#because actually i am an extroverted person who can be the life of the party if she wants to
stargirlbryce · 1 year
PSA: If you are depressed and/or suffer from a chronic illness for longer than a short amount of time,peole will grow tired of you and leave you. So you either have to fake being well or die of loneliness :)
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9800sblog · 9 months
hi there! hope ure doing good today 💛
so this is like a fun game i send my favourite kpop tarot readers 😊
out of the groups u stan (preferably someone who u've done a "X as a boyfriend" reading for), who would u give a chance if ever they ask you out and why?
answer lightheartedly 💋
thank you and i loveeee ur blogs so much 🥰
I haven't done many of those readings tho!! I am too picky, so I'll do those I would set up with friends
I went a lot by how much I personally feel that these people are trustworthy based on my readings, there's no one else I remember that stood out like that to me. and I didn't choose only kpop because I actually don't know that many idols (adhd
in no particular order
lewis hamilton (formula 1)
if you like complete devotion and obsession, the type to have a secret crush on you for years and watch you from afar while secretely planning to sneak into your life. best friends to lovers vibes. he seems very soft when comfortable, and just wants to cuddle with his person watching movies and playing with his dog. message you everyday, tell you all the details he finds beautiful and still gives you advices or fashion tips that genuinely help and aren't just blatant criticism. seems very soft spoken with pink colored glasses. for those that want to be pampered and have princess treatment, that's your man.
park seonghwa (ateez)
honestly, all of ateez depending on what's your type
again, obsession. this guy would respect the shit out of your freedom and choices, he's the type to love no matter what, as long as you come home to him he's so so happy. seonghwa would love to be friends with your friends, part of your family, intertwined in every piece of your life, but the second you say "I need my space", he's out of your sight for as long as you need. seonghwa is a major extrovert, so he's the type of boyfriend to host friend dinners, house parties and take many many many quirky pictures. this is a more fun and dynamic guy in comparison to lewis, but they are both intensely devoted and decided tho. seonghwa would buy the ring on the first date.
wonyoung (ive)
she'd teach you self love by showing how much she loves you, accepts you unconditionally and trusts you blindly. incredibly sweet and caring person, she's so the type to give random little love messages throughout the week/day and spend hours making handmade gifts for her person. the type to give you one of her clothes and a sample of her perfume to feel like she's always around. I think she'd also transform when you're alone, be way more fun, childish and weird, probably dirty in a funny way that'd make you two feel close. she'd treat her person with so much delicacy and pure love, that even the toughest man wouldn't dare to not melt and accept that they're just a little flower in her well taken care garden.
taylor swift
is in love with love, in love with life, nothing can make her genuinely heartbroken, the type of love she has is so intense, it will be passed through lifetimes. she has such an extended knowledge of different types of people, relationships, arts, patterns of behavior, communications, etc. there is not a single person in this world she wouldn't be able to give genuine love to. but she's also extremely picky with those she actually opens up to, she makes everyone think they know her but only you would and it'd be your little secret. secrecy is something taylor (secretely) loves, her life is very very public so we feel like we know everything about her and her relationships, but there is so much deep inside her head that only someone really really reaaaaaaaaaaaally worthy would know! she is in love with connecting, and once she finds a genuinely good man, she will always always protect and take care of you, and make you feel like you're living in a dream or a movie scene. (connecting with her to write this was so much fun! she is so nice and was giving high-fives when she liked something kkkkkk
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rebeccathenaturalist · 11 months
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Well, it's been a whirlwind few days! Thursday I went on the weekly phenology walk at Audubon Trails Nature Center in Rolla, MO. It's the last one of the year, and we were seeing if there were still any wildflowers in bloom in spite of the freeze a few nights before. We did find a scant few Asteraceae with open flowers, but for the most part everything was done for the year. It was a really good experience getting to wander the trails with someone who knows the local flora really well; I'm still playing catch-up on learning (and remembering) native prairie plants in this area, and since they happen every Thursday morning during the growing season, I'm going to make sure and attend whenever I'm in town.
Thursday afternoon I officially taught my first in-person class in Rolla with my basic mushroom foraging intro at the Rolla Public Library. I checked out SO MANY BOOKS from that library as a kid, and so it was basically coming full circle to be able to teach there. I had an awesome audience that packed the room, got some great questions, and really appreciated the support that library staff gave me throughout the entire process. I'm already brainstorming what I want to teach when I head back to this area next spring.
Friday I got to spend immersed in planty goodness at the Missouri Botanical Symposium. I had actually registered last year but ended up not feeling good at the last moment so I had to miss out. Totally worth the entire trip this year, though! There were some really great talks (I especially enjoyed the one on the interplay of geology and plant life in Missouri karst fens), and I even made some good connections and new friends! I am SUCH an introvert that it can be tough for me to go around introducing myself in a room where I don't know anyone, but luckily a friendly extrovert latched onto me and helped me meet some really cool people. (Also, pro tip: having art supplies out and in use makes for a great conversation starter, and if you bring enough for others to use you can have a little science illustration party at your table!)
Saturday I peeled myself out of bed early yet again for a very good reason--I got to lead a lichen hike at Audubon Trails! It sort of felt like cramming for a test because while the basic biology of lichens is the same everywhere, I'm not as familiar with local species here as I am back home in the PNW. So I visited the site a few times on this visit to look for cool lichens and try to get them down to at least a genus level, if not species. Again, really great turnout for the hike--people were having a great time, lots of excellent questions and discoveries along the way. And there were two kids from the Rolla Outdoor Collaborative School on site who were not only THE best guides to the trails there, but they found and showed off some cool stuff (including lichens, AND fuzzy oak galls!) The next generation of naturalists is already well on their way to helping others connect with the great outdoors, which does my heart good.
I gotta start driving back west tomorrow; I have classes in Portland next weekend. So today is being lazy, doing laundry, and helping my folks with a few more things around the house. It's been another great visit here, though, and I'm already making plans for next year. I'm going to try to schedule a couple of classes along the way for my spring trip; since I'll likely be taking I-70 since 80 is sketchy even in April, I'm probably looking at Salt Lake City and Denver for venues. I'm open to suggestions if anyone knows of a bookstore, library, nature center, or similar who might like to host a wandering naturalist infodumping about ecology for a couple of hours!
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The more I interact with people the more I realize that extroversion is completely unnecessary and unnatural.
No, you do not need social interaction constantly. No you do not need hundreds of friends. Wtf is even small talk.
Humanity flourishes with small familial/found familial groups/friendships, and everyone needs alone time. Very few jobs ACTUALLY require extroversion to thrive. No, I don't want to have a conversation wirh my cashier or barista. We are making a transaction. We don't need to interact. And as time progresses with self service eventually we won't need even that. Don't speak to me if I'm purchasing something from your company. You're not my friend; you exist simply to give me what I am spending money to have. That is your purpose. I know you think becoming my friend will endear me to you so I can save you from the hellscape of boredom your job is, but that's not my obligation. This isn't Great Expectations. Being nice to a stranger won't give you a better life. Getting off your ass and applying yourself will; stop expecting introverts who are independent to do it for you.
Office work probably needs even less interaction. There's no reason FOR office work at all. It's a fact work from home was more productive. Most jobs don't actually need in-person work and if they do they definitely don't need you to be social. If you're in healthcare you fix my ass up and that's it. We dont need to chit chat. We don't even need to go out anymore tbh; that's why have the internet, online shopping, and DoorDash and Instacart. If it is required to go out, shut the fuck up and get back home asap. If you need to be social, go home and talk on the phone or use the internet or text. Nobody wants to hear your squawking laughter at restaurants and unintelligent gabbing at parks and stores. If you can't be noisy at your apartment or house, too bad. Should've bought your own hoke in a more secluded area. Don't make it pur problem. Cell phones in public should be for texting, dipshit. That's why it was invented. If you're waiting for an important phone call, STAY YOUR ASS AT HOME. I don't care about your problems! I don't know you! I don't want to overhear your cunt ass speak!
Any job that """requires""" talking to individuals in a conversational way is bullshit and it isn't actually necessary. Extroverts FORCED it to be a requirement by their nonstop yammering and FORCING people to put up with their look at me look at me main character syndrome. NOBODY should be making friends in a workplace environment anyway. Do you want to be betrayed and manipulated? Wait you're an extrovert. You're the one throwing us under the bus.
Do you think cavemen were partying and laughing noisily as possible and bragging about how social they are? No they were being quiet so they could hunt to survive. I guarantee that extroverts were killed by bears in the past. You think peasants and servants were making asses of themselves in public and forcing everyone to pretend they weren't annoyed? Do you think slaves were walking slow on sidewalks and taking up space in aisles to chat and never getting their work done because they were playing around but get away with being lazy because they're ass kissing their bosses with their extroversion? No. But you know who was doing that shit? Their rich ass elite royals and slave owners. Servants mind their business and Eat the Rich sociopaths were gossiping. Extroverts will manipulate everyone around them by playing invented games like "how to act exactly as society demands and say all the right opinions without offering an actual opinion" to get everyone on their side then you'll see how they act off the clock and they're totally different. This is SOCIOPATHY. You're a schmoozing sociopath who fucking lies and everyone thinks you're annoying and hates your fucking GUTS but Society demands we can't tell it how it is.
TLDR; extroversion is an invented word to cover for psychopathy, manipulation, and coercive control over the masses.
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clockworkreapers · 1 year
How will the main 6 be in a universe where the hemospectrum got swapped (rust become the highest while fuchsia the lowest)?
Hmm Iv done a blood swap before where I flip their blood colors but haven’t ever actually thought about a full social spectrum flip. Also I have a lot of questions on how that would work population wise is- like now are rusts are more rare and live longer and are more durable and fuchsias are abundant and live a short amount of time and are weak?
Just questions with the social swap but I’m going to say everything swaps then including all the biological stuff besides like mental powers and shit that relate to blood.
Sauron: he’d be royal and part of a very small circle right? So he’d have a lot of power and probably be a lot more emotional and softer since he’s allowed to be and people care about his well-being. Less afraid of the world around him but still enough for his anxieties to creep in when it’s “how do people view me, am I doing a good job.” He really wouldn’t have had as much bad luck growing up or in his adult life cuz the consequences for his actions would be so much lighter, less scars less mistrust of other trolls, less damage to his psyche. He’d still have his mental issues though, having depression and anxiety because your brain chemicals are fucky wont change if your social status does.
Falmea: see if she had none of the experiences and saw none of the shit she did growing up as one of the lowest social classes she would be so different. She’s still be brash and loud and very hot headed because that’s just her personality but the violence and the anger she harbors wouldent be there cuz she doesn’t need to fight to survive she doesn’t need to be the tough badass bitch that will fuck you up if you cross her. She’s probably be also way more oblivious to how the world works cuz well her life is going fine, she’s be the energetic entertaining outgoing loud friend at parties who can do whatever she wants.
Cyrusk: he would very likely stay military for the rest of his life get up in the ranks maybe even become one of the top ranks and get most of his time off just directing and organizing other trolls. He’d be pretty damn happy, higher social class im guessing he’d get more help for his disabilities so he’d get a much better prosthetic for his leg and his eye and left ear so he wouldn’t be half blind and def. He’d be a lot more comfy but maybe a bit more prone to indulgence and parties cuz he’s still an extrovert who really likes company.
Cybele: well she’s olive so she won’t much change being just bumped up like the equivalent of jade I guess? Hey maybe that means she can finally be a nurse! She’d absolutely love to be able to help people more, no matter how dirty the job is or how long helping people is always very rewarding to her the amount of work doesn’t matter. Both other than that I don’t think she would change at all.
Majell: she would be higher low class right? She’s probably be a bit less proper and a lot more aware of social issues cuz as much as Majell tries to understand and is part of that ecosystem she usually has a lot more power even then and can be a bit oblivious. If it’s flipped however yeah she is going to get that first hand experience, she’d likely try to push against it more strongly be more outspoken, more actively trying to make a difference in the system.
Helstm: He would be a lot different his core personality would still be there he’s still be a bit standoffish hed be a lot more “willing” to listen to people and do what he’s told cuz he’s have less grounds to just do what he wants. He’d be a lot more grown up personality wise because he would need to mature faster. I feel like because of that he’d have a much higher work ethic and probably be even more of a natural macgyver because he won’t have access to the expensive stuff. Without all his money and anything to his name or social status.
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evanpetersbuttocks · 2 years
Yes thats actually proof that we dont know real Evan. In the past he seamed really extroverted. joking arround all the time and didnt look anxcious or nervous on public events. And with years it changed and he lost his confidence and become shy and introverted. But at the same time since arround 2010 he was always describing himself as someone shy and akward and stressed with other people, he said that he is like Charles from Safelight so maybe he become like that cause he at some point always saw himself like and believed it idk. But to be honest if girls like Emma or Halsey really would be with someone like that if we know that they both kinda life of the party people so I doubt they would date someone shy, akward who they need to "take care of", they probaly want confident and tough man who will take care of them not other way arround. And other thing, somone shy has problems with finding girlfriend, not jumping from one relationship to another without a break. Same with parties, some people say that Emma got him into dr**s but maybe he was into it before and if he would want to avoid those things he wouldnt picks girls who are well known that they using it. It is really hard to say what person he is
to some extent, i understand both emma and halsey, just because of what you wrote, anon. perhaps they wanted to see a more dominant partner next to them, more active, indeed. and in fact, when you're more confident, it can sometimes be problematic to “babysit” someone who's more passive, especially if it happens over and over again
and perhaps emma and evan were on the same path at the beginning of their relationship, when they were both young and insecure by default and just tasting their life. now we see emma renewed, more confident and outgoing, she loves to be in the spotlight, wear expensive bright clothes. evan is too renewed, but his vibes are still more homey, he doesn’t like to be in public, he doesn’t really pay attention to his clothes, he wants to be hidden. this difference was noticeable even before, it's just that now you can see and feel it the most. and i am more than sure that evan and emma will not be able to be together (how some can assume), because they are at different poles now, i can’t feel their vibes and styles of living matching at all. and this is not good and not bad, this is how life develops for two different people. it’s okay
i also do not deny that evan's confidence can appear in his life in waves and from time to time. perhaps exactly these tides make it possible to find a new partner every time. and perhaps evan's role in this is/was small as a person, and relations with him begin not because he was liked as a human, but because of his status as an actor and popularity. halsey and fran only saw the picture, not evan himself: they was fangirling a big period of time before. if we talk about emma again, then initially she wanted to be with him not because she liked him as a person, it was more of a sport interest. her first thought was "i can definitely get this guy and date him." not a word was in her interview at that moment that he was pleasant to her as a person
perhaps all his (or a big amount) relationships are built on this: partners see him as an outer shell, picture of their own minds, having their own goals and thoughts, but do not pay attention to his character as much as he needed. i hope if evan has a partner, they will be on the same wave and really understand each other as individuals
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wytfut · 11 months
Deal with what you are dealt...
A simple comment that can confuse. Everyone does this. But most likely not like anyone else or what they may think is proper.
Even people who appear not to "deal with what they are dealt" actually do. They are dealing with it.... but it isn't recognized to anyone but themselves. As in a third party would say, " why don't they do something about that"..... but they are, and you don't recognize it.
I'm one of the "odd man out" types. The way I deal with issues/items/people I'm sure is considered pretty outlandish, or "what in the world was he thinking??" Or.... (I'm giggling here) a direction that no one in his right mind would ever do. My results "maybe different"....
Some of us are very good at dealing with what we are dealt. But are the "us's" really? Is it only because its recognized and seen popular or exceptable, when the end result appears.
Most of the time I don't believe we have the right to judge how someone handled "what they were dealt". I do catch myself though, ... and wish I hadn't.
LOLOLOL..... life is most definitely not sanitary.... judging, dealing, living.
No matter. ...
Generally I'm an "up" person. An extrovert maybe too much. Accepting. As I age, some of this, or at least parts go away. Is it age, or is it me? I hope its age and I recognize it, and try to amend.
But by golly, I still deal with issues every day. Sometimes it seems I get a streak of bad decisions. But when I get it right, it makes it all worth while. Gives me a feeling of self accomplishment.
You may think I'm writing about huge issues, that approach all of us time to time. I am, but I'm also writing about petty daily house keeping issues.
A persons personal values determines which way we decide to take something.
For example:.... I'm a tightwad. At least I consider myself one. I was getting financial assistance for a medication I'm on. This year they decided I make too much money. That has now cost me more than $800/year. Its a fancy convenient medication.
But another very old one is really cheap, as in almost free. I requested my personal Dr. to change my med to the this one. He tried to talk me out of it..... as its inconvenient for him and his staff if I'm on it. I dealt with it..... now I'm on the cheap one. I'm not out for my Dr. and staff, I just had to decide what was best for me.
I think I dealt with it correctly. I'm sure some don't.
Another example, something bigger.... life changing maybe: I retired from Lincoln Hoot and Hollar with over 30 years.
With the kids out of the house, and my position at that time, money was no issue. I was actually walking around with cash in my billfold. Many would consider this WAY too young to retire from a career.
But I did indeed retire. The job be what it may, for my mindset was way too stressful. Alltel was not a Mom/Pop sort of affair. Alltel didn't know/care about me or my fellow workers. Alltel was there to make money. Careers are secondary.
Lincoln Hoot and Hollar, knew who I was, and when I needed help from them, they actually did. For example when my house burned down, many privileges happened to my advantage.
We've struggled financially since retirement. I cannot deny. But we have survived, and I'm still a pretty happy guy.
Other events happened since then and have knocked the shit out of our financials, "if only I was still working at the phone company". But..... we are still here.
My current "deal", is my back (ad nauseum) . Yes continuing on and on and on. This in turn brings other deals to my table of life. My particular example being my "rat truck" project, sitting in the steel shed with a ton of dust on it. My back will not let me tackle this project. ... I'll deal with it, but at the moment I'm empty headed for answers.
Somehow what ever I did to deal with these obstacles, worked.... well up to this time. Dominoes come to mind here, so a true time line may prove different. But then.... its evolved.... and its a "new deal" to deal with.
My inspiration to this, came today to me after watching one of my favorite movies. I was not planning to watch it, in fact I had a whole scenario of things to do today..... now postponed a couple of hours. Patti had just "had it on", and it captured me again.
2 versions of this movie are out. One English (the original). And the American version. Both versions are excellent per my rating. Both were released kind of under the radar, with not much Marketing.
Boiled down, it shows me how a person struggles with the issues he is dealt, and what he thinks is the right decision/result, no matter how abstract it may appear, to keep himself comfortable.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hello so I would like to make a "Matchup" request after finally understanding wht it actually is-
So here is mah jjk matchup request
So my personality is-
Huge Extrovert, Loves Gossips, Talkative, Cannot sit in one place like noo let me move from here to there, Childish ( I am an ENFP wht else do u expect-) , Loves video games, Gets flustered easily , Have a HUUUGE sweet tooth, Energetic , Likes to Give gifts , Loves adventure, Talks on completely useless topics (for eg- i once discussed with a boy tht whether ALIENS WILL WIN OR GHOSTS n u won't believe this turned into a debate n like 8 more ppl joined in-💀) ,Sensitive,Has a special place for certain ppl in my heart but will never tell, Hides emotions- , Wants to help people, Puts others before myself, afraid of being alone, Talkative, Listens to my heart more, Randomly dances, Funny(said to me by many ppl so), DIRTY MINDED(idk if I was supposed to add this but I did so-) U will nvr know wht is going inside mah head, jumps from one topic to another, Sub, Chaotic human, looove the life of party, Lights up any room, Have a Huuuge grp of friends, Loves to hangout and Is Tiny like just 5'0ft (whyy)💀
So I think tht is enough soo- waiting for ur response :)
(Hope I didn't mess up💀)
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is:
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I know that maybe you didn't expect it, but after analyzing your description, I see your behavior more like Yuji's behavior.
He is a very energetic boy who does everything around (if he can)
He is everywhere, he tries to help others, he likes to play and laugh a lot. His smile is like a radiant sun.
If someone told him to sit in one place while someone else was going somewhere, he wouldn't be able to stand it. Once this boy gets pumped up, he'll happily run and jump around, and there's no stopping him from doing so.
Besides, he'll agree to the weirdest plans that seem cool to him. He is gullible if his loved ones tell him something. He doesn't think much about what it might look like. He does it because it will be fun.
He wants to keep a smile on his friends' faces.
If that's even going to mean he has to make a fool of himself. He does everything that will be fun.
The wildest trips where he can laugh with his friends.
He'll talk about anything, especially if it's something that will make someone else smile.
He's not ashamed of making a fool of himself.
He had a hard life...
He has promised to protect others because he is strong.
He protects people, and puts their safety above his.
The last thing he wanted was to lose everyone he cared about.
If he had to choose, his life or the lives of his loved ones, he would choose the safety of his loved ones. If only they were happy.
Yuji would take all the suffering and misery of the world just to know that he helped someone while doing this...
• As I mentioned, you will always have wild trips. If you don't go out, you stay at home. It can be wild there too. A pillow fight can turn into a real war. And anyone who enters the room at that moment is under fire.
If you're going out somewhere, it won't be a boring place. What he loves: amusement parks, arcades, cinema, maybe some food. Even walking may not be boring.
A circus where he would do everything.
In the amusement park, he will always win prizes for you. You'd come home wrapped up in mascots, food, and more.
• Talking about something you both like? Of course! Your conversations on such topics can last for hours. Same with topics you both don't like. You can talk about people, things, food, anything else.
Each time you talk longer, your topics will branch like this, that at the end of your hour-long conversation you won't know where your conversation started.
Something like, "What was I talking about in the beginning?"
"I don't know. We started by talking about the food we ate."
"Huh? Fine. So... Oh yeah! Did you hear they're opening a new Ramen bar?"
Themes are constantly changing. That's why your conversations can last for several hours. And if you have snacks around, whether sweet or salty, it will last that long.
• He is your perfect partner for everything. Whatever idea you have, it will be with you. The weirdest conversations, he is. Dances or video games, he is. Even if he is able to forfeit so you don't get nervous.
Making you happy is what he likes to do.
He will never leave you alone for long.
Even if he is somewhere else, he will call and do everything for you.
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autobotmedic · 1 year
Mun Vs. Muse
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we are usually logical/rational, but also have very strong feelings, and sometimes those conflict.
health conscious and yet, not necessarily great at always taking care of self.
we’re more introverted than extroverted.
we are opinionated, and the closer you are to us, the more opinions you will hear. including petty ones.
tend to be equipped or prepared compared to most, I cannot tell you how many tissues/wet wipes/a snack/etc I’ve given other students fhksjhdf.
we highly value life of any form; I have treated injuries/helped take care of sick people and animals. blood doesn’t bother either of us.
basically we both have empathetic caretaker hearts.
but also people are difficult to deal with and socializing is tiring more often than not.
once betrayed in some way/recognizing we’ve been taken advantage of, even if we do care about someone, comfortable trust is not regained easily.
rambling about a passion or due to being nervous is more common for me than him, but he does still ramble, and I definitely believe he did more often when he was younger.
I’ve been told I can be Intense sometimes when it comes to focusing on/tackling a responsibility. coughing.
oh strong responsibility sense but not like, claiming EVERYTHING, claiming our things/what we feel we should be responsible for and being dedicated toward those things. sometimes to the point of neglecting what we would actually like to do.
aligned ratch came from a village that isn’t even named canonically which I read as meaning he has Country Roots, and I am also a country person; maybe I’m self projecting but I rly do think he finds cottagecore appealing too.
we were very similar types of A-making students who took notes, studied, questioned/talked to our professors, and didn’t really party or fall for peer pressure. I am aware this is not a popular opinion for ratch bc many default to ‘party ambulance,’ but it is VERY hard for me to see that applying to aligned, nor is there any actual evidence of it that I can find (outside of a drug-equivalent's influence).
additionally, despite being the same age or younger than most of the people we interacted with as peers, there was ;;; definitely a personal maturity/priorities difference from most of them. aka, feeling older than you are and having trouble socializing casually because of it.
they are not as strong/I am aware of and thus try to keep them contained to be respectful of others, but I do have some controlling and defensive urges too fhkjahfds.
we can and will overthink often and there is no Off switch for it.
but on the other hand, we can also be calm and problem solve/react quickly under pressure, especially if anyone else present is panicking or emotionally hurting.
we have both experienced the loss of what we considered ‘home’ due to outside circumstances we could not change, even though it was not an entire planet in my case, obviously.
the older I get and the more I learn/see about the world and try to survive in it, the more cynical and tired I become; at this point I’m pretty sure if I lived several million years and saw a lot of scrap constantly, I would reach ratchet’s levels fhakjhfsdf.
we both care about the quality of our work/perfectionism to a significant degree and being rushed or learning to say ‘this is acceptable’ is very hard.
his science knowledge level is absolutely incredible and I cannot hold a candle to it, I struggle just trying to do research to write him believably. I also think mechanics and such are neat and I do have more understanding of vehicles than average, but that is still no where near equivalent to him.
I can be be creative/find creative solutions to issues sometimes, but I am not an inventor-level of problem solver like him. I can build things if I have instructions or make an entire simple plan first, but I can’t just Do it/modify something quickly.
I am usually able to express how I feel emotionally, he does not always know how or is unwilling to do so.
he is definitely better at multitasking than I am.
I am not ambidextrious but he is.
he is stocky while I am not.
I am not in any medical or science field.
I don’t have ptsd.
I rarely nap.
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muselin · 2 years
Oh, you're an Aries?? I'm an Aries too baby!! 🙌🙌
I was born April 18th 1998.
I'm only a few days younger than Seonghwa and that's why I feel I can analyse him so much.
Because I just see so much of myself in him.
Don't get me wrong, our natal chart placements are quite different.
He's a Cancer Moon + Rising
I'm a Capricorn Moon+ Scorpio Rising
He's an Aries Mars, I'm a Taurus Mars.
He's an Aquarius Venus. I'm a Pisces Venus.
And it hurts me so much knowing we're not really compatible 😭😭.
And then obviously gender needs to be into account because Aries Men are SOOO different compared to Aries Women.
And I completely agree about the physical aggression, I don't feel Seonghwa would be a bully but he can be very hurtful with his words in the moment.
How do I know? Because I'm the same.
And that's why I feel Seonghwa probably won't settle down or have children until his late 30s-early 40s when he has the emotional wisdom in just BEING a partner instead of over-thinking about being the perfect partner.
Plus I just feel Seongwha is probably in his fuckboi phase and is just slinging it left, right & centre.
(Which I mean, I volunteer. Just 10 minutes Seongwha 🙏.
I may not have much in experience but I will make up for in enthusiasm.)
Because even though Seonghwa is my ult.
I am not delusional and I know he's probably getting it on the side quite regularly.
There are people walking around in the world, having signed an NDA with Seonghwa and they just can't say a thing.
Ppl have had that experience with Seonghwa and they're not telling anybody??
They are truly gods favourite 😂😂.
March 24th Aries, yep yep. Aries stellium - Sun, Moon and Venus. Gemini Ascendant and Mercury, Cancer Mars. Fucking hate that last one lol, puts a damper on the whole rest of my vibe.
With the full understanding that I'm far less knowledgeable about astrology, I wouldn't get too bogged down in the placements when it comes down to it because an Aries is an Aries at the end of the day, the whole core of us is about getting up and doing things, being uncomplicated (relatively), direct and honest and being that person that's in too much of a rush to get too deep in the details or construct an entire fake personality. There are exceptions to every rule, but there's still an Aries essence that I feel on an intuitive level we just relate to, you know?
I never felt that Aries men and women were very different, to be honest, but I was also lucky to grow up in one of the countries with the least sexism and gender gap in the world. I have an Aries first cousin who I grew up with and we were like siblings, we behaved so similarly but in fact now in our late 20s, the one who behaves more masculine is actually me, despite looking very feminine physically. And I'm not even on any part of the rainbow. My 6'3" Aries cousin literally shrinks when I tell him off sometimes or ask him a super direct question lol. If anything, me being a first decan Aries and my cousin a second decan is the main difference between us. Where his words inspire and compliment, mine provoke. Where he's a social butterfly, a good leader in his life now with a big community, I'm the maverick, the only one of the family that literally abandoned our community to go pursue my own goals and build something of my own. But I'm still an extrovert and I love people and love a party!
I do agree about Seonghwa being more likely to settle later in life, and there are some very real-world and cultural reasons for this on top of wisdom coming late for Aries. In Korea nowadays and especially in kpop, people are getting married and settling down far later than ever, in their mid to late 30s as standard, especially men. ITZY Yeji recently talked on a show about her mother who was in her early 20s when she had her, and it was an UPROAR, they were all so shocked.
I also for sure agree with Seonghwa getting some on the side 😆 As an Aries tribe we're too sexual, cocky and bad at waiting for gratification to stay celibate for long lol 😂 Sex is literally a way of communication for someone that isn't so focused on words but on actions and defaulting to using his body to get tnings done. I imagine he's very good at direct but casual flirting, as well as straightforward hookups. Literally just a look, a sentence or two, a compliment and an NDA mentioned as a condition, and he's off to the bedroom (or love hotel or "part-time karaoke", I saw these in Korea when I went, he ain't fooling anyone)
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speakingagain · 7 months
I am 24 years old. So far, being in my 20's I have learned quite a bit. First off, you think you know anything about life, you're wrong. Especially when you are just becoming an adult.
Second, your 20's will not be the best years of your life. Literally everyone lied about it. Being an adult sucks, and it doesn't get better. You just learn to manage it better.
Your 20's are just your era to actually figure out what you're going to do with your life and who you are as a person.
Here's what I have learned so far about life and myself:
1) Coffee is my addiction and I have no plans on getting rid of it. If I could, I'd replace my blood with a cold brew.
2) I'm worth more than I have ever thought, and I only learned this because others valued me less than I should have been.
3) Milk is expensive. Gas is expensive. Paint is expensive. Existing is expensive.
4) No matter how appealing it is to hit someone, I would NOT thrive in jail. Even if they deserve it.
5) I have serious issues letting go of things. Physically, or emotionally. I hold grudges. And I keep shit I don't need. I actually have an entire box of shit from people I hate that I refuse to get rid of purely because I want to burn it, but I have no way of doing that safely unless I go up to my family cabin which is a hour away and has other members of my family there pretty much all the time and I'm not about that.
6) I want to be an extrovert but I genuinely hate people and I don't think that will ever change.
7) I got drunk and ate an edible once before a work Christmas party for a job I got laid off from a week before and went as a plus one for someone. Apparently people were highly concerned about me because I was talking so much.
8) People genuinely don't give a shit about what you're doing. More often than not, they find you amusing or slightly annoying. And they go on about their day. Do the weird thing you love, because it makes you happy. Even if you get weird stares. It's worth it.
9) I like cleaning and having things clean. But I hate having to clean. Having a clean space has scientific research behind it, stating that it helps improve your mental state. Do I know this very well? Yup. Do I actually keep my shit clean? Hell no.
10) Your mom will tell you that you're an adult and don't need a mother anymore and then when she wants you to do something you don't want to do, she will say, "I am your mother" to get you to do it.
11) My mom is the coolest person ever because she will vape THC with me (medical purposes duh) before bed and then sit on the balcony and laugh and giggle while staring at the stars with me. It is one of my favorite things to do with her and I really hate the fact that winter doesn't allow that.
12) Your shitty job that doesn't pay you a livable wage genuinely doesn't give a fuck about you. You can get better jobs with little to no experience that pay you well and offers decent benefits. Just quit applying to anything that focuses on customer service and the like.
13) Everyone is dead inside in Walmart. Everyone.
14) Promoting people who are being rude in stores (looking at you Karen) to use their words and ask for what they need is either going to get them to behave like an adult or royally piss them off. Either way, it's hilarious.
15) If you're starting off with nothing and money is tight, the dollar store has literally everything required to start up your kitchen.
15a) do not buy a can opener from the dollar store. It will break every time you use it. Spend a few extra bucks and go to Walmart or target.
15b) thrift stores sells random bundles of kitchen ware for like $2. I once found a $400 set of kitchen knives for $8 that just needed sharpened and CAME WITH THE SHARPENER.
16) If you can't afford to do something nice for yourself every once in a while like go get your nails done or a new pair of sneakers or whatever floats your boat, buy yourself that nice expensive toilet paper. Your booty deserves the best and it's relatively cheap compared to the other things you can't afford but love.
17) You can work on improving yourself, even if you don't have a therapist. Start asking yourself the hard questions you don't want to answer.
19) It is okay to be upset. It is okay to be angry. It is okay to be sad. It is okay to express them. What isn't okay, is forcing everyone to feel your emotions and make them everyone else's problems.
20) I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, and I'm not sure I will ever really know but it's a vibe.
21) Remember to relax your shoulders and your jaw.
22) I am actually a pretty good looking person, but I prefer to be comfy and wear 'unflattering' things than to cater to other people's images of beauty.
23) Space heaters are way cheaper than using gas to heat your home. Electricity is cheaper than gas. Candles can also be used to heat but aren't as effective, but can be used if you have no power.
24) know your tenant laws. Record every conversation with your landlord, or office people anywhere you rent. They will screw you over just because they assume you don't know your rights. They differ for each state but they are there to protect you from sleezy landlords. Which is 99.99% of landlords.
25) Feeling crappy? Make sure your basic needs have been met. Food, water (not coffee), hygiene, sleep, and attention. That will probably solve your problem.
I had a whole point to this post today. I don't remember what it was at this point. Stay safe y'all, and take care of yourself ❣️
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asoulofatlantis · 9 months
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Uh... I guess we make a newyearseve tradition out of the Christmas tradition ^^' And I do not know for how long because I am still not in the mood. But I try to get at least the SeeD-Exam done.
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He always acts like she is annoying him, but that reaction pretty much shows that he is used to getting favors for being her favorite student.
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Makes you wonder which idiot decided on who is in which squad in that exam. I mean... I guess giving a rather quiet introverted person like Squall a lively extrovert partner like Zell/Xell (how do they write that in English again? ^^') does make somewhat sense, but putting Seifer in the same team as two people who hate him, seems a bit harsh for an examen, especially since this isn't Seifers first try on this exam, so there are multiple reasons for him to not qualify for squad leader, his relationship with Squall and Zell aside. Meaning he is almost doomed for failure and could have easily dragged two promising new candidates down. Test or not, this is cruel.
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Whoevers job it was to take care of the headmaster here, is hopefully fired by now...
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He has a big mouth for a guy who failed this examen at least twice by now.
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They throw them in an actual real-life battlefield for the test and yet, surviving doesn't mean that you will automatically pass.
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First he is all "I am so cool. I am not afraid of battles. Blah, blah, blah and dann he boasts that he has a ROMANTIC dream? Oh boy...
His dream isn't as romantic as he makes it look like either, by the way.
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Harsh words from a guy who will fail just another exam. But... I guess the game does try to show us that as a teacher/instructor, Quistis has still a lot to learn.
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I NEVER understood how the ranking actually worked. I remember doing it with a walkthrough and I only got Rank 3. I had rank 5 once if I remember correctly, but god knows how.
I just found something that tells me all the stuff I did wrong. And shit did I do A LOT wrong ^^'
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You know I am a shipper and cheesy lovestorys usually always get me at some point, but Rinoa and Squall never got me. I never felt like they worked together or that they had great chemistry and the whole ordeal with Rinoas mother and Squall father feels absolutely weird if you look at the whole picture of that story. So I do NOT in fact look forward to meeting Rinoa for the first time at the party.
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Joke is on us here, because she actually is a witch (tho how one becomes a witch is something I will never fully get in this game...) and this could have easily be the only reason he actually fell in love with that spoiled, naive and annoying little brat here. Seriously, you know all those theories out there from other movies? Those ones were you suddenly think: "Oh shit! That even makes sense!" like it sounds like a stupid conspiracy, but it makes sense if you think about it. So... Rinoa put a spell on Squall right here to fall in love with her and that is why we truly get that stupid second-hand love story in the first place. (That is probably not true, but I just want to put that out here, because it makes more sense than someone like Squall falling for someone like her ^^')
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One of 3000 Versions of eyes on me is playing in the background, in true final fantasy stile, the main theme has multiple versions and playes in all kind of moments. That has not changed that much.
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For Quistis it must have been really frustrating. She felt connected to Squall and wanted to be close to him, at least as a friend, if nothing else, but he refused her time and time again. And then he dances with a random girl on that ball on the day Quistis lost her job. The frustration must be piling up at this point and Squall isn't helping with his attitude.
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I found it surprising tho that he did pick up on that. He always seems like he doesn't care, but maybe he actually is just really bad at showing it.
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Probably because of Seifer... But can you really blame her for his mistakes?
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I wonder if someone ever told her they would have some memory problems? I mean... did she expect that they remember her?
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Poor guy. He had one hell of a day yesterday and after barely a few hours of sleep he already has to be thrown into the most hideous SeeD mission there ever was. I guess he has inherited his fathers questionable luck, huh? ^^' (I mean, despite a lot of things going wrong, Laguna always ended up in a situation were he got what he needed in the end... mostly, that is.)
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I hate that swifties just turned against Joe without any actual evidence and when the pictures of him looking rough came out, they were celebrating and going after his looks (like they are doing with Matty) and it made me want to punch them (not literally) and I'm not part of the fandom at all, it simply was trending on twitter and checked what happened. And now recently they've been putting Matty against Joe and while the majority is hyping Joe up again simply because they hate Matty, the ones who prefer Matty instead also get on my nerves because they are like "he's problematic but at least he displays affection publicly" and the reason why that upsets me so much is because everyone likes really shy introverts when they need someone they can trust but then suddenly we're "cold" and "too reserved" and "should change" the minute we're no longer useful and seeing those tweets just makes me so fucking sad because I am so quiet in public and I really don't do the whole PDA thing but my heart is feeling with love for the people I'm close with and I sympathize with how Joe must be feeling. There was a video going around of Joe at her show and you can see the heart eyes filled with emotion but you can also see that he's so shy and anxious about being in public.
And people being like "she deserves more" has broken my heart. it just triggered something in me. Everyone who's just a little bit like Joe knows the feeling of dating an extrovert or simply someone with a lot of friends and trying so hard to overcome our limitations and still seeing our efforts being ignored. And then people acting like Taylor did him a huge favor for dating him because in their heads "no way she'd be truly happy with someone like that"... We're not all bad, we've got our flaws but we deserve love too and we've got a lot of love to give... (sorry this is more like a personal rant)
As the self-appointed queen of introverts, I completely agree with you. In fact, now you're making me wonder if that's the reason I like joe? haha. I had never psychoanalyzed my soft spot for him, but, when you mentioned the videos of Joe standing in the audience and watching Taylor, you reminded me of a moment from my teens when we were at some big family party and...well, I get anxious asking the Barista for a straw at starbucks, I'm not a dancer. So, I was just kind of in the corner, clapping. much like Joe is in that clip, still having a good time in my own lil way, and my mom came up to me and gave me this whole ass speech about how I don't know how to have fun, lol.
BUT, whatever the swifties or Joe haters say, the facts speak for themselves. Fact: This has been Taylor's longest ever relationship. Fact: she literally wrote him a song that says "people think loves for show but i would die for you in secret." Is that not the best response to these idiots? Fact: she said she'd give him a child if he wanted. Does that sound like someone who isn't truly happy? Fact: one of her songs promises to marry him with paper rings even though she "likes shiny things." If the literary scholars who analyze every single word she writes and its meanings are ignoring these facts, it's because they're looking for someone to hate. Doesn't matter. Taylor and Joe know the love that they shared.
In fact, I'm feeling kind of the opposite haha. people are hating on joe's introverted nature now that he's left Taylor, but im enjoying Matty's weird nervousness around her friends now that he's enter her space. Sure he's sweet when he dances and wears her merch, but what's more important is that he's unsure and out of his element but trying his best anyway. which is how I feel in all social situations hahahaha.
everyone is just trying to get through this miserable life giving love and hoping to receive it in return. why would we make things extra hard on each other by comparing partners or deciding what Taylor should value or whatever? its dumb and pointless and breeds misery.
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weepingwonnim · 2 years
Spill Thoughts n Words #2
Unfortunately, I need to make my thoughts more tangible for my own sake. Here's the run-through, y'all.
I heard word on Monday that a friend of mine passed away. I don't know exactly how to process this part of grieving, but I know I am okay with how I feel. The worry actually comes from me making others pity or feel bad if I discuss my actual worries. I had a friend tell me that I often feel responsible for other people's feelings when that simply isn't the case. I'm working on sharing more, but I also struggle with depression on a normal basis so being sad is just being sad.
We are leaving to be on our own soon and I'm a bit worried about how well I can engage on my own and how I might build up self-confidence as a teacher. I think it will come with time but I should also be studying up more so I can defeat that struggle of being unprepared.
I need to find a way to continue studying Korean when I am on my own.
I have to plan out what I will do after this year because that also requires a lot of prep work. I need to find a way to get out of my head a bit more.
Fun fact: since I have been surrounded by others for so long, I have been struggling with the idea of what is a normal social life versus what I am used to. Suddenly, I began thinking of how much I should have been socializing when, in fact, I have a stable friend group that does not require me to have to be like others who are constantly drinking and partying. I have no desire to truly be like them, but I think the issue is that I want to be friends with some of the people in those groups, which makes me believe I need to be more extroverted.
Another issue is the discussion of identity, I've been limiting my own perception of self because I'm a mixed heritage person inside a country where my family has a history. However, I don't pass as Korean and it feels like others won't/don't recognize that part of me. I am going to work on some reflection for that in a separate place, but it is difficult to assume that everything will simply work itself out with a little effort. It will be a year-long effort with my identity.
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First, congratulations on putting the gross Putin worshiping far right nutcase in her place. I literally thought her blog was a parody, but she actually seems to sincerely believe this stuff, which is terrifying. I blocked her months ago and commend you for doing the same! Second, I love you for being the only other person I know who prefers Elena to Caroline! Caroline is a well-drawn character with a great mixture of strengths and flaws, so I do really enjoy her, but I like and relate to Elena so much more. I'm a major introvert who doesn't like events and parties (I know, am I fun or what?!), so Caroline just cares so much about the kind of stuff I couldn't care less about. Not judging her at all, just saying that I have trouble relating to, for example, wanting more than anything in life to be Miss Mystic Falls, lol. And Elena doesn't have the sparkling personality of Caroline and is more extroverted than I am (who isn't?!), but she's so easy for me to relate to. She's so emotional, she overanalyzes, she ruminates and broods (funny how most of us love that in male characters but not the female ones!), she's got a self-loathing dark side but still lets herself so completely and fully love others, she makes bad choices sometimes but she always tries and cares, she's a fundamentally serious person but still works to find joy in life (this relates to one of many reasons I feel like Damon is the best partner for her!). It's just a preference issue---I tend not to like the 'insulting, somewhat superficial mean girl cheerleaders who have decent hearts deep down' like Caroline or Cordelia as much as most fans do and tend to like the widely disliked female protagonists more than most do!
I had no idea who that person was before they randomly sent me that ask. Thankfully, I checked their blog before replying.
She's so emotional, she overanalyzes, she ruminates and broods (funny how most of us love that in male characters but not the female ones!), she's got a self-loathing dark side
That's a very good point. Stefan and Angel are like that, and of course many people hate them and prefer the "fun" Damon and Spike types, but they still get a lot of love from many fans. The thing with Elena is that, Stefan, for example, is powerful, but Elena is "always" in "need" of rescue. People just see her as the damsel in distress and ignore everything she did for herself and for the other characters, or that it was rarely her fault people wanted her dead.
Regarding your last point, Caroline and Cordelia do have a lot of similarities, but, overall, I think Caroline is more consistently written than Cordelia and has more depth and better character development. I love Cordelia more though. CC truly did a great job with Cordelia. She's just more charismatic and lovable to me. Anyway, they're both lovable, but mean girl type characters don't appeal to me. However, I do like Damon, so I guess I like mean characters. Still, Damon is an asshole - he's supposed to be the cool, charming and lovable asshole, but we know he's an asshole. Caroline and Cordelia can be assholes too, but that's just ignored most of the time. It's like they're written like that to show that women can be confident and powerful (and still hyper feminine), but, in reality, that "power" is just being mean (“I’m a bitch. I’m not a sniveling whiny little Cry-Buffy. I’m the nastiest girl in Sunnydale history. I take crap from no one.”. Pls, Cordelia, fuck off). In contrast, Damon's confident and powerful because he's fucking confident (he fakes it at least) and a vampire - it's not because he's sassy, that's a separate thing, you know? He doesn't save the day by sassing people. I don't know if I made sense.
Anyway, I do disagree on one thing regarding Elena. I don't believe she's fundamentally serious. In the flashbacks to before her parents died, and in season 6 or even season 5, we see that she's effortlessly fun and carefree when her trauma's not weighting her down - she's still responsible, introspective, and thoughtful, but she's a lot more impulsive and fun-loving.
Thanks for the ask and for loving my blog and Elena <3
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hopeididntscareyou · 2 years
all my friends think im an extrovert and im tired of being lumped in with these loud mouthed extroverts. i know people who are actual extroverts and theres a huge difference between a person who gets energy from being around others between a person who has people skills. Extroverts can't handle being alone and they're never contented being around just one person, they get upset when they're not around many people for a long time. Maybe they can handle a short vacation or getaway with one person, but an everyday life with only one person will never be enough with an extrovert. Also, a person who constantly wants to be around people doesn't always mean they have people skills. Sometimes they are even the quiet person in the group, "who doesn't talk much", or shy but for some reason they go out of their way to be constantly hanging out with people. Its literally why I have met so many "party animals" who enjoys the crowd but don't really do shit in the party. They aren't attention seekers. They blend in the group because they have no unique personality, but still, they are part of the crowd and its simply because they're natural extroverts. And an introvert doesn't mean its the person just chillin' in the corner, it also could be the center of attention in the party depending if there something special about the person. Maybe they like to dance and they happen to be the best dancer, maybe they genuinely enjoy the music so they're just naturally having fun and the obvious reason that most people in the party are drunk. Nothing to do with extraversion.
Just because I am confident about myself and I am not afraid to speak to people to gain advantage in a situation doesn't mean I'm an extrovert. Its called interpersonal skills that everyone should have, like how are you supposed to survive a job interview or a job meeting if you don't have that skill? I dont need to be an extrovert to have excellent social skills. Not all introverts are awkward and have low self esteem. I've always preferred my own company than being with people contrary to the popular belief. Just because I am not rude and have a pleasant personality, people must get the impression that i want to be around them all the damn time. That's absolutely false, people don't get this but I get very stressed when they want to spend time with me everyday. I have always been feeling stressed for this very reason and people are still dumb to connect the dots that maybe -- maybe i'm not an extrovert at all
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