#been struggling with mental health and such so yeah
michaela-o · 2 days
Omg hi hi hello guyyyyys ! I'm really sorry if it seemed like i went missing😂 but my university started and we are all getting to know each other properly and i just didn't feel like being online because of my mental state i was in- i was overthinking a lot about myself, stressed out from new school and i'm still kinda struggling bc of my personal reasons.
I kiiinda fell for my bestfriend and i somehow just can't process it and the only thing i know is that im crushing hard and it's driving me crazy. I didn't talk with this about anyone because i struggle to process that i fell for a girl especially for my bestfriend- (like i knew i was on both males and females) but once those feelings hit it's so hard to process..i've been crushing on her for a while now- (she's so pretty and she has such a huge personality- i lit love everything about her😭)
Ugh so- yeah that's something from my personal life, trying to balance school, job, my memtal health and there's little room left for drawing but i'm semi-active and look on my dear mutual's posts from time to time <3🧡
I also got my teeth fixed today :]
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changingplumbob · 1 day
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 9
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CW: Mental Health Struggles - Guide to content warnings
Even Sulani was not immune from rain. Carson got out of bed at the cry of his alarm and headed to his bathroom. He liked that there was more space, and it had a nice view even with the downpour, but it didn’t make having to shave before school any easier. When he was clean and dressed and finished breakfast he decided to call his older sister, just to check about sharks.
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Carson: I know it’s early but can you please tell me if sharks can break through my floor
Marta: Hola Carson, Keira is in the shower
Carson: Oh, sorry, I didn't even think about you answering her phone
Marta: It’s bueno. She told me on honeymoon sharks are pretty safe. Most attacks are from thinking a human is a fish. They will not break through your floor
Carson: Are you sure
Marta: Si, I promise. She said from underneath surfboards look like seals *laughs* isn’t that cute? But your house will not look like a big seal
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Kayleigh had the day off and spent it doing what she loved most, painting! After finishing a particularly excellent painting she got a call from her regular gallery. News around the town was that Kayleigh Foster was now a global superstar! They hoped she would remember them in her future works and they had recommended her for a star of fame in Del Sol Valley! Once she got a call from the council she couldn’t contain her excitement and called around her family to let them know.
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Charlie: You’re really going to get a star?
Kayleigh: That’s the rumor. You’ll all come right? I couldn’t have done it without my family. And after maybe everyone can stay for a couple of days, this house has enough room
Charlie: Of course but don’t you want to celebrate like... without your kids
Kayleigh: Your dad suggested a dinner party for my friends tonight which will be nice. He’s going to ring around on his afternoon break
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When Carson got home he congratulated his mum and sat down to do his homework where he could talk to her and his eldest sister.
Carson: So everyone will be invited to stay? Even Reece?
Kayleigh: *sighs* You’ll be at school a lot of the time, don’t worry about Reece
Charlie: Besides, he’s less snarky with you when Samir is around. It’s like he tries to be well behaved or something
Carson: Charlie you know he tried convincing me Samir is a werewolf! As if I'd fall for that
Kayleigh: Actually that is true
Charlie: Mum... have you been inhaling the paint fumes for to long?
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Kayleigh: No! Samir told me. Your dad and I have discussed it at length. It’s strange but true
Charlie: When were you going to tell us?
Kayleigh: I wasn’t but clearly Reece doesn’t mind you knowing
Carson: Great, another thing he can make fun of me for not knowing
Kayleigh: I know you two fight but he loves you really
Charlie: Have you told him about the OCD yet
Carson: No. Do you think I should?
Kayleigh: It’s always your choice darling
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Carson: Maybe. I’ll think about it since he’s willing to open up about Samir
Kayleigh: Do you want to invite some friends over? Me and your dad will be out here with our guests so the living room will be empty
Carson: Yeah I’ll see if the guys and Onyx are free, thanks Mum
Charlie: Mum that picture is gorgeous, is that Ariel? Can I have it? Please please please
Kayleigh: *laughs* Okay firstborn, it’s yours
Charlie: YES
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Harvey greeted the guests as they arrived to celebrate his wife. Most of them were from back when they lived in Willow Creek but Kayleigh had also asked him to invite two he’d never met before, Suzanna and Adam Kightstone.
Harvey: Nice to meet you. I’m glad you could make the trip from Chestnut Ridge
Suzanna: Of course! She deserves a celebration
Adam: Oh wow, look at all her art! This is so much more than the gallery pieces
Harvey: Yes if she paints masterpieces she likes to keep them at home
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Kayleigh: Food everyone! We’ve made a gorgeous salad for starters
Suzanna: Now remember we’re here for my friend, not to fly off the handle if the food isn’t right
Adam: Alexander is the food critic, I just do art
Suzanna: Adam I’m serious. She’s never judged us for being aliens, it’s important
Adam: Don’t worry starlight, I can keep a level head for a night for you. Let’s go see what humans choose to put in their salads, how many fruits do you think we'll find?
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Bob: You must be proud
Harvey: Oh I am! How a fisherman like me managed to catch her I’ve no idea. Anyway we’ll be celebrating your success soon. Bob is a chef see
Adam: Oh yes I’ve read the reviews, everyone seems to love your food. Any plans of opening your own place?
Bob: Eventually but I know Eliza would like me to have a stable well paying job for a while first, especially now we have Tiana. She’s our youngest, we adopted her
Suzanna: I would have loved a girl but we have two boys
Bob: Well just wait until they grow up, Onyx surprised me, and Aaron's Artemisia. You may have a daughter under your roof and just not know it yet
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Calista: If Emisia ever crosses a line just tell us and we’ll talk to her about her manners
Kayleigh: From what I can tell Carson isn’t too bothered by her. He was a bit stressed after prom but I think he has girl on the brain for now
Aaron: It’s a relief there’s some kids that are unbothered
Eliza: Fergus is also unbothered worse luck
Aaron: I know you think Emisia is a bad influence but-
Eliza: Oh they have always been thick as thieves. I don’t think I could pry their friendship apart with a crowbar. It helps that she has a lawyer for a dad though, hopefully that'll stop them getting up to anything illegal
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aspd-culture · 2 days
I wish I had the stereotypical aspd that empaths talk about. The calculative and well groomed businessman who’s incredibly independent even at the cost of other people.
I’m honestly a useless loser. I don’t do anything for anybody yet am livid when they don’t do something for me, 80% of the time I forget or don’t do the tasks I’ve been asked to even if it’s the simplest thing. I pass it off to other people. I get threatened by my parents constantly, called useless and a lazy fuck. I’m not motivated for anything, not employed and the thought of it makes me want to rip my skin off or rip their faces off whenever they mention it. It feels like another extension of control. Everything feels like an extension of control and an excuse to assume power over me.
People in my life are moving ahead of me no problem and I’m still stuck on my ass debating whether to break everything in my parents house when they use my lack of employment and symptoms to make fun of me. My friends talk about it like it’s just so simple to suck it up and march forward and I loathe them for it because they don’t understand.
Maybe this is just me being a whiny brat or a bad person
No, this is you struggling with being in a toxic environment - one that will continue to make you feel like this for as long as your parents act that way towards you. It's not possible to heal and recover and learn to process your symptoms and change your behavior in a toxic situation like that. It's likely keeping you in survival mode.
Truly I think in that situation the best way to get yourself to do the things you would need to do to leave the toxic situation is out of spite. Spite can do a lot for pwASPD when we harness it to use for good, since our PD is so reactive to it. If you think to yourself as though you're talking to them "ha, yeah okay sure I'm getting a job just like you wanted right? Except I'm doing it to get the hell away from you", you might find yourself more able to get to do those things. It's not guaranteed to work, but it's something that might help.
And, if it makes you feel any better, prosocials don't actually like us in that stereotype either AND generally ppl who fit that stereotype are in some other way coping destructively. No one who actually has ASPD is managing to not struggle at all with it bc a disorder can only be diagnosed if it significantly and negatively impacts your life. It's important to remember the stereotypes of this demonized disorder are made out to be supervillains - hyper capable beings who choose to be monsters - bc otherwise the prosocials have to admit that they're bullying people who are hurt and wish we could stop dealing with our symptoms just as much as they wish we didn't have them if not more. It's not fun for them anymore if they think about our actual struggles with ASPD, so they try and make it sound like we're having the time of our lives when none of us do. I promise you're far from alone.
It's also worth noting that if you find yourself entirely unable to work without your mental health destructing, that that's called a disability and there are things you can do to either get accommodations or potentially payment for it bc unlike your parents by the sounds of it, the government understands that mental health is a valid reason one might not be able to work.
You're not a useless loser - you're a person with a disorder that is known to be potentially disabling who is being mistreated and stuck in a toxic environment - at least going by this post.
Plain text below the cut:
No, this is you struggling with being in a toxic environment - one that will continue to make you feel like this for as long as your parents act that way towards you. It's not possible to heal and recover and learn to process your symptoms and change your behavior in a toxic situation like that. It's likely keeping you in survival mode.
Truly I think in that situation the best way to get yourself to do the things you would need to do to leave the toxic situation is out of spite. Spite can do a lot for pwASPD when we harness it to use for good, since our PD is so reactive to it. If you think to yourself as though you're talking to them "ha, yeah okay sure I'm getting a job just like you wanted right? Except I'm doing it to get the hell away from you", you might find yourself more able to get to do those things. It's not guaranteed to work, but it's something that might help.
And, if it makes you feel any better, prosocials don't actually like us in that stereotype either AND generally ppl who fit that stereotype are in some other way coping destructively. No one who actually has ASPD is managing to not struggle at all with it bc a disorder can only be diagnosed if it significantly and negatively impacts your life. It's important to remember the stereotypes of this demonized disorder are made out to be supervillains - hyper capable beings who choose to be monsters - bc otherwise the prosocials have to admit that they're bullying people who are hurt and wish we could stop dealing with our symptoms just as much as they wish we didn't have them if not more. It's not fun for them anymore if they think about our actual struggles with ASPD, so they try and make it sound like we're having the time of our lives when none of us do. I promise you're far from alone.
It's also worth noting that if you find yourself entirely unable to work without your mental health destructing, that that's called a disability and there are things you can do to either get accommodations or potentially payment for it bc unlike your parents by the sounds of it, the government understands that mental health is a valid reason one might not be able to work.
You're not a useless loser - you're a person with a disorder that is known to be potentially disabling who is being mistreated and stuck in a toxic environment - at least going by this post.
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
Happy pride month guys I hope you have a wonderful month 🫶🏻 just know that your existence in this world is so important you deserve to be whoever you want to be and you deserve to exist!! Be extra kind to yourself this month use these days to show some extra love and support for yourself and read tons and tons of queer literature and surround yourself with queer media remember you are never alone and we are all over the world 🫶🏻
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stinkyhyena9000 · 9 months
Buster Moon Stimboard !!
For my Sing friends still out there, here's some food for y'all
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🤍 💙 🤍 | 💙 🐨 💙 | 🤍 💙 🤍
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Totally non-abrupt segway to a sentimental message:..
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I just wanted to thank all of you for hosting such a lovely and wholesome fandom. I love we're a small community, but y'all have always made me feel so extremely loved, and I'm glad have had y'all be my first and sofar only fandom experience.
Please never stop making art and writing stories!
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marrfixated · 6 months
(More thoughts and drafting! Some weird formatting I know but it was all one block in my notes)
Emma is doing just fine. Average. It’s really not so bad.
She’s just been dealing with a lot of change. And with too many things not changing.
Which is… an odd thing to struggle with.
Because she likes change. Daunting challenges. The unpredictable. Doing new things every day and never being scared of them. And she likes independence.
She had thought so, at least.
After the show, she had been hit in the face with just how… isolated she was. She had only had two friends before the first season, but she had left them behind. Her mother wasn’t doing the best, and she didn’t have any nearby family.
She found herself laying in her bed in the middle of the day most of the time, scrolling through her contacts and old conversations.
Or scrolling through her comments on TikTok.
A few weeks ago, she had tried some stunt involving a motorcycle and an inflatable pool. She probably wouldn’t have messed it up if her hands weren’t trembling.
(She had forgot to check the breaks, and wasn’t sure if they were working.)
(They were.)
The blood dripping down her face and the gash in her lip didn’t sting as much as it did watching the video.
She looked ridiculous, and she probably always did. It was better when she had someone else to do it with. Maybe she was losing her touch.
She didn’t post the video.
She turned back to dancing instead, which did feel less embarassing, despite the constant mocking feedback. Sure, the jokes were “funny”, but she didn’t care about any of it. She didn’t feel the rush, she wasn’t planning every day, and she wasn’t known or loved for anything.
Except for what she lost.
And, the show, to an extent.
-Ugh, she misses the show. She shouldn’t, but as stupid as it sounds, she really did. She missed doing crazy things and talking to people. Having a chance of winning. Beating everyone. Being cheered on. It wasn’t always great, but at least it was something. She misses doing something.
And she really misses Bowie. She missed Bowie, but she knows better than anyone that she can’t go back to that. They just- have better things to do now. He probably does.
He’s got Raj- which is great! And she’s happy for him! She’s happy for everyone. For Wayne, however he’s doing, for Julia, despite everything.
And Caleb. For having Priya.
Emma is jealous that Bowie gets to have someone.
Emma is jealous that everyone else gets to have someone.
Emma is jealous that, unlike everyone else, winning the show probably wouldn’t have made her any happier.
She isn’t sure what would.
#cw injury mention#(very brief)#writing her always feels weird because I like to explore things that weren’t at all touched in canon#because we only see her as angry at Chase or lighthearted and silly#but I think she’d feel sort of empty. especially with how much attention she would be used to and craving#with Chase and her number of fans. I think she'd struggle with individuality a lot.#and you can't just be super angry and then careless.. like she would have a lot of guilt too#like e4s2 and when Bowie and her fought are what I’m going off of#plus she’s portrayed as a person who wants validation/social interaction/close relationships#and she doesn’t really have that. she doesn't get people and she only really has Chase#also you can’t tell me she loves TikTok and it’s so good for her mental health lol I use TikTok and nobody has ever thought that#but yeah it’s hard to analyze and elaborate on a character who’s been kind of wasted in canon#but still I think there’s so many fun ways to view her#original post#total drama#total drama island#total drama 2023#total drama reboot#td spoilers#technically this is Priyemma based but I won’t tag it as such cus it isn’t obvious. The Priyaleb line hints to that#I think Emma would have gotten really attached to her though.. arghhh.#because Priya trusted her and supported her and liked her and she hasn’t actually had that before. She hadn't been cared about as her own#person. and her missing Bowie… oomph it hurts. auuughgusuughh#gah sorry for ranting lol but I love her#td Emma#Emma td#tdi Emma#Emma tdi#total drama emma#emma total drama
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boag · 1 year
I mentioned this briefly yesterday but basically my mom lost her little purse while walking the dogs and we’ve looked everywhere in our neighborhood and someone definitely took it bc it’s nowhere to be found. We have no way to track the location of anything in it bc she still has her phone, but the purse contained literally everything else we had. All of our money and all of my mom’s cards and important items were in it and now we have absolutely nothing. So if anyone could help us out so we can pay for food and bills and stuff while we sort this out it would really be SO appreciated like we’re just completely screwed rn 😭 Anything any of you could spare would really help us so much like we’re currently just penniless with no backup plan or anything and we used the rest of the little food we had to make dinner tonight and now we have nothing left
My Cashapp, PayPal, and Venmo are all karmabauer
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kinnbig · 8 months
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riddlerosehearts · 19 days
apparently the new singer for linkin park is only confirmed to have attended danny masterson's pre-trial hearing before things progressed and to have been involved with scientology (a "religion" that doesn't believe in psychiatry or mental illness) years ago, so... hopefully she's distanced herself from all of that because it would be absolutely insane for her to take the position of chester bennington if not. and there is no way the guys in the band wouldn't know this stuff about her. i don't want to immediately assume the worst but i am not listening to a single thing with her in it until the band says something.
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sodalite-fulll · 1 year
Sometimes I think I’m immune to the parasocial relationship thing but today I learned my favorite asmr content creator is a raging bigot and I almost threw up
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queerstudiesnatural · 9 months
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feyyyd · 16 days
something so freeing about saying goodbye to a friendship, even though it's not over
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mcgilou · 5 months
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i've been struggling w/ my mental health really bad so just a minute heads up for all my blogs being wonky activity. i feel bad bc i wanna write but i don't wanna force it if i can avoid that.
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doctorweebmd · 10 months
hi this isn't a question i just desperately need to tell you how much zero sum game ruined me and put me back together again. lurking mental illness and suicidality under shit circumstances, physical disability, mental and physical scars, constantly fighting off the ptsd and having to learn how to cope in ways that don't hurt other people so you can hang onto the person that makes it all worth it. it's everything i've gone through, right down to soul destroying and healing intimacy, at first to feel pain and then to attempt feeling truly good for the first time. zero sum is undoubtedly going to be one of those artworks i can never shake off my psyche in the best way, like an abstract background hug for my heart. thank you so much for taking so many scary themes to tackle and packaging them so beautifully, i really needed that lately.
sincerely, a previous battle of the bands fan who is now absorbing your entire oeuvre into their personality.
first i want to thank you profusely for sending me this. thank you for sharing your own experience, and your own pain. i know thats not easy and i'm some random person but honestly reading this makes me feel not so alone in the world. of course, thank you for reading, but also for relaying that you felt seen by it. i always feel so silly because its a my hero academia fanfiction but, with all sincerity, words like yours are what make writing it worth it.
zero-sum is sincerely my favorite thing i've ever written and probably always will be. not because i think the plot is awesome or the physics stuff was cool (EVEN THOUGH I STILL THINK THOSE THINGS ARE TRUE) but because its the first time i was able to write about my own personal experiences with mental illness (heavily projected onto Katsuki and Izuku, lmao) in over ten years.
Okay fair warning i am going to overshare under the cut so please feel free to stop reading also I love you and cherish you and appreciate you thank you so so so much for sending this
i'm sharing this because, at some point, i needed to read this. maybe someone will stumble on to it and realize something. maybe not. maybe its just another way for me to continue to process what happened. i think i'll always be processing it. mental illness is a bitch
when things got really bad for me (the first time around) i stopped writing completely. at that time, i truly, from the bottom of my heart, believed that my disorder was the only thing that made my writing interesting. that if i was to recover, that means i could no longer do the only thing i was good for. unironically, writing was actually a major barrier to my recovery for some time.
writing, the thing i loved most in the world, started heavily triggering me.
so i stopped.
the problem was, i heavily romanticized what i was going through in my writing. i made the suffering 'beautiful.' by thinking it was beautiful, i was trapping myself in a loop of self-destruction.
they say, 'write what you know.' but all i knew was misery. so misery was what i wrote.
romanticizing your pain is something i think we all do. sometimes you have to. its a survival mechanism. if the pain is 'beautiful,' then its 'tolerable' to go through.
what no one really tells you about mental illness is that its really, really fucking lonely.
what no one tells you about recovery is, its even lonelier. its the most isolating thing in the world. everything you relied on, everything you thought to be true, the way you interact with the world completely changes.
things are always going to be different. you can't go back to who you were before.
what i did do, when i went into recovery, was read the very few published books about people with (disorder) who recovered. over and over and over again. i needed something to latch on to. anything. i needed to believe it was possible. i needed to believe people like me survived. that they could find happiness. that they could find love. that there is space in this world for people as broken as me.
i dont know. zero-sum, to me, was a love letter to that 19 year old kid that hit her (first) rock bottom. i pretended she didn't exist because it hurt too much to think about her. but what she needed to know, then, that recovering, no matter how difficult, was worth it. that life can and WILL get better. that she will one day wake up every morning and think 'fuck. i'm so glad i'm alive.' that even people like her can find happiness.
that one day, many years later, embarrassed, she'll show her scars to a person she just started dating. that he'll sheepishly show her his. that they'll exchange police reports like love letters. she'll learn that there are people out there that understand her. have felt her same pain. have lived through the same hell. she'll learn that survival is sometimes based on hope, and sometimes based on spite.
but is, despite it all, always worth it.
she'll learn that her suffering does not preclude her from love and connection and happiness.
that one day, she won't feel so alone.
and that one day, she'll be able to sit down at her computer and write about it. maybe it will be in the form of my hero academia fanfiction lmao but that doesn't make it any less real.
maybe it will reach someone. maybe it won't.
but one day, she'll be able to do the thing she loved more than anything in the world again, because nothing is ever truly lost.
there is a future worth fighting for.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Yeah I'll try not to post much here (ADHD memory I'll try my best) for the strike as it's all I can do, maybe some Palestine posting for it too, so I'll save ask answers and fnaf posting for afterwards. There's currently a big ol' storm here at the moment making the internet a bit spotty so it's not like it's easy to post right now anyway so you're not really gonna be missing much
And to the anon in my inbox, hi I see you. You're not annoying or anything with your asks I'm just slow and now participating in the strike so I'm sorry but you'll probably be waiting a spell for those answers. Doing what I can, even if it's tiny, is more important right now I feel
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piplupod · 2 months
objectively a stupid thing to get irritated or upset by, but i really hate when people at the centre try to tell me how lucky i am for the life i live or how good i have it, esp when they tell me they had it sooooo much worse when they were my age. they do not know me. they do not know my life. they have no idea what my situation is.
they see somebody who is exceedingly polite and unerringly kind and shows up in nice clothes most of the time. they see that i draw in a sketchbook. they see that i work on the jigsaw puzzle. they see that i hold the door for people. they see that i greet people and ask people questions about themselves in a way that makes others feel seen and heard and appreciated.
now what the fuck are they getting from that that makes them think they know anything about me or my mental health or life situation!!! if anything they should be curious because I share so little about myself with people, I tend to keep things focused on others because that's safest for me. do they not question why i am at the mental health centre so often if i apparently seem like i have such a great life ????
#and perhaps this is oversharing but i have literally been keeping relapse cuts hidden under my sleeves almost all week long lmfao#which feels... fitting for this. symbolism moment lol#also i know people are self-absorbed esp if they have mental health shit going on#and i know i think about others way more than the average person. but like. cmon. do not assume all that shit about me#it was really fucking hard not to snap at this one lady today who is always telling me how lucky i am for what she assumes i have in life#maam allow me to just push up my shirt sleeve like two inches. do you see? shut up! shut up! you don't know me!!!#and i AM aware of how good i have it compared to others. i have food. i have shelter. i have the centre to spend time at during the week.#i have my old lady group once a week if i choose to attend. i have enough social awareness to function somewhat in society#i have some very nice belongings that i get to call my own. clothing that i like. public transit system. some craft supplies.#there are good things. there are privileges that i am lucky to have. i see this and i am grateful for it.#but there is also a lot that i am massively struggling without. safety for one. a family that actually cares for me. mental stability!#emotional stability too lmfao! enough energy to do more than 1-3 tasks in a day! affordable food or perhaps just a form of income!#i dont know. i'm just really tired and frustrated with people. its unfair of me to be frustrated w them bc yeah i guess i do look like-#-i have it together on the outside to people. and all these people struggle with social awareness and etiquette so... sigh.#i should not be annoyed but i am struggling to be patient with these people when they assume this shit about me#because there isn't really anything i can say to them other than nodding vaguely and smiling. like i can't argue lol#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#self harm tw
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