#because it scares her when riv does it
sparkdoesart · 7 months
Uhh day,, 10?
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Worm grass!!!!!
Getting to the next ones soon!!!
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
about “can u write one about Riven jealous of the reader’s clothes???”
Is like they are in a relationship and he is jealous of her because of the clothes she is wearing to training
Omg sorry lol
I think I got what you meant now, at least hopefully I do- I'm not really writing jealousy anymore though? so I'm gonna change this up a bit to fit what I like personally better
trigger warning: men are disgusting. if you've made bad experiences, maybe dont read this, honestly, I'm a bit scared. not riven btw!!!! other dudes.
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You didn't even manage to get his name out before his lips were on yours, his hands dragging your jacket down your arms and dropping it onto the ground. You gasped into the kiss, shocked at his roughness, pulling at his hair when he let your arms out of his grip and you could cling to his neck.
"Riven", you repeated, your breath ragged, your hands on his chest forcing him to give you a moment to collect yourself.
"What?", he asked, his voice scratchy as well, making you grin just a little.
"You were acting really weird at training back there and now- this. Not that I'm complaining! God, no. I'm just worried."
He looked grim and stayed silent for a moment, glancing down at your lips twice and then back up to your eyes, before he eventually groaned and stepped back, raising his hands to make a grand gesture out of shrugging.
"I'm fine", he said, sounding anything but fine.
You rolled your eyes at him and crossed your arms, leaning against the wall behind you.
"Riven", you repeated a third time. "I know you, idiot, you're not fucking fine, just tell me what's wrong."
His jaw was working and his hands balled into fists while he seemed to be thinking whether to tell you or not. You gave him the time to decide.
"The guys here are fucking gross", he spat out eventually, and you could almost feel his hatred, even though you were certainly not a mind fairy.
"I mean, yes, but why does that upset you so much right now?", you asked, raising your eyebrows, now curious to hear his answer.
"Didn't you see how they were looking at you? Because I did", he went on. He was furious by now, you could tell. "They were eyefucking you. I swear I'll kill them, next time I get the chance to, I will."
"All of them?", you chuckled.
He visibly stopped dead in his movements and his words.
"How can you not be absolutely livid?", he asked, both desperation and anger somehow mixing in his voice.
You stepped closer to him with a smile on your lips, putting your arms around his neck again. He relaxed under your touch almost in an instant.
"I am, baby", you said truthfully. "Every woman ever is. Men are fucking disgusting. But I'm not gonna let that stop me from wearing whatever the hell I want. And it's making me very happy to know that you're just as angry as I am, but... Don't get into trouble because of it. If you kill them, at least do it so that no one will know it was you."
You grinned at him and he finally grinned at you as well, and when you kissed him, he kissed you back softly.
"I love you", you mumbled against his lips, running your hands through his hair. "Thank you for looking out for me."
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
How Often They Worry about MC…
For those who don’t know, I have a little dog named Charlie and she is a large portion of my world. There's no need to be alarmed, my dog is fine, but there are days where I hold her and all I can think about is how much I worry about her health down the line… I suppose we often do that for the people we love, particularly the ones who may not last as long as we will. Take that as inspiration if you'd like.
Near constantly. 
If you tracked his blood pressure on a grid, you'd see it start to continuously rise about when he decided they were worth having in his life.
Lucifer is the eldest sibling to a whole crew of brothers so he's no stranger to worry. He worried about his brothers when they were young, he worried about them after the Fall, and he still worries about them now (even if he's less open about it).
But a part of him knows that his brothers can handle their own, at least to varying degrees. The MC, though? He's far less sure…
They've proven rather resilient, but also headstrong and reckless. Neither of which are good things to be in a place this dangerous...
If Lucifer isn't careful, he can catch himself staring at a wall or window just wondering where they are and if they're doing alright… If he called them every time he had a passing worry, their inbox would be full by the end each week.
He holds himself back because he doesn't have the time to constantly protect them, but that doesn't stop him from sending a text once or twice a day. They better respond or he'll start (secretly) panicking.
He forgets their mortality from time to time, but every time he remembers it hits like a ton of bricks…
Mammon is a pretty "in-the-moment" person. He doesn't spend a lot of time dwelling on the future, but whenever he does the thought of losing MC always comes back to him again and again.
Like. It's gotta happen eventually, right? They're human, humans die, hell they don't even live that long to start with!
The MC can always tell when Mammon's getting worried because he'll get uncharacteristically quiet and pace around or hover by them…
Every little injury or strenuous task will suddenly seem like too much to him as well. 
If they need to carry some boxes, he'll carry them all.
If they have to jog to class, he's carrying them. 
If they so much as get a papercut, he'll have a heart attack.
It's not very hard to get Mammon out of these funks - he really does want them to reassure him that they're okay - but he's never going to get fully over it…
Not until he can steal whatever top secret immortality formula Solomon must have used anyway… He'll get it off that bastard eventually.
Thinks about it so often he has to actively try not to just to get any peace…
He dodges his fears for MC like a protagonist dodges lasting consequences. Every time he feels one creeping up, he's always got a distraction waiting…
"Hey where's MC at? I hope they didn't fall into the riv-OH HEY CHECK OUT THIS NEW GAME!!"
"What are they doing over there…? That looks hard, what if they bre-WAIT DIDN'T MY FAVORITE VOICE ACTOR JUST RELEASE A NEW PODCAST???"
"What if the MC dies tomorrow and they leave me all alo-DEVIL FIGHT 200! YOU CAN'T BEAT DEVIL FIGHT 200, LET’S BREAK MY HIGH SCORE!!"
Cut him some slack, his psyche cannot handle the idea of losing them on top of everything else he grapples with every day.
If, on the rare occasion, he does let himself fall down that rabbit hole he becomes extra clingy and practically begs MC not to leave his room… like ever. He'd bubble wrap them if he could.
Anytime they get really hurt or really sick he refuses to leave their side even if it means he has to awkwardly sit on the floor. He just needs to be able to glance at them every so often to be sure they're alive… Still breathing?? Phew…
He worries, preps, rationalizes, then worries again…
For Satan, knowledge is power and every scrap of information he can learn about MC is more power he can use to keep them safe and healthy.
Yes, he will want their medical history. Yes, he's going to need a list of prescriptions. Family members too. And no, you do not get a choice.
He'll read up on as many things as he can - pawn medical journals off of witches and get magical alternatives from Solomon.
The cycle usually goes: 
1. He's lying awake at night because he just heard about some terrible bacteria that makes human's skin peel off or something.
2. He does all the research he can on this bacteria, its treatment options, best prevention methods, etc.
3. Gets right about to break out the rubber booties for MC to wear around, then realizes they have a very slim chance of catching said bacteria since it's only native to incredibly remote parts of Indonesia.
4. Feels instant relief that MC will probably not catch flesh-eating bacteria and can finally sleep again…
5. Hears of some other human medical horror from Solomon and starts to worry…
It's a vicious cycle indeed… But at least he's getting a lot of medical training. Soon enough he'll be the Devildom's version of a human vet (which I guess is just a doctor, come to think of it. 🤔)
Lives so "here-and-now" that he doesn't remember often, but when he does it's always heartbreaking…
Asmo usually tries to worry about things as little as possible. It’s bad for the skin, you know? But when the MC is involved, all of that goes out the window.
Like how a delicate blossom eventually wilts in the snow, the MC is bound to leave them in time… Usually there's supposed to be something beautiful in that kind of tragedy, but perhaps he's just too close to them to find any romance in it.
The thought of their death gives him breakouts and anytime they get hurt or sick he's the first brother to offer them comfort. Every time.
Because he doesn't feel like he's as physically strong as he brothers, he tries to make up for it by minding their health in other ways. Anything to keep his MC strong and beautiful as always!
If Asmo is in a worrying mood, then he may also compensate by trying to take the MC out to a party or some fun event. Why sit around worrying by himself when he could be making memories with them now, right?
It comes in waves, mostly at night.
When your thoughts throughout the day are mostly, "I wish I wasn't so hungry," it doesn't afford you a lot of time to think about much else.
In a way, it's a good thing since he experiences a lot less stress. But those worries are still there and they mostly plague his dreams…
Beel doesn’t feel hungry when he's sleeping, so a lot of his fears will make themselves known overnight. An injured or dying MC is often in his rotation of nightmares though, of course, he'd rather it not be…
After having one of these dreams, his first instinct is to always make sure the MC is okay. If they're with him, he'll hug them and check their heartbeat. If they're somewhere else, he'll go to them or shoot a text.
He has woken up without realizing his nightmare was all a dream though, and usually it's up to Belphie or MC themselves to console him while he cries… It's so heartbreaking, sweet boy just puts a lot of pressure on himself to be sure they're safe…
When he worries, it's like they're the most beautiful and expensive China set in a room full of bulls and hammers. If he could tape them to his side, he probably would. He gets scared for them that much…
More scared about it than anyone else in the House.
Despite his calm demeanor, Belphie is truly afraid of losing his loved ones beneath the surface… He's already lost one of his most dear siblings before, going through that again may just break him.
Unfortunately, he's also felt just how fragile the MC is firsthand... He's not even the strongest of his brothers, yet he was able to snuff them out so easily… Who's to say someone else won't try?
Like Beel, MC's death is a recurring nightmare for him but he can usually shake off his dreams fairly well, if not change them mid-sleep. More scary is when something is actually wrong with them or they're not feeling well.
Belphie always sets his inner laziness aside for the MC when he can. If they get sick, he'll usually be right along with his family to take care of them - even if he has to skip school to do so (not that he cares about class anyway).
When he's worrying about them, he tries to play it off at first, but soon enough they'll notice him acting overly concerned and losing sleep… Best to calm him down before he starts getting cranky.
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Riven’s crush
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Pairing: Riven x fairy!reader
Staring intently, Riven had stopped pretending. He could hardly get enough time in the day to reconcile his ever growing feelings for Y/N, the very thought daunting.
She's the perfect girl, the one everyone orbits like she's a magnet, a source of life. If he was entirely honest with himself, she was like the Sun, her smile set his soul alight, her touch burned him like fire.
Even now, Riven watched her giggle when Sky handed her a dandelion and he wanted to be mad, he wanted to throw a fit and flip them off. He couldn't. Doing anything to upset her felt unnatural, painful to him.
Instead of being destructive, Riven marched toward the two, his eyes set on her.
"Hello there", Riven drapes his right arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer. His lips press against her temple, tender and sweet, two words no one would assign to Riven.
"Hey Riv", her tone is enthusiastic, smile genuine as she tilts her head to look up at Riven who so bravely dared to initiate contact.
"I have to run to meet with Silva, but think about it?" Sky takes a few steps back, smiling softly at Y/N who nods, prompting Sky to smile wider before turning away.
"Don't tell me you swoon over him too", Riven mumbles, dropping his arm and taking a step back.
Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N shakes her head, "Sky is like a brother to me. I'm just doing him a Bloom related favor."
"Oh", Riven runs the back of his neck, feeling a little out of his death. Accusing her of being into someone else didn't feel like a good way to express how he feels about her.
"Yeah, my taste in guys is more along the lines of guys who pretend to be baddies but are soft inside." Winking, Y/N chuckles at the wide-eyed stare Riven deals her with. She always found it amusing how lip locked Riven would get around her. It had gotten to a point where she enjoyed teasing him just to get a reaction.
"Seems like you have someone in mind", Riven sighs, averting his gaze to the ground before flickering his gaze up to her steady one.
"Maybe", she trails off, "Do you? I'm open to suggestions." Eyebrows raised, she waited for Riven to speak.
"I don't want to scare you, but I think I am in love with you." Riven speaks fast, unsure why he's doing this because there is no way Y/N would ever be interested in him but he couldn't help himself.
For the first time ever, he couldn't imagine keeping his feelings under wraps, not when she stood there with her perfect smile and her kind eyes. He wanted to scream LOVE ME, but at least he found a more civilized manner to express the same.
"Why would that scare me?" Y/N steps closer. Raising her hand, she plants her palm against his chest, tilting her head up to fix his gaze. "I'm a fire fairy, Riven. We don't scare easily."
"Shit", Riven mutters under his breath. The proximity, the way her hand lingers on his chest, the sensuality of her tone had taken his breath away, but nothing quite worked as well as the moment she pulled his head down and kissed his lips.
She wasn't as kind or gentle when she claimed his lips, her teeth sinking into his bottom lip. Gasping, Riven found himself unable to form a coherent thought, overwhelmed by emotions she evoked. Her scent intoxicates him, her arms wrapped around him and sooner than he wanted, she had let go of him altogether.
Lips swollen, darkened by her red lipstick, Riven stood there with a smile adorning his face. "Does that mean you're in love with me too?"
Cocking her right eyebrow, she licked her lips, "It means I like you, Riven."
Nodding to himself, he smirks, "I can work with that."
Pursing her lips, she takes a step back. "Are you sure? Because you're about to find out exactly why they say fire fairies are a little mad."
Chuckling, he swipes his thumb under his bottom lip, "All the best people are."
Raising her hands in mock surrender, Y/N continues backing away, "Don't start running when you can't handle the heat."
Riven's heart flutters at her words, watching her walk away from him slowly, her smile wide and enchanting.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, doll!"
Shaking her head at him, she brought her hand up to her lips, sending him an air kiss Riven found himself catching. It's foolish, something he'd mock anyone else who'd do it, but if there is anyone out there he's willing to be silly for, it's Y/N.
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soartfullydone · 3 years
No. 3 - STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT… taunting | insults | “Who did this to you?” Delethil/Riven/Eravin requested by @editoress
More of the OT3, we cannot be stopped
The saw cut through the wood with too much jagged force. If Eravin didn’t stop to take a second and breathe, he was more likely to lose a finger than trim the branches off this fallen tree. But pausing might mean he’d start to examine why he was so angry, and Eravin didn’t do introspection. Better for the feelings to boil and seethe like a pot of water over a fire and then fade away like steam as they always do.
One of the branches cracked under his hands. Eravin lowered the saw and brought up his leg, snapping the branch the rest of the way off with a swift kick of his booted heel. That felt good. He definitely hadn’t pictured anyone’s face he was stomping in instead. The leaves rattled and sighed as he dragged the limb away from the trunk.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” said a bright voice through his tetchy mood. “Are wood elf tempers more behavioral or cultural at this point?”
The briefest chuckle huffed out of him. “Shouldn’t ye know?”
He tossed the limb, watching it land at the foot of a rough tangle of trees behind his property. It would be able to rot there peacefully. Eravin brushed his hands off on his pants and returned to the tree. Riven was there, a foot against the trunk and inspecting his saw between her hands.
“My temper’s better than yours,” she answered lightly.
“Your temperament, maybe.” He tugged the saw away from her and crouched down to get back to work. “When you’re angry, though, up in arms doesn’t cover it.”
“You’re supposed to say it makes me fiery and exciting.”
The tips of his ears were hot. “Del might say that because he manages to be worse than ye. And he’s a fool. Me, I know a threat when I see one.” 
Arms straining, Eravin pulled the saw back and forth through a thicker branch. For a moment, that was all the sound that was between them. Finally, Riven asked, “What’s made ye all fiery today, then?”
Eravin’s neck was warm, or maybe that was the afternoon sun beating down on it. He paused to wipe the sweat off his brow. “Nothing,” he said gruffly. “Tree fell, is all.”
“Aye, trees fall,” Riven agreed, “but it didn’t fall on your shop or anything. No wasps around to sting ya or owls to bother ya. So what’s wrong?”
He sighed, contemplating leaving the saw stuck in the limb and retreating to his workshop. But that would just confirm Riven’s suspicions, and she would follow him anyway. Instead, he sat back on his haunches and insisted, “It doesn’t matter, so—”
“It matters to me. Who did it, then? Did Del say something to piss ya off?”
“Wasn’t Del.”
“Tell me who I’m beating up then! We can get Del in on it, too. It’s important for new, uh, triples to have bonding activities.”
Right, and have Del disappear his own men the way he used to terrorize Riven’s suitors. Absolutely not, not for something as idiotic as this.
Aye, Eravin thought the whole thing was idiotic. His hurt feelings, Riven’s concern, all of it. But she wasn’t going to drop it. Eravin resumed sawing with abandon. Maybe she wouldn’t hear him over the noise, his words directed at the wood chippings falling to his feet. “Just a few of the lads acting the maggot.”
Silence fell again. Eravin didn’t continue. Riven didn’t ask. The beats stretched on and on.
A rough, impatient sigh. “And?” Riven sounded frustrated, probably with the both of them. She hadn’t quite learned how to force him to say more than he wanted to. “What did the worms say? I’m hoping it’s good. I haven’t gotten to throw as many punches as I thought I would comin’ home.”
“It’s really not important, Riven.”
“Oh. So it was about me then.”
She’s pretty, all right, Cashal had said, but Delethil’s had plenty of pretty. He’ll get bored with her soon enough, and me arms will be right here, wide open.
The saw snagged on something. Eravin was distracted. “No! No, it wasn’t that. They were just…” He left the saw stuck in place and rose to his full height. Swiped a hand over his face and dampened his hair with even more sweat. “They were just being arses, and it got on my nerves. Tha’s all.”
“Was it about Del?”
“If it were, he wouldn’t give two shites.” He leaned over the tree, looked deep in her eyes, and said, “And if you’re not gonna help with this, ye can go, lass. I’m busy.”
Riven glared right back at him and slowly drew a dagger from behind her back. Rather than plunging it into his chest, she crouched down and started carving something on the other side of the tree.
Eravin cursed under his breath. Well, he hadn’t specified how she could help, had he? He yanked the saw free and stepped closer to where the break had occurred at the base of the trunk. He cut away the thin strips that still tethered the tree to its stump, keeping time with the steady thunk, thunk of Riven’s blade on the wood.
“Well, whatever they said,” Riven continued nonchalantly, “it’s not true. Or it’s not worth gettin’ into a twist over. Or maybe they are right, but fuck ‘em. Who cares?” She shrugged at him from the other side. “Hard to know which sympathies to give when I don’t know the details, but… I had to hit one of them, aye?”
She looked at him so hopefully, it made him embarrassed, ashamed. Not for the first time, he wished he had Del’s eloquence, only without the bullshit. He wished he had Riven’s warmth, her willingness to be vulnerable over and over no matter how many times she got hurt for it. He wished he could see himself the way these two people so clearly could.
He wished he could tell them everything he thought and felt easily, without any embellishing, or self-deprecation, or stumbling. But he couldn’t bare himself like that, not yet. Eravin didn’t want to make trouble, especially not to the two people who, beyond all reasoning, had chosen him over everyone else.
The words he’d overheard came back so loudly, he nearly flinched.
But what about Eravin?
You’re taking the piss. Boss got his throne. What’s he gonna need with Glenmere after this? I’m not even sure why he bothered with ‘im in the first place. We’ve better archers—and better looking.
He doesn’t even want to be here, does he? Wants to just live and die in that little shop of his. I say, let him. No fun to be around, and the drink makes him worse!
Eravin picked a few young leaves off a scraggly vine growing up the trunk, flicking them to the ground one by one. “Del’s gonna stay true to ye, y’know? He’s wanted ye so bad for so long, he’d never think about another lass.”
Riven’s jaw slackened, surprised. Her response was wry. “I should hope so, or else his reign’ll be the shortest in Aeranth’s history, it will.”
Too late, Eravin realized how the sudden topic change had come across. Too late, he realized that he should’ve added that he’d be the one to kill Del before Riven could. “No, I—What I meant was, ye don’t have anything to worry about. That includes Del. And that includes me.”
“That’s good. For a minute there, it was nothing but worryin’.” Riven cocked her head thoughtfully, focusing on her carving. “It’s the same the other way around, y’know. Del’s not gonna let you go, either. And ya won’t scare me away.” Her teeth flashed in a grin. “So I guess we better keep making sure we all really, really like each other, aye, Erry?”
His entire face turned beet red. Ducking his head, Eravin answered, his mouth quirking up despite himself, “Aye, Riv. That we will.”
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lamentalia · 5 years
Amelia - Chapter 5 - Part 1
(Thank you @flamaflavio for the Italian help! :D If I somehow messed it up in copy-pasting and clipping the beginning and ending off, please let me know... lol) ★
Consciousness returns to Amelia slowly. She is achy and heavy and shrouded in something soft and warm. Something cool brushes her face and it spurs a memory from long ago of a time when Mama was still alive; when she would sit by Amelia and Mattie’s bed while they were sick.
Amelia misses hearing her voice so much, it hurts.
An unfamiliar, floral smell pulls her out of her reverie and she opens her eyes to find a kind looking face smiling down at her.
“Ah, she is awake!”
Amelia blinks up at the unfamiliar face and, she can’t help but notice, the very large bust beside her. She stares, at a total loss for how to react. Aside from her mother, she’s never met another molly cat before. Her hair is short and pale and her ears are small and roundish, covered in long, white fur, that is not unlike Amelia’s.
“Tell me dear, how do you feel?” the cat asks in an unfamiliar, lilting accent, as she fussily adjusts and smooths Amelia’s covers. Which leads Amelia to her next discovery: she is in a bed. In a room? With… Oh! A window! The interior of the room is constructed primarily from wood but the window-side wall appears to be of the same Two-Cane’s stone that her house is made of. Finally, she can see that there is a third cat in the room standing behind the first and its another female cat with a sharp gaze. Her hair is much longer but her coloring is quite similar to the smiling cat’s. Amelia feels uncharacteristically shy in their presence.
“Oh, of course! You must be confused.” The kindly molly continues easily when Amelia fails to answer. “My name is Yekaterina and this is my sister, Natayla. We take care of you since you arrived. You were in such terrible condition!”
“I have been making sure you are safe, Katyusha.” Natalya says as though offended that her intentions have been misconstrued as kindness.
“Do not be silly, Natasha, we are all safe here.” Says, er, Katyusha? Natalya’s (Natasha’s?) expression goes slightly flat at her sister’s assurance. Her ears, which had been held back up to this point, flicker in annoyance as the tension she’d created melts away slightly. Apparently her meaning hadn’t been understood. Amelia chooses to let it go, too, as she’s a little too spacey to be buying needless fights right now. The kind-faced cat picks up a cup of water from a side table and offers it to Amelia, who sits up and takes it gratefully, downing it in one go.
“Thanks,” Amelia says after catching most of her breath. “… Yekata— um..”
“Oh, call me Katya, dear. Here everyone does.”
“Thank you, Katya…” And because she feels awkward without addressing the other cat in the room, even if she’s not here to be friendly, Amelia says, “Thank you, Natalya.”
Natalya looks away disinterestedly but Katya smiles.
“I’m Amelia. Um… Where am I?”
“Amelia. It is nice to meet you.” Katya says warmly. “We call this place ‘Sanctuary.’ It is very safe place, hiding south of Ransen. Tell me, how did you come to be in river?”
Amelia’s memory is such a haze right now, she can hardly make sense of anything. River? Did something like that happen? Why in the world is she south of Ransen? When was she in a riv—
Amelia and Katya both flinch at the sound of a slamming door coming from somewhere outside the room. She can hear indistinct, muffled shouts and stomping footsteps growing closer. Katya huffs quietly and Amelia glances at her, looking to measure the possibility of approaching danger through her expression. Apparently there is none. Katya smiles wryly, shaking her head. Natalya merely rolls her eyes.
The door to the room rattles. The voice has quieted into a ranting hiss as it swings open to reveal a cat backing into the room, carrying something large and heavy in both arms.
“— uscire per dieci cazzo di minuti senza che questo posto vada a puttane! Non posso credere che abbia lasciato—”
That is definitely not a language Amelia understands.
After taking a step or two into the room the new cat cuts off mid-tirade and freezes when he looks up from the pile of things in his arms to lock eyes with Amelia. For a long moment no one moves or says anything. He looks startled, donning an expression that probably matches the one Amelia’s wearing. The sharp change in his demeanor would probably have made Amelia laugh if she weren’t so out of it. As it happens, all she can do is stare blankly at the intruder.
“You’re awake.” He says, lamely. Amelia blinks, watching him step slowly backward to stand in front of the door frame. His eyes swim around the room for half of a moment as he stands there trying not to look flustered. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay by the door.”
“Okay?” Amelia responds, not entirely sure why she would be worried. She’d been startled, yes, but after years of sizing up opponents, she can see that this cat is clearly more defense than offense. Amelia glances back to Katya when she hears quiet giggling. She’s hiding a smile behind her hand politely and attempting to stifle her laughing. The tom’s face flushes and he clears his throat before continuing.
“I found these up river.” He holds up the lump in his arms and Amelia realizes that he’s carrying her coat and her pack! “They had your scent so I brought them for you. I’ll uh… put them here.”
He sets Amelia’s belongings on a chair placed near the door. It sure is nice of him to bring her stuff in.
“Oh! Wow. Thank you.” Amelia says. Huh… Why didn’t she have them on her in the first place?
“Amelia, this is Lovino.”Katya says cheerfully gesturing to Lovino and then back to Amelia. “He found you this morning in nearby river and brought you here. Lovi, she is Amelia.”
“I was in a river…?” Amelia says distractedly. Ah, right, they had just been talking about that.
“Well, Amelia, you were soaking wet and freezing cold when I found you lying beside it. I thought you must have been in it for a while.” Lovino explains. “How are you doing?”
That’s… a good question. She hasn’t quite worked that out yet. Amelia urges her stalling thoughts to focus on her body signals. Aside from full body aches and what feels like several, stinging scratches and bruises, she can feel a twisted ankle and a sharp pain in her back. It’s weird that she can’t remember how she got this way…
“Well… I’ve been better. I should be fine after I get some rest. Um… Thank you for taking me in.” Amelia rubs her eyes, willing the fog to lift from her mind. She vaguely remembers being very cold. Remembers his voice; low and melodic, worried and urgent. Amelia takes a closer look at her rescuer. He is probably close to Mattie’s height, shoulders not quite as broad, but he looks older and more filled out. She can see a shortish tail waving curiously behind his legs and he’s got a persistent furrow in his brow and a cautious air about him. By the sound of it, this stranger may have saved her life.
“Wow… I really owe you one, huh?” She murmurs, coming to realize the gravity of the situation.
Lovino repels the thought with a wave of his hand and a shake of his head and Amelia finds herself moved by the gesture.
“You owe nothing, and you’re welcome to stay here.” He says, turning to leave. He nods to the other two. “Thanks for tending to her, Katya, ...Natalya. Dinner will be ready soon.”
And with that he slips out, closing the door behind him. Amelia returns her thoughts to retracing her memories… She and Mattie had… left home. Right. Then they… got caught up in that business with the village cats…
Amelia’s dawning horror comes with a flood of vivid, terrible memories. Of awful cats attacking, of that creepy nightmare with the snake, and—
“Shit! Katya,” Amelia turns to her abruptly, forgetting about the injured muscles in her back for a moment. She winces while Katya stares at her, mouth open. It seems Amelia hadn’t noticed that she’d been talking. Oops. “Oh, sorry! But uh. My brother, Mattie. How is he? Is he in another room around here?”
“Your… brother?” Katya says, raising her eyebrows and looking back to Natalya in confusion. A weird expression flashes across Natalya’s face before settling back into disinterest and she responds.
“You are the only one Lovino brought here. He did not mention seeing anyone else.”
It looks like Natalya is going to continue but Amelia has gotten out of bed, onto her feet and she’s out the door before she can realize that she’s really not all that stable on them right now.
“Lovino!” She calls down the hallway outside while stumbling into the wall on her right. Lovino is farther up but he seems to have heard her; he’s turned back toward her looking halfway incredulous. Amelia slides ahead a few steps using the wall for support. Damned ankle.
“Woah! Hey, stop!” Lovino says dashing back to her. He takes hold of her shoulders to help steady her before she can fall on her face. “You need to lay down or you’re going to make that worse.”
“Did you see anyone else out there when you found me?” Amelia grabs onto his arms, both for balance and to ensure that he’s listening to her carefully. “Was there any sign of a tom cat?”
Maybe she sounds a little desperate or scared because Lovino stops trying to nudge her back into the room and looks her directly in the eyes, deadly serious.
“Did he hurt you? Are you being followed?”
Amelia blinks in surprise before shaking her head.
“What? No! No. He’s my brother. I was traveling with him but we were attacked and that’s kind of the last thing… I remember…” She trails off at the telling lack of recognition in Lovino’s expression. Amelia’s breath speeds up and her chest tightens painfully. She always knows where Mattie is. She has always known where she could find him when she needed to. And now she can’t. She feels lightheaded.
“Lovi, over here!” Amelia hears from somewhere. Another pair of arms supports her left side while Lovino takes over her right. Other murmuring voices trickle in around her and she vaguely registers that several faces have poked out of the doors that line the hallway. It’s making her feel awfully claustrophobic. The tightness in her chest continues tightening.
“Calm down, Amelia.” Lovino says maneuvering her back through the door of the bedroom. “Breathe. Sit and tell us what happened.”
★ TBC ★ Comments and critique are always welcome! :D Thanks for reading! Edit: wow it took me a long time to realize I mis-labeled this as chapter 4. It is most definitely chapter 5. Fixed.
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tenacitybred · 5 years
▌ 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 :  Faye Raven Sheppard ▌ 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 :  single (verse dependent) ▌ 𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 : verse dependent ▌ 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 :  Blue (left) Green (right) ▌ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 : Red ▌ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒 : Lance Steele (Father), Eira Sheppard (Mother), Riv Sheppard (Twin brother) ▌ 𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒 : Verse dependent ▌ 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 : Her father, nightmares ▌ 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 :  Singing, reading, cooking, working on perfecting her work skills, drinking, exploring, surfing, star gazing ▌ 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 : yes, many ▌ 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 : otter or fox ▌ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒 :  drinking heavily, doing drugs, lying ▌ 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒 :  her mother and brother ▌ 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 :  pansexual ▌ 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 :  she doesn’t believe it’s for her, mainly because she’s scared to lose them but she thinks both are great for the right people.  ▌ 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 : Blackout darkness, needles, losing her twin ▌ 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 : she tends to lean more towards a badass, rocker/biker type of style: Leather jackets, ripped jeans, boots, tight fitting shirts. But she does also love cute outfits for when she’s not planning on getting into trouble. ▌ 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 : her twin ▌ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒 :  always open to more and while she appeals open and naive she’s always ready for betrayal due to her line of work and past experiences ▌ 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊 :  bourbon, black coffee ▌ 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐓: somewhere where she can see the night sky. She both loves and hates being alone as she’s able to be herself and not pretend but that means she has to face the real her as well. ▌ 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 :   ocean ▌ 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 : she’s not particularly picky, anyone willing to give her a chance, know what she’s done and maybe not forgive her but at least understand and see she’s trying to become a better person. Someone she can have fun with and can help her become a better person. ▌ 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 :   camping.
TAGGED BY : @desxderium the queen TAGGING : YOU
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"you haven’t been sleeping." For Hanin and whoever?
“You haven’t been sleeping.”
Head tilting towards the familiar voice, Hanin just sighed, his gaze returning to stare blankly at the space between his feet. “Not now, Varlen.”
Frowning, the younger elf ignored the remark and entered his clanmate’s room. It was small but functional, bare of anything save the necessities and a rack for his weapons and armour. It was interesting, how the space a person lived in could often tell you so much about who they were. “Yes, now.” He stopped just in front of the warrior, who was sitting hunched at the end of his bed. “Hanin, this needs to stop. You need to stop.”
There was no ignoring the pleading edge to Varlen’s words, but Hanin did his best. “And do what? Lie in bed all day while the sky tears itself apart?” Anger rising to replace his emptiness, Hanin’s gaze cut a sharp line through the air, resting on the younger elf. “I don’t have the luxury to stop, Varlen. No one does.”
Varlen wilted slightly beneath Hanin’s glare, but just when the warrior thought he had the upper hand, he pulled in a short breath and stood a little taller. “Yes, you do. That’s just what you keep telling yourself because you can’t deal with… with what happened.”
Hanin’s expression darkened. “I can’t deal with it? You can’t even say it.” He shook his head. “Just get out.”
“Varlen.” The word was a warning. A warning that went unheeded as Varlen shook his head and took another step forward.
“You know what? I’m only here because your squad came and begged me to do something.” He snorted derisively, folding his arms. “Apparently they think I had more of a chance of getting through to you than they did. Not sure where they got that idea. Probably too scared to go ask Riv to do it, with her being Inquisitor and all, so I was all that was left.”
That… was not what Hanin had expected. “They… came to you?” He frowned, eyes drifting towards the window that overlooked the training field. “Why? Their training hasn’t been interrupted. They have no reason to complain.”
Varlen let out an exasperated groan, dragging Hanin’s attention back to him. “Creators, Hanin! They’re not complaining. They’re worried! And looking at you, yeah, they should be.” He gestured up and down Hanin’s length. “Look at you. You’re a wreck. It’s barely after midday and you’re about to pass out.”
“I’m not going to–”
–“You’re not? Well maybe you should.” Reaching up, Varlen ran an agitated hand through his hair, silver locks parting like water between his fingers. “Rest. Take a day or two. You can’t keep this up.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.” Shaking his head, Varlen stopped his ranting for a moment to just look at Hanin. Really look at him. In that brief pause, it was like Varlen’s anger all but fizzled out. “Hanin… please. You’re killing yourself.”
“When was the last time you ate?”
“I…” Frowning, Hanin cast his mind back. “At the mess.”
For the life of him, Hanin couldn’t put a time or a day to the event. He tried to, truly, but whether it was yesterday or the day before evaded him. Sensing his inability to answer, Varlen sighed heavily, reaching up to rub his forehead.
“Hanin… please. People need you. Your squad needs you. I…” He trailed off, gaze slipping away at the same time as Hanin’s rose to meet it. “If you won’t do it for yourself, then just… do it for the rest of us. For now.” He gave a weak laugh. “You know, that kid was practically in tears when he knocked on my door. The blond one. Even brought his Orlesian friend along for support. I’m not sure if he was just nervous or genuinely that worried, but… Creators, you can’t be this way and not expect anyone to care.”
There was a weight to the silence that followed, bearing down on both men as they stood in the threadbare room. Working his jaw, unsure of what to say, Hanin let it linger for a time, something in his chest twisting at Varlen’s words. Shame. Guilt?
“Almost everyone here has lost people they care about,” Hanin said eventually, the words quiet and almost uncertain. “They keep going. I… I should be able to as well. I’m stronger than that.”
I should be stronger than that.
But Varlen? Varlen was just shaking his head, expression somber, moving to sit beside Hanin on the bed. Slowly, carefully, he reached out and rested a hand on the warrior’s shoulder. 
“Hanin… you’re one of the strongest people I know. But that doesn’t mean you can’t feel pain.” Gently, Varlen squeezed; an act of comfort Hanin didn’t deserve. “Other people… they do grieve, you know. Maybe not in public, but they make time to do it. I have. Pushing it down the way you do won’t end well. It never does. So just…” Varlen pulled in a steadying breath. “Take some time, okay? A few days. A week. It doesn’t matter. Your squad will understand. What we lost…” 
Again, Varlen couldn’t bring himself to say it, and it was in that moment that Hanin realised he had been more than selfish. Stirring, glancing across, Hanin’s frown melted into something almost resembling sympathy as he gazed at the younger elf. “Varlen…”
“It’s fine,” he said hastily, although the glassiness of his eyes told a different story. “Just… promise you’ll take care of yourself. If something happens to you too…”
The words, both spoken and unspoken, were like a knife to the chest. Hanin stiffened slightly, then reached out, wrapping an arm around Varlen’s shoulders. The movement was uncertain. Awkward. But it was genuine, and for all their differences, it felt right. “Ir abelas, lethallin. I will do better.”
“Good.” Varlen sniffed, nodding, making an impressive show of holding back the tears that threatened to spill over. Then he hesitated. “Promise?”
Snorting softly, Hanin clapped Varlen on the back before releasing him from his embrace.
“You have my word.”
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the-nysh · 7 years
Hey, since you talked about your feelings on td//dk and kr//bk (which were super interesting to read btw!) do you have anything to say about opinions on k//cchako?
Hey there! :) And thank you! So let’s see…Uraraka andKacchan. I see fan content of them on my dash fromtime to time, but it rarely garners any deeper thought, so I often just scrollpast with little to no reaction. Simply put: I don’t harbor enough investmentor interest in them as a ship. Even so! Yes, I still have opinions about them, so I’ll try to go in depth here. 
From their limited amount of canon interactions together, therewere actually two noteworthy scenes of them that I really liked. 1.) During theirmatch in the Sports Festival, and 2.) the databook omake situated after Deku andKacchan’s fight vs All Might. (However, in both cases, their interactionsrevolved around Deku, so…) 
I liked their match in the Sports Festival because it wasone of the first times we get to see another side of Kacchan – an important one thatreveals some of his honor code. Fighting seriously against a girl, thateveryone else in the audience assumed was ‘weak and frail’ based onappearances, and therefore automatically judged their match barbaric andunfair…well. Aizawa (Dadzawa), and Uraraka herself, proved them wrong. Urarakaproved her grit and Kacchan treated her as a legitimate threat regardless ofgender stereotypes. (Actually, he approached their match seriously and cautiouslybecause he thought she had a planfrom Deku.) Further acknowledging herstrength with the ‘what part of her was frail?’ comment too.
It’s herewhere I thought, ‘nice, this is a guythat can be trusted, because he earnestly puts his all into the things he’sserious about and expects the same -the best-from his opponents in return.’ (If they don’t,he interprets that as them underestimating or looking down on him.) Without anyother ulterior factors swaying him, there’s a steadfast consistency and honorto that kind of focused mindset, both in how he handles himself and impartially approaches thethings that matter to him, which makes him predictably trustworthy in the long run. (Also meaning, if there’s ever anyfault/betrayal in that mindset, it’s a break in character…which ayyy, Deku willtake notice! ;D)
However, I took the Sports battle and these establishing traits(Uraraka’s grit and Kacchan’s honor) as separate strengths respective to each character, rather than anything shippy.Because Uraraka ultimately fought for herself (and her parents) while Kacchanproved he’d take any girl (anyone)seriously if they show proper worth and challenge respect. So it wasn’thim showing special treatment for Uraraka in particular, but an example of hishonest and impartial competitive sportsmanship. 
Now we have Uraraka thankful that Kacchan took herseriously, and therefore she’s unafraid to confront/approach him on her ownterms -as equals- later. Which is good! :D And it’s why I like the omakecontent of them so much, where she questions him about his behavior in the endof term test:
Uraraka: “It’s like you’re intimidating (Deku) because you’re scared and wanthim to go away from you.”
It’s greatbecause her intuition can clearly read through him: Kacchan purposely singles out and keepsDeku at bay because he fears how Deku makes him feel. Like, boom! She totallycalls him out. ;D BUT…I didn’t read this interaction of theirs as shippy either,because it revolved around Deku AND showed how much Uraraka is in support of their reconciled friendship. She WANTSthem to get along! (If anything, it makes hermore like their wingman… So ayy, bothshe and Kiri would be supportive of their repaired relationship!)
So, from these two canon interactions (only one was a significant event in the manga by the way…), I see the potential basis for a refreshing m/f friendship, where shecan mentally joust and bicker with him without any major consequence. However,as a romantic ship, no; it’s not enough to convince me.
Aside from how limited their canon interactions are, and howin both cases they revolvedaround Deku…the two of them have other canon characteristics to consider. Notonce has Kacchan ever shown interestin any girls in ‘that’ way (or really, invested interest in anyone other than Deku)…and Uraraka hasher utterly transparent feelings for Deku to resolve. Already, that starts themin separate, opposed lanes with respect to their connection to Deku. So whenconsidering them as a ship instead, Ihave to repeatedly ask myself howthey’d ever manage to merge onto the same lane, and what that would even entail,narratively.
Because what wouldit mean? Would Uraraka’s feelings for Deku simmer down to sisterly affectionsof support and admiration, leaving her to choose the immediate second option:Deku’s riv–…wait a sec, what aboutKacchan’s feelings for Deku? (This is writing off that same elephant in the room issue I talkedabout in my previous post…) Are theyboth actually rivals for Deku’s affections?! XD Would Uraraka choose to bewith Kacchan, for the sake of helpinghim ‘get over’ his feelings for Deku too?? WAIT hold on. This is the SAME thingI talked about with kr/bk: it is notUraraka (or Kiri’s) business, or even their responsibility, to forcibly butt-in with the hopes of ‘changing’ or ‘fixing’ Kacchan’s problems/bad behavior FOR him.Except in Uraraka’s case, there’s theadded, antiquated gendered trope of the ‘good girl’ saving the ‘bad boy’ at theexpense of her own wellbeing. Sacrificing her own happiness to care for him fulltime. Which…oh no. Urarakadoesn’t deserve such a harsh fate like that. And Kacchan is not there to become a ‘pet project’ to coddle and change at theexpense of his feelings either. Theseare all some of the main arguments against the ship that I’ve seen, and I agreethat I’m definitely not interested in seeing a one-sided/harmful relationshipdynamic perpetuate like that…but I still have one final, personal dealbreaker.
Which is how Kacchan (my fav) ultimately becomescharacterized. And it relates to his ‘honor code’ established IN his fightagainst Uraraka too. Consider how Hori likely designed Deku and Uraraka to bethe ‘obvious’ endgame het pairing…with them having ongoing, mutual crushes oneach other (truthfully, I really only see fledgling, one-sided flustered admiration/envyfrom Uraraka’s side…) Now then, HOW does this make Kacchan look in turn, forhim to step in between them like this? If he knows they’re friends who like each other, would he really purposely step in to sabotageDeku’s chances with the object of his affections (Uraraka)? No way, not even outof potential spite against Deku or something. It would betray the very consistent and steadfast ‘trust’ about hischaracter that I talked about before.
Because Kacchan’s a gruff asshole ingeneral, but THIS (essentially ‘stealing’ Deku’s crush) would be an underhanded dick move of a whole new lowfor him. Completely at odds with his established character development. He outrighttells villains how he despisesunderhanded tactics like cheating and lying! Doing something like this would contradictand destroy his own ideals. Even if he somehow had a crush on Uraraka (which would already be a stretch andsuspension of disbelief, since he’s never shown any interest in girls likethat anyway) he’d do everything in his power to stay in his own lane and continueaiming for his goal as the top hero. Kacchan lives by his own strict standards andperfectionism in his drive to become the best.He’s an asshole, but not that other kindof asshole. Whenever I see shippy fan content of kac/chako being together atthe expense of Deku, this is the kindof asshole it makes Kacchan appear to me, which is a mischaracterization Ican’t tolerate. It’s a reason I haven’t seen other people talk about, but it’s alwaysbeen in the back of my mind, and probably the main reason why the idea of theirship rubs me the wrong way.
Whew, but thankfully, I don’t see any signs from Hori that they’llbecome endgame. (And it’s why most fan content of them slides past like water off a duck for me.) Truthfully and honestly,I really want Hori to step up Uraraka’s game, to make her a fully fleshed out characterand therefore, a viable contender in either of the boys’ hearts. Because atthe rate she’s going…she’s falling behind to the wayside compared to how Hori’sdeveloping Deku and Kacchan’srelationship. And she’ll have a tough time displacing the lifelong feelingsDeku has had for Kacchan, unless she does something drastic. (Ayyyy so where’sthat one traitor theory~)
Honestly, using Uraraka (or any girl actually) as shipfodder for the boys, just because of her gender, is something I’m not a fan of.I would rather be a fan of Uraraka based on the merits of her own character,and not from her designation as a satellite love interest to anyone. But IF Urarakahad to end up with anyone endgame, I would muchprefer her with either Iida or Tsuyu. Both of them are loyal and good friendswho would treat her with respect and provide needs in the way she deserves.
Alright! I think that covers everything. This actually got alot longer than anticipated. XD Thanks for reading!
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lazaefair · 7 years
There is no way I am ever going to finish any of my TFA WIPs before TLJ comes out, so fuck it. Have Finn being a badass commando and meeting up with a cameo from an X-Wing novel:
The Resistance base on Vusqueon has indoor gyms, but there’s one outdoor combat ring that lies between the boundaries of the base and the grasslands. Others tease him about how often he’s out here, but it’s a pretty simple equation to him. He has to keep up training to maintain his fitness in the Resistance commandos, and he prefers to do it in an environment as different from the First Order’s sterile conditioning facilities as he can manage.
“Hey, Finn!”
The man in question looks over his shoulder to see Helyn Strider (sergeant, bald, dark-skinned, over six feet tall, very scary human woman) bearing down on him at an alarming speed, while dragging a gray-furred, unmistakably lupine individual behind her. He answers as neutrally as he can, considering. “What’s up, Helyn?”
“You ever go toe-to-toe with a wolfman, hotshot?”
Finn gives her companion a thorough up-and-down assessment. “No...no, I can safely say I haven’t. Uh, hi. I’m Finn. And you are…?” He holds his hand out.
“Riv Shiel.” Shaking hands becomes tricky when one of the parties has claws, Finn finds out. And the voice that emerges from that mouth registers on the kind of subsensory bass level that makes the hairs stand up on his distantly-descended-from-small-scared-primates neck. “Newly assigned to Red Squadron.”
“You’re with Poe? I haven’t seen you around base before.”
“Riv just joined a week ago,” Helyn says.
Finn’s not very familiar with his species, but the Shistavanen - because that’s what he must be - appears to be smiling. There are a lot of teeth involved. “The First Order has a death mark out on me.”
“A death mark, huh.” As conversational openers go, that’s a good one to throw out on a Resistance base.
“Killed a few stormtroopers when they mistook me for a spy and tried to take me in,” Shiel says in not quite a growl. But it’s not quite not a growl. “For that, they put me on the list.”
Finn widens his eyes guilelessly, like his own name isn’t at the top - or near it - of just about every list the First Order has. “Hey, welcome to the party, man. Mind if I ask what you were doing before you landed in their sights?”
“Smuggling and scouting, mostly. Mercenary work. A little bounty hunting on the side.” Shiel flicks a claw carelessly. “One of the last jobs I was considering was you, in fact. Ironic. But the price on your head is impressive, to say the least.”
Finn smiles, a little grimly. He doesn’t have much to be proud of - not like Rey, last hope of the Jedi, or Poe, best pilot of the Resistance. He’s not even the only defector filling out their ranks these days. But whatever else he does, he’ll always be The Traitor, the first and most egregious example of his kind. Other than Leia Organa herself, there aren’t that many people in the galaxy who’d make a bigger symbolic victory for the First Order if they capture or kill him. “It’s a pretty sweet bounty. I’m not that sorry you won’t be collecting it, though.”
Shiel inclines his head. “I’ve little love lost for the First Order. Imperialist scum.” His gaze sharpens on Finn, which is all kinds of disconcerting. “The base gossip about you, however, is very instructive.”
“Top of your stormtrooper class, highest marks possible in combat proficiencies, extremely promising strategist, considered First Order officer material with potential for advancement to command,” Shiel recites, and Finn’s heart drops into his toes.
“My reputation’s getting awfully detailed if that’s what’s going around base,” he says, centering himself, letting his weight shift to the balls of his feet. If Helyn wants to see a fight that badly…
Shiel’s ears twitch. “Commander Dameron gets very detailed, and very upset, whenever someone questions you or your abilities.”
Finn groans. Of course Poe would incorporate Finn’s stellar credentials as a First Order stormtrooper into his ongoing defense of Finn in the court of public opinion, like a lawyer in a bad holodrama. One where the jury is made up of fighters who regularly kill First Order stormtroopers. And the judge is General Leia Organa.
“It’s not a poor reputation to have,” Shiel says, and his teeth show. “Some think it’s quite a prize in the Resistance trophy case to command the loyalty of someone like you.”
“Good to know.” Finn doesn’t drop his guard.
The grin gets wider. “We all have our pasts. I’m not going to fight you.” Shiel spreads his paws. “That is, unless Helyn here wishes to see it.”
“Oh, come off it, Riv. You’ve been spoiling for a match with the legendary ex-stormtrooper since you got here.” Helyn rolls her eyes, cool as anything, but Finn’s not fooled. She’s one of those adrenaline junkies who exude bloodlust when they get going.
“Sure you don’t want to fight him yourself, O winner of every fight club match you’re invited to, especially if Paige is betting on you?”
“Paige doesn’t gamble, she’s too pure for that,” Helyn dismisses with a flick of her fingers. “And I don’t know what you’re talking about; there is no fight club.” At Finn’s scoff, she grins nearly as toothily as Shiel. “I already went a round with him yesterday.”
Finn can’t quite stop himself from whistling in admiration. “What, no broken limbs? Crushed skulls? Bruises, at least.” He looks her over again with a professional eye. Maybe she is favoring her left side. Just a touch, almost undetectable. “Who won?”
She shrugs. “Neither. The General would’ve had our hides if either of us had done lasting damage, so we kept it to love taps. And you know that isn’t my preferred style.”
Finn winces. He’s seen her style. “No way I’m going to be able to fight Shiel to a draw.”
“Aw, come on, you’re selling yourself short.” She smiles what he imagines is meant to be her encouraging smile. “I saw what you did on Borleias. Impressive, very impressive.”
Borleias had been a spacedamned nightmare. Fighting their way out of a massive ambush step by bloody step. Watching starfighters carrying his friends go down, spiraling out of control in the sky. Dragging his commandos through mud and fire, some burned beyond recognition. He’d killed more stormtroopers than he had in all of his previous missions for the Resistance combined. “No claws.”
“No claws,” Shiel agrees, and yeah, Finn is still fucked.
That’s another thing about doing combat outdoors: the air. There’s something different about the adrenaline rush when your lungs fill with real, organic, planetside air. Not the stale recycled air on a ship. Not the plastic-tasting air filtered through a helmet, either. He’s not sure if all the trees in the forest surrounding them on Vusqueon are photosynthetic, but enough of them are that when he breathes in, he’s breathing in rhythm with them.
Across the ring, while he prowls softly in the grass around Finn, Shiel’s nostrils flare. Maybe he’s thinking the same thing. Or maybe he’s somehow smelling out the oh shit oh shit oh shit monologue running through Finn’s head.
Your opponent is bigger than you, faster than you, and older than you. Captain Phasma’s voice filters calmly through his memories. She didn’t drop in on their hand-to-hand combat sessions often, but when she did, you paid attention. Your opponent is a predator, and you are its prey. What do you do?
Find and exploit weaknesses. It’s that simple, but there’s a reason why the First Order has to start training from birth.
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veronicadvalle · 7 years
in the closet archie tells veronica he had never felt what he is supposed to feel for betty. yet there was no need to finnish the "part of me always thought" when you have betty alarmed and speaking quickly, they imply very clear. and then there are the "longing looks at betty" which he assures veronica they meant nothing but...
But … do they imply that though?
Veronica said Archie was looking at Betty and Jughead longingly and wistfully. Veronica interpreted it as “Archie liking Betty.” It could be Veronica willing to step side for the third time if she has to. She has done it twice before. Or it could mean something else. But I do think she was completely right in raising her concerns. 
Now, as for Archie’s response. He explains that he wants what betty and jughead has but with her. So in a way, yes, he absolutely was looking at betty and Jughead longingly because they have what he wants. And after two failed relationships, I can assume he does want the stable relationship that b/ghead has. It can be wistfully because he might be regretful of how he handled previous relationships. Veronica interpreted those looks to mean something else and he explained himself. It was just a matter of different interpretations and at the end of the day, we only have Archie’s words to go off on (whether you chose to believe it or not). 
I don’t think Betty being alarmed is Archie’s fault or that it somehow gives away Archie’s implication. Like i’ve said before, his previous behavior never suggested him wanting to disrupt Bughead and has been pretty supportive. Archie made it pretty clear even before that that he wants to be with Veronica, which leads me to believe that he wasn’t approaching Betty to start a relationship with her or anything of the sort. He was opening pandora’s box when he said that, yes, I agree, but I think Betty kind of was scared and so she cut him off (because she wasn’t confident in her own reactions and/or what sort of feelings will resurface). 
Archie and veronica’s conversation in episode 13 was kind of burying the love triangle since she approached him about it and he made promises to her; but i still think betty needs to have that conversation so the love triangle can be dead for good. Yes, Riv/rdale is not the digests but the fact of the matter is that these characters have 75 years of history and most of their identities are born and crafted from the love triangle so it’s not gonna disappear as easily as we would like it to. And I think RAS is being masterful in how he is approaching this 75 year old love triangle because he’s disarming it so subtly but still leaving many unresolved tension and questions; yet at the end, the love triangle won’t have any fuel to possibly make b/rchie happen.
…..or i just interpreted all of that wrong and i’m just being delusional. LOL. 
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fallynephemeron · 7 years
I'd like some for Wynter. However, since he's ace, just let him pick the ones he's comfortable with, as well.
So,  Wynter is reading over the questions, and just… his eyebrows are climbing higher and higher and his face is beet red.  So that’s not happening. He’s just sort of shoved the laptop toward Xave and pushed his chair back hard, grumbled ‘you do it'  at Xave with flustered hand motions and stomped outside to go chop wood.   Because that’s how he de-stresses and calms himself down. 
Xave’s sitting here grinning like an absolute maniac,  cause he rarely gets permission to disclose anything about Wynter’s personal stuff.
Some stuff is probably going to just be TOO entirely personal and he won’t answer those for Wyn either. He knows his husband probably better than he knows himself and he’ll know what’s going to cross the line…… maybe.  If he can control himself
but anyway…. here we go…. 
WARNINGS-  very graphic and the question discussing losing virginity discusses dub/con, rape and child molestation
What is the size of your penis?
Xave:  okay, like NO one knows this.  Well, okay like, a couple people and they don’t care cause they’re tops and so it doesn’t matter at all to them, but Wyn is … big.  Like you think you know big. You really really don’t. It’s glorious, like,  amazing.  Like okay, last time we figured out I’d had a LOT of partners, right?  Like a LOT?   Wyn’s the biggest guy I’ve ever been with, like, by a LOT. So I know big. Girth for DAYS.  It’s beautiful. My alpha male, lol.  Like .. you have to special order dildos that size!
Have you ever been pregnant/gotten someone pregnant?
Xave:   lol,  he got ME pregnant, obviously.  You should have seen him when we found out.  He was so proud of himself. It was so amazingly adorable. I mean, he’s sex-repulsed-ace for one thing, so like, that was a major feat in itself. He wants kids SO bad, but we were only doing it like a once a month.  That got frustrating.  I mean, not that it isn’t already frustrating for me, well, and him, when I get desperate,  but when he’s like hoping so bad it had happened, but then we have to wait weeks to try again when it didn’t and he’d be so sad and frustrated. SO we went all out on the stuff I know gets him going, which takes some major planning, and herbs and things for a tea that he makes that helps and he let me use my fairy powers on him too. I don’t know what else to call them.  Which he HATES normally, but he was desperate. It worked pretty well, all combined. But the whole time I was pregnant, he’d just look at me, like… this LOOK…. like “I did that.”  So freaking proud of himself.  I love the way he looks at me, even when I’m not .. you know….  carrying his child.  It’s really weird to think about really.  Like, how amazing that really is. 
When was your last erection/arousal?
Xave:  I think this time his last one would have been Sept. 8.   A couple days after the full moon.  Sometimes we can stretch it almost a week before he just can’t sex anymore.  But Cloud was born Aug. 21st.  The day of the eclipse. And we’ve both been super sleep deprived. And you’re really supposed to wait… after having a baby… I mean, but we weren’t fucking gonna wait until the NEXT full moon, which is coming up in like 14 days.  YES you better fucking believe I count the days.  For one thing, I get sick, like really sick if I wait too long,  it’s my own personal fairy thing I guess, cause Riv says other fae don’t get sick from not having sex, unless they’re like an incubus or something. For another, he might break something if we went through one without fucking.  He’s …. let’s just say… NOT ace. At all. during a full moon. If you don’t know what the full moon thing is about… he’s a werewolf.  Yeah, like for real. Yes, I’ve seen him shift. When we got back together it’s one of the first things he showed me,  cause I was asking all kinds of questions, I mean he’s always been ridiculously tall, but I swear he GREW since I’d seen him last, before we broke up, and looked like he’d been on steroids. So then, like, we drove up to his cabin, and out into the woods, and he gets out, and no warning, nothing. Just strips down, which was major weird for him, and then… “hey babe, I need to show you something”   I screamed and screamed. SO much screaming. lol, Terrified the SHIT out of me, Magic is freakin weird, right?  He felt SO bad, he didn’t mean to scare me,  I couldn’t stay mad at him, but sometimes he’s kind of a big dumb puppy.
What are your turn-ons?
Xave:  Okay, hopefully he won’t kill me too hard if I share these….  but he’s got some…. interesting… kinks.  My husband hates spending money…. but we’ll go in a store or something, and I make him buy me things.  Or even online works too, but in a store it’s even worse. Make him buy me things, the more expensive the better.    … oh,  and lingerie. Neither of us realized that one, but when we were first together there was this halloween party at the club and I dressed up as Marie Antoinette,  but in her undies… it was an AMAZING outfit.  … I never made it to the club…… must have been near a full moon for that to happen.  That was before he had his first change.  I guess he changed really late. That’s what his family said. I guess it usually happens when you’re a teen.   But ANYWAY… .so.. you know what I did for our wedding night?  and YES we planned our wedding for a full moon. Cause hell if I’m not getting laid on my wedding night.  but anyway,  lol….   I drug him into one of those ridiculously fancy boutiques in the city, uptown. Seattle doesn’t have anything on New York for expensive boutiques… but anyway… took his money out of his wallet, and made him watch me buy $900 worth of silk and lace.  We didn’t even make it home….  he couldn’t even drive….  luckily his truck is freakin huge.  He’s got other turn ons, like normal stuff,  and one that’s just… too private.  I don’t think he’d want me to share that one.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever been turned on by?
 Xave:  pretty sure the answer to this is the one above….  being forced to spend money … that’s a pretty weird kink I think.  But pretty harmless.
Are you open about your sex-life and sexuality?
Xave:  I think this one is pretty obvious.  That’s a big HELL NO.  I’m amazed he even gave me permission to share anything.  He’ll probably end up regretting it.
Are you comfortable naked?
Xave:   He takes his fucking shirt off ALL THE DAMN TIME.  DO you KNOW what this does to me????   He gets a little sweaty and off comes the shirt… and he’s completely oblivious to the fact that he’s this fucking hot man-wolf-mountain, that I just want to fucking CLIMB.   It’s horribly sexually frustrating.   But full on naked… nope. When we do end up screwing, it’s usually under blankets or so far out in the middle of nowhere that there’s no risk of anyone else seeing him.
How often do you usually last?
Xave:  this depends on where in the cycle we are.  So like,  the day before the full moon, and the day of ,  it’s quick and dirty and rough. Real rough, and often. Then the moon starts waning, and things slow down a lot. I think the day after is my favorite. We can go for hours.  You’d think that would be enough,  but it’s not. If his rut even lasts a week, which doesn’t happen often…, it’s usually 4 or 5 days, then it’s just this ache for me that never gets filled. If I was just human, I’m sure it would be plenty enough.  But I’m not. So most of the month it’s like… not getting enough to eat. I’ve been a homeless street kid, without enough to eat every day.  It feels like that.  All the time.  We tried having someone in our relationship that could help out with that… so i wasn’t like… starving all the time.  But it just didn’t feel right…. This isn’t perfect. But it’s working, and I wouldn’t give up Wynter for an entire world of sex. SO….. *shrug*
Are you straight/bi/gay/etc?
Xave: Wyn’s like a 1 on the kinsey scale.  I’m his exception. so, Het-romantic, asexual.  And if anyone says he can’t be ace cause he likes sex  a few days out of every month, they can go screw themselves.  That’s hormonal from the lycanthropy …whatever…magic stuff.
How many relationships have you been in?
Xave: I think he’s only been in one other relationship besides me,  he was dating this girl while we were split up, I don’t think he ever really even tongue kissed her.
How old were you when you lost your virginity?Explain your first time in detail.
Xave:  I’ll try to be brief on this one, cause it’s not something he likes to talk about, but it’s important. The more stuff like this gets talked about the more aware people are, and when people are aware of things, they become de-stigmatized to talk about, and that’s important and Wyn agrees with me on this one, even though he can’t talk about it himself to other people.  Wyn was in a group home for boys. He lost his parents when he was a kid. That’s where he met our friend Jaq, when they were real little. They grew up together there. There was this asshole that came in to do “art therapy”  with the kids… and he started grooming Jaq, he took Jaq’s virginity anally when he was about 13 I think…. Wyn and Jaq shared a room, and Jaq was Wynter’s first crush. They relied on each other for EVERYTHING. Jaq “showed” him what he’d learned from the “art therapist”, mostly cause he was confused by it, and knew it was wrong but he liked it too, and when you’re that age, you experiment, especially when you’re trying to figure out confusing stuff like sex.  Trust me I get it, I survived it.  Being molested by someone older and in charge is so fucked up, sometimes it fucking hurts, but sometimes it’s even worse than that, because, like sometimes you like it? cause it feels good sometimes… but you KNOW it’s wrong and you hate it at the same time and you want them to stop and never touch you ever again.  It fucks up your brain SO much, which is why child molesters are absolutely evil.  Wynter hated it, and protested, but he’d do anything for Jaq, and Jaq insisted,  so he let him. Sometimes Jaq can really be an asshole,  I don’t think it’s on purpose, but he has a really hard time with empathy too.  It fucking sucked and I hate that it happened that way for him.  I guess the point I’m trying to make.  Child molesters SUCK, it’s not Jaq’s fault that happened to him, but consent is still massively important, even if it’s not your fault.  and there’s nothing wrong with being ace and it doesn’t mean you’re broken and it doesn’t give anyone the right to laugh at you, even your friends.
Where is the strangest or wildest place you’ve had sex/oral?
Xave:  wildest, literally. lol   Like literally out in the wilderness. That’s his favorite place.  To the point where I had to put my foot down when we proposed, and say that our wedding night was going to be in a BED or I wasn’t going to marry him. Joke’s on me though, cause we ended up in the cab of his truck.  I was teasing, I would marry him again even if I never got to have sex in a bed again, but I still say bed sex is MUCH better than leaves and twigs and rocks under your back sex.
Have you ever broken up with someone because they couldn’t satisfy you?
Xave:  We broke up over this. Trust me. This isn’t easy. An ace with a hypersexual?  The problems are HUGE. Sometimes it downright sucks. For both of us. There’s been lots of tears, and even anger and resentment. But we love each other, and we talk a lot, and we both care about each other more than I ever thought it was possible to care about someone, so… we make it work. It has to. He’s my soulmate.
Have you used anything to improve sexual performance? (Penis Extenders/Tingling Lube/Cock Rings)
Xave:  nothing like the stuff they suggested…. that’s not the issue.  But there was the time Wyn found this old book of potions…… We’ve gotten desperate for solutions in the past, and willing to try anything to solve it.  That was a disaster. Don’t mess around with magic when you don’t know what you’re doing.  He was in rut for almost an entire month.   The first couple weeks it was great.  But then it got downright dangerous. he almost killed both of us.  The potion was still in effect when his real rut came on…. usually he can control his shifts, even during the full moon, but this time, he couldn’t.  He didn’t even shift fully into wolf like he usually does. He got stuck halfway between.  Like 12 feet tall monster wolf-man with fucking claws and fangs.  *shudders*  And he couldn’t shift out of it. It was horrible and terrifying, and that’s when we quit trying to “fix” our situation.
Have you ever had sex outdoors? Describe the experience(s).
Xave:  My husband is a werewolf and works for the forestry department as a storm clean up, salvage … whatever person. I don’t know what his title is exactly. He prefers sex outdoors.
Have you ever had sex in a car? Describe the experience(s).
Xave:  My husbands truck has gotten a lot of use. The biggest risk is accidently honking the horn. That’s happened a few times.
Which non-genital parts of your body do you like being touched or stimulated?
Xave:  he likes it when I kiss his neck and rub his back, he gets all melty and it’s adorable.  I’ve just learned to control myself, cause I can ruin the moment too easily by going too far when it’s not the right time.  So…. like… most of the time.  It’s SO hard to keep my hands off him.
What would you like to improve about your sex life?
Xave:  for both of us that would be frequency. It really hurts him that he can’t be what I need, and that hurts me that he’s hurting so much over it.  I never want him to feel like there’s something wrong with him because he doesn’t like sex most of the time. He’s not broken, and neither am I. We’re just really mismatched soulmates, and that’s just the way it is. Soulmates doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It just means you’re so completely connected to this person that you’ll fight together through the problems and stand stronger together in the end. Soulmates is when you still love each other fiercely and unconditionally, even when it doesn’t make any sense.
Have you used any form of sex furniture? What kind?
Xave: LOL  do you KNOW how many times he’s had to rebuild our furniture because of sex?   I know that wasn’t the question, but “sex furniture” just made me laugh.  The bed hasn’t broke again since the last time.  I swear the posts are made out of tree trunks.  Literally.  It’s glorious.  I feel like I’m in bed with some kind of Forest King or something when I wake up in that thing.  It’s SO massive, we had to custom order a mattress and sheets for it. 
Have you ever tasted cum? Do you like it?Do you eat ass?Where is your favorite place to cum?Do you have a panty fetish?Do you like to bite or be bit?
Xave:  I’ll just state it for the record here, that my husband likes his sex dirty.  The dirtier the better…and when he’s into it?  He’s INTO it.  so… just leaving that here.  He has a filthy mind.  Which is probably why he blushes so much and probably why all hell breaks loose when his hormones finally override his inhibitions.
Have you indulged in all your fetishes?
Xave:  this kinda goes along with the previous question regarding dirty sex, and I’m not gonna go into details, like at all.  There might be a tiny hint in the questions I answered for myself. But there’s one thing he’s really into that only happens once a year, on his birthday.  Full moon or not.  In fact, it’s better if it’s not a full moon, it can get dangerous if it is.     and no,  dirty doesn’t mean… like….,  like I know there are some people out there into things like … golden showers and… literal shit.   Ewww. No. That’s not what I’m talking about.
Are you a top/dominant a bottom/submissive or a switch?
Xave:  he thought he was bottom/submissive.  That’s what he learned and that’s how he’d always been treated. But well,  i’m mostly bottom/submissive, and at absolute most, switch, and that only sometimes….. so figuring out sex when we first got together was….. interesting.  Yes I’ve topped him, but that’s mostly in the past, he’s SUCH a top now, when it happens. He was still taller than me, lol,  but it wasn’t quite so insane as it is now.   Birthday sex…?  that’s when things change and he’s a bit submissive.
Do you enjoy long, extended teasing/edging sessions?
Xave:  that would be a huge yes, for both of us.
Rough Sex or Intimate Sex
Xave:  you know there’s such a thing as both.  At the same time.   But yeah, either/or and both.
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Secrets Beetween Dimensions
New Ways
Amelia-I can’t believe it! The TARDIS is real ... and even bigger inside!
Sam- (slowly approached with fear) Amelia ... I'm sorry ... for all this if it weren’t for me you'd be fine now
Amelia-Sam (she watches him for a few seconds and decides to hug him) None of this is your fault and I forgive you for anything that make you feel guilty
Sam-I left without telling you anything, I thought I should left you to be happy.
Amelia- Sam Don really died ... he was killed by the Daleks ... in front of me
Sam-I'm so sorry ...
Amelia-Thanks ... I don’t know what to think but ... Sam I think something wants us to be together, it seems we have a new opportunity and ... if you want I want to be with you ...
Sam-You saw what we're up against, this is my job, hunting monsters and this is very dangerous, I don’t want to put you in danger
Amelia-I know all this and I am willing to accept this part of your life, I understand that people need you like I need you but you didn’t answer my question
Sam-Actually I've been thinking a lot about you lately, even more than I'd like to admit and ... I still love you and ... since you're willing to accept all this ... I want to be with you too
Amelia kissed him, satisfied with his answer, and Sam accepted the gesture without feeling any guilt, as if Amelia had taken away all his worries and finally they were together again. The Doctor smiled once more at the happiness of her grandson and took another look, checking to see if they were all there until she missed Eliora, Castiel's sister whom they barely knew but who helped them a lot. Back in the tunnel that had soon become a battlefield, Eliora's consciousness brought her back there, hoping she could save the last victim the Daleks had attacked. She knelt down beside the man who was fainting and touched her forehead, curing every dalek remnant. The man, in fact, was a 15-year-old boy, Mark, opened his eyes slowly and then surprised the girl who was looking at him with some curiosity.
Mark-What happened? Who are you?
Eliora-You were attacked because of me, I'm sorry but you'll be fine now, I have to go
Mark-Wait there, explain it better, what happened?
Eliora-I don’t know if you would believe me or my story
Mark-Seriously I would believe, I came here behind a monster or alien or both in one and only remember fainting and waking now, if you know what happened, please tell me
Eliora-I think you deserve to know the truth.
Mark-Okay, we have to get out of here first.
Eliora-That's no problem.
In a blink of an eye they went up in the street
Mark-Ah! (he gave a startled scream) What are you?
Eliora-Eliora, I am an angel of the Lord
Mark-Mark Blackstorn (holds her hand still scared) please explain to me what it's all this about while I try to get back home
Eliora-I will accompany you.
Then she told Mark everything that had happened since her mission to protect those the Daleks attacked until the battle against them. Mark listened carefully, first frightened, but then excited, wanting to write everything down as quickly as possible in his field diary for the Men of Letters.
Mary woke up with her vision still blurred after she had slept for a long time. Near her, she could see two people, a short, straight-haired, brown-haired woman in a black overcoat over a plaid shirt and baggy trousers. Beside the woman was a tall man, his chest and arms wide, his blond hair falling to the side of his forehead and he wore a white shirt with a vest and black pants.
Mary-This dream not again... you’re not my father and my mother
Riv-Well ... now I can imitate your father without looking awkward
Doctor-Hahaha, so funny ... we change our roles for a few centuries so to speak
Mary-So ... does that mean that regeneration was real ?! You know what? You're lucky I'm an adult, if I were a kid, my head would explode, literally!
Riv- (laughing) I imagine ... mine would crash every day with me growing up next to your grandparents
Mary-And how are things now? Sherlock knows everything, you guys like this ...
Doctor and Riv look at each other
Doctor-Don’t look at me like this ... you're the detective here ... you know how is like for a detective to detective.
Mary-Dad I wanted to say if we're saved now and if Sherlock will continue to think we're crazy or will believe it from now on
Doctor-I don’t know my little princess ... At least he remembered that he is human and acted as one in the end
Riv-Enjoy your rest while you can Mary, you know how our family is, but we'll be here to defend you
Mary- (smiles) Some things change but for sure you are my father and mother
Riv and Doctor smiled and Doctor covered her little girl to get warm while Riv kissed her forehead as they did when she was little and left the room.
0 notes
reesesxxpieces-blog · 7 years
Spencer James "I love you, Sweets!!"
Rebecca Pearson "I love you more, Spency!"
Spencer James "Nope. Can't love me more. No way dude."
Rebecca Pearson "It's possible." she said smiling.
Spencer James "Girl. Ima beat your ass."
Rebecca Pearson "Couldn't do it when we were kids. What makes you think you will now?"
Spencer James "Police Academy."
Rebecca Pearson "Hmm that gives you a small advantage."
Spencer James "Think that gives me a rather large advantage." Smirks.
Rebecca Pearson "Not that large. I can still beat ass when needed. John taught me some stuff." Becca said sticking out her tongue.
Spencer James "Yeah? Well we'll have to check this out one day. We can take bets on it and then take the money to buy alcohol! But you know we'll just end up laughing our asses off and taking our own selves down!"
Rebecca Pearson "That's one thousand percent true." she said in reply with a laugh. "Isn't that just what we did in eleventh grade?"
Spencer James "Hah. More or less. I think it's probably best we just buy a bottle of wine and call it a day."
Rebecca Pearson "I'm down with that." she said knowing in reality she didn't stand a chance against the brunette.
Spencer James "Sounds good to me. Now we just gotta get your ass to Philly."
Rebecca Pearson "Yes. That seems to be the only snag in the plans." she said. "I could come down for a few days after Vancouver."
Spencer James "I would love that. You've gotta meet John and the boys!! It's been entirely too long!"
Rebecca Pearson "I promise I'll come then. In fact, when I get done shopping and head back to Chris's I'll make sure to change my flight plans."
Spencer James "Awesome. Forward me the flight plan and I'll make sure me and a couple of blonde boys pick you up at the airport!"
Rebecca Pearson "I'll do that and I think these blonde boys might steal my heart when I lay eyes on them."
Spencer James "I'm pretty sure you are right on that one!"
Rebecca Pearson "Would these blonde boys happen to be named River and Rhys?"
Spencer James "Oh, absolutely. And they look just like John. My God. I know River doesn't share my blood, but Rhys does. Yet I swear that he doesn't look like I had anything to do with it."
Rebecca Pearson Becca laughed as she listened to Spencer. "Genetics must be strong with John then."
Spencer James “Yeah, must be. I mean, thankfully I don't see his ex in Riv, but it also means I don't see me in Rhys. Thankfully his name at least has me in it. I wanted to name him Reese for my maiden name, but John came up with Rhys and I absolutely loved it. But still, that's about all he got from me."
Rebecca Pearson "Not true. Kid's gonna have his mama's looks when he gets older. Then you and I are gonna have to scare off those fast girls." Becca said laughing as she thought about Rhys growing to be a handsome young man one day.
Spencer James "Oh I hope not. I hope he stays looking just like John. That man..." sighs. "Just wait until you meet him. He doesn't see it. But he's fucking gorgeous." Keeps her voice down on the phone, knowing John was never too far away and didn't want him hearing her go on and on like that about him.
Rebecca Pearson Becca laughed as she listened to Spencer gush about her husband. "Well only time will tell, Spence. But it's cute how you gush about John. I remember when I used to do the same things for Duke." she said thinking about her husband and how she would publicly embarrass him with kisses.
- Renamed Becca's husband. Didn't want to get confused
Spencer James "No one else sees them like we do," she seemed to confess, not minding at all that it was like that. Recalling when Duke was alive and how Becs went on and on about him, realizing that though she thought herself a strong, professional woman, she was just really a girl in love with a boy and nothing could stop that. "I don't know if you want to talk about this or not... but do you compare everyone else after him to Duke?" she asked, not wanting to upset the woman, but still curious.
Rebecca Pearson The question did catch her off guard but then Duke dying did the same thing. "Um...heavy question there." she said as she laughed nervously. Continuing she cleared her throat. "I don't try and compare any guy to him because I know that if I do I'm either going against the memory of Duke or I'm placing an impossible standard on any guy. I will say I know that any man who doesn't respect me as much as Duke did is not worth the time."
Spencer James Always having wondered what that might be like, yet never wanting to experience it herself, she heard the laugh where she had feared tears. "That makes perfect sense," she offered, a nod of her head though Becs wouldn't be able to see it. "You've become a wise woman, Becs," she stated honestly, not sure she'd ever be able to keep her shit together if something happened to John.
Rebecca Pearson "Trust me, I'm more broken and a mess than you can imagine." she said. "I was barely able to hold it together for the first few months afterwards." she continued knowing that this was a raw subject for her. "Duke was the love of my life and always will be. Moving on is the toughest thing." she finished.
Spencer James Hearing it and experiencing it were two different things, of which Spencer well understood. She'd never try to say she knew what it must be like for her, nor to down play the woman's pain, but she was so proud of her for trying to move forward all at the same time. Avoiding any cliche statements like 'he would want you to go on', instead she'd just have the strong listening ear of her best friend. "And anyone that loves you in the future will know this and understand it. I think it's going to take a strong person, but the right one, and you'll know it all over again," she offered, hoping her words were helpful and not hurtful.
Rebecca Pearson The words helped more than Spencer might know. "Thank you, Spence. That really means the world coming from you. It's been almost two years since he died and life is starting to feel normal. I know that no one will ever replace him but it's nice to know that I can at least have someone fill that emptiness. I'm ready to start putting myself out there." she admitted as she bit her lip. It was ironic for her to say that being that she was still in Vancouver with a guy she was crushing on.
Spencer James "Good. Then it's time," she offered, not agreeing with anyone else's idea of when the woman should move on, as it should be all about her and where she was and when she was ready and nothing more than that. "You're doing good, Becs. Just keep on doing what you're doing and don't let anything get in the way of what you want."
Rebecca Pearson "Well, what I want is to make a move but I don't think a certain someone is ready for that." she said as she flopped back against the bed and sighed. "Maybe I'm not sexy enough." she said neurotically.
Spencer James "Oh, I'm sure /that/ isn't the problem. I never feel like I am. Honestly, John and I have gotten into a legit fight over it before, though that shouldn't be too surprising as most anything can throw us down that road. But you are a beautiful woman and if he can't see that, then he's fucking blind. You do what you think is right. If the moment is there, fucking go for it, love."
Rebecca Pearson "Spencer James, motivational speaker and badass detective." she said as she chuckled. "But you're right. I just need to go for it and I swear you and John fight over the craziest shit."
Spencer James "Nooo. I have no public speaking aspirations, I promise you of that." Laughs at just the thought. "Yeah, well. We are definitely all or nothing. It's always turned up in one way or another. I really can't wait for you two to meet though."
Rebecca Pearson "Yes it will be fun to meet the man who changed my best friend for the better." Becca said chuckling.
Spencer James "Becca, I think you might be the /only/ one to have this opinion and I absolutely love you for it!!!"
Rebecca Pearson "Really? Well, poo to those who didn't share this opinion." she said. "Also, I love you too."
Spencer James "Becs, my father is in jail awaiting trial at the moment because he tried to /kill/ the man just to 'free' me of him... Shit's been crazy."
Rebecca Pearson "What?! Your dad was always so sweet though. Girl, you're gonna have to catch me allllllll the way up."
Spencer James "God, where do I begin... so first he was mad because John didn't ask for my hand in marriage. Okay, whatever. So then he got this thing in his head that I was better off without him. Basically, he didn't like who I was becoming when I'm around John. And I'll admit, John has turned something on inside of me that I never knew was there. But dad has always seen me with Chris and that was that. You know, the athletic, pretty boy type. So John didn't fit the bill. While I was pregnant with Rhys, I didn't know it, but my dad offered John a stack of cash to leave me. When John didn't follow through, my father took matters into his own hand. Did I mention that he did this outside of the hospital as though he was there to see Rhys and congratulate John? While Rhys and I were upstairs about an hour or so after having him? Yeah, so multiple stab wounds and three weeks in ICU later... John survived, barely. And my dad's in jail. Oh? And the best part? He implicated me in that I asked him/conspired with him to do it, so I've been on administrative leave from the department for eight fucking months under an attempted murder investigation." Takes a deep breath after getting it all out. "Think that about does it."
Rebecca Pearson "Holy shit. I had no idea that this was all going on and that your father had a hand in it." she said as she let out a sigh. "Are you and him even on speaking terms? I mean I know his sickness was hard to handle."
Spencer James "Uh, no. We are not on speaking terms. And honestly, I hope someone on the inside takes care of him. I shouldn't say that. I know. But it's fucking insane. And I'm not on terms with my mother either... When I say you are the only one that sees any good left in me that knew me from before, I truly believe it."
Rebecca Pearson "Wow, well I'll always see the good in you and not just because we made that pact in fourth grade either." Becca said. "You're the best person I know outside my brother and sister and I have your back no matter what. You're my person."
Spencer James "Don't know what I'd do without ya, Becs. Legit the one constant from then to now and I'll love you forever for it."
Rebecca Pearson "That's what I'm here for. Best friends forever didn't mean until 2017." she said teasingly.
-February 14, 2017
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