#because this was prompted by the dlc
sonknuxadow · 1 year
sonic frontiers boss fights are like karaoke sessions to me
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
*remembers that i still love fnaf, despite it being a hot mess* uh oh
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daily-linkclick · 1 year
Hi!! been following you for such a while now. just wanted to say thank you for sharing your content!! your art is really cute, great and unique!! when i had my burn out moment, your account gave me strength and motivation to keep doing what i'm doing here and not make this account collapse..<3 keep doing what you doin !! have a nice day/night!!
xoxo, sgdlrthinker <3
no lie this made me so happy, thank you fellow link clicker omfg! i love seeing your posts on here too, your thoughts on the characters and theories are something i've read and thought about when there were so little content (link click s2 when..)
but yeah, i saw this almost immediately when you sent this in but i didn't want to respond because i wanted to keep reading it :') keep doing what you're doing too and i'll always be happy to see you talk and post about link click!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hiiiii, I have a request for the newly arrived Indigo Disk-
A really happy ending for Kiki where after the whole DLC, he then starts to make amends with the BB Elite 4, his sister and protag which eventually gains him Ogerpon's recognition, prompting her to wanna go with him as an extra treat after all his angst (quq)
Yessss we gotta give him the happy end he deserves <3
Setting up a small picnic within the Terarium, you brought your current Pokémon team out to play, deciding to take in the beautiful coastal biome and its warmth.
Even though you knew it was all artificial, it didn't make much of a difference to your companions. They happily frolicked in the sand and grass, although some opted to take a nap under the sun after a hard day of battling.
Meanwhile, you were fixing up a sandwich for everyone to share, deciding to add a little bit of spice to it (at Crispin's suggestion, of course). You didn't want it to be too flaming-hot for your Pokémon--or at least none that were fire types who could handle the heat.
However one in particular just seemed to be hungry for anything, as upon hearing a crystalline trill, you looked down to see Terapagos at your feet. It was gently pawing on your leg, eyes sparkling as it wondered what you were cooking up.
"Hey, little guy." You cooed, reaching down to pat its head before you scooped it up, allowing it to climb into your lap. "Smells tasty, huh? I bet you're super hungry after sleeping all those years."
It only responded with another happy trill, and you just sighed.
Who would've known this would be the legendary "Hidden Treasure" of Area Zero Heath and [Turo/Sada] sought after, the creator of the Terastal Phenomenon...
And the Pokémon that put up one hell of a fight against you, Carmine, and Kieran?
Speaking of whom...
It's been roughly a month since those events down in the Underdepths, and for the most part things have been looking up for both you and him. You were just happy to see that spark return to his eyes...
The spark he had once lost...mainly because of you.
Part of you would always remain guilty over unknowingly setting him down such a dark path--obsessing over defeating you in battle to the point where he didn't care who got hurt in the process.
He didn't wanna be that weak little kid you kept beating back in Kitakami anymore, always bragging about how much he's changed and demanding you to never hold back.
But after being humbled in front of the entire school, he was willing to do anything to have at least one victory against you.
Even if it meant utilizing a dangerous legendary Pokémon he had little understanding of....
He tried to control it, and as punishment it attacked him directly.
Arceus only knows what could've happened if your 'raidon didn't absorb the blast in time, and that selfless act made him feel all the more guilty for the way he acted towards you.
He idolized you, hated you, and yet.....you saved his life when you could have just saved yourself, his sister, and Briar instead.
He cried like a baby the whole way home, overwhelmed by everything that's happened from last year up to now, yet you comforted him and didn't tease him once.
After returning to Unova, he made a promise to fix things between you and everyone else he hurt, finally letting go of his envy and deciding to start fresh with you. His request to be your friend again had you laughing, much to his confusion..and a little worried you were making fun of him.
Then he almost sobbed after you explained that you've never considered him an enemy at all.
Despite everything, you never stopped seeing him as a friend.
Sometime later you went home to Paldea, although not without exchanging rotomphone information with him so you could have more chats.
Yep. Kieran finally got his own phone, but being from the countryside made him only somewhat familiar with the basics. You and Carmine helped him with that, of course. He loved the camera function and would often send you photos of his Hydrapple doing something cute.
They're mostly blurry, but he's getting the hang of it.
You eventually went back to the BB Academy to further your studies of the biomes, and winded up taking a small picnic break within the Terarium. No rules said you couldn't, and Drayton did insist that you didn't overwork yourself...
Which is funny coming from the guy who had to repeat classes, although you took his advice.
Your eyes lit up as you received an incoming call from Kieran, and you greeted him with a smile, waving. "Kiki! How's it going?"
"Hey, [y/n]." He smiled back, and then he blinked upon realizing how familiar the background behind you was. "Wait..you're back in Unova? In the Terarium?"
"Uh..yeah! I was gonna surprise you, but I guess it's too late for that now." You awkwardly chuckled. "How are things going with the League?"
"Better than..I thought, actually." He sat back in his chair, tying his hair up. "Drayton and I are finally on speaking terms again."
"Oh that's great!"
"Mhm. We both felt kinda bad about how we treated each other with the whole "ex-champion" thing...said some stuff we didn't mean. Last week we were avoiding each other, and now we're having casual Pokémon battles to ease the tension between us."
"I'm glad to hear that." You nodded, taking a bite out of your sandwich.
"I..really do owe you one for bringing the club back together. I've been so bitter and didn't realize how much it was hurting Lacey and the others...not to mention how many people I wrongfully kicked out. I promise I'm gonna get all of them back into the club. I swear."
"I fully believe you. Just don't run yourself dry trying to patch up everything with everyone, okay?"
Kieran nodded in understanding, although he suddenly went quiet. You wondered why until you realized he could see Terapagos, who was currently climbing onto the table trying to get some lettuce.
"Heyyyy that's not for you, you little scamp." Teasingly, you scooped it up again, keeping a gentle grip on its belly and shell before you looked back at your friend, bashful. "Don't mind Terapagos. It's always hungry."
"I see." He chuckled. "You've been taking care of it well?"
"Yep, but have you been taking care of yourself, too?"
"...yeah." He muttered. "Carmine's been getting on my case about properly eating and sleeping again. Don't tell her this, but I appreciate it more than she realizes. And..I'll admit I was turning into a jerk like she used to be, and that's not something I want..."
"Well sounds like you're doing much better now..don't beat yourself up over it." You reassured him.
His shoulders relaxed. "I'm..trying not to....so [y/n], do you think we could meet up in person? Like at your dorm? I...feel like we haven't talked face-to-face in a while."
"Sure! I got nothing planned later so....see you in a few hours?"
"Sounds good." He smiled. "See ya."
The call ended as your rotomphone dropped back onto the table. You picked it up and stared at the case, feeling giddy about seeing him again after so long.
And to think when you first arrived here..you felt nothing but tension whenever he was in the same room as you, feeling the negative vibes rolling off of him like an aura of Bitter Malice.
You were glad those days were gone and he was your friend again.
"Huh? Ogerpon..? You were here the whole time??" Surprised, you glanced over to see the grass legendary sitting on the ground beside you, being sure to stay clear of the camera view. She lowered her mask and looked at you with a knowing smile.
Considering the way Kieran freaked out when you brought her into the championship battle (not to mention him doing everything in his power to knock her out)...you would've thought she'd never wanna see or hear from him again--especially since her "betrayal" was still a fresh wound.
Yet apparently she was listening to your entire conversation with him, and had this understanding look to her starry eyes.
"Pon, ponnn?"
"Huh?" You blinked. "You wanna..see him, too? Are you sure?"
She hopped to her feet, nodding eagerly before pointing in the direction of the academy.
"Okay. Maybe..it'll be a good thing." A smile appeared on your face, although in the back of your mind you hoped that seeing her again won't scare Kieran too much.
"Okay, so the Golurk congregate here....and they're usually guarding the Goletts.."
Back in your dorm room, you were just jotting down notes about recent Pokémon outbreak sightings. Ogerpon was sitting on your countertop, swinging her legs while munching on a bowl of her favorite berries you've found for her throughout Kitakami.
Right as she finished the last one, there was a knock at the door, and you both immediately knew who it was. She was a little nervous, but you reassured her that things will be okay before you went to answer it.
Sure enough Kieran was on the other side. He's never been to your dorm until now, and as he walked in was surprised and intrigued by all the stuff you had hung up on the wall.
"Excuse the mess." You chuckled, closing the door.
"Don't worry, my dorm's worse." He shyly smiled back at you, although his expression faltered as his gaze went to a certain legendary..
He immediately tensed up, not out of anger.....but like he was expecting her to use Ivy Cudgel at any given moment. "What's the Ogre doing here--wait, no..that sounded rude. I'm sorry."
"No, no. It's fine. There's actually something we've been meaning to talk to you about."
"..oh?" Turning back to you, he tilted his head.
"So Ogerpon overheard our little chat earlier, and she wanted to see you."
"She did?"
"Yeah," you nodded, feeling your heart start to race with anticipation. "And..um...maybe it's easier if she explains."
Kieran was confused as you gestured to Ogerpon, but his eyes went wide when she approached him. With no mask on, she wore a confident expression as she handed him...
A pokeball?
It was the pokeball you caught her in.
"What is this? Some new trick you taught her?" Looking to you for an explanation, all he could see was your smile. "Why isn't she...afraid of me?"
"Because she knew you were trying to make amends with everybody." You patted her head, beaming. "I think she finally recognizes you as a strong Pokémon trainer, and...she wants to be yours."
"She wants to be yours." You repeated, watching as he tried to process this information. And his jaw damn near dropped to the floor, but he closed his mouth and shook his head.
"Y-You're joking, right?"
"Nope. We both decided that she's ready for a new partner. Someone who's believed in her side of the story since-"
"No, no, no..I..I-I can't do that.." He shook his head frantically, backing away from Ogerpon. "I'm sorry. But she's yours, [y/n]. She chose to go with you. You passed her test and...I didn't. I was being stupid and selfish and-"
"I think I was being more selfish."
Looking up at you, he blinked a few times.
"Listen, I know everyone likes to say such great things about me...but I'm not some perfect angel." You frowned slightly. "I lied to you, I stole the Pokémon you've idolized for years...and I hurt someone who considered me a friend. You called me out on that and you had every right to."
"If anybody here needs to apologize..it's me." Bowing your head, you sighed softly. "So I'm truly sorry for the way I treated you, Kieran. I'm sorry for never considering your feelings before. I wasn't a good friend, and I wanna be a better one. So I'm gonna make this right...both of us will."
You looked back up at him, seeing the shock written all over his face. Then you glanced at Ogerpon, taking the pokeball and instructing her to get her masks off the wall. She nodded and did just that.
"You deserve to know what her power is like. The masks, the TMs I taught her...you can have them all. No trades. No strings attached..except for us staying friends, of course."
Finally, Kieran found his ability to speak again, but he was already getting choked up. "[Y/n], the apology is...th-that's more than enough for me." His eyes watered. "I forgive you. There's no way I can take her from-"
"You're not taking her away. I'm giving her to you, silly." You chuckled.
"....I..I still don't know if I can accept that. I'm not worthy of her even looking my way anymore. I was disrespectful to her wishes, I stole her mask..a-and you're saying...she forgives me?"
"I think she's gonna let bygones be bygones. Isn't that right, 'pon?"
"Ponio! Pon!" With her masks together, Ogerpon gazed at you, nodding confidently. You could only smile back as you patted her head again, seeing that she was ready for a new adventure.
You've trained her well, helping her grow stronger than ever before as you've mastered her abilities with all four masks.
But now it's time that someone else had the chance to bond with her...
Someone like Kieran.
After sending her into the pokeball for the last time, you gazed at the purple-haired boy. His whole body refused to move, so you approached him and took his gloved hand, placing the device snuggly into his palm.
For the longest time, he stared at it, and then he looked back at you. "A-Are you sure I can't just...keep her for a day and then give her back?" He began to sniffle, face growing bright red. "Because if...wh-what if she doesn't-?"
"I want you to have her permanently." Knowing what was coming, you brought him into a tight hug, feeling him wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder. "Don't worry. She's gonna love you, Kiki." You rubbed his back. "She trusts you now. She's all yours."
All he could do was nod, your shirt getting soaked by his tears as he hiccupped, thanking you over and over again. He wasn't bawling loudly like before, but he still had a tough time keeping himself together; so you led him to your bed where he was more comfortable.
You're 99% certain this poor guy's never received a hug in his life, given how he refused to let you go. So you allowed him to hold onto you for as long as he needed or wanted.
At last you got out all of the things you've been meaning to say to him...and even Ogerpon got to apologize in her own special way by wanting to be his partner Pokémon.
You thought this would have been too much for Kieran to handle, but you could see he's grown a lot and that he was ready to accept this huge responsibility.
Terapagos will remain with you, and Ogerpon will be his forever.
After everything that's happened, it's what he deserves.
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A character reference based on all four Steps of Our Life! It's only "sort of" a height reference as well since obviously they're not 100% accurate (the devs don't have specific heights for everyone to my knowledge).
I did dig into the code to try and get characters at their "normal" heights but there are other matters at play too (example: Nicolas is obviously "taller" than he should be because he needs to be pushed upwards to be visible enough above the game's text box; likewise with other very short characters).
Still, this should serve as either a nice reference guide for every character or a "height reference" in the sense of getting an idea of which characters are shorter/taller than others.
I'm also going to detail some extra notes below the break, including posts from GB Patch's Tumblr that reference any defined heights (with Cove being the obvious one) or general height things, as well as some more stuff about the MC's height in comparison to the three love interests depending on what you pick.
Cove's height is listed on GB Patch's FAQ as 4' 1" in Step 1 (also stated as "mostly average, perhaps a bit on the short side"), 5' 4" in Step 2 (in-game this is defined as "very tall" on the MC's potential height spectrum, as that is the only option considered on par with Cove's height), 6' 0" in Step 3, and 6' 4" in Step 4. A fun fact is that Cove's final height was originally 6' 3" (191cm) instead.
Derek in Step 2 is under five feet tall (this post also lists Cove as "around 5 and a half feet tall" which you could take as either close enough to 5' 4" as stated above or a potential original height he had that got changed). In-game, he's "short" but not "very short", as having your MC be "very short" will prompt narration telling you that you're shorter than Derek, whereas "short" only has you relate to him in smolness generally.
Step 4 Derek is "mostly average." He wouldn't be considered tall nor would he be considered short. His youngest brother Nicolas will "probably end up as a similar height to him" once he's more grown up.
Step 4 Baxter is "taller than average, but not especially tall."
I've been informed that, on the Our Life Patreon Discord, Step 4 Derek's height is listed as 5' 9" (175cm) whereas Step 4 Baxter's is listed as 5' 11" (180cm), so those are their defined heights. Before that, both of their heights had jumped around somewhat. A post from 2019 said that Derek was 5' 11", but a post from June 2021 said that Baxter was 5' 11" and Derek was 5' 9" (so consistent with the Discord). Then there's also another post from July 2021 (you'll have to scroll down for this one) that listed Baxter at around 5' 10" while Derek was 5' 8"/5' 9". If you're insane enough to try and use the character reference too, then Baxter would actually be around 6'1" at minimum since he's taller than Step 3 Cove (though you could also make the same argument that this means the mom trio of Pamela, Noelani, and Kyra must be decently tall as well since they're so close to Cove on the character reference).
I don't have any experience with GB Patch's other game, XOXO Droplets, so I don't know what ages the characters are in it, but since both Shiloh and Jeremy are characters seen visibly in Our Life, I thought I'd also mention that they're listed as 5' 10" and 5' 5" (or 5' 5 1/2") respectively in XOXO Droplets. Jeremy also apparently grows to 5' 8" in his 20s and he's 22 in the Our Life Cove Wedding DLC (I don't think this is spoken of in the game specifically but he's labeled as 22 in the code).
As for the MC and how their height plays into things, "tall" and "very tall" as well as "short" and "very short" tend to be considered the same for the most part in the game's code. It's not that there isn't a difference at all (I would say it's still notable), it's just that sometimes the game may be more vague about height differences. My post about Errands references this where you don't need more athletic points due to being "very short" instead of "short" to give Cove a piggyback ride.
A guesstimate I'd make is that about 5% of the time, the game will take note of whether you're "very tall" instead of "tall" or "very short" instead of "short." Otherwise, you're either "generally tall," "average," or "generally short." There are also other instances (usually with Cove) where the game might just check if you're either generally tall (around Cove's height) or not generally tall (i.e: definitely shorter than him).
This is actually relevant to the heights because, following all above information, one would assume that Step 4 Derek is average, Step 4 Baxter is tall, and Step 4 Cove is very tall going off the MC's potential "height spectrum" of very short, short, average, tall, and very tall, but it's not entirely the case.
A "tall" MC (generally tall) will look "down" at Step 4 Baxter just as he will look "up" at them or they'll look directly at each other if the MC is "average," same as Step 3 Baxter, but--
when the game has any instance of differentiating between "tall" and "very tall" (they never do this for Step 3 Baxter so the base assumption would have to be that he's just average height), things change.
During Baxter's apology in the wedding of his Step 4, Baxter dips his chin to look at the MC if they're "short"/"very short," levels his chin to look at the MC if they're "average"/"tall," and then lifts his chin to look at the MC if they're "very tall." A generally tall MC still has to lean down to kiss him if they choose to do so though.
Also, during the intimacy scene with Baxter (either in his office or his living room), if the MC is "very short," "short," or "average," it states that Baxter is taller than them. If they're "very tall," then Baxter is shorter than them, but a "tall" MC is "almost the exact same height" as him.
This is all a really long-winded way of saying that GB Patch referring to Step 4 Baxter being "taller than average but not especially tall" might mean that he's some infuriating middle ground between average and tall where he's not quite one but not quite the other either (which honestly is very Baxter of him so I can't even be mad).
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Joshua Graham (Fallout: New Vegas, Honest Hearts DLC) NSFW Headcanons
Massive voyeur. He's attracted to you the moment he meets you, but his religious beliefs/the probable age gap/the circumstances/his own fucked up self-image keep him from saying anything. It doesn't keep him from watching you closely, though, from studying your habits and your daily schedule. Especially interested in what times you usually leave camp. He already disappears sometimes without anyone really knowing where he's gone; despite his positive working relationship with the Dead Horses, Joshua's energy is off-putting overall, and he's intimidating. It makes people nervous if they have to interact with him one-on-one for too long. Due to this, he has the freedom of sort of coming and going as he pleases, since no one wants to be the person to question him, though more often than not he can be found working away at weapons in the Angel Cave. That said, he is prone to sneaking away for an hour or so in the evenings (to stretch his legs and occasionally sneak a cigarette), slipping out unnoticed amid the hustle of the busy camp; his schedule for this changes once you come around, but, he'd swear it has nothing to do with you if confronted. He just so happens to want to take a little stroll right around the time you go to find somewhere private to bathe. The commitment to promptness only increases when he realizes that you sometimes use this little bit of "alone time" to masturbate.
He won't even touch himself 95% of the time; seems the type to get off on denying himself. Trust me, he desperately wants to, though. On a day where he gets especially worked up watching you, he might stroke himself over his clothing, or even cum untouched, but he won't take the risk of exposing himself fully. This usually happens on days where he gets to watch you touch yourself, caught up in studying every detail of how to bring you pleasure while openly lusting over your body. However, most of the time he'll simply sit in silence, hidden away out of your line of vision as he takes in every ounce of your beauty.
If he notices you starting to get close with someone, it'll be enough to prompt him to reveal his own feelings. The man is deeply jealous in an ugly way, and the idea that someone else would have you just because he failed to ever say anything is repellent to him. Doubly so if that person is Daniel. Once he's confessed his interest, he'll be quite possessive, even if you're still weighing your feelings for him against your feelings for someone else. Knowing this will drive him crazy, and he'll be quickly desperate to "mark his territory" in some way.
In terms of your intimate life, he doesn't have much energy for sex despite his sex drive and attraction to you being quite high. As long as his wounds go unhealed, he's in a lot of pain, and pain is exhausting. He may want to bend you over every flat surface in Zion pretty much every second of the day, but he simply does not have the energy.
He's sinned a lot in the past, so he's not exactly sexually inexperienced (his faith has clearly always been important to him, but I think the level of fervor we see in him in current day is a result of him seeking some feeling of salvation from all the things he's done/a doubling down after his incident), but it has been a long time since he's done anything with anyone. When you two grow close and eventually start dating, he'll fully intend to wait until you get married to have sex. It won't work out that way. At the very most, you two may be able to resist penetrative sex until after you fully commit, but you won't be able to keep your hands off of one another overall. He chastises himself (and, when he's in a darker mood, you) for failing to resist temptation, but ultimately he thinks that God likely has more of an issue with other things he's done than not waiting until marriage to let you blow him or whatever.
Absolutely knows what "soaking" is. Shocked and quite taken aback if you also know what "soaking" is.
That Legion history of his starts to poke through once you start spending a lot of alone time with him, once he feels comfortable showing his true face. He isn't abusive, but he is still quite controlling in some aspects. It's not that he denies you of options, but he does have a tendency to make it difficult for you to make choices he doesn't agree with. More often than not, he exercises control when he worries for your wellbeing, but there are times when he exercises control over you simply because he wants to see you bend to his will. Sex is one of the aspects of your relationship he often uses to this end. He'll make you cum until you can't see, but make no mistake; he's making you cum because he wants to, because it feeds his ego to see how you react when he breaks you down completely and commands your body. He also knows that it'll be easier to keep you around if he tries his best to make you happy, to ensure your needs are fulfilled, including the intimate ones. Yes, he will take very good care of you in bed, but know that ultimately it's sort of a form of control. I mean...you're still allowed to enjoy it. But keep that in mind.
Does it even need to be said that the Mormon former Legionary has a massive breeding kink? I don't think he believes he deserves to have children, but that doesn't stop him from fantasizing about seeing you so swollen with his child that you can't effectively get away from him. Definitely buys into the idea that adults are supposed to procreate as much as they can stand; in his ideal world, he'd have you pregnant every two or so years for a good portion of your life. He'll worship every inch of your body before he fucks you, fantasizing silently about how a pregnancy would change it.
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2hoothoots · 9 months
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hi! i was your secret santa for this year, and these two really jumped out at me from your prompt list! because i dunno, winter time always gets me wanting to draw cute sappy stuff, and i think their silly teenage romance is really sweet. Psychonauts 2 Grulovia Mission DLC except these two are just goofing off and going on ice skating dates and getting hot chocolate together, that's my vision
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lukedanger · 3 months
Replaying WotR with all the DLC, I forgot how full of shit Regill is about the rest of the Crusades.
What prompted this is his nonsense about Irabeth. He acts as if she had no achievements to her name so he can pretend that she's unqualified when she has a PTSD breakdown before Drezen - as if she had not gone through Kenabres, or hadn't rebuilt the Eagle Watch from scratch to the point where it's one of the most competent forces (more competent than the Hellknights, TBH: at least the Eagle Watch doesn't have to threaten every soldier with execution for the slightest infraction)
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I mean look at it - 'her first serious challenge'? Is Hellknight intelligence so incompetent that you don't even know her career before returning to Mendev? Did you forget that she and Anevia rebuilt the Eagle Watch from scratch after uncovering Baphomet's infiltration? Or do you not know that Kenabres survived because Irabeth managed to weld together a cohesive fighting force at the Defender's Heart and that the plan to take back the Grey Garrison was entirely hers?
Irabeth is no wet-behind-the-ears recruit thrown into high command without being tested: she's a veteran commander who's been fighting the Worldwound longer than anyone in the tent besides Anevia and Queen Galfrey (whom the narrative also maligns, I'll get to that in a minute). Irabeth has been fighting for high stakes: Mendev dies if they fail. If the Hellknights' token expeditions die? They lose some lances, but none of their core territories are threatened and they can easily shrug it off because the Crusades are basically Avistan's dumping ground for undesirables anyways.
This is a perfect example of the sheer arrogance of the Hellknights. Especially since Regill admits that just a glimpse of what happens in the Lost Chapel is almost enough to make him puke. Irabeth lived it and watched good people die in a horrible manner and be transformed into monsters against their will.
Irabeth isn't a coward. She's dealing with unrecognzied PTSD given how fast the march on Drezen usually occurs after Lost Chapel, and it picked the absolute worst moment to manifest... especially if the KC is an incompetent leader who constantly berates her and makes her a scapegoat for other people's failures.
It's not like Irabeth is asking to be dismissed - if you warn her that you'll bench her, she's terrified of being left behind to be the one who gets to mourn everyone that dies. She's still in the fight, she's just conscious that the odds are against them after how badly the gargoyle ambush went.
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Galfrey, as an aside, acts as a leader should: she works to reassure Irabeth and console her. Galfrey has suffered immensely under the pressure of defending Golarion from the Worldwound with basically no support (Avistan's nations more or less uses the Crusades as a way to dispose of undesirables) - she knows what Irabeth is feeling. And the narrative did Galfrey so dirty by not giving her more moments like this - Galfrey's presence should have been an auto-success for reassuring Irabeth even if the KC still got to do a reassurance option even if only to give Irabeth an extra and much-needed verbal hug.
It's telling how much the narrative had to bend over backwards to make the Hellknights seem competent rather than a bunch of arrogant pricks who are trying to take credit for holding back the Worldwound while offering little actually useful. I think the most useful thing they do in Act II is give you another option to get at the giants at Drezen, everything else is them either being counterproductive, needing the crusaders they sneer at to save their asses, or volunteering to be vescavor fodder because their egos wouldn't let them stay behind while those best equipped to tackle the threat deal with it... and get the credit.
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autisticwriterblog · 2 months
Hello!! For the whump prompts, maybe a Jesse x Emily for either 10 or 15, because Jesse is definitely the type of person to push herself way to far at work. I absolutely loved your last Jesse x Emily story!!!
Thank you! 😊I decided to go with 15.
Passing Out Fandom: Control (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesse Faden/Emily Pope Characters: Jesse Faden, Emily Pope Additional Tags: Sickfic, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Overworking, Sick Character, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Sick Jesse Faden, Jesse Faden Needs a Hug, The Oldest House (Control), Self-Esteem Issues, Survivor Guilt, The Foundation DLC Spoilers (Control), Fainting, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Coughing, Caring, seth-whumps' Whumperless Whump Event July 2024, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, One Shot Summary: Jesse insists on fighting the Hiss even when very sick. Things go about as badly as expected. But at least she has Emily to look after her.
@whumperless-whump-event day 15. Prompt:  I'm going down (you're yelling timber): Passing out / Exhaustion / “I've got you, let's sit down, I've got you.”
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a-driftamongopenstars · 3 months
(IK I said no spoilers, but the potential... off the charts) (Post-Iconoclasm, specifically)
Ghost finally decides to share a few of things he always wished he could say- the most important one, of course, saved for last- "I love you."
(hi!!! yw/ghost anon here. bungie is killing me with their bare hands. what are they doing to my boy... leave him alone.... :( ) (That said feel free to ignore or change this around however you want, obviously- I just think your writing is neat :) )
hey anon, I finally got to your prompt - I hope you like it :) sorry i'm a bit late, but hoo boi this dlc?? i hope you enjoyed, especially excision :D i sobbed my eyes out. also on ao3
If the Ghost could see the Guardian's heart, he would find the same fractures that have shattered his shell. The Light breathes out through them, two hearts, linked by fate and a silent god, and something more.
The Ghost has never felt a touch of death so close. Death has become a thing of triviality. How many times has he resurrected his dear Guardian, over and over, collecting the dust of their body, the crumbles of their bones, the sinew of their muscle, pulling it back together. He knows the Guardian inside out, and now the Guardian knows him, too.
But now the Ghost feels it. Violated by the Darkness, by the Witness, he wishes to be back in the simpler times. But he would not change anything, not for the wide world.
So he sits in the cup of the Guardian's palm, speaking quietly as they hide in a nook of the Pale Heart, where no enemy nor friend may reach them.
The Ghost speaks of the moment he has felt the Guardian's existence for the first time. How new and exciting it was to see them rise, to become what they are, to wield the power granted by the Traveler. And every time they used that Light, the Ghost could feel it. Fulfillment of his purpose, over and over, happiness of simply existing beside someone like this. The warmth of a budding friendship, the soft blanket of loving care. The jokes, the laughter, the tears, the quiet bonding moments.
The Ghost speaks of the times they have faced great enemies together. They have felled kings, gods, constructs. Nothing could be in their way. Nothing could destroy their bond. The Ghost has never been prouder of being the Ghost.
And not even the Darkness could touch that, of which the Ghost speaks next. He remembers feeling scared about the Guardian, seeing their hands tainted with Stasis. He felt, perhaps for the first time, the weakened link between them, worried that it may be severed. That it could be corrupted, and thus, the Guardian, and thus, the Ghost.
But he speaks of trust. Solid, undeniable trust that he and the Guardian have built. A foundation of concrete so permanent, so impenetrable, held together by love.
Love. The Ghost speaks of it fondly, because he does love the Guardian, with every little fibre of his being. He says so, I love you, I care for you, I'd die for you. I'll bring you back.
And come what may when they face the Witness for one final time. The Ghost secretly knows his purpose. He knows that the petals of his shell are fragile. But he also knows that everything he and the Guardian shared and went through, it was worth it. Every one bit.
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unlucky-leek · 8 days
So this isn't based on a @verladyweek prompt or anything, but it still feels relevant because it definitely happened due to all the wonderful Verlady content I've been consuming all week 😆
Basically I just woke up from a crazy DMC related dream, which, amongst other scenes (including Nero accidentally vaporising Vergil with a laser, and 'slicked Vergil hair DLC'), included this gem, which went something a bit like this:
Vergil: *secretly hanging out with Lady in his room*
Dante: *calling from downstairs* Vergil! Are you home? I need to talk to you about something!
Vergil: *groans and slinks downstairs, with many apologies to Lady*
Dante: There you are! OK so listen to this, it's about this demon Nero found...*rambles*
Vergil: *Thinking about Lady and nodding*
*10 mins later*
Dante: So what do you think?
Vergil: *Jolted out of his thoughts* Uh, yes. Sure. Let's go fight it or whatever.
Dante: ...Bro. I just spent the last 10 minutes telling you how awesome Nero looked while killing the thing, were you even listening...?
And yeah, that's basically all I can remember from it lol
Super dumb, but thought it was amusing so now you get forced to enjoy it too 🤣
(P.S. I can't believe it's the end of the week already, this has been so amazing! I'll see if I can post a final story later today!)
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visterical · 3 months
elden ring shadow of the erdtree spoilers and rambling/doodles below. got seamless co op running on steam deck and I wanted to doodle my experiences I;m having soooo much fun (if you need help with steam deck seamless co op dm or send an ask I guess?)
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not pictured: screaming about grave birds and invaders. so sorry to sneeferVEVO and cat who fishes because the first one I threw rocks at until they slipped off the edge and died (they had all endgame gear. if they didn't slip we were going to corner them and spam a frost stomp) and the second one I threw rocks at until they died (stone of gurranq is my defense mechanism) sneefervevo invaded us AGAIN and eventually left? there was also someone named gilbert I don't know if my brother killed them or not but invaders in seamless co op is the funniest thing ever it's optional but if you turn it off it also turns off npc invasions. also there is NO PROMPT when you get invaded but you can also like run around and take materials we went into the dlc by removing all of our gear!! we took everything off except my seal and one weapon/incantation/spell in our slot as a backup (I didn't use my sword, only stone) and it WORKED. the first guy we killed dropped an armor set and it was heavy enough for me to only be able to wear one piece (chest piece) and have a sword so I was running around only shirt no pants but we did grab some beast claws which we immediately upgraded to +25 and changed scaling and they're AWESOME. I love this game soooo much and I am so obsessed with hornsent already. so in character of me to get attached to the very first man I meet in this game (it happened with varré too) and every little bit I see about messmer makes me INSANE. I love this man also we ran into the ghostflame dragon it was so scary we can't kill it just yet. it looks like a pile of driftwood but I noticed it was a dragon and we went to grab the item by it. it didn't wake up. I walk closer. it immediately starts chasing us and giving us frostbite but also sooooo obsessed with the npcs
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TesFest23, Aug 8th (Day 4): Prompt- Mortal
The End of Order --- Shivering Isles DLC @tes-summer-fest
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When Jyggalag showed up in the palace courtyard, there was a huge explosion and every Saints and Seducers were killed. Somehow, the only one standing was the Hero of Kvatch. A mortal.
Jyggalag is an all powerful Daedric Prince, who was feared by other Daedric Princes. They believe he can conquer across the seas of Oblivion. Maybe he has some kind of power specific to kill Daedra. That basically makes Jyggalag unstoppable against other's Daedra army. Other Daedric Princes had grown so fearful they had to gang up on him.
Maybe that's why his attack is ineffective on us, a mortal. Jyggalag killed Sheogorath's army in one hit. We're not just survived the attack. We're completely uninfluenced by the explosion, because it only works on Daedra.
It kinda also answer my question about why they let our HOK becomes Sheogorath. Surely there is someone more suitable for the job. Some high rank Daedra general, his Demi-Princes, or someone in the court more familiar with the job or something. Our HOK is literally just some guy. We literally just got here.
Speaking of just got here, when we first enter the strange door, Haskill said: "My Lord seeks a MORTAL to act as His Champion." Sheogorath was asking for a mortal champion. He actually wanted a mortal. If Jyggalag is strong against the Daedra, maybe we need a none Daedra to defeat him. The answer is so obvious! A MORTAL!
I mean, letting a mortal be your successor is kinda crazy ;) but in a way, mortal is kind of opposite to order. Even Dyus is annoyed by our nature of changing and irrational behavior (How I loathe the idea of personal choice). Maybe we are a perfect choice for God of Madness. In the end, defy all logic, we did defeat the powerful Daedric Prince of Order. Just us. A mere mortal.
Thank you for coming to my TES talk.
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Hello, hi! May I ask how does one get the step 3 proposal with cove?
Hi, hey~!
I imagine you mean the MC proposing to Cove? Since Cove himself can't propose until Step 4.
But yeah, sure!
In order for the MC to propose to Cove, you have to:first have your MC be dating him. They also must be at Love with him, not Crush, as "Love" is what dictates that the MC will never fall for anyone else.
Next, during the Step 3 Intro, you have to have avoided the choice "You were in love with him, but didn't want to talk about that at this point in your life."; as this will lock you out.
Finally, you have to have played Reflection, meaning that proposing to Cove is DLC-exclusive. This is because Reflection has the moment where the MC chooses if they'd want to get married someday or not. The MC must join Cove when he runs back to Mr. Holden (the one that gets you the CG for it) and then they must prompt him on his thoughts on marriage (You asked about what he thought about marriage for himself now.). Cove will eventually turn the question back on the MC.
If in Charity, your MC chose to tell Cove that they want to spend their life with him (How you were certain you wanted to spend your life with him, and you told him as much.), then the options that will let the MC propose later will be:
"Yes, I'd like to get married eventually."
"I... I... am. I would."
If the MC didn't do that or Charity has not been played yet, then the options will be:
"Yes, it's something I really want someday."
"I'd only get married if I found someone really special."
All that should lead to the proposal at the end of Step 3 when the MC is out on poppy hill with Cove.
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taldigi · 11 months
What is the FC: Faerie Festival Arc?
I was catching up on Komi-san AND playing the new poke DLC and was kinda lamenting how like, where I live- we don't really have culture celebrations like some other places do. We have farmers markets and harvest festivals but nothing as culturally poignant as some of what they have (not just japan, other countries too)
Sooo I thought it might be fun to have a little festival specific to this story! Very geared to the faeries established presence- so i did some light research- stuff like festival foods and traditional clothing--!!
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"Wouldn't it be wise for Ladybug and Chat Noir to keep an eye on a faerie festival?" Marinette asked, arms folded and leaning back in her chair, prompting a sour look from Felix. "It would be wise for them to stay away from the event entirely." He remarked, "TsuTec hardly has a clean reputation. It could be a trap." "Actually." Alina grinned, strained, as she grabbed both their arms and forced them into a huddle, "It would be wise for Marinette and Felix to accept their very good friend Kagami's very generous offer." The trio looked over their shoulders, as Kagami stood akwardly, a wet look peeking out from behind her bangs. Marinette and Felix wilted with guilt, as they cast a glance at each other.
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So some preface if you aren't aware: TsuTec's main role in the story is developing something known as Faeglass, which is refined, pressed Faerie Dust harvested from Faeries. The thing about Faeglass is that it's gorgeous. Anything made with Faeglass is mildly addictive and very alluring. The QuaMii toys (in-universe Tamagatchi) were a trial run of using the glass to make things, and have been wildly successful- almost everyone has one. Fury/Richard Sphinx invested in the project, and now has a partnership with TsuTec to develop new Slot Machines for his casino using this Faeglass- rendering an already addictive activity doubley so. A side effect/double edged sword element of the Faeglass is that Faeries can "infest" the glass, taking it over and hiding within it.
Anyway, the gist of the festival is that it's a new thing developed by TsuTec to further market and strengthen their brand, disguised as a "Faerie Festival". Here, they sell masks infused with the glass/dust that line up with their QuaMii characters, and paired up with food, music, games, and culminating an odd event known as the Faemoon.
The Faemoon It's a new thing that started happening since the Faewild was cracked open (by Tsutec, to harvest Faerie Dust) and faeries started inhibiting the real world. The moon turns pink at roughly 11-Midnight, and at this time, and a bit before and after, the faeries- overloaded with magic -start getting rambunctious and a little silly. The more you fight against it (scolding, trying to silence them, ect) the more chaotic it is. But if you play along and have fun, the event goes smoothly. It happens once every few months, but the festival happens only once a year, when the Faemoon is at it's strongest.
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So the masks themselves, like I said, are themed after popular cartoon/Tsutec characters. You get to purchase one based on what QuaMii you have (if you have & show one, you get a mild discount, which in conjunction with the faeglass/dusting means everyone has one at the festival) however, the Faemoon/Faeglass combo means that the power boost+infestation event means that during the Faemoon, the faeries can temporarily override the personality of the mask wearer (if worn on the face, not on their head. For story/visual clarity reasons.) In fact, St. Claude is possessed by Mimic for the majority of this "arc" because he doesn't really have a strong willpower + Mimic is very very intense.
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The mains are influenced or can be posessed, but unlike Mimic; Tikki, Plagg, and the other main Faeries do genuinely love their chosen and don't abuse that trust by doing anything heinous. Tikki and Plagg (in Mar and Felix' bodies) dance together, and the masks mimic a smooch at the end by bopping noses. (i am not immune to Plikki)
Null is drained by the faemoon/would rather not challenge faeries when they are at their fullest, wildest power- and chooses to stay away from the event. Which is why the event is ultimately safe for the protags, even if they themselves don't know it. Also, the masks are worn by multiple people- lots of people have black cats and red puppies/ladybugs and bees and such, the protags do not have unique masks... except Kagami. She has a wholly unique mask and QuaMii toy. (Felix too, technically, but his is a prototype of a popularly retailed one, and Marinettes is modified/customized after she broke hers.) Which means that the even is just fun for them (because the characters deserve to have fun.)
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Not to say that the festival doesn't have ulterior motives. The event drew a lot of wishmakers, and so it drew a lot of faeries- who shed a lot of Faerie Dust due to the moon, ultimately causing the event to be a successful harvest method for TsuTec, who also gathered a census via the mask distro. The mains, fortunately, accidentally avoided this census, because Kagami invited them and gave them their masks personally.
Ultimately, there isn't a "set story" for what happens during the festival, it's sort of freeform for whatever stories I might want to tell with it/worldbuilding event- like the Plikki dance or the Mimic!Claude thing. (and also having fun designing outfits and masks!)
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mdizzle999872 · 6 days
Monika Vs Suction Cup Man
Monika hummed quietly to herself as she stacked her club activity forms for the school. The day had been long but surprisingly uneventful. A quiet day was actually very refreshing.
She was about to leave when an odd noise caught her attention. It sounded like it was coming from outside but that couldn't be right. The club room was on the third to fourth floor.
She almost let it be to just leave but curiosity got the better of her. She came to the window but whatever was making the noise she could only tell it wasn't coming from across the street.
Nope. It was definitely closer.
She opened the window and looking down she saw what was making the noise. Seeing wasn't quite the same as believing though because of how absurd it was.
A middle aged man was attempting to climb her high school.
"Excuse me!!" she called out impatiently but politely. "Exactly what do you think you're doing?!"
"Oh gee, I don't know; what does it look like I'm doing?!"
Monika bit her lower lip in frustration.
Was he some new added character? A dlc? Did he even have a character file?
Monika didn't have the answers to any of these questions but she did know one thing.
"Well stop it! You're bothering me!"
"I can't just stop, dumbass! I'm at least three stories up!"
Monika frowned. 'Well there's no reason to be that rude!' she thought.
"Okay, um... I'll go down a floor and then you can just walk out after I open a window."
"That's very polite of you but still fuck you!"
"I... What... Why would you... Just stop!! Or at least turn around!"
"Bitch, I can't stop! I gotta go up and climb the other way down!!"
"Because fuck you! That's why!"
Monika was starting to get angry now. This 'anomaly' didn't make any sense. She wasn't even sure what his purpose was let alone his....
"Hey!! What's your name?"
"Suction Cup Man!"
'He can't be serious.'
"No. You're REAL name!"
"Dadadada Suction Cup Man!"
"Really? Fine then. Well why are you climbing my school with suction cups?"
"Because I'm Suction Cup Man!"
"Why MY high school?!"
"Why NOT your high school?!"
"Okay!" Monika stomped her foot on the ground. "That does it!" She pointed with her finger and brought up her command prompt.
"Uh oh. Now I pissed her off."
The words "Find Character file: Suction Cup Man" appeared in the search engine. After a moment, text appeared reading "Character file not found."
"Ha. Bitch!"
"What?! But how is that possible?! How can you be here with no character file? How am I supposed to delete you now?!"
"You can't delete Suction Cup Man! I'm way too cool!"
"AAAAAGH!!!" Monika screamed as she grabbed her head in frustration.
"If I can't delete you then I'll just crush you!!"
"Crush me?"
Monika used the command prompt to enter in as many heavy New Items as she could think of.
Suction Cup Man was about to ask what she meant when a piano suddenly fell from the sky, heading right towards him.
"OH SHIT!!!" He leapt out of the way just barely dodging it. "Ha! Missed!"
Monika said nothing but her evil smirk told him everything he needed to know.
"Uh oh."
What followed next was numerous items falling from the heavens to try and hit him. These items included but were not limited to: a filing cabinet, an arm chair, an anvil, an ATM, a couch, a printer, a bench, a vending machine, a car, and just to make it complete... A kitchen sink.
Suction Cup Man moved faster than he ever had in his life as he desperately dodged the items plummetting at him.
With his back against the wall, still holding onto his suction cups, he fought to catch his breath as Monika stared at him with utter shock.
"How did you dodge all that?!"
"Fuck you! That's how!"
Monika screamed again but this time a new third party member came to investigate.
"Monika? Is that you? What're you still doing here?"
"Oh! Natsuki. I'm just dealing with a little intruder!"
"Intruder??? We're up on like the third floor! Who could possibly be..."
Natsuki poked her head out the window and saw Suction Cup Man.
"Top of the school to you, Pinky."
The story quickly told itself to Natsuki. "Just delete him. Get it over with. Like you did with my dad."
"I can't! He doesn't have a character file!"
"What?? Then how is he here then?"
"I don't know, Natsuki! But..."
"Wait!!" cried Suction Cup Man. "You're name is Natsuki? As in NUTsuki?"
Natsuki stared open jaw in shock at this man twisting her name in such a way. There was only one way to respond.
"Hey!! Fuck you!!"
"Fuck you too, Nutbar! You are now my new favorite!"
"... Kill him." Natsuki said in such a simple way, there was anger in her voice; she simply believed it was just the best way to deal with him.
"I just tried that."
"Yeah, she literally just tried that. You can't kill Suction Cup Man." ellaborated Suction Cup Man.
"He's agile as fuck. Drives me bonkers."
Natsuki looked between the two of them and then smirked a little.
"Well if you can't delete him then what about his equipment?"
"Pfft! Like what? My climbing grade suction cups?" scoffed Suction Cup Man.
"... DO IT, MONIKA!!!"
"NUTSUKI, NOOO!!! Why you gotta do me dirty like that?!"
"YES IT IS!!!"
While they were arguing, Monika had successfully entered into the command prompt "Delete Climbing Grade Suction Cups"
She smiled victoriously as almost immediately she heard him scream for his life. "That's what you get for messing with the president of the Literature Club, Bitch!"
"Oh. Look at that. He has a little parachute."
Sure enough. Monika spotted him floating peacefully to the ground in a parachute.
"Monika, is that you? Who is that with you?" asked a new voice.
This time Monika was joined by the remaining two members.
"It's just me, Nut-I MEAN NATsuki!"
Sayori and Yuri looked between the two of them with concern.
"Is everything okay?"
"Nothing that isn't a problem anymore, Yuri. He's off the building and that's all that matters. I can go home now."
Natsuki had her head poked out the window watching something.
"Uh Monika? He's reloading."
"What?! That's impossible!! I deleted all climbing grade suction cups!!"
"Climbing Grade? That sounds a little specific don't you think?" asked Sayori.
Monika stared out into space for a moment but the first sound of a suction cup coming off a window made her frantically type into the command prompt to delete every kind of suction cup she could think of.
Sadly it was too little too late. He made it back up to them but now he was covered in rubber cocks. The type that had suction cups on them.
The Literature Club stared at him in silent shocked horror before he yelled out his new identity.
"...Nope." declared Sayori as she clapped her hands. "I'm going home."
"What?! Sayori!!" pleaded Monika.
"Nope! I might have depression but even I gotta draw the line somewhere! I am NOT dealing with someone who calls themselves Penis Man! I am done. I will see you all tomorrow!"
Sayori left but Monika was still fuming.
"What are those things even called?! I'll delete them too!!"
"Hey! I wrote you a song!"
To everyone's surprise he had materialized a guitar out of thin air.
"Don't you da..."
"It goes a little something like this: Penis! Penis! Penis! Penis! Penis! Penis! Penis! Penis!"
"Stop saying 'penis'!!!" shouted Monika.
"FUCK!!!" Monika was completely red in the face. Her hands open but at the ready to grab/strangle. "I don't care what it takes, I'm going to get you off my high school!!"
"Um... I could make a stupid suggestion." offered Yuri.
Monika didn't move a muscle but her eyes darted to Yuri, giving her her full attention.
"Well it looks like he just wants to climb our school in it's entirety. Maybe if we just let him then he'll go away. Our school isn't that high so it probably wouldn't take that long."
"Yuri!! That is the most..."
"Wow! You got it in one, Purple Haired Brainiac! That is exactly what I came to do! Climb up one end and then down the other! You are quite the little lady who is not a bitch in any sense of the word!"
Monika's jaw dropped. She looked between Yuri and her intruder.
"Monika, you can't seriously be entertaining this."
"... Natsuki is right! I can't just have you climb all over my school with.... Those!"
"Well I wanted to climb it with suction cups but since you took those away..."
Natsuki placed a comforting hand on Monika's shoulder. "At this point, it's a choice. We could either have him climb our school with cups or with cocks."
"Grrrrrrrrr! FINE!!!" Monika typed into the command prompt to restore the suction cups. "But after this I never want to hear from you again!!"
"Sounds like deal to me, President Dummy!"
In an instant he was back to his old self like when he arrived.
"Hurray! I'm back to being Suction Cup Man!"
The other side of the school...
Monika had her arms crossed as she grumbled bitterly, an almost childlike pout on her face. "Can't believe I have to put up with with this... Rasin-Frasin suction cups... Grumble grumble... Call me a bitch..."
Natsuki and Yuri were also there but they were actually watching Suction Cup Man patiently.
He was making his way down now and landed with surprising grace. Natsuki and Yuri actually clapped but Monika just pouted more.
"That was actually kind of impressive." admitted Yuri.
"I might be willing to pay money to see him do something like this again on a grander scale. He's still a dick though." agreed Natsuki.
"Fair enough."
Suction Cup Man made his way over to the club, his arms spread eagle as if he had just formed a grand acrobatic feat.
"And there you have it, Ladies and President Dummy. My life's grand purpose!"
Yuri and Natsuki gave him honest praise but Monika just got more bitter.
"There! You did it! Are you HAPPY now?! Can you GO now?!" asked Monika angrily.
"Sure can President Dummy! Not without some goodbyes though!" Suction Cup Man grabbed Natsuki by the shoulders. "My dearest and most beloved Nutsuki."
"It's NATsuki!"
"I know what I said! You must promise me to never ever change your name! It is a gift unto this undeserving world!"
".... Sure! Whatever gets you out of here faster."
He turned to Yuri and shook her hand. "Yuri, you are a bright and elegant young woman who deserves everything the world has to offer."
"Thank... you?"
He moved on to Monika and tried to give her a hug but she used her leg and arm to keep him from touching her. "And President Dummy! You remind me a lot of my Business Dummy back home! Keep being angry, it's HYSTERICAL!"
"Just! Go!"
A clear portal opened up showing it was Suction Cup Man's time to go.
"Welp. There's my ride! I accomplished what I came here to do, climb the building in a video game!!"
"Video ga... Wait! Suction Cup Man, are you trying to say you're from the REAL world?!"
"...Well realer than yours Bow Brain. They had to program in my gear but it worked."
"Wait!! Do you think you could take me with you?!" asked Monika.
"I could... but no."
"Well why not?!"
"Because fuck you! That's why not!"
Without another word he hopped through the portal having it close after him.
Yuri and Natsuki left for home but Monika stayed where she stood. Processing everything that happened, how her worst nightmare could have been her liberation only for it to leave her by her own instance; how she could have escaped the game but was denied for no greater reason than screwing with her. Only one word came to mind to sum it all up.
The End
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