#beau bedford
nofatclips · 2 years
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling by The Unrighteous Brothers b/w Unchained Melody
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Paul Cauthen Gets Funky, Nasty on New Song 'Hometeam'
The Texas wildman brings horns and swag to his latest offering with producer Beau Bedford “Hit it, quit it, live it, spit it….get nasty,” Paul Cauthen croons in his new song “Hometeam.” Like the tracks on his 2022 album Country Coming Down, the song leans hard into funk sounds and swaggering attitude. In fact, it’s so over-the-top that it’s easy to wonder if Cauthen is trolling you. Listen to…
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ryanhamiltonwalsh · 1 year
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First, read the Boston Globe story, then PART ONE, and then you can come back here, champ. ABOVE: Sally Schoenfeld and Joy Kimball, who are about to throw a very important party at their apartment in Cambridge, perform music together on the banks of the Charles River.
Originally on Beacon Street, Yana moved to 50 Brookline Ave after construction of the Mass Pike forced them to abandon their first address.
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At some point, Yana’s space became swallowed up into one larger lot, 62 Brookline Ave, where Oliver’s Bar was located—which is the scene of one of the final post-Lou Velvet Underground shows and a very interesting Gram Parsons appearance where a fan gave GP some original lyrics which, incredibly, turned out to be “Return of the Grievious Angel.”
In Clinton Heylin’s latest Bob Dylan book, he writes of the Yana dates, “So where was Suze? She was supposed to meet her beau in Boston, having written to her displaced friend...earlier that month, ‘we’ll probably be in boston (cafe yana) april 19-20 (definitely, not probably).' And yet she was nowhere to be seen.”
But after talking to Yana waitress Susan Bluttman, and considering Suze’s letter to her friend Sue Zuckerman, I think it’s most likely the case that, at the very least, Suze was there for the Friday show at Cafe Yana. Bluttman was insistent her memory was correct and her recall of other verifiable details checked out. I specifically asked if it was just “some woman” with Dylan or definitely Suze. She had zero hesitation: she recalls welcoming the couple to the club and showing them where to go before showtime.
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Also on the bill with Dylan at Yana was New Bedford native, Paul Clayton, a fascinating person and a musician whose recorded catalog was already quite large by the time he met Bob; check out his album Bay State Ballads or Sailing and Whaling Songs of the 19th Century. Although Clayton approached folk from a scholarly, traditionalist point of view—watch for shades of Clayton in Justin Timberlake’s character in the Cohen Brothers film Inside Llewyn Davis—he also had a wild side with a penchant for drugs, partying, and rambling, and at times, Dylan embraced those predilections with him.
By all accounts, the pair had different kinds of infatuations with each other; Dylan saw Clayton as “traditional song personified, speaking to him in mystic tongues,” as Paul’s biographer Bob Coltman put it, and Clayton not only saw Dylan as the next step forward in folk music, but also a forbidden romantic desire. Many friends who saw the two interact instantly recognized Clayton’s massive crush on Dylan. "His biggest problem,” Clayton friend Patrick Sky told the Globe in 2013, “was that he was gay at a time when it was pretty much illegal.”
At the time of the Yana concerts, Dylan was about a month away from releasing Freewheelin’, including the future classic “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right,” which as it turned out, heavily borrowed its melody and many of its lyrics from Paul Clayton’s 1959 song “Who’s Gonna Buy You Ribbons,” which in turn had been based on "Who's Gon Bring You Chickens”—a tune Clayton found collected in a 1923 book titled Eight Negro Songs. It was a similar chain of influence as “Baby, Let Me Follow You Down” except that this time, Clayton’s song publishers would sue Dylan’s publisher over the lift. The matter was settled out of court, but Clayton’s continued poverty compared with Dylan’s steady success and accumulation of wealth did not go unnoticed by the Greenwich Village folkies who knew how it had all gone down. More and more, it seemed that it didn’t matter who actually wrote a particular song, but more who first obtained a copyright.
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Dylan and Clayton’s time together was not quite finished yet, though it appears that the two nights at Café Yana were the final live bills they would ever share together as performers.
After one more druggy cross-country trip together, Clayton was placed outside of the inner circle without an explanation. There is one theory that Clayton began to date Suze’s sister Carla in to get closer to Bob, and when Bob’s relationship with Suze ended, it meant that Carla and Clayton also needed to go as well.
Everyone agreed that Dylan’s 1965 song “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” was some kind of send-off letter to the folk music world, but select listeners believed it to include specific references to Clayton, including, at times, Paul himself. Tragically, less than two years after Dylan “went electric” at the Newport Folk Festival, Clayton electrocuted himself in his own bathtub. When his personal belongings were cataloged, it was noted that he no longer owned an acoustic guitar, but kept an electric guitar and drums, as he was working on a strange experimental, electric suite of music titled “Gingerbreadd Mindd” which has never been released. Clayton is spoken about reverently in Dylan’s 2011 memoir, but his suicide is not mentioned.
The following day, Saturday April 20th, President John F. Kennedy spoke at Boston College. Still grappling with the fall out of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy kept the speech light and focused on the importance of the nation’s higher education system, opening his remarks by declaring “it is good to come back to a city where my accent is considered normal.” I only mention this because a) with Dylan’s late career 20-minute opus “Murder Most Foul” choosing Kennedy’s assassination as its anchor, it’s almost worth noting anytime the two were in relative close proximity to each other (like the same city). Additionally—and this is a longshot—would news of Kennedy in town specifically bring Dylan’s mind back towards the missile crisis, and thus World War III, and perhaps to the point of inspiration for writing “Talking World War III” blues? I have no idea. I’m just spit-ballin’ here.
Bob Dylan came back for another show in Boston in the fall, and this time, all the listings in the Globe and elsewhere spelled his name right, but unfortunately, they were still struggling with the exact song titles.
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The following year, the Globe resets Dylan back to zero and claims his Symphony Hall show will be his first in the city. Oh well! In the audience at this show? Director David Lynch! Watch here.
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 More on Lynch living in Boston here. The Symphony Hall show setlist here.
This is a write-up and photo of Baez the night she headlined Donnelly Memorial Theater, Saturday April 20th, 1963, the night before the party in Cambridge where she and Dylan would finally crash into each other.
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I don’t think so! I believe this all happens right before ol’ Mel rolls into town. From AW68 --->
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And finally, photos from the post-Hoot party, by Rick Stafford, as printed in the book Baby, Let Me Follow You Down.
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That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Amigo the Devil Album Review: Born Against
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(Liars Club/Regime Music Group)
On his second album as Amigo the Devil, singer-songwriter Danny Kiranos takes on the persona of murderers, some real and some fictional, but gives a little of himself in the process. Appropriately, in his singing, the instrumentation, and Beau Bedford’s production, the theatricality is turned to 11. If the record opens with the somewhat lo-fi, introspective delivery you’ve come to expect from Amigo the Devil, Kiranos’ about-face midway through introduces you to Born Against’s statement of purpose. From the perspective of a drunk, he sings, “I’ll show you the pain of getting clean,” with a Roy Orbison-like tenor, over a huge choral background and electric guitar. It’s this difficulty of toeing the line between life’s margins and mainstream that epitomizes Born Against.
In making a record about killers but also about himself, Kiranos effectively shows the dark things humans are capable of, to themselves and to others. On “Quiet as a Rat”, he describes a scene that would find a home in Mare of Easttown, a girl overdosing in a photo booth at a bar, only to be found at last call, strangers gawking at the pictures she took. “Everyone treats commandments like more of a bucket list,” Kiranos observes, decrying our hypocrisy around religion over warped marching band instrumentation. “I never knew how much a man could hate until I read that letter,” he sings on “Drop For Every Hour”, in which he dreams about killing real-life killer, rapist, and cannibal Albert Fish, referencing the infamous letter he sent to victim Grace Budd’s mother. Yet, on the follow-up, “Better Ways to Fry a Fish”, over a metronomic, harmonica-imbued ragtime melody, Kiranos describes how he kills (or would kill) Albert Fish as an audience claps, forcing the listener to ask the uncomfortable question: Is this any less morbid? Of course, that dark humor shines throughout Born Against, and Kiranos takes advantage of our expectations. “Murder at the Bingo Hall” sets up to detail a gruesome scene but turns out to be about him just killing it at Bingo.
Born Against might be a little too much without some perspective, and thankfully Kiranos provides it on a few of the more instrumentally raw tracks, like the acoustic “Different Anymore” and banjo stomp “24K Casket”, an ode to not fearing death. It’s the final track, the gorgeous “Letter From Death Row”, that hits hardest, as the narrator finds remorse for whatever he both did to someone and couldn’t do for his loved one. “In less than 24 hours, I’ll just be dirt and flowers / I hope it brings the families peace,” Kiranos sings, elsewhere declaring, “I hope that you move on to find somebody to give you what I couldn’t.” On an album chock full of details both grisly and off-color humorous, that Kiranos ends on a more ambiguous note provides a welcome balance. Okay, we might not all be killers, but what’s more human than regret?
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ahedderick · 2 years
County Fair
   The county agricultural fair in our county of Maryland has declined precipitously since I was a girl. It kind of hurts to see the one barn of livestock that is all that remains. It used to be a series of long, low wooden barns; one for beef cattle, one for dairy, with horses, pigs, sheep and goats in profusion.
   Our neighbor county to the north is in Pennsylvania, and their ag community is much healthier. We went to the Bedford fair last evening, the kids, K’s new beau, and I. There’s something timeless about a routine that you do only once a year, but lifelong. Nervous 4-H kids leading obstreperous goats, sheep complaining, immaculately groomed cows and horses looking for a chance to mess up their coats somehow. Many of the beasts are unimpressed by the event, but the occasional ‘attention-hog’  will be sticking their head out of their stall or pen, begging for pets from every passerby. I saw a small Jersey heifer that tugged at my heartstrings (the kids did not respond to my suggestion that we attempt to steal it and smuggle it home in the back of the Subaru).
   There was a demo-derby in the grandstand, of CoURse there was. I can manage to care about such things as long as it’s only once a year. Son and Beau were distinctly fascinated and engaged in cryptic commentary.
“A Toyota? A TOYOTA??”
“Oooh, looka that ksjhdf wi’the sdkjfh fenders!”
“No. Just - no”
“Hell YEAH!”
   Then the midway; endless stalls of lemonade and greasy, delicious things. The rides, tenuously-constructed gravity-defying beasts with unknown maintenance histories. We all got on the Paratrooper and whizzed around through the air, which gave me a much-needed burst of pure euphoria and adrenaline. My son, sitting beside me, was wishing he knew less about mechanical things; he was scrutinizing every bolt, strut, and connector to the point that he could barely enjoy the ride.
   The ladies room had an attendant to keep order. She was bantering cheerfully with people she knew and paused to tell me “Thankya Shuuuugah” when I put a tip in the basket. I was inordinately cheered. As a ‘Wednesday child’, often filled with woe, upbeat people are a great comfort to me.
   Close to 8:30, as the daylight was fading and the lights of the Midway were coming on, it began to rain a bit. The kids decided we were done, and we walked away from the lights and joy and screams and madness. Done for another year.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 20 January 1840
8 50/..
fine morning R-1° at 8 a.m. dehors – R10 ¼° on the console and 11° on my table at at 10 a.m. breakfast over at 10 50/.. – wrote this page – count P- called for 2 or 3 minutes at 11 ¼ - gave me 3 letters of introduction 1 to count Werontzoff, 1 to Maréchal de la Noblesse at Nijnii [Nižnij] Novgorod, and 1 to the governor of Astrakhan – the comte will come in the evening – had just written so far now at 11 40/.. – at 1 ¾ had just finished copying my letter to M- of 18 November and 3 January (vid. Journal of this latter date) when on looking out of the window saw it snowing and Madame O- came
and her sister came just as I wrote the last line at 1 ¾ in the snow and must have been here an hour or more when they hurried off on the arrival of princesse Michel Galitzin who sat talking till 3 35/.. – very nice agreeable person – I really like her very much – nobody could be more civil – she is très liée de la princesse Tcherkask who wishes to make our acquaintance – princesse G- will be glad to see us some evening to tea, and will present us to princesse T- explained our journey – that I had now travelled 10 years – had always longed to travel – lived with my uncle homme très instruit – savant – did nothing but read – talked to him of travelling who bade me wait till après sa mort – princesse G- had heard we were going into Asia – said I feared that (understanding her to mean Persia etc.) was not possible sans courier des grandes risques; but if it should be feasible to go to Tabriz, should be glad – however did not think of it – talked of Troitza [Troitsa] – the history of father Antoine given by Lady Londonderry, and the name of the lady to whom he was said to be attached – all this an error – it was no attachment that made him turn monk – it was une invocation, what we our Methodists should term a call – his protecteur prince......... meant him for the world – had a physician in the house under father A- studied medicine but was always reading livres de piété when he could, and at last ran away and became monk – the princesse Tcherkask knows him very well – and princess G- has his history from a person who has known him from his infancy – Lady Londonderry is wrong – ditto old princesse O- who told me the same story but without names – and without saying Lady L- told the same story – Madame O- very civil – speaking of plate she said 96 zolotniks = 1lb. Russe and one buys silver spoons, forks, etc at ./90 to 1/. per zolotnik (by weight) – good silver forks in England will weigh from 3oz. to 4oz. a piece; and suppose a Russian lb. to weigh 12oz. = 96 zolotniks and suppose 8zolotnicks = 1oz. .:. one fork weighing 3oz. or 24 zolotniks = 24/. to go to Madame O- on Wednesday at 12 (noon) and she will go with me to buy all we want – had just written so far now at 4 ¼ p.m. – took up the St. James’s chronicle of 19 to 22 October – dressed – dinner at soon after 6 – count Panin came soon after 7 and staid till very near 8 – took leave before going into the country for a week or 10 days – if my casserole is not ready I am to take his – sorry he is going before we get off – tea at 8 – afterwards till 11 finished the above newspaper and the following ones , viz. from 22 to 24, and from 24 to 26, and from 26 to 29 October – nothing very particular but the mention (last paper p. 3 col. 4) of the late duke of Bedfords’
rent roll estimated at £250,000 per annum – he received £4,000 per annum as grand landlord of Druny-lane and covent garden theatres and £12,000 per annum as proprietor of Covent garden market – and vid. 24 to 226 October p. 2 vol. 4 from the Leicester Journal it is said that Sir Edward Godfrey Leman, heir to the late Sir John L- ‘will shortly come into possession of his immense landed and funded property the annual rents alone amount to £400000’ – vid. 19 to 22 October p. 4 vol. 2 from the morning Herald – Beau Brummel[l] in a Lunatic Asylum in Caen in Normandy, existing on the ‘benevolence of relations and contributions of friends’ on scarcely £100 a year - !!! vid. 22 to 24 October p. 1 vol. 5 at the Epping agricultural dinner thanks to Mr. Palmer for producing 2 samples – of black wheat from Russia, and white barley from China – the former not perhaps much worth for England but Mr. Palmer observed the latter might be of use from the quickness of its growth – instead of being a lean thin barley was nearly the substance of our own – ‘that sown in his garden in May, was in ear and ripe in June; he then sowed it again, and some of it was nearly ripe now from the seed......... It might be of use in colder climates and perhaps it might be serviceable here’ had had Grotza, and just written the last 5 lines of the last page and so far of this now at 12 25/.. tonight – fine morning till about one – then snowy for an hour or 2 or more then fair again – R12 ½° on my table and 11 ½° on the console and fine moonlight night now at 12 ½ tonight – seemingly rather a thaw wind? and R1 ½° above the freezing point dehors – the thaw has cleared the glass of the window and I once more see the thermometer fixed up outside
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Us, January 25
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles and Jason Sudeikis 
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Page 2: Red Carpet -- drop sleeve romance -- Cynthia Erivo, Margaret Qualley, Aja Naomi King, Eiza Gonzalez 
Page 3: Chloe Bennet, Keri Russell, Isla Fisher, Idina Menzel, Kaia Gerber
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Gigi Hadid vs. Khloe Kardashian, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley vs. Haley Lu Richardson 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Rowan Atkinson on cancel culture, Chrissy Teigen on why she gave up drinking, Busy Philipps on getting used to her 12-year-old child Birdie’s they/them pronouns, Joy Behar resuming her feud with fellow View cohost Meghan McCain who recently returned from maternity leave, Arnold Schwarzenegger on mistaking Chris Pratt for Chris Evans on an Instagram telethon
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Angelina Jolie enjoyed a bit of retail therapy in L.A. 
Page 11: Justin Bieber took an electric bike out for a spin while on vacation in Hawaii, Gavin Rossdale holding his beloved dog during an outing in Studio City, Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn wore pink during a photoshoot in Bel Air 
Page 12: Olivia Munn, Tori Spelling got a smooch from her and husband Dean McDermott’s pups in L.A., Emilio Vitolo Jr. and Katie Holmes walked arm-in-arm during a romantic stroll in NYC 
Page 13: Emma Slater and Sasha Farber stepped out for some fresh air with their dogs Ruby and Grinch in L.A., Dua Lipa and Anwar Hadid spent their days soaking up the sun while on vacation in Tulum, Mexico 
Page 16: Matt Damon was spotted without his wedding ring while visiting BFF Ben Affleck one month after celebrating his 15th anniversary with wife Luciana Barroso in L.A., Sutton Foster filming Younger with Nico Tortorella and Debi Mazar in NYC, during an outing Lisa Rinna took her dance moves to the streets in L.A. 
Page 17: Diplo spent the day exploring the ocean during a scuba diving session in Tulum, Bella Thorne and boyfriend Benjamin Mascolo couldn’t keep their hands off each other while playing in the ocean in Tulum 
Page 18: Jennifer Lopez works her monochrome magic 
Page 20: Winter Wonderland -- ‘tis the season to bundle up -- Kellan Lutz sipping on hot drinks with pregnant wife Brittany in NYC, Irina Shayk posed with a snowman she built in NYC, Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi kept warm and cozy in fashionable outerwear, Bella Hadid made a snow angel following a storm in NYC 
Page 21: Martha Stewart in her snow plow in Bedford in New York, Rebel Wilson hitting the slopes in Aspen, Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma played with their daughter Banks outside in North Reading in Massachusetts, Ciara skiing for the first time during a trip with Vanessa Bryant, Laura Prepon building a snowman 
Page 22: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Wells Adams broke a sweat during an afternoon jog in L.A., Gabrielle Union donated items to her favorite organizations through the Amazon Smile Charity Lists in L.A., Jenny McCarthy checked taking out the trash off her to-do list in Chicago 
Page 23: Ellen DeGeneres pedaled to lunch in Santa Barbara, between carrying a huge basket and walking his dog Kuma Justin Theroux has his hands full while out and about in NYC 
Page 24: Love Lives -- Emma Stone baby on board 
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Page 25: Chrissy Metz and boyfriend Bradley Collins met on the dating app Bumble, after spending months in Australia Zac Efron has no plans to return to Hollywood because he’s loving life with girlfriend Vanessa Valladares 
Page 26: Hollywood Moms -- Melissa Joan Hart on her three sons Mason and Braydon and Tucker 
Page 27: Amber Rose’s sons Sebastian and Slash may be six years apart but she says they have the sweetest bond, Rachel Bilson’s daughter Briar has no idea that dad Hayden Christensen played Darth Vader, Melissa Rycroft has ruled out baby No. 4 
Page 28: Hot Hollywood -- Duchess Kate Middleton’s family made her recent birthday very special despite the pandemic -- during her low-key celebration at Anmer Hall she felt the love from Prince William and their kids Prince George and Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis and they gave her a bouquet from the kids and diamond and sapphire earrings from William which she loves -- she even received a card and gifts from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle which was a nice surprise and she may get to thank them in person as Harry and Meghan will reportedly return to the UK in June 
Page 29: After months of dating speculation Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey finally confirmed their relationship via Instagram when Michael and Steve Harvey’s adopted daughter posted loved-up photos of each other on their accounts 
* Nearly 17 years after the Sex and the City series finale aired stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis are reprising their roles for a revival called And Just Like That...Noticeably absent from the group is Kim Cattrall who’s had an ongoing feud with Sarah Jessica for years and has been vocal about her decision to never return to the show 
* Keeping Up With Us -- Gwen Stefani’s annulment from ex-husband Gavin Rossdale has finally been granted by the Vatican which was a huge relief for Gwen who wants her marriage to Blake Shelton to be recognized by the Catholic Church, Meghan Markle’s estranged dad Thomas Markle says that he’s very pleased with daughter Samantha Markle’s upcoming tell-all book, The Grammys has been delayed to March 14 over coronavirus concerns, Shia LaBeouf and Margaret Qualley have called it quits on their weeks-long whirlwind romance, Dr. Dre said he’s doing great after being hospitalized for a brain aneurysm, Stassi Schroeder and fiance Beau Clark welcomed daughter Hartford Charlie Rose 
Page 30: A Day in the Life -- Catherine Lowe 
Page 31: Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson has a lot to look forward in 2021 -- not only is she releasing a new book this summer which is a historical fiction novel titled Her Heart For a Compass but the Duchess of York is also preparing to become a first-time grandmother to Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank’s child -- though the little one’s arrival is still weeks away Fergie’s already started passing down her motherly wisdom to her 30-year-old daughter whom she shares with ex-husband Prince Andrew -- as for what she’s hoping to be called by her grandchild she says lots of her friends call her Duch so she thinks it will end up being Duchee 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Olivia Wilde’s love triangle -- Olivia’s ex Jason Sudeikis is devastated as her new romance with Harry Styles heats up 
Page 36: Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West behind closed doors -- as rumors of impending divorce swirl what’s really happening inside Kim and Kanye’s six-year marriage -- it was extremely draining to keep pretending that their marriage was OK when the whole world could tell it blatantly wasn’t and things between them have gotten so toxic they have no choice but to live apart 
Page 38: One for the Ages -- it’s nothing but a number -- these couples don’t mind a May to December romance -- Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, George Clooney and Amal Clooney, Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles 
Page 39: Leonardo DiCaprio and Camila Morrone, Jay-Z and Beyonce, David Foster and Katharine McPhee, Holland Taylor and Sarah Paulson 
Page 40: Natalie Portman’s lip service with Dior’s wildly popular Rouge Dior Couture lipstick -- she stuns in a series of images that evoke the splendor of Paris and peep the behind-the-scenes moments 
Page 42: Entertainment -- The Bachelor Matt James teases what’s to come 
Page 43: Dean Hashim of 90 Day Fiance on having a daughter with girlfriend Rigin Bado 
Page 46: Fashion Police -- when bad clothes happen to good people -- Miley Cyrus, Bella Hadid, Alia Shawkat 
Page 47: A$AP Rocky, Kate Flannery, Tessa Thompson 
Page 48: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Tim Allen 
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pulpsandcomics2 · 4 years
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“Blue Book Magazine”   May 1937   cover by Herbert Morton Stoops
Beau Brummel of the Blades by Fulton Grant
One Against a Wilderness by William Chester
Young Man from Texas [Part 1 of 2] by Henry Rowland
The Heat of the Moment by Richard Wormser
Hurricane Patrol by LeLand Jamieson
The Treasure of Vanished Men [Part 4 of 4] by James Francis Dwyer  
Arms and Men: XXVIII.—The Cannon of Victory by H. Bedford-Jones
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ghostcultmagazine · 4 years
Amigo The Devil Announces New Album - “Born Against”
Amigo The Devil Announces New Album – “Born Against”
Dark Folk and Americana artist Amigo The Devil has announced his brand new album, Born Against. The album is due for on LP, CD and digital formats on 19th February 2021 via Amigo’s own label, Liars Club. Recorded at Modern Electric in Dallas with producer Beau Bedford, the album is the next chapter in the story of Amigo The Devil, aka Danny Kiranoswho has built a cult following around the world…
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onestowatch · 4 years
Thomas Csorba’s “Heartache After Heartache” is About the Buoyancy of Love
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"Heartache After Heartache," the latest from Dallas native Thomas Csorba, is about the buoyancy of love. It captures that emotion that’s common to all lovers which pulls us forward through both pain and honesty. Yet the song also relates to the realities of everyday perseverance —, accepting what is put in front of us and toiling through. So, if your heart is aching for any of the myriad of reasons these troubled times provide, this second single from Thomas Csorba's upcoming self-titled release, could be the sonic comfort food you are seeking, "making us stronger every single day."
Thomas has a knowing, graveling voice that feels wise — the type of wisdom earned through a life of trials and tribulations. That’s why it’s surprising to learn he’s only 23, and that the video accompaniment for "Heartache After Heartache," was shot in his neighborhood and not dug out of a dusty family archive from decades ago. Backed by the band Texas Gentlemen, it is immediately evident that Thomas is a songwriter comfortable in a lineage that celebrates the American experience, or maybe even one who revels in a nostalgia for the everyday that singing poets such as Robert Johnson, Woody Guthrie and Johnny Cash embodied. 
Penned alongside his friend and producer, Beau Bedford, the rhythms and instrumentation pull the listener into a Hopperesque world of late nights, long drives and quiet conversations., Steel pedal guitars washing the song to all the right places and, we can't wait to dig into the album in full. 
"Heartache After Heartache" will be going into our late night repertoire, along with metaphorical hot coffee, a slice of pie, and the warm fuzz of a neon sign saying we are open to great music 24/7.
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theheartoftv · 5 years
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When Lucy Lovett (Ashley Greene) falls and bumps her head she wakes up with a wedding dress in her hand but only remembers Zach Callahan (Andrew Walker), the fianceé she broke up with two years ago in Bedford Harbor, Maine, but not current fiancé Brad Martin (Clayton Chitty) in Portland, where she runs an art foundation. Lucy learns from Dr. Caroline Albright (Jackée Harry) that she is suffering from retrograde amnesia, which should soon pass. As she drives from Portland to Bedford Harbor with her friend Anna (Donna Benedicto), Lucy reminisces about the family cabin left to her by her Aunt Audrey, who founded the art foundation Lucy now runs. Lucy throws herself into all the Christmas traditions she used to participate in with Zach, hoping it will jog her memory about their breakup and allow her to move on. She attends the annual Harbor Skate with Zach, where his brother Beau (Preston Vanderslice) strikes up an immediate friendship with Anna. Zach’s current girlfriend Morgan LeBlanc (Debs Howard) shows up and awkwardness ensues among the trio. Zach takes Lucy to buy a tree and she wants to know why they broke up but he is not ready to talk to her about it, leaving her still in the dark. Brad surprises Lucy in Bedford Harbor, and during the snowman building competition, Lucy/Brad and Zach/Morgan don’t really make good teams, while Beau/Anna win. Lucy enters The Silent Night Pie Auction and Zach makes the winning bid for her pie, while Brad ends up winning the one baked by Morgan. Brad decides to go back to Portland and breaks off the engagement with Lucy, telling her it’s obvious she has unresolved feelings for Zach. Lucy leads the children in a Christmas-themed art project and loves doing it. Morgan tells Zach she sees his unresolved feelings for Lucy and sweetly breaks off their relationship, letting him off the hook, so to speak. Lucy helps Zach decorate the Roadhouse Restaurant. Lucy realizes that her role as CEO of her Aunt Audrey’s art foundation is totally bureaucratic and that she has not been following her passion there. Lucy finally remembers the breakup, and that it was Zach who broke it off with her, which is why she ran away to Portland two years earlier to lose herself in taking over the art foundation. Furious at Zach for letting her think all this time that she had broken up with him, Lucy walks away from him. Back in Portland, a long-lost letter from her Aunt Audrey tells Lucy everything she needs to know in order to get her life back on the right track. With her memory completely resolved and a new sense of clarity, Lucy makes the trip back to Bedford Harbor to find Zach. What happens next will either close the door on her past with Zach or pave the way for a beautiful future together.
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nofatclips · 2 years
Unchained Melody by The Unrighteous Brothers b/w You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling
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Faites raison au Roi du Ciel. Rendez à la Pucelle qui est ici envoyée de par Dieu, le Roi du Ciel, les clefs de toutes les bonnes villes que vous avez prises et violées en France. Elle est ici venue de par Dieu pour proclamer le sang royal. Elle est toute prête de faire la paix si vous lui voulez faire raison, pourvu que France vous rendiez et payiez pour l'avoir tenue. Allez-vous-en en votre pays. Je suis chef de guerre et en quelque lieu que j'atteindrai vos gens en France, je les ferai en aller qu'ils le veuillent ou ne le veuillent, et s'ils ne veulent obéir, je les ferai occire. Je suis envoyée de par Dieu, le Roi du Ciel, corps pour corps, pour vous bouter hors de toute la France. Vous duc de Bedford, la Pucelle requiert que vous ne fassiez plus détruire. Si vous lui faites raison, vous pourrez venir en sa compagnie où les français feront le plus beau fait qui oncques fut fait. Et faites réponse si vous voulez faire paix en la cité d'Orléans, et si ainsi ne le faites, de vos biens grands dommages qu'il vous souvienne brièvement. Ecrit cette semaine sainte.
Lettre aux anglais, dictée par Jeanne D’Arc
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Hi I’m so sorry for my ignorance but would D&D be set in a time period where men wore wigs ?
Ah-mazing question Nonnie! I’m sure everyone is familiar with those ridiculous powdered wigs thought to give a man an air of wisdom and sophistication that we see people like the founding fathers of the United States wearing in painting and portraits. However, the use of wigs like that had begun to fall out of fashion by the turn of the century.
Louis XIII brought these atrocities into fashion when he wore them to preserve his vanity, as he was balding, and use of them spread across Europe. In the late 1700s the scarcity of flour (due to the mini ice age the Earth was going through) and also William Pitt’s attempt to raise a hair powder tax, quickly drove the use of these wigs from practice, even when the tax was lifted. Men in conservative professions like judges, physicians, barristers, military officers, and some servants would still wear them. It’s quite possible Mr. Konevi has a powdered wig stored away for appeances in court. Most other men quickly realized how much more pleasant it was to go au natural and began wearing those cropped, curly and somewhat wild hairstyles we know the Regency Era for.
Men and their barbers drew inspiration from the Roman Emperors and the Greeks, creating a craze for cropped haircuts, with long side burns, and a curly mop of hair atop their head which could be styled with a hair pomade made of wax or bear fat. Ew. At least you could buy scented varieties.
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Regency hair inspo.
Hairstyles were named the Brutus, Titus, and so on, after the man famous for wearing it. My favorite name for a hairstyle that I found though is the frightened owl. It appears Mr. Chambers wears a variation of the Bedford Crop, seen here on the Duke of Bedford himself.
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Uh... faceclaim? Anyone?
The wild look created by these curls was thought to be romantic. Men would brush the curls forward so they might tumble over their foreheads. The Ceasar was much shorter all over, but the Titus and Brutus allowed for this sort of styling. The Brutus was extremely popular as it was worn by Beau Brummell himself. Hair would always be short at the nape of the neck and curly was the desired texture for men. Men who didn’t have curly hair tried their damnest to get the volume afforded by curls. Hair was rarely washed, sometimes as little as every few months, so men would wear caps to bed to protect the linens and doilies would protect the backs of their furniture. Beards were not in style and men would generally be clean shaven.
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A series of Regency Era portraits showing a variety of men’s hairstyles. Note the profile, and how the man’s hair was extremely short in the back and the curls brushed forward at the top of his head.
Do you think Mr. Sinclaire uses the curly girl method?
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020-21 Rimouski Océanic Roster
#7 Nathan Ouellet (Rivière-Du-Loup, Quebec) C
#8 Émile Lambert (Sainte-Anne-De-La-Pocatière, Quebec)
#19 Logan Costenaro (Montreal, Quebec)
#25 Mikael Martel (Gatineau, Quebec)
#49 Xavier Ducharme (Saint-Jérôme, Quebec)
#71 Samy Paré (Saint-Marie-De-Beau, Quebec)
#90 William Dumoulin (Drummondville, Quebec)
#91 Alexandre Lefebvre (Saint-Eustache, Quebec)
#15 Zachary Bolduc (Trois-Rivières, Quebec)
#20 Andrew Coxhead (Bedford, Nova Scotia)
#27 Luka Verreault (Rimouski, Quebec)
#45 Alexander Gaudio (Laval, Quebec)
#67 Ludovic Soucy (La Pocatière, Quebec) A
#88 Frédéryck Janvier (Trois-Rivières, Quebec)
#10 Justin Bergeron (Magog, Quebec) A
#16 Simon Maltais (Moncton, New Brunswick)
#22 Brandon Casey (Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland)
#44 Anthony D’Amours (Trois-Pistoles, Quebec)
#58 Isaac Belliveau (Fleurimont, Quebec)
#76 Frédéric Brunet (Gatineau, Quebec)
#79 Philippe Casault (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
#92 Mathis Gauthier (Sainte-Marthe-Le-Lac, Quebec)
#94 Zachary Massicotte (Notre-Dame-Du-Mont-Carmel, Quebec) A
#33 Raphael Audet (Rimouski, Quebec)
#95 Matthew Dunsmoor (Guelph, Ontario)
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clayton-hutson · 4 years
Amigo the Devil Details New Album ‘Born Against’
Singer-songwriter's new project was produced by Beau Bedford, known for his work with the Texas Gentlemen from Music – Rolling Stone https://ift.tt/3nv0MEg via IFTTT
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