#because i'm perfectly pleasant and fine to be around so people like me okay.
truthsinwhispers · 1 year
#85-90% of my friendships throughout my entire life were fake.#because i'm perfectly pleasant and fine to be around so people like me okay.#until i'm just a little too weird. until i'm just a little too offputting. until i feel just a little too hard.#until i fail to connect with someone in a “normal” way.#but i'm so nice and so hopeful and so trusting and so naive you'd feel so bad saying to my face you don't want me around.#so you ignore me and give me the false promises of “oh i'll see you again sometime we'll make plans!” and we both know it's a fucking lie.#if you knew my insecurities about you tore me apart you'd feel so bad. because i'm so nice and so pleasant#but that's all i'm fucking good for. i'm just pleasant and nice. i'm so pleasant and nice. and you don't have to care about me too much.#because i'm all whimsical and smiley and i like to giggle and talk your ear off but i can't connect with you. i can't connect with you. i ca#n't connect with you.#and then i lose the people who genuinely care about me to time. i want to throw up.#i'm so likeable. but i'm not loveable. i'm so nice and so pleasant.#i say nice things and give you compliments but when my whimsy borders on Too Much it's not okay anymore.#i break the rules of social norms and then you realize oh i'm really weird and my brain is weird so then you just kinda put me away.#like a toy. i'm everyone's favorite plaything until they outgrow me.#i'm sick of being outgrown because i refuse to let my sense of whimsy and simplicity of happiness die again.#i'm so nice and pleasant.
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lustspren · 9 months
Cool With You ft Danielle.
length: 12.8k words✦
Danielle & Male Reader
genres: cheesy/bit cringe lmao (i’m so sorry, it was necessary for the plot, I promise), fluffy, oral sex, hard sex, facetime sex, creampie, blowjob, anal
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"Girls, I think you should at least play the game if we're going to do this," Hanni said, sitting on the couch, "I mean, Riot hired us for this, and I think it would be appropriate."
Danielle immediately turned to look at Hanni, not wanting to say anything yet as she was turning the idea over in her head. Being from Australia she never grew up with that game, but she knew perfectly well that there in Korea it was a national phenomenon, and that they even had their own exclusive server. Part of this reputation around the video game was due to Faker, a player that anyone under 30 years old knew either by name or by sight. She wasn't exactly a fan of multiplayer video games, or even video games in general since she was an outdoors girl, so she kept quiet at first.
"And where are we supposed to do that?" Minji asked, eating some Pringles, "there are only two computers at home."
"Oh come on, we can ask for three more!" Hanni exclaimed, "I think we deserve it, don't we?"
"Well, I'll see what I can do," Minji sighed, and then looked at the others, "are you all in?"
"I wouldn't mind," Kitten said, shrugging.
"Yeah! It'll be fun!" Big Baby agreed, "what do you say, Dani?" They all looked at her.
"Ugh, do I really have to?" Danielle asked, not very attracted to the idea but not completely against it either. She liked spending time with her unnies, no matter what way.
"Oh come on! Pleeeaaaase!" Hanni pleaded with her hands clasped in request, "I promise you'll like it!" Dani made a small silence, looking at all of them.
"My god, fine!" she finally accepted, "but I demand your patience with me, okay? I can count on one hand the number of times I have touched a computer in my life."
"Yaaaaay!" Hanni clapped excitedly, "don't worry, it's very easy!"
4 days later. NewJeans girls already recorded Gods.
"Alright girls, I'll go to the top lane," Hanni said in front of the computer. All the others were sitting on their own, one next to the other, "Minji, you should go jungle, it's a selfish and arrogant role, just like you!"
"Then it's perfect, yes," Minji nodded.
"Big Baby, you go to the mid lane, there are champions that could be a lot of fun for you, and you would be a fundamental piece," Hanni told her, and she nodded.
"As for you two," Hanni looked at Dani and Kitten, "you are literally the perfect duo, I don't really know who should go ADC or who should go support, discuss it between yourselves."
"Well, support sounds like the easiest," Dani said, looking at Kitten, who always seemed indifferent to anything.
"Does that mean I'm in charge?" she asked, looking at the screen.
"I don't want to be, so yeah," Dani shrugged, and at that moment Hanni hit the find match button.
As was common for people new to League of Legends, Dani was completely overwhelmed and stressed by the huge amount of things that the game's tutorial never explains to you. Lots of different champions, runes, objectives, farming, crucial areas of the map, etc. Her head was hurting, but after a few games she started to feel more comfortable with her role, and she was especially prone to playing Leona.
At first, Dani only accepted the proposal because she did not like to contradict and argue over something like that. In fact, she considered Hanni's idea somewhat unnecessary and would not be at all transcendental in her life. But the unthinkable happened for her. She began to enjoy the game, and even played it during her free time. She usually always did it with Kitten, but many times she also did it alone. The most attractive thing for her was the anonymity that the game provided her, there no one treated her differently because of who she was, many insulted her, others treated her disrespectfully, and despite not being pleasant, she liked that, it was like a way to put her feet on the ground while having fun.
Months had passed since they recorded Gods, and the group continued on their journey of activities here and there, always busy and always in the public eye, but Dani never stopped playing, she even dedicated herself to watching the start of the Worlds, and especially rooting for T1 and the Korean teams.
When the final phase of the Worlds was approaching and the girls were preparing for their stage during the opening ceremony, they were informed that the day before there would be an event where celebrities and fans were going to be able to have a kind of meet & greet with fun activities involved. It was explained to them that one of the activities consisted of playing games with mixed teams of celebrities and idols, and they all immediately accepted the idea.
You almost lost your shit when you got that damn email. You were jumping around like an idiot all over your room, dancing to the rhythm of a goofy ass techno song that just happened to be playing on your Spotify. You had won the fucking sweepstake to play in the celebrity matches, and there was no way you were going to take it in at that moment.
When your euphoria passed you sat down in your desk chair and sank into the seat as you stared at the email open on the screen, turning it over and over in your head since you still couldn't believe it. The list of celebrities was quite extensive, and it wasn't just Korean artists, there were also Western artists like Tobi Lou or Cal Scruby, but you only had one group in your mind, NewJeans, and you couldn't do anything but hope for play with any of them.
The big day finally arrived, and you were thankful that your T1 jersey with Gumayusi's name on it arrived just in time. You checked your appearance in the bathroom mirror, not wanting to get too meticulous so as not to go to the event with worries on your mind. Being a casual perfume enjoyer you had a few options to choose from, but you opted for something mild, Ralph Lauren's Polo Blue, always good for any time of year and always useful for conveying good vibes. Once you were ready, you left the house.
The excitement and nerves made you arrive at the place much earlier than planned, but luckily you were able to take advantage of this. You walked around the arena calmly, admiring each cosplay and asking for photos with all your favorites. You also visited every possible stand, buying merch from several of these and putting it in your backpack.
When the time came, you immediately went to the place indicated in the email for the sweepstake winners, a large room that served as a waiting room near the stage. Upon checking in you were bombarded with a series of rules that were more than expected, no touching unless prompted by the celebrity, no request for personal contact and the sort of things you might expect at an event of that nature. They told all the winners that you would be called by your summoner names when it was your time to play, and that they would be alternating between celebrity and winner. They also told you that you were all going to play the roles you signed up for, so they gave you a bracelet that said 'ADC'. Finally, the two representatives told you to have a good time and left you all alone in the room.
All names were being called, and your excitement only grew inside you as you realized that your NewJeans bias hadn't been called yet. Last game, and you already knew that by discard you were going to play against, or with Danielle. Minji and Hanni had already been called previously, so you already knew who was going to be there.
The teams began to organize, and you considered yourself the luckiest guy in the world when you realized that Danielle was going to be your support. They took you to the stage, and there she was, as radiant and spectacular as always. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, a short skirt of the same color, and high platform leather boots. Her beautiful curly hair with two adorable pigtails on the back of her head. When you approached her a big smile formed on her face, and you were immediately stunned by her beauty.
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"Hi! I'm Danielle," she introduced herself, extending a hand to you, you shook it, and you both bowed, "you must be… Recon, right?"
"Yup," you nodded with a smile, "oh god, it's a great pleasure to meet you, seriously, I admire you guys a lot."
"Awww, thank you very much!" She bowed again, "Let's have fun, okay?"
"Sure!" At that moment you were told to sit down, and you were in champion selection in a matter of seconds, "Alright, what kind of supports do you like to play?" you asked, nervous as shit since there were lots of people watching you.
"Well, I always play Leona, that doesn't vary much," she told you over the discord voice channel.
"Alright, you like engage supports from what I see," you said, banning Morgana since she was her main counter, "I'll play Samira, okay? She's the best complement for Leona."
"Whatever you say, you're the expert here!"
Once the game started your mentality became completely different, to the level of completely forgetting where you were and who you were playing with. Maybe that was your good trick. You were the main shotcaller of your team, always attentive to the map and the position of the enemies to dictate plays and engage based on it. Kitten was the opposing ADC, so Danielle was constantly giving you data on how she played or what her tendencies were.
"Let's fight! She's alone!" she told you, however, you noticed due to the lack of vision that it was a bait, and that either the jungler or the opposing mid laner were waiting in a bush.
"Stop! Don't go!" You tried to warn her, however it was too late. She engaged, the enemy jungler came out of the bush and took the kill, "Ugh, you have to listen to me first!" you exclaimed, not upset but as a scold for her.
"Ahh! Sorry!" she apologized, "I'll let you make the decisions, I'll be all ears!"
"You can't engage in a situation like that," you said seriously, pushing out one last wave before recalling, "you had no vision of anything at all, just her, you fell right into her bait, oh, and on top of that you had no flash, it was an easy kill for them."
"That makes sense…" she made a small silence, perhaps processing the information, "okay, big mistake."
From that moment on, Danielle let herself be carried around by you, and you began to treat her like you could perfectly treat any random Solo Q support. You didn't think about the consequences at that moment, but what you also didn't know was that Danielle was not only impressed by your mechanical level and your knowledge of the game, but also by the fact that you were not conditioned by who she was, you treated her like any other ordinary person.
"Their jungler is dead!" you warned, "we can baron, quick!" Everyone listened to you, and quickly went to the baron pit, "if they come to defend it they are dead, we have much more damage," you take the baron in a matter of seconds, the other team had been intelligent and had not gone to fight.
"Jinx and Orianna don't have flash! We can engage!" Danielle said, and you nodded in satisfaction since you weren't aware of it.
"Alright, ulti ulti ulti!" you exclaimed. Dani casted her ulti, which only hit Jinx, but you flashed forward and started the whole fight. Orianna tried to throw her sphere at you, but you blocked it with your W and killed Jinx without using your ulti. Dani also flashed, and stunned Orianna before the entire opposing team arrived, that was when you cast your R, and with the help of your entire team, you won the team fight with a triple kill of yours.
"Niceeeeeee!" Dani shouted excitedly as you knocked down the nexus towers.
"Holy fuck very good job Dani!" you shouted back, along with all your team members. You threw the nexus, and you won the game.
There was a small ceremony for the winners when all the games were finally over. They gave you all official Worlds 2023 merchandise and figures of your choice. You chose one from Kai'Sa. All the celebrities and other people were already getting off the stage, that was when Dani passed by you, she took your wrist and left a piece of paper in your hand before getting off.
''Add me. I would love to play with you again in the future. It was a lot of fun!" the note said, and as a signature it had her summoner's name.
You wanted to turn around and thank her, but she had already gotten out and was heading towards her dressing room, leaving you completely stunned and unable to believe that she had actually done that. You quickly put the note in your pocket, preventing anyone else from seeing it. You got off the stage, and when you picked up all your things you drove back home.
The first thing you did when you got home was rush to your room, turn on the PC and enter League to add Danielle. Upon verifying that she had not given you a fake summoner name and that it was real, you sent her the request. You sat there for a while, knowing that she had probably just done that as a polite gesture and that she most likely wasn't going to actually add you. About ten minutes passed, and you got up to go to take a bath.
The weeks passed and she never accepted your friend request, but you didn't let that discourage you since it was what you most expected would happen. During those weeks you continued with your daily life, scheduling coaching sessions with some clients while trying to reach Grandmaster in Solo Q. League was your comfort game, one of the few things you were really good at, and every time you entered a game you felt like a fish in water.
More days, and you were already starting to get off the boat. You no longer thought it was possible in any way that Dani would add you, but one day, without even thinking about it, you logged into League and found that you had a new friend. It was none other than Danielle Marsh herself, or 'MermaidMermaid', as her summoner's name said. You immediately cleared absolutely all the agendas you had pending for that day, and after going through an anxiety crisis you sat down to invite her to a game.
Danielle didn't expect to have so much fun that day, but there she was, buried in the seat of the VAN and looking out the window while she couldn't get that guy who played with her out of her head. Not only was the guy cute and kind, but he had treated her like a normal person, something no one had ever done knowing who she was. It always happened with strangers online, but in person? That was unthinkable. She was Danielle Marsh from NewJeans, and absolutely everyone had to be nice and treat her like a goddess. He didn't care about that.
He always gave her compliments and congratulated her when she did something well during the game, but he also yelled at her and scolded her when she did something stupid, and despite all that, he always remained calm to lead his teammates to make the best decisions and win. It seemed like something quite basic, but for a celebrity who was already fed up with everyone being fake and hypocritical towards her, it was something very noteworthy, which is why she gave him her summoner name; she wanted someone new to play with, someone who wouldn't treat her like a spoiled baby and would make her really improve at the game while being real towards her.
However, she was still a celebrity, and that meant that she had to continue fulfilling her endless activities with the group. She was quite frustrated since she had almost no window of free time to sit at the computer, and also worried that the guy would think that she was just lying and that she really had no intention of adding him. Nothing could be further from the truth, she was impatient to have free time and accept the friend request that she knew was pending. 
About a week had to pass before she could have some free time for an afternoon. She sat at the computer, a bottle of sprite in one hand, and logged into League to accept that guy's friend request. When she added him, she noticed that he was absent, so she put her legs up on the chair and looked at her phone while she waited for something new. Her heart nearly burst when she heard a noise inside the client, he had invited her to a game.
She almost dropped the phone on the floor when she leaned forward in the chair and placed her hands on the desk, panic making her look at the game invitation for longer than she should have, but she finally did it, and when she entered the lobby the first thing she did was leave the League Voice so he wouldn't hear her speak. They shared a couple of messages in the lobby chat while queueing, mostly a couple of greetings and reminders of their last meeting.
They played about 3 games just communicating through pings or messages in chat, as could happen with any random person in the game, but it soon started to become somewhat tedious for both of them as they needed more precision and shorter response times, so Dani, knew that the only way to truly improve and win games comfortably, was to speak to him by voice.
When they played the last game, the first thing Dani did after saying goodbye to him was go directly to Minji.
"Unnie!" Dani caught her attention, while Minji practiced in the living room with a piano.
"Well, you know I recently played with this guy again..."
"The guy you played with that time?" She put the piano aside, "What's wrong with him?"
"He's being pretty nice to me, and he's helping me a lot to get better at the game!" Her voice was filled with emotion as she said that last sentence, "But talking via chat is quite uncomfortable... I would like to talk to him via voice, what do you say?"
"Uh..." she thought about it for a second, "Discord is the best option, yes," she nodded, "but hey, I need you to really be very careful with that, you know why."
"He's trustworthy, I promise!" Dani exclaimed, "Besides, I can create a new email just for that account."
"Just be careful, please," Minji insisted, "Now leave me alone, I don't want to forget the melody I just thought of."
Dani ran back to her room and hurried to create a new Gmail email exclusively for Discord, an application that was a bit complicated for her to figure out how to use at first, so she asked Hanni for help to familiarize herself with everything before doing anything. When she finally felt safe using the app, she sent you an invite link the next day through League chat.
You almost spit out your coffee when you saw a discord invite link in the chat. You quickly put the cup aside the mouse, put on your headphones, and clicked to accept the invitation. It was a channel where it was just you and her, the name was 'please help me', you couldn't help but laugh. She was already joined to the voice channel, so you just had to join.
"Hello hello?" You greeted, adjusting your microphone to your mouth. You heard interference sounds and some tapping on the microphone.
"Hellooo?" you heard her say, you inevitably smiled, "can you hear me right?"
"Yes perfectly!" you nodded.
"Gosh, I'm really bad with computers..." Dani spoke softly, as if she was afraid to raise her voice. Her pretty voice combined with her sexy accent made your skin crawl, it was like listening to an ASMR video, "I had to ask Hanni for help."
"Discord's really easy, it's just a matter of getting used to it I think," you felt a knot in your chest and a fluttering feeling of anxiety in the pit of your stomach. You were talking to Danielle Marsh from NewJeans, something you couldn't even fully take in, "How are you? Is everything okay?"
"You know, very exhausted from all the activities, it's not an easy life," she sighed, "but I'm still standing. What about you?"
"I certainly can't complain, honestly, but anyway, are you ready?"
"Yes! More than ready," as soon as she told you that, you pressed the find match button.
That was the first game you played, of many more that were to come. During the following months Dani made a great effort to play almost every day with you, no matter where in the world she was or what time it was, she always found a window of free time to play even just one game with you. Naturally the chemistry grew between you, but you never expected that she would even want to share her daily life with you while you weren't playing League. At first it was just basic things like the things they did as a group, or silly things like what she ate for breakfast or what she dreamed of, but gradually the trust between you grew, and it was a matter of time before you built a real connection.
You weren't a fool, anyway. You knew very well how beautiful and sexy she was without even trying. More than a friendship with her was all you could ever want from the bottom of your heart, but you were never one to daydream, so you were more than happy to just have her in your life. Occasionally you and her would flirt with each other over messages, but her being the person she was with the warm and kind personality she had, you thought it was all innocent and going nowhere. Average League player.
Friends of yours always asked who was that person with whom you always played and who prevented you from playing with them, but you never said a single word or clue, you always came out with the same excuse that it was just a client who had insisted on private coaching sessions in exchange for a significant monetary sum. They always believed you, but it was funny to think that it wasn't far from the truth either. The only difference was that Danielle still didn't pay you. Not yet.
There was a time when Dani was so busy with international activities that there were several days during which you would only message each other but there was no way you could even play a game. During one of those days you were out with your friends, the night escalated too quickly, and it all ended with large amounts of alcohol. You were a little drunk, and as soon as you had a moment alone at the bar you didn't hesitate to take out your phone to text Dani.
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You completely forgot you had written that message until you got home, still with the alcohol affecting your body but no longer as drunk as before. You lay down on the bed ready to rest, until your phone rang with a notification. Dani had answered you.
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Upon reading that last message you quickly stood up (tripping over your own shoes on the way) and in a couple of strides you turned your chair around, sat down and put on your headphones to enter discord.
"Hi thereee," you greeted, logging into League.
"Hi!" She laughed, noticing that you were speaking differently, “Are you drunk?”
"Nah," you laughed, "I mean, I'm a little more cheerful than usual, but I'm not drunk, don't worry," you assured, but you didn't know if you were actually telling the truth or not.
"Well, if you say so," she giggled again, "are you ready?" She asked when you were both in the lobby.
"Yessir! Go ahead!"
During all those months in which you were playing, you had not started playing ranked yet since Dani was still low level and did not have enough champions, but for a few weeks that was the only thing you played. You were climbing pretty fast, she was currently at Silver 2, and she was only one game away from reaching Silver 1. As expected, you won that game.
"Yaaaaay!" she celebrated, and you heard small applauses through her microphone, "Oh my god, we're going up so fast!" you laughed.
"At this point you should pay me with nudes in case I take you to gold," you said, not really thinking clearly about what you had said at any time since alcohol always made you this bold about everything. There was a small silence on the call.
"Well… we'll see about that," Dani lowered her voice again, speaking with a silkiness that made you shiver since you had the volume turned up quite high. You were surprised that she didn't answer you with a resounding no, "but that has to happen first."
"At this point you doubt what will happen?" you asked with an arrogant chuckle.
"I said we'll see, next week I'll be home, so by then we can play as much as we want," it was probably just your altered perception of reality thanks to the alcohol, but you noticed a certain double meaning in that last sentence.
"You have to go now, don't you?" you asked somewhat sadly.
"Yeah, I'm so sorry, honey," she wailed, "Just rest, okay? You must be exhausted."
"Yes I am," you sighed, "you rest too, Dani, I missed playing with you."
"And me too..." there was another small silence in which you were smiling, and for some reason you felt like she was too, "later, bye bye."
"Bye bye," you answered back, and left the call to go straight to bed.
Dani was surprised, but honestly she wasn't disappointed at all. The connection she felt with that guy was genuine, something that did not happen very often with people since she became an idol. In fact, she did not give much importance to the consequences since she knew that many girls in the industry did very similar things, but at the same time she was highly nervous since she was inexperienced in that area.
Certainly she was not a virgin, she had a boyfriend who had taken care of it, but her experience at that time had not even been satisfactory, only for that stupid and cretinous boy whom she had already more than forgotten. But since then she never had more time to dedicate to the boys she hadn’t continued training that side of her, she had a few friendly kisses with Hanni, but nothing more than that.
The week before she returned home passed at the speed of light, and as soon as she settled back into the house and rested a little, she told him that they could start grinding rankeds. They had a fairly extensive winning streak, which was enough to leave them one game away from gold, but that's when the losses came.
Three games in a row lost, 0 LP. She was trying twice as hard as usual just like him, but no matter how hard they tried, her teammates were never right and they simply lost because the other lines were way further ahead in gold than everyone else. Of course she could have just sent him nudes, but she wanted to see him put in the effort first.
The road to Gold was being quite horrifying, they were trapped in a win-loss streak for several days, but that was never a cause for despair for him, who continually reassured her assuring her that sooner or later they would go up, since they were simply better players than the others, but time was running out, as there was only one last day left before she had to leave home again for a while.
It was quite late at night and it was already the last one Dani could play before going to sleep, which coincidentally was also the last game she needed to finally move up to Gold. She was curious about whether he had forgotten about the bet since he hadn't mentioned it at any time since he said it, but she wouldn't be the one to remind him.
The game was quite chaotic and difficult for both of them, but with some wonderful individual play on his part, they won, and Dani had moved up to Gold.
"Let's goooooooo!" he exclaimed into the microphone, "I told you! It was a matter of time!"
"Ahhhhh!!" She squealed with excitement, tapping the table with both hands, "You really are amazing!" she said as she watched the Gold promotion animation.
"People of this elo are honestly terrible, mother of god," he sighed, "but hey, we did it!"
"Thank you very much, really," she sighed. There was a small silence.
"Well... I already got you to Gold, I wonder how you can make it up to me…" he said quietly.
"Oh honey, I should sleep right now..." she replied smiling and playing with a curl of her hair, "bye bye."
"Huh? Really?" He laughed, and before he could respond Dani left the call.
As soon as Dani took off the headphones she leaned back and bit her lip still smiling, thinking about the angles she was going to use and the way she was going to send the photos to him in the morning.
When you woke up and checked your phone your eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. Dani continued to surprise you, it wasn't just a photo you had received, but a complete photo session of all kinds. Photos of her perky pretty little tits, her long skinny pale legs, her pretty feet, a photo of her rubbing her pussy, another photo lying on her stomach showing you her bare back and her ass, and she even took the time and daring to record a video of her bending over and spreading her ass for you. The killer part of the video for you was how she looked over her shoulder at the mirror and saw you with a seductive look. You were incredibly hard.
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A few weeks passed in which the naughty messages and flirting continued, becoming more advanced with each passing day. She was driving you completely crazy, if before your crush on her was strong, now knowing her and getting to see her naked body normally, you didn't want any other girl in the world other than her.
It was the last night before she finally came home, you were lying in your bed, you had showered a few minutes ago, and you were ready to continue reading the Jujutsu Kaisen manga until you received a message from Dani.
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As soon as you sent that message you received a video call from her, you innocently responded, and when you saw her your jaw almost dropped to the floor. She was completely naked.
"What the f...?!!" You opened your eyes wide, while she adjusted the camera, sitting on her bed.
"I couldn't help it, I'm sorry," she smiled, biting her lip as she watched you through the screen, "I didn't want to wait for you to take me to Plat before giving you this, so consider it payment in advance."
You left the phone on a small improvised tripod that you made from the blankets and began to undress quickly, Dani giggling every time you took off a piece of clothing until finally, like her, you were completely naked and hard for her.
"My god... the things I would do to you if I were right there with you," you said, bringing your hand to your cock to start masturbating very slowly at first.
"Oh yeah?" she asked, her countenance transforming into one seductive and sexy, "like what?" She sat with her knees apart and started rubbing her pussy slowly.
"I would kiss those pretty little tits..." when you said that she brought a hand to her tits to play with her nipples, "I would lick your nipples, and I would suck on them."
"I'd love to have that pretty mouth of yours on them..." she moaned, "but also on my tummy."
"Oh yeah? Would you like me to kiss and lick all over your tummy before eating that pretty pussy, darling?" You spat into your hand and brought it back to your cock to move your wrist slightly faster.
"Fuck, I'd love to," she settled back on the bed, this time spreading her legs for you so you could see her pussy perfectly, "I'd love to eat your cock too, honey..." she gasped, rubbing herself with two fingers.
"What would you do with this cock baby?" you asked with a gasp, watching how she played with her pussy and how she bit her lip.
"I would kiss it... I would lick it like a delicious popsicle..." you began to move your hand faster, your breathing becoming more and more labored due to arousal, "I would also kiss your balls, and I would suck them until they were soaked." 
"Fuck... keep going honey," you said, zooming out so she could see you masturbating.
"You like it huh?" She bit her lower lip, "I would also kiss your tip... and collect the pre-cum that leaks out before taking it to my mouth," she teased by taking two fingers inside her pussy, which was glistening from how wet it was, "and I would suck that cock so hard that I would suck the soul out of you."
"Jesus Christ... I want to fuck you so bad Dani," you moaned, as you jerked off in front of your phone's camera for her. She moaned, and took two fingers inside her pussy.
"Mmmm yeah?" she moaned louder, "how would you like to fuck me?" She began pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy, slow at first.
"I'd start by fucking you on your back, with those nice long legs on my shoulders," you said panting, moving your hand slowly to match her pace, "I'd make sure my cock would go all the way in and all the way out, and also to kiss those pretty feet while I do it."
"Mmmm, how else, tell me how else!" she moaned louder, pumping her fingers faster, you consequently moved your wrist faster too.
"Then I'd love to put you on your hands and knees, and fuck you from behind while I pull on that beautiful hair," you moaned to her, knowing that the more you did it the more she was going to get turned on.
"How, like this?" She put the phone back and placed it horizontally, to rest on her hands and knees with her ass facing the camera, her back making a beautiful and perfect arch.
"Just like fucking that," you groaned, watching as she ran a hand under her body and returned her fingers inside her pussy, this time her wrist pumping fast and hard, "your ass is so pretty… you'd like me to fuck it dear?"
"That long juicy cock inside my tight little butthole?" she said with one side of her face pressed against the mattress, looking into the camera, "as much and hard as you want, mmmgh!"
"How much would you like me to fuck your ass baby?" you asked, the tingling in your lower abdomen becoming more intense as you got closer to cumming.
"A lot! It's all I want right now!" You were worried about how loudly she was moaning as her fingers aggressively pumped against her pussy, but you were so deep in your own imagination that you didn't care in the slightest to say something, "I want you to fuck my ass so hard that my legs tremble all day!
"I'm so fucking close, Dani, fuck!" You moaned, masturbating as hard and fast as you could as you watched her tight ass and how she finger fucked herself.
"Me too! Cum with me honey!" She turned away from the camera for a moment to focus on her own pleasure, but you continued to stare at her ass, imagining that you were kneeling right behind her while you fucked her. It was a matter of time before you exploded.
"Agh fuckkk!!" you grunted, strips of cum shooting out of your cock everywhere, landing on your lower abdomen, on your thighs and also staining your sheet without meaning to.
"Mmmmmgh!!!" She let out one last squeal before she stopped moving her wrist abruptly and cum. Her entire body shook in violent spasms. She lay flat against the mattress, her hips writhing upward as she rubbed herself between her pussy folds and let out cute moans, "Oh my god..." she sighed, adjusting herself to finally look at the screen, "look how much you came… god, I'd love to be there to pick it all up with my tongue and swallow it," she said, picking up the phone and bringing it closer to a shot of just her face, she was looking at your cum-soaked cock, licking her lips.
"You're really going to drive me crazy, Danielle Marsh," you said, sighed and then smiled, "you made me a mess."
"If I were there I'd clean it all myself... but I'm not," she sighed, looking to the side and then laying down on a pillow, "this was fun, wasn't it?"
“Yes it was,” you nodded, entranced by her pretty smile, as if just seconds ago you weren't imagining yourself pulling her hair and fucking her like an animal, “give me a moment, I'll go get some toilet paper. "
"I'll wait for you here, honey," she said, and you rushed for toilet paper to clean everything up.
"Fuck, I'll have to change the sheets," you sighed, cleaning it before throwing all the papers into the trash can and returning to Dani, "here I am."
"Damn, I think Hanni unnie heard me," she said, putting a hand to her mouth to giggle, "she just told me to shut up via text."
"Well, tell her you're not going to scream like that anymore," you laughed, lying back on the pillow, "you were moaning pretty loud."
"Really? God, they're going to kill me," she looked worried for a moment, "But nah, it's my revenge, Minji always does this kind of thing with her dildo."
"Wow, I guess you didn't need to share that information," you chuckled, but imagining Minji playing with a dildo in her pussy wasn't an unpleasant image in your head at all.
"Probably not, but I already told you, so if you want to jerk off thinking about it you can," she laughed, "as long as you show me."
"I don't think I'll have the desire to do that after how you just drained me," you smiled.
"A shame then..." she looked to the side for a few seconds, thinking about something, "hey, I'd like to tell you something."
"Sure, what it is."
"Um... well, I want us to hang out again, you know, in person."
"Well, I'm sure we can come up with something hon-"
"I like you," she said, not letting you finish the sentence, your heart skipped a beat.
"Just like you heard, I like you, and I like you a lot, god," she said desperately, as if it was something she'd been wanting to shout for a long time, "you... you're so cute, and so genuine with me, you make me feel like the real Danielle Marsh," she sighed, "yeah, I like you a lot."
"I..." you were speechless, your heart beating at full speed and with a tickling in your stomach, "Dani..." you were staring at her, "I like you a lot too, I don't think I've ever been so down for a girl like I am for you. You are so... radiant, and beautiful, and tender, and attentive!" As you spoke, Dani's smile and her face became brighter, "since you came into my life my days have only gotten better."
"God, you're going to make me cry, stop," she laughed with glassy eyes, "you're beautiful, and to be honest the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."
"I… I can say the same thing," you smiled from ear to ear, "you make me feel dumber than I am," she let out a louder laugh.
"And that's a good thing?"
"I guess so… hey, I'm really sleepy, honey," you said, and then yawned.
"I'm going to take a bath first before I go to sleep, you might find some surprises when you wake up," she winked at you, "but it's okay, darling, go rest," she gave the camera a kiss, and your inner self let out a stupid giggle.
"I can't wait to wake up then," you, completely idiotic and in love, also gave the camera a kiss, "tomorrow we'll talk about our outing, okay? Rest, baby."
"See you later honey," she waved at the camera and blew you a kiss with her hand. You hung up the call.
Even though you told her you were going to sleep, you stayed in bed awake for a few long minutes, internalizing everything that just happened and how it had happened. The tender words that she had said to you a second ago couldn't come out of your head, nor did her beautiful and radiant smile while you said nice things to her. That girl was everything you had been waiting for for a long time, and to think that everything had happened by chance made you laugh, but there, staring at the ceiling of your room with a silly smile on your face, you couldn't do anything but thank fate for putting Danielle Marsh on your path. That was the best sleep you had had in years.
During the entire flight home Dani couldn't get the silly smile off her face. The girls constantly asked her what was wrong, but Dani always changed the topic of conversation or just played dumb. That night couldn't get out of her head, she remembered vividly how he had made her feel. That orgasm, those pretty words, that bright look of his as he said it all. It all seemed like a dream too good to be true, she had finally found the right person (or so it seemed), and knowing that something like that was waiting for her at home only made her stupidly happy.
When she landed the first thing she did when she got home was turn on her computer, take a shower and lie down on her bed to take a short nap. When she woke up and checked her phone, she was not surprised to find a couple of messages from him. One of them was so cheesy that she couldn't help but giggle.
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Before jumping into the details about their meeting together, she had to first sit down and review her upcoming schedule carefully, and to her dismay, she realized that absolutely every day of the next two weeks was completely booked. That stressed her out, but it didn't stop her from continuing to spend time with him in League.
"Unfortunately I'm chain cc'ed for the next two weeks, honey," she had told him after a couple of games played, while they talked on discord, "but then it will be your turn for your tie me up," she giggled
The two of them continued teasing each other during those two weeks, day and night non-stop. Many conversations were based solely on what things she liked and what boundaries she would like to explore with him. Things in that chat were getting quite dirty, Hanni on one of those occasions accidentally read a message she had sent and was making fun of her all day, asking her if a cock that size wasn't going to break her in half.
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Attached to that last message, a video of her doing a close up of her lips while she licked them and then stuck out her tongue.
The plan Dani had formulated for you and her to have time alone was simply much better than you thought. She had told you to meet at a convention center, where there would be a cosplay event where she could wear a mask and no one would recognize her. You had already done your part of the plan too, you had made a reservation at a fairly trustworthy restaurant, as well as a reservation at a luxury hotel that you were sure she would love.
You arrived at the convention center on time, at 5 in the afternoon just as you and she had planned. You walked through the crowd in search of her, not paying much attention to all the cosplays around you since you could only focus on one thing at a time. The crowd was quite overwhelming for someone who was not used to being surrounded by so many people, but in the end you found her, you recognized her just by how she was dressed and by her beautiful long hair, but what finally confirmed her identity was the Jhin mask she was wearing. You thought it was cute that it was a little big on her face.
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"Hello there! Your Jhin mask is great!" you said, taking her hand. You heard her giggle beneath her mask as she clung to you in a hug.
"God, I was starting to get overwhelmed" She said, still clinging to you, with your arms around her thin body.
"Ready to go?" you asked, separating yourself from her.
"Of course! We have nothing to do here," as soon as she said that you grabbed her hand and started pushing everyone out of your way as if you were Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea. You left the convention center in a matter of minutes, guided her to your car, and when she got in she took off her mask.
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"Oh my god, you're literally a work of art," you said, sitting next to her, carefully detailing each of her pretty, doll-like features, as well as her visibly expensive outfit, which consisted of a long, beige baggy coat, white pantyhose and wide-heeled shoes.
"Do you like it?" She asked with a little smile, also looking you up and down.
"I love it," you nodded, looking into her eyes, "god, I can't believe I have you here with me."
"Just come and kiss me, baby" she said, and you lunged forward without hesitation, gently grabbing her face and crashing your lips onto hers.
Kissing her for the first time was liberating, a transcendental experience that felt like a little piece of heaven at that precise moment. Her lips were everything you imagined, soft, delicious and silky, you lost track of time, so you didn't really know how long you were kissing her until you separated and you looked at the time on your phone.
"Oh my god, it's getting late," you said, starting the car, "I booked us a table at a pretty discreet restaurant for both of us."
“Oh honey, I only have an appetite for one thing right now…” she said, her incredibly sexy Aussie accent sending shivers down your spine. She grabbed the skirt of her coat and pulled it up to her waist, revealing her pair of long legs adorned by her pantyhose, which went up to her thighs. Your sight went straight to her white lace panties, which she took off and then put into her own mouth.
"W-wow... what are you do..." you looked around, remembering that you were still in the middle of the street and that your windows weren't completely tinted. She grabbed your wrist, and opening both legs as wide as she could, she brought your hand right to her pussy so you could finger it.
You quickly hit the gas, pulling out of the street as fast as you could and turning a corner to drive straight toward the hotel. She put on her seat belt, moaning against her own panties while you rubbed your fingers against her clit until her pussy was wet, that's when you took two fingers inside her and started pumping your wrist.
Driving with one hand at such high speed was one of the most reckless and dangerous things you had ever done in your life, but there you were, dodging and overtaking cars to get to your destination as quickly as possible. You couldn't afford to look at Dani while you fingered her, but you heard her pretty muffled moans against her lace fabric and your cock did nothing but throb with excitement. She noticed this, and with her left hand she began to massage it over your pants. You swore that by the time you pulled into the hotel parking lot your boxers were already stained with pre-cum as well.
"Consider this a gift," she said, removing her panties from her mouth as you turned off the car, tossing them in the back seat and pulling her coat back down.
"Get off," you ordered, completely blinded by your desire to fuck her.
You both got out of the car and Dani put the mask back on. You checked into the lobby as quickly as the receptionist would let you, and once you had your key card you were both very close to jogging to the elevator. As you went up to your room floor she took off her mask and let it fall to the floor, you pinned her against the wall to kiss her again, and she began to moan against your lips.
When the elevator door opened you wrapped your arms around her and, almost tripping out of it, you began to walk down the hallway while your lips were still together. It was quite uncomfortable, so you decided it was best to just carry her. She wrapped her legs around your torso, and you rushed to your room, swiping the key card and opening the door in a flash. Once inside you locked the door behind you, and turned on the lights to leave her on the floor.
"Nice enough room for you to fuck me to death, yeah," she said, taking off her shoes as did you before unbuttoning her coat and removing it from her body. To your surprise, the only thing she was wearing from the waist up was an extremely tight tank top with no bra underneath her, her small nipples standing out against the fabric. Of course the top didn't last long, she took it off immediately, and now she was completely naked except for the white stockings which you were more than happy for her to leave on.
You lunged at her and wrapped your arms around her thin, tight body to kiss her again. She helped you undress while you ran your hands over every inch of her body, grabbing her toned little ass, caressing her back, pinching her nipples and running two fingers along her slit. You were both completely naked in a matter of minutes, and as soon as she could Dani climbed back onto your torso, wrapping her arms around your neck and her long legs around your lower body.
You quickly pinned her against a wall, and without any foreplay or teasing you took your throbbing cock straight into her extremely tight pussy.
"Oh fuck…" You gasped against her parted lips, she let out small moans as every inch of your cock made its way inside her until it reached the bottom.
"You feel so good and big!" She moaned, clinging to your neck with both of her hands.
"And you feel so fucking tight baby," you growled, grabbing her thighs and spreading her legs wide open to start fucking her as fast as you could, completely entranced by the immense desire you had for her.
"Oh yes! Fuck me hard and fast honey!!" she whimpered against your lips, as your cock moved completely in and out of her suffocatingly tight little pussy.
You were both deeply rooted in all the pent-up feelings and desire you had for each other over the past few months. You felt liberated, letting yourself be completely carried away by the moment and not thinking for a single moment about everything else. The moans quickly became present, both yours and hers as you hammered her pussy so intensely that it echoed throughout her room. She caressed the hair behind your neck, tangling her long fingers in several strands of it as she kissed you as much as she could. Your fingers were clinging to her soft thighs, beads of sweat falling from your forehead since you hadn't even bothered to turn on the air conditioning.
You and her had been teasing each other during the day, you fingering her a moment ago and her massaging your cock over her pants so well that your boxers were left with a big ass stain of precum on them. It didn't take long for you both to cum.
She did it first, writhing against the wall, letting out squeals of pleasure towards the ceiling and squeezing your cock into her pussy walls, which were already quite tight. You followed her, but not wanting to cum inside her yet, you pulled out from inside her and masturbated, pointing directly at her perfect, toned abdomen, which was painted white in a matter of seconds. Long strips of cum flowing free down her belly and reaching her crotch. You left her on the ground, both of you breathing heavily.
"Fuck, I'm sorry, that was too fast..." you apologized, panting, seeing her belly filled with thick white liquid.
"Oh don't worry darling, we have absolutely the whole night to ourselves," she said with a small smile, grabbing your face to give you a small kiss, "why didn't you finish inside me?"
"I didn't want to do it without your consent, I'm sorry," you said.
"Ahhh!" she squealed, "you're so cute I'm going to die," she gave you more little kisses, "I appreciate the gesture, darling, but don't hold back, fill me with your cum as much as you want," she winked at you, and gave you a little push back so you could see how she collected your cum from her belly and began to bring it all to her mouth to swallow it.
"Mmm, how is it?" you asked with a mischievous smile, as she swallowed the last remnants of your cum off her belly.
"Delicious, just as I expected," she gave you a kiss and went to the bathroom door, "wait for me in bed, honey, my abdomen is sticky now and I need to wash it, it won't be long."
"Okay," you nodded, and went to the side of the bed to grab the control for the air conditioning, turn it on, and lie down on the bed while you looked at your phone waiting for her. She came out of the bathroom a little less than five minutes in, your eyes went straight to her pretty naked body, and you really realized how lucky you were to have possibly one of the most beautiful idols in the industry like that in the same room with you.
"Oh gosh, it's cold all of a sudden," she hugged herself as she walked towards the bed, "lucky I have you as a personal heater," she smiled, climbing onto the bed to crawl towards you and lie down with half of her body leaning against yours.
"I still can't believe I finally have you in my arms, you know?" You sighed, snuggling her against your chest with both arms, then left a hand on her lower back. She hugged you too, leaving one hand on your chest and scribbling on your skin with one finger.
"It seems like a dream, right?" she asked as she looked into your eyes, two bright and adorable orbs, "for me too..." she gave you a peck on the jaw.
"More for me, I assure you," you laughed, returning the kiss but on her lips, "like, we met by chance of fate, you being a celebrity and me being a simple random who won a raffle."
"And here we are, you already fucked me and your cum is on my stomach right now," you both laughed out loud at that.
"Breakthrough indeed," you laughed.
"Thank you for being who you are and how you are... seriously," she told you with a smile on her face, "as you say, we met by chance, but now you are so fundamental to me that it’s difficult for me to think about how I could possibly improve my life right now."
"Well... I don't know if it will sound corny but you are like an angel fallen from heaven to me," her eyes, full of love and tenderness, looked at you, "I mean, I never expected this to happen when I won that spot, in fact, I wasn't even completely sure that I would be able to meet you since even that was random. I'm literally the luckiest guy in the world, to have that opportunity and to be able to make you... mine."
"Would you repeat that last one thing again?" she asked with a sweet tone of voice.
"Mine, to be able to make you completely mine. You are, completely mine, Danielle Marsh," you emphasized, and she squirmed in tenderness with a sweet smile from ear to ear on her face.
"Yes I am, I'm completely yours, honey," she said, cradling the side of your face with her hand and kissing you again, this time staying tied to your lips.
While you were kissing again, one of her hands discreetly went down your abdomen until it reached your flaccid cock, which she gently grabbed and began to massage. In response, you lowered your hand a little further from her lower back, reaching one of her buttocks to gently squeeze it. She gasped against your lips, and began to rub your cock up and down until it was hard again. You lowered your hand a little further, bringing it between her buttocks and reaching up to her pussy to rub between her folds.
"Mmm… I want to eat you, baby," you gasped against her lips.
"And I want to suck your cock, who will get the prize first?" she asked with mischief in her voice.
"Why not both?" When you said that you sat her up to grab her by her waist, she was quite light, so it was easy for you to just turn her around and lift her on top of you. Dani caught on to what you wanted to do immediately, and positioned herself so that her ass was hovering above you.
"You're a dirty genius huh?" She teased with a little smile, looking down at you and shaking her butt in your face.
"You'll thank me later," with two of your hands you grabbed her shoulders and made her collapse forward, her chest now pressed against your abdomen. You felt all of her long hair spread across your thighs, and also her hot breath on your cock. She extended her knees to the sides, her butt lowered, and now being within your reach you grabbed her waist and made her sit on your face, your entire face now submerged between her buttocks.
You were the first to act, giving her pussy a long, deep lick to which she reacted with a cute moan while she had your cock gripped in one hand. The next thing you felt was how she began to kiss you in every corner of it, including your balls, which she licked and sucked before moving on to lick your shaft from all directions. Not wanting to go too fast you moved your tongue slowly, and just like her you just limited yourself to spreading wet kisses all over her slit, which was enough to make her moan already.
When she began to lick your tip with her tongue swirling around it, you reached for her clitoris to lick it with slow strokes. Realizing that she was the one setting the pace she took you deeper into her mouth, reaching just past the middle of your cock, you felt her try to go deeper, but her gag reflex prevented her from doing so. Still, she began to suck you up and down, moaning around your shaft as she pumped her head at a pace that had you moaning against her pussy as well.
You squeezed her buttocks with both hands, and squeezing them forced her to grind her hips against your face. She did so, and her pussy began to rub against both your mouth and nose. You could tell that she wasn't an expert at sucking cock, but you could also tell that she was trying hard to pay attention to how you moaned to know how to do it better and better. She certainly learned well, since after a minute she was already driving you crazy.
She gradually began to pump her head faster and more skillfully, and you began to move your tongue matching her rhythm. Her uncontrolled moans vibrated your cock, which in turn caused a domino effect in which you vibrated her pussy with your own moans. You noticed in the movement of her hips, more wandering and less smooth, that she was much closer to her orgasm than you, so you hugged her body with both arms and made her stop grinding her hips so you could concentrate on licking her clit with the tip of your tongue as fast as you could, your efforts soon rewarded as she exploded in your face.
Her ass smothered you and she pulled you out of her mouth to let out a squeal into the air, you gladly continued to eat her through her orgasm, not caring about the fact that your breathing was incredibly limited thanks to her. Her whole body was shaking, and you caressed every corner of it with your hands until she stopped.
"Give me another load honey..." you heard her say with a moan, sinking back onto your cock and also using her hand to suck as hard and fast as she could. She leaned her hips forward to let you breathe, but you knew it was also to hear you moan while she gave you a disastrous blowjob with saliva everywhere.
"C-cumming!" you announced with a growl, and seconds later, you exploded inside her little mouth. She took every drop of your cum inside her, making a great effort not to choke in the attempt, when your orgasm passed, she got off you and knelt next to you to show you her tongue completely filled with white liquid. She closed her mouth again, and swallowed everything.
"First blood," she said with a mischievous tone, you laughed still breathing hard.
"Well, technically..."
"Nope, I'm not counting the previous one. First blood I said," she reaffirmed, approaching you to share another steamy kiss.
"Then let's keep playing shall we?" You said against her lips, and you rose little by little, leaning on your elbows. She separated from your lips, and watched your movements carefully. You finally grabbed her by her waist and made her turn her back to you, then, with one hand on her lower back, you made her rest on her hands and knees. She replicated the same perfect arc she had done that time on the video call, and seeing her tight ass and her dripping pussy from behind made your cock throb again.
Without a second thought you spit again on your cock and thrust yourself back into her, your shaft sliding so smoothly into her that a single push was enough to make it disappear between her folds. Dani threw her head back and moaned loudly.
"Mmmmgh!!" She moaned with pursed lips, turning to look at you over her shoulder, “smash that fucking tight pussy honey!!” She asked, holding on to the sheets while you began to do exactly what she had just asked, two hands on her small waist and your hips pumping almost at full power right from the start.
Her body began to shake like a rag doll's, back and forth with each slam of your pelvis against her tight ass, which wobbled with each strong thrust. You gasped and pursed your lips between small moans, admiring her long bare back and how her hair spread across it in an incredibly sexy way.
She stopped looking at you to bury her face in her mattress and moan against it, pulling the sheet a little from the edges of her because of how hard she was scrunching them with her fingers. One of her hands reached out to her right to grab a pillow, hug it and moan against it while you fucked her pussy like an animal. She raised her head again to see you over her shoulder, her red face completely distorted with pleasure and her mouth half open as she moaned in the most sensual ways.
"Don't look at me like that or I'll have to spank you Danielle Marsh," you warned with a sly smile as you fucked her just the way she wanted.
"Oh yes please, spank me!!" She asked quickly with a desperate squeal, and without a second thought you gave her a spicy spank on her right buttock, which made her squeal louder and bite the pillow.
You squeezed both of her ass cheeks with her hands and let your head fall back with your eyes closed because of how good it felt to fuck her tight pussy like that. Your hands went to her waist again, and she buried the side of her face back into the pillow as you brought her to a third orgasm.
Another spank on her right buttock, your hand marked in red on her skin, and then another spank with a changed hand, this time on her left buttock. Dani screamed against the pillow, and after a few seconds of intense thrusts she came again. You slowed your pumps considerably, watching as her slim body shook and her hips made her fuck herself against your cock.
"Here I fucking come..." you warned, feeling yourself reaching your peak again without her even having completely overcome her orgasm. You grabbed a handful of her long, silky brown hair and pulled it back as you gave a sharp thrust forward, exploding violently inside her pussy, "double kill," you whispered in her ear, unloading all your cum inside her tight walls.
"Fuck..." she moaned once you let go of her hair and let her fall back onto the pillow, "it feels so warm and thick inside me... I love it," she sighed with heavy breathing.
"Consider it a way for me to mark my territory," you smiled, and then you pulled out of her pussy to lie down next to her and start filling her back, shoulders, and neck with small, loving kisses. You helped her and were patient while she recovered, stroking her soft hair and placing more kisses all over her face.
"So double kill huh?" She giggled seeing you and standing up to go to her coat, she picked it up off the floor and searched in one of her pockets. She pulled out two things, her phone, which she distracted herself with by typing for a few seconds, and a small bottle of lub, "get ready for baron then," she tossed the little bottle to you.
There was no doubt in your mind what exactly she meant when she said that, but when she got back on the bed, she got back on her hands and knees, spread her ass for you, and looked at you with the same lascivious look she had given you that night on the video call, you knew exactly what she wanted.
"You're a very naughty girl, huh?" You teased, kneeling again behind her and pouring some lub on your fingers to start playing with her butthole, rubbing it and then taking them inside her little by little. She didn't have time to answer you while you used your fingers to slowly open her tight ass, pumping slowly with your wrist until you took them completely inside her, only leaving your knuckles outside. That was enough to drive you to full hardness again.
"Come on baby, I'm ready for you to gank my ass," she moaned looking at you over her shoulder, "put that cock in, I need it!"
You took the lub again, this time to pour it over your cock and spread a considerable amount over it, to leave it very slippery and shiny. Once ready you capped the bottle, tossed it to the side and took your shaft in one hand to guide it to her butthole. You made slow, steady pressure forward, taking your first few inches inside and moaning as you felt her walls stretch around you. She wasn't even able to moan, she had her mouth permanently open in an O, her nails digging into the pillow and her eyebrows furrowed as she watched you. At first it was somewhat suffocating, but as soon as your entire cock had disappeared between her buttocks it was easy for you to gradually get into the rhythm.
You left one hand on her waist, and began to move slowly knowing that she was still struggling to get used to your length inside her inexperienced ass. Finally she started moaning like she normally did, that's when you realized how much she was really enjoying it, but with every thrust you gave her moans became louder and louder, leading you to think that she enjoyed having her ass fucked much more than she could have expected.
The pace gradually increased, you took your cock as far in and out as you could, making sure every inch of her felt absolutely every inch of your cock as you fucked her ass between moans and loud sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.
"Why do I feel like you're enjoying it more than your pussy?" You groaned somewhat exhausted already, but not the least bit willing to stop.
"Because I am!! Fuck!!" she squealed in response, she brushed all her hair past one of her shoulders and looked at you over her shoulder, you could only see her milky naked back as you fucked her ass so hard you felt like you were going to break her in two.
"Then show me how much you're enjoying it honey, but I want to look into your eyes," you pulled out of her ass and turned her roughly onto her back, you grabbed both of her legs and spread them wide open, you looked into her eyes, and you went back inside her ass with a single push.
"Oh ffuuuuuck!!!" she grunted with her eyes watering, arching her back as you resumed your powerful, violent thrusts in and out of her ass, "don't stop please!! it feels so fucking amazing!!"
"And it will feel even better honey," you assured, leaning forward to kiss her long neck and down to her small tits, which for the first time you brought to your mouth to lick and kiss her nipples again and again.
Certainly she began to enjoy it much more, she hugged your neck and pushed you hard towards her tits, forcing you to continue eating them while you fucked her ass without mercy. Her beautiful moans were like music to your ears, and between both stimuli she soon came in the most intense, violent and energetic way so far. Her entire body seemed to be being electrocuted, even her eyes were rolled back as the spasms attacked her without any warning.
The way the walls of her butthole tightened around your cock made you moan against her tits, and even though she had already drained you three times that night, you were able to release one last load for her nside her ass. You released yourself from her arms, and this time you muffled your moans against her lips as you shot ribbons of hot liquid into her.
"Mmm… triple kill," you whispered against her lips, and neither you nor she could help but laugh.
"God, we're so stupid," she laughed, hugging you, placing kisses on your temple. You could feel her chest rising and falling abruptly.
"I didn't think you would enjoy being fucked in the ass so much," you said still inside her. You gave her a little kiss on her lips.
"Me neither, but I think I just found a great new kink," she giggled, biting her lower lip, "hey, you're not planning on staying inside me all night are you?"
"As much as I want to, no," you laughed, and slowly pulled out of her ass, and as if it were a plug, your cum began to flow freely out of it and onto the sheets, "I'll go find something to clean you up."
You got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get a roll of toilet paper, you came back with Dani, and while she was still with her legs open, waiting patiently for you, you began to clean her carefully, putting special emphasis on the stained sheets.
"We can ask for new sheets, right?" she asked.
"Of course, but for now let's get some rest honey," you said with a sigh, leaving the roll of toilet paper on the nightstand to lie down on the pillow. She joined you right away, but she climbed completely on top of you, clinging with her thighs to your torso and leaving her head resting against your neck, you wrapped your arms around her and snuggled her against you, resting for a few minutes in that the peace you felt was completely unbreakable.
Until you heard several loud knocks against the door.
Your heart began to beat fast and strong, and you could feel your entire soul escaping from your body thinking that you had been caught. But Dani didn't seem scared like you, in fact, when she heard her knocking she raised her head excitedly and put on the tight tank top she was originally wearing. You frowned, confused since you didn't know what was happening. It was when Dani opened the door and stepped outside that everything became clear to you.
"Damn, why are you so sexy and disheveled?" You heard a girl say, "I'm late, right?"
"No, you're actually right on time unnie," Dani said, and when she walked back into the room she walked in with none other than Kim Minji herself. Looking as beautiful and inexplicably ethereal as ever. She was wearing a semi-transparent black blouse, flared jeans, and sandals. She was also carrying a backpack.
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"May I know what the hell is going on?" you asked, covered up to your neck with the blanket in a rather funny way as you watched them. They both had a wicked smile on their faces as Dani closed the door.
"Well... Unnie's been trying to show me something for a while now," Dani began to explain to you, "but she thought it would be best to just bring her along too."
Just then Minji took the backpack off her shoulder, set it down and took out some long ropes from it.
"Tell me, are you ready to do some crafts, cutie?" Minji asked you, watching you with a raised eyebrow as she pulled the ropes onto the bed. You, without taking your eyes off her for a moment, got out from under the blanket to reach the room's phone and call reception.
"Hello? Yes... I would like to book one more night," you began.
"Mmm, better make it two," Minji ordered.
"Ah... yes," you nodded, "two more nights... thank you miss."
Spren Notes: Well, there's Dani's first smut, with some more to come👽 And again, sorry for the cheesy LoL jokes lmao.
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wonusdoll · 1 year
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Synopsis: Jisungs a hopeless romantic and gets jealous easily
Content: fluff! cavity inducing fluff so fluffy i wanna cry
pairing: Childhood Bestfriend!Jisung x reader
notes+ WHY DOES NOBODY WRITE FOR JISUNGGGG i had to take matters into my own hands so here you go :D this was originally gonna contain smut but i couldnt help myself with the fluff anyways, enjoy!!
You and Jisung weren't always friends. When your mom introduced her best friends second grader son, 4th grade you didn't mind. Until he started playing with your stuff, jumping on your bed, stealing your snacks, and blaming you on things he did and getting you in trouble.
Naturally, you started resenting him, dreading when he would come over, and chose to ignore him at school, finding it embarrassing whenever he would go over to you and your friends at the playground and ask to play with them. your friends found him cute, but you, you hated him.
Going into your middle school years, he slowly got more tolerable. He started understanding boundaries but still was the same annoying little kid.
In some point of time, Jisung turned from an annoying little kid who yelled and cried all the time to one of your closest friends. And then when he finally started high school, you guys started hanging out willingly, without his mom forcing him to go over.
Some days you would catch him in your living room watching tv with your dog, or accidentally walking in on him showering in your bathroom, or in your kitchen making ramen. Sometimes he would bring his friends over to your house. You honestly didn't mind that much as long as they never broke anything, or disturbed her in any way, which jisung made sure never happened.
"Jisung?? That you??" You yelled from the top of the stairs after hearing feet shuffling and the front door opening and closing. The two of you made plans to watch horror movies and have a sleepover to celebrate the new season of autumn.
"Nope!" Jisung yelled back, making you go downstairs with a grin. But you immediately furrowed your brows and bit your inner cheek, upon seeing 6 other people. you knew them, jisung would bring them around sometimes but you didn’t know them.
"Jisung, whats going on?"
He grinned annoyingly cutely back and held up some convenience store bags up and nodded towards his friends, "They wanted to hang out but my mom banned us from the house after last time.”
You scoff and look at him like he was crazy, "What- are you kidding me?" You say just above a whisper, flickering your eyes between him and the guys behind him, "I thought we were gonna hang out?? You didn't even ask if it was okay to bring them over? if you wanted to hang out with them instead you should've just told me."
With a smirk, jisung was much closer than you remember him being, he tucked a few stray strands of your hand back, "I'm sorry princess i should have asked, hm? If we're too much of a bother we'll quiet down okay?" He pulled away and looked into your eyes, pleading and begging for uou to say yes.
You mask your flustered state with a sigh and wiping your face with your hand as if annoyed.
"Fine, whatever, just— leave me alone im gonna go study" you warn making him grin and ruffle your hair, juxtaposing his previous act. He's called you princess numerous times before, even when you guys were kids but in that tone, that voice, and devilish smile, it felt different.
You wanted to tell him off for joking around with you like that, making you feel that way. It was something you always felt around him but maybe it was his perfectly messy hair, his oversized hoodie making him look so comfy, his soft plump lips, or his hand in your hair, or the name he called you, but the feeling became overwhelmingly strong, like when a candles been burning for hours and slowly the fire grows bigger and it fills the whole room with its pleasant fumes.
You hung around with them for a bit when you took a break from studying because you couldn't focus. but the reason you couldnt focus was sitting right across from you on the couch, sending lingering glances everybody noticed.
When he catches your gaze you turn away with a light blush but when you catch his, he doesnt shy away, keeping eye contact with you with a look in his eye that you couldnt read for the first time.
In the time you got to formally meet his best friends, you surprisingly got along with all of them. Huang Renjun was the one who stuck out the most out of the 7, other than Jisung who kept eyes on you the whole time.
You got to have a one on one conversation with Renjun about each others favorite music artists, which were quite similar, and art itself. You were already interested in art but with the knowledge and story telling Renjun excitedly provided made you want to learn more. So you guys planned a hang out the next day to an art museum Renjun was fond and familiar with. 
You posted the day out with him on your story with Art Deco - Lana Del Rey in the background.
Jisung always made sure to heart and reply to your story even if it was as simple as an ootd, but this time he didn't. You furrowed your brows and looked at the views and there he was, also active. You tried texting him regularly but you were left on delivered until 7 hours later but all you got was a
"sorry lol"
It hurt your feelings, you couldn't lie. So you texted him again not even 5 seconds later.
"too busy being active to answer? lmfao"
He leaves it on read for a few minutes before replying
"too busy hanging out with renjun? yk we all made plans tgt”
You scoff at his attitude
"whats your problem?? it was HIS choice to hang out with ME. not like you wanted to."
"chill out i just wanted them to meet you, didn't know you were gonna be all over them tho"
"fuck you."
You threw your phone at the end of the bed and hug your pillow against your chest as tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't know why you were so affected by his words, usually you wouldn't even press him so much about not answering, and would just leave him alone but seeing him be so uninterested left a mark on you.
A few nights later you were watching a scary movie in the darkness of your living room when you heard knocks on your front door. you paused the movie to make sure it wasn't from the tv, and when they come again, you look at the time.
"Who's here at 11:30 at night" You whisper to yourself and cautiously approach the door.
Thunder suddenly struck making you whimper and jump back, but you decide to just rip the bandaid off, after all horror movies aren't real right?
"Jisung?!" You exclaim, seeing him standing there out in the pouring rain with his head down ashamed.
You quickly let him in, taking his soaked coat off and telling him to wait while you get a towel.
He was silent while you scolded him for being out in the rain so late without so much as an umbrella.
He finally brung his hands from behind his back, revealing your favorite flowers in an articulated assorted bouquet wrapped in paper.
"Sorry if they're kind of ruined.. I ran all the way here" He sniffles and scratched his nape awkwardly.
You bite your lip remembering your last interaction, "You wanna tell me why?"
"I'm sorry y/n im so sorry im such a fucking loser and a coward for getting mad at you  I never wanted to hurt you i just was so angry that you hung out with Renjun that i took it out on you without thinking and ive been trying to figure out how to apologize to you so i went to the flower shop like 10 times in the past 2 days because i wanted to get you flowers but you have 5 different favorite flowers so i got 5 different bouquets for you then realized that was too much so i just got one with 2 of your favorites but felt bad that i left out the other 3 so i got another one with all of them but they didn't look good so i spent the whole day learning how to make a bouquet to make it perfect for you then realized it was already night and thundering and you hate thunder so i ran all the way here and now they look horrible and ugly and-"
"JISUNG." You put a stop to his rant with a chuckle and put your hands on his pink dusted cheeks. He pants out and looks in your eyes to find any anger or disgust in them but you were smiling, "Hey its okay, i promise its okay," You take the flowers from his hands and bring them up to your face to smell them, "they're beautiful ji, seriously."
He takes another pan over your face to scan your expression to really make sure you weren't mad and one he realized that, he lets out the breath he was holding and chuckles, then laughs a bit harder.
You laugh along with him then card your fingers through his wet hair, "Did you really learn how to make a bouquet of flowers for me? And run all the way here in the rain?" You ask, softly now.
He smiles and takes your hand away to hold it instead, "Yeah.. you know i would swim across the whole ocean just to get these to you. Also whats wrong with learning a new skill, i always wanted to learn how to.. make assorted flowers.." He dryly chuckles at the end.
you could hear your heart thumping out of your chest when you feel the pressure of his eyes staring into your own, as if trying to answer a question he hasn't asked. so you ask your own.
"Jisung," You start making him nod, "Why were you so upset?" You ask, making you swallow thickly.
and suddenly you're hyper aware of everything going on, your breathing, your blinking, the rain and thunder, his facial expressions, his thumb caressing your hand.
Jisung doesnt answer for a second, trying to find the right words. His mouth was drying up, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he gulped.
He was now holding your hand with both of his hands, "I love you." he blurted, "I love you and Im selfish and only want you to myself, I just wanted to treasure you for my myself and not let other people see how amazing and perfect you are because i was scared you'd fall for them and forget about me so when i saw you were with renjun and saw how excited you were to talk to him and hang out with him i felt.. rejected? in a way? like he had something i didn't to make you feel that way. So i was sad and upset and jealous— god, i was so unbelievably jealous, and i know im not allowed to because we're only best friends and you're allowed to be friends and talk to anybody you want to but i just- i just didn't want you to notice anyone else, and leave me.."
He ended his rant with a sigh and closed his eyes shut, mentally preparing for you to laugh in his face and friend-zone him, but it never came.
When he opened his eyes you were just standing there, not saying anything, with a smile on your face.
You giggled as he looked at you with an expectant look.
His brows furrowed and his hand started slipping from yours “That- thats it? Just okay? You couldn’t have let me down any better-“
“Okay, I wont leave you.”
His expression softened, watching as you laughed and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest, “Jisung park, I will never leave you and you can never leave me, if you do i’ll have to kill you.” You tried to threaten him but he just found you adorable, and picked you up in his arms.
You guys laughter filled the room, bouncing around the rooms, sounding almost louder than the rain and thunder.
Suddenly, your enemy turned into your bestfriend who turned into your lover. And you couldn’t have it any other way.
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whorediaries-09 · 5 months
Hi! if you still taking requests I'd love to make another one about the love of my life, James Potter.
I know it might be super cliche but I was thinking about professor! James forgetting his lunch or maybe reader is a sweetheart who brings lunch to him and everyone at Hogwarts it's obsessed with them because they're sooo cute and they're like their cool school parents
Please and thank u, muak right to youuu.
ugghh this is so cute!! i loved writing this one!! i hope you like it!
pairing- professor!james potter x professor!reader warning(s)- fluff. (let me know if i should add more) a/n- i literally changed a lot but it's low-key similar?? i'm sorry though i hope you understand, my brain could only come up with this.
little train.
' you would break your back to make me break a smile you know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back '
'good morning students! i hope you've got your models ready for today.' you say, walking into the class. the curtains have been rolled up perfectly by your plethora of eager art students, who chant a good morning, staring at you as your steps fall into the classroom. they know you like to work with the sunlight.
they scramble around their canvases and models, the soles of their shoes rubbing against the newly polished tiles. they look at you with eager faces, waiting for your model to appear. you raise your hands, addressing them.
'okay so this the first class is for realism - which annoys a lot of people over here, i know. but everybody has to pass these few assignments okay? i've to send them for supervision to the higher authorities so that they can ensure i've put on the correct grades according to the quality of the work.'
'because unlike you, they don't care about the creativity,' the political science professor enters the classroom, wearing his dazzling white smile. the students turn their heads, watching him enter the room. among the few students who know both him and you, there's rumbling. and among those who know you, there's questions rising of the cause of the sudden rumbling.
'quieten down kids, no more talking. this is a very important class. you'll learn the basics and the importance of this branch of art. mr. potter,' you look him in the eye. he visibly tones down his raised arms and shoulders, 'i need you to bring me two tools and a canvas.' he nods.
james is sitting directly under the rays of the sun. they are golden, reflecting upon his beautiful dusky brown skin. it hits him in the eye, but he's still, letting you take your sweet time while you explain the theories and the basics of the art.
he likes how patiently you teach them the correct ways and methods while also consoling them by reminding them every other artist has a unique style and shouldn't be bound by some rules. you stay to teaching them the outlines of color theories, which couldn't be modified much when this art style was practiced.
he's also never felt this nervous and giddy. he's usually a very confident man, but within your presence, a few ties of his uptight confidence break, and all hell loses free. he's turns into a puddle right under your piercing gaze, which is unusual for a man like james potter. he would still remember the day you'd asked him to model for you. he'd gone home and giggled into the pillow like a high school high on hormones.
'hi, mr. potter,' you'd whispered behind him. he'd been talking to sirius. he'd been taken aback by your sudden appearance- and sirius' lack of reaction, considering he'd been sitting facing james.
he turned around, and by habit ruffled his already messy hair. he smiled, trying to hide the pleasant shock behind his eyes. he felt his cheeks warming up with the way you looked at him. sliding him a paper cup, you stood, twiddling with your thumbs.
'this is?-'
'chai! masala chai! consider it a bribe for the awkward question i'm about to ask.'
'nothing is awkward james, love. i think you'll be fine.' sirius said. he slipped his fingers within the crook of his jacket that had been hanging on the edge of the chair. he smiled, a mischievous uplift of his lips. 'but just in case,' he said, walking out of the room, leaving you and james alone. james gulped, following his friend's silhouette.
'yeah, uhm so i was wondering whether you'd model for me? only if you're comfortable though!' james was sure the red hot blood rush into his cheeks was extremely was visible. he felt his nerves turn mush and stomach flip with giddiness.
'i don't particularly mind it no,' he said. he took the burning cup into his grip, taking a slow sip. he only hoped it wouldn't be too spicy.
'so you're up for it?' you asked. he saw the tension from your back literally lift up, and a glee float in your eyes.
'i am up for it,' he said taking another sip of the tea. 'but you need to tell me why me,' you rubbed the back of your head, laughing nervously.
'uhh... i think you've gorgeously complicated features which would allow me to teach my students with enthusiasm because i teach the best with complicated features. i don't mean it in a harsh way, i also think you're beautiful so...' he nodded letting your words sink into his brain and stop himself from taking you by your neck and press his lips onto yours.
'is it any good? the tea?' you asked, breaking the awkward tension and the lack of his response. you wondered whether you made him uncomfortable with your answer.
'it's perfect. the sweetness and the spiciness.'
it was not.
'okay so carefully outline your vision for the model, and let your brains take over your mind! this has been a boring class i realize but please submit your homework by the deadline so i'll suggest ways for improving your work-'
'-because this is extremely important for your grades students. now the kids over here who are also in my class, i'll deduct grades if you all don't take her words seriously.' james completed for you, cracking his back and rolling his shoulders. the students booed mockingly. one of them, a fiery person too raised her voice,
'you're barely serious in your own classes!' james knitted his eyebrows.
'are you questioning my abilities of teaching?'
'no, i'm not. i'm saying you're not serious in your own lessons sometimes- and you're a pretty much of a goofball yourself.'
'that's fine, i can be a goofball and be a good professor too. ms. grace, please mind your tone, or i'll be obliged to turn into an insufferable old prat.'
'okay come on let's not create an unnecessary drama over here, you have theatres and mr. pettigrew to help with that.' you said, trying to calm down bubbling waters. the students picked up their bags, walking away. yet again, leaving the both of you alone.
james helped you put on your coat. he wondered whether his part was done. he wondered why he cared so much about whether his part was done or not. the question lingered at the tip of his tongue before he spat it out.
'is my work done now?' he asks. you linger, your back faced towards him. he feels a wave of heat from your body crumple over his senses. you turn around, facing him. the remnants of the sun rays surround him, filtering out his outline. there's something in his eyes. a string of vulnerability you've never seen in his eyes. a string of vulnerability he's never felt within his.
'no.' you say. your breath is hot, which falls on his lips. he gulps, noticing how close you are. somehow it feels natural. in your piercing gaze he feels his beating heart stop. it's as if your features are one hell of a drug, reeking him into a spiral of things he's never felt before. your beauty is surreal, captured within his memories and his heart. he wishes he'd capture the way he sees you onto the canvas.
'are you bored of me, james?' you ask. you've never said his name before. it sets his senses on fire, a creeping hotness melting onto his nerves.
'no,' he says. he moves closer, his mouth so close to yours. he wants to touch them, get drunk upon the reminiscent taste he's never tasted before.
'are you sure, james?' you ask, your eyes falling onto his lips. he nods, unable to answer. in your eyes, he sees his portrait in a beauty he's never seen before. his fingers slips into yours, and he feels them.
and he wonders, when your fingers work on the canvas, how you conceive him, how you decipher him. all he's sure of is that he's the most beautiful when you portray him.
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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maryannecrimsworth · 2 years
Little Spider Show
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Part 1 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Guide for tormented hearts
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Selective mute Reader
Warnings: anxiety crisis; another bullying(I mean, revenge) scene;
Summary: You are not the one who forgets. Not when they called you worthless for no reason and made you vomit in the middle of the hallway. So as soon as you woke up and your brother unlocked your cell, you knew exactly how to take revenge. Your plan was going to work perfectly — until Wednesday sat beside you. But you had no idea that her plan would be so much better than yours.
Hank was staring directly at you when you sat up inside the cage. You were still dirty and wearing Nevermore’s uniform, but you felt great. Your head was light and your eyes moved softly, none of it hurt nor ached. Even your jaw and teeth, which used to be sore every time you woke up, did not hurt at all. Seriously, you were smiling before you met your brother’s gaze.
"Good morning." His voice was low. Too low. Hank has gotten tired of asking how your night was and how you were feeling, so he always remained in silence as he unlocked your cage. Was it a good night or bad one? "Are you going to school today?" His tone was soft. So soft. Hank only spoke like this with students and fragile people. He wouldn't speak with you like that. Unless the night was terrible.
"Yes. " Your throat was dry and your voice was hoarse but you kept going. "Are you not?"
There were dark circles under his eyes and his hair was messier than usual. Hank walked away from you, pacing loudly and slowly around the room while his hands ran through his hair frantically. "I know about yesterday." You swore a hairball fell from his head. "I will talk with these girls and I—"
"Wow, Enid really deserves the 'gossip queen' title, doesn't she?" You walked over your closet. "It's alright, Han, we know this would happen sooner or later."
"No!" He retorted. "No, none of it is supposed to happen. I promised you that I would keep you safe and—"
"We are fucked up, Hank." You turned towards him with your clothes in your hands. "We are odd and devilish and there will always be these stupid people to bother us." Hank swallowed dryly because of your words, guilt heavily falling upon his shoulder. "And it's fine by me. I'm safe. I like Nevermore." You smiled at him. "Don't get involved, please. I can handle it." They would pay for it, you thought, but your kind smile did fool Hank. 
"Okay." He sighed. "Okay, go take a bath and brush your teeth. We're having coffee at the Weathervane."
“What is it?” You asked as Hank delivered you a hot mug. The liquid was light brown with a bit of cream on top of it — this was not your order. You're supposed to drink milk, pure milk, as you have done your whole life.
“Latte.” you snorted and pushed the mug away. “What?”
“Mama said I can’t have coffee.”
“Mama can rot in hell, Y/N.” His dark voice startled you. “Sorry. Look, she never wanted you to have coffee because you are more useful asleep. You were more useful.” You could see Hank scolding himself internally. “Try it. I’m sure you’re going to like it.” Hank winked and you said nothing. “It will help you to stay awake longer.” 
This argument was enough to make you grab the mug and drink it all at once. Your whole face turned red as some of the boiling liquid ran out of your lips.
“I burned myself.” You whined, painting and cleaning your mouth with your sleeve. 
“Of course you did.” Hank pulled your ear. “You moron.”
The morning went on without much problem. You could swear someone roared behind your back but, as always, your focus remained on the teacher speaking, not on your incredibly pleasant classmates. The Biology and Chemistry classes passed smoothly: you held your pen with one hand and your notebook with the other, writing diligently so as not to raise any worries from your teacher. But, your notes had nothing to do with the words on the black board — you were writing down all the items you needed for your plan, not caring much about the ionic bonds and mammals. 
Until the lunch break, you needed to gather, somehow, a ipecac leaf and find a plant dehydrator. You figured you might have luck if you took a trip to the greenhouse, even though your brother had forbidden you to go there. Well, the worst that could happen to you was another pull on your ear — so you decided: you would go to the greenhouse, you only needed to wait for the bell to ring again and then sneak out the class. 
You smiled to yourself and closed your notebook when a pair of eyes made your skin burn. You lifted your head and looked at the teacher. 
“Our next exam is going to be a pair research.” He said, probably not for the first time. “Are you comfortable with your pairing?” His eyes dropped to the figure sitting beside you. You followed the teacher’s gaze and — you held your breath instinctively — Wednesday Addams was staring at you this whole time. Why haven't you been left alone this time? You had been released from pair work from the very first day. And it was just a research paper, you saw the topic written on the board, you could do it all by yourself and— wait, why wasn't Wednesday blinking?
“Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Torres. The mad scientist and her little helper puppy can become the duo of your nightmares!” The class laughed because of that same shrill voice of yesterday. So…you supposed you were the puppy? 
What was this girl's obsession with calling you a dog? It was your brother who trained werewolves! 
“A mad scientist usually has a monster at their disposal.” A cold voice struck back and everyone turned to its owner. Of course Wednesday wouldn't keep it shut. “I can confirm it.”
Some students squealed and laughed at the expression of fear that made the shrill-voiced girl pale.
“Silence!” Mrs.Torres tried to regain control of the class.“Mrs. L/N?” You tried to look up at the teacher again, but everyone’s gaze was on you. The laughter did not stop and the whispers grew louder as Wednesday kept sitting gracefully by your side. She was all that: confident, scary and strong-minded — while you could not even force yourself to answer the teacher. An expectant silence dominated the room as the professor's eyes remained on you. “Are…you…comfortable…with…your…pairing?” He asked ridiculously slower, as if you had some kind of retardation or deafness. Now the entire class looked at you as if you indeed had it. Even Wednesday’s gaze got bewildered as your sweat started to drop on your desk. 
Of course I’m not comfortable, I am never comfortable with these purple-dressed teenagers around me.  
You tried to swallow the knot that came up in your throat, but the movement made you cough instantly. Your mouth and throat were so dry that a painful itch spread all over your neck and you weren’t able to breathe anymore. Your whole body was shaken by the coughing as you covered your lips and sprinted out the room. 
You heard loud laughs while you rushed down the hallway, looking for the nearest toilet with the air being violently expelled from your lungs. Your abdomen and chest were already shaking with spasms by the time you broke into the restroom and sank your head into the sink. You turned on the tap and drank the water in quick sips, guiding the water to your lips with your hands. 
Your face and vest were already soaked when the bell rang loudly through the whole school. Fuck. The lunch break. You lost the opportunity, you couldn't make it to the greenhouse. Your plan was ruined. No one was going to take revenge today. Perhaps it really was a dish that should be served cold.
“L/N.” Speaking in coldness, guess who followed you. Your cheeks were still wet as you turned to Wednesday. In fact, you didn't want to, but she keeps coming up beside you and you can't stop yourself from turning around. “You ruined my message.”
Oh, fuck you. And you ruined my plan, so we’re even. What about it?
You stomped over the door and tried to close it. 
“This is the female restroom.” She noted, her fist closed around the knob as your hand pushed the knob on the other side. You tried to slam the door one more time, but she held it open. “It is you who should leave.” So you did. You wriggled out of the doorway, without even touching Wednesday's uniform, and stepped back into the hallway. 
The hallway now full of students heading to the canteen, talking and laughing and walking together in these huge packs of purple people. Someone stepped on your foot as you tried to control your breathing. It didn’t even hurt, but you walked back in reflex and your back hitted someone. It hitted Wednesday. 
"Follow me." She said after unseaming the small crease you made in her skirt. 
She paced determinedly down the hall and you followed, soon reaching the quad full of students. Curiously, she stopped and stood at a distance from the tables and the water fountain. Silence filled the space between you and you found yourself obliged to analyze her face after explanations. Her eyes wandered precisely through the quad, following a moving-target as a twist took over her lips. A smirk?
A loud scream made you look away: and then you saw. Oh, what a beautiful image you saw! The shrill-voiced girl was screaming for her life in the middle of the courtyard. A dozen spiders emerged from her plate and were now crawling up her chest and face. None of her slaps and screams stopped the arachnids from stepping over her skin. Now, all eyes were on her and everyone within thirty feet could hear her screams for help. 
Your plan might have been ruined, but Wednesday’s plan was way more satisfying.
You laughed delightedly as the girl squirmed on the floor, a loud, husky laugh coming from your lips that made Wednesday's little smile grow. She watched you attentively as your eyes gleamed because of the scene in front of you.
You were having the time of your life before a voice emerged from behind.
It was Hank. Fuck.
“You’re walking on thin ice with the principal, Wednesday.” Hank said from behind his desk, his hands sunk into the wood. “You've already been suspended once, and I’m not sure if you will get away with this little spider show of yours.” Hank stared down at her, who was sitting beside his brother with her typically straight posture. Her hands were on her lap and her knees were knit together, her chin up in defiance. And you were mirroring her posture without even noticing. Hank tried to not gasp at you as he went on. “What was that for, after all?”
“They’ve ruined our correspondence.” She told him coldly. “Now I’m late.”
It was a weird deal they had. Like, Wednesday would only go to Jericho with Hank or then driving his moto. They also shared these secret, encrypted notes in the meantime. Was it a mystery solving competition? And she was now late with the riddles? It sounded like something Hank would do to keep a friend out of trouble. He used to do it with you. 
"Bullshit. You avenged Y/N, didn’t you?” Wednesday shifted slightly on her seat because of Hank’s words. “We’ve talked about this, corbeau, you can’t keep righting wrongs around here.”
Corbeau? Was she a raven? A psychic? Is that why Hank always grits his teeth around her? His curse gets worse around psychics. 
“Then you should perform your function properly and take care of these miserable beings.” You looked at her with widened eyes. “They’re bothering your brother and you did nothing.” Why was she bothered about it? She doesn't even know you. 
“You exhaust me, Wednesday.” Hank sighed, with his slumped shoulders and slow hand gestures accepting the defeat. So…they were friends? Hank has never lost an argument so quickly. 
“Did you know about it, Y/N?” After almost an hour scolding the Addams, he finally turned to you. “Did you plan out this thing together?” 
You shook your head and Hank frowned. Yes, you answered, and you could feel Wednesday's eyes on you. 
You were lying, of course — you had no idea about what she intended to do nor why she did it — but you adored it and you wouldn’t let her be penalized alone.
“So it's decided!” Hank did not seem happy. “You two will assist the school clubs for the next two weeks.” It didn’t sound bad. “And apologize.” Now it sounded horrible.
Wednesday fought back again and their discussion restarted. You didn’t really pay attention to what they were saying — you knew your brother wouldn’t go back. So your fingers went down your jacket as well as your eyes, and you began to twist the buttons of your clothes as the discussion dragged on for another half hour. 
A thud then came from the door behind you and you noticed Hank was gone. In an impulsive movement, you grabbed a paper and a pencil from your brother’s desk as Wednesday headed to the door. 
She was already leaving when you held out the paper for her. Please, turn around, turn around and look at—
“I—” Your voice got stuck in your throat as your mind ran widely in thoughts. What are you supposed to say? Could you say anything to her? What if you got it all wrong and she still wanted to kill you? Did she want to kill you in the first place?
Thankfully, your stutter was enough to make her turn her face toward you and see the paper in your hand. This time, you delivered the message without being crushed or wet.
Your note only said:
'Thank you.'
Then you ran away.
Taglist: @i984 @toournextadventure @cursedchar @aroaceanxietylemon @tundra1029 @efectoangel @sweetaimu @colezb @tnnadia @elduster @rainbowsixreader
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tsuk1sh1ma · 1 year
"good god this is boring" shikamaru said slightly surprising you. you were both at some new safety precaution debriefing given by lady tsunade, but you could tell your colleague was disinterested. as per usual. you grew up with shikamaru & you've had missions with him previously, and worked with him to bring sasuke back (which failed). but everytime you two interact theres always been conflict. he didn't seem to like you, which was okay because you couldn't stand him
"why are we just now asking people for id as they enter the village" he mumbled some more "that should have been implemented in the first place..." you decided to cut in on personal conversation...with himself. "you'd think they'd start after the whole orichimaru situation." you snickered, his eyebrows furrowed. "now i've got people in my business...what a drag." you looked him up and down given him the meanest stank face he'd probably ever seen. "excuse you asshole, your business is pretty fucking loud!" you said now whisper shouting. shikamaru just rolled his eyes and went back to paying attention to the meeting, which was rare.
. . .
after the meeting adjourned, you walked around the streets of konaha absentmindedly, you were all caught up on paper work and had no missions for a while so you had time to fuck around. "hey you" you heard a familiar voice shout from behind you, well at least his version of shouting. "what!" you yelled in response not even bothering to look back. "hey i'm talking to you, don't make me run." shikamaru said, which you decided to ignore as you continued to keep walking...until you couldn't. you look down at your feet, seeing how the sun was placed perfectly behind you to make you easily fall victim to shikas shadow posession jutsu. "oh give me a break" you sighed "WHAT DO YOU WANT". he finally released you and caught up to you, smirking.
"look at you, making me do all this work." he said with a hint of something in his voice you couldn't pick up. "well our previous interactions haven't been so pleasant so i was just saving myself from a headache" he found that amusing, rolling his eyes playfully. 'wow this is the first time i've seen something from him other than a scowl.' you thought. "you wanna go out for a drink, i figure we should discuss some of the new rules in place." you suddenly felt a blush come across your cheeks. "shikamaru, if you want to ask me out just say that, no need to be coy" you playfully hit him and giggled. "asking you out pshh. i just take my work very seriously". you blankly stared at him, all signs of amusement gone out of your face. "okay i don't even believe that, just let me take you out for a drink pleaseeee" he begged. it felt nice to see a different side of shikamaru, one that actually cared about something, and it seemed like that something was you. maybe one little hang out wouldn't be that bad.
"okay fine whatever sure, but I get to pick!"
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saturnselkies · 9 months
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Sweet-Scented Curiosity between You and Me
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There were no stars in Nayos, Badri knew this. Yet her eyes still looked up idly, searching for points of light that usually adorned the blue cosmic waves of the night sky. It reminded her of wondrous things like the stars in her eyes, but it also reminded her of the crystal bedroom she'd sleep in the tower; floating starry orbs connecting periods that she tried so hard to make sense of. But it was so hazy at times.
"If you don't get any rest, tomorrow will be unpleasant."
Badri jolted in her seat, hands grabbing a fistful of her gown.
"Oh, Peitha! You scared me. You're so… light-footed," she said, face flushed.
"It makes things more exciting, doesn't it? When you can't hear me coming." The kryptis smirked.
Badri's face grew hotter and she giggled almost in reflex. As if remembering something particularly pleasant.
"Now, Wayfinder, you should rest," Peitha said again.
Badri wondered if she should tell Peitha the truth. She hated having to "tough it out". And Peitha was so nice and warm to her. She couldn't resist it.
"I don't like sleeping very much."
"People from your magic tower seem to love it." Peitha raised her brow.
"Yes… Probably." Badri shrugged with a thin smile.
Peitha didn't like the way sorrow smeared across Badri's face; how it cracked the sweet-scented curiosity she wore so irresistibly. It twisted something inside Peitha, made her almost angry to know something could gnaw at a pretty, little star like the Wayfinder.
Peitha also knew there was a war clawing at their doorstep. And she should turn around and let the Wayfinder figure it out.
"What don't you like about it?"
"It's hard to explain." Badri ears perked up. "I spent a lot of time in a deep slumber in the Wizard's Tower. Isgarren said it was the best way to keep me away from Kryptis possession."
Peitha was not expecting something like that. It was hard to stun a demon of her experience; the closest thing she could feel was incredulity. From the outside, she would have guessed the Astral Ward was better at dealing with precious things like Badri. "That seems a little too drastic. For how long did you sleep?"
"Sometimes years upon years. I've been with the Ward for two hundred and something years. I only remember ninety of them. In weird segments," she lamented with a sad pout.
"That's…" Peitha wanted to find the right word. The right bite. The right merciless remark to such careless treatment. She wondered if the Wizards saw Badri as a catastrophic disaster waiting to happen. Or perhaps an artifact to use. She clenched her jaw. "…unkind. You are doing perfectly fine awake."
"Really?" Her eyes shimmered in the way Peitha loved. There it is, she thought. "I think he just cares too much. He never let me do anything by myself."
"He's just old." And a pretentious, paranoid curmudgeon, she sneered. Peitha sat down on the makeshift bed; she gestured to Badri, beckoning her closer, and inviting the smaller woman to sit with her.
Badri followed the command almost as if this was her nature, climbing onto the kryptis' thighs. "But what if I don't wake up again? And you're not there anymore."
Peitha's claws grabbed at the supple flesh of her starry-eyed princess' perfect body. "You're mine now. And a sleeping beauty is no fun."
"Then why are you asking me to sleep?" She bit her lip, eyes twinkling with a mischievous gleam.
"I can't play with you if you're exhausted and cranky—"
"I'm not cranky!"
"Yes, you can be. Tapping your foot because food takes too long. Or huffing because your blanket is slightly crooked—"
"Okay! Fine! Don't say it like that." She whined sweetly, hands covering her eyes.
"I need you at your best." Peitha lowered her head, pressing her lips to Badri's pointed ear. "And I need you ready to feel every inch of me. I'll find you every time, you can't escape me." Her voice turned into a dangerous timbre, dripping like sickly sweet syrup.
Badri shivered with a gentle moan. "Peitha—"
"No. You will rest now." She fondled her soft breasts. Claws caressing her body just light enough to be comforting and not deeply arousing. "And then the fun begins. Sleep now."
Peitha helped Badri under the hefty covers, blue wool and brown fur; Nayos could get cold and somber, the heavy air and dense fog made certain areas feel like freezing chambers. For a kryptis, it was a matter of regulating their body temperature, but non-demons always had a hard time adjusting. It was probably disconcerting that the ground could feel warm to the touch, but the air was icy enough to freeze.
"I'll miss you," Badri mumbled. She looked almost unreal; hair kissed by golden waves and skin made of lush blueberries, looking up at Peitha like she was her whole world.
So trusting.
The thought of the Wizards taking Badri away from Peitha crossed her mind for a quick moment. And it was enough for an emotion to grow so rapidly violent. So possessive and ardent.
I'll kill them all.
"Sleep tight, my pretty princess."
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bemylord · 3 years
↠ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴄʀᴀᴛᴄʜᴇꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴅʏ ↞
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characters: gojo, sukuna, itadori, megumi, nanami, toji x fem!reader.
warnings: smut, aged up, marks/bruises, creampie, daddy kink [toji and nanami], oral [fem!receiving], degrade and praise kinks, grammar errors.
a/c: or s/o gave them scratches on their body. hc + drabble. kento's, toji's, and sukuna's part might be rough. also i may used inappropriate word don't blame me.
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱ���ᴛᴏʀᴜ:
would be teasing you in the morning for being too horny to suppress your nails. although, he doesn't hide the fact he adores the little pain when his clothes touch places where you left stripes.
also likes those moments when you're leaving fingernail marks on his thighs or hips whilst sucking his dick. it'd be better spelled if i specify that gojo using your head as a toy for his pleasure.
would praise you for marks you've given him, labeling his muscular body as yours, letting your fingers traveling all over his back to the chest, outlining every muscle.
prefers to do it slow but deep, touching the spongy coil inside you with his every push, feeling your hands on the back as you're trying to take his dick, being capable of not losing your mushy mind at his sharp pushes as how he's overbearingly fucking you.
'giving me all your juices and marks you've gotten for your master' satoru might be playful during the training time, but you've known he likes to talk dirty and be dominant railing you. those marks perfectly suiting on his skin so why not leave them?
despite being overdose with your cum and a facial expression - you opened your mouth releasing ragged whimpers and arching your back, approaching towards gojo's chest in the climax, cumming all over the base - he'd thrust in you more 'till you'd turn into the drooling mess below.
'yes, honey, you're doing good, so good. constricting my dick so good' obscene squelches become louder, as you could feel satoru's released on your stomach. 'you did so well, honey, i'm gonna take good care of you'
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴊɪ:
okay, i think itadori would be the softest boy through all monsters we've got here.
but don't let his innocent face trick you. despite of the fact that most of the time he's a soft bun, he'll make you scream.
ok, make you scream and be asking if he isn't tempestuous.
he'd be disconcerted if you asked him to heal his back. for what? he thinks is a sort of a recall so he could remember what the two of you had been doing in the night and how loud you were while giving him your residue of cum.
he might take some photos of his skin pattern in marks so he could ogle at 'em later, repeating seconds where you were patterning his back.
'take off your shirt, yuji. i'll heal your back'
poor itadori is sitting on the couch totally discouraged as he heard your request. he glanced at you with a bambi look: eyes wide open, as if you said something vulgar. he aimlessly rubbed the back of his head, tossed his head back.
'but i like your marks, baby'
he whined, grabbing your palms in his, forcing you to sit on his lap, wrapping arms around your waist.
'you gave those stripes because you.. you were feeling good, yeah?'
you put your head down at his question but nodded, putting your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
'then i don't need your recovery, baby, let your marks stay until you'll add new ones'
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ᴛᴏᴊɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
let people know what sex is. let it be a slogan for your intercourse.
he could fuck you all night due to his long-term capability and would be smug after intercourse as he'd watch the disorder [?] you did on his biceps.
mostly biceps, cause a man knows the main destination of his tongue, masterfully giving you an oral. goddamn that tongue.
he'd let you scratch his back as he'll know that it'd be possibility to show off the mark his love gave him. on other days, you're pulling his hair into your pussy, burying him even more, letting him to destroy you before the fun will start.
his arms full of red stripes. though it wasn't your fault - how can you inhibit yourself while toji is literally eating you like a meal?
'being waiting for my tongue, huh?' he's a teaser - you're at the edge of the bed, baring your dripping pussy to the one he can lick you as you need to whilst teasing and degrading you.
'being waiting to be demolished by me you little whore, don't you?'
you grabbed his strong biceps, dotted them in half-moons then squeeze as toji peeks at you.
'answer me, slut!'
his low voice makes you open widely your legs as not closed to squeeze his head. he's running his tongue on your crotch and labia, teasing you, forcing you to say how reckless and anguished you were without his tongue and fingers.
'yes, daddy, i-i've been waiting f-for you' you sharply breathe, letting out the whimpers, feeling his tongue playing with your swollen clit.
'i'm about to ruin you tonight, are you ready?' he giggled once more, getting into the little game he's been waiting for since he left the house.
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ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
it is in their genetic code to make a woman scream but since megumi hasn't got a huge sexual experience as his father does, he'd be tender at first, asking abt your well-being, if he can move, etc..
when he watches at the mirror in the morning, he finds out his back and a few shoulders are drawing by your nails.
he'd be overwhelmed and speechless as he saw a reminder of the night.
'gumi will make up an excuse, sort of: 'i got into the fight with a curse, nothing special'. itadori'd have been asking him if he's okay, how it was but satoru isn't a naive one.
deep inside would be proud of himself that only he could put you on the pleasure, privately enjoying those patterns.
'y/n?' he pronounced your name in a question way, rubbing his shoulder aimlessly, as you glanced at him. you let out a quiet mooing as a response, staring as to how megumi taking off his school uniform.
'would you mind heal me a little?'
you smiled, coming closer to your boyfriend, grabbing a tube of medicine on the way.
'don't think i don't like your.. marks, just-'
'don't apologize, 'gumi, it's kinda chaos on your back' you giggled at your comparison, running with medicine on red stripes. his tensed and muscular body is overwhelming: those abs and pretty strong arms conquering every time you've got an opportunity to ogle.
'tho i love the chaos you made'
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
i'm certain you'll be scratching his back because nanami is packing - big dick energy, lol.
screaming his name as you've been drawing illegible patterns, mostly on his wide back, so lately he'd smirk at his reflection in the mirror.
those nights when you're trying to fill the lack patterns on his back by drawing lots of geometrical figures or promiscuous tracery.
every move with his tight white shirt at the office makes his stoic face change as he reminisces the night you gave that pleasant pain.
he wants to find half-moons littering his biceps as you were holding 'em while giving creampie on his dick.
if you want it spicy - trail your fingers on his back suddenly, giving nanami little goosebumps to switch his mood.
'darling, you want me to stop?' he unaware question left you desperate as nanami stopped pumping, left a soft kiss on your forehead. 'am i fucking you way too hard?' seldom moment of nanami being tender as he gets used to fuck recklessly 'till you'll be a dripping mess under his cock.
you didn't see fit to answer the question but smack your lips against his, as a silent response named: 'i'm fine, my love, you can move' your wet, deep, and in some way subtle kiss that doesn't fit on the action you've been doing. you trail your nails from the back of his neck to the coccyx, ogling as to how his facial expression changes.
'you want to be used like a slut you are, don't you?'
you couldn't respond, only purr as how nanami suddenly turned on into daddy. feeling how your empty pussy being filled out with a thick kento's cock again as he's making a demolishing [?] pushes.
'get what you want, slut, scratch my back so it'd dotted lately with your nails'
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ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ:
as for that rough man..
he gives hickeys - you give him patterns on his back.
he'd be exceedingly obsessed after had seen your marks on itadori's body. still, itadori is a vessel for him, so sukuna will be even more self-satisfied. why? a little reminder for the owner who took possession of your body at the night.
once he'll take possession of the body, itadori it'd be or someone else, he won't stop himself as long as his back will be patterns of yours nail on it.
he does literally everything to make you scratch his back, whether it be licking your swollen clit to the way your legs got shaken or fuck you on his lap.
'let the bastard see what matures did it the night' his pace increase as he uttered the phrase that makes the butterflies in your belly thrives off.
his lowly and husky voice intermingled with ragged breathing, little drops of sweat on his hairline as he crushes devastating punches, letting your moans out of your mouth.
you're digging into his skin on the back as he masterfully target into the spongy coil in your stomach, feeling as your orgasm is building up with his every hit. he wants to see his back littering in patterns of your nails, wants to have that sweet but stinging pain in the morning.
's-sukuna, ugh~' you let out a whimper as your cunt constricting creampie on his dick. he chuckled as your hole clenching his thick cock while nails trailing all over back.
idk i start always from sukuna and i've got inspiration only on kento's part, that's why nanami and toji might be rough than a king.
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝓓𝓪𝔂 7:
тєи ℓєє
23 days of NCT masterlist.
taglist: @notbeforelong @curieouscapt @whathamelon @unknown5tar @ajhdr @silent-potato
warnings: the reader is soon-to-be engaged to someone 12 years older, virginity loss, extreme lack of experience from the reader, dirty talk, Ten’s a sweetheart 😭
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“He’s here!” Your mother clapped her hands excitedly, asking the butler to answer the door.
You sat with both hands squeezed on your lap. You’d never seen a male tailor, let alone be dressed by one. Would it be uncomfortable? Just as your mind was about to drift away, a man with at least four rolls of fabric entered the room.
“Good evening, my lady.” Was he even real? He looked straight out of a painting, just like the ones hanging on your wall.
“Good evening, sir.” You bowed your head gracefully, just like you'd been taught to do.
“There’s no need to be so formal.” He smiled cheekily, his eyes disappearing just the slightest and making your heart flutter with excitement. “Let us have a seat and chat a little about what kind of dress you'd like.”
Everything went so naturally with him, from sitting down and talking about the event you'd be wearing the dress to, to his hands surrounding your waist, taking your measurements.
“I was thinking of something white, my lady. After all, the goal is to get a certain gentleman to ask for your hand, isn't it?”
“How did you...?”
“Your mother is quite a chatty lady.” You sighed. She certainly had trouble keeping things a secret, the whole town probably already knew by now.
“Then I guess you already know we've known each other since we were kids, well, since I was a kid. He's twelve years older.” You sounded so excited talking about that guy that it made him smile. “Are you married, sir?”
“God, no!” He was quick to explain. “I want to devote myself to work, that's what makes me happy.”
“But imagine yourself, waiting for your beautiful bride at the church, ready to join your lives for what is left of them. Just to think about it gives me goosebumps.” To him, what you'd just said sounded like agony. Dedicating himself to another person for the rest of his life? He’d rather jump off a cliff.
“I just don't think I'm good husband material, that's all.”
As the days passed by, you got to know him better. He’d often tell you about his job, how many dresses he'd confectioned that week, how much money he'd earned, every single little detail of it. He made it sound like a dream, he spoke so passionately about it that you wondered whether you'd ever find something that would make you feel that same way.
“Good morning, my lady.” He kissed your knuckles, a devilish grin extending through his lips as he admired your flustered face. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
He extended a big, white box with a red velvety ribbon keeping it closed.
“That was fast!” You opened it to reveal a pretty, lacy dress. It was exactly what you’d asked for, but then why did you feel so sad?
“What is it, my lady? Do you not like the dress?”
“No! I love it.” He smiled, pulling out the dress from it’s confinement to let you have a better look at it. It was, indeed, beautiful.
“Would you like to try it on?”
You soon found yourself behind a room divider, slipping the soft dress on. The texture was marvelous, like wearing a cloud. It would definitely draw Johnny’s attention, that’s for sure.
“How do I look?” You stepped out, spinning around to let his critic eyes have a look at his masterpiece. He squinted his eyes as if he wasn’t pleased. “What is it?”
“Your corset.”
“Truth to be told, I knew this dress wouldn’t work with a traditional corset, so I might have made a special one for the occasion.” You walked to the full body mirror, taking a look at yourself.
“It looks fine to me.”
“You look too innocent, my lady.” You furrowed your eyebrows, eyes connecting with his through your reflections. “This dress wasn’t made to make you look innocent, but to make you look like a sophisticated, upper class woman.”
You went through your options and finally decided to listen to the expert.
“Do you happen to have that corset at the moment?”
“Yes, but the problem is, only I know the right way to adjust it. Would you be okay with me doing that?” You could feel cold sweat running down the back of your neck.
Only your mother and some servants had seen you naked, but never a man. It wasn’t supposed to happen unless the couple was married. However, you felt the urge to accept his proposition.
“A-alright.” He nodded, keeping a straight face as he started undressing you.
He slowly started undoing the ribbon that kept your corset in place. Still in front of the mirror, you could see his concentrated features, not looking at anything but your back. Your mounds were finally liberated, and for a split second, you could see the tailor’s eyes staring at them.
“Raise your arms please.” Was he really not going to do anything? This was the part when the two main characters exchanged a heated session of kisses according to the novels you'd read. But he kept the same stoic face all the time.
“Ten?” This was the very first time you'd called him by his real name, well, his nickname.
He didn't seem bothered by it, concentrated on adjusting your corset.
“Yes, my lady?”
“Am I not attractive?” His hands accidentally tightened the ribbons too much, making you wince.
“Sorry.” He apologized, loosening the piece of clothing. “But why are you asking me this?”
“Well...” You were ashamed to admit it, but your curiosity got the best of you. “Aren’t men supposed to go wild over breasts? At least that's what I heard.” Ten would've never expected such an inappropriate comment from you, though he couldn't say he didn't like that new boldness of yours.
“I guess so.”
“Then why didn't you go wild over mine?”
The room was filled with nothing but silence for a couple of seconds before he finally found an appropriate answer for your question.
“I’ll ask you something first.” you nodded. “If you knew men had a thing for breasts, then why did you let me do this?” You would've liked to say that it was because you deeply trusted him, but you both knew that deep down, it wasn't completely true.
“I don't know.”
“Did you want to seduce me or something like that?” You were about to reply, but his deep laugh interrupted you. “Well, since you answered my question, I shall answer yours.” he finally finished adjusting your corset, placing his hands above the curves of your waist and leaning down to whisper something. “You have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. They look round and soft, the perfect size to hold them with my hand. But I can't allow myself to go wild over you, not when you're about to get engaged to someone else.” So the things wrote in novels weren't entirely fantasy, things like that did happen in real life. “Trust me, I wish nothing but to pinch those pretty, perky nipples and have you begging for more. But we can't.”
“Yes, we can.” With a newly found courage, you guided his hands up until they reached your mounds. They did, in fact, fit perfectly between his hands.
“My lady-”
“Y/n.” You held his hands against your warm body. “Please, my name is y/n.”
“Stop playing with fire.” His voice had become lower, hands shaking the slightest under yours.
“I want you to play with me, Ten. Use me, do whatever you want with my body. Alleviate the ache I'm feeling between my legs.” That was his breaking point.
His expert fingers quickly undid the knots, allowing his hungry eyes to have a look at your naked torso.
“Touch me.” he turned you around, so you were directly facing him.
“So greedy.” His hands covered your chest once again, this time with no fabric in between. His palms felt so warm against your skin, you couldn’t help but sight. “Tell me, how does your little cunt feel?”
“I-I’m sorry?” His right hand went down, rubbing circles over your undergarments. Immediate relief washed over your body.
“Do you know what an orgasm is?” You shook your head, gasping as his fingers pinched your hard nub. “It’s the only way to relief the ache you feel here.” He tapped your entrance with his middle finger, feeling your wetness under his digits.
“How can I have one?”
“You’ll have to trust me, alright?” His dominant demeanor had changed to a softer one, kissing your jawline as hands sneaked inside the fabric, a new, pleasant feeling making your legs shake. “How does this feel?”
“Nice.” He retrieved his hand, you whined at the loss of contact. “Hey!”
“Jump.” He instructed, lifting you up with both of his hands below your thighs. He guided you all the way to the nearest wall, your back pressed against the concrete surface. “Sorry for this.” He muttered before ripping your undergarments apart.
Skillfully, he lowered his pants, his hard member springing up. The moment his tip started slipping into your whole, an immense amount of pain made you scream.
“Stop!” Ten frowned, pulling away but still holding you against the wall.
“Have you changed your mind about this?” There was a hint of pain peeking through his voice.
“It hurts a lot.” As if to back up your words, a small tear rolled down your cheek.
“I know, sweetheart. But that's the way it's supposed to be.” If it hurt so much, then why did people do it so often? “You just need to get used to it and it'll start feeling better, I promise.”
“Really?” For you, it didn't make any sense.
“We can stop whenever you want, just give it a try.” You hesitantly nodded, letting him align with your entrance once again. “Deep breaths, darling.”
It was the worst pain you'd ever felt, even worse than that time when you fell off a horse. But just like the tailor had said, that unpleasant feeling was soon replaced with something else...something that made your tummy feel warm.
“You're doing so well.” He praised as if he wasn't the one doing all the hard work while you held onto his shoulders. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I need to pee.” You gasped, letting your head rest against the wall.
“Don't hold it back, darling. It means you're close.” His large hands caressed your sides, holding you tightly.
“Ten...” You whimpered, biting his clothed shoulder to stop yourself from screaming in pleasure. Something inside you exploded, making your body shake in ecstasy.
“Y/n.” You both whispered your names, pleasure taking over your minds.
“May I kiss you?” There was no response from him, his length still pulsating inside you. “If you don't want to that's-”
“Kiss me.” Your lips came closer to each other, barely millimeters away when a loud knock abruptly interrupted the moment.
“Miss y/n, Mr. Seo is here to see you.” Johnny, you'd completely forgotten about him.
“I guess you better get dressed.” He pecked your cheek, setting a fire inside you.
“I'm sorry.” He helped you put on your dress again, smiling at the sight of you trying to stop your and his essence from dripping down your bare thighs.
“Don't be.” Ten fixed your hair, proceeding to gather his stuff before sending a wink in your direction. “I guess I'll see you in a week to help you get dressed...my lady.”
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seven-am · 3 years
Survivors guilt and saccharine smiles
He had won. Grian survived 3rd Life, became the Victor. Why did it hurt so much then? Why was he apprehensive to return to Hermitcraft? (full story under cut)
He knew why. Because the others were there: Impulse, Cleo, Ren, Bdubs, Etho, Tango. Scar. Scar would be there. The man he killed to win would be there. He wasn't sure if he was ready. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be ready.
Unfortunately for him, it wasn't his choice. The server Being closed the server. His last glimpses of the server as it swirled out and he returned to Hermitcraft was of Pizza's grave and the Red Desert where so many people died. He was ready!
Server hopping always made him nauseous, so perhaps he could use that as his excuse as to why he grimaced at the faces surrounding him at spawn. He had hoped that he would just rejoin and they would leave him to it. He should've known it wouldn't be like that. "Grian! You're back! Finally." Impulse was unnecessarily happy for just coming back from a death game. Then again it was Impulse. "Scar just got back as well, he said you'd be around soon. Congrats on winning!" Grian just grunted. He was too tired to formulate an actual response, and his head hurt. "Yeah, I bet you're tired. We can take you back to Boatem to rest. Cmon buddy." Grian nodded and tried to push himself to his feet. He swayed a little bit before stumbling. Pearl caught him.
"We're not gonna fly, I don't think you - or your wings - are up to it right now." She said gently, guiding him towards a waiting boat. He fell asleep almost as soon as he sat down.
It wasn't a pleasant sleep. Full of nightmares about the godforsaken server that he had left behind. "You can kill me." Scar's voice, over and over again, paired with his yell when he fell into the ravine. It was horrible. Grian awoke to the dark ceiling of his base, phantoms circling his house. That was unusual, because they typically only spawned when a player hadn't slept for a while. Although, he had read somewhere that they could sense distress. Great. He tried to go back to sleep but he couldn't. All of his senses were on fire, adrenaline coursing through him.
No one would notice if he slipped out for a little bit right? Slipping on a sweater, Grian took to the skies. The phantoms tried to follow him but he was faster than them. It was nice to fly again after having his wings bound on 3rd Life. It was freeing. He loved it. The wind in his feathers, in his hair, on his face. He circled the island a few times. He checked up on all of the Hermits who had been on 3rd Life. He had to make sure they were okay. Because he may have survived, but they hadn't. He was worried (he was guilty). There was no way of telling if they held grudges: they were all asleep. At least they were asleep, maybe not plagued by nightmares that tormented Grian. He flew home.
The next time Grian woke, he was in his starter house. It was very comfortable. Unfortunately, he couldn't go back to sleep. He had a visitor. "Glad to see you're awake, Grian. You've been sleeping for a couple days, Impulse got me to come check on you." Oh geez. If Xisuma had to come check on him, clearly something was wrong. But he wasn't really in the mood for being babied.
"I'm fine X, just didn't have much sleep on... the other server." He smiled sweetly (it was sickly, it wasn't fair - why were they pitying him? He was guilty). "You can go, I'll be working on my base."
"I'm not... Grian, are you okay?" How the hell did Xisuma see through his façade?
But Grian wasn't going to answer him, "I'm perfectly okay, just processing things. I need to do something or I'll be so bored." He shrugged and smiled again (smile dripping with honey and lies), "I promise I'll tell you or Impulse if I start feeling worse." (Lies, but he was guilty, he didn't deserve this.) Xisuma looked unhappy about leaving, but he didn't want to overstep. He was like that.
There was no way in hell that Grian was avoiding Scar. Not at all. He definitely didn't brush off chances to meet up with the whole of Boatem with his new sickly smile. He didn't blatantly ignore Scar's messages. He didn't! Okay, no he definitely did. But he didn't deserve to see Scar. He killed him, after all! Scar wouldn't want to see him anyway. Grian had killed Scar, and won by doing so. Surely Scar wouldn't want to see him.
(He was guilty, so guilty, he caused all the pain. Etho had been more withdrawn than ever, Bdubs and Ren barely interacted anymore, Tango was more quick to anger, even Impulse had lost his gentle smile. Grian had caused this. He was guilty. And what's worse - he had survived.)
"G! Grian!" Oh joy, it was Ren, his ex-enemy. This was going to go brilliantly. "Haven't seen you around in a while. What've you been up to?"
Grian's enchanter trap had killed Ren - he was guilty. "Not much, been working on my base, the usual. You?" If Grian could appease him with small talk long enough, he could find a way out.
"Nothing exciting really. Doc's been doing his world breaking stuff again. I've been watching. Getting over 3rd Life. You know how it is." Ren had been hurt by 3rd Life. Grian had caused more pain.
"Yeah... Sorry about that."
"What're you sorry for?"
"I put us on that server: I caused it. I'm sorry." Grian's wings opened and he took off into the sky, tears blurring his eyes. He had hurt his friends. He was guilty. Ren called after him but he couldn't hear him over the rushing in his ears.
"Okay... I have a small problem. It's about Grian." It had become a tradition that the 3rd Lifers would meet up on a Tuesday to discuss things. It had been their resident therapist, Iskall's, idea. It was a good way for them to talk through their trauma and their disagreements in a stable setting. Grian had been the only one who hadn't yet attended.
"You've see him recently?" Impulse sounded incredulous. "The last I saw him was when he came back."
"He's avoiding us. Very clearly." Cleo had a talent for being blunt. It perfectly contradicted Joe's poetic nature.
"Yeah. I think I know why." Scar didn't speak often at the meeting, still processing what had happened towards the end of the server. "He feels guilty. We all died and he blames himself. What'd he say to you Ren?"
"That he's sorry for putting us there." Ren frowned, "He invited us, and we accepted. He didn't force us to do anything."
"It's survivors' guilt." Iskall said. Their voice was calm. "He believes that he didn't do enough to help you and that he caused your deaths. Scar, has he spoken to you at all?"
"Nope, not at all. I was giving him space."
"He's avoiding you because he killed you directly. The others... he didn't land the final blow. Even traps were less direct than that."
"But I'm not mad at him? I care about him and he clearly needs to talk." Scar frowned and then shrugged.
"You should go talk to him."
"Now's a good a time as any." He shrugged and smiled. Scar took off, spamming rockets to gain speed, in the direction of Boatem.
"Grian!" He yelled, perching on one of the signs in Grian's base.
Grian drew his sword, still too jumpy to consider going without one. "Oh... Hi Scar."
"Grian! Hi! How're you? I've not seen you around for a while." Scar asked happily.
"Perfectly fine. I just wanted to work on my base for a little while." Grian smiled that smile that the others had been talking about. It was sickly sweet, dripping with honey. It made Scar shiver.
"You sure? No one's seen you around in a while." Scar didn't particularly want to push but this was important.
"I'm fine." It was curt. But then the dam broke. "I'm sorry! I put you all on that damned server and I hurt you. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. We trust you. We still love you."
"But I hurt you! I killed you! I'm a murderer! I'm sorry!" Grian cried.
"I'm fine now. I forgive you. We all forgive you. We're just worried about you." And Scar hoped down from his perch on the sign. His arms were outstretched, offering a hug. Grian sunk into them readily. And that's where Xisuma and Impulse found them later, having gone to check on them. They transferred the two to Grian's bed shop, careful not to disturb them. Grian slept well, without phantoms, for the first time since he got back. He was fine. He would be fine.
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anthrogothic · 3 years
~Well, this is the first fic I've posted (not that I've written many). Maybe I found it interesting to explore the emotional and psychological side of the clones and, of course, Echo. Besides, of course, other little things. Hope you like it. 🥺 (and sorry for any mistake as this fic was originally written in brazilian portuguese).
Second part heeeeree
Pairing: Echo x fem!Reader (in this chapter only Hunter and Wrecker appear for now)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Body insecurity and bullying.
You were always a woman of science. Curious, persistent and genius. As a child, you loved growing plants and watching animals. Sometimes experimented with changing the color of flowers in jars with colorful products or hatching small eggs of birds and reptiles in small boxes bathed in light and heated cloths. You once set fire to his parents Aldeeranian Silk curtains, after pointing a magnifying glass in front of the sunlight streaming through the windows.
No wonder you was one of the top students at Naboo's Faculty of Science when was older. After all, you were one of the few females in your class. Being constantly the victim of offensive comments and jokes, mainly because of baggy clothes that didn't mark your body, adopted after years of harassment for your sharp curves. Your glasses and voluminous hair didn't do much for the "jokes" to stop. Withdrawn in any group of popular and partying colleagues, you had nothing but to study with your few fellow “nerds”.
As a result, you soon got your first job in the field. Standing out so much that you was invited to participate in the cloning processes on Kamino a few times, even creating a certain professional relationship with Nala Se, the chief scientist.
You weren't a fan of cloning, even though it was incredible, you found it somewhat unethical in relation to the impact on the lives of Jango Fett clones. They weren't just battle products or numbers to you, but Human Beings with as many rights as anyone else. That they should have autonomy over their lives. But work is not always 100% pleasant, as much as it is something you love as long as you understand being human.
With your occasional visits to Kamino, you ended up having the sympathy of the clones, precisely for treating them like ordinary people, with different names and personalities despite the identical DNA and their fateful serial numbers.
You even ate with them in the cafeteria instead of the staff room and played with them in your free time and some would sneak men's uniforms for you, who were too bothered by the looks and teasing you received in your tight women's uniform.
One day, during a typical meal with your friends, a tone of laughter and nasty comments made you take your attention off your plate.
You poked your clone friend in the shoulder on your right.
"What is happening?"
He, without even looking up, snorted a laugh and spoke before taking the meal to his mouth:
"So you don't know the subject of the moment? There is a new squad among us. Weird… but they haven't suffered a single casualty on the field so far."
You raised an eyebrow, craning your neck a few times in an attempt to see something.
"I was not informed of this. I have not been assigned to inspect newly graduated soldiers for some time. But why the laughter and so much whispering?"
Deep in your brain, the bitter memory of your college days was pulled.
Your friend gave you an incredulous look, gesturing to find the right words to avoid any reprimand from you:
"They… well… are technically defective. Very different from us. No wonder they nicknamed them The Bad Batch."
He stifled a laugh. Soon getting punched in the arm accompanied by a scowl from you.
"Okay, okay. Forgive me, clone rights advocate."
His irony was clear, making you roll your eyes and get up, heading towards the counter where they left the used dishes. After thanking the wrinkled green lady who served the meal, you turned in the direction of leaving the cafeteria, but a sharp impact on your face and chest propels you back, followed by a lot of pain and strong hands gripping your elbows.
"Hey! Are you okay?"
A familiar, but deeper and stronger voice resonated in your ears, making you open your eyes faster than you normally would, as you bring your hand to your forehead and in the background thanking the Maker for wearing contact lenses instead of glasses today . It took you a while to map the face of the man in front of you. His long dark hair fell to his shoulders, his red bandana letting out a few shorter strands across his forehead, his almond-shaped eyes looking a little worried, and finally, a tattoo that covered the entire left part of his face.
He was familiar…but at the same time very different from the other clones. Even the armor, grey and red. Definitely seeing a different face in that cafeteria was a bit intriguing.
"I think you broke her, Hunter!"
A loud, husky voice came from behind you, making you turn your back to the tattooed man, just to behold the huge soldier who covered your entire field of vision.
He was huge, broad and with perfectly shaped muscles. Gradually, your eyes traveled from his abdomen, across his broad chest to his face. This one had no hair. He had a blind eye, with a huge scar running from there to the ear. The clone's good eye looked you up and down, literally.
"I'm fine… sorry… I-"
You were shocked by the image of both men. Could it be they who your friend had spoken of?
You can barely complete your sentence when interrupted by a clone next to you.
"Well well. The scientist and her laboratory freaks. How comical..."
He didn't even stop to stare at you, being followed by two other clones who clearly enjoyed the bad joke.
The men beside you clenched their fists and the bigger one growled, taking long, heavy strides in front of you, until he was stopped by the tattooed-faced clone, who practically jumped in front of him, bracing a hand on his chest.
"Forget it, Wrecker. It's not worth it… and we can't take another warning for assault in the cafeteria."
The taller one nodded a few seconds later, clearly disappointed not to get his hands on his attacker.
With slow steps, you approached them, curious and also irritated by the other clone's words.
You huffed, crossing your arms over your voluminous breasts.
"You are the new squad the others are talking about, aren't you?"
There was a certain wonder in your voice now.
"Force Clone 99, doctor!"
The two said in chorus, with clear pride in their words and saluting.
"The rest of the team is going through the assessment upstairs. Miraculously we both got through!"
Said the taller clone, with humor in his voice, pulling a smirk from the tattooed clone.
You smiled, even more in awe of them. They were beautiful, unique and not "sloppy".
"Nice to meet you Hunter and… Wrecker, isn't it? My name is Y/N, I work in the lab."
The two looked at each other, minimally polite treatment to the clones was a little rare around here.
"We've heard about you. Won't you give me a warning? For… bumping into you?"
Hunter was a little suspicious, moving closer to you, watching your forehead. Looking for any evidence of injury.
"Oh no, of course not. It was an accident. I also barely looked where I was going."
You tried to be as gentle as possible, despite your brow and nose bothering you, already realizing that it couldn't be too easy for them to get along with each other. You continued:
"Trust me, I know what it's like to be bothered all the time by little jokes and to have people pick on me out of simple dislike. I'm not like the rest of the employees."
Wrecker approached you, already with a content expression on his face.
"There is! I liked her! At least someone here doesn't hate us!"
The clone pulled you into a hug, pressing his side with yours. You blushed a little, as physical contact was never common with you.
Hunter continued with a suspicious expression and his arms now crossed, making him even more imposing, just taking the look off your face, when the communicator you carried in your pocket beeped.
Brought out of your reverie by Wrecker's tight embrace and Hunter's form, you picked up your communicator to read the newly arrived messages.
"Uh… I need to go. Nala Se never give me a break. See you later guys. Hope to meet the rest of you!"
You headed towards the exit, leaving a sympathetic smile as you left the clones. They were still there, trying to absorb how kind you, a scientist, were to them.
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The Dark Team (part 15)
<<Previous part Masterlist   Next part>>
Spotify playlist of the whole series.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296, @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 @toe-vind-ek-jou @joscelyn02, @t00-pi, @irwxnhugsx, @selfship-mishaps)
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, ptsd, anxiety.
N/A: In here there's a specific kind of physical comfort I'm okay with, and I'm aware not many people might actually like to be comforted this way. For that, I apologize, but I really wanted to spill some of me in here lmao.
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Bucky’s arms surrounded your whole body, like a huge teddy bear; comforting. Letting you know you were safe, you were in the compound. Nobody could hurt you there. Not anymore. You didn’t care you were covered in just a towel, you didn’t care everyone was in there, you didn’t care your hair was dripping wet over the common room’s couch (the one that you bought yourself and you always insisted nobody could drink on it), and you certainly didn’t care you haven’t said a word every since they landed the quinjet with you on it. You only indicated to the medics where you were hurt. Nothing else.
Not a word escaped your throat, more than a dry sob in the shower, once you were finally on your own. And then you were surrounded by concerned people, again. Not the kind of comfort you liked, though. Not like a birthday kind of surrounding; more like a we-thought-you-were-dead-and-now-you’re-here, or a we’re-so-sorry-we-let-this-happen-AGAIN. And no birthday cake.
Loki observed you with his arms crossed. He had apologized twice already, but his lips were still paler than usual. So he really cares, you thought. But your mind was still too clouded with residual fear to even think about him. No shower could clean up your wounds. Your chest tightened and you almost broke in tears again, but Bucky’s arms held stronger around you, squeezing your uncomfort away. Being his best friend for so many years prepared him enough to know exactly how to hold you in the worse.
“I shouldn’t have let you go”, whispers Loki, looking at the floor. He muttered it almost to himself.
You remembered him grabbing your arm and repeating “I’m not letting you go” on the verge of tears, and your throat tightened. He has saved your life before and now he blames himself for not getting there in time, as if it was his job to keep you safe. It definitely wasn’t, though. He showed that he cared so many times, and you were clueless of why. Why would he? You treated him like a punching bag and he welcomed the hits, without knowing why. If you were anything, you were guilty.
It was to be expected. Guilt. You shouldn’t, you knew. You were told you’d feel this way by the medics as they brought you back.
“It wasn’t your fault. It was my idiocy”, you whispered back. But no matter how tiny you shrunk your voice, the compound (silent as a church) and everyone on it was reduced to that same room in there with you, paying attention. You were the spotlight when you wanted to be alone the most. You hid in Bucky’s chest and he covered your head with his chin, knowing how uncomfortable you were. He caressed your back with an open hand, careful as to not touch your injuries.
“This is nobody’s fault, other than Hydra’s, alright?”, said Steve, patting Tony’s back. Tony was marauding with his head low, muttering things about security devices.
“I have installed security against kidnappings ever since my own deal with it. All kinds of systems. How, how the fuck did they manage to fuck this up this badly?”, he finally said. “If it’s anyone’s fault…”.
“It’s certainly not yours, Stark”, said Loki, trying to assure him without crossing any lines.
“No”, Tony laughed sarcastically, “I was gonna say, it’s definitely yours”.
“This is not going to help”, said Bucky, holding you tighter. “If y/n doesn’t feel bad enough… I’m just saying, they doesn’t need you arguing”.
“He’s right. It might be my fault, but if you need to deal with it in any way, now is not the time”, said Loki, defeated. “What is a matter of urgency, actually, is… you know. Hydra”.
“As much as I hate to agree with my brother, he’s right. We need to take you all to a safer place as soon as possible”, added Thor, pointing at the members of The Dark Team.
“Hydra’s nets are not only extent. They’re global, and aggressive. Like cancerous cells in the marrow bone, they are the roots of malice, and they’re going to find you anywhere you go on this planet”, said Clint, not bothering to look up from his phone. He was probably texting his wife to alert her.
You started shaking again.
“Barton, really?”, whispered sharply Bucky.
“He’s right. That’s why you’re not staying on this planet”, snapped Banner, who has been quiet ever since you landed. He assessed your injuries and treated you kinder than any other doctor. You were so glad he was in the rescue quinjet when they picked you up.
“Beg your pardon?”, inquired Loki, cocking an eyebrow. “You mustn't mean…”.
“Yes, Asgard!”, he interrupted him. It was a good idea, though. “Unless you know of a safer place, of course”.
“I… I don’t think it’s a good idea”, Loki looked like he was about to faint. He finally sat on the chair behind him and Thor nodded.
“It’s a terrible idea, I must say”, he agreed once again with his brother.
“Can I ask why?”, Tony was already convinced that if Earth wasn’t safe, other realms could do perfectly fine. And if his certainty was not enough, it was already highly supported by Banner, Clint, Sam, Natasha and Steve. “And if you give me one more of your daddy issues discourse I will literally kick you out of my place”.
“Odin’s not…”, he started.
“I said no daddy issues”, interrupted Tony.
“He’s not my father”, corrected Loki with a patience you’ve never seen on him. “As I was saying, he’s not exactly fond of… humans”.
“He…”, Bruce furrowed his eyebrows, “he what?”.
“No, come on. If you’re giving us a lie at least think of a better one”, snapped Tony.
“Alright. Truly, Odin would not take y/n’s presence very welcome”, he said, and Tony nodded as if he knew what he was talking about. “It’s a personality thing. He didn’t like Dr. Foster either”. You knitted your brows. What was that supposed to mean?
“And because you think your dad wouldn’t like…”, Bruce started arguing, but Loki interrupted him, this time with less patience.
“He is not my father”.
“What about…”, you started saying, and everyone else shut up. You felt ashamed. You were being treated as if you were made out of crystals. You hated it. You tried to raise your voice and toughen up, trying to show you were your normal self. “What about other realms, else than Asgard?”.
Loki sighe, but as soon as he began to think of another place, the ideas crumbled apart. He explained it out loud.
“I’m not welcome in most of them. You know, Odin’s mass killings. In Jotunheim you’d freeze to death after a few hours. I wouldn’t recommend Svartálfheim either, I died there a couple of times. Not a pleasant place to survive either”.
“So Asgard it is”, said Thor, patting Loki’s back. He looked like he was about to stab him in the guts just for implying that.
“Look, Loki. If the King doesn’t like me there, I’ll deal with it”, you said, overly confident.
“What makes you think you’ll deal with Allfather’s disgust, exactly?”.
“I’ll tell you how”, you said, less confident, trying to gain time to think of an answer.
“Do enlighten me”.
“I’m… well, I’m not gonna be there”, you said as if a great idea had just occurred to you. Truth was, it did.
“Yes. That’s the whole issue, pancake”.
“No, no. Hold up, Loki. You can actually shapeshift things”, you suggested, and he raised an eyebrow. “How much of a thing does it have to be, and for how long can you do it?”.
“Did you just call them pancake?”, asked Banner in awe.
“You’re not suggesting…?”, continued Loki with your idea, ignoring Banner.
“Oh, yes. It’s perfect. Tell me you can do it and it’s done. It’s perfect”, you said. You started repeating yourself. Everyone looked at you as if you needed to still convince them of it. “It’s perfect”.
“It is one issue less, that’s for sure”, Sam added. Tony nodded, and everyone else followed. “Can you shapeshift living beings for extended periods of time?”.
“I’m shapeshifting myself right now, in fact. Have been ever since I was born, without even knowing”, he admitted, kind of embarrassed. “But I’m not sure Odin wouldn’t be able to read through it. At least I know my mother would”.
“Oh, she once recognized I was from the future”, added Thor, a reminiscent smile brightening his face. “I didn’t even have to say anything”.
“My point stands”, finished Loki.
“I think it’s worth the try. If he realizes, then I’m leaving and we��re back here thinking of a new plan. Come on, you can’t say it’s not the best option”.
“It’s a terrible one”, he pointed.
“It’s the only one”.
“Fine”, he sighed, resigned.
“Fine”, you tried to finish, but he continued.
“You guys done?”, cut Bucky. Both Loki and you sighed at the same time. “We’re going to Asgard, then”.
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despite it all • park jimin
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chapter one — bandaid
plot — you never could ignore someone who needs help. not even a gang member.
words — 3.1K
You were walking home from a night out with friends, the pleasant buzz of alcohol in your veins making you feel giddy and floaty as you hummed softly. The street was quiet but in the distance you could hear people laughing, sirens of an ambulance, a barking dog and it gave you a sense of security and familiarity.
What was most definitely not familiar was the man rounding a corner, and almost slamming into you. You yelp, taking a quick step backwards, heart stopping before it skyrockets. You have apparently underestimated the amount of alcohol you've had to drink because that quick step causes you to loose your balance, and unable to regain it, you fall to the ground, landing ass first.
You contemplate just sitting there until the morning but when the man you almost bumped into lets out a pained groan, your eyes flicker up to him. Horror fills you as you take in his blood stained appearance. There is blood on his shirt, his pants, his face. His one hand was holding his side and his knuckles are bloody.
You scramble to your feet, suddenly much more sober than you were two seconds ago, "Oh my God, are you okay? Ah, nevermind, stupid question. You're covered in blood, you couldn't possibly be okay. Is there someone I can call for you? Ohhh, I know, I can call an ambulance."
A hand grasps around the wrist of the hand going for the phone on the inside pocket of your jacket, fingers strong and grip tight. His voice is low and husky when he speaks, "No. No ambulance."
Trying to press down the mounting panic in your chest, you swallow thickly. "Dude, not to be stating the obvious, but you are covered in blood."
"Most of it's not even mine." He says around a cough, eyes drooping, bracing himself against the wall.
Your eyes widen when you process his words and you twist your wrist in his grip, wanting to pull away and run. You clear your throat, running your eyes over him. "Well you look like you're going to be fine, so I'll just go."
He nods tiredly, letting go of your wrist, a strand of his blonde dyed hair falling into half closed, exhausted eyes, his breathing hard, and your heart twists. You want to help him and you're about to offer, when you remember his words from just seconds ago.
Most of it's not even mine.
Which means that he probably hurt whoever's blood is on him. Which means that this is a dangerous person, the kind of person you run from, not help. Judging from the tattoo in his neck, he's in a gang. You don't know what exactly everything about the different gang tattoos and what every stripe or cross means but everyone knows that anyone with a serpent tattoo is part of the most dangerous gang in the province. Maybe even the country.
You walk past him, intent on going home and forgetting about this incident. Your try putting it out of your head as you cross streets and your small apartment comes closer, but it doesn't work. At the next street you have to cross, you look back, and see the man still bracing himself against the wall as he walks slowly. He stops, resting with his back against the wall.
You bite your lip, your heart at war with your head, torn between doing the right thing and the safe thing. You look at the man again – gang member or no, he's still a person who needs help – and your heart wins the fight.
"Fuck it." You mutter to yourself before taking of in a light jog, back to the injured man. His body tenses up, like he's preparing for a fight, and his eyes snap open when he hears you approaching, hard and cold and it terrifies you a little. It's almost enough to make you turn around again. But then recognition flashes in his eyes and his tensed shoulders relaxes. You look at him silently for a moment and then you blurt out, "Where are you hurt?"
"None of your fucking business." He breathes, moving his eyes from you to the night sky.
"Rude." You clack your tongue at him, risking a step closer. "Are you bleeding anywhere? Or is all of this blood the other guy's?"
He looked at you again, something feral and definitely dangerous glinting in his eyes. "Who says there was just one?"
Instead of fear, you can feel your annoyance rising, "Can you answer the question and stop deflecting?"
His brows furrowed, clearly confused. "What are you doing here? Weren't you on your way home or something?"
Fully annoyed now, you glare at him. "I'm trying helping you, you ungrateful ass."
Amusement flickers in his eyes, "Well you're not doing a very good job of it."
"Well, you're not making it very easy." You retort, deciding to just take matters into your own hands. You step close to him before taking his arm and bringing it around your shoulders, noticing that he winces when you lift his arm. "Let's go." You tell him, tugging gently until he starts walking in the direction he came from and where you're going.
"You have no idea who I am, do you?" He asks. You glance up at him, seeing a smirk on his lips.
"I have some idea." You say, giving a pointed look to the tattoo in his neck.
"So, you know I'm in a gang." He concludes. "And that I most likely got my injuries from doing something illegal."
"Yes." You nod. "And speaking of injuries, are you bleeding?"
"Not that I know of." He answers. He wobbles a bit and you stop, waiting until he regains his footing before continuing. "And you don't care?" He asks curiously.
"Of course I care and in normal circumstances I'd probably call the police, but you're hurt and you need help, not the police. So, I'm going to help you."
"What if I'm an assassin with a thing for cutting woman into pieces?" He sounds amused, like this whole situation is a source of entertainment for him.
"Wouldn't that be a way to go." You deadpan.
He snickers and then goes quiet for a while before asking, "Are you going to call the cops?"
"Are you going to hurt me?" You ask instead of answering.
"No." He sounds like he means it but that doesn't really reassure you. "Not unless you give me a reason too." And that actually does make you feel a little better.
"Well, there you go then." You tell him.
"I should just take your word for it?" You can feel him looking at you, but you ignore his gaze, focusing on watching your step. He wasn't resting all of his weight on you, you could tell, but the added weight still slowed you down and caused strain on your muscles but you ignore it, intent on helping him.
"Considering the fact that I'm taking a stranger who is a literal gang member and a potential killer into my home, you really don't have any ground for that argument." You inform him matter-of-factly. You rewind your words and lament that maybe your are as crazy as your cousin accuses you of being.
"Your home?" He whistles, but starts coughing halfway through. "Buy a guy dinner first."
"Hah!" You scoff, ignoring the way your cheeks burn from his teasing. "I'm helping you. If anyone is going to be buying dinner, it's going to be you."
"I'm Jimin, by the way. If you're going to help me, the least I could do is tell you my name." He says, and when you look at him, he looks sincere and a little shy.
"Y/N." You tell him.
You reach your apartment without any incidents or without running into anyone – a man covered in blood would have raised questions – and you navigate it in the dark, leading him to your couch before going back to the door and locking it and flipping on the lights. You turn back to him, watching as he looks around your place. You couldn't help but feel a little self conscious. "I know it's no palace, but it's mine and you're only gonna be here for one night. Unless you plan on leaving directly after I help you."
"I like it, it feels comfortable. Like a home." Jimin tells you, face softer than its been since the moment you met him. You stare a little, but then you notice the blood on his face again and you look away.
"You should go and take a shower. I'll give you the biggest clothes I'll have, so don't worry about that. I'll wash yours and put it in the dryer, so it will be clean for when you leave. I'm pretty sure if you walk down the street with blood stained clothes in broad daylight, someone is bound to call the police." You are rambling and you're perfectly aware of it, but you're nervous.
He nods and gets to his feet, wincing. "Which way is the bathroom?"
You point, "Down the hall to your left. Do you need help?"
Jimin gives you a slight smile, "I'll manage."
You wait until you hear the shower running before you go to your room, hunting down your biggest hoodie and pair of sweatpants. You knock on the bathroom door, letting Jimin know you're leaving the clothes outside the bathroom door.
You wait on the couch for Jimin to finish, wondering what your mother would say if she could see you now.
You bite down a smile when Jimin comes out of the bathroom, towel drying his hair. The sweatpants are obviously too small, ending high above his ankles, the fabric stretching over his thighs – and if you spend an extra second looking at those muscular thighs then it was no one's business. The hoodie seemed to fit just right, but he didn't zip it up. Your eyes is glued to his chest, not because it was eye-catching – oh and it was eye-catching alright, a defined six pack was waving at you almost mockingly – but because of the bruises.
"Like what you see?" Jimin's teasing voice brings you out of your staring stupor.
"I-" You cut yourself off, suddenly choked up by emotion.
His eyes widened and he walks as quickly as he can to you. "Hey, no, no, it looks worse than it is. You should see the other guys."
"That doesn't really make me feel better, but thanks for trying." You tell him, blinking hard, and getting up from the couch. "I'm going to get my first aid box."
While in the bathroom, you toss Jimin's bloody clothes into your cleaning bucket, making a mental to wash it as soon as you're done helping him.
You walk to where he's sitting on your couch, going down on you knees so you could face him. You notice the gun laying next to him and your heart almost jumps out of your chest. You give him an unimpressed stare, "Seriously?"
He gives you a smug smirk, "It's for protection."
"From what? My bandaids?" You ask sarcastically.
"Gang member, remember?" Jimin says, like you need the reminder, and you pull a face at him.
You ignore his chuckle to inspect his face, and the first thing you notice is how attractive he is. (But that doesn't matter because you're only helping him and then he's leaving.) The second thing you notice is that there is just a few scratch marks on his face, nothing too serious. You clean it up with some antiseptic, a little impressed that he doesn't even wince.
"Okay, I need to take a look at your chest now, make sure none of your ribs are broken, so will you sit a little forward?" You ask him and Jimin does as he's asked.
"You don't seem too bothered by the presence of a gun." Jimin comments, obviously curious as you run your hands over his ribs (he tenses for the first five seconds then relaxes), pressing against it, feeling carefully.
You shrug, "My dad was a cop, and while he didn't parade his around, I got used to them nonetheless."
"Past tense." Jimin observes, eyes on your face. You can feel his gaze and it causes goosebumps to rise on your skin. "Is he dead or retired?"
Your hands falter for a moment at the blunt question. You swallow thickly, continuing your path over his ribs. "He died in the line of duty."
"What happened?" He asks.
You look him in the eye, "He got caught in the crossfire of a gang war."
"Oh." Jimin sounds like someone knocked the breath from him. Silence falls around you and it lasts until you finish your exam of Jimin's chest before he says, "I'm sorry."
You look up, "Are you really?"
"What's that suppose to mean?" He frowns at you.
"Don't say something you don't mean. I'd prefer it if you said nothing at all." You eye the bruises on his chest, wondering how people can do that to each other. "There doesn't seem to be anything broken but you definitely cracked a few of them and it's gonna hurt like a bitch, come the morning."
"How do you know all of this?" He questions.
"I'm a paramedic." You answer, reaching for his left hand, remembering that his knuckles was bloodied before the shower.
"That explains a lot." He grabs your wrist with the hand you're not holding, holding onto it almost gently. "Look, about what you said just now, you're helping me despite the fact that it could have been one of my people that killed your dad." He squeezes your wrist, looking into your eyes imploringly. "I mean it."
You shrug, tilting your head. "Yeah, well, my mom always said I can't hold a grudge to save my life."
When you're done cleaning up and bandaging his hands, you pick up the bottle of pills you brought with you. You shake out a few pills before standing to go and fetch him a glass of water. You held out the water and the pills onto him, "Here. You've got to be in a world of hurt right now."
"What is that?" He asks, eyeing the white tablets laying on your hand.
You sigh, "Just some paracetamol. It's all I have. Just because I'm a paramedic doesn't mean I keep hospital grade medicine stocked in my home."
"Four of them?" Jimin's eyebrows went up. "Are you trying to overdose me?"
You squint at him, "Don't be such a baby. I take three at a time for my headaches and I am willing to bet my right kidney that you're hurting worse than my headaches usually are."
You pack up your first aid box and when you put it away, you bring the bucket with Jimin's bloodied clothing. You filled it halfway with water and then walked to the kitchen. You empty half your salt supply into the water before using your hands to rinse the clothing.
"Why are you washing my clothes with salt?" Jimin's voice comes from behind you.
You startle for a second before taking a deep breath and answering him, "I'm not washing it, I'm rinsing it with cold water and salt, to get the blood out of your clothes."
"Seriously? That works?" Jimin asks, surprise clear in his voice.
"I could have saved so much money that I wasted on new clothes each time I had a bloodstain on something, if I had known that." He whines and you look over your shoulder, finding yourself strangely endeared when you see the pout his lips is pulled into.
"I'd rather not know." You snort, shaking your hands off and heading to the sink to wash them. You dry your hands, leaning against your counter as you let the clothes soak for a bit.
"You haven't asked." Jimin says out of nowhere. He was leaning against your fridge, looking exhausted, but his eyes watched you intently.
You know what he was talking about. The bruises, and where he got them, the other guys he mentioned. He had been expecting you to ask, and you never did. You cross your arms over your chest. "It's none of my business."
"It's not." He agrees.
"See." You give him a slight smile.
"Still. Most people would ask." He says, tilting his head as he looked you up and down.
"Yeah, well, I figure I'm better of going down Plausible Deniability avenue and Better Of Not Knowing street in this case."
That gets a genuine laugh out of him, his eyes scrunching and a breathtaking smile on his lips. It's bright and cheerful and your stomach swoops. You are unable to not smile back at him.
After rinsing his clothes and putting it in the washing machine, you go back to the living room, only to find Jimin fast asleep on your couch. Something inside of you goes very soft as you watch him sleep. He looks years younger, completely relaxed.
You take the step ladder from your kitchen and tiptoe back to your room, getting the extra duvet from the top of your closet. You grab one of the four pillows on your bed and you head back to the living room. Gently, you lift Jimin's head and slip the pillow underneath it, half afraid he would wake up. When he doesn't, you breathed a quiet sigh of relief and throw the blanket over him. As you tuck him in, you spot the handle of his gun, pressed into the back of the couch.
You hope the safety is on.
When you wake up the next morning, Jimin is gone.
Placed on top of the pillow and folded duvet stacked on your couch, is a piece of paper with writing on.
I put your clothes in the washing machine after getting dressed, so you just have to dry it. I figured it was the least I could do after all the trouble I gave you.
I mean what I said last night, I really am sorry about your dad.
If you ever need my help, doesn't matter if it's something dumb like a lift somewhere or something a little more serious like taking someone out for you, you can find me at the bar on 17th Street. Chances are, I'll be there. If not, ask for Taehyung and tell him Jimin sent you.
Thank you for everything.
- Jimin -
P.S. I hope I see you again someday.
chapter 2
A/N: this is going to be a multi-chapter/part story. I don't know how many yet, just that there will be more!! Also, I am not a medical professional, so just go with the medical inconsistencies. I promise they won't be too far fetched.
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jumoonjae · 4 years
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Pairings: Reader x Hyunjae x Q
Genre: Angst x Fluff
Warnings: None
Summary: A story of a love triangle (not really)
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Having a guy as your best friend can really be tricky sometimes because when you're both single, you spent almost every time together and you somehow unconsciously developing feeling for him. It get worst when you enrolled to the same college right after high school. It was okay at the first two or three semester, you had each other by your side through thick and thin, knowing more every little thing about each other just like the back of your hand which resulting you to fell harder for him. Your biggest mistake was you were sure he'll never slip off from your finger.
But he did.
And you let him.
You felt the painful prick inside in every flesh of your heart just by the sight of his beautiful glimmering eyes every single time she walks by. You swallowed the pain that is in the form of a thorn and pretend you're not affected by it at all, and you thanked heaven for blessing you with the art of hiding your true feeling for him. You even encourage him to make a move on her just to make you facade more believable.
What a fool.
Because it was the only way for you to keep him as your best friend at least, just to keep him close to you even if he doesn't like you the way you like him. But how wrong you are.
He made a move to talk to her and she seems to be interested too. But then again who doesn't, Changmin is one of the most talented and charming person in the campus, everyone loves him even the lecturer. In no time, they were together, they were lover and you had to watch every single day he hold her like the way you always crave for, the affection, the looks and the kiss. But you smiled anyway, each time you met his eyes, or hers. She became your friend too, you couldn't hate her at all.
“I’m fine.” You lied one day when he hesitated to run straight to her or stay with you by the time she came into the view at the cafeteria.
“Go ahead spend time with your girlfriend.” You said nudging him with a smile.
“I’ll call you tonight.” He ruffles your hair with an apologetic frown which you shake your head to and he run to her while she waved at you so innocently and you waved back with the sincerest smile you could pull even when your heart dropped down to your stomach leaving it's place painfully empty.
He didn't call that night. Or texted. The frequent chatting and long conversation between you two started to die down until he barely contact you anymore. You missed him, but there's nothing you could do to have him back. There is nothing you can do.
Each day he spend his free time with her and barely had any time with you anymore. but you didn't want him to feel bad so you started to hang out with other people even if its never the same like when you're with him, it will never be the same. but you need to accept the fact that you couldn't keep him for yourself anymore, you want him to be happy even if its not with you, even if his happiness breaks your heart.
You need to let go because all those late night conversation that you both been sharing, all his problems that you can't fix for him, all his inner battle that never seems to settled. You think maybe she could help to put it to ease because you know you can't. if you could, you wouldn't have heard the same ranting every night. So you keep your distance with him just so you wont break his relationship, so you wont take away their happiness.
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“That’s nice.” You heard someone spoke from your back as you done putting up the pictures you took as told by your mentor at the bulletin board where all the art student displayed their work. You look back and saw a tall guy admiring your work and you step back a little to stand next doing the same thing. It was the picture you took at the Han river during your night walk alone.
“Is this yours?” he asked pointing to the picture glancing at you then back to it.
“yeah.” You answered simply, looking at the still picture of the city lights taken by the bridge with blurry passer by.
“It feels so lonely, but peaceful at the same time.” He spoke and you smiled looking down, it was true what he said, you felt so lonely but is somehow made you feel calm that you thought maybe letting him go was the right thing. He's never been yours from the start.
“I'm Hyunjae by the way.” He held out his hand and you look up to his face which had the sweetest smile on that made you smile back and took his hand.
“I’m Y/N.”
Hyunjae took no time to be your friend, he was easy to talk to and you love his company. Slowly, you manage to bury your feeling for Changmin deeper day by day and Hyunjae did so much to replace him. Somehow he did it, he didn't have anything in common with Changmin but you like the challenge of knowing him anyway, it was always new thing every day, a pleasant surprise.
“Y/N.” Hyunjae chirped startling you in the process and he laugh at the way you flustered making you hit his shoulder lightly.
“What are you doing?” He asked taking a seat next to you at the cafeteria.
“Nothing, just editing these.” You pull the side of your laptop a little to show him your work and he lean over to take a closer look.
“You really are a talented photographer.” He complimented making you pushed his shoulder bashfully.
“hey i was wondering.” He leaned back to his seat pondering with his words, looking down to his hands while you paid full attention to him.
“I've got ticket for next week music festival.”
“Really? I didn't manage to get mine though, they've sold out weeks ago.” You frowned
“I got two ticket you know. So.. maybe.. you want to come with me?” you laughed at the way he adorably dragging his words and he grinned sheepishly.
“I’d love to.” You smiled and he did too staring into your eyes for a while before looking away bashfully. He had completely filled the void and help you put back you heart into its place, ready to love again. But you wait. You wait for it to heal perfectly so you can love Hyunjae with all of it without having Changmin ever crossing your mind anymore.
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“You’re going with who?” 
Changmin voice raised a little when you told him you're going to the music festival with Hyunjae. Its been a while since you both get to spend time with each other, you were finally feeling genuinely fine by it now that you have Hyunjae by your side. Its already the music festival week and Changmin probably didn’t want you to feel left out so he ask you to come along with his girlfriend. But when you said you already have a date, he was a little mad making you wondering, giving the sparks of feeling for him that you buried deep down a light. A dim light, but enough for it to slowly crawling back to the surface, but you ignore it.
“Why?” You asked, still walking a step ahead from him to the cafeteria.
“Since when do you became close with him?”
“Just recently, wait. It think its been two months.” You shrugged and he exhaled.
“Do you like him?” He asked suddenly making you stop on your track stepping a little to the side before turning back to look at him questioningly. You were actually asking him mentally ‘Are you jealous?’ but another word came out instead.
“He's a nice guy and what's wrong with that?”
“Be honest, you hang out with him just because i started dating aren't you?” you were taken aback a little by his words. It was true at first, you were hanging out with Hyunjae so you didn't feel empty anymore. But when time passed, he's been growing so much in you and you're started to fall for him. 
“What? No Ji Changmin, as far as I could remember I have the right to date anyone I want my friend.”
“What?” He raised his voice again and you hissed at him playfully rolling your eyes.
“Hey.” You heard Hyunjae from the back snaking his hands around your waist pulling you close to him until your back touches his front and you look up to him instantly with a big smile.
“Hey you.” You coos ignoring Changmin who was crossing his arms on his chest in annoyance by the sight of Hyunjae hands casually touch you.
“I’ll pick you up tonight at eight okay.” He smiled sweetly making the butterflies inside you to rise full with pride.
“Alright I see you tonight.” You touch his shoulder trailing your hand down to his chest as he peck your cheek before letting him run to his friends. You look back to Changmin who was raising his eyebrow.
“What?” you chuckle continue walking to the cafeteria.
“I don't like him.” He stated
“that’s not nice Changmin, you barely know the guy.”
“its just been two month and he already being touchy with you and you let him kiss you.”
“It just a peck Changmin. Stop being over protective.” You shake your head trying to laugh him off.
“And besides, two month is enough even for us to sleep together.” You shrugged making his eyes widen in pure shock at your words.
“You what?!”
“I was just kidding you idiot.”
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It has been full three month since Hyunjae first talked to you and you decided to confess to him. Your feeling for him was crystal clear and you had no doubt about his feeling for you. He had untie the tight knot that was constantly pulled every time you saw Changmin with his girlfriend until you felt nothing but happy for them. 
In those three months, Changmin had slowly fades from you even when he was right in front of you or when they were standing in the same room, the first who catches you attention was no longer Changmin, it was Hyunjae. You were lying if the feeling for him had completely gone, but your feeling for Hyunjae were much more prominent and you were happy
“Are you going to the trip to see the cherry blossom?” Hyunjae asked when you both were having lunch at your usual spot at the cafeteria.
“I think so.” You answered still checking the picture you took leaving your food untouched.
“Yah, enough with the camera.” He whined attempting to take the camera away from your hand but you saw what he was going to do and turn your back on him with a giggle.
“Wait, I need to delete some picture first or else I’m going to forget which one to delete.” You reason out stopping him from taking it away.
“let me see then.” He leaned his chin on your shoulder and you showed it to him one by one.
“No don’t delete that, its beautiful.” He pointed out at the picture of the blurry crowd you took while you both was walking down the Itaewon streets and you looked to your side until your lips almost brushed his cheek, but he backed away just enough to give you space to turn your body.
“Its kind a blurry don't you think?” You showed a few picture with the same scenery until your head bumped into each other when you lean in trying to show him and you both laughed. his hand caressed the spot where his head had bumped.
“You always took a blurry picture and its nice, its your style, or signature.” He said while patting your head and you smile at him, thanking him for his sweet words.
“You want to go with me?” He asked again since you didn’t answer him yet, and you chuckle looking up to him, he was smiling like an angel waiting for you to answer.
“Who else am i going with.” You smiled and he smile back giddily crushing you with his bear hug.
“But why did you sounds like i am the only option? What about your friends?” he asked pulling his body away for a little with a frown.
“If you want me to go with them, then i’ll go with them.” You shrugged making him whined.
“no. I was just asking.” He pulled you back to his hug and you giggled ruffling his hair.
“I’m planning to take my mom’s car so we wont have to rush the bus and trains.” He let you go, pulling your food closer to you gesturing you to start eating and you complied by placing your camera on the table.
“What? Its going to more exciting taking trains and bus with other students don’t you think?” you suggested, imagining you taking picture of people having fun in the train.
“Hadong is a huge place, the last bus going to leave at six. You think its enough time? Besides i want to watch the stars from there, they said the sky is the prettiest there during the night.”
“We can spend the night there and catch the bus next morning.” You suggested making him stop mixing his rice looking at you all flustered.
“What?” you teased bumping your shoulder into his.
“If you okay with it then why not.” He scratch the back of his head nervously and a big smile creep on your face just by the sight of his giddiness. You turn back to your food and ate in silence with him doing the same. He really had been growing so much in you.
Far back from the corner of the cafeteria, there stood Changmin witnessing everything that tug something painful inside of him. He shake the feeling away and walked to the opposite side of your spot sitting with his back facing you and Hyunjae trying so hard to ignore the growing pain inside of him.
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The long ride to Hadong was fun just like you imagined, all the students starts singing out of no where using anything as an instrument and you had a good laugh when some of then cracking the most stupid joke. You took some picture here and there and the result came out well. You and Hyunjae took extra clothes just as planned to spend the night and you really excited to see the whole thing.
It was beautiful, the place was filled with pink cherry blossom blooming beautifully and the way the flower flew when the wind blow just like a snow. Cherry blossom snow. It really felt like a movie with you standing under a cherry blossom tree with Hyunjae holding your waist while you taking picture. He will rest his chin on your shoulder everytime you show the result to him. If you had to describe how your feeling for Hyunjae, you will call it a blooming cheery blossoms. 
“watch your step, there’s plenty of rocks and pebbles along the way.” He said handing you your twisted potato after helping you settles on the bench not far from where you both were standing.
You both walked until the end of the cherry blossom path where you saw a river and there's a kayak booth which you pull Hyunjae sleeves running a little in excitement, wanting to give it a try with Hyunjae giggling while being dragged by you.
But a voice stopped you from running, it was a familiar voice. You look back to see Changmin and his girlfriend rushing to both of you.
“What in the hell are you doing?” he huffed annoyingly at you not even sparing any look to your boyfriend and you were offended by the way he spoke.
“What does that supposed to mean?”
“you missed the bus.”
“And you're not?” You spat back annoyingly taking a step forward, your eyebrow twitched and he scoffed at your response thickening the tension between both of you.
He was beginning to get into your nerve since you started to date Hyunjae. 
“We were there at the bus but he insisted waiting for both of you.” His girlfriend explained and you couldn't help to feel bad for her.
“We were planning to stay the night.” Hyunjae stepped forward pulling you back closer to him and you noticed the frown on Changmin's face when he did that. Was that jealousy? Had he figured that he had feelings for you too? But Hyunjae's grip on your arm pulled you out from that thoughts and you look back to him pressing your lips into a thin line, forming a smile.
“We will take the first bus tomorrow morning.” You said to Changmin's girlfriend trying to assure her by rubbing her arm and she nod with a smile.
“Okay where are you going to crash for tonight?” changmin spat with his annoying tone that really got into your nerve.
“I’ve booked a place for us, but i'm sure they have more place.”
“We should stick together.”
For the first time in your life, you feel annoyed by Changmin's presence where he constantly interfere any attempted affection that you and Hyunjae trying to make while he trying to show off his own with his girlfriend which end up annoying her too.
“We should stop by the store first.” Hyunjae suggested and you nod while waiting for the bus to the motel.
“I'm tired, can we just go straight to the motel.” Changmin whined and you rolled your eyes shooting him an annoyed look and he just shrugged.
“you two can check in first, they had some place for barbeque at the garden by the hotel and we were planning to have one while watching the stars.” You told his girlfriend and she looked excited.
“So romantic.” she coos and you lean your shoulder to Hyunjae who was smiling at you.
“They said the night sky are the best here.” He throw his hand on your shoulder pulling you closer to him letting you snuggles to his chest.
“You can join us if you want.” he suggested to Changmin and his girlfriend which you shot him a look with a frown.
“What? Its going to be fun and i can get to know your best friend more.” He whispered and you melted at the way how hard he tried to get close to your best friend.
“Thank you.” You caress his hands with your thumb smiling up to him and he smiles back like he always did. 
The night went well, but the conversation was mainly between you and Hyunjae while Changmin and his girlfriend seems to fall into silence only talk when being asked. You stop Hyunjae from trying to get close to Changmin by snuggling with him under the blanket where you brought just for the occasion while watching the stars.
You admired him while he was admiring the scattered stars up in the sky, looking at it like he was in love with it just like you're in love with him.
“Y/N can you walk me to my room for a while?” Changmin snaps you away from the most beautiful view and you sighed. He was tipsy from drinking a little too much and you could tell.
“Its okay, I'll clean this up and meet you at the room right after.” Hyunjae said helping you getting up and you nod letting him peck your forehead before leading Changmin into the building.
“Are you going to sleep with him?” Changmin asked suddenly after you both were inside the building.
“Yes.” You answered in a heartbeat even if you don't know whether Hyunjae is having the same idea with you, but you admit it anyway just so Changmin will stop bothering you.
“If i told you not to would you listen to me?” he stop walking making you stop turning your body fully to face him.
“Because I love you.” He said, petrifying you with his words, it was the word you had been waiting for years, a words that you always pray for so he will uttered it to you one day. a word that you’ve been dying to hear. 
But that was before, that was you dream before Hyunjae and you were glad that it doesn't affect you like the way you thought it will be.
“I know you love me too. I know you love me since so long and i'm sorry for pretending that i didn't see it.” He took a few step closer to you but you didn't flinch. There were disappointment, but it doesn’t matter to you anymore. you didn’t care why he didn't do anything about it and keep it to himself. but you were curious.
“Why did you date her if you knew?”
“Because i thought i didn't feel the same way.” You exhaled at his answer looking down not knowing what to say or what to do with that information. But then he lift your chin with his index finger and leaned closer to kiss you.
You let him kiss you not knowing there's a pair of eyes that has been witnessing everything. When you kissed Changmin back, he shut his eyes only to see you smile to the kiss the moment he open his eyes. Couldn’t bear the pain in his chest anymore, he walked away from the scene.
“Changmin we had our chance.” You slowly push his body away from you, pulling yourself away from the dizzying kiss. It put your mind into a great mess, that your mind keeps buzzing like a static radio. but when other thing was blurry and hazy, one thing that stood out so clear, just like the picture you always took. it was your feeling for Hyunjae.
“Y/N please.” He took your hand placing it on his chest.
“You had your chance in all those years to confess but you didn't.” You let go of his hands holding your own.
“I'm not blaming you entirely because its my fault too for being a coward. But we had our chance Changmin, and we blew it.”
“and i'm in love with somebody else.”
“i’m in love with Hyunjae.”
“He saw us kissed.”
“He just left.”
“You asshole. It was intentional wasn't it?”
“I just had to.”
“Hyunjae.” You called softly after entering the room that you both shared. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down to his hands. Nervousness starting to creep inside you by the sight and the silence from him. You stood there by the door looking down at your feet, hands fidgeting with the rim of your dress.
“You should sleep, we need to catch the first bus in the morning.” He said standing up with blanket on his hands walking to the couch just right next to the bed without looking at you. But you didn’t budge, still looking down like a kid getting scolded by their parents for causing a big trouble.
You bit your lips hard when tears starts to brimmed in your eyes. You didn’t even dare to blink, not wanting the tears to fall.
“I’m tired, can you turn off the light please.” He said and you look up to where he already lay down, covering his body using the blanket, his back facing you. You hold your sniffles and do as told leaving the room in pitch black.
“Hyunjae.” Your voice cracked and you swallow hard to make it easier your you to speak.
“I-I am so-”
“I’m tired Y/N. Please, let me rest. Its been a long day.” He cut your words, but not sharp enough. But it still hurts you. It hurts you because you hurt him and you didn’t even know how to explain.
With the help of the lights peeking through the window, you slowly walked to your bag and take your clean clothes and toiletries.
You turn on the shower letting the warm water run down your skin while you stood there looking into spaces not long before you break down, covering your mouth not wanting to be heard by him. It was the longest you ever cried, longer than the day Changmin asked his girlfriend out. It was even longer than when you bid your goodbye to your parents at the airport.
God, how much you love him, and now you’re losing him.
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Hyunjae haven't spoke a word to you since the bus ride back to the city and you didn't dare to speak to him either. The ride was awfully silent and you could hear Changmin and his girlfriend giggled from the back seat. You couldn't help to think that they were mocking you both but you know they weren't. You suddenly feels empty without Hyunjae's constantly touching you like he always did when he's being excited over something or just feeling like touching you, or teasing you. He didn't even whined when you too immersed into the picture you took with your camera. You felt emptier than the time Changmin left you.
You didn't blame him for cutting every connection between you two after breaking up with you over a text and let you fall back to the loneliness. You didn't blame Changmin for not even consoling you after he heard the news of your break up with Hyunjae. You blame yourself for being you, you blame yourself for existing, for hurting people who had no other intention but to love you and you deserve the resentment that you get from him. You blame yourself for not figuring out your feelings for Hyunjae and didn't try hard enough to make him stay.
You were back to zero, alone at the cafeteria watching people and love birds walking around then get back to your pictures on your laptop ignoring the painful void inside of your heart.
You bumped into him the day after the break up, you didn't look away when you both walk past each other at the hall, neither did him. But he seems to had those indifferent look as soon as his eyes laid on you and you try hard not to show too much emotion when he's around. But it was hard, because you always saw him even when you’re not looking.
“Y/N, the portfolio that you emailed me. It was perfect. The four season portfolio.” Your mentor spoke when he saw you just about started to pack your things while your other class mate had already left. Its your routine since the break up, so you wont bumping into Hyunjae because your afternoon class always ends at the same time as his.
“It wasn't complete yet Mr Yoon. I was waiting for your feedback for anything that i should fix or re-edit.” You look up to him slinging your bag on your shoulder.
“I’ll send you my feedback later.” He said and you give him a bow. 
“Y/N, I was wondering.” Mr. Yoon voice stopped you from turning on your heels and you look at him. waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“have you been fine these day?” He asked leaning his back on the desk, crossing his arm on his chest.
“Yes. Why do you ask Mr.Yoon?”
“I knew you're running a photography blog for a long time, i have to admit it was wonderful and i even think that some of the photo you posted there should have come in with the portfolio. But you recent photo, they seems lonely.” He stop when you looked down. He must have seen your blog update, but you didn't know that it was obvious. He's your mentor and also one of the psychology professor that taught about behavior, of course he could see it.
“I’m fine Mr.Yoon.” you finally look up to him with a forced smile. “Its just life-” your breath hitched and you swallowed hard trying not to choke on your own words.
“Its just life, those ups and down.” You inhaled looking back down avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t let yourself dwell too long in it Y/N. Its okay to look back sometimes, it hard. Even if our shoes don't fit, we had our own obstacle in life, we have our own way to move on. But i hope you'll cope.” You smile to his words before bowing to him as he bid you goodbye.
You went to Itaewon alone that night taking the path that both of you and Hyunjae had been taking, tracing back all the fond memories that you shared. You even went back to Hadong alone on the weekend doing the same thing you did with him, taking picture of empty spot where it used to be filled by him. It was sad. But you need to cope. Once you had your best friend, then you have Hyunjae. But when they both left, you had nothing. Only their memories. But the most prominent one is Hyunjae's. You want to relive them for the last time before moving on.
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Its the hardest every time he saw you smiling and laughing at your friend's joke. He missed that and he still want to be the one who make you laugh. He hate you for being happy right after the break up, did you really moved on that fast? Did you really don't have any feeling for him? Or did you really using him to get back to Changmin?
But there were also time when he saw you sitting alone at the cafeteria, watching people walks by with sad eyes before going back to your laptop or your camera leaving your food untouched and it made his stomach sinks in guilt. The sight take him back to the night where he heard your sniffles echoes inside the bathroom that the sound of the shower couldn’t hide.
You loved someone else and its no point to keep you if your heart is unobtainable from the start.
“Hyung, why did you break up with Y/N?” Juyeon asked when he saw you walk into the cafeteria alone with your hands full with books and headphones on. He didn't want to answer that question. He's been dreading to answer when everyone asked, he's tired of hearing people saying that you both look good together and all.
“We're taking a break.”
Its the only thing he could came up with without humiliating you or him. Its sounds like he was expecting you to come back to him, it was an open answer, it was a message for you maybe one day when you heard what he said regarding your relationship, maybe. Just maybe you change your mind and come back to him.
It was pathetic and he know it, but the romance was short, so short that he wanted more. While he was trying to look away from staring at you, he saw Changmin seated a few table away from where he was and he was expecting Changmin to get up and help you with the pile of books on your hand.
But instead, Changmin didn't even look up from his phone and you didn't even spare him a glance, just walking straight to the far corner of the cafeteria settling your stuff on the table, sitting down and played with your phone without looking around.
“Hyung?” Juyeon snaps him away from staring at you and stammered at the younger guy.
“Get back with her if you want to keep looking at her like that.” He stated and Hyunjae just shrugged him off.
‘Weird' he thought, he swears he saw you kissed Changmin back that night. You even smiled to the kiss, but why are you both giving each other a cold shoulder. Why aren't you both together when Changmin said he loves you and he said you love him too. It hurt him when you didn't even denied it, he hate you for kissing him when you were his girlfriend.
He heard your voice in the art studio after helping a random girl who was carrying too much of a canvas for painting she said. He stood there just like the other day when you were talking to your professor.
“Is it true that everybody dies alone?” You asked, you sounded so weak, the light in your eyes faded by each passing day. At first he thought you were still saddened by the way Changmin still with his girlfriend but when he confront Changmin one day.
“We had our chance but I blew it. She's in love with someone else.” -changmin
But that is all what he get from the guy, Changmin still didn't want to talk to him. He started to think that you love him, not Changmin. But he wasn't really sure either, if your relationships mattered to you, you should have talk him out not ignoring him, so he did the same. Ignoring you even how painful it was knowing the truth that you love him.
“Does that scares you?” Kevin asks taking your attention away from the window where you both propped your chin on your palm on one of the table nearest to the window while sitting down watching the sun sets.
“I don't want to be alone.” You whispered under your breath but it was clear, so clear that it hurts Hyunjae at your words.
“You missed him?”
“I do. So much that it hurts.”
“Why didn't you tell him the truth?”
“He saw me kissed Changmin back. If you're at his place would you listen to me when I try to explain?”
“I’ve made myself a fool enough by kissing Changmin back.”
“Why did you kiss him back?”
“You know how I feel about him before. It was a dream to kiss him.” you chuckle while Kevin scoffed at your words.
“But the thing is, when i kissed him, i was thinking about Hyunjae as soon as i closed my eyes.” You smiled.
“Its just that, i finally know that love doesn't feel the same way with each person.”
“What do you mean”
“when i was in love with changmin it felt like home every time im with him. Maybe Its because he provides me one when i move back here during high school, he gave me something to rely on when i had no one, or when my brother was too occupied by his baseball. Then Hyunjae came when there’s a hole in my chest, my heart that once there was gone when Changmin left, Hyunjae starts to fill it again, slowly but in a beautiful way. He made me feel alive again. At first i thought it wasn't love because it felt so different from Changmin’s. But i get it now, love doesn't come with one specific shape or sizes.” You sit straight stretching your limbs leaning back to the chair to ease your back.
“Love is an abstract, you can't see it, you can't feel it but you know its there, you know it exist. it changes through times. Its like painting, you put down whenever comes through your mind freely on the canvas, sometimes it look nice and sometimes it doesn't. people might don't understands what we're trying to convey but it doesn't matter, as long as we knew what is it, what it means to us.” You smiled looking down staring at you clasped cold hand before glancing to your friend next to you and he looked disgusted, making you giggled at his expression.
“You are disgustingly in love. Tell him you idiot.” Kevin throw his head back with a grunt and you laugh him off.
“I don't know Kev, I’m just scared. I'm afraid because what I did was wrong. Its wrong kissing someone else just to figure out who do you love. Its pathetic. Stupid.” You exhaled looking back to the dark outside world, wondering what is he doing right now. Who is he with, did he replace you yet, or did he suffers just like how you did. You chuckled to the last thought thinking why would he suffers for the one who treated him just like you did.
“He probably don't like me anymore.” You wanted to say hate, but 'like' probably could hurt less when you said it out loud.
“I never said that.” You and Kevin eyes snaps wide open when you heard another voice instead of both of you echoes from the silence. You know that voice and when you saw Kevin eyes were fixed to someone at your back, you didn't dare to look back.
“Okay imma go.” Kevin took his bag and phone, standing up and was about to leave you, but you manage to get a grip on his wrist.
“Don’t you dare.” You warned but he just smile and wiggled his wrist away from your strong grip and when you let go, he pat your head with an assuring smile.
“This is your chance, don't waste it.” He stroke your hair softly, smiling to Hyunjae with a curt nod before walking to the exit leaving you both in the studio in silence.
“Sorry i didn't mean to eavesdrop.” He said voice coming closer with his footsteps and you still didn't dare to look back. Your body numbed while your heart pounded so hard that you were sure your chest could explode anytime.
“Y/N.” He called softly when he appeared in you peripheral view, kneeling right next to where you were seated, you shut your eyes tight not dare to look at him.
“Sorry I didn't give you any chance to explain.”
“Sorry.” He repeated again but you still too scared to look at him.
“would you please look at me.” You felt his touch on your cold hand and you turn your head slowly, meeting his beautiful gaze. It was different from the past few week where they were cold and uninviting. But right now, his gaze was soft, warm and pleading.
“Hyunjae.” You whispered, holding his hand and he hold yours tighter.
“Can we please start over again?” he said, almost pleading melting you
“Even after what I’ve done?” you tilt your head to the side and he smiles wider bringing his one hand to your cheek, caressing it slowly with his thumb.
“As long as you love me.” He said and if your muscle wasn't strong enough, your heart could probably explode from the happiness.
“I do.” You crashed your body into him so hard that he almost stumbled back but manage to balance his body.
“I love you so much Hyunjae and I'm sorry for being an idiot. You can kiss other girl once and i dont mind.” You pull away, with your hand still rested on his shoulder, kneeling in front of him.
“Why would i want to kiss other girl?” he frowned and you stuttered.
“Just so we can even out or-“ he didn't let you finish by capturing your lips into his own and you kiss him back in a heartbeat feeling his lips moulded perfectly into your own into a long kiss.
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“Let me kiss that pretty lips everyday and we're even.” He said after pulling away to catch his breath and rest his forehead on yours and you smiled breathlessly.
"Anything for my amazing boyfriend."
A/N: This was written before ‘Kevin Moon’ and it was meant for Changmin baby but I just cant hurt my Hyunjae, I’m so sorry. Things really had been hard on me lately (mentally) but i’m trying to get back on track (writing). This is not my best work and i am not in the best shape but i hope you enjoyed this one. thank you. 
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prettyallfriends · 3 years
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 7, 8, 9 English Translation
(So I like tumblr's new beta text editor since it saves time, but it doesn't support moving images... So I'm putting screenshots of Yuuhi and Amane up here so people know what they look like)
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RL Chapter 7: Let’s Deco an Amazing Shop
Ann: Sorry to keep you waiting!!! Please enjoy the Poppun Fruit Cake! Haah~ Thanks to Player, we’ve been getting more customers. We’re super busy, but it’s really fun! I guess I have to work even harder!
Momo: Ann! Get 10 of the dessert special for me!
Ann: Hey Owner, instead of eating, you should be helping us…
Momo: Tasting the desserts is an important task too! The one in charge of customer service is… the manager, so I’m sure Naru will do a peachy keen job!
Naru: …
Momo: Hm? Naru! Are you listening!?
Naru: Hmm…. hmmmmmmmm…
Ann: Naru, what’s wrong!? You’re staring a hole into your sketchbook.
Naru: Oh, sorry! I was just focused on something… hm…
Ann: Is something bothering you?
Naru: I want to design a new display for Prism Stone… but I can’t come up with a single idea!
Ann: I get it. You wanna change the vibe of the shop, right?
Naru: I want to design an original display unlike that of any other shops.
Ann: Original? Then why not get Player to help?
Naru: Great idea! We should get Player-chan to My☆Deco the shop!
Ann: And you really like decorating, right, Naru? If you combine both of your powers, you’ll definitely be able to deco Prism Stone into an amazing shop!
Naru: Yeah! Player-chan, would you deco the shop with me?
Choice: Decorating looks fun! / You’d be better off doing this alone
Naru: Yaaay! I’m so happynaru that we can My☆Deco together!!! I’m sure that by working together, we’ll be able to use our power to do some great decorating!
Momo: Your power will go up by using My☆Deco with Naru!
Naru: Then… Let’s My☆Deco, Player-chan!
(mydeco with 2 charms. Up until now we could only use 1 charm iirc)
Naru: So cool! We were able to use two My☆Deco charms!
Momo: Your My☆Deco power has evolved, Player!!!
Naru: I’ll think up a display with this cute My☆Deco stone! Decorating with you has given me a lot of new ideas! Oh yeah! Why don’t you put on a prism show with this My☆Deco stone?
Ann: Ooh, yeah! What a yummy idea! You’ll be able to perfectly match the vibe of the shop’s new display! It’s settled, Player will be putting on today’s show! With your My☆Deco coord…
Naru: Let’s! Prism show!! Happynaru!!!
(prism show)
Naru: Great work, Player-chan! That was a super, super, suuuuper Player-ish show.
Ann: The sparkle from wearing your own original My☆Deco stone’s coord really is great!!! Power up your My☆Deco even more, and make even more beautiful coords so you can put on even more sparkly shows!!! Well, id I’m not gonna lose to you, I’ll need to make even more new desserts!
Naru: I’ll also deco a lot more displays!
Momo: Gimme mo-more dessert!!!
???: ...hot…!!
Naru: Huh!? This voice…
??? (Ito): …
Naru: Ito-chan!!
Ito: The person who set off this flaming-hot atmosphere… seems to be you. But… who are you?
RL Chapter 8: Cool Rock is High-Spirited!
Ito: …
Ann: Hey, Ito… Stop glaring at Player.
Ito: Huuh!? I’m not staring at them!
Ann: Well, it sure looks like you are. Just stop looking at them like that…
Naru: You do look kinda scary right now!
Ito: Huuuh!? Scary!?
Naru: EEP! Sorryyyy!
Ito: Well? Do you think I’m scary too!?
Choice: Yes… you’re scaring me… / Nah, you’re not scary
Ito: Not scary… yeah. I’m not scary…!
Naru: Ah, Ito-chan looks happy! She’s smiling~
Ito: I’m not happy! And I didn’t… smile…
Ann: Ahh, that’s it. You’re just interested in Player then, Ito!
Ito: I… wouldn’t say I’m interested in them…
Ann: Heey, if you’re interested in them, you’ve gotta introduce yourself properly!
Ito: ...I’m Ito. Suzuno Ito. I’m in charge of makeup in Prism Stone. ...Pleasure. Your last show was hot.
Naru: Did you see Player-chan’s other shows, Ito-chan? They were amazing, right?
Ito: Uhh… Player’s definitely shown their strengths with lovely and pop, but…
Naru: What? Is there something you’ve been curious about?
Ito: Well… I’ve just been thinking that Player could put on an even hotter show… if they learned about a style with a different power to lovely or pop…
Ann: Hey, that’s great!
Ito: Huh? Great???
Ann: Teach Player all about the power of cool, Ito!
Ito: Huh!? You want me to teach them about cool’s power!? I can’t do that…
Naru: It’ll be fine~! If you let Player-chan see your rocking cool power, they’ll be able to put on a flaming hot show~!
Ito: Rock… Well, I guess Player putting on a rock show wouldn’t be too bad. But only if you’re able to keep up with my passionate rock. Player… do you have three cool stones? Okay, it looks like you do. Got it… In that case, let’s start your Seventh Jump Challenge. I want to feel your passion for rock, so this time you’ll be challenging High-Spirit (norinori) mode. Jump the cool Seventh Jump and get 1800 carats, and your rocking cool, hot heart should awaken. ...Now, it’s time. Think you can keep up with my rocking passion? Heartbeat heat!!!
(prism show)
Ito: …
Naru: What? Whatwhatwhat? What’s uo, Ito-chan…? You’re glaring at Player-chan again… Why??? It was a really good show, wasn’t it~?
Ito: ...hot…
Naru: Ah! She smiled!!!
Ito: Player… You were able to keep up with me. That was a cool… and hot… prism show.
Naru: Yaay, Ito-chan looks really happy!!
Ann: If you’re so happy then you should be complimenting them straight away~
Ito: Sh… shut up! I mean, um… It certainly was a hot show… But it’s only the beginning… Rock is really deep, after all…
Naru: Ooh~ So you think Player-chan will be able to put on even better shows in the future?
Ann: You really can’t be honest with your feelings~
Ito: Sh… shut uuuuuuup!!!
Momo: Why are you shouting and messing around!?
Ito: Momo-owner… We weren’t…
Momo: This is what I hear when I specially come to bring you guys some good news…
Ann: What good news!? Hurry up and tell us, please!!!
Momo: Momomo… It’s this!!! The prism show tournament ‘Dreaming Session’!!! It’s the commencement announcement!!!
Naru: Tour… tournament!? Whaaaaaaat!?!?
RL Chapter 9: First Tournament, Dreaming Session!
Momo: Momomo! Are you all surprised? The prism show tournament’s starting! And that tournament’s name is… Dreaming Session!
Naru: Dreaming session, huh~
Ann: A tournament sounds fun!
Momo: Of course! And Prism Stone will be entering! If we get good results in the tournament, Prism Stone’s popularity will go up and up!!!
Ito: ...But… who’ll we enter?
Momo: I… haven’t thought about that yet!!!
Ann: You haven’t… Get a grip, Owner!
Momo: Quiet, quiet! You can all decide who’s entering!!
Naru: Who’s gonna represent us in the tournament… Hm…
Rinne: ...tournament…
Naru: Rinne-chan! What’s up? Do you wanna enter the tournament?
Rinne: ...no… Player… tournament…
Ito: You think Player should enter?
Rinne: ...Player’s… sparkly…
Ann: I think that’s a good idea too! There’s a load of people who wanna see their passionate show… and the tournament’s a place where your growth is measured. Player, you should test your current strength in the tournament!
Naru: I agreeeeee!!! You should enter Dreaming Session, Player-chan!
Choice: I’ll enter! / This is pretty sudden…
Ann: You’ll definitely do well in the tournament with that drive! And maybe… you’ll even win!
Momo: Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to get Player registered!
Naru: I can’t wait for Dreaming Session!!
Ann: Until then, let’s practise as much as possible together!!!
Rinne: …
…Several days later…
Ann: It’s finally the day of Dreaming Session!
Naru: Woah~ There’s a lot of entrants and a lot of audience members!
Ito: It’s really lively and hot here.
Ann: It’s your turn soon, Player. Are you ready? Do your best out there!! -Wait, huh? Isn’t that…
Yuuhi: Is that… Player-chan! Konnichihello!
Naru: It’s Yuuhi-chan from Cosmo☆Sisters!
Amane: Amane is also present. It’s pleasant to see that all of Prism Stone’s esteemed staff are here together.
Naru: Are you guys entering too?
Amane: No, we are not entrants. We are simply…
Cosmo: Here to see the fashionable stars who are entering the tournament.
Naru: Cosmo-chan!?!?
Ann: Woah! The real Houjou Cosmo!? What an aura…
Cosmo: You’re entering the tournament, Player? Hm… make sure to use the power of My☆Deco. What kind of stylish show will you show us… I’m cosmically looking forward to seeing it. Laters.
Naru: ...They left.
Ann: Even your rival Houjou Cosmo came to Dreaming Session! Use this opportunity to become even more popular! Well, looks like it’s time to perform. Let’s go to the stage!
Rinne: ...Player… definitely… awaken… wings of courage… Make your heart take flight…
(prism show. Rinnes whole wings stuff is just her telling you to do a prism live)
Naru: Amazing, amazing!!! That was the most sparkly, wonderful show you’ve ever done! You’re amazing, Player-chan!!! ...Wait, huh??? Something’s on your back…
Rinne: ...Your heart’s wings… have awakened…
Ito: Wait, these are… Prism Feathers!?!?
Naru: Player-chan got them in their first tournament because they worked hard and built up their confidence! These Feathers are so pretty… and sparkly… They really suit you!
Cosmo: ...How nice.
Ann: Houjou Cosmo!?!?
Cosmo: That was a very cosmic show. I felt your… fashion power.
Amane: Oh, it seems the results shall be announced shortly.
Yuuhi: I can’t waaaait to find out who won!
Cosmo: “Who won”? You shouldn’t have to wait for the results to know the winner… The most radiant show was… Player’s, right?
Live broadcast: The winner of Dreaming Session is Player-san!!!
Naru: Woah! You really won your first ever tournament!!!
Cosmo: ...Congrats. From now on you’re going to be a lot busier. Why? I’ll tell you when we see each other again. ...Seeya.
Yuuhi: Sayonarabyebye!
Naru: Cosmo-chan knew that you won before the results were announced…
Ito: She’s a really cool girl. Houjou Cosmo, huh…
Ann: Now let’s hurry up and go back to Prism Stone so we can celebrate! What’ll I make~?
(something flashes past)
Ann: ...huh??? Did some green thing… fly past us just now??
Rinne: ...Kappa…
Ann: Kappa!?!?
Momo: Who are you calling a kappa!?!?
Ann: Momo-owner!? Oh, so the kappa was just Momo-owner…
Ito: But… the kappa just now was green…
Ann: Yeah, you’re right… What was that…?
Momo: Who cares about some stupid kappa!? We need to hurry back to the shop for our dessert party!
Ann: I guess you’ve got a point! We need to celebrate Player’s victory and their feathers awakening!
Naru: Yeah! Let’s go!!
Ito: Ahh…
Rinne: ...Player… do you like… kappas?
Ann: Hey, Player! Hurry, hurryyyy!
Rinne: ...take flight… with your wings…
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Translation: Muku Sakisaka’s SSR [Mankai Birthday] - Prince Charming of August
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translation under the cut.
Izumi: (Hmm mayonnaise, olive oil, veggies, white chocolate that Omi-kun asked for…)
(Okay, I got all of them! I should've checked what we have in the fridge sooner.)
(I have to hurry home and continue preparing for Muku-kun's birthday party tonight.)
Muku: Oh? Director-san?
Izumi: Oh, Muku-kun… What a coincidence. Wasn't today supposed to be school day?
Muku: Yep. I got too engrossed talking with my friend it's gotten late already.
Izumi: You're not with Yuki-kun today?
Muku: He said he had something to do so he went home first.
Izumi: Oh, okay. That's rare.
(I wonder if Yuki-kun is preparing something for Muku-kun's birthday party.)
Muku: Umm, Director-san, lemme carry your stuff!
Izumi: Huh?
Muku: It looks heavy. You must have bought a lot of things today.
Izumi: (Well, that's because this is all the stuff we need to celebrate your birthday.)
I appreciate your feelings, but this isn't as heavy as it looks.
Muku: Still, let me do it! Carrying a luggage is a man's duty. It has nothing to do with its weight.
Izumi: But you already carry a lot of stuff, Muku-kun. The paper bags in your hands seem much heavier than mine.
Muku: These are… the birthday presents I got from my schoolmates.
Izumi: Wow, aren't that nice!
Muku: Ehehe. They all are really kind and nice to a water flea like me.
Izumi: (Come to think of it, Muku-kun brought home a lot of chocolates on Valentine's Day.)
You sure are popular, Muku-kun…
Muku: W-What!? No, I'm not!
I'm far from being popular. Rather, I'd ended up getting taken in by crooked scouters' honeyed words when they told me I'd be popular.
I'm nothing but a seaweed that's buried behind the darkness of showbiz industry!
Izumi: For some reason your imagination is running wilder than usual today.
Muku: I'm, I'm sorry! I was just surprised when you said I'm popular.
Izumi: No need to be shy. You are loved by everyone, Muku-kun.
Muku: ...If that's so, it makes me so happy.
Izumi: By the way, what kind of presents did you get?
Muku: Umm…
--No. I know you're good at changing the subject, but I still won't let it slide!
Please let me carry your stuff!
Izumi: I've never intended to do that, though. But okay, I'll let you carry this veggies bag.
Muku: I'll make sure to carry this home!
Izumi: In that case, shall I bring your bags, Muku-kun?
Muku: You don't have to! Mine is not heavy at all.
Izumi: Oh, really?
Muku: Yep. It's just a mechanical pencil, clear folder, and a cute assortment of candies.
Izumi: Those are such pleasant presents. You can either use or eat them.
Muku: That's right.
But I also think it's such a waste to use or eat them.
Izumi: (Muku-kun is the type to treasure his presents. I wonder what kind of thing I should give to him.)
Izumi: We're back.
Muku: W-what's that!? A handgun!? A pistol!? I've gotta protect Director-san!
No one is allowed to stand behind me or Director-san!
If you do, I'll open fire and this place will go boom! You all will be arrested!
Izumi: H-Hold on, Muku-kun--!?
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Kazunari: Mukkun, you watch too much dramas!
Misumi: Triangle, triangle, bang bang bang!
Muku: Huh… g-guys?
Yuki: This is why I told you to quit it with the poppers and other classic stuff.
Tenma: Nobody assumed he'd be this surprised.
Izumi: So the voice just now was really party poppers.
Muku: S-Sorry! I mistook it for gunfire voice…
Yuki: People usually won't mistake it for such a thing.
Kazunari: Now, now. In any case, happy birthday, Mukkun!
Muku: Don't tell me this is the reason you popped the party poppers?
Kazunari: Of course! Before we celebrate your birthday with the others tonight, I figured Summer Troupe should surprise you first!
Misumi: Here's your present, Muku, a big triangular chocolate~!
Tenma: This is from me.
Muku: A mini bonsai?
Tenma: I didn't know today was your birthday. This is a makeshift goods.
Yuki: After getting all troubled over what to give for God knows how long, in the end you chose to go with bonsai…
Tenma: What did you say!?
Yuki: I've got a book cover for you; the size is just perfect for a shoujo manga. By the way, I've also embroidered your name on it.
Kazunari: Now it's time for the heavily favorite! My present is titled, "Mukkun's Fairytales Picture Book"! Yeaay☆
Izumi: Whoa, the cover is Muku-kun's portrait. Not to mention the art is done is shoujo manga-style and is high in quality!
Muku: ----.
Kazunari: Huh? Mukkun?
Yuki: He freezes.
Izumi: Good for you, Muku-kun. You got presents from everyone.
Muku: …*sobs*.
Kazunari: Whoa!?
Izumi: You're crying!?
Yuki: It's because of the bonsai…
Tenma: It's not my fault!
Misumi: Muku, do you want to use this triangular handkerchief? Are you crying because you're sad?
Muku: N-No… I'm crying because I'm so happy… I'm surprised.
Izumi: Oh my, so you're actually crying of joy. I'm glad.
Kazunari: Alright, let's do it again, then--.
Summer Troupe: Happy birthday!
Izumi: Happy birthday, Muku-kun!
Muku: Thank you so much, guys!
Izumi: (Hm? Muku-kun? What is he doing on the balcony?)
Muku: Oh, Director-san.
Izumi: The party was fun. You're not gonna go back to your room?
Muku: Yeah. I got too engrossed in this book once I started reading it.
Izumi: That's Kazunari-kun's present, isn't it? He said it's a picture book, but there's also a story in it?
Muku: Yes! It's amazing!
In this book that has me on the cover, I'm the prince!
Izumi: A prince?
Muku: Yep! I ride a white pegasus as I fly around the starry sky alongside my black cat partner--.
At the end of this adventure-filled story, I find a beautiful princess.
Izumi: Heh. It sure is interesting to read a royal story from the prince's point of view.
Muku: It looks like Kazu-kun worked hard both on the illustrations and binding the book all by himself.
And all of the Summer Troupe members apparently created the story while keeping my preferences in mind.
Izumi: Now that you mention it, flying around the starry sky with a pegasus and a black cat does sound like something that you like, Muku-kun.
Muku: Yes. I really like it…
Izumi: (A prince who rode a pegasus, huh…)
(--That's it!)
Say, Muku-kun, are you free this weekend?
Muku: I don't have any plans, but why..?
Izumi: Thank goodness! There's a place I wanna go with you!
Muku: …?
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Muku: Wow…!
It has always been my dream to go to a ranch! Look at that, Director-san!
Izumi: They have a petting corner too here. Wanna go check them out?
Muku: Yes!
Muku: Whoa, whoa, whoa! They're approaching me all at once!
Izumi: (The animals are really gathering at Muku-kun's side.)
Muku: So cute. I haven't bought my food though, so wait a lil bit 'kay?
Izumi: I'll go buy it.
Muku: Is that really okay with you? I feel kind of bad to enjoy all this fluffiness first.
Izumi: But you can't go, right? See, the rabbit standing near your feet is looking at you as if it doesn't want you to go.
Muku: Now that you said it, it does look that way. S-So cute…
Izumi: I'm sure the animals know that you're a kind person, Muku-kun.
Muku: I'll be happy if that's true.
Hello, my name is Muku Sakisaka. Nice to meet you all.
Muku: Whoa… They are really cute.
Izumi: Even the caretaker was surprised too, huh. They said the animals usually are not that relaxed around people.
(Hmm. It should be around here…)
Muku: Director-san? What's wrong?
Izumi: Hmm, hang on--ah.
Muku: Ah?
--A, a white horse!?
Izumi: Pegasus is downright impossible, but a white horse isn't, right?
Muku: Don't tell me, this is why we're here?
Izumi: Yep. This is my present for you.
Muku: Director-san…! Thank you!
Izumi: (Looks like my surprise was a success! I'm glad!)
Muku: Whoa, I can see more things when I'm on top the horse.
Izumi: (The keeper said one usually need a good compatibility with the horse to be able to ride them without any problems, but Muku-kun has done it perfectly.)
Muku: Ahaha. You're a good kid, Vincent. Thanks for letting me ride you.
Izumi: (Looking at him like this, he looks quite great with the white horse.)
You're cool, Muku-kun!
Muku: C-Cool!? No, I'm not--ah, but Vincent is indeed really cool!
Izumi: (It looks so fun. ...Hm? He's coming here.)
Muku: Director-san… No.
I've come to pick you up, princess. Please give me your hand.
...Just kidding.
Izumi: Ahaha. In that case, will you let me ride with you… your highness?
Muku: --!
...Please hold onto my hand tight.
Izumi: Thanks.
Muku: …
...I wonder if I can be a fine prince in the future.
OPTION 1: I'm sure you can.
Izumi: You can. I'm sure.
Muku: I feel like I'll really be one if you say so, Director-san.
I know it's merely a flattery, of course! But I feel like I can make my dream come true…
OPTION 2: But you're already a prince now, aren't you?
Izumi: But you're already a prince now, aren't you?
Muku: T-Thank you…! You… You are such a beautiful princess too, Director-san.
Ah! I, I didn't mean anything weird with that!
Because you always do your best in both your job and the theater troupe, to me, you've always been a strong, sparkling princess!
Izumi: I'm fully aware that I'm far from the word princess, but… Thank you!
Muku: No, I should be the one thanking you!
Muku: Thank you for letting me have such a beautiful and fun birthday.
Izumi: Yep. Happy birthday, Muku-kun!
Muku: Thank you, Director-san. I'll continue to be in your care!
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