i-only-know-fandoms · 2 years
Sorry, but I had an ask/prompt for @bunny-lou and the introduction took up a whole ask so it would have taken 80 separate asks to get all this out and no, I feel awkward enough sending this. So we’re making a post and sending the post instead, so this will be long so if you follow me and don’t care, I’m sorry for making you scroll a mile to get through this. But it is a Descendants fic idea, and while I was sending it to bunny-lou because that’s where the inspiration came from, if it inspires you, have at it
Hey @bunny-lou This is going to be long and awkward, but I came up with a similar prompt type thing a while ago based on the description of Wednsday's Child and your original prompt, but never got around to sending it to you (my mind is mush), but you just shared your Carlos left behind on the Isle fics so it seemed like an opening, lol.
Part of what held me off is I feel awkward sending ideas to fic writers? I always feel like I'm demanding work from them, so to be clear you don't have to do anything with this (especially since this is LONG, like multichapter, and you have your own stories to work on, which I am excited for, especially for more Grin and Bear It, but also remember there's no rush. This is supposed to be fun for you, not something you dred. You don't owe us anything, and we'll be here waiting regardless, xoxo) especially because if it turned into something it's probably be multichapter like Wednesday's Child. But you influenced this so I wanted to send it to you. But I digress.
Postwriting Edit: I typed this out before hand so it would flow and make sense since I thought I’d have to send it in parts, but it got LONG. Feel free to ignore this, you probably have better things to do.
Because it starts the same: Mal, Evie, and Jay are sent to Auradon but Carlos is left behind. They promise to come back for him, time passes, and they don't. How it diverges from Wendsday's Child is that he stays loyal to his friends allies (because you can't have friends on the Isle, even if in his heart of hearts that's what he sees them as) which obviously causes him to be more or a target. Because Uma's crew will target him for being part of Mal's crew, Cruella is still a living hell, maybe Jafar and EQ are mad at him because Jay and Evie turned good, and didn't he know? Did he influence them? It's all his fault isn't it! Plus just the rest of the Isle who is mad at Mal for defecting. But Carlos trusts Mal. There's got to be a reason they haven't got him yet, political BS and all that, he just has to be patient and wait and survive.
And then D2 happens. Mal comes back to the Isle because she doesn't feel like herself, but time away romanticized it. She remembers being powerful and on top and doing whatever s he wants, but not the literal horrors. Until she gets to her hideout and Carlos is there, probably patching up some new injuries from any other those mentioned above, and she realizes, oh shit, it is terrible here. And Carlos is terrified when he hears someone coming becuase this is his one safe space on the Isle, and what will he do if it's gone, so he's ready to fight, even though he's probably in pain. But then Mal comes in. And he's so happy to see her. And he runs to greet her, is a hug too much? She chose good and is an Auradonian now, and he doesn't realize it but Mal is just hit with the weight of leaving him and not getting him over. And she's here to be Not Good again but here's Carlos, barely-living proof of the side of the Isle she forgot. But he doesn't notice her internal struggle because he's So Happy she's back. And he askes about Evie and Jay and she asks about what happened to him and he explains. But he's off hand about all the abuse, and focuses more on how everyone is mad at her, and Jafar and EQ and Cruella are particularly mad and would be after her if they know she's here, not to mention all the other citizens who see her as a traitor. And so Mal changes her plan. She's not just here to let loose anymore, she's here to protect Carlos and make sure No One hurts him again.
So things go on like they were in the movie, but with Carlos there. Maybe he goes to her to Dizzy's to get her hair dyed, becuase he doesn't want to let her out of his sight (and Mal doesn't want him out of her sight either) and Dear Dizzy is probably one of the only people who isn't terrible to him (maybe they bond over his cat, Beelzebub (because remember her? She's mentioned one in the first book but never again, but I think about her every day) because she's Lucifer's kitten and she can't live at Hell House with CRUELLA DE VIL (Why is that a thing in the book? She doesn't care about her son, let alone his pet. She'd see her as new fur) so she stays with Dizzy where it's safe (relatively speaking)). And Mal gets her hair back and all is good, but then Harry comes in, and along with stealing from Dizzy he pushes Carlos over of something, (idk the level of abuse but there's always something done when one of the pirates see him, and maybe he's not worth the effort of an actual beating at the moment but he's doing something to hurt Carlos). And the Mal comes out fuming, and yeah, he better tell Uma she's here because she's coming for them and her territory and to avenge Carlos.
So they're back in their hideout, and Carlos has to get back to Hell House to do chores, Cruella is going to be so mad and he's panicking, but Mal definitely won't let him out of her sight now. Let her come, she says, I'll take her, and maybe she's still painting and he's just enjoying watching her and and being with his friend leader again, when they hear someone else coming up (because really? Ben just sneaks up on Mal in the movie? Living on the Isle would have given her more acute senses than that, and it's not like Ben is used to a life of sneaking around), and Carlos is ready to fight for Mal, because it's got to be someone after her, and Mal is ready to kill for Carlos, because NO ONE is hurting him again, but then it's Ben. And he see's Carlos, and it hits him how the Isle is worse than he could ever imagine, and he thought what he saw coming to the hideout was bad. And he's awkward and put off by what he sees, but manages to get out how he came to talk to Mal. And sweet Carlos realizes this is an alone moment and starts to leave, but Mal is still worried about him being on his own, but she doesn't want to SAY that, because even if she's better with her emotions and will admit Carlos is her friend (though she hasn't, because he thinks he know, but does he really? Or does he think he's just useful to her and that he cares about them more than they do him) she doesn't want to belittle him and have him think she thinks he can't handle himself, so she tells him to hold on and askes Ben how even got to the Isle, because why wasn't that her first question? And doesn't he know how dangerous it is for him to be here? And Ben mentions Evie and Jay brought him and guarding him, and Carlos is So Excited and runs down, because his his big sister and brother (or crush or boyfriend, if this is a Jaylos story, I just tend to lean towards the 4 being a family, but whatever works and floats your boat) and he's missed them So Much.
So Ben's talks to Mal, still in shock actually seeing Carlos, but he's here to apologize to Mal, and he needs her to know he means it, and it's the same conversation, she tried, he'll change, she doesn't want him to change, and that proves she's just inherently bad for him. Maybe she laughs at the "people love you" line, because they love the fake image she made for herself, not who she really is. And she says she's doing what's best for Ben and Auradon, but she also says she's staying and protecting her family, and tells Ben to go, and so he does.
And meanwhile Carlos is reuniting with Evie and Jay and he's So Happy to see them and they're hit with the same feelings Mal had, What have we done? We abandoned our brother? And to add salt in the wound, he doesn't notice, so excited to see them, and when they bring up how they're sorry they haven't come to get him he brushes them off, because of course there's a good reason, and he can keep waiting. And he just, doesn't doubt them, doesn't even consider they just forgot about him. And they're too ashamed to tell him that's what it was, that they were too caught up in their new happy lives, and Carlos has already moved on that they have to be extra careful, because everyone is pissed at them and will be out for them, especially their parents, oh how their parents are mad at them. But that's when Ben comes down, dejected, and he's smart enough to be vague, just saying she didn't change her mind, not mentioning Carlos's part in all her decision to stay because he can already tell Carlos would be guilty for being the reason, and he doesn't know the lay of the land with this kid, but he knows he's important to Mal and Evie and Jay and he doesn't want to say something wrong and cause a rift, so he'll just wait and ask questions later.
But Evie says she'll go up and talk to Mal, because Mal is not staying, especially since Carlos told them it's even more dangerous for them. They're leaving and they're taking Carlos with them. But she goes up right away, she doesn't ask first, so it's just Carlos and Jay with Ben. So maybe they pirates do an actual attack to take Ben, becuase he's weak and they already know where Carlos is weakest, they just gave him a thorough beating the other day, so that just leaves Jay. So they split up to attack the three, but Jay is most worried about protecting Carlos, because why didn't he realize how much he missed him? And he's already hurt, he can't let him get worse. But that's how they can get Ben away so easily (because again, really, all their lives of knowing there surrounding go out the window after being in Auradon for a little bit? No, they would have noticed Ben being taken). Probably Harry puts in a few verbal hits about Carlos being weak and Jay leaving him behind as he gives the message for Mal to meet Uma.
Obviously Mal is mad, dong her "why did you bring him here bit" to Evie and Jay, but then there's Carlos, off to the side, blaming himself, even though Mal is trying to clearly direct her anger at the others and not him. But he failed to protect Ben, and he distracted Jay so he to failed protecting Ben by worrying over him and protecting him instead, and Carlos has seen the news, he knows Mal loves Ben, and now he just let the person most important to her get away (because years of being put down on the Isle by everyone, especially Cruella, he's not going to believe he's more important, or even equally important to her as Ben. He probably has a hard time believing Mal keeps him around for any reason other than being useful. But that doesn't matter, because Mal chose him for her crew and he loves them, even if they don't love him, which they obviously do but you can't just say that on the Isle, he will do whatever he can for them, give his iife for them). Probably when Evie says they wanted to protect Ben, Carlos points out it's his fault and apologizes to Mal, and they all assure him it's not his fault, but that doesn't change how he feels. So they plan, and Mal goes to meet Uma alone, and Carlos sure isn't going to force going along if she doesn't want him. She's his leader, what she says goes, and he doesn't want to mess things up further.
So Mal chats with Uma, it goes mostly the same, but when the arm wrestling starts, Uma brings up how she never bought the goody act, that her evil streak was clearly still there, what with how she left and forgot about Carlos, leaving him alone to die, rubbing in how that is the most evil thing she's done, telling he how Carlos never once waivered from her loyalty and has hell to pay ten times over for it, but Mal hasn't given one thought to him, has she, busy living her perfect life in Auradon. Probably bring up just some of the abuse he's been through because of Mal to taunt her, and that's what makes breaks and loose arm wrestling.
So Mal goes back and tells the others Uma's demand, leaving out the how because there's no way she's letting Carlos know is was because he was brought up that distracted her. She's not having him blaming himself for her weakness, like he's already doing with Ben's kidnapping, but at the same time she's thinking of what Uma has said happened to him, and how that's only a small part of what he's been through. Evie comes up with the 3D printer, because she may lean more towards chemistry than tech but she's still thinks it's cool. Plus she's the easiest to believe out of the three who would know about it. It must belong to the school instead of just Carlos, since Carlos isn't there. But this Carlos, his eyes light up when he hears about and Evie explains what it is and does, because it's sound so cool! Auradon must be a blast if they have cool toys like that! Maybe someone will throw one out one day and it'll land on the Isle and he can fix it up! (Cue more gilt for the other three)
But the teams have to change, since Carlos would have to stay on the Isle (RIP Space Between, you'll be fit in another time. Maybe once they're back in Auradon but before the Cotillion. I'm not quitting you). But that's okay, because Carlos is really smart too, and he knows enough about chemistry from the little Isle education gave him to make smoke bombs with Mal, so Evie and Jay go back to make the wand. (Idk about this part, the closest I've got is that they figure it out because Evie's so smart and if CHAD can figure it out, or she confided in Doug and he knows how to use it). Lonnie still find out and goes back to the Isle with them (and she meets Carlos and she tries to be cool, but she cried during the cookies at just the idea that villains don't love their kinds, but now she's seeing it) but Carlos just glows meeting her, because she's nice (did you notice Lonnie is the only one genuinely nice to the VKs in the first movie? Ben too, but you can argue he had to since they were his project, so to speak, and we know that's not why, but it can still be said, but Jane is obviously nice (pre family day) because she's scared of them and Doug is only nice because he's supporting Ben, and also probably scared of them) and she's not assuming he's evil because he's a VK, plus he's Mal and Evie and Jay's friend, so he can't be bad. Also, look at him for a second and you know he's not evil, and she's not blind, she can see that, although no children belong there, Carlos especially doesn't. And Carlos is so excited to meet another one of his family’s gang's friends, especially since he didn't really get to talk to Ben. (Lonnie immediately joins the "We Are Getting This Child Out Of Here" club).
And the rescue goes almost the same, but there's no Dude to talk, so maybe Carlos thinks that Uma will want proof of the wand being real beforehand and makes something techy to create the illusion of magic. And they get out as it's falling to pieces. Maybe they shove Carlos in the limo, but more likely he offers himself as a distraction so they can escape, because he knows he can't just leave, it has to be official and all that and he doesn't want to get his friends in trouble (he probably gets beat up again in the process).
And so the movie resolves the same, except they immediately after the Cotillion they go themselves, with royal guards, to take Carlos back to Auradon. Ben had a talk with  Mal, Evie, and Jay, he learns who Carlos is, how important he is to them, how guilty they feel for leaving him, and decides he's getting that boy out NOW, red tape be damned. He uses the fact that Carlos helped save his life on the Isle to speed things up (and with him and Lonnie vouching for him he has two AKs support). He's probably at Hell House, doing chores and getting abused by Cruella when all these important Auradonians come him and take her son, and she's going crazy because her that's her servant, who will do everything for her? But Carlos is free, maybe Mal slaps her as payback for what she put Carlos through (because she can't just kill her. Ben is there, and royal guards. Plus, she knows how complicated their feelings are for their parents, and while she hates Cruella with a passion and would be glad to see her dead, she doesn't know how that would effect Carlos, so she leaves Cruella be. For now). And while Carlos is happy to be getting out of that hellhole, he's even more excited to be reunited with Mal and Evie and Jay again (he probably apologizes to Ben for getting him captured in the first place, and inside Ben's, like, wtf, why would he blame himself for that, getting another view of how damaging the Isle is). Maybe they stop to give Dizzy her invitation and pick up Beelzebub, because he's going to need a support animal and it won't be Dude because he'll still be terrified of dogs (plus you can't convince me he would just leave his pet and replace her with Dude. He got Bub to Auradon somehow, even if neither the books of movie mention her again).
And then the new adventure begins: Carlos adapting to Auradon life, actually getting a proper education for that beautiful big brain, seeing all the cool things Auradon has, processing his trauma, and unlearning all the negative things he was told about himself on the Isle, but he's back with his friends, and he's okay.
Dear Lord, this got long. Kudos to you if you actually spend the time reading all this, lol
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
Hiiii, Bunny! 💕 As always, your writing cannot be complimented enough… it’s always going to be some of my absolute favourite across fandoms. It’s hard to find fics that pull me in so completely the way work of yours like Autophobia did. I vividly remember staying up way too late the first time I read it because I physically couldn’t tear my eyes away from the words lol. You have quite a gift! And it’s very sweet of you to share it so freely by filling prompts for people. ❤️❤️
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infernothechaosgod · 1 month
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Lou logged in with chaos on his mind.
The one where they’re derailed before Brennan finishes his intro, Lou makes up half the questions and tag-teams the rest with Brennan, and Zac is the confirmed required ingredient for a rollicking episode despite attempts to tug at the reins.
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satureja13 · 5 months
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So it seems they managed to paint the underside of the straw roofs but not the others. Why? It can't be that hard when they already did it. Or it happened by accident and it is a bug and they aren't even aware of it lol. I vote for option 1 (bug) and you?
(I'm late to the party but I just found out now ^^')
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mscoffeesq · 3 months
Wolf & Bunny Pt. 3
Previous Part First Part Day 16
This might not have been a great idea. Between the crowd of strangers- bodies of skin, fur, and scales pressed together uncomfortably close (not to mention the smells)- and the thumping of the music in your ears you feel like your heart might explode. The only thing keeping you grounded is her warm, soft hand in your own and the cocky smirk on her face as she leads you up to the bar.
You and Bunny have been texting almost non-stop since your coffee date a few weeks ago, but the two of you have both been too swamped with work since then to have a second date. Until tonight, when she invited you out to your first Animal club. It's kind of funny, you've been working at a bar and grill but hadn't actually been out to a bar or club yourself (you blamed the lack of in-real-life friends). Hell, you hadn't even gone out when you turned twenty-one; you just awkwardly stumbled your way through buying some soda and Fireball at the corner store to make a drink for yourself at home.
Now, a gorgeous girl was taking you to a furry bar. Cool. You can be so cool about this. You've been desperate for this date, and you don't want to fuck it up and let her find out what a loser you actually are. So, you smile despite how much you hate the noise and crowd and you join her at the bar. She orders you a drink and introduces you to one of the bartenders, who she seems to know. Her name is Daria, and she is apparently some type of dog breed called Bor-something. She seems nice, if a little off putting. Her long, white fur was pulled back into little tufts by dozens of elastics and hair clips- presumably to keep hair from getting all over the place- and she had a bit of a staring problem.
Bunny orders drinks for the both of you without your input. Is it weird that you find that so attractive? She exudes confidence you've always wished you had. You catch her smirking at you with a knowing look. "Stick around with me long enough, and I might start rubbing off on you," she chuckles before downing her shot. She downs two more faster than you can finish sipping the rum and coke she'd ordered for you.
Before you even realize what's happening, the two of you are on the dance floor. She's practically draped herself over you, arms wrapped around your neck, as the two of you move in tandem. God, you want her so fucking bad. The alcohol swims through your brain and you suddenly feel that it would be an extremely good idea to kiss her. Maybe it wasn't, but your lips have already met hers before the rational thoughts catch back up to you.
Fuck, her lips are magical. They melt into your own, and Bunny- who so far had seemed so firm and rough, taking the lead in your relationship- seems to completely surrender to you. It feels really fucking good to be the one in control. You grip her waist, a bit harder than you might have meant to, and pull her against you. You growl against her mouth, and you feel her lips curl into a smile before returning to kissing you.
Things almost lead you back to her place for the night, but she manages to get things slowed down before you both do something you might regret. She at least lets you see her home safely before she gets you a cab back to your place. You both spend quite a while making out in front of her door before she sends you away with a playful spank- promising that your next date will be much more intimate.
You’re horny the whole ride home, and a small part of you- the animalistic voice that you’ve always pushed down to a quiet place in your mind- tells you you should punish her for getting you so worked up.
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indelibleills · 1 year
zac leaning in to brennan and lou’s little ‘in flagrante delicto’ conversation gave me such a flash back to lapin creeping out amethar in a crown of candy
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cuddlebugmonster · 9 months
This still has me in tears look at the lil man
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(Totally working on a reply to this btw)
XD I'm so so happy you like it <3<333!!! Their little man became my short escape from homework !! I coudn't resist any longer with that cute little face <3<3
I await your response with excitement!!! XD
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dacapa · 8 days
The dynamics of Dimension 20's intrepid heroes seasons has changed so much that I now often find myself rooting for the villians in the same way that one roots for Tom when watching Tom and Jerry.
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coderedblood · 1 year
In AEW there’s an exclusive club called the Weird White Man Corner and it’s for married white weirdos who have sane, sensible (but no less dangerous!) wives/spouses
Members include Danhausen (who’s the president and his daughter brings the club snacks, drinks and her drawings, he’s very proud of her and she gets a Monster High doll or a wrestling action figure monthly as payment), Kip Sabian (they say he’s the treasurer but the money is Chuck E. Cheese tokens that he hoards for himself like the weird little gremlin he is), the Blade (the decorator, he decorates the corner with horror movie posters, they go really well with Danhausen’s daughter’s drawings), Dalton Castle,Jon Moxley (he’s prouder of his membership here than the BCC), Malakai Black (who’s always the first person to arrive to the meetings), Juice Robinson and “Speedball” Mike Bailey (he’s not even in AEW but he showed up one day and they accepted him because he fits the criteria).
When the WWC has meetings their spouses meet for coffee, cake and chatting
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igotsnothing · 1 year
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you know that feeling when you read a fanfic that is so good that you get so encompassed with emotions that like your whole life view is going to be changed for like 45 minutes and you feel so blissful and you just have positive emotions because all you can even try to think about is this wonderful story in front of you. when time literally feels like it stops and you don’t process the hours ticking by. and you know you have to enjoy it because once it’s gone you’re gonna be craving it for like a few weeks before you get this moment of true peace in your life. i love that feeling
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tinfoilbutters · 4 months
Thinking about designing and embroidering some patches for my Butters varsity jacket.
Current ideas are an Inspector Butters badge and the crest I designed for Paladin Butters but I'm open to suggestions.
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infernothechaosgod · 5 months
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*sports reporter voice*
I thought Id draw her in her red dress :D, I always thought dark red suited her but also did green, so I decided she'll change it up a little between green and crimson from time to time
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lou-always-lou · 6 months
found on insta
Easter tutorial on how to make louis' 🍑
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bultaorechwita · 1 year
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My first time to draw Stella Lou🐰💜
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