#like just ASK looooord
beegriffs · 4 months
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These two goofs 😍
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Looooord have I been on a Hangman kick. I've got one!! "I knew who you were when we got together...I just hoped I was wrong."
thank you for indulging me!! i hope you don’t mind me putting a fluffy/cracky take on this bc my heart cannot take angsty shit atm 🥹💕
It started out like any other Saturday. You and Jake slept in, had breakfast at 11, and then ran errands all afternoon. It was a particularly hot day in San Diego, so you asked him to drive through McDonald’s on the way home. Jake thought nothing of it when you ordered—it was an ordinary enough order.
Vanilla shake for him, Oreo McFlurry for you, and some fries to share.
You had barely pulled out of the driveway when he saw it… the horror. The atrocity.
“What?” you turned to him innocently, cluelessly.
He all but pulled over. “You dip your fries in your ice cream…?” he barely squeaked out.
You watched him look at you like you’ve grown another head, eyes popped out and mouth hanging open. “Yeah…?”
It took him three seconds to muster up, “But why?”
“Because it’s good.”
“Hey!” you elbowed him lightly. “It’s good.”
“I mean, I knew who you were when we got together… I just hoped I was wrong.” he shook his head in disbelief, putting the car in drive once again. Leave it to Jake to react to be a drama queen about how you eat your food.
“Don’t knock it til you try it,” you dipped a fry in your McFlurry and offers it to him, “Try it!”
“Nuh-uh!” He blocked you swiftly by sipping his milkshake.
“You’re basically doing the same thing!” He took a handful of fries and stuffed them in his mouth, and you fail to see the difference. “This one just has Oreo, which makes it objectively better, babe.”
“You’re nuts.”
“I’m right.”
He snorted. “You wanna bet?”
“Sure. If it’s as bad as you think, I’ll… take out the garbage tonight.” And you absolutely hate taking out the garbage.
“And if it somehow turn out okay, I will… wash the dishes tonight and tomorrow,” he winked, that cocky fuck.
Without missing a beat, you nodded. “Deal. Now open up!”
Jake opened his mouth somewhat apprehensively, trying out the Oreo McFlurry-dipped french fry. It was fucking weird at first. It’s cold and soft on the outside, and warm and crispy on the inside.
But then it hits him. The sweetness of the ice cream, the salt and crunch on the golden brown fry, the surprising little chunks of Oreo…
It was…
He sighed, side-eyeing you with a dirty look. “I hate you.”
The victory was sweet, but expected on your end. You chuckled knowingly and simply patted his hand. “I love you, too.”
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gladdygirl18 · 8 months
Yippee! Got enough from info from early early this morning to get this out! Again, will forever love my GF for this; she makes me so happy 😊
Blue me, Pink GF
Long one so continue under cut
So yesterday, while me, my GF, and a few friends of ours were at our university center, just chilling and watching some of our friends play Mario Kart. My GF was explaining a really cool campaign idea, and while I was sitting next to her, she insisted on squeezing my thighs and knees, as well as doing that stupid exploding jellyfish on my knees 😳😳😳
I swear, I started doing this🤣🤣🤣🤣
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So later on that night, while at her place, we were getting ready for bed. When I rolled over on my stomach, my GF rolled on top of my and started digging into my sides and ribs, pinching my belly and kissing my neck.
But it was legit everything I could've hoped for and more 🥰💖🥰💖 she then placed a kiss on my cheek before rolling off me, laughing with me
"What is it with you tickling me all day today, huh? Hahaha"
"Well, you said that you liked it, so that's why I do it"
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Oh.... oh, that killed me right then and there omggggg 😳😳😳😳🫶🏾💖 and yes, I did tell her I liked tickles, and she had been tickling me every other day since then. Actually, scratch that. She's been tickling me every day since then 🥰💖
(she always uses that against me whenever I try to tickle her, saying, "Hey, I'm not the one who likes tickles, you are")
Morning arrives, and the 2 of us were doing our little routine: lay around and do nothing for an hour 😅 but it's great believe me; we snuggle and cuddle up next to each other and just take a morning cat nap 😊🥰💖
While we were conscious and on our phones, I wanted a hug from my GF (just cuz her huga are so warm and loving 💖🥰🫶🏾) she smiles before wrapping me in her arms, lays on top of me and starts pinching my sides and kissing my neck again 😭😳😆💖
And before I left her house to go back to campus, she hugs me and sneakily scribbles her fingers on my sides 😳😳😳😳 I am being fed all the tickles I could've ever asked for omggggg
So yeahhhh that was my night and morning! More tickle tea stories hopefully soon so stay tuned!
Tagging the fwends: @giggly-squiggily @sunstone-smiles @otomiyaa @burningablaze @cutesmokes @lovelymessybubbly
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the-six-that-thrive-if · 10 months
saturn city girlie returning about almost done with my first playthrough of the demo and oh my LOOOOORD how connected it all is and how good it all is is SOOOOOOOOOO fun!!!!!! im already gunning 4 dante and warden so much but when u mentioned how the harem route is fun cause all their backstories r interconnected im like WAIT I CAN FINALLY BE AN ETHICAL HOE AND GET WITH ALL THE LIS?????????? (i think this is legitmately the first if where ive seen a harem route like. explicitly stated which is insane to me i feel like that should be more common?) and im so excited to find out more about the characters and everything ugh! ur writing style is beautiful
just a question rq 2 clarify smth 4 myself since i havent found it yet- does dante ever like? feel romantic feelings 4 mc? im. assuming yes cause this is a romance game but idk ultimately cause im not writing this and romance can have so many definitions lol- and to further that question I suppose??? is the harem route like....all romance or is some romance and some sorta friends w/ benefits or is it like??? these ppl r destined 2 be around one another and no words can describe their bond or some shit? (asking 4 clarification cause i get confused w/ wording v easy and figured i may as well just be direct lmao)
No cause why are the harem routes not more common like it doesn't make sense, but anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
And with the harem route, it will be romantic, with all ROs liking MC and each other as well.
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l0std1adem · 4 years
I love messing with people so much
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT DREAM: s/o likes using expletives/sounds while doing mundane tasks
anon: “hello! Can i ask an nct dream reaction to their s/o making lil sounds. I have a habit of making sounds when moving, for example when i scoot over to someone i’ll make a sound like “chukuchuku” and when i jump off a couch i’ll say “pong!” or “weee!” tysm!!” hi anon!!! so glad you decided to request! haven’t written for nct dream for a hot minute so i hope it’s okay!!
i used a lot of laugh/laughter/smile in this one LOL SORRY ABOUT THAT ;; i’ll put it under a cut bc it’s really long!
→ MARK honestly i think mark would just giggle. definitely. that man’s giggle machine never runs out wtf. anyway, without fail he usually breaks into giggles at the sounds that you make. when he becomes used to it, he’ll just smile to himself and continues to do what he’s doing, knowing that you heard his noise of mild amusement. mark’s made it clear that he loves it, but sometimes he laughs a lot that you’re conscious of it. when you do get insecure about it he doesn’t hesitate to let you know that it’s one of his favourite quirks of you!!! i also can honestly see him taking inspiration from ur sounds to include as adlibs to his songs ngl LMAO. 
“yo… can you say that again?” mark says enthusiastically, bringing in his portable recording mic so he could take down your unique sound. you roll your eyes with a smile, pushing out a few more sounds that mimicked the one before the click on mic goes off. your jaw drops, “you didn’t tell me you were already recording!” that prompted you to smack him, causing the endless fit of a laugh-fest you always caught yourself in when you’re with mark.
→ RENJUN fond smile fond smile fond smile!!! renjun loves it when you exclaim out when you leave the couch or have to manoeuvre around something to get somewhere. he likes showing affection to you no matter where you phrase you exclaim, although it’s not that showy. if you happen to do your sound at the dining table some of the members will know for sure that renjun will take your hand under the table or wear a lovesick smile that all of them know too well. renjun has the sweetest words for days too looooord, only if you’re alone tho and wants to know more about your habit and how it came to be??? if that make sense!
the familiar grasp of his hand doesn’t faze you, shooting the man a sheepish smile over the table as you feel his thumb graze over your skin. “renjun, bro, i’m happy for you and all, but i think they can’t eat if their dominant hand is being held,” you hear haechan call out, making the table erupt into light laughter. renjun ignores him but fails to ignore the blush on his cheeks, threatening hyuck with a raised hand as a joke. he doesn’t care about the others, though, when he sees the wide smile on your face and feels the squeeze of his hand in yours.
→ JENO you know how he like has that “hhmnnnmh?” sound. idk how to explain it but the thing that he always does whenever one of the dream members do or say some weird shit. yea he’d do that. the first few times were out of genuine confusion, but as jeno became more used to your sounds and exclamations, he hummed out mostly as a reply to it. the atmosphere would go silent a little as he stares at you with his big, deer-caught-in-the-headlight eyes, and he holds that stare with you for a good 15 seconds LOL. def challenges you by wiggling his head around and then ending up tackling you to the couch or bed. if you’re sitting at a table the most he’d do is to probably land a kiss on your face after teasing you. mans just looking for an excuse to kiss you tbh.
“hhm?” jeno perks up to look to you, head tilted at an angle as you move closer to him at the dining table. his feigned surprise expression switches into a smile as he inches closer to you, ignoring your protests until there’s no more space left. jeno lets out a raspy laugh, lips coming into contact with your temple as the playful nature subsides.
→ HAECHAN the first time you do it, he lets out a dramatic gasp: hand to his mouth, jaw dropped etc. he’s a drama mama but you brush it off with a shove to his shoulder. hyuck def matches your energy like jaemin does but it’s mostly at the expense of his usual whines and pouts. you do it one time and the man does it ten times over. in no time he’s already cuddled up way too close to you with an arm around your waist and his head snuggled into your neck. he loves it when you say your phrases bc then he can exclaim something on his part like “very cute! but i’m cuter!” and you’d have to smack him or something. he dissolves into a fit of giggles along with the usual teasing, but other than that he likes communicate his fondness of your habit through physical touch.
moving around the project you had just bought wasn’t difficult but you couldn’t help the phrase that came naturally each time. “can you make that sound too when you’re riding-“ you don’t waste any time to land a mild slap on his forearm, gaining a laugh from your boyfriend who casually stated it during your movie night. your glare speaks tons, but haechan doesn’t care as he’s all smiles into your hair before continuing the movie. you, too, relax, knowing it was all fun banter that made your time with him all the more enjoyable.
→ JAEMIN oh my god jaem would match your energy 100%, even if the energy isn’t that high as he usually portrays himself in nct videos. with you, he’s a bit more reserved and kept to himself, but he likes it and you like it, too. when you’re moving past someone and make a noise he echoes you in the same manner you said it. and then the smile that comes after? omg 10/10!! beautiful smile!! jaemin just melts at your silly habit and the widest smile spreads across his face tbh. if you’re saying it while you’re alone with him i can see him just laughing and giggling at the words you manage to exclaim, cooing over how cute you are in his arms. jaem best boy
the ring of jaemin’s laughter fills your ears as your butt scoots closer to him, engaging him in the same fun sounds that you frequently make. jaemin repeats it in an exaggerated way, shooting you the biggest grin before pecking your forehead, “ah… why are you so cute (y/n)…” you easily nuzzle into his embrace, relishing in the warmth of his natural body heat and the arm around your waist.
→ CHENLE would counter your sound with a weird sound of his own. i know jaemin makes weird sounds but this man is on a whole other level PLSS. if you’re feeling playful you would reply and this feud of some sort would just continue until one of the other members ask you two to shut up, which would of course result in chenle’s recognisable dolphin laugh. even if you’re a little tired, i feel like the energy would still be up a little, so expect some prodding at your cheek or sides and kiss attacks from the mans. he would definitely coo, but not in the cheesy, cutesy way jaemin would. chenle has a more teasing and outgoing nature to him. it’s relentless and you’d have to stop him at some point but he’s making you laugh and having such a good time so you admire him instead.
the shrill sound fills your ears, responding to your phrase with one of his own. when you reply, he does it too, which prompts you to sigh in resignation at his endless energy. chenle catches on, but doesn’t press on further, instead entertaining you by giving you endless pecks on your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, your lips. you name it. the laugh he had, now, was more muted, liking the way your sounds of mixed protest and joy meant the opposite, “hey stop! baobei, you’re messing up my hair!”
→ JISUNG the poor boy would jump a little, but he finds himself being able to connect your actions to the sound you would make. i think the only time he would be really started was if you exclaimed a new phrase or if the action itself takes him off guard. like almost colliding with him in a hallway or popping up behind the fridge. jisung would have the littlest hint of a smile on his face, although he tries not to show it that much. i feel like he also would chuckle to himself quietly. he likes the quirk a lot that he finds himself thinking about it from time to time and even picking it up for fun one day. it felt so natural to do it that he just started to do it, too. maybe not as often as you do though! he usually cringes at it tho LMAO he doesn’t know how you make it sound so endearing. his reaction would be also just be a moment of “omg that was so cute, i love them so much”
as you land on the sofa with a sound spilling from your lips, you don’t miss jisung’s flinch at your appearance. “that one’s new,” his eyes are wide, but it eventually melts into a smile. he naturally leans back as he accepts the defeat shown on the television screen, but you don’t miss a beat to snatch the controller from him, going ahead to play the game in his stead. as you curl up by his side, you quickly beat your boyfriend at the level as his arm curls around your torso cautiously. jisung can only smile in the moment, finding that it was reaching his ears when you tease him again about the easy level.
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 years
I'm spinning. I would usually just scroll away but looooord. I don't even know what to say. I fully agree that people don't need to like certain characters! Absolutely! I don't care for Ivan - it's fine! But that ask that said David has anger issues? Eh?! David is like, super patient (his best friend is Ash, his mate is Angel - the guy has the patience of a damn Saint).. hes just got a self admitted attitude problem. He's blunt. He's short with his words. He's stubborn as hell. He has issues with letting people see him that stem from the sudden violent loss of his father and the responsibility that was hefted on him as a result. I had some real reservations going into the first few episodes (very much thought "does he even like us?") - but the character growth has been phenomenal. The closest we've got to anger from David (aside from the emotional turmoil that was Inversion/Aftershock) is in the super early suspected cheating audio and the Darlin' audios.. and even then he barely raised his voice - in fact it probably demonstrated the incredible control he has over his emotional responses - anger included. Anger issues, good god. Sorry.. had to vent a little seeing that.. sorry sorry.
Totally valid, Anon!
This is just how I view David in a sort-of Meta sense, alright? From what I got from Angel, they're very bold and straightforward. A person with a thick skin, ya know? It's those traits that Angel could get through David and I love that's their dynamic.
Now, let's just imagine for a sec, that it was Smartass. Someone who takes no bullshit and would not be afraid to get into an argument with you. I think if Smartass were to meet David, they would be put out with his 'attitude' so to speak and probably wouldn't have the patience to deal with him.
So it's the difference in perspective, I feel, that David invokes.
David's character growth is something everyone enjoys learning about. We love it for him! We've seen him interacting not just with his Mate and best friend/Beta but also with a distant Pack Member like Darling, hear how he conduct himself with Sam and see just what sort of man he is during the Inversion crisis.
David is no one-dimensional character and Erik does it so very well! Hell, even for the other characters too!
To me, Anon, it depends just what sort of person you are to react to David. If you're an introvert and shy person like me? I would never approach David if I don't have to. Even after understanding his heart and everything, I think I wouldn't be more than a sort of work friend due to the difference in our personalities and also the difference in his status as Alpha.
Remember in that one Sam video where he mentioned that although he's grateful for William Solaire, he's not comfortable with climbing over the difference in their status.
And I think that's fair.
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
Chapter 1: The King’s Favorite
(As I said I had a new multi fic, but until I do a cover it won’t go on ao3, so for now enjoy! Second Chances and Angel Foodcake!)
He sighed as he worked on whipping the egg whites. He had another weird dream with that woman in it. The sad smile she wore made his chest ache. He gave a sigh as his brother stole an orange from the bowl on the counter.
“What’s with you?” Marcus asked as he started to peel the fruit. He shoved a slice in his mouth as Arulius set the bowl down and ruffled his hair.
“I had a weird dream---”
“Shocking.” Marcus’s tone was dry as he ate another orange slice, “Not Ru king of weird dreams. Isn’t that why you’re a writer?”
“Shut upppp.” Arulius sighed as he grabbed the other bowl and began to fold the whipped egg whites with the whipped cream, “Look I just. You try dreaming of the same woman night after night since you’re 16!”
“Nope. I don’t dream.” Marcus reminded him as he continued to eat, “maybe she’s your soul mate.”
“I doubt it. Considering I think shes my guard?” he frowned, “in the dream’s I’m married. I have kids. She’s just… she’s so sad.”
“Maybe circumstances kept your love unable to exist. If you find her when you aren’t hallucinating unconsciously flirt with her.” Marcus snickered as he finished his orange and threw the peel away, “Good luck with your sleeping beauty!” he grabbed his bag as he headed out, “oh and it’s your turn to do the dishes!”
“Fineee!” Arulius sighed as his brother left. He sighed and poured the batter into the pan. Undoing his apron he got to work on cleaning up.
“Kept it unable to exist…” he mused. He chuckled, there was no way.
As he held the boxed cake on the subway he felt something was off. His stomach was uneasy. It wasn’t his first time on public transport with a dessert he didn’t want ruined, and yet. He grimaced.
“Are you okay?”
He looked up and his breath caught in his throat. Long curly black hair held back with a blue ribbon, large eyes in two different colors (Black on the right side, bright blue on the other), mouth drawn in concern as a small fang stuck out, she furrowed her brow as she looked at him.
“Are you okay?” she asked again.
He gasped, “Um yeah! Sorry my stomach’s got butterflies!” he admitted nervously.
“Interview?” she asked with a small laugh, “you’re really pale so I was worried, maybe you should get off soon and rest before continuing.”
“No I’m just, going to my book club.” he laughed, “I promised to bring cake.”
“Oh? Which one?” she covered her mouth in shock, “you aren’t heading to Horizon Group are you?”
He blinked a few times, mouth twitching, “I am…”
She laughed, “My brother attends that! I was going to get his car keys!” She sat beside him and he felt his heart racing, “I’m Eclipse! Sena’s my elder brother!” she explained.
He gasped, “Ah! I can see it!” he realized as he looked at her, “you do look like him.”
“I know right? If people don’t know they tend to not notice but when they know its clear we’re related!” she laughed and looked at the cake, “Sweets, so you must be Arulius right?”
He felt his cheeks growing warm and nodded, “how did you?”
“My brother says you often bring snacks for meet ups! And you always get new cookbooks!” she giggled and he felt his face growing warmer. She touched her lips with a grin, “Actually he brought some of the cookies you made last week, the raisin oatmeal were really good~! I was sad I couldn’t try your chocolate chip ones though.” she gave a saddened sigh.
“Ah? I can make some…” he offered and she shook her head.
“I’m allergic to chocolate but the hospital trip was very tempting they smelt so good~!” she laughed.
“Ah.” he put a hand to his mouth, “White chocolate?” he asked. He knew it wasn’t a “true” chocolate.
She shook her head, “No, my allergy is a bit severe.” she gave a dejected sigh, “most white chocolate is processed in the same plants so…”
“What if I made it from scratch?” he asked with his head tilted, “Candy melts?” he wondered.
She turned red, “y-you don’t have to do that! I was just complimenting your baking!! It’s really good!”
He gave a soft smile, “well when we get to the meeting, want some of this?” he held the cake, “it’s a whipped cream cake! Kinda like angel food cake but it has whipped cream IN the cake.” he explained.
She gasped and covered her mouth, “That sounds good! Is that alright though? Isn’t it for the others?”
“Well I brought it to share, and I’m sure it’s fine, I always leave with leftovers.” he explained. His heart wouldn’t stop pounding. Something about the young woman was familiar to him (other than her being Sena’s sister. Something was there.) and something told him to be on good terms.
“If you want, I bake a lot, i can always send some stuff with your brother, or you can join teh club!” he grinned.
She turned bright red, “N-no I couldn’t! It’s fine! I-I don’t have time for it I need t-to finish my thesis!”
“Thesis?” he asked with a tilt of his head.
“Yeah! I’m doing a report on the fallen Solgarian kingdom!” she clapped.
Solgario? He blinked as that rang in his head. His dreams. He remembered that name.
“History major?” he asked as she nodded happily.
“I’m working on my Master’s! I want to curate a museum!” she admitted with mirth, “I love studying old things and I love the sotries of the last king!”
“Yeah? I can’t say I know much. Tell me?” He checked the stops, they had time.
“Oh where to begin!” she beamed, happily like a cocker spaniel, “King Luka Thatcher Law was the last king of the empire, he was married to Queen Vanessa Everfrost and they had a daughter together! Sadly tragedy struck. First the death of the king’s personal aide to poison, the death of the princess, and then the king himself withered away.” she sighed, “The queen was the last monarch but a war struck and she was unable to fend it so the kingdom fell.”
“That’s… that’s horrible…” Arulius tensed up. The butterflies were worse.
“There’s some theories the queen herself poisoned the guard, you see King Luka and the guard knew each other as children, and she was the daughter from the only ducal household---”
“A female guard?” Arulius’s chest hurt, “What was her name?”
He felt his chest pinch and his vision fogged.
“Ah!” Eclipse shouted as he slumped forward.
His head hurt. He jolted and sat up in bed. He looked around confused at the lavish space. He frowned. This wasn’t the hospital or subway. He covered his mouth in thought, long black hair falling over his shoulder. He blinked and looked at the curl, then his hands. He stared at the callouses that weren’t in their normal spots.
“What…?” he covered his mouth in shock at his voice. What happened?! He got up and whacked his head on the bedframe, before crumpling to the ground.
“Mmmmy looooord are you okay?” came a singsong tone.
His mouth moved on its own, “I’m fine Amaris.” he covered his mouth in shock.
“I’m coming in.” 
Before he could stop her the door swung open and the black-armored knight stepped in, her silver hair cropped short and fluffing around her face, large eyes of black and blue, scars on her cheeks. She gasped and ran over to help him up.
“My lord!” she fretted as she helped him stand and dusted him off, “Dear me why on earth are you on the floor?!” She looked up and paled. Her gloves were removed and she reached up to stroke his face.
He sniffled as the tears pooled and dripped. She was here. Alive. 
“Lu?” she asked softly, “Luka what’s wrong?”
“S-sorry just. Had a bad dream.” he muttered. She snorted and raised her hands, a soft light emitting off her hands.
“Pain pain go away leave Luka’s heart calm and pure~!” she sang happily. He felt a bit lighter and sighed as he rested his cheek in her hand.
“Such a competent Nightingale.” He chuckled. He took her hand in his as she laughed, giving him a sad smile that made his chest sting. The smile he always saw her wear in his dreams.
“Of course, I’m your head guard for a reason~!” she hummed, “Come on now, the queen has been crying all morning for you.” she sighed heavily, “Pregnant women are difficult to deal with. Or is it just Vanessa?” 
He shuddered. Vanessa. Luka. Amaris. His golden eyes grew wide.
He gasped as he sat up and winced. Eclipse held her hands cautiously near him, afraid to touch him.
“A-Aruli--” she squeaked when he wrapped his arms around her, tangling his fingers in his hair as he tried to stop crying. She whined but slowly wrapped her arms around him.
“Pain pain go away…” She mumbled and he felt a small breeze and a lightness in his chest. He pulled away and she wiped his eyes. “You okay?” she asked with worry.
“Just… Sorry, I’ve had weird dreams lately… was that..magic?”
She turned red and shook her head, “I-it’s just an old wives tale you know---” her eyes were spinning and she wouldn’t meet his gaze. He chuckled.
“Sure, okay. Say I believed that.” 
She stared at him confused as he simply smiled. 
He hated to admit it, but maybe his brother was right on something.
“Magic’s neat.” He watched her turn red and look away ashamed.
“Um… are you two done?” the train conductor asked as he scratched his head. Tired violet eyes looking at the two.
“I’m fine! I just didn’t sleep well it seems!” Arulius lied. He moved to stand and wobbled. Eclipse supported his side and he tried to get his stomach to behave. He gasped, “nooo my cake.” he saw the box on the floor and reached for it. He sighed seeing it ruined.
“What stop is this?” He asked.
“You should go to a hospital I think.” Eclipse fretted as he headed towards the door while holding her hand.
“No i’m fine really! I just have had issues sleeping!” he explained, “so I have weird dreams, it just so happened the name you mentioned reminded me of them so I passed out.”
She frowned and reached to put a hand on his forehead. He hadn’t noticed before but her body spray had a slight pine smell to it, pine and honey. Lavender too?
“You’re a little warm. Let’s go to the bookstore, I’ll get Sena’s keys and drive you to the hospital.” she insisted. “I don’t want you passing out like the train. To think you’re feeble bodied.” she sighed.
“Should a witch joke about that?” he teased as she turned red.
“I-it wasn’t magic! Honest to goodness! I’m not! I’m not!” she fretted as he snickered.
“What’s your familiar?” he asked as she tried to hide her face, “why are you so embarrassed?”
“W-Why you ask! You keep instigating I’m a w-witch do you know how they are seen?! Wannabes who think they can be hot shit just cuz they can fly o-or heal things!” she pouted as her hair fluffed up, “No one likes witches!!”
“I do.” he opened the door of the bookstore.
“Sena your friend is insane!” she insisted as the eyepatch wearing shop owner turned confused. He tilted his head and saw Arulius behind her.
“Ah, Pia you know Ru?” he asked confused as she slammed her hands on the desk with a huff.
“We met on the train.” Arulius set the ruined cake down, “I had a bit of an incident and passed out.”
“Well you’re pretty weak.” Sena snorted, “Pia what’s the issue though? He’s insane?”
“I told her I like witches.”
Sena snorted and had to kneel behind the desk to hide his laughter.
“SEE HE’S INSANE!” she was completely red in the face.
“W-Why would…” Sena snorted and laughed, “what brought this on?”
“Pain pain go away.” Arulius sang, causing the bookseller to start laughing harder.
“YOU USED A HEALING SPELL ON HIM!” he wheezed as her hair fluffed up.
“I-I didn’t! I didn’t! I’m not a witch! Witches are--”
“The one in front is really cute.” a litted voice laughed as the black haired individual slid down the railing from the second floor, “hey Ru, why is my husband dying?”
“I said I like witches and Eclipse is throwing a fit.” Arulius chuckled.
“Pia used a healing spell on him Love! And acting like she’s not a w-witch!” Sena cackled.
“Well she has always hated that term, you guys aren’t even witches technically.” Love shut an eye, “you’re what, like half fae?”
“Something like that.” Eclipse grumbled as she tried to fix her hair, “B-But he’s still weird! Give me the car keys he needs a hospital!”
“Naw he’s fine.” Love looked at the young writer, “seems he may have a magic his own.”
“Naw, I’m boring.” Arulius held his hands up, “weird dreams and a writer. That’s it!”
“Weird dreams he says.” Sena tried to stop laughing.
Eclipse groaned, “I’m not a witch! Witches are mean and ugly and haughty! I’m not! I didn’t sue magic! I’m---” She flinched when Arulius covered her eyes with his hand. Instantly she relaxed against him. He blinked in surprise that had actually worked.
Sena stared at the two and blinked a few times as he finally got his composure back, “well then. Are you sure you aren’t magic?”
“I’m really not.” Arulius laughed, “my dad’s a lawyer and my mom teaches pre-k. We’re just an average family.” he laughed, “Honestly, I just. Have weird dreams. I thought this may help.” he slowly removed his hand as she peeked at him with a completely reddened face.
He smirked and she squeaked and looked away. He couldn’t help the dumb grin, “hey Sena.”
“What?” the book seller raised his brow.
“Would you kill me for trying to seduce your sister?”
The entire shop went silent.
The silver haired shop keep’s eye twitched.
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queenofallimagines · 5 years
How would Todoroki, bakugou, deku, mirio, and tamaki feel about their s/o getting jealous because some random girl flirted with them
Oooooooo this is tea honestly BC they’re all hot so I’m def gunna be salty
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- super flustered
- Like okay he’s friendly and he probably won’t know she’s flirting until it’s too late
- Then you come up
- “Ard sis back off my man.”
- He’s like ??? She was- oh fuck
- He’s Lowkey panicking on the inside
- Are you mad at him too?
- If she scoffs and tries to push it
- You gon beat her ass
- “If you want these hands I will give them out free of charge but you don’t want this work sis.”
- “Don’t touch what’s mine.”
- He’s duper blushing now
- Yours??? Oop
- He will pull you away and ask if your good
- “I’m good but she wasn’t about to be.”
- He will try and calm you down first and foremost
- He’s the type to have this turn into a hot makeout
- Like he will kiss you and say say some shut like
- “I’m all yours sunshine.”
- He’s so romantic
- “Hey these two idiots are kissing in the hallway.”
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- eggs this on
- Not like dabi(uuuugh he might be a todoroki)
- But he will want to see what you do
- Gives the girl a disgusting look and roasts her
- “Sorry but you’re nowhere near my type.”
- Then you roll up
- “You better back up before I have to get myself expelled.”
- Shocked and a lil turned on
- Smirking behind behind you the whole time
- ‘That’s my s/o’
- “All I know is you better back off what’s mine before I personally send you to hell.”
- When the girl runs off he’s gunna be all over you
- “I’m yours huh?”
- “And Don’t you forget it douche.”
- After classes it’s on
- His dorm is locked for a few hours
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- he won’t even pay attention
- Like some extra is flirting with him??
- He’s genuinely grossed out lmao
- I’ll go eyes for you
- He’s loyal like that
- when you buss up ready to blow some shit up he’s ready
- Your hype man
- “Beat her ass s/o!!”
- “Sorry he don’t like birds.”
- The insults coming from your mouth are amazing
- He’s laughing so hard
- “You bald headed ass bitch you aren’t even good enough to breathe in his direction.”
- “HA.”
- He’s gunna hold his arm around you all day after that
- Stupid smirk on his face
- “That’s my babe.”
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- embarrassed
- Doesn’t want you to fight
- Thinks they’re just being super nice
- You notice he’s uncomfortable
- “Back off loser he don’t want you.”
- This sets off an argument
- “And who are you.”
- “The person who has his eyes rolling to the back of his head nice to meet you.”
- He’s gunna pull you away before it escalates
- “S/o,,,,,”
- “What! They bitch totally had it coming! Trying to steal what’s mine.”
- He smiles
- “I’m yours bunny. Nobody can take you away from me.”
- Soft
- Will hold your hand for the rest of the day
- It’s adorable
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- sigh
- He’s super red and embarrassed
- Trying to tell he has a s/o
- This thot is touching his chest and everything
- You aren’t having it
- “Touch him again and imma break my foot off in your ass sweetheart.”
- She’s shook
- “If you opened the Bible like you open your legs you could learn how to stay away from other people’s things now go dry hump someone else.”
- Looooord he’s in shock
- You’re???? Jealous??? Over him???
- Woah
- He’s supper happy
- Will be smiling all day
- “Don’t worry! I’m all yours forever!”
- Cute dork
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gaykey · 3 years
oh the tiktok stans fkdjdnd nah they’re dead serious lmao people asking who he is and “omg can he look at me like that” and “he’s saying ‘mommy’” then the obligatory “just bc a man is feminine doesn’t mean he’s gay!!” why do i even torture myself lmao i just had to laugh and shake my head and vow to not open that app for a very long time lest i lose brain cells
oh looooord, the 'just bc a man is feminine ect.' comments take years off my life every time i read them.
but ok lol, i mean sure! like, who am i to police who people love their idol??
if like a 5 minute interaction from an snl skit from 6 years ago gets them going, that's chill.
best to just leave them to it anon
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
sorry to bother you but can you explain a bit about All of Time? i've been interested in a while ever since i saw alkaid but i really don't know what's it about
It’s For All Time, yeah. It’s a chinese mobile Otome game by netease! (Like Omnyoji, a japanese cast has been announced for this game)
It runs on a card collecting system, and is just like any other gacha game out there tbh. Or well, if you’re asking me to explain about the story UHM...........
MC is a freshmen art student in St. Shelter’s University (real world) and gets isekai-ed into another parallel world lmao. In that world, Ice butterflies are...bad. like, the kill people kinda bad. So UHHH the five love interests are: Ayn, Alkaid, Rorschach, Clarence and Emerald.....
anything else would be spoiler---
I suck at explaining.............but it’s a good game. And mmmmm my heart....
And ALKAID!!! goooood looooord he’s a goood one
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fanficsandfluff · 4 years
Do you yourself have any Onward tickle headcanons you’d like to share?
OHOHO look at you! you finally got me off my lazy ass to write my own stuff. i just really like hearing others’ ideas to feed my fantasies, i hate making my own lol. But by popular (your) demand, I shall list my own headcanons for the Onward bros.
The film sets Ian up as the typical, super anxious, quiet, not-many-friends teenage protagonist. Which I’m always a little meh about personally, because I feel like there are so many more interesting tropes that can be played with! But I digress.... 
He’s the PERFECT candidate to center tickle ideas around, especially in the simplest sense
We see him being happy early on. He’s proud to be wearing his dad’s sweater, he loves his mom. He tries to change who he is and how he acts to make the best of his school year
You can tell his mom probably suffocated him with love when he was growing up. He reminded her so much of Wilden and she loved making her baby boy laugh. 
And Ian seems like the naturally jumpy type. If his mom pinches his cheeks, he ducks away. If Barley grabs him in a headlock, he tightens up, aware of how vulnerable he becomes. Although, there’s only so many times of being noogie’d before he just started to tune every feeling out
Ian seems like the type to be embarrassed of his laugh
I didn’t hear it too well in the movie, but I got that vibe
He also is 1000% the kind to cover his mouth when he’s laughing a little too hard
Barley HATES that! 
When he sees Ian cover his mouth when he laughs, he nudges him or playfully yanks at his arms to lower them
And that, of course, makes Ian even more flustered
That’s another thing: the dude gets so easily flustered
Cannot speak to save his life when he's tickled. He just blushes dark red and babbles and stutters through his laughter.
He also doesn’t necessarily like being tickled. He’s gotta be in the right mood to let Barley do it to him. 
But when Ian’s had just enough of Barley either playing music from his room too loud or just doing general bombastic ‘Barley’ things, Ian can get plenty mischievous
He likes being on the ler side of things more often mostly because it’s some kind of revenge on Barley
Ian’s laugh is super high-pitched and tittery
like it’s lightweight, almost
and he moreso has different levels of giggles as opposed to giggles and then hard laughter
his laugh ranges from those intense giggles to going totally silent when he’s being wrecked
My child
I LOVE this nerd
And yes I feel like I am right to crush on this cutie because he’s only like two or three years my younger 
And he knows it and he hardly ever gets self-conscious about it
Good thing his mom and Ian never really mention his weight, it’s just part of who Barley is
And looooord knows Laurel would squish her chubby son’s little face and tummy and anything she could when he was younger
Wilden had a lot of fun with Barley in the early years, too
Getting his son to laugh was one of his favorite pastimes 
and he realized very quickly that he could get Barley to laugh easily
with just a funny face, sticking his tongue out, or humming a little tune and making goofy noises
Barley was smiling his whole early childhood
As he got older, Barley just tried to be a fun-loving guy
Not having a whole lot of friends never fazed him, since he had his little brother around a lot of the time
And yeah, Ian didn’t exactly share his interests, but that didn’t matter to him. He’d get him to play Quests of Yore with him someday
Since Barley is so rough and burly and goofy, it’s only natural that he also has a playful personality
We see it in the beginning of the movie when he wrestles with his mom and Ian
Laurel knows all her sons’ spots, and she can just give Barley a certain look and the kid will start giggling 
Barley also doesn’t hide his laugh
Not him
He’ll laugh just to act something out or boast
He just has a good ol’ time all the time
And. he. is. so. ticklish.
Like how could he not be?
He knows pretty much every spot on him is a huge tickle spot
And one thing about Barley is that he likes being tickled. I don’t think he’s ever admitted it publicly, but people closest to him kinda know. It’s just an accepted thing
Laurel will straight up chase Barley around the house to tickle him. And I’m talking full-grown almost-in-his-twenties movie Barley
And he’ll practically take himself down just so his mom can ‘win’ and tickle him to pieces
Barley doesn’t hide his laugh like Ian does
The neighbors down the block can hear the guy if he’s laughing hard enough
His laugh comes out in screams and then it can be full-on HAHAHA’s if you get him in a good spot
And my favorite headcanon is that, while he can take a good tickling, if it goes on too long he can get a bit delirious and his laughter just turns slightly higher-pitched. and it is the cutest goddamn sound ever.  
and he just starts lightly patting on the tickler’s hands, not having any real strength to signal that he’s had enough
and his cheeks are tinted pink and there’s tears in his eyes from laughing so much
and he gets up, groaning about his stomach hurting from laughing, earning a few more pokes to that spot
When Barley realized that Ian was intent on tickling him back, he was a mixture of super psyched and a little nervous (only a little)
cuz now his little brother had magic on his side
When they were younger, Barley would let Ian get him back for a short while to make him feel good before he absolutely destroyed him with tickles
Speaking of
Barley has huge ler energy
He’d been torturing Ian for YEARS 
And he’s a big teasing tickle monster
The teasing is his forte, and it drives Ian nuts
This boy is just so pure and wholesome and just utterly supportive of his little bro, it warms my heart
There’s so much love there
Alright, that’s my list. Please please, if you wanna know more, want me to elaborate, or have any more thoughts about the boys, don’t hesitate to send me an ask or message! I honestly probably forgot some things I wanted to say, anyway lol
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dyketectivecomics · 3 years
How did you feel abt the relationship in the runs? Ie ben and mari, eve - tresser - flag love triangle, even the more platonic ones like dr lagrieve and amanda or the more Questionable ones like eve and enchantress
mari/ben is licherally <3<3<3<3 love them!!! their relationship was such a well-paced build & the fact that neither of them were ever relagated to "x's significant other" and remained their own ppl w/ their own goals/ideals just!! WE LOVE TO SEE IT. i think it woulda been nice to see them trying to rebuild after that year apart. but alas..... :pensive:
OKAY. OKAY! So there's a Specific Line in the chorus of Back 2 Good that i always love, "Everyone here, knows everyone here is thinking about somebody else", and its just!!!! thats them!!! (bc remember flag is ALSO still hung up on HIS old teammate and GUUHHHH THE FEELINGS I HAVE!!) I do rlly rlly appreciate that Eve and Tom didn't just, immediately get together either. but i do wish that we coulda gotten some more abt their relationship post-squad bc i def didnt know a THING abt them during shadowpact so fjdksla;fa
I rlly loved all of the relationships that Amanda built up over the course of the series but ye! Esp w/ Dr LaGreive and Father Creamer! Any of the support ppl that she surrounded herself with just!!!! I think it was LaGreive himself who pointed out how she puts these ppl around her bc she KNOWS she needs someone to, maybe not necessarily question her decisions, but certainly to remind her to put things in perspective and just!!! The fact that she asked Ben at the end of the series to stay on with her too and help her out im ;-; <3
i rlly should do like.... an Entire Post abt my Eve/Enchantress agenda lmaooo, but like!!!! the short of it is!!!! would love to explore more of what them sharing a Consciousness would mean+ im disappointed that they.... didn't address at all that Eve still had the Enchantress persona by the end OR what happened to June???? AFTER SHE SHOT EVE?????????????? iirc i read that June & Enchantress eventually are reunited again so like????? i need to read abt that & need to read more abt Eve n June/Enchantress in general and i am h y p e
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littlesmartart · 5 years
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DRAWTOBER #12 - The Secret History by Cesare (chapters 1 - 23, 24 chapters 1 - 3 on ao3)
“But you mustn’t be afraid to ask me anything. If I held something too close… If I held something too close for you to ask about it, I would not bring it up in the first place.” Louis de Pointe du Lac, Interview with the Vampire
“Read between the lines.” Lestat de Lioncourt, The Vampire Lestat
day twelve is another fic that I’m sure the entire fandom just considers canon now and is just… generally a fucking treasure. there were so many scenes from this that I considered drawing, but I went with this one because on my last readthrough, this line was the point at which I closed the tab, said aloud “AND THEN THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER”, before lying facedown on my bed and wailing into my pillow. the pose isn’t quite right - lestat should be tucked under louis’ chin, and looooord knows I never want to miss a chance to draw forehead kisses, but… this pose just worked better visually. 
I’d also like to take this opportunity to say that I really, really enjoyed the chapter this scene is from - these two bonding over mental health stuff is just so brilliant to read as it’s so rarely explored! and as someone who struggles with disassociation, lestat’s breakdown is just so… agonisingly accurate, and well-written. I actually read parts of it out to my husband to try and explain my own stuff! so it means a lot to me. 
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feeling-weirdy · 3 years
at what age did you start reading fanfiction? and for what fandom?
Oh looooord, I still have access to my old fanfiction.net fics so I can tell you exactly when and what I wrote for. 
My very first fanfic was published on Jun 16, 2005 (so about 14 or 15) and it was a Teen Titans story.  A lot of my early fanfic was Sonic, Super Robot Monkey Team, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh...I even wrote a series of one-shots for Fairly Oddparents. 
Things I remember, but I know weren’t posted online because I didn’t have access: A Hercules fanfic centered around the gods (because I was a mythology nerd) on a floppy disc SOMEWHERE, but I have no idea where it could be.  I know I wrote a “movie script” that never got posted (I used to call it that because I didn’t know how to write exposition so it’s literally just a bunch of dialogue and **** everywhere) for Looney Tunes once...I think I wrote a song to go with it. 
You know...super lame shit like that.  
I still kind of remember the tune...it haunts me.
I assume reading was probably about the same...Once I realized that people could write their own fanfiction and publish it online, that was all I did as I was growing up.  I was unstoppable. 
And no, before anyone asks, I will not be posting any of that on here.  I already have to suffer enough as it is XD
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daily-best-jokes · 4 years
The tale of the bear and the rabbit
A bear and a rabbit is sitting next to each other in the woods, taking a shit when the bear asks the rabbit. “Do you mind when you get shit stuck in your fur? “No.” says the rabbit. The bear then proceeds to wipe his ass with the rabbit.
A few weeks later, as both walk together they stumble upon a lamp, lying under a large birch tree. “Oh look! Maybe it’s a magical lamp” says the bear as he picks the lamp up and rubs it with his large paws. There is a big puff of smoke and suddenly, a genie appears from the smoke, coughing a bit, “Whoaa, you awoke my slumber, and now I have to grant you three wishes each, *yaaaawn*”. “I should definitely go first, since I found it” the bear proudly states. “Sure, whatever”. “I want all the bears in this forest, except me, to be female. Oooooh looooord I’m gonna get so much pussey”. The genie waves hands and says that his wish has come true. “I would like a motorcycle.” says the rabbit. “Pfft, what a fucking idiot” acclaim the bear. But the genie does the same waving of the hands, and a motorcycle appears with a puff of smoke. Now the bear goes again, “I want all the bears, except me, in this COUNTRY to be female, DAAAAAMN I’m gonna get so much pussey!”. Once again, the genie waves his hands and it’s done. The rabbit this time asks for a motorcycle helmet, as the bear just shakes his head. As well as the previous wish, it is granted and he stands with a helmet in his hands. The bear is bouncing up and down at this point, “I-i-i-i, I want all the bears, except me, in THE WHOLE WORLD to be female, OH MY GOOOOD I’m gonna get so much pusseeeey!!!”. “You know you could’ve asked that the first time?” says the rabbit. “Whatever, at least I didn’t ask for a stupid motorcycle and a weird helmet”. The genie waves his hands and says that all the bears in the world, except him, are now female. The rabbit proceeds to mount his new shining motorcycle, adjusts his helmet, and says, “I wish the fucking bear is gay.”, and accelerates into the distance flipping the bear off.
submitted by /u/Edisislost [link] [comments]
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