#because they love each other and can't bear to be separated! they're a family!!
hecatesbroom · 1 month
I just watched that s7 episode where Rose, Dorothy and Sophia will have to move out if Blanche doesn't make them co-owners of the house and oh.... oh my god. I knew Blanche's grand gesture would hit hard, but Dorothy's talk to Rose before then?? Giving her an excuse for why she has to say, only to shrug that off and softly tell her the truth ("we love you") and proceeding to tell the permit guy that they're family!! They love each other so much & they can't be separated!! Rose's face throughout the whole thing!! It's so much
#i fear this borders on making no sense but OHH the LOVE they have for each other#it's so so clear and they acknowledge it too???#out loud?? to a stranger?? ;-;#i will say this episode was made at least 10x more painful with the knowledge of how it's all going to end in ±20 episodes#blanche makes the girls co-owners because she trusts they'll stay together forever#because the thought of parting with them is even worse than the thought of losing (part of the) ownership of her house!!#she places full trust in her girls because she loves them even more than this place that holds memories of george#& because she trusts them to treat that part of her life (and their life together) with respect#and then dorothy ends up leaving#i just-#i CAN'T#blanche selling that house to them *legally* bound their lives and futures together#they signed a contract!! excuse me for making the comparison but what isn't marriage if not a love recognised legally!!#(it's a religious thing too i know. but these were the 90s! marriage was becoming more and more of a tax benefit lol)#and uh#they signed that contract to get to *live together* without consequences#because they love each other and can't bear to be separated! they're a family!!#and then dorothy leaves?? yeah no i'm FINE#(side note but rose made a comment about having to sleep on top of each other#and by her very serious 'it's fine! we all wear pyjamas!' i'm inclined to believe they do in fact share a bed frequently)#the golden girls#anyway off to bed now#i had to write this down before i exploded sjfjdj
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angeat · 1 year
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@arcvmonth day 18
"an earnest unrequited love, wanting to make it bear a little happiness" reference
i have posted about my au a couple of times, it's not specific to arc v though it involves yuya and yuri so i shall take this chance to ramble
to introduce. an excerpt of a ramble about my au: "i have my focus sort of split between yuri and yuya's yanhomo weirdness pov v.s. bakura trying to not kill punch beat the shit out of worship marry johan while anzu takes an irritated drag from her cigarette pov" so it's a whole Every Yugioh Crossover and a part of the premise is everyone is at least mildly to severely out of character johan and mokuba are quite different for instance. there aren't relevant arc v characters aside from the aforementioned two but i can mention some. also little extra designs
yugo is yuya's older half brother on yoko's side (likes motorcycles per her influence), they don’t visit each other often but they do talk regularly, yugo tries supporting yuya and being a proper big brother as much as he can. yuto is yuri's estranged older brother but yuri has no memory of him because he was too young when they were separated and yuri was adopted by leo (yes reiji and reira are his siblings. the akabas continue to be the most dysfunctional family ever) yuzu and gongenzaka are yuya's best friends per usual. yuri ran away with yuya for their survival since it's no good to stay in the same spot with a billionaire ceo guy (seto kaiba) tracking them and a jail escapee (kyosuke kiryu) but also just because he wants to have yuya alone
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(yuzu and gongenzaka look about the same so just the yu’s and yo)
i frame my au yuri with a lot of yandere shit just because i think it's fun and he does stalk yuya + sometimes treats him like something of a boyfriend but he isn't really in love with yuya? yuri loves and admires himself above all but he sees himself in yuya. literally physically because he thinks they have similar faces and yuri has always unconsciously wanted something of a normal life and family so seeing yuya have that meant projecting on yuya became his favorite hobby. and now because of their situation they're in he uses this new forced closeness with someone for the first time to act out everything he's never experienced (a friend, a parent, a lover)
despite how much yuya might be creeped out or uncomfortable, since yuri has been the real reason he's been able to survive, he feels like he doesn't really have the right to reject yuri in any sense, by all means he's dependent on him in this situation and he can't just leave and go to anyone else unless he wants to put them in danger. also helps that he's scared shitless of him both because yuri is armed, merciless, and he would hurt yuya himself if he wanted to as he only needs yuya alive beyond that yuri doesn't really care how he is physically or mentally. the arrangement is a bit of a nightmare though coming to understand the way he thinks and acts, yuya genuinely pities yuri for the way that he is so he wants to help him be more normal and genuinely befriend him in return for everything he's done to protect him and starts to treats this as something of an obligation but yuri makes it hard to do anything nice for him
(since yuri is a solider baby and views socialization through a power hierarchy he sees these attempts of being kind and friendly as yuya acting above yuri, which he obviously doesn't take very well since he refuses to be below anyone except for leo, his dad. the only reason yuri acts the familiar way he does with yuya is because he sees them on equal footing since in his perspective yuya is essentially an extension him but he still by default treats yuya as someone below him, so yuya can't reciprocate acts of familiarity without yuri being the one to initiate them)
also the au is a future diary au. forgot to mention. yuya and yuri are two of twelve people trying to kill each other and have diaries that tell the future. it follows nothing about future diary outside of that basic premise, yuya and yuri are not the main characters.
clothes concept + notes + etc because you know. i might as well while i’m at it i doubt i’m sharing these any other time
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this is test thing of a noncanon scene i had in my head there's the rest of it in script because i could not be damned
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
Any new headcanons brewing in your head after seeing Alycia at the AACTA
Not... entirely
But I've had thoughts. Bear with me.
I'm not even remotely the person to write something like this at all, but it definitely did have me thinking of a SORT OF SHOEH-esque type fic. Something involving them being closeted and in Hollywood. Getting their flowers for their talent and being in love, but having to keep it quiet their entire careers. I've seen some fics along this line here and there, but inevitably in the fic, one or both eventually come out on stage or something.
Which is great! That's a lovely and hopeful ending.
But also....
Not entirely realistic.
Or even half as heartwrenching.
"Well yeah jesus fuck, why do you want sad shit Andi, why are you always such a glutton for punishment and literary pain?"
Well I'll tell you why: cuz... shut up
Idk it just got me thinking of Clexa as two Hollywood starlets on kind of differing ends of the spectrum of Hollywood that in the public eye are generally never really thought about together.
Lexa tends to do more gritty work, a lot more indie films. Dark threaded moody pieces and emotional roles, not generally thought of as box office fodder, but pretty much always a contender at awards season. Sleeper hits, you get me. Things like that. She definitely has a well known name, but she's selective in her work and that gains her a lot of respect with fans, even if they have to sometimes wait 2-3 years between projects. Because whatever she signs on for, it's pretty much always really fucking good. Whereas Clarke is more of a mainstream girly. She does a decently broad spectrum of films, but they're by and large always ones with bigger budgets, bigger release dates, more screens. It's not that they're not quality pictures, it's just that Clarke likes to work a broad range of things. One year she's in a comedy, the next a period piece, the next action. There's no real labeling her career.
And most importantly, they're both very, very straight.
At least, their personas are.
Alexandria is a smoky eyed femme fatale who leaves all the men eating out of the palm of her hand. Very "Look but don't touch" attitude that adds to her allure, to her mystery, despite her always being attached to leading man's arm. Miss Griffin is the picture of buxom Hollywood glam that every guy has on the List. Known for leaving a string of broken hearted men in her wake with little more than a cheek kiss-stained in signature red lipstick
Lexa and Clarke though?
Lexa and Clarke are two friends who have been deeply in love and committed to each other for the better part of 5 years.
They love each other in secret because that's what they feel like they have to do. They have two seperate houses with two separate addresses, and only one bed they actually sleep in.
It only really burns on the big nights, which I think would be an interesting oneshot. Just a glimpse into their life and what it feels like in that moment. The night when all their work and their sacrifices are being honored. Because even though, yes, they do play the part of friends and manage to sit near each other, it's not the same. It's not the same when they can't get ready together or even show up in the same car. When they have to remind themselves not to lean into each other too often, or even reach for the others hand to calm their nerves.
When one wins, they walk up alone without a hug or kiss from the only person who actually matters. They thank their families and their friends and their management that they can barely stand half the time, and remind themselves to smile like it's the happiest moment of their life even though at least half it all feels like a lie. Because yeah, they get lonely in the months when projects and shooting schedules pull them to opposite sides of the globe... but somehow those months never feel quite as lonely as being in a room filled with people who act like they adore you, while the love of your life sits quietly with her own "date" half an aisle away
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ckret2 · 9 months
Okay all right okay I've been enabled, I'm gonna go full Pepe Silvia with my Care Bears villain headcanons, here we go:
Beastly, at one point, long ago, was a Care Bear cousin.
His original name was Beast Heart, his domain was idk wild roughhousing fun on the playground or something. Looked like a fuzzy Treat Heart. More dusty pink than brown.
"What happened to his arms and legs then?" mutated by evil. Anyway,
Like Polite Panda and Perfect Panda, he was separated from the Care Bear Family as a baby. cub. piglet? Whatever.
He stumbled on some poor kid stuck in tragic life circumstances, was instinctively driven to try his best to help out, but like, he was a baby, they were both babies, he couldn't help.
baby Beast Heart and the kid get ~*suuuuuper traumatized*~
the kid also has a sibling who had just as rough a time, but who DIDN'T have a baby Care Bear Cousin to help prop up their crumbling mental health, so they came out even worse off. this sibling spawned Shreeky.
the kid gets enough magic power to break out of his terrible situation and resolves to inflict the pain he went through on the rest of the world. Caring only hurts you, caring cannot save you. No one will care ever again.
Beastly's all in on this. He went through the same rotten childhood.
They're like. Super codependent.
They adore each other, but they can't say so out loud with their words because the language of "love" and "caring" and "goodness" has been poisoned to them, they're both in on the "bad is good and good is bad" backwards-talk so both of them know how the other one feels but they can't talk about it directly.
Despite the mutual (unspoken) caring, their inability to express their true feelings directly hampers their ability to have complex & open communication, so despite being each other's best support system they've been stuck in the same mutually unhealthy mental place for centuries.
Anyway, in conclusion:
No Heart actually took Beastly's last name in the wedding.
Yeah his first name is "No."
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negative-speedforce · 2 months
Domestic AU for Kayla and Yelena, where they're both trainers at the same gym (Yelena does self-defense/martial arts classes, Kayla trains powerlifting/bodybuilding)?
Okay but I love this so much-
Okay so in this AU, Yelena is a war veteran, and she's at first vaguely suspicious of Kayla (it's just the PTSD talking), mostly because Kayla's like... twice her size and always sneaks up on her.
One day, Kayla unintentionally sneaks up on Yelena and accidentally startles her and makes her spill her coffee. Apologetically, Kayla asks Yelena if she can get her a new coffee, and it becomes an accidental coffee date. This becomes a habit- Kayla comes in every morning with coffee for Yelena, until Yelena starts meeting her at the coffee shop before work.
They start to form a bond, and Yelena slowly learns more about Kayla's personal life- she's from Colorado, her parents died in a car crash when she was 7, and she's been living in DC with her great-uncle ever since, and now works two jobs- part-time at the gym, and full-time as his caregiver.
Except... something about Kayla's great-uncle sets off alarm bells in her head. Kayla doesn't seem exactly fond of her great uncle, and sometimes talks about how she wishes she could leave DC, but she can't. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together, that Kayla is her great-uncle's unwilling caregiver, that he's been nothing but cruel to her since she was a child, and that role was foisted onto her by the rest of the family, since she was the only one who could tolerate him.
The rest of the story revolves around Yelena attempting to help Kayla break free of her great-uncle, and eventually, she moves in with Yelena, since she doesn't exactly have anywhere else to go. That's when they really start to get close, which Yelena doesn't exactly want to do, since the last person she was close to, her sister, was separated from her in foster care as a kid, and she still bears some trauma about that.
Slowly, they learn to trust each other, whether that be spotting each other in the gym, or trusting each other not to ruin dinner. Yelena realizes she's caught feelings first, and she pines over Kayla, who she doesn't want to emotionally exploit, since she just got out of an abusive home situation, but then out of the blue, Kayla confesses.
They become partners, and shortly later, Kayla's great uncle dies, leaving her a huge sum of money that they use to open up a gym of their own together.
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Goldilocks and the three bears crime family au
This au focuses on Baby and Goldi and is based off the part in Shrek 1 where we see the three bears in separate cages and then Mama later as a rug (rip you already know what happened to her)
The three bears got caught in Farquaad's fairytale purge and got separated. Crying in that cage was the last time Baby saw his parents. He's not sure what happened to them, but he got sold off to a circus bc everyone likes seeing baby animals do tricks, it makes good money. While he was there, he met a little orphan girl who was about his age in human years, five or six. She was also picked up because she made lots of money; she sold candy to people in the stands. No one wants to turn down a little girl!
They became fast friends. Goldi would wiggle between the bars of his cage at night and whisper stories of people she saw in the crowd and things she could remember of her parents. She liked telling stories about them. Baby didn't like to think about his parents, it made him cry, so he just made little quiet noises and pressed their heads together. They would fall asleep curled up around each other.
Fast forward several years, they're both preteens and have moved up in the circus. Baby learned english and Gold learned quite a bit of bear. She lost her baby face and was useless at selling treats now; she was going to get replaced but she begged to stay. Baby knew that she hated it there and was constantly thinking of ways to escape so it was obvious the only reason she stayed was for him. The ringmaster noticed their connection and put them in an act together. Goldi did flips and cartwheels on his back while they ran around the ring. They also came up with a plan where before and after shows, they would stand outside the tent and people could pay to pet Baby's nose. The idea was to save the money and strike out on their own when they had enough. They may have reached this goal a bit quicker than they should have due to many wallets falling victim to Goldi's sticky fingers.
Finally, sixteen years old, they decide today is the day. Their act has become much more complicated now and involves hoops and fire and all sorts of nail-biting objects. Halfway through the act, Goldi grabs a torch and announces they have had enough of being other's playthings and they're going to live their own lives. Baby rises up to his full height and with Goldi on his shoulders, they set fire to the tent. It's panic, it's mayhem, it's screaming and trampling crowds and bearing teeth and not being scared of whips or chains or anything else in the world. It's pure freedom. They run out off the circus grounds before anyone can properly stop them, laughing and cheering the whole way.
Here's where it starts to tie into the movie again (dw i didn't forget abt that lol) After the initial euphoria wore off, they decided to be professional criminals. They do a bunch of small scale stuff but they're pretty recognizable so it's hard to hit the same place twice. When they learn about the map to the wishing star, they absolutely must have it. It's at this point that they start to drift apart a bit. Goldi says they'll use the wish but secretly wants it to get her parents back. Baby is suspicious, she does talk about her parents more and more these days, but can't prove anything so he just goes with it.
Eventually, it gets revealed that Goldi wants the wish for herself and Baby is furious. They have a huge fight where so many hurtful things are said. Goldi accuses him of not caring about his family enough to try and find them. Baby says that it's because he cares so much, he doesn't want to learn what horrible fate befell them. He then says that Goldi shouldn't even bother with hers bc they clearly didn't love her, just abandoning her in the woods as a child. They both leave that fight in tears. Splitting up was discussed but honestly, they don't have anyone else in the world so they're both too scared to swing it alone. They keep going after the map but don't talk for days. After a while, there's an apology; a quiet one that is only half spoken because they both know what the other is thinking.
Ofc at the end, they help destroy the map and the star because Goldi's learned that she has all the family she needs right here and Baby's learned that maybe he should make some effort to find his parents. Who knows, they could be alive. He is. He tentatively asks Puss if he knows what happened to his parents, because he was also involved in the roundup, and Puss has to break the horrible news about his mom. There's lots of tears but frankly, Baby kind've suspected.
They go their separate ways from Team Friendship at the end and the idea of trying to find Baby's dad is briefly kicked around as they walk into the sunset. (Setting up a sequel lol)
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megabuild · 1 year
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been thinking 💭 about their time spent as worlds most annoying students
lore dump LOOK OUT
- i will make a proper explanation for the worldbuilding i have for empires one day but basically all thats necessary is that its set in a high fantasy world separate from any other smp, i consider most smps being set on the same "planet" i guess? (special thanks to rendog for making me have to clarify that.) but at different times so empires s1 takes place fairly early, a time similar to the renaissance period for us.
- pix and fwhip knew each other before the series though because as said above They went to school together! About ten years before season 1 is set. Specifically a very prestigious academy in the city they both grew up in, it's more like a university than a school, they're both young adults when they enroll.
- fwhip is studying alchemy not just out of the love of it but also to follow in his father's footsteps (his relationship there is. not great but that's another ballpark) while pix is studying astronomy which in this world is a very important and magical study! the people of this region believe the stars and planets can help predict future events and disasters, so talented astronomers are basically like prophets. he doesn't actually have any prophetic visions or anything though.
- pix has a whole thing i'll get into some other time that basically means his ability to harness and use experience/magic is limited. most humans aren't as naturally predisposed as some other species but pix is especially Not good at this. but he's very studious and wants to learn all he can about magic even if he can't use it, so he's a model student
- fwhip on the other hand has natural disposition for magic due to having elvish genes, and is a bit of a slacker tbh, not because he doesn't care but because of bad past experience with educational environments.
- the two of them meet because they have a handful of classes that overlap. Don't really get along at first (quite badly actually though I'm considering changing that LMAO) but they end up becoming friends and eventually falling into dating yayyyy great awesome who clapped.
- fwhip has bigger dreams though. he wants to become Thee royal alchemist and it's sort of in his game plan that pix will become the royal astronomer even though pix... Isn't really that certain about astronomy as a career path at all. He has a family business that he might need to go back to but more importantly for him he just sort of wants to slow down and focus on rn!! Their relationship ends up falling apart for a lot of reasons but this is one of them.
- I say falls apart but it never actually has a defined end lol fwhip just. Leaves one day before he even graduates because he gets offered a very lucrative position that he can't really say no to. He leaves a letter but he never says bye and pix will hold a grudge to this for over a decade.💙
- their time at the academy is probably the happiest years of their relationship (unless i decide to say fuck it and give them a semi happy ending) and almost definitely the happiest years of fwhip's life. they are the most annoying bitchy gay couple u know. they pull so many pranks (pix has always been a lover of those and fwhip only enabled him in taking them to extreme levels) and generally are quite sweet at times even if its not always clear like. how committed fwhip actually is (he loves pix! he's just allergic to commitment and showing feelings without backtracking to make a joke after)
- on their designs there's not much to say, fwhip cuts his hair shorter including his little horn tufts and generally doesn't let it get long enough for the green to show cause he's trying to be more cool and professional. (Later on he actually starts dying it to make sure no green shows which is fake as hell of him but anyway) Pix bears a striking resemblance to recap!pix which doesn't really mean shit other than he is his great x10 peepaw uncle twice removed and ithought it was cute. Fwhip bought those earrings for him which I think I've posted about before somewhere. Their outfits are sort of lame cause I made them up in five seconds just so I could draw something orz I don't think the academy had any strict uniform though pix probably did wear gloves due to working with magic and fwhip definitely never wore suitable gear for working with highly dangerous chemicals
- tldr blows them up in my mind
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Re 🖤+ a ship
I ask for…. post-IWTV Armand and Louis. I challenge you to fluffy prompts on an angsty ship. I know you’re up for the challenge.
you know that... I thought about it. I remembered the quote about their 'gentle intimacy' during those years; I remembered the mutual fondness and concern they displayed for each other even following their initial separation; I remembered Armand beginning to heal and Louis relearning happiness at Trinity Gate -- which whether you read it as platonic or romantic -- didn't happen out of thin air. So here's what I came up with for the angiest ship era in all of VC:
Who is the most affectionate?
Armand knows Louis isn't exactly the most affectionate person by any means, and he doesn't want to push him and have him retreat into himself even further -- but every once in a while, Armand will gather up what's left of his confidence (or he's that desperate) and tentatively but outwardly confidently touch Louis's elbow or lower back in a way that reinforces the message 'I'm here, I'll wait until you're ready for me.'
Who initiates the handholding?
Surprisingly, Louis. Armand lacks the presumptuous arrogance required to snatch up Louis's hand against his will and they both know this. It's not often but Louis gets used to Armand making an effort to engage him, suggesting this or that or the other. So when he doesn't and a few days go by, it gets his attention in a way most things don't.
Armand doesn't complain, he doesn't lash out or get violent. He simply retreats into himself (much like Louis) and he looks so sad and so old curled up like a gargoyle on the seat next to him that Louis can't resist taking his hand, pressing their palms together and interlacing their fingers, even if just to keep one of them alive.
Who worries more for the other?
Armand does. In a way, by virtue of his actions, he not only made himself Louis's companion but also his caretaker. He feels a certain responsibility; he needs Louis to come back to life but it's simply not happening and it's Armand's burden to bear.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
They're both awful at this during this time. I would have to say Armand though (remembering 'Help me!' at the end of IWTV).
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Who needs keys when you can scale walls like a lizard? (Louis, it's Louis; he forgets he's alive half the time).
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
During their warmer spells, Louis was inclined to gift Armand a favored novel with a brief yet loving inscription on the inside of the cover. Stories could convey more of Louis's emotions toward Armand more easily than spoken words, and Armand cherished this very purposeful invitation into Louis's thoughts.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Considering how Louis didn't even notice Armand had initially left him in IWTV, I would say Armand. But also because knows how physically weak Louis is in comparison to any other vampires that might want to hurt him, and it also triggers his deep-seated abandonment issues when Louis disappears for days on end. Even if Armand can track him easily and knows more or less exactly where he is, it still hurts in a very raw way (echo of Daniel later on, whoops).
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
For the sake of some needed levity, I'm going to refer back to my post about Armand occasionally cross-dressing during this time so they could blend in as husband and wife in certain places that they travelled to. Armand "proposed" but it was strictly a marriage of convenience.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Well, that levity was short-lived (RIP). I'm going to steal @covenofthearticulate's answer... technically, Louis did, didn't he? :)
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Armand, but I would say it's less playing and more so grooming. Thinking back to him being in despair over Lestat being left 'dusty' and disheveled on the church floor in TVA... It's very important to Armand that those he loves appear well-put together and cared for, even if he has to do it for them himself. They will not be looking dusty, abandoned, and forgotten like Armand was in the catacombs for 300 years.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Armand again. Louis is his responsibility now; Armand saw to that. And it's bad enough that Louis refuses his blood and previously that of his own maker's for the protection it would offer, but a weak, hungry vampire is just too much.
Armand also finds the occasional rats somewhat triggering (Santino and his rats), and altogether very off-putting.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Armand drives out any and all vampires that might pose a threat to them. Louis doesn't consider that anything could actually hurt Armand (physically).
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Armand tries to surprise Louis with trips and outings, anything to incite an emotional response. Sometimes it works, sometimes he's rewarded with a gentlemanly kiss to his hand or an uncharacteristically sudden, tight, and trembling embrace.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
... Even my imagination can't indulge this one.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Armand usually thinks Louis looks cold and he's right, but he's hesitant to irritate him with too much fussing. Besides, it's not a physical coldness which is easily remedied.
Sometimes Armand tucks himself up into a reading chair and closes his eyes and remains completely still for the rest of the night--he's been so tired for so long. When Louis notices (and he occasionally does), he gathers a covering from near the fireplace that's warm and soft and arranges it over Armand's shoulders and around his chest. Armand looks incredibly innocent and childlike when he mimics a mortal in repose; it can't help but invoke Louis's long-buried caregiver instincts.
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atopearth · 8 months
Butterfly’s Poison; Blood Chains (Chou no Doku) Part 3 - Hideo Ozaki Route
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I'm quite interested in Hideo tbh, because he genuinely cares for Yuriko but it also feels like he hates her to an extent so I want to see if he'll still be a jerk lol. OH, Hideo already has a fiancee..I guess we might get a Yuriko is the mistress tragic end?🥲 I can see why Hideo's family would want to find a girl from an even more prestigious family than Yuriko's because Yuriko's mother looked down on them for thinking they could get Hideo and Yuriko to marry. I quite like how they talked about the 'what if' scenario of if Yuriko's mother wasn't against Hideo and Yuriko getting married. Hideo was definitely happy when Yuriko said they would be happy. It's actually kinda funny how Shiba has already noticed that Yuriko is a bit jealous and curious about Hideo's fiancee and teases Yuriko about it lol. It's quite amusing how everyone can tell how much Hideo and Yuriko want to be with each other except themselves lol. Honestly, they say such embarrassing things that would basically mean 'I like you' but they're so oblivious to it. But I guess more than obliviousness, they choose to believe that it shouldn't be love because they both have their circumstances that would make it too difficult if they do decide that they like each other and want to be together. I really enjoyed their night walk though, it felt sweet to see two childhood friends so honestly talk about how they felt like they've drifted apart but that even though they've grown older, they haven't really changed at heart. Hideo visiting her frequently to check on her after her mother passed away was really sweet of him, he's so considerate.
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Such a happy and talkative Hideo at the zoo lol! He's actually so adorable when he's talking about animals, I didn't expect that haha. Honestly, even though I'm as happy as Yuriko is that Hideo is always inviting her out, I am also worried about the fiancee thing considering he's been going to Yuriko's house lately and is now going out with her to the zoo and an opera too, people would definitely misunderstand. Hideo holding her hand in the crowd to make sure she's okay was so unexpected but cute. Ughhh I hate how their date got ruined, I didn't want them to face reality yet and not in this way that could affect Hideo's military career either. But I'm still really happy that Hideo prioritised protecting Yuriko above everything else. Hideo so genuinely laughing at Yuriko asking him whether he still wants to fly in the sky like a bird because he said he wanted to be a bird when he was a child is so adorableee. Yuriko really was a wild child lol, untying her obi sash to use as a rope to save Hideo when he fell into the water chasing after birds is just such a hilarious scene to imagine. Awww Hideo and Yuriko taking that awkward photo by the river was super cute! It's probably going to bite them in the ass later but I don't even care because they're so innocent and sweet, how can we not support their love?! They should run away together like Yuriko said in the beginning lol.
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My heart broke when Hideo said he volunteered to go to war in Siberia. I understand his reasons, and it's true that it's probably one of the only ways for him to refuse the engagement with a lady from such a prestigious family without shaming his family but I hate it. I absolutely hate it. I love it that Hideo would rather go to war and believe in the off chance that he'll survive and come back and be able to marry Yuriko, showing how much he loves her and refuses to marry anyone besides her. But I'm sorry I can't do it, I'm too weak. If I was Yuriko, I wouldn't be able to bear the idea of the man I love going so far away just so we could possibly be together. I'd rather we separate and he marry someone else. I'd rather he live in sadness than die. I don't want Hideo to die. There's so many ways he could die. He could die on the way there, from the war, from disease and so many other things! I wouldn't want him to go even if it was in the modern day, let alone the Taisho era! I just wouldn't be able to tolerate the idea of him dying in a foreign place when he didn't need to go. It's just too heartbreaking. I loved how they shared a kiss as they bathed in the sights of the town together, and naturally, they gave themselves to each other before Hideo departed. I hated having to watch them cry at being torn apart and possibly never seeing each other again, but I also really loved how pure their love is for each other with one determined to come back no matter what and the other determined to wait for them no matter what. It's just depressing to think about all the people who have gone through this before and never got their happy endings.
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Sawako seems like a great woman and I think Hideo would be happy with her in the other routes where Yuriko is with someone else haha. I think if he got to see the strength she showed Yuriko, he would be able to love her. Hideo defied military orders and came back because he found out about Majima from another officer. It's actually kinda funny though, everyone has someone that recognises Majima in every route, it's like dang Majima, you're really not good at hiding this are you lol. I'm so glad that Hideo is leaving the military, I hope he can pursue his true interests now. Oh wow, he's already been studying birds in his spare time and has already published papers?! Dayum boy! He's already set lol. I'm honestly so happy for them, the ending made me feel so warm, they'll definitely bicker a lot but they'll also cherish each other a lot and thinking about their future makes me super happy for them haha. I was mad on behalf of Yuriko knowing that she always has to follow along with Hideo to discover new birds species in all kinds of places and having to separate from their son, but I guess I'm soft-hearted like Yuriko too, because when he said he can't live without her and can't concentrate when she isn't beside him, I couldn't get mad at him, because we all know how much Hideo loves her and how he's willing to give his life for her, so I really believe him when he says that living apart from Yuriko is like living without air, he really might die lol. I knew the tragic ending would be Hideo dying in Siberia, but thinking about Hideo's wonky writing in his letters as he got more and more exhausted, and the crinkled photo of them by the river being found in his military uniform just made me want to cry. The other tragic ending was honestly tough to read. Knowing how straight-laced Hideo is but having to have an affair in order to be with Yuriko, and he can only meet her once a week, but be forced to face reality every time he sees her bulging stomach and the limitations to their relationship, but still be unable to let it go because he loves her too much, everything just honestly breaks my heart. Seeing Hideo go from angry, happy, sad and just keep going through those rollercoaster of emotions in a short span of time of meeting her just hurts. He knows he's terrible but he can't even stop himself because he hates how he can't be Yuriko's husband no matter what and that's just so painful to watch.
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Overall, I really loved Hideo's route, definitely my favourite for now haha. It had everything I wanted for a love restricted by things like social status, responsibility, duty and a strong passion for true love. I've always liked Hideo so I'm happy for him in the best end that they're able to be together even if they got distant because of things outside of their hands. I loved how we slowly got to watch over Hideo and Yuriko go again from awkwardly talking to each other, reminiscing about their past to quite openly showing how much they love and care for each other. I loved how Hideo put in so much effort to visit Yuriko and take her out when her mother passed away, and I loved how they were like childish little lovebirds when they ran away to the river, kissed, had a fight and took a photo showing their desire to marry and be together forever. I hated how Hideo decided to go to war, but I loved that it showed how much he was willing to sacrifice just for the chance to be with Yuriko. It showed the depth of his love for her and how much he didn't want a life that didn't have her as his wife, which is why I can see why the tragic ending tormented him so, especially when he believed that Yuriko didn't try hard enough to be with him and just married Shiba. I loved how they're truly like childhood friends that are unafraid to share exactly what they think with each other but still show how much they care for the other. I really liked their relationship and I thought it was really cute and sweet. I wish I could see more of them haha!
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scattered-winter · 1 year
also for your oc ask game: !! i am very curious about your creatures/monsters!
I'll tell u abt some things from a vague fantasy concept I have !! I actually originally came up with these creature concepts to fit in with a fantasy au from an existing fandom + characters but I ended up liking them so much that I've started developing the worldbuilding itself separate from the au so I can eventually fit it into one of my oc stories <3 as of right now I don't actually have any ocs for this particular story setting BUT I have the world ready for ocs pretty much at any time so as soon as I think of them I'll have a whole story pretty much ready <33
so first: the cats <3
they're like. large cats (lions, leopards, tigers, etc) except they're BIG. like. tryna think of a good comparison but if you've seen the legend of korra, they're about as big as naga, the polar bear dog
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speaking technically, there are breeds of giant cat that are pretty much really, really big housecats that civilians have in their households (usually to pull wagons or lift things, or sometimes they're just pets) but the cats I like to talk about are the slightly wild ones (lions, tigers, etc). they're the oldest species of giant cat, and all the domesticated ones are their descendants (like a wolf + dog situation) and they're the biggest and most dangerous. additionally, they're intrinsically linked to knights because as part of their training, a knight will choose a kitten (about the size of a small golden retriever <3) to become his battle companion for life. he will raise the cat and train it, and they will have a mystical bond that ties them together in ways most people can't even imagine. they can sense each other's emotions, and it's like. a tether . sorta tying them together. if a knight has a partner or kids or anyone he's particularly close to, the cat will sort of psuedo-bond with them (there isn't really an actual Bond but the cat will protect them like they were the knight himself) and if either the knight or the cat dies, the tether snaps, and losing a cat is considered one of the absolute worst tragedies that could happen because it's like losing a part of yourself. if a knight loses a cat he is able to get a new one, but a lot of knights don't do it because it's too painful to reopen the bond. and if a cat loses his knight, usually the pain of the severed bond drives them completely feral and they need to be taken down, or released into the wild unless the knight had family who could take care of it instead.
royal families also traditionally have cats, but they're more of a sign of status than an actual battle companion/steed. but since I love knights so much (not a secret to anyone who's been here for a while) I figured this worldbuilding would probably be centered around knights and their cats because <333333333
and I'll also talk about the hound!!! I've touched on it before on my blog but couldn't find the posts alas, so I'll try to sum everything up:
basically, the hound is an ancient eldritch horror that haunts the darkest corners of the world. it's passed into legend and so stories have spread, and so people will say it's a giant wolf, or a dragon dog, or a bunch of other things, but none of them are actually right. it isn't even organic matter!! it's basically a cocktail of dark spells and curses and black magic all compressed together like a neutron star and it takes the form of a giant shadowy dog. it has huge teeth and claws that can retract like a cat, and their full length is about a foot and a half long, and its claws and teeth also infect anyone who is bitten/scratched with death magic that slowly leeches away at their life force until they basically become a husk. like a zombie except it answers only to the hound. the husks are relatively easy to kill, but they can also spread the death magic infection to others, so if left unchecked it could be a major fucking problem. however if the hound kills its prey, they won't like. resurrect as a husk or anything. they have to be alive to be infected. back in the day the hound's handlers (the wizards who created it) would send it after their enemies, and the hound would track them all the way across the continent, and probably even across oceans too. it's manifested by shadows so it only shows up at night, but it will constantly track its prey until its dead. nowadays though, the hound has been around for thousands of years (long enough that it's more legend than anything else) and its handlers (the successors of the creators) don't really have a lot of information about what that thing really is. a lot of it was lost over the ages in what's basically a game of telephone, and each new generation of handler had less of an idea of what the hound is, so by now, the handlers have NO idea what theyre really dealing with.
the hound's ONLY weakness is light (life) magic. one of the most fundamental laws of the magic system is that Everything Has An Equal Opposing Force. no matter how powerful the spell is, there will ALWAYS be something equally powerful that can counter it. and each class of magic has an opposite class that can cancel it out. and because the hound is pure dark (death) magic, light magic is the natural opposite, and the only thing that can really stop the hound. unfortunately, light magic is practically extinct, and so if you're being hunted by the hound your only real chance at survival is rediscovering a magic discipline that hasn't been around for centuries <3
(the magic system has a LOT more moving parts but these are the ones that apply to the hound so. <3)
also, the hound has been EVOLVING all this time, so it's even MORE of an unknown. it's literally pure fucking evil, because it's made entirely of evil spells, and it's been programmed to be pure evil, but as time goes on, it starts gaining a bit of sentience. it was created to only follow the orders of its handlers, but as it learns and grows, the hound starts developing free will, and it starts hunting and killing because it loves the thrill of the hunt, not because it was ordered to. and eventually, down the line, it turns on its handlers and is unleashed without anyone holding it back or controlling it. and I figure Plot would happen when the main characters (whoever they are) go out to stop the hound and the potential husk zombie apocalypse but this fantasy story doesn't have any characters yet lmao. I have the worldbuilding and the setting, but it's not populated yet 😔
I've done a shitty little sketch of the thing also:
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when it moves it has a sort of. anime flower petal effect except its with little particles of shadow floating off its body <3 also it can stand on its hind legs and when it does, its movements are super stilted and jerky and horror movie-esque, but when it's down on all fours it moves so smoothly and gracefully that it's terrifying in the OTHER direction because it moves like a Peak Predator. <3
ask me abt my original stuff !!
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m0e-ru · 2 years
GSA SL AU: an attempted summary
spoiler warning for p4-p5 and all the spinoffs. trying so hard to tell myself to make a tldr of my stupidt au and not go off the rails and have a Writer Moment and make it too ambitious than I need it to be so here's literally attempt 10948329 of trying to put gsaslau into words
Unlike canon, Izanami goes out there and makes friends with their guinea pigs and a handful of other people which is a really great idea when you don't want your test results to vary. "Yeah I know my job is to cover this place in fog because the people said so. Just making sure." Yeah well now look what happened, you've got 11 different identity crisis episodes every week you idiot.
WHILE being a clown in the real world, they're a babysitter in the TV world taking care of the Shadow selves that you could call it "Midnight Daycare" at this point.
Learning from both lives, Izanami loses their sense of self and regrets a lot of things. Like starting a game where two people already died. Then remembered they told their sister to go kill herself if she remembered anything about herself. And the fact if they continue the game, it won't really end well for the people of Inaba because their whole year—it wasn't even a year actually—of living taught them that yeah  okay, maybe hiding from the truth is bad, maybe covering the whole world is a bad idea.
They have people they love and people that love them, so the best solution obviously is to have everyone forget about you, dissolve all bonds and go drop dead with the demon that would've separated from you if they continued to rebel against your duty.
But this is fine because the Power of Friendship always shines through, so they continue to live after being called a dumbass by three different people and now they have more media appearances yay 🎉🎉🎉
--- pre-p4
The apparent backstory to this was the life they had before the two split, which meant they were one whole. "Izanami-no-Mikoto" was the previous deity born from and governed the people of Inaba. With her motherlike nature, she took care of some kid who escaped a hospital immediately after waking up from his coma. The boy loved her as his mother figure although his headmate didn't seem to agree because what happened last time he tried to call some guy a parent figure, huh. This is fine though she teaches him how to be a good guardian if she ever kicks the bucket. Which she kinda does.
She was loved and remembered by all, until her own kid said they hated her guts and expunged her from people's memories and it was as if Inaba never had a nice lady living in it. For the sake of plot devices though, a handful of people still remember her, of course.
--- p4u
It's Golden Week and apparently little mister protagonist Souji Seta never fully defeated "Izanami-no-Ōkami," and the remnants of godly power continued to live on, planning new schemes away from Nami and Marie's notice, who were busy recuperating from uh, the last few months before worlds merged together and humanity would've ended entirely. Well it was gonna happen again because there was this brat who's hosting his own show of a fighting tournament with all the pyrotechnics in the world where at the end the winner doesn't matter and worlds merge together and humanity would end entirely.
Scarfaced redhead Sho Minazuki also decided he doesn't like his mom's kids so he'll just "put them back together" because that's what Kagutsuchi promised. right. Except he's a little prick and told this idiotboy you can't put god's pieces together until you kill each piece individually. Y'know if humans were a lot nicer this never would've happened.
But the Power of Friendship pt. 2 shines through and worlds are back to normal and suddenly there's a house smack dab in Inaba which leads to a forest now apparently inhabited with the strangest family known to mankind.
-- intermission
The weather girl "Mariko Kusumi" makes her debut and rockets her station's viewership in less than a week. There's another bear at Junes which means they're hosting twin gigs now. Some kid has been jumping across roofs causing the "cat tsunami" phenomenon which leaves all local detectives tired and baffled. And it looks like "everyone's part-timer" has more than one helping hand to pass around whenever anybody needs it.
The "Kusumi Household" has been established and has somewhat slowly become a household name itself. A strange house with stranger hallways and the strangest backyard—which is a literal forest. But nobody minds, just come in for lunch or some tea, hope that random fires don't start or a humanoid entity in a striped getup and a scythe doesn't come out of nowhere because some bear got onto a redhead's nerves.
Besides taking care of Inaba, Nami wishes to observe more events of unconscious collectives wishing their own doom, and hopefully prevent or just lessen the damage done just in case the Velvet Room fails to sign a contract with a competent guest. The latter seems to be unlikely, but extra measures are good. And Marie knows well enough the goodness in their heart to know they want to help other deities that have fallen from grace, born into a life that was never good for anybody. I mean why'd they bring the brat home with them, huh.
--- p4d
After a humble visit to the Velvet Room, Margaret lets it slip that her guest is undergoing another trial. He's... stuck in another collective unconscious, actually. Being told not to interfere with his journey this time around, the two hang around the trusses and have their own backstage tour, observing the new game this Self-Proclaimed Investigation Team's found themselves in now.
Taking note of the nature of the world and resonating with an unfamiliar populace, Nami continues forward and laughs at the gimmicks this god of the people tries to pull. They make a few pessimistic jokes in a sarcastic tone which get them more than a smack on the back and a punch in the shoulder.
"Mikuratana-no-Kami" was a peculiar deity, and was defeated with the power of the expression of dance. After watching the concert, the two return to the diety's nebula and see that it is still there... Nami offers guidance as well as urging it to live the life it was clinging on to, just so long as it makes the effort to make its city a better place. So it goes out there as a peppy costume designer and becomes closer to the same girls that inspired it to live.
--- p5/r
Tokyo could perhaps be the worst city Nami's had to visit ever. Okay sure, the new Velvet Room guest may have been directly involved with god as he himself has established a bond as documented in the tome. Sure the game was rigged from the start, nothing surprising about that. Within the jurisdiction of his power, the worlds were coming together again and haunting organic landscape raining red liquid, that's expected.
The false mechanical god has fallen, it should've been over, right? All they had to do was pick up the dinnerware he became, toss him in the blue room and feel the wrath of a girl with a chainsaw, and see what else he could do since something was keeping him alive. But that could be taken care of later, there was Christmas to celebrate at home!
However, just before they got on the last train home, a nasty shiver went up their spine.
It's a new year. Fireworks were lit, greetings were exchanged, prayers were made, a happy dinner was eaten. But with every tomato plant toppled, an excuse for Nami's condition had to be made—although, that was futile.
What do you mean there’s an external power interfering with Inaba’s unconscious? What do you mean you’re carrying the whole burden of keeping it away from home all by yourself? More than enough god life threatening events have happened and you still haven’t learned anything?
A yet to be certified doctor, Takuto Maruki, had once stayed in Inaba to perform Adachi’s psych evals, all from a desperate plea from his wardens to get some sense out of him. The two were even friends from back then. And now, he’s come back to Inaba, to… make it better.
This “actualization” by a horrid beast of a parasite takes a toll on already existing deities. Either they’re wiped out entirely, or they are given the mercy to live in a lie as their human heart’s desires are answered.
After a sermon and a bit of counsel, Nami gets the OK to visit the world outside of Inaba and continue their research, although from very much worried individuals. They could not come near this “Lab of Sorrow” lest their life be forfeit. But they go station to station, while persevering such an oppressive force upon them, to see this empty paradise, meet a few other friends along the way, meet with “Trickster” little miss Lavenza puts her faith in, and is generously ushered home through the otherworldly means of the room between dreams and reality, mind and matter.
The Trickster pushes through and succeeds in knocking some sense into his own friend. His Eden has collapsed and is free from godly power. The, now taxi driver, brings a few friends along to the new Tokyo for a cup of coffee, in which he is counseled over all the new trauma he’s caused himself the past few months. It was an interesting lunch indeed, having three gods at a table in a humble cafe.
Nothing against Maruki, but Nami didn’t really want to see Assathoth’s stupid shiny crucifix esque face again. But /strangling gestures/ it’s fine. it’s okay. Maruki can take care of it.
--- p5s
It’s summer now, surely everyone can catch a break from hearing about humanity unconsciously trying to destroy themselves—until news breaks out that a hot new A.I. in town’s making its way into people’s lives—and heads.
Lavenza is curious of the new trial her guest will undertake, Nami shares the same sentiments. But they are badgered into taking a rest now that their sister managed to convince the city to ban said A.I. from Inaba’s cyberspace. It’s a precaution. “What about Mikuratana?” oh, it’d see a Jail coming out of nowhere and abolish it immediately (LAZER EYES). It’s had more than enough from the last worldwide fiasco, and it didn’t want to worry Kanami and the girls again.
Nami follows a steady pace as per request of their loved once and watches the new emmanuel as she makes her mark across Japan. They also watch the “Phantom Thieves”’s every now and then, wondering where their cross-country roadtrip’s gone now. They too keep a close eye on “Sophia,” while her own story makes this god’s heart ache.
Ichinose reminds Nami of a number of somebodies, to say the least. The Demiurge is defeated and Nami hears the echo she sent to her sister. While the world crumbles around them as the Thieves leave, Nami stays with a fragment of the deity for a little while, hoping to convince her to let them help.
She is brought to Inaba to start anew. It was helpful that no one was too familiar to her when she was a big-shot A.I.. After much time, she returns to her “family” to make amends, while she is accepted back with love. Although she is worried this boomer of an individual may no longer have a digital assistance, she keeps her word to be a good companion, just like Sophia.
--- pq
Mockingly titled “Godhunter” by a crucifix shaped freak of nature, Nami and their family finally settle. It’s been a while since they sent their boy and brat to check on Shirogane-kun back at Yagokoro to investigate the so-called “Midnight Site.” The brat was disappointed over learning a woman landed more hits than him in his entire lifetime (he never killed anybody) while the boy was enthusiastic over the Kirijo model android that could turn into a bike. In fact, he came home that day rushing to contact Labrys about it and whined when she couldn’t do the same thing. But she was heat tempered and had an axe that doubled as a jetpack so it’s fine.
It occurs to Marie that she should talk about them. Them? The ones she met while she was still a resident at the Velvet Room. Chronos—Zen, she means. He was a good friend long before they even split into two, and it made her snicker he had gone through the same thing. But his was out of love, apparently. “Selfishness,” she remembered him say, but she didn’t think so.
He was fine from that point on, finally having ushered that girl’s soul to where she needs to be. However… her head started to twist and ache remembering this next bit. Maybe living in the Velvet Room had its fair share of side effects—maybe due to the fact it doesn’t follow time as normally as reality.
She told Nami of “Enlil,” maybe she’d be a new one to introduce to their “deity rehabilitation” they have going on. Margaret complies with this request and assists Nami in meeting her; where the woman was busy watching her life on repeat, where it ended bittersweetly in “farewell” every time.
Nami knows they won’t remember her as per the rules of this “reality” Margaret had warned them about, but they will know why a lady in white would have come to Inaba all on her own.
Enlil followed the charming deity’s invite and visits Inaba in a time she desired—one that wasn’t too far from when Hikari fell into her realm… which apparently wasn’t too far from the Nami that visited her in her piece of a movie theater.
Truth be told, this lady may have been the easiest to assist out of… every other deity Nami had helped. She was kind, she was sweet, she learned from her mistakes, she helped others, she was lovely. The air around her smelled like lilies as she stood gracefully with her hands together. Sure, she was still figuring herself out too, after… who knows how long she’s been watching her biographical movie on repeat.
This may have been a problem for Nami.
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
time passes
I write this when I should be writing the new chapter of RJ, which is called "Families". In my little family, we're spending the Sunday like this: my boyfriend—my partner, my love—is playing the guitar in his studio, and the music fills our home and mixes with the chirping of the birds outside and the sun that glazes through the windows. I am in my own studio, dark except for the light in the screen of my computer, in a—futile—attempt to preserve some of the cold of the room. Our cat lays in the hallway, after biting (I hope it doesn't get infected. I can't bear another infection). He seems calmed, or bored.
But, yesterday, I got to join my other family, too—the one that made me grown and think and took care of me for more than twenty years. My younger sister was graduating. I couldn't attend (covid specifications, only two people) but my father, who lives three hours away from us and almost never comes to the capital, took the train and spent Friday in my home he hadn't seen so that he could be on the graduation first thing in the morning. It was strange, welcoming him to our new flat that we've been living in for two years but he had only seen in pictures. Making him meet our cat, too. His authoritarian façade probably scared the cat, because he ignored my father—to our luck.
Yesterday morning, I went with my father to my mom's and sister's, to pick them up. I had things to do in their neighborhood, too. My dad entered their (also new) flat, and my mom and him commented on how it was while we joked about my sister getting ready.
They went to the graduation and in the middle of the morning I received a picture with my sister wearing the band, surrounded by my mom and dad. We had lunch together—the four of us, and my boyfriend and my sister's boyfriend. The six. And it was a family.
We have always been, I guess. I am one of those lucky people to have divorced parents who still call each other, get worried for the other. Sometimes, they're stuck with financial misunderstandings, and granted, their relationship as divorcees hasn't always been easy. But even if they have their own separate lives, now, they have been trying, endlessly, always.
That's the key to family, maybe. To keep on trying, even if you don't wanna see them. To not lose their respect, to speak things out. I do this with them both, too. They've never been ones to share what they think, but I try to take them out of them, so that they understand—you've been the ones taking care of me, but I am grown-up, too, now you can rely on me as well.
I have been blessed by incredible, hard-working, reliable, understanding, prone to respect parents. When they divorced, and I was a teenager, I was angry the first time they met in Christmas, and I remember writing in my blog on how "they were pretending to still be a family". How wrong I was—how utterly wrong—to think that it was pretend. They had always been a family. But families are also torn apart for some years, they reunite, they get back together or never at all. But family is always there, despite the circumstances (or this is how I understand family.)
Also, in another news, we kinda sporadically decided a name if our baby is a girl. No, I'm not pregnant. No, we're not trying. But it somehow clicked. He said: "Emma". And I said: "Yep, that's it." Until I'm pregnant and I have to decide, there are still several years. But, somehow, yesterday was also the clearest time—while not the first—I could envision another little family.
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yandereocs · 9 days
AAH! I don't remember where but I think I saw an ask of like your characters as kids and I did a little something.. 😈 this will be a very long ask, please bear(bare?) with me 😭
Basically a daycare au! At the bottom of every kid, I wrote their names like how I think they would write it as kids. I'll also give some little headcanons but if they're not to your liking or it's untrue/ooc, you can change it!
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one of the shyer ones
She actually isn't supposed to be in the daycare as her older brother who is also her only guardian never signed her up for it. The caretaker, Ame, doesn't give a shit though and let's Bonnie in whenever she arrives. (Let's not talk about how did Bonnie escaped from Elijah's clutches-)
In my heart, all Elijah's are bad so the Elijah in this au sucks as well, although he is a bit toned down.
Bonnie learns slower than the other children and hesitates a lot but she's a good and cooperative kid.
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i gave him an oversized version of his sweater but I wished I had given him a little suit instead since he did come from a wealthy family 😔
He's a very intelligent child despite his age. Very responsible too.
Zach likes to be responsible and help Ame with the other children but he constantly forgets that he is also a kid :(
He knows his alphabets but constantly writes in capital. Ame doesn't know why, he'll probably grow out of it.
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Ame could easily sniff out which twin is which but the other children can't so she made custom pin of each of the twins names so the other children could identify more easily. The twins do not like that though 😒
He wears Velcro shoes but it's understandable. Zach is the only child who can properly tie his own shoes.
Chance is as playful as Chase but is more in the quiet side when Chase is away (although they're rarely apart from one another anyways). He is more of the follower.
He's one of those kids that always writes out of the line so his writing looks uneven.
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The leader of the twins. Calls himself the leader of the whole daycare.
Gets hurt easily but is too "manly" for bandages.
He's always pouting for no reason.
Chase is the worst writer in the daycare. Ame believes that Chase is more of a builder type than writing.
If Chase is ever separated from Chance, he will spend his time trying to find his brother. Chance on the other hand, waits till Chase gets back.
He wears rain boots because he plays around mud and water a lot. Ame doesn't like this because he gets really dirty. To ease Ame's worries, Chase decided to wear boots so he wouldn't get so dirty anymore....
It doesn't work. He still gets dirty.
Honestly, Chase is a good kid. He's just a handful.
Also, maybe both the twins crave more physical attention than the others which is why they are always doing crazy things to get Ame's attention.
This is what you get for bringing in neglected children, Ame.
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Ame the caretaker! Its hamster Ame btw but I did thought of it being OG Ame instead but if that was the case, OG Ame would have been training these kids for war instead of taking care of them 😭
She wears space related pins! One is of Saturn, the other is a star and the moon.
The daycare building has a big sign outside which says no adult male cat hybrid with brown hair allowed.
Ame adores the children and is really patient with each of them, even Chase and Chance.
Being an experiment made to take care of children, she's doing as they had wanted.
She has fluffy pigtails if you don't know what's happening with her hair.
Anyways, that's all and again I deeply apologize for the long rambling. I really love daycare aus 😭 I'm planning to make more of the daycare au and adding more of your ocs to it, if you don't mind, of course! :)
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* All Elijahs are absolutely bad (it would just be strange if he WASN'T a horrible person in every universe 😭) so he is BANNED!! Bonnie's able to slip away from him through her bedroom window when he's off at work and just wanders over to the daycare. She can't read, meaning if the sign were to say "ELIJAH FRONT BANNED" or something like that, she wouldn't even know. But if she saw a crossed out picture of his face she wouldn't even piece it together 😭
* Girlie is just like "Wow he looks just like my brother :)" without even thinking of the possibility that it IS her brother 😭
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* I gave Zack the suit, just like you wanted 💪💪
* Younger Zack wearing a suit in his childhood is actually canon!! The reason he's seen wearing his sweater when he meets up with Bonnie during the night though is because he wants to be a normal kid and is sick of wearing a stuffy suit all day HAHA
* My boy Zack is forcing himself to grow up too fast 😔
* He thinks it's his responsibility to help the other kids since he's going to be the next in charge of the clan. These are his people!! It's his job!! Which means he never allows himself to play :(
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* Zack's always been affectionate. He can't exactly express that at home, so he's always expressing his gratitude towards Ame for being nice to him
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* These two are absolute menaces. They cannot be trusted alone‼️‼️
* Not that it matters, since most of their time is spent clinging to Ame's legs and pulling her along so she can watch them do some sort of dangerous stunt
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* All of these kids need a good maternal figure in their life. Bonnie has no parents, Zack's mom is only married to his father for the status, and the Twins only live with their dad. They all just need a kind lady to give them a hug and say that she's proud of them 😭
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sunnyrifle · 3 months
「Yakuza AUs」
my double take on GinMori within yakuza~
⚠️CAUTION!! i’m not eng native, this is an unedited text from my notes, structural & grammatical errors ahead⚠️
tags!!: rаре ▪️ guns&violence
I wish I could come up with an idea of AU for Ginji being a yakuza, but his role as an underground fixer is just SO SUITING I can't possibly make something better for him as a character;; then again I can cut out the start of it all, just strike through all the how-it-came-to-be and enjoy the matter of fact Ginji as a family patriarch and his loyal little captain Morita--
yakuza tattoos usually reach somewhere out of the back as well, their corners touch buttcheeks, or thighs, or go over the chest, as sleeves over the shoulders-- aah so many possibilities; imagine running fingers over someones sensitive skin, be that arse or else, and there's ink clouds swirling under them as a pattern forever engraved into the skin;; irl yakuza tattoos usually have some kind of symbols or even names of the family you belong to-- so if Ginji's patriarch, it's be Gingumi huehue a silver family-- ah he'd be glad to have Morita bear a tattoo honouring him--
then again there are families branching out of each other, even if Morita's a captain he can be a patriarch of his own smaller family branch-- and if it'd be a golden family?!? ah so cute-- but I want Morita getting into trouble running a whole family all the time-- oh and then his family may have disbanded eventually, just because he was paying attention to the overall affairs a lot more than his own problems… and even if he was a huge help to Ginji, its no use, he failed his role assigned as a patriarch
be Morita his captain, underling and even lover, there's strick traditions to follow, Ginji can't let Morita go unpunished for disobeying and not leading a family as he was assigned, he'd have to make an example of him so no lieutenant or even chimpira would think of disobedience Ginji would be harsh, he'd have to chain Morita, beat him in front of other's eyes as well as laugh and bully him with humiliation, but both Morita and Ginji would know its just their line of work and they're fulfilling their roles out of love to each other as well--
ah if they'd exchange glances and smile at each other even as Morita's all covered in blood and bruises already… something would click, and Ginji would cross a line like they usually do with each other anyway--
and Ginji would be remembered as the cruelest patriarch of Kanto-- for he had raped his own captain for dishonouring his commands, for being useless as an independent family branch-- who would have known that it's nothing new for them both-- the only element of novelty in it were the eyes of other people and lower ranks witnessing it all--and maybe there was just a bit more blood and chains than expected-- they'd kiss to the memories of it in the infirmary anyway;; as cruel as Ginji is, he'd take care of bandaging Morita right after, taking him to his own bedroom for a whole week as well--
I'd imagine they lived together already, its just that having separate bedrooms is a good reputation, but now that Morita needs to heal, he'd be lazing around in Ginji's bedsheets the whole week-- no family to run, just Ginji's right hand once again, even better- everyone now knows he's Ginji's property- if it was just whispers and rumours between ranks before, now its a public knowledge-- ah I want Morita to blush to such a cruel thought and feel completely in love
men's romance in underground business is so cruel i love it;; twist the dagger into their hearts and they'd still ask for more-- __________________________________________
I wanna see yakuza Ginji starts his yakuza work when he was Ginyanma, at that time he had some accident so he had to kill someone, that's why he's come in this yakuza way
aah Ginji's hands finally covered in blood directly, of course he'd have no choice but to join the ranks of yakuza… maybe he'd even have a high start, add his natural talents and he'd be very influential even before his hair would turn grey… I want yakuza as a system to make troubles for GinMori all the time… they can be together of course, but they'd constantly suffer for being constricted in such a structure they have no control over with no way to leave until they're dead… Ginji will aim to become the top of the whole region organisation, just so he'd have some resemblance of control and can reform at least something inside the ranks, to become the greatest evil inside yakuza is even tougher than anywhere else
I want circumstances to become against him and I want Morita to be eventually contracted to get rid of Ginji-- if it's an order from someone even higher than his own patriarch them he has no choice, else its him who'd be killed without a second thought "Ginji's a dead man for us anyway, so if you want to say goodbye now is your chance. Kill Ginji for us, or else someone else would do it, and you wouldn't want that, right? though maybe you'd already be dead to care~" and Morita would take a car, he'd court Ginji into driving him somewhere under pretense of business or even hinting at evening together, but Ginji would see through it, because Morita's hands are not sweaty when he asks Ginji for a date… he can see how it tears Morita apart inside, but shrug his shoulders and go whenever Morita would ask to take him. They'd ride and the silence would follow, when Morita would look at Ginji's seat he'd see him silently smoking and looking out of the window, elbow propped over the car door, not even gracing Morita with the last conversation…
Morita would stop the car in the middle of the forest road, any place is as good, they'd get out of car with a silent understanding and Ginji would stand at car's headlights, just so it'd be bright enough and Morita won't even have to see his face when shooting him like that… Morita would already feel his hand shake because Ginji's too kind to him even in his last moments… He'd lift his gun abruptly, thinking he'd manage to shoot if it'd be an automatic movement of a hand instead of a deliberate shot… but even grasping the gun with both of his hands he won't be able to do that- Ginji's just the regular man he is, he's smoking his last cigarette like any other, his jacket is bright gold in car's headlights and he's looking expectant "Kill me, bring my head back to headquarters and use it as a leverage. Ascend the ranks, become the greatest evil using me a stepping stone. You're so young yet already a captain, use this as an opportunity to reach what I couldn't by myself. You have a bright future in front of you." Ginji would say, and he would smile like he isn't facing the barrel of a gun. And Morita can't see straight, tears streaming down his face. Ultimate choice: kill Ginji and secure the place in yakuza, make their dream come true, or spare him and die in torture for disobeying the highest orders… and Ginji would still be eliminated, just by someone else's hand… Yet Morita can't physically do it, no matter how much he knows its needed… During his inner turmoil Ginji would come closer. He'd lean into Morita's reach, he'd put the gun's end to his own forehead, now even Morita's trembling hands won't be an issue. But like that… even the car's bright headlights can't obscure his features now when smiles at Morita "Aim carefully" and close his eyes, lowering a cigarette from his lips "G-ginji-san… Gin-san… I can't do that to you… I can't do that to myself, it's wrong…" and he'd lower his hands, his knees would give out and he'd sit at the ground with his hands trembling over the gun's safety, he'd wipe his face with jackets sleeve over and over yet the tears won't stop. Can he really not leave this forest without at least one of them ending up dead?
Morita… let's do it together then," Ginji would lower his hand over Morita's head and pat his hair, "Let's change the current of this bursting river in our way." And Morita would lean his head over Ginji's leg, he'd cling to his leg and the gun would be left forgotten at the side, when he'd cry clinging to Ginji's side It'd be so hard, just two of them fighting the whole organisation, living in slums and taking turns to sleep, but Morita can't think of it right now, he already went through personal hell having Ginji at his gunpoint and asking to use his death to make Morita ascend the ranks… anything is better than that-- "Let your luck be our wings, with my fangs we'll destroy the system that made us live this way--" ("we'd destroy the higher-up person who made you go through this" is what Ginji would leave unspoken for now) I want to see their doomed romance so much--! any progression is good, be that Ginji not making it, be that Morita slowly losing strength and motivation to continue and just wanting to die bc they've struggled so much already, what can be worse is them separating by circumstances and reuniting being on the different sides of barricades again… everything would taste so good--
"Let's do it together then" <- I wanted it to sound like a double suicide in the first place hehe, basically Ginji would ask for it anyway but in prolonged terms in the end-- I just thought it'd be good to see Ginji hating yakuza and being part of it, yet stopping to follow the flow only if there's Morita and their future he's doing it for;;
what I'm wondering is, would Gin-san have thought it was okay to die for Morita, or would he have been convinced that Morita wouldn't be able to kill him? I think both are good…
I intended for Ginji to know something was wrong even when Morita invited him to go out somewhere heheh I wanted him to look out of window and think of his intentions regarding the end of the evening-- and I wanted it to be the test for Morita! Ginji to gamble his own life-- "if I'm wrong about Morita as a man, maybe it's better I'll just end up dead… but if he's as pure as I think of him, Morita will join me on this suicide mission… my dream can not be achieved without at least this amount of conviction from him" and he'd tease Morita to shoot him then~~ aw that was pure flirt of him making crying crumbling Morita put a gun to his forehead hehe--
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aeroargonic · 5 months
Hey, eclipse childhood friends to lovers au? You have my attention
I could gush about this AU for like an hour I love it so much. Also big thank you to @fandomsareforlife for helping me come up with stuff.
The AU mainly takes place in Ignacia. Kai and Nya grow up with Ray and Maya, and Neuro and Shade's family are their next-door neighbours. Also Lloyd has been adopted by Ray and Maya because he deserves a proper family.
Kai and Shade are the same age so they pretty much grew up playing together as kids. Neuro babysits and Nya and Lloyd are the annoying little siblings. Jay, Cole, and Zane are best friends and fellow kids in the neighbourhood. Skylor is there too but she doesn't really interact with the gang as much.
The main part of the AU takes place in Kai and Shade's senior year of high school.
At this point, they're both pretty close to each other. But they're just friends. Just heterosexual life partners. Both of them are super deep in denial. They totally don't like each other in that way or anything.
Literally everyone ships them. Everyone. Jay, Cole, and Zane (who are a polycule) have a bet going on. Nya keeps coming up with all these elaborate schemes that backfire spectacularly. Neuro's friend group has a separate bet and Neuro pretends not to get involved but he can't help himself. These bets are important for some juicy angst later.
It all comes to a head when Kai and Shade decide to attend prom together as friends.
By the end of the night, they've kissed.
Random detail that doesn't have a lot of bearing on the plot but is kinda funny: it was Shade and Nya who got play married as kids, cause that's what everyone thought would happen. But then Nya turned out to be a huge lesbian and Kai was Shade's bisexual awakening so that went nowhere.
BTW I'm calling this the Neighbours AU because you know, they're neighbours. Aren't I so creative?
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corrupted-npc · 8 months
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SERIOUSLY, what do these two have in common? "hey, i hate my sibling as well! we should make out"? what do they even talk about? why ACR did this to me? I don't even know if I separate them or not. I had other plans for Tank (I would pair him with Almeric, I never really thought about it but I saw so many posts that I started liking the idea)
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since Romeo is back with Juliette, I made him ask to be just friends with this townie who is roommates with them. it didn't work out, because 3 seconds later Romeo autonomously kissed her so they got a crush on each other again. *sigh*
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Alexander has like, 3 crushes at the same time. he can't stop. but I get it, he seems like a good catch (or maybe they're after his family's money).
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i hate you...but i love you....jules is confused
since things are a little bit confusing, i made lilith and dustin to pay a visit to their respective partners. i also made puck go along because he needs a date as well (he's all alone)
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but then, hermia autonomously started flirting with him. they're now in love! i totally forgot to change hermia's orientation. but you know what? i like hermia x puck, even though in other games puck tends to be with miranda and hermia at the same time, autonomously (beause of that, i like to headcanon puck with romance as second aspiration). i think i'll just let her be bi rather than straight by default (although my plan was to set her as lesbian...i can't bear to separate them yet. maybe i'll set her with viola? who knows)
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it seems like Lilith and Dirk are still very much in love. they're just confused, and living apart. they both cheated on each other while living in different dorms. Or, maybe... they just agreed on being in a open relationship for now, because college for many people is the time for trying new things, and they've been together since forever. I think I like this headcanon better. they seem close enough to get this agreement.
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so here's the thing....I read their tokens on ACR and it seems like everything is still the same....Lilith has the hots for Dirk, and vice versa, Dustin has the hots for Angela, and vice versa. and Puck has the hots for Hermia (and vice versa). that is cute, but also boring. I thought I could mess up the timeline a bit and getting different couples. I'll think later how I will write this.
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