29: The Field Trip
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As the Kira case hangs in limbo, L takes Bean to an aquarium for the day. Still cuffed to the detective, Light is forced to accompany them, which inevitably means that Misa is going to tag along.
While L is biding time as the case stagnates, Misa is increasingly unhappy about the cuffs. Briefly, Light recalls a childhood experience with his own father.
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qeyond · 1 year
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Top: A, Light, Matt, Mello Bottom: L, Misa, B, Corrupt!Naomi
Individual under the cut! <3
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Could I have this sweet dialogue? 🥹
“I cannot pretend to know what love is or how it feels, however, from what I know of yours and Light’s relationship before all of this, I am positive you would have loved him too.”
“And… if he is lying to you, then you do not deserve it.” He stuck a large spoonful of his pudding into his mouth and swallowed loudly. “You are a kind person who puts others' feelings before your own. To me… people like you are the beauty in this world and it is unfortunate that such darkness is attracted to such light.” He paused and tilted his head. “Pun unintended.”
<3 Thanks for the request Anon <3
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@skully-and-co Loid smells like fresh cologne…I’m not sure what exactly he tastes like. Steak, maybe?
Ryuzaki…I’m going to assume you mean L and not Beyond here, but L tastes like vanilla yogurt to me.
@bumble-vii I legitimately thought you meant beans like the food and I was about to reply “Idk man go buy some” but then I realized you meant the HxH character lmao. He just tastes like lima beans. Pretty boring, I know.
Send me an anime character I recognize and I’ll tell you what they taste like!
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asks are open!😘 How would L lawliet react with a shy I mean very shy girlfriend shes short about 5'2. And recently joined the task force to help her boyfriend
Omllll yeeessss! Another Death Note request! Let’s go, I like L too and I was waiting for him! Let’s do it!
Lawliet L
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L was very against you trying to join the Task Force. This is definitely the most dangerous case in human history and you’re the last person he wants to risk to try solve it. He doesn’t care to risk his own life, but not yours
When L loves something or someone, it’s permanent and it’s strong, he was very against Watari joining, but he knows he needs Watari and the older man is not as included. L is a stubborn man and he won’t fold to your persistence
How did you manage to get onto the Task Force? L had no choice but to let you join, Light already seen you and his hands were tied by the members thinking a new Detective has joined. He couldn’t fly you out since it’d draw far too much suspicion. For the first time ever, the world’s best detective was stunned as he had to agree on terms he didn’t make
L supposes he doesn’t really mind having you around, it’s bad but not as bad. You’re intelligent, your skilled and you know how to handle yourself. Though, he isn’t a fan of you being apart of the Kira case for obvious reasons
Repeat it, L loves short girls so his significant other being shorter than him is like his actual dream. They are cuddle-sized and easy to keep track off. Even with how hunched he is, L is still packing quite the height and he towers you so suspect him to rest his chin on your head
“Aaah~ my favourite pillow has arrived. I am aware that I’m using your head as a headrest, you’re a suitable ‘small bean’ for the task. Why yes, I do remember what people your height are called and I’m called a ‘beanstalk’”
L is not a teaser about height, he’s a helper. You’re struggling to reach something high, he’ll get it for you. He will analyse the situation and suggest using a step next-time but at the end of the situation, he’ll help in anyway he can
L is a introvert so he understands your overall timidity. If you don’t want to be around the others, he will set up a private room for you that none of the members can access, including him if wanted. He has the money and power to do whatever the fuck he wants, and he is the spoiling type of boyfriend
Yes, I mean that L would send you money if you need it, he will rush around the headquarters to find your favourite blanket, he’s out the door the moment you mention a milkshake you’re carving. He will do stuff for you since you do so much for him, by merely being apart of his life and changing from him a glorified machine to a real human
The way you shyly approach him and Light to hand over the documentation files Watari gave to you whilst he was baking, is just so cute. Internal L is laying on the floor joyous at how adorable you behave, whilst external is politely thanking you
L isn’t built with any muscles(besides dem legs for real) but he isn’t above being protective over you, because he is. Light scared you with that one time he impersonated Kira to a horrifyingly good degree, L is gonna calmly argue with him then get into a fight
“Light. Could you please silence your strangely accurate impersonation of Kira. You’re frightening Dokusha— Hm? What reason do I have to ask of such a request? Well. She’s my partner in business and in life, she is important. Don’t do anything like that again”
L is slowly growing accustom to affection, please give him a break if he doesn’t respond or give it back. He does like it, he just isn’t trained nor knowledgeable enough in couple things. He puts research on those topics into his list so he can do better for you
Though, nobody else can do these things with L. Hold his hand, brush his hair, hug him. Nothing like that is allowed for anybody besides you and well to a degree, Watari but that’s different. You are always allowed in his private research room, most of the time, he wants you there besides him as he works
A cute weird thing L lets you do is latch onto his back. He does have a BAD back from the ten+ years of hunching but he loves feeling you clung onto him like a Koala. You are too shy to do it around the members but that won’t stop L from throwing you onto his back himself. He misses it
L keeps track of everything you like, do and more. He basically has a encyclopaedia of you and can recall every little detail. To him, knowing you like the process of scrubbing through hours worth of camera footage, is important as it shows how devoted he is to you
So tell him everything. He won’t forget any piece of info and he’ll write it down later as a needed backup, like he does for everything else non-Dokusha related. There’s two parts of his mind; Detective and Dokusha. He likes the Dokusha section a lot more
L is very loyal. Do you think he has anybody else waiting? Most women call him a freak for his looks and/or behaviour. You’re his one and only, he can’t throw you away, he just wants you sat besides him all the time. Where he can turn around and know you’re still with him
L shares his sweets with you more, as compared to somebody like Light, and you know he’ll get Watari to deliver whatever you want, whilst the other members get only what L requests for them. You are treated specially and he could care less that it makes him seem favouritistic, he is
L has a habit of mimicking you, kinda like a child. He follows you since your word is a lot more trustworthy. When you eat vegetables and meats with a smiley reaction, he is eating it too whilst waiting for your praise (Watari would struggle here, and he is a bit frustrated that his son listens to his gf, not his father
“Good morning— hm? I seem frustrated. Well… I am. Why is that? Don’t pretend like you don’t know the answer to that question, Dokusha. Yes, yes. I understand you fully. You don’t want me to die but this is my profession, and you shouldn’t be apart of this case. It’s too dangerous, you know how intense my feelings for you are”
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no-onemademedoit · 2 years
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A scene from chapter 9 of @lawliet-imagines story Bean.
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my-one-true-l · 3 years
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For my Dear Friend @lawliet-imagines! Happy Birthday to her music loving, pop tart snacking OC, Bean Lawliet! We love this best boye!!!
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herbalsingularitea · 6 years
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Bennett’s Birthday - from a one-shot by @lawliet-imagines you read here.
I’m rusty drawing groups,, and coloring with sunset lighting haaa,, but I think this worked pretty well in throwing me back into it. First time drawing Mello and Matt in actual years, but it’s fun figuring out everybody’s designs in my style again!! 
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trueffelmaiden · 4 years
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Small quick L dood  o___o
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lawliet-imagines · 2 months
BEAN Chapter 30: The Friendship Dilemma
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dnfuckery · 3 years
Death Note brain rot has a firm hold on me.
Anyways I’m sure this has been don’t before but you know those toys-the my password journals- that were popular in like 2014? Light should’ve just put the death note in one of those bad boys
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xxchrollobatxx · 3 years
go like and listen :D ❤️❤️
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Same energy
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victorian-lad · 5 years
Okay so Death Note is good.
But can we just talk about :
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Look at him. He’s such a bean. Adorable.
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no-onemademedoit · 6 years
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I drew @lawliet-imagines amazing oc Bean. I’m absolutely in love with this quirky, music loving boy.
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darkdarlings · 3 years
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Death note boys + Cheating on you
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Light Yagami simply just found a new card to play. No hard feelings - you're a bit worn out, don't you think? It's likely he already wrote your name in his death note. It is more efficient to dispose of you as soon as he finds his new card. Old cards get thrown away when played too many times.
L Lawliet wasn't able to monitor you enough. Was disappointed when you told him to quit "stalking" when he's only trying to protect you from Kira. This eventually makes a strain on your relationship. Finds someone that he can monitor 24/7. His anxiety for searching for you was enough for him to realize that he is ready to end this relationship.
Matsuda Touta had a fatal affair with a co-worker. Falling for her seductive traps that she set up specifically for him. He felt horrible after the night that they had spent together. He didn't want to tell you about it because he knew that he would lose you. But, he couldn't bear the guilt any longer and the beans soon spilled.
Mello is very unfortunate on his path of love. Mello never wanted to break the trust between you two or your heart. Though, when you weren't available because of your current studies - he just needed something to take his mind off of his thoughts. He soon found it. Tells you as soon as he sees you. The faster he tells you, the less guilt he has to carry around. He doesn't deserve your smile, hugs, or any of your kisses.
Near is normally wrapped up in his work. It isn't long before he became friends with a female colleague who stayed overnight as well. Near does not feel as guilty he should be feeling when he breaks the news to you. It leaves you heartbroken and him with a blank stare. Near does show one resemblance of guilt and that is not being able to look you in the face.
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