#been thinking about how yuji was supposed to be executed
miiroren · 1 year
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hope this makes you all cry as much as it made me <3
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damn-stark · 11 months
Chapter 15 The start of something new
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Chapter 15 of Sugar
A/N- Two of the strongest sorcerers make jokes about dicks and boobs 😗
Warning- Swearing, angst!!, FLUFF!! Talks of death, violence and blood, spoilers, long chapter.
Pairing- Choso x fem!reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Takes place during- Before 2x06
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
*1 YEAR LATER. 2018*
From Unknown: Y/N Gojo, we will grant you and your allies who were a part of the Night Parade last year, a complete pardon from all crimes if you execute the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori.
“What happens when this gets in the way, huh?” You tease Mimiko as you move strands of her long bangs over her eyes.
Mimiko chuckles, and you proceed to give her a gentle but pressing reminder. “Remember to put it up when you’re out on missions, okay? As long as it doesn’t go with your technique it can just get in the way.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mimiko brushes you off, letting you let her go to walk to her sister standing across from her. “Now you, remember what I told you.”
Nanako sighs and steps back before shifting her feet to get into her fighting stance. “Distance,” she mutters.
You nod. “And quick on your feet,” you remind her and nudge her foot forward with yours so she can get in the proper position. “You lag when you have to use your technique, so quick thinking okay?”
Nanako nods in comprehension, and you step to the side to watch them both. “Weapons up,” you tell them as you rest your hands on your hips.
“This is heavy,” Nanako complains as she lets her blade falter in her hand.
“It’s an extension of your arm,” you tell her. “And it’s for your benefit. For the both of yours. My friend Mei-Mei’s technique also isn’t ideal for fighting, but that’s why she learned to swing her axe, and she’s the best at it. She’s a grade 1 sorcerer because of how skilled she is. You guys are almost there, just a bit more. So arms up, light on your feet,” you advise them and feel your cursed worm spirit wrap around your neck as it crawls down from the branch. “Firm grip, but not too—”
“Tight,” Nanako groans, making you smile.
“Oh, you got it?” You chuckle. “So why am I seeing your knuckles whiten?” You rebuttal with a smirk that the worm on your shoulders mimics. Meanwhile, Nanako glances down at her hand and huffs before she loosens her fingers around the handle of her blade.
“Okay,” you breathe out as you notice that their stances are good to start another round of sparring.
Nevertheless, just as you part your lips again to tell them, a sweet voice calls out for you. “Mama!”
“Oh no,” Nanako grumbles.
You blink and glance over to see where Satori’s voice came from, and much to your surprise you see your brother grabbing Satori upside down by her ankle.
And of course, your daughter is amused by your brother's crazy antics and laughing her little head off.
“Look what I found on the way here!” Satoru shouts as he points to Satori with a beaming grin that matches your daughter's smile.
He’s not supposed to be here, he’s supposed to be out on a weekend-long mission. So the question begs to be answered, what is he doing here, and why didn’t he give you a heads up?
Is this about the message you got a few days ago?
It has to be.
“Why does he keep walking in the house unannounced?” Mimiko asks as she moves over to stand beside her twin sister.
You sigh. “Trust me I’ve been asking myself that same thing for years,” you mention as you watch your brother approach you and your girls. “He would barge in my room like that when we lived together.”
Satoru finally reaches you under the vibrant tree and grabs Satori’s hand to lift her and hang her around his shoulders instead.
“Brother,” you greet with a puzzled look. “What are you doing here? You didn’t call or text.”
Satoru shrugs and holds onto Satori’s hands as she hooks them under his chin and rests her cheek on the top of his head. “I thought I’d surprise you guys, you know? I finished my mission early since it was easier than expected and I wanted to come visit.” He smiles and looks up at your daughter. “Like the surprise?”
“I love it,” she of course agrees because she loves the man. They’re inseparable when he’s over, or when you’re hanging out with him. And he acts like how you imagined, a man child, they’re like best friends.
Then again it’s a good thing that he has fun with her, he seemed to help her through her grief. And she helped him relax from all the stress he’s put through. Or so you like to see it that way.
“Oh! And he brought me a gift!” Satori shares enthusiastically. “And he brought one for Nana and Mimi too!” She adds and lifts her head to look at her sisters. You follow her line of gaze and see the girls avoid eye contact so as to not look at your brother or acknowledge him.
“They’re inside,” Satoru tries to talk to them. “I’m sure Satori can show you. So why don’t you, Sugar?”
You stiffen and swallow thickly at the sound of the nickname he calls her. Out of so many he could’ve come up with, he chose that one after it started off as some joke when he told Satori about how you would call Suguru that in your youth. He found it fitting for Satori, or maybe it’s a way to be closer to the best friend he lost, but he’s called her that ever since that day.
And you can’t say that it bothers you in a bad way, because it doesn’t, it just reminds you of him so you don’t feel upset that he calls her that. It’s sweet really. it just always catches you off guard when Satoru calls your daughter Sugar. You half expect to see Suguru…
“Really? Okay!” Satori obeys and lets Satoru help her off his shoulders. When her feet hit the ground she grabs Mimiko's hands. “Come on, come on!”
“Nanako, Mimiko,” you call out sternly.
The twins know what you mean by your voice alone and sigh before they peer back. “Thanks,” they both grumble at your brother before they follow Satori back inside the house.
“I’ll win them over soon enough,” Satoru interjects as you both watch the girls retreating figures.
You huff out softly and turn around to face your brother and change the subject. “So are you going to tell me what’s up, or what? You sent Satori off so I’m sure this isn’t some leisure visit.”
Satoru watches Satori for a moment longer before he slowly turns and faces you with a sly smile. “Aren’t you smart? And why do you keep lugging that thing around?” He points at the worm around your neck.
You shoot him a glare and caress the cursed worm's chin. “He’s my son,” you tell him again. “I’m so serious.” You laugh softly.
“It’s…off-putting,” he grumbles and you see his nose scrunch in disgust.
You roll your eyes and glare at him. “You’re off-putting,” you sass him.
“Whatever,” your brother mutters before he points at the path towards the lake. “Walk with me.”
This is about the message, isn’t it? It has to be. He’s being too serious, and too mysterious.
“Is everything okay?” You can’t help but probe as Satoru begins to get ahead.
Satoru shrugs lazily. “Depends on your definition of okay. I’m sure you’ve heard about the recent rise in curses and accidents at the school.”
You keep your pace behind him and respond honestly. “I haven’t been following up on recent news if I’m honest.”
Satoru peers back and you see his eyebrows knit together behind his eye cover. “You haven’t talked to Hakari or Kirara?”
You nod. “Yeah, I have. I was just with them this morning, but we didn’t talk about that. At least it hasn’t been brought up. All I know is that another one of your students was supposed to be killed but wasn’t. You had a hand in that?” You ask kind of rhetorically since you know the answer.
“Yep,” Satoru agrees with pride. “Actually that’s why I’m here.”
Wait! Does he want you to train another student?
You’ll gladly do that again, Hakari and Kirara turned out to be a blessing in disguise if you’re honest. They’re like your kids—no they are your kids. It hasn’t been a year since you met them, but they never made it hard to get along with, they actually accepted you pretty quickly. Of course, they had their suspicions, but you bonded quickly. Even if they knew that you had a hand in what they call the Night parade.
“Need me to take in another problem child?” You ask kind of hopeful.
Satoru scoffs softly. “No. It’s not exactly like that, it’s more of a job really. I…need your help.”
You blink in disbelief and stop in your tracks, Satoru hears you and stops to turn and face you with a frown
“Don’t make it a big deal,” he mutters as he sees how fast your mind is beginning to churn.
“You need my help?” You ask for clarification as a smirk tugs on your face.
Satoru sighs. “I do,” he admits quietly. “These higher-ups have been busting my balls trying to undermine me to kill this kid,” he explains and turns to continue, causing you to do a little jog to reach his side now—“recently they had the kids from Kyoto try and kill him at a school event.” You exhale deeply and he lifts his hand to swipe his eye cover off as he brushes his hair back.
“They didn’t manage to hurt him, but they got close before these smart curses working with some mole interrupted,” he adds, piquing your interest more than you thought possible.
Then again why should you be surprised?
“Sounds like you’ve all been busy,” you comment lightheartedly. “Is everyone okay?”
Satoru nods. “Some destruction, but everyone’s okay, they just went in to steal three of the nine cursed wombs and other cursed objects.”
Your smile falls and you watch your brother with concern at the mention of those Cursed Wombs. But it passes quickly and you grow smug. “You should’ve let me take them when I had them,” you remark.
Satoru feigns a laugh. “Funny. Anyway! With this mole, with the higher-ups wanting to kill this kid, and with trouble brewing, I need your help,” he says again, making your cockiness fade and a soft smile tug on your lips.
“The kid is strong, but I can’t put anything at risk anymore with what's unfolding. I wanted you to watch over him, be like a shadow. You won’t help him in missions unless some serious threat cuts in, or you see that it’s actually dangerous. So you’ll be like a glorified assistant manager, and with more responsibility,” he continues as you reach the lakeshore.
“What about Nanami?” You bring up and watch your brother sit on the bench facing the lake. “Can’t he help?”
Satoru sighs. “He mentored the kid for a bit, but this is different. I don’t need him, I need you.”
You stay on your feet beside him and scoff softly. “I’m a retired sorcerer now Satoru. This,” you say and steal a glimpse at your community. “This is me now. I don’t do that now.”
“You’re semi-retired,” he points out. “You still go out on missions.”
“Yes!” You quickly argue. “But that’s to train Hakari, Kirara, and the twins. I’m not…” you trail off and drop your head. “I’m not who you’re looking for. Not anymore,” you whisper and think about Suguru.
“Whether you like it or not, who I’m looking for is still there,” Satoru says softly as he picks a pebble off the ground. “You help people, y/n, they need your help, so don’t do this for me. Do this for them, for your own future. What’s happening beyond these walls might just put in danger all you’ve built.”
You pull the cursed worm off your shoulders and hug him against you. “Does this threat have to do with Sukuna and his vessel Yuji Itadori?”
Satoru skips the pebble across the body of water before he shifts around and meets your gaze with a perplexed look. “Yes…exactly, how did you guess?”
You feign a laugh and pull your phone out to show him the message you were sent recently.
“They found me,” you tell him. “I don’t know how, but they did.” You scoff and shake your head in disapproval. “They really think I’m going to be at their beck-and-call.”
Satoru hums and drifts his eyes to you. “What did you say?” He asks almost hesitantly as if he doesn’t want to hear the answer.
Yet when you lean over you begin to grin, so he pushes his doubt aside and leans close to you as you point at your clever response that consists of, “(.)(.) boobies.”.
Satoru then turns his whole body to meet your gaze seriously, but that only lasts a few seconds because you both then burst out laughing like immature teens.
That shared moment lasts for a few minutes, and when your laughter dies down you both proceed to look out at the lake, and you watch a pair of swans land on the water.
“I won’t force you to help,” Satoru says seriously once again. “I mean you have your life here and your job out there, I’m glad that you do, so I won’t force you to disrupt what you have going on. Not after what happened.”
“Not even with the power I hold?” You quiere.
Satoru nods softly. “Not even with that,” he whispers. “Not after what you’ve been through, I owe you that much at least, don’t I?”
You snap your eyes away from the swans to watch your brother with a soft and watery gaze.
Ever since you’ve reunited, the topic about the day he broke your heart hasn’t come up. It’s been a thorn in your sides that holds a tension between the both of you. Not letting you try to mend what’s clearly broken.
“What will you do with the kid?” You have to ask.
Satoru sighs. “Feed him all of Sukuna’s fingers and then execute him…unless there’s some other way to keep him alive and still kill the curse inside him.”
“Risky,” you mutter. “But you can’t shoot down an idea until you’ve exhausted all other options.”
Satoru nods in agreement before he adds. “He deserves a chance anyway.”
“Yeah,” you add without even knowing the kid. All you know is that he’s young and he’s…one of the people you told yourself you wanted to help so many years ago. But even now that dream of helping young and old sorcerers is still very much alive. That hasn’t changed even through everything.
Besides, doesn’t your brother deserve to be helped? He’s not one to ask, not as soft-spoken or as serious as he is now. So doesn’t he deserve to be helped even if he’s hurt you, and you’ve hurt him?
“And…” you begin to lean towards your answer. “Do you think I’ll be well received back in Jujutsu Society? I am a wanted criminal no? You have orders to kill me?”
Satoru smirks. “Yeah, so what? I’ve had them for a year and never lifted a finger. Nor will I. You’re my sister through it all. I can't protect you if you’re dead now can I?”
Your throat begins to sting as tears well in your eyes. Hearing him say that after all that has happened is surprising. It’s relieving to hear too.
“But if you accept,” he says. “I wouldn’t worry about it. They won’t dare and touch you, you’re too strong, they need you. The message they sent proves it. You’ll be okay. It’ll all be okay. I know it.”
There’s those special words, “it’ll all be okay,” so simple yet they hold so much power because there are times when those words are uttered and everything is the complete opposite. That’s why you hate those words. They don’t ease you anymore, they actually make your breathing a bit deeper as you’re struck with uncertainty.
But you don’t share that negativity, you just hum and walk around your brother to sit beside him on the bench. Silence proceeds to fall over you, causing the worm curse to drape back around your shoulders.
You should really debate about what he wants from you, it can be dangerous. This isn’t some ordinary kid, he’s carrying Sukuna, the worst curse of them all, the famous and legendary King of Curses. But how can you say no to your brother?
“Okay, I’ll help,” you assure your brother.
Satoru glances at you and protests. “There’ll be risks. Not only with Yuji, but with the other curses I’m sure, I mean—”
“You can explain it all to me later,” you cut him off. “I’m sure there’s a lot to tell, and there’s shit I need to catch up on.”
“Satoru,” you brush him off. “I know the risks. Being a sorcerer is about risks. Besides, this—no, accepting your offer is to follow my dream. He’d be upset if I didn’t. And I want my kids to see that. All five of them,” you laugh softly and look over at your brother to meet his gaze. “I need them to see me fighting for what I believe in so they can continue to do the same.”
The corner of Satoru’s lips tug to a soft smile before he grins. “You’re crazy.”
He shakes his head. “It’s just crazy hearing you say all this. I knew you’ve always been the kinder one out of us, but I don’t know,” he shrugs. “It's weird—You’ve grown up. I’m proud.” He says and touches his chest as he feigns a sad look
You roll your eyes lightheartedly and nudge him to the side with your shoulder. Satoru laughs and you both continue to smile softly.
“I’ll say this before I bore you with what’s happened,” Satoru interjects. “Be nice to Yuji Itadori, I think he’s a fan of yours.”
You snort. “Why do you say?”
“Well not so long ago, we were out, and uh,” Satoru laughs. “We passed by this magazine stand, right? He stops and picks up this fashion magazine and points you out. I will not repeat what he told his friends,” he grumbles with slight disgust, making you chuckle.
“But!” He continues. “He knew you, he’s a fan, so be nice.”
You shoot him a pointed look. “I’m always nice,” you counter. “You’re the annoying one.”
Satoru smirks and mumbles. “They don’t know you’re a sorcerer or my sister so it’ll be a great surprise. I’ll definitely earn some cool points.”
You hum softly. “I’m sure,” you whisper happily while you look back at the pair of swans with a soft smile, and watch them swimming towards each other from across the lake with growing relief in your heart over this sweet moment that you shared with your brother.
Breathe, breathe, after all, you've already done the hard part, you walked through the school barrier, you’ve walked up those hundreds of steps, and you’re on school grounds. You’ve done the hard part, so now all you need to do is continue moving down the path of haunting memories. You need to move on and brush the pain away that threatens to paralyze you. You need to stop thinking about the moment you lost him. You need to continue being strong.
You let out a deep breath and look up from the ground to look at the building ahead. There’s someone you need to talk to before you meet Yuji Itadori and the rest of his first-year class. Albeit you’re nervous to talk to her, with every step you take towards the med-bay your heart races a bit faster, and your throat feels like it’s closing up.
She’s going to be upset. It’s been 11 years since you last talked to her. Eleven years!
You would turn back and avoid Ieiri Shoko—Dr. Ieiri Shoko, but now with this new job you’ve taken for your brother, you’ll be at school often so you’ll run into her, and if you don’t then you’ll just be thinking about her. So it’s better now. Plus, you’ve been meaning to talk to Shoko, you’ve just been nervous.
But it all ends now! You just need to walk into her medbay and talk to her!
Alas, when you reach the door, you hesitate. What if she hates you and doesn’t want to try and be friends again? What if she can’t get past her disappointment?
But you also miss her, you miss gossiping with her, you miss your inside jokes. No one—not even Yuki has been able to take her place throughout the years, Shoko has always been your best friend and you miss her, so you need to just grow some balls and walk inside.
Hence after a deep breath, you slide the door open and take a confident step inside. And luckily the moment you walk in the medbay, you see her with her back turned to the door, with her long brown hair neatly draped over her doctor's coat and a mug in her hand.
“Take a seat, I'll be with you in just a moment.”
Her voice has changed since the last time you saw her, and compared to those videos you have of her and you on your phone from your youth. It’s a lot more soothing now, she seems to have managed that for her patients and students.
“I hope you can pencil me in,” you break your silence and walk over to the bed, noticing her shoulders tense and her pen stop moving—“it seems that I’ve stopped eating my apples.”
You hear a soft scoff before she drops her pen and sits up. You sit on the edge of the bed and put the present you brought her next to you.
“It’s been a while, Gojo,” she addresses you nonchalantly.
You scoff. “Last name bases? Come on, we’re closer than that,” you tease.
Shoko lets out a feigned laugh and spins her chair around to face you now, letting you see that she's grown into quite a beauty. Albeit she also seems to have grown more exhausted, her eyebags are visible and concerning.
“We were,” Shoko quips. “You stopped talking to me for 11 years, so it begs the question, what are you doing here?”
You grab onto the edge of the bed and shrug. “I came to see a friend,” you mutter. “And I told you I’ve stopped eating my apples.”
Shoko rolls her eyes.
You smile. “It was funny,” you refer to your joke.
“Ehh, I’d hardly call it a joke,” she counters. “But it’s passable, I guess.”
You smile wider, but it quickly falls into an apologetic frown. “I know it’s been a while,” you get right to the matter. “I know I should’ve called or texted. I did want to, trust me I did, but I was scared of how you’d react.”
Shoko’s eyes narrow to a puzzled look and she doesn’t hesitate to probe. “Why would that matter?”
You drop your gaze and shrug. “Because you’re my best friend. I mean I had the others, but your opinion mattered the most, you were my person…that’s why it mattered—it matters.”
You slowly lift your eyes and see her studying you with a small frown.
“Sounds more like you’re in love with me,” she retorts.
You snort and chuckle. “Hilarious. You wish I was. Too bad I’m too much into dick, or else I definitely would’ve married you.”
A sly smirk tugs on her face, but then that expression tugs to a scowl. “You know, I understand why you kept your distance. You were let down, you probably just wanted to distance yourself from it all, and I admired you for that, but then I came to find out that you and Mei-Mei have been talking!”
Your jaw drops and you quickly explain yourself. “Listen, listen it was not on purpose, she ran into me, okay? And I guess after that, I don’t know, we would hang out occasionally. She was my source in some way. And!” You add and slide off the bed. “I told you it wasn’t easy talking to you. I couldn’t handle your disappointment.”
Shoko draws in a deep breath and averts her gaze to exhale and drop her faint scowl. “Why would I be disappointed?” She asks.
“For leaving with Suguru after what he did, and for what I did all those years after.”
She hums and stays quiet for a moment. You step back and lean against the bed as you wait patiently, as you watch her thoughts churn behind her dark eyes.
“Nah,” she says. “Did I think it was stupid? Sure, but I was never disappointed. I was hurt, you know? When I found out you had a kid, and when I found out you got married, I guess it hurt not hearing that from you. That’s all, but I was never disappointed or mad at that.”
A shaky breath escapes past your lips and you nod softly as you take in what she said, and as her words hurt your heart. “I’m sorry,” you whisper and cross your arms over your chest. “I should’ve told you, I wanted to but I was scared, and I’m sorry. And I could say how much I wish that I could take it all back, that I wish you could’ve been there for all those things, but what’s the point in dwelling in the past? We can’t,” you sigh deeply. “Turn back time no matter how much we want to. So I’ll just tell you that I want you to be in my life from now on. I miss you. No one has ever been able to take your place. No one.”
Shoko holds your gaze gleaming with tears and stays quiet for a moment before she offers you a teasing smile. “So you are in love with me,” she teases.
You chuckle.
“I,” she continues more seriously. “Missed you too. I mean I would see you all the time on magazines, screens outside stores, and you know, runways, but it was never the same. You were unreachable.”
The corner of your lips tug to a soft smile and you can’t help but fill with bliss.
“But I’m glad you’re back now,” she says and finally gets out of her chair. “Utahime works in Kyoto, so it’s boring here.”
You giggle and run over to throw your arms around her. Shoko seems caught off guard, but she doesn’t fail to gently return your embrace.
“Let’s never do that again,” you coo. “I really did miss you.”
“I missed you too, y/n.”
You grin and pull back but grab her shoulders. “You need to sleep more,” you point out and study her face from up close. “And eat more.”
Shoko laughs softly. “Are you mothering me? I kinda like it, it's hot.”
You flash her a smirk and step back. “I assume Satoru told you then?” You probe.
Shoko nods. “Yeah,” she says. “That’s all he talks about when he can. He’s like an old grandfather with those pictures in his wallet. He talks about how they have matching slippers, and what games they play.”
You beam at her and nod. “Yeah, they’re pretty inseparable,” you muse. “He’s good to her.“
“Not surprising considering he’s a man-child,” she disses your brother.
You hum in agreement and she then reaches over and grabs your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she says in a soft and sorrowful voice. “For what happened. And I’m sorry I didn’t go help you through your grief after. I’m sorry.”
You swallow thickly, and don’t dwell in that grief…you can’t. So you draw out a deep breath and take in what she offers with sincerity. “Thank you, Ieiri. I’m…okay now. Thank you.” You sigh shakily and step back towards the bed to pick up the gift bag. “This is for you, Doc. Just something small that I hope you like.”
You step forward again and you’re about to hand Shoko her gift, but your phone buzzes so you take your phone out in case it’s one of your kids. However, you see that it’s actually your brother.
Satoru: Where are you? We’re waiting for you!!!
So many exclamation marks. Tsk.
You: I’m here and on my way now :)
You proceed to sigh as you put your phone away and hand Shoko the gift with an apologetic smile. “I need to go,” you let her know. “I'm late to meet the students, but! Let’s hang out. Let’s go for a drink tomorrow night, yeah? We can catch up and have some fun!”
Shoko smirks and doesn’t hesitate to agree. “As long as you pay.”
You scoff softly and nod. “You bet,” you say and hug her one more time before you head to the door. “I’ll see you later, okay? My number is in the bag.”
“The gift is not just your number, is it? I’d chuck something sharp at you if it was,” she remarks.
You snicker and shake your head. “No?” You tease. “Maybe. Find out.” You laugh mischievously and quickly walk out of the room. Once you’re down the hall you can’t help but smile with relief.
Finally! After a decade you’re finally talking to your best friend again. It feels amazing after so much gloom. So now you can continue with your day and meet this kid with a more upbeat attitude and not so much worry that you’ll face some awkward and tense situation.
Hopefully, he doesn’t hate you after what you did last year. He might’ve not been here last year, but the word spreads so here’s hoping he doesn’t have any odd feelings about it. Hakari and Kirara didn’t, but this kid could be different.
Regardless, when you start approaching the courtyard where you’re meant to meet up, you begin to hear voices travel up the hill. They’re loud and you mostly only hear a girl and boy arguing, whilst your brother's voice interjects.
When you make it up the hill, not one out of the three students notices you right away, your brother does though. “You’re late,” he complains.
You shrug. “I was catching up with Shoko,” you brush him off.
Finally, the students stop arguing and look over at you to see who has caught their teacher's attention. And the moment their eyes land on you, the girl with short ginger hair grabs onto the tall guy with pink hair and begins to shake him gently.
Your brother had described who they were so you can place a name to a face right away; the girl shaking the boy is Nobara Kugisaki, and the boy with pink hair is the guy you’re here for, Yuji Itadori. And lastly, the tall skinny guy lurking behind them both is none other than Megumi Fushiguro. You know about him the most, he's Toji Zen’in’s son.
They look identical—except for the hair actually, Toji had oily flat hair, and this kid looks like he has a sea urchin on his head.
“Hello!” You greet the students warmly and offer them a small wave.
“You’re late!” Satoru repeats.
You hum in agreement and just ignore him as you strut over to reach the students.
“She’s coming over here,” you hear Yuji Itadori whisper before he snaps his head to the side and whispers sharply at the girl. “Stop stabbing your nails into me!”
“Stop talking,” Nobara Kugisaki hisses.
You stop before them and offer them a wider smile. “Hi, I’m Y/N Geto,” you introduce yourself without thinking about what you said, you just smile and bow.
“Yes,” Yuji says breathlessly as his eyes grow wider and stick on you. “You are.”
Nobara pushes him aside and bows quickly before she throws her hand out. “I’m Nobara Kugisaki, call me Nobara, huge fan since your first ever feature in the vogue magazine!”
You shake her hand and flash her a sweeter grin. “Thank you, that’s very cool. That was a long time ago, you make me feel old.” You laugh softly.
Nobara drops her hand and her eyes widen with panic. “Well, you don’t look it. You look great! You look amazing.”
You snicker. “I was just pulling your leg. It’s okay,” you assure her.
Nobara lets out a nervous laugh before her eyes roam your long-sleeved denim coat you wear as a mini dress, and then fall on your expensive knee-high brown boots that coordinate with your purse from Prada.
“I love your whole look,” she muses. “It’s amazing.”
You shoot her a beaming smile. “Thank you so much. You’re sweet.”
One of the guys behind her snorts, and she slowly twists her head around and shoots them a glare before looking back at you. “You look pretty.”
“And old,” Satoru cuts in with a teasing look.
You glare at him and snap back. “Says you. Anyway,” you sigh and step towards Yuji. “You must be Yuji Itadori, nice to meet you.”
The boy blinks repeatedly before he bows. “I’m Yuji Itadori! It’s very nice to meet you too!” He proceeds to stand up straight and you study his face for a moment before you move to Fushiguro before you can dive in and study Itadori harder.
“And you…god,” you gasp in disbelief. “You look just like him.”
“Right!” Your brother agrees with you.
“Hello,” the boy mutters nonchalantly. “I’m Megumi Fushiguro. You must be Gojo’s sister.”
You smile and nod. “Yeah. So he did tell you about me, good. He sucks at explaining shit,” you say before you flash Fushiguro a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you too.”
Fushiguro glances at Satoru, and your brother simply smirks.
“Wait, wait,” Nobara cuts in and steps in front of Fushiguro. “You’re his sister. There’s no way!” She laughs.
“Yeah, I know—”
“You’re too cool to be his sister,” Nobara cuts Satoru off, causing him to scoff, and you to smirk proudly.
“Yeah well don’t I know that,” you play along and step back to face all four of them better. “Well, can I just say I’m honored to meet you all. My brother has only said great things. Uh,” you breathe out. “I’m sure there’s questions, but let me ask mine first. Itadori, can I take a closer look at you?”
The boy doesn’t hesitate to nod his head, letting you get closer and narrow your gaze to take a closer look at the slits under his eyes.
“So he just lives inside you,” you ask, hoping you’ll get some reaction from the famous Sukuna that you’ve only read from history books in your family home, and heard about from different sorcerers. “That’s…so cool. Weird, but cool. I am sorry it happened though, it must be annoying.”
“Yeah, he’s just there talking all the time,” Itadori shares. “He’s super annoying.”
You hum and step to the side to face Itadori directly, causing his cheeks to slowly grow a pink tint on them as he holds your gaze with a widened look.
“It’s okay,” you assure him. “I won’t hurt you. Just curious. My husband would’ve gotten a kick from your situation.” Your smile falters, but you don’t show your sorrow, you just step back and smile at Itadori. “Amazing, truly, I can’t wait to get to know you more.”
Itadori’s cheeks grow redder before he quietly mumbles, “Likewise—”
“Wimp!” A sixth voice cuts him that's a lot deeper and huskier than what you’ve heard anyone have here, so you know who it is right away.
“Was that him?” You probe in awe.
Itadori covers his cheek and nods stiffly. “Yep, like I said, he’s annoying.”
“Why don’t you step closer you jezebel,” the voice cuts in again, and this time you see a mouth growing on the back of Itadori’s hand. “I’ll give you something real to look at.”
It's strange, odd even though you find yourself charmed and allured by the sound of his voice; even if he just insulted you with some old derogatory word.
You still gasp in disbelief though, and feel slightly offended by what he just called you, whilst Satoru chuckles like he's heard the funniest thing in the world.
“That’s not funny,” you grumble at Satoru. “He’s an asshole, I—”
Your jaw drops but this time you spat back right away. “Dickhead at least I have a body of my own and don’t rely on a child to stay alive. Prick.”
“Do you want to say that again?” Sukuna snaps.
You part your lips, but Satoru walks over and pats your back. “Just leave it alone, he’ll be relentless.”
He turns you around and you grumble. “I’d like to see him come out.” You then peer back and don’t see Sukuna peek out anymore, so you drop your shoulders and focus on the kids instead. “So questions? I hope Satoru let you know why I’m here.”
“I did.”
“Yes he did, he said you’d be helping me until the special grade curses are exorcized,” Itadori says as the three of them begin to follow you down the hill to finally head out and do what Satoru had planned. Which should worry you because he’s being ominous about what you’re going to do. He did make a promise about doing what you want to do to bond with the students, but he’s him, he likes to butt in and be inconvenient.
“But,” Itadori adds. “When he said sister, I never thought it’d be you, Mrs Geto.”
A smile twitches on your lips at the sound of that title being used for you. Yet no matter how much you like it, it hurts to hear it when it’s not coming from Suguru’s own lips, when he’s not whispering it in your ear as he tries to seduce you or make you smile. It slips from your own lips, but it’s when you’re not thinking, it hurts later on when you think about it.
Plus, Mrs Geto is too formal, especially because Itadori is not your student or anything. And he and his friends might feel more comfortable if it’s just your first name. “Just y/n, please.”
“Oh. Really?”
You look back and nod softly
Itadori flashes you a bright smile that causes you to be hit with a sweet deja vu. However, it’s not him that flashes in your head like if you’ve lived this already, no, you actually see…Haibara. Seeing Itadoris smile felt like seeing Haibara show off that sweet and charming smile of his again. It feels so surreal.
“Okay, thanks, y/n!”
You offer Itadori a soft smile and let your gaze linger on him for a moment longer as you keep seeing your friend in him.
“Can I ask,” Nobara interjects, making you slide your eyes to her now—“What are you doing here? You’re a famous celebrity, so why are you here? I know I wouldn't be here if I had your fame.”
You hum softly and answer honestly. “Well, modeling is more of a hobby really. Something I set myself to do,” you share proudly. “It was always a dream so I went out and tried it. Plus I knew it’d piss my parents off that I was everywhere so that’s another reason why I pursued that career, but, it’s not really my job, I help sorcerers, like yourselves. That’s why I’m here, I’m helping. You can do both, you know.”
“Cool,” Nobara whispers.
“I guess,” Satoru grumbles.
“Uh, Gojo, mentioned what you do in a short and terrible way,” Fushiguro interjects, “so could you explain it? I’d like to know before we get sent out on whatever mission Gojo has up his sleeve.”
Mission? He never said anything about any mission.
“Well I have an elemental manipulation cursed technique,” you share and turn around to walk back so you can roll your sleeve up and show them the dragon mark on your arm. “I can create flames using my cursed energy,” you continue and tap into your fire, making the dragon glow red-orange before the flames travel to your fingers and make the veins and flesh under your fingertips glow before flames bask them.
Nobara and Itadori gasp in awe while Fushiguro stays nonchalant.
“And I can also manipulate it,” you add. “Just like air, water, and the earth, but I can’t make any of that, just fire. That’s pretty much the gist of it.”
“That’s what I said,” Satoru rebuttals.
You make the flames disappear before you spin around to face ahead as you continue walking.
“You just said she was like a real-life avatar,” Fushiguro counters, causing Satoru to pout.
“Well it’s true,” he whispers.
You giggle and as you’re nearing a crossroads you come to a sudden halt and feel your eyes widen, and a bright grin spreads on your face as you catch Nanami walking over.
“Kenny!” You exclaim as if you hadn’t talked to him just last night.
Said man stops walking and lifts his head, and before he knows it you run over and wrap him in an embrace.
“What are you doing here?!” You ask excitedly and pull back to face your best friend.
“Now that I am here,” he says nonchalantly. “I’m having a terrible feeling. Your brother called me and said it was an emergency.”
You scoff and walk around him to slide your arm around his shoulders and face the others now around you two.
“You know her too, Nanamin?” Itadori interjects as he points at you, causing you to scoff with amusement as you hear the nickname he used.
“How come you didn’t say anything?!” Itadori demands to know.
You rest your chin on Nanami’s other shoulder and smile as you glance at him as he retorts. “Was I supposed to?”
“Yes! She’s famous!”
Nanami shrugs. “Well, here she is. Y/N is my best friend. Y/N, I hope your brother introduced them.”
You nod. “We’ve all introduced ourselves. But anyway, Kenny and I were classmates,” you share without shame. “We were in the same year. I’ve known him since his emo phase.”
Itadori and Nobara grow curious and you grow enthusiastic. “He had bangs and long hair,” you giggle. “And he was always so moody and angsty…”
“I think I have a picture. Do you have one Satoru?”
Your brother nods eagerly and you both reach for your phones, but before you can get them, Nanami steps away from you and he interrupts louder. “What is this about? Why did you call me, Gojo?”
Satoru smirks and keeps his hands in his pockets. “I told you already just some fun bonding stuff. I wanted y/n’s return to be a surprise, but it seems you already know—”
“Told him the moment you left,” you interject proudly.
Satoru hums with discontent. “Well you ruined it but anyway. My plan is still going to happen, so Nanami, please put on a smile, we're not high schoolers anymore.”
You snort and Nanami snaps at him. “I’ll punch you.”
“Gojo!” A familiar voice suddenly calls out.
You look back and see Yaga walking over to your brother, and he doesn’t take long to spot you amongst the crowd.
“Girl Gojo?” He mutters with disbelief.
You shoot him a pointed look and press on that with smugness. “I still hate that.”
“What are you doing here? Satoru explain this right now—”
“I hear you’re the principal of this school now,” you cut Yaga off whilst you continue walking to the car. “No wonder it still looks like shit.”
Yaga’s lips curl to a scowl, and you simply smirk before you look away and lean toward Nanami to whisper, “Satoru didn’t tell them I was coming did he?”
“Based on that reaction, no. Somethings never change.”
You hum in agreement and don’t wait for Satoru to catch up, you end up reaching the car and you run into another friend.
“Ijichi, my man!” You greet excitedly as you let the students climb to the back of the car first.
Ijichi’s face grows red and he gapes like a fish.
“Maybe this surprise thing was worth it,” you tease the man before you climb in the car to sit behind the driver seat, while Nanami sits beside you behind the passenger seat.
“Y/N,” Ijichi mutters as he gets in the driver's seat. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey, you know each other too?” Itadori cuts in as he leans forward.
You cross your leg over the other and nod. “Yeah, he was a first year when Nanami and I were second years. We’d all hang out.”
Itadori hums. “I would’ve thought Ijichi was older,” he says.
You laugh softly. “Satoru stresses him out, huh?”
“Well,” Ijichi parts his lips. Yet before he can continue Satoru appears, making Ijichi go quiet as you watch your brother jog to the car to catch up.
“Hey,” you add curiosily and lean forward to grab Ijichi’s shoulder. “Do you still have a crush on Ieiri?”
“Y/N,” Nanami warns.
You brush your friend off and nudge Ijichi. “Aw come on, we all knew. So tell me are you still in love with her?” You laugh, and from the corner of your eyes, you see the door open as your brother gets in.
“He totally is,” he quickly butts in. “He blushes like crazy when she talks to him.”
You giggle, and Ijichi grips onto the steering wheel.
“How’d you even hear?” Ijichi mumbles to Satoru.
“Uh, Nanami’s window is open,” Satoru points back as he closes his door.
Ijichi sighs and starts the car with a long and worried frown on his face.
“Hey, do you kids like boba?” You ask as you start planning where to go and eat. “I think I’m feeling some boba.”
“I love boba,” Nobara and Itadori both exclaim.
You smile and sit back. “Maybe some ramen after some leisure activities? We could go to that ramen place we like to go to that has that nice old lady cook, Ken?” You ask.
“Yeah,” Nanami agrees. “That place is good. Not sure how she’d feel when you walk in without Satori,” he points out.
The car starts moving, and you hum. “Yeah, that’s true, but oh well. We can go back with her another time.” You then look back over your seat to speak to the students. “Do you guys like ramen? I was thinking maybe we could get some lunch after we do what I have planned. Unless you guys want something else.”
Itadori and Nobara look at each other with disbelief so Fushiguro cuts in for them. “Ramen is good, miss.”
You giggle at the title but nod in comprehension. “Cool, now, Satoru, did you bring your wallet? I forgot mine at home.” You lie as you look at him and put on your seatbelt.
“No, I’m not paying for anything, you waste too much money,” Satoru quickly rebuttals.
You gasp and lean forward. “Huh? Come on, it’s my birthday month, you owe me! Ten years worth of presents.”
“Come on,” you try to bribe your brother. “Just today. Plus it's not just for me, it’s for all the students and me,” you add with a small smile. “And Satori. And the twins.”
Satoru hums before he deadpans, “no.”
You cross your arms over your chest and grumble under your breath. “Suguru would never do this to me.”
You proceed to look out the window and watch the passing cars, you lift your eyes and see the cloud-littered sky rolling in grey and thicker clouds as rain begins to approach. You then glance at the people around you and you can’t help but smile down at your lap as you feel nostalgic.
Being in a car like this, being driven by someone in a business suit, and having your friend and your brother riding with you reminds you of your days as a student. And it should be bad, it should make you sad since in that time both Suguru and Haibara were alive, but when you look back at that time now, when you ignore the bad parts, you can’t help but feel all warm and happy when you get hit with past memories.
“I’m surprised the twins didn’t come along,” Nanami breaks the silence.
You look away from your lap and meet his gaze behind his goggles. “They’re with Larue today. Plus, they don’t like Satoru, so they avoid spending time with me when he’s with me.”
Nanami hums and then follows with another question. “And Satori?”
“Well,” you roll out and check the time on your phone. “Right now she’s supposed to be with the horses, so she should be taking care of that pony she was gifted,” you direct a bit spitefully at your brother.
Satoru hears your tone and quickly rebuttals. “She said she wanted a pony, so I got her one. And you have horses on the farm, so what’s the big deal?”
You lick your lips and explain as patiently as you can. “The deal is that you didn’t ask if you could get her a pony. You came with the pony.”
“I said. ‘I’m buying a big gift. Is it okay?’ You said yes,” he argues.
You sigh deeply and maintain your cool. “No, no. You didn’t specify. I thought you were going to get her a bike, or rollerblades. Not a pony, come on, Nanamin, back me up.”
“No, I'm staying out of it.”
You groan and continue nonetheless. “All I’m trying to say is that you have to let me know when you want to do that kind of stuff, okay? That’s all I’m trying to say.”
Satoru draws in a deep breath, and just as he breathes out to respond, Itadori cuts in with a question.
“You have a farm and horses?”
You peer back and nod softly. “Yeah, I have a community for sorcerers,” you let him know and notice the curiosity glimmering in his eyes. “It’s not big, we’re fifty people strong, but they have their own homes. We try to be as sustainable as possible without relying on non-sorcerers. We grow our crops, we have a greenhouse.” You add with a soft smile. “We have a farm with chickens, goats, cows, and horses.”
“Oh, that’s so cool! I want to ride a horse,” Itadori says as he leans forward.
“Maybe you and your friends can come over one day and go horseback riding, you can see the community for yourselves. Now I might be a bit biased, but our community is really beautiful and nice, so I’ll definitely arrange dinner or something so you can all see it!”
Itadori hums and blinks before he probes. “Is that why you hardly answer questions about yourself in interviews?”
You chuckle and nod. “Yeah for the most part. The other part is that I just don’t like non-sorcerers.”
Itadori laughs but you don’t mirror him, you stay with a serious expression on your face, so he quickly realizes you’re not joking.
“Is that what you mean by not relying on non-sorcerers?” Nobara cuts in as she catches that you’re being serious too.
You don’t back down and try to downplay your emotions for their sakes, you simply nod and give them your harsh truth. “Yeah, that's exactly it. Sure there’s still things they make that we use, you know, like my clothes. I’m not as strict as my husband was with that.”
“Can I ask,” Itadori says in a serious way now and with a perplexed look on his face. “Why is it that you have indifferences with non-sorcerers.”
“Itadori,” Fuhisguro warns quietly.
You shake your head and spare him a glance. “It’s fine. I don’t mind,” you assure him and look back at the pink-haired boy. “I have bad experiences with non-sorcerers. I think that they’re the reason curses are born, they're why—they’re the root of this plague we have to take out, that we risk our lives for, and that we lose our lives for. Perhaps they’re not all bad people, but I can never find it in me to care for them again, it’s that simple.”
Itadori’s lips part, and his eyes furrow slightly as he takes in what you said. As this image of you probably breaks the person you really are comes out and burns away that illusion.
Perhaps this is why they say you should never meet your idols.
“I’m sorry if that ruins any illusions of me,” you try to comfort him. “And I know that nothing I say will make my views any better, but just know that I would risk my life for people like you, and you,” you point at Nobara, and then look and point at Fushiguro. “And you. I fight for sorcerers, I built my community for sorcerers so they can find a home in this mess, so they can find help where there is none because people fear them. That’s my truth.”
Itadori’s eyes slowly drift down as he stays quiet and thinks, letting you sigh softly and take one last look at all of them processing your words before you turn back around and continue to look out the window.
This time instead of feeling nostalgic as you reminisce about your youth, you feel your heart ache as you think back to that group mission, the one where Suguru found you beaten and disheveled by that non-sorcerer. He saved you that day, he was your light in that void of darkness. And he’s gone now, he can never be that source of comfort to you ever again.
You sigh deeply and look at your left finger for comfort, for a piece of him, but you remember now as you look at your naked ring finger, that you took your rings off after you couldn't handle the deep ache that you felt every time you looked at them.
They’re safely tucked away in your jewelry box now. And his ring…is with him forever…
“Y/N,” you hear Nanami call out, so you lift your head and meet his gaze. He’s wearing his goggles so you can’t see what he feels, you only see a simple and faint frown, so you take that as concern and offer him a soft and assuring smile.
When you glance out the window again to see if you’re close, you notice that Ijichi passed the exit you need to take to get to the shopping center you wanted to go to.
“Wait!” You interject and sit up straighter as best as you can. “We missed the exit. We’re supposed to go to the shopping center.”
“What?” Ijichi asks worryingly. “But Gojo said we’re going to the mission.”
You snap your eyes to your brother looking out the window with a shit-eating grin on his face, and at that moment you know that he’s been lying. He was never going to take you shopping, or let you bond in a good way with the students, he’s taking you on a mission!
“You!” You growl and slam your finger down to unbuckle yourself and jump over behind his seat to slap your hands over his eyes. “You liar! I’ll burn your eyes out!”
Satoru cackles and grabs your wrists. “I never said we’d go shopping.”
“You could’ve said!” You sneer. “I am not dressed for a mission. Liar!”
“Please, sit down,” Ijichi quietly tries to cut in,
“We’re going to crash,” you hear Fushiguro mutter before Nanami interjects too.
“You’re embarrassing yourself y/n.”
“Only person who's going to be embarrassed Is Satoru when he can no longer use those six eyes of his!” You snap and press his head back, making him laugh harder before he suddenly goes quiet and you feel something wet and squishy on your hand.
“What?” You gasp but stop as you realize it was your brother's tongue that touched you. “Ew! Oh my gosh, ew!” You shout and sit back down but keep your hand out as you feel his saliva on your palm. “That’s so gross!”
You turn to try and wipe your hand on Nanami, but he catches your wrist and shakes his head. “Don’t you dare.”
Your disgust grows, and Satoru laughs menacingly from the front.
“Nanami, it’s drying,” you whine. “It’s drying on my hand!”
“You’re being dramatic.”
You gag and squirm your hand away and turn, making Nobara lean away, and causing a laughing Itadori to lean towards Fushiguro so you wouldn’t touch them either.
“I need hand sanitizer!”
“Here,” Fushiguro says in his nonchalant voice and reaches into his pocket to take out a small hand sanitizer.
You lean over and he squirts some on your palm, letting you rub your hands together rapidly so you can get rid of your brother's saliva before it becomes a part of you or something.
“Thanks, kid, you’re a lifesaver,” you tell him and sit back down.
“You’re almost 28 years old,” Nanami points out.
You shoot him a narrowed look and shrug. “So? That’s still gross and they’d understand if they have siblings. Do you guys?”
“No,” Nobara and Itadori share.
“Yeah,” Fushiguro is the only one that shares that similarity.
“Older or younger?” You ask.
“Older sister. But we don’t get along like that.”
You hum and muse, “yeah, because she’s your sister. An older sister would’ve been nice. Instead, I’m stuck with this rare case.”
“I am a rare case, I’m special,” Satoru says,
You scoff under your breath and nod. “That you are my dear brother. That you are,” you say sarcastically.
Abandoned amusement park? Does he actually want to accomplish your death sentence and kill you?
“Is this your idea of a joke?” You sneer. “You should’ve told me.”
A smirk twitches on his lips. “It was a surprise. Surprise.”
You narrow your gaze on him and he lifts his hand to lower a veil.
“Bond with them,” he says and steps back to lean against the car. “We can go wherever you want after. I’ll even let you use my card.”
You huff out and keep your eyes on him until the veil lowers and you can no longer hear him.
“There’s no point dwelling on it any longer,” Nanami says over his shoulder as he follows after the eager students. “You should’ve seen this coming too.”
You flip your brother off before you swiftly turn on your heels and storm after Nanami.
“I'm not changed for this,” you complain, “nor did I pack clothes or the right shoes for this.”
“When are you ever wearing the right shoes?” Nanami quips, making you roll your eyes over to him and groan dramatically.
Nanami drifts his eyes to you and a faint teasing smile tugs on his lips.
“I hate you both,” you grumble and pick up your pace to get past the entrance of this ugly and desolate park. ���You kids need to be careful. It’s too quiet here so either the curses are hiding, or they’re waiting to attack. Eyes peeled and stances ready.”
You proceed to reach into your pocket and pull out a small and rolled-up worm curse. He figures out you need him without needing to be told and unrolls himself into his given size, letting you drape him around your neck and scratch his chin thereafter.
“So do you guys have any more questions?” You ask the students.
Itadori slows down and slowly peers back, he parts his lips but when his eyes land on what’s around your neck his eyes widen and he shouts. “Hey! Watch out, around your neck!”
Both Nobara and Fushiguro look back and they look just as confused, but you look at them nonchalantly.
“This?” You point to the worm. “He’s okay. He’s mine. His name is Worm.” You smile and scratch the top of his head, causing it to lean towards your touch, and making the students look at it disgusted.
“He’s very cool and convenient. Suguru took him in a decade ago, and after he died we bonded,” you let them know and walk past them as they stand there in bewilderment. “Now he’s with me all the time. If he’s not on me, he’s in my pocket.”
“That’s so gross—”
“I don’t want to hear it,” you cut Fushiguro off. “He’s helpful. He’s very helpful.” Plus why is he being so judgy? His father owned the worm before Suguru and you did.
“Don’t listen to them,” you tell the worm. “They just don't know you yet. You helped a lot in Egypt.” You smirk and give it one last pet before you sigh and glance around at the abandoned rides invaded by greenery, and ugly-looking by all the rust build-up.
Chills run up your spine as you spot a clown ride hidden between the tall golden grass. “Ew, if we run into a clown cursed spirit I will burn Satoru’s eyes out of his skull.”
“Whatever it is,” Nanami interjects. “It’s big so you might just have to do that regardless.”
Your friend falls beside you and keeps an eye out for any curses while you lean over and whisper. “Don’t you think Satoru relies a little bit too much on his students? He or you could’ve come to do this mission alone. I mean they couldn't identify what grade the curse lurking here was.”
“I suppose he trusts you with them,” Nanami says, making you avert your gaze. “But sometimes, yes I do. But…it’s his way of teaching. He’ll never let anything happen to them that’s for sure.”
You hum and mumble with disappointment in yourself. “I wouldn't know really.” You’ve only seen him interact with your daughters, and he’s nice with them, but you don’t really know what he’s like with his students. It’s a consequence of being apart for so long.
“He wouldn't let anything happen to them,” Nanami reassures his statement.
You hum again as you nod.
“Hey!” Nobara interrupts from behind. “What are you two talking about over there?!”
You peer back and quickly throw something out. “Taxes?”
“You suck,” Namami whispers.
“It’s October,” Fushiguro points out.
You shrug. “I’m a millionaire, I have to start somewhere.”
“Tax evasion,” Nanami says, pulling your attention back to him. “Add that to your list of crimes.”
You feign a laugh and push him to the side. Nanami smiles again, and this time you hear gasps coming from behind you as they see that rare gesture on a serious man.
“I can list my crimes,” you joke.
Nanami scoffs. “It’s nothing to show off actually. So focus, or…maybe that clown curse will sneak up on you.” The corner of his lips tug wider as he walks ahead, and you fake more laughter.
“Can I ask,” you hear Nobara say as she walks up to you. “Why did you defect from the school? Was it for that husband of yours?”
You laugh softly and shake your head. “No, he helped me leave, but no…” you exhale deeply and glance at Nanami. “I decided to leave after I failed to save my friend. It was on a mission, but I failed to save him. I failed my own goal of helping my friends, so it was my last straw. Some things happened after but that’s why I left. I knew I wouldn't be happy if I stayed at school, I couldn't be who I wanted to be so I defected and never looked back. I’m better because of it.”
Nobara ponders for a moment before she quietly brings up something. “But you’re a special grade.”
You nod softly. “Yeah, I always have been. But that’s because of my technique and its potential. I unfortunately had a lot to learn about myself,” you share with her. “I wasn’t naturally skilled like my brother, my technique took a while to really grasp and control. The elements…” you pause and lift pieces of dirt off the ground and spin them around on your palm with the wind, so she can see.
“…Are hard to control,” you continue. “They’re alive, they’re strong, so I struggled, but I learned. I’m still learning, but I’m strong now,” you say and drop the dirt and let the wind go. “Just like you will be too.”
Nobara meets your gaze with disbelief and you nod confidently.
“I’ll tell you something,” you whisper so she could be the only one to hear. “As a woman, many people like to doubt us and our power. They see us and even if we’re special grade or first, they see weakness. That’s why we can gain the upper hand and show off how strong we are. Never let anyone tell you that you can either be strong or a woman. You can be both. Be both and beat their ass.”
Nobara grins and nods eagerly. “Nicely put, I like that!”
You smile and when you meet her gaze your smile falters. “You’re not freaked out? By my views I mean? I understood if you were.”
Nobara looks away. “Well I can’t say I agree with you, or that I ever will,” she says. “I can’t see you the same as before, but I like to think I'm a good judge of character. If you were bad you wouldn't be here risking your life for Itadori. Besides, Gojo talks about you all the time. He might be weird, but if you were bad he wouldn’t trust you with his students.”
Your eyes widen with shock, and you have to quickly pick on that matter. “Really? What does he say?”
It’s probably just about Satori though.
“Well,” she says. “He likes to talk about what you’d do as kids. He’d talk about the things he’d teach you, and that you were always his best student…”
Your eyes begin to sting and a smile tugs on your lips.
“He mentions your uh, years in high school. He really likes to tell stories about his youth with you and his friends. I just never thought it’d be you. He never said your name, and even if he did I never pieced it together. And he likes to mention that we can have lives outside of being sorcerers, just like you.”
She’s a first-year, so you can't know if he’s talked about you to his other students before, you’ve never asked Hakari or Kirara. But now that Nobara has mentioned it, it just seems unbelievable; he’s never mean towards you when he’s at your house or when you spend time together because of Satori, but deep inside you always think that he is mad over the things you’ve done, over the life you chose to live.
The doubt is still pretty much a lively thing. You feel it poisoning your mind every time you see him or talk to him. It just repeats itself over and over again. He’s still mad at you. He's still mad at you…
He’ll never forgive you or look at you the same.
It’s a pesky thing really.
“Hm, well how nice of him,” you muse nonchalantly. “I wish he’d follow his own advice and live a life for himself.” You look ahead and notice a tent ahead so you aim for that to check for any curses. “Now, do you think Itadori will…talk to me again?” You look back and see him walking beside Fushiguro. “He’s been quiet since I’ve talked about my views in life.”
Nobara follows your line of gaze and shrugs. “Yeah once he sees you’re not bad, he’ll warm up again. Just give him time.”
You stretch your arms out and share a comprehensive hum before you sneak over to the tent.
You don’t sense any cursed energy, but you have to make sure so they don’t get a jump on you.
Nevertheless, when you open the flap and peek inside you just see trash.
“Nothing,” you let everyone know before you look at the three students walking over to try and take a peek too. “Do you guys sense anything?” You question them and step aside.
The three of them pop their heads inside and stay quiet as their eyes roam the inside.
“No,” Fushiguro answers for all of them.
You nod. “Good. Always keep your guard up. When there are strong curses they hide. And then they attack when they see your back turned,” you give them some friendly advice before you step out.
“Another thing,” you add. “Clothes. This will apply once you’re out of school mostly. If you decide to stay as a sorcerer that is then clothes matter. Right now your uniforms help, but once you’re out you’ll find something that helps you with your technique, or just simply when you’re fighting. For example, I have two outfits, my jumpsuit, and a dress.”
“A dress?” Itadori questions.
You nod. “It's a light dress that helps me feel the flow of the wind,” you explain right away so they don’t think you’re weird for fighting in a dress. “It helps me also with the flow of my cursed energy, and transferring it to the elements around me. Of course,” you say smugly. “If you see me wearing my dress you should run the other way. I only ever wear it when I mean business. When the fight is extreme. So mostly against another sorcerer.”
“So,” Itadori interjects and walks forward. “Do you change mid-battle, or how does that work?”
“Uh, I burn off my jumpsuit. I wear my dress under my things. Or I use it over the jumpsuit, I just fix it you know so it’s not obvious and it looks like a part of the jumpsuit. It’s cool.”
“You burn it off? Nice.”
You smirk and nod. “Except that I have to carry extra clothes with me everywhere, but!” You exclaim and pet the worm's head. “That’s why I have him, he keeps everything for me.”
The worm smiles and you beam at it, getting weirded-out reactions from the kids.
“Y/N,” Nanami calls out and pulls your attention to him—“there. Pay attention.”
You follow where he points to and see a closed-off roller rink. Before you can reach the entrance you all come to a stop and search for any sign of a curse.
And right away when you focus, you sense a big amount of cursed energy that makes you think it might be a first-grade curse.
So it’s dangerous. For the students.
“Itadori and I will go around the back, you, Fushiguro, and Nobara take the front. Let’s do it like we did in the old times, yeah?” You ask with a small smile.
Nanami sighs but nods in agreement. “Sure. Be careful.”
You nod and then point ahead before you lead the way around the back of the roller rink.
“What do you mean like old times?” Itadori queries.
You smile over at him. “We’d surround the curses,” you reminisce. “Try and get a jump on it and just coordinate our fights so we could work as a team. It’d work all the time…” you trail off and frown as you think back to the one time and the last time it didn't work in your favor.
“We’ll do that again,” you brush off the sorrow. “You take the right, I’ll take the left. Meet up in the middle and jump it. If it gets too bad you take your friends and wait for Nanami and me outside though, understand?”
Itadori narrows his eyes and seems to want to argue but he sighs and nods stiffly. “Fine,” he mutters.
You scoff in amusement and look at the back door you’re approaching. And just before you can reach it, you think of getting out a blade and reach for the worm.
Without any hesitation, the worm opens its mouth and pushes out your blade that you pull out without thought.
“Oh, what?!” Itadori freaks out. “How did it do that?”
You narrow your eyes on the doorknob and slowly wrap your hand around it as you answer. “That’s his skill. He can keep stuff inside without changing size, something as big as a car and down to a penny without ever losing it,” you whisper as you open the door. “That’s why he’s a good companion.”
The worm turns his head to look at Itadori beside you, and from the corner of your eyes, you see Itadori reach for the worm's mouth.
“No,” you stop his attempts. “It doesn’t work that way. He only works with whom it’s bonded to—or serving if you want simpler terms. You’ll just get swallowed or a handful of sticky saliva.”
“Yeah, but it’s cool.” You smirk and the worm smirks too.
Itadori nods even if you see that he looks creeped out by the worm and you with matching expressions. “Yeah,” he mumbles. “It actually is.”
You proceed to reach for the worm's mouth again, and this time you pull out two daggers. “Here,” you nudge Itadori. “Use them. Just in case. If you don’t need to use your cursed energy, don't waste it, be resourceful, your life may depend on it. Or if that’s not your case, then it’s always just good to carry something extra just in case.”
“Oh,” he mouths and gently grabs the weapons. “Thank you…they’re sticky.”
You glance at him and nod. “Yeah, you get used to it.”
You then tap into your fire and summon flames to your palm to bask the length of the blade in flames so you can see through the darkness that invades the roller rink.
“I’ll go right, you go left,” you remind him a bit quieter. “You get into any trouble, shout, or text me,” you pause and reach for the worm’s mouth to pull out a card. “Here.”
His eyebrows raise in disbelief and he whispers loudly. “For me?”
You nod. “We’ll be working together a lot so it’s better to be friends than acquaintances.”
Itadori meets your gaze and nods with a look of surprise on his face. You offer him a tiny smile before you begin to move towards the right side.
The roller rink is quiet so you make sure to step quietly to keep it that way and double-check the rooms you pass so there aren't any curses hiding around.
And for the most part, the ghost is clear except for when you reach a bathroom door and follow a blood trail to the end of the bathroom. Only a curse isn't lurking there eating a person, there’s only a person bleeding out from his side.
“Help,” he says hoarsely as he slowly looks up at you. “Please something attacked me—oh, I know you. You’re famous, yeah?”
You study the bleeding man and don’t sense any high levels of cursed energy so it means he’s a non-sorcerer.
“What attacked you,” you ask as you come to a stop a few feet away.
The man clutches onto his side and begins to cry, making your face slowly twist with disgust.
“I don’t know,” he cries, “my friend was attacked by something invisible, and it tried to get me too but I managed to run away! Please help me. Please.”
You slowly lower the blade in your hand and lower your chin to express feigned pity and concern.
“I will,” you lie and slowly stride to him as the flames that basked your blade dies and leaves the bathroom dark. When you step on a pool of his blood a smirk tugs on your lips and a menacing look paints in your gaze. You proceed to reach for his hand, but before you can touch him you swing the blade and slice his throat.
“Time for lunch,” you mutter nonchalantly to your worm as the man falls limp on the cold ground. “Come find me when you’re done,” you let your worm know as you pull him off your neck and put him down by the dead man.
One thing you doubt will ever change throughout your life is your hatred for non-sorcerers. You can’t exactly find any easier way to rid this world of them without the help of Suguru, so you’ve put that dream on hold. But that hatred will never change.
Nevertheless, you walk out of the bathroom and ignite the blade again. Before you can walk out of the hall and come across the rink, you hear a creepy cackle, meaning they’ve found the curse. Great.
It better not be some clown or a large spider-like curse. Please, please no.
You reach the double doors and let out a deep breath before you slowly push the door open. As you peek through the crack you groan as you see a large body with a ridiculous dull clown costume, and bright red hair sticking out the sides.
Really? Really?! A fucking clown?
Clowns are fucking scary…
“You’ll pay for this Satoru,” you whisper and drift your eyes past the clown curse and spot Nanami in front of it with his blade out, but you can't see Nobara and Fushiguro, nor can you see Itadori around.
Which is good. No matter how much you should teach them, why should they be on the front lines facing something above their grade if you’re here?
As long as you can, you’ll protect people like you. Even if you hardly know them.
Which is why you tiptoe out before the students get angsty, and quietly watch Nanami kick the clown in the rink.
The clown quickly tries to swing its claw for hands at your friend, but Nanami dodges and slides past it. When he lands behind the clown curse he spots you walking out the back doors, so you hastily point your eyes to the side so the clown won’t see you so you can catch it by surprise.
Nanami nods stiffly as he reads what you want without being told, and pulls the clown's attention to the side, letting you continue to quietly maneuver past turned-over tables and broken wooden chairs. When the clown turns abruptly you quickly go down and hide behind a table.
And as you do you spot Itadori at your far left side hiding behind a booth with greenery growing around it. His brown eyes find you and he steps forward to help his mentor, but you put your hand out and he stops. You don’t want to give out your presence so you mouth to him.
Itadori quirks one eyebrow up in confusion, causing you to sigh deeply before you close your hand to signal him to hold.
He understands now so he mouths, “oh,” before he nods once in agreement.
You scoff in amusement and continue to move on ahead in your crouched position. When you reach the rink you finally spot Megumi and Nobara on metal vents above ground. So it means Nanami is actually following along with your old plans.
It’s surprising that he is. Even if you agreed to it moments before you still can’t help but be surprised since it’s been so long since you’ve worked together. It makes you happy and eager honestly.
Regardless, you step into the rink and before the clown can see you, you scurry over, and when you get close enough you change your pace to a sprint before you hop off your feet. As gravity pulls you back down you pull the blade up, and just as you get close you rapidly swing down with force and slice down the clown's back, making it cry out and try to swing its arm back.
Yet before he can touch you, you push yourself off his back to land on the floor swiftly and slide back.
The clown's eyes land on you, and it begins to growl, showing sharp black teeth. It then tries to turn completely, but you use your technique and trap its feet using pieces of the ground. Nanami then follows by swinging his blade across its chest.
And the power of his swing is so strong that the clown goes flying back. Albeit just before you can see it hit the ground, a large brown bird shikigami appears from nowhere and grabs the clown with its talons. It then takes it across the rink and slams it against a wall to zap it with purple electricity before it lets it go and disappears through the shadows.
The wall behind the clown crumbles, welcoming in natural light from the outside, while the clown itself tumbles down.
You know it’s not done yet though, it got weakened, but it’s done fighting. However, Nanami and you still approach it cautiously. And just as predicted the clown suddenly throws its hands out and they suddenly stretch out towards Nanami and you.
You get ready to attack, but then in a blink of an eye, you’re surprised by how fast Itadori slams his body against the clown’s arms before he wraps his own
arms around one and pushes it towards the other. When the arms are pressing against each other a dozen nails impale both arms.
Nobara lands before Nanami and you, and with a simple snap the nails implode and blow both arms to pieces.
“Wow,” you gasp through the silence with a proud smile. “Satoru once again has an impressive bunch here.”
“He owes us for lying though,” Nanami mutters.
“Yeah, he’ll pay,” you agree and listen to the clown begin to cackle again. “Careful,” you warn the kids. “It’ll probably heal its arms back.”
Megumi jumps off the vents and lands beside Nanami, while you narrow your eyes on the clown and begin to walk towards it. The clown then suddenly goes quiet, and before you know it the clown throws its body out as it enlarges so big its head hits the ceiling. It then reaches for a flower on its chest and when he presses it water shoots and aims at Nobara, so you change your pace to a run.
However, when you get close to her you slide forward on your feet, and then lift two fingers to use your technique and split the water in half before it could touch Nobara or you.
The clown cries out at its failure, and you flash it a cocky grin while you also manipulate the water to travel around Nobara and you.
“Cool,” Nobara muses before you shoot the clown's own prank water at its eyes.
The moment water hits the clown's eyes, you see steam rising and watch the clown try and grab its eyes as the water seems to melt away his eyes.
“Well,” you joke to lighten the mood. “Good thing we didn’t get splashed by that huh?”
Nobara scoffs, and Itadori uses this time while it’s distracted to run over and throw it a strong right hook that hurls the clown to the side. And rather than stumbling, you see Megumi meet it with a punch that sends it back to the left.
You take advantage of this moment and sprint forward before you hop and impale the curse through the jaw.
The clown begins to laugh menacingly, but before it can attack, both Megumi and Itadori come at it from the sides and use the daggers you had handed Itadori to impale the clown's eyes.
With that last move, the clown goes limp and you pull your blade out and let yourself fall to the ground. When Megumi and Itadori land on their feet, the clown's corpse begins to disappear, bringing an end to this fight.
“It's over,” you assure them and let out a deep and relieved breath. “Good job.”
“Save it until we see if the veil fell,” Nanami counters you and walks past you to walk to the gap left on the wall.
You quickly follow after him and push yourself past his side to poke your head out. Luckily rather than seeing a dim sky you can’t help but smile as you see the vivid blue sky and fluffy grey clouds.
“See,” you nudge Nanami. “Over!” You spin around on your heels and shoot the kids a grin. “Great job everyone, you all did amazing. Great teamwork, and great quick thinking!”
They all seem to look a bit surprised by your compliment but they smile softly and take your compliment with a sweet thank you.
Your worm curse finally shows up and the moment he sees you he drags himself as fast as he can to reach you.
“Why don’t we get out, huh?” You suggest. “Maybe get some well-deserved boba.”
When the worm reaches your feet you pick him up and hang him around your neck before you put away your blade and step outside through the gap.
“Y/N,” you hear Itadori call out before he falls beside you.
“Hm?” You hum and look at him with a curious look.
Itadori holds the daggers out and offers you a faint half-smile. “Thanks for letting me use them, they came in handy.”
“Oh,” you say and smile. “No problem.”
Instead of grabbing them, you offer him an assuring nod, and he grins and tucks the daggers in the worm.
“Sick,” he laughs.
You smile softly at him in admiration as you see a flash of Haibara again. They also have the same sweet look in their eyes, that warm kindness and bright glimmer even after they’ve seen the worst thing imaginable.
“Look,” you interject softly. “I’m not sorry for the way I think. I have my reasons, I won’t preach my views to you either, I just hope,” you sigh and earn his undivided attention. “That we can look past our indifferences. At least while we work together. It’d be very awkward if we had tension.”
Itadori drifts his eyes away and looks ahead before he responds in a kind voice. “I don’t agree with the way you think, but I’ve gotten to know your world and I can say that it isn’t easy, and I can never know what happened that made you think the way you do,” he says in such a deep and wise manner even though he's only fifteen years old.
“But I do respect you,” he continues, catching you by surprise. “You helped fight this curse today. You didn’t have to. You helped Nobara and you didn’t have to. For that I respect you. Besides, Nanami and Gojo trust you too, and I trust their judgment, so I trust you too. Plus you’re so much cooler now that I’ve seen you in action.”
You laugh softly.
“I’m looking forward to working with you, y/n,” he finishes saying, making your smile soften.
“I’m looking forward to working with you too,” you mirror sweetly.
Itadori offers you a tiny smile, making you pat his shoulder and give him another compliment. “You did good kid. Now, do you want to see some pictures of Nanami when he was in high school? I have videos saved here too.”
“Oh, can I?!” He exclaims.
“Y/N, don’t you dare!” Nanami shouts.
You peer back and pull your phone out in a taunting manner. Your friend glares at you and you turn your phone on and unlock it before you go to your camera roll.
“You never change,” he mutters.
You smirk. “You’re so annoying,” you mock him by saying what he’d tell you all the time when you were students yourselves.
“You’re almost 28.”
“You’re almost 28,” you mimic him, making his lip curl to a soft scowl. “Anyway!” You laugh and click on the folder where you have the old pictures. “This is us. And that’s him.”
Itadori takes your phone away from you and laughs. “Whoa! Nanamin your hair!”
You giggle and see Nanami clench his jaw.
“I want to see!” Nobara exclaims before she runs over and pushes Itadori slightly as she holds the phone to look too.
“You can scroll through that folder,” you assure them. “You’ll find Ieiri and Satoru there too.”
“Hey, look, it's Master Gojo!” Itadori shouts excitedly, making Fushiguro quietly walk over to look at the pictures with his friends too. You, on the other hand, slow down to catch up to Nanami.
“Reminds me of us,” you muse softly.
“Except neither of them is a spoiled rich girl,” he tries to get back at you for revealing pictures of his youth.
“Your hair is pink and super short!” Nobara points out.
“It was a phase!” You counter.
“A mistake,” Nanami corrects you and laughs quietly. “I told him it was too light.”
You giggle. “He got the measurements all wrong. He wasn’t good at math.”
Nanami shakes his head in agreement with your comment. “No. No, he was not.”
You sigh deeply and your smile fades. “You think everything’s going to be okay?” You ask quietly as you watch Nobara, Itadori, and Fushiguro talking and smiling as they look through the pictures and watch the videos you have saved—“they deserve better than what we had.”
Nanami lets out a deep breath and nods stiffly. “They do, but there’s no way of knowing,” he doesn’t hide the truth.
You’re thankful for that even if it gives you a bad feeling in your gut.
“All we can do is hope and fight for them to get better, right?” You add another question to feel some comfort through the bad feeling forming like a storm.
“Yeah,” Nanami whispers. “That’s right.”
You hum softly in comprehension and continue to watch them with admiration and a soft smile even though the storm continues to brew within you.
A/N- Let’s enjoy these moments :/….
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154
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neonscandal · 8 months
some questions about jujutsu I would appreciate it if you could answer me. 1. do you think megumi and itadori are a comparison to geto and gojo? 2. What do you find most tragic about geto and gojo's relationship? 3.if geto didn't exist, who would you ship gojo with? ps; I would ship toji and gojo.
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Answering these out of order to hide spoilers!
3. If Geto didn't exist, I would ship Gojo with Nanami. Nanami would be bothered 600% of the time.
2.Most tragic is the fact that, while Gojo always looked at Geto's soul and accepted him unconditionally, Geto thought their relationship was over the moment he chose to leave Jujutsu High and they never reconciled this disparity while living. If you want an exhaustive list of the things that rot my brain and prevent me from remembering basic things like my childhood and the Pythagorean theorem, please, feel free to read this recently updated and ongoing list. 😭
Lastly, yes, I think ItaFushi are meant to be a parallel to SatoSugu. See below for why!
⚠️ Spoiler Warning through JJK chapter 247.
The comparison isn't perfect but I don't know that it's meant to be.
I feel like I reference Naruto a lot for having not seen it but I'm pretty sure it's a solid example of the generational failures of the Uchiha clans and the Hidden Leaf Village as overcome by Sasuke and Naruto, respectively.
I think that JJK could be a circular story (check out the Rick & Morty progression, in particular) and that SatoSugu and ItaFushi seem to run as parallels. To simplify, we'll break it up by the OG for parallels:
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and Megumi (he got blue eyes when he's supposed to have green.. 💎👄💎)
Born of Jujutsu royalty with a familial technique
Familial technique damns them to a burden of responsibility. Gojo became the head of the Gojo clan, Megumi is bought and sold but effectively abdicates his place with the Zenin
When given the chance, relents to leverage the value of his cursed technique to protect others that they deem deserving. Gojo protects Megumi, Yuta and Yuji; Megumi protects Tsumiki and later, Yuji.
In spite of the above, will execute their responsibilities of a sorcerer but will also pick and choose if they will do something outside of that obligation. Think back to Megumi's moral judgement when it came to those in the detention center and Gojo's willingness to act outside of direct orders because... he could.
Just leaving the visual evidence of these little weirdos
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and Yuji
The Sun characters but not without shadow.
Blessed births, even though Yuji's was... untraditional, it forged him as a powerful vessel with inhuman strength without a heavenly restriction.
Anomalous strength. Gojo for Six Eyes and Limitless which haven't been seen together in one user in over 100 years. Yuji is able to produce Black Flashes at will and at a rate which is canonically uncommon.
Experienced death and rebirth which brought about change in them. Gojo found enlightenment; Yuji, while in hiding, experienced loss, the tragedy of which marked him noticeably.
They both know the alienation of greatness. Both undergo power ups shattering the ceiling of their previously understood power thresholds and go beyond the comprehension or without the knowledge of their counterparts. Gojo, I think, knew that it would foundationally upset something between he and Geto. Yuji probably just thinks he is getting acclimated to the new world he finds himself within and doesn't realize how insane his glow up has been.
Guilt for not being able to save someone "close to them". Gojo, obviously, with Geto and Yuji with Junpei, initially, but that list has grown. Exponentially.
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and Megumi
The Moon characters but they have something worth fighting for that gives them an air of light.
Both believe in and will act on behalf of the weak. Geto believes the strong should protect the weak and keep the strong in check. Megumi believes that if someone cannot observe the basic tenet of don't kill me, I won't kill you, he should exact punishment whether the person infringed on this basic law with him or not.
Despite their code, they still develop or have a discerning application of their morals.
But what happens when that morality is tested? Geto realizes the weak are capable of harm when he discovers the abuse of Nanako and Himiko. Megumi, if he hasn't already, will eventually come to understand that saving Yuji came at the cost of countless lives, including that of Tsumiki, in a way, even if she died by his own hand.
Know intimately the loss of someone they were close with only to find that person returned to them.. but different.
Feeling left behind by the power ups of their counterparts, they are left to their own devices. Notably, Geto spirals into depression and PTSD, Megumi, citing the difference, asks Gojo for additional lessons so he doesn't fall behind.
Doomed by the narrative? or at least by their power. Kenjaku covets Geto's body for the hold it has over Gojo and, possibly, the cursed technique that enabled him to espouse Mahito and Tengen's techniques. Sukuna covets Megumi for Ten Shadows.
Subsequently, both are possessed by something that easily outclasses them but they still are able to rebel when fighting against their counterparts. Geto's corpse strangles Kenjaku in Shibuya; Megumi manipulates how much cursed energy is output when Sukuna fights against Yuji.
Both of them recognize that, despite their counterpart's strength, they are still deserving of concern and worry. This is likely informed by the knowledge of their own weakness and inability to protect.
and Yuji
Outsiders to jujutsu society
Get their power/strength from ingesting something unholy; curses or cursed relics. Either way, both seem to beg the question of how long one can you these things before it poisons something within you?
Earnestly want to help people with a martyr mentality. The idea being, if I am the only one with this power then it's my responsibility to do something; Geto with his role as a sorcerer and Yuji as the only person who can consume Sukuna
Subsequently damned by this noble desire. Geto finds that the sacrifice is no longer palatable after the sacrifices of Riko and Haibara and the abuse of Nanako and Himiko. Yuji experiences survivors' guilt for every slight Sukuna is able to inflict while he continues to live.
A pattern of failure to protect (Riko and Junpei) followed by the loss of a companion (Haibara and Nanami, and what a way for their deaths to mirror one another...) as an impetus for great change in their characters.
The wealth of their goodness has the potential to cause just as big a vacuum of negativity when they break. Arguably this is what pushes the invisible hand that guides the events that radicalizes Geto and informs Mahito's insistence to break Yuji's soul.
Speaking of souls - this idea of their soul's in particularly. Gojo seeing and recognizing Geto's. Mahito feeling the edge of Yuji/Sukuna's soul. We see that Sukuna can aim attacks at Megumi's soul but... why did the goodness in Geto's persist for Gojo to love him unconditionally? How did Yuji's soul withstand external attacks from Mahito and internal attacks from Sukuna?
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Where SatoSugu's fatal flaw was hubris, we don't see that with ItaFushi and that, perhaps, is the biggest indication that they're correcting the faults of their forebears while also suffering the repercussions of their failure.
Gege Akutami could absolutely have the whole story end in flames, don't get me wrong. I would 10,000% be invested to the very last page. There's no guarantee that this is a circular story, that any of these characters find peace or that any of them even survive but I can't help but see the similarities, at least as far these four are concerned.
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toastymarshie · 10 months
Thinking about how Itadori and Fushiguro were probably never suppose to meet.
Feel free to disagree with my argument or chalk it up to me being a sad ass bitch, but it does feel like that.
Feel free to add to this post or send me an ask lol.
Why do I feel like this?
Well, I can’t pinpoint the exact reasons for why I feel this way, I can give some evidence to back it up. I know that JJK is a shonen and it was going to start with Itadori Yuji and end with or without him.
Ofc the most obvious one is Yuji’s death and path leading up to it.
(I will refer to the manga at this point if I will put anime screenshots if I just have them at hand)
Their first meeting
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As you can see Fushiguro was impressed by Itadori’s natural strength. Even comparing him to Maki. However that was the extent he was willing to give to a random person. A very one sided interaction.
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This is the moment the narrative shifts for both Megumi and Yuji. Yuji carrying a curse since the beginning of their meeting (how ironic!) and Megumi is going after him. Sure it’s to retrieve Sukuna’s finger but it’s there.
For anyone who doesn’t know for some odd reason, Megumi’s name translates to Blessing hence why Toji and mama Fushiguro call him such. Yes, his name meaning is important to not only Yuji but to the major players such as Gojo.
Also we have to talk about Grandpa Itadori’s last request.
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Of course we know now that Grandpa’s last words were a curse to Yuji. How this last request shapes Yuji as a person in the coming chapters. Another curse to add to the list of curses. (Do the note the rule of three)
Then we get the scene in the hospital after Yuji’s grandfather dies. (Abridged for time)
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This is when the plot finally kicks in. Yuji unknowably putting his friends in danger and Megumi has to go save them and the finger. I don’t personally count this as a curse for Yuji as it’s just the direct effect of the first curse I noted. Remember that Yuji comes in when he remembers his grandpa’s words.
Then finally we get to the final curse
Ryomen Sukuna
Itadori Yuji’s last and final curse that sealed his fate. The very thing that led him to the path he’s in. Not just him but also Fushiguro Megumi. From Shibuya to the current arc (Chapter 244-245) both of them have been by each other’s side trying their best to break this curse.
Remember, Yuji was going to be executed once he ate the first finger but due to Gojo’s interference and Megumi’s own personal feelings he was given a choice.
The first chapter really set them up to meet each other regardless of the factors that scream don’t do it/don’t follow him. Especially in hindsight, you can feel the tragedy brewing before it even begins. You somewhat know the consequences in the first chapter and it only grows worse in the second.
But that what makes a good tragedy.
Fuck you Gege you one eye cat
Now I’m gonna bring up chapter 9 for a bit because it’s history is very interesting. Gege did say that if the series didn’t do well, he will leave Yuji dead. (Ofc this didn’t happen and please help me find the source of this information. I know it was stated in an interview but I couldn’t find a translated version.)
Even then, it just solidifies my feelings.
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This is the ending of the story. How it’s suppose to end.
Someone said that this seemed like a confession and I have to agree. Whether it’s romantic or platonic, Fushiguro’s feelings for Itadori are real.
Hear that?
That’s me sobbing.
With the recent chapters, it seem bleak but I believe that we will see Fushiguro again.
Yuji and Megumi will meet again maybe for the last time. I’m not Gege, but I trust him not really to give them a proper ending.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 9 months
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Pomegranate Ink: XXVII
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Series Synopsis: Unable to heal but willing to fight, with a fiancé in Kyoto and a last name that looms over everything you do, you accept an offer to study at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. What you did not know was that your salvation and your ruination alike would soon join you at the school, neatly wrapped in the form of a boy followed by death.
Chapter Synopsis: After Naoya Zenin reveals some surprising news, you pay a visit to your family home.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu × Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.1k
Content Warnings: angst, misogyny, naoya zenin, forbidden relationships, canon-typical violence, character death, original characters included
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A/N: i KNOW y’all have been waiting for this one 😩‼️ also can we talk about how long this fic is getting because it’s a little concerning atp
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“Wow, the two of you look awful,” Naoya said, grimacing dramatically at you and Maki. Maki crossed her arms at him, but you did not react. “At least your face isn’t ruined, huh, Y/N? I’d feel a lot more annoyed if it had been.”
“I don’t see why that would annoy you,” you said.
Of course, Naoya had been in his study, the pretty notes of some song from a movie wafting through the air a sure indicator that he was bored and playing his piano again. His dedication to the instrument was one of his few redeeming qualities, or maybe it was not a particular respect for the craft but something else entirely that drove him to the incessant practice. Either way, it had been easy to find him, and since he was the biggest obstacle in your path at the moment, this was a good thing.
“I’m the one who stuck my neck out for you, you know,” he said. “Wasted about three months’ worth of paychecks on you, too, so you really should be thanking me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you said. He raised his eyebrows.
“You really don’t know? I thought that that was for sure the reason why you were here,” he said. “Is it not?”
“I came to go through the weapons’ warehouse,” Maki said. “Megumi gave me permission already, so don’t think of stopping me.”
“I wasn’t planning on it. If that’s what you want, then feel free to go right ahead and do it,” he said innocently. You furrowed your brow. The victory felt too easily won, but when he noticed your befuddlement, he only snorted. “Who am I to disobey my clan head?”
You tried to communicate with your gaze to Maki all the words you could not say aloud, not in front of him. Be careful. They’re planning something. He’s not doing this out of the goodness of his own heart.
She blinked at you slowly before turning to leave. I know.
“I came to listen to you play the piano, but I suppose I’ve done that already,” you said. “It was nice. I recognize the song — it was in that movie that came out a couple of years ago, wasn’t it? At the end?”
“That’s right,” he said. “You’ve seen it?”
“Yes, of course I have,” you said. “Anyways, that’s not what’s important. What did you mean when you said that you wasted your paychecks and stuck your neck out for me?”
“Always straight to the point with you, isn’t it? You might want to sit down for this one,” he said, standing up and patting his piano stool. You gave him an irritated look. He rolled his eyes and sat back down, obviously picking up on the fact that you weren’t going to take him up on the offer.
“You know that after that whole mess in Shibuya, the higher ups placed orders for the executions of Suguru Geto, Masamichi Yaga, and Yuji Itadori?” he said. You nodded.
“Yes, and they criminalized unsealing Gojo. What an idiotic joke,” you said. “Like Gojo isn’t the only one who stands a chance at saving all of us.”
“How hard would you laugh if I told you that there was a fourth person who they were going to send an execution order out for?” he said. Ice shot through your veins, and you suddenly felt very heavy. You didn’t want to ask him, but you knew you would. You knew you had to, even if the answer was in the question itself.
“Who else?” you said. He smirked, clearly satisfied with the distress in your eyes.
“Y/N L/N has been found to be in league with Ryomen Sukuna. She can now be considered a curse user and is therefore sentenced to death,” he parroted. “They were going to send Yuta Okkotsu after you, too. He’s your classmate, so you should know as well as anyone that that’s a fight you couldn’t hope to win.”
“In league with Sukuna?” you said, your tongue leaden in your mouth as you gagged on the taste of the name. “Did they—?”
Had they somehow found out about the Binding Vow you almost made? Was that why they wanted to execute you? Or was it something else? Was it because Sukuna refused to kill you? Had they confused reluctant need with genuine alliance?
“You pushed for the postponement of Itadori’s execution. That was all the proof they needed; well, in truth, even if there wasn’t any proof, they would’ve figured out some crime to accuse you of. You’re more resurrectionist than sorcerer, and the last thing the higher ups need is some brat of a girl running around and digging up graves at her leisure,” he said.
“That’s not how Composition works,” you said, still trying to come to terms with the fact that you were such a threat to the higher ups that they had wanted to put an order of execution out for you. The death penalty, by all rights, should’ve hung over your head at the moment.
“Maybe not, but you have to understand that for them, there was no use in putting an execution order out for any of your allies while you were still out and about, you see? Their executions would be meaningless as long as you were there in the back of their minds, capable of using Composition to undo their actions,” he said.
“Like I said, that’s not how Composition works. I can’t just revive people whenever I feel like it. I don’t even know how I did it the first time,” you said crossly.
“Then they should be even more pleased that they spared you, eh? Now there’s no chance of you bringing old Yaga back,” he said. “Not that you would’ve had one in the first place. I promised the higher ups I’d keep a tight leash on you. That’s why they decided not to go ahead with the order — I vouched for you. No one else. Just me. Remember this, Y/N L/N: your family did not say a word in your defense. When you were sentenced to death, it was me, Naoya Zenin, who spoke up for you.”
“My family didn’t even…they would have had me executed?” you said. What was this twist? How could it be that Naoya Zenin had been your greatest ally in that kind of a conflict? Had they truly abandoned you to that extent, or was there some other, greater endgame that they were plotting at? You didn’t understand. Or was Naoya lying? There was a chance, but in truth, you doubted he would lie about this kind of thing. It served him no purpose for you to hate your family, after all.
“Of course they would’ve,” he said. “They don’t care about you. Nobody cares about you. You’re mostly alone in the world, little L/N. What a terrible thing it is…and by the way, the Kamos didn’t mind too much, either. It was the Zenins who stood up for you.”
“You must’ve had a reason to do that,” you said. “I know you better than to think you did it just because you grew a sudden interest in fairness. Why did it matter to you whether I lived or not?”
“It would’ve been my money down the drain if you died,” he said. “I paid a lot to have you, you know.”
“You paid a lot to do what?” you hissed, your rational thoughts disappearing with this new reveal. “Answer me quickly, and enough with the word games. What do you mean by that?”
“Your mother is such a bitch,” he said, sighing loftily. “She cried and screamed at your father, begged him not to do it, but of course she went ignored. I used to admire how docile and quiet she was, but I suppose you had to have inherited that nasty temperament from somewhere, hm? Anyways, your father had your cousins drag her upstairs so that we could continue our discussion.”
“Naoya,” you warned him.
“That’s no way for a woman to speak to her future husband,” he said. “I’ll let it slide this time, but don’t let it happen again.”
“Future husband? What about Noritoshi?” you said.
“It’s amazing, the kinds of alliances men are willing to break when offered a large enough sum in return,” he said. “Your engagement to that bastard boy is all but dissolved at this point, which leaves you free to marry me instead.”
“That’s why you defended me,” you said. “Not because you cared about me, but because you only even wanted to marry me to strengthen your position in the clan. If I ended up being a criminal, it would reflect poorly on you.”
“Precisely,” he said, reaching over and tapping you on the forehead. “Gold star for you, little L/N. You know, I don’t prefer you all too much. Your pretty face and Reverse Cursed Technique are your only saving graces; what a relief, then, that you didn’t lose either in Shibuya.”
“Did they see some kind of benefit to an alliance with the Zenins?” you said, casting about for an alternate explanation, something other than the obvious one. “Is that why my clan did it? Did they engage us because they’re gaining some integral advantage from it?”
“Maybe you’re not that intelligent,” he said. “No surprise, I mean you are a woman after all. Let me put it for you plainly, girl: your father soldyou. There’s no other way to say it; I gave him money, and in return, he gave me your hand. That’s honestly all there was to it.”
Sold. You had been sold like some kind of broodmare to the highest bidder, passed from man to man like your heart had no place in the equation. Noritoshi. Naoya. Who was next? Which next suitor would give your family the upper hand? Did it even matter to them how you would be treated? Obviously not, since they had sold you to Naoya.
You hated them. You felt it deep within you, blossoming slowly but surely, a kind of anger that you could not fathom. You hated them. Your family, the ones who had locked you away for all of your childhood and were content with doing so well into your adulthood, too. Your family, the ones who had bound you to Noritoshi so securely that both you and he had choked from the constriction. Your family, the ones who had refused to heal Tullia. Your family, who had sold you to the Zenin clan. You hated them more than you had ever hated anything.
“I hope you remember what I taught you,” Naoya said, getting up once more and heading to the door, patting you on the head as he brushed past. “Three steps behind me at all times. Do you understand, or do you want me to simplify that, as well?”
You clenched your jaw, swallowing but making no motions to follow after him. “I understand.”
“Good,” he said. “I’ll see you later. Please be prepared; even if we aren’t married yet, I expect you to perform your wifely duties with passion.”
The door slid shut behind him, leaving you standing alone in the study, waiting there with nothing but your hatred to warm you.
You knew what he meant by wifely duties, and this should’ve frightened you, but all it did was make you irrationally angrier. So this was what you were worth to your father: three of Naoya Zenin’s paychecks. That was it. For just the price of a few paychecks, Naoya could claim you as his own. It didn’t matter that you were the prodigy of Composition, the daughter of the resurrection or the girl who brought someone back to life or whatever other ridiculous name that people deigned to ascribe to you as they saw fit. Y/N L/N, the girl worth three months’ worth of paychecks. That was what they would have to call you from now on. For just that much, you would be in Naoya’s service for the rest of your life. You would warm his bed, you would be at his beck and call, you would elevate his station, and you would always, always walk three steps behind him.
You didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be Naoya Zenin’s wife. You didn’t care that he had saved you from execution; it wasn’t as if Yuta would’ve ever executed you, anyways. Watching you die was not something he was capable of, just as the inverse was true. Maybe it was correct that Naoya had defended you when your own family had not, but considering your family’s track record, this didn’t mean as much as it should’ve. Your family hadn’t cared about you from the moment you had exorcised that curse on the balcony and ran away from the party with Gojo.
Gojo. You wished, more than anything, that he was there. You wanted him to give you one of his special hugs, the ones he only gave you because he was too paranoid to turn his Infinity off for that long with anyone else. You wanted him to put on some stupid movie and throw popcorn in your mouth and make fun of you when you failed to catch it. He wasn’t just your teacher. He had never just been your teacher. He was — he was something else. Your family. He was your actual family, and you found you missed him. You found you didn’t care what he did, as long as he came back. He would make everything better. Just by being there, he would make everything better.
But Gojo was gone. He wasn’t there to drag you from the situation, which meant it was up to you to deal with this mess your family had thrust you into. You were the one who had to save Gojo now, but how could you do that if you could not even save yourself?
You had to be methodical about it. There were so many powerful sorcerers in the Zenin clan, and since you had sworn off Dissection and fighting as a whole, you truly stood no chance against them all. Even if you hadn’t, even if you still had Tullia and were at your peak as a Grade 1 sorcerer, there were simply too many of them for you to be able to fight them in any way that mattered.
Yet waiting, too, was dangerous. With every second that you idled in Naoya’s study, you risked his return, whereupon you’d have to do as he pleased until the next time he left you alone. This was your one opportunity at escaping, and you had to seize it or give up and regret it forever. But that was something you could not do, so whispering an apology to Maki for leaving her, you opened the door and crept through the hallways of the mansion.
You could not even use your cursed signature detection which you were so reliant on, as it was another form of Dissection, so you were much like a blind mouse scuttling through the Zenin manor and praying you did not get caught. It was eerily silent, though, not a soul in sight, and you decided it must’ve been a stroke of good fortune and nothing more sinister than that. Breaking free from the walls of the building itself, you ran through the courtyard, crushing pink petals under your feet as you sprinted at top speed before someone detected your absence.
It was not a long journey to your family’s mansion. You made it in record time, your anger fuelling you all the while. Trapped. Killed. Sold.What hadn’t they done to you and the people you loved? Because it did not just end with you and Tullia. Your mother. Maki. Gojo. Your family had been involved in the torment of every single one of those people.
The days that your mother spent shut away for birthing the failure of the clan. The whispered insults and demeaning comments about Maki and what, exactly, she was good for. The endless missions and responsibilities and deprivation of human connection placed on Gojo’s shoulders. Your family had been there for every one of these things, and even if they were not actively causing them, they were at the least complicit simply by being bystanders and letting it all happen.
Why had you allowed it? Why hadn’t you stopped them? You should’ve. You had let your family harm those you loved for so long, but you couldn’t anymore. Not in good conscience. Not when you had already lost so many. Not when you could never get some of them back. Those precious few who you still had by your side…you would not let your family do anything to them ever again.
It was your father who answered the door. He no longer seemed as intimidating as he once had. Perhaps it was because you finally saw him for who he was, what he was. This was not a man who had raised you. He had never raised you. This was not a man who loved you. He had never done that, either.
“Y/N,” your father said.
“You can stand to say my name so conversationally?” you said. “I’m surprised.”
“What are you doing here?” he said. You could hear footsteps in the background; as always, the manor was bustling. It was once a stronghold meant to protect wounded sorcerers as they were treated, but now, you could not view it as anything but a prison.
“I should be at the Zenins, right? Because you sold me to Naoya?” you said. He was silent, and you laughed. “Of course, you don’t even deny it.”
“You’d be safer with him than anywhere else,” he said.
“Safer? Maybe from the rest of the world, but what would it matter when he is the one I should fear the most? Don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t be safe there. Nowhere would I be in more danger than in the Zenin mansion,” you said.
“Is that why you’ve come?” he said. “To yell at me for selling you to the Zenins? It’s been done. I can’t undo it. I’m sorry if you grew attached to Noritoshi, but this is for the good of the clan.”
“There it is,” you said. “The good of the clan. Not for me. Not for the good of Y/N. It’s always about the clan for you, isn’t it?”
“The clan is my family,” he said.
“And I am your daughter! Is that not family enough, or do I not count because my mother wasn’t a sorcerer? You’re the one who loved her enough to marry her, so why do you not then love the product of that union?” you said. “Though, it’s not like I’d ever want to be loved by you, anyways. I’d rather live a life alone than ever be loved by someone the way you claim to love my mother.”
“What do you know about love?” he said, though he was as defensive as condescending when he did.
“Yuta Okkotsu,” you said, emphasizing every syllable of the name, watching in satisfaction as a myriad of emotions flickered over his face — confusion, shock, horror, disgust, and finally anger. “That is what I know about love. Do you understand now? I love him. I love that boy, and he loves me back. I will never be the perfect, untouched piece of cattle that you desire.”
“You — you dare!” he sputtered. “We were so generous, letting you attend that school, and you spit in our faces like this? Why, I ought to—”
“Lock me away?” you said. “Or will you beat me this time? You haven’t before, but you look angry enough to try. Go on, then. Do it. Do your worst, or at least attempt to. You won’t get very far, though, I’m afraid.”
“Enough with the insolence. Come inside and go to your room,” he said.
“You asked me why I came here,” you said, opening your palm and showing him the needles which sat there, glinting a silvery blue with the cursed energy Gojo had imbued into them months ago. “This is why.”
His eyes just about bugged out of his head, causing you to smile. For a moment, he simply stared at the brilliant points, and then slowly, he raised his eyes to meet your own. You arched a brow at him, waiting for him to react.
“You don’t mean to say…” he trailed off helplessly.
“That’s right. After everything, I’ve finally come for revenge,” you said. “I am the girl you created, the girl you forsook, and I have finally returned to collect what I am owed.”
“You can’t do this,” he said, shirking back, preemptively wincing, though you hadn’t done anything yet. “Y/N, you can’t do this. We aren’t violent. There’s no justice in killing us.”
“Like I said, I’m not here for justice. I’m here for revenge,” you said. “By definition, there’s no justice to that. But I realized something on the way here: just as you don’t care for me, I don’t care for you. Perhaps this isn’t just, but that’s irrelevant. I’m going to do it regardless.”
“Don’t. Please, don’t. Attacking us is meaningless. We are a family of healers,” he said.
“Really?” you said, narrowing your eyes at him, carefully aiming your first needle and then throwing it. “That’s strange. For some reason, I can’t remember you ever healing anyone.”
At first, the rest of the L/Ns didn’t understand what was happening. One second, they were doing whatever mundane task demanded their attention, and the next, they were on the ground. It was simple for you, because your father was correct in that one thing: not a single person in your family was able to fight. It was what made you an anomaly, that you had this strength which none of the others had. Even without using Dissection, even with just the latent cursed energy left in the needles from Gojo, you knew the human body so well that you could throw the tiny weapons to stick exactly where you wanted them to. It would never work in a fair fight, but this was the furthest thing from fair or a fight.
As you got through more and more of them, they began to realize what was coming for them. They’d try to run, or hide, but it didn’t matter. They weren’t trained sorcerers, so they could never outrun you, and you didn’t need your cursed signature detection to figure out where they were hiding. None of them were very good at it, and so it was all for naught. Just like your entire life had been up until that point, their attempts to avoid your wrath were futile.
Some of them cried. Some of them begged. All of them met the same fate. You felt little sympathy for them. Hadn’t you cried? Hadn’t youbegged? But they had just stood by and watched. They had shown you no mercy, so why would you show them any in return?
There was only one person you spared: your mother, who had never done anything, who could never do anything. The woman cursed to see things she could never defend herself from; you bore no ill-will towards her. Anyways, Gojo loved her, so you would’ve let her be just for that fact alone, even if she was the worst monster in the world. But in the end, she was as trapped as you were, so how could you muster up any hatred for her? She had done the best she could. You passed by her bedroom and left her alone to sob, deciding to deal with her later.
Dragging your father’s slumped over body behind you by the back of his collar, you paid no mind to the way his arms dangled awkwardly by his sides nor to the way his head lolled back and forth with every step you took. His legs skidded against the lush carpets of the mansion, but none of that was important to you. You didn’t care. He would be in a world of hurt when he woke up, but you didn’t care.
Tossing his body into the dining room where you had thrown the rest of your paralyzed family members, you waited for him to regain consciousness. It took a few seconds, but eventually, his eyelids fluttered open. He took stock of the situation, but obviously, whatever he saw must’ve disappointed him, as he opened his mouth to argue before realizing he could not move any of his limbs.
“I wasn’t the one who cursed those needles. Gojo was, which means that the effects will last much longer,” you said. “Don’t think about disobeying me now. I chose not to kill you, but I just as easily could choose to change my mind.”
“You said you wanted revenge. If you aren’t killing us, then what kind of revenge is this?” your father said. “And where is your mother?”
“She isn’t one of you, not in the same way, so I have nothing against her,” you said. “Why would I blame a woman who can’t even heal for failing to do so? It’s a lesson you all should’ve learnt a long time ago. Maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation right now if you had.”
“What do you want from us, Y/N?” your uncle said. He was your father’s youngest brother, a shallow man who was always so arrogant, walking around like he was the heavens’ gift to mankind. He thought that healing made him a god. You wondered if he still thought that now that he had been immobilized by one tiny needle. What kind of god would’ve let that happen to them?
“It’s simple,” you said. “Make me the head of the L/N clan. Swear you will obey me, no matter the situation, no matter the cost. Follow me with as much or more loyalty as you followed my father with, and I will let you live. I’m not an idiot, after all; I know how rare the Reverse Cursed Technique is, and how much better Composition is compared to the rest. It would be foolish for me to slaughter you all without taking that into account, so I’m offering you this way out, but make no mistake — I don’t need you. If any of you refuse, I won’t feel bad about killing you. If need be, I can kill all of you. It’s all the same to me.”
“You’re just a child. What would you know of heading a clan?” your uncle said.
“I don’t know anything, and I don’t care to learn, either. That’s not what’s important here. As long as you submit to me, you can continue to run your clan as you please. My only stipulation is that my orders take precedence. You must do what I say, when I say it,” you said.
For a moment, none of them said anything, so you raised one of your remaining needles. You did not even have to mime throwing it; the instant your relatives saw it, they all began to shout out their assent to your terms. You had no doubt that if they were not paralyzed, they’d be bowing as they screamed that yes, yes, they’d do it, they’d do it. They were just that brand of cowardly.
“Well, it’s easy to say things, isn’t it?” you said. “My dear uncles, you should be able to move by now, I think. Is that correct? Good. Let’s see if you were being serious about your pledge. Bring me my father.”
“What will you do to him?” your father’s eldest brother said. His son was your least favorite cousin; he had always teased you about how you could not use Composition like he could. You noticed that very boy on the ground beside him, a large wet spot in the crotch of his pants and snot all over his face. You doubted he would ever tease you again.
“Would you ever question my father like that?” you said. “I don’t think you would. Should I kill you for such a transgression?”
Your uncles didn’t complain after that, tripping over themselves to pick up your still-frozen frozen father, bringing him to your feet, setting him down in a kneel and then bowing before scrambling away from you, like you might change your mind at any second.
“Are you going to kill me now?” my father said.
“Hm. Should I?” you said.
“I know you want to,” he said. “Stop dragging it out. Just do it.”
“I do want to,” you confessed. “But that would be too easy. It doesn’t mean anything for me to kill you. I think this is worse, isn’t it? For most of my life, you hated me, just because I could not use Composition. Now, you’ll spend the rest of your life in servitude to me. It’s the best ending I can think of for someone as pathetic as you.”
“Are you serious about killing us if we disobey you?” he said.
“I am,” you said. “The next time I bring you someone to heal, you will heal them. If you ever — if you ever do what you did to Tullia again, I will kill all of you, and just as I don’t regret this, I won’t regret that.”
“We don’t deserve this,” said your cousin, the one who had pissed himself despite always being so bold in his youth. “We don’t deserve to live, but you’re letting us. You really are merciful, Y/N. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” you said. “Thank whatever deity favored you with Composition. The Reverse Cursed Technique is the only reason I’m leaving you alive. Otherwise, all of you would be dead by now.”
You knocked on your mother’s door gently, not wanting to startle her as she cried. Her wails grew louder before abruptly silencing, and you heard her feet shuffling as she made her way to the door and then opened it.
“Hello, mother,” you said. Her reddened eyes widened, still glossed over with unshed tears though they were, and then she threw her arms around you. You stood there unsurely, not used to the sight of an adult breaking down so thoroughly in front of you.
“Y/N, my Y/N,” she hiccuped. “They’re taking you from me. They’re taking you and sending you to that — that horrible creature! I tried so hard to stop them, but they refused to listen. Oh, Y/N, what will we do now? I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Your life was supposed to be better than mine was.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “Nobody’s sending me anywhere. I’m the head of the clan now.”
“What?” she sniffed. “How is that possible?”
“It’s funny,” you said. “When a family’s members consist solely of healers, it’s surprisingly simple to defeat them, even if you’re by yourself, even if you can’t use your cursed technique.”
“You killed all of them?” she said.
“I threatened to, but I didn’t go through with it. I couldn’t. I’m not that kind of a person, and anyways, they are valuable. This is how the L/N clan has survived for so long: they’re just too rare to kill. Well, anyways, it’s fine. They all swore to follow me, and if I ever get even a little suspicious that they’re planning something, I’ll force them to make Binding Vows with me. It should be okay, though — as I’m sure you’ve noticed, none of them exactly have backbones of steel,” you said.
“I see,” she said. You waited for her to reprimand you, but she did not. “So, then. What will you do next?”
“The rest of the students and I are working to unseal Gojo. I’ve given up fighting for good, so after this, I’m going to go join Shoko Ieri in helping heal the last of Shibuya incident’s victims while I wait for something bigger to come up that I can help with,” you said.
“You gave up fighting?” your mother said. “Didn’t you love it so much? I remember watching you at last year’s exchange event — the one, in Kyoto I mean. You looked so happy during your match against Aoi Todo.”
“Really? Because I distinctly remember being annoyed out of my mind during that entire battle,” you muttered.
“It was like you were truly yourself,” she explained. “You’re giving that up? Why?”
“I have to. I can’t use Composition if I keep using Dissection, and I’m not quite talented enough at fighting to justify giving up healing for it,” you said. “Even if we now have the rest of the L/Ns at our disposal, I still don’t want to ever be in the scenario where I’m fully dependent on someone else to heal a person I care about. Never again.”
“Alright,” your mother said.
“Just ‘alright?’ You won’t argue with me?” you said.
“No, I won’t,” she said. “It’s not my place. If that’s what you deem to be the best course of action, then that’s what you should do.”
“Thank you,” you said. “Yes, I do believe that it’s the only way.”
“I’ll support it, then,” she said. “I’ll support you. As forever. As always.”
“I really do appreciate it, mother,” you said. “What about you? What will you do now?”
“There isn’t much for me to do,” she said. “Do you think I could…no, never mind.”
“Go on,” you said. “I’m the head of the L/N clan now, you know. Whatever you want, you can ask me for it. I’ll do everything in my power to help you.”
“Can I come with you?” she said. “I know I don’t have a technique or anything like that, but I just — I don’t want to stay here anymore. I’ll help in whatever way I can. I can make food for everyone, or clean, or whatever it is that you all need!”
“You don’t have to do any of that,” you said. “You’re my mother, so you can come and go as you please. Besides, I’m sure Gojo will be excited to see you there once he’s been unsealed, so there definitely isn’t an issue at all. Of course you can come.”
“Do you really mean it?” she said.
“Of course,” you said. “I really do.”
Taking your mother by the hand, you walked with your head held high past the rest of the L/Ns. They were the ones who flinched now, their very postures dripping with deference as you strode by without so much as acknowledging them. You saw your father’s lips part in protest when he saw your mother following after you, but after noticing the severe look on your face, he pursed them once more and ducked his head.
“I am leaving now,” you said. “And I am taking my mother with me. I trust that this house will be maintained and that, should I need assistance, I can call upon you all.”
“Yes, Y/N,” your uncle said. “It will be done.”
“Good,” you said shortly. “See to it that it is.”
With that, you nodded at your mother, who hesitantly nodded back. Then, together, you both took your first steps outside of that jail-like place, the manor which had housed you in your worst times. There was a freedom in that walk which even you had never felt before, not to mention your mother, who was gazing at the sky with a newfound appreciation for it.
“It’s strange,” your mother said. “I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until now. I think I forgot what it felt like to feel happy at all. Does that make sense?”
“Yes,” you said. “It does. I know what you mean.”
“Thank you for letting me come with you,” she said. “I know I wasn’t always the best mother, but I really do love you.”
“It’s fine,” you said. “I don’t blame you for it.”
“Ah,” she said. “I see. Thank you.”
“Stop thanking me,” you said. “It’s not like that. I just did what I had to do, that’s all. It’s the most any of us can do, so it hardly warrants such praise.”
“You know, Y/N,” your mother said. “You really are a selfless girl.”
“Do you think so?” you said.
“It’s your greatest virtue,” your mother said. “I won’t claim the credit for instilling it, but I hope you’re aware of it anyways.”
“If you say so,” you said dubiously.
She didn’t know what you had almost done, how willingly you would’ve tied yourself to Sukuna. You vowed to never let her find out, and then you vowed to one day do something that actually was worthy of that kind of praise, something that proved you to be the selfless girl your mother thought you were.
Maybe that would be enough to finally redeem you.
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Jujutsu Kaisen
This post will contain manga spoilers so please think before you read anything ahead.
So recently in the jujutsu kaisen Manga, the worst came to pass, I mean it was inevitable seeing how they needed to bring the main character out and not treat him like a side character but I still can't help but feel like they did Gojo dirty. I know I should accept and move on, he is just a character in a fictional world but still, it would feel wrong to not write about it when I see so many people writing so many stupid things about a single character's death.
I feel like making Gojo incapable of fighting would have been a rather better approach than just killing him off. I understand that his death was supposed to be a stepping stone for the main character to get his ass out of the hiding room and do something about the antagonist but pulling him out of the fight would have somehow done the same thing. Yuji is a strong character with golden retriever energy, meaning even a small trigger can actually hurt him and he is quite sensitive but we often tend to forget that Yuji is the same person who ate a cursed object and agreed to let the counsel execute him when he consumes all the fingers. A man who is ready to give himself up to honor his grandfather's wish, there is no way he is weak or a coward.
Getting back to Gojo and why he shouldn't be killed I guess there is no straight-up answer because both outcomes would lead to almost the same reaction. One thing I wanna point out is Naruto fandoms telling JJK fandoms to suck it up because they went through the same two of their own favorite characters but the difference here is that both the characters had a satisfying death, both Naruto's Master and Sasuke's brother died fulfilling what they wanted to achieve but when it comes to Gojo, he was lonely and alone ever since he was a kid and was able to do whatever he wanted meaning nothing was surprising to him. One of the reasons, I believe, he became a teacher was because he knew he wouldn't be good for obvious reasons but he succeeded at that as well, for most parts. So, what I am trying to say is that Gojo lived a sad and lonely life even with his friends around him, his best friend Geto was his moral compass but he eventually needed to be removed as well.
In short, there are various ways a story can unfold and sometimes death might just be inevitable and needed for a story to build up there are various other routes one can take, but ultimately it is up to the writer to do what is needed to make the story worth reading.
(on a personal note Gege might just need to cut back on ending all of our favorites before we loose our minds)
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psychewritesbs · 10 months
Sorry if this has been asked before. Been reading Hana and Angel threads and while the hate is disheartening, I can't help but agree the execution of Hana is really disappointing. That said, Megumi has had so many interactions in the Culling Games but somehow none of them really stuck. At the very least with Yuji, his relationships are well crafted and given more emotional weight but with Megumi? Why is it that the author seem to deny giving him a good and well established connection outside of his friendship with Yuji? Is he purposely being limited to just the MC's friend? I would have thought that as deuteragonist he'd at least be explored more outside of the constraints of his ties with Yuji.
The Hana situation in particular. Thank goodness that she's still alive, but the real question is, will her supposed 'connection' with Megumi play a role in his character development? Or is she just relegated to be a future plot device?
Like, I just don't get some of Gege's decisions. Why bring up the whole 'getting saved by Megumi as a kid' when he could have just went with she's a vessel for Angel and that's it? Why make a connection if he wouldn't bother expanding it (in case all that is in store for Hana is simply to be used as plot device later)? Idk, it feels demeaning to Megumi's character. Like the half-assed relationships around him is a mirror to his character or something.
I salute your passionate love for Megumi, anon 🫡.
But, to your point. I get it about the execution. I just don't think too much about it. I'm over here vibing with Gege, anon 🌊, I acknowledge but ultimately don't focus on the flaws in jjk. I like it enough to be selective about where I focus my critical thinking regarding jjk.
But I do think Gege is very guilty of steamrolling through things and characters and that's why a lot of people can't stomach jjk.
I also must admit I have zero objectivity about Megumi so I see the situation differently than you. I kind of wonder if rather than limiting his character as a friend to the MC, Gege is just writing Megumi as a quiet young man who has few friends with whom he connects deeply with. You know... like the total introvert that he is.
To me, Megumi having few relationships also speaks volumes about how Megumi holds Yuji and Tsumiki in very high regard. It could be hc, but there's something very "attachment" issues about Megumi.
I taco'more about it under the cut.
Regarding your question about Hana as a plot device...
As much as I hate to say it, I think given the treatment Tsumiki got, Hana turning into a plot device is very likely, most especially because her symbolism represents light in the sense that she brings illumination and reason (Angel).
Basically we're reading Megumi Kaisen and Gege just wants to give Megumi development no matter who gets dragged into his drama.
Ok but in all seriousness. While I maintain that having a crush on Megumi does not cheapen her character (even though I acknowledge I'm not a fan of the "girl pines for unavailable boy" trope), I can see why others don't like her back story.
The only thing I can think of is that either we don't have all of the information we need about them yet, or Gege is sort of using the backstory to show something regarding "fate/destiny" but was admittedly sloppy about it.
The thing with "fate" as a trope is that it's hard to execute. If you've read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle/xxxHolic you've seen it. How do you make it look like fate is happening without it feeling like plot armor?
Look at it this way: what are the odds that Hana would run into Megumi ever again? Under these particular circumstances no less. She's literally host to what sounds like a major sorcerer from the past who has the power to exorcise Sukuna.
It's "fate" plot armor in action if you consider there are millions of people in Tokyo and that the Culling Game wouldn't even be happening if it weren't because Toji didn't kill Geto.
The fact that she calls him "destined" one is a bit too much, yes. And you know what? Between you and I, one of the reasons I've hated how people hate on Hana is because I can relate to her infantile and undeveloped perception of love, which is why I like the hc of a Hana that learns to see the real Megumi--the natural progression of that perception.
But back to the fate conversation, you also want to keep in mind that Megumi is literally a "blessed" child and the son of an unlucky af man who happened to break destiny. He is also the one descendant of the clan that inherited Ten Shadows.
So you have tons of "fate/destiny" type elements around Megumi's character and Hana is one of them.
Regarding his relational dynamics feeling unfulfilling to you. I mean, yeah I gotcha. If you care to come over to the dark side, the way I see it, again, he's very selective of the people he gives his heart to.
You give meaning to things according to how you see the world, so even if Gege is not going deep with the writing, come on, come to the dark side. I must admit I personally don't see how the relational dynamics being half assed says anything negative about Megumi's character. I do love the idea that these dynamics he has with others say something about him though...
Like his dynamic with Sukuna speaks to his own untapped creative potential.
Or how his dynamic with Gojo was part of what made him doubt himself since he already assumed he could never surpass him.
Or how his dynamic with Inumaki shows he's very intuitive.
Or how Hana is a mirror of Megumi's naïveté when it comes to putting certain people on a pedestal because he cares for them intensely. Idk anon, I kinda like this hc about Megumi because Hana metaphorically represents the light/mirror he needs to become aware of this pattern in himself.
In conclusion, I just want to say that I do think this would be one of those situations where, for the sake of enjoying jjk, one just files one's grievances under "don't think about it too much and focus on jjk's strengths and what you do love about it."
Hope these mindset reframes help if you care to consider them, and thanks for stopping by.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar error, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1339
| published : 14 november
| request : could i request an imagine w/ sukuna where itadori’s best friend is just so welcoming of sukuna and tries to include him when they do things? like they’re just hanging out and she goes “sukuna would you like to try this” and she holds up a piece of food to his cheek so sukuna can try it and it just warms the curse’s cold dead heart bc she’s genuinely trying <3
| barista’s notes : i kinda went a little off track with this imagine ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ but i hope you enjoy your order of a cup of black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request) and that you have an amazing day! please come back again soon ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ
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“You know, I think curses spirits have emotions”
“Mother, what in the world are you talking about? They don’t have feelings, they kill without remorse and try to gain power from their greed”
“Y/N dear, how are curses formed?”
“Negative emotions that results in cursed energy leaking from the bodies of humans”
“See ‘emotions’ is in the sentence dear”
“‘Humans’ mother, you forgot the word ‘humans’ was also in the sentence”
Back then you had no idea what your mother was suggesting or saying at that time. Curses having emotions? What was that all about? You knew from previous missions that some curses were intelligent from being able to take hostages to some being able to talk but other than that you still couldn’t comprehend what she was trying to communicate to you.
“You know the Legend of Sukuna?”
Looking up from your book, you stared at your mother - who was sitting on the opposite end of the room with a cup of tea in her hands - with a somewhat nonchalant but surprised expression on your face wondering why she brought up such a topic that was feared by most jujutsu sorcerers
“You used to tell me about it when I was younger, why are you bringing it up now?” you asked curiously, as you closed your book before gently placing it on your lap.
“We all know that the curse was a human before his fingers became cursed objects, don’t we? How do you think he felt when he was killed?”
You were about to answer her before you shut your mouth completely, not sure on how to even answer that question. How could you? No one knows the whole story to even come to a conclusion for that question, you have to interrupt the story in your own way to make one yourself? Wouldn’t he have been enraged when he was killed, annoyed at the fact that he lost in a way? Or was he unsettled? 
“Personally from my perspective, I think he would have been vexed at the fact that he somewhat lost, you mother?”
“I think the same as you, but I have a small feeling that he was upset for some reason, I’m not sure why though”
You still have that assumption till this day. However, you were a little more open about your mother’s thoughts and took them into account sometimes when you were debating on the subject on your own. However, there was a slight shift in your opinion once Itadori Yuji unexpectedly came into your life.
The first time you meant the boy was when Gojo came back with him carrying him and Fushiguro back to Jujutsu high, confusing you completely on what was going on. For someone who was sent to just retrieve a cursed object, Fushiguro looked completely beat up and that worried you completely on what he had encountered during his time away. However, Gojo just couldn’t read the room.
“Yo Y/N, what is my favourite student doing at a time like this? It’s quite late you know,” he greeted you with a smile, before plopping Fushiguro on the ground.
“Sensei, now’s not the time to play with me, what the hell is going on?” you muttered annoyingly before using reserve curse energy to heal some of Fushiguro’s wounds.
After some time of your playful teacher explaining what was going on, you came to the conclusion that the boy ate the cursed object that Fushiguro was supposed to collect causing him to become Sukuna’s vessel as a consequence.
“So what you’re saying is that Fushiguro failed to get the object in the end,” you commented as you pointed at your close friend, leading to Gojo giving you an ‘okay’ sign telling you that you were technically correct.
“Was that all you got from the whole explanation Y/N?” Fushiguro irritatedly asked, causing you to lightly giggle before apologising to him.
However, after that night, you made the decision to become friends with the teenager as you didn’t want him to feel completely isolated on his situation right now - he did leave everything behind to come to Tokyo - and with everything that was going to happen to him, you wanted him to live a happy life with people surrounding him before his execution after he ate all 20 fingers. What you didn't realise was this friendship would lead to you guys to have a sister and brother type of bond.
You and Itadori did everything together from going on missions together with Nobara and Fushiguro to randomly going out to do some shopping or showing him around Tokyo. As time went on, you decided to fully take in your mother’s opinion. You slowly included Sukuna in some of the activities that both of you would be participating in - usually this would involve you asking for his opinion on something, even if he sometimes gave a rude response.
“Do you think Sukuna is a pork or beef type of guy?” you randomly asked, as you lifted up your chopsticks that held a piece of cooked beef to Itadori’s cheek. “Sukuna, would you like to try this?” you kindly asked, leading to the curse to take a bite of the meat before his mouth disappeared like it didn’t appear in the first place.
“I never really asked, but why are you so kind to Sukuna? I mean he is a curse, after all, ain't sorcerers like you supposed to like, hate them?” Itadori asked in a confused tone, causing you to look up away from the meat that you were cooking to the boy that had asked you that question. 
To be honest, you weren’t so sure how to answer his question, just like the same situation that you were years ago when your mother asked you that question. How could you answer this time around? How could you answer this question now?
“Personally from my perspective, I guess I took in some consideration towards anyone’s emotions,” you casually answered, before going back to the meat that was cooking on the grill, leaving Itadori confused yet somewhat understanding what you were trying to say.
Sukuna on the other hand was confused about what you were trying to interrupt to his annoying vessel as he sat quietly in his Innate Domain. Ever since the beginning of your friendship with Itadori, you had been nothing but kind-hearted toward him making him wonder what your intentions were from the start. However, over time he began to discover that’s what you were naturally. You were naturally just a kind-hearted person that was trying to become acquainted with him. You were generally trying.
It was hard to recall the last time he had someone to confide in - if there was anyone he even confided in at all - you were someone that took his emotions into consideration, you always question his reason for power, greed and destruction, instead of assuming that he was born with his sadistic nature. He still remembers that time you were able to somehow get close to him during his fight with Fushiguro and heal Itadori’s heart with no issues at all - making him intrigued on how powerful your reserve energy was. However, he remembers what you said to him as your hand was placed on top of the wound on his chest.
“Listen, I have no idea what caused you to become the man that you are today, I have no idea what pain you went through before your death 1000 years ago, I have no idea what you are feeling right now and I’ll try my best to understand” you quickly stated just as your curse began to revive his heart, “but right now, there is no way in hell am I going to let you kill Itadori, you got that Sukuna!”
That. That caused his cold empty heart to suddenly become warm.
Your kind-heartedness was the reason he began to reach out to you.
He wanted to cherish that trait of yours.
You were kind-hearted.
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0risha · 4 years
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PAIRING : sukuna x fem!reader
SUMMARY : when an exchange student comes to jujutsu tech, Itadori is set on finding out why the King of curses is so interested in you.
TAGS : fluff, the tiniest bit of angst, jjk anime spoilers, some curse words, reader is described as a black female
NOTES : i’ve read a couple of works where sukuna meets his reincarnated lover so I wanted to try it out too, hope you enjoy. was supposed to make progress with my wips but I was in a sukuna mood. (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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Sukuna feels your presence before he sees you. It’s one of those cliché moments where time puts its hand up to signal a standstill. Yuuji can feel it too when you pass by, your long braids swishing with each step.
He’s sure that he’s never seen you before but his shared body buzzes in remembrance. All the while, his emotions are overtaken by the unbridled feeling of wanting. 
After that, Itadori never took it upon himself to ask Sukuna about the matter because the curse didn’t seem to want to.
Sukuna had become more and more suppressed, his usual pop-ups were a rare occurrence, even when Megumi was around. However, for the whole month you’d been at Jujutsu Tech, the King of curses had been intent on observing from his throne of woven carcasses, body hunched over to just watch.
You’re an exchange student, Itadori recalls Gojo’s past conversation about a new second-year that would be coming from the states. You’re strong — at first, Itadori couldn’t help but think that this revelation was the reason for Sukuna’s interest —your cursed energy being perfect sediment for close combat and dealing precise blows, all the same, Itadori could feel a grappling hook of something that seemed to be festering.
It’s dark and brooding and it stirs every time you come into contact with him. And Yuuji thinks he might go crazy because he wants to know your connection with Sukuna and it’s not like he can ask you because your aura screams — unapproachable.
His chance comes when all the first-years are assigned to a mission, you're there for extra measure. Gojo’s shaman instincts telling him that this mission was far too exceeding for him, Nobara, and Megumi.
Though just as Gojo predicted, it goes terribly wrong and Itadori keels over with an empty hollow where his heart should be.
His last thoughts are consumed with a screeching mantra of his late grandfather’s words. In the crevice of his flickering mind, they're big bold letters that drip with poisoned regret.
Before his vision goes black, the last thing he sees is a heart-broken Megumi and your face which is flooded with guilt.
When Itadori comes face to face with the King of curses, the stench of rotting death overpowering his senses, he mulls over the terms laid out by Sukuna to come back, alive.
To be reunited with his friends and become some type of savior —sukuna's words, not his— he'd give up the reigns of his body so Sukuna could talk to you whenever he chose.
For the exchange of his life, the rules weren’t bad, a part of him knows that this selfish override could cause problems for you in the future, but he still agrees.
When he wakes up to a pure white ceiling and the smell of bleach he doesn’t expect to see you towering over him. Moving up to a sitting position, his cheeks nearly bleed red because he’s naked. His eyes frantically flit over to Gojo who’s sitting in the corner of the room, watching the exchange. The white-haired sorcerer shrugs in a ridiculed manner —silently telling Itadori that it wasn’t his problem.
“You called me,” your voice filters through the bright room. His eyebrows crinkle in confusion. Sukuna must've did something.
When his eyes flit back to you, he’s met with your monotone expression, your cascade of braids framing your face. And for the third time in his life, he’s scared. 
Your cursed energy, which for your level should leave little to no residual, is flaring with onyx undertones. Its sharpened jaws nearing closer and closer to Itadori in a beckoning manner. He's not sure why it's visible in the first place.
Gojo stays silent.
Brat, let me out. Sukuna, for the first time in weeks, pops up with a wide mouth on the palm of his hand. Without a second thought, Itadori allows him. 
Whilst wading in his domain of subconsciousness, he watches the exchange. Your expression stays the same as you study Sukuna’s marked face. 
“So hostile,” Sukuna bares, his powerful aura sifting through the room. You roll your eyes and crack a smile. Seamlessly ignoring the other man in the room— who you know Sukuna has a grudge with. 
“Am I not supposed to be?” you cross your arms and ask. “Being friendly would get me in trouble.”
“You remember me?” The King of curses cuts straight to the point, the question being so unexpected that Gojo shuffles in his seat, his spine rigid with anticipation. 
You nod stiffly. "I didn’t at first, not fully at least, but after coming into contact a few times, yeah.”
“It’s a shame I don’t have control over this body,” Sukuna presses a palm to your cheek, no doubt a loving caress. His deep baritone voice causing your skin to erupt into a turnpike for goosebumps to situate. “Do you remember how we parted last?”
“A sorcerer killed me or something,” you scratch the back of your neck under his intense stare. “Right through here,” you confess, pointing to the middle of your sternum.
“And you’ve become one?” Sukuna quirks an eyebrow, shoulders stiff with anger. 
“I didn’t even know I knew you until a month ago, calm down,” you wave in dismissal. Itadori takes note in the way Sukuna visibly relaxes, your words washing him in a bucket of warmth. “Is that all? I’ve got a mission in thirty minutes.” 
“I’m coming with you.” Sukuna jumps off the steel table, his bare feet touching the cool ground. You turn your eyes away from the bottom half of his body, ears growing hot in embarrassment.
“Eh? Is that allowed?” You turn to Gojo who’s still analyzing the situation beforehand and he shrugs with complacency. “Don’t let anyone see him,” Gojo warns, his stare serious even under his blindfold. You're not exactly sure what Gojo's thinking but you grasp the opportunity.
When you leave the autopsy room with a naked Sukuna by your side, careful to avoid any areas where Sukuna’s aura might be felt, you make it to Itadori’s dorm.
“Here.” You throw him Yuuji’s formal uniform and a pair of brown boots you find in the corner of his room. “I’m not wearing this,” Sukuna interjects.
“Huh?” Your upper lip curls up in confusion. “Then you’re not coming with me.” You turn to leave but he catches your arm in a tight grip.
“Fine, since you’re so damn adamant.” He releases his grip on your arm to slip into Yuuji’s clothes, when he finishes he turns to you with a glare.
“Good boy,” you praise, patting his tattooed cheek.
Internally, Itadori’s too bewildered to tease the curse. In all of his time spent with Sukuna in his body, he’s never seen the King of curses voluntarily listen to somebody else’s demands. The murky water he stands in ripples as he sits to observe everything that’s transpiring. 
When you both reach the site you were assigned to, you sigh in annoyance. “What is it?” Sukuna asks, hands in pockets as he studies your face.
“I was hoping to have an easy day, they’re not dangerous or anything but there’s more than a dozen in there.” You point to the abandoned building, its steel beams bending with age.
“I’ll exorcise them for you.”  
This is going completely against this guy’s morals, Yuuji thinks. 
Your eyebrows fly to your forehead as you grow giddy with happiness. “Really?” You exclaim clambering up to wrap him in a hug.
“If you don’t let go, I won’t.” He grumbles, head in your neck while inhaling your sweet scent. 
“Okayyy,” you inhale, trailing off, Sukuna not too far behind. 
The exorcism is completed in fifteen seconds, tops. You stare in amazement at his lithe movements. His sharp fingers extinguishing cores with precise stabs— the same way he did his vessel. When he’s done he turns to you with an eyebrow raised, his hands wet with unspoken substance. You turn away with a humph. 
“Was it not fast enough?” He walks towards you, concern written all over his expression.
“It was too fast,” you proclaim.
“You’re a show-off,” you turn to exit the building, your braids whizzing past his face. You hear his roaring laughter behind you as you make it outside.
The smell of freshly churned earth enters your nostrils as you walk down a fenced sidewalk with bent daffodils. “Where are we going?”
“A ramen shop.” His gaze flicks over to study your face which is softened with what seems to be tranquility. His heart tides over with pride once he realizes that you feel content with him, a 1000-year-old curse.
However, he knows it’s the result of your memories that tie in with his; shared massacres and intertwined fates. Multiple restarts of what seemed to be a never-ending cycle of mingled hearts. But this time jump was different than the others. 
You being a sorcerer is not the only obstacle, at all.
“Sukuna? Hey– you’re spacing out.” You wave a hand in front of his face to grab his attention. 
“We’re here.” He looks up to see a small ramen shop, its logo old with age. As he enters the shop, he somehow finds contentment in being in a place that you like. 
“You know you’re probably attracting sorcerers and curses alike as we speak?” You inquire, grabbing your ramen bowl from the waiter who nervously glances at Sukuna. His tattooed face also attracting unwanted attention. 
“Mhm, I’ll just kill them if they interfere.” You whip your head to turn to the waiter who you’re relieved to see, had already left.
“I knew you’d say that,” you stuff your face with a handful of steaming noodles. 
“What’s gonna happen between us?” You flick your index finger back and forth. “It’s not like the other times, I’m a dedicated sorcerer.”
“You’re the King of curses, I’m a sorcerer.” You repeat, dropping your wooden chopsticks to place your head on your propped fist. 
“Already made a deal with the brat, I can talk to you whenever and wherever I want,” he pulls his face closer to yours. 
“Yeah? What happens when they execute Itadori?” You curl your hands into balled fists, an unfamiliar emotion welling up in your throat. Somehow, it doesn't fit. It crosses your veins in a parasitic manner and your eyes glaze over.
“I’ll just come back.” He states matter of factly, voice coated with arrogance.
“You promise?” You whisper, holding out your pinky finger. You nearly scoff at your own action.
Ignoring the finger you bare out, he presses his lips against yours. It’s the same as he can remember, centuries ago. His body elates with a hum of electricity. And it's as if his body's creating a second space of void in which he feels his every sense being sharpened; the smooth curve of your full lips and the salty taste of previous ramen.
But before the kiss can go any further, you're pulling back.
“That was uh…” You blink once, twice, trying desperately to collect your thoughts. When you look back to Sukuna, you instead are met with Itadori’s clear face.
“The hell are you doing, brat?” Sukuna bares his teeth on the right side of Itadori’s cheek. ”I- I’m sorry just got a little uh.. flustered.” 
“The fuck are you getting flustered for?” Sukuna growls. 
“I- uh..” 
“It’s okay Yuuji, you can switch again another time,” you sympathize with the boy. His cheeks are coated in red.
“It’s getting late, eat some ramen so we can go.” You chuckle. Itadori nods as his hand reaches towards a pair of chopsticks.
“Touch my ramen and I’ll kill you again, you damn brat.”
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linkspooky · 4 years
The Dragon - Megumi and Geto
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Geto and Megumi are both the black wolves, the yang in their relationship with Gojo and Yuji respectively. However they are also parallels to one another. Both of them represent the black yang, both are deeply emotional people, and both are also partners and secondary to the strongest sorcerer of their generation. Geto who was the part of the strongest duo along with Gojo, and also Megumi who was the one who saved, and continues to protect Itadori even after he swallowed Sukuna’s finger. They also tend to be associated with serpents (Megumi - Oboro the snake, Geto summons a dragon). More under the cut. 
1. It’s Always the Quiet Ones
Gojo and Yuji are introduced as a teacher and student duo from the start of the manga so their connection between each other is already apparent. Geto and Megumi have never met each other, however, there are already several parallels between them. 
Megumi and Geto are characters who are more concerned with “the right thing to do” rather than saving everyone in front of them. Yuji and Geto are very self involved individuals. They’re more focused on themselves. Yuji and Gojo both have this central goal of becoming the strongest, and for different reasons. Gojo because he’s such a staunch individualist whose goal is to be the best version of himself he can be, and Yuji because he needs that strength in order to save people. 
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Gojo and Yuji are people who think about themselves first and foremost. Megumi and Geto are people very concerned with everyone around them. It’s Megumi and Geto who consider the consequences of their actions and how it will affect others. (Teenage Gojo) and Yuji tend to be quite irresponsible with their power. They want to be strong, but they don’t really think about how they want to use that power to impact the world around them. Because they as people are not overly concerned with the world. Yuji only thinks about saving people immediately in front of him, and Gojo mostly thniks about himself. 
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It’s that old adage about power and repsonsibility. With great power comes great responsibility. However, the duos Megumi / Yuji and Geto / Gojo are both two halves of the same person. Gojo and Yuji are both the powerhouses of that duo, however it’s Geto and Megumi who are concerned with how to use that power responsibility for others. 
There are several parallels betwen Megumi and Geto. Starting with their Curse Techniques. Megumi and Geto both use summoned entities in order to fight for them while Gojo and Yuji are powerhouses who fight their enemies head on. Megumi and Geto summon powerful creatures to do most of the fighting for them. 
They both seem to be second strongest after their respective partners. Geto is second strongest after Gojo, and Megumi is second strongest after Yuji. However, at the same time it’s implied that both of them intentionally hold themselves back. That their cursed techniques could be used for much more than they are currently capable of. 
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A ten shadows loser is capable of overpowering the limitless user with a six eyes. However, it’s implied by Gojo constantly that Megumi is someone who constantly holds himself back, because unlike Gojo his number one priority is not being the strongest. 
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Geto at the same time is someone who is made out to be not as strong as Satoru Gojo, but at the same time, it seems someone like Getwo is way better at using his body to his full potential than he is. At the same time Getwo also comments that Geto would have won, if he had not ordered his forces to pull back. Geto lost because he’s more concerned with other people, Geto and Megumi are both people who hold themselves back because they prioritize people over themselves. 
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As awful as Geto is. As wrongheaded. As much of a murderer he is. He’s not a selfish person who can sacrifice his family for the sake of his goal. If only he were a little more selfish, if only he loved people a little less, he probably would not have been broken by the world in the same way he did. One more important parallel between the two of them is unlike Gojo and Yuji, Megumi and Geto seem to be really aware of the harshness and unfairness of the world around them and really affected by it. 
Of course, Gojo is aware the Jujutsu world is corrupt too, and he’s affected by it in his own way, but he’s never pushed to a breaking point like Geto was. Gojo simply isn’t as invested in other people as Geto is, it doesn’t make Geto or Gojo better as a person it just makes them different and their priorities different. 
Geto and Megumi’s reflections of the world mirror one another. Their reflections of the world always revolve around the sentiment that the world is fundamentally unfair, no matter how just the two of them try to be. Remember, the key word for both of them is righteousness. They are responsible people who try and obsess over doing the right thing. 
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Megumi refers to Jujutsu sorcerers as merely a cog in the system getting grinded down. Which is exactly what we witness happens to Geto. It’s because the fact that Jujutsu Sorcerers are treated as nothing more than disposable cogs in this great wide system, and they’re treated this way even as children that causes Geto to break to the extent that he does, becoming a broken cog. 
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Merely doing their duty as a Jujutsu Sorcerer isn’t enough for either of them. Geto begins with believing that what he’s doing he’s doing out of a sense of duty. He begins believing that he’s doing the right thing. They both come to a question of who they are supposed to save as Jujutsu Sorcerers. However, Megumi and Geto both witness a complete innocent suffering. A person that they describe as a good person, a person that they tried to protect, only to fail to protect them and watch that person. For Geto it was Riko, for Megumi it was Tsumiki.
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Geto witnessed Rika die just after he promised to protect her as the strongest. Megumi only accepted Gojo’s offer to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer in the future because he thought it would help give him money to take care of Tsumiki. They both try to protect someone, and fail, and it makes their efforts seem pointless. After that point they question what their role in things even is. It left them questioning everything. 
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The final parallel between Geto and Megumi is that they’re both reasonable and rational on the surface. They’re both people always seeking a reason in things. It’s Geto of all people who is the person to tell Gojo that they can’t just do whatever they want because they’re powerful, they need responsibility, reason to chain their actions to. Geto becomes Gojo’s tether. Megumi is Yuji’s tether. In a way, both Gojo and Yuji were saved by their respective partners. Geto stopped Gojo from killing so many people, and Megumi saved Yuji at the beginning of the manga allowing him to become a cursed sorcerer rather than being executed right away at the start of the manga. However, at the same time both Megumi and Yuji have these deep and dark emotions unaddresssed that they can’t hold back with reasons. 
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Geto and Megumi carry lots of dark emotions and hurt feelings inside of them, and rather than trying to deal with them they tend to repress them in order to keep appearing as the rational and responsible for one. However, on the flip side of things, it means that they both have a tendency to flip. The thing about repressing these very angry, and hurt emotions is that repressing them does not make them go away. It merely causes them to pile up until the weight becomes unbearable and they break. 
Geto and Megumi handle their emotions in the same way, and all of their hurt feelings tend to come from the same place. It’s not that Megumi and Geto hate people. In fact they love people. Megumi and Geto expect people to be much better than theyare. They expect the world to be a good place. ANd, when the world turns out to be not what they expected to be they’re not just disappointed they’re mad. 
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Megumi believes in good, compassionate people. He feels the world should be kinder to good people, he believes those people should be allowed a little happiness. He wants to protect people like Yuji and his sister because he sees a goodness in them he can’t see in himself. Megumi, always sees the best in the people he meets, that’s why he’s disappointed when he’s faced with the worst of them. 
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The same way that Megumi belives in good people, Geto believes in his connections to his comrades and to other people. Geto goes about it the wrong way entirely, but what he wants from the bottom of his heart is just a world where jujutsu sorcerers don’t have to be killed as teenagers. He, just like Yuji, wants the world to be a better place then it is currently. It’s just Geto has taken radical action to make that chane, whereas Megumi is fighting small battles one fight at a time. 
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They’re both characters whose hearts are in the right places. They both have good intentions. However, the unchecked emotions of both characters makes Geto a bomb, and Megumi a land mine waiting to explode. As good as they are, they’re full of dangerous bad feelings. They’re both living embodiments of the phrase “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” 
Geto represents the dangerous person that Megumi could become, while at the same time his partnership with Gojo shows what Megumi can make of himself if he opens himself to others. Geto decided to leave and try to fix the world on his own. Geto decided to try to hold all that weight on his shoulders until he broke, and then he broke away from Gojo. Geto and Gojo were clearly set up as a duo. They were meant to find balance with one another. However, they just couldn’t be together. They were both too busy trying to save the world alone, they didn’t know how to be together, and didn’t know how to be kids. 
Megumi and Yuji are another strongest duo. Another second to chance to find the balance between each other that Gojo and Geto couldn’t find. Megumi is seriously off balance, and doesn’t know how to balance saving people with his sense of righteousness but that’s what Yuji is for. The two of them have the potential to break part like Gojo and Geto did, but they also have the potential to find true balance in one another. 
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anime-allover · 3 years
I feel like I'm always requesting, but your stuff is so good i read it non-stop! (if you ever make a tag list add me to it pls) Anyway, I would like to request headcanons where Gojo finds out that his daughter is secretly dating Megumi, Yuji or Sukuna (separately). PLS I HOPE THIS MADE SENSE ILYSM XX
A/n: I love this request!! Thank you for requesting!!
Warning: cursing
Dating Gojo's daughter | Megumi Yuji and Sukuna
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He'll be laughing his ass off then stops
"If this is not a fucking joke, I don't know what is?"
I think you have seen through his blindfold and saw the scary eyes
Sukuna doesn't care about his opinion
Because and I quote-
"I don't give two shits of what you think"
End quote-
Gojo is strong like he said but
Will he kill Sukuna right now?
Because he don't want you to be crying for the rest of the year
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Gojo will make a whole lesson about it to him like-
"Her favorite food is-"
"Dont forget when she's on her period-"
"And if she's crying, you and that damn curse will be executed early"
*insert scary Gojo*
Sukuna was talking all types of shit to Gojo after all that until he got interrupted.
"And keep him under control please "
*insert sweet smile with flowers *
"H-hai Sensei!"
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Gojo is totally cool with this
He's not mad or anything
Until you came home some type of way
He forgot Megumi is that type of person
Gojo will talk to Megumi
Then he'll spar with him
Aka beat the shit out of him.
Then low key lower his confidence
"How are you dating my daughter? Aren't you two suppose to protect each other?"
Gojo won't even notice the way he been acting with Megumi
"All of the sudden, I want to fight him for real "
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Thank you for requesting!! Asks are open!
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Resentment: Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader
[Ch.1|Episode One]
“Ngh” A small groan slipped past my parted lips as I rubbed the scar on my neck, feeling it itch and burn as I tried not to scratch at it. “Does it still hurt?” My gaze flicked down towards Itadori, his sudden presence not much of a shock to me since him popping up out of no where is a regular occurrence to me. Yet the slight worry in his eyes caused a small smirk to tug at my lips as he rested his hand on my shoulder, “Jus’ itches, nothin’ more than that.” My voice came out low and gruff, with a bit of strain, something I still haven't gotten used to after I had damaged my vocal cords years ago. However Itadori just smiled and patted my shoulder, “Don’t forget to take care of it okay? I don’t wanna keep slapping your hands if you try to scratch at it” I couldn’t help but laugh along with him at the memories.
“Ah- Yuji I forgot to mention that I wont be able to come with you to visit your grandpa, I promised I’d stay with Sasaki and Iguchi after school today” I couldn’t help but frown at the slight waver in his smile, and the hint of disappointment in his eyes. I’d always go with him to see his grandpa, as emotional support and for the fact that his grandpa and I always had a father-son like relationship, but I couldn’t tell my classmates no when they looked at me with such excitement about the surprise they had for me. “It’s alright, I’ll tell him you said Hi!” His smile seemed a bit fake at this point, and in hopes to make him feel a bit better I rested my hand on his head, ruffling up his hair like I used to do when we were younger. “I’ll see you tomorrow then, but you really should go, it looks like coach is waiting for you?” I spoke awkwardly, finally noticing the coaches piercing gaze behind us.
“Oh yeah! I’ll see you later then!” Itadori turned to leave, but before he could I gently took ahold of his wrist, catching his attention with slightly widened eyes. “Remember, I’m always a call away if you need me” I smiled softly, finally letting go of his wrist as he stared at me for a moment, before breaking into a wide grin with a happier aura now surrounding him. “I know, but be careful okay? I’ll see you tomorrow!” I merely nodded and waved as he ran off alongside the coach, knowing exactly how that was going to end. Yet, before I could take another step a familiar disgusting stench made its way to my nose, along with some unsettling memories that I quickly pushed back down.
“What the hell was that..?” I couldn’t help but mumble it out, my hand instinctively moving toward the scar on my neck, the raised flesh once again started to itch and burn, irritating me to no end. Taking a deep breath I stuffed my hands in my pockets and headed towards the occult clubroom, deciding I’ll just wait out in there until Sasaki and Iguchi got back.
An hour or two passed since I got to the clubroom, and since I already cleaned the room when I first arrived I decided to lean back in one of the chairs and read the books we have in here, actually finding most of them quiet interesting. However I nearly doubled over at the familiar scent that I had smelled earlier as a prickly feeling danced over my skin, sending an unpleasant shiver up my spine. My ears immediately perking up at the sound of footsteps approaching the clubroom. Something felt off, and as it got closer I couldn’t help the small growl that reverberated throughout my chest, the sudden alarm of my flight or fight responses kicking in as the door slid open, revealing Sasaki and Iguchi. The familiar faces not doing anything to help calm my nerves as I glared at the object in Sasaki’s hand.
“What’s that?” I didn’t hesitate to voice my thoughts, my tone now surprisingly harsh as I continued to glare at the medium sized object. My fellow second years looked at me in shock before a wide grin spread across Sasaki’s face, “Itadori grabbed it for us! it’s supposed to contain an evil spirit” Even though she spoke with a carefree tone I couldn’t help but tense up when she held it up to me, the alarms in my head continuing to rattle my core as I got a better view of it.
That’s.. a special grade object.
“I don’t think that's a good idea, what if something goes wrong and someone gets hurt?” I tried to be a voice of reason, hopping she’d put the damn thing away, or at least hand it over so I can get rid of it. It didn’t help that my hands were practically trembling under the desk as I glared at the object with unease as she pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. “Simple! Nothing will happen, and if something does happen then we got you here Mr. Underground boxer” Her teasing smirk caused my unease to settle for a moment, and the mention of my old hobby causing a blush to spread across my cheeks. However she’s as stubborn as a mule, so if I can’t convince her not to open it then I’ll at least be here when it happens, “Fine, lets get to it before I change my mind.”
So for the next ten minutes we moved the desks around and turned off the lights as I took a seat besides Sasaki, watching carefully as she slowly unwrapped the talisman, keeping my guard up until finally the talisman came off, “A finger?” I mumbled softly, looking closely at the decayed limb. Until finally it clicked, “Move!” My nose twitched at the new scent approaching and reaching behind me I grabbed my chair and threw it up at the curse above us, grabbing both Sasaki’s and Iguchi’s wrists to force them out the room. ”Run!” I growled out, a small hiss slipping past my lips as I slammed the sliding door shut, feeling the hands of the curse crash into it behind me. ”And I thought I was finally done with this shit-” Taking a deep breath I pushed against the door and sprinted down the hallway, searching for my classmates.
I have to find Sasaki and get that finger from her, at least that way I know she won’t be the main target. With that in mind I tried tapping back into my own curse as I ran down the halls, but every time was a failed attempt. I stopped when I heard a high-pitched scream, I wasted no time bolting towards the sound, Sasaki and Iguchi both coming into view, however my blood nearly ran cold at the sight of the curse on their trail, it’s hands reaching out towards them, successfully grabbing Iguchi, “Fuck!” In an desperate act I ran towards Sasaki, a light green glow surrounding my body as I managed to make it to her in time, pushing her out the way as the hand that tried to grab her got to me instead, slamming my body into the wall besides me. The air got knocked out of my lungs from the impact, black spots slowly clouding my vision as my teeth gritted in pain.
“Run..” I managed to mumble out, the curse dragging me back into its body as fatigue slowly weighed me down. In the blur of my vision I caught a glimpse of someone new standing before the curse, a sigh slipped past my lips as I used the last bit of my energy to reach for Iguchi, the faint green glow returning to my body as I grabbed Iguchi’s arm, the flow of my cursed energy managed to make the curse shy away from my body a bit as I yanked Iguchi out of its body and threw him onto the titled floor. The shattering of glass and a familiar blur of pink hair being the last thing I saw before it all went black.
The cool air nipped at my skin as I shifted a bit, a groggy groan slipping past my lips as my eyes fluttered open, being met with a familiar plain, cream colored ceiling. “Y’know it was a surprise to see you there,” Almost instantly I bolted up, the familiar voice causing my eyes to narrow as I glared at the masked male, a smirk playing at his lips as he leaned back in the hospital hair. “It’s good to see you again, wild child” The old name caused my nose to twitch in irritation, a few strands of my [H/c] hair falling in front of my eyes, as a dull ache started to appear in my lower back, “Wish I could say the same.. Satoru.” His presence unsettled me for the simple fact that I knew my finally normal life would go back downhill once again, yet I can’t deny that seeing him again made me a little bit happy.
Like hell I’d tell him that though, his ego’s already to big.
“Wait, what happened after I passed out?” I asked, remembering all the events until after that moment, however I didn’t like the amusement in his smile as he leaned forward, slowly beginning to explain the situation to me. The image of Itadori eating Sukuna’s finger made me wince in disgust, but it felt like my whole world came to a stop at the mention of his future execution. Anger slowly bubbled up within my chest but I made sure to bite it back down as I glared at my fists, “The higher ups are nothing more than pathetic little insects.. I hate them, all of them.” I couldn’t help but grit my teeth, my fists slowly beginning to tremble as a low growl slipped past my lips. “Then come back to Jujutsu tech, you’ve been gone for about six years now, if they hear about your return it’ll cause an uproar.”
Before I could answer him the door opened, revealing Itadori, and I couldn’t help but jump out of the bed and make my way towards him, startling him slightly, “[Y/n]! You’re Okay-!” He tensed in my arms as I engulfed him in a hug, my fingers desperately gripping onto the back of his shirt as I hid my face in the crook of his neck. Not caring that Gojo was watching in amusement behind me, or the fact my body still felt so heavy after what happened. The felling of his arms finally wrapping around my waist catching me off guard, but I didn’t make any act to move as everything I learned slowly came to mind. A small sigh slipped past my lips as I pulled away, looking at Itadori’s face for a moment, noticing the new marking under his eyes, that must’ve appeared after eating Sukuna’s finger.
“I’m glad you’re okay” It was all I could mumble out in the moment, the pit in my stomach growing at the thought of the higher ups executing him someday. “I should be the one saying that, you’re the one in the hospital” He laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh along with him, “Touché.”
Taking a step back I turned towards Gojo, my eyes narrowing in determination, “I’ll go back.”
And I’ll protect him too.
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melliflovs · 4 years
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Beautiful Mess - Gojo x Reader
Word Count: 1,675
Warnings: Angst, longing, kinda sad
Summary: Reader comes to terms with her feelings after being faced with her emotions once she sees Gojo again for their monthly battle, even if it gets interrupted.
A/N: I didn't check this for errors cause my computers about to die but I wanted to post this for you guys!
Requests open!
In truth he found you incredible, but would he ever admit it? No. Of course not.
It was moments like this, the stars shining down on you and the wind blowing through your hair that made Gojo pause. He wished things could be different.
You could've been teaching alongside him, or anything else from the life you chose. He frowned to himself. Were you really happy?
At least twenty curses surrounded you. The dark purple aura slowly beginning to cover you from his view as you laughed in the distance. He just wanted a moment more to watch you before the inevitable battle before the two of you.
You knew he was there, close enough to see but too far away to touch. For now, you'd continue on as you were, playfully petting a curse on its head. It resembled a dog and chose to stay by your side, granted it looked and smelled horrendous but you'd take what you could get. They milled about you, waiting for their commands. They were all grade 3 curses, childs play for people like Gojo - people like you. But they weren't supposed to be strong, they were just to garner attention.
After the purple fog fully enveloped you Gojo knew it was time. You stood high on the tallest skyscraper, the clouds within reach.
You always thought Gojo was incredible. Irresistible looks, unbeatable strength, and a massive ego. Time spent with him was cherished, even if it meant small tricks and claims to get his attention but he never failed to deliver.
You heard his footsteps approach slowly, with your back turned the curses began to howl. A small smile tugged on the edges of your lips but you held it back. Slowly you turned to face him.
"Come with me." He said, Gojo had his hands in his pocket with a blindfold covering his eyes. You wondered if you'd ever be able to see them again.
"Traded out the glasses, huh?" You teased, "Do the students find it more intimidating." Sparks lit up your eyes as power began to surge through you.
Gojo smirked and flexed his muscles at you "I was always intimidating, just thought the blindfold added more flare."
He wished they'd stop sending him, the elders always too quick to call upon him once they knew you were involved. They started questioning why the job was never 'finished' they wanted you dead. You were the villain in this story, the creator of curses and sorrow. But how could someone so beautiful be so destructive? It didn't make sense to him.
The first time you'd met Gojo you were both 16. He was a student at the time, sent to a school to take down a low-level curse. It was a teaching method of his Sensei's to send his students alone on smaller tasks - one he ultimately ended up using himself. Instead, he found you surrounded in a purple haze curled into a ball.
You were so small at the time, anxious and afraid with tears streaming down your face. Gojo could feel the power inside you, radiating from your fragile body. It brought him to his knees in front of you. It was the first time you'd ever seen his eyes, hair hanging out in front of his face. He reached out to you, mesmerized by you.
He'd never encountered power like his before, different from his yet so similar in strength. Gojo was so distracted by you that he ignored the scattered limbs of what used to be your fellow classmates.
When he looked at you he was amazed, every single time. But you'd grown now, no longer the scared little girl who didn't know who or what you were. But you knew now. Years of hating yourself for what you were born as, what you'd accidentally do to people. Eventually, you embraced it.
In the years that you'd been actively on Gojo's radar, no one had narrowed down what you were. They knew you were human, a child abandoned and forced into foster care. From what he could tell your emotions were so strong that the smallest offense could make the curses in the surrounding 10 miles stronger and multiply them. You were no longer a grade 3 curse. You were special grade, a girl with explosive feelings that were considered to be on the same level as Sukuna.
You still didn't compare to Gojo though.
"Come with me, (y/n)" He repeated, his eyes desperate under the blindfold. He wondered if she could tell how much he wished she would listen to him.
She shook her head lightly, lowering her head to the ground. "You know I can't do that Satoru."
He nodded in response, he knew she was right. They'd execute her if she followed him back to the school. In a way (y/n) reminded him as Yuji, the elders were cowards whatever they couldn't understand they eliminated. Eventually, they'd meet the same unfortunate fate. Gojo wouldn't be able to protect either of them.
Gojo was shaken out of his thoughts by the sound of a single snap. Looking up he watched as all the curses surrounding her dive off the skyscraper and into the city set loose to wreak havoc. The dog-shaped curse stayed, wagging its crooked tailback and forth.
"Good," He teased, "Was starting to get a bit crowded up here."
The purple haze had almost completely disappeared from the rooftop once the curses left. You took a deep breath, "I'm not ready yet, Gojo. Ten minutes."
He jokingly checked his bare wrist as if looking at a watch "Fine" He pouted "But I'm counting."
You gave him a weak smile, walking over to the edge of the roof and sitting down, letting your legs hang over the edge. You'd be lying if you said looking down didn't make you feel sick, you were at least 100 stories above ground. But the lights were so pretty, the glow of all of them lit up the night, reflecting in your eyes. You felt his presence approach you, standing behind you as you sat.
"Why does it have to be this way?" You whispered, it was so quiet he might not have been able to hear you. It would've probably been for the best if he hadn't.
Hesitantly he placed his hand on your head, giving your hair a soft pat. He made you feel so little, so small in comparison. Just like the day you met. "Because life is unfair to powerful people."
You hummed at his response, "I wish things were different." You tilted your head up, looking at him through your lashes, hair falling in your face. "I wish we weren't such a mess."
"At least we're a beautiful mess." He said grinning down at you.
"I miss your eyes Gojo, why cover them like that all the time?" You asked, still staring at the dark blindfold. You could only imagine what shade of blue hid behind it.
"Decided not everyone should have the privilege to see these sparklers." The smile on his face grew as he said this, quirking his head to the side.
"Can I see them?" The more time you spent in his presence the calmer you felt. Gradually you felt the weight of your powers lift off your shoulder. A calm smile never had any trouble settling on your face whenever you were around him. It was hard to admit, even to yourself, but looking at his shining smile for the first time in months made you realize you'd missed him. "Please Gojo."
His grin faded into a soft smile. Nodding his head, Gojo reached up and began to untie the knot holding the blindfold.
"I think it's been ten minutes, Satoru. What do you think?" The voice made the two of you jump, Gojo's hands dropping away from the halfway untied covering. "Maybe you just got distracted with" He waved his hand around distastefully "This."
"Leave. Now." Gojo whispered, just low enough that the new man wouldn't be able to hear him. He seemed afraid, not of the man but of what would happen if any of his higher-ups found out about the two of you - whatever you were, even if you didn't know yourselves.
He stalked over the man, who was dressed impeccably in a white button-down. He held a wooden paddle tightly in his hand and pushed up his glasses as Gojo walked up to him.
"Look, Nanami, it's not what you think." He said holding up his hands defensively. Realistically he didn't know if his colleague would even believe any lie he could up of in time. Gojo tried to straighten himself out. Putting on his signature smirk, "You know how I get around the ladies. They just can't help themselves."
Nanami let out a sigh, looking at his friend with pity. "The way she looks at you... it's like she'd be willing to take a bullet for you." It wasn't normal the way you looked at Gojo. Like he was the sun and you were a flower stuck in the shade. "And I'm sure under that ridiculous blindfold you were looking at her like that too."
Gojo stayed quiet, the fake smirk dropping from his face. The silence hovered for a moment, making his chest fill with dread as Nanami thought it over in his head.
Suddenly he turned, beginning to walk towards the exit. "Come on, let's go."
"Are you going to tell anyone?" Gojo asked as he followed his coworker. He wrung his hands nervously together.
He let out a sigh of relief. A small smile began to tug at his lips, he was grateful to the blonde, not many people he knew would risk helping him like this. Subtly he looked over his shoulder.
Thankfully you were already gone, thankfully you were safe. At least for the time being. As he stepped towards the stairwell to make his way down the skyscraper, Gojo realized one thing:
You never got to see his eyes.
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A short thread I found about Gojo's character that helps shine a light to how caring he is:
Also, I actually just realized this recently after rewatching JJK that Gojo got super attached to Yuji really quickly. Gojo not only got very angry on his behalf but went out of his way to ask Nanami for help in caring for Yuji when he's supposed to be the strongest sorcerer. And at that time, Gojo made it clear to Nanami that he didn't ask him to do so due to Yuji's potential as a vessel. Gojo asked Nanami for this favor as an adult who wants to see the growth of a young man. Gojo was very precise in telling Nanami that he was looking not at Sukuna and Yuji's power, but at Yuji himself as not only an individual, but a child that needed nurturing and care. Before Yuji's death, Gojo had already even made preparations to have Yuta take care of Yuji cause he knew something might happen to him- even more development is that despite what Gojo says about himself, he's aware of his own flaws. What he appears to be on the outside is nothing like what he truly feels on the inside. He doesn't delude himself into narcissistic behavior that makes him unable to ask for help. He asks for help willingly and of his own accord- Yuta couldn't even fathom how the strongest sorcerer would face a problem he couldn't solve on his own, but Gojo does. Gojo is smart enough to know he needs to rely on others to move forward, and relying on someone means putting a certain amount of trust there. Gojo puts just as much faith in other people as he does himself, and the interesting part is that while it's more admirable to go out of your way to protect someone else, Gojo never brags about that. He only "brags" about things that will annoy the other person, but really he is only saying a commonly known "truth" in order to rile people up. It may sound like bragging- which it sort of is- but Gojo saying he's the strongest is not a lie. Him saying "I alone am the honoured one" is not necessarily a lie either. People don't call him the Strongest for nothing.
In fact, even more interestingly enough, besides Gojo, who includes Geto when people talk about the "strongest?" Despite being the definite "strongest," Gojo is the one who constantly says "We are the Strongest," not the other way around. He's also mature enough to recognize and point out other people's strengths, such as Mei Mei's, saying she is too strong to cry.
If Gojo truly was a narcissist, he would have mentioned everything else he's done for people, like stopping Megumi's sale to the Zenin clan and getting the Fushiguros financial aid. He could brag about being persuasive enough to save Yuji from execution or even saving Yuta from execution- Yuta becoming a special grade sorcerer soon after Gojo saved him is something you can easily brag about- but Gojo doesn't brag about his personal achievements at all- not in the way that demands respect from others, at least. Gojo only "brags" to tease others lightheartedly and to tick them off a little- and I don't think the demeaning things Gojo says to the higher ups can be used to show he's a narc because *many* people in Gojo's position would have said (and done) much, much worse things.
Also, when Yuji died, Gojo had become so emotional that even Shoko, who had been there since Gojo's youth, had commented on how unlike him it was. People irl really thought it was because Gojo couldn't use him as a weapon against the higher ups anymore, but reading how Gojo had told Nanami that he saw their relationship as an adult and a child makes me think differently. Something very important in the Light Novel is when Gojo tells Nanami that his students, because they are sorcerers, will soon have to "face the evil intentions of sh*tty humans." Not only sorcerers, but "every person has to bite into that bitterness, know what it means to give up, and pile up despairs to become an adult." People like Gojo and Nanami, Gojo had said, are capable of withstanding and releasing the "poison" that runs through the heart. However, the youngsters are more sensitive in that age, and "one poison could destroy their hearts" (I'm sure Gojo was thinking of Geto as he said this). That's why he wants to leave Yuji in the care of Nanami, "an adult who understands other people pain." Not that Gojo is unable to understand pain, but in the earlier events of the Light Novel as context, Gojo is faced with a mother who is mourning the loss of her child. While Nanami tries to gently comfort her and secretly find information on the cursed spirit at the same time using vague words, Gojo's words are straight forward and to the point, which startles the mother. It's not necessarily a bad things, however- Gojo's words had ended up allowing the mother to see her situation as it was without delusions, a tough love situation, so to speak, and the two were able to confirm their intel to be correct. It was Gojo who helped her to heal quicker by allowing her to realize her problem through his cutting words, but I'm sure Gojo realizes his "bad personality,"- which isn't really so bad in some cases- isn't for everyone. Gojo is very aware that people react negatively to his behavior, even if he is unable to understand just how deeply they despise him (*cough* Utahime) In that way, Gojo shows he cares very much for Yuji's mental growth, even in that short period of time, by entrusting his care to Nanami, who he comments would do a much better job than be could.
Therefore, I think Gojo might actually get attached to people more quickly than it might seem like. He also thinks very deeply and no matter how he acts, he's able to recognize others' strengths and acknowledge his own flaws- this is a key part of his character because he doesn't delude himself in his position as the Strongest. To those who think Gojo sees himself as a God, he is far from that behavior, and he is self aware enough to know that people need more to grow than just power and strength. Unfortunately, it seems most people either despise Gojo or are too enamoured by his looks to see past the surface of the more boisterous and childish part of his personality. That's likely the main reason he finds it hard to commit, too.
(More ranting 😭. There was this reddit post saying Gojo's narcissistic enough to be a more evil villain than Sukuna, that he would actually end up becoming the villain- like really??? And so many people really agreed that he's incapable of feeling true emotions that it's absurd. I really can't believe they even think Gojo has a God complex. Someone with a God complex, like most of the other disorders, wouldn't be able to admit their own flaws, let alone ask for help! The fact that Gojo even admits to having a "bad personality" is another tell against that. Sometimes I wonder if people are just projecting, but I also realize it's hard to differentiate between being an ENTP and being a sociopath because of how- on the surface- they seem so similar! But if you just dig a little deeper to look at their roots, they are so completely different it's a wonder how you'd get confused in the first place)
- 🤔
OH I COULDN'T AGREE MORE 🤔 anon here spitting FACTS. Yeah alot of people think gojo's a narcissist with huge ego but that ain't the case at all as explained above. I mean he was put on a pedestal since birth he gotta have some ego in that but that fact doesnt blind him. yeah sure he's the strongest but just one line "I'm the strongest" doesn't mean he's bragging it may sound like it but he's just stating facts he is indeed in fact the strongest in the jujutsu society. He knows he can't do everything on his own I mean why did he even become a teacher in the first place? Becuz he wants to make the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers stronger! No one asked him to do it he himself wanted to be a teacher even though at time he sucks at it.
He genuinely wants to do good not just for himself but for others as well. As interesting as the concept of Gojo becoming a villain it will never happen. Don't judge a damn book by it's cover even if it's a very attractive one hes just such an interesting character its shame most people don't see that.
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nobaraisalive · 3 years
Gege is great at showing us that side-characters are going through their own arcs and stories that we either wont get to see or only see a glimpse of. And they're okay with letting it stay that way, which is refreshing no matter how much those side-stories may interest me.
Like you said, there's the example of Maki's mother, which is done beautifully. But also there's the scene between Yaga, Kusakabe and Takeru's mother that really sticks with me because obviously there's a story there that's already taken place but we may never know the details of it. Same for Todo and Takada-chan or Momo and Mai. You get the sense that all of these characters have their own arcs that are happening or have happened behind the scenes rather than them just being background reactors to what's currently going on and it makes them feel so human.
We also see this with Yuuji's story. Despite it being the main story of the manga, you get the sense that it's just something that's happening within the world of jjk. The people around him don't treat him or interact with him like he's a main character, because he isn't, he's just a student like all the other students. He's not the first to be sentenced to execution. He's not a prodigy or a natural at jujutsu or special. He's just a kid. Even when we find out that he was always supposed to be a vessel, Gege balances it with the knowledge that there are other vessels like him for other curses. Yuuji and Sukuna are just one of many, and they're the one's we're focused on.
(Sorry for rambling in your askbox, hopefully this all makes sense 💗)
I agree with everything ♥ and it gives me a good opportunity to talk about Yaga and Jin. There is a false idea that a story can be told as it is full, but the truth is that nobody remembers everything and what remains from the past are just pieces. Us, readers, faced against small pieces of a story we don’t know we have to exercise our imagination to understand what they (characters) have been through. I really enjoy that about Gege writing, we never know everything, all the details. Those pieces (alway incomplete) he gave us put us in the situation to try to decipher riddles and force us to try a deep understanding of the characters and the story.
Why did Yaga create Panda? Sometimes I believe he didn’t have a reason like a plan, but was an impulse of someone who felt alone. Someone who gave his life to jujutsu, who served the cause and got nothing but bad memories. That chapter doesn't solve the enigma, but insert the question and through that question we can think about Yaga, who he was and why he did what he did.
The same for Jin Itadori. It’s just a few panels but let us understand that Yuji's tragedy started with his father and set so many questions about him and Kenjaku. Maybe we won’t ever know with details what happened to him, but we know that Yuji’s tragedy started with Jin’s yearning to become a father.
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penrose-quinn · 3 years
Hi pen!! I'd like to ask what are your thoughts about Gojo? Cuz youre so good as decrypting characters and describing their deepest traits. I tend to linger in their shallow sode despite wanting to know them better. So please, if ever you have time to answer, please do!!! Thank you so much (also, youre one of the best writers I know out there and trust me, I know a lot.)
Heyoo, anon!!
Aww, thank you so much for this sweet message! I try writing these characters to the best of my understanding so this sent me flying to all sorts of places ❤️💜💙
So Gojo.
Where do I even start with this guy?
I actually love him more than I thought I did.
(There’s manga spoilers under the cut)
Tbh, Gojo actually reminded me of my eccentric professors in art school haha.
Back then, I just thought he was cool. The hype behind his character when the anime came out sort of ruined him for me, but because of that, other characters like Nanami and Geto (hell, even Mahito) outshined him so I understand where you're coming from, anon, about lingering to his more shallow sides. I didn't really have a deeper grasp on his character until I reread Hidden Inventory Arc again, followed by Shibuya Arc (ಥ_ʖಥ) and then the Prequel. And well, retreading back to some various interpretations of his character from fics.
It sort of led me to realize: "Wow, he must be the loneliest guy ever."
And it just clicked for me there.
Arguably, Gojo still has his students and he does have friends, but they do rely on him a lot and he always takes it upon himself to let them rely on him, given how many times he's worked his ass off saving kids from executions and keeping things in order (to the best of his abilities at least, before ya know). 
Before, Gojo had Geto to rely on, but now there's no Geto. There's just him. Who does the strongest rely on when you are in fact who everyone relies on and strives to be? Who has surpassed his limits, overcome death, and tipped the balance of the world? 
All that power, that responsibility - it’s such a lonely place to be in. 
And what’s worse is that it doesn’t seem like he’s allowed to show instances of weakness/vulnerability because there are larger consequences if he does. (ft. Shibuya Arc)
But that isn't to say Gojo is miserable. Far from it, really. But I do think he doesn't know how to properly handle his emotions - his grief.
And that’s actually another thing.
For a someone who is undoubtedly the strongest, he mourns.
Gojo mourns for his losses and loses so, so much. 
Because of that, he does his best to protect what he can. Goes out of his way to make people stronger because he realizes that he can’t always save everyone, despite the impossible feats he has accomplished by himself. (Which is honestly such a great development and motivation for his character.)
Also: I get where Gojo is coming from by trying to raise a new generation of sorcerers to overthrow the old, rotten system, but I don’t fully support him on his methods lol. He’s kind of making himself into a bit of a hypocrite there by using the kids like that (you know, like the higher-ups you hate so much) but to be fair, he treats them better and he does genuinely care for them. (But, but, but-)
But I don’t mind: it makes him flawed. He’s done a lot of morally questionable things already, but not without reason.
And yet, I believe he’s a good guy. Still lacking a bit in empathy and may be unstable, but a good guy.
Here me out on this one.
This is an unpopular opinion: But I don't think Gojo is as much of an asshole as people like to paint him as. Sure, he messes with everyone. Oftentimes, he doesn't have a sense of boundaries and will go too far with his antics. He's someone who doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about him, doesn't hold grudges too deeply, lacks tact with the way he talks and interacts with people. Doesn't excuse his behavior, but still.
This is the guy that went out of his way to search for the son of the man that almost killed him. That's willing to help a girl who's going to be erased in order for her to live a normal life. And this is HS!Gojo. The same bratty Gojo that gets flack for looking down on the weak. He could have, but you don't see him going down the genocide route to resolve his issues (I’m sorry for the shade Geto bby Ily but your plan’s whack).
Don't even get me started with the mischaracterizations and the bad takes about him being a narcissist or turning into the final villain or him getting neutered once he's free from the prison realm just because 'he's too OP' or some other reason like that. Sorry for the mini-rant, anon.
Anyways, yes. I believe he's a good person.
Lastly, another lovely thing about him is that Gojo sees the potential in people - his students, his friends. Despite growing up in a close-minded, conservative world, he acknowledges and doesn't underestimate Toji and Maki's strength despite the prejudice on Heavenly Restriction. He also acknowledges this in people like Yuji (despite being Sukuna's vessel) and Yuta (despite being cursed) who are supposed to be in death row because of the close-minded prejudices surrounding them. He is someone who values strength in different places. It also makes so much sense for his character, given what he's been through to be where he is now, and how it's very fitting for him to become a teacher, despite the eccentric way of teaching.
I could go on and on about Gojo. He's that much of a complex character, but I'll admit I'm more scattered writing meta than I am writing fiction so apologies if my thoughts went all over the place! These are just some highlight points I could explain, but I'd argue there's a lot more.
Anyways, anon, thanks again for the ask! I hope you have a good/day or night! 💖
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