#guess who just beat ghost trick today
glittergoats · 11 months
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Schrodinger's Cat is dead to the world.
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caw4brandon · 1 year
Found Families and Why We Love Them
Dominic Toretto once said "I don’t have friends, I got family" with that in mind, that will be our intro for today! Although we find that iconic line cheesy as cheese, the audience loves a great found-family setup.
Something about how a bunch of misfits and inconsiderate douchebags developing to be a family of their own in spite of their quirkiness and tragic backgrounds makes us love them more than the typical and already functional groups. Like most families, there is the father, the mother, and the child. The rest is kind of subjective.
I've talked a little bit about actual families via [The Addams Family] but I think Found Families are a different breed. Let's discuss that and explain why we love them so much~
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- Crows Never Forget -
While conversing with a friend I've met on Tumblr. My friend suggested that I should watch the show < Shadow and Bone > based on the Grisha Trilogy by [Leigh Bardugo] The story mainly follows Alina Starkov who lives in a world divided by the haunting dark cloud placed at the center of the three counties known as; The Fold.
Aside from the main plot you can already guess if you know enough fiction. The show features a merry band of dangerous outcasts. The Six of Crows from Ketterdam. Led by the cunning leader; Kaz "Dirty Hands" Brekker.
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The team is supported by, Inej Ghafa The Assassin, Nina Zenik The Heartrender, Jesper Fahey The Sharpshooter, Matthias Helvar The Convict, and Wylan Van Eck The Runaway. Like every group that shares this type of beat. The teammates do not trust one another and are only united for the cause.
This will develop as the series goes on and their trust will change from strangers to allies to family beneath the backdrop of a sinfully cut-throat and exciting city. While the series only showed Five of the Six so far. I've grown very quickly to love this group for their chemistry and their respective motivations to stay as a team.
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What's so interesting to watch is, despite how typical this trope is. I still couldn't keep my eyes off this concept. It's so much fun to see the Six interact even though for now, it's just Kaz, Inej, and Jesper (also, The Goat; Milo) planning a heist to kidnap our heroine. On the other end of the world, we learn about Matthias and Nina. The Convict and The Witch (Matthias's words, not mine)
Dysfunctional groups like these feel very human. They don't act like they care for the world or for one another but instead, grow in the process.
Similarly, another dysfunctional group called < The Guardians of The Galaxy > shares the same vibes as the Six. Their talent is great but it's their destructive tendencies or personal vendettas that make them less like heroes. Rather, they are people who just so happened to be doing heroics.
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- Where is your Supervisor? -
Part of the trick in making fun found families is the will to condense the group down to about four or three characters. In most Shonen manga/ anime, the main character (eg, Naruto) is often supported by a lancer character (eg, Sasuke) and the heart (eg, Sakura) There is also the mentor/senior (eg, Kakashi) and it will always be these four. Other examples like Harry (Potter) and Co are good samples of the main trio with a mentor (Hagrid).
It's rare that we find trios with no mentor figure. Such is the case of another show I recently watched, < Lockwood and Co > based on the book series by [Jonathan Stroud] For a quick summary, Lockwood is set in London with one big exception. The city/ world at large is haunted by lethal ghosts (AKA The Problem) and only kids can sense them. Therefore, fight them.
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The main cast consists of Anthony Lockwood, the cool and fearless badass gentleman who is strongest with Sight. George Karim, an all-rounder but a highly talented Researcher. Finally, our main character, Lucy Carlyle. An incredibly talented girl who's the most gifted with Hearing and Touch. Unlike the other agencies which are by the book and led by a Supervisor (an adult). Lockwood is purely independent but is unfortunately small and always in trouble with the law due to their incredibly dangerous methods.
Still, they are the best at what they do. Hunting ghosts while solving the bigger mystery behind The Problem. Despite their terrible coordination, the team has proven themselves to be better and far more personal with the cases they crack. Making it less like a job.
They are reminders that less is better. The cast plays the role of Hero, Lancer, and Heart very well and their chemistry is great and funny. Anthony and Lucy will sometimes bud heads, George will do his own thing making two of his partners incredibly proud and, you might see some tender/real moments between them.
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Lockwood also removes the typical hero's journey of losing a mentor figure and instead makes the characters each other's mentors. The team relies on one other with their lives to survive every mission and navigate through life as a whole.
It felt more organic for them to grow together because there's a sense for when an adult shares a piece of advice (no matter how good it is) feels very smug and dull. The characters feel like actual teens because the setting for the agency sounds like something actual teens will do. Break the rules and do right for the fun or for some deep-rooted conspiracy that the world has yet to know.
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- You Chose The Wrong Side! -
From the dysfunctional groups like the Six or the Guardians to the power of Three. There is one other interesting layer to the Found Family troupe. The Disbanded Found Family.
While most stories tell of how the team came to be, rare stories tell of how they split off and are no longer on speaking terms. For a while, The MCU's Avengers were at war with one another during < Captain America; Civil War > With Steve Rogers and Tony Stark budding heads harshly over the Sokovia Accords.
Seeing a well-rounded team break up is difficult for the characters and the audience because. For all the disagreements they had with one another, they've developed along the way to be close like a family. Seeing them split is like watching a divorce happening on screen and it's heartbreaking and sometimes a little bit awesome because you've got the best of the best competing to declare their superiority.
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Perhaps one of the best examples I have seen is through < Kuroko No Baskue > where our main character; Tetsuya Kuroko entered High School and vowed to defeat/ beat some sense to his Former Junior High School Basketball Team with his newfound team; Seirin High
Kuroko's former team is famously known as The Generation of Miracles; an elite team of young talents that excel on the court, thus making them prodigies of their generation.
The Miracles consist of; Daiki Aomine (The Power Forward Beast), Shintarō Midorima (The Star Shooter), Atsushi Murasakibara (The Ultimate Center), Seijūrō Akashi (The Emperor's Eye) and Ryōta Kise (The Perfect Copycat) From the little we have seen, the team is passionate about the sport they play and they share a very brotherly relationship with one another.
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As the series develops, we learn more about their personal relationships with Kuroko and with each other. We see the infighting between them and we learn about how their respective egos build. We learn about their vow during graduation and we get to see them reunited once again.
The series as a whole function in two ways. Kuroko develops new relationships with his new team and Kuroko confronts his old team to mend their relationship. It tackles the dysfunctional team setup at its lowest state and rekindles the flame for the respective parties to be healed. Also, it's really cool to see such a colorful cast together.
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- I Didn't Pick The Damn Team! -
With that said, it's a wonder for why Found Families are a timeless troupe no matter the settings. But, like how Amanda Waller sets up Task Force X/ The Suicide Squad. Sometimes it's not by choice and it always starts out bumpy.
What I find fun in teams like the ones mentioned is that they share a common language in spite of their unique flavors. The teams are built on trust, a common goal, and the willingness to open up. For all the gimmicks, the core values stay the same.
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We, the audience love a good Found Family because in an indirect way. We wanted a group like that. We longed to have a group that we can call family but, the reality of it all is. It's really up to how the characters interact with one another.
Every circle is different and no matter the status or the seasons. All are maintained by the will to reach out. It's something I hope to use for my own team in the process. To have [Them be there for you, Cause you're there for Them too]
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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I almost burst out laughing
It’s such a fucking joke
Last night in bed I swore you were there
But I can’t see anything
I wake up bleary eyed and ask my roommate
Where did the devil go?
It’s a strange type of ghost
A trick of the light
Who knew fighting could make
A woman feel so alive?
Coming alive
When you were born dead
Aicha is here, and I heard what you said
I didn’t get your point
The first time your mouth quipped
We were taking our old loop in the cold
Because you were desperate to take me out of it
But I actually don’t regret it
Sorry, sir, offer rejected.
Sylvia Plath Would Beat the Shit Out of You
You were the football player I could never bring myself to talk to in class
I had another lover but I only liked him for his ass
You even lent my first copy of The Bell Jar
I thought “Nobody I’ll ever know could compete with that”
So I jumped when I was already drowning
The water was freezing, but I liked the thrill
You’ll maintain you don’t know why you avoided me
Since that night you were first came over to our side
Will we laugh over you yelling at my at the piano
When I was trying to using assertive beside you
You’re like the guy Lucy liked
In that show we watched
When you were upset and I reached out to you
And you didn’t say a world
I sat there for 10 minutes trying to force myself into ok
And then I ran to my bedroom and threw myself away.
Everything you wear is grey
And your necklace looked like jade
I know you stole it
It kills me to see you give your hot nights to another
While I’m hardly even cool with my mother
Linebacker, I guess I fumbled up the play
So am i on the bench today?
My therapist might ask me why I took this kind of abuse
I’ll shift in the chair and say I had a heart, why not put it to use?
I’ve read your annotations
And sometimes I still think its true
Like Jason would say,
Sylvia Plath would beat the shit out of you.
My boy wears a green sweatshirt
To hold all his spilling hurt
He purses his lip and his hair falls over his eyes
Adn you look over the fire and wonder if he’s laughing or trying not to cry
Did you go to your room to
Masturbate or think of her and cry?
It’s like that one time.
He stole it from his father.
It’s rude how he lies
And worse that he’s never gonna die
Guys like him just keep on coming
And the drugs he takes
Aren’t his favorite mistakes
But I’m not even on that list.
His favorite
Was when he punched me in the face
And went to chat with his girlfriend
I swear It’s almost fun in the pool room
Crying to everyone
And hearing “he’s going through a lot”
I guess I wouldn’t know, glancing at you from the perch.
And I guess that’s why I still don’t trust him
He’s just another pretty face
But this time I’ll never crack the case
Down bad, i guess, for real.
Of why he doesn’t like me.
Everything was fucked
Because he wouldn’t suck it up
And treat me like his girlfriend
My actions could be seen as bad
But its him who should be sad
I like misandry when it benefits me
I hate his tan hair and white face
Annd his grey eyes
All over the place
I want to fucking kill him
But I’d rather kiss him instead
As soon as I remember
He’s an addict so I couldn’t bear to see him dead
An addict dead
And Evelyn, when they said “love yourself”
They didn’t fuck over everyone else
Your drugs aren’t the only things you abuse
You picked flowers like you picked drugs
In the garden, hoping to hook up
You make shocking comments
Say its funny cause
Monkey see what monkey does
I’ll hallucinate about you (distort reality)
Till you hate me
And then two years later, I’m come and beg you to date me
I got shampoo in my eye
And a part of me felt like it died
When I saw my eye go red
I ventured out and figured out
That wasn’t what you said
It feels off
To stand right here
In the suffocating silence
Knowing whatever flannel shirt
I wear won’t make you care
The disorder doesn’t care either.
Kylie’s smart
But she forgets that part
When she wishes she was dead.
Evelyn tried guitar but he didn’t get that far
Then he turned to drugs instead.
It’s always wrong if it wants to be right
It’s always day if it wants to be night.
If you’re feeling loose
Then you’ll shut your eyes right
If you’re already blind
It’ll take away your sight
Who am I
What I wear
What I steal
What I share
I can tell you
It’s hard to bear
Sorry, honey,
But the disorder doesn’t care
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spunsugarmusings · 2 years
Evelyn Evelyn Sentence Starters
Starters taken from the 2011 album Evelyn Evelyn. Change pronouns as necessary!
"Of course, I'm always here."
"I'm frightened. It's that time of year again, isn't it (name)?"
"Tell me once more how it happened."
"Hush now, we don't talk about that, because it makes us sad."
“Why do we bother to stay?”
“Why are you running away?”
“Do you feel like severing everything?”
"Everything's just come together at last."
“It’s broken, I don’t want to play.”
“We grew up closer than anything.”
“What if they find us?”
“They’re not looking anyway.”
“Fill my glass, let’s drink a toast.”
"This is our birthday, so why are we weeping?"
"At your side I feel like a ghost."
"I wake up first, and I stare at you sleeping."
“A parasite needs a host.”
“I’m only trying to do what is best for us!”
"You're always trying to be somebody else!"
“I never asked for this, I never wanted this! All that I want is some time to myself!”
“You never listen, you’re always insisting I just stop reminiscing!”
“Please get away from me, please just stop touching me.”
“I just want you there with me!”
"I just want my privacy!"
“God, won’t you leave me alone?!”
"God, can't we just get along?!"
“We take Visa and Mastercard, Debit or cash!”
“Isn’t it nice that they’re being so nice to us?”
“If I’m not mistaken, I think they might like us!”
“Aren’t we lucky to be here?”
“Stop moving, they’re taking a picture!”
“Take off your coats, and just guess what the wind blew in!”
“They’re so well-behaved, not a single complaint yet.”
“I don’t know whether I should charge double or triple!”
"They sing timeless new songs rife with double entendres!"
“Dang, she’s gone and wandered off again!”
“I’ve been looking high and low.”
“Where oh where’d my sister go?”
“I ain’t seen that girl today!”
“Is she dead in a ditch somewhere?”
"Is she playing a trick on me?"
"She's been known to spend some time, with a sailor friend of mine."
"Did that ho-bag quit her job and run off with that dickhead Mike?"
“Take comfort, my sisters and brothers, the chicken man will come!”
“What’s she catching?”
“How they loved her in those early days!”
"During chores she never had to help."
"All her uncles drove her out to play."
“We would see them kissing on the lake.”
“Will she be soaring over the sea?”
“We’re all getting older.”
“What will they do with us when they are through with us?”
“What are we sailing for?”
“Three days later, she was gone.”
“You’re sad and in a cage but that’s irrelevant!”
“That won’t do for me, you understand?”
“Everyone gets jealous when they see me riding by.”
"How could I feel blue?"
"I've got my sister at my side, and an elephant to ride!"
“There’s so much you can learn, when you’re on a pachyderm!”
"The pet for me is something much more grand!"
“Life’s not so bad, it’s swell of it to give me such a friend!”
"Still, your eyes keep wandering back to her."
“Let’s get one thing straightened out here, sir.”
“This ain’t no two-for-one bargain here, mister.”
“I’m much more than just twice-shy.”
“If you look beneath the surface, we’re as different as can be.”
“There’s just one heart that beats for you, and that heart belongs to me, and not to her.”
“I need to know your love is real, but how?”
"You can't imagine just how much I miss her."
"She doesn't even know your name, she's going with some other guy!"
"We're all dressed up, the flowers are so pretty."
"Nobody suspects that it was me who put the Dran-O in her coffee."
"Now I know your love is true for sure."
"I just had the most terrible dream."
"Remember, everything is going to be better soon."
"Well, you can stay here, but it ain't gonna be free."
"Just think of all the friends we're going to have!"
"Well, it's hard enough to know where you're really supposed to go.
“They look at you like you’re a freak.”
“It’s a struggle just to stay alive.”
“Everyone stares, but nobody ever sees you.”
"You go searching everywhere, but the feeling never leaves you."
“You can’t always want what you get.”
"You want somewhere to hide where everyone can find you."
“There are plenty other acts like you.”
"Some people say the future's past."
"We're going down in an electro blast."
"It's a big bad world out there."
"You're crying out to find your friends, turn around and they are gone again."
"I just want my friends all together in one place."
“I just want to go, where nobody knows my name.”
“I just want My Space.”
"Love will tear us apart again."
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
How You Get The Girl (This Love Final Part)
Bucky x Reader (elemental witch)
Set on TFATWS last episode
Note: Thank you to everyone that's tuned in, gave feedbacks, and liked/reblogged. I had to so much fun writing these! After this I’ll be working on oneshots completely unrelated to this story of several prompts.
We got a new Cap!
Previous Part: Untouchable
Marvel Masterlist
“I’m serious, Shuri. I am over him.” you groaned as Shuri won’t wipe off the smug, disbelieving look on her face.
“Sure, Jan.” She replied getting up to continue on what’s she’s working on.
“Hey, I know that reference!”
“I’m just saying... Seven years of pinning over the guy – which five of it was when he was practically dead, by the way – and you’re telling me it took one confrontation for you to get over him.” She shrugged.
Some of the Dora Milaje were also in the lab, and you haven’t been vocal about it, but you didn’t miss the knowing looks they’ve been exchanging every time Bucky was brought in the conversation.
“Well, it would really be nice if you’re being supportive right now.” you sulked in your seat. Yeah, who were you kidding. Maybe you’re not completely, completely over him, but now you’re sorting to the fake it ‘til you make it method and so far, you’re doing well.
“Okay, fine. Want me to set you up with someone? My brother has some contacts around the world and I think with some buttering up he’d consider setting you up to bachelor royalties.” She wiggled her brows at you.
“May I suggest the Prince of Brunei? The internet says he’s looking for a wife.” One of the ladies snickered, making the others hum in approval.
“T’Challa knows him?” this piqued your interest. “He’s pretty hot.”
“Well make up your mind. It’ll take me a few business days of persuading my brother.” She raised her brows at you.
“It wouldn’t hurt to start dating. I’ll think about it first.” you muttered, missing how Shuri winked at the other ladies in the room. Ayo had told her in private about Bucky’s little confession to Zemo, and the princess has a few tricks up her sleeve to speed up the matchmaking process.
“I’m only staying for a few days more. It’s been a few weeks and Val’s been complaining from lack of sleep.” She’s been taking over your nightly escapades, and it’s starting to irritate her to be surrounded with so much booze but not being able to indulge.
Just then, Okoye enters the lab. “Check the news. There’s a live coverage of a hostage in New York. Sam and White Wolf are on it.”
Bucky was looking over proudly as Sam was talking to the Senator.
Seeing Sam now walking over to him, he straightened up and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I uh was texting and all I heard was um a black guy in stars and stripes.”
They both chuckled, now walking side by side. “Nice job, Cap.”
He’s done it. He told Yori the truth. Though now that might have been the end of their friendship, he knew the old man deserves the closure for his son.
Now back in his apartment, he took the notebook Steve once owned from his pocket, and opened it to the page where his list is. Looking over it, he saw that the only name left uncrossed is yours.
Just then, his phone pinged twice. One message was from Sam, and the other one from Shuri.
Sam’s read:
I wasn’t kidding when I told you
back on the boat that I’d get the
younger ones here to give you a
crash course on romance.
Check your email.
He rolled his eyes and opened the one from Shuri.
Y/N’s explained everything to us.
We saw you save those people,
White Wolf. Wakand is proud of you.
Brother says you’re welcome to
visit anytime. Take care!
It’s good to know Y/N and you are
are on good terms. It finally allowed me
to set her up with one of the princes
mother’s been pestering me about. One less
off of mother’s list for me.
“Damn it, Shuri.” he groaned, reading the last part over and over again. He had to move fast. Heading over to his email, he opened the one from Sam.
The subject says:
21st century romance for reformed dummies.
There was an attached 60-second video. Clicking on it, he chuckled when Sam’s voice started booming behind the camera, where it showed two young girls and one boy, all around below 10 years of age.
“Okay, I gathered you here today because a cyborg friend of mine is need of help. I already filled you in the details necessary earlier, and all you have to do now is give him quick tips. Remember, talk slow.”
The boy on the middle spoke up. “Is she an avenger?”
“Not important, but yes. It’s the one with similar powers to an avatar.” Sam answered, followed by the two girls saying they know which one, and the boy to mutter ‘damn it I always had a crush on her...’
“Okay the first step would obviously be to say sorry.” the girl on the right said directly to the camera.
“Oh! Extra points if you do it standing like a ghost outside her door and it’s about to rain.” the other girl from the left perked up.
“I said he’s a cyborg, not a weatherman.” Sam commented, still behind the camera.
“Say you were afraid to tell her what you want.” the first girl spoke again.
“Six months is a long time to be afraid, man.” the boy in the middle spoke up this time.
“Try years.” Sam muttered.
“Then you say you want her for worse or for better!” The cheery girl exclaimed once again.
“You’ve been playing too many fake weddings, but yes, that could work.” Sam told her, making her beam, showing a missing tooth.
“Tell her you could wait forever and ever.” the boy added.
“I mean he’s already old enough to be your great grandpa but go on I guess.” Sam was snickering, causing the camera to slightly shake.
“Remind her of how it used to be. That is if he was good to her.” the more mature girl was pointing out. “Saying you’ll put her heart back together could also work.” she smiled, and the other one fake swooned on where she was standing.
“She’s right!” she exclaimed, while boy nods and says “that’s how it works.” at the same time.
Now turning the camera, Sam was now in frame.
“And that’s how you get the girl, Barnes. Straight from the local’s experts. Don’t fuck it up.”
And three voices scolded him for saying a bad word as the clip ends.
It didn’t take long for him to take a flight straight to Norway where New Asgard was. This time without the aid of Zemo’s jet, he had to find the means to travel from the airport, while trying to calm his nerves.
As if the universe was on his side, a couple claiming to be heading back to Asgard allowed him to hitch a ride with them.
Now on the backseat, he tried to make small talk.
“So, uh, how are you guys settling in the planet?” he asked.
The lady on the passenger seat turned to face him with a smile. “It wasn’t easy, really. But the princess went out of her way to educate us about life here on Midgard. She’s so good at it, you’d forget she hasn’t even been living here a decade.”
He smiled. They claim you as their princess despite only being adopted by Thor. He recalls how you once rambled about being scared that they’d be indifferent towards you once Thor brings you to Asgard, one of the reasons you’ve been making up excuses to go with him.
“Why, would you look at that. We’re just in time before it starts raining.” The man driving commented.
Peeking through the window, sure enough, the sky was getting darker.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” he muttered. He might just take the little girl’s advice after all.
After getting out of the couple’s car, he ran straight to where he remembers your home was, just in time when Val just got out of your house.
“Hi. I don’t think we’ve formally met. I’m Bucky.” He greeted extending his ahand to her which she took. A skeptical look on her face.
“Call me Val. I’m sorry what are you doing here?”
“I need to speak to Y/N, please.” He answered truthfully.
“Well it’s about night time so she’s getting dolled up.” She answered
“I know, I know, it’s for her date. But that’s why I’m here.”
Val raised a brow, confused about what date he was getting all bummed about when you were only getting ready to go back to looking out for people out and about at night. But then it dawned to her that maybe this was some of your friend’s doing.
“Y-yes... the date.” She decided to play along, holding back a smirk. Just then, rain started slowly pouring, along with thunder. “Well shit, I have to help some folks get their kids back inside their homes now. You’re free to knock on her door.” She excused herself.
His own clothes were starting to get drenched when he finally knocked on your door.
No answer. He knocked again, louder this time. Now footsteps were heard coming to the door, and the knob turned as you opened it.
“Damn it, Val, the door’s not even lo-” You stopped talking, surprised at the figure that greeted you.
“Bucky... are you insane? Don’t just stand there, come in it’s raining hard.” he urged him to get in and closed the door behind you.
Facing each other, he was taking you in. Val wasn’t lying when she said you were getting ready for your date. He can’t believe he was already getting jealous of a faceless punk.
“So uh... what brings you here?” You decided to break the ice, fidgeting where you stood, still barefoot as it looked like you were gonna have to stay at home if it was going to rain this hard all night.
“Don’t go on the date.” he pleaded, confusing you.
“Please don’t go on the date.” He repeated, now walking towards you.
There is no date, but now you were wondering why he’s telling you not to.
“I love you.” he answered without missing a beat, now stepping closer to you. Instead of the reaction he was hoping for, you scoffed and took a step back.
“Don’t pull a Laurie on me.” you replied, a frown etched on your face. He was confused.
“A Laurie?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen enough adaptations of Little Women to know that you’re pulling a Laurie on me.” You spat as a matter of fact. “You’re being really mean, stop it.” you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“What? I- I haven’t even thought of that reference!” he defends himself, cheeks reddening from embarrassment. “Amy was gonna get married, Y/N.”
“Oh then by all means, feel free to come back just after he proposes.”
“W- We’re getting sidetracked here, doll. I came here hoping there still an ounce of you that loves me. Please don’t tell me you’ve completely moved on from me.”
“What, like it’s hard?” you replied. It surprised you when his brows shot up from recognition of that line.
“Now you’re pulling an Elle Woods on me!” he pointed at you in an accusatory manner.
“Don’t point that finger at me, Barnes. How was I even supposed to know you’ve seen that movie?” you rolled your eyes, walking past him.
“I watched all the movies you told me about back in Wakanda.” he spoke up, making you stop in your tracks to face him again.
“Yeah, that’s right. I watched every movie, I listened to every song, read every book you recommended, and visited every internet site you once said I might like. I was always listening even when I made it seem like I wasn’t.”
You stared at him for a second looking for any indication that he was lying. Recovering from the mild shock, you pursed your lips. “I hope you know the Porn site was a joke. Sam did it to Steve once and I just thought it was hilarious.”
His mouth twitched. Walking over to you once more he stopped when he was only a step away, not breaking eye contact.
“I’m really sorry, Doll. I know it’s bold of me to even ask you, but please give me the chance to make it up to you. And I don’t care if it’s me that has to wait for you this time. Take all the time you need, just please don’t go on that date.”
“Bucky, there was never a date. I have no idea what date you were referring this entire time.” you confessed, making him bring his hands to his face and groan, muttering Damn it, Shuri.
Hearing Shuri’s name, you put two and two together. “Is this about Shuri trying to set me up with a prince?” he nodded as answer. “Well, I did tell her I was gonna think about it.”
He removed his hands away from his face. “Please say no.” He whispered. “I’d tell you what the kids told me what to say if I have to.”
“What kids?”
“Sam got a bunch of kids on video to teach me how to win you back. I’ve already stood under the rain outside your door just like what one of the girls suggested.” Judging from the grin on your face, he was now regretting even mentioning them.
“Well go on, then.” you urged. “Let me see how much you’ve learned.”
“The first time I saw you at the airport, I got so distracted looking at you just casually sitting on top if the ramps while we were preparing to fight. That wink you sent me that day is still engraved in my mind by the way. Then I was so taken back when you bluntly told me you’re attracted to me. I-”
“I don’t think the kids taught you to remind me of my attempts to flirt with you.” You cut him off, embarrassed at the memory. He chuckled at your expression.
“Okay, okay.” he took a deep breath.
“I think I started catching feelings for you the moment they woke me up from my cryosleep and you were there to be the first one to welcome me back. I didn’t think you were still gonna be there like you told me. But you were there, beaming at me like a ray of sunshine. All my years under HYDRA, every time I was woken up, I was only ever treated as an asset. But you welcomed me like I was a friend.” his eyes were starting to get glassy with tears, as he tried not to choke up.
“And then every time you were near, or even when I’d get a whiff of your perfume, I’d start feeling all warm inside and my entire body would be at ease, knowing you were an arm's reach from me. You were the last one I saw as I disintegrated from the blip, and you were the first one I sought out the moment we came back.” he was surprised when you reached forward to wipe away a tear he didn’t even realize had run down his cheek.
“I lied when I said I made a mistake kissing you. It was the first thing I wanted to do the moment I saw you again. But something inside me was always telling me that all I could ever be is someone grateful for your kindness. That it was impossible for the universe to even grant me someone like you after everything I’ve done." He let out a breath before continuing.
"But it was also you, Steve, Sam, and heck – even Zemo– that made me realize that I am worthy of a chance. And I’m sorry it had to take you telling me you were moving on, to have the courage to accept and take the chance that has been long offered to me by the world." He took your hand and gave the back of it a small kiss.
"I love you, Y/N.” Now it was him that had to wipe away your tears away. “Please don’t cry, doll. That wasn’t-”
“Just fucking kiss me already, James.” you laughed, in between sniffles.
He grinned down before you. “You’re my angel with a potty mouth, and I love you.” he whispered, leaning down.
“I love you too."
You and Bucky were out with the Wilsons on their community's afternoon barbeque.
Sarah and you got along with ease, and she was telling you all about their old family business when Bucky hugged you from behind.
"Sorry to interrup, ladies, but I have to show you something Y/N." he said, kissing your cheek.
"Ew, man. I still can't believe your old ass has a girlfriend." Sam commented beside Sarah who was laughing
"You do know I'm older than him, right?" you chuckled.
"I know, but you don't look it." he replied, causing Bucky to flip him off.
Excusing yourself, both of you walked by the docs.
"What's up, old man?" you grinned at him.
"You know what, doll. Most couples would have endearing nicknames for each other."
"I'll call you something sweet once you tell me what that thing you call me when we're alone means."
"What, мое солнце?"
"Yeah, that one! Tell me or else I'll keep calling you ridiculous ones." you threatened, trying not to smile.
"Anyway, мое солнце, I just wanted to show you a text I got from Shuri."
I am yet to have any news that you
manned up and told Y/N you love her,
White Wolf. I was joking before, but now
I really might set her up on a date.
You both chuckled at Shuri's threat.
"I got this." you pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialled her number. You placed it on loud speaker once she picked up.
"Y/N! So nice of you to call."
"Hey, Shuri! Listen..." you feigned seriousness in your voice before releasing a deep breath. "I'm finally over Mr. Smokey eye. I think I'm ready to go on that date now." Bucky was playfully glaring at you for the nickname.
There was dead silence from the other side of the line for a second. "Oh! About that... uh turns out he already has a girlfriend. Planning to propose soon, I heard. Oops!"
"Well that's a bummer. How about the other bachelor royalties your family's friends with? I recently found an article with a list. I can send you one right now. Preferably ones that don't look much like blue-eyed grandpa." you grinned at him as he rolled his eyes. He knows what you were trying to get him to do.
"Uh... turns out my brother isn't that friendly after all." She let out an awkward laugh. "Hasn't Barnes contact you at all?" you could hear the frustration in her voice.
"Oh, that discount prophet, I haven-"
"It means my sun." He finally caved, rolling his eyes.
"What?" you asked him, immidiately forgetting that Shuri was still on.
"WHAT?" she screamed through the phone after a second.
"мое солнце means my sun." he grinned at you.
"Is that Barnes with you?! Hellooo?!!!"
"Talk to you later, princess." you turned off the call when she was about to protest. Facing him again, you stepped closer and put your arms around his shoulders, both of you sharing a grin.
"I love you, мое солнце."
"I love you too, minn stjarna."
"You gonna tell me what that means?"
"You wish."
@eternalharry @iheartsebandchris @lizzarooni @the-ayo-lit @tanyaherondale @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @eliwinchester-barnes @ebxny27 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @fadingdreamersportsmaker @drama-queen-aa
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
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Kinktober 2020 — onsen (hot spring)
A/N: this is how I compremise not being able to travel because of the pandemic and it is by writing about having sex with fictional man in holiday spots...
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Description: Kuroo managed to win you both a hot sprint vacation from a lottery with his dumb luck and he intended to make the most out of it.
Warning: outdoor sex, hot spring/hot tub sex, fingering, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex
Word count: 3858
It was a commonly known fact that mall lucky draws were scams made to subtly convince you to spend money in order to get more draws only to go home with a dozen of packet tissues that were not even a tenth of the value of all the money you spent.
That, was exactly why your boyfriend had not shut up about it ever since he somehow managed to draw out the supposedly non-existing grand prize.
“I still can’t believe your dumb luck...” you muttered, pulling the luggage behind you with your arms linked with Kuroo’s along the long corridor with the hotel staff leading in the front. 
There was a time when you too would be tricked by the array of prizes listed out by the mall only to go home with low-quality tissues that would tear in half the moment you try to pull them out. You had since given up on the dim chance that you might win anything remotely valuable. It just so happened that you could redeem a single draw from the booth with your lunch receipt and Kuroo said he had never tried it before in his last 20 something years of life so you decided that it couldn’t hurt.
The last thing you expected was for a small red ball to fall down from the drawing box and the staff at the booth clapped while the passerbys who looked on gasped.
“Congratulations! You won the grand prize of a two-person one night stay at an onsen hotel!”
You blinked, turning to your side to see Kuroo who looked like he could not register what was going on much like you.
He must have stolen away all your lottery luck, that must be it.
Kuroo sniggered, taking your luggage in hand and bending down so that he would be at your eye level before wiggling his eyebrows. “What can I say?” he mused, “I guess the universe just likes me a little bit more than it does everyone else.”
His howled in laughter when you hit him on the arms, very dramatically shielding his face from you. He was still heaving with a crooked smile on his face when you pulled away with an eye roll, swinging one arm around your shoulder before pulling you close as you stopped in front of your suite for the night. 
“But much thanks to me, we now get to go on a nice hot spring vacation so don’t act like you didn’t get anything out of it.” he winked with his hand on the knob of the door, pushing it open with a swing before dramatically stepping to the side and extending his arm outwards with the other one folded in front of his chest. You grinned, clicking your tongue when he bowed with a loop-sided smile, “After you.”
You would have played along with his antics if the view of the suite didn’t completely take over your attention. You couldn’t help but gasp when you walk into the washitsu, kicking your shoes off before stepping onto the tatami. The soft light was filtered in from behind the shouji. You pushed open the slid doors with one swift motion and was immediately embraced by the smell of sulfur mixed into the steam raising from the onsen. The hotel was equipped with a large communal bath of course, but the private hot spring in the patio of your suite that was lined with rocks and hot steam rising into thin air until it melted with the mountains it faced towards looked straight out of a painting.
Kuroo plopped the luggage to the side, languishly checking the shelves behind the sliding doors to check if the towels and blankets were all in there before joining you by your side in staring out into the view.
He whistled, the soft tune looping on his puckered lips as he looked over your shoulder. His arms crept around your waist, pulling you close to his chest before leaning on your shoulder. You could feel his mouth widening when he spoke, “Ooo... I can’t wait to get steamy with you in this bath later...”
“Hm,” you hummed, “thinking about seeing me naked already?”
He licked his lips, dropping his voice as he buried his face deeper into the crook of your neck, “Anytime...”
“Well, you better stop thinking of that because I want to go check out what else we could do here,” you laughed when he gave you a pout, linking your arm with his before pulling him towards the door.
You were grinning ear to ear, leaning up to give him a quick peck and watch as his pout dissolved into a smile that matched yours.
“Promise you’ll get to see plenty of that later if you keep me entertained enough.”
“Challenge accepted.”
You clutched the towel close to your body as you dipped your toes in, retracting almost immediately when you felt how hot the water was. Slowly sliding down bit by bit, the white towel dropped onto the side as you finally submerged into the spring completely. 
A content groan left your lips the moment your body was under the hot water. For a second, you felt blood rushing up to your brain at the sudden increase in body temperature until you slowly adjusted to the warmth. Your chest heaved as your breathing got heavier, the moisture of the steam entering your nasal with each inhale. Rolling your neck, you leaned back on the step until the rocks were against your back, feeling the soreness in your muscles from walking around all day slowly easing away from the heat. The spring water was a bit cloudy and when you lifted your hand up to watch it seep from between your fingers, it left a slightly clammy feeling on your skin. Each move of your limbs under the water made it shimmer on the front, the gentle light reflecting off of it under the now dark sky.
Despite being embraced by hot water, shivers rose on your skin when you something brushing against your earlobe from behind.
“Getting started without me?”
Kuroo’s voice was ow in your ear, a hint of amusement dripping off each syllable rolled off of his tongue as he spoke. His lips trailed down your ear, ghosting over the pounding pulse point much like the flowing water surface that tickled your skin. He pulled back right at the blade of your shoulder, chuckling softly when he heard the whimper that you couldn’t hold back fast enough. 
The sound of his laughs as you let out a grumbled “tsk” filled your ears together with the sound of fabrics ruffling. He shed the thin yukata hanging off his shoulder with a swift pull of his belt, the clothe falling around him with a thump. He made the show to walk all the way over to the opposite end of the bath, a towel hanging loosely on his hips as he walked with his shoulders pulled back.
What a diva. You huffed to yourself as he flexed his arms while pulling the towel off his waist, seeming to enjoy the attention you paid him as he got into the water. You would not fuel his agenda any further, but there was no denying that he looked particularly delicious surrounded by the clouds of steam and his toned chest rising and falling as he tilted his head back.
He let out a very graphic moan as he accustomed to the heat, his face now dusted with a slight tint of red as the steam fanned across his face. He smirked when he dropped his head back down to find your eyes on him, pulling his arms back until he had his elbows propped on the rocky edges of the bath. You did not need to see below the water to know that he was shamelessly sitting with his legs wide, the sharp lines of his biceps very permanent under the light.
“What are you doing sitting so far away?” he said, raising his hand lazily and beckoning you to go closer.
You shook your head with a smile, “Said the one who got all the way to the furthest spot just to parade around.”
“You liked it,” he replied, very much so in the mood to tease with his smile never once dropping. You could be together for a week or a year and he would still find ways to make everything fun. He did nothing to hide the way his eyes raked through your glowing skin above water, licking his lips a little. “besides, you did promise I’ll get to see a lot of you if I behave today.”
Your heart skipped a beat when he leaned forward, practically purring as he tilted his head, “And I had been good all day long, didn’t I?”
You hid the effect that the gravel of his voice and the glimmer in his eyes had on you with a smirk of your own. You swayed your head to the side, looking away like you were pretending to think before getting up with a mocked click of your tongue. “So persistent.” 
You made sure to sway your hips a little as you paced towards him, the contrast of the cold air on your warm skin making you all the more sensitive. He licked his lips, looking your naked form up and down. Water rolled off from your chest all the way down the side of your thighs and your skin looked so supple from the glow of the moisture. The buds on the peaks of your tits perked up from the cold air and you gave him a soft flick on the forehead for his shameless staring before sitting down.
Before you could even shift over, he pulled you onto his lap with his hand on your forearm. You let out a soft gasp, chuckling as the vibration from the back of his chest tickled your skin when he hummed. He was pressed up against you, each sharp edge and turn of his toned torso rippling on your back as he moved his legs to accommodate you. He snaked his arms right below your breast, feeling the swell on his arms as he leaned you back until you were laying on his chest.
Your scalp tingled at how the temperature of the hot sprint was just right to melt away all the knots you got on your battered body from daily life, now all the more obvious with the warmth radiating off his body added to the mix. He drummed a steady and soft rhythm at the side of your hips with his index finger, the tempo subtly matching with the distant chirping of cicadas from the mountains far away.
“This is nice..” your voice dragged out of your throat as a hoarse whisper. You shifted on his lap, sliding down so that more of your body could be covered by the water.
“Hm...” he hummed, the same finger that was tapping against your hips now trailing along your thigh. 
Your muscles clenched when his legs clamped at the sides of your body, his arm pulling you back until you felt something poking right above your ass.
“Someone’s getting ahead of themselves...” you mused, bring your hand up until it reached the back of his head. The position allowed him the prime access to your neck, and a silent sigh fell from your lips when he leaned down to lick at the soft skin.
“I have no idea what you are talking about...” 
He nibbled at where your neck met your shoulder. You threw your head back against him at the ministration, another wave of warmth going straight to your core when he groped the soft flesh of your thigh. You clenched unconsciously when he parted your legs, hooking them onto his thigh until your limbs tangled together. It left you feeling exposed even though you still had the cover of the water flowing around you, confusing your blood-rushed brain if the fire burning up in the pit of your stomach was from the warm currents or his fingers inching dangerously close to your sex.
You whimpered at the first stroke of the calloused pad of his finger along your folds, the feeling of wetness gathering evident even though you were under water. 
“Quite amazing how I can feel you getting wetter and wetter by the second,” he pressed a few light kisses along your shoulder, his hand going up to cup your breast as the other continued to stroke along your slit.
His breath hitched when you rolled your hips back, feeling a little bit hazy with the blood that was rushing down. Was his heart beating like that because he had been in the hot spring for far too long or was it the way you were almost eager to grind against his erection? He wasn’t sure, not that he cared at all with you gripping onto his arm like that. 
“Tetsu-” you moaned when he eased his middle finger inside of you, the feeling of your walls stretching out had you arching back off of him and pushing your ass against him even more. You could feel his cock right between your cheeks, rubbing on your back even at the slightest shift. a soft whine slipped past your lips when he rolled your nipples between his fingers, his palms not being gentle on you at all as he groped at the soft flesh. Your skin felt slippery with the water gliding off your skin, making it easier for his hand to roam along your curves.
He pumped his digits in and out of you after slyly adding in another finger, scissoring them inside of your tight walls as he gripped onto your hips, guiding you to grind against him. You could hear the water splashing around as he got faster, flicking his wrist and pushing deep inside of you. You moved in sync with him, almost riding his fingers as your breathing got rapidly heavier. 
Gripping onto his arm for leverage, you felt it flex under your touch with each push and pull of his hand. His heart was pounding in his chest and you could feel each jump on your back. He was aching hard against you, his lower stomach tightening every time your hips pressed down and amping up the friction on him. 
“Hu- ah!”
Even moaning was difficult when your senses went into an overdrive from how your blood was pumping through your veins from the heat and each arch of his fingers inside of you. 
“Keep that up and I’ll blow your back before even getting in you,” he let out a choked chuckle, his hand gripping your jaw before tilting you up to meet his lips in a sloppy kiss. His palm was burning from the hot water, and the heat melted into yours until you could feel it at the tip of your ears.
His chuckle turned into a full body laugh when you weakly slapped his arm and he jerked it forward in retaliation, ripping a loud moan from the back of your throat.
“You’re so fucking cute when you try to be annoyed but your cunt is clamping down on me...” 
The sudden emptiness when he pulled away without warning had your body shuddering as the drop caught up, the aftershock of his fingers plunging deep inside of you reaching to the tip of your toes. You gasped when he lifted you up by the arms, his hand holding onto your by your stomach as he put you onto the rocky step with your chest pressing against the cold surface of the side of the bath. The sudden chill had you hissing as your nipples rubbed against the slippery rock, your hands clawing at it for leverage to no avail. 
 The water was barely to the level of the small of your back as he pushed your hips back, shoving his knee between your legs to keep them spread wide apart for him. Every hair on your back rose up when he ran his palm down your spine, gripping the soft flesh of your hips as he parted the two mounds beneath the water. Your body surged forward when he hilted in you with one swift motion and the rock you were pressed up against slowly took up your heat as every wire in your system burned from the stretch.
It was the sound of skin slapping against skin and water furiously splashing around that you heard when he dug his fingers onto your sides and rolling his hips. Your legs trembled under the pleasure, your moans and the slurred syllables of his name reached his ears in a muffled whimper. Each push and pull of his cock inside of you had the water washing up against you, leaving a delicious glow on your skin as droplets of water rolled off your curves. He could see each clench of your muscles, the subtle swell of your ass barely visible when the water moved around, the dip of your spine permanent as you arched your back to take him in deeper.
He felt his grip on you loosening up with the clamminess left on your skin by the spring and he latched onto you as a result, the pain of his nails digging into your skin had your scalp numbing as his tip nudged against the spongy spot inside you with each plow. 
The tip of your fingers burned from the roughness of the rock you were desperately scratching down on. Kuroo was loud behind you, not bothering to hold back on his groans whenever you clenched around him. His pornographic grunts echoed in your ear before melting into the streams of steam and disappearing into the mountains you were surrounded up. You hoped people in the suites next to yours weren’t out in their bath right now, or else there was no way they wouldn’t be able to guess what you two were up to.
His thrusts got sloppier and your breath hitched when he fisted your hair in hand, bringing your head up with a tuck at your scalp. Your hands were pressed flat in front of you to prop your shaking body up in struggle. His lips swallowed the loud sigh you let out as a warmth much unlike the water flowing around you filled your core, his cock throbbing inside of you as he locked your mouth with his in an open-mouthed kiss. He kept you there as he continued his thrusts, his cum trailing down from where your bodies connected, every snap of his hips pushing more of the sticky substance out of you.
His hand fumbled to run down your legs before dipping in between your thighs. A brush of his finger against your clit had you mewling at the sudden sparks that ran down your spine before your voice was taken over by your pants as he rubbed and flicked the sensitive bud in his fingers. His length was still inside of you, feeling slick with your arousal and his cum coating around it. The fist in the pit of your stomach curled and uncurled, making your eyes rolled back as the weight built up.
“Close- I’m close...”
“Yeah, you’re close?” He purred, gulping when he felt your pussy fluttering around him as you hung by the edge, “then let go. Go on... that’s it- hmph- that’s it...”
He held you close as you tipped over the edge, feeling your chest healed beneath his palm. You whimpered when he gave a few more thrust, letting you rode out your high before pulling out his half-hard cock.
For a second, you two just stayed right where you were. The air returning to silence as nothing but soft pants and the serene night lingered with the steam. You leaned back against him when he dipped to press a few pecks on the back of your neck, his biceps contracting around your waist before his arms dropped.
The sudden lack of a spot to plant your feet down had you gasping in shock, your hands clinging to grip onto his arms that now hooked under your knees.
Water splattered when he got up with you in his arms, the cold of night chills against your wet skin made you curled up against his chest. Each step he took was careful, his feet planted on the floor from the moisture on the ground. Dark marks of water trailed behind him, damping the weaved tatami of the room when he dropped you on your back.
He was perched on you in an instant, his skin being the only source of warmth you could get as he pressed up against you.
The glint in his eyes was like the silver rings rippling one the water as he looked at your flushed face, licking his lips before his eyes started wandering on your naked form again.
“We should make the most out of tonight, don’t you think?”
You rolled out of the bedding the next day with a sharp cramp from your waist all the way down to your legs.
“People go to onsen holidays to ease cramps not cause them,” you muttered accusingly at your boyfriend who sat cross legged behind you with a cheeky grin on his face while he massaged your back.
“Not my fault you look so good being wet,” his laugh was wolfish when you turned around to stare daggers at him. 
“How am I supposed to walk like this?” you exclaimed, hissing in pain when he pressed down on a particularly sore spot on your side. 
“His palm was warm on your skin, going up and down your back as he lightly kneaded on the knots on your shoulder. You shuddered when his hands slowly found their way into the opened collar of your yukata, getting very misbehaved with his wandering hands.
“Since we’re not going anywhere anyways...” his voice was sweet in your ear, slowly pulling the fabric wider and wider until it was barely covering your mounds, “how about we just stay here?”
You blamed your own receptiveness when you felt his warm hands cupping your tits, the two buds hardening up under his touch. Leaning back against his chest, you paused and looked up for a second before turning to meet his smiling eyes.
“Are you planning to carry all the luggage on your own when we check out?”
“You say it like you aren’t planning to make me do it either way.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes,” he mumbled, his hand peeling the yukata off your shoulders already.
You hummed, feeling goosebumps on your skin as the morning sunshine filtered through the paper window and warming you up.
“You’re lucky I’m in love with you.”
“Of course,” he winked, spinning you around to face him and wrapping his arms around your waist. You leaned up with a smile, feeling his lips ghosted against yours.
“The universe gave me the best luck when they brought you to me.”
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cobaltusami · 3 years
If I'm allowed, could I request another fic? Remember the one I requested before? Maybe a revenge one please? If its fine? Have a good day friend!
Suuuuuurpriiiiise! guess who's back... back again... Cobalt's back, tell a friend~
I've been trying to finish this for fucking AGES. I'm so so sorry for the wait friendo! I hope you like it!
I wanted to release it last week, but I didn't have the time to finish it. :/ but here It Is!
Characters: Lee!Taka, Ler!Mondo, Chihiro, Leon, Makoto, Hiro
Word count: 1994
Pairing: Ishimondo (also some hints of Leon x Lee mood--)
Part one: Merciless
Warning: This is a tickle fic. it's also fluffy asf. you have been warned--
Lesson Learned
Taka went to pull away from him, but Mondo pulled him back against his chest. “Where do ya think you’re going? This Isn’t over.”
“B-But Mondo! You promised you wouldn’t--”
“Uh-uh~ I promised no revenge If you were to let me up at that exact moment. Which you did not.” The biker reminded him teasingly. “Any last words, Kyoudai?”
“W-Wait, M-Mondo-- NOHOHOHO!”
Laughter could be heard ringing all throughout the library and even carrying partially down the halls, to say Mondo was being ruthless would be an absolute understatement.
“MOHOHOHOHONDO I’M SOHOHOHORRY!” Taka shrieked, his body spasming underneath the biker.
Mondo, suddenly energized by the sound of his boyfriend’s laughter, grinned down at him. “Ya don’t seem too sorry, Ya can’t even apologize without laughing~”
Taka yelped upon feeling Mondo’s fingers inch down to his belly. “I-I cahahahahan’t hehehehelp It! Ihihihihit tihihihickles!” he blushed, his hands latching onto the teasing appendages uselessly.
“Uh-huh, Sure it does. I think you’re just laughing at me.” He smirked, clawing at Taka’s stomach.
“Ihihihihi would nehehehever!” The hall monitor choked out between fits of laughter.
“Ya sure?”
“Yehehehehes! I’m vehehehery sure!!”
Mondo hummed thoughtfully as his fingers came to a stop. “Aight, but If ya laugh at me for any reason you’re going down.”
Taka relaxed into his arms as his hold loosened, he rested his head against his chest as he recovered from his laughing fit. “U-Understood.”
Just then, the doors to the library swung open and several of their friends poked their heads through the open gap.
“We heard screaming,” Makoto meekly stated. “Are you two okay?”
“Or did we interrupt something?” Leon asked, grinning impishly at the two.
“Obviously they were trying to scare the aliens away, Duh.” Hiro rolled his eyes.
Leon and Makoto both slowly looked up at the clairvoyant.
“I was joking, man.” Leon sighed, both he and Makoto looking at him in exasperation.
Mondo and Taka broke apart from their embrace, the former crossing his arms and fixing them with an annoyed stare. “Don’t you guys have anything else to fuckin’ do?”
Without missing a beat, Leon and Hiro answered simultaneously. “No.”
“S-Sorry, Like I said, We heard screams…” Makoto smiled apologetically. “We were worried.”
“Speak for yourself.” Leon retorted, rolling his eyes. “I was coming in here to tell them to can It. They woke me up.”
“I’m very sorry for the disturbance! I assure you there will be no more outbursts today!” Taka spoke up, his authoritarian voice kicking in.
Mondo blinked as he watched the formerly chill and laughing man become proper and uptight again. He sighed and rolled his eyes fondly at his boyfriend.
As Taka began interrogating the students on how their studies were going, The biker was struck with a wicked idea.
No more outbursts huh?
We’ll see about that.
Throughout the day between daily activities, Mondo would find small excuses to poke at Kiyotaka. For example, stating he had something on his shirt, or as he was passing by him in the halls.
One instance occurred during noon. Taka, Mondo, Leon and Chihiro were hanging out In the kitchen getting snacks, or In Leon’s and Chihiro’s case; finally eating breakfast.
Chihiro was trying to reach something In the cabinet but after a few failed attempts they pouted and gave up their pursuit.
“Is something the matter, Chihiro?” Taka asked, noticing the sudden silence from the smallest one of the group.
“I can’t reach sugar…”
“Yeah, Hiro probably forgot to put it back on the bottom shelf.” Leon shrugged, continuing to pour cereal into a bowl after a brief pause to think.
“Sounds like him alright.” Mondo rolled his eyes.
“No worries, Chihiro! I’ll get it for you!” Taka offered, at the small programmers side before Mondo could get over to them.
“Thank you, Taka!” They smiled brightly at the Ultimate Moral Compass.
Taka went to grab the container, but underestimated how high up It was. “Why Is it so high in the first place?” He asked curiously, glancing at Leon for an answer.
“Knowing how Hiro Is,” Leon began pouring the cereal into another bowl for Chihiro. “It probably slipped his mind.”
Taka stretched and stood on his tiptoes to try to reach the container. Mondo watched amusedly for a minute before swooping in to his rescue.
But not before messing with him first.
As the Biker came up beside his boyfriend, he rested his hand on his side. He reached around him to grab for the sugar, but as he did he squeezed at Taka’s side.
He jumped in surprise, a strangled sounding laugh tearing from his throat. “M-Mondo!”
“What? What’s the problem?” He asked innocently as he turned to his boyfriend.
“You know what the problem Is!” Taka scolded, folding his arms and fixing the biker with a stern look. “You’ve been accidentally tickling me all morning!”
“Me?” Mondo pointed to himself, barely containing his laughter at his boyfriend’s reaction. “C’mon Kyoudai, would I really do somethin’ like that?”
Taka just narrowed his eyes at him in response.
Leon gently grabbed Chihiro and pulled them over next to him, removing them from what was about to be a warzone. “It’s safer If you stay over here Cheerio.”
“But what about our cereal?” Chihiro pouted, looking up at Leon with big glimmering brown eyes.
“I’ll get the sugar when they’re outta the way, Don’t worry.” He whispered to the programmer.
“Will you just stop It already? If you’re going to tickle me then just tickle me…” Taka trailed off as he caught sight of the predatory glint in Mondo’s eyes. He realized his error.
Mondo grinned evilly, practically throwing himself at the hall monitor. “Well, since ya asked so nicely…”
“M-Mondo! Wh-- No! Dohohohohon’t!” Taka tried to keep his tone serious but soon broke out into happy laughter as the biker began tickling him.
“Don’t? Don’t what?” He responded innocently, his fingertips scribbling along his ribcage.
“Tihihihihickle mehehehe!” Taka fell for the age-old trick because of course he would. “W-Wahahahahait! Nohoho I didn’t mehehehean that!”
The Ultimate Biker laughed as he wiggled his fingers relentlessly under the other boy’s arms. “I don’t think you even know what ya mean at this point. First ya tell me to tickle you, then ya tell me not to, then tell me to tickle you again? You can see where I’m getting fuckin’ confused.”
“Yeah, stop sending mixed signals Taka.” Leon chimed In from his newly acquired spot on the counter, holding the container of sugar in his hands.
“Leheheheon gehehehet off the counter! We prehehehepare food thehehere!” Taka scolded between laughs, squealing when Mondo began tickling his neck.
“And don’t help me, I don’t need your fuckin’ help.” Mondo added.
Leon scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Debatable.” he muttered under his breath as he climbed down and retreated back to his spot next to Chihiro victoriously.
“I fuckin’ heard that!” Mondo growled, shooting a warning look to the red head, who paused with his spoon in his mouth.
“Fight me.” He bit back at the biker, knowing damn well he was too preoccupied with his boyfriend to actually come after him.
Taka tried to use this as an opening to turn the tables, but Mondo’s attention was immediately back on him so his attempt was thwarted before he could even try anything.
Mondo shifted his position, now kneeling on Taka’s hands to keep them pinned down. “There we go, so you don’t get any Ideas…” He winked, shoving his hands under Taka’s shirt to get at bare skin.
“M-Mondo! C-C-Come on now, surely this isn’t Necessar--EEEE! Nahahahahaha! Nahahahat there!” He choked out between hysterical giggles.
The Ultimate biker grinned as his fingers ghosted frustratingly gently across his partner’s sides. “Not here?? Why the fuck not?? It’s like my favorite spot.” He teased. “It makes you giggle so cutely.”
Taka continued to giggle much to his chagrin, wishing he could bring his hands up to cover his rapidly turning pink face. “Thihihis isn’t fahahair!” He whined. “Whyhyhyhyhy are you doihihihing this??”
“Why?” Mondo repeated. “Didn’t you ask me to tickle you just a minute ago? Besides, I didn’t forget about that study session this morning...”
Leon snorted and Chihiro giggled In the background, both clearly enjoying lunch and a show.
“After I’m done here, I’m coming after both you fuckin’ nerds next!” Mondo growled playfully.
Chihiro squeaked and hid behind Leon, who shrugged at the empty threat. “Bet.” He retorted as he took a bite of his cereal, unfazed.
“I-I’m sorry!” Chihiro apologized, though their nervous and giddy smile made it seem less genuine somehow.
“I thohohohought you already got rehehehevenge for that!” Taka tittered, squirming aimlessly.
“Fuck no, you thought that was all the tickles I was gonna dish out??” Mondo laughed, digging into his vulnerable sides gleefully. “Those were just a warning.”
Taka shrieked as his laughter picked up considerably. Despite his previous complaints and protests, he did actually enjoy being tickled by his boyfriend. Those responses were just instinctual. If he really wanted to, he could have gotten free at any point with some effort.
And Mondo knew that, which only made him that much more adorable to him and fueled his desire to completely wreck the Hall Monitor.
“AAHAHAHAHA!” Taka shrieked, his back arching at the electricity coursing through him.
“Aww, What’s wrong~?” He cooed teasingly, continuing to knead his tender sides. “Does that tickle~?”
“Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES!” He cackled, now finding it very difficult not to thrash against the tickles.
“Aww, Poor baby~ He’s just too ticklish for his own good~” Mondo continued to tease, much to Taka’s dismay. “You’re so fucking adorable when you laugh and blush like this~”
Taka whined between laughs, wishing he could bring his shoulder up far enough to conceal his face. “MOHOHOHONDOHOHOHO! STAHAHAP TEHEHEHEASING!”
“Teasing? I’m not teasing you, babe! I’m complimenting you~” he winked, pausing. “Teasing would imply there’s something wrong with being ticklish, which there isn’t.”
The Ultimate Hall Monitor gasped for air gratefully, his body still tingling from the tickles.
Mondo pushed Taka’s shirt up to expose his midsection and leaned down, beginning to plant tiny tickly kisses against his side. He never did his hair for the day, he just left it in a messy bun, so there was nothing stopping him.
“Kyahahahahahaa! Nohohohohohoooo! Ihihiht tihihickles!” Taka laughed happily, flinching away from each kiss reflexively.
“No? But I’m trying to be affectionate, Kyoudai!” Mondo pouted playfully as he paused briefly to look at Taka, but then resumed the kisses even faster than before.
Taka pulled his hands free after resisting the urge for as long as possible. He immediately covered his face as he tittered.
“Hey! Don’t cover your face!” Mondo chastised, grabbing his hands and lacing their fingers together. “You’re obstructing my view.”
“W-What view…?” Taka panted. “You’ve seen my face before…”
“Yeah so? I could see your face a thousand times and not get tired of it... You’re fuckin’ gorgeous.” Mondo blushed, glancing away nervously. “And I… I love you.”
“Hey he said it without yelling!” Leon cheered, antagonizing the biker.
“L-Leon! He’s going to--” Chihiro tried to warn, but it was too late.
“That’s it, Kuwata! You’re fuckin’ toast!” Mondo yelled.
He went to get up but Taka pulled him back down into a warm, loving hug. “Kyoudai…” He murmured softly, smiling still. “Thank you. I love you too…”
The one place Mondo felt safe and serene in this school was In Taka’s arms, and the feeling was the same for the other boy.
Neither was sure how long they stayed like that, but eventually they did have to get up.
And when they did, Mondo made good on his promise and went storming off after their friends, Leaving Taka behind to smile and shake his head at his boyfriend.
But then he realized.
“W-Wait! We aren’t supposed to run In the building!!!” Taka yelled, following after them.
Well, some things will never change. But hopefully Taka learned his lesson today.
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taro-im · 3 years
moth in his fire
you weren’t expecting much you knew he was a player, and you told your self you weren’t going to fall for his little acts… well weren’t you naive
***starring Suna x Reader***
(both of you are in college)
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Rintaro has always been the ladies man, known to be a heartthrob, and you knew that but you still went into the lions den
The man trying to make you fall for him by video calling you every day, texting you all night, sending voice messages, buying you your favorite bread or snack, him doing all kinds of things for you to fall for him…
You secretly were falling way to hard for him but you knew his little tricks, he flirted with girls and once they confessed to him, he ghosted them, and blocked there contacts, you were basically a moth in his fire, you knew he was bad for you but somehow your addicted to the pain and the outcomes of what’s going to happen if you touch the fire, were you going to burn? Or not be affected?
you and him are basically friends with benefits whenever he broke up with someone he would come to you, you didn’t like the idea of it but you would do anything for him to be happy… he would knock on your door and embrace you with a tight hug and start making out with you, it was a bad thing to do but both of you were selfish and greedy for each other but maybe it was only you who felt this way for him, maybe he was just using you which is maybe the most correct answer, but you didn’t care you knew you were acting needy but you love him way to much for him to do this to someone else.
whenever these situations happen he would never have sex with you, he thinks he’s to bad for you and that he doesn’t want to think that he only hangs out with you to hookup, it’s just that he lies that he dates girl so he could come to you, but whenever he does… he can’t say anything the only way he can show his affection for you is by him embracing you which was a bad thing, so the both of you are stupid idiots who cant tell each other your own feelings
the problem was that both of you wouldn’t tell each other the truth….
One day Suna finally decided to try to get over you… he started dating a girl that you knew, you never expected it because the day before you both went out on a “date” you thought maybe he really did like you maybe he wanted to have a future with you… nope that wasn’t it he was just bored and wanted to waste his time, finally you decided to block him from every social media and number… the most hardest part was deleting the photos and text messages you two had together but then you did it, you felt empty inside he was the only guy you had ever really liked but guess what your just a “side chick” you felt dirty after doing that stuff with him even though he was “single” your sick of being used by him, you wanted to cry but tears wouldn’t come out, you weren’t able to eat or sleep, you felt so lifeless… he was your yellow, but whenever you think of him everything feels so bitter. You were just a blind moth that was attracted to the heat of his fire and got burned from getting to close and attached….
Suna Rintaro: hey y/n we need to talk
message failed to send!
Suna broke up with her on the second day of dating… he could only think about a future with you, he only wanted to see you smile at his jokes, he only wanted you to be the only person he kisses, so he decided to call you but you weren’t answering, he tried 7 times but you didn’t answered, he then decided to text you but it showed that you blocked him, wait you blocked him? He is so shocked and decided to check social media… you blocked him on every social media to…. Damn wasn’t karma a bitch, he was in shock of course you were going to do that… he knew the way he acted towards you, he lost the only person he ever fully cared and loved, he tried to find you at your apartment but it was either you were ignoring him or you moved…
It’s been 5 months since that happened, your slowly healing from the wild fire he made in your heart… your slowly putting on water to die it down but somehow it still hurts and sometimes the fire gets worse and it suddenly just bursts into flames that you don’t know what to do, after that happened you decided to move back in with your mother for a while till you could fully get your self together
You decided to move back into your apartment today, you feel confident, you even sort of moved on, you are going out with someone today and maybe finally able to forget about Suna Rintaro. You wore a nice expensive outfit, did your hair, and putted some makeup on finally you went out of the house and drove to the restaurant
The guy and you had a great conversation but most parts were awkward… sometimes you spaced out, but your trying? The dinner date is now finished, him and you decided to go on a little walk before you got home
When he walked you home he was about to kiss you, but you “accidentally” dodged the kiss and left awkwardly
You walked to your front door and notice a man sitting at your front door… it was scary you were about to beat whoever tf it was up, but then you notice it was Suna Rintaro sitting there drunk with a bottle of beer, sitting there dozing off, he looked at you with wide eyes and weakly stood up “y-y/n your back” he said drunken, you stepped back because you were confused on wtf is going on till he holded you into a tight hug “don’t leave me please” he said faintly whispering but his hold on you was still tight
you stood there in shock, confused, and tired… what the hell is going on?…
tap here for part 2
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Egg the Cat
Chapter 2
Read on Ao3
Nancy flinched as an engine revved, a sleek blue muscle car pulling into the lot. 
Steve let himself focus on it. It was better than dwelling on his fucking essay, his impending shitty night spent with Barb’s parents, like he didn’t feel horrible enough about that whole situation. 
He watched the car pull into a space at the front of the lot. 
California plates.
“Who’s that?” Steve could picture Nancy wrinkling her nose as she said it, too focused on Billy getting out of his car to turn and see it for real. 
He narrowed his eyes at a young redhead getting out of the passenger side. 
Billy hadn’t said anything about a sibling. 
“That’s Billy. I met him last night.” He finally looked back at Nancy as Billy set off towards the school. “He found Egg downtown.” 
Nancy’s eyebrows flew nearly to her hairline. 
“Steve, I’m sorry, I forgot. Is she okay?”
“Yeah, Billy got her safe and sound. Still don’t know how she got out, though. Let alone made it all the way downtown.” He locked his car as they headed towards the high school, the warning bell sounding through the parking lot.
He reached for Nancy’s hand, his heart soaring when she let him take it. 
Sometimes she said his hands were too clammy. 
He walked her to her first class, kissing her softly by the door. 
Billy glared at the tiny brunette sitting in front of him. 
Steve hadn’t said anything about having a fucking girlfriend last night. 
And really, Billy should’ve known. He’s a hot guy, living in a town of not a lot of hot guys. It makes sense some girl would snap him up. 
It just felt like a slap in the face. 
It’s not like Billy thought he actually had a chance with Steve, but now all of his daydreams, any of his dirty thoughts featuring one Steve Harrington were gonna be tainted, by this prissy fucking bitch. 
Billy just spent all of his AP biology lecture boring holes into the back of her head. 
He didn’t really give a fuck if people noticed, thought it was weird. He was too busy channeling all of his anger, all of his hatred onto this skinny little priss. 
He hoped she could feel it, like maybe his anger gaze gave off palpable heat or something. 
Based on how many times she stuck her hand up to answer every question posed by the teacher, no, she couldn’t feel the heat of Billy’s rage. 
He couldn’t get out of there fast enough, only to find they shared all three of their morning classes. 
Because fuck Billy. 
And then he had to watch, had to stand there like a stupid gay fucking idiot as Steve lifted nancy off her feet, and made out with her against her locker. 
He stomped past, hoping to go unnoticed by-
He stopped dead in his tracks, taking a few deep breaths before turning, plastering his best I am so charming and I don’t hate your girlfriend for no reason smile on his face. 
Steve was all sunshiney again today. Billy mentally kicked the little voice in his head saying that sunshine is for you. 
“Hey, man! How’s your first day going?” Steve had his girl tucked under his arm. She looked like a frail little bird. Billy hoped Steve’s cat ate her for breakfast one day soon.
“Well, you got mad at me last night when I called this place a shithole, so I’m just going to heavily imply it.” Steve laughed, his head tipping back a little, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
Billy tried to think about his dad, tied to think about the shelf bruises on his back. 
And then Steve was pressing a sheet of paper into his hand, and their fingers fucking brushed and Billy tried, tried to think of a broken arm and cops at his house, and not holding fucking hands with Steve Harrington. 
He studied the paper, just to look somewhere that wasn’t Steve’s eyes. A lighter shade of brown in the fluorescent lights, a shade bordering on green. 
Come and get sheetfaced. 
“Hawkins parties will probably be lame compared to what you’re familiar with, but I mean, it should be fun.” Billy just nodded, eyes trained on the little ghost. “We’ll be there. Nancy and I.” Nancy. That’s a stupid fucking name. “Y’know, if you aren’t too cool for us by then.”
Steve was smirking at him a little when Billy finally looked up. 
“I’m already cooler than you, Harrington.” Fuck. It sounded way meaner than Billy had wanted, sounded actually rude, not like a little ribbing. Not like a little tongue-in-cheek reference to last night. Cold shit. 
But then Steve tossed his head back, and he laughed, a full belly laugh, and he clapped Billy on the shoulder, and Billy has never felt gayer in his entire life. 
“Harsh, man. Real harsh. Wait ‘til I tell Egg you said that, she’ll never want to see you again .” And Steve was still smiling at him, and he had maybe, alluded to Billy seeing his cat again, which meant seeing Steve outside of school, and Nancy was looking down the hall, like this conversation was below her pay grade, and Billy wanted. 
“See, that’s why I’m cooler than you. I don’t go telling my cat all my lame drama.”
“That’s because you don’t have a cat,” Steve said playfully, his face falling a bit. “Wait, you don’t have a cat, do you?” Billy shrugged.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” And Steve smiled at him, and the bell rang, and Nancy rolled her eyes before pressing herself out from underneath Steve’s arm, and Steve’s big sweet eyes snapped onto her. 
“I’ve got to get to Calculus.” Billy’s heart sank. They shared four classes so far. 
Steve just leaned down to kiss her, one hand cradling the side of her face. Billy looked away.
“I love you.” He had to suppress a snort as Nancy said it back, her voice all pitchy and off. 
But Steve reached out to clap Billy on the shoulder again. 
“I better see you tonight!” And he was off down the hall, and Billy, once again, made a point not to look at his ass. 
“You gotta be home by nine-thirty, okay, Shitbird?” Max rolled her eyes again. 
“Billy, I know what time I need to be home by.”
“Just making sure, because you know if you don’t make curfew, I’m somehow gonna be blamed for it.” Billy had only gotten out of playing babysitter this evening when Max had nearly thrown a full tantrum at the idea of trick-or-treating with adult supervision while she’s trying to make friends. 
She just looked at him sharply, her lips pursing a bit. 
“I’ll be home.” Her voice had an edge to it. Billy didn’t really know how to take it.
“Be safe.” She didn’t acknowledge him, just got out of the car, a little Michael Myers heading into the swarm of children. 
He pulled down the road, the party address only a few blocks from where Max was meeting her friends. 
He slammed a beer the minute he entered the party, didn’t want to be sober for a second of this shitfest. 
Steve had been right. This party didn’t hold a fuckin’ candle to what he frequented down in Cali. 
He tried to make the best of it, beat the keg stand record, found some stupid jocks that were more than happy to parade around him all night. 
He just had to get to that sweet spot, drunk enough he would actually get hard with a girl, but not too drunk he’d get whiskey dick. He didn’t need that to be his reputation in this shitty town. 
He was being pulled through the crowd by some freckly fucker dressed as the guy from Karate Kid. Max had made him take her to that movie six times in the theaters. Billy had slept through it every time. 
He was feeling pretty okay, the beer settling into his system, giving him a warm buzz as he studied the party. Maybe he could find some punk kids, score some weed or-
Steve Harrington.  
The karate guy had shoved him in front of Steve, had said, guess who’s the new Keg King, Harrington?
Steve was glaring at the guy, drawn up to his full height, shoulders squared, all of that melting as he turned to Billy, smiling warmly at him. 
Fucking sunshine. 
“Nice job, Dude!” And Steve took Billy’s hand, and he pulled him into a one-armed fucking hug. 
Billy was absolutely stunned. Maybe a little bit hard as he pat his hand against Steve’s back. Felt his muscles moving under his jacket. 
But then Steve pulled back, his eyes trailing after his fucking girlfriend, and he was gone, followed her into the kitchen. 
Billy wanted to tear out his fucking hair. 
He went the opposite way as Steve, pushing through the sweaty crowd. 
He really didn’t need to see Steve coddling his girl. 
He shoved his way into the backyard, vaulting the low fence on the porch, making his way out of the yellowed light spilling out of the house. 
He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it quickly. 
Fucking idiot. You knew you couldn’t have any fucking boy in this goddamn town.
But Billy had come into this town really not expecting any boy to actually catch his eye. 
Not like Steve has. 
Steve with his stupid big eyes, and his stupid big hair, and his stupid cat named fucking Egg. Who names a cat Egg? That’s a dumb fucking name. 
Billy lit his next cigarette with the dying remains of the last one. 
He thought about calling it quits, heading home early. 
But it wasn’t even ten yet, and really, he needed to fool around with a chick tonight. He needed to establish himself as a lady killer. 
Sleep with one girl, and the rumors would build enough that he probably wouldn’t have to fuck any others, just not deny it when any girl claims they had a wild night of passion. 
It was safer that way. Gave him some cushion. 
Then, if any of the lies began to unravel, he’ll just fuck another one, and let the rumor mill do its trick. 
Besides, he can find a brunette, make her take it from behind. If he’s lucky, the party’ll be loud enough he can tune out her moans, picture someone else, picture him -
The backdoor slammed against the wall as someone stomped outside. 
Billy just took another deep drag, hoped he wouldn’t be noticed. 
But, of course-
Steve didn’t even ask, just took the cigarette out of Billy’s mouth, taking a long fucking drag. 
He rolled his shoulders, let his head fall back, blowing the smoke out towards the sky. 
“Y’know, I fucking quit smoking because of her. Not like I did it a lot, but still .” Billy just stayed quiet. He really didn’t want to talk about Steve’s fucking girlfriend. “Because I actually cared .” Oh, now wait a minute.
“What happened?” 
Steve shot him a dark look.
“You weren’t inside?” 
Billy just gestured to the cigarette Steve was now sucking on once again. Billy kept his focus on Steve’s left earlobe. Didn’t care to get a semi just from looking at his lips. 
“Lovers’ quarrel?”
“Does repeatedly being called bullshit and having her tell you she doesn’t love you count as a lovers’ quarrel?”
“Yeah.” Steve tossed the cigarette to the ground, stomping it out. Billy didn’t know what to say. 
What he wanted to say was you ever sucked dick? And then maybe take Steve’s mind off of everything by fucking his face, but that felt a little forward, felt a little gay. 
“ Fuck .”
Oh, shit. 
Steve was fucking, Steve was gonna cry. Standing outside with Billy, barely lit by the light filtering through the small frosted bathroom window. 
“ Next week .” Steve’s voice cracked. “We would’ve been together one year next week. And she was pretending .” Steve slumped back against the wall, his face buried in both his hands. “I, I changed everything for her. I stopped seeing my friends because she didn’t like them, I stopped smoking because she said it was gross, I changed who I am as a fucking person. And you know, granted, I am a better person. But I’m different, because of her, and she just, she threw all of it away.”
He sniffed loudly, his shoulders stuttering. 
Billy felt like his guts were on fucking fire. 
“Fuck her. Fuck her. You are a good guy. And if she’s too much of a bitch to see that, she doesn’t deserve you.” Steve didn’t acknowledge him for a while. Billy just let it be, lit another cigarette. 
“I think I’m gonna go home. I wanna see my cat.” Steve sounded like a little kid. Like a heartbroken little kid. 
“You good to drive?” And Steve finally pulled his head out of his hands. 
His big eyes were shining, his cheeks wet, glistening in the low light. 
“I don’t drink anymore. Because she said I’m an asshole when I’m drunk.”
Billy weighed his words carefully. 
“I’ve got a bottle of tequila in my car if you wanna stick it to her.” Steve gave him a watery smile. 
“You wanna follow me to my place?”
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mrkcore · 3 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: na jaemin x f!reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: jaemin as DC’s nightwing/dick greyson, hero!jaemin
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you’re the one picking him up, piece by piece, even when you’re gone.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, fluff
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): profanity, character deaths, blood, gun use
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.3k (woopwoop!)
𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨: ghost of you - 5sos, lie to me - 5sos, woke up in japan - 5sos, want you back - 5sos, more - 5sos, better man - 5sos, moving along - 5sos, thin white lies - 5sos, red desert - 5sos, lonely heart - 5sos, high - 5sos (just me being 5 seconds of summer trash)
𝐚/𝐧: part of @nct-writers​ collab, the heartbreak hotel (this is probably the longest fic i’m ever going to write, so pls gimmie feedback i will love you forever)
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“imagine you're watching a runaway trolley barreling down the tracks straight towards five workers who you do not know and can't escape. you happen to be standing next to a switch that will divert the trolley onto a second track. here's the problem. that track has a worker on it, too, just one, but they’re not a stranger. what do you do? do you sacrifice that one person to save five?”
jaemin regrets being the hero in the story. 
jaemin regrets everything.
he constantly ponders the situation playing out where he wasn’t the protagonist. people have always said, “a hero would sacrifice you to save the planet, but a villain would sacrifice the planet to save you”. jaemin always thought that was bullshit, but now he knows the despairing truth. 
he regrets, he regrets, he regrets. but regret won’t bring you back.
you seemed so sure when you told him to let you go and it’d be okay, it wasn’t his fault. how was it so easy for you to think and say that? not his fault? he was basically the reason you’re dead. he just found you after so many years, now you’re gone again; but this time, it’s for real, forever.
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jaemin remembers the cold tiny room he was forced to sleep in with the other children in the circus. 
it was a nightmare every single day. with kids screaming, singing, laughing, and running around the room, nobody could get any sleep. what made it worse was that jaemin had no one to talk to. 
none of the other boys liked him, being handsome, dubbed the “face of haly’s circus”, always talking behind your back how the boss always favoured him because he was bringing so many more views in. girls swarming around jaemin ever since him and his parents ever joined, it was so obvious that he was the most popular. jaemin never liked the attention, he was only trying to survive after all.
then, you arrived. 
y/n, the confounding witch, they called you. 
conjuring up little tricks for audience members, brewing up drinks to transform participants into different species of animals, and controlling birds in cages were only a few acts you could do.
the first day boss introduced you to everyone, you seemed so bright and excited to be joining. your unique eye smile, bubbly personality, and caring nature drew jaemin to you. he’s seldomly trying to calm the younger kids down so everyone can rest, but your patience and compassion towards the kids were something they weren’t used to, and eventually caved in.
soon, it became quieter in that god awful room jaemin always dreaded. but jaemin's heart beat louder in his chest than ever.
jaemin was never one to show off. like we established before, the attention jaemin got was not appreciated by him. except, it became different when you arrived.
he was constantly trying to impress you, sway you, hoping the things he did for the crowds of girls that rushed to buy tickets to see him, would work for you too.
however, that was just his wishful thinking.
you were unlike any of the interactions jaemin had with the opposite gender. you were confident, yet humble, witty, intelligent, and easy-going. he is constantly flustered whenever he is engaging in a conversation with you, but tries to act nonchalant whenever he knows you’re nearby.
after shows, girls screamed and bolted towards the entrance where jaemin stood for exit duty, to say goodbye to patrons. he’d always try to be paired with you for it, trying to make you jealous. 
but of course that never happened. jaemin would always be trampled by his enthusiastic female supporters, as surges of them stopped to interact with him. flirting with them all at the same time, they all swooned over your charms. he’d always see you giggle, laughing at his bursts of confidence he’d never have with you by yourselves. 
this continued for a year, until one day, you let something slip.
“ladies, ladies, i’m so glad you could join us for today.” jaemin smiled at the groups in front of him, glancing at you walking an elderly couple out of the tent. “make sure to take good care of yourselves, wouldn’t want anything happening to any of you sweet gals.” and cue the squeals. 
“hope you had fun pretty boy.” you directed to him calmly, as you walked back into the circus. jaemin’s head snapped to stare at your back. he’s stunned, did you just call him a “pretty boy”? 
remembering that the crowd in front of him was still there, he reacted quickly.
“i guess it’s time for me to go, i’ll catch you lovely girls at my next show, i hope.” he leaves with a wink, following your path straight towards you. 
finding you in your little assigned room, jaemin barged in, gaze fixated right on you, not even thinking what to say.
“oh, jaemin, hey.” you say, not even batting an eye, you’re focused on the book in your hands. “what’s up?”
“you called me pretty boy.” he breathed out. 
“yeah i did,” you’re still not paying attention to him. “what about it?”
“you think i’m pretty?” jaemin is suddenly very close to you, his hand caressing your face, lifting your line of sight up to meet his gaze. 
his eyes are sparkling, cheeks a slight tint of pink, with a look of determination. of course you thought he was pretty, anyone who said otherwise would either be lying, or have never seen his gorgeous face.
jaemin must’ve been acting impulsively, because when he realized how close he was to your face, he immediately pulled back.
“i am so sorry,” he says in disbelief. “i don’t know what came over me.”
“it’s okay,” you smile at him, grabbing his hand to where it was before. “i liked it.”
jaemin is flustered again, standing completely frozen as he admires your face up close. 
you’re breathtakingly beautiful. he’s known that you were attractive, but this just created even more butterflies in his stomach. 
“and yes, i do think you’re pretty.” you wink at him.
and that’s where it started.
you and jaemin started spending time together more.
jaemin was still a bit nervous and frenzied at the beginning, but that melted away, and his flirty, outgoing, and annoyingly confident side was revealed to you.
you were also quite popular amongst the other boys in the circus, so when you two were seen more frequently together, they started spreading rumours about jaemin to get you two away from each other.
“oh jaemin’s just trying to use them.”
“jaemin thinks after getting with them, he’s going to cross all of the names off his list.”
“he’s such a player, y’n’s too good for him.”
of course you’d hear them more often than him, the guys would always say these kinds of things around you.
but you know they’re just trying to stir up trouble. so you ignore them. 
just like how jaemin ignores the talk about you amongst his female supporters.
“she’s trying to take him away from us.”
“he’s not as happy anymore.”
“she thinks she’s all that, he’s probably just a new notch in her belt.”
of course jaemin would never listen to them. they’d never know about the secrets you had together, sneaking out of your rooms and sitting on the roof at night stargazing, your note exchanging, late night talks; they knew none of that. 
“i wish things weren’t like this,” you sighed, leaning on his shoulder as you two look at the early sunrise. “i wish we could be free and do whatever we want. this is so unfair.”
jaemin has never really thought about that. every day, his head was flooded with you. but now he thinks about it, it truly was unfair.
jaemin wishes he could take you on on real dates, take you on meaningful trips to explore the rest of the world. not hidden in this awful place where you could barely talk to each other in public. jaemin wishes he could give you more.
“it’s not your fault nana,” you look up at him like you’ve read his mind and know he’s overthinking. “there’s nothing you can do.”
“yeah,” jaemin exhales. “i know.” he tries to smile when you reach up to caress his face, you look at him with so much fondness, jaemin’s worries are almost all blown away. but you know he’s going to be pondering about this for the next week.
“maybe this just how it’s meant to be, our wicked fate.”
but all the gossip got to the point where the boss heard about it, and asked you guys to talk in his office.
“i think we should end it here.” you say one night on the roof, seemingly out of the blue.
“what?” jaemin is speechless, where did that come from? did he hear you wrong?
“he literally asked us to talk,” you’re facing the ground, not even daring to look at him. “it’s serious this time.”
“so you’re going to just throw all of this away?” jaemin asks, slightly furious. “just because of what a bunch of losers are saying?”
“it’s for the best,” you’re still not looking at him. “for the both of us.”
when you finally do look up to see jaemin’s reaction, you see tears in his eyes and you wish you hadn’t looked up.
“fine, if that’s what you want.” jaemin turns around and walks away, breaking that silence.
but what jaemin didn’t know was that it broke your heart to pieces. it took you so much courage to break it off with him, but in the end, you knew what boss haly was capable of. you needed to protect him, so if this is how it needed to go, it’s for the best.
the meeting the next day went smoothly, it was easy for both of you to deny everything since jaemin was giving you the cold shoulder. you didn’t need to pretend. it was for the sake of the both of you.
after the meeting, you didn’t get the chance to talk to jaemin as he rushed to get ready for his special act today. but it’s not like he would listen to you anyways, you couldn’t blame him.
you felt the aura of the circus today, it felt off. very off. 
maybe it was because you were so shaken by you and jaemin's fight. maybe it was nothing, and you were just overreacting. everything was probably fine.
except it wasn’t.  
as all of the spectators settled into their seats, when you tried to peak through the curtain to see the turnout, and as expected, it was packed.
but something catches your eye. a black raven flies in, the ambience in the tent suddenly changes so fast if gives you whiplash. this isn’t good. this isn’t good at all. something bad is going to happen, really bad. 
you’ve never seen that bird in your entire life, and it suddenly hits you.
someone is going to die tonight.
you pray and pray it’s going to be fine, but the unsettling energy gets to you. you need to tell someone.
“jaemin, jaemin!” you call out to him. he turns around, but when he sees you, his face turns sour. your heart sinks, but what you’re about to tell him is more important, so you brush it away.
“what do you want.” he snarls, you gulp back a sob. 
“something bad’s going to happen, i can feel it.” tears are threatening to spill out of you eyes. “someone’s going to die, and i don’t know what to do.”
“oh, so now you care?” jaemin rolls his eyes. “are you jealous that it’s my show tonight and all of those girls front row are here to see me and think they have a chance with me?” you’re shocked by his words, your eyes are wide. you never thought he was capable of saying something like that. “you’re just a little witch, and it’s all just an act. let it go.” tears stream down your face as jaemin huffs and walks away, strutting into the crowd as the ringmaster announces their act: “the flying greysons!”.
and jaemin was wrong. you were right. something awful happened that day.
jaemin watches helplessly as his parents’ high wires snaps and they pummel to their death. 
you were right. and he couldn’t do anything about it.
jaemin runs away that night as he leaves you in that horrible place by yourself, and you never see him again.
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and here jaemin is. 10 years after the incident, a college student by day, leader of a crime fighting superhero team by night.
after the incident of his parents’ death, mr. jung jaehyun finds him on his path. crying, sobbing, and vulnerable. jaehyun takes jaemin in under his wing. providing him shelter, food, and as much support as he could. jaemin slowly realized jaehyun’s second identity: batman. 
jaemin has heard of jaehyun’s street name. but he’d never thought that he’d meet him in real life, and batman would be someone so similar to him. jaehyun saw a reflection of his younger self, the grief of losing your parents, the reality check of the world being a cruel place at a young age, he didn’t want jaemin to spiral in the same way he did. 
so even though jaemin lived a life of normalcy, his past never stopped coming back to haunt him. 
especially you.
jaehyun dug up some information about the circus, and piles and piles of their dark secrets were revealed. so did the truth of jaemin’s parents’ deaths too. how a well-known and feared crime-lord, threatened the circus unless the owner paid extortion money. boss haly refused, and that night someone messed with the equipment for the performance, resulting in the catastrophe. 
you were right all along, and jaemin didn’t listen to you. it was his fault, everything was his fault.
he even left you there by yourself, all alone, and he never got to say goodbye. oh how wishes he could see you one last time, and say all those things he wanted to these years. 
nightmares woke him throughout elementary school, middle school, high school, and even sometimes during his college time.
the same dream over and over, you reaching your hand out for jaemin to grab and save, but he’s too far away. and you fade away. 
inspired by what jaehyun did to help him, jaemin started to do the same. 
with a bunch of lost and uncared for young kids in new york, jaemin took them under his wing like jaehyun did with him.
with help from trusted individuals he met on the street, mark, renjun, jeno, and haechan, they started to take care of chenle and jisung full time. getting them off the street, given proper shelter, food, water, clean clothes, and access to education, this was the start of the dreamies. 
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today was the same as any other.
jaemin’s philosophy and law studies class has just finished up and he’s walking to his favourite cafe to finish up some work.
“jaemin?” he hears a familiar voice behind him. 
he turns around and sees you. you haven’t changed a bit, still as homely and comforting as he can remember.
is he in a dream right now? how is this possible? 
“oh gosh, it really is you.” you laughed, the same laugh you had. jaemin feels this unknown warmth and reassurance with you here, like a weight has just been lifted off his shoulders.
“y/n.” he finally speaks. your eyes glimmer, looking at him affectionately.
“yep, right here in the flesh.” jaemin starts tearing up. “oh you big baby, why are you crying?”
jaemin pulls you in as he hugs your waist.
surprised by his emotional state, you were going to speak up again. but you choose not to. standing there, a bit awkwardly, stroking his soft hair, embracing him.
and you’re back. 
jaemin learns that you recently moved to new york city recently for your journalist job position, and you’re looking for a place to move in to.
he’s quick to offer his place, even though he’s still in college, his apartment is big enough for two people.
“are you sure?” you’re hesitant to accept his suggestion. “i don't want to be a big burden. you’re probably really busy as a student.”
“no, i’m fine.” he responds, enthusiastically. “my schedule is pretty much free since i’m third year now.”
and you accept. saying you’re only going to crash for a while until you found another place.
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cherishing the time you had together, during the day, jaemin went to his lectures while you went to work, but when you got home, you did everything together. to the point where jaemin barely saw the dreamies, his crime-fighting crew.
staying up to watch the stars and sunrise, talking and laughing until your eyes were threatening to close. conversing about literally anything. 
but as time went by, you noticed that jaemin didn’t really want to talk about what happened back at the circus. you understood since he lost his parents that night, but he never asked you about how you left and ended up in new york. but you don’t push it, you understand that it’s a rough patch in both of you guys’ lives. 
“do you have anything that you regret?” you ask one night, you truly were just curious.
“not listening to you that night.” he says, monotone. “and leaving you by yourself at the circus when i ran away.”
“jaemin…” you start, but no words leave your mouth.
“fuck!” jaemin abruptly exclaims, mood crashing, turning furious. “it’s all that bastard haly’s fault.”
you shouldn’t have asked.
“if he didn’t make that fucking circus, everything would have been fine! it’s his fault, all his fault, i’m going to get revenge and kill that son-of-a-bitch one day!” he’s yelling now. “we could have met in normal circumstances, we could’ve gotten married, created a family, enjoyed life like all of these snarky city folk. why?”
you wipe the tears that are rolling down his face as he turns to cry in your chest. 
“i’m sorry i brought this up.” you pat his head as his sobs turn into soft snores, head in your lap. “maybe this just how it’s meant to be, our cruel fate.” 
it’s been a year now. it doesn’t seem like you’re moving out anytime soon, but jaemin’s not complaining. he loves having you here, you’ve become a standard part of his day. 
with jaemin more adapted to your appearance, he has started to become more involved with the dreamies.
helping 10-15 kids each month, the squad has advanced to milestones jaemin never thought it’d be at. he is so thankful to have the group and you there supporting him.
you’ve even discussed marriage. 
“y/n na has a nice ring to it, y’know.” jaemin beams.
“you’re such a softie.” you giggle out, but jaemin knows you like it. 
jaemin knows you want to wait until you have a stable job and when he graduates, but the thought always makes him elated. 
“what song would you play for our first dance at out wedding?” he asked one morning, waking up to the sun shining heavenly on you.
“hmm,” you grin. “best part, daniel caesar, h.e.r.”
“you’re perfect.” jaemin kisses your face as you cuddle into his warm chest.
imagining you in a white dress, walking up to the alter on your wedding day, saying your vows, slow dancing. you’re the only person jaemin has visioned a future with, and the only person jaemin wants a future with. 
the next day, you agree to slow dance with him in the living room.
jaemin is on cloud nine.
but like the old saying, all good things must come to an end. 
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it’s been 5 years now.
jaemin comes home one night to the apartment door open, which is really unusual.
jaemin thinks it might be a robbery, but nothing is stolen, the apartment looked the same as it was when he left this morning.
but you’re nowhere to be found. jaemin isn’t panicked, maybe you went on a walk and forgot to close the door–
there’s a note on the dining room table.
“meet me on the top of the empire state building to see y/n, if you bring someone else, it’ll be for the last time.”
what is that supposed to mean?
was it one of the dreamies’ past enemies trying to get back at them? 
nonetheless, jaemin is bolting out the door.
when he gets there, he sees the dreamies tied up, sitting and struggling at the feet of someone jaemin never thought he’d see ever again. c.c. haly, the owner of haly’s circus jaemin escaped a whole decade ago.
haly smirks as he sees jaemin approaching, but jaemin is scowling. 
“what are you doing here?” jaemin snaps out, carefully advancing.
“i’m here to finish what you started.” haly says.
“how did you even find me?” jaemin snarls, stopping a fair distance between him and haly. “how did you find my friends?”
unexpectedly, haly starts to cackle loudly at his questions. turning around to reveal someone who has been absent, someone jaemin would never have thought of.
jaemin’s mind is internally crashing. why are you with haly? what is going on?
“y/n, do you want to explain to our dear jaemin here what’s going on?” haly finds so much amusement playing with you both, watching this event unfold.
“jaemin, i’m so sorry.” your lips are trembling, tears are starting to flood your vision.
“so it was all a lie?” jaemin can’t believe it. “everything that happened this year, it was just you building up to just stab me in the back?”
“i did it to protect you.” you’re sobbing hard now.
“save it.” jaemin cuts you off, now focusing on haly. “what do you want.”
“i want you dead.” haly says, blankly. 
“so what’s the deal.” the dreamies’ mouths were duct taped, but their muffled cries can still be heard.
haly is howling again.
“i get to kill you,” haly grins sinisterly. “and i let y/n and your little friends free.”
“if jaemin says yes, let me say one last thing to him.” your crying has stopped. “it’s the least you can do.”
jaemin is confused. are you just offering him up to haly with no fight? what are you thinking?
you look at him with pleading eyes, asking him to trust you. 
the same eyes he saw that day his parents died, and he knows to trust you.
“okay,” jaemin states boldly. “i say yes. now let y/n talk to me.”
haly is stunned. how did you convince jaemin to agree so quick? maybe haly was right to use you this time. the least he could do is to let jaemin and you have time to still pretend to be in love. so haly allows you to walk up to jaemin to talk.
“y/n, what are you doing.” jaemin whispers frantically.
“trust me, trust me this time.” you glance at him with weary eyes. “when i’m walking back to haly, when i signal to you, i want you to grab your friends and run. can you do that for me?” 
“what?” jaemin tries not to react to much that haly catches on, but do you hear what you’re suggesting? “you want me to just leave you here again?”
“jaemin listen to me, i’ll be fine. trust me.”
and you turn around, not letting jaemin respond.
there’s nothing he can do but go along with your plan.
and when you signal to him behind your back, jaemin grabs the dreamies and drags them away. everything is a whirlwind and happens in a flash. jaemin looks back and you’re struggling trying to get the gun out of haly’s hand. 
you notice jaemin stopping.
“jaemin, fucking RUN.” you scream at him.
there’s nothing he can do. and he hates himself that he got himself in this situation again. so he runs again, like the coward he is.
jaemin runs, because literally the dreamies’ lives are depending on him. when he gets them to safety, when he unties jeno, jeno pushes him towards where they came from.
“go.” jeno is huffing trying to catch his breath after removing the duct tape off his mouth. “i’ll untie everyone else, go get her.”
jaemin looks at jeno, and turns back for you.
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when jaemin arrives back at the scene, you’re on the ground. he runs panic-stricken to you, finding you bleeding out really hard. 
“y/n? y/n, y/n please, are you okay?” he’s shaking you, distraught seeing you in this state.
“jaemin, i’m okay.” you say, barely any breath left in you. “i have the gun here, haly is behind the big box over there.”
“y/n, what are you talking about, we need to get you to the hospital.” jaemin tries to pick you up but you don’t allow him.
“use the gun and kill him.” you mutter out, quieter than before. “it’s what you wanted, jaemin. and he’ll be gone.” you’re smiling softly just thinking about it.
“y/n, are you insane? you’re going to die i could care less about haly, i’m taking you to the hospital–”
“jaemin let me go.” you mumble, stroking his cheek while you’re examining his pretty face for the last time. “it’ll be okay, it’s not your fault.”
“y/n…” jaemin’s tears are staining his shirt as he holds you tightly, trying to preserve your life.
“i love you, na jaemin.” a tear falls from your dazed gaze and trickles down your cold face. “i’m sorry that this is how it’s meant to be, our cruel fate.”
and you’re gone. 
jaemin screams. tears dripping down his face, he picks up the gun beside you and storms towards haly.
he’s basically sitting in a pool of his own blood and has no strength to get up anymore.
“is little greyson here to get revenge for his parents and little witch y/n?” he cackles even in the last moments of his life.
“yeah i am, they didn’t die for you to see another day too.”
haly is laughing sadistically again as if jaemin just told a joke, but the laughter subsides after the bullets fire through haly’s limp body. 
and he’s dead too. leaving jaemin alone, again. 
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it’s been 2 years since you’ve died.
here he is, waking up. still can’t sleep on your side.
he really can’t sleep on your side, because it reminds him of those times where he woke up to your warm embrace, and now it’s desolately cold.
there’s your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time.
he’s saved everything you had, and hasn’t touched anything. he’s also saved everything you shared, your bed, your apartment, everything. he needs those to remind him of those bittersweet memories of you.
when jaemin was going through your stuff, he finds a piece of paper on your work desk.
my dear jaemin,
when you find this, i’m probably going to be gone. but that’s okay, and i’ll tell you why.
first of all, thank you so much for these past 5 years. thank you for showing me what living life is like, what being a part of a family is like, and what being in love is like. you told me you wished you could give me a normal life, and you really fulfilled your wish. 
you must have so many questions right now, so i’m going to answer them.
i never left haly’s after you ran away. i couldn’t. because he was threatened by so many mobs and gangs everywhere, he had to kill off the other people that were a part of the circus. but he kept me. because i was the key to you. the government started an investigation into him, and he needed to keep a low-profile, but he still was angry that you didn’t die that night too. so he plotted this for years, and i just had to go along with it.
at first, i only agreed because i wanted to see you. i was young and still naive at the time, thinking that he wanted to see you too. but as i got older, i saw what he was planning. he would kill me in front of you and then take you out as well if i didn’t do as he said, so i kept quiet. i really did this to protect you.
i enjoyed every second being with you. you showed me the meaning of life i heard our patrons talk about. you showed me what true love was when i saw those elderly couples walking together as they look at each other adoringly while telling me they’ve been in love and married for decades. if i could choose to stay with you for a lifetime, i would, i would choose it a million times.
but i thought very long about this, and it truly is the only way.
remember when i asked you if you regretted anything that night? you mentioned how you regretted not listening to me, how you left me alone at the circus. and that’s when i realized, it was indeed our cruel fate.
you feel bad for me. you feel bad that you didn’t listen, you feel bad for leaving me at the circus, but it’s been over a decade. i know with me constantly here, you’re never going to stop feeling guilty, you’d never let the past go. we’re too young, too dumb, to know things like love. but i know better now. 
so jaemin, i did what i had to do. the best for the both of us. you got your revenge for your parents, and you’ll stop feeling guilty because i don’t want to hold you back and keep you feeling like this forever. 
i’m sorry jaemin i put you through all of this, and reminder that this is not your fault.
my love, nana, truly, truly, truly, thank you for everything. everything, everything, everything. 
there wasn’t a single day where i stopped wanting you. i want you in the most innocent form, i want to say goodnight to you and give you forehead kisses and say i love you when you feel at your worst. i want you in ways where i just want to be next to you and nothing more or less. i wish i could explain your eyes, oh how i adore your angel eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. how your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time i’m with you, i feel so complete. i swear when our lips touched, i could taste the remaining years of my life. i want you to know that when i picture myself happy, it’s with you.
i’ve looked at you in millions of ways, and i have loved you in every way.
but this is how it’s meant to be, our cruel fate.
my pretty boy, i love you forever.
his tears are ruining the page, and jaemin tries to wipe his tears away to save the letter.
when he turns around, he swears he can see you. and he chases it down, with a shot of truth.
maybe if he dreams long enough, you’d tell him he’d be just fine.
walking into the living room, remembering how you guys would slow dance like it was your wedding. your wedding. 
and he drowns it out, like he always does. dancing through your house, with a shot of truth, that his feet don’t dance, like the way they did with you.
jaemin knows your letter was right, he’s going to slowly get better, but he needs some time. meanwhile, he needs something help him cope, to get him by. 
so he’s dancing through your house, with the ghost of you.
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©mrkcore, 2021.
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nowandajenn · 3 years
Can i ask for a fic wich chris and reader had a fight and broke up and chris really want to take her back but can't find her because she was mad and change her adress and number but he didn't give up and finally find her but also find out that she has their new born Triplet ?!
So I’m finally just now getting around to writing this, and I apologize for it taking so long to get done! I did decide to make it twins instead of triplets, because triplets is a fucking lot lol. I hope you still enjoy it!
Not proofread. All mistakes are my own. 
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It had taken months to find you. After the break up, you had essentially become a ghost. You changed your phone number, you moved, and it seemed like nobody knew where you had gone, and the ones that did know sure as hell weren’t about to tell him how to find you. He had been a complete idiot; going to lunch with Jenny and spending time with her while he had a girl that he was slowly falling in love with waiting for him. They had such a strong history together though, and so many memories shared together, that he couldn’t seem to just walk away from it all. 
Of course, they had been snapped out at a restaurant together, talking and laughing, and it wasn’t long until the pictures hit the internet and your friends and family had been blowing up your phone, asking what the hell was going on. Your relationship with Chris was still fairly new, as you’d only been seeing each other for about eight months or so, and you were trying to enjoy just being with Chris and being happy while also worrying that you were a rebound for him after he and his ex had broken up a second time.
Chris had come home later that evening with flowers for you, only to find you going around the house packing up all of the stuff that you had kept there. He had recently been bringing up you moving in with him since you spent most of your time there anyway, but you felt like it was too soon, and you didn’t know if he was quite as ready for that step as he said he was. Now you were really glad that you had held off. 
The two of you had stood there and fought and argued, you telling him that you deserved more than to just be a rebound to try and help him get over the girl who he once claimed was “the love of his life” and you weren’t going to stick around if he was going to go behind your back and spend time with her and try and rekindle things for a third time. You told him that he was an idiot to think that the third time would be the charm when it hadn’t worked out the first two times they’d been together. He tried to explain that even though they had broken up, he still cared about her and just because they spent time together didn’t mean that they were getting back together. He told you that you absolutely were not a rebound, and he was falling in love with you, but you weren’t hearing it. You had picked up your duffel bag, and with a kiss to his cheek and hugging Dodger around the neck and stifling a small sob into his fur, you had walked out of his life. 
It didn’t take long to see what a huge idiot he had been, and how wrong he had been to see Jenny and not tell you about it or have any sort of conversation about it. He hated that you had been blindsided, and he hated that he made you feel like he was using you as a distraction or something to fill the void left after Jenny left. He tried to text you and call you, but all the texts were left on “delivered” and you would reject his calls, until one day he tried calling you and a stranger answered and told Chris that he had the wrong number. He finally psyched himself up enough to try and swing by your apartment to see if you would at least see him and let him try and apologize, but when he showed up, your apartment was empty and the landlord said that you had moved out and hadn’t left a forwarding address. He was heartbroken. He had tried talking to your friends, but they were unfailingly loyal to you, and wouldn’t tell him anything. 
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It had taken just over seven months, and a lot of failed tries, but he finally had an address in his hand. It was in Chicago, where you had grown up, and he had booked the first flight that he could. He wasn’t sure if you would slam the door in his face or punch him or even open the door to him, but he had to try. If he didn’t, he knew he’d regret it. 
Chris takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, nerves suddenly overtaking him and making his stomach turn itself into knots. After a few seconds, he knocks again and hears a male voice yell “Coming!” His heart drops, immediately assuming that you had moved on from him and he lost his shot. 
The door swings open, and he’s surprised to see an older man, probably in his mid 50s, standing in the doorway. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Uh.....sorry, I think I have the wrong address. I was looking for y/n y/l/n. I’m Chris.” 
The man steps forward onto the porch, making Chris fall back a couple steps. 
“Oh, I know exactly who you are. You’re the one my daughter wouldn’t shut up about for a few months, and then never wanted to speak about again.”
Chris swallows hard, his mouth dry as the desert and feeling a little scared, because  your dad looks kind of mean and like he could lay him out if he wanted to. Your dad turns around and walks back into the house, slamming the door behind him. 
He exhales hard and turns around to walk back to his rental car. 
“That went about as well as I thought it would.” he mutters to himself. 
He’s halfway back to the car when he hears your front door open. He looks up and his breath catches when he sees you standing there, your arms crossed over your chest. You’re wearing a pair of jean shorts that show off your legs and a baggy Tshirt, your hair thrown up in a messy bun. You look like you’ve gained a little bit of weight since the last time he saw you, but it looks good on you. 
“Hey.” he breathes out. 
Your jaw clenches. “How did you find me?”
“Well, you didn’t make it easy. I had Josh track you down. It took a lot longer than I wanted it to. I would have been here about seven months ago if I had known where you were, but nobody would tell me.” 
You scoff. “Yet here you are. Because Chris Evans just doesn’t know when to give up.” 
He winces slightly, knowing that you’re not just referring to his search for you, but the whole thing with Jenny that caused your breakup. 
You both stand there in silence for a few minutes, unsure what to do next, when you breathe out a heavy sigh and wave your arm towards the house, gesturing for him to come in. 
“Come on. We have a lot to talk about.” you tell him.
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Your dad shoots him a glare as you lead him into the house, and he swallows hard and follows you into the kitchen, taking your offer of a bottle of water and sitting at the table with you. He’s so focused on you that he doesn’t really take in his surroundings. If he did, what comes out of your mouth wouldn’t have almost shocked him into a heart attack. 
“I tried calling you a couple times over the past few months, but every time I did, I got your assistant, or a P.A. or someone else. I left a message with my number with someone, but I’m assuming that you never got it, or you just didn’t care.”
He shakes his head almost violently. “I never got it. I don’t know who you gave it to, but it never got back to me.” 
You lean back in your chair and take a deep breath. 
“About a month after we broke up, I found out I was pregnant.”
Chris is pretty sure his heart stops beating for a few seconds, and then he realizes that he’s holding his breath. He lets it out in a deep exhale and his heart starts hammering in his rib cage. 
“You.....we.......what?” he gasps.  
“The doctor said I was 7 or 8 weeks at the time. I......I was due to get another shot but I had been so busy that I forgot about it, and.....well. At first, I wasn’t sure I was even going to keep the baby, honestly. We had just broken up and I didn’t know if you even wanted kids right now, or with me, and it took me a while to come to terms with everything. I tried calling you once I decided that I was going to keep it. I knew you had a right to know, even though I was pissed at you and hurt.”
I look over and Chris is just staring at me, gaping like a fish. 
“So....you had a.....we have a.....” he takes a deep breath. “We have a baby?”
“Uh, well......I guess you must have some really strong sperm because we kind of.....have two.” 
Chris looks like he’s about to pass out, and I shove his bottle of water towards him and he drains the rest of it in one go. 
“Look, I don’t need anything from you. We’ll be okay. We’ve been staying here with my dad and he’s been helping out, and I’m getting help from the state. We never talked about having kids, and I know that this is just being dropped on you out of nowhere. If you want a paternity test, we can go today if you want. I’m not trying to trap you into anything or trick you. You have your own life and you’re.....well, you’re you. And I’m nobody. Nobody outside of your family and close friends even knew we were together.”
I know I’m rambling, but I’m nervous and I know I should just stop and let things sink in. We sit there in silence for a while, and I can tell that Chris’ brain is working to try and digest all of the new information and the fact that he’s a father twice over now. I need to do something to keep myself busy, because I can’t keep just sitting there in silence, so I go over to the sink and start washing dishes. 
Chris gets snapped out of his reverie when he hears a sharp cry ring out. He looks around wildly before realizing that it’s coming from a baby monitor on the kitchen counter. You drop the dish your holding in the soapy water and wipe your hands on a dish towel before turning and running upstairs. 
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Chris isn’t even really sure he realizes that his feet are even moving before he finds himself upstairs in the doorway of the nursery. He stands there, feeling like his head is disconnected from the rest of his body, watching as you lean over the crib and lift out an impossibly tiny baby who can’t be more than a month old. 
“Shhh, it’s okay. You’re okay.” you whisper, holding the baby against your chest. You turn around and see Chris standing there in the doorway, still looking shocked out of his skin. 
“Come here.” you say softly, beckoning him over. 
He walks over to the crib slowly, his eyes on the infant in your arms and then on the one still sleeping. 
“This is Steven Lucas Evans” you say softly, kissing the baby you’re holding on the forehead, “and that is Christopher Michael Evans.” 
Tears immediately fill his eyes and he inhales deeply, his breath stuttering. 
“How old are they?” 
“Three weeks and two days.” you tell him. 
Chris can’t keep his eyes from drifting in between his two sons, and not wanting to be left out, his namesake wakes up and starts making soft little noises. 
“Go ahead. Pick him up.” you tell him softly. 
“Yeah?” he asks. 
You nod. 
Chris leans over the crib and gently lifts Christopher out, holding him gently against his chest. He’s soft and perfect and has that amazing baby smell that drives people nuts, and Chris feels like his heart is about to explode. He walks a few steps over to you and gazes down at his other son, taking note of both babies’ bright blue eyes. 
“How can you love someone so much you’ve just met?” he breathes. 
You give a small, watery laugh. “I ask myself that every day.” 
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Watching Chris with his baby sons is everything you didn’t know you needed. You told yourself that even if Chris didn’t want to be involved, you would get through it and you would be fine. But seeing him sitting in the cushy armchair in the nursery with a baby in each arm is more than you could have hoped for. 
“Tell me about when they were born.” Chris pleads. 
“I went into labor on the 23rd of last month, but they weren’t born until about 6pm the next night. I was in labor for about 20 hours. The doctor wanted to go in and get them, but I knew they’d come on their own time. Christopher was born first, and then 15 minutes later, Stevie showed up. He was screaming before he was even fully out.” 
He squeezes his eyes shut. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I wish I could have seen it.” 
“You still can.” 
You pull up a few videos on your phone from different stages of your labor, and one of Christopher being born and then Steven coming along. Tears are running down Chris’ face as he watches, and he’s laughing and crying at the same time, completely overwhelmed with emotion. You flip through a ton of pictures on your phone of you through the pregnancy, and then of labor, and the first pictures of you and the babies. 
“Can you sent these to me? Just....everything you have?” he asks. 
“Yeah. Not a problem.” 
After making bottles and feeding one while Chris feeds the other, a double diaper change, and laying them back down in the crib, you both sit back down. 
“You didn’t get two cribs?” Chris asks. 
“No. I couldn’t really afford two, and when we were in the hospital, they would cry if they weren’t near each other, so the nurses just put them both in the same bassinet and they would calm down. So it all worked out.” I tell him. 
“Come back to Massachusetts with me.” he blurts out. 
He says it so suddenly and with such conviction that I’m speechless for a minute. 
“No, just please.....I love you. I love you and I was an idiot and you had every right to leave me. But being without you has been hell, and I don’t want to be without you. And I can’t go back and not have you or them there with me. I want to be there for everything. I want to see everything. I won’t let you do everything on your own. You don’t have to struggle and get state aid. You can move in with me, or I can get you an apartment close by........just......please come home with me.” 
“Chris, slow down. Listen, you’re their father. You can have as much access to them as you want. I’m not going to take them away from you or keep you from seeing them. That’s the last thing I want. But moving back to Boston......I don’t even have a job right now. I’ve been doing freelance articles for the last few months to get by. And we have all this stuff....and there’s furniture and......” 
“You can write from anywhere. You’re so talented; you’ll find a job in no time. I promise. Until then, I can take care of you guys. That’s my job now. As for all the stuff, I can get a UHaul trailer and we can drive back. Or I’ll get a moving company to move it and we can fly back. It doesn’t matter. We can make this work.” 
I can see the desperation in his eyes and how badly he wants this, and it’s enough to break my heart, and I don’t have it in me to tell him no. 
I sigh heavily. “We have a lot to work out and talk about.....but I don’t want you to miss out on anything with the boys. So.......I guess we’re taking a road trip.....with two infants........halfway across the country.” 
Chris grabs me and hugs me to him tightly. 
“It’ll be our first family vacation. I can’t wait for Mom to meet them. She’s going to lose her mind over them. And you.....she’s missed you so much. You have no idea the verbal ass kicking I got from her after you left.”
You smile. “Glad to know that a grown man is still afraid of his mommy.” 
 The Usual Suspects: @averyrogers83 @wordywarriorwrites @imanuglywombat @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @hlkwrites @reminiscingrogers @mom—nicole @jtargaryen18 @alexakeyloveloki @kelbabyblue @sarahp879 @moonlessnight14 @mojean13 @mrskokitztelford @artisticrogers1972 @southerngracela @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @mybesttobobcratchit @gracethegeek9902 @mdemontespan1667 @marvelfansworld @capslut2014 @dispatchvampire @jamielea81 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @southerngracela​ @what-is-your-plan-today @letsdisneythings​ @theladybiers @lexeeehhh @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @autumnrose40 @donutloverxo​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @jessaywahh-blog​@smediumsmeatbae @before-we-get-started​ @lizette50 @littlegasps @rageshots @what-is-your-backupplan-today @clairebubbles @patzammit @sweet--catrastophe @pandaxnienke @redhairedfeistynerd @hails270105 @syms-things-5 @chezdricks @denisemarieangelina @christ0pher-evans @supersquirrel1996
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eyayah-oya · 3 years
The Father You’ll Be
Boil/Waxer with a side of Cody/Rex
Rating: G
Warnings: there is brief mention of the cadets dying during the Battle of Kamino. Nothing graphic, but there are mentions.
for @clonehavensotm
Ao3 link
           Boil walked into the barracks and began stripping off his armor, desperately ready to go to sleep.  After a long day of fighting, the 212th and the 501st worked with Rancor to clear up the debris around Kamino, until they’d been awake for approximately two and a half day cycles.  Every step felt heavier than the last, until Boil felt like he was about to fall asleep where he was standing.
           At least, he felt that exhausted until he realized Waxer was no longer behind him.  Nor was he anywhere in the barracks.
           For several moments, Boil debated the merits of just falling into bed without Waxer, but the longer he stood there without knowing where he was, the more agitated he became.  With a heavy sigh and a silent curse, Boil put his armor back on and marched out into the hallways of Kamino.  Several other vod’e tried to reach out and stop him, to try and drag him to bed, but Boil just shrugged off their concerned hands and continued on to the mess hall.
           Boil sighed heavily when he couldn’t find Waxer in the mess hall, nor could he find him back in the area they had been cleaning up. He would not be able to settle down properly until he at least knew where Waxer was and what he was doing.
           There were many places on Kamino that Waxer could be hiding.  He tended to go for a run after a high-risk battle, just to help himself settle.  But he could also have gone to the training halls to work out his energy, as there were most likely plenty of brothers who he could spar against.  Boil really should have expected this kind of reaction from Waxer.  This battle was different from any other they’d fought in before.  There was more at stake, more at risk if they failed.  Worse casualties.  They’d lost far too many ikaade when the droids crashed through one of the domes, and several barracks were overrun by droids—
           Boil froze.
           He knew exactly where Waxer was.
           With a quick about-face, Boil marched towards the Littles’ barracks.  Waxer always had a bleeding heart for anyone who was in need of help, but especially animals and children.  Numa was a perfect example of that (Boil conveniently neglected to remember how enamored he had been by the sweet Twi’lek girl).  After the kind of loss all clones had experienced that day with the death of their vod’ikase and ikaade, Waxer would want to comfort the Littles.
           “Boil?  What are you still doing awake?”
           Commander Cody was leaning against the wall, guarding a doorway with Rex by his side.  They both looked exhausted, especially since they’d been working with Rancor command while Colt and Havoc were in the medbay getting patched up.  Boil did not envy their jobs.  The two of them were effectively coordinating three battalions in the cleanup efforts with the help of Commander Blitz and ARC Hammer.  They were also the ones dealing with the casualty reports.
           “Sir,” Boil snapped off a salute.  “Just going to find Waxer, sir.”
           Cody’s brow furrowed.  “He’s not with you?  I thought I assigned the two of you to the same work crews.”
           “You did, sir,” Boil answered.  “I got to the barracks and turned around and he wasn’t there.  I have a pretty good idea of where he disappeared to, though.”
           With a strained look in his eyes, Cody nodded.  It was likely that he, too, had guessed where Waxer was, and the Commander definitely wouldn’t get mad at either of them for being in the littlest cadet dorms.  “Make sure he gets some sleep tonight.  A pile of Littles will probably help more with that than anything else at this point. Hell, I might even join you later. We lost too many of them today, and it’ll be nice to see them and make sure they’re holding up well.”
           “I’m sure they’d love that,” Rex murmured.  “The Great Marshal Commander Cody coming to visit them and hug and hold them.  They’ll love you for that.”
           Cody sighed and thunked his head back against the wall. “You’re never gonna let me live the hero worship down, are you?”
           “Nope,” Rex huffed a weak attempt at a laugh.  He sounded exhausted, just as worn as the rest of them, and more since he was also dealing with a padawan commander who stumbled upon a bunch of cadets killed by Grievous.  Boil had heard the rumors, and he was so glad neither he nor Waxer had had to see any of the bodies of their little brothers.  That would have crushed them both.
           “Bring Commander Tano,” Boil said spontaneously.  He shifted back on his feet when both the Commander and the Captain looked at him in surprise.  “Well, I think it would do her good to see the cadets, too.  And I’m sure they’d like to meet a shiny Jedi. They probably have only ever seen General Ti from a distance.”
           “Ahsoka would like that, I think,” Cody answered, looking to Rex for confirmation.  Boil wasn’t sure why.  It was well-known among the 212th and the 501st that both Rex and Cody had adopted the young Jedi and loved her as fiercely as any nat-born loved their children.  Ahsoka looked up to Cody and probably spent just as much time with him as she did with Rex.
           “We have some a few tasks left to do before we can bunk down,” Rex said slowly.  “But then we should be free to come join you.  Ahsoka is debriefing with the Generals and checking on the injured in the medbay, but I’ll try to wrangle her into coming with us.”
           Boil nodded.  “I’ll go find Waxer and let you know which barracks he’s hid himself in. I’ll see you soon, sirs.”
           Cody and Rex waved him off, and Boil continued down the hallway, each step heavy with grief and exhaustion.  He counted off the doors until he reached the bunks for the youngest cadets decanted and poked his head into each one, looking for the tell-tale sign of a puppy-pile of vod’e flopped all over Waxer.
           It wasn’t until the fifth barracks he checked that Boil finally found him.  Waxer was telling a story about one of their many missions, watered down so that it was appropriate for little audio receptors.  He had a pair of Littles curled together under each arm, and two sitting on his lap while another dozen or so piled around his legs.  His armor was neatly stacked on a nearby pod, and it was clear that Waxer was planning on spending the rest of the night here with the little ones.
           “And then these great big, hungry monsters started chasing them through the streets of Nabat.  They were closing in on Commander Cody, and his blaster wasn’t working against their tough skins.  He was trapped, weaponless, and about to be eaten.  And do you know what happened?”
           One of the Littles on his lap perked up and grinned.  “He punched them?”
           “Or kicked them!”
           “Nah, he used his blaster to beat them up!”
           “You saved the day, Waxer!” a Little chirped from where he was practically buried underneath his brothers.
           “Thank you, 53, but no.  I was actually on my own adventure with Boil at the time.  I heard about all of this after it happened,” Waxer grinned.  He looked up, caught Boil’s eye, and shrugged apologetically.
           Boil found he couldn’t really be mad at Waxer.  Not when he was helping the little vod’ikase. With a heavy sigh, Boil stripped off his armor and set it next to Waxer’s while he distracted the little brothers.
           “I’ll tell you what happened,” Waxer continued his story with a wide grin.  “General Kenobi leaped in front of the charging monsters, without his lightsaber—“
           “No!” a Little cried.  He was curled up on his brother’s lap, tucked snugly under Waxer’s right arm, but when he shouted, he sat bolt upright, horror written on every tiny, adorable feature.
           That one is going to be Cody’s.  He’s going to adopt that Little next, Boil thought to himself. As he sat down, he and Waxer exchanged a knowing look, even as his lap was immediately overrun by Littles looking for a comfortable place to curl up.  If Cody managed to adopt this one, General Kenobi would stand no chance at ever running away from medical or losing his lightsaber in battle again.  The large, sad eyes pleading with him would be his downfall.  Boil made a note to tell Cody all about this one.
           “It’s alright, 2467,” Waxer soothed and kark, the kid even had Rex’s and Cody’s numbers combined into his.  “While it’s always a bad idea to go into a dangerous situation unarmed, the General had a few tricks up his sleeve.  So, there they were, cornered by starving beasts, when General Kenobi holds up his hand, just like this.”  Waxer demonstrates with arms raised in a decent imitation of the General when he was doing his Force magic stuff.
           “What happened then?  What happened to Commander Cody and General Kenobi?” a Little from the pile at Waxer’s knees piped up.
           “With the power of his mind,” Waxer said, “he spoke to the monsters and lured them away from Commander Cody and the rest of Ghost Company.  He led them deep into an alley, where there was only one exit.  And then he ordered Ghost to shoot at the walkways above him.”
           “NO!” 2467 shouted again.  “He can’t do that!  The General’s supposed to be safe!”
           Kriff it, Boil was going to help Cody sneak the whole squad onto the Negotiator, so he could adopt this one.  After all, they would never split up a batch.
           “Commander Cody was worried, but it all turned out okay. The General used the Force to leap high over the new blockade Ghost Company created, and he landed safely outside by Commander Cody, while the monsters were stuck.  And of course, Commander Cody handed the General his lightsaber and they went on to save Nabat.  The villagers were all safe and could move back into their homes without worrying about those awful clankers taking over their homes.”            “Wow!” one of the Littles in Boil’s lap whispered.
           “I’m gonna be just like Commander Cody when I grow big and strong!” another said, leaping up to demonstrate various kicks and punches. They weren’t very coordinated yet, and it was absolutely adorable to watch.
           “You better keep practicing, vod’ika,” Rex called from the doorway.  “Someday, you’ll be just as good as Cody.  I know it.”
           He slumped against the nearest pod and began taking off his armor.  Ahsoka slunk into the room behind him, and as soon as the top half of his armor was off, she attached herself to his back.  Her thin arms wrapped around his waist, and her face was pressed tightly in between his shoulder blades.  Boil would be willing to bet all the credits he never earned that she’d likely been crying as soon as she got away from the Generals.  But here among vod’e, she was safe to express all the awful emotions she had pent up in her heart.  Boil had learned over the course of the war that Jedi struggled with all the death far more than any vod.  They felt each death as if it were their own unless they shielded themselves so completely from the Force that it rendered them entirely useless.  To feel the lives of children slip away?  Boil couldn’t imagine.
           “Captain Rex, sir!” the Littles all shouted, and they tried to detangle themselves to salute, but Rex immediately waved them back down.
           “At ease, cadets.  Do you mind if we join you?  Commander Cody should also be coming soon.”
           “Really?”  The enormous eyes were filled with hope and disbelief that one of the greatest soldiers in the GAR would be coming to visit them.
           “Yes, really,” Boil answered.  “I invited him.  I hope you don’t mind?”
           Immediately, the little cadets were all wriggling around in excitement, talking loudly over one another about how cool and heroic Marshal Commander Cody was.  It was karking adorable.
           Boil slid into the newly freed space and wrapped an arm around Waxer.  Immediately, he felt him relax into his hold, some of the tension draining from his shoulders.  Rex plopped down against a wall, and immediately pulled Ahsoka into his lap, cradling her tightly against his chest.  She went almost desperately, needing the grounding contact of one of her adopted dads.  Boil knew that as soon as Cody arrived, she would somehow manage to wrap herself around both of them.  They’d probably end up buried beneath a pile of vod’ikase, but Boil sincerely doubted any of them would mind in the slightest.  He might not have the Force, but he could feel himself relaxing in the presence of such innocence and enthusiasm.  Waxer had made an excellent choice to come here.  Boil was glad that he had followed.
           He would always follow Waxer.  Whether it was on the battlefield or to a hoard of Littles that needed the comforting presence of their ori’vode, he would walk right beside him. Waxer was special.  Boil didn’t quite know the name of what he felt for Waxer, but he knew that it was enough to just be near him.  To press against each other tightly at night, and to shake apart together.  To be together for the rest of their lives.
           It was enough.
             (Cody nearly managed to sneak the entire squad onto the Negotiator undetected, but at the last minute, General Kenobi caught him. And then proceeded to help them set up a nursery perfect for the 212th’s newest squad of cadets.  No one could ever say their General didn’t have a bleeding heart, nor a soft spot for children.  And just as Boil had predicted, Cody adopted 2467 and helped pick out the name Dara.  They would be eternal, no matter what happened during the war.)
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Twisted Wonderland NoSleep Au
Heartslabyul Part 3
Recap: After getting the chestnuts needed to make the apology tart the group now meets up with Trey in the kitchen.
Grim: We got the chestnuts. Now we can make a delicious tart.
Trey: We still have to peel them you know. It will be a challenge, but I know we can do it.
After peeling all the chestnuts Trey tricked basically everyone but Yuu and Cater into thinking that oyster sauce was needed for the tart. Then Trey released that he made to much marrow paste. So it was up to Yuu, Grim, and Deuce to go to the school store to buy the ingredients to make more whipped cream. The following happens:
Deuce: Wow, this place is amazing. Do you think this place actually sells the items we need?
Yuu: I believe so. I mean, back home it was pretty common for all types of stores to carry items like protection charms, bleach, scrubbers, and especially religious items.
Deuce: I can kinda understand the charms and religious items part. But why carry bleach and scrubbers?
Yuu: In case someone gets killed.
Deuce was about to ask Yuu to elaborate when Sam, the owner of the school store, came in to welcome Deuce and Yuu.
Sam: Hey, my lost little demons, how goes it? Welcome to Mr.S ‘s Mystery Shop. What can I do for you today? A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king? Or how about some cursed tarot cards?
Deuce: We’d like the things written here.
Grim: And some cans of tuna.
Yuu: We have enough tuna back at the dorm, we don’t need anymore anytime soon. Anyway, got any protection charms?
Deuce: No. No tuna or protection charms. Let’s just get the things we came here to get.
Sam: What what? Whipped cream, eggs… Oh! A nice sweet line-up. Ok! Coming right up.
Deuce: Wow, he really does have them.
Yuu: Well, the school store does need to have everything a student would need. And then some.
Sam: Sorry ‘bout the wait. It’s a bit heavy, you got it? If you order now you can get a 1/100 size floating platter to carry your purchases for 30% off.
Grim: What’s that? Sounds cool!
Deuce: We’re good. Thank you. It’s time to go.
Grim: But I wanna hang around more.
Yuu: If we hurry, Trey might let us eat something sweet.
Grim: Then what are we waiting for! Let’s get a move on!
Sam: Make sure to come by again!
*However as Yuu left with Deuce and Grim Sam couldn’t help but wonder about the new student. After what he has heard about their homeworld from Crowley sparked curiosity in both him and his friends. If what he thinks is true. Then Yuu might have come from a much darker world then his friends.*
On the way back to the kitchen Deuce offered to carry Yuu’s bag for them. When Yuu said that it was all right Deuce insisted saying that he was used to carrying heavy things as he would help his mom carry groceries. And since he was the only boy, he would be stuck doing anything requiring strength.
Deuce: Ah, I’ve just been talking about myself.
Yuu: Well I think that helping your family is a wonderful thing. Where I’m from, family is very important and to betray their trust would be to go against everything that both monsters and humans believe in. Helping your family, and anyone you see as family, is considered a very honorable thing to do. To do them harm is considered one of the worst things a human can do.
Deuce: Wow. You must miss them very much then. But, the thing is…. I always made my mom…
Before Deuce could finish his sentence he bumped into someone, breaking some eggs in the process.
Grim: Ahh! The eggs!
Deuce: $h*t, half of the eggs are destroyed! There’s egg all over the bag!
Delinquent A: Hey you! Watch where you’re… wait… You’re the fools who wreaked the egg in my carbonara earlier.
Delinquent B: It’s you guys again. You can’t catch a break!
Deuce: You were the ones who jumped out from behind the corner. At lunch, it wasn’t like you couldn’t eat the egg anymore but you still came to pick a fight… Just now, you destroyed half our eggs.
Grim: Yeah, that’s right.
Delinquent A: And? You sayin’ it’s our fault?
*Yuu, knowing that this will not end well, and with no way to defuse the situation stepped away from them. But at the same time they were ready to step in and help Deuce if it came to that.*
Deuce: Yes. Please pay for the eggs. And please apologize to the chickens too.
Delinquent B: Hmmm? You’re getting all worked up over eggs.
Delinquent A: They didn’t hit the ground right? Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Delinquent B: We saved you the trouble of breaking them.
Yuu could stand by no longer and decided to step in. After all, they had enough of these two boys nonsense.
Yuu: Well, you did damage what we payed for. I expect to at least be paid back in the amount the broken eggs cost. Think you can do that?
Delinquent A: Don’t think you can boss us around, just because we broke a few eggs!
Yuu: This is more than just about a few eggs. As I recall you two have been causing quite a bit of trouble as of late. Would be a shame if the principal knew of your antics.
*This was very much true as Yuu had used the ghost camera to take pictures of both the good and the bad. Let’s just say that Yuu had quite a bit of dirt on these two in particular*
Delinquent B: Is that a threat I hear?
Yuu: A warning actually.
Delinquent A: Looks like we need to teach these two a lesson.
Deuce: HEY! You don’t get to make decisions for us! These eggs… instead of becoming a chick they were gonna make us a delicious tart!! And you sure as he!! wouldn’t EVER hurt my friends! You get it! Huh!?
Delinquent B: What’s this guy’s problem all the sudden!?
Deuce: If you don’t wanna pay for the six eggs you broke… I’ll just punch you six times instead.
Delinquent A: Whaaaaa!?
Yuu: Time to fight!
Deuce: Grit your teeth a$$ho!e$!!
Let’s just say that the two never stood a chance. With Deuce’s experience in fights and Yuu’s self-defense training, they wiped the floor with the two delinquents.
Delinquent A: T-these two are straight-up mad! That wasn’t just six hits! Lair!
Yuu: OH! So you want some more huh!?
Delinquent B: Let’s get the he!! out of here! I’m sorry to all chickens!
Deuce: Apologize 100 times next you eat eggs! Dumb@$$e$!!
Grim: Wow!
Deuce: Huff, huff… Ugh!!
Grim: What just happened?
Deuce: …I screwed up… I vowed that I would definitely be a honor student this time…! In middle school, all I ever did was screw around… I constantly skipped school and spent my day getting into fights. I disrespected my teachers, hung around sketchy upperclassman, and bleached my hair to death. Even ran around all over the place riding a magical wheel. I was a terrible person that went as far as to use magic to lord over those that couldn’t.
Grim: Just now you went full on bad boy on those guys!
Deuce: Then one night... I saw my mom hiding away in tears as she called my grandma. "Was the I raised him wrong? Would it have been better if he had both parents?" She was wrong. Mom never did anything wrong. It was all me! So when the carriage from Night Raven College came to get me... My mom was so happy and I don't want to make her cry again. This time. I'm going to be an honor student my mom can be proud of. Then I do this... $hit!
Grim: But, y'know... Does being an honor student mean you have to grin and bare everything?
Deuce: Huh?
Grim: Those delinquents deserved another 10 punches if you ask me! You and Yuu fought them off before I could, though.
Yuu: I think that your mom would be proud that you are trying to be a better student. In my eyes, you are doing a lot better than back then.
Deuce: You guys...
Yuu: Even honor students get mad too.
Deuce: Really? ...Heh heh. May those baby chicks rest in peace.
Yuu: There is something that I need to tell you.
Deuce: What do you mean?
Yuu: The eggs that we bought will never turn into chicks as they were never fertilized.
Deuce: WHAT?!? You've gotta be kidding!?
Back at the kitchen, they gave the ingredients to Trey who then proceeded to finish making the tart. Which turned out to be amazing and looked really good.
Ace: Did something happen while you were out shopping?
Yuu: Chick shock...
Deuce: For 16 years... I believed that...
Ace: Making sweets takes so much time. I'm exhausted...
Cater: Good work! Is the tart finished? The decorations look super cute! It's totally magicam-gramble! Let me take a pic.
Ace: Ah! What'd you come here for?
Cater: I came by to check on my cute underclassmen, working so hard. Ahaha, you look beat!
Trey: Things you aren't used to tire you out quick. So when you're tired you need to eat something sweet. Go ahead and try the mont blanc we made.
Everyone: Yay!
Yuu: Are you sure?
Trey: It's fine.
Ace: Cater, you did come here just in time to eat the tart!
Yuu: Almost like you planned it.
Cater: Just a coincidence I promise.
Grim: Waaahaaa... It smells so deliciously sweet. The chestnuts on top are glossy while the cream underneath is so fluffy! Let's eat!
Yuu: Please don't eat it all. We still need a tart for the Unbirthday Party.
Grim: I know
Ace: Ah! Holy crap!
Cater: So good!
Deuce: Amazing... It's like what you get in stores.
Grim: It's not overly sweet but still has a richness to it! It's like a garden of chestnuts in my mouth!
Yuu: It's amazing! I definitely think that Riddle will love this.
Trey: Thank you.
Cater: Oh yeah. Hey Trey, do the thing.
Trey: The thing? ...Oh, that. So what are your favorite foods?
Ace: Mine's cherry pie and hamburgers.
Grim: My number one is canned tuna. And cheese omurice, and grilled meat, and pudding!
Deuce: If I have to pick, omurice, I guess.
Yuu: Mine would have to be breaded shrimp.
Cater: And mine is grilled lamb with diablo sauce.
Trey: Alright here we go, ... Doodle Suit!
There was a sound, a flash, and then nothing.
Deuce: ...? This is?
Trey: Now take another bite of the mont blanc.
Ace: Hm? Hmmmmm? This is... mont blanc but it tastes like cherry pie!
Grim: It tastes like canned tuna! *Chomp chomp* Ohh, now it's cheese omurice! And grilled chicken, *munch munch*, and pudding!
Yuu: Wow! It really does taste like breaded shrimp!
Cater: Isn't it fun? If you did this while having tea with a girl, they'd be super impressed!
Deuce: It's amazing. Is changing the flavor of food your unique magic, Trey?
Trey: Actually, it's magic that "overwrites a component". So not just taste, but I can also overwrite the color or scent or really anything. The overwrite only lasts a short time so that's why it's like a doodle or scribble. That's why I've named this magic "doodle" since it's not permanent.
Grim: With your "Doodle Suit" my dream of all you can eat canned tuna isn't just a dream. It's so much better than the magic Riddle uses to bully people.
Trey: No... My magic is nothing more than child's play when compared to Riddle's He's on a different level. ...It's getting late. Let's go home and give Riddle the tart tomorrow. Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party. Don't be late.
Yuu: Hang on. Do you have a book of the rules?
Trey: Yeah, why?
Yuu: I want to make sure that there is nothing against a mont blanc at an Unbirthday Party.
Cater: Good thinking Yuu.
Ace: So, did you find anything Yuu?
Yuu: Here we are. Rule Number 562: Refrain from bringing marron tarts for the Unbirthday Party."
Trey: Wow, I almost missed that one. Good thing Yuu double-checked the rules.
Yuu: It's kinda a talent of mine. Knowing the rules and when a rule applies to a situation or not. It's weird, I know.
Cater: Far from it. If you hadn't checked then Riddle would have most likely been furious.
Ace: Yuu, I owe you one.
Yuu: Then I think that we should keep the tart in the kitchen, explain ourselves to Riddle and hope that he takes the collar off of Ace.
Ace: One more thing. Yuu, can you let me sleep over again? My cruel upperclassmen aren't going to let me in the dorm!
Cater: Wow. So prickly!
Deuce: Ace, don't force Yuu to spoil you too much.
Grim: Yeah! You gotta pay to stay! 10 cans of tuna!
Ace: What! Are you telling me to sleep outside?
Yuu: No, no. Ace, you can stay but now you owe me two favors.
Ace: Fine by me! Thank Yuu!
Trey: Deuce, why don't you stay in their dorm to keep an eye on Ace? As the vice dorm leader, I give you permission.
Cater: Trey, aren't you spoiling the newbies. I'm jelly. Yuu, can I go too?
Yuu: I don't think so. The dorm needs some intense TLC and I'm pretty sure that you're needed in the dorm.
Cater: Tch. Bringin' me down.
Trey: Yuu, I'm sorry about forcing those two on you. We're counting on you tomorrow.
Yuu: It's fine and I will be sure that they are on their best behavior tomorrow.
Ace: Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party. This damn collar is definitely coming off! Just you watch, Riddle.
As Yuu, Ace, Grim, and Deuce made their way to the dorm Yuu coudn't help but feel as if something was very wrong in the dorm. And that Riddle was in great danger, but from what?
That is where I will end this chapter and the next will continue to the morning of the Unbirthday Party. Until then, hope everyone is doing ok.
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anonniemousefics · 3 years
Can we please get more tfota scenes from cardan's pov? Maybe something from qon this time 🙈
Happy New Year! ♥️🥂
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It’s so great you guys are enjoying these Cardan POV pieces! This one sort of follows His Monstrous Bride and this other little continuation -- it’s taken from Chapter 18 of The Queen of Nothing when Jude and Cardan talk about her exile before meeting with the Living Council. 
I don’t have a title for it -- let’s just call it His Monstrous Bride Part II. lol
(Also a shameless plug for my ongoing fic The Nine Terrifying Moons, which will feature a Cardan POV chapter coming soon. Wheeeee!)
Cardan is well versed at hiding his emotions, but it doesn’t hurt to look the part. And the day that his High Queen is finally awakening, once again restored to Elfhame, is a day to dress for a very specific kind of battle. Jude has ignored him for months – now he must be unignorable. He has gold along his cheekbones and caps like gold knives at the tips of his ears. Jude likes knives after all.
He’s flanked by his guards at her door. (Their door? He’s unused to sharing.) The Living Council means to interrupt her convalescence, and he’ll have none of it. He’s there to make sure she is fit and ready, and he doesn’t have to do more than that, he tells himself. His envoy is at his sides at all times now, and still, in this moment, some part of him wishes there were more of them. Wishes he could shrink back from what may lie ahead.
“Your Highness?” His guards are waiting for him to do something. He hadn’t realized how long he’d been hesitating.
It’s just… it’s been months of endless rejection, though he knows now she never received his letters, but still…he’s not sure he can take one more. And his heart is still cracked and raw from her most recent brush with death.
He steels himself. And knocks at the door.
It’s Oak who answers with an innocent smile, which is something of a relief. With Oak around, Jude’s less likely to become stabby.
Although, at least if she’s stabbing him, she’s no longer ignoring him. And Cardan really can’t stand one more minute of being ignored by Jude Duarte.
She’s there now, and the sight of her standing catches him right in the chest. The last time he’d clapped eyes on her, she was bleeding all over his spider-silk sheets. He’d cleaned her blood with his own two hands, but now she’s upright and clear-eyed, dressed in a foreboding black number with silver at her collar and cuffs. Her auburn hair has been braided like a crown, and with smoky traces of rose around her eyes, she looks deadly and formidable once more.
It’s such a welcome sight. He has never been so thrilled to see her. And that’s such a treacherous and terrifying notion, since he thinks it’s very likely she’s might smack him in the near future if he can’t navigate the mess of crossed wires between them.
The thrill lasts only a moment, because then his stomach gives a lurch. He’s just realized that all of her sisters are there, too. And they’re all staring at him. And he’s been staring right back.
Suddenly, Cardan’s on the verge of breaking into a cold sweat.
“Walk with me,” he finally tells Jude, eager to get away from so many Duarte eyes.
“Of course.” Jude’s brown eyes in particular seem uncharacteristically wide and confused.
Vivienne catches Jude’s hand before she can join him.
“You’re not well enough,” she objects. As if Cardan can’t take care of her. As if he hadn’t cleaned up her blood himself.
“The Living Council is eager to speak with her,” he says instead. Jude should be proud of how he’s learned to curb his tongue in her absence.
“The only danger anyone has ever been in at a Council meeting is of being bored to death,” Jude is reassuring her family, before stepping away, the guards folding in around them.
Cardan offers her his arm – he wants to keep her close, and he wants Vivienne to take note. It is different now, and he wants them all to see. Jude is cared for here.
He wants to take his time with her at his arm as they swap neutral business about the Roach, about the Bomb, about Madoc, but he can hardly even look at her. His head is full of visions of those nights he wrote to her again and again, outright begging in the end, and then lying awake, alone, certain his agony would be never-ending. Gods above, he’d even written once that his heart was hers, buried with her in the soil of the mortal world -- and she’d sent no reply. And though he knows now it’s because she hadn’t even received it, he’s still completely unsure of how to act.
It’s extremely unsettling how normal Jude seems in this moment. As if no time has passed at all.
And there are still so many eyes on them. Courtiers bobbing their heads as they pass. The guards just an arm’s length away. This is no place to try to sort through what he had written to her, what she needed to know. So maybe he just won’t, he thinks. Maybe it can just be like this for an eternity and he can go back to drinking away his feelings after this Council meeting. Maybe this is the most he should hope for.
But then, Jude says: “I need to talk to you.”
And his heart plummets to his guts. He’s not sure he can keep the dread off his face.
“It won’t take long,” Jude says, which is maybe worse. It means it’s simple: she wants to end their marriage. She wants to return to the mortal world. Of course she does.
But then, she says: “Whatever your scheme is, whatever you are planning to hold over me, you might as well tell me now, before we’re in front of the whole Council. Make your threats. Do your worst.”  
What? What the bleeding skies is she talking about? This is such a mess he’s made. And it is, perhaps, the first mess he’s ever truly cared to clean up.
Cardan turns them away toward a corridor to the outdoors.
“Yes,” he agrees. “We do need to talk.”
He steers them for the royal rose garden, where he knows the guards will stop at the gate and leave them alone. He has only a few steps down a path of shimmering quartz stairs among the roses to decide exactly what parts of his heart he’s willing to reveal today. What exactly won’t hurt so terribly much should she throw it all back in his face.
“I assume you weren’t actually trying to shoot me,” he says, choosing first the obvious and easiest. “Since the note was in your handwriting.”
“Madoc sent the Ghost--” Jude starts, but then stops. Softens. “I thought that there was going to be an attempt on your life.”
This does not mean that she cares for you, he has to remind himself. He still doesn’t want to look at her. The memory of perceived rejection is still too strong, still too bitter.
But he’s not going to live with the regrets he’d drowned in when she’d nearly died. He tries to choose his next words carefully.
“It was terrifying,” he admits, feigning interest in a nearby bush of jet black roses, “watching you fall. I mean, you’re generally terrifying, but I am unused to fearing for you.” He swallows back the memories, threatening the periphery of his mind. “And then I was furious. I am not sure I have ever been that angry before.”  
“Mortals are fragile,” Jude shrugs him off. She doesn’t get it.
“Not you,” he sighs. “You never break.”
There. Can that be enough? He’s made it fairly obvious now, hasn’t he? Surely she gets it now – he doesn’t want her to die, he doesn’t want to see her hurt. Witnessing it was the worst thing he’s ever seen. Because he cares for her.
If he has to spell it out, it might kill him. So, he just waits for what she has to say to that.
Jude’s looking at the roses, too, when he glances at her, her thick lashes lowered.
“When I came here, pretending to be Taryn, you said you’d sent me messages,” she says, and oh, please, gods, not this. “You seemed surprised I hadn’t gotten any. What was in them?”
Cardan wants to vomit. No, he needs to vomit. If his nervous stomach would cooperate and vomit everywhere, he could still get away from this with a shred of dignity.
He clasps his hands behind his back so she can’t see how they shake, his smile telling the lies that the rest of him can’t. That he is cool and unaffected, not at all hopelessly in love with the mortal girl in front of him.
“Pleading, mostly.” He tries to say it like it’s a joke. “Beseeching you to come back. Several indiscreet promises.” Maybe that little bit of tantalizing will flatter her.
It doesn’t. Actually, he’s not sure Jude can be flattered. She closes her eyes shut in no small amount of frustration.
“Stop playing games,” she growls. “You sent me into exile.”
“Yes. That.” Right, of course she doesn’t love that he’s beating around the bush. If only he could help it. He’s so goddamn nervous. “I can’t stop thinking about what you said to me, before Madoc took you. About it being a trick. You meant marrying you, making you queen, sending you to the mortal world, all of it, didn’t you?”
The glare she throws him is so very Jude, though he loves it less when it’s directed at him.
“Of course it was a trick,” she seethes. “Wasn’t that what you said in return?”
Well, this is rich.
“But that’s what you do. You trick people.” Though Cardan’s starting to realize just how wrong he’s been about the things Jude enjoys. “I thought you’d admire me a little for it, that I could trick you. I thought you’d be angry, of course, but not quite like this.”
“What?” Jude looks like she could unhinge her jaw and swallow him whole. He might even deserve it.
He needs to put an end to this nightmare. There’s still a miniscule chance she’ll find some part of it amusing.
“Let me remind you that I didn’t know you’d murdered my brother, the ambassador to the Undersea, until that very morning,” he points out. Surely, the context will help his case. “My plans were made in haste. And perhaps I was a little annoyed. I thought it would pacify Queen Orlagh, at least until all promises were finalized in the treaty. By the time you guessed the answer, the negotiations would be over.”
But Jude’s face is unchanged. He isn’t seriously this good at trickery, is he?
“Think of it,” he presses, hoping she’ll follow along. “I exile Jude Duarte to the mortal world. Until and unless she is pardoned by the crown.” Any minute now. Any minute.
“Pardoned by the crown,” he repeats to her blank stare. Right, so, this game isn’t funny anymore.
“Meaning by the King of Faerie. Or its queen,” he explains, watching her eyes grow wider, wilder. “You could have returned anytime you wanted.”
When he’d first envisioned her figuring out the riddle, he’d expected probably a punch in the arm, maybe she would have even drawn her blade again. That would have been delightful. He’d thought about trembling beneath her again, about that searing look she got in her eye just before devouring his lips. That would have been – gods. He might have considered letting her murder more of his brothers to have that again.
But what is happening now is decidedly the opposite. Jude’s breath is quickening, her face flushing, and in the air between them, Cardan feels a rift cracking wider. He hasn’t played a trick – he’s done something horrible.
When Jude begins to back away from him, he thinks back to what it felt like to find Nicasia with Locke. What Jude’s face is doing now – that is what his heart had done then. She is recoiling from him. Jude Duarte is recoiling from him, because he has hurt her.
He honestly had not thought it was possible. He honestly had not thought himself capable. He honestly had not thought she cared enough.
She whirls then and marches away from him, and he has never hated himself more. Stop her, he thinks, but he’s still stunned. If he’d known she cared…
Stop her!
He runs after her. She has to know he wouldn’t have done it if he’d known. She has to know he will fight to keep her now that he knows. But when he seizes her arm, she hauls around and slaps him, hard enough to turn his face.
It’s not the worst hit he’s taken, not by a long shot, but its sting is entirely different. There’s something fiery in her eyes, and, for the first time, he’s aware that he is not the only one who has been in agony these long months. Oh, he would undo it all now if he could. He would pull her in and kiss her over and over until they both stopped hurting.
Except she still looks murderous. Getting close to her face is probably not a good idea if he doesn’t want to be bitten. (He does kind of want to be bitten, just…in a very different scenario.)
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he says, carefully, and his hand finds hers. To his great surprise, she lets their fingers lace together, and his heart seizes with a wild hope. It does not mean she loves you, he thinks. He fumbles. “No, it’s not that, not exactly. I didn’t think I could hurt you. And I never thought you would be afraid of me.”
“And did you like it?” Jude asks, narrowing her eyes.
His cheek is hot from the slap of her hand, and now with shame. Because how is he supposed to answer that? He didn’t hate being more powerful for once. He didn’t hate being the one with the answer to the riddle.
“Well, I was hurt.” He’s hesitated too long, and now Jude’s pressing on. “And yes, you scare me.”
Cardan finds himself taking in her full face then, the one that has always seemed so defiant and fearless and headstrong.
“You’ve always scared me,” Jude is saying, and this is what almost undoes him. She repeats it, telling him again and again each moment she had been afraid of him, and with each one, his mind bursts a little more. This doesn’t seem real. “And I am scared of you now,” she concludes, that defiant gleam in her eye til the end.
Cardan is speechless. And Cardan’s never speechless.
There was a time when he enjoyed playing a villain in her heroic story line, but she wasn’t supposed to be truly afraid of him. She was supposed to vanquish him and make him beg for her kindness. (And he would now. He really would.)
(Maybe he will.)
“You despised me,” Jude reminds him, because he does need reminding. He’s not sure now if he ever really did. “When you said you wanted me, it felt like the world had turned upside down. But sending me into exile, that made sense. That was an entirely right-side-up Cardan move. And I hated myself for not seeing it coming. And I hate myself for not seeing what you’re going to do to me next.”
At that, Cardan closes his eyes. Hopelessness is threatening to overtake him. Fear has created this monster before him, the one who irrevocably holds his heart. Is it possible to unmake such a curse? He’s certainly been unable to find a cure for his own fear, lifelong coward that he is.
When she’d first returned and his heart was freshly cracked, he’d thought back to a fairy story about a boy cursed with a heart of stone and the monster he took as his bride. It had been patience and fearlessness that had won over the monster in the end – something the boy had managed only because of his stony heart.
So, Cardan thinks of stones then. Of pulling together all his cracked and raw edges. Of being impenetrable and solid and fearless. He thinks of doing what needs to be done. He needs her, for so many things, and she must know that. Perhaps it is folly to wish for anything more than simply averting a crisis.
But he can’t manage it if he’s looking at her. He releases her hand and turns away.
“I can see why you thought what you did,” he says at last. “I suppose I am not an easy person to trust. And maybe I ought not to be trusted, but let me say this: I trust you.”
Patience. Fearlessness. Deep breath.
“You may recall that I did not want to be High King. And that you did not consult me before plopping this crown on my head. You may further recollect that Balekin didn’t want me to keep the title and that the Living Council never took a real shine to me.
“There was a prophecy given when I was born. Usually Baphen is uselessly vague, but in this case, he made it clear that should I rule, I would make a very poor king.” It hurts more than he thought it would to say it out loud. “The destruction of the crown, the ruination of the throne – a lot of dramatic language.”
He has to be cavalier about it; it stings too much otherwise. It’s been the bane of his existence, this prophecy. It is the reason his entire childhood was filled with nothing but dismissal and cruelty. It’s the very, very low standard he’s spent his whole life trying not to meet. The best his family had ever hoped for from him was his complete and utter disappearance – and he’d failed to do even that.
He turns back to Jude. Patience. Fearlessness. He has so much more to say. He has so much more he wants to be than this. Deep breath.
“When you forced me into working for the Court of Shadows, I never thought of the things I could do – frightening people, charming people – as talents, no less ones that might be valuable. But you did. You showed me how to use them to be useful. I never minded being a minor villain, but it’s possible I might have grown into something else, a High King as monstrous as Dain. And if I did – if I fulfilled that prophecy, I ought to be stopped. And I believe that you would stop me.”
Jude sputters at that, blinking hard.
“Stop you?” she echoes. “Sure. If you’re a huge jerk and a threat to Elfhame, I’ll pop your head right off.”
“Good.” And he means it. To die by Jude’s hand would be a dream. “That’s one reason I didn’t want to believe you’d joined up with Madoc. The other is that I want you here by my side,” and just for good measure, just in case she still isn’t getting it: “As my queen.”
But he can’t read the expression on Jude’s face when he says it – if it brings her joy, if it brings her more distress. He’s not sure what else he could have said to make it any more clear. And now her silence is threatening to eat him alive. This reeks of the beginnings of yet another rejection.
He smiles at her, instinctively, a last ditch effort to make this even slightly less awkward.
“But now that you’re High Queen and back in charge, I won’t be doing anything of consequence anyway,” he promises. “If I destroy the crown and ruin the throne, it will only be through neglect.”
He wants her to smile back. To roll her eyes at him and act like she isn’t amused when she so clearly is. He’s missed that, oh, how he’s missed that.
He gets all that and more when she blurts out a laugh.
“So that’s your excuse for not doing any of the work?” She quirks an eyebrow, and it makes his heart swell. They’re smiling together again. He’d needed that, too, more than he’d realized. “You must be draped in decadence at all times because if you aren’t kept busy, you might fulfill some half-baked prophecy.”
“Exactly,” he says. Exactly… It’s more true than he wants it to be. His smile fades. And Jude is looking more tired than he’s comfortable with. He hopes he has not pushed her too hard. He touches her arm, gently, not thinking. Her gaze catches his, soft and warm. He finds himself leaning in…
“Would you like me to inform the Council that you will see them another time?” he asks. “It will be a novelty to have me make your excuses.”
But Jude is stalwart and determined as ever. He expected nothing less.
He pulls back. She does not need him. Not like he needs her.
“No, I’m ready,” she says.
How he wishes he could say the same.
Tagging: @yellowavocadopit, @dagypsygirl, @ireallyshouldsleeprn, @booklover-sleeplover, @mwejh, @courtofjurdan, @faeriequeenofwest, @sugawsites, @loveyourselfsolid, @owl0y0s, @feelinglikecleopatra, @akaloto, @charrise, @persephxnecoven, @raging-bisexual-alert, @rteme, @nahthanks, @addies-invisible-life, @elorcanislife, @snusbandxknifewife, @poeticbrownmermaid, @duarteegreenbriar, @thefolkofthefic, @alittledribbledrabble, @carmensworld17, @annejulianneh111, @amandlas, @elriel4life, @idk-what-name-to-use, @thewickedkings, @juliazato, @woodsbeyond1, @booksmusicandgoodvibes, 
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Thirteen - JJ Maybank
Request: hi! could you write an imagine where jj and the reader are really close and when they are starting to hook up for the first time and y/n gets scared bc of her past. She has a flashback and JJ helps her. She is reluctant and denies that anything is wrong. But finally she admits to jj that it’s not him and he’s super sweet and protective?
TW: Very brief contextual mention of sexual assault to a minor. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
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A knock sounded on the bathroom door as you sat on the edge of John B’s tub, head in your hands as you tried not to cry. Not today, not after all this time. You knew who was knocking but you didn’t have it in you to answer. Partially from embarrassment, (had you really just up and ran into the bathroom in the middle of making out?) and partially from the residual and everlasting pit in the bottom of your stomach that threatened to swallow you whole every time you felt even the smallest bit of happiness seep in. 
“Do you...should I go?” JJ’s voice followed his usual three-in-a-row rapping pattern on the wooden door. Like a code you didn’t need to tell you it was just him outside. No one to be afraid of. 
“No,” you shook your head even though he couldn’t see it, looking at the mirror across from you, a silver of forehead reflecting in the glass at your current height. “No, sorry, I’ll be right out.”
“Don’t apologise,” JJ replied hastily, running a hand through his hair. He wasn’t trying to make you feel like you had to rush out, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. He wasn’t exactly world class at comforting people though, “Are you alright? Do you want me to call Kie or something?” 
“No.” That was the last thing you wanted. Then your friends would be up in your business and you loved them, truly, but you didn’t need them interfering in whatever was happening between you and JJ. Or not happening, at this point. 
“Is there, I mean...is there anything I can do?” He asked, pacing the small area around the bathroom door, staring at the pictures Big John had on the wall. “We can talk or something.” 
You sighed, standing up and getting a full view of yourself in the mirror. “Yeah. Okay.”
The bathroom door opened and JJ stood up straight, back hovering against the wall opposite you, as if he was afraid of what would come out. It was just you though, looking a little worse for wear, as if you’d encountered a ghost somewhere between the pull-out couch and the bathroom. And, to be fair, you had. A ghost that looked a lot like you only younger, maybe a little more naive, and scared. You walked out of the bathroom slowly, reminding yourself over and over that the boy your ghost was afraid of wasn’t here and it was JJ, looking sweet and sympathetic and a little scared himself, that was standing across from you. 
“Hey, uh....here,” he led the way into the living room, moving aside the old comforter for you to sit on the pull-out, “you can sit.” 
You chewed at your lower lip as you sat there on the side of the bed, thigh pressed against the arm of the couch, staring at JJ who was still standing, rubbing at his arms the way he did when he was nervous, “You don’t have to be weird JJ...I didn’t mean to freak out.” 
You couldn’t help the guilty feeling gnawing at you. It’d been a perfectly good afternoon until your meltdown. John B was out and JJ invited you over because, truthfully, things between the two of you had been changing. A little more than friends, it had been a long time since you had trusted yourself with letting a crush be anything more than a crush. But JJ was different, you had always been honest with each other and he had trusted you with his dad. You knew you could let him in, it was just the doing so that felt like an insurmountable hill. 
“It’s cool. I just,” JJ shrugged, sitting down beside you but keeping a person sized distance between your body and his. “I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” 
“It wasn’t you.” You clarified though you hoped he already knew that. 
“Are you...okay? I mean, can I do anything?” JJ asked, teetering on the edge of wanting so desperately to help but also wanting to call anyone else in the world who would be better at this then he was. 
“It’s just-“ You thought about how to tell him so that he understood, how to make it sound so that he didn’t treat you like some sort of leper when he found out, “you know when you told me about your dad...”
God, he would remember that for the rest of his life. The way you looked so upset when you thought he’d been picking a fight with Rafe or Kelce only to have him say that it was his dad. The way you looked, so horrified and angry, like you were going to march over there and beat the crap out of Luke Maybank yourself. JJ had half a mind to think that you could’ve if you really wanted to. 
“That’s, I feel like that.” You replied, thinking of the way he looked when he told you, that pain like a piece of broken glass wedges into his heart. 
“Is someone hurting you?” He paled as his eyes met yours. Immediately running through every possible candidate in his mind. 
“No, no.” You shook your head, not anymore. “I’m, I just don’t want you to think of me any differently.”
“I wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah but-“ you started to say but JJ shook his head, cutting you off. 
“No, seriously. I wouldn’t. Whatever it is you can tell me.” He replied. He waved his hand between the two of you as he continued, “this is a judgement free zone.” 
“Yeah okay.” You nodded. 
“What’s going on?” 
“It’s just...I haven’t really...done this before.” You replied. It was a complicated truth and you were trying your best to get it out, to explain something you’d never explained before. “Well,”
“Hey, it’s okay.” JJ scooted closer finally and you found a small piece of you immediately comforted by the feeling of his hand against your back, “Is it okay if I touch you?”
You nodded your head, moving your leg so your knee brushed his as id to silently confirm that it was okay. 
“I guess...” you tried to think of the words to say as you started to talk, “when I was 13 I had the biggest crush on my friend’s brother. I thought he was so cool. And he talked to me, ya know...like made me feel special. On day when I was over their house he told me he liked me a lot and that if I liked him I should...show him.” You took a deep breath, trying to ground yourself again.
Trying not to run for the bathroom and lock yourself inside. This was JJ. Funny, dumb, always high JJ, who tried to do party tricks to impress you at the risk of breaking a bone. Who lied through his teeth to buy a keg the week before while you sat in the driver’s side of your jeep honking the horn at him so many times the guy in the shop sold the keg just to get you to leave. JJ who always made sure you were okay any time you were feeling nervous. 
You pushed on, “I just really wanted him to like me and I didn’t want to do that but I felt like I had to. And I haven’t been with anyone since then cause-“ 
“Hey, it’s okay. We don’t have to do anything, at all.” JJ stressed, his hand rubbing warm circles on your back. He leaned over and kissed your exposed shoulder, so gently you almost swore it was your imagination, “Whatever you want, I’m happy just hanging out like we always do.” 
“I know you are. I just, I like you but I just feel like, I’m not sure...how to be with someone.” You didn’t even think you were making sense at this point but he didn’t seemed fazed. “It feels, it doesn’t feel like I think it should.” 
“Maybe that’s like, you telling yourself you aren’t ready for that yet.” JJ replied, unsure if he was even doing this comforting thing right. 
“Yeah but you’ve been with like, a ton of girls before.” You weren’t naive enough to think that JJ had never hooked up with the girls he hung around at parties, you knew that was pretty much all he did. 
“So what? That doesn’t have anything to do with this.” He insisted.
“If that’s true then I should be fine.” You argued. If he could just move on and not think about or compare you to anyone he’d ever been with then you shouldn’t still be carrying this weight. You didn’t even want it. 
“That’s different, someone hurt you.” He replied, “Yeah I’ve had sex before but, both of us wanted it. What your friend’s brother did wasn’t anything like that.” 
“I just don’t want you to think I’m messed up or something,” you explained. “or that you want something I can’t give you yet.”
JJ frowned at the sentiment, the last thing he would ever want is for you to feel any kind of pressure. From him, yourself, or anyone else, “I don’t care about that. And hey, we agreed, no judgement.” 
“Yeah I know but-“ 
“No. When I told you about my dad, that was really hard but you didn’t bail on me or make me feel weak. This is me doing the same for you.” He replied. “Forget dating or whatever, this is me and you alright. Best friends before anything else. What happened wasn’t your fault and it doesn’t change the way I feel about you at all. Don’t think that it does.”
“That was a half-ass okay.” JJ replied, his shoulder knocking against yours. 
“It’s the best okay I can offer.” 
“How about, we just watch something? John B’s not back for another couple of hours.” He suggested, getting up and climbing onto the bed, the springs creaking as they buckled under his weight. You twisted to watch him as he made himself comfortable, spreading out with his back against the cushions and his arms out on either side. “We can even take a nap.”
You kneeled up onto the bed and crawled over to him, careful as you laid down beside him and rested your head against his shoulder. His  arm came around to drape over you and you reached up to hold his hand. “You got a full eight hours last night, how are you still tired?” You asked, the mood lightening significantly as you relaxed with him, “What would you have done if we had actually had sex?”
“Fallen asleep on you.” He replied, shrugging as if it was the obvious answer, “You would have asphyxiated cause I would’ve crushed you to death.” 
“You’ve been hanging out with Pope too long, you actually know what that word means.” 
“Are you saying I’m not smart enough to know things without hanging out with Pope?” He asked, sitting up a little more to look at you. 
“No, I’m just saying Pope is smarter than you,” you almost shrieked as he tackled you against the cushions, fingers prodding your sides over your tank top. “Oh my god, JJ! Stop, you know I’m ticklish!”
“Not until you admit that I’m the smartest person you know.” 
“Yes, yes, okay, you JJ Maybank are the smartest person I know,” you laughed as he stopped tickling you, hands holding your sides as he leant over you and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“Good,” He replied, “you admit the truth. Now, let’s watch something happy.” 
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @haute-shawn @calums-betch
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