#been trying to wear my bracelets more lately because they do pair nicely with a lot of my fits
strixhaven · 8 months
i would be unstoppable and so sexy if i could wear jewelry for longer than ten seconds without me wanting to bite my skin off
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yardsards · 2 years
also i have that same black chain choker but it's broken
aw, thanks!
also. okay. funny story about this choker: i got it at fucking *claires*
#there was a buy one get one sale and i needed to get myself a pair of earrings#bc i was trying to reopen my piercings which hadn't completely closed but were partially closed bc i hadnt worn earrings in years#bc my metal allergy got so bad i couldn't wear even gold or silver earrings anymore#but i ordered some plastic earrings because i found out those existed and was like yooo#but the posts for plastic earrings are thicker than normal earring posts#so i had to stretch open my piercings by putting normal earrings in for a bit before i could start wearing the thicker plastic ones#tho i could only wear those metal earrings for like a half hour at a time before the allergies kicked in#but after a week or so i could wear those nice plastic earrings and have been doing so ever since w no issue#i can wear metal jewelry a few hours if it's just a necklace or bracelet before it gets itchy so that's good#i wanna get more necklaces tbh and maybe a few bracelets#eliot posts#also sidenote my feelings abt being called 'hot' fluctuate but lately they've been positive so i appreciate the compliment#always hate bein called sexy tho. makes me fuckin grimace.#enjoy being called handsome quite a bit. i like being called beautiful or pretty generally only if it's in a prettyboy way#sidenote sidenote: i almost typed 'aw shucks' instead of 'aw thanks' like i got posessed by a child character from a 40s sitcom#sidenote sidenote sidenote: i read that first line to the tone of ''oh no! he's hot!'' from spongebob
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mimiatmidnight · 1 year
Include pics: What are your top 5 ( 10 if you want) royal wedding jewelry ( earrings, bracelets, necklaces) you would want in your personal collection.
Hi, thanks for the question! I'm way less versed with other royals than everyone else who already answered this question, but I did a bit (a lot, lol) of retrospective research to try my best ^_^
Tbh I was surprised how the vast majority of the jewelry I saw was reallyyyyy not to my taste. I thought this was just a BRF problem, but man, most royal jewelry is . . . ugly. Especially what they choose for their weddings. I don't know, maybe I'm just too poor and plebeian to understand the tastes of the elite. But still, I managed to scrounge up a few pieces that I liked. Namely (and in no particular order):
Princess Claire of Luxembourg — Earrings
I don't know if this is a cheat or not, since she technically wore these to her civil marriage ceremony and not the actual big wedding, but whatever, I'm counting it, cause LOOK at that gorgeousness. Stunning aquamarine pendants with a sleek diamond halo? Absolutely lovely. I'd wear these in a HEARTBEAT.
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Princess Rajwa of Jordan — Earrings
Especially as bridal earrings go, these are so fresh and unique. She didn't go for the tired old look of dropped pearls that eeeeeeveryone and their mama falls back on for wedding looks. Plus that double-draped line is so cool, especially with how the stones are all irregularly shaped and sized. (My friend is reading this over my shoulder as I write this, and she says the shape of the earring looks like a vagina to her, but ignore her, she drinks). These earrings were a super interesting and pretty choice that complemented her tiara well, but would also not be out of place on a peasant like me to get dressed up in.
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Archduchess Gabriella of Austria — Earrings
If I absolutely have to go for dropped pearls, this, in my opinion, is the way to do it. Super minimal, sleek, letting the pearl speak for itself, with nothing but the tiny diamond stud to help balance it out. Very nicely done here. Tbh I don't think it matches particularly well with the tiara she chose, but that's not my business lol. We're just talking about what I'd take for my own closet, and these earrings are for sure the most wearable of any royal bride I've seen yet.
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Queen Sofia of Spain — Necklace
Similarly, Sofia's necklace was probably the wrong choice for what she had going with the neckline of her dress at the time. It's getting overwhelmed by all that high-necked lace, unfortunately. BUT, as you can see, she wore it multiple times afterwards (swapping out the cross pendant for a simple diamond), as well as her daughter-in-law Letizia, and both of them had the sense to pair it with much more open and clean necklines, where you can see that absolutely lovely shape and glitter of the piece. I don't know what this kind of pinched, V-shaped design is called, but I love it.
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Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex — Ring
Now, in my research for this post, I'm obviously not pretending I was able to closely scour every single royal bridal look ever. But I did go through a LOT, and none of the ones I saw ever experimented with some fun statement rings like Meg did. I love this absolutely enormous aquamarine on her, both because it's so bold and unexpected, it's objectively beautiful on its own, and of course, its connection to the story of her late mother-in-law.
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BONUS: Princess Eugenie — Tiara
Okay I know you probably did not mean for tiaras to be included, and so I tried very hard to work around that. But I'm sorry, I just have to sneak this one in at the end. As I mentioned in another post a while ago, I've been largely unimpressed with the tiaras I've seen in the past (though I did come across some interesting ones while researching this post), but I make absolute exception with Eugenie's wedding tiara. I suspect I might be partial to the Kokoshnik tiara style in general, but what the Greville in particular pulls off with those breathtaking emeralds and the perfectly sloped shape and all those lovely scalloped diamond details . . . perfection. Truly. Best piece of royal jewelry I've ever seen in my life.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Old Flames and New Faces (Part 2)
Tagging as requested: @greenlit-mess @satans-favorit3 @beelsmeal @tanspostsblog @wafermelons @percythebitchwitch
<- Chap 1 || Chap 3 ->
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As the days passed by, you went over to HOL less and less. It started out small, barely noticeable.
Like an occasionally forgotten movie night or anime marathon or a post poned trip to the mall or cat cafe.
"Levi, I'm here! Let's go try out that new game you texted me about!" You said, barging into his room.
"MC how many times have I told you to knock?! And password! Lily has learnt it in two weeks and yet you refuse to comply!" Levi grumbled. "And sorry... But Lily and I already stayed up finishing it."
"Satan did you get that book I asked for, from the public library?" You approached Satan in the common room.
"Oh that one. Sorry MC." He said, sheepishly, "I brought it but Lily asked for it and I ended up giving it to her. I'll ask her to give it you right after she's done!"
"Nice bracelet, Asmo." You told him as you bumped into him near his room. "Butterflies are your new aesthetic?"
"Lily picked these! We got matching ones from the mall!" Asmo gushed, "Sorry we didn't get you one MC...they were being sold in pairs."
You'd feel bad about it as you walked back to your new home. An emptiness slowly settling in your heart. But not for long. Healing came faster than expected.
"Oh that game?! We just got it yesterday, let's play it together MC! Simeon...uh you should just watch, you made a mess of the controller last time." Luke piped as he dragged you over to the game room.
"Were you perhaps looking for this book, MC? Yes I borrowed it after you suggested it. You still haven't read it? That's splendid, we can read it together." Simeon smiled as he patted the place next to him.
"MC, do you mind wearing anklets? I recently designed one with a charm matching my necklace. I want to give it to you, if you'd like it." Solomon knelt to tie it around your ankle.
But then things got a little more tense. And you felt your insignificance grow. Maybe they meant it maybe they didn't - but some things had started to sting. And somehow the angels and the sorcerer came to help.
"Hello Beel, here I am!" You walked in cheerily in the kitchen. "I've come here to make my signature choco fudge and ice cream for everyone, as promised."
Beel shifted uncomfortably in his place, his eyes turned towards the floor. "Actually MC, Lily just baked some chocolate and hazelnut tarts for us. And they were big too - I don't think we can fit another dessert. Not even me. Maybe tomorrow MC?"
"MC please come home quick! Solomon was going to make a chocolate oyster dessert but we stopped by saying you're going to make something already! Won't you come and make those fudges for us again!?" Luke cried over the phone in emergency.
"Mammon that's a lot of cash. Are you going to gamble all of that? Come on now you promised not-" You started to scold him but he shook his head.
"Lily gave this to me as a gift and said I could use them however I want! So I don't need to listen to you on this anymore MC, haha!" He said before dashing out the door.
"Ah he's out gambling again you say, don't worry I can help." Solomon answered your call, "Yes I did in fact just shut down the main electricity source of the big casinos. What do you mean I started a riot?"
"Belphie, I'm too tired to go back, can I come cuddle?" You said sheepishly as you sneak into his room. You see another body curled up next to him.
He turns towards and points at Lily sleeping peacefully, being curled up against him. He shakes his head as if to say, "Sorry no more space for you."
"You called for me Lucifer? Haha honestly it's been so long since one of you called for me, I don't even mind if it's just to scold me." You smile at him as you stand in his study.
"Well then you know exactly why I've called you." Lucifer's voice was low and deadly, "What is with your recent pop quiz scores? You haven't scored this low ever."
"I know I'm sorry," You tried to defend, "It happened in the middle of moving, so I didn't get enough time. And Satan's been a bit busy teaching Lily, so I couldn't go to him for my usual revision and-"
"You can't just rely on Satan to teach you all the time. Lily needs more help than you after all. It maybe not because she somehow scored the highest in Devildom history. Which may I remind you is your weakest?" Lucifer scolded further.
"I am bad at memorizing. Sorry Lucifer I'll try to do better..." You say. He merely grunts and nods. "It's late, go back to the hall. You remember your protection spells yes?"
"Yes. Yes absolutely." You learned them by heart. Usually the brothers accompanied you from RAD to the house but now you were used to going place to place alone. You had to be hyper aware now. Although Solomon's anklet helped ward off the smaller demons anyway.
"Welcome home, MC" Simeon stood near the door waiting. "Next time just let me come get you please." He ushered you in.
"Thank you Simeon. It's nice to know someone still cares haha." You smile for the first time all day.
"Is it just me, or have the brothers started acting strange ever since Lily joined us?" Simeon wondered.
"They just really like her. Besides you know how children often toss their old toys aside for shiny new ones - something like that perhaps." You laugh on the brink of tears.
Simeon cups your face and pulls you into his arms. It was a whole other feeling of comfort. "An angel's embrace is no joke." You murmur into his chest.
He laughs and holds you closer. "Spend the night with me. You have been holding too much in. You need to lighten that heart of yours."
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Come see me
Pairing: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo X Omega! Reader
Genre: Minor Angst, but other than that, fluffy cuddle piles. 
Request: Hi kinda nervous to request this since I'm very shy but..Is it okay to request a scenario where omega reader is feeling very insecure and jealous after idk like some new person comes in the pack and everyone is paying attention to them and reader feels very neglected but keeps quiet, starts spending more time with their friends and avoids the pack and their alpha. And then the pack plus alpha notices and drags reader back, and reassures them, and the entire pack cuddles and hug reader. Kinda like angst to fluff. Could be any team and any alpha. Though I prefer kuroo and nekoma. Sorry if it's too long I've always wanted an imagine like this. You don't have to do it if you don't wanna tho! I was just asking :)Have a good day💜
Summary:  Being a manager for Nekoma was a thankless job, but one you were proud to do. You were surrounded by alphas who wanted what was best for you and in turn, you wanted what was best for them. However, sometimes what’s best for them...may not be best for you or your omega.
Warnings: Jealous omega! reader, reader almost goes into an omega depression, small angst,
Author’s Note: No need to be shy, darling! This is my first request for this blog so I’m super excited to write this and to fulfill my first request.!
Requests: Open!
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Tetsuro Kuroo
➵ Originally, the idea of another manager for the Nekoma team excited you.
➵ You were really pumped to have an extra set of hands on board to help keep scores, or pick up balls, or put up and take down nets. 
➵ To have someone else to joke and laugh with on the sidelines while Yaku was yelling at Lev, or to assist you in prying Kenma’s switch from his hands so he can eat.
➵ Having another manager seemed like such a good idea. A new friend for the pack. 
➵ Until it wasn’t. 
➵ Ichika was a kind and sweet girl in class 2-B (You were in 2-D), and originally you and her got along well.
➵ Your omega didn’t outright hate her, more of an indifference, and your personalities melded well together.
➵ And from what you’ve heard from her friends, she talked about the boys on the volleyball team a lot.
➵ So you figured she would be a good fit. 
➵ However, you weren’t certain on it anymore.
➵ Maybe she was too good of a fit. 
➵ ‘You’re being silly’ You told yourself. 
➵ ‘She’s getting to know the team, that’s all’ You practically chanted in your head like a mantra.
➵ ‘She’s honing in on our pack. Our alpha.’ Your omega sneered, padding in a circle before flopping down, growling lowly.  You tried reminding her that Kuroo was nothing more than a captain. 
➵ An attractive captain who who you found yourself finding every opportunity in the book to talk too. But that was fine print. 
➵ He was not your alpha. He was the commanding alpha of the volleyball team, but not yours. 
➵ And maybe that was what hurt most. Knowing you had Zero claim on anyone in the pack, therefore you had no right to demand the attention.
➵ They gave their attention to who they wanted. 
➵ Even if nowadays, it seemed to be Ichika more and more often then not. 
➵ It hurt, when you both would be sitting on the sidelines and Inuoka would brush right past you to chat with Ichika.
➵ Or when you both would be passing out towels and water bottles and they only thanked her. 
➵ It began hurting to the point you had to bite down whines or whimpers. Your omega was upset, therefore you were even more upset. But they seemed happy,
➵ Who were you to ruin that? 
➵ Just because you saw them as pack, doesn’t mean they saw you in the same light. 
➵ You tried pushing away that god awful thought, but it was planted and nothing was moving it. 
➵ And whether you noticed it or not, you were acting on that thought.
➵ You didn’t stay after practice for anyone, instead cleaning up quickly and efficiently while the boys were in the change room. 
➵ Leaving behind your notes for that day’s practice along with the gym keys right in front of the door. 
➵ You didn’t wait for anyone and took a different way home so no-one would try to walk with you.
➵ You needed to separate from them, even if it hurt. Even if you cried on the way home. Even if you stayed in your nest from the minute you got home to the minute you had to leave for school the next day.
➵ Even if your meals got smaller and smaller. 
➵ You never sat with the team anymore, Ichika taking your spot like she belonged there. 
➵ Instead you sat with a group of friends from your class. They never asked any questions, which you were thankful for. 
➵ You began wearing scent blocking patches to hide your scent, hide the sour note that almost always accompanied it. 
➵ You just...tried to disappear. You still fulfilled your manager duties as you always did, but never more. 
➵ Never gave words of encouragement. No pointers on how to improve. No jokes on Lev’s behalf. No nothing. 
➵ And holy shit, that Irked Kuroo. 
➵ He was always so excited for practices at the end of the day because that was when he would get to show off in front of you. 
➵ Prove he was a strong alpha. 
➵ He would admit, he liked you...A lot. He was even working on a future courting gift (It was a bracelet with intricate beading that looked almost like a cuff) but was having a few difficulties so couldn’t gift it to you yet.
➵ However, you were pulling away. 
➵ Away from him. Away from the pack. Just away. 
➵ You barely even glanced their way anymore.
➵ During practice, you just sat there, completed homework, then took notes. He never saw you after that.
➵ He tried to pack up as fast as he possibly could at the end of practice but was always late. You were always, without fail, gone. No trace of you ever being there except the notes you left in your wake with the keys. 
➵ His alpha kept barking at him to stop you. To come up with any excuse to keep you here long enough for him to walk you home in the very least. But you were always gone.
➵ He tried everything, but you seemed one step ahead of him. 
➵ His alpha blamed Ichika. Ever since she showed up you began pulling away.
➵ Were you jealous? Were you angry with them for trying to keep her away?
➵ They only put up with her because it was obvious you didn’t like her. So they tried keeping her away. 
➵ Was that backfiring on them? 
➵ Kuroo didn’t even know why there was another manager. You were perfect for them. Like a puzzle piece. Their personal cheerleader. 
➵ Maybe school was piling on you?
➵ No. You always went to him for help.
➵ Maybe the duties were too much?
➵ No because you were still doing them all.
➵ Come to think of it, what was Ichika even doing? 
➵ She did nothing except fawn over them and purr over their skills, which was nice for the ego boost at first, but soon just got annoying when she tried scenting them.
➵ It seemed she was fixated on him especially, trying to rub her neck all over him only for him to push her off with a growl. He had only scented two people in his life. 
➵ Kenma, because he needed the practice, and you, which was why he practiced. 
➵ And he planned to keep it that way. 
➵ But you were still staying away. So he scented no one. 
➵ The final straw was a Friday practice. 
➵ You were sitting a ways a way in the corner, doing your work with your jacket wrapped in front of you like a boundary. 
➵ His heart hurt at the thought of you feeling the need to recluse yourself like this.
➵ He made a motion to Kenma, his co-commanding alpha, who nodded before making his way to you. 
➵ As he should’ve predicted, Ichika intercepted him. She tried to hug him, but he dodged, side stepping and trying to get to you, but she persisted.
➵ “Why don’t you give me the same attention you give her, huh? Rumor has it she’s been bordering on dropping for days, nothing but attention seeking in my humble opinion.”
➵   He paused in his efforts, looking down to her once more.
➵ “I’m sorry?” 
➵ Ichika rolled her eyes. “It’s been all over school. Surprised you haven’t heard. She skips lunch more often than not, nowadays. People have even started bets as to when she finally drops. Real shame though. Gonna miss having someone else do all the work.”
➵ You were missing lunches. Lunches were meals he could guarantee you ate, and you suddenly weren’t doing so anymore. He was failing you.
➵ You were dropping right under their noses and as your pack they were watching it happen. 
➵ As your head alpha, and hopefully future alpha, he was watching you drift away and ultimately fade from him.
➵ He was watching this happen?!
➵ What part of this was okay?! None of it. 
➵ He was loosing you. Hell, if he hadn’t lost you already. 
➵ No. You were here, at school, He still had time. He still had a chance. He still had- his jacket and bento. 
➵  Turning tail, the alpha made his way to his bag, digging out the bento (Come to think of it, he hadn’t been eating much since this whole debacle started anyway) and grabbing his jacket before making his way to you once more.
➵ He didn’t pay any mind to Ichika, this time fully shoving past her to get to you. 
➵ You looked up to him skeptically, watching as the alpha, the head alpha, bent to lay on his knees, slowly putting the bento on his jacket and sliding it in front of you. 
➵ Your heart and mind were going a mile a minute as you watched the commanding fucking alpha of the pack, bow to you. Ask for your permission to get close to you. 
➵ What-
➵ “Hi?”
➵ Kuroo said nothing in return, only lowering his chin to the ground, looking up to you. Almost waiting for you to allow him closer. 
➵ When you said nothing he motioned towards the bento with a nod of his head. He was almost like a pup with how minimal his actions were. 
➵ When you slowly took the bento, he raised in time with the box, watching you open it. when you popped a small bit of rice into your mouth. He purred loudly, slowly inching closer. He laid his jacket over yours, adding another layer to your barrier, which you slowly moved to allow him in. 
➵ He crawled into your space, slowly moving your books and bag to nuzzle into your neck. You allowed him to, eating more rice-- which seemed to appease him. 
➵ One by one, more of the teammates came by, offering their jackets to your now makeshift nest, joining in on the cuddle pile. 
➵ All but Ichika, who seemed to angrily stomp about while cleaning up the few stray volleyballs. 
➵ But you didn’t really care about her at this point. 
➵ Your omega was at peace, especially with the alpha you’ve been pinning after purring into your neck, scenting you and pressing small kisses to your neck.
➵ This was your pack. Your home.
➵ And they wouldn’t let you fall behind. 
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noctumbra · 3 years
𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦
summary ─ “it’ll be okay. i’m gonna make sure of it.” you sniffed as you buried your face into his tank top. his arms were an anchor around you, a cage that made you feel safe.
pairing ─ mickey henry x reader
warnings ─ exes to lovers, language, angst, fluff, kissing, no freaky things in this one, in the upcoming part however...... hmm
a/n ─ this is my first time writing a character other than bucky in this blog *sniffs* be easy on me? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 hope you like it! please leave a comment if you do! thank youuu <333
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You were at your friend’s wedding. A wedding that they decided to plan it like it was a regular beach party. It was crowded. You probably knew only two─ three people. Four. You knew four people here, and he was the least person you expected to see. Especially what happened between you two, but it somehow made sense for him to be here. He was a DJ at the end, and he was obviously hired for the party.
Mickey was standing by the DJ booth with his headphones hanging on his neck. He was solely focused on the board in front of him, sometimes turning his attention to the laptop on his left. He was bobbing his head to the song, frowning a little when he focused even more to the changing beat.
He looked good.
His skin was shining with gorgeous tan he got throughout the whole summer, it was a nice, warm golden color. His hair’s gotten longer since the last time you saw him. It looked fluffy and soft, and suddenly you were burning with the urge to run your fingers through it. He had a light scruff going on; some whites were shining through the dark ones. He looked really good. You wanted to cry.
All the emotions you have denied yourself to let out were there, wanting to get out, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t cry at the first time you saw him after years. It would be too… pathetic. You took deep breaths, desperately trying to calm down and to send the tears back. When you felt you weren’t going to cry, you made your way to the bar to get yourself a drink as a reward.
“Can I get a gin tonic? Thanks,” you said, smiling at the bartender. The guy nodded politely. His hands worked fast as he prepared your order. In under a minute, you were sipping your gin tonic.
You were sitting at the very end of the bar counter when he came, all smiling. “Hey man,” he greeted the bartender. “Vodka? You know what I like.” The guy nodded like he did to you, but he was all smiley this time. It was obvious that they knew each other; probably from other wedding or party gigs, you thought. You watched him as he waited for his order.
He kept looking at his phone like he was expecting a call or a text. His eyes were wandering around, too. You felt a pang in your chest when the possibility of him having a girlfriend came to mind. Not that he wasn’t allowed to move on, it just hurt to see him move on this quick and that he looked like it wasn’t affecting him. You sighed. Taking a sip, you continued to watch him.
He was still wearing the rings you bought to him as a birthday gift. You knew he loved rings, so you thought it could make a great birthday gift, you were right. Mickey loved them so much so that he only took them off when he was showering. You smiled at the memory. Your fingers were tracing the small tattoo on your wrist. A matching one was winking at you from Mickey’s own wrist.
“Are you gonna pine after him all night?” You shrieked when you heard your friend’s, Rose, voice right next to your ear, making a couple heads turn.
“Fuck’s sake, Rose!” You frowned. “You scared me!” She rolled her eyes.
“You can’t pine after him,” she said, ignoring the stinky eyes you were giving her. You shrugged and returned to your drink. “He has a girlfriend, Y/N. Tell me you’re not gonna do anything.” You felt another pang in your chest, stronger than before.
“Girlfriend?” You murmured and heard Rose’s approving hum. “I wasn’t going to do anything, but thanks for telling me anyway.” You swore you could hear Rose’s taunting ‘huh’ in your mind, but in reality, she stayed silent.
“Whatever,” she said, waving her hand. “I’m gonna go see if Lara needs help with anything.” You nodded absently and watched her disappear in the crowd.
Girlfriend. He did move on. You swallowed the bitter laughter crawling its way out of your throat with the last of your gin tonic.
Your break-up wasn’t exactly messy, but it was expected. You saw it coming and tried to save it many times, but the effort was one-sided so, it didn’t work. You tried damn hard to make it work, though. You wished he’d make some efforts, too, sometimes. It wasn’t a secret that you haven’t moved on from Mickey; a small part of you would always be in love with him in a way, you knew it. You were only thankful that he didn’t go and cheat on you or something while you were still together. You grew apart, that was what happened, and then you had to move away from Greece, and he didn’t stop you…
Sighing again, you signaled the bartender for another gin tonic. You weren’t going to drink your emotions away and get drunk, that’d be absolutely the worst thing you could ever do. This second glass was your last, and then you were going to make up an excuse and walk away.
You thanked the bartender when he brought you your drink. You started sipping it while you searched for Rose so that you could excuse yourself. The wedding part of this party had happened already, so there was no reason for you to stay. Quickly finishing your drink, you looked for Rose only to find her by the altar, talking to a guy you didn’t know.
“Hey, Rose,” you called out to her. “I’m leaving,” you said when she turned to you. A frown sat between her brows immediately. “Alone, fuck’s sake. I had two drinks and I wanna go home before it’s too late. Alright?” The frown didn’t disappear, but she nodded.
“Alright,” she said. “Let me know when you’re home, though,” she added.
“Sure,” you agreed. You could do that. “See ya later.”
You decided to walk home through the beach. The sound of the waves and the smell of the sea always calmed you down right away. Tonight wasn’t so different. You hugged yourself. It wasn’t cold although there was a breeze. You didn’t mind, though. It was a nice change after the burning heat of the day.
Walking slowly, you closed your eyes and breathed in deeply. It was peaceful. You forgot how nice this walking-on-the-beach-at-nights thing felt. A smile made your lips twitch. You exhaled slowly, shivering pleasantly when the breeze licked your skin. You were away from the party now, and with the music gone, it got quiet and, like it was possible, even more peaceful.
You smiled.
“Wait!” You froze. “Y/N!”
No, you thought. You didn’t want to deal with him. No, please. I’ll cry, no.
“Hey,” Mickey said when he caught you. “I, uh, didn’t know you were going to come to the party,” he added. His fingers were already playing the short hairs of his nape. You gave him a forced smile and nodded.
“Last minute decision,” you murmured, not bothering to go into detail. Mickey nodded, too. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t, or didn’t know how to. You didn’t pressure him. You just wanted him to go because you didn’t want to cry when he was with you. He didn’t deserve to see you vulnerable anymore.
“Well,” he started. “I’m actually glad you came,” he said, chuckling lightly. You frowned. He’s glad? That’s new, you thought. Mickey hummed softly, seeing the slight frown appearing between your eyebrows. “I wanted to talk to for a while, but you changed your numbed and moved away, so I couldn’t,” he explained. You stopped in your tracks. Taking a deep breath, you tried to swallow your tears away.
“What do you possibly want to talk about, Mickey?” You asked. Your voice was angry and a little shaky. You could feel the lump in your throat. Mickey sighed.
“I wanted to apologize, Y/N,” he murmured. He played with his fingers, pulled on his bracelet and sniffed lightly. He was nervous. You clenched your jaw. “The way we ended was… bad. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to end that way.” Then, he rolled his eyes. “I didn’t even want it to end, actually. It just happened.”
“What?” Your frowned deepened. “You didn’t want it to end? What the hell are you talking about, Mickey?”
“It was a misunderstanding!” He exclaimed. “Look, we got distant, yes. It was…” He exhaled harshly. He suddenly looked tired, like he was about to cry. “I have a kid,” he murmured. “A son. He’s six, and I’ve been trying to get his mother to let him see me. There were some legal shit I had to do, and then I learned that he got sick. I didn’t mean to get distant, but I did, I know my mistake.” Mickey lifted his head; his baby blue eyes were teary, and they looked earnest, soft and sad. You bit your lip. “I’m sorry for not telling you that I have a kid. I’m sorry for closing in and for getting distant.” He took a deep breath and stepped into your personal space. His fingers brushed your knuckles. “I’m sorry for letting you go. I should have stopped you, should’ve been honest to you. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You looked down at your hand where he was still brushing your knuckles with his fingers softly. Your chin was trembling, and there was no stopping your tears: They were running down freely. “Why…” You started but had to cut yourself and clear your throat. “Why would I believe you?”
Mickey nodded slowly. “You have every right to not believe me,” he agreed. “I can show you his pictures. The paperwork? I’ll do anything to get you to believe me, Y/N. I’ve never wanted what we had to end like this.” You sniffed.
“Picture,” you whispered. Mickey immediately reached for his phone and opened the gallery. He scrolled down a little and clicked on a picture, and then turned the screen to you.
“His name is Hector,” he said. You grabbed the phone, eyes already taking in the details.
The little boy had his hair. It was chestnut brown, fluffy and slightly curly. He had brown eyes, a cute nose and a chin dimple like Mickey’s. He was smiling in the picture, and you could see the resemblance. You smiled when you saw him wearing a Scooby-Doo t-shirt.
“He’s cute,” you murmured, handing him the phone. You watched his lips stretch wide for a smile as he, too, looked at the picture briefly. The love and adoration were obvious on his face, and fatherhood would look great on him, you thought. “Looks like you.” His smile widened.
“Yeah, his mother isn’t happy about it,” he grumbled and then rolled his eyes. You hummed. Mickey locked his phone and stuffed it into his pocket. “I’m sorry for not telling you about Hector earlier.” You shrugged. It had been years, you didn’t have the right to get mad.
“It’s fine,” you whispered. Sniffing, you looked around. “Go back to the party,” you told him. “Your girlfriend might be looking for you.” You ignored the slight venom your voice was carrying.
“Girlfriend?” Mickey said, grimacing. “I’m single.” You looked at him.
“No need to lie, Mick,” you murmured. “It’s fine if you have one.”
“But I don’t?” Mickey muttered something to himself. “Who told you that? Was it Rose?” Your eyes snapped at his, giving him the answer he was looking for. He laughed bitterly. “Your friend is into me. So, she’s keeping everyone away from me.” He shook his head like he couldn’t believe this was happening. “I rejected her a couple months ago, and since then she’s been a bitch to me.” Then, he gave you a side eye. “Sorry.” Shrugging again, you continued to look at him.
“Rose?” You asked. He nodded. You frowned for a couple seconds, and then rolled your eyes. “Fuck’s sake.” Mickey gave you a questioning look. “She was way too happy when I told her that we broke up.” He snorted. When you started walking slowly again, Mickey was quick to adapt your pace.
You walked on the beach for a while like that: Mutual and peaceful silence, calmness on the air now that each other’s presences’ were soothing you both in a way. You took deep breaths. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do with this new information that was dumped on you. You didn’t care that he had a son although you would have appreciated if he were to tell you while you were dating, but it was okay. You sighed.
“I wanna try again properly,” Mickey said, abruptly. “If that’s what you want, too, of course.” He gave you a small smile when you turned your head to look at him, shock etched on your features. “I never wanted it to end, I told you. I’m willing to try again and willing to make up all the pain I’ve caused unknowingly.” You turned to him.
“I’m scared,” you said, and you were. You were scared that you’d get hurt. The first months after your break up were the worst, and you didn’t want to go through those times ever again. With shaky hands, you held his ring clad ones. “Mickey, I’m scared.” He cooed at you.
“Ssshh,” he whispered. His arms were wrapped around you in a blink. “It’ll be okay. I’m gonna make sure of it.” You sniffed as you buried your face into his tank top. His arms were an anchor around you, a cage that made you feel safe. You took a deep breath, filling your lungs with his faint cologne. “I’m gonna make everything right this time. I promise.”
After a short while of silence, you heard him taking a deep breath.
“While we’re at being honest thing,” he murmured softly and slowly, like he didn’t want to ruin this moment. You frowned lightly, pulling back to look at his eyes. “There is someone else that I think you should meet.”
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — best friend enhypen! x reader 
: genre — fluff 
: a/n — i’m posting in this in the meantime as i am still writing a jake au rn so sorryyy if this is trash im writing this at 1 am LOL 
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・:*:・゚☆ lee heeseung 
cares for you sm 
lends you his notes when you need 
lets you lay your head on his shoulder on the bus 
youre the only person allowed to watch him preform 
shoves you alot??? 
forces you to play games with him which makes your head hurt cause he is so loud 
asks you to buy him snacks, says he will pay back but never does 
wants you to confide in him for all of your problems 
always texts you to make sure youre taking care of yourself but in a teasing you 
“go drink a glass of water rn or else youre going to d word of dehydration and you havent seen me become an idol yet :( so pls go drink some water.” 
・:*:・゚☆ jay park
bully #1 
ALWAYS begs for your notes after classes cause this mf is always sleeping in class 
seems a little cold at first but is actually so caring 
comes over whenever you dont show up to school 
buys you food, literally never lets you pay for anything 
criticize your fashion but thats cause he doesnt want you looking like a fool especially since youre his best friend ;/
keeps your best interest at heart for almost all the decisions he makes as you play such a big role in life 
you guys go on late night drives and roam around the city with a playlist he made just for nights like these for the both of you 
lets you borrow his accessories 
“jay why is your hair like that” “shut up your eyebrows are uneven”
・:*:・゚☆ jake sim 
people thought he liked you because of how much he cares for you but nope 
tells you pick up lines and you shut them down real quick 
pretends that didnt hurt 
gives the best hugs ever 
your parents love him more than you 
helps you with all of your homework, basically tutors you for free 
expects you to show up to every single one of his soccer games (which you do) 
always packs extra food for you just incase 
“if you were a transformer... you’d be optimus fine” “jake i dont even like transformers”
・:*:・゚☆ park sunghoon 
bully #2
literally makes fun of you so much, your friendship seems questionable to others 
enjoys seeing you struggle 
lets you wear his jackets during his practices 
also expect you to show up to every single one of his comps, youre his good luck charm but he will never tell you that 
loves when you show up with big signs that say “PARK SUNGHOON BEST SKATER” 
very protective over you, doesnt like seeing you hurt 
shoves you alot pt 2 
likes playing with your hands 
“did you even try to use the 3 brain cells in your head for this?” “i literally hope you fall in your face during one of your performances “HEY”
・:*:・゚☆ kim sunoo 
you guys are inseparable
talk the most shit about the people at your school LOL 
always encourages you to break out of your shell and be more outgoing, always reminding you that he right behind your supporting you 
you guys share everything, clothes, make up, accessories, lockers 
you made him a friendship bracelet and this mf almost cried 
gets into heated arguments with you and than feels bad 
hugs hugs so many hugs 
your source of happiness 
BEGS to do your makeup and hair 
“you know the new girl is already dating someone from class b?” “no way youre lying!!” “nope, i found out today in history, she hasnt even been her a week and she already has a man??” 
・:*:・゚☆ yang jungwon 
the most responsible yet irresponsible person youve ever met 
acts like your mom sometimes 
loves taking care of you 
will scold you about not doing your school work but realizes he forgot his own 
makes weird faces at you like wtf jungwon you good 
your parents want him as their actual son 
carries around a first aid kit for you 
lets you wear his gloves in the winter 
just loves being around you all the time 
“did you eat today??? go eat. do you want me to come over and make you food???”
・:*:・゚☆ nishimura ni-ki 
bully #3 
teases you about EVERYTHING 
never answers his phone so you guys cant have nice cute little planned hangouts 
you two sneak out of your houses and go to the playground to swing on the swings 
holds your hand when youre nervous 
loves teaching you dances even if you arent that good 
steals food from your fridge 
you guys make up secret handshakes 
ni-ki loves giving you hugs 
“you cant even reach this im not even holding it up that high this is so embrassing for you” “CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK”
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redorich · 3 years
For the canyon au, what would happen if one of the hermits got hurt during a scout? Like, if etho is out scouting, something happens, and he’s unable to message the hermits or get help. Would he be willing to be seen? Would any smpers besides Puffy help him?
Zedaph didn't mean to leave the canyon, honest! He was just looking for a sheep of his own for a completely ethical experiment involving pistons and a perfectly reasonable quantity of peanut butter, thank you very much. He wasn’t about to steal a sheep from someone else’s farm, and for some reason sheep don’t tend to spawn at bedrock level. So really, he had no choice!
Zedaph is rethinking a lot of his decisions. He’s also wondering if he left the jump-powered stove on. Then he remembers that it’s jump-powered, and as he is not currently jumping on it, it is most likely unpowered. Unfortunately, it seems as though Zedaph is going to be eating a lot of cold food for a while if he makes it out of this alive, because he’s not going to be jumping on anything with a broken leg.
Despite his punishment for trying to take a cross-section of something that he now knows is probably sentient (oops), he can’t help but want to go back, to learn more. What is the rate of growth of those red vines? Are they all from the same plant? Are they actually sentient, or is the crimson kudzu in possession of an automatic response to attempted harm? Did the vine know it was hitting him off a ledge which would break his leg, or did it just know “whack human away from vine”? Would the vines taste good in soup? Are they flammable? Could Zedaph theoretically knit a fashionable sweater out of them, and if so would the sweater be capable of independent movement?
He is torn from his musings of a wriggly evil sweater by another thrum of pain. He hisses. There’s... more blood than is advisable. Outside of his leg, that is. Inside his leg is likely less than the advisable amount of blood, and come to think of it, his head’s probably a bit empty as well, seeing as how he’s having so much trouble thinking straight-- well, straight for him. His jumps in logic are incomprehensible to most on a good day, but right now even he can’t follow his own thought process. What was he thinking about again?
Ah yes. The overwhelming pain from being yeeted off a ledge. Come to think of it, the ledge he fell off-- the one he’s sitting leaned against-- is shaped awfully unusually. It must be manmade. Whoever made this is not a good terraformer. Zedaph should bake Scar some cookies. Is Scar allergic to peanuts? Ow. Ow. Ow. Zedaph will need to borrow Impulse’s oven-- or he could set up his own oven with an armor stand that jumps for him?
“Hey there, who are you?” says a female voice. Zedaph looks up. He doesn’t have to look very far up.
Standing in front of him is a woman with a cool pirate-looking coat (red, of course; all self-respecting pirates wear red), with long fluffy hair like white wool and rainbow fringe! Oh, and she’s, like, half sheep or something. That’s cool too.
Wait. There’s something about sheep he’s forgetting... How could he have been so stupid?! He came to the surface in the first place in search of a sheep, and now he’s (kind of) found one!
The cool pirate lady says something, but Zedaph-- well, he does hear it, but it doesn’t process. Words are just mouth-sounds. He is in pain.
“Found a sheep,” he mumbles, “Come back to the canyon?”
“You’re hurt, man,” the sheep-pirate-lady says. She has pretty rainbow hair, and the white parts look like clouds.
She laughs. “Thanks.”
Clearly, this woman is a mind-reader! As well as a sheep. Really, two for the price of one. Zedaph isn’t quite sure what to do with a mind-reader, but his head will be much clearer and therefore able to dream up wacky hypotheses once he respawns--
He gasps, jerking forward and choking on his own breath when he remembers the cold truth. Xisuma won’t be able to respawn him, not for several days. Zedaph doesn’t want to spend that long in the void.
“Woah!” the woman exclaims, rushing to steady him. “You look pretty bad, dude. Let’s get you home or something. Where do you live?”
“Canyon,” Zedaph rasps. “I’m not supposed to tell you that, I don’t think. Can’t remember why.”
The nice woman goes very still. “Hey. My name’s Puffy. I’m gonna take you to the canyon. Do you think you can stand if I help you?”
“Puffy..?” Zedaph squints off into the middle distance, trying to remember something. “She’s the person who keeps coming back to that barrel, isn’t she?”
Puffy pulls Zedaph’s arm over her shoulder and gently pulls him up to his feet. “She is,” Puffy says softly.
“I hope she liked the enchanted diamond shears,” he mumbles.
“She did,” Puffy says softly. “She didn’t even know diamond shears were a thing.”
“I was going to make an emerald flint and steel,” Zedaph rambles, “but it turns out that items made of flint and steel aren’t conducive to being made of not-flint and not-steel."
"Who would have thought?" Puffy laughs, then trips over a vine. Zedaph makes a pained noise at the jostle to his leg, which is dragging a bit on the ground because Puffy is so much shorter than him. She notices this, and rethinks her strategy.
"At this rate, we'll never get back to the canyon," she gripes. "Climb on my back instead, I'll carry you."
Zedaph obliges, but warns, "Tango says I'm heavy.”
“I’m stronger than Tango, I’ll bet.”
The Hermit is actually a bit heavy, but this is a matter of pride now. And also, quite possibly a matter of urgency. The Hermit isn’t responding anymore. He’s still holding on, so he isn’t dead or completely unconscious; still, he’s not in a good state.
As soon as the elevator down to the bottom of the canyon comes into view, Puffy books it. Surely, in the canyon base, the Hermit will have healing potions? He (They? Multiple Hermits?) gave her a whole beacon, so obviously he/they are late-game enough to have plenty of potions.
Stepping into the elevator, Puffy presses the button, then puts her hand on the Hermit’s neck. It’s a bit of an awkward position, since his chin is hanging over her shoulder, but it makes her feel better to have a hand on his pulse. He makes a pitiful noise as the elevator descends.
“Easy there,” Puffy says, “you’re almost home.”
The moment the doors open, she ventures out into the village. The only safe place she knows is the barrel where she leaves her items for the Hermit(s), so she takes him there. Now that she’s looking, she spots shadows, eyes, movements, throughout the supposedly empty village. One such person comes out of the woodwork, sprinting.
“Zedaph!” exclaims a tall, musclebound man. His face is twisted in naked worry as he meets Puffy at the barrel, which she sets Zedaph down on.
The large man, who wears a black shirt with a creeper face on it (does that mean something, Puffy wonders?) scrutinizes the blond man on the barrel for a moment before springing into action, splashing potions and bits of lapis and-- holy shit, is that a Totem of Undying?! When the blond man, Zedaph, seems to come back to himself enough that he could reasonably eat a golden carrot with minimal choking hazard, the new man hands him one. Finally, he turns to Puffy.
“Thank you,” he says. The relief in his voice is tangible.
Puffy shifts awkwardly. “I was just doing the right thing. I noticed, uh, his bracelet.”
They both look to Zedaph’s wrist. It’s got a woven bracelet on it. The textile isn’t astounding, but the pattern on it is intricate. Puffy would know, she made it herself as a gift for the Hermit. As Puffy and the other Hermit look at each other, she realizes that he is also wearing something she made: a pair of fingerless gloves which are now stained with redstone dust.
He catches her staring. “We all have one-- oh, uh, my name’s Impulse, and this is Zedaph--”
“Impulse,” a new blond man hisses from behind the two. Puffy jumps. She didn’t hear him coming.
“Tango!” Impulse greets, suddenly nervous. Why a man as big as Impulse would be nervous when facing anyone, let alone a normal-looking guy like Tango, is beyond Puffy. Maybe Tango’s red eyes have some sort of significance?
“Impulse,” Tango repeats, looking around for anyone that isn’t a Hermit. “You’re not invisible.”
Impulse’s eyebrows draw together in a frown. “I had to see Zedaph.”
“Yeahhh,” Zedaph slurs.
“Besides, if we can trust any of the natives, it’s Puffy,” Impulse insists. He crosses his arms in what should be an intimidating display, but truthfully looks more like a pout.
“You know what Xisuma said,” Tango says. “I’m grateful to have Zedaph back, but...”
“Xisuma would agree with me,” Impulse says stubbornly.
Tango sighs explosively, full of nerves. “Alright, fine, can we at least get out of sight? Anyone could come wandering across the surface and spot us.”
“How many of you are there?” Puffy breathes. Everyone’s eyes snap to her.
“Twenty-four,” Zedaph says happily.
“Zedaph!” Tango admonishes.
Rolling his eyes, Impulse scoops Zedaph up off the barrel like he weighs nothing. He carries the dazed blond man down the path and into a cottage-style house. As Tango goes to follow, he catches Puffy’s eye.
“Sorry,” he says, “nothing personal. Just trying to avoid being explodificated, which means not being seen by the people who live on this server. You get it, yeah?”
He jogs off to catch up with Impulse, and Puffy hurriedly follows. Tango’s got a bracelet like Zedaph’s, but it’s one of the ones Puffy made out of different shades of red. She wonders if all the Hermits wear something she made.
The inside of the house is a bit cramped, but it’ll do. It’s got a bed, at least, so Zedaph’s got somewhere to keep his leg off the ground. This all feels surreal.
“So, uh...” Puffy says into the stuffy silence of the room. “How about that, uh, bedrock?”
Nobody has anything to say to that. Fuck.
Out of nowhere, yet another Hermit shows up. There’s a trapdoor in the wall that, now that she looks at it, Puffy realizes that Tango was hiding intentionally. That’s all gone to shit, though, because a man with white hair and a mask over his face peeks his head out from the hole in the wall.
“Hey guys, what--” The man takes a look around, spots Puffy, and freezes. “...On second thought, I’ll come back later.”
“Wait!” Impulse says to the man. “Get Xisuma, or at least tell him Puffy’s here if he can’t make the trip right now.”
“Karl thinks you’re Mothman,” Puffy blurts out to the white-haired man.
The man looks very self-satisfied for someone who’s only showing a quarter of his face. “Oh? Where does he live? For absolutely no reason, of course.”
“Etho...” Tango groans.
“Oh, alright, I’ll go get X.”
The man leaves. Oh boy, thinks Puffy, this is going to be interesting.
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jungshookz · 3 years
yoongi comes home late & y/n’s fast asleep
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➺ starring; min yoongi x reader
➺ genre; the ever-so-elusive sugardaddy!yoongi who was supposed to have his own fic in 2018 but he never ended up getting one because i moved on!!! fluff!! smerhaps/smaybe/smalmost smut (slightly suggestive themes)!! also because this is sugardaddy!yoongi the drabble is slightly cliché/2012 wattpad-y but it is what it is 
➺ wordcount; 1.6k
➺ summary; a groggy yoongi comes home late from work and is pleasantly surprised by what he’s been greeted with. 
➺ what to expect; “this is cute. i’ve never seen you in pastel purple before.”
                                     »»————- 💜 ————-««
the first thing that yoongi sees upon his arrival home is you fast asleep on the couch wearing nothing but a lavender silk robe and what he’s safely assuming to be a pretty pretty pair of matching bra and panties underneath (you’re sleeping on your stomach but the robe obviously rode up while you were asleep so the end of it is sitting scrunched up on your lower back)
and he knows this is supposed to be a sexy situation and all, but the fact that you’ve dozed off with one arm and one leg hanging off the couch just makes you look...
“cute.” yoongi murmurs to himself as he bites back a fond smile, bending down to take his shoes off quietly so that he doesn’t accidentally wake you up 
he had to leave after dinner because there was some emergency at work that apparently couldn’t wait until tomorrow and before he left he promised you that he’d be back as soon as he could... 
with that being said, it’s half past midnight which is definitely mucH later than he thought he’d be back
he takes his suit jacket off slowly as he makes his way over to you, gently folding it and resting it over the top of the couch
if you’d fallen asleep on your back then it’d be easy for him to scoop you up... so he’s not sure how he’s going to approach this... 
yoongi clears his throat quietly as he unbuttons his sleeves before rolling each one up his forearms 
maybe if he moves really slowly, you won’t wake up?
the feeling of the couch dipping down slightly from under you is what rouses you awake 
your eyelids flutter as you regain consciousness and you feel your heart skip a beat in excitement when you recognize the scent of yoongi’s cologne lingering in the air 
you’re not sure how long you’ve been asleep for but it must’ve been a while because you can feel a slight indentation of your bracelet printed onto your right cheek anD there’s a faint patch of drool on the couch that you’re hoping yoongi won’t notice 
you didn’t mean to fall asleep but the couch is just so comfortable that you managed to convince yourself to take a little nap while waiting for yoongi to come back 
you were only supposed to be asleep for half an hour - you set an alarm on your phone and everything! - but you’re pretty sure the sun was still setting when you said that and now it’s pitch black outside 
admittedly, you were a little bummed out when yoongi told you he had to leave for a while but you understand that he has an important job and that he’s a fairly busy man 
on the bright side, him leaving left you with a good amount of time to a) wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen a little (even though yoongi’s told you multiple times that you don’t have to) b) catch up on some readings that are due for your classes, and c) change out of your grubby clothes and into the lingerie set you’d been hiding from him for a whole month (!!) 
(you’re pretty sure he’s probably seen the order being charged to his credit card but he hasn’t said anything about it.)
“hi, sleepy.” yoongi coos quietly, leaning down to press a kiss to to the back of your shoulder, “sorry i woke you up. have you been here all night?”
“yeah…” you hum, voice slightly raspy with sleep, “i was going to nap in the bedroom but i wanted to be here when you got back.”
“i’m sorry, baby…” yoongi shuffles closer, sliding his hand down the curve of your back before giving your bum a light squeeze, “if it makes you feel any better, i’m definitely a big fan of what you’re wearing.”
“really?” you roll yourself around before propping yourself up onto your elbows, not missing the way yoongi’s eyes flicker down to your chest for a brief second, “the robe’s a little wrinkly now, but…” you lift your leg up a little so that the slit of the robe parts around your thigh and yoongi glances down in interest    
“this is cute.” he comments, hooking a finger under one of the garters around your thigh before tugging at it gently, “i’ve never seen you in pastel purple before.” 
“yeah, i-” you find yourself blushing (though yoongi hasn’t even said anything to make your cheeks pink) as you reach down to pull one of your stockings up a little higher, “i thought maybe it’d be nice to try something different… i know you usually like black, but… well, i- i actually bought this set in black as a back-up, if you... if you want me to change...” you find your voice lowering when you notice yoongi leaning in and you don’t get much of a chance to say anything else before he’s pressing his lips against yours 
yoongi can’t help but chuckle when you reciprocate the kiss eagerly, practically shooting straight up from the couch before beginning to paw at his shirt 
you manage to loosen his tie slightly before he loops an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him
your stomach flutters at the prospect of finally getting to spend some alone time with yoongi
you’ve been swamped for the last month or so because of midterms and essays and presentations and countless readings so when yoongi asked you if you wanted to stay at his place over the weekend you basically jumped at the chance 
he’s usually the one who stays at your apartment so it’s nice to switch things up!
plus, yoongi has one of those fancy rainfall shower heads in his bathroom so that’s a definite bonus 
all of a sudden, the little voice in your head whispers for you to get up and onto yoongi’s lap- but because good things never last, he pulls away from the kiss far too soon for your liking and you resist the urge to get up and just tackle him to the ground 
he was gone for like!!! five hours!!! 
“i wanna-” you pause as you try to figure out how to word exactly what you’re feeling without sounding like a moron, “i wanna keep... like, kissing you... and stuff...”
nice effort 
sometimes you wish you were more experienced so that you could be the sex kitten yoongi probably imagines you as but yoongi insists that it doesn’t matter to him 
it’s just embarrassing sometimes when you try to sound sexy but you end up sounding like a robot that’s just churning out sexy words 
you know he’s been with others before who are far more experienced with this part of the job so you can’t help but feel a little insecure when you get all bleep bloop I Want To Kiss You And Stuff bleep bloop 
“and stuff, hm?” yoongi teases, leaning in to give you a quick kiss before getting up from the couch and reaching over to grab his suit jacket, “i actually do want you to change- into your pyjamas. because you have an early class tomorrow and we can’t have you falling asleep in the middle of it. now, c’mon-”
“wha- hey, hold on-” you immediately get up from the couch when yoongi turns away and walks off, quickening your pace when he switches the main foyer lights off and disappears into the hallway, “yoongi-!”
“come on, i’ll let you choose another shirt you’re probably going to end up stealing from me-”
“woah, woaH-!” you finally catch up to him, your stockings gliding against the smooth marble of the floor as you slide around so that you’re standing in front of him, “what do you think you’re doing??”
“can i help you, miss?” yoongi grins when you slink your arms around his neck and press your body against his, “i’m going to get ready for bed, that’s what i’m doing. what do you think you’re doing?” 
“i don’t wanna go to sleep yet.” you whine pitifully as you slide a hand down so you can fiddle with one of the buttons on his shirt, “you’ve been gone all night…”
“oh, don’t pout like that.” yoongi coos, reaching up to cup your cheek before using his thumb to pluck at your pushed-out bottom lip, “you had me all day yesterday, you know. i had to bump one of my meetings to next week because of you.”
“yeah, but i wasn’t wearing this yesterday-” you pull back for a second to gesture to yourself exaggeratedly, “you’re a good businessman. we should compromise!”
“alright, alright-” yoongi laughs lightly and reaches forward so he can pull you back towards him, “name your price, boss.”
“let me join you in the shower.” you grin, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth, “and then i promise i’ll go to sleep right after.” 
“hm, i don’t know…” yoongi teases, undoing your robe before sliding his warm hands underneath it so he can cup your hips, “i feel like we’d end up doing a lot more than just shower together if i let you join me...”
“would that be so wrong?” you ask innocently as you look up at him with doe eyes, yoongi giving your hips a squeeze as he walks you backwards and towards the bedroom, “we’d save water by showering together!” 
“‘showers’ with you can last up to an hour. if anything, you’d be hiking up my water bill!”
“yeah, but you can afford it-” 
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chasingpj · 3 years
pairing: leo valdez x gn reader
summary: five ways he says i love you through his actions
warnings: implied nudity and s*x, discusses food and eating and nothing else, i think. oh, and maybe some typos
category: headcanons
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love letters/notes
leo is a busy boy
he's always picking up new projects so he can spend all day in his workshop or the forges with his siblings
when you guys live together, he leaves small notes on the refrigerator for you
they're always short, saying simple things like "i love you" and "i miss you already"
for the love letters, he'll leave them in random places for you to find
if you're a big reader, i can see him hiding it between the pages of your book
one day, you pick up your book to read, and the note falls on your lap
it's a love letter written on a piece of blueprint paper; there’s a little bit of oil smudged on the side of it
he got distracted while he was working on something because you were the only thing he could think about
his love letters never fail to make your heart flutter
sometimes they make you cry
he's quite sentimental
leo always tells you he does better writing down his feelings than he is saying it out loud because he can organize his thoughts better
you know that leo has a hard time with that because of how he grew up
when you guys have an argument, which isn't very often, he writes his feelings down on paper
he's always quick to apologize if he did something wrong, and the notes help him form the apology that you deserve, and you're quick to forgive him
once, you were super angry after an argument, so you locked yourself in your shared bedroom
you needed to calm yourself down
the both of you much too angry and stubborn to make a compromise
as your recollecting yourself, 40 minutes in, a folded piece of paper slips from under the door
the letter has teardrop stains, and the ink is slightly smudged
on the paper, it's all his thoughts written out in the best way he can explain them
after reading what he wrote, you quickly deemed that whatever you were fighting about was silly, and you guys made up
you love his spontaneous notes so much that you do them back
you guys have a game of who can find the most creative hiding spot for your notes
one time you found one tapped to the inside of the toilet cover
you found it hilarious
you throw folded post-its with messages in his tool belt
he finds them during the day while he's working on something
after you joined in on the fun, he scatters notes in random places, and every few days, you find a new message hidden somewhere randomly
they're just so sweet; there’s never a time where they don't make you smile
this is a given
it's not a leo headcanon if gift-giving isn't included
he would make you things like roses from scrap metal to literal furniture
if you have a lot of jewelry, he will make you a cute jewelry box
if you're a big book reader, he'll make you bookcases to support your book collection
he's always giving you little trinkets that he made with leftover materials from projects
he loves making things for you and gets upset when you decide to buy something from ikea instead of asking him
"babe, why would you buy that? I could have just made it for you!"
when he's on his way from returning on his quest, sometimes he'll find something that reminds him of you in a store, and he'll buy it
when he has the money for it, he'd buy you a star :(
says that he spent even more money to buy an extra bright star
because "you're the sun in my universe"
brb gonna cry
also, he'd gift you a bond bracelet
you know, those bracelets where every time you tap on it, it makes the other person's bracelet vibrate
the both of you get anxious when one of you goes on quests, so the bracelets bring the other person who's at home comfort
because when you tap back, at least he knows you're alive and vice versa
one of the best gifts you've ever received from him was your engagement ring
he made it himself
he took so much care and effort into making it
imagine leo forging your wedding ring himself??? i'm in spain with no s
he was so nervous that you wouldn't like the style, so he had piper casually bring it up to you
piper was so nonchalant about it that you didn't even think twice about the question
the ring has the prettiest gemstone or diamond (whatever you prefer)
you cried so hard when he told you he made it himself that you couldn't even say yes to his proposal clearly
he makes both of your wedding bands too
he carves a saying that's dear to the both of you on the inside
this is nothing to do with anything but imagine when you guys have kids, he makes animals out of pipe cleaners for them i'm gonna cry, brb pt 2
overall, whether he makes the present himself or not, he puts a lot of effort and care into it
every gift has a meaning and a place dear to your heart
cooking for you
leo is canoningly a good cook
he loves cooking for you
and you love eating what he makes
he's usually busy on the weekdays, so he cooks on the weekends
you guys always joke that he'd be the cutest househusband
you got him an apron for Christmas as a joke gift one year, and he wears it all the time
there's something so charming about him wearing an apron with a funny saying like "Mr. Good Lookin is Cookin" or with like a ripped out shirtless guy in front of it
you giggle every time you see him wearing it
oh, no matter how many times you've seen it, it's still so bizarre when he takes out hot trays from the oven with his BARE hands
everything he makes tastes amazing
he makes all kinds of food and is always trying something new
if you tell him what you’re craving, he’ll cook it for you
once he woke you up to ask if you wanted ribs… it was 3 am but like, of course, you wanted some
unless you're vegetarian or vegan, sorry, HAHA
often though, he does make Mexican food
it reminds him of when his mom was alive
he always has some story to share
every time he makes caldo de pollo (chicken soup), he always talks about how his mother would make it in the summer and that when he was little, he would always complain about eating hot soup in hot weather
you know he doesn't notice his constant telling of this story, but you don't mind
it's so bittersweet when he talks about his mom
through the cooking of his traditional food, you feel closer to him and his late mother
the memories he shares with you makes your eyes sting with tears
especially when leo says how much he wishes that esperanza could have met you
sorry, that was a little emo
also, leo usually wakes up earlier than you
he knows you're a sleepyhead, so he'll cook breakfast for you
so that when you're running around in the morning trying to get dressed and your things together
you never leave the house hungry because there's always a tupperware filled with breakfast, and if he has enough time, he'll fix you something to take for lunch too
if you come home late from work or school, he'll make dinner even if he's tired to surprise you
so many times you've come home from a shitty day at work or school, and the small table where you guys eat your meals is all set up with your favorite food
leo greets you by peeking his head into the hallway from the kitchen, tossed curls, cheerful brown eyes, and a bright grin
"I hope you're hungry," he says, despite knowing that you are hungry
and then you guys talk and laugh together over a delicious meal
leo's really observant
he notices when you’re in a bad mood, even if you try not to show it
he also notices when you change little things about your appearance
if you get a haircut or you get your nails done, he'll comment on it right away
especially outfits
if you buy something new, he'll complement it
imagine standing in front of the mirror, looking at yourself in your new outfit
leo comes behind you, his hands coming around your waist
he'll pepper kisses on your neck, a soft hum leaving his lips as he meets your eyes in the mirror
"is this new, mi amor?" he asks, hands running up your sides
once you affirm that it is a new dress or shirt, he'll smile and tell you how beautiful you look in it
maybe says he'd rather see it off of you wink wink
there's never a day where he doesn't compliment you
he thinks you're the prettiest person in the world
you've caught him staring at you lovingly plenty of times
he's just asking himself how did he manage to get someone as beautiful and amazing as you
you always squirm under his gaze and playfully ask what is he looking at
"you're so pretty, mi amor. I can't help it."
alongside the endearment of mi amor, he'd always call you bonita and hermosa
you're so sweet to him, and he can't help but tell you how much you mean to him every chance he gets
leo is an acts of service kind of guy
i think he'll spontaneously do things to make you happy
if you've been busy studying for finals or just beat up from a day at work
he'll draw you a bath
or he'll cut up some fruit for you and leave it at your desk
he randomly buys you flowers
he never needs an occasion to buy your flowers
it'll be a regular tuesday, leo just happened to walk past a store with flowers displayed in the front, and he thought about how bright your smile would be if he showed up with a bouquet
I feel like he's pretty introverted, enjoys being at home with you
the both of you are pretty broke for a while, so a lot of dates were at home
leo made the most of it
you guys will have nice dinners at home
he'll set the table nicely, set the mood with candles
he'll redecorate the space so well you feel like you're at an actual restaurant
and of course, his food is amazing
breakfast in bed is another thing he'd do for you unsolicited
especially if you guys had a looong night wink wink
you're woken up by his still groggy voice, fluttering kisses on your cheeks
you open your eyes to see he's set a tray with your favorite breakfast on top of the bed
the two of you will eat breakfast together, which usually leads to you staying in bed for the rest of the day
just enjoying the warm cocoon your sheets create around the both of you
overall, he's super observant and caring, and he goes the extra mile to make sure you're happy because he knows you do the same
anyways, does anyone know where I can get a leo?
masterlists taglist: @nct127bee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @cartocns @Slytherclaw-kitten @idk-bye-no @percysbluehairbrush @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @drayshadow @ashookykooky
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morceid · 2 years
midnight messes
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12 Days of Moreid 2021
read on ao3
Summary: Derek invites Spencer to a New Year’s Eve Party for their second date
Word Count: 1.1k
Category: fluff
Content Warnings: one mention of alcohol
A/N: no one was participating in 12 days of moreid so i did it myself lolz. also transgender spencer because i say so
Parties weren’t generally Spencer’s thing, but when Derek invited Spencer over for a New Year’s Eve party, she couldn’t resist.
The two had been on a date before, just a couple weeks before, but it was something new they were just trying out, not anything serious yet. So, Spencer figured this might be a nice way to get closer to him. She was right.
Around an hour before she had to leave the house she started to panic about what to wear so she invited Penelope over to help her.
“Spencer! I’m here!” Penelope said as she walked into Spencer’s apartment.
“In the bedroom!” Spencer called out.
Penelope walked into the bedroom and there were a million things scattered about the room. Necklaces strewn about the nightstand and vanity, a couple skirts and crop tops laid against the bed, and jackets were taken off their hangers and sitting on the floor. Spencer sat in the middle of the bed, struggling to pull off a sweater.
“Help me?” Spencer whined and pulled at one of the sleeves she was trying to get off.
“Oh! Yes of course.”
Penelope set down her bag and helped Spencer pull off the tight red sweater.
“That better?”
“Yes, thanks Pen,” Spencer took a deep breath, “I just don’t know what to wear. I mean, I just started estrogen a couple months ago, so some of my clothes are more form fitting than others now, and I wanna wear a skirt, but I only came out to Derek a month ago, so would that be too much? Ugh it’s all so confusing!” Spencer laid against the sheets and groaned frustratingly.
“Hey, it’s okay, Spence,” Penelope laid with her, “You know, I went through the same thing when I started transitioning. To be fair though, I was 16. That’s besides the point though! We’re gonna make you all pretty and confident, and if Derek doesn’t care, to hell with him! Do you trust me, Spence?”
Spencer blushed, “Of course I do Penelope.”
They both got up from the bed and Penelope sat Spencer at the vanity. She did Spencer’s make up, sparkly gold eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, and a dark red lip. Spencer stared at herself in the mirror while Penelope picked out the outfit.
“Wow Penny, this is really good. I wish I could look like this every day.” Spencer said as she admired her own beauty.
“I could teach you how to do it yourself if you’d like, Spencer,” Penelope gave her a stack of clothes, “Now go try this on.”
Spencer took the clothes and went to her bathroom to change. The outfit Penelope had picked out was a dark blue bralette, a black mesh crop top, and a dark blue skirt to match the bralette. Spencer loved it. She looked at herself in the mirror and almost began to cry.
“Spence? Everything okay?” Penelope said after a couple moments.
“Yeah!” Spencer said, coming out of the bathroom, “I’m beautiful Pen, you made me beautiful.”
“Oh my gosh, I really did, didn't I?” Penelope looked Spencer up and down admirably, “Here, wear these too.”
Penelope handed her a pair of dangly, gold star earrings and a couple of gold chain bracelets as well. Spencer put them on and smiled widely.
“Wow, I look so good, thank you so much Penny.”
“Any time Spence, now come on, we don’t wanna be late for the party!”
The two went out to the car and drove to Derek’s newly remodeled house. They saw a couple cars they didn’t recognize, but the others were owned by the other members of the BAU.
“Penelope! Spence!” Derek said as the two walked in, “Wow, you girls are looking gorgeous! Especially you, pretty girl.”
“Aw, thanks Der,” Spencer said, taking Derek’s hand in hers.
“There’s punch and food in the kitchen, you can help yourself to anything you’d like. The others are also in there socializing, if you’d like to join them,” Derek pulled Spencer to the side, “There’s also some people I’d like you to meet.”
“I’ll leave you two then,” Penelope said before heading toward the kitchen.
Derek led Spencer to the living room, where his mom and sisters were sitting.
“Mom, Sarah, Desiree, this is Spencer. I know you’ve met her before, but I wanted you to meet again, under better circumstances.”
“Hi,” Spencer waved shyly.
“Well, hi there Spencer, it’s good to meet you,” Derek’s mom got up from the couch and shook her hand, “I love your earrings, they’re adorable.”
“Oh thank you Mrs. Morgan!” Spencer beamed.
“Please, you can call me Fran, Derek speaks about you so much I practically already know you.”
“Oh come on, Derek, let me poke a little fun at your new girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend yet, we haven’t even kissed yet.”
“And? She’s still super pretty, and you obviously like her a lot if she’s meeting us already,” Sarah said, getting up and shaking Spencer’s hand as well.
“Yeah, who knows? Maybe tonight when the clock hits zero you’ll get that kiss,” Desiree said, looking to Spencer.
“Alright alright, let’s go get to the party with the others now.”
They all went into the kitchen and started to socialize with the others. As it got closer and closer to 12:00 they went into the living room and watched the live video of the clock in Time Square and they separated into small groups. Penelope was talking with Emily on the couch, Rossi and Hotch were standing by the TV and drinking whiskey, JJ and Fran were talking on the other side of the couch, and Spencer stood with Derek on a balcony right outside the living room.
“So, I guess we’re kind of alone now hm?” Spencer said.
“Yeah, I guess so. You really are beautiful, Spence.”
“You’re just saying that because I’m wearing makeup, Derek.”
“What? That’s so not true! You’ve been beautiful since the day we met Spence. Probably even before that. You know, the day you joined the BAU I told Penelope I had never met anyone I had ever been more attracted to. And not just looks, pretty girl, that massive brain of yours is absolutely amazing, and I am so glad we met.”
“You’re too sweet, Der,” Spencer blushed.
A sweet silence passed over them for a moment before the others inside shouted with joy.
“Happy New Year, Spence.”
“Happy New Year, Der.”
The two leaned in and kissed deeply. Spencer’s soft lips pressed against Derek’s for a long moment before pulling away, only to come back again and again, until they heard Penelope clear her throat from the glass door out to the balcony.
“You two having a good new year I see?” She giggled, looking at the smudged lipstick on the two of their faces.
“I guess we did kinda make a midnight mess, didn’t we pretty girl?”
TAGLIST:  @garceids @moss0ntherocks @scaryisa @tarajareau @4x24 @izzyl13 @leomo0n @tiedyedrose1705 @harpersequoia @wifeyprentiss @moreidsdaughter @sapphicalexblake @soap-allergy​
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 10
A/N: I can’t believe I’m already on part 10 for this series and to be honest it’s fun to write. And in all seriousness, the tumblr mobile app needs to allow you to put a read more link. But anyways love you all and let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! Mwah! 🖤🖤🖤
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, some violence, and blood
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“Im sorry, did you just say Madripoor?” You blinked at Zemo, dreading the destination ahead of you.
“What’s up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it’s Skull Island.” Sam questioned, looking between you and Zemo.
“Imagine Mos Eisley from Tatooine but without the aliens and blasters.” You tried to make an analogy. “In other words, a shithole. And to be honest, I’d rather be in Mos Eisley.”
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky explained to Sam.
“It’s kept its lawless ways.” Zemo added before turning to James. “But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.”
You had a feeling Zemo would suggest all of you going in with different identities, and being the only woman in the group, you already had a wild guess you weren’t going to be ecstatic about yours. You looked to Bucky with a frown on your lips. You knew what Zemo had meant towards him, and you didn’t know how it would affect him to transition back into the person he tried so hard to deviate from. Bucky saw the sympathetic smile you gave him, and he returned it with a look that reassured you that he would be fine.
“Y/n.” Zemo now spoke to you, tilting his head to meet your eyes. “I’m sure you are aware of the conditions.”
“Zemo if you...” Bucky trailed off as he glared at him, silently warning him to watch what he says next.
Sam and Bucky kept their eyes on Zemo, waiting to hear what his suggested persona for you was and ready to beat his ass if he dared to suggest something that would be demeaning to you.
“No way in the pits of Tartarus. I am not going in as an escort.” You voiced with a clenched jaw. “And if it’s eye candy you need, you have Sam.”
Sam gave you a surprised look from your comment, flattered to have you recommend him to be the designated eye candy before going back to the topic at hand. “Hell no Zemo. You’re not having y/n pretend to be an escort.”
“I’m afraid Sam is already going as someone.” Zemo sat back with his hands folded in his lap. “And don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on having you go as an escort, it isn’t befitting of a baron like me. Plus, I figured it would be uncomfortable for you, so I was going to suggest you act as my fiancé, if you are willing of course.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, pondering on the subject. You were a bit relieved in all honesty. But to pretend to be Zemo’s fiancé and be in close and almost physical proximities with him?
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to y/n.” Sam uttered to you.
“I’ll do it.” You confirmed.
“Are you sure?” Zemo asked you again, making sure you were comfortable with acting the part.
“I thought Zemo might step out of line with this one, but we don’t want you to do something that will make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m sure. I’ve had to do things I wasn’t comfortable with plenty of times in the past.”
Once you had all landed, Zemo decided to stop by a place so that you all may get dressed. You had already packed a dress and a pair of heels with you just in case for situations like these, since this wasn’t the first time you had to dress up for a mission. The dress you wore was a black, burned velvet silk slip-like dress with the velvet print being dark red roses. The dress wasn’t too tight to be constricting of movement and fit perfectly around around your curves. If the situation should arise that you needed to defend yourself, you needed the freedom to be able to move. Going down, the fabric flared slightly at your hips, brushing barely against the floor with your heels on. The skirt was slightly sheer from the bottom of your thighs and down with the floral velvet print, and had a slit going up your right thigh, perfect for kicking and concealing your dagger. The top torso portion of the front of your dress was a spaghetti strap cowl neckline that stopped just above the curve of your breasts, allowing for just a bit of cleavage. Your back was left bare, stopping at your mid back with thin straps that came across in a pattern. Your dress almost had a Grecian/witchy look from the way it draped over your chest and hips. It wasn’t too formal or too scandalous, it was elegant and classy, and showed just the right amount of skin where it wouldn’t be too revealing.
Even though you completely loathed and detested heels of any kinds, your heels were fairly simple, made of black velvet with straps that came across your ankles and toes. You dreaded heaving to wear them but at the same time you’d stick out like a sore thumb if you wore your docs with these. Perhaps you should’ve brought your nicer sandals, but it was too late now. You kept on your mother’s necklace and wore a set of amethyst drop earrings, throwing on a silver cuff bracelet on each wrist. Your hair was let loose to conceal your short sword that you hid on your back underneath your dress, the hilt resting right between your shoulder blades. You prayed that having your hair down would cover the scars and the sword you had on your back. But you were mostly focused about the scars, you failed to mention them to the guys about it since it was something that was hard for you to share. The only makeup you had on was some eyeshadow and mascara to darken your eyes, very little blush, and a lip tint.
The last thing to do was to put on some perfume, so you spritzed on your favorite oil based one that you had from Olympus on your pulse points. The scent was filled with incense-like scents like dragon’s blood, sage, crushed red roses, sandalwood, ghostly white musk, absinthe, almonds, and heady gardenia. It wasn’t as harsh as the common alcohol based ones, this one was more earthy and ancient, and every time you wore it, the scent lingered and heads turned. You gave yourself a once over when you were done, taking in a deep breath before heading out to join the others.
You became nervous as you saw them gathered together, talking amongst themselves as they haven’t noticed you yet. You rarely ever wore dresses these days, especially of the kind you were wearing now which left you feeling bare and exposed even though the dress wasn’t at all much revealing. So as you approached them, you couldn’t help picking at your fingers in anxiety.
The men turned at the sound of your heels clicking against the ground, and when they laid their eyes on you, they couldn’t help but gawk with their mouths parted open, as if they had seen the most beautiful creature to ever walk the earth. You chewed on the inside of your cheeks as you saw how they stared at you.
“Wow.” Sam was the first to say something. “You look like a million bucks.”
“What? Never seen a woman in a dress before?”
“No, I’ve just never seen you in a dress before.” Sam answered. “You’re always dressed like some hippie/librarian, with your bands shirts, sweaters, plaid pants and jackets.”
“Haha vary funny.”
“Also since when did you have muscles?” Sam noticed as he poked your bare arm. “And since when did you have a tattoo?” He observed the mark you had on your upper right arm, right below your shoulder. It was the mark that was given to you to signify your Olympian status and what you represented. It was about the color that henna left behind after you wiped the paste off your skin, the color of ginger and bronze. The center of your mark was a lightning bolt, which represented a child of Zeus. Below that was your symbol, the torch and the triple moons.
“Since when did you start asking so many questions? But yeah, I’ve always had muscles Sam, I was trained in combat since I was, you could say 9 years old in human years. Also, technically everyone has them, it’s what allows us to move and lift things. And that.” You pointed to your tattoo. “Is my goddess mark, not a tattoo. Every Olympian god has one and they each have their personal symbol that represents them.”
“Wait, so you’ve been trained since you were a kid?” Bucky looked at you to clarify what he heard as they all started to head out.
“Technically, everyone on Olympus starts training that young. Then, when they become of age, a tournament is held to display their skills, following a ceremony after, to celebrate their victory.” You explained as you walked beside them.
The four of you were currently walking on the bridge that led to Madripoor. You could see the city’s skyline out in the distance, the cyberpunk like buildings lighting up the night sky.
“Do you need my coat?” You heard Zemo say beside you, making you look at him.
“Do you need my coat?” He repeated himself, referring to how your arms were bare against the cool night. “I wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
You stared at him, stunned from the kind gesture as you tried to form words to say. “Oh uh.....I appreciate the gesture, but I’m fine actually. I’m not that cold.” Though you didn’t want to admit it, you actually would’ve liked to try on his coat, because in all honesty it was a damn nice coat.
“We have to fix this.” You heard Sam say with irritation visible in his voice. “I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.”
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing.” Zemo mentioned as he pulled out his phone to show Sam. “The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.”
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.” Sam observed the photo.
“You smell this?”
“Yeah, what is that? Acid?” Sam sniffed the air as you did the same.
“Smells rancid.” You scrunched your nose at the smell.
“Madripoor. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error.” Zemo instructed as a black car pulled up in front of you. “High Town’s that way. Not a bad place if you wanna visit, but Low Town’s the other way.”
“Let me guess. We don’t have any friends in High Town.” Sam remarked as he opened the door for the back seat.
“Y/n. A moment please, if you will.” Zemo uttered to you.
You stopped in your tracks, seeing Bucky and Sam stand on either side of the car doors, looking between the two of you and especially Zemo, with caution. You nodded your head at them, signaling you were fine and that they can get seated. And though they sat themselves inside the car, that didn’t stop them from keeping their eyes glued to Zemo to make sure he didn’t pull anything stupid.
“What’s the issue?” You turned to Zemo, giving him your attention.
“Since you will be portraying my fiancé, there’s a certain key element you will be needing to complete the image.” You watched as he pulled out a ring from his coat pocket, displaying it in front of you. “If I may?”
You stared at Zemo blankly before nodding your head and holding out your left hand for him. You knew this was only for a show, but you couldn’t help but stiffen as he delicately held your hand with his gloved one before slipping the ring onto your ring finger.
“There.” Hi smiled softly at you, his hand still holding yours. “Now you look the part.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, his thumb brushing against your knuckles, leaving behind a trail of warmth as he gazed down at you. Zemo swore he could have gotten lost in the violet swirls and gold flecks of your eyes forever, which now sparkled against Madripoor’s lit up skyline, the neon city and the places he’s visited not even coming close to the beauty he held before him.
You tried not to blush under his gaze as you gave him a polite smile before slipping your hand out of his. “I should probably change my eyes huh.” You remembered, changing your eyes to a normal color known to earth. “Should I hide the scar?” You asked him, referring to the one on your face.
“I think you should leave it. It suits you, and besides, you never know who might recognize you without it.”
Nodding your head at him, you headed to the car and settling in beside Bucky as Zemo followed, getting in the passenger seat in front of you. In the car ride there, you glanced down at the ring Zemo slipped on your finger, it was definitely a beautiful elegant ring, with a rose gold band and a pear cut garnet in the center that had diamonds that accented the bottom. Once you arrived in the city, you walked through the neon lit streets beside Zemo while Sam and Bucky followed behind. You loosened up your body as you went, swaying your hips slightly as you tried your best not to walk like a bodyguard and look threatening as everyone’s eyes followed the four of you strolling through the streets.
“Here we are.” Zemo announced, stopping in front of a bar before speaking to Bucky in Russian. “Ready to comply… Winter Soldier?”
As you went in, Zemo leaned in to whisper in your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck and startling you as he spoke in a hushed tone. “I want to apologize in advance, forgive me.”
You looked at him with furrowed brows to question what he meant until you felt his gloved hand slide across your back before resting on your waist, pulling you closer to his side. You noticed how his hand fumbled after brushing across your sword as he gave you a questioning look. What was that on your back? Did you really conceal a full on sword on your back underneath your dress? On your way to the bar table you saw people stare as you went through, some of them gawking in surprise at Bucky, or the winter soldier as he was now portraying, while the slimy men in the area roamed their eyes over your body hungrily. Zemo noticed your uneasiness from the way your muscles tensed, though your face didn’t show a sign of it, and glared at the men who dared to lay their eyes on you, only pulling you closer to him to prove that you were with him while Bucky and Sam noticed this as well and positioned themselves where you were blocked from the view of your peers, allowing you to breathe a little better as you approached the bar.
“Hello, gentlemen.” The bartender greeted you all. “Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed.” Zemo answered for him. “We have business to do with Selby.”
“The usual?”
Sam nodded his head.
“And for the lady?”
“Um Something fruity.” You answered with a flirtatious smile, silently hoping they had something like that on the menu and that you hadn’t blown their cover by ordering the wrong drink.
The bartender handed you what looked to be a pineapple martini and you internally thanked the gods for your sheer bit of luck, taking the drink and thanking the bartender with another smile. You watched as he went to work on Sam’s drink, pulling out of a jar what definitely was a snake. You gulped, your stomach feeling nauseous as you saw the bartender cut open the dead snake, taking out its guts and throwing it in the shot glass. You were mortified to say the least, snakes were one of your symbols and you had owned plenty of the gentle little creatures. You shot Sam a sympathetic look once you saw his expression.
“Cheers.” Zemo held up his glass while Sam stared at his before gathering the courage to drink it all in one go. If Sam wasn’t going to throw up, you were going to do it for him.
While your eyes were trained on Sam’s expression, you felt someone breathe over your neck before feeling a clammy hand graze across your ass.
“Hey baby-“
Your eyes widened before you grabbed the wrist of the man behind you in one quick motion, twisting his arm to an unnatural position as you yanked it away from your body, causing the sleazy looking individual let out a yelp of pain. You would’ve crushed his wrist like crumpled paper if Zemo hadn’t put a cautionary hand on your arm as he whispered to you. “Careful now.”
You let go of the man’s wrist before shoving him aside like a pile of garbage. If their identity wasn’t at risk of being revealed, Zemo, Sam, and Bucky would have gone over there and beat the guy up after you were done with him.
“I got word from high. You ain’t welcome here.” You watched from behind Zemo as a bearded man approached him.
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me…” Zemo gestured towards Bucky.
“New haircut?”
“Or bring Selby for a chat.”
The man glanced between Zemo and Bucky before leaving.
“A power broker? Really?” Sam turned to Zemo.
“Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” You asked.
“Only by reputation. In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner.”
Another man was approaching in your direction, most likely to kick you all out or worse, and after following your gaze, Zemo turned to Bucky, speaking to him in Russian just as the man laid a hand on his shoulder. “Winter Soldier. Attack.”
You stood back, watching as Bucky grabbed the dude’s arm and twisted it back. You refrained yourself from intervening as Bucky took down the men that fought against him.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo commented to you and Sam.
Bucky slammed one of the men down on the counter. And as you heard the clicking of guns being loaded, your defensive mode nearly kicked in as you almost reached for your sword before Zemo stopped you.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered to you both before turning to Bucky and speaking in Russian again. “Well done soldier.”
You let your arm drop back down to your side, not a single change in your expression as you eyed everyone around you.
“Selby will see you now.” The bartender spoke up after getting off the phone.
Zemo gave him a thanks, nodding you over and holding out his hand for you to take as you went to his side again, Bucky and Sam following after you. You went through a back door, going down a dark corridor with Zemo’s hand on your back as he guided you through.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” You heard a woman’s voice speak, turning your head to see an older woman in a suit with short white hair lounging back on the coach with her security around her.
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo sat down on the couch before waving you over when he saw you standing near Sam. “Come sit schatzi.”
You straightened up, plastering a smile on your face as you went over to him. Selby’s eyes followed you curiously as you placed your hand in his, your eyes rapidly moving in nervousness for what area would be the most appropriate area to sit. Were you......were you supposed to sit on his lap? Is that how couples work? No, that would be inappropriate. Before things got awkward, you quickly plopped down on the empty spot next to him, crossing over your leg in a way so that it draped over his, leaving your thigh completely exposed from the slit in your dress, save for the dagger that still remained hidden. Sam and Bucky widened their eyes at what you just did, while Zemo stiffened at this sudden movement from you as you also draped one arm around his shoulders, bringing yourself closer to him. Were you even doing this right?
“A lot has changed since you were here last.” Selby observed the two of you before her eyes landed on your ring. “Who’s this pretty little thing?”
“This.” Zemo looked at you with a loving look, throwing an arm around your waist to draw circles on your bare back, while his other hand rested on your thigh, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on your skin as you felt shivers go down your spine. “Is my fiancé. Gorgeous isn’t she?”
How long has it been since you were this close and personal to someone? The last you could remember, women still wore corsets and people still rode carriages. You felt your body heat up from being this close to him, and from the way he stroked your back. How was a mortal man able to leave you feeling like this? If he was able to send shivers down your spine with the mere touch on your back with his gloved hand, you wondered how it would feel to have his bare hands on you, just skin to skin. And if you were being honest, you never really were a fan of cologne but his smelled of a deeper earthy tones with hints of musk, and you were surprised and almost ashamed to say you liked how he smelled. You returned the same loving look to Zemo, trying to make it as believable as possible as you ran your fingers through the hair on the back of his head before placing a kiss on his jaw close to his ear. Sam and Bucky couldn’t believe their eyes at the scene before them, the same you who preferred to be a hermit and didn’t go on dates because it involved human interaction, was cuddling up to none other than Helmut Zemo himself. Zemo’s breath faltered a bit from from your touch as he swallowed the lump in his throat, struggling not to break character. Being this close to you, he was able to get a whiff of your perfume and my goodness, Zemo felt as if he could drown in your scent, you smelled like the heavens, not overbearingly sweet, but dark and luxurious and even seductive. Is this what vampires and sirens smelled like when they lured people to their deaths? You raised a brow at Zemo, your heightened senses were picking up on his breathing patterns and heartbeat. Was he getting nervous?
“Extremely.” Selby commented, smirking at the two of you before roaming her eyes over your body. You could feel her taking you in but you kept your eyes trained on the side of Zemo’s face. “Where did you pick this one up? She looks like a fighter.”
“As they say, why not get a woman who can do both. She was part of the Sokovian armed forces, I met her through there.”
“By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?” Selby added after finally taking her eyes off you.
“People like us always find a way, don’t we? I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.”
“You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger.” Selby turned to Sam with a flirtatious grin, using her hand in a claw like manner as she let out a purr. “What’s the offer?”
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum.” Zemo got up off the couch, going over to Bucky and holding his chin between his fingers. “And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.”
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right. The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank. Or… condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but… things didn’t go as planned.”
“Is Nagel still in Madripoor?”
“Oh. The bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me. But.....” She turned you with a sly smile which made your insides turn. “Throw her in with the package and you have yourself a deal.”
Zemo, Sam, and Bucky turned to look at you with dread upon hearing her words. This wasn’t at all part of the plan.
“No, no no. That wasn’t the deal.” Zemo stepped over to where you sat, blocking you from her. “She’s not for sale.”
“Why not?” Selby raised her brow at Zemo. “I’m pretty sure a man like you could pick up someone else to be your plaything or fiancé or whatever. I like this one in particular.” She turned to you again.
“That’s not-“ Zemo started before he was cut off by Sam’s cellphone vibrating.
You breath was caught in your throat and it felt as if the room had dropped in temperature. You could feel the tension floating around the air as everyone’s eyes were trained on Sam now, making you sit up straight and uncross your legs so that they were planted firmly on the ground. Your hand rested on your thigh just above where the hilt of your dagger was as your eyes darted around the room, watching each and every person like a hawk about to swoop down on its prey. You had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.
Tag List: @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thebivirgin @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @on-my-way-to-erebor @thewinterrbucky @mylifeispainandiloveit @fillechatoyante @padmoonyfeorge @montypythonsholysnail
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Unorthodox: a Sesskag oneshot
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Summary: Kagome is pleasantly surprised to receive a present from Sesshoumaru for White Day... until she glimpses the contents inside her gift box.
AN: Written for the Sesskag 2021 Big Bang event on tumblr! @chierafied​ 
I was paired with @milomai-art​ and here’s their lovely artwork: https://milomai-art.tumblr.com/post/648766972634513408/unorthodox-mythicamagic-inuyasha-a-feudal
Rated K+
Words: 3,000
You can read it on Ao3, Dokuga or fanfiction.net. 
Valentine's day had come and gone, with a notable difference this year for Kagome compared with the last lonely three;
Her return to the Sengoku Jidai.
To celebrate reuniting with her beloved friends, she'd gone all out. Everyone received gifts, right down to Myoga and Jaken; no one had been excluded.
For all her efforts, however, she expected nothing in return. Though she'd explained the concept to the Inutachi, Sango and Miroku were much too busy looking after their children to keep track of dates, Shippo was often away at Kitsune school and Inuyasha had been absent as of late. Besides that, since their relationship had ended, the subject of Valentine's had become an awkward one. She'd had to stress the platonic intent behind her gift to him.
Therefore, Kagome had pretty much forgotten all about White Day by the time it rolled around.
Exiting Kaede's hut with a tub of water in her arms, intending to give the old miko's horse a good scrub down, she dug in her heels the second exquisite silks, armour and a fur pelt registered- having blinked into existence before her. Kagome gaped, swaying. Water sloshed, some spilling to their feet.
"Uh hi," looking up at grave, handsome features, she arched a brow. Sesshoumaru stared at her fervently. "Nice to see you, Sesshoumaru," adjusting her grip, Kagome sidestepped him and flashed a warm smile, used to his minimalistic approach to conversation by now. "Do you need something? Inuyasha isn't here. I think he's helping the next village over repair a-"
"I am not here for him."
Kagome noted his succinct tone, sounding more defensive than usual. Setting down the wooden tub carefully, she straightened, tilting her head. "Then what are you here for?"
"White Day."
"White... ah!" Kagome gasped, "that's right! How did you know about that?" she blinked, noticing he looked extra grumpy today. His jaw ticked, golden eyes narrow. Slowly, the miko brightened. "No way. Did you... get me something?" she breathed, strangely touched.
Of all people, Sesshoumaru had remembered? Was she dreaming?
A hand thrust out stiffly towards her, balancing a small box upon his palm.
Accepting it with thanks, heat touched her cheeks. Weird. She really shouldn't be indulging this- or feeling kind of happy. It didn't mean anything to be pleased, right? Was she even allowed to feel warm and fuzzy towards her ex's brother?
Opening the lid, Kagome tried to squash her excitement- peering down. Slowly, she reached in, retrieving a silky soft thing.
It appeared to be made of something long, silver and fine, the material woven into a pretty design. A bracelet of silk, if she could hazard a guess.
"Um, thank you," Kagome raised her gaze. "What's it made of, out of curiosity? It's very soft."
Sesshoumaru appeared pleased, preening a little. "Only the finest material."
"Really?" she stroked it. "I hope you didn't go to any trouble on my account."
He scoffed, midsummer gaze smiling slightly as his tone became haughty and prideful, "it was no trouble to use this one's own hair."
Kagome dropped the bracelet back into the box. "Whut?"
Lithe fingers combed indulgently into his fall of lustrous silver hair, "you need not be alarmed. The strands grew back quickly."
That isn't what's alarming me, Kagome silently screamed. Now that she was paying attention though, the pale bracelet really did resemble the demon lord's long flowing locks.
Her hand recoiled a little from the box. "W-well, um... thank you very much," Kagome said thinly. "It's a very thoughtful gift. Truly."
Sesshoumaru's keen, piercing eyes roved over her strained features, voice deepening. "If you do not wish to accept it-"
"N-no, I do! I'll wear it right now!" Kagome grabbed it madly, fiddling with the thing while repressing a shudder. She tried and failed to secure the clasp, stiffening when large hands closed over her hand.
The demon lord leaned forward- that same hair currently being secured around her wrist falling free from behind a pointed ear. Silver strands draped down like a gossamer curtain, tickling her flushed, sensitive skin.
Sesshoumaru tilted his head up, expression unreadable.
Shifting her wrist, Kagome observed the threads of hair wrapped around it. His bracelet felt odd, the concept totally foreign. However, she could feel how much the gesture meant to him. She didn't fear offending him because of his dark temper- more because she cared about his feelings and wanted to nurture any hint of a bond between them.
"Thank you," Kagome said. "No one else brought me anything today, so I'm...I'm grateful."
Even if it was the weirdest thing she'd ever received. A bracelet made of hair wasn't exactly traditional.
Straightening, Sesshoumaru's lips thinned as his eyes flickered with confusion.
Kagome blinked, wondering what else he'd envisioned her saying.
"Hn," inclining his head regally, he pivoted sharply and began stalking away quickly, giving a swift kill to the conversation.
Without a frame of reference for how long he desired her to wear it, Kagome tugged her sleeve down to hide the bracelet from curious eyes during the next few days. She tried to ignore the sensation of hair continually brushing her skin.
"I wonder if it means something important," Kagome examined it while sprawled out upon a grassy hill, taking a break from her miko duties Kaede had started dishing out ever since her return.
Sesshoumaru had seemed extremely serious while giving it to her. Then again, the gift could've meant nothing. Maybe his hair was just THAT valuable in the Daiyoukai's opinion. She snorted, twisting her wrist and watching silver threads catch on sunlight, making it shine white. "His ego is big enough. I'd believe it. Heh, maybe he'd also give me one of his eyelashes, or a fingernail or..."
Why was Sesshoumaru heading towards her?
Sitting up and fussing absentmindedly with her hair- removing a few stray leaves- Kagome felt heat flood her face.
Okay, no- she shook herself, putting a firm lid over the butterflies taking flight in her stomach. Too strange. Enough of that.
The Daiyoukai stopped a few feet away, expression detached. Kagome knew by now to ignore it in favour of looking into his eyes. They were intent and unblinking today, hinting at his seriousness.
"Hi," she said, patting a spot next to her. "It's rare for you to visit the village again during the same week. What's up?"
Sesshoumaru cocked his head to the side at her odd term. Kagome bit her lip, finding it endearing. Her attention strayed, noticing yet another box sitting innocently upon his hand.
She paled. Oh no.
Gracefully sweeping himself down onto one knee- he thrust the new box out towards her, giving Kagome a dizzying sense of Déjà vu.
I was joking about the fingernails. Please be something normal. Please.
Accepting it gingerly, blue eyes flicked up towards him. "White day is over, you know."
"This one is aware."
"So...why the new gift?"
Sesshoumaru pretended to be interested in the gentle bubbling stream not too far away. "Because it pleases me to give it to you."
He was so difficult to figure out. Not wanting to squash his newfound sense of generosity, Kagome carefully removed the lid.
The contents did not look promising.
Trying not to jump to conclusions, she reached in and removed the long necklace. A single solitary tooth hung from the chord.
"Ah," Kagome squinted. "Open your mouth a sec."
Sesshoumaru's lips parted wordlessly, mouth opening wider to reveal a gap where one of his sharp canines used to be.
"This...is yours?" she asked weakly.
Sesshoumaru closed his mouth and nodded primly. "It will serve you well, should you have need of it."
In what way would I ever have need of a tooth? a wrinkle marred her brow as she considered it, coming to a small realisation. "To make a sword from?"
Well, that explained a small piece of the puzzle. In a very 'Sesshoumaru' way- it almost seemed a little sweet, practical even.
However, this did not help assuage her naturally squeamish reaction while looking at the freshly plucked tooth.
"Thanks," she said lamely. "I-I'm sure it'll be very useful if I visit Totosai in the future."
Her answer didn't seem to be what he was looking for. Sesshoumaru's gaze flitted from her to the dangling fang. "Females... prefer jewels, make-up or clothing, I suppose."
Kagome scratched her cheek, "depends on the lady- but you really don't have to worry, Sesshoumaru," laying a hand over pale knuckles resting upon his knee, she gave a squeeze. "I'm touched you're being so thoughtful. There's no need to give me anything else though, I have more than enough."
His nostrils flared, jaw setting stubbornly. He drew himself up to stand, "you are too modest."
Feeling thoroughly discombobulated, Kagome could only watch as he pivoted with all the grace of a dainty dancer, stalking away with billowing sleeves.
For two weeks, Sesshoumaru continued visiting the village at random intervals. His flair for turning up at the most unexpected times made it difficult for Kagome to anticipate his visits. Sometimes he'd arrive bright and early, others- nearing nightfall. Occasionally he'd visit Rin, but their interactions seemed distracted. Rin would whisper fiercely to him while gesturing in Kagome's direction, but he'd ultimately leave without speaking a word to the miko.
It was odd, confusing. She'd used to think of Sesshoumaru as a fairly straightforward demon. As of late, he'd been downright unpredictable and... flakey. She kind of missed their previous easy interactions when she'd pick herbs and prattle on while he occasionally offered a word or two. His silence had felt comfortable rather than awkward.
I don't know how to get that back, Kagome thought sadly.
A chilly wind passed by, breeze rushing around her exposed neck. Adjusting her miko garb, she sneezed, shivering a little. Autumn would soon be on its way.
The heat of an intense stare sent a new chill down her spine. Kagome turned, sensing it- only to find Sesshoumaru gazing at her intently.
Was it her imagination, or did he seem absurdly pleased? As though struck by a revelation.
As was typical behaviour for him, the demon lord began walking away without a word.
Trudging back from training in the woods, Kagome shouldered her bow while walking around a thick tree- only to quickly stop, almost bumping straight into polished armour.
Sesshoumaru stood before her, holding another box. This time it was larger, more of a rectangular shape.
"M-more?" Kagome squeaked. Her heart thundered. It felt like so long since they'd last spoken.
Sesshoumaru inclined his head gravely, "hn."
Biting her lip and somewhat dreading what cast-off part of him could be inside this time, Kagome grasped the lid and removed it- only to slam it abruptly back down.
"What… what is that?" she asked thinly.
Sesshoumaru's lashes fell shut and slid open in an unruffled blink.
"My fur."
I thought as much.
Kagome removed the lid with trepidation once more, lifting out the lush, soft coat. Even while her hands sank into the cloud-like material, blue eyes remained wide with distress.
Sesshoumaru seemed to guess her line of thinking. "It is discarded fur that I have shed, not cleaved off. Do not worry."
"O-okay," she said thinly. It's still weird though. Too weird. Imagine if I'd made a coat of shed skin.
It was so odd that Kagome felt a line needed to be drawn, placing it back into the box and numbly accepting it from him. "Sesshoumaru… I have to put my foot down now. I appreciate your gifts but I can't accept any more."
He stiffened, the burning embers in his eyes freezing into glassy orbs.
Kagome rushed to explain, "it's very sweet of you, and I appreciate the thought. I'm just not, uh…sure they're suited for a human. Besides, you seem to be worrying about what to get me instead of talking to me. I'd rather we just spoke like old times instead of this awkwardness."
"I see," he said stiffly.
She took a step forward, eyes widening when he took one back and turned. "This one did not intend to give you things deemed inappropriate and unwelcome. Farewell."
Too late, Sesshoumaru blurred away from her outstretched hand.
Kagome grit her teeth, sighing and balancing the box on one hand. Damn it.
Slowly, Kagome lowered the box onto a tree stump and gingerly lifted the coat. It felt lush and divine, her hands disappearing within the sheer volume of fur. Sliding her arms into the sleeves and putting it on, Kagome wrapped it around herself, feeling like she were enclosed in a giant fluffy cloud. His static youki brushed her skin intimately, fanning out from the strands.
It was big. It was a little ridiculous. It was wonderful.
Kagome groaned, burying her face in her hands. Sure, the idea of him collecting his shed fur to sew into a coat was strange by human standards, but actually wearing the coat, she now understood his simplistic intent.
He'd just wanted her to be warm.
"You're such a weirdo," she grumbled, blushing and dipping her nose into the fur. It smelled like him; wild forests, with the hint of refined smoke from a pipe.
Maybe she was weird too.
He was absent for an entire month.
Sesshoumaru figured it would help ease the sting of rejection. The second he caught Kagome's fragrance, however, it was like an old wound had been ripped open again.
His lips thinned, firmly keeping all emotion locked tight behind a placid mask as he visited Rin.
Chatting with the girl allowed him to soothe his stung ego for a while, distracted by Rin's news about the village and her training. Occasionally she would mention the miko and his chest would tighten again. How pathetic of him.
Once his cup lay empty and Rin mentioned the need to leave in order to assist the older miko, Sesshoumaru took his leave.
Stepping foot outside Kaede's hut, however, he froze.
Kagome stiffened before him, swathed in furs- his furs- he dimly noted.
More than that, lithe fingers curled around the fang resting at her collarbone. The silver bracelet of his hair caught the light before disappearing beneath the length of her sleeve.
Kagome's cheeks heated, and she thrust out a box, letting it rest on her palm.
"I asked around," she muttered. "Inuyasha was clueless, and Shippo kept laughing whenever I tried to ask him what was going on. Luckily Myoga happened to stop by," blue eyes pinned him in place. "You could've told me what all the gifts meant instead of leaving me in the dark."
Sesshoumaru did not accept the box just yet. "I thought my intentions were achingly clear."
Embarrassingly so, for a proud demon.
"Not for humans!" she huffed, lowering her hands a little. "I was confused the whole time! How was I supposed to know that you were giving me a betrothal bracelet, or that the fang was for any half-demon children I might have when they need a sword? I kind of figured out the coat, but I didn't know it represented your intentions to provide for me."
Sesshoumaru stared. Oh. Perhaps he should've listened to Rin about courting the miko after all.
Cheeks scarlet, Kagome sighed, lifting the lid of her box off and removing something from inside.
"May I?"
Sesshoumaru nodded dazedly, golden eyes widening. His entire being thrummed, heart picking up speed.
Shifting closer, Kagome pushed some dark locks behind her ear, the length slightly shorter than usual. Sliding a black bracket around his striped wrist, Kagome swallowed. Her hair had been woven into a band much like his, though nowhere near as intricate.
The demon stared at it, fixated. Baser instincts purred.
Molten gold eyes slowly raised to pin her with a disarmingly reverent look. He spoke no words of poetry, no love or longing, but it was there, he hoped. Abundantly clear. Kagome seemed to recognise it for what it was now.
She smiled a little, hugging her arms and scuffing her foot. "Don't get the wrong idea; I'm not saying I'll jump into marriage with you, but it turns out I'm kind of interested in dating you. Really... interested," Kagome forced out, obviously embarrassed but soldiering on. "If it's okay, we could...do that," she finished lamely.
Sesshoumaru took a step forward, invading her personal space. She blushed exactly the way he'd hoped she would, babbling. "So the uh- think of the bracelet as a dating bracelet! Maybe down the line it could...it could become an engagement thing," she murmured, voice dimming in the wake of his proximity.
"Hn," honeyed eyes smiled, careful claws unfurling to find her chin. "That would be pleasing," he uttered in a faint rumble, tipping his head down. "I accept."
Satisfaction rolled through him fiercely as she tilted her head just so- lips meeting and brushing feather-light against his. Emboldened, Kagome's hands found the collar of his hankimono just as he took her by the waist as though entering a dance, tightening.
Sesshoumaru let his eyes flutter shut, inhaling sharply through his nose. He could smell her so bright and clear—the sweetness of tangerines, faint, exotic soaps—and her mouth so warm. Kagome kissed him, firmer, hand finding his hair- fingers curling. His breath began to roughen the longer their kisses went on. His heart chanted the truth of it all- 'yours.'
If the foolish woman wanted him, he'd already given himself to her. The ticklish brush of her hair claiming his wrist made him smirk against her mouth, glimpsing his own band of white around hers and revelling in a plume of possessive pride.
Perhaps it was unorthodox by her standards, but they were not exactly normal themselves. And so, Sesshoumaru drowned himself in the curious, raw newness of the strange miko, surrendering to all the oddities that would likely follow during their strange courtship.
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sleepysnk · 3 years
Hey love! I was wondering if I could request first date with Eren? And maybe how nervous they both are but it gets really cute and fluffy? Modern or canon is fine!
hi aimee!! 🥰❤ i definitely had fun with this scenario! i made it into modern au, because i would probably butcher canon Eren 🙄 anyway i hope you enjoy sexy lady and thank you again for requesting! ♡
First Date Jitters
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
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A shaky sigh came from Eren's mouth as he looked in the mirror. He just got out of the shower, his date was currently in an hour with (Y/N) and he couldn't be more nervous.
It was his first date with her.
Eren knew (Y/N) for a pretty long time, the two attended the same high school and they both were in the same Physics class. He always thought she was a pretty girl, he just never really had much guts to ask her out.
They both got close fairly quick, they talked every night, facetimed, met up to talk before going to lectures, the two seemed genuinely really interested in one another.
When he asked her to go see a movie with him, he was a blushing mess and he could barely even make eye contact with her. Of course, she said yes and here he was now, getting ready to pick her up.
"You're really this nervous?" his roommate, Armin, asked.
Eren looked at Armin before leaning against the counter. "W-Well.. a little bit," he replied.
The blonde approached him, "You got this Eren, just be yourself! You've known (Y/N) for a long time anyway." a smile formed on his lips.
Eren really wish he could say he's got it, but he felt butterflies in his stomach. Yeah he knew her for a long time, but he's never hung out alone with her and seeing the way the two acted around one another... he had every right to be nervous. Eren liked (Y/N).
Eren looked at his phone, the screen displayed that he had less than an hour before he had to go get her.
"What if I mess this up?" Eren asked, looking Armin with concern.
Armin patted his shoulder, "You aren't as long you treat her with respect and make sure you don't do anything that makes her uncomfortable," he said.
He sighed, his nerves felt high still and he couldn't help it. He didn't want his anxiousness to ruin the date and it would be horrible if she was turned off by it! He just wanted to make a good impression, that's all.
On the other hand, (Y/N) was feeling the same way about this date. She was a nervous wreck and her stomach was knotted up from everything.
"I don't even know what to wear!" she exclaimed.
Her roommate, Sasha, was trying her best to calm her down.
"(Y/N)! Relax! It's just Eren.. he definitely has seen you in bummy outfits. Just wear some jeans and a nice shirt," she said, standing up and walking towards her closet.
(Y/N) plopped down on her bed, she felt her heart thumping in her chest. "Ugh.. I just.. I don't wanna ruin this! Eren is really cute and I don't wanna come off as a weirdo," she said.
Sasha rubbed her back, "You aren't gonna ruin it (Y/N), Eren is a really nice guy, if I thought you were gonna mess this up I would have told you to not even bother going."
Her phone suddenly vibrated which made her scramble to grab it.
Sasha looked up, "What did he say?" she asked.
(Y/N) looked at the text from Eren.
Eren: hey! i'm almost ready, should i come get you soon?
"He's asking if he should come get me," she replied, looking at Sasha.
"Girl go find a damn outfit! Stop freaking out woman!" Sasha said.
(Y/N) went towards her closet and grabbed an outfit. Some ripped dark jeans and a white spaghetti tank top, she added a bracelet and fixed up her hair.
"How does it look?" she asked, looking at Sasha.
Sasha gave a thumbs up. "You look sexy! He won't be able to resist you in that," she smirked.
As if on cue, her phone suddenly vibrated again.
Eren: i'm on my way!
"He's on his way.." she said, grabbing some perfume and spraying it onto her skin.
"You got this! I believe in you (Y/N)!" Sasha said, smiling at her.
She really wished she could believe that.
Eren chewed his bottom lip as he drove to (Y/N)'s apartment building, his heart thumped in his chest and his stomach did flips as he got closer to the address.
Armin told him not to worry, but he couldn't help worrying. He liked her and this was the only time he could show it.
He pulled up in front of the building and sent her a text letting him know he was there. His leg shook as he patiently waited.
Calm down Eren, she's not gonna be weirded out. Eren thought to himself.
(Y/N) suddenly appeared, she exited her building and got into Eren's car.
"Hey!" she said, smiling at him.
Eren gave her smile, "Hey! You look nice.." he said, looking at her outfit.
Her cheeks grew warm, "T-Thank you.. you look nice yourself," she replied.
A dust of pink hinted onto Eren's cheeks. His nerves still feeling high and he was trying his best to not make it noticeable.
He started driving to the movie theatre, there was some awkward silence in the car.
"S-So.. um, how are you doing?" he asked.
She fidgeted with her fingers. "Um.. I'm okay? I guess? I've just been stressing with exams and all that," she replied.
Her gaze made its way to Eren, he looked really good right now. He was wear a black crewneck with black jeans, his cologne filled her nose. It was a pine and vanilla scent.
"I'm doing okay too.. that physics final really beat my ass but other than that I'm alright," he said, his eyes looking at her in the passenger seat.
She laughed a bit, "It was hard for sure," she said, looking out the window. "Do you have a movie picked out?"
Eren turned into the theatre. "Actually no, I was hoping to pick one with you." he replied.
She nodded her head, "Sounds good!" she smiled.
Eren parked his car and the two got out, (Y/N) silently prayed Eren didn't see her shaky legs as she walked with him into the theatre. She picked at the skin of her nails, her heart racing as he came next to her.
"We should see a horror movie, if you want." he said.
Her gaze averted towards him, "That sounds like fun! I love horror movies," she replied.
Eren felt his heart hammering in his chest, she smelled great and her overall persona was making him nervous. A million thoughts were rushing into his head, what if he did something embarrassing? What if she was uncomfortable?
"Hello! How may I help you?" the clerk asked, nodding her head at the two.
"U-Uh.. two tickets for The Conjuring 2," Eren replied, taking out his wallet.
(Y/N) was about to take out her own when Eren stopped her. "I got it."
Her cheeks were warm from the gesture, no guy had ever paid for a date before. Well, any guy she's been on a date with.
Eren grabbed the tickets and lead (Y/N) inside the theatre, the smell of popcorn and sweets filled into her nose making her stomach growl slightly.
"You want anything?" Eren asked, looking down at her.
She looked at the different snacks, "U-Um.. not really," she replied, looking away from his gaze.
He grabbed some sour gummy worms and some Hershey's kisses. His two favorite candies, sweet and sour.
He put it onto the counter, the guy behind it scanned it and Eren handed him the bill. "Come on," he said, nodding his head to the side.
(Y/N) swallowed thickly as she followed Eren to the theatre, she felt her body growing warm and her heart beginning to race again. What if Eren is weirded out by the way she's acting? What if he saw her shaky legs? Ugh.. this was all too much.
He held the door open for her as she entered the room, "Thanks.." she whispered.
Eren followed after her, she made her way up the steps towards the back, many people were already seated and watching the different movie trailers that played on the screen.
"Have you seen this one before?" Eren asked in a whisper.
She nodded, "No.. scary movies do freak me out though," she replied.
Eren smiled at the thought of her being scared, "Don't worry.. I'll protect you," he said, chuckling a bit.
Her cheeks grew hot again, "Please do.." she replied.
He was surprised at that answer, a blush formed onto his cheeks hearing her words.
Within a few minutes the movie started, it was the usual talk about demons and ghosts, as well as an introduction to who the Warren's were. Eren had seen this movie a million times, but it was always a classic favorite of his.
(Y/N) was moving her feet around and shaking her leg, what if she embarrassed herself right now?
Suddenly a jumpscare flashed and many people jumped including (Y/N), a small squeak escaped her mouth as she gripped Eren's arm.
He turned red feeling her touch, it took her a minute but (Y/N) soon noticed her squeeze around his arm.
"Sorry!" she whispered, trying her best to ignore the growing heat on her cheeks.
Eren swallowed thickly, "N-No.. don't apologize! Um.. here," he said.
She looked over to see him moving the armrest between them, he pulled it up so the space between them was now opened. His arms wide for her.
"Y-You don't have to.. of course.." he mumbled, his cheeks bright pink.
She looked at the screen then back at him, "N-No! You're fine.. I just don't wanna make you uncomfortable.." she whispered.
"You won't.." he replied.
That's when she leaned into his chest, she could feel her hands trembling as she placed them onto his stomach. Eren's heart thumping against his chest could be heard from her ear. His arm found its way around the flesh of her waist, tightening around her so she'd feel a sense of security.
Another jumpscare flashed and she jumped again, Eren smiled at that. He found it.. cute?
"Sorry.." she whispered.
His hand found its way to her hair, "Don't worry about it.."
She looked up at him then back at the screen, the different screams and yelling coming from the people in the movie filled her ears.
Eventually, the movie came to an end. (Y/N) was so comfortable on his chest she almost wanted to lay there the whole time, but considering how late it was, that wasn't exactly an option.
She rose from her seat, cracking her joints and stretching. She turned to meet Eren's gaze on her, he was standing and stretching himself.
"What'd you think?" he asked with a smile.
She giggled, "Not bad.. but it was scary."
He hummed in response, "Let's head out," he said.
She nodded before following him down the steps and exiting the showing room. Her eyes adjusted to the light, making her squint a little. Eren tossed his snacks into the garbage since he finished them during the movie.
He held the door open as he exited the theatre, (Y/N) shivered as she walked out. The cold air enveloping her skin.
"I should have brought a jacket.." she said, laughing a bit.
Eren raised his brows, "Here," he said.
She furrowed her brows watching Eren take off his crewneck, he had a white shirt underneath it. She could faintly see the skin of his stomach as he lifted it off him.
"Eren you don't have to-"
"No, let me. It'd be rude of me to let you shiver here.. so take it, I don't mind." Eren replied, holding the fabric out for her.
She smiled, taking it and throwing it over herself. It was warm and his scent was all over it, she felt comfort in it.
"Thank you.." she said, her cheeks growing hot again.
Eren rubbed the back of his neck, a smile forming on his lips. "No problem!"
The two went to his car and climbed in to drive back to her apartment, Eren and (Y/N) were more comfortable with each other now. They joked around, talked about the movie, and talked about other movies they'd like to see with each other.
Eren put the car in park as he pulled up to the front of her apartment building.
She removed her seatbelt and looked at him. "Thank you for tonight.. it was really fun," she smiled.
He smiled himself, "Yeah no problem! I had a lot of fun too.. don't worry about my shirt either, you can keep it." he replied.
"Sounds good! Um.. I guess I'll see you in class?" she asked, nodding her head.
Eren shook his head, "No yeah! I'll see you then," he replied.
She began to make her way out of his car.
Her head turned back towards him. "Hm? What's up?" she asked, blinking a few times.
"Uh.. u-um, I just.. I had a lot of fun tonight, you know? I was- u-um.. wondering if you.. wanted to hangout again?" he said, his cheeks visibly pink.
She giggled, "Of course! I would love to hangout with you.. maybe a second date?" she said.
His heart swelled, "Y-Yeah! That sounds great!" he replied.
She smiled before leaning in to press her lips on his cheek, "See you later."
Eren's eyes went wide, but nonetheless he felt flustered and excited. "Have a good night," he said, smiling.
She exited his car and waved, she disappeared into her apartment building.
Eren smiled at he pulled off towards the road, who knew this date would go so well? He was definitely eager to see (Y/N) again.
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bao | myg | 1
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Min Yoongi is always late to start work. He’s late in starting a lot of things. Like telling you he loves you.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mentions of parental injury/surgery; it’s actually SO MUCH fluff; non-idol!AU; (slightly) jealous deliveryboy!Yoongi x hardworking chef!reader ft. bao fiend, next-door neighbor, model!Taehyung; Yoongi gets injured T_T
it’s Weverse magazine Yoongi; can’t be helped he looked too good and yes it’s another fic revolving around food like mango | jjk (less dark this time lmao), guess that’s my schtick now
Men in leather jackets?
Men who liked to wear silver rings?
Double yes.
Men whose name was Min Yoongi?
Fuck, no.
But, unfortunately, Min Yoongi was both of the first two things, when annoyed you to no end. You could hate Min Yoongi, easy, if he wasn’t attractive, but the truth was that he was very attractive, with his dark hair, cat-like eyes that were the color of black coffee, large pale hands, silver earrings, silver bracelets, and raspy deep voice.
The infuriating thing was, he was always late.
“Sorry,” he apologized for the billionth time. “I had to do something.”
You always have to do something, you thought, pursing your lips as you pushed the paper bags towards him. Each one was stapled with a small piece of paper, indicating the address and complete order of the patron.
“I’m going to fire you if you’re late again,” you warned.
Yoongi grinned as he gathered the bags. He had pretty white teeth too. Fuck. You even liked seeing his stupid teeth. The fuck was wrong with you?
“Nah, you won’t fire me. I’m your favorite delivery boy.”
“You’re my only delivery boy,” you shot back as he retreated.
“Thus, being your favorite,” he chuckled, out the back door once again.
You sighed deeply as you watched the black leather depart. He was wearing black jeans today that showed off his long legs, with a tear in the right knee. Why did he have to look so good? And why was he always late? It was very annoying. You checked your phone, texting your father, asking how he was today.
You spent all day taking orders and prepping them for Yoongi to deliver. In between, you continued making buns of all kinds, from savory pork buns to sweet red bean buns. You father owned a small Chinese-style bao shop, but since his back surgery, he hadn’t been able to work for a while. Your mother was taking care of him and complaining quite a bit about having another baby, except this one was bigger and more demanding and sounded way too much like your father.
You just laughed through the phone as your dad asked for more water and a foot massage.
Being their only daughter, you naturally had some experience making bao, but actually running the business was much harder. You weren’t sure how your dad did it all these years to be honest. There used to be a counter where people could drop by and pick up a bun for their lunch break, but the person who worked at that counter used to be your mother or you, and that wasn’t happening if you were making them all day. You weren’t as fast making them as your father either.
Therefore, the small shop ended up being converted to delivery only, and your only delivery boy was late to arrive all the damn time.
Okay, he wasn’t a delivery boy per se, because he was definitely an adult man, but he might as well have been a boy with how often you scolded him about being late. At least he was good at delivering the actual orders on time.
You heard a knock at the back door and scooped up two steaming roast pork buns, brushing the excess flour off your hands before opening the door.
A bright, jovial, boxy smile greeted you.
Your only exception to delivery only. Kim Taehyung, your next-door neighbor.
You handed him the pork buns and he handed you some bills.
“Keep the change,” he grinned, biting into the bun and gasping a little at the heat. “Mmm, delicious as always.”
You chuckled. “You need to learn how to cook for yourself.”
He pouted, chewing noisily. “Ugh, it’s so hard. Teach me.”
You rolled your eyes. “I tried. You burned it somehow. I don’t even know how that’s possible.”
He shrugged. “I’m better at watching anyway.”
You looked over his attire. A brown suit with a cream t-shirt, green silk scarf around his neck. His hair was dark brown again. “What are you advertising today?” Taehyung was a model. Sometimes you saw him on billboards or ads in the supermarket.
Taehyung shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m going to the agency right now.” He held up the buns. “But I gotta eat first because it’s gonna be long day.”
You chuckled. “Better go before your manager calls.”
As if on cue, a colorful tune erupted from Taehyung’s pants, chirping loudly. Taehyung shoved one of the buns entirely into his mouth and spoke around it, words muffled.
“Ugh, thanks again. Let’s hang out when I can!” he called as he ran off, snatching his phone from his pocket, mumbling into it as he chewed.
You smiled ruefully, watching him hurry away. “Yeah, like that will ever happen.”
Taehyung was far too busy to hang out with you. You were surprised he still lived in the same apartment complex you did, because he made decent money now, but he said it was because his dog Yeontan didn’t like change and his parents lived nearby so he could drop him off there when he was working.
“Your boyfriend or something?”
You suddenly noticed Yoongi standing next to the door. You jumped back, staring at him. He raised an eyebrow.
“How long have you been there?”
Yoongi shrugged. “As long as you’ve been making googly eyes at him.”
You frowned. “I’m not making googly eyes at Taehyung.”
Yoongi smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. “Ah, he has a name. And no honorifics. Very suspicious, if you ask me.”
Nobody asked you! You wondered if he needed both arms to deliver food, because you were pretty close to breaking at least one of them. Surely, he could drive one-handed? You were a bit disturbed on how imagining that seemed somewhat attractive to you.
“He’s my next-door neighbor,” you huffed, turning on your heel and going back into the shop to pack more orders for Yoongi.
“Next door to you puss–”
You spun around and shoved a pork bun into Yoongi’s mouth. He nearly choked, grabbing it as you let go, his fingertips brushing against yours for a moment. A strange tingle travelled through your palm, going up your arm. You ignored it, purposefully slipping buns into paper packages for an order for a local office nearby.
“It’s your lunchtime anyway,” you said impassively, not looking at him.
If you did, you would have noticed the pink tinge on Yoongi’s cheeks, the furrow in his brows as he chewed on the bun, watching you. You would have noticed the way his jaw seemed to be tense, thinking about what he just saw, holding tightly to the pork bun.
Yoongi knew you were the one who made it. It tasted great, almost as good as your father’s. He knew your father well, having been the on-and-off delivery boy through the years, from high school to university to now. Being an underground music producer didn’t make him a ton of money, but he didn’t care too much. If he was more popular, he would have to quit.
And he really didn’t want to quit, because he was staring at your back, hoping one day you’d notice he was watching you.
He knew who Kim Taehyung was. Taehyung came every day. Maybe even for the same reason as him. He never interrupted your interactions with Taehyung before, because it seemed rude. They were always short anyway. But, of course, Taehyung noticed you were alone now, and Taehyung had been dressing nicer, looking cuter, flirting more and more. Yoongi doubted you noticed, but it still bothered him all the same.
Yoongi sighed inwardly as he picked up another bun. You shot him a glare but he shrugged.
“Might make me taller,” was his response.
You raised your eyebrows. “You want to be a fucking skyscraper or something?”
He bit into it. Fucking delicious. “Maybe.”
Truth was, he just didn’t want to stop eating them because you made them.
Yoongi wanted to pretend you made them just for him.
"What's this?"
"Pork and leek bao. Tell me what you think."
Yoongi took a small bite, chewing thoughtfully. "Light flavor, but nice."
"Too greasy?" you pried.
"Mm, little bit."
You sighed. "Hm, okay, won't sell them then. I'll have to eat them myself."
Yoongi looked at the huge tray of freshly streamed buns.
"I can help."
"Wait for them to cool and then you can pack however much you want," you said absentmindedly, off to wash the pots. "You have a steamer at home?"
He looked good today too, still in his black leather jacket and black jeans, different loose gray shirt. Almost cute with the way he was chomping on the steamed bun, his cheeks filling and becoming round. 
Too bad he couldn't be punctual to save his life, you thought, violently scrubbing the metal clean. 
Yoongi sat in his studio, holding one of the pork and leek bao you had given him. He stored them in his freezer and streamed them periodically when he was at his desk. Easy, quick meal that had very little mess. 
He chewed on it. 
He should have told you to sell them. 
But he also liked having his freezer full of bao that you had made. You probably would have given him some of he asked, but Yoongi felt bad asking because he knew how hard you worked. They should be for customers, not him. 
He sat back in his chair, taking bites slowly, savoring them. Salty pork with the mild flavor of fresh leek, a little black bean to add a hint of nuttiness, grounding the greasy nature of the meat. Made by your own two hands, your hard work, day in and day out, trying to make up for the absence of your father.
He really should stop being late.
Then again.
Yoongi was always late because he was always working on music and when he wasn't working on music, he was oversleeping his work alarms.
It wasn't until you had gone to university that he realized how much he missed you and your presence at the bao shop. You were smart. Had a Biochemistry degree and everything. Yoongi couldn't make heads or tails of science, so that alone was impressive to him. But you hadn't been able to get a job in your field because your father’s back pain got worse and worse, until he had to get surgery. Now it meant you did everything and, while it pained him to watch you working so hard, secretly he was a little glad that he could see you every day. 
He felt ashamed for thinking that way, because your father had surgery for a misaligned disc and Yoongi didn't wish that on anyone.
His eyes shifted to his computer. 
He hasn't dropped his mixtape for a lot of reasons. One, what if no one liked it? All of his hard work, ignored? Or, what if everyone liked it? What if he made it big? 
Could he handle that?
He didn't know. He wasn't very good with people.
Who was he? A nobody. Yoongi doubted your parents would be happy if the fucking delivery boy wanted to marry you. They were nice people, but of course they wanted better for you. That's why they worked so hard to put you through school to the point of your father's back literally breaking. 
Maybe it would be better if you dated Taehyung. It seemed like he made a reasonable amount of money considering his clothes. He was handsome too. Yoongi saw Taehyung's face at the local supermarket sometimes. His own face would never be in supermarkets. No one would pick up a coffee with his face on it over Taehyung's. 
Yoongi ate the last bite of bao bitterly and returned to his music. 
"You're even later than usual today!"
"I'm sorry. I'll grab the orders right away."
"And why are you wearing this stupid hat? It's unprofessional–"
You attempted to grab the black baseball cap off of Yoongi's head, but he dodged you. He seemed more aloof than usual today, but you barely noticed in your irritation as you clicked your tongue and grabbed his leather jacket, yanking him towards you and pulling the cap off.
Three things happened at once. 
Yoongi's body collided into yours. 
He painfully gasped into your neck, turning your skin burning hot with his breath. 
And third, your eyes widened as you realized Yoongi had a black eye.
You barely even noticed the first two things because you were staring at the fair skin around his right eye tinged with rings of purple-red. You released him and he backed up away from you, wincing. 
"What happened?" you asked in a stunned voice. 
Yoongi narrowed his eyes and tried to grab his hat, but you moved it behind your back, eyes glued to his bruise.
"Yoongi, tell me what happened."
You saw him pause. If you weren't so fixated on the actual black eye, you would have noticed his expression change from annoyance, to bitterness, to realization. Your tone was not angry. You were genuinely worried, to the point you felt strangely emotional, like you were going to cry. 
"It's nothing," Yoongi mumbled. "I'm fine. It only looks bad."
Your eyes locked with his. Those dark orbs did not want to say anything. They wanted you to treat it like no big deal, or yell at him some more for being late, anything but address his black eye. 
"Please tell me what happened," you said quietly. 
Yoongi sighed, rubbing the back of his head. Usually his black hair was styled, but it was messy and flat from being under the cap. 
"I did something stupid," he finally replied. "I trusted people. And I got scammed."
You waited. Yoongi shuffled his feet and continued. 
"I produce and make music. I mixed a guy's entire album and when I asked for payment, they told me I was getting paid with exposure," he spat, as if the word itself was disgusting. "I was already in a shitty mood. So I punched him."
"You did what?" 
"I punched him," Yoongi repeated coolly. He shrugged. "There were three other guys so I punched them too."
"Y... Yoongi!"
"What?" he snapped. "They fucking deserved it."
"You can't go around punching people!"
"Yeah." He pointed to his black eye. "Sometimes they punch back."
You stared at him before you held out his cap. He took it from you and crammed it back on his head. 
"Yoongi, go home."
He paused. Then he chuckled, straightening. "What are you taking about?" He changed his tone, making to more lighthearted and teasing. He gestured behind you, to the brown paper bags waiting. "I have deliveries to make."
"I'll do them."
You stood in front of the bags, blocking him. Yoongi frowned. 
"You have food to make."
"Yoongi," you said softly. "Go home and recover. You probably didn't get much sleep last night. I can see your dark circles."
He chuckled, the noise dying in his throat as he looked at your serious expression. 
"I always have dark circles."
"I don't want you to get in an accident because of sleep deprivation."
"I won't get into an accident," Yoongi said impatiently. He tried to move around you, but you and your flour-covered apron blocked him. 
"I don't want you to get hurt."
The way you said it stopped him. You thought of your father, laying in the hospital, doctors and nurses trying to make sure he was okay after the surgery. Yoongi could see it in your eyes. He sighed. 
"Look, it's just a couple bruises. I did this to myself," he mumbled. His eyes shifted from side to side before they came back to you. "I need to make money. I'm short on rent because of this."
"Then I'll pay you," you insisted. "You need to rest."
You suddenly realized Yoongi was very close to you now, looking down at you from under his black baseball cap. His chest was almost touching your chest. The scent of leather and pine cologne filled your nose, vastly different from your dusty flour-covered self. His cat-like eyes were on you, expression unreadable.
"This is my rest," Yoongi said quietly. "Helping you deliver orders is the least stressful part of my day."
For a long moment, you didn't move. You weren't sure if it was because you were still worried or because Yoongi was so close and it felt weird all of a sudden, as if you recalled the way his body hit yours earlier and the way his breath tickled your skin. 
You moved away and Yoongi collected the bags, careful not to drop them. You always ordered them so they were from first to last delivery, maximizing efficiency and order number. He made his way to the back door, using his back to open it. 
You spoke again, voice nearly cracking.
"Please don't get hurt."
Yoongi looked up from under his black cap, expressionless. You expected him to give you a snarky remark as usual. 
"I won't."
He headed out. 
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KanSang Week Day 03: Sharing Clothing
Pairing: Kan Jian/Liu Sang (established)
Genre: Uhhhh, that’s a good question Trope: (pre-) their boss has booked a table at a fancy restaurant for the team Summary: (Side A) Kan Jian has some self doubt, Liu Sang helps him feel fancy (Side B) The weather is hot, Liu Sang just looks like that lbh Word Count: 2,180 ish
Kan Jian frowned at his appearance in the mirror, brows wrinkling together as he looked himself over. He looked fine. He was clean and neat, and he looked like he always did. Admittedly this was his nicest vest, he fancy vest, worn only for formal occasions but...
He lifted his hands tentatively to cover his bare arms.
It was only a dinner with friends and co-workers but...
Mr Erbai had booked tables at a real fancy restaurant. Like, Xin Yue Restaurant fancy. While he'd worked for Mr Rishan at the Xin Yue, he'd been encouraged to wear sleeves more often than not.
Normally Kan Jian wouldn't even think about whether or not his bare arms were against some unspoken dress code, but Liu Sang had done a thing with his hair and shiny hair pins and...
Kan Jian couldn't embarrass him.
He remembered the first time he'd seen Liu Sang, in his grey suit, hair so vibrant in the sun. He'd looked so professional Kan Jian hadn't even doubted this was the master expert he'd been instructed to pick up.
Liu Sang always looked so nice, and Kan Jian, well Kan Jian was good looking too, but he never looked fancy like Liu Sang.
Mind made up, Kan Jian returned to their bedroom to search through his side of the closet.
Liu Sang wasn't worried when he hung up on Pangzi, because Kan Jian had been fine when Liu Sang had left him in the bathroom to finish putting product in his hair. Liu Sang was merely... concerned by the sudden and unexpected sound of tearing fabric from the bedroom.
When he opened the door and found Kan Jian frozen with a mortified look on his face and a white, long-sleeved button-up shirt with a tear at one of the shoulder seams in place of the fancy black vest and shirt he'd been wearing earlier, well, that's when he began to worry.
“Kan Jian?” Liu Sang crossed the room to Kan Jian's side, and reached out to help when Kan Jian's arm got stuck in the shirt as he tried to yank it off too quickly. “Hey, what's going on?”
Kan Jian looked at the floor, bunching up the torn shirt in his hands. Liu Sang didn't let himself be distracted by the lovely way the action made Kan Jian's muscles move.
Kan Jian shrugged and shook his head. Liu Sang waited.
“I just...” Kan Jian said after what felt like a long silence, “it's a fancy restaurant, what if... I'm not fancy enough.”
“Of course you're fancy enough, you looked very handsome in your outfit.” Liu Sang reached out and put his hands over Kan Jian's, subtly stroking his fingers to get Kan Jian to loosen his grip on the shirt which had now become quite condensed. “Hey,” Liu Sang tilted so his head was closer to Kan Jian's downcast line of sight. “What brought this on?”
Kan Jian shook his head and sniffled, “I don't know, I just... I suddenly started thinking about how you always looks so fancy and how I...” he shrugged.
Liu Sang eased the shirt from Kan Jian's grip, “you looked really good, but it's okay if you want to try something different too. Just tell me, I'll help. We still have plenty of time if you want to try another look for tonight.”
Kan Jian shrugged again, running his now empty hands up his bare arms.
“That was the only long sleeved shirt I have that isn't... wasn't wrecked somehow.” He sighed, and sniffled again, annoyed at himself how close to crying he was over something so... so dumb.
“Do you want to try one of my shirts?” Liu Sang asked, already stepping towards his portion of closet, the torn shirt was flung onto the dresser and promptly forgotten. Kan Jian almost said 'no' as Liu Sang flicked through his shirts, but he kind of did still want to try looking fancy like Liu Sang.
Barely a minute later Liu Sang was returning to Kan Jian with three shirts. All were shirts he'd seen Liu Sang wear before, Kan Jian knew these ones sat baggier on his boyfriend's slimmer frame. Liu Sang held the three up beside Kan Jian and hummed quietly as he seemed to consider something, then suddenly he threw two of them down on the bed and handed the third to Kan Jian with a “here, try this one.”
Kan Jian obliged, pulling the soft and surprisingly stretchy shirt over his head, not even worrying about his hair which he'd spent so much time on earlier.
“Hrmg,” Liu Sang made a sound in his throat as Kan Jian smoothed the borrowed shirt over his body. Kan Jian smiled, he didn't know what he'd done to provoke it, but that was the noise Liu Sang made when Kan Jian had done something to earn enthusiastic kisses.
Liu Sang's eyes were trained on Kan Jian's arms where the material sat snugly against his skin. Kan Jian realised Liu Sang must have been concerned about the fit, so he moved his arms around carefully, he didn't want to pop the seams of this shirt like he had the last. The seams held, and Liu Sang made another 'enthusiastic kisses to follow' noise, so Kan Jian figured he must have guessed right about Liu Sang wanting to check the fit.
“Does it look okay?” Kan Jian asked, and Liu Sang replied with a very breathless “oh yes.”
Kan Jian looked down at the shirt which clung to his torso, “it doesn't look too plain does it?”
Liu Sang cleared his throat suddenly, startling Kan Jian. Kan Jian looked up to see Liu Sang shaking his head.
Kan Jian felt like he'd missed something.
Liu Sang started walking towards the door, calling back “grab the vest you were wearing earlier, and one of your silver bracelets and meet me in the bathroom.”
A little confused, Kan Jian complied. It took a few minutes, but he settled on a bracelet that kind of matched the abnormally shaped zipper tabs on his vest.
By the time Kan Jian arrived in the bathroom, Liu Sang had removed all the clips and pins from the right side of his hair, letting it hang down. The pins had left gentle waves in Liu Sang's hair and Kan Jian wanted to reach out and play with it, so he stepped up behind Liu Sang and-
Kan Jian caught sight of himself in the mirror, Liu Sang's shirt hugging him like it was deliberately and lovingly painted on.
'Oh,' Kan Jian thought, 'that's why I'm getting enthusiastic kisses later.'
Kan Jian certainly wouldn't call the look 'fancy', but he did look undeniably hot in his boyfriend's shirt.
Liu Sang turned to him, several hair pins in hand and said, “vest on please.” Kan Jian didn't know what Liu Sang planned to do with the hair pins, Kan Jian's hair was way to short, but he complied and pulled on his vest.
Then he held up the bracelet he'd picked out and Liu Sang nodded in approval and tapped Kan Jian's left wrist. While Kan Jian slipped the bracelet on, over the sleeve because otherwise what was the point, Liu Sang began sliding his hair pins onto the right hand side of the collar on Kan Jian's vest.
When Liu Sang was finished he stepped around Kan Jian to stand behind him, out of the way of his reflection. “Is it okay?” he asked, hand's smoothing over the back of Kan Jian's vest.
Kan Jian didn't look much different from before, but between the deep colour of his borrowed shirt and the extra shiny of the bracelet, somehow he felt like he looked a lot different. His fingers reached up to trail over the pattern Liu Sang had made on his collar.
It was pretty, and familiar and...
Kan Jian looked at Liu Sang's reflection and grinned.
It was the same pattern as the one in Liu Sang's hair.
“We match,” Kan Jian said and turned to face his boyfriend.
Liu Sang nodded, “if you're not fancy now, then I'm not fancy either, and if I'm fancy enough, then you must be fancy enough too.”
It was terrible logic and yet...
Kan Jian felt giddy like he'd swallowed the sun, “I look so fancy right now!” He lean forward to kiss Liu Sang, who leaned forward to meet him -
> PING <
The phone Liu Sang had placed by the sink startled them.
“Ah, the 'ten minutes to get in the car or we'll probably be late' alarm,” Liu Sang said.
Kan Jian frowned, “you said we have plenty of time though, before?”
“Yes, and we do,” Liu Sang nodded, “we have as much time as you need to feel like you're ready to go.”
“I'm ready,” Kan Jian told him, giddiness bubbling up again, “just look how fancy I am.” He giggled, wrapping his arms around Liu Sang, who curled his arms around Kan Jian's shoulders and joined his mirth.
Until the 'five minutes to get in the car or we'll probably be late' alarm went of.
They sobered instantly and Kan Jian fixed his hair as quickly as he could  before the duo bolted.
Once they arrived, Kan Jian's nagging concern that he hadn't looked fancy enough in his original outfit was proven well unfounded. Kan Jian's vest and pants were clean and neat and had absolutely no blood stains in  the seams.
Unlike Hei Xiazi's leather jacket.
On the other hand, Kan Jian earned several double takes and plenty of compliments and Liu Sang kept running his hands down Kan Jian's arms throughout the night, so the fancy outfit was good too.
Side B
The most recent job had been taxing on everyone, though it had been a good result and well worth the effort put in, when they'd returned to Hangzhou, everyone had simply stayed at the Wushanju because they'd returned so late at night.
A few days on and not everyone had migrated back to their own houses and apartments. Part of that was because they were still sorting through the pictures and recordings they'd taken at the site, and part of it was because it was just too hot for anyone to muster up the energy to leave.
Kan Jian didn't think he'd be much help with that, so he helped make sure everyone was staying hydrated. He brought a tray of icy cold drinks to the room everyone had been working in, but found only Wu Xie.
“Laoban? Where's Liu Sang?”
Wu Xie looked up, startled, then looked around, confusion evident on his face as he found the room empty.
“Ah, uhm...” Wu Xie's attempt to puzzle out the mystery was interrupted by some faint knocks. “Oh! Liu Sang says he's on the terrace in the next courtyard over.” There was another round of knocking, “oooh, apparently the shade over there is much nicer.”
Wu Xie spotted the drinks and took one with a quick thanks before turning back to his work. Kan Jian took one to bring to Liu Sang and went to find him.
He hadn't seen his boyfriend all day, it was a travesty in need of correction.
Kan Jian stepped into the next courtyard and looked around. He froze as his eyes caught on the lone figure leaning against one of the walls, nestled deep in the shade of the verandahs.
Liu Sang was barefoot, his hair wrestled into a messy bun atop his head from which several strands were escaping only to curl in the humidity. His legs were half bare, his soft pants drawn up to expose his skin all the way past the knee. One of his legs was propped up to support one of his arms, the one with the fan he was lazily wafting air over himself with.
The biggest crime though, was his shirt. Or more correctly, Kan Jian's shirt. The neck and arm holes, large enough to fit Kan Jian's muscles and still leave room to move comfortably. On Kan Jian they fit well, on Liu Sang...
Even from halfway across the courtyard, at this angle, Kan Jian could see not only the tantalising dip between Liu Sang's collar bones, but a salacious sliver of Liu Sang's chest.
'Side boob,' Pangzi had called it once.
Liu Sang whined lightly and opened his eyes a sliver, fixing Kan Jian with a look that made Kan Jian think he should bundle Liu Sang away and back to their room before anyone else stumbled across him looking like the he belonged in the kind of magazines good boys weren't supposed to read.
Liu Sang raised one hand toward Kan Jian and made a grabby motion before he whined again, “iiiiiice.”
Kan Jian startled, the ice in the drink he was carrying clinked together and he hurried over to his boyfriend to deliver the drink, suddenly very parched himself.
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