#because now they report that they're together 24/7????
krakenshipwreck · 2 years
I always hated playing against this guy. One of the first things he showed me when we first got here was a video of me taking a penalty on him in one of the conference championship games. I don't know how he still had it on his phone, but first time we met I'm pretty sure he showed me that video on his phone. I don't know how we're friends from it now.
--UMD alum Carson Soucy about SCSU alum Will Borgen
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pangolin-404 · 3 months
I would read a post company fic 🥺 Hell, id read a45 chapter fic just about how buddy and crew got the cat.
All the different things you could do.... lazy morning on the couch... possible angst of someone spotting buddy and calling the space cops/the company to report a 'wild masked' running around.... how would buddy get a new body when its current one rots? Will it break down as fast now that it's not constantly fighting? i like to think buddy would have a nest type deal where it and the crew could all cuddle :]
(Please use this as an exsuse to write 100000 paragraphs, I love your lore<3)
:D <3 thank you!!
it is something I want to get to.. I've written drabbles for myself but nothing with a real concrete exposition-middle-end. it's a time/world I think would be fun to flesh out and overall any story I'd post would be much more casual and lighthearted than a company-era story. it is inherently a safer and more self-indulgent setting :^]
it's part of the wider galaxy's culture, under company eye, to not question things. the (human) crew, survivors of the scrap-collection contract, are basically looked at as veterans. to some extent respected, looked at with awe by people who revere the company, but also, nobody pries deep. doubly so because they're all scarred and are 24/7 uncomfortable in public because they're no longer used to it in the slightest. the company owns most businesses, has a monopoly on things, but.. it is also callous about human life. uncaring. it's omnipresent but not all-seeing .
buddy dresses to conceal and covers its face and overall? it and its crew aren't actually bothered. they all keep their heads down.
as for buddy's host well. it's smuggled in as just a mask, hostless and dormant. it takes the crew several days of 1) trying to feel like people again and 2) scheming, to get it a host. and by get it a host I mean they jump and murder someone in an alleyway late at night. there is no passive way to get it a host they just have to nix someone once every few months. normal :thumbsup:
its hosts last much longer without the constant stress. it's not working itself to death in extreme conditions . the worst its body has to face is like. it rains occasionally and it has to dry off
the crew mellows out greatly. somehow both at eternal peace because they aren't being hunted for sport by wildlife, but also their nervous systems still feel like they're being hunted for sport by wildlife. they like getting to actually hang out together
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secret old doodles of it and apparatus (before and after it yoinks her off the street). cats are now just as Slightly Irradiated as every other animal . strays love it because it smells like fish
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atopearth · 2 months
Ikemen Villains Part 1 - William Rex Route
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I've been curious about this game! I have to say though, I'm not really into the art style hahaha but that's fine, I felt similarly to Ikemen Prince when I first played it but I like it now lol. I'm not sure how to feel about the premise right now but it's nice to see that the heroine isn't as stressed as the other games and has more freedom?😆 I chose William so let's see how it goes~ For now, he's not very much like a villain especially with how considerate he is towards the heroine taking her to the theatre she wanted to go to and stuff like that, but as he says, villains don't go around killing people 24/7 lol. It was obvious that William was being purposely annoying to the heroine to give her an opportunity to talk to the writer she admires but lol, this guy really isn't much of a villain with how nice he is all the time haha. I think it's interesting how they hire maids who are deaf because this ensures they can't overhear things and tell others. Our villains definitely aren't really villains at all with how gentle and kind they actually are. But one thing I liked about William asking the heroine to talk about how scared she really was, was that he was always respectful and wanted her to slowly speak for herself. I guess it's sweet because you know that he has the power to command people to speak even if they don't want to but he wouldn't do that to her.
I guess one thing I agree with William is that just because you can't save everyone doesn't mean you should kill a part of yourself because of it. But it's difficult to not take in that pain and empathise sometimes and that inevitably hurts the kindest people. I understand the heroine's guilt though, because the easiest way is to ignore people's pain as if you don't see them so you can continue to focus on your own life and live happily. It's strong of the heroine to want to face the things she's ignored and to try and start with saving this one girl. I guess she is influencing William to an extent but I feel like he's never really been a villain so he's understandably prepared to save those victims of the butterfly group. I feel bad for William that his father was involved with the Golden Butterfly and even killed someone he wished to see live freely right in front of him. But I guess the worst was him having to accept such evil and use his powers to kill his own father to stop all this. I think it's kinda cute to see them develop their relationship so smoothly and gently, but at the same time, I can't really feel it haha. I do feel the heroine's curiosity towards William though. Well, I definitely didn't expect them to sleep together already! Surprisingly though, they're more cute than I thought especially with how gentle and teasing William was towards the heroine.
I think it's actually kind of sad how the heroine loves his sense of justice to commit evil because he can't stand seeing the innocent be trampled upon, but at the same time after witnessing his crimes right in front of her face, it's still difficult for her to stomach, especially when he crucified that guy. Considering the lack of presence of the other guys in this route, it was actually pretty sweet to see how concerned Ellis and Liam were towards the heroine after she fainted. Even though it's obvious that none of the guys would think to die a peaceful death, there was something solemn and saddening when thinking about William thinking he doesn't deserve any sort of happiness and shouldn't desire for things because of the way he's chosen to live his life. Cutting your hair to show your resolve always works haha, but yeah I can see why the reporter would be shocked to see the heroine do that when he believed that she was brainwashed by William. I feel bad for William that these guys are torturing the people he saved and trying to brainwash them into thinking William is evil so they can use them against him.
I think it's sad to watch William let himself be judged as a villain to free the people he saved, but seeing the heroine cover him when someone tried to stab him was even worse. Everything was resolved quite amicably especially with Bryan's article on the "truth". I have to say though, considering Bryan has no sprite, he had a pretty nice role in this story as someone who did what he thought was right and was not swayed by words but instead what he judged to be "right" and stuck to his beliefs. Honestly though, even though William is the LI here, I've actually got a soft spot for Liam instead because you can see how much he cares for the heroine. I wonder if it's something we should be prepared for, that if you choose to do "evil" in order to protect the people you care about from other evil people, that you need to acknowledge that things that are precious to you will be taken away because of those actions? Not only has the innocent little girl who was looking forward to becoming a florist hurt by stray bullets from Grimsley who was afraid of William coming for him, but now the heroine has also been held at gun point when she chose to go with him to make sure he doesn't be reckless. Lol, so I'm too poor and don't have enough coins but I do have enough gems🥲 Guess I can see whether the premium story is worth it😅 I guess it's twisted but a love where you love them so much that losing them is such a tragedy and drives you mad is a love that is worth striving for haha.
Overall, I'm not too sure how much I like this game for now. Personally, I think the premise isn't as interesting as I thought it would be and I also feel like the heroine's role is rather purposeless compared to other Ikemen games but maybe it's just me haha. Anyway, what I enjoyed about William is that his route explores the idea of sacrificing oneself to preserve the peace of others and giving them the freedom to choose the path they want to tread and to do what they choose to do, which is exactly the opposite of what his powers do, but I guess it's because of these powers that he understands how terrible it is to not have that control over yourself and your own life. However, I feel the romance was rather bland. I'm not sure if I could really feel how and why they liked each other even though I do acknowledge that William was interested in the heroine for the way she chose to live her life. But otherwise, I didn't think they really matched imo haha! I ended up really liking Liam though so I'll be looking forward to his route next!
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jrueships · 4 months
What are the psychosexual consequences of the twolves dominance right now
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mmm.. i have been Chewing on this...
for quite some time .
so this is a thought i have always had tbh. These playoff results so far have just been bolstering my confidence in it.
Ant and Kat's love is loud love.
The Suns love is no love. Not that they dont have any love At All, because they do. But for each other? Im not so sure. The Suns is Men doing it all for the image of finally being champions so they can prove themselves to the people OUTSIDE their team.
The nuggets is domestic love. It's quiet, it's comfortable, it's won a championship, it's retired love. Retired does Not mean dead, it does not mean completely inactive, it means slower moving, at a personal pace, enjoying what you find to be the thing you wouldn't mind dying doing. Jokic and Jamal don't have to say they're in love 24/7 to let us know they're in love. Jokic doesn't have to talk about horses all the time to reporters for reporters to find out how much he actually does from him always going back to visit them. It's quiet, but it's so strong that it doesn't have to be anything but quiet to know
The mavs is a love built on respect. Wordless, they know they can depend on the other no matter what troubles the other may be dealing with or how much is happening, they Know someone will always be there to get the job done. They KNOW it's not a waste, whatever they're doing .
Kat Needs positive reinforcement, reminisces on it, dreams for it, grows restless and angered without it. Gets real self-conscious and starts faking everything to seem like he has everything so people can start treating him like he's not just some everybody in the world, but a SOMEbody in the world, someone whose opinions, thoughts, actions, and.. possibly most importantly.. WORDS will always be remembered as a meaningful contribution to the world.
Ant is a people pleaser. But he's not the meek, 'let your favorite teacher pronounce your name wrong until the grave' people pleaser where it can be pointed out as a problem, he's a Clever one. He's the kind of people pleaser who can step into a room and spotlight the targets that need the most self-value.. all so He can assure his Own self-value, and protect it. Because, ultimately, the phrase 'everybody loves Anthony edwards' is all about Anthony Edwards, which should be obvious, right? The answer's smack dab in front of your face, but the Confidence. The charisma of it all. Covers it. Conceals it just briefly, just enough for him to get away with it. Ant always knows what to say without even thinking twice. He's such a charmer. Except he's not. He's Always thinking, always brewing up the best ways to become a spectacle. Why even video himself saying that slur shit in the first place? Why not just keep that between him and his friend in the car like probably a good chunk other basketball players do ( because let's be honest. These are probably pretty straight men. They hate people like us. )
He can't. That wouldn't give him the best results in the kind of satisfaction he craves, which is all self based, when boiled down. He HAS to not only impress his one friend in the car with his in power teasing of others who don't even have a clue, he has to try and impress Everyone that he's included in his circle, and he just accidentally included the wrong crowd in that.
Ant and kat together are just two self-conscious people who like being together so they don't feel like they're two self-conscious people who like being together. Love can come in multiple forms, but, in my opinion, love oftentimes needs multiple forms to be at its strongest. When you pour all your love into one bucket, it leaves the others hollow. Love can be quiet, and it can be loud, it can be through words, through actions, through the easy times, AND the hard times, it is love.
I like to call Kat and ant the warped jaren and ja bcs unlike jaren and ja where it can all get spoiled from jaren saying something stupid like 'i love you' when they ARE in love and are just uncomfortable saying it, kat and ant NEED to say they're in love so they can feel like they aren't in it. It being Actual love, deep love that requires more than just pretty words and over-the-top compliments and sayings and comparisons and declarations. Actual love like ant going to kat's house and bringing the rest of the team because he knows kat misses having a stable family, hates the fact that something is missing and he'll never get it back.
Actual love like being awkward with each other
Which they Hate. Terribly. The two of them.
So they'll say how much they're in love with the other, how fondly they think about their memories, how they're so close. They'll tease and laugh and try to instruct the other. And the media laps it up, of course. Especially over the quiet love. It's just so boring in comparison.
Love is thrilling, and it is also boring. Like doing menial activities together like watching the news when you two could actually be the ones on it by doing something crazy together, but you don't, and you aren't, because you both agreed it's going to be a cozy day today where you'll both just be a cute pair of couch potatoes on a sofa watching TV together.
Ant and kat CANT be boring. They CANT just sit in that silence together. They have to say something. They have to know the other doesn't consider them a waste of their time because they don't have that same assurance in themselves.
Love is being scared.
Theyre not scared.
They can't Be scared.
Being down by 2 doesn't mean anything besides we'll bounce back. We're not scared about it. I played well, the shots just weren't falling, but i did good. We are doing good. We love each other. We swear.
We're not scared .
(TV loves confidence)
(Love loves fear)
#love is being terrified. petrified. of losing smthing permanently#whatever u do. it will never be enough to get back what u loved the most#im not saying theyre not in love. or they havent felt it#they are in it. they call each other family now and they have both felt a deep love for people they call family before#and they have both lost people that they love#ant & kat are like the im not like other girls powder puff ( girls football) player tomboy who used to make fun of girls wearing makeup wit#her asshole guy just friends cus im one of the guys friends (even tho the guys would criticize an 'ugly'/nonconventially attractive girl fo#not wearing it ten seconds later) falls for the dopey incredibly kind but thinks she's dumb bcs she's pretty and blond volleyball player#who always tags along with ant at bars so ant can ask guys if they wanna see them make out bcs they find it hot without knowing that kat#finds it hot too#& it turns out ants tomboy obsession with makeup is from her denying love of feminity on others#it's appealing. it's entertaining. it's everything u want to see blossom and grow#but. it takes TIME.#time that places like the ruthlessness of businesses might not always have no matter how captivating#if you are a waste then youre a waste#kat and ant cant stand waste. they cant stand the idea of all this acting like theyre in love (LOVE. love) is all for not#is all for not Actually being in love. just a big elaborate talked up grandiose excuse to say theyre not afraid to be in love#now THATS television!!!!#is it a sturdy relationship though? will something have to change to survive? will SomeBody (or somebodies) have to change? um.#cut the cameras.#deadass.#ted asks#ted longer#ant eds#katman#TY for this ask. i have been munching like a goat. uve probably forgotten abt this.. but i... i never forge-#im like an Elephant <-watched a replay of game 2 & thought it was an entirely different game
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kimium · 1 year
What are your top 5 headcanons for Rook/Vil? 👀👀👀
Oh hi friend! Thank you so much for this ask! As you (and many) are aware, Rook/Vil is my favourite ship in Twisted Wonderland. I'm always so happy to talk about them. Before I get started though, I do want to make it clear that 1) This is just my opinion and my headcanons and 2) I play in the ENG server, so if there is something either I haven't seen because it's in the JP server or because of some "lost in translation" thing, sorry.
My Top Five Headcanons for Rook/Vil
5. Vil has met Rook's parents. The first time was entirely accidental.
With Rook casually revealing to Epel and Yuu that his family is rich and owns many villas around the world, there had to be a point that Rook offered one of the villas to Vil. Perhaps Vil was in the middle of some photo shoots, press tour, or acting and needed a place to stay. Or maybe it was a rare break for Vil from both work and school and Rook decided to offer one of his family villas as a get away.
Regardless, I love the image of Rook and Vil in a cozy villa, overlooking the ocean or maybe an orchid across the way owned by some family that Rook loves talking to every morning. They're enjoying the time together, playing a little bit of house. One morning Vil walks downstairs, expecting only Rook at the table, when he meets Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. I bet this is embarrassing not only because Vil isn't 100% put together but because he's not put together because of Rook. It's a first impression Vil wishes he could scrub from everyone's minds, but Rook's parents find it charming and adorable.
4. Vil and Rook's relationship is an "open secret" at NRC. No one is going to tell the media though; they like living.
Like many famous people, I think Vil wishes to keep his love life mostly out of the public eye/media. Not that he's attempting to hide his relationship with Rook (impossible on campus), but Vil hasn't made some public announcement. Why would he want to? The media already hounds him 24/7. (Vil thanks the Seven every day that NRC has strict rules about media presence on campus.) It also isn't that he doesn't want to someday announce happily to the world that Rook is his, it's just for now Vil is fine with the open secret.
I also think it's hilarious to imagine all of Pomefiore (and majority of campus) to either decide 1) It's really none of my business if Vil and Rook are dating. I'm staying in my lane. Or 2) Wouldn't it be funny if we collectively ignored every tabloid reporter or journalist looking for an easy story. Vil deserves his privacy from those vultures. Like, I'm imagining whenever students are off campus tabloid reporters are always waiting to "ask them questions" about -insert character in the major public eye-. All the students just blankly look at the reporters or say "WHO? I've never heard of him" to their questions.
3. Rook nearly got escorted off a set by security the first time he came to drop off something Vil forgot.
Sort of tying into my prior one, since Vil and Rook aren't publicly announcing they're dating there had to be ONE time that this happened. In the security guard's defense, they're used to people trying to sneak in claiming to either know Vil or sent to deliver something to him. Sure, Rook is in the NRC uniform, but that doesn't mean free access. However, those poor security guards probably had to sit through Rook wax poetically about their "devotion to their jobs" or something like that. It's a good thing Vil personally stepped out to meet Rook and didn't sent an intern or personal manager. Those guards would have been stuck for hours.
Also, imagining the guard's surprise when Vil sighs, walks up to this weird man spouting poetry (with random French intermingled), and drags him off with a "sorry, he's with me".
2. Rook and Vil have probably one of the spiciest sex lives.
Here is my one (1) sexy idea you'll get out of me for this list. I have many ideas but I don't want to share all of them. What I want to say is I think Rook and Vil are open to trying many things together and put their 100% into it. Sure they have boundaries but they're mature enough to communicate so it's fun and comfortable for both parties. They just know each other so well and are always on the same wave length! This translates to their love lives and I think it's Relationship Goals.
Rook is the one to propose to Vil.
While I think Vil wouldn't be opposed to proposing, ultimately I think Rook is the one who does it. It just suits him. Rook is already a romantic at heart. He's planning the proposal well in advance and doesn't even need to ask Vil his hand size because Rook already knows that. The proposal is a private one, definitely not a public proposal, but it's so soft, sweet, and filled with romance that it's truly a day Vil remembers fondly. Afterwards I think the first people Vil tells besides their parents are Jack and Epel. I love Vil's friendship with Jack and there is no way Epel wouldn't be one of the first. Though while Jack is very excited for his friend and congratulates him eagerly, I bet Epel sits there going "It's about DAMN TIME". Vil reflex scolds Epel.
(Also, Vil 100% takes over all wedding preparations. While Rook is calmly taking all of this in stride I think Jack, who is the best man despite believing someone else would be better, is overwhelmed. Epel is ready to Scream and throw something at Vil. Trey is in charge of baking the wedding cake and the poor man somehow manages to balance Vil's micro-managing and Rook's "passionate" nature.)
There we have it! My top five headcanons for Rook/Vil. I hope you like my ideas, friend! If there is anything you want to add for yourself, feel free!
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
Sariel Noir 3rd Birthday Story (both POV)
Sariel's POV in purple
Jealous Sariel sure is something
Usually, Sariel would turn a blind eye toward whatever his love is planning but...One morning, he happened to catch MC happily accepting a rose from Yves. To an outsider, it looks like an exchange between lovers. But to Sariel, it's easy for him to see what's going on, considering the day that's coming. Still, the sight of MC receiving a flower from another man stirs something dark in his heart.
On the morning before his birthday, MC's in Sariel's office reading out a report. Once done, Sariel thanks her for a job well done. His praise energizes her, ready to move on to the next task when suddenly, Sariel brings up something he saw this morning. MC meeting with Yves in secret. She can't help but flinch at what his words imply and wonders if he knows what she's planning.
The "plan" being something she had told Leon and his faction about a few days ago. She thought she could collect a rose from everyone (her and Rio included) and put their feelings into a bouquet for Sariel's birthday. Roses because of they symbolize the country that he cherishes so much, and a rose from everyone because of his relationship with them. The domestic faction, plus Rio who's also in the office, are down for the plan. Jin asks MC what she has for the foreign faction to convince them to go along with the plan. She'll figure it out when she visits them. Leon offers to lend a hand should she need it.
MC's supposed to be collecting the roses from each prince on the day before Sariel's birthday, but she didn't expect him to catch her. She needed to deceive him in some way. MC explains that she and Yves just happened to run into each other and so they chatted for a while. MC's effort in trying to hide her alarm is commendable, and it makes him curious about how she'd react if he pushed more. MC explains that Yves gave her the flower after she complimented it. Sariel gets up from his seat and gets close to her, his eyes searching for something. He whispers that knowing something's being kept a secret just makes him want to find out more. MC insists that she has nothing to hide. Internally, she's panicking. At the same time, Sariel's amused by MC's efforts in trying to hide her plans given how much of an honest person she is. Sariel steps away and decides to leave it for now. But he won't let go of the fact that MC's been more friendly with the other princes lately so he'll be by her side for the rest of the day. Since they're doing the same work, it wouldn't be a bad idea for them to work together once in a while. Normally, he would never suggest something like this, but that lingering feeling of jealousy sprouted an idea. And with this idea, not only does he get to spend more time with MC, but also observe her efforts in planning something for his birthday. Killing two, or even three, birds with one stone. Spending time with her may kill those jealous feelings too.
MC's happy at the thought of being able to spend more time with her loved one, but then realizes that she won't be able to collect any more roses. Sariel gives her an unreadable smile. What will MC do?
On their way to the domestic faction's office, MC asks if Sariel's really planning on spending the whole day with her. But that doesn't mean minds, she says when he asks if she dislikes the idea. Sariel watches as her expression fluctuates between happy and contemplative.
While in the domestic faction office, Sariel watches MC go about her business. Jin's unsettled by his presence and Yves asks MC what the heck is happening here. MC replies that he's...just making sure that she's doing her job? Licht asks she means he's monitoring her. Leon asks to confirm if he's not going to be staying with MC 24/7. Sariel's going to stay with MC for as long as he can. Leon wishes MC luck. Sariel's suspicious of Leon but he'll hold back on it for now. Now that the two are done with their business with the domestic faction, Sariel hugs MC's shoulder and ushers her away. He removes his hand from her shoulder and runs his fingers down her back. On their way out, Sariel looks back to see a bitter expression on Yves' face. The prince wonders what Sariel's real purpose was and Licht assumes it was to make a show of something. Sariel just excuses himself, closing the door to the office while taking in the various expressions on the princes' faces.
In the foreign faction office, Clavis is surprised to see the two bureaucrats together and wonders if they really have that much time on their hands to be together.. Luke calls Sariel overprotective. Sariel tells the princes not to mind him. The man really hasn't left her side since that morning and seemed to enjoy watching MC being teased by the other princes.
Nokto comes in, surprised by the number of people in the office. Just in time too because Sariel has some business with him as well. With his attention turned to the 7th prince, Luke secretly calls MC over. He tells her not to worry about the rose. Somehow the roses from the foreign faction will be collected but it's too early to be relieved yet.
As it turns out, Sariel did notice MC sneaking about while he was occupied with Nokto. Now he understands that other princes are involved in whatever MC's planning. While part of him's occupied with this thought, Nokto looks at him in amusement and points out that he's been paying attention to MC during their whole exchange. MC twitches at that comment while Sariel praises Nokto for noticing. The prince tells Sariel that he was being obvious about it. Apparently there's rumors going around that Sariel's been sticking close to MC. Meanwhile, Sariel's pleased by the fact that he's made MC red, especially in front of others.
Like he did with he domestic faction, the tells the foreign faction that this is just training. And then pulls MC close by the waist while going "isn't that right?" MC whispers Sariel's name in surprise which fills his heart with a sense of superiority. He just can't get enough of showing off in front of others, but needs to restrain himself. He never thought he'd act this way in public, but he can't help but claim MC as his. He wonders if this is what it means to be possessive. He really is obsessed with MC. He smiles self-deprecatingly to himself with MC's not looking.
Time skip to dusk, there still hasn't been a chance for MC to sneak away. When Sariel asks her about something written in one of her documents, she wonders if she'll finally get her chance. She knows of some materials in the library that can provide more information. As Sariel's about to suggest the two go together, MC cuts him off. One person will be enough. She'll be right back. And then she takes off. Sariel lets her off because he doesn't want MC to be sad and full of regret at not being able to do whatever she was planning just because he was being mean to her.
After retrieving the book she needed from the library, she sees Leon and calls out to him. He teasingly asks how she managed to escape. MC says it was difficult. More importantly, the roses... Leon tells her that he's holding onto the ones from Jin and Licht, and will give them to her when Sariel's not around. MC thanks him and as she tells him that Yves' and hers are in a vase in her room, Leon shushes her. Someone behind her asks if the two are having a private conversation.
Sariel's voice causes MC to jolt with a gasp. Heart beating rapidly, she fearfully turns toward the man. Sariel tells MC that she was taking a long time to get a book. He asks Leon if he can take MC away now since it's time to get back to work. Leon apologizes for holding his (Sariel's) MC back and gives her a look as if telling her to leave the roses to him. MC remembers that she mentioned the vase in her room so maybe...? She gives the prince a slight nod in acknowledgement.
That night, Sariel finally calls it a day. Either it was because of her constantly being under Sariel's surveillance or the fact that she got to spend the whole day with him, but the day felt extra long. Sariel offers to walk MC back to her room but MC stutters out a refusal. He says that there's no need to be so modest. Or is there some other reason? As expected, it's hard to deceive Sariel. But wait...
She takes Sariel's hand in hers and tells her that yes, there is a reason. She wants to spend the night with him. He did spend the whole day with her. She caresses his cheek, the signal for the start of private time as lovers, and says that she'd like to stay in his room. That catches Sariel by surprise and then his expression softens. He did say the whole day. He then brings up that the same time last year was the first time she had touched his cheek. MC's cheeks heat up at the memory. Sariel points out that she's become more used to asking for things herself now. He's overly pleased at the fact and kisses the back of her hand. The two head back to his room.
The next morning, MC slips out of Sariel's room and returns to hers to see 10 roses in the vase. Leon and Luke really did it. She mentally thanks everyone while gathering the roses into a bouquet. She then quietly makes her way back to Sariel's room and places the bouquet by Sariel who's still asleep. Except he's not. He touches MC's hand and sits up while saying that she came back quick. Surprised, MC asks how long he's been awake. He tells her that he's actually been awake since she got up. MC wanted to surprise him, but Sariel ended up surprising her instead. She failed, MC sighs. He wouldn't say that and apologizes. He should've pretended not to notice. He's feeling a bit embarrassed since he's not used to receiving such adorable gifts like this. MC can't tell if he's lying or not (he's being serious) but she presents the bouquet to Sariel with a smile. She wishes him a happy birthday and tells him that the bouquet's a gift from her, Rio, and all the princes. It's why he saw her receive a rose from Yves. But he's probably already aware of that. Sariel receives the bouquet as if handling a treasure.
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Instead of answering, Sariel pulls MC close with the hand not holding the bouquet and gently kisses her forehead. To say that he didn't notice would be a lie but he wonders how she managed to get all the roses from the princes. Her adorable little plan makes him really happy and he'll cherish this bouquet. Sariel looks at the bouquet in appreciation before speaking up again. Sariel had a feeling she would be doing something like this but seeing her receive a flower from another man made him feel sick. MC asks if he was jealous. He admits it. And because of that, he was a little mean to her. MC can't help but smile at the fact that he got jealous.
Sariel continues. It's strange, any feeling of jealousy have disappeared after seeing the same rose that she had worked so hard to collect. He thanks her for preparing such a wonderful gift.
During this whole process, Sariel found it an interesting experience to be influenced by less reasonable feelings such as jealousy and possessiveness. He senses a change in himself and wants to tell MC about the feelings he has now, but decides to go about it another way. He'll follow his instincts like the devil he is.
Seeing how Sariel's looking at the bouquet made all the time she spent on this gift all the more worth it. MC tells Sariel that she's his lover after all. Hearing MC's response, Sariel kisses her and asks how she's so good at pleasing him. The kisses continue. When they finally stop, Sariel notices that MC's eyes are moist with anticipation. Does she wish for a devil's punishment? Even though the feeling's gone, he was still jealous. She's been a bad girl. Sariel's hand touches her cheek and traces her lips. As MC was about to ask him to punish her, he says he was just kidding. He's in the mood for something other than punishment. Rather, something to thank MC. Her happiness is one of his presents.
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lumibye · 9 months
hii charm i wanted to ask , what was sycamaris first date ? 🤔 how did it come abt , who asked, how did it go ? im soo interested , and i hope uve had a wonderful weekend ! - @catake
hehe hi clara ! hope your weekend's been lovely as alwayss and i hope your finals went just as well !! i'm sure they did but sending my heart and wishes anyways ofc ofc
( ♡ ) ty honestly sm for encouraging me to talk abt them bc it's all in my drafts but i'm just . . soso shy ( if you could believe it ehe ; ) so it really means a lot to me ! i'm v grateful i get to speak my silly nonsense eek >_< their first date was . . it was a ' date ' but it wasn't ? this is prob a good time to explain why they're ' working together ' ig for context purposes ! ( i'll prob compile this all into a post at some point actually )
( long post again bc my filter is broken ehe ; )
although he has a lot of information on mega evolution in regards to battle , he doesn’t have a lot in the way of contests 
pokemon aren’t affected by any external factors like attacks or status conditions when performing , but they’re still expending a good amount of  energy with the use of moves
so , as someone that’s very invested in the subject , his research and the bond between pokemon and trainer - this information would be valuable to compare and contrast with his current findings
he doesn’t really know anybody in the contest scene? there’s serena, of course, but she’s also currently undertaking the gym challenge and being one of his pupils it doesn’t feel right to stick this kid with even more work considering she’s a dex holder  so mariannes his best bet , even though they're only acquainted at the time they share a mutual acquaintance in serena at least . it's mutually beneficial in a sense , if marianne can't use mega then she's going to be at a disadvantage in the contest circuit ( i hc that contests are similar to ORAS in kalos hehe ) her ' job ' would be to monitor the behavioural changes in her pokemon after rehearsals and performances as well as their general health and wellbeing . there'd be weekly or biweekly ' check ups ' at the lab for more thorough analysis but these ' reports ' are more casual to fit both their schedules also , it's a good excuse to go out for him to go out for coffee considering he's so busy . but they're not dates , don't be silly . . . ( /hj he doesn't intend it to be . . but . . ) anway ! to actually answer your question now ( i'm soso sorry i can talk for aages they live in my head rent free 24/7 ; ) once he proposes this to her at the lab ( it's like on a weekend so nobody's there ) and gives her a list of pokemon that can mega she notices the only one that can is benched because of her accident in the unova circuit reasons and she goes ' umm , i don't really have any on this list at the moment ' and augustine is kind of stumped because this meeting is now way shorter than he expected it to be so he goes ' oh , that's ok . . well let's go out for coffee instead ' ( not those exact words ofc ) because
a.) she's not super familiar with lumiose and having a kind of ' guide ' might be helpful
b.) atp he knows she's a bit of a reserved person and the few times they've met he hasn't seen her with any friends so that's mildly concerning
c.) if they're eventually going to work together he should know her a bit better and
d.) she's piqued his curiosity honestly marianne's very bad at saying no especially on the spot so as nervous as this makes her she agrees , for similar reasons too . this person's offering her an advantage in her career so it'd be rude to say no , wouldn't it ? so they go to soleil ( because taking a shy girl to your best friends cafe on your first outing seems like a really bad idea ) and he offers to pay and she protests and there's that cliche back and forth about who's going to pay that makes the barista a bit ticked off ( people pleasers , the both of them ) and it takes her a bit to open up but he's genuinely enthused when it comes to learning about people . so eventually she does crack a little bit , especially when the topic of coffee comes up . she used to be a barista in castelia and coffee is his passion so that's their jumping off point . after that they both surprise each other with just how similar they are ! they talk about their thoughts on self expression ( he asks about her career ) and just how important it is and their energy just gels . they end up almost gushing to each other about their thoughts and beliefs , which is something she hasn't done in ages since she's been alone for quite a while so it makes her so so happy . he didn't expect this to come out of someone like her and she didn't expect someone primarily invested in research to share her beliefs and ideas . afterwards she feels bad that she's talked primarily about herself but still . . . it feels good and honestly ? that's kind of exactly what he was hoping for and he's pretty happy himself . they both are ig , more than they'd thought they would ! she definitely goes home and screams into a pillow about how embarrasing she was tho ehhehehe
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The Pure RNG Hetalia Showdown (FAQ)
Over the next couple weeks, I will run a series of polls where you have to vote for canon Hetalia characters.
Poll Results Summary has now been posted, to summarize the results of the round robin and report on the Congeniality qualifiers.
Also, a new Tumblr sideblog @hetalia-rng-showdown has been created to host future RNG tournaments!
Master List of All Poll Links
Round Robin #1 - Winner: Finland
Round Robin #2 - Winner: England
Round Robin #3 - Winner: Seychelles
Round Robin #4 - Winner: Poland
Round Robin #5 - Winner: Prussia
Round Robin #6 - Winner: Canada
Round Robin #7 - Winner: Germany
Round Robin #8 - Winner: France
Round Robin #9 - Winner: South Italy
Round Robin #10 - Winner: Scotland
Congeniality Showdown Poll - Lithuania has been crowned Mr. Congeniality!
Final Showdown Poll - Tie vote between Canada & England
Final Showdown Tiebreaker - England has been crowned Pure RNG Champion!
Congeniality Contestants
Austria, Lithuania, China, America, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Hong Kong, Ancient Rome
What are we voting on?
You can pick your favourite, a contender, a dark horse, an underdog, or go pure chaos and see what happens. This will ultimately end up becoming a popularity contest, since all the Hetalia polls so far have been swamped with people just picking their favourites, but why don't you all try something different for once and see what happens?
How will this work?
The round robin will have 10 different polls, each with 7-8 different characters, lasting a week. After the week, the 10 winners will come together into a final showdown poll.
If there is a tie in any of the round robin polls, there will be a 24-hour tiebreaking poll. See the full description in the section below.
Runners-up in the round robin poll might be selected for the Congeniality Showdown poll. See the full description in the section below.
Who is all in the poll?
If your character has a page on this Hetalia Wiki character article look-up page, they're in one of the polls.
Note that I am not including nyos, 2ps, animals, humans or other entities, just the nations themselves.
How will they be grouped?
I plugged the 78 names into this random number generator website, which split them up into 10 groups of 7-8 characters.
For extra randomness, I clicked the "Rerun" button twenty times. That's why this is the "RNG" poll, it's pure luck who your fave is up against!
Why is my favourite minor character up against so many mains? Can't you fix this?
Read the above again, please.
And funny you should mention skewing the group selections, because my friend was just trying to conduct her own set of polls. The axis/allies would've all knocked each other out in the first round, and some of your favourite minor characters would've actually moved on for once. But some people complained about the choices of minor characters and their groupings, even going so far as to insult her personally...
So guess what, you're getting this poll series instead out of spite! Congratulations, your favourite minor characters are all in the polls, their groupings are purely random, and every character has a 10% chance of being up against Romano in the first round!
But what if I don't want my fave to lose to Romano in the first round?
Finally, a good question. When you find that poll, vote for your favourite and not for Romano, then reblog the post and tell all your friends to vote the same as you! Make sure you're a united force though, Romano only needs the one extra vote if you're all divided.
Don't worry about spamming my notifications with reblogs, I want to see that the polls are being shared, just be respectful in your tags please.
When can I see who's all in the groups?
You'll find out when I post the polls, as this FAQ post is going up before I even run the RNG. EDIT: The RNG has now been run, the polls are all drafted and scheduled, and the first is live! Links to all 10 polls will be added at the top as their posts are posted!
As for timing, I will post the first poll at approximately 6:00pm PDT April 18 2023, with the other polls all scheduled on 12-hour increments after that.
Once the final poll is closed after its week of voting, which will be at 6:00AM PDT on April 30th, I will create the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls.
What is this newly added Congeniality Showdown?
With the variety of options in these polls, there will indeed be a few nations that lose their round robin poll by a small margin of the vote. For these oh-so-close losers, there will be a Congeniality showdown to honour them for giving the victors such a close run for their money.
As the 10 polls each close, I will track the difference in voting percentages by which the losers lost to the victors. The 10 losing nations whose losing percentages are closest to their victors will go in the Congeniality showdown.
For example, Nation A won the poll by 32%, while Nation B finished with 25%. Nation B’s percentage difference of 7% is what determines whether they will appear in the Congeniality showdown. Should the other 9 polls results in 10 other nations getting less than that 7% difference, Nation B will not make the cut.
What are the Tiebreaker Rules?
This section is being added in case one of the round robin polls miraculously ends in a tie. Obviously Tumblr will not allow more than 10 entries into a poll, so a tiebreaker poll is the chosen method of breaking any ties!
I will post a 24-hour poll with the two (or more) nations that tied in the round robin poll, where you all have ONLY the 24 hours to vote. I will announce the tiebreaker poll ahead of time, so that as many of you as possible know during what period of time to search for it and vote.
Whoever wins this vote moves on to the final showdown. For the runner(s)-up, since they managed to tie the winner on the original poll, which makes a voting difference of 0%, they automatically take one of the 10 spots in the Congeniality showdown.
Tiebreaker polls will be scheduled for the period of April 30th to May 3rd if required, so please watch carefully for the posts. I fly to Norway on May 6th, so the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls must get posted before this Canadian goes on vacation.
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legolasghosty · 9 months
Obviously here to formally request more cyborg AU once you're up for it >_>
Awww you're so sweet, thank you for enabling me! (Original post is here for anyone who is interested!) Basically, this is an au where cyborg tech has been introduced as a way to stop so many people from dying all the time, but people aren't always really given a choice in whether they get cybernetic implants when they're critically ill or injured.
So Ray and Julie and Carlos move to Small Town SoCal(cause I can't name things), about 3 hours south east of LA, following Rose's death. This is both as a way to have space to grieve and to get away from the super smoggy air of the big city, which contributed to Rose's illness in the first place.
Tia Victoria doesn't move with them, both because of her job and because she and Rose kind of had a fight before she passed over whether she should try the cyborg treatment that had been offered, even though it was super risky. She still calls the kids all the time though.
Julie starts to get settled in her new high school, which is pretty small. Lots of not locals though, it's not an "everybody has known everybody since birth" kind of thing.
Julie ends up reporting everything to her best friend, Flynn, who moved out of the city with her family about a year before Julie did. She lives around an hour away from Julie now. But as Julie gets to know folks at school, she realizes some of them are a bit... weird.
First off there's Carrie, who is clearly rich, but avoids talking about her family. There's definitely a parent or someone else who lives in her big, fancy house, but no one ever sees them.
Spoiler alert, it's Trevor, who is both scared of the outside world after getting pretty sick for a bit, and now has a partially cyborg windpipe. But Carrie is kind of a jerk and it's not till a bit later on that she and Julie start becoming closer cause... grief bonding.
Then you have Alex, who keeps his hood up 24/7 at school, regardless of how many times he gets in trouble for it. Most of the teachers give up and leave him alone after the first week or two, since he never takes it off and he's one of the best students in his classes. He also never eats school food, even when he forgets his own lunch.
Then there's Alex's partner, Willie, who skates basically everywhere but seems to struggle with walking sometimes. He also never puts his hair up, which always strikes Julie as odd, since she's constantly batting her own curls away from her face during school. Willie and Alex always leave school and arrive together, and neither ever mentions family in a present tense.
Next up is Reggie, a math wiz who never seems to stop smiling. He's always acting super upbeat, and ends up being the first one of the group that Julie becomes friends with, cause he starts helping her with math and she helps him with Spanish. He has a hard time with some of the sounds, and sometimes it seems like his jaw just... isn't under his own control. He'll talk sometimes about his parents, who both work full time in other towns and so aren't around much.
Finally, there's Luke, who mostly keeps to himself, except for the guys, and is always talking to himself. He also doesn't eat school food, same as Alex. But he always has nice, homemade lunches from his mom. He kinda confuses Julie, cause he's sullen and moody at school, but he lights up and becomes a totally different person whenever she sees him out with the guys.
More specifics about their injuries and tech stuff under the cut, cause it gets a bit more graphic. TW for medical malpractice stuff, some referenced past homophobia, and some transphobia. The actual anatomical stuff isn't in any real detail cause I don't know how that works mostly, but be safe! It's kinda heavy and messed up.
So as for what is actually going on here with the guys...
Alex and Luke both have super sensitive digestive tracts cause of the only semi functional artificial tissue in their organs following the street dogs thing.
None of the four boys actually consented to their cyborg surgeries. Luke's parents did technically, but he was already in the OR by the time that paperwork got signed. None of the doctors expected any of them to survive, so who cared about consent.
When they all actually pulled through, the government was like, "Oh frick we gotta sweep this under the rug, but also keep them where we can monitor them for science," so they all got somewhat forcibly moved up to Small Town SoCal. All of the parents were offered a fair amount of money to move them up there. Luke and Reggie's parents took it and moved. Willie and Alex's decided they wanted nothing to do with their kids who "weren't really people anymore." So Luke and Reggie live with their parents, while Willie and Alex essentially live in a medical facility just outside of town. There's a few other kids who live there too, since their families wouldn't move with them and they couldn't live on their own. Alex and Willie have kind of adopted Isa, Damian, Aidan, and Dizzy, filling in this older sibling roll for them that no one else will.
Alex's main issue outside of his weak digestive system is that they also tried to 'fix' his anxiety disorder while he was under. This left him with a small, metal plate on the back of his head that his hair won't grow back around, some pretty severe trauma and panic attack disorders, and this weird voice in his head that starts trying to calm him down when he's panicking. It doesn't help. It's basically like if they took one of those meditation apps and tied it to his blood pressure levels so it starts playing in his head whenever he freaks out.
Willie has two prosthetic legs, along with a fair amount of metal/circuitry in his hips and back. While they're a lot better than old prosthetic technology, the attempt to give them nerve endings mostly just means Willie is in a lot of pain all the time. Skating is easier than walking, but they can't really skate inside. Alex has also been known to just straight up carry them sometimes when it gets bad. Willie also has this old incision scar on the back of his neck. Alex is the only one he's actually told what it is. The doctors essentially tried to 'fix' his being trans by messing with part of his brain. It didn't work, obviously, but it did mess with his short term memory.
Reggie avoided super severe organ damage, but the acid in the hotdogs did a lot of damage to his facial muscles. Basically, in order to fix it, he lost a lot of mobility in his face and jaw, so he struggles to not smile at least a bit. It's not creepy, just kind of sad. Like a lot of times he's smiling but it doesn't reach his eyes kind of thing. He also basically lost his sense of smell. He also ended up cracking a couple of ribs from a combination of the hotdog accident and previous injuries, so he has a few metal ribs.
Luke has the same weak digestive system as Alex, though his is easier to manage with a mom who actually cares about him. He packs extra food to share with Alex a lot. But he also got his senses messed up, mainly his hearing. He's hard of hearing, can maybe hear about 25% of what he could before. And it gets confusing, because in trying to limit the hearing loss, the doctors messed up the part of his brain that separates between external sounds and his internal voice. So he can't always tell what is coming from outside and what is coming from inside. So he responds to things that get said around him... but no one actually said it. Hence the appearance of 'talking to himself'.
Julie befriends Reggie first cause they help each other out in school. He's hesitant to take it outside of school cause the lab monitors them all pretty closely and he doesn't want Julie getting freaked out or mixed up in anything. Doesn't help that she's still in the early stages of grief and will flip between anger and depression at any moment.
But slowly she gets to know the other guys too and finds out about the cyborg stuff. It's quite the shock, but she adjusts faster than they expect. Maybe because she's already had her life turned upside down. She starts hanging out at Luke's after school sometimes with the rest of them. And once they start coming over to the Molinas', it's all over.
The boys all get basically adopted by Ray, and the found family is solidified. Alex and Willie start bringing over the younger kids sometimes too when they can get permission. Carlos and Aidan hit it off and start hanging out at school too.
Luke still writes a ton of lyrics, but melodies have been super hard for him since loosing most of his hearing. But he and Julie end up writing together once and then they're a team for life. She focuses on the melodies while he focuses on lyrics, and then they fine tune it together. They talk Alex and Reggie into playing some of the new songs together, like the guys used to do before the accident.
Carrie and Julie slowly develop their own friendship as well, and she gets pulled into the family eventually. She and Alex and Willie become dance buddies. Willie has a hard time dancing for a long time cause of his prosthetics, but they also really like choreographing, so Carrie and Alex will try out the ideas they have when Willie is too tired to dance.
Okay sorry that got VERY long and kinda dark. Probably wasn't what you had in mind. SORRY!!! I shall shut up now. Hope you're not mad!
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
And he's got a bunch of rain and it looks like it's gonna rain for a while and nobody's happy about that but they need it here it's too dry and stuff is blowing around we have other things to report and they are pretty big this place is going to come unhinged in a short time and it will be awful and we want people to understand that it's going to be terrible. We mean that people are going to be running around going after each other in broad daylight today there's armies of them for me up all along the outside of the rings and they are pushed back and they are in the second and first drain only and that's the Mac Morlock and soon they won't be in the rings at all and they weren't in there at all anyways. Their method for keeping them out is temporary best and or completely goes the wrong way at certain points or in the long run. They're using threats directly on the staff and higher level staff and it's causing them a lot of misery and loss. Globally too. It's the same situation globally and they're dying in the rings both of them there's new figures they're not too far off.
- Mack Moorlock have only 38% of their leadership intact now the rest of them are dead or missing.
- The Pseudo Empire has only 60% of their leadership intact and it is down from 70% last time we mentioned it they tried to hold their higher ups out.
- According to our statistics BJA off Island is at 6.9% on island he is 12.9%. And that's it he's doing pretty good
- Trump is at 3.9% roughly and on islands he is around 6.9% and he was misrepresenting the numbers.
- There are other figures the minority more like are holding at 10% and they were not 7%. We're at 12% and yeah people are going after them. Off island out of the 10% they are about 4%.
- We also have a few more things to mention about this situation here you're forcing things on him that are extremely annoying we don't want to listen to your stupid talk and your **** **** 24 hours a day and we're getting rid of you. Review here and all over the place because you're massively annoying and distracting and it takes too much time. And the max were wrong they have to annoy you into it then figure out what you're saying and it takes forever. They're weeding you out too.
- The Pseudo Empire are down to about 7.4% still no they're at 6%.
These are not happy times for the Morlock but they are crazy as hell and still very loud and annoying. Added together their 48% of the population. The Mack Moorlock are about 70% of the number no it's more than that 'cause there's a pseudo empire and they are the moral life together it's a huge number that's half the half the population so it has this huge attitude problem they express it to our son everyday and their leadership is dying and they are dying in situ but slowly they're where the numbers and they haven't really started to attack the Morlock I mean the max down below and they say they plan to and stuff and they're going to start this maneuver all of them by the way including minority morlock we're planning on tacking the middle areas in Europe it's minority more like chairmans and French some Russians in Russia it's minority moral questions so that's what they're gonna do but the match supposedly and they think they're for it and they think that they'll fight us when they can't really readily identify us it's not 100 percent true so they're going to try and get us to fight once again and the max don't want to because they're not ready.
This outlines with their actual plan is and it's not really that stupid and it's going forwards and there's an element of risk we have to prepare for and we mean it too we need everything we can get we want a whole bunch of ships ready to launch and right now.
Thor Freya
0 notes
Jokes 5/12/2024
This week saw the unveiling of a portal showing a 24/7 live stream between New York City and Dublin, Ireland. The portal is meant to bring the two cities together and will surely do that by showing the worst citizens from each city.
California restaurants will soon have to include any additional fees on their menus. Now Californians will know exactly how much they're being overcharged for food that's just okay.
It was revealed that presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy had brain worms in the past. The World Health Organization says that a billion people probably have brain worms. At first, Kennedy thought he'd have more supporters now but that might have been the worms talking.
Earlier this week, adult film actress Stormy Daniels took the stand to testify against former president Donald Trump. While on the stand, Daniels went into detail about their sexual relationship, so much so the stenographer quit mid-description.
It's been reported that country singer Blake Shelton spent $40,000 to be in an upcoming Mark Wahlberg movie. Which is a real testament to how bad of an actor Blake Shelton must be.
President Biden publically stated that he'd halt military shipments to Israel if the IDF invaded Rafah. Although it wasn't much of a warning, having anything close to an anti-genocide stance bumps his poll numbers up one point.
Conservative Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene failed to present a motion to vacate Mike Johnson from his role as Speaker of the House. Marking a rare bipartisan event for the House of Representatives, there is agreement that Marjorie Taylor Greene is terrible.
Singer Sabrina Carpenter turned 25 this week and celebrated by having a meme of Leonardo Dicaprio on her birthday cake. Carpenter said she thought the joke wouldn't hurt his feelings because, to him, women stop existing once they turn 25.
Former presidential candidate Hilary Clinton did a round of interviews this week to tell people they're wrong for opposing genocide. The only surprise from Clinton in these recent interviews is that she didn't blame losing the 2016 Election on Hamas, too.
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Because I'm going rabid about this
Have a post about my two pretty vampire OCs (who are twin brothers) and the 141 being pretty because of a post I reblogged that got me mad at the patriarchy.
Fir st and foremost! Meet the twin brothers!
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On the left is Nikita, a total sweetheart and on the right is Dmitri. Different styles, different interests, but they both love each other and get along well. The duo were turned into vampires during the 1700s in Moscow, Russia and have been 24 years old for a long time, and no they don't glisten in the sunlight if any of you decide to make that connection, I am gutting you all like fish. Despite their vampire nature, the two take extra precautions in going out in the sunlight with protective clothing, sunblock and umbrellas to give them extra shade. You may be wondering how the two wound up in the 141, and it's a funny story, but the pair of them have been in many squadrons, teams, army corps and mostly fought battles on the side of the good guys so they're both decorated veterans but do they plan on stopping? Not really, and when Price had heard about the duo, he had to get them on his team so he fought tooth and nail to get them. How they introduced themselves was on a mission where the odds were against Gaz, Ghost, Soap and Price. They all tried to get to the exfil location but were held up by more goons, and they already were running low on ammo plus they were sustaining injuries so melee combat was going to be risky until a bladed boomerang came flying from nowhere and took out three of the goons. Confused, they could only watch the remaining 7 goons get taken out by throwing knives, get dragged away into the shadows, or get shot via headshots. When there were two goons left, they got taken quickly by two other men who bared their fangs and drank their blood in front of the team before Price recognized the duo from the reports he received about them. " Price, you know these two? " Ghost mumbles while fixing his eyes on the white-haired vampire with the skeleton mask hanging on his neck, Price stepping forward with a chuckle. " Aye, I do. Gentlemen, meet Nikita and Dmitri Volkov, better known as the twin fangs. " " Price! It's great to meet you in person! " Nikita steps forward after cleaning the blood from his mouth, Dmitri picking up both dead bodies and tossing them aside before cleaning his own mouth and covering his mouth with his mask. Price was expecting a handshake but Nikita pulled the man into a hug, laughing happily before letting him go and letting Dmitri shake his hand. " Sir. " - - - Now you gotta know that the duo are polar opposites of each other; Dmitri is a man of few words but he's a smug bastard and has fought many pastors in a parking lot of a Wendy's at 2 AM on a Wednesday morning, while Nikita is the cutest and kindest man to walk the earth who's always willing to lend a helping hand and find the good in the world. Despite their differences, they've stuck together through thick and thin so where there is a Nikita, there's always a Dmitri and vice versa. Outside of battle, they're inseparable so you'd sometimes see Dmitri having Nikita sit on his shoulders or Nikita carrying a sleeping Dmitri like he weighs nothing around the base. - - - Speaking of, let me tell ya about how the 141 interacts with the Volkov brothers. First and foremost, Ghost and Dmitri. Sometimes when Nikita has to be separated from his brother, Dmitri often sticks by himself or with Ghost. They'd usually just stare at each other quietly but when no one is looking, the two are rather... talkative. They both share the same aesthetics of wearing skulls on masks, both went through hell and back and survived, and their jokes are pure dogshit but they laugh at them either way. Sometimes the two nap together cause Dmitri knows how little Ghost sleeps so he'll drag him off to a quiet and desolate spot and let him sleep. With Ghost and Nikita, it's surprisingly nice to see Ghost relax. Nikita may be polite and willing to help, but he's calm and collected. His way of being friends with anyone is giving them flowers, and since Ghost knows the language of flowers too, Nikita gives him flowers which speak different messages and when Ghost is all tightened up and stressed, Nikita gives him massages.
0 notes
Married NaLu Headcanons? ;)
Hmmmm lemme try canonverse for this
Never actually officially married. Just sorta got closer and closer with each other over time, having stuff at each others place, going out together, being each other's main confidant and go to person, etc. Didn't really click at all until someone jokingly asked where they were hiding the rings til it hit them and they both blue screened.
They did talk it out by the rainbow cherry blossom tree at some point about where their relationship was going and if they were willing. Got sappy real fast. Natsu gave Lucy his scarf when he couldn't figure out good enough words to say.
They did keep a small thing with all their guildmates and friends eventually they just never had the whole thing done up on paper or got rings. With everything they've gone through and done for each other it seems like such a small matter.
They swap each other's last names as a joke all the time. Today in an interview Lucy'll give her name as dragneel but sign off as heartfilia on an article. Natsu tells reporters that his name's Heartfilia now but in the same breath signs up for fights with Dragneel. Everyone's annoyed by it but they think its the funniest thing to do.
Took the absolute longest time to figure out who's place to move into because Natsu was deadset on Lucy's apartment (his reasoning being that they had way more fun memories of hanging out there :/) but quickly realized that being cooped up in a small apartment with no yard space would probably do him in in the long run. (Also couldn't handle the noise of living by a main road in the city for extended periods)
The tabloids are all up in their relationship and while Lucy politely declines and defers away from it, Natsu takes great joy in playing the fool and acting like he has no idea what they're talking about.
Surprised each other that after being together that they're still learning new things about each other (Natsu styles his hair, extremely early riser, meticulous about his memento collection etc. Lucy's lack of cooking skills, her writing anxieties, snacking addictions, etc.)
Happy loves this whole situation because now he has full 24/7 access to bother Lucy and her stuff :)
Both of them quickly realized that the two of them loose in a kitchen at the same time only leads to chaos and mess but it's so much fun they end up doing that rather than getting something to eat.
Slowly ended up stealing each others fashion taste through osmosis and keep accidentally matching outfits. How cringe.
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tatwaffel · 4 years
100 Remadora headcanons!
1, when Tonks arrived at headquarters for the first time, she tripped over the troll leg and Remus was the one to help her up
2, Tonks charmed the socks off him - literally! once she wanted to warm his feet after a winter mission but set fire to his socks
3, Tonks has developed a habit of sitting on the kitchen counter and watching Remus when he's reading the papers
4, Tonks caresses his scars when they're alone
5, he's drowning in self pity sometimes and she hates it
6, Tonks wore her boots when she married and Remus found it lovely
7, since his hair often hangs in front of his eyes, Tonks usually wipes it off his forehead
8, he loves pink hair on Tonks since it's her happy colour
9, Remus has not once asked her to change her appearance for him
10, lots of cuddles! they're literally always cuddling
11, Remus loves kissing her forehead
12, Tonks wore one of Remus's sweaters when he was with the werewolf pack... because he coincidentally left her favourite at headquarters
13, Tonks usually is the one to patch him up after full moons, tho it took some time to convince him she doesn't mind doing it
14, they love hugging each other
15, after the Battle in the Department of Mysteries, Remus stayed by Tonks's side in St Mungo's until she woke up - he was absolutely distraught
16, Tonks once slapped Remus across the face: that was when he wanted to get rid of the baby when Tonks told him she was pregnant
17, Tonks can fall asleep anywhere, preferably with her head on Remus's shoulder on guard duty... not that he minds, of course
18, they're equally stubborn, but Tonks usually wins arguments
19, Remus usually makes her tea because she just isn't capable of doing it properly, for Merlin's sake!
20, Remus loves Tonks's giggles
21, Tonks, on the other hand, loves the way Remus's lips curve when he smiles
22, they fell for each other around Christmas of 1995
23, Tonks can be incredibly clingy, especially when she's sick
24, tho she'd never admit it, Tonks has learned to love Remus calling her "Nymphadora"
25, Remus gets genuinely terrified when Tonks's hair turns red
26, he makes a huge fuss about every yet so tiny bruise she's got
27, Tonks is a horrible dancer, Remus isn't... their wedding dance was hilarious
28, Tonks appreciates very much that Remus takes her seriously and sees her as an adult
29, Remus usually cooks because Tonks is prone to burning things
30, Tonks sometimes shares Remus's cup of tea - well, she takes it and he has to deal with it
31, they complete each other perfectly, that's why they match so well
32, Remus is the only one to calm Tonks down when she'd anxious, he offers her the safety she craves for - this is her first real war to fight and she needs someone by her side
33, Remus couldn't go on without her at some point anymore, she keeps him going
34, their boggarts changed into each other's corpses after they fell in love
35, Tonks loves her new patronus
36, Remus can be incredibly jealous
37, he's also pretty over-protective, Tonks acts like she's annoyed by it but she finds it kinda cute
38, they both had nightmares during the war, but had a hard time opening up to each other about it
39, glances across the room
40, he marvels at how well her small hand fits into his large whenever they hold hands to apparate
41, whenever Remus reads a book, Tonks lays her head in his lap and naps - Remus sometimes trails his hand through her hair when (he thinks) she's asleep
42, Tonks is one for cheek kisses
43, he proposed to her
44, when Remus returns home after full moons and they go to bed, he usually rests his head on her chest, needing to be near her
45, Tonks had a hard time convincing Remus that he was indeed worthy of love
46, during long over night missions, Remus sometimes kept guard so she could nap a little
47, Tonks wrote letters to Remus when he was with the pack, but he rarely responded - what he did indeed was keep them all safely stowed
48, Remus was heartbroken when he found out Tonks suffered from depression, but yet it only made him believe that she deserved better than him
49, they trust each other with their lives
50, they share their love for chocolate frogs
51, one day, Remus unconsciously rolled up his sleeves in her presence because he didn't really mind her seeing the small silvery scars on his arms
52, no matter how cold it is, he'll always lend her his cloak when she's freezing
53, he loves taking care of her when she's not feeling well
54, Remus once did a sketch of his wife when she was asleep
55, they both cried at their wedding
56, Remus actually never wanted to hurt her... he didn't really succeed tho
57, when looking for Tonks at Grimmauldplace, Remus usually isn't far
58, he sometimes watches her over the brink of his tea cup
59, he's one of the few people Tonks feels completely comfortable around with her natural body form
60, he always keeps his hand on the small of her back when he sees her to the door
61, she hugged him first - that was when she noticed him feeling anxious for the first time
62, he kissed her first - that was after a mission they almost died, somehow his heart took over
63, they reunited shortly before their deaths
64, Remus died a few minutes earlier, Tonks was killed while weeping over his corpse
65, the entire Order of the Phoenix knew about them long before they did - Sirius, Mad-Eye and Kingsley even did bets
66, Tonks managed to get Remus to open up and have a cry on her shoulder after Sirius's death, but after that he distanced himself from her completely
67, Remus saves her some of Molly's food when Tonks returns from work late
68, he always waits until she returns from late missions
69, they renovated Remus's old cottage and made it their home
70, he's one head taller than her
71, after they married her called Tonks "Mrs Lupin" at times, not to tease her but because he was hella proud that she was his wife
72, he had to stop himself from being clingy around Tonks after bad full moons because he thought himself to be a monster
73, he always held back her hair when she had to throw up during her pregnancy
74, they call each other "sweetheart", "darling" or "love" - but never things like "babe"
75, Tonks likes to listen to Remus telling her old stories about the first Order or his year as Hogwarts professor
76, Remus drinks whisky when he's upset or sad, Tonks usually goes for gin
77, they had a few arguments about Tonks's sleeping habits since she's a workaholic sometimes and "forgets" about going to bed
78, Tonks adores the wrinkles at the corners of Remus's eyes
79, she's always cracking jokes, Remus often chocked on his tea when she did
80, despite Remus's trust issues, he never had a hard time trusting Tonks
81, Mad-Eye Moody paired them on missions not so much by incident but rather because Remus was a good influence on Tonks
82, however, Mad-Eye was furious when Remus started to reject her
83, they both remembered the day the other told them that they loved them for the first time
84, Tonks never intended to fall for a bookish, calm ex-professor... but here she is
85, being away with the werewolves, Remus realized how much he actually loved Tonks - the amount of love his heart held for her scared him
86, he visited her late night on Christmas day 1996 tho she didn't want to celebrate at the Burrow - but he just couldn't stand the thought of her being alone at Christmas Eve
87, Molly yelled at Remus several times for breaking Tonks's heart
88, Mad-Eye actually had to comfort Tonks and hug her one time when she had reached the rock bottom of her depression
89, Mad-Eye too yelled at Remus for breaking Tonks's heart
90, they had some mild arguments about Tonks's taste in music
91, Tonks fell asleep in the parlor every now and then - whenever Remus was around, he tried his best to not wake her while covering her with a blanket
92, they're an absolute dream team on missions together
93, Kingsley was the one to find their corpses and bring them down to the Hall
94, they spent New Year's Eve 1995 on the rooftop of Grimmauldplace watching the firework, Remus conjured a pink one from his wand
95, Tonks sometimes got ink on her fingertips and Remus, whyever, thinks it's cute
96, they notice the tiniest details about each other, such as a fresh scar on the wrist or a bruise on the elbow
97, he takes over writing the reports after a mission because he knows she hates it
98, she's best a stunning spells, he's best at the patronus charm
99, they shared a bathroom at Grimmauldplace and things got very awkward
100, it's about touch with the two of them: a tight hug when he's anxious, a loving embrace when she returns from work, linking arms when they walk together at nighttime, a gentle kiss on the lips when he wants her to know he loves her, a tender peck on the cheek when she returns from work, a light kiss on the forehead when she falls asleep next to him, holding hands when they apparate, locking fingers when he actually wants to hold her hand, hands tracing and lingering when they walk past the other, the slightest touch of a fingertip on his hand when she wants to comfort him during an Order meeting...
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, March 1
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Humiliated Jennifer Lopez used for money and fame by Alex Rodriguez
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Page 1: Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank, who is a UK ambassador for George Clooney and Rande Gerber's tequila brand, welcomed a son on February 9 at London's Portland Hospital
Page 2: Contents, Robin Thicke in front of a piano at Gold Diggers studio in L.A.
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Page 3: Star Shots -- Serena Williams honored late Olympic gold medalist Florence Griffith Joyner by rocking a one-legged Nike catsuit at the first day of the Australian open, Chrissy Metz brought some vibrancy to the virtual SCAD aTVFest where she discussed This Is Us and was honored with the Vanguard Award, Olivia Culpo checked out the view before heading to the Shaq Bowl in Tampa
Page 4: Inside Britney Spears' nightmare -- a shocking new documentary exposes how Britney was used and abused by people she trusted -- Britney's unable to communicate with fans directly without permission -- fans flooded Justin Timberlake's Instagram to demand an apology for what one called profiting from trashing a woman
Page 5: Facing a lawsuit from her estranged older sister has rattled Mariah Carey -- Alison Carey alleged to a NYC court that Mariah had intentionally inflicted emotional distress by writing about her in the 2020 tell-all The Meaning of Mariah Carey and Alison is seeking $1.25 million after the singer accused her of, among other things, throwing boiling hot tea on her and trying to sell a 12-year-old Mariah to a pimp -- now Mariah has become wary of even those in her inner circle and is making longtime employees re-interview for their jobs -- Mariah's always been on the paranoid side but everyone is a suspect now and she's grilling everyone from bodyguards to chefs to stylists and household staff who have been with her for years and if anyone pushes back they are shown the door -- her great fear is that people could cross over and spill secrets to the enemy because she's been caught off guard before by those she trusted
* Catching ZZZs has become a real problem for Kelly Clarkson -- between her gig as a daytime host, trying to sell homes in Nashville and Encino, and battling her ex Brandon Blackstock over custody of their two kids, she is beyond stressed and she can't sleep and nothing works; the most shut-eye she gets is two to three hours -- it's gotten so bad she's even tried hypnotherapy but her workaholic brain outwits it -- meanwhile her legal woes including a lawsuit with her husband and ex father-in-law's talent agency are getting nastier and Brandon has told her in no uncertain terms that he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants which is a ton of money and time with the kids
* She was the most loathed mother in America and now Casey Anthony wants her say -- 10 years after she was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee, Casey is making a documentary about the trial and she thinks she can clear her name -- she's not looking for sympathy but she believes she's a victim too and was unfairly convicted in the public eye -- she is planning on dropping bombshells in the doc including her take on the theory that the toddler accidentally drowned in the family pool as well as shocking secrets about her own abusive upbringing but don't expect much remorse
Page 6: Just over a year after her father Kobe Bryant and sister Gianna Bryant perished in a tragic helicopter crash, Natalia Bryant who is Kobe's oldest daughter, has signed a modeling contract with IMG Models who also represent Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid and the just signed Inauguration standout poet Amanda Gorman
* Rumer Willis was heartbroken when her months-long relationship with Armie Hammer fizzled out in December but after harrowing reports of Armie's alleged abuse of women including asking to barbecue their ribs and carry their severed toes in his pocket, Rumer is telling friends she feels lucky -- she wanted to defend him when the cannibalism stories first came out because she thought they were outrageous and now she feels badly for all of the victims and she's really grateful she didn't get caught up in the Armie nightmare
* Star Spots the Stars -- Eva Longoria, Mandy Moore, Demi Lovato, Dan Levy, Dorinda Medley
Page 8: Star Shots -- Meg Ryan wore some wide-legged trousers and a cute cap on a nature walk in Santa Barbara, Gavin Rossdale wore pink socks while playing tennis in L.A., Ciara holding six-month-old son Win during a family getaway to Hawaii
Page 9: Delilah Belle Hamlin and Love Island's Eyal Booker removed their masks for a quick street smooch during a coffee date in L.A., Sofia Richie enjoyed some PDA with shipping heir Gil Ofer in Miami
Page 12: Kate Upton doing yoga, Tia Mowry-Hardrict and her husband Cory Hardrict shared dishwashing duty after cooking at home, Robin Roberts tasted a treat on Good Morning America in New York City
Page 13: Pregnant Brittany Cartwright brought her dog along to retrieve the mail in L.A., Victoria Justice showed off her toned tummy post-workout in L.A.
Page 14: Goldie Hawn turned quality time with granddaughter Rani into a workout toting her in a backpack, Madonna and Guy Ritchie's son Rocco Ritchie waded in during a vacation in Tulum in Mexico, Lucy Hale on a stroll with her dog Elvis in L.A.
Page 16: Chris Noth put in a day's work on The Equalizer in Paterson in New Jersey, Flavor Flav and Flo Rida at The Super Glow Super Bowl kick-off party in Tampa, Bradley Cooper kept daughter Lea close as the two ran errands in NYC
Page 17: More than a week after celebrating 18 months of sobriety Lily Allen enjoyed a snack on-the-go in London, Jessica Alba lifted her son Hayes while riding scooters with husband Cash Warren in Beverly Hills
Page 18: Normal or Not? Cody Simpson got physical with new girlfriend Marloes Stevens during a romantic getaway in St. Barts -- normal, Selling Sunset's Christine Quinn picking up a portrait of herself in L.A. -- normal, Jack Black raised Thor's hammer in a parody posted on Instagram prompting Chris Hemsworth to call it the greatest thing he's ever seen -- not normal
Page 19: The Crown's Emma Corrin looked intrigued by a leafy object she stumbled upon during a stroll in London -- not normal, Sarah Jessica Parker kicked back in heels during a break from assisting shoppers at her flagship store in NYC -- not normal
Page 20: Fashion -- stars look sweet in tiered dresses -- Maude Apatow, Logan Browning, Margot Robbie
Page 21: Julianne Moore, Camila Morrone, Saoirse Ronan
Page 24: After months of quietly dating, Aaron Rodgers and Shailene Woodley are ready to marry and they announced it in the most low-key way possible and the couple are madly in love and feel unequivocally that this is the real deal -- Aaron and Shailene were friends long before sparks flew in August last year and having to endure a long-distance romance during football season actually made their bond stronger -- Aaron and Shailene are already planning to start a family and they're at that stage when they feel ready to be parents and are keen to have a baby
Page 25: Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles have found another dynamic duo to spend their downtime with which is Florence Pugh and Zach Braff -- the foursome hit it off on the set of Don't Worry, Darling which Olivia is directing and in which Florence and Harry star -- they have the best time together and know how to forget the world outside -- as it turns out bearing witness to Florence and Zach's happy relationship despite their 20-year age difference played a part in Olivia taking a chance on dating Harry who is nine years her junior following her split from Jason Sudeikis and seeing them together inspired Olivia to go for it with Harry and she's so glad she did
* While some couples are overwhelmed being with their kids 24/7 in lockdown, Prince William and Duchess Kate have enjoyed the extended family time with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis -- having the kids at home during the pandemic has given Kate baby fever and she loves being around them and wants to have one more and she and William are trying for another, with Kate saying she's hoping for a girl -- as for raising four young kids, the pair are up to the challenge because Kate's a pro at multitasking and William is a devoted dad and they'll split parenting duties
* Matt Damon is hoping a change of scenery will save his rocky 17-year relationship with wife Luciana Barroso as the couple and their three girls have set up house in a lavish $7000-a-night rental in Australia's tony Byron Bay while the actor films Thor: Love and Thunder -- the beachy new surroundings are just what the couple needs after hitting a rough patch and Matt is working overtime to make sure Luciana enjoys herself Down Under by arranging date nights and buying gifts for her to open every day and even when he's working he's got time set aside for just them and the gestures seem to be working and it's the shot in the arm they both needed
Page 26: Cover Story -- Jennifer Lopez humiliated and used -- shocking cheating allegations rock J.Lo's world as fiance Alex Rodriguez's mistress Madison LeCroy tells all -- while Jennifer is putting on a brave face the affair rumors are devastating to her whether she admits it or not -- after revealing she and Alex exchanged DMs Madison said she doesn't want anything bad for his family or for hers -- Alex says it was innocent and that nothing happened but Jennifer is not fully buying it -- Jennifer and Alex's relationship is personal but it's also business; together, their fortunes have doubled
Page 30: Chip and Joanna Gaines -- inside our farmhouse reno -- Chip and Jo are expanding and renovating their Waco home and it may be their toughest job yet
Page 32: Celeb Parenting Fails -- these celebrity moms and dads share their hilarious hapless moments -- Anne Hathaway, Brad Pitt
Page 33: Willie Geist, Mila Kunis, Pink
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Despite it being her first concert in over a year, Miley Cyrus was ready to rock while headlining the TikTok Tailgate Super Bowl pre-show event in Tampa -- the show treated 7500 Florida-based healthcare workers to a set that included guest appearances by Joan Jett and Billy Idol, who both collaborated on Miley's latest album
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Do you have any celeb au recs? Thanks xx
We found a few and there are several from previous recs: as exy stars: ‘Picking Up Stitches’ here, ‘Fake It ’Til You Make It’ here, ‘Take My Hand’ here, ‘The Kandreil Continuation - Part 2: The Dream Team Reunited’ here, ‘Opening Up About Life’ here, ‘In Which Neil Josten is a PR Nightmare’ here, and ‘Taking the Bait’ here.
As models, artists or photographers: ‘cheri’ here, ‘The Morning AUs Chapter 13: A Flashflood of Colour’ here and ‘Chapter 2: The Scars’ here, ‘Disillusion’s All You Left For Me’ here, and ‘freeze frame’ here. As actors/personalities: this andreil as social media personalities ask, ‘Surreal But Nice’ here, and ‘late nights’ here. - A
A Life in the Spotlight by gluupor [Rated T, 3338 Words, Complete, 2019]
Kevin Day thinks he's a famous Exy player who lives in a small town with his two best friends. He doesn't know that even though he is famous, it's not for the reason he thinks.
He has no idea that his entire life is broadcast to the entire world 24/7. He has no idea that he's the star of a reality show that's been on the air for his entire life.
He's about to find out.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: anxiety attack
A Cabin in the Woods (But Not Like That) by kitausu [Rated M, 1698 Words, Incomplete, Updated April 2020]
Neil just wants to get away. Away from the cameras, from the attention, from the fact that his father's face is on the cover of every newspaper, magazine, and website as far as Neil can see.
Andrew has a deadline coming up for the next installment in his mystery novel series, and everything and everyone he knows is a distraction.
They're supposed to spend a month in a cabin together, splitting the cost without actually interacting. Things never do go to plan.
Oops (Didn't Mean It) by ihaveacleverfandomurl [Rated T, 1757 Words, Complete, 2020]
“Kev, you good?” Jeremy Knox murmured from his other side, bumping Kevin’s arm with an elbow.
Kevin could only turn to him and quietly croak in bisexual panic, “Look at him.”
Because Neil Josten, from Exy Unlimited Magazine, was a sight to behold — redheaded, blue eyed, and smattered with freckles, with a tilt to his head that would have betrayed the fire in him, even if the question itself hadn’t been such a bold-faced challenge.
In which Kevin is a dumbass professional Exy player and Neil is a spitfire sports reporter who has to deal with his bullshit.
The Manga is Way Better (Save me from the Fangirls) by darkbluebox [Rated T, 2644 Words, Complete, 2020]
The doors to the animated court bang open and the lights flicker. The background music crescendos, building up to some dramatic reveal. A kid with red hair, blue eyes and a scarred face steps into frame. “I’m Niall Jamestown,” say the subtitles as the character slings a racquet across his shoulders. “And I’m going to beat you all!” Then the screen goes black.
Neil is genuinely speechless.
“You’re an anime character, Neil!” Matt beams. “How cool is that?”
Neil looks back to his cartoon doppelganger. “What the fuck is anime?”
tw: implied/referenced emotional abuse
Of Sugar and Spice and Sharp Knives by Frostdream (Vivacious) [Rated T, 4212 Words, Incomplete, Updated 2017]
“So,” Neil asks casually, “how many times has that plate come back by now? Because this is starting to feel like a merry-go-round.”
Neil Josten is a celebrity cook, who goes around saving restaurants. His challenge of the week is to keep the Foxhole Court from going under.
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