#because Im starting from scratch on how they were all before eheh
anartisticalniche · 6 months
Okay, I didn't get to finish it much but i want to post it anyway
Presenting... the Pirate AU *jazz hands*
In which I just cram in the SMG4 crew in a mixture of a Victorian era world and the Mushroom Kingdom ahah
I have a planned story and everything, with plot and such, but its going to be LOOONG while before I finish it, so now I'm just having fun drawing the characters and some comics
The synopsis is basically that Mario gets (seemingly) kidnapped from the Mushroom Kingdom by pirates, and Princess Peach basically enrolls SMG4 to get him back (mostly to have her "bodyguard" back for herself)
SMG4 accepts mainly because he actually wants to get his friend back and because Luigi has begged him before the Princess even asked him, and so they depart on a small vessel with Captain Tari and her second in command Saiko in the sea (I wanted Tari to be the Captain to allude at the fact that she was one in her Meta Runner series, but she's still pretty much a scaredy cat like in the SMG4 universe).
Alas, they find Mario, but the crew that "has" him is in fact one of the most notorious: SMG3's crew, in his Black Bomb vessel.
And with that they get captured and are forced to stay with him for the time being.
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Im planning in adding so many more characters (like the Anti-cast, Chris and Swag etc.) and to also focus a lil bit on the magical side of the story, with creatures and curses to spice things up eheh
For example, you get this acquatic guys as a treat (the Outcasts of the sea if you will)
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haitaniapologist · 2 years
KEEPING UP WITH THE AKASHIS — episode four: the soap incident.
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pairings — akashi takeomi x fem!reader
word count — 2.2k
warnings — this pure fluff to help you all go through the rest of thr weekend ehehe
notes — this is @dckzs request!!! i hope i made justice to it, bby <3
taglist form ! • next episode ! • previous episode !
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you should’ve known that being a member of the akashi family meant that you would never have peace. 
finishing your shift at ss motors, you expected to go home and relax — it was your last day in your mom’s house before you moved in with takeomi and his siblings, and you would miss your childhood home. you had spent your entire life there, and you had both good and bad memories regarding the house. it would be a bittersweet feeling, to leave behind everything you were used to, to have your own life without your mother just down the hall. however, you felt ready to take this step in your relationship with takeomi, and both senju and haruchiyo were pestering you to move with them, too. 
it wasn't just takeomi that needed you anymore. 
yet, as much as you would love to spend some time in your childhood bedroom, finishing packing what you were going to take to takeomi's house, your phone started to buzz — with a lot of messages. 
it wasn't any of your friends, and you knew that. all of them knew that you didn't want to be bothered, and you trusted that they would follow what you said — and it wasn't none of the boys too, because you made yourself very clear about not wanting to be disturbed on your last day in your mom's house. you just groaned, taking the phone from your cabinet, growing when you saw the messages. 
takeomi: baby i know im not supposed to text you but 
takeomi: haruchiyo did something to his hair and i don't know how to fix it 
takeomi: he's screaming and crying and cursing keisuke 
takeomi: help 
you just sighed. couldn't haruchiyo wait a day to scare his brother to death? 
the akashi's home was pure chaos when you arrived. 
you could hear haruchiyo's screams from the front door. you couldn't pinpoint exactly what he was saying, but you never heard him sounding so angry before. takeomi's voice was mixed with his screams, and you almost laughed with how small he sounded — long gone were the days when takeomi was the fearful god of war, and now he was bossed around by you and his siblings as much as you three liked. 
“y/n-nee!” senju greeted you, and you smiled, opening your arms so she could snuggle in them. she wasn't the seven-year-old you met those years ago anymore, but you two were still affectionate to each other like no time had passed since you two met for the first time. 
you smiled, leaning to kiss her hair. “do you know what happened?” you couldn’t help and be curious. you knew little about what haruchiyo did in his gang activities, and you hoped what happened wasn’t something dangerous.
“nope.” she answered, arms encircling your waist and pulling you to the living room. “haru just washed his hair and when he got out of the shower he started to scream. take-nii didn't know what to do, so he messaged you.” the youngest akashi explained what she knew, and you wondered what happened. apparently baji keisuke had something to do with it, and from what you knew from the dark haired boy, you feared the worst. 
“well, then i think i should go see them?” you tried, and she tightened her hold around you. senju became strong in the blink of an eye, and you were still amazed at how small and strong she was. 
she shook her head. 
“senju, i'm going to live with you tomorrow. don't be jealous, haru needs me.” 
“no!” she exclaimed, burying her face in your chest. 
but before you could say anything, takeomi appeared in the living room — and it took everything inside you to not burst into laughter. you never saw him looking that desperate and in panic, with widen eyes and a painting chest, alongside a few scratches on his arms and… soap, perhaps, on his shirt. “thank god you're here.” he easily took you from senju's arms, despite her outraged gasps, and was already taking you to the main bathroom. 
however, you stopped on your tracks. “do you mind explaining what happened, takeomi? it was supposed to be my last day at my childhood home.” you raised your eyebrows and he flinched at the tone you used, and how you decided to use his full name instead of his nickname, or any other term of endearment.  
he sighed. “i know but… haruchiyo did something to his hair, and it seemed like keisuke is the one to blame for it.” your boyfriend tried to explain with what he knew, a dejected puppy expression adorning his handsome features. “he doesn't want anyone to see him or talk to him. maybe you can help.”
“why do you think so?” you asked, wriggling on his hold when you two arrived at the main bathroom. everything was strangely quiet, and you wondered if your boyfriend was going to use you as a human shield to deal with his brother. 
takeomi stroked your cheek. “because you’re the one who knows how to deal with hair.” he wasn’t exactly wrong. since you entered his life, you have taught him almost everything regarding the beauty world — how to take care of his and his siblings’ hair, how to do skincare, how to use creams that would help his scarred skin. he didn’t have someone who knew about such things, and you gladly was that someone for him, and for his siblings too.
you nodded, taking some small steps in the direction of the bathroom’s door, knuckles rasping gently on the door. “haru? do you need help?” you asked softly, looking back at your boyfriend, who did a thumbs up for you, trying to encourage you. no sound came from inside the bathroom besides the door unlocking, and both you and takeomi sighed relieved — you because haruchiyo trusted you enough, and takeomi because he wasn’t threatening him with his katana. “i’m coming in, alright?” you warned, smiling at takeomi before stepping inside the room.
it was as if you entered another dimension. even if you used the kids’ bathroom so many times before, both helping them bathe or just helping takeomi cleaning it, it had a different aura right now. it wasn’t as steamy as you thought it would be, and haruchiyo was seated in the middle of it, pajamas shirt and shorts crumpled up and his hair a mess. 
a total mess. 
you never saw a hair looking like that. it looked like someone passed their hands too much between them, but it was also dry, and it had a lot of visible knots. haruchiyo looked like a scared cat, his eyes big and hands ready to scratch you if you came too close. you were the one who died his hair pink, and the one who taught him how to take care of it — and you wondered how the fuck keisuke had something to do with that situation. 
you crunched down next to him, hands twitching at your sides. he was now a teenager, not the sweet and shy boy you once knew. you couldn't hug him and hold him close to your chest and whisper sweet things in his ear to calm him down, and you felt helpless — why takeomi thought you could help him? but haruchiyo was the one who sought your comfort, wrapping his arms around your form as soon as he felt your presence. he was taller and stronger than you, and you teared up thinking how much both he and senju grew up, and now were slipping through yours and takeomi’s fingers. 
you didn’t mutter a word. you knew that with haruchiyo, it was better to let him speak when he felt ready, and not try to persuade him to tell what happened. you were fine with it, and you didn’t mind spending the whole night locked inside a bathroom comforting him — who knew when you would be able to do that again? you were once in his shoes too, being fourteen and not wanting to be touchy with your mother and choosing to deal with your emotions alone. 
minutes, or even hours passed of him having his head nuzzled on your neck and your hand rubbing soothing circles on his back before he had the courage to speak up and share his failure. “i asked baji what he used in his hair.” kei’s hair was very beautiful and you could understand why haru would ask him what he did with it. he started to grew his hair as soon as the akashi grandmother stopped to nag him about it — you never understood why she insisted him having z buzz cut, but takeomi explained that their grandfather was a military man and did the same with him when he was haruchiyo’s age, and he grew his hair as a way to rebel against such a rule. 
it seemed that haruchiyo followed his brother’s footsteps without even knowing. 
you bit your lip to contain your giggles. you didn’t want to humiliate him even more, but you couldn’t help yourself. why boys couldn’t think at least twice before doing something stupid? and men too, seeing how takeomi and his friends were still doing stupid things, even at twenty-four. “oh, haru.” you tried, but some giggles still left your mouth. “there's no way in hell that baji keisuke uses only soap in his hair. i’m sure he steals a fancy styling cream from his mom, too.” you explained, hands cupping his cheeks. you felt as if your giggles infected him too, his twin scars pulling up in a small smile. 
“what did he say?” you encouraged him to speak more, so you could know what truly happened and help him properly — and to know what keisuke used in his hair, too. maybe you could ask him mom.
“soap!” haruchiyo exclaimed, head shooting up from your neck, eyes wide and indignant. “he said he used soap! and look how my hair turned up when i used soap!”
“yeah, now i know that, y/n-nee.” he pouted and you squished his cheeks. it didn’t matter how old he, and senju too, would be — they would always be your little babies. 
you smiled at him, getting up from the ground. you offered your hand and he promptly took it. “well, you’re like your nee-chan can revert what happened, right? i deserve not to wash the dishes for three months.” 
you giggled when he groaned. 
“keisuke doesn’t use only soap in his hair.” takeomi stated while you tried to do your nightly skin cleaning routine, his hands encircling your waist while he looked at your face in the mirror. 
you rolled your eyes. “i know that, omi. and that’s what i told haru.” you explained, wriggling around his hold to splash water on your face. you led haruchiyo to your, now, shared bathroom with your boyfriend and explained to him how to properly take care of his hair. the best way to wash, the best water temperature, the best shampoos and conditioners, when he should use deep conditioner creams and how he should use leave-ins and other styling things. when he left the bathroom, his pink hair was as if nothing happened — nobody would ever know that he tried to use soap in it just a few hours ago, and you both laughed at the story while you dried it with your hairdryer. 
but you would have a talk with miss ryoko. she was a scary woman, but you wouldn’t be afraid of her. she should know baji was lying to his friends — and after that, you would also speak with him. it didn’t matter if you would be crashing a toman meeting. you were the girlfriend of the infamous god of war, someone that all the toman boys looked up to, and they would respect you. 
“i can’t blame him, though.” your boyfriend replied, sitting you in the sink counter and opening your legs to make space for himself. you gasped at the feel of the cold stone in your warm thighs, hands gripping his shoulders in instinct. “before you, i didn’t know how to take care of my hair too.”
you giggled, remembering how his black locks used to smell like tobacco. “both you and haruchiyo are stupid in the same way. it’s endearing to see.” 
takeomi pouted, hands pinched the soft flesh of your thighs. “you’re so mean.” you smiled innocently at him, lips gently kissing his pouty — he was adorable when he was being teased, and you couldn’t help but do that whenever you could. because takeomi teased you as if it was his hobby, and you were just paying back. but he pressed his lips tightly against yours, basking in your warmth. his kisses always tasted like home, like you finally found the place you belonged. 
you broke it, in need of air, and nuzzled your face on his shoulder, wrapping your legs around his torso. takeomi got his clue and walked with you to the bed, gently laying you down. he still couldn’t believe you were going to finally move in with him — he would finally share a home life with you, and he hoped you would say yes to another question he would be dropping soon. 
he kissed your hair while you got comfortable on his side. that would be for another day, but he couldn’t help and smile at the thought of you with his mom’s ring around your finger.
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taglist — @michiphoria @softbajis @nanamis-wifey-reye @rinzumii @lonnie19 @toobsessedsstuff @phantomhive-shadow @froggishii @haitani-bruv @ihateuguys @chiaki3nanami @bontensbabygirl @carleen55 @sloth-fox @dckzs @jenreblogginganimestuff @sureconfused @altaircc @aftermxxn @twochainsandrollies @nocapmika @kirakirakill @wakasagurl @https-haitanii @heartonthemoon @hangsang-jh @wack0-genius @xjeagerslutx @pinksilk @puddingbears @sanzu-phoria @kiyoomimin @ucancallmeelena @inui-invu @animepickle7 @powderpinkandsweeet @jeagerslutx @marinac15
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hanniejji · 2 years
I saw the other Lil phoenix brainrot and was like, what if lil phoenix was publicly humiliated in Mondstadt (Kaeya quickly went in a store to get lil phoe a drink so ye) and Diluc witnessed it, cause he was in the vicinity. What would he do?
Ehe anon, i will bring another brainrot later ehehe
i think at times like these, diluc's father instincts would jump right out along with some... personal feelings involved, because there is no way that he'd allow anyone to talk like that to phoenix. sure he hasn't been a good father to them, but he won't let others lay a single hand on phoenix, not even talk to them in that manner.
also, there's no guarantee that diluc would pull out his claymore because he's not calm in any way right now.
damn im having so many ideas for the phoenix fic that im planning to write aaaaahhh. a smol blurb for y'all :>
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"and who are you to speak to them like that?"
"f-father!" your head whip back to look behind you, eyes gazing up to the very man you've been trying to reach out for the longest time now.
it was supposed to be a quick errand, a quick walk, a peaceful day for you and your uncle kaeya on his rare day off. you've just came from good hunter, eating lunch with kaeya, before setting home. but your uncle claimed to have something for you, so he went away for a while to buy something.
the moment he turned his back, you felt it.
the stares from everyone. they were watching you closely, you won't be surprised if they start talking about you to their peers, criticizing you as if they know you so well. and soon enough, a brave soul spoke.
it's a pitiful sight, really. a grown man staring down at a child no older than seven (7) as if you massacred his whole lineage.
you could've handled it on your own, honestly. you've learned to talk back without sounding improper to situations like this, being around kaeya too much taught you that these kinds of people aren't the type to back down if you don't put them in their place. you've seen how diluc talk his way around business men who knew nothing but to leech off of others, people who are all talk but lacks the brain to act. those meetings were boring, but if diluc wanted you to be there then who are you to refuse?
you didn't expect that diluc himself would be around to hear this man humiliate you in front of others.
"s-sir ragnvindr!"
diluc has a deep frown on his face and you can see his hands clenched into a fist beside him.
oh... wait. he must've been embarrassed to see me like this.
your face fell at the thought, gazing down at the pavement of the street, biting the inside of your cheeks to compose yourself. everyone else's opinions are insignificant, but if there's a person you don't want to disappoint, it's your father.
i must've look pitiful for him to intervene.
"just who do you think you are to talk to my child like that, hm? under what circumstances are you allowed to speak as if you know phoenix so well," diluc almost spat venom towards the sweating man in front of you, every step he take closer felt like the ground was rising in temperature. diluc was like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode on this pathetic man trembling under the gaze of the uncrownd king of mondstadt.
my?... child?...
your eyes blew wide, your mouth itching to say something but you must look like a gaping fish out of its own pond. the words were stuck in your throat, building up like vile but unable to speak up. just when he stood right next to you did you snap from your thoughts, feeling a warm hand rest on the top of your head.
it felt unfamiliar, yet it put you in so much ease.
"oh! i was just, um," the stranger's hand went up to scratch at the back of his neck, "i was just joking around!"
"oh really?" diluc took a step closer to the man, his hand leaving a lingering warmth on your head that you wished didn't go away.
wait... is that—is that a claymore!?
"eh!?" you watched him raised his claymore right next to the trembling man's teary face, "f-father wait—"
"now, now, phoenix," an eerily cold hand rest upon your shoulder, prompting you to look up to see your uncle's amused face watching the scene unfold. "let the adults do their thing."
"uncle kaeya!"
he sends you a wink, merely patting your head before looking onwards. he seemed to not care that he's the cavalry captain who's supposed to stop whatever your father's going to do but...
"let me make this crystal clear for you so people like you would understand, i am far from joking around," diluc lowered his claymore down, strucking the edge to the ground. he seemed to speak in a higher volume too, as if he intends to make everyone hear whatever he's about to say. "no one has the right to talk to my child like that—" you feel your heart burst in happiness at hearing those words, "—you're a grown man, who are you to treat a child like that in the first place? what are you? some pathetic high status man who boast about his riches to children? that's just ridiculous and childish."
"if you're going to criticize phoenix, then i advice you look at yourself in the mirror," diluc tilted his chin up as if to degrade this man with just his stare, "you think you're oh so great and whatnot, i bet my phoenix can do so much better than you."
your hands went up to cover your gaping mouth, gasping along with the crowd of people that were gathered around to witness one of the rare moments that diluc loses his composure, if he even loses his composure at all.
my phoenix.
you can feel the onslaught of tears building up behind your eyes, your heart leaping out from your chest to scream out. you haven't lived long yet, but he had never been like this when it comes to you oh he has, he just doesn't show it. sure, he always addressed you as his child when meeting business acquaintances and peers, but never with such pride and... love.
kaeya looks down when he hears your quiet sniffling, smiling fondly at the way you try to discretely wipe your tears, feeling extremely at ease at the certain sparkle in your eyes that he had never seen before.
"i will say this one more time and i don't care how many times i have to repeat it until your brains understand," diluc's claymore disappeares as he turns to walk back to you. he settles a hand on your shoulder before looking right at the crowd of people.
"no one is allowed to ever talk like that to my phoenix. even if you do so without my knowledge, believe me when i say that i will know of it once and for all."
"oh, don't worry," kaeya speaks up, "i'll make sure you do~."
diluc gently nudges you to walk forward, his hand still on your shoulder as he walks towards the gates of mondstadt with kaeya on his heels, his jaw still clenched and grumbling under his breath.
"that's quite a spectacle you put out there huh," kaeya teased once the three of you are a few distances away from the gate.
"shut up," your father sneered, "and in what way did you think that leaving phoenix out there is okay!?"
"i can't exactly bring them inside cat's tail!" kaeya raises both his hand in defense, "besides, i was supposed to buy them the special nonalcoholic drink that cat's tail was serving. it won't be much of a surprise if i take them with me, right?"
as if on cue, he hands you a cup of something cool and baby blue in color, patting your head when you mumbled your gratitude.
"still, that's careless! what if someone tried to abduct them on spot?"
"what do you suggest i do then?" you didn't know how it was possible, but kaeya's smirk seemed to have turned a little more smug, "oh i know! maybe you should start taking them out for a walk yourself. you know, something that normal fathers would do to their child? that way, you could monitor their safety instead of wallowing in self pity."
"why you—!"
you couldn't help the giggle that escaped your throat, lips pursed together to stop the bubbling laughter from escaping your mouth. the two brothers turn their heads to look at you in surprise, both having not heard you giggle since you were a toddler.
"uh," you turn away to hide the embarrassed look on your face, deciding to walk ahead of them and sipping on the cup. "i'm feeling a little tired. can we head home?"
"of course," diluc answers in a heartbeat, his mind running miles and miles in a few seconds.
you sounded so much like your mother just now, he thought as he walks behind, mental images of your mother's delighted face flashing before his eyes.
it's safe to say that you cherished this rare moment close to your heart.
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tickleraptorss · 3 years
Asking For It
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Prompto and Noctis have always been great friends, and as it turns out, they seem to have similar tastes... at least when it comes to tickling.
a/n: hi i had this rly soft idea in my head and i- (worms fall out of my pocket) oh god oh shit fuck im so sorry goddammit fuck
It’d been a rather innocent question. A question that Noctis found intriguing, adorable and relatable all at the same time. A question he’d never dared to ask himself, in fact. Even during the times where he was feeling extremely touch-starved, or just wanted some affection in his own... Noctis way. 
He would’ve never guessed Prompto was the same. 
Both Gladio and Ignis knew about Noctis’ and Prompto’s weakness, and even shared similarities. Tickling wasn’t uncommon between the four of them, although most of the time Noctis or Prompto would end up being the victims. Compared to Gladio’s strength and Ignis’ wit, the two of them were nothing but a ticklish mess of nerves. Not to say that they never got back at them, because of course they did, but more often than not these revenges would end up as failed attempts. 
But as time went on, and so did the frequent tickling, Prompto and Noctis found themselves starting to feel differently about the whole ordeal. While at the beginning of their trip they’d constantly try to thrash their way out of, say, Gladio’s bear hug (which was impossible), now they’d hardly try. Noctis had just thought he was getting used to being tickled nearly daily, or that his body was naturally reserving his strength for fighting. And then... a spontaneous 3AM realization hit him.
He liked being tickled.
Not in a sexual way, of course, it was more of an... intimate interest... as he would put it. Something he would only trust his romantic partners with. And since he was dating Ignis, Gladio and Prompto, there was no worry there. But they’d always tickle him until he was wheezing with silent laughter, which made Noctis’ mind wander.
Before he knew it, he’d started craving it. He would purposely stretch his arms over his head, leaving himself wide open for attack. He would attack the others in hopes that they would get him back (which usually worked). But after a while, he started to crave something more. Or... something less, depending on who you asked.
He started to find himself staring at loose Chocobo feathers for a little too long, and luckily the others just thought he was staring into space. He noticed he would stare at his companions’ hands quite often, and before he knew it he could feel the ghosts of fingers scribbling at his tummy, which would make him visibly shiver. It was only a matter of time until he realized exactly what he wanted. 
He was way too embarrassed to ask any of his boyfriends, though. He knew there wouldn’t be any judgement, and that they’d happily do it... but still... there was something stopping him from asking. And so... he tried to ignore it.
He thought about it a lot, though. 
He just loved to imagine fingers sliding across his tummy, wiggling so gently and teasingly. A voice teasing him about how ticklish and adorable he is. Gentle kisses to his neck as hands roamed around-
“Hey, Noct!” Prompto peaked his head in through the tent, causing the prince to startle. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Got a minute?”
Noct blinked. He’d almost completely forgotten where he was. Ignis and Gladio had gone out to get some ingredients for dinner, and so Prompto and Noctis were left to their own devices. 
Without giving the prince time to reply, Prompto entered the tent and cuddled up to his boyfriend’s side, a content sigh escaping him.
“Someone’s affectionate today,” Noctis chuckled.
“I’m affectionate every day, dude. Gotta meet my cuddle quota!” Prompto exclaimed, tackling Noctis to the floor and nuzzling against his neck.
“Hehehey!” Noctis giggled. “Th-that...”
“Tickles?” Prompto finished the sentence, raising his head up from the prince’s shoulder to look at his boyfriend. “Actually... I didn’t come here just for cuddles... there was something else I wanted to ask...” 
Noctis tilted his head,  waiting for Prompto to ask his question, but in response Prompto’s face flushed a bright red and he averted his gaze.
“I-I... um...” He stuttered, before hiding his face behind his hands in embarrassment. “This is so embarrassing!” 
“Prom... whatever it is, I promise I won’t judge you,” Noctis reassured.
“I know it’s just... it’s silly...” With that, Prompto took a deep breath, and...
“Huh?” The words came out jumbled and quiet, but Noctis definitely heard the cursed word in there somewhere. “C-Can you repeat that?” Prompto whined, and then took another deep breath.
“C-Can you... uh... t-t-tickle me... please?” 
So that is what he said after all! 
“You want me to tickle you?” Noctis asked, and Prompto nodded sheepishly.
“Y-You don’t think it’s... weird... do you?”
“No! Of course not! It’s just that...” Noctis awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, shooting Prompto a shy smile. “I thought I was the only one.” His face flushed a bright pink as he said that. 
Prompto blinked, then smirked, quickly shifting their positions so that Noctis was pinned on his back. 
“You too, huh?” He scritched underneath Noctis’ chin, earning a surprised squeak from him. “I wouldn’t mind taking care of that for you,” he whispered.
“B-But what about you? You asked first!” 
“I can wait, you look too cute right now!” Prompto wiggled his fingers in the air, and Noctis squeaked and turned his head away from the wiggling digits, closing his eyes so he didn’t have to look at them. 
“Wait!” Noctis grabbed Prompto’s wrists for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. “I-I don’t just... want to be t-tickled... well I do, it’s just, in a specific way...” Carefully, he guided Prompto’s hands to his stomach. “Just... be gentle...”
Prompto smiled sweetly, and kissed Noctis’ forehead before his hands slipped underneath the prince’s shirt.
“You’re adorable!” He exclaimed, giving a slight giggle of his own. “Anything for you, Your Ticklishness~” There was that teasy, sing-song tone that Noctis had been hoping for. He knew Prompto was big on teasing while tickling, but he had no doubt that he’d be more ruthless with it now that Noctis had asked.
Fingers began to move, and the prince’s body jerked in response to the slight movement of fingers. As they continued, Noctis tried to contain his giggles, keeping a hand over his mouth to hide his growing smile.
“Don’t be like that, Noct! I wanna see you smile!” Prompto’s fingers sped up ever so slightly, lightly scratching at the sides of Noctis’ tummy. Giggles began to pour out of the ticklish prince, and Prompto moved Noctis’ hands over his head, chuckling when he didn’t put them down again. “Keep your arms up the best you can for me, ‘kay?” 
Noctis obliged, keeping his hands above his head just like Prompto asked. Noctis looked at Prompto, who was smirking at him with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
Slowly, his hands descended onto the prince’s sensitive ribs, scritching gently at the lower area of the spot. Noctis squeaked in response, his face flushing a bright red when Prompto traced the lowermost ribs. 
“Ehehe- Prompto!” Noctis aimlessly called out, twitching in response to the light tickling. 
“This seems like a preeeetty good spot!” Prompto announced. “Think I’ll stick around here for a bit~” The blonde’s fingers kept tracing along the ticklish skin, watching as Noctis quivered underneath his fingertips. The prince’s giggles became squeakier, and he was wiggling involuntarily, but his hands stayed above his head. 
That was until the gunman’s hands moved to his sides.
Noctis yelped, his arms immediately coming down to defend the ticklish area. 
“Noct!” Prompto laughed. “You’re supposed to keep your arms up!” He teased, poking Noctis’ sides repeatedly. The prince’s laughter increased in volume as he desperately tried to lift his arms up, but instincts told him to keep them at his sides.
“I cahahan’t!!” Noctis squeaked when Prompto moved his arms above his head again. 
“Too ticklish?” Prompto teased, before giving Noctis a quick peck to his cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll be nice and gentle!~” With that, his fingers were on the move once more. Wiggling slightly, the evil digits traced up and down Noctis’ sides, gliding from the sides of his ribs to just above his hips. The ticklish prince had buried his head in his shoulder to attempt to hide the blush and smile on his face, but there was no denying that he was extremely flustered right now.
While he did try to control his laughter somewhat, giggles still flowed out of him quite freely. Those giggles turned into laughter when Prompto located a particularly ticklish bundle of nerves just above Noctis’ hipbones, and began gently circling his fingers over the spot, making Noctis arch his back slightly. And of course, there was that cute, squeaky laugh that came out whenever a sweet spot was being tickled. 
“Aww, does that tickle?” Prompto taunted, chuckling when Noctis shook his head. “No? Well I guess you wouldn’t mind if I moved on to your tummy then!” 
Prompto’s fingers glided over to Noctis’ stomach, which made the prince’s entire body shudder. Oooh, this was gonna be a fun spot...
“Promptohoho!” Noctis’ giggles were now a full stream of squeaky laughter.
“It- ahah! It tickles!” 
“Well, yes, that’s the point,” the gunman chuckled. His fingers continued to work their magic around Noctis’ tummy. They skittered around the sides, circled around his bellybutton, even traced along his waistline, which earned the cutest squeals. 
“Who’s my ticklish little prince, huh?~” Prompto sang, his fingers idly tracing random shapes over Noctis’ stomach. “You loooove this, don’t you? Sure sounds like you do~” 
“Shuhuhut up!!” Noctis could barely handle the teasing, in fact, it made him feel even more ticklish than before. 
“Well, that’s not very nice,” Prompto stopped the tickling, but still rested his hands on Noctis’ tummy. “I think you should apologize, after all...” he leaned closer to Noctis to whisper to him.
“You did ask for this~” 
Noctis groaned, flustered out of his mind. His face felt impossibly hot, and the tips of his ears were red at this point. He hid his face in his hands, but he couldn’t hide the fact that he was enjoying every moment of this.
“Don’t hide!” Prompto’s hands were back on his tummy. “Kitchy kitchy kooooo~” 
Noctis wasn’t sure exactly how long Prompto tickled his belly for, as he knew it was Prompto’s favourite spot (that and his feet). But it wasn’t much longer until Noctis tapped out, panting and letting out tiny residual giggles, which made Prompto coo at him. The gunman rolled off of Noctis and lay next to the panting prince.
“Sooo, how’d I do?” He asked.
“P-Pretty good,” Noctis answered. 
“I mean, it’s not exactly hard to tickle you,” Prompto smiled. “You’re a walking tickle spot, dude.”
“It’s not like you’re much better!” Noctis sat up, looking down at Prompto, before grinning. “Besides, I think it’s someone else’s turned to be tickled~”
Noctis pounced on the blonde, proceeding to tickle him to pieces, before they got themselves into quite the tickle fight. 
When Ignis and Gladio returned, the found Noctis and Prompto cuddled up together, napping away in their tent.
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yourhero404 · 6 years
yo!! idk if you'd be up for this, but could you write a scenario with Amajiki where he has a crush on a first year who looks pretty emo with medium/short dyed black hair that covers the right part of her face a lot? it's a bit personal pft,, but she has a quirk that enables her to turn her stuffed animals into real versions of themselves. i was wondering if you could do some kind of scenario where she gets to show him her rottweiler as a real dog? if it sounds too specific, i'm sorry!!
A/N: No worries! It wasn’t /too/ specific, but I hope it’s okay! I was gone for a bit because I hit a rough patch of writers block, sorry about that ^^;;; so im not quite sure,,,, if this is my best work;;; :’)
“Ah, (Y/n)!” Tamaki called, his lips quivering at the attention he gained for his outburst, “You… uh, you left this.”  
He pointed to the fairly large, stuffed dog in the chair across from him that she had left behind. Her expression shifted through both confusion and relief fairly rapidly as she rushed back over to her senpai’s desk. He enjoyed spending time with her and started to realize how rapid his heart rate would rise and drop depending on her distance- she was adorable, honestly, the way she hid behind her hair was similar to his and the fact that her arms were constantly wrapped around some sort of stuffed animal. His thoughts about which type of stuffed animal would be a good gift were swiftly interrupted as she reached his desk.
“Thank you! It would’ve been bad if I left him!”  
“Oh, I would’ve taken care of him for you…”
“Oh, no no, that’s not what I meant!” her face lit up with a blush as she nervously rubbed the back of her neck, “I trust that you would’ve taken care of him, it’s just that… what if I needed him on the way home, you know?”
His head tilted in confusion, but let it slide as her bright smile distracted him. The day was over and he knew the two of them had to go home, but he was feeling fairly bold today and wanted to stretch out their time together as long as possible.
“W-well,” he stumbled over his words as well as his feet as he stood up too quickly, “I can walk you home. I mean- both of you!”
“Are you sure? Don’t you have to go to Fatgum’s office today?” She started to walk to the hallway with Tamaki by her side and her stuffed rottweiler in her arms.
“Well, yeah…” he started, keeping his eyes glued to the ground, “But I’m sure he’ll be okay with me being late as long as it was for a good reason. So… what do you say?” his voice grew quiet by the end of the question, afraid of rejection.
“Mmm,” she hummed, playfully twisting her lips to the side in faux thought. “If you won’t get in trouble, then sure! Justice and I could use the company.”
“J… Justice?”
“Yeah!” she grabbed her shoes from her locker and placed her dog on a nearby bench, taking a leash out of her bag and clipping it onto its collar. “That’s his name, Justice! He’s one of my best warriors after all!”
He was lost and it showed through the influx of pitch in his voice. He thought it was cute- how she treated her stuffed dog as though it were real. It was endearing and gentle, and most definitely something he admired about her seeing as she was unbelievably kind to not only her stuffed animals, but those around her. Tamaki had to admit, however, something was off about her treatment of these toys, and he hoped he was getting closer to the answer this afternoon.  
“Yup, warriors!” she scooped the dog back up and carried it off of campus with a small pep in her step, “They’re like my own little army.”
“They? Meaning… all of the ones you bring around?”
“You’d be correct,” she smiled, “I pick which ones are best suited for the day, depending on what I have to do and where I have to go!”
“Oh,” he stared in the distance for a moment before turning back to her, “Like… a sort of security blanket? But with animals? I can understand that-”
“No no, I think you misunderstood and have the wrong sense of security there.”
“What?” His eyebrows drew together as he tried to process what she was getting at.
After putting her stuffed dog and the ground in front of her, she stepped back to focus on it. With a quick flash of her eyes and a slow growing black tint on her fingertips, the dog suddenly sprang into action and jumped towards Tamaki, barking frantically. He jumped back with an embarrassingly loud squeal and run a few feet away to avoid the dog’s teeth.
“See, they’re literally my security!” she had to yell over Justice’s bark. “Justice, sit!” Her voice boomed with something dark behind it, causing it to have a deep echo.  
Tamaki watched as the dog sat at her feet, practically melting into happiness as she scratched behind his ear and suddenly seemed much gentler than he previously did. The darkness at her fingertips slowly spread up the rest of her fingers, settling on her knuckles for a moment; His attention shot between this and the previously stuffed dog.  
“(Y/n),” he started, pointing in her direction, “How did- what is- You just- What?”  
“Calm down!” she giggled, holding her hand out to call him towards her, “It’s just my quirk! Come here, he won’t bite you!”
With his body shaking for another reason rather than fear from the dog, he let his hand rest within hers as she pulled him closer, crouching down to the dog’s level, prompting him to do so as well.
“Okay Justice, be nice! Tamaki is our friend, okay? We want to preserve his cute little face,” She held Tamaki’s hand out to the dog, allowing him to get his scent before Justice used his nose to lift his hand up, allowing it to land on his head as a sign to begin petting.
“N… Nice dog… Good boy…” Tamaki stammered, “We’re friends! I’m… probably not good tasting, after all…”
Her giggle soothed his nerves, allowing him to boldly start petting the dog, watching as he quickly started to pant and offer up kisses as he licked his hand. He sat on the ground then, allowing the large dog to crawl in his lap and lay down for some cuddles, despite the size differences.  
“He likes you! I knew he had good taste” She beamed.
“Eheh…” he nervously giggled, scratching behind the dog’s ear, “So, (Y/n)… All of your stuffed animals… you can do this to them?”
“Mhm! They all come to life and fight in my place with their own set of skills!”
That changed everything- at least he now had the idea to find a stuffed animal that could be of good service to her. She stood up, calling Justice off of his lap and released her control over him, causing him to turn back to a toy before picking him up and smiling up at Tamaki. With his face warming up into a blush, he quickly made his way to his feet and brushed himself off, walking her the rest of the distance to her home with nothing but questions and answers about her quirk; It was a strong quirk, and he honestly wanted to see it more in action- maybe he could get out of class and watch one of their first year training sessions? It’s activated by the flash of her eyes and the darker forces that start on her fingertips serve as reminders for her time limit- he’d certainly like to keep on her good side after knowing this.
All too quickly, they arrived at her door and he felt himself pout a bit. With a longing stare, quivering lip and a red face, he stuttered out a goodbye after she had leaned in to kiss his cheek as a thank you. As he turned away, he heard a soft growl and sharp bark behind him that caused him to jump a few inches off of the ground and take off running in the direction of his mentor’s office, screeching as he did so.  
(Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh, patting Justice on the head as she watched her senpai run away flustered and spooked. A soft, red hue crept up to her cheeks while she settled her laugh down to a smile and her hand reached to pat Justice on the head.
“Maybe I should have introduced him to a smaller one first, huh?” The dog barked to agree.
Once she made it to her room to rest, she felt her phone vibrate as she checked to find a message from the timid senpai himself.
‘So, if you had to choose…’ The picture attached was a wall complete with various species, sizes, colours and types of stuffed animals, ‘Hypothetically… which would you prefer?’
She smiled to herself, typing her reply and sending it off- she imagined the flustered look on his face once he read it. Would he drop to the ground and hide himself like he did when she got too close? Something within her wished she could see.
‘The small, black kitty one in the corner. The one in the hood and the blush marks- it looks soft. Reminds me of you.’
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tempinksailblog · 6 years
Heres a prompt! Ink is dying and template has no clue on what's happening (ehehe im evil)
A Final Goodbye
“Ink, your eyes seem lighter than normal, what’s with that?” Template asks, tilting his head. Ink laughed it off lightly and shrugged.
“Must be running low, sorry. I’ll refill soon.” Ink answered, giving a weak smile to the other. Template thought about it for a moment, but smiled and headed up the stairs of their home.
“If you say so!” He shouts as he runs up. He was getting something from his room, and very excited about it. Template of course seemed to love everything about this house, that they did, and just Ink and him in general. He’s the happiest he’ll every be.
Yet, Ink knows it can’t stay that way forever. He coughed a bit, before heading to the downstairs bathroom with a hand over his mouth. The ink drinking skeleton groaned, before lifting up his shirt to reveal his cause of unwellness. Ink was clogged in his ribcage, somewhat leaking to trail down his ribs in some spots. It was so cluttered and thick, and it hurt so bad. It took up all he had, and was going to take him over one of these days, already leaking out his mouth when he coughed.
The more ink clogging his system, the more it hurt to move and breathe, coughing worse than both. The more it ached from just simply being awake. It was all because he was drinking emotions desperately to feel, and with no where for the ink to go, some got stuck and started clumping. He couldn’t use all of his ink up, it always stuck to him. Now he wishes he could sleep, but he can’t leave Template behind. That was unfair, the black skeleton would tell him that at least.
So he tried spending as much time as he could with Template. It hurt, but it was for him. Just as it always has been for a long time now. Template tried, and Ink admired that at least, unlike himself who… Really didn’t. He just found it admirable how Template tried to be better than what he found the worst, even if not morally the best always, he worked for it.
Ink loved that about him. It was interesting, and almost sporadic. He came to always be interested in finding how Template would handle a situation, eventually amazed by the other and finding themselves glued. Then they were together after a bit, and then they were living together, happily. Ink eventually realized what was wrong with him guzzling down ink to feel more, and then did the opposite, halving what he usually took.
Template had barely caught on, mostly bouncing around the house because he will always be excited about it and decorate it more somehow, mainly with art. Ink was good at faking his emotions at least anyways. The practice eventually allowed him to keep Template unknowing, even if it will hurt in the end when he is told, Ink felt it was best to allow him to just spend their days normal. He’ll make sure they’re the best days he can manage.
With that, he slipped down his shirt after strengthening his resolve, and took a sip of his vials before moving on. This is how it would be for a few more days, his expiration day expected to be some time next week. He had a plan for how he hoped to go, and hopefully it’ll help Template move on easier. Hopefully it’ll ease his partner’s mind.
Ink stood in front of the couch and played with a box in his jacket pocket, yes still using the pockets even when tied around, for it still worked with the way it was being tied around. Maybe not so much for fast paced things, but at home was a good place. Either way, Ink worked over the courage to call Template back down the stairs.
“Temp!” Ink called, looking up a bit and at the stairs. “ I got something for ya!” The skeleton cracked a small smile, heading Template running down as he called out that he was coming. Ink waited with patience, watching his lover hop infont of him and smile bright.
“What’s up?” He asks, hands behind his back as he bounces on his feet a bit happily. All of this excitement from the move in, which actually wasn’t too long ago, though the idea was.
“I have a question for you…” Ink starts, mumbling somewhat. He fidgets a bit more with the box in his hand, before pulling it out of his pocket and opening it up. It was then Template let out a loud gasp, louder than when they first met. “Will you perhaps marry me?”
Template’s answer was quick nodding of the head, tackling Ink into a hug to make him fall back on the couch, a yelled reply of “Yes!” Ink laughed, before coughing a bit and wiping his mouth. Template gave a small look of concern, but when Ink smiled it off so did he. Instead he pulled Ink into a surprise kiss, yet pulled away as quick as it happened.
The black skeleton seemed surprised before asking. “Why does your mouth taste funky?” Ink almost laughed at the question, that clear to Template with his widening smile.
“Sorry, did almost throw up earlier, must be that.” Ink chuckles anyways, to play it off, and Template smiled. “Let’s save mouth kisses for later.”
“Alright! If you say so!” Template giggles with, before offering his hand to the other. The ring slipped on nicely, making Template almost squeal from it. He was extremely excited, hugging Ink tight. “I love you!”
Ink chuckles at how excited and loud he was now being. “I love you too.”
· · ·
Ink was stuck in a coughing fit when he sat up from his bed, covering his mouth as he practically sprayed out ink. Maybe it was time for him? He didn’t know, but found himself walking around in look for Template. He found the other in his bed, doodling away in a sketchbook Ink had gave him once when he wanted to try drawing traditional like Ink.
The thought made him smile, but his next cough knocked both skeletons out of their thoughts. Template looked over with a blink, but then patted the bed next to him. Ink moved over to sit down, coughing a bit more. Template casted a worried glance at him.
“Are you sick?” Template asks, getting just a nod from Ink. Template pauses, but wraps an arm around him to bring him close. This might be a good time to say, or imply at least.
“I… Feel like I’m going to die soon…” Ink whispers, voice seeming to be dying somewhat. The skeleton closed his eyes slowly. Template almost took it as a joke, finding him only sick with something minor.
“You should be fine, Ink, I believe you’ll get better.” Template mumbles in encouragement. “Do you want to lay in my bed for a while?” Ink nods slowly, making Template smile a bit. “It will be nice to wake up tomorrow and see you first on the day of our wedding.” Ink smiled a bit.
That was tomorrow, wasn’t it? He totally forgot, even if they had done a while of planning for it. Ink didn’t know who Template decided to invite, but he guessed he’ll find out tomorrow. For now, Ink was slowly lulled to sleep by the sounds of pencil scratching on paper in the otherwise quiet house.
· · ·
It’s been a week since they got married, and Ink has been lasting longer than he expected. Maybe that was helped by him taking less of his vials. Occasionally, he just laid in bed blank with Template, which was allowed since it was a lazy day of theirs. They had a way to monitor if AUs were being attacked or not, so since things seemed calm, a break was allowed.
If anything, it would be used to make up for all the emotions used on their day long honeymoon they had. It was short, but a fun dance through AUs still. Ink sacrificed a bit, even after his expected expiration date, just for Template and so he can enjoy it.
Yet today, Ink was run down with a fever now. Template kept him in bed and helped him with anything Ink needed to do. One of the times Template gave him food in bed, Ink stopped him from leaving. As stressed as Template was getting over him because how long he’s been at least coughing, he felt the need to tell Template the truth.
“Temp, I, uh…” Ink coughed, watching Template grow in worry. “I gotta admit some thing…” Template nodded and listened as he sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing Ink’s hand.
“Say whatever you need to say, honey.” Template mumbled out in response. Ink closes his eyes, thinking, for a bit, before removing the blanket and lifting up his shirt. Template was instantly shocked, and Ink could tell when he opened his eyes.
The ink was even more clumped within Ink’s system, trying to go up his neck and arms, as well as even down his spine. It was getting worse, taking over more of his body progressively. Ink opened hhis eyes to his lover crying silently over it. “It’s been this way for a while with the more emotions I take… I dunno what it’ll do to me in the end… I just expect to… Ultimately die…”
Ink coughs a bit more as Template thinks of a response. “I’ll be here as long as I can manage, because I love you.” Ink smiles weakly and pulls Template’s head closer to his own, by a hand to the back of the other’s head, closing the gap for a kiss.
It wasn’t a long one, for Ink had to pull away to cough, but it felt like the start of a new routine. Ink would take less than a sip three times a day, even if Template told him to not to make his last time too long and painful, but Ink decided to do it for him. He was restricted to bed, but Template tried to make it as nice as possible. He would serve him food in bed, learning more cooking skills from Hakase, who taught him how to cook in the first place. He practically spoiled Ink.
Friends came to visit or Template allowed Ink to watch an AU of his choice when his friends visited, like Dream, Gin, Kin, Hakase, and even Pale, they would take care of him and try their best to help him. Yet it still didn’t work, nothing did. Not even a bath made it separate. It was a clump of empty creativity. Hakase couldn’t even find a way to rip out the gunk.
Dream and Pale always came together. At first Dream was worried the same would happen to Pale eventually, she Pale asked maybe too many questions. One time Dream was even found clinging to Pale most of the day, more than his usual help he was requested of emotional wise. Eventually Ink told Dream that they’ll find something by the time it may happen to Pale in order to just calm Dream down. It even calmed Pale a bit, since his question spree kind of scared him too.
By the end of the day, Template held Ink close and talked with him, about all kinds of things. It was the calmer part of Ink’s day, and Template’s rambles would lull him to sleep. Eventually Template would notice in the middle of a new topic that what Ink feel asleep on, and headed to bed himself right next to the other. Even if Template already rambled on a topic and forgot, it still put Ink to sleep each night.
Then Ink eventually lost his voice. The substance started to take over his throat, clear it was starting to die, and eventually it took over thr back of the inside of his skull. That’s what ultimately killed Ink’s voice.
Once they noticed his voice dying, he stafted to write his thoughts in his sketchbook. He wrote a love letter a day to Template, and if he ever wanted to contact anyone else, he would make a letter for them and send it through Template. Sometimes he expressed through drawing, but kept that in the sketchbook. At one point, Template just got him a notebook so he didn’t tear out most of the pages. Template kept the love letters in the nightstand, but made Ink keep his drawings for Template in his sketchbook.
Soon enough, Ink was on his final day. He was trembling badly, with friends surrounding him. Template had them over quickly when Ink could barely move. Dream and Pale had flowers ready and set them on the nightstand, while Hakase tried to ease any pain. That worked at least a bit, thankfully.
Ink would still let out wheezes, attempts that replaced his coughs, just bringing him obviously closer to his end. Template laid by his side and held his hand, feeling Ink squeeze it tight as he wiggles with the last of his strength. It was all he managed to have left, all he had managed to live with in his end. He wasn’t going to have a peaceful end, and that hurt Template more than anything. If passing away sooner meant less pain, he prefered it, so he decided to whisper living words to Ink. He whispered whatever came to mind.
He did it until he felt Ink’s body start to limp and his grip weakened. Template let out his tears he was holding back, waiting for the moment he would start to dust. It took a bit of time, but eventually Ink was starting to dust away. He probably fell out of conscious before actually dying. Template just silently cried, hugging himself. It wasn’t until Dream put a hand on his shoulder that he moved from that position, looking at the other as he wiped his eyes.
“We’ll be moving in soon, I hope you don’t mind, we just don’t want you to be alone…” Dream glances at Pale, who perks up from his otherwise sad state. That was pretty much the mood of the room, but Pale walked himself over to his guide. Template thinks on what Dream says as he watches Pale, before nodding slowly and giving a weak smile.
“I appreciate it.”
~ ~ ~
E in diwndudbdjbdd this took two days of me being a lazy crap but!!! Holy cow!! Well more than twice as long as my last two drabbles, but an idea I feel I can still add to with an aftermath of the effects, I just wanted to end it cause uhh its getting long lmao. Maybe ill write more on the idea if prompted?
Hope y'all angsty children liked this though, cause oof it was a fun ride to write, and a long one.
But oof I got like, 3 more ideas of things to write thanks to a friend, guess in doing that *wipes sweat away* úwù
~Mod Taco
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
A Blue CatAstrophe Ch.6
*sighs @ self* i have writers block currently, so im just gonna go bake some things and pray for death while eating cake batter and tears.....
so here, have the last chapter i managed to squeeze out.....
There will be more though! Just...not for a few days? Ehehe ^w^;;;
She was worried. She could feel the waves of anger and hurt through the bond with her Paladin, so she was already bending down to allow him into her cockpit as soon as he came storming into the room. His face was as dark as a thunderstorm, expressions flicking between hurt and frustration like flashes of lightning. He climbed in and begged her to leave the Castle, gunning the engines and she took off with no hesitation.
She didn't know where they were going, as all she was getting was that they had to get away. He didn't want to be there for the moment, so she complied with his wish. She let him out in a seemingly harmless looking field of flowering trees, and for a moment thought that they looked familiar. They were almost 20 feet tall each, and the flowers would have probably made her sneeze if she had a sense of smell.
Her concern increased when Lance had started asking why he wasn't good enough, and took note of the strange dust falling out of the flowers as he pounded his fist against the tree trunk. He was bleeding now, from his knuckles, and as soon as she heard him cough she was on high alert. She'd panicked when he started screaming, and used her ice cannon to freeze the offending area as she had an inkling as to what was making her precious little Paladin choke. Then came the violent seizures, and she'd screamed for him to hold on, that she'd get the air to be breathable again, and scooped him up into her muzzle and tilted him around until his back was against the dashboard.
She'd activated her barrier in a terrified attempt to filter the air out, she couldn't lose another Paladin, she refused to lose such a precious light in her life to something as stupid as dusty air! Then she'd heard his bones snapping and rearranging and felt warm blood splashing everywhere as his body mutated and forced itself into an unnatural shape, and she'd used some of her Quintessence to try and alleviate some of the agony.
It must have influenced the change somehow, because now he was a miniature version of her Earth form, a tiny baby lion cub that wasn't a lion. A cat, her database supplied, and she tentatively tested the bond between her and her little Paladin, relief flooding her body when she felt that it was still there, tinged with pain but standing strong.
She knew he was hurting, so she curled up in on herself, hoping to shield him better. How was she to explain this to the others?
Lance purred and rubbed his head against each of the Paladin's knees, as they had all sat down during the story. It was more like watching a movie, through the Lion's eyes. Blue rumbled overhead, having finished her tale. The world shifted, and soon they were back in Blue's hangar, as if they'd never left. Keith blinked clear of the vision first, and ruffled Lance's ears. “That looked painful, man...” The Red Paladin muttered, and Lance mewed sadly.
Pidge snapped out of it next, and swooped in to steal the kitten from Keith's aggressive rubbing, babbling something about mutations and DNA structures and alien plants, too fast for Lance to keep up with. Hunk joined in on Pidge's chatter, as Lance dangled from the Green Paladin's arms. Shiro hadn't moved yet, simply staring at Lance with an unreadable expression on his face. Suddenly Pidge gasped. “Oh my God I know why that plant looked so familiar!!!” She shrieked, Lance flattening his ears down from the noise.
She started laughing, almost hysterically. Keith and Hunk shared a look, and Hunk gently pulled Lance from the laughing girl's arms. “Lance! You- It's!!! Gah! You were transformed by Blue's Quintessence and alien catnip!!!” Pidge howled, tears streaming down her face as she rolled on the ground laughing.
Keith's jaw dropped, and he started laughing too. He couldn't stop, he just couldn't withstand the irony.
Shiro had gotten up at this point, and seemed to be better at holding in his laughter at the revelation. “Well, at least we know where you've been this whole time.” He chuckled, and Lance mewed in agreement before his stomach growled. “Oh! You haven't eaten for a while! Hang on, let's go get you some food, buddy!” Hunk yelped, then took off for the kitchen, Lance letting out a startled yowl as the Samoan teen moved faster than you'd think possible, leaving the others in Blue's hangar.
Lance purred as he munched on the weird space turkey bacon, tail twitching. “So, as a cat, you can still understand human language?” Oh yeah, Hunk was questioning him excitedly while Pidge was off getting supplies to run tests on him. Shiro and Keith were currently explaining the situation with Allura and Coran, so Lance was left to eat in relatively normal peace.
He nodded at Hunk, chewing on a particularly rough piece. Pidge burst into the kitchen, holding up a ball of yarn and some weird machines tucked in her arms. “I got the stuff! Hey, Lance, can you try to resist playing with this string? I wanna see how strong your instincts as a cat are.” The excitable Green Paladin chirped, holding up a piece of silver blue string and jiggling it near Lance's head.
Lance's paws twitched, and without thinking he went into a cat-crouch, wiggling his tail before lunging and biting the string, rolling around and snagging it on his claws as Pidge giggled and pulled him to and fro since his claws were caught in the alien thread. He growled and rolled onto his back, hind claws kicking at air and snatching on the string while he bit at it fiercely. Pidge was overjoyed at this. “Holy quiznak! Blue must have used more Quintessence than I first thought! You're really acting just like a cat!” She said happily as she messed with her tiny, fluffy teammate.
“Well, I think we should find a cure and soon. Who knows when Zarkon will attack next...” Hunk said as he fried up more space bacon. Pidge nodded.“The lab I set up is already running the first few scans on that pollen that changed Lance into a kitten. I plan on testing it further once I'm done here. My hypothesis is that the original shape was supposed to be similar to a feline, but because of Blue and the fact that Lance isn't from the planet Kolkar like the Kolkarians are, it merely changed him into something similar.” Pidge explained, pushing her glasses up and tugging the string from Lance's paws.
Lance pouted as best he could as a cat, and rolled back over to continue munching on his food. His ears pricked at the sound of the door opening, and decided to ignore that. He did, however, very much like Shiro's human hand running down his head and neck as he ate. “Allura says she's going to talk to the Kolkarian's about the plant that made Lance like this, so until then we're supposed to stay here and keep an eye on him. Pidge, since that pollen is what made Lance change, I want to be there when you test it, just in case you accidentally get some on you or anything. We can't have two cat Paladins, especially when you're the best shot for a cure.” The Black Paladin explained, scratching behind one of Lance's ears.
Pidge grinned, her glasses shining bright enough to obscure her eyes. “You can count on me, Boss!”
Lance purred a laugh at the sound of Hunk facepalming in the background.
//thats it! I have officially gotten writers block! I don't know when it will go away, but don't expect an update for a few days….. this was all I could finish this chapter with, pls forgive me…… so yeah. Have some cat Lance and Space Catnip and oh man I need to go lie down or something sheesh…..
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
June 5 Dancitron Movie Night - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “In the Pale Moonlight” and “Our Man, Bashir”
I don’t remember what happened tonight. In the Pale Moonlight blew my mind a little. What a good episode.
Me 9:19 pm ((just pretend im not here, im just lurkin)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm ((np!)) Shock 9:19 pm (( I, too, am mostly lurking, eheh.)) Windchill 9:19 pm (( I am using hotel wi fi in a tiny shitty town using local AK carriers so if I disappear, u know why. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Soundwave stretches out on his usual couch, knowing he won't be sharing it this week, and waits for others to arrive. Everything's ready for them when they do.* ((roger!)) Res 9:21 pm :> *slides right into the couch* HI ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm *Soundwave stretches a long arm to point at a different couch where all the minis are piled.* Res 9:22 pm *skitters over to the BETTER couch* Windchill 9:23 pm *APPEARS.* B 9:23 pm *trundles in and looks around to see who all is here* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Small nod to Windchill. Good to see he's not locked up in confusion anymore.* ((SEVEN MINUTE WARNING)) Windchill 9:24 pm *He gives a sweeping wave of the entire room: everyone is effectively greeted.* Res 9:24 pm *literally rolls into the mini's couch* *is a bowling ball* *chirp* Shock 9:25 pm (( //Casually jamming to all of this.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *The pile seems to engulf Swoop. He has been Absorbed.* Shock 9:25 pm (( Man, I am gay.)) Res 9:25 pm *peep* Whirl 9:27 pm *trots on in, empty-c;lawed tonight* Me 9:28 pm ((... who decided "ex's and oh's" is a love song??)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm ((...Tarantulas?)) Windchill 9:28 pm ((*SPITS* )) Me 9:29 pm ((it's like an anti-love anti-commitment sex song)) Whirl 9:29 pm ((PFFT)) B 9:29 pm [[*wills love song playlist to play love stinks for giggles* Whirl 9:29 pm ((it needs to play the Most Romantic Song, Ever, which is Tender is the Night)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm *The pile now scatters, leaving Laserbeak perched on one of Swoop's knees and the twins charging over for Whirl and, presumably, Windchill.* *Ravage parks himself near Bevel and uses the side of her leg for a pillow. Goodnight.* ((Warnings I can think of off the top of my head: the first episode has authority doin Things, the second episode pokes solid fun at james bond movies and their tropes so expect those)) Whirl 9:31 pm *well, he's got excellent company tonight; he takes a seat with his three pals* Pfft. "Single Awareness?" Does anyone actually SAY that? Res 9:31 pm *waves hi to bird* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm //Huh? Say what?// B 9:31 pm *Ravage has given Bevel a gift. Bevel is pleased* Whirl 9:31 pm The whole "singles awareness" thing. That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard. ((YEEEEE)) Shock 9:32 pm (( Oh ***shit*** we're watching star trek???)) *Shockwave is here, hello.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm ((you're damn right. two of my favorite episodes. two more once prowl is released)) Windchill 9:32 pm *Time to sit his giant butt down, as close to Whirl and the twins as is possible without actually sitting ON them.* B 9:32 pm [[\o/ Star Trek ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Soundwave tips his helm to Shockwave. Long time, no see.* Whirl 9:32 pm *gestures magnanimously to Windchill, looking at the twins* Either of you care to make use of my footstool? Windchill 9:33 pm ...What? Shock 9:33 pm *He nods back. It has been a while indeed, but he has time for the occassional sci-fi.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm \\HOW 'BOUT IT, FOOTSTOOL?\\ Whirl 9:33 pm ((arrgh gotta refresh)) Windchill 9:34 pm I dunno... *He makes a show of scratching his chin.* I was under the impression that we had an /exclusive/ relationship. Whirl 9:34 pm ((thank u, sorry about that)) Shock 9:34 pm *He takes a seat.* Windchill 9:34 pm But, perhaps, I'll make an exception for one night. Whirl 9:34 pm Well, you're so good at holding my feet up, how could I NOT offer it to my pals? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm //Ain't like ours weigh much.// And up they go. Windchill 9:34 pm ..I AM good at holding your feet up. Whirl 9:35 pm *settles for crossing his own legs, hugely amused by all of this* Res 9:35 pm *carefully picks up bird so he can sprawl out on the couch, one wing over the back of the sofa, the other laying off the edge, and then sets Bird on his tummy* B 9:35 pm *would probably break something if she even tried to put her feet on most bots* Res 9:35 pm Swoop couch now :> Windchill 9:35 pm *Windchill is only vulnerable to people being nice to him, not to feet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm {{Neheh. Warm couch.}} Whirl 9:36 pm ((JEFFREY!!!! COOOOOMBS)) Res 9:36 pm Could be on fire couch keheheh Whirl 9:36 pm Pfft, hell yeah, Swoop! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm ((he plays so many roles snif you don't even know. not so much in these, but across the series.)) Windchill 9:36 pm (( GDI I'm stuttering so bad pfffft. )) B 9:36 pm [[Jeffrey Combs is the best in Trek ngl Whirl 9:37 pm ((he is always a JOY)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((MY BOYYYY)) Res 9:38 pm What movie? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm {{You see, you see.}} Res 9:39 pm Surprise? :V ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm {{Us call it that.}} Res 9:39 pm Explodey surprise? :> ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm {{Nooo, that other time.}} Res 9:40 pm :< Windchill 9:40 pm *Is, as usual, content to sit and do little but be an effective footstool.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[One should.]] Res 9:42 pm Talk talk talk Whirl 9:42 pm *squinting at the screen; he's piecing together this from his position of no context* Pfft. Shame you didn't show this while Prowl was visiting. *sidelong glance at Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[Indeed.]] *Glance back at Whirl.* [[Perhaps he'll send it later.]] Whirl 9:45 pm *pauses and considers this* ... *deep breath. Whirl is struggling with an internal, unseen force. it's difficult. It's one of the most difficult things he's had to do. With some emotional wrestling, he manages to do it: something decent, for once* Me 9:46 pm ((why are the movie nights prowl misses never the movie nights with stuff that prowl wouldn't care about. :,) Whirl 9:46 pm @Soundwave: Y'know, my own snide commentary aside--maybe not. Don't think he needs to see this sorta thing right now. Res 9:46 pm Blue ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm ((i had planned this one before he got restricted ;; but i picked two more he might like for another night don't worry)) Me 9:46 pm ((i know, it's always a surprise which nights I can't come to)) Res 9:47 pm Fish Me 9:47 pm ((usually a surprise to me too)) Res 9:47 pm Blub blub ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm @Whirl: [[Why is that?]] {{Where all him water?}} Res 9:47 pm Cup ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Laserbeak cackles. A good answer.* Res 9:48 pm *immediately joins in the screechy laughter* Bad movie. All talk. No stabbing. B 9:49 pm Stabbing happened off screen. Whirl 9:49 pm Q-Quark. Pfft. Windchill 9:49 pm It's not the same. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *She paps his head with a feeler.* {{You wait, it in second one.}} Res 9:49 pm <3 Whirl 9:49 pm @Soundwave: Well, you might have noticed, he's been kinda down lately. Res 9:50 pm *no longer cares about the movie even a little* <3 <3 <3 Whirl 9:50 pm I gotta say, I like this guy. The man puts pressure on him, he takes advantage of it. Weaselly. And hilarious. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm @Whirl: [[Of course he's noticed. You have some insight on it, then?]] B 9:52 pm *leans forward a little, really into this* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm //Hey, desperation's good for everybody who ain't.// Windchill 9:52 pm *Is, externally at least, not responding to the show.* Whirl 9:53 pm *swivels his helm to look at Soundwave, somewhat surprised* @Soundwave: I figure you'd know more about that than me, all things considered. Ask Prowl, if you wanna know so bad. *nods* Windchill 9:54 pm (( I'm just here for the chat lololol I can't react to the show because I see and hear maybe 5% of it. )) Whirl 9:54 pm ((i am sorry...)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm @Whirl: [[One-sided stories are incomplete stories.]] @Whirl: [[And it seems to him you two were speaking the other night.]] Windchill 9:54 pm (( It's FINE I'm just explaining why you're not getting much out of me in that regard. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm ((D: i'm sorry... if you ever get a chance, it's a star trek episode called In The Pale Moonlight and worth watching)) Whirl 9:55 pm Yeah. Wish I had that kinda leverage a long time ago. *shakes his head* Of course, if you're tough enough, you can make your own leverage, right? Windchill 9:55 pm (( I'll try to remember to look it up when I get home. :Oc ))\ Smart enough, Whirl. Smart enough. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm //Both.// *Grin.* Res 9:55 pm These funny humans ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm {{Them not human! Them alien.}} Res 9:56 pm What alien? B 9:56 pm ... Windchill 9:56 pm *Whispers.* You. Res 9:56 pm Keheh Swoop not alien. Swoop pterodactyl. Windchill 9:56 pm *No, Swoop, you ARE the aliens.* B 9:57 pm That alien sounds like Ratchet. *is uncomfortable* Windchill 9:57 pm *Then Swoop was an alien.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm {{It living thing from other planet, not own planet. You all aliens, nehek.}} Pause. {{Not Bevel. Other all.}} B 9:57 pm *preens, not an alien ha* Windchill 9:58 pm *Hand SHOOTS up towards the ceiling.* I'm an alien /invader./ Which is even cooler by Earth standards. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm \\WHO YOU INVADIN'?\\ Whirl 9:58 pm @Soundwave: We were. It was personal. *shoots Soundwave another look, this one wry* You're going to have to learn to talk to him sooner or later. Might as well get an early start. Me 9:58 pm ((he should maybe have made that threat BEFORE the program was made on the unalterable crystal)) Windchill 9:58 pm I invade everyone and everything. Me 9:58 pm ((since now it's too late for the threat to motivate him to try harder)) Res 9:58 pm Nuh huh Whirl 9:59 pm It's true. He does. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm ((he's new to this, gotta give him some slack)) Whirl 9:59 pm ...and you're absolutely right, Sh--Bevel. He... I thought that guy sounded familiar. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm @Whirl: [[Amusing.]] But fine. For now. Whirl 9:59 pm How much you wanna bet this plan backfires hilariously and they make new enemies instead of new allies? Res 10:00 pm Me Swoop no care. Want fights now. B 10:00 pm It is really weird, Whirl. Windchill 10:00 pm I do. Earth...Tarn...Other places...my boyfriend...my boyfriend's house...Whirl's room... *he taps his chin* There's not much left that I haven't invaded. Res 10:00 pm Dinocave never get invaded. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Soundwave freezes.* Windchill 10:00 pm I've even invaded movie nights, technically. This is an occupation. Whirl 10:00 pm @Soundwave: Just the truth. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[Tarn?]] Windchill 10:00 pm Tell me where it is and I'll invade it. Whirl 10:00 pm Add my neck to the list. Res 10:01 pm Inside volcano Windchill 10:01 pm Yep, I invaded that. /Never again./ Which volcano? Res 10:01 pm Mount St Hilary ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *"That". Not "them". The city. Okay. Relax.* Res 10:01 pm You come. Dinobots beat up. Keheheh. Windchill 10:01 pm *He turns, albeit briefly, to Soundwave.* Yeah, Tarn. Whirl 10:01 pm Did you invade Tarn by stabbing him? Or shoving something up his tailpipe? Like... a grenade? Windchill 10:02 pm I'm gonna come. *Waits a beat.* And beat YOU up. *Fist, meet PALM.* Whirl 10:02 pm Oh, damn. It's on, now. You two GOTTA fight. Res 10:02 pm You TRY, keheheh. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm {{Peh. Him Swoop crush you.}} Res 10:02 pm *internal screaming* <3 Windchill 10:02 pm I'll kick your butts. With my butt. And, no, Whirl. I don't know WHAT you're talking about. *He's never even heard of anybody calling themselves Tarn, that whole spiel got lost in translation, buddy.* Res 10:04 pm *chitters and fidgets, bird ur the best* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm *Naturally~* Res 10:04 pm Him have blue energon. Like Bird. Whirl 10:04 pm *stares at him for a moment, nonplussed, but does not pursue the subject* Res 10:05 pm Swoop energon pink. *pulls out what's left of his rations* See. Pink. Windchill 10:05 pm Pink is a good colour. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Bird tries to steal some* Windchill 10:05 pm I'll get to see a lot of it when I kick your butts. Res 10:05 pm *gives* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *OM NOM* Res 10:05 pm Pffkeheheh! You come fight Us. Us KILL you. Kehehehheheheh. Whirl 10:06 pm Not allowed. Res 10:06 pm Dinobots allowed to kill people :> Whirl 10:07 pm I'm not saying YOUR bosses will stop you. I'm saying if you permanently remove any of my friends from the multiverse, I will come and kill you back. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[No killing.]] Windchill 10:07 pm If they kill me I might actually be impressed. It's not as if anyone's managed before. *He preens.* Whirl 10:08 pm Well, I wouldn't do it HERE, obviously. Res 10:08 pm *totally chill and giggly from Laserbeak compliments* Kehyah! Whirl 10:08 pm And scuff up a perfectly nice bar? HA. B 10:08 pm *laughs* FAKE Windchill 10:08 pm Yeah, I mean. What if I leave a butt dent in it? Whirl 10:08 pm Oh, this is GREAT. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Saves that line* B 10:09 pm *ok actually paying attention again* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm //Good riddance.// Me 10:10 pm ((holy shit)) ((that twist)) Whirl 10:10 pm *BURSTS out ;laughing* B 10:10 pm [[Best twist [[Wait for it Whirl 10:10 pm *UNCONTROLLABLE* Res 10:10 pm *huffs* All good stuff just SAYING. No seeing. *still totally all smiles cause of you Bird* Me 10:10 pm ((BETTER TWIST)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm ((this is an absolute fan favorite for a reason yo)) Res 10:11 pm Keheh! Him bad at fighting. Maybe him get lucky. Other guy cut fist on tooth! Me 10:12 pm ((hot damn)) Whirl 10:12 pm ((oh my go my internet DIED RIGHT AS HE BEGAN)) B 10:12 pm [[i'm so sorry Me 10:13 pm ((and I didn't bring prowl)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm ((he'll send it later if you like)) Whirl 10:14 pm *gestures to the screen* This is basically Autobot command. Right here. Me 10:14 pm ((nah, no good/no fun if I don't get to react to it live)) Whirl 10:14 pm Underneath all those noble speeches OP likes to give. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[Of course it is. We knew that long before your faction did.]] Res 10:14 pm Grimlock better. Optimus talky talk talk bot. Grimlock bite stuff :> Windchill 10:14 pm (( Why is it playing for me now?? )) B 10:14 pm :| Windchill 10:15 pm (( Nevermind lol. )) Whirl 10:15 pm *sidelong look to Soundwave* I knew he was a hypocrite before there WAS a faction, Soundwave. Me and him go way back. Res 10:15 pm You Whirl Optimus friend? Whirl 10:15 pm No. We're not. Res 10:16 pm Ok B 10:16 pm *hunches in on herself at all this Optimus talk* Res 10:16 pm KEHAHA! Pop! Windchill 10:16 pm I like her eyeliner. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm @Whirl: [[One of many reasons he finds your company enjoyable.]] Res 10:17 pm Eyeliner? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm *Ravage stretches and paps Bevel in the process.* Windchill 10:17 pm Eyeliner. It's a line, around your eye. Whirl 10:17 pm Doesn't mean I won't do what he SAYS, of course. Who's ever been FRIENDS with their commander? *snorts* Res 10:17 pm Me and Grimlock friend Brothers Whirl 10:18 pm *okay, points to Soundwave, that takes him genuinely aback; Soundwave gets a brief, startled look* @Soundwave: Well. ...good, then. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm *Small nod.* Whirl 10:19 pm ((garak u did that on purpose)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm \\HE SAID THE THING.\\ B 10:19 pm *looks at Ravage, yes?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm *Frenzy groans and flops* Whirl 10:19 pm Yep. They're doomed. Res 10:19 pm keheehee Whirl 10:19 pm So, does this count as eyeliner? *looks to Windchill and gestures to his whole. Eye. Situation* Res 10:19 pm Big ship ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm @Bevel : =Ignore.= Windchill 10:20 pm Hmm. *Squints, and leans a little closer.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm {{It space station. Like Trypticon! ... Thinner.}} Windchill 10:20 pm I figure, if you say it does, then it does. Res 10:20 pm Trypticon ship? B 10:20 pm @Ravage: It is really hard. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm {{No, him-- Okay, yes, him ship NOW. Not ship before. Station before. Then dinosaur. BIG dinosaur.}} Res 10:21 pm :V ???? Dinosaur????? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm {{Biiiiiiiiiig.}} Whirl 10:21 pm I'm going to say... no. Res 10:21 pm BIG big? Windchill 10:21 pm *Shrugs.* Whirl 10:21 pm I feel like you have to earn that sort of thing. This just came with the head. Windchill 10:22 pm Earn...? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm {{BIG BIG BIG.}} Whirl 10:22 pm Like, apply it. Artfully. Res 10:22 pm OH, that lot of big. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *Ravage has nothing to say to that so he'll just. Rumble quietly and be a little heater.* Whirl 10:23 pm Like when folks paint themselves for special events, or use those foils, or whatever. Res 10:23 pm KEHAHA DEAD ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm \\THAT COUNTS AS GOIN' WRONG, YEAH?\\ Windchill 10:24 pm *Shrugs.* I don't know. It's just makeup, unless you're one of those folks who have it built in. Res 10:25 pm Them kill ship? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm {{It... sleep.}} B 10:25 pm *hums gratefully* Whirl 10:25 pm *shrugs back* I'm gonna assume that nothing about this head was designed to make me MORE attractive. Res 10:25 pm Him spy. With bar like Bird :> ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm {{Peh. Him place small.}} Whirl 10:26 pm So we'll go with, "no." If I ever do decide to do that eyeliner thing... believe me. You'll KNOW. Res 10:26 pm Bird better! Windchill 10:26 pm Okay, I trust you. I'll know. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[And he certainly doesn't have anything that does -that- in his home.]] *...Not this one anyway.* Whirl 10:27 pm Pfft, here it is. This is the something wrong, all right. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Rumble snickers* Windchill 10:28 pm *Streeetches his upper half, so he can't dislodge feet from his lower half. CONTROLLED STRETCH.* Ew, green. Whirl 10:29 pm *snickers at that file folder manuever* Res 10:29 pm *yaaaaaaaaawwwns* back to talk talk Windchill 10:29 pm *That's it, that's his commentary. Green sheets.* Res 10:30 pm Her was sleep on datapads Windchill 10:30 pm Man, her boobs are about to escape. Whirl 10:30 pm Honey Bear. Res 10:31 pm oh dead keh Whirl 10:31 pm If I get another pet barnacle I know what I'm gonna name it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Frenzy's face wrinkles up* Windchill 10:31 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm \\FOR REAL? BUT IT'S... CUTE.\\ Res 10:32 pm Him have bird eye :V Whirl 10:32 pm So's the barnacle! Res 10:32 pm 😶 ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm \\NUH-UH. THE BARNACLE'S COOL. THAT'S DIFFERENT.\\ Whirl 10:32 pm I happen to find them adorable. Windchill 10:32 pm Barnacles are kinda cute. They have like...tongue things. And they eat. Whirl 10:33 pm *gestures to Windchill* See? Res 10:33 pm Barnacle is boat thing Windchill 10:33 pm And they sit around. Whirl 10:33 pm They live in space, too. I've got one. Windchill 10:33 pm *That's his criteria, apparently.* Res 10:33 pm Space boat Whirl 10:33 pm Once, it dismembered someone who was trying to come and get me in my room, so I named it Killer. Res 10:33 pm Awesome! Whirl 10:34 pm *nods* Windchill 10:34 pm *Thinks.* Whirl 10:34 pm And then over the next few months I fed it the tentacle that it bit off. Windchill 10:34 pm It didn't try to kill ME. Whirl 10:35 pm Well, obviously, it didn't feel threatened, Windchill 10:35 pm *Maybe because he stayed on the opposite side of the room. Maybe because he wasn't hostile. Maybe because Killer wasn't hungry.* Res 10:36 pm No life support. Them not live long. Bleh! Keheh. Windchill 10:36 pm *COULD choose to take that as an insult, but doesn't.* Good, 'cause now I'm still alive to appreciate Killer being a barnacle. Whirl 10:36 pm *nods graciously* Windchill 10:36 pm Doing barnacle things. Whirl 10:36 pm Lemme know if your Junxy ever decides you lot need a living garbage disposal. Windchill 10:37 pm *Mutters.* He is a garbage disposal. His spawn, too. Whirl 10:37 pm *SNICKERS* A match made in heaven, right? *nudges* Windchill 10:37 pm I don't eat GARBAGE. Res 10:37 pm Beachcomber geologist :> Windchill 10:38 pm ...Usually. Whirl 10:38 pm *laughs louder* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm //Duh. He's a stoner, ain't he?// Whirl 10:38 pm *LAUGHS EVEN LOUDER* Windchill 10:38 pm *Jaw drops.* Res 10:38 pm Yup *no idea what he's agreeing with* Windchill 10:38 pm *Doesn't know what the context is, but knows a pun when he hears one.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Rumble looks smug. He's proud of that one.* Whirl 10:39 pm *gets a hoild of himself* I... I still can't get over this guy's name being Quark. Res 10:39 pm Why? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm //How come?// Whirl 10:39 pm I know a guy named Quark. Res 10:39 pm oh Whirl 10:39 pm Microscope. Has a long head. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm //PFFFFhfhfhf// Windchill 10:40 pm Sounds like a NERD. Res 10:40 pm Perceptor is microscope :> Whirl 10:40 pm Yep, I know that guy, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm //Naw. Their Perceptor's a sniper.// Res 10:40 pm nuh uh Whirl 10:40 pm He is. Crazy about plants. Paid me good money to make him a clock out of wood. Res 10:40 pm Bluestreak sniper ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm //Uh-huh! I think. That's what I heard.// \\...WOOD?\\ Whirl 10:40 pm Our Perceptor--*draws himself up* Isn't just a sniper. He's a WRECKER. Windchill 10:41 pm What a combo. B 10:41 pm Cool. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm \\AN' YOU WAS SURPRISED 'BOUT WHEELJACK.\\ Whirl 10:41 pm I don't think anyone made it official, but he went to G9--he counts. Res 10:41 pm G9? Whirl 10:42 pm And, yeah--wood. Plant material. Windchill 10:42 pm *He's going to try to avoid indulging in any sniper discussion. Last time ended in more trouble than it was worth.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm \\I KNOW WHAT WOOD IS!\\ Grunt. \\JUS. WHY?\\ Whirl 10:43 pm Also... fair. But Perceptor's a crack shot. G9 is... a pretty awful place. City-wide prison. Got run over my an unstoppable Decepticon, turned it into his own little torture-park. Res 10:43 pm Sucks Whirl 10:43 pm And, I dunno, ask Quark. He loves plants. Windchill 10:43 pm *Thinks really loudly about wood. The euphemism. You're welcome, any telepaths snooping about.* Whirl 10:44 pm I carved one, and I'm gonna grow the other. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm *Soundwave gives Windchill a sudden Look* [[Must you.]] Res 10:44 pm Me Swoop feel earthquake before. Not so bad. Wobbles. Windchill 10:45 pm *Was expecting that, gives only a sly, sidelong glance in return.* I must. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm //What, like - grow the whole thing? All the gears 'n scrap?// Res 10:45 pm What that movie..... Water world Whirl 10:46 pm *nods* It's an experiment. If you come visit, I'll show you. Res 10:46 pm Blub blub Windchill 10:47 pm Sounds like a slow experiment. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm //...'N don't his plan mean all the lava makes rock on the outside? Like. Sure, the planet's shrinkin', but it's growin' a new shell, so... what's to drown?// He scratches his helm. He's not a scientist. Maybe he's wrong. Windchill 10:47 pm *He likes quick experiments, if you know what he means.* Whirl 10:47 pm It is. All told, it's gonna take about a year from start to finish to do, maybe longer. It's been about... six? Seven months? So I've got a ways to go. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm //...Yeah, I wanna see.// Windchill 10:48 pm Don't confuse me with your big numbers. Res 10:48 pm Lava fun. Me Swoop go flying to islands. Pacific. Throw stuff in. Fwoosh! Glub. Ahh! Kehehehehhheeee! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm //Uh, the clock wood stuff. Shrinkin' planets too, but.// B 10:49 pm *finally tunes into the conversations happening around her* Wood clocks? Whirl 10:49 pm *bobs his head* Sure th--pfft! Yeah. Just lemme know when. *looks to Bevel and nods* Yep. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((god i love garak)) Whirl 10:49 pm (9he is GREAT)) Me 10:49 pm (("he only wants you for your mind, he can't appreciate your body." That sounds like a good deal to me.)) Whirl 10:50 pm ((omg garak)) Windchill 10:50 pm (( Tbh. )) *Is biding his time, waiting for someone to say something he can turn into another loud thought innuendo.* Res 10:50 pm ???? : / Whirl 10:50 pm ((but she looked so cute in the glasses for real)) Res 10:51 pm Fighting now? B 10:51 pm That sounds really cool, Whirl. Res 10:51 pm teeny tiny itty bitty gun Me 10:52 pm (("it's my fantasy. trust me." "NO!!!!!!!!!")) Whirl 10:52 pm *nods to her, a little uncertain but pleased; he is not used to such frank compliments* Quark really liked it. *stunning banter, Whirl* ((I KNOW RIGHT)) Res 10:53 pm *looks at bird, headtilt* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm *Rude, serpent human. A -little- bit of ego hasn't left him dead.* {{What?}} Res 10:54 pm Bird have ego *not at all an insult* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm {{Noooo. Bird just tells truth~}} Whirl 10:55 pm A lot of people say I have an ego. I like to think of it as assurance. Res 10:55 pm *snickers* Always truth bird? ((Omg)) Whirl 10:55 pm (ajdlks HA)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm {{About best Bird? Always.}} Res 10:56 pm You Bird aaaaaare best :> Windchill 10:57 pm *He just had a thought.* *A murderous plot.* *And a rhyme.* *He'll leave a few minutes early, and wait outside the door for Whirl.* *Then he'll PUNCH HIM IN THE TIT.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *...Should he tell Whirl about this?* Whirl 10:59 pm I still have... very little idea about what that show is even all about, but that was surprisingly entertaining. Windchill 11:00 pm *Causing said tit to fire and blow his hand off, killing him instantly.* *Tell him he DARES you.* Whirl 11:00 pm *THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING, WINDCHILL* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[Well, you don't expect him to run all of it in order, do you?]] Windchill 11:00 pm *BUT THE PLOT GOES DEEPER.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm ((rabbit where is my screen)) Res 11:00 pm *reaches out with the tips of his claws and touches the very tippy tips of Bird's wings* Windchill 11:01 pm *Like some other things he can think of, you're welcome.* B 11:01 pm Oh, that was a tv show. Res 11:01 pm *makes said wings flap just a teeny bit* Whirl 11:01 pm Actually, yes. You seem like an "in order" kind of entertainer. But I have no idea how much of whatever-it-was there is. Res 11:01 pm keheeheehee ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm *Bird huffs* Res 11:01 pm *mimics the huff* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[Approximately 8000 minutes.]] [[He decided to make an exception.]] B 11:02 pm I want to watch the rest now. Whirl 11:02 pm Oh. Pfft. Well, damn. Windchill 11:03 pm *He'll be dead, and his butt buddy will surely avenge him. He'll hunt Whirl down and sit on him. Death by the Biggest Butt. That's it, that's the plot.* Whirl 11:03 pm *what a horrible fate* Windchill 11:04 pm *Almost as horrible as someone lying in wait to punch you in the nipple.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm @Bevel : [[Perhaps later. Buzzsaw has insisted on your lessons resuming.]] Res 11:04 pm *yawns and streeeeeeetches, wings and twiggy limbs everywhere* B 11:04 pm @Soundwave: *surprised* Really? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm @Bevel : [[Of course.]] boomtank 11:05 pm -trots in- Windchill 11:05 pm *Well, look what the cat dragged in.* B 11:05 pm @Soundwave: Ok! Whirl 11:05 pm *uncrosses his legs to he can streeetch* Res 11:06 pm *flops his hands on Bird and offlines his optics* sleep Windchill 11:06 pm *Waits.* *Gives Whirl a /look/ from the corner of his optic, just so he knows something's up.* *But not in THAT sense.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm {{What? Why sleep? Bird not sleepy.}} Whirl 11:07 pm *catches it; tilts his head and blinks back. He looks nonplussed* Res 11:07 pm Swoop sleepy. What Bird want? No sleep. Windchill 11:08 pm *Just smiles, slyly.* B 11:08 pm *why so many love songs?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm {{You Swoop sleep. No fighting if tired, bad fight.}} Whirl 11:08 pm You taking requests, Soundwave? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Because the mun got stuck in that mood earlier, mostly.* [[As always.]] Whirl 11:08 pm If we're doing oldies--Come A Little Bit Closer. Jay & the Americans. Res 11:08 pm Sleep then fight, play. Ok? :> Windchill 11:09 pm *The moment you turn your back, Whirl, he will strike.* B 11:09 pm *oh good. she's worried she missed a romance that didn't seem to involve a fake person in the show* Whirl 11:09 pm *the real romance was us + the discussion about barnacles obv* Windchill 11:09 pm *Truly.* boomtank 11:09 pm -what did he miss?- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *Well, there's Whirl and Windchill, Bevel.* Windchill 11:09 pm *SHHHHHHHHH.* Whirl 11:10 pm *join the mass misconception that they are somehow dating. It must Grow* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm *An episode Prowl would have loved about decisions like the sorts he made, and one Soundwave found amusing about a program imitating a human spy story* Windchill 11:10 pm *Feed it, make it grow big and strong until it's unkillable.* Whirl 11:10 pm *going to lean back to enjoy the song* boomtank 11:11 pm -missed the entire show?- Res 11:11 pm *falls straight into ZZZZZs, fully intending to wake up and terrorize the multiverse with Bird* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm *Unfortunately, this time* boomtank 11:11 pm -whoops- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm *Rumble listens carefully. This is a bit mushy for Whirl, ain't it? Must be something to-- oh there it is* boomtank 11:12 pm ....I missed it all, huh? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm [[You did. It will not be the only foray into that world, if he can help it.]] Whirl 11:13 pm *snickers softly* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Rumble suddenly explodes into laughter* Whirl 11:13 pm *looks to him* Right? B 11:13 pm *has been struggling all night with the urge to pet Ravage because he'd probably hate that because he is not a pet even if she wouldn't mean it like that* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm //That's -great-, sweet Onyx.// boomtank 11:13 pm Ah. Uh...what world? Whirl 11:13 pm Hilarious, AND catchy. ((omg the lyrics. beautiful)) Windchill 11:14 pm (( CRIES. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[A collection of alien creatures navigating the troubles of their world.]] Me 11:14 pm ((the lyrics are beautiful)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((it's PAINFUL)) Me 11:15 pm ((did u see the transcriptionist's note)) Whirl 11:15 pm ((please don't knock on Pipes)) Windchill 11:15 pm *He can knock more than three times, he's pretty sure.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((i missed it what was it)) Me 11:15 pm ((they put a note at the very beginning that said "stop telling me i spelled things wrong, i was 11 when I made this video")) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((HAHA)) Whirl 11:15 pm ((AWWW OMG)) B 11:15 pm [[awww Whirl 11:15 pm ((THAT MAKES ME LOVE IT MOPRE)) Me 11:16 pm ((RIGHT?)) boomtank 11:16 pm -curious noise- That sounds like most shows, really ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm ((it was star trek, ftr)) boomtank 11:17 pm ((aw man! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[And one for the disillusioned in the crowd.]] Whirl 11:20 pm I'd go wit Love Bites. Shock 11:20 pm ((Alright, I need to sleep. It was great hanging around again. Will there be more star trek in the future?)) B 11:20 pm *tries to think of love songs she knows if this is the theme tonight... oh never mind theme done* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm ((eventually yes!)) Windchill 11:20 pm It sure does. *Wink, wonk.* Whirl 11:21 pm *snorts* You're in A MOOD tonight. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm {{That more than Bird wants knowing about Whirl, nehekhek.}} Windchill 11:21 pm I'm ALWAYS in a mood, haven't you noticed? Honestly. *He tosses his head.* Shock 11:21 pm (( //Waves.)) Windchill 11:21 pm It's like you don't even know me. Shock 11:21 pm *With the stream over, he exits.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm ((byee! good to see you around 😃 )) boomtank 11:21 pm ((g'night! Windchill 11:21 pm (( Goodnight! )) B 11:21 pm [[Nice to meet you, Shock Whirl 11:22 pm ((night!)) You must have a hell of an imagination if you think I can bite anyone or anything, Laserbeak. ...also, this is true. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm {{Bird meant bite -getting-.}} Whirl 11:22 pm ...*considers* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm {{It not funny if joke explaining. Meh meh meh.}} Whirl 11:23 pm Nobody's ever bit me. I mean, not unless they were trying to kill me. Windchill 11:23 pm *Another very sly expression.* *Not YET, fucko.* Whirl 11:23 pm *LOOK YOU FARTKNOCKER* Windchill 11:23 pm *Shhh, you love it.* Whirl 11:24 pm Anyway, on that... probably weird note, I'm out, losers. *Gonna hop up and stretch again* Windchill 11:24 pm *Waits. Turn around, sonny jim.* Whirl 11:24 pm Drop me a line when you wanna swing by. *nods to Rumble, and then pauses... and looks briefly to Bevel* You, too, if you're interested in this clock I'm growing. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm //Yeah! Yeah, sure!// B 11:25 pm *nods enthusiastically* I can do that! Whirl 11:26 pm *bobs his head in farewell to the room in general. Well. He feels good about tonight. And now it's time to leave and possibly get punched in the tit* Windchill 11:26 pm *Cups his hands for the world's loudest stage whisper.* HEY WHIRL. Whirl 11:26 pm *pauses, one foot raised* What? Windchill 11:26 pm NICE ASS. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Rumble howls and falls over* *Frenzy joins but in the opposite direction* \\I KNEW IT\\ Whirl 11:27 pm *instant deadpan stare. After a moment he spares a similar look for the twins* Windchill 11:27 pm *And thus the REAL plot unfolds.* B 11:27 pm *so lost on what's happening right now* Whirl 11:27 pm *it's honestly a lot better this way* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *They are now 100% convinced Windchill has a thing with Whirl.* Windchill 11:28 pm *Wolf whistles.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *Even if the Boss says otherwise* Windchill 11:28 pm *Note that, while he seems pleased with himself, he's not laughing.* Whirl 11:28 pm *once he makes sure everyone gets their dose of deadpan stare he puts his foot down and gives an elegant leg, bowing* I aim to please. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm //Got good aim.// Windchill 11:29 pm *HEY, HITTING ON WHIRL IS HIS JOB.* Whirl 11:30 pm *actually snrks in the middle of his bow, that was clever* boomtank 11:30 pm -muffled snickering from over here- Whirl 11:31 pm *straightens* Are you done? Anything else you lot need to let me know before I'm out of here? Windchill 11:31 pm *Shoos at Whirl with his hand.* That's all you get. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm *Rumble scratches his chin* Windchill 11:35 pm Goodnight, Whirl. Go home to your butt-dent bed. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm //I was thinkin' kind of a nice everythin', but what he said's good too.// *Shrug.* //Seeya, nerd.// Whirl 11:36 pm *snorts, once again pleasantly surprised by a compliment. Y'all are spoiling him* Windchill 11:36 pm *They luv u.* Whirl 11:36 pm And that's rich, you calling me a NERD, Pun-meister. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:36 pm *Suddenly a spooked look. No no no don't tell.* Whirl 11:37 pm *he points at Rumble with a claw, but doesn't say anything* Time for me to go home to my butt-dented bed. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:38 pm *A wave from Frenzy, who's still upside down-ish.* Windchill 11:39 pm *Hand over spark.* When you lie down on your butt dent, think of me. Whirl 11:39 pm *will bob his head at Frenzy, who has clearly not recovered* Lord. Would that I had the luxury of IGNORING IT. One day you're gonna fix that. Windchill 11:40 pm *Briefly wonders how comfortable a butt-dented berth can be, but says nothing.* Whirl 11:40 pm When I finally get tired of complaining about it. Windchill 11:40 pm One day, when I pound the rest of your bed level with the original dent. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *Noisy, NOISY snickering* Windchill 11:40 pm With my fists, probably. *A smooth recovery that is not, and too late besides.* Whirl 11:41 pm No, you have to do it with your butt. Windchill 11:41 pm Fine, I accept, Whirl 11:41 pm I'll get, like--Grapple or someone to just. Hold you like a hammer. Windchill 11:41 pm I think I can manage my own butt, Whirl. I am the master of my own butt. Whirl 11:41 pm Only one person can handle your butt. That's, of course, Riot. boomtank 11:42 pm -annnnd this conversation is taking a weird turn. He's out. G'night!- Whirl 11:42 pm Damn, you're distracting me with butt talk again, I'm ESCAPING while I have THE CHANCE. Windchill 11:42 pm Yeah, get out of here. Before I say something you actually regret. Whirl 11:43 pm *ESCAPES* Windchill 11:44 pm *And now, Chill will sit there with tiny feets for company a while longer.* *Even if those feets fell on the floor a while ago.* B 11:44 pm *is content to listen to whatever direction the music went in for the moment* boomtank 11:45 pm ((tanks for the music though, gotta go, byyyye ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm ((byeeee)) Windchill 11:45 pm (( Goodnight!! )) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm *The tiny feets will try to get back up on him despite being on the floor.* *So they're sorta sitting upside down now.* Windchill 11:46 pm *Listen you guys, footsies is not a game you can win with this one.* *OR IS IT.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm *Is that a CHALLENGE because Frenzy WILL find a way to get on anything anywhere at any time* Windchill 11:48 pm *If they weren't so small, comparatively, he'd rest his giant feets on them in turn. However, he's not actually in the mood to piss off Soundwave by doing anything that might be misconstrued as threatening, so he'll make grotesque CHALLENGE faces instead.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:50 pm *Frenzy sits up and walks around to Rumble's side of Windchill. He then keeps walking and gets a good distance away.* Windchill 11:51 pm *Oh joy.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm *If Windchill doesn't move, Frenzy's going to run, get a boost from his brother of the mighty upper body strength, and aim to land on Windchill's head* Windchill 11:52 pm *Holds only EXACTLY as still as someone who has absolute confidence in his own survival can do, which is completely.* *THEN he howls.* B 11:54 pm *entertaining as Frenzy is being right now, Bevel should get going, but first...* @Ravage: Can I pet you? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm *Ravage squints up at her.* *He holds out one paw and gives her A Look. You may pet that. Briefly.* *Meanwhile, Frenzy will sprawl out, like you do.* Windchill 11:55 pm *Has a mini for a hat!* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm \\I CAN SEE THE WHOLE WORLD FROM HERE.\\ Windchill 11:56 pm *Stops screaming.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm [[Thank Primus.]] B 11:56 pm *tries not to look too happy while she briefly gets to pet the offered paw* Windchill 11:56 pm Look, you guys. I have a fancy hat. B 11:56 pm @Ravage: Thank you. Windchill 11:58 pm *Tilts his head and purses his lip JUST ENOUGH to blow up at Frenzy's toes.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm *Ravage pulls his paw back in and flicks it a few times before loafing. At least he didn't clean it.* *He laughs and wriggles around to try to escape the air. And falls off. Also like you do, but like you wish you didn't.* Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:59 pm *Rumble just facepalms.* Windchill 12:00 am *SHUDDERS like someone dropped an ice cube down his figurative bra, but it's just a flailing mini.* B 12:02 am I am going to go now. *stands up finally* Goodnight, everyone. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:02 am {{Byeeee!}} *Bird will fly out with Bevel. She's been wanting to hit New Praxus today anyway.* Windchill 12:03 am *He waves, lazily.* B 12:03 am *the company is not unwelcome* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am *Soundwave stretches. One more bit of music and then he's going to have to handle some... business... elsewhere.* *That sounds worse than it is. He's just telling secrets and poking around someone's head.* Windchill 12:07 am *Streeeeetches, and grunts.* Time for me to go, you punks. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am \\AW, OKAY. NEXT TIME, HUH?\\ //We oughta beat Whirl to his seat 'n footstool on him.// Windchill 12:09 am ...Do what next time? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am \\SEEIN' YA 'ROUND HERE, 'N ALL.\\ ((i was gonna make that the last music but i like this one lmao)) Windchill 12:12 am (( *Squints at you, Rabbit.* )) ((I think it ate a whole TWO MESSAGES. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am ((what's the last you got)) Windchill 12:13 am (( I wrote two but see them nowhere. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am ((:( rewrite?)) Windchill 12:13 am (( As much as I feel like, HEH. )) Windchill 12:14 am Yeah, next time. *He perks up suddenly, the words 'next time' triggering some sort of recollection.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:15 am *Curious glance* Windchill 12:18 am *Hands clap together.* The bitty likes the bug songs. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:19 am *And now they both perk.* //Yeah?// \\REALLY?\\ *PUFF WITH PRIDE* Windchill 12:19 am Yeah, her eye gets all WIDE. Windchill 12:21 am And her arms go...*he raised his fists, then thought better of it.* Well, I'd show you but it's not cute when I do it. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am //Naw, c'mon. We got a couple minutes.// \\I WANNA SEE.\\ Windchill 12:22 am Okay, hold on. I have to do it RIGHT. Windchill 12:25 am *He picks his feet up, puffing out his cheeks and screwing up the rest of his face and slowly windmills his limbs in tight, hilariously ineffective circles until his eyes go wide enough that they threaten to pop out of his head.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:27 am *Both twins snort and giggle* Windchill 12:27 am *Holds this for a few seconds before he realizes he's too old to do it for any longer, and vents EXPLOSIVELY before sagging back into his seat.* Like that, but more hideous. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am //Listen, if her optics - or jus' one, right? - if it pops out, I ain't responsible.// Windchill 12:29 am Just one. It's NOT going to pop out. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:30 am //Good. That's only fun in fights.// *Stretch.* \\OKAY, THE BOSS IS FUSSIN'. WE GOTTA SCRAM.\\ Windchill 12:30 am But...can you scram faster than I can? *Forgets how old he is just long enough to bolt to his feet and out the door, into the night.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am *Rumble snorts again.* //How're we supposed to tell him if he ain't around to hear it? C'mon, bro.// *And upstairs they'll all head.*
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