#because im hispanic
grim-has-issues · 8 months
Me: I can’t be neurodivergent. I don’t have a lot of the traits needed, like being upset when your routine is thrown off. I never get upset when I mess up a routine. I am shit at keeping up with routines.
Also me when I woke up too late to go to the farmers’ market: I am going to kill myself/hj
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eternallovers65 · 1 year
Hey guys, for those who will see the special episode of Cellbit's RPG with the qsmp players and never watched any of the other episodes of ordem, I recommend you guys do it with the chat close!!! The chat during ordem episodes is not the same during a normal stream!!!
This chat is filled with a bunch of toxic fans who are literally the worst people you can have on cellbits chat. Most of them don't like qsmp. And even tho, normally, the mods put the chat on sub mod, but it doesn't make it better. For you guys to have any idea how toxic the chat is a player once cried mid play because people were sending her hate and they managed to kill a beloved character because they were purposely sending the wrong answer on chat
After Cellbit's announcement yesterday, most of these so-called "fans" were sending him a LOT of hate because they didn't like it the idea of this new episode. This was his response to all the hate
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So I'm saying this, especially for the Hispanic communities, because we all saw it how excited and how cute you guys were on Twitter, for putting "we proud of you cellbit" on tt.
We thank you guys enormously for the love and excitement ❤️
(Also important to say that during those streams we say a lot of swear words to cellbit, like hairy motherfucker, don't worry. This is actually a normal thing, and it's just us getting angry because he is the one who controls the villains and the world around the players lol)
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coldflasher · 6 months
anyway, thanks to that moment in the sound and the fury where barry is standing around watching with blank frustration like "god i wish i'd taken a language in high school" while hartley verbally eviscerates both cisco and eowells in multiple languages, i now headcanon that len speaks a second language, mostly cos barry would find it really annoying
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batw1nggg · 1 month
we all agree that hajime is mixed brown + japanese but what specific country do u guys think the brown is from !! i love to see all the different headcanons
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sapybara · 1 year
Remember that commentary youtuber who sided with Dream and I told you to stay away from? He was FINALLY sentenced to indemnify his ex FIL for defamation (€12k) BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY the judge ruled that he has to delete the videos where he's mentioned (9) AND read the sentence outloud on his channel, during a month straight, posting one video a week.
I'm so fucking happy, I wish all drama channels where subjected to this and I wish Dream started suing people for defamation too.
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tamagotchikgs · 4 months
looking on job websites is awful actually what do u mean theres multiple posts of straight white women complaining that they cant get hired because of their gender/race combo and lgbtq+ inclusion and the fact theyre not disabled ,,,,, girl... girl none of us can get jobs ,,
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rabble-dabble · 10 months
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so this weird kid and his crazy smart grandpa right
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pussypopstiel · 1 year
Seeing the sharp rise of islamaphobic rhetoric and hostility towards muslims in america is really something. hope this dosent have any direct effects onto me or my family. Uh.
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plantb0t · 1 year
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lucasoliko · 1 year
honestly yeah, i feel like cause it was set in a time period where stereotypes were so much more prevalent (even though some still are today), its like the writers took extra effort to make certain characters (like javier) not just be. those stereotypes. i love the way he's written and i know what you mean where some art or fics it gets ... a bit icky with where they take him
It's definitely a prevalent problem in this fandom, most of the stereotypes people apply to javier are current stereotypes about hispanic people (specially latinos) that are harmful because it sexualizes hispanics, reducing them to objects that exist just to bring pleasure and be something pretty and exotic to own, as if we're not human beings as well
And I'm not saying everyone that applies said stereotypes to javier doesn't see hispanic people as real human beings, but it definitely seems like it, and you as a person can definitely hold subconscious values you aren't even aware you're holding
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
My simpbur is now a furry artist who streams his art sometimes and goes by Kat Valentine online and hes a big loser but very much a sweetheart and has a qpp and she loves her partner very much and he is nonbinary transfem and and and
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happyk44 · 1 month
It's kinda funny because w/ my Zeus kid OC (who I've been thinking about renaming as Araceli, 'cause it means altar of the sky, apparently, which I like 'cause sky-themed-ish but also like. A little bit I wanted something that meant cloud the way Coral's name means... Coral) the implication is that she takes after her father to an almost mirroring degree because I developed her and my other PJO OCs (who also all got retconned into an OG work) at the same time I was playing around with my ideas on the Big Six, and the gist at the time was supposed to show how the Big Six could've turned out if they weren't so weird.
So the dynamics of the friendship was supposed to be very similar to the dynamics of Big Six's relationship to each other (e.g. Mary having a major crush on Hera's "representative" but also being attracted to literally every other person that walked by, Nico being the soberminded big brother figure, etc). It's also one of the reasons Mary would get angry whenever someone would compare to her dad, because similarly I think Zeus would get angry if someone compared him to his dad.
And then eventually as I got older and the daydream moved around with whatever obsession I had at the time, the characters and general storyline began to change away from that in some ways but core features sort of stayed and so I ended up with a version of Zeus that ignores his daughter's pleas for help because he loves her but her pain hurts him because he can't do anything about it and it's his fault she's suffering.
She got this intensity from him, it's ingrained into the way it's ingrained in him. But he was able to rebuild the world according to his own needs and wants and beliefs. And she can't really do that. So he doesn't have any advice he can give her when she's on her knees begging for help with all the noise and pain in her head. He doesn't know what to do! It's like he can just go and rip it out of her.
But she's suffering because she's different and she's weird and she knows it and she knows it's his fault which is why she's asking but he just doesn't know and he can't handle watching her suffering and listening to her cry when there is no helpful answer to give her because "I don't know" isn't going to fix it.
He's supposed to fix things, he's supposed to have the answers. He's king of the world, by damn! He's a problem solver. He supposed to have a solution, and a million backup solutions. But he doesn't! There's nothing he can do to make the noise stop because truth be told, the noise never really stopped for him! It just got easier and quieter. So he turns away from her because he loves her and he's failing her and he can't handle that.
But also in the same breath, I think he recognizes similar aspects of himself in Jason, who isn't even asking for help, and fucking despises him for it, lol.
✨ Girl Dad ✨
#could be a jupiter vs zeus thing too#zeus is more in touch with his emotions so he's able to love his kids and empathize with their pain#but jupiter eschews emotion to focus fully on logic and rationale and winds up being disgusted by anything that shows he's flawed#like i think zeus definitely hates any implication that he's flawed#but in this case it's more like while his inability to stop his daughter's suffering makes him feel flawed#his love for his daughter takes precedence so he doesn't hate her for it. he just hates himself for not being able to fix it.#but jupiter doesn't really have that affection for jason because maybe he just lacks affection im general#so jason showcasing any behaviour that may indicate an inherent flaw in jupiter is seen as despicable#and so jason and any internal/external pain he may experience because of this flaw isn't viewed favourably#it could also be that jason is more willing to call him on his shit where mary/araceli was just like bitch i hate you so much please kill m#like she definitely doesn't agree with all her dad's actions but she kind of gets where he's coming from with certain things#where i don't think jason is able to view that in other people either#like all three of them view things in a very black and white autistic sort of way#but jason lacks the cognitive empathy to understand why a person may feel or behave a certain way#i love when i go insane in the tags#thats fun#anyway#happy talks about his stories#happy talks pjo#zeus (pjo)#jason grace#i will come up with a tag for my zeus girl at some point#also for araceli the original character has always been seen as hispanic/latino which is why i wanted a name that made that obvious#so if anyone has any hispanic/latino sky-themed names they'd like to share lemme know because the baby name websites were very short
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swagging-back-to · 9 months
lying to a kid about if theyre adopted should be classified as abuse and no j am not joking
#abused adoptee#adoption#adoptee voices#to clarify i was never lied to. i knew as early as i can remember#but i work with a kid who was raised thinking her mother was her older sister.#shes seemingly chill about it but you can tell#and even so thats just so fucked up#you hear of people finding out through dna tests#of the adopters waiting till (specific) birthday to tell them -- usually after 18.#im sure even people who arent adopted can sympathize with how awful that would be#to find out your entire life is a lie overnight#especially for medical concerns. all the medical history yourlve come to accept as fact (grandma has diabetes aunt judy has dementia etc)#is suddenly wrong. now you dont know what you are or arent predisposed to. you dont know what tests you shouldve taken#your ancestry and ethnicity could be wrong#i knew i was adopted but they never told me i was hispanic. they kept it from me.#i thought i was pure british like them because im not super tan and have blonde hair#sometimes it's done under the guise of 'keeping peace'or 'saving them from the burden of knowing'#but really--it's all about control#most people dont like to talk about it but a good portion of adoptive situations involve control freaks.#this is from my own personal experience#almost every adopter i know is a control freak.#half of the adopters i know personally adopted just for the manual labor and a scape goat.#this is what my adopters did#to completely take away someones truth and deny them their own history--even after youve taken their legal rights.#oftentimes youve taken their entire names#like that is so vile#it really is#adoptees deserve the right to know theyre adopted. to know their biological familys medica history (if possible)#to be able to contact their biological family if they choose so#to be able to denounce the adopters as their parents or family
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observethewalrus · 3 months
yesterday mom finally saw the purple hair and I was talking about the fantastic salon I went to (the people at Mutiny in brooklyn are fucking amazing) and how it was the first time anyone had said the words curl pattern to me. naturally this launched mom into her usual “woe is me, you were such a spiteful child who did things just to hurt me” spiel about how after she chopped all my hair off when I was six I “never let her near my hair again,” so she didn’t wanna hear me talk about how I’m finally learning how to take care of my hair properly instead of just shampoo and conditioner
and as usual she’s got a very selective memory. i hated that haircut, I hated how i looked, and i got made fun of at school because i looked like a boy with my pixie cut and really thick dark unibrow. but instead of listening to how i felt, she took it as a purposeful vendetta by her six year old to make her feel like a bad mother for making me get a haircut i never wanted in the first place. the reality is she had no idea what to do with my thick long hair. it wasn’t enough to treat it like her hair, like a white woman’s hair. i had my dad’s hair yet she insisted on trying to straighten it like hers was
she seriously took it so personally that she decided to never try to teach me anything about taking care of my hair. not that it stopped her from constantly telling me how shit my hair looked for years and years. she wonders why i never share anything with her as an adult. it’s because every time i do she turns it into “oh NOW you care about this thing i thought you should’ve cared about as a child but since you’re such a mean horrible person you didn’t.”
side note a very unhappy father’s day to my father who’s never been around and who’s internalized racism kept me from having any semblance of identity with regard to half my damn family. and especially fuck him for not telling me abuela died until MONTHS later and leaving everything she owned with the nursing home so now I don’t have a single part of her in my life at all
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