#because some of y’all bitch about not having more pics
beegriffs · 1 month
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These two goofs 😍
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callmelola111 · 10 months
loser!ellie ♡ dating app headcanons
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synopsis: totally sfw hc’s of loser!ellie (modern au) on dating apps, including a cute little 1st date scenario. basically just pure fluff !!!
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 1.4k
a/n: never written headcanons before, crazy ass shit. idk if i did it exactly right but i think it will be an entertaining read no matter what. i’ve recently caved and downloaded hinge which is what inspired this---but there’s only like 40 gay bitches on there and that’s it (also like no mascs?? i’m attracted to any kind of non-man but still,,, the shortage is real y’all). ALSO let me know if this is something you’d like a nsfw/smut part 2 of. much loveeee ♡~ lola
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who took weeks of convincing from dina and jesse to finally download hinge after she wouldn’t shut up about how she’s “never beating the loser lesbian allegations”. truly she could have any girl she wants but just doesn’t know how to speak to them in real life. they were so fed up with her bullshit.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who only has like 3 pictures of her actual face so the rest of the photos on her hinge profile are just art pics and gay memes
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who had to beg dina for help writing all the little prompts just to reject all her ideas because she’d “never say something like that!”
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who started getting so cocky as soon as those likes began to roll in. saying some shit like “ooo i have rizz” in the cringiest way possible. jesse just says it’s cause there’s a masc lesbian shortage and of course she flips him off in response.
| ❀ | loser!ellie whose cockiness immediately leaves her body when she realizes she has to go through the likes and accept/reject every girl. eventually she just gave up and stopped looking because it felt “too mean” and like “too much work”.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who SUCKS at responding to messages and likes after she lost all interest about 2 days into having the app. that is until she stumbled upon your profile…
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
| ❀ | loser!ellie whose glued to her notifications after she matched with you on hinge. at this point you’re her fixation, and every other message besides yours are going unanswered. as soon as she works up the courage to ask for your number, and you oblige, she immediately deletes the app.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who stares at her screen for like 5 minutes straight at the first text message she plans to send you, even though it was literally just “hey, is this y/n?”. she even googled the difference in connotations between hi, hey, and hello. it’s safe to say the girl is straight up mental about you.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who gets more and more unhinged as y’all get better acquainted with each other through texts. eventually she's spamming you with updates about her day, instagram memes that she thinks are funny, and an occasional flirty message—but of course, she’s waiting for that first date to really test the romantic waters. like yes she’s obsessed with you, but to the extent where she’s so scared to screw things up so every little move she makes is with caution and regard to your feelings and boundaries. it’s honestly super sweet.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who eventually asked you on a first date after you sent like 3 different flirty memes to get the point across that you like her a lot and wanna be taken out for real. you definitely were sending her some shit like this…
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who planned out a whole agenda for y’alls first date so it would be absolutely perfect. she refused to tell you where she was taking you or what you guys would be doing because she thought it would be better as a surprise. and although you were kinda stressing about what to wear and what to expect, the element of mystery was kind of endearing.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who pulls up to your house in her little beat up sedan that she had cleaned for like the first time ever just before she came and picked you up. there was still clearly some reminisce of her mess as seen on the stained seats and crumbs on the floor, but you didn’t mind—yours was just as bad (probably worse).
| ❀ | loser!ellie who took you out for sushi as the first stop on your date, to which she graciously paid for even with you fighting to put your card down on the table first. she looked so adorable with her little california roll, and even cuter when she accidentally got too much wasabi in a bite and was fiending for water while simultaneously trying to play it cool in front of you. you just laughed which immediately made her feel better about the whole thing. 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who then took you to your town’s expansive park to walk the dirt trails and just talk. neither of you had ever gotten along with someone so well, the conversation was absolutely effortless. you talked about all your interests, funny life stories, your fears, and so much more. ellie listened attentively with nods and affirmations throughout which made you feel so cared for, something most girls on dating apps could never do. you extended the courtesy back and ellie told you all about her own stuff, including her obsession with space, to which she pulled out her favorite book on the topic to show you. space had never really piqued your interest before, but when it was coming out of the freckled girl's mouth, it seemed like the coolest thing in the world.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who sat next to you on one of the park’s wooden benches. time had flown by and neither of you had realized until your head was resting on her shoulder as the sun set in front of you. the orange cast hit her auburn hair just right and it looked like she was practically glowing. you couldn’t help but stare at her beauty which she noticed and with a concerned look questioned if she had anything on her face. you informed ellie of the trance she had put you in and she blushed the color of your pink nails just before leaning in to give you the most tender, loving kiss you’d ever received.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who couldn’t stop kissing you once she started. your lips remained locked with hers for a solid 5 minutes, lips puffy and saliva exchanging, until the sound of a dog barking a few feet away broke the exchange. the energy had shifted in the best way possible and the both of you quickly opened up about how much you liked one another. one thing lead to another and suddenly ellie has out her pocket knife and is carving an E + R (reader) into the wood of the park bench. how lesbian of you guys ♡
| ❀ | loser!ellie who didn’t want the date to end and you were right there with her, so you somehow found yourselves in an empty parking lot at 9:00pm, drinking slurpees while she tried to teach you how to skate. it started off as a real attempt with her teaching you the basics like where to put your feet and the importance of bending your knees. after about 4 different falls onto the dirty asphalt you gave up on your genuine pursuits. discouraged, you sat right down on the board, knees up, before ellie gave you a push and you rolled across the lot. she was laughing her ass off and you were too until you hit a bump and tumbled off. 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who bolted into the CVS the parking lot belonged to and bought a bunch of unnecessary first aid items for the small cut on your knee. she came back out of the sliding doors and you died of laughter as she pulled out a box of peppa pig bandaids for your skating “injury”. ellie insisted you needed to be taken care of though, so you let her do her thing and she finished it off with a small peck to the cap of your knee and one on your forehead.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who spent the trip back to your place with one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh, driving you absolutely wild. you almost had to remind yourself that this was just the first date.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who had been parked in your driveway for 10 minutes already but continued to stall your departure with more of her shenanigans. soon she ran out of things to say though and leaned over to kiss you goodbye. this goodbye turned into more and you ended up in her lap before the night was over. it wasn’t until your back hit the steering wheel making the car honk that you finally exited the vehicle. 
| ❀ | loser!ellie who waited for you to completely make it inside before she drove home, giving you a final little wave as you opened the front door. after she was back at her place she instantly texted you about date 2 and thanked you for the best night of her life. in her eyes, you were a keeper!
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✄ - - - -   masterlist   - - - -   ♡
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
(taglist is for all callmelola111 works, if you'd like to be removed just kindly lmk)
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laniluvsuu · 11 months
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Basketball player!Ony x Overthinkingblackfemreader!
Didn’t proofread like usual y’all…
When your boyfriend first told you that you two were gonna be apart, specially across the ocean from each other. You were nervous, though you loved him and trusted him, something just still made you feel so uneasy about it.
As soon as Ony landed safely, and got into his hotel he called you. “Hey ma! I just landed, I’m in my hotel. This shit hard ngl.” He said smiling while explored around his hotel room.
“Hi baby. I’m glad you landed safely. Send me pics of your room later!” You said curious to see what his room looks like since he’s so excited about it. But more importantly you wanted to know what he was gonna do now.
“Sooo..whatchu gon do now?” You asked a little nervous for his response. You heard a lot of shuffling before Ony responded.
“Mmm I gotta go out with coach and the guys in a little, but after that imma be in here f’the rest of the night.” Ony said after dropping his luggage into his closet, picking out the clothes he was gonna wear out.
“Mm okay, well call me back when you’re back in baby.” You said tryna let him go so he can get ready.
“What? Why you tryna hang up on me mama?” Ony asked you confused now with his head in the camera frame. Y’all never hung up when the other was getting ready.
“Ion know…just wanna let you get ready.” You mumbled over the phone to him. Lowkey cheesing when you saw his confused face in the camera frame, only because he couldn’t see you’re face since yours was off.
“No need f’that.” Ony said as he started getting ready. You both stayed on the phone the entire time. Once he was done you two said your goodbyes, and you started thinking again. Thinking about what if he got curious and caught up in the moment. Thinking about what if tequila grabbed his neck and said “Don’t bitch up.”
So you gave in and called him. And told him how you were feeling, how uneasy you were about the whole situation. Tears threatening to fall out of your eyes while you expressed your feelings to him.
“Stop it wit that shit baby. I gotchu mama. I promise you, I didn’t come over here to play around with some other girl. I came over here to work and better myself. To help build our future life together baby, I really wish you would’ve told me how you felt before mama. Could’ve got your stubborn ass a flight with me.” Ony expressed to you as he leaned outside the bathroom bar wall waiting for your response. Once he heard you chuckle a little bit at the last thing he said he felt better.
“Mmhm you right.” You said wiping the tears that managed to fall out of your eyes. His words made you feel better, they made your heart flutter. The question that you had in his trust was completely gone and you felt bad for even having to question it. “I’m sorry baby..I feel bad now.” You said to him.
“Don’t apologize baby. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that f’me until I get back mama?” Ony said smiling and waiting for your response.
I don’t like this one. Might redo..lmk what y’all think tho. Anyways I love Coco Jones been loving her since miss roxie!!!
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bangtanintotheroom · 8 months
🎃 SKZ as Halloween Couple Costumes 🎃
• Pairing: OT8 x (F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Fluff, Humor, Established Relationship
• Rating: PG-15
• Words: 3.5k
• Summary: In which you and your boyfriend choose and experience the fun and chaos of your couple costume.
• Warnings/themes: drinking, swearing, partying, kissing, cuddling, jealousy, mentions of sucking (hehe), implied sexual content, a single threat of bodily harm, all the guys are dorks and whipped, Chan being delulu for OC, Minho is a terror, Changbin being a sweet furry, Hyunjin looking like sin itself, Han getting no respect from the young’ns, Felix is a mess (in the best way), Seungmin taking his role too seriously, Jeongin is always prepared
• Notes: Happy Halloween y’all! 🎃🦇🖤 I really wasn’t planning on writing anything for the holiday, but this idea came to me last week and the more I wrote, the more I had to see it through. It’s my mini break from some of the other more serious fics I’ve been working on again, so enjoy! ✨
• Taglist: @jimilter @joontied @minisugakoobies @minttangerines @sugalaritae2 @crisle19 @codeinebelle @kookprada @saweetspoiled @effielumiere @m1sss1mp
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Chan - Gomez and Morticia Addams
You suggest these and your boyfriend is immediately on board because of the all-black outfits
That, and the fact that he gets to have any excuse to lay his lips on you (not like you never allow it)
You help him draw his mustache on, but it takes a few tries due to him giggling like a schoolgirl
“I think my Freddie one was better.” “Quiet, Chris.”
Talk about in-character
On your lips even though you keep scolding him for almost smearing your red lipstick, on your neck, up and down your arm
But Chan doesn’t care, even when your friend group clowns him for the act
He just keeps on kissing like there’s no tomorrow
The real kicker comes in later that night when you hear a familiar song come on over Jeongin’s speakers
Your eyes were quick to land on your boyfriend, his expression painting him as the culprit for the music choice
All it took was a tilt of your painted mouth to invite him to walk over before holding a hand out
“Shall we?”
With nearly frightening precision, the two of you recreate the tango from Addams Family Values (minus the backflips and knife-throwing)
The applause and cheers that surround you as you both embrace is deafening, but it’s nothing compared to the way Chan looks down at you with sheer infatuation
It’s only amplified by the words he whispers as he leans in towards your face
“Cara mia.”
This time, you welcome the passionate kiss he places on your lips, arms wrapped tight around his neck with nothing but devotion
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Minho - Chucky and Tiffany
“I know what we can dress up as.”
The second Minho came up and said that, you knew you were in for either a good time or a bad time
As soon as he showed you the pic on his phone, you threw your head back and laughed, wiping tears afterwards
“Why am I not surprised? Sure.”
The days leading up to Halloween involve shopping and your boyfriend practicing his ‘serial killer face’ in the bathroom mirror
Your makeup was darker than usual and the eyebrows were a bitch to draw on, but they were nothing compared to Minho’s scars
“Couldn’t you have bought the tattoos instead?” “They’re wack, yours are way better.”
Somewhere behind that compliment is him just giving you more work to do for the sake of it. So you just mumble your appreciation while pretending to be oblivious to the eyes fixated on your pronounced cleavage
After heading outside, you think you did the makeup too well
On the way over to the haunted house, a few trick-or-treaters recoil in fear and parents usher their children out of your paths
Minho is quick to point this out
“See, jagi? You think some wash-off tattoos would make that happen?”
Leave it to this man to inflate your ego with no hesitation. Now you walk down the sidewalks with your chin held high, on an equal level with your lover
The haunted house was decent, even though you almost decked an actor or two in the face, and hanging out with your mutual circle was even better. Before you know it, everyone is splitting up to head back to their humble abodes
Except for you and Minho
It was clear that you two weren’t ready to call it a night by the way you peered at each other
“Wanna go for a walk?” “Sure.”
Not a walk in the park, but a walk through a cemetery; you and Minho were never the most sane people
A stroll through the nearby graveyard was oddly peaceful with a taste of eeriness lying underneath, the path lit by scattered streetlamps and the moonlight
“You really do look gorgeous, jagi.”
The brief silence was broken by your lover’s low but earnest voice, peeking up to see him watching you with soft eyes
The scars and stitches on Minho’s face did little to ruin the adoration radiating through
“Don’t tell me you have a thing for dolls.” “If the doll looks like you, then I sure do.”
You had to stop the walk to stifle your laugh, not wanting to rudely disturb the dead
But once you finished, your teeth flashed at your boyfriend before you held his hand tighter
“I might have the same problem as you, then.”
The expression that came over him was something that was definitely inappropriate for your current setting, but it didn’t stop him from stepping close and leaning in towards your lips
That is, until you heard a noise in the distance that made you squeak and cling onto him
“What was that?!”
Minho played it off like he wasn’t bothered, but you could feel his heart beating a little faster through your pressed chests
“Maybe we should head home so you don’t pass out from fear.”
With your urgency, you followed close as he practically dragged you out of the graveyard, smirking behind his back at the way he kept looking around at every little noise
Who knew a ‘serial killer’ was afraid of ghosts?
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Changbin - Beauty and the Beast
Oh, the way he reacted to the costumes you chose was just precious
As soon as you laid the golden gown out on your bed, Changbin was quick to hop up in joy
“You mean—?!” “Yup!”
The both of you grew up on Beauty and the Beast, but the love for the film was rekindled when you chose to watch it on one of your first dates with together
Watching each other gush over favorite parts and singing along to all the songs cemented the Disney movie as something special in your relationship
Which is why your lover wastes no time in getting his part of the outfit together
You encourage him not to go all out in a fursuit, but to at least get something reminiscent to what Beast would wear
So when he shows up on your doorstep to pick you up, you’re practically bursting at the seams
Horns on his head and a blue tailcoat outfit with ruffles sticking out from his built chest. And…
“Did you put fangs in?” “Mmh-mmh!”
He welcomes the kisses you plant on him until one of his fangs comes loose
“Yah, chill!”
After a quick fix, the two of you walk hand in hand to the fairgrounds, taking care not to let the dirt sully your outfits
You’re holding your skirts up most of the time, but Changbin is quick to take over whenever he could see your arms getting tired
He even took it upon himself to lift and carry you over a giant spot of mud
“Princesses need to stay prim and proper!”
The both of you are one of the last to leave, getting carried away with dancing and taking pictures in every possible area
Despite the way your eyes are drooping, you kindly decline your boyfriend’s offer to carry you home, noticing how he looked ready to sleep as well
After washing up and changing into comfier clothes, you lay in bed with Changbin’s head on your chest, catching up on the mystery novel you had started recently
You peek down from the pages to see his drowsy eyes gazing up at you
“Read to me?”
There was no part of you that could say no to that face
You continued, reading out loud in a soft voice while Changbin hummed in interest at the subject matter
But at some point, you both doze off, the plot twist waiting to be revealed the next day
The beast and his princess needed some rest
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Hyunjin - Vampire and Victim
There was little room for discussion on what Hyunjin was going to be for Halloween
His entire being screamed that he was the perfect template for a vampire, and you? You were going to be his willing victim
Even though he gave you sass (when does he never?), Hyunjin was quick to jump on board when you suggested Edward and Bella as an alternative
“Absolutely not. I am not washing glitter out of my hair for days.” “Great! I hung your cloak in your closet.”
For someone who was fussing at first, he spent forever in the bathroom getting ready while you sat on his bed in your gauzy dress
“Hyunjin, how long does it take to put some eyeshadow on?” “I have to have the perfect depth and shape! Just five more minutes, angel.”
Five turns into twenty and by the time you hear him step out, your mouth is open and ready to fire off, but the barbs are shot down when you lay your eyes on your boyfriend
“How do I look?”
Like a character straight from an Anne Rice novel; dark hair cascading around his face, burgundy tinted around his eyes and a light trail of blood dripping down his plump lips. He’s absolute perfection
But all that comes out of your mouth is a jumbled noise
One that makes Hyunjin laugh boldly, effectively breaking the spell
“What was that?!” “Sh-shut up! Please tell me you’re done so I can call the Lyft.”
Thankfully, he is, and now you can both make your way down to the city
The streets are crowded, despite its wide berth, forcing you two to hold onto each other tight
Especially when some eyes lingered in your direction for a little too long
You felt Hyunjin’s arms tighten when a lumberjack blatantly looks you up and down
“Stay close to me.”
You’re quick to show your disapproval when an undead nurse shoots your lover a coy smile
“I should be saying that to you.”
The further the night goes on, the more on edge you are
You were used to people checking out your boyfriend, but tonight was a new record
Hyunjin seemed to be as miffed as you were, his replies becoming more and more terse and his stare growing sharper
After a group of cheerleaders yelled at him that he looked hot as fuck, you stopped in your tracks
“I want to go.”
Your low request had his head turning, frowning at how bothered your expression became; a far cry from the light-hearted one you started with
“Y/N?” “Can we just go home and watch some movies? There’s too many people here.”
Crowds were never a problem for you. Hyunjin was quick to discern what troubled you, holding your hand tighter before dragging you off to the side
Despite you asking what he was doing, he continued until he was able to pin you against one of the buildings
He remained silent, a faint fire in his dark eyes as he leaned down to latch his mouth onto your neck
For what felt like an eternity, his lips and teeth lavished onto your skin, taking care to avoid the puncture marks you drew
You didn’t mind the sudden attack, but the two of you were in plain sight!
You even made eye contact with a few passersby, reactions ranging from flustered to encouraging. Although, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop, fingers running up and down the back of his silk shirt
By the time Hyunjin released your neck, you were panting softly, taking in the now satisfied look on his handsome face
“Sorry, darling, but I had to let everyone know you’re mine.”
Oh. That explains everything, especially the light throbbing on a specific spot on your skin
“I’m gonna have to cover this up for work tomorrow.” “Mm.”
He didn’t seem too concerned, but honestly, you weren’t either. Especially now that you had a new problem to fix
“I still think we should go home.”
Judging by your tone, Hyunjin could tell that you were distressed in a different way now, lips quirking with knowing
“Why? Do you want me to suck your blood?” “You can suck something else instead.”
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Jisung - Howl and Sophie
From the moment you and Jisung began dating, he had been secretly planning what your first couple costume would be
As soon as you asked him if he wanted to dress up with you, he beamed, full cheeks expanding
Without hesitation, he suggested Howl and Sophie
You were down with the idea, your boyfriend having made you watch the movie about seven times now, causing it to crawl into your top ten list
Although, your enthusiasm lessened when he asked you to do the old woman version
“Jisung, be for real.” “I am! How are people going to understand the costume if you don’t?!”
You can only take so much more of his obnoxious whining (he said people would think he was just some sort of vampire and you threw on your grandmother's curtains!) before you snap and give in
The kisses he plants all over your face mitigate your annoyance a little. Only a little
At least there aren’t too many people who see you in your attire on Halloween night; the two of you remained inside and handed out candy to trick-or-treaters
The reactions ranged from familiarity to straight-up confusion
You almost bust a gut when a tween insisted that Jisung was dressed up as Jareth
“I’m not the Goblin King!” “You sure about that?”
Your cackles escaped as soon as he slammed the door in their face, grumbling about how that kid didn’t know shit
As soon as the last bag was given out, the porch lights were turned off and the two of you released simultaneous sighs
“Movie time?” “Yup.”
Your social batteries recharged as you and Jisung curled up on the couch, reacting strongly to the jumpscares on the screen and hiding behind the blanket whenever the gore got to be too much
After the second movie ended, he stood up and stretched, declaring the need for a bathroom break
You felt like watching one more film before calling it a night, putting it upon yourself to choose this time
When Jisung returned, his ears perked up at a recognizable tune coming from the TV
The grin you shot over the back of the couch erased whatever sleepiness he was feeling
“One more?”
He gave an even brighter smile, quickly retaking his previous spot
“One more.”
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Felix - Pokémon Trainers
Something simple yet noticeable; that was the theme you and Felix were going for
And this was how you both ended up as Pokemon trainers
It felt nice to wear something that didn’t prevent you from using the bathroom or put you at risk of flashing someone
Plus, your boyfriend just looked too adorable with his cap on
The party at his best friend’s house is fun and loose, everyone dressed in all sorts of costumes as they played drinking games and danced to the blaring music
Felix throws his Pokeballs around all night, but manages to keep track of them, slipping them back into his fanny pack with ease
That is, until the liquor starts entering his system and he runs up to you in a panic
He screams that in the middle of Changbin’s packed living room, attracting all types of attention
You shoot everyone a nervous smile before dragging your whining partner out by the hand
“Let’s go find your balls, ‘Lix.”
The two of you manage to catch them all before deciding to get some fresh air
Sitting outside in the cool air on a patch of the backyard with your boyfriend is peaceful, his flush lessening as you both relaxed into the grass
But then you felt something thump into your leg, looking down to see a Pokeball laying next to you
“Felix…did you just throw that at me?” “Yeah.”
You frowned and prepared to scold him, but knowing his thought process at times, there had to be a reason
With the most heart-tugging expression on his face, he explained, “Because I choose you. And I always will.”
Maybe it’s the shots from before, but your entire body heated up at his words, your cheeks receiving the worst of it
“Dork.” “Your dork.”
You didn’t deny it, shooting Felix a smile that expressed your mutual affection for him instead. He returned the emotion before leaning in for a kiss
That is, until you stopped him
“Not in front of Pikachu.”
Felix looked down at the plushie sitting between the two of you, choosing to turn it so its back is to you before leaning in again
“He’ll be alright.”
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Seungmin - Baseball Furies
Your boyfriend was a low-key kind of guy, which you always liked about him
So you were surprised when he suggested to dress up and go to Hyunjin’s big Halloween bash
But you were less surprised at who he wanted to go as
Now the two of you walked into his friend’s house, dressed in crisp baseball uniforms with your faces covered in paint
This was definitely an obscure choice, but you didn’t fight it; at least he dressed up as something
At first, you admire Seungmin’s ability to stay true to his character, nodding in greetings or using his eyes to speak
But as the night goes on, his silence works on your nerves
“Baby, do you want some punch?” “…”
“Is my paint cracking?” “…”
“Did you see Chan around?” “…”
By the time Hyunjin made it to the two of you to say hi, your patience was paper-thin
“Seungmin, aren’t you going to say hi?”
More silence that led to you leaning in to growl, “I’m gonna shove this bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle if you don’t speak.”
Nothing. Just a blank stare that had you groaning in frustration while Hyunjin giggled
“So dedicated!”
You give up on getting your boyfriend to talk eventually, making your rounds to catch up with familiar faces
But by the time you get back to Seungmin, he has an odd look on his face
“Seungmin? What’s wrong?”
His stare is stony, looking across the crowded room at something
When you follow his gaze, it takes your entire willpower not to say ‘are you fucking kidding me?’
For there was a party-goer dressed in a well-known leather vest, shooting the same piercing look back at your boyfriend
“Seungmin. Really?”
Really, judging by the way he refused to break the staring match
Fed up, you snatched the bat from his hand, giving his ass a light swat
“Ow! Hey!” Finally, some words
Scowling, you point the end of the lumber into his face, glad to see the caution replace the stoicism from before
"Grow up or you won't get past first base tonight.”
A puppy-like pout formed as he sunk under your gaze
“Yes ma’am.”
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Jeongin - Luffy and Zoro
Ever since the live-action movie came out, all you and your boyfriend could talk about was One Piece, One Piece, One Piece
It was only natural that for Halloween, you both dressed up as your characters of choice
You were not surprised he picked Luffy, but he couldn’t mask his own when you told him that you were doing Zoro
“What? I think I can rock the hell out of green hair.”
Not the type to enjoy giant crowds, the two of you headed over to his best friend Seungmin’s for a little get-together for the night
Your outfits were a hit with the crew
“Wow, you guys went all out!” “My knees are cold.” “I’m already getting a headache from this wig.”
The time with your friends went by swiftly, including Jeongin being a menace to Chan over his Dracula costume and you showing off your limited sword trick knowledge (until you almost knocked over a stack of Seungmin’s books)
Before you knew it, it was time to head back
Parting ways, you and your boyfriend returned to your place to undress and wind down for the night
Until Jeongin said something that caught your attention
“I forgot I had these in my pockets!”
You turned, jaw dropping to see him pulling an absurd amount of gold coins out of his shorts
“Jeongin! Were you planning to make it hail or something?”
The way his fox-like eyes squinted was enough of an answer, making you laugh in disbelief as you finished removing your socks
“Maybe I can still put them to good use?”
You knew this man was up to no good, but you still dared to look up again, raising a painted brow
“How so?”
Jeongin stepped closer to you, head cocked as he smirked while juggling the fake doubloon between his long fingers
“Show me more of your sword tricks?”
You gave your boyfriend an expression of feigned haughtiness, straightening up to cross your legs and lean back on your arms
“I don’t know if you could afford it. I’ve got a pretty high bounty.”
Jeongin was quick to dive in his pockets and pull out handfuls of the coins, a couple clattering onto your bedroom floor
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
©bangtanintotheroom, 2023. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, maluma, cozane, and 8,677,345 others
yourusername His muse 📸 urbanwyatt
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urbanwyatt You really are 😍
urbanwyatt The other ones we took are my favorite to look at when I’m away 🤩
yourusername 🤫🤫🤫🤫
yourbestiename Like we don’t know exactly what he means with that 😂
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, nemoachida, 2forwoyne, shloob, and 8,678,446 others
urbanwyatt Her favorite place to sit on 📸 my mami @ yourusername
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yourusername Siiirrrr, let me take seat real quick then
yourusername Sexy ass fucker!!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🥵🥵🥵🫦
yourusername Like let me get down on my knees real quick
yourusername Also you’re fake for not waiting on me to 💨
urbanwyatt 👁👄👁
yourusername 🙄 you’re waaackkkkk
urbanwyatt Just because I said no this one time!!!! There was a bunch of people there.
yourusername You never say no to me 😩 & that has never stopped you before!!!!
cozane Wait are you talking about smoking or fucking???
urbanwyatt What do you think?
yourusername 🙄 definitely not about the smoking, I mean both of you are fake for not waiting on me, but Urban is on my shit list for other reasons
jackharlow It’s serious if she’s calling you Urban and not papi 😂 💀
urbanwyatt She’s just mad because while she took these pictures she was horny and I didn’t let her give me head.
yourusername You say it like it’s funny, this ain’t no joke 😭
cozane But I’m pretty sure he made up for it after the show because what I walked into 🧍🏻
yourbestiename 💀 why are you always walking in on them? @ cozane
druski2funnny WHY CANT I WALK IN ON THEM?????
@ yourusername added to her story
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@ urbanwyatt added to his story
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, and 1,678,345 others
urbanandynupdates The way she looks at him 🥹 she’s so happy and I’m here for it. After everything they’ve been through, they deserve this.
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yourbestiename Happiness looks good on you beba @ yourusername 🥺🫶🏻
yourusername 🥹🥹
cozane Sickening
yourusername Hating ass
yourusername But yes, I am beyond happy with my güerito 🥺 like you said, everything we’ve been through, I’m just happy we’re here now and I’m not letting go anytime soon.
urbanwyatt My little mami 😍😊 you mean you’re not going anywhere because I’ll chase that ass down. I’m the one not letting you leave, not even with “Drakey Pooh” 😒
yourusername LMAAAO leave Drake alone.
urbanwyatt After that shit you & y/bestie/n pulled under his post the other day?Na, I’m serious, I’m going to block him from your phone.
yourbestiename 💀💀💀💀
druski2funnny Yo who’s that chick hating real bigggg??? 💀💀💀 she mad you took her man or what?
cozane Oh do tell the story pls 🍿
claybornharlow I was scared
jackharlow 😬
druski2funnny Now I really want to know.
urbanwyatt 🤦🏼‍♂️
yourbestiename HAHAHAHHAHA
yourusername Bitches just don’t get the hint. My tongue was down his throat prior, and I leave to perform, come back to the dressing room and she’s trying to rub all on my man.
druski2funnny I told you to pee on him to mark your territory.
urbanwyatt And I told you that we’re freaks, but I draw the line on getting pissed on wtf
jackharlow Wtf 💀
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Liked by yourbestiename, neelamthadhani, cozane, urbanwyatt, and 9,778,355 others
yourusername Having withdrawals & he sends me this pic. Too damn sexy to keep it just for my eyes, so girls, go crazy 😜 missing those lips though papi, and that mouth and that tongue and your dick 🙈 sorry not sorry.
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yourbestiename Bitchhh damn 😭
yourusername You’re the same with your husband
yourbestiename That I am 🤭
urbanwyatt 😂😂😂 I miss that ass
yourusername Come get it then, it needs some loving
cozane NO NO NO! two nights ago you two went at it like crazy IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME. NO MORE!!
druski2funnny So when am I going to be able to witness this because it seems like everyone and their mama has seen y’all fuck but me
urbanwyatt 💀💀💀
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
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hidingoutbackstage · 6 months
Hello! I’m back to talk about Resident Evil fandom misogyny! Are y’all sick of me yet? Too bad!
I know my source for this fucking sucks (it’s ao3) but since I’ve bitched about the horrible way RE fics on ao3 are somewhat reflective of the fandom before, and bc what I saw pissed me off, I’m gonna talk about it.
And unlike some people, if y’all don’t care about it, I’m gonna put it under a cut, and NOT post my annoying ramblings in the main tag as if they’re facts and not just my interpretations and criticism of fandom wide expression
So I was thinking about making a post saying “merry yaoimas (chreon) and a happy new yuri (femslash re ship)” with the latter parantheses actually holding an re ship. But that did make me pause and think, what was the most popular femslash re ship? I know I have my favorites (claida, chamberfield, and ashuela being most prominent), but I’m also aware that those are rarepairs and probably not indicative of the fandom as a whole.
The first thing I did was go to ao3, which, again, while not indicative of the fandom as a whole, is still large and worth looking at. These three under filters should’ve been my first clue that this was going to be abysmal
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8.4k m/m fics. f/f isn’t even half of that. Now, when I saw this, I was disappointed but not surprised, and I stupidly saw the F/M being more popular and thinking “Oh right cuz Leon x female reader people are annoying” (keep this in mind for like two paragraphs later)
Anyway, I filtered it to only contain f/f pairings, so I could see which pairings were the most popular, and I genuinely had no idea. After all, most of the games in the series barely have women interact at all, so like, were people shipping Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine in 2000 because they were the only two female protagonists (who had also appeared in two games), even though they’d never interacted? Did the remakes and recent movies instill people with a love for Claire x Rebecca like I enjoyed? Or did we circle back to the late 90s due to the remakes of 2 and 3 where Claire and Jill were protagonists of big re games and thus people wanted to ship them?
In my foolish decision to think about, you know the main characters of the series that spawn multiple games and are iconic staples of the series’ existence as a whole, I forgot one thing: people on the internet are horny first, and human beings second
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(gonna use that pic of my dog for image compression, even though this is under a read more)
Ngl, considering that I’d made multiple posts bitching about this very phenomenon, I was more than a little peeved, and also felt dumb for having forgotten about this. So first I decided to filter out the character tag “reader” and-
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Um. I mean. What I meant to say, was that I then filtered out all of the relationships that just came from re8 “fans” being horny. Then I was left with this
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So out of THAT list of ten ships, only six of them were actually f/f, the most popular having 120 fics and the least popular having 38. If you don’t feel like scrolling back up, there were 3913 fics in the re tag which were tagged with f/f
So I think, generally, that Claire/Jill is the most popular re f/f ship, at least in the ao3 community. Case closed, right?
Wrong. Now I had to see if that was actually true. Because if I know one thing about re writers, it’s that they include f/f as an afterthought or some background bs to a fic focused on a m/m ship
So I counted, and I did my best to split all fics where Claire/Jill were tagged into three types: background, focused, and given equal focus between them and one or more pairings. Some didn’t really fit, like fics that were just a collection of one shots (or more commonly, collection of short smuts) but those I also left out of the Claire/Jill focused count, because they weren’t focused on them. So after going through all 141 (yup that’s really all the Claire/Jill ships there are) fics, here’s the number I ended up with
82 fics where they were the focus ship
14 fics where they were given equal focus between one or more pairings
The rest (45) were neither
Not gonna lie, I was pretty relieved to see that fics where they were the focus was more than half of the total. And as I went further back, more fics focused on Claire/Jill as opposed to having them be a background ship. Also, for fun, I checked the ratings for Claire/Jill fics
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And although I didn’t cross reference, I did generally notice a lot more of the fics focused on Claire/Jill were smut first, and fluff secondarily. Most of them too were also either one chapter (complete or incomplete) or generally just short. If a fic had many chapters/high word count, Claire/Jill almost always wasn’t the main ship, and sometimes shared the spotlight with another ship.
So is this reflective of the whole fandom? No, of course not. Is this indicative of a major problem with the fandom not caring about female characters? Yeah, literally all social media is indicative of it.
It’s not like the media itself is incredibly feminist, or full of meaningful character interactions between anyone, regardless of genders, it’s just not good at it and not really trying to be. But I will say that at large, the fandom does seem to prioritize m/m relationships, platonic or romantic, over female characters existences, their relationships to men, and fuck off if you think they care about relationships between women.
I do have a separate post coming about the lack of interactions between women in the media itself, but that’s for another day
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
11x17 spoiler warning
* I will never not be a slut for Daryl in his navy jumper
* Gabe: “we gotta get back to commonwealth and protect our people!!” Aaron: “Dude… Carol is there…they’re literally fine bro.” Aaron knows what’s up
* Negan being a loving husband is not something I thought I’d see but here we are
* Why do the commonwealth soldiers wear that armour if it literally does nothing to protect them
* The opening titles made me really emotional wtf. The slightly different music and the white lettering like it was back in s1?? I think it’s just hit me that this show is ending
* Hornsby makes me giggle man. I know he’s a twat but I enjoy his character
* Pretty people only in the protest crew. I love them all. Rosita my queen- I slept on you for too long
* The Negan mercier scene. Negan still commands the room when he doesn’t have the upper hand and it’s something I have to respect
* AUNT CAROL MY BELOVED- Judith and Carol roasting Daryl about his cooking is so cute. The Dixon family love their feral dad. Also Carol jumping into action and immediately sending the kids off to safety the second she feels uneasy about a situation is just *chef kiss*
* Okay so in the scene where the two people are looking for something on Daryl and they go into the apartment where Carol and the kids just were- that means either a) Carol was babysitting the kids in Daryl’s apartment and seemed to be very at home there (more reasonable because of the pics on the fridge) b) Carol had the kids in her apartment and the commonwealth knew to search her place for Daryl aswell
* Negan- “where is Carol, the only badass bitch (affectionate) that can get us out of this mess
* Okay but like …. Carols and Negan’s little smirks when they see eachother… Negan deffo respects the fuck out of Carol
* “Turns out you might have been right” CAROL IS ALWAYS RIGHT
* CAROL NEGAN SCENES CAROL AND NEGAN SCENES. (Idc what your opinion is on Negan, his respect for Carol is a big redeeming quality for me)
* Jerry protecting the kids is gonna be his downfall I’m predicting it now :(
* Negan talking to Carol about getting married. “Because she is out there.” Call me a silly little shipper but Daryl and Annie being “out there” while Carol and Negan are in the commonwealth trying to get back to them…. I don’t know besties,,, subtext is a wonderful thing
* I’m starting to regain my liking of Maggie. I lost it early this season
* “I know Leah meant something to you” - okay so I’ve seen a lot of people talking about this scene and I really don’t think it’s as bad as y’all made out (I LOVE YOU BUT PLEASE HEAR ME OUT). Like no matter what your opinion is on Leah x Daryl (I hated it) you have to think like he spent a good few years with this woman.. of course she meant something to him at some point. I think it’s very telling that Maggie was not only ambiguous with her language but also spoke in past tense. Leah DID mean something to Daryl, that something is ambiguous and highly routed in a trauma bond, but that’s over now. He doesn’t feel that way anymore
* Glenn :(((((( yeah he would’ve wanted Daryl to look out for Maggie. My baby :(((
* This scene solidified the fact that Daryl’s loyalty to Maggie and the rest of his family meant 1000000x more to him than whatever it was he had with Leah. Final nail in the coffin for that one.
* Maggie looking out for Annie despite everything >>>
* Carols face when Negan calls her a magician cracked me the fuck up. I’m sorry but I love this duo
* How the fuck did that vehicle overturn??
* I’m getting a bitttttt tired of Yumiko. I know she’s like the “inside guy” but idk
Overall review- there were some minor issues in this ep but like??? I still quite enjoyed it you know.
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dirtgrub · 2 years
very long post so i’m going to put some of it under a cut, but here’s a list of the absolutely fucking insane things that happened to me at emerald city comic con this past weekend:
- the panel, obviously, y’all saw.
- i met harvey guillén and i was wearing my ridiculous “team edward” twilight parody shirt but with OFMD edward. he LOVED it, and he asks “can i take a picture of it and send it to taika?” i thought he was fucking joking but he proceeds to pull his phone out (he had a very cute sparkly phone case) and my soul leaves my fucking body and of course i’m like bro yes????!!!! so he takes the pic and i really hope he sent it to taika because holy shit
- i told harvey how much his recent interview meant to me, especially the part about your true self being a home you invite people into. i started crying and he held my hands and said the SWEETEST most supportive things to me. he is a fucking ANGEL and also his hands are very soft and he gives amazing hugs.
- met up with some fellow OFMD people at a hotel bar after the convention, turns out it’s the fucking hotel that Nathan is staying at, randomly run into him at the bar and buy him a drink. he wanted red wine (merlot). he was REALLY fucking nice and just as witty as you’d expect him to be.
- me and aforementioned OFMD people are sitting in the hotel lobby drunk and talking about the pirates, and fucking - steve from blues clues is walking across the lobby. one of our group says hi to him and he casually comes up and proceeds to hang out with us, a group of people screaming about gay pirates, for like a solid 15 minutes. he’s talking to one of my friends about edibles. i cannot make this shit up
- sunday i met con and nathan at their autograph tables. i was fucking sobbing crying when i got to con, but he was very sweet about it and gave me a hug, took a million selfies with me, even though i’m fucking crying in all of them. i gave him a little painting i did of izzy and he looked at it for a long time with a big smile and said “you made this? this is brilliant.” I barely remember much of our conversation because i was so fucking nervous i felt like i was gonna black out but yeah.
- meeting nathan again was a little easier because i had an icebreaker, he thanked me again for the drink, i gave him a painting of lucius and he loved it, he said i was adorable and called me “babe” and he signed his photo “thanks for me drink, bitch.” anyway i love him
- after the convention i was in the hotel saying goodbye to all the ofmd friends i’d met and i ran into con again. i thanked him again for meeting with me and he said of course. i had been wearing a hat when i met him earlier bc i was hella nervous about being perceived etc but i didn’t have it on this time and felt more confident. i think con noticed i had been using it as a security blanket of sorts and he said “you look better without your hat!” and gave me a hug and i wished him safe travels
all in all this was quite honestly the best weekend of my life, NONE of it feels real, i’m not in this plane of existence anymore. don’t know how i’m gonna go back to real, boring life after this.
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discotreque · 1 year
Red Yarn & Thumbtacks Into Darkness
We all know I can’t predict plot points to save my life, and my track record w/r/t this season of Picard is quite bad so far… but neither can I stop myself from formulating wild theories about where this whole hot mess is going. And maybe it’s just the meandering narrative, but the show keeps getting opportunities to disprove these, and it just hasn’t, which means now I have to inflict them on y’all so my head doesn’t explode. Buckle up!
Theory #1: Remmick’s Revenge
(Speaking of exploding heads…)
The thing in Picard 1.0’s brain that isn’t Irumodic Syndrome after all? The thing that’s also in his DNA, and has therefore has been passed on to Jack? The thing that isn’t part of Picard 2.0’s positronic body? The thing that seems to be beckoning Jack, with creepy red organic imagery, to join/connect with some kind of hive mind?
It’s one of the parasites from “Conspiracy” in TNG S1. It got into Picard during that episode, but after the other parasites were exposed and killed, it went dormant and waited for a better opportunity to strike, rewriting his DNA to make sure he’d be an ideal host when the time came.
But that time never came, and the DNA modifications and/or the presence of the parasite slowly damaged Picard’s brain (in a way similar to Irumodic Syndrome, I guess), which eventually killed his original body. And when Section 31 retrieved that body to take to Daystrom Station, the parasite was still inside: maybe dead too, maybe still dormant, but nothing that a nice fresh sample of modified, ideal-host DNA from Jack couldn’t fix.
Whoever’s giving Vadic her orders when she talks to the hand isn’t (just) trying to reignite the Dominion War—they’re trying to resurrect the parasite conspiracy.
Theory #2: Lateral Advancement
I loved that Lower Decks S3 presented not being in Starfleet as an equally valid and (at least potentially) equally rewarding path for Mariner. Obviously she chose Starfleet, but they made the alternative appealing enough that the obvious choice still had some weight to it. And every week I’m getting more and more sure that PIC S3 is mounting a similar challenge to the idea that every Starfleet officer, if they survive long enough, will—and wants to—become captain of their own ship.
Because listen, I love Shaw as much as the next damaged bitch who confuses “asshole” for “charm,” but babygirl does not seem like he’s thriving in the big chair. The only times we ever see him remotely comfortable—and neither lashing out nor squirming with the effort not to—is when he’s forced back into his old grease-monkey role.
If Captain Shaw survives the season—and at this point, it feels like he probably will—I think (and also hope) that he’s going to transfer out of Command entirely and become the first four-pip Chief Engineer since Scotty in the TOS movies. He and everyone around him would be so much happier.
Theory #3: Feint Praise
They had to know this season would be released weekly while they were writing it—like the seven preceding seasons of live-action New Trek were—so the fact that it’s obviously been written and edited for a binge-watch can only be deliberate sadism. Those fuckers.
However. Earlier this season, when I first watched 3.03, I thought it sucked pretty bad as a standalone episode: weird pacing, incomplete arcs, multiple anti-climactic lacks of payoff, etc. Then I rewatched it back-to-back with Episode 3.04 a week later, and realized 3.03 is actually a pretty decent first half of a two-part episode, and the absolutely outstanding second half corrected or cancelled out nearly every complaint I’d had anyway.
Well, here we are again, and I have a lot of complaints about 3.07. The pacing is weird, the character arcs feel incomplete at best, the amount of setup vs. payoff is way out of whack, and it seems to break some pretty fundamental rules of modern cinematic storytelling for no better reason than to suddenly start rushing this slow-ass plot along.
And all of those complaints are well within the ability of next week’s episode to retroactively address, if it’s indeed the second half to this week’s first. And especially so soon after my last volte-face, I’m more than comfortable giving them an extra week to dig themselves out of this one—they might actually pull it off.
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Mafi Pt.1
Mattie: [Okay ladies, it is a good six months since you would have last seen each other for Leavers which is the end of June/start of July typically; safe to say we did not in the SLIGHTEST expect to be seeing you today, at Jay’s engagement party of all places, so the double-take we do will actually be comical like HELLO ?!! Of course, we’re coming over, hopefully, you had enough time whilst we were in shock to say hi to Dolly who actually invited you here, excuse us everyone ‘cos none of y’all know who this girl is so you will all be peeping on the low like who dis as we’re giving you a hug literally like ‘I can’t believe it!’]
Fi: [Like, there is a slim chance you maybe saw each other if she was loitering around in September because uni doesn’t start until October if we want that, but yeah, regardless the shock and awe will be dramatic, I’d like to point out before I have her hug this gal back and say something that because she is super gay she absolutely has one of the last sweet pea flowers of her last season at school pressed and in her phone case, whether Mattie clocked that at the time or isn’t going to until tonight when this bitch is taking pics, but ANYWAY, hug her back and say ‘hello, miss’ being unnecessarily flirty about calling her that again, just because, but CLEARLY buzzing to see her and smiling so big like hey]
Mattie: [when you get to be gay so you can go full force with the romantic drama, shine my boo, shine, I’ll say whether that has been clocked or not we’re not mentioning it in front of the rest of the crowd rn; shaking your head and giving her the friendliest of pushes like oh, you ‘Please, even if we were in term time, you only ever called me that to get a reaction’ me like a reaction, lol ok girls, doing our big grin ‘so, how was first semester?’ ‘cos why do we go American when uni, to feel fancy? Idk but go off and also of course we want to know how it has been]
Fi: [this is my moment, sang like the martine mcclutcheon song obvs hehe, doing a cheeky eyebrow raise at the word reaction, gotta ‘and without fail, it worked every time’ like yep, we both know exactly what I’m doing and why, emphasising this unnecessarily by touching her in some way related to her ootn but super flirtily, whether that’s like touching her waist or back because of outfit deets or her hair for a hair accessory or purely straight coming at her jewellery, either way like nice because we approve, having already drawn attention to her own outfit choices by acting like she’s gonna stumble to her death in whatever shoes she’s rocking cos of Mattie’s gentle af push lol, of course being a massive nerd about everything to do with uni, lowkey giving her too many deets not just about her course but who she’s met and what she’s been up to other than class cos has always been your vibe to talk and talk and talk to this gal about everything, excuse us everyone, eventually, when she’s exhausted the uni topic, asking ‘how’s things with you, at your end?’ which means how’s you and how’s work going/how’s my gals at school etc but also means how’s the old form teacher who bullied me because I vibe that before she left she told Mattie the full story about that, having the energy of in a kind of spark, minus the autism, but her being a handful and said teacher handling it ALL wrong, so she’s hoping that lady isn’t a form tutor any more as of this year]
Mattie: [doing the sort of you-got-me shrug with a lil smirk because we know we fell for it in all the ways ‘easy target, I believe you said’ not us harkening back to the first day like an insane person, miming a little shooting a bow and arrow moment before you’re putting out a hand and holding her arm to steady her lest she actually hit the deck, so now we’re just holding each other in a very casual way, nbd, after LINGERING, pull your hand away and fold your arms as you get into this convo, giving her that lowdown on all the things that might have changed and the things that haven’t ‘you’ve not felt too homesick then?’ IMMEDIATELY putting our hand on your arm again, in that comforting way because everyone does the first year and the way we clearly mean for the school more than we mean your literal family there]
Fi: [‘did I?’ said with the tone and smile of knowing you did because she remembers but downplaying it like lol lol what am I like and how rude of me, love how immediately gay y’all are being at this function and the fact you’ve barely said hi to Dolly, amuses me greatly ‘it’s been bearable, thanks to keeping busy, you know’ genuinely and in a subtle I’m soz I haven’t been in touch kind of way ‘the place hasn’t fallen apart without my leadership then?’ obvs glad actually but doing a lil pout about it like the audacity]
Mattie: [she’s clearly used to it and this was your vibe before but it is rude when she’s specifically invited you for backup tonight, which we are aware of because not a crap sister despite how we’ll feel like one when this all goes down ‘it isn’t the same without you’ as genuinely, even if we’re doing a little lol at your pout, using Dolly to move her closer to you and push ourselves away like must mingle ‘cos really, you must ‘be back in a sec, it’s so good to see you’ not the brush off it invariably sounds ‘cos we truly are and are all too aware we could stand here and ignore everyone else all night if we let ourselves]
Fi: [SUCH a genuine smile at her admitting it’s not the same without us, shamelessly, not soz ‘I can’t get used to not seeing you every morning either, it’s too strange’  despite the fact we’re waving her off to go and mingle because this bitch is the queen of mingling so she knows what’s up, like yeah yeah go it’s fine, catch up with Dolly for a minute because keeping her sane is the actual reason why you’re here, but I am also gonna have to say you talk to the happy couple to say congrats because she would on her way to get y’all drinks or something, so when she’s talking to Jay/Noah/both and they mention Mattie, cos you clearly know her lol, saying like it’s bants cos of how great she is or to confirm the lewk she’s serving ‘I had the biggest crush on her in school’ which I’m gonna need Mattie to overhear without the rest of the convo because Winnie insists, even though she isn’t shouting it across this party or anything haha]
Mattie: [a meaningful look back as if to say hold that thought because the strangeness cannot be overstated because y’all were her first year of leavers, so she’s yet to get used to the machine of getting to know kids at 11 or whenever they join and then waving them off at 18, not at all mentioning the possibility or the specificness of not being used to not seeing YOU every day, nope lol; Winnie says we owe him so much sapphic tension now, thanks, when you don’t have an ego at all so you’re thinking she must mean Dolly which is awkward because we know Dolly is very straight from the confiding she would have done about some of the Swiss school nonsense]
Fi: [soz that will seem true because when she gets back from her congrats for the happy couple she’s gonna be doing everything a good friend would to make sure Dolly has a good time at this party, including so much chatting and so much dancing, it’ll seem very gay and very like you do have a crush on her now lol]
Mattie: [I can’t help that she isn’t a bitch to assume that’s about her, Winola, there’s nothing I can do hun, when you’re now like oh no, do I need to stealthily save Dolly from this situation or nah, what a comedy of errors; at least the grandparents are also there and they could need to talk to Dolly so we can butt in at some point like grandma needs you girl go ‘can I get you a drink? that only being a novelty on my part, though it is’ at Fi]
Fi: [look around comedically and dramatically like you do when you’re checking someone has really gone before you answer because in solidarity with Dolly she hasn’t been drinking alcohol while they’ve been vibing cos just the kind of bitch she is, again it looks gay though, doing a face and lol of relief like oh thank god as if you are that desperate for a real drink cos that party girl persona you put on from her literal first day with the practice telling off of it all, and nod as you say ‘sure’ too eagerly but don’t elaborate on what you actually want, because again this bitch]
Mattie: [looking after Dolly with a smile like yes, I know because you’re not teetotal yourself but you know where her disdain comes from and you can’t blame her for it, nor do you not think it’s a legit response because duh, James is your dad, you know the score; looking back at this girl and going to do another oh, you shove but stopping yourself like oh no, must not, lest you topple over again ‘you’re still fond of a guessing game’ like that hasn’t changed either, I see]
Fi: [smiling too big about the bants of her calling you a pisshead because we just love that the rapport is still here and hasn’t changed ‘with you’ no notes, just remembering the Emily Spinach moment and I’m sure countless other guesses Mattie has slayed that we’re yet to write but just know exists]
Mattie: [doing your own smile back and silently reminiscing with you because the only way you could’ve got that Emily Spinach one is by being that gay and we all know it lol, you love to see it; ‘just know I’m playing it safe, lest you be unable to keep up with your noble escort duties’ like I KNOW your fave drink would be something more hardcore but I won’t get you smashed when you need to be good company for Dolly, ‘cos not having you think we’re lame here]
Fi: [‘as long as you’re aware I’m only allowing it because I take them extremely seriously’ gesturing at herself and her outfit cos her and Dolly are lowkey matching here like yep gotta be the best plus one this town has ever seen lol, cos she do, despite also knowing Mattie would be at this and wanting to see her, not saying at all that’s the only reason she came ‘and you’ll owe me a dance, we haven’t had one together since leaver’s ball’ oh lord imagine how gay that night would’ve been please, not this girl being like I KNOW that’s unsafe and you gotta to even the score]
Mattie: [doing a little bow like but of course as you gesture at her as well like I see what you’re doing here and we approve, then reaching to whisper in your ear, if in a stage fashion to make it less serious so you can deal ‘you look more dapper than the soon-to-be-groom’ ‘cos Nay did not get the memo and all their guests have outdressed them really, soz; walk to the bar situation girl before you can acknowledge you’ve made your own cheeks pink here ‘and I’ll have your drink for you’ as you’re walking away because you can have a strong one, I’m sure it’s your first drink that isn’t the champagne you politely sip at these sort of functions]
Fi: [it’s her laugh making that so much flirtier and gay, because it seems like Mattie said something way more flirtier and gay than she did, for me, plus giving her the gentle push that Mattie didn’t go through with but a moment ago like oh you, get out of here ‘dorm inspections all over again’ called after her, like ty for the reminder cos was homesick, we can all imagine what was getting confiscated and again what you are saying about yourself]
Mattie: [shaking your head as you’re walking but not turning around so you can’t see the 😏 we’re also doing, order her some sort of wine vibe whilst you get yourself a cocktail because we all know cocktails go the hardest, whatever the male ego says about them being pretty and fruity, like there’s usually at least 2 types of liquor in them if not more]
Fi: [when you are gonna lowkey down that drink ASAP because it would be your first one with booze in it if you arrived late and didn’t get the welcome champagne, and like, you’re nervous to be reunited with this gal in this setting, but distract from the fact you just did that by playing a guessing game about what her cocktail is]
Mattie: [‘I can sneak you another under the table’ again in your stage whisper, like I know the party isn’t jumping that much you gotta be in her ear, just talk normally hun; but we legit sympathise with being at a party with only 3 people you know, Lulu barely at all and she’s busy doing whatever she’s doing, and not being able to loosen up with a drink if that’s your normal, which it is most people’s, doesn’t actually make you a party animal by default ‘or, let you have a sip, you can guess the ingredients then’ like we could do that, making a face like ooh, it strong ‘cos clearly lol]
Fi: [the absolute mischief in her eyes at both of these suggestions and absolute delight at who they are coming out of the mouth of, cos clearly love to be a bad influence upon this gal, but there was no encouragement needed, lowkey heart eyes though at her ADORABLE face when she takes a sip because simply must, taking the glass from her and taking her own like she’s doing her a favour sharing here if it is that strong, without making a face, but barely, like she really had to give it her ALL to stop herself from doing one, so then that making her lol, but correctly guessing through said lols, duh, excuse me while I die at her lipstick print on this glass as she hands it back cos we’ve all seen the outfit, we know she’s wearing it] 
Mattie: [maintaining unnecessary eye contact as she does her sip, narrowing your eyes and pursing your lips like you’re keeping the closest of eyes on her, trying to guess her guess before it’s out of her mouth; of course the lol is making us do our own heart eyes ‘how do you know what [an obscure ingredient they put in just to be fancy, you know the kind] tastes like ?!!’ with our own laugh like I don’t know, feels like cheating, not us here running our thumb over the lipstick print, your glass by your hip so it’s not like obvious you’re doing it, but we are]
Fi: [‘how would I have a fave bartender for years and not know?’ like what do you take me for, I’m SO knowledgeable thank you, with an unnecessary wink like keep that in the vault with all my other secrets you have I’ve overshared, as she’s pulling her towards the dance floor to have the dance she insists on and won’t take no for an answer about]
Mattie: [rolling our eyes affectionately ‘I assumed you tipped well and she kept quiet about the fakeness of your ID’ the way we’ve assumed it was a woman, got your number lmao but also outing yourself there, get dragged to this dance floor which I hope at least has some of Nay’s friends on because we know the party is not hip happening and the way it’d be a scene for all the nosy hoes if it was just y’all up there now, not that we’re concerned personally, here spinning each other around like kids]
Fi: [‘I did and he did’ my deliberate he to keep her on her toes here as if that’s fooling anybody haha, with a cheeky grin like she’s the devil emoji irl, in contrast to a moment later when she’s doing whatever ballet moves she can remember from her youth because Mattie is literally that ballerina rn and always]
Mattie: [doing a grumpy lil face as if it is somehow worse that it was a man, soz some things seem that way, especially if you’re not checking yourself and your opinions, which we’re not right now because we are spinning and sipping, I like to think your drink has a straw she would have purposely had to avoid to leave her lipstick mark on the glass because I can; doing such a happy clap like YAY when you realise what she’s doing and attempt to direct her with all the french words that I ain’t gonna sit here and look up, get yourself en pointe though hun, literally wearing ballet shoes, v Titanic of you]
Fi: [‘don’t be upset, I’ve learnt my lesson’ because it does read as sketchy af and we’re all aware of the fact, which she’s saying, but it’s also giving the double meaning that you don’t mess around with men/boys anymore so I love that, as do I how hardcore this girl is getting into this ballet lesson, taking her shoes off and everything to see if she can copy this, which you absolutely cannot because that’s so difficult and you clearly did it as a kid for like a couple of years max ‘okay, no, I’m way too sober for that’ as we try and fail, loling, clearly all the more impressed by her skills because of]
Mattie: [‘was it a you thing or a schoolgirl thing?’ like do I need to go to some pub local to this school and scare off some letchy barman, but also acknowledging that it was and is entirely possible that this dude just fancied her and wasn’t fussed she was like 17 or whatever; just having the best time showing off our ballet moves here and teaching you like there’s not people just milling about making small talk over picky food ‘later I’ll have you on your toes then’ leaning down to pick up her shoes to hand her]
Fi: [‘did I look like a schoolgirl out of uniform?’ when you’re genuinely asking like did I look my age/underage for him to be that level of creepy but everything has this double meaning and flirty edge to it that you just cannot help/are not even aware how blatant it is, because clearly she thought he just fancied her at the time, all teenagers think they look and act older and cooler than they do, hence asking for Mattie’s opinion as she’s not one, put your shoes back on and finish your drink like you’re doing your best to be less sober and therefore an iconic ballerina]
Mattie: [genuinely think about it and shake your head after a minute ‘no, I don’t think so’ because some people look super younger than they are and we don’t think you were or are giving that, honestly, we also like to think we wouldn’t have thought you were so quite so pretty otherwise but that’s a guilty thought we’re not sharing out loud, have the rest of your drink, even though there was no need for you to try and keep pace]
Fi: [‘he’ll live another day to serve another overpriced [whatever the cool rich girl drink of the moment was when you were like 15-17 and he was your fave], in blissful ignorance of his narrow escape’ with a shrug like lucky you sir like Mattie was gonna go fuck him up for being a nonce, cos she clearly has form for helping you sort that form teacher who was a bully out, though less dramatically, noticing her lipstick mark on this glass when Mattie drinks out of it again to finish and making a face like oh I’m gonna have to go waste time in the bathroom touching that up again and cba, but dragging her with you cos that’ll make it bearable]
Mattie: [putting up your fists like yeah, I know, I’m very fearsome lol but we truly would have gone down there and shook that man to his core accusing him of things and we all know it, we don’t play about this school and these kids ‘won’t get either of the girls’ quieter but Fi will still be able to hear, ‘cos we know neither twin is off down the pub or going anywhere and we are WORRIED about their lack of socializing honey, happily go and have a bathroom moment, touching our hair like I’m sure some of that has flown out with that wild dance break, having a quick check neither twin or anyone else is in the loos when you get in there, nothing worse than getting caught talking about someone, even if it is with concern]
Fi: [touching Mattie’s arm the way she touched hers when she was genuinely concerned about her being homesick because we see her twin concern and we get it ‘I barely had to talk her into bringing me’ because Fi is that won’t take no for an answer bitch but we’re saying this was actually Dolly’s idea and she clearly has kept in touch too it’s not just Fi being one sided and extra, doing an exaggerated mouth close like it was all her, I promise, but you can style it out into re-applying your lipstick as well so]
Mattie: [making a noise like oh, I know ‘I’m really glad you’re here’ because it is clear progress for Dolly and shows she has it in her, tapping our forehead with the palm of our hand like oh ‘I already said that, didn’t I?’ like how GLAD can I be? Be in this mirror sorting out your hair so you have something to do that isn’t just watching her ‘It’s just typical you weren’t in her year’ like she could do with some company day to day now but shrugging because you can’t force it for either of them at their age]
Fi: [‘for Doll’s sake is different than how you said it before’ like it’s FINE don’t worry you aren’t repeating yourself I know you were glad to see me for your own sake at first ‘I, meanwhile, could go on and on about how I’d kill for more time’ because you miss school however much you’re enjoying uni and some of that is definitely missing Mattie which she has already said]
Mattie: [just smiling at her through this mirror because we’re not going to deny it, we know what we said and why we said it ‘I wonder if anyone actually feels ready or they’re just good liars’ because we felt the same when we went to Uni hence we went very close by so we could stay home like that ‘have you found enough new friends to fill a plague pit?’ nudging into her back with your shoulder, gently and after she’s finished with the lippy so that doesn’t go awry]
Fi: [‘when you’ve had more leavers you’ll be able to conduct thorough research’ as if she’s gonna do a poll, but really just acknowledging what my boo said before about how new Mattie is at this and also how there really isn’t a big age gap between them ‘enough that when we hold hands for ring a ring o roses and all fall down it blocks everyone’s route to lectures for a solid minute, at a guess’ because defs feel like you’ve made lots of friends quick, you are that bitch and you’d throw yourself into it, but putting her head on Mattie’s shoulder because nevertheless it isn’t the same and is an adjustment]
Mattie: [‘it’s horrible’ ‘cos we are that bitch to get emotional every time a year leaves, even though you know you gotta let them fly the nest and move on, god bless lol; just putting your arm around her and then stroking her hair ‘you’ll miss this time one day before you know it’ because true, it’ll fly and then you’ll have that nostalgia to live with as well ‘you’re doing amazingly’ because we don’t doubt it, with the social side of Uni which is arguably more important and the actual course]
Fi: [‘if that’s a heads up not to put myself through it, you’re right on time’ because thinking about becoming a teacher herself fr already, we know, but smiling because we also know that hasn’t changed her mind really ‘I’ll miss this moment specifically, I know it’ literally outing herself like that like right here right now is where I wanna stay forever yes true] 
Mattie: [tilting your head like hm? So yours is now resting atop hers, then snapping it up like OMG when you realise and doing your excited clapping again ‘oh, do come back to us!’ half as a joke as you put your hands on her shoulders but also not, pulling her in for a hug ‘you’ll be an incredible teacher, Fi’]
Fi: [when she’s adorable and you CANNOT cope, thank god there is nobody else in here because the hearteyes are back in FULL force at her response to the teacher career reveal ‘I’d love to, if you’ll have me’ which is what she said about uni, if they’ll have me, sounds casual but isn’t at all which is her entire vibe always, making this hug more extra than it needs to be just because she has missed her so much she can’t not ‘you told me such a similar thing on your first day as one’ cos she did and the way she’s always and instantly believed in us has this girl emosh]
Mattie: [we’re just here jumping up and down in this hug, swaying you from side to side, don’t mind us ‘who could be better?’ like you would be perfect, girl ‘you practically served as my TA that whole year, it should count towards your hours’ not us like couldn’t have done it without you, brushing your hair away from your freshly made-up lips]
Fi: [‘I’d do it all again even without your glowing recommendation at the end’ because we know she would, over and over if they could ‘like groundhog day’ never happier than in the last year, soz but it’s true]
Mattie: [‘you’re glowing’ just blurting that out then doing a little lol like back up, what I meant to say was ‘you deserve all the good things that are going to come to you, you’re just- lovely’]
Fi: [‘it isn’t the lighting in here’ shading nay’s engagement venue haha but we all remember from Dolly’s posts the bathrooms were a choice so I can ‘must be seeing you again, hearing you hype me up in the way only you do’ because who else is, not her flop fam and not her school friends who are currently scattered to the four winds fighting for their lives in that weird time after school and uni starting, or uni friends she’s had for a few months]
Mattie: [‘or the booze’ touching both her cheeks with the backs of her hands like no, you don’t have that alcohol glow yet, just lingering and stroking her cheeks, standard ‘well, you know me’ doing a shrug like it’s nbd]
Fi: [‘I know I wanted to talk to you, I’ve never started so many conversations in my life, just to not let them get started’ with her own shrug like that’s such a nbd thing to say]
Mattie: [‘you were busy’ like I know how it is, I wouldn’t be mad at you ‘and it would’ve been wrong for me to, maybe later, give you chance to settle in’ when you’re admitting you wanted to too but as a teacher, that would be weird]
Fi: [‘wrong’ when you gotta let that word sit there because you know it should feel like that but it doesn’t]
Mattie: [moving your hands down to your side and taking a step back, steadying yourself against the sink ‘you wouldn’t want your old teacher hassling you whilst you’re out there moving on’ clutching the cold porcelain of this sink to contrast how warm her skin was]
Fi: [‘you weren’t my teacher’ because true in that literal sense but also because we were friends is how we see it, then and now ‘and moving on is cold’ literally while she’s there with that cold sink ‘like you’ve done your job and now it’s over’]
Mattie: [‘you know that’s not how I see it, how I see you’ as we’re turning back to look at you]
Fi: [‘I kept busy because you’ve had a new year to settle in, and the more I did, the more there’d be to talk about, in theory, but I still couldn’t’ just blurting this out like, it’s so weird I didn’t know how to start a convo cos of how much we used to talk]
Mattie: [‘it’s okay, it’s… everything is different’ because y’all had reason and free reign to talk to each other before, now it’s a real choice, we know it]
Fi: [‘I thought I was the biggest fan of change’ because she was about it before but now this is like !!? and we’re not here for it thank you]
Mattie: [doing a sheepish smile because what can we say, we’re both feeling that !!? honey]
Fi: [just playing with a strand of hair that poor Mattie fixed not long ago, teasing it back out and letting it fall over her face again so she’s looking messy but in a cute way because here for that always]
Mattie: [blushing ‘is that better?’ like you’re purely talking about your hair and not the way you’re moving closer to her again]
Fi: [‘different’ like we’ve gotta reclaim that word from the negative it was used in a sec ago and remind ourselves change can be good it doesn’t have to suck]
Mattie: [nodding like we agree and are on board ‘different’ as if we need to repeat to remind ourself ‘you make me feel different’]
Fi: [‘I was scared I would ruin my streak’ like her being her as Dolly’s plus one wasn’t a good surprise the way they used to surprise each other she’d have to go die, cos imagine, Mattie like, you again]
Mattie: [shake your head like you definitely have not ‘I didn’t know if I’d see you again, or, not ‘til some reunion or…’ shrugging like that wasn’t a very real possibility and we weren’t okay with it]
Fi: [‘if I left it that long you wouldn’t recognise me, which would be completely and utterly bad different, for both of us’ like ew no, cannot]
Mattie: [‘what about me? I’d be an actual old lady, horrific’ like no thank you, not at all casually reaching out for her hand]
Fi: [‘no, but you’d be married, which is worse’ taking her hand and doing a pose like she’s showing a wedding ring off like that would actually be horrific and I’d die]
Mattie: [lol like to who, ma’am ‘I don’t think so’ giving her hand a playful slap with ours like nay nay]
Fi: [looking around ‘how could you not want this?’ shading nay again, soz not soz, but underneath that playful bants it’s like actually though]
Mattie: [cover your mouth like you’ll really cackle if not like oops ‘don’t diss the decor, I did this on very short notice’ like tah, sis]
Fi: [‘I wouldn’t dream of it, the decor’s fantastic, I’m this close to booking in Allegra in preparation for marriage number 3, it’s the charm, so they say, maybe it’ll be a husband we can both stand’ because her mum can’t stand her dad but she can’t stand her stepdad lol]
Mattie: [crossing our fingers on both hands like I hope so because we just want you to be happy, obviously ‘what do you think?’ and nodding your head towards the door ‘of that happy couple?’]
Fi: [lowering her voice to a whisper even though there’s no need ‘your sister is exactly how I pictured her according to your painting’ because you would’ve heard so much about Jay by this point you lowkey feel like you know her ‘he’s less what I would’ve imagined, but I try not to give grown men the amount of headspace I once did, lesson learnt, as I’ve admitted, could be why’]
Mattie: [someone could walk in but it’s not like you’re being cunty or these convos aren’t happening all over this party but I get it, we’re also talking in more hushed tones ‘they’ve been together for a long time’ which she surely knows but as if we’re justifying it here and now ‘you might have the right idea’ ‘cos none of us are sold on this or Noah but it is what it is]
Fi: [‘I know, but I assumed she’d be with someone who, superficially, could bench press both of us at the same time’ soz to drag you to filth like that Noah but Jay is sporty gym gal and that’s one of the biggest things we’ve always known about her so, and she hasn’t talked to nay long enough to be like oh it’s your personality she loves, can’t go on anything but shallow stuff rn]
Mattie: [doing a cute lol because you would assume that was her type ‘is that what your favourite bartender looked like?’ ‘cos you too are a sporty gal]
Fi: [‘it’s what my fave bouncer looked like’ because I always befriended them on nights out, in my case for if I needed help, but you just would, I feel like]
Mattie: [nod like oh yep, that tracks ‘at least he’s suited for his job’ ‘cos what is the point when they’re just fat or not remotely tough like soz it’s v much the point]
Fi: [‘whatever my opinion of them, Doll can count me as her wedding date unless she gets a better offer’ just back to the point here which is how buzzing we are to have got an invite to this, flop event though it may be]
Mattie: [making a face when you realise you’ll have a plus one place to either fill or ignore like oh GOD ‘thank god I can keep super busy’ which sounds like you don’t wanna see her and Dolly together but obviously that isn’t what we meant, swatting our hands like oh, you know what I mean]
Fi: [SUCH an amused face ‘and thank god I won’t keep you waiting until the reception to have another catch up’ cos imagine, that wedding could be forever away, some peeps wait years]
Mattie: [tapping her arm like no, you won’t ‘now the conversation has been started’ like it’ll be easier from here on out]
Fi: [‘when we next stall I can take you out for [whatever the cocktail she just drank was]’ not you admitting it’s still kinda awks and y’all might need to get drunk about it to deal with this sapphic tension] 
Mattie: [‘we won’t’ shaking our head so more of our hair comes loose, refusing to acknowledge it could be awkward like nope ‘but I do owe you a proper drink’]
Fi: [playing with said loose hair for no reason whatsoever ‘I owe you your own escort, and my full attention’ because technically here for your sister even though it’s too easy for you both to forget that rn in here]
Mattie: [‘you take it very seriously’ like I remember and you’re very gentlemanly 😌 face before you’re looking at the door like we should probably get back in there]
Fi: [when you see her look towards that door and you go to say something but you only get ‘Mattie-’ out, note the first time she’s used her name this convo though, before someone comes into this bathroom and you don’t wanna finish whatever gay thing you were about to say, so yeah, go out and find Dolly again hun]
Mattie: [the ? on our face before this person rudely interrupts to go to the toilet, it is probably someone you vaguely know so you might have to stay and have a little chat before so let this girl go, however begrudgingly it is]
Fi: [soz Win but it’s a realistic cockblock and you have gotta go back to Dolly anyways, girl, so do that and do your best not to be gutted af]
Mattie: [and you gotta do some more mingling girl, keep this party ticking over for your sins]
Fi: [nobody’s living for the nay engagement but the party doesn’t have to be a total bust just because they are flops]
Mattie: [at least you can get these gals mocktails to enjoy and Gabe whatever he’s been drinking with Lulu because can’t do one and not the other]
Fi: [just know that you are not welcome though Gabe, ever, but it means you can raise your glass at this girl across the room like ty so that’s nice, we like that, even if you blatantly wish it was a cocktail, Fi, you’re being a good friend]
Mattie: [we could have cheated but I think Dolly would know and you are being a good friend, we don’t want to derail you that hard, and we definitely do not like Gabe but at least Lulu is socialising when he’s around so we kind of just put up with him for that sake at this point but there’s no love lost; do your little toast back with the drink you got yourself, not at all romantic just silently communicating across a crowded room, alright taylor]
Fi: [god just take a second to actually think what a dry party this would be because of the age of the peeps mostly being fam like the literal grandparents and Java, and no offence how boring nay are, you really are being a good friend here Fi, I would simply not attend if someone asked me and that was the situation, soz, I fully imagine you and Dolly exploring this venue trying to find anything vaguely interesting or fun to do, we’re all praying for like a giant lawn connect 4 at this point lol]
Mattie: [thank god there is catching up to be done because truly, there’s nothing here for y’all, idek who this party is for lmao, everyone entertain yourselves lowkey, we’ll just be here trying to get Jay to come talk to the twins so they feel included and like there was a reason to bring them here tonight]
Fi: [at least if we say she do, they’ll all be dying, but it’ll bring you 2 back together because Fi literally doesn’t know anyone so she’d be alone else while that awks twin and Jay convo is occurring]
Mattie: [like we’d probably have to do it one by one ‘cos lord knows none of you gals are helping us here but when Jay is making awkward small-talk with Dolly, deffo]
Fi: [soz to throw you under the boring Jay sized bus there Dolly but, I suppose it’s good that she’s vaguely trying to have a catch up with you, agonising as it will be, Fi return the favour and hand Mattie a v alcoholic drink you can tell she needs to deal with how awkward and hard work trying to organise that was]
Mattie: [should Mattie have to encourage you to? No but it’s something, as you are an adult hun; shooting her a look as you take this drink and then your first sip because yeah, we truly need it because Jay is the exact same amount related to these gals as you are and hasn’t put in half the effort, which is like, yeah, your decision but being in the middle of that is a lot ‘aren’t you glad you only have the one little brother?’ raising our brows like these sisters, my god]
Fi: [when you’re just automatically leading her somewhere that you found while you were exploring with Dolly before so Mattie can literally get away from this and have a break because she never gets one and these twins are a lot to be dealing with basically by yourself and all of this Fi has known from basically the beginning cos no secret the gals are weird, Dolly less so obvs hence y’all are legit friends now, but still ‘for all Allegra’s many faults, I can be glad he’s just my little brother, and yeah, I am’ because your mum for all she put on you in terms of pressure at least isn’t making you do more for your little bro than any standard big sister would and you shamelessly are thankful for that]
Mattie: [rich girl perks, you’re not ever going to be needing to look after your siblings like second parents, there’s staff and good schools for that, nodding and sitting yourself down on the floor, wherever y’all are so you can take this moment properly ‘brothers are easier, whatever age’]
Fi: [nod because you feel like you’ve had a lot of sisters with the way your school was set up to make you really look after the younger ones ‘I won’t miss feeling like I’ve got [however many] sisters’ but with a smile because you loved it really, unlike this situation poor Mattie is in]
Mattie: [smile back ‘yeah, right’ ‘cos we know you loved it, before the bathroom heart to heart even we knew that much ‘some sisters are easier than others’ like namely the ones I’m not actually related to lol]
Fi: [‘you’ve had some rotten luck, hence the nobody could call it playing safe drink in your hand’ because where’s the lie, Chlo is also your mum, soz Mattie we’ve really put you through it, girl, and this girl here isn’t gonna sugarcoat it] 
Mattie: [do a little lol about how blunt that is but you’re not at all offended because not that type, again taking another sip but purposely taking a bigger gulp like you’re confirming it, like to point out that she would also have 2 younger siblings assuming we’ve got the Java kids we faced so like, wild times lol ‘if I turn this into a pity party though the night is well and truly over’ like we cannot]
Fi: [‘well then, I’ll have to think of how I’m going to turn it back into a party, party’ with that mischievous look back in her eye again, because who is she if not this bitch, hence Dolly invited her to help her have an actually good time]
Mattie: [‘what did you have in mind?’ looking around as if something wild is just going to pop out of nowhere]
Fi: [‘you like to follow clues, I’ll leave some for you’ not this girl just about to set up some kind of spontaneous little treasure hunt moment at the drop of a literal hat like it’s nbd]
Mattie: [shaking your head like oh, okay because who even ‘do I stay here or?’]
Fi: [‘it doesn’t matter, as long as you stay out of my way while I set up the first’ a smile as she messes up Mattie’s hair playfully, which we all know is a clue in itself for her to go back to the bathroom and start there for this first clue, which we likewise all know will be a lipstick message on the mirror because DUH, obvs we’re gonna hark back across their entire relationship with these clues, tonight included]
Mattie: [checking the watch we don’t have on like okay, ready set go energy, waving her off and covering her eyes like we’re not even checking which direction she’s going in even though we picked up on that clue to go to the bathroom in a suitable time]
Fi: [just getting to be the most gay and feelsy of all time with every single clue, god bless, enjoy your trip down memory lane gals, I can only speculate wildly because we don’t know y’all like that after one convo, but the point is clearly to cheer her up and the final clue is blatantly inviting her somewhere after this engagement party is dead and buried because we know it won’t be a late one, Jay doesn’t drink any more and is a gym bitch, I’m sure she has to get up early in the AM even after her engagement party]
Mattie: [we love to see it and are obviously having the greatest time, no need to know y’all to know that much and are definitely going to accept this offer because duh]
Fi: [Dolly will be invited too, of course, so we’ll have to decide if we want her there or not because two very different moods depending if she is or it’s just you two, but either way, I’m just happy the slay outfits won’t be wasted on this boring function]
Mattie: [my boo says I will save the day and the looks, but yes those would be two entirely different vibes at this point so we’d need to pick, ‘cos we’re probably already a little too tipsy to feel comfortable subjecting Dolly to it]
Fi: [we can always do the copout but quite legit vibe that she’s invited but declines because she’s not feeling wherever Fi has decided they’re going, let y’all be gay alone]
Mattie: [I think so, it’s obviously not your scene Dolly and you aren’t in the mood to be in a club with more drunk people or whatever so pop off gays]
Fi: [I don’t blame her, being the sober one on a night out sucks, even if you’re the most sober of the group never mind completely so, but again, cute and nice that you invited her Fi, despite how blatantly you’re hoping she wouldn’t want to actually which is reflected, subconsciously or otherwise, in your choice of venue, you can say it’s cos Mattie’s got her dancing shoes on, which true, but it’s also cos y’all do wanna be alone]
Mattie: [it is very in character of you to dip, not just us or this gal subconsciously being cheeky, it’s cool, soz it does serve us more for them to be alone and it is shamelessly what both these girls would prefer]
Fi: [do you wanna skip to there or should we do some messages when Mattie gets the last clue and accepts her invite?]
Mattie: [let’s do some messages, why not, you’re invariably back with Dolly chilling and we’re lowkey tipsy and overexcited by these shenanigans so]
Mattie: 💌📌💃☁️
Fi: I should’ve made them harder, I can’t believe you’re done
Mattie: Just call me Marple 🔎
Mattie: your own skills are also severely limited by location
Fi: wow, not Jane? I thought we were friends
Fi: my own skills are rusty, you can say it
Mattie: I see my own future as an Aunt Mattie and I am not prepared for that 🧶🌱👩‍🦳
Mattie: I would never say that
Fi: you would never have an affair with a married man, book Marple is closer to your predicted future
Fi: but knitting and gardening are both fun, you could fare much worse
Mattie: the only married men I know are [and list off the male teachers that are and are clearly not the ones, soz huns] 
Mattie: 🤭
Fi: there’s hope for you yet, miss
Fi: and with such a long career ahead before trowels and knitting needles, who knows who you’ll meet 
Mattie: I understand why teachers were always unmarried women
Mattie: who am I going to meet when my free time is Sunday 😅
Mattie: sounds positively Victorian
Fi: Agatha Christie wouldn’t write you in a new chaplain love interest, but if I’m in charge of the narrative and location, we needn’t be limited at all
Mattie: University is the time for those sorts of adventures, we should be talking about your love interests, potential or already realised
Fi: no we shouldn’t, I’d have to curl up and die, now that’s positively Victorian
Mattie: now I thought we were friends
Fi: we are, thus I’m sparing you the tale of quite how vigorously I attempted to throw myself into that aspect of uni life
Mattie: it’s okay it’s a cliche for a reason
Fi: it’s embarrassing for a multitude of reasons 😬
Mattie: I was a little bit your teacher, then
Fi: no, I don’t care what they think of me, success story or horror show, that part of my life is over
Fi: you don’t belong in there though, and I do care
Mattie: okay, I understand
Mattie: I wouldn’t judge you though, as long as you know that
Fi: I feel stupid, for the kid in a sweet shop approach
Mattie: it’s your first taste of proper freedom, being adult about it is basically impossible
Fi: I had freedom, a lot more than most
Mattie: Lack of an audience, then
Mattie: everyone here knew you, your mother
Fi: every summer spent with my dad afforded me the luxury of the most cliche holiday romance going, had I wanted
Mattie: of course
Fi: but it’s uni that’s the culture shock, and it does feel like a culture, of throwing yourself at everyone
Mattie: if you don’t want to, you don’t have to continue like that, it calms down, most people do
Fi: thank god, a non-stop three year long speed dating event would be exhausting
Mattie: just
Mattie: don’t necessarily go the other way and think that’s automatically a better idea, you know what I mean
Fi: I won’t let you down, I’d hate to
Mattie: why would you let me down?
Fi: I know why I’m here, I’m not allowed to suddenly become boring 🧶🌱👩‍🦳
Mattie: that’s not what I meant
Mattie: I had a very serious boyfriend throughout Uni and I really shouldn’t have, for a myriad of reasons, that’s all I was thinking of
Fi: promising not to get a serious boyfriend’s an easy one
Mattie: you’re allowed to do whatever makes you happy
Mattie: make your own mistakes, even, don’t let me harp on about mine to scare you
Fi: I’m not scared of anything you want to tell me, you’re allowed too
Mattie: I’ve never really talked about him, I try not to
Fi: if you want to, I’ll only track him down and kill him as a very last resort, don’t let it put you off
Mattie: whilst I’m sure your methods would be entirely and gruesomely historically accurate 
Mattie: you’re meant to use all that free time between lectures to study, you know 😉
Fi: no one can begrudge me a field trip to a medieval torture museum, it’s the hols 📌🌎🛫
Mattie: quite right too
Mattie: he was, in hindsight, someone I wouldn’t want any of my friends to go out with
Mattie: but I didn’t realise it wasn’t a me problem at the time, that’s all
Fi: oh Mattie 
Mattie: but he’s long gone, we don’t need to worry about this
Mattie: the final straw was when I took the placement at the school
Fi: just when I thought I couldn’t be any more glad that happened
Mattie: it’s why I had to work there, not that I put that on my application, or talked about how the placement saved me in my interview
Mattie: all a bit much… but he could no longer monopolise my time, control me and where I went, it was like the spell was broken after that
Fi: I can also easily promise not to relay it to your bosses, ancient history doesn’t automatically mean I’ll become obsessed
Mattie: No one knows, only [the teacher you did your training with aka your bestie], unavoidably so as she was there through the whole mess
Fi: What about your family?
Mattie: it would be too upsetting, to think I didn’t know better, and he was always very nice in front of everyone else, doting, even
Fi: deserving of [just namedropping the most horrific medieval torture device possible]
Fi: I’m sorry you had to go through everything he put you through and come out of the other side alone
Mattie: thank you, it’s all okay now
Mattie: and I suppose it was my choice to be alone, I don’t know
Fi: choice is too hard on yourself, he must’ve made you feel like you didn’t have another
Mattie: it was shame, really
Mattie: how we were was my fault because I’d never had a proper partner before so I didn’t know how to be
Mattie: then after, well, it was shaming in another way entirely
Fi: it wasn’t your fault he took advantage of your inexperience and used it to his
Mattie: I know that now, therapists work wonders
Mattie: I promise I didn’t come into teaching entirely unhinged, whatever the kitsch coffee mugs suggest about needing a certain level of insanity to do the job
Fi: you’re the most level-headed person I know
Mattie: you wouldn’t have thought that if you met me at your age, or even the year before you did…
Mattie: people can get a little off track, at Uni, in those in-between years
Fi: had I met you then, if we were the same age, he wouldn’t have lasted long enough to do any lasting damage
Fi: I wouldn’t have allowed it
Mattie: I believe that
Mattie: you’re very strong
Mattie: not physically, though you are, obviously
Fi: stubborn, perhaps
Mattie: that too
Mattie: but strong
Fi: I’m feeling strong waves of regret about any jokes I may have made which aren’t funny in light of what you’ve shared
Mattie: don’t, you weren’t to know
Mattie: no one does, as I said, and I preferred it that way whilst I worked it all out in my head… maybe I’ll change my mind now I feel better but I still don’t think I want to make it some grand proclamation 
Mattie: change how people see me, what they think they can say
Fi: all understandable, but I’ll be here kicking myself for a while anyway
Mattie: grr
Fi: no matchmaking, tonight or ever, I refuse to put my 👠 back in it
Mattie: but you have put them back on
Fi: [not you sending her free feet pics of them back off like no no]
Mattie: 🥳 will you be drunk enough to learn more ballet later
Fi: letting you drink alone is as unforgivable as making Doll be sober alone, I wouldn’t dream of either
Mattie: I am a little drunk, it must be said
Fi: I’ll catch up at [wherever they’re going] while you’re 🩰
Mattie: will I get in in what I’m wearing?
Fi: unlike bartenders, I’ve kept fave bouncers everywhere, you’ll Chaseé ? in
Mattie: 👏
Mattie: very good
Fi: you’re a good teacher
Fi: who knew?
Mattie: please pass the message on to all relevant bosses
Fi: sadly the deadline has passed for my Christmas round-robin but I’ll see what I can do if I see any of them in the new year
Mattie: I can only imagine the details you would have included
Fi: I’ll put you on the list again now I know you want to hear from me
Mattie: as if I wouldn’t
Fi: I wasn’t certain, or I’d have reached out
Mattie: now you know 🔮
Fi: Dolly says Lulu’s been keeping you busy in my absence
Mattie: ah yes, that is true
Fi: your protectiveness makes even more sense given what happened to you
Mattie: I’m sure Lulu would think me an absolute fool for it
Fi: she thinks everyone a fool, it’s barely personal at this point
Fi: I’ve never seen someone look at their invited guest, who they chose to bring, and date, with such open disdain 
Mattie: 🤭
Mattie: at least it means I don’t have to worry about her being under his spell or anything of the sort
Fi: the reversal, maybe, but I’m not worried for him, he’s visibly old enough to look after himself 🧔🏼
Mattie: he’s [however old he is in comparison, I forget]
Fi: of course, she loves to push a boundary as far as is still considered socially acceptable
Mattie: now now
Mattie: you know he was the only age appropriate boy around
Fi: age appropriate is debatable, just because he can grow a beard doesn’t equate to his emotional maturity being high enough to deal with your sister’s, let’s call it emotional instability
Mattie: let’s not call it anything
Fi: okay, sorry, not cool of me, she’s your sister
Mattie: I know she isn’t the easiest person to relate to
Fi: and we both know I’ve made multiple attempts, but there’s no excuse to be calling her out, she doesn’t have to like me, I’m not Head Girl these days
Mattie: as you said, it isn’t personal
Fi: as I said, I’m sorry 😶
Mattie: you’re fine, I promise
Fi: you don’t want to tell me off is all, you’re too good at it
Mattie: I’m sure you could think up better ways to earn it
Fi: true, if I thought hard, something would absolutely come to me
Mattie: think think think 🤔
Fi: 🍯🐝🎈
Mattie: I love him 🥰
Fi: he’s that sort of bear, how could you not
Mattie: You’re very tigger
Fi: eventually you’re gonna have to admit defeat on me not having adhd
Mattie: omg stop it! 😆
Mattie: it sounds like I make a commission on Adderall 
Fi: you’ve shared one secret, go ahead, unburden yourself of your others
Mattie: how dare you accuse me of being a pill pusher
Mattie: I don’t even take aspirin unless the headache is very, very bad, I’ll have you know
Fi: you stop it, you’re adorable
Mattie: you’re bouncy, there should be a bouncy ball emoji, is there
Mattie: there are too many to look through these days 👩‍🦳
Fi: you’re tipsy, that’s why there’s too many to look through
Mattie: no, I’m old, maybe I need glasses, you can help me find a chic pair
Fi: you’re 22
Mattie: and you’re 19
Fi: you look the same age as me
Mattie: how was your birthday?
Fi: I don’t know, different, good and bad
Mattie: did you get a cake?
Fi: [show her the pics because really not long ago so not hard to scroll to and find, clearly not a patch on anything this gal has ever baked for you though]
Fi: I missed it not being from you 👩‍🍳
Mattie: I made so many mince pies before hols 😮‍💨
Mattie: I didn’t do stars on top though
Fi: I see what you’re doing, making me cry because you’re not my form tutor, it’s unacceptable nevertheless
Mattie: no don’t cry it’s because I’d cry if I did
Fi: I know that, it’s why I have to
Mattie: your makeup will be ruined
Fi: but I’ll be in the right place to re-do it, when I can stop 😭
Mattie: are you alone?
Fi: hopefully, or whoever’s in here with me will assume I’m very drunk and a wreck
Mattie: that can be me, if you want
Fi: I always want you around
Mattie: it would’ve been rude to not check, what with the 😭
Fi: you’ve seen it before, my last day I was an actual wreck, and in floods
Mattie: not because of me
Mattie: [the bad teacher] should be every bit ashamed as I think she is now
Fi: it isn’t really your fault
Mattie: [come in because how long does it really need to take you to get here, not long, bathroom doors are always loud so our ‘a little bit, maybe’ shouldn’t frighten you to death lol]
Fi: [‘I’m only crying a little bit’ as this girl wipes her eyes like oh hello to you, don’t mind me here actually crying because of all my feelings]
Mattie: [when she has wiped her eyes, come forward and grab her hand and give it a squeeze ‘it’s okay’ doing a little lol ‘what’s a party if no one cries, eh?’]
Fi: [doing your own little lol ‘it’s not my party’ like how ridiculous and hilarious that I’m the one crying ‘though, lord knows I would were I getting married off’ because no thank you, sounds like Noah shade again and it is lowkey but also just in general because 19]
Mattie: [‘I doubt we’ll catch the bride to be’ and pulling a face because that is clearly not who Jay is at all ‘so take your fill’ like it’s going free honey, pulling an equally GOD NO face and then loling some more because same on both counts tbh]
Fi: [catching a look at herself in the mirror and pulling her own face like ugh why me though because didn’t wanna be here doing this but we are, crying a lil bit more about the fact like great I’m this bitch now love that for me, but also loling at her GOD NO face]
Mattie: [giving her a hug because you want to but also so she doesn’t feel like you’re gawping at her whilst she cries ‘I cry all the time’ like tis true, not saying this like I’m a depressed bitch vibe we’re just an emotional sort of bean]
Fi: [‘I usually don’t but I-’ again stopping yourself saying whatever gay thing you were going to say, despite the fact this hug couldn’t be more gay how you’re returning it]
Mattie: [‘you’re stuck at a terrible party because you’re a good person?’ not us admitting how hard it sucks lol]
Fi: [shaking her head ‘I’ve honestly been to parties which ranked higher on the scale towards complete bust, you don’t need to feel like a bad sister’ because true, you definitely have, for many reasons, and also that isn’t why you’re crying and we all know it]
Mattie: [sighing like thanks but ‘I almost always do anyway’ the work you put in for the lack of pay-off, soz girly]
Fi: [‘oh Mattie’ hugging her tighter because what can you say, we all know it isn’t her fault but you don’t wanna shade her sisters again like you did earlier ‘you’re an amazing sister’ because you’ve seen it with your own eyes how hard she tries always]
Mattie: [just hug it out gals like this isn’t risky business or anything ‘you smell nice’ and sniffing the top of her head and then her neck to see if it’s more shampoo or perfume]
Fi: [gonna say it’s perfume because what else are you bringing in that big red bag, plus then you can get it out and spray it on her, how intimate and how gay, plus sniff her back because perfume smells different on different people, so you can also comment on that somehow, like oh it smells more like such and such on you vibes]
Mattie: [just doing the little twirl you do through a perfume cloud and then hugging said scent to yourself so you can fully breathe it in casually before turning back to her like now, come here, gently cleaning up any makeup that had been smudged]
Fi: [when you’d be so used to other girls doing your makeup because boarding school but it’s her so you’re just here DYING inside casually, opening your mouth to say something, but either you don’t know what to say or you’re scared of ruining this moment, so you just breathe, lowkey a sigh]
Mattie: [meanwhile we’re here not daring to breathe because so into being this intimate with you we’re afraid what we might do if we make any sort of sudden move, yet we’re still touching your lips like your lipstick needs patting into place when I doubt it’s gone that awry]
Fi: [feeling for said lipstick and handing it to her without looking down because likewise barely dare or want to move but do want to linger in this moment by letting her reapply it for us unnecessarily]
Mattie: [putting it on our lips first, without looking away from her to look in the mirror, slowly circling the entirety of both lips, slowly, pouting them out for the full effect, before gently tilting her head up towards the light to apply hers ‘so pretty’ just under our breath, casually as if it remotely is]
Fi: [thank god there is nobody in here because she’s STARING at this scene like Mattie is doing something pornographic, could not be more into it, catch this girl with her lips parted way before she even needs to do it for her own lipstick application purposes, it’s just the affect this is having on her nbd, likewise catch her blushing when she has no choice but to hear that because proximity]
Mattie: [when her reaction has you wanting to push this desperately, to do more and show her more, gently using your bodyweight to push her up onto the counter of this sink moment, as if you need her sat to do this properly ‘prettiest girl’ at the same volume but your voice is shamelessly hoarser, really doing the most you can with said lipstick to push her lips apart how you want to]
Fi: [it’s the sigh hitting completely different now for me, because DUH, not okay about any of this in the best way, literally having to bite her lip so it doesn’t turn into an even more blatant sound all together and also to give her more work to do, because again simply must prolong this]
Mattie: [without thinking, smearing this lipstick across her mouth with your fingers when she bites her lip ‘bad girl’ like she ruined it that hard but really you just wanted to and now you have even more work to do when you can concentrate]
Fi: [pressing her back so hard against the wall in a way that would have to be obvious but if she doesn’t she’ll move forward and do something even more BLATANT at what this gal just said because !! this feels like a fantasy you’ve had but you know it’s really happening because you’re not even tipsy yet, at least you can pretend you’re doing some etiquette style good girl posture to try and make this easier for her and your amends, including crossing her ankles like a lady sits, again not at all because you’re dying, nope]
Mattie: [putting the cap on this lipstick with a satisfying click because not in the mood to fix this or anything currently, folding our arms and taking a step back like we’re appraising you but obviously we’ve had similar fantasies and are taking this moment in for all its worth, taking hold of your knees and yanking your legs apart unceremoniously, which is FINE because you’re wearing trousers, standing closer to you again in the gap we’ve just created]
Fi: [getting her name out of our mouth like she did earlier before they were rudely interrupted by someone but x 100000 with how her voice obvs sounds about this, but having to close her eyes when this gal is in this close proximity to us again because CANNOT cope actually]
Mattie: [doing a little gasp at hearing your name said like that, by her, playing with the necklaces she has on, pulling them tighter and looser ‘round the back of her neck, whilst in her ear but closer than we ever were out in the party ‘tell me, Fi’]
Fi: [when you literally have goosebumps from her gasp before she’s even touched you, nbd, and are literally trying to disappear into this wall when she does so as not to make any dramatic moves ‘I can’t’ her voice catching before and as she says this, like excuse me I literally cannot, doing the most dramatic swallow as if that’ll fix how impossible speaking is]
Mattie: [tracing your finger across the goosebumps on display which is really just her neck and slightly down her chest ‘okay’ really quietly and after quite a while of doing this, creating goosebumps on goosebumps, I’m sure, before gently pulling her down via your hands around her waist and then letting her go, opening the lipstick again to rub away the mess you made and reapply, yet again]
Fi: [looking at her the most 🥺 anyone ever has while all this is occurring, lowkey trembling with the !! of not reacting any other way, until she accidentally licks her lips during this lipstick reapplication, soz and the ‘fuck’ escapes like oh no, in such a !! manner ‘excuse my language, miss’ in trying to be a bants way but this moment is too charged for that to land anything other than flirty af]
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wetforestrat · 3 days
Tw domestic abuse mentioned, gaslighting, manipulation, stalking! Idk what else sorry. But plz read if you are a domestic abuse survivor or current. The end of the post is an Instagram acc I recommend for help if you need it! The beginning/majority is me explaining a small detail of my story bc it’s recent. I’m also looking for some advice and validation if anyone can provide that.
You guys I found a way to block my stalker’s accounts on tumblr from my side blogs too!!!!! I feel at peace for once!! Sorta. But it’s progress!
But this bitch did message me on this account! My anxiety was through the roof! But I’m thinking of posting it on here so y’all can see what I’m seeing so I feel less crazy and I need validation not to go back! I’m terrified! And tell me if you see the manipulation and gaslighting that I’m seeing plz!! I know I’m not crazy!!!
A week ago her and my sister also showed up at my apartment asking if they could use my bathroom because they had to go to the store in my area, they live 20+ mins away from me! Thank god one of the staff members saw them and called me, i literally let my sister in my apartment for a second because I was terrified to say no! After I told them to leave they stayed for an hour and a half, they yelled through my window, I tried to block it out so idk fully of what they said but I can guess. I called the cops twice! They didn’t do anything, all they did was “look around”, they didn’t talk to me like they were suppose too. But that’s a whole thing.
Blocked out so I don’t get sued lol and so this doesn’t go back to her. Just to be clear she does this all the time while usually under the influence of something.
Specifically where I see the gaslighting and manipulation tactics used against domestic abuse victims like myself is the line she said “or keep running away but I know you’re running away cause you like me you might as well consider just coming around dude I’m really sorry” and “and if you don’t talk to me I’m not trying to do the most I already am so don’t even worry about it”
She would always tell me to “let things go” and that I’m “holding onto shit from the past and would never let it go.” So it’s funny when I read this in the message “Do you not ever think about anything between us in the past at all”
Don’t forget the best line yet she said in this message “This is all well worth a shot to me so whatever if you try to judge me it’s cause you’re lying to yourself and I’m sorry I hurt you again I know you love me too.”
Another good line “Also now I feel like I could just be myself around you”
She uses my sister to get to me so I have to block both of them on everything cuz my sister has been harassing me too!
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This goes way deeper than what I’m saying but I don’t want to keep talking about it. I’m very alone in this situation and feel even more crazy because of all the gaslighting used on me. My situation doesn’t look like a typical domestic abuse situation so I always deny and think “it wasn’t that bad”, “I’m overreacting”, “this is just past traumas.”
Basically what I got from this message was that she acted the way she did because she supposedly loves me so much.
I’m fucking tired y’all! This has been going on for 2 fucking years!!
I’ve tried getting a harassment restraining order but the steps are fucking dumb and feel so damn impossible for me to accomplish them when I’m already dealing with my own mental health issues! Not only that I don’t have the proof they need for the requirements!
The video is showing the account my sister made to contact me, in April 27?, 2024 after I cut contact in February 2024, the first time they tried reaching out, and it was to talk about some stupid past life shit (anything important to them has to be important to me, it’s not and so they yelled at me on the phone for that and said my beliefs ate stupid) (I don’t have the message she sent bc at the time I didn’t want any trace of them and didn’t think a ro was possible.) [Pic 1]
May 14 2024 was when my sister reached out to me with a new phone number and she’s the one who calls me from a “No Caller ID” number. [Pic 2]
May 19 2024 was when they added me to a group chat I said no too. They added me anyways. *cough* breaking another boundary out of many more *cough* [Pic 3 & 4] When my sister did call I got the urge to call her, I spoke things I’ve wanted to say forever but couldn’t because of fear and she started crying, her friend took the phone and yelled at me for an hour she was also under the influence when she did that.
May 20 2024 I had her unblocked at the time and was scared to block her again out of fear so she kept calling and texting me. [Pic 5 & 6] She usually calls between 11 pm - 2 am. I also don’t smoke, never have but that is always there way to get me to go back so they can control & hurt me more. The “I’m bored lol” part sent me off a 100 story building, so I blocked her finally again after that. Always claiming to try to work shit out and then play as if it’s no big deal.
May 31 2024 was when I got another call (2 of them) & a text after those 2 calls. The caller ID was my sister’s friend’s mom’s name so I assumed it was the friend. [Pic 7]
June 6 & 7 2024 when my sister called again. June 9 2024 when they showed up to my apartment and the staff member called me and when I called the cops twice. & This Friday June 14 2024 when my sister called again at around 11:50 pm. [Pic 8 & 9]
This is just the stuff that’s been happening since I officially cut contact February 2024. (And intend to keep it that way for good!) And when they started contacting me again April 27? 2024. This isn’t even a small portion of the story.
I think the worst part of all this is feeling like I’m the abuser and fucked things up and should go back. I know I’ve said some fucked up shit and nobody has to believe me when I say it was in retaliation to all that they did to me. But I know the truth on my part even if no one in the world believes a single thing I say and even when I doubt and believe I’m the abuser.
This is not me trying to jab anyone or make them look bad I’m explaining my side! Something they never liked. I’m not staying quiet and I’m sharing it to help anyone else because I didn’t realize this was abuse until May 2024 when I told my therapist what was going on. She pointed it out to me! So look into trauma bonding, covert abuse, domestic violence/abuse even if you don’t think it is but notice something off!
If y’all know DV hotline comment or reblog on this post for others. I don’t trust hotlines but just in case for anyone that needs it!
Also I really recommend this Instagram account for anyone struggling! She has helped me so damn much I never even bothered looking for more accounts everything she has posted has been so helpful!!! Like I fr hope she knows how helpful!! (Ignore if she tags things as #narcabuse, her other info helps a lot I sincerely recommend as a fellow narcissist:)
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Plz plz plz talk to me if you feel alone in this type of situation it can be validating and nice (not really nice but relatable) to hear from others experiences cuz domestic abuse looks so many different ways that most do not understand bc it’s not just one look! I’m not gonna judge or tell you to leave the situation but I’d like to help if I can, you can just vent and ramble or have me keep you accountable if you need!
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face-palming-fox · 2 years
since they turned reblogs off i’ma just post a pic and not their name
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but honestly. who cares? LOL i like starry night as much as the next gay but the notion that people actually care about art and artists is actually laughable to me cos no. u fucking don’t. there’s artists NOW struggling to have their art noticed, appreciated, respected because everything is out there ripping off their art or stealing it in some way or form for profit. and hell, a lot of old masterpieces are just cheap merchandise now. u see how much van gogh is on products these days? u appreciate the art and the artist? i bet he’s rolling in his grave that his expressive medium is now tapestries and purses and tshirts and whatever else it’s been printed on. 
but aside from the fact that people are shitting on modern artists on a daily basis (much like all the old masters were also shat on in their time, way of being an artist i guess) the more bits and pieces i’ve learned from the coveted artists of the past is.. a lot of them. were VERY shitty people and their art wasn’t seen as ‘great’ until they died? this feels very in line with the same way people basically worship statues or historical pieces while ignoring what they may mean and wanna keep them around JUST because it’s something old and historical. i can’t say much for van gogh; i think he was just a very mentally sick, depressed man as far as any info i’ve heard about him goes. but still.
you care about art and preserving things of the past. lol. sure. if you really cared about preservation that much, maybe you should put that energy towards preserving things that affect modern day people but some how i feel like y’all aren’t ready for that convo. you’d rather bitch and whine about keeping ancient items as if any of you would actually go view the original pieces and act like people can’t ‘appreciate art’ within two seconds of a click on a device.
0 notes
bunnys-babies · 2 years
Yuuta Relationship HC’s
Yuuta Okkotsu x gn!reader
warning(s): none!
a/n: ty @alert-arlert for forever filling the Yuuta shaped hole in my heart and indulging with me about any & everything Yuuta <3 hope y’all enjoy bc it’s bc of them! (and you anon ehehehe) that I made this small thing :3
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So soft, emotionally and physically (squishy chest)
If you say anything mildly shady or concerning, he’s side eyeing - he’s so good at it too
He’ll be driving the pair of you somewhere and you’ll make a comment about anything and he’s doing 👀 to see your face so he knows how he should be reacting
He prefers FaceTime or video call over regular calls any day, he never lets you know when he’s gonna call though so your phone will just start ringing and you know it’s either Yuuta or a scam
It’s mainly because he reads faces better than voice inflection, but also he gets so giddy when you answer the phone and it’s just a pixelated you <3
You could have the screen beneath your face while you snack, or while you’re typing away on your computer, and he’s smiling like an idiot cause he thinks you’re SO cute
Has resting bitch face
Maybe not so bitchy, but he just constantly looks annoyed
This goes for even when you’re talking to him, you’ll say something funny and he’ll bust out smiling and laughing and just go straight back to straight faced Yuuta
It was a little weird at first, but you’ve gotten used to it and learned it means nothing - it’s just his face
He gets the hiccups after every time he drinks a bubbly drink, and after every meal & snack
He gets viscerally angry about them too
*hiccup* oh my fuckin- *hiccup* god!
Maybe it’s because he eats every meal like it’s his last and chugs drinks like nobody’s business but who knowssss
His skill is not needing to drink while he eats, he waits until after his meal and will drink half of his water bottle or most of whatever drink he has
On the topic of this, he also always finishes his food before you
Never makes you feel rushed though, finishes his food and just chills with you like a sweetheart not thinking anything of it (he does have a habit of taking little bites of whatever you’re eating though, so be prepared to deal with his fingers coming onto your plate absentmindedly to steal some bites)
He’s got a big ol oral fixation - he’s constantly snacking on somethin if you guys are watching TV, and he used to chew on the ends of his pencils pretty bad until he started chewing gum instead in high school
So now he’s always strapped with packs of gum - his favorite is the super minty cube shaped ones
He has no problem ever sharing with you either!
Except one time he just asked if you wanted some and you made a joke about some “oh what does my breath stink?” And he about combusted
When you laughed he was fed UP with you
He’ll do pretty much anything for you regardless but sometimes he likes to act like he has a price - which is just a kiss or a head scratch
He doesn’t buy clothes for himself often, which means all his more over sized shirts and crewnecks from his late teens are more… fitting now that’s he filled out and gotten a bit taller (credit to ryn for the imagery of 5’11 dorito shaped Yuuta🤤)
He hasn’t noticed either since he’s never been too worried about his appearance, just enough to be put together
It wasn’t until he found an old t-shirt in the back of his closet that he really liked, and when he put it on it fit like a midi tee 😭
His lockscreen is a picture of you two and he changes it at whim
But his home screen is just ~you
At first he liked taking pics of you more than taking them with you but he likes how you two look together in pics, and how big you always smile when he’s standing next to you or just in the pic
It makes his heart swell a little and reminds him how much you love him
Words of affirmation are definitely his love language, tell him he’s cute or how much you love him and he’s putty in your hands
Even a goodnight or good morning ily text can make his day better
Has a weak ass stomach and can’t drink coffee </3 he wants to SO BAD cause he thinks it smells so good
Tea is his replacement (he believes in warm tea supremacy)
He likes getting drunk and doing puzzles, not a big drinker but if he’s gonna drink you better have something for him to be busy with
Just sits down and is focused on the puzzle until it’s done
Maki is y’all’s biggest supporter
When she found out Yuuta bagged a cutie like you she just about lost her mind
She’s constantly asking him about you cause she LOWKEY wants to be your friend so bad </3
She does a really good job of making sure you’re involved and feel welcome the first time, and every time, you hang out with his friends
He likes to wear sleep masks to bed sometimes - but he’s not at all picky about what they look like or say
So he’ll pick up a random one from the store and you look over as he’s saying goodnight and pulling it down onto his face just to read “gettin’ that beauty sleep!” in some cursive font on top of leopard print 😭
His hugs are the BEST hugs
They’re the kind that linger long after the initial embrace is “done”
He’s pulling back but his arms are still loosely wrapped around you as you talk, or they slide up your body to dance his fingers along your neck or cup your face
He’s so so affectionate once he’s comfortable with you
Has stunning eye contact when he’s listening to you speak, like at the very least his eyes are always on your face
But when he talks to you he’s constantly looking around and gets super animated with his hands
He loves playing video games, especially if you do too, but he’s so bad at them :/
If you guys play the same game he’s walking up to you and handing you the controller like babe can you beat this boss for me pls :/
He LOVES playing horror games with his pals (n you if you’d like to) - but he’s a screamer and gets so scared, but he thinks it’s sm fun!
He always yells and then giggles like whoa that was scary
If you wake up before him and don’t get him up, he gets grumpy like how long have you been up before me >:(?
Has chronic FOMO LMAOOOO
Loves when you send him random pics of yourself or random updates throughout your day, even if he can’t always reply if he were busy or smth he just likes seeing a notif from you <3
taglist: @alert-arlert @d1lfluvr @plutowrites @megumisnipple @alonezz @venusackerman @softjaegerhours @lunarsap
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softieteez · 3 years
what dating yunho would be like
warning: nothing just a bunch of fluff with some suggestiveness
bullet point
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all i can imagine with him is like… the cutest strolls in a park, maybe a little picnic date.
he would probably just sit there and stare at you so lovingly while you talk/eat
he’d get all giggly, 100%
speaking of giggly.
you know those cute giggly kisses that make it seem like you’re drunk but you’re just madly in love ??
yeah, shit ton of those.
he loves to tease a little too tho.
like he’ll peck your lips so many times. and then just pull away.
if you pout or whine he’ll just smile and coo at you before giving in.
also, he has a thing for neck kisses.
both giving and receiving ;)
like you’re just sitting on his lap watching a movie or something, and he’ll place little kisses on your neck 🥺🥺🥺🥺
or OR. the other way around, he’ll be all focused on the movie and then you’ll kiss his neck
he’ll just blush and giggle
i also see like a saturday morning, you’re making breakfast or just making some coffee.
he’ll come up from behind you, hugging your waist.
softly humming a sleepy tune in your ear UGH I CANT
and because of the holiday seasonnnnn
fuzzy socks, hot cocoa, harry potter marathon. WITH FAIRY LIGHTS.
really just everyone’s dream bf
he’ll buy you presents. even if you don’t celebrate any seasonal holidays. he just want to spoil you.
he gets you the most meaningful gifts.
this goes for every holiday just about.
oh and during your birthdays, he takes the day off (when he can) and focuses on you and you only.
and if you wanna celebrate with the rest of the members, you bet your damn ass y’all are celebrating with them.
he was so excited to introduce you to the others.
like. happy jumping up and down.
and ofc the members LOVED YOU
if yunho loves you, then it’s clear that they all will.
he likes watching you bond with all of them too.
he’ll sit back and just admire you and wooyoung messing around.
he especially loves it when you and mingi run away together because he’s been friends with him for the longest.
“yunho, she’s a keeper”
oh how happy he gets
you don’t think you’ve ever seen him more happy
meeting his family would be nerve wrecking
but it turns out to be fine. his family loves you especially his little brother
oh and yunho’s baby pics >>>>>
when you’re getting ready to meet his family, he would help you pick out your outfit.
he just sits with a smile as you bond with his family 🥺
after that he’s convinced he’s ready to get married and have 7 children.
but decides to wait
i won’t talk much about sex life, but i’ll say a little
the first time would be super sweet, super vanilla, but super sweet
at first he was too scared to play into any kinks, but once you were both comfortable sex got more exciting
please you think this boy doesn’t give the best aftercare ?!?! crazy.
sometimes he’ll start a bath, sometimes he’ll just wipe you down and give you sweet lil kisses
you cannot tell me he isn’t into praising.
okay enough of that. you horny little demon.
ofc, it can’t be all sunshine and rainbows all the time.
you guys wouldn’t argue a lot, but when he’s mad it’s lowkey scary.
i feel like if you guys are fighting he’ll just leave the room, if you don’t leave first that is.
he’ll let you both calm down a little before deciding to talk.
but of course sometimes you’ll both be too mad to just walk away
but if he sees you cry his heart tears apart
he might cry too honestly.
when he apologizes he just holds you and cries, saying how sorry he is
but bitch you better apologize too. if you did something wrong ofc
make up sex
overall tho. he just loves you so much.
love him back.
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oceanbaby888 · 2 years
PAC: Word on the street is….🤨🔥🙊🔊
Please do not steal nor copy my work. Put in the effort honey.
Hey y’all!!
I’m back with another PAC but we’re going to do it here! Thought I do something different with my PACs. This here is gonna be a fun, cute PAC about the word on the street about ya! It might get messyyyy (lol or not), but still sit back and enjoy!
If you’re new, welcome! Here’s how to choose a pile and other quick notes:
1. Please choose the pic (not mine, these pictures are from Twitter) that best resonate with you. If that’s multiple, then so be it!
2. Remember if it doesn’t resonate, then it wasn’t meant to right now baby it’s okay! ✨
3. Tips aren’t required but of course appreciated at $DellyRelly!
4. Enjoy and have fun baby!
5. This reading is for entertainment purposes only.
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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7 of Swords-Death-8 of Pentacles-The Emperor-Ascendant-9th house- Uranus
Yall have an extra card here so let's see! Pile 1 off rip it seems someone is trying to stop ya bag. Bag doesn't have to mean money (it could though if it applies) even though we do have the 8 of pentacles. It seems my Pile 1 crew has been working hard on self-improving themselves with Ascendant and The Emperor, and it's fucking working for you. You seem to be more confident, powerful, resourceful, and know that you are that bitch and some people around you are intimidated by that. They are very much bothered very much ruffled. We do have Death here so some of yall could have come a long way, some of you may have even moved away from your home city to get yourself together with this 9th house card. And boy oh boy do some people not like this 180 you did Pile 1. I'm hearing old friends (Uranus) that you used to hang with are mad because you stopped playing games and decided to get your life together while they are still stuck doing the same stupid stuff. Again, with this Death card here, you may have been doing the same stupid stuff in the past Pile 1 but you said it's time to grow up and get it together. And your old friends didn't like that, and with this 7 of swords some may be gossiping about you. They could be stalking you on the internet to gain information on you to talk about you, but maybe they should apply for a job instead idk. I feel like you're just trying to embody this Emperor and 8 of pentacles energy of focusing on yourself right now. For some of yall I'm hearing this change from Death to The Emperor was very spiritual, so some of you could have started your spiritual journey as we do have 9th house here (spirituality). Or if not something could have really triggered you to want to change for the better, and I'm fucking proud of you! With that Pile 1, I leave you just like you left those dusty bitches in the past. Go you honey!!
Cards for Pile 1
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Pile 2:
3 of Wands-3 of Pentacles-2 of Swords-5 of Swords-Jupiter-Conjunction
Pile 2 I'm not gonna lie I feel like I'm in the middle of a movie or episode lmao! This seems to be about a collaboration with the 3 of wands, 3 of pentacles, and Conjunction card here. I heard the word colleagues so this can be work related. I feel like with this collaboration it is hanging in the balance with this 2 of Swords being here. It could be due to some internal drama of someone trying to take credit for someone else's work or trying to sabotage the project with the 5 of Swords here. It feels so petty like why would this person want to do this? This could be someone within the group as well or could be an inside person in the group giving away your ideas to someone else outside the group, especially if this is a creative project you all are working on. I heard the word marketing and business so it could be based in those fields. I feel with the Jupiter card being here this project is important because it has the potential to go BIG and get alot of mass success for you and your colleagues, which is probably why there is some energy of someone wanting to stop that for you. Nevertheless, there is a decision to be made with the 2 of swords here. Someone in the group has to squash it or yall come together and confront this potential person, because I honestly feel there has been progress in this project with the 3 of wands. Yet, someone doesn't want it to progress all the way. I'm also getting for this person in particular it could be self-sabotage, like they are not used to being this close to success and it may make them start acting up. Yet that doesn't mean they should fuck it up for all yall. Do what you will with this situation and I'm wishing this Jupiterian success for your project Pile 2!
Cards for Pile 2
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Pile 3:
10 of Wands-2 of Wands-The Magician-The Fool-The Lovers-11th House-Uranus
Wow Pile 3, your energy is similar to Pile 1 minus the hating ass friends lol. I do feel like with this pile you all have a support system behind you with The Lovers and the 11th house card here, but you have been doing some back-breaking work. Blood, sweat, and tears kind of work. You have been working towards a dream, a goal, a manifestation, and it's coming together with The Lovers card here. Remember The Lovers represents alignment. Some of you may have been manifesting a lover, and here they come to you. I will say whatever this wish is it may come when you least expect it with Uranus here. Let me take a moment and say how fucking proud I am of Pile 3. To see this energy I almost want to cry Pile 3 because you've been tired with this 10 of wands. You've been planning with this 2 of wands. You've been putting your soul into this. Taking risks with The Fool. Whatever you are doing could be putting you in a new phase of life. Whether it be a job/career switch, going back to school, investments I heard, or leaving certain relationships behind in order to pursue this dream, this dream requires alot from you Pile 3. And let me just say from these cards, you've been doing it. And you're gonna gain alot from it with the 11th house card here. Remember 11th house represents gains. I know you are tired Pile 3, and take a break and delegate if you need to, especially with this eclipse coming up on the 30th. You have the support system, let them help you for a bit while you recuperate and figure out a way to get back into it. You've made a hella lot of progress here, and you're doing fucking amazing!! I can honestly feel it and see it for you Pile 3 with this combination. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to get this done neither, because with The Lovers this is meant to happen for ya. Just pace yourself and honestly brace yourself. I could go on and on but I don't want to repeat myself. Just remember with this Magician card you are a strong ass manifestor. You're putting your mind to it and it's fucking happening. You're not afraid to leave the old and bring in the new. Pile 3, you're gonna make it. I'm proud of you baby.
Cards for Pile 3
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Pile 3, I heard the song “Born Tired” by Jhene Aiko, so I’m gonna link it here for you!
Thanks for tuning in! This was so fun. Readings aren't open at the moment but will announce when like last time. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! I'm proud of every Pile here! Go forward.
Tune into my YT channel TarotLadyTalks for the next PAC! Will be coming out soon! Bye yall!
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romiantic · 3 years
𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬/𝐨
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this includes eren, levi, armin, connie, and jean
reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: decided to bring this back while I’m redoing my page so don’t mind
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━ 𝗘𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗝𝗮𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗿
Y’all would definitely a power couple, the ones that rule the internet
You know those cute ones you find on Pinterest? That would be y’all, definitely De’arra and Ken vibes
Eren would be such a teaser, he would tease you like all the time, and definitely a tickler no matter how many times you tell him to stop
Every time you feel insecure about trying new colors or different hair styles, he’s gonna always convince you to do it
You would literally debate on big chopping your hair and he’ll convince you to go for it cause why? You’ll look beautiful no matter what
I feel his favorite old movie would be boyz in the hood
Randomly, he would scream that “RICKY!!” line like all the time
Eren would definitely let you braid his hair or let you try cute styles you find
Oh and you would do the style on yourself just to match and take pics, POWER COUPLE TINGZ 🥰
Eren would not take wash day seriously for his life 😭 mf would add either too much or too little of deep shampoo or keep splashing water around the shower, meanwhile you’re trying to deep condition your hair
Don’t worry, he’ll apologize after you beat his ass (you barely won though)
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━ 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗶 𝗔𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻
Y’all would definitely be one of those rich couples
You know those rich aunties that are living their best life in bora bora while sipping mimosa? That’s y’all
You and Levi would live in like a mid-size mansion or a beautiful penthouse that has a nice view
Y’all bed is nothing but fine black or royal blue silk
All you two both know is Chanel, Dolce and Gabana, Prada, Givenchy, Armani, the list goes on
You two don’t know the broke life, y’all wouldn’t even dare to touch or enter the Gucci store
Only the fanciest restaurants for the fanciest couples
Wash days would turn into a bubble bath with you laying on Levi’s chest and him washing your hair for you while you’re sipping wine and ranting on about anything
I KNOW Levi be giving some bomb ass scalp massages, feel like his fingers were sent from Heaven
Now when it comes to actually getting your hair done, he’s running background checks and doing the utmost to make sure your hair tech isn’t a scam
Let someone talk about his beautiful wife, him AND your security guards are beating their ass
Now if y’all had a kid, WHEW CHILE 🚶🏾‍♀️
I feel like the world would try levi and give him a bad ass baybay kid (hopefully y’all know what I’m talking about 😭) or a prissy kid with his attitude
Either way, the kid is getting their ass whooped from either you or him
Now don’t get me wrong, he would be very overprotective of his kid and only accept THE FINEST for his kid
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━ 𝗔𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁
You two would be those cute aesthetic couples, more so on the soft boy/indie vibes
You guys would have picnics dates like allll the time, of course, you don’t mind since this gives the chance to appreciate and learn more about one another
Everyday Armin would give you a fun fact he learned about us black folks, sometimes the fact would even shock you
Armin would definitely be a fan of the Black Panther Party
Wash days would just be him helping you and soft music playing in the background
Armin would take the time to do deep research about our culture
Your family would love him so much, he would always get snatched up by either your baby cousins or aunties every time you bring him to the cookout
Every time you get your hair or nails done, he’s always there next to you, chatting up a storm
The girlies in the salon shoot a glare cause of course they’re mad they didn’t bag a loving boyfriend like Armin
If he’s not there, he’s FaceTiming you or asking for pics in the end
Sometimes he’ll go above and beyond and wear outfits to match your new do and take pics
Every time you’ll feel down or not yourself, he would buy you small gifts like flowers or your favorite food to make it better
If that doesn’t work, he’ll let you sit or lay on his lap and listen to you rant, even if it’s about the most trivial thing
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━ 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
You two would be those goofy couples that roast each other all the time
You would say a minor thing like his shirt is inside out and he’ll joke about something about you, now y’all going back and forth till one of y’all almost die from laughing
You ever wonder why your bonnets go missing? It’s because of your boyfriend
The mf would walk around the house wearing it likes it’s nothing and misplace it
Until one day you catch him wearing it
You: Connie why are you wearing my bonnet?
Connie: They’re cute and I think I look good with them *insert lightskin face*
You: Boy give me my shit back, no wonder I keep losing them
Your biggest hype man EVER no matter what
You could just be washing the dishes in an oversized t-shirt, shorts, and a bonnet and he’ll hype you up
He just loves seeing your beautiful face 🥰
Now when you get your hair and nails done, he’s definitely showing you off, especially on Instagram
He’s taking multiple pics and multiple stories like a photographer and you’re out here feeling good about yourself
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━ 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗿𝘀𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗻
Y’all would a chill couple, those couples that just mind their business and love each other
Every once in a while you guys would update social media, barely though
You two definitely do y’all skincare routine together and take cute pictures
Super indecisive whenever you ask him what color or hairstyle you should try next
At first, he would be nervous to ask you to help wash your hair but washed over it and decided to ask you, of course, you said yes
Just like Levi, Jean definitely gives one of the best scalp massages EVER
Except his massages would send you to sleep and you’re just laying on his chest, lightly snoring, while his fingers work magic
I feel like he would talk about having a kid of his own a lot. He would be so happy to have a mini mixed him running around (not to the point where he’s fetishizing though)
Dates with him would mostly consist of something chill like visiting an aquarium or staying home and watching movies
Jean would definitely have thousands upon thousands of questions if you were to show him a black movie though (especially a tyler perry one)
At this point, you would have to tell him to write his questions down so he wouldn’t interrupt
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shoutout to anon cause this was my first ever request
decided to bring it back while I’m redoing my page
not to brag but it was my second biggest post also
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝟓:𝟔 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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