#because for real this is actually v validating to write
parkersgnome · 22 hours
⭐️Mima Rants⭐️
I remember coming across slidshow on tik tok this about a year ago, and even *I* (as someone who used to be grossed out by proshipping) thought was ridiculous…
This is the title of this slideshow.
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Just a heads up guys, just like our ships, None of these stories are real.
And if they were based on actual events, wouldn’t it make more sense to make a video about that instead of making up shit that never happened?
But, Let’s go through each of these as if they were real stories, shall we?
First one
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“Caleb uses the internet to deal with his trauma”, Alright, I’m gonna stop you right there.
Isn’t “Staying off the internet is beneficial for your mental health” something we learned in, idk, fucking grade school? Cyber safety PSAs in middle school? Something that dozens of people have screeched from the top of their lungs since social media was invented?
Who the heck told him that being on the internet was going to help with his trauma and improve his mental health???
His feelings are valid, I get that. He has every right to be disturbed by Sage’s writings and fantasies. However, it seems that Sage isn't encouraging these actions in real life and keeps them strictly within fiction. As long as it’s in text or art, Sage has every right to express his fantasies.
Anyways, Caleb should seek a better therapist who can teach him better coping mechanisms like going out for walks, yoga, baking, or some other fourth thing instead of browsing social media where there’s a good chance he can run into something that makes him uncomfortable.
Next one…
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“Jackie is 10-”
Yeah no no no no no no.. no… NO.
10-years-old. That’s, like, what? 4th grade? Shouldn’t Jackie be watching cartoons, playing with toys, or better yet, playing outside? Why did her parents give her internet access? Why aren’t they monitoring what their elementary schooled daughter is watching online?
If Charlie was going out of her way to promote this to minors then I would say she’s in the wrong, but this story never implies whether her content was specifically targeted to and/or letting minors come on to her account.
I've never seen proshippers create accounts specifically targeting children. If Charlie makes it clear her content isn't for kids, then it's not her fault if some random little girl she doesn’t know ends up consuming it.
If Jackie ended up being groomed and assaulted by her brother, it is her parent’s fault for neglecting her online safety and allowing her to access adult-targeted content at an age when media literacy is at an all time low.
The last one
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“dEGenErates LiKE hiM 🤓” 💀💀
Once again, unless you can present to me a REAL LIFE incest/pedophilia case where proshipping was involved, this is not a valid argument that fiction affects reality.
Alas, we're treating these stories as if they were real. If Trey feels compelled to SA his sister after seeing writings or drawings of problematic ships, this suggests he’s likely an untreated mentally ill individual, especially since he can't differentiate fiction from reality.
What? If Trey played GTA V and started shooting and robbing a bank because he wanted to be like Trevor Phillips, should we consider banning violent video games?
As proshippers, we do not endorse real-life criminals and genuinely terrible people. The essence of proshipping is that all negative or degenerate actions should be confined to fiction. Understand?
End of discussion.
Anyway, as ridiculous as that slideshow was, please refrain from harassing or bothering the artist who made it. They have the same freedom of speech we do, and stooping to harassment and bullying wouldn't make us any better than antis who promote such behavior.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Nonblack Atsv fans stop acting like Punkflower's popularity and Ghostpunk's chemistry is oppression.Punkflower was popularized by black folks wanting black queer love and it's a good faith ship between two minors with a 2 year age difference with the older one having black kid adultification trauma and the younger one who's also black and growing up too fast trauma himself helping him them feel like a real kid.You think Miles and Hobie are 'brothers-coded'?Yeah,of course you'd think the two non-related black boys are brothers,you're nonblack.You got that propaganda and superiority complex all up in there and you ain't unlearned jackshit because you don't actually see Hobie as anything but a minstrel show with punk spice thrown in and that's so disrespectful and disgusting on so many levels,that you'd take our character,an afropunk as black people made punk and y'all took it from us and now you're trying to make Hobie yours too.Get over yourselves-If Punkflower was wonderbread yaoi,you'd be tripping over yourselves to call them your precious t4t disaster canon gays uwu like you do with Steve and Eddie from ST,Hunter and Edric from Toh and countless other white gay ships that don't have NEITHER the strong of a bond or romantic potential Punkflower does,including y'all's lil pedo ships like them Teen Wolf hoes.You mad at the niggas existing positively,don't lie
And Ghostpunk,wether you like it or not and you clearly don't since you have no taste or rizz,is the canon queer Spiderverse ship because Gwen and Hobie are implied to both be trans(trans girl/unlabeled gnc trans)so they're a queer m/f ship,t4t m/f specifically.Daniel Kaluuya stated in an interview how deep Gwen and Hobie's friendship goes is 'entierly up to them' i.e we're cool to interpret Gwobie or Siblings!Ghost Punk and either is equally valid according to the crew themselves and they did a fantastic job at writing that,as Gwen and Hobie's closeness is very easy to read as romantic or platonic with both making equal sense to their interactions and the background we're given to their dynamic.But as always,nonblacks gotta prove themselves the far ultimate right ones and can't shut the fuck up about how there's no indication of a character who's first fact we learned was going to a direct quote be a ROMANTIC rival for the mc to his love interest with no takebacks to it by anyone in the team and don't know what 'anarchy' means either by throwing norms to 'prove' their points.Y'all just mad that Ghostpunk being heavily implied as romantic means you can't write Hobie as a stereotype of black toxic masculinity and by extension misogynoir or some triffling ass poser who chases after 'good girls' as if he's even a bad boy to begin with and Gwen proved Hobie is punk4punk with her pastel punk subculture and THAT is a realistic punk dude x girl character ship dynamic and the actual 'improvement' to their relathionship as a romance is biracial lightskin afrolatino/black Gwen since she should've been adapted as black to begin with for rep
You're a nonblack who hates Punkflower or Ghostpunk or Ghostpunkflower?Keep that shit to yourself.You should be embarrased
@a-hypnos-v @weirdo09
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 months
Is it true that parts of Lily Orchard's 'iconic' "SU is Garbage and here's why"-video were directly stealing from another person's take down of the show?
The story I remember reading somewhere was: a black woman creator was criticizing the show's racism/portrayal of race from her perspective -> LO copied or quoted beat-for-beat bits from said video -> said creator voiced in LO's comments that LO had stolen from her and also -> said creator was uncomfortable with how Lily was handling the Stevonnie topic and found her to be the one making it creepy??? -> Lily blocks, mutes the comments of and makes a hate campaign against said creator for the crime of calling Lily out on her bs -> said creator goes quiet because she kept getting heat from Lily's base.
Is any of this true?
I think, understandably, said creator did not want to be associated with Lily or was tired of getting flaq from Lily's fans, and that may be the reason said creator doesn't want to talk or have their name given out. Understandable. But- I need receipts. I can't cont making this claim confidently if I just don't know the story. I promise if anyone gives me said creator's name (may have changed by now) I won't bother them, name them here or anywhere. I respect privacy and also I totally get wanting to be away from all this.
If Lily ever did a plagerism or not is what I'm trying to get to the bottom of, but I know Lily's [bad] takes against SU are rooted in real criticisms made by not-shit critics that Lily took and made horrible in her uniquely Lily way.
As I've mentioned before I like the Diamonds as villains and characters and even I found the finale arc uncomfortable. I think Steven Universe mishandled the topic of genocide and pacifism, besides just having bad pacing. Other critics have meaner or nicer things to say than I do but the point is it's totally normal and not a mark against you to hate the Diamonds and find the show offensive. Where Lily doubled down and went way WAY too far is when she basically insinuated it couldn't just be bad writing but that Sugar was actually a 'fascist sympathizer' herself; WHICH ofc led to Jewish people being upset with Lily, Lily not apologizing to said people and saying they were just butthurt, which led to mine and other's vibe that Lily was being antisemitic and still is, because she really REALLY can't swallow her pride. Fans obv didn't like this language, but also a lot of critics and 'antis' didn't like it either prolly because being dismissive of marginalized people's takes is kind of bad. There's a difference, even in 2018-2019 tymes, between saying 'ick I hate this [x]-liberal creator for being a false ally, ect ect' and saying 'I'M not saying Rebecca Sugar is fascist, but I WILL SAY-'. THAT was what was shitty and still is shitty about how she handled that situation. Lily was taking a criticism that can/does have validity and being needlessly mean and accusatory with it.
@lillian-v-orchard @mikailaandlilyorchard @opinated-user come pm or dm me about this. Same with anyone else in the know who knows more than I do. I want to know I'm not mandela effecting myself or that I got the info from a biased source. Thanks.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
this might seem v random but, if you haven't come across it already, i would really recommend tavi gevinson's latest online zine 'fan fiction' -- not because of the fan fiction element of it, though, but because of your evident love of taylor swift (who it's about) and your impeccable literary taste. and would love to hear your thoughts!
This was an excellent recommendation, and I loved it. I will admit that the RPF segment had me leery (RPF throws me for reasons I have yet to intellectually inspect but believe may relate somehow to the concept of voyeurism) but I'm glad I finished it, because she pulls it together very well. The dialogue in the last segment is especially great, particularly these parts:
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And this:
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And this:
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Because this gets at what I find so Gordian about Internet conversations among even relatively respectful/measured people about Swift's work and presence: we can't seem to figure out what it is we want from her. There is no right way for a woman to be more famous than most presidents. Do we want her to need us or not? Should she care about our approval or shouldn't she? Is the fact that she doesn't "feel" authentic to us the consequence of having demanded authenticity for so long she literally had to shape her personality to fit what "felt real" to millions of people, and in the process, of course, of course, inevitably, produced work that felt authentic to no one?
And then also, like. To what extent do fans use her autonomy/consent as a lever for bad behavior? I.e. does the "invitation" of personal information in her songs license us to speculate about her like she's a character on a TV show? Where is the line of appropriate speculation in an autobiographical medium? I was talking to my friend at dinner just tonight about how it's gross that people can't seem to give her the credit of writing songs that aren't 100% always About Her, and my friend pointed out that she invites comparisons to her own life by teasing names and iconography we identify with her public persona. It's like Brett Easton Ellis writing a book about a character named Brett Easton Ellis. Sure, they're not the same person, but you've invoked a symbol, and people are not being ridiculous for trying to analyze that symbol in the context of the work. In order to do that, they need to understand what the symbol is. Which means the biographical stuff actually is relevant to the text, and Swift's obvious irritation at her fans for failing to just... fuck off a little bit and let her live, while an entirely fair and morally defensible human response, is complicated by the way that her art is produced to resonate best for those who care most. Folklore and Evermore prove even Taylor is on some level aware of this, because she uses the third-person mechanic (and again in "Bolter") to differentiate those protagonists from the narrative construct of "Taylor Swift" in her other first-person work — i.e. pulling apart the Swift who is speaking and not the Swift who is singing (if that makes sense).
And then, finally: "The irony gets a bit tired. You can just say you like music. It's fine." What a deliciously recursive little bit of irony, considering it's a criticism being offered by a character whose ironic distance is itself being criticized. And the fact that the author is putting her own self-criticism in the mouth of a non-existent popstar who's deliberately flattening her take on her subject matter? Mingling valid with invalid criticism to establish a protective distance from her flaws and prove her smarty-pants intellectual self-awareness while also implicitly disowning the faults in her work, an (ironically) childish gesture of insecurity that stands at odds with the mature intellectual persona? Trying to have about seven or eight different cakes, and eat every one of them? "The irony gets a bit tired." Fucking perfect. I laughed.
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s1ll13rg00s3 · 1 year
Ok but why is there always a reason. When it's about macro all of a sudden it's oh why should I care about the sob story of some bihettie who couldn't ever live through a day of real homophobia. When it's ppl like inosa or swagy or radgoose or countless others getting told disgusting things like that their bfs should kill them, it's laughed off too and it's like oh go back to your hettie world if you're so mad. When it's about catboy it's like oh why should I care if we make fun of the SA of some moid thats praxis actually. When it was ppl saying bi women are just like tims and they're weaponizing their rape it's oh why can't you bihets learn to read none of that matters. When there was a big burst of a bunch of people getting openly attacked by "blackpills" it was oh this is just so online why are the bihetties playing the victim. These ppl are just coming out to advance the position that they won't go after you no matter what you say about bihets. Like the refusal to condemn anything at all unambiguously is very much the point.
Honestly, I've come to the conclusion that people these days (esp young people) are not any more progressive than other generations... I honestly think their politics and values are possibly more conservative than 10-20 years ago - these are just my feelings as a low income bisexual woman who is pretty white passing but I've had friends of other races (esp older friends in their 30s-40s) talk about how they feel the same thing in regards to how ppl are regarding race now and there's tons of posts circulating about how people are more homophobic than 10-20 years ago and we just lost roe v wade, income disparity is worse and social services are cut, etc etc etc
I feel like people such as you described above are highly individualistic and don't really have principles in the traditional way like "x behavior is bad" like if we use examples specific to the recent state of radblr re: the treatment of bisexual users, they don't think that homophobia and misogyny are unacceptable behaviors, they think its perfectly fine to leverage homophobia and misogyny against groups they see as "other" and don't identity with in some way. There's always a reason why the people I have marked as "other" deserve their mistreatment and why my own actions and the actions of people belonging to the group I identify with are excused from scrutiny.
A lot of the time in spite of how they call themselves "radical" (feminist or leftist or whatever) they express behaviors and ideals which are sooo extremely in line with the cultural norm for treating people of marginalized groups.
Examples relevant to this convo: Gay and bi women talking about how they "don't fuck with" bi women because they are untrustworthy and flaky partners and "most of them are basically straight and will end up with men anyway" so they don't need LGB community support
Also, determining that a woman's intimate relationships overshadow all of her other actions, and feeling entitled to information about a woman's sexuality to determine how valid you think her words are and how much support from her community she deserves.
Also, telling a victim of sexual assault and homphobia his problems arent real and he should be quiet about them.
Also, you can't trust women with partners and especially children to take part in feminism because they're going to by default center their lives around their male partners and children, so they're going to at best half-ass things and probably just decide to focus on their families instead anyway, may as well exclude them and write them off.
But its okay because the women in the first example were gay and bi, even though they're saying the same things straight men say about bi women. The second example is okay because it's statements and demands made by other women a lot of whom are gay and bi, not men or gossip rags. The third example is okay because it's gay/bi women speaking to a man. The last example is okay because it's said by other women who call themselves feminists, and not a sexist boss, even if they have the same way of thinking and similar actions with similar results.
And on one hand I get it, these people are trying to pass along their own hurt a lot of the time and they are usually legitimately telling themselves and each other that they aren't doing anything worse than maybe hurting the feelings of individual strangers. But they're adults who are behaving in unacceptable ways, and honestly some behavior should just be unacceptable, like... we should be kind to each other if we want people to be kind to us. Beyond that though, the concept of "punching up" has rotted people's brains and is ruining our community solidarity, is honestly a huge class consciousness issue, and they are doing more tangible harm than they're admitting to themselves.
I see this way of thinking as way more of an obstacle for dismantling these power structures than activists being imperfect in their personal decisions. Like, structural opression does not exist in a vacuum and spring forth from nothing, it requires a culture mindset to continue. Like, the whole deal with structural opression is that the opressed groups "deserve" their structural oppression in some way like it's always "justified". While the power structures/axes of opression/classes DO serve social and economic functions, human beings are emotional beings and most people aren't evil, to get social animals to hurt each other you have to socialize them to do so... like as feminists I think we know that at least.
"It doesn't matter if you shave because you prefer it, it perpetuates the expectation for women to remove their body hair and you are indirectly socializing other women as part of society" but then, if you have a good reason you can excuse homophobia or misogyny and suddenly it doesn't contribute to any larger power structures or the socialization of those in your communities?
If you have conditions in which you support homophobic or misogynistic (or racist and so on) behavior then first of all, you're perpetuating the cultural mindset and socialization that allow the abusive power structures to exist in the first place which beings me to my second point... it will lead to them being used against you by people who deem YOU as "other" at some point, unless you're the most privileged person on earth and there's no axis of oppression someone could decide to flip on you if they feel you deserve it and we all just keep crabs-in-a-bucketing each other
It's in our own best interests to treat each other as well as possible, that is my belief. Anything else is cutting off the nose to spite the face, who benefits?
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
hi uncle nina! sorry if this is kinda overbearing, but you havent posted anything today so i just wanna check in and make sure youre doing okay! <3
oh my god, sweetheart!!! this is not overbearing AT ALL! this is extremely thoughtful and makes me feel extremely validated. <3
i'm sorry for causing concern, but ty for being concerned about me.
because the school year is coming to a close, things around me at work have been pretty intense, so i've been tossed around like a ragdoll the past week and haven't had much time to write as a result. i also haven't been sleeping very well and rush a lot in the mornings, so i've forgotten to take my mood stabilizer the past couple of days which makes me v sluggish, zombie-ish and unpleasant in general. :/
...when i am like that, as a weird way of sparing you, i suppose, i try not to post on here too much because it feels quite shitty indeed for you to get a notification for my blog just to watch me bitch n moan.
however, i have taken my medication today and feel bad for fumbling kyle week...as we know i'm not really good at holding myself accountable or making deadlines. oddly enough, it's not that i don't want to answer my questions, it's just that other than not being able to really find the time recently, i just can't find the right...words?
( this ask is long and irrelevant, but read if you wish. ilysm. )
or, rather, i don't feel knowledgeable enough the subjects to answer? specifically in the areas of my tsot/tfbw styles and ncuniverses, i feel a little insecure because i don't know sp or the games as well as many other people do, so i'm trying to speed watch episodes/watch speed runs of the games online so i can at least keep some canon intact?
i also am finding that creating and understanding how high fantasy universes work is...difficult? lmao? also because i did crazy stuff with mutations and science and politics in my tfbw ncuniverse, that's also complicated and out of my wheelhouse...tldr: i have big ideas, but i'm not very good at backing them in fact or doing analytical stuff.
but...iiiiii need to, lmao. mental illness, but if i make a universe it has to be fully realized, it has to all make as much sense as possible, echo the canon, enhance it, feel real and be fluid...so if i'm not around too much it's because i'm trying to bolster myself with my sp knowledge ( ik, i'm a fake fan ) and watch/read/research high fantasy concepts and superhero/scientific fiction/dystopian stuff...so if anyone has any recommendations for me to watch or learn from in those realms, i'd appreciate it. again, this is intense...but i care a lot about my craft.
and specifically crafting something worthy of all of you, that makes sense, lives and breathes, reflects the show we love & is interesting.
ANYWAYS!!!! with that said, i got a cool ask about whether or not i have a gunslinger kyle? which? not yet? BUT YOU'RE A GENIUS BABY I AM SOOOOO ON IT!!! please let me cook and watch some things because actually, oh my god, i am very down. i'll update you. i might make a board to gather ideas, omg, omg, it'll be SPICY.
i got an ask about princess kylie, which, bless you, i am also still developing her character, i am going to pour over the books, watch some GOT, do some mapping out, watch some intricate dnd play throughs...and have some answers for you very soon: hang on, baby.
( she's little, bitchy, prissy and does need to be babysat, i'm afraid. )
got some on jersey i'm excited about! sorry for writing that ask meme about the sour skittles like that, again, writing has been trying for me lately and i had a concept that i wanted to share but wasn't sure how to express that. if you guys are alright with getting my asks in the form of notes some times i would appreciate it! anyways, keep your eyes out for some of those...if kyle week runs into next week, sorry.
idk...this is so long. all this to say...i'm really sorry? i haven't been a very solid creator lately, but i'm a little unstable rn. but i am working on it and i hope to be back on the horse by tonight and share my notes at least and show you guys how my brain is working.
in the mean time, please direct as many questions as you would like in the direction of riley, teri and ana who not only are epic writers but have been an epic support system/helping me get back into things.
thank you for caring, thank you for reading...keeping up with this blog and the questions and creating constantly is sometimes challenging, but very rewarding. i promise that i am not neglecting my asks or all of you because i don't care, its actually because i care very much and only want to give you stuff that is awesome and cool and well researched. so, again, just give me a second to get my barings and while it kind of eats at my bad bpd brain i might try and share stuff with you guys that's half baked because the feedback might help.
tldr: i love you, this made no sense, i'm a mess, but i am fine.
miss you and love you. happy kyle week.
-uncle nina
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
so i have some more thoughts about the barbie movie that i wanted to put in writing so it can serve as a sort of diary of my ramblings
as i've already germinated in some tags, i think that the most interesting facet of the movie was the conversation between the three realms: barbieland, the "real world" in the barbie movie and our actual real world that we inhabit.
so barbieland is pretty obviously depicted as an ideatic world, NOT an IDEAL world, but a world fueled by IDEAS, where they very much take their most exaggerated form. barbieworld is a cartoonish and hyperbolized version of the real world, but inversed. i think this is the starting point where some viewers get lost. barbieland is not the auctorial voice telling us this is how things should be, this is the right way of organizing society, this is what we should be striving for. it's satire. barbieland is a matriarchy in which all the barbies run everything & make all the decisions, while the kens are just.... there, simping for the barbies, not even having houses. it's satire because it highlights IN AN EXAGGERATED WAY the ridiculousness of marginalizing people by their gender.
the "real world" in the barbie movie is also NOT our own real world, it is STILL an exaggerated version of it, albeit a way less stylized and distorted version of it. it's a lot more realistic, but it's still a heightened simulation of reality, not the true thing. barbie gets sexually assaulted within minutes when arriving - that's obviously not going to happen (so quickly) on this actual planet. but the movie is NOT trying to suggest that it would, the movie is not saying barbie-real-world is a 1:1 correspondent, naturalistic depiction of THEE real world. again, it's satire. the mattel male board are obviously cartoonish versions of misogynistic executives, although they are unaware of it and think themselves progressives. it's literally a comic strip.
another aspect i think people get muddled is the difference between satire v jokes v aspirational messages, on the one hand, and the prescriptive v descriptive debate, on the other. both barbieland and the kendom are caricatures of the matriarchy and patriarchy. neither is "correct" or presented as a valid political or social aim. why? bc the kens are shown to have actual valid complaints that are acknowledged in the conclusion by margot robbie apologizing to ryan gosling and the kens gaining a higher status and participation in society.
now, the movie reinstates the matriarchy in barbieland because 1. this is a movie about barbie, the doll with 2493 careers who can do anything and 2. it's meant to mirror (both) the real worlds and parody them in the process. they explicitly make this point twice (to my memory) - first, when that man in the "real world" tells ryan gosling that affirmative action for women is just for show and the second time with the line in barbieland that maybe someday the kens will manage to achieve the same level of influence women have in the real world. we're really not supposed to be like "oh that's super fair of the barbies" - it's not. THAT'S THE POINT (conveyed via comedy).
the message of the movie is that it's still ridiculous and unfair. if it's unfair for the kens - an element that many people seem to grasp - it means that it's unfair for the actual women in the actual real world who actually have to experience this systemically. in the conflict resolution stage, the marginalised group still gets fucked over somehow.
now, there are other moments in the movie that were just jokes. the most debated is ofc the very last one. barbie going to the gynecologist is just meant to be one last gag, it's not supposed to be some grand statement reducing women to sex objects or whatever the fuck. barbie has spent the whole movie in a sexless state, explicitly informing us none of the dolls have sex organs. now we see her in one last scene, spirited by her new family, and we're encouraged to think she may be going to a job interview in order to integrate in society. but she's actually integrating in a different way - now that she's fully human, she has gained a vagina, where she previously did not, so now she has to learn to manage that. that's it, that's the joke. you were expecting one thing and you got an unexpected resolution - the basic definition of humour. ofc you can find it funny or not, that's up to you (i, myself found it mildly entertaining - not the best, but not the worst), but it's a v uncharitable interpretation to conclude it's objectifying her or defining womanhood via genitals, especially when doctor barbie is played by an actual trans actress
anyway!!! the barbie movie is pretty meta pls think about it more
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skyland2703 · 2 years
Got any headcannons for how members of the different dino teams would interact?? Imo Shelby and Amelia would totally just info dump about dinosaurs/aliens to each other
Oh a sht ton of them 🤣 let’s seee (your Shelby and Amelia Headcanon is 10000000x valid OML)
Shelby would LOVE Javi’s music. And Javi would FREAK OUT if he gets to meet music icon Kira Ford. And cue all of them writing a Dino something song together— and Tyler bombs in with awkward singing when they try to record/post it.
Conner would get along waayyy too well with Chase. Riley and Ethan would be somewhere in the back shaking their heads and going like ‘you’re kidding, right?’
Zayto and Dr. O being dads to their respective teams, and panicking about “WE DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS MANY DUMB KIDS” and Keeper chimes in with a “if you’ve gotten the kids, you must take their responsibility.”
Oh and Solon cooks for EVERYONE. And then we have Koda and Aiyon just stuffing their faces.
Ivan, Zayto and Aiyon comparing notes on Earth Knights and Rafkonian Knights.
“I wish I had an alien girlfriend” also tyler. To which he gets uh… beat down from the lady who has once kicked a laser beam attack into half.
Conner going “You wrote an actual song about dinosaurs?? LAAAMMEEEE” and getting punched by Ethan because tricera rangers solidarity.
Ollie and Kendall shaking their heads at all the chaos that unfolds. Ollie: “So you have an entire underground lab? With THAT MANY GADGETS?!!?” Kendall: “I sure do” Ollie: COOL!! Show me!!” Kendall: “yeah if we leave these people here they’re gonna blow up the place”
Kendall DOES get insanely invested in Dr. O’s batcave. Then we have Ollie shaking his head because “you can go look at labs with him but not me?? 🥲” and Kendall’s reply being something like “I trust you to look after the kids <3”
Amelia geeking out about the Dino Zoo and the V E R Y real dinosaurs. James Navarro takes her on a ride on his ankylosaurus. Javi also joins in giggling like a little kiddo
Kendall and Ollie don’t get along as well. Ollie and Riley meanwhile. Could be twins from alternate dimensions. At least Ollie is happy that Aiyon isn’t as big of an airhead as Chase is— AND Aiyon just tried to eat a chair… “i take that back”
“Dr O I’m sorry I broke your wristwatch” Izzy says, handing Tommy his Dino morpher, “it flung out of my hand while I was trying to throw Koda’s spear as a javelin”
Trent is sitting somewhere in the background, sketching everything, and realises someone— Zenowing— has been looking at his art.
They narrate the story of Koda becoming a baseball star to Izzy and she’s like “I’m signing Riley up to be my manager”
“And we were track rivals” moments.
More drama.
Shelby and Amelia comparing notes about Tyler and Javi. Cute? Check. Overemotional? Check. Angsty Daddy Issues Trauma? Check. Heart of gold? Check. Himbo boyfriend material? Check.
“You were also evil and then turned good?” Heckyl and Tarrick’s conversation. “Yes, but I also had a wife and child. We do not come from the same plane.”
That’s about all I can think of atm— but I’ll be sure to add more!!
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torialefay · 2 months
hiya! so i wanted to pop in because of the whole changbin exclusionist writer thing. i'm not a writer but i do still feel like there's some things i wanna say about this whole situation.
i'm gonna put a disclaimer here just to say that i don't have that many details on what exactly this person writes or says. this goes out to anyone who excludes one of the members just because you don't find them attractive
personally, i'm attracted to all the members except for changbin and seungmin. but that doesn't mean that i love them any less. i read that the author said something along the lines of "oh, i just don't want him to rail me like the others haha" and yeah, that's completely okay, but what isn't okay is saying that you're a stay and are ot8 when you aren't.
these guys, all of them, deserve the world and they've worked their asses off to be where they are today. so yeah. it's genuinely completely valid if you don't feel attracted to one, multiple or any of the members. but that doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. do you really think that the other members would like what you're doing? that they want to see one of their best friends, their family, be put down like this time and time again?
tldr; if you hate on any of the members just because you don't find them attractive, go outside and touch some grass ffs
i truly agree with this. it baffles my mind to think that this is normal in some people's heads.
like i genuinely could not IMAGINE a world in which i was like "yeah im just not gonna write for him bc i don't know him like that since i'm not attracted to him & don't pay attention to him." like that truly takes some balls that i would be MORTIFIED to show fr.
i think everyone has those members that they love & adore, but that they don't necessarily think of in any sort of sexual way and that is completely FINE. completely NORMAL. for example, although innie is turning into a v manly toast, he is my baby sister's age, so it can be hard for me to see him that way sometimes. like that's a baby for real, you know??? even though he's not even 2 years younger so it's kinda stupid 😭 just that mental block kinda thing from seeing people his age that i've always put into a "too young" category my whole life. but at the same time, i can appreciate the fact that he is objectively grown & handsome & has so much sex appeal. and i genuinely think the world of him and know that he should be included in what i write... bc he is inherently just as sexy as the other members & just because i have biases, it doesn't take away from that fact. and REGARDLESS, i appreciate him in stray kids. never in a million years would i leave him out.
it's completely normal to have biases & members you're more attracted to than others. & if you don't feel comfortable writing for them *sexually*, then okay, wtv do your thing. but to not include them AT ALL (even in a non-sexual way) in a post including everyone else in skz? i'm sorry, but it really does scream having no respect for them in the group. also screams that you don't actually give a fuck about them as individuals, but rather this is just about you wanting to fuck them. if you don't appreciate bin & don't write for him at all bc you don't wanna fuck him, then you're not ot8. just say that. do your thing, but own up to it being shallow. aint never heard a bitch say anything negative ab bin's personality or talent, so that sure as hell is NOT why you don't wanna write ab him 😭😂 i mean unless you really don't jive w his personality... which is all i have to know really lol.
point blank: just because you do not find someone attractive does not make them "less-than", nor does it support why you couldn't write for them in a non-sexual way. if it's superficial for you, then it's superficial for you & i'm sure there will still be people that support that. just don't go acting like it's "i just don't really know him" when you've had just as much exposure to him as the others. don't make lame-ass excuses.
like imagine being in your own idol group that means so much to you. your fans are your livelihood & mean the absolute world to you. you love them more than anything else and center so much of your life around giving them what you think they'd want. but then you see stuff like this. posts including all of your members EXCEPT for you. how would you feel? would you feel appreciated at all? left out simply because you're not as "sexually attractive" as the other members? literally not even ACKNOWLEDGED until pressed about it.
but people grow up and learn that saying "this community wasn't what i thought it would be" when everyone is collectively telling you that you're problematic... hopefully to god at some point you'd believe them. it's not everyone else's fault that most people are ot8 & you're not, thus not supporting your work. sorry if you expected a bunch of people who love changbin to suddenly not give a fuck, but it's quite the opposite 🫶🏼
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mystery-moose · 5 months
For the fabric author meme: 10, 14, 17
10.) Best/funniest comment you’ve ever gotten on a fic?
I think the funniest is probably one from ff.net on like, brokerreport939.omni, because boy that one's a real gut punch and people respond to that in a lot of amusing ways.
The best comment, though? That's harder. Because like, when I was posting Flight of the Flying V, there were a few people leaving long, thoughtful comments regularly, including someone following every chapter, and that might be the best feeling I've ever had posting anything? Like, that's SUCH profound validation, man, what an absolute joy. My whole TAZ writing period was full of comments like that, from talented writers and enthusiastic readers, totally out of proportion with any other fandom I've ever been a part of, and it completely owned, lemme tell you!
But, since I'm feeling sentimental tonight... maybe the first review I got on ff.net from noted bestie @orchidcactus. Our very first interaction! She's the reason I kept writing, the reason I started editing other people's work, the reason I joined tumblr, the reason I followed and fell into friendships with all the other writers who've become some of the most important people I've got in my life. If she hadn't commented so thoughtfully, or wanted to talk about craft after? My life would be so, so much worse.
So yeah. Gotta be that one.
14.) First fandom you ever wrote fanfiction for?
Ace Attorney, actually. And I don't remember what it was about, and I don't have the login for that ff.net account anymore, and it's a good thing I don't because when I wrote those I was extremely 18 and had no idea what I was doing. Fun times, though! Lot of trawling around Court Records.net (oh hey it's still up! Good for them!) and thinkin' bout angsty situations while listening to the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. Sometimes I hear a song and it sends me right back to that point in my life. (I listened to a lot of the Gyakuten Saiban orchestra and jazz albums. Like, a lot.)
Also, Cadenza's Turnabout album? Still fuckin' slaps.
17.) Favorite AU to write?
Post-canon. Always. I love exploring what happens after everyone's arcs are "concluded," and seeing how much farther they still have to go and where they can develop further.
I don't tend to enjoy AUs that are radically different from the source material, like coffee shops or high schools or what have you. If you change the backgrounds of the characters too much, I just don't understand how they're the same characters anymore! But I do love AUs that are just "what if this person made a different choice here" or "what if this thing happened to someone else?" Exploring those what-ifs is pretty fun.
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blenselche · 6 months
I'm here to toss my hat into the "I can't believe you made me ship this and cry over it" ring, it was emotionally devastating. The comic got me curious and then when I saw the word count of your series I thought to myself "there's no way there's that much to be said on Finn kissing himself" but boy was I proven INCORRECT. I really appreciate how you took Fern and fleshed him out into such a developed, deeply dimensional character, how you handled him being a demon, how you turned the grass demon into a real character of its own and how you explained its motivations and the effect that had on Fern/why they snapped. The 0 to 60 fight or flight response that gave me a pit in my stomach at parts was so potent. Oh, and the nasty crying!? My sleeve was actually soaked because I didn't want to stop reading to get tissues. I had to put my phone down and walk circles in my living room after reading the older Finn/HW scene. It saddens me that you've crafted this novel length fanfic with such care for a selfcest ship because it deserves so much more attention than it'll get, and I'd love to recommend it to people but they'd look at me like I've grown a second head while I insist "it's not what you think, I swear!" Okay, I'm gonna stop writing now, sorry lol.
well this isn't intimidating!!!
I'm here to make people cry ig, older pre-wish Finn def needs a hug, your walking in circles is v valid.
ahhhhh fuck what do I say first-- Keep Yourself was fueled by my righteous, fiery anger over the shit deal the show gave Fern, so ty for appreciating what I did to him and all the junk I stacked on his shoulders. I also want to thank you for liking my grass demon! It did way too much unprompted good for me to accept that it was purposefully malicious, so that was something I felt was p necessary. And dw about the "not getting attention" thing, it's a sweet sentiment but whether ten or ten thousand people read my fic I'm stoked :)) attention is nice and I love the comments people leave me but that's all just extra cherries on the sundae that is getting it out of my brain and onto a screen lol. I had a lot of fun writing it so if people like reading it then that's more than I could ever ask for!!!!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Why Rich People Like to Pretend to be Poor Harry and Meghan's calling card. by u/Sense_Difficult
Why Rich People Like to Pretend to be Poor Harry and Meghan's calling card. I found this interesting video discussing the phenomenon of Rich People pretending to be poor and so much of it resonated with why I think people get so annoyed by Harry and Meghan. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized how OFTEN they have done this. From the chickens in the backyard, to the ripped jeans and bare feet, to the Sizzler, to the "I had to crawl in the back of my SUV because the door wouldn't open." to "Nott Cott" and Oprah squealing "No one would ever believe it!" to the writing on the bananas, and baking one loaf of banana bread, on and on it just doesn't end with them. But it's some sick form of CosPlay to get respect and validation for some "hard struggle" that they have supposedly had to endure that in their mind justifies their bad behavior and greed and selfishness. When MM said "I was standing on a tree stump in South Africa" and that quickly grew old, because she realized that Royal Duties were not just "photo ops" for a fake Instagram lifestyle, but real responsibilities, she didn't want to do it any more. The same is true with Harry and his Invictus Games. I'm honestly shocked at how he's treated it. In the beginning, I had a sense of respect for it. I thought it was the typical kind of forced duty and service that the very privileged and wealthy tend to find themselves pushed to represent and then over time, develop a growing respect for the work and the people involved. But lately, it's just more "I'm a Military Guy who has "war wounds" just like you all, mine are mental health." It's just more CosPlay. I think this was also really backlashed with Oprah's Maui "Fundraiser." People have had enough of their BS. Poverty Tourism is not the same thing as actually DOING the work. It's using the true suffering of the poor, hurt and struggling for attention. Here is a video I think explains these two exactly. It doesn't mention them though but I think it is 100% why people can't stand them.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIR46oH-ufk post link: https://ift.tt/2KTRypx author: Sense_Difficult submitted: October 02, 2023 at 04:53AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
The Making of: Collateral Damage
In 2021, I wrote a fic for Ron-Draco Fest.
While Snarry is my OTP, Dron is pretty high up there in terms of ships I love. So when I saw this fest advertised, I just had to look! And there was one prompt in particular I had to have. I knew immediately what I wanted to do with it. I felt so hyped up! When Claiming Day came, I was watching like a hawk for the sign up form. I moved quickly, not willing to take a chance that anyone else wanted that same prompt.
The prompt was this:
“Draco incorrectly thinks Ron and Harry are dating and wants to hurt Harry, so he pursues (successfully) Ron, thinking he’s causing Ron to cheat. Then he starts to develop feelings for Ron, and is jealous. By the time he realizes Ron is not dating Harry, and Ron really LIKES Draco, Draco is head over heels but v insecure/jealous.”
...and well, what immediately came to mind is a spoiler, so read on with that in mind!
The Making of: Collateral Damage
The prompter was, thankfully, someone I knew.
Fests are stressful, for me, for a multitude of reasons. Deadlines, for one. Reception, for another. Posting a fic on a normal day is throwing a story out into the wild for people to stumble upon. With a fest, you know people will be watching and following along. And your works are sitting among others that might be better written, or more popular.
But there is also the pressure of wanting the prompter to like the fic.
Had anyone else left that prompt, I might have hesitated. And had I hesitated, Collateral Damage would not be what it is today.
Because, if I'm being very honest, what drove me to write the Dron of my dreams, was the power of Snarry.
My beloved OTP can be a bit iffy for people who don't actually ship it, I've found. But when I saw that prompt, when I saw "Ron and Harry aren't actually dating" my first thought was "yeah, because Harry's actually dating Snape!"
The prompter was a person I knew from a Snarry space. We were both reading the same Snarry story, and bonded over our shared love of Dron, as well. And I knew -- I just knew -- she would love what I had in mind.
So perhaps my enthusiasm and shared interests with the prompter powered the fic, too.
Don't worry, Collateral Damage is fully a Dron fic. The Snarry doesn't actually overtake it (though they do play a key role in the plot.) This was all for the best, not only considering this was a Dron Fest, but I happen to have a very strong love for background Snarry. Which might seem silly, but I'll just say this: there is something very validating, and sweet, and exciting about seeing my beloved OTP pop up in other stories where they aren't the main focus.
So this was my opportunity! To not only write a great Dron story, but to indulge in a bit of background Snarry while I was at it! I was so beyond pumped to write this fic!!
...and I waited until last minute to actually write it.
That was a mistake.
To my recollection, it was late 2020 when I signed up. The fic was due in late February or early March 2021. I had plenty of time! I knew what I was doing with the fic. It could wait. I could pop out a fic in a few days, no problem! I had other stories I wanted to focus on. Works I was in the middle of writing. Then...new ideas! New ideas that wouldn't take me that long. I still had time, still had time, still had time...
Until I didn't.
The real problem was that I'd signed up for another fest due around the same time. Luna Lovegood Fest was due 2 weeks before Ron-Draco Fest. I'd also never actually written for a fest before, and had not yet realized just how much pressure I would feel.
I do not work well under stress in general. Stress is especially detrimental to my creative state. I worked for 2 weeks to finish my Luna Lovegood fic (The Knudhavn Conspiracy), fretting all the while. I made my poor partner read my progress and reassure me that it was fine. I had that deadline looming over me, and the Ron-Draco deadline in my periphery. Finishing The Knudhavn Conspiracy was such a relief, but a short-lived one because I had to jump into starting and finishing another story. And I was feeling less sure of my abilities than ever.
What I should have done was started Collateral Damage while my enthusiasm was still fresh and my stress-levels low. The high of a new idea is good for my writing; letting it die down is where trouble begins. It took time for the spark to come back to me.
Every day, I pulled up my laptop and stared at my word document. I fought for every last word. I knew what I wanted and where I was going, but getting there was more of a struggle than I'd really encountered when writing before.
Version 1 of Collateral Damage had a good 10k words written when I decided to scrap it and start over. It wasn't bad. In fact, a lot of what I had was quite good. But the tone was off. And I realized the only way to fix that was the start again. (I rarely encounter tone issues, but I recently had with The Christmas Prince, which I also had to change tracks on.)
Let me tell you, I was PANICKING. I'd wasted so much time and energy on those 10k words! I can't remember ever having to trash that much progress. I was feeling pretty defeated. In fact, I cried. A lot. I was a total mess. But I kept going. I have problems knowing when to quit, and while learning to let go is a lesson I need to learn, I'm glad I didn't quit then. I'm glad I pushed through to the finish line.
Magic happened in fits and starts. Opening with smut? Genius. I'll toot my own horn there. I worried about switching from present tense to past, to catch up on the events leading up to the opening. I worried that I rambled in areas (though far less rambling than in Version 1!) Draco's voice was so easy to work with! The blend of vanity and insecurity, colored by all of his drama and humor! And his dynamic with Ron! The silliness, the messiness, the sexiness! The smut was fantastic, full of character and imperfection in ways I crave. And being a ship I don't often write, it was a fun exploration into new territory. A new flavor of angst and antagonism from my usual Snarry.
There was the postwar world, and how I imagine ex-Death Eaters were treated by the world at large. Thinking of how far Draco had fallen, and how he clings to his pride and privilege as best he can. Considering his own relationships; his interactions with Severus, his closeness with fake fiancee/best friend Astoria. The mask Draco shows, and the true face beneath it. His futile, petty grudges. His secret vulnerability. And finding love where he least expected to.
I would write bits and pieces in a frenzy. Then I would stop and begin to doubt myself. I had a cheer reader along the way, reassuring me when I faltered. I had my partner's support, his belief in my abilities. Until I began writing for fests, I never relied so heavily on other people to get through a work. I was alway self-motivated, but I'd never written with so much stress and so much doubt before.
I should also mention that, as a person who primarily writes shorter works, watching the word count grow on Collateral Damage was terrifying. I can cram a lot of story into a small amount of words, so I really did not expect Version 1 to hit 10k words, let alone Version 2 reaching 16k. The amount of story written created different sorts of stress. "Is this too long?" and "how am I supposed to edit this??"
Oh lord, editing. Don't even get me started on that. What a nightmare.
By the end, I had a story I was quite proud of. To this day it is one of those fics I look back on, amazed that I wrote that. The fact that so many others enjoyed it pleases me to no end!
As Contempt is my great ode to Snarry, Collateral Damage is my ode to Dron. This story captures my love of both Draco and Ron, as well as my love for them together. It is a story pieced together by headcanons, self-indulgence, small details, and a whole hell of a lot of love.
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
I am trying to lose weight and am rly obsessive and I think maybe I have atypical anorexia too? I’m scared to tell anybody. People are proud of me and encourage this.
Hi anon :) it’s great that you reached out to somebody. It sounds like you might be in a rough spot rn.
I can’t diagnose you, or really give any validity to the idea you might have an eating disorder because I don’t know you or what dieting and obsessive means to you. But it sounds like you’re struggling and that the dieting and obsessions around food maybe are quite distressing. People don’t usually come to the conclusion they may have an eating disorder until it is really impacting their life, and they have spent so much time researching. (I would say it’s VERY common for people with any kind of restrictive/weight-focused ED to think there isn’t a problem; ED brain does that). So while I can’t like, validate or diagnose exactly, I trust that if you are reaching out, you really truly are suffering. And that is valid. The exact term or diagnosis is, in my opinion, less important than recognizing the pain and suffering and internal/mental anguish of eating disorders.
As somebody who has recovered- but still has an “ED brain” and truthfully can’t “healthily” diet / pursue intentional weight loss- I know how hard it is to be in that headspace while those around you actively encourage it. Atypical ana super sucks and isn’t easy to recover from. It’s similar to “typical” (low-weight) anorexia in many ways, but the triggers we have and just how we are perceived in society and in medicine are often different and create real, different barriers. I think there is still this idea floating around that people at lower weights are suffering more than people with atypical anorexia. Like atypical ana is “ana lite” IF we have our suffering acknowledged at all. The higher your weight is, the more weight stigma you experience. And that makes seeking care very difficult.
Again- I know nothing about you, so I can’t know what you are experiencing. But it sounds like you may be at a higher weight than what is considered “ideal” in your culture, or you started at a higher weight, so people around you are praising the obsessive behaviors causing distress. I just want to remind you that for those of us with atypical anorexia, this is actually a very common experience. You aren’t alone.
And I get if that also means seeking help us even more so difficult. I wish I had a happy story to tell on that front. I don’t. I had my ED for multiple years before “atypical anorexia” became a talked about thing- it was EDNOS still in the past DSM, which nobody wanted to consider in me at all. Every time I wanted to talk about how I felt like my eating was different from others, like I would start to reach out, it was shut down. I only really got the diagnosis retroactively after having to do so much of my recovery alone (somehow I managed? But 0/10 would not recommend). I would still encourage you to try to reach out to a professional. The world has changed a little bit since then- it’s been ten years since the DSM-V came out and actually specified that “atypical anorexia” was a thing (under OSFED), and we have more research out there to validate that our suffering isn’t just mental. It has real, and honestly scary, physical health consequences, even at higher BMIs. If you can find a HAES (health at every size) provider in your area, they are less likely to write off your concerns / more likely to be supportive and treat you with the care and compassion you deserve.
Reaching out to me was a fabulous first step. And I’m here for you if you want to reach out again, for any reason.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
My read on jikookers is that deep down, most don’t actually BELIEVE that jikook are a couple. Like if really solid proof came out tomorrow to the contrary, they would eventually accept it.
Taek00kers on the other hand- many seem to have rooted their entire identities in taek00k being a couple. They fully believe it. And they will never not believe it- even after Tae marries Jennie and has his 5 kids or whatever lmao. It probably helps their mass delusion that there are so many of them. It validates them. While there don’t seem to be many jikookers
My read on most jikookers, which I've said before, is that they're stupid and lately, they've also become hypocrites. And they just don't have the brains or self awareness to realize what they have turned into and what it looks like from the outside. Not all of them, of course, I wanna make it clear since some get upset about generalizations 😅
(But beware because there are lots of generalizations ahead).
Jikookers do believe they're together. They've even become as biased and intolerant as taekookers, they've created their own echo chambers where they all repeat the same thing over and over like robots. They're not even getting the most basic clues, and a lot of things that have happened since 2020, but especially since the break started, has literally gone against everything they fight for.
"Taekook are awkward, they don't hang out, they aren't friends, Taehyung forces fanservice on Jungkook". Taekook proving them wrong literally every week lmao.
Just two days ago or something jikookers were actually UPSET about that namkookmin compilation and armys saying that Jungkook was jealous of Namjoon. They were crying because people were hyping up namkook.
Jungkook literally the next day on his live: I don't know what my life would be without Namjoon. Love of my lofe. I would die for him.
Taekookers have become so strong and are so set in their delusions precisely because they don't accept different opinions; they've never stopped to think twice about all the things that don't make sense, and now jikookers have become exactly the same!!! Because blocking and deleting replies definitely shows how sure and convinced you are of the ship, right. They're not yet on the same level of schizophrenia as tkers but I give it 6 months until they get there. It will only get worse. Everything that doesn't really make sense, they've been ignoring or re-writing it so it would mean whatever they want it to mean. They're even doing that now with the things JK said on his live.
So, following the logic I've been seeing be predominant after the live, I guess it’s green light for taekookers to still believe that the V is for Taehyung, even if JK said otherwise? Since it’s apparently okay for everyone to just take whatever meaning makes them feel better, and not JK’s actual words. They're all acting exactly like taekookers. I really wish from now on I will not see complaining about taekookers “twisting” stuff because jikookers are doing the exact same thing. Especially a certain blogger, I've seen her so many times going off about taekookers but now she's doing the same thing. Like, they allegedly all think that taekookers are crazy, but they're using the homophobia/closet "theories" and "analysis" that taekookers use just to validate jikook. And that's where hypocrisy comes up.
THEEE amount of times I've seen this very woman say that his tattoos are only for him to explain and when he actually explains them, she's writing essays about how they don't mean what he said they mean??? Have they all lost their minds?
What happened to watching original content? What happened to listening to what the members say?
I don't usually pull the homophobia card but let me just go ahead and be real and say that if someone really believes JK and Jimin are together, but JK denies it (directly or indirectly), then it's a matter of HUMANITY and also respect for gay people to simply accept what he just said. If I'm closeted and I tell you I'm straight but you still go around saying "no, she's actually gay you guys she just can't come out" then it's downright disgusting. At least keep it to your private conversations, because seeing everyone mass agreeing to stuff like that just feels wrong. Maybe "mass" is an exaggeration, because 100 - 200 people are virtually nothing, but you get what I mean. And again with the hypocrisy, because they're constantly talking about boundaries and treating the guys as real people and not trying to dictate their lives and whatnot, but there they go. Speaking over them because JK something they didn't like.
I talk a lot about stuff that maybe for a lot of people crosses multiple boundaries, but I'm not a hypocrite. It's not like I talk and simultaneously tell people that they can't do the same.
Not to even mention that Jungkook wasn't actually forced to even talk about his tattoos at all. It's been 4 years since he got them done, there were plenty of chances for him to talk about them. Or he could've just talked about the ARMY one, since it was for the fans. What was the word? Oh right.. choices.
What happened to watching original content? What happened to listening to what the members say?
To follow your Jennie example, I've seen jikookers when JK had his dating scandal, and I really believe that if he (or Jimin) were to be involved with a woman the way taennie are, jikookers will ignore it anyways. They won't believe it either until they get the glorified confirmation from the company or jikook themselves. So, personally I don't really see any difference in that department either.
The only thing right now (and always) that diferentiates jikookers from taekookers, for me, is that jikookers at large are nicer people. They're not the devil incarnate (not a compliment, for any taekooker reading this, being an awful person is just pathetic) the way taekookers are, but when it comes to sticking to the facts and being objective about each ship, they're both acting exactly the same nowadays, with the only exception that this time taekookers at least have real interactions to hype.
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bybdolan · 2 years
wait I don't know how much you are actually interested in this but i've been thinking about dh lawrence cause I just finished reading lady chatterley's lover and uh. there's a weird implication in that book that the main character is a "real" "natural" woman cause she can orgasm from heterosexual penetrative sex. Like the love interest goes on a whole tirade about how he hates lesbians and women who don't come from p in v sex cause it's "unnatural" and it's like. not even refuted narratively or by the main character. idk I thought the book was really good in some places but THAT. kind of ruined it for me!!! The recent movie version kind of tries to fix that by showing cunnilingus which is NOT in the book and which I honestly feel like the book version gamekeeper lover would also think is unnatural and too much like lesbian sex lmaooooo it's so weird and makes me skeptical about lawrence
very Sally Rooney coded of him :) jk. I actually looked into his sexism/misogyny after reading that questionable essay about the Scarlet Letter in order to verify that No He Did Mean That, and his focus on the p*nis and penetration came up frequently in articles on the topic. It's honestly kind of bizarre and you are very valid for being taken aback by that part of the book (considering it IS so much about sex). Sex scenes in literature are a super interesting topic anyway because they do often say a lot about a romantic dynamic or one of the characters involved, but there are certain authors who have insanely repetitive sex scenes that are very "heteronormative" (= focused on the man's desire) and it's just strange to read about very different characters all engaging in the same sex practices? Murakami obviously comes to mind because the man does NOT ever let a female character c*m, but as weird as it is this usually is addressed in the novel and is part of a larger ~plot point~. (Still sucks and annoys me though. give me a character who can't get it up for once.) Sally Rooney on the other hand frequently features bisexual characters in her writing and while there are bisexuals who like traditional gender roles during sex, many of us also. Do Not. and it is lame that this is not taken into account when she writes sex scenes. like good for all the Sally girls that they are able to c*m from penetration alone but that's not reality! give me a bit of diversity! spice up the gender roles! ugh
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