#because it is 8am for me
courfee · 10 days
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it's been exactly a year since the last chapter of Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule and I still miss it. This scene is probably one of my favourite things I've ever written and I've wanted to draw it for forever, so now seemed like an appropriate time
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heartorbit · 2 months
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i just wanted to draw the ave mujica outfits .
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ultipoter · 2 years
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It was just a small, white dog! “read” from left to right ->
Toby Fox interviewing KIKIYAMA sent me in such a frenzy and I had to draw something to celebrate the occasion. It almost feels like Madotsuki’s door got opened, just a little bit.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Sometimes work mode just doesn’t turn off
Four, driving home from work: *notices it’s 8:05* Oh. Top of the hour. I need to get the intake and outputs of my patient’s drains, and that blood sugar, and—
Four: Wait
Wild: *swipes work badge at door to Lon Lon Ranch* *swipes again when nothing happens*
Twilight:…Whatcha doin’, buddy?
Wild: My badge isn’t—
Wild: Just shut up
Sky: *freezes mid step towards his bed because he swears he heard the tones drop for a flight*
Sky: *walks to the window* It’s literally raining, there’s no way we’re gonna pass the weather check to fly in this.
Time: Sky. You’re home.
Sky: Well it’s still crappy weather
Legend: *dead asleep*
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shimmershy · 2 years
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I caved and doodled Hunter instead of sleeping.
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zet-sway · 22 days
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owleics-fr · 1 year
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ahhlehlehlehleh · 2 years
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I would like to thank my good friend @choco-banana-crepe for this diamond jewel of a text that made my day.
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frnkiebby · 6 months
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yeah, me too frank~🎃
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kusuokisser · 1 year
terusai go apple picking but of course hijinks occur
kokomi has a basket filled with literally the most perfect apples you could ever find but then she fucking. trips. and like other people offer her their apples (because she is the perfect pretty girl) and shes like "nono its okay, i can find more!" and kusuo has already made his way to the other end of the orchard. in his mind if he were seen with a better basket of apples than her the entire population of japan would be out to kill him or something so hes looking for the shittiest and least desired apples he can find. just ends up giving kokomi his average basket so he doesnt have to eat gross wrinkled apples for the rest of time.
kokomi buys kusuo apple cider and donuts from the place and suddenly she is invited to every future apple picking adventure! yeah sure kokomi you can come any time (dont forget your wallet dont forget your wallet dont forget your wallet dont forget your wallet dont forget your wallet dont forget your wallet) <- kusuos subliminal messaging
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zombiecheri · 10 months
I really hope Mizu and Taigen never end up together. I don't exactly dislike Taigen's character but I don't see him with Mizu. It would be so forced to me. "he bullied you in past and now likes you" trope is so shitty in my opinion. So overused, so boring, so cliche. It's doing nothing to me.
I don't see Mizu with Akemi either. As much as I want Mizu with a girl (mostly because I need a confirmation that she's indeed wlw), I don't think they're compatible. I don't see Mizu with anyone at this point. I don't think she needs a love interest. Not all characters need one, plus her past would make sense why she wouldn't want it.
Anyways, if Mizu does end up with Taigen I'll be very disappointed. I lied a little bit when I said I didn't dislike him, he is very annoying to me. He's not bad, just annoying, uninteresting and unfortunately very boring. He does nothing for me as a character.
Walmart Zuko mixed with Shang with a bald spot (I'm jealous over pixels what the fuck is my life)
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mushroomsie224 · 5 months
Being in a small fandom is so nice. So chill. Not sure what exactly to compare it to, which annoys me because I like making comparisons.
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angstics · 2 years
my mcr fears are so dumb but they keep me up at night. what if they get an insane pop producer. what if they talk to the media and the media misrepresent public + fan attitudes. what if someone utters the nothing-phrase "nonbinary vibes" to them. gosh
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camp-counselor-david · 4 months
I was wondering what bugged me about the season 4 Cameron Campbell redemption arc, and I think it finally clicked for me. (And yeah it's 95% David related)
Tw for talks of abuse under the read more.
(Spoiler warning for s3 & 4!)
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My relationship (from a character standpoint) with Mr. Campbell is very iffy. He's meant for comedic relief, as is his treatment of David within the series.
Side note- I know that the wolf in "The Forest" being a metaphor for Campbell's abuse of David isn't technically canon even if it's pretty widely accepted by now, so I'll be excluding that part in my analysis.
Mr. Campbell goes through a lot of changes within the series. He starts out as sort of a criminal mastermind type. Self-serving, a blatant scammer, and someone who is seen abusing David in particular many times in the show, physically and verbally. That's not even mentioning the scene in "Jasper Dies in the End," where he attempts to murder a young David for witnessing Jasper's near-death experience. Despite this, David looks up to him and idolizes who he is as a person.
Up until when things peak in season 3, where it's revealed to David that he's not only a terrible person, but he has attempted to frame him for the camp being a scam. Season 3 handles Campbell the best in my opinion, up until the ending of "Camp Corp" where it's decided that Cameron Campbell is more of an idiot than a mastermind, so his new punishment is staying at the camp under David's watch.
Season 4 is where it takes a turn for the worse. As per usual, David is on board with the idea of redeeming Mr. Campbell and places faith in him changing for the better. This didn't bug me until the episode with the escape room where the series begins to explore a different side of Campbell. There, it's revealed that despite how awful as a person he was, he secretly has some type of heart! He still had feelings for the woman he ghosted for 17 years to the point of never once seeing another person in all of that time. Not only does that feel impossible to believe, but given how he acts when he's coming back from the club in "Keep the Change," it feels a lot more like a retcon to me. You're telling me that someone as greedy as him would make such a responsible choice when it comes to any of his personal relationships? In 17 years? While regularly being under the influence of alcohol and other drugs throughout that time period?
It felt like a quick "See? Mr. Campbell isn't actually that bad of a person!" To which I feel is not the right angle to take with his character, at least not so quickly. I understand that characters can have nuance. They can have good traits and still be bad people, but these traits have to line up with what makes sense for the character, and from my perspective, it didn't.
They then change the approach with Campbell and start making him a lot more reasonable of a person in the way he talks. "Time Crapsules" ending with an admittedly nice message from him about change using the camp itself as a metaphor for his own character growth, which becomes apparent in the last prominent Campbell episode, "St. Campbell's Day."
This is the episode that urks me the most. Since the very beginning, David has had full faith in Mr. Campbell. He spent time making excuses for him and going out of his way to prove that change is really possible. But (spoilers, sorry!!) then this episode features the very first time that David stands up against Mr. Campbell. He sees the fake holiday that he's making for presumably self-serving reasons and decides that Campbell is showing his old patterns again-- because why else would he make up a holiday revolving around making money?
David ruins the holiday by stealing the holiday supplies and reporting him to the presses as a con artist. Then, the show reveals that David was overreacting, and this was really pushed by the campers rather than Campbell himself. They wanted to raise funds for the camp to get new things like the outhouse, and David feels bad. Afterward, there's a happy moment where David apologetically fixes everything with the help of Gwen and QM, which is admittedly very sweet, and Mr. Campbell forgives David for jumping the gun and assuming the worst.
While I don't hate this, it just rubs me the wrong way that the one time David stands up against Campbell, he's punished by the narrative. He apologizes to Mr. Campbell, a thing that Campbell never properly does for David, the one who actually deserves it.
This episode could have been a good opportunity for there to be some reflection on how David, who vouched ceaselessly for his redemption, might have some mixed feelings on his abuser. Exploring this side of things more would have made this a better episode and overall a better arc for me rather than "Silly David!! You've ruined the one good thing he tried to do!".
The concept of David wanting to be happy about the changes but finding that part of him guiltily thinks that Campbell doesn't deserve it is something I really wish they explored a lot more.
The tl;dr of this is that the Mr. Campbell redemption arc isn't a bad angle to shoot for! Some of it was handled decently, but the loose ends that we'll likely never see wrapped up leave a sour taste in my mouth. A few kind moments don't make up for around 14 years of abuse, and that's not even mentioning the death of Jasper as a consequence of Campbell's actions.
I love this show a lot, and this is by no means hateful towards it, I just feel a little put off by how they handle the Campbell-David stuff.
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lavenoon · 2 years
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It's still a lot. But it was all real, and that means something
@naffeclipse I told you, I'll hold them to it <3
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ask-theredcrown · 2 days
Did you know you can completely numb the lower half of your body by injecting liquid cocaine into your spinal column? I'm not joking that was a thing that people tested back in the day
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"I don't think that this is exclusive to the lower limbs, injecting liquid cocaine in any part of your body is a terrible idea."
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