#been living on strepsils all day
avonne-writes · 2 years
Sickfic headcanons
Does anyone have lucemond sickfic headcanons? Here are some of mine:
Aemond is extremely irritable when he’s sick. He snaps at the slightest annoyance. However, when Luke combs his fingers through his hair, he relaxes, and it's something that can put him to sleep if he's restless.
Luke needs a lot of warmth and physical comfort when he’s sick, and basically that's one of the only times when Aemond initiates the cuddling. He also runs them a hot bath and holds a fatigued Luke in his embrace, stroking his arms as they relax in the warm water.
If Aemond says he's staying in bed, you'd better call a doctor because it might be the plague. Nothing else is strong enough to take him down.
Luke likes the taste of cough drops. Aemond hates them, but he still wants to kiss Luke even when he tastes like medicine.
The first time sick Luke falls asleep in Aemond's arms, Aemond is kind of creepily worried about it. He stares at Luke's flushed face and puts the pad of his thumb on Luke's parted lips to feel him breathing through his mouth to make sure he's alive.
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mandssisters · 2 years
Brizzle innit 22.11.22
“By any means possible” A train taking the strain today. Across two counties. Wiltshire into Avon. Bristol. Love Brizzle.
After the storms of yesterday today we got lucky with the skies, they were blue again. Whilst waiting for the train at Salisbury on a cold but sunny platform I got the step count up for the day to 3,500 before boarding. Result. And didn’t buy a hot chocolate to compensate for the cold. Joe Wicks would be proud of me.
An easy 78 mins on the train. A short walk from the station to the des res Ho e clearly the Ibis budget doesn’t stretch to T’s and L’s.
I needed chips. What better way to enjoy them than in a Wetherspoons! Living the dream. Now I had a real fan girl moment, I got right up close and personal with …….. a real life pair of Gromit and Shaun the sheep sculptures. Trip already made! #suchafan Bristol been the home of Aardman animations.
Right let’s cut to the chase. The venue. Google maps did show me what to expect. And it didn’t disappoint. WOW. An idiot could have walked past quite easily and thought it was a disused warehouse….. I mean idiot. 😉
The marble factory. ((Stone cut marble not the glass ball variety.)) Back in the day I bet this place was amazing? But right now it was opposite a building site which was once an industrial estate and even the ATS Tyre shop google maps had promised me had closed!! The only location highlight was a Vegan Cafe called Future in the railway arches which sold the best donuts in town. £10 for 3 well spent.
Met the very lovely Evie in the queue. from Wales…… saw Marcus at Cardiff last night so was still buzzing. Queue time passed quickly.
Motion as I’m going to give it its proper name (the marble factory) is a night club and hanger warehouse. It was pretty cool inside capacity around 1200. All standing but some balcony standing. A real hidden gem.
Monica was back. She gave a very honest set against all the odds. She was so funny. I think one too many strepsils, lemsips, paracetamols may have been taken! There was so much rambling it was fun to watch. Great work Monica. You pulled it off.
To the show.
Ooooooooh new shirt. Tweed shirt and are they called “baggies” where is seeing bees 🐝 Patrick Grant when you need him!
Opening with Awake my soul, the cave.
Came in the form of Football.
Last nights gig in Wales not being able to announce the score as 2 blokes had “saved” the game to watch later!!
I would appear that we had “Miss Wales” in the audience as at various times ramblings were shouted! And Marcus joked at the end that for “I will wait “ Miss Wales needed to keep quiet.
Every song is about footy…
From the balcony gods came a very sweet “shout” of “it’s coming home”!!
Marcus even joked that
“Exeter being a shit show” quiet literally!! He recapped how he got a stripping down about his use of bad potty mouth language from a friends dad. Who questioned the need of the word FUCK? It’s only a good job he didn’t get carried away with “c*nt”.
Post shows, Taylor Mackall ace musician, comments about the performance of Only Child most nights and critiques the 50% of cords Marcus gets right during the average performance of only child! Harsh.
Sadly we didn’t get to see the wonderful Monica onstage for Go in Light, as he insisted she gets well for her main performance. As she isn’t in TIP TOP form!!
After the fake end of show, and encore, another fab rendition of Cowboy, with added burp slurp! Apparently within the tea cup was tonic water most nights, but tonight it’s tea but has the same effect.
Then off piste from the set list we were in for a treat. 6 mins of bliss. Marcus’s favourite song “not dark yet” by the one and only Bob Dylan. Loved this. What a real treat. At the end the slight boast that the next one was written with Bob, although he wasn’t actually there!! WIGMHOY.
Too soon it was off mic I will wait. The crowd very respectful. Miss Wales did wales proud.
I waved a sad goodbye to band as they won’t be with Marcus for leg 3 in stores next week. Going to miss them they are so tight. Marcus’s voice just gets better and better each night. Vs mine which can barely speak atm without coughing!!! What a total joy these dates have been. Over too soon.
Today. Enjoying life with a walking tour of Banksy street art and a trip on the S S Great Britain in the dry dock. Well worth a trip, fascinating engineering and fantastic recreation of sea travels circa 1840s. What a visionary Isambard Kingdom Brundel was. And a great Ambassador of the top hat.
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itscominghome · 3 years
𝐈𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡
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Requested by: @masterclassbaby
Summary: You and Mason have been living together throughout the whole of the pandemic and it's started to calm down now. But when you test positive for Covid-19, Mason doesn't care if he gets sick too, he just wants to look after you.
Notes: Requests are open for players currently on my Football Masterlist so ask away xx
The cough that I let out racked through my body, hacking and merciless. Since I'd woken up this morning, I'd been feeling like absolute shit. A cough would rip through me every few minutes, my throat felt like it was being scratched out by a cat's claws, my sense of taste and smell? Non-existent. I'd tested positive for coronavirus a few days before my symptoms had begun to show and Mason and I had immediately made the decision to sleep in different rooms, just in case I passed it onto him. I knew what effects it would have on his career if he got seriously unwell and I wasn't letting him risk everything he'd worked towards, no matter how hard it was to sleep in a bed without him next to me. It was weird not waking up to forehead kisses and cuddles and weird not being able to kiss him goodbye as he left for training. Because of all the vaccinations and the progression made on slowing the spread of the virus, Mason wasn't made to self-isolate with me. I'd make him do lateral flow tests every morning just to check, making sure his teammates were all kept covid-free too.
I thought I was going to get through my isolation without actually getting sick, possibly just being a carrier. But the way I felt this morning didn't make me feel very hopeful about that. Or hopeful at all. When I'd managed to get myself out of bed, I noticed Mason had already left for work. I struggled to walk, making my way down the stairs suddenly felt like a great feat. By the time I'd crashed back onto my bed, I couldn't lift my head back off my pillow and my eyes could barely open. My body just felt so tired.
A couple of hours later, I hear the door open and Mason shouts up to me.
"Baby?" I don't even have the energy to shout back to him, my throat in too much agony. I hear a rush of feet hurry up the stairs and my door creaks open. His face drops, I'm clearly not looking my best whilst huddled up in all the blankets I could find, and my duvet.
"Oh, baby..." he says making his way over to me.
"Mase, don't, you'll get sick too," I say as he places his hand on the top of my head. He flips his hand over and feels the heat of my cheeks, still fussing over me.
"Mase, seriously, I don't want you catching anything," I croak out. He shakes his head.
"I don't care, I'll just stay at home too, then we can look after each other," he says before rushing downstairs. I watch his figure leave the room, a confused look on my face, but it's not long before he's back. He turns the light on, my eyes not liking it in the slightest and causing me to wince slightly in pain.
"Shit, I'm sorry, love," he apologises before sitting down next to me on the bed, an assortment of medicines being dumped next to him.
"I'm going to need you to sit up for me." My attempt is futile and Mason has to help pull me up so that my back is against the headboard.
"Look, I know you hate this stuff," Mason begins, holding up a bottle of Covonia cough medicine, provoking a groan, "but it should stop that nasty cough you have. And I've got some Vaporub for your blocked nose, Strepsils for your throat and some Ibuprofen." I smile weakly, it's cute how his protective instinct kicks in, even when it's a sickness, he's always been that way. I really don't want to accept his help though, knowing what close contact could mean for him.
"Mase, I know you're trying to help, bu-"
"No buts,"
"What a shame," I say playfully, trying the best I can to be light-hearted, "but seriously Mase, if you get sick, it could have lasting health effects for you. And who knows what that would mean for your career. You'd have to work so hard to get your fitness back to where it is right now, you wouldn't be able to start matches for weeks. You've worked so hard to get to where you are today, I'm not letting you jeopardise it because I'm a little bit unwell,"
"Well, it's a good thing it's my choice, you don't have to let me. I'm going to look after you. In sickness and in health and all that," I roll my eyes at his perseverance.
"So, are you going to let me help?" he asks, pouring a 5ml spoonful of the cough medicine. I nod weakly, knowing there's no way I could ever win this argument. I open my mouth, ready for the foul-tasting liquid. I quickly swallow it, my loss of taste meaning that the flavour was a little milder. He follows straight up with a second spoonful, getting it over and done with. He follows with an Ibuprofen tablet and a glass of water, then a Strepsil, the flavour lost on my tongue. And finally, he finishes with the Vaporub, carefully rubbing it into the skin on my chest.
"Thank you," I rasp. He sits with me until I've finished my Strepsil and then helps me to lay down. He presses a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"I'll bring you a bottle of ice water in a minute and then I'll leave you to rest for a bit," he says, cupping my cheek as I lean into his touch.
"I love you," I whisper, barely audible.
"I love you too, baby," he says, making his exit.
A few hours later, I woke up to Mason's sleeping form clinging to me. His chin lay atop my head, an arm wrapped tightly around my waist and my legs locked in place by his.
"You better not complain, if you get sick," I groan, but secretly loving that I was back in the arms of my boyfriend.
"I won't,"
"I can't believe you got me sick!" Mason complains a few days later, as I give him his very own spoonful of that god-awful cough medicine.
"You said you wouldn't complainnnn," I say in a sing-song voice.
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27th September 2017
We woke up around 0900 because we agreed to go to the gym/pool with Lexi and Louisa. Although, Steve wasn't actually aware of this. I just told the girls that he would be going. Lexi and I were going to swim whilst Louisa and Steve were going to gym. I was excited to get out of the hostel. We left around 1000 and walked the 5 minutes down the road. It's $4 entry or you can pay $50 for 5 weeks and have unlimited goes. I think that is a great deal I just don't have $50 to waste willy nilly. I got into the pool and it was amazing. It was an Olympic sized pool with better views. We could see the blue skies, the mountains and palm trees. I'm going to try take a photo next time on my GoPro. It would look so nice with the reflection of the water sparkling in the sun. There were two covers over the pool near the shallow end but the majority of it was in the sun. It was nice because I didn't feel cold. Our lengths took us longer than expected because the pool was longer than it looked. We did 10 and Lexi got out to sunbathe. I continued to 20. Steve was training arms and Louisa has her normal workout she does. She pays the $50 and comes here fairly often. I should've done that from the start but it's a very, very dated gym and it's outside in the sun. The only cardio machine is a skipping rope... By 1200, we left. What a great way to start the day. Lexi walked straight to work and we walked home. Steve and I had some lunch and then went to the pool to sunbathe with Lousia. I also managed to buy Steve's birthday present without him knowing which I'm very excited about... Watch this space! We all rotated the 'sunbathe and pool' routine which lasted a good couple of hours. It was very hot and being in the pool was nice. I went back to the room around 1430 as I had to leave for work in an hour. We all got showered and then I waited for time to pass. I left for work, slightly red. Okay, more than slighty. I looked like a tomato but it wasn't sore and I had suncream on. You only need 2 hours in the Australian sun and then you've had enough. It's weird. On holiday you'd spend all day everyday out in the sun, but not here. I think it's because there's no ozone layer. I started work and it was just Lexi and I. It was fairly quiet, not too bad although Lex said it had been a nightmare all day. Great. Before I knew it, it was 1900. Lexi was due off now and she asked whether she could go. It was quiet enough so of course I said yes. I wouldn't have asked her to stay even if it wasn't quiet. It's up to that person if they want to stay longer. Lexi had been forced to stay late all week, she ended up doing 55 hours. I can see that happening to me soon. I got on with all the cleaning that needed doing at the same time as serving customers. I was getting annoyed at Saab, the lady doing the night shift. She usually works kitchen side but knows how to work coffee side too (we're called coffee side). She keeps calling me "she", "her", "you". Why is it so difficult for people to learn my name? Earlier on when Mel was in, she shouted at me "Christie!", "Christie!!", "CHRISTIE!". I had no idea she was calling me and I turned around. She started telling me to do something and I just went "Christie is not my name". I was probably more blunt than I should've been but I was in such a bad mood. It's not difficult to learn a member of your staff's name that has been working there for 2 weeks now. I finished the cleaning behind the counter and started the dish washing. This really does irritate me. Why do we have to clean all the kitchens stuff? They leave all the food and sauces in the pots to go hard and all sorts. It's just ridiculous. We have to stay late to clean their stuff? It just doesn't make sense. We have to put it away in the kitchen even though we haven't a clue where stuff goes. A lady said to me yesterday, "make sure you dry the stuff before you put them back". Here's a thought, do it yourself. The way this place is run, is just stupid. I managed to finish my stuff by 2305. There was no point putting the 5 minutes down because Rachel won't pay you for that apparently. I haven't been paid once yet which I'm slightly concerned about. Lexi got paid today so I'm hoping to get paid at some point. Lexi said it was because she's been there ages but I would've thought you'd put the payroll through at the same time regardless... I'm going to ask Rachel when I see her. I walked home in the dark which was quite worrying. I hadn't been out in the dark, alone in Cardwell before so I didn't know what to expect. Luckily, it's lit up well because it's a main highway. I rang my Dad who couldn't speak because he was at a hospital appointment so I rang my Mum. We chatted for the 15 minute walk which was nice. She was on the way home from training at work. As I was walking, I heard massive amounts of movement from the bushes which made me jump. My first thought was, crocodile. There are croc's in the sea here and as we live on the beach front, that's how I came to that conclusion. Nevertheless, it made me move faster. I got home and Steve was awake. He has work in the morning on the Taro farm so his alarm is going off in 5 hours. He said that his throat was sore and he couldn't sleep. I brought him some Strepsils home from work so hopefully that'll sooth it.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
Watching The Lie of the Land for the first time
Episode aired more than two weeks ago, still, spoilers below the cut
-Well the monks might have caused a ton of bullshit in the last episode but at least they haven’t been complete tyrants in the alternate history they made
-As in, they didn’t kill the entire effing planet
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Earth History v.2, featuring BBC’s Photoshop skills.
-ah nevermind
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Featuring... THE MONK OF RIO instead of Jesus
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oh shit doctor
-Who made you record this
-Are you being tortured right now
-Did someone lock you up
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-So for some reason she is not affected by the monks and seeing through the false history
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-Okay but how long did it take Pearl Mackie to straighten her hair
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Stop with the glitches, you’re freaking me out
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Two statues in one town is a bit too much don’t you think
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-It’s been a while since I was this worried about an episode even before the intros
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-Well this is one dystopian univese.
-Okay, I’m actually tearing up. Not downright crying, I don’t really do that for some reason (and if I say something like I’M CRYIGHN;; anywhere it’s just a metaphor) but this.
-Imagine the pain of being one of the few, if not the only one, in this entire world who knows what actually happened, but no one believes you nor is it wise for your own being if you let loose your knowledge. Imagine watching the people you might have known, the people you knew once shared the same knowledge and lived in the same universe as you did, completely brainwashed, and not even aware of it. You’re the only one around who knows that things had been better for them.
-And your college professor/alien is (apparently) locked up in an interrogation chamber somewhere and forced to make propaganda videos.
-Come back, Doctor. Please come back.
-...And then your mother suddenly disappears...
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tHANK GOODNESS (but also hahahahasd)
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aw yiss
-the what now
-so Bill’s mum wasn’t actually there?
-That’s... really sad.
-I think you guys should cover your windows with your curtains
-”Found it in the Tardis. Yeah, it was in one of the drawers with some old takeaway menus and fifty Danish krone.”
-Bill stop punching Nardole <:P
-”His son is serving ten years in a labour camp for possession of a box of comics.”
-Well that’s bullshit, I take back what I said about the Monks earlier. Literally the only thing they did well is not committing genocide (unless they edged on Hitler to cause the Holocaust.)
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Yikes. Quite the ominous entrance for a ‘savior’ type of species, wouldn’t you say?
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I have bad feelings already. Whovian intuition
-Okay, so if they locked him up and forced him to do broadcasts all day that would be horrible but WHAT IF HE WAS BRAINWASHED TOO OR CONTROLLED IN SOME WAY, THAT WOULD BE EVEN WORSE
-Monk: “Hello, who is this?”  Doctor: “Epsilon. Fire. Jupiter. Lily.“  Monk: “K gotcha fam, I’m going over”
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Why is his suit so ragged again
-(Okay, at this point I went away for lunch, and I had to close all windows because I’m using a library computer, and when I came back and tried to find the approximate point where I left off I accidentally ran into the regeneration bit - the one they showed in the trailer - and a little bit of me died on the spot)
-”It's like that time we discovered that huge fish creature in the, in the Seine in Paris.”  ...?
-”And whose fault was that, huh? I didn't ask for my sight back. No, you took it upon yourself to ignore me, to do what you thought was best. All I can say is that we are lucky it was a benevolent race like the Monks, not the Daleks. Yes, I know the Monks are ruthless. I get that. Yes, they play with history and I'm not exactly thrilled about that. But they bring peace and order.“ Ooph.
-But I can’t shake off the feeling that the Monks aren’t just here out of good will, and they’re actually planning something bad for humanity for their own gain. Because so far none of their actions seem to directly benefit them in any way except gaining humanity’s respect, and this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense since they have shown themselves to be not that benevolent.
-I’m very confused and worried
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-...what the fuck....
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Holy shit...
-So yeah I know he’s not regenerating until the finale or the Christmas special but my worry levels have gone all the way up to 100 nonetheless
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SHIT it’s the bit from the trailer
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-Twelve, your Ten is showing.
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what  thank fucking goodness
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me right now
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the owl is proud.
-he is a proud alien pap.
-Anyway, *breathes in* *breathes out* THANK FUCKING GOODNESS.
-”And there's loads of them. I could do with a Strepsil.“  I looked it up and Strepsil’s a throat pill. Okay. I get the joke now.
-(I don’t really get how guns work but what does ‘blank’ ammo exactly mean? Bill fired the gun and something came out, didn’t it?)
-”I called the kitchen. Oh, could you pop down and explain it to them? They're going to be really confused.“
-In that case, lemme do this again:  Cook: “Hello, what I do for you?”  Doctor: “Epsilon. Fire. Jupiter. Lily.“  Cook: “...???”
-”Oh my God I am going to beat the SH-”
-Second time Bill has ALMOST spoken the s- word in this show y’all
-”The only person I know almost as smart as me.”  “Oh. Oh, I see. Blimey. Has it really come to that?“
-Oh boy.  Are we gonna see Missy?
-”We could have snuck back in, but the Doctor being the Doctor...”
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*hijacks huge ship* *runs - or sails - straight into a bridge* *crazed laughter* Yep, that’s the Doctor alright.
-I think I hear a bit of 11′s theme in there too
-”OH MAN I HAVEN’T DONE THIS IN YEARS”  “Doctor you were in there for only six months”
-Kinda random, but I’m wondering if they ever repaired the wall after the UN broke into his office.
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-”But it’s just a woman.”  you think
-"The way you and Nardole have been carrying on, I thought you had some kind of monster in here, or something!”  “I do.”
-”Wait a sec. Why have you got a woman locked in a vault? Because even I think that's weird, and I've been attacked by a puddle.“  “She's going cold turkey from being bad.”
-”The Monks put up statues in every town square, and every park, and every playground.”  ...Playgrounds. Really.
-”Oh well then it’s sorted. Just kill them.”  Welp
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there goes that plan
-”Well, at this point, all that was left of the bloodline was a wee girl, and I just pushed her into a volcano.“  oh wow
-”You'd be a husk. Completely and irrevocably brain-dead. You couldn't even get on Celebrity Love Island.“  AHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
-Did the Doctor just walk through that forcefield
-Well what was the point of said forcefield
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missy is taller than twelve??
-”I could even throw in some other stuff. The things that I could change just by thinking. Racism. People who talk in cinemas.”  Please do
-”Are you sure? This would be an incredibly sophisticated transmitter, powerful enough to beam highly detailed propaganda to the entire world twenty four hours a day, and you're going to plug your brain into it?” “I know. It doesn't stand a chance.“  WOOHOO!
-”Now, have you all got your stereo headphone i--thing?“
-Oh shit that guy’s player is broken
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Nardole has stars on his earphones :D
-Tarovian Neck Pinch. Yeah, I er, I studied their martial arts for a while, actually. Yeah, reached the level of Brown Tabard. Can't do it with this hand though. Kind of bugs me. Course, this wasn't my original hand, as you know. I won this in a game of -- yeah, let's crack on.”
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Interesting visuals.
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oh holy shit
-holy shit that’s one hell of a mindpower
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-”I don't want our last conversation to be this.”  ”I don't want this to be our last conversation.”
-Oh god it’s dark again
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one ugly head you got there
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oh shit
-I’m stoked for two reasons:  1. This whole scene.  2. The fact that the whole Bill’s mum side story in episode 1 was foreshadowing.
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they’re still at it
-”Bill’s mum, you just went viral.”
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haha what
-The pyramid was a spaceship? I wasn’t expecting that.
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“You, appalling hair.”
-Well excuse me let me remind you of your sixth incarnation
-And tbh that hair kinda looks like Missy’s
-”Er, we thought they were just like filming something here or something?“  Realistic dialogue, that’s actually what a late teen would say, 10/10
-”Thank you. Very helpful. Now go away, or something.“  HA HA HA
-The funny thing is that at the moment the Doctor says “-or something” in the episode, distant laughter can be heard.
-”Why do you put up with us, then?”  "In amongst seven billion, there's someone like you. That's why I put up with the rest of them.“  Aww.
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She’s- crying? She’s, actually, crying.
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“I keep remembering all the people I've killed. Every day I think of more. Being bad, being bad drowned that out. I didn't know I even knew their names. You didn't tell me about this bit.” “I'm sorry, but this is good.” ... "Okay.”
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imathers · 8 years
Crystal Castles — “Doe Deer”
I felt fine at work on Friday, felt fine for most of the evening too, but at some point I became aware of a dull ache in my throat. I didn’t think much of it, especially since the only thing I had to do the next day was go get groceries with Anaïs; I figured I’d have time to recover. I didn’t know, because it had never happened before in experience, that having a mildly achey throat (that wouldn’t get really painful until Sunday) meant I’d spend 6 hours laying in bed Friday night/Saturday morning before realizing I wasn’t going to get any real sleep.
As a result, Saturday was even more of a wash than I’d planned; groceries went fine, but otherwise I was pretty much stumbling around in a fugue state. Anais had plans to go to a friend’s that night so I just hung on until about 11 then went to bed (one of the few times I’ve gone to bed before her while we’ve been living together). It wasn’t as bad as Friday night, I think I got some actual sleep, but not much. I did spend the last couple of hours before I got up with my mouth open, which was tremendously unpleasant when I woke up from the last microsleep I managed. But I felt better Sunday morning, back to normal practically, so I kept my plans with Pete. We hadn’t hung out in a couple of weeks, so even though I could hear my voice getting scratchy I figured it’d be fine — I usually throw these things off in a couple of days, and it didn’t hurt, after all. Until I got home. My throat was in agony last night, thankfully we have half a pack of strepsils from the last time one of us had throat issues.
I went back and forth on what I’d do today; if I got a normal night of sleep (which, experientially for me, goes like this: I lay down, wonder how long it’ll take me to fall asleep, and smash cut to me waking up in the morning. I almost never remember falling asleep, temporarily waking up or rolling over in the night, or dreams) I’d go in to work; my boss is gone this week and I have plenty to do. If I didn’t sleep well, I had my laptop and the first set of fixes on my plate for the work here, I could work from home. Last night made it three nights in a row that are just successive agonies of, oh I’m awake again and it feels like I can’t quite breathe right, I need to roll over or adjust a pillow or cough (or, last night, a ridiculous number of times, burp, which is a new one). 
This morning I first ‘woke up’ (which seems to indicate a change of a state that didn’t really happen) when Anaïs got up to go into work early, and my thought was that I should go in early, get these fixes done, and then go the fuck home as early as possible. Naturally I promptly actually fell into about 15 minutes of the first ‘real’ sleep I’ve had since Thursday night, and promptly revised my plans to be sleeping as long as this dumb body would let me and then working from home. Three hours later I woke up, feeling slightly queasy, with a headache, and when I went to get out of bed a nice, massive cramp in my left calf. Now (about 7:30 am when I write this) I just need to figure out how to use our VPN for the first time and I can get going on the work I have... before going out, because of course it’s tonight, to the Lambchop ticket I’ve already bought a ticket for.
When I woke up this morning there was a bad taste in my mouth and “Doe Deer” in my head. We’ll see how it goes, I guess.
(as always, I am aware that I’m lucky to be ‘healthy’ normally and that I know and love people who deal with shit this bad or worse on a regular basis; I certainly don’t know what that’s like, but this crap is bad enough and you have my love and sympathy)
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zombierunfiction · 8 years
Season 1 Mission 12: Alternates
The next morning bright and early Charlotte was woken up by Maxine who asked for a private meeting with her after breakfast.  Charlotte had a quick shower and tied her hair back into a low ponytail and threw on a green t-shirt and black jacket with black pants and tennis shoes.  She walked over to the hospital where Maxine was shakingly checking on a new person before letting another person take over.  She quickly led Charlotte out of the hospital and took her behind the building.  
"I'm sorry to pull you away so abruptly but I had to speak with you privately."  She says running her hand through her short black hair.
Charlotte shook her head.  "It's no problem Dr. Myers."  
"Maxine.  You can call me Maxine."  
"Alright then Maxine.  So what's going on?"  Charlotte asked softly.
"That box you brought back... with my name on it.  It had papers from Paula and everything but... it also had a CD with it.  The only place in Abel where I can listen to it is in Sam's comms room."  Maxine said still shaking somewhat.
"And Janine doesn't want you to waste the fuel to run the generator just to hear your lovers death?  Such a heart she has."  Charlotte says sarcasticly.  "We could play it for a run."  She suggests.
"Oh would you?  It would mean a great deal to me." Maxine asked taking Charlotte's hand.  "It wouldn't be a bad run just something simple."
"No problem Maxine.  I know how important that disc is.  Let me get my pack and stuff ready."  Charlotte said holding her hands gently.  
Maxine smiles and hugs Charlotte tight before rushing off.  Charlotte walked over to the packs getting one ready before grabbing her headset and ax.  She walked over to the coms shack where Sam had on a blue sweat shirt showing Maxine how to work the machine.
"Hey Char.  Thanks for this.  I had already offered my coms shack but I didn't know if you would be okay with doing this."  Sam said as Charlotte planted a kiss to his cheek.  
"Hey this is important.  Besides I would want to hear Amir's last words even if their bad."  Charlotte said as Sam nodded.
Sam shut the door as Charlotte got ready.  Once the gate was opened Charlotte took off.
"So... can we, uh..."  Maxine said softly.
"Yeah, yup, it's fine.  I'll tell them... well, how long do you think you'll need?"  Sam asked.
"Just a normal run should be fine."  Maxine said softly.
"I'll tell them it's a meds run.  I know you guys are okay for supplies for the moment but I'll say you're running low on, um... cotton balls? Strepsils?  Condoms?"  Sam suggested making Charlotte laugh at the last one.
"Tell them we're running low on penicilin alternates for people with allergies.  It's true, anyway."  Maxine said as Charlotte nodded running towards an area that she knew would have some of the supplies.
"Okay.  So, then... my corrugated iron shack is yours for as long as it takes.  And, uh... call if you need me!"  Sam says reassuringly.
"I'll be fine."   Maxine says shackingly.
"If I could find a way to let you use the equipment completely alone-"  Sam says softly.
"I know!  But it's okay.  Runner five could have died retrieving that box.  It's why I asked her to do this for me.  If anyone deserves to know what's in it, you do Five.  As I told you Five, amongst some research notes and samples, Paula left me an audio recording, and um, I'm gonna play it now for both of us."  The sound of the door shutting is heard as machines whurl to live.  "It still surprises me she made a CD.  A CD! Like it was 1998."  She said laughing slightly.  "I guess she thought I'd be more likely to find somethin gto play it on... or that rain wouldn't damage it, like if she'd left me an iPod?  Or maybe she wanted her iPod."  She breathes deeply.  "Okay, I can do it, I can do this..." The sound of the CD being inserted is heard.  "Here we go."
There was a small amount of static before a soft husky voice appears.  "Hello, sweetheart."  The feminine voice said as Maxine's breathing hitched as the voice continued to speak.  "If you are my sweetheart, that is.  I suppose anyone could be listening to this, but I'm choosing to put that thought out of my mind.  This is for my Maxie."  She says softly as Charlotte continued to run not wanting to interrupt this for Maxine.  "Because the phones have stopped working, and I need to believe you're still alive, and that you'll hear this, one day."  She took a deep breath.  "I love you.  And I had to tell you, darling, best one.  I want to imagine that I'm telling you what I saw, because when I imagine that I'm talking to you, I can feel your arms around my shoulders, and that makes it easier.  I know you wouldn't judge me, or panic.  And you... you've always been able to calm me down when I felt afraid."  There was a pause as Paula's voice lowers.  "I'm so afraid Maxie... I'm just so scared!  I think... Oh, Maxie, I think I know who patient zero was!"  She whispers.  
"Patient zero..."  Charlotte said.  "Isn't that the term givin to the person or thing that starts an outbreak?"
Maxine sniffled.  "Yes... the first person infected with the virus that starts the domino effect."
"I'm just going to try and tell you exactly how it was, okay?"  Suddenly Paula's voice changes into an accented different from her normal American one.  "Just the facts, ma'am!"  She changes back.  "We were working on something, and well I don't even know how to begin to explain it.  If you're Maxie listening to this, you'll know what it was already.  And if no, well, you're looking for the research notes on VS-72 in the secure facility on Tessandori Street, and... well, I don't know how you'd ever get in there, and there are only about 15 people in the world who can understand those notes anyway, but, well... if uh... Professor Van Ark is still alive, you can try taking it to him.  Or there's Hubner, who I think is in Milan..."  Paula laughs softly.  "Can't say I'm holding out hope.  If you find it all, Maxie you've probably got a better chance that most of working out what went wrong." Paula says softly as Maxine whimpers letting out a soft sob.  
Charlotte got to the old warehouse and started to pack up as much penicilin alternates as she could find.  "You ok Maxine?"  She asked.  Maxine whimpers a soft yes as Paula continues.
"We were working on VS-72, which we thought- I know it sounds crazy, but you know I'm not- we thought we might help people.  Really change the world, really make things better!  It was suppouse to... it was about cell regeneration.  Like, making people heal more quickly, that was the aim.  We'd been working toward it for more than ten years, and the first trials in rats were amazing.  Beyond what we'd hoped.  We saw more total limb regeneration!  In adult rats!  It was... well, we thought we'd win the Nobel Prize!"  Paula said exciteably before the sound of the fence rattling in the background.  "We think they're going to get in soon, the... people!  The walking dead!  We used to have soldiers here guarding us, but they've been picked off one by one."  Paula's voice hitches.  "God, I miss you so much rightnow. I want to be able to talk to you because I think, together, we'd work out what to do, and... I miss snuggling up next to you!  Holding you.  I miss you arms around me Maxine."  Maxine started crying hard as Charlotte felt her heart breaking at how sad Paula sounded, not to mention how torn up Maxine sounded.  "I miss the way you smell... I'm starting to think I'll never see you again."  Paula starts to cry as well when the recording stopped.
"I'm sorry, I... I need to take a break." Maxine said as she sniffled.
"Go ahead.  I'm fine out here.  No zombies for miles."  Charlotte said as she zipped up her bag and ran to another room keeping an ear out for zombies that she knew could show up at any time.  She was rifling through one of the filing cabinets finding a bottle of untouched whiskey.  "Jackpot!"  She quickly stashed it into the bag.
"Ok... I'm back."  Maxine says sniffling.  "I think I can keep going."
"If your sure.  If it helps I just found a bottle of whiskey we can drown our sorrows in."  Charlotte said encouragingly.  
Maxine chuckles wetly before starting up the CD again.  Paula's crying comes back full force.  "We never meant any of this, Maxine, you know we didn't."  She sniffled softly.  "It was our first human trial of our 'wonder drug'. Just two weeks ago.  It seemed like we were going to save the world!  We injected 50 people with their first shot, no problems.  Sent them all home.  And the one man, Patient 29- his wife called.  He'd started to run a fever.  She broguht him in, we took a look.  Seemed like nothing serious.  We sent him home..."  She whimpered softly.  "God... we sent him home.  She called again the next morning.  Overnight, he'd... the fever spiked.   She took him to hospital.  He collapsed, and they thought he had died.  And then he woke up and bit someone.  We were so sure it had nothing to do with us.  I mean... biting.  Had to be rabies, maybe or mental health issues.  We were so sure."  She stressed as she breathed slowly.  "Until it was too late, we were so sure it had nothing to do with us.  But Maxine, this happened to only one patient out of 50!  There must have been something about him.  There must have been something different.  But you need to find them.  Patient 29.  I never knew his name, it wasn't allowed.  Patient 29.  Go and look for Professor Van Ark's files at Tessandori.  Find out what was different about him.  It's the only way we can start to find out what's happened."  Paula stressed more as gunshots rang out making Paula and Maxine both gasp.  "Oh! It's okay... It's okay, they haven't broken through yet.  But we think they will."  Paula started to cry again.  "Oh Maxine! I wish I was with you right now!  I wish I could go on talking to you forever.  But we're all taking a turn at recording a CD for someone in the hope that they'll find it, so I have to stop in a minute.  I'll put this CD in a sample case with your name on it."  Maxine starts  crying again as Paula continues to talk.  "We haven't got very far, but we've been trying to make a vaccine.  There should be a way.  If it were only VS-72, there could be a way to stop it.  If you find it, maybe you'll succeed where we failed.  We're going to fail.  There isn't enough time."  Paula pauses as she sniffled softly.  "Maxine... this is all I really have to say: I love you... I love you, I love you!"  She said with more conviction before her voice drops to a whisper.  "I love you."  The recording ends with a click as Maxine's cries become full sobs.
Charlotte took a moment to close her eyes and hope that Paula was alright and that this wouldn't be the last thing Maxine had to remember her love by.  She opened her eyes fast when she heard the groans of the undead outside.  "Maxine I know this is a bad time to ask but are there any zombies outside the warehouse a mile outside of Abel?"
Maxine sniffles looking at the cameras.  "Theres 3 of them just outside of the warehouse."  She says softly as the door opens in the coms shack.  
"Knock knock! I uh... sorry, it's not the start of a joke.  Actually, you're probably pleased it's not the start of one of my jokes.  Just, there are people waiting to use the- oh..."  Sam said as he closed the door behind him.
"No, I'm fine, I'm fine!  Just give me a minute, I'll be fine..." Maxine said as she sniffled softly.  
"Just a second."  Sam said before the door opens again.  "No you can't come in yet, there's been a- ugh, yeah, I've arsed up the equipment again, sorry!  Yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry!  Sorry.  I'll sort it out.  You'll have to come back in a little while though, okay?"
"No, no, it's okay, I can leave.  It's okay, there's no reason to-"  Maxine started before Sam turned to her shutting the door.  
"They'll be back in a little while.  You can take your time.  Um... do you want me to leave you alone?"  Sam asks as he sits down with her.
"No!"  Maxine says before quieting down slightly.  "Stay.  I'm gonna play it again... Can you get Runner Five back to Abel?"
"Um... yeah, okay."  Sam said restarting the CD as he switched to a seperate com with Charlotte.  
The CD started again.
"Hello, sweetheart."
*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~           < 12 >
Season 1 Beginning
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skelffricat · 5 years
Practicing? Practice your practise? I’ve just been for dinner with my mum, which was nice. I fortunately cycled between torrential downpours (they’re still going on, in June...). I wanted to go to my dad’s cousin’s daughter’s mate’s book launch, but, when I excitedly put it into my phone calendar a couple of weeks ago, I forgot I had a job. I forgot I’d be late, so late that she’d left, driving herself back to Dublin. My mum got me a book of her poetry, the one she was launching. She forgot to get her to sign it. It’s hard to remember these things.... She also got a lovely bottle of red, from her. (WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? I JUST HAD TO RESTART A NEW RECORD COS IT WAS JUMPING LIKE BILLY-OH. BUT IT’S NEW!!!) My mother was sat at the bus-stop when I arrived, across the road. She said, I messaged you. I told you it was too late. But my bus isn’t coming, for ages. I said, I just jumped on my bike, and cycled. I didn’t want to read her messages, cos I kinda knew I was too late. If I had driven, she moped, I could’ve dropped her home. If I’d driven, I said, I’d still be all wet (got soaked at work... and I wanted to change, anyway) if I’d driven, I’d have been circling, looking for a parking space, getting angry... So... shall we eat? We went to the Other Place- just next door to the book shop where the launch had been. Handy! I don’t think I’d been to the Other Place since 1994, when I first discovered that I was now adult enough to drink coffee. We had been tripping all night. They had free refills. We took the piss out of their free refills, and fair play, they didn’t complain. They let us sit there and drink 18 refills. Am I remembering that correctly? Did I cement my new acceptance of the evil adult coffee drink by drinking one refill for every year of my life? Perhaps. My memory tells me that we went to the docks to watch the sunrise, too. It seems different colours on different sides of the bridges. Different bridges, then. Did the Lagan still smell? Was it still full of bicycles and shopping trolleys? This record is still jumping, even though I blew the needle. It’s new. Oh WHY? You can BYOB in the Other Place. I’m still pleasantly full. It’s good, to hang out with your ma. My ma is great. Nothing lasts forever. I should appreciate everything. Especially the generous and kindly folk who appreciate me. She got a bus home, too. She hates taxis. I quite like to indulge in them, when I’m feeling flush. But I’m not flush now. I paid for a wedding (for all three children and me!) in Scotland. Well. I have savings, but they’re for the summer. The summer is nearly here, and I’m excited. I’m not going abroad, but we will have the craic. Oh we will. In England, and Ireland, and Scotland. Oh, I’ve just remembered my practising title. We had a couch surfer on Monday, lovely Mexican fella. You end up chatting about Brexit, inevitably, with couch surfers (actually, we ended up talking about it in Dublin, too, back at my dad’s cousin’s 81st birthday party, when we learnt about the book launch. It’s hard to explain how one sick one is, of Brexit chat. It’s hard to explain how powerless one feels. How, yes, I vote, but then I switch off the news and just hope something happens. Or doesn’t happen, perhaps. Can we have our ball back? We’re going home for dinner now, then can we just leave everything as it was? Or perhaps we should have a united Ireland? Oh, I think the DUP are accidentally making a United Ireland happen? Oh, well, actually, that might be grand. I like BBC radio and the NHS but they seem to be fucking them right up anyway and their news is lies and oh- hang on- we can’t have gay marriage or abortions? Oh wait, aye, a united Ireland IS a good idea!) We showed the Mexican fella the fleg at the bottom of the street (something to do with poppies and the war) saying, that’s a Proddy fleg, this is a Proddy area. Only it isn’t, really any more, cos it’s full of Asian people, and African people, and there’s a Muslim family, and, shh, jaysus, you wouldn’t think it, CATHOLIC people. Only, well, not really. Not practising Catholics. Then I thought about what a strange phrase that was, cos it implied that the only ones who are actually real Catholics can’t even do it properly either- they’re just practising. There aren’t any experts, or anything. No champions. Just some who went to their schools by mistake, and stuff. A lot of ex-Catholics (oh how I’d love to be ex-communicated! Yet my desire to be ex-communicated is silly, cos it implies there was some truth in my baptism etc, some actual entrapment of my soul. My desire to be freed would suggest that I do feel actually trapped, trapped by shackles that I don’t believe exist. I mean, if you found out a relative had christened your child, you shouldn’t care, should you? You should just think, oh, that’s nice, a comfort to her, as she doesn’t want to go to her heaven without him. But instead you feel a burning searing RAGE and want to burn down some churches {not necessarily chapels; the Catholic habit of calling church chapel is simply incorrect- a chapel is a church within another building. This has always annoyed me}. It has left its mark. That church has Got To You. GRRR.) Hours after the Mexican left, the new flegs were in place. (Was it him?!) There seem to be less than last year. I don’t have one on my lamp-post, so I almost didn’t notice. Shiny new Union Jacks and Northern Irish flags for the street, but none for me. I feel weirdly left out. Or perhaps priveleged. Who knows. They never seemed to mind that I had a child (the eldest, too- she went FIRST) in a Catholic school uniform. Perhaps they had checked me out. (Do they do that?) I have forever confused folk, that way. Going to a Catholic school but living in a Protestant area. If people hear you grew up in the Cregagh, they assume you’re a Protestant. I also feel a bit put out that I didn’t see them do it. They did it on the 12th June last year (6 days earlier!) at 12pm, by my house (I thought it was a twelfth thing) in matching grey tracksuits, like urban camouflage. I liked to imagine they were all wearing union jack underwear. Let me point out that this is the only time I have imagined men in union jack underwear. In fact, it is the only time I have ever imagined ANYONE, in ANY sort of underwear. I think. Hmmm. It’s pouring again, and it’s dark, and the record has jumped its way to its end. I’m going to Body and Soul Festival tomorrow. I’ve pretty much packed. I have to work, before I pick folk up and GOOOO. But I’ve the morning, to throw the stuff in the car, and buy booze, (drinking tonight was practising :P ) and more strepsils and ibuprofen and all that jazz..... It’ll all work out fine, I hope (I’m totes SKINT!)
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
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Media captionMs Sturgeon said the energy firm’s “only job is to secure the lowest price for consumers”
The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed.
The SNP leader told the party’s conference that the company will sell energy to customers at “as close to cost price as possible”.
Ms Sturgeon said it would be set up by 2021, and would give people – particularly on low incomes – more choice of which supplier to use.
She also said the SNP will “always make the case for independence”.
And while the Scottish government has delayed plans for a second independence referendum, Ms Sturgeon insisted that the SNP still had a mandate for a vote on the issue.
Brian Taylor on ‘Sturgeon’s plea for patience’
Watch Nicola Sturgeon’s full speech
She described the “essence of independence” as being “in charge of the decisions that shape your destiny” and “being in the driving seat and not simply at the mercy of events”.
The first minister declared: “We are the party of independence. The case for independence doesn’t depend on Brexit. But Brexit does show us what can happen when we don’t control our own future”.
Among Ms Sturgeon’s other announcements were:
A “truly transformational” doubling of spending on early-years childcare to £840m by 2020
A new scheme to provide free sanitary products in schools, colleges and universities from next August
All young people leaving care will be exempt from paying council tax
A £6m fund to help the tourist industry in Scotland’s more remote areas
Confirmed the 1% public sector pay will be lifted in Scotland
Announced that permission has been granted to the people of Ulva, an island off the west coast of Mull, to bring their island into community ownership
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Media captionNicola Sturgeon: “The gap between Scotland’s interests and Westminster’s priorities has never been wider.”
The possibility of launching a publicly-owned energy company was included in last year’s SNP manifesto.
In her keynote speech to the conference in Glasgow, Ms Sturgeon said the idea would now be taken forward, with more detail to be provided when the Scottish government publishes its new energy strategy.
She said: “Energy would be bought wholesale or generated here in Scotland – renewable, of course – and sold to customers as close to cost price as possible.
“No shareholders to worry about. No corporate bonuses to consider. It would give people – particularly those on low incomes – more choice and the option of a supplier whose only job is to secure the lowest price for consumers.”
Nottingham City Council operates a similar scheme through its not for profit Robin Hood Energy company, which was launched two years ago and sells gas and electricity to customers across the UK.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The three-day conference was held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow
Analysis by Brian Taylor, BBC Scotland political editor
The SNP are in a holding pattern on a number of topics. On Brexit. On independence. On events in Catalonia, where Ms Sturgeon condemned the EU for failing to condemn the violence of the Spanish police – but stopped short of endorsing Catalan independence. Instead, she again urged talks.
And there is a waiting game too on tax, but the speech was policy rich: Affordable housing, child care, the environment, a new not-for-profit energy company, an end to the public sector pay cap. And much, much more.
These, firstly, are policies designed to improve Scotland and to win public support. They have a function and a life of their own.
But they are also designed to meet a wider public mood. Which is to focus upon the day job, upon the mundane concerns of Scottish society.
Read more from Brian
On her government’s childcare plans, Ms Sturgeon told delegates that it had already pledged to almost double free provision to 30 hours a week for all three and four-year-olds and eligible two-year-olds.
Ms Sturgeon said the move will save working parents about £350 a month on the costs of childcare.
And she confirmed that the Scottish government will double the £420m it currently spends on early years education and childcare to £840m a year by 2020.
Image copyright PA
Image caption Ms Sturgeon arrived on stage with a packet of Strepsils – a reference to Theresa May’s cough-interrupted speech at the Conservative company
Image caption There is overwhelming sympathy for the Catalan government among SNP activists and elected politicians
Ms Sturgeon told the conference: “This is a commitment unmatched anywhere else in the UK. And it’s the best investment we can make in Scotland’s future.”
The first minister went on to say that Scotland’s interests were threatened by “chaos” at Westminster, with Labour’s position on Brexit “clear as mud” and Theresa May having “lost control”.
She repeated claims the EU Withdrawal Bill amounted to a “blatant power grab” on the Scottish Parliament, adding: “We will not allow a Tory government to undermine devolution”
‘People of Catalonia’
But she acknowledged the EU was not perfect, and criticised its response to the police violence in Catalonia during the recent disputed independence referendum.
Ms Sturgeon said: “Sometimes it (the EU) fails to live up to its founding values of human dignity, freedom, democracy and equality.
“When the people of Catalonia – EU citizens – were violently attacked by police just for trying to vote, the EU should have spoken up, loudly, to condemn it.”
She said it was time for the Spanish government to sit down with the government of Catalonia, adding: “It is time for them to talk and to find a way forward.
“A way forward that respects the rule of law, yes. But a way forward that also respects democracy and the right of the people of Catalonia to determine their own future.”
Image copyright PA
How would a state-run energy company work? Analysis by BBC Scotland business editor Douglas Fraser
The promise of a government-owned, not-for-profit energy company has been coming down the pipeline since last year’s Holyrood manifesto from the SNP.
Nicola Sturgeon’s conference speech made clear that the initial key role will be competing with other energy providers on price.
This implies that commercial firms are making unfair or unreasonable profits.
But there could be more – a lot more. Things like supporting new schemes, district heating projects or investment for renewables
Across the North Sea, in Denmark, the state Energy Agency administers energy and supply, and climate change initiatives.
It has 400 staff, with tasks ranging across energy production, supply, transportation and consumption, including energy efficiency and building standards.
Then there’s another model of state-owned energy company – Norway’s Statoil.
Read more from Douglas
What are the other parties saying?
Scottish Conservative chief whip Maurice Golden said the one word missing from Ms Sturgeon’s speech was “sorry”.
He added: “For the last year, Nicola Sturgeon put her reckless plan for a second referendum before her day job. But instead of apologising, the first minister once again showed that the SNP simply doesn’t do humility.
“This was a speech that demonstrated the SNP simply doesn’t get it. Lacking in humility and failing to listen to people – it’s the same old SNP.”
Scottish Labour’s interim leader, Alex Rowley, claimed the SNP was lacking in fresh ideas, so had instead taken Labour policies, watered them down and attempted to pass them off as their own.
Mr Rowley said: “From a not-for-profit energy company to teacher training bursaries, action on period poverty and promises on public sector pay, this conference shows that it is Labour which is setting the policy agenda in Scotland.”
Scottish Greens co-convener Patrick Harvie said Ms Sturgeon’s speech “showed yet again how Greens are leading the change in our society, pushing the SNP beyond its comfort zone on everything from publicly-owned energy to lifting the public sector pay cap.”
Scottish Liberal Democrat MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton said the SNP hierarchy had attempted to “tiptoe around independence” during the conference – but that the party’s members had “reminded them that independence is all the SNP care about”.
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Related Topics
SNP (Scottish National Party)
Nicola Sturgeon
Read more: http://ift.tt/2zaP1uB
The post Scotland to set up public energy firm appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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amsjournaltoshare · 7 years
Top 10 ‘things-to-do’ travel list
Assalamualaikum and hello,
Back in uni days, most of us will take this opportunity to travel elsewhere (mainly Europe) during breaks/holidays. We went to Germany (Berlin) and Spain (Barcelona) together along with few of our friends. Other places that we have been (on our separate vacations with friends) were such as France (Paris), Italy (Rome, Pisa), Holland (Amsterdam) and Switzerland.  They each offered different views, amazing things and each had their own special gems. We are still in the process of retrieving most of the pictures in our hard drives and we are still in search of a missing laptop which contains most of our Berlin and Barcelona trip. (so careless!). We will share some pictures soon.
This post is to share top 10 things we normally prepare and do when we went on a trip. Most of it we learned from our experiences. May this will benefit you and the others in any way :)
If you are aiming for tickets from cheaper airlines (AirAsia, Ryanair, Easyjet etc), it is vital for you to check the websites or frequent. We paid our Berlin ticket for only 30 pounds per person (returned flight). How great is that?
If you are in Brunei and working under the Brunei government, make sure you don’t fly on the important days in the calendar. hehe.
When you exchange your money, you normally ended up with bigger (50-100) amount. It is important to have small changes as well for example 20 Euros and below. Sometimes you need this to buy metro tickets from the ticket machines, bus tickets, subways, munchies etc.
In order to save time especially if you’re planning on making a visit to a lot of exciting places, making an itinerary is very important. You need to consider a lot of things when you make an itinerary such as:
The location of the place- where is it near to? what are other places that you can go nearby? So that you don’t have to go to the same area twice. Save you the time and money for transportation.
Admission/shows- sometimes admission may vary in prices and also the schedule of shows. Hence, it is important for you to check the schedule of the place thoroughly.
Views and surrounding- Is the place suitable to visit in the morning? night? afternoon? Are there any interesting things happening on the day of your visit? Will it be nice to catch it on sunset?
Option B- Always make options just incase you cannot follow you itinerary just at it is perhaps due to bad weather, riots or any unforeseen circumstances.
Places to eat and pray- with different types of phone applications these days, it is much easier to research places to eat and pray.
Sometimes, it's just nice to eat in your room especially for breakfast or if you’re just tired or if you’re hungry in the middle of the night and you don’t want to go out to get food. It also helped if you have a hard time finding a halal place nearby to eat.
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These are just some of the foods (mainly canned foods) that we normally brought along with us; canned foods such as curry chicken, sardines, we normally have this with the packet of ‘ketupat mini Nona’ which act as our rice, because we can’t live without eating rice haha. The usual instant noodles. If your hostel/hotel has a kitchen or hot water then that’s great! But we normally eat all this while it's hot, how did we do that? On to the next point :)
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Introducing the legendary portable cooker, it’s as big as a Discman (if you’re a 90s kid you should know this haha)? okay maybe slightly bigger like few cm bigger. This cooker has been traveling for what is seems a half way around the world. And that is because it belonged to my dad and he travels a lot because of work. This cooker has been with the family for more than 10 years. So this is how we cooked our instant ‘ketupat mini Nona’ and heated up our can foods.
Check what type of sockets/plugs does your place of stay or the country you’re in. In Brunei, we use TYPE G plugs. Check out this website for more information http://www.iec.ch/worldplugs/
We always remember to carry a small pouch which consists of panadol/paracetamol, flu and cough medicine, Gaviscon, vitamin c, Vicks, other Minyak Panas, plasters/band aid, Strepsils, and Ricolas.
Yup just bring it all, phone chargers, camera/Go-pro chargers, laptop chargers, power bank chargers but make sure you charge them before you leave the hotel/hostel :) Batteries ran out fast, especially in winter or cold places.  
Well just incase, you’re soaking wet due to rain or you’re stranded somewhere (hopefully not!), it's better to be ready :)
If you’re using a backpack, make sure you do not put your important documents such as passports (if you decided to carry them) at the very front pocket of your bag. Place them more inside of your backpack or put it in your jacket. Or if you bag has an inner zip, that will be great. If you’re still worried, then you can lock your bag with a small lock :) Just make sure you don’t lose the key and remember the code if you’re using one.
If you’re using sling bag and you’re extra paranoid, you can wear it inside your jacket or cardigan. Make sure that your zip holder for your bag goes inwards and not outwards :)
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