#because oh how fun a car game i will go fast
wis-art · 1 year
it's hard to drive a perfect racing line when you're in an RWD 425 BHP car and it is raining, sometimes it's better to take it easy because a crash will costs you seconds and pushing your brake a little so you take the corner slower will only loose you fractions of a second
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
I'm moving out of the city and I'm going to have to learn to drive. Any advice for someone (reluctantly) looking into cars for the first time?
Sorry for the late response, but I really wanted to answer this because I think I have some relevant advice.
I started driving the very day I was allowed to get my learner's permit. I took it very seriously. My dad was a mechanic, my brother literally built a car when he was 16. They were car guys and I was the goofy comedian they didn't really understand. So I wanted to be a really good driver to impress them.
I practiced every chance I got. I took driver's ed in school and got a 100% in the class. And I got a perfect score on my written driver's test and only got dinged for 1 thing on the main exam (it was bullshit, but apparently there is no way to protest a near perfect score).
But then I got sick and it didn't make sense to pay for car insurance and maintain a vehicle. So I didn't drive for roughly 15 years.
Then both my parents got sick and they became dangerous drivers and so I had to figure out how to drive again. And at first I was nervous, but after about a week of driving, I was nearly as good of a driver as when I was younger.
The reason?
Muscle memory.
Muscle memory will save your life over just about anything. The less you have to concentrate on the physical actions and habits required to drive, the more you can concentrate on situational awareness. If you don't have to think about turning the wheel, or braking, or even activating the turn signals, you can use all of that brain power to pay attention to all of the dumb fucks they let drive cars.
So my biggest piece of advice would be to break down all of the physical actions required to operate a vehicle. Even the tiny stuff like switching the station on the radio or turning down the fan on the A/C. Then find a way to practice these things over and over and over until you have that muscle memory embedded into your brain. My muscle memory was so deeply ingrained that it lasted through 15 years of not driving and a batch of mind-wiping electroshock treatments.
Find a safe place to practice and just repeat things until they feel like second nature. Especially checking your blind spots. If you can get checking blind spots to the point where you do it without even thinking about it, you will increase your safety substantially.
Other tips...
Small cheap cars are best first cars. Big cars can make you feel disconnected from the road. Almost like you are piloting the vehicle in a video game. I started on my grandma's 1987 Chevy Cavalier. It was tiny. It had no power. It was free. But I could feel everything I was doing. I could feel the turns. I could feel the road. I could feel braking and acceleration. And it really helped me understand the relationship between driver and vehicle. It was like a big go-kart but I think having that as my first car really helped me develop my driving skills.
And my last tip is to learn gradient braking and acceleration. It's mostly for the comfort of your passengers. It gives them a smoother experience but it also makes them feel safer driving with you. Basically you want to figure out how to apply pressure to the pedals in such a way that almost no G-force is felt. So you start with very light pressure and gradually transition into the max pressure you need. And you need to do it quick enough to stop and accelerate at the proper rate. If you don't transition fast enough you might not stop in time or be able to merge onto the highway. And if you transition too fast people will be lurching back and forth in their seat. But, again, practice makes perfect.
My brother is horrible at this, though mostly on purpose. He likes driving like everything is a race. And with his muscle cars, that can be fun at times. But when you are just going to the store it can make one a little nauseous. I find myself just grabbing the "oh shit" handles and never letting go.
But if you can smooth out your acceleration and braking to the point it is barely felt, all of your passengers will thank you for it.
Hopefully that helps. And maybe other folks can reply with additional advice. And if you have any more specific concerns feel free to ask. I wasn't sure if you were more worried about driving or picking out a car, so hopefully we can collectively cover both.
I wish you luck and hope you learn to love driving. It is pretty cool once you get the hang of it.
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annashockeystories · 19 days
Hey can you do a Andrei Svechnikov or Sebastian Aho smut fic please?
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Friends with Benefits.....Maybe
Pairing: Andrei Svechnikov x reader
Warnings: Smut and age gap (Reader is 19, Andrei is 24), friends with benefits to lovers, and badly translated Russian
Summary: After a big home win, Andrei needs to celebrate with his favourite social media admin
From the moment you got the internship as the social media admin for the Carolina Hurricanes, you loved it. The guys and their families were so sweet, and you had become fast friends with Seth Jarvis. However, you had almost instantly created a connection with Andrei Svechnikov. While you weren't technically allowed to have any relationship with the players, that hadn't stopped the situationship that had come to be with Andrei Svechnikov. You both knew there was a risk, that's part of what made it fun.
That's why, while you watched Andrei get off the bench for his shoot out attempt, an attempt that would win the game, your heart sped up. "Come on, Drei," you mumbled to yourself.
"Andrei Svechnikov has scored the game-winning goal for Carolina," the announcer bellowed, and you jumped up celebrating. The whole team celebrated and began to walk down the tunnel. You and the rest of the staff wandered up to celebrate with the team. Normally, members of the team hug the staff out of both an adrenaline rush and how close we all were. Today was no different, Seth Jarvis and Jack Drury hugged you tight, but when Andrei walked by, he gave you the tightest hug you'd ever felt. While in the hug, his thick accent quietly whispered, "Meet me at my car." You felt your heartbeat practically come out of your chest while you greeted the rest of the team.
After what felt like another hour of greeting the team and closing out for the night, you began to walk to the parking lot. Andrei was already in his Lamborghini when you saw him, beginning to rush towards him so as not to be seen.
When you reach the car, you get in quickly. The tinted windows are rolled up, so you don't have to worry about being seen once you are in. He reached over and kissed you. Because english wasn't his first language he had never been a man of many words, but physical touch had always been the way he expressed himself to you. You loved the kisses and touching, as did he.
"You come to my home tonight," he mumbled.
"Drei, I need all my stuff. If I go back to work tomorrow in the same outfit, they'll know. Toothbrush, I don't have a toothbrush." Andrei listened quietly to your anxious rant. When you finally finished, he handed you his phone open to a picture, a drawer in his closet with two of your skirts, underwear, pants, socks, and a bra. He signalled to scroll, and when you did, you saw his bathroom counter covered in your products. He had gone out and bought all your products, you couldn't believe it. Before you could say anything, he spoke up.
"I like when you stay," his voice was deep but very quiet, as if he was shy.
"Oh, drei, thank you," you mumbled while kissing his neck. He was still driving, so he didn't return the kisses but happily groaned about yours.
After all that commotion, you were actually already at his home. Pulling into the garage and getting out, you both walked quietly into the house. The moment that the door closed and you were in the house, he grabbed you and began kissing you hard.
"Game winner Andrei Svechnikov deserves a reward, " you say as you get down on your knees and unbutton his dress pants.
"thank you красивая девушка (beautiful girl)," he groaned as you took him in your mouth, gently sucking his tip. He was never one to be quiet in bed; whether it was Russian swears or pure moans and groans, the man let you know how good you made him feel. "no no любовь (love) not in mouth, in you," he groaned as he pulled you off him flipping you onto the bed.
He lined himself up with you and thrust; as you cried out, his hand softly touched your face, pushing your hair back. "моя прекрасная девочка (my beautiful girl), you do so good," he groans thrusting harder. You can barely register what he is saying as he's so deep you can't think when suddenly you feel the familiar knot in your lower stomach.
"Drei, I....I'm...g.g.gonna...," you stutter out
"I know красивая девушка (beautiful girl), I know," he moans out, somehow going deeper.
"Drei," you scream out, feeling the dam break. At the same time, you felt Andrei's release. Your vision went blurry, and everything went quiet.
After only a few seconds you came back to with Andrei stroking your face and whispering in Russian. You had no idea what he was saying for the most part, but there was one familiar term, "Я люблю тебя, моя дорогая (I love you my darling)."
"I love you too, Drei," I whispered, falling asleep.
"No, no, get ready, remember," he groaned, pulling you up towards his bathroom. He began brushing your teeth, and you laughed as toothpaste smeared over your face.
After two minutes, you spit out the toothpaste and hop in the shower. Andrei joins and washes your hair while you wash his. No words are exchanged, but it feels different. You knew you'd been in love with him for a while but didn't think he wanted more.
"Drei," you casually said as you exited the shower, beginning your skin care.
"yes," he said, watching you with a towel around his waist
"Did you mean it when you said you loved you?" You couldn't bring yourself to look at him while you said it until you felt his hand on your chin, pulling you up to look at him.
"I mean all, I love you," He mumbled while kissing your jaw. You were done skincare now, so you turned and kissed him back. Both of you dropped your towels and walked back to the bed.
You knew you had a lot to figure out, but for him, it was worth it.
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sinnersweets · 3 months
hmm idk where the request page is but can a request a short cute little oneshot of dogday and angel cuddling after a long day with Damian?
God this shouldn't have taken me this long I'm sorry! I hope this is good for you all!! T~T
It was 8’o clock in the morning when my alarm went off. I sluggishly turned it off and got up to go use the bathroom. As I got up from the bed I noticed that DogDay wasn’t in bed. I looked over to the bathroom to see if he was in there, but the light was off. Odd. I then walked out of our room to go check on Damian. I knocked on his door but didn’t get an answer. I knocked again and still no answer. I was getting worried now. “Damian, you awake kiddo?” I said while opening his door. No sight of Damian anywhere in his room; however, his bed was made.  
I went down the stairs to see if maybe they both were in the kitchen. As I walked over to the kitchen something in my body told me to look out the window. When I looked out the window I sighed in relief and smiled. There standing outside was Damian and DogDay ready for today. They were both smiling really big and DogDay was wagging his tail. I opened the front door and leaned against the door frame. “I’m guessing you guys are ready for the park today?” “Yes!” “Yes!”  
As we approached the park DogDay and Damian were practically jumping out of their seats. Right as I pulled into a spot and put the car in park, they both unbuckled their seatbelts and bolted out of the car. “Okay....guess I’m unloading by myself then...” 
I found a nice, shaded area under a tree and decided to set the picnic blanket down in this spot. As I flattened out the blanket I looked over and saw that DogDay and Damian were already playing soccer together. It melted my heart seeing this.  
They played together for a good thirty minutes before coming back over to where I was. “Have a good game you too?” “Whew. I think our little kiddo has been holding back Angel. I’ve never seen him play like that before.” “That’s because Playtime was small for playing soccer.” Damian laughed and sat down on the blanket. While grabbing a sandwich and taking a bite out of it Damian said, “Hey mom, after lunch can you show me how to fly a kite?” “Don’t talk with your mouth full kiddo, but yes I can.” I looked over to DogDay and saw that he was laying down with his eyes closed. “Would you like to join us dear?” With his eyes still closed DogDay smiled and said, “No thank you Angel, I think I’ll take a little nap.”  
“That’s it kiddo! You’re doing it!” Damian had never flown a kite before, yet he picked up on it fast! I took out my phone and started taking pictures of Damian. “Too bad Dad is taking a nap.” Damian said while pulling the sting on the kite to keep it steady. “Yeah, too bad.” I said and looked behind me but when I looked over to where DogDay was he wasn’t there. I turned and looked back to Damain but was met with DogDays face close to mine. “Boo!” “AH!” I jumped back a little bit. DogDay laughed while Damian rolled his eyes. “Dad, you know mom gets scared easily.” “I know kiddo, but your mother looks cute when she’s scared.” I took a deep breath before saying, “Uh-huh. I don’t think I look cute in the Halloween pictures.” I shiver at the thought of Halloween, what a terrifying day that was. 
DogDay closed his eyes and sniffed up into the air before saying, “We should leave soon the air smells grouchy.” “Grouchy?” Damian asked while pulling down the kite. “Means it’s going to storm.” “Oh.” Me and Damian both said. “Boo, so much for a fun day at the park.” Damian kicked at the ground. “Hold on there kiddo, who said we couldn’t have fun in the rain?” Suddenly Damians eyes lit up. “You mean we can play in the rain?!!” I nodded my head yes and Damian jumped up into the air all happy like. “Woohoo! Yay!” Damian then ran towards the car. Me and DogDay just looked at each other and smiled before heading over to our picnic spot to pick up everything.  
Once we got home is when the rain started to come down. We all hurried inside and changed into our raincoats and boots. Damian was the first one to head back outside, followed by myself and then DogDay. There were already so many puddles forming around our driveway. Damian splashed in them, and I would also splash in them but only with one foot; didn’t want to make a big splash on him. 
I wish that could’ve been said for my husband. He jumped in all the puddles he could find and managed to get Damian and I soaked; despite wearing raincoats. “Oops, sorry...” 
The fire place was going and mine and Damians clothes laid near the fire to dry them off. “But I don’t want to take the icky medicine.” “People who get their feet wet must learn to take their medicine.” I said while holding a spoon full of medicine for him. “But medicine is ickyyyy.” “Hey, what happened to my strong and tough boy huh?” “I’m still your strong and tough boy dad, but medicine is sooo grossss.” DogDay croutched down in front of Damian and said, “Me and your mom are gonna take the medicine too, and you know I’m not a fan of medicine either.”  
Damian looked like he was in deep thought before he opened his mouth for the medicine. I put the spoon in his mouth, and he closed his mouth and swallowed down the medicine. “Taste like strawberry!” I then grabbed another spoon for DogDay and handed it to him to take. DogDay looked at it for a while before taking the spoon and putting it in his mouth. “Mhm, not bad. Where did you find this kind of flavor medicine Angel?” I poured myself a spoonful while saying, “Just at the drug store. I just looked through a lot of bottles trying to find a good flavor one.” I took the spoon and put it in my mouth. 
After we all took the medicine, we all relaxed in the living room watching a movie. Damian was asleep laying on the floor with a pillow and a blanket while me and DogDay were on the couch snuggled up next to each other with a blanket. I rested my head on DogDays shoulder, and he rested his head on mine. “This was a fun day.” “Mhm, I want to keep having days like these with you and Damian Angel.” “Me too.”  
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traveler-at-heart · 11 months
What we were
Summary: After losing Clint, your marriage and family begins to fall apart. Will Natasha be able to go back to what you once were?
A/N: This is going to be four chapters, but most of it is written. It’s a mix of angst, hurt and comfort. Obvious warning, there’s a major character death. Natasha and R have a daughter.
Time was unforgiving.
It had been six months since you lost Clint. Two since you asked Natasha to move out.
Four hours of sleep was the most you could get each night. 
Time heals everything, people say.
Then, how come, the more time passed, the worse you felt?
Thoughts like these invade your mind, even when doing the most mundane of tasks. Like now, when you’re waiting for your daughter’s school day to be over. Leaning over your black Mercedes, you wish that your injured leg could be less of a bother and instead of driving, you could walk to pick up Anya and get distracted by the sights of the city.
The school bell rings and the quiet classrooms are full of murmurs, books stored away and steps walking -some rushing eagerly- to the exit.
Impossible to miss, Anya’s red waves are the first thing you spot. Raising a hand, she says goodbye to her friends and walks your way. 
“Hi, darling” you sigh against her head. 
She’s getting taller and maybe next year she won’t let you hug her. Maybe she’ll even want to take the bus while you anxiously wait for her return home. But now, she’s still a sweet child and she still lets you run your hands through her hair. 
“How was Debate Club?” it’s the first thing you ask, because she’d been preparing relentlessly to beat the other team. 
“We won, obviously”
“We should celebrate” a voice joins the conversation. You’re so startled that you drop the car keys.
“Mom!” Anya says, wrapping her arms around Natasha.
It makes you happy that she’s not resentful even after everything that happened. That she can love so unconditionally.
She didn’t get that from you.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt” Natasha apologizes, finally looking at you. There’s a weak smile on your face, what else can you do? “I was thinking we could go shopping for that new game you wanted?”
“Can we please, Momma?” Anya turns to you.
“Sure. Have fun. But don’t spoil your appetite. We’re having lasagna” 
“Mom, our favorite” Anya nudges the Russian and you look away.
“I’ll have her home by 6” Natasha saves you the embarrassment of being forced to invite her.
“Have fun” you wave goodbye, heart beating fast.
Breaking the speed limit, you rush home. But the tears start running long before you’re parked.
You look at your sad reflection in the rearview mirror.
Natasha looks better than the last time you saw each other.
Maybe all she needed was to be away from you, to be happy again.
Two glasses of wine later, you’re curled up on the sofa watching your favorite comfort show and feeling better. 
“What’s up, Buck?” you answer at the second ring of your phone. 
“Are you ok?”
You look at the half empty glass of wine and decide that no, you’re most definitely not ok.
“Sure, why you ask?”
“I just saw her driving with Anya” 
“Mhm” you look at the clock. 5:55 PM. She’s trying to be a responsible parent, at least. “Yeah, she showed up at school today. It’s good that they spent time together”
“Want me to come over?”
“No, I don’t want you two fighting in my front yard. Thanks, though”
“I’ll stop by tomorrow, ok? And if you feel like it, we can go to that Broadway show on Saturday. I got us tickets”
“Thanks, Buck” 
“Ok, she’s parking outside now”
“You followed them all the way here?” you jump out of the couch, looking out the window.
“What? I was worried!” 
“Sometimes I think it’s not so great that you live a few blocks away, you weirdo”
“But then I bring coffee and scones and you change your mind” 
“See ya, doll”
“Bye, creep”
“Oh, come on!”
You let out a laugh at his protest. Wanda and Yelena have been texting you, so you scroll, smiling at the silly pictures of Fanny or the videos of Tommy and Billy doing their crazy science experiments. 
“Hi, Ma” Anya rushes past you. “Gonna change for dinner”
“Mmkay” you nod, texting Bucky to make sure he’s actually back home, and not slashing Natasha’s tires. 
“Nat, jeez” you drop the phone, not even aware that she is still here. She looks at you across the kitchen island. 
Don’t think how sad it is that she looks out of place here, where it used to be home.
Don’t cry in front of her.
“Sorry, I’ll say goodbye and leave” 
“Anya, your mom’s leaving” you busy yourself in the kitchen, looking away.
“So soon?” the girl peeks around, pouting. “We haven’t even played the game yet”
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” you give up, unable to say no to your daughter. 
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m always making extra anyways”
Because you were used to cooking dinner for three. 
Anya is happy to set the table, but you sit next to your daughter, leaving Natasha in front of her. You try to stay focused on Anya and school: the debate club, sports activities, a month in Europe for the best students. 
“Mom, do you think I can reach out to aunt Carol? I have some Astronomy questions”
Natasha immediately looks at you, but you’re hyper focused on the bottle of wine and pouring the last of it until your glass is filled to the rim.
“Uh, she’s not... I’m not sure where Danvers is, sweetheart. She left Earth a while back” 
“Oh, ok” the girl nods, looking at you with a frown. “Mom, what’s wrong? Is your leg hurting? What did Doctor Cho say?”
“What’s wrong, det…?” Natasha asks, looking at you. The pet name almost rolled off her tongue.
Everything. Everything is wrong, Natasha. 
“That old injury from our outlaw days. Doctor Cho gave me some pain killers. But I don’t think I’ll take them, they make me too sleepy”
“We’ll do the dishes” Natasha jumps in. “Don’t worry about it” 
The dishes are the least of your worries, but it’s still a nice gesture.
Maybe when she’s finally ready to ask you to divorce her, you’ll be able to coparent. 
“Here, let me” she asks as you approach with the empty glass of wine. “Did Doctor Cho say anything else?”
You sigh, leaning against the counter, watching as she washes the dishes.
“She said surgery might make the pain go away. Actually, there’s a 90% chance it will work. But Anya’s got school and I’d have to do bed rest for at least five weeks. Maybe during winter break” 
“I can take care of her. Drive her to school or cook dinner or…”
“You’re a terrible cook” you remind her. It’s meant to be a joke, but also a way to make her stop.
You don’t want to be a burden for someone who doesn’t want you anymore.
“Wanda could teach me” 
“She’s too busy making sure the twins aren’t building a nuclear weapon in the garage” 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asks, almost afraid of your answer.
“Can you take her to school tomorrow?” you finally say, without providing further details.
The truth is, you’ll probably cry until you fall asleep, because you miss Natasha and this is the first time you’ve seen her in two months. 
And it would be better if you could sleep in, make an appointment with your therapist and then find a way to look composed by the time you have to pick your daughter from school. 
“Thank you” 
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N” 
The way she says your name makes you want to scream. 
Natasha’s long gone, Anya sleeping peacefully back in her room.
You’re looking at the ceiling, tears rolling down your face and soaking your pillow.
You miss her so damn much. You love her so much.
And you also hate her. And you hate yourself for loving her.
There’s a soft knock at your door. You know it’s not Anya because she would have turned on the hallway light.
“Hey, weirdo” you look at Bucky from across the room, smiling sadly. He approaches you and wraps you in his arms. You sob against his chest, feeling like the sadness will last forever.
“I’m sorry”
“It’s ok. Let it all out. I’m here”
You don’t know when you fall asleep.
A lot has changed in such a short time, but by now, Anya is used to the sight of her uncle Bucky, rotating between the few breakfast foods he can make without burning everything.
“You read my mind” Anya watches as he makes blueberry pancakes.
“Has no one ever told you it’s rude to sneak up on people?” he mumbles, impressed at how silent she was.
“No, because my moms are spies and so is my uncle and my other aunt and basically half my family”
“Smart ass,” he chuckles. “Come on, eat your food before it gets cold”
“Did mom eat anything yet?” Anya sits on a stool, eating on the kitchen counter.
“Your mom’s asleep” Bucky says. In fact, you cried, had a panic attack, a couple of nightmares, woke up to drink some water and then fell asleep at 4 AM. 
Basically, the usual for the past two months.
He’s so caught in his thoughts that he forgets to flip the last pancake. A knock on the front door snaps him back to reality.
“Can you turn off the stove? And pack your bag, we’re leaving in five…” Bucky yells over, opening the door without looking through the peephole first. He’s surprised to find Natasha on the other side “Can I help you?”
“I’m here to pick up my daughter” 
“Does Y/N know?” He's holding on to the door so hard that the wood cracks.
“She asked me to drive Anya to school”
“Ok, I’m ready” Anya announces, aware that her mother and uncle aren’t on the best terms. She walks between them to make sure they won’t punch each other. “Bye, uncle, thanks for breakfast” 
“Have a good day, sweetheart. See you Saturday”
“Right, for that musical, Beaglejuice”
“Shut up” he chuckles, kissing her forehead. Anya leans forward and hugs him goodbye.
Natasha is silent for most of the ride. Anya is looking out the window, uncertain of her mother’s mood. Maybe not saying anything is safer.
Three blocks away from school and Natasha hears herself blurting out what’s been on her mind this whole time.
“Does Barnes stay over a lot?”
“I guess” Anya mutters, still looking out the window.
“Well, do you know…”
The girl has enough, turning around to face her mother. There’s nothing but resentment in her eyes as she tells Natasha everything.
“Mom cries herself to sleep every night. Ever since you moved out, it's been hard for her to get up in the morning and act normal, let alone cook breakfast. So yeah, uncle Bucky is around all the time, just to make sure she’s at the very least alive. You’d know if you still cared about us” 
“I’ll walk the rest of the way, thanks for the ride” she mumbles, opening the door and rushing away. Natasha is stuck in traffic, so all she can do is watch her daughter from the car.
Just when she was starting to make things right, she fucks up again.
“Thanks for breakfast” you say, mouth full of pancakes.
“More like lunch” Bucky corrects.
You nod, reaching for the maple syrup. 
“So, why’d you ask Natasha to drive Anya to school?” 
“Is that why my door is almost broken in half?” 
“I’ll fix it”
“You better” you mumble. He is still staring and you shrug your shoulders. “Just experimenting how co-parenting is gonna be when we officially divorce”
“So, you are asking her to divorce you?” 
“She’s gonna ask me. Sooner or later” you keep your head down, playing with your food. You’re not hungry anymore.
“All things considered, the ball is in your court”
“Buck” you plead, dropping the fork.
“I’m just saying” he approaches your side. “You’ll only be able to heal once you know what you both want. But running away won’t help”
“You sound like my therapist”
“But does she cook you breakfast?”
“For what she’s charging me, she should, actually” both of you laugh. And damn it, you know he’s right. “Thank you, for worrying about me. And for taking care of us these past few months. I’m sorry I’m such a mess”
As if on cue, tears start streaming down your face. Bucky hugs you, kissing your head.
“It’s ok”
“I know you hate it when people cry, I’m sorry” 
“Yeah, but I hate it a little bit more when you’re the one crying”
Luckily for your therapist, you’re all cried out by the time you reach her office. Instead, you discuss how it would be better to approach Natasha, who has always struggled with communication around difficult topics.
“I’m very happy with this session. We’ve made great progress” Doctor Thompson says and you put your fist forward.
“Fist bump” you encourage her.
“I’ll get my license taken away if we ever do this again” 
For the first time in months, you leave her office feeling a little bit lighter. 
Until you check your phone. 10 missed calls from Natasha.
“Nat?” you answer as she calls again.
“Is Anya with you?”
“I was about to pick her up from school” there’s a pause. “You did drive her to school, right?”
“Of course, I’m not an idiot” she shoots back.
“Well, I’m very confused because she’s only about to end her last class. Why would she be anywhere else, then?” you retort.
“Just meet me back home, ok?” she pleads.
She’s pacing on the sidewalk as you park.
“Care to explain?”
“The school called me an hour ago. She sneaked out after recess” 
“Let’s just track her phone” 
“It’s off”
“Well, fuck” you run your hand through your hair. “Did she say anything to you this morning? Did she seem upset?”
Natasha looks away, chewing on her bottom lip.
“I asked her if Barnes was staying over often”
“Natasha, for fuck’s sake” you sigh, turning away from her. 
Don’t shout. You won’t solve anything by screaming at Natasha.
Your daughter is missing because your wife can’t keep her jealousy to herself. So fuck it.
“If you want to know anything, you ask me, Natasha, do you understand? You don’t go questioning our 13 year old daughter, who, by the way, has been through enough shit lately. I’m trying to protect her and you’re here implying I’m sleeping with the only friend who isn’t tired of me being a mess. Which, for the record, I’m not. And would never. Unlike you, I’m not going around fucking people outside my marriage because I’m having a hard time”
“I don’t know how to get close to you, Y/N. You pushed me out ever since…”
“No! You don’t get to put this on me. I tried for months. I tried everything. And you scoffed and ignored and stood me up. I gave up the moment I found you in bed with Carol” 
Your voice breaks at the last part. That memory has been buried for so long; you want it to stay hidden, forever. 
It doesn’t matter. You need to find Anya.
“What are you doing?”
“Calling Buck” 
“I’m here. I’ll help you find her” 
“I’ll find my daughter alone, thank you” you walk past her, waiting impatiently for your friend to pick up.
“She’s my daughter too”
“You sure as hell haven’t acted like her mother in a long time, Natalia” 
You walk away, your back turned to her. 
“Buck” you say, voice trembling.
“I know. She’s at the Met. Hasn’t left. I’m outside, just in case”
“How did you…?” 
“I’m sorry. I was hoping I could convince her to come back before you found out she sneaked out of class”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can” 
Again, those soft waves of red are the first thing you spot in the room. Her blue eyes are fixed on Degas and his Dance Class.
“Hey, kiddo” you stand next to her, understanding immediately why she’s looking at this painting. “We still have your ballerina shoes somewhere in a box. Your mom loved going to your recitals” 
“I’m sorry for leaving school” 
“I played hooky a couple of times. It’s part of life. I just want to make sure you’re ok” 
“She doesn’t care if you’re able to get up in the morning but gets jealous because someone is taking care of us” 
You sigh. Anya has Natasha’s heart, after all. She loves and protects fiercely.
“That’s not exactly true. Come with me” your daughter takes your hand as you leave the museum. 
Central Park is still looking beautiful, even as fall approaches. Anya plops down on a bench and you take a seat next to her. A small groan leaves your lips. This damn leg.
“You know your mother was raised to be an assassin. The Red Room taught her that love was a weakness. And that she was incapable of having a family or people that cared about her. Even after all these years, insecurity can get the best of Nat sometimes”
“Why can’t we just… go back to what we used to be?” she mumbles, a tear rolling down her face.
“Oh, sweetheart” you hold her against your chest. “I want nothing more in this world” 
“I miss her”
“Me too, Anya”
“It’s like we lost her the day uncle Clint died” she sobs.
“But she’s still here. And she still needs you, my sweet girl. I’m not saying you should forgive her right this second. But don’t build a wall around yourself, please”
“You know I lost my mom when I was 15. And a lot of that time I spent it angry at her for staying with a man that wasn’t good to us. But once she was gone, all I wished was that I had made her life a little easier”
“I’m sorry” 
“It’s ok. I’m glad I’m here, to make sure you don’t make the same mistake I did. We’re gonna be alright, I promise” 
“I love you”
“Love you too, kiddo” you keep her in your arms for as long as you can, but a light rain begins to fall. “Come on, now. Bucky’s been waiting for us”
“I know. I saw him following me on the bus here”
“My God, I don’t know which one of you is scarier” 
Anya giggles, and you take her hand. 
Even between all of this mess, she’s the one thing that makes everything worth it. 
Anya was the one that texted her mother, apologizing and letting her know she was ok.
You didn’t reply to Natasha’s text. “I’m sorry” isn’t enough sometimes.
After pizza and an intense game of Jenga with Anya and Bucky, you call it a night.
You know what you’ll dream of tonight, but you’re too tired to care.
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Jude Bellingham x Reader - Capture Me Part 2/2
Part 1
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It was strange.
Strange how fast you could fall for a guy. However, Jude was so different from any other guy you've dated.
"So what's it like?"
"I dunno, going to uni, being a student?" He was so curious about the slightest details of your life and in a way he admired it, especially your passion for photography.
"It's nice, I guess. Sometimes it feels like I have alot on my plate but knowing I'm doing something I love motivates me to keep going."
"Like me!" He perked up.
"Like you?"
"Yes, me and the way I feel about football." He smiled.
He was so sweet. And refused to let you help pay for dinner. He didn't take you anywhere fancy, but a fancy enough place that let you dine in a private closed off section of the restaurant.
"So what now?" He asked, not hesitating to grab your hand as the two of you left the restaurant and made it out onto the street.
"Don't you have a big game coming up?"
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun."
"No, Jude." You stopped walking.
"What?" He frowned.
"Don't you need to rest ahead of it."
"Sure I do." He nodded.
"Okay, then maybe this should be where we part." You said, an urge to not be the reason why England loses the game against Brazil due to poor performance.
"What do you mean?" He said, with a wrinkled expression.
"I should go home Jude." You said, adjusting your purse.
"Why, didn't you have a good time?"
"I did." You were quick to say, seeing his face falter. "But it's getting late and both of us had a pretty long day today."
He nodded. "You're right."
"I am?"
"Yes. Let's go to my hotel. My car is parked around the corner."
"Wait, what?"
Before you knew it you were in Jude's car, on your way to where he stayed at a hotel in London. He had a big room, the biggest you've ever seen.
"My family is coming tomorrow." He said, when you asked him about it.
"Oh, okay."
"But they won't be here until the afternoon, so you won't have to hurry to get up."
"I see." You muttered, realizing where things were headed. "Jude I don't usually sleep with guy on the first date." You said, a need to set things straight. However Jude's eyes widened in suprise. "I..." He stuttered. "I didn't mean to assume..."
"But you kind of did."
You stood close to the wall, a sudden need to feel in control. Jude noticed this and put his hands up in defense.
"Y/N, I swear, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just that I really like you and don't want this night to end."
You felt the same way. However, you weren't about to break your own rules just because a guy sweeps you off your feet with dinner and a fancy hotel room.
"There is a guestroom." He exclaimed. "You can take if you don't feel comfortable enough staying with me." Jude seemed to really want you to stay the night, despite you having taken sex off the table. "Please Y/N, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Really."
"Jude. I'm not." You slowly approached him, stretching out a hand to caress his face, smiling when he tilted his head to rest against your palm. It then felt natural for you to perk up and peck his lips, startling him with the kiss. Nevertheless, a smile widened his lips. "I don't mind sharing beds." You said. "As long as there's no funny business."
"Deal" He nodded.
And that's how you ended up staying the night with Jude. Turns out he really liked to cuddle.
In the morning, when you were about to leave, Jude effortlessly tried to keep you in bed with him, not agreeing to let you go until you have accepted his invitation to England's game against Brazil.
"Please come." He begged. "My whole family and friends will be there, You'll love them and they'll love you."
You were hesitant at first, things moving a bit too fast for your liking, but Jude's enthusiasm was infectious. You agreed to go, making plans to meet up at the stadium the next day.
The next day, you felt akward wearing Jude's football jersey. But he said he would pretend not to recognize you if you didn't. Nevertheless, you cheered him on as he played his heart out on the field. And you met his family and friends, and they were all so warm and welcoming towards you.
As the game came to an end and Jude was reunited with you and his family, his mother slapped her son on the arm and said:
"How come you never told me you had a girlfriend. She's lovely.
Jude turned to you and smiled. "Y/N is not my girlfriend. At least not yet."
You rolled your eyes, but failed to hide your smile. You knew that you had found someone special in Jude, and you couldn't wait to see where your relationship would go from here.
Part 1
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toxic3mmy · 27 days
Toxic quackity baby trapping us is so hot for some reason
yesss omfg, he would be so so hot at it, too
prompt: alex keeps you for himself
warnings! slight smut!
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your boyfriend was nice to you and all but he never met your needs. he was always too busy with work or too tired. those were his excuses for not buying you flowers, taking you out on dates, and especially for disregarding your needs in bed.
but you loved him. he was your first everything. it was just hard because you needed more than just someone being with you. you needed attention and simple pining as if he was still trying to win you over, just like at the start of your relationship.
“he doesn’t deserve you, y/n. you’re too good for him, you know?” your best friend, alex, would often tell you this
alex was your closest friend and any time you needed someone to vent to about your empty relationship, he was there. he held you when your boyfriend made you cry. when you were with alex, he kept your mind off of how badly your relationship was failing.
you began to spend almost all of your time with alex. it’s not like it made any difference to your boyfriend. he didn’t really notice when you were gone.
so you happily would spend nights and even weekends with alex. the two of you were strictly friends.
sometimes, though, you two would smoke a little or even drink a little and the two of you got more touchy. you were comfortable together. you would hold hands and even cuddle a lot.
“i could treat you so much better than that lazy son of a bitch”
“yeah… i know, lexie”
and that’s where that conversation would end. it came up a lot, honestly. and the two of you had had a number of instances where everything would get quiet. the world would stop and it was like the universe would wait for one of you to pluck up the courage to kiss the other.
but that never happened. one of you would awkwardly cough and change the subject and that would be that.
you woke up on this particular rainy spring morning with excitement. you and your boyfriend had been together for three years and today was your anniversary.
your boyfriend had already left for work and so you began to prepare for your wonderful weekend. you cleaned, cooked a huge meal of all his favorites, and even had time to doll yourself up. you were hoping that this could help repair the distance between you two that had been apparent for these last few months.
your front door closed shut and you excitedly went to greet your boyfriend.
“hi! how was work?”
“long… where are you off to?” he asked absentmindedly, only slightly glancing your way
“dont you know what today is?” you frowned
“it’s friday.. thank god. hey, maybe we could catch the basketball game at the bar down the street. i’ll even buy you some girly alcohol drinks, oh and i can invite all the guys!”
“but.. i cooked all your favorite food…” you said quietly
“that’s okay sweetie, you can put it in containers and i’ll eat it throughout the week. while you do that,” he said untying his tie and emptying his pockets, “i’ll go get changed into my jersey”
you held back tears as he left to change out of his work clothes. you sniffled as you thought everything over. he wasn’t even your boyfriend at this point. he treated you like a friend. he forgot your anniversary and you spent your whole month planning a nice weekend full of fun things to do together to celebrate your three years of love.
so much for love, you scoffed
you quickly put on your shoes and got into your car. you drove as fast as you could.
this was the last straw. he no longer felt like a boyfriend to you. you two were practically only roommates.
you wiped your eyes as you parked and walked towards alex’s house. the rain was coming down hard and you realized you were in only a skimpy short dress. but that didn’t matter.
“y/n? whats wrong?” alex said when he opened his front door
you were wet and cold from the spring rain and your makeup was definitely ruined from your crying.
“i need you alex…”
he nodded with an empathetic expression and brought you inside. he wrapped a towel around you as you began to explain what happened between broken sobs.
“i’m so sorry… you never deserved anything like this” he sighed softly
“make me feel better, i need to forget about him” you said with eyes full of lust. you pulled alex to your body, his hips pressed to yours, and hungrily began to kiss him passionately.
“the way you’re looking at me right now… how can i say no?” he said in between kisses,
“i’ll make you forget. i told you for so long that i could treat you better and i meant it. i don’t want you going back to him after tonight, understood?”
a loud mew escaped from your lips as his mouth was immediately mouthing at your wet pussy. he licked you up and down and made sure you felt every second of it.
“just lay down and i’ll take care of you, princesa. i’ll make sure you never leave me for him again” he hungrily had his way with you, eagerly stretching you open with his mouth and fingers. he began to pump his cock and lined himself up at your quivering hole.
as he entered you, you felt loved. his cock inside of you while he panted and planted sweet kisses all over your naked body are what made it easy to completely get lost in him.
he took his time, making sure to focus on you completely. it wasn’t until the two of you came down from your highs that you realized.
“uh… alex?”
“please tell me you wore a condom” you shut your eyes tightly as you already knew the answer to that. you felt his load leaking out of you
“i told you, you’re not leaving me. aren’t you ovulating right now? well, i guess now you’re all mine” he smirked and held you close
he had always showed you the love and care that a boyfriend should. he treated you the way you deserved.
“did you seriously just baby trap me? wow, very mature of you… you’re lucky you’re my best friend and that you’re cute” and wow was it incredibly sexy of alex to remember that you were ovulating…
you didn’t mind that he did this without you knowing. it was kind of sweet, in a sickening way. but hey, who likes being normal?
“i know” he smiled and held you tightly while the two of you fell asleep for the night.
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For your ask game ~ 📖 🦉 🔞
Worth the Risk - Jack Delroy/Reader
Warnings: Female reader, no use of Y/N, making out, almost fully clothed grinding, clothed fingering, bit of exhibition/voyeurism, vaginal sex.
Wordcount: 6317
Summary: He'd given you his card, invited you to the studio with the promise of a good time, and the show had been amazing for sure, but did the night really have to end once the cameras turned off?
Notes: I really wanted to write this the other day but I was too sleepy and went to bed early y'know like a baby 😖 anyways I've been wanting to do a sequel to Susceptible since I first posted it and somehow it ended up even longer so this is for you hehe hope you enjoy~ 💗💗💗
Wait for me by the back entrance at 11:00 Phil will let you in JD
You don’t know how many times you’d looked at the card he handed you since that night, but the corners were starting to bend and the pen marks were beginning to smudge, just a little. You forced yourself to leave it be as you checked your appearance one last time, the mirror by the front door to your apartment offering its final encouragement as you decided there was nothing left you could do to delay your departure before you were late. As soon as you were out the door you had to resist the urge to sprint, your heels sending muffled echoes down the hall as you headed straight for the elevator, a kindly old woman holding it for you with a smile. 
You had the sense to call a cab early so you wouldn’t have to risk waiting and missing your 11PM deadline, the car stalling right outside the door as you waved to the driver and got inside. ‘Fiske Studios, please,’ you tell him, the small building owned by a branch of UBC now very well known thanks to a certain Mr. Midnight. Your leg bounced the entire way there, the card once again in your hands as you stared out the window, neighbourhoods giving way to open city streets, more cars circling around you like a school of fish. You hated driving in the city, it was the main reason why you dedicated so much of your paycheck to cabs, but tonight you were starting to wish you’d driven yourself as you hit the tenth red light in a row.
The driver sensed your anxiousness as you bit your lip for just a split second before your purse was opened and your lipstick was uncapped, the tiny mirror in your hand reassuring you that it’d be fine, you looked great, it was an easy fix. ‘Hot date tonight?’ he asked over his shoulder, his voice startling you a little as you snapped the mirror shut again.
‘Uh, going to a live show, actually,’ you said cautiously, avoiding a yes or no to his question; it’d be too presumptuous to say yes, but god if you didn’t want to hope. ‘I’m meeting a few friends there, don’t wanna be late and all.’
‘Oh, well, girl’s gotta have some fun on a Friday night, I guess,’ he said as he looked you over in the rearview, your coat pulled a little tighter over your shoulders as you forced a smile and tried not to look to disgusted; this was yet another reason why you were so fond of Jack Delroy, he’d never make you feel that way, what with him being such a gentleman and all.
The memory of the night you met made you shiver briefly as the hallucination flashed through your mind again, the false feeling of his hands on you having haunted you all week. You sucked in a very long breath through your nose as you willed the pink to leave your cheeks again, the last thing you needed right now was this guy seeing you get covered in goosebumps and assume it was because of what he’d said. You actually hadn’t been able to watch Night Owls since that night, feeling almost guilty about it even though there was no way he would know you hadn’t seen all the exciting things he’d been talking about. You’d tried last night, but as soon as the wall had opened and he’d strolled on out with that smile and his eyes instantly finding the camera you’d become a right mess way too fast and had to turn it off again, your heart pounding and your legs pressed uncomfortably tight together just at the sight of him.
Goddamn you Carmichael Haig.
The studio came into view with the latest turn and you readied yourself to get out, money already in hand by the time the car had stopped. The bill was settled and you stepped out into the cool night air, cutting off the driver’s wish for you to have a good night with the slamming of the door, and you took a look around and tried to guess which way would lead to the back door he’d mentioned. You waited until the car was out of sight, pretending to see your ‘friends’ so it wouldn’t look like you were about to walk down a dark alley by yourself, another deep breath exhaled sharply as you summoned up all of your courage and headed to the right.
It was a large alley, big enough for a car to drive down and reach the parking lot out back, which thankfully held just as many people walking about as the front did. A lot of them favoured a large, metal door up a tiny flight of stairs, keycards flashed to unlock it before it was held open for several people at a time, everyone helping each other in the most efficient of ways. You had no idea which one Phil was supposed to be, and if you waited too long you might get pinned as a fan trying to sneak in, so the next time someone approached the area you were lurking in you got the card back out and held it out to him.
‘Um, I’m supposed to find Phil?’ you said uncertainly, the man looking you over before taking the card. ‘Ja- Mr. Delroy told me to meet him here.’
‘How’d you meet Jack?’ he asked, clearly recognizing the handwriting but wanting to be certain all the same as he handed it back to you.
‘At Carmichael Haig’s show, we got to talk for a little bit,’ you explained, your nerves starting to rise the longer you were out there, the paranoia that you wouldn’t be able to get in starting to rise in your chest.
‘Ohhh, so you’re the one he was telling Gus about,’ the man said with a grin, your back straightening at the very thought of Jack talking about you with anyone, let alone with someone in a public place. ‘Yeah, he told me to expect someone, I’ll take you up there now if you help me carry something, save me a trip?’
You agreed to his terms, the man apparently being Phil as he shook your hand and handed you the box he was balancing on one arm as you talked. He quickly jogged back to his car to grab another box before returning to you, the door held open for you both as you squeezed past another employee and followed him through the maze of hallways and way too many doors to count. The studio itself was actually on the second floor, the first dedicated to offices and meeting rooms and other businessy things, the elevator able to just barely let you both cram inside as everyone got ready for the taping.
‘Is it always this hectic?’ you asked before you realized you were even opening your mouth, Phil just laughing and adjusting his box.
‘Every single night.’
Once the elevator had pinged and the doors had slid open, Phil then led you through a few more hallways until he pushed through a locked STAFF ONLY door, even more people on the other side, although there was more to the area back here, your eyes widening when it hit you that this was the back of Jack’s set. Phil noticed your excitement and set his box down on the nearest table, taking yours in another swift movement before motioning towards the slightly ajar wall panel; the audience’s seats were just in view through the crack, some people already coming in and finding their spots, and you were just in the middle of wondering if you should attempt finding an empty one when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
‘Quite the view, isn’t it?’
You turned to see Jack standing behind you, a look of pure bliss on his face as he watched the band get ready, Gus talking to someone and going over scripts off to the right, the few audience members chatting with each other as they guessed what they’d see that night. He truly loved this job, you could tell he did even after doing it for so many years, and seeing him so in love only made you love him even more. He looked down at you then, a fondness in his eyes as he gave your shoulder a squeeze and led you around back, a little tour before you had to leave him.
‘I’m glad you came,’ he admitted as you took everything in, everyone shifting their gaze towards the both of you as long as they thought they could get away with it. ‘Been looking forward to tonight all week, what did you think of the lineup?’
‘I, uh-’ you trailed off as he pulled you out of the way of a staff member carrying the requested items for tonight’s guest, your coat suddenly feeling way too warm to still be wearing inside. ‘I missed out on them, actually, been a busy week,’ you lied, avoiding his face as your cheeks lit up; you were not about to tell him that it was because looking at him made you remember how he’d felt pressed up against your waist, even if it was fake.
A shiver ran up your spine as you then realized that the heat against your back very much wasn’t however.
‘I’ll have to tell you all about it later, don’t want you missing out on anything,’ he said with a grin, your lips trembling as you tried to keep your smile from getting any bigger. There was no way he’d actually do that, he had to be too busy to entertain you when the PMs turned to AMs, but it was a nice thought indeed.
‘I’d like that,’ you admitted either way, happy to live in the fantasy for just a little bit at least.
‘Jack!’ someone called from just out of sight, a curly-haired man in sunglasses hunting him down with expert precision as he hurried over. ‘Gus just told me you’ve been saving seats all week, you wanna explain why that is?’
‘And there’s my cue,’ he whispers in your ear before using your shoulders to turn you and guide you back to the slit in the wall. ‘Middle front row, furthest left seat,’ he whispered before pushing you to the other side, his attention turned to his producer as he descended upon him for losing them money. You listened for just a second before it hit you that you were there, you were really there, your mouth dropping open as you slowly spun to check out the Night Owls set. People were whispering about who you might be but you didn’t care, not leaving until you heard Gus clear his throat and ask what you were doing.
‘Finding my seat,’ you mumbled, although maybe it had come out as nonsense in your delighted stupor, you couldn’t be sure at the moment.
‘Okay, do you have a ticket?’ he asked, still so polite even though he was very much confused. You just held up the card again, your eyes going higher as you stared at all the lights. ‘I see, so you’re the one he’s been waiting for, right this way.’
The one he’s been waiting for? Clearly you must’ve misheard, Jack Delroy couldn’t possibly have been that excited for you, you’d only spoken for maybe five minutes, tops.
Gus led you to your seat and you instantly sank into it, a 40 minute wait still ahead of you but it felt like no time at all as the rows all filled up and people slowly stopped walking across the set to prepare. On either side of you, cameramen took their places and lined up their shots, the blue screen of the viewfinder catching your attention as you couldn’t help but see what they saw. Gus got himself ready by the band, who were all tuned up and ready to go, and when midnight hit and Gus started calling out that night’s guests, you couldn’t help but bite your lip again as Jack’s name was announced and the wall opened up again to reveal him.
He’d been right, it was an incredible show, his presence so much more overwhelming as you could only focus on him no matter who he stood or sat beside. Every single one of his jokes landed, every eccentric wave of his hands drew you in without fail, and every single smile he shot your way when you laughed only confirmed more and more that you were genuinely glad you came. He tried to talk to you during the breaks but each time he’d been interrupted either by one of his co-workers or someone in the audience ready to snatch up his attention, Jack too polite to refuse either, although it was honestly starting to make you a little jealous.
Before you knew it, his hour had passed and he was saying goodbye, your chest deflating as he was played out again along with his final guest, your hands a little numb as you gave him his well deserved applause. You didn’t want to get up and leave as the rest of the people around you did without hesitation, a chorus of yawns starting to infect everyone like a virus now that it was officially bedtime. You were rooted to the spot, hands clasped in your lap as you wondered if it’d be too presumptuous to assume that maybe he’d come back out again when everyone was gone, wish you your own personal goodnight, people staring again as you waited until you accepted that you’d fulfilled his request, there was no need to stay now.
‘Oh good, you’re still here,’ Jack panted as he jogged over to you, a sheen on his cheeks and forehead from the excitement of the night mixed in with the hot stage lights, ‘I was worried you’d leave when Leo grabbed me just now.’ 
‘I’m in no hurry,’ you told him as you stood, your clasped hands hiding behind your back so he wouldn’t see you fidgeting. ‘It was a great show, I had a lot of fun tonight.’
His smile turned from Showman Jack to Genuine Jack at that, your ability to always tell coming in handy yet again as you tried to hide your blush by tucking your hair behind your ear. ‘I take it you had a more enjoyable time with me than at Haig’s, then?’ he asked, your blushing deepening at his choice of words.
‘I did, yeah.’ Everyone was packing up for the night around you, no one giving you a passing glance as the desire to get home and sleep overtook their curiosity, and when he stifled a yawn you couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty at keeping him. ‘All good things must come to an end though, I suppose; I should really get heading back, it’ll be a nightmare to find a cab this late.’ You didn’t want to go, but you also didn’t want to press your luck either, and maybe you’d get another invitation to another show, who knew?
‘I could give you a ride, if you wanted,’ he offered, completely catching you off guard as your eyes widened for a second in surprise. ‘Or, if you’re truly a night owl like me, you’d prefer to join me for a drink? I always grab one after a show, can’t sleep otherwise.’
You swallowed, mouth cotton dry as you went over his offer in your head a few times; was he asking you out on a date? He had to have been, who else went out to get a drink together at 1AM other than people on dates, right? ‘Yeah, a drink sounds great,’ you finally managed to squeak out, the corners of his eyes scrunching when he smiled before offering his arm for you to take, a true gentleman. He led you back through the labyrinth until you reached the parking lot, his car parked in a spot with his name plastered against the wall behind it, most of the other cars already gone now that their owners were free.
His car was simple, nothing too flashy like someone else in his position would own, the seats worn on the inside and telling you that he must’ve had it for many years. You tried not to look too nervous as he unlocked his door and let himself in, his long body stretching across the front so he could unlock the passenger side as well; an old car indeed, he was taking very good care of it for it to still look that good. You thanked him as you sat down and shut the door, the smell of his cologne stealing your breath away as you were surrounded by purely him, the faint smell of smoke mixing in with it, your eyes fluttering shut as you tried not to look too obvious.
He shot you a glance as he clicked his seatbelt into place, the noise making you come back to your senses and do the same so he could start driving. There were quite a few bars around there, some late night diners as well, and you grew more and more confused as he drove by all of them without a word. By the time you left the city and started to head towards a more residential area, you were starting to wonder if you were going for a drink at all, not remembering ever telling him where you lived, of course this neighborhood was much too nice, maybe you should be flattered if he thought you lived around here.
‘Are we still…?’ you tried to ask, your question dying out as he then turned into the driveway of a very nice but modestly sized house, all the lights off inside telling you that no one was home. He didn’t turn off the engine though, his eyes on the wheel before he turned to you, a hopeful something in his eyes that mirrored your own.
‘Would you like to come inside? Or should we try calling that cab?’ he asked you gently, giving you the choice of what you wanted to do now that you knew where you’d be drinking, your heart thumping a little faster as you adjusted the strap of your purse and flashed him the most confident smile you could muster.
‘You did promise to tell me all about the shows I miss,’ you reminded him, Jack’s smile softening as he agreed with a, ‘Yes I did.’ The engine shut off and you both exited the car, the night air making you shiver as you held your coat a little tighter over your arms. He noticed immediately, his suit jacket draped over you before you could confirm or deny you wanted it, heat spreading throughout you as the scent of his cologne hit you even harder. You wrapped yourself up in it, face tucked into the collar as you headed for his front door, always a few steps behind until he unlocked the door and pushed it open, allowing you to go in first.
It was a modest place, decorated more cozily than anything, and you felt right at home as you stepped inside and took a look around; the walls held photos of family and friends, his coworkers and people he’d met through Night Owls spaced out around them, the surfaces of every table and shelf decorated with something and filling the space while also feeling sparse. Cozy was definitely the right word, but it also felt like a bachelor pad in the way he’d left clothes draped over the back of the couch, how the kitchen was pristinely clean from rare use based on the amount of menus he’d collected into the holder by his phone, and the dedicated minibar off in the corner so he could entertain guests.
He headed there now as you observed your surroundings, his voice breaking your thoughts as he asked you to pick your poison. You gave him your desired drink request, Jack’s eyes shining as he located the bottle amongst the plethora of them in his reserve, whisky placed next to it as he located a couple of glasses next. ‘Ice?’ he asked casually as he poured both drinks, you kindly refusing as he grabbed a couple for himself. The ice crackled in his glass as he returned, the sound pleasant to you and filling the air as he handed you your drink. ‘I’d offer you a seat at the table, but my back is killing me tonight, if you’d rather join me on the couch?’
What a liar, you could always tell when he was acting. You accepted anyways, pretending to buy into it as you both took opposite ends of the old leather couch situated in front of his fireplace. The cushions creaked underneath as you sat down, Jack letting out a sigh that didn’t sound fake as he relaxed, his body sinking right in before he took a sip and turned to look at you. You blushed and looked away, focusing on your glass as you swirled the contents around, now wishing for ice since watching it would be a good distraction.
You’d been so focused on his home that it was starting to dawn on you that you were in his home, on his couch, drinking his liquor, his focus on nothing and no one other than you. ‘Dreamer, here, awake,’ you whispered softly under your breath, remembering what Haig had said to snap you out of it and needing to make sure this wasn’t just another dream.
‘What was that?’
Oh god, it wasn’t a dream, you were really here, and his arm was now on the back of the couch, casually reaching towards you as he tilted his head to the side with an amused grin. 
‘So, how did the shows that I missed go?’ you quickly choked out, Jack chuckling at how your voice sounded way more broken than you’d wanted before downing the rest of his drink and setting the empty glass on the coffee table in front of him.
‘Well, on Monday I got to interview someone about his upcoming play, so that was interesting,’ he began, his body turned more towards you as he spoke. ‘On Tuesday, we had a man who sailed halfway around the world and narrowly survived being shipwrecked, and he read us an excerpt from his captain’s log, which he revealed he’ll be turning into a book to preserve the memories of his shipmates.’ He slid a little down the leather, genuine interest in his eyes as he spoke, that another thing you loved about him. ‘Wednesday was Game Night, as you know, and one of our audience members managed to win the jackpot and gave us a victory dance to celebrate. Gus tried to attempt it and fell on his ass, so everyone made me try it and I nearly crashed into my stage, everyone had a lot of fun that night.
His voice started to soften as he moved a little closer, your body frozen in both awe at what you’d missed and also the sight of him starting to fill up your entire view, your drink forgotten in your hands.
‘And then on Thursday we took a call from a man who thought he had superpowers, can you believe that? He truly believed he got them from another dimension, so fascinating.’ He was just about to slide over the middle cushion, your legs pressing tightly together so you wouldn’t touch him on accident, your lip worried between your teeth again. ‘I asked him to come on the show, but he hung up, I hope he calls again next week.’ His arm was completely behind you you finally noticed as his thumb brushed against your shoulder just enough for you to feel it over your coat and his suit jacket, the heat of both starting to make you sweat as he stayed just outside your personal space, ever the gentleman as he waited for you to tell him to back up. 
You didn’t, your tongue darting out and tasting your lipstick as you glanced to the side, seeing just enough of him to know that he didn’t look dangerous, or overly sexual like your fantasy had been, his actual expression one of wonder as he remained just out of reach. You felt like you had to comment on his week, say something in response to what he was telling you but you couldn’t, the sound of his thumb running over the fabric directly in your ear as you finally took your first sip.
‘Sounds like I missed a lot,’ you eventually said, Jack nodding and shifting as he got comfier, the movement sending him a little closer to you. ‘Maybe you should invite me back again, I could probably make time for that.’
‘I’ll have to see if I can get you an actual ticket this time, then, Leo was very unhappy I snuck you in.’ His voice was so low as you took another, bigger sip, his arm sliding off the back of the couch and just barely resting against the very bottom of your neck.
‘Is that what that was? I’ll be sure to use the front door next time.’ Another sip, his other hand in plain sight on his thigh as it traveled down towards you. 
‘I think I’d prefer to escort you in myself, so you don’t get lost, it’s like a maze in there.’ You watched his hand just barely touch the hem of his jacket, a soft hum leaving his throat as his eyes half-lidded. ‘You look good in this, I might have to let you borrow it more often.’
‘You assume I’ll need it again? How presumptuous of you,’ you joked in an attempt to keep things light, but it fell flat as you looked at him while you said it, his expression rendering you speechless in seconds. Now that you were facing him he couldn’t resist the urge to touch your cheek, his fingertips just barely brushing against you and making you shut your eyes as you tried to lean against them, the contact causing shivers to run down your spine at how incredibly gentle it was.
‘I really am glad you came tonight,’ he whispered as he leaned in, breath soft against your face as you both held off from closing the gap, ‘god, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.’
You nearly dropped the glass, Jack placing his hand over yours to make sure you didn’t before taking it away entirely. ‘Y-you’re just telling me what I wanna hear,’ you repeated from your fantasy, Jack leaning away to set the glass down before letting his forehead rest against your own.
‘Is it working?’
You grabbed onto his tie and pulled him into you, your mouths crashing together as you kissed him with all the need of someone who’d wanted this for years. He braced himself on the back of the couch as you leaned against the arm, your body arching up as he rearranged how he was sitting to kneel over you. He wasn’t as forward as your fantasy, which was understandable considering you knew very well that he’d only acted the exact way you wanted, but instead you discovered that he was slow, making as many points of contact as he could while giving you space. He was obsessed with kissing away the rest of your lipstick but he never tried to take more than you were giving him, your bodies still too far apart as he caressed you.
‘You’re so beautiful,’ he repeated as his hand left your jaw to travel down to your hip, not to hold down or make you keen but just to feel the soft curve of your body; he was committing you to memory, tracing over each wrinkle in the fabric, each place that made you squirm just a little.
‘Jack…’ you sighed as he pushed both coats aside to gently kiss at your neck, small things that made you want beyond the sweetness, the love. ‘Don’t make me wait anymore, please…’
He pressed a single kiss to your jaw at that, sitting back just enough so he could look at your face. You turned away, embarrassed by your neediness, but he turned you back to him with only a whisper of a touch, a plea instead of a command. ‘How long have you been waiting?’ he asked, lips hovering just above yours, pulling away when you tried to close the gap.
He kissed you again, a little rougher this time as his own need was made clear, his body shifting down until he was laying himself on top of you, and for however real your fantasy had felt, it was fucking nothing compared to the weight of him pressing pure want directly into your waist. It made you gasp how good he felt, your legs spreading until your skirt wouldn’t stretch any further, the desire to hike it up all the way so you could feel him a little better making you almost actually do it. It was him who made that move when he felt you struggling, your legs pressed into his almost uncomfortably, and he placed his hands at the hem and waited for your okay, not wanting to do anything without your permission.
What a fucking gentleman.
You nodded and he lifted your skirt, your back arching off the couch so it could be bunched up, your underwear on display just the smallest amount before your skirt was let go. That small amount made him blush, his lips parting as he then palmed himself to ease the strain of his own clothes, his nice suit pulled taut over his dick as he kneaded. It made you want him even more, the fantasies of seeing him like that deciding to play like the world’s longest and lewdest film in your mind, reminding you of every single thing you wanted to do to him, what you wanted him to do to you.
‘I want to feel you,’ you told him, his eyes fluttering shut like the quicktalking showman Mr. Midnight couldn’t handle a bit of dirty talk; he was so cute it almost hurt as he moved his hand aside for you, granting you access to the space while he tried to undo his belt. You rubbed him over his pants, listening to the sounds he was making and letting your desire grow with each one, and when his belt was undone and his zipper was down you tugged just his pants over his hips just enough to show off his bulge a little better. It strained over the opening, the sight so tantalizing that you’d risk staying hypnotized forever if this really was just another dream, his body laying down over yours again as you wrapped your leg around him.
He started to grind against you, the fantasy definitely not doing him justice as a sinful heat warmed you up in an instant, the coats much too hot as you tried to strip them both off. He helped you but didn’t stop moving, each thrust just enough to create the best friction you’d ever experienced. There was no audience this time, no one to risk ruining this for you, and you took full advantage of that as you let out a deviously loud moan when he rubbed against you just right. 
‘God…’ he panted into your neck, hips moving just a little faster, and it felt good but it wasn’t what you wanted, not entirely. You reached down between where your bodies touched to try and get a hold of his boxers, your nails catching over the waistband just out of reach. He felt your attempts and knew what you were trying to do, his face unsure even though he still couldn’t stop. ‘Are you sure?’ he needed to know, his hips finally stilling for the most part, your eyes watering with how much you meant it as you told him yes. He groaned as he reached between your legs, feeling your wetness seeping through your panties as you moved against him, your head instantly falling back.
The sounds you let out were indecent, he wasn’t even inside you yet and he was making you fall apart just because it was him who was doing this, his fingers rewriting your brain and telling you that you’d never be able to get off on just your imagination ever again. He played with you as his other hand pushed his boxers down the rest of the way, his dick falling free and making him hiss as he gave himself a few strokes, the sound getting you to look up. Your legs twitched as you almost came just from the sight alone, his eyes shut tight as his head lolled to the side, his impressive length looking even bigger in his hand as he got himself ready.
As soon as he felt your eyes on him he locked onto you, his big, showman smile showing a little more teeth than usual as he let you watch, his own sounds almost addicting as he let you know exactly how good his own hand felt. Between the sight and his hands making the both of you feel good, you didn’t know how much more you could take of this before you were shoving him down, Jack sensing your desperation and leaning back over you. He pulled aside your panties and rubbed you a couple more times before pressing his waist against yours, spreading your wetness along the underside of his shaft, grinding against you this way until you were practically begging him to do more, please.
He chuckled at your reaction before taking himself in hand again, spreading it even more before holding himself up to your entrance, one last chance to back out. You made sure to lock eyes with him as you grabbed his tie and pulled him down to you once more, your mouth falling open as he pushed deep inside of you the more you pulled. You didn’t stop until you were full, the two of you panting into each other's mouth before he started to move, both of your legs wrapping around him this time as you tried to take him even deeper.
It was hot, you were sweating, you could see the sheen on his cheeks and forehead again as he suffered in the almost entirety of his suit versus your outfit, and you helped him relieve some of his suffering as you started to unbutton his shirt. You shoved it off one shoulder before he was tearing it off of himself and tossing it away, your own shirt pushed up to reveal a heaving stomach, muscles working hard under the flesh as he thrust into you, your body unable to move with him thanks to the arm of the couch keeping you in place.
It ensured he always hit the deepest part of you since your body couldn’t shift away, one of your hands on your stomach while the other took his own and placed it on your chest. He began to knead you over your bra, it soon out of the way as he yanked it down and wrapped his mouth around a nipple, his motions speeding up a bit as you tangled your now free hand into his hair. ‘You feel so good,’ you couldn’t stop yourself from saying then, starting to get overstimulated, and at your words he jerked a little erratically, like it’d made him stumble. ‘You- you were so handsome tonight, did so well, I couldn’t stop staring at you…’
He was moaning nonsense into your chest as you praised him, something about what you were saying making him fall apart; his head rested against you as he rutted into you with wild abandon, your hands just holding him there as you kept whispering what he wanted to hear. You meant it, every word, but to know that this much was making him practically whine against you was also addicting, needing him to know everything you felt for him, how proud you were of him, how you’d never be able to feel anyone but him for the rest of your life.
‘Come inside me, make me yours, I want to be yours,’ you pleaded, Jack grasping at you like a drowning man grasps at his saviour, a few more thrusts making your head fall back before he did just that. His hips jutted a few more times as warmth filled your insides, the sensation mixed with his broken gasps bringing you over the edge as well, his nails digging into your flesh where he held you, your hands thoroughly messing up his perfectly styled hair. When he was done he collapsed against you, his weight once again so incredibly nice as he pinned you against the cushions, the leather sticking to your skin and keeping you very much in place.
‘If I’m too heavy-’ he started to say before he shifted and cut himself off with a whine, his attempts to get up thwarted immediately.
‘You’re not,’ you reassured him, your fingers attempting to straighten his hair back into place, a small courtesy for him letting you grab him so hard in the first place. ‘We can just… stay a while.’
‘Do you wanna risk that? I might fall asleep on you like this,’ he asked like it’d be a bad thing; what a gentleman.
‘I think that’d be worth the risk,’ you told him as you kissed his forehead, Jack reaching up to cup your cheek before gathering all his strength to kiss you goodnight.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
mcyt with an s/o that's insanely good at driving?? like in the video with Schlatt and he was just doing donuts and that stuff but it's reader? almost like it's stuff from a freaking action movie with how they drive lmao
OH FUCK YEAH LMFAOOOO yes this is how my mom drives but she's a serious road rager too 💀💀💀💀 this is more like "You're a good shitty driver but yeah 👍"
MCYT ; insane driving skills
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, talk about car accidents, talk about death due to car accidents
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genuinley refuses to sit in a car when you're driving
yk the vlog where he, jack, tubbo and becky go see the alien rocks? you offered to drive and he screamed no
honestly you understood, your a bit of a road rager
and that one vlog you guys made together where you show off your NASCAR level driving really doubted his trust in you
it's half jokes half serious tho
has genuinley said you should become an F1 driver 💀
he's just afraid of you yelling at other shit drivers LMFAO
will genuinley scream when you do donuts in an empty field
"I wish we had rollercoasters closer to us"
"we've got one right here"
the fact you haven't crashed and killed both of you is astounding to him
literally how'd you get your license
he doesn't like driving so when he can't get a ride anywhere else, he's left to call you
you're literally the last person he'll ask for a ride /lh /hj
you're responsible, just fast
it's the way he grips the console and the door, and pushes his feet down on the floor when he's a little afraid 💀
"hang on, since this asshole wanted to cut me off and do 20 in a 50"
"y/n/n pleas-"
you'll go out in a field to do donuts and shit and he's strapped up with a helmet and two seat belts
he'll be screaming in fear and excitement bc let's be honest it's kinda fun
the fuckin 360 u-turns??? christ man calm down we're not in a rush 😭
you almost got ran off a bridge one time with him in the car with you. 2 minutes later you see your phone light up with a notification from Twitter
it's tubbo. "y/n almost got ran off the road on a bridge. I am afraid. please send help"
he knows you drive way worse when he's not around so he's trying to go with you more so you don't accidently kill yourself
he quotes that one scene from the Haunting Of Hill House or whatever that show was where the dude gets in a car accident and dies because he was like hanged from his seat belt
"I don't wanna be that old woman! I don't want your ghost haunting me with your death!"
"well, for one, we aren't in a TV show-"
loves going out in fields with you to do donuts and be a little dangerous
"more donuts!"
"how are you not about to puke!?"
you rented a golf cart one a vacation to a little beach town for the Misfits Gaming channel and holy shit
the amount of wheelies?? he's surprised you didn't get arrested
you drive like you're driving a monster truck like please calm down
he genuinley compares you to schlatt when driving and you're just like "Yeah because we're cool. cool people are insanely good at driving"
they blink and stare before saying "I don't think good is the word I'd use"
you'll deadass slam on the breaks going at max 10mph just to piss him off
they're actually confused as to how you aren't on your fifth car already, you drive like a sicko
you do a racing vlog with some friends and safe to say you won
"You should be an F1 driver or something"
you terrify him a bit
"y/n, do you know how to do wheelies?"
"get in the golf cart"
"holy shit!"
thinks it's pretty badass that you know a bunch of tricks and stuff
he doesn't endorse bad driving on the road though
you do your best to behave around him because you don't wanna get yelled at 🤞
"oh my god why are these fucking semis in the passing lane?? I don't wanna get Final Destination-ed!"
"this is surprising for me to say but same"
"please, i just wanna eatttt, go faster and actually pass someone!"
but when you're purposefully fucking around yourselves he'll literally smile and laugh when you go over bumps and do donuts lmao
he'll probably record it and send videos to Tommy, Jack, Bill & Harry
tweets like "my partner is a crazy driver pls help" and "YEAHHH LETS CRASH THE CAR TODAY" are to be expected
also jokes about you being a NASCAR driver because the way you swerve through traffic 💀💀💀
look, she loves you but calm down
she will admit that she likes doing donuts and tricks in an empty area but lord
the swerving through traffic? the usual 70-80 mph? no thanks
you do try and drive like a normal person when she's with you tho
one of her favorite memories is you driving one of those kiddie cars, with both of you in it, and doing very muddy donuts with it 💀
yk how moistcritikals dad hotwired a kiddie car to make it go faster? yeah that's the explanation to how it even happened
you guys were soaked in mud after LMFAO
she likes when you rev your engine in tunnels, the way it echoes is so cool to her
like she giggles and shit and like 🫶🫶
"I love when I fly down the highway to see my gf"
"ppl r complaining about me on Facebook so I think I will.."
again, kiddie car wheelies 🔛🔝
he loves doing fucking donuts and shit with you LMAO
if you, him, schlatt and charlie r meeting up irl, you guys make a whole vlog out of it
you rent two sports cars and literally make a mini action movie (obviously with comedy) (basically a better fast & furious) (quackity is better than vin diesel)
when I tell you that shit got 16 MILLION VIEWS. the edits after that were astronomical
so many clips of the cars in tunnels, on bridges, speeding down the highway, etc
you're respectful for others around you but you have a need for speed
although if you're doing it on a golf cart or anything open, he's wearing a helmet
he's running a whole business, he can't risk dying to your shit driving atm LMAO
makes some merch, basically a racer jacket that's black and your favorite color or black and dark blue (variants)
they say 'quackity racing team' or 'y/u/n racing team' with some sewn in patches, like the quackity poker chip and whatever goes best with your brand
they're cool as hell too LMAO
he does the little giggle and shit it's adorable
loves doing dumb shit with you
you obv don't do it with a bunch of people around or anything but yk
you, him, karl, punz and tina met up and you had all of them piled in the car while you did donuts and shit
foolish had a vlog cam set up on the dash and the amount of screaming and the reactions 😭😭 /pos
genuinley confused how you've never wrecked your car before
and no the one time you backed into a mailbox doesn't count
revving the engine through tunnels>>>>
he always smiles at it even if he's tired or kinda miserable
will pretend he's in an action movie if you're swerving around people a bit or going really fast
he'll load up the finger guns and get ready to aim LMFAO
gta irl with him basically
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xrenjunniesx · 10 months
lee haechan, friends to lovers
word count : 1000
the car ride to a camping trip ended up becoming more confusing when they realised that they didn’t have enough seats. so someone would have to sit on someone else’s lap.
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the car was full, but they didn’t have a choice. she had to sit on someone’s lap. no other car was going to be able to take her to the camping site.
it didn’t really matter, did it? we’re all good friends anyway. that’s what she kept telling herself.
without much thought she walked around to the other side of the car where the bags weren’t being piled onto their laps. opening the car door, she came face to face with jisung who was about to put his bag on his lap. he looked at her, slightly shocked before he asked, “why me?”
she rolled her eyes and got into the car, looking into the back where haechan was playing a game on his phone and renjun was already half asleep by the looks of it.
she looked back at haechan, figuring that he would be more fun. the only problem was nearly everyone in the car knew of her crush on him. though she could handle it as long as they don’t make any comments.
thankfully for her, they only grinned at her when they saw her begin to go to the back of the car.
she climbed over the seat, much to jaemin and jisung’s dislike, considering she did almost kick them in the head.
“I regret saying I’d go with you guys. I should’ve gone in the other car.” she said, once she got her legs down.
“yeah well the other car left before you even woke up. you had no choice.” Jaemin said, turning around to pass her back her phone that fell out of her pocket. she rolled her eyes and snatched it back, to which he just stuck his tongue at her and they both turned away from each other.
she turned her attention to haechan, who was just looking at her with a smirk, already knowing she was going to sit with him.
“sit down.” he said, playfully patting his lap. she sighed, but sat down on his lap never the less. she looked at renjun and noticed he really was already fast asleep.
haechan wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her steady, while he played a random game on his phone in his other hand.
she leaned her back against him, figuring she would need to get comfortable considering it was quite a drive.
once the car started and they begun to head to their destination, haechan leaned his chin on her shoulder, still playing his game in one hand.
her mind begun to wonder about twenty minutes into the trip. she realised that her and haechan had never really ever been affectionate with each other, let alone did they ever really touch each other at all. she glanced back to find him just sitting there, his phone no longer in his hands, but rather sitting under his leg.
she became aware of how both of his arms had wrapped around her waist, loosely hugging her. she smiled to herself and leaned against his body. they readjusted their position and she found her face awfully close to his neck.
it was comfortable to be hugged by him, to be sat in his lap and even though this wasn’t how she expected the car ride to go, she wasn’t opposed to it.
she lifted her hands up, resting one of them stretched across on his collar bone and shoulder. haechan who was looking out the window, then looked down at her.
he asked quietly, smiling as she looked up to meet his eyes.
“very.” she says, snuggling herself into his neck more. she breathed in his perfume, pulling back to meet his eyes. “you smell nice.”
he only chuckles quietly, looking back out the window once she leans back down. she became hyper aware of his thumb that was gently caressing her waist.
the car came to a stop and everyone was moving to get out of the car, except haechan who hadn’t even attempted to move.
she sat up straight and looked out the window, still half asleep. she didn’t even realise she was asleep.
“we stopped at a gas station because jisung was complaining how he wanted food.”
“oh.. don’t you want food?” she said, looking back at him. his hands were still on her, one on her waist while the other rested near her knee.
“no, I’m fine. do you want something?”
“… no I ate before.”
“then you can go back to sleep if you want.”
he said, taking his hand off her leg to pat his chest, where she was laying mere seconds.
“I didn’t even mean to fall asleep.”
“you must like me a lot to fall asleep on me.”
she rolled her eyes, and went to lay on him again, hoping he missed how her cheeks had heated up.
he hadn’t missed it. he only grinned and leaned his head back into the headrest, sighing loudly.
“they told me you like me, don’t worry, I like you too.”
she sat up straight, putting distance between the two of them. she stared at him with wide eyes, only to see his face gradually growing an red as well.
“do I have to prove it?” he laughed, his hand coming back to waist, resting there. when she didn’t reply, he gently pulled her closer, gentle enough that she could move away with little effort, but she didn’t. she leaned closer to him until her hands came to rest on his shoulders, her face mere centimetres from his.
“could I kiss you?”
she bet him to it, being the one to press her lips against his before he could. he smiled happily and kissed her back instantly.
“we leave for five minutes and they’re already kissing.” chenle complains from outside the car. they stop kissing and look to the window where the others had begun walking back, complaining how they didn’t want to see them kiss.
haechan pecks her lips again before sitting them both up straight.
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w1ldthoughts · 5 months
Dad and Mini’s Weekend
Anon Requested! One more little treat before I go back to school tomorrow😅
Disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION, the characters are fictionalized versions of real life situations and real people. It’s all based on my imagination.
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You were grateful to have a job that was flexible. Before you had Remi, you were in the office probably 3-4 days a week and could work from home the rest of the time which allowed you to travel to away games and support Justin as much as possible, while still having a career of your own. Now that you had a daughter to think about, things were different. You were different. But that doesn’t mean that the work doesn’t stop. So when you had to leave town for a weekend work conference in Chicago, you thanked your lucky stars that it was the offseason.
“Do you need help packing? You know I have a little experience with it.” Justin smiles, looking down at your suitcase. He really was an expert, packing all three of your bags whenever you went on vacation. It was the most efficient folding job you’d ever seen. The man grabbed all of your essentials, easily placing them in their rightful places and zipping it up without breaking a sweat. His tidiness and attention to detail had become even more attractive since you became parents, it really came in handy.
“Are you sure the two of you are gonna be okay? I mean I can call—”
He waves you off. “We’re gonna be fine! She already has a plan for everything we’re gonna do. I just need to follow it. She did say I could come up with stuff to do on Monday though so I have some fun things planned.”
“Trust me, I’ve heard all about these plans,” you sigh, looking at your suitcase. “Remi barely said goodbye to me this morning. She was so busy telling me about how fun this weekend is going to be. Giving me FOMO.”
He grabs your bags and heads downstairs with you to put them in the car. “Please, you’re going to work for a couple hours and sightsee the rest of the time. But seriously, go enjoy yourself. You deserve a little break, she’s cute but I’m convinced she’s got a battery pack attached to her. She’s never tired.”
“I know,” you pat him on the back and give him a kiss. “And hasn’t taken a nap in weeks, so good luck with that. I’ll see you on Monday afternoon. Love you.”
“Love you too baby. See you on Monday but we’ll probably call you tonight before bed, I’m sure she’ll be missing you already.” He closes your car door and gives you one last peck before heading inside.
“Daddy, can I have some choclate milk?” Remi asks, sitting in her chair at the kitchen counter.
“What’s the magic word?” He says, waiting for her to understand what he was getting at.
He nods and grabs her pink sippy cup, filling it up and handing it to her after she says “thank you.”
The duo sits on the couch in the living room to watch Cars, the first thing on Remi’s list. He figured she was tired after preschool because she not only skipped her nap when she got home but she also barely ate dinner. Usually she’d be up and running around while the movie played in the background but tonight she was focused, cuddled into his side with her eyes glued to the screen. Nova was sitting at her feet, fast asleep. After the movie was over, it was time for their bedtime routine. Remi took a bath, got to pick out her favorite pajamas and read three books. Before he could turn off the lights and sing the bedtime song, Remi asked him why he calls her “mini.”
He tells her to wait a second and that he’ll be right back. Justin comes back into her room with a mirror in his hands. Holding it up to her, he says, “look at us, you look just like me. You’re my mini me. My mini.” She grabs the mirror out of his hands and looks at the two of them side by side. “See? We have the same eyes, same nose and—smile? That little hole in your cheek? It’s called a dimple. I have one too. And when I was little my hair was blonde just like yours.”
“We match daddy. We’re the same!”
“We are the same,” he tucks her in, grabbing her favorite stuffed animal, a gray bear named ‘Muffin’ so she can hold onto him while she sleeps. He turns on the white noise machine and the night light before turning off the main lights and walking back towards the bed. Justin kisses his daughter on the forehead and both of her cheeks and she wraps her arms around his neck for a hug. “Nighty night mini, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. I love you.”
“No bugs can come in here silly. Nighty night daddy,” she yawns. “Love you.”
He had just barely closed his eyes when he heard her on the monitor and he rushed into her room to check on her. “What’s wrong baby?”
“I miss mama.” The tremble in her voice makes his chest hurt.
“Come here,” he sighs as she crawls into his lap. “How about you sleep in mama’s spot tonight? Would that make you feel better?”
She nods slowly, sleep still laced all over her features. He carries her into the room and places her in your usual spot and he can hear her giggle a bit.
“What’s so funny?”
“This pillow smells like mama. Like she’s right here.” She whispers in shock and he shakes his head in amusement, both of them drifting off to sleep with smiles on their faces.
The next day, Remi wanted to get into her costume. She’d been watching a lot of Spidey and his Amazing Friends and was convinced that she was Gwen Stacey aka Ghost Spider. So when her grandparents bought her a costume, she wore it pretty much daily. And her dad had to be Thor…for obvious reasons. The superheroes saved the city from the green goblin’s plan to turn everyone into hamsters and then they had to save Muffin from Doctor Octopus’ evil lair.
“We make a pretty good team, Spider Gwen.” Justin says, putting the Thor hammer on the couch.
“It’s Ghost Spider daddy.” She corrects him.
“Oh I'm sorry Ghost Spider. How about you take your costume off and we take a little snack break? Superheroes need food to keep up their energy.”
After enjoying her apple slices with peanut butter, Remi headed off to her playroom to draw while Justin cleaned up the kitchen so he wouldn’t have to scramble to find things while making dinner.
He finds her sitting at the table, peacefully scribbling on a piece of paper until she gestures for him to sit down in the tiny chair. Taking a look at the chair, Justin is about to tell her he won’t fit before she cuts in like she was reading his mind.
“You can fit daddy. You not too big for it.” The chair is surprisingly a lot stronger than he thought, but he doesn’t want to push it so he settles down on the floor next to her chair, giving her his undivided attention. He’d spent so many days growing up looking up to his dad and trying to put into place the lessons that he learned from him but never in his wildest dreams did he think about how rewarding it would be to have his own child. This little blonde perfect being was his and the love he had for her was out of this world. It really felt like a piece of his heart was just living outside of his body, sitting there mindlessly drawing pictures that would inevitably end up in his locker as a reminder of what really mattered.
For dinner he made her some salmon, sweet potato fries, broccoli and some mangoes. As he was cooking, he played some music and Remi suggested they have a dance party.
“What do you wanna listen to mini?” He asks, holding the phone.
She stands next to him with a serious look on her face, furrowing her eyebrows in deep thought. “The Cars song please!”
Remi starts jumping up and down as “Life is a Highway” plays on the speakers. She grabs his hand pulling him away from putting food on her plate so he can dance with her. Justin watches intently as she wiggles her arms and shakes her little body as she pleases and joins in, imitating her moves and singing along. If he could bottle up these tiny moments he would and he’d savor them just to be able to look back on them in the future because his mini was already growing up too fast.
His point was proven on Sunday afternoon when Remi suggested they make slime or “swime” because she learned how to do it in preschool last week and made you stop at the store to get all the necessary supplies. Although he was secretly looking forward to this little science project with her, it was just another reminder that she was much closer to kindergarten than she was to the newborn stage. He followed the detailed directions that Remi got from school and added glue and food coloring to a bowl and let her stir.
“Do you wanna add in the baking soda?” He hands her the spoon and she dumps it into the bowl.
“Uh oh daddy I spilled. I need a tissue.”
“It's okay, we can clean it up when we’re done. You can keep mixing, you’re doing so well.” Justin runs a hand down her ponytail, proud of himself for successfully getting it all, even if it took him three tries. In his defense, Remi had a lot of hair to work with. “Next, we need to add some of this saline solution and mix it with our hands. Are you ready?”
Remi rolls up her sleeves with her dad’s help and digs into the bowl, kneading the slime with so much joy in her face. The orange slime came out gooey and perfect and they played with it for a while, cleaning everything up together when they were done.
By the time they reached Monday, he was exhausted. But he was in charge of their big activity today and he really wanted to close out this daddy-daughter weekend on a good note. They got in the car and drove to a local marsh about 20 minutes away from the house. He helped her out of the car and they walked towards the hiking trail. “Okay mini, mama’s gonna be home in a few hours so I thought we could do a scavenger hunt. Do you know what a scavenger hunt is?”
She shakes her head no but looks very intrigued.
“I have this egg carton that you helped me paint the other day and we’re going to find things that match the color. So in the pink part we need to look around and find something pink. Think we can do that?”
Remi puts her fist up in the air and it really reminds him of himself, “yeah, let’s go!”
As they worked on completing the rainbow scavenger hunt, Justin went down memory lane for a bit. “A long long time ago, I used to go outside with uncle Mitch and uncle Patrick and we used to collect things. Sometimes we would even bring home little animals like tiny frogs and lizards.”
“Ew daddy! Those are swimey.” She exclaims, gasping when she spots a bright red flower to add to her collection. “I like this game.” Remi hugs one of his legs, holding out her hand so they could keep exploring. Along the path he would look up the flowers based on colors and tell her the names so she could try to repeat them to her best ability. He told her about how someday soon they’d have to go fishing together so he could show her how it’s done. She was just excited to be on the boat again.
Before he knew it, you were texting him to let him know you were picking up dinner on your way home and the two of them found their last items as fast as they could and walked back to the car. You were already in the house when they got home and Remi ran into your arms immediately, not wanting to let go.
“Oh hi sweet cookie, did you have fun with daddy?”
“Uh huh, daddy is the best! I love him,” she mumbles into your shoulder.
“I love him too, he’s pretty great isn’t he. You’re so lucky sugar, you have the best daddy in the whole world.” Justin walks up to you and wraps his arms around both of you, sandwiching Remi in the middle. He gives you a kiss on the cheek and kisses the top of the toddler’s head. “So…tell me everything. What did you and daddy do?”
She takes a deep breath and you know you’re in for a long story. You catch your husband’s eyes and he shoots you a tight lipped smile as he goes back outside to your car to get your bags inside. Remi doesn’t let you go as you walk her to the couch.
“It was sooooo fun…” she begins, telling you every single detail without missing a beat.
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bengiyo · 6 months
Last Twilight Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, August tried to make up with Day after standing him up on their date. Aon also showed up that day and mentioned that he is participating in a race with his new girlfriend. Day and August started practicing together, making Mhok a bit jealous. August organized a surprise party for Day with the rest of the badminton folks and kissed Day. Unfortunately, August only sees Day as a friend and walked off. Mhok confronted August and then took Day to a rooftop where he then kissed Day as well.
Oh hell yeah! I am so glad we’re not skipping over the kiss aftermath. Mhok is his caregiver, so this is going to immediately change things.
I love Porjai. Got her all worked up just to tell her what she already knew. These two are my favorite exes of the year.
“I didn’t say it.” Well he’s technically not lying.
This show is excellent. August is leaving, so we’ll deal with his mess and then eject him in the first part!
Despite being mad at August last episode, I’m really glad these two get closure. Friend break ups are worse than romantic ones.
They used “delulu” as a translation! Who is on the sub team for this show?? I want to send them flowers!
“That’s so fast.” I love Gee.
“About last night…” Don’t get me started, y’all.
Alright. That rejection in the car hurt my feelings.
Ope. I’m back. Day told on himself and Mhok is back in the game.
Mhok fixed the headband. I love you and your unsubtle metaphors, Aof.
Okay, I love Mhok blaming the shoes August picked for them not being able to sync.
I’m glad Sea is actually an athlete, so he doesn’t have to fake a cramp.
Night definitely notices how comfortable these two have gotten with each other.
This bed scene was probably super easy for them. Sea is always falling asleep easily on set.
OMG they’re stayin gat Mhok’s place before the event.
Porjai said, “Really, in front of my sardine salad?”
Namtam is actually so good. I like the way she uses her eyes.
Mhok planted jasmine at his house!!
She’s naming the baby Mee because Mhok has been practicing reading the book! I’m going to explode.
This show is doing a great job of making me miss Rung.
We have hit on a rare trope I love: Two people who are working out their feelings for each other are sharing a bed and hearing others go at it through the walls.
I’m glad we’re seeing more of Night. Mark is so good at communicating without saying much.
Oh, Day, don’t read too much into that conversation. Mhok’s friend is just looking out for him.
Shoot your shot, Porjai!
I am with Mhok. That’s enough games. Let’s make it clear.
Aof, please continue to be unsubtle. I love you.
Porjai and Night begins! Look at me rooting for hets in BL again.
I’m gonna lose it. Mhok is acting out Aon’s proposal for Day.
I see we were having too much fun. Let’s crank up the angst.
Look at them trying to assuage us with this PPL.
Beach trip next week! This was a lovely episode. It’s so smooth.
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coff33notforme · 1 year
The Rise boys with an s/o who shows affection via biting, like they can just be hanging out And Reader just bites their respective turtle
A/n: Eats this request. I love this idea sm, especially considering how I actually bite my friends to show affection. I only did Leo and Donnie though, because I couldn't think of anything for Raph and Mikey, so I hope thats alright.
Pairing: Leo and gn reader, and Donnie and gn reader (separately!)
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Whines the first time you did it, he was complaining about how you bit him to hard
But after a while he becomes kind of desensitized to it 
He even turns it into a sort of game 
Whoever gets the most bites at the end of the day wins the game
“What are you doin’ Leo?” 
“Can’t talk Raph, Oh! That reminds me, have you seen Y/N?”
“Uh no? Why?”
“I need to bite them, let me know if you see them.”
It confuses the hell out of his brothers when Leo is walking around the lair like a hungry animal hunting its next meal
Especially when they witness you creeping around, looking to them with a finger pressed over your mouth as if signaling them not to alert their blue brother
It’s like a really, really weird version of hide and go seek 
Usually Leo is the one who ends up having to look for you and when he finds you it ends with you two wrestling on the floor, while Leo tries to bite you #couplegoals <3
Honestly you two have created an entire new love language
You and Leo sat side by side on your plush couch, flailing your arms frantically before you wilted in defeat letting out a tired groan as Leo let out a triumphant yell. Not once had you been able to beat him in Mario Kart, and as fun as having Leo kick your butt was, you wanted to win, even if just once.
“I told you you wouldn’t be able to beat me, I’m reigning champ y/n! It was a cute try though.” Leo hummed as he placed a small peck on your frowning face. 
“Ah come on Nardo! Please, let me win, just once?” you pleaded, clasping your hands together in desperation. Leo let out a low hum, tapping his finger against his face in thought. As if thinking hard on the matter.
You grunted, as Leo patted your head sympathetically before he rose from the couch leaning back as his back gave a satisfying pop.
“I’m going to grab something from the kitchen real quick, I’ll be back!” he called walking away.
You had to think of something, and fast. Nothing you could do in the game even seemed to phase him! He was able to doge your shots, and avoid obstacles in the game, so what could you do? 
Then it came to you. No one said it had to be in the game. A smug grin crept across your face. You were going to win, no matter the cost.
That was when the blue turtle entered the room with a bowl of popcorn in his arms as he confidently strutted past you, little did he know that confident streak was about to come to an end. 
“What do you say about one more game Leo? I have a good feeling about this one.” you smiled, waving your controller around. 
“Sure, if you really want to have your butt kicked that badly again.” 
You clicked the star button, the countdown began. 
You revved up your engine, glancing at Leo
Leos signature grin spread across his oblivious face
Without warning, you lean over to Leo, biting his shoulder as he lets out a hurt yelp letting go of his controller as he goes to cradle his ‘wounded’ shoulder.
Meanwhile you remind laser focus on your race as you continue to speed past Leo's still car, until your car finally dashed across the finish line. 
“Yes!” you cheered, throwing your arms up in victory. You turned to the now glaring turtle. 
“Aw Come on Leo, don’t be like that.” you chuckled bringing him in for a hug. Until you felt a sharp sting in your own shoulder.
“Did you just bite me?” 
“Fair is fair.” 
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Is extremely weirded out
Doesn’t understand why you feel the need to bite him
Is this some weird human thing? 
Genuinely puts in a lot of research to figure out why you bite him, and boy, he’s pretty sure he’s more confused than he was before 
You’ll have to explain that it’s an affectionate thing because other wise hes going to truly start to believe that you want to eat him
Thinks it’s some sort or instinctual thing for you, but he never seems to really make peace with it
I mean, at least he always knows it’s you when someone walks up behind him and bites him
At first he tried to counter you whenever you tried to bite him he’d jump out of the way or simply scoot away 
But that become harder to do every time he saw you
You sat on one of Donnie's spinny chairs your eyes staring at the blank wall as you lazily fiddled with the tool in your hand as Donnie continued to tinker away, hunched over the clutter of parts that laid on his desk. He rose up for a moment sticking his hand out expectingly. 
“Screwdriver.” He commanded without taking his eyes of the mess of parts, without question you handed the item over to him, and once again Donnie became immersed in his work.
You sighed slowly spinning around on the stool, as the sound of scraping metal and rust filled the silent room. 
“Donnie, can we please do something else now? I know I promised I’d help, but this isn’t really what I had in mind.” you spoke turning yourself around to face the purple brother, he seemed to pay you no mind as he worked.
“This is exactly what you promised to help with y/n, and if I recall you said you help me with whatever I asked.” you groaned 
“Yeah, but being your personal tool shelf isn’t exactly what I thought you needed help with.” 
No response. 
Your eyebrows furrowed. You looked to the clock hanging on Donnie's wall, it read, 2:34, it had already been two whole hours of this. And saying you were simply bored would be an understatement, you felt as though your brain was slowly melting away, with every minute that ticked by.
You needed to get out of here and quickly. But the whole point of helping Donnie was so that he would hang out with you if you did him a favor. 
Ugh, this really shouldn’t be a difficult thing to think about. But no matter how much you rattled your brain you couldn’t think of an easy situation
“Wrench.” you grabbed the Wrench before an idea popped into your head. As you began to hand Donnie the wrench you scooted closer until you were right beside him. 
Donnie sighed.
“Y/n, what are you…” he was cut off as you nipped his shoulder. 
“Did you bite my shoulder?”
“Can we please go outside now? I’m going to actually eat you if I have to spend one more minute being a tool shelf.”
That definitely motivated him to get moving.
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lonepantheress · 1 year
♡ txt as summer jobs
pairing: ot5!txt
genre: crack
warnings: completely unserious.
a/n: my inspiration? work has been kicking my ass and i thought it'd be funny if a shitty summer job kicked their ass too! will be updating with a REAL FIC so soon
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Works everywhere and is somehow always broke
It starts to freak you out
Like you see him as your cashier getting ice cream
And then he’s stocking shelves at the store and you’re like, “Oh, that’s weird..”
And then he’s your waiter at a restaurant
And you’re like, “?????”
He’s all cute and nice and hates his job(s) and is like, “I’m saving for a car!”
But he can blow through a paycheck in like a week. 
If he’s your coworker omg I could imagine him being the coolest person ever.
Willing to pick up shifts, is fun to talk to when it isn’t busy, and gets shit done when it is.
I don’t see him being like the manager type, but the type that all the managers love even when he’s being super lazy just because he’s charming.
Really sweet barista at Starbucks 
The type that you run and tell your friends about after you see him because he’s so attractive and so nice
He hates his job though.
I could see him not being a manager but instead being a “team leader” which is basically a manager in training wheels.
Always stressed. Always saying, “I think I’m going to quit soon”
His ass is NOT quitting soon
Like- if he quit, his coworkers would probably cry
Constantly cleaning because he’s constantly knocking things over.
Any embarrassing customer experience? He can safely say he’s had it
Really good at saving his money well
Like… suspiciously good.
Works at like Forever 21 or something
And using “work” here loosely because he never shows up
How he isn’t fired a month in? Who knows.
A stickler for his job title too
“Oh, so you’re like a cashier at-”
“I’m actually a style consultant.”
He’s just a cashier with a fancy name.
He will hide in between clothing racks and play on his phone or chit-chat with someone else
And if he’s on register, he’s really not paying attention to his surroundings
“Hi, are you able to check me out?”
“Like, can I pay here?”
Will tell customers all the workarounds and codes and coupons they can stack without them even having to ask.
His giving out company secrets will probably get him fired before him never doing his job.
Works at some fast food spot and wins management over in like a week.
So efficient, so smart, so practical, he gets promoted in record time
the embodiment of this meme I'm sorry
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He’s genuinely very good at his job and not necessarily proud of it, just good at it.
And he’s only so good because he uses common sense.
The old ladies that come in love him and are like, “You remind me of someone I knew when I was in high school!”
Will not cover any shifts for the LIFE of him, he would actually prefer you call out before asking him to cover your shift for you
He’d also be so annoying to couponers. It’d basically become a battle of who knows the company policy better
GOD at saving money. Has a 401k and retirement and college fund.
Game stop employee
Like if you’re buying a game that he knows, you’re stuck for another half hour listening to him talk about it
He gets in trouble for stashing away things that get sold out quickly for himself
He’s actually so sweet to the nerdy little kids in the store
But he also would tell their parents, “This game has a lot of violence and gore btw!!!!!” before they buy it for their kid
As a coworker would have the most fucked up inconsistent schedule
Shows up every day for 2 weeks in a row
And then disappears
And then shows up every day again and you’re like “hello???”
Would initiate the oddest small talk ever while the store is empty
“Do you ever wonder if a little pebble in your shoe is actually your toe rolling around?”
“Yeah, me neither.”
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : SCHOOL PICKUPS
A/N : Hiii hiiii, I’m not fully back btw. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I’m working on getting settled on things and finding a new schedule balancing my personal life and down time. But I’ll be popping in to say hi, here and there. If you see some fics being posted it’s because they’ve been scheduled. So don’t hate me if I don’t interact back. I’ll try my best though. Remember that I love you all so so much.
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You were pulling out of your driveway when you hit the brakes fast and quick. “What the?”
You open your car door and get out “You’re not supposed to be here for another three days.”
“Wanted to surprise my girls.” He bends down to peck your lips, but pulls back quickly with raised eyebrows. “Did you hide the body?”
You roll your eyes, “Stop making fun of me, I get it I was being moody all week.”
He laughs, rubbing at your belly. “It’s okay, little man just hates it when I’m not around.”
“Mhmm, such a daddy’s boy already.”
He nods, smiling.“Where are you headed to?”
“Your daughter had an incident, so I’m on my way to pick her up.” You go to climb back into your car but he stops you.
“Get your ass on the passenger side.” He helps you into the passenger seat and buckles you up. “You’re not supposed to be driving anymore. I thought I told Clay to do the school pickup?”
You groan, “Bubs, I can make the fifteen minute drive to Mia’s school.”
“It’s not that you’re not capable of doing so. The doctor suggested that you don’t get behind the wheel until they run more tests.” He pulls out of your driveway, and places one hand on your belly.
“I know but I just get bored of being at home all the time. Driving to the store and to Starbucks is the only time I get fresh air.”
“Wait a damn minute, you’ve been driving while I was gone?” You don’t answer him. “Y/N!”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I was careful though.”
He shakes his head. “You’re on house arrest the remainder of the month.”
“But nothing baby, your ass is going to be at home and whatever you need I’ll make sure to get it for you.”
“Fine, bossy much?” You tease.
“You love when I boss you around.” He winks at you. “That’s how the little man got here isn’t it?”
“No, he got here because your pull out game is weak.” You smirk, and notice you’re pulling into Mia’s school.
“Alright, you stay here and I’ll go get our daughter.” He starts unbuckling but you stop him halfway.
“Uh, where do you think you’re going?”
He looks at you confused. “To get Mia?”
You shake your head. “Bubs, it’s lunch time for the bigger kids and they’ll probably notice you. You didn’t bring security with you. You’re about to cause a stampede.”
He huffs out annoyed. “You’re right, okay I’ll wait here then.”
You smile. “I’ll be quick, they already have her waiting for me.”
He nods and gets out to head your way as he helps you out of the jeep. “Okay, the sooner we leave, the more cuddles we get in.”
You make your way into the school and sign in all the paperwork in order to be able to take Mia home.
She was waiting in the other room so you make your way to her.
“Mommy.” She runs to you. “I got sicky.”
You push back her curls. “I know baby, I’m here to take you home and we can cuddle and watch movies yeah.?”
She nods. “Yes puhlease, and lots of sopita?”
“Oh most definitely, we need to get that stomach bug out of you.” You take a hold of her hand and walk towards the exit.
“Baby broder be nice?” She runs her hand around your belly. “Kiss it?”
You nod. “Today he’s been nice, he got extra happy.”
“Daddy calls him?”
You smile because she knows that her baby brother always makes movements whenever Jack is near. “Something like that.”
“Ugh daddys boy.”
“Calm down, daddy girl.” You laugh. “But I do have a surprise waiting for you in the car.”
She gasps. “A bunny?”
“Uh, noo?”
“A cat?”
“You know your father doesn’t like cats.”
She shakes her head “or dogs.” She hums. “So a baby chicken?”
“Mia.” You chuckle. “No, no chickens.”
She gasps again. “A horse?”
“Baby, where would a horse fit in the car?” You laugh. “No animals Mia, something better.”
She huffs out. “Better than animals? Mommy, I don’t think so.”
“You’ll see.” You smirk.
You’re near your car and notice Jack has his seat leaned back, laying down. So you open the back door to get Mia into her seat.
“Hi.” Jack says smiling.
“Hi daddy.” Mia says, sitting down on her car seat. “DADDDY?” She yells out.
“Surprise Mia bug.” You say.
“DADDY YOU BACK!” She immediately hops off her seat and climbs over the center console and into Jack's arms. “I miss you.”
“I missed you too princess.”
“Broder bothering mommy, and we missed you soo oh so much.”
You smile at the little reunion they are having. You can tell Mia is feeling emotional.
“I missed you guys so much too.” Jack hugs her tight.
She turns around to face you. “Way better than animals mommy.”
“I knew you’d think that.” You smile, winking at her.
“Animals? What animals?” Jack looks between the two of you in confusion. “Are there animals at the house? Because I’m pretty sure before I left I said absolutely no pets.”
Mia and you share a look and smile without answering him. “Babe, am I coming home to pets?”
“Daddy no, we knos you don’t like animals.” She rolls her eyes. “Now les go homes now, me want cuddles and movies.”
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles
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dualityvn · 6 months
Hello again! It's the same anon that asked about the situation where they would kidnap you from before.
How are you today?
(Feel free to ignore or just answer only a few of the questions!)
1.) Is this a heat of the moment choice or something they would plan in advance?
2.) Would this option be something they both agree with, or would one of them be against it?
3.) What method would they choose to kidnap you, and how would they restrain you?
4.) How would they react with us behaving hostile, acting indifferent as if it's a normal situation, reacting scared, or giving them the silent treatment when captive?
5.) How would they react if our will just breaks while captive?
6.) If we escaped, how fast would they find us, and how would both react if we return as if nothing happened?
7.) Can we gain their trust to get freedom again? And how would they react if we tried to escape from them again after gaining their trust if so?
(Can I be "✨🐇" anon, in case I ask anymore questions in the future?)
(Also, sorry for bombarding you with so many questions. I didn't want to spam you with so many, so I put them in one ask.)
Thank you for responding before! I enjoy yandere trope characters for the horror element because of how scary I find them the obsessive and possessive traits (especially the last one). I really like how your character gave me the spooks, but still, how sweet both can be at times! They make me want to learn everything I can about them.
Also, I had no idea about the spider plant at the time when playing, so I got extremely spooked by it/them!
I hope you have a great day/night!
Hi! I'm doing well. And oh boy, this is gonna be fun.
1.) This is something a crazed Keith would do spontaneously. He feels like there's no other way to keep you beside him, so he must use force. If he felt like he had time to plan it, he would. But when he's in this state, he's even more anxious than usual, so he might not wanna wait.
2.) Tenebris would be against it. He's not the type to force people to love him. If he ever managed to force his way out, he'd try to stop Keith or help you escape.
3.) He'd put a sedative in your drink, borrow a car from his parents and take you out to their vacation home, out in the mountains.
4.) If you were hostile, he'd act act sad and keep repeating that all he wants is for you to love him. If you were indifferent or silent, he'd act guilty and anxious. If you were scared, he'd be very doting and sweet to make you feel at ease.
5.) He'd be happy while he's in his crazed state, but once he snapped out of it, he'd hate himself.
6.) He would find you very fast, because as long as you're in the game, he can always know where you are. But if you managed to make it difficult and then simply returned, he'd snap out of his crazy state and start crying and begging for your forgiveness.
7.) If you acted nice enough, he'd eventually return to normal and let you go. If you tried to leave him again, the whole thing would repeat.
I'm glad you've been enjoying the horror aspects of my game! These two do tend to be sweeter than your average yandere, but they still have their messed up episodes.
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