#because I'm sure they got it but they probably lost it or just threw it away or something
tardis--dreams · 1 year
Lord give me strength to call this doctor's office tomorrow morning and ask the world stupidest question
#i know it's harmless and they probably deal with Really 'stupid' questions all day long#but i feel bad already for having to ask for their opening hours because there's Very conflicting information about that online#and they don't have a website (of course not)#but my mother had to pick up the report and needs to know when they're even open#it's such an annoying situation#just because that other doctor's office didn't manage to file away the report#because I'm sure they got it but they probably lost it or just threw it away or something#anyway#i need the report for my appt. on friday and i also kinda wanna have it for my own documents#i fucking hate the fact that patients don't get told shit here#like *I* want the report and the results! and i don't want a 'report on the report'#like 'it says you should take this and that now'#No i want fucking numbers/actual results and the exact diagnosis In Written Form#it should be fucking standard that patients get that report automatically#but alas we gotta make it as complicated as possible#i think i lost my point here#but uh#oh yeah#i don't wanna make that phone call#i always feel bad for taking up their time#but what can you do#gotta adult or something#also my mother showed me where that doctor's office is where i have to go on friday (like she drove me there)#and it looked so awfully far away from the train station and i have to walk there and i got scared because i didn't#want to take a whole damn hike there at 8 am#but apparently it's only 1.8km?!#i walk 3.2 km from my drom to the train station in my uni city and it's fine (most of the time)#so I'll probably only take 20 minutes or something so that's nice#(yeah no I'm rambling because i need to get some work done but don't want to lmao)#void screams
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blue-ink-pearls · 5 months
So, I know people are really desperate for Sandra Lynn to have hooked up with Pamela Dawn instead of Bobby Dawn, and I completely understand that!* Bobby Dawn is slimy and awful and we don't know much about Pamela, so maybe she's better? But it is 100% Bobby Dawn for two very clear reasons:
Sklonda literally said it was him
Bobby Dawn has always been a predator
The first thing we learn about Sandra Lynn's affair during Spring Break Sophomore Year was that she had just left Aguefort (she dropped out her senior year and got a diploma later on) and she was very young. She was asked to join an established adventuring party of people who were older than her and that had lost one of its members. She fell in love with another member of the party that was already in a relationship, they had an affair, and then when the affair was discovered, Sandra Lynn was blamed, kicked out of the party, and her name was smeared as far and wide as possible by the person who had taken advantage of her so that person could absolve themselves, likely in the eyes of their partner and the party.
So what we can immediately deduce from this is that Sandra Lynn was an outsider to her new adventuring party, likely looked down on as "just a kid", maybe disdained for being a dropout, and most definitely resented for taking the place of the (presumably) dead party member. She was in actively dangerous and stressful situations while questing with the party and she probably had little support from the group during that time.
Sandra Lynn was very very vulnerable.
When he met Sandra Lynn, Bobby Dawn would have been about 20 years younger than he is now, likely in his late 30s/early 40s.** Probably still handsome, still a "dashing" active adventurer. He was married to Pamela already (not just in an established relationship), since he had a child by then that was close to grown and I don't think the Church of Sol would be very happy about a child out of wedlock. He would have been a cleric of Sol and probably still preaching "the good word of Sol" but it likely wouldn't have been constant. You can't give sermons while fighting monsters. I'm sure he even saved Sandra Lynn's life a few times!
The thing about Bobby Dawn being a televangelist now, but not then, is that when he was young, he was probably just as good at persuasion, at finding vulnerable people and exploiting their weaknesses to get what he wanted, and yet he hadn't made a name for himself as a televangelist, so people wouldn't know to be wary of him trying to convert or manipulate them.
The scene between Bobby and Kristen, when Kristen is pretending that Cassandra died shows exactly what kind of terrible person Bobby really is. He is happy to find Kristen devastated, that she is having "a real dark night of the soul" and needs guidance. He refuses to help Kristen stay at Aguefort (something that's within his power), despite knowing how beneficial that would be to her well-being, because that goes against his own goals. He is smug and condescending and cruel. He is preying on Kristen's devastation and vulnerability (not knowing it's an act), to draw her back into the fold of the Church of Helio/Sol.
The person who did that to Kristen, is the exact same person who took advantage of Sandra Lynn when she was still basically a kid, just out of high school. He took advantage of her feelings for him, her inexperience and isolation. And then, when they were discovered, he threw her away and made her the villain so he could get away with it.
He ruined Sandra Lynn's life. Yes, she's happy now with her daughter, her partner, and the beautiful home they've made at Mordred Manor with Adaine, Kristen, Lydia, Ragh, Tracker, Zayn, Aelwyn, Boggy, and 15 cats. But Sandra Lynn ended up with self-esteem and relationship issues that she is still dealing with to this day. Those issues ruined her marriage, could have ruined her relationship with Jawbone, and likely played a hand in the difficulties between her and Fig in Freshman Year, as Sandra Lynn saw her daughter take her first steps into the world of adventuring.
Because Sandra Lynn first wanted to be an adventurer and Bobby Dawn took that away from her, just like he tried to do to Kristen.
Bobby Dawn has shaped his career as a high priest of Sol and as a televangelist by portraying himself as the epitome of righteousness. He is rotten to the core, a predator in a job where he is meant to help people, and I CANNOT WAIT to see the Bad Kids take him down.
*I don't really understand it. Pamela Dawn is likely just as bad as Bobby. She's the chief paladin of the church of Sol, her husband is a televangelist and a High Priest of Sol, and she would have been around the same age as Bobby and having an affair with a vulnerable young girl who she then kicked out of the group and slandered. It being Pamela would still be awful!
**Even with the assumption that both Bobby Dawn and his child had their kids at a young age, the math still has to take into account that Sandra Lynn's daughter is the same age as Bobby Dawn's GRANDSON.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 5 months
Pinch Me
Gally x reader summary: Gally isn't dead after all. In fact, he's very much alive. And so is that weird feeling in your stomach whenever you look at him.
a/n: god the lack of maze runner fics on my blog is unbelievable!!! needed to change that desperately
maze runner masterlist | main masterlist
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You eye Gally carefully from the side as you wait. There's only one telescope and it's not like you're gonna line up behind Thomas to use it - no, you take the time to sit down on the ground and narrow your eyes at the newly un-dead glader next to you instead.
He's taller than when you'd last seen him. You'd noticed how much he'd grown the very first second you'd lain eyes on him. But he's got broader, too. He looks older, much older. More like an adult now. And that hoodie suits him. A little too well, actually.
"You're staring", Gally says, pulling you from your silent assessment of him. He doesn't even turn to look back at you. Some voice in the back of your head pipes up, tells you that you should probably feel embarrassed that he's caught you - but you don't, somehow. Instead, you hum in agreement. Yeah, you had been staring. You are staring.
"Are you trying to check if I'm real or what?", he asks with a chuckle, one that's surely supposed to cover up the fact that he sounds quite a bit nervous underneath. It doesn't really help. You hear the shake in his voice anyway.
It has you grinning just a little.
"Honestly?", you smile, trailing your eyes along him once more. "I kind of am."
He looks back at you then, finally, turns his head to yours and meets your eyes.
"You wanna pinch me to make sure?", he asks, seemingly serious with his eyebrows raised, but with a twinkle in his eyes that you've rarely seen in them. Your grin widens even further.
Without another word, you lean forward and pinch his arm. Just like that.
He doesn't even flinch.
He's warm under your fingertips, warm despite that thick, woolen hoodie he's wearing that looks so comfortable you honestly want to steal it from him. You pull back with a satisfied grin.
"Very much real", you approve, and then the corners of his lips tug up and you almost black out. Your heart really skips a beat. Just because he's smiling back at you. Oh, lord.
You settle a little further back and let out a breath.
"I'm glad you're not dead, Gally", you mutter, trying to keep your voice down so Newt and Thomas won't necessarily hear you. It's not that you want to keep it a secret, you just want to keep it private. It doesn't concern them. This is something between you and Gally. Something personal. Something that tugs at you and pulls you to him.
You don't know what it is exactly.
Maybe just relief, relief that at least one other glader is alive after you've already lost so many others. Maybe it's happiness, happiness to see an old friend. Or an old acquiantance? An old.... God, you don't even know what you and Gally were back then. Two people who threw glances at each other, who smiled at each other, who... Did barely anything else for the three months you'd spent there before Thomas had come up the box. Two people, three months and absolutely nothing that happened.
But now he's back. And that something that never happened? That's back now, too.
You're nowhere near safe, really. You're anything but safe. You're the absolute, complete opposite of safe. You're running through a city on fire, your legs burning, burning, burning with the strain of carrying yourself- Fuck, fuck, fuck!
You can see the aircraft already. It's right there, you just need to run a little faster. If you had any oxygen left in your lungs, you'd shout for Minho and Gally to check if they're still right behind you - but you don't have the oxygen and you don't have the time either, so you push on, on and on until you're close, closer and closer and then, finally, inside the aircraft. You collapse onto the floor and gulp down what feels like a litre of air.
"Serum", you wheeze. "Serum. Newt."
You hear a body collapsing close to you, then another. You force your eyes open and turn your head to one side - Gally, his chest heaving and his eyes squeezed shut as he tries to calm down.
You're safe.
He's safe.
And you're both still alive.
Your ears ring so loudly that you barely hear how Jorge starts the aircraft. You don't care, either.
You're safe. And alive.
For the moment.
And that's all that matters.
So you steady a palm against the floor, heave yourself up and reach over him. Your hand comes down next to his head just as he opens his eyes.
Your heart is racing. You don't know if it's him or the adrenaline. You're not really bothered to think about it either, to be honest. He's too close to think. So close. Closer than ever before.
And you truly are drunk on adrenaline. Which is definitely the only goddamn reason for why you lean down, just like that, and press your lips to his.
You catch him off guard. You catch yourself off guard, too.
He tastes like sweat and blood, bitter and metallic and absolutely perfect considering you're still very much in a life-threatening situation, blood rushing in your ears and minds reeling with the heaviness of everything that's happening.
You shouldn't be kissing him. You shouldn't be planted half on top of him, with your hands shaking and your body so heavy you almost collapse. And then his fingers close around your waist and you do collapse, right on top of him.
He's broad and tall and most definitely more comfortable than the floor. Fuck, his hands on you feel so good. They're so wide and big and he's such a good kisser, his lips against yours so perfect.
God, how have you never done this before? He's always been right there, you've always felt that tug. And now that you've given into it, you never ever want to stop again.
He's heavenly. And he's holding you so firmly, so easily on top of him. He's so broad and tall and comfortable and firm and perfect and-
Jorge's voice startles you so hard you flinch away from Gally, your head jerking up, your eyes searching the inside of the aircraft -
Everyone's staring at you.
Absolutely everyone.
Oh, god.
Oh, lord.
Oh, fucking hell.
Heat rushes to your cheeks. With a start, you push off of Gally and turn onto your back again. Your eyes squeeze shut as your breath evens out. Slowly, but steadily. Ever so steadily.
You can't think.
You're exhausted. Simply and just exhausted. This entire day has been too goddamn exhausting. And it's not even over yet. It's nowhere near over.
But as Gally reaches out for you, as he slips his hand into yours and interlocks your fingers... Yeah, you'll be fine. You'll be just fine.
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mayapapaya33 · 5 days
I had sort of hoped Keyleth would have matured and grown past her anger at the Matron over the past 33 years but I suppose it's in character that she hasn't fully dealt with her grief yet. And the Vorb probably isn't helping her issues either. It just sucks because I think a lot of the fandom take Vox Machina's grief fueled blame and fully accept it as fact when the reality is that Vax's situation is almost entirely his own responsibility. The only other person with any remote culpability is Percy. And even Percy is only really to blame for accidentally Killing Vex, not for Vax's choices. But even if you want to hold Percy accountable for Vax's choice in the tomb as well, that still doesn't make him responsible for Vax's death. Vax could have lived a long full life as the Matron's Champion, as shown by the Delightful Purvan Suul and his companion Galdric.
Vax was a borderline suicidal, self-sacrificing character from day one. He always threw himself into danger headfirst regardless of the cost to himself. Between Percy accidentally setting off the trap creating the circumstances for Vax trading himself to the matron during Vex's resurrection, all the way up to Vax CHOSING to come back as a revenant after being disintegrated in order to help defeat Vecna, the choices have always been his. Especially him, fate touched as he is. Ultimately, Vecna killed Vax and Vax killed Vax. I think it's easier to blame the Matron than to be angry with Vax for being who he was.
The Matron maintains the balance of life and death. She accepted Vax's offers both times, do you think she should have refused? The first refusal would have meant Vex's death, and the second refusal would have meant Vax possibly just staying dead after being disintegrated, and not being there to fight against Vecna, which was truly an all hands on deck situation. There was no time to fuck around with a resurrection ritual that might not even work, the whole world was in danger. One life, a life that was already lost, is a small price to pay to save the world. I'm pretty sure Vax would agree with me!
Frankly, Vox Machina were super lucky and privileged to have so many successful resurrections between them. I think they got a little spoilt and entitled about it honestly. Most people have never even met someone who's been resurrected before, they did it like 20 times! Vax was disintegrated, he chose to come back as a revenant to fight Vecna, protect the world, and help his family. An opportunity he was only given due to his allegiance to the Matron. She gave Vox Machina and Vax extra time together and a chance to help save the world.
For those of you shouting "what about true resurrection!?! I hear you, and Matt said it's complicated and didn't elaborate lol. Personally, I think the Matron has quite the special a barrier of entry to true resurrection, if the spell even works at all in Exandria. I think they touched on it briefly in Calamity but I've forgotten. I can only imagine what insane ritual Matt concocted years ago that he's had plenty of time to work on since. Part of the Matron's whole thing is that everyone must eventually go into death, sure they can avoid it for a while, so some resurrection is fine (the DC gets higher every time), but eventually enough is enough and it's time to go. Hence why necromancers and liches are her enemies.
At any rate, I'm really proud of Keyleth for going to therapy and I hope she goes back when all of this moon business is over because she still needs it and that turtle lady in the frog seemed great lol.
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ericshoney · 25 days
Forgotten ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Nick, Matt and Chris are home in Boston, which means you get pushed to the side slightly, resulting in them missing your biggest ice hockey game of the season.
Warnings: possible swearing, nicknames, mild neglect, reader is ignored by her family, shouting, crying, angst with a fluff ending.
a/n: I'm not saying that MaryLou and Jimmy would neglect/ignore their children.
It started the last time the triplets were home in Boston. You knew them being home was special and you loved seeing your older brothers. But it seemed when they were home, you were invisible.
You had turned sixteen a few months ago, around the same time the triplets came to visit. It was the last time you were really looked at by your family. Since then, all your parents seem to focus on is how Nick, Matt and Chris are doing.
You thought it was just because they were away from home and YouTubers, but they still focused on Justin a lot too, always texting and calling him, talking about him too.
It was just you they didn't seem to focus on anymore. The youngest Sturniolo. You told your parents stuff and it didn't seem to matter. You were also on your school's ice hockey team, but every time you mentioned it, the conversation would be brought back to the guys.
Nick, Matt and Chris were home now for a while, but you just went to school and when you got home, stayed in your room. You weren't really asked how your day was or if you wanted anything, so you gave up trying.
However, you had a big ice hockey match coming up. It was part of the championship within the schools and if your school won, you'd get a big trip to see the Boston Bruins play. You really wanted to win, since you loved the sport and your home team a lot, so you hoped with the trio home, you'd get at least one to hear.
You walked in from school and kicked off your shoes quickly, dropping your bag and rushing into the kitchen, where Nick, Matt, Chris, Justin and your parents were eating pizza. You looked and saw there wasn't much left, but luckily you had already eaten at school.
"Hey." You called.
"Hi honey." You mum called, something she really only did now.
"So I have some news! On Friday we're playing in the finals for the schools ice hockey championship, if we win, we get to see the Boston Bruins play at home!" You exclaimed excitedly.
"Sounds fun kid." Chris called, before going to fuss Trevor.
"Your all coming, right?" You asked.
"Oh yeah for sure." Justin answered.
"Okay, Friday at six. I got coach to save you all seats!" You cheered.
"Alright kid." Nick replied.
"I'm off to do some homework!" You added, before skipping off to your room.
That was the first time in a while you got a lot out of them. It made you feel happier and better, knowing your family was going to be there to cheer you on.
When it came to Friday and half five, you were suited up in your gear, seeing many families roll in and take their seats. You looked over to where your family seats were saved, but nobody was there. You quickly sent a message in your family group chat, hoping they were on their way, but got nothing back.
"I'm sure they're coming, probably traffic." One of your teammates said.
You nodded, as your coach called you over for a pep talk. You really wanted to win and really hoped your family would show up.
But an hour later, as you cheered with your team, winning the championship and the trip to see the Boston Bruins at home, you looked over to where your family was suppose to be, to see empty seats still.
You felt upset. Angry and disappointed. They said they would be here and they aren't.
After a small celebration with your teammates, you shared your goodbyes and started to walk home. The team medal hanging around your neck made you feel slightly better, but not much.
When you walked into the house and saw your whole family sat around watching a movie, you lost it. You threw your bags down, your stick making a loud crash as it hit the floor. The tears fell freely down your face as you blocked the TV.
"Hey, woah what's wrong?" Matt called.
"What's wrong? What's wrong! Do any of you have an idea where I've been!" You shouted.
"Honey calm down, don't shout." You father said.
"No! I'm pissed! My team just fucking won the championship and none of you were there to see it! Next week coach is going with us to see the Boston Bruins play at home since we won! And what are all of you doing! Watching a fucking movie!" You shouted through sobs.
"Honey, calm down." You mum said, getting up to come over to you.
"No! Don't do that! Don't sit there and pretend it's all okay when it's not! None of you haven't bothered to actually see if I'm okay in months! All you care about is your sons!" You exclaimed.
MaryLou's face dropped and she felt the guilt instantly. She knew it was wrong and realised what she, along with your dad and brothers, had done.
You picked up your school bag and opened it, pulling out a certificate, throwing it on the coffee table.
"I also have had straight A's in every class for the past month, got an award for how well I've been doing too, but it's not like any of you care." You spat.
You placed your championship medal down as well before running up to your room. Your door slamming with a loud bang, as your family shared a look.
Nick grabbed your school bag and took some more stuff out of it, your mum went to stop him, until he pulled out a few more achievements of how well you had been doing in school.
"She's been doing amazing in school and at hockey." Nick said.
"Must be if she's getting all these achievements and the team won the championship." Matt mumbled.
"I feel terrible." Chris said, a frown etched on his face.
"She told us about the game, didn't she?" Justin called, making everyone nod.
"And we forgot to go." Your dad replied.
"What do we do?" You mum called, a few tears falling down her cheeks.
"Let her cool off for a bit, whilst we go to the store and get a shit tone of stuff to celebrate." Nick answered.
She nodded and the triplets left to the store, knowing they had to make it all up to you.
An hour later, your brothers and parents had set up many decorations, got a few congratulation and apology gifts, a massive cake and ordered pizza, whilst you relaxed in your room.
You walked downstairs, thinking they had probably all gone to their rooms, only to enter the kitchen and see everything.
"What is going on..." You muttered.
Hearing your voice, your family turned around and saw you, giving you massive smiles and hugs.
"We wanted to say sorry, sweetheart." Jimmy said, kissing your head.
"Why? It's not like I matter." You responded.
"No honey, that's not true. We're sorry we got so wrapped up with your brothers and didn't take the time to give you what you needed and wanted." MaryLou apologised.
"We're sorry too, as your older brothers we should be looking out for you." Justin added.
"We wanted to make it up to you, so we got you loads of stuff." Chris said.
"Thank you." You said, a small smile appearing on your face.
"You can smile bigger than that, petal." Matt said.
He came over and poked your sides where you were ticklish. You whined and tried to move back, only for Nick to grab your waist and pick you up, running into the living room and throwing you on the sofa.
Your brothers ran in and started ticking you as your parents stood by and watched, smiling as your giggles and shouts filled the house, suddenly making the place feel more like home.
When the guys had decided you had enough, they let you up, laughing at your messy hair.
"We're really sorry we pushed you aside, kid, we promise it won't happen again." Chris said, holding his pinky out.
You smiled and hooked yours around his, making him smile. You had a good feeling things would get better from now on.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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nytb · 10 months
If you were mine
Click here first <3
A dinner party leads to a hot encounter with what seems to be a master of all trades, Alexia now filled with lust and desire for more.
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“Want to explain why you left in a hurry last night?" Mapi questions her captain, leaving the woman no time to rest after practice ended.
"You know, I could have just wanted to leave"
"If that were the case, Y/N wouldn't have left running after you like there was something to fix" The defender's quick wit taking a hold on the situation "Want to tell me what actually happened?" she smirked.
It wouldn't be implausible that her childhood best friend had laid it on thick on Alexia and it might have somehow backfired. Unrealistic? Yes, but implausible? No.
The midfielder took a quick glance around her, making sure that nobody else would be able to hear her confession.
"God, what didn't happen - " flashbacks from the previous night in her head, smiling from ear to ear.
"Spill it"
"So..." Alexia started "Have you ever not have had to think? Like whatever was happening was meant to happen and it's not like you don't want it to happen so you're just there - happily participating?"
"Ale, I think that you lost me"
"How about you give me another excuse to be around her and I will give you all the details" she smirked, Mapi always loved to know all the gossip, especially when she wasn't involved in it.
"Wait - around wh- " she questioned, only to realize it before finishing her question "You and Y/N?"
"Mhmhm" Alexia nodded, clearly proud of herself.
"Wait so the whole 'you need to celebrate getting a new apartment' thing was a setup?"
"You catch on quick" The midfielder laughed "Sadly, I think that your girlfriend got there first"
Mapi's gossip game was lacking.
"Tell me everything" the defender ran behind Alexia as she made her way to the locker room. The latter turned on her hips, tapping at her friend's shoulder as she punctuated every word "One. More. Excuse." she reminded Mapi of the deal she had previously offered.
It didn't take long for the defender to concoct a plan to trap her childhood best friend in Alexia's reach.
A quick pop up, that her media team would gladly encourage, at a major concert in Barcelona.
"You do know that I hate these things right?" Y/N complained, getting dressed in Mapi's guest bedroom.
"Just think that right after we will go to your favorite sushi bar" the defender, who was sitting on Y/N's temporary bed, said "And if we get real crazy we pop by a tattoo parlor and get a new design on that arm" she smirked.
Clearly Mapi was the influence quiet homebodies begs for.
"I will even skip over the fact that you called Rosalia's concert a thing" she air-quoted the last word "And you should know that that's a serious offense in my book"
Y/N broke in laughter "Sure, because you now listen to the latest music and aren't still caught on the songs your parents still listen to" she mocked.
"Again, I will let that offense slide by" the defender stated "Aren't I an amazing friend" grinning from ear to ear, only to confess the real reason they were heading to a concert.
"Just be aware that this whole thing is a setup"
"Yeah I know, my agent has been grilling me to actually show up this time"
"Oh no cutie, she's not who I'm talking about"
Y/N turned on her feet "You're telling me that you got me to renounce training days just to hook up with one of your friends - again?" This time the boxer didn't sound as happy.
"Yeah because you had such a bad time with them" Mapi mocked "But don't worry, this time I'm not the one that planned who you're meeting"
"I'm not sleeping with your girlfriend's friends Mapi" Y/N crossed her arms, now staring at her childhood friend.
"Loosen up, this is all Alexia's doing."
Y/N's face turned blank, probably thinking about her previous encounter with the Barcelona midfielder.
"Stop daydreaming" the defender threw her friend a shirt "And cover up, you're making me feel frail."
"I have asked you if you wanted to come train with me in the past" she slipped into the tight fitted shirt.
"Yeah, you still need something over that" the defender groaned "Can't have you looking like that."
"Looking like what?" Y/N complained "I always wear this sort of stuff”
"That's the problem" the defender argued "You're always making the rest of us look like potatoes, even us athletes."
"Cheer up, in a couple of years, when all this fighting thing ends I will look just like you." Y/N joked.
"Maybe I should also teach you how to be funny" the defender threw her own dig "For when you can no longer rely on looks to get women"
"I have other traits" Y/N smirked.
"And somehow I think that that's why Alexia is so adamant on seeing you again" Ingrid joined, smiling as she greeted Y/N "What about we actually get going now? I have been keeping watch on that blonde all day - and it's tiring" she joked.
Damn - no wonder Y/N hates these things, people practically glued to one another, screams coming from every direction - this must be what introverts picture hell to be.
Getting greeting and her media press appearances over and done with, Y/N made her way to her VIP gifted tickets.
Being a star with a great agency backing her was a great asset, especially for Mapi as she managed to get a free concert and an easy setup with one single phone call.
"Remind me to thank your agent"
"So you're the one that made this happen" Y/N laughed "You had me thinking that my agent thought I liked this sort of music for a hot minute."
"And what's wrong with this sort of music?" Alexia questioned, shimmying past Ingrid, aiming her question at the boxer.
"Hi, I'm Y/N and I think that I messed up again" she extended her hand out, making a clear reference at their first encounter.
"Funny" Alexia said sarcastically "You should probably get more clothes" she stated "There is nothing wrong about having those peek through every shirt you wear" the midfielder pointed at Y/N's abs "But it's getting a bit repetitive"
"Weird, I was thinking the same thing" Y/N approached Alexia, bringing her into a hug and as she reached her ear she whispered "If you were mine you wouldn't be wearing that right now".
Alexia's excuse of a tank top that barely covered any of her skin wasn't to Y/N’s liking, let alone the short booty shorts she had on - if she was trying to cover the least amount of skin possible she successfully pulled it off.
"Maybe I'll invite you when I go shopping" Y/N disguised her previous statement, allowing herself a quick glance over Alexia's figure "Or send you along my assistant to pick outfits for me" she smirked.
"You have an assistant? Let me give you my assistant's number, maybe they want to be friends" she joked, taking the opportunity to place her hand on Y/N's shoulder.
"Maybe it's me who wants her number"
The midfielder's hand flew to her own abdomen, crossing her arms like a discontented child "I liked you more when you were more action and less maybes" Alexia stated, clearly annoyed at the boxer's previous statement.
Y/N snuck into the midfielder's personal space, slightly taking hold of her hips, moving past the group but not before taking the opportunity to whisper at Alexia's ear.
"Jealousy looks good on you"
And she was off, letting everyone knew that she was on the first drink run of the night.
"What was that?" Ingrid questioned, flustered at what just happened "What actually happened between you girls?"
"A lapse in judgement" the midfielder replied, seeing that Y/N was already being wrapped by someone else's body.
Mapi, followed her captain's line of sight, sympathizing with her situation "It's probably not what it looks like" she stuck up for her childhood best friend.
"Don't" Alexia's cold statement put the defender in her place "She's literally salivating at her for goodness sake"
Y/N's return to the group had the drinks she brought along with a couple of women overshadowed, especially by the Barcelona midfielder.
"Found these two in the pit" the boxer laughed, they were also Mapi's friends.
"OMG I haven't seen you girls in forever" pure enthusiasm in her voice, greeting them euphorically.
“See? Only friends" Ingrid spoke at a tune only Alexia would hear
That probably calmed the midfielder's jealousy for a minute, but she would be damned if it were only her that would be feeling that way tonight.
Dancing with strangers, her hands travelling through another person's body, her own fully leaned into it.
Y/N was fuming.
"You think that this is funny" the boxer approached, clearly pissed but hiding it underneath the coldness of her statement "Come with me" she grabbed Alexia's wrist, taking her away from the concert.
“What!?" the midfielder crossed her arms as soon as they got to a less crowded hallway, stopping Y/N dead in her tracks.
"Don't give me attitude" the boxer warned "I will teach you how to behave" and with that statement Alexia found herself up on Y/N's shoulder as she was carried out of there.
The midfielder fought it at first, but seeing Y/N's determination, and being highly attracted at the possibilities of whatever this was leading towards, she simply closed her grip around the boxer's abdomen. Grinning from ear to ear at her previous performance, clearly over the moon that it worked.
Setting Alexia back on her feet right next to Y/N's car, the midfielder made her way to her car's bonnet, leaning against it.
"No." Y/N groaned "I'm not rewarding whatever that was."
"Oh really?" Alexia leaned backwards, resting her weight on her arms firmly placed behind herself "So what will you do?" the midfielder continued, clearly provoking Y/N, being successful at every turn "Punish me?" she smirked.
The boxer's answer was simple. She made her way to Alexia, settling herself between her legs, she pulled the midfielder by her short's waistline, getting her to stand straight.
"I clearly have a lot of things to teach you"
"What if I don't want to be taught"
"Don't lie now" Y/N whispered at the midfielder's lips "There are better things we could be doing than having this" she pointed between the pair of them "conversation"
"This is a conversation to you?"
"I would rather it not be one"
Y/N placed space between them "Get in" she ordered opening the passenger door.
"And if I don't want to?" she argued.
"I would go over there and make you want to get in"
Alexia leaned back onto the bonnet, yet another provocation. Y/N groaned.
"Have it your way" the boxer closed the door roughly, a loud echo on the underground parking filled the air.
"Don't say that I didn't warn you" Y/N groaned at Alexia's ear "I will have you begging for me to let you enter my car"
A promise that would soon be fulfilled.
The boxer pulled Alexia into a rough kiss, exploring her mouth as the midfielder reached for Y/N's shirt, pulling her even closer.
"No." Y/N stated, grabbing the Catalonian's hands away from her shirt, placing them on the car's bonnet "They stay there" she ordered.
For a while they did but as Y/N nibbled at her ear, unbuttoning the midfielder's shorts, she had no other choice than to break the command given to her.
Alexia tried her best to grab onto Y/N's hair, she wished to pull the boxer’s lips back to her mouth, but Y/N reacted quicker.
Grabbing Alexia's neck, firmly choking her she whispered into the midfielder's mouth.
"So disobedient" she started, placing Alexia's hands back on the bonnet "Let's make it easier for you" she smirked
“You move, I stop."
"No" Alexia argued back.
"I told you not to give me attitude, it wasn't a suggestion."
"Or what?"
"You wouldn't want to find that out." she warned
"Actually, I do."
That ignited a flame in Y/N, Alexia was getting what she so eagerly requested.
The boxer rose her hand, placing two fingers on Alexia's lips "Suck" she ordered and the midfielder gladly obliged "So beautiful" Y/N whispered "What a shame that you're so disobedient" she took her fingers back, lowered them into the midfielder's pants "I will teach that out of you"
"It's more fun this way" she argued back
"I will show you how untrue that is"
Y/N roughly inserted both fingers at once, no warmup this time.
"You move, I stop" she reminded Alexia the simple command she had to follow.
As Y/N expertly curled her fingers inside Alexia, bringing the midfielder into a state of pure lust, the Catalonian learned that rolling her hips - as she looked for release - was getting her nowhere, so she fought against her body's urges, at times struggling with it.
The boxer made it her mission to edge Alexia for as long as possible, ignoring every request for release that slipped the midfielder's mouth.
"More" she begged as Y/N worked her clavicle, roughly sucking on it, leaving hickeys only a few people would see.
"Say you want to get into my car."
"I want to" she whispered as she arched her back, looking for release.
"Please" Alexia whispered into Y/N's mouth, making the boxer stop, placing space between the both of them she walked towards the car’s passenger door “Now wasn't that easy” she opened the passenger door again.
"You're just going to leave me here and stop cold turkey on me?" Alexia was raging.
"I don't reward disobedience" Y/N stated "Now, get in."
The midfielder did just that, buttoning her shorts as she gave Y/N a death stare.
"Did I allow you to do that?" the boxer pointed at the short's button.
Alexia's death stare remained, not granting Y/N an answer.
"So disobedient"
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alexa-fika · 4 months
Hello, can you do injuredchild!dokucha x Cross guild. It was buggys fault because he was suppose to take you out on a little walk outside but he then got distracted and now he lost you. They try to find you, mihawk worried. After 2 days, they find out the marinies took you when Buggy wasn't looking.
Thank you, and make sure to drink water
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Family Secrets (Cross guild x gn!child!reader)
A/N okay…. I totally missed the injured part of the piece but hopefully this is somewhat what you were expecting. GUYS I AM BACK, I THINK. MY THROAT STILL HURTS BUT PINK EYE IS GONE, I think, BUT I DID IT , BE PROUD OF ME
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stabds for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Cruncle is going to be reallyy mad at Mister Clown if he hears what you said,” the child said, a frown on their face as they looked up at clown
“Bah, he won’t know. I'm no snitch. Are you a snitch?”
“Umm, I don’t think I should keep things from Dad and Cruncle…”
“You should, they could get mad, y’know?”
“Dad and Cruncle are going to get mad at me?!” They cried
“They won’t if you don’t snitch, that will make them happy.”
“O-okay, if it makes Cruncle and Dad upset then I won’t be a snitch!”
“Atta Kid, what does make them happy is for you to call me Uncle Buggy, to hear how good of a time you had with ol Uncle Bugg…!” Buggy grinned, only to frown as the child began tugging at his clothes, trying to get his attention again
“What?! Don’t interrupt me!” He snapped
“But Mister Clown, ships are coming to the island.”
“Yeah, yeah, those are probably more guild members returning after handing out rewards,” he brushed off, trying to continue his previous statement, only to scowl as once again he was interrupted
“But they’re marine ships…
“You little brat let me ta- HAH?!”
His words were promptly cut off as the sound of bombing began to be heard, heavy objects crashing around them; the last thing they heard was the shrill cries of their self-proclaimed uncle
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“Oh, you’re Up!”
Dokucha looked up at the sound of the voice, finding themselves being carried by an unfamiliar man in a familiar uniform, upon realizing this, they were quick to scramble off the man with a startled cry
“Hey! Hey! Don’t worry. We are here to rescue you! We’re the good guys!” They exclaimed, kneeling next to the startled child
“Where’s Papa?” They cried, backing away from them
“Papa? Oh! Those slimy pirates must have kidnapped you. Don’t worry, we’ll find your Papa!”
“Dokucha, if you are ever captured, you must not let the Marines know about your relationship with me.” Mihawk started looking at the child in front of him
“No! I Want everyone to know about Papa!” They remembered screaming back at his father’s strange statement only to squeak at the glare the former threw at them at the interruption
“Listen, it is to protect you. If marines were to know of your relationship with me, they would not be as kind to let you go, making it harder to retrieve you.”
“Harder to come back to Papa?”
“Yes, if they do know of me, you can come back with ease”
“I want everyone to know I’m Papa’s and how awesome he and Cruncle are, but if it means I can come back sooner, I will keep it a secret! I'm really good at keeping secrets!”
“I know you are,” he replied with a small smile, ruffling their hair
“Do you know the name of your father?”
“No..,” they sniffled climbing to their feet
“I see; well, just give me a minute. I will report back, and then we will be on our way,” he said pulling out a den den mushi from his coat
“Okay, sorry to make you wait, now let’s head to the ship. I'm sure your father must be close by, and if those scumbags got him, we will save him!”
“Ship?” They questioned
“Yes, we can help you look for him when we make contact with HQ.”
“That won’t be necessary.” A voice cut in
The blinked owlishly as the marine plummeted to the ground, grinning at the familiar figure standing behind them
“Uncle Daz!” They cheered, running and jumping to the arms of the officer
“Are you ready to go?”
“Are we going to find Papa?”
“No. I am already aware of his whereabouts; we are heading back to the guild.”
“Hah? Where is Papa?”
“He is handling the disturbance along with Crocodile; we will rendezvous at the guild.”
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“That should be the last of them,” muttered Crocodile, glancing at the destruction surrounding him and his co-worker had created, a chuckle escaping him
“Something you wish to share?,” Mihawk muttered, shedding Yoru behind him
“Never took you for the protective type, Hawkeye.”
“What are you on about?”
“Don’t try to hide it; the kid affects you; there is anger behind your sword.”
“Has the fearsome Hawkeye gone soft on someone?”
“Hold your tongue if you wish to keep it, Crocodile,” he sighed as he walked away, letting the latter snicker away in amusement only for his amused smile to turn into a scowl around at words
“Not to mention, you have also been affected by them; I was not the only one blinded by rage in this battle.”
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“Papa!” Dokucha cheered, running to the arms of the swordsman as he made his way into the guild
“I apologize I did not retrieve you personally. Are you alright?”
“Yeah! Uncle Daz found me from the marine guy,” they cheered, nuzzling into their father's embrace
“Did he hurt you?” He asked, a slight tightening in his hold at the words spoken
“No, but he kept insulting everyone! He was so mean, Papa!”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah! Such a meanie! He kept calling you icky names, but I did as Papa asked and never told him about you!” They grinned, throwing the swordsman a thumbs up
“I knew I could trust you with it, good job” he replied, a smile forming on his face
They beamed at his praise, giggling happily until a thought came to mind
“Eh? Papa, where is mister Clown?”
“Don’t worry about him. He is occupied at the moment; Crocodile is with him.”
“Oh! Is Cruncle taking care Of him? Is he hurt?”
“He is….taking care of him, yes. I will join him soon enough to clear some with the clown as well.”
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Here we go, like I said I did miss that injured part but hopefully you guys like it? Im sorry I kept all of you waiting for so long, is everyone still alive? Also im sorry to the buggy fans but….he’s gone, he definitely ain’t surviving this
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lady-phasma · 4 months
I'm sure someone has probably already done this but it's nagging at me and I couldn't hear all the insults as they yelled at one another. (Bold are my emphasis because I am seated!) Specifically the parts about Paris and Marius. I'm not making any comments at the moment, just fact finding because this episode was brutal. Beautiful, but brutal.
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Season 2 Episode 5
Louis: What? What?!
Armand: It's morning!
Louis: I lost time. Things got a little heated.
Armand: With a boy! Things got heated with a boy. I was at home picking lint off the sofa!
Louis: I said to join us!
Armand: The night's gone. The room's soiled and once again, I'm here with mop and mindlessness to clean it up.
Louis: So the room got dirty, so what? I'll clean it up.
Armand: No, I clean it up! You make the mess and I clean it up! Mark it on the calendar, align it with Ursa Major. Louis' tri-annual fսck off and find me with apologies to follow.
Louis: ( laughing ) I'm sorry.
Armand: Seek comfort in the arms of lowlifes and unfortunates, and broken children, fine.
Louis: Oh, fine! The fine that doesn't sound like…
But revealing our nature to a reporter you met in a bar ten hours ago? What if it was published?
Louis: I was having some fun!
Armand: You don't have enough to fear from Paris?
Louis: I was in the middle of ending things, when you…
Armand: You'd have been passed out on the floor next to him, Louis! Out on your feet from the drսg you stuffed him with!
Louis: Oh, this is boring! You're boring! You are so boring!
Armand: And here come the drսgs.
Louis: Colorless.
Armand: Up the fangs, down this road.
Louis: Flavorless. Dull! Dull! Dull!
Armand: Into the heart and off with the fingers, feet.
Louis: Dull nights, dull weeks!
Louis: And wallowing brain.
Louis: Dull months, dull as fսck! Suffocation by the world's softest, beige-est pillow! The ten hours I spent with that boy were more exciting, more fascinating, than decades with you! Oh, there it is! The half-blank, half-apocalyptic look! But what does it mean tonight, huh? Does he want to lick my boots or chop my hands off? Is it the gremlin or the good nurse tonight? Huh?
Armand: Okay. Okay, perhaps. But am I as boring as the blather committed onto the ferric tapes of your fascinating boy? "Oh, it's so, so hard to be me."
Louis: "Picking lint off the sofa?!"
Armand: "It's so hard to kill humans."
Armand: "I can feel their feelings as I drain them."
Louis: You sat on your hands and put your ear to the wind.
Armand: "Everyone I know wrongs me."
Louis: Okay. Okay, let's wake the boy up and let's try you. "I'm the vampire Armand and my daddy vampire groomed me into a little bitch."
Armand: "My brother, he tossed himself off a roof!"
Louis: "Vampires who murdered my daddy made me pretend I didn't have a dіck for 240 years."
Armand: "My sister, she buried me alive.” My daughter was my sister was my throw pillow. “Well, he wouldn't look at me kindly.” "Lestat. Lestat. Lestat. Lestat. Lestat. Lestat. Lestat."
Louis: I talked shit about him the whole time. So what?!
Armand: The name!! The name! Unuttered in our home for 23 years, said over and over again until it was pounding in my brain like a hammer.
Louis: Our problems aren't about him.
Armand: And you threw her name around just for cover, but it always circled back to him.
Louis: I loved her.
Armand: But she didn't love you. Not like he did, not like I have.
Louis: ( softly ) I know. I know! Yes! I know. ( softly ) Thank you for saying it. It's all creeping back. Paris and the, uh, what, what, what? But there's… all of it coming back. There's, uh, Paris. Paris. Can you hear that? Can you hear that, hm? Can you hear her? She's calling me.
Transcript (with some corrections) from TV Show Transcripts
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causenessus · 3 months
love notes
"i've been right here from the start just keep on dancing in the dark i'll be right here when you part."
from wasted affairs by mind's eye, left at the kansai international airport, osaka
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extras <3
technically msby probably would've just taken a bus to kyoto since it's so close to osaka but for some reason i chose kyoto and mentioned it in chapter 3?? so i couldn't go back on my word SO THIS WAS MY BAD I'M SORRY
kansai is an international airport but according to my research 🤓☝ it's also somewhere for charter/private planes to board
that whole security process is so confusing i tried my best but this is literally a fanfiction forgive me if idk how charter jets work 🙏
omi was obviously the first one to the airport and checked in as early as possible to make sure he'd be on time
suna and oikawa arrived around the same time and then the three of them waited like an hour and they were supposed to board in 30 minutes and no one else had shown up yet
they found out bokuto got lost and oikawa was sent to find him while atsumu wouldn't respond to their texts which led to sakusa calling them all out in the gc
omi was upset because they COULD'VE boarded earlier if everyone was there but they were waiting on atsumu
so everyone was sitting in the lobby twiddling their thumbs in silence as they waited for him to arrive
atsumu tried to pretend like everything was normal and fine when he showed up and sat next to oikawa but then omi immediately stood up and was like "get your ass up. we're leaving now."
osamu was asked to be a vendor at the msby game like three hours before it started and had to leave y/n managing the shop by herself for the night </3
atsumu was literally shaking when he saw suna turn his phone off and get out of bed after osamu ratted him out about y/n
he couldn't see where suna was in the dark and screamed when suna threw a pillow at him
then he slept like a baby <3 while suna was tucked in bed with a goofy smile texting y/n
he took his leap of faith saying that he'd give her flowers and then immediately tried to distract her from it by sending another picture of something else he saw (but he's def the one that put up the flower box then pretended it was just something he found in kyoto when he texted y/n if that makes sense <3 this will come into play next chapter)
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @froyaoya @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @cr4yolaas @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta
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reiderwriter · 10 months
May I please request a fic where Spencer finds out about the new female team member’s love for gaming by seeing her play her Nintendo Switch on the jet? Bonus if he sees her struggling to beat something like Five Nights At Freddy’s or Catherine Full Body and he helps her out much to her shock
A/N: Thanks for requesting! I'm not much of a gamer myself, so it took a while to figure out what I should write. I went with FNAF because I’ve literally been held hostage by that Josh Hutcherson Whistle tiktok for the last seven days, so I hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: mild spoilers for FNAF 4 Night 8, fluff.
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“What is that?” Spencer asked casually, glancing over at the screen from his seat on the jet.
For some reason, despite facing monsters in real life, you'd been addicted to horror games in your downtime. Apparently, it was better for you if the crazy murderers were actually sentient animatronics possessed by the ghost of murdered children.
“It's a Nintendo Switch. It's a video game.” You replied without looking at him, heart racing from the pressure of the level.
“Like pacman?”
“Yes, Spencer, like pacman.” You sighed in frustration, trying to avoid running into the animatronics running around the building your character was supposed to be guarding.
“Then why is the screen black,” he said, just as Mad Freddy snuck up on you in the game and you lost the level. You sighed, head falling back in defeat.
You'd been stuck on night 8 of FNAF 4 for at least a week now, but who could blame you? You had to play completely in the dark, and you were dealing with some of the worst animatronics, too.
You'd been so happy to discover 20202020 mode, and you'd passed night 7 easy enough and they were honestly pretty similar, but one week into consistently playing it in all of your downtime, and you were seconds away from sacrificing your switch to the animatronic gods.
“It's supposed to make it more challenging. I think it's just impossible.” You threw the switch down, making sure all your progress (or lack of it) was saved.
“Can I try?” Spencer curiously asked from beside you, smiling at the soft pout on your face.
“Are you sure? It's not exactly your style…?”
“Humor me.”
You passed him the switch, showed him the controls, and snuggled back against your seat, eager to catch some sleep now suddenly. You had just closed a long case, and you may as well try to sleep now before the pile of paperwork made that impossible.
If it was easy to fall asleep, it was impossible to drag yourself from sleep.
You'd felt the familiar movements of the jet jostle you side to side, but you also felt a warmth next to your body that was too comfortable to convince you to even crack an eye open.
After a week on the case, plus a week trying to solve the game level, you really hadn't slept soundly in some time.
So when someone shook your shoulders, you simply ignored the motion again and cuddled closer to the arm and chest you'd wrapped yourself around.
Until you realised that the arm and chest had to belong to a person. And the only person that could be was Spencer Reid.
“It's okay, I'll wake her up, you guys go ahead.” You heard him say, with a few muffled voices agreeing.
You decided to just play dead as you heard the shuffling sounds of the rest of the team climbing off the jet. At which point you just happened to stretch yourself naturally out of your peaceful sleep.
“Spencer?” You yawned, trying to sound confused. “Did we arrive?”
You disentangled yourself from his body, realising that in facing him, your faces had hovered centimetres apart from one another. His breathing was calm, but you could feel his heart beating hard as you pulled away from him, mind racing at the not so innocent touches he traced down your skin as he let you go.
“Yeah, the team got off already. We should probably head out, too, before the cabin crew comes through to reset.”
You stood yourself up and grabbed your things, including your switch, now packed carefully into its carry case.
“So, you gave up as well, huh?” You laughed at the obvious sign of Spencer's white flag.
“What do you mean?” He said, grabbing his own bags now he was free from your grasp.
“The game? It was hard, right?” You smiled at him as he collected himself and turned back to you, pausing slightly.
“I finished the game.”
“What?” You whirled around on him, voice breaking through your lips before you could control it.
“I finished the game. I was just watching the credits when you… made yourself comfortable.”
You felt embarrassment spread through your body but pushed it down to make space for the sheer disbelief that known technophobe Spencer Reid had completed the video game you'd been struggling with for the past week.
“How?” was the only word that would leave your mouth as you froze in the aisle.
“There was a pattern to it. I realised if I went between the left door, the bed, and the right door, the fox thing-”
“Nightmare Foxy.”
“Right, Nightmare Foxy wouldn't come out of the closet. And then the others wouldn't pop up until 4am, and after that, it was pretty easy to get through.”
“Oh my god.” You stood in awe, blocking the aisle and forcing Spencer to stop next to you as well.
“You have to show me how. Please, Spencer, I need to see it.”
You hadn't realised your hand had crept up to grab his sleeve, pushing closer to him slightly.
“Are you free this weekend?” He whispered back at you as you realised that the space between you was miniscule. You could only nod your confirmation enthusiastically.
“Then it's a date.” He whispered again, pushing past you and letting himself off the jet.
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wordsarelife · 4 months
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝐢'𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: theo tries to make everything right, but it might seem to be too late. all while your brother makes an unexpected appearance and interfers with your love life
warnings: mentions of a loved one dying, car accident, trauma, underage drinking, angst
notes: feels like an eternity since i posted the last chapter lmao
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
one year ago
cormac had left the party an hour ago. he had just left you there, standing in the middle of the dance floor, as he bid off the passenger seat of his cabrio to a girl whose name you couldn't even remember now. all you knew was that she was sitting on the passenger seat that had been supposed to be yours.
you were drunk out your friend and had zero idea in which direction your house was. you took a look out of the window. it was raining and it would be a stupid idea to just blindly walk in one direction in the dark.
you thought about a way to get home, when a voice behind you made you perk up.
it was theo. he was taking to two guys you had never seen before. you smiled as your heart beat calmed down.
you knew theo, theo would help you.
"theo" you slurred and hiccuped.
theo did not look as happy to see you, as you were to see him.
"cormac" you hiccuped again "left me and i wanted to ask if you could drive me home?"
"i told you, he was bad news" theo rolled his eyes as the two other guys walked away.
"i know" you hiccuped "and you were right"
he nodded. his eyes already fixated on something or someone behind you.
"could you please drive me?" you asked "it won't take long, i promise"
"it would take half an hour" theo argued "we're not in town anymore. do you even know where you are?"
you shook your head and he sighed. you thought he would maybe say yes and rip you a new one on the drive home, but theo shook his head and your heart sank.
"call a taxi or something"
"please, theo" you pleaded "please, help me"
theo laughed sarcastically. "just yesterday you told me we couldn't be friends anymore, because i don't approve of your asshole of a boyfriend. so tell me, why should i do anything to help you?"
tears were running over your cheeks at this point and you could only watch as theo threw off your grip on his arm and walked away from you.
you got your jacket from the hanger at the door, before you walked out into the cold. the rain was dripping into your face, but you didn't mind. you started walking in any direction, as you took out your phone and dialed your older brother.
"leo?" you hiccuped as soon as your call was answered.
"y/n?" leo's voice was hoarse, he had probably been asleep.
"i'm sorry for calling you so late" you cried into the phone.
"is everything alright?" he was sounding a lot more awake now. "what happened?"
"cormac left me at this party and i don't know how to get home"
"i'll come and get you" he was moving around, probably getting dressed "can you find out where you are? can you send me your location?"
"yeah" you said and quickly did as he has asked. "i'll wait on the street"
"okay" he checked the location you had send "that's pretty far from mum's house, but it's not as far to dad's place, i will probably be there in ten minutes"
"okay" you said "thank you, leo"
"of course" he said, before the two of you ended the call.
you waited ten minutes, twenty, thirty, before your drunken mind decided that walk in the direction leo would probably come from. maybe he had gotten lost in the dark.
you weren't sure if it was intentional, but at some point you had just started to follow the sound of sirens that were coming from the street a few hundred meters away. the lights were making it hard to miss.
he was already dead when you arrived. the police was busy pushing back the people, but you had recognized your dad's car. and you could see his hand slipping out from under the black cloth. he was still wearing his bracelet and you were wearing the same.
your tears mixed with the rain that was still dripping from the sky. you screamed and two police officers came to check on you.
"are you alright, miss?" the man couldn't have been older than twenty-six.
"that's my brother" you cried.
he turned around to look in the direction of your eyes.
"that's my brother" you repeated. "please" you begged.
the officer helped you to stand up, before he took you by the arm and brought you into the middle of the street, where an older police officer was waiting. the younger one brought you a blanket when he noticed how much you were shivering.
"what's your name?" the older asked
"y/n" you stuttered, your eyes still fixated on leo.
"she's not older than sixteen" you could hear one of the medical assistants whisper.
"how old was he?" the other asked.
"eighteen? or nineteen?"
no you wanted to scream he's only seventeen
“where do you live?” the police officer asked.
“can’t i see him, please?” you cried. the police officer exchanged a look with one of the medical assistants, before he nodded.
you followed them to your brother, who was still laying on the street unmoving, but they wouldn’t raise the cloth. you just touched his hand and the bracelet on his arm. his hand was cold and your heart shattered even more.
“come on” the police officer said. “i’ll drive you home” you didn’t react when he softly took your arm and walked you to sit in his car. you just told him the address of your dad when he asked and watched the street as it moved past you.
he followed you to the door and you could see the smile on your dads face die down when his eyes fell on you. “where’s leo?”
“i’m sorry, sir-“ the police officer began and you blended him out. your eyes were focused on the jacket in the entryway. did leo leave it? did he drive without a jacket to get you? he must’ve been cold.
your fathers sobbing was what brought back. the police officer excused himself, before he pushed you inside the house.
“he wanted to pick me up” you said as you stared up at your father.
and then the screaming began. it only stopped when it was half past three in the night. your father send you a last look, before he told you to grab your things.
he didn’t want you to stay the night.
he stopped the car in front of your mothers house and told you to get outside.
“dad, please” you had begged, but he hadn’t even looked at you.
“i don’t want to talk to you” he had said before he drove off and left you standing in the middle of the street.
you opened the door with your key and as you walked inside, someone turned on the light.
“y/n!” your mother screamed “where have you been? you’re soaked!”
you had sat on your bed and started at the wall for what felt like days. april came to look after you, but both of you didn’t speak. the boys came, but you told april that you didn’t want to see them, so they left.
the only person you wanted to see was theo, but he didn’t come.
the funeral was beautiful, from what you could notice through tear filled eyes and april stayed close to you the entire time, clutching your hand like her life depended on it. hers didn’t, but yours maybe did.
the boys had come, all but theo and after the funeral you all had went to the lake, because it had been leo’s favorite place in the world. it had been his idea to throw together some money and buy the garage. it had been pretty run down when you found it and all of you spent half a year renovating, but in the end it was worth it.
it was the perfect place for all of you and the perfect place to practice songs for the band theo and leo had started.
before enzo, leo had played the guitar. now the band was missing a member and none of them new if it was even fair to go on.
after a few months, enzo, mattheos little brother started playing for them. they continued rehearsing in the garage, april went from time to time to watch them play, while your visits became less and less.
you didn’t want to see theo and from what you heard he didn’t want to see you either, because he stayed away whenever you were near.
weeks turned into months and what seemed like a separation for now turned into normality.
you had almost been glad when theo started talking to you again, even when it was in a malicious way. but that was safe territory, you were having a relationship that allowed both of you to not talk about everything that had happened. you could just ignore it that way.
theo spent his days running around his room, thinking about ways to make it up to you, to excuse his actions.
there were lines flowing through his head. a song was forming and he couldn't stop the need to sit down and write everything down, everything that you deserved to hear.
he didn't have the intention of airing out anything. he just wanted to show you what you were worth to him and how sorry he was that he had been the reason you had felt so alone. he had robbed you of your friends, he had robbed you of him, when you had needed him most.
later that day he drove up to the garage to use enzo's guitar. he wanted to feel the words, to make sure they were the right ones.
he played the first few notes, slowly and gently. before he began to sing, crossing words and adding new ones that fitted what he wanted to say better.
when he was finished he called enzo, begging him to send you a message, because you would ignore any message he would send anyway.
can you please come to the garage? please, i really need your help, it's about april
the message enzo had send made you worry. april didn't answer when you tried to call her, so you got the leo's old bike from the shed and rode there as fast as possible.
when you arrived, you walked inside quickly, searching the place with your eyes for kind of sign from enzo or april.
"hey" your eyes fell on the couch where theo was sitting.
you turned around, ready to walk back outside, but he quickly stumbled to his feet, holding your arm before you had the chance to flee.
"did you get enzo to send that message?" you asked "i thought something had happened to him or april. i was worried sick" you slapped a hand against his chest, trying to push him away.
"i know, i'm sorry"
"doesn't cut it this time, i know" he interrupted "just please, sit down and listen to this"
"another song?" you huffed.
"please, y/n"
you sighed, before you sat down on the couch, you watched him walk around the keyboard, before he took the acoustic guitar and sat down across from you.
"it's called matilda" he muttered "and it's everything i want you to know"
you listened attentively as he played the chords, his voice only a whisper.
you were riding your bike to the sound of "it's no big deal" and you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now so you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal
your heart beat faster when he looked up and found your eyes.
you can let it go you can throw a party full of everyone you know and not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love you don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh
your eyes filled with tears as the soft shiver in his voice and you realized that he was crying too.
matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright but i know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside you showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days it's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
this song felt realer than any he had written before. it felt like everything theo wanted daddy issues to be, before it had been used in a way to hurt you.
you're just in time, make your tea and your toast you framed all your posters and dyed your clothes, ooh you don't have to go you don't have to go home oh, there's a long way to go
you can let it go you can throw a party full of everyone you know you can start a family who will always show you love you don't have to be sorry, no
you knew he was referring to the boys and april. it had taken you way too long to realize that they had been your family all this time, even during the hardest year or your life, they had tried to be close and show their love, you had just been too stubborn to accept it.
but love wasn't something that could end. not this kind of love. you had always loved them and you had always loved theo, but right now your heart was too heavy to forgive him, even if you so desperately wanted to.
"thank you" you said and theo looked up with hope in his eyes. "but did you think a song would be enough to fix everything that is broken between us?"
his heart sank and he shook his head.
"i tried to ignore it these past weeks, tried to be your friend" you muttered "because it was easy, it was familiar. but it's like everything that you did this past year comes back anytime i look at you and it makes me wonder how you can say you love me when that was the way you acted"
"i hated myself for what i did" theo admitted "it was my fault that leo needed to come and get you in the first place. i could've brought you home, but i didn't want to, because i was so damn jealous and stubborn"
"why didn't you come to the funeral?"
"because i was ashamed of what i had done that night" he looked down and for a moment you were sure he was gonna grab your hand. he didn't. "but i'm gonna make it up to you, if you just let me"
"it's too late" you shook your head "i appreciate your effort, but it's just too late, theo. i'm sorry"
"just give us one more try" he begged "i know that we belong together"
"theo" you said as you softly touched his cheek, he leaned in, capturing as much of your warmth as possible. "it goes great for a while and then we start fighting. that's just our nature. and we're so fucking immature when it comes to the other"  
"we can make it work"
you shook your head "no we can't" you looked to the ground "you were right when you said that we weren't good for each other. it's because we're not good to each other, at least never for long"
you left the garage and took all in you to not turn around when you heard him sob. there was a part of you that so desperately needed to be close to him, but an even bigger part was just hurt at his actions. that part had been in constant pain since leo had died and you truly did not know how to get rid of that pain.
theo tried calling you about a thousand times, you didn't answer and after some time just blocked his number. he stared at your window all day, but you kept the curtains closed.
you didn’t even mind him telling dave that you would be playing pixie dream girl on saturday, it was just that he had lied to you. and on top of everything else that hurt the most.
enzo had called you too, apologizing for the way he had led you on. he also told you that he had been at the doctors and gotten his cast removed. his hand was well enough for him to play saturday, so there was no need for you to show up.
you had been happy to hear that. after all that had happened you weren't sure if you had had the strength to stand on that stage with him.
it was friday, one day before the concert, when you sat down on the floor of your room and your hands went under the bed, pulling out leo’s box. you were looking for one of his photos, your favorite one of him and you, but you couldn’t find it.
“where is it?” you muttered, as you got back on your feet and looked around the room.
maybe it was downstairs. maybe it was in his room. maybe your mother had took it.
you walked down the steps slowly and carefully, as to not wake her.
leo’s room looked like it always did. it was organized, everything was were it was supposed to be. it had looked like that ever since he had moved in with your dad and only spent the weekends in here.
you walked around the bed and to the shelves where a few photos were displayed. you and him, him and the rest of the band. photos from your childhood, from summer at the lake, from band practices and late nights spend renovating the garage.
you opened the drawer that was filled with his clothes. parts of him that were still here, while he was so far gone.
you didn't find it and your eyes just slipped past your mother when you left the room. before you could continue your search in the livingroom, the doorbell rang.
"go away, theo" you said loud enough for him to hear through the door.
"it's me" a voice said "matt"
you opened the door and it was indeed mattheo who was leaning against the wall.
"if theo send you, you can tell him-"
"he didn't" mattheo interrupted, before his hand went to the back pocket of his trousers and he held a small box in your direction.
it had been wrapped and looked like a birthday gift.
"what is that?" you asked suspiciously.
"it's from leo" mattheo explained "he made me keep it, because you always searched his things for presents, remember?"
you did. you had always done that. it had been a way for yourself to try and react the best way to the gifts you were getting.
"it's from a year ago" mattheo continued "he made me keep it from you. i would've given it to you sooner, but i honestly forgot about it. i just found it because i had to clean out my drawer"
"which drawer?"
"i'd rather not say"
you nodded.
your birthday had been just a few days after the accident. april had baked you a cake and you had spent the day with her, laying in your bed, eating cake and watching movies. it was probably the saddest birthday you had ever had, mostly because you felt leo's absence extra hard.
he had loved birthdays. and he had loved giving gifts.
"thank you" you said finally, as you took the box from his hand. "do you know what's inside?"
mattheo nodded. "i don't want to tell you what to do"
"then don't" you smiled, ready to close the door, but mattheo wouldn't let you go so easily.
"yeah, but i will" he grinned "what happened was pretty messed up, okay? everything with your mum and dad.. theo acted like a fucking idiot and i'm not saying you should just forgive him, but just- both of you should stop punishing yourselves for something that wasn't your fault"
"just because leo died doesn't mean you owe him something" he continued "none of you is at fault for that. it was that fucking drunk driver okay? you and theo aren't cursed or anything and leo wouldn't be angry if you just stopped beating yourself up for something you had no control over"
"i appreciate-"
"just watch what's on this" he tapped the box "then we can continue this argument"
you finally nodded and watched as he walked back out to the street, he waved at you before you closed the door.
despite the uneasiness, you slowly opened the box. in there was just a dvd. you raised your eyebrows. leo had been a bit old school with these things.
you walked into the living room, turning on the dvd player and putting the dvd in, before you started the video.
"hey, y/n" leo was sitting right where you were now. "happy birthday! hopefully you like my present, at least you definitely need it. it's fine if you really like cormac, but don't forget us and uh, don't forget theo, hm?"
what followed was a black screen and then laughter, your laughter. a video started playing. your were chasing theo around the lake, while you could hear leo cheer you on behind the camera.
before you could start to wonder, music started playing and not just any music. about you, theo's unreleased song. so leo had known about it, about the song and probably also about the way theo had felt.
you began crying as other videos followed. leo and you trying to hit the last two bowling pins and failing. mattheo, enzo and you as you tried to make a human pyramid. laughter was heard all throughout as draco, blaise, april and you ran a race that you and april lost by far.
there was a video april had taken of you during practice, as you had sat on the ground before the band. your eyes had been fixated on theo the entire time. you didn't even know this video existed.
"who's taller?" theo asked into the camera. "what do you think?" the camera swung to leo, who smirked.
"you or her?" he pointed between you and theo. "is that a serious question?" your brother laughed and the camera swung back to you, making a face and crossing your arms.
"you're just saying that, because you like him more than me" you muttered with fake offense.
"never" leo laughed, before he pressed a kiss to your cheek, which you immediately rubbed off.
the last video was one of you all sitting at the fire. theo was playing the guitar and you were sitting next to him, watching his every move.
leo turned the camera around. "they're in love" her whispered with his mouth close to the lens, before he turned the camera back at theo and you and zoomed in on you, as you sang along to the song theo was playing. "theo doesn't want to admit it to me" leo continued "but she is his pixie dream girl" you could hear him laugh about the joke to himself as the video ended.
that's where theo had gotten the song title from. someone must've showed him the video at the campfire, maybe that was what tempted him to write about you.
"he was happy in his last months, wasn't he?" you almost shrieked as you suddenly heard your mother speak. you turned your head. she was standing behind the couch and she looked unusually awake. her face was as tear stained as your cheeks and you nodded.
"he was" your eyes fell on the on the photo she was holding pressed to her chest. she followed your eyes and sighed.
"i'm sorry" she exclaimed "i found it in your room and took it. it wanted to have my children near me and i always loved this picture of the two of you. i was about to give it back"
"it's alright, mum" she was so clear all of a sudden.
"come here, baby" she sat down beside you and opened her arms, so you could crawl under the blanket next to her. "i missed you"
"you did?" you asked surprised.
"i know it's my own fault" she said "i shut you out. you didn't deserve the way i treated you, i'm so sorry"
"mum" you muttered. "it's alright"
"no it's not" she pressed a kiss to your head "i will get healthy, okay? i promise. i lost my son that night, but my daughter is still here and i have to become a better mother"
"it was my fault" you whispered "that's why you got so sick"
"oh, baby" she shook her head "it was never your fault, i should've gotten help for myself immediately, but i just wanted to be alone. i never wanted you to feel like anything that happened that night was your fault and i was wrong to worry you, to let you feel like you had to get through this alone"
"i wasn't alone" you assured her "i had april"
"and theo right?" your mother pointed to the paused picture of you and theo at the campfire.
"theo and i don't really talk anymore"
"why not?" your mum asked surprised "you were always so close"
"we started falling out before leo's death and after that we didn't really talk to each other anymore" you explained "we became friends again, but he did some pretty hurtful things"
she looked at you expectingly, waiting for you to continue.
"he wrote a few songs about me and he messaged dad"
"oh" your mother breathed, before she cleared her throat "do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?"
"there's nothing to forgive, i was never really angry" you admitted "i just felt so alone"
"i know, sweetheart" she nodded "i promise i will make it up to you" she nudged your arm "but if you're able to forgive me after all the horrible things i did to you these past months, don't you think you will be able to forgive him too?"
your eyes fell on the tv. you thought about the way theo's and your eyes connected and you thought about what leo had said.
they're in love.
"yeah" you nodded "maybe i will"
authors note: what do you guys think? should pixie forgive theo? :)
taglist: @7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101 @simp-for-fantasy
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97linelover · 5 months
Unspoken words - Choi Seungcheol
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18+ / mdi
summary: when your boyfriend comes back home after an fight, you did not expect your world falling apart.
content: idolxseungcheol , non idol reader, cheating, angst, crying, talking about other woman, fight, no happy end!
wc: 1.1k
a/n: decided to publish my first angsty fic, please remember English is not my mother language.
With heavy steps, Cheol walked through the quiet apartment. "Baby? Y/N?" His voice was shaky and full of regret, the light was dimmed, and the TV was running. He walked into the living room to find you cuddled in the thick white fluffy blanket you always used to cuddle.
He wanted to kiss you awake; he wants to tell you how much he loves you like he always does when he comes home late, but within the night he lost that right to do it. 
You fell asleep with concern written all over your face. He knows it because it happened far too often in the last few weeks. 
"Cheol?" Your sleepy voice brought him back to reality. "Y/N" he breathless said you threw the blanket off your body. "I was so scared, Cheol" you whispered. "It was pouring, and we promised to never leave in a fight." He knows that if you talk longer, you will end up crying, and he does not want to make you cry. He never wants to make you cry or upset.
But he will destroy your pure loving soul within seconds. 
"I'm sorry for being so bitchy, work has just been too much lately, and with you being away for Promo, I just felt tired, and then the rumor just brought me over the edge; the fear took over me, the fear of not being enough" you tried to play it cool, to play it cool that you really felt insecure next to Jihyo.
Seungcheol just listened; his heart broke with every word you said, and the love in your eyes when you looked at him was still fully there. "Y/N" his voice brought you back, and you looked at him. He rarely uses your full name, he always uses nicknames. 
"Cheol, what's wrong" you furrowed your eyebrows. "Can you please take out your phone" you followed his request. "Go to Twitter, please" His voice was weak, and you felt weird, you felt like puking. 
There was this gut in your stomach that made you feel unwell, you opened the app you downloaded to see the newest stuff about your boyfriend.
But there was no exciting news, there was nothing good at all, you swiped through the news tears already welling in your eyes. 
There he was. 
Your boyfriend of 6 Years, kissing her, Jihyo, the woman you were afraid of.
"Y/N" he whispered trying to explain himself. "It was just a kiss right?" You locked your phone, your voice weak "It was just a kiss; mistakes can happen" you said with tears in your eyes and a lump in your throat, your hands were shaking, and you felt like someone pushed a knife into your chest.
"It was not only a kiss" he said, and you squeezed your eyes shut. 
He cheated on you, the man you were sure he was your endgame cheated. 
"you fucked?" you said bluntly, your voice not the having the familiar warmth in it that he loved, and he shook his  head, "what did you do?". 
"Is it important?" he whispered, "Yes, Seungcheol it is. I want to know what could possibly be worth it to throw this relationship into the trash" you were braver than you would've thought. 
"We were at a club after our fight, and I drank too much, and then we landed inside the bathroom, and she sucked me off, and I got her off," and that was your breaking point. 
You took some steps back because you felt disgusted by him "please, I did not plan this" he whispered. "I was angry because of our fight, but I did not plan this" you scoffed "But you did, you went out after I poured out my heart to you, after I told you about my insecurities about her, and you go out and cheat on me with her" You felt the tears running down your cheek.
"you broke my entire trust, god I was so dumb, this was the reason we had our fight in the first place... and now it came true" you walked past him "you probably wanted her for a long time" you walked into the shared bedroom "No, I don't even want her now , I was not thinking straight, you're all I ever wanted" 
"Leave" you said with so much venom that he felt cold all of a sudden. He knew it was over; he knew there was nothing to fight for; he knew your past with your dad cheating on your mom; he knew about your insecurities, but he still decided not to give a fuck about it. 
"I will stay at Chan's place" he said quietly, and you sobbed. "I don't care, get the fuck out" he closed the door behind him, and you fell down to the floor. 
He did not even apologize.
He did not even fight. 
In the same night you packed your bags and went to a hotel, you felt like everything you believed in was fake.
You ignored every message he sent you, every page you followed, you unfollowed. 
You texted the members that it is for the best if you do not stay in touch, that you could not act like they aren´t together most of the times, you did not know that the members made sure that he knew how he messed up. 
And when Seungcheol texted you that the apartment was sold it was your time to gather all of your remaining stuff, he said he is at practice so you used the key to open the place you once called home.  But when you heard the TV running, you felt all the color leaving your face. You found all the stuff in boxes, some with your name, some with his. 
"Cheol?" you asked "yes, It's me, I m sorry I broke my ankle and I cant go to practice" his voice was weak. You walked towards the living room. "Oh.. how are you feeling?" you asked weakly, and he smiled "It would be a lie to say good; I did this myself," he shrugged. "I lost the love of my life, and now I can't even do my fucking job" At the mention of you, you felt like crying. 
"Everything happens for a reason; maybe in the end we were not meant to be, even if we thought we were perfect" You felt the tears once again. 
"I deeply loved you, fuck I was ready to spend my forever with you, but when I look at you all I see is pain and disappointment, Cheol, but it's okay because in the end I need to do what makes me happy, and you're no longer a part of that" this broke him completely.
You heard him sob, and you tried to ignore this ripping pain in your chest.
You turned around, "I wish you the best Seungcheol, I really do" you grabbed your stuff and walked out of his life.
There were so many words left unspoken.
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sweetbillwriting · 19 days
In The Dead of Night
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Characters: AU Eric played by Bill Skarsgård from The Crow (2024)
Setting: This story is set in A WHOLE OTHER WORLD than the movie. Shelley isn't a part of this story. Eric will be different from the movie, I started this story long before I saw the movie.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, heavy themes.
Notes: FINALLY seen the movie. All similarities with the movie are accidentally. I got this idea after seeing the trailer.
I looked at Eric with pleading eyes until I heard a loud groan from Robin and how he turned on his heel to leave.
“Robin!” I shouted after him and jumped out of bed. It was a reflex to follow him because he was the one that left, but he was also my best friend. After a few seconds of searching, I found my panties on the floor and the gray tank top Eric used the night before, and then I ran after Robin through the staircase.
“Robin, please! You don't understand! I was just-”
Robin turned around in the middle of a stair while I stood on the first step.
“No! I don't understand! Because the only way I can see you have been able to get in contact with him is that you searched him up! Behind my back!”
“Yes, yes… But it was for Lotti!”
It wasn't a complete lie, but it was far from completely true either.
“For my mom? For my mom? You don't know a fuck what's best for her!”
“She misses him all the time.”
“That doesn't mean he's good for her. And neither for you! He's a fucking junkie, Della!”
"No, he's not; he's clean!”
“That's what he says to you, you fucking idiot! How many times should I say to you, addicts are manipulative assholes, and he will hurt you. I just want your best, but instead you go behind my back and fuck the trash.”
I stood quiet because I was in the wrong and didn't know what to say, but also because I didn't know much about addiction, and once again I became worried Eric was actually taking something. Had he hidden pills somewhere?
“I get that it's an exciting story with the lost son, the son who came back from an addiction, but I've seen him close to death twice now, even if he had sworn he would never do anything again. My mom doesn't need that, and I don't think you want to be near that either. You have probably seen the signs that he isn't stable, and I'm quite sure you don't want that in your life.”
I could hear Lotti's words in my head about his long periods of opiates use and the short periods of him being happy. Maybe this was a short period he was happy, and he would soon fall down in the dark pit of drugs again. Hadn't he closed the door, only ignoring it for the moment? He had said himself he thought about drugs all the time.
Robin started to walk down with slow steps, not as upset anymore, but his shoulders were slumped, and I could see a genuine worry in his body language when he dragged his hand over his face.
“Robin…” I whined but stayed on my step.
“This is just fucked up, Della. Going behind my back but also how much you will destroy for yourself…” he said with a sigh. I stayed silent and let my tears fall until I heard him walk out the entrance door. I took a deep breath because I knew now I had one more man to explain my actions to. In one way it felt easier because Eric wasn't the type to scream and make a scene, but he would be much more hurt than Robin. Robin's emotions were loud, but Eric's was big.
I met him already in the hallway, dressed in gray sweatpants and a Joy Division t-shirt that was so well used it had a big hole in the armpit. He gave me a quick look when he threw down his sports bag with his things on the floor, then he pulled on his high-top Vans.
“Eric..! I cried pathetically. Now the tears streamed heavily, and I tried to drag his body close to mine, but he either turned his back against me or pushed me away lightly.
“Please just let me explain, please!”
I didn't even know how to explain my behavior, but still I said it, just to be able to make him stay, but it didn't work because Eric just pulled on his bomber jacket. In that moment when his arms were occupied, I took my chance to hug him around his waist, hugging so hard he wouldn't be able to go away.
He tried to sound bored and irritated, but I could only hear the tears in his throat.
“Please Eric, just let me explain.”
I tied my fingers together around his back to make it harder for him to push me away, but I noticed at once I didn't need to worry about that; Eric was too kind to push me hard. Instead, he let his arms hang by his side while he stood with his eyes closed. I looked at him and dried my own tears from my cheeks and wondered if he would cry, but he just took a deep breath until he spoke again.
“I want to go now, Delilah.”
“No! Let us go back to bed; please just let us talk!” I rambled in my panic and tried to make him move towards the bedroom. I was stupid for believing that. Eric's body was just muscles, and he wouldn't move an inch if he didn't want to.
“I don't want to talk. I want to go...”
He really tried sounding determined and hard, like he could do to Odin, but he just sounded like a broken boy.
“Eric, I want to explain-”
For the first time during our conversation, he looked at me. His beautiful big green eyes were full of tears, but he blinked them away and looked down at me again.
“I don't want to talk because it doesn't matter anyway. Everything between us is a lie; you have gone behind my back, and I guess the stalking Jackie talked about was also true then-”
“No, no! Let me explain!” I cried pathetically and hugged him even harder.
“No, Della. Let me go.” He looked at me seriously while a tear crawled its way down his porcelain skin. “Just let me go.”
I looked straight into his eyes while tear after tear swam down his cheeks. I cried loudly instead, like a kid losing its favorite stuffy. I wanted to continue to hold him, only letting him go when everything was okay again, but not even I knew how we would get past this. I was a stalker, a liar, and hadn't respected his boundaries. Eric was an addict, but that was his only flaw. He deserved something better.
Hyperventilating with tears, I let him go slowly, and he took the trunk standing on the floor and wiped away his tears on his cheeks. I hoped he would give me a final kiss, a hug, and say that we could stay in touch, but he just walked out of my apartment and closed the door behind him silently. I continued my hyperventilating cries, and it became worse when I realized I had one thing more to tell him. I opened the door fast and could hear his slow steps down the stairs and a sniffle. I took a deep breath through my pained lungs and shouted:
“I love you most in the entire world!”
Desiree dragged her fingers through my hair, even if it was greasy. I had been lying in bed for six days, and both me and my bedroom smelled like sweat and stale air. I didn't notice the smell, though, because I was just thinking about Eric. A bit about Robin too, but mostly about Eric. I loved him so much it felt like my body had shut down, and for short moments I wondered if I would be able to function again.
“I get that you're sad over Eric and Robin and everything, but laying here just makes it worse…”
Desiree just knew that Eric was Robin's brother, and I had approached him without Robin's consent. She didn't know why Eric had broken up with me too, but she probably created her own story about all of it.
“You can talk to Robin. He will probably understand. I mean, it's just his brother. It was a stupid thing for you to do, but it is only his brother. Such things happen.”
I sighed deeply and closed my eyes even harder. It wasn't as easy as Desiree believed, and hearing her talk so lightly about it just made my chest ache even harder.
“Can't you come on a walk with me at least? You will feel better when you go out.”
I did what she said. I don't even know why; maybe it was just nice someone else made a decision for me. I wore Eric's big hoodie over a pair of leggings with my nose down in the collar to smell the little scent of him that was left on it. Desiree looked at me while I did it and sighed.
“He's really nice but don't you think this is for the best? You're so different from each other. I always thought you wanted a more ambitious guy who could afford traveling with you.”
She was right; I had dreams about traveling all the time, meanwhile Eric had problems even affording a visit to my hometown, but money wasn't everything. He was.
“I don't want that anymore…” I said with a small voice.
“You feel that now because you two just broke up, but I know how much you like to travel. He works as a part-time janitor. It doesn't sound like he can even afford a trip to New York.”
I dug my hands deeper into the pocket of the hoodie. It was too early for her to diss Eric. Maybe in a few weeks it could be comforting, but I doubted even that. Talking shit about Eric was what weak, prejudiced people did. He was the kindest soul and did his best in life.
“What about Dante? I mean, I've seen on Instagram that he's still single and you two were-”
“God! This shit about Dante! He's an asshole!” I groaned loudly. My whole family was obsessed with the thought of me and Dante, even if I had said so many times he was an asshole.
“I know you could nag sometimes, but all couples do that, and you were so perfect for-”
“No! Can you please back off? I never ever want to be close to him again!”
“Because he complained about your clothes sometimes? Every partner you have had has complained about your clothes!”
My style was eclectic, theatrical, and sometimes ultra-sexy. I was a vintage girl, but I also liked some drama, and every partner I have had has either complained about the length of my skirt or the size of my hat. Everyone except Eric. That wasn't the reason I hated Dante, though.
“Yes! Because he complained about my clothes!”
Desiree made a smacking sound with her tongue, like she thought I was silly.
“So? He was handsome, stable, rich, sweet…”
While Desiree continued to enumerate everything good with Dante, I looked at my phone that was ringing. It was an unknown number, and in regular situations I wouldn't have answered, but now I did just to make Desiree shut up.
“Hey, it's Nick... Uhm…”
“Hi?” I said confused but also nervously. I wondered if he would shout at me for breaking Eric's heart, but it didn't really sound like he was mad.
“I know you and Eric have broken up, but I think you should come? He's a mess, and I'm afraid he will do something stupid. Please Della?” Nick said pleadingly. He didn't need to say more than that, I stood up at once and gave Desiree a look. She looked back at me, confused.
“I will be there as soon as I can.”
I had hoped a reason would arise where I could go to Eric, but him feeling so awful that Nick felt forced to call me wasn't what I wanted. Nick told me he, John, and Granny had watched him in shifts because they didn't know what he could do in his anxiety. They had started to watch him after Granny had seen the prominent blue imprint of a belt around his neck, and he had asked for Granny’s anxiety medication he knew he had.
Together, Nick and Granny had locked away every sharp object or thing he could strangle himself with, in a wardrobe, even if Eric said they were silly. They didn't dare to take any risks because they knew Eric had an impulsive side that could come out when you least expected.
I borrowed mom and dad's car again, and my tears streamed down my cheeks while I was driving. Of course I could see why he wasn't boyfriend material. He used drugs and self harm to cope with life when I had the plan to be an adult and travel with my safe boyfriend. Eric handled everything in life turning against himself and was far from being safe. Still, I didn't want anyone else, and even if he didn't want me, I would stand by his side.
I had packed some things, ready to stay if it was needed, but left the bag in the car. I didn't know if Eric actually wanted me there, and it would maybe provoke him if it seemed like I thought I would stay. Instead, I walked up to his apartment with just my phone and keys in his hoodie's pocket and pushed the doorbell with a deep exhalation.
It was Nick who opened the door, dressed in a white tank and black sweats.
“Hey,” he just said, and let me go into Eric's apartment. I gave him a little strained smile and stopped awkwardly in the hallway. It didn't feel right to just go in when Eric had asked me to leave him alone the last time we saw each other.
“He's in bed; maybe you can talk to him?” Said Nick, who scratched his jaw uncomfortably.
I nodded a little and moved into the room at once. Standing next to Nick in the hallway felt just awkward, and it felt better to just go to Eric.
I could see long pale legs sticking out under the black cover and a tattooed back. His black hair melted into the pillow. I didn't know if he knew I was there, if he was sleeping, so I just sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for signs he was ready for my presence. He seemed to be sleeping, so I moved the cover away from his neck and saw the angry bruise on his skin. It wasn't just black and blue but there were also wounds where the leather had penetrated his skin. It really looked like someone had tried to decapitate him.
“Oh god…” I whispered to myself. “Have you cleaned the wound? It looks awful.”
I looked at Nick, who leaned against the armrest of the couch.
“Ehm… No…” he said guiltily. “He wouldn't accept that anyway. You really believe he would let me clean his wounds?”
I sighed and dragged my fingers through the back of Eric's greasy mullet. To touch him was a reflex, but it caused him to wake up, and he looked at me with heavy eyes. He had a longer stubble that didn't match his raven colored hair.
“Hey…” I said softly, but I could feel the nerves in my chest.
He looked at me for a few seconds, then turned his back to me. I stared at his broad back hurt and then at Nick, who smiled at me disappointedly and stood up.
“Do you want coffee?” He asked me.
I furrowed my brows in confusion.
“I think I should go?”
“That easily? I thought you loved him?” Asked Nick with a bit of attitude. It was obvious he was protective of Eric.
“Yes but… He doesn't want me here?”
“He doesn't want me here either. So, coffee?”
I looked between Nick and the back of Eric.
“Yes, thank you.”
The two of us sat on the couch while Eric continued to sleep in the bed. We didn't say anything because there wasn't that much to say. I knew Nick wouldn't ask what happened between me and Eric, and I wouldn't tell until I really must. After 45 minutes of us just staring between the window, our phones, and Eric's back, he turned around and looked at us. His eyes were tired and sad, and at once I had a bad conscience. Was it me who had destroyed him like this?
Nick stood up and walked to the kitchen when he noticed that Eric just looked at me, and I took a deep breath. I didn't know what would happen, even if I knew Eric wasn't the angry type. He looked at me with big eyes that just became more and more shiny.
“I miss my mom…” he suddenly said with a wobbly voice and let himself cry without restraint.
“Hey, hey…” I said with a beating heart, broken of seeing him like that. I ran up to the bed and sat down next to him and hugged him.
“You can be with your mom, you know.”
Eric shook his head and took a deep breath. He laid down on his back and pushed his hands against his eyes.
“I have pain everywhere…” he whispered, and I nodded just a little and started to pat his chest. I didn't know if it would be okay, but I knew that if he had anxiety, it was where the pain started.
I patted harder, in a circle. It made Eric remove his hands from his face and look at me. We didn't say anything; we just looked into each other's eyes while I patted.
“I lost my job…” He said after a few minutes.
“No, why?” I said with an empathetic voice, but it seemed to just make everything worse, and his face shrank up because of new tears.
“I forgot.”
“You forgot?”
“I forgot I needed to go to work.”
It was typically him, especially when his emotions went wild. I nodded in response and continued to pat his chest.
“I can't do anything right…”
"Yes, you can! You're so great, baby.”
I felt awful hearing him talk about himself like that and laid down next to him and steered his face against mine. He looked between my eyes and lips, and I moved closer to him, encouraging him to kiss me, but he looked away.
“Delilah…” He paused and looked up at the ceiling before he turned his gaze to me. He shook his head a little, but I couldn't interpret what he wanted to say.
“It's broken between you and me. It's broken…” He turned his eyes away from me again and closed them tightly. I laid and looked at his perfect profile and felt my chest start to hurt in a similar way Eric's probably did.
“But… But you need me...” I whispered. Eric didn't say anything, even if I crawled closer to him, kissing his earlobe and patting his cheek.
Eric breathed heavily and licked his cracked lips.
“I just… I don't feel well at all…”
He said, and let me continue to touch his face. I nodded fast, eager to just make him feel better.
“We could talk if I felt better…” he whispered, and he laid his cheek heavy in my hand. My heart beated faster now; the thought of him being able to talk to me and give me another chance took over everything else. I could do anything for him to forgive me.
He looked at me with big, green, soulful eyes and I knew I would do anything for him, especially when his eyes started to swim with tears.
“I saw something at your place when I was there... You still have pain medications for your shoulder, right? If I could just get a couple so my chest pains would stop…” His tears ran down his cheeks again, and I wiped them away with my thumbs. “Just three or four, it wouldn't make a difference? It's just for now.”
I didn't even know that I'd left the morphine pills so he could find them and admired him for not having taken anything. Maybe he could just take a couple? Just now when he didn't feel well?
“Please Della… It feels like I will die, please...” He cried, and he made me nod a little, even if I hadn't really thought it through.
“Yeah?” He said it with a small, hopeful smile. It was the first smile he had given me that day, and it was so precious I couldn't stop myself from just smiling back.
“Yeah,” I said and nodded a little.
“Can you get them now?” he asked eagerly. His eagerness made me doubt my decision, but I had too bad a conscience to take my words back. He would never talk to me if it seemed like I played with him.
I nodded at his question, and he hugged my hand in his as a thank you. I squeezed it back a little bit too long but then stood up, walking out to the hallway. I prepared myself for Nick's questions because I knew he wouldn't get me. He seemed to believe Eric was a lost case, but it was me who had been with him the most the last few months, and I knew this was just now. He would see it was just now he would take the pills.
“Are you going now?” Nick asked, confused, when I was almost at the door.
“I will be back.”
“Okay? I just thought you felt he was more important,” he said with a shoulder shrug.
“I do!” It angered me that he even said such a thing. “I just need to get something.”
Nick looked at me up and down and stopped at my eyes. I couldn't look at him, so I looked away, and it was obvious enough for him to understand.
“You're going to give him drugs!”
“You're going to get him drugs!”
“No! I just-”
“Are you so fucking slow that you would give an addict drugs! Huh??”
“I'm sorry!” I cried and dragged Eric's hoodie sleeve over my eyes. “I just want him to stop being in pain!”
“Why did I even call you?? You're just a naive little girl! Get the fuck out of here before you've destroyed him completely!”
I ugly cried from shame but also terror of seeing Nick that angry. I turned on my heel and ran out the door, down the stairs as fast as I could. It felt like Nick was chasing me even if I knew he wasn’t.
I jumped into my car while sobbing. First I just felt sorry for myself, for evil Nick had destroyed everything, but it didn't take a long time before I realized what I'd almost done.
I think about drugs all the time.
I could hear Eric's voice in my head and thought about how he had told me how much he still dreamt about drugs. If I had given him it, what would have happened then? I wanted to believe it would just be that time, but not even I was that stupid in reality. I just couldn't stand hearing him cry in pain.
I was a naive little girl, and Nick did the right thing by throwing me out. Everyone made it sound like Eric wasn't good for me, but everything pointed to how it was the other way around. 
Three days later, Robin agreed to meet me on the bench outside of the salon. He had Odin with him, who was much happier to see me than Robin was. I cuddled with him for a while even if Robin was waiting, but even he knew it would be calmer if Odin just got his attention. When I sat down on the bench, Robin gave me an unexpected first question. 
“So it's Eric that has started to raise him?” He looked at Odin, who had laid down on the ground in a way he wouldn't have done some months ago. I shrugged my shoulders and swallowed hard. 
“I guess so. He's really good with animals, and Odin really-” 
“I know he's good with animals; even our dog Max loved him more than me.” 
I laid my head to the side and gave him a sympathetic look. 
“No one loved him more than you.” 
“Yes, my parents, our relatives, even the dog! I had only my uncle on my side. Otherwise, it was so much about Eric all the time!” 
“Don't you think that's from your perspective, because he was the adopted son?” 
Robin made an irritated sound and shook his head. 
“The apartment he has now is his first home. Did you know that? He lived as a parasite on mom and dad all the time-” 
“Don't call him that; he has had a tough life.” I tried to say it softly, but it still provoked Robin. 
“He lived on the streets as long as he thought it was fun then he-” 
“No one thinks it's fun to live on the street! Come on!” I was annoyed now because Robin really tried to own the narrative, even if it all was completely unbelievable. 
“He did! Then he came home to mom and dad, and they needed to save him! It was me who fucking forced mom to get him into rehab! She couldn't take care of him when dad just died! And Eric didn't do anything else than get eaten up by heroin until he overdosed! Some nice son there!” He more or less shouted now, and I wanted to hush him because of his harsh words, but then he would probably get quiet instead. 
“So your dad died and Eric overdosed because of it?” 
“Oh shut the fuck up. That wasn't the reason.” 
I sighed and dragged my hands over my face. 
“But you took him to rehab then? It was nice of you, Robin. You might have saved his life.” I tried to talk to his more human side, and it seemed to work because he took a deep breath. 
“Yes, but it was totally fruitless. And now he did it again.” 
I furrowed my brows in confusion. Eric hadn't OD’d since I got to know him... 
“You remember when I said my uncle had hit his head and gotten into a coma? It was he who was in a coma. Eric. Everyone thought he would die. Can you understand now why he isn't good for you? He has been clean for like half a year.” 
I didn't listen to the last part of what he said. I just thought about where I was in life when Eric was close to death. I was dreaming. About him. 
My Eric. My dream man. 
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87kelce · 9 months
—late night devil put your hands on me
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summary: being friends with benefits with a famous nfl player has it's bonuses, especially after a win. but when his team loses, his bad mood transpires to when he gets home to you.
warnings: smut (18+ only, no minors), fluff, semi-rough sex, friends with benefits situation, slight use of daddy kink, possessiveness, love confession, falling in love
word count: 2806
notes: title taken from the song teeth by 5 seconds of summer. also this is my first one shot/fic on this account so likes and reblogs are very much appreciated 🫶
You knew you probably should've left his place by now, considering you've stayed two nights in a row—and you're not exclusive with him. He reminds you of that fact every time you come over. Reminds you that it's just sex, just a casual hook up. But neither of you are seeing anyone else, or hooking up with anyone else for that matter. And he never seems to mind coming home and seeing you on his couch, his jersey engulfing you while you sleep.
It's always fine when he comes home after a win. He dumps his bag by the couch and heads off into the bedroom to change, letting you rest on the couch. He's already showered at the stadium before he drove home so he usually just gets into bed and switches on the TV, flicking through the channels until he sees you walk in. He takes his time with you then, kissing you everywhere and being so gentle, so tender. After a win, his time is focused on you, focused on getting you off. And you relish in it, wishing it could be like that all the time.
But it's not. His team lost today and he got ejected from the game. So now he's pissed off. The door slams behind him when he walks in and you startle from your position on the couch, eyes frantic around the room until you see him storm off into the bedroom. The door shuts behind him loudly and you just sink back into the couch, curling up and switching the TV off. You want to go and check on him, but you know better than to interrupt him when he's in a mood. He didn't get a long shower when he got back to the team dressing room, so he decides to hop in the shower now. It's a cool one, the slightly cold water running down his back as he rests his hands on the shower wall. His muscles contract when the water gets a little colder, but he knows he needs it. He's frustrated and tired, just wishing today could be over. He knows it was a tough game, but he was being aggravated by the opposition all game and he just let it all go to his head. He knows better, he always knows better.
After a while he switches the shower off and grabs a towel, wrapping it around his waist before stepping back out into the bedroom.
"Jesus! You scared the shit outta me.."
"Sorry.. just making sure you were alright?"
"I'm not."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Leave it."
You just sighed and rolled your eyes, turning to leave the room. You walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, taking a sip, before moving round the island slightly. You could just about see into his bedroom from here and you silently watched him as he was cooling down. He grabbed some shorts before walking to his side of the bed, a place where you couldn't see him. You waited a few seconds before you saw him again, adjusting the waistband of the shorts before he threw a plain white t-shirt on. He hadn't noticed you staring at him yet, but he was now making his way out the room and over to you. You stood back from the island, leaning against the kitchen counter when he went to the fridge, grabbing himself a bottle of water.
"Did you even watch the game?"
"I think I dozed off.."
"Well, we lost.. and I lost my temper and got ejected.. so that's why I'm in this mood.. it's not because of you."
"I'm sorry.."
He just shook his head, turning to go back to the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. You placed the bottle down on the island, before going back to the couch and grabbing your phone. You searched through every social media until you found a clip of the game, of the exact moment Travis lost his temper. The opposition player gave him a gentle shove while blocking him, and Travis shoved back, trying to get him away. But the gentle shove turned into a slightly more aggressive one and Travis ended up knocking the other guy to the ground. Then they were at it, their helmets clashing while their respective teammates tried to pull them away from each other. Two players pulled Travis away but he was still shouting and yelling at the opposition. The clip ended immediately after that, but it automatically restarted afterwards, the moment replaying again on your phone.
You'd seen him angry before but not like this. He usually stopped before he truly lost his temper and so it never got like this. You knew it wasn't just the shove, you knew the other guy had said something to Travis to push him over the edge. But you weren't focused on that anymore, you just watched as Travis stood over the other guy, waiting for him to stand up. And when he did, Travis held his ground, shoving him back slightly with his helmet.
And somehow because of that, your hand had slid its way into your underwear. Replaying the clip over and over again, you managed not to hear Travis come out from the bedroom. Or hear him walk over to you and stand behind you, watching as you squirmed on the couch.
"What're you watchin'?"
You fumbled with your phone, locking it and throwing it on the coffee table before turning round and sitting on the other end of the couch, grabbing a pillow and hiding behind it.
"Uhm.. oh.. uhm, nothing.."
"That's what gets you off?"
"N-no.. maybe..?"
"You like watchin' me be rough?"
You couldn't even mutter a response. His eyes were locked on yours, the anger still slightly evident. You thought he was trying to tease you, but then he kept talking and you realised just where he was going.
"I got ejected from the damn game.. and it's turning you on?"
"Nuh-uh.. bedroom, now."
"Trav.. I just.. I couldn't help myself.."
"Yeah, no shit.. c'mon, go."
The way he was acting was just getting you even more hot and bothered, meaning you could hardly even walk properly. You know he noticed, you could feel his eyes on you as you stumbled into the bedroom, crawling onto the bed and turning around. He followed you after a few seconds, eyes looking you up and down as you were on his bed, hands gripping the sheets.
"You're so pretty, baby.. be a shame if you got ruined tonight.."
"Please, what, baby?"
You whined, feeling his hands on your ankles, pulling you to the end of the bed, your core directly pressing into his crotch.
"Please, Daddy.."
"'Atta girl.."
He moved one of his hands from your ankle to your waist, sliding it underneath the jersey you wore, his thumb rubbing across your skin. He was being gentle, maybe a little too gentle for the situation and you knew he was going to snap again. You knew he needed a release, somewhere, or rather someone, to let his frustrations out on.
"You know how angry I was? Getting ejected from an important game?"
He moved his other hand from your ankle, a finger hooking itself into the waistband of your underwear, dragging it up and off, tossing it across the room. He bent down slightly, a hand pressing into the mattress beside your face. His pupils were blown wide, eyes looking directly into yours.
"And then you.. you start touchin' yourself to it?"
"It was hot.."
You mumbled out your words, watching him tilt his head above you, almost silently asking you to repeat yourself. But you knew he heard you fine and well, the smirk on his face was evident of that fact.
You nodded, hands reaching out for him and grabbing at his t-shirt, trying to pull him closer to you. But he didn't move a muscle.
"I ain't gonna be sweet with you tonight, baby.. gonna have you sore and limping tomorrow morning."
He was always only ever sweet, always making sure you felt loved and cherished whenever he took you to bed. But this was different, you knew that he only had one thing on his mind and that was to get himself off and get his frustrations out, you being the means to an end for him. Your eyes closed slowly when you felt his lips on your cheek, then your jaw and down onto your neck, mouth sucking at your skin to leave a mark.
"All mine, baby.."
You felt your chest flutter when he whispered those words into your skin, like an invisible mark only you could feel. Before you met Travis, the hookups you had were meaningless—you were young and having fun. But now, even though this is just a relationship full of hookups, somehow it means more to you. Maybe it's the way he's usually gentle with you, taking it slow and kissing languidly against your skin, and all over it. Maybe it's the way he always comes back to you no matter what, despite you both not being exclusive, he never hooks up with anyone else. Or maybe it's the fact that he's just slightly possessive, and without him even realising it, he wants you all to himself, all the time.
"Wanna hear you say it."
"I'm yours, I promise."
He cut you off with a kiss, all rough and needy. Your hands loosened from the bed sheets to wrap around his neck, pulling him in closer.
"Need you.."
"I'm all yours.."
You hadn't even realised that you were absentmindedly grinding yourself against him, and you only noticed when he moved his mouth to kiss your neck and he smirked.
"Easy, baby.. easy.."
All you could do was whine, your hands gripping onto the back of his t-shirt while his went down to the inside of your thighs, spreading out your legs. He propped his elbow on one of your thighs and his hand on the other thigh, keeping you open with just one hand, the fingers on his other hand starting to move through your folds. Slowly, he started to push his fingers inside, two of them seated inside you all the way up to his knuckles. Your mouth fell open and you squeaked out a moan, which got half caught in your throat when Travis slid his fingers out before pushing them back in. His head was hanging over your shoulder, lips softly kissing your neck every so often.
"Need more.."
You whined out your words, right into his ear and you felt him smirk against your skin as he kissed your neck again.
He pulled his fingers out, wiping them on the hem of his t-shirt before taking his other hand away from you, moving his hands to the backs of your knees, still keeping your legs spread open. The way he was doing everything so slowly was absolute torture for you, whining when he pressed up into you, letting you feel him through his shorts. He's giving you what you want, but he's not giving it to you the way you want it. He knows you want him to be rough, to almost punish you for getting off to the fight he had during the game today, but him being slow and making you beg for everything is way more satisfying for him. Watching you come undone beneath him is only further pushing his ego and he's absolutely loving it. He knows that the more he takes his time, the more frustrated you'll get and he's just waiting for you to break and act like a brat.
While one of his hands started to wander up under your shirt, you felt something on your stomach, then his head was tilted slightly, his hot breath on your ear.
"You feel how deep it's gonna go, baby?"
He pulled his hand from underneath your shirt, which was actually just one of his old jerseys you decided to claim one day, to grab at the hem of it, pushing it up your chest, letting it bunch below your neckline. He pulled back from you for a moment, your eyes still closed as he looked you up and down, savouring the way you looked. For a second, he felt his chest flutter, his hand resting on your waist as he looked down at you. Everything seemed to catch up with him at once as he pushed himself inside you, watching your eyes squeeze shut and your back arching off the bed, hands reaching out for him. He's supposed to be angry, to be upset, to be mad at you, but he doesn't care about that anymore.
In a way, he's almost torturing himself, suppressing how he feels about you for so long and only now coming to terms with it. He fucking loves you, but he's too afraid to admit it, not just to himself, but to you as well. He's grinding himself into you, pulling out every so often to the tip, before seating himself fully inside you, his eyes on yours even while they're still closed. He swears he sees you smile for a second and he almost loses it then and there. He moves his hand to your jaw, tilting your head to face him and you open your eyes, your pupils blown wide as you make eye contact with him, his hips still grinding against you. But the moment you look at him, he's gone.
He drops his head to your shoulder, groaning beside your ear, his hips moving back before snapping forward, skin slapping on skin.
"Shit.. fuck, I love you.."
You heard what he said and all you could do was tilt your head to the side, kissing his cheek a few times, before his mouth was on your neck again. He was seated fully inside you, grinding forward and driving himself as deep as he possibly could inside you. He pulled his head up from your shoulder, moving to hover over your face. You both locked eyes for a moment, before he leant down, softly kissing your lips while his hand cupped at your neck.
"Trav.. 'm gonna.."
"S'ok.. let go.."
You hid your face against his shoulder, moaning softly while your legs started to gently tremble around his waist. He kissed your cheek, thumb rubbing against your jaw in an attempt to soothe you as you came down from your high. You breathed out a sigh of relief when it washed over you, eyes squeezing shut as you started to grind against him, riding it out as well as trying to push him to his own release. It wasn't long before he pulled out, spilling himself over your stomach, groaning against you. You both stayed there for a moment, both trying to catch your breath. Travis placed one hand on the bed beside your head, holding himself up as he looked into your eyes.
"You uhm.. you love me?"
"I.. yeah.."
You just smiled, reaching up to cup his face, pulling him in for a kiss. While you kissed him, he adjusted himself back into his shorts, before pulling away to grab a towel from the bathroom. He came back and cleaned you up, and just as he turned to toss the towel into the laundry basket, you climbed back up the bed, waiting for him to get in. He knelt on the edge of the bed, before climbing up and lying down, hand over your stomach while his head rested on your chest. You moved your hand to wrap around his back, hand scratching at the back of his head.
"Was it like a heat of the moment thing or?"
"No.. just, didn't really know how to say it, or rather admit to myself that this was more than just hookups.."
"Well, that was sorta obvious when I started staying the night like two, three nights in a row.."
"Yeah, guess I'm an idiot for not realising.."
"Well, I love you too.. so I guess we're both idiots.."
He just smiled and laughed, the vibrations reverberating against your chest. You felt like such a safe haven for him, like no matter what happened to him during a game, he could always come home to you and instantly switch everything off, let go and be comforted by you. The fight he had today was completely forgotten about now, your hand scratching at the back of his head almost putting him to sleep. Then you leaned down and kissed the top of his head and he smiled once, before drifting off, nuzzling his head against your shirt as he fell asleep in your arms.
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trensu · 1 year
Have a snippet from that one holy warrior au. thanks to @ent-is-indecisive for helping me come up with a title for this fic. i'll be tagging it as stasis in darkness for easy tracking. this is part of a rough draft so it probably will be modified by the time i finish the damn thing and make it ao3 ready. but my brain's kind of stuck and needs a kickstart to get it going again, so i thought i'd share it and hopefully get motivated again
It happened again.
The fourth night:
“Isn't it true the King of Darkness–”
“Lord of Night.”
“Yeah, him. He controls all the monsters in the dark and sets them on innocent people for fun. Don’t see why you’d want to throw your lot in with a god like that.”
“Because he doesn’t. He takes care of nighttime animals. Bats, coyotes, owls…”
“The scary ones, you mean.”
“No! Besides, he takes care of cats, too. Cats aren’t scary. They’re, you know, cute.”
“Hmm. If you say so.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? You got something against cats?”
“Of course not!" The man said, sounding mildly offended. Steve opened his mouth to go on about the Lord of Night's chosen creatures but the man interrupted with, "Well, look at the time! Later, gator.”
The man ran off with a grin not sparing him a second glance. Steve stared after him, baffled.
“What the fuck’s a gator?”
The fifth night:
“Don't you know your King, excuse me, Lord of Darkness–”
“Night. Lord of Night.”
“Same thing. He helps criminals evade justice. Pretty sure that one’s true.” The man lounged lazily on a nearby boulder as he asked. Kind of like a cat, Steve noticed with a trace of amusement that was easily smothered by annoyance at the man's…everything else.
“He helps people who travel by night. Most of the time they’re just night workers or people with nowhere to go. The ones that are shunned for being different or the ones too poor to afford safe shelter.”
“Huh. Alright, explain the horse thief thing, then, if he’s so good and noble.”
“...fine, he’s got a soft spot for horse thieves but thievery isn’t that bad of a crime in the grand scheme of things.”
“Ha! Sure,” the man conceded. “But! You can’t deny that this Lord of Night cursed people with terrible nightmares that left them sleepless and suffering for days. To the brink of lunacy, some say.”
The man said it with triumph, as if with this he’d finally break Steve’s faith. Steve shrugged. 
“All gods get angry.”
“And that’s okay? You’re fine with him inflicting mind torture on some poor mortal just because he threw a tantrum?”
“First off, he wouldn’t just throw a tantrum," Steve said with exasperation. He might end up throwing a tantrum if this guy persisted. "I don’t think he’s the kind to get angry easily. And second, the people he cursed before always deserved it. Besides, he helps with good dreams, too. It’s not all bad.”
“Uh-huh, I totally believe you," the man said, heavy with mockery.
“Look man, if you’re so against the Lord of Night, why are you still here? Why do you keep coming back and bothering me?”
“Well, be curious quietly. I need to pray.”
“...he probably doesn’t even have prayers.”
“I said shut up, man. I need to concentrate.”
The man leaves without any more fuss. 
The sixth night:
“You have a lot of faith in a god who lost his own name. Does he even have any holy texts left?”
“Dustin could only find one, but that was enough.”
“Really? Other gods have entire libraries of stories and whole tomes of holy words. They have temples and monasteries all across the land of mortals.” The man motioned derisively at the crumbling statue. "This thing here is barely a shrine!"
“Hey, I'm working on that, alright? It's going to look great when I'm done with it," Steve protested. "And so what if he doesn't have more? Robin says quantity’s got nothing to do with quality.”
“Yeah, but the other gods are remembered for a reason. That counts for something,” the man's voice lost some of that smug edge. He fiddled with the hem of his fraying shirt as he spoke. 
Steve refused to rise to the bait. He responded calmly, but firmly.
“I don’t need libraries to know I want to carry his symbol. From what Robin and Dustin found, he represents all the things my friends taught me were important.” Steve pauses. "I’m not a good reader anyway so less books are better for me.” 
"Oh, so that's why you picked him! Very convenient," The man sounded very amused. Steve ignored him until he heard the man wander away for the night. He sighed in relief.
With a surge of restless energy leftover from being very good and calm about that nuisance of a man, Steve approached the statue elevated on its crumbling plinth. He reached up towards its open hand held at its side, barely within reach, and brushed his fingers along the worn knuckles. 
"That guy's wrong about you, I know he is,” Steve whispered, fervently. “You deserve a temple. A hundred of them, all for your own."
Steve thought, for a moment, he heard a sharp intake of breath, but when he looked there was no one but him around. 
“I’ll make sure you get a great temple."
He waited, strained his ears for even a single word from his god. He tried not to be disappointed when he heard nothing. Again.
ps: i do not do those reader tag list things. if you’d like to keep up with my stuff, follow my writing tag: trensu tells stories
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lorimnnn · 1 year
Hiii! May I request something for Kazan Yamaoka?
During a match at the Yamaoka Estate where Kazan sees from a distance survivor reader is gonna go to a gen that's in one of the houses but she catches herself before she steps inside. She takes her shoes off and leaves them at the door before going to the gen. Despite it being a realm different from the real world she still respects Japanese culture. And she does this every time she goes through any houses in his realm.
Idk I'm just curious how Kazan would react to this since none of the other survivors or killers (besides him maybe) respect this. But if not that's totally ok!
omg, I can't explain how much I love this request! I know it took me ages but I'm here! I'm looking to write more on Kazan because there's hardly anything on him.
warnings: canon-typical violence and gore, life-threatening situations, swearing, i hate editing so obviously it's not edited but i'll probably go over it one day
trope summary: fluff, slow-burn
You were the last one left. Did you know that?
It had never crossed your mind--- so no, you didn't. You had learned long ago not to care about those types of things when you were facing killers like The Oni. He was a devourer. Your teammates never stood a chance to begin with.
But you didn't know that.
The first time The Entity threw you into The Oni's world, you took off running. That's what your other teammates did, anyway. There had been a collective groan when the fog cleared and you all came to terms with where you were--- then a grim caress of fear that seemed to possess all of you. The sight of your teammates so flighty had struck you the wrong way and you weren't going to go about asking questions about it.
The primal roar in the distance said all that you needed to know.
What was this place, anyway?
It was like you'd time-travelled to Edo-era Japan. It was beautiful and antique and you'd never seen anything quite like it. But you'd always wanted to travel to Japan.
The Entity took that chance away from you.
You found yourself reminiscing over all those lost opportunities. You were never going to get them back. You should've gone even when you were sure you were going to be dirt poor afterwards. You should have taken the chance and travelled everywhere as soon as you got the money for it. You didn't even know what you were saving for. Everyone else was doing it, so you supposed you were supposed to as well. But what was the point of having so much money if you couldn't even use it to buy the things that would make you happy?
If you could go back, you would leap at the chance to travel somewhere here. But you supposed that 'here' wouldn't really exist in the real world. Not like this. Not at the peak of it's grandeur.
Ha! The irony.
Could you even call this a privilege when you were only here to die?
You heard Kate cry out in the distance. You flinched; you needed to wake up. Work on some gens. You were still running aimlessly, trying to get away---
Kate had just died, and here you were.
Admiring the scenery.
You'd always been little airy-fairy. Not quite there, sometimes too much in the moment, sometimes a little too far off. It meant you had a lot of delayed reactions, such as now.
Right now, you needed to be thinking of how to stay alive and keep your teammates that way, too.
So you headed for the house, running faster than ever. The doors were open and you could already see the gen.
"Quick," you muttered to yourself.
Before he catches up to you.
You hadn't seen The Oni, but you'd heard stories about him. Gruesome stories of his brutal, unforgiving nature, his mistaken dignity and honour. A true warrior who had been corrupted by his blood thirst.
You wondered how a samurai of all things learned such villainy. Weren't they all about honour? That's what you'd read in your books, at least. Now you weren't so sure.
Before entering the house with the gen in sight, you paused. You know you shouldn't of. You know that he was the last person in this hellish world deserving of respect when he was literally out killing all of you, but---
But this was different.
"It's the bare minimum," you reassured yourself. It helped comfort your warring fear that you were crazy. That you were empathising with a killer.
You took off your shoes and aligned them neatly outside before heading in and working the gen.
Too easy.
It was all too easy. Sometimes so much so that it got boring very quickly--- the same chase, the same screams, the same mindless fury that Entity infused him with. It wasn't as though he cared about the survivors in any way. He couldn't care less if they had families, let alone worth it personalities. But there was no more motive behind the kills. No more drive.
It was the ultimate disgrace to his honour---
But if Kazan admitted that, what would the Entity do?
It would be an insult. It would risk his life and extended existence, and there was so much he hadn't done yet. So much he was already doing that he had vowed to finish. One day the Entity would release him and he would resume his life and old purpose. Or maybe he would start all over again and honour his father better.
That was his secret hope.
You were the last survivor. He hadn't met you yet. Hadn't even heard of you, but he knew that you weren't fresh of the boat if you had eluded him so easily. You must have heard things or been smart to ask if it meant that it was your first instinct to run.
"Shoes...?" He muttered to himself.
He could hear you working on the gen. You were so diligent. So focused.
So naive--- how had you not heard him?
Well, Kazan had been taking his time with you. He didn't attempt to be quiet often. The kills were usually so quick that it didn't even matter. He was fast and they were prey and he would consume them before they even knew they were food.
But that was a thought for another day, because---
You had put your shoes outside. You had set them up neatly. It was a custom he had almost forgotten about and learned not to apply to the survivors. He never bothered to hold it against them, either. In this game of life and death, customary traditions were the last of any of their worries, even his.
And yet you had remembered.
Something dead twitched in his cold, hollow heart. It was small, but so significant that it barrelled into him--- a short breath escaped him in a husky puff.
He was feeling... warmth.
He looked up from your shoes. He watched you gently, the hardness receding from his gaze for that moment alone--- he observed your fixated frown, the nimble work of your fingers, the way you were still too absorbed to notice him...
The Entity's voice startled him, even if it didn't show. It had been a while since she had spoke to him at all, and it was only at the start when he'd been summoned to this cruel arena of death.
Her voice was sharp. Cutting.
A warning.
Was this all they were meant to do? To kill and consume, to die and be reborn, only for the cycle to continue until the end of eternity?
Could he really kill you now?
He would never admit it. Not allowed, unless he wanted to die. But the Entity's voice, it had disgusted him. It probably knew that. Somehow, even a fraction of his hesitance had amounted into something significant enough for the Entity to speak--- it knew all.
It knew he wanted to spare you, just for this small gesture.
But it knew he wouldn't.
Kazan killed you in cold blood.
He thought about you long after.
The Oni was said to roar when he killed. It was loud and brutal and everyone knew about it--- you became a sacrifice in his hands, and you died with honour.
Did he hate you?
Why had he killed you so silently?
One moment you had been working on the gen. The next you were dead. All you saw was a flash of a grotesque mask. It was drenched in blood but you were still able to make out the curving and elongated features of it, the bright red eyes that shone through and burned through your soul. You hadn't even had time to scream. To feel scared. He had grabbed you and killed you from behind and all you'd seen was the blur that the last seconds of living had afforded you--- in that way, you felt betrayed.
Had you insulted him by doing what you had thought would appease him?
You hadn't even intended to win his favour. That gesture had been out of respect for his culture. It had been more for you than anything.
Did he think you were shitting on his culture instead? What the fuck?
You were more angry about it than you had right to be. Jake was out doing his alone-time things in the woods when you bumped into him, kicking twigs and punching trees.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine," you grumbled. Jake didn't believe you, and you were terrible at hiding things. You sighed. "I hate killers! I hate them! What the fuck!"
Jake's usually impassive face betrayed the hint of a smile. "I know."
"Why are they such heartless pains in the ass?"
"They're built that way."
"Were they not people, once upon a time?"
"Hardly." Jake shrugged. He tried to end the conversation there, but you kept following him around and eventually he was forced to sit when you clung to his sleeve. "They have inhuman backstories. So I've heard."
"And what's The Oni's?"
Jake snorted. "He's bothering you?"
"Is it that unbelievable?"
"He's not worth a backstory," Jake said. "Trust me. He's purely in it for the kill."
Somehow, that made you angrier.
You clung to Jake's sleeve harder when he tried to stand, and he looked at you, slightly irritated.
"Can I go now?"
"No," you said flatly.
"What do you want?"
You stopped. He sighed.
You let go of his sleeve and sat there, fighting tears. They fell anyway.
Kazan didn't understand you.
You didn't understand Kazan.
You kept unintentionally respecting him, and he kept killing you. he didn't really know how to react, actually. You were too...
Too kind.
He caught himself stalking you outside of trials. He covered it up by banging on the boundary that separated the killers from the victims and acting like he was trying to come after you. At first you were scared. He regretted scaring you.
Kazan did it again and again anyway. It had been a while since he'd felt anything. The more trials he had with you, the more things he was left to grapple with. He hated it.
He yearned for it.
So he kept seeking you out.
You were kind. A bit stupid--- how could you not see how the other survivors abused your purpose and skillset? Or did you know? Why did you let it happen if you knew?
You seemed to like the other survivors, though. He couldn't understand why.
He quickly learned that you were sentimental. Ah. That made sense. No wonder you bothered with things such as cultural customs.
Sentimental was not good. It meant emotional.
To be emotional in a place like this was to kill yourself over and over, and everyone knew it. It had established the natural order of kill or be killed. Survive or die. And yet you were there, uprooting it.
No wonder everyone borderline disliked you. You showed too much interest in doing more, being more. Connecting.
How long had it been since he'd connected?
He supposed he had Rin. His descendant. But that was a bit different, wasn't it?
"What the fuck is your problem?" You'd yelled out once. You'd startled him by coming right up to the boundary and screaming in his face--- he'd stopped trying to break it just to let you speak. "What the fuck do you want? Why do you want to kill me so bad? Are you okay? Are you good?" You paused to take a breath. You were panting, hot in the cheeks, sweat beginning to bead in your hairline. "Are you fucking okay?"
He should have been angry. Who gave you the right to talk to him in such a way?
Who gave you a right to make him feel like this?
Feel anything?
And who the fuck gave you the right to make him feel bad of all things when he caught you crying?
He wouldn't have seen them if you hadn't turned your head that slightest angle, the sun hitting the thing glaze of your tears. They were shining.
You seemed to realise you were about to fall apart the same time he did and retreated. Why were you embarrassed?
Why was he contradicting himself?
Kazan watched you run away into the woods. He growled when he saw that black haired one who often pretended to ignore you sigh to himself and then run after you.
He shouldn't have stalked the both of you as far as the barrier allowed him to. Shouldn't have hid when he heard you sobbing out loud, shouldn't have stayed hidden when that stupid survivor took you into his arms--- pretending to hate it--- and let you cry there as he battled with his red cheeks.
The next time he had a trial with Jake Park, he brutalised him again and again.
Jake didn't know why, of course. And would The Oni ever tell him?
Because how would he even begin to explain what he was feeling when he didn't even know himself?
You'd had enough.
The Oni had made you his obsession over and over, saving you for last. It had made his kills twice as brutal and twice as painful because know you were always ready for them.
And recently he'd been coming on to you with a vengeance, like you'd done something wrong.
You were going to sort this out for once and for all. Somewhere along the way it had become incredibly personal and this undiscovered connection and had become intimate, even if it was mostly comprised of him killing you for more than just that, killing you. Somehow that alone made it all the more emotional, all the more addictive.
You couldn't run away; there was nowhere to go.
So the next time you had a chance, you went to his realm on your own. You hunted him down and yelled in his face--- he hadn't expected you, clearly.
He had been meditating in his temple and suddenly you had come flying out of nowhere.
"Why are you doing this?" You shouted. "Why do you keep doing this? I don't get it. What have I done to hurt you so personally?"
The Oni scrambled--- ungracefully-- to his feet and stood up.
"Are you seriously going to kill me again?" you wailed. "Outside of a trial of all things? I just came to talk! Because you're a bully! A mean fucking bully!"
The Oni hesitated, his hand uncurling from his katana.
"I hate you!" You yelled.
He said nothing. Of course he did.
Now you just felt embarrassed.
"I hope I never get put in a trial with you ever again!"
That prompted the Oni to take a step closer to you. You were already walking away, though, and was surprised to find the Oni close behind, trailing at a modest distance away. You walked faster. So did he.
You walked slower.
So did he.
"Go away," you mumbled, shoving your feet back into your shoes. "You make me so mad. I don't know what I've done to piss you ff this much, but I hope it's worth it!"
The Oni kept following you.
It was quickly becoming aggravating. You stopped and turned around, probably to yell at him, but seeing him just standing there made you too mad for words and you turned back around to walk. You stomped your foot and screamed at the sky.
You hated this.
It made no sense.
You jumped at the feeling of a hand curling around yours. It was big and meaty and riddled with scars and veins. It was a human hand. The Oni's hand.
And he was touching you gently, like you could break at any moment.
Like he was sorry.
But Kazan would never say it.
"...Stay," he said.
You gawked. You hadn't even realised he could talk. You'd been sure his only language was punching and letting out battle cries. Still, over the revelation, you glared at him. "Are you crazy? What if you kill me?"
"I won't."
He held your hand slightly tighter. Was that a threat?
You pulled away your hand to test it; he didn't try squeeze it harder.
Not a threat.
What did you do now?
You hadn't expected this.
"Stay," he said again.
"For tea."
You felt like laughing. Was he serious? Was he actually genuine? For tea? He wanted you to stay for tea? Huh? What? Why-
"Yes," you said. "Okay."
You were staying for tea.
The Oni was... Not what you expected. He didn't say much, but when he did, it was choked and gruff like he wasn't used to talking. And maybe he wasn't.
You were skeptical the whole time, but not once did he move to hurt you. He didn't even poison the tea that he made--- hand ground and the water boiled over a fire. He showed you his every move with distinct slowness like he knew you were watching.
"Does it ever get lonely here?" You found yourself blurting. "All alone. I mean, I heard you're related to Rin. Is that true?"
All you got was a nod. You weren't sure whether that was to the first or the second question, but you ran with it.
"Do you often make tea?"
He shook his head.
"Am I annoying you?"
The Oni looked at you again--- this time sharply, and you tensed and held your breath. You weren't expect the flash of deadpan attitude in his eyes when he sighed and turned away.
"So... I'm not?"
"Drink your tea," he said.
You did.
You should have never come back.
But the tea...
The tea was good.
Yeah, the tea.
So... Kazan may like you more than he thought.
It wasn't intentional; it had just happened. You kept coming for tea, he kept listening to you babble, and he started to crave your company the second you left. You had managed to fill a gap in his chest that he hadn't even realised had been vacant to begin with.
You were just so beautiful.
It had caught him by surprise. One day you came to his realm, took off your shoes and waited for him to pour you a cup of tea and it had struck him that you were the most stunning thing to exist in all his millennia of living, and could spend a millenia more of just admiring you if you allowed. But you never did.
You always thought something was wrong when he stared at you for too long. Always took it as your cue to leave.
Kazan regretted killing you over and over again.
Maybe if he didn't, you'd be more willing to trust him again.
"Yamaoka Kazan," he said one afternoon. It had slipped out. You were in the middle of talking and then he'd just said it.
"My name."
"Oh, well if I'm right, you introduced yourself with your last name first. Out of respect, should I call you Mr Yamaoka?"
That alone sent a shudder down his spine. Kazan barely managed to hide it. The only thing stopping him was his need for you to say it again, say it more intimately. Say it like you meant it. And not his last name.
"No," he said.
You were past that. You deserved more. Deserved everything.
But selfishly, he wanted something from you first.
Hesitantly, you tried his name in your mouth. "... Kazan?"
Suddenly he was just a man, not a killer. A man who had lived and breathed and felt things, and now he felt them for you.
"Well, if we're on that level, my name is Y/n."
You looked away from him, and he smirked beneath his mask.
It seemed he affected you just as much.
I swear to the universe the only thing i could think of with 'you were staying for tea' was that meme from mulan like 'would you like to stay for dinner' and then the grandma yelling out 'would you like to stay forever' but it's rin
I wanna write a pt. 2 for this but would you be interested in that?
As always, please reblog!
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