ruvi-muffin · 2 years
I'm going to out myself as the helpless romantic that i am but uhm
I watched One episode of With Love on amazon prime and i am Excited !! It litterally takes so little my god. There are two queer latino characters and one filipino bi character and... is the leading lady a latina aromantic character????? Is this Happening rn??
Maybe it's not happening. Maybe im hallucinating but !!!!
I just love these characters they're so sweet and so much like my own family with like.. a third of the drama somehow idk how that's possible to have a family yhis wholesome BUT ANYWAY i love to see it
Really hoping no gay characters die or smth stupid *knock on wood*
So yeee
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secretgardenfox · 2 months
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🍠Sad little potato pillow, niche and high-end feel🎁 💥Exaggerated but true! This sad little potato pillow is really niche! You will never find another pillow as unique as this! 🥔 It is not only niche, but also has a sense of high-end. It is simply a treasure series for home decoration! 🏅 Suitable for men and women, hugging it on the bed or sofa will give you a unique and comfortable experience. 💑 Come and take this super niche yet high-end pillow home and make it a unique decoration in your home! ✨
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
For the Q&A, I'm curious how you come up with place names!
Uhhhh, I really don't have a good answer for this lol
Usually, I just try to find the vibe of a place. Sometimes, it's based on an Earth culture (Skysheerian and France, for example, or any of the Republic provinces). Other times, I just get a vibe (Nabafyr and all the Janazi principalities). But either way, I figure out what the place sounds like and go from there.
With Skolan, a Republic province, I based it off of vaguely English vibes. So the places (Yewbury, Stossbridge, Bekridge) are meant to fit with that. Similarly, Sulu'Oku has more of a Zulu vibe (except for Bouerco, that's pure nonsense based on a place in Janaz), so place names (M'Oku, Kwembe) are gonna fit more with that. The borderlands lies between these two, so place names can fit either vibe or be a mishmash, Nakaow being a prime example.
Nabafyr is one of the pure nonsense places. I use the same strategy for all Nabafyrian proper nouns and even the conlang if I have to write someone speaking it. You start with a group of sounds. Nabafyr has a lot of y, b, t, k, r, i, and p sounds. I and y often some as a pair, as do sk and tr. From there, go nuts. Skasi City, the Sarytas Forest and Tetrapi are all place names, but you can also do other proper nouns. Syskar, Ryzokir, Nyda, and Avdiyr Cuclaiyn are all examples. You can even do a full conversation using this method. "Eyu Kadiyun ro veda? Eyu uryu veda, kal rikodin! Kal tyus? Bedid par.”
So, I guess it's kind of a method? A very haphazard method. Anyways, hope this was enlightening and thanks for the ask!
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How we got here (3)
⚠️CW: abuse, violence⚠️
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Previous / Next / Beginning
LUPE: S'up primo! Donde Jocyeln?
Q: She's s'possed to be in there doin' her homework.
LUPE: I gotta do mine too; tell her I'll come over later.
Q: A'ight.
LUPE: I'm going inside, My-My.
MYRA: A'ight, baby; tell your Mami I'm out here if she needs me.
REYNALDO: Man, I can't believe how big she's gotten.
MYRA: I know, right?
REYNALDO: She turn 18, yet?
MYRA: Don't get yourself fucked up out here, Rey.
[*muffled yelling*]
REYNALDO: Nah! You know it ain't like that. Just wondering when you gonna marry her moms, that's all.
[*yelling continues*]
MYRA: Yeah. Uh... Lemme holler at you later, Rey.
REYNALDO: Yeah - my old lady's blowing me up, anyways.
MYRA: What the... Woah - easy, baby girl... You don't wanna do that. Tell me what's going on.
LUPE: (cold and detatched) He's handcuffed; he ain't doing nothing. Bedides, you won't feel like that... once you see what he did.
MYRA: (softly, like she did when Lupe was a baby in her arms) Baby; I'll take it from here. Dame , Guatalupe. Por favor, mi amour...
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kari-go · 1 year
Hi. I noticed that Stephan has hand- and legcuff like elements in his designes, like characters uses to keep them down? Bedide being visually awesome, is there a deeper meaning? Like is he afraid of his powers (Cat and Snake, well, not a cake😅) or does he has something in his life that keeps him down?
Oh, there is no deeper meaning. It's just a design element (is that how you call it?). I have a template for the suits (and other stuff, like the fins and wings), so when I make kwami swaps the suits seem... unified or recognizable for the person, so like, when you see it you go 'ah, that's Stephan." I think Stephan's suits are the most recognizable.
Patter. I think it's called a pattern.
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This is how Stephan's template looks like. I don't always have to do everything and I make slight changes.
Honestly, I think his situation is the opposite of what you said xd. His parents are very accepting and love him very much and he's not afraid of his powers as Lion is. The things keeping him down are the entire 'you can't tell anybody about the miraculous' thing, he's very honest, especially with his parents and he's never really had a reason to lie them so that's more of an issue.
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doggirlviscera · 1 year
also walkedback ot my grandparents house. zeke is asleep bedide me :3
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I am thinking about kokobot and if it were more useful or more dangerous. I discovered it because of my bad psychological conditions, and in advising me to look for help, Tumblr was right, and so was the automated response to my activity on the social, that suggested me 5 times to look for help, and then presented me kokobot. Yet, I am posting this, because I am curious about your impression about kokobot, this automatic self-learning chat.
I ultimately think that the fact that it asks people, who feel bad, to help other people, will only reward those who use the sufferance of the others as a tool to feel better. It is true that feeling useless could be one of the main symptoms, but not feeling loved is maybe the first cause of everything, so an automatic system is already destined to fail. But I am not judging, just reasoning. Let say that i feel really bad and I decide to see if kokobot can help me. First of all it asks me to choose among some categories of problems, school, work, friends...then to describe my problem in 3 or 4 sentences. Then it automatically scans the words of my sentences and decides which answers are best suited among those it stored. I can receive a good/useful or a bad/useless answer. Of course if it is good it is not enough, because how can I explain a life gone wrong in 3 sentences?, so I can ask for a better one , adding more information, but the answer is again chosen automatically, so... .Maybe, the same process of chatting with a very fallible machine could be of some use in lessening the anxiety for someone, but I don't think so, bedides, the icons and emoticons that it uses in the messages, I find them very irritating and disheartening. Kokobot is not a chat, after all, it is just a serie of choices and therefore I need to repress my free expression continously, in order to use it, in a moment when I feel particularly vulnerable and useless. Then if it gives me the opportunity to be usefull and help somebody, it doesn't give me the time to think about a good answer at the question that somebody in conditions similar to mine has asked. And if I manage to say something to that unknown person, it would be only that one message, and I wouldn't know about the reaction of that person, and I couldn't chat with them , I couldn't send another and maybe better message. In that way I think , after my attemp to help I would end up feeling more useless and more isolated. ...mmm....After all, I think that kokobot is destined to be a failure, because the cure it is all in finding a good human relationship, and kokobot is not human, its answers are all a "one only", it is not a growing process of mutual understanding.
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azlovesem · 9 days
I reach out to you today with a heart heavy with both pain and hope,💔🥹 seeking your help to save my family from the horrors of war in Gaza. We are a family that includes women and children, living every day under the weight of fear and destruction. 🙏 I write to you because I believe that humanity and compassion are our shared strengths, and when we unite, we can achieve miracles. ❤️
On both sides the religious seem to suffer most. Maybe gods or at least yiyr hids arentbsll their cracked up to be. Look at the region its crscked snd nobody bedides religio fanatics wanna go there. Youre deztiny is death of all you. The rest of the world foesnt realky need you around like they may lie to you and say sonetimes. Give it up. Forget that dhit snd be himsn ir i fesrvyhe entirecregion is gone already, and all the people on both sides die. Gone sll of you. Goid fuckn riddance to the vonstsnt ptoblems you peopld seem to have eith kne n other when youre both the same desert dwelling folls to ks. Look at my greem great lajes ehete God lives now. I epuldnt vome bavk to the middle east but to finish you all off. Greece is as close as ill ever come to thst part of the world. Because God doesnt lke you. Dissnt like thd religio monstnsevtjat geys rveryone killed. Watch put dont fuck eith Chridtisns even though thats nobsense ill hurt snyone ill bomb your places of eorship. Just vondider them above you ill walk right into new york snd open fire. Tou sing dhif youre stipid smd rvetyone can see yhst. Look at my fertile lands my green everything vompared to your desd bsrely slive desert. Its oayhetic youre psthetic people not people of god the ehole region over. Even in those tanks you lookild peasent desert dweelers with yoyr actions. Tech you got from me im light years ahead you should see my lab at area 51. You sint got shit mothing, religio. But more pain. Its not like anyone has to givd up halloween drwssing ip making believe. But yhat nonsense will nevef ever run my earth. Nevef ill mill everyone snd stsrt ovef before thag ever hsppens. So fuck anyones religion is badivslly what we re saying. If uou got z seripus problrm with that ll see you on the battegield find a dueler. So far everyones s bitch. No one wants to duel? Ill duel you sny of uou yo oromve my rekstionshup eith God. And yhet its ne ove. You not the oyher wsy wround monkey sss bitch. There u just dkspped you and yoyr hod scross the face again. People are sickmof it eond fown tgagvwarvyhen end it of rlse. If you havd to kill benni so be it
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kabarbanyuwangi · 3 months
Fenomena Bediding Selimuti Wilayah Banyuwangi: Malam Hari Bisa Mengigil Kedinginan
Radarbanyuwangi.id – Bila merasakan udara cukup dingin di malam hari boleh jadi Banyuwangi saat ini tengah dilanda fenomena alam yang disebut dengan bediding. Fenoeman ini ditanda dengan munculnya rasa dingin hingga terasa menggigil saat malam hingga pagi hari. Fenomena ini terjadi karena Australia saat ini tengah berada dalam periode musim dingin. Tekanan udara tinggi di Australia menyebabkan…
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redtoondevils · 9 months
Sun's sweet message to the kids.
After calming down from the over whelming paint messes, and paper cut out pieces, from the cleaning up and the crowded bickering that the kids were having, when they were fighting over the tools, with Sun raising his voice to get them to stop.
After storming off, and leaving the kids who had quietened down, and were anxious of his anger. Sun comes back calmer, and guilty with his reaction and came to the kids carefully. The children face him again, mid gluing pieces together, with one girl looking at him confused, with 3 other boy's noticing him too.
And 3 more girls, slowly getting up from their seats, and the kids grouped up together silently clutching onto their papers, close to themselves, unsure what the Sun animatronic is going to say. Sun ushered them over, "Hey kids...Come here." He say's softening his tone. Some of the kids stepped back, 2 younger boy's stepped back and one girl did. Then Sun knelt down, and held his arms out,
"Come here. I want to talk to you about something..." The kids slowly approached him, with one boy and one girl hesitating slightly, untill he reached over to them and brought them together into the group, and held the kids in front of him. "You know sometimes...Sunny does get a bit angry doesn't he?" Sun asked them, and they nodded, and he looks at them.
"I just want to say, that I'm sorry for snapping. And getting angry with you. That's because...I've been put into here with no expirience on how to do this myself, and these people put me onto something that...I find hard to cope with, and I get angry with them.
I try not to get angry with you. It has nothing to do with you. Often at times, I do. I am aware of it. but...I try to keep that away from you kids as much as I can. Because, it's not fair on you, and you don't deserve that.
Whenever I do get angry at you. I just need some time calm down. And I don't like doing that to you. I just want to let you kids know that...Regardless of this.
You kids make me happy. The adult's don't. I'm not happy with them much, but...You kids really do make me happy. Before...I didn't have friends, I lost those that I knew, but I didn't have a close bond with them, because I had to move. But you kids are the ones I'm getting along with better.
And I consider all of you as my friends! All of you! You kids are my best friends! You are helping me cope in this new place, that I find hard to cope with. But you kids are helping me with it. You kids are giving me happiness, and I appreciate that very much! You matter to me! You are my friends!"
He finished holding them closely to him, and they hugged him, and he rested his head over a girls shoulder, while the boy's hugged bedide him, while the girls hugged into Sun. And petted their backs, and nuzzled each kids noses playfully, and they giggled and Sun laughed too, and see their faces light up with joy again. And Sun is relieved to see them smile again.
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shoppsin · 9 months
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I agreed with the last anon, to me, R is the type of person that can't be alone, I think he needs to have someone bedides him, I always thought that he's very sexual? That's why he can't be alone. Maybe this guy is very good in bed I guess... I still dont think this is a serious relationship, at all...
He's very, very conventionally good-looking in a way most people aren't, and I think that makes him quite popular in a way that probably annoyed L to some degree. It annoys me and I don't know him personally. Like Jesus Chirst tone it down a little.
Maybe he can't be alone. I do absolutely agree about the sexual thing. And the relationship is not serious but he could use a friend (even one with benefits) someone to chill and nerd out with (and make out with). He has to channel his cinefile energy into something. Why not his new guy?
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goatlingsvent · 2 years
jug ⛷ anon, misandry is very real but not in the way most ppl think. him arguing that us stupid af bc misandry directly affects all men, especially trans or gnc men.
and bedides that him saying that traditionslly masculine features dont need to be added is backwards. he acts so woke it becomes discriminatory. neutralizing the idea of masculinity and feminity would hurt so nany trans people that take comfort in the ideas. we have so many fucking femme items on site we should at least be able to make a somewhat masculine ha buddy without the 😏 face. ppl shouldnt dogpile or go after him for no tone tags, but its fine to express disagreement with someone.
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arif150890 · 3 years
Fenomena Bediding Mulai dari Jawa Hingga NTT Begini Penjelasan BMKG
Fenomena Bediding Mulai dari Jawa Hingga NTT Begini Penjelasan BMKG
Gambar ilustrasi Akhir-akhir ini suhu di sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia terasa lebih dingin dari biasanya, terutama pada malam hari. Kepala Sub Bidang Produksi Informasi Iklim dan Kualitas Udara BMKG, Siswanto saat dihubungi redaksi Tirto pada 7 Juli lalu mengatakan bahwa perubahan suhu tersebut terjadi karena saat ini wilayah Jawa hingga NTT menuju periode puncak musim kemarau yaitu mulai dari…
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localtrip · 3 years
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Fenomena Bediding https://www.localtrip.my.id/2021/07/fenomena-bediding-melanda-di-beberapa.html #bediding #suhudingin #kemarau https://www.instagram.com/p/CRDg4bpA8H8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ruvi-muffin · 2 years
Man i want to live in a world where mainstream romance is so nuanced that having aro/ace characters won't be the intuitive oponent/free real estate of queer kids who want to see same sex couples kiss
I say this as the queer kid who rly wants same sex couples to kiss
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