#its kageyama leading the way because ofc it is
theheightofdishonor · 2 years
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How do I explain that this lives in my heart? That looking at it makes me yearn and hope and grieve? That the phrase "this same spring will never come again" has burned itself into my brain and relights every now and then just for the hell of it?
It's hands down one of my favourite art from the series. Everything about it from the grim colours now that the sun has fallen, to the trash heap they're determinedly climbing, Kageyama leading in his partner's stead with the third years doggedly behind him, all with a hand on the Karasuno banner. The second and first years marching behind them in that order. The fallen bike in the front corner. The crow, for both Karasuno and for Hinata who can't be with them. Because truly, this spring will never come again and this team will never be the team that they are right here in this moment and isn't that so tragic? so wonderful?
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deydenier · 2 years
how abt ritsu kageyama for the character thing!
Anon you have opened a can of worms. Here it is!
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The transcript down below because god knows this is unreadable. I am so sorry. TLDR: i get him now. He's literally #me
RITSU. ok ritsu. this one can go very personal so ill explain a few things first. ive only RECENTLY liked ritsu because i honest to god see so much of myself and my relationships i have irl in him. first time i read the clean up arc (i was 15) i was like. "why would he do this. wtf" it was bc THAT was his method of achieving catharsis and just. cleanup arc in general was my least fav part of mp100 but now im like. oh. i get it. i get why he "acted up" the way he did. the way that the expectations ppl around him has put on him as being "the good kid" etc etc and how suffocating that was for him its just that going AGAINST that preconception for him felt freeing. and how he thought that this is it. this is my villain arc. my #badguy arc. he was letting all his pent up emotions out and he thought he was morally reprehensible for it (not to say that his methods was good in any way. ofc not.) ritsu in the clean up arc is the "why does everyone ask why i caused that problem? why doesnt anyone ask how was the catharsis? was it good? was it fun?" post.
the stress and guilt from the clean up and the pent up emotions he has w mob exploded and he let all of it out and it felt freeing and horrible and then it was all swept away after the confrontation w mob and scar and the later apology in the 7th division. its like almost all pretenses he kept up with mob was gone and they can finally speak to each other as brothers without feeling like treading on thin ice. i genuinely cannot get into how much i like and how much i see myself in him without getting too personal (and if my interpretation of him is different from the fandoms then sorry lmao i dont read meta on him a lot)
i genuinely love his overarching plot with mob and coming to terms his insecurities and inferiority complex, never feeling enough, dismissing his accomplishments bc thats not what he thinks as accomplishments, his once strained relationship with mob, his fear for and towards him, and the conclusion to all that in the finale. amazing. showstopping. and even with all that he cares for mob so much and im like. im genuinely glad that theyre able to speak to each other more candidly without treading on thin ice etc etc etc.
i also love his parallels w shou about the fear of a family member going too far. how it leads you to put up defenses to keep them calm or in shous case to stop them from going too far. my god. this is long. sorry LOL
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volleychumps · 4 years
hiii! i rlly like your writing, it’s so cute! lol could i get hcs for the karasuno bois where their s/o is kind of like emergency relax person. like when they get super nervous or they’re under a lot of pressure during a game ukai, takeda or kyoka calls them over and helps their bf calm down. ofc you don’t have to if you don’t want to, anyways love your work! 💕
Helping Karasuno While they’re in a Game 
-Father Daichi was giving off a certain atmosphere that was making the whole team feel uneasy
-No like actually Asahi might’ve shit his pants
-You were nervously watching from the sidelines, seeing him become more and more irate as the other team won’t stop jabbing him where he knew he was lacking
-It didn’t make it any better when you saw him glancing at you as if he was ashamed to play this way in front of you
-aw dad no 
-Daichi starts making mistakes even a beginner doesn’t make in his blind fit of anger, and you see Takeda-sensei waving you down with both arms
-You point a finger to yourself, slightly blanching, Me? 
-When you walk out onto the sidelines of the court, Suga looks at you with a look that screams please save us what if he kills someone
-Ukai pulls him out of the game for a second, Daichi’s jaw tightening as he walks off and takes a seat on the bench
-From behind him, you wrap your arms around him loosely, surprising him. Your chest presses against his back and your face emerges next to his, smiling as he arches an eyebrow in your direction, the angered expression leaving almost immediately. 
-”(Y/N), what are you doing-?” 
-The coaches visibly relax when they see Daichi’s jaw and stature loosen as you place a single chaste kiss on the side of his neck, ignoring the stares you were getting from people.
- “If you love to play, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.” Is what you murmur in his ear, rubbing circles on his back. “I’m proud of you no matter what.”
- His hand reaches up to grab yours that was resting lax against his chest, tightening slightly before standing and giving you his signature kind grin, ready to jog back out with a clear head
- “You’re pretty great, you know?” 
- “Knock em dead, Dai.” 
-The other team pales when they see you glaring at the member who was successfully trying to mess Daichi’s game up, eyes more heated than ever as Daichi chuckles and leads you away by the shoulders. 
- “Be afraid of her. Be very afraid. She’s my secret weapon.” 
-And shit, the other team didn’t manage to score for the rest of the game because Daddy Daichi is the foundation 
-When they line up in front of the audience, you blush when Daichi’s eyes lock with yours, mouth moving to form silent words
- We made it. 
- “What if I mess up?” “Suga you won’t-” “I’m not as good as Kageyama, I don’t think-” “Suga, calm down.”
-Asahi nervously glances at the score, seeing they had to make this point in order to stop the set from coming to a deuce, currently on their last timeout. 
-the nerves of the usually leading Setter were beginning to spread, prompting Kiyoko to look up at the stands and scanning the crowds before her eyes rest on you
- You’re down there in an instant, walking up to your boyfriend with a bounce in your step as he nervously seems to rock back and forth in place
-”Suga~” You stop in front of him, looking him straight in the eye as you place a hand on his cold cheek. 
-You smile when he exhales deeply, his once rigid shoulders relaxing. “(Y/N).”
- “And just why does my handsome boyfriend look like the world is ending?” 
-”(Y/N), I can’t mess this up! Not in front of you, defintely not in front of you…” His hand reaches up to hold the hand that was resting on his cheek, hazel eyes full of insecurity. “Kageyama would-”
-”Hey.” You force him to lift his chin to meet your eyes straight on. “I don’t care what Kageyama can or can’t do-No offense Kageyama don’t look at me like that-you know why?” 
-You press your forehead against his, feeling his breathing even out. “Because there are things only you can do, love.” 
- The team gapes as Sugawara’s eyes suddenly harden, fist clenching before pumping the air full of determination, a smile now set on his face that was brimming with gratitude
- “Let’s do this.” 
- “I’ve never felt more single than in this moment-” “Noya SHUT UP.” 
-When they win the set, Suga makes a show of pointing at you directly in the stands, winking flirtatiously as you mockingly roll your eyes with a smile on your face
-Thank you for being by my side. 
-Poor soft boy gets beaten down when his spikes just won’t go through
- As a result, he keeps hitting against the blocks and forgetting to pay attention to where the blockers were in a fit of frustration
-Gets subbed out after losing four consecutive points, and shoves Daichi and Suga off when they try to offer words of comfort
- “Kiyoko, why are you calling my phone? Wait, I’m allowed down there?” 
-Within the next few minutes, Daichi and Suga are looking at you with pleading eyes when you walk out onto the sidelines towards your boyfriend
- “Even Noya can’t calm him down, and some are just afraid to approach him” “Nah, don’t worry I got this.” 
-Asahi is hunched over on the bench, an expression of frustration evident on his face as he glares down at the floor
-You kneel in front of him, grinning lopsidedly when his dark eyes meet yours, the tension around his eyes softening almost immediately
- “I…I can’t do this.” His voice is hushed as his eyebrows furrow together, causing you to stand from your kneeling position and run a hand through his hair. 
- “Asahi, who’s number am I wearing right now?” “…Mine.” “Why do you think I’m wearing it?” “…I don’t know…” 
- You tilt his face up to look at you from your standing position, giving you a rare height difference as you run a finger along his jawline relaxedly. His face turns beet red when your lips quirk up into a smile.
- “Because I believe in you, Asahi.” 
-”…you do?” how does that soft a voice come out of your big boyfriend he’s so precious ugH
- “I do. Now get out there, and don’t let them have their way with you.”
- Daichi and Suga look at you in thanks when Asahi makes his way back out on to the court with flames of determination on his heels, causing you to wink jokingly
- “I told you I got this.” 
- When your precious soft boy scores the winning point, he makes direct eye contact with you before smiling hugely, a blush on his features
- Thank you for believing in me. 
- “Shit!” “Noya, you need to calm-” “I’m sorry! I’ll get the next one, I promise!” 
- The worried expression is evident on your face as you watch your boyfriend’s next attempt of getting the ball up fail, his fist slamming down on the gym floor in a fit of rage
- You don’t need to be told twice when you rush down there with the permission of Coach Ukai, seeing your libero boyfriend tapping his foot impatiently with a heated expression on his face as he stood with his other teammates on the warming bench 
-Ennoshita and Hinata both step away from the heated boy simutaneously when you approach, smiling as if nothing were wrong
- “Babe.” 
- “(Y/N)?” Noya’s expression of anger turns into one of confusion when he sees you standing in front of him. “What are you doing on the court?” 
- You ignore his question, raising his arm with a click of your tongue. “This won’t do.”
- you pull out a bandaid from your pocket with a little rabbit on it before placing it on one of his bruises, a small smile on your face as you look up at him 
- “This band-aid has my luck in it. Don’t take it for granted.” You sternly say as Noya looks at you with a shocked expression before relaxing into a smirk 
- “Well, I can’t lose now, can I?” 
- “Definitely not.” To top it off, you place a quick kiss on his cheek before beginning to walk off with a bounce in your step, waving backwards
- “If you win, I’ll give you as many kisses as you want.” 
- You don’t have to turn on your heel to know that Noya had entered a frenzy filled with determination, fire lit in his pupils as he rushes back into the game
- “does that mean to play my best, I need to get a girlfriend-” “No, Hinata.”
- a content smile makes its way onto your face as you high-five Kiyoko on your way back to the stands 
- when his playing becomes significantly better and they take the set, he races up to the stands after bowing to the audience, the audience members making way for him in confusion as his sweaty form jogs up to you
-You laugh when he peppers your face in kisses, pushing him away slightly as he grasps your wrist from doing so, eyes playful 
- “You better keep your promise, cutie.”
- oh boy
- this boy’s anger was on the brink of fury as you watch from the stands with a sweat drop, glancing at his older sister worriedly as she sighs
- “He’s letting them get to him again.” 
- When Tanaka hits the ball into the net with his next spike, he gets pulled out of the game and gets set on the bench to calm himself down
- Takeda-sensei murmered something to Coach Ukai, who nods before making eye contact with you and making a hand motion, asking you to come down
- You walk onto the court before casually taking a seat on the bench next to Tanaka, startling the furious boy when you did so
- “What…(Y/N)?” 
- “Ah. Don’t mind me, it’s easier to see here. Plus I wanted to be closer to you.”
- When you rest your head on his shoulder, you feel him physically relax from your touch as you hum, smiling when he wraps an arm around you
- “Better?” You ask him after a few moments, turning your head to see that Tanaka’s face had turned from irate to flushed, his eyes looking everywhere but you 
- You laugh a little when he buries his face in your hair, breathing in your scent before standing up all of a sudden, a renewed vigour in his eyes
- “(Y/N). Watch me.” 
- “Only if you promise to win.” You wink as he jogs back into the game when time alotted, Tanaka’s control becoming more stable when he did so
- “What?” you blanch when you see him picking a verbal fight with one of the players on the other team
- “You mad I have a cute girlfriend and you don’t?” 
- You see that little comment have a pretty big effect on the player previously messing with him, making you sigh at how childish your boyfriend could be before smiling
- He glances back at you before Kageyama gives him the next spike, slamming it down successfully before clenching his fists with a roar
- Watch me, (Y/N).
- “Do I need to kick you again-” “Kageyama, don’t-” “He’s too riled up! Come on, just one kick-” “Kageyama nO” 
- pouty boy gets taken out after the other team successfully finds a way around his quicks, making Hinata go back to making common errors due to his frustration
-so when Coach Ukai makes eye contact with you in the stands, you laugh a little, having done this before 
-when you get down there you hug him tightly, pulling him in by the jersey while  feeling him tense up before gripping the back of your shirt in his fist
- “Calm me down…please.” 
- “You do know you’re being counted on, right? The other guys on the team respect you as a regular, dummy. No need to let them blocking your quick get to you.” 
- “They…respect me?” 
- You sweatdrop. “Did you think they didn’t? You have the right to stand on this court,” 
-when you pull back to kiss his nose, he flushes. “Don’t waste it.”
- As soon as your adorable boyfriend begins bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, waiting to be put back in, Ukai flashes you a thumbs up while sighing in relief
- “How simple-minded.” “Tsukishima, don’t be a cynic.” 
- “Oho? The Great King? Making mistakes? Never thought I’d see the day.” 
- The conversation on the court went unheard in your ears, but you visibly saw the look of irritation pass your boyfriend’s face as you sweat drop
- When he misses the next jump serve he delivers, Ukai calls a timeout before the other team scores the winning point 
-so when the team huddles, Kiyoko waves you down from the stands 
- “You can’t lose your cool like that. It’ll mess up any chance of momentum this team can build up.” Ukai tells your boyfriend straightforwardly, and you see his jaw tick at the pressure
-you sneakily pull his wrist away from his teammates while no one was noticing, spinning him around playfully to face you
- “Is that a frown I see, Kageyama?” 
- “He’s always frowning-OW!” “Hinata not right now” 
-okay maybe not so sneakily
- blue-eyed baby would insist he’s okay as you stare him down, not believing him 
-it barely takes a second for him to realize you had hugged his torso, burying your face in his chest as he flushes when you hit him with a cheesy pick-up line, taking his mind off the frustration purposefully
- “You might be number 9 on the court, but you’re number 1 in my heart.”
- Tanaka and Noya start cackling at the dead-serious expression on your face
-Those words seemed to hold a lot of meaning to the usually introverted boy, and he puts a hand on top of your head, nodding slightly
- “A-alright. I get it..!”
- blue-eyed boy is blushing when he makes his way back onto the court, and the team is relieved to see him visibly more calmer 
- “Kageyama, you’re number one in my heart too-!” “Tanaka shuSH.”
- You cross your arms triumphantly when your boy leads the team to victory, Kiyoko sighing at how simple it was to turn the tides in the first years
- “Must you say embarrassing things in order to diffuse me?” Kageyama grumbles when you jog up to him after the win 
- “Well, it worked, didn’t it?” 
Tsukishima (slight suggestive themes, Tsukki you cocky bastard)
-Uh oh, the king of cynics dishes it out easily but easily gets triggered when it comes time to take it 
-lightning strikes between him and another player who was his least favorite kind of spiker
-the rest of the team feel like they’re in danger with the air Tsukki was giving off
- well except Yamaguchi, I wish someone would support me that much wtf
- so when Takeda-sensei makes eye contact with you in the stands, you jog down there nonchalantly to see your boy wiping furiously at the sweat gathered around his forehead in frustration
-blonde boy sighs when he feels you press a rag against his head for him “Y/N you’re not supposed to be down here.” 
- “I don’t really care, mister.” You continue to help dry him off, ignoring the sour expression on his face. 
- Tsukki’s eyes narrow when you begin to smirk, bending now to murmur in his ear 
- “you’re the tallest person on the court right now, and you’re letting that nobody have their way with you? you know that slot’s reserved for Hinata.” 
- others on the sideline gulp, thinking you made the situation worse until Tsukishima sighs, glancing off in the opposite direction 
- “fine.” he glances at you dangerously as you smile in response, unfazed as he catches your hand once before tightening his grip, letting go a second later
- “just for that, I’m having my way with you later.”
- shit wait whAT
- “well, that certainly motivated him-” “Narita your nose is bleeding” 
- Tsukki glances back at you with a smirk at your flushed features as the rest of the team nod at you in thanks, the atmosphere becoming more cocky than deadly
- so when he confidently blocks the player who was obviously getting him riled up on purpose and takes the set, he’s pulling you out of the gym a split second later 
- “Tsukki you still have to bow-”
- “Don’t care. You got me fired up back there, and for what?” 
- “NariTA your nosE-” 
- poor baby boy is psyching himself out before he has to come in as a Pinch Server 
- “(Y-Y/N) is watching.” he stutters to Ukai, head bowed. “she…I don’t want to fail in front of her! Please…I can’t-”
- Baby Yamaguchi is biting his lip in frustration until someone flicks his head, making him look up in surprise to see you with a frown on your face with your arms crossed
- “And who here is telling you you’re going to fail, Yama?”
- At his silent response, you sigh before grabbing his trembling hands, your lips soft upon the part you flicked him 
- “Hey. Look at me. No, don’t look away-” 
- forcefully have to tilt his head to look at you
- “You can do this. You’ve practiced so hard, Yama…don’t let it all be for nothing.” Your voice becomes soft and soothing as Yamaguchi takes a steady breath
- “And when you land this, land it for you. Not for me, not for anybody else. You don’t need to prove to me that you’re worth it because I know that you are.” 
- when his rigid shoulders lose their tension, you see the glint in his eye that makes you smile
- So, you spin him around so his back is facing you before leaning up to whisper in his ear-
- “Oh, and I love you, you know that?” 
-Cutie becomes a stuttering mess as you push him out onto the court, hearing Coach Ukai sigh with his head in his hands 
- “you know you either made or break him, right?” 
- “I’m betting on the former”
- When he scores with his serve consecutively, he punches the air with a winning expression on his face before running up to you and hugging you
- “See? Told you.” you grin at Ukai over your boyfriend’s shoulder 
- Coach Ukai defintely encourages you to come to more games 
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red-queen-bebe · 3 years
Karasuno Headcanons
☆How They Start Dating Someone ☆
Kageyama may seem outgoing about certain things, such as his anger toward Hinata, or his love for volleyball
But when it comes to his feelings about you?
Homeboy Shuts Down
Does NOT know how to communicate that he has positive feelings toward you
Can not look you in the eye
At all
Will glare angrily at you because his feelings about you confuse him
Honestly, he's afraid to get close to you
He knows he doesn't communicate his feelings well
He wants to tell you so many things
Like how he loves your laugh
And he just wants to pet your hair
You bump into him at the vending machine
You see him glance at you ,and then back at the vending machine
"What do you suggest?"
He whips his head toward you
He looks Angry
You look up at him thinking you've offended him when he says
"I like you?¿"
You're obviously confused
Homeboi is confused by himself
He gets his milk from the vending machine and speed walks away before you can process what he said
The next day he sees a note sitting by a box of milk on his desk
It simply says
"Hey, I like you too😊"
Honestly, it takes Tanaka awhile to notice you
Cause loverboi is still hooked on kiyoko
But once he has his sights set on you its over
You're going to know he likes you
He makes it so obvious
But your still to scared to ask him out first
So you wait
One day when you go to the gym after school to check up on him, he pounces
Quiet literally
He's all smiley
Straight up asks if you'll marry him
Telling you his eyes have never seen someone so precious
Nishinoya will think you're a new Kiyoko
Thinks he should jump in too
Also asks you to marry him
Tanaka's smile drops
Tell nishinoya to back off, that you're his s/o
Or, at least, he hopes so
That's when he seriously asks you to date him
And ofc you say yes
I'm gonna tell you straight up
Homeboi is Not, gonna confess
His pride gets in the way to much
That he doesn't actually need anyone
The biggest confession you'll get is that he doesn't find you That annoying
Take it or leave it
Occasionally will go out of his way to hang out with you without yamaguchi around
Over time you guys would just fall into the pattern of acting like a couple
People will ask when you guys started dating
You'll both look at each other
You really have no idea
It just kind of happened
Tsukki was never going to confess
Neither were you
I think you guys kind of realized you were a thing when someone else asked you out and tsukishima said no for you
After that you guys kind of just accepted what you had become
You and Hinata would meet because he crashed into you on his bike
He was going to fast, and wasn't paying enough attention
Or he was,
Paying attention to how cute you were, not realizing you were getting closer and closer
Until he hit you
Starts bowing like crazy
And apologizing
Literally tells you it was because he was admiring how attractive you were
Sees you again the next day
Makes sure not to hit you
Wonders how he never noticed you before
Gets used to talking to you every day on the way to school
You two have been late more time than you can count
Doesn't take him long to ask you to have lunch with him
He soon after realizes he Likes you likes you
He asks you out and the rest is history
You met Asahi in class
Asahi had noticed you in years past
That you were kind of like him
Didn't talk to much
A kind person in general
But what surprised him was during your third year, he saw how, outgoing,,, you had become?¿
When did that happen?
Suddenly you were talking to everyone
It seemed as though everyone knew who you were and everyone wanted to talk to you
And even though you had tons of other people to talk to, you still made sure you had time to talk to Asahi
The way you would smile at him always made him blush
He was sure it was different than how you smiled at everyone else
Nishinoya was his biggest support when Asahi confessed he wanted to ask you out
He was going to do it
He really was
One day during class, Asahi heard a scream come from down the hallway
He paled
He knew that voice
The classroom door busted open
And here comes nishinoya bounding over to Asahi ,telling him he could do it, and saying not to be nervous
He was being so loud
Which made Asahi want to melt into his desk
In fact he did, laying his head down on his desk in embarrassment
What made him raise his head, was hearing your giggle come from a few rows up
Nishinoya had given you a thumbs up
Before bolting out the door when the teacher threatened to write him up if he didn't get back to class
After class, you made your way over to Asahi, asking him what all of That was about
Scratching the side of his head, Asahi starts blushing before stuttering out how he likes you and how he admires how outgoing you've become
and the sweet thing mentions how he loves your smile
After a bit of mumbling he slips in actually asking you out
You hug him
Which calms him down
And of course you'll go out with him
It would take yammy boy a looong time to ask you out
I mean like a long ass time
You guys would probably be friends for a long time before he even developed a crush on you
But once he did it would be all he could think about
He would literally do anything for you
Constantly shows he cares by asking if you ate and making sure you drink water
Supports you in whatever you do
Would get mad at Tsukki if he was ever mean to you
Would literally bottle up his feelings for so long
Would be walking you home from school one day when he would just blurt it out because home boy was ready to explode
He loves you so much
It suprised you how loud he was
Once you realize what he said you give him a soft kiss on his cheek, and tell him you would love to be his s/o
Daichi would be so soft with you
He would be so oblivious to the fact that you like him too
Like, worse than your average person
Suga would point out all of the signs
Even then he doesn't believe it
Suga would clear a room in a heart beat just to try and get you two alone
Suga= matchmaker
Asks you out on a date
Decides to see how things go
One date leads to two
Two leads to three
Three leads to six
It's becoming unbearable for both of your guys' friends
Suga literally has to threaten him
Maybe even smack him
Who knows
On your next date, Daichi finally pops the question
Ofc you say yes
Saying you've been waiting
Which makes him blush
And you lived happily ever after
Honestly Noya would ask you out before he even develops a crush on you
Not that he's not serious
But once he has an actual crush on you, professing his love becomes a weekly thing
Will straight up yell at you from down the hall
Thinks calling you "sweet cheeks" is a compliment
Even though his attempts at flirting may be cringey at times, he has the capability of being sweet
Will literally show you off to people as though you're already dating
After awhile you just accept it
He's become apart of you're life
And you enjoy that
So the next time he asks you out
You say yes
Homeboi starts celebrating
Runs off to tell Tanaka and Asahi
But before he makes it to far he turns back to plant a kiss on your cheek
Sugawara is, romantic
But also has a sense of humor
Would wait awhile to ask you out
Waits until he's pretty positive you like him back
Doesn't want to make it awkward if you don't
(But we all know you do😉)
Wants to make asking you out perfect
But knowing you ,he knows you would appreciate something witty
Would take you out on a date
Something fun, like a theme park or an arcade
Then ,as he's dropping you off at home
Would literally pull out a ring pop
Starts blushing when you giggle
Asks if you'll be his s/o
You gladly accept
Kisses your hand after he slides the ring pop onto your finger
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iwa1zumis · 4 years
“i love you and i like you”: passion and burnout in Haikyuu!! 
tw: discussions of self harm, anxiety, burnout and breakdowns. 
spoilers for the whole manga!! 
okay this is probably gnna be jflkafjdklfj all over the place, but i’ve been thinking a lot lately about the difference between loving and liking something, and how haikyuu emphasises the importance of both those feelings being present when pursuing a passion. 
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a quick look at google (and i KNOW my college professors are cringing away in horror victor frankenstein-style @ my use of google definitions but jflajfsdk bear with me!!) demonstrates how often the concepts of love and like are conflated, with love her being framed as a sort of deeper or more intense like: “to like or enjoy very much” to be specific. but personally i’ve always thought there’s something a bit misleading about that kind of definition, since its absolutely possible to love something or someone without necessarily liking them. to take a personal example: i love debate. i debated through middle and high school, made captain of the debate team, and was constantly travelling to and fro for different tournaments. even before i started to debate formally i’d jump at the chance to do mini-debates in class, argue with and rebut parents and friends over meals and causal conversation.... you get the idea. i loved debate, and still love it dearly, but i honestly don’t think i particularly liked it much. tournaments would always fill me with the most INSANE kind of stress, i’d barely eat or sleep in the days leading up to a meet, and i’ve had more muffled bathroom breakdowns in between rebuttals than i can count. after my final year of high school, i decided against joining the debate at university. i knew that if i were to retain ANY love for the activity going into the future, i had to force myself to take a break. 
so what does this solipsistic tangent have to do with haikyuu, you ask? well i have no doubt that a vast majority of the players in the series love volleyball. they’re dedicated and passionate about it. they hunger for the chance to be put on the court. but do they like to play? 
1. oikawa: “i forgot that volleyball can be fun” 
ofc i wouldn’t be an oikawa stan worth my salt if i didn’t start this off with the (grand) king himself!! imo one of the reasons why oikawa is such a popular and well-loved character is his constant determination to keep moving forward and playing, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable opponents and adversities (”never forget my worthless pride”, anyone?). inevitably, all the hard work and practise he put into his craft has left him with a very carefully constructed, put together playstyle-- he’s the kind of player who knows how to bring the best out of each and every teammate on the court because of the amount of time he spends observing them and playing with them. it’s an outlook and playstyle best encapsulated in his now iconic line during the second karasuno v seijoh match: 
“Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish!” 
in my opinion the word “polish” it super significant here-- it explicitly singles out the years and years of hard work that set a foundation for his talent and instinct to shine. 
but what happens when they don’t shine? there’s no denying that oikawa is an incredibly skilled and intuitive player (something that hinata’s acknowledgment of him as the “great king” to kageyama’s “king” immediately sets out) but oikawa himself is acutely aware of the fact that he can never quite measure up to his long-time rival ushijima or his immensely talented protege kageyama. oikawa’s self described strategy to deal with opponents is to: 
“Hit it until it breaks” 
but what happens when hitting something again and again with your carefully honed, “polished” skills yields no results? imo there’s a very clear binary mentality drawn here-- either you hit it and it breaks, asserting your superiority; or you hit it and it doesn’t break, enforcing your inferiority. with each perceived loss against ushijima and kageyama, oikawa’s internalized logic holds his own weakness up to his own face, shaking his faith in himself as a player. if you’ll pardon the on-the-nose-metaphor: the whole “hitting it till it breaks” strategy is a two-way street, and oikawa has been hitting himself, metaphorically speaking, for a very long time. i have no doubt that he loved volleyball, passionately, through middle and high school. but with his inferiority complex growing in the face of constantly refuted results, i think he slowly began to like it less and less. 
so how does oikawa get his groove back? to answer that, we’ll have to turn to the post-timeskip chapters, particularly the two chapters that deal with oikawa and hinata’s unexpected meeting in Rio (372 and 373 for anyone curious!). while reminiscing with hinata over dinner, oikawa finally reveals the event that made him want to play volleyball (as a setter, to be exact)-- as a child, he watched veteran setter jose blanco step into a game and
“... inconspicuously help[ed] the ace get his bearings again... and then simply left the court.” 
oikawa’s reaction to blanco’s playstyle might just be one of my favourite panels in the chapter for how it conveys so much with such little space: 
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the stammer of “i-i--”, which suggests a sense of resolve and determination forming in real time, finally coalesces into the determined declaration of “i wanna be a setter too!” what i took from this is that oikawa’s admiration for-- and liking of-- blanco expresses itself in the agency with which he makes his choice, in this case, actively deciding to be a setter so that he can support players on the court like blanco did. the liking that oikawa has here is therefore inherently linked to the agency and freedom he feels here-- freedom to choose his position, and how he wants his volleyball career to develop. 
this recollection of his childhood memories, and the subsequent game of beach volleyball that oikawa and hinata play afterwards, essentially push oikawa back into the mental and physical space of a child or beginner, as the manga demonstrates with panels of oikawa being forced to ditch his usual carefully developed, polished playstyle to learn the ropes of beach volleyball: 
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ultimately concluding with the beautiful panel transition of oikawa, as a child AND adult, celebrating after a successful play: 
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“It reminds me that-- I forgot that-- volleyball is fun.”
in a different country, playing a familiar game by slightly different rules and led back into the mentality and freedom of a novice after years of careful development, oikawa rediscovers his liking for the game. 
2. kageyama: “when you get strong, someone stronger will rise to meet you” 
moving on to the king of the court himself!! i’d argue that kageyama’s childhood memories and experiences of volleyball function almost oppositely to oikawa’s-- while oikawa has to re-access the sensation of being a beginner again to like the game along with loving it, kageyama’s process of coming to like and love volleyball come from moving away from his early experiences and into a new phase of playing-- specifically, his partnership with hinata. 
one of kageyama’s defining features is his individualism-- he’s both skilled and solitary enough to prefer to, as he puts it, “play every single position on the court”. notably, he wants to become a setter because: 
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“[it’s] the one that touches the ball the most.”
in fact, i’d argue that kageyama’s “king of the court” attitude that he was known for in middle school is an extension of this individualistic mindset: he holds himself to extremely high standards, and expects his team-mates (as extensions of himself) to meet those very same standards. the similarities between his internal monologue and his commands to kindaichi in these two panels, for example, are strikingly, visibly similar: 
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there’s that near-identical intonation of “move faster, jump higher!” that implies that the way he treats his teammates is just an extension of how he treats himself-- a deeply self-critical, miserable way, as it turns out. it’s telling that for the first few chapters of a manga in which characters’ eyes literally light up when they’re happy, passionate or excited, kageyama’s eyes are drawn as pitch black, even while he’s playing. 
imo the reason why hinata’s appearance, and their later partnership, is so significant for kageyama’s personal development is because he can’t treat hinata like an extension of himself. hinata challenges him and his preconcieved notions of the sport at every turn: first with his lightning-fast reflexes and raw intuition, and then with his determination to hit kageyama’s toss no matter what. in fact, the first time that kageyama’s eyes light up in the manga is, you guessed it, when he and hinata first pull off a successful “freak quick”: 
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during the post-timeskip chapters we’re introduced to kageyama’s backstory in much greater detail: the way in which his grandfather fostered his passion for volleyball and the timing with which his grandfather’s illness and later death left kageyama increasingly alienated, thus further enforcing his individualist mentality. but what the chapter also gave us was an explicit confirmation of a theme that had been built up from the very beginning of the story, when kageyama’s grandfather tells him: 
“when you get really strong, i promise someone stronger will rise to meet you”
i’ve seen translations of the line that use both “meet” and “challenge”, and personally i’d have to say that i prefer “challenge” for what it implies-- even before hinata got strong enough to actually meet kageyama halfway he challenged him to move away from his pre-established mindset of doing everything himself, and into one where he actually comes to enjoy-- and like-- volleyball. 
3. hirugami: “maybe you’ve just had your fill”
hirugami’s case is kind of a strange one-- unlike oikawa and kageyama he’s not a major character, and his relationship with volleyball only gets a single backstory chapter as opposed to a series-long arc. but i personally ADORE his mini-arc for the things it has to say about burnout, passion and moving on. 
hirugami is introduced as the youngest member of a volleyball family-- his parents, older brother and older sister all play the sport. when explaining how he began to play himself, hirugami says: 
“... naturally, i started to play too. because i was good at it, and it was fun.” 
imo there are a lot of really interesting things to pick apart with this phrasing: the “naturally” implies a foregone conclusion but also a degree of passivity, like he himself recognises that he was swept up in his family’s influence. the “it was fun” coming AFTER “because i was good for it” also implies a degree of correlation, as though if he didn’t have the aptitude, he wouldn’t enjoy the game (a mindset markedly different to both oikawa and kageyama). as hirugami gets older, this correlation of being good ----> having fun ----> being able to play begins to reverse, and therefore manifest in increasingly self destructive ways: 
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the main impetus for hirugami has now become not wanting to lose, which therefore requires a degree of heightened practise and self discipline in order to achieve. notably, having fun has been reduced to an afterthought, a state that might be achieved if he wins. 
the correlation of “winning” and “being good” is a slipperly slope to go down, though, something that becomes especially apparent after hirugami’s team lose a game. the frustration of being unable to reach his goal of winning manifests itself as not being “good enough”-- acting on this, hirugami seeks to punish himself for “messing up”: 
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the close up panel of hirugami’s “confession” after hoshiumi confronts him hits particularly hard because it taps into a feeling that i’m sure almost all of us have felt at one point or another-- the realisation that something you once both loved AND liked is now only bringing you misery: 
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ironically, it’s actually this acknowledgement of “not really liking volleyball that much” that acts as a catalyst for hirugami’s recovery from burnout. hoshiumi’s acknowledgement of, and reply to, hirugami’s state is seemingly simple but deeply freeing: 
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and honestly, why not just quit? there’s nothing tethering hirugami to volleyball, certainly nothing as serious as life or death. personally my favourite part of this panel is hoshiumi’s description of volleyball as food from which hoshiumi has “eaten his fill”-- a lovely metaphor that re-contextualizes what could be seen as “time wasted” into something productive and indeed nourishing. 
when we check up on hirugami post time-skip, we find out that he has indeed quit playing volleyball in favour of going to veterinary school, but he’s seen watching the game between the jackals and adlers on his phone with an eager, fond smile on his face, implying that it was the act of moving away from the table (so to speak) after eating his fill that let him still hold on to a love and passion for the game, even though he is now interacting with it as a spectator instead of a player. and indeed that might just be why i love hirugami’s arc so much-- with it, haikyuu tells us that sometimes passion’s don’t need to be re-ignited in the same way. while oikawa and kageyama rediscover their love for, and liking of, the game through a return to childhood and the arrival of a new partner respectively, hirugami’s journey away from burnout comes from recognizing that he can step away from the volleyball court, and that the love and like will still remain. 
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
Haikyuu boys have a sleepover !! :)
w/ Karasuno, Fukurodani, and Nekoma
Warning: it is utter and absolute CHAOS
Part 2
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It was Daichi and Suga’s idea of “team bonding” which it definitely is because sleeping with the boys is a whole other level of bromance
They decided to have the sleepover at Narita’s house
Tanaka and Noya offered to bring the food but when everyone arrived, they found out “food” meant 6 bags of hot cheetos and 2 bottles of rootbear
So it was up to second mom Ennoshita to order some pizza
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi arrived late because it took Yamaguchi 20 whole minutes to drag Tsukki out of his house
Oh ya he has dinosaur pjs and Hinata and Tanaka are snickering about it
This leads to Tsukki throwing a pillow at Hinata’s head and you know what that means
An extremely EXTREMELY chaotic battle of the pillows ensues
Kageyama is setting the pillow to Hinata and he spikes it down onto the face of an angry Daichi
oh lord
All hell breaks loose
Tanaka has managed to collect half the pillows onto his side and winds his arm to fire them as fast as a machine gun
The poor victim was Kinoshita and both Ennoshita and Narita are trying to revive their dead friend
The pizza man arrives and Asahi goes to open the door
Ofc Asahi hasnt done his hair and the poor baby looked like that one episode before the Tokyo training camp where he scared everybody and the pizza man runs away screaming without even taking the money
Asahi is now half crying over this
So now they’re left with 4 boxes of unpaid pizza and a messed up home
Narita is dead now. His parents are gonna kill him
Each person retrieved their slice of pizza happily and it’s about to be a normal family dinner when...
“Kageyama, it’s not fair that you got a bigger slice! You’re already fat enough!”
Kageyama tackles hinata
Suga tries to separate them n gets tangled in their mess
Daichi tries to save him to no avail
Let the wrestling match begin!
It’s safe to say no one is getting much sleep tonight
Bonus: Kiyoko arrived the next morning to see how things were and found them sprawled across different furniture passed out
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Bokuto just wanted a night with the boys so he invited his team over
Because what can go wrong... right?
We’ll see about that
Okay so Bokuto wanted his friends to be comfy and right at home so he prepares the drinks and everything
Except, they happen to contain just a wee bit of alcohol (Bokuto didn’t know!!)
So Fukurōdani is downing their drinks while catching up with one another because they’re so civil n adorable we love it
15 minutes pass maybe? And bokuto is beet red
Akaashi is face first onto the floor and Konoha is crying about something
Washio is trying comfort him while almost being half asleep
Now, C H A O S
Bokuto is jumping up and down on the tables while singing “last Friday night” by Katy Perry
Akaashi, trying to maintain his composed demeanor, is trying to get Bokuto off the table while wobbling back and forth
“I. AM. THE. JACK-OF-ALL-TRADESS!!! BOW DOWN TO ME” Konoha is out of it. He hates that nickname and for him to use it? Whew, he’s done for
“GUYS, ITS NEKOMA! WE NEED TO GET IN FORMAANAOSNTJON” bokuto screams while pointing at a picture of him and Kuroo
The boys shoot up at their captain’s calling and wobbly make their way into some deformed shape in Bokuto’s living room
They run themselves ragged spiking at the air and jumping to block pictures on Bo’s walls
Bokuto jumps off the table to spike and lands on Akaashi which causes a domino effect and now the team has crash landed
Needless to say, they’re never touching alcohol again
But unlike Karasuno, they get a LOT of sleep
Bonus: Bokuto wakes up in Akaashi’s arms and the team takes then taking photos
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They’ve been trying to plan one for months but no one’s schedules lined up so when they found out they had this one night off, you bet your ass they were gonna take it
So ofc they already knew what they wanted to do and Kuroo was assigned as entertainment because he’s big boss Kuroo ofc and guess what he chose
No, you did not guess it
He chose a Ouija board
And what better time than on a stormy night
This mf has been planning a get together with his team so he could scare the living shit out of them just for laughs
So it’s 3am which is witching hour and the team is situated in Kuroo’s living room surrounding this tiny board when they hear a creak in the floorboards
Lev is immediately trying to hide behind Yaku to which the libero pushed him off and scolded him for being a p*ssy
Yeah so now they’re in the mood for a good scare and Kuroo is trying to summon a spirit and they ask
“Are you a good spirit?”
Their hands simultaneously move to the “no”
Yamamoto is shaking at this point about how he’s going to die before getting a girlfriend
Inuoka is trying to laugh it off to calm down his friend but god forbid the lights go off or the whole team would be shaking in their boots
Kenma suggests they ask it another question, now intrigued
“Are you here to harm us?”
Their hands move towards m a y b e
Yamamoto shrieks in fear and let’s go of the arrow and now Kuroo is shrieking because they haven’t said goodbye to the spirit yet which means it’s gonna haunt them
So now they’re panicking and running around the room to which lev accidentally punctures a hole in the floor with his foot
The lights start to flicker and the boys are contemplating calling 911 but Yamamoto exclaims that they need the ghostbusters
They hear a subtle whoosh and everyone is cowering and arming themselves with “weapons” which happens to be a lamp, pencil, and charging cord
Yaku starts to yell at Kuroo for choosing to mess around with a ouija board and Kai is patting Yaku on the back in hopes of calming him down
Now they’re staying up all night coming up with a battle plan to fight a supernatural being and ofc no one has any clues because NO ONE HAS EXPERIENCE WITH GHOSTS
They literally sat huddling in a corner for 4 hours until the sun came up and Kenma went around the house to find out that
1. The floor board was old as hell which is why it was creaking and was so easy for lev to break through
2. The light bulb happened to alr be dying but flickered at the most inconvenient moment
3. And the whooshing sound was literally the wind from an open window
Bonus: the team forces Kuroo to treat them to breakfast for ruining their supposed “best night of our lives”
@janellion @darkdinosaurpeanut @herakosmos @personality-still-downloading @myhaikyuuhq
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hello dear anon! thank you for the request and for loving out first date headcanons! I’m really glad you enjoyed it, it’s one of my favourites. :) we apologise that this took so long, it was quite difficult to write because I had to do my research for the date spots but I hope this turned out alright. I hope you enjoy :)
- mod sunny.
first date with iwaizumi & sugawara
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Sakusa Kiyoomi: Home Date
He would ask you out for a date at his house, thinking it would be the best possible spot – no outside germs or crowds
To his house?? On the first date?! You would be flustered at first but later realise the reason behind the date location and mentally punch yourself for having such impure thoughts
When you go over to his house, you would make sure to bring a small gift (after making sure to sanitise the surface of it ofc)
Once inside, you would ask for directions to the washroom to wash your hands where you would realise that he keeps his things very tidy
You both would then settle down at the living room and decide to play board games, where the two of you would just chill and have fun together instead of making it more competitive
A few games later, you two would then cook up something to go with the movie you rented
You would make sure to tell Sakusa that you had already sanitised the cover and disc before bringing it over, and he would mutter softly about how he trusts you about this since you two have an understanding for hygiene
You would both move to his room for the movie, seated closely next to each other, but not yet touching; it would be slightly unnerving – both your hearts would be beating loudly against your chests despite it not being the least bit intimate
By the time the movie came to an end, you two would have only remembered half the movie as you were both too conscious of the proximity between the two of you and the fact you were in his room
Before leaving, the two of you would clean up the spot you were both seating and he would offer to send you home but would take detours in order to spend more time together
To be honest, he wouldn’t want to separate from you, but he would not say it out loud since he wouldn’t want to be seen as selfish
Strolling in the park, the two of you would exchange some conversations and share comfortable silence, just enjoying both of your presences
He would probably be okay with your touches as he’s comfortable with you since your habits of staying clean helps too, but still not very likely to extend to kisses or hugs during the first date
“Be careful on your way back.” He would say quietly when you two arrive in front of the station and wave you goodbye before you leave.
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Oikawa Tooru: Disneyland Date
He would pick you up early from your home, so he gets to spend more time with you during the travel from Miyagi to Tokyo
“You know, there’s a myth about going to Disneyland for the first date…” You would bring up nonchalantly on the train ride to the amusement park, referring to the legend that couples who go to Tokyo Disneyland for the first date would be destined to break up
Ah… Of course, Y/N-chan would have heard of such myths too… Bearing a troubled smile, he would respond, “Mm. I know of that too. Y/N-chan, do believe in it? I don’t.”
“Apparently, if the couple share a kiss within the park, their relationship will last longer… that’s what they say too. What contradictions, I wouldn’t believe such things.”
“Y/N-chan…” He would look at you with tears in his eyes, touched. Did you want to kiss- He would then knock himself out of it, “That’s right! I can’t believe people actually believed in that. Let’s have a great time, the both of us.” He would flash a charming smile at you
During the long ride – from Miyagi to Tokyo and to Disneyland – the two of you would nap on the train with your head lying on his shoulder and his on yours
Upon arrival, Oikawa would be making loud excitable enthusiastic noises while you would be equally excited despite not reacting as openly as he would
After purchasing tickets, Oikawa would pull you along to the gift shop by the entrance to procure adorable matching headbands and trinkets and would snap a selfie of the two of you wearing it – it’s something he had always wanted to do
Checking the lines at the attractions, you two would go to the popular attractions with lines that would never seem to die down first – according to both your intensive research
During the rides, the two of you would be seated close while enjoying the rides or grabbing on to each other for dear life
Afterwards, you two would grab some snacks, where Oikawa would be taking a lot of selfies and pictures of the food, before heading for the afternoon shows and parade
Throughout the date, there would be a lot of natural physical touches, sitting close together on the rides, hitting him on his arms when he does stupid things that made you laugh, and holding hands to make sure the both of you do not get lost in the crowd
While waiting for the rides, there would always be something to talk about – the pictures and videos that the both of you took, discussing about the rides etc.
Right around sunset, the both of you would try canoes for a cruise ride. The view would be stunning, but Oikawa would be staring at you the entire time and trying to sneak a picture
For dinner, you two would have it at the banquet hall while discussing the long day and how you guys would be so tired you can sleep immediately after reaching home
Although he doesn’t believe in myths, he would still be quite wary of it, so during the night fireworks, he would call you softly and lean in for a kiss in front of the Cinderella’s castle
Perhaps sleeping immediately from the fatigue of the long day is no longer an option now as the you would probably be too red in the face from thinking about the kiss to sleep.
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Kageyama Tobio: Aquarium Date
After his thorough research and advices that he received from his upperclassmen (mainly Sugawara), he would decide to invite you to the aquarium at Sendai
He would be rather nervous in the beginning, wondering if he prepared everything necessary but would also be excited about seeing the aquatic creatures
At the aquarium, the two of you would be fascinated by the school of fishes swimming in groups, the stingrays, rockfishes and others, which would mean many photographs and videos taken by the both of you
He would not be able to hide his enthusiasm – in an animated way, with lots of ‘wow’ and ‘woah’ from him, he would be openly captivated by the fishes that did not seem to dislike him despite how close his face was to the tank
Kageyama would slowly start to loosen up and relax throughout the date, except when you would unexpectedly grab on his hand of course
Physical contact would be rather natural with you leading it e.g. grabbing his arm to bring him to the next exhibit – his heart would beat unnaturally fast when you do and he’d lose focus of the sea creatures
He would realise that he seemed to be having the most fun and would find it embarrassing that he lost control of his enthusiasm; but when he sees you having fun observing the fishes, he would be relieved and forget about the fishes for a moment while watching you – he’d then snap out of it and tell himself to stay cool in your presence
You two would make small conversations when walking to the other tanks and discussing about the animals – how some fishes look dramatic and scary, cute and small – comparing the fishes to some of his teammates
“This fish looks like Tsukishima, looks like it has a scowl on its face.” Kageyama would compare, watching it closely with his face almost touching the glass, eyes squinting. You would try to suppress your laughter at his antics but would agree with him
A machine that can project your colouring of sea creature on a screen next to it would pique the interest of both of you, hence would try it out without a second thought
The two of you would be so amazed after watching your very own sea creature creations swimming in the screen and would proudly take pictures of each of your masterpieces
Up next would be the dolphin show, where the two of you would be so engrossed in the show that you both forget to take videos and you would later mention about how you regret not capturing the moment
After the aquarium, you two would stop by a small family restaurant to have your meal, looking over pictures and videos together while talking about the sea creatures and the date
On another note, Kageyama would now have a selfie of the both of you which would become his phone screensaver from now on.
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Miya Atsumu: Laser Tag Date
The both of you would have agreed on meeting in the late afternoon at the laser tag location
Would then decide to play against one another for the first round, then team up for the next round
He would entice you with a bet where the loser would have to listen to the winner for the rest of the date; your competitive self would not let this opportunity slip
In the first round, you would play lone wolf – while assessing the situation and protecting yourself from the rest of the players, you would try to look for him to shoot him down
He would also play lone wolf instead of forming alliance with others because he knows that’s how you would play and wants it to be a fair fight
He would enjoy seeing you play seriously while having fun but would also want to take you down so you would be at his beck and call for the rest of the date
The two of you would be too focused on taking down each other that when you finally spot him and was about to shoot, someone else eliminated you first
Looking at board, you would see your name being the one who was out, but the next instant, Atsumu’s name would appear just below yours
The two of you would be annoyed, not be able to settle the scores would set the fire in your hearts even hotter
The next round, you and Atsumu would team up as planned and discuss attack and defense strategies. With great chemistry, the two of you would brutally take down the other players smoothly and emerge as the winner at the end
Feeling refreshed, the both of you would go for dinner at somewhere simple. It would be a casual yet refreshing meal, he has quite an appetite so he would order a lot to eat
During the meal, the two of you would enthusiastically discuss moments during the laser tag round where you both won and put off the bet until the next time
“It’s thanks to me that we won, I helped defend your back!” You would claim, but he’d retort, “Nah, it’s my aiming that helped take down our opponents.”
“Okay, end of argument. We make the perfect team – and the perfect couple.” He would conclude smugly, knowing your heart would skip a beat at the last part of his statement
Before the date ends, he would make sure to leave a peck on your cheek. He would then grin smugly as he flirts, “Make sure your lips are ready for mine on our next date.”
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heyy can i request head canons with the haikyuu captains or the karasuno first years with how they would react to a haunted house. just to get in the spirit of halloween :)
heyyy anon!! yes ofc, i love that request :)
i hope you don’t mind but i decided to go with the karasuno first years bc i have a lot of ideas for them. If anyone wants though i can make a part two with the captains :)
alsooooo im sorry if anyone seems ooc, this is just how i think they would react + this is my first headcanon sooo forgive me if it isn’t the best <3
anywhooo, ty for the request, i hope you enjoy !!
•Haunted House w/ the Karasuno 1st Years•
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[art credit : @boonooniee on twitter]
warnings: a few curse words
genre: crack
characters: hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, yamaguchi, and yachi
surprisingly enough, this whole thing was his idea
he just wanted to spend time with his friends 
he had to practically beg everyone to go, half of the group was scared out of their minds and the other half just weren’t interested in the slightest
when everyone finally agreed, he was quite literally jumping for joy
days leading up to it, he would not shut up about it
this boy was beyond excited
“Are you guys excited for the Haunted House? It’s gonna be so much fun!”
he was all smiley and giddy about it until he was standing at the entrance
now he was about to shit himself
“Heh um, who wants to go carve some pumpkins?”
mans had to be dragged in that hoe
he kept trying to tell himself that everything was fine and this would be super fun
then the first jump scare happened, and every ounce of courage in that tiny body was gone
he was clinging onto anyone that was in proximity of him
at some point he got a little bit of courage back and started to threaten to beat up one of the decoration
yeahh that “decoration” was one of the actors
that boy literally screamed and tackled the nearest person poor yams
now tiny yelps could be heard whenever he suspected something was about to pop out at him
at one point he literally started to hold his breath and Kageyama had to smack the back of his head so he would exhale
he finally reached the end after one of the actors chased him all the way to the exit
had to stand there for a minute to catch his breath after he realized the actor went back to their post
on the walk back home he kept talking about how it “wasn’t so bad”
luckily Tsukki had gotten a video of him jumping on Kageyama and knocking him over to remind him just how bad he seemed to think it was
little pouty after he realized that video was sent to the team group chat
he cheered right up when Yachi suggested they go get hot coco though
just no
he did not want to spend his time going to a haunted house
he had volleyball to practice 
which is why, initially, his answer was no
but Hinata would not stop asking him about it and it was making it impossible for him to focus 
he thought that if he agreed he would finally get some peace and quiet
ohh boy, was he wrong
Hinata would now not stop talking about how excited he was
Kags definitely had mixed feeling about all of this
he wasn’t the worst when it came to scary stuff but he’s never actually had to experience anything like a haunted house before
he figured if he could handle scary movie, he could definitely handle this, right?
he was a little nervous once they arrived but he would not let himself get startled so easily
mainly because he didn’t want to freak out the others 10x more and also because Tsukishima would never let him hear the end of it
so he decided he would suck it up and get through this without getting the absolute crap scared out of him
at first things were actually going pretty good, just some gory decorations on display
maybe this would actually be kind of fun
then one of the actors popped out and all hell broke loose
everyone was now terrified well except tsukki, mans got the popcorn out
Kageyama was trying his very best to play it cool but on the inside he was losing his shit
this was definitely so much more terrifying then the movies
Hinata and Yachi’s screams were not helping either 
he tried to mask his fear by yelling at Hinata any chance he got
Tsukishima saw right through that,
“Oh? is the king getting scared?”
yes, yes he was
but Tsukishima did not need to know that
flinched at anything that could potentially pop out at him
got knocked over by Hinata a few times
Yachi had a death grip on this mans arm half the time to be honest he kind of felt less scared with how scared she was so he didn’t mind
ended up using Hinata as a shield a few times
he got to the end after what felt like an eternity
never wanted to do something like that again
Tsukishima unfortunately got most of his unfortunate experience on camera
cue the never ending teasing
Yachi had told him it was okay and asked if he wanted to get hot coco with the rest of them bby is too kind
sir was definitely in the mood for some hot coco after that nightmare
that was his immediate answer
its’s not as if he was scared to go mans knows everything is fake and does not care in the slightest
he just did not find them as entertaining as most people did
and going with the others?
yeah, count him out
but Hinata was determined
Tsukishima was ready to resort to violence when Hinata had bothered him about it for what felt like the millionth time
when he realized that that midget would not shut up until he got the answer he wanted, he finally caved
“Fine. Just shut the hell up, would you?”
Hinata did not shut up
listening to Hinata go on and on was worth it once they got there though
this was one of the most entertaining things he’s seen in a while
everyone was already loosing it before they even got inside
teasing was at the max today yams was the only exception
Hinata was the main target of his laughs
Yachi was runner up but he didn’t really have to try, miss girl was scared of everything tbh he went a little easy on her bc he lowkey felt bad
he even got to poke fun at the king himself
documenting everyone’s misfortune and sending the videos to the gc
purposely walked in front of the group so they’d bump into him and get scared
he and Yamaguchi were the first one to reach the exit so he got to watch everyone run for their lives
now he was really running his mouth
told Hinata he never wanted to do something like that again though
in reality, he had a lot of fun
he surprisingly agreed to get hot coco with them afterwards mainly because he knew the cafe they were going to had strawberry shortcake
oh no
Yamaguchi was definitely not one to willingly participate in things like this
he honestly was about to refuse the offer until he found out Tsukki was going 
he decided it was now or never to get over his fears I’m convinced that if Tsukki jumped off a bridge, Yamaguchi would too
Hinata talking about how excited he was did nothing to calm his nerves
every time it was brought up he would try to change the topic 
he preferred to pretend as if it wasn’t a thing that he was actually involved in
As soon as they arrived, Yams was clinging onto Tsukishima for dear life
he was very grateful that Tsukki didn’t deny his attempts to use him as a human shield
It didn’t start off too bad
sure there was a few props that were uncomfortable to look at but for the most part he thought he could actually get through this pretty easily
he had even loosed his grip on Tsukki’s arm a little bit
then things started popping out at him
sir did not sign up for all of this
he was right back to cutting off the circulation in Tsukishima’s arm
Yamaguchi wasn’t the type of person to scream when he got scared 
he preferred to shut his eyes as tight as he could and repeat that he was okay over and over again in his head
if he wasn’t so terrified he would probably be laughing right along with Tsukishima 
but at the moment all he was focused on was getting the heck out of that place
funny enough, he didn’t even notice that they had reached the end until Tsukki told him he could open his eyes
poor baby was pretty much on the brink of tears after all of that
Hinata apologized profusely as Kageyama scolded him 
he felt much better later, laughing at all the videos Tsukishima took with some hot coco in his system 
poor girl 
when Hinata suggested going to a haunted house she felt her heart drop to her stomach
she agreed none the less though, figuring that it would make Hinata sad if she refused seeing how excited he was
leading up to it, she was still scared out of her mind but some of Hinata’s excitement had surprisingly rubbed off on her
maybe she could get through this
her mind changed when they actually arrived
nope nope nope nope nope nope
definitely could not get through this
she was furiously nodding at Hinata’s offer to get the heck out of there  but that idea had been shut down 
she tried to gravitate towards Tsukishima, since she figured that he was big and he could be a shield or something of that sort
she ended up taking off in the other direction once he began telling her about all the scary stuff that was inside he was just teasing but poor baby definitely did not sense the sarcasm
she opted to clinging to Kageyama since sticking around Hinata and Yamaguchi just made her more nervous
“Kageyama-kun, am I going to die in there”
once they got inside she calmed down a little bit
the decorations at the beginning were mostly just bloody props and Kageyama kept hitting them to show her they weren’t real we love big brother Kags
it was probably just a coincidence that every prop he hit ended up smacking Hinata in the head
then the jump scares begun and Yachi was just about ready to faint
miss girl was just babbling nonsense, trying to distract herself from how terrified she was
every single jumpscare she would let out a squeal and shut her eyes
she ended up bumping into Tsukishima a few times which just made her even more terrified I mean, mans is huge and it’s dark what do you expect 
almost got lost
she had run in the opposite direction and Yamaguchi thought one of the actors kidnapped her
Hinata started flipping out
Kageyama just started yelling at him
Tsukishima ended up spotting her running back to the group after getting chased back by one of the actors
someone was now in front and behind her at all times
by the end of it Yachi was on the cusp of needing medical attention 
she suggested getting some hot coco once she calmed down mainly just to get her mind off of everything she just had to experience
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ghostmeep · 5 years
Aaaaaaaaa okay another quick [I apparently don’t understand the meaning of quick] commentary post about chapter 367, this time with screenshots, because there is s o much to unpack he r e [I though I was done, but haHA guESS NoT]
Spoilesrsrs ahea d [this is just me gushing over Furudate and Kageyama [with a bit of Yama, Tsukki, and Suga] and how i am kinda okay with the reason Karasuno lost because it makes sense to me, and just more gushing in general awoeinaowien] 
First, that colour sprea  d 
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Beautiful as always, but ju s t damn can I take a moment to appreciate it fully? 
The quote at the top too. It’s basically saying the same thing as the chapter title (’our spring is over’) but it’s less final than the chapter title. Saying it this way, at the start of the chapter, when the chapter title isn’t known yet - it still gives the sense of hope. ‘This same spring will never come again’ so we gotta win now because it won’t come again it’s just another motivation for them to WIN. Coupled with the image itself? With everyone (minus Hinata) pushing forward full with determination????? YoU ARE STILL ANTICIPATING KARASUNO TO WIN
And okay, just a small insert here - because you all should be warned that Kageyama is favourite and I’m 100000% biased in everything I say because of it.
BuT KageyaMA IN fRonT. I have to admit, my biased self was really kinda hoping for Kageyama to lead Karasuno to victory. THoUGh ofc that isn’t what Haikyuu!! Is about - you don’t just win (or lose) because of one person. but because of how reliable he seemed ALL thROuGHoUT nationals and during ch 366 esp, i was really kinda hoping Karasuno would win because Kageyama would be able to fully draw out ALL of his spikers’ potential (as he has been striving to be able to do) [though I think he still got close!!!! With his teamwork with Tsukishima making leaps and bounds, and being able to send a quick to Yamaguchi as soon as he stepped on the court] 
BuT ANYWAYS I digress [from what? dunno, there really isn’t a point to this post]
Oh wait, actually one more gush about Kageyama
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CAn we talk about how smooTHLY Yamaguchi stepped onto the court????????????? BABY CROW IS ALL GROWN UP He’s officially over the intimidation of stepping onto the court - even when now it was more than just to serve!! So much so that it wasn’t highlighted at all!! SO PROUD!!! Can you imagine just how much more he’ll be able to grow in the comings years??? [Though now I suppose we don’t have to imagine aowienaowien we’ll get to see it in canon]
Ah also, I said this in my previous post, but since that post was 100% a mess since it was just me word vomiting onto tumblr [not that this is that much different--] I want to say again, that even though I am biased to Kageyama, and I wanted him to be able to bring Karasuno to victory, I understand why he couldn’t [besides the fact that no one person can do it alone moral] 
But Kageyama’s jump serve is still, give or take, less than a year old 
It’s been in the making for less than a year, it’s not at its peak yet. The fact that he was able to make national veterans like Kamomedai struggle as much as he did is amazing. 
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They weren’t aiming for a perfect receive off of Kageyama’s serve. Nozawa, who is a third year in this powerhouse school - who has probably had plenty of practice receiving powerful serves - was just aiming to ‘get a hand on it’ 
But, Nozawa is a third year in a powerhouse school with plenty of experience. He was able to ‘get a hand on’ Kageyama’s still developing serve. So it makes sense that Kageyama’s serve wasn’t enough to give Karasuno the win
ANd it makes sense why Karasuno lost
I would have been slightly upset if Karasuno lost just because Hinata wasn’t able to play, but I don’t think that is what Furudate-sensei was trying to show us. 
It wasn’t even just the fact that Tsukishima got a muscle strain and had to be pulled from the match either.
It’s been said again and again in canon, actually. It’s the same as Kageyama’s serve - Karasuno, in general, are still developing. Yes, the fact that they are always changing and coming up with new things helped them get this far, but it’s also true that because almost all of their new attacks that have been getting them points - are still not perfected yet. 
Karasuno is still new, half their starters are 1st years, and all of that, paired with the fact that they just got a really bad break with the line up (facing a the second seeded school, then the next day facing with their rivaled school in a long rally heavy match, then facing Kamomedai on the same day?? OOF) All of that is the reason Karasuno lost. It wasn’t just because Hinata was taken out.
I FULLY expect Kageyama giving Tsukishima setting tipS
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Because it’s true that the setter isn’t the only one who sets the ball, it can’t always return to the setter perfectly after all. I WANT KAGEYAMA TO GIVE TSUKISHIMA SETTING TIPS AWOIEANWOEIN
Not that Tsukishima isn’t doing an amazing job without them [seTTING IS DIFFICULT] but still
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Tsukishima PLEASE
You really are just like Hinata. You really can’t deny it at this point aowienAOIWENAWE
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I mean seriously, loOK AT THAT FACE
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Anddddddddddd Suga-san being as cool as always awoienaowien
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It hurts, because he is correct. In this situation Yamaguchi was 100% the right choice [too bad it ended before Yamaguchi could really shine] 
And it hurts, because Suga won’t regret his words here even with their loss.
Speaking of their loss;;;;;;;;
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Everyone’s expressions awoeinaowiena and the third years, being the main focus, because this title is about them, it’s all of Karasuno’s ended spring, but it was their lAST spring. 
But look at their faces.
I really appreciate Furudate-sensei’s choice here. They aren’t gritting their teeth or expressing frustration or sadness in any way [yet] Because of their stoic expressions, it really drives it all home. Our Spring is Over. Just a fact being stated. It’s just....so final.
I’ve seen some people hope that there is a foul that will be called next chapter, but I can’t see that happening. The only foul that would help Karasuno right now is if Hoshiumi hit the net, but there is no indication that he was even close to doing so, and it would feellllllll kinda cheap to take away the finality in this chapter like that. 
So, Karasuno’s spring is over. 
But I have to admit, as much as this is painful, and as much as I’ve been obsessed over this loss for days now, I am still excited for what is to come????
I want to see the third years expressing that they’ve had no regrets with their team. That they are proud of their underclassmen and looking forward to what they’ll do next year
I want to see everyone seeing the third years off during graduation.
I want to see Ennoshita being CAPTAIN
I want to see the current first years being SENPAI 
like can you imagine Kageyama walking on eggshells around them at first because lets face it he was not the kindest senpai in middle school anD HE’S CHANGED AND HE WANTS TO TRY AND DO BETTER [but then Hinata does something stupid and he ends up yelling in front of them anyways] BuT new first years still SUPER impressed with Kageyama’s toss aoweinOAWIEAWE I WANT a baby setter to go up to Kageyama and ask him for help and tiPS and Kageyama giViNG them in his dumb clumsy way 
I want Tsukishima to act cold and cruel but the first years still being impressed with him and he just doesn’t know how to compute. He’s not used to anyone but Yamaguchi being so impressed with him. 
HinATA would just be like Tanaka and Noya probably awoeinaoWENAWe but it would be so cute because he would still completely get all excited and call Tanaka and Noya senpai all the time when he’s impressed with them s o aoweinawei 
I want Yamaguchi to get all the lo v e he desERVES and a baby new first year to go up to him and say ‘i was never really good at volleyball and was never a regular but i saw you play as the pitch server and i got inspired thinking maybe i can do that too’
ANd I know that we won’t be getting all [or even any] of that but i’m still hyped alright aoweinaowen
But seriously, I want to see what kind of first years Karasuno will get [and mmaYBE hoPEfuLLY it’ll be a decent amount? Not like ten because fact of the matter is is that they DIDN’T win, but three or so would be cool.] 
I want to see Karasuno FINALLY getting the gold that they deserve after seeing this loss that they had to face. 
I would even want to see the current first years be third years, if Furudate-sensei takes us that far. JuSttttttttt sooo many opportunities from here on out??? 
Basically, i’m just 100% stuck in volleyball hell.
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