#been holding onto this one for a bit but
kentopedia · 4 months
❝𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡❞
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comm by @/puri42a ♕₊⊹
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tangledinink · 3 months
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sometimes i just like drawing silly babies on silly playdates... gemini!donnie's babies ft. @abbeyofcyn and @cupcakeslushie's babies
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gophergal · 11 months
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Life on the farm
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nicmares404 · 1 year
Bruh, this scene has been playing in my head en loop
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Moon says the most out of pocket things and I frickin' love it XD
Fic by @twinanimatronics
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[ jjk 261 spoilers ]
just rambling thoughts about the chapter now that ive Actually read it (thank u tcb and also i wish ppl who post about leaks without tags a very can you Stop and tag thanks)
tldr; i dont hate the chapter, its an interesting one! feel free to discuss with me if u would like
I don't actually hate the chapter conceptually
Ideologically, Uraume has brought up the topic of being human and the fact to be strong/to defeat sukuna you must disregard that obsession of loneliness/humanity. I also think at the end of the day, it speaks a lot about how jujutsu society functions (in that it uses people regardless of respecting them as people, i.e. the star plasma vessels, children as sorcerers facing death constantly, etcetc).
Nevertheless, I do wonder why Yuta had to do it. At the end of the day I still believe Yuji will be the one to defeat Sukuna, you cannot tell me all that build up to him is for Nothing, but what point is there in bringing Yuta in that case? If he just does more damage and then dies (lol), like. What is there to it. Like in the perspective of the characters i get it, they don't know if they'll win or lose and they're gonna have to use every option they have, but simply on a readers perspective, it feels a bit redundant. I just feel there should be a way to incorporate this idea without it feeling like we'll get gojo v sukuna 2.0. Idk i just want yuji to beat sukuna like that first page was so cool :(!!!!
Anyway, the idea of bringing back Gojo similar to how "Toji" was revived in shibuya is also unbelievable bc Gojo himself is shown to still want to protect the kids. His ideology derives from making sure They Are Alive And Changing The System. Yes, I get it he is battle obsessed too (see the shinjuku battle) but it doesn't change he went out of his way to tell them not to look/follow him for what he's about to do with the higher ups. Theory wise, gojo being brought back like this is dull (but plausible i suppose) (also thinking about it would that Really be gojo? We saw that toji still didnt come back normal, and wasnt it stated that the toji that did come back was more of just the memories of the body rather than the person himself? Idk. Anyway)
Additionally, Yuta, altho caring for Gojo, is still falling back to the mentality that made Gojo alone (the "Strongest" vs Gojo Satoru). Yuta himself wanting to sacrifice his humanity so everything Gojo did wouldn't be moot while still using his body, which inherently disrespects him as a person, is a hyprocritical and flawed way of thinking that makes him interesting for me now lmao. He cares for him a lot, but he has to resort to it as a means to an end. Also I don't care if he dies, in fact the idea of him living while still in gojo is just weird tbh so i really dont see a way put of that? Im kinda just interested to see what happens tbh
I'll be real; I can see both points in how ppl think this is a cool chapter vs ppl thinking it sucks. It is surprising how very Neutral I am on this bc I personally feel like the explanations given made sense to me in the chapter.
I don't think this took away from Yuta's character, nor did it take away from what we've seen before; Yuta is not Yuuji. Yuta has shown that he can kill people. He only sparred Uro and Ryu bc of the rule to be able to transfer points. He admits that he "cheated" in the past month. Yuta is very aware of what decisions are wrong but still does them bc its for the best outcome, even if it means losing his own humanity. Yuta wants the best for Gojo but still looks at it in a flawed way. Yuta is unknowingly falling into Sukuna's/Uraume's ideology.
Yuuji is the only one so far in the series that continues to be filled with regret from killing and still wants to do better. He is forced to dissociate his self-identity to cope with his actions. He has said he would eat anything to defeat Sukuna, effectively throwing his humanity, but does not do so at the expense of other ppl (see Yuji's conversation with Higuruma before shinjuku). Yuji looked past Gojo's infinity so he could give encouragement, even tho everyone else was afraid. Yuji is the antithesis to Sukuna's view of the world
Yuta is not Yuji, and I think that's the point.
I don't think one is better than the other, I simply find this contrast to be interesting when u look at it in the grander theme of change and tradition within jujutsu society.
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necromeowncy · 11 months
New chapter of Reflections just posted✨
Pairing: WoL x G'raha Tia
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Read it here:
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summerfirewood · 2 months
*after the reveal of Bobby Dawn being that dude in Sandra Lynn's past*
Husband: yeah you did 🙄
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batsplat · 11 hours
Jorge is talking, hardly stopping for breath. 'Valentino arrived on the scene and revolutionised everything,' he says. 'He brought radical change. I remember that at school, on the day after a race, everybody would be talking about the battle between Doohan and Crivillé... and then about Valentino Rossi! It wasn't normal for us to be interested in the winner of the 125cc race! But he did things differently, he started to improvise. There was a group of us who used to get together to watch the race at my father's track at the water park. There was my dad, his assistant Toni, my friend Rubén... we used to watch the races and then exchange opinions. Everybody said Rossi was a clown... Rubén and I were Max Biaggi fans... we used to criticise Rossi because we liked Biaggi and I suppose it was jealousy. If you don't like somebody you find it hard to admit when they do something well. It's human nature, especially when you're a kid. But we had to admit that this guy was totally original. He did things that nobody had ever done before. He was different from everything and everybody, he worked really hard and he was really fun.' This youthful, envious disapproval aside, Jorge has always enjoyed Valentino Rossi's celebrations, who why not give them a try himself? Once again it's that same old story, the desire to be genuinely original. In fact, his favourite phrase is, 'You have to be different.' He wanted to celebrate his victories, he didn't want to let his fans and his critics down - or himself - but clearly Valentino had been there first. 'When Jorge was little I used to think that Rossi was a bit of a clown too,' María suddenly interjects. 'It wasn't until I became involved in this business that I realised how wrong I was.' With that, she snapped us both out of our trance. We had been at their London flat for several hours, working on this book, and Jorge quickly picked up on what an interesting comment his mother had just made. Everything looks different from the inside. 'The thing is that Rossi has the ideal character to do what he does,' Jorge concludes. 'Ever since he was little, whenever he finished on the podium, Jorge would celebrate differently from everybody else. He jumped differently,' says María. Jorge looks at her, surprised. 'I used to jump on the podium?' 'You would shout, "Bieeeen!" and jump in the air,' she replies. 'I watch you at races now and it's exactly the same. You have the same face, the same expression. You are euphoric. You look exactly the same as when you were little.' 'I have always been very expressive, in victory and defeat. I used to go crazy when I lost...' 'And when you won!' María interjects. Now she looks at me. 'I remember being at a circuit once, at one of the first races he did. In fact I think it was his first race, in San Juan. He was only three years old and it was raining. He kept having to stop and poke the mud off his rear wheel with a stick. And because he couldn't see anybody, because the race was over, he looked at his dad and said, "Have I won? Have I won?" The race had finished! The poor little beggar - everyone was laughing at him and he just kept riding.' 'I got lapped two or three times,' remembers Jorge. 'I was racing against much older kids - 10 and 15 years old. There was so much mud that the rear wheel kept locking up against the mudguard. But what's that got to do with my celebrations, Mum?' 'Because, Jorge, ever since the beginning, all you ever thought about was winning. It was all about winning, winning and winning. Celebrating it, sharing it, have developed naturally.'
Strangely enough, Jorge's first notable celebration didn't come in a motorcycle race but during a school football match in the playground of Milagrosa when he was ten years old. 'I don't know if you remember when Valentino Rossi won at Jerez and packed the bike up before running into one of those portable toilets they have at the Grands Prix. I can honestly say that I can't remember if I did it first or if I'd seen Valentino do it... I think I did first,' he says, gazing into the distance. 'Anyway, the fact is that I'd planned it. I decided that if I scored a penalty I would run off and lock myself inside the school toilets. Sure enough, I scored and off I ran. My friends fell around laughing. I've always been a terrible footballer, but I enjoyed that!' His first celebration of note at a racetrack came in the 50cc Copa Aprilia at Montmeló in 1998. 'I won, stood up on the bike and raised my hand, then raised one finger. It seems such a normal thing to do nowadays, but people didn't tend to do it back then.' It also became normal to see Jorge on the podium sucking on a Chupa Chups, the famous brand of Spanish lollipops that have been long-term sponsors of Dani Amatriaín's teams and riders. 'It wasn't long after the time when Johan Cruyff used to do something similar [on the bench, as manager of F.C. Barcelona].' In Brazil, when Jorge won his first Grand Prix, back in 2003, he mimed the action of firing a gun. Then, in 2004, he pretended to play the guitar after beating Dovizioso at Brno. 'In the end it looked like it was supposed to be a Spanish guitar but I'd wanted it to be an electric one!' All these early celebrations were merely a hint of what was to come. Over the years they have made plenty of people smile, but perhaps none more so than Juan Llansá. 'I find them really funny,' he smiles. 'Even though I am almost 50 years old now, I enjoy them as much as if I were 20! I get involved whenever I can. At the British GP in 2006 I wore a Dutch hat and glasses. I really like the fact Jorge does these things, because they're intended as a present to his fans. That gets me going, it gives me energy, because if you switch off you may as well not bother. You have to enjoy life. The day I stop enjoying being with Jorge, it's time to pack up and go home!'
December 2007: Interview with Jorge Lorenzo taken from Riveras Tobia's Jorge Lorenzo: My Story So Far
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sysig · 6 days
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Solanaceae
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Die Anstalt - Psychiatrie für misshandelte Kuscheltiere
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix (blood warning)
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix (blood warning)
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix’s Captain Zelnick ♥
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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cuteniaarts · 2 months
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Fanny, my sweet, beautiful girl
17.11.2012 – 14.04.2019
#my art#artists on tumblr#I cannot accept that it has been 5 years already#I know covid messed with everyone’s sense of time but it simultaneously feels so much longer and so much shorter than that#exactly five years ago I was holding onto my mom for dear life and sobbing as we watched lilo and stitch together#not the best movie to watch when you’ve just lost your first ever pet you know#and then I cried myself to sleep at the next morning we never mentioned her again#I know it’s because it was way too painful for everyone involved. but I do wish I was allowed to process that grief properly#instead of bottling it up and pretending everything was okay until I was reminded of her#feeling like my heart was being shattered over and over again every single time#well anyway. enough of that. I’ve allowed myself a nice long cry today and got most of it out of my system#and once I was feeling okay I decided to draw her#and I can count the number of times I’ve drawn animals on one hand so.. I’m not too sure about the result#but it felt like to commemorate her in some way.#so yeah. here she is. my dear girl. the best dog in existence. she was always so affectionate and kind#which I didn’t always appreciate bc of how young I was. when you’re a kid it feels like pets will live forever#never barked. never bit anyone. her only crime was chewing on my mlp and lps toys that I left out on the floor#but I’m grateful she did that. it taught me not to leave my toys lying around and to clean up after myself#she really was taken from me way too soon. ideally she could still be alive right now. but I’ve been down the road of guilt and regret#there was nothing I could do. I was a child. I can only hope that she knew she was loved right until the very end#even if I didn’t know how to show it properly. and great. now I’m tearing up again#I suppose it’s unavoidable. April 12th will always be a melancholy day. and maybe that’s not such a bad thing#it’s good to have a day when I can freely remember her and cry if I need to. it’s healthy. it’s better than crying every day#she never liked it much when I cried. always tried to comfort me. that’s the kind of dog she was. I miss her so much#when I move apartments and get a dog of my own I’m getting a spaniel. just like she was#well. maybe a different colour so I don’t end up sobbing every time I look at it. but spaniels really are the perfect breed#I mean. cavaliers especially were bred for love and warmth. that’s just what I need. it will be nice to have someone waiting for me at home#and while I don’t necessarily believe in the afterlife… I do hope that Fanny’s watching over me#spiritually comforting me when I feel all alone in the world. it’s a nice thought for sure#and hopefully she won’t mind me getting another spaniel too much. it will be done in her honour after all. to make up for my past mistakes
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jemmo · 1 year
#can i just rant for a second pls#about life#I hate to be the kind of person to do this I don’t want ppl to worry or just be nice to me I’m not doing this to get anything in return on#I’m just doing this bc I need to get it out somehow and feel like its at least been said#bc I have no one I can say it to#I just really don’t know how to hold myself together at the moment#I don’t know how to have the strength to push to do all these things I need to do and want to do while still holding together every other#single fucking person in my life and being the person that gets all their stress loaded onto while not knowing how to fix any of it#I wanna be that person I wanna be someone you can go to but when it’s everyone all at once and it’s all these people around me that can’t#seem to communicate and make bad situations worse and I get they don’t have the strength to keep themselves together and face things with at#least a bit of a better mindset but god I can’t do that for everyone#it feels like everyone is falling apart and I’m the person in everyone’s life that’s trying to hold them together#and I really care about these people but I can’t seem to find the space for it all#not when on top of everyone having things that are shifting their life for me then to have my own life shifting too#all I wanted was peace just some rest before it all started happening I just wanted the summer to be easy and it’s not#I wanted this summer to be normal to be that last summer of family and it feels like I can’t have that anymore and I hate it#I hate that I feel alone#and I hate feeling like I can’t fall apart or put myself first bc I’m always gonna need to and want to be there for everyone else#I hate that I can’t cope#I hate that I can’t seem to live#that I can never muster up the energy or strength to do the things I want bc it feels like every force in my life is just pushing me back#down and I hate saying this bc it’s so selfish and mean but I hate being here sometimes#I’m so afraid and nervous to leave but at the same time I think about being out of here and only having to hold myself up for once#and to not be surrounded by this atmosphere that feels impossible to be in#I just need things to stop but they won’t and I literally feel like I’m out in the middle of the ocean with absolutely no idea of what to do#to save myself and I feel like I need to actually do something about it instead of just moving on and forgetting about it bc what if I just#drown what the fuck then#and yet I feel the overwhelming need to say at the end don’t worry it ain’t that deep tho I’m sure I’ll be fine just gonna keep going#lol just gotta get back on being that person with their shit together right fake it till you make it and all that#anyway bye sorry for just dropping this idk when I’ll be back on tumblr thank you to everyone that sent nice messages before they meant alot
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@docdracula‘s robot iron man concept has completely taken over my brain, rent free, absolutely no intent to evict, ect ect and i have THOUGHTS i have too many thoughts.
for one, like, how early on does tony die? how early is this ai/robot created? is there a possibility that it was created before anyone knew who iron man was? before even Happy? because that’s So fucked up. no one (but yinsen) ever knew who he was and now no one ever will because there isnt anyone TO know underneath anymore. there’s a single picture of iron man back when it was still tony, back when the eye holes were just holes. back when you could see human eyes under the mask. the eye-slots are opaque now, but. there was a person in there once. so everyone assumes there still is. the assumption is that he’s someone who tony met in vietnam. maybe a soldier. that the two of them were close -- you need to be close, to trust someone with your life like that. for iron man to continue being connected with SI even without the payroll of tony stark’s bodyguard. for the mansion to be left to him. (i am setting tony’s death pre-avengers formation, because i think that is Fun)
No one connects tony stark and iron man beyond that. they knew eachother. they were close. iron man attends his funeral. he doesn’t say a word.
also, in my head, the iron man AI/robot is Distinct from any sort of AI tony. both because this early in canon, i want to say that a perfect copy like that just wouldn’t be possible, and because tony isn’t necessarily trying to replace himself: he’s just trying to replace iron man, and this distinction matters. quite a lot, i think. like, with AI tony we know that tony programmed him to still be an alcoholic. i... don’t actually think he’d do that if he was just building a robot to continue to be iron man, especially with how much tony tends to build up the seperate identity as better than himself.  is this AI still absolutely fucked up, even if it is supposed to be what tony considers the best parts of himself? absolutely! hes still kind of based off tony of COURSE hes just a fucked up guy.
i just,,, him. i love this fucked up lil robot trying to be a person, trying to be the best person, trying to be everything tony thought iron man was. being almost tony, but not really. he always feels weird around pepper and happy and ms abrogast because he doesn’t know them but he knows about them. they’re his friends (they were tony stark’s friends) but he doesn’t know how to talk to them. they don’t know what he is. he doesn’t fully know what he is. he isn’t tony stark, but he isn’t not tony stark. he’s iron man, but that’s just an identity, a mask for someone who used to exist and doesn’t anymore. he’s iron man, but not tony stark. he’s just a mask. he’s just a mask and nothing else.
i think he’d start metaphorically sobbing the first time one of the team called him “shellhead” because thats a name FOR HIM!!! he gets a name! he’s been given a name! i don’t know if he’d HAVE one before that. i don’t know if tony would have time to name this AI, or would even... consider giving him a name other than iron man. i feel like he’d get so soft whenever the team treat him like a person but also feel so bad about it because he doesn’t want to deceive them (even as he increasingly feels like he has to, in order to be what they want him to be). i feel like he’d want to reach out, so badly, so very badly, but feel like he has to hold himself back, because if he reaches far enough to make contact whoever he’s reaching for is going to discover there isn’t anyone else there.
i think about him having some actual articulation underneath the armor, mostly in his hands, so he can take the gauntlets off and have fine-motor control enough to build things, things to give to his team who he loves so so much with the heart that isn’t there. i think other than that there wouldn’t really be much else. he can fill the suit up with gadgets and extra pieces and more processors but there isn’t really a point on building a skeleton. the armor is his body.
i like to think that he feels bad whenever the team worries about him. because he ISN’T in the same level of danger as they are. he can’t be hurt in the same way they can. it’s just another way he feels like a liar. he feels like a liar a lot -- moreso than tony, even, because at least tony’s just lying about who he is, not what he is.
honestly the most tragic part is that even though tony’s dead and this robot has no heart to have problems with
he’s still got to plug himself into a wall
#IM JUST!!!#im having so many thoughts about how this would affect canon#because of course right off the bat like half of the ToS plots just. disapear. because tony isn't around anymore.#depending on when it happens#all of the plots that hinge on tony having to be two people in two places at once. gone.#like!!! what happens about the drinking arcs!!! the molecule man thing!!!!#what about the plots when people DO find out who iron man is -- like with the actor and that one guy who thought he WAS iron man in the end#notably in ToS we do have robots that can mimic humans perfectly im ignoring that#but also da;lksdfasdf molecule man and everyone else fully thinking iron man has been vaporized#and hes like. NO I SET IT NOT TO MELT HUMANS I PROMISE#I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BUT THE MELTING HUMANS BIT WAS FOR /LATER/ I SWEAR#a;lksdjfasdf#also having very wall-e esque thoughts#he just wants to hold a hand so badly...... he wants to be Touched#he wants to be known he wants to be held. he wants to feel things. he can't.#(also adjacent but non-related thought: both steve and tony watching wall-e and over-relating to wall-e#while considering the other to be more like eve)#evren i am SORRY about your notifs i am simply Obsessed#also ive for some reason latched onto he/it pronouns for this robot#ive been reading too much murderbot i think maybe#and maybe that like. everyone defaults to he adn he doesn't correct them#but. he isn't a human and sometimes he feels like he should be reminded of that. that he should be refered to as such.#god what would fuckin cw even look like#he cant do identity shenanigans! there is only one identity!!!#so many questions so many possibilities im biting it i am rotating the concept
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hal9000 · 2 years
i dont want my apps to talk to each other i dont want everything to be connected i dont want my pictures to be pre-organized for me i dont want my pictures to automatically be put through facial recognition i dont want "seamlessness" when it means a loss of basic control and privacy
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fooltofancy · 2 years
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he's just staving off the breakdown with bullets, at this point.
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fstbmp-a · 9 months
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Now they have another thing in common, the "oh please don't go Super" icons.
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fish-and-forbear · 1 year
I think I am doing okay, here.
I wish so many things could have been different. My heart aches for it. But I wouldn't have found my voice, otherwise, nor would I have met so many wonderful people and creatures.
I wish the other one would worry less. It's very silly to realize he thought I was the panicked one... now I've organized my mind and honed my edge, and he's the one who keeps feeling down...
I don't entirely understand why... life is very good. Everyone is getting a little better. It aches because I can feel it like a physical creature clawing in the skull, and whispering all of the misery in this world, the atrocities, the tragedies, the possibilities of so many things ending, or of getting hurt or worse for who he is. And being afraid for the people he cares about...
But that doesn't help us sleep right now. It doesn't change that tomorrow morning the sun will rise and we don't have work and we could do anything, within reason of course.
I'm not sure. Maybe I am the stupid one for being so positive. But one of us has to be, now.
Maybe it's just my instincts waking up again. It's so easy to throw my aching heart and memories away when someone I care about needs me. And right now, once more, we just need to rest.
Nothing bad is even happening! We had a nice day. We talked to friends, we played a game and lost track of time because it was so much fun. I liked that game and the name is appropriate, Loop Hero. Ironic but fitting! We helped a friend feel better after a nightmare. And now it's OUR turn to rest.
Nothing is wrong. Everything is alright. Many big steps forward this coming week. I feel his worry creeping into my heart too, but there's no need for it. We were brave and confident before, we can be that way again. :)
- Grist
#system journaling#see I can remember what words I need to use...! Sometimes.#I think I made him sad because my friends have their own blogs now and I immediately wanted to look at them#he let me but it just made him upset. But why? I chose to unfollow. He felt better after that. Why worry?#I am familiar and content with friendships between firey souls that do not last very long.#Better to rest them down gently. You should always leave friends at least a little bit better than you found them#If I did that then I am happy :)#I just wish he would believe me that it's alright... I know who I am... even if other people see me as a mistake that's fine#I've been around too long to care too much about that. Even from my own family. Trauma makes long bonds difficult#Sometimes when they are healed they can rekindle but..... foresight is a gift and a curse for these things. Better to let them go entirely#than hold onto what isn't there.#... I think he needs to talk to his friend again. The one that lives here.#I think he needs closure that these things are alright. After all that was 8 years and they are so much happier now :)#Hmm. This is getting long#I will let it rest. The heart is already a little softer and everything is less tense. His memory is AWFUL and he can never remember what I#talk about on my own but hopefully he will see that I am content and stop worrying so much about me. And focus more on better things#like making my damned music list like he keeps saying he will! But that is a joke to make him laugh :) There is never any rush.
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