#bean lyra.
bxxnietheill · 9 months
here I am with another art class final:
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zylphiacrowley · 4 months
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♥~ May she have this dance? ~♥
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Featuring my good friend Tsuki as the pretty miqo'te lady.
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themiscyradobermans · 6 months
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Kismet at 9 months
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bleaksqueak · 5 months
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Oh wow, I didn’t realize i still had the sketch/unfinished layers for these backgrounds… thought they got lost
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lagoonapink · 11 months
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Gorgon Family in Spell The Beans
[ID: Screenshots from Monster High The Series (2022) episode Spell The Beans showing: (1) Medusa and Lyra sitting next to each other in the auditorium. (2) Medusa wiping Deuce's chin with her thumb. (3) Lyra glancing to the right. (4) Medusa looking to the side in thought. (5) Medusa standing confidently as Lyra watches her. (6) Medusa confidently pointing to herself as Lyra stands and smiles in the back. (7) Lyra watching with a smile as Deuce and Medusa hug. End ID]
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ohnoitspheo · 1 month
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[OC] Second round of the Prismatic HumanAU!
De-lizarding the lizbians and de-cherubing Ibera. I think he'd be a quirky young professor type. He's really an adult at heart.
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tragicotps · 1 year
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feytouched · 6 months
ordered 2 custom perfume blends from an indie perfumer. so curious to see (smell) how they turn out
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Writeblr Battle Royale - Ametrine Versus Lyra! (Lyra POV)
Yes! That's right! Round 2 of the event @writeblrbattleroyale put on by @your-absent-father! This time my alien elf Lyra is going up against the ghost-fighting Ametrine (OC that belongs to @moonluringfrost)! And this time she actually does fight! You can read Lyra's round 1 here and Ametrine's round 1 here! Thanks, enjoy, and remember you can follow all the action here OR by following #writeblrbattleroyale !
Follow some awesome fellow authors and watch our OCs beat the shit out of each other (when they behave and do what they're supposed to do instead of things like trying to escape or have a pleasant conversation)
WC: 1,240 Tw: death
“And now the round 1 has ended. Unfortunately for me, some of you players tried to go against me, but I give you the benefit of the doubt. I haven’t introduced myself. People call me M. I don’t know if it’s my real name. I really don’t remember anything. I once was a full person that was cursed to roam the world, without being able to go beyond. I do have two goals I remember: I am the bringer of entertainment, and I am a bringer of death. This place really is the tight combination of both. You are my freak show now that my own freak was taken for me. I just need to make sure now you don’t try to escape.” 
A woman appears in the middle of the arena in clothes that are almost stereotypical of a fortune teller. She’s south American, with a beautiful straight nose and eyes that seem to know everything you deeply want to know. “I am so sorry.” She points at Lyra and the new opponent, and the world shifted.
Flashes of her home. Devastated. Crushed and burnt plant matter, the giant carved pillars now broken and laying at her feet. Someone far away was laughing among the eerie quiet. A flash of dark and Lyra was running. Heading to the laughing. She emerged into the light and blinked. Her home, the island of her parents…it was all gone. Broken. Destroyed.
“Hail the queen!” A voice from beyond sight called.
Bodies began to move under the rubble, and Lyra glanced down. She was wearing the outfit of the highest noble. Queen. The stone fragments of all the clans were embedded into the leather wrapped around her wrist. A mark of what was never supposed to be.
“Queen of all!!” someone called. “Death-bringer!!”
The bodies revealed themselves, and turned to her with faces of shame, fear, anger and hopelessness.
“Queen of Elkien, conqueror and destroyer of the lands!!”
“My fancy little crew here are all my helpers whose soul is in their own little dimension. I won’t mind putting you with my little collection. So, now it’s time for round 2”.
Lyra blinked back into reality standing in an arena, a cold sweat covering every inch of her skin. That…so that wasn’t real, then. It was one of her greatest fears…and it had been brought to her mind by this ‘M’ character.
She wanted to draw an arrow and shoot it directly into the sky, directly to the place where M had been moments ago. But the sounds of people shuffling around, starting to murmur and talk and shout all distracted her. She pinned her ears to her head, giving it a shake. Focused on her opponent.
The sooner she could finish this, the sooner she could get to M and make him pay. For this game of death, for making them participate…for making her live the nightmare that haunted her like a shadow.
She took a breath to steady herself, facing the one opposite her. Pale skin, light hair, blue eyes. Petit build. But she knew enough to know that a size and shape were only minor factors in a fight. She couldn’t afford to take her opponent lightly.
Even so, she did not want to fight if she did not have to.
Taking a deep breath, Lyra called out, “Adversary! I don’t want to fight you. How much do you want to fight me?”
The response came. “Depends on if fighting will get me home faster than not.” The woman began walking towards Lyra, causing her back to stiffen just a bit. She began backing away. Keep the same distance between them. She didn’t know what her opponent could do and didn’t want to find out by letting her get too close.
“I don’t know if fighting will get us home. But I do know it will end with one of us dead.” The woman didn’t seem to change based on words alone, continuing to advance. Lyra let out a breath and fired a warning shot directly into her path, the arrow digging into the ground at her feet. “I don’t want to fight…but I will if I must.”
The woman across from her sighed as Lyra knocked another arrow into place. She seemed tired, and Lyra couldn’t blame her. “I have to try,” she called back. “There’s something I need to do. I’m sorry.”
She reached down and plucked Lyra’s arrow from the ground, keeping it with her as she began advancing faster.
Lyra grit her teeth. “Then I’m sorry as well. Good luck, adversary.”
The woman increased her speed to a near-run, Lyra keeping her arrow tight as she began to back up faster. Lyra tried to track her, but the woman’s evasive movements made for little opening. Eventually Lyra had to lower her arrow and focus on moving, on keeping up the distance and matching her speed to her opponent’s.
This was the best tactic Lyra had at the moment, not wanting to use her earth magic unless it was absolutely needed. The cost was high, and while she’d used it on the last little one it was simply because it seemed an easier way to end the fight than blood. From the way this new opponent moved, she would have to be more careful with her magic…something she was not prepared to do. Not yet.
And her reward was a sudden change in tactic, the woman suddenly changing course and speed, charging directly at Lyra. Lyra moved until her back was against the wall, waited until her opponent was nearly on top of her before stretching out her wings and flying into the air. Feet now against the wall, Lyra kept herself aloft while pushing off.
She looked.
She tucked her wings and tucked herself into a ball as she landed, rolling with momentum and getting her feet under her as fast as possible, leaping into a crouch and spinning around to identify where her opponent was.
A body was collapsed by the wall.
Lyra waited for movement as the crowd around her seemed to hold their breath. A few began talking. Whispers among the specters watching. Then…
Lyra risked a glance up at the ones in the stands. A few looked genuinely shocked. A few looked genuinely pleased. Several looked as if they were forced into cheering, like puppets but ones that she could not spot the strings.
Standing, Lyra walked cautiously over to the body. The woman, her adversary, was dead. She rolled the body onto her back, removed the arrow, and closed her eyes, making a gesture that marked blessings for the dead. “I am sorry you did not complete what you needed to do,” she said softly. “But, if you have a next life, I hope you are able to find peace in it.”She stood and turned to face M. Took a deep breath and yelled up, “mxmuzacimo!!!” You are a bag of dicks!! before stalking back to her original spot. He was going to pay for making her – for making them – participate. She wasn’t sure how yet, not as well versed in life and death magic from her home and unsure if it would work in this place. But she was going to make sure she tried if she won her way to the top. And if not? She was going to try before she was taken out.
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anulithots · 1 year
"Let the battle begin" (Writeblr battle royale)
(Yk what, no one can stop me from posting really late.)
Content warnings for self-deprecating/ can be read as mild su*cidal ideation
@writeblrbattleroyale presented a fight, in return I gave it OC's that have never fought before and would die instantly, for, you know, funzies.
But @forthesanityofstorytellers's Lyra ended up being the sweetest bean ever, thank you so much for writing this with me <3 <3
And now, my esteemed guests, onto the fight
The story restarted with static. 
As it did. Every time. Every cycle. Leading to nothing but this ending and this ending alone. Some false lead that I may have won. That I might have written a happy ending. Or an unhappy one in this case… only to be blinded to a plot twist of my own making. 
How utterly ironic. The villain messed with faer own motives. Antagonistic, even to faerself. All I needed was an evil laugh. My realization arc would be complete. 
…As soon as my weight stopped tipping from side to side and I figured out if those spark-rimmed dark spots were real or not, and the static stopped consuming me whole. 
Plot holes and darling murders. 
I must have fallen. The tether finally snapped. Into the static I went. Into a happy ending, a release, a freedom I didn’t deserve…. How could it be a sequel? No one likes sequels. It was already the end after all. The villain got faer unhappy ending. It should’ve stayed that way. 
Sequels were narratively impossible. The story was over, all loose threads, resolved, one can’t write a continuation to something forgotten and finished. The only way to do it was a narrative spiral and even that… It hurts. My leaves smarted as the black spots danced. 
The captured star broke from its container, shattering the shards in an explosion of light. The shards stuck in odd angles, flesh punctured, beads of blood tricking, pooling in my stomach. It roared, setting my skin on fire. The static swirled in my head, throbbing, throbbing… 
When did my heartbeat get so loud? Was I breathing? Yes, weird and hollow, but there. Why was it so loud? 
Another one of those spooky antagonist paradoxes. 
…. Oh that was ridiculous. 
My vision blurred in and out. Didn’t I get rid of- I swayed, back and forth. Thoughts fizzled and popped. Not again. I rubbed my head in circular motions. Feelings exist. Feelings exist. Do not float into oblivion. Why did my skin burn? Was it that hot? Was there even sun? It hurts. Shouldn’t it stop hurting after…. a while? 
Oh no. No no no nonono.
Lyra shook off her disorientation as the white began to fade from around her into the space beyond, revealing an arena. The walls rose up around them in stone, the dirt scuffling at her feet as her ears began to swivel and she took in the sights and sounds around her. She flinched when a box up high began speaking, flattening her ears to her head as she took a moment to adjust to the noise and the crackle of static.
A gamemaster? Contenders?! Opponents!?
“No!!” she yelled, wings snapping out to either side. “Not again!!”
She hadn’t even been playing with the scroll this time. She’d given up the search for him, had started trying to fight the darkness back home without his aid. She didn’t have time for this, she didn’t want to be stuck in another death-match tournament with an onlooker that watched bloodshed for amusement.
She glanced around. Her bow. Where was her bow!?!
She caught sight of the one that was supposed to be her opponent, Lyra spreading out her wings and readying herself to fly. To use magic if she needed, damn the consequences. She needed to get back home as fast as possible.
But the one across from her…they seemed…like they shouldn’t be here. They seemed lost, confused.
Lyra lowered her wings. Glanced around at the arena. Looked back at the one opposite her.
“...Are you okay?” She called out. She took the risk of approaching. They didn’t answer at first. So she tried again. “You look so frightened,” she said softly. “Do you…have wings?” She flexed her own a little, enough to make them move. “Can you fly? Maybe we can fly out of here together?”
The words- for they were words after all… maybe… probably - floated over my head and to some far off place.
The other fairy (?) flexed their wings and the static ricocheted.
Oh no no no, absolutely not. Forget narrative symmetry and thoughts stop burning up and form coherent words….
Battle of the fates. 
Kill the fallen fairy. 
And the other one, some other high protector, took that archetype in every shape, way, and form. 
They should kill the fallen fairy, before they realize its true nature. An irredeemable mushed up mess of antagonistic traits that would inevitably mess this up. It was only a matter of some sick comedic timing. Sequels were ridiculous like that. I growled. It made my roots curl into themselves, static sparking. And like a sequel, the story was set on reusing the same plot structure, beginning, progressing, and ending the same way.
Kamari should’ve realized sooner. 
They should’ve realized sooner. 
Anuli the antagonist couldn’t fly. Anuli the antagonist couldn’t say things right or find faer tree or function whatsoever or get faer thoughts off faer ridiculous stories for two seconds for simple, simple things that Anuli the antagonist just couldn’t do. No matter how hard fae tried. Fae wasn’t trying to be an antagonist… at least, I hoped that was the case. But whenever I tried to fix things, it never worked. I was just… the antagonist. 
They would waste valuable time trying to further the narrative of the opposition. It would cost them. It would cost them their happy ending. 
I really needed to perfect that evil laugh. 
The ground swayed. The static roared.  I couldn’t even be an antagonist. It was so hot. So loud. 
A small, selfish thought imagined the other - the protagonist, the ‘opponent’ - giving me a hug and singing and a lullaby, making the Place of Tethers retreat. I hissed at it. Never again. I would not repeat the same story twice. 
I gripped my antenna and yanked until my muzzle stung. 
“Oh, you poor thing,” Lyra muttered, backing away. Put her hands up. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.” She kept her voice soft. She glanced around. It sounded like this was a contest. Like there was another death match just beyond this one, and another and another and another. She glanced back at her ‘opponent’ and let out a sigh. “You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve…to have anyone hurt you, Kelouoyba. I’m so sorry for the pain you’ve gone through.”
She stood and backed away. “I’m going to make sure you don’t have to put up with this.” She glanced up at the white expanse above them. Raised her voice so she could be heard by the one no doubt watching. “And once I’m done here I’m coming for you, game master!!”
She would not go through this again. Would not watch as ones like this one were forced into fighting for their lives. Not ones that had clearly been through a lot. That had been through enough. That deserved peace.
Her wings stretched to either side and she took off into the air, keeping herself level with the top of the wall, just under where the wall turned into what looked like some sort of stands or seating of some kind. She turned her attention to the other one, began humming as she concentrated. Summoned her core magic from deep within. Reached out with hands and magic to connect with the earth directly under her opponent. Felt it as her magic connected to this strange ground, pushing with all her might to create a hole directly under them.
I deserve it. I ruined the same story multiple times. I’m a villain. An antagonist. 
It would be so much worse. I could either let the tether tighten, or fall to everything different. Both were wrong - false leads to the same ending.
And so the story continues. The villain ruins the stories of the ones who gave the antagonist faer own. 
“Akonh Kelouoyba!!” Use your wings, little one. She shouted it as angrily as she could, made it sound like a threat to help sell the idea that she was attacking using her magic, knowing that they likely couldn’t understand her even as her voice rattled in her throat, the cost of her magic.
The Protector shouted. Shouted. Angry. Or wanted something. Something that I couldn’t give. I winced. I did it again. Couldn’t get out of my own thoughts for two minutes to prevent this. Perhaps I was meant to play this role for eternity. Over and over and over and - 
The Protector… was angry, during a battle of the fates. 
Fae realized. 
The story’s over. 
Villain defeated.  
The static roared and the world collapsed to darkness. 
Once they fell she slammed the top of the earth shut with a loud hammering sound and landed on the very spot. She knew she had left an opening big enough and deep enough for them to be safe, so long as they were able to flutter down and reach the bottom. She placed her hand on the spot they had just been and whispered, “Rmhte, Kelouoyba.” Be safe, little one.
I feel like the winners are going to team up to fight M (dungeon master), and I absolutely love how everyone's fights are going.
Watch the rest of the fights, dear bystander.
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atcb · 1 year
(Another image under the cut)
"Ack-! Oops, I fell... Aw... Gots to change now..."
"And we're back! Who's this ask for? Oh! Right!" - Chasy
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"I dub this the arts corner, because we have Ibumier on their phone over at the wall, Hippolyta on the windowsill, Lyra sitting... Weirdly. That can't be comfortable! And oka beside her! And they all do something artsy!" - Chasy
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"And... I-I'm so happy you seem... So excited to see... Me... oka-Kohai is very honoured..." - oka
Next: TBD
Previous: here
First: here
Just a close-up of them.
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zylphiacrowley · 7 months
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♡~ I feel like falling in love ~♡
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enbeemagical · 1 year
hey rb this and tell me about a blorbo from your friend's brain pls, if you don't have spoons for rambling then just tag them
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p1nkm1lkslug · 3 months
"𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞... " 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𖹭
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(𝚁𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 head canons)
𖦹 in your bedroom he definitely will find the most random cutouts, stickers and just slap that shit on the wall, finished eating your Oreo? Give him the wrapper, you like this one band? He's gonna print them out
𖦹 I feel like living with you would definitely improve his mental health a little bit being away from his father, and after meeting you and talking I feel like his mother would just drop in for few visits along with his sister (Lyra is alive because I said so)
𖦹 PLEASE for gods sake teach this boy how to cook my man is practically starving (no Tobias just cus you can avoid eating for days doesn't mean you should)
𖦹 do remind him to go to his therapy sessions, take his meds and get rest if you struggle with any he will make sure to do the same
𖦹 unlike proxy!toby he would slowly learn to work on getting better and manage his separation anxiety and depression
𖦹 prefers shopping at night rather then in daylight because of people but the two of you can pick up as many snacks as you want
𖦹 would probably do learning from home and I can see him slowly try meet other people with similar struggles to him
𖦹 would appreciate if you were to look into torruets and bipolar disorder and just educate yourself on his struggles to better understand him and help him in any way you can
𖦹 help get him a job my boy looks like he could make smthing on Etsy
𖦹 definitely wants to get a pet what's that? Your apartment won't allow them? Oh ok then (he's getting the gecko named jelly bean and will fight God for his son)
𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 :3
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weird-dork37 · 2 months
For the next week and a half I prolly wont be active very much
Im going camping today and there is gonna be very little cell reception and then on Monday my parents are sending me to this camp that takes my phone away(I RLLY don’t wanna go to it but they are making me😔🙄)
I don’t want anyone to think I’m ignoring them or be concerned by the lack of activity
You can still send me stuff whenever you want
I’ll try to respond whenever I can over the weekend and after I get my phone back at the end of next week
Sry about not tagging a lot of my moots it wouldn’t let me do more than 50:(
@radio-silence-fan @radioactive-bean @lyra-estelle-starz @lylasveryrandomacc @skys-archive @babyqueenfangirl @tori0704 @s0lit4ir3 @chaoticgremlin-1 @small-giggle @super-ace @caprisunfishes @doin-ur-mum @stewpid-soup @shrimpysstuff @sapphos-queer-kid @justafrogghost @litbysalplight @nyxocity @technicallyeldritch @discoveredreality @o-kye @literally-maria @funky-fairy @remuslupinkinnie1979 @totalcharliespringsimp @outlying-hyppocrate @irisandthegayestpotatoes @bifluidmax08 @catinasink @michaelholdenkinn1e @sunbeammmm @hammyham-o-o @bxsmxx @cha0s-critter @evilgabe29 @stardustaapocalypse @handsomefrog12 @mysticduckvoidsstuff @galaxys-universe @illarian-rambling @weird-arcanefangirl @13callisto @nellysview @mytotd @flowey-the-lanternflower55 @vanillasodaaaa @bet-u-wanna @weewooooweew @obsessingoverl
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kellycataclysm · 2 months
A precious pearl, made in a moment of beautiful serendipity
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For those that have read my long fic, you would know that Lyra and Harvey have a four-year old daughter.
Introducing Evie Juniper Dalton, their little moonbeam, their Flower Dance baby.
She loves purple and wearing things that sparkle. She loves magic and fairies and twirling. She runs a mini clinic for her toys. She loves her dog Jack and her new kitten Sabrina, who she calls Bean.
She loves to be carried by her daddy, the doctor, because he is so tall she can see the whole world. She loves her mama's snuggles and holding her hand as they explore.
She loves sleepovers with her friend Jas, and loves Emily who can make things and has pretty bright hair.
I'd like to thank the wonderfully lovely and extremely talented @purpledemonart for bringing this little girl to life in her first art. I adore her with my whole heart. You captured her energy so wonderfully and how she looks so perfectly. She has Harvey's eyes and hair, and Lyra's freckles.
Thank you so much for this. I feel so lucky to have been able to work with you!
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