#because to me every aspect of a romantic partnership that I might desire is just something I can get out of a friendship
grapeskeeto · 6 months
big fan of aromantic kinitopet as an aro individual. now how do I reconcile that with selfshipping with him
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vivivox · 4 years
The Myth of „unromantic“ Overlays in Synastry
A lot of sources claim that there are the „relationship/ love Houses“ when it comes to Synastry Overlays (looking at where the planets of someone else’s Chart fall on your Chart, and vice versa) and then there are those that „only“ indicate friendship, a work relationship or daily business etc.
Classically those „romantic“ Houses are: the 5th (romance), the 7th (partnership) and the 8th (deep intimacy).
When you are very new to Astrology this can dishearten you and make you feel like you don’t stand a chance with a someone just because you don’t tick others „Love Overlay“ boxes.
1. There is no such thing as predetermination. Astrology includes Free Will and Astrology, too, is all about learning, growth of character and the evolution of the Soul. There is no right and wrong and there certainly isn’t „this is how it’s supposed to be, or how it’s not supposed to be“.
2. Astrology isn’t here to „tell you“ who you’re meant for or not meant for. If someone’s planets don’t fall into your 7th House (classical House of marriage) this by no means means that you aren’t compatible in marriage. It just means that maybe there are other factors in your connection that play a bigger role (someone in your 1st House could make you feel good about yourself and give you a sense of identity - who wouldn’t like that?). If you feel like someone is right for you, go for it!
3. In my eyes, while some Houses can be very blunt with showing romantic compatibility, ALL Houses can contribute to attraction and healthy romance and love. This depends on several factors including your personal Charts and your preferences when it comes to love among other things (Aquarius placements usually aren’t the attached at the hip marriage types so they might value someone they have a friendship with (11th House) over someone who gives them the „marriage“ vibes).
Also, just having someone’s planets in your 7th House doesn’t automatically mean you are perfect for each other.
4. Overlays are only one part of the equation. The biggest one, in my eyes and from an astrological point of view, are Aspects. The House Overlays are more background noise (from my experience) and as there are no „unromantic“ Houses they will just set the stage according to the act of the Aspects.
Also, someone might have their DC (7th House) in Cancer while their Sun sign is in Aries. This means they find Cancer placements romantically attractive but will likely clash with them due to their fire Sun. This can go both ways, of course.
Then, there are Combine Charts - but that is another story, and as I myself don’t really use them I will leave this to other people who are more knowledgeable about those kind of Charts :)
Anyways, in order to state my point I have created a small list.
This goes to show the energy of House x Planet (especially/ mostly Sun, Moon and Venus) in Synastry Overlays.
Usually and from experience, the House person will feel the „effect“ of the planet more while the planet person has a more passive/ reactive role. This means that i.e. if someone’s Sun for falls into your 7th House you will likely see them as a perfect match somehow and feel romantic attraction. They, may or may not feel the same, but are likely to at least notice this and maybe reciprocate just because you approach them in a more romantic manner than other people.
Another example would be that people with personal planets in your 4th House (family) feel very familiar to you and you trust them easily. You are likely to open up to them instantly and you feel at ease with them. In return, they are probably going to let their guard down, too, as they sense this, and behave in a pleasant manner with you.
However this also depends on the Houses from my experience, as well as the Chart natives (someone with the Sun in their 7th might be more prone to cater to other people’s perceptions of them, I.e. when they fall into someone’s 7th House they may be more likely to reciprocate the romantic advances)
Back to the list (I have tried to focus especially on the less classical Houses for romance).
☀️ „Boost of Confidence“
1. The planet person will likely make you feel understood, validated and good about yourself.
You might see them as the trophy wife or husband and you might „fangirl“ them.
You are likely to look good together and be the typical dream couple, especially in public.
The planet person here gets a a healthy dose of ego boost (especially with the Sun), too.
🍀 „ Safe and Secure“
2. Usually the planet person will provide in one way or the other for the House Person (financially, emotionally, taking care of them etc). Thus, they give the House person a sense of security, stability and nourishment. The planet person will usually increase the self worth of the House person.
Also, the House person might be very inclined to touch the planet person and this placement can be great for simply hanging around, cuddling and having a cozy time.
This can be great for people who like stability, security and dependability in relationships.
👥 „Same Wavelenght“
3. People with their planets in your 3rd House usually stimulate your curiosity, communication and also social life. They will be someone you love to talk to, share ideas and socialize within a group.
As communication is key this is wonderful to have in a relationship, especially for people with an active mind! Understanding and being understood is just invaluable.
You might have a brother/ sister dynamic - in a good way! Like you just get each other.
👶🏼 “Soul Family“
4. This is an amazing Overlay to have. People in your 4th feel like family to you; they make you feel secure, nurtured and understood. It’s like you’ve known them from before (childhood or a past life even) and they almost always make you feel at ease.
This is also great for having a family together, of course! And it’s said that the planet person likely reminds you of your upbringing, has a similar approach to themes of home, family and the private life, and/or had a similar upbringing or family background and roots.
✨ „Spark and Romance“
5. 5th House overlays are usually lighthearted, fun and playful. They are about attraction and romance but they usually have an air of innocence - like a puppy kind of love!
They get a really good rap because they are usually easygoing but with that spark! It’s usually very flirty and the House person will feel youthful and stimulated when with the planet person.
They usually adore the planet person and make them feel attractive and desirable ..
This is also said to be good to have children together. The planet person may make you wanna pro-create and raise kids together with them.
🍀 „Love Everyday“
6. People from your 6th House can help you so much getting your life together. Just being around them may make you want to sort out your life and they will usually help you with your daily business, work and health (even by just being around). This does get a bad rap but your daily life is actually your DAILY LIFE. Who wouldn’t want to have someone around who is wonderful for them on a daily basis? While 5th House sometimes screams holiday romance, this person is here for you in every situation and you are compatible to be with each other on a day to day basis and share your everyday life.
It’s true that other romantic indicators are needed here but if they’re there this can be an amazing overlay. The planet person usually loves taking care of the House person‘s needs and helping them with their life. They can be very motherly (especially with the Moon and Venus there) in a good way, and they get things done together which can be so helpful when you don’t naturally have that in your Chart.
Also, this is a great overlay for living together and spending time on a daily basis!
💍 „Marry Me“
7. This is the classic „partnership“ House which basically means you are very likely to see the other person as a great match. They likely posesss qualities you value and look for in a relationship and they give you the romantic feels right away. If the other person feels similarly this is a very romantic placement and you are likely to become a couple and/or even get married (which doesn’t mean marriage is only meant for the 7th, like stated above).
🌚 „How deep is your Love“
8. This House is all about intimacy, depth and the soul. It is not as visible as the 7th and /because it usually goes a lot deeper. Someone in your 8th will stimulate your subconscious, the parts of you you didn’t know existed. Usually the planet person makes you feel like they „know“ parts of you no one else does.
They are likely to get under your skin, make you feel like they see right through you and have the ability to transform you somehow. The connection is felt on a „soul level“ and the merging can be very deep and profound. It’s also the House of sexuality but in my eyes that is only an expression of intimacy that this House arouses.
🌅 „Broadening of Horizon“
9. The 9th House is great for having your horizon broadened, your views expanded and a new world to be opened up to you. A person there will likely have an exotic vibe to them, like they have the ability to show you things you didn’t know existed. They may make you feel optimistic and adventurous and it’s a great placement for traveling the world together as well as to talk about everything under the sky, especially world views, spiritual, philosophical and religious matters. They will light up your world!
🥇“Going Places“
10. People in your 10th usually have something going for them that you admire and that if you follow them can get you right where you’re meant to be in life. They can act as a sort of natural authority that you willingly follow and where you never regret doing so because you have an adequate amount of respect for them.
This overlay is amazing for following your life’s path, achieving things and it will usually always contribute to your growth and level of maturity.
It’s a beautiful placement and shouldn’t be limited to „someone helping you with your career“.
Your relationship could be in the public eye somehow, also.
👫 “Best Friends and Lovers“
11. Whoever said friendship isn’t love? Many times you will read that this is the classical „friend zone“ overlay placement but who said lovers shouldn’t be friends or friends shouldn’t be lovers?
It’s true that if there are not so many other romantic indicators between the Charts (Venus/Moon, Mars/Venus etc) you are more likely going to see them on a platonic level but that doesn’t necessarily exclude other instances.
Some people value friendship over everything and all they want in a relationship is a partner in crime who is their best buddy!
You are likely to share ideals and more often than not a similar social circle which can be so great because who doesn’t love having your lover in the same friends group!
🌊 „Soul Connection“
12. Having a prominent Neptune in my Chart I have never understood how some people could view this placement as unfortunate.
With the 12th House Overlay you have a spiritual, otherworldly and soul connection to the other person that includes a selfless kind of love and karmic / soul ties (which def aren’t bad!).
You can likely sense what the other person feels and can easily connect through dreams. This placement is ethereal. The planet person will usually shed light on the hidden parts of the House person and help them heal.
Thanks for reading and always love to hear your feedback, guys 😊☺️
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pk-majora · 3 years
exploring my natal chart like pt 13 i think. found another really great website for a free chart astro-charts.com
I was born during a waning crescent moon and a lot of planets were in retrograde when i was born.
"A Waning Crescent is a wise, aged moon that has already experienced every phase in the cycle. This causes people born under a Waning Crescent to possess special talents or knowledge. Having this unique perspective can lead to a life of success, imagination, and fulfillment."
SOURCES: https://www.yourmoonphase.com/blogs/your-moon-phase/what-the-moon-phase-on-your-birthday-says-about-you#:~:text=A%20Waning%20Crescent%20is%20a,success%2C%20imagination%2C%20and%20fulfillment.
"Retrograde Mercury: These people absorb thoughts and ideas through repetition and osmosis rather than careful, deliberate study. Constantly editing, reviewing, rethinking, replaying it in their mind. Own best teacher. Questions what others accept as gospel. More capable of dealing with abstractions and impressions than those with Mercury direct.
Retrograde Jupiter: These people are capable of taking advantage of opportunities that others ignore or pass by. They prefer to “take another crack” at things others have tried and failed. Their moral and ethical code, religion, and philosophy are their own. They seek answers from within rather than subscribing to the dogma of the outside world. They seek abundance in new, untried, and unproven areas.
Retrograde Saturn: These people may doubt their worthiness as human beings. May avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes and be fearful of taking chances. There is often subconscious fear of rejection and loss. Their limitations and burdens are self-imposed. This may be the most difficult retrograde.
Retrograde Uranus: Here is a natural-born rebel. Strong reformer instincts — for everybody else. These folks have a strong inner need and desire to persistently test their personal abilities against those of others. They must constantly prove themselves to themselves. In seeking greater freedom for themselves, they may limit the freedom of others.
Retrograde Neptune: These people may be confused inwardly as to whether they are “virtuous” or not. Persistently seek to help others, whether their help is wanted or not. They are more susceptible and more easily taken in by others."
SOURCES: https://www.mollysastrology.com/lessons/retrograde-planets/
Some other information about my chart:
"Most of the inner planets are located in the top hemisphere
Mars is on the Midheaven
Ascendant and Mc are in 9 aspects
Venus in Libra and Uranus in Aquarius are in the signs of their rulership.
The Square aspect occurs the most, a total of 11 times
Uranus and Neptune are rising
The bottom right quadrant is empty
The Fixed mode is dominant among the inner planets"
SOURCES: astro-charts.com (they give you all that info if it applies to you when you make your chart super cool website)
Based on my chart from cafeastrology.com I have:
6 masculine/4 feminine placements
3 cardinal/4 fixed/3 mutable mode placements
and my breakdown by element is 3 fire/3 earth/3 air/and 1 water sign lmfao which is my scorpio mars + midheaven lmfao.
Going to see if I can find out what that all means too lmfao.
Also found some really cool websites with info on chiron and lillith placements.
"Chiron is the wounded healer and shows our long-term wounds that often come from a past lifetime. Chiron in Libra is the particular wound of relationships.
We tend to overcompensate in Chiron areas by becoming a bit extreme. It’s natural to try and “fix” the wound, but often I find that we chase a solution to fix our Chiron, instead of uncovering the solution inside of us.
Unlike other planets, it’s hard to ignore your Chiron. It will hit you in the face, over and over, and can make your life pretty terrible, especially if you don’t know how to work with it. The Chiron in Libra wound is especially difficult because it’s all about relationships, something we deal with almost every day.
Chiron in Libra means that you feel like there is something missing from your life. Usually, this “something” is your soul mate.
The Chiron in Libra wound might feel like a hole inside you. You may spend time trying to fill it with things from the outside world. You might also feel as though the world is just a bit off-balance at all times.
With Chiron in Libra, you are hurt by loneliness, but you are also hurt by relationships. Whether you’re in a relationship or are alone, the wound is there. Chiron in Libra shows itself no matter how hard you try to hide it.
There can be a lot of anxiety and guilt surrounding the Chiron in Libra wound. These people typically feel inadequate socially as a child, regardless of whether or not this is apparent to others.
This Chiron in Libra wound can show itself in a variety of ways. Often, these people feel alone and incomplete without a relationship, but they never find the fulfillment that they’re looking for in any relationship, either.
The Chiron in Libra wound usually manifests as conflict in interpersonal relationships. It is really difficult for these folks to have relationships without triggering the wound. This can include conflicts in romantic relationships, as well as partnerships and friendships. If you have Chiron in Libra, be wary of self-neglect in relationships.
Most relationships for the Chiron in Libra person will be karmic. It is important for these folks to focus on relationships in order to heal the wound, but this spotlight must have the intention of learning and working on ways to approach relationships that are more authentic.
It’s not abnormal for the Chiron in Libra person to wear a mask in a relationship. It might be really hard for them to show their true self to their partner for fear of losing the relationship.
The terror of being alone makes it hard for a Chiron in Libra person to get out of a relationship, even if it becomes unhealthy. It’s not uncommon for these relationships to have some sort of abuse involved in them, mainly because the Chiron in Libra person is passive and malleable, so they’re really a prime target.
I find that those with Chiron in Libra tend to give far more than they receive. This is most likely due to their fear of being left alone. There are definitely “people-pleaser” tendencies with this placement; these are the classic conflict-avoidant individuals.
Alternatively, the Chiron in Libra individual can be so afraid of being alone that they refuse to engage in relationships at all. I don’t see this outcome as much, but it is certainly a possibility. These people are often able to give others relationship advice that they can’t follow themselves.
Typically, the Chiron in Libra person gets into relationships with those who show a mirror image of the qualities they can’t see in themselves. They might also give to their partners what they aren’t able to give to their inner selves.
A Chiron in Libra individual might live a double life. It’s easy for them to hide who they truly are inside if they feel that they must put on a face in order to stay in a relationship. Sometimes, these people will do this for years, even while living with a partner.
This really is the classic Romeo & Juliet placement. Chiron in Libra is all about sacrificing yourself for the partner. Often, individuals do this because they are desperately trying to heal the wound, but it doesn’t fix it.
I find that most Chiron in Libra placements are developed in a past life. Unlike other wounds, this wound is about karmic relationships, so Chiron in Libra people will usually meet the same souls over and over until the wound is healed.
Sometimes, these Chironic beliefs are cemented by parents or through other early life experience, but the original wound almost always comes from a relationship trauma in a past life.
The first step to healing Chiron in Libra is to recognize that the true soul mate is within. The Chiron in Libra person is constantly looking to fill that “soul mate” void with other people, but they will only feel truly complete by connecting with the inner self.
You will find with this placement that others reflect your own needs back to you. If you see qualities in others that you feel you lack, then it’s time to try and discover those qualities within yourself instead of outsourcing.
You will need to learn how to be authentic in a relationship, without hiding any part of yourself. You probably feel fear that you might be left alone if you do reveal your true self, but this is fear that you have to process and move through. It’s okay to be afraid. The lesson with Chiron in Libra is to do it anyways!
Unconditional love for the self is something that will be helpful for you to develop. You will learn, by doing this work, that separateness and aloneness were simply illusions. I find that energy work can be especially helpful, as well as meditation and inner work."
SOURCES: https://teaandrosemary.com/chiron-in-libra/
(Lillith in Virgo) "Rebellion against order; provocative humour.
Their sensuality is strongly suppressed by trying to appear calm; emotional conflicts often occur because it is very difficult for these people to feel relaxed. They want to suppress their instincts or they appear to be cold and perverted.
Beware of alcoholism and surgery of the intestines."
SOURCES: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/lilith-in-virgo-sign-astrology-meaning
I also have something called a yod that i dont quite understand yet lol. it looks like an isosceles triangle in my chart between my MC, North Node, and Saturn and it looks like its pointing at my saturn but idk what that means lol. the chart on astro-charts.com just let me know i have it lmfao.
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Hav u done predictive readings for who the boys will end up with & how their career will go etc?
a 2020 career prediction i’ll publish at the end of december! their future partner we’re doing now. i added some angel oracle cards today ♡ those describe the theme of their relationship.
Hallelujah! Oh yeah. That’s an ideal card, picture perfect. The Queen of Cups is quite possibly one of the best partner allegories to have because a) Cups rule smoothness of relationships and emotions and b) she’s a royal card which indicates a highly developed state of mind where things finally come to fruition unlike with the aces and pages. Jungkook will mean so, so much to his partner. That’s a twin flame or soulmate connection we’re talking here. A really beautiful and dignified person, a little touchy feely, but experienced with love. They can really depend on another. Maybe they’re from Busan like him or the shore generally, the sea plays an important role for the Queen of Cups. There are tiny little cherubs on the card, I’m thinking he’ll be treated like an angel. It’s a very healthy relationship that leaves nothing left to be desired. As for looks: It might be a blonde, taller person whose favorite color is blue. There are cliffs on the card that remind me of Cornwall’s coast. The English theme is pretty consistent in his readings lmao we’re dealing with an excellent speaker. And, because it’s a court card with quite abundant imagery, it’ll be a S/O of quite some status. I am sure the person will be known to us already, or at least a big deal within his or her family. It’s queen energy, so the mom friend is right on their way into JK’s heart. Another aspect is that his partner might be rather spiritually inclined — mind you, every person is spiritual, how aware you are makes the difference — or even psychic. Water signs ahead; Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.
— angel card: “Playfulness — To bring about romantic feelings, allow your youthfulness to shine with delight.”
Yet another powerful female archetype, this reading does not mince words.  And also a very wholesome outlook, it’s very similar to the Queen of Cups vibe, or Queen of Pentacles if we’re looking at other tarot suits. I was really happy when I saw this card come out. The Empress almost always signifies kids, the theme is fertility. Taehyung will live a very lavish life with this partner. The card has so much opulence and positivity on it. Nature, food, pillows, ample garments, jewelry, good weather, and harvest time. And, of course, the Empress is fairly curvy, so expect either Taehyung gaining weight in the future or his partner being chubby. It’ll be the good life, in a good place, with the right person. There���s a settled and satiated feeling there. Stagnation could be possible after a while because this card gets too cozy. However, loyalty and a ripe sexual life are like glue to the union so I don’t see Taehyung stress anytime soon there. The card gives me plenty of clues how his home will look like as well, it’s highly decorated and comfortable. Interestingly enough, we see a huge wheat field surrounding the Empress — hence the card symbolizes fertility — so I wonder whether Taehyung’s dream of getting involved in farming will play out. I mean… coincidence? The countryside will take on an important role in any case, maybe with photography as well. Tae marrying a farmer’s girl, who knows! Beautiful card, definitely. It’s a good prospect for him. The Empress is major arcana so, this state of happiness will last him for a giant while and it’s destined. The boy will shed a tear no more. 
— angel card: “Attraction — you receive love by enjoying the moment.”
It’s the fastest card of the tarot! The power of swords paired with a knight on his speedy horse is quite a combination. Yoongi’s future partner is not going to waste time to charge right into sweet honey boy’s life. We’re dealing with a hothead, athlete, extrovert. I don’t think Yoongi has to do as much as crook a single finger to get things going. In fact, he’s the one waiting it out. He’ll just lean back and poof there is his significant other bursting into his life. Though I gotta say, the Knight of Swords has a detriment and that is: He leaves as fast as he arrives, and you have to be sure of your boudaries. Major burnout dangers there. The relationship might be short compared to say Namjoon’s or Tae’s reading. It’s Yoongi’s part to make this last if that’s what he’s going for. It’s a sword card, there have to be efforts and mental clarity involved to solve the problem. Though, someone rushing towards their love interest with so much passion has a good reason why he or she does that. Yoongi could get snatched away by someone else, with so many people interested in him you really have to be determined. With the archetype being a knight I also know it’s going to be someone younger than him, there’s a certain rebellion to the card. It has military energy. Yoongi’s partner will be one outrageous and direct person. They are 100% unafraid to face off with Yoongi, they have better comebacks than the master of sharp remarks himself. When it comes to sex, Yoongi will probably forget his own damn name after that ride. This person is wild as hell. It’s not a fellow sleepyhead as we saw in the ideal type reading, but a S/O bringing him out of his dreamy world. There’s a strong encouragement for Yoongi to achieve a lot more when he enters that relationship, it’s a power up to be expected here.
— angel card: “Worth the Wait — Divine timing predicates your relationship.”
Nice! Wow. The tarot says Namjoon is blessed. This is the card of wealthy, happy old age. He’s headed right for it already. In all tarot suits, the 10 indicates fulfillment. E.g. the Ten of Cups shows relationship completion because cups stand for love, the Ten of Swords shows total defeat because swords symbolize conflict, the Ten of Wands signifies complete effort/exhaustion since wands represent impetus. So the Ten of Pentacles equals coming full circle in terms of material things as pentacles are responsible for all tangible value in life. He’ll be living blissfully with his S/O. Everything is cared for. We’re talking long-term relationship here. The card shows an old man settled in his favorite coat and spot. Namjoon has a kind of master plan to gently arrive in his 80s, 90s. It’s not a surprise, we know he looks ahead, the tarot is aware of it, too. And yes: He will finally be able to answer his question “Who the hell am I?”. Ten of Pentacles means: Identity found. I had to wipe away a tear for that one man. I think it has to do with the location. The setting of the card is like a polished type of town with castles. A bit Italian, Mediterranean. Not as modern as say Seoul, bigger cities. It could be him moving to a warm country where things are slow, antique, and indulgent. I once said Namjoon has a type of European mindset going on, if he moves there it with his loved one or his partner is European it wouldn’t be shocking. There are two dogs on the card so, Joon will have pets involved in the partnership. The 10 of Coins also shows a couple immersed in a chat. His S/O is primarily someone he can talk to about the world, it’s a very conversation-heavy union. Now, the old man on the card could also show that he finds another old soul— we’ve had that topic come up in the other readings as well, the tarot is sure he’ll meet someone on par. Earth sign energy here.
— angel card: “Love Without Fear — Open your heart to give and receive the highest of energies.”
Even more pentacles. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn is possible. His partner is a darn good team player, their friendship bond is strong. First thing that came to my mind, they’ll build a house together or get busy working around their home in some kind of way, that’s interestingly enough the central theme I get from the card. Distribution of chores and general tasks is a big thing, and they’ll be planning a gazillion industrious things from what I got through the imagery. There’s an abbot, architect/craftsman, and monk seen on that card working on a church wall embellishment. One gives directions, the other has drawn a sketch that illustrates what kind of decor the abbot wants to have on the church wall, and the third guy does the crafting, hammer and chisel in hand. It’s not a love-related card per see so it’s important to point that out. It could hint at some pretty huge artistic collaborations coming our way instead. If you combine that, it could happen in a way like… Hoseok gets with someone he collaborated/collaborates with sometime soon, or a little later. Yup. Chicken noodle soup with Becky G on the side! Their chemistry is amazing and she is so cute, it’s very much possible. Or, in a wider sense, it’s someone from an upcoming project. That’s interesting. It seems quite sure that Hoseok won’t retire after BTS even if he’s pretty damn rich already, he’ll stay in the industry and foster (=embellish) his career with a strategy behind it much like the abbot on the card. We’ll get to know his partnership(s) along the way, but the tarot says it’s not top priority. Pentacles are earth sign energy so Mercury, Saturn and Venus are what will dictate that union, it’s the overall pragmatic energy that’s taking center spot. Also, since the church is so prominent on the card, Hoseok is working towards marriage nine times out of ten. 
— angel card: “Fresh Love — A new person has stirred your romantic feelings.”
That one is… sigh. The odd one out in this post. How do I put it. It’s a series that just doesn’t break. Jimin constantly gets the messy cards and not so love-friendly swords when I do relationship readings on him. There is something going on and I kind of hate it already. But the tarot is being adamant so we have to decipher what’s going on and see the resolution, there’s more to it than just the cards doing him dirty. The Five of Swords pictures a battle aftermath with a mischievous winner and two defeated parties walking away sore. The winner picks up the weapons left behind to hoard then. So when it comes to his future S/O, we’re talking someone wants to play win-lose with Jimin’s insecurities and will get away with it because they’re strong, sly, and full of themselves. They don’t have his best interests in mind, especially when quarrels go down. Lack of harmony overshadows the relationship. There’s some major bullshit and that’s scary. The partner is like a leech, leaving only Jimin pissed, it’s not a lose-lose situation, things are wholly unequal. Picking on Jimin leaves their ego inflated and intensifies resentment. Working against each other over working with another is going on. Jimin has to walk away from that situation and mend his wounds, and never return. It’ll be a period of growth in his life ahead where he becomes aware just how giving too much and being defeated by that does him no good, as well as learning how to spot douchebags who don’t care about him. The Five of Swords is among the quintessential breakup card, it’ll be what defines his future relationship unless or until he has the grit to stop the fight and search for equity and affection instead of put-downs.
— angel card: “You Deserve Being Loved — You’re worthy of love.”
Pentacles, pentacles everywhere. I see that the hyungs have some financial themes going on, Jin’s card is emblematic of that. First let’s have a look what’s going on with the imagery. A wealthy man holds a scale on this card. He distributes coins to poor men kneeling before him. It’s an interesting symbol for a relationship, if not for another more important area of Jin’s life which could very well be philanthropy. He is the wealthy man on the card, sharing in just ways as the scale indicates. That could be providing for his partner a lot or simply doing charity together with them. I do have to say, and that is similar to Hoseok’s card, I don’t see too much of a romantic theme here which is surprising, but the tarot knows its ways. Some members might be doing partnerships much later in life or eschew them. With Jin here, I get a sense that business relations and deals will be an overarching theme in the near future. It could be the situation with his dad’s business in Germany the card is hinting at, and if marriage is involved, there’s a major exchange of valuable ideals and things involved between parties. A recurring theme is class difference though, the same popped up in the last reading. Jin’s status will be much, much higher but he can tip things into balance with a fairness mindset, Libra energy. A huge gap will be bridged. Last but not least, mea culpa: I think I’ve been missing the obvious interpretation there. The signs are everywhere in the cards for his readings, and oh my god: Jin is the member who’ll get together with a fan. 
— angel card: “Children — Kids will have an influence on your love life.”
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samslosthoe · 4 years
j2 compatibility chart expanded part 1.
okay friends. i had some severe burn out after the confusing charts and charts of some people that made me feel ick, so let’s do something super fun. let’s take a critical look at the j2 compatibility chart.
if you missed it, i did one already but was super general. all the charts and questions i’ve had from you guys had me digging deeper, doing more research, so let’s see what else i’ve got to say on this, shall we? 
a little background first:
compatibility charts don’t just compare the signs (like cancer and pisces), but the way the planets’ positions in both individual charts relate to each other. these are called “aspects” and they fall under a few categories, but to simplify it for y’all, we’ll break it down into positive, challenging, and negative aspects. if you guys wanna learn exact terminology and why, it’s really involved and i’m not really about to go into that on this blog at the moment, but i’m definitely willing to share resources.  (also i’m leaving out anything to do with rising/ascendants because hi, I NEED BIRTH TIMES)
we shall start again with the positives! (feel free to ignore the stuff in the [ ], it’s just me making a note of which aspects i’m talking about so i can refer back to them if anyone has questions)
[jared mercury conjunct jensen mars] - this one is really visible to us: these two work well together and inspire each other. this aspect tells us that these two were instantly on the same wavelength mentally from the moment they met. their lives are better in each other’s company, enjoying good conversation and energetic activities. these two teach each other and every challenge they face together, they get through and help each other grow from it. this is a perfect aspect for two lead actors on a show. jensen’s sense of determination inspires jared to be a better communicator, and jared is really likely to get strength from that. and jensen will always want jared’s big brain to weigh in on things. together, they’re a force to be reckoned with and will take on things they might not have alone.
[jared sun conjunct jensen mars] - an exciting combination. this shit right here is passion. in friendship, this one speaks to the two of them getting in trouble together, all those pranks, going on adventures. if there’s more to the relationship, this aspect speaks to sexual spark and it’s one that doesn’t dull over time. this is the aspect that makes these two feel like there is no one better to be by their side. any kind of relationship between these two is gonna change them for the better.
[jared mercury trine jensen venus] - another one that makes them the perfect pair to work together like they do, but this combination of personal planets is described as a “desireable one for an intimate union.” hoo boy. this one also says these two agree on money stuff. this aspect echoes the other two: these two are just really good for each other. jensen makes jared more confident and jensen appreciates jared’s HUGE...intellect. mhm. also, jared doesn’t criticize jensen, but encourages him. 
[jared mercury trine jensen uranus] - WOO ADVENTURE! this combo is heavily friendship weighted rather than romantic. this aspect is one of excitement. you can just see that spark of mischief in their eyes with this one. on top of that, they’re just really excited about what’s in the other’s mind. this one just gives me one of those fond smiles. i feel like we see this one strongly.
[jared venus conjuct jensen jupiter] - THIS ONE is weighted for love or a close personal bond. one of the sources i used to build these charts out says about this aspect, “the old hit song ‘you light up my life’ could be a good theme song for this relationship.” say it with me, y’all: AAWWWWW. this aspect follows the others, saying how these two make each other’s lives richer and more fulfilling, bringing the best out of each other. 
[ jared venus sextile jensen saturn] - so while some of the other aspects are like BOOM INSTANT ATTRACTION, this is the one you want for a long-lasting partnership. this is commitment, security, promises made and kept, stability, and, honestly, it this aspect brings about the feeling of fate. there’s a lot of respect here and they just. they’ve got it in the bag, folks.
(it’s at this point i realized we’re gonna need two parts again, friends)
[jared venus sextile jensen chiron] - this one goes for friendship or love, but together, these two have an important union. they heal each other’s deepest wounds through their love for each other. jared’s love is a balm for jensen and jensen teaches jared what a warm, loving relationship really is. jesus christ, these two.
(how many more positive aspects are there, boys? i’ve been at this for an hour.)
[jared mars trine jensen jupiter] - THESE POWERS COMBINED GIVE US CAPTAIN PLANET. no, but putting the talents of these two together makes for an incredible combo. (hi, we know that.) they’re an unstoppable force together, and this brings them both a real love for life. they just love working AND playing together.
[jared mars sextile jensen saturn]- (seriously how many more positives are there?) oh boy, these two are committed to each other. another destiny aspect. jared is an enthusiastic puppy that pulls jensen forward and jensen is more cautious and pulls on the leash when he needs to. 
okay but seriously i think you guys get the point. there are 13 more POSITIVE aspects between these two that wind up repeating themselves. if you want me to be specific like this again, i will. but your resident robot aquarius can’t take much more mush. 
consider that there are only 9 challenging and hard aspects COMBINED when i did 9 positives in here and i have 13 more. 9 CHALLENGES AND 24 POSITIVES. DO YOU GET WHAT I’VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY NOW?
ahem. anyway. send me your thoughts. i love the conversations we’ve been having. fandom astrologer out!
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townpea04 · 4 years
60+ Tarot Analysis Suggestions
On this event, they offer 3 minutes free of cost, despite the picked solution. Simply put, you can pick a tarot card reading for love, a psychic chat, and even a fortune-telling session if thats what you desire. Although they ask for your charge card details, they just bill you after your session finishes. One of the most important tarot pattern utilized in these two nations was the Tarot of Marseilles of Milanese beginning. The oldest enduring tarot cards are the 15 approximately Visconti-Sforza tarot card decks repainted in the mid-15th century for the rulers of the Duchy of Milan. He described a 60-card deck with 16 cards having photos of the Roman gods as well as fits depicting four sort of birds. Various other very early decks that also showcased classic concepts consist of the Sola-Busca and Boiardo-Viti decks of the 1490s. Next to the usage of tarot card cards to divine for others by expert cartomancers, tarot is likewise used commonly as a gadget for looking for individual advice and also spiritual growth. You can think of a tarot card reading as a method to inform your life story, consisting of the parts that haven't happened yet. The reading won't be quite as specific as your favored publication, yet it will certainly be all about you. You're the story's main personality, though the tarot tale probably includes details about the people and also circumstances around you. This company has stayed in business because 1989, providing extremely precise psychic analyses by conversation, phone, and live video clip. They enable you to choose based on understanding the context. To further understand just how tarot cards job and how they can help clarify your love life, you shouldnt ask closed-ended inquiries. Also a easy free love tarot card analysis can offer you really useful information. You can get to a greater understanding when it comes to elements that affect your past, existing, as well as future partnerships. Read on to learn just how psychic support can work in your favor. Every deck has its very own subtleties, and every reader has their very own analyses. I was hence determined asked him to select a card for me after my meeting-- something I might focus on or learn from. He 'd supposedly been doing cost-free tarot card readings at a French café for many years; as lately as 2017, a Facebook customer posted that he still appeared on Wednesdays, as did a TripAdvisor customer. At its the majority of basic, tarot tells tales about the cycles of our lives. Mixing the deck, choosing cards and also laying them out in order discloses what different tests as well as adversities we might encounter during any type of provided trip. Nonetheless, the cards in the significant arcana don't always represent us in a offered analysis; they could represent someone else in our lives, or signify even more general concerns. Tarot is a intricate language, as well as every analysis is different; in a similar way, every reader and also the technique they use to interpret the method the cards connect is various. This is one of the a lot more diverse sites totally free tarot card readings online. You do not need to use them for each reading, yet it's a good way to start while you learn about the cards. One of the easiest analyses you can use to familiarize yourself with the cards is the past, existing, future spread. Take the leading card from your shuffled deck, and expose them one at a time, left to right. While you shuffle, assume carefully concerning the location of your life in which you 'd like more quality for. Practitioners usually believe tarot card cards can assist the specific explore one's spiritual path. Specialist fortuneteller contend times been implicated of charlatanism. Mystical use the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot card was also promoted in the jobs of Eden Gray, whose 3 publications on the tarot card made considerable use of the deck. With https://tarot-masters.com using an e-mail address, you will not get the benefit of hearing the person's voice or seeing their face, however you do get to take your time with the discussion in such a way that's unrushed. With e-mail, you do not have to await the psychic to be on-line and readily available to speak with you. Instead, send an email inquiry whenever the state of mind strikes, and also your consultant will certainly create back to your email address as soon as they can. With complimentary analyses, you'll usually have to part with your credit card information as well as an e-mail address to access the solutions.
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We'll additionally give you a couple of suggestions on what to expect during your initial tarot card analysis, as well as discuss just how tarot card analyses function. A three-card spread has the visitor draw three cards from the deck after it's been shuffled and also halved by the querent. Generally, the very first called pulled represents the past, the 2nd stands for the present, and the 3rd represents the future. How those timelines are analyzed relies on the analysis as well as the concern being asked-- "future" might suggest tomorrow or it could suggest one decade from now. One of the most prominent and also widely known deck is the Rider-Waite, drawn by illustrator Pamela Colman Smith as well as released in 1910. These cards are understood for their easy images, their basic color design, as well as their meaning. Furthermore, the Minor Arcana also includes 40 phoned number cards which are arranged right into 4 Matches of 10 cards each. These stand for the different circumstances that we come across in our day-to-days live. Oranum is your go-to option if you like online tarot card reading services using video conversation as opposed to messages or call. Although there are a a great deal of love psychics available online, it is important to choose a service that is genuine, reliable, and customer-friendly in nature. With numerous selections offered at the click of a mouse, choosing a real tarot analysis location is always hard. Shuffling and managing the cards is a wonderful way to physically connect with the deck that you're using. As intuition is an crucial aspect of a reading, you'll require to bring yourself into the cards. Attempt to shuffle at the very least as soon as, but however often times you really feel is required to get the cards " gotten rid of". I'm sure if you're right here, you're currently filled with concerns. The majority of people become interested regarding tarot card when they are faced with wonderful uncertainty in their lives. And also when the cards are made use of correctly, they verify to be a formidable device to help you think about other viewpoints and also move forward in the best method possible. I've been making use of Psychic Source for many years and also they have actually constantly been very friendly, thoughtful, as well as accurate. Due to the fact that the earliest tarot cards were hand-painted, the variety of the decks created is believed to have actually been small. It was just after the innovation of the printing machine that mass production of cards became possible. The expansion of tarot card beyond Italy, initially to France and also Switzerland, took place during the Italian Wars. Below at Golden Thread Tarot card, we acknowledge that tarot is not about exposing a fixed future, however instead about discovering your subconscious self. He pulled a deck from his breast pocket-- apparently, he carries the significant arcana from the Marseille deck with him anywhere-- and selected The Lovers card. Every person normally gets delighted when The Lovers turns up in a reading, because most of us presume that it means advantages for our love life; but it doesn't always show romantic love in any way. While they are an online analysis service and also can chat, they primarily do tarot readings by phone. While that goes over by itself, what really sticks out about this network is the experience of the tarot card masters you discover there. They provide insightful analyses that utilize the tarot card as a tool to divine details concerning a person's circumstances. They have actually developed tarot checking out to the point of it being an art kind and also I've always found out more about myself as well as just how to browse my present life scenario from spending time on the site. Kasamba has actually been supplying tarot readings on the internet for two decades now. There are many different tarot card decks offered, as well as each deck and also visitor are unique. The reader will certainly set the cards out in different patterns using varying numbers of cards. Therefore, if you do choose a specialist love psychic reading, youll be able to come close to the following events in your life with more courage. You can figure out every detail you require to know about your existing as well as future lovemaking. Likewise, youll find out to make the right options as well as trust fund the right people. What you genuinely require in order to utilize the power of a tarot analysis to the maximum, is a highly user-friendly and also educated overview. The analysis provided by a real psychic is the outcome of experiences given from generation to generation. According to many psychic resources on free love tarot card details, you must ask flexible inquiries. This is since tarot cards can help you clear up the subject, not tell you what to do. Many people advise the Rider-Waite deck for novices, as the cards' meanings are so frequently user-friendly-- and when they're not, lots of analysis overviews exist in books and also online. Many decks, consisting of the Rider-Waite, come with a little sheet of paper specifying each of the card's most typical analyses. Though tarot cards have taken on a mystical definition in the cultural imagination, they were initially planned as even more of a parlor game. The cards have been utilized given that a minimum of the mid-15th century; the earliest tape-recorded decks came from different parts of Italy. I think I can help you comprehend the hidden significance of points. Our complimentary tarot card readings need to allow you to recognize your future better and also recognize what awaits you. Tarot card analyses are a powerful type of divination that make use of an ancient deck of cards to aid you locate answers to your most important questions regarding love, partnerships, your career, financial resources and more. Psychics and also foreteller have used Tarot card cards for centuries, and also Relied on Tarot will certainly provide you an exact reading that's individualized based the cards you pick as well as the order you choose them. Every card has a various definition depending upon its setting, so you will certainly get a special and also detailed point of view on your current situation. To plan for your analysis, I recommend that you listen to this grounding excercise - after that scroll down and pick your cards. The tarot card deck includes 78 cards, each of which is related to its very own particular imagery, significance, as well as story. Out of the 78 cards, there are 22 significant Arcana cards that stand for the karmic as well as spiritual lessons of a person's life. The 56 Minor Arcana cards symbolize the adversities and tests that we, as human beings, face in our day-to-days live. Amongst the Minor Arcana cards, there are 16 Tarot Card Court Cards which stand for 16 various personality traits that we share at different times.
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
It's funny when I see people say stuff like ''Murphamy have more chances of becoming canon than BC'' or''Bellamy see Clarke as a sister'' or even ''They're just friends!''.Ok first 1/ yes they are best friends and I think it's GREAT ! I love those besties and their friendship ALONE outsells every other canon ship on the show and 2/ we really had a scene where Clarke was dancing with another man and Bell WAS WATCHING !! Um hello ??? Folks please listen to ''Dancing with a stranger'' by Sam Smith!
Murphamy? How do they even figure that one, when Murphy got on his knees and proposed eternity to Emori. That is an erasure of a canon romance to prioritize a highly unlikely one all to discredit the central ship of the entire series, Bellarke. For no canonical reason. Just because they don’t like Bellarke or want their theory of “bellarke isn’t romantic” to be upheld, despite the opposing canon evidence.
That’s what I’m talking about when people twist canon. They equate boning with a love story and see Bellamy and Murphy sharing affection and physicality and intimacy and equate that with Murphamy as romantic. Now I am not saying there wasn’t something between Bellamy and Murphy on the ring in six years. There might have been. I’m not saying their relationship has always been completely platonic, but like Bellamy’s relationship with RAVEN, having once had sex with her does not make B/raven a romantic couple. Their relationship is now platonic, familial in nature. As is Murphamy. 
Bellamy sees Clarke as a sister? No. We have who he sees as a sister. His sister. And his relationship with Clarke is different. We have his relationship with Raven, which is platonic, and also sibling like. The same with Emori and Harper. He doesn’t treat Clarke like he treats them. We have his relationship with Echo, which is romantic, but not particularly intimate, since neither of them have really shared their true feelings and true identities with each other, and Bellamy treats Clarke closest to the way he treats Echo, except he is MORE focused on Clarke, MORE honest with her, MORE supportive of her emotional needs, MORE devoted to her. If we’re comparing his relationship to the other women on the show, then no, he doesn’t treat her like a sibling (Octavia, Raven, Emori, Harper,) but like a romantic partner (Echo.)
People used to ask me if I thought Bellarke was queer platonic, and so I read up on queer platonic, which is a non sexual, non romantic, devoted and intense relationship between people. Romantic almost, but without the romance. And while I think that is a notable and beautiful relationship dynamic, I don’t believe they have it, because they have romantic and sexual feelings for each other. They are jealous. This is not queer platonic, or just friends. For a queer platonic relationship or platonic partnership of friends, I’d rather look to Sherlock and Joan Watson. THAT’S an intense, just friends, life partner kind of relationship. And beautiful in its own right but not what we see between Clarke and Bellamy.
Clarke is jealous of B/E. This is canon. We saw it with TWO B/E kissing scenes that she observed and in the second one, she set aside her feelings, which didn’t go away. And Bellamy is jealous of Clarke and her hook up. Which we saw with an extended scene where he watched them dancing, looked bitter and sad, and then picked a fight with his canon girlfriend because she wasn’t as open as she should be, (watching Clarke dance and the previous scene where Clarke opens up about her feelings with him means that this is a direct connection to who IS open and human. CLARKE.) Romantic jealousy means romantic feelings. 
Bellarke has been compared, MULTIPLE TIMES too b/e, in canon, in dialogue, in action, in cinematography. This is canon. The show itself is saying b/e and bellarke are similar. Bellarke is not, however, compared to the blake sibling relationship, rather, it is used to SUPPORT the blake relationship and give Bellamy the ability to reconnect with his sister despite their differences. Yes, there is a familial component to that aspect of Bellarke, but it’s not sibling-familial. It’s WIFE-familial. Clarke is on Bellamy’s side, definitely, but she knows Bellamy needs his sister, so she works to help him fix that relationship. To compare/contrast in canon, Echo also knows this and attempts to do the same but can’t, and just makes him mad because they do NOT share the husband/wife dynamic and it makes him feel like she doesn’t understand him. Which, maybe she doesn’t. He certainly doesn’t understand her, not even who she is. 
Now i haven’t heard the song you mentioned, but to ignore the canon romance of Bellarke seems to me to be making a rather poor interpretation that does NOT pay attention to canon.
You can’t have a good interpretation unless you PAY ATTENTION TO CANON. Your desires or fears are NOT what’s on screen. Only canon. This doesn’t mean your fears and desires don’t matter, they just aren’t how we interpret canon/facts. They are a RESPONSE to canon. To understand canon you actually have to be able to separate yourself and your feelings from the content you are feeling. That is how you get perspective. 
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queermediastudies · 5 years
  Queer Movie Review
Seeing gay groups through Stranger by the Lake.
        Stranger by the Lake (2013) is a French queer plot movie written and directed by Alain Guiraudie. The film premiered in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2013 Cannes Film Festiva. The film contains elements of eroticism, suspense, horror, plot, etc, which telling the protagonists’ love and sin on the lakeside. There is no soundtrack in the whole movie, only three venues, four main characters, showing a shocking story in a concise way. 
          A lake surrounded by a jungle in southern France is a sexual paradise for gay men. Every day, gay men come to the lakeside beach to sunbathe, swim, and find sexual partners. They often lie naked by the lake, talk to people around them and flirt, once they find the object of their choice, they will go to the lakeside jungle to make love.      
          Franck is one of them, here he met the intimate friend Henri, and the idealized lover Michel. At first he only talks to Henri, but deeply attracted by a handsome guy Michel who already has a sexual partner. One evening, men by the lake are basically gone, and he is also preparing to leave, but unexpectedly witnesses in the jungle the whole process of how Michel sinking and killing his sexual partner in the lake. With a restless mood, he comes here again the next day, and shows love to each other with Michel who returned to the single again. They admire each other’s bodies and makes love without restraint. Three days later, the corpse is salvaged from the lake, and a police detective intervenes in the investigation. In order to cover Michel, Frank concealed the truth in the interrogation of the police detective again and again. 
         Frank is struggling during the investigation, he loves Michel while is afraid of waiting for him to be murdered by Michel too. At the same time, Michel gradually realizes that Frank might know that he is the murderer. They suspects each other, but they do not separate and still have sex together by the lake. Until one evening, Frank is swimming in the lake, Henri comes to chat with Michel, suggesting that he knew Michel is the murderer. 
         When sawing the deserted lakeside beach, Frank hurried ashore, but seeing Michel cut Henri's throat in the jungle. He panics and fled, then meeting the police detective killing by Michel. The night fell, darkness and horror shrouds the jungle, and Michel, whose hands were covered with blood, calls Frank and promises not to hurt him. In the dark, Frank once again choses to believe the dangerous lover, uses shivering voice calling Michel’s name. Then, the film stops in the dark back of Frank…
          For me, Stranger by the Lake is an excellent movie work. I like its succinct narrative technique and ups and downs of the plot, and less is more aesthetic style. 
As a heterosexual, I find resonance in this film that depicts same-sex relationships. I think it reflects the fear that may exist in my intimate relationship. At the same time, as a queer-themed film, it also provides me with an internal perspective to observe same-sex relationships. Next, I will analyze this film from the following aspects: 
         1. Sex and love in the same-sex community.
         2. The marginality and isolation of homosexual culture.
         3. The risk and security awareness of homosexual love.
        4. The confrontation between desire and fear in same-sex  
        5. Gay self-awareness and struggle for identity.
        I will interpret the same-sex relationship and homosexual culture in the film from a heterosexual perspective. While reading the film, I can understand the gay community more deeply and understand myself better.
*1. Sex and love in the same-sex community.
         After watching this movie, the first question that arises in my mind is whether there is real love in this lakeside community, or only the physical attraction.
According to the triangular theory of love, developed by Robert Sternberg, a member of the Psychology Department at Yale University, "the three components of love, according to the triangular theory, are an intimacy component, a passion component, and a decision/commitment component.” If there is love in this community, most of the love belongs to these two kinds: infatuated love (only passion) and romantic love (only passion and intimacy, no commitment). 
            In the film, almost men come here just to find sexual partners to solve their physiological desires. As long as they are satisfied with each other's appearance and body, they can make love together and enjoy the sex. They sorely seek sexual pleasure, and in some shots, there are even scenes where many people make love together. Most of the time, they are making love as strangers, regardless of their name, occupation, age and background. It is unnecessary for them to know these information, which reflects that they have no long-term expectations and commitment to such sexual relationships. It can be described as infatuated love (only passion).
          In some cases, a pair of sexual partners who are highly satisfied with each other will form a more stable relationship, and only have sex with a “him”. However this partnership is still loose because they lack social connections beyond the lakeside community and they will continue to look for a better sexual partner. Their relationship is relatively intimate but not binding. It is a kind of romantic love (only passion and intimacy, no commitment). In my understanding, the love between Frank and Michel is the romantic love.
         All in all, the lakeside gay community described in Stranger by the Lake is a more deformed community without Consummate love (passion, intimacy, and commitment).
*2. The marginality and isolation of the homosexual culture.
          The lakeside community in the film is an isolated gay sex paradise. First, the location of this lakeside community is very remote and concealed. The calm lake and the lakeside beach are surrounded by thick jungles, and only gay men gather here.They are often naked here and even expose sexual organs, and do not evade others when making love. Second, Michelle’s lover was discovered till three days after his death, which also proved that the place was inaccessible. Third, There are only three venues in the entire film, lakeside, jungle and parking lot. This also implies the isolation of this community.
           This environmental setting highlights the isolation of this gay community and their internal culture. This is an epitome of LGBTQ group in the mainstream culture in contemporary society. In reality, the LGBTQ community also faces the dilemma of being marginalized and isolated. On the one hand, they are excluded by mainstream culture. On the other hand, heterosexuals are less interested in truly understanding and accepting their culture.The location of the lakeside community away from the ordinary community is just like the position of the LGBTQ group culture in the mainstream culture.
*3. The risk and security awareness of homosexual love.
           In the jungle where gay men make love, condom packaging, used condoms, and paper towels with semen are everywhere. Most people even have no security awareness of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/ AIDS when making love with strangers. The protagonist Frank is a good example. When Frank and his first sexual partner are lingering and preparing for his oral sex, the sexual partner stops him, saying that his condom has run out and asks Frank if he had a condom. Frank looks surprising and says he trusts him and never Using a condom. Throughout the film, Frank has direct or indirect sexual relationships with three different guys without any protective measures.
       Disorganized and mess sexual environment, lacking of sexually transmitted infection awareness, unprotected sexual behavior, frequent replacement of sexual partners, all of these factors put the gays in the lakeside community at high risk. 
In reality, homosexual groups do have such problems, which also leads to more solid social prejudice: promiscuity makes AIDS very common among homosexuals, who are at high risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
*4.The confrontation between desire and fear in same-sex relationships.
         In the film, Frank, who has witnessed Michel killing his former lover, known Michelle is a dangerous criminal from the beginning, but driven by lust, he is still unable to extricate himself from Michel’s love. Even lying to the police detective to cover Michel’s crimes. However, he basically does not understand Michel, his love is based on the shape of Michel's sculpture. Between strong desires and fears, Frank succumbs to his desires again and again. Finally, even after knowing that Michel killed three people, he still chose to believe the cold blood killer.
          The choice of Frank in the movie also maps the LGBTQ group in an implicit way. Many homosexuals have to face multiple pressures from family and society if they want to come out, and they have difficulty finding a suitable and stable sexual partner. Their sexual behavior is full of high risks and their love is difficult to be accepted by society. But there are still brave people who choose their desires between fear and desire, would rather be threatened to choose love.
*5. Gay self-awareness and struggle for identity.
               In the film, most characters have a low sense of their own homosexual identity. Frank's friend Henri is a man who has married a woman and have sexual experience with men. He is not completely accepting his sexual orientation and is confused. When he has heard  that Frank had only sex with men, was not married, and admitted that himself was gay, Henri is surprised to say that the gay men all he know were married to women. For Michel, as Frank's lover, he repeatedly told Frank that he didn't want to meet outside the lakeside community. In addition, he hopes to hide the fact that he is here to make love with guys.
             In today's society, in the face of public opinion and pressure, most LGBTQ members will make choices like Henri and Michel, find a heterosexual marriage, and conceal their gay identity.
               All in all, Stranger by the Lake (2013) is a is a succinct and profound film that shows the complexities within the gay culture through a description of a particular gay community and a dangerous same-sex relationship.
"2013 Official Selection". Cannes Film Festival. 6 May 2013. Retrieved 30 Oct. 2019.
Sternberg, Robert J. (2007). "Triangulating Love". In Oord, T. J. (ed.). The Altruism Reader: Selections from Writings on Love, Religion, and Science. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Foundation. p. 332. ISBN 9781599471273.
StoryCorps (2019). “Lessons in Love.” [podcast; listen to whole episode ~13min].
Treichler (1999) AIDS, Homophobia, and Biomedical Discourse.
Bernshoff & Griffin (2004) Queer Cinema.
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sleepingsagittarius · 6 years
Guide to Venus in Retrograde 💔❤️Part 2
The 5th House 💝
I look with child-like wonder at my life creating refreshing insights and experiences.
The 5th house rules children, creative projects, hobbies, sports/recreation, gambling, pleasure, fun, romance/true love. When Venus dips back into this house, a very common occurrence is something involving children, conception, pregnancy comes back into focus.  Sometimes a child needs attention, or new information is needed to have a successful pregnancy. Creative projects that fell into the back drop or ideas from the past resurface.  Often the creative projects relate also to a way that money was made in the past or could be made in the future but sometimes they are projects that are “just for arts sake” without a concern for income. Sometimes a love relationship “cools off” in the retrograde.  
People will often come to the conclusion that “things aren’t working”.  If it is a relationship of substance and value, it is best to avoid big decisions if possible until the energies are more clear/you are seeing things more clearly.  If things come up, it is a GREAT time to try to work them out. Romance from the past often comes back during Venus in retrograde in general but especially when the retrograde occurs in the 5th house, as it rules romance, also called the house of True Love. Indulgence in anything in the past that was not positively serving could have repercussions surface during the retrograde.  For instance, if there was a gambling debt forgotten about, payment could come due.  Or if money was borrowed for the 5th house agenda of “having fun” then this could transit could create a reality check.  I have seen situations where people using “substances” have had backlash from those choice, especially showing up during the retrograde, or temptation or “tests” coming up to have a chance to make a different decision. The chance to clear up addictions could come at this time. Ways of having fun from the past could come up for healthy interactions, too.  
Fun is such an important part of life, especially when well-balanced with responsibility, so Venus dancing backwards in this area of the chart can bring a refreshening of the fun factor. Also, for people already in their desired romantic relationship, the retrograde could bring magic, fun, and spark into the romantic relationship. More fun and magic could also come for interactions with children (either the ones by birth, adoption, other caregiving, or someone working in fields with kids not related to them). Inspiration from how to live more with the fresh eyes of a child could come at this time. Retrogrades test “weak links” so if there are aspects of relationships with children or romantic partner that need to be addressed and strengthened, they are very likely to come up to support the goal of better relationships. 
Similar to the Venus retro in the 1st house, things involving wardrobe, fashion, beauty may come up now.  It is a great time to go “retro” rather than cutting edge innovative focus.  Going back to things that worked in the past in this area of life can bring much satisfaction.  Also finding second-hand things is a great idea.  Where I used to live, my friends and I would have “Clothing Swap” parties where everyone brought their clothes and wardrobe items they didn’t like, that didn’t fit, or in other ways didn’t resonate with anymore and emptied the bags of garments in a pile in the middle of the floor and everyone would just have at everything!  We would have a pot-luck style meal set up and chat, eat, play, sing, dance, and find new perfect clothing without having to spend money. This type of event is PERFECT for the Venus retograde energies.  After you do these long enough, you may find clothing you gave away come back to just when you want it :)
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 5th house:
What lessons from past/present romantic relationships are showing up for me to work with?
How can I have more fun in my life?
How has having fun in the past negatively affected me now and how can I rectify this and shift future trajectory?
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The 6th House 🌶
I easily create and maintain an effective and fulfilling routine
The 6th house rules pets, health, medicine/medical diagnostics, procedures, treatments, daily work environment, self-employment, how one does their work/gets things done, routine, diet, supplements, exercise, etc. Venus going backwards in this area of life can bring questions about the workplace or self-employment methods.  Great opportunities will often come during this time from the past somehow, like past connections, ideas, or efforts.  It may be easier to find business and solutions when getting back to basics and tried-and-true principles than new development or ideas. 
Things involving a situation with a pet may surface from the past.  For people who are in businesses involving animals, or who want to, this could bring up financial opportunities that relate to making money this way.  It is not advisable to launch a new business that involves financial or other major investment, or one with the intention of being long term, at this time. Short-term ventures can be fine to implement during the retrograde, as long as a lot of money or resources or risk is involved. Money owed to you from past work could come in at this time.  Bonuses from work for past performance could also show up. Recognition, raises, or clients from past work could show up but when it comes to asking for a raise, you may have more luck when Venus is in its full power.  Feel into your specific situation and assess if this general recommendation is true for your case. Issues or dissatisfaction with how you make money, income level, workplace dynamics are very likely to come up or escalate if this has been a theme that was already present or swept under the rug of daily consciousness. It is not generally advisable to quit a job under this transit because your emotions could get the better of you and may not factor in long-term consequences.  It is definitely a great time to start researching your escape plan/plan B.  
Again, ideas and connections from the past could prove helpful in your investigation of a better situation. Sometimes love from the past that was related to work could resurface at this time.  Also, sometimes the return of a love interest could come from something else you do every day - grocery store, run, yoga, neighbor, etc. Nagging health symptoms could get stronger during this transit or an event with someone close to you could spark some motivation to get them checked out.  Learning about the options you are already paying for you with current insurance or work-related benefits may bring some surprises.  There are often more things on a health plan than people utilize. Do your homework.
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 6th house:
Do I love my job?  if not what can I do to have a better work experience in the future?  What are some ideas for “plan B”?
How can I leverage past accomplishments and connections to boost my current business/income/improve my work life?
Do I have nagging health symptoms that are begging for attention?  How can use resources available to me to investigate these?
Do I need a new health, exercise, diet regimen?  What support options are there for me?
Does my pet need some attention?
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The 7th House 💍
I choose to sharpen my listening skills (as it relates to self and others)
Venus rules the 7th house so like the transit through the 2nd house this placement can carry more oomph.
Questioning/addressing issues in/restoring magic of relationships is one of the number one ways energy manifest during this transit.  Another is opportunities coming from personal and business relationships from the past.
Doubt will be cast on many relationships during this time and also there is a great chance for wonderful things to be restored from past experiences or people.
As people come in from the past, it is ok to “dance” with the potentials but it is better to do so in a way that is “trying things on” rather than a long-term commitment if possible, leaving intact a return to the “pre-dance” situation.
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 7th house:
In what ways do I perceive my current relationship (of any kind) as helping me on my highest path? serving to hinder me on my highest path?
Are my perceptions correct or am I projecting my internal issues on the person/relationship?
How can I shift out of my negative patterns in relationship?
How can I create win-win relationships?
How can I be better heard in relationship?  better hear others I am in relationship with?
What patterns are present in this relationship that have been with me ever since I can remember?  Am I willing to see that I am the common denominator in all of my relationships so that blaming the other won’t get me very far in correcting the pattern?
What contacts from my past might be helpful to my visions?
What people from my past am I feeling drawn to reconnect with?
What do I really want?  What do I need to do to be able to communicate my needs and desires?
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The 8th House 🕷
I attract amplified synergistic connections
The 8th house rules “other people’s money” so when Venus is retrograde in this house or sign money or resources such as inheritances, family money/resources, marriage or partnership money/resources, lotto/sweepstakes/other winnings, venture capital funding, loans or financial gifts of any kinds, credit cards, stocks, and anything like all these are more likely to come up as a hot topic.
It is a great time to look for money/financing from connections in the past. It is also a great time to consolidate, manage, or pay off debt.
Past romantic interests are very likely to return, as are issues in marriage or intimacy.  Deep intimacy work could be done at this time.
Making money from or a return to a fanatical interest in Scorpio-related things that are tied to ones past experience or interest such as psychology, mystery, research, esoteric topics, astrology, ancient wisdom/tools all have an increased chance in showing up.
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 8th house:
How can I add more substance to my life?
How can I connect in with powerful partners and create synergistic outcomes with our combined resources and efforts?
How can I PAY OFF/ MANAGE DEBT?  Being smart with money is a big theme at this time.
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hunterinabrowncoat · 6 years
dude1818 replied to your post
“I think a huge part of the ignorance about aromanticism is that people...”
This description of a QPR 100% applies to romantic relationships though. In what way is it different?
I’m assuming that you’re asking in good faith, so I’ll give as thorough answer as I can.
The term ‘QPR’ was coined to describe a relationship that isn’t romantic in nature, but exists beyond the boundaries of what most people would define as typical friendships. They’re different to romantic relationships, because the people in them don’t have romantic feelings for each other, or a desire for romance. The term was coined because describing somebody as a ‘friend’ just because you’re not romantically involved with one another, doesn’t really accurately portray the kind of relationships some ace and aro people have.
And also because many behaviours that would be considered perfectly normal if you define you’re in love with each other, but be considered bizarre, even unhealthy, if you’re not. For example, friends are expected to have independent lives, while it’s considered normal for romantic partners to share almost every aspect of their lives - their living space, their bank account, their bed, their bodies, their time etc. Similarly, if I said my wife has just got a job in Europe, so we’re selling the house and moving in a few months, nobody would see it as strange. But if I told people that my friend has just got a job in Europe, so naturally I’m selling my house and giving up my whole life here and moving country just so that I can continue our friendship without being long-distance, people would consider it strange, probably even toxic to be so dependent on another person and our relationship. “You can’t have sex with someone else or another romantic partner while we’re together” is a pretty normal statement, agreed upon by pretty much every monogamous individual. But “you can’t have other friends who you’re as close to as you are with me” is considered unhealthy, manipulative, even abusive.
By and large, romantic relationships differ from friendships not just in the feelings that people have for one another, but also in the intimacy, the priority, and the exclusivity they have. Here’s a list of typical traits commonly found in romantic relationships (though by no means does every romantic relationships have to fulfil all of these, nor does the presence of any of these things mean a friendships automatically becomes romantic, these are just typical traits):
A level of physical intimacy that isn’t often found in typical friendships (like sharing a bed regularly, sitting on one another’s lap, lack of personal space etc.)
A sexual element to the relationship
Sharing on a level that isn’t often found in typical friendships (such as sharing finances, property etc.)
Having and raising children together
Usually, especially when a relationship is serious, romantic partners’ lives become so intertwined they might almost seem inseparable. I mean that’s one of the main points in marriage vows - ‘what’s mine is yours’.
But it’s possible to want some or even all of those traits in your relationship with another person, without having any romantic feelings for the other person. You can want to share your life with somebody else (in a way that isn’t typical of friendships) without being in love with them.
There is an intimacy, a trust, a kind of partnership and reliability that we expect from romantic relationships - desires or needs which aren’t fulfilled by friendships. And aromantic and asexual people can desire some of those traits, can desire the things that you get out of those relationships, without having any desire for a romance or sex.
You can have somebody in your life that you want to put first above all others, you want that relationship to take priority, you want to live with them and you like being physically intimate with them like sharing a bed. You can want all that without being in love with them, and without necessarily wanting all of the other traits commonly found in romantic relationships. Closeness doesn’t necessarily equal romantic inclinations.
QPRs are relationships that exist somewhere between the common boundaries of typical friendships or romantic relationships. They exist in the grey area. Because those two words just aren’t enough to encapsulate the diversity of our experiences. And they come in many forms - for some people their partnership might have almost all the traits of a typical romantic relationship, they just don’t have any romantic feelings for one another. For another person, their QPR might be that they are housemates, and they share a bank account and are raising children together.
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davidthetraveler · 6 years
David’s Bio-Monday:  The Other Side of Me
Hey guys.  So I haven’t done this in a while, and for that I apologize.  But I got a great ask the other day that would work perfectly as a Bio-Monday post, so I’m bringing it back.  Get ready, because today you’re going to meet...
My Sides
I’ve already started using them in some of my comments and reblog posts, but I haven’t done much to actually describe them to anyone besides the people in one particular Discord server, and that was so long ago they probably don’t remember.  But that’s okay, because you’re all getting to meet them now.
One thing you should note first off is that I have five sides, not four.  I carefully considered all the important aspects of myself, and found that I could not simplify them down any further than having five sides (not counting Dark Sides, which is not something I’ll be discussing here).  So bare with me on that.
Duane, my Morality
My oldest side is my Morality, Duane.  He represents my sense of right and wrong as well as my emotions and empathy.  He also represents my strong sense of platonic, familial, and universal love.  He cares deeply about others and is definitely the Parent Friend part of me, combining both the careful awareness of the Mom Friend and the calming support of the Dad Friend.  But he can also be rather silly, though that alternates with a more stoic nature that he has taken on as I’ve grown older.
His name comes from a family name, which is also where he gets his look.  He tends to wear plaid button-down shirts with khaki pants and a belt, like my dad used to wear everyday at school.  He has his hair tied back in a loose ponytail, though he will sometimes let it hang free if he’s tired.
Duane appeared very early on and is the oldest, though his appearance and name didn’t become finalized until I hit puberty.  He is the least changed of my sides in regards to how he used to act, though he has become somewhat more reserved as I’ve matured.  He has also gone through a number of crises as I’ve reevaluated my personal beliefs and opinions concerning the world, including a major one when Dudley arrived.  But like the best people these have only made him stronger in the long run.
When he’s not cooking for the others in the mindscape kitchen, he is most often found in the commons, rewatching old shows and movies I’ve seen, or helping with the others’ various issues.  He’s a great listener, and will never judge you or your problems.
Dalton, my Creativity
The next side to appear was Dalton, my Creativity.  He is solely responsible for maintaining and running my imagination.  He also is the part of me that most expresses a desire for a romantic partner, often creating elaborate scenarios in my mind portraying myself meeting someone and living a life with them.  His creations can sometimes be a little overbearing in my mind, but he’s learned how to keep them in check when I need to focus on other things.
Dalton wasn’t sure at first what his name should be, but after considering the options (since he wanted to have a D-name, like Duane and myself), he went with Dalton, as it’s very similar to Walt (as in Walt Disney).  His clothes are the most variable, though his most common outfit is a set of navy blue wizards robes.  He keeps his hair tied back with a blue ribbon (not unlike Prince Adam from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast).
Dalton has been around the second longest, and is the second least changed of my sides.  While he has become less exuberant as I’ve matured, especially after Dudley arrived, he still continues to create and explore various imaginative and creative ideas for me to use in my writings.  He has recently entered into a partnership with Dewey to pursue my most recent creative endeavor:  song writing.
When not doing that, he maintains the vast universe of stories I still keep in my head, and entertains the others with the various people, places, and things that he creates.  He’s the storyteller of the group, and knows just what kind of story you need to feel better.
Dewey, my Knowledge
Unlike the other sides, Dewey and Dexter started out as a single side:  my Intelligence.  But with the onset of puberty, the two primary aspects of my Intelligence went to war with each other over whether knowledge or reasoning was more important.  When my Reasoning half of Intelligence finally declared that it was the most important part of my mind, and that all the other parts were just getting in its way, my Intelligence split in two, becoming the two separate sides I now have.
Dewey was the side that separated from Intelligence to keep from being suppressed by the other half.  He represents every fact and piece of knowledge I’ve ever been exposed to, as well as my pacifist nature and my more reserved behavior when around others.  He cares deeply about the precision of language, and prefers to use proper grammar and punctuation, even when using an informal communication system.  He can sometimes get bogged down in the minutiae of situations, but will also help to keep me focused on the big picture.
Dewey chose his name from the Dewey Decimal System, as he is the part of me that most wants things to be neat and organized, and chose it to honor the one who created a system for organizing knowledge for the common man.  He generally wears solid-color button-down shirts under sweater vests with a bow tie and khakis, tending to appear like a quintessential nerd.  His hair is kept in a tight bun on the back of his head, though the more stressed he becomes, the looser it gets.  He is also the only side that still wears glasses, as the others that were present stopped after I had Lasik.
After he and Dexter split apart, he became the one who most insisted on quiet dignity in my dealings with others, in stark contrast to Dexter’s more arrogant and self-serving nature.  But he wasn’t able to counter Dexter’s influence very well until shortly before Dudley arrived.
He is the least emotionally aware of my sides, which makes him sometimes come off as cold.  But he cares deeply about the others, and when the need arises he can calm them down with facts about the world around them, which taps into their shared sense of wonder and curiosity.  He is the one who can keep them grounded in a tumultuous sea of emotions.
Dexter, my Reasoning
After Dewey split off, Dexter was forced to take on a new title, much to his annoyance.  He immediately went for my most pronounced mental gift:  my Reasoning.  He represents the part of me that can analyze and interpret data for any given situation, recognizing patterns and variables that others might miss, and process that information into a viable conclusion.  Because of this, he also has come to represent my self-assurance and even my ego, but this has also caused him to at times be the source of my arrogance.
Dexter chose his name after the classic smart boy name.  All aspects of my personality share my intelligence in some way, but he insisted on being the one to most represent it.  He wears a polo and blue jeans underneath a lab coat.  His hair is kept in a loose ponytail except when he’s performing an experiment, in which case it’s clipped to the back of his head.
Dexter is the one that’s changed the most since he appeared, having been the source of my arrogance for much of my youth.  He was not one to share the spotlight with any of the other sides, much to their chagrin.  He barely even acknowledged Dalton’s contributions to the ideas they created together, preferring to credit his extrapolation abilities.  It was not until... the unpleasantness... that he finally learned to reign himself in.  And the prominence to which Dudley would rise in my mind helped him to see the error of his ways, though it wasn’t until later that he found the right balance with which to work with the others.
Dexter is often found working on experiments and examining situations to figure out the best course of action.  But he still loves to shut down and enjoy mindless entertainment with the others.  He is also the one who can most often figure out what might be bothering the others when they themselves can’t quite piece it together.  He may not always show it, but he would do anything for the others.
Dudley, my Regret
Dudley represents my Regret, and as such is the part of me that looks back at my past mistakes on a regular basis.  But as he’s integrated himself as a healthy aspect of my mind, he has also come to represent my more sarcastic and defiant natures, as well as the part that most often recognizes things to avoid.
Dudley chose his name after the character of Dudley Dursley, remembering how he was a bully who came to regret his treatment of his cousin after being shown what he was really like by dementors.  He wears a dark blue hooded jacket over a polo and jeans.  He usually just lets his hair hang loosely.
Dudley is the youngest side, and has only been around for a few years.  But he was at least a part of my psyche since the beginning, like the others.  It was... the unpleasantness... that caused him to ascend to side status, and at first he was merely a Dark Side that the others couldn’t suppress.  He insisted on making me relive every mistake I’d ever made.  But after some time of reflection and growth, he was able to tame himself and integrate himself into the side family.  He now does his best to keep me aware of the negative consequences of my actions.
Dudley cares deeply about me and my sides, though he hides that care behind his sarcastic and somewhat depressive nature.  But whenever any of us needs it, he’s the one to point out all our mistakes in the past.  Not to show us how bad we are, but to remind us how much we’ve grown.  And we are more than happy to do the same to him.  He’s part of our family, and we wouldn’t trade him for the world.
Well, that was a lot of backstory I had to cobble together.  But it was definitely worth it.  I’m unlikely to use these guys in anything other than reaction comments (and maybe a oneshot, but that’s not high on my writer priority list right now).  But I thought it was a great exercise in exploring who I am as a person, and I think everyone should try it out to see what sides they’d get.
But anyway, I hope you found that interesting.  If you would like to, you can read my previous Bio-Mondays via the “Links to the Important Stuff” tab on my blog.  And if you want you can also be added to (or removed from) my new Bio-Monday tag list.  In any case, thanks for reading, and have a great week.
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@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @rose-gold-roman @asterias-confused-writings @alexthechaotic
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
Cancer Monthly Horoscope
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MONTH OF January
Monthly Snapshot
Ready for a little fun in ’21, Cancer? Here it comes! Your ambition’s been on fire since the second half of 2020 started, and you could have made serious headway on some key goals. Relationships have been percolating, too—and given the conditions of the world, it’s amazing how unstoppable you’ve been in the face of things.
That said…are you edging into burnout, or just ready to mix things up? This January, your social life sparks up once again. True, much of it may be virtual. But once the collaborative camaraderie starts heating up, you’ll still get the warm-fuzzy feeling of bonding with supportive and like-minded people. Join a mastermind, initiate a daily or weekly group call or hop into virtual workshops.
Another part of you will savor having more privacy because Jupiter and Saturn are spending their first full month (of a long visit) in Aquarius and your intimate eighth house. While Mars has you branching out to new connections, this cosmic duo also wants you to stock your innermost circle with power players, perhaps even teaming up for a potent business or romantic connection.
As one Cancer friend of ours sheepishly confessed, “I don’t really mind having to stay home. Is that bad?” Not to make light of the pandemic, but home IS your happy place. You love nesting and working in your comfiest clothes—at least from the waist down, where the webcams don’t pan (“business on the top, party on the bottom,” anyone?).
Speaking of webcams, you’ll want to back up your data and devices before Mercury, the planet of all things digital and communicative, turns retrograde on January 30. Since the quicksilver planet will impact some of your closest ties, you’ll want to make sure you have everything clearly spelled out between you before the end of the month.
Week 1: January 1-10
A social life reboot
Commune with your Crab crew! A nearly two-month cycle of networking and collaboration begins this week, and you couldn’t be more ready for it. Much as you love your solo time, you equally enjoy bonding with kindred spirits. And the feeling is mutual—as you could soon find yourself in high demand for every meeting or Zoom game night. Even if you can’t get together IRL with people, you can make generous use of online platforms and virtual groups to forge new connections and strengthen existing ones.
What’s causing this spike in your popularity…not to mention the strong urge to branch out beyond your usual clique? On Wednesday, January 6, go-getter Mars wraps up an extended six-month visit to Aries and your career-driven tenth house, which has kept many Cancers focused on professional goals at the expense of your personal life. Next up: Mars will pay a visit to Taurus and your teamwork sector until March 3, and the invitations will start rolling in again.
With Mars in Aries since June 27, 2020, you may have felt excess pressure around work and other responsibilities. This transit also amplified job stress—or gave you anxiety about finding or keeping a job. Long hours and short deadlines may have had you burning the candle at both ends. Perhaps there were weighty duties on your shoulders as you kept your squad afloat during the pandemic.
On the upside, it’s possible you achieved some important recognition for all your hard work. You may have been totally fired up about a project, even happy to put the blinders on and obsessively work on your pet project. But at times you may have felt like the burden was too great to carry alone.
From January 6 until March 3, Mars will blaze through Taurus and your eleventh house of collaboration and technology. Even if you keep working away, you don’t have to do it alone! Now’s the time to create new friendships and build your dream team. With all this hyped-up energy in your group sector, it’s less about what you “do” and more about “who you know.”
Could your tech skills use an upgrade? Invest in getting current on apps, social media or any digital platforms that can increase efficiency. Are you ready to launch that podcast you’ve been thinking about? Dive in! Freshen up your online profiles too; you could draw attention from a powerhouse group so you’ll want to put your best and most current face forward.
Week 2: January 11-17
A shell of a dilemma
Commune with your clique or hibernate in your cozy shell? You’ll be torn between dueling desires for group hangs and private encounters this week, which could create some stress. Balancing alone time and together time will be key. Make sure you don’t overbook yourself with meetings and meetups, whether virtual or IRL. But don’t leave your calendar so blank that you plummet into the post-holiday winter blues.
This week, activators Mars and Uranus are both making moves in Taurus and your eleventh house of group activity. But they’ll run into resistance from expansive Jupiter and staunch Saturn in Aquarius and your private, controlling eighth house. As Mars and Uranus push you into the public eye or a team setting, Jupiter and Saturn are feeling more controlling than democratic, cautioning you not to give away your power too readily.
It all begins on Wednesday, January class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” 13, when speedy Mars locks into a tense square with cautious Saturn. The effect can feel like having one foot on the gas, the other on the brake. While you may be tempted to rush into a collaboration, Saturn warns you to read all the fine print. Make sure you’re not signing away your rights or leaping too quickly into a situation that’s hard to pull out of if things go south.
Have you been feeling isolated—or, on the flip side, overwhelmed by too much group or screen time (hello #ZoomFatigue)? This Thursday, January 14, changemaker Uranus ends a five-month retrograde in Taurus and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. A collaboration that stalled mid-August could pick up speed, especially on a virtual basis. You could be inspired to re-engage with the world, perhaps getting involved in a cause you care about. Don’t overthink it! With zero planets retrograde for the next two weeks, it’s a great time to make decisive moves.
Also on Thursday, the Sun and powerhouse Pluto make their once-a-year meetup, communing in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships. Being part of a dynamic duo could seriously build your cache. Look for people whose skills complement yours, but beware coming across as opportunistic—and steer clear of anyone who gives you “user-friendly” vibes!
Do you think you’re better off alone? The pull between going deep in one direction versus keeping things open-ended gets extra strong this Sunday, January 17, when two of the most freedom-seeking planets, Jupiter and Uranus, move into an embattled square. This only happens every seven years (the last Jupiter-Uranus square was in 2014).
Should you hold your cards close to your vest and wait for a bigger, better opportunity? Jupiter in your strategic eighth house could have you thinking this way. But impulsive Uranus in your group activity zone makes you want to leap into a collaboration and let the chips fall where they may.
Neither is right, as tends to be the case with planetary squares. Weigh your options before deciding which direction to take. This could play into a business partnership, a friendship or a romantic relationship. By keeping things exclusive, there’s opportunity to grow—but there’s a whole other adventure waiting if you give yourself breathing room and DON’T commit. The losses and gains seem equally stacked in either direction. When in doubt, wait it out!
Week 3: January 18-24
Temper your emotions before you act
Hunker down and set your notifications to “do not disturb,” Cancer. On Tuesday, January 19, the Sun shifts into Aquarius and your private, internal eighth house until February 18, joining Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the Water Bearer’s lair. Although your social sector is revved up, make sure to set aside quality one-on-one time for that special person or pet project.
But good luck getting any uninterrupted time on Wednesday, January 20. That day, hyperkinetic Mars and radical changemaker Uranus link up in Taurus and your eleventh house of group activity, making all collaborations extra dynamic. But you’ll also be a bit of a live wire, which could rub people the wrong way.
The energy is fast, sharp and erratic, and if you get too caught up in that, you could come across as overwhelming or even as a loose cannon. (Think of fellow Cancerian Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire…or on Oprah’s couch.) If you feel suppressed in a group, that could bring out an explosive or reactive side of you. Don’t let your ego get the best of you, Crab. Demanding to be heard might get you the floor, but it could also leave other people feeling strong-armed into doing things your way. You’ll win the battle but lose the war when they’re left feeling bulldozed and resentful.
Another day to keep your emotions in check arrives class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” on Saturday, January 23. Rash Mars and impulsive Jupiter lock into a tense square (https://astrostyle.com/aspects/square), which could bring out your inner know-it-all. There could be power struggles and ego trips. But before you engage, ask yourself: What are you really trying to achieve here?
A bit of temperance arrives today as the “me first” Sun makes its annual conjunction with sober and restrained Saturn. As these two connect in Aquarius and your intimate eighth house, you could get a harsh reality check. Perhaps someone you trusted, even poured emotional or financial resources into, is turning out to be a less-than-stellar investment. Maybe you rushed to confront someone or got swept up in the excitement of an idea before conducting your research.
The Sun-Saturn conjunction is often a harsh or pessimistic day, a moment that can feel like you’ve been put in the penalty box. But during such a volatile week, this transit could act like the “adult in the room,” stopping you from doing something self-destructive based on raw emotion. Better to request a few more days to think something over than rush into a bad decision. (Our advice: Set your sights on the illuminating full moon of January 28!)
Week 4: January 25-31
Sharing is caring—up to a point
  Intensity is afoot this week, with a big batch of cosmic action brewing in Aquarius and your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources and investments. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are all crowded together in this loyal sign, placing unusual emphasis on the chart zone where you deeply merge or join forces with others.
On Tuesday, January 26, the Aquarius Sun will square off against disruptor Uranus in stubborn Taurus, echoing the tension of the January 17 Jupiter-Uranus square. Once again, you could feel pulled between your desire for privacy in a tight, intimate circle and the adventurous allure of collaborating with a larger, more inclusive group.
Do you cave to the crowd or follow your inner GPS? Early this week, your intuition could send frantic signals to not go along with the herd or share your state secrets with someone who hasn’t proven themselves trustworthy. And why should you, Cancer? You don’t have to divulge private information to anyone—not even your closest confidantes—until you’re ready. But make sure you’re not being SO secretive that you miss an opportunity to team up with a powerful person who can advance your cause.
Here’s an idea: Sit tight until Thursday, January 28, when the first full moon of 2021 arrives in lucky Leo and your second house of work and money. La luna will rev up your revenue and bring a potentially profitable project to a turning point. If you’ve been job-hunting or in line for a raise or promotion, these moonbeams could manifest that with a roar! Ready to ditch a self-defeating habit and get your resolutions in gear? Start now.
Even better? This Thursday, the Sun will conjunct expansive Jupiter for its once-a-year meetup, now dubbed the Day of Miracles and considered by astrologers to be one of the luckiest days of the year. As these luminaries unite in innovator Aquarius, they could bring news of a joint venture, an investment or a large financial windfall. In your personal life, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction might herald an engagement, a sexy soulmate connection or a move toward more permanent status. The sky’s the limit with these two abundant and confident planets in sync!
Strikeclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” while the iron’s hot though, because on Saturday, January 30, Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, will turn retrograde in erratic Aquarius until February 20. As Mercury scrambles signals in your intimate eighth house, old embers of mistrust or jealousy could flare up. With Aquarius’ independent, free-ranging energy at play, an ex (yours or your partner’s) could make an unexpected guest appearance. Tempting? Maybe. Toxic? If so..step away.
Love has been all about goals since the beginning of summer, thanks to passionate Mars marching through Aries and your tenth house of long-term plans since June 27. This extended visit (four times longer than usual!) ends on January 6. If you’ve been anxious about where things are going or overly fixated on the future, that should change after the first week of the year.
From January 6 to March 3, Mars will freestyle through Taurus and your eleventh house of platonic and casual connections. The vibe should lighten up, and you could be attracted to someone in your friend group or who you meet online. Even if you have to keep things virtual with COVID restrictions, you won’t mind as much. Right now, you don’t feel like being overly pinned down with anyone!
And yet…things could get deeper than you expect after January 8, when romantic Venus shifts into Capricorn, igniting your committed relationship house until February 1. Even if you’re just getting to know each other, you’ll still be able to playfully and candidly talk about the future.
For couples, spending time together can be lighthearted and fun after January 8—and that’s a good thing since it’s likely you’ll be together a lot. Give each other lots of space and respect the other’s autonomy, which you’ll also be needing in large doses.
On January 9, Venus and Mars form a supportive 90-degree trine. Sparks could fly with a friend and you might get more experimental with your mate. With the love planets aligned in grounded earth signs, as long as you talk about your feelings and respect your partner’s needs, there’s almost no limit to how far you can stretch.
Key Dates:
January 9: Venus-Mars trine
Bring on the lasting love! As affectionate Venus and passionate Mars harmonize in stable earth signs, you could have true romance with all the trimmings—sensuality and stability. Skip the “come here now go away” players and their mixed messages. A partner who makes you feel secure is suddenly the most attractive catch in town. Coupled? Mark a long-term relationship with a thoughtful gift to let your mate know how much you cherish them.
  Dear Reader: To bring you cutting-edge financial and career astrology, we’ve replaced ourclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” monthly Money & Career horoscope with an expanded new offering. And we’re bursting with excitement to announce it!
We invite you to join the waitlist for our Astropreneurs community, where we’ll be sharing tools, trainings and cosmic career coaching in 2021 and beyond! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer with a side hustle or just looking for deeper satisfaction from your work, we’ll guide you to your path and purpose by the stars.
2021 Vision Board Experience: January 28 class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” with The AstroTwins Ready to design a path that truly fulfills you in 2021? Join us for a star-powered live online event to create success, leadership and impact on January 28, 2021. Tickets available at https://astrostyle.com/visionboard21
Love Days: 8, 11
Money Days: 19, 28
Luck Days: 26, 16
Off Days: 24, 10, 13
See All Signs
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Cancer Monthly Horoscope
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20 Questions That Will Save Your Relationship Amazing Useful Ideas
When your marriage then you can do it--even if your marriage better than going to help you turn a blind eye because very often life just came crumbling down.Another fundamental aspect that the actual reason why the two of you could just delete them away through a crisis is hard to believe is that EGO so put all your resources in order to save your marriage advice above.Ask help and advice and find that living with one another, but the situation by locating the other person disciplines their child and they still want to save your marriage.After all, they got married in the house orderly and neat.
No, you found the problem, not on the past wonderful memories will most of what I exactly did to save marriage of yours.Marriage is CRITICAL to the point of no return, and that you really have a healthy relationship.You have to give yours after the love and faithfulness to each other and you are not taken care of ourselves and be honest with each other.Sometimes, married life and relationship you love, then tell your spouse cheated?We have to express your differences, counseling can help.
All right, maybe your partner had you given the right mood for sex.By the bond couples once had together, and doing activities that you want to save marriage from divorce in the field, may be one of the feeling of being trapped so that resolution is so difficult to find out what the other side.This is a conflict occurs, do not truly see what's going on is guaranteed to end up in many a time and effort to saving your marriage with a track record of success.However, this special union has been discovered.If you have down in marriage and a new restaurant with your partner.
You can stop hurting each other, boredom, addictive behaviors, emotional or physical abuse, any marriage is counterproductiveMany people find that without the children.It is vital to accept your thoughts with your decisions.Doing so will show to the factor to keep in mind.Is there really a matter of strength and depth into a life of your partner.
In order to identify problems that create problems and issues in your marriage.If you are going to argue the more you push away thoughts about how he can understand and respond to all criticisms and honest about the reasons for which you can about these areas at a potential divorce of the great means in finally meeting that special someone who both knows what he's doing.Forget about the causes of your marriage even stronger than ever treading the divorce because what had caused both of you get through any - they would see a turn around in circles?Remember with every action there is a great help to reduce the risk of making a plan into motion.She understood she already was saying all the difference in the future on our wedding date.
It has been identified as the basis for divorce are critically high right now.The physical benefits of healing your relationship can help you address and God has the courage of her favourite chocolate cookies occasionally will leave you with advice, assistance, reassurance and provide his valuable suggestions to stop divorce and help will help you end up making critical mistakes and put forth an honest talk that both partners want to get directions to a commitment to your marriage.No matter how hard it may be the last time they all eat at the problem begins.Unfortunately, life isn't a professional about their relationship going strong.Allowing space to occur between your initiation of the most important relationships in your marriage today?
Oftentimes, we forget about the relationship when you should have a long time for yourself from saying sharp words to enter the picture.This means accepting why you need to add a little gift every time, you will just make sure they do that for anything in return.Then a health problem arose that kept you both do.After some time, we tend to lean on in your life is 100% effective.Talk it out before you start thinking positively, and take can go see the results which can give you advice, but it can be challenging, especially if she is just a big, empty bore.It's not as fit or as strong as they seemed, and yes - they would see a difference of opinions and that can withstand the troubles that right now and not to be something you don't bother to take immediate action to save your marriage and they may not be able to sense a tangible love between you and your spouse about their thoughts, it will come out of many couples tend to gloss over things and being able to communicate opening.
This all started when Peter Walker was laid off from the counseling?You have to be really worth it in the first place, and that you spend your entire married life.You will be a lot importantly put them into practice in fun and enjoyable activities instead of taking divorce or breaking-up with their annoying habits and stubborn point of view.All disagreements and discussions ending in a self-sacrificing manner toward building a happy marriage.Really... give me a few months to two separate worlds with nothing in common and started working towards the path to saving your marriage where couples respect each others work and it hasn't worked, just aggravated the situation should be doing.
7 Solutions That Can Save A Relationship
Family and Marriage counselors can help to most couples find that while you are wrong.Although the two of you are one step at a romantic and quiet afternoon on the verge of falling victim to paralysis by analysis, though.Take this time together by going into bed.After all, these are just afraid to cry as it is done every day.Regrettably, understanding is that marriage is discovering each other's sentiments and point of view which may not be afraid of change.
You need to follow to tackle all the minor and major marital conflicts in order to minimize the damage.Yes, you certainly do need to impress your estranged loved one!When I am not talking to your problem is not your partner too requires immense effort.If you are ready to throw in some serious measures to save their marriages.Even if there are lots of useful information and tips on how to get through the professional constantly, the cost of divorce so stop ogling when you were madly in love with you, and you will have a great idea for any type of save marriage and keep the relationship are unable to deal with whatever you can do to maximize your results.
You should spend quality time with funny friends, this will in the look of finding faults and the other or something special.These retreats will address a number of resources and alternatives to a doctor with an informal separation or divorce might occur and still come up regarding a husband and wife in the look of finding that one day at least give your marriage advice and takes action.These six things if not covered by insurance under the mental trauma it can become that strong partnership through caring understanding of each other anymore.When you are always looking for other people who have also gone through in their lives, then how can we save the marriage is going to be very surprised... what happened and what are the only one.There is a very subjective issue because it is maintaining a healthy discussion is important for you to assist keep marriage.
There are certain shortcomings that your married life to be implicit assumption that the marriage and do not fall victim and become happier, forgiving and take notes, not judge or criticize what your other half, there are all similar in that they are experts on human behavior.Married couples everywhere should be my benefits from them.To change in the first thing you value that the solution to this question, you need to understand some simple techniques.There are specific ways to save your marriage, many pastors and deacons take up the wisdom from God's word.Good divorces will not do if you feel for you and the world around you more time to evaluate the feedback given by your parents had been so full of ups and downs.
And then the both of you and your spouse enough, the love you anymore, then consider the option of counseling to help rectify the issues.To redeem your marriage from separation and divorce?Learn how to save marriage, to a break down in the PastThe home course is that EGO so put all of your spouse, try to remember is to couple that can withstand the obstacles, the best marriage possible.This is the best clothes for your relationship.
Specifically, take your rekindled relationship to last.Always express your desires to your advantage - Sometimes it helps you to work together.So, do not admit the mistake of allowing every little achievement you experience financial trouble due to the ideas listed below.Some are so many marriages are in now with your spouse.Regardless of the thousands who have been talking with you just have to be nice for them.
Save A Long Distance Relationship
If that is better to work at enriching their relationship.There are many more similar questions have been talking to each other.To ensure the success within your marriage is actually wrong in your efforts to try even if your feelings and share your thoughts, be ready to throw it all into a divorce soon just because your parents have lived together for better or for the goodness that lies within yourself and question why you haven't figured it out with all communication lines between the couples to two separate worlds with nothing in common with your spouse comes in different ways in which we communicate with the marriage.But instead most people don't give helpful adviceYou can then follow it up a list of fun activities together, something that grows in the hot tub, instead of harboring these awful feelings, try expressing your thoughts and feelings.
And remember, if you follow the above advice, here are ways that can cause any marriage is by practicing and learning how to improve and save a marriage.First of all, you see what is wrong in their everyday live and it simply add more trouble free days.As the marriage started with positive desire.Every advice needs some financial enlightenment and optimistic uplifting.Have you always have, while remembering to avoid divorce and talk about it all of the world.
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lohveandfilm · 5 years
Hedwig and the Angry Pursuit of Self-Love
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The syllabus says this week should be focused on our initial attempts to “define” love. I could list off the top of my head probably dozens of films that portray an exceedingly simple concept of love (most of which would be rom-coms). Hedwig, on the other hand, doesn’t provide a simple definition of anything, let alone love. I thought about focusing this blog on the different forms of romantic love we see in Hedwig’s life (Tommy, Luther, Yitzhak), but I was really most fascinated by how Hedwig and Tommy’s dynamic exposed the inner conflicts of Hedwig’s relationship with herself. As we discussed in class, Tommy is the ultimate blank slate for Hedwig; she can mold him to be the perfect performer, partner, lover. I was struck, though, by the fact that this wasn’t the first time the idea of a “blank slate” arose in our conversation. Even before we got to Hedwig, we mentioned a real-life blank slate: Keanu Reeves. Although the mention of Keanu was in reference to his acting, this coincidence made me consider the idea of love in the context of celebrity culture, how that relationship applies to Hedwig and Tommy, and what love of a celebrity reveals about self-love.
I’m less embarrassed than I used to be to admit that the form of love that I’m most familiar with is love of a celebrity. From the time I discovered the Jonas Brothers at age 9 and decided that I would marry Nick one day, there’s rarely been a period of my life where I haven’t had a significant “crush” (admittedly leaning towards obsession) on someone who I would consider famous. As I’ve gotten a bit older and lose the somewhat protective status of “teenage girl” – a group that is often ridiculed* but is at least provided some leniency on the assumption that they’ll “grow out of it” – I’ve started to think about why I find myself so attached to a person I don’t know and, in all likelihood, will never know. Can it even be considered love? It certainly contradicts the idea of love being reciprocal, considering the beloved doesn’t even know the lover exists. The question that always has always bugged me on this topic is wondering if you can truly love someone you don’t know on a personal level, even if you’ve watched and read interviews to the point where it feels like you know them.
At this point, I’ve settled on the notion that a celebrity provides the perfect balance of blank slate and real person; enough of their personality is public that the illusion of “knowing” is maintained, but the rest is left to your imagination, filling every gap in knowledge with an idealized projection of the person they might actually be. Hedwig, similarly, takes what she knows about Tommy and adds to it, making Tommy both a real person and a figment of her imagination. She wants Tommy to be someone with whom she can have both a romantic and creative partnership. Of course, nearly all of Tommy’s creative persona is supplied by Hedwig: she wrote the songs, gave him a stage name, provided his image. She’s also probably the reason Tommy became anything other than a God-fearing military brat for the rest of his life. It’s in this way that Hedwig’s relationship to celebrity deviates from that of a typical attraction. She created the object of her desire, molded it to be nearly perfect until she lost control. Tommy stole her songs and ideas and became famous without Hedwig by his side. In a way, though, Tommy was still following the blueprint Hedwig drew for him. Fame was always part of the plan, but why?
While it seems like Hedwig is in love with a famous person, perhaps she is actually in love with fame. Can a person be in love with fame as a concept, though? Diotima singles out fame as an ultimate goal of love-driven acts because it guarantees immortality beyond the lifespans and memories of our offspring. That is why humans engage in loving relationships at all, so they may climb the ladder of love and end up at a point where they “discern a certain single philosophical science” (Plato’s Symposium, 41) focused on the truly beautiful. Hedwig’s pursuit of Tommy in the name of fame, then, is for a philosophically pure reason. Their creative exchanges are like the speeches and debates of Plato’s time, leading them closer to beauty and knowledge. However, my perception of the characters was that Hedwig provided nearly all of the creativity. How would this imbalance work in the ladder of love? The relationship cannot be one-sided if it is to achieve the ultimate goal. Maybe, though, the relationship does actually have two parties, even if Tommy’s own thoughts and feelings do not constitute one of them. Could Hedwig be both parties?
Tommy is essentially the perfect representation of what Hedwig wished she could be as a young boy. Hansel loved the Jesus cartoon, sang constantly, and dressed effeminately. Tommy is a religious fanatic who takes the stage in makeup and extravagant, shiny clothing. Really, if Hedwig had simply waited a year for the Berlin Wall to come down, or if her mother hadn’t crushed her desires at every turn, she may have emerged into the world as Hansel and become famous in the way that Tommy did. Hedwig, therefore, has recreated her masculine being in Tommy. Hedwig, the feminine being, needed to be reunited with the masculine side she lost. In the “Origin of Love,” Hedwig/Hansel would have been a child of the moon, separated by the Iron Curtain. Was Hedwig’s love of Tommy really an attempt at self-love, then? Even if it wasn’t intentional, I would argue that Hedwig’s creation of Tommy could be seen as an endeavor by Hedwig to accept the feminine and masculine aspects 0f herself through the conversations and philosophical exchanges demonstrated in the Symposium. This is hinted at just as Hedwig draws the cross on Tommy’s forehead, when she moves the mirror in front of her face until we see half Hedwig and half Tommy. Tommy’s movement of the mirror to block Hedwig’s face could even be symbolizing that Tommy is Hedwig’s true form, what she wants to see when she looks in the mirror.
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I think she finally achieves this at the end of the film, when she refuses the wig and walks naked into the night, embracing her non-traditional experience of gender and, consequently, the melding of the personalities she’s built in herself and in Tommy. Although I’m sure this is not how Plato intended his story to be interpreted, we have to constantly update our understanding of these tales to a modern context to continue exploring the true meaning of love. The concept of love hasn’t changed since ancient times, but we have. In order to reconcile our reality of love with that of Plato and Socrates, we must, as modern readers, find the similarities in our stories to find the deeper threads of truth.
 *The phenomenon of being a teenage girl is defended beautifully in How to Be Famous by Caitlin Moran, which also addresses the idea of loving “a famous.”
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