#I AM going to add in some much needed drama and romantic tension between these boyos XD
anartisticalniche · 6 months
Okay, I didn't get to finish it much but i want to post it anyway
Presenting... the Pirate AU *jazz hands*
In which I just cram in the SMG4 crew in a mixture of a Victorian era world and the Mushroom Kingdom ahah
I have a planned story and everything, with plot and such, but its going to be LOOONG while before I finish it, so now I'm just having fun drawing the characters and some comics
The synopsis is basically that Mario gets (seemingly) kidnapped from the Mushroom Kingdom by pirates, and Princess Peach basically enrolls SMG4 to get him back (mostly to have her "bodyguard" back for herself)
SMG4 accepts mainly because he actually wants to get his friend back and because Luigi has begged him before the Princess even asked him, and so they depart on a small vessel with Captain Tari and her second in command Saiko in the sea (I wanted Tari to be the Captain to allude at the fact that she was one in her Meta Runner series, but she's still pretty much a scaredy cat like in the SMG4 universe).
Alas, they find Mario, but the crew that "has" him is in fact one of the most notorious: SMG3's crew, in his Black Bomb vessel.
And with that they get captured and are forced to stay with him for the time being.
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Im planning in adding so many more characters (like the Anti-cast, Chris and Swag etc.) and to also focus a lil bit on the magical side of the story, with creatures and curses to spice things up eheh
For example, you get this acquatic guys as a treat (the Outcasts of the sea if you will)
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years
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Books I’ve read so far in 2022!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
163. Small Favors by Erin A. Craig--⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
I really wanted to read this book because a few of my friends had read it and really enjoyed it. While this reminded me of AGNES AT THE END OF THE WORLD, I think it definitely felt like a much slower read.
SMALL FAVORS is one of those books that needs to be read on a summer afternoon with the sound of bees buzzing around you. It was definitely an incredibly atmospheric read. While I personally found it to be a little TOO slow of a build up to the setting and mood of the story, I can see why so many people have fallen in love with this creepy story. There are some great characters and a potential romance/romantic drama to keep you hooked. The commentary on sexism and misogyny were pretty great and I at times wanted to slap a wall because of the annoying male characters in the MC's life. The slow build up of madness in the small town, the unknown year, and the creepy woods all made for an interesting experience . The unknown year was especially intriguing because it made me think: Is this a cult or something? Or is it actually over a hundred years ago and I just missed that point? I also have a few questions about some potential plot holes, but I won't mention them because spoilers. So, to end this short and rambling review, this story had some enjoyable themes and great build up of tension in the town. I do think it could have been much shorter, but I know I am in the minority. Stuff does pick up at the end, but I found it to be a little too quickly, ironically. I'd recommend this to horror fans that love that super slow build up of terror and those who also love tales about things that go bump in the night and could potentially rip you to pieces.
164. Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Every time I come across a book about immigration, I add it to my TBR immediately because I know it will be a) super relatable and b) an incredibly powerful reading experience. Also, this quest of mine to read more immigration stories sometimes has me picking up autobiographies like this one and I'm so glad for it. I've been reading the series FRONT DESK by Kelly Yang (if you haven't picked up this middle grade series, I highly recommend you do--especially if you loved this book), and I have always thought about the immigration experience of Asian families--especially during the 80s and 90s. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY gave me that experience I've been curious about and I honestly couldn't help but be drawn to the similarities and how I could finally read a nonfiction experience that is so close to a fictional story I love so much. Qian Julie Wang shows us in her book not only the xenophobia her family faced when they moved to the US, but also the poverty, and stereotypes kids often face when they have yet to learn English (or any new language). The latter brought back memories of my time trying to learn English and the bullying I sometimes endured because of a mispronounced word, or the assumption that I was weak and dumb because I didn't know English like a native-born speaker. I wanted to give young Qian a big hug when she was experiencing this because of the added fear put into her that to speak up meant attention, and attention was something her father never wanted her to grab. The story also explores the complex relationship and expectations between children of immigrants and immigrant parents. I do think that some children are denied that naïveté that sometimes comes with being a young age and Qian was no different. The jarring conversations she sometimes had with her mother, or the way other adults would talk down to her ABOUT her family was incredibly off-putting. It shows us that not only do these struggling families have to deal with xenophobia, but they also have to deal with the judgment and prejudices of members in their own communities. I also want to comment on the fact that we get to see so much nineties commentary! The flashbacks to certain toys and activities that Qian wrote for us was quite the experience. I remember always getting some toys late because my immigrant parents had to work double time. Personally, in retrospect, I wish I had appreciated those items more. Especially now that I fully know the scope of just how hard they worked. One last thing: I never even thought about other immigrants doing this, but Qian comments on "shopping days" and it brought back so many memories. My parents used to do the same thing and I still have two of the bookcases that they acquired for me on those shopping days. While I am not a Chinese immigrant and my experience varied in many ways (one way being that we immigrated to Canada and not the US), I think books like Qian's are incredibly important because it helps other immigrants see that they are not alone. Your experience is uniquely yours, but you are not the only one experiencing immigration struggles. Books that touch on the poverty, the xenophobia, and the stereotypes placed on non-native speakers hold a special place in my heart. This was an incredible book and I think it's important for many people to read it.
165. The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have been having a really weird reading experience over the last couple of weeks and I blame being burnt out on audiobooks. Needless to say, I almost DNFed this one because of my reading slump, not because of the book itself. One of the main reasons why I DIDN'T DNF this was because it was genuinely entertaining. I loved the spooky aspects and the true crime plot line. I'm usually put off by the back and forth of timelines, but I think this story seriously benefitted from the author choosing to present the story like this. I also liked the slow reveal and the tragic consequence of actions that can very much be compared to moments in our very real history where certain things have been ignored, or certain people have been set free when it was known that something bad was about to happen. Also, the conclusion was very fitting. If you like super atmospheric paranormal murder mysteries, then you might really enjoy this one. Also, don't read this with the lights off.
166. Debating Darcy by Sayantani DasGupta--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would! This was a very quick adaptation of PRIDE & PREJUDICE and I thought it was entertaining to see the story presented in such a unique setting. I found the quotes from P&P put into the book hilarious because it worked really well with the whole theme of elocution. Especially that last monologue from a certain character we all know has a big speech at the end that Elizabeth puts in her place. I enjoyed the discussion of sexism in debate competitions because I had no idea. I also found that since this theme was explored in this book, a certain situation played well into the message. The MC was spectacularly prideful, to the point where I was thinking, "Girl, again?" Is this a perfect read? No. Is it fun with some cute characters and some interesting commentary that teens might have (because teenagers are more vocal than some adults think they are--stop underestimating them)? Absolutely. ___
167. The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was an interesting and quick listen. I didn't know what to expect and I'm glad I went in blind. Time is something that so many of us take for granted and then wish we could have it back, have more of it, or have less of it when life hits us with big moments. Whether we are suffering from grief, are afraid of what comes next, or wish we weren't spending all of our time feeling lonely, I think appreciating the time we actually have is an important thing. Albom's book explores two characters who have vastly different time-related situations. It also explores the consequences of wanting more than we are given because of the fear of the grief that comes with letting go. Read this if you want some introspection about the time you're given, but TW for suicide, depression, cancer, and grief.
168. Hard Hitter by Sarina Bowen--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
While I enjoyed this one for the most part (the spice and the sexual tension were great in this one), the female MC had me thinking "Come on, girl" a couple of times regarding the decisions she would make. I loved that this one had an edge of suspense to it. It felt slightly different than other Bowen books I've read. Much like the last two books I read in this series, this one also dealt with some heavier themes and I highly recommend you check out the trigger warnings! I will happily continue with this series because I am loving the hockey guys and the women they meet. I also love this author's writing and the tension she creates between the couples in each book.
Have you read any of these? Would you recommend them?
Happy reading!
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Wish Upon a Night Sky - [Beastars | Various x Reader]
[Female, Sheep Reader | Slow Burn]
Act Three | Age-old Conflict
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"I knew I'd find you here!"
At the sound of that voice -- familiar and friendly -- you look up from your book and form a smile when you recognize the person behind it. 
"Are you busy right now?" Jack asks, sitting in the empty chair next to yours. "I'd like you to meet someone, if you're not too busy!"
You bookmark where you're at, glance up to face his eyes, and catch a glimpse of excitement behind them. Him looking so cheerful as he waits for your response makes it almost impossible not to be persuaded into agreeing right off the bat. Still, you give the offer some thought and take your school schedule into account, against letting your responsibilities pile up right from the beginning.
"Sure," you reply, setting the book aside. "I'm just doing some self-study, at the moment." You furrow your gaze and add, "Who am I meeting, by the way?" While having time was one thing, taking into consideration who you would befriend was another. You look around and frown when you see there's no one present nearby, not only from the risk of you being all alone at a school like this one, but at the curiosity over getting to meet another student -- and potential, eventual friend, hopefully.
Jack calls the person over as a response. 
The one mentioned doesn't take too long to appear, as he shows up by the door frame in less than it takes for you to organize the pile of books on the table; he even manages a sheepish wave when he catches you staring at him, yet he keeps quiet and still after that, in spite of neither of you knowing each other's names.
It's another wolf, though he's nowhere similar to Juno. The only remotely close aspect you can find between them is his height, but even then, it's not the same. If Jack had to crouch a bit to talk to you, the wolf would no doubt have to do that, too -- if not more than that. Jack introduces him as Legoshi, a name you'd often heard slip from Juno's mouth since the past week spent as her roommate. You reciprocate his wave from earlier and direct a quick smile at him, one he returns with a reserved, almost hesitant nature -- completely different from your expectations, given his species.
At the thought of him being the one Juno often rambled on about, you bite back a grin and introduce yourself in return. The image she'd painted you of the wolf is barely needed when you take notice of just how cautious and awkward he is in greeting you. It's like he's not so sure as to how to approach you, and each movement he makes is just as wary as the next. 
When you shake hands with him, you see his gaze wander over to the book and a pile of them left on the table.
His face lights up in recognition, and it doesn't take long before he asks, "Are you the homeschool student from last week?"
You chuckle, let go of his hand, and walk off back to the table to pick up the book, smile growing when you read the title again. "Is it that obvious?" You hold it up in your hands and bite back another laugh. "I'm, well... I'm trying to be less… ignorant -- now that I'm going to be studying at a place like this! Homeschool didn't really teach me stuff beyond math, science, and languages, so I need to make up for that as much as I can." 'Of Wolves and Sheep: A Fundamental Guide to Carnivores, Herbivores, and those in between', reads the book's cover; the sheer irony of your meeting deems you incapable of wiping away your smile. "But, this is probably basic knowledge to everyone here though, huh?"
His eyes glance over the book once more, while his gaze softens as he shakes his head, returning your playful nature. "Not really," he replies, sitting down across from you and Jack when you offer him to. "I'm still learning, too," he adds. "Maybe it looks like everyone here knows about that topic, but... If you know about what happened to one of the students, you'd think differently." A somber expression reaches his face as he huffs and passes a hand against the back of his neck; a more mournful look then glints in his visage -- almost a second after, yet it's shaken off when he continues with, "In the end, it feels more like everyone's just trying their best to understand each other despite everything going on."
You toy with the book in your possession and stay quiet as your mind debates whether or not it would be okay to ask more about the incident. So far, you'd only heard rumours about it, these hard to hold on to with how frail and inconsistent their sources and information were. When you see sadness return to the wolf's gaze, you fight against it. Whatever went on at the drama club with one of its students was clearly still affecting him to this day, so you try not to make him feel worse by adding any unneeded comments to the mix. Whether he knew the person didn't matter; asking anything else would kill the mood entirely.
"I thought you'd wait for me, Legoshi. How rude of you!"
Hearing another voice blend into the calm of the library, you glance back towards the door to see a peafowl standing by it, a smile on his face despite the accusation in his words. He has his arms firmly crossed, faking anger through an equally firm glare. "Were you that desperate to meet the new girl? You disappeared the second we left the drama club!" While part of your questions are fulfilled with the person's entrance, you still don't dare ask Legoshi about the incident. Rather, you keep quiet and greet the peafowl with a wave and a smile -- just like you'd done with the wolf next to you. "You all look so cute together! Should I take a picture?"
You tense up and observe those around you. Embarrassment falls on you when you notice just how popular you seem to be currently, being surrounded by two canines and an avian. Your first few days as a new student appear gone now, and -- to any outsider -- it would come off as if you're the center of attention, with all gazes on you. "It… It's fine!" you reply, words almost stuttered. On instinct, you hide behind your book and try to control the shake of your hands. As kind as the offer is, you're far too jittery to even consider the idea of having your picture taken -- and even less with other people.
Still, you're against being rude, so you add a 'thank you, though' after your words.
"A shy one, aren't you?" he comments, covering a giggle with his hand. "You must be (Y/N), right? Juno wouldn't stop talking about the new girl, and when I heard Legoshi was meeting you today, I just had to join!" He stands by the only empty chair left at your table and extends a hand out to you before sitting down. "My name's Dom. It's nice to meet you!"
Safe to say, his energy is infectious.
You take his hand, palm feeling just as warm as his voice and smile. "Nice to meet you, too." 
Then, you let go and move your gaze back to your book. The pile at the center of the table is the next thing to be the source of attention when Dom comments over it, mischief replacing his previous, friendly tone. He reaches out for the pile, drags it over to his side, and picks the odd one out -- one you'd tried to hide by slipping it in the very middle of the rest. "It seems our new girl already has her eyes on someone here, huh? And here I thought Juno was only teasing you about it!"
To be blunt, he's holding a romance book -- its cover risqué. The image features a forbidden love between a carnivore and a herbivore, and while the publishing year dates back to almost a century ago, it retains plenty of relevance today. At a time when tension between the two sides was still fresh and bleeding, books like these existed, though you didn't exactly want to be found out with it currently. "Is it this guy, perhaps?" Dom asks, pointing at Jack, who straightens his posture as fast as the accusation comes. A hint of red shows on his face, but he tries to hide it by looking elsewhere. "You sure act quick, (Y/N)! I'm impressed."
Not wanting for further assumptions to be made, you suspend yourself over the table, focus on your target, and try to reach out for the book. Too easy to be true, you almost fall over when Dom pulls back, hiding it behind him. "It- It's not like that, really!" you exclaim, words coming out about as flustered as your face likely is now. "I'm just curious about the book -- It reminds me of a fairytale I read when I was little!"
At that, Dom stops evading your attempts at grabbing the book back from him. Interest crosses his gaze and a moment of silence takes over the room, one you're not feeling too confident about. "Oh, really?" he asks, cooing. "Hopeless romantic? Or curious about what your parents never told you?"
You sit back down on your seat and look at your lap, face burning. "A... A bit of both, actually."
The peafowl laughs, a sound honest and bright. When you stare back at him, he's holding out the book, waiting for you to take it. "Lend it to me when you're finished, alright?" he says, winking. "I'm a bit curious myself."
You allow yourself a few minutes for your face to cool down some more and huff out a long, deep breath when you're done. Truth be told, it nearly seems as if you've spent all the energy left in you by agreeing to meet new people, yet you don't exactly dislike the experience. Rather, you smile again when you recover and find your cheeks and chest hurt from how happy you are right now.
Nodding, you take the book and place it under your current read.
Your shoulders tense when you feel everyone's eyes on you, though you push through with an "alright".
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btsandvmin · 3 years
How much do we really know?
I really don't understand how any BTS shippers can be confident enough in their ships to turn into “supporters/believers” that believe their ship is real 100%. For any ship. Like even deep diving into some theories or getting literally 100+ reasons from various believers own mouths for why some ships have to be real, nothing has been big enough to count as proof in my opinion. (Of course this includes Vmin.)
Like... They all have questionable moments. Some more than others, sure. But proof of more than very strong and unusually intimate friendships? No.
You could argue some things seem “gay” or has possible LGBTQ+ connections. Like GCF having a LGBT+ song, or 4 o'clock including a reference to a gay movie, or Vmin's literal gay drama whatever that was. But most of it is just fans zooming in on various things and adding their own meaning to it. Like it has to mean something becaues it is connected to your ship. (But only for your ship.) Sometimes, a lot of times, it’s not even directly connected to the ship... It’s just assumed to be connected to them. It’s a guess or a theory, not a fact.
I get questions from Vminies not knowing things about Vmin all the time, and I myself know I’ll never be able to remember or even see everything that is out there with Vmin. And that’s just from the content we are able to consume to begin with. Beyond that is a lot of guessing and assumption based on the fraction of moments we get. But if some Vminies might not even know where the soulmate label comes from, or that 4 o’clock was written with Jimin in mind or that Vmin seem to casually sleep together in private (if we take Tae’s words for it in the Billboard vlive) it’s clear that something I might see as obvious and common knowledge isn’t. Even further it’s clear that other shippers will know even less about Vmin. 
And how can you dismiss something you don’t even know about?
We all focus on, remember or look for/get exposed to our biases or favorite ships the most. Even if we consume the original content we will likely zoom in and see things for our own ship simply because we look for it. And there is nothing wrong with that, it’s natural. But we need to realize it means we will miss things when it comes to other ships, and need to be aware that we know more and end up in echo chambers of both facts and interpretations for our own ships.
It’s so blatantly obvious to me that many non-vminies have no clue about even some of the biggest moments between Vmin. And again, it’s nothing really odd or bad about that... Until you start to act superior even when you lack a lot of knowledge. So much misinformation is spread this way too...
That’s why even though I personally think I know more about other ships than perhaps the regular person, I still won’t preach or explain too much about other ships. Because just as I know others don’t seem to know or notice a lot about Vmin, I know I work the same in regards to other ships. I can’t possibly even remember everything when it comes to Vmin, so how can I with all other ships too?
If I get questions about tae/kook or ji/kook or any dynamic in BTS I might be able to answer it... But I might also lack the full context or might not even have noticed some things to begin with. Coming to me with questions about other ships will give you a very different view than if you ask a shipper focused on that ship directly. I try to be unbiased, but I can’t. I try to be informed but I can’t remember or notice everything. So even if I feel I know a lot, I might never know enough to get the full context of any situation regarding BTS. 
Of course trying to remember to watch unbiased content is very important and helps to keep a better balance. Or as in my case where I actively looked up other ship theories and felt “I know enough to see there are weird things and I can’t dismiss everything since we don’t know the truth of what it might mean”. Just as I feel a lot of things about Vmin shouldn’t be dismissed. Many other shippers also came to me and talked long and detailed about why their ship is real and my isn’t. Many times I lacked knowledge about specific situations about other ships, but so did they about Vmin. I don’t think you can dismiss something if you don’t even know about it to begin with, and there is a big gap of knowledge between the shipping communities.
I mean, the way hyung x maknae line ships have so many great moments and you barely see them outside of the actual content. At this point all ships in BTS are big and get attention, but they don’t seem to register the same way in people’s minds, with the focus  always being on the three youngest together.
This is the thing about worrying about “rival ships” too... They only matter if there is a moment between the ones you already see as “competition”. Does anyone worry or cry about Vmin or Ji/kook when Ji/hope or Hope/kook get very intimate and sweet moments? No, because they don’t seem to register at all. 
I wasn’t even able to find a gif of this ji/hope moment from Run recently... (And I can’t add twitter videos from desktop)
Yoon/min holding hands and joking about breaking up.
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Meanwhile if Tae/kook have fun together or if Ji/kook does something cute all hell breaks lose. We have been tainted by the narratives from shippers. The more we see and hear about other ships the bigger “impact” they will have on us.
If moments like this between other members doesn’t make me feel insecure about Vmin, then why would any similar moment from Ji/kook or Tae/kook? People need to stop hyper focusing on both skinship and “rival ship” moments in general and stop adding importance to them, especially when they don’t even do it equally with all ships.
It’s not that one is good:
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One is neutral:
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And one is bad:
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They all happen and exist and we need to realize that’s how it always has been and likely always will be. Any interpretations of these moments shouldn’t change how you view them when nothing is even confirmed. They all happen so we should all accept that and be happy the members have close and intimate relationships with each other.
I really don’t think people understand my stance on all of this. I literally don’t mind if another ship turns out to be real (even if any ship being real is probably not that likely), because I trust in Vmin’s relationship after having watched it for 5 years. But since nothing is confirmed I still remain of the opinion that Vmin’s relationship and behavior is weirder than other ships IN MY VIEW, based on MY INTERPRETATIONS. But I am totally ok with being proven wrong, because it doesn’t matter what kind of relationship Vmin have as long as I can trust that the love they express for each other is real. Thus I also don’t have to downplay moments between other ships. They are there and that’s nice.
We lack a lot of information for many reasons even though we do get to see a lot. But even knowing all the things we know, I still don’t think it’s enough for any ship moments to count as “proof”. For example with Vmin, they were denied to sing a song because it was essentially “ too gay” and Taehyung complained about it, but that doesn't mean they have to be a couple and is forced apart by Big Hit.
We put weight into things because we have our biases and guesses and we find things because we look for them. Here are just some things that fans of various communities says have to mean something but to me really doesn't have to mean anything even if proven:
Physical intimacy Emotional intimacy Jealousy Screen time Fanservice “Sexual tension” Heart eyes or any looks in general Joking about being a couple Showering together Sleeping together Being alone together Living together Writing songs about each other Secret signs Hidden messages to fans Hiding in rooms
And so on...
But even If you do want to count these things to mean something, at least acknowledge how many of those things other ships have too. Vmin literally have several of these confirmed as well. Many of these moments either have happened or gets speculated to happen between many ships. You might find your ship isn’t as uniqe as you feel it is if you actually start diving deeper. If you did and it makes you doubt your own ships superiority, that’s good. Being sure won’t lead to any good for anyone.
Also if you wanna go there.... If other shipper say these have to mean something they are either ignoring Vmin or more likely doesn’t know or say it doesn’t mean the same if they do it.
Fine if hand holding and cuddling doesn’t make you wonder about Vmin, that’s totally legit. In fact you don’t have to wonder about Vmin unless you want to. But using excuses for why something doesn’t mean something you don’t want it to mean or downplaying moments or automatically calling them platonic and “not the same” doesn’t mean you can’t be wrong about those assumptions. Especially when you might not know the full context of it. Again, it should go both ways and include moments from all relationships.
I am legit curious how ji/kookers and tae/kookers are able to be so confident about their ship being real with Tae doing the things he does towards Jimin.... Like... They mean to tell me Tae and Jimin being soulmates, Tae wanting to sing a romantic Christmas song with Jimin, Tae writing 4 o'clock, Tae having Sweet night and telling us it's a personal song while he keeps calling Jimin his only best friend doesn't even have a possibility to mean something non platonic? 😗
Soulmates + Friends lyrics + "how could I know one day I would wake up feeling more" + "are you my best friend?" + "sweet night is a personal song" + "Of course Jimin is my only friend" + 4 o'clock/dumpling fight + the not allowed Christmas song + "Jimin-ah I like you the most" + "I told him to come sleep next to me as I was too lazy to go to him" + “we told our candid stories as honestly as possible” + “Oppa, why are you still awake? I’m dreaming of Jiminie” = Vmin is probably the best known guess to what relationship Tae might be talking about in Sweet Night.
Is it confirmed though? Can I call it proof? NO! Because while it fits in theory, we don’t know and we don’t have all the information to know. But I can make a damn good case for it and that’s the whole point. I can do that because I look for material, see things and add them together with a narrative. Just as other shippers do with their ships. In the end it’s all just narratives though, not proof.
Getting all these asks recently just confirms that the people who worry, or who says other ships are real, haven’t read even a fraction of my posts or they just don’t understand them. Or let alone noticed major moments between all BTS members that should show that their belief is not as “obvious” as they might think.
I am tired of insecurities when it shouldn’t even matter. If any ship in BTS is real, let’s support them and be happy. It doesn’t change the dynamics and relationships between the other members if some of them happen to be a couple. What we see is still there. The “worst” that can happen is that our ideas and theories prove to be wrong. 
But let’s at least try to be aware of how little we see and know, and especially about ships that aren’t our own. I am writing about Vmin because there is a lot to see, but me focusing on Vmin also gives me a knowledge about them I can’t compare with other ships. Which is why I won’t sit and write essays about other ships, and which is why Vminies coming to me for information about other ships is going to lack the depth I can provide for Vmin. All shippers are biased and all shippers lack information.
If you want to ship do it, if you want to speculate go right ahead. But be aware that there is a big difference between facts and knowledge and narratives and speculation.
I hope you found this an interesting read. And if you are considering sending me asks worried about Vmin because of interactions between other members or you want to send “statments” or explenations about other ships being real, just know you are barking up the wrong tree.
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Episode 12
So, we start this episode with our heroes having to give up their swords. I like that with everything he’s been through, Lan Wangji doesn’t put up a fight here. He willingly gives up his sword without any resistance. It’s the smart move: he’s already injured, the Cloud Recesses has been nearly destroyed, his brother is missing (and in the book, his father is also dying). And it stands to reason that Jin Zixuan is the one who protests—his clan so far has been protected from the Wen Clan: they are wealthy, they certainly are a large clan, and they have the resources to keep the Wens at bay, seemingly.
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“Though I am disgusted with Wen Chao, I’m not gonna bring any trouble to our family during this time.” Welp. That was short-lived. I think this thought of his lasts for about 12 hours before he can’t take any more of Wen Chao’s shit.
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As if regular Wen Chao wasn’t horrible enough, now we get sleazeball Wen Chao. This is, of course, important later, that he takes a liking to MianMian. She’s essentially marked from this point on. But can I say that I love how she’s the one who steps up to assuage Wen Chao, rather than the Jin Zixuan? She steps up like a boss, takes Wen Chao’s gross comments in her stride, and stops her master from making a big mistake.
And it’s nice to get some actual character development for Jin Zixuan too. Prior to this, we know he was engaged to Jiang Yanli, but had no interest in marrying her. He basically acted like a big dick, without any real redeeming qualities. But now we see that he is not interested in going along with the Wens’ indoctrination, even though his dad told him to just be a good boy. Brings in the theme of the younger generation wanting to pave their own path. The older generation (the majority of the clan leaders) end up being pushed aside. Their ways don’t work against the Wens. A lot of our heroes (I use that word lightly in some characters’ cases) end up being forced to grow up really fast here—they come of age as they are literally fighting a war. They form identities on those battlegrounds. Idk what I was saying, I started to ramble.
And just as a side note, Wei Wuxian kept glancing at Lan Wangji throughout that scene, maybe searching for a reaction, maybe an opening to speak, maybe just wanting Lan Wangji to look at him—seeking that connection. I think he is desperate to find out what has happened since they parted in Qinghe.
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Ugh, Jiang Cheng, I couldn’t care less about your little crush on Wen Qing! Stop being so emo about her! Seriously, this is the dumbest thing they added into Untamed. This stupid “romance” that amounts to nothing and really adds nothing to either character, especially Wen Qing. Omg but imagine if they had gone with their original plans to make Wei Wuxian hook up with Wen Qing—the drama between him and Jiang Cheng! Or maybe this was the compromise. Like, “we need to make Wen Qing the romantic object for one of the boys…hmm…who should we pick…Eeny meeny miney mo….” I hate it, really. I don’t give a damn about the comb or the eventual life of loneliness that you have ahead of you, Jiang Cheng. Just stop. You’re not marriage material—you’re not fit for that, okay? You get to be a grumpy uncle, at best.
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This will never not be funny to me. The absolute gall he has here, to gleefully volunteer to recite, and then to decidedly recite the wrong principles. But see what I mean about him immediately causing trouble? He’s looking for a window to talk to Lan Wangji and he finds it in misbehaving and forcing a punishment onto himself. It’s as if he’s fine behaving and being a good boy for the Jiang Clan, unless something is going on with Lan Wangji, which it most certainly is. More fuel for the fire for Jiang Cheng, I’m afraid, more proof that perhaps Wei Wuxian values Lan Wangji just a little bit more than him.
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Also, everyone’s reactions here: Jiang Cheng is pissed (of course), Nie Huaisang is bemused (“Oh, you rascal!”), Jin Zixuan seems to be impressed (“You go, girl!”), and Lan Wangji…I think this is the first time that Lan Wangji actually looks at Wei Wuxian. They don’t make eye contact, but he looks up, and as his eyes flick back down, it’s as if he’s uttering a silent “thank you.” It’s such a quiet moment, juxtaposed to Wei Wuxian noisily reciting the Gusu Lan principles. I think Lan Wangji is just so appreciative here to know that he isn’t alone. He may seem alone—his clan lost many, his brother is missing—but he is most certainly not alone, because Wei Wuxian is here too. I’m getting all emotional now.
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Okay, now they’re making eye contact, hahaha! Do I think Lan Wangji is a little annoyed that he has to cart shit around? Probably a little. But I actually think that he’s more annoyed that Wei Wuxian might be making things harder for them all in his desperation to have a talk with Lan Wangji. Like I said, Lan Wangji appreciates that Wei Wuxian is with him, making him feel that he’s not alone, but he also doesn’t want to make things worse. His clan is in a bad state right now, and at this point, he has to still be concerned that if they go too far against the Wens, that could come back and spell bad news for their families. Wei Wuxian has already forced that issue to the back of his mind, because he’s so focused on finding out what happened at Cloud Recesses. I can understand why Jiang Cheng is pissed, since Wei Wuxian told him he’d keep his head low, and he’s currently doing the opposite. More tension, I love it!
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It’d be really easy to look at this scene and make it all about wangxian and how Lan Wangji loves Wei Wuxian so much and would do anything for him (this is, of course true), but that’s not what this scene is all about. It’s about three out of the five major clans seeing how oppressive the Wen Clan is, it’s about standing up for what’s right, even if it looks like you’re going to lose the fight. Jin Zixuan could have kept his head down and continued to shovel shit, but he didn’t. He stood up and used all the clout he had to try and put a stop to the abuse that Wen Chao is doing against Wei Wuxian. At this point, we know that Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian will help each other out—it’s happened before, it’s not news (not that I don’t fucking love it), but Jin Zixuan, who up until this point has had a pretty poor relationship with Wei Wuxian, didn’t have to do anything, but he did. He knows this is wrong, he can see what the Wen Clan is doing is wrong, but he’s mostly powerless to stop any of it. His threats are inherently empty, but nevertheless he tries. It doesn’t mean he likes Wei Wuxian, but it does mean that he knows Wei Wuxian is right to stand up to the Wens.
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I love this. All of this. Lan Wangji putting himself between Wei Wuxian and Wen Chao, only to be whipped aside, and then getting up (on his broken leg) and doing it all over again. Just like Jin Zixuan, he’s literally standing up to injustice, but it’s different, right? It’s different because this is Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, two people who’ve been through dangerous situations together, two people whose beginning was extremely rocky—but they are two people who grew to understand and need each other. I don’t think either one of them could pinpoint that need, but I think it’s there, just below the surface. Lan Wangji could never stand aside and watch Wei Wuxian be abused, and the same is true for Wei Wuxian. Right or wrong, they have a desire to protect each other. Because, like I said before, I think Lan Wangji knows they are all treading on thin ice right now. He’s seen his home destroyed and he likely doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Wei Wuxian. I would be amazed if he wasn’t thinking about that right about now—how will my actions affect him? Nevertheless, he won’t stand by and do nothing, even if it means taking that risk.
I also kind of wonder what Jiang Cheng would do here. I feel like he would try to protect Wei Wuxian (he does so later with his mother), but at the back of my mind, I still feel like Jiang Cheng has this deep resentment of Wei Wuxian that is always hiding just below the surface, just waiting to show itself. Wei Wuxian got himself into this mess, and maybe, in Jiang Cheng’s mind, he deserves the punishment. And that’s not to say that Jiang Cheng would agree with the Wen Clan, because obviously he does not, but part of me thinks he might be thinking, if only a flicker of a thought across his mind: “Serves him right.” I have a dark fascination for Jiang Cheng—I don’t want him to ever really be a good person hahaha.
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Can I just point out that Lan Wangji never lets go of Wei Wuxian here, and it is a thing of beauty.
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Until this moment, of course. Wen Chao asks if Lan Wangji wants to join Wei Wuxian in the dungeon, and 100% Lan Wangji was ready to do just that until Wei Wuxian stops him. He makes the decision to be taken alone. He doesn’t want Lan Wangji to get in any more trouble. He’s got to realize by now that Lan Wangji was taken to Qishan by force and probably finds that idea disturbing at the very least.
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The look on his face really kills me here. Again Lan Wangji is in a situation where he is powerless. This is just like back at the Cloud Recesses. He fought—yes, he fought with everything he had, but in the end, he couldn’t stop them. He had to give up the Yin Iron shard, he had to go with the Wens to the indoctrination. And here is again: he tried to stand up to them, but ultimately he’s forced to give up and live to fight another day, as they say. And if you look at Jin Zixuan, he’s visibly annoyed—he feels like he shouldn’t be treated this way, that his standing in the Jin Clan should protect him from this. Lan Wangji, though? He looks defeated here. Not fall-on-the-ground-sobbing-defeated, but definitely defeated. He wants to do more, but realizes that he can’t. This whole mini arc for him is like one battle with himself after another. He’s struggling to find what exactly is his place in this world, what’s his place with Wei Wuxian, what’s his place in his own clan.
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This fucking dog. I hate this. I hate that they went with practical over CG here. It looks so bad. Has anyone reading this seen Neverending Story? Yes? Okay, that’s what this reminds me of. 1980s special effects, but this was made in 2018. My friend and I are watching the series together (yes, I have two simultaneous rewatches going), and she likened this to Xena: Warrior Princess special effects. I think that’s pretty apt—1990s television, extremely cheesy and hokey. Honestly it ruins the whole scene for me. Xiao Zhan’s acting is great here—he is terrified of that fucking semi-animatronic dog at the other end of that cell. Although, I commented to my friend, if that had been a puppy, Wei Wuxian would have been just as terrified. I definitely relate. Dogs scare me—a lot sometimes. I had several dogs jump on me as a very young child and I’ve really never recovered. That doesn’t mean I don’t like dogs—I like them a lot! But I wouldn’t choose to be around a wild, poorly behaved dog. Like, just no.
Also, since I’m not really commenting on Wen Qing/Wen Ning stuff (because it’s mostly padding to me), but Wen Ning just wants to have friends! Wen Qing is coming from a good place, yes, but he has no fucking idea why she won’t let him talk to Wei Wuxian, a man who he clearly looks up to from the little interaction that they’ve had together. Honestly, I really wish they had kept in the archery contest when Wei Wuxian sees Wen Ning shooting arrows (I know they kind of moved it, but it’s not the same).
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Wen Chao is really just trying to stop Wei Wuxian from actually breaking down this cheap-ass door. Seriously, it looks like it’s supposed to be rock, but it’s moving quite a bit. Now I’m just being mean, aren’t I? Honestly I love the low budget stuff (Mystery Science Theater 3000, anyone? I mean the good one. Not that crap that they put out recently), and I’m just poking fun.
Oh, my gosh, I just had a funny thought. How did Wen Chao know that Wei Wuxian was afraid of dogs? Maybe Jiang Cheng told him hahahaha. I mean, not like you’d need to be afraid of dogs to be terrified in that situation. It was a funny thought, in a dark way.
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So I took this screenshot to set up a contrast. Lan Wangji is relieved to see Wei Wuxian alive and well, and in pretty good spirits for someone who spent the night with an enormous mythical-like dog. He doesn’t say anything—he just watches.
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Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, at first is relieved to see Wei Wuxian, but he quickly pushes him away when Wei Wuxian attempts to make physical contact with him. This isn’t the first time. He did that in Lotus Pier as well. He doesn’t hesitate to brush Wei Wuxian off. I know that Jiang Cheng cares about Wei Wuxian—I know that—but he cares less about Wei Wuxian than he does about other things, like his family. There’s a distinction for him. Yanli, his mother, his father—they are all his family. Wei Wuxian was practically raised as his brother, but it’s clear that he doesn’t see him as a brother at all. He sees him as a subordinate, someone who should listen to him and report to him. I don’t think his anger here is that Wei Wuxian could have been killed, I think it’s more that Wei Wuxian could have caused the Jiangs trouble.
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There’s a poignant sense of a loss of their youth here. So much has changed, and it’s changed for the worse. The sense that they took so much for granted is palpable. It’s really sad. And it’s not played for laughs at all. They all miss those days back at the Cloud Recesses when they goofed off, learned a lot, embarked on a journey to find the Yin Iron shards, a journey that ultimately was the root of all the chaos that they are currently living in (again, within CQL verse). I like how it’s just Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang, and Wei Wuxian who are actually having a conversation, but they keep panning over to Lan Wangji as they fondly remember their time in Gusu. Like the land he lives in, he has changed too. His scope of the world is so much bigger now: it’s not just about rules anymore, and who’s following or not following them. There are worse things than bringing Emperor’s Smile into the Cloud Recesses.
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So Wen Chao has laid it all out before them now: Cloud Recesses has been taken over, Qinghe is going to be taken over, Jin Clan is cooperating but will be attacked if Jin Zixuan steps out of line, and Jiang Clan could be next. Jiang Cheng is obviously upset about the prospect, not to mention Wen Chao called his father a coward. It’s nice to see Wei Wuxian, who only a few hours ago was on the other side, trying to restrain someone else. But he knows now that the Wens are not above anything—murder, torture, absolute destruction—and Wei Wuxian is one of those people who doesn’t mind harm coming to himself, but cannot abide harm coming to others, especially those he is close to. But Wei Wuxian is obviously pissed too, and it’s taking every fiber of his being to resist the urge to lash out again. He understands now: they need to watch themselves during this indoctrination.
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There was a time when I might have turned a blind eye to Jiang Cheng’s remarks here, when I might have assumed he was coming from a place of concern. This is not that time. Wei Wuxian is so caring, so kind, so welcoming, and Jiang Cheng is just none of those things. He is very much a person who places his own safety (and his family’s safety) above anything else; he is a person who doesn’t really get it when they say on the plane, “put your own mask on first before assisting others” because he would literally never not put his own mask on first. Know what I mean? And I think the concept of working together here, seeing the Gusu Lan Clan as allies, doesn’t phase him. He’s like, it’s us or them, and he chooses us. And this is all logical, but I’m only saying it because that’s not what Wei Wuxian is about. Wei Wuxian’s “us” includes the Jiang Clan (yes), but it also includes Lan Wangji, Nie Huaisang, and the other clans that are being held ransom by the Wens.
And I still say that Jiang Cheng is continually jealous of the attention that Lan Wangji receives. He wants to be the most important person in Wei Wuxian’s eyes—he is the future clan leader, after all. He wants Wei Wuxian to support him and him alone. He doesn’t understand this loyalty to another clan, especially someone like Lan Wangji, who he still thinks dislikes and disdains Wei Wuxian.
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I love their faces. I love how genuine Wei Wuxian is here. I love how he asks several times how Lan Wangji’s leg is. I love how Lan Wangji stoically answers each time that he’s fine. And I hate that the episode ends right here lol. Look at that smile, though! How could you say no to that smile?
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
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sweet-evie · 3 years
I really felt annoyed on that kallen and lelouch scene where kallen landed on top of him in a sense where both has something to go back after the battle i mean lelouch was asking her to go back with him, I just felt where would c.c. be after the battle, will she be forgotten after it? Will it be like okay c.c. your job here is done you may go and we will go back to our own ordinary lives, will lelouch just let her go if she decided to go....lol and the list go on, (this is me speaking beyond shipping and as a c.c. enthusiast) and if i didn't know that the director is pushing c.c. and lelouch to each other i will forever hate the series cuz c.c. deserves the best (i mean its very obvious with the official arts and scenes and i remember reading something about it before) (can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol) I also really have a love hate feeling w/ kallen, she is really a good pilot and i kinda ship him sometimes with suzaku, sometimes not because i love him with euphie, but really that tension whenever they are together fighting or not Idk if its their strong and badass character but they really look good and compatible with each other but then I really love her with Gino the most lol i mean if i find kallen and suzaku compatible then i find kallen and gino most compatible hahaha Its just that kallen can show that she can be weak/soft can be tired or can breakdown (and not the always strong her) with gino. (I hope you can understand this part) I love it when gino picked her up after her battle with suzaku. How I wished gino appeared more in the series, was introduce early and they had scenes more together. I sometimes dislike her cuz she is over reacting in a lot of times like she is just too much and almost in par with nina's reaction most of the times haha (i kinda dislike/hate kxl scenes in a sense too that its one sided like its mostly k and l shows no interest but sometimes it look like there is a mutual feeling between both of them(i mostly felt its one sided shen watching the movie especially the resurrection) (What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.) BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent lol i just love it how lelouch always assured and pursued her from that rooftop scene after battling with Mao, if she is a witch then he'll became a warlock, when he discovered and promised her about fulfilling her true wish, when she asked him if he hated her for giving him the power of geass and about to do something if kallen did not interrupt and bonus: that resurrection scene when he decided to become L.L. (I LOVE WRITING THIS PART OF ASSURANCE AND PURSUING ABT CLUCLU, MY FAVORITE XD, pls add some if i forgot something) i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose? 😂 I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol SORRY THIS POST IS SO LONG it was supposed to be focus only on the first part about THAT scene 🙏
Whoa~ You’re not lying, this is one hell of an ask 🤣😂😅 I read 4 topics in this xD:
Lelouch, Kallen, C.C. scene
Kallen ships (Suzaku or Gino)
Kallen x Lelouch vs C.C. x Lelouch
C.C. & Lelouch's Age-gap
Let’s go in!
Lelouch, Kallen, & C.C. Scene
(can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol)
Maybe, but who knows, to be honest. xD The whole interaction was very impulsive, considering the fact that Lelouch was still fresh off of bouncing back from his depression, which Kallen had witnessed and was at the brunt end of.
When Kallen fell on top of Lelouch, I do believe both of them were thinking about that one moment where Lelouch tried to use Kallen to forget his current circumstances. Perhaps part of Kallen wanted it, but knew it wasn’t right. So I adore her for bitch-slapping him. xD The idiot deserved it.
C.C. was just there... I’m not sure if she was jealous or not. Maybe she didn’t give a fuck xD Before I could form my own conclusions, the entire scene is interrupted again because Zero gets called out into the control room.
Kallen Ships (Suzaku vs Gino)
I agree with most of your points in this part.
Personally, in my own fics, I ship Kallen with Gino a lot because for me, Suzaku belongs with Euphemia by default.
But, I do see the chemistry and the sexual tension that could go between Suzaku and Kallen. Like maybe their fights are really just unresolved sexual tension 😂🤣
I imagine a romance between them would be very explosive, passionate, and rough. I don’t just mean this in terms of sex, I imagine their entire dynamic would swing this way too. They’re really opinionated, and they both literally fight for what they believe in, and their conviction is strong enough to rival each other’s. 
Suzaku and Kallen just clash magnificently. On the other hand, Gino’s and Kallen’s personalities probably combine. They have things in common, but not too much to the point of being passionate and aggressive at the same time.
KaLulu vs CLuCLu
What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.
In that scene where he put his jacket on her, I think that’s gentlemanly of Lelouch. It’s something I expect from him considering he was born a prince, and also, he has a little sister. On a sidenote, I adore both him and Suzaku for being respectful towards the women in their circle, for the most part. 
That refrain scene was a moment of grief for Lelouch and he was being erratic. I said it once or twice, I’ll say it again. I am so happy Kallen bitch-slapped him. It shows that she’s not willing to put up with bullshit, and believes that Lelouch is definitely better than that. Kudos to her, she may have slapped him to his senses. For Kallen, it was a moment of, “Please be who we need you to be.”
It was a brilliant turning point for Lelouch as well. After Nunnally was given the role of Viceroy, Lelouch, at least, realized that his war and his rebellion against Britannia wasn’t just for his sister anymore. It was for everyone he cared about too. It was for the people who counted on Zero’s idea of freedom and perhaps peace.
In summary, I made my stance clear on KaLulu on a separate post long ago. But the gist was, they may have felt romantic feelings for each other, but it was probably brief and suppressed in favor of their grander goals and all that shit that was already going down. Romance just wasn’t appropriate for Lelouch or any of the characters who had something at stake in the war.
In the end, Kallen chose Japan, and Lelouch chose Zero Requiem. That is that. 😊
BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent
Lelouch & C.C.’s relationship is a slow-burn from the get-go. It’s part of the reason why it’s so appealing to me.
Let’s be honest, Lelouch doesn’t even view C.C. as human until halfway to R1, and C.C. took almost all of 2 seasons to acknowledge the fact that she cared about Lelouch.
i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania 
I understand why a lot of people like this argument. I, for one, believe there’s a grain of truth in it. 
BUT in my own honest opinion, I think that is a little unfair to Kallen and Shirley. I’m sure Lelouch cared about the two of them in unique ways and perhaps chose to hide behind masks around them to protect them and to preserve his own façade. Hell, he lied to his own sister for most of the entire show because he thought it would protect her and would shield her from the horrors of the world. (It didn’t turn out well, did it? 🤣) Still, my point is, Shirley and Kallen would have been willing to understand and know Lelouch’s every mask. Lelouch himself, just didn’t let them. And it was for their own good, I believe.
So why C.C.?
If there’s anyone in the world who can understand people’s multiple points of view, it would probably be C.C... She lived through most of mankind’s history, and she’s been alive long enough to take multiple perspectives in, meet different types of people, and see lots of ridiculous shit xD Lelouch slowly becomes aware of this fact as the series progresses, and we do see him have deep conversations with her from time to time. She’s capable of being objective. She knocks some sense into him a lot, especially during the beginning. One notable example of this that I will never forget is the episode after Lelouch realized Shirley’s father died because of his actions. It showed how immature Lelouch was being and how idealistic -- thinking war only took out the bad guys in his side of the story. Point is, she knows when to chastise him and when to offer her consolation, which is part of the reason why Lelouch would pick her as accomplice anyway.
but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose?\
C.C. does know him. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘supportive’, nonetheless wholly supportive.
C.C. had her self-serving reasons, just like Lelouch. C.C. was looking forward to the moment Lelouch could acquire enough power and take her Code from her, so she could die. That’s why she saved his ass a lot in R1 and perhaps at the very beginning of R2. Her wishes and her intentions morph very slowly, and at one point, perhaps even blended together -- half still wanted to die, the other half was slowly empathizing and caring for Lelouch.
But yes, none can deny that she stayed with him from start to finish.
C.C. could have left after Charles & Marianne died, and I don’t think Lelouch would have blamed her if she did -- considering it was obvious that he couldn’t fulfill his end of the contract anymore. But she stayed. She stayed and helped, and kept her promise to stay with him to the very end.
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Lelouch & C.C.’s Age Gap
I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol
Lelouch & C.C.’s bizarre age-gap is literally not any different from an age-old vampire or any other immortal falling in-love with a human.
I can certainly point out plenty of stories that half this same massive age-gap, and its fans still love it. 
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elriell · 3 years
Going to answer a bunch of questions under the read more, since I took like 2 days off a LOT built up and I don’t want to flood anyones dashboards. If you sent a question in and have been waiting have a quick scroll and check! I will have to do two part I think ♡
Thank you and I apologise for the wait. I am just going to preface this for the future and say, I am not always going to be rapid at answering DM’s or Inbox, I do what I can, but I am not going to be on tumblr 24/7 and a lot of the times I am not on my laptop, I hope you can kind of understand and give me a little leeway! ♡ 
(That being said no one has been mean or impatient I am just super conscious of how long it takes me to reply... and I need to give myself some slack.)
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Hey, I know for sure I have answered it somewhere but god knows where in the quantity of replies I have answered, if you are brave enough to have a look! I think it completely intentional on SJM’s part but definitely not for Gwynriel, if people think that scene (regifting and then reusing a thought) is romantic to each their own but that is not how it reads to me. I think as I said before, there is some projecting going on and it will definitely be explored in their book.
But in short, no I do not think reusing a line specifically using in Elain’s gift is a sign of Gwynriel endgame. But hey, that’s just me!
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Oh 100%!!! They love chaos and I said earlier, unfortunately even bad publicity is considered good publicity. I doubt they care about the havoc, they are reaping the benefits of being discussed on all sides as apposed to just one. 
If anyone thinks the fact that a large portion of the fandom hate Elain is going to discourage her I’d direct you back to three years ago when people despised Nesta and she still got her book and SJM did not give one shit that she was controversial, she even said in a recent live she wanted her to be that way, to ruffle feathers.
There is lots of buzz indeed!
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This kind of goes hand in hand with the last one I answered but yes I think she knew it would stir the pot! I think it is very intentional, just as the subtle additions of say Emerie in ACOFAS had a few people in a tailspin though perhaps not as much.
At the end of the day SJM loves a good build up and twist, making the characters you are not expecting the big ones, Rhys obviously a big example, now Eris redemption ARC on the horizon. I think she cares little for what peoples judgements are because she know push comes to shove most those people though bitching will buy the book anyways.
(Example: The intense hatred for Nesta and now she is NY Times Best Seller)
She knows how to play the long game, this isn’t her first rodeo, shes created drama and tension, she has EVERYONE speculating and talking about it... Like I said it is smart business. We might not like the chaos but that is life.
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Thank a million!♡ I am glad it has calmed you down, even if only a little bit.
I think everyone had that initial shock period for sure, but if you step back and actually read between the lines and compare it to her previous books there is not much to be worried about.
I am not sure about actually being related, hmmm, I feel like that would be a long shot. Though I do believe they will have a mentor/mentee relationship or something alike, the way those interactions were described felt that way to me personally. Although everyone will read a situation differently ofc...
I do think her connection to the Autumn Court, having red hair, and the random redemption on Eris are strangely in line. I think it is far more like she is connected to a Vanserra perhaps! 
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I don’t mind, go ahead!
Honestly I think I have answered this already in full here with basically the same thoughts as you, but I would like to add these two newer little posts that are also relevant to this question!   THIS ONE ABOUT SCENT & THIS ONE ABOUT ELAIN !
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I am so glad you too didn’t feel it was that big of a deal, I think moreover it is a bit of a whiplash because we have rarely any idea what is going on so outside of our own preconceived notions it was hard to pin point so unless we magically guessed right a lot was going to feel strange. 
I am not going to lie to you I got that feeling reading Nesta’s POV in ACOSF just because our only view of her really was Feyre and it was so different inside her head. But different doesn’t mean bad, I think people need to give him and chance and more than one singular chapter! 
I couldn’t agree more, I cannot wait to see his story and healing begin. ♡♡
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Not that I have heard personally! Though SJM does have some siren pins on her board for sure, I have seen some Little Mermaid retelling theories that are sweet but I think that is more Gwynriel ship parallels than thinking she is actually a siren.
The only thing along these lines I have seen is the lightsinger theory! Hmmmm I definitely think there is something there for sure, something beyond her just singing well. I really need to do a re-read soon to see if anything was missed the first time round!
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I am going to be honest with you, I have no idea. Like none, hahaha No theories, no recollection of when it occurs (I remember the line) just not when, so the context is a little vague for me... If I could remember when this was I might have a better idea, I am sorry! Perhaps on my re-read I will be able to answer better, or someone in the replies can for me!! ♡
Alrightyyyy that’s the first lot! 
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A morbid thought hit me just now, how many romance sidequests do actually hold up? Like thinking on it I only love two of the six, and kinda like one. Over half of the romance sidequests have been duds! O__O
I don’t quite agree that they were all duds, but some of them were pretty bad, and others didn’t quite live up to expectations. Let me take a look-through: 
The Celestial Ball is probably my favorite overall, even to this day. It just holds up really well, and it doesn’t really have any problems that the other quests don’t have as well. (The recycled dialogue, for example.) I think the success of this one comes from the focus on the event, preparing and enjoying it with our friends. This one is the best TLSQ out of all of the others overall, but it’s not necessarily the best Dating TLSQ, if that makes any sense. Because it plays things more ambiguously. It stars Penny, but her inclusion makes sense for the character and the rest of the cast does get adequate screen-time. The only thing is that, once you’re at the Ball, you wind up spending most of the night with Penny except for one scene with your Love Interest. So it winds up feeling like you’re on a Date with Penny regardless of who you pick, but again, the lack of overt romantic themes make that easier to swallow. Andre being the Style Wizard is introduced here, and he comes up with three boss outfits. Not to mention, Rowan gets a bigger role, and their relationship with Ben comes into play. Bill x Rowan gets teasing, too! How could I not love this one?
The First Date TLSQ is much more steeped in romance. Not just in the sweet and wholesome moments, but also in the high school drama, alas. It was the quest to introduce cutting characters and it removed three of them, while only adding one in return. So it’s got that working against it. The whole premise of MC writing the note is just so damn silly. I can laugh at it, but it really doesn’t make sense, especially since half of the options aren’t even in their Potions class. Tonks and Charlie, for as much as I love them, really need to work on their social skills because guys, guys, guys. What were you thinking? Characters expressing sadness that you didn’t choose them is an interesting concept, I’m both relieved and a little disappointed that they never explored this more. The scene in the courtyard at night was nice enough to make everything else worth it, but the whole idea that MC’s love interest might not like them anymore is a bit hard to go along with. One final plus though, is that this quest has the best outfits to choose from, period. I know it’s subjective but damn, Andre really outdid himself this time.
Valentines Day I...oh boy. The culmination of so much I don’t like. This quest started the tradition of having all of the love interests needlessly confess to MC, taking up valuable time for a reveal that doesn’t matter if you don’t choose the character and makes things awkward...and also doesn’t matter if you do choose them because it removes all tension and  honestly? If the character is available, I already know they’re going to say yes. Penny acts like she’s drunk during the entire quest, and not in a charming way either. It really gets to the point of being out of character. And Gilderoy. Fucking. Lockhart. He is so annoying. Jam City got so caught up in featuring any canon character they could, that they never stopped to realize no one wanted to see this guy and watch him consume most of the screen time. He gets away with stealing MC’s story at the end, as well? Like, what? How? The Greenhouse scene is one of the most beautiful to be depicted thus far. It honestly makes the entire quest worth it...but it doesn’t save the quest, and I maintain that it comes out of nowhere. It’s a brilliant standalone scene...but it doesn’t make up for the final sin: Tulip is omitted for absolutely no given reason and as a major fan of hers, I am not happy about this. 
The Festival TLSQ: Better than First Date and Valentines I, but not as good as the Celestial Ball. The story is more fun, especially with the added feature of outside classes. I like the overall carnival feel of the event, but I kind of wish this game didn’t constantly centralize MC, Penny, and Merula. Especially in the dating quests, with the whole concept of the election. Why is MC on the ballot if they didn’t run? Why can they only vote for two of the potential love interests? I know it’s a personal thing and it really kind of started in Valentines, but Andre’s outfits appeal to me less and less as time goes on, and he’s making fewer of them. That being said, I much, much prefer the concept of a “Secret Admirer” to just having everyone confess to MC, and “I think about you gobs” still makes me laugh every time I hear it. Lockhart does show up again and his sequence absolutely frustrates me. Like, he doesn’t stay as long as he did the first time and we do get to kick his ass...but why would he even dare show his face again after the botched memory charm? Why is anyone even listening to him or letting him hog the spotlight? Why is he here? Damn it, just let me and my date play around with painting our faces! I whine, it’s true, but this one is still miles better than it’s predecessor. It adds new characters, quite a few of them, and it also stars Andre. He normally doesn’t get the spotlight, so these things really work to the quest’s favor. 
Valentines Day II: This one is far from being the best TLSQ we’ve ever had, but I actually do think that on the whole? It is the best Dating TLSQ we’ve had. It really captures the theme of falling in love, and the feeling of being a Valentines Day episode. The whole storyline about Pince and Filch? I really like that! The fairytale, storybook motif? It kinda really works! We once again have everyone outright confessing to MC, but I’m just gonna ignore it. The outfits look pretty damn good actually, but I am heartbroken that Luca can’t wear that skirt. Ah well, at least gals can wear the suit. The characters just work together well in this quest, there’s a sense of comradery in putting together the event and melting Pince’s frozen heart, right down to putting Filch in that hilarious outfit and dying Mrs. Norris pink. The whole plot being a reference to a rumor from the books is great. And yeah, MC’s date would have had absolutely no time to set up that whole set-piece in the library but what do I care? It was a really sweet moment. That’s just what works so well about this quest - it’s sweet. Between MC and their Date, between Filch and Pince...it was just a fun story to watch unfold, and at the end of it all, you get to celebrate with your love interest. 
Enchanted Kiss: This one had such a promising start. I love the whole concept of MC auditioning for a play, actually putting on a production, and being cast alongside their love interest to be the romantic leads. It’s not even a “dating” TLSQ technically since you don’t go on a date with your chosen character. But you get to choose them early on and ignore all of that confessing nonsense. You get to work toward putting on a play. You get to work toward saving it...but unfortunately, that’s when it all goes wrong. I’ve said my piece about why it was a terrible idea to make everything about MC, and that kind of infected the rest of the quest. There are no outfits for any of the dating options, nor does MC even get to choose between outfits this time. Little details like that combined with how quickly this one came out after the last one lead me to believe they were perhaps rushing to get it out and I don’t know why. They went to the trouble of coming up with that adorable animation for the enchanted kiss...and they couldn’t have put a lip kiss in it, at the very end? Come on Jam City, you know that’s what everyone really wants! It’s the same as how they tease the idea of MC and their Date saying “I love you” for the first time, but this doesn’t happen either. It just started so well and became very disappointing, but it was still fun overall. 
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thecrownnet · 4 years
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weekendmagsocial  The Diana we’re desperate to meet. The return of The Crown [...]
*Spoilers Alert*
*Spoilers Alert*
The Diana we’re desperate to meet. The return of The Crown will feature assassinations, avalanches and the tension between the Queen and Mrs T. But the most anticipated entrance has to be Diana’s. Today Weekend tells how they’ve captured her charisma
[...] The upcoming fourth season will take Diana from her early days as a shy kindergarten teaching assistant to a fairytale princess and an iconic global figure, as well as explore the early days of her disastrous marriage to Prince Charles.Her entrance comes when it returns to our screens in November or December, almost exactly 40 years after Nigel Dempster revealed in the Daily Mail in 1980 that Charles had found his ‘future bride’, having transferred his attention to Diana Spencer from her older sister Sarah.
Like Diana at the time, the actress playing her in The Crown is also a young unknown. Emma Corrin, 24, is a privately educated Cambridge graduate, who didn’t go to drama school.
By coincidence she’s originally from Sevenoaks in Kent, where Diana went to West Heath School from the age of 12 to 16.
Aware of how challenging the role would be for any actress, the producers started their search with a desperate call for ‘a mesmerising new young star with extraordinary range.’
The brief added, ominously: ‘She has to play charming comedy, flirt and social exhibitionist on the world stage, desperate and lonely self-harmer at her lowest ebb and the kind of psychological intensity of Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby.’
It would obviously be helpful too if she resembled Diana, and in some of the new scenes, as the kindergarten teaching assistant, and wearing a pink polka-dot dress on her 1983 tour of Australia, the likeness is uncanny.
Emma’s co-star Josh O’Connor, who plays Prince Charles, agrees, saying it was ‘spooky’ how much of a ‘breathtaking spitting image’ of Diana she was.
But Emma says she has never been told she looks like Princess Diana before – although strangely her mother, who works as a speech therapist, has been! ‘I have never had that,’ she adds. ‘I get told I look like a young Jodie Foster.’
Emma spent more than two hours a day in the make-up chair to achieve the Diana look, accentuating her doe eyes, and with several wigs re-creating the journey from ingénue to one of the most stylish women in the world.
Amazingly, she was still working hard for her final exams at Cambridge when she went through the auditions for The Crown.
‘They actually offered me the part in person,’ she says of her last audition. ‘It felt like I’d just been proposed to; it was the best moment of my life. There’s a lot of pressure, but I’ve been glued to the show since the first episode and to think I’m now joining this incredibly talented acting family is just surreal.’
Peter Morgan, the creator, writer and producer of The Crown, has complete confidence in her. ‘Emma is a brilliant talent who immediately captivated us when she came in for the part.
'As well as having the innocence and beauty of a young Diana, she also has, in abundance, the range and complexity to portray an extraordinary woman who went from an anonymous teenager to the most iconic woman of her generation.’
Like all the cast in this heavily researched production, she was given a large bundle of written material and documentaries to watch, and she spent hours on perfecting the princess’s distinctive high voice with a vocal coach and learning how to re-create her particular habit of glancing up from under her fringe, as well as her graceful way of moving.
It’s not an impression, I’m going for essence - Emma Corrin, who plays Diana ‘Something they have been making clear from the  start is that this is not an impression,’ says Emma.
‘I am going for essence. Any movement and voice work we have done has been figuring out why she talks the way she does, and how she was a massive departure from the Royal Family, a bit like Meghan is now I guess, by bringing something different in the way she talks.’
Season four brings back memories of naive young Diana, with a re-creation of that first photo, at the Pimlico nursery school where she worked, which showed her holding two of her charges while the sun shone through her skirt, revealing her shapely legs.
And it follows how she becomes hardened into a mature but troubled woman who is the toast of America.
The retelling of the royal romance starts with a traumatic event: the assassination of Charles’s beloved great uncle Lord Mountbatten (Charles Dance) who was killed, along with a grandson, a local boy and his son-in-law’s mother, by an IRA bomb hidden on his boat in Ireland in 1979.
Diana recalled how she’d watched Charles at the funeral on TV and when she saw him ten months later – the families were friends – she told him: ‘You must be so lonely? You know, it’s ghastly. You need someone beside you.’ He quickly decided he was in love.
Diana was turning 19 when she got together with Charles. He was 31. After 13 dates they were engaged. The rehearsal of their 1981 wedding at St Paul’s has been filmed in Winchester Cathedral with Emma wearing a replica of the blue floral dress Diana sported before the big day.
A later scene shows the joyful day when Diana, pregnant with Harry – with Emma sporting a fake baby bump – enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt at Buckingham Palace, chasing toddler William in the gardens.
The new episodes also focus on key moments – and key looks – from 1989, three years after Charles is thought to have resumed his affair with Camilla.  
In one scene Emma is seen outside The Savoy hotel in London, re-creating Diana’s appearance at the Barnardo’s Champion Awards.
Emma wears a floral one-shoulder dress, reflecting one of Diana’s favourite silhouettes – a style which suited her immensely but which the Establishment is said to have hated, deeming it ‘not royal’.
Having played Charles so sensitively in season three, Josh O’Connor, 30, says the heir to the throne will be portrayed in a harsher light this time. ‘Well, it’s the Diana years,’ he says.
‘If series three was to make people feel empathy for him, I guess we’re going to pull the rug from under him. We all have a set position on the dynamic between Diana and Charles. It’s been great to have the ability to either fight against that or, at times, acknowledge it and to challenge any question of, “Did he ever love her?” Personally, I think he must have done.
'There’s a wealth of layers to Charles and Diana, and I have loved seeking that out.
'I think Diana wasn’t completely innocent – I’m talking fictionally, in our story – so there are ups and downs. There’s the difficulty with Camilla and the whole family, so it’s going to be, hopefully, an interesting arc.’
Josh says they all enjoyed delving into an era which is so crucial to the modern Royal Family. ‘Everything changed when Diana came onto the scene,’ he says.
‘I think she changed the game, and modernised them, and made them relevant again.’
Also returning are Emerald Fennell as Camilla and Erin Doherty as feisty Princess Anne.
The real Anne revealed recently that she’d watched early episodes of the show, which she found ‘quite interesting’.
Peter Morgan says, ‘So many people asked me, after she first appeared, to put more of her in there.
Anne’s often overlooked. But Erin’s portrayal means that everybody has fallen in love with her. I read that searches about her on Google went through the roof, she’s now one of the most popular royals.’
Prince Andrew’s romantic life is set to come under the spotlight too. His most famous affair was with actress Koo Stark, who is said to have threatened to sue producers if the portrayal of her is negative, while the period covered in this series also sees him marry Sarah Ferguson.
Meanwhile, Edward is seen growing up and going to university.
There was a rush to finish filming before lockdown was announced.
It meant one key scene of an avalanche had to be moved from the Pyrenees to Ben Nevis.
The incident is likely to be a re-creation of the fatal moments in 1988 when a skiing party including Charles was caught in an avalanche in Klosters.
Major Hugh Lindsay, a former equerry to the Queen, was killed and Charles was seen weeping as he was helicoptered off the slopes.
The bizarre affair when Michael Fagan broke into the Queen’s bedroom in Buckingham Palace in 1982 will also feature in this run, but the 1987 It’s A Royal Knockout embarrassment, when the lesser royals dressed in medieval garb to play games for charity, is mercifully absent.
Once this series is over, an older cast are preparing to take the lead roles, with Imelda Staunton as the Queen and Lesley Manville as Princess Margaret.
They are due to start filming next year, and die-hard fans will be cheered by Peter Morgan’s recent change of heart, when he announced in July that there will be a sixth series to come.
The Crown will return to Netflix later this year.    
- Source: Daily Mail August 14, 2020
*It has just been announced that Jonathan Pryce will portray Prince Philip in season 5 and 6.
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shewhobefuddles · 4 years
Jordelia Playlist
Okay, here's the playlist of Jordelia songs (and their explanations) I've compiled over quarantine through sheer boredom, and starvation of more TSC content. Feel free to skip the explanations, I just have too much time on my hands and wanted to get my thoughts out. I put a shortlist below to skip the writing. 
Add songs in the comments!!!
Heather- Conan Gray
All I Ask- Adele
Wildest Dreams- Taylor Swift
Stone Cold- Demi Lovato
Like We Never Loved At All- Faith Hill, Tim McGraw
Make You Feel My Love- Adele
Apologize- One Republic
The Last Time- Taylor Swift
Moral of the Story (slowed) - Ashe
Burning- Sam Smith
Without a Word- Birdy
Kiss Me- Ed Sheeran
Salvation- Gabrielle Aplin
Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Prelude- Bach
Heather- Conan Gray
We all saw this one coming, but it really is a good song that I think goes well with Cordelia’s situation. “But I watch your eyes as she walks by; what a sight for sore eyes.” The song quite beautifully describes a classic case of unrequited love, and how it feels to watch the person you care about be obsessed with someone else. Cordelia spends the book watching James follow Grace around, and pushing aside her romantic feelings for him, as she believes that he does not return them. Even after they’re engaged, she accepts that he will never love her, and his feelings for Grace will remain. Of course, we all know there are magical, manipulative forces at play here, but James and Cordelia don’t yet.
All I Ask- Adele
“So don’t get me wrong I know, there is no tomorrow, all I ask is if this is my last night with you, hold me like I’m more than just a friend.”  This song is absolutely beautiful, and if you listen to nothing else on this playlist, listen to this. An underrated Adele masterpiece. Anyways, it again relates to unreciprocated love, and the desire to have one last good memory with the person you love before you have to leave. This makes me think of the desperation of time running out in James and Cordelia’s fake engagement, and Cordelia trying to savor each moment, even though she thinks James isn’t doing the same. It makes me picture her trying to memorize how it feels to be held in his arms as his fiancee/wife, with their inevitable divorce looming over her. I don’t know if they will actually divorce, or even end up getting married. Who knows how their fake engagement will play out. But still, she’d be anticipating divorce, and feeling these things all the same. 
Wildest Dreams- Taylor Swift (listen to the slowed version for even more feels; idk why but slowed versions always have more tension)
“Say you’ll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks; say you’ll see me again even if it’s just in your wildest dreams.”  To me, these are the silent pleas of Cordelia as she prepares to leave James, hoping that he’ll still think of her, remember her fondly, even if it’s just in his wildest dreams. It’s also James. James will eventually wake up from his enchantment, and when he does I’m sure he’ll be filled with regret over what he could’ve had with Cordelia, remembering only once the enchantment is off how beautiful she was, how much of a wonderful person she was that he connected with so strongly. This song adds a layer of wistfulness and time gone by between the couple’s memories, and where the couple is now, recollecting them, which hopefully won’t happen in the books. I hope that years don’t go by between Cordelia and James seeing each other, after everything with their engagement. But it’s an interesting thought.
Stone Cold- Demi Lovato (her live/acoustic versions are also worth a listen!)
“I’m happy for you, know that I am, even if I can’t understand. I’ll take the pain, give me the truth. Me and my heart, we’ll make it through. If happy is her, I’m happy for you.” Tears. Tears. Cordelia is so kind, mature, and understanding, and she has never once blamed James for his feelings for Grace, or wished Grace any ill will. She just wants to see James happy, even if it’s not with her. She will continue to love him, and bravely, quietly endure the pain of watching him with someone else, because she cares for him so deeply that just having him close to her, in her life is enough (for now). I sense trouble and discontent, and think that the pain will eat away at her over time, but she really does want the best for James, and wishes him and Grace well.
Like We Never Loved At All- Faith Hill, Tim McGraw (yes it’s country, but hear me out it’s a good song, and I don’t even usually like country music!)
“How can you just walk on by, without one tear in your eye? Don’t you have the slightest feelings left for me?” This one reminds me of how James and Cordelia had about a week or so where he wasn’t under an enchantment; they had a passionate moment in the Whispering Room, James was all enamored and calling her Daisy, and they talked about reading together. And then, the return of the bracelet, and James’ feelings for Cordelia seemingly disappeared. I understand that Cordelia had already had reason to believe James liked Grace, as she’d seen them together before the enchantment was off, and she was probably never that secure in James’ feelings for her, as he only partially professed them very briefly before going back to being in love with Grace, but I have to believe there was a moment where she was very confused. Like, “James and I passionately made out in the Whispering Room, and then he told me he’d never wanted anything more than to kiss me, and now he’s back with Grace? Huh?” So, this song reflects that: having something with someone, only for them to act as if it never happened at all, leaving you with the memories and pain.
Make You Feel My Love- Adele
“Nothing that I wouldn’t do; go to the ends of the earth for you. To make you feel my love.”  A song of deep love and devotion. I imagine Cordelia’s selfless love for James, that burns brightly despite his lack of returned affection, or James’ eventual realization of his love for Cordelia. Him being devastated that he has hurt her, that she doesn’t believe he loves her, that he was never able to recognize his feelings before. I see it as James professing how he feels to Cordelia, baring his soul to her and showing her his devotion, trying to erase her pain and earn her trust.
Apologize- OneRepublic (again, I kinda like the slowed version; you can so clear hear the violin, piano, and tension)
“You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down, but wait. You tell me that you’re sorry, didn’t think I’d turn around. And say, that it’s too late to apologize.” How I picture some Chain of Iron angst, as a result of the confusion and miscommunication that will be going on with James and Cordelia, due to the enchantment. James will give her mixed signals as his true feelings battle with the feelings brought on by the enchantment, and there will be chaos and pain. James will have a lot to explain to Cordelia at some point, and we’ll see how receptive she is to what he has to say. Cordelia is forgiving and understanding, but she will not tolerate being toyed with, disrespected, or neglected by anyone, not even James, and the bracelet may make it seem like James is mistreating her. No matter which way the story goes, drama will ensue, feelings will be hurt, and amends will have to be made.
The Last Time- Taylor Swift, Gary Lightbody
“This is the last time I’m asking you this, to put my name at the top of your list. This is the last time I’m asking you why. You broke my heart in the blink of an eye.” This song is similar to All I Ask in that it describes the last, bittersweet moment of a relationship, and the desire to preserve that moment to keep with you after the end, and give you a reprieve from the pain. Again, it makes me think of Cordelia trying to savor the moments she gets with James before they have to split.
Moral of the Story- Ashe (SLOWED!!)
I don’t know if it’s just me but I can’t stand the normal version of the song, it sounds a little too poppy. Go listen to the slowed and reverb one on YouTube, it’s so much prettier and more haunting. Anyways, some little quotes that remind me of James’s situation are: “So I never really knew you. God, I really tried to. Blindsided, addicted.” and “You can think that you’re in love, when you’re really just in pain.” To me, in the context of TLH, this song is about James’s deep regret at being caught up in delusions about Grace for years, and ruining things with Cordelia, the love of his life. Also, reflecting on how he’s been held back from truly being himself and experiencing emotions for much of his life, which is devastating. The piano alone at the beginning sounds like melancholy and regret, James pondering the things that have happened to him and the decisions he’s made, and the pain that all of this has caused him, as well as everyone else (I’m guessing Grace will use him to do some scary, dangerous sh*t).
Burning- Sam Smith
“I’ve been burning, yes I’ve been burning. Such a burden, this flame on my chest.” This song instantly reminded me of them, because of the chapter Burn in ChOG, where Cordelia says something like, “For a year I will be close to him, and know what it means to burn.” The actual verses and lyrics of this song don’t apply perfectly to James and Cordelia, but it’s a song about the pain love can bring, how it can burn, so I thought the essence of it fit them.
Without a Word- Birdy
“Stand there and look into my eyes, and tell me that all we had were lies. Show me that you don’t care. And I’ll stay here, if you prefer. Yes, I’ll leave you. Without a word.” Again, I feel this relates to the concept of “Am I imagining everything that happened between us?” that was present with Cordelia after the bracelet was put back on James, only, Cordelia never confronted James. She just assumed she had been reading things wrong, making things up in her mind, and so she accepted it when James went back to Grace. But this song explores the confrontation of two people whose relationship/romance has ended, in which one person is demanding that the other be honest about what happened with them, what their true feelings are. While Cordelia accepted James’ return to Grace fairly easily, this song makes me imagine James confronting Cordelia, once the enchantment has been broken. I can imagine that Cordelia might not be forthright about her feelings for him, after everything she’s been through, but James will only just be realizing his deep love and affection for her, and will likely be wanting to know if she felt what he felt during their moments together that he’d forgotten, like the Whispering Room, or when she read to him. James will want to know how Cordelia feels, and this song is how I picture him wondering about it, and possibly approaching her.
Kiss Me- Ed Sheeran
“So kiss me like you want to be loved.” This one is just a soft, romantic love song. I’m all for the angst and drama, but I do hope that James and Cordelia eventually get time where their feelings have been requited, they are secure in their love, and they can just enjoy being together. This song makes me imagine them slow dancing in a dimly lit room by a dying fire. Sigh.
Salvation- Gabrielle Aplin
“Just a trick of light, to bring me back around again. Those wild eyes, a psychedelic silhouette.” I like all the different metaphors and details this song uses to describe the way that someone you love lives in your head. It reminds me of all the times Cordelia is distracted by James, or is thinking about little details of his, like his eyes or dimples. Her love for him has refused to go away, even through the difficult situations they’ve been put in, and thoughts of him are always floating around somewhere in her mind. James will likely be the same, once the enchantment is broken.
Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Prelude- Bach
This is a piece of classical music with no lyrics or tangible relation to James and Cordelia, but it gives me moody, dramatic ballroom vibes, and I imagine it playing in the background of a scene in TLH.
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ardentaislinn · 4 years
Yuletide Letter 2020
Hi! I am also ardentaislinn on AO3. Thank you so much for volunteering to write one of my chosen fandoms! I really can’t wait to see what you come up with. Most importantly, I hope you have fun writing whichever of my fandoms it is. Any suggestions I make here are optional.
Here you’ll find:
My general likes
And prompts for the following fandoms:
Peninsula: Train to Busan 2 (2020) - Jung Seok, Min Jung, Joon Yi, Yoo Jin
Stranger | 비밀의 숲 - Hwang Si Mok, Han Yeo Jin
Kingdom | 킹덤 - Prince Lee Chang, Seo Bi
Illang: The Wolf Brigade | 인랑 (2018) - Im Joong Kyung, Lee Yoon Hee | Kim Seo Hee
A quick note on the Korean names - I’m fine with however you choose to transliterate them. Hyphen/no hyphen, Shi Mok/Si Mok, etc. Just do what you are comfortable with and I’ll adjust no problem. No need to add the honourifics, though
My likes:
I love getting together fics most of all. I love almost every kind of trope (fake dating, slow burn, rivals-to-lovers, “unrequited” pining (that is really requited), found families, etc.) Also, casefic, epistolary fic, consent, forbidden pleasures, beta heroes, bed sharing, masquerades, military kink, physical imperfections, ladies being badass and female relationships (whether romantic or friendship), relationships that build tension before exploding, equal relationships, trapped together, competence, communication, U/RST, positive endings.
You may notice from the below that my ships mostly involve sweet and occasionally broken men being head over heels for awesome ladies, (and usually not feeling worthy). So that dynamic is strongly encouraged.
I also like smut, but it certainly isn’t a necessity. For smut, I’m (sadly) fairly vanilla. But I like light bondage, cunnilingus, shower sex, and accidental/consensual voyeurism, (Particularly guys taking matters into their own hands when they think they can’t be with their lady, and the woman stumbling across him mid-act. Possibly my favourite kink ever? Writer’s choice whether the woman joins in or gets embarrassed)
Happy endings (or at least hopeful endings) are preferred. Like, super, super preferred. I don’t mind angst at all, but it kinda has to be on the way out of the darkness by the end.
Miserable endings. Major character death. Baby/Pregnancy fic. Humiliation. Drug use/drug mentions/addiction. Self harm/abuse. Non-con/rape. Heavy kink. A/B/O. M-Preg. Incest. Bestiality, animal harm etc. Underage sexual content. 1st person POV (unless for epistolary). Not big on high school AUs or Rock band AUs. Unbalanced power dynamics in ships without acknowledging/exploring that. (This effects one particular ship below, which I’ll discuss in more detail in the fandom section).
I think that’s it?
And so, to the fandoms, in no particular order:
Peninsula: Train to Busan 2
Jung Seok, Min Jung, Joon Yi, Yoo Jin
While maybe objectively not as good a film as the first one, I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Given that it was essentially a cross between Escape From New York and Mad Max, what isn’t to love? I loved the expansion of the world and the clever uses of zombies in the chase scenes. And I loved that the message was that being logical and self-sacrificing isn’t always the right choice - sometimes you should be driven by heart and empathy. And I really liked the idea that anything can mean happiness when you love and are loved in return - particularly in regards to Joon Yi, but also Jung Seok (and his found family?).
What would interest me the most in this fandom is post-movie fics. But if you wanna do a canon divergent/au thing, I’d be cool with that, too. Some prompts:
Joon Yi struggles a lot more than her sister to readjust to a “normal” life
In order to stay together after being rescued, Jung Seok and Min Jung have to pretend to be married
After four long years of loneliness, Min Jung just wants to be touched
Jung Seok isn’t surprised to find himself in love with Min Jung - and wanting to be a father to her girls - but is he good enough for them? He’s left them behind once - can he forgive himself? Can Min Jung?
The zombie plague escapes from Korea - and Jung Seok, Min Jung, and her girls are the closest thing to experts on how to fight back and contain it that the authorities have. Will their nightmare never be over? Or is this a chance to end it once and for all?
With Min Jung in hospital while her leg heals, Jung Seok suddenly finds himself a surrogate father to two very unruly girls.
Stranger | 비밀의 숲
Han Yeo Jin, Hwang Si Mok
This show is just so good, and Si Mok and Yeo Jin - and their relationship - is a big part of that. He’s logical and doesn’t feel things the way most other people do, but that doesn’t mean he’s given a free pass to be an asshole. He’s a good man who always does what’s right. And Yeo Jin is just as smart as he is, and equally committed to doing what’s right, but in a different way. They make a perfect team.
I love how much they absolutely, completely, trust and respect each other. Si Mok cares about her as much as he is capable - probably more so than he cares about anyone else. There isn’t any drama or jealousy or anything like that in their relationship. They are both practical adults. But it doesn’t mean they don’t have a deep bond. I do ship these two - and would love getting together fic if you can!
Yeo Jin will probably have a tough time of it from now on. How will Si Mok support her through it?
How will Yeo Jin and Si Mok keep in touch now that he’s moved away again? Late night phone calls that slowly become more intimate? Texts or emails (epistolary style)?
In the last episode, there was a hint that Si Mok had a prophetic dream. What if he really did develop a power? And Yeo Jin was the only one he trusted with the truth?
What if Yeo Jin and Si Mok had to travel somewhere for an investigation - and there’s only one bed…
Si Mok isn’t incapable of noticing when a woman is attracted to him. But what if that woman is Yeo Jin? Do they try to make a friends-with-benefits arrangement work? Or do they like each other two much for that?
Everyone already knows Yeo Jin and Si Mok are close - but why do their friends suddenly think they are dating? What’s changed? And how do they stop the rumours - without disappointing all the friends who were hoping they’d finally become a couple?
Yeo Jin had drunk one too many shots of soju and thought she might never see Si Mok again - so she’d jumped his bones and snuck out before he woke, full of regrets. But what happens now they have to work a case together again?
Feel free to bring in the other characters, too, as long as Yeo Jin and Si Mok remain the focus! I love the various dynamics they have with the people around them.
Kingdom | 킹덤
Prince Lee Chang, Seo Bi
Like with Si Mok and Yeo Jin above, so much of what I like about these two is that they are great characters separately - but work so well together as a team. They trust each other. He has great faith in her abilities and respects her so much. And she is loyal to him and respects him in return because she knows he’s a good man and a good leader.
I also love how the show uses both politics and horror elements, both to best advantage. It’s so well-written and compelling.
Now, I can see how this ship skirts close to my “no unbalanced power differentials in relationships” DNW, since he’s a prince, and she’s very much not royalty, so I thought I would clarify my position on this. I would most like fic set after he gives up his place in the royal family, since I think that mitigates basically all the issues. Even though I don’t think he would have intentionally abused his power over her, and Seo Bi was never particularly deferential to him, it still would have effected the relationship. Now that they are on more equal footing, there may be some lingering, residual issues surrounding this, but I feel like it’s at the level of bringing some interesting angst into the equation without feeling icky, if that makes sense.
Lee Chang and Seo Bi are somehow transported into modern day Korea. How will they adapt?
Both Lee Chang and Seo Bi have seen horrifying things - and they have the nightmares to prove it. How do they help each other through?
I feel like there are a million stories you could tell within the time jump at the end of the second season. Seo Bi and Lee Chang are travelling together, but no doubt keeping their mission to find the resurrection plant a secret. Are they pretending to be married? Is there anything Lee Chang has to adjust to now that he’s no longer, technically, the crown prince? How are they making money? Is Seo Bi hiring out her medicinal knowledge, while Lee Chang sells his sword? How far will they go to find the answers they seek?
The properties of the resurrection plant are still largely unknown. What horrors will they have to face next, now that another outbreak is looming? 
Lee Chang decides that Seo Bi needs formal fight training - and takes it upon himself to teach her.
What moments of levity can they find together amongst the horrors?
Lee Chang knows he shouldn’t think of Seo Bi in that way - they are colleagues, and despite everything he is still from a royal family. He needs her too much to risk everything because of his desire. But oh, how he wants her…
Illang: The Wolf Brigade | 인랑 (2018)
Im Joong Kyung, Lee Yoon Hee | Kim Seo Hee
So much about this movie is absolutely my jam. The action scenes, the exploration of what desperation can drive people to, the unclear loyalties that are slowly revealed. That whole sequence when they first meet and spend time together is like a distillation of so many of my favourite things. He sees her and is just instantly gone on her. And she for him. And from then on it’s just a quiet, intense longing between them. They are so aware of each other, every sense drawn towards the other. But he’s so broken, and he sees himself as more animal than man. And it’s revealed that she has equally deep wounds, too.
An argument can be made that at least some of it was an act, of course. They were both trying to deceive each other after all. But I think it’s pretty obvious that there were real feelings there, particularly because she tries to warn him that he’s walking into a trap, and he comes back to save her. Maybe even they don’t know how deep their feelings go, or the other’s feelings, but the audience knows.
And yet...I’ve seen it twice now, and the ending is still no clearer to me. Like, is he dead? It doesn’t seem like it, since both she and her brother saw him at the train station. But maybe he’s like a guardian angel now? And if he’s not dead, where did the shot come from? A hidden gun? The sniper? And most importantly of all, if he’s not dead...why aren’t they together??? Like, aren’t all the potential impediments to their relationship gone by that point?
So, I guess most of all I would like fic that makes more sense than that ending - preferably by giving them the happy ending they deserve.
Joong Kyung watches over Yoon Hee from the shadows - but she always knows he’s there. How can she convince him to come into the light, and back into her life?
Yoon Hee’s brother gets himself into trouble, and the only person she can turn to for help is a man she hasn’t seen in too long - Joong Kyung.
Joong Kyung now walks the line between the living and the dead, but he can’t stay away from Yoon Hee. (Paranormal/magic AU?)
Has there been too many lies between them to make a relationship work? Neither think they are worthy of the other, but when they are pulled back together (to give evidence for an official inquiry?) they can’t quite keep their distance.
Joong Kyung is on the run, and he doesn’t know who to trust - except the one woman he’s never forgotten.
Misunderstandings and lies abound between them - but what happens when they are trapped together and must wait for rescue?
If you don’t want to do a post-canon fic, how about canon divergence? What would have happened if the phone hadn’t rung in that warehouse at that moment? Might Yoon Hee have told herself that she could use her body to prove her loyalty to him? And might Joong Kyung have told himself that it couldn’t hurt to succumb - that it didn’t mean anything?
I think that’s everything. Thank you so much!
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anonymous asked   :    Hate that fanfiction/drama reviews misunderstand Yehua & Lian Song. Yehua is commonly portrayed as selfish/insensitive (regarding his past mistakes), which undermines his real personality. Western audiences also obsess over physicality, which bypasses the beauty/innocence of the romance. Sorry for ranting. I can relate to Lian Song, depression-wise.  (1/2)
Hey, same depressed anon here. Given that most other sites on this series follow those painful tropes, you guys are really a breath of fresh air in the fandom. I especially love(and am very relieved) how Lian Song is turning out completely different to people's assumptions about him. I know I can count on you to preserve my interpretation of the characters.  (2/2)
     (ADMIN RO)   :   We the admins have largely been unable to find a lot of fanfiction prominently featuring Yehua or Lian Song in general on our side of the fandom, but we’re sorry you’re having a bad experience with portrayals! 
     As a person who does occasionally take initiative to portray these characters in fan-derivative formats, however, I do think that Yehua has his insensitive and selfish sides. It’s the way he’s raised from a very young age, which manifests itself even so early as when in their childhood, Sujin used to come sit at his desk - he literally obliterates her out of his peripherals and just regards her existence like a brush rack. 
     That tunnel vision came from, most likely, Tianjun’s philosophy on raising future sovereigns, which is that to be the perfect sovereign Yehua’s supposed to be largely emotionless and weigh pros and cons and gains and losses over feelings. There’s also a lack of, presumably, a lot of social interaction that isn’t based on either academia or politics. Strategically, I think Yehua’s thought process, even applied to love and feelings, is very much “this is the best thing to do in this scenario, and therefore the right thing,” and I think only when the results come out badly is when he realizes it may not have been the right thing, and even then he may not understand necessarily where he went wrong.
     So, I think it’s reasonable in the aftermath of his mistakes for him to do badly. And at that point in time his primary goal was to hold on to Qian - given that he had already lost her once. So, understandably, a lot of it doesn’t come out until later. Now, is this still in fact, selfish? Yes. Is it for more complicated reasons than just Yehua is a Selfish Person and the Worst? Also yes. It’s really a balance, and I’m sorry that your reading material has not been hitting that balance.
     As for the topic of physicality - that is different between the couples of each book, I think. As a writer, one of the big rules I personally follow is that anything that goes into the final cut of the draft has to have meaning. It has to matter in some significant way, and the same goes for affectionate or sexual scenes. Now I don’t know how everyone else views it, but viewing it from this perspective, I think the physicality of the relationship, specifically for Yehua and Qian - it’s an “in,” if you will, to their romance, the same way Yehua moving to the fox cave and integrating himself into Qian’s life and taking her on walks and cooking her food is an “in.” 
     Their love is very much a “walking along with you for a while and suddenly realized we love each other” kind, and for Qian, because she’s been going at it alone for so long and because she has had her trust broken before, she definitely needed to get used to the idea of having someone, of loving someone, of existing in the same space as that someone and regarding him not as an outsider but as family, as someone she loves and trusts and can rely on. And so narratively, the physicality becomes important. It becomes sort of the symbol and metaphor for intimacy, for trust, for, bridging their gap and both getting used to and putting down their defenses in regards to loving each other. I always say if the romance is good and well-structured, then the physicality can only add to the depth and meaning of that love. I think in this instance, Tang Qi is very much successful. 
     Thank you very much for your kind words regarding our interpretations of the characters! On this blog we are always trying to fill in character motivations as deeply and three dimensionally as possible while not obliterating their flaws. It’s nice to know that we are succeeding, at least to some degree! 
     (ADMIN LIN) : Now that Admin Ro has addressed Yehua, we’re going to get into the nitty-gritty of Lian Song. Jk jk. We don’t quite know what you’re referring to when you say painful tropes in reference to Lian Song. If it’s how he is portrayed as a playboy - that is in fact not a fandom creation, TQ herself has explained that he is in an author’s note of Lotus Step’s and how it differs from the typical brand. 
Admin Ro is kind enough to do the translation of the author’s note for me. 
Also, I'm not trying to speak up for Lian San, but I'm curious - have you all forgotten he's a playboy? From the start his character setting has never been The Good Man, so, to everyone who asks why he's flirting with her with no intention of marrying her, flirting with her with no intention of marrying her is completely normal for him. Have you all forgotten the beauties that come and go in Yuanji Palace? He has always been the not assertive but not refusing and definitely not responsible Third Highness ahahaha.
For a playboy to go for a beauty that's his type without any care is an easy thing. To debate and consider her interests for a long time is the real action that's different from his usual behavior. This action shows that he feels differently about this person. If they were fighting for a day of pleasure, then what's the difference between Cheng Yu and the beauties that pass through Yuanji Palace?
         However, if you meant there was other interpretation of him out there, we’re definitely sorry you’ve seen those. He definitely does struggle with depression-like feelings, although the mentality also ties to Buddhism, so we believe it’s a mixture of both that the author is showcasing with him. As someone who suffers a similar form of depression, he’s a refreshing take on it. It’s not the typical sad-depression, it’s just an emptiness but still existing and still doing things, even if he switches through 3 million hobbies on any given day. 
        Now mind you, majority of which we talk about Lian Song on this blog takes place during Lotus Step and 50,000 years predating what you’ve witnessed in the variations of him in the dramas. Those are still valid parts of him. Especially regarding Cheng Yu, which James Li (Lian Song from both dramas) has said in an interview their relationship is something like 50% friends and 50% lovers. 
         There is also the serious, decisiveness in which you see when he’s advises Yehua on things. Then there is suggestions Lian Song makes to Yehua, such as the ones that lead to Yehua “meeting” Su Su a second time, this being in his human form. His advice with love is odd, but it’s never done out of his understanding of situations. And his understanding of love, which is shaky at this point in time and that neither admin can say what it is exactly yet in Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms or Pillow Book, because we haven’t had time to sit with him in either timeline beyond him being melancholy over Cheng Yu when she won’t look at him during Bai Feng Jiu’s sword case and earlier in the novel having been making the saber for Cheng Yu that required some help from Donghua Dijun. 
          As it comes to physicality in reference to Lian Song and Cheng Yu - their love story is a bumpy trail, that we still don’t know the full extent. However, if there is any more sexual tension between them, it won’t be appropriate to adapt that aspect of them as it’s a heavy tension. And they are required, by the universe in the future, to have a child. So, once again, Lian Song is not misinterpreted when it comes to these aspects. This doesn’t take away from the romantic elements - sexuality and romance can coexist. They most certainly do within all the couples of this series, these two however are currently the most prominent of the couples so far. 
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
So Your Ship (or Theory) Isn’t Canon
The day comes where you find out that your ship is not the canon pairing. It’s a sad day, you go through the stages of grief. 
Except, it probably wasn’t. 
This is how I had to deal with it a few times, and why it didn’t ruin the overall story for me. Full disclosure: None of these are considered “Main” pairings. 
Okay, let’s talk about the only couple I really cared about for FF7 back in the day: Vincent and Lucrecia 
Like most rational people, I have a very deep adoration for Mr. Valentine. I had a wall scroll of him in my room. He was mysterious, powerful, and my God, I’d say he was pretty effing romantic. I was also 12, but WHATEVER.
I played OG, got Vincent, saw the Waterfall scene and I was like “THIS MAN DESERVES TO GET THIS WOMAN.”
So, as we all know, the OG didn’t go in to a ton of detail about this whole thing. That didn’t really come until DoC, which of course, I didn’t play at that point. It wasn’t even out yet. And then I didn’t play it when it came out because I didn’t want to play a shooter game. 
They tell you that Hojo marries Lucrecia and that Sephiroth is his son. But then you have me that creates a theory based on a fanfiction ( That was a great fanfiction and I have no idea what it’s called because I read it 20 years ago.. ).
My theory became: Vincent was actually Sephiroth’s father. It was the only rational explanation, right? 
Who would sleep with Hojo? He’s gross. Very gross.
So, in my head, Vincent and Lucrecia did have some type of relationship and Hojo had forced her to marry him. BUT WAIT - she was already pregnant with Vincent’s child. Lucrecia played it off like it was Hojo’s, but he had his suspicions. Not that he cared, this was an experiment. He didn’t care about anybody. 
So I sat with my theory about Vincent being Sephiroth’s father, and that his sins went deeper than just not being able to stop Lucrecia and Hojo from experimenting. And Vincent suspected it too, so it wasn’t a complete mystery. In this theory, Vincent heavily suspected that he was Sephiroth’s father.
I think I replayed OG a few years ago when it came out on Switch. Once again, my love of Vincent came back. **I’m realizing that I probably did like Cloti even 20 years ago, but it was overtaken by my love of Vincent in my memories**
So I get online and am searching for Vincent things. Specifically about him being Sephiroth’s dad. And I came across it... the post proving it wasn’t canon. That the devs had done an interview and flat out said “No, Vincent isn’t Sephiroth’s father.” And if this was an episode of Maury, some folks may have jumped for joy.
I was actually hurt. Like, this can’t be right. Why wouldn’t they add that level of drama? But it wasn’t. It wasn’t canon, it was pure fanon. I’ve believed this for like 15 years. So I felt defeated.
And part of it was being wrong, which I think is a huge motivator for these ship wars. Nobody likes to be wrong. We are all human, after all. 
And I did go through about a 10 minute thing of eff that game. But guess what, I looked at it again. I actually watched DoC cut scenes (finally) and it made sense. It’s clear, it’s canon that Hojo is Sephiroth’s father. 
However, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy that theory on my own, along with whoever else does. Fanfiction, fanart, playful discourse online about it. 
And that was fine. It didn’t ruin the game for me once I took a step back from my own theory, my own head, and looked at it as a whole. 
DoC did change my opinion of Lucrecia. For some reason I thought she was this nice lady. 
I even named my main World of Warcraft toon after her. I still have that toon, it’s still my main. 
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But I was kinda like “damn she’s gonna play him like that?” And I wasn’t mad at the story anymore, I was mad at Lucrecia. But, what’s nice about that whole thing is, as the story continued in DoC, you found out she regrets her choice. She feels guilty about Vincent’s father’s death, so then goes crazy trying to save Vincent. Her “husband” treats her like trash, so then I REALLY hated him.
But I thought it was a good thing to make sure I reviewed all of the canon resources for Vincent and Lucrecia. 
I will still eat up a good fanfiction of Vincent being the daddy, though. I just will not ruin or twist the story of FF7 as it was written for it to fit that narrative. Doesn’t make me like it any less!
My next contenders, though not as serious as the above: Zell and Selphie from FF8 
I don’t know why. It was pretty obvious that the game showed Zell and Library Girl with the Pigtail (I mean, they could have at least given this chick a name) and Selphie and Irvine. And I knew that playing it. But in fanon land, I preferred Zell and Selphie. Something about them made them cute to me. Irvine and Quistis I’d generally pair up too. I have no idea why to this day, maybe just to stick people together. But even more than Irvine and Quistis I liked the idea of Seifer and Quistis. That became the thing. 
In any case, I never was upset playing the game and it never showing a single scene between those fanon couples. I loved FF8, still do. The only reason 7 overtook it was because of Remake. I still love the idea of Zell and Selphie together. 
Okay, this one actually I did have a hard time with: Psych
I wanted Shawn and Jules together by like episode 5 of that series. You want to talk about a slow burn? Those two. Shawn had other girlfriends. Jules had people. They’d still clearly have this tension. You’re like wtf guys. Come on.
When he needs to choose to save his gf (Abigail who I legit just found out was played by Rachel Leigh Cook) vs Jules in “Mr. Yin Presents...” I was like omg you son of a bitch go save Jules. Jules likes you. You know you love Jules. And he doesn’t. He save Abigail. And I was sad.
Then Abigail breaks up with him and I’m like hah!
And Jules and him get together. I actually had to spoil that for myself to keep going, cuz I almost stopped watching it. The tension was too much. That’s one where if they didn’t end up together, I think it would have ruined the show for me, as crazy as that sounds. I absolutely love the other themes in that show, but I really, REALLY loved Shawn and Jules. 
So when they break up for a bit later on, I actually got depressed. Had to spoil AGAIN to keep it moving. 
But I can guarantee one thing: If they didn’t end up together, I would not have gone online and started fighting people about it. I would have either stopped watching the series or I would have just suffered through it, depending on how tense it was.
I can tell you, when they finally kissed, I lost my shit. The tension was relieved. To get this shot, I had to watch it again AND GOT ALL WARM AND FUZZY.
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And I can tell you right now, if this happens with Cloud and Tifa... I’m not sure what will happen to me. Cuz I reacted ridiculously with this, and right now I’d say I’m more invested in Cloud and Tifa. 
It’s just the release of the romantic/sexual tension that I need, I guess.
So the actual actors above were together IRL too. And I was like all about that. They were adorable. Then... she married another guy. I was like wtf guys, come on. 
I definitely made sure not to let that ruin the show, since their characters were still together. 
But in any case, you can love whatever ships and theories you want. You really shouldn’t go around lying about the story, removing parts of the story, twisting translations, words, everything that’s right in your face. 
That’s where I get annoyed. I love all the characters (except Hojo, but he is there to be hated) - so seeing this discourse is sad. 
I do laugh my ass off now more than I did before - especially over on Twitter. 
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omnomtonystark · 4 years
Charmed 2x11
What a weird disjointed episode. All the plot threads started off promising but ended up either a bit odd in execution or making no damn sense at all. There were some good character moments, but the lack of dialogue tie-in between the two main plots made it feel as if I were watching two completely separate episodes. At no point did it seem as if Maggie knew what was happening back home and Macy seemed oddly carefree of the dangerous missions taking place while she was in Aspen. Were some lines accidentally cut out or something? Might be my least favorite episode of the season.  
Say no to drugs, kids: Baiting the dealers in New Orleans was a great hook, but the way it played out in the club was underwhelming. Who cares if they resurrected the most accountant-looking guy I’ve ever seen? There hasn’t been enough narrative build-up in that plotline for the story to have any sort of suspense or tension. It didn’t help that all the club scenes were shot terribly, cheap-looking and like the camera guys hated the shaman so much they collectively decided to shoot him from the least imposing angles possible. Shouldn’t have cut in line at the craft table, Ed.
Sergeant Vera and her sidekick: The best part of the New Orleans plot was Jordan fully committing to the insanity he’s been thrown into. He’s proving to be a really admirable guy. And Maggie’s blossoming here in the second half of the season, kicking ass and taking names like a slightly shorter incarnation of Buffy. They’ve got a warm chemistry. I like the idea of them just being good friends but if they end up being romantic, Jordan’s an infinitely better choice than Parker. 
Whump whump whump: In a continuing theme of this episode, what started off strong ended up lacking. There was never any doubt that Harry would be alright—either by being cured or dying and then resurrecting again—but that’s fine because stories like this are usually about the characters reacting to the situation. Mel was great but Abigael was confusing and Macy's good moments were marred by the Plot of Contrivance. This thread would be better served if it didn’t hang all tension on what either Abigael or Macy were going to do. Throw some lore in, some intrigue. Whitelighters can’t heal their own wounds? Why? Why does a malignant demon’s poison turn the victim feral? Was the attack more than it seemed? There was so much potential for this storyline.
Butch and Sundance return: Harry and Mel’s friendship in season one was the best and I’m so happy we got a little bit of that in this episode. I wish we’d gotten to see them on their rescue mission, but Mel’s concern and protectiveness over Harry was probably the strongest thread in this plot. More Harry and Mel, please!
Something wicked this way comes: The mistake the writers made with Abigael is making her too ambiguous. I appreciate that they made some effort to develop her character more--bonding with Mel over their mothers was a pretty good moment and her reactions to Harry throughout the episode actually made her seem like a real person--but I always have to stop and think, "Is this real? Is she just acting? Can I believe any word she says? Did she set this all up so she could come to Harry’s rescue?" The uncertainty makes it hard to invest in her character, either as a true villain or someone redeemable. We need to peel this onion, see what makes her tick, get a glimpse of the core to see if it’s rotten or not. She’s as confusing as every mixed metaphor I can throw at her and while that adds mystery, that also detracts from whatever point the writers are trying to make. Her witch side seems to be the key to her motivations so I hope we get more of that.  
Days of Our Plot Contrived Lives: Julian and Macy in Aspen started off fine and then quickly devolved into a soap opera. They’ve literally been on two dates (sort of) and suddenly we’ve got Julian’s aunt trying to break it off between them like this is some telenovela/k-drama star-crossed romance? What am I watching? I feel like we skipped several chapters ahead in this story and the writers are ignoring how nothing about this plotline makes sense. Macy getting with Julian while she and Harry are figuring things out away from each other is absolutely fine. It makes sense. Manufacturing the Aunt of Contrivance to push them together doesn’t. This weird melodramatic left turn to insert weight into a relationship that’s literally only existed for one episode really detracted from the main plot. Either the writers are just terrible at their jobs or it’s another indication that Julian is, indeed, evil and manipulating the whole thing.
I think he’s evil: The backstory makes me even more suspicious of Julian. Never trust flashbacks from an Unreliable Narrator. Too many shows have revealed them as outright lies or largely misleading. And I was recently reminded of 2x04 where they encounter the facility with captured supernatural creatures. That was very lab-like, wasn’t it? Very technological. Scientific. Just like the lab where they were experimenting on black amber. Just like the magical devices we’ve been seeing. Just like what Julian’s company is about. I’m leaning more and more towards Julian being Jimmy’s master. Who else but a billionaire would collect supernatural queens? 
Favorite shot: Mel throwing the portal between Abigael and her family, literally putting a barrier between them and her. I really liked how Harry walked away from Abigael to stand with the sisters and how Abigael didn’t take her eyes off him until the portal literally obscured her vision. The look on Abigael’s face as she was watching him go almost made me pity her but again, I can’t be sure if she’s just putting it on. And I have absolutely no idea how to read her expression once they leave. Poppy Drayton is too good at being ambiguous.
Favorite moment: A toss-up between Macy telling Harry she’ll kill him if he dies and Mel/Macy combining their powers to revive Jordan. 
Funniest part of the episode: Harry shouting “Bollocks!” was hilarious. Rupert Evans’ delivery was perfect. And Julian’s aunt telling Macy to break it off with Julian literally had me rolling. It’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever seen in this show.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
I feel like I am always bothering now, but I’m a really indecisive person and your insight always helps me make up my mind, even if I end up doing something totally different. I’ve been trying to replot this story of mine that I’ve tried writing about... 3 or 4 times now. I always stop around the same part. But that’s not my problem now (dunno why). My problem is that I’m too stuck on my plot being too big. This first “book” is divided in 3 parts: the journey, the “staying”, and the war. +
+ I always stop at the “staying” part. My current issue is that the journey is always super long but I need my main characters to develop their relationship so that they can solidify it on the “staying” part. Means they have to be in love by then. I don’t want it to seem rushed & I don’t like making big time jumps. So journey gets too long & with a lot of fillers as I need to develop their relationship somehow and make them have deep and funny convos, etc. Am I worrying too much for a 1st draft?
Well. Hm. I don’t think there is one way to get it done. You COULD plot it out and get all the important points out and manage the pacing and stick to a wordcount to keep it from stretching. 
OR you could keep writing to discover the story and cut it down later for pacing. 
OR you could decide that you LIKE the convos and relationship building and sacrifice an exciting story with lots of conflict for a more domestic kind of fluff. 
I think you might want to think about that one, because in fanfiction you can get away with 60k of fluff, because the audience is often looking for that and it will meet their expectations, but in original fiction, in a book, the audience often demands that something be HAPPENING. They need more plot and obstacles. If you want to make the Staying section about building their relationship, then you might want to add conflict into it, so the plot is actually ABOUT their relationship, so the struggle would be, also. If you don’t give plot and obstacles and movement in the Staying section when people are expecting it, they might get bored.
If you always stop in the staying part, then it sounds like subconsciously you already know it’s not working. Whenever I get stuck while writing, I know I’ve gone off track and my under-brain is not happy. So it’s my job as the over-brain aka author, to go back and figure out where I went wrong.
You already have figured it out. You told me. It’s too long. It’s too much filler. 
You WANT to develop your relationship. You DON’T want long time jumps or for it to feel rushed.  Those are two conflicting needs, but they are not mutually exclusive. You can develop your relationship, keep it timely, well paced and without long time jumps, but it’s going to be tricky.
I think you have to choose WHICH moments of deep and funny convos are the most important to your story, and which you can cut. Too many deep and funny convos will start seeming tedious. You need to add tension, build tension, relieve tension. All deep, funny convos keep the pacing all on the same level. You’ll get farther with a believable, ENJOYABLE romantic development by alternating between deep funny convos, action, obstacles, etc. 
This is the part where they tell you to cut your darlings. You may love the deep funny convos... but are they serving your needs? Needs being keeping the audience interested, moving the relationship and story forward, and keeping the pace lively. Keeping YOU satisfied.
Figure out what information or development you must have, and then see if you can cut some scenes and spread out the information in a more compelling way.
I once had to cut out, like three chapters, because it made the story drag. It was all backstory and chatting, a literal pause to the action. “let’s take a break, have a coffee, and explain.” Tedious. I ended up cutting it and slipping the info learned into other scenes, while they were running, when they first meet, in confrontations with other characters. And all of a sudden I stopped feeling that niggling doubt in my mind that the story was dull and that was filler.
Not all relationship scenes are filler. But removing us from the action gets to be kind of fillerish. Maybe the Staying portion has a lot more of the relationship scenes, and maybe that means you have to be even more rigorous about making sure the story is moving forward and you add conflict.
I have learned lessons from watching The 100. There is a LOT of action. The tension is actually way higher than I am used to writing or even feel comfortable with. That’s a style I think and not necessarily a bad thing, but the WAY they keep the tension going and the way they slip those relationship development moments into small scenes between the action and tension is rather masterful. They build relationships in the moments between, and so the while we get some relief to make the next drama more tense, we never feel safe. Which is important to the genre and story. 
You have a structural pickle to resolve. Separating the story into three parts is a good solution for your large story (if you want to get published traditionally, please be aware of genre word count expectations.) But having very different feels to the pacing of each part might be a struggle. Or maybe you’re actually writing a trilogy, and each of those parts is actually a book, and rather than being too long, each section actually needs to be developed OUT into a book. 
Do you follow the three act or five act story structure? That might help you figure out the pacing. There’s a format that might actually help clarify for you why it feels too long and slow. Because even if we’re not consciously aware of that traditional story structure, subconsciously our brains are expecting a story to fit along that pacing. 
Honestly, I’m not sure my advice will help you. I’ve given you a lot of options to look through to figure out your story. I guess I can’t figure it out for you, but I do suggest you trust your instincts that tell you it’s too long.
OH. One possibility. If you want to avoid a long time jump but keep development from feeling rushed, you might add in a montage or two. A montage, like that part in a movie where we watch a makeover or a warrior’s training, can give us little vignettes as time passes, so there’s no jump, but we also don’t bog down in smaller bits of development that add up to a major change. 
Don’t worry about bothering me for writing questions. I like answering writing questions. I love teaching writing and helping people with their creative process or narrative issues.
Sometimes It takes me a bit to answer the questions because I want to make sure my brain is working and I give good answers. 
(also posting this to my writing blog @rosy-writes )
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echodrops · 5 years
I really like your shipping posts and how they discuss that people get invested in relationships where the characters have a strong impact on each other‘s individual storylines outside of romantic intentions. But what if the main storyline IS a romance, or the main drive in the characters interactions are based on a romantic connection? Is there a way to write that really well too?
Pretty much everything I’ve written about shipping relates to the shounen genre, since it is very rare for me to read stories where the main plot is the romance in and of itself. I don’t think romance stories are bad by any means, they just aren’t my typical reading/viewing material.
That said, the “rules” are obviously very different. If you’re writing a romance, then it just makes sense that the primary conflicts and tensions in your story would revolve almost entirely around that romance, and the major interactions between the romantic leads would be primarily about their relationship itself, with not too much focus given to non-romantic plot elements. If the readers are going into your story expecting the main plot to be purely about “Will they fall in love or not?” then you’re not leading anyone astray or letting them down if the major character development and conflict in your story is strictly related to the romantic plot line. We’d probably be a little annoyed if it wasn’t, actually--if your readers go into the story expecting it to be about two characters falling in love and instead it’s about giant robots beating each other up, you might hear some complaints. Writing a romance, focus almost entirely on the romantic interactions. Just logical.
The problem with poorly written romances typically occurs in stories where romance is not the main focus; the actual “story” is about something else, and a romance gets shoehorned in on the side because sex sells or just because some writers seem convinced every piece of media needs a romance plot to be complete. That second situation you mention (“or the main drive in the characters interactions are based on a romantic connection”) is the one more likely to cause you trouble, I think. If you’re writing a story where romance is not the #1 focus, and you have two (or more) characters whose interactions are primarily based on a romantic connection, you are at risk for falling into the pitfall I outlined in that long shipping essay.
Some questions I would ask myself, as the author of such a story, are:
If my story has a plot other than a romance going on, why do I need this romance subplot here? Am I investing my time--and the readers’ time!--in this romance because I believe it really is central to the story or these characters? If it’s not central, how do I make it central but not overwhelm my original plot idea? What is this romance adding to the story that will make it worthwhile and fun for readers?
Why are these two characters primarily focused on falling in love? Is there not anything more serious and immediate for them to be worried about? Does my non-romance plot have enough going on in it? (If romance isn’t your main plot AND your romance doesn’t directly impact the main plot, that’s a problem. You should never put a high-stakes main plot on hold to deal with drama that doesn’t feel urgent to the readers.)
Even if you REALLY want the romantic subplot to be the focus of some characters’ interactions, that’s fine, but you should still probably be asking yourself “What do they have going on outside of the romance?” If your characters have no similar interests, habits, lifestyle choices, goals, plot events, etc. to relate to each other outside of just a romantic context, then you probably have a case of either shallow characters or a mis-aimed romance. These people need to exist outside of their relationship with each other. Unless you’re like... writing about a creepy incel whose only fixation in life is getting a girlfriend, most people don’t spend every single moment thinking about romance. Even two people who like each other eventually have to do and think about other things while interacting with each other. If two characters interactions in a (non-romance) story relate entirely (or even almost entirely) to their romance, eventually they’re going to stop feeling like living, breathing human beings, and start feeling like robots built specifically to act out a mandatory romance subplot.
Long story longer... If you’re not writing a story where romance is the main plot, please give your romantic leads something else to do and think about. Please give them meaningful interactions that aren’t related to their relationship. Give them interests, personal goals, conflicts, quirks, and challenges that don’t revolve around the other person. Or, at the very least, let the two (or more) characters do things with each other that aren’t just geared toward getting together or having relationship drama.
Think about real life. I feel like many of us have experienced a friend who is WAY too obsessed with their significant other. The person who drops their normal friends to spend all their time with the boyfriend/girlfriend. The person who gets together with others and does nothing but talk about their relationship. Think about how annoying that person is. That’s what you will do your characters if all their interactions relate back to their relationship.
Some things to think about for this situation:
Why did I want these characters to be together in the first place? Do they have commonalities? Interesting differences? Did I explore those commonalities or differences enough before jumping into the fluff romance scenes?
Do these two characters have anything to teach each other, as people? Can they help each other grow in any way? Is every interaction based strictly on romance, or are some of their interactions based on overcoming personal challenges, learning something new, changing their minds about old prejudices, overcoming past hurts?
Are these romantic interactions contributing anything to the main plot? If the answer is no, why not?
Have I given these characters enough behaviors, thoughts, actions, and plot events that separate from each other for them to feel like three-dimensional, “real” people outside of their romance?
If I took their romance away for a second, would these characters even have anything to say to each other?
Essentially, I recommend applying real life logic to any relationship you attempt to write. People who have nothing else going in their lives except their significant other/their relationship are often deeply unhappy people, and such codependent relationships tend to fall apart. Just like real people, your characters’ relationships should add value to their individual lives--not serve as a replacement for that individual life.
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