#beat lab
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 283
Now Jason would like it known that there was no mpreg situation going on. He isn’t even sure where people got that idea in the first place. Sure, he had taken a few Cores from the goons-in-white who had dared to set up in his turf. 
And sure maybe the excess energy from the pit (no wonder he’d been so irritable) was what said baby halfas (Okay, so they’re half human? Alright) had used to reform. And maybe the oldest is visibly less than a year old. 
But there Was No Mpreg Situation! He is this close to shooting someone! It was annoying (and slightly amusing) when it was just his goons, but now the Bats have seemingly got it in their heads! Dear Gotham it’s a good thing he’s not planning on like, ever revealing who he is because he would never be able to live this rumor down. 
[Winged Ghosts Au too, that seems to be getting lost in reblogs when it's just in the tags lol]
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otaku553 · 5 months
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Something something I hate sending emails
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fakesorbet · 22 days
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happy pride month :]
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mellowmaidenhairs · 2 years
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cecil’s radio booth
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mushroomnoodles · 5 months
Do you think (during Morri's magic womb shenanigans) they would open a portal to golbetty?? Would golbetty notice??? Would she finally pay child support???????
tw/cw for sfw and non kink mpreg
while in the womb morri's portaling powers were rather weak and small- the portals only usually about as big as a dinner plate maximum, and they all lead to the same place- what would one day be morri's designated pocket dimension. to others it just looked like a black, empty void.
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as morri developed more, their portals gained a green hue to them, and very, extremely rarely led to other places in their universe. they simply weren't strong enough to reach as far as GOLBetty's... void? hell, lil' golbaby didn't even know where their portals went, it felt like stretching to them, flexing their abilities. and when the seal was placed on them they weren't able to use their powers anymore.
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but if they did somehow... simon's presence wouldn't wake GOLBetty up but morri's presence would as a little god. she wouldn't be able to do much other than stare and maybe very gently touch simon's bump though before sending him back.. unless he asked for something JNANSAK
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jackoino · 3 months
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been really into dead games lately
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fluxedbuds · 2 years
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who are you really protecting?
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lorenzonuti · 7 months
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glittergoats · 11 months
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Schrodinger's Cat is dead to the world.
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idkcoven · 6 months
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oh im dead
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lovesickeros · 1 year
im back for my monthly delusion and its alice this time BECAUSE WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE TALK ABOUT HER. OR RHINEDOTTIR. extremely powerful witches who are probably on equal power level to an archon just vibing and committing war crimes.
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kyanitedragon · 4 months
Kaneki + Anti-Aogiri
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ruthlesslistener · 5 months
Hey did you know that anenomes can swim away from predators and also beat each other up. Because I didn't and I'm flabbergasted
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sigery · 3 months
I crave a malicious and violent evil KC; the only people he loves are his children.
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quietly-by-myself · 7 months
Across the Silence of the Valley of Dreams - Chapter 2
CW: defiant whumpee, nonhuman whumpee, creepy whumper, carewhumper, shapeshifter whump, lab whump, fantasy whump, medical whump, prison system, trans whumpee, magical hierarchy, nonsexual nudity, referenced noncon drugging, beating, concussion, shock collar, collaring, fictional religion
June didn’t remember much of the rest of the day. It was true that he was quite sleepy, but he couldn’t remember being drugged or even when he awoke and when he fell asleep. All he could do was lay there and hope he’d be allowed a bath.
He’d entered as his fox, but he was laying on the bed as a human. When had he shifted? June hated the drugs, the way they messed with his head. He wouldn’t be able to escape and go back to his home at this rate.
Not that Linden could know that it was his plan. June would obey, yes, but he wouldn’t submit. He would never be Linden’s. At the prison, there was no chance of escaping. Here? Here he might, even if he didn’t have access to his magic. The prison was too fortified. He was always restrained. Witchcraft was the type of offense that earned most death. June was lucky to have gotten life without parole. 
All the plea deal he’d taken meant was that he’d have a second chance - another chance to get out and find his solace.
The next day, June had awoken with a pounding headache and blurry eyes. The fuzziness of the world didn’t stop him from seeing Linden, waiting patiently in a chair not far from June’s bed. 
“So, you’re finally awake.”
“No thanks to you.”
Linden’s brow furrowed, a glare forming in his eyes. “You must be respectful, half-blood.”
For some reason, the pounding in his head combined with the anger of what had been done to him the previous day spilled out in a way that June found himself unable to control.
“Do you even know my name? Respect is given and returned, not earned through assaulting and slapping someone-”
Linden stood up, towering above June and where he laid on the bed. There was a growl on Linden’s lips as he ripped June up by his shortened hair and forced him to stand. June stumbled, but Linden did not relent as he grabbed June’s chin and forced the short half-blood to look at him. 
“I do not. It’s inconsequential.” Tightening his grip on June’s chin to a bruising, punishing hold, Linden continued. “I have no respect for witches’ children, much less the half-bloods of witch nobility. You will never have my respect, half-blood. However, you will respect me. I am your new god. Not whatever goddess you worship, you heathen.”
June’s muscles quivered. His eye burned as he felt power rush to his crest with nowhere to go. “How dare you disrespect the name of my goddess in such a way! How dare you!”
June hardly realized the shout in his voice before the darkening of Linden’s face. The nobleborn was furious.
“You were jailed for witchcraft, yet you insist on your worship. Who do you even worship? Which Goddess? Who did you dedicate that crest of ambition in your eye to? Who gives you your nobleborn witchcraft?”
June gritted his teeth. Rage quivered every muscle in his body. He was squarely outmatched without his magic, especially against a nobleborn wolf. 
“That is between my goddess and me.”
“I wouldn’t expect a monk to be so shy.”
June couldn’t help himself as he growled at the nobleborn. 
However, June didn’t have much of a chance to use his words as his whip. Linden, with superhuman strength, smashed June into the wall near his bed. The force was dizzying, but Linden did not relent. He, using June’s hair as a handle, smashed June’s head against the wall a few more times, until blood dripped down from June’s temple.
“You do not growl at me, half-blood,” Linden hissed in June’s ear. “You’ve earned yourself a shock collar. Step any further and you will not have a leg to stand on tomorrow.”
Rage ran through June as he stood there, pinned under the nobleborn. However, he remembered the words of his goddess that had rang in his ear during one of his meditation sessions.
Ambition does not mean impulsiveness nor does knowledge mean arrogance.
Her words gave June the calm he needed to find his head again. Despite his rage, despite the disrespect that Linden showed him and his goddess, June murmured an apology.
“Good. Now, are you going to sit on that bed and wait for me to get your shock collar or will I need to restrain you, half-blood?”
“I’ll sit on the bed.”
The annoyance behind June’s words wasn’t lost on Linden, but to June’s relief, he didn’t act on June’s little bit of defiance.
Goddess, give me strength.
The collar was just about what June had expected except for the markings on it. CAUTION: WITCH’S SON, NOBLEBORN. Nobleborn. Not half-blood. Nobody had ever referred to him as a nobleborn. A half-blooded noble, maybe, but his father had not been a noble in any regard.
Was it a sign of respect? Or something just to mock him?
“It only takes a bit of my crested magic to activate. I can make your world more painful than you could’ve ever imagined. So, I expect you to be obedient.”
June did not respond as he stilled, allowing Linden to put the collar on. For a moment, June thought he was safe, but the backhand that came a moment later told him otherwise.
“You will respond when I speak to you and you will not speak unless spoken to, understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
Linden gave June a puzzled look. Of course, June knew that the break in his composure would confuse his new captor. June knew he needed to keep his composure more. Through his lack of composure, Linden had figured out a number of his sore spots.
To build a temple to my goddess.
A monk to a cleric for a goddess forgotten to time. There was something poetic about it. 
Something about it that would never be. 
“Come with me, half-blood.”
June fought back a glare, but did as he was told. As he stood, a rush of blood went to his head. When were the lights turned on? Why were they so bright? Fuck. His head hurt and he was still bleeding.
Linden opened the door to his lab, then motioned for June, who could hardly see, to sit on the table. 
“Your pupils are uneven.”
Suddenly, there was a light in June’s face. June quickly went to cover his face, but a hand grabbed his hands. 
“They’re not reacting well to light, either.”
A tsk. As if any of this was June’s fault. For the way he’d been born. For the way he’d been changed. For who he served and what he did with his life.
“Let me clean up your wounds. Then, I’ll let you rest a little. I pushed you a little too far, half-blood. Too much, too soon.”
June wanted to ask Linden what the hell he meant, but knew better. He didn’t want to be electrocuted and he didn’t need another hit to the head, more bruises to his jaw.
Alcohol hit the freshly exposed skin and June screamed in pain. Something about that wound, the rough way layers of skin had been peeled away, made the alcohol all the more painful. June almost expected a correction for it, but none came.
Soft bandages wrapped June’s head, covering his crested eye. The world was so fuzzy, so bright, so loud, that June couldn’t process much of anything as Linden took his hand and helped June to his unsteady feet. A gentle lead down the hall brought June back to his room, back to his bed, with the lights off.
At least, being allowed to rest meant he would be able to pray.
Taglist (always open!) @i-can-even-burn-salad, @whumpsday, @pigeonwhumps, @oddsconvert
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