#reference: star wars.
loveoaths · 1 year
wait come back I am ready to hear about zabrak organs and zabrak men giving birth
alright, but you asked for this!
as a blanket statement, it is my general sci-fi/star wars belief that alien species’ organs and genitals should change according to 1)  the need of the species involved 2) the specifics of their environment, and 3) whatever i personally think is super fucking cool/funny/and/or sexy. the headcanons below are broken up into two categories: “environmental/survival centric”, “organs used for communication”, “sex and reproduction/this is hot, let’s do that!”
with that in mind, let’s chat zabrak!
the zabrak homeworld, iridonia, is described as an arid and tough landscape, presumably either a desert or with desert-like biomes, so i based my zabrak headcanons on desert species, namely reptiles-- like the horned toad lizard, one of my inspirations for zabrak headcanons! 
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(doesn’t it look kinda like a zabrak with those horns??) 
like the horned toad lizard, i imagine all zabrak are born with naturally thicker and denser skin to insulate their bodies and reduce moisture loss. they are not apex predators, but essentially low to mid-level predators. (however, because of how hostile iridonia and dathomir are, they’re fearsome out in the wider galaxy, but no worse than a pussycat back home)
as low-level predators/prey animals, they have evolved several organs and adaptions to help them stay alive: 
tapetum lucidum for nightvision, as they were/are either naturally nocturnal or crepuscular, to escape the heat 
EYE SLITS. because i said so.
a translucent brille, or eye scale, that protects the eyes from wind damage
a small organ that stores an emergency portion of water, like a camel; 
a second bladder bag because all that extra pee’s gotta go somewhere; 
a keen olfactory system that helps them hunt and “taste” the air for water and prey; 
and, because they evolved among predators MUCH larger than them with even keener senses of smell and eyesight, they have small glands in their waterlines that emits foul-tasting fluid or blood, to deter predators. just like horned toad lizards. because it makes me laugh. 
this foul fluid does not seem to work on the massive carnivorous birds of iridonia and dathomir. thankfully, they’ve got horns to avoid getting snatched by the back of their neck like a naughty puppy and dropped in a nest 
potentially, it’s possible for their horns to have blood vessels but no nerve endings, as a means of regulating heat, which is vital in a desert/arid climate
okay this one is mostly a joke but i love imagining zabrak with very rough palms and feet. in these places, their dense skin hardens into something closer to scaling, so they can get purchase on the many sheer cliff faces and rocky terrains of iridonia and, later, dathomir. basically they are capable of scaling walls hands-free like a goddam gecko. imagine waking up in the middle of the night terrified to TWO GLOWING EYES GLARING DOWN AT YOU FROM YOUR CEILING and then hearing a quiet “i threw up.” that is so fucking funny.
a larger voicebox (or perhaps a small, secondary voicebox lower in the throat) that allows them to purr. purring is largely involuntary, and indicates safety, pleasure, satisfaction, or extreme joy. they can purr and talk at the same time. no, maul does not know he can do this, because he has never been happy enough to purr in his entire life. this voicebox also enables a high-pitched chirping noise used by infants to indicate distress, because zabraks do not cry naturally unless they are incredibly ill or in dangerous levels of emotional distress. i’m talking “dying of heartbreak” levels, for a few tears.
i haven’t fully decided on this section, admittedly, but generally thinking, i find giving near-humanoid species “standard” human genitalia incredibly boring and wack, so these ideas are like... vague, hand-wavey brainstorms, more than hard headcanons.
zabraks bite to show affection, and claim mates. they also scent-mark territory/favorite people using subcutaneous pheromone glands at the base of their horns, under their chins and along their necks, and the back of their wrists. however they’re also very uhhhhh private, so no zabrak is going to tell you this. they’re just going to rub their face all over your pillow and fresh laundry and hand it to you, and you’ll walk around wearing their scent, none the wiser, wondering why your other zabrak friends are giving you a wide berth all of a sudden
at one point i was very into zabraks having hollow canines that could spit fluid and/or be used in marking a mate by biting them and injecting pheromone into the bite, but i don’t know anymore. i like it conceptually though.
generally speaking, most zabrak can both fertilize and be fertilized by a partner. (secondary sex characteristics such as mammary glands, horn placement and presentation are used to determine gender) 
on iridonia, who carries a child is governed more by personal preference and cultural influence. on dathomir, only nightbrothers give birth. nightsisters (who are not zabrak) center femininity, among other things, in their idealogy, but since birth-giving and child-rearing are not tied to a specific sex or gender presentation among dathomirian nightsisters nor zabraks, it is not considered feminine. nightbrothers are assigned all tasks considered below nightsisters’ attention, including hard labor and menial tasks, and it’s not hard to see why they’d include bearing and raising children as falling under both those umbrellas. 
like in humans, the pregnant zabrak body readies itself for pregnancy by stimulating mammaries and other processes to care for children. child-rearing and child-care are considered masculine traits and behaviors among the nightbrothers. sea-horse clan for life.
because nightbrothers are largely left alone and only have each other, child-birth and child-rearing are a communal affair, because they don’t get to have mates of their own. they are claimed by nightsisters, impregnated, and left. nightbrothers are close, but there is always a degree of distance between those outside their immediate family, because they know at some point they will have to kill each other, or watch each other die. but with young children, nightbrothers often carry them around on slings, keeping them close at hand, always in arm’s reach, because dathomir is an incredibly hostile planet, and a youngling wandering off even a few feet is likely to be snatched by one of the many opportunistic hunter animals populating the planet.
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ahhrenata · 27 days
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raphaerolo · 3 months
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This file is literally titled "kisskissfallinlove" in my procreate (very accurately) and ngl i got a little carried away with the lighting..
Edit: check out the finished work here
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glassgob · 6 days
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[Image ID: Digital illustration of Tech from Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Tech is sitting on the open hatch of the Havoc Marauder, holding onto a pulley cable with his right arm. Slight design edits have been made to his mercenary armor: most notably are stronger orange and pink accents. The second image is a close-up of his face. End ID.]
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chiliger · 3 months
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Growth phase progression of the cadets.
Edit: fixed a typo
(Close ups under the cut.)
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nibeul · 4 months
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[id: it’s a drawing of a human Jedi Knight oc. He has brown skin and dark brown hair which is done in two braids that are wrapped in muted brown cloth. He wears black robes which has its sleeves tied up by a brown tasuki and brown arm guards. On his left arm, the guard is partially covered by lighter brown fabric. He holds his left hand in a fist at his side while the other hand is holding onto his lightsaber. /end id]
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
TL4J meeting up with Daimyo Boba and just being confused to all heck.
Luke: you captured my friend and you're good now?
Ahsoka: I remember him being hip height
Cal: We met once and he didn't even try to take the bounty on my head.
Ezra: ... Why are you looking at me? I was dealing with the empire sympathizer mandos that Sabine came from.
i think luke would more be confused that Boba's alive (and then potentially take steps to fix that)
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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dontbelasagnax · 6 months
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@codywanfirstkissbingo: kissing through smiles
They had to share a bed. Yes, it was integral to the mission. A new species of octopus was discovered and his name is Obi-Wan. Cody sweat his ass off with the cuddle monster bodily attached to him and subsequently knocked their pillows and duvet off the bed in his sleep. Regardless, they slept well and are having an even better morning. Good for them :3
bingo card under the cut (bingo!!!!!!! I got a bingo!!!!)
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This is my last artwork as I was only going for one bingo (and simply posted on this schedule to drag out my posts haha)!
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suja-janee · 6 months
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Redraw for my blog’s 4 year anniversary! (Ignore the fact that I accidentally erased echo’s arm oh shitttt)
Old ver.
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rochenn · 7 months
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more dooku fashion! his regular fit but spice it up with some teal and a spinewolf fur cape
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loveoaths · 1 year
actually you know what? make the star wars humans weird too.
maybe being pure-human is rare, or just not as common. everyone has at least one great great grandparent who was an alien fucker, right? give the human characters variety. some inherit limited nightvision, or advanced olfactory systems.
most humans in Star Wars originated from planetary settler colonies. what traits became advantageous and quickly became bred for? are the humans of naboo born with greater lung capacity and size, because the humans who could hold their breath underwater longest while fighting the gungans are the ones who survived? did the humans on tattooine develop thicker, darker skin to survive brutal temperatures and reduce water loss, or grow a transparent second eyelid to protect their eyes from flying sand eroding their corneas? do human mandalorians possess taung ancestry, which is what makes them naturally better at hunting and killing jedi?
there is so much possibility for variety, even with the humans. let! them! be! WEIRD!
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ahhrenata · 9 months
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the screencaps that inspired these doodles
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sy1vetsky · 2 months
Girls in my little fantasy au I was working on
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mmelolabelle · 11 months
The more time I spend as a working adult the more I understand how the Jedi Council could look at the tangled web of ethically-iffy and inappropriate attachments that was whatever the fuck they thought was going on with Anakin and Padme, Anakin and Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan and Padme, Anakin and Obi-Wan and Padme - and just go “You know…we’ve got a lot on the agenda at the moment being at war and all. Do you think this might just…sort itself out?”
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chiliger · 1 year
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Rex to Fives: You’re a grown man and an ARC. Get your own water.
Rex to Tup and Dogma (the youngest of Torrent): Vod’ikaade sometimes need extra help.
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keelifallen · 3 months
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Local grump caught smiling
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