#because hinata's been in front of him urging him to step forward this entire time
theheightofdishonor · 2 years
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How do I explain that this lives in my heart? That looking at it makes me yearn and hope and grieve? That the phrase "this same spring will never come again" has burned itself into my brain and relights every now and then just for the hell of it?
It's hands down one of my favourite art from the series. Everything about it from the grim colours now that the sun has fallen, to the trash heap they're determinedly climbing, Kageyama leading in his partner's stead with the third years doggedly behind him, all with a hand on the Karasuno banner. The second and first years marching behind them in that order. The fallen bike in the front corner. The crow, for both Karasuno and for Hinata who can't be with them. Because truly, this spring will never come again and this team will never be the team that they are right here in this moment and isn't that so tragic? so wonderful?
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ramhaiba · 7 months
All I need is you (Yandere Kenma x Reader x Yandere Kuroo)
Chapter One
No warning in this chapter however MINORS DO NOT INTERACT SERIES TW: Gore, Stalking, Sexual themes, major character death
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You hugged your dear friend, Hinata, as closely as possible, this was the last time you were going to see him before you moved. "Y/n, c'mon, you'll make new friends!" he chuckled, rubbing your back, you only knew he has kept an optimistic appearance because he couldn't bear to see you sad. You always liked that about Hinata. "I don't want to make new friends. I want to stay here!" you mumbled as Hinata pulled away, dusting your light-colored sweater.
"I know.." Hinata responded, his lips curled into his smile but you could still tell deep down in his heart, he would miss you. You never wanted to leave that bus station, you rather run away with Hinata and graduate at Karasuno. There were so many memories you could have made at Miyagi Prefecture but your mother urged you to move to Tokyo. You didn't quite hate her for that but it did break your heart the second you realized all of your possessions were packed into cardboard boxes.
You'll never make friends as you had in Karasuno! You completely forgot how the entire Karsasuno's volleyball team even became your friend. What are you going to do without Hinata?
Hinata's hand curled on your cheek, "hey, don't worry! Just look for Kenma and tell him you know me. Kenma will take care of you for me, I promise! " Hinata uttered. You blinked, holding back your tears, "okay..promise you'll visit me" you mumbled. Hinata chuckled, tilting his head, "of course, I'll visit you the second I can" he announced.
Y/n was a first-year, she had just recently transferred from Karasuno to Nekoma. She had no idea what to expect. She just remembers her old friend from Karauno, Hinata, telling her "don't worry Y/n! You can tell Kenma you know me and he'll be nice to you!"If only she knew the type of person Kenma truly was.
"Y/n! The bus is here" your mother called, lightly tugging on the sleeve of your sweater. "O-oh..goodbye Shoyo" you sighed, a pout growing on your lips. "Don't say goodbye, I'm always here for ya. So, don't act like you're never going to see me again!" Hinata urged, punching your shoulder, playfully. You knew he was right but it didn't lift the aching feeling in your heart. You took a deep breath as you stepped foot on your bus, quickly glancing at Hinata, he kept the same big grin he had when he first met you, "I'll see you later, Shoyo! "You announced. "I'll see you later, Y/n!" Hinata chuckled.
You walked into the classroom. Everyone had a seat, beside you. You stood in front of the class. "You must be the new student, Y/n? Will you like to introduce yourself to the class?" your teacher said, behind his desk. You responded to him with a nod, it'd be good for you to introduce yourself, especially when you transferred in the middle of the semester.
"Hello, My name is Y/n L/n. I transferred here from Karasuno. I- uh look forward to working with you all" You announced, fiddling your thumbs together from behind your back. You heard whispers from the back of the classroom, instantly spiking your anxiety.
"Karasuno is so far"
"She looks weird"
"Her skirt is way too short"
"God, I hope she doesn't sit next to us"
"Is something wrong, Y/n?" The teacher said. You snapped out of it. It was just your imagination tricking you, god you were so damn nervous... "Nothing, sorry," you said. Your teacher gave you a quick smile and then searched the room for a seat. "Sit next to Lev, Lev stand up,'' The teacher said.
Then a silver-haired, green eye, extremely tall boy stood up. He looks scary, he might have been the tallest guy you have ever seen, was this kid even a first year?
You quickly took a seat next to him, not wanting any more eyes to be on you. The teacher started his lecture.
You looked to your left. Lev was trying to talk to you.
"Yes?" you whispered
"You're from Karasuno right?" Lev asked
You nodded. Lev grinned. He looked a lot less scary with such a wonderful smile.
"Do you know Hinata?" Lev asked
You eagerly nodded your head, excited to hear Hinata's name.
"Do I know him? He's my best friend" you whispered. Lev chuckled, he had a kind of laughter, it made you feel safer and less intimidated by his appearance.
"Do you know Kenma?" You asked. Lev answered your question with a nod.
"Yeah, He's on the same volleyball team as me," Lev murmured, covering his mouth from the teacher's perspective.
"Oh um.." you stuttered, anxious about what to say to him next. Would it be weird for you to ask to be introduced to Kenma? I mean you just met Lev five seconds ago...
"Do you want to Come by volleyball practice with me?" Lev asked, casually, Oh, thank god he asked. "Sure!" you whispered, a bit too loudly.
"QUIET DOWN IN THE BACK " your teacher announced, his eyebrows furrowing. Lev held back his snicker, his cheeks swelling. "Meet me there at 5" he whispered, keeping his head faced in the front to cause less suspicion.
You stood in front of the gym, it was a bit bigger than Karasuno's gym and maybe slightly older than Karasuno's gym. You looked around, searching for the grey-haired student, unable to catch him in your eye view, you started getting anxious.
Where is he? Oh god, he thinks you're a dork and left you here. You should leave. You tried to walk away but you heard something approaching you.
"Y/N! " Lev yelled, running up to you. "Oh hi, um I'm here," you said. Wow smooth, Y/n...
Lev grinned, "why didn't you go inside? Everyone is here already" Lev asked. "Oh they are-?" you said. You idiot, the doors were opened... Oh god just transfer to another school.
You walked into the court with Lev next to you.
"Oi Titan, who did you bring?" Said a short boy, with brown hair, his height reminded you of Noya, but you chose not to mention anything about it.
"I brought my new classmate, Y/n! They were from Karasuno" Lev said, a big grin on his face as if he was proud he brought a new person to introduce to his upperclassmen. "Huh? Karasuno? Oh- I'm Yaku, a third-year" Said the boy. "I'm Y/n L/n," you responded, smiling because you felt you'd look friendly.
"Yaku, do you know where Kenma is?" Lev asked, stretching his long arms.
"Hmm, I think he's with Kuroo, in front of the locker room," Yaku said, pointing. Lev gave Yaku a thumbs up. Lev placed one of his hands behind your back as he guided you towards a pair of upperclassmen.
One had dyed blonde hair, he looked like he definitely didn't want to be there, he was shorter than the person he was talking to, he strangely reminded you of a cat. The other boy had dark hair, was much more muscular and taller than the other boy, and had hair covering one of his eyes.
"Kenmmaaaa" Lev sang, swinging his arms up and down. The blonde boy snapped his head towards you and Lev.
"What do you want," he asked. His voice was so.. Quiet and calm. It didn't seem like he was too fond of Lev, it didn't look like he was too fond of anyone, to be honest.
"I want you to meet someone," Lev said, less confident. Kenma's eyes focused on you, he was clearly annoyed, his glance was so intimidating that you could basically melt by a single stare.
"Why," he asked, annoyed. You looked at Lev and Lev looked back at you. "I HEAR YAKU CALLING ME," Lev announced, quickly dashing away and leaving you to fend for yourself The dark-haired boy put a hand on Kenma's shoulder. "Kenma, don't be mean. She's a cute girl" The boy said. Kenma rolled his eyes.
"What does the 'cute girl' want," Kenma asked.
"I-oh- I'm from Karasuno- "You said.
"Karasuno?You think she knows Chibi-chan?" The dark-haired boy asked, leaning on the shorter boy's shoulder, Kenma clearly didn't like the physical touch.
"Do you mean Hinata? Yeah! He actually told me to meet up with Kenma." you said.
Kenma sighed. "Since Shoyo likes you... I guess I can try to like you too... I'm Kenma Kozume. You can just call me Kenma" Kenma said. "And I'm Tetsurou Kuroo, you could stick with us, " The dark-haired boy said. "Thanks, let's have a good year together, alright!" you beamed, happy you were able to introduce yourself to kind, friendly people. From that moment, they seemed like nice guys who'd introduce you to your grandma. Little did you know... They were capable of some much worse. 
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nessaxc · 3 years
7 Oikawa-Filled Minutes in Heaven || Oikawa Tooru
You meet Oikawa at a party that your friend dragged you along to, and it's hosted by Hinata Shoyou.
~ Words: 4.2k
~ NSFW 18+
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You were never one to go to parties. You didn't mind the going out. In fact, you liked going out more than enough. You just didn't like going to parties. You learned from your friends everything you needed to know about parties, and their stories discouraged you to say the least. You didn't want to get in any forms of trouble, and you preferred staying in the comfort of your own home, snuggling up to your bed sheets and watching Netflix until the sun rose while snacking on whatever you could get your hands on.
That's why you're not entirely sure why you're even at a party right now. You were relaxing at your house until your best friend barged in to your house to drop a bomb. She was begging you to come to this party that the beautiful Hinata Shoyou was hosting, if it had been anyone else, it would have been a different story. But the truth was that, your friend was determined on dragging you to the party whether you liked it or not.
So there you were at the door entrance, staring wide eyed at everything around you. It was just as you thought it would be. The music was too loud for your taste, everyone was dancing around like fools, drinking until they passed out, tripping and falling over themselves. People were invading your personal space bubble, trying to talk to you, and to this, you flashed them an awkward smile, and escaped from them thanks to the crowd. At the corner of the room, you spotted the stoners doing their thing. You checked around you to see if anyone saw or cared, but apparently no one did and acted like it was a normal thing. All of a sudden, someone pushed you by the shoulder while passing by, and you tried to glare at whoever it was. But when you saw that it was a drunk couple making out sloppily, you decided to ignore them.
You felt like you were the odd one out. What were you supposed to be doing anyways? People around you danced enthusiastically, bobbing their heads up and down and waving their arms in the air. Should you dance along too? You weren't sure if that's what you wanted to do. On a side note, you noticed your best friend had ditched you. Great. So much for not being alone.
Feeling relieved when you saw the snack bar, you made your way there. At first, it was hard for you to move in the crowd of people. But when you swayed your hips and danced your way around the dancing floor, it became easier. You finally smiled genuinely for the first time that night, and hurriedly grabbed a plate to eat.
As you ate your food, you paid little attention to what you were drinking. You hadn't realize the handsome boy next to you placed it there for you.
"I saw you dancing out there," the boy said with a charming smile, causing you to choke a little in surprise. The handsome boy chuckled at your reaction and waited for your response, "you've got moves," he added. "I'd like to see what else you can do."
After finally recovering yourself, you looked at him. "Excuse me?" you asked. It wasn't that you didn't hear him. You heard him, all right. But it caught you off guard because no one ever complimented your dancing skills before. Besides, it came from a really cute guy, but you couldn't see him as clearly as you would have liked because of the terrible lightning, though even in the dark, you could tell he was really beautiful.
"I’m Oikawa, by the way, Oikawa Tooru," he tucked the strand of his brown hair that strayed in front of his face, flashing you a wink with his seductive smile to match.
"Y/N!" you called out so he could hear you, and he only laughed, so you weren't sure if he heard you or not.
"Wanna dance?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
You laughed in response to his question, shaking your head before you spoke, "What? No!" you sputtered, your cheeks turning bright red.
"C'mon, you know you want to, it'll be fun!" he persisted, not taking no for an answer. He grabbed your hand and led you back to the dance floor.
Oikawa started to dance, motioning you over to join him. When he received no reaction, he laughed out laugh, making you blush more unknowingly. Suddenly feeling flustered, you started to dance slowly by swaying your hips again, feeling the rhythm take over your body. You hadn't notice how his eyes were suddenly glued to you, but he wasn't the only one. Other people stopped to watch you dance and started to cheer for you. Before you knew it, you were breaking down in front of everyone, having the time of your life.
Someone gave you another drink, beer you assumed, and you chugged it down. One drink led to another additional three drinks, and you becoming almost completely intoxicated by now.
Somewhere along the way, Oikawa lead you somewhere else. It looked like the living room, you weren't sure. Things were looking a little blurry and disfigured in some weird way because of the harsh lights from earlier. Strangely though, you could tell the brown-haired boy before you apart from everything else.
Even stranger, you found yourself to be feeling self conscious of his hands. His hands were bigger than yours, and they made you feel safe. The way he was holding your hand made you feel like he was protective of you, and you found yourself liking it. It made you feel strange, like for some reason your stomach was tingly but it wasn't because you were hungry. It was completely different from that. It was like a mixture of overwhelmed feelings going overload, causing a catastrophe in the end. You weren't sure what to think of it all, but you knew you liked this unfamiliar feeling.
You both sat down in a circle with other people you couldn't recognize or even tell apart, well except for Hinata Shoyou, who was grinning like a mad man. Oikawa had stopped holding your hand when you arrived, and you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. And it certainly didn't help that he sat across from you. You won't lie; not only did you want to hold his hand a little longer, you wanted to sit next to him.
Hinata stood up from his seat on the couch to announce the game they were going to play.
"The game is called 7 Minutes in Heaven," he said with a curve of his lip, "I'm sure you all know the rules but I'll explain it anyway," he continued, "you spin this bottle and wait for it to stop. To whomever the bottle points to, you have to spend some quality time with the said person for 7 minutes in the closet, right over there," he pointed at the closet with his finger. "Don't be shy, you can do whatever you want in there until the 7 minutes are up," he smiled before sitting back down.
Although you didn't realize it yourself, you suddenly felt a little grateful to be playing this game, even though it was silly. The chances of you spinning the bottle, and it landing on a certain boy were low, but not too low. You still wanted to believe it would land on him, though.
"This'll be fun, won't it, Y/N?" he said suddenly as if he just read your thoughts, snapping his head up to look at you, "I knew you'd like it," he winked at you again, and you merely shook your head from embarrassment.
The game started after that. Many people spun the bottle, proceeding to go to the closet and coming out looking like they had the time of their life. Some of them, at least. It almost landed on you once. Luckily, it didn't, and the person that had spun the bottle looked disappointed.
When it was finally your turn, you twirled the bottle hard. You felt nervous for some reason, biting your lower lip as you stared down the bottle. Slowly but surely, the speed of the bottle started to decrease each second it passed. You shut your eyelids tightly, wishing and hoping it landed on a certain someone. Suddenly, everyone started to whistle and chant something incoherent to your ears. You opened your eyes again, and the corners of his lips threatened to tug upward.
It landed on Oikawa.
"Must be my lucky day," he purred once the bottle stopped completely. "this way, m'lady," he said with a smirk. He helped you get up again, and Hinata turned to look at you with a wave and a smile.
"Have fun, you two lovebirds!" he called out with a loud laugh.
A deep shade covered your face as you realized you were holding hands again. When you both entered the closet, a whole new kind of anxiety entered you because this was real, you were really alone with him, and you had to hurry or else the time would be up.
The room fell quiet once the closet door clicked close. You wondered if the others were even breathing outside; it was just you and him, and all you could hear were his soft breaths, close enough to make you shiver.
He was the first to speak, his voice effectively jolting you from your thoughts. "So, this is the part where we kiss, isn't it?" he said with a playful smile.
"Yeah," you whispered, "I guess so," you acted like if it wasn't that big of a deal when it was. He took a step toward you, and when you lifted your head, your nose bumped into his, making him chuckle quietly. You felt your stomach tighten and like your head was going to beat right out of your chest.
"Come a little closer," he whispered, his voice hoarse as he urged you closer to him. You did exactly as you were asked, and you couldn't find your voice. You looked back up at him, into those intense eyes, and all you could do was grip at the material of his shirt where your hands had fallen to his back. He wavered a little, his expression unreadable to you, a mix of failing self-control, longing, and desperation.
He tilted his head, and moved forward until he could hear the soft hitch in your breath, feel it tickle your lips. He pressed his lips to yours with a certain finality, and even though you just met him, it felt like you had been waiting for this kiss forever. He lingered there for a moment, letting his lips slowly fall open, before pressing a second, more deliberate kiss.
He faltered, warm breath pooling against your lips. You felt like time had stopped, your only reassurance the frantic beating of your heart. He brought his hands to the side of your face, his fingers questioningly tracing the soft skin there. The touch sent a pleasant shiver across your skin, making you inch closer to his warm body. He let his tongue flick out against your lips, earning a sweet little gasp that made you smirk. He gripped your face more tightly and you eagerly parted your lips for him. He groaned quietly as your tongues met, one of his hands slowly fell to your waist, and he dug his fingers into your hip.
When you two parted for air, you shared a knowing look. You both knew you didn't have a lot of time so you might as well make the most of it. Suddenly, you reached down and fumbled with his button and zipper until they are both undone, tugging them down to his ankles, and you could hear his breath coming in shaky little gasps when you hooked your fingers into the tight band of his underwear, yanking them until they joined his pants, and he uttered a pleased little sound in the back of his throat.
"You don't waste any time, do you?" he teased, chuckling. You met his member at eye-level, and you couldn't help but give him a quick glance, the smirk on his face only urging you on. He leaned his body forward so that it was stretched over your kneeling form, palms pressed firmly against the wall behind your head. His member hadn't been touched but it was heavy with need.
You leaned in, ducking your head to catch the tip of his member on your bottom lip, your breath was hot, and he gritted his teeth against the urge to jerk forward into your mouth without warning. He raised onto his tiptoes, tilting his hips forward to press himself between your lips, and your mouth was so wide, warm and open. He was so thick and you couldn't think about anything else other than how badly you needed him to fill your mouth. You emitted a whine in the back of your throat when the stretch started.
"Just like that, take me," he said, his voice breathless and straining from holding all his body weight on his outstretched arms. You just blinked up at him slowly, eyes gone glassy, and he felt the tension as you forced your jaw wider, hearing the desperate little intakes of air through your flared nostrils.
"You look so fucking beautiful like this, baby," he praised, your eyelashes wet and cheeks hollowed, lips split-red tight around his member. He let out a shaky breath, centering his weight on one hand so he could bring the other to feel out the sharp lines of your jaw.
Your eyelids flutter closed when he brushed his fingers across your cheeks, rubbing his thumb over the line of drool trailing down the corner of your mouth. He couldn't keep his eyes off you and the sounds you made were like music to his ears. His hips stuttered forward a little, leaving you gagging for a second, your eyes flying wide open at that but you took it still.
"Fuck, you like that?" he murmured, you kept a hand on his thigh, keeping him in place. He pressed his hand against your jaw, setting his thumb against his own member and working it into the corner of your mouth, stretching it impossibly wider. His hand, member, and your chin was all covered in spit, and he felt himself get harder from the mere sight of it, staring on the tight pull of your lips, gone blood red like they might split at the seams.
"You're fucking incredible, baby," he breathed, pressing his thumb in further, pulling at the corner of your mouth in a way that had to hurt, but you just breathed through your nose, blinking back a few tears out of your eyes, managing to look smug and pretty even with a member in your mouth.
Someone suddenly whistled through the door, and then there's a fist slamming heavy blows against the door frame. "Seven minutes up, lovebirds!" Hinata called, giggling softly.
He pulled back from the wall, settling back on his feet while you pulled sloppily off his member, wiping at your mouth and eyes with the back of your hand, and you looked at him with a confident smirk.
"I didn't even realize that we were timed for a moment there," he chuckled, "so, was it everything you were hoping for?" he asked, teasing, even while he winced slightly at the feeling of shoving his still-hard member back in his pants.
"I sort of hoped you'd come in my mouth," you said, voice wrecked, shrugging your shoulders loosely, and it startled a laugh out of him.
"Is that right?" he questioned with another laugh. He fixed his pants back up before you both slipped out from the heated closet.
Hinata smirked when you both joined them and returned to your seats. He leaned in to whisper, "What happened in there? He looks like he had a hell of a time," he snickered.
You shook your head, your cheeks flushed with a deep red, "No, what happens in the closet stays in there!" you told him, and he only laughed in response.
The game continued on, but you found yourself not paying attention to anything that was happening because all you could think about how you sucked off Oikawa in that same closet everyone was going into. Obviously he couldn't stop thinking about it either because he was staring at you from across the room, his eyes practically undressing each article of your clothing. You both couldn't keep your eyes off one another.
Suddenly, you stood up and said, "I have to go use the bathroom."
"Okay, hurry back," Hinata winked at you as you made your way out of the room to head for the bathroom. You washed your face with both hands to get rid of the residue of the saliva that trailed down, heaving a soft sigh of relief after you finished. When you opened your eyes, you saw Oikawa standing in the mirror with a smirk.
"Miss me, princess?" he asked, and you whipped your head back to look at him. "You just can't get enough of me huh? Had to sneak off so I could take you here, huh?" he looked around the bathroom before he turned back to you, grinning wide.
"Well we weren't finished," you said, "and I still have to make you come," you told him. You wondered if that alcohol awakened this inner seductive nature in you or if it was just Oikawa’s charm that brought out your wild side, but either way you didn't care to know, you just wanted him to take you.
"That's exactly why I'm here," he chuckled. He started nuzzling into your neck with a satisfied smirk as he moved in close to your body until you could feel the cold porcelain press against your thighs. Shivers rolled down your spine as he pressed closer, a finger trailing between your folds through your panties underneath your dress. He pushed your panties down until they reached your ankles, and then he sank a long finger inside you, growling low in your ear as you moaned. His hand came down on your upper back, leaning over the sink you had been washing your face at. He started stroking your ass with a hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
"You're so nice and wet for me," he purred into your ear, his voice raspy. He leaned his head down to give your throat a gentle nibble that sent a jolt through you, making you gasp. You both watched each other in the mirror, his eyes locking onto yours as he nipped and nibbled along the column of your throat. He chuckled, raising himself off of your body, and slowly removed the finger from you with a long upward drag of your clit.
His hands found your waist and his eyes bored into yours when you kicked aside your panties. You quickly undid his pants again so that they pooled around his ankles.
"Ready for me, baby?" he asked, and you nodded your head fervently. With a wide, proud stance, he thrust into you in a long, smooth motion. The feeling of his thick, ridged member sliding into you, stretching you, was indescribable. His rough hips collided with a loud slap as he bottomed out, pressing his groin harshly into your own to ensure he was as deep as could be.
"Shit," he growled, drawing in a deep breath as he took you. Just as you tried to speak, he began to thrust, slow and steady thrusts. You gasped as you held onto the faucet of the sink, lips falling slack and eyes fluttering. His mandibles rose in an unabashed sign of amusement.
"Oh, Tooru!" you cried out, your head drooping down as you moved your hips backwards into his. His face contorted in a snarl in the mirror, the needle sharp teeth of his reflection glinting at you.
"Now this time, we can come, and we can do it together," he said, leaning over your back to murmur in your ear. He slowly took the side of your throat in his teeth then, flicking his tongue against the soft skin. His slightly muffled, rumbling voice was too much for you, only serving to make you aware of your combined fluids trickling down your upper thighs.
He pulled away then, giving a last teasing lick to your throat. There was a wide smirk on his face as he stared at your dazed face in the mirror. His hands snaked under to circle your nipples, his light pinches making you press yourself into his touch. He slipped them down to your waist and held tight, his thumbs digging into the small of your back.
You moaned when he continued to grind himself into you, his large size kept your g-spot stimulated with each thrust of his hips, the tip of his member echoing his movements deep inside of you. But you needed more.
"Please, keep going," you whined, barely managing to hold yourself up against the sink. It seemed like your body had been consolidated solely into your burning sex; it was the only thing you could feel. A loud rumble was audible from his chest as his thrusts became more demanding.
"Louder," he commanded. His eyes, still watching you intently in the mirror, had long assumed that near completely black color when he was aroused beyond belief. "I want you to tell me exactly what you want me to do to you. How do you want me to fuck you?" he asked as he panted heavily against your ear.
"Please, Tooru," you begged, not caring if the people outside could hear you, "I want you to fuck me hard. Fuck me hard and fast because I want to feel you for the rest of the day."
He cursed under his breath, and he began to thrust in and out of you at a wild pace just as you asked. You sobbed in relief as he gave you what you needed. Him, just him, hard and fast. The sounds of his flesh slapping against your softer flesh was almost as hot as the sounds of his low growls.
He was overwhelming you with pleasure, his hands tightening their grip around your hips as he slammed against you repeatedly. Your body began twitching violently as he fucked you senseless. You came quickly with a loud gasp around him, your flesh rippling frantically from him as he paused to savor the sensations around his length. He purred in satisfaction when you came down from your high, watching the lingering bliss on your face in the mirror.
"You're so tight and wet. You wanted me so badly, didn't you?" he asked, restarting his punishing rhythm.
"Yes," you said, fighting the urge to bite your lower lip, "so badly, Tooru."
His eyes flashed in the mirror and he thrust harder than before, forcing the air out of you as you rose onto the tips of your toes. Your rear was cushioned well by the concave of his hips as you slowly lowered onto the soles of your feet, still moaning low in your throat at the feeling. He resumed his rapid pace, choosing to chase his own climax by the throbbing his member was doing inside of you.
"Good, now do you want me to cum inside you? Do you want me to fill you up?" he asked around a pant.
"Yes, yes, I want it," you pleaded softly.
With a couple more thrusts, he sank flush for the final time. He came with a rumbling groan, his hands digging painfully into your waist. His member jerked inside you as his thick fluids spurted into you, and his head was rested upon your shoulder as he took in heavy breaths.
You two stayed like that for a couple of moments until you heard Hinata yelling outside the door, "I know you two are fucking in there! Get out of there, now!" he shouted, his voice playful and giggly.
You both laughed upon hearing that and fixed yourselves back up for the second time. He reached his hand out for you to take and you instantly held it in yours.
"Let's go see what those bozos are up to now," he laughed as you both left the bathroom. You rejoined the circle in the living room, and you didn't care how the rest of the night went because you already had the time of your life, thanks to a certain boy. You had no idea that you'd have so much fun tonight, so you were surely going to thank the friend that disappeared on you for doing you such a huge favor.
Hinata pointed two of his fingers in the direction of you and Oikawa.
"I'm keeping my eye on you slippery lovebirds!" he exclaimed, and you both turned to each other to laugh at that. That was probably a smart decision too, because Oikawa was already giving you a look like he wanted to leave with you, again.
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settersloveletters · 4 years
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— guardian angels; oneshot
a/n: this was a songfic for the ‘alexa, play american teen’ collab ! i’ve never written for a character x character fic before so this was p fun to do ! i’ll be linking the collab masterlist once all the other (amazing) writers finish !
song chosen: angels
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➳ pairing: asahi x nishinoya
➳ additional characters: daichi, suga, kiyoko, tanaka, hinata + kageyama
➳ genre: angst, songfic
➳ word count: 1.4k
➳ warnings: slight mentions of blood and a car accident
➳ admin: kiri ♡
—notes: ty to @kingkags, @hairbleachwhore​ and @kxgeyamasmilk for beta reading! 
+ i don’t write character x character content; this was solely for the collaboration
++ in this fic it is not specified whether asahi and noya are in a romantic relationship. it is entirely up to the reader whether it is platonic or not
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I've been seeing angels
In my living room
That have walked the sun
And have slept on the moon
Asahi Azumane sat in the middle of his dimmed down apartment. He looked around the familiar, yet unknown space. He pulled out his cellphone to see various text messages from what he assumed to be his friends.
New Text! [Daichi] 9:36PM: hey, just checking up on you. you okay?
New Text! [Suga] 9:37PM: are you doing okay by yourself? just call if you need anything ok?
New Text! [Tanaka] 9:37: yo! we’re here for you remember that!
New Text! [Shimuzu] 9:38: asahi-san i hope you’re doing well
Shutting off his phone, Asahi leaned forward, placing his head into his hands. Feeling a presence behind him, he shot back up turning around. His eyes roamed around the room. Something was off. 
“Did I lock the door?” he asked himself.
Standing on his feet, the former ace of Karasuno High School’s volleyball club trudged towards his apartment door. Turns out he didn’t lock it once he arrived home. Asahi laughed softly at his simple mistake. Locking his door, he felt the same presence that washed over him before he locked the door. He felt a shiver run down his spine. 
Asahi turned back around and yelped. His hand shot straight for the light switch for his hallway. Once the lights came on, Asahi’s eyebrows furrowed. “I swear.. I swear I saw something.”
As he walked towards his bedroom to go and sleep, he couldn’t see the pair of eyes that watched him. Eyes full of sadness. 
Asahi woke up the next morning to see that there was a break-in in one of the apartments. An apartment that was five doors down from his.
Covered in the fragrance
Of their own perfume
The fashion designer entered his apartment. He had a long day adjusting to things at work. His friends from Karasuno came and visited him, saying that they were checking up on him. Asahi was on his break when he first saw them. They wore shocked expressions that confused him. 
“Did you get a new cologne Asahi?” Daichi asked him. 
Asahi looked up from the work that was placed on his desk, “Huh? Oh, it was on my kitchen table so I just sprayed some on before coming to work.” He sniffed himself a couple of times before asking, “Why, does it smell bad?” 
The others glanced at one another, shaking their heads before Kiyoko said, “No, it's just a familiar fragrance.”
She wore a soft expression as she said that.
Telling me the stories
Stories coming true
Getting off of work shortly, Daichi and Suga came along with Asahi back to his place. The car ride back included many stories from their high school days. Picking up some food and drinks along the way, the three friends continued sharing the fond memories they held back then. 
“Remember when Daichi-san had to yell at Hinata and Kageyama because they were training too hard?”
“Yeah, and he could barely keep himself up on the window bars.” The three laughed.
Back at his apartment, Asahi, Daichi and Suga stood around the island in the middle of his small kitchen. The three laughed at the time Hinata and Kageyama first played, when the ball flew and hit their school’s vice principal’s wig right off his head. 
Asahi placed a pot of water on the stove to boil for some tea before asking, “By the way, do you guys remember if I had a roommate?” The two men froze in their place. They glanced at each other before looking at the brown-haired male. 
“What makes you think you had a roommate?” Suga nervously laughed. 
“Well I mean there’s that second room in this apartment. But it’s locked and the landlord hasn’t given me the key to open it yet.” Asahi watched as bubbles started to form in the water, indicating the hot water was ready. “Do you guys know anything?”
“A-Ah, about that Asahi…” 
“Hm?” Asahi turned around, but in half a moment, he felt the urge to move away from the stove. 
Well you see these angels
These angels see the light
As he moved away, from the corner of his eye he could swear he saw a faint hand along with white feathers around him. Asahi could hear the pot of water fall off the stove — he didn’t notice he placed the pot on the ledge of the stove — and turned back to see the hot water spilled all over the floor. 
Asahi looked over to his two friends who looked just as shocked as he was, “Well, that was a close one.”
Yeah I had my troubles
Troubles, all right
“No, it’s fine,” Asahi said, holding his phone up to his ear. Pinching the bridge between his nose he gave a big sigh. “Just make sure this doesn’t happen again. Bye.”
As soon as he hung up, Asahi placed his head in his hands. His assistant had just informed him that his biggest rival in the fashion industry had gotten his hands on his most recent designs. The fashion designer furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to think of a solution to this. 20 minutes passed, and the only thing that came to his mind was a headache.
“Stop worrying so much Asahi-san. You got this!” 
Asahi gasped and looked around his office. Was his mind playing tricks on him? He could have sworn that he heard someone say something.
 “I got this?”
Right when he said those words, his gaze shifted to the picture frame his friends got him when he first came back to work. He stared at the black and orange jersey’s the volleyball club wore. As if a lightbulb turned on in his head, an idea for new designs based on his former jersey colours came to mind. Asahi smiled fondly at the photo, before leaning in closer to see something in the background.
“Who is that…?” he looked closer and saw a short teenage boy jumping up to photobomb the third-years. 
Asahi’s eyes widened, “Nishi..Nishinoya?”
I've been seeing angels
“Where’s Nishinoya?” Asahi stood at Suga’s front door. After gaining this one memory of one of the most important people in his life, Asahi questioned his lack of presence nowadays. 
“Y-You remember?”
“I just remembered today,” Asahi furrowed his eyebrows. “Why couldn't I remember before? Where is Nishinoya anyways? I know that the second room in my apartment was his. Did he go visit his parents—”
“Asahi-san…” Suga interrupted. “Nishinoya passed away 3 months ago.”
Asahi stared at the silver-haired male, “W-What?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “N-No that’s impossible— I can’t even remember—”
“You can’t remember anything because you have amnesia, Asahi-san.”
Suga told Asahi that the two of them were supposed to meet him, as well as Daichi, Kiyoko and Tanaka for dinner, but instead they had to rush down to the nearby hospital. All at once, Asahi’s memories came rushing back in. Especially the night of the accident. 
Asahi was running late as he was finishing up his latest designs — designs inspired by the former libero — before Nishinoya barged into his office and reminded him of the dinner they were running late for. 
Having the restaurant being a 5 minute walk from Asahi’s office building, the two rushed to meet their friends. On the way, Asahi’s assistant called him regarding an emergency with one of their clients. Not wanting to be any more late, he directed his assistant on the next steps to do. But because of how distracted he was, Asahi didn’t notice the crossing signal turn red. He continued to walk at a fast pace, not hearing Nishinoya call for him.
Nor did he hear the honking— until it was too late. 
“No, Miyuku, just tell the client— What? Wait no—”
Honk! Honk! Honk!
He could feel his body being shoved forward. As he tried to look back, Asahi stumbled over his feet, which caused him to trip and fall, hitting his head on the pavement. 
Asahi weakly raised his head and saw Nishinoya laying on the ground, gazing at him.
Angels, ayy
His eyes widened at the sight of blood starting to pool. “N-Nishinoya!”
Before he lost consciousness, Asahi could faintly read Nishinoya’s lips as they said, “Asahi-san, do you believe in guardian angels?”
- - -
“When you lose someone you love, you gain an angel you know.” - Unknown
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matchaball · 7 years
wip updates
It’s been a long while since I’ve updated a lot of my fics, but I am working on them! I’m working on multiple fics at the same time so even though the going’s been slow, it’s been steady for all of them- which means at some point, I’m going to be dropping a bunch of fic updates at once haha. But in the meantime, I thought I’d give some wip snippets for any of those interested :) 
inking indigo
“Adrien and I binged through all of Lord of the Rings this weekend,” Nino explains. He reaches up to rub tired eyes, knocking his glasses askew in the process. “The extended versions, too. I totally forgot so many details in the movies. Did you remember that orcs are born from that gross goopy mud? Although, speaking of…”
He snags a used mixing bowl and collects a chunk of cookie dough with the swipe of his finger. He looks at Marinette and pauses, a finger in his mouth and an uncomfortably knowing twinkle in his eye. “Are you wearing Adrien’s apron?”
“Don’t insult my baking like that,” Marinette evades, trying to laugh the jibe about orc goop off instead of answering his sharp observation. “Especially if you’ve just come here to mooch.”
“I would never,” Nino deadpans, bringing hand over his heart in mock hurt. As if he didn’t spend most of his childhood and adolescence gleefully chowing down every treat Sabine and Tom always left for him, Alya, and Marinette to consume after school.  He quirks a smile. “You’re definitely wearing Adrien’s apron. It’s got the flowershop logo on it.”
Marinette’s cheeks heat up and she hastily stands and bustles to the sink, grabbing a dirty mixing bowl to scrub clean.
“I just haven’t had the chance to return it to him,” she defends, not meeting Nino’s eyes. His gaze is always the one that catches her unaware, at times she never expects so can never prepare for. “And it’s the only clean apron I’ve got at the moment.”
“Uh huh.” The dryness of Nino’s tone isn’t one she can fight against. Sometimes, Marinette thinks he knows her weak spots better than even Alya. He softens and relents. “Though speaking of, Adrien asked me to bring this back to you.”
He nudges the basket on the countertop with his elbow, uttering a soft “Oh shi-” as he accidentally knocks a shortbread turtle off the edge. He catches it just by the tip of his fingers as he lunges for it, saving it from a crumbly demise upon the floor.
Marinette pauses, bowl and sponge dripping from her hands, before setting them both down in the sink absentmindedly and wiping her hands dry on her apron. A small sound of surprise escapes her as she draws the basket towards her, finding it heavier than she expected.
NIno comes up, turtle in hand, and watches expectantly.
The lid folds back under Marinette’s hands, and a soft sea of blue and purple lupines greets her. She plucks a single stem up, watching as the tall spike waves up with the weight of the numerous blooms spiraling around the long stalk. The blooms at the tip remain closed still, still green and growing, graduating into full bloom towards the other end of the stem. Marinette’s fingers hover over the fully opened flowers at the bottom, just shy of touching a violet rich and vibrant enough to taste.
She lowers the flower to place on the countertop and changes her mind halfway, tucking it instead into the pocket of her apron. When she closes the lid of the basket, her hands are shaking. All the questions she’s wondered since the day she met Adrien, all the new information gleaned from her mother, and all the mashup of her emotions churn in her mind, whirling faster and faster and faster until-
“He bugs me,” Marinette blurts out.
ninette companion piece to @tides-miraculous‘ incredible art! (part 1/?)
When the footsteps of the couple have faded from her hearing, she slings her yoyo out and chooses to drop neatly down to street level to start heading back home. The immediate urge to detransform is strong- she appreciates that she can leave Ladybug behind when there isn’t a need for her- but the veritable cityscape of responsibilities, deadlines, and questions waiting for Marinette back home stop the necessary words from rolling off her tongue. They stop her slow walk down the street altogether, and Ladybug’s not quite sure where to go.
She wonders if Chat ever feels like this- like he’s adrift in his own skin, like he's a little...
The familiarity of the voice is the only thing that stops Ladybug from whirling around and giving a good roundhouse kick to the head, except it's not Chat that she sees as she turns around, but Nino.
“Yes?” she automatically answers, then backtracks to his initial question. “Wait- no… umm, maybe?”
Being unbalanced by surprise has her sounding much more like flustered Marinette than confident Ladybug. Something in her face must've shown, because Nino doesn't comment on it despite his pause of confusion. He blinks once, twice, then shrugs.
“Well, I’m going to be hanging out here for a while if you want company,” he says. He looks at her for another moment before offering a small smile. It’s an invitation as he walks to a nearby bench and settles himself comfortably down beneath the low light of the streetlamp.
She doesn’t want to stay on among the rooftops, but she doesn’t feel like going back just yet either so- maybe here is where she’s supposed to be.
Nino’s eyes are dark, and kind, as Ladybug steps up and joins him on the bench.
follow the running stitch 
“You've been watching those detective TV shows again,” Marinette groans.
“What's a journalist but a detective?” Alya shoots back, laughing at her friend’s disgruntled expression. “Besides, if you're going to make a guess, you might as well make it an interesting one.”
“An informed one hopefully, oh great reporter of the world.”
“Then it’s no longer so much a guess, as it is practically a fact.”
“Extrapolation, Alya. Isn’t that the point of investigative journalism? To dig and dig until you uncover every dirty little secret?”
“Only the truth, dear Watson. Only the truth.”
The look Marinette shoots her at the nickname is entirely dry and unamused, but Alya merely plucks the macaron left on the plate between them and pops it pointedly it in her mouth, her eyes crinkled in wicked humour. The pleasant chatter of the café’s patio around them falls away as Marinette gives in and rolls her eyes, a grin tugging up despite herself.
“Well your truths aren’t helping me draw anyone properly so help a girl out?” The flip of her sketchbook’s page is Marinette’s version of a sigh. Her pencil skates to the corner and stands poised, waiting to try again.
replay, rewind, restart (naruhina, soulmate au)
It would rip her apart, to lose her soulmate. She could feel it too, how it would break him.
“Don’t scare me like that again ok?” He pulled back just enough so she could see his eyes again, the memorable blue of them. He cupped her cheeks in his hands, calloused thumbs shaking as they stroked over her cheekbones gently, reverently, passing over the bandages that covered her temples. “I can’t lose you. I can’t.”
It had been her choice, to intervene with the gunman. Hinata would do it again, if the situation called for it once more, and she knew that she couldn’t make a promise that she wasn’t sure she could keep.
She realized it then. How having your soulmate didn’t mean also having forever with them. There was never a guarantee of a happy ending. There would always be fears to face, realities to answer to, choices to make. What Kiba had told her long ago didn’t seem so true here; Hinata couldn’t see the strength in the choices she might have to make, not when it meant leaving a shattered heart. There was just pain, and a bittersweet seed of hope that those choices may never come to pass.
“I…” Hinata started, because she knew she should say something. The words weren't there- but he was.
Her hands lifted up to wrap loosely around his wrists before skimming down powerful forearms tanned by the sun. Her fingers stretched wide open as she reached his broad shoulders, but they still couldn't span the solid width of them. He swallowed, throat working as she slid her hands down the great expanse of his chest. She mapped him, feeling the unconquerable strength of him tremble beneath her gentle touch. Within the fighting beat of his heart, she found her words.
“I'll try,” Hinata promised.
His answering smile broke over his face like a rising sun, dazzling and breathtaking. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek, her nose, her lips, anywhere and everywhere that he could reach, drinking her in with unchecked emotion.
Hinata leaned into his embrace. Fear would make a fighter of her, but his love, this happiness was worth it.
“Hey,” he whispered softly at the end, his shining blue eyes the last thing she remembers. “You're the bravest person I know.”
naruhina drabble prompt (music au)
They make a stunning trio, dressed in formal black that soaks up the dark ink of their long hair. Their eyes shutter down towards their respective instruments, concentrating on the vibrato of the cello, the hum of the viola, the trill of the violin- and even though Naruto doesn't know much about classical music, he knows that they are very good.
Still, the pieces they play are very long and honestly a little tiring to listen to considering his minimal interest in classical music. Despite his best intentions, Naruto dozes off.
He swears, he only closed his eyes for a second but suddenly Tenten’s kicking his shins and the audience has surged into a roar of applause. Guilt springs Naruto to his feet and he cheers with all the heart and volume that had been denied to him before.
He can see Neji rolling his eyes at him, no doubt unfooled by his enthusiasm. The girl with the violin clasped in front of her smirks with wicked humour and Naruto gets the distinctive impression that he's become the butt of a joke.
The cello practically hides the other young woman on the stage but Naruto’s eyes flicker over to hers as she stands and bows. As she straightens, her long inky hair slides back from her face like curtains, revealing warm lavender eyes staring directly at him.
Maybe it's because her eyes had been hidden from view the whole time as she played before, maybe it’s because her countenance had been so unassuming before, but the open sincerity of her gaze now strikes him like a blow. The look of gentle amusement she gives him trips his heart and he can’t say why his face suddenly grows too warm. Even when she looks away to take in the rest of the crowd that’s starting to die down, he’s still clapping, still staring.  
“What d’you think Naruto?” Ino elbows his side. He totally misses the sly edge of her grin, the knowing tease in her voice. Something about the look from the cellist lingers in his mind like a note he’s trying to catch, and even though he can’t remember what he listened to, he knows there is something about that performer that makes him feel.
“...whoa,” he breathes.
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somepinkthing · 7 years
crow age part 2
summary: Tsukishima Kei is an apostate living in the Kocari Wilds with his long time friend. The army is gathering at Ostagar to drive off the recent darkspawn invasion and he’d planned to the hell stay out of it. Let’s just say things don’t go exactly as planned.
pairings: none yet
rated: T for violence and language and themes
They made it to the cottage without any further incident.
“Here it is,” Tsukishima said, “You’re looking for treaties, right? I kind of remember them. They were locked up in the cache with the horribly cast protection spell?”
“Horribly cast to you, maybe. You really are something, Mr. Apostate,” Suga grinned and replied.
Tsukishima eyed the leader of the group suspiciously, but couldn’t get a good read on him at all.
“Well, whatever. All the papers we took from your castle are in a light brown box inside. Wait out here, I’ll get it—“
“No, I’ll get it,” Yamaguchi said, “I want to talk to the Wardens more anyways. You go ahead and get some rest, Tsukki. You used a lot of magic today.”
Tsukishima opened his mouth to argue, but Yamaguchi suddenly sent him a look.
Right, Yamaguchi was still mad at him. Tsukishima resisted the urge to groan. He thought Yamaguchi would at least wait until the strangers were gone to start this power play tug-of-war, but apparently this was the way it was going to be.
Tsukishima relented though. Who retrieved the box hardly seemed worth starting something over.
“Well, okay then,” Tsukishima said, “I’ll be in the herb shack. We still have to finish healing you up.”
Yamaguchi looked like he was going to protest. Mad as he was, Yamaguchi would always be Yamaguchi. A busybody and a worrywart to the last, he probably actually wanted Tsukishima to get his rest. But that wound wouldn’t heal itself and the longer they left it as it was, the worse it was going to be to close up.
Tsukishima didn’t stick around for Yamaguchi to argue. He immediately turned tail and made his way to his herb shack.
~ ~ ~
They called the little shed behind their cottage an herb shack because that was what it was originally meant to be, but they stored a lot of Tsukishima’s potions and poultices in here too. Yamaguchi’s various woodcrafts also occupied a good portion of the tiny room, laying around here or there. Boxes full of candles were tucked away in the far right corner. Boxes full of who-even-knows-what were tucked in the far left corner. The shack was used to store food in the winter as well.
All-in-all Tsukishima supposed it was more of a multi-purpose storage shed.
His first reaction upon entering said multi-purpose shed was to wrinkle up his nose. It didn’t stink inside, per say. But, with all the junk they put in here, it certainly had a strong scent.
He had a list in his head of what he needed. He’d need something for the pain, of course. A relaxant would probably be good. He’d need herbs for a poultice as well, that wound needed to be cleaned and dressed. And, well, Tsukishima supposed he could get something for burns. Like hell he’d help the shrimp apply it, but he could jot the instructions down. They were relatively inexpensive herbs.
Tsukishima started to gather his ingredients and tie them together, his back to the door. He was so caught up in grabbing what he needed that he didn’t even notice someone come into the shed and step behind him.
“Suga said…” a small voice said right as Tsukishima was bending over to grab a small handful of herbs.
Tsukishima whirled around. He couldn’t believe it. There, a foot behind him, was Hinata. Talking to him. Again.
“Is taking a hint a distant concept for you?” Tsukishima asked, incredulous.
Seriously, how was this guy back already? Tsukishima could still see the blood seeping through the bandages helmet-guy had slapped on Hinata’s arm.
“Urk,” Hinata groaned, “Look, I don’t want to either, but Suga said I should apologize so…”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes and started to pick up the herbs he’d just bundled.
“Not necessary.”
“That was your cue to not talk to me, shrimp,” Tsukishima said sharply.
He shoved past Hinata, herbs in hand, and headed for the door. This was beyond awkward and he wanted to be anywhere but here with anyone but this guy.
‘No!” Hinata yelled, lurching forward and grabbing onto the back of Tsukishima’s robe before Tsukishima could make it out.
“What the—“
“I need to apologize,” Hinata continued, “I-I misunderstood…”
“Yeah?” Tsukishima said sarcastically, “You think so?”
“I… lived in a village my entire life and never left until the captain recruited me. This is my first time out. I never even knew about elves except what I’d heard in stories. I thought they were all Dalish, see. You know, the ones that steal children and sacrifice them. I was really, really surprised when I learned how they were treated once I got to camp. Suga told me that all elves in Ferelden were treated like slaves and that only elf Gray Wardens and the Dalish were exceptions to the rule. So… I thought that Yamaguchi was…”
Tsukishima had turned back around while Hinata had been speaking and was now regarding the short little warrior with narrowed eyes.
“You people want something else, don’t you? What? Were the documents not all there? Well, those are all the ones I found so.”
“N-no! It’s not like that, you aren’t listening! I was trying to apologize!” Hinata cried.
“Funny,” Tsukishima said, “I heard a lot of words but no apology.”
Hinata fidgeted in place for a bit before trying again.
“I’m sorry.”
“Ugh… For assuming Yamaguchi was your servant. I know now that he’s your friend and it was wrong of me to accuse you like that.”
Tsukishima couldn’t help himself. The tiny Warden’s eyes were downcast and his face was all red—he looked too pathetic to not tease.
“Accuse me like what?” Tsukishima smirked, “Be specific, shrimp.”
“Okay, now I know you’re just messing with me!” Hinata cried, finally raising his head. Tsukishima snorted at how flustered he was getting.
“Whatever,” Tsukishima said, “You should be apologizing to Yamaguchi, if anything. I don’t need it.”
“I already apologized to Yamaguchi. He said the same thing…”
Huh, so Yamaguchi had forgiven the shrimp, had he? Of course he had. He probably had offered his own apology too.
“Ahem,” Hinata coughed, purposely pulling Tsukishima from his thoughts this time.
Hinata stood in front of him with his hand on his hips. He looked impatient, as if waiting for something.
“Hope you’re not expecting an apology on my end,” Tsukishima said, “I regret nothing,”
Immediately Hinata started to bluster around, going off about how Tsukishima really was a jerk after all and he couldn’t believe he bothered and how he really didn’t want to apologize either so there.
Tsukishima’s response was to lob one of the herb packages he’d been holding at Hinata.
“Carry those,” Tsukshima ordered and yanked his robe free. He started to make his way back to the cottage, not even bothering to make sure Hinata was doing what he said. If he didn’t, it was his loss anyways.
“Why should I? What if I don’t want to?” Hinata challenged, jogging to keep up with Tsukishima’s much larger stride.
Tsukishima noticed that the herb bundle was safely in his hands though.
~ ~ ~
“There, I carried them back!” Hinata said once they were both inside. He looked oddly proud of himself for doing something so innocuous.
“Wow, amazing. A true hero of our times,” Tsukishima replied, setting his own bundles down onto the kitchen counter.
Hinata stuck his tongue out at Tsukishima and started to move his bundle onto the counter too when Tsukishima stopped him.
“Put those on the kitchen table,” Tsukishima told him, “They’re for something different.”
“You know that I’m only letting you order me around because I still feel bad, right?”
Hinata stuck his tongue out again but obediently set the herbs onto the table.
It was then that Yamaguchi chose to re-enter.
“Tsukki, I need to talk to—Oh! Hinata, you’re inside?” Yamaguchi asked.
“Yeah, I came in with Tsukishima,” Hinata told him.
“Tsukki let you in?” Yamaguchi asked, surprised.
“Yeah, why?”
“No, nothing. It’s just that Tsukki usually doesn’t trust anyone enough to let them wander around the house…”
Tsukishima pointedly ignored Hinata’s eyes on him and continued to sort the herbs on the counter.
“Did they find their treaties?” Tsukishima directed his question at Yamaguchi.
“Yep, they were all in there,” Yamaguchi replied, “That’s some memory you’ve got, Tsukki. They’re just getting some water and fish at the river for the return trip.”
Good, then they could leave right after Tsukishima was done here.
He got to work, starting the fire and setting the teapot over it. The painkiller was best as a tea. It wasn’t terribly strong but it’d relax Yamaguchi a bit which would make the magic part a little easier—less resistance from the muscle tissue and all that. Tsukishima could feel Hinata watching him as he worked, but ignored it.
“Yamaguchi, you should lay down. I’m going to make the painkiller right now. We’ll start once I’m done,” Tsukishima said.
“I’m fine, Tsukki. I’ll lay down once we start,” Yamaguchi replied.
Yamaguchi looked like he wanted to laugh when the herbs sticking out of Hinata’s bundle caught his eye.
“Oh? Those herbs…” he said, making his way to the table.
“What? What about them?” Hinata asked, finally tearing his eyes away from what Tsukishima was doing.
“Jerk-face made me carry them all the way to the cottage, Yamaguchi!” Hinata whined, “At least tell me what they are!”
Tsukishima wondered when the two of them became such good friends. True, Yamaguchi was personable, but still. They’d been at each other’s necks last time Tsukishima checked.
Well, not like he was one to talk. Yamaguchi was right, it was rare for him to let someone in the house just like that. It was his personal space where he kept all his personal effects. The thought occurred to him that he should kick Hinata out and make him wait outside, but it really wasn’t worth the effort it’d take. The guy was too ridiculously naïve to be dangerous anyways. Besides, Tsukishima had already invited him in so he could stay… so long as he didn’t break anything important.
“They’re used for burn wounds. Crushed up and mixed they make a poultice that cleans open wounds and relieves pain,” Yamaguchi answered Hinata’s question, picking some of the leaves up and examining them. His eyes narrowed in amusement and he shot his friend another look, kinder this time.
“You softy,” Yamaguchi accused Tsukishima silently with his eyes.
Tsukishima pointedly ignored him and continued working.
Hinata wrinkled up his face in confusion.
“Burn wounds? Yamaguchi didn’t get burned! Hey, you made me drag all these in here for nothing, didn’t you?”
Tsukishima felt the sudden and unyielding urge to smash his face into a wall.
“They’re not for Yamaguchi, dumbass.”
“What? Then who are they for? Did someone else get hurt?”
Tsukishima watched Hinata struggle for about three seconds before he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Oh Maker, don’t use up all your brain cells. I’ll save you the trouble: they’re for you.”
Hinata’s eyes went wide and he tilted his head.
“For me?”
Hinata, unbelievably, still had to think it over for a few seconds before it all clicked in his tiny little insect brain.
“… For me! My burn! You’re going to heal my arm!” he exclaimed.
“No, I just thought I would just smear it on your face for a laugh or two. Yes, they’re for your arm. Obviously. You’re going to die of infection before you even make it out of the Wilds if we don’t treat it. Not to mention that bruise on your face and whatever ribs Yamaguchi definitely broke.” Tsukishima replied.
Yamaguchi made an embarrassed sound
“I really am sorry about that, Hinata.”
“It’s okay,” Hinata yelled excitedly, “I guess I kind of deserved it. And it’s not like this is my first time breaking a few ribs. And I’ve been hit in the face waaaay worse than this just wrestling with friends back at home. Tsukishima, you really don’t have much of a punch.”
“Well, then,” Tsukishima deadpanned, “I guess we can just leave off on healing you. You sound like you’re in perfect health.”
Amazingly, he’d half-meant that. Hinata was incredibly mobile and energetic a guy with a burned up arm and at least two or three damaged ribs. If Tsukishima didn’t know better, he’d have thought he was in perfect health.
“What?! No! They hurt, I’m hurt! I really am! You’re going to heal me, right? You’re going to do it with your magic-thingy? You are, right? Man, magic is soooooo cool! You’re so lucky you can do it. Please do some!”
Tsukishima stopped what he was doing and turned to stare incredulously at Hinata. Cool? Lucky?!
Was this guy actually serious?
“You’ll do magic, right Tsukishima?”
“What rock did you crawl out from under?” Tsukishima asked, not able to stop himself. One look at Yamaguchi though and Tsukishima could tell that he was wondering the same thing. Seriously, where did the Wardens find this guy?
Hinata’s face screwed up in anger.
“What’s up with you? Are you really not gonna heal me anymore?”
Tsukishima scoffed and waved Hinata off. It didn’t really concern him which boondock, backwater town Hinata spawned from. He’d be out of his hair soon enough anyways.
“Relax, shrimp. I didn’t waste my time digging out those herbs for nothing. I’ll take care of your injuries before you finally buzz off.”
And just like that, Hinata’s smile, intense and blinding, was back so fast Tsukishima almost got whiplash.
“Thank you!” Hinata yelled, jumping up and down.
“Whatever. It’s only because if you die in this area, I’ll have to clean up your corpse before it starts to attract darkspawn. And your little Gray Warden friends might come after me.”
“Thank you anyways!”
“Don’t get all overexcited, Yamaguchi’s still going first so you’ll have to wait your turn.”
“OOOHHHH! Can I watch?!”
“Stop yelling…”
Yamaguchi watched Tsukishima and Hinata’s exchange bemusedly. He sent a soft, knowing smile Tsukishima’s way which Tsukishima once again pretended not to see, turning his attention back to his work.
“Tsukki, I’m going to let the others in in that case. Kageyama and Tanaka are still outside, they didn’t go to the river. We can’t ask them to wait out there forever.”
Tsukishima winced at the thought. Hinata being inside couldn’t be helped since he needed to be healed, but the others…
“Yeah, ok,” he relented before adding, “But the Templar stays outside.”
That was non-negotiable. Tsukishima didn’t care one bit if the man was a Gray Warden now, he was a Templar.
Yamaguchi nodded in understanding.
“I wasn’t planning on letting Kageyama in anyways, but I’ll get him some water at least.”
With that, Yamaguchi grabbed a water-skin hanging on the wall and went back outside to tell the other Wardens to come in. Before he left, he shot Tsukishima yet another look. This one wasn’t angry or amused, it was… hard. Determined. And sad? Tsukishima didn’t know what to make of it, but before he could even consider asking, Yamaguchi was already out the door.
Well, Tsukishima was pretty sure Yamaguchi wasn’t mad anymore so at least that was something.
“Hey, can I ask a question?” Hinata asked after he finally stopped bouncing around.
“Why won’t you let Kageyama in? He’s a jerk, I would know, but he’s never done anything to you.”
“Ugh,” Tsukishima groaned. He really didn’t want to talk about it.
“Fine, you can have one question, but not that one. I won’t be responsible for educating a moron. If you don’t already know, you will soon enough. Next.”
Hinata frowned but seemed to sense that he was pushing his luck again and decided to move on.
Well, well, he knew how to take a hint after all.
“Why do we need the herbs? Why can’t you just heal it with magic?” Hinata asked after some contemplation.
Tsukishima clicked his tongue and decided to kindly not point out that that was two questions. Typical warrior, thinking magic was some miracle from the Maker and could do anything just like that.
“Magic isn’t some cure-all, end-all solution. The ribs and the bruise will be easy enough and we can get them done once I finish making this tea. It’s that burn that’ll be the problem, that’s going to get infected if we don’t do something. Getting all the infection out with magic takes energy and I might miss something. Cleaning and dressing the wound are more surefire ways of getting things done. You can’t do that in the middle of battle for obvious reasons, but we’re not in the middle of battle which means we have time to do it this way.”
Tsukishima stopped talking to scoop out two cups of the herbal tea—one for Yamaguchi and one for the annoying one—and set them aside to cool before continuing.
“Besides, healing hurts you know? I’m cleaning out a wound and stitching up the damage in a fraction of the time it’s supposed to take--that stings like a bitch. If I clean out the infection first, it’ll take some of the edge off the pain.”
Tsukishima smirked before continuing.
“Maybe then you won’t cry like a baby when I heal it.”
~ ~ ~
Hinata whined all the way through the healing process. Shocker.
(Tsukishima couldn’t help but wonder when he even ended up agreeing to heal the burn. Wasn’t he supposed to just hand them the herbs and send them on their way?)
~ ~ ~
“That really hurt, Jerkshima.”
“Noted. Now hurry up and pack up. Your friends are already waiting for you outside.”
“Oh yeah! We better hurry, we have to make it back in time for the battle too.”
Tsukishima processed that.
“The battle?” he asked, “Is that tonight?”
Of course he’d known that an army was gathering at Ostagar to fight off the darkspawn, but a battle already? They didn’t have anywhere near enough troops yet, did they? Not that Tsukishima knew much about wartime tactics. Still, he was pretty sure that wasn’t enough soldiers to march against anything, let alone a hoard.
“Yep! My first one!” Hinata replied, excited, “We’re going to have the Joining tonight too. We’ll be killing two birds with one stone!”
“Heh, what an apt line for it,” Tsukishima muttered.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Tsukishima bit his lip and watched Hinata check his pack. It was just the two of them in the house. Yamaguchi was outside, chatting up the other Wardens. He felt a heavy feeling settle in his stomach as he watched Hinata double check the bag’s contents. This guy didn’t know the first thing about the Wardens, did he? And it was highly unlikely he’d ever been in a war either, not with his attitude.
“Hey, shrimp,” Tsukishima called out to Hinata, surprising himself. He hadn’t really planned out what to say. Still, watching someone this unsuspecting march off unwittingly to his death without saying anything seemed too cold even for him. Just listening to Hinata talk about the Joining in such an upbeat way had left a bad taste in Tsukishima’s mouth.
“Think…think carefully about the Joining. I can’t tell you what it is because I’m pretty sure Gray Wardens do kill people for that, but I’ll clue you in: it’s nothing good. In fact, it’s practically a death sentence. It’s too late to back out once it starts, but you could still leave now if you really tried.”
Hinata looked at him, confused.
“Why would I back out?”
And there it was again. That creepy, unblinking look was on Hinata’s face again.
“This is everything I’ve always wanted. I don’t care what test they give me, I’m ready for it.”
Hinata’s stared straight into Tsukishima’s eyes and Tsukishima found that he couldn’t hold the gaze. He looked away and sighed. Well, he’d tried.
“Go on then, they’re all waiting.”
The look slid off of Hinata’s face just like that. He gasped, threw the pack over his shoulder, and hopped over to the door, but then paused.
“Yamaguchi gave me his name, but I never got your first name. You only gave us a family name, right? Unless Tsukishima is your first name…”
Tsukishima, to his own shock, almost gave it to him on instinct. Names held power, but he almost trusted Hinata with his, stopping himself only at the last minute.
“Idiot,” Tsukishima said instead, “As if I’m giving my name to some weirdo who attacked me twice.”
As if I’m going to do something useless like introduce myself to a dead man.
Hinata didn’t look too bothered by his response, only rolling his eyes before retorting.
“Well my first name is Shouyou! Shouyou Hinata And I’m going to be the greatest hero there ever was. I’ll come back after the battle and get your name then, okay?”
And with that, he was gone.
“Come back after the battle?” Tsukishima muttered, “Sure you will.”
There was no doubt in Tsukishima’s mind that that was the last he’d ever see of Hinata Shouyou.
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kurthaikyuu · 7 years
Weak points
Rated: pg 13 , mentions of gay slurs and bullying involved
Genre: romance, angsttt
Pairing: KageyamaxHinata Kagehina
It had been a couple of days spent like this. Hinata could hardly face the team as he was now - blatantly using the excuse he was going through secret training himself. Maybe over the threat if he told anyone what was going on they’d find a way to make sure the team wasn’t able to perform. Whatever it meant, if it kept them from playing he didn’t want that. The harsh words were one thing, but the constant scuffs and covering up the fact he was being pushed around was hard.
Hinata had first come across the group of three transfer students - they were much larger than he and while he had tried to be friendly and spoke of how he was on the volleyball team it soon turned into name calling and blackmailing. Nothing was so severe that he couldn’t go to practice or play, but he still had to cover up what was going on from Kageyama and the others… what was worse was Kageyama. He’d only became boyfriend to him recently and he was already hiding this from him.
He strolled into the gym rubbing his cheek that had a bandage on it. Asahi looking at Hinata in concern as the orange haired first year simply waved his hand. “I’m fine Asahi - just intense practice is all.” he tried to reassure the other as he moved to join the group. Spotting Kageyama he perked up instantly to the grouchy looking man.
“Again?” he snorted towards the bandage on Hinata’s cheek. The short male scratched behind his head and laughed a bit empty. Kageyama raised an eyebrow through his scowl. “Whatever let’s just get this practice over - the competition is only a week away.” he noted looking at the team as they nodded their heads. Hinata seemed a bit dazed despite the smile on his face.
Through the match, Hinata’s head just wasn’t within the game. The practice was a three on three while the others watched. Of course Kageyama paired with Hinata with how their quicks were. Hinata’s head was in a haze and when it was time to clean up his mind was swarming with regret for being so distracted. Holding onto his knee’s as he panted and Kageyama walked over with his arms crossed.
“What’s with you, you act like a deer in the headlights out there tonight.” he grumbled. “What’s all this special training for anyway, we should be doing that together.” Kageyama pressed his hand into Hinata’s head angrily pulling him upwards. “You hardly make any time for dates either.” he muttered suddenly as Hinata watched Kageyama’s face turn red. It made his heart die a little on the inside as he grinned.
“Sorry I guess I was just tired today.” Hinata responded, though Kageyama could tell the glint in Hinata’s eyes that it wasn’t the case. Kageyama would relax his arm for a second, as Hinata brushed past him. “I’m going home.” he shouted out, but before anyone could stop him even Kageyama the short male was through the door and walking down the dirt pathway to the front of the school. It was already dark by now, but in the corner there they were the three boys standing there. Had they really waited for him to get out of practice?
The tallest one stepped out, his short cut black hair and leather clothes making him look more like a biker than anything else. His two buddies stepping out with grins too. “I have to go home, I don’t have time for this. We practice early in the morning tomorrow.” tomorrow was saturday he’d been looking forward to a free day away from these guys. The taller one was instantly towering over Hinata making him gulp as his nerves came up and he resisted the urge to puke.
“Look at that a faggot complaining about how he’s not gonna get enough sleep tonight.” The man snickered as Hinata went blank faced. “What are you gonna do, go crying to your boyfriend?” Hinata shifted looking away. He really didn’t have time to waste with these guys and yet here he was. All he had done was be nice.  
“I’m going home.” Hinata stuttered out, he didn’t want to get pushed around anymore he tried to escape them but the other two were already out in front of him. The first grabbing his pack as Hinata held his breath. He wasn’t a big studier - but if he lost his school work he couldn’t play volleyball. Jumping he grabbed it from them as they looked stunned, the bigger guy then pushing Hinata to the floor making him drop his bag. He choked for a minute feeling the tougher guys foot on his back.
“You sure can jump shrimpy. No wonder you play volleyball.” The brown haired one said as he grabbed Hinata’s bag and started to spill it of it’s contents. Hinata struggled desperately, once the two had found out there was nothing of interest though they kicked the papers and the taller one let him go.
“We’ll be back tomorrow since we know you’ll be here - maybe you’ll finally have some money to cough up faggot.” Hinata scrambled to get his work. Most of it covered it in sand - but he watched as he saw more of the team members leaving. Pushing himself into the corner of the building out of sight as he organized his things. He pushed his pack onto his shoulders and went to leave head down until he ran into someone. Jolting thinking it was the that big guy until he looked up to see it was Kageyama.
Hinata went to open his mouth to say something but the taller boy had his arms wrapped around him in a second. Behind his pack even as he shoved Hinata’s head into his shoulder. Hinata was speechless, his heart pounding against his chest. Had he seen what had happened? If he had shouldn’t he have stopped and helped? Hinata’s head scrambled, fear gripping at him thinking Kageyama would strike him or scold him. Soon Kageyama released and he patted Hinata on the head.
“Do better tomorrow, get your head in the game.” Kageyama told him before he left the school grounds. Leaving Hinata alone as he blinked and stared off. So his boyfriend hadn’t noticed… only that his mood had dropped. His heart sank a little, wanting to call out to Kageyama but he was unable to. Sulking his way home and passing out in his bed.
Hinata walked to school the next morning in his uniform. Taking in a deep breath knowing what would be there waiting for him. He had a plan though - since he couldn’t give them money he’d simply make sure he was always with someone at all times. The thought made him smile - fool proof hopefully. After all, maybe he could even use Kageyama as a shield. It was about time they spent some time together anyway. He missed his boyfriend - cuddling with him, spending the night at his house. That was something that had become more and more scarce only to stop when these three bullies had stepped in. Carefully he found himself on school ground and tried to stray towards the gym straight away. Only for a powerful hand to grab at the back of his shirt and tug him around the side of the building.
He held his breath when he saw the black haired man there - his green eyes boring into him as Hinata pressed his fingers into the side of the building. “You must be stupid! We’re in broad daylight and practice starts soon you’ll be caught.” Hinata spat out, but honestly he was afraid. Sure he wasn’t weak but he was outnumbered and had already been face to face with their force before.
“We can take a handful of a bunch of you gay boys any day. Where’s the money you promised and we’ll just leave.” he shrugged as Hinata glared at him.
“What about you - you have no idea how hard any of us work at our sport. What we feel - so you can screw off!” Hinata snapped at him, pushing the taller man away. The other two pinned him against the wall and the other was about to throw a punch. Making Hinata shut his eyes until he heard a loud yell. Opening his eyes he looked off to see Kageyama standing there, panting from when he screamed as his hands curled into fists. The three started to back off.
“Oh shit, your boyfriends here.” one of them mockingly chuckled. Kageyama didn’t hesitate he pounced on the taller man - he was well into six feet in height but the crow didn’t care. Making Hinata let out a short gasp as Kageyama tackled the other to the ground. Hinata watched the two struggle as he got flustered. He didn’t know what to do - he wanted to go and get someone but at the same time leaving didn’t feel right. Kageyama stood as did the taller student. Making Hinata shove himself between the two.
“Stop! Just stop it.” He breathed out, but without hesitation the tall student punched him square in the side of the face. Sending him flying into Kageyama as his boyfriend looked puzzled.
“Hinata are you okay?” he asked as the three began to back off.
“Jesus, you’re more trouble than you’re worth.” He hissed before taking his buddies and running off. Hinata held onto his bleeding nose, wincing at the pain as he looked at Kageyama. The black haired man took Hinata’s hand and removed it. Seeing the red mark on Hinata’s cheek as it puffed up and his nose bleed out. He scowled and made Hinata stand.
“Why didn’t you tell me this was going on?” he scolded. “This is what’s been happening. This is why you’ve been in such a bad mood? The whole entire team was worried. Asahi came up to me the other day asking me if we’d been fighting. What the hell Hinata!” Kageyama tightened his grip on Hinata’s hand. Tears formed at the edges of the orange haired man’s eyes.
“Because I felt like it was a burden. It would cause too much trouble for you and you’d end up getting hurt. Could you imagine if you got hurt and couldn’t play?” Hinata shook his head as Kageyama stared at him.
“And you think that it’d be fine if you’d gotten hurt. What if they’d broken something - if not me you could’ve told coach ukai one the managers a teacher!” Kageyama grabbed Hinata and pulled him closer, hugging him tightly. “I was worried.” he muttered. Hinata curled his fists into the front of Kageyama’s shirt. Trying to bury his tears, hearing noya come around the corner.
“There you two are, we’re about to start - “
“I’m taking Hinata home.” Kageyama cut the libero short. Pulling away from Hinata who was puffy eyed. With smeared blood over his face. Noya blinked pulled his hands back.
“Woah! Were the two of you fighting!?” Kageyama snorted for a moment.
“NO! A guy came along with his three buddies and punched Hinata in the face. They took off before I could do anything!” the crow snapped as Noya suddenly zoomed over to Hinata.
“Are you okay? What happened?” Hinata pushed the libero away turning to Kageyama.
“I don’t want to talk about it. Even if I can’t play today I want to watch you practice.” He glared at Kageyama. Noya stood up straight.
“Better hurry up then, befor Daichi gets mad.” he hurried back into the gym as Kageyama turned to Hinata. He gently grabbed his chin and pulled him closer for a small kiss.
“Don’t ever… hide these things from me again. Now I have to stick closer to your dumb ass than ever.” Hinata felt himself blush with surprise, but at least this was a nice feeling.
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