#because they're two sides of the same coin as far as I'm concerned
eowyntheavenger · 7 months
Hi! I saw your post on telling Americans to vote, and I was wondering what you think of posts from people from other parts of the world who are calling Americans evil for voting for Biden because of his support for Israel. I've seen a few already. They seem to be completely convinced that Americans deliberately voted for Biden specifically to side against Palestine and no other reason, and spread the general (pretty ignorant and hateful) message of "Americans are evil because of the actions of their government and because they collectively refuse to vote for a president who is good and not simply 'the lesser of two evils'". It frustrates me because they seem to think they're experts on US politics, culture, and society and have all the answers, but it also makes me concerned because it reminds me of the whole Russian bot thing from last time. Like, I'm 99% sure the people reblogging these posts aren't Russian bots (don't know about the OPs though), and they unquestioningly believe this. What do you think of this and how would you go about addressing this issue? Do you think it's possible to get them to understand how little they actually know about the US and how they're actually promoting a message that makes things worse for everyone? I've also seen less scathing posts that are just disheartened and don't seem to believe the democrats are truly better to vote for than the republicans and so it's just two sides of the same coin. To be fair, I think that sort of feeling is only further encouraged because there didn't really seem to be much if any progress made with Biden, not even back to square one after Trump moved the country so far backwards. I think most Americans really wish the elections actually had good candidates and they could pick the best of two goods, but are frustrated and stuck with the current system and don't know how to actually get to the point where there are good candidates. (Though personally I think voting for the one who isn't actively trying to make themselves a king with unlimited terms is a decent start. I can understand the frustration though.)
Hi! Thanks for the ask. This stuff worries me too. I've gotten comments on my posts like that too, telling me/other Americans that we're evil for voting for Biden.
But I've seen a much larger number of comments and posts from people outside the United States BEGGING us to vote for Biden. I literally get tags like that on my posts EVERY DAY urging Americans to vote blue. So I think that's valuable context, even if it doesn't solve the problem of the "I hate everybody who votes for Biden" crowd.
And yes, it's definitely a shitty argument on their part to claim that people voting for Biden are specifically siding against Palestine. Literally every single person I know in real life and online who plans to vote for Biden has been criticizing and protesting his policies on Palestine.
In terms of convincing the anti-voters that they're wrong, honestly, I don't know. They don't listen to reason and they seem intent on spreading despair. Some of Biden's policies have been terrible (Willow oil-drilling project), some of them have been downright evil (military aid to Israel), but I'm a rational person and I know that Trump is worse in every respect.
I've tried debating them. It's been pointless every time. They genuinely don't know how the government works, which scares me. Common takes include: 1) a genuine lack of awareness of how pro-Israel Trump and the right wing are, combined with magical thinking that a virtually unknown third party candidate can win the presidential election, 2) truly impressive mental gymnastics blaming Biden for the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and 3) continuing the mental gymnastics to blame Biden and the Democrats for anti-trans policies...
I guess my advice is to either ignore them and move on, or debunk things when you have time/energy? It's easier said than done, I know. There's nothing more annoying than someone being stupid on the internet, especially when they accuse you of stuff that just isn't true, and especially when they're spreading dangerous misinformation or voter-suppression rhetoric.
Like you, I'm highly suspicious of anyone who advocates AGAINST voting, or against voting blue. And I agree, many of these people are not bots, like you said, but I call them useful idiots, because they're doing the bots' work for them.
The one thing you said that I'm going to push back on is "there didn't really seem to be much if any progress made with Biden." Biden's actually made lots of progress on a variety of issues, and reversed some of Trump’s damage, it just doesn't get a lot of fanfare and it’s unfortunately happening at the same time as Republican gains in state legislatures and while they control the Supreme Court. But Biden and his administration have:
• invested billions in green architecture and clean energy, including making sure federal investments benefit low-income communities
• introduced new fines for companies' methane emissions
• introduced a plan to cut the federal government's greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2030 (that includes the military, which is a huge emitter)
• passed a huge bill for improving the country's infrastructure, including bridges, roads, broadband and more
• introduced first-ever national strategy on gender equality and equity and pushed Congress to pass the Equal Rights Amendment
• fought for women's reproductive rights after the overturn of Roe v. Wade
• put more women, people of color, and women of color on the federal bench than any of his predecessors combined
• nominated Kentaji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court
• boosted funding to historically Black colleges
• ordered the DOJ to end the use of private prisons by the federal government
• pardoned thousands of people convicted on federal marijuana charges
• created a White House office of gun violence prevention
• passed the Respect for Marriage Act, guaranteeing federal rights and benefits for same-sex couples
• rolled out a series of actions to protect the rights and safety of the LGBTQ+ community, including protecting queer and trans foster youth, improving access to mental health services, and addressing the rise in hate crimes
• challenged discriminatory state bans against gender-affirming care and trans athletes
• called to support trans youth in State of the Union address and restored the White House tradition of recognizing Pride Month
• changed passport rules so that people can obtain a passport with no gender marker
• examined efforts by each federal agency to advance LGBTQ+ rights around the world
• reversed Trump's transgender military ban
• protected the rights of incarcerated trans people
• forgave billions in student debt, repeatedly, and introduced penalties for college programs that trap students in debt
• slashed bank overdraft fees
• expanded guaranteed overtime pay for millions of people
• made union-busting harder
• prevented discriminatory mortgage lending
• made efforts to expand the child tax credit, which could lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty
• cracked down on agriculture monopolies to support farmers and small businesses
• made it so the government is going to start taking drug companies' patents away if they don't make affordable drugs
• made over-the-counter birth control pills available for the first time
• lowered the cost of hearing aids and expanded access to them
• spent millions of dollars on students' mental health
• reversed discriminatory healthcare rules
• reinvigorated cancer research
• announced plans to replace all leaded pipes in the next ten years as well as combatting lead exposure abroad
• changed rules for how people can get aid after disasters so they can get more protection and immediate payments more easily
• introduced new data privacy rules protecting people from tech companies
• pushed the federal government to monitor AI risks
• maintained steadfast support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression
• maintained steadfast support for Taiwan in the face of Chinese intimidation
• strengthened ties with allies in Asia and the Pacific Islands
• pledged climate change assistance to low-lying Pacific Island countries
• literally IMMEDIATELY after being elected, Biden fortified DACA, rejoined the Paris Agreement, and ended Trump's discriminatory "Muslim ban", ended the Keystone XL Pipeline and fossil duel development in wildlife monuments, (same as last link) rejoined the WHO, strengthened COVID-19 response measures on a variety of fronts, re-included non-citizens in the U.S. census, and passed executives orders on racial equity in the federal government
And I'm sure there's more I left out.
There are also things Biden does that literally don’t make the news, but matter a lot, like funding the Postal Service, and continuing to have a State Department so we can conduct overseas diplomacy (Trump tried to defund the USPS and wants to purge the State Department and fill it with loyalists).
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
HELLO I'M HERE TO RAMBLE ABOUT MC'S MORTALITY. I have literally been grinding event battles and coins and such all day because the power up campaign ends today (I'm under 200 in rank NB wise but geez it's getting harder to keep up)
anyway I always think about what happens to mc after/if they did die. like I love sam's/still-a-moronsexual's interpretation of mc not being entirely human for one
but there's different levels/circles of hell in the Devildom, and that the devildom and the celestial realm are separate from the traditional heaven/hell if I remember correctly? like what happens to mc in the event they do pass on. Everyone says they have a shiny soul. And would mc keep their memories after passing?
Like everyone has different beliefs and I'm just rambling, but there's reincarnation for one. Sometimes I think about Michael and if we'll ever meet him, and if he'd go so far as to pull strings to get mc into the celestial realm (everyone wants the once powerful mortal on their side). And imagine him making sure to keep mc's info access limited, but then let's say luke catches a glimpse and tells the brothers. Imagine mc doesn't remember the brothers either, but there's this dull tug in their gut when they see these demons. Painful angst. (And if mc DID keep their memories, would they immediately choose to fall? Imagine your fave catches you. like I think my mc would stick around to get info and out of curiosity, but would secretly be planning to fall. Even if it was painful, it'd be worth it to them.)
or mc ends up in the devildom because of how big of a tie they have. I wonder if they would/could become an Avatar, and what if they did. Despair possibly? Would they be a regular demon, or have a special power perhaps? Diavolo would probably give them a noble title. but also, ANGST IF THEY HAVE NO RECOLLECTION OF ANYTHING. Diavolo early in NB said something about knowing almost every demon, so I wonder if he meets new people to help them get set up?? aha imagine he lets them stay at the castle, and mc wanders off, and bumps into someone they used to know. chaos
There's also the possibility they could become immortal I'm sure with a spell or Solomon's cooking. Or maybe their lifespan is just longer than a humans by a hundred years or so. They simply cherish the time they have, but suddenly they're aging past 120 and they're sweating internally. Solomon I think has talked about feeling like he loses/lost touch with his humanity, until he met mc. I wonder if mc would go through the same if they ended up truly immortal
THIS IS GETTING SO LONG SORRY, BUT THIS IS MY LAST AND FAVORITE IDEA. The three worlds couldn't decide what happens to mc, like this is the first time this has happened. Huge arguments. Sometimes i think about the good place show when I'm brainstorming. ANYWAY, mc becomes a reaper. No one gets their soul. They are now in charge of collecting them, and reapers are sorta neutral right? It's a compromise for everyone. Thirteen is overjoyed. Mc with a scythe, what will they do? Or the night dagger lol
the obey me manga comes out on tuesday i think, I'm probably hitting the bookstore on Thursday. and while I could order it online, something about finding it on the shelf is so fun. I literally finished king of wrath on friday, and read almost the entirety of king of pride on Saturday, and now I'm on king of greed. My friend is concerned with how fast I read because we have a book tracking app that allows buddy reads lol
- ✨ anon
AH thank you, ✨ anon, I need all the luck I can get lol!!
Now see the interesting thing about all of this is that the game doesn't really specify. I do think they have implied that hell is a separate place from the Devildom (aka the Underworld where Solomon walked through the rings and Luci got trapped in the ice). So presumably if MC died and went to hell, they wouldn't actually end up in the Devildom itself. I don't remember if they've implied the same for heaven and the Celestial Realm, but it seems likely that it would be the case.
Personally I like the idea of reincarnation but MC just... keeps being reincarnated as a human on earth lol. Like every time MC dies, the others have to find them again. And they don't remember each life. Though if this happens enough perhaps Solomon or somebody comes up with a spell that can restore all their memories.
I do think it'd be interesting if Michael intervened and somehow got MC to be in the Celestial Realm, especially if they had no memories of the Devildom and everything. Imagine being an angel and then suddenly you get those memories back and you're like, that's it, I'm falling.
Which leads me to the question of how does one fall?
They don't really get into the specifics of that, either. Can you choose to fall? Or do you just do terrible things with the hope that the consequence will be banishment to the Devildom?? I have thoughts about this, but it's all just personal headcanon stuff.
I do think it makes sense for MC to just sorta end up in the Devildom because yo that's basically their home now, you know?
I tend to headcanon that due to the pacts and the "ring" and everything else MC has been through, they have enough magic interfering with their usual biology that they're probably already immortal. Just because that makes sense to me. I also think Solomon probably knows a way to make them immortal if they really wanted to be. vampire!MC lol
AHHH reaper!MC!! Thirteen would be thrilled!! They don't really give us a whole lot of info about the reapers either, but I headcanon that they're neutral and somewhat outside of the whole Devildom vs Celestial Realm situation. I have a lot of ideas about this, but again it's all personal headcanon.
So I think any of these options are possible! And it's certainly fun to think about all the ways in which MC's death might be dealt with. Somehow I don't think we're gonna get anything like that in canon, but I guess you never know!
Ah I love reading, I used to read so much... now I don't read as much as I used to because I'm spending all my time writing al;kdfkjfd. But yes the manga I read the first free chapter they had, but maybe I will buy the book itself...
Anyway, I love all these ideas and I think it's fascinating to think about all of these possibilities!
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cityandking · 9 months
round two, this time with a clear theme: 6, 7, 34, 35, 58, 69 for minah + dai!
I see we're going fishin' // get to know my d&d characters
6. which party member do they relate to the most?
MINAH — to be honest, I don't think she really relates to anyone. I guess she and rhydian are both in the Maladjusted Rogues With Dead Dads club, but she doesn't really see herself in him (or vice versa). every now and then riya reminds her of her younger self, but minah's so far from that person that it's not exactly relating. being haunted, maybe. DAICHI — unfortunately mr. ozy "cinematic parallels" mandias. for all that there are parts of ozy that daichi fundamentally doesn't get, there are also parts of him that are intimately familiar. same sides of opposite coins, maybe.
7. which party member do they understand the least?
34. which party member do they go to in a crisis?
MINAH — imagine minah going to anyone in a crisis. imagine how terrible a crisis it would have to be for minah to willingly reach out to someone about it. I want to say leo because he's team dad (and they're training buddies!) but if it were really bad enough for her to reach out, I think she'd talk to cian. she'd want a thoughtful response and discretion, and in her opinion cian's the best person to go to for both those things. DAICHI — it's unlikely dai would single one person out if he were in a crisis (tbh it's unlikely daichi would go to anyone at all without doing some serious crisis-thinking about it himself first) but if it had to be just one person, it would be zaref. boyfriend privilege. (never mind that zaref's advice tends to be a big question mark.)
35. which party member do they worry for?
MINAH — rhydian. not that other party members haven't exhibited concerning behaviors (riya getting charmed by a demon, leo breaking people's fingers) but rhydian is a) just a little guy and b) seems to be actively trying to deal with something he has no handle on and she's equal parts worried for and about him. plus she likes him. rogue solidarity! (honorable mention to cian, who is also just a little guy and also increasingly traumatized. sorry for the murders buddy) DAI — all of them. it's in his job description. if he had to single anyone out, probably scratch — she puts her heart on the line most often, which leaves her most easily hurt. (honorable mention to zaref in any situation where he has to make a WIS save. rip my guy and his negative mod)
58. what do they think their role in the party is? what is their role in actuality?
MINAH — she really doesn't see herself as having any particular role. if she had to pick something, she'd probably point towards her experience with the troupe (traveling, performing, going abroad, engaging in some light crime) and consider herself one of the more traveled/worldly members of the party and a voice of reason/advice in that particular arena. in actuality she's Miss Pockets with the sticky fingers and the Items. (tbh I'm not sure what her role actually is. she's just hanging out and being evasive.) DAI — he considers himself the responsible one. not that the rest of the party can't be responsible, that's just the role he's always filled and the one he defaults to. (post-abyss he's much worse at this. he's out of practice.) in reality... I mean, regardless of everything else he's still the healer. he's got that to fall back on
69. how would they describe their party members?
MINAH — as a collective: skilled, curious, in over their heads cian: quiet. kind of soft. he's a little too green for this (though after the last fight she's thinking maybe she is too, so who is she to judge). immensely empathetic. kind of a mystery. leo: team dad! generally a steady and stabilizing presence, except that the ease of his violence scares her. he reminds her a bit of alesso — big and at ease and approachable with something hard inside to watch out for. an excellent cook. rhydian: awkward. young. skilled and sharp and an excellent shot, but still so young. kind of a fucked up little dude (affectionate). riya: blindly privileged, which is often annoying. impressive in a fight. powerful but sad and maybe a little lonely. she can be amusing sometimes. dedicated and driven when she cares to be. nanna: the very best DAI — as a collective: prone to getting overinvested in other people's business. bane of governments everywhere dobin: sooo smart. bright. dedicated and hard working. a bit of a mystery. ozy: kind of a mess. old and experienced and worldly but not necessarily wiser for it. a tragic figure but not pitiable. adrift. sly and charming when he cares to be. impressive in a fight. strong and stubborn. admirable, despite everything. there's still a part of daichi that sees him as someone to learn from. scratch: the biggest heart of anyone he knows. meddling. emotionally-driven. curious, smart. incredibly stubborn (sometimes a little annoying about it). fundamentally a good person down to her core. not the greatest artist but she sure does try. zaref: stoic. strong. funnier than you might expect. charming. patient. hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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scribbledquillz · 1 year
(Extremely loud, very un-calm breathing)
And ceral if possible 21 and 26
Only whatever you like of course but the mote the better as far as I'm concerned also ALSO can I leave one blank number for a Q you're dying to be asked but nobody asked you yet?? 🤩🤩🤩🤩 have a fantastic day, you coolest of cool beans!!!
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Plant you are the sweetest, your enthusiasm for OC text walls is infectious and also I love you? Bless and thank you for all the awesome questions!
Revka and Zevran:
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
I've always looked at Revka and Zevran as individuals that are two sides of the same coin. These are people who were given incredibly difficult starts to life, who were put into circumstances which forced them to grow up far too quickly. They've been molded by said circumstances into people they might not have become otherwise, been forced to make choices and do things in order to survive that they otherwise might not have done. They learned quickly that the only person they can trust and rely on 100% is themselves, and it shapes how they act and who they let in to their lives.
But then their paths cross in the most unexpected of ways, and after the initial friction and misgivings over each other's intent, they find it's actually... oddly nice to spend time together? That they enjoy each other's company, and hold on, this person seems to actually have some idea of what I've gone through? It isn't the exact same, but they don't need me to explain or give more than I'm willing to, and still seem to understand how hard this shit is? What??
It's that slow build of trust, the recognition of having choices taken away from you and clinging dearly to the ones you still have. It's the pair of them letting their walls crumble away for the other piece by piece, and the quiet recognition of grief for what they've lost and had stolen from them. And finally reaching that place where you're ok with being weak in front of them, of letting the other bear some of the weight with you instead of trying to do so on your own.
And most importantly for both of them, reaching that place together where they can say yes, I WANT this, I WANT to be here with you like this because I love you. I don't want to let this end, let me stay with you, let me keep you in my life.
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
They share several, in fact! Post-Orzammar they slowly spend more and more nights in the same tent or tavern room, until they drop the pretense entirely after the Bracillian and just share outright.
During their time in Amaranthine Zevran comes and goes from the city as his work (both for himself and for Revka - she never expects it of him but he's always willing, and not all of them are things she's entirely in the know about), but when he's there he lives in her quarters with her. Usually forgoing the main doors and slipping in through a window for the sake of some subtlety and the fact that he likes to keep Revka on her toes. Neither of them have much say in the decor. It came fully furnished after her taking the role of Warden Commander, and falls firmly into the Ferelden hinterlands meets Grey Warden aesthetic. It's all dark, thick wood beams, grey stonework and furs with a spattering of white and blue accents and a griffin here and there. Nothing offensive, but not anything either of them are particularly attached to either - the exception being the wide fireplace built into the wall and Revka's massive desk. Both of which are put to good use. ;)
Once both find each other again after their separation in Inquisition they share quarters there, which again is fairly spartan with a lot of Ferelden influences.
The first place they're able to live in for any significant amount of time that they're able to make their own is a manor in Antiva that comes into Zevran's possession after his claiming the title of Shadow Prince in the Crows. He doesn't wear the title openly, for obvious reasons, but it does come with perks. Think lots of open breezeways with light, fluttering curtains in rich jewel tones, cushioned loungers and tiled floors with mosaics. Revka takes over a small secondary kitchen for the few times she's able to indulge in some baking, as well as a small sitting room she converts into a study / sewing room. Their bedchamber has wide archways out onto a beautiful balcony on both sides - one facing a courtyard garden and the other facing out to the ocean where they can watch the surf. If they had there way they'd never leave this place.
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
I touched on this a little above - but these two are invaluable to one another. Neither one of them is the type to press for answers they aren't ready to give, while also not being prone to judgement when it comes to things said and done out of a need to survive. They share the role of being the rock and pass it back and forth as the moment requires, and in whatever manner that might be. Whether it's reassurance in a decision made, quiet company on a difficult night or simply being there to offer a hand and a shoulder to lean on when grief hits. BONUS ROUND!
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Aside from the earring Zevran gave her? No, not at all, she's got plenty of her own things to wear she doesn't - no you don't need to look under her pillow that's her tunic she doesn't know what you're taking about how should she know why it smells like him?
Zevran keeps the forget-me-not pendant she insisted he carry with him tucked into his shirt at all times when they're separated and has been known to throw on whatever clothes are on the floor beside the bed regardless of who they belong to.
These are going to be a little trickier, just because I've not had the pleasure of doing much ship establishing with Ceral just yet. Mostly because he's so young during origins, but I really need to remedy that for his inquisition era.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
Yes - but not permanently. Ceral is young, and regardless of the cause (call it arrogance, call it a calling) he feels greatly compelled to find ways in which he can serve. He genuinely feels as though the Maker intended something greater for him - he only needs to find it first. And he feels the best way to do that is to not set his roots too deeply in any one place. It's why the time in the cabin in the Hinterlands with Revka pre-Inquisition is so confining for him. He wants to be OUT THERE.
That being said, he has a fondness for the comforts of a small home and all the things that that includes. Freshly baked bread, the smell of clean laundry drying on a line, the comfort of sleeping in your own bed. That affection would only grow if he had someone special to share that space with.
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
To be honest? I'm not sure just yet. This would depend entirely on his partner, and just what it is that they would need of him. Loyalty is a Tabris family trait, so whatever it is Ceral will inevitably fight tooth and nail to find a way to make it work - be that traveling somewhere different, keeping his magic / relationship with Love hidden for a time, etc. But searching out his purpose, his drive to act as a healer for those most desperate for his help, his loyalty to his family, those are all non-negotiable.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
I’m going to give myself one more day to try and get my stars thoughts coherent and if that doesn’t work I’ll be a coherent dump cuz I just can’t figure out how to organise or structure it. I think you might have broken me because there’s so much content and so much I want to talk about. Either that, or we can blame the exams. One more day and I have survived the 2/3 of my exams in a row limbo I’m currently in. Who made this stupid schedule.
Anyway, have some random Glass Devine thoughts. I really love this rewrite. Everything feels more polished. More development has gone into the world and it shows. I love Clara and Kristins statues being opposites. It’s a nice parallel to show that they are like two halves of the same coin. I feel like there’s supposed to be a balance between the two. Anyway, it’s just nice. Also I feel like there’s some significance in Wilbur not feeling like Clara’s face is familiar. Maybe it’s being depicted wrong? Idk. Doesn’t really matter right now.
Also, there are a lot of things I want to talk about, but I feel like that’s spoilers for people who haven’t read the first version, so some thing I’ll leave out for now and others all be vague about. I like the foreshadowing on Wilbur’s backstory. Or the little bits and pieces we get. It makes sense if you know what it is, but if you don’t it just makes you more concerned (like Tommy hearing that he’s spelt in worse places). Similarly Tommy’s breathing. I haven’t read Someone else’s dream in a while, so at first I was confused what it could be, because it seemed weird that Tommy would be claustrophobic, but then the memory snapped into place and it’s just some nice foreshadowing for something Wilbur doesn’t know yet.
Also, rewrite things is like: all of Glass!Charlie. You always do such a good job with this character and his specific brand of weird. Yes he totally has a normal amount of bones. [“See you later, Tommy from Downstairs and Tommy from Downstairs’ new friend!”] I’ve only had Glass!Chalrie for a day and a half, but if anything were to happen to him I would kill everyone reading this fic and then myself.
They can see in the dark! It’s because of the prosthetic eyes right? I didn’t realise Tommy had them because his eyes are blue (I think), but he must have, right? The light bugs! I think they were just orbs in the first iteration. I could be wrong, but I love them anyway. The entire new layout of the base, they have a back door now? Also the fact that there’s an extra door and guard.
answering this ask late but lmao very understandable if i broke you with the stars epilogue sorry there was a lot going on in that one
first off thank you so much!! yes the rewrite feels so much more polished and that's partially because when I wrote the og I knew it wasn't going to be anything very long, so I wasn't really trying to make it super coherent or well thought out. it was just kind of for shits and giggles. now it's the start of a much longer story, so I've had a lot more time to think things through and I'm really happy with how it's going so far
yes there is supposed to be balance between clara and kristin! although clara is more often associated with time/the future, she technically is also representative of life itself. so clara = life, kristin = death. they're two sides of the same coin. that's why clara's statue looks up, while kristin's statue looks down.
I won't spell out the exact reasoning but the significance in wilbur feeling like clara's face isn't familiar actually has more to do with his own faith in clara as opposed to something being wrong with the statue, if that makes sense. it's an internal problem, not an external one.
eh don't worry too much about spoilers for the other version because we're deviating pretty hard from the og very very soon. as in, I finished chapter 3 tonight and i'm gonna post it tomorrow morning and that gets us basically to the point of someone else's dream that i'm rewriting. everything deviates after chapter 3 into entirely original new plot (for the most part).
ok true on tommy's breathing though. that is a nod to something in the og so that kind of is a spoiler warning I guess. it's going to become plot relevant in a few chapters so ;)
lmao thank you I had so much fun writing glass!charlie. idk what it is but every time I have to write charlie in a fic the spirit of The Slime just possesses me and he says the funniest most unhinged shit.
also, uh ngl I didn't make the connection that people would assume the stairs bit was tommy having cybernetic eyes because that's not the case. tommy has normal eyes. the stairs thing is literally just that he's gone up and down those steps so many times he has them memorized and doesn't need light to go up and down them. this gets mentioned in the chapter i'm posting tomorrow tho so there you go.
yes the layout of the base is similar but so different at the same time! the most important change is that it's a temple and not just some random cavern, which I am really proud of and has given me a lot of room to design a very cool layout. I'm literally considering making a blueprint online just so you guys can understand the layout of the entire place bc I feel like it's really confusing to explain.
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
Okay, I'm kind of interested... What is Twisted Wonderland?
@bunny-lou I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED. 💖 Okay, okay, so...
(Let me just real quick mention that @moorsgrimhilde is the one who told me about TWST, so all my love to her for the serotonin. 😘♥️♥️)
Twisted Wonderland is a game produced by Disney and Aniplex. The game itself is region-locked and everything is written and recorded in Japanese; however, you can watch the story with English subs on YouTube. There's five chapters out at the moment and more to come!
The game is set in an all boys' boarding school, but the player ("Yuu") is written as gender neutral and interacts with all the characters platonically. In other words, this isn't a dating sim, which is great since it means all the emphasis is on worldbuilding (and it shows).
FUN FACT: Yana Toboso, the game's primary illustrator, has stated outright that Descendants was a major inspiration for Twisted Wonderland. This quickly becomes apparent as you start the game.
In Descendants, you have the Core Four descended from the four most evil villains in history. In TWST, you have the "Great Seven" (the Queen of Hearts, Scar, Ursula, Jafar, the Evil Queen, Hades, and Maleficent) who aren't regarded as evil, but rather as role models.
Each of the Great Seven has a dedicated dorm that students are sorted into based on "the shape of their souls." For example, the first dorm you interact with is Heartslabyul, a dorm with a strict emphasis on the Queen of Hearts' rulebook (enforced by the hot-tempered dorm leader, Riddle Rosehearts).
There's eight dorms in total, because the player (who has no magic) can't be sorted into one of the usual seven dorms, so they're permitted to lodge in the "Ramshackle Dorm."
Having said all that, let's talk about some of the characters:
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This is Jamil Viper and Kalim Al Asim of the Scarabia dorm. I like to joke that this is AU!Jaylos, but truthfully they're entirely their own characters with a wonderfully angsty (and hilarious) dynamic and backstory that now lives in my head rent free. Kalim is the dorm head of Scarabia and Jamil is the Vice Dorm Head; however, much more significantly, Kalim is the wealthy heir of an influential businessman and Jamil is his servant/bodyguard (the Viper clan is said to have served the Al Asim family for generations, so Jamil was born into it). Jamil keeps a low profile because of his position, but well... you'll see.
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This is Epel Felmier, Vil Shoenheit, and Rook Hunt of the Pomefiore dorm. Vil (centre) idolizes the Evil Queen to the extreme. He's top of his class in potions and poisons, and his nemesis is Neige Blanche (based off Snow White) from a rival school, Royal Sword Academy. Among my many favourite things about Vil, one of them is that he has absolutely no time for gender roles and, in fact, goes on a very passionate (iconic) rant about that "fossilized mindset" in Chapter 5.
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This is Sebek, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, and Silver of the Diasomnia dorm. We don't know that much about them yet since their dorm-centric chapter hasn't been released yet, but I can tell you that the dorm head Malleus is a fae prince, able to transform into a dragon, and he's got quite a fearsome reputation across campus. He's a loner, obsessed with gargoyles, and likes to shake off his bodyguards (Sebek and Silver) to be alone in quiet, abandoned places, such as what Ramshackle Dorm used to be.
There's many, many more characters, including some key faces I haven't even mentioned. The ones above are just some of my faves.
TL;DR, you should check out Twisted Wonderland because:
It's inspired by Descendants and classic Disney villain stories
The character design is gorgeous and you're sure to see the influence of Descendants characters/storylines/aesthetics.
The worldbuilding is great! (It's more story than game tbh.)
The player is gender neutral and all relationships are platonic.
There's some gorgeous anime-style trailers and a music video ("Piece of My World"), plus a manga (only one chapter out so far) that could possibly lead to an English adaptation of the game and maybe even an anime some day, so it's a good time to get hooked.
The game is still in production (the Maleficent and Hades-inspired dorms don't have chapters yet). Something to look forward to!
The characters return to interact and build relationships with other characters even after their dorm-centric story is done, so the story actually gets better and better as the dynamics get more complex.
You can watch the story on YouTube (click here for playlist link); please note: at the time of posting, that playlist ends abruptly without finishing Chap 5, so you'll need to search the rest on YT.
@moorsgrimhilde and I are obsessed with it and we'd love for more people to get in on this because have I mentioned we're obsessed
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crazilust · 2 years
Loyalty through the signs (pt.1)
Please check you Sun and Mars placement.
(I am not talking about faithfulness as in, would they cheat on their partner, think of it more as in "would they have my back, would they defend me, etc.)
Aries (#1) : To me, the top loyal sign. Most Aries I know, once they decide to have your back, it's for life. They will defend and protect you against anything and everything. . Loyalty dictates almost everything they do and will stop being loyal if they don't sense the same loyalty towards them.
Advice : I know how you love to defend and protect the people you love, but some people take advantage of that and purposefully use you to defend them. You can be a little blind sometimes. Open your eyes.
Taurus (#2) : Taurus would be the second most loyal in my opinion. As the sign after Aries, this sign has learned how to only give their loyalty only to the ones that deserve it. Once a Taurus deems you worthy, they'll have your back... forever.
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Advice : Let's not forget the Scorpio-Taurus axis, here. You tend to wait until the very end to trust someone and give them your all, scared that the energy you'll invest won't be worth it. Although this is to protect your peace, some worthy people will get tired to jump into your hoops all the time. Trust them.
Gemini : Ah... Geminis. Unfortunately, they are not the most loyal sign out of the zodiac, even though I feel as if there's an explanation to this which doesn't paint them as two-faced demons, like meme culture wishes you to believe. With the twin archetype, they are constantly battling the two sides of the coin. If there's an issue in your friend group for example and you feel like that Gemini friend doesn't have your back, they're probably just trying to see both sides of the problem and feel uncomfortable picking a side.
Advice : Sometimes, in life, you have to pick a side. While I don't necessarily think Geminis are fake (too broad a statement), I do feel like you guys overthink too much and end up not making a choice, hurting others around you. Pick a side sometimes. It won't hurt (or it'll hurt less lmao).
Cancer (#4) : Cancer. My favorite sign to talk about, really. So misunderstood. To me, they're the fourth sign most loyal in the zodiac, imo. Being a cardinal water sign which rules the home, they are devoted to the people they love. I feel like the reason why they're maybe not seen as loyal is because they really don't let a lot of people in. They will only protect the ones they love deeply. Anyone else can go to hell, as far as they're concerned.
Advice : Let people help you when you need protection. We know you can defend us and you will no doubt. But let us help you, from time to time.
Leo : Leos, to me, are kind of average (Now I know they're not happy about that ranking lolololol). They will show you loyalty if needed, but I also feel like they will only show them if it benefits them or makes them look good. At the same time, with the King archetype, they do feel a certain sense of duty towards the people they love, but just like a monarch, in a ... colder way. Like "yea, I'll help you... once I'm done with this, just a sec." Again, this not inherently a bad thing and depends on other placements as well.
Advice : I feel like we don't acknowledge Leo's insecurities enough when it comes to astrology. Even if they're ruled by the Sun, you can sometimes feel pressure to be excellent at all times and I feel like if sometimes you don't offer their help, it's because you feel like it won't be useful enough. Trust yourself, baby.
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hologramcowboy · 3 years
"Jared fans are the most intelligent, nonbiased fans I have run across in fandom."
As someone who usually just quietly observes fandom, I gotta say I disagree strongly with that one. Jared stans are only convinced they're the most intelligent and unbiased people in the fandom and they constantly keep telling themselves that, but in my experience they are no more intelligent or unbiased than any other part of spn fandom I've seen.
And when someone dares to have a different opinion, you simply accuse them of being less intelligent or of being incapable of critical thinking or of being some delusional stan who worships at the feet of Jensen/Misha/whoever and thinks they can do no wrong. Constantly accusing others of being unintelligent or lacking critical thought when confronted with different opinions is not a sign of intelligence at all, as far as I'm concerned (quite the opposite actually).
Personally, I would consider myself a highly critical person and I certainly don't think any random actor is flawless or a god, but what I've seen from Jared stans ever since prequel gate has nothing at all to do with critical thinking or "lovingly critizing" someone because you are disappointed with them and want them to do better. So far I've seen hardly anything but people being pity, jumping to conclusions and bad faith takes. A constant twisting of everything that happens to fit it into a pre-conceived and preferred narrative, while ignoring what does not fit your world view. And then some people, like you, who are claiming they only do it out of "concern" for Jensen.
But everyone who possesses even an ounce of that critical thinking you claim to value so much is going to see that in actual fact, you're doing exactly the same thing thing goob does when they write their "I'm only saying that because I want better for Jared. I'm only critizing him because I used to love him and I'm disappointd in him etc" crap. You sound so identical, you are basically two sides of the same coin at this point.
Similarly, Jared stans also love reblogging the nonsense lol-jackles spouts, who, while not quite as in-your-face deranged as goob, is obviously a fraud as well (and equally as biased). Again, just like goobs followers who keep reblogging their nonsense. None of you are as intellectually superior or unbiased as you like to claim or think you are, and no one is going to believe it either outside of your little bubble, no matter how much you repeat that.
"And when someone dares to have a different opinion, you simply accuse them of being less intelligent or of being incapable of critical thinking or of being some delusional stan who worships at the feet of Jensen/Misha/whoever and thinks they can do no wrong. Constantly accusing others of being unintelligent or lacking critical thought when confronted with different opinions is not a sign of intelligence at all, as far as I'm concerned (quite the opposite actually)." AWKWAAAAAAARD. Isn't that what you're doing with this post? Proving your superiority and how stupid we all are? So your paragraph applies to...YOU???? NO? YES? MAYBE? I can't really respond and write this isn't critical thinking you are engaging in because if I do OMG I am evil. Ok, but just know that critical thinking is not an abstract concept, there's a science behind it and clear principles so when I call people out I'm trying to encourage them to look deeply into it but thanks for putting an evil spin on that too. My followers will chuckle. Also, please show me a post where I accuse people, please or where I ever make someone feel like less than me. That would require me to judge people, what I do is discern and there's a HUGE difference but thank you for throwing your judgements on me. Please know I consider none of your biased feedback because you just projected all of your inner stuff on my blog and my followers. So look inside first before writing things that are heavy and throwing them on others.
Also, you called a blogger a fraud with no evidence or arguments to support what you wrote, that's a lot like what you were trying to accuse us of, don't you think? @lol-jackles Looks like someone's obsessed with you. lol
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irisviel101 · 3 years
Masamune and Chao Xin | An Underrated Rivalry
Immediately on Chao Xin's debut, it becomes very clear that the two of them are very different. Masamune and Chao Xin and foils for each other; they're two characters with different personalities and beliefs.
However, they are more similar than they seem at first glance.
Their biggest similarity is their confidence. Both Masamune and Chao Xin have complete faith in their abilities, maybe even a bit too much. But while is manifests in Masamune as ahis obnoxious, loud personality, Chao Xin's overconfidence makes him careless and uninterested. While Masamune revels in defeating his opponents decisively, Chao Xin prefers to just breeze through life because as far as he's concerned, he can get things done if he wants to.
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This aspect leads to their first clash, where Chao Xin deflects all of Masamune's questions about him and his views on beyblade. To Chao Xin, Masamune is just a loud, annoying kid he could defeat easily. For Masamune, Chao Xin is a flashy show off whom he could defeat easily in a real battle.
Another similarity is that they're both very easy to goad into things. It's more obvious for Masamune because of his loud and expressive behaviour, but for Chao Xin, it's more in terms of his image. To convince him to battle Masamune, all Dashan has to do is say this:
Dashan: "I don't care if you're bored or your head hurts. You're gonna battle with him now. Or are you afraid of looking uncool if you lose to him?"
Chao Xin: "As if! I'm not afraid of anything."
That's all it takes to get Chao Xin to agree. For Masamune, this trait is even more obvious. For example, there's this exchange:
Chao Xin: "It's just that winning against you would have no meaning."
Masamune: "What did you say?! I would be the winner! Me, me, me!"
Another similarity they have is their tendency to disregard their opponents. With Masamune, this is first seen in his debut, where he doesn't take Yuu seriously at all and then leaves to find Gingka without even finshong the battle, declaring himself the winner arbitrarily. With Chao Xin, this tendency is one of the major problems Masamune has with him. In a way, Masamune's battle with Chao Xin on the Great Wall is him being on the receiving end of his treatment of others — most notably Yuu.
In their first meeting and throughout their battle, Chao Xin doesn't take Masamune seriously at all, much like Masamune had taken Yuu easily in their first battle. Throughout this battle and the next one, Masamune keeps trying to get Chao Xin to take him seriously, to convince Chao Xn that he can't breeze through his career as a blader. There may be other similarities too, but Chao Xin's few major appearances make them harder to pinpoint.
Masamune and Chao Xin are two sides of the same coin; they have similar traits, if not the same, but they manifest in different ways. They're both arrogant, but Chao Xin is less in-your-face about it. They're both hot-headed, but it's more noticeable in Masamune bcause of the laid-back image Chao Xin puts up. They both show little respect for their opponents, but it's more noticeable in Chao Xin.
In a way, Masamune becomes to Chao Xin what Nile later on becomes to him: someone who shows them that there's always someone better. Up until this point, no one has been able to push Chao Xin to his limits in the way Masamune has, which is quite similar to Masamune's battle with Nile, only reverse.
Chao Xin is the one to first challenge Masamune's beliefs and ideals. Masamune is someone wo believes in hard work, dedication and persistence, whereas Chao Xin couldn't be more opposite in that regard. By defeating Chao Xin, using the very principles that Chao Xin challenges by simply existing, Masamune's faith in these ideals strengthens even more, though we don't truly see it until his battle with Klaus because his ego strengthens even more than that.
All in all, Masamune and Chao Xin are more similar than they seem at first glance, and their conflict is important to both characters because they both get something out of it. This is how you write a rivalry, with both people gaining something out of it.
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thesoujishow · 4 years
S01E02 - Raimei Tsubusu
[vaporwave lo-fi song]
Souji: Testing? Hello?
Souji: Ok. There we go.
[INTRO - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Hello, and welcome to the Souji Show. I'm Souji and this is a show where I talk about anything I want. 'Cause this is my show, and not yours.
Souji: This episode is sponsored by WcDonalds! WcDonald’s wants to remind you that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. [ominously] So why would you let a morning go by without staring deeply into the mirror until you no longer recognize the face staring back at you – mimicking your every gesture, mocking your every movement?
Souji: [confused + ominous] How else will you get the energy you need for a full day’s work or recreation if you aren’t silently screaming into the visage of a person who gives you such uneasy spirit, such unshakable terror, a queasy feeling every time you make the connection between what that thing is and what you are becoming? What you have become? Where does the void end? Where do you end? When do you end? What time is it now? You’ve been crying, but for how long?
Souji: [cheerful] WcDonald’s! I’m lovin’ it.
[MAIN - glitchy transition music]
Souji: For this very special episode, we have an extra special guest. You may know her as the Violet Vendetta or the captain of the baseball clan. Everyone, give it up for Raimei Tsubusu! You look fantastic today, can you tell our listeners what you're wearing?
Raimei: My sincere apologies for the white noise that was the sound of a closing inter-dimensional portal.
Raimei: It's good to be here. And a great sacrifice on your part, Souji. Not a lot of men would have the guts to expose themselves to this level of danger. As for my attire, these are unique garbs crafted by the Lunarian Moon People, forged in the pits of the thirty-second moon crater. They have plus fifty resilience to all forms of stabbing, cutting and elemental weapons, and the shirt comes with the added benefit of granting me the unique ability: Instantaneous Gangstah Charm. With this ability, I can instantaneously cast any Gokudō spell written within the Book of Yamaguchi.
Souji: Gokudō, that's a synonym for the yakuza, right?
Raimei: Yes, it is. It means the Extreme Path, the hidden school of mysticism I and others subscribe to—one of the five routes to enlightenment, alongside the Mafioso talent tree, and Mexican Cartel Member.
Raimei: In terms of appearance, I had the most excellent designers from Gucci collaborate with the moon people to compress it all down into a pair of pearl white trousers, a tuxedo jacket, white dress shirt, and leather shoes. The Gucci Glasses of Information allow me to see in infra-red and night vision, and I've also got a watch made of platinum that tells me the timezones of all the countries on the world, the moon people's time cycle, and of course, it also dual functions as a holographic mind reader.
Raimei: Some people believe Prada is better. They are wrong.
Souji: I'm more of a thrift store kinda guy, but to each their own. I'll have to get some tips from the Lunarian Moon People on how they make clothes. Most of my clothes are custom made for my Quirk to work on them so I like to sew them myself. Does your inter-dimensional portal go to the moon as well?
Raimei: I lived in this dimension for almost three hundred years before I finally managed to make my first slip into the dream-zone, and that was nearly one hundred years ago. It isn't precisely possible to take a direct, inter-dimensional portal to the moon itself. But it is possible to reach the mirror version of it in the ninth dimension. In that dimension, the moon's where the earth is. So that solves a lot of things. Has to do with the Lunarian's Mystic Mirror view. As you probably already know, portals like these are dependent on reflections. So their mirrors make that impossible by reflecting everything back onto the earth. That's why the moon looks white. It's actually a verdant landscape, filled with grass and trees and everything. But it seems like a rock because we're just looking at a dull reflection of our own planet.
Souji: That's a very unique way to look at the moon. Shoutout to the huge unknown object that smacked the shit out of the Earth billions of years ago and gave us the moon. The sun is cool but that was the real MVP.
Souji: I gotta say, you do look very gangstah. Not to mention a holographic mind reader? Quick, what am I thinking of right now? [laugh]
Raimei: I'm... not sure if that would be appropriate for me to say. Last time I mind read a guy... didn't end well. Besides, this holographic watch would also immediately turn it into a visualization, which can be very embarrassing. So I'll spare you that. But maybe I'll show you a glimpse of my power at the end of this podcast. Sounds good?
Souji: Sounds good. Guess the listeners will just have to stay tuned and find out. Tell me Raimei, how does a multi-dimensional creature end up in Kyoranki Academy? What motivates you to become a hero?
Raimei: That's a good one. There are several reasons. I've lived for about four hundred years in total, so technically speaking, there's no reason for me to go to school. But you might've noticed that there's an expansive underground movement hidden beneath the shadows... the recent events were just one example of that. The CIA, FBI, Interpol, Europol, they're all part of it in some way, preparing for the inevitable Todeskrieg Event. All the major crime groups are getting ready for that, so we are too.
Raimei: On a different level, related to my current incarnation, I'm not unfamiliar with thrift stores either. My dad works long hours... so I want to find a way to help him. I don't know, it's not really black or white. But why Kyoranki Academy? It's one of the best schools in the country. A lot of my middle school friends didn't even get to go to high school. So I consider myself very privileged. I think that alone is motivation enough to be here.
Souji: I get what you mean about helping your family. I think that's a noble cause, Raimei. I grew up poor and mum and dad were mostly out making ends meet. The money's still my number one motivator but it makes me happy knowing that I'll make the city a little bit better for everyone living in it.
Souji: I'm excited that we finally get to go on missions. It makes you think how much far we’ve come. It’s been a crazy year and now we’re actually doing our part to be heroes. I don’t know about you but I’m excited to take down my first villain.
Raimei: I'm concerned people are going to be misinterpreting their roles in this entire thing. Based on what you said earlier, you're from a poor neighbourhood as well, right? So you know what it's like on the streets. What I'm just concerned by is that a lot of the people in our class, like, ... I watch them. I see that the majority don't have that. They don't have any street smarts, they don't know what it's like to be in that situation, to be poor... to be under the influence of junkies across the street. Yea, we've been trained, but I'm unconvinced that we've been prepared to deal with those situations.
Raimei: I think we can take down villains, sure. And there might even be a few out there we could stop. But I'm not excited about running into one; nothing is exciting about meeting someone that potentially wants to kill you. And I'm not sure we're helping the city by pushing our authority down people's throats, especially by a bunch of teenagers that have been told this is their big shot at heroism. Your local twelve-year-old marijuana seller doesn't need juvie, they need role models; good, role models that can inspire them—structural improvements to their lives, like decent food.
Raimei: You know how crazy it is that I can buy five fast-food hamburgers for the price of one piece of supermarket vegetable? If people wanna help the neighbourhood; go help out at a shelter—a soup kitchen. Hand out food; give your homeless newspaper salesman some cash to get him through the day. Japanese society is harsh, man. The second you fall out of the boat, your chances are pretty much zero. Everyone despises you. Your family ousts you. It's not fun. I know it, I've seen it in friends; how they're getting torn apart just because they're like, half-Chinese or something.
Raimei: I hope our peers just remember that when they're going out. If you're going in there guns blazing, you're just going to hurt more people than you'll save.
Souji: I get what you mean. I grew up in the middle of downtown Osaka, nothing but skyscrapers. Our high rise apartment was small, but it kept us safe from the streets. The news spoke of heroes that roamed the streets, shutting down crime wherever they went. People spoke of bright, shining icons in colourful suits, flashing cheesy grins at the camera. But only a few came to ours.
Souji: Growing up in the poor meant that at a young age, I was very cognizant of how the money would and could limit me and my life as I attempted to get to the place where I am supposed to be. Most people our age will never know about ketchup sandwiches, adding water to milk or to an empty shampoo bottle to get more shampoo. Hand-me-downs clothes, books, toys. Having a ‘candle day’ because the lights don’t work. [chuckle]
Souji: When I say to people I know downtown Osaka like it's the back of my hand, I really do mean it. I know which places to avoid during certain times of the day. You had to be street smart to survive, those are the rules of the game.
Raimei: Mhm, mhm. That's what I'm saying. I'm from the outskirts of Airin-chiku, so it's pretty much the same issue.
Souji: It's easy to get caught up in the title. A hero. Believe me, I'll admit that fame is enticing but at the end of the day, we're here to protect the whole city. Trust is a fragile thing. I think most of us in Kyoranki know that because of what happened. Villains and heroes are two sides of the same coin. We're both them in nature. Both are corrupted by the noble illusion of spreading ideas and helping others who on the 'good' side defined by them respectively. It's always been the human struggle in defining 'help' more importantly 'the others'. I don't know if I'm making sense but that's how I feel. [chuckle]
Raimei: And there's a couple of areas in between that too, mind. Not everyone's a bad guy, and not everyone's a good guy like the heroes that just pander for attention or the bad guys that are in it to support their families financially.
Souji: This Todeskrieg Event sounds interesting, what's going to happen?
Raimei: The Egyptian Pyramids. The moon landings. Global warming. Why did they happen? Did they happen? Or were these just small glimpses out of a much larger conspiracy? Why dedicate millions, tens of millions of dollars only to put a guy on the moon?
Raimei: The various gangs around the world know the answer. At least, the established ones. It's all a part of this cybernetic A.I that has kept us trapped in a virtual reality dimension, Souji. You think all of this is real, but like, do we have any proof? How can we reliably say that this isn't just...computer generated?
Souji: I'm a big arcade, video game fan so this is right up my alley. I had the same hunch as you, Raimei. The truth is that there’s much we simply don’t understand about our reality, and I think it’s more likely than not that we are in some kind of a simulated universe. Now, it’s a much more sophisticated video game than the games we produce, just like today World of Warcraft and Fortnite is way more sophisticated than Pac-Man or Space Invaders. If we develop the ability to produce even one simulated reality, we will almost certainly produce more than one.
Raimei: That's what confuses people. They think I'm going on about some sort of magical thing. But magic and science are one and the same, magic's just another way of trying to add rationality to it. And that's part of the Todeskrieg event. It's French for "Totem Pole Disaster"... it's written about in various religions. Some call it the Apocalypse, others Ragnarok ... basically the end of the world. When the simulation will be using too much data for the computer to handle.
Souji: Maybe we're just figment of imaginations and our creators are just forcing their every whim to us for fun. They're our writers, and we are their characters. Maybe they're just a bunch of roleplayers in a Discord server together? Do you hear that creator? I'm The Glitch now, a bug in your system. A disruption to the simulation.
Raimei: Based on archaeological data, humans, in our current shape and form... have existed for about two-hundred thousand years. Now, of course, imagine you're a person living in those sorts of environments. Yes, you'll be stuck most of the day, collecting food and whatever. But do you think those people were dumber than us? Of course not! They might've not had the schooling, but they had the same type of brain.
Raimei: Now, imagine that sort of situation. Okay, so, the first generation of Humans... they got it hard. The second one does as well. The third generation, well, it's a bit easier. And the fourth one... we're talking about everything within the span of a hundred years, considering people lived shorter lives.
Raimei: Now multiply that by a hundred. One hundred thousand years and they're trying to convince us that people only invented farming techniques twelve thousand years ago? It doesn't make sense. You can't convince me, people, before that time didn't... invent something. Didn't create something. Didn't create a civilization. Imagine, with our technology, with our A.I systems, our virtual reality capacities... I mean, if you're into gaming, look at the last fifty years.
Raimei: Now multiply that by four. Imagine just how bizarre that technology would be. Already, we've got games that are borderline lifelike. So how can we know that this isn't just.. some giant simulation? We can't. And we have to look at the empirical, most logical type of data. There's more evidence to suggest all of this is just a program than there is evidence to the contrary. But scientists aren't willing to recognize that.
Souji: I know! I can't believe no one is talking about this. Paranormal events like hauntings or alien encounters can be glitches in the simulation. Stuff like the Mandela Effect is supposedly proof that whoever is in charge of our simulation is changing the past. And don't get me started on Quirks! Superpowers born from radiation. You’re not going to get proof that we’re not in a simulation, because any evidence that we get could be simulated. If I were a character in a computer game, I would also discover eventually that the rules of our universe seem completely rigid and mathematical.
Souji: We’ve spent billions sending probes through outer space and should probably have found evidence of extraterrestrials by now, right? Not so fast: Aliens would likely be far more technologically advanced than we are, the thinking goes, so the fact that we haven’t located them suggests we live in a simulation they’ve figured out how to escape from. Or maybe the computer we’re in only has enough RAM to simulate one planetary civilization at a time?
Raimei: That's what we've been preparing for. The drug trade, the crime cartels, it all has to do with that.
[ASK SOUJI - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Now, let's shine the spotlight back towards the main focus of his podcast... me! Now, Raimei, it's your turn to ask me questions. C'mon, don't be shy, ask anything you'd like.
Raimei: are you sure you want to give me that sort of power? Because if I get to ask anything I like... First up, what's the deal with you and Ken? I don't want to pry into your love life, but you two looked very cosy in that meeting room.
Souji: Me and Ken? Love life? Oh, umm. I mean, umm. No, we aren't. You know. Together like that. [stammering]
Souji: We're just rivals! Yes, rivals. We started talking over the summer and we got closer during the campfire trip. Bunk buddies. Yeah, that. No love life here.
Raimei: Uh-huh. ... Bunk buddies. Well, if that's the official answer...
Souji: ...yes! Bunk buddies. That's the official answer.
Raimei: And I guess, another question is... why did you start this podcast? I'm not exactly famous or especially well-liked around the school, so I'm wondering why you're inviting someone like me to do this sort of thing.
Souji: I started this podcast because of Starlight. He's my favourite hero as you can probably tell. I always watched his talk show growing up, and it was what inspired me to enrol in Kyoranki in the first place. So this podcast is me passing it forward. I want to inspire other kids just like what Starlight did to me. One interview at the time.
Raimei: That's good. That you got a role model to follow, I mean... that you know what you want to do, and who ya wish to emulate. It's the same thing with the guys I mentioned earlier. ... Don't have plushies of them though, unfortunately.
Souji: You say the weirdest stuff in our group chat and I like it! You're interesting, zany and fun. You have a unique point of view, and having you in my show is an honour in it of itself.
Raimei: And I appreciate that about inviting me on your show I mean. Glad I could mention those frustrations I've been holding up. Don't have to go out of your way for me though, I'm okay with sticking to my own little bubble. That's just the life of a made-man. Forever in the shadows.
[Qs from the GC - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Let's move on to our audience questions! These were submitted by our classmates in our group chat. Ready?
Raimei: Yea, audience questions. I'm honestly surprised anyone finds me interesting enough to ask questions, but okay, let's go
Souji: Chia wants to know who are the special people in your life? What's something you're proud of and embarrassed by?
Raimei: Special people, huh? Well, I've got my dad. My mom ran out on us when I was little, so it has always been us versus the world. I've been going to a gym now for about... five years? And the people there are my role models, I guess. They inspired me to get into sports, like boxing. One in particular... the guy's a genuine sumo wrestler. But of the old generation? But yea, those guys have made a significant impact on me.
Souji: Haruto asks, why is your skin purple? Likewise, Ao inquires, do you know the girl who turned into a blueberry in Wonka's factory?
Raimei: As for my skin colour, ... I guess I've gotten a bit desensitized to questions like that. It's a skin mutation on my mother's side, supposedly to do with Quirks. I don't know, I always find it a bit weird to talk about. That nickname they gave me too, it's like calling someone with a darker skin pigmentation the "Black Vendetta". I mean, not that I mind. Asking about the pigmentation's no problem because it's odd. I'm just saying, it feels a bit shitty to compare me with some fucking Willy Wonka scene when like six months ago a kid got bullied out of school because people kept comparing him to a video game character; so, uh, Ao, you're cool. No hard feelings. I'm just going to subtly compare you to a fucking Star Wars Droid if you try that shit again.
Souji: Ken wants to know what you think of the recent baseball team tryout. And to that I say: we have a baseball team? Can I also try out just to beat that monkey boy?
Raimei: Yea, we got a baseball team! I mean, we got teams for nearly every popular sport, right? It's a prestigious school, after all. But we're doing our best to try for the nationals. And you're welcome to join up if you want, we can definitely use a few more clan members. As for our most recent try-out... that all depends on whether he joins up or not.
Souji: Kotoe inquires, do you play the bass?
Raimei: I don't play the bass or any other instrument.
Souji: And finally, Fumi wants to know your favourite genre of book.
Raimei: My favourite genre of books is crime novels.
[ENDING - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Well, we're nearing the end of our show, Raimei, is there anything you'd like to remind our audience, maybe plug whenever they can find you online? Maybe some tips on how to prepare for the Todeskrieg Event?
Raimei: I had an excellent time Souji. Thanks for inviting me. As for preparations, the people can make for the Todeskrieg Event, consider this a bit of an unofficial announcement; we are in fact a highly secretive group. But we, that being me and a few other highly skilled individuals steeped knee-deep in the criminal underground, decided to create a sparring group a few months ago. A fighting ring, as it were.
Raimei: There's no real focus on anything other than fighting a lot, gaining that sort of experience. I don't really bother with rankings or who's best or whatever either, I mean, my choice to just not participate in that tournament should prove of that. So there's no ego thing going on. Whether ya win or lose, it's all good. It's like a clan...But our meetings are sorta irregular, so you can still be part of another, like how I'm still in the baseball clan.
Raimei: As for the best way to contact me, all the usual underground channels work.
Souji: You've been pretty cool to talk to, so before you leave, I have a special surprise just for you. But don't forget, you promised to show me a glimpse of your power.
Raimei: And I did promise to show you a sample of my hidden, mystical power, didn't I? Alright- I'll try and make sure to contain it so that we don't blow up this entire office.
[sounds of moving chairs]
[sound of an 80s disco beat from silly cartoons transformation scenes]
Raimei: Ultra-Mobster, transformation! Percentage; three hundred!
Raimei: Yamaguchi-Gumi spell; Fifty-Five! Gokudō code, page three. Entering heat mode. Specialized skill; DISROBE.
[sounds of thunder]
Raimei: Looks like I got a new favourite shirt. Thanks, Glitch.
Souji: What a way to end the show! [applause]
Souji: Well listeners, if the world does turn out to be just a simulation, remember to make the most of it. Make a point of seeing some good in every day. Drop your resentments. We all have them. Make every day count. The end of the world is coming but until then, to keep up with the show follow me @thesoujishow, and to support my small clothing business, follow @glitchgear on all social media platforms. Once again, this has been Raimei Tsubusu and Souji Yoshihiro, and you’ve been listening to the Souji Show! A show where I talk about anything I want. 'Cause this is my show, and not yours. Until next time. Insert catchphrase here.
[vaporwave lo-fi song]
[EXTRAS - glitchy transition music]
Souji: If you listen to this podcast, chances are you go to Kyoranki Academy. Kido Kotoe is looking for a bass player for her band. So if any of you are interested, please contact her at [Kotoe's school email].
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