#because she doesnt expect to be enough for people or for people to actually care/like her
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I'm finally doing character analysis stuff for my nano and this alone got me REALLY hype about these characters and how they fit together
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robinmage · 6 months
personally i think a super important part of jinshi and maoamos relationship (esp at the beginning of the series, though still true) is how they both have had really negative experiences regarding sexually/romantically-natured exchanges. maomao grew up in a brothel, shes seen probably every situation possible under the sun of women being abused, manipulated, lied to, and used for a mans personal benefit. and as such, the typical "sweep her off her feet with honeyed words and false promises" approach doesnt work on her at all, because shes already seen 101 different ways that can go wrong. subconsciously or not, she just instinctively knows that those 'fake'-like people cant be trusted.
jinshi, due to his characteristically beautiful face, has had no shortage of admirers during his time at the rear palace. women that invite him to their room in the evening, give him food with blood or hair or whatever in it, gifts him literal aphrodisiacs. hes willing to use his beauty to get what he wants (never unreasonably, though) but it becomes evident later that he certainly has some kind of complex about it. hes only 19(?) at the beginning of the series, and hes already been working in the rear palace for long enough to garner a strong reputation. the only people hes close to is gaoshun and MAYBE gyokuyou. to him, it probably seems like everyone else only cares about how pretty he is, and ignoring anything beyond that.
and so he meets maomao, who reacts to his advances not just coldly, but with obvious disdain. she sees RIGHT through his false flirty demeanour, and seems to be one of the only few people to do so. he doesnt expect that, and that interests him. not being attracted to his face is, in jinshis eyes, a key trait to have in order to work with him. he seeks maomaos counsel time and time again (bc he likes his new toy but also) because he trusts her to work WITH him, not FOR him; actually using her head to figure out what the best conclusion is, instead of just blindly following him and giving him whatever she thinks would make him happy with her.
after it becomes obvious to him that absolutely none of his advances will work on maomao, he really tones it down and they enter what i call their "bonding stage", which is mostly just dealing with situations around the inner and outer court together. thats where the foundation of their relationship really starts to grow; jinshi values maomao for her intellect and straightforward attitude, and maomao values jinshi for being a genuinely kind and hardworking person. they start to hold each other in higher esteem because they actually see each others real selves, and likewise appreciate that finally someone can see them beyond that metaphorical impersonal veil.
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doodlepede · 13 days
something i love about Dunmeshi is the principle that the only thing that really matters is whether you're getting enough nutrients. You need to eat enough, in terms of both quality and quantity.
An entire fit is made about Shuro not eating enough, and how it had dire consequences for his physical and mental health. When the party was briefly aghast that Izutsumi is a picky eater, I expected a lecture about how variety is the spice of life and that you have to just get over it to survive down here and yadda yadda fucking yadda but that isnt what happened.
Senshi was forced to cannibalize a member of his party (so he suspected) because it was that or starve to death. Is Izutsumi going to starve to death if she doesnt eat the mushrooms in her rice? no. Senshi lets it go. He's way more concerned with the way she holds her utensils improperly.
Marcille impresses upon Izutsumi that sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do in order to get where you need to go, and she remembers that Tade was willing to do things she didn't want to do because she wanted to prove her gratitude - it's lucky she's being fed at all. Maizuru directly tells her that she should practice gratitude.
A less complicated story would have Izutsumi concede, but she doesn't. The show doesn't call attention to it, but Senshi cares enough about ensuring a young'in eats properly that he actively tries to make things she will actually like, and he doesn't seem bothered by it. He's willing to go completely out of his way to make the leftover dumplings more appealing to her, using the changelings to make each one unique so there has to be at least a few she ends up liking.
Rather, Izutsumi learns to pick her battles. So far at least, she is unwilling to eat things she doesn't like, but she is willing to fight for her newfound party, since she gets something good out of it: She is being actively accommodated for. She is being allowed to be picky. That unconditional love and support from her, ahem, found family, is the good thing she gets out of fighting with them.
I found out a couple days ago that Ryoko Kui is a picky eater, saying so herself in response to an interview question asking if there were any foods from the manga she'd like to try. Knowing that, it only makes sense why she'd have a sympathetic attitude toward picky eaters. How many people grew up hearing that "there's starving kids in China or Africa" or other equivalent? How many kids were forced to sit at the table, awash with guilt and shame or anger and frustration, and above all else, boredome, trying to choke down some vomitous vegetable or other foodthing. How many people still face that pressure, from peers or internalized, to just get over it, as if being picky is the worst thing a person could be? Did Kui have to deal with that?
Considering that fun fact I learned recently about that link between pleasure and nutrient intake, that you literally get more nutrients out of food that you enjoy.....
I'm happy Izutsumi has people who won't treat her that way, y'know?
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ride-thedragon · 3 months
The Adultification of Baela Targaryen.
Something that I've noticed is that with a more prominent role this season Baela is being adultified by the adults in her life so far.
Rhaenys: They were together for 6 years on Driftmark, but due to the fact that she's patrolling the Gullet, Baela is kind of left to fend for herself in this new position and with the idea that she has to prove herself. It's not Rhaenys' fault, obviously, but it plays into the idea that she has to grow up a lot quicker than she did previously. Her parental figure is away doing what she can, and Baela is eager to replicate that example.
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Daemon: Now her actual parent is being dismissive of her. Baela and Daemon have one scene in season 1.
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In my humble opinion, he and Laena simply took to the child they could relate more to and was more interested. It wasn't simply Laena taking Rhaena because Daemon didn't want her.
But, now, six years later, that dynamic has changed. She is under the watch of Rhaenys. All the moments he would've shared with her, perfecting High Valyrian, learning to ride a dragon, and learning the ways of court have been learnt through Rhaenys. That's not to say they aren't close enough. She's the person who sends the letter to him about the Driftmark sucession issue.
The issue is, in that scene, he's in a mood because in typical Daemon fashion, his actions have consequences.
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He ignores her because he's upset, not because he hates her, and you can tell that Baela is thrown off by it. I'm not saying it's the first time, just that she doesn't have a tolerance for it. She goes into the room and we see that she has a lot more childish expression towards it.
She asks about him hesitantly after seeing and gauging the situation. She's growing up and learning that he isn't perfect, and unlike with Laena, they can't and don't have to hide their fights from her anymore, no matter how much her tone seems to want it.
Because she is still young and doesn't understand, nor should she have to understand the volatile creature Daemon is. So she wonders if sometimes she simply just hates him, because it would be a lot less work.
But because this isn't meant to be a full analysis of their relationship, the point is that Daemon expects her to have an understanding of this and from his past behaviour still manage to understand that they are on the same side. Baela is 16 years old.
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Rhaenyra: I saw someone say that Rhaenyra is risking Baela because she doesnt care about her, which was funny in the context but unfounded in the narrative and based on interview. The posts about this are great though.
Jacaerys volunteers to fly above King's Landing to monitor what Aegon intends to do and to see if he retaliates. She specifically says no because the last time he volunteered to do something, his brother was killed by the enemy. Her saying no can be based on the fact that Jace might be a little hot-headed if anything happens and try to fight like he did in episode 8 and the fact that like her father, she sees the risk and doubles down on the fact that she can't risk her heir.
So she sends Baela.
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In all seriousness, it's the theme of adultification yet again. Some people think she's lashing out at Daemon through Baela, but she's not hateful towards the girls, and she certainly isn't malicious enough to make children pay for the crimes of their parents.
But what she is doing is treating Baela like an adult because she's eager to help and seemingly more level-headed than Jace would be. Rhaenyra didn't see Baela grow up. She didn't raise Baela. Rhaenys did, and Rhaenys is the most competent advisor and the only advisor she has that listens to her. She's treating Baela in a very similar way.
The issue with that is that Baela is 16 YEARS OLD. She is the same if not similar age to Jace. They are putting her in a position and risking her because she is seen as more responsible (someone said eldest daughter syndrome) when she is most likely not and from what we've seen, she's just as eager to prove herself.
I just hope they follow through with this narrative but also allow her some grace. We see her being moody about Daemon, and that's really excellent because that means it's purposeful and recognised by the narrative, which is one of the biggest strides they taken in subverting stereotypes with the Velaryons. She's a kid, let her be a kid.
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bluephoric · 5 months
ridiculously long list of larry johnson hcs because fuck you he doesnt get enough love
Tw for depressing ass shit
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- larry is a tired clumsy airhead, and as a result he always has SOMETHING spilled, wiped, or drawn on his clothes.
- undiagnosed adhd, and probably a few other things
- both him and sal collect bottlecaps, they like to make pins out of cool ones they find, often trading them like pokemon cards. they have multiple matching friendship ones. on common ones though, he likes to flatten and paint.
- larry's mental health generally sucks, but when things get really bad he stops caring about his physical safety, often pulling some reckless shit. even when he gets hurt from it, he doesnt seem to mind. Times like these kinda scare him, and he tries to avoid falling into them.
- despite seemingly "not caring about anything" (as he puts it) during these episodes, he's still fiercely protective of his friends and tries to be gentle with them, both physically and emotionally.
- callused hands, fingers yellowed from smoking.
- big fan of gas stations when he's high, practically raids that shit. one of his nicknames is "stoner jesus"
- he's openly bisexual and flirts with random people for fun. its usually something light. dorky pickup lines, stupid puns.. he Never expects it to be shot back at him but on the rare occasion it happens, he turns into a giggling mess.
- he actually pissed off travis even worse a few times with it, I could go into it further but this isnt a larvis post so i'll spare you all. For now.
- his favorite horror movies are the funny ones
- he isnt much of a drinker, mostly around holidays and just to get a little buzzed. spiked eggnog and fireball are his go-to's. Drunk christmas karaoke is one of his favorite things (he's constantly giving sal secondhand embarrassment). 2 words, mariah carrey.
- For awhile he genuinely tried to be a good student but because he was so far behind and his undiagnosed adhd, the teachers started to demonize him. Eventually he realized it didnt matter how hard he tried, so he just gave up. The only subject he likes is art, so that's where he focuses all his energy and actually tries.
- skips school sometimes but lisa tends to give him hell for it so he tries not to do it too often, mostly just skips certain classes if hes really not feeling it.
- almost always comes to school high
- his room is such a mess. sal tries to help him with it but he has similar struggles. whenever ash or todd come over, it becomes a group effort and shit gets done rather quickly. luckily no biohazards, so its not like his room really needs a DEEP clean but still. its nice.
- larry fucking LOVES jack black movies, also stupid stoner movies.
- Loves the arcade too, You'd think his favorite would be guitar hero, but that's more for sal. his favorite is mortal combat or those car racing games that you sit in with the steering wheel.
- larry cant cook for shit, hes always burning something, it always turns out gross and inedible. unless he's stoned, in which case he magically turns into a michelin star chef. weird ass combinations, but it always turns out really good.
- despite being shit at cooking, he still tries to help his mom with it, even though he mostly ends up just being in the way and she eventually shoos him out of the kitchen
- he smells super musky, with cheap cologne and the faint scent of weed
- when he was really little, he had a dinosaur onsie that he would wear everywhere, very rarely taking it off until it started to get too tight. he was beyond devastated when he realized he grew out of it, lisa had to pry it away from him in fear that he would accidentally destroy it. She keeps it in her closet collecting dust. Its one of the few things she kept from before jim disappeared. despite it bringing up memories of what things used to be like before he "left", she couldnt bear to throw it out.
- sometimes when larry needs comfort, he sneaks into her room and steals it temporarily. on sleepless nights, he zips it over his pillows as a makeshift pillowcase, its one of the few things that help him relax. It's always put back in place by the next morning. Lisa has no idea, and he's far too embarrassed about it to say anything to her.
- the only person who knows about this is sal because of their sleepovers. One night He was high as balls and got paranoid, when he tried to sleep it off the fear was just too much so away he crept, into lisa's room. Of course he made sal come with him, he sure as shit wasnt going alone.
- when questioned about it, larry refused to answer and so sal let it go figuring he would tell him when he was ready.
- Larry Harbors an obscene amount of guilt. struggles with sh off and on, tries not to relapse unless things get really unbearable. to prevent this, him and the SF gang (primarily ash) regularly doodle and sometimes paint on the places he's prone to harm.
- when he can feel himself slipping into an episode, larry makes it a point to braid his hair so it won't get matted. tries to brush it and rebraid it at least once a week, but often struggles to find the energy and lets it sit in for longer. Not to mention, a lot of the times he stops showering which makes it even harder to braid because of the greasiness.
- has given himself a few amateur stick and pokes. They look like shit, and he knows it but he's still very proud of them.
- the ink he uses for it fades pretty fast
- he's also tried to give himself piercings, but always fucks it up so he takes them out and slaps a bandaid over it
- collects different kinds of flavored chapstick, takes a bite out of them sometimes when he thinks no one is looking (ofc sal has caught him a few times but has never said anything)
- after he first met megan, he was scared shitless. slept with the lights on for the next few weeks and refused to shut the door when going to the bathroom, insisting to his mom on keeping the shower curtain open at all times (he tried to act chill about it around sal and it kinda worked. kinda.) after awhile he eventually calmed down but still finds himself getting really nervous whenever him and sal talk to a ghost, though he would never admit it.
- has a picture of his dad in a locket but rarely wears it because he's afraid he'll accidentally break it. always keeps it with him though, usually in his pocket, holding it as he walks.
- Despite his general demeanor he's quite the gentleman, always holding doors open and really courteous towards women. Most people don't expect it just based on his appearance, but Lisa raised him right.
- also he's hot as fuck.
- we all know larry is a metalhead, but what kind of metal is his favorite? It generally depends on his mood but id say sludge, thrash, and doom.
- You're telling me this man, who is depressed as fuck and also a stoner wouldnt eat up some electric wizard? saint vitus? bitch, please. I know quite a few albums that would bring him to his knees.
- And I know I'm prolly gonna get hate for this but I notice when a lot of other people write about larry (AND sal), they tend to lean towards nu metal or just plain emo. And while I don't think either of them would mind it, The lyrics and vocals of Sanity's fall feels more reminiscent of death or black metal and given the fact that SF is his favorite band, I don't think he would listen to that kind of stuff, at least not on a regular basis. Ash on the other hand definitely would.
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sualne · 1 year
Sorry if you're already working on this but with Luffy in Croc dad what's his hobby?? Like he's the biggest ball of energy and I think if wasn't fighting wild animals as a kid he would vibrate into another dimension from lack of stimulation. Does he draw and develop his art skills, has he taken up music or is he invested with the void century with Robin? Croc wants to keep him inside and safe so what did he think would be best to entertain him or does he buy a new thing every week that Luffy says he suddenly wants to do. Yes he looks at books but is that it. Also sorry if you answered this before and I've missed waht you said, I am pretty sure I've seen all your comics on this but I haven't seen all your ask answering questions.
i hadn't gotten these questions and im so glad you ask!! :D
so! luffy doesn't have one specific hobby and croc does end up giving him whatever he wants when he suddenly gets a new obsession, one of the reason he's so excited with finding the jewelry box and getting a dagger is because it's finally something new! after that he gets really into rings and knives until it gets bored of it and switch to something else again.
about him and learning about the void century with robin i actually got a comic later for that so i won't say anything here!
im going to make this a list and explain how it goes, under read more:
Fighting: this luffy doesn't know how to fight, but he still love the concept! he gets really excited hearing stories of fights, duels, martial arts and all the rest! In practice though, since he's been so sheltered and only ever saw one real fight that ended up with people being killed in front of him as a kid, if (haha) he were to witness another real fight he wouldn't be as giddy about it as when he hears stories. he does also learn the tiniest bit of kenpo from bonclay!
Dancing: luffy in canon loves dancing (and partying), here too! he doesn't know/master any specific styles but likes to drag people into dancing with him, if no one is around he'll grab some of the smaller bananawani instead.
Singing: he's still very bad at it.
Music: croc noticed how he'd taps on thing and tried to get him to learn some percussion, unfortunately for him, luffy doesn't care about music theory and just does whatever makes him happy. he also love loud noises and croc has to find a way to stop him from making a racket at any hours of the day, it gets worse when luffy loses some of his hearing and needs to make everything even louder. eventually he gets bored of it too.
Cooking: him and croc cooks together pretty often, if no one is there to supervise him luffy will ignore recipes and common sense, making all kind of abominations. it's a miracle he never set the kitchen on fire.
Bugs: he loves them! he collect them! alive. croc is horrified one day when he finds out baby luffy has been letting some food to rot so he could observes flies and larvae going through their little bug lives cycle. later croc gives him those pinned dead bugs collection boxes thinking luffy will like it, he doesnt.
Board&Cards Games: he mostly has to play them by himself, he doesn't like being alone so he'll often ends up playing it "with" the banawanis. after he loses a few too many times against the banawanis and can't get croc to join in for the millionth time he gives up on them. even when robin joins baroques works he still expect her to be too busy to play with him and doesn't ask (she would have accepted if he had asked).
Art&Craft: he tries a bit of everything, doing it his own way meaning most of it is kind of hideous or about to fall apart, canon luffy is completely fine with that, au luffy though, he's having ton of fun at first but when he gets old enough to see that his dad cant quite fake his enthusiasm or interest towards his disastrous creations he gets frustrated and stops for a while. later, robin finds an old drawing of his and thinks its cute so he start doodling a little again for her.
basically, he struggles keeping a hobby, some like fighting, dancing, bugs and staring at pictures in geography books he keeps through his life but mostly, he's very lonely and bored out of his mind, he's depressed, that's not something that can be helped for as long as he's isolated.
when robin becomes a part of his life everything gets better for him! she spends time with him, read stories for him, helps him get out more often, they even meet bonclay and for a few years he's genuinely happy.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
i dont know how to articulate this correctly but... sometimes i think about how saiki is so mentally disconnected and isolated from other people, and his powers make it feel impossible to understand them, esp because he hasnt had any faith in humanity since he was a kid (hes also so autistic but shh he probably doesnt know yet)
and so he truly doesnt understand the nuances and complexity of love+friendship+relationships etc... so imagine how confused he could get during times where his relationships get deeper/more complicated
examples ?? (warning for very brief sa+abuse+suicidal thoughts mention in the second one) -
accidentally making one of his friends mad and hearing their thoughts, which are purely from frustration and anger in the moment, about hating and not wanting to be around him.. makes him think they genuinely dont want to be as friend at all anymore, so ONE argument makes him think hes ruined his friendship with them forever and he doesnt think to just apologize, immediately shutting down and just "going away" instead because he thinks thats actually what they want
not understanding why people feel sympathy for him when he talks about tragic things in/about his life, especially when he even dulls it down as to not reveal his powers, (ie: his brother literally trying to murder, humiliate, and borderline sa him OR having one or multiple bullying incidents in elementary school that caused him to lose all his friends and change schools OR saying that the only reason he decidedly hasnt offed himself yet is cuz itd make his mom sad) and mentioning those things a little too casually, then thinking people are trying to pity him and telling the people who are just trying to help to shut the fuck up ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
^a specific but not quite as angsty one, offhandedly mentioning once that he had a big crush on a guy from another class but he helped set them up with someone else even though it upset him, because he just wanted to see him happy and he never had a chance anyway (bro was def straight too) and his friends being like ...hey thats really sad im sorry you felt like that :(( and him being like ?? whats sad about that. hes happy, and its not like im completely devastated or anything. shut the fuck up.
teruhashi getting over her crush on him and no longer seeking him out as often, and he's immediately upset and confused because now he thinks that she ONLY cared about him when she thought she was going to get something more than friendship from it so he doesnt believe she ever saw him as a true friend..
(similar to the first one, slightly different situation) getting into an argument with one of the friends he sees every single day and still expecting them to at least BE there the next day, and when they arent because theyre avoiding him, his first thought isnt "i should seek them out and apologize" its "wow it was so easy for them to just let go of me, i clearly have formed a dependency and feel like i need them more than they need me. especially now that i know they dont feel the same, i should sever that attachment."
SO YEAH anyway, he genuinely does not believe that he has anyone he can trust enough to actually talk through this stuff with+doesn't even think its that bad so he just sits and tries to feel numb at the bottom of the ocean or on the moon haha what a guy...
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dullgecko · 22 days
What do the bad kids get each other on birthdays
Adaine all ways gets people some variation of baked good enchanted to not go stale since it’s all ways a truly unreasonable amount.
Riz is a bit of a wild card but whatever it is it’s always extremely personalised and a great gift.
Gorgug will get them something home made akin to the tin flower he gave Fabian but with a slight bit more artificer work added to it
Kristen is like Riz in the fact she’s a wildcard however the gift if truly random one year it was a bunch of tie dye the next it was a gym membership so they could work out together. The rest of the kids and even parents have a bet before a birthday to see who can get the closest to what it is.
Fabian always goes all out on gifts he’s rich and he enjoys spending it on his friends. It often a bunch of small trinkets or a couple really expensive items like a new fancy drum set for Gorgug one year.
Fig try’s and often succeeds to write a song in the person’s favourite genre and it’s always a hit (she has like +20 in performance or something)
Adaine is great at baking and loves sharing the things she makes with he friends. She's the one that bakes and decorates their birthday cakes and they're always amazing. All of the bad kids have a favorite kind, but all of them enjoy her cheesecakes the most. As for their actual gifts, its usually something that is small enough to snack on over multiple days like cookies or mini muffins. Fabian insists she is trying to ruin his figure.
Riz is the kind of person who will notice you looking at something in a store a little too long and will make a note of it. He has lists of things he could get people for their birthdays. Narrowing it down is always the hard part, and making sure that no one else has purchased it for them, or that they dont already have it themselves. A good chunk of his money from his detective work goes towards his friends and family in this way. People are usually a bit confused as to how he knew they wanted the gift, but then they remember his perception is through the roof.
Gorgugs gifts are beautiful and hand made, like little jewelery boxes or bags or hairpins. They're all very thoughtful and he's careful to test them before giving them to anyone in case the artificer tweaks he made to them malfunction.
Kristen sees something she thinks someone will like and buys it without a second thought (she has a 100% hit accuracy on this). She's usually the person who's panic buying the gift the morning of though, because she totally forgets the dates. If she's given a couple days heads up though the gifts are usually pretty thoughtful if not a bit random.
Fabian is amazing at buying people gifts. They're often very personalised, thoughtful and money is not an issue. He doesnt like handing them directly to people though, and will usually leave them where he knows the person will find them later when he's not in the room (he does at least sign the attached card these days though, after his first gift to his friends made him seem like a weird stalker).
Figs songs are always a huge hit with her friends, and they've come to expect them now. Riz cannot handle the attention though and will usually be hidden nearby to listen to the first performance on his birthdays rather than standing where people can see him.
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Answering this ask because my clumsy ass deleted the draft of the ans as well as the ask idek how that happened
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A tomb.
This place was a tomb.
How can someone be proud of doing something cruel to someone? If they are the saints they claim to be why do this to Tamlin bro? Istg i will NEVER to this understand how on earth did the editors agree to the plotline of the destruction of Spring Court?
Lucien had not come here to make amends during Solstice, I realized as Tamlin opened the door to the dark library.
Lucien had come here out of pity. Mercy.
Bruh why? why? wud he underestimate their bond like that? he speaks as if they hadnt been each others only family for centuries
Tamlin claiming an ornate cushioned chair on one side of it. The only thing he had that was close to a throne these days.
oh fck u little shit atleast tamlin doesnt OPPRESS his people!!
“If you’ve come to gloat, you can spare yourself the effort.”
Tamlin is so non-combative here and people still have the audacity to say Rhysie is the bigger male????
“Do you see any sentries around to do it?”
Even they had abandoned him. Interesting. “Feyre did her work
thoroughly, didn’t she.”
ISTG this asshole someone needs to kick him in the balls. HARD.
I smiled. “Oh, no. That was all her. Clever, isn’t she.”
No sir she is a dumb teenage girl who taught to destroy a court DURING WARTIME?
tbh if Spring wouldn't have fallen the war would have never gone down i said what i said.
I didn’t smile as I countered with, “I suppose you think I should be
thanking you, for stepping up to assist in reviving me.”
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“I have no illusions that the day you thank me for anything, Rhysand, is the day the burning fires of hell go cold.”
my boi tamlin is so savage like??
Tamlin deserved what he’d brought upon himself, this husk of a life.
He deserved every empty room, every snarl of thorns, every meal he had to hunt for himself.
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Seriously? Tamlin, sweetheart, for the love of good kick this man and his bat dick pls.
Tamlin had burned them long ago, Feyre had told me. It made no
difference. He’d been there that day.
I really want to emphasize that Tamlin DID NOT take part in their death.
Had given his father and brothers the information on where my sister and mother would be waiting for me to meet them. And done nothing to help them as they were butchered.
U expect a boy to go against his evil, physically abusive father? NO, strike that.
No tell me? how was Tamlin supposed to fight a HIGH LORD and his brother??? Three against one??
And even if he tried to help them? we will never know? we get only rhysie's side of the story never tamlin's pov
“You brought every bit of this upon yourself,”
Yes yes lets go tell a suicidal person he brought every bit of his misery on himself
Yeh lets all applaud him
“You won,” he spat, sitting forward. “You got your mate. Is that not
"You deserve everything that has befallen you. You deserve this pathetic, empty house, your ravaged lands. I don’t care if you offered that kernel of life to save me, I don’t care if you still love my mate. I don’t care that you saved her from Hybern, or a thousand enemies before that.”
Why doesnt he care that tamlin has saved BOTH their lives on MULTIPLE occasions???
at this point 50% of the IC owe their life to tamlin
“I hope you live the rest of your miserable life alone here. It’s a far more satisfying end than slaughtering you.”
well he isnt even strong enough to keep his people in line and not a hair's breath away from rebellion, i doubt he'll be able to slaughter the HL who tore apart Amarantha, who fought a hundred of Hybern's monsters and soldiers in their camp ALONE, at the same time helping feyre escape AND was able to "drag" another highlord to war
*Drops mike*
But Tamlin only stared. And after a heartbeat, his eyes lowered to the
desk. “Get out.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the bigger male
Tamlin didn’t have shields around the house. None to prevent anyone from winnowing in, to guard against enemies appearing in his bedroom and
slitting his throat.
It was almost as if he was waiting for someone to do it.
This breaks my heart so much. No, Tamlimn doesnt deserve this. NO ONE deserves this. Imagine being OKAY with someone being suicidal?!
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dapper-lil-arts · 11 days
What is your opinion on appledash and twipie?
hoo boy. I was wondering when someone would ask me the burning question about super popular ships.
Okay before i get into it I'll say right now that I'm an extensive romance writer. I've done multiple fics who focus strongly on romance, it's my favorite genre, I've done a LOT of it, and I work on multigenre so I'm always like. Trying to work extra hard to make stories interesting, compelling, character driven, etc etc.
If you want to say "volume doesn't equal quality" to me, i dont fucking know, read my fics before saying that my writing sucks lmao.
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And this is just a little bit, I started writing these in january. Anyways, what I mean by this is that I tend to think a LOT when thinkin about romance, I consider every angle, every possibility, I'm not the kinda person that goes "I ship them bc theyre cute" And nothing else, yknow? Yeah you can consider me pretentious if you want, i'm that family guy suit wearing meme lmao.
Anyways, when it comes to writing romance on adapting characters, I often consider multiple angles, such as canon chemistry, fanon chemistry, tropes the characters exist on and tropes they can easily build upon, and one of the most important: What does each of these individual characters want/don't want in a relationship, and what can they provide each other.
There are characters for example that dont express any interest in romance, but that doesnt mean they wouldnt have an ideal partner n whatnot. (Like Twilight not rly ever expressing desire for romance, but very much benefiting from ruling alongside someone) There are characters that are obsessed with romance, but might actually be best with an ideal that isnt what they expected. (How rarity wanted a handsome prince, but might instead just want a fiercely loyal partner that fullfils her emotionally and phisically etc.)
So now we get to the ships that you mentioned.
Twilight sparkle is a studious nerd who enjoys a quiet day reading and relaxing, she loves learning and exploring ideas quietly. How the hell would she ever be happy with Pinkie, who CANNOT sit still, clearly doesnt care for studying or being quiet, and wants to be the center of attention all the time. Sure you could try to spin it as an "Aww the kitty want's attention" But that really isn't enough for me; And it's kinda messed up to HAVE to put your interests aside to give attention to your partner. ...Especially when canon Pinkie's track record with twilight is usually just annoying her over anything and everything.
anyways, canon Pinkie gets together with Cheese sandwich, which is essentially a copy of her. A bit lame, sure, but with it we can understand what she wants in a relationship; she want's to be challenged, she wants someone to match her freak, or at least accompany it. Yeah it's still lame to have a copy of her, but we can take it from the canon exactly what she wants, even if it isn't necessarily what she needs.
What the hell does Twilight provide that Pinkie wants? How does Twilight challenge pinkie on her favorite things, on partying, on living wild? Twilight wants to be chill and read books, why would that be anything but excruciating to pinkie, ESPECIALLY canon pinkie who revels on interrupting and annoying and making the whole room pay attention to her?
This is elementary stuff to me, it's one of the reasons why Sunset x Pinkie works so much, because although Sunset is NOT a copy of Pinkie, she absolutely can match her freak, they can challenge each other and push each other further, they can be a dynamic duo that both love their respective methods of partying. It's lovely! (And hey Sunset has amazing chemistry with twilight for similar reasons, they were both studious under the same teacher, magical overachievers, etc etc etc.)
Imagining that Pinkie has to mellow out to get with someone is kinda weird, since, its the cornerstone of her character that shes bubbly, hiperactive, and loud. And in sunpie you got the brilliant "People that cheerful make me nervous-- Well, not all people, hi Pinkie." ANYWAYS lets get to appledash, I've written enough and got more stuff to do.
In the subject of tropes, this ain't opposites attract, but it isn't equals attract either. People tried convincing me that its smth related to butch v butch romance? but idk if I'm sold on it, generally like... Even if you don't take canon Rainbow into account and how she antagonizes AJ (and most people frankly) and you take it as it is, why would Applejack want to settle down with someone that doesn't care about family or farm work and has no business experience and whatever?
And why, goddamn why, would rainbow dash, the flyby crazy soaring high girl that loves to always be in the skies want to live in a goddamn farm, idk man idk. Sure you can make the argument that it's cute that they'd 'settle' for each other after a rivalry, but eh, they're not even official rivals like lightning Dust, and still! And if you want Rainbow to settle for a quiet life with someone she cares about... Fluttershy is right there, and she is much more chill, much more dedicated to a quiet life, AND she's a childhood friend. If you want Rainbow to get with a rival or with someone that can match her freak, both Lightning Dust and Spitfire are right there, both pegasi, both characters that have this importance and connection to her favorite thing: FLYING (Maybe rainbow is a little bit racist??! Lmao) I also think it doesn't help that AJ has history with so many femme girls that are all rly fun pairs with her (Rarity, Rara, Autumn blaze, Cherry, etc etc) So Rainbow 'the girl that doesn't shower Dash' feels like a sore thumb sticking out on that trend.
Applejack wants someone she can be fiercely loyal and loving with, she's a family mare and she is (by obvious reasons) grounded. Those aren't exactly the perfect fit for Dash, it feels like they'd have to compromise too much to be together.
generally for me is hard to multiship when there's a bunch of better character chemistries surrounding these character. I've refrained from mentioning rarijack too much on this whole shebang but like CMON. And hey. Appledash shippers. If you try to 'gotcha' me and say that appledash is canon, I'll remind you that you have less content than Korrasami. If that satisfies you, lmao, then you have my pity
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karshown · 9 months
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➻Summary ' after messing around with Satoru Gojo for a while, he was originally supposed to be nothing but someone meant for your enjoyment & entertainment. You were the one that established that with him, he was of course fine with the whole idea since he wasnt looking forward to a nagging girlfriend regardless. Until the end of whatever you two had was over, you gained feelings and began to treat you guys as messing with each other as something more than it truly was, which it wasn't, he noticed it too. Which was his cue to dip & leave, he more than likely got the last laugh & the last bit of enjoyment, it wasnt till after that you realized you were pregnant with a literal human copy of Satoru. Down to his very eyes.
______________ hoping to never meet him again especially because of how embarrassing of the way things ended, you practically became a whole different person without Satoru, it wasnt until 4 years ago that you stepped out of your shell once more. Until you had to go grab small things for your baby, his fourth birthday was coming up rather quickly than expected & you began to prepare for his small gathering party.
-The day of the party wasn't supposed to go the way it did, everyone knew the history you two had, so how and why was his smell lingering in the atmosphere, more importantly why was HE here?!
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-- SATORU lazily sat back into the cushion beneath him, nonchalantly blinking and staring at the woman in front of him whom he clearly had NO genuine feelings towards. Eventually he stopped paying attention to her going on and on about the same thing, it felt like an everyday argument that they had, but they had both known that they were nothing but barely a situation. It was quite obvious that Satoru didn't care at all about having a relationship with her & most definitely wanted nothing more to do with her, all she was good for and all he wanted was HER BODY.
Her curves & the way her hips swayed what was really intriguing to him, what he really wanted and desired of course he wouldn't tell her that directly, but he definitely said it indirectly only sparing her feelings here and there. He was so blunt about how he felt so there was no actual way that she was so fucking oblivious. The smell of the paints in the art room and the constant repetition of sentences that she kept spitting out drove Satoru to the final breaking point, it was all or never.
"Look I can't keep torturing myself like this, its stressing me out honestly lets just end it." Satoru blurted out unexpectedly, he clearly didn't mean to as he went stiff after saying that. Sooner than later he thanked himself, silently patting himself on the back, the weight of his chest lifted the second he finally told her how he felt.
The room went dead silent, a moment of realization hit her, the look on her face was truly priceless enough to make cold hearted Satoru let out a giggle.. maybe even a loud laugh. Anything that doesnt have to do with him he doesnt bother to even stress himself to care. He continued to relax & even get more comfortable as he sat on the soft cushion a smirk soon replaced his blank expression.
He began to tap his foot as he assumed their one-sided argument and situationship was officially over as soon as she began to tear up. She had nothing else to say to him, all she could do was simply stare, so deep into thought that she hadn't realized that he was leaving the room. Just stunned. The moment the door slid shut after Satoru left was when she snapped back into reality by the loud tap of the side of the door and the wall connecting.
After that, things were awkward.
"Don't bother inviting Y/N, shes liable to not even show like usual." Suguru commented on the list of people that were intially invited to a large graduation party that Satoru was hosting. The job of handling the invite list was given to Mei mei to control, she shrugged as she glided her eraser across the white sheet of paper a few times, which was completely covered with almost all of the names of students that attended the school.
Y/N didn't bother to make any associates after what had happened a week ago, she was quickly changed from someone who was loud and bubbly, never really sad to someone who became a background character. All she did was shrug, stare, and that was pretty much it. No one cared to talk to her nor did she care to ask for anyones number, she was a complete nobody.
"Satoru can go to hellllll!!!" Nobara at least goes on about how dirty I was done by Satoru almost every week, its like a daily unnecessary reminder of how embarrassed I was. The first time I brought up what happened between me and him she was nothing but furious, but soon enough it turned into laughs and giggles by both of us.
"Mmm s-satoru can go to he-" Juno quickly tried to repeat what Nobara had said, thankfully I cut him off with a swift motion of my hand.
"LOOK AT YOU, influencing Juno to follow after your bad decisions!" I soon gripped my temple & sucked my teeth, as it felt like I was taking care of two different babies. Juno soon began to lick my hand as I jerked my hand bac Nobara quickly jumped to her own defense.
"Hes a mini me, you just popped him out of ya big pompom!!" I crossed my arms in disbelief as Juno was unfazed by Nobaras choice of words. "Stop with your disgusting choice of words, I cant have my precious baby being flooded with such nonsense!" I rolled my eyes as I scooped Juno up into my arms gently, Nobara clearly ignored what I said as she swung the freezer door open, soon grabbing a new tub of strawberry ice cream to munch on.
"We literally have to begin setting up immediately, this party has to go ACCORDING to plan, no mistakes." I quickly darted an eye at Nobara since shes used to making slight mistakes, although she always covers it up, we cannot afford any mistakes & HEAVY on cannot AFFORD.
"Le calls Yujo" Nobara continued to stuff her face with strawberry ice cream as I tried to make out what she was saying. She soon swallowed the left over ice cream as she shivered from the sudden cold sensation. I plastered a look of confusion on my face as I waited for her to adjust.
"Ugh don't act like you couldnt tell what I was saying, lets call YUJIII!!" She ran to her phone as if that wasnt odd enough she began to dance like a complete idiot. Juno started to push and pull as he tried to free himself from my grasp, I let him go and immediately he ran over to Nobara and they had their own dancing session.
Nobara laughed as Juno mimicked her every move, She found Yujis contact as she facetimed him & bent down to entertain Juno with her weird hand gestures that shes been teaching him since he was one. Yuji answered the phone after two tries since hes a dnd warrior, & surprisingly enough he was with Megumi, even though all of us assumed that Megumi would end up never leaving his house or daring to step out.
"YUJIIIIII!!!" Nobara happily grinned as Yuji showed Megumi and him walking around, then directed the camera back to himself. "NOBARAAAAAA" Yuji returned the same energy back as Meguim rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Come over to help us decorate, hmm!!" the second that Nobara said that the doorbell started to ring frantically. "ill get it." I already knew it was Yuji by checking the ring camera outside. He likes to stick his eye all up in the camera while Megumi just stands on the side as usual. Gosh they're complete opposites.
Of course Juno had to run over to the door, as soon as I unlocked the door and let Yuji as well as Megumi in, Juno made his presence known by greeting them both with his beautiful singing. "Megumiiii you are my favorite, Yujiiii I dont hate youuuuu," his strange choice of words made the song even more cuter, as those were some of the words he'd been recently taught. Yuji being yuji, he felt obviously hurt by Junos words as he was not his favorite, Yujis acting skills were to the tea as he began to fake like he was genuinely hurt by Juno. Yuji made a mess along the floors as he stepped into the house dragging the snow and dirt beneath his shoes. Megumi did different, instead he swiped each foot back and forth on the front door mat.
"Juno how could you!!" Yuji said as he fell to his knees onto the soft grey rug that Juno awkwardly stood on, Juno then copied Yuji as he fell to his knees as well. Megumi simply greeted Juno back by ruffling his few strands of grey hairs & white short, wavy locks as Juno smiled and giggled. Juno repeated the action on to Yuji instead, as he ran his small chubby fingers through Yujis short, wavy bright pink hair. Genuinely fascinated by his hair Juno began to aggressively grab at it, as he examined the deep features. Yuji allowed him to do so as he too examined some of Junos features, first his bright ocean blue eyes then, his newest onesie that showcased blue and white stripes on it, with a small white hood, but if the hood was actually on Junos head, it would cover up his eyes almost completely.
"Juno don't be too rough." I lightly scolded him as Yuji shooed me away with a hand gesture signaling that it was okay, I made my way back into the kitchen where Nobara was almost finished with the strawberry ice cream.
"Don't get too comfortable, WE HAVE TO DECORATE!!!" Nobara shouted as she seemed more excited than anyone to decorate, I would understand why, she loves decorating especially since its something shes truly good at. Everyone loves when Nobara decorates.
A few moments passed & before we even noticed it, Nobara had already gotten to decorating. I turned on music & started to actually help Nobara cautiously making sure to not get in her way just so she didnt try to physically ATTACK me.
The house was covered, almost everything had something laid on it, taped on it, or worse, glued on it.
Yuji sat back as he continued to drink more and more of the little bit of water bottles that I had left in the fridge, the most that he even accomplished was putting up the "Happy birthday Juno!" sign, & only that took every bit of strength and life he had left in him.
"We did pretty good" Megumi said as he placed his hands on his hips, admiring all of the work we'd done.
"You mean, I did pretty good." Nobara commenting on megumis previous statement as she had to take all of the praise or it wouldn't feel right, she wouldn't be okay with it. Megumi scoffed and rolled his eyes as Nobara continued to speak highly of her achievement.
"You two anger me sometimes," just then after saying that ONE thing I was shot two evil glares by both Megumi and Nobara at the same exact time.
"Blame Megumi."
---------------------------- THE DAY OF.
December 8th, a day after Satoru Gojos birthday.
I finished everything before the exact time that all of the guests arrived, yesterday it had snowed like it usually does, every year. I set small gift bags on some of the tables for the other kids that would be arriving anytime now, Nobara finally made her grand entrance as she made her way down the stairs with her short orange hair in a slick high bun, with little hairs peeking out onto her forehead.
She decided on wearing a dress to match my bodysuit, we both wore a tight black outfit. Both having snug tight long sleeves.
"You look GORGEOUS!" Nobara squealed as almost as if she was a fangirl, a fan of me.
"YOU TOO OMGG!!" I returned the same genuine energy back as we jumped up and down like two high schooler girls just seeing each other once again after a long break. Nobara treated me as if i was her girlfriend, thats probably why I never bothered to find another after Satoru.
"Wait everyone will be here soon!" Nobara excitedly clapped as I dreaded the thought slightly, I wasn't too fond of more than a few people at a time, i'll manage though since originally this is what Juno begged for, even shedded a few small tears for.
Seconds passed before we heard various versions of knocks, before we knew it the front door swung open with more people than I imagined once they had realized that the door was unlocked. Everyone was lined up with a gift after another, only few of them with a mini version of themselves to attend with them though.
The kids quickly made themselves comfortable in the living room as they awaited for Junos arrival, he'd been taking his precious time in his room upstairs.
"Nobara i'll be back, i'm going to go check on Juno!" I shouted to Nobara as she raised the volume of the music, the adults all gathered around the kitchen, beginning to laugh and make various conversations and comments. I took that time to make my way to Junos room, wondering what was truly going on.
I stood in front of Junos door for a little before twisting the doorknob and peeking in.
"Juno.?" I called out.
"Yes mommy." his small voice replied as I pushed my way in gently, I slowly pushed my weight onto the door as it shut closed, my attention darted to Junos small frame sitting on his bed as he fidgeted with his tiny fingers, kicking his legs back and forth slightly as they hit the bed frame here and there.
"Whats wrong, baby?" I asked with deep concern in my voice, I sat next to him as the bed dipped.
"Are you scared?" Juno quickly turned his head away signaling that I was right, I sighed with slight relief at least it wasn't too major.
"Are you scared of the people downstairs or is it something deeper?" I cupped his small face in my hand as I massaged his chubby cheek with my thumb.
"What if they don't like me." I almost chuckled, who wouldn't like Juno, not even like, love. Juno's fun, and truthfully a perfect kid.
"Im sure they'd love you, baby!" a smile replaced the half frown on Junos face as his eyes lit up with excitement instead of worry.
"Want me to carry you down?"
"Noo mommy" Juno happily said as I stood up, he soon slid off his bed, I lightly fixed his shirt after as I examined his outfit to make sure it was neat, his favorite character was Leonardo from 'Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles', which ironically was one of the closest characters to his father, which was also the theme of the party aswell as the entire theme of his outfit, down to his very shoes.
I heard my name being called by Nobara loudly, before I made my way out of Junos room I signaled him to follow.
"Lets head downstairs, aunt Nobara is calling," I then made my way out of Junos room, and I hardly paid attention to what she was calling me for as I was more so focused on Juno, once I made it to the last step on the stairs I noticed a familiar smell.
Only a smell that Satoru had, his own personal smell lingered in my house for the first time. I felt disgusted, I turned my head and I was met with the man I swore up and down that I would never meet again.
There he was, standing in front of me with a black t shirt on, black sweats, black socks, at this point black everything! even his damn nike slides. Nobara took this as a chance to grab Juno as she seen my expression, blank to anger, within seconds.
I felt my stomach churning, I wanted to bomit right then and there. He naturally smirked at me, like this was okay.? Juno was obviously confused, on the fact that a random man showed up looking exactly like him & not just that, also how his own mother knew the man.
Everyone was too busy to pay attention to the tension between me and the man that stood before me, without another thought I grabbed his hand and as aggravated as I was, I wasn't going to make a scene at my sons party. I unlocked the backdoor to the large grassy field behind the house, then slid the thick tinted door closed.
"Why are you here." I yanked my hand back from Satoru as he sighed & crossed his arms over his toned chest.
"To see my son, & his mother that claims to hate me so bad, although we both know you've missed me." I scoffed, was this man serious? like dead serious or is he playing me in my face?
"Are you being completely fucking serious or?"
"Im being so serious."
"I can't, I hate you so bad." It was clear that Satoru was barely paying attention to my words, not in as much as a bad way but not necessarily in a good way.
"Why'd you hide him so long?" Satoru asked as if he didn't just literally spit bs.
"I had no way of contacting you, thats for one, then two does it not process in your head that I quite literally despise your entire existence? I don't want my, I mean our child to turn out like his piece of shit father." I blurted out, regretting some of the things I said but they had to be said, especially since I had been holding this back since forever.
"I want to apologize, I started this entire conversation off wrong, even this entire thing of meeting you again. We left off on bad terms because of me." Satoru genuinely said, this time with no sarcasm or anything. Almost as if he actually meant what he was saying? his usual smirk was replaced with a small frown as his hand rested along the nape of his neck, he refused eye contact with me as he directed his attention to the long grass.
Something in me encouraged me to leap into his arms and forgive him immediately, another part of me wanted to laugh in his face, as if he would never get a "i forgive you" out of me, ever.
"Give me a hug." I lowly sighed as I felt almost, bad for him. Without hesitation Satoru hurried to my grasp, picking me up in an instant as my legs swung around his waist, this wasn't anything more than a hug. He wanted it to be, I wasn't ready for bigger things than just this, even though I wrapped my arms around his neck, his large, rough hands snaked around my thighs and down to cup my butt in both hands.
"I honestly missed you, i apologize for me being childish, I mean more childish than I am now." Satoru whispered into my ear but in all honesty I missed him as well, I didn't allow myself to get close with any other man in a way that was more than a friendship because of how scarred I was by Satoru, this felt like closure.
Something i've been wanting, no needing.
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themoodyestj · 7 days
Hello, my beloved.
today i bring you a list of stuff you can try to not be so bitter and miserable all the time.
1. breath slowly, in and out, relax.
2. take a nap
3. eat a cookie
4. listen to some music
5. touch some grass
6. get laid ( if no one wants you, hands and a picture of Dee are valid too!)
7. hug your pet ( or a cactus if you don't have a pet)
8. practice acceptance (Dee is the Queen and you're never going to be her and Jensen is never going to fuck you)
9. find someone you actually like and admire, and fan over that person (not some guy you think is a mediocre actor and a pushover who can't stand for himself and needs idiots from the internet to defend him from his wife)
10. remember that i love you, and this is not hate, just constructive criticism because i want you to be better.
❤️ your secret admirer
Awww, my secret admirer again. :D Does that mean I'm getting flowers everyday now? So happy to see you, honey. Thanks for all the advice, I take them to heart. Although, sadly, I have to say I'm not as bitter or as miserable as you may want me to be. I do have a family, two cats and a dog, and a career. I do get laid quite often and im a fierce advocate of lone intimacy. Super healthy, I do it all. But also, I have an opinion. One that ruffles many many feathers, but in case you didnt notice, I don't quite care. But hey, if it feeds your delusion that all people who disagree with you are sad and lonely, by all means, stick to it. We dont want you having a psychotic breakdown, do we? Lets try to avoid that at all costs. I gotta say, number 8 sent me. We don't all have the same aspirations in life. Perhaps you'd like to sleep with Jensen (cause honey, the projection is strong here) and you use Dee as a heavy self insert, but I honestly dont want to. It is perfectly ok to like someone (and at the same time critique someone) and not want to sleep with them. I know, mindblowing, right? Such a complex concept, Im sure you find it hard to grasp. But just because its hard for you to understand, it doesnt make it less real. I bet a lot is really hard for you to understand, so...
Danneel being a queen? Of what exactly? Honey, I don't want to be her, I wanna be me. Should i aspire to be someone, it would be a woman who in fact has a flourishing career, and not someone whose assets are basically marrying someone. I'd aspire to be someone with talent, inteligence, gumption. Not someone who still rides on the small parts she played in the past because she knows there isnt much really going on for her. Someone who overpriced her pictures at Wales Con expecting to have a great reception only to find a very small line for her and feeling desperate enough to take pics with her kids insteadto feel relevant. You know, Id actually be less critic of her if she was more honest about herself. If she wasnt so fast to take jabs at her own husband when she herself has very little to offer. But hey, if thats your Queen... By all means. She definitely isnt mine. I dont think Jensen is mediocre. I think he let himself go a little. I think he was happier in SPN days and I miss that light, to be honest. Maybe ill see him improve in his next projects and ill be the first to applaud him for that (and ill post about it too, so stay tuned). As of lately... Ive seen a man who plans a concert with no AC, struggling to sing, I see a man who's tense next to his wife, I see a man who seems to be self medicating to cope and that worries me. I do hope he improves, I wish him no harm. But of course this doesnt help your delulu, so i know your brain will totally ommit what i just wrote. Ok, this is all the attention youre getting now. Im starting to think you do actually love me, cause this was fun! You delulus never fail in giving me a good hearted laugh! See you soon, secret admirer!
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aihaitahm · 1 year
jingyuan with hyrid cat gn! reader
cw reader has trust issues and overthinks.
idk why this didnt appear in the hashtag earlier for no goddamn reason </3 algorithm sucks :(
part 1
“i… like you… a lot!”
“hmm? sorry i didnt get that. could you repeat yourself once more?” the snoozing general teased, as he stares at you, eyes filled with mischief yet with affection. enjoying the small distance between you both, brushing his gloved hand on your cheek. curious enough to touch your ears but of course he didnt have the permission. yet.
“well listen carefully yea? i said i… i like you a lot and i hate how… my tail swings when i get excited to report to you or when my ears perk whenever you call out my name or whenever i see you in a poster or hear someone mention your name. no matter how much i avoid you, you somehow always catch me and i dont know if you… feel the same if you’re just teasing me or if you actually like me.”
jing yuan’s eyes soften. he wasnt sure what made him like you but for sure, he knew you are different, you are you and thats how he started liking you. he starts looking into your widen eyes and just lovingly stares at you. eyes are windows to the soul after all. he loves how you do things, how dedicated you are to everyone around you. he loves your style, how you present yourself, how hardworking you are for xianzhou luofu and especially to master diviner fu xuan.
“(name) i like you because i actually really like you. the moment i saw you, i instantly was intrigued, of course may be it was because you were a hybrid cat and i happen to be a cat person but it is more than that dear. the more we interacted, the more i became continuously surprise on how much i can keep liking you deeper. eventually i started admiring you for… you. these feelings that i hold are only for you, that is if you accept them. have i mentioned that the heaven’s really blessed me to see someone as ethereal as you breathe the same air as me?”
your eyes soften as his confession, quite flustered. ears now relaxed, and tail swinging. you held onto his neck, tiptoeing because this man is literally a giant. no matter how tall you were, he could still tower you.
“i…. accept.” you muttered quietly, fiddling on his collar.
jing yuan smiled. he was about to let go until he was grabbed by the face. he certainly was not expecting you cupping his face and kissing him in the lips. he gladly reciprocated and indulged your beautiful taste.
headcanons ! :3
after you both madeout confessed, you both sat quietly, enjoying each others company. tingyun heard the whole thing and was so happy for the both of you.
you would still call him general and keep things professional during the day. even though he insists on you calling him that, you were scared what people would think when you both are dating.
jing yuan reassures you that things will be okay and that he honestly does not care about what others think about. he wants to be seen with you, and he wants them to know that you are his. at the end of the day, you both do your jobs diligently and fairly even though you both are in a relationship.
when the master diviner fu xuan heard about your relationship, she was happy for you though she gave jing yuan a huge talk.
“i swear… jing yuan if you do something to my beloved assistant you will feel my wrath. you better treat them well! they deserve the world. they are dear to me like family. also by the way, you cant always have them assist you during work.”
“you better not steal my assistant and let them help you with all your neglected work. do your own work and dont sleep. not only did you steal my title as general, you are not about to steal my number one assistant.”
notices you get nervous a lot so he settles with light headpats, and hand holding. he will wait for you to initiate and he will ask you what you are okay/not okay with. just to make sure he doesnt make you uncomfortable.
as you slowly got closer, you started being clingy with him and being super gentle with him. he was glad he got that side of you. you would get greedy and ask for his attention. would swing your tail and poke him with it when you want attention. you love headpats and absolutely melt when he pets you. you both can get sassy at each other and would often tease each other. playful remarks until you get flustered and hide your face behind your hands as the general chuckles.
jing yuan knows you are a worried lover and would encourage you to communicate your feelings properly so that he can reassure his darling. if any miscommunication or arguments occur, you both make sure to talk it out. if your jealous because of one his fans talked to him, he would quickly reassure you and say he has his eyes on you only.
loves when mimi and you get along. his favorite cat and their cat parent favorite cats!getting along together makes him feel soft in the inside.
loves to tease you sometimes by playing with your cat ears or tail. when you get slightly annoyed, he just kisses you on the lips and muffles a ‘sorry’ knowing damn well he isnt.
you have met yanqing before and you helped him in one of your commissions. he admired how you fought and would want you to teach him some of your techniques. jing yuan felt himself melt whenever he sees how you gently talk and coach the boy.
overall the general is so happy and thankful to have you. you both are very happy with each other and xianzhou luofu noticed the new cheerful glow on the general’s energy and face, ever since you both got together.
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
i think so much about how billys meant to be this stereotype high school jock that everyone fawns over and how, with the duffers us vs them narratives, billy is supposed to represent the Them™ and like everything steves meant to be breaking away from. billy comes in as the one meant to fit in with the Cool Kids. hes supposed to be part of the in crowd
except it fails because everything about billys character design, specifically when placed in a small conservative town in the 80s, lends to the complete opposite reaction.
he comes in loud and brash, a guy wearing jewelry, taking care of his appearance, dresses very rock and roll, goes out in public without a shirt/buttons undone so much he might as well not be wearing one.
hes flashy. demands attention.
that shit does NOT fly in that setting. that makes him a target for peoples bigotry and prejudices, realistically.
especially when you compare it to the rest of the main cast that DOES dress exactly how one is expected to in that setting (the only one you can maybe make an exception for is robin. who happens to be queer... interesting.)
MAYBE billy can get away with it at school amongst his peers (but also knowing that there were jason carvers amongst them... probably not so much. but of course the duffers dont think about that). but he sure as hell is not getting away with it with the adult men in that town. maybe he has the moms ogling after him (and those moms specifically need to SEEK FUCKING THERAPY OR JAIL TIME but i digress), but like a typical god fearing housewife in that setting ?? oh you bet your ass she’s side eyeing him too and passing judgement.
what it comes down to is that the duffers have no fundamental understanding of the society they are writing for. theyve got blinders on for the one specific narrative they want told, that they dont realize it entirely falls apart under any scrutiny
realistically, every time billy steps foot in public, he will be ostracized. so he either has to have INCREDIBLE confidence to not let that affect him (which, we can make a good argument that it would, because god knows theres enough canon evidence to show that billy isnt as untouchable as he likes to make himself out to be), or we have to take into account how anxiety inducing it mustve been for him to just exist in that town. he’s already got a father at home calling him slurs for his appearance, you know it doesnt start and end there.
and then i think about how this show likes to pick and choose who the outsiders are, who’s the underdog we should be rooting for. and somehow its the main cast of characters who all have a found family, who all dont actually deviate that far out of what is expected of them from society, who are all forced to conform to one set of standards and never question it, never branch out from it.
but like... billys the one upholding the status quo? the guy who literally has his entire being wrapped up in everything conservative america hates? hes the biggest outcast of them all and yet no one ever considers how isolated that makes him
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haruhar-u · 6 months
Just your average CEO novel yep definitely
CWs: Alcohol usage, cursing, drawn out suggestive conversation (humorously), one character mentions throwing up but doesn’t actually
Co-written with @chocolate-cat-bread and a friend that doesnt have tumblr
taglist: @edith-is-a-cat @the-banana-0verlord @angelhairpastawithherbs @v-anrouge @twistwonderlanddevotee @ferris-the-wheel @twst-om-lover @xen-blank @whspermy-name @cheezy-moon (lmk if you wish to be added or removed)
definition of chinese words used
Chapter one
The first thing I heard when I woke up was the song “Sweet Home Alabama” blaring loudly from my phone, but in Mandarin, and that was all I needed to throw off the covers and turn off the alarm, cursing my past self for losing a bet with my cousin and ending up with this ringtone. 
I checked the time and sure enough, it was 6:30. I was expected to be at work by 7:00 am.
“Oh shit, I’m gonna be late.” I quickly put my hair up in a messy bun and put on a white dress shirt, a beige plaid vest and a matching pencil skirt.
I hurried down the stairs, nearly tripping while I hastily shoved my socks on. It took all the self-control in me not to string a bunch of curses together that would make even a sailor flustered, as my socks were refusing to cooperate with me.
Once my socks weren’t threatening to slip off my feet, I headed to the kitchen to grab a slice of toasted bread and shove it in my mouth, before grabbing my shoulder bag and heading out the door.
It took me a while to unlock the car door, my head was all over the place after somehow getting the position as the CEO’s assistant. Apparently, the previous one had quit the job, leaving the position open to anyone with experience.
I applied mostly because I had experience in a few of my previous odd jobs, and also so I could finally put that degree to use. During the interview, I may have stumbled over my words quite a bit, and I was sweating profusely that I was pretty sure even the interviewer could tell.
While I was driving, I noticed two elderly people yelling at each other in the middle of the street. There were at least a dozen other cars that were stopped right in front of the arguing old people.
Why are they arguing on the street of all places? I wondered, not even irritated by the fact that I was probably not going to make it on time. More so concerned about the fact that they could get run over if someone wasn’t being careful.
“You BASTARD! I told you to wash the damn dishes, and yet here you are, eating fried donuts! Hiya!” The old lady yelled, yanking the old man by the ear, who held onto the fried donuts for dear life.
“I was going to get these fried donuts for you though, but clearly that doesn’t matter to you!” The old man snapped back.
The old lady looked even more pissed off than before, if that was even possible. “Why didn’t you do the dishes first before getting them, huh?!”
“Because the donuts were 50% off the original price, and it was the last hour before they went back to the original price, lah!” The old man said like it was the obvious thing to do. Chiu could see the logic in that, 50% off was a pretty good deal after all.
The old lady rolled her eyes, most likely used to these kinds of antics. “Fine, but only because 50% off is good deal lah, now come home and do dishes!” She then yanked the old man by the ear away from the street, ignoring his cries of pain.
I blinked, once, twice, processing the unusual yet somehow normal scene. That was… interesting. At least everything was resolved in the end, and fortunately, it didn’t seem like a domestic abuse case or anything, which is not very uncommon, much to the dismay of any normal person.
Traffic carried on as usual, and I managed to arrive at the building with at least ten minutes to spare. Patting down my hair and outfit, I walked in as professionally as I could, trying not to trip over my brand-new heels, while I headed to the front desk.
I immediately noticed a very pretty lady at the front desk, with her dark hair in a high ponytail, wearing a pale pink cardigan over her work attire.
“Oh uh, hi. I’m the CEO’s new uh…assistant.” I said and internally facepalmed myself for my blunder. First day on the job and I couldn’t even talk to my first colleague without stuttering like a fool.
The receptionist smiled, her eyes crinkling along with it. “You must be…ah, Lien Chiu? Nice name, by the way.”
I fidgeted, a bit flustered by the compliment. “Thanks, it’s um…I’m from rural Taiwan, we speak Hokkien there.”
The receptionist lady nods. “Figured as much, your accent gives it away. I’m Hujin, if you couldn’t tell already, I’m the receptionist, and I have to answer a bunch of phone calls and greet visitors and such.”
“Sounds interesting,” I say, trying to be polite. “So uh, where is the CEO’s office?”
“Ah, it’s on the 50th floor. For your sanity, you should take the elevator. About the CEO, he might be a bit busy…but I give you full permission to bother him.” Hujin winks, a mischievous smile on her face.
“Thank you.” I pretended to not notice the scheming grin on the smaller girl’s face.
She spun around in her chair. “Ah, no worries.” Hujin then paused, fixing her gaze on me like a cat. She pursed her lips together, rummaging through her purse before pulling out a pastel, rainbow star hair clip.
“Here,” She said quietly and tenderly, reaching over the desk and tucking the hair clip in my hair, pushing back my curtain bangs. I didn’t even know it was blocking my line of sight until she put it up for me. Why was it so warm all of a sudden? Why was she so close? Is there something wrong with me?
“Oh uh, th-“ I was about to say, but she waved it off.
“No need, now go on and bother my-the uh…CEO. Yeah.”
I nod, ducking my head as my thoughts swirled in my head and my heart raced at incredible speeds. If I had a strange look on my face the entire time I was in the elevator, no one commented.
The CEO had their office on the top floor in the corner. Stepping in, there was a fireplace adorned with various pictures of what seemed to be a family, and a bookshelf filled with books that looked like they were never read. There was a dark oak desk with a laptop placed on it. Behind the desk, there was a man who appeared to be in his mid to late twenties. His dark hair was mainly well kept with only a few strands astray. He wore a professional-looking suit. He was slumped over, holding his head up with his hand. He immediately perked up once he saw me. I could feel my heart beating rapidly again, and my breakfast threatening to somersault out of my stomach. I forced it back down, it would be really bad if I threw up right now.
“You must be my new assistant, correct? The last one quit after he went back to America…Oh, I’m Li Haoyu.”
“Yeah um,” I swallowed, trying to get myself to stop panicking. Stay calm, my mind unhelpfully supplied. “My name is uh…Chiu. So, is there anything I can help with? Like, um…paperwork?” I offered, trying not to sound as awkward and wrecked with nerves as I felt.
“I have my schedule in the printer.” He gestured to a fancy black printer against the back wall. “I think there might be some paperwork, I forgot to sign...not sure.”
I went to the printer and checked the inside, and sure enough, there was some unsigned paperwork. I take it out of the printer, find an empty seat and begin to sign the paperwork. It wasn’t much honestly, I just needed to sign using the company’s signature. The signature became less and less clear each time, probably because I was running out of ink.
Haoyu tapped me on the shoulder, interrupting my work, he was carrying a tray with tea on it with one hand. “Do you want a cup?”
“Oh, um, t-thank you so much.” I stammered, a bit flushed and reached out to take a cup of tea from the tray, almost dropping the cup from how shaky my hands were. I went back to signing paperwork, pressing my pen against the paper and frowning when no ink came out.
Haoyu was still there, sipping on his tea with a calm expression on his face. He looked very handsome, no doubt about it. The thought of approaching him, and disturbing him, made me more anxious than I already was.
I eventually sucked up the embarrassment, inching closer to him with the sad, inkless pen in my hand. “Um…excuse me…” I pushed on, despite Haoyu’s look of concern. “Do you have an extra pen or something? I-uh…the pen. Ran out of ink.”
He nodded, rummaged through one of the drawers of his desk and handed me a really expensive pen. “Keep it. Also, what meetings do I have for today?”
I flip through his schedule, trying to find the one that had the present one on it. “You have a meeting with two clients, they own a very wealthy private tech business. It says that they want to buy a license to sell a camera brand owned by this company. It says their names are uh…Yuen Zixuan and Huang Mingze?”
Haoyu let out a sigh. “Those two again?”
Surprise. “Wait, you know them?”
“I went to university with them…”
“Ah, I see. Am I required to come with you for this meeting?” I asked. I probably should have known if it was or not, but I may or may not have skimmed through the job description. So asking stupid questions it is.
“Not required, recommended, though.”  He probably wasn’t judging, yet it still felt like he was staring into my soul. I averted my gaze, looking at the floor, then the wall, then the wooden chair that was very, very interesting. Just so the man wouldn’t stare into my soul and figure out that my left sock had a massive hole where my ankle was.
Even though I wasn’t required, it was recommended, that was basically just another way of saying it was required, at least for overachievers like me. “I’m coming with, then,”
“Can you tell me exactly when this meeting is?”
I handed him the schedule and pointed at the timetable where the meeting takes place. “It’s at 9:30 am, so 2-3 hours or so from now.”
He nodded, “You can do whatever until then.”
“Okay, thanks.” I take a long sip of my tea, emptying the entire cup. ‘Is there…a sink nearby?” I chewed on my lip, wondering if I should even be asking. Maybe they didn’t use sinks, or maybe they had their own dishwasher because only rich people can afford dishwashers.
“Oh… I think in the staff room. Don’t worry about the cup, just leave it on the tray outside and someone will come pick it up to be cleaned.”
“Wait so I don’t have to wash it…? I mean…of course. Uh, sorry about that.” I make my way out of his office and to the staff room in embarrassment.
—-2-3 hours later—
“Hiii!” Mingze says
“Oh, uh, hello. How’s up? I mean life?” I rambled, my body at least five degrees hotter than normal from how nervous I was.
“Is Mr Li late again?” Zixuan asks, glancing down at a watch. He spoke with a Cantonese accent.
I shrug. ‘Probably. Is it normal for him to be late?”
“Yes, especially now that he doesn't have an assistant to wake him up.” Zixuan sighs. “He was notorious for being late in university.”
“Oh god, does that mean I have to be his personal alarm clock,” I grumble. “I did not sign up for this sh-to be a human clock.”
“Assuming you’re his new assistant, yes. Have fun, I was the human alarm clock 8 years ago” He says sarcastically. “Oh. He also tends to forget his wallet and phone often.”
I groan, burying my face in my hands. “So I’m going to have to be his human wallet too…”
“Luckily for you, that’s usually Huijin.” 
“The…pretty receptionist girl?”
“Yes. Don’t ask.” He checks his watch again and impatiently taps his foot.
Haoyu finally shows up 15 minutes later. “My apologies.” He takes a spot at the head of the table after pouring everyone a glass of either water or tea.
I pull the cup of tea closer to me, desperately needing an energy boost after navigating the hell that is buildings with 50 floors. “Apology accepted for now. So um, you said you wanted to buy the license for…this camera?” 
“Surely this could have been done in an email,” Haoyu says in an exasperated tone, rummaging for a piece of paper. 
“Didn’t get much sleep, did we?” Zixuan retorts, rolling his eyes. 
“Can we pretend to be civil for at least five minutes?!” I grumbled, before immediately realizing my mistake. Oh fuck. Is this really how I’m losing my job?
Haoyu clears his throat, using a fist to cover his mouth“Anyway, the licenses.” He hands Zixuan and Mingze two pieces of paper. “Sign here, then write a cheque then they’re yours.”
Mingze immediately grabs a pen and signs both cheques. “Thanks, dude! You’re the best!”
Zixuan elbows Mingze in the ribcage. “Did you seriously not read the fine print? We could be selling our souls for all we know “
“Fine print? Wait uh…oops.” Mingze said sheepishly.
“I understand, you’re not the only one who doesn’t read the fine print,” I admitted. I wasn’t quite sure what possessed me to admit something like that out loud. Maybe I was just really stupid.
Haoyu rose from his seat, “Once you have finished going over the documents please give them to my assistant, I believe this meeting is dismissed.” He was oddly cranky.
“Okay, no need to be a grump,” Mingze said grumpily as he painstakingly read the documents. Sporadically, he would look to Zixuan, who would softly pat his back with a look of affection, and then throw his head into his arms in despair. I watched very concerned as Mingze looked like he was about to rip the documents apart.
“Here, I’ll read them.” Zixuan dragged the documents from Mingze towards himself with a finger. He spent about 5 long minutes reading before signing and pushing them over to me.
“Thank you. Uh, you can go now.” I took the papers, shuffled them in order and then put them in a folder to do later because I didn’t feel like doing it right now.
After finishing all the paperwork, which took a lot longer than it should have because my wrist pain started acting up again. I let out a sigh of relief, flex my wrist and do a quick stretch before checking my cellphone. I had a couple of unread emails that were mostly just junk files and a new...text message?
Li Haoyu: I apologize for my mood earlier, may I invite you to dinner after work with Hujin nd my brother to make up for it?
Lien Chiu: It’s alright :) and sure!
Lien Chiu: Where is the place?
Li Haoyu: It’s a hot pot place best in Shanghai, around 3 blocks down. I usually get a taxi.
Lien Chiu: Oh
Lien Chiu: What time do I arrive there? You said after work, but I would like a specific time, if that’s ok :)
Li Haoyu: Right after, I’ll pick you up from your office.
Lien Chiu: Ok thanks
I turn off my phone and turn on my laptop, where I mark a bunch of emails as read and play some music while I’m at it. 
Later, I hear a knock at my office door. “Miss Lien? Mr Li wanted me to tell you that the taxi is here” An employee called.
“Coming,” I called.
Outside there wasn’t a taxi but a limo instead and Haoyu was outside casually chatting with the driver and Huijin as if they were old friends. 
“Oh hey, Chiu! Come on in!” Hujin pats the seat beside her. “Sit next to me, please! I’m so much better than Haoyu.”
“Yeah sure.” Haoyu scoffs at Hujin with a smirk on his face.
Hujin sticks her tongue out at Haoyu. “I’m obviously cuter, and at least I don’t always forget my wallet. And my keys. And my phone.” She says teasingly.
“You two…seem close?” 
Haoyu bites his lip “Friends from college.” He says rather quickly. “Also speaking of forgetting my wallet and phone…”
“NOT AGAIN!” Hujin yelled, repeatedly whacking Haoyu with a pink bunny neck cushion, which made me snort with amusement.
“I’ll e-transfer you later tonight? I’m paying by the way.” He just stared deadpan at the pink bunny neck pillow, casually blocking it with his arm. 
Hujin just glared at him. “Fine.” She paused in her relentless attack on Haoyu with the neck pillow, before whacking Haoyu with a bear plush.
“Okay, you can stop beating him…” I said, attempting to grab the bear plush from Hujin. Every time I would try to grab it, she would shove the plush in my face, perhaps she was trying to use the fluffiness to distract me, which totally wasn’t working!!
Then the limo stops in front of this fancy-ass-looking restaurant. They got out of the limo, walked in and were seated by an oddly formal hostess. At the table was a guy who looked almost exactly like Haoyu, the only difference was this dude was dressed a lot more casually and his hairstyle was slightly different. 
“Are you by any chance made in a lab?” I blurted out, before immediately having the urge to descend into the earth’s core.
I looked at Haoyu and Hujin, the former with an awkward smile on his face and the latter stifling her snickers with her hand covered over her mouth.
“Well, it’s just that…You look exactly like Haoyu. Except that your hair and clothes are a bit different.”
“We’re twins.” Haoyu points out.
I mentally facepalmed. “Ah. Right. Well,” I retorted, trying to defend my honour. “In my defence, you never know if someone is made in a lab or not.”
Hujin’s eyes darkened with mischief. “You’re right actually, both Haoyu and Huifen are made in a lab. I’m the one born the standard way.”
“Hey! Stop with the conspiracies!” Huifen interjected. 
Haoyu only rolls his eyes at Huijin’s comment, “All 3 of us were born because our parents had sex.”
“Yeah, well our parents had sex in a lab and then had you guys, meanwhile I was actually born in a hospital,” Hujin replied. Meanwhile, I was recovering from shock, at Hujin’s crude sense of humour, the way she took my joke and pushed it to the limit.
“Why are you more invested in this conspiracy than me?” I asked Hujin, very concerned for the way she seemed so dead set on her opinion. 
“Dad told me it was in a private jet ...For all 3 of us” Haoyu replies, his eyes scanning the menu. 
“What?!” Huifen, Hujin and I yelled at the same time. Hujin marched up to Haoyu and poked him in the chest.
“Are you being serious or silly?!” She said, staring up at him with a scowl on her face. It was really cute, honestly.
“Dad told me because I asked why there were drawers full of condoms.” Haoyu was probably serious as he didn’t even crack a smile.
“You guys can afford to make love in a private jet?!” I shrieked, pulling at my hair.
“You can’t?” Haoyu asks dumbfounded, staring right into my soul.
“Well, I’m sorry I don’t have a million dollars to spend on a private jet!” I retorted, exasperated and recovered from a culture and lifestyle shock.
“I could let you fuck in our private jet, wait what,” Huifen said nonchalantly.
“WHAT?!” I stared at Huifen. “I don’t even know how to fuck, let alone in a private jet! Is there, like a…difference?”
“I don’t know how to fuck either.” Haoyu replied bluntly. Hujin elbowed him again, sending him a deadpan glance.
“Aaaanyway, enough sex talk, and let’s eat. I’m starving and I’d rather not starve to death while the last thing I hear is about the differences between regular citizen sex and expensive private jet sex.” Hujin declared, putting her hands on her hips.
“Bitch, we didn’t even order any food yet. We scared the waiter off.” Huifen objected
Hujin glared at Huifen. “And who’s fault is that? You gotta stop projecting on me, gēge.”
“Wait hold on, you guys are siblings?” I exclaimed. Honestly, why was I even surprised? Even without the obvious slipup, I should have figured it out long before, it was basically hinted at me since Hujin told me to be a little shit to Haoyu when I first arrived, and the fact that they said their parents had sex. Fuck me.
“Yeah, it was kind of implied when we said that we were all from our parents having sex in a private jet,” Huifen states.
“Enough with the private jet sex!” Hujin shrieked, 
Haoyu’s gaze hardened, “Do not tell anyone.” Then his gaze softens again, “Besides dìdì, maybe she thought it was a gangbang.”
“I SAID ENOUGH SEX!!!” Huijin screamed even louder, which definitely made everyone sitting at neighbouring tables concerned. If they were not already, that is.
I hold my hands up in surrender. “Okay, I wasn’t going to anyway. Although…are you sure you trust me enough to not…slip up or something?”
Hujin grabbed my hands and I nearly jumped at the sudden touch. “Of course we trust you, silly goose! Besides, we’ll just pay them a million dollars to shut them up. Now,” She grabs all of us by the arms. “Let’s go order something before A PRETTY YOUNG LADY STARVES TO DEATH!!”
Haoyu waves down a waiter and puts in an order. The waiter looks at all of them with an odd look, before gasping.
“No way! You must be…you must be Haoyu, CEO of Revocorp! And you look, wait no, are you Huifen! I love your cosplays so much! Woah,” The waiter does a double take at Hujin, who was dressed in a pink strawberry cardigan, a pastel rainbow-striped gown and brown Uggs. “Aww, aren’t you adorable!”
“Thank you!” Hujin beamed. Her smile is also cute…I think with a pang of jealousy.
“No problem, ah right, your orders?” The waiter pulls out a pen from their ear and a notepad, ready to write down our orders.
“Chiu, do you drink?” Haoyu asks.
“I drank vodka once…? Does that count?” I say.
Haoyu turns to the waiter “This set.” He says, pointing to a certain spot on the menu. Then he leans in to whisper something to the waiter “And a bottle of your most expensive wine plus 4 glasses.”
I glared. “Yeah, I know that, you dunce. But like, wha-we never had this back home! Oh, wait, do I have to pay my share or…” I search through my wallet, and well…I had a couple of coins, two $20 bills…and my credit card which was definitely going to expire soon.
He puts his hand on mine, “Don’t worry about it”
“Oh…” My brain short-circuited for a good moment before smiling shyly. “Thanks.”
A fit of giggles erupted from Hujin, who was shaking in her seat from laughter. Huifen nudged her, but she continued to laugh. Her laugh immediately dropped to a frown when she found that the waiter put down kids utensils, with the Doraemon bowl and colored cutlery.
“Is this…oh this has to be a joke,” Hujin grumbled.
Haoyu meanwhile was smirking at Huijin’s grumble. Wait, wasn’t he whispering to the waiter earlier?
“I think it was Haoyu’s doing,” I told Hujin, who immediately stood up and glared down at Haoyu.
“You! It was your idea for them to give me children’s cutlery! This is ruining my reputation! And I’m 26!” Hujin shrieked dramatically, miming stabbing Haoyu in the throat with the plastic knife.
“I mean…” I say, as an attempt at being a devil’s advocate. “Kids menus are cheaper?”
Hujin scrunched her nose at me before scowling at Haoyu. “You jerk! You know damn well that you can afford 3 adult meals! You could afford this entire restaurant!”
“Baby sister for a reason.” Haoyu shrugs, brushing her off.
“I’m 26…” Hujin pouts. I pat her on the back comfortingly.
“There there, some of us are just born to look like 12-year-olds.” I teased.
“Not you too!” Hujin wailed dramatically, grabbing onto my sweater vest. “You were on my side, I trusted you…and you just betrayed me…were we ever meant to be?”
I grin. “What are you, a theatre kid?”
“I took drama in high school.” She props her chin on her hands. “Guess it never wore off.”
Then the waiter shows up with a bottle of fine wine and Haoyu gracefully pours a glass for everyone at the table, even making sure to put some in the coloured cup that Huijin had.
“Okay not gonna lie, this cup is actually kinda cute.” Hujin says as she stares at the wine in her coloured cup.
The waiter shoots a glance at Hujin and she sighs, pulling out her ID card. After a few moments, the waiter nods and leaves her drink alone.
“Does that happen often?”
“Yes.” All three of them say, all at once. 
“Used to happen to Haoyu and I before last year.” Huifen sighs. “We’re getting old.”
Hujin rolled her eyes. “Tell that to the middle-aged and seniors, they’ll think you’re crazy. Although…” she grins mischievously. “Are you sure none of you have back pain?
“We’re 27,” Haoyu mutters. “I am hunched over at a desk all day though.”
I nudged Haoyu. “I have wrist pain, so I guess you’re not alone. Probably since I’ve been writing every day for over 5 hours since I was a teen.’
Hujin took a swig from the sippy cup of wine. “Woah, body pain. Couldn’t be me.”
“Because you actually have time to stretch. Lucky.” Haoyu grumbles.
Said woman swirls her cup around, letting the wine slosh around the cup. “Even a minute of stretching out your arms could help, you bum.”
“Hmph, I don’t even have time for that. Besides, how would stretching my arms help with neck and back pain.” Huifen sighs. “I hope we can eat soon so I don’t have to be insulted by my own sister. I wonder how Mingze deals with bratty younger sisters.”
“I’ll have you now I’m only a brat 40% of the time!’ Hujin hissed. I couldn’t help but notice the way she looked like a very grumpy, rainbow, sparkly earring-wearing cat.
“40% is still a lot…” I mumbled before immediately being pinched on the cheeks by Hujin. ‘Ow ow ow, I take it back, help me-”
Then the waiter awkwardly places the food on the table. 
“Hey uh, I’d really appreciate some help here,” I stare pointedly at Huifen and Haoyu while escaping a headlock from Hujin. 
“You’re on your own,” Haoyu says, taking off his blazer then, putting some meat into the pot.
“Bastard,” I hiss at him. Huifen averts his gaze and I glare at him too. “Hey don’t look away! You’re also a bastard.”
Hujin then pulls me into a bear hug. “I guess we’re all bastards then!” She leans her head on my shoulder.
“Yeah…” I notice her head on my shoulder and stop in my tracks, all of a sudden the room went from hot to a boiler room. I’m pretty sure my brain was thoroughly cooked, better than the most well-done of steaks.
Haoyu puts a steak on my plate. “It’s Wagyu, you should try it.”
“Okay, uh, bon appetit.” I poked at the steak with my fork, before sighing and trying to cut it open with a fork and a knife, then sighing again and was almost tempted to just grab the wagyu by the end and shove the whole thing in my mouth, with chopsticks or something.
“Silly, you don’t need to cut it. But I’m sure someone here wouldn’t mind helping you,” Hujin teases, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Of course that certain someone wouldn’t mind helping their girlfriend,” Huifen smirks. I blink at him stupidly, trying to process what he said for a solid two seconds before the realization hits me with all the grace of being clonked in the head with a brick. Oh.
“No.” Interjects Haoyu. Still, he leans over with his knife and proceeds to cut the steak for me. 
“You really didn’t have to,” I say, while Hujin sulks about Haoyu being a ‘party-pooper’ and ‘old man wheezer’. “I was going to just eat it whole anyway.
Haoyu completely ignores Huijin, “Don’t worry about it.” He smiles ever so slightly. “Besides, you shouldn’t eat it whole. You will choke and die.”
“I’m too powerful to choke and die,” I deadpan back, picking up a large piece of steak and devouring it. Hujin looks at me with a mixture of awe and concern.
“Woah, I’m so trying that.” Hujin doesn’t even bother trying to cut her steak open, instead tearing off a huge chunk and swallowing. Her face turns a bright shade of red and she pounds on her chest while taking a huge swig of alcohol
Haoyu gently pats Hujin on the back, then clears his throat and he kinda glares at Hujin as if he’s trying to reprimand her for her table manners. Hujin glares back, not getting the memo about table manners. “Also don’t drink too fast, you’re going to get drunk.”
“Do we have a feral animal for a sister or what?” Huifen asks, half-joking, half-not.
“Mother would have killed her for this,” Haoyu replies cutting off a piece of steak. “And Father would have given all 3 of us a lecture on how we are representatives of our family 24/7”
“Thanks for that, now I’m going to choke on meat even more out of spite,” Hujin coughed out, covering her very rosy red face with a napkin.
“What are you, straight?” I quip.
“I’m whatever you want me to be, darling,” Hujin said in a sultry Southern accent before bursting into a fit of giggles so uncontrollable that Huifen jumped out of his chair in shock.
“I’m calling her an Uber home later…” Haoyu murmurs.
I nod. “Please,” I say while trying to avoid being suffocated while Hujin wrapped her arms around me and rested her head against the crook of my neck. “Help me…” I tried to move Hujin’s head away from me to take a bite of steak but gave up when she burrowed her head in further.
Haoyu removed Huijin’s arms from around me softly and guided her head towards himself. “Actually, I’ll just take her back to my place tonight.”
“Nooo,” Hujin whined. “She’s warmer than you. And more soft.” She grinned widely, a soft giggle forming on her lips. I suddenly felt my face heat up, probably because of how hot the steak I ate was. Most definitely.
“Huifen, can you take away her wine please?” Haoyu asks. “Erm, I also forgot my wallet so…”
Huifen threw his hands up in frustration. “Are you fucking kidding me?! This is the third time this week! Fine, I’ll pay though.” He pulled out his wallet, dropped 3 hundred-dollar bills in the little basket and waved for a waiter to come and collect it.
“I’ll e-transfer you once I get back to the office. Also Language we're in public.”
“Yeah yeah, no need.” Huifen waves it off. “It’s only a hundred dollars.”
“No no, I got it.” Haoyu waves off Huifen’s wave off.
“Don’t forget the e-transfer then,” Huifen sighs.
“Rich bitches,” I interrupt them while putting down twenty-five cents as a tip. “Good enough.” 
Haoyu helps Huijin to her feet, “Do you have your own ride or do you want to join us in the limo?” He looks at Huifen. 
“I’ll join you guys, a bit of family bonding I guess.” Huifen sighed and put his wallet back into his bag, and slung it over his shoulder. “Let’s go I guess.”
“Don’t fall” Haoyu warns Huijin, still he walks slower to ensure he’s right next to her.
Hujin pretends to trip out of spite, before immediately straightening herself afterward. “I’d never fall…unless it’s head over heels.”
“At this point, you’re falling head over heels literally.” Haoyu sighs, “I’ll let you have my bed tonight, I don’t want you alone right now.”
Hujin frowned. “Ah, right. That makes sense.” Her face and tone were grim, and it made me feel grim for some reason. I wanted to do something, anything to make her smile again.
“So um…penguins?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood. “Opinions?”
“They’re cute,” Haoyu says, getting into the limo.
Hujin perked up immediately and started rambling about penguins, from their scientific name all the way to their mating seasons and their dietary habits. By the time the limo was on its way back to the company building, Hujin was now rambling about…Madagascar and how accurate the penguins representation was.
“Chiu, you’re dismissed, feel free to head home once you get to the office,” Haoyu says authoritatively. 
I smile warmly at Haoyu. “Thank you, for…well, everything.” My stomach churned with unease and I fought off the butterflies in my stomach with a pained grimace. “Sorry, I don’t really feel well right now…still getting used to uh…life in the big city.”
Haoyu nods “Do you want me to walk you to your car?” He offers.
I glance at Hujin and Huifen, who nod and give a thumbs-up in a strangely devious manner. “Um, okay, that would be nice. 
The four of us walked to the parking lot in comfortable silence, although I couldn’t help but notice Hujin whispering to her brothers in a drunk way and then started bursting into fits of laughter. Just what was that manic pixie nightmare girl yapping about now?
“Are you sure you don’t mind me teasing your new assistant girl?” Hujin says in a sing-song voice to Haoyu. Huifen gives Hujin a deadpan stare and a grunt before plugging in his earbuds, his social battery worn out 
“Shut it.” Haoyu stops to boop his sister’s nose. Hujin wrinkled her nose, an angry pout on her face.
“Uh-uh, I’m stealing her from you,”
“Stealing who?” I butted in, wanting to be included in the conversation. Back at home, I was often given weird looks by others for not minding my own business. However, the siblings didn’t seem like the judgmental type, so I didn’t really bother asking. 
“I honestly have no idea,” Haoyu replied. “Uh is that your car?” 
I nod. “Yeah. Uh, see you tomorrow I guess?” I look at Hujin, who was basically using Haoyu as a human teddy bear. She was snoring loudly on his shoulder and startled awake when I nudged her awake
“By the way,” I said smugly. “You’re going to have a killer headache tomorrow.”
“Noooooo…” she whined, burying her face even more into Haoyu’s shoulder.
“I think I have stuff to treat it at home, you’ll be fine.” 
“My head feels like it’s been hit on a rock…” Hujin complained.
I sigh, both exasperated and fond. “Maybe if you didn’t chug five glasses of vodka in one go?”
Haoyu shook his head, “Mother and Father would have killed me for even letting you drink, period.”
Hujin grumbled. “If only they ever treated me like an adult, not a fragile glass doll. Rargh!” She gripped at her hair.
“They’re dead,” Haoyu says bluntly. Crossing his arms with a stonefaced expression, returning to his soulless facade. “We can’t wish for anything from them anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” I say apologetically. Though sympathy was probably the last thing either of them wanted, it was the only thing that I could think of
Hujin waved off my concerns. “It’s fine, it’s not like it hurts…that much.” She cradled herself, looking a bit shameful. “Um…I mean, they’re our parents, so I should feel sad, but…” She shoots a pleading glance at me
“Don’t feel bad, I’m kinda glad they’re gone.” Haoyu blurts out. Then he grumbles  “I couldn't even force myself to cry at their funeral.”
I look at him, mostly a bit confused, before coming to an understanding. “So, I’m going to assume they weren’t the best of parents?”
“Far from it,” Huifen chimed in, sounding almost nonchalant…or detached?
Haoyu remained silent from here, his face suddenly becoming pale as if he said something he shouldn’t have, he’d occasionally glance at his twin but other than that he was frozen.
The air was getting more suffocating by the second. I opened my car door and slid in. “Um…thanks for accompanying me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I lock the car door and drive back home.
chapter 2 release tbd
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quirkthieves · 3 months
nsfw hcs- ayano monoma
this woman is nasty. capital N Nasty. im letting you know now so you know what youre in for
she can and will maintain multiple 24/7 bdsm relationships
for most people, she is a hard dom. she will clicker train you. she will rearrange your brain chemistry. she domesticated her husband she'll domesticate you and you will say thank you by the end of it
she's not an aggressive dom, though. more of the caring, "i know whats best for you" type, although shes more than willing to be cold and disparaging. and play mind games. she will say what she wants as if its objective fact
her and her husband are typically a package deal
in that vein, a lot of the time in threesomes ayano will do things more akin to directing peoples actions and watching. she likes making you do what she wants. shigeo acts essentially as an extension of her.
he can and will use his quirk during sex. she can and will use her quirk during sex. she will use HIS quirk during sex. having a shapeshifting husband rules.
sex with both of them is a trip. youll get your face held and be told youre doing such a good job while shigeo laughs at you for taking it before he rails you.
both of them are somewhat exhibitionists, public sex isnt a problem. ayano leans more on the voyeur side of things, though.
dont try to bluff her out. send her nudes during the workday? she'll make it her phone background, send you one, and expect you to do the same. :) go ahead, fuck around and find out.
some things more specific to her,
she's got a breeding kink. a largely hypothetical one, though. she doesn't actually want more kids, so she got her tubes tied. but breed her anyway
her chest is a big thing for her (ba dum tissss) and groping/fondling/etc them is a good way to get her riled up
she doesnt really know it because theres maybe 2 people on the planet she'd sub for, but she's got a mild petplay kink (receiving). whoevers brave enough to try and get her in the cat ears can win that one
she loves an outfit. she will wear outfits specifically tailored to torment you.
similar to above, she loves doing things like grinding on the couch/on a train/heavy petting /etc to get someone riled up when they cant do anything about it or to get them to climax early/while still clothed. she thinks its funny.
she will also do diabolical shit like call you/leave you voicemails of her having a good time with someone else. you sign up for warfare with her
loves being eaten out.
likes to own cute panties and likes to position herself where they can be seen or leave said cute panties in your space just as a reminder.
she swings both ways, but she just typically leans towards finding strange men to torment, however women are free to shoot their shot
she does really only want people who have some kind of power, whether its strength/fame/money/etc. she likes positioning herself over someone with power because it feeds her control freak tendencies and superiority complex. this is pay to play
also shes a size queen
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