#because I trust the orientation will be super helpful and it's at a place that I think I should be able to handle
artbyblastweave · 3 months
So I want to draw out some of the grousings I put in the tags of @phaeton-flier's recent post on Waller's characterization in My Adventures with Superman.
I think the problem you're gonna run into with adapting Waller in 2024 is that they basically nailed her completely twenty years ago in the DCAU Justice League continuity, they already captured the perfect balance of good intentions and ruthless utilitarian amorality. In the DCAU, Waller's arrival on the scene was contextualized by more than a decade of superheroic precedent- she lives in a world where Superman specifically got brainwashed into attacking earth, she lives in a world where Kryptonian war criminals took a shot at Earth, she lives in a world where an alternate-universe totalitarian Superman crossed dimensional boundaries to take a shot at earth. She lives in a world where Superman helped disarm the world's nuclear arsenal at the behest of a guy who turned out to be the fifth column for an extraterrestrial invasion. She lives in a world where the Justice League formed specifically to stop something similar happening again and then tripped over their own dicks when one of their founding members turned out to be a partisan mole for an extraterrestrial empire. She lives in a world where these city-leveling clowns have consolidated sixty or seventy other city-leveling clowns in an orbiting circus that's armed with a city-leveling orbital laser canon. This is just the stuff that would have made the in-universe news, there's even more I'm not mentioning here. In other words, she lives in a world where it's completely reasonable not to trust the superheroes and to want to have contingencies against them.
She does horrible things in pursuit of those contingencies, but they're targeted, goal oriented horrible things. Aside from her usual suicide squad routine she clones and basically enslaves dozens of super-soldiers, which is of course terrible on the face of it, but comparatively easy to justify from the realpolitik cold-equation way in which she approaches things. When her bullshit generates externalities for civilians, it's not because she sics those super soldiers on them. She doesn't declare martial law. That's not what she's after! She just keeps losing control of the bastards, and then she shrugs, and she signs off on additional bastards from scientists and magicians who've proven time and time again that they do not have their shit buttoned down- but what else is she going to do? Roll over? Let the capes treat the world like their playground?
Crucially, the DCAU version is also capable of realizing when she's prioritized the wrong threat- she's capable of re-evaluating and de-escalating. She's got a foil on that show, a guy who starts from the same place of concern as her but isn't capable of course-correcting because he's too much of a belligerent paranoid maniac. That guy is General Wade Eiling. And in a version of MAWS that doesn't need to set Sam Lane up for a redemption arc, I would have Waller as the one in Sam's position, as the well-meaning extremist who loses control of the monster she created and gets frozen out in favor of a significantly less principled hardliner in the form of Eiling. Alas.
The fundamental thing about Waller, at least to me, is that she's uninteresting as a ground-floor antagonist. While I've yet to get around to the original Suicide Squad run where Waller originated, I'm confident in my understanding that it was a postmodern project from the word go, exploiting years of ossified genre convention and rogue's gallery bloat to make the points that it was trying to make. This is part of why I think the first Suicide Squad film went over like a lead balloon- it tried to wish that built-up continuity into existence out of nowhere, whereas the second movie was simply a lot more naturalistic about faking that larger context. This show feels like it's doing something similar on a meta-level- exploiting decades of audience familiarity with Waller and how plots involving her tend to go, in a way that papers over how weirdly early in the progression of this continuity they've brought her into the fray. She usually isn't the joyless jackboot on the frontline trying to snuff out the incipient heroic age- she's the beleaguered repairmen brought in years after the novelty has worn off, after the superheroes have had their goddamn chance, with all the ups and downs and near-misses that entails, so that she can make entirely novel mistakes in reaction to that context. As it stands, she's kind of 0 to 100 in this, and something about it feels off.
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13eyond13 · 4 months
12 + 14 for both Guts and Griffith ? (:
Ooh thx @hawkfawun ! ♡
GUTS + What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I don't think Guts would worry much about stuff like what it would mean about him and his sexual orientation or what other people might think of him if he was interested in Griffith as more than a friend. Doesn't seem to really even cross his mind much, aside from during his initial gruff uncomfortableness when Griffith first comes onto him very strong (which I think is due to how poorly Guts was socialized as a kid, how he has never experienced somebody take an interest in him positively like that before, and also because of his traumatic experience with Donovan). I think the reservations he might have about letting Griffith even closer to him or believing that Griffith actually genuinely "wants him" would be more due to his self-esteem issues, his general trust issues, and his good ol' fashioned shyness and social obliviousness. So it bugs me whenever I see people in the fandom elsewhere making a big deal about how he'd wrestle with the idea of having a queer attraction or acting like it's something that would be a huge source of shame or inner turmoil for Guts, because it just doesn't really ring that true to me based on how he actually thinks and acts and talks about Griffith to others in canon. I think his insecurity about feeling inferior to Griffith is the main thing he worries about in their relationship more than anything else.
GRIFFITH + What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I think Griffith is pretty dang emotionally intelligent in how quickly he recognizes and analyzes his own feelings and other people's too, actually. I've seen people say the reverse about him before, that he's a complete idiot about recognizing his own repressed emotions and desires and whatnot, but to me he comes off almost the polar opposite of that? At least before he does the sacrifice and transforms. In my opinion being super repressed and not emotionally intelligent means you struggle to even recognize you have feelings in the first place, and are also not good at accurately naming or recognizing the emotions you or anybody else are having or the possible reasons why, and are afraid to try to dig into that stuff any further. But Griffith basically instantly decides that he likes Guts and tells him that he does, and he also has a lot of clear ideas about his desires and ideals and dreams and how to get what he wants in general and how to give other people what they want. And I'm also thinking about stuff like how he will sit and walk himself through all the various things he's feeling and being pretty honest with himself about it all, like when we get inside his mind during his imprisonment for a bit. I feel like a lot of Griffith's misery and internal struggling in the Golden Age actually comes from how NOT repressed he is about how he feels much of the time, and from realizing how incompatible with each other or how futile some of his different desires and goals might be. Like I think he was pretty frustrated and hurt over making his emotional attachment so bare to Guts right from the start and then ending up feeling totally abandoned and rejected by him – I also understand why Guts had the hangups of his own that he did at every point, but I still can't help but feel bad for Griffith wearing his heart on his sleeve so boldly like that during the Golden Age and yet never really getting much of any direct obvious indication that his affections were returned, when in reality Guts DID feel the same. I sometimes don't blame him for going so extreme the other way with how hard he tries to remove all his feelings after that when I think about how shitty it must have been during those moments where he felt totally rejected and humiliated and abandoned during his torture and imprisonment after Guts left.
GUTS + Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Omg good question. I don't have any idea what label to give him... but to me he'd be something between like a metalhead/punk and a biker and a lumberjack/working-man blue collar kind of aesthetic, haha. Like wearing the same black cutoff T-shirt and trousers and big heavy boots every day. Probably would get stuff mostly at like military surplus stores and thrift stores and be thinking much more about practicality and durability and protection with what he's wearing than anything else. And he definitely wouldn't be willingly putting himself into too many situations where he had to wear a suit and tie or anything overly fancy or formal. Though I guess he got a little dramatic and sassy with his Three Musketeers type ensemble that one time...
GRIFFITH + Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Hahaha omg I'm so bad at this, it's def not my strong-suit to know and name all the specific fashion aesthetics and trends. Well, he definitely likes to get dressier and pay more attention to what he wears than Guts does, and he'd have a wider range of clothes in his closet too. He'd be switching between stuff he wears when he has to impress in the public eye and the stuff he wears when he's working or fighting or just hanging out with the boys. I think he'd have some fun with it too and know his most flattering colours and how to accessorize and whatnot. If it was a modern Griffith AU I think he'd probably not just be wearing like the most basic boring bro business suits when he has to be formal or anything either, like he'd be more androgynous and adventurous about it and still have some lace or frills or fun colours going on somewhere or something 😆 But that's about all I got, and I have no idea what you'd call it or what kind of specific aesthetic box to put it in, sorry...
[character ask meme]
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ecargmura · 10 months
I Finally Watched The First Episode Of The Apothecary Diaries
The Apothecary Diaries has been one of the seven animes I said I would be reviewing for Fall 2023. This anime aired in October. It’s December right now. I finally stopped holding it off and got to watching the first episode; I’m eight episodes behind! What are my thoughts of the first episode? I think it’s interesting!
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I love fantasy shows, and Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is one of the animes I am watching this season. I know that The Apothecary Diaries is another hyped up show and I actually love the difference between them. Frieren is a western-inspired fantasy story while The Apothecary Diaries is an eastern-inspired fantasy story. I love that I’m now reviewing two fantasy shows of opposite spectrums.
From what I saw, this anime seems to be about Maomao, the protagonist, who was kidnapped and sold to work as a palace servant. She used to be an apothecary and lived with her dad before her kidnapping, so she has a plethora of knowledge about herbs and poisons. She had involved herself with solving the mysteries behind the illnesses of the baby prince and princess and realizes that they were poisoned. She tries to warn the consorts about the poison, but it was too late for Consort Lihua as the prince died while the princess, daughter of Consort Gyokuyou, survived thanks to the mother heeding Maomao’s warning. This catches the attention of both Gyokuyou and Jinshi, a very beautiful eunuch who is in charge of the rear palace where this all takes place. I think that the story is going to be about Maomao using her knowledge to solve poisoning cases, so I think that the story will be episodic in a way, which isn’t bad.
Maomao as a character and protagonist is very interesting. Because she’s an apothecary, she was able to educate herself into knowing how to read and write, a trait that not many low-class girls like her have; this is evident with how Xiaoling, her friend, asked her what her tag said and how she was the only one who read Jinshi’s sign when servant girls were called to his office. I really like smart characters, so to see Maomao be that sort of character makes me excited to see more. I just hope the writing will be consistent for her. She was super cute with how she liked seeing herbs and such. I can’t wait to see how she’ll use her knowledge to help people. I already like her.
Jinshi feels very sketchy to me. He’s beautiful as heck, but he’s giving me trust issues. Is he using Maomao or does he genuinely want to work with her? If so, what’s his reason? He seems like a man of high status and what I know about asian/oriental fantasy stories is that any man of high status are suspicious. I do have to say, the anime really does like to emphasize how beautiful this man is as there are always close ups of his face or some parts of his face to show off his beauty. Someone in the animation studio must really like him.
The other characters in the story haven’t shown much, so I can’t say much about them. Xiaoling is cute. Gaoshun is probably that one character that has screen time but doesn’t say much due to his role as Jinshi’s attendant. Lihua seems like she’ll either be a villainous woman or one with development later on. Gyokuyou seems like a nice lady. I’ll talk more about the characters once they get more screen time in future episodes.
This story is Chinese inspired from names to buildings, but why is it that Gyokuyou’s name is in Japanese while everyone else’s names are in Chinese? I’ve noticed that Japan has a tendency to do this sometimes when it comes to animes with Chinese affluence. From this spreadsheet I saw on TVtropes, Gyokuyou’s name in Chinese would be Yuye. I mean, sometimes, Chinese, Japanese and Korean names would be translated into how it would be pronounced in their respective languages, but in a world where there are names like Maomao, Jinshi and Lihua, a more Japanese name like Gyokuyou does stick out like a sore thumb.
Not just Jinshi, the entire animation is very beautiful. The studio is OLM Incorporated; they have done many projects, but they’re also known for animating the Pokemon anime since the beginning and are even animating Horizons. The whole scenery and the way everything is colored is so beautiful. I really love how the flowers look, honestly. The rhododendron flowers look really pretty. Maybe it’s just a me thing, but any anime that can animate nature super well is a good one for me. The music is also really good too! The opening is addicting to look and listen.
The voice acting is superb. They got an all-star cast with a few rising stars. Aoi Yuuki stars as Maomao. I think this is a perfect fit. Yuuki has the range to pull off the serious, comedic and cute moments. Maomao was so entertaining to watch just from the first episode because of her performance. Jinshi is voiced by Takeo Otsuka. I feel like I’m seeing that name a lot in recent animes. I know he voiced Aqua in Oshi no Ko and Aqua is one of my favorite characters there. Unlike Aqua, Jinshi is more of a dynamic character, so instead of seeing him all moody and depressed like in Oshi no Ko, he’s all chipper. I think this shows Otsuka’s range and I can see why he’s getting casted left and right—he’s definitely a rising star. I don’t think I’ve heard Yui Ishikawa voice such a hot woman before. I’m usually familiar with her voicing teenagers, so this is the firs time I’ve seen her voice an adult and a mom at that. Lihua hasn’t shown up yet, but I do commend Ishikawa for going out of her comfort zone. I didn’t even know Yoko Hikasa voiced Gyokuyou until I looked it up. I don’t remember the last time she used that tone for a character. She has been voicing strong-willed, tough older ladies lately, so hearing her using a rather softer tone caught me off guard. Everyone else did a great job; I’ll talk about their performances in future episode.
Since this will have 24 episodes, I will be taking my time with the reviews for this anime. I know I am behind, but I want to take my time since I am juggling with a plethora of other animes to review. I hope you enjoyed my review! What are your thoughts on the first episode of this anime?
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saintirulan · 6 months
things from today i loved #2 (warning this got super long!) 🌸🌸🌸:
- so like. im still so unbearably jet lagged and i actually lost the entire morning (and the second day of orientation along with it) but everyone was again so kind and helpful and i actually wasn't even the only one. it's so cool to be surrounded by such amazing supportive people at all times im starry eyed 🥹
- i met up with the people from the other days and they are so lovely and we're becoming fast friends and then i also met new people! and like. i met this GORGEOUS STUNNING UNWORLDY PRETTY girl and the first thing she tells me is. have i seen you anywhere already. do you model??? and i was like. wdym 😳😳😳😳 blushing blushing blushing i can't even take selfies. and she was like. omg i really thought you were a model you should consider it!!! and i was like. :000 girl what. and she gave me the best compliment of my life i think. she looks me over and goes. you have such pretty features. you should consider modelling trust me im a art history major i know what im talking about. and like. 😳😳😳😳😳😳 i MELTED. also she told me she'll be my professional photographer. im still shell shocked by this whole interaction but yea!!!!!! making gorgeous stunning friends!!!!!
- we headed out to ueno park to see the sakura blossoms and we were such a big group it was super nice <33 the sakura flowers were indescribably pretty. i don't think i can put it into words so have some pics!!!
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- i also got to visit the temple inside the park and i made an offer and got a fortune along with it. and i got a great one <333 it was very fitting for me at this stage of my life and im also very happy i got to keep it (if you get a bad one, it's better to tie it in a dedicated place at the temple to release the bad fortune) <33 so yea let's hope this blessing is true 🥹💖
- we then split up a bit because we were struggling to find a place that could fit all 16 of us so me and my friend from italy took a group of 9 to the kaitenzushi restaurant from the other day and i got to try out new things!! I got glue soup as insistently recommended by my friend and it was actually really good!! don't ask me what it is im still trying to figure it out lol. then i got an eel nigiri and it was. SO TASTY it was slightly dipped in sweet soy sauce and it was *mwah* perfection. I also got tuna&scallion gunkan and whole squid nigiri & salmon with mayo nigiri & matcha ice cream at the end. all the while getting to know amazing people <3
- we were all then super full and kinda sleepy so we decided to head back and yea that was my day! meeting my japanese buddy tomorrow and im excited <333 giving you a kiss on the forehead if you read all this mwah mwah you get my lore and scraps from my journal 💖
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unsoundedcomic · 1 year
Why does Sessine love slashing her boys so much, if she doesn't feel sexual pleasure herself?
She thinks it's beneficial for them.
Look at how she's serviced Duane. She gets nothing out of it. Instead she has done it to make him feel better and to distract him from his angst, but also to direct him towards certain ends. After they made love during that scene in Litriya, after the ice skating, Duane woke up with her compliment in his head, saw his hideous reflection in the trough water, and was in a pretty awful humour the rest of the day. No, he's not beautiful, he's a monster, and it's because of Cresce. The sex strengthened his trust in Ilganyag and also put his situation into a newer, sharper relief, so he was ready to beat up on Crescian Lori and provoke Sette into taking him over with the amulet.
This right here, was Duane being the man he's always been. The bigot, the self-oriented asshole. It's what Ilganyag wanted him to be.
As far as Rahm and Bastion went, she thought they were good for each other. Rahm was straight and married but so very miserable. Bastion could make him feel good! Bastion loved him! But Rahm would never go for that? Why? Sexuality? That can be tweaked! So she did. And she believed it was good for both of her boys. Maybe she was even right. The story doesn't go there.
A lot of senet beasts view human sexuality from this alien third person perspective. They know humans like sex but they don't understand, then, why they aren't having more of it. Why aren't they loving each other more? Connecting more? There are so many strange forces that prevent them from communicating, touching, loving, rutting. So much useless shame, so many illogical rules.
So Ilganyag breaks those rules sometimes. Minnow also has a habit of sexing people in order to try and make them feel better (she would have made out with Duane if it had been possible, but maybe later). And then Ruck does whatever it is Ruck does.
I joke around a lot about Lady Ilganyag being a fujoshi because it amuses me; but I have a legitimate interest in how creatures like the senets, who do not reproduce and yet often have sexual characteristics, would view humans and their sexuality. How they would use it, and how they would try to understand it. I think it's a super fascinating topic and worth exploring. It doesn't have to be dark or ugly either. Ruck takes it to bad places but Lady Ilganyag sincerely wants to understand and, on occasion, improve the lives of her little friends. Minnow is even more wholesome. If you got squishy bits, you should use 'em! Let me help!
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Oh yeah. We're going old school with this
So Metroid 1 is a game that one can't help have some respect for: naturally without it there would be no series, hell there would be no genre! Super Metroid? Sotn? Hollow Knight? A good chunk of Indie games? Never would it have existed without this game! I can't deny its influence
....but Jesus Christ is it ROUGH
And look I've played plenty of NES games of this era, many of them being Metroid's contemporaries: Super Mario Bros, Zelda 1, Castlevania 1, Mega Man 1... and while all of them have their rough patches as was the norm for pretty much all videogames at the time....Metroid 1 stands out in a pretty bad way...
It's not stuff like the slow down whenever there are too many sprites on screen, that couldn't be helped I'm sure and was pretty common.
Nor is it the lack of a map in and of itself or the game's cryptic nature. In fact I'd say that this game is at least not as cryptic as the likes of Castlevania 2 since most of the time you can find your way forward by simply bombing a floor or wall whenever you run into a dead end, so once you know that you should be (kinda) good
My issue is how much it's obvious that this game was rushed to absolute fuck.
I can't find the interview that stated this but I heard that most of this game's development was handled during its very last months, which you can tell just by looking because about 85% of this game is made up of the same 5-6 room layouts copy and pasted with only slight differences if any at all, which is the REAL culprit for why you'll get lost here
Then there's the enemy placement
How can I put this gently?
It's absolute dog shit
Enemies are spammed without rhyme or reason, they attack you non stop, whenever you find those pipes straight out of Super Mario bros they'll be spewing enemies literally without stopping: here's a hint when you kill an enemy and they drop an item until you pick up that item the enemy won't respawn. Trust me this can be useful
Sometimes enemies won't spawn correctly when you enter a room, sometimes they'll attack you as soon as you enter while you're still going through the door transition when you can't move Samus, hell sometimes they'll manage to enter the door with you and hit you continuously WHILE the transition plays out!
If you die in this game you'll get respawned at the start of the area you died in...with only 30 points of health, meaning that you'll have to spend a lot of time grinding enemies for health, which was an issue that was also present in Zelda 1 but at least there the health bar was much smaller overall
I know it's an old game but...Zelda 1 didn't have this much copy and pasted level design, in fact that game's overworld was pretty diverse making it possible to orient yourself even without a map after a while. the dungeons where certainly much guiltier of copying room layouts but you could find a map and a compass in those places at the very least
With all due respect I think people sometimes give Metroid 1 a little bit too much leeway. Yeah some of its issues couldn't be helped as they were standard for the time....but others not so much I believe
Speaking of, I may have said that you can absolutely find your way forward even without a guide by just keeping in mind to bomb every potential dead end...but you ain't never finding the Varia Suit and Screw Attack without a guide. You have to destroy some completely inconspiquous blocks on perfectly normal looking ceilings in perfectly normal looking rooms.
Granted you don't NEED those two power ups to finish the game....but unless you're already a grade A expert at this game you're gonna need them if you plan on beating the more bullshit parts, especially the Varia Suit for the extra defense
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hatchetation · 2 years
Hello I would very much like to see you expand more on the different ways Kate and Lucy give off being queer 👀
Okayyy I'm so glad you asked!! So here were the tags:
#but i do know that lucy tara comes across as suuuuuper gay to me in the way she interacts with the world#even outside of being with kate she reads as queer to me#and i will say i also think tori is a great actress and i also get a super queer vibe from kate outside of lucy#and just as a further caveat#i know that not all queer people carry themselves in the same way. in fact lucy and kate read as queer to me but in v different ways
I may have gone overboard in this response so TL;DR: It's all about the vibes and their vibes are GAY!
I'm gonna start with Lucy. Lucy Tara is too gay to function. I'm kind of joking but also to me Lucy is the sort of queer person who cannot help but be herself. I think that she's always kind of liked girls and whenever she fully had her sexual awakening, there was no hiding it from herself or anyone else. I'm not saying that she didn't /try/ to hide it or that she hasn't gone through some shit related to being queer--it honestly wouldn't surprise me if we learn that her family took time to come around to her being gay. But I think it was hard for her to be anyone but herself. Relatedly, there's the way that Lucy refused to be Kate's dirty little secret back in season 1. Hidden away, wrapped up in shame in the shadows is just not who Lucy is. It very much felt like she was going against her nature for the few eps where she agreed for them to keep their relationship on the DL.
Imo, Lucy is also the type of friend who could listen to all of your problems and you could feel so close to her but then later you'd realize that she hadn't said anything about herself. Maybe that seems contradictory but to me it all kind of hangs together for her as a queer character: she's open about who she is but perhaps a bit wary about who she really trusts and brings into her inner circle (on the show we really only see her interact with characters she trusts so...could be cool to see her with someone she doesn't trust!).
Last thing about Lucy--it's literally just the way she walks and talks and dresses like she does not give a shit what any man thinks about her. What I mean by this is less about binary gender and more about how the life she's trying to live is outside the patriarchy…It's the way she punched Jesse on the arm back in season 1 and the way she also punched ASAC Curtis on the arm a couple eps ago. Her queerness is all up in her confident stride and her competitive nature. And look, I know very well that there are straight women who probably carry themselves like that and that nothing I'm saying is, on its own, specific to a sexual orientation. But all together, and in the context of NCIS: Hawai'i, it reads as queer.
Now for Whistler! I have to call her Whistler when I'm discussing how gay she is all on her own lmaoooo. She's gay in suchhhh a different way from Lucy. Her walls are allll the way up. I honestly identify with Whistler the most because the key to Whistler's queerness is that she's amazing at compartmentalizing. I, too, am amazing at compartmentalizing and let me tell you when you're young and closeted that coping skill is life-saving...until about ten years later when you have to go to therapy to unpack how traumatizing it was lol. But basically, I think Whistler's whole HBIC, stiff, loner tendencies show up outside of her relationship with Lucy and are coping mechanisms that identify her as queer. I know some of that stuff is related to her brother's death, but it really reads to me as queer.
Whistler presents herself as put together, not a hair out of place, focused to a fault, etc. In season 2 we're seeing her open up, but she still identifies with being a loner and I think she still knows exactly what a gut punch it is to feel existentially lonely. Like, that loneliness that happens when you're gay and you feel like you'll never be brave enough to be your authentic self. That loneliness that you think you'll never escape because YOU put the walls up and how are you supposed to take them down now?? The way her character reads to me is someone who is just beginning to live the kind of life that she probably dreamed of as a kid. Again, that vibe feels incredibly queer to me.
And of course, on a more superficial note, Whistler also reads as someone who does not give a FUCK what a man thinks. She has a more feminine style at work than Lucy. I think that's the style that makes her most comfortable, and I also think it's her armor, a way for her to assert that yes she's a woman and also yes she will kick your ass. Again, I'm sure that there are many women in male-dominated work spaces who operate similarly and not all of them are gay. But within the context of the show...it reads as gay!
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felixcloud6288 · 11 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 80
Thinking back, Jelso and Zanpano only just got involved in all this and their first interaction with a Homunculus was Envy in it's super form.
And speaking of, Envy stays defiant despite everything. It made one last attempt to hijack Yoki's body only for that to not work. And even when kept in a jar, it still insults everyone around it. It called Ed a squirt despite being way smaller than him now.
There's a little straw in the jar cork so Envy can get air.
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Envy's defiant antics are more funny because of what it looks like right now. If they could have taken it hostage while it was in its human form, Envy's snobbish refusal to give information wouldn't look so silly.
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It's easy to forget how dangerous, manipulative, and sadistic Envy actually is when it's a cute little slug.
Marcoh said he threw out his hip fighting Envy and now he's using a walking stick.
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At the crossroad, May takes Envy eastward to head to Youswell.
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If we orient ourselves a little, we can determine the party was traveling southward. Later in the chapter, the party, minus Scar and Marcoh, are in Reole.
But here's the thing: Reole is north of Youswell. So Al's team would likely need to take the same road May just went down to head for Youswell.
Everyone, except Scar, was blushing at May tearfully grabbing Al as she said goodbye.
Winry decides to be nosy about Al's love life and then Al gets back at her about it later.
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Going forward, time is highly convoluted. We were likely still in the Northern parts of Amestris but since the series has been transitioning to winter, it's always possible it's starting to snow further south of Briggs.
I can't really pinpoint how long May traveled to get to Youswell nor how long it took Al's party to reach Reole. May seems to have taken a train to reach Youswell. Meanwhile, Al probably can't risk riding a train because he would be too conspicuous and Winry is in hiding so she can't be used as a hostage. Furthermore, Reole doesn't have a direct train line so they'd have to travel on foot for part of it.
Several days to several weeks might have passed during this chapter depending on how long it took everyone to reach where they got to.
It seems like Youswell is becoming a somewhat more touristy area. Or at least it's economy has grown beyond just coal.
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May was so quick to run back to Central with a slight nudge from Envy. I wander if there's anything of value to May back home. She's a princess of Xing, but she's the princess from the weakest clan in Xing and Xiao Mei is her only friend. She cares about her clan, but it's more like an obligatory care.
But in Amestris, she has made friends and met people she cares for on a personal level.
Envy knows how to manipulate people. It understands May is conflicted over having to choose to help the people she cares about and the people she's obligated to help. And Envy brought up a "solution" that can do both.
The small talk between Hawkeye and Wrath has such a bombshell to me.
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I am absolutely certain Wrath is angry that his entire life has been decided for him. He even mentions how his son, position, subordinates, and power were all decided and given to him. Nothing he has is truly his own.
So when he saw his family in chapter 32, I think he was genuinely smiling when he saw them because his wife is truly his. And he earned the love she has for him.
Olivier Mira Armstrong and Alex Louis Armstrong are having a violent sibling squabble.
Alex is aware of the national transmutation circle, so someone told him about it. My bet is it was Olivier herself. Falman informed the rest of the Mustang squad, but he doesn't have any reason to consider Alex as someone to inform. Meanwhile, Olivier has a messenger within Central loyal to her family. Despite everything, I'm certain she trusts Alex as an ally when the time comes.
The place Major General Armstrong is taken to is somewhere in that circular passage under the research labs.
I know they're all evil, but they really should do something about all these pipes and cables. This is a humongous tripping hazard.
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l0serloki · 2 years
The Chamber & Sova pregnancy imagnes were cute! Could you please do more?? With Phoenix & Breach preferably.
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Valorant Pregnancy HCs
(Phoenix & Breach)
Phoenix :
- He thought you were joking at first
- Laughing his ass off then his face just goes serious,, “Wait. You’re not joking?”
- Man is hopping around in circles now
- “I’m gonna be the best dad ever!! I can’t believe you’re pregnant!”
- He’s gonna buy the baby matching shoes, “hey the baby has to have drip too”
- I feel like Phoenix is super family oriented and wants to tell his parents right away
- “Jamie are you hungry-“ “I ordered ubereats and got us dinner already” (mans is always one step ahead)
- He’s calling himself dad now and you are no longer baby/doll/honey, you are mom
- The baby is born and he’s crying then he takes a million photos (for good memories of course!)
You and Phoenix were out shopping for stuff when you saw the baby shoes. He wanted to “get another pair of limited shoes”, not like he needed anymore. You smiled and picked them up, trying to find the price tag.
“Your feet grow a little smaller baby?” Phoenix laughs and you roll your eyes. “Yeah because my feet would fit into that. They would be for our baby.” Phoenix laughs and nods. “Yeah maybe in a few years love.” Your eyes widen at what you just said. You didn’t even mean to say it like this but now you kinda had to. “No like… I’m pregnant.” Phoenix stops cackling and looks at you seriously. “What like… pregnant pregnant?” “Yeah.”
He starts dancing around like a madman and scares nearly everyone in the shop. “I’m gonna be a dad!! We have to get the shoes now!” You couldn’t help but think of how adorable he is.
Breach :
- You tell him and he just goes blank for a minute
- Then he grins and pulls you in for a big hug, “God that’s crazy. You’re really pregnant! I’m gonna protect you both.”
- If you thought Chamber was overbearing you should see Breach
- You had to have a serious talk with him about letting you do stuff, he’s just so worried & cares too much
- He takes you out on walks or to see places so you can clear your mind and not feel too cooped up in the house
- He’s gonna be super touchy feely, expect kisses galore and infinite cuddles
- When you give birth he’s holding your hand and giving you little encouragements the whole time
Breach and you were in the backyard. He was grilling dinner and you were enjoying the breeze, thinking about how to tell him. You had found out you were pregnant a few days ago but didn’t know how to word it. Of course you were nervous to tell him even though you trusted the man with your life. This was a huge step as a couple! You looked up as he sat down the plate of food and smiled.
“You good?” His eyebrow cocked and you just nodded slowly. “Yeah! I have something I need to talk about though.” You saw the smile disappear and worry etch onto his visage. “What’s wrong? Anyone I need to beat up?” You snorted and got up, sitting on his lap. “No no, just that I’m carrying our kid. New steps for us.” His face was blank for what seemed like forever until excitement broke through.
“Oh baby, this is amazing. I’m gonna lose it. We are actually gonna be parents? You and me? I’ll tell you what I’ll protect ya’ both.” You only hummed as you dug your face into his shoulder. You could only be elated for what the future held.
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universestreasures · 8 months
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Random Assortment of Hedcanons for Mokuba and some of his Friend Squad
Mokuba (TW For HC 1 and 2: Mental Health / PTSD, TW For HC 8: Mention of Death.)
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Mokuba's was referred to his current therapist, Child Psychiatrist Dr. Ai Fujita (A NPC created by me for my Mokuba/his friend's lore specifically), by Tasuku after their initial meeting post-Death-T. She currently practices in Cho-Tokyo, home of Tasuku's sector of the Buddy Police, and has worked closely with the children of those affected by the crimes the Buddy Police handles for years. Mokuba started to attend therapy regularly (weekly to start, but this was reduced down to monthly by the time he is a teenager) following Battle City (Such as the period of time my confrontation thread with @shacchou takes place in) and does so via Telehealth.
Dr. Fujita officially diagnosed Mokuba with PTSD upon official assessment and intake procedures completion. He was not prescribed any medication. However, she recommends for him to consider having a trained service animal such as a cat or a dog to help him with his PTSD-induced nightmares and other symptoms.
Mokuba learns how to play Buddyfight from Gao and the others and plays a Dragon World deck to start, focusing on Armordragons much like Gao and Tasuku. Though, he would switch over to Star Dragon World once that becomes more widespread, using a Neodragon Crossnize deck like Tasuku's.
He plays dragon-themed decks for Duel Monsters, inspired by his brother's own deck. His fav card to use is Kidmodo Dragon.
Mokuba's traveled to some of the Buddyfight parallel worlds either through his friends or a field trip after he started attending Aibo Academy. He loved Hero World the most.
I like to think the 'Kaibaman' Duel Monsters card was something Mokuba came up with, because his big brother is his hero. So naturally, it would make to visualize him as a super hero and make a card based off the idea. I can totally see him make some sort of agreement with Industrial Illusions without his brother knowing and then presenting it to him as a gift (Perhaps a birthday gift).
In relation to his friend squad, Mokuba is the most similar to Gao and finds him very inspiring, he trusts Tasuku the most and unconsciously sees him as another older brother figure in his life, and is the closest to Suzuha and hangs out with her the most.
In the distant future, when Gao and his eventual partner Paruko get married and eventually have their two children (Yuga and Haru), Mokuba 100% is their unofficial uncle (Much like Tasuku is) and spoils those two kids rotten. And considering Yuga is a video content creator/streamer who loves taking on game challenges with a pretty big following (and being the son of Buddyfight's current World Champion, aka Gao), I can see him being the perfect person to collaborate and market some of Kaiba Corp's products, especially those targeted at children.
Mokuba visits his birth parent's graves once a year. He asks Seto to join him, but does not expect him to. He always brings flowers and 'talks to them' about how he's been.
Mokuba does make friends with pretty much all of Gao's friends at some point. Though, he is closest still to Gao, Tasuku, and Suzuha out of anyone. He would 100% make them a locket similar to his and his brothers, but with a Buddyfight card design and a group photo of them inside, perhaps as a graduation gift. He'd wear his in addition to his and Seto's.
As stated in a previous post, Mokuba's orientation is demi. He does not get attracted to anyone romantically until he forms a strong emotional bond with someone. In addition, his playful antics some people (like at school) mistake it for flirting, and as such, he has a lot of admirers and gets notes in his locker all the time (especially around Valentine's Day)
Gao & His Three Buddies (Drum, Bal, & Batzz)
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Gao's initial Buddy Monster is Drum Bunker Dragon, and he met Drum during the time period of Battle City. However, he eventually comes into contact with Bal and Batzz (his other two Buddy monsters he meets in canon), and eventually, signs Buddy Contracts with all three of them. So, he has three Buddy Monsters (Plus Chibi Panda as he is a plus one for Batzz) living and fighting alongside him throughout his life (Drum nor Bal leave Gao like they do in canon).
Of Gao's three buddies, Mokuba gets along with Bal the most. Bal adores Mokuba. They become total besties, much to Gao's delight. Bal sometimes even asks to sleep over at Mokuba's house or vise versa (Good luck Seto having a literal baby dragon in your house LMFAO). Very wholesome bond. They would 100% try to make pizza (Bal's fav food) and probably make a huge mess cause both cannot cook to save their life. He also has let Mokuba fight alongside him and use his Sundragons for fun, and Gao supports this.
Gao, much like in canon, takes place in the WBC (World Buddy Cup) tournament and takes the crown, becoming the number one Buddyfighter in the entire world. He holds this title even into his adult world. He also competes in other tournaments such as the ABC Cup like he does in canon as well, but I am still figuring out all of the canon events that apply to this verse.
As stated above, Gao does marry Paruko in this verse and have his two sons, Yuga and Haru. Yuga was born when Gao was 23, as per canon. However, he does not move to America to teach his family's style of martial arts. He grows the style right here in Japan while his mother and the other family members grow it in the West, meaning he has a much more active role in the lives of his kids and his friends. This also means he does not move to America like he does in canon, but he does visit there from time to time.
Gao would 100% volunteer to test any new Kaiba Corp products. He may be a Buddyfighter, but he is always up for a fun challenge. He'd also expand his self-defense teachings to the company, should they request his aid.
Gao invites Mokuba over for sleepovers sometimes, and his family invites both Mokuba AND Seto over for dinner. They're just that kind of family.
Gao would vibe so well with Jounouchi and would totally try to teach him how to amp up his physical combat skills using his Akijijitsu martial arts.
Gao and Mokuba got a secret handshake and it's the cutest thing ever.
He shares his brother's Mighty Sun Fighter comics with Mokuba, and that becomes a nice bonding thing for them. Mokuba would tell his brother all about the comic's stories. Perhaps seeing that could inspire the image of 'Kaibaman' that I discussed earlier.
Gao thinks Seto is as cool as Mokuba says he is, and really admires his strength as a duelist.
As stated in a previous post, Gao's orientation is pan. His romantic attraction is not defined by someone's sex or gender. However, he is pretty dense overall when it comes to romance and misses romantic cues often.
Tasuku & Jack (TW For HC 11: Mental Health / PTSD /Mention of Death.)
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Of the friend group, Tasuku and Jack more often play the role of dad friends than anything else. They're more than often the responsible ones and the ones first to defend the group if needed.
Much like in canon, Tasuku when he grows up does take over for Commander I as the official head of the Buddy Police in Cho-Tokyo (His title is officially Commissioner). He is working not in the field much anymore, but rather oversees overall operations, training and development. He is put onto very huge and potentially dangerous cases however, such as anything on a large scale.
Tasuku regularly checks in on Mokuba, as he does with everyone he's close to. He wants to make sure the kids doing alright, and offers his aid if needed.
I do not think he will fully 100% ever like Seto Kaiba (and I'm pretty sure that feeling would be mutual on Seto's part. But then again, tons of people got issues with Seto let's be real, LOL), but I do think he will come to a somewhat of an understanding about him (Especially by the time he's a teenager/young adult) and will work with him if needed. I like to think he does respect though, if nothing else, his strength as a duelist, work ethic, determination to reach his goals, love for Mokuba (once he understands how he shows that love), and his noble reasons for opening Kaibalands around the world. He thinks he'd be a good Buddyfighter too if he ever tried out the game, specifically as a user of Ancient World or Star Dragon World.
Tasuku does train in Dragon World much like in canon and passes his training with Armor Diety Dynamis. Though, the contents of that trial are still up in the air as I am debating whether or not Tasuku becoming Purgatory Knight is a thing in this verse or not. It's such an important part of Tasuku's character arc in general (Like how Death-T and it's aftermath is for so many of the YGO cast), but getting to that point would require a lot of circumstances I do not know how to fit into this verse well (getting forcibly fired by the buddy police, the buddy police being corrupted, being manipulated, a grand event to make him use gold ritter and team up with Demios, etc. It's why I have yet to include it in any au that's not canon adjacent. It's so hard to set up.). I am open to trying to plot a way to include it, as Purgatory Knight Tasuku is always interesting to write. (It would break Mokuba's heart though ;;;;). He, following that completion of his training, will obtain Star Dragon World and Jack will change into a Neodragon. It an also not sure if Jack will get his time jump abilities he gets with this upgrade either like he has in canon, but it be interesting to play with as it lets him and others time travel basically.
Jack, much like in canon, eventually becomes so recognized by the public as Tasuku's Buddy he doesn't need to hide himself in his card form. Though, he prefers his big form to his mini form still, but is seen in his mini form most often.
Once Buddyfight becomes more mainstream, the Buddy Police becomes much like it is in canon, focusing both on stopping game-related crimes (9/10 at this point it is Buddyfight related) in addition to handling the Buddy Monster contract system and distribution of Core Deck Cases through the Buddy Card Office.
Tasuku (and Mokuba too for that matter) are allowed certain days during the school week where they can come in half day due to their work circumstances. Tasuku and Jack will personally pick up Mokuba from HQ and take him to school. They also will take him to his home if asked.
Jack (and this goes for other Buddy Monsters too) are able to see Duel Monsters spirits and communicate with them.
Mokuba invites Tasuku to the opening ceremony of Kaibaland, and Tasuku is touched by the sentiment.
Much like in his canon verse, my Tasuku has little to no memories of his life prior to losing his parents. This is because of him unintentionally repressing them as a PTSD response (Yes, he is also diagnosed with PTSD and was diagnosed by Dr. Fujita). It is something, once he realizes it, regrets because while he is looking to the future, he wishes he could remember more about his parents, especially after hearing Mokuba talk about how much he misses his own parents.
As stated in a previous post, Tasuku's orientation is demi. He does not get attracted to anyone romantically until he forms a strong emotional bond with someone. Much like Mokuba, he is very popular in school and has a ton of people crushing on him. He is polite about it, but can get overwhelmed. He is not actively persuing a partner, though.
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alleyskywalker · 1 year
I didn't want to be negative on the server, but that "You don't have to call me Your Grace when no one's around" line? Yea, so irritated by it. Really don't understand how people are this into it/think it's super shippy. The issue with it is definitively how it's written, though Richard's irritated delivery does absolutely nothing to help.
This is def an illustration of a problem this show has at times that's like: pretty good concept/idea, poor execution. I understand why this line makes people's ears perk up - it seems like it should be playing on the tropes of Person Thrust Into Power Is Uncomfortable With It, and from the shippy perspective, the adjacent trope of Person In Power Wants To Retain Informality With Love Interest As A Show Of Vulnerability/Intimacy/Trust. (Love Interest can be replaced with Close Friend in a more gen oriented perspective - the idea still being to illustrate emotional intimacy between characters.)
But if they wanted this to be about vulnerability or emotional intimacy it needed to be written and delivered as a request. The way it is, it does not come off as that. It comes off as...not quite a command, but an allowance. "You don't have to" - I'm so generously allowing you to not have to engage in formality. That can interpreted as a show of favor, I suppose, but very much from a place of a skewed power dynamic. That's not emotional intimacy, because that would actually require vulnerability from Robb. That would actually require him to request to have previous informal relationship back. A request that could at least in theory be denied. (It wouldn't be, but that's not the point. The point is opening up to the potential of rejection. Otherwise it's just issuing commands and bestowing favors.)
People want to see emotional intimacy in that line. All I see is the same power dynamics gap.
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loveoaths · 2 years
Hi! Can you tell us some super cool character headcanons meme with Maul?
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto? perfect. i know his singing voice is perfect)
i don't know if i'd put super cool and maul in the same sentence, but i can def share some headcanons!
Places Maul shouldn't sleep in but does anyway: he's too uptight to fall asleep anywhere that isn't absolutely secure. he's the type to fall asleep in the pilot's chair of his ship, or curled in a ball on his bed with his back to the wall and a hand curled securely around his saberstaff hilt. maul is weird about spaces, too: he doesn't like being trapped anywhere, but big rooms weird him out. he prefers a smaller space to sleep, because nothing can hide from him, and he has total control of it -- and peace of mind. he did learn to force himself to doze in strange places on missions, though.
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: honestly, i do not think this man sleeps well, at all, ever. he is always some kind of tired, which means he's always at least a little crabby. maul is prone to headaches and migraines; the more sleep-deprived he is, the more likely one pops up. my man is nursing a low grade headache/on his way to a migraine at any given time. he becomes more churlish, irascible, cruel, irrational, and paranoid the longer he goes without rest, as well. this sucks for everyone within a 10 mile radius of him, because we all know that if momma maul ain't happy, nobody's happy.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: honestly i bet he wishes he could do drugs. he can't, he does not have the right mindset for them, but boy oh boy does he wish he could get blasted off his ass and not think for a damn minute. however, that would require him not to be a paranoid motherfucker, and maul don't trust like that, lol. so his preferred methods of relaxing are, like... eating bitter and salty foods, hunting (fresh meat is always a great mood booster), and doing something he's good at. unfortunately for the galaxy at large, everything maul is good at is illegal on every planet, so maul's self-care day usually ends with other people in the hospital or the morgue. moving meditation is also helpful, as is studying something new. he's particularly interested in sith history, the legacies of mandalore and other warrior cultures, reports related to unknown space, and high republic era history. maul is always looking for information that will give him the upper hand, and as future oriented as he tries to be, his very nature compels him to look back into the past (usually at his own failings and misery). more mundane comforts are submerging himself in a body of water when he has the luxury, which is not often, and building trinkets made from the armor, weapons, and, sometimes, bodies of defeated enemies.
Thoughts on his singing voice: i'm going to be indulgent here and say that maul would be a good singer if he had any real desire or inclination to sing, and kept at it. he naturally has great pitch and rhythm, but music has not been a big part of his life. if he hadn't been taken from dathomir as an infant, feral would have asked him to sing to him at night, and maul would have done it (pretending to be annoyed the entire time, but enjoying his brother needing him for something). but since that didn't happen, i'm partial to the idea that singing is something kilindi matako introduced maul to at orsis academy. she wasn't spectacular at it, but he thought it was beautiful because he couldn't remember anyone singing before then. she convinced him to keep at it during their time there together, and he eventually came up with a little song just for her. however, he never got to show it to her before he massacred the academy on his master's orders. he still hums her song sporadically from time to time, years later.
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kymmiejournals · 1 year
Undated Portrait Boho Digital Planner by Digital Planning Gal
This post contains affiliate links. If you take action (i.e. make a purchase) after clicking my affiliate links, I’ll probably earn a few bucks which will help keep this website running or just to buy a cup of coffee. You know I only recommend products that I actually use, love and trust, right?
Hello friend,
What’s up? Another planner feature here and this time, it's all about Bohemian style with rich terracotta and warm color palettes. If you love all things Boho, then this is the perfect digital planner for you! Lauren of the Digital Planning Gal, shared her very first digital planner product with me and I am super ecstatic to have it! Since then, she's been creating a lot of fancy digital products for planner lovers.   
Tools and Resources
Any note-taking app (ex. Goodnotes or Noteshelf, etc.)
iPad 2019 7th Gen (10.2”)
Apple Pencil 1st Gen
Replace your Apple Pencil tips
Paperlike matte screen protector
Pink NimbleStand for Apple Pencil
16 functional hyperlinked tabs for easy navigation
Monthly layout with Monday and Sunday
Weekly layout
Daily layout with Schedule, Tasks and Top Three
Lined page
Extra Templates
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Undated Portrait Boho Digital Planner
I've put "keep life simple" on the cover because this planner is super easy and convenient to use. You will also see a Thank You note from Lauren and essential links to connect with her.
As I mentioned, this planner is simple and functional, right after you flip through the Thank You note, you'll see the Monthly page where there are 16 tabs with hyperlinks. The Monthly page has 5 rows and a section for Goals and Notes.
Since this planner is in Portrait orientation, you get 2-column table for the days of the week, a section for Tasks, Reminders, Tracker and a small box for you to place your photos, stickers or quotes.
This Daily layout can help you prioritize your goals and tasks for the day, there is the Top Three section where you can put the tasks that have high priority or is urgent. You also get to track your time by writing it in the Schedule section, then a list of Tasks, a box for Affirmations and Gratitude.
You can duplicate this page as many times as you wish. The page has a soft pink lined template.
Extra pages that you can duplicate or use as many times as you want:
Weekly Meal Plan
Shopping List
Health Tracker
Bills Tracker
Expense Tracker
Savings Tracker
Monthly Goals
Weekly Goals
Social Media Scheduler
Sleep Tracker
A section for stickers are is also included in this planner, however while I was testing this product, the stickers aren't pre-cropped or can't be moved by lasso tool. I guess Lauren exported the whole file as PDF and have not saved this as a Goodnotes file. Hopefully, she'll update the product listing to include a Goodnotes file for the stickers.
Vision Board
You can put your short or long-term goals. You can also fully utilize this page to do a mood board for when you decide to change your planner space, design your own room, new recipes to try, mix and match clothes to wear using photos or anything that inspires you.
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Purchase the Undated Portrait Boho Digital Planner
Try the Undated Landscape Boho Digital Planner if you don’t want Portrait mode
This post is not sponsored nor paid by Digital Planning Gal, I am only reviewing products that I use and love [know more]
The fonts and graphics used are separate purchases and not included in the planner
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I'm going to type out my ideas of this generation and society as a whole perspective that is mine...
I may sound rude, brutish, maybe even haterlike, but listen to me as someone who sees no hope in the youth we have today, who sees the red flags of people of older gens and someone who is a minority, both from Puerto Rico, disabled via Autism Diagnosis, and actively taking HRT Transgender.
I am deathly afraid of today's society.
Let's look at the government and certain states, like Texas, for example.
Texas, right now, has a lot of anti-LGBTQ laws that most states don't have, like Idaho. They even are removing trans kids by being outed and even REMOVING THE KIDS FROM THEIR ALREADY SUPPORTING FAMILIES!
What do you think this may raise?
Suicide rates, trauma, crimes, and much more. This single act is very dangerous for just a child to even find. This, alone, can be the mainstream reason of the problems in mental health.
For once... I never chose my identity. I never even knew what trans was fully until I was questioning why I feel wrong. I was not like most "tomboys".
Right now, I see like 75% of us, Trans Peeps, have not chosen much about it, let alone be out-of-the-closet. But on the internet (taken ganders of TrevorSpace by The Trevor Project), many youngens make such "choices" about their identities. They even make up identities about objects and animals, which seem a little too absurd. Making new identities is like filling up the fucking alphabet right now.
Who would even do the LBGTQ as a whole ass alphabet when we keep doing weirdo identities that do not even make sense for ourselves.
Identities that involve being pedo, zooph, trans-species, and other nonsense stuff, is not part of the true LGBTQ community. Only identities and sexual/romantic orientations, like demisexual, bisexual, leaning here or there is otherwise perfectly fine. Having said this, I don't want an argument about "OH YOU ARE BEING DREAMSEXUALPHOBIC, PENCILOPHOBIC, ETC" no, that is an invalid identity and sexual/romantic orientation, trust me that this little simp shit is not going to get you winning. Besides, wanting to date a grown ass man??? When it's a weirdo ableist youtuber??? Hypocrite.
As for the youth of today's society...
Look at what going gentle and spoiling our children went to. They are now people who have not seen the real world's consequences. Look at the kids doing drugs, smoking, doing guns and gangsta shit!!! Look at these problematic kids! Causing fights, drama, going super bitches for no reason, they think it's funny! IT'S NOT.
Children and teens who accuse falsely are career breakers, true problems of the caregivers who do try their best. They are nothing but do-nothings because their parents were too afraid of "punishing the kids". Sure, drawing a line on abuse is very nifty, but discipline is a real thing we need, and emotional or physical it may be, how else do we teach kids of how to toughen their brittle shells and see how the world can be. How else can we make them realize whatever crime they do, they can get arrested or even killed by other crime-doers?
I hate today's children who can talk. Why? Because all they want to do is watch "FriDayNightFunKin and NFT WuGYY" and even think that drawing porn will make popularity. No.
Kids who draw porn shouldn't even be possible at all. If they do, that's their fault and the parents for avoiding such illegal warnings. Kids who even accuse about being provoked and exposed for being a minor should be banned from socials for good until legally old to view nsfw (countries vary their legal age consents, do your research too!)
I hate today's generation. We don't stand a chance the way we are now. These kids will end us, for worse matters. And these boomers are not going to help either.
Living is now a privilege in the world. To live, we have to fight, get hurt and even lose rights to even be stable on housing, on food, on everything.
Why do we even bother to fight our rights when the governing places keep trying to kill us? We stand because we have to, not because we are not unable to. They force us to stand, they force us to work, they want to rid our "illnesses", they want to even cure Autism, which cannot be done either way. We can only teach and educate as we can, accommodate as we are able to, you can never cure mental illnesses away, no matter the cost.
And people who think we are faking? Look at yourselves and talk more, you are the main pinnacle of why we are dying at the hands of a brutal capitalistic country, wanting to steal ideas and commit plagiarism.
Look at us...
We can still make it right if we fight for what WE TRULY NEED!
I wish I would. Wouldn't you?
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httpstes · 2 years
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Astro Observations V ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Links to other astrovations: Astrology observations l, Astrology Observations ll, Astrology observations lll, Astrology observations IV, Astrology observations VI
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🪷Leo placements tend to get deeply involved with their creative endeavours. Many of these people can have artistic things (making jewellery, painting, music, art in general rlly) that they do as a hobby or as a stress reliever. But like y’all should rlly look into careers to do with whatever artistry your interested in because it can take you a long way :) Half of its natural talent the other is Hard work🫶
🪷Venus in 10H individuals may get compliments from strangers a lot and can get treated nicely bc of pretty privilege (srsly tho every Venus 10H person i’ve met were super pretty) However others may be envious of this and may not have best intentions when it comes to you, esp if you have Venus in aspect. with pluto
🪷Unevolved Cancer and libra placements (spec sun/moon/rising/Venus) tend to put other peoples happiness before theirs. With Libras they want to keep the balance within friendships and connections so if there was a dispute, they can put their ego aside and be mature ab whatever is going on, however it can lead to taking the blame for things that others did just to keep the harmony. With Cancer placements, they tend to not speak up against their loved ones even if they know they are wrong. Unconditional love has its consequences at times 😭 Again this is cancer and libra placements that are unevolved and that have to learn the importance of assertiveness and self priority.
🪷Moon conjunct Moon in synastry is such a cute placement. Like no matter what type of relationship you have with the other person they will always have a close place in your heart and you can rarely feel uncomfy around them. My younger brother and I have this aspect and I mean yea it’s brother-sister dynamics but also me and him have so much in common from music tastes to similar interests that nobody else knows about LOL. We also trust each other with secrets and always have each other’s backs. Ik other friends and family members that have this placement with their loved ones and it’s so cute. I noticed that you can come back to this person months after not seeing each other and everything will still be the same. However you can get annoyed with the person you share this placement with simply because you can be very similar in terms of emotional needs.
🪷Uranus in 1/10th house solar return or transit can indicate having a major change to your physical and public appearance. The way others perceive you could drastically change. Uranus first house transit/solar return may also feel a need to change up their appearance because they have gotten bored of it.
🪷Mars/Venus in 8H/10H are hot and nobody is allowed to argue with me.
🪷Mercury-Pluto natives are like sirens, they can entrap you with their voices and charm you easily.
🪷Saturn in Leo individuals may deal with self-esteem issues in their younger years. They may struggle to find confidence in themselves. This is because some of Saturn’s traits are karma, lessons and wisdom. Through the issues many Saturn Leo natives may deal with/have dealt with, they learn to seek validation internally and not externally, so they end up relying on themselves to push them to be confident and find their glow. Through this they learn how to deal with strengthening their ego and self esteem so then it isn’t easily shattered.
🪷Fire risings with Earth moons come off as more chill and relaxed than regular fire risings with fire/air/water moons. I noticed this esp with aries risings and earth moons.
🪷Uranus 4H transit can indicate feeling the need to rebel your traditional values and the things you have been brought up with. This also can indicate seeking more freedom and wanting to leave your home more.
🪷Moon in 11H natives are very idealistic and can be optimistic. These individuals are people oriented, they enjoy helping and collaborating with others. Many of them have amazing social skills (unless moon is afflicted) and strong connections with powerful people in society. This honestly can take them a long way.
🪷Venus in second house/Taurus venus/Leo venus really like to shower their partner with physical affection. Specifically with second house/Taurus venus they definitely like to spoil their lovers with gifts and money. They also like to be possessed or possess their partner in some way 😭 It could be simple things though like spraying their perfume on their s/o hoodie or wearing their s/o's stuff.
🪷Leo venus on the other hand really like to show off their partner and it’s so cute. Their very proud of who they’re with and would gladly give them the world. They’d also like this energy to be reciprocated :D A Leo venus with taurus in big three or in second house (or vice versa) definitely accentuate this qualities.
🪷Capricorn in 5th house may have been restricted a lot when young. They could have had strict parents who didn’t let them go out a lot to parties or didn’t know how to adapt to spontaneous situations, so they found it to be safer to plan out fun events rather than go with the flow.
🪷Libra/Venus/Taurus in the 2nd or 6th house can indicate being obsessed with skincare, makeup and in general getting lost in physical pleasures that bring them therapy. These individuals rlly like to pamper themselves and make themselves feel good through beauty. Also side note they all have rlly pretty faces. 🫶
🪷Saturn conjunct venus in the 6th house can also indicate have a strict health and beauty routine each day. I was gonna say think patrick batemans routine but i realised that was a terrible example LMAO.
🪷Moon opposite mercury may have a difficult time putting their emotions into words. Like they know what they’re feeling it’s just indescribable at times 😭
🪷Mercury conjunct Jupiter are such great people to talk to. Literally. Every single person I’ve met with this aspect rlly know how to lift someone up and are great at making others feel better ab themselves. They also give great advice, must be the wisdom jupiter has in conjunction with mercury. Also on the topic of wisdom, THESE PEOPLE ARE SO SMART, they may not act like it but they are 😭
Thankyou for reading 🫂 Likes and reblogs are always appreciated :D
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bangtaninborderland · 2 years
AHHH finally someone whos active on Tumblr rn and writes for Kento I'm gonna go cry😭😂
Anyway, how are you? Could I possibly request a Kento SFW Alphabet💖🥺
I’m okay! I’m under a lot of pressure with exams and I have tonnnsss of requests which I work on according the the order they come in but I’m about to go to sleep and your request came through and I was excited to do it because it’s something different to my usual style of writing!
Please let me know your thoughts!
I hope you are well!!
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Kento Yamazaki SFW Alphabet.
A - Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a person and about you?)
Your laugh, he loves the way it fills the room and whenever he has a bad day it’s all he wants to hear when he gets home.
He wants someone who will work hard although he would be proud of you for everything you do.
B - Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why Not? How big?)
Kento is a big family oriented person and kids would be a must but only at a reasonable age when he wasn’t working so much.
He would want maybe 2 kids possibly 3, he wouldn’t want to have them if he wouldn’t be around enough to give them the time they deserve.
He would be an amazing dad, he would take them out often.
He would play soccer with his kids and he definitely would take them to old arcade games.
He would raise his daughter and son as equal.
He would adore you for how you are with them, if ever you was tired he would tell you to sleep and he would stay with the children because it’s 50/50.
C - Cuddle (Do they like to cuddle? How do they like to cuddle most?)
He would definitely lay in between your legs so you could play with his hair.
Very very gentle and soft.
Would always want to be able to hear your heartbeat or snuggle into your chest.
Cuddles would be his love language especially if he wasn’t feeling okay.
Whenever you get mad he would hug you slyly just because whenever things aren’t okay he still needs the affection and uses this as a way to apologise.
D - Date (Ideal date?)
A food date. He loves food so much so whenever you are deciding on what to do for your next date he always choses a restaurant or a place close to a restaurant.
He would also love at home dates, just turning your phones off laying non the couch together watching a show. He’s lazy.
Cooking dates, he would just sit there and look cute and try to help, ultimately pestering you until you let him cut the carrots.
E - Energetic (How energetic are they?)
He is always lazy especially after work, he will always make a mess and then be too tired to clean it.
He goes to sleep early, and could easily sleep for like 10 hours.
He would always be down to go on walks but they would have to be super short. (He said this himself ;)
F - Fight (How are they in a fight?)
He doesn’t like to fight and would never start one intentionally.
(Physical) If he could he would prefer to resolve things through words because hitting is pointless.
(Relationship) he would always try to understand and respect your feelings. If he felt as if things were getting heated he would leave the room for a while.
As I mentioned before he would still hug you even if you wasn’t “okay”
G - Gifts (How do they feel about gifts? How do they give them?)
He wouldn’t want material gifts, he thinks they have no value.
Instead he would prefer if you would do something like cook for him or plan a date together. (Memories mean more than items.)
He would always get you flowers even if there wasn’t a reason.
H - Honesty (How honest are they? Do they keep secrets?)
He would never purposefully hide something from you. Sometimes because of his work he has to as some contracts state he can’t talk about certain things but whenever that was over he would always tell you every detail.
Considering he’s an amazing actor he is a terrible liar with you.
He prefers to be honest no matter how it would make you feel otherwise it could break your trust and he has always tried to protect that.
I - Injury (How do they react if you get injured?)
Instant panic mode.
You could cut your finger and he would definitely try to get you to go to the hospital.
He doesn’t like blood so he would just give you the bandages and look away whilst continuously asking if you’re okay.
If you was seriously injured he wouldn’t let you do anything. He would do it all.
He would refuse to believe you’re okay and fuss continuously.
If someone ever hurt you it would be on sight!! He wouldn’t give them no second chance he would punish them immediately. Most likely by reporting them.
If he was with you and a guy hit you or tried to hurt you he would 1000% get physical with him. Fight me on this because I know he would.
J - Jealousy (Are they the jealous type? How do they deal with it?)
Whiny jealous but in a cute way.
He wouldn’t be a control freak he would trust you and he wouldn’t be jealous of you being around other men.
He’s definitely confident in himself and your relationship but sometimes he needs reassurance which is when he gets whiny.
He would try to hide it but if you confronted him he would tell you immediately because he can’t hide things.
K - Kiss (Their favorite way to kiss you?)
Forehead kisses are his favourite.
He would only ever kiss you properly at home,
If you was in public with him at a conference he would instead kiss your hands just for a cute camera pic. But this is extremely rare.
He loves giving sloppy neck kisses when he’s tired or when you’re tired.
L - Love Confession (How did they confess their love?)
He was very very awkward at first.
He would never tell you because despite his confidence he still worried about you telling him you didn’t feel the same.
You began flirting with him but he didn’t actually realise you was.
Eventually after a few months of awkwardness and misunderstood flirting his friend explained he liked you and once Kento found this out he straight up asked you on a date.
He was surprised when you said yes.
M - Mean (What are they like when they’re mean? Is it common?)
He isn’t mean unless it’s in a playful way.
He never makes mean comments about you and if he ever does say something that upsets you he instantly apologised and then worries that you haven’t actually forgave him.
If you are ever mean to him he would kind of shut down, he finds it highly disrespectful.
N - Nicknames (Do they have nicknames for you? What are their favorites for them?)
You’d call him Ken Ken just to piss him off but he would secretly love it.
He would call you “ My Love and Darling” but he would say it in English because he knows you love how it sounds.
He would definitely blush whenever you called him by his nickname.
O - Open (How long did it take for them to open up to you?)
He was worried at first because most people just want him for his looks or his fame but after a while he see you genuinely cared about him not what he has.
When he first opened up it was after a long day at work and he asked you to come over and you ate dinner whilst he told you all about how hard things can be.
Once he started opening up he told you everything because he trusted you completely.
P - Proposal (How would they propose? Would they propose at all?)
He would be so nervous and it would take him a really really long time to propose.
When he finally did he would do it in a place special to you two and in a secluded place so you could enjoy the moment together.
He would definitely make sure before he proposed you both and the same ideal lifestyle and that your family (if that’s the situation) are okay with it ( he is very very respectful here and it’s his main concern that your family accept him too.)
Q - Quiet (What are quiet moments like with them?)
Sometimes he would just read or watch a movie and he would be thankful you understood that this meant he wanted to be with you but in silence.
If you ever spoke too much he would just play with your hair which always made you tired and when you are tired you talked a lot less.
He would never be mean about needing quiet time. He is so lovely.
R - Rainy Day (What are they like in the rain?)
He loves the rain, he would go for walks with you before the rain and after because he loved the smell of the freshness.
He would always make sure you was warm if you went out in the rain, he would take a spare sweater just in case you got cold even if you argued that you wouldn’t.
Whilst it was raining he would want to do something sweet like drink coffee by the windows listening to the sound of it or read.
Most of his quiet time would happen when it’s raining.
S - Sad (How do they handle their sadness? How do they react to yours?)
In his line of work it’s easy to be overwhelmed and become depressed and he is happy you understand this and realise it. He would lose his usual cheerfulness which was the main indicator for his mood drop.
He would just want to be with you, he wouldn’t seclude himself but he wouldn’t talk about it until he is ready.
If you was sad he would stay with you the same way you do him, giving you cuddles and affection until you’re ready to talk. He would never pressure you no matter how worried he was.
He would try and help you find solutions to things that bother you or upset you.
He would always buy you flowers the day of/ after you’re sad.
T - Time (How long did it take for you to get together?)
The same with him opening up it took him a while to trust you enough to be in a relationship with you.
For a while before you got together he would always spend days with you making you laugh and you him.
U - Unique (What’s an interesting thing about them that not a lot of people know about?)
His beard. He always gets super sad in a way because he can’t grow a beard and people tease him about it so whenever he wears one in a show he will always try and bring it home to show you which makes you laugh and he doesn’t understand why.
V - Value (What are some of the things they value most in life? value most about you?)
Kento values his family more than anything in the world and he will openly admit that to anyone.
His friends both pre fame and post.
He LOVES his fans and when given the chance he will interact with them.
He loves your cheerfulness.
He adores the fact you don’t get jealous over his fans or his interactions with them.
He genuinely just cares about everyone in the most humble way. Money and fame isn’t something he holds dear he just loves what he does.
W - Wildcard (random fluff headcanon)
He will always annoy you by passing things to you with his feet which is one of his self proclaimed talents.
X - XO (Are they affectionate with hugs and kisses? If not, are they in other ways?)
Very very affectionate.
He isn’t afraid to show his love in every way but only in the privacy of his own home, he would still take you on dates but PDA wouldn’t be existent.
Y - Yearn (How do they deal with yearning?)
He doesn’t really yearn for anything, he feels as if his life is full of joy and happiness.
If he is missing someone such as his family or you he will always call or go out of his way to see you because he always want you to know you’re special to him.
Z - Zen (What makes them calm?)
Watching movies. Literally any movie he will love. Just put it on and let it occupy him like a child.
Food. I will scream this again .. FOOD. Kento LOVES eating. Having a bad day? Get me some food rn.
Cuddles. Just wrap your arms around him and don’t get him to until he hugs you back and you feel his tense body relax because he never wants to impose his negative feelings on you but he still always desires your comfort.
A:N this sucked ass I’m so sorry I haven’t wrote one of these in FOREVER and kento is so private I just went off my idea of him which is someone overly happy and appreciative who loves to love.
Enjoy !
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