#because girl you can't just straight up go silent and look at my partner with that fucking face (even i can tell) once we show up
ai-thne · 2 years
can't believe someone still has to say this but if you, a cis straight girl, fancy yourself for having so many friends who are gay men, but think that that makes you entitled to say the f slur and act weird around my partner and i (lesbians) when we're there talking to our mutual friend, you're a bigot in rainbow clothes.
#yelling into the void#sorry this sounds like i should have posted it in 2015 because by now the whole point of this post is obvious to everybody#but unfortunately i live in a backwards hellhole of a country so we still have an abundance of people like this and it still makes me mad#because ok time to rant#couple days ago my friends and partner and i all went to a festival together#we go every year and it's always great fun#except this year a couple of our friends decided to invite their own friends from out of the region too#i personally don't know those people but you do you i mean i have abandonment issues but they don't really apply in this case#(i still felt like shit thinking about how they went around more with those people than us their friends of several years but ok)#also i don't really remember if they asked us if it was ok if those people were coming or not but i digress#either way yeah they were fine with us not really liking this one girl that was coming because„„#you know the popular high school girl stereotype?#yeah#she's unable to admit being at fault too and the person i'm vaguing in the text above#because girl you can't just straight up go silent and look at my partner with that fucking face (even i can tell) once we show up#we were on queue for food too lmao it's not like i'm here to annoy you i'm hungry#if i could go somewhere else i'd go there but yk#i have food allergies and more than two vendors here don't know if their fry oil could send me flying into anaphylaxis so#so anyway. went quiet when my partner and i showed up and whispered to who i assume was her shitty bf while i talked#as if i talked more than 500 words the whole festival#i felt like shit and i hope to god she lives with the uncomfortable feeling of knowing that she can't fool my partner and i with her facade#i made fun of it once i realized (in private) but then it just faded into bitterness
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oceaneyesinla · 5 days
I needed to write Chuuya, because he has taken my whole heart
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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Chuuya pushed open the door to his office, intending to cross the room to his desk and finish the paperwork still outstanding from his last mission. It had been pushed aside in recent weeks due to unrest in Yokohama, which could only be solved by yet another uneasy alliance with the ADA. It wasn't what he wanted to spend his evening doing, but the quicker he finished, the quicker he could get home.
Instead, he stopped dead just a couple of paces inside, blinking slowly at the sight before him - you, his girlfriend, waving at him from the fancy velvet couch he splurged on when he became an executive. Of course, having you there wasn't a problem; on the contrary, he loved having you nearby, and he would never pass up an opportunity to see your pretty face.
Problem was, you never should have been able to get into the building, much less up to the executive offices, only a floor below Mori-san's own. He would criticise the Port Mafia members protecting the building, but he knew from experience just how cunning you could be, and working with Dazai day in, day out only made you more of a menace.
“You don't look happy to see me, Chuuya.” You pushed out your bottom lip in an exaggerated pout, and you had never looked cuter. He moved to cradle your face, running a thumb over your plush lip.
“You know that's not true, angel. I'm just wondering how you got in here.”
Your pout was quickly replaced by a bright smile and a mischievous shine in your eyes, “A master can't reveal their secrets! What if you block my entrance and I have to find another way in?”
“Pretty sure nothing would stop you for too long. I know you and shitty Dazai memorised the place years ago.”
You took his hand in your own, pressing a kiss to his palm even as that cheeky smile remained in place, “That doesn't sound like something we would do. Anyway, I only did it so I could come and see Chuuya whenever I want.”
That, he was grateful for. He had already been envisioning you, shuffling around in an empty apartment, waiting for him to come home. Having you here, sitting pretty for him on his couch, was the best motivation for him to finish up quickly. After all, his girl needed to eat, and he needed to wrap you up in his arms in your shared bed.
“Can't leave straight away, angel. Mori-san needs this paperwork.” He tried to soften the blow by smoothing a hand over your hair, brushing a few stray strands behind your ear.
Your smile morphed into something softer, and he loved you a little more for understanding just what being a Port Mafia executive entailed, “I figured. You've been running yourself ragged the last few weeks, partnering up with us. I came here to wait for you, so we can go home together.”
His sweet girl. He leaned down, pressing a chaste but loving kiss to your lips, reluctantly pulling away to take a seat at his desk. As he started to write, pen scratching against the paper, you pulled out a book - the latest volume of your favourite manga, he noted with a smile.
It turned out the work was a lot more bearable when every so often, he could flick his eyes upwards and watch you enjoy your manga; silent gasps and mouthed words escaping you every so often. It was entertaining, to be privy to your excitement. He knew he would get a detailed retelling of the story thus far, and he couldn't wait.
With a final signature, his work for the evening was done. Mori-san could have it first thing in the morning. Right now, he had far bigger priorities. You had stopped shuffling in the last few minutes, and when his eyes travelled to you, he had to hold back an affectionate chuckle.
You had turned onto your side, facing the room, your manga tucked into your arms like the world's most uncomfortable teddy bear. Your cheek was smushed against the fabric of the pillow tucked under your head, and he thanked his past self for investing in such expensive cushions. Only the best for his girl. To top it all off, your mouth was slightly open, little puffs of air escaping you as you slept.
All in all, you looked silly, you looked comfortable, and you looked like the most beautiful thing he had ever set his eyes upon. How he got so lucky as to have you in his life, he wasn't sure, but he would never take your presence for granted.
With a smile he knew was far too fond for a hardened Port Mafia executive, he tidied up his loose ends and made sure everything was in order. Once he was ready to leave, he quietly approached the couch, slipping one arm under your knees and one under your back, gently lifting you up and cradling you against his chest. He tried to jostle you as little as possible, but years of living in the darkness of Yokohama's underworld meant you stirred anyway. You relaxed almost instantly, though, resting your head against his shoulder and nuzzling against his neck.
“We goin’ home?” Your words were muffled by the skin of his neck, and still sleep heavy. He tightened his arms around you just a little, holding you closer against him.
“Yeah, angel, we're going home.”
You pulled away from him just enough to let him see your sleepy smile before your head thunked against his shoulder once more. He didn't need to look to know you were already slipping into sleep again.
Getting out of the building was easier than he expected - he had visions of bumping into Mori-san, or Akutagawa. Thankfully, the only person he saw was Gin, who took one look at the precious cargo he carried and pointedly looked away.
He slid you into the front seat of his car, carefully buckling you in and pressing a kiss to your forehead before circling to the driver's seat. When he got in, he turned his head to find your eyes watching him, slow blinks doing nothing to mask your adoration. He felt a flush in his cheeks at the attention - after all this time, he still wasn't used to your open, unshakable love for him.
“Love you, Chuuya.” You reached out to squeeze his hand, and when he tangled your fingers together and lifted your hand to his lips, the smile you gave him could have lit all of Japan.
“Love you too, angel.”
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nagycyra · 1 month
More than one note
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Nerd Miguel, who always goes to the university library to be able to concentrate more easily and advance a large amount of work, reviewing notes and details related to the syllabus that all professors give at the beginning of the semester. Sitting at the table farthest away from the group of people, being close to a window that gave way to one of the classic “green areas” of the university, noticing how one girl in particular seemed to struggle to carry her books, it was obvious that it would not be easy to carry eight books, but that slight concern disappeared when he saw how another girl approached to help, making Miguel return to pay attention to his studies.
Nerd Miguel, who upon entering one of his last classes in the lab, ran into the same girl he had seen through the window. Normally Miguel was not late, but that day he had been distracted between some work and ended up running to the lab, grateful that there were free seats, he sat next to the girl, the closest seat, but as usual, he just kept silent while he began to take notes.
Nerd Miguel, is surprised when the girl next to him asks him about what is written on one of the blackboards, arguing that he can't make out the words.
-Thank you, you saved me- the girl murmured with a smile on her lips. Miguel couldn't help feeling how his heart skipped a beat, feeling a slight warmth in his face, not knowing if it was because of his nerves or because of the closeness the girl had taken with him. -Oh, I'm sorry, my name is T/N- said the girl quickly, thinking that she hadn't even introduced herself.
-Nice to meet you T/N, I'm Miguel - he answered with a soft tone, trying to mumble while he adjusted his glasses, which sometimes fell a little down the bridge of his nose in the course of the day.
-Very well boys, I want you to pay attention to your classmate next to you, you will be lab partners, at least in my class,- said the teacher as she looked up from the book she was holding in her hands.
Miguel didn't know if he should be grateful that T/N became his lab partner, that feeling of nervousness came to him just by listening to T/N, at least this way he had an excuse to talk to her.
Nerd Miguel, who at the end of the class started to get his things ready to finally go home, until the teacher commented about a project that would be sent to them through the student platform.
-Miguel - T/N's soft voice caused Miguel to pay special attention to him, not only because they were now lab partners, but also because he wondered what you were looking for in him.
-Would you like to give me your number? - the question made Miguel's brain short-circuit a little -So we can organize ourselves.
Sure, it had to be that, the job they had been informed about, there must be no reason and that was not something that was going to upset Miguel, they barely knew each other.
-Sure Miguel said with a smile, giving T/N his phone number with a promise to contact her when they had to organize the lab work.
Nerd Miguel, who upon arriving home leaves all his things in his room and then goes to take a shower, the heat of the day had been enough to bother his comfort a little.
After a few minutes and after enjoying the cool sensation of the water running through his body, he checks his phone, noticing a message from an unknown number. A bit confused, he opens the chat, only to discover that it was from T/N, his lab partner.
Checking the message, he went straight to the small desk in his room to turn on his computer, indeed seeing the notification of the paper the professor had commented on. As she opened the file her jaw almost dropped when she saw the ridiculous amount of stuff they had asked for. But as she listened to the notification on her phone she noticed the message from T/N.
T/N: Did you see that it also asks for a video about the practice?
Upon reviewing the information, it certainly asked for the work to be submitted as a video, an exhibit where they were to explain the topic along with a practice demonstrating the development.
While technically not that complicated, the time to devote is quite a bit, at least if they wanted a good grade, the biggest problem was that this was not the assignment for a single class, they had several I didn't know if their schedules were going to coincide enough to get it done.
Nerd Miguel, who is glad that you proposed a schedule between classes to be able to complete the assigned homework, taking advantage of the free hours. That moment was one of those moments, they had two hours free, in your case an hour and a half. Both of you had gathered on some benches near the cafeteria, at that moment Miguel observed how you arrived with an iced coffee, it wasn't strange, the heat of the day made that even the cold of that coffee was enough to enjoy the drink, what had really surprised him was that you had also arrived with an extra coffee, saying that since you didn't know what he liked you bought him one just like it.
A little embarrassed, Miguel smiled and accepted the glass of coffee, taking a sip that had refreshed his body, even the slight shy feeling when T/N had considered Miguel for even a small detail.
Nerd Miguel, Who as he got to know T/N better as the days went by, became aware of T/N's tastes and pleasant personality, from wearing sweatshirts and looser clothing on exam days due to lack of time, to learning that he didn't much like to drink energy drinks unless he really couldn't handle the sleep. Gradually, Miguel began to admire T/N's personality, her kindness, her humor, the way she cared about him and considered him, even sending funny videos to cheer him up, making Miguel's heart feel more and more excited, warmer and warmer.
“The way she makes me feel, I really like her.”
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This time I will publish it fast because I am busy these days, if I have any mistake you can tell me and I will correct it, I am still improving in my english writing.
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silent-raven13 · 4 months
I finally got to see you, again!
(A different take on "It's Great to see you!" A more happier ending! Beginning part is the same from the other one-shot.)
Miles had a lot to think about. The two were have more fights, they were distant and unhappy. They seem to talk about the future but ending it without no resolution.
When the two decided to go to this burger joint, Miles knew what he had to do. Hobie came by to pick him up, they weren't making any conversation.
They ordered milkshakes, burgers and fries. Hobie casually said, "I'll be going to a national tour, luv. I won't be able to see you for a while."
"It's really happening, huh? You're famous." Miles softly spoke.
"Hahaha, yeah. Hopefully get bigger than simple 'Hey, I know you'," He chuckles, "I hope you can see one of my concerts. I can book you to California, that's the last stop. You and me, we can spend time and look at the apartments."
Miles giggles, "Long distant relationship?"
"Yeah, you know you're only for me." Hobie stares at him with loving eyes.
"Hobie... I have to tell you something." Miles gulps being nervous, "You know, I love you and what we have it's pure, Special! You're my other half, mi alma! Mi amor!"
"Yeah?" Hobie looking concerned, he sat up straight from the booth he's sitting on. Across his beautiful partner.
"You know, we are having a drastic change in our lives. I'm finally gonna graduate and I got three schools already accepting me. Another one on the way," Miles sighs being so shaky, "I know, I'm going to be super busy with school. I know you are doing all these tours, making music, and seeing and meeting new people. Heck, I'm sure at times you're holding yourself back because of me, the same with me to you."
"What are you saying, Sunflower?"
"I think we should break up." Miles finally said.
It went silent, Hobie's eyes widen in disbelief. "Hahaha, funny Sunflower. Don't joke like that." His voice forced into laughter sounding joyful then his hand touches his face getting worried. "You got me." A weak tone.
Miles finally look at him with those serious honey-brown eyes and pout. "You're not joking? You really want to break us up?" His boyfriend in shock being panicked, "Why? Is that fucking Ben bloke?"
"Hobie, no. You know, this is more than just Ben." Miles finally said, "I think we need to separate. We won't be able to survive if we keep going. We keep arguing, distant- I... We need to be single."
"Need to be single. This sounds like you want to shack up Benny boy, eh?" Hobie getting mad.
"Hobie, you are going on tour! You're telling me you're not tempted with all those pretty girls and hot guys? Hobie, I know you want to go crazy and party to your fullest."
"I love you!"
"I love you, too and it's not enough! Where we're at is not enough and if we go down this path- I just know we'll regret it." Miles hugs himself, "I wanna have fun, too. Go to college parties, make friends but I don't want to be your boyfriend then all of sudden, I catch you cheating on me."
"It won't happen. I swear!"
"What about the concert? The VIP? If you really cared about me being there you would've answer my phone call and be there." Miles sighs, "Hobie, it's the little things, too. I miss you and I don't want a long distance."
"Okay, so you're blaming me? What about you? You got mad for every moment about your study time and I can see why, because of Ben!" Hobie scowls.
Miles sniffs going to grab a napkin, "How can you be so fucking mean?" He wipe his eyes, "Why can't you see the truth? I'm eighteen. Your nineteen! You're going to be a famous rock star while I'm going to college! We keep fighting and fighting and I'm tired of this. It's not fair. Okay! I can't even have you at prom because you're busy! I want to have fun, have my experience! I know, you feel the same way."
Hobie held back his tears, "I can't believe this is over. What happens to love conquers all and this bullshit of being together in the future."
"So you're telling me, you'll be fine giving up the partying, the sleeping around, while focusing on me? What if I have a special event on your important concert or you win an award? Or we make plans and it's always push aside! You know, this is a lot?" Miles wipes his final tears. "Hobie, I love you so much. You don't know how much I love, you're my Moonflower, mi amor. I want you to be happy, but I know I can't make you happy- not right now." He grabs his boyfriend's hands, "You will always be my soulmate."
He looks into those dark eyes seeing his Hobie filled with hurt. His punker sighs looking exhausted, "I know. I'm sorry, Sunflower. Things haven't been well with us." His hand gripped tightly on Miles's hands, "I thought I was being selfish... I wanted us, I love you. You are my everything. You're my Sunflower- fuck, I even wrote that song of you."
"Sunflower became your hit single." Miles giggles, smiling at him. "Hobie, I know. I know. But we'll be fine."
"What if we never see each other again? Or we just... never got back together?"
"Only time can tell." Miles softly said, "Even if all that happen, your still my soulmate."
"You're mine, too." Hobie nodded, "I fucking love you so much."
"Me too."
Hobie saw their food on the table, "Let's go back to my place and I wanna show you how much I love before... before we officially end it."
Miles giggles, "Alright."
The two left the burger joint with their take-out. The two spend their times in Hobie's bedroom kissing, touching, feeling each other one last time. Hobie pulls away from their kiss, he smells his boyfriend's scent, "You smell good... sweeter."
"Heh, really?"
"Yeah, you're so soft." Hobie worries Miles was stressing over his classes, maybe gaining weight because his muscles were much leaner. He feels so soft.
"No, never. You're always beautiful to me." He purr kissing him back.
Miles let out a purr with his arms wrapping around his boyfriend's neck, the bed sheets semi-covering them. They were in love, in passion, it was bittersweet. It was the last time they share their bodies, showing their love.
After that, Miles graduated from high school, Hobie had sent him a bouquet of Sunflowers with a letting saying, "I'm proud of you, Sunflower. XOXOXO Hobie." Miles smiles happily at the gift that he had the sunflowers dried up and made it into a necklace. He got a full ride to Princeton University.
As for Hobie, he went on tour, soon his popularity sky rocket with a much large fanbase. His charms, his looks got him into modeling, and movies. He was involved in a lot of collabs with famous artists, celebrities and talk show host. His band had reached the top Billboards, winning many awards.
Yes, the two had achieved their dreams, over time they forgotten about each other. Life, new friends, new drama got them so focus that anything about high school became a memory. Yet from time to time, they feel they lack in the love compartment. They would think back wondering the 'What if?'
-Ten years later-
The Punk star was busy walking in a mall being twenty nine years old, a tall man wearing leather jacket and pants, thick combat boots, and shredded crop top. His hair long in dreads and gold cuffs. New piercings on his face and ears. Wearing thick Sunglasses, "Oi, what does Manny want? I'm at the mall I'll buy him- what do you mean no? Don't be like that, Mindy! Ugh, ain't you a peach, darling." He scowls at his Smartphone, "Oh, so it's about the check, huh?"
The Punker was getting looks here and there, luckily there was barely anyone in the mall. It's a school day and it's morning, Hobie kept walking still on the phone. Then without a thought, someone passed him, with a very familiar scent.
A scent of fresh tropical shea butter, coconut and floral perfume. It took him a moment trying to figure out where that scent came from, or who does it remind him of someone. Hearing his baby's mama on the phone, he said, "No, 'am listenin'."
Once he speaks, the person that pass him by quickly turns over, "Hobie?" An odd feminine voice, he never heard before yet it felt familiar.
The Punker turns around, his eyes on the female figure. She had long box braids hair, wore a mint green long sleeve, and blue jeans with some white shoes. She looks at him with a kind smile as she hold the brown strap of her purse. "Long time no see." She had this big beautiful smiles with those gorgeous big honey-brown doe eyes.
Hobie's eyes widen from shock, he stares at the figure as if time was froze. No words came out of his mouth, the voice of his baby's mama ring his ear. The female figure gave a weak shrug. He quickly hung up his Smartphone slowly going up to the woman, "Sun-sunflower? Oh my god... is that really you?" His mouth opens before thinking.
"In the flesh." She giggles.
Hobie hugs her tightly having to twirl her around, "SUNFLOWER! It's fucking good to see you!" He could smell her scent, delicious tropical coconut scent!
"Ahh," She squeals being picked up and twirl making her laugh, "Moonflower! You causing a scene!" Some people had their attentions on them.
"So-sorry." He put her down, his hands on her shoulders, "Wow. Just wow!" HIs Miles... is a woman! "Luv, your-your a bloody lass?" He asked out loud still in shock, "I hardly recognize you."
Miles giggles, "It's Mimi, now. Actually, I'm a trans-woman, Hobie."
"What? Since when?" Hobie gawks at his Miles completely look like a woman.
"Um..." She bites her bottom lip, "After we broke up, I think? I actually started taking hormones at the end of my senior year. I didn't tell you because I was still figuring myself out."
"You know, I would accept you, Sunflower. I would've been supportive." Hobie frowns at this, "Is this why you were wearing make up, tight clothing, dresses?"
"Yeah! You're a fast thinker, Hobie Brown." She smiles at him with her honey-brown eyes gleaming with joy.
Hobie felt his body going pink, his beautiful Sunflower. "You're gorgeous! As a man and as a woman."
"Awe, you're making me blush." Mimi could feel her heart pounding against her chest, her hands sweaty. It been so long, she did miss her Hobie.
"You're so beautiful, I knew I smelled you when you passed by me," Hobie's eyes can go heart shape, his heart beating against his chest. His stomach filled with butterflies. Old love rising again. His soulmate is right here.
"Ohh creepy," She teased when she raised her left hand. That's when Hobie saw an engagement ring.
"Wait... you're married?" Hobie asked, his eyes squinting at the ring. Looks cheap. He felt upset seeing that. Not when his Soulmate was finally here. His hand quickly took Mimi's left hand to have a good look at the ring.
"Oh, this." She forced at smile at her ex-boyfriend, "Um... actually it's a long story!" Then rubs her ring being content with it.
"Well, there's a cafe over there and you can tell me all about it, hmm?" Hobie put his arms around her shoulder, he noticed at Mimi gotten shorter, and her shoulders weren't broad like when she was Miles in high school. "How 'bout it, luv?"
"Alright. A cup of coffee would be nice." She giggles, as she walks with him close.
Hobie wanted to know if she was married or engaged. He didn't know what to do if she is. What if she is in- "I'm divorced, y'know." She finally said as the two waited in line to order coffee.
"Huh?" He asked.
"After all these years, I can still know when you're anxious. Hehehe you're so funny, Hobie." She giggles, "I'm giving you a peace of mind."
"Divorce, you say?" He gave a small smirk, "So single?"
"Very." She added with her eyes on him. "I'll pay for-" He took out his black card with a big grin on his face, "I got this, Sunflower." He saw her putting back her wallet into her purse. "What do you want?"
"Iced Americano." She tapped her bottom lip seeing the menu. "I'll have a danish pastry, too."
"Alright." Hobie put his shades on the collar of his shredded white crop top. The tall punker got in front of the barista, "Ello luv, I'll have two iced Americanos, large and one danish pastry and a blue berry muffin."
"Alrighty, coming right up. It'll be fifteen, seventy five." The barista said, putting up the price on the register.
Hobie pays for it through his black card, and got his receipt. The two went to find a table to talk, they were sort of the only ones around. There was one student doing homework in the corner. Another side is an old man sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper. Then, two young adults talking about a movie.
The Punker chuckles as he lay back on his seat, "Does that remind you of any one?" He moves his chin upward to mimic pointing at the student in the corner.
"Oh gawd, not your throwing shade on me." She rolled her eyes, "But that was so me when I got my Masters."
"Oh look at you, being a scholar." Hobie chuckles with a smile on his face, it felt like he was happy, again. All this time, he was on autopilot with his emotions. "Not going for a PHD."
"Uhhh, maybe. Who knows." She had her fingers rubbing her wedding finger, the ringing move side to side. She's nervous. "Heh, my divorce was a bit expensive. My wallet was crying paying for my lawyer."
"Oh? What did the bloke do- More so, who is this bloke?" Hobie asked then he frowns, "Don't tell me, it's Benny boy."
"Oh my gosh," She burst out laughing while tucking her box braids behind her ear, "You remember him?"
"After all these years you're still jealous?"
"I'm telling you, he had a thing for you."
"Oh yeah? Well, the reason he was around me so much, he's trans!"
"He's a transman and he was giving me advices about what I should expect and stuff at the time." Mimi giggles at Hobie's facial expression, "He's living his best life, right now. I work with his cousin and my ex-husband."
"Wait, you're telling me a lot of stuff right now. You work with your ex?"
"Oh sorry, I-" The barista called out, "Number 38!" Hobie check his receipt then turns to his ex-partner, "Wait just a moment, luv. I gotta get our order."
Mimi nodded, before going to check her phone. A text from her ex-husband appeared on the family group chat.
Miguel: Are you going to take Gabriel for the weekend?
Mimi: Of course, we had plans to go to a cat cafe. ☺️
Gabriella: WHOA! I wanna get the choco-cat cake! -sends a cute photo of a chocolate cat with a frosting shape of a black cat sleeping on it.-
Miguel: Alright. Are you home safe?
Mimi: I'm meeting with an old friend.
Gabriella: Is someone we know?
Miguel: Send location, plz. Need to know your safe.
Mimi: -send location- No, he's an old high school ex of mine.
Miguel: ??? How did this happen?
Gabriella: 😲 Are you on a date? See, old man! You should start dating, too.
Mimi let out a giggles from her mouth seeing how her step-daughter likes to poke fun at her dad. They were married for three years and dated two years, overall five years of history. Shame how their love wasn't the same as the beginning of their relationship. Thus a divorce happened. Don't get her wrong, she loves her step-child as her own, this is why she has partial custody. Only every two weeks on the weekends.
Hobie came back with their drinks and snacks, "Hey, what are you laughing about?"
"Oh," She set her phone down on the table with a smile on her face, "My step-child, she was scolding her dad."
"So you married with a kid in the fam?" Hobie sat back down as he handed her iced Americano and pastry. "Who is this bloke that let you get away?" He flirted at his Sunflower, because what kind of idiot would let her go. HIs Miles, His Mimi that is so beautiful so perfect.
"Awe, Hobie." She shyly tuck her box braid behind her ear, she does this when she's flustered. Hobie's lips slowly turning to wide smile, seeing her like this... it makes his heart flutter. "Well, I've been with Miguel for five years. We dated for two and married for three. Um... we met at work. Turns out Ben has this cousin name Peter that got me a job at Alchemax, while I was trying to finish my BA. I had trouble finding internships because you know, me being trans and getting discriminated. Luckily, Peter being so kind to me got Miguel to hire me."
"So you married your boss?"
"You can say that. We work in genetic engineering, and I helped him with getting the reports handed out and check on our projects. We kinda clicked and dated." She felt so nervous talking about this. It's like she was caught cheating from her Hobie, and now she has to speak the truth. It felt weird. "Miguel is a great man, husband, and dad. He helped me through my transitioning." She finally said.
"So you actually... cut it?" Hobie asked being curious. "Sorry if that sounds rude, luv."
Mimi nodded, "Hehehe, your good, Hobie. I have a vagina now. I never felt so happy being me!" She smiles at him. "I feel complete like this is what I always yearn for."
"Well, you look beautiful, luv. You are glowing." His eyes on her, "I wish I was there to support you. I can't imagine going through that. Wasn't it traumatic?"
"Well, I had at the time my husband supporting me, our friends, his daughter... I went to therapy for it. There's times where I do think about my organ being cut and if I didn't go along with it. But my surgery was fine, Miguel made sure I had the best doctors and so far, I'm at peace with myself." She sips her Iced American through a straw. "Mm. So, what about you, Mr. Punk Star? You been making waves ever since?"
"OH me? Nah, nothing is interesting." Hobie scoffs, "Same ole' Same ole'." he didn't want to talk about himself. He wanted to hear more on Mimi's life, her journey. His Soulmate is here and he didn't want to blabber about his stupid years.
"Ohh, come on, I've told me my story."
"Mmm?" He hummed thinking about it.
Mimi did her cute puppy eyes, "Please, Moonflower?" She's so curious to know.
Hobie couldn't say no, his heart burst with love. "Alright. Alright. You still have a hold on me, Sunflower."
"Hehehe. I can see." She snickers.
"Well, I am a dad... got a little sprog named Manny if you haven't follow those nosy podcasters about me life." Hobie finally admits, he pulls out his phone.
She gasps being surprised, "OMG, Hobie Brown, you're a dad? I don't believe it!"
"Here. My lad." He handed her his phone to show his photo of his three year old son.
"Oh my god, he does look like you," She smiles happily. "And the Mrs.?"
"Baby mama, and no we're not together. We been on and off, she just always seems to care about the child support." He rolled his eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you planning to stay with her?" Mimi asked having to feel envious for the woman, she got her Hobie.
"Nah, we never work out..." His eyes yearning for her instead, "besides, I think I'm interested in this one specific person."
"Oh?" Her heart pounds rushing all the blood through her head being excited, she kept calm, "Who is this specific person?"
"A beautiful Sunflower." His hand touches her, "You know, not a day goes by when I don't think about you."
"You're such a flirt. You couldn't possibly think of me while you're out partying and being famous." She giggles.
"OKay, that might be cheesy. But luv, I never met anyone like you. You are my Soulmate." Hobie explains, his hand holding on to her, "Its not the same. What we had? I could never found anyone like that- these feelings- Even right now, I'm taking all my will power to not kiss you, hold you, feel you." His hands started to do more than hold, he's massaging her feeling her soft skin.
Mimi's eyes sparkle with love, it felt like she was in high school all over, again. "Hobie..."
"Luv, let's try again. We're older, and free. Your single. I'm single. What could go wrong? You miss me too." Hobie's voice low, deep with a certain charm.
"Mi amor, your famous and I'm... I'm trans, you would get hated and-" Hobie snorted, "Fuck it. I finally got to see you, again and I'm not planning to let you go."
Mimi couldn't help but let a flustered smile, her cheeks warm, "You wanna take that leap, again?"
"I do." Hobie felt her hand holding onto his a bit tighter this time.
Later, the Punker walks with Mimi back to her apartment. He wanted to be with her till she got home safely. The two took their sweet time getting there. They stop at old places they use to date, ate lunch, heck they even took a stroll in Central Park. They were holding hands, and cuddling feeling like nothing has changed, their love felt so fresh.
Mimi got to her apartment in Brooklyn, "Well, here we are!"
"Heh, you don't live too far from your parents."
"Hey, Billie have to go somewhere else than stay at home." She mentions about her little sister. Billie is only ten years old, "and she always have my dad dropping her off here and Gabi is always coming by whenever her dad is so busy." She got to the top steps while Hobie stood along with her.
"I guess, this is it, eh?" Hobie finally asked.
"Wo-would you," She felt his hands around her waist, "like... if you want, since you must be busy... and it's cold today- would you like to come inside?"
"Is that because I'm cold or something else?" He lowly asked with his lips getting closer to her mouth. Eyes slowly closing as he felt sweet tropical scent.
"Maybe something else." Mimi's eyes slowly closed as she felt Hobie's lips on her. Her arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him into a heat passionate kiss.
Hobie swept her off her feet as he felt his old love burning like a dim candle suddenly burst into its bright flames. He never felt so in love. They share tongue, feeling every part of their mouth. God, it felt so right. It's like they were the missing piece into their puzzle. Mimi took her keys struggling to open the front door, being so busy kissing her ex.
Hobie helps her unlock her apartment door, they went in. Somehow they made it to Mimi's floor and her apartment. The doorknob struggles to open, while Hobie chuckles. "Someone is eager."
"Oh hush you too." She felt her lips swollen, "Unless you don't want too-" Hobie quickly kisses her like a hungry beast, "I do! Luv, don't be cruel. I was joking." They had their sloppy kisses when they enter Mimi's apartment. Hobie kick the door shut when she got her keys out.
The next thing happens, the two fell on top of the couch with clothes being tossed around. Mimi's wearing a b-cup size laced pastel cream bra. Hobie had no time kissing those beautiful breasts, her neck... every part of her body. Same did Mimi, she kisses Hobie's pierced nipples, his six pack, and belly button. They were in love, their passionate sex was gentle, romantic, holding hands to the point they refuse to let each other go. It felt like their love for each other never went away but became like an addictive drug.
When their passion ended, Hobie kisses his beloved's shoulder as the two were wrapped around a thin blanket, "Mmm, that amazing." He mutters.
"Mm, it was." She kisses his lips feeling his hands wrapping around her waist, "I love you, Hobie."
"I love you, too, Mimi."
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Stupid Mistake
Hi I love your writing!! Could I maybe get an Eddie x popular!reader (not a cheerleader, not a “sunshine and rainbows” girl either, more feisty/stands up for people, is respected for strong opinions/kinda intimidating but in a good way kinda reader) where somehow they become sort-of friends (partners on a project maybe?) and start to fall for each other. Jason makes a comment in front of them like “aww does the freak like y/n? Too bad she’s so far out of your league” and when reader is about to stand up for Eddie, Eddie goes too far with the whole “I could never like her, she’s mean, too much, too opinionated, too stubborn” etc etc and whilst she doesn’t show she’s upset in the moment, she gives him the silent treatment and he realises he went too far and has to apologise because he hurt her feelings and needs to prove he actually does want to be with her. I’m so sorry this is so long!
Warnings; Fluff, falling in love, angst
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 💞 I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
Part 1 of 2
Reposting this as I accidentally deleted this part 😞 Slow and annoying wifi plus a migraine caused me to delete this and I'm so pissed off 😓
Mrs O'Donnell is partnering people up in class and y/n isn't happy about that. What if she ends up with an asshole who makes her do more than half the work?
Aaron from the basketball team comes to mind and their ill-fated pairing last semester when she refused to let him have credit because he didn't lift a finger during their science project.
So yeah, she was not worried about expressing her opinions or being stubborn on something when she knew she was right.
Her name is shouted along out with Eddie Munson which brings her out of her reverie and she hears the usual gossip train start-up and rolls her eyes.
Then she heads to the back to Eddie's table and raises her eyebrow at him.
"Yeah, sorry he snarks can't help that your paired with a freak like me" she scowls and corrects him.
"I don't think you're a freak Munson, I was going to say that I've already had my share of assholes who do the minimum work and I won't tolerate it. Do half the work and we have no problem okay?" He looks surprised and nods.
Surprisingly she gets on well with Eddie and actually likes him, ever since she told him to put the work in he has never let her down.
She didn't expect to like him so much but she did.
The first time she goes to the trailer he shares with his uncle he opens the door and gestures for her to go first.
"Welcome to my castle". He tells her sarcastically, she likes the trailer. It has a cosy feel but she's confused by the excess of mugs and caps.
Eddie grins following her eye train.
"I know, that's my uncles doing". She nods and pulls out the work for them to do.
"I like here, it's cosy and I like the mugs and cap collection too, we don't have things like this in my home, my mother likes things to be minimalist and cosy".
He softens.
"Well you can come here anytime sweetheart, I mean it".
After that invitation, she does spend a lot of time at Eddie's she loved being with him and his uncle Wayne was so lovely.
Eddie was even helping her learn the guitar because she expressed that she liked it and wanted to learn.
He had introduced her to Hellfire Club and she liked the boys straight away, meanwhile, Eddie got on with Chrissy and Sasha who were her closest friends in the popular crowd.
Chrissy is adamant that y/n is falling for Eddie which she totally isn't. She just likes hanging out with him and yeah he's really sexy and she loves his beautiful brown eyes and his tattoos but it's not like she's falling in love with him.
Chrissy raises an eyebrow as if to say she doesn't believe her and she is about to say something back when Eddie comes into the cafeteria and catches her eye.
He winks at her and goes to sit at The Hellfire table, they share a secret smile and she can't help but notice how handsome he looks like in his Hellfire shirt.
"Sweetie, you got a little drool". Chrissy teases her and she feels embarrassed and shakes her head.
"Shit, Chrissy I think you're right". Chrissy gives her a told you so look.
"Let me ask you a couple of questions? Do you think he's handsome? Does he give you butterflies? Do you feel happy in his presence and find yourself thinking about him and what it would feel like to kiss him? Go further?".
Yes Yes Yes. Fuck, she swears and nods and Chrissy once again looks triumphant.
"You have to tell him, that boy is smitten with you, honey"
She nods but feels nervous and only calms when Eddie catches her eye again and that gorgeous smile sends butterflies racing in her stomach.
She's talking to Eddie her heart is fluttering like mad and she is trying so hard to conceal the fact that she is falling deeply for him.
After her realisation the other day she is been torn on what to do because even though she feels like Eddie has fallen for her too, she's still too nervous to find out if Ihes right.
What if she isn't and it spoils the friendship they have?
Of course, while they are chatting, Jason would come up and ruin it sneering at her and Eddie.
"What the fuck am I actually seeing this?" Jason is staring at Eddie with a smirk on his face.
"Aww does the freak like y/n, she's way out of your league dude?" Jason teases meanly and she glares at him furious.
She's about to say something, give him a piece of her mind when Eddie butts in.
"I could never like her, she's mean and far too opinionated and too stubborn, so I don't know why the hell you would think that Carver!"
She blinks listening to Eddie's tirade and her heart sinks, is that really what he thinks of her? Even though she is falling for him she truly thought that they were friends?
Maybe they never were? While Eddie and Jason are too busy sniping at each other she rushes to the bathroom and tries desperately not to cry.
He's the first guy she has truly fallen for and all that's left her with is a broken heart.
She can hear Eddie call her name the next day after class, she didn't know what to say to him without feeling hurt so she just didn't talk to him while they did their work.
His assessment of her while true, she was opinionated and stubborn and she could be mean if the person was an asshole but she never expected him to be cruel, she thought he liked her, liked all of her and it hurts.
Why were they even friends if he didn't like her? So she ignored his jokes and attempts at conversation and left class as quick as she could.
She doesn't stop when she hears him call her name and instead of going to his spot with him she sits beside Chrissy who heard everything yesterday and puts her arm around her glaring at Eddie.
All through lunch she can feel his eyes on her and Dustin calls her over. She likes Dustin and she could never ignore him so she walks over.
"Hi Dustykins" he blushes at her nickname and then points to Eddie.
"Eddie asked me to call you over". Oh, she turns to Eddie and regards him ignoring her aching heart.
"Yes?" she murmurs cooly, he blinks and swallows hurt flashing in his eyes and this is the thing that makes her close snapping.
"I've been trying to talk to you all day?" her eyes narrow and he looks reproachful.
"Are you for real? Don't you remember what happened yesterday? What you said to Jason?".
His face drains of colour and she feels the sting of tears and is furious he is making her cry. Again.
"I actually thought you liked me or maybe you were falling for me like I was for you but clearly I was mistaken because it turns out you don't really like me at all! You could never like me right?"
He swallows.
"Sweetheart?" she wipes her eyes and looks away from him stubbornly.
"We can finish out project then you can leave me alone Eddie for good". She stalks away back to Chrissy and misses the devastated expression on his face.
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redbluesweets · 21 days
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Since the snow has died down, I am in a...foggy forest? This is absolutely strange... My body changed again and I have clothes on and I have a hat and headphones? Again, I don't mind as I keep walking down the straight path. For some reason...I heard the voices again as I kept walking down the path... “Save them... Don't listen to the voice in your head... Save them...” Save them...? Who is them? Whoever is them...I'll try but I have to keep going and not turning back... My speaking is still silent because of Bowser... When I see him...I will kill him... Suddenly... I heard a noise... I stopped and stood still... I slowly took out my axe but my crystal has turned my axe into an iron...sword? Strange...but I quickly turned around and drew my sword... “Whoa! Hold on [Name Fated]! It's just the Troops Twins!” I was surprised as I lowered my cloak hood as I saw the troopa twins. Why are they here? The real question is...have they been looking for me? “Mr. Kamek has brought you a message! And the others too! My twin brother and I heard that you can't speak because of that spell so... He told us to bring you this!” The first troopa twin brought out the unsilenced potion and the orb message. The orb is slowly reaching as the fog of the forest goes away. “Is this thing on? Ah, so it's on! Ahem! [Name Fated]... I am so terribly sorry... King Bowser forced me to put the spell on you... But the plumber and the princess got away as they went back to the Mushroom Kingdom... Bowser doesn't know about this but...I made the unsilenced potion to make you speak and undo the spell... If you're alive out there... Please come back to the castle...” Kamek felt...a little heartbroken as he is worried about me... I slowly looked down but I heard someone else? “Big bro? Is this thing on? Kamek told me and the koopalings about what happened... Why would...dad do this to you...? Now he planned a wedding to marry Peach and then he sent you away... Big bro... please come back home... Larry is taking me to the fair to...calm me down... And I made this for you...for your welcome home gift...” Bowser Jr. showed a doll of himself as he made it for me... My little brother...made something for me...?
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I slowly started tearing up... My little brother missed me...five months from now... I slowly chuckled a bit as I held the unsilenced potion. “It looks like Bowser Jr. misses you. Ludwig already left and started to look for the girl bunny named Harriet. Madame Broode is looking for her but she doesn't know where she is.” The second troopa twin said as the fog is coming back. “Hey? We are heading back. If you want to follow us to Bowser's castle, you can! We don't mind you coming with us!” As the troopa twins started to walk back with the orb message, I slowly waved at them goodbye and looked at the unsilenced potion and slowly to walk the path, put on my cloak hood, and put the potion in my oversized huge bookbag. I slowly kept walking and walking but I felt kinda dizzy... I slowly took a long rest at the tree and slowly started to fall asleep... I slowly woke up in this strange...void... My eyes have no pupils again and my eyes are half open... I slowly looked around but the strange void started to...change...?
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Why does this place look so....90's and such..? “Oh come on, Wendy... We all know that you're in love with [Name Fated] since he first stayed at the castle and worked hard but Bowser can't allow him to have breaks and love someone like you! Can you find someone like your age to love?” Is that...Roy's voice...? He's talking to Wendy over to the table but I tried to poke his shoulder but...in a ghost of this void... I looked at my hands and...I'm still me... Am I...? “Roy, you don't understand... Since he started to live with us, he's different from the others... Sure, Pride Month is in June but he clearly doesn't have a partner then anyone does. He needs to find love for his life, to have a girlfriend, and a little brother to look out for... If Bowser takes things too far, then we have to tell him! Why does he care about the princess as I'm the prettiest koopaling around?” Wendy always says the sassiest things I ever heard of my life... As I slowly shook my head, Roy chuckled. “Fine, if you want my help, then I can help. Gotta say, [Name Fated] does get some good looks but can he really get a lot of ladies for his pretty face or got muscles like mine?” Roy literally does have a competition with me? I'm not even interested in that but Wendy likes me? There's no way that she...no.. she must be in love with someone else... Then the place fated slowly and... slowly appeared into another void...
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This is....strange... Why am I having these dreams... It's so familiar.... Then I saw myself and Bowser... He was squeezing and crushing my bones like...what happened five months ago... Kamek, Mario, and Peach were there too... When Bowser forced Kamek to use that spell on me...I know it wasn't too good to last... Wait, what..? “AGHHH!!!! NO OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” I broke free from Bowser's grasp and I feel...rage inside my body..? Blood is going up through my veins...my eyes are pure...demon evil... Pure evil blood lighting...comes out of my left hand... I slowly raise my head and the left side of my face shows the blood and black spots appearing one by one...and shows up on my left arm too... Mario and Peach were shocked and scared as they backed up but I charged at Bowser but he wasn't even ready but... My left hand impacts Bowser's chest but it was impaled in horrible pain... “DIE....” As I said in a demonic voice and pure extreme lighting came out right behind Bowser! “K–King Bowser!!” Kamek screamed as he was terrified as I took my left hand out of Bowser's chest but...I took his heart out...his real heart...covered in hard cold blood as I smiled all evilly and crushed his heart into bits and I chuckled and laughed evilly...
“Now... LET'S SEE YOU THREE WILL DROP DEAD ONE AT A TIME, JUST LIKE THAT DAMN TURTLE DID!!!” I screamed and losing out of control, and lost myself... What was wrong with me... “[Name Fated] snap out of it! Don't you see what you've done?!” Kamek was all alone as Mario and Peach booked it... The terror of their eyes... Fear... terrified...
Then I couldn't do anything but watch but a huge bolt of lightning started to BOOM outside as I woke up surprised and breathing in and out slowly... I...am in a cabin...? Looks really stable...? I looked out of the window and it was raining hard outside...god I hate rain... Rain is always causing my problems like going out somewhere special... But that nightmare I had.... Was...that going to happen....no...that's just an.... “You're awake. Did the lightning wake you up?” I slowly sat up and this...big girl bunny was staring at me... Her face...I can tell she's been through a lot but fighting through it... I slowly nodded because I hate rain. “I found you sleeping on the tree. What were you doing there?” She asked me as she was curious but I pointed my throat and shaking my head for not speaking. “Oh... You can't talk? Can you do sign language or something?” She asked again but I was slowly looking for my oversized huge bookbag but it was next to me on the bed I am laying down on. I dug through some stuff and took out the unsilenced potion that Kamek made and troopa twins gave me. I slowly opened the top and slowly started to drink it... It was strong but...blugh... Tasted awful... “Blugh! Ugh... Why does it taste so...huh..? My voice..! I can talk again!” I can finally speak again...thank god but the bunny girl was confused as she is still looking at me. “Oh uh... Sorry... I couldn't even speak for five months because of... someone... I was surviving...alone. Someone literally sent me far away from here and now I'm going back and give that son of a–” The bunny girl's finger closed my mouth so she literally understands. “Hey, I understand. I've been going through things too. And I've been... creating something for my project... My name is Silvia. You?” Silvia gave me her little smile as I slowly put my new shoes on. “It's....Son... My name...” I introduced myself to Silvia as the hard rain slowly died down but now it started to drizzle outside.
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A few hours later, the rain didn't even go away but I was on my way out. I have to find my own shelter to live in so I can't stay in someone's cabin. “Well, I would love to stay but unfortunately, I have to go. Trying to survive out here.” I said to Silvia as I got myself ready and put on my cloak. “That's fine. I used to live alone but... unfortunately...” Silvia really had problems in the past but she doesn't want to think about it now. I tilted my head a bit but she shook her head a little. “It's nothing. Don't worry about it. We should meet up again if we meet each other again. Say like a new friendship type of thing.” Silvia smiled as she walked me out as the rain was still drizzling. “It'll be my pleasure.” I said to Silvia as I carried on with my journey to find shelter as I am carrying my oversized huge bookbag. “Just who is Silvia...? Who is she...? That doesn't matter... All I care about is going to find shelter and stay there for three days to sleep and eat... “Bowser... When I come back... I swear... I...WILL...kill you!”
[To be continued...]
(@skratchytheclown is the person who made Silvia(His oc) and the drawing of the Bowser Jr Doll! He's the one who made me think of this au so all credit to him! Go check him out!)
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haneulseukai · 2 years
𝐋𝐢𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧
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"Words like I love you lack love and that's why I let you go"
- Lie again (seventeen)
- carlos madrigal x gn!reader
-Carlos <3
- my first proper song fic(?)
- 'this font is marked as the lyrics'
- warnings! angst with comfort(?) I wouldn't exactly call this fluff and like, one swear word
- 18+ users dni!!
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"I don't like you" Carlos said, his fingers curled into a fist, holding back his tears as he looked at you. It was the first time you told him you liked him, you could see his lips slightly trembling, you knew he was lying. "I know you're lying Carlos, please, just let me love you!"
'I have come to not like you'
"I don't want to see you anymore" he turned away from you "leave before you annoy me any more"
Your eyes widened, he's closing you off. Reluctantly, you left him alone with his thoughts.
'Ooh, please turn and go back'
'To where you originally were'
'To where I'm not present'
'So, please don't love me (Love me)'
'Only pain will remain anyways'
"yn must be dead desperate for a partner if they're trying to ask out Carlos," a girl whispered to their friend, the both of them giggled as they watched you helping around town, occasionally throwing glances at Carlos. The boy is aware of the people around town talking about how you liked him, it wasn't much of a secret to the town. You didn't mind the gossips, you were just happy to be able to hang around Carlos but lately he has been distant.
'Please be fooled by whatever words'
'Whether you know how awkward I'm being'
'Turn a blind eye and turn your back and walk away'
You turned your head to spot Carlos already staring at you, you smiled and waved at him. He immediately averted his eyes and moved away from your field of vision. You frowned at this, you knew he doesn't hate you, and hell you definitely know that he was lying when he said he doesn't like you.
"Carlos, you've been avoiding me, please just talk to me," you were able to catch up with him that day, he ignored you and turned a corner to an alleyway. Your teeth clenched as you grabbed his wrist to make him turn to you "Carlos, im genuinely worried, what is up with you?"
He stared at you for a moment, his eyes were dull and empty, a slight guilt glistened in them.
'If there is nothing more painful than a painful love'
'Then go back before even more painful memories remain'
He glared at you before pulling his wrist away. Turning his back to you to walk away.
'Parting with longing'
'It may be less painful than a tearful meeting'
"Carlos! Let me help you please, you're hurting!"
He stopped "I don't need your help," he said, without turning to look at you.
I lie again
(Words that aren't the truth)
"You annoy the hell out of me, go away," he added and head straight into the busy crowd to get lost in so you could never reach him again.
I lie again
(Words that I don't want to say)
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"Did you see how pathetic yn looked when they tried to talk with Carlos again? There's no way Carlos is going to tolerate anyone, especially when that someone is pestering him,"
You rolled your eyes at the girl's remarks and searched around you for the familiar maroon ruana.
Carlos pursed his lips into a thin line when the both of you meet eyes. He turned away and escaped into the forest, silently hoping you won't chase after him. Hoping he didn't have to lie to your face again.
He heard footsteps behind him, he sighed and stopped walking deeper into the forest.
"What?" He hissed with his back still facing you, to hid his pained complexion from you. To appear as cold as he could like he always has.
"I say this everytime, I could tell you're lying and in pain. Why can't you just tell me? Aren't we....friends?" your question stabbed him like a dagger digging through his flesh, reaching the depths of his cold heart. Refusing the warmth you're offering.
'Words like I love you lack love and that's why I let you go'
He wanted to tell you that but he knew he couldn't because he knew you would keep trying to convince him to open up. He doesn't want you hurt for being with him so he decided to hurt you before you suffer for being with him. Carlos wasn't sure of his feelings either and he'd rather not find out in fear of the worst and have you feel unloved.
'We changed and we wanted more'
You stepped closer to him, making him tensed "Please Carlos, I like you so much and it pains me to see you so hurt and I don't know why,"
He faced you with a scowl, more colder than usual to hide how heart wrenching he felt for doing this to you. But he thought has to.
'I hurt you with words that weren't what I meant'
"Just why are you so annoying. Do you not know how embarrassing it is to have you follow me around like a lost puppy?"
Your eyes widened at the sudden venom in his voice, he never used that tone on you.
'Even as I need you every day, I push you away'
"I don't need you to try and find me. Friends? Did you think you were special? I don't need your presence around me"
He's lying to himself, he's lying to you.
'Knowing I'm going to regret it, ooh-ah-ah'
"So, stay. away. from me." he harshly pressed, desperately holding back the tears and preventing his facade from faltering. He could see how hurt you were at his words.
'you have to stay away, you just have to, please' he repeated those words in his head, hoping you'd no longer search for him. So you would no longer yearn for him as much as he does.
"Did you really mean that?" you asked.
'I lie again'
'(Words that aren't the truth)'
"Do you hate me that much?"
He stayed silent for awhile before answering "I really hate you,"
'I lie again'
'(Words that I don't want to say)'
Silence filled the air as he waited for you to cry, turn away running from him. You didn't, you stood and maintained your ground. He grew impatient and opened his mouth but was caught off guard when you stepped closer and engulfed him in a hug.
His body tensed at your touch, his mind panicking on whether to push you off of him or let you stay there. His mind had subconsciously let you stay there, accepting the fact that the warmth he had wanted was being pampered.
"What the fuck," is all he could let out with his heart beating rapidly. It didn't went unnoticed by you, of course.
"If you hate me so much then why haven't you pushed me off? Why is your heart thumping?"
That knocked the wind out of him, his eyes watered as his hands shakingly hugged you back. He sobbed on your shoulder as he gripped your clothes as if he's afraid you'd be gone.
"Thumping out of anger, mind you," he murmured, a habitual attempt to maintain his brand. You only chuckled at his response, soothing his back to calm him down.
"Carlos" you pulled away from him when his sobs died down, he rubbed his cheeks to quickly get rid of the stains. You smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek, softly rubbing your thumb under his eye, silently giving him reassurance "Whatever it is that made you decide to lie, I'm sure the both of us can handle it,"
Carlos let out a small chuckle, even after all his attempts on hurting you, you would still stay there for him "God, I hate you"
'I lie again'
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SEVENTEEN MY BELOVED <3 Lie again is such a good song for me, its heartbreaking but also so funny haha.
I was originally planning to have this end in angst but have angst comfort because apparently i can't hurt carlos lols. Which is weird cause a few weeks ago, i was planning for carlos' downfall during false confession but guess not anymore 🤩. Heartbreak does take time to heal!
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sohcah-toa · 3 years
UNDERCOVER pt. 2 | toa
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synopsis: You and Childe have finally arrived at Wangshu Inn. While you get your feelings straight about Childe, it messes up your mission.
cw: NSFW (18+), modern au, possessive childe x f!reader, mentions of blood (for diff reason), rough, slight fluff, cussing, dacryphilia, overstimulation, name calling, full on filth - minors leave.
- 2/2 (link at the end of this post)
— ☆
You and Childe have finally arrived, you take the top floor, only for VIP's because the 'man' you were supposed to keep an eye on or capture is there.
Childe starts to unpack his things "How about you unpack too, after I finish here I'll get us both something to eat"
You nodded "Sure, thanks"
"Hey, about what happened--" Before he finished talking, you raised your hand to stop him
"Don't, Childe. Just don't" You were still confused. You've fucked but are you together together? Or are you just his go to when he's horny. You don't want that.
Last night he went to your dorm but he ended up making out with you. You thought it was just going to be an apology.
"Y/n!" He called out to you "I've been calling you for forever"
"Oh, sorry, what?" You asked as you start to unpack too, he was almost done. How long have you been dozing off?
"I'm going to go get us food" he said, you nodded before he left
You realize it's unfair that you're acting cold and distant, it's only fair to tell him your problems. You are partners after all.
You decide to tell him when he comes back.
"Hey, I saw our man earlier" he said, bringing you your food
You grab it from him "Thanks, what's he doing?"
"He's with a bunch of ladies, he pulls y/n" he said and started eating
You did too, "He's old though" you decide to tell him now
"He is" he laughs, you called him and he looked at you "What is it?"
"Am I just your go-to when you're horny?" You asked, not thinking about anything else, you just want to be honest. You've been acting this way because you like him and the thought of him not being serious with you, hurts
He just stared at you, for a few seconds there was silence but eventually he did answer "No"
You felt relieved. Without thinking you let out a sigh of relief
"I've been like this because I like you, isn't it obvious? It's just that --" he sighed "When I'm with you I can't help myself"
You've been with a lot of missions with Childe and to be frankly honest, you enjoy yourself a lot when you're with him. He takes care of you. He's your bestfriend.
You don't answer his remarks, even if you do like him back, you were silent because you're not sure you harbor the same strong feelings as him. You're still figuring this shit out.
"I don't care if you like me back or not, I will try to win you over" You've never seen him this serious before, even at death's face he's not this serious "I've been dropping hints like crazy"
You gulp, feeling giddy and continued eating. He did too. Even after confessing he was acting normal around you, why can't you be like that too?
You were outside alone, you escaped from Childe while he's sleeping, you still feel a little shy and awkward. You're spying on the man. Good thing you're friends with Xiao, he let you know about all the spots the man keeps on going repeatedly.
"Thanks Xiao"  You thank him with a smile
"No problem, where's Ajax?" he asked
"Sleeping" you say, doing the mission without the other is against the Fatui rules, but nobody will know right? You always do this and Childe doesn't mind. Plus the room is near the place.
Xiao nodded and then left.
You sighed "I'll tell him later.." you finally got your feelings straight.
You continue spying on the man nonchalantly, then he walked towards you with his girls.
"I've never seen you here before" the man said, eyeing you from head to toe. You felt chills on your body. "Leave" he told the girls surrounding him and then they did
You slowly back away, you're not scared or anything, just keeping your guard up "I'm here with my husband, it's our honeymoon"
"Where are you both from?" he asked, you can't say you're from Scheneznaya so you lie
"Oh, we're from Fontaine" You smiled at him then walked away but he grabbed your wrists "What are you doing?"
"Where's your husband then?" He asked, pulling you closer to him but he couldn't because you were stronger, he let go and slapped your butt "I knew you were lying. There's no husband around" he walked closer to your face, almost kissing you but you immediately backed away.
You glare daggers at him, disgusted, you prepare to land a punch but just then-
"Excuse me?" Xiao asked the man "Are you harrassing her?"
Clearly the man knew Xiao because he immediately backed away and left
"Thanks, I could've injured him" you calm down, but you didn't expect Xiao to interfere
"It's fine. I don't want to clean your messes up" even if Xiao says this, you knew that's not what he meant
Then almost immediately, a commotion started just in front of you. You and Xiao ran towards it.
It was Childe, beating the crap out of the old man
"Fuck you" he hissed as he landed another punch, the old man bleeding
He stopped and stood up, the old man lying on the ground
"CHILDE!" you ran towards him, stopping him, there are spots of blood all over him
Childe left immediately after looking at how you looked at him
You weren't scared of him, you were worried. You decide to run and follow him
"Childe!" You called out but he won't answer, he kept walking away "Ajax!"
He stopped on his tracks "What?", he always take you seriously when you call his real name
"I'm sorry" you tell him, he wiped the blood on his face
"For what?" he said then continued walking, this time, he's more calm
You follow him "For leaving alone, for that!"
"Why are you sorry? He should be the one apologizing. Not you" you feel him get angry again as he walks even farther from you
You sighed. He went inside the room and so did you. You help him fix himself. You always do this to him anyway. He didn't stop yoi evwn though he was shivering from anger
With teeth clenched, he asked you "Why'd you let that old man touch you?" he looked serious, nothing like the Childe you used to hang out with
"I didn't want to do something that would cost us our mission. Xiao stopped me" you wiped little spots of blood on his arm
"Fuck the mission" he said, still staring straight at you "That man touched you."
You were silent as you clean his arms and face
"I'll call Signora and tell her that the mission is off" he said and stood up, you stopped him
"N-no! I'm fine!" You try and persuade him, he held both your shoulders and hug you
"It's for me, y/n. I can't let that man get away from what he did to you. If I saw him again, I would kill him" he whispered and let go "I'm really sorry"
He went out and called Signora right away
You reach for your head, scratching it. You feel stressed and overwhelmed by the situation. You lay on the bed and bury your face on the pillow, almost crying.
"This is all my fault" You whisper on the pillow
You have never failed or abandoned a mission before. You never wanted this to happen, this has never happened before. Why do you have to encounter a pervert and why did Childe have to see it!
You were crying on the pillow, minutes later Childe came in and you tried to stop crying, still burying your head.
You hear Childe sigh and sit beside you "Come here" he asked but you refuse to move, you hear him sigh once again
"Sorry" you whisper as you sit right up beside him, hugging the pillow "Everything has been so overwhleming lately"
Childe just looked at you "I didn-" you didn't let him finish
"Ajax, I like you too but I don't want to screw up missions because of it" you sniffed, calming down from all the crying you've been doing, you put the pillow down and cup his face
He stared at you "You like me too?!" he immediately hugged you, it's as if it was the only thing he heard
"Childe-" you continued as he lets you go, he stared at you, waiting for you to continue "Do we have to go home?"
He nodded "Signora said it was alright. It's not that big of a deal. Besides we've figured out that he has no people here, he just uses this place to have sex with his mistresses"
You nodded as he explained the situation "So someone else can cover for us?" he said yes
You let out a sigh of relief while wiping your tears. Childe leaned forward, his face closing in on you.
"You look beautiful" he touched your hand as you wipe your tears away "I'm so glad you like me too"
With that, you smiled, you felt good being honest with him "Yeah, I was confused for a while. It stressed me out not being able to say it"
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"Then let's remove your stress, shall we?" he asked, you felt warm outside and inside. He leaned forward and kissed your lips "This time, we can totally be private"
You giggle, his lips still on yours "You're hard to stop once you start"
"I'am but that's because you're so irresistible" he stopped the kiss and cupped your face with both his hands "I'm the only one who can touch you, got it?"
You nodded, he kissed you again, this time it was rough. He groped your breast which caused you to moan, he took that as a signal to enter his tongue.
His tongue explored your mouth, both your tongues played with each other as he pinch, slap and grope your soft breast.
"Childe-" you slightly moaned as he continues to kiss you on your neck. Your hands on his orange locks, stroking it, slightly pushing him closer to you.
He started licking your neck and leaving hickeys "Everyone shall know not to mess with you now"
You feel his breath on your neck, it turned you on even more. You tightly close your legs, feeling the pleasure consume you.
"Oh" he whispered, he moved backwards and rubbed your legs with his other free hand "You're already horny huh?"
You immediately got embarrassed "Oh come on!" you cup your own face to hide your flushedness
He placed his hands on your back, you fully climbed up the bed and he guided you as you lay down. He's on top of you, your legs in between his crotch.
You spread your arms, welcoming him into your arms. He took the bait and plopped down on your body. He felt heavy above you but you didn't mind.
He whispered "You're mine only"
You chuckle slightly "I'm yours"
He lifted himself up with both hands, he's now on all fours with you below him.
"When I realized you were gone earlier, I immediately went out to find you" he said before giving you a light smack on the lips "Don't disappear like that"
"F-fuck, stop" You squirm and moan, but he didn't stop. He went faster
"Sorry.." you mumbled and averted your gaze. He turned his face towards yours and kissed you again roughly
"I'm gonna have to punish you" he said in between breaths. He turned you, your butt now touching his crotch. You were completely laying down.
He took off all your clothes roughly, not caring if he'll rip them off.
"C-Childe!" you were about to turn around to face him but he didn't let you, he grabbed your waist and smacked your ass. You accidentally moaned so you cover your mouth.
"So you like that" Childe said and did it again, just like earlier, you moaned. In just a second, he put his mouth on your ass cheeks, kissing, licking and sucking it.
You felt embarrassed but at the same time you were moaning, you try and keep it in by covering your mouth
"Let me hear you" he said and you quickly remove your hand, making sure he hears your moans
He lifted your ass up by holding your legs.He pulled it closer to his mouth then inserted his tongue on your pussy hole. He was licking and sucking your clit.
"Ngh-!" You were taken by surprise, you moaned loudly this time. You were sure it can be heard from outside
You feel your pussy throbbing. You start to squirm, it felt so good that you start to move your hips along with his tongue which continued to move in and out. His tongue felt cold on your pussy.
For a while he just continued to move his tongue in and out of your hole. So your clit felt cold. You start touching yourself.
"Nghhh -!!" Your screams of pleasure got Childe's attention and he noticed you're touching yourself.
"Who told you, you can do that?" He stopped, your vagina felt cold from his absence.
You stopped touching yourself. He also let your legs down.
You look at him "W-Why'd you stop?"
He smacked your ass again and you let out a light moan "Only I can touch you, got that?" then smacked it again, he quickly inserted two fingers in your whole. Instead of lightly moaning, you released screams of pleasure
"F-Fuck-" you moaned "C-Childe ugh- I want you- ngh--" You couldn't even speak from all the pleasure you're feeling.
"That's right my little kitten, sing for me" He went faster then inserted another finger. Your eyes widen, your body rocking back and forth moving along at his pace. You're clearly drooling.
"Please fuck me" You mumbled, he stopped and you looked at him from behind
"Say that louder" he said, but you were embarrassed. You just stare at him, begging him using your eyes "Guess I'll stop"
"No!" You sat right up, now facing him. You feel your juices wet the bed "Please fuck me!"
He smirked "Damn, I love being private. Scaramouche was rig--"
You didn't let him finish, you leaned in and took his pants right off
"Woa" he reacted, seeing him kind of embarrassed because of you turned you on even more. You feel your juices dripping. You take off his shirt and touch his bare abs "Like what you see?" He immediately adapted to the situation
"You're no fun" You pouted, you slowly bring your hand down, above his dick with his boxers still on as he lift himself up using his elbows
You start rubbing it and licking it above the cloth "You're getting this hard just by this?" you try and tease him
"You're not even that good" he teased back, how can he turn it all around in this situation?
You felt petty so you take his boxers off slowly and lick his cock. You can taste his pre cum on your mouth. While inside of your mouth, you let your tongue explore his size. He was big which made you had a hard time putting it whole.
Still you sucked and licked on it, you hear him moaning your name and it was motivation to do better.
"Y/N--" He groaned and sat up, he grabbed a handful of your hair and started to bob your head up and down "F-fuckk.."
He has his eyes closed as he fucks your mouth. You feel it on your throat as you gag at his length "Y-you're so big". You drool as you suck and lick it sideways.
"Damn." He stared at you, completely turned on, you stare back at him as you lick his cock like a big lollipop. You felt his dick twitch and his moans get louder so you stop before he could climax.
You look at him teasingly "Not yet"
He just crawled towards you and kissed you roughly "Shut up and let me fuck you"
Childe's eyes were full of lust. So eager that he didn't even have time to play around anymore. He wants to fuck you - NOW.
His kiss made you lay down on your back. You let your hands roam on his body pushing it closer to yours. He groped your breast and played with your nipples using his other hand, the other supported himself from falling on top of you body.
Nothing but your slight moans and kisses was heard inside the room. He positioned himself on the entrance of your vagina.
"Fuck yes" you whispered on his ear as he licked your neck
He immediately put it in, no hesitations so you moan loudly at the surprise. He felt bigger than all the other times you both have fucked.
"Ah- shit" You feel his breath on your neck "Y/N, you feel so fucking good"
He quickly moved faster. The sounds of your body colliding and loud moans echoed in the room.
"Ah- Nghh- more"
"Fuck y/n, I'm the o-only one who can fuck you. Remember that"
"Yes C-Childe - nghh-"
He started thrusting faster. Childe's eyes are still full of lust as he holds both your legs and move your body at the same pace as his so his dick could go deeper in your hole.
The pleasure was making you crazy. Your hands scratched the sheets, your eyes rolling back, your back arched. You feel him inside of you, hitting your spot.
"Shit" Childe muttered as he watch himself going in and out of you "You're fucking beautiful you know that?"
"C-Childe-" You stare at him "I-I-I'm cumming"
As if the pleasure wasn't enough, Childe tou hed your clit and rubbed it.
You smile to yourself as you walk back to your room.
"Cum with me baby" He licked his lips, staring down at your shivering body. Pleased with himself that he made you this way.
As he also start to feel his high, instead of faster, he started going deeper inside you with every thrust he makes, making a loud sound everytime. Still, he's rubbing your clit making you shiver.
"H-holy fu--ck" You shiver from pleasure as you feel yourself cum. Just then Childe pulled you so sit down, he grabbed your head and put it in his dick.
You feel the tip of his cock on your throat. Childe didn't bother to move your head up and down, he just let you take his whole length even though you keep gagging.
A few seconds later, you taste something bitter in your mouth. Childe let it all out on your mouth. You swallow it and sit right back up.
You and Childe was breathing heavily. Both of you are sweaty as you lay down on the bed. He let you lay on his torso.
"Shit y/n. Didn't know you were that good" He smirked and kissed your forehead, stroking your hair.
"Don't tell me you're already done?" You tease him and he smiled
"Hell no I'm not, you just get fucking ready" He smirked and slapped your breasts. You just finished and yet you're still turned on.
You and Childe got back to the Fatui headquarters. Signora didn't mind at all since it's your first time abandoning a mission. A lot has happened before you came back.
You had sex, Childe asked you to be his girlfriend, You and Childe dined in with Xiao to catch up, you took a romantic walk, then sex again.
"How was honeymoon? Horny dumbasses" Good to know that Scaramouch is still normal "First time abandoning a mission"
"T'was fun" You said, acting weirdly, because you know Scaramouch will tease you again
"You fucked again" Scaramouche said then left muttering 'Atleast I wasn't there to see it'
You look at Childe "Why does he-- what?" you felt embarrassed yet again
"Let him, he's just jealous because I have you all to myself" Childe pulled you in closer to him and whispered "Meet you tonight, you're going to enjoy it, no doubts" before leaving you.
You felt giddy and excited. He's finally your boyfriend. He always surprises you, who knows what'll be next?
— End ☆
pt. 1
note: I'm sorry this took me a while! I was busy with college stuff 😭 I was really excited to post this! I'm so thankful for the likes, reblogs and comments! My heart felt warm! I love writing and sharing them with you guys. I have lots of ideas so more content ahead! ☆
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Right in front of you
A Halstead!sister
Jay held a strong grip on your upper arm as he led you out to the school hall. "What the hell was that Y/N? Are you happy now? God.... I can't believe you cheated!" he sneered, "EYES UP HERE Y/N!! "
"I'm sorry" you sighed, locking eyes with Jay, silently praying that he would let this go. It was only one time anyway. It wasn't a big deal.
But he let out a hollow laugh, "Thirty percent, Y/N, THIRTY PERCENT. You're going to have to do better than a half-ass apology. What exactly are you sorry for? Huh? For cheating? Or being caught?"
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Requested : Yes by @study-coffee-chicago : They found out she cheated on a test in high school...and Jay's the one who has to pick her up.
Warnings : angry!Jay (lots of it), alcohol, swearing, anxiety attacks
Note : I am so so so sorry this so longg 😭 I ended up so far away from the actual request kayela please don't block mee 😭 butt I've learned alot in writing abt active and passive voices and using more imagery Yayy!! I'm so glad that yall are ok with my grammar thank uu🥺
The piles of homework and flashcards you needed to memorize had no end in sight, and now that Will was taking nightshifts along with his usual double shifts, and intelligence was tracking down an underground drug cartel, you spent most days alone, allowing your mind to engulf you.
Every time you sat down to study, you felt a striking pain in your chest. In mere seconds the air was sucked out of your lungs and you found yourself panting, desperate to get oxygen back into your body.
You would be surrounded by books and worksheets and you could swear the walls of your room were closing in towards you, trapping you in a sea of incomplete work.
You failed to follow the schedules and to do lists you had made for yourself. Staring at them, hoping the essays would write themselves.
All you needed, was a break. A moment to relax from anything and everything.
So when your best friend mentioned that her brother used to drink a little before he appeared for an exam, your mind was quick to catch on.
Last night you had borrowed a little bit of beer from Jay's stash of alcohol and took a few sips of it as you studied.
The more you drank, the less bitter it became. It was a weird, new sensation, but it worked nonetheless.
Except now, you were sitting in the girls bathroom at school, ramaging through your notes, trying to recollect what you had learned yesterday.
You saw what you had underlined and highlighted— names in pink and important dates in yellow—but your mind came up blank.
Flipping the pages you saw people in wigs, and castles burning to the ground —None of which you recognized.
A wave of anxiety rippled through you unable to comprehend your next thought —you were going to fail.
Your head was throbbing as you ran a hand down face, massaging your temples trying to calm yourself down.
You took out your water bottle that you had filled with beer and swallowed a few gulps, hoping that it would help you think straight.
You groaned, feeling the sting of alcohol at the back of your throat, popping some mints into your mouth, you ran towards the exam hall.
Your foot bounced on the polished wood floors as sweat pooled on your forehead.
You thought you were careful —only taking a peek from your friends answer sheet when Mrs.Ling's back was facing you.
Everything would have worked out if it wasn't for that kid sitting behind you. In a split second your teacher turned around, when he dropped his pen, to see you peering over your partner's desk.
Now you were sitting in the principles office praying that Jay wouldn't be the one picking you up.
You could already imagine his anger at you for pulling him away from his case, only to find you cheated.
Unfortunately luck was not on your side today.
You dare not look at Jay as he entered the office, letting out a huff as he sat down. You could feel the rage emitting him, tension filling the room, as he burned holes looking at you.
"I'll get straight to the point" Your principal started.
"Please" Jay growled, struggling to contain himself. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, when he got the call saying that you had cheated on your midterms.
You and Will were alike,at least he thought so, both good at science and math but weak at geography and history. Nonetheless you continued to secure good grades for the most part.
"Y/n here, was caught cheating from a classmates answer sheet. Our teacher caught her red handed. I truly did not expect this from you. These midterms cost thirty percent of your grade..... "
Pretty soon his voice was muffled like he was getting farther and farther away from you. His figure swayed in front of you as you squinted your eyes to keep him in the center of your vision.
" You are suspended, Mrs halstead"
Your eyes widened , your body choosing the perfect time to bring out what little beer you had taken when you heard those words, letting the alcohol mix with the adrenaline.
"WHAT??!! " Damn, alcohol really bought out your courage as Jay stared at you in shock at your audacity.
"Y/n, your lucky I'm letting you retake the exam. That's only because you've had a clean record so far. I strongly suggest you start preparing early Ms. halstead" your principal said in a firm but monotone voice that left you speechless.
Jay held a strong grip on your upper arm as he led you out to the school hall. "What the hell was that Y/N? Are you happy now? God.... I can't believe you cheated!" he sneered, "EYES UP HERE Y/N!! "
Oh god. Every now and then, the ground would sway beneath you, tiles shifting in your vision. But you counted your steps, carefully putting one foot in front of the other, not wanting Jay to find out what else you had done........ until now.
You tilted your head, only to be met with your brother's piercing stare but little did he know, now it made it infinitely harder to concentrate on your walking.
"I'm sorry" you sighed, locking eyes with Jay, silently praying that he would let this go. It was only one time anyway. It wasn't a big deal.
But he let out a hollow laugh, "Thirty percent, Y/N, THIRTY PERCENT. You're going to have to do better than a half-ass apology. What exactly are you sorry for? Huh? For cheating? *Or being caught?*"
You rested your head on the seat as Jay entered the truck, flinching, when he slammed the door shut. Your pounding headache was getting worse by the minute, as your ears started to ring.
You blinked a few times squinting to focus on the road ahead of you but the fast-moving cars and the loud horns made you feel like your head was going to explode.
"Y/n," he addressed you, much calmer now.
You forced yourself to turn to your brother, who wore a confused expression.
But the moment he saw your deshelfed hair and your cracked lips, a wave of worry crashed over him. What the hell?
The truck came to a stop at a red light and Jay immediately scanned you over "Y/n?" he grabbed your chin, his jaw dropping, as he came face to face with reality.
"Are you drunk!!?" he barked , steam basically pouring out of his ears.
But your pleading eyes and empty silence gave him the answer he needed. "Are you kidding me??" he snarled as he slammed the steering wheel.
Oh God no. A blinding pain ripped through your head when Jay's palms made contact with the hard plastic. You winched turning your head away from your furious brother, letting out a whimper.
Jay's eyes widened at the sound, his heart breaking, realizing the pain you were in.
If he was going to be mad at you or at least punish you, you needed to be sober.
He stepped on the pedal as the light turned green taking a few breaths, trying to calm himself down.
With the vice lords reclaiming their territory and selling uncut fentanyl, bodies were dropping all over the city most of them being kids.
Kids..... your age.
Every kid at the morgue, just reminded him of you. He saw parents sobbing, begging for their kids to come back but Jay new better. They were never going to come home. Ever.
So he made it a priority to catch these ruthless creatures. He made it a priority over his sleep, over nine hours shifts and unknown to him, over spending time with you.
"Hey , hey" he whispered, not wanting to hurt you again, "We'll talk about this later ok? for now...... just..... it's ok..... I've got you" here reached out his hand, the other still on the steering wheel, to slowly rub your back as you tried to breath through the pain.
" I got you"
Jay wrapped a hand around you allowing you to hold onto him for support.
Silently, he deposited you on the couch, laying you down. He knew that he wasn't in any state to talk to you. He needed to clear his mind from his racing thoughts and rueful images of dying teenagers.
His phone rang, indicating that the district was awaiting him. "Here" he reluctantly shook your shoulders "Y/n, I need to go ok? Will will be here soon"
Almost half an hour had passed and you were waiting for Will to get out of the shower. You'd heard Jay explain everything to him over the phone.
You thought about how disappointed he would be.
Will —being the nerd he was— always helped you with your projects and gave you pop quizzes during breakfast, before your exams. He taught you how to organize flashcards just like he did in med school.
Even through your blurry thoughts, the image of Will's betrayed face and embarrassed eyes, knowing you cheated, lingered on your mind.
Your body was all over the place. Tiny noises echoing through your ear. Your muscles simultaneously aching and loose.
You were shivering as you tried to curl up into a ball. Your body trying to hold what little heat it had within itself.
But nothing stopped your tears.
You felt water drops make their way down your cheeks forming small splotches of water on the cushion you laid your head on.
And you didn't bother to wipe them away.
Will more or less was in the same state you were in. There was a multi-vehicle accident on the highway and victims were piling in the ED. He was running from one treatment room to the other, waiting to get back home and crash.
Will walked over to you with a huge glass of water and an advil, gently  nudging you to sit up.
Your head still pounded, your eyes zoning in and out of the figure in front of you "Y/n, here drink the whole glass and take this" Will soothed, placing the glass and the pill in your hand "I—I'm sorry" You whispered, distracting yourself from Will's eyes.
Will knew he should be angry. Just like Jay was but he couldn't bring himself to blaming you, not until he had the full story anyway.
You looked so petite on the enormous couch, your legs folded on top of each other, arms shaking as you drowned the glass of water along with the Advil.
Your red puffy eyes and tear strained cheeks,were a contrast from your usual self. or he thinks. He's been pretty busy lately, so he's not too sure. " We'll talk about it later. I'm not angry. I promise"
He assured and was about to head to bed himself when you grabbed his wrist.
If he wasn't angry at you then maybe— just maybe—he would help you.
"Stay" You pleaded , the word falling from your lips just as easily as it had, many, many times before.
And just like before, you were met with Will's soft brown eyes filled with sympathy, ready to help. Ready—to be by your side.
He's slowly nodded climbing onto the couch, next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and you nestled into him, laying your head on his chest.
You found some comfort as he embraced you, talking you under his arm and encompassing you in his warmth.
Holding on to him, you hoped that he would take your pain away, just like he did when you were little.
Will woke up to an uncomfortable feeling of something —or someone—   tugging at his shirt.
He slowly opened his eyes allowing them to adjust to the light as he felt another a tug at his side. He looked over to you, but your eyes were shut, brimming with tears, your arm laid across his chest.
You were holding on to Will , using him as a lifeline, grounding you from the pain.
You felt a hand squeezing your own, stopping you from gripping the fabric "Y/n?" You opened your eyes to look up at will who had tears of his own, staring at the state you were in "it's okay, I'm here, I'm right here"
He encircles you, tighter than before, whispering soothing assurances into your hair.
With Will's help, the pain slowly subsides, allowing you access to your thoughts again.
You step out of the shower, into the living room and your eyes widen seeing Jay and Will sitting at the kitchen counter.
You didn't even hear Jay come in, but right now taking in his hardened glare, you didn't dare ask.
You knew what was coming and you didn't fight. You couldn't.
"So apparently we're cheating on our midterms now, huh?" Jay's calm voice made shivers run down your spine, starting to take rapid breaths.
"And apparently, someone thinks it's ok to steal alcohol from my stash" He gritted, never breaking I contact with you. "Do you think that's how the world works Y/n? DO YOU? BECAUSE LAST TIME I CHECKED YOU'RE STILL A FUCKING TEENAGER!!" He spat, his thoughts fuming towards your trembling body.
It was every dieing body flashing before his eyes, as the past months' agony slipped off his tongue.
"Jay" Will's voice was stern, giving a knowing look towards his younger brother and didn't bother to give Jay time to argue with him.
"Y/n, we need to know what's going on"
"With school, with tests with....... everything" he stated giving you a solemn look meaning every word he said, promising himself that he would do whatever it takes to figure out what had been going on.
You sucked in a breath weighing all your options. You didn't want them to think that you needed a babysitter or  that you couldn't take care of yourself.
You knew that they had their own problems to worry about but you couldn't take it anymore.
You hated it.
The feeling of your lungs collapsing, struggling to find air for your body, your stress skyrocketing anytime you sat down to study, never getting any thing done.
All day long you would constantly tell yourself to do your work. Every spare second is spent in making a list of things you want to do but when it was time to actually do those things, your mind wandered and emptied.
You took another deep breath, looking up from your feet, your eyes meeting your brothers.
You spilled the past months events from how alone you were all the time and not being able to concentrate to how you ended up drunk at school and cheating on your midterms.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you your hands trembled. You stood crying in the middle of the room until you felt a pair of arms around you.
Will placed his hand at the nape of your neck as he stroked your back with the other "Breathe Y/n, just Breathe" He slowly pulled away leading you to the couch.
God, how he wished he could turn back time. Then he'd been more vigilant to notice the changes that had come over you.
You felt the couch dip on both sides but you intently studied your fingers, fumbling with the hem of your shirt and wiped the tears off your face. They were mad. No, they were furious. You knew it.
But for some reason, they weren't showing it. Maybe they were waiting-
"We're not mad"
You without your head around to look at Jay, furrowing your eyebrows in disbelief. Jay? Not mad? HA.
"but I am disappointed though, but that's only because you didn't tell us......
but stealing alcohol was bad too" he added, earning him a glare from Will.
"Y/n, what Jay means is— we could've helped with school . Homework . Tests . Anything, you name it. We will help" he assured, "But how do we know you need help, if you don't tell us?"
You sighed, taking in the weird turn of events that had happened before you. You had wasted all this time, trying to figure out all your problems out, when the answer was right in front of you.
A mountain of guilt now sat on Jay's shoulders, weighing down on him, pushing him deeper into a wormhole of 'if's'.
Maybe if he'd just been a little more careful, this wouldn't have happened.
Maybe if he'd stop and listen to you once in a while, this wouldn't have happened.
While trying to save kids out on the street, he forgot to care for the kid at home. You were his sister, and yet, here you are in front of him, barely keeping yourself together.
But that would change. Right here. *Right now.*
"Y/n," Jay started "If you would have told us how alone and stressed you were feeling.....I would've taken some time off... Maybe we'd watch a movie or something. All you had to do was ask...... And we'll get you the help you need, y/n. You good with that?" he questioned, his anger and frustration dissipating.
You saw your brother, the workaholic detective, wanting to put his job aside, for you .
You were more important to him, than his job—You realized.
" Yea... Yeah, I am"
Will stood up and got another advil with another glass of water. "and maybe you wouldn't end up drunk and cheating on your test" he smirked, crouching in front of you.
"God, I didn't think it would hurt this bad. I am never drinking again!" you smiled , as you drowned the pill.
"See now that's what I like to hear!!" Jay exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you, squeezing you into his chest. You squirmed, trying to get out of his grip, laughing, when you were joined by Will.
You know what? Maybe, things are going to be okay? Ya know?
Read more of my fics here!!
Tagging : @girlandthemoon @herecomesthewriterwitch @megaliciab @meyocoko @alkadri-layal
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 3 years
✾❃S.H+D.K- A Bisexual Mess✶
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Warnings: Smut, threesome, spit roasting, suggested poly relationship
Words: 3407
Pairing(s): Kaminari Denki x Sero Hanta x FEM!reader
Summary: Being attracted to your friend is weird, and your boyfriend having a crush on him too is even weirder. 
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Ok so I might’ve gotten carried away and prepared a basket instead... oops. Enjoy!
Part two
Sero Hanta always bragged about you to his friends, which wasn't a secret by any means. Well, not a secret to anybody except you. What can he say? You're perfect to him, and who's he to keep that information to himself? He would spew everything he loved about you and more, infuriating Bakugo and making Kaminari jealous.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, really! Well, not at first. Buuut... your pretty little boyfriend mentioned your name in his conversation with the Bakusquad, and you couldn't help it. You stood quietly outside of your home office— the only place in the house you allowed Hanta to smoke —and leaned as close to the door as you dared.
"She's just so perfect," you broke into a smile at Sero's words.
"Will you stop bragging about y/n-chan?" Kaminari groaned dramatically from within the room, "I almost can't take it anymore! You know that I like her. Stop making me jealous on purpose because I can't have her!"
Your eyes widened slightly at Kaminari's words. He did? Since when? Well, that was a silly thing to think; Kami has probably had a crush on everyone in high school at one point or another. But the fact that he just admitted it to Hanta was straight-up bold.
"Yeah I know," you heard Sero smirk, "ever since you've heard about her magic mouth you've wanted a piece."
"-wha? Wrong. I've had a crush on her longer than that!" Kaminari argued. You could hear Mina in the back cracking up.
"Will you two shut up?!" Bakugo yelled, rattling the door. "Every fucking time I'm here is all 'y/n this' and 'y/n that' ok we gET IT, THE TWO OF YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER!"
You stood in their silence for a moment, trying to process that holy shit, the Mega-Virgin Kaminari has a crush on you, even before you sucked Hanta off for the first time! What was happening?
"K'mon, bro," Kirishima chided, and you heard the slap of his hand land on Bakugo's back. "Chill out, take another hit. Y/n-san might pop in if she hears too much noise."
"Whatever, 'tch," Bakugo huffed, "kinda wanna go home anyway, you nerds don't have anything interesting to talk about."
You quietly hurried away to your shared bedroom at the sound of footsteps, pretending that you hadn't just heard Hanta openly talk about your 'magic mouth', and Kaminari's confession. You could still feel the flustered blush on your cheeks as Kirishima and Bakugo walked down the hall to the front door, the latter grumbling about "those damn nerds".
"Wait, guys," Mina called to them, "I don't want to be stuck with those love-sick idiots!"
After Kiri offered to buy the pink girl an Uber home and the front door was shut, all you could hear was the muffled conversation a room over. You snuck back to the office door, and pressed your ear against it.
"-s-stop!" You heard Kaminari stutter.
"Never! It's so fun to make you flustered over my girl," you playfully shook your head at Hanta's words. Typical Sero move.
It was silent for a few minutes, broken soon after with a, "dude! What the hell?" From Hanta.
"I- it's- it's your fault!" Kaminari retorted, apparently spinning around in the squeaky office chair.
"You-," Sero burst out laughing, "you got hard just from me talking about her! Bet it was the part I told you when y/n and I were at that one restaurant-."
"S-shut up!" Kaminari squeaked.
Your face flushed considerably pinker. Right here, right now, were two boys that were sexually attracted to you on the other side of the door. You felt your stomach flip and twist in excitement at the new feeling.
"It's kinda cute that you're so into her," you heard Hanta tease. "You're always a blushing mess, and just stuttering over your words."
"Damn S-sero," Denki said grouchily, "stop making fun of me."
You couldn't help but press your ear completely against the door, the two boys inside were too high to notice the shadow under the door anyway. Was Hanta... Flirting?
"I'm not making fun of you," Sero paused. "I'm just calling you cute."
You drowned out the rest of their conversation with your thoughts, trying to connect dots together. Hanta was a little suspicious at times from what you could see over his shoulder. Suspicious of what, exactly? Being gay, or at least bisexual. You saw him close tabs of soft-core gay porn occasionally, and you even accidentally stumbled upon Sero's old diary from years back. You didn't worry too much about it, but now... was he suppressing his feelings? Was he about to cheat on you?
Your heart dropped at that thought. Hanta was a nice guy and he wouldn't do that to you, right? He wouldn't lie about loving you. Not after what you heard earlier. Or was that just to fluster Kaminari? You shook your head in an attempt to clear your mind, and tuned back in on the two boys.
"-AH—! Wait!" You heard Sero panic, "I didn't- I shouldn't've-!"
".. shouldn't have kissed me?" Denki squeaked quietly so you had to strain to hear.
What on Earth did you miss while you were spaced out?
"Well- I was just thinking about h-how cute you are, and I forgot that I can't kiss someone who isn't my partner!" Hanta stressed, "god why do I have to love both of you..."
Your eyebrows raised at that, and listened in a little harder. Did you hear that right? Sero had a crush on Kaminari?
Honestly you couldn't blame him when the blond was so undeniably attractive, especially with the smudged black eyeliner on the corners of his eyes and the lightning bolt streak in his hair. You wouldn't lie that you liked him a bit too, but you suppressed those feelings for Hanta.
"I- I can go if you want," Kaminari mumbled, voice cracking slightly.
"Er- if you want. I don't mind chilling with you a bit longer. Just— don't tell y/n what happened. I- I'll tell her later when I figure out what to say," Hanta said.
"You sure she won't get mad at you?" Said a concerned Denki. "I know how much you love her, and I don't want you two to break it off.."
"Weeelll," Sero dragged on nervously, "y/n is very understanding, a-and I also need to tell her a few other things anyway."
You headed towards the living room, hearing all you needed to. You honestly didn't exactly know what to think about what just happened. Hanta kissed Denki, who likes you, and you that likes Hanta who also likes Denki. What even.
You sat comfortably on the couch, watching the last of the sun meander under the horizon. You nervously tapped on your phone after playing games on it for about an hour, waiting for Kaminari to leave so you could talk with Hanta. You finally heard the office door open, and you turned your head. Sero shuffled towards you with a sleeping Denki in his arms. The blonde's mouth was wide open and snoring lightly, drool going halfway down his chin.
"Uh," Hanta said awkwardly, "help."
You giggled and jumped up from your to help your boyfriend position Kaminari on the couch, who immediately latched onto a pillow mumbling incoherently.
"Whatta dude," you stated, fists on your hips.
"Yeah..." Hanta scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, I have to talk to you about something. It's pretty serious so we can wait until later if you want."
"Nah," you shook your head, "you've seemed off lately, and I'm guessing you just need it off your chest."
"Well, if you don't mind," Hanta plopped down on the love seat. You kneeled over to lean your head on his knee as he sucked in a shaky breath. "I- Um. I- I think I'm Bi."
You nodded your head understandingly, taking his hand in yours. "Ok, baby. Thank you for telling me."
"—there is o-one more thing I-I have to confess," Sero shook, "just please don't hit or yell at me."
"I would never, baby. I'm here for you," you looked up at him encouragingly, giving him a smile.
"O-ok. Uh, I kinda, well... I kinda kissed Kami. O-on the lips," Hanta's eyes looked away from yours, floating to the floor.
"Do you regret it?" You asked, keeping a calm exterior.
"Uh- I dunno. I do because I'm with you.. but... I- I think I don't," Sero looked incredibly guilty, and he squeezed your hand, "I love you, b-but I also have a crush on him..."
"That's ok," you reassured, reaching up to turn his head back to you, "I don't mind if you want to be in a relationship with him too, separately or not."
Hanta looked incredibly surprised, and a smile split his face, "really?!"
"Yes really," you giggled, kissing his cheek. "I can share you."
Sero, being the genius he was, suggested introducing Denki into the relationship with a threesome. Totally not skipping a few steps or anything.
"Are you sure he'd be willing to do that?" You had asked. "He's a virgin to basically everything."
"Oh, he'd be willing alright," Hanta smirked. "I'll message him about it then?"
"Mhm," you nodded, "it'll be fun. We'll get to tease him."
Denki was freaking out. Actually, he was more than freaking out. He was freaking out and jerking off. Multitasking. He could not believe his eyes when he opened Sero's text message, four glorious words: 'wanna have a threesome?'
Of course, Denki had asked if his friend had been joking or not before opening up his mind to fantasies. He got off rather quickly, though who could blame him. He swore that his libido was abnormally high, because even the thought of you, (and Sero as well), would get him flustered and he would pop a boner.
The next day when he came over, his teeth brushed and pubes trimmed, he stood outside your apartment door for at least a minute before knocking. His mind would keep circling the same thoughts: 'Sero just wants you to embarrass yourself in front of her', 'he told y/n about your crush and now they want to laugh at you', 'holy fuck is this actually happening', and 'I hope Sero actually doesn't mind sharing'.
"Sup, man," Hanta grinned as he opened the door for his blushing crush, a far too casual greeting for the situation about to unfold.
"H-hey," Kaminari grinned back, shuffling inside and slipping off his shoes.
"Y/n's just making up a snack so we can chat before uh, y'know," Hanta held back his blush, already nervous because damn, did Denki put on eyeliner or something? He looked hotter than usual.
"Take a seat in the living room, I'm almost done!" You called from the kitchen as you poured one last cup of tea. You carried the tray of tea and homemade cookies to the coffee table, and sat yourself down on the love seat. You couldn't lie— you were nervous as shit at the moment. You looked up as Hanta led a very flustered and anxious Kaminari behind him, and you gave a comforting wave.
"H-hi," Kaminari squeaked, sitting himself on the couch in front of you. He rubbed the sweat off his hands on his pants, trying to avoid your gaze.
"Hey!" You greeted kindly with a smile.
"Alright so now what," Hanta stated, plopping himself beside Denki only looking slightly nervous.
"We discuss boundaries!" You said cheerfully. You reached over for your cup and took a sip. "Any hard no's?"
"Kaminari's not fucking you," Hanta crossed his arms. "Not yet, I want it to be more special than this..."
Denki choked on his drink, sputtering on his tea.
"Kami, any hard no's?" you steered. 
"U-uh not right now," the electric blond stuttered, eyeing Sero nervously.
"Ok great!" You exclaimed, clapping your hands together, "the safe word Hanta and I use is 'soy sauce'."
"That's two-."
"Yeah same difference," you waved Kaminari off. "Anyway, my hard no's are just don't hit me, don't degrade me, and don't choke me out."
The two boys nodded anxiously.
"Holy fuck," Denki muttered as he watched Sero kiss your lips, palming his dick through his jeans. He admired your half undressed state as he feverishly threw off his T-shirt.
Without looking, Hanta held out his hand in a 'come hither' motion, and Kaminari steered over to his friend. Sero pulled away from you for a moment, guiding Denki's shaky hands to your bare waist. Once the two of you continued kissing, Kaminari hugged your waist closer and kissed the side of your neck. Your encouraging moans excited him, and he kissed your skin harder.
Denki's hips couldn't help but rut against your backside, drawing out a soft groan from him. He peered his head up to Sero, who turned to give him a gentle kiss, and Kaminari could feel your saliva on his lips. You turned to face the blonde, leaning forwards to propose a kiss. Denki filled the gap quickly, and met your lips with his. It was a messy kiss, but neither you nor Kami cared. You heard Hanta grumble in your ear, nipping at the cartilage carefully.
Honestly, Denki thought he was being spoiled rotten. You were so soft in his arms, and he swore he could stay like this forever. Sero's nimble fingers snuck to the back of your bra and quickly unclasped it, making Denki suck in a jittery breath.
"Hmmh," you sighed as Hanta cupped your breasts gently, waiting for Denki to desperately ask for a turn.
"You can touch her, Denks," Sero chuckled, leaning over and kissing his friend again.
Denki mumbled into the kiss, and shakily moved to grasp your tits from behind. His cock couldn't help but twitch in his pants as he massaged your nipples softly, his lips still locked with Hanta's. Kami pulled back with a gasp, strings of saliva still attaching them.
"Oh so good," Denki whined as he humped your ass, breathing heavily into your ear.
"Mmm, Denki~ take your pants off for us, won't you?" You licked your lips and watched as Kaminari hobbled out of his skinny jeans.
He looked at you with wide eyes as you sat on your bed, with Sero following suit. Denki moaned when the two of you started making out again, and nervously edged closer to the bed. You smiled at him encouragingly and reached out a hand to play with the elastic of his boxers. A whimper left his throat as you trailed a finger up his clothed shaft, and he eyed Hanta guilty.
"It's ok!" The smiling man replied, helping you get into a better position. "Let loose a little, dude."
Denki wasn't sure he could do that since you were slowly pulling down the hem of his underwear, his cock springing up to slap his stomach before standing straight out. He slipped down his boxers and kicked them away, having full attention on you and your beautiful e/c eyes.
Hanta was massaging your ass cheeks as Denki experienced your mouth for the first time, and he pulled down your panties, (which were soaked, by the way). You moaned against Kami's cock as Sero rubbed the inside of your thighs with his warm hands, causing Denki to let out a lewd groan. His eyes kept switching from you, to Sero, and back to you again.
"So wet for me, y/n," Hanta mumbled, "if I knew you were into this stuff I would've invited Kami over earlier."
You hummed in response, too busy indulging yourself with Denki's dick. You enjoyed making him squirm in his stance, licking over the glans of his cock and the underside of his shaft. You swore you could see his eyes start to water up.
Kaminari was wide eyed as he watched Hanta strip out of his briefs and give himself a few pumps. Denki's mouth opened in a silent moan when Sero lined up to your entrance and slowly inched inside, letting out a low groan when he bottomed out. You hummed diligently on the cock you were sucking and grabbed Denki's hand to put on your head, letting him grasp your hair like reins.
The electric blond babbled quietly as he watched Hanta pump into you, forcing Denki's cock further down your throat. The way your mouth contracted around him made Denki's legs shake, and he got red in the face trying to keep his hands from urging your head deeper.
"You look like you're having a good time, Denks," Sero commented as he admired the blonde's teary eyes. His hips rolled forwards in a new rhythm and you griped pleasantly as you fisted the sheets under you.
"Fuuuck yeah," Kaminari grumbled, catching up with his friend's rhythm. He was over the moon, and was just trying not to cum prematurely so he could enjoy this moment longer.
"Don't be afraid to fuck her face," Hanta said smugly, repositioning his hands on your hips. "She loves choking on cock, ain't that right beautiful?"
You wept in agreement, looking up at Denki with soft, pleading eyes. You bobbed your head faster in his loose grasp, gagging and sputtering on spit and precum. The man above you groaned with satisfaction and fisted your hair and forced his dick deeper into your tight throat. His thrusts came in a perfect rhythm with Sero's, and whenever you moved, you were getting impaled from either end.
Your limbs shook as you struggled to breathe with the cock in your mouth, and your pussy clenched around Hanta desperately. You felt tears stream down your cheeks as you sobbed for breath, enjoying every moment. You nearly squealed as Sero pressed a vibrator against your clit, and your vision fuzzed a bright white.
"Gonna cum, baby?" Hanta egged on, panting for oxygen. "C'mere Den, kiss me."
You whined loudly as you heard the two men kissing above you, and your stomach tightened and rolled around pleasantly. You gurgled on Denki's cock as you came, pussy pulsing with need and delight.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Kaminari moaned in tune with his thrusts, so close to the edge that you could practically taste his cum already.
"Oh shit, y/n. You're so— tigHT," Hanta groaned as he rutted against you one more time before you felt his warm cum fill your insides.
Right on cue, Denki hit his peak right after Sero, moaning about how good your mouth felt and how hot you were, "god, Hanta, she looks so fucking good like this."
Denki let out a choked whine as he finally let his orgasm take over his body, and he held your head in place as his semen ran down your throat. You choked it down before Kami pulled away, and you opened your mouth to reveal strings of saliva and cum.
"Holy fucking shit," Denki said, exasperated, "I feel like I'm not gonna go soft for a week."
"You alright, my love?" Hanta said softly as he let you fall onto your chest, ass still up.
"Hell yeah," you mumbled, your voice scratchy and sore from being face-fucked. You watched Kami stand awkwardly as Sero wiped you down with a warm cloth, taking care between your thighs.
"Denki, go get some water please," Hanta instructed as he rolled you over. "You did so good, baby. The best."
You hummed softly in response, already feeling your eyes flutter sleepily. Kaminari held out a straw to you, and you sucked down the cool substance thankfully.
"That was the best blowjob ever," Denki sighed happily, watching Hanta scoop out the cum from your cunt.
"It was your only blowjob, Kami," you mumbled teasingly, a soft smirk on your face.
You felt yourself drift into a calm state, and you could only hear the muffled voices of your boyfriend, and... your other boyfriend? You fell into a comforting, dreamless sleep, and you knew that Denki would make a great addition to your relationship.
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no kisses needed.
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© @sonsofeorl
❝ request by @blowmymbackout: reader has a co-worker who just won't take the hint that reader isn't interested and has a bf she tells Coco he picks her up from work confronts the man. Coco is a lil jealous. Co-worker facetimes reader while coco has her in this position (sorry if that didn't make any sense)
❝ words: about 1.2k.
❝ warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, language, voyeurism (????), coco being a little possessive, mention of bodily fluids.
❝ a / n: as always, don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it!
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You weren't expecting Coco to pick you up from work today, but you guess he has just done it to see who's the fucker trying to flirt with his girl. The guy is uglier than the back of a fridge, and he feels some comfort in it. But not enough to calm down his jealousy. He —better than anybody— knows that you don't care about a pretty face, you care about a beautiful heart, tho. His insecurities come afloat on your way back home, worrying you because he's more silent than ever, not even getting a response when you whisper in his ear how much you have missed him today after waking up alone.
Coming into your house with his face down, Coco leaves his kutte and both helmets on the coffee table, a second before falling onto your sofa. A leg over it, the other flexed to the floor. Your boyfriend looks at you, thoughtful and very concentrated on the way you have to remove your jacket and walk towards his position. You know exactly what's on his mind and that touches your soul. His demons eat him alive with no mercy. Kneeling a leg between his —placing your phone close to his black helmet—, you lean down with both hands on his chest for balance, landing your lips onto his left ear.
“Can you do something for me?” You hum with such a sweet tone, caressing his cheek with the tip of your nose. And you hear him swallowing slowly. “Fuck me, Coco. I need you so fuckin' much… You can't imagine… Can you do that for me, ah? Can you fuck me so hard I forgot my name but not who I belong to?”
He utters a feral snarl, noticing then that your right hand has made its way to his dick. You grip it over the rough fabric, swinging it with a tortuous pace, fixing your eyes on his. Coco is about to kiss you when you push him down using your left hand.
“I don't want your kisses now”. You whisper accommodating yourself over the delicious rock under his clothes. “I want your dick. I want you to fuck me till I have to beg you to stop”.
How does he manage to roll you down his body? You don't know. But the fact is that, in less than a second, you're lying on your stomach and your boyfriend is removing your sneakers and your jeans. He can't help but lick his lips keenly as he glances at the small spot darkening your panties, the evidence of how wet you are because of him.
“Fuck, ma'...”
Coco rips off the piece of clothing causing you to gasp, while you take off the shirt covering your torso, only leaving the blue bra you're wearing beneath it. He undoes it to throw it to the floor too, sliding an arm under your stomach to make you raise your ass. With his free hand, your boyfriend pulls down his jeans and boxers enough to let his hard cock spring free. He doesn't prepare you. Coco guides his glans to your folds to slam his thick length into your soaked cunt. You moan loud and clear his full name, as he settles his body between your spread legs.
Digging his fingers in your hips, aware that he probably will leave some marks there, he doesn't show any mercy. He hits your guts and your soul once and once with an insane pace that causes you to roll your eyes, nailing your hands on the armrest to find some equilibrium and receive every pound straight to your g-spot without falling over it. Coco is fucking you as hard as you have asked him, blanking your mind and making a mess of your vocals.
And he doesn't stop when your phone starts to ring. The name of your co-worker appearing on the screen. Your boyfriend has the brilliant idea of pulling your hair back by tangling his digits there, bringing his lips to your ear. His other hand grabs your device to put it at the height of your faces, sliding his thumb to answer the video call.
The first thing your partner can see is the pleasure gesture on yours, moaning and screaming Coco's name, not having noticed yet what he is doing until you hear your co-worker calling you.
“Tell him how good I fuck you, ma'”. Your boyfriend demands with such a throaty growl, thrusting his thick and hard length into you, impaling your body against the sofa.
“Shit…” You almost cry. “He fucks me so damn good”.
“That's it… Tell him… Tell him who you belong to”.
You know that he's enjoying it, but you can't answer when your partner hangs up the call. Coco can't help but laugh, tosing your phone to the table, to occupy his hand in a better place. Wrapping it around your throat, your boyfriend forces you to kneel on the cushions, sticking his chest to your back.
“Bet he won't forget”. He grunts into your ear, tilting your head to tuck his tongue within your mouth.
He drinks your pleas, your begs, your gaps, placing your fingers around his wrists, aware that you're not going to last much more because of what has just happened. And he feels it. He feels how your whole anatomy gets tensed with every push to your guts, creating an erotic melody of flesh against flesh. Pulling you down again and gripping your hips, Coco increases the pace of his lungs, giving you more pleasure than you can bear with, still enraged because of that shithead thinking he could have some kind of opportunity with you. You are his. Like your heart, your soul, your thoughts.
“Ah, fuck, baby”. You paint roaring, biting your lips until the metallic taste of blood floods your mouth.
The tickles in your lower belly grow by leaps and bounds, making your heart stop for a brief instant before the orgasm blows out all your senses and the electrical lash roams your back. It takes Coco only two slams more into your soaked pussy to cum inside you, filling you as much as he can press his body against yours. He doesn't feel jealous, nor angry anymore. He simply is too tired after that rough quickly, marking your skin wherever his teeth have reached it.
Loosening his grip bit by bit to pull his wet dick out from you, your boyfriend holds your phone again to take a picture of his warm seed spilling out from your abused lips. A piece of art under his dark eyes. Lying on your back and placing a smooth kiss on top of your head, he shows you the little mess he has done with a proud smile crossing his exhausted mouth.
“Was tha' what you wanted?”
“Uh-huh”. You whisper resting your cheek over your forearms, turning slightly at him. “Did you have fun, Coquito?”
“I always have fun ruining your sweet tight pussy, ma'. I don' even mind if that cabrón wanna come and look the next time”.
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221 @littlekittymeow @tenderclio @badame1240 @regalbanshee
MAYANS MC: @multiyfandomgirl40 @countryash345 @skyofficialxx @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @bellisperennis0 @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @oscars-wifeyyy @meteora-fc @lozaa94 @arveeee @joupym @hanster1998 @missswritings @arana-alpha @lucillewinchester @theocatkov @telfordlowmans
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Ghost Of You 2/2
Pairing: Ghost! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Luke, Reggie and Alex have to assimilate their loss. For Luke of his girlfriend, and for the others of their best friend after suddenly learning that she didn’t have the future they imagined, and instead died 23 years ago.
Thank you to @cookiebuba for being the head of the entire idea and trusting me with it, and to Emy for almost holding my hand to force me to write🤣💜
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“It can’t be.”
“Luke, I-”
"No, Julie. You are not telling me that the woman of my life, the purest person who has ever stepped on this world, not only lost her partner and her best friends, but was only able to live her life for two more years and then ended in a horrible accident. It's as if life wanted to torture her before taking her too.”
“Love of ?... Zeppelin shirt you wore when you ran away. Of course.”
“I- It can’t be true, please tell me it’s not true, Julie.”
“Luke... she loved you so much.”
He falls on the floor. The impact is strong, as if his legs have stopped working.
"I know." He whispers slowly, his gaze empty as multiple tears fall from his eyes.
The rest of the gang threw themselves to the ground around him and hugged him with all their might, trying to unite his broken pieces without any success. Alex and Reggie each crying silently over the loss of their sweet friend.
“What day did she pass away? Alex whispers.
"Let me search, one moment." Julie gets up quickly and checks on her laptop to find a little note about the singer's death.
"The rising singer Y/N Y/L who had just released the biggest hit of her career passed away this afternoon in a terrible car accident after leaving the cemetery where her late boyfriend, Luke Patterson, was buried. Y/L was there in commemoration of the 2 years of the loss of the aspiring musician, who died from a sudden tragic intoxication along with the rest of his band. Something to rescue from this tragedy is that at least she's already reunited with her eternal love. May both rest in peace.”
“This can’t be. My Y/N can’t be gone. Not her, not like that.” Luke is still in denial, unable to believe that his little girl suffered such a terrible ending.
“Maybe she’s not. There's still a chance that she's also a ghost.”
“Yeah, Julie’s right. We need to look out for her, we can't write her off without trying to find her first.” Reggie's eyes sparkle with hope, rushing to cover Alex's mouth in case he says anything other than motivating.
Luke takes his flannel and disappears immediately. Both Reggie and Alex stare sadly at Julie who simply whispers a "go, he needs you." They nod and teleport to their friend.
As expected, Luke is in front of the window of an old music store. He met his girlfriend here so many years ago, the day his parents agreed to buy him his first guitar.
The store had a small section where customers could try out some instruments and she was playing the guitar they had there and singing for the small audience. It seemed like it was something she did often because both the workers and certain customers seemed familiar with the girl.
Luke was captivated by her from the first moment. The energy and passion that radiated from her in every move was unreal. He had never seen anyone happier, much less singing with a borrowed guitar from a small downtown store.
The store is completely abandoned, so without saying anything he comes in and walks towards the small stage.
The ghosts of two 12-year-old kids singing together into the microphone invades his memory. If they only knew.
"Do you remember what was the first thing she said to you?" Reggie and Alex sit next to him on the floor, looking straight at the very small stage. They both try to imagine what their friends must have looked like singing here together the first time. Luke totally invading little Y/N's presentation trying to captivate her with his 0% music experience and 100% of enthusiasm.
Luke laughs through tears. "You have the voice of a country singer."
Alex starts crying when he imagines her. He met her just a few weeks later so he knows exactly how she must have looked and sound.
Reggie smiles while shedding a tear, remembering all those afternoons Y/N convinced Luke to join them in their country sessions. He knows that's why Luke hasn't wanted to know anything about country or his songs since they got back. They remind him of his sweet girl.
“I was so offended. I still didn't know anything about music but I had already decided that I would be a rocker. If I hadn't already been so dazzled by her I would have left without looking back.”
“And what did you answer to defend your honor?”
"You think so?" The three of them start laughing while still crying. A heartbreaking mix of pain comes from their chests.
“C’mon guys, next stop.”
The three of them were teletransporting around the city during the day without any success. Luke's desperation increasing for every place the songwriter wasn't.
At night the three decide to go back to the studio. Luke is heartbroken, bloated after crying all day, eyes red and sore, and whatever it was that was driving him to continue, off.
His friends couldn't do much for him either because each was living the loss in their own way, concentrating on living their own pain until they could process it.
Julie wraps them in blankets on the couch and tries to fill them with love, making sure to hug Luke tightly, who seems about to fall apart.
“Does anyone want to talk about her? Maybe it could make you feel better.”
“She was my entire soul, the words and melody in each of my songs. I just, I love her more than anything in this world. I would give anything for her. My guitar, my voice, my songs, whatever it took for us to be together. I know it doesn't seem like it at this point, but we belong together.”
“We know you do, man.”
“I didn't tell you but I dream about her almost every night since we got back. It is always the same dream. She is in bed, leaving my side intact. She's wearing one of my shirts and hugging my favorite one while sobbing. She falls asleep listening to the ballad I wrote for her soaked in tears and no matter how hard I try to wake her up, I can't get her to see or hear me. I can’t get her. After a few minutes she gets up still asleep and begins to dance as we did so many times, but alone. Then she stops and starts crying again inconsolably. And that's when I wake up."
"I'm so sorry, Luke. She deserved so much more." Reggie walks over to hug him, his head resting on his arm while he sobs.
“We couldn't even say goodbye to her.” Alex cries, his eyes completely red.
“We already know that she visited your graves, perhaps we could do the same, dedicate a few words to her.” Julie offers in an attempt to help them find some peace.
Luke looks devastated, but he nods his head as tears continue to fall from his face, the ring that his girlfriend gave him going in and out of his finger. Alex hugs Julie while she strokes his hair in an effort to calm him down and Reggie runs up to get a notebook and pencil to start planning what to say to his best friend tomorrow.
The three of them hang around all night, crying, writing, hugging, remembering the spark of Sunset Curve. In the morning before going to visit her, they realize is exactly the 25th anniversary of that tragic night that changed the lives of the four forever. Luke nearly punches a hole in the wall upon hearing the sad coincidence.
Her grave is right next to Luke's, who has never been here before and can't help but feel a bit anxious.
“Don’t worry, I’ll start.” Reggie tells the guitarist as he takes a step forward, a small smile on his lips.
"Hello, princess. Long time, huh? I'm Reggie, by the way. In case you don't recognize me from the slight change in my hair. I am trying a little more gel, I want something more elegant and classic. What do you think? Yes, I also thought you would like it.” Julie and Alex smile at hearing him talk to her as natural as possible.
“I tried very hard to think of what to say, because if there is anyone who deserves my best words, it is you. And three things came to mind that I want to share with you.
First, the color yellow.
Yellow like the guitar you were saving for two years to buy. You did everything. You were a babysitter, you walked dogs, you worked in the school library, you sang with your old acoustic guitar in every cafe, basically everything that will let you win some money.
And the day before you could finally go buy it, my dad broke my bass in a moment of anger in one of his typical fights with mom that got really out of hand. At least he didn’t hurt her, huh? But when you're a kid you don't even think about the possibility that something like that could happen, you just focus on the broken instrument in your hand. I ran out and ended up on the stairs of your house with my face soaked and one of the broken pieces in my hand.
You hugged me and promised that everything would be fine. That I was always going to have you four and that we would always be family. You assured me that good things happen to good people. And I believed you, you know? You were always right. But now that I'm here, that I know you didn't have the happy ending you deserved, I'm honestly not so sure anymore.”
Luke and Alex start crying again, each hugging Reggie from one side. Reg tries with all his might to continue through the tears, while Julie looks at them with a broken heart.
“The next day when I came back from school a new bass was on my bed. You talked to Mom so she could take the credit for the gift, but coincidentally was exactly the bass that I fell in love with a year earlier when we went to check if your beloved yellow guitar hadn't dropped in price. Luke revealed to me a few months later that you had to borrow money from your mom in order to complete the exact money for that one.
How generous do you have to be in order to do something like that? how noble? How loving? How selfless? You were always more than I deserved. I was supposed to be like an older brother for you, but it was always you who took care of me. I have Julie and Carlos, and I'm trying to be with them as you were with me. I had the best step sister in the world to teach me, and I hope I can do you justice.” Julie starts crying too after hearing his words, and resists the urge to going to hug him because she knows that they need their space to let go all the suffering that they carry.
“Second, my leather jacket.
When we started the band we made a 100% commitment to being rockstars. And a very important part is the look. You accompanied me on a walk around the city looking for the right outfit to literally go sing to the people who were lining up in front of the clubs.
Anyone could have left me alone on that for multiple reasons, not even these two wanted to face the trouble. But you followed me without thinking twice.
The afternoon was over and we still haven't found anything. Our feet couldn't take it anymore and we had 10 minutes to run to the club. But we stopped by a little store that had a black leather jacket in the window and you said, Reg, this is it.
You excitedly took me by the hand and when I tried it on, the rest was history.
Then I tried to get the whole band to use them but these two boys without fashion sense didn’t want to. You, on the other hand, supported me and wore your leather jacket during all the Sunset Curve performances we had, convincing me that they were our good luck charms and that if we both used them everything would be amazing. Oh god, I miss you so much.
And third, a star.
I thought you were a star when I heard you sing for the first time.
I thought you were a star when you and Luke managed to write the whole Sunset Curve album in 2 months.
I thought you were a star when you bought me my bass, when you made Alex feel better after one of his strongest attacks, when you filled Luke with love and support when he needed it the most.
And I believe it now that I know you are gone.
If you are in heaven, you have to be a star. And not just a star, the brightest star of all. I promise to look for your light every night to wish you sweet dreams. I will also sing you some country since you were the only one who appreciated my incredible sound, I hope it makes you smile.”
“That was beautiful, Reggie. I’m sure she loved it.” Julie finally reaches out to hug him as Alex prepares to be next.
“Hey. I don’t even know where to start.
I- I guess I should start saying I could never pay you all the times you were there to pick me up when I needed someone the most. I went back to dancing a little again. It's not the same without you, but somehow it makes me feel you close. I also met someone, oh Y/N, he’s so special, I'm sure you would have loved him and I would have loved the opportunity to introduce him to you. You were always there.
You were there to support me when I decided to learn drums to cope with my anxiety. You sang the song I was practicing over and over to keep me company and reassure me that what I was doing sounded good.
You were there to support me when I told you I like to dance. We spent hours choreographing different iconic songs and just laughing and enjoying creating more memories together.
Not shocking at this point but you were also there for me when I confessed to my parents I’m gay and you gave me strength all those times that I wanted to fall because they no longer saw me the same way.
You were always my safe place. And I regret with all my heart that I couldn’t be yours.”
Alex breaks down. She kept them on their feet during her darkest days and they paid her off by causing her the most horrible pain imaginable. Julie and Reggie surround her in their arms while sobbing. The last one of the band standing moves closer to the grave and drops to his knees.
“I’m so sorry, my love. I’m so fucking sorry.” Luke tries to be strong, but tears start falling like waterfalls from his eyes, his face red in a mixture of despair, sadness and anger.
“I will never forgive myself for leaving you alone. Baby, I've been without you for only 1 month and I’m going crazy, even with the boys and Julie by my side. I don't even want to imagine what you must have been through those two years. My soul is shattered just thinking about it.
At first when we returned I imagined you were happy after having fulfilled all our plans with someone else. And I thought nothing could hurt me more than that, but obviously I was wrong. Because although it hurt me that I couldn’t be the one who was with you, thinking that you had been happy gave me the peace to be able to continue. Now that I know that life took away your opportunity, the only thing I feel is anger.
Anger towards me, anger towards destiny. Anger at not being able to be together even after death. Since we discovered where you are, I have only been able to think of cross over and finally be with you again.
Or at least go back to the night before everything turned into a nightmare. Fall asleep with you in my arms one more time.
I swear I even miss your snoring and you biting my cheek after your goodnight kiss, as you would say, in a gesture of love.”
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“Hello again, my love.
I can't believe 25 years have passed. First of all, I want you to know that I'm okay. Or well, the equivalent for ghosts that are destined to haunt the earth alone for all eternity. I made a friend for several years, Rose. I told you about her, remember? I know you guys would have been good friends, she was a ridiculously talented musician. Since she died I no longer had the strength to go back to the studio, but for a long time I enjoyed her company in one of my favorite places. She promised to tell you that I'm waiting for you. I will wait whatever time is necessary, okay? I love you so much, baby.
You three are always on my mind, and I think I can finally accept that the pain is just never going to go away. But lately something super strange has happened to me, let me tell you.
Throughout these years, in the darkest days, I see you. But, they were always memories.
A month ago, I started to see you having other kinds of experiences and I honestly don't know how to feel about it. Am I going that crazy? I selfishly hoped that you too were ghosts for so many years. I looked for you 5, 10, 15, 20 years. And just as I decide to give up, my head imagines you all over the city.
The first time I saw you singing Reggie's jam on the beach. You guys looked so happy, love. It filled my heart with peace for a few seconds, knowing that somewhere up there you are enjoying life singing together all day.
Then I saw my beloved Alex with a cute boy. My heart melted, I can’t even explain how much I wanted to run to hug him and gossip about it.
Baby, he looked so peaceful. I always wanted that for Alex. I didn't know whether to be happy or cry because that didn’t actually happen, so I did both.
The penultimate time was a few nights ago when I was walking in front of the Orpheum and I heard your voices. How wicked my mind is, right? A knife to the heart would hurt less.
And now, I can't even get close to your grave because I'm imagining you all again.”
Y/N doesn't know what to do, if she gets close enough will they disappear? What If they don’t? Will she bear to see them up close? She has been dancing with their ghosts in her dreams for so many years, but It’s not the same as doing it when she is fully awake.
She is about to run out of there in fear when the silhouette of a fourth person catches her attention. She doesn't know why, but it immediately reminds her of Rose. Could it be that she is imagining her friend too?
Curiosity is stronger than fear, like all those times when she got into trouble with her boys. She walks carefully towards her grave which is next to her beloved Luke.
“I swear I even miss your snoring and you biting my cheek after your goodnight kiss as you would say, in a gesture of love.”
“I don't freaking snore, I told you a million times already... and now I'm talking with my imagination, great.”
The band turns in shock towards the fifth voice. That's when she can see the girl's face and realize who she is.
“Julie? But, how?”
“Y/N?” Alex whispers on the verge of passing out.
She starts to panic, just before the boys can do something about it, a new person appears behind her.
“Hey, you took a long time." She turns around and jumps into the arms of who has become her only friend in recent years.
“Phoenix, thank god.” Her body continues to shake but she clings tightly to her friend while crying uncontrollably.
To say the ghosts are confused would be an understatement. And apart from that, the guitarist is having many conflicts with the jealousy that he is feeling at the moment. They haven't seen each other in 25 years and when they finally do, she runs into someone else's arms and clings to him like her life depends on it.
What does that mean for them? Is it too late?
“Beautiful, what's wrong? Who are they? Oh, wait. You guys were at the club a few weeks ago, you're friends with Willie, right?”
Luke feels like dying all over again hearing him call her that. She continues to shake but finally lets go.
“What? You can see them?”
“Shouldn’t I?” He looks at her skeptical and shifts his eyes from her to the ghosts.
“I- Oh my god. I'm going to pass out.“
“Baby, look at me.” Luke’s voice is a mix between a plea and a demand. The terror of knowing that perhaps he has already lost her without having had the opportunity to fight for her clouds his judgment and tears begin to fall from his face again.
25 years. 25 years fighting not to forget his voice. 25 years having him only in dreams, in memories, in melodies. 25 years waiting for him. 25 years on her own.
She turns slowly to meet those honey-green eyes she craved for so long to see, a painful smile from Luke makes her smile through tears.
She carefully lifts her right hand and gently draws it to his cheek, almost exploding at the feel of it.
“You came back. Oh my, It’s really you.” She jumps to the guitarist, entwining her legs at his hips, her arms tangled with all her strength around him, her head buried in his neck inhaling his scent. Tears coming out as if to drown her, all the pain and suffering that she faced all these years finally leaving her body.
Luke wraps her tightly in his arms, still unable to process what’s happening.
Alex and Reggie begin to smile without fully assimilating what is happening, while Julie begins to jump of joy.
“Babygirl, I'm sorry to ruin the moment but I have to rush to the club. Will you be okay here?"
“She's always safe with me." The guitarist growls, and Y/N starts laughing when she hears it.
"The jealous, protective baby in the beanie is right, don't worry Nix. I’ll go and find you later."
Phoenix nods with a smile and disappears. Julie begins to scold Luke while Reggie and Alex approach to touch the cheek of their best friend, still in the arms of the guitarist who does not seem to have any intention of letting go.
“We should go home to catch up. Reggie and I will accompany Julie, it seems that you two should speak alone first." Luke doesn't think twice and disappears with her in his arms.
“Good things happen to good people.” Reggie whispers as he hugs his friends and they start walking home.
Luke and Y/N reappear in the studio and they are both shocked for a few seconds. The girl trembles again in fear of dreaming.
“Hey, come here baby. Shh, I’m here, I promise.”
“Don’t leave me ever again, please.” He can see that it is very difficult for her to understand that is really happening, and to think that she lived without him not 2 but 25 years makes him want to cry again.
“I won’t. I promise, beautiful. Never again.” Luke wraps her in his arms, but she lifts her head from his chest to push her lips against his. The kiss is urgent, but they both instantly recognize each other and fit in perfectly. Luke picks her up again and gently lays her down on the couch, both desperate to feel the other, to recognize every inch.
“I missed you so much baby, I love you more than anything.” Luke whispers between kisses, not willing to have her an inch away from him.
“I love you my love. I love you, I love you, I love you.” She says while kissing the love of her life, happy for the first time in 25 years.
Before things get to escalate, the rest of the band shows up in the studio followed by Julie who clearly walks through the door.
"Let go of her man, it's our turn!" Y/N gets up quickly from the sofa while her boyfriend complains and she throws herself at both of them who pick her up as best they can and spin her in the air.
They put her down and Julie and her stare each other, both raise their arms and meet in a quick but sweet hug.
“You said my name back there, how?” The question that she has stuck since she met her finally coming to light.
“I met your mom many years ago when I came to visit the studio and realized that she could see me. We were friends for many years and I had the opportunity to see you grow up, but I always made sure to be upstairs when you came in in case you could see me too.”
“Well, now I understand how Carlos felt when he found out that we lived with ghosts. And It sounds like mom watches over us both from heaven.”
“Yeah, I’m sure she does.” Both girls smile and hug each other once more.
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“I can't believe I endured 25 years without having those beautiful arms around me.” She whispers as they both lie on the couch, Luke has her completely cornered in his arms.
“I’m so sorry, baby. It breaks my heart that you have suffered that much for so many years.”
“It was not your fault. You lost as much as I did that night. Besides, I always knew that you would find me sooner or later. We belong together.”
“We do. I, I k-know we have way more to talk about but, who was the dude from the cementery?”
The insecurity in his voice is evident and Y/N can't help but smile. His emotions are complex, real, and nothing can make her happier than that.
“I’ll tell you all about my friend later, okay? For now... dance with me? I want to dance with the real deal.” He smiles and they both stand up, hugging each other as they slowly move through the studio as they did many times before life separated them.
The Luke in her arms is her Luke, the same one she has been waiting for so many years, finally back in her arms. And just as she thought when she lived, she will dance with his ghost for all eternity.
Thank you for reading✨✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @ghostofmgg @strangerthanfanfiction713, @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc, @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @blackhood5sos @tessxblxckthorn
Goy tags: @eternalharry @xplrreylo
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roseabelle21 · 3 years
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Synopsis: Every anniversary spent with your partner are always unpredictable, joyous, and exciting. You never know what a certain blond has planned every year for your special occasion. And after five years of being together, this might be the best one yet. 
Pairing: Pro Hero! Bakugou Katsuki x Fem! Reader
Status: Unedited
Genre: Fluff🐰🐇🐰
Tagging: @jazzylove @babymilkawa @cloudsinthecosmos @withlovefromjo @unicornlover25
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The ambience of the local cafe never fails to soothe your nerves. The work of a Hero is neverending. After all, no one can tell when a villain might show up and cause destruction. The Hero business is relentless; they will call you up when the job becomes too much for your sidekicks, even on your days off. Of course, you know what you are getting into the moment U.A reached out to you for recommendation trials, and peoples lives are at stake, it was understandable.
The sidekicks are still learning though that doesn't mean that they are not progressing, being the most experienced in the field, they still need your help. You love helping people, don't get it wrong, their smiles and relief noticeable in their faces and posture, the ease they felt when you show up because they knew you are capable of taking that villain down, is enough to make it all worth it. But the reports you have to type up after the fight is less than exciting. Sure you have someone who can do it for you, but that damned Hero Commission wants it to come from you. 
So no matter how little time you get to relax, you take advantage of that. Now, here you are, catching up with your best friend since birth in this small, homey cafe. It's rare to have the same day off with someone from class, when you found out that Momo also has her day off today, both of you immediately agreed to meet up. Both of the women practically running up to each other the moment you caught sight on the other side of the road. Wrapping your arms around each other in a tight, and overdue hug, almost squealing in public. 
The giddiness from your bodies did not stop even after 30 minutes later, laughing and telling stories from your work and personal life. Even though you already know from your weekly - if not nightly - calls from each other. Bakugou once jokingly said you and Momo act more like in a relationship rather than the both of you do. To tease him back, you wondered out loud if both of you are, you would already be married. Let's say he did not like that one bit, informing the office the next day that you are sick, unable to move your legs and sore body. Fucker just gave you a smug look before leaving to work, Bakugou did cook you breakfast though. 
Speaking of him, "Hey- Uhm, I have something to tell you." 
Momo looked at you through the top of her mug and gave you a nod. She grew concerned when you bit your lip and traced the rim of your  glass with a finger, "what's wrong?" 
"It's silly," you chuckled. Nervous to tell the truth, but you knew you had to take this feeling off of you, and there is no one better to tell your problems to other than your ride or die. 
"Is it about Bakugou?" she took your hand and intertwined your fingers together, rubbing her thumb along the back of your hand. 
You nodded, "it's just that we haven't spent time with each other as much as we want to. We always find time to eat together, breakfast, lunch, and dinner if one of us is not asleep. We always find time for each other. Now," you gulped. "Now, that rarely happens." 
Momo listened to your story silently, smiling softly when your eyes met. "It's not silly (N/n) you miss him. And that is normal for couples, have you talked to him about this?”
"No," you shook your head, embarrassed, "I can never find the right time to swoop it in." 
She hummed, tapping her chin in thought. You swear you can see her eyes lit up for a split second before it disappeared. Maybe it was just the trick of the afternoon light, so you shake it off. 
"I won't be too worried about him cheating on you if that's what you are implying," your eyes immediately widened and hastily shook your head. Embarrassed flushing red on your face as you frantically waved you hands in denial, "n-no! It's not like that!"
Momo giggled and motioned you to calm down. She's only teasing, no one in class - and the whole world - will question the blond's loyalty towards you. 
He won't even spare a second glance at any girls who are throwing themselves at him. That was proven when someone tried to flirt with him at a class field trip during your third year of U.A. Bakugou and you only being in a relationship for less than three months, the blond shut her down rather harshly. You almost feel bad, had you not been telling her he had a girlfriend for 10 minutes straight. 
You laughed in your head evilly at her tears. 
Do you give a fuck? No not one.
How many fucks do you give? Zero. 
Were you mean for thinking that? Absolutely. 
Do you regret the minuscule smirk of victory forming on your lips once she ran off, crying? Nope. She had it coming. 
"Then there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of," she cooed. "You and Bakugou-san have been inseparable ever since your accidental confession," you groaned, embarrassed. "Maybe he's just busy on a mission? You know how obsessed he is with becoming the number one hero. And now that he's so close to achieving it, he might be losing time for you, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less." 
A small smile graced your lips at her, thankful to have Momo as your friend to confide in everything. She was and will always be your safe person, other than Katsuki. 
After going through that enemies-to-lovers arc? Did she think that Bakugou would easily sway to another person's pursuit of him? Nah, both of you fought for the other to give that up easily (either together or against each other). 
"Make sure to tell him what you feel in all of this. Communication is the most important quality in a relationship." Momo reminded with a stern yet soft voice with a wag of her finger, which caused you to giggle. 
"Thanks, Momo," the ebony-haired girl only responded with a grin. Her eyes sparkled, excited about what's to come in the next couple of months. 
Right now, you felt like the worst person on the planet. With only three days away until the five-year-anniversary with the love of your life, finding the perfect present is almost impossible. Curse you and your perfectionism!
Not only that but the last couple of weeks had been hectic. You think your manager and agency is purposefully doing this to make you suffer. Villains attacking were the farthest reason for your stress, surprisingly. Sure there are petty crimes here and there, nothing your sidekicks couldn't handle, but the media stuff are the ones weighing you down. You grew accustomed to taking a quick shower, at times, dinner with the blond before crashing down on the bed passed out. 
Commercials, photoshoots, travelling, sponsor partnerships here and there, it was almost as if you were back in rising to fame. It was exhausting and frustrating at the same time. You can never seem to find a break anymore. The only time you can rest are lunches with Katsuki and coming home late at night, sleeping. 
However, both of you made the most out of it after your lunch with Momo a few months ago. You took her advice and told Katsuki how you felt. No surprises, he understands how you felt, gave you a tight hug and explained everything. 
Sadly, he can't tell you the mission. It was confidential. Only the higher up's and the rest of his teammates knows it. You understand it's part of the job at the end of the day. And to keep you from worrying too much even though you know he's capable of taking care of himself out in the field. 
Both of you miss each other, and with breakfast and lunch is the only reason you get to see your partner, it was slowly becoming regular to you, much to your dismay. "A small price to pay for becoming a Hero" is what your manager would say. 
Waking up in the morning to either you or Katsuki making breakfast, taking turns to visit each other at their agency to bring lunch despite the limited time, it was more than enough.
Being in the mere presence of the other is more than enough. 
"(Y/N)! Five minutes left till you have to go!" 
The voice of your manager snapped you out of your trance. Turning your gaze from your phone screen to their place in the doorway, clipboard in their grasp, hair messy and dark bags forming under their eyes. 
A small, sorry smile formed on my lips. Well, at least they're not the only ones. 
"You know, both of us would look much, much better if you reject a sponsorship or two." you teased, walking up to them and patting their shoulder as you walked past them.
They smiled sarcastically in retort.
"I wouldn't have too if not for getting a raise," they mumbled under their breath. Tiredly rubbing their face, reminding themselves to suck it up, only three more days, these will all be over. A raise and a week vacation promised, the ones to look forward too. 
"Ah, shit! Almost forgot," they pulled out their phone and typed in another errand. 
Accompany (Y/N) today, tomorrow, and the next day to find a gift. 
You found it, the perfect gift to give your explosive man. 
You clapped your hands excitedly, placing the carefully wrapped box on the nightstand atop your beloved night book, away from the possible dangers of the world. 
Sighing peacefully, a flopped down your shared bed. Curling up the warm blankets and cuddling with Katsuki's pillow, enjoying the peaceful afternoon day. 
Finally, a day off. 
The day of your anniversary. 
This day would have been perfect if your other half was here, you know, spending the rest of your day off together. Waking up with his arms wrapped around you, cooking breakfast with his arms still around you, even walking around with his arms around you. 
However, you can't find it annoying. After months of being apart, that was the most and longest physical touch you both have experienced. 
Unfortunately, the office called him for an emergency. The phone call was urgent. Katsuki furrowed his brows in annoyance and concern as he listens to his sidekick give him the information. To put the cherry on top, he only answered calmy. That's how you know it was severe; they need desperately need Dynamight in action. 
Katsuki was reluctant to leave, telling you he's already been away from you for too long. His eyes screamed for forgiveness, hesitant, and something else you can't quite place. 
You pushed him to get dressed, told him if he can finish the mission early, the earlier you can spend the rest of the day together. The fire in his eyes sparkled brighter than ever, accompanied by his menacing grin, accepting the challenge of beating the damned villain who ruined his day faster than they can blink.  
He pulled you in for a deep kiss before heading out the door, running back for a quick kiss before finally leaving. A giddy giggle erupted from you at his actions, watching him ride away with his motorcycle. 
With nothing else better to do, you decided that a quick nap wouldn't hurt anybody. You know that Katsuki will be back soon, safe and sound. He's come so far, and stopping him right now when he's so close to achieving his dream would be an insult. You have so much faith in him, one of the many reasons he loves about you. 
You were ready to drift off into dreamland; had it not been for the insistent and rapid knocking suddenly coming from the front door. Groaning, you muffled your scream in your pillow, wanting to cry from annoyance and stress. 
Only one person could be doing that. With their strong voice chanting your name over and over again at the same rhythm as the door knocking, your manager must have something important to tell you. 
Their bright smile greeted you when you opened the door, in contrast to the annoyed and tired look you gave them. Telling you what is needed to be said, you dramatically collapsed, landing on their chest. Another commercial to shoot!
"Don't you know what today is?!" You questioned dramatically, flailing your arms around to exaggerate your point. 
They smiled apologetically at you, rubbing your back for comfort. "Believe me; you're not the only one dying to sleep right now."
You pouted at them, tiredly rubbing your eyes to chase the sleepiness away. 
"Don't worry (Y/N)! It will be the last one for a long time! I've made sure to give us both a break for the next couple of months to give you time to discuss something important with Katsuki!"
You tilted your head, confused at their cherry voice and excited smile despite the darkness under their eyes. 
"Let's go! No need to change, costume and your hair and make-up team is already waiting for you, no script needed since you only have to be there, answering the question naturally. And then -"
They continued babbling about what to do the moment you got in the car and towards your destination. As you drive for almost an hour, you noticed the changes in scenery. Gone are the tall skyscrapers and bright lights of the city, now slowly replaced by luscious green grass fields, strong thick trees and clear blue sky that you rarely see nowadays. 
It was satisfying, seeing the wonders of nature even in it's simplest forms. You sighed, feeling at ease compared to earlier this morning, wishing that Katsuki was here to enjoy this with you. A nice picnic here or at the park will be enough. 
You noticed a large, white tent approaching your view when the car started to slow down. To your surprise, Momo and Mina were there, waving at you excitedly, with bright grins adorning their faces. 
"I forgot to mention," your manager started, stopping the car. "A few of your friends will be joining you in this."
You nodded, getting out of the car, wishing you could have changed into something decent other than your sweatpants and Katsuki's shirt. 
The girls were immediately shoving you eagerly towards the tent, noticing that they are already dressed and ready for the shoot. 
"I'm so excited for this shoot!" Exclaimed Mina excitedly, bouncing up and down carefully as to not ruin her hair. Incoherable noises left her lips as she continued guiding you. 
The dark-haired girl beside you, although much more calm and collected, couldn't stop the giggles, holding your hand firmly as they opened the flap of the tent. 
A surprised smile painted on your lips when the rest of the girls in your class greeted you.  
"(Y/N!)"  Ocahako ran to you, giving you a giant bear hug. 
"We finally get to be together on a shoot, kero!" Tsuyu added with an excited clap.
"Hurry and get ready!" Hagakure pushed you towards the chair. You would have tripped on the way there had it not been for Jiro holding you by the shoulder. 
You let it slide with a happy chuckle. It was almost impossible to get all of the girls together for anything. If they try to plan anything together, one of them will always be busy or on patrol that day. 
It was nice being together once again, as in the good old days. Everyone was already ready and dressed in their complementary colours, you noticed. They chatted with you as you get your make up ready, some going out and coming back in for picture taking outside. 
Again, you can't help but feel sad that Katsuki is not with you. These would have been perfect if he was beside you. No matter, you told yourself, I'll be with him after this. 
"Whoa, (Y/N)," the girls cooed at you simultaneously when you got done. Looking you through the mirror with soft smiles and - were those tears welling up in some of them? To say you are confused will be an understatement. This is not the first time they've seen you glammed up.
"Are you all okay? What's the matter?" 
They only smiled at you, dabbing the corners of their eyes to prevent tears from further falling. 
"Whooo, enough of this," Mia sighed, fanning her eyes whilst looking up. "Get dressed honey, your dress is already there." 
When you entered the dressing room, a beautiful white knee-length cocktail dress greeted you placed on the mannequin. It was off the shoulder with sheer sleeves designed in flowers and a flowy skirt. When you touched the material, you are shocked that it was silk. 
Now, you are beyond confused and highly impressed. Then you wondered, what kind of commercial are you making? The company must be loaded to get all the well-known woman Pro Heroes together for this one shoot. 
Your brows furrowed in thought but ended up letting it go. Slipping on your dress which hugged your figure perfectly, doing a little twirl to watch the dress flow. You are feeling yourself in this dress. 
Once you exited the dressing room, you were surprised when you recognised one of your classmates in dance class there, wearing a bright costume along with the other dancers. They grabbed your hands and guided you to the centre; the music suddenly blasted from somewhere and danced around you. 
You were beyond confused as you looked around. None of the girls except Momo was in the corner of the room, laughing and taking a video of you. You are so confused. 
What is going on?
They prompted you to dance along with them, and you did, albeit softly; the dancers still cheered you on.
You laughed as they twirled you around towards Momo. "Come on," she pulled you out of the tent, dancers continued cheering you on from the inside. 
You walked out towards the open field. The trees decorated in pastel shades of your favourite colours, the ground littered with the petals of your favourite flowers, your heart started to beat faster and faster with every step you take. 
You swore you felt your heart leap out of your chest when you spotted more of your classmates came into view. A hand covered your mouth in sheer shock, happiness, and confusion. 
Tables and chairs surrounded the open clearing. Red linens covered the tables along with silverwares, the surrounding trees decorated in lanterns and ribbons, a buffet filled with your favourite food on the side, a fucking swan ice sculpture beside it, chocolate fountain. But the one that caught your attention the most was the gazebo: built in the middle of a tree with beautiful white leaves at the tip of it. 
You didn't know that you are now standing alone at the entrance, still frozen in shock as you looked at everyone with wide eyes. 
What the fuck? 
Kirishima then approached you with his usual bright smile, although this one might be brighter than the rest. He chuckled softly at your expression before offering you his hand.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I'm about to faint and vomit at the same time," you answered shakily with a laugh. "What the heck is happening, Kirishima?"
"Well," he shrugged his shoulders, "why don't you ask the planner of this event?" 
The pounding of your heart reached your ears, your face glowing bright red, as he led you towards the gazebo tree; only then did you see a single stool in the middle. 
"Wait, the fuck?" You questioned a bit loudly. The rest of the crowd only laughed at your nervousness. 
When you sat down, the table to your right; seated two crucial people in your life; your parents. They are smiling at you, tears running down your mother's eyes with your father's arm draped over her shoulder, both of them wearing white clothing like yours. 
You mouthed a 'what are you doing here?' with a teary smile. Your father responded with a shrug of his shoulders. Your eyebrows flew when you saw the couple beside them: Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou, both reacting the same as your parents. 
The sound of a microphone caught everyone's attention. Aizawa came into your peripheral vision on the left, wearing his usual black colours. He is nicely clean today; his hair tied away from his face; it looks like he shaved as well. The most surprising of all was the small smile he wore. 
What is going on?
Your mind raced at the possibility, a hand resting on your chest as if it can calm your racing heart. It was all too much to take in. 
"It's been a while since we're all together," Aizawa started, gaining everyone's attention, soft background music playing in the background. 
"I'm not surprised by the length's this man is willing to go; he does want to be the best at everything- which explains everything." Everyone agreed silently. "He will never do anything half-assed."
He then walked up to you with a gentle smile, "now (Y/N), do you know what is happening?" 
"No, I don't even know what's happening anymore," you answered shakily. "This is like a joke: Is this a joke?" you joked, albeit shakily. 
Aizawa only smiled when you continued, "I'm just waiting for the director to shout 'Cut!' I don't know what to do, am I going dance? Will I start acting? There are camera's here, but they're not giving me instructions."
"You have no idea what's going on?"
"No! I'm already getting scared," you chuckled, voice already starting to reveal that you are about to cry soon. You chose to laugh it off. 
"In all honesty, I know that you know and everybody knows and agrees; that you are the most beautiful woman today." You responded with a silent thank you, deeply flattered. 
"You know (Y/N), all of this happened because of one person only. Just one person," you swallowed your heart back down, tears starting to escape your eyes as your heart and mind screams of that person's name. 
"So don't be surprised; because this is how much he loves you."
Tingles ran down your arms once the background music stopped and Aizawa stepped down. You held your clasped hands in front of you and placed them on your lips, tensing up a little, waiting in anticipation. 
"Sir, I'm a bit nervous about being here today." 
The world stopped turning when you heard that line. The tears escaped along with a happy sob. The figure of Katsuki Bakugou emerged from behind the tree at the entrance, holding a microphone to his lips. The other hand, resting deep in his pockets. 
"Still not real sure what I'm going to say," he walks up to you. Not once tearing his eyes away from yours when he met them. The smile on him was nothing like anyone has ever seen before; nervous, happy, content, love. 
"So bear with me, please, if I take up too much of your time." 
He was nothing short of perfect. No words could ever describe how beautiful he is right now; of course, he's always beautiful, but now, he is taking your breath away. 
It was already rare when you see him not wearing his baggy clothing; it's considered a blessing to see him wear a formal white tux that suits him too well. 
When he neared you, he took out a red velvet box in his pocket: gripping on it tightly as he angled it towards you. 
"See in this box is the ring for your oldest. She's my everything and all that I know is. It would be such relief if I knew that we were on the same side."
Everyone watched in anticipation as the blond finally reached in front of you, kneeling on one knee as he continued to serenade you. 
"Can marry your daughter, and make her my wife. I want her to be the only girl that I'll love for the rest of my life. And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die, yeah." 
At this point, you don't care if you look like a mess. The love of your life is looking up at you like you are the most beautiful person he has ever seen; it's probably true. 
"I'm gonna marry your princess, and make her my queen. She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen. I can't wait to smile; as she walks down the aisle; on the arm of her father. Till the day that I marry your daughter."
You told him about your dream proposal; it doesn't have to be anything special as long as the song is there along with your family. And you know Katsuki, you give him an inch, he'll take it to the moon.
Katsuki stared at you with a soft smile, reaching his arms to wipe the tears off of your face. Laughing at his actions, you held on to one of his hands, placing it down on your lap. Both of you took in deep, calming breaths to ease your nerves before smiling at each other again. 
"Hi (Y/N)," he called with a soft, shaky tone. A short laugh left you at his adorable nervousness. "Hi, Katsuki."
"You already know what the fuck is going on," the crowd laughed at his bluntness. "I'm not gonna beat around the bushes any longer. I want to make this official." 
He opened the velvet box; a gasp left you as you saw the ring inside. A beautiful red ruby gem immediately caught your eyes as it shines in the sun. 
A large smile adorned your lips as Katsuki looked at you with a tender expression. Everyone wiping away their tears at the moment before them. 
"I'll save all the sappy words at the wedding vows, now, (Y/N)," when his eyes met yours again, you are sure. 
"Will you do the honour of making me the happiest man alive by being my wife? Will you marry me?"
Despite the tears falling like a waterfall, your answer was clear and sealed. No matter how many different worlds there might be, how many different lifetimes are there in this universe, nor all the possible scenarios this proposal can take in, you will never get tired of saying the answer over and over again. 
One way or another, Katsuki Bakugou and (Y/N) (L/N) will always find a way to be together. Herein is arms and the ring on your finger; all is well and where it should be. 
Even though you can't give him his present now, I'm sure the box is still safe and sound on the table. 
After all, you are the one carrying the most important gift. 
The two strips of pink line on the stick only confirms it. 
A/N: This is the longest and hardest story I have ever written for a one shot so far. Wedding?
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ssamie · 3 years
nine. “partners in crime and suicide”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentons of suicide & breaking into arcades
masterlist.        suicide freak!
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"thank you for having us!" fukurodani exclaimed as they bowed. it was the end of their three-day practice match, and fukurodani was about to leave and were waiting for their bus. 
"hey hey hey!" bokuto called out. he waved his arms around, trying to get y/n's attention, all while akaashi quietly stood beside him. 
she chuckled and jogged over to the boy. "hey to you too, bokuto" she mused 
"y/n-chan! im gonna miss you!" bokuto said dramatically as he wrapped his beefy arms around her 
"i'll miss you too" she laughed "i'll be missing your awesome spikes, bokuto!" bokuto beamed from the praise and hugged her even tighter. "i know right! my spikes are awesome!" 
"you're too nice to him, y/n-san" akaashi commented 
"yeah, he's been thriving off your compliments for days" konoha snickered as he walked past  "he'll probably be down in the slumps once he can't hear you cheering for him anymore" 
bokuto pouted and rested his cheek on top of her head. "you're all so mean~" he whined 
"oi, oi, oi!" kuroo called out "bokubro, hands off our manager!" he glared playfully 
"no way!! join our team instead, y/n-chan!!" bokuto cried out as he squeezed her even tighter and swayed her around. "we already have two managers, bokuto-san" akaashi says as he tried to peel his huge arms off of her 
"we can have three!" bokuto countered 
"you can stick with two." kenma interjected. kenma stared him down, not talking nor blinking, silently waiting for him to let the girl go. 
"r-right!" bokuto smiled nervously. he let her go and sheepishly avoided eye contact with kenma. 
"kenma~" she cooed as she slithered her way towards him. "let's go out later" she suggested 
"where?" he asked 
"its a surprise, of course!" she exclaimed with a grin 
"you're not gonna kill me, are you?" 
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"this is surprisingly nice.." kenma says as he pokes his mochi with his chopsticks 
y/n was sat across from him, a cup of tea in hand as she placed her mochi on his plate. "right? this is the usual restaurant the agency goes to" she said with a small smile 
kenma nodded and looked out the window as he chews on the sakura mochi. his cat-like eyes watched the cars and people pass by the streets. it was nearing night time, and the sky was slowly darkening, causing the street lights to turn on. 
"so, y/n.." he trailed off 
"hm?" she hummed back 
"why-" kenma stops himself, subconsciously letting out a tired sigh as he watched her pour some suspicious liquid into her drink. 
"what the hell are you doing?" kenma deadpanned as he watched her happily mix the contaminated tea. 
"shh! let me have my moment, kenma-kun!" she shushed him she giddily grasped the cup and brought it up to her lips. 
"y/n, stop that!" kenma exclaimed as he took the drink from her hands 
"what did you put in this?! it smells like death in a washing machine!" kenma gagged. he scrunched his nose up as he poured it out the window, emptying the cup before placing it back beside him, so she couldn't reach for it. 
"kenma! that was my suicide potion!" she cried out childishly 
"your suicide potion?" kenma deadpanned "that's stupid. please don't-" 
"dont worry though, i brought an extra one just in case!" she exclaimed "although it's just the chemicals so it'll probably sting my throat a bit" 
"how about you don't drink anything at all" kenma sighed. he shoved a mochi in her mouth and snatched the small bottle from her. 
"i thought we came here to have a peaceful meal, not so i could watch you die" he said "plus.. there's something i've been meaning to ask you" kenma said "but you just ruined the moment." 
"aw! are you finally agreeing to the double suicide?!" she asked with a huge grin. she took his hands in hers and intertwined their fingers together. "is that why you took the drink from me?" 
"you wanted to drink it together, didn't you?!" 
kenma shook his head and stared at their hands. more specifically, her bandages. "i wanted to know why you wore these bandages all the time.." he muttered 
he looked up to meet eyes with her. though, he soon panicked and frantically bowed his head in apology "i-i mean, if that's okay with you!" he shrieked "it's totally fine if you don't wanna tell me.." 
kenma gulped as she continued to stare at him with her (e/c) eyes and an unreadable expression. she then chuckled and pulled her hands away, stuffing them in her pockets as she leaned back on her seat 
"well, why do you think i wear them all the time?" she mused 
"um.. for injuries?" kenma replied, though he wasn't so sure of his answer 
she hummed and nodded along, not confirming nor denying it. 
"um, maybe for style?" he asked "though, you'd look perfectly fine without them" he said 
"would you like me not to wear my bandages?" she asked him 
"um well, no" kenma shrugged "i think it'd feel weird and new if i saw you without them" 
"maybe you just like bondage." she suggested with a straight face 
"i what??" kenma spluttered as a soft pink hue covered his cheeks "where did that come from?!" 
"i dunno, kenma-kun" she shrugged "maybe the reason you like seeing me in bandages so much is because-" 
"i don't wanna hear it." kenma groaned 
"also.. ʷʰᵒ ʷᵃˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵍᵘʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵈᵃʸ?" he muttered bashfully 
she raised an eyebrow curiously as she asked him to repeat the question. 
"i asked.. who was that guy the other day?" kenma said much louder, much to his embarrassment 
"oh." she mumbled. just then, an evil grin formed on her lips as she giggled tauntingly. "oya oya~ why do you ask, kenma~" she teased as she poked on his cheeks 
"i- no reason, okay!" kenma exclaimed
he puffed out his reddened cheeks and looked down on his lap, letting his hair cover his face as he tried to ignore her teasing remarks "i just heard that he was your 'old partner' and i got curious" he said
"and how did you hear that, hm?" she smirked "were you spying on me?" 
kenma paled at the realisation of his slip up and groaned "well no- okay, kind of.." 
"we were just curious so we followed you.. but we stopped after you left the cafe" he admitted 
"hm, well his name is chuuya" she said with a fond smile "he's like a tiny chihuahua, and will probably bite you if you touch him" 
"oh.." kenma muttered "you guys seemed close..does he work for your agency too?" he asked 
she chuckled and shook her head. "no, no. quite the opposite of that, actually" 
"we're just old friends, i guess." she shrugged "we met at my old job"
"your old job?" kenma raised a brow "i kind of can't imagine you doing anything else, to be honest" 
"i mean, i wouldn't have believed you even worked as a detective if you didn't tell me yourself" he said with a soft laugh 
"well then, would you like to guess?" she asked with a smile. kenma blinked back, nodding as he pondered over his answer "well, i guess you could've been a.." he trailed off 
"um.." kenma groaned in frustration. he stared directly at her face, trying to think of a job suitable for her and her personality, though nothing came to mind. 
"dont bother burning your brain out, brat" a voice chimed in 
"yeah, y/n's old profession is still a mystery to us" another voice said 
kenma, along with y/n, looked back at the door to see kunikida and atsushi entering the cafe 
"oh! atsushi, weren't you aiming for the reward?" she chuckled "watch out, kenma might guess correctly before you!" atsushi panicked and rushed over to their side "was he close to the answer?!" atsushi shrieked 
"nope! but you can join the guessing game if you want!" she exclaimed with a cheeky grin 
"gladly!" atsushi exclaimed, pulling out a chair and setting it between them. "but just for context.." atsushi trailed off "the reward is still in tact right?" 
"yup! 700 grand for the correct answer!" she said with a laugh 
"700 grand?" kenma muttered "is the answer really that hard to guess?" 
"YES! THE ONLY PERSON WHO PROBABLY KNOWS IS RANPO-SAN AND-" atsushi cut himself off as he finally got a good look of kenma ".. youre that boy she's been obsessing about.." atsushi sweat dropped 
"y/n-san.." atsushi sent her a knowing glare, which she responds with an offended scoff 
"you hurt me, atsushi" she sighed "i asked him out, and he said yes! i didn't force him this time!" 
"what do you mean 'this time' ?" kunikida scowled "are you really pestering the poor boy?" kunikida said "sometimes it's like you're asking to be hit" 
kenma blinked as he watched them interact, slowly starting to feel awkward as the man in glasses continue to scold her while atsushi went back to guessing. 
"writer?!" atsushi guessed "nope!" 
"researcher!" ; "nooo!" 
"journalist!" ; "boo!" 
"fortune teller!" ; "wrong!~" 
"interpretor?!" ; "non, non~" 
"its all too random.." kenma commented as he, too, tried to think of the right answer 
"actor?!" atsushi shrieked "no! but.." she trailed off, placing her hands on her pink cheeks "that's flattering!" 
"y/n.." kenma muttered out. he reached over the table to tug on the sleeve of her coat. she screamed internally from his adorable act and faced him "yes?" she asked 
".. i wanna go to the arcade" kenma said with a pout 
she, quite literally, had to slap her chest repeatedly as she felt her heart beat faster. "kyANMAAA! YOU'RE SO CUTE!" she squealed "of course, we can go!" 
"well then, atsushi-kun, do you yeild?" she chuckled as she picked up the check from the table "well, i can't think of any more.." atsushi sighed defeatedly 
"then you can take our check!" she exclaimed as she sent him a cutesy smile. she shoved the bill into his hands and skipped away to the exit with kenma's hand in hers 
"wait! i don't have any money-" 
"bye-bye~" she waved as she closed the door 
"now then, let's get to that arcade" 
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"y/n this is closed." kenma said with a sigh. they were currently standing infront of an arcade, obviously already closed, after walking for about half an hour 
"i know, kenma-kun! no need to state the obvious" she mused. she licked her lips as she continued fiddling with the lock, brows furrowing from concentration as she picked it open with a simple hair clip 
"so then why are we here??" kenma grumbled "we could've went to other ones that were open. and it's getting really late, you're lucky my parents aren't home for the week" he said 
"silly boy, it's not closed if the door is open, right?" she chuckled as she pointed to the arcade doors
"i wha- did you pick the lock?!" kenma whisper shouted  "this is illegal! we're literally breaking in!" he hissed out as he tried to run away 
though, she simply grasped his wrist and pulled him inside. "its fine, kenma! we'll just leave a note to the owner" she laughed carefreely "besides, it's not that big of a deal! we'll still pay for tokens!" she said with a smile 
kenma worriedly tiptoed inside, squinting his cat-like eyes as he tried to adjust to the dark. he slightly winced as bright, and colorful lights suddenly turned on. 
"oop- i found the power switch!" she announced "now then, what game should we play first.." she hummed to herself as she eyed each game
"this is it. i'm gonna die. we're gonna get arrested and i'll rot in the prison. thanks a lot." kenma chanted out. he nervously sat down on the seat infront of the screen which showed 'tekken' 
(bro i've never played that game before, and what do you call those huge metal box things with the games in arcades wtf ♀️)
 "i got tokens!" she exclaimed as she sat on the one across him.
"this is so wrong" kenma said with a shake of his head though despite that, he still reached out for the token and continued to play. 
after some time of pretty much trying out each game and tiring themselves out from the DDR machines by performing some embarrassing choreos. 
"okay, i kinda want that one" she said as she pointed to the cat plushy "why? there's one here that's so much bigger" kenma said as he pointed to the kuromi plushy which looked like it could swallow them whole 
"this cat looks like you." she defended "im gonna name him kyanma, won't that be cute?" 
"plus if we get this, we'll have enough tickets to get that game you want" 
staying true to her word, they didn't break or steal anything. so technically, they didn't commit a crime, right? well, only if you scratch out the breaking in part.. but that's okay. they had fun and that's all that matters, alright? 😃
"fine.." kenma mumbled as he plucked the plushy and the game off the shelf 
they threw the tickets on the counter, flashed the cctv cameras one last peace sign, and left. 
"i can't believe i just did that" kenma muttered out with a laugh "but it was fun. thanks for that, y/n" he smiled at her 
she blinked and stared at his side profile as they continued their walk home. "it was fun, yeah.." she chuckled 
"so.. how's it feel?" she mused "first crime in your record! do you feel like a misunderstood punk teen now?" 
"no, i feel like a criminal." 
"same thing!" she beamed with a grin 
she locked their arms together and gripped the plushy with her free hand, letting it dangle by her side as they walked "i just realized something.." she gasped 
kenma raised a brow and side eyed her "what is it?" he asked 
"we're now officially partners in crime and suicide!" 
"sure" kenma chuckled 
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Title: The Repeater
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An old man came up to us. 
Apparently, he seems to be a business partner of the Schneiver Company.
"Isabella, it seems that something went wrong. I'll finish this real quick, can you wait a bit on the bench over there?"
"It's okay, take your time." 
With that said, I headed for the bench and sat there. 
As I was looking at Ursch who was talking to the old man, a girl surprised me by calling out to me. 
"Eh? !! Isabella? Are you Isabella?"
When I turned to the voice, I saw a girl my age. She has shoulder length pink hair and looks very pretty. She has this innocent aura around her. 
"Um... Yes, but..." I'm unsure how to respond. 
Who is this young girl? She stared at her hands with a look of shock. 
"This is not the entrance ceremony of the Magic Academy... This is the first time I've returned as a kid..." 
When I looked at her with suspicious eyes, she suddenly raised her face and approached me.
"That's right!!! Isabella, how old are you now?"
"Well, I'm six years old..."
When I answered, she grabbed my hands and started to rejoice. 
"That's good!!! You are still six years old, right?!! I am Marieta. Marieta Preah!!!"
Marieta... It sounds familiar... 
Marieta... Marieta... Marieta... 
Ah!!! It's the heroine of <Love Magical> Yikes!!!
"Hmm? How does Marietta know me?" 
Speaking of which, she was muttering strange things like 'It's not the entrance ceremony of the Magic Academy' or 'Memories from back then'
No way?!! Is she also a reincarnated person like me?
No matter how much I think about it, I won't get the answer so it's better to directly ask. 
"Is Marietta also a reincarnated person?"
"Rein- What?" she just looked at me confused. 
"I want to ask if you have any memories of the life you lived before." 
Marietta instantly brightened. 
"You too!? Do you remember the last time? Do you also come back repeatedly? I'm so happy!!! I had given up but you really fulfilled your promise!" 
I'm not sure what's going on. 
While I'm trying to get a grasp of the situation, Marietta is ecstatic and teary-eyed. 
"This is the first time that I'm not alone... You were the only one who helped me... All this time..."
Marietta cried with joy and laughter. 
With the current mood, I didn't have the heart to tell Marietta that she's mistaken. I looked at her silently.
"Now that I think about it, it's completely different!!! My aunt is safe and we're going to leave the royal capital... Isabella, you are changing the future!"
Two women with pink hair call Marietta from a distance.
"I have to go now. The train is about to leave." 
I chased after Marietta.
I have to resolve the misunderstanding.
If I don't resolve the misunderstanding right now, I feel that it will be confusing later on. 
We walked side by side and I started to talk. 
"I think you misunderstood, Marietta. The memory of a previous life that I am talking about is living in a different world from here. So, I don't really know anything about the promise that you speak of." 
She looked shocked and sad hearing the truth. 
"So... you're not like me?" 
"I'm sorry, apparently not." 
Marietta sadly gets on the train with her mother and a woman who seems to be her aunt.
We stared at each other through the train window. 
Marieta, who was sitting by the window, opened the window and called out to me.
"Since you don't know, watch out for orange haired girls. When you turn seven, they will steal your life from you." 
What does that mean? 
"You may not believe me but I remember everything... I've been reliving this life countless times. After the world's destruction, I will go back to being fifteen years old and return to the first day of school at the Magic Academy." 
Does that mean you're looping? 
My face turned serious. 
I think I should listen to her properly. 
"Why is the world destroyed?" 
"I can't count how many times I've repeated this life. I tried to run away several times, wasting the opportunity of being able to return. It's useless because one way or another, the world perishes and I end up dying. The only fact I know regarding the world's end is that a great sage is heavily involved in it. 
A great sage involved in the destruction of the world. I don't know anything about that... 
Such a powerful character has never appeared or even mentioned in the game.
"Isabella, please believe me. You, who say have been reincarnated, are different from anyone I've ever met. You're my only hope..." 
Tears started falling from her beautiful eyes. 
At that time, the whistle rang and the train slowly began to move.
While walking along with the movement of the train, I look up at Marietta's beautiful pale green eyes.
"Okay. I believe you, Marietta. I will not let The Great Sage destroy the world. I promised my beloved fianceé that we will travel the world. I'll cooperate with you." 
I run alongside the train as it moves faster. 
Marieta leaned to the window and nodded while her tears endlessly flowed.
"Thank you. Thank you, Isabella... Please help me save the world!!!" 
I run and shout while nearly bumping into people.
"Yeah!!! I promise!!! This is a new promise!!! Leave it to me Marietta!" 
Marieta shouts from the train window as I stand at the edge of the platform. 
"Isabella!!! Please, rescue me from this never-ending world!!!"
Human race: Marietta Preah (7) 
HP: 30/30
MP: 41/41
[The eldest daughter of the Preah family in the Roserial Kingdom]
[Roserial Kingdom Citizen]
Job Skills
[Magician's Egg] [Swordfighter's Egg] [Cook] [Saint's Egg] [Healer] [Cleric] 
Special Skills
[Blessing] [Transfer]
Inherent Skills
[HP Consumption Mitigation] [HP Recovery Enhancement] [MP Consumption Mitigation] [MP Recovery Enhancement] [Lightning Magic] [Ice Magic] [Holy Magic] [Increased Strengthening Correction] [Space Magic] [Time Magic]
[Wind Attribute Magic] [Earth Attribute Magic] [Light Attribute Magic] [Wind Resistance] [Soil Resistance] [Light Resistance] [Cooking] [Collection] [Laundry] [Automatic Recovery] [Patience]
Title: Repeater (Replayer) 
I remembered what Ursch asked me to do the moment I encountered any game character. 
A lot of things don't make sense to me. Things left me with more questions than answers. 
I noticed that my fianceé is no longer on the bench. 
For some reason I felt a chill in my back and went straight to her location. 
I grabbed her and she looked at me with surprise. I forced myself to calm down. 
"Thank you for waiting. Let's go" I led Isabella away. I want to get her out of the train station as soon as I can.
"Ursch, you won't believe this! I met...-" 
I was too late.
Isabella told me everything the heroine told her. 
One thing is running through my mind while listening. I never should have left her out of my sight.
Contrary to her belief, the only reason I pulled some strings to help the heroine is to keep her away from Isabella. I didn't expect them to meet at the train station.
I didn't want her to meet anyone anymore... It's too dangerous. 
First things first, I should make that organization who is planning to harm my Isabella disappear. 
Fandom: The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner
Photo: Not mine
Credit: Click here
Note: I MTL-ed Chapter 86 of the Light Novel (and added some stuff in it.)
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katnissmellarkkk · 4 years
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Summary: At the Seventy-Fourth Reaping for The Hunger Games, volunteering is outlawed, thanks to a tribute four years prior. Because of this, when Katniss’ sister Prim’s name is chosen from the bowl, there’s nothing she can do but hope that Peeta Mellark, past victor and now Prim’s mentor, can somehow bring her sister home alive. (Obviously heavy on Everlark.) 
AN: Hi! I don’t really have a big author’s note or anything--at least, I don’t think I do? We’ll see how long this trails on--but this is one of the fics I’ve been working on for a while. It’s multi-chaptered so there’s gonna be a lot more coming in the future, but this first chapter is honestly a little similar to the original book, with some (significant) deviations here and there, but after this first chapter, this story becomes extremely different from canon. I gotta thank, obviously, @rosegardeninwinter​ for a). making me my pretty lil banner and for b). reading the million, unpolished, unedited screenshots of my drafts that I’m sure ya’ll got tired of really quick. And also for encouraging me to write this in the first place. And also, I gotta thank everyone who liked and reblogged the lil story edit I posted months ago for this concept. It really encouraged me to write this concept out. (I’m talking about this edit right here if you forgot or never saw x). Okay, anyways, I’m talking too much but thank you! Also link to this story on AO3 [x].
Chapter One :
I stare out into the sky, introspective, as I wait for familiar footsteps to approach. The footfalls of my hunting partner, my friend even, Gale, still remain absent, despite our longstanding agreement to hunt on Reaping Day, no matter how hot it is, or how scarce the game, or how worried we may be deep inside.
Of course, how could a couple kids from the Seam not worry about Reaping Day? At least a slight bit, deep down?
Reaping Day. The day that decides the almost absolute fate of a lucky—as our assigned escort, straight from the Capitol itself, so proudly proclaims—boy and girl.
We're District Twelve. The smallest and one of the poorest districts in the country of Panem. There's an almost guarantee that whoever gets their name picked from the reaping bowl, even the strongest eighteen-year-old boy in the district, will have an almost sure fate of death. Likely before the number of tributes drops below twenty.
Tributes from our district almost never fare well inside the arena.
Almost never.
We have had a few winners in history, two of which are still around, but a few out of seventy-three games isn't inspiring much hope in anyone today.
The wind breezes against my arms, prickling the hair at the back of my neck, and I'm struck by the memory of being out here, in the forbidden territory of the woods, outside our district limits, when I was just a kid. When my dad was the one hunting and I was just along for the ride. Just along because I wanted to be with him. When I used to blindly trust him and my mother, when I thought he'd live forever, when I was too young to truly grasp the concept of the Hunger Games. When I was too young to truly grasp the concept of the world in which we live.
When I was eleven my every illusion was shattered violently. Almost as violently as the death in which my father must have endured, underground in those mines, as they exploded.
I remember hearing the alarm at school, blaring so cacophonously over the speakers that it shook the schoolrooms themselves. I remember blindly grappling through the scurrying bodies of my classmates, until I found my way to my little sister, Primrose. Her room was completely empty, but she still remained, sitting behind her desk with small folded hands, waiting for my arrival with excessive patience.
I'd always coached her on what we'd do, if there ever should be a mine accident. I made sure she knew the drill, just as I knew it. Like the back of my hand. Like a prayer or a lullaby. I could recite it in my sleep. Because my father had just as sternly instilled it into me.
I wove my way through the chaos of bodies and white-hot panic, towing Prim only inches behind me by the hand, as the kids from town lingered in the hallways, their classic, bright blue eyes large and their voices all quivering, and as the kids from the Seam dutifully made their way to the nearest exits, hoping and praying and begging silently that it wasn't their parent who had been hurt. Hoping the accident hadn't taken what was typically the sole provider in most households, here in the poorest section, in the most impoverished district.
Prim and I must have not hoped hard enough, because we learned almost immediately upon finding our mother, who was now immobilized with grief, her characteristic gentle smile eviscerated and in it's place, a blank stare, void of any life at all, that our every fear from hearing that alarm were coming true.
My mom was supposed to get a job. She was supposed to find a way to provide for us, to take care of her two daughters, who were grieving her husband just as much as she was.
But instead she lay in bed day after day. On the good mornings, maybe if Prim begged and pleaded, she'd move to a chair, in front of the fireplace and stare at the flames with the same vacant expression that had replaced the loving, kind woman who'd raised us.
The money from the government, the minuscule amount of money given to keep us afloat until our mother found work, ran out. The meat our father had hunted, the plants he'd saved, ran out. The food we had the small luxury of sometimes buying—or more times than not, trading for—quickly ran out.
And our mother still did absolutely nothing.
I take a deep breath now and try to force myself to forgive her. Forgive her for not being strong enough to keep going, forgive her for not caring enough about her own children to keep them alive in the face of her grief, forgive her for being so in love that losing my father had almost killed her too.
I know it's what my father would want. And I know it's something I can't let myself do. Because if I let her off the hook, it's like saying it's okay that she almost let Prim wither away to nothing. Forget me. I will never forgive her for almost taking my little sister away from me.
Our mother did absolutely nothing until Prim's ribs were prominent, until my stomach was nearly hallow, until our cheekbones were so blatantly obvious you could count them from down the road.
And all my fears, all my resolve, to keep the three of us together as a family, went out the window. There was nothing left to do, but wait for me and Prim to be taken to the Community Home, with the other orphans or kids from unsafe families. Kids who still remained too thin, who's eyes told stories no ear wanted to hear, who still wore bruises upon their skin like freckles from the sun, who looked nearly worse than the corpses I encountered every winter, while walking from the Seam to town. Those corpses were the unlucky ones who'd actually starved to death, who had sat down to merely rest, because they had no substance to carry them any further, and somehow never got back up.
On that day, at eleven years old, living in the Community Home sounded no worse than living with the immobilized shell that had once been my mother. My resolve to hold out until my birthday, until I could get the tesserae that would feed my family for an entire year, was shattered by the harsh raindrops pelting me from the grey, unforgiving sky.
I vaguely heard the baker's wife, the mean-spirited woman, with her deeply embittered, hostile blue eyes that somehow seemed black, scream at me, calling me names, shooing me from her property.
I'd simply wanted to rummage her trashcan, so desperate for any small morsel to take back to Prim, any motivation to take even another step forward, when I felt her rough and calloused hands shove me away.
I toppled over, my legs already weak and shaky from lack of nutrition and substance. My depleted form laid on the ground, my eyes bleary from exhaustion and the shivering wind and rain.
The witch went back inside the bakery as I scarcely conjured up the will to sit upright. I was beyond done. The fighting to even gain a fraction of my mother's awareness, to get something, anything, to feed myself and my starving sister, to even stand up, became overwhelming and I felt the last bit of my resolve crumble from deep inside.
Let them come and take me and Prim to the Community Home. I don't care any longer. Let them come.
Out of the corner of my eye, a boy exited out the same backdoor the witch had gone through. He was carrying a bag of trash in his hands and my famished mind focused on that first, focused on what could be inside the contents of that bag, on what a baker could potentially be throwing away, before I realized the boy was in my year at school. I knew him, or at least, I knew his face. But he stuck with the other blonde-haired, fair-skinned town kids and I didn't even remember his name in that moment.
In hindsight, that's absolutely hysterical now.
But he evaporated as soon as he'd appeared and I closed my eyes and let the rain drown me, hoping perhaps I could be swallowed up within the downpour itself. Hoping that perhaps I'd never have to face the reality that I was out of options and I had nothing of subsidence to take home.
But then I heard a clatter and a clang and the sound of a scream. It was her, the witch. She was screaming and calling someone names my own mother had never even uttered in my lifetime.
I mentally prepared myself for her to come back outside, to drive me away with a stick or a knife. Or possibly even a hot, scorching prong.
But it wasn't the witch. It was the boy, the one from my year. The one I thought went back inside after taking out the trash, that I believed didn't even notice me before.
He was carrying bread. Two loaves, in fact. The crusts were black and burned and the welt across his face told me, without a doubt, that he was the target of the witch's insults. That he was the victim of whatever clanging noise I heard.
And though I was the one starving to death, I didn't envy him having her for a mother.
I remember vividly, the most crystal clear image I have of this day, the boy checking and making sure the witch's attention had been claimed elsewhere. And then, without even glancing in my direction, he tossed one loaf of bread to my feet. Seconds later, the other followed.
He didn't hesitate to head back inside after that, and I've spent more time in these last four years than I'd more than likely care to admit, wondering what possessed him to commit such an act of kindness. No one was kind for free, I'd learned by that point.
And yet, as I shook myself forcefully out of my stupor, and carried the loaves back to my house at the edge of the Seam, I had no explanation for his simple act. I had no basis to explain why he would help me, when no one else ever had.
The next day, I saw him at school. I passed by him in the hallway, and saw his eye had now blackened, his cheek welted, but somehow he still managed a joyous smile. He didn't notice me then. He was surrounded by his friends. Like always, he was surrounded by a constant crowd.
He is, after all, one of the most charming and sweet people Panem's ever known.
Later that day, when I was about to walk home with Prim, who was excitedly chattering about the leftover bread awaiting us on the kitchen table, the bread I'd brought home the night prior that had filled our stomachs for the first time in months, I caught the boy looking in our direction. My grey Seam eyes met his baby blues for a microsecond, before he looked away. I snapped my gaze downwards too, embarrassed, when I caught sight of a dandelion.
It was that moment that a bell went off in my head. That I saw how I could survive, how Prim could survive. How, through the things my dad had taught me, I could keep me and my sister alive.
After that day, I could never stop associating the boy with the bread, the one who gave me hope, with the dandelion that reminded me I wasn't doomed.
I never stopped associating him with his simple act of kindness, even when he became famous for some much less appreciable acts.
And I never stopped kicking myself for failing to thank him, for saving my life and my family's life, before he was whisked away, to a land far from Twelve, called the Capitol. When he later returned, now a part of a much more elite social class, thanking him for his kindness became even less of a possibility.
A girl from the Seam had no business seeking out a boy from Victor's Village. Even if I did have the guts.
Though he isn't exactly in good company here in Twelve, seeing as the only other person who holds the same title is a drunken, middle-aged man who can barely form a coherent sentence most days and lives like a hermit by his own volition.
My thoughts are interrupted by the quiet—almost as quiet as mine, but not quite—steps of Gale.
"You're late," I state without turning around, pulling the cheese from my pocket. "You're lucky Prim's cheese held up under the sun."
But Gale pulls something even more impressive from behind his back. "This will probably go nice with it," he says and I almost gasp.
Fresh bread is so rare in our district, generally reserved for the Peacekeepers and perhaps a merchant who is having a good day. Here in the Seam, fresh bread from the bakery is as common as new school shoes.
Gale updates me on his day as we split the bread and cheese and have our own version of a small feast. He'd gotten to the woods early, while I had been still at home, and shot a squirrel to which he traded for the bread.
"The baker really went for that?" I ask in disbelief. The baker was a subdued, large man, who resembled all three of his sons quietly strongly, and was one of my dad's best customers. Sometimes I think he still trades with me and Gale out of respect to my dad's memory, but a simple squirrel for a loaf of fresh bread isn't common.
"I think he was feeling generous this morning," Gale suggests a little snidely, his bitterness leaking through. "Besides. It's not like the Mellark's need the money they ask for bread. They could easily skim off their precious son and he'd probably never notice."
Gale has a special affinity for hating anyone and anything associated even minimally with the Capitol. He was lost his father in the same mine explosion I lost mine in. But whereas I don't let myself get too worked up over the inequities between the town and the Seam, and especially between us all and the victors, Gale takes a special pride in fuming over the things he cannot change.
I don't mind listening usually, since neither of us can speak our minds in public or even within our own homes, out of fear small ears will pick up on our words and repeat them elsewhere. But today, I just don't have the energy to be a sounding board.
Instead I take a segue towards a slightly different topic, but one, without a doubt, weighing on both our minds. "Prim has been having nightmares of the reaping," I murmur solemnly. "She's convinced they're going to call her name."
Gale shook his head, his demeanor becoming more subdued now. "Least Prim's name is only in there once, Catnip. Rory had to take tesserae this year."
I nod silently at that admission, knowing what it must have cost him to even allow his little brother to take additional risks of being called. Knowing it meant his family of five must be even more hungry than he leads on.
We don't say much more after that, only lingering in the woods long enough to catch some additional game from what I've already collected, and hurry back to town to trade.
As we walk back to the Seam, having divided up our goods evenly, Gale murmurs suddenly, "I might be able to stomach the idea of Rory's name being in that bowl six times if we were still allowed to volunteer."
I bypass his words the best I can. I don't want to think about what Gale must be going through, making himself sick with worry, not for himself but for a sibling in which he considers himself responsible for. And, as it happens once in a lucky moon, I feel grateful that my tesserae is still sufficient for a family of three, and I don't have to worry about Prim the same way. Her one entry pales in comparison to the thousands that are piled in that bowl.
Still, the silence between us as we walk is deafening and I can't take it any longer as we come closer to my house. "At least then, you'd get to see the Capitol," I say lightly, as a means to brighten his mood, even just a little.
At that, Gale rewards me with a humorless smirk. "Generous of the president, isn't it? To allow us district people to experience the great Capitol firsthand while they slaughter our family."
And it's true. Just a few years ago, it was allowed to volunteer as tribute in the place of whoever's name got chosen, as long as you were the same gender and between twelve and eighteen on Reaping Day.
But four years ago, when a twelve-year-old boy volunteered for his seventeen-year-old brother, an outrage sparked across the entire country. People are never happy, in any district, to see a twelve-year-old be chosen for the games. They're the youngest, the smallest, the most innocent, and never in history had a single one made it past the Final Fifteen in the games.
So when one volunteered, the country wasn't pleased in the slightest. However, like always, the anger was contained by Peacekeepers in a matter of weeks, and promises came pouring out from the Capitol that a change would be made after the games that year to ensure never again would this situation occur.
And it never again could. Because three days after the Seventieth Hunger Games, President Snow announced that all volunteering, from that point forward, was officially banned.
This new law is even more ironic when you realize that the twelve-year-old volunteer from that year became the youngest victor in the entire history of the games.
Still, I suppose the president was feeling generous that day, and he threw in a bonus treat for us in the districts. Now when someone is chosen from the reaping bowl, though their fate is sealed definitively when their name is uttered, they get to choose one family member to take on the train ride to the Capitol with them, to get a special viewing of the games with the mentors and the sponsors and the past victors, to get to experience the wonder that is the mysterious Candy Capitol firsthand.
However, when all is said and done, twenty-three family members must ride the train home alone to their districts, with their loved one in a casket beside them. The thought chills me to the bone and I shiver as me and Gale wish each other good luck. We probably won't see each other again until it's time for the customary dinner we all try to put on with our neighbors to celebrate, even minimally, that we've survived another year unchosen.
Prim is already wearing my first reaping outfit when I enter the house, though it is a bit large on her. She's slimmer than even I was at Twelve, despite her having months on me when I attended my first reaping.
I get ready quickly, if only because I want to spend time with her before we have to go. I protect Prim in every way I can but I'm powerless against the reaping.
Still, she's only entered once and that's as safe as anyone can get from being chosen. It's almost unheard in the Seam to be that safe from the games.
But my sister never did appear like she fit in here anyway. Her golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes resemble the merchants, not the Seam, and her and our mother stick out like sore thumbs next to our neighbors.
Our mom is restless now, busying herself with preparing the food for our small feast tonight and braiding Prim's hair and then mine.
I still haven't fully forgiven her for leaving us when we needed her most, but I also can't imagine how difficult it must be to have to send both your children off to be potentially chosen for an absolute death. And I let her hug me as I guide Prim out the door.
Attendance is mandatory for all in the district, but the ones viable for being chosen and those just watching don't typically enter together.
I guide Prim by hand into town, the walk feeling longer than it did with Gale. Perhaps it's the trembling twelve-year-old I'm towing, or perhaps I'm more afraid than I'm even admitting to myself.
After all, unlike my sister, I have twenty slips with my name splayed across this year. It's not as a bad as someone like Gale, who has forty-four chances of being called. But it's not as safe as the kids from town, who likely only have to worry about a handful of slips with their names.
Its not that they're rich by any standard, but they get by better than those in the Seam. Even if they're hungry, they're not at risk of starving, and no one is going to sign up for tesserae unless there is no alternative.
A year ago, my mother let it slip once over dinner, just out of the blue really, that my father had always sworn no child of his would be in need of tesserae.
I shake my head, as if to physically rid myself of the reminder. I don't want to dwell on what my father would feel if he were here. I don't want to be reminded how different things would be if he hadn't died.
I help Prim sign in and then drop her off, as gently as I can, with the other girls her age. At the last minute, she pulls on my hand, yanking me back to her with surprising force.
"Prim, I have to go stand with the sixteens," I say as she leans up and kisses my cheek.
"I just wanted to say I love you," she whispers softly, her big blue eyes so terrified, and then she steps back into the crowd of twelves surrounding her.
I sigh softly and give her what I hope is a reassuring smile. She truly is the best of our parents. Kind, smart, level-headed. She's funny and resourceful too, even if she can't take hunting animals herself.
She is the only person I'm certain that I love. And just about the only thing that keeps me going most days.
As I make my way to the sixteens, straightening my mother's dress on my hips, I check the clock. Only five minutes before we start. Before our lovely Capitol escort, Effie Trinket, reads off two names in her distinctive, afflicted accent. Before two kids know they're never coming home again.
This place isn't much. But it is all we've ever known, and no one wishes to leave it.
As more people crowd in, I begin to pick up an excited buzz in the girls surrounding me. Already knowing what I'll see, I crane my neck just the same, to peer up at the stage ahead.
Sure enough, I see exactly what I knew I would.
There's four chairs set up on the stage. One for Effie Trinket, because no one from the Capitol could ever bear to stand for more than three minutes at a time and she must have a seat to relax in before she calls out the names and sends two of us—a lucky boy and girl, as she says it—to the slaughter.
One of the other chairs is occupied by Mayor Undersee. A man who looks like he's been beaten down by life too many times as it is and would rather be anywhere but here. His daughter is my age. She sits with me at lunch, since Gale is two grades ahead of me and we rarely see each other at school. We make polite small talk but other than that, I barely know anything about her, and by association, her father.
However, it's neither of them that's stirring up the buzz within the crowd—admittedly, more so with the female portion of the crowd—and it's definitely not Haymitch Abernathy, who's stumbling on stage right at this moment. He managed to win the Fiftieth Hunger Games and I still can't imagine how. He's a paunchy man my mother's age and he's never sober, on the rare time he's even seen in public. Today is no exception, as he flops onto a chair gruffly, and murmurs something unintelligible with his eyes closed.
No, the murmuring, the now batting eyes and coy smiles, the soft vibrato still traveling within the crowd, are all because of the last guest of honor, walking upon the stage right behind his old mentor.
Peeta Mellark.
Winner of the Seventieth Hunger Games. Youngest ever. District Twelve's first and last volunteer. The twelve-year-old that changed the rules for the entire country.
The youngest mass murderer in history of Panem.
And now one of it's most beloved celebrities.
Peeta is smart—brilliantly smart—and he's always been charismatic. Even at twelve, he had the Capitol audience, as well as every single soul watching on television at home, eating out of the palm of his hand.
It doesn't hurt that at sixteen, he's become quite a looker. His blonde curls, his blue eyes, those long lashes and bubblegum pink lips. His fair, perfect skin that has not a blemish in sight. His toned, muscular body and devastatingly genuine smile that no one can help but fall in love with.
He's also the boy who saved my life. The one who committed the simple act of kindness, knowing it would cost him, to help me.
I never thanked him. And now I never can, as I'm sure he has zero memory of me. After everything else that's happened to him since, after the last four years of living as a Capitol darling, as one of the country's most cherished victors, he'd never remember the starving eleven-year-old he threw some burned bread to in a rainstorm.
But I remember him. I don't know if it's what he did for me that day or what he did for his brother only a matter of weeks later, but something about Peeta Mellark crawled under my skin four years ago and ever since, I've never been able to completely shake the feeling I get inside upon seeing him.
I break my gaze away, refusing to stare at the boy, who I will always accredit as the one who saved my life. I venomously refuse to gawk at him, like every other girl in the district.
He rarely comes out of his house when he's home here in Twelve, and I know the overzealous amount of attention he receives just by going to his parents' bakery has to be at least a part of the reason. Unlike Haymitch, who has lost his clout and his appeal with age and with deterioration, Peeta has only gained more and more notoriety as the years pass by.
You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in Twelve, outside of a few outliers like Gale perhaps, who'd say a negative word about Peeta Mellark.
Of course, rumors about his random and long stretches spent in the Capitol itself are always floating around, no matter what time of year it is, but they don't affect his public persona or anyone's opinion of him. He is, after all, the most valuable figure Twelve has and perhaps the only thing we can take any pride in.
Effie Trinket steps up to the microphone just as I turn my head away from the stage. "Welcome!" She greets, so vivaciously, so brightly, I can't imagine it even resonates in her head that she's just moments away from announcing two of our impending funerals. "Welcome, everyone! To the reaping for the Seventy-Fourth Annual Hunger Games!"
I can't even bear to listen as she prattles on, with too much confidence and dignity for someone dressed in every neon color known to man, speaking in such a peculiar accent, with a thickly painted face that is so blatantly visible to the every eye here today, even in the back row. Doesn't she realize how ridiculous she is to us? Doesn't she realize how wrong it is to preach about the morals and disciplines of the Capitol, in such a prideful voice, when they're the ones about to murder us for entertainment, and in repentance for a long over war that only a few elders can still remember?
As I advert my eyes, my gaze travels once again to the back of the stage, and I'm more than a little surprised to see Peeta Mellark with a similar expression as mine. He, too, is shifting his eyes elsewhere, away from his own escort, looking sick to his stomach.
Of course, it still can't be easy for him, even with his own games four years in the past. He was a literal child when he volunteered and it's fact that he didn't understand what he was getting himself into when he took his brother's place that fateful day. His innocence was stolen as soon as the countdown ended and talk still circulates, even in the Hob, that he wakes up screaming most nights, calling out the names of fallen tributes. Though those words are not given much weight in the Seam, as we all know, people get bored in this tiny district and bored people begin to spew lies whenever encouraged.
Effie continues, in a long overdone mantra, one I could recite in my sleep, the same one she spews every year, that two kids from every district must be chosen to battle to the death in a new and invigorating—one of her favorite words—arena, in order to pay for the blood shed during the rebellion and war, in order to ensure we'll never again even think to rebel.
It would almost be easier to swallow, this whole charade, if the people sent from the strange land of the Capitol would just be honest and blunt with us. If they'd just admit that they see us as lesser than, as animals or beasts of some sort, as less than human beings. It'd be easier if the Capitol spokespeople would just outright say, "we'll take your children, we'll starve your district, we'll ruin your homes, we'll broadcast the deaths of those you love most, all to keep you too powerless to fight. In order to make sure you never are able to stand strong, we have to kick your legs out from under you first."
Instead of being honest though, Effie Trinket is reiterating the Treaty Of Treason, in a tone so serious that it takes all the self-control possible to stop several boys standing in the fourteens from bursting out laughing. Her accent and a serious tone do not mesh well together.
Once she's done though, my heart automatically skips a beat. Because, after four years of standing in this square, I know exactly what's coming. "Ladies first!" Effie announces and I feel a bead of sweat glide down my forehead, both from anxiety and from the overload of heat. Reapings always take place in the start of the hottest month of the year.
Standing in my mother's well-crafted dress, one of the most luxurious pieces of clothing we own, only makes my perspiration worsen, as the dress was clearly made to keep the wearer as warm as possible.
Our district escort makes her way over the bowl containing the names of every girl eligible to be picked in the entire district and I feel myself take in a breath involuntarily.
There's twenty chances she's going to call out my name. Twenty chances I'll be sent to an almost imminent death. Twenty chances Prim will grow into her teen years, and later adulthood, without a sister.
The gut-churning fear I'd repressed all morning, in that moment, overtakes my entire being, curling up like a ball in the pit of my stomach, as I do my best to listen on baited breath, somehow expecting to hear my own name spoken through the raucous microphone for all to hear.
Don't be me, I whisper inside my head, more fearful than I'd ever admit out loud. Don't be me. Please, don't be me.
And, as it turns out, it's not me.
Instead it's the name I never in a million years thought I'd hear. The name I believed to be so safe I didn't even allow myself to worry about her.
"Primrose Everdeen!"
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