#before they decided it was permitted for me to sit down
icryyoumercy · 10 months
'please stand in front of this toilet in the most uncomfortable and counterintuitive position possible, and then pee in this cup while under direct video surveillance'
... and then the people making me do this wonder it doesn't work?
like. if you need to observe people peeing in a cup, at least you could set up the surveillance in a way that doesn't require them to stand sideways to a toilet while holding their feet uncomfortably close together, that shouldn't be that difficult
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erwinsvow · 3 months
ain't nothing better for me
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summary: at half past midnight, you get call from your ex-boyfriend. and though you really, really shouldn't answer, you still do.
now spinning: poison by brent faiyaz
word count: 8.8k
warnings/tags: toxic exbf!rafe, heavy angst, mentions of past breakup/fighting, reader knows she deserves better but can't stay away (classic), car sex feat. fingering, backshots, unprotected sex. thank you so so so much to @zyafics for all her help with reading and editing ♡
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your phone goes off when you’re putting on your nightly skincare. in between layers of moisturizer and serums, a hopeful smile graces your face. you think you know who it is, and you’re actually a little excited to check your messages.
you let the anticipation soak in for a little longer, finishing your routine first before taking a look to reply. it’s been months since you’ve even felt a hint of excitement about talking to a boy, and this one—the one you know has just texted you—is making you feel somewhat normal again. 
you’re not just someone hung up on her ex-boyfriend, pretty much unable to escape him and the ghost of your old relationship wherever you go anymore. now you’re just another girl—talking to a new boy and feeling the excitement that a new crush brings.
you rub on the last layer, the one that makes your skin all glowy and soft before bed, before deciding to go check the text. you rush over to your phone, which is resting on your nightstand next your books and your water, picking it up and tapping the screen to read the message you’ve been waiting for.
rc: are you asleep?
you think your beating heart has just fallen through to your stomach. the phone falls out of your hand, thudding against the counter and hitting your glass of water before falling onto the rug. 
“shit. oh, shit,” you repeat to yourself, picking up the now spilled, half-empty cup. you look at the water drip off your nightstand, dark specks of water painting your rug while you try to catch your breath.
it feels impossible to do so, and you wonder how one short text can get you so winded. you scramble to the other side of the room, grabbing a towel but unable to walk back to where your fallen phone is. picking it up and rereading that text feels impossible. every muscle is frozen in place, the towel clenched in your fist while you realize nothing you could ever do is going to make you normal again. all it takes is a few words from rafe cameron to get you completely unglued.
“okay. deep breaths,” you say quietly, as though rafe could hear you through the phone. you tread back carefully, watching your screen fade back to darkness. letting out yet another deep breath, you blot the wet patches with the towel and take a seat on the floor against your bedframe, resting your back and bringing your knees in.
it’s pathetic, you know that already. no one should permit one text to get them curling up half-fetal with a new fear of their phone, but that’s what rafe has done to you.
a tumultuous relationship had brought you here now—for every up, there was a down, and though you had once thought rafe was the most misunderstood guy you had ever met, you know now that there was a reason for it. 
all of your friends had warned you, and you hadn’t listened. and it’s not as though you have something hard, something concrete to blame. maybe it would have been better if rafe had just cheated on you or gotten bored of you, maybe that would make getting over him easier. 
instead you’re left the gutting realization that there was still, to this day—even four months after you two had officially broken up—no lack of love between you two. the way you’re sitting on the floor with tears brimming in your eyes is enough to prove that to you.
and of course, there’s that other feeling nudging through in the back of your mind. the one you’re trying so hard to avoid feeling the full brunt of, to avoid letting that feeling stand on its own two feet in your heart and head. rafe cameron still wants to know if you’re asleep or not. 
he still wants to know what you’re doing, where you are, even how you are. and that feeling is a beast of its own, impossible to even begin to understand. 
you try to let yourself soak in the feeling, when your phone screen lights up again.
rc: i know you’re up
rc: stop ignoring me
fuck. how does he know you’re even awake? setting aside yet another impossible feeling, you finally pick up your phone, rereading his texts for the third time in sixty seconds. gone was the cute profile picture, the emojis next to his name and the butterflies in your stomach when you got a text from him.
instead you stare down at messages from a boy who has always seemed to know you better than you know yourself, wondering why you had even unblocked his contact to begin with. actually, you know why, but you decide to ignore that for now.
you need to grapple with your current reality. you need your best friends to read these texts and tell you how you should feel, because you know you can’t trust your own feelings. you need an hour just to work out how you should respond, and another hour to work up the courage to actually do so.
but you don’t get any of that. your screen glows with a red button and a green button, rafe’s contact appearing and a call coming through.
“oh god,” you get out, wondering why the hell he’s calling you. you didn’t even respond. briefly, you think if you let it go to voicemail, rafe will think you’re asleep and leave you alone. you wrestle with that idea for a moment, thinking it’s the best course, coming to terms with the fact that the boy you had once loved more than anyone in the world is now getting his call screened.
and then, as if your heart has a mind and body of its own, you feel your finger hover over the green answer button. what if rafe’s hurt? what if he really needs you and you’re ignoring him, what if it’s something serious? you shouldn’t just ignore him because of your feelings when it’s closer to one in the morning than midnight, and your boyfriend knows you always sleep early.
shit. ex-boyfriend. you let this new idea of the freudian slip take over your mind, feeling like your head might explode from the amount of emotions you just went through in the last ten minutes. 
heartbreak, anxiety, and a terrible sadness even imagining telling your friends about this. they’d praise you for not answering and deep down wonder how you didn’t immediately text back. everyone in your life knows how you much you love rafe cameron.
shit. that’s the wrong word. not love, but rather loved. you need to get better at this.
“oh.” it comes out in one short breath, more a noise of relief than anything else. the call went away, your screen returning to your home wallpaper, a pretty picture of the sunset on the water. you stare at it, thinking that you really, really need to go to bed now.
rc: your light is on. answer before i-
you don’t even finish reading the text, eyes going wide. you should scramble up and turn your lights off, but you don’t even get to it before the call screen comes back on. fuck, he’s calling again. 
and fuck. because this time, you answer.
bringing the phone to your ear, you wait with bated breath.
“hey, kid,” rafe says, and true to form, like something out of a dramatic teen movie, you slide down against your bedframe because those two words will always, always make you feel weak in the knees.
your eyes are closed now, a stray tear making its way down your cheek. you think you’ve missed the sound of rafe’s voice like nothing else in this world. and now, realizing what an impact it’s having on you, you wonder if cutting him off cold-turkey was the smartest idea.
“how did you know my light’s on?” you ask quietly, and it seems the whole world has stopped spinning. you can picture it now, wherever he is, running a hand through his hair at your question, licking his lips before speaking. 
“i’m outside.”
oh no. no, no, no. rafe cannot be outside your house right now, he can’t be anywhere near you. and he certainly can’t be looking through your bedroom window and texting you about your lights or about anything else.
“rafe, why are you-”
“‘cause we need to talk.”
“i don’t have anything to talk about, rafe.” the words sound foreign coming out of your mouth, feels like it’s wrong to even speak this way to him. 
“then just listen. c’mon, kid, come outside. gimme ten minutes, okay? s’it.” 
you hang up the call without answering his last question. and letting your heart call the shots again, you get up, slipping on your shoes and grabbing your phone. and then, though you know you shouldn’t, you climb down the stairs and open the front door, being greeted by rafe’s blue truck parked alongside your curb. 
you stand there frozen for a moment, thinking about every time before this you had snuck out for rafe. and then you really take it in—how the hell had a two minute phone call convinced you to do this? 
the night air nips at your exposed legs, and you cross your arms to feel less cold. usually you couldn’t help yourself, ignoring the chill and running up to the passenger side door that rafe would open from the inside for you.
at first you’d been too shy to greet rafe with a kiss but it had come to you over the early months of your relationship. there were times you two spent hours in his truck on the same deserted street by the forest, coming back home before dawn and soaking in the feeling that you finally had what you wanted.
now you stare at the truck, wondering why it felt so hard to even walk closer. your body tenses up at the muscle memory coursing through you, but you hold back this time. releasing a breath, you tell yourself one thing.
“ten minutes. that’s it.” 
slow steps lead you to rafe’s truck, and then when you’re just a foot away, reaching for the doorhandle, you can make out rafe leaning over your seat and pulling the handle, opening the door for you like he always does. 
you should turn around and run back inside.
instead, you climb up and take a seat, gently closing the door. you stay seated, eyes focused on your lap, trying your hardest not to look around and take everything back in from the countless times you’d been here before. 
moments later you fail, feeling your entire body soften like butter upon taking in the memories of yourself in this car. your lip gloss sits in the cupholder, a photo of you and rafe that you had clipped into the passenger side mirror pokes out, and the air freshner you’d bought for rafe hangs around the rearview. 
you smile without realizing it, thinking that maybe rafe had erased the memories of you like you had tried to do to him. you turn, finally, to look at rafe. he’s already looking at you.
“you could have thrown this away,” you say, picking up your lip gloss and avoiding his gaze quickly. 
“nah. kept it safe for you.” you bite your lip, tugging on the skin much too hard. words are becoming harder and harder to find, and you want the ache in your chest to go away more than anything in the world.
“y-you said ten minutes,” you get out, your expression dipped in sadness. without knowing why, fresh tears brim at your eyes, and you stay turned ahead to make sure rafe doesn’t see.
“that was just to get y’out here.”
“c’mon, kid. m’sorry. how many times do i have to say it, huh?” unfortunately, tears start streaming down before you can control them. wiping them away, you turn to look at rafe for the first time tonight, and for the first time in a while.
he looks like he always does. some of his hair falls into his forehead, and every time he runs a hand through it, it falls back in exactly the same place. his blue eyes are completely focused on you, and though there was a time where nothing could have made you happier, right now it feels like they’re burning into you. he looks upset, like this is all very serious and like you’re not getting out of this car until you accept his apology. that last thing may be the truest part.
but worst of all, rafe looks just as handsome as always. he doesn’t have to do anything to completely take your breath away, to be that guy you would give up anything for, do anything for. that boy is still here, you just had thought that you weren’t that girl anymore. but now you don’t know.
“if you think this is about.. apologizing, then i don’t know what to say to you.” 
and you mean that. you don’t know what to say to him. you don’t know any sentence you can utter that will get you out of this car with your heart still in one piece.
“kid,” rafe says, and your entire body tightens up. he moves one hand to your exposed knee and you feel your skin turn to fire underneath his touch. “you wanted time. i gave you time. i gave you months. you really so much better off without me that you won’t even let us try?” 
“it’s not like that,” you say through tears, a sob wrangled in your throat. 
“then what’s it like? ‘cause i’ve been waiting. first you didn’t answer my calls, my texts. then you fuckin’ blocked me and you said you needed time. this is enough time.” rafe looks at you like he’s ready for this whole thing to be over, like all the two of you need to mend this relationship in the next few minutes.
“it’s not about the time, rafe. you still think this whole thing is about flowers and-and attention, and it’s just not-”
“i know i fucked up.”
the sentence hits you like a wall of bricks. the entire break-up had started from what was mostly a simple thing—you felt like rafe never got you flowers anymore. the two months leading up to this relationship starting had been everything you had dreamt of. rafe would check in on you everyday, go out of his way to see you, make sure you were okay even when you had already lied that you were fine. spontaenous dates, car rides, boat trips, he had done it all.
but it was really the effort behind the actions that had made you so head over heels. you didn’t care about anything but that simple word—effort. and rafe had put in the effort the entire time before you two agreed to date. 
truth be told, you didn’t care about all the stuff you two did together. everything with rafe was fun for you, but it was really just being with him that you wanted. and for the first six months of your one-year relationship, you had his complete effort and attention. there was never anything pressing when the two of you were together, never anything that was worth leaving you for.
and the flowers. the boy who had taken you on the first date had brought you flowers. and you, being you, had beamed. those peonies had lived on your nightstand for much too long, and then you had taken one and kept it on your windowsill. 
the single dried peony was still on your windowsill—you had never thrown it away, and the realization makes your heart hurt. it had been a stupid argument about flowers that had made you decide you wanted, or rather that you needed to end things with rafe. you had been sitting in this very seat, noticing for the hundredth time in the last few months that rafe was stressed about something, unhappy about something else. instead of talking to you about it, he was neglecting you. 
conversations were one-sided. your efforts to try and help him, and to try and figure out what was even going on were met with silence or a gruff leave it alone, kid. a couple dates were forgotten or cut short, but that wasn’t a big deal. you wanted to be supportive, and you tried as best as you could, but you couldn’t keep burning the candle on both ends. 
you wanted to take care of rafe while he was going through this, but in that process, you had to take care of yourself too. and when it came to it, sitting where you were sitting now, you had decided to put yourself first.
you snap out of your thoughts at once. you’re reflecting as though something is about to change, and for your own sanity, you know it can’t. rafe admitting he did something wrong is nice, so at least you don’t have to blame only yourself anymore, but it can’t change what you’ve decided. 
“you..” you falter, unsure where your sentence is going. “it wasn’t just you. but maybe we both need to stop, rafe. this isn’t healthy.”
“no, no, it was just me.” your shut your eyes tightly, holding back a painful noise that you don’t want to release. 
“rafe, please-”
“you got upset about flowers. i didn’t know what it was really about. and that’s my fault, okay? it’s not about the fuckin’ flowers. it’s about us, i get that now.” 
your eyes open, though tears have made your vision blurry and your eyes hurt. you keep looking at rafe, wondering when he realized all this and when he decided he was going to keep chasing you. you don’t think you really want to know the answer. holding back another sob, you try to reply, but it comes out in a teary whisper. 
“why couldn’t you figure this out four months ago?” 
you start crying again, though you really wish you wouldn’t. it’s been more than ten minutes, but you have a feeling you’re not getting out of this car anytime soon. rafe grips the steering wheel so hard you see his knuckles lose color. 
“‘cause i wasn’t.. i wasn’t paying attention. and m’sorry. what else can i do, huh? y’know i can’t live without you.” 
the words bring up more tears, and you wipe them away with your hands. 
“c’mon kid, don’t cry.”
“i can’t just forget about all of that because you’re saying this now. if this happens again i’m gonna-”
“it won’t,” rafe says it firmly, moving his hand back to your thigh. there’s goosebumps on your skin. “it won’t happen again.” 
you’re staring at rafe while he stares at your thigh, where he’s touching you. you sniffle, a million thoughts running through your head. you want to know what to do, what to say. unfortunately, the one person in the world you ask every question to is the one sitting next to you right now.
you focus on wiping your tears away, crossing your legs. rafe stretches his arm to the backseat, grabbing something and bringing it to the front. he offers it to you—one of his hoodies, the navy one from his alma mater that you used to wear almost every day. 
“i-i’m fine,” you say, though you’re still cold. it’s the idea of wearing it that provokes you to say that. you don’t know how you’ll feel if you put that sweatshirt on again. 
you could remember the first time you wore it like yesterday. at the bonfire, wearing a dress you had thought rafe would like, you were freezing by the water with him and his friends. rafe had left to get you two new drinks and come back with it, and you had spent the rest of time curled up next to him, refusing to take it off even when the group migrated near the fire. when had you given this hoodie back? it seemed to have a new permanent home in your bedroom or your car. 
“stop lyin’ to me. just put it on.” suddenly too sad to fight about this, you comply, pulling it over your head and covering your pajamas—a big shirt and your sleep shorts getting hidden. 
you shouldn’t take in the scent, but you do, inhaling deeply. it smell like rafe’s cologne—which is enough to bring more tears to your eyes, since it’s been months since you’ve smelled that scent—and the laundry detergent he uses and something else you can’t place.
“thank you.” 
you know what you’ve just done. someone staying in the car for another few minutes doesn’t put on their ex-boyfriend’s hoodie. you think you’ve just signed your death warrant through this simple act. 
“i don’t want one of your neighbors to call the cops,” rafe says, looking into the side mirror. 
this is your chance. the logical part of your brain screams at you to tell rafe to leave, to take off this hoodie and run back inside. it reminds you that no one can change instantly, no matter what they tell you and how much better they seem.
it says that the next time rafe gets stressed out, you might suffer through everything you went through all over again. you see it in flashbacks—nights spent crying into your pillow, waiting on your front porch for dates that never happened, asking rafe for flowers and deciding that you need to break up with him after he finally gave them to you. 
“do you want ice cream?” you ask, blinking up at rafe.
“where are we gonna get ice right now?” you shrug at his response.
“you always found somewhere.” 
rafe laughs at a little, and your heart soars.
“yeah, guess i did.” 
rafe looks down at you, perched in his passenger seat like you always are, like you always should be, your face a little flushed from the tears. 
“you sure you want ice cream, kid?” you don’t miss the implication in his words, the tone of his voice, or what he’s really asking you. you nod. “alright. let’s go then.” 
changing gears, he pulls the car away towards the road and takes off down your street while you fasten your seat belt.
you had only suggested getting ice cream because you couldn’t find it in yourself to go back to your room and sleep after everything you just went through. rafe’s words were having an immediate, visceral impact on you, making you reevaluate everything the two of you had gone through these last few months.
he did seem different. you’re probably one of the only people in the world who would notice, but you know he has. there’s small changes—the way he talks to you, the words he’s using to apologize, how much he seems to understand everything you were feeling during the end of your relationship and the following months. 
but you’re not sure yet. you can’t let a few nice words or what could end up being empty promises change your mind completely, as heartbreaking as that idea now seems.
you need to think about it, and you need more time. you push down some of your inner thoughts—they’re telling you what you really need is a good night’s sleep and an hour-long conversation with your best friends. instead you’ve decided for yourself that you need some more time with rafe. hence; the ice cream.
rafe pulls up to the drive-through window of the only place still open on figure eight. the parking lot is mostly deserted, but not empty. you don’t recognize any of the cars, but you keep looking, staring off into space, distracted with your own thoughts. you don’t look up until rafe’s driving towards the second window to pay, not realizing he’d already ordered.
“oh, i didn’t tell you-”
“s’okay. i got you what you always get.” 
“oh.” you’re left a little stunned. it’s been four months since you’ve had a real converastion with rafe and he still remembers your ice cream order—is that normal?
rafe pays and hands you one of the ice creams to hold, keeping the other in his hand while he drives away, parking in an empty corner of the lot. you stare at him stupidly while holding your ice cream, watching as he picks up your lip gloss from the cup holder and puts it in your lap. he takes the ice cream in your hand first, putting it into the holder, and then does the same with the one in his hand. 
you look away finally, now peering at the lip gloss on your lap. 
“sorry, kid.” rafe says, picking it up from your lap. his hands are cold and even with his hoodie on, you shiver at the touch. he drops the bottle into the center console, and then looks up at you, one hand still on your thigh. 
“huh?” you ask quietly, a little overwhelmed. there’s so many thoughts running through your mind, you don’t know which to focus on first. rafe remembers your order. rafe doesn’t want you to hold the ice cream since you’re cold. rafe brought you a hoodie because he knows that you wouldn’t put one on before coming out. the last thought is particularly biting—rafe knew you would come to his car if he called.
“you okay?” he asks, and truly, you don’t know how to answer.
“fine. yes, i’m fine. just tired,” you murmur, reaching for your ice cream with your hand covered by your sleeve.
“yeah. s’late for you.”
before you even take a bite, you look up at rafe. he’s just eaten a bite of vanilla soft-serve, licking the spoon before going back for another scoop. you feel your defenses slipping away while the scene infront of you unfolds. rafe doesn’t even like ice cream that much, not like you do. but he still always gets some because you hate getting it alone, and he knows that. if he remembers your order, he remembers that. rafe looks up and catches you staring, your melting ice cream in your hand.
“you sure you’re okay, baby?”
you turn away, staring down at your ice cream.
“you can’t just do that,” you mutter, all of a sudden upset at yourself more than at rafe. you’re doing it—the very thing you had told yourself to watch out for before even getting in rafe’s car. falling for him all over again, without any thought of your own mental well-being if this all goes south another year from now. 
“do what? check on my girl, huh?” there’s a teasing lilt in his voice that makes you want to chuck your ice cream at him.
“i’m not your girl anymore, remember? and you-you can’t just call me baby and act like everything’s back to normal-” you feel so stupid. why were you even here? why had you even suggested this?
“i thought we just went over this, kid, i’m-”
“i can’t rafe,” the words come out a little too loud, and you put your half-eaten ice cream back in his cupholder. “i can’t just.. go back to you. you’re gonna hurt me again, i-i know you are. i know you’re fine and-and you wanna get back together but it’s gonna tear me apart all over again.”
you stay silent, holding back what you really want to say. the words even rest at the tip of your tongue. no matter how much i love you, i can’t do that to msyelf again. you hope rafe understands, that he’ll try to make this easy on you.
“there’s no.. no amount of ice cream and hoodies and flowers that can make us okay again.” your words linger in the air and you stare at your hands now, trying to avoid looking at rafe because you’ll start crying the moment you do.
“kid, i-i know i fucked up. this stuff is just to show you m’still tryin for you. m’never gonna stop. that’s all.”
your shoulders sink down, all the tightness leaving your spine. 
“can y’just look at me, please?” you glance up, meeting rafe’s eyes again. “i’m gettin’ better, baby. i can’t do it without you.”
“don’t i deserve someone who doesn’t have to get better for me?” you ask, though your heart isn’t really in the question. 
“you do. i know you do. and maybe m’just the idiot hopin’ for another chance, even if i don’t deserve it.”
“then why are y-”
“‘cause i can’t live without you. and i’ll hate myself forever if i don’t try again.” 
rafe can see it happen, the way your eyes soften immediately. you hate when he says stuff like that, mostly because you believe every word coming from his mouth. your lips turn into a small pout, eyes looking down again.
“finish your ice cream before it melts,” he says, and you listen immediately, picking it back up.
the two of you stay like that for what feels like forever, eating ice cream. you glance up every now and then but then look back down when you catch his eye. 
“you-uh, found anyone like that yet?” rafe asks, while you eat another spoonful of your own soft-serve. “that doesn’t have to get better and all that?” 
you let the sugary dessert melt in your mouth, licking your lips while you try to think of the best answer. rafe’s staring at your mouth, but you don’t notice.
“no. not really, i guess.”
“you guess?”
“well, i.. i was waiting for a text from this guy, but it’s nothing, i-i barely know him.” 
you notice what you’ve just done as the sentence finishes—trying to undermine everything you were going through before rafe came back into your life suddenly earlier tonight. and you know why—you don’t want rafe to think this guy means anything to you. and watching rafe finish the last of his ice cream, the one he only got because he knew you’d hate eating yours alone, you know that boy doesn’t mean anything anymore.
“waiting for? so you didn’t get it?” 
“no, i don’t think so. i haven’t looked since you called. actually, when you texted me, i-i thought it was him.” 
“really?” rafe asks. you nod. “were you happy? that it wasn’t?” 
“i don’t know,” you say it immediately. and truthfully, you don’t. “i need to think about it.”
“what’s your gut tellin’ you?” 
“my gut said not to answer your call. but here we are.” you put your empty ice cream in his cup-holder, listening to rafe laugh. 
“sorry, kid. that’s my fault.”
“your fault?” you question, looking at rafe. your confused expression stares back at him while he debates the best way to tell you this.
“i had a conversation, y’know, man to man. it was his choice.”
“rafe,” you start, turning in your seat to face him. “what did you say?”
“nothin’, kid. just, y’know.. if he texted you he’s gonna get a black eye.”
“if he took you out, he’s gonna get two-”
“what the fuck-” 
“what? you just said it was nothin’-”
“but you decided for me! before i even had a chance. it’s not your choice to make, it’s not your-”
“-but it is. if it’s about you, s’about me.” 
exasperated, you sink into the seat, unsure about how to reply to that. 
“how many times have you done this?” 
“not a lot,” rafe says. you don’t believe him, staring with a look that tells him as much. “once.. or twice.” 
“once or twice? please tell me-oh my god. that guy last month—i thought he stood me up, you dick!” you swat at rafe’s arm, but only manage to get a few taps in before he holds your wrist in place, stopping you from moving at all. “i thought there was something wrong with me.”
“there’s nothin’ wrong with you. just thought you deserved better than those assholes, s’all.” 
“oh, but your type of asshole is fine, is that right?” 
“yeah, it is.”
you lock eyes with rafe for a second, before the two of you start laughing. it feels so stupid to think back to the last few months and realize you couldn’t even remember the last time you and rafe laughed together. you keep looking at him, your laugh dying down until you bite your cheek and watch rafe run a hand through his hair. 
“i didn’t like him anyways,” you finally say after enough silence has passed.
“good. i didn’t either.” 
“is there any guy you would like for me?”
“just one, kid.” rafe stops, taking in the way you’re looking at him. he knows where and when he fucked up, even knows how to be better for you and not let it happen again. convincing you is the hard part, and he thinks he’s even making progress with that, with the way your pretty eyes shine up. your expression is as close to hope as he’s ever seen before. hoping that he’s not just saying these things, hoping that it won’t end like last time.
but you care enough to hope, and that’s enough for him to run with.
“m’sorry about the.. threats. but it’s me, so-”
“what did i expect?” you finish, smiling back at him. the way rafe looks at you right now makes you feel things you wish you could bottle up. instead you redirect your gaze, staring at the street lights illuminating the now-empty parking lot.
“exactly. and if i let you go on a date with some guy, i couldn’t give you these.” 
“rafe,” you start, though you’re not sure where your going with it. you shut up though, because rafe leans back, behind your seat. he picks up a bouquet of flowers and puts them on your lap, and the whole time you watch holding in a breath, tears automatically springing to your eyes. 
it’s a nice sentiment, you think, trying to justify it to yourself. the flowers on your lap are pink peonies, dark and light wrapped in brown paper. they look just like the ones rafe had give you on your first date and you smile down at them, still trying to wrap your head around the sentence that had you dizzy all night long—maybe rafe really had changed.
“this is really cheesy,” you finally admit, your eyes flickering back up at rafe with another smile. he keeps his eyes on you for a while, not saying anything, though you’re sure you know what he’s thinking. something along the lines of how you’ve wanted cheesy, you’ve wanted flowers without asking for them.
“i wanna be cheesy for you.” you inhale, not realizing how much such simple words mean to you. “it’s not flowers. it’s you, it’s for you. the things i do. the way i show it. i thought you wanted flowers but you just wanted me, didn’t you?”
“yeah,” you breathe out.
“well i’m here now. and you have me. you have all of me. and i’m not goin’ anywhere this time.”
the feeling coursing through your veins right now is unlike anything else. you feel more than just happy, more than just like a girl about to get back together with her ex-boyfriend. you feel like you’ve just become whole again.
what a shitty metaphor—as though you’d been totally and utterly incomplete without rafe in your life. that thought lingers for much too long, because haven’t you? you’ve always been attached to rafe, teetering on the edge of codependence, but there’s no denying the plain truth so obvious to both of you right now.
you can’t live without rafe and rafe can’t live without you.
“i gotta take you home. can you imagine what your parents will say? one day back with me and already sneakin’ out until-”
“i don’t wanna go home,” you say quietly, watching as rafe reverses out of the parking spot. he swings his arm around the headrest of your seat, watching behind him. back on the road, he drives in the direction of your house.
“don’t worry, kid. i’ll see you in a couple hours, probably-”
“will you take me by the water? where we used to go?” the truck comes to a halt at the stoplight. rafe looks over, the entire car glowing in the dim red light. the two of you meet eyes for a moment.
“yeah. sure.” you smile, watching rafe take a left instead of heading straight to your street. it’s not a long drive to the water from here, but the place the two of you always frequented is tucked away between trees and dead-ends.
it’s a bit of a maze to get there, and you don’t think you could figure it out in the broad daylight. but here in the dark, with rafe driving and music playing faintly in the background, you remember it like the back of your hand.
you entire body tenses up, a tingling running from your fingers to your toes. the mere feeling is electric, to be back in yours and rafe’s spot—almost like nothing has changed. it feels like maybe nothing has changed—you’re just as happy as you once were.
the tell-tale bumpiness of the road signifies you’re close to the spot. there’s a small outlook just beyond patches of gravel, a parting between trees where you can see the ocean. it’s private, almost completley inaccessible unless you were searching for it.
and maybe something’s changed in the last few months, maybe someone is searching for it, but you can’t bring yourself to care right now. rafe puts the truck in park and you take a moment, first to stare down at your peonies, then to look over the water. 
“it’s late,” you say, taking in how dark the sky is. stars sparkle above you, and when rafe turns the car off, you can even hear the waves rushing on the beach.
“nah, kid. it’s early.” 
“yeah, i guess you’re right.” holding another breath, and without knowing exactly why you are, you lean forward, resting your elbows on the dash and staring up at the sky through the windshield. you release the breath suddenly when you feel rafe’s hand on your knee, first just the touch, but followed by a squeeze.
“say the word and i’ll take you home.”
 “no, i don’t wanna go. it’s just so late. i’m never up at this time anymore.” you bring your arms back, sitting in your seat and staring at rafe again, like you’ve been doing this entire time. “thank you, rafe.”
you prepare yourself for his usual answer, waiting to explain why you’re thanking him and how you still feel nervous but you’re ready to jump back into this relationship if he is, the sentences and words forming in your head already. 
instead he doesn’t say anything, leaning in suddenly and taking your face in his hands, bringing you into a kiss. and fuck, you’re a liar if you say you hadn’t missed this. rafe kisses you—always has, and seems like now he always will—like you’re about to slip away if he’s not holding you tight enough.
the hand on your face hold your jaw securely, tilting your face up for him. the kiss has you reeling from your seat, a wave of heat coursing your entire body. your face is hot, your palms clammy, eyes clamped shut while you try to remember if his lips have always been this soft, or felt this good on yours.
your flowers fall to the floor, rolling off your lap and landing with a rustle. you’re sure there’s loose petals and stray leaves littering the car now, but still, it’s hard to care. rafe moves his hands away from your face, pulling away from the kiss for just a second.
while you try to look down and see the damage you’ve just caused your peonies, you feel his hands on your hips, picking you up and bringing you onto his lap. you let out a noise of surprise, looking back at your boyfriend now. he doesn’t hesitate, leaning in again for a kiss.
this time, you don’t hesitate either, both of your hands migrating, traveling from his arms to his shoulders, gripping him as hard as he’s holding you. 
you feel wandering hands on your waist, traveling down to your ass and grabbing hard, making you let out squeals into rafe’s mouth. it feels like nothing has changed, like the last four months have never happened, with the way you fit so comfortably, how it feels so right to be back on his lap. you move your hands again, running through his hair like you always did—how you always loved doing—when you pull away this time to catch your breath. 
you meet rafe’s eyes, letting out a shuddery breath and a laugh all in one. you move your hand to his chest, pressing down against it, trying to make sure this is really happening. rafe follows your movement, taking your hand into his. your fingers intertwine with his, and rafe brings your hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss against the back of it.
you think you’ve just melted all over again, lips curling up into a happy smile but finding it so much harder to keep looking into his blue eyes. he doesn’t say anything, just brings you back for another kiss. 
this might have been enough for you tonight, but everything rafe had said in the last few hours rushes back into your mind, and you can feel how hard he is beneath you. before you can even think about what you’re doing, you’ve moved to the backseat. propped up against the door, you wait for rafe to join you, biting your lower lip so hard it’s about to bleed. you watch rafe—he sighs, turning to look at you smiling in the back. 
“jesus, kid,” he says, opening the driver’s door and getting out of the car. you sit up a little straighter, confused until he opens the other door, meeting you in the back. you tilt your head at him, rolling your eyes.
“you couldn’t just hop over?” you question, blinking up at him. 
“no, ‘cause i’m not a runt,” rafe says, shutting the door once he got in beside you. you stay still for a moment, looking at him again. 
but it really is just a moment this time—you’ve become far too impatient to wait any longer. normally you’d savor it—there’s a lot that you and rafe can get done in this tiny space—but today your mind can’t focus on any of it.
your hands go to rafe’s polo first, moving it up his abdomen, fisting the bunched cloth to get it off your boyfriend as fast as you can, until he finally pulls it over his head. you crawl back onto his lap, hands perched on his shoulders while you start kissing again.
your brain goes numb and fuzzy, feeling rafe sneak under your shirt and rub the soft skin of your back and stomach, before making his way up to your tits. he gropes while you keep kissing—and it’s a vicious cycle. you moan at every teasing touch, rutting harder against his erection. 
it’s quick—he lifts your shirt up and off, and you both stay like that for a while, until you feel rafe paw at the waist of your shorts. leaning into his touch, you let him move you around like a rag-doll, now on your back on the seat, with him in between your legs. you lift your hips compliantly, letting him slide the shorts and your panties off together, laying completely exposed before him.
“not fair,” you breathe, watching as his eyes rake you over from top to bottom, like he’s memorizing every detail. “you’re still dressed.”
“don’t worry ‘bout that, kid,” he says, and you feel your walls flutter at the words, it’s nothing but it feels like everything right now, with anticipation driving you insane.
“can you just.. hurry? please?” you whine, even though it’s against your best interest. rafe likes taking his time with you, a fact you are well aware of.
“no,” he says, and you’re meant to understand the word is an entire sentence and your only answer. “y’know how long i’ve been thinkin’ about this?” you glance up at rafe from your position, watching as he hovers, your hand reaching out to touch his chest again. his silver chain glimmers in the light around his neck, and you loop your fingers around it. you want to tug, pulling him on top of you for another kiss, but you refrain for now.
“i don’t know,” you answer. “four months?” rafe laughs and so you laugh too, the sweet sound filling the tense air. he brings a hand to your exposed stomach, trailing up and down and taking in how your breath catches. 
“needy, huh?” rafe starts talking and your body tenses up immediately, knowing what’s coming. “when’s the last time you came? hm?”
“i-um,” you trail off, paying more attention to how he’s unbuckling his belt and undoing his zipper. you’re close to getting what you want, the question getting lost in your mind in a swirl of thoughts—all of them revolving around how rafe’s stroking himself, his eyes scanning over you. 
“s’not an answer, kid,” he says, leaning over you again. his chain dangles on your skin and the mere touch of it transports you back to every other time rafe had you like this. you clench hard around nothing, positive that you’re humiliatingly wet for rafe right now. and he’s still waiting for you to answer a question you’ve clean forgotten. “the last time you came. tell me. or y’not cummin’ this time.”
you whine, toes curling. rafe’s teasing your pussy with his fingers, two of them prodding through your folds and hovering over your wet hole. you think an answer might get him to actually fuck you with his fingers, but you still can’t piece it together with how fast your heart is beating.
“i-i think-” his fingers press into you without actually pushing inside your tight walls.
“don’t think. jus’ tell me.”
“last-last week. i was-” he gives you a little more pressure, you can feel them almost inside but it’s not nearly enough-
“you were what?”
“thinking about you-!” it comes out all in one quick gasp, rafe plunging both fingers inside you quickly. you moan, back arching off the seat, but restrained by rafe that you can’t go anywhere, can’t do anything but take it. he keeps going, finger-fucking you faster until you’re positive you’re about to tip over the edge. 
“good. good girl. wasn’t so hard, was it?” he keeps going, leaning over you to bring you in for another kiss, and it seems that’s all you need. that feeling—his chain grazing your face and his fingers deep inside you is enough to have you cumming, the tightness in your stomach unwinding while you make a mess over his hand. rafe swallows your moans, keeps his motions going while you ride it out. 
when he finally pulls his fingers out, you feel empty. you try to catch your breath and level out your heartbeat, looking back at him with your dopey, teary eyes. he’s stroking himself with his glistening hand, getting ready to fuck you, you think dreamily. 
rafe brings one hand to where your head is, pressing his palm flat against the seat. you watch him with big, wet eyes how he lines himself up with your throbbing pussy, how he leans in for another kiss. that’s when he pushes inside—no teasing words or questions, just a kiss you groan loudly, feeling the impossible stretch you’ve missed so much again, eyes rolling all the way back. your noises are muffled by rafe’s kiss, until he pulls away to bury his face in your neck. he bites at the sensitive skin there, leaving marks you’ll have to deal with later today, but it seems like a fair exchange in this moment. 
rafe pulls out and slams back in, and you moan in response with each thrust, forgetting how good he was at this. your legs are quivering, pussy impossibly sore already but you don’t think you’d make him stop even if someone knocked on the window right now. you move your hand, holding onto the seat while rafe keeps battering into you, your eyes wandering down to where the two of you are connected. rafe sucks hard above where your pulse is, and you arch your back up, legs wrapping around him.
“feels good, doesn’t it baby? better than you fingers?” he asks, and you nod, still speechless. “tell me how good-”
“rafe, rafe, i-” you moan his name but he interrupts.
“no, kid, lemme hear you-” he brings his face close to yours, your foreheads almost touching. you close the gap, kissing him again, feeling the tickle of his chain on your neck now. 
“i missed you,” you cry out. you realize later it wasn’t the answer he was asking for, but you don’t really care. the words fly out of your mouth, you’ve been so desperate this entire night to keep them tucked away, but it can’t stay down any longer. “i missed you, i missed you, i missed-” 
he shuts you up with another kiss, his pace picking up, if it’s even possible. your senses abandon you again, toes curling while rafe hits a spot inside you that’s been so neglected these past months. a white-hot sensation rushes over you, exploding from your stomach and spreading out, while your walls clench tightly against rafe. rafe presses back to your neck, murmuring let me hear you, and you do—finishing with a moan so loudly you’re sure someone in the vincinity has just heard you. 
you need to catch your breath, but rafe doesn’t give you the chance. he pulls out of you, letting your sore pussy flutter around nothing, before he turns you around, your body folded up while he slaps your ass so hard it starts stinging.
he pushes back in and your eyes roll back again, gripping the seat and then the door handle just to stabilize yourself for a moment. rafe likes backshots—the only thing he likes more is mean backshots, slamming into you from behind while you cry out. everything feels even more sensitive like this, coming down from two highs and blindly chasing a third.
rafe’s talking but you don’t hear what he’s saying, you can’t make it out over the ringing in your ears. so you turn your head, looking up at him from this position, but you still don’t actually hear him. instead you feel it—his hips stuttering, the weight of his body collapsing on you, hot, wet streams of his cum shooting inside you. 
you two stay like that for what feels like forever, listening to birds chirp and the waves crash over rocks. it’s rafe who untangles the two of you, separating sweaty, sticky limbs. he leans against the seat and brings you in to his chest, holding you tight while you let your eyes shut again. it’s comfortable—even more so when rafe picks up the discarded clothing, using it to cover you like a blanket. 
you move your hand until you find his, bringing your palms together on his chest, close to your face so you can rest your cheek on his hand. 
“shit. i gotta get you home,” rafe says, and you sigh in agreement, listening to the thud of his heartbeat from your position. outside, the sky is lighting up a little bit with soft early blues. 
“can’t we sleep first?” you murmur back, eyes still closed. 
“don’t think we’ve ever stayed here ‘til sunrise. have we?” he asks you, and you try to rack your exhausted brain for the answer.
“first time for everything.” finding some strength, you turn your head, looking up at your boyfriend. “rafe? can i ask you something?”
“yeah, kid?”
“did you mean everything you said?”
“yeah. i did.”
“oh. good.” the words are quiet coming from your mouth, and you lean back against his chest, getting comfortable again. “thanks for the flowers.” 
“yeah, kid,” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. your breathing evens out, and he knows you’ve fallen asleep. it’s fine—it’s way too late for you anyways. “thanks for answering.”
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scarlethexelove · 6 months
Please Don't Leave Me
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 4281
Warnings: Angst, Pregnant!Reader, Natasha being an ass, injuries, Depression, Wanda being the bestest of friends.
Part 2: Gone
A/n: Had this one in my head for some time and finally decided to write it. As it always seems these fics just seem to run wild and get longer than I mean them to be. I can tell you all right now I'm pretty sure your not going to like the ending very much 😅
“Natty.” You try to get your wife's attention as she moves around the room quickly. Natasha is shoving things in a bag. “Nat.” You try again, but she doesn’t stop. Frantically moving around the room grabbing whatever she can. “Natasha!” You finally yell at her. She still doesn’t stop her movements. “Y/n I can’t right now.” She says shoving the last of her things in her bag. “Nat I have something important to tell you.” You try to reason with the woman, but she just zips her bag throwing it over her shoulder and walks past you. “There are things you don’t understand. I have to go.” You grab her arm and she finally looks back at you. “I really need to tell you this.” You try to reason with her. Your eyes pleading with her just to let you talk. But she shakes her head and pulls her arm from your grasp. “There are more important things than you right now.” She makes it to the door letting it creak open. “We will talk when I get home.” She doesn’t face you, only slightly turning her head before she is gone. “Don’t expect me to be here when you get back.” You see her hesitate in the door but she shakes her head before slamming the door shut behind her. 
Your heart shatters in your chest as your legs buckle beneath you. A muffled thud is heard as your knees hit the ground. Your hand covers your mouth as a sob escapes the depths of your chest. You pull the small stick from your back pocket looking down at the two pink lines. “I’m pregnant.” You whisper to yourself like somehow Nat will hear you and come back, but you know she won’t. To Natasha her job has always been more important than anything. She loves being an Avenger and helping people, but it always comes at a cost to you. You had a sliver of hope that maybe just maybe this could change that. After what she had gone through in the red room she was pretty sure that she couldn’t get you pregnant but here you are. The prospects of having a child had given you hope that maybe she would come back to you. Be the loving wife that you know she can be. The little pink lines now taunting you as tears splash down on the plastic blurring your vision and the once prominent lines. 
It seems like hours before you finally pick yourself up off the ground. Finally having cried all the tears away. Pulling yourself off the ground as you wipe your cheeks before making your way to your shared bedroom. It is empty, too empty. The book Nat was reading was still sitting face down open to the page that she had left it on. Moon light shining through the curtains illuminating the dark room. You don’t bother turning on the lights or changing clothes as you crawl into the cold bed. Seeming much larger now than ever before. You curl in on yourself, exhaustion from all the tears you have cried catching up to you. A pain in your chest as you finally drift off into nothingness. 
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Over the next few days multiple new stations report of the Avengers fighting one another. The chaos and destruction of a German airport. You place a hand over your lower stomach as the news flashes. ‘Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow has broken the Sokovia Accords. Now wanted for treason against the federal government.’ If you thought your heart couldn’t break more you were wrong. 
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It has been nearly four months since that fateful day. The day your world shattered around you. You had hoped that one day maybe Nat would try and contact you but those hopes had been dashed over a month ago. She had moved on and so should you. You slowly pack your things in the home that you once shared with your wife. You’re not even sure if you should call her that anymore. A single tear running down your cheek at the thought. You still love her deeply but you can’t live like this. You have a baby to think about now, you need to live for them. Placing your hand on your growing stomach as you gently rub your finger up and down feeling their movement and smiling. 
A phone ringing breaks you from the tender moment. You grab your phone looking down to see an unknown number calling you. Your heart stops a moment wondering if after all this time it is finally Nat calling you. You're so distracted by the tight feeling in your chest that the phone stops ringing and the call ends. You still stare blankly at the screen before it starts to ring again. Phone lighting up in your hand once again still showing unknown as the caller. 
This time you press the answer button. Your movements are slow as you bring it up to your ear. You open your mouth but no words come out, your breaths coming out erratic as you begin to panic. Your ear is soon filled with a soft voice. “Y/n/n?” That voice is distinct but not your wifes. “Y/n are you there?” The voice asks again. “W-Wanda?” Your voice trembles as your mind catches up. Your best friend is on the other side of the line. 
This is the first time you have heard from any of the Avengers for a long time. Tony once stopped by but you refuse to let him in. You didn’t listen to any of the words coming out of his mouth as he spoke through the door. If it wasn’t for him you don’t think you would be in this position right now and maybe your hopes for a better future with Nat would have come true. Wanda had sent a few letters letting you know she was ok. You couldn’t obviously send anything back due to now knowing where she was and the nature of the events and why she was also on the run. 
“Y/n/n?” Wanda’s voice breaks through your mind once again. “I-I’m sorry Wands. What were you saying?” Her words had been muffled by your mind. She shakes her head like you could possibly see her doing that. “Nothing sweetheart. Are you ok?” She can tell that something isn’t right. “Not really. I, I’m alone.” Wanda’s heart breaks for you. She may be on the run but she hasn’t been alone. “I’m tired, Wands.” You know you shouldn’t be thinking that with a child on the way but it has been hard. Tears start to fall down your cheeks as you sniffle into the phone. 
Wanda made a decision right there. “Sweetheart, I'm going to send Vision to come and get you.” She knows it could be dangerous to have you with her but she also knows that you’re not a wanted fugitive so if for some reason that she is caught you will be left alone. But she will do everything in her power to keep you safe. She can’t stand to hear you this hurt and down. “W-what if that gives away where you are?” You question not wanting to bring her into any danger. “I’m safe here. If you want to, you can come here. We have to move every so often. You don’t have to if you don’t want to but I’m not going to leave you alone. You always have me.” You cry tears of happiness for the first time in a long time. “Yes.” Your voice is small but hopeful. 
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You land with Vision somewhere in what you believe to be Belgium. Vision never mentioned anything to you about your pregnancy which you are thankful for. You see Wanda bound out of the small quaint house on the outskirts of the town. You watch as she stops in her tracks a few feet away from you. Your head dropping, not wanting to see her reaction. Scared that she wouldn’t want you around any more. 
“Y/n/n.” Wanda says quietly trying to get you to raise your gaze to hers but you don’t look up. Tears well in your eyes, scared to move, scared to look your best friend in the eye. Hands cup your face gently making you look up into green eyes. A soft smile on her face. “You're pregnant.” It’s not a question but a statement from the woman. You nod your head as she pulls you into her arms hugging you as tightly as she can without hurting you or the baby. 
Just then the flood gates break. A sob leaves you as tears cascade down your cheeks into Wanda’s shirt. You bury your head in her neck. A hand rubbing gently up and down your back as you're held for the first time in months. Your legs give out as you clutch to Wanda for dear life afraid that you're going to wake up and she will be gone. Wanda holds on gently guiding you both to the ground as she lets you cry. Your tears soak her shirt as you sob for what feels like forever. Wanda whispers reassurances in your ear as she just holds you. Her gentle motions on your back, not ceasing. 
Wanda lets you get out your pent up emotions. Sitting with you until your sobs turn into sniffles. “She left me. I never got to tell her.” You whisper, still gripping onto Wanda. “What sweetheart?” She asks, trying to get you to elaborate. “Natasha. I-I haven’t heard from her. She, she left that day to Germany. I tried to tell her. She, she told me that there were more important things than myself.” Wanda’s eyes swirl red with anger. How could Natasha do this to you? All she wants to do is fly off and break Natasha like she broke you. But Wanda comes back to reality when you grip her tighter, scared she will leave you just like Nat did. 
“Please don’t leave me.” If it was even possible Wanda’s heart broke for you more. Like herself you don’t have any family. All of yours were gone long ago, but you had found a family in the Avengers, a wife. But that family is now broken but Wanda is determined to show you that she is still your family. “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart. I will always be here for you.” She kisses your head smiling. “And for the baby.” More tears come to your eyes but from happiness. 
“So you and Vision?” You give a watery chuckle. Wanda nudges your shoulder and laughs. “Yeah.” She smiles happily when you pull back to look at her. “So like does he come with a vibrator setting?” You ask half joking half serious. “Oh my god Y/n!” Wanda exclaims, shocked by your bold question. You two laugh as she helps you off the ground leading you into the house. 
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“Are you sure you don’t want me to mention something to Nat?” Wanda asks you softly, causing you to look up from the book your head is buried in. You let out a sigh as this constant conversation. “If she wanted to know how I was doing she could have called me the same way you did.” You rub your swollen stomach. So close to meeting your precious little one. “Wands I know you are looking out for me and I also know how pissed you are at her. I also know that you partly want to tell her to rub it in her face on how royally she screwed up. She has had almost 9 months to find me. And I know that you said she has mentioned that she has done it for my own safety but at least hearing from her once would have been something. Instead she went no contact. The famous Black Widow knows how to send encrypted messages if she really wanted to.” 
Wanda knows how much you are right and every time she has to touch base with the team she has been distant and cold with Nat. She so badly wants to break her heart the way she has to you. She knows how much you still love Nat and would love to be a family. These times are hard though with everyone on the run so she bites her tongue and nods her head to your words. 
To get your mind off of things you put your book down and swing your feet off the bed. “Hey Wands, it's a nice night, maybe we can all take a walk.” Vision appears in the doorway. “That sounds like a lovely idea Y/n.” You smile at the synthezoid before giving a questioning look to Wanda. “Sure.” She nods her head. “But someone is going to have to help me with my shoes.” You chuckle trying to reach down to your feet which you can’t reach. The other two laugh before all of you put on some clothes and help you with yours. 
Wanda and Vision are holding hands as you walk through the streets of Edinburgh, the quiet street clearing your mind as you three walk peacefully. Vision stops Wanda to talk a bit as you waddle over to a window with a news cast playing. You watch on as a breaking news cast flashes on the screen. As the scene plays out in front of you you gasp. “Wanda.” You call for her. The conversation dies between the two as they come up behind you seeing as the screen plays footage of New York being attacked. You all stand there silently as death and destruction is shown on the screen. Tony Stark missing flashes on the screen and Vision looks to Wanda. 
“I have to go.” Vision says kissing Wanda’s hand that is still laced with his. He starts to walk away dropping her hand, Wanda pleads with him to stay. You start to drown them out as you watch the screen. Terrified that you may see something about Natasha come across it. Screams of pain makes you turn around seeing Vision impaled on a staff. “Vision!” Wanda screams, her hands glowing red ready to fight. 
Someone else blasts Wanda from behind sending her flying into a building across the street. With you close proximity you're thrown back hard. Trying to brace yourself you hear a sickening crack as your wrist impacts with the ground. You scream out in pain. “Y/n!” Vision yells when he hears your cry of pain. You turn on the ground seeing him do the same. The two who attacked turned him over on his back and the thing that stabbed him placed the sharp end of the staff on his head.
Vision’s screams can be heard through the quiet streets. You struggle trying to get yourself up knowing your wrist is broken, cradling it close to your chest. You watch as red balls of energy slam into the two creatures throwing them back. Wanda runs towards Vision using her magic and pulling you safely over to him. Pain is written all over her face as she looks over the both of you. She uses her magic to lift all of you off the ground pulling you closer to her as she tries to fly you all away from the area. You all are almost hit by a beam causing Wanda to have to bring you all down. Wanda lands you both down gently laying you on the ground before turning to catch Vision with her magic. 
“The blade, it stopped me from phasing.” Vision says as you see a bright yellow line in his body and he seems to be glitching. “Is that even possible?” Wanda asks, helping him sit up against the wall. “It’s not supposed to be.” He says, you can tell he is in pain. Your adrenaline is pumping so your wrist is just a dull ache at the moment. Wanda hovers her hand over Vision, her magic flowing and pulling the opening closed slowly but not completely. “I’m beginning to think we should have stayed inside.” You mumble feeling guilty that this could have been avoided if not for you avoiding your feelings about Nat. 
You and Wanda are pushed back by Vision as one of the creatures grabs Vision flying off and fighting against a building. The other comes and attacks you and Wanda. Wanda puts a barrier of magic around you. She starts to fight the female creature as your heart races in your chest. 
You lose sight of the both of them fighting. Wanda’s magic dissipates from around you allowing you to move forward looking for your friends. You can hear it now so clearly in your head like she actually is yelling at you. Natasha’s voice tells you to run and protect yourself, but Wanda is your best friend and she has been there for you. So you push that voice away following the commotion. You run into the train station seeing Vision propped against a railing. Wanda stands red surrounding her hands as the two creatures look ready to fight once again. 
Squealing of wheels from the train moving past has you all looking. A dark figure in the shadows looms behind the moving train. The female creature throws her trident-like spear at the figure when the train passes. The figure catching it perfectly as he walks into the light you see Steve Rogers. You try to get up behind the female creature but she quickly turns wrapping her hand around your throat. 
“Y/n!” Wanda screams. The female creature throws you back and you land on your back crying out in pain. You feel a gush of liquid between your legs after you hit the ground. Wings fly in front of you as Sam Wilson collides with the creature. You let your hand drift down feeling the wetness and bring your fingers back up into view, relieved that it isn’t blood, but your heart drops when you realize what is happening. You gasp in pain from the sharp feeling in your stomach. 
Wanda uses her magic again to pull you towards her and Vision. Wanda pulls you into her lap. That is when you spot her in the distance. The hair color may be different but she is still herself. Natasha fights with Steve against the creatures. You have tears in your eyes as you look up at Wanda. “Wands, I think my water just broke.” You groan in pain again. You can see the panic in her eyes as she looks around the area. It’s not long before the fighting is done and the other three walk over towards you three. 
Natasha stops dead in her tracks when she sees you. Your swollen stomach has her chest rising and falling a bit fast. She thinks maybe it could be someone else's but she knows deep down that the baby is hers. She wants to cry but she turns stone cold hiding her emotions. Hating herself for leaving you, for never reaching out in all this time. You cry out in pain causing her to look back to you. You're curled in on yourself in Wanda’s lap. “It hurts.” You whimper.  Wanda holds you closer to her. “I know sweetheart.” Wanda looks to the other three. “We need to get them out of here.” She can see the two men side eyeing her before Steve speaks up. “Quickly, get them to the Quinjet.” 
Natasha moves to help you but you pull away. “I have her, can you help Vision?” Wanda says flatly, Nat can only nod moving away and helping Vision up. Wanda effortlessly lifts you in her arms and you all make your way to the Quinjet. Your contractions are getting strong and closer together. Natasha can only watch from afar as you whimper in pain. Wanda helps you and Vision sits close holding his side. 
“We need to get her to a hospital.” Wanda says brushing the hair sticking to your forehead out of the way. “We will be at the compound in 30 minutes.” Steve explains. “Steve, I don't know if she can last that long.” She iterates looking back down at your pained face. “It’s the best I can do Wanda.” She sighs gently stroking your cheek. “It’s ok Wands. I’ll be o-” Your cut off by another contraction. All Nat can do is look on with regret. 
Once the quinjet finally lands Wanda lifts you in her arms again and runs into the compound they enter and see Rhodey talking to a hologram of Secretary Ross. “We need medical.” Natasha says out, causing Rhodey to turn and for Secretary Ross to start arguing. You can’t concentrate on what they are saying but you know it isn’t great. Rhodey ends the call and signals for medical, who come in with Bruce. 
As they wheel you away the team follows. Before Wanda can head in after you Nat grabs her arm. Wanda whips her head around anger evident on her face. “Please just tell me. Is it mine?” Wanda gives an amused chuckle. “Of course it’s yours.” She pulls her arm from Nat’s grasp and follows you in the room. Nat lets tears slip down her face. She left you alone pregnant with her child. Not once contacting you in the last nine months. She had told herself she was doing it to protect you and to keep you out of this life, but she was wrong and she sees that now. She understands now why Wanda became so cold towards her after a few months. She has to fix this. She has to be able to win you back and to become the family she always wanted and she will do anything to get that back. 
Natasha can hear your cries of pain as you go through labor wishing more than anything she could be there with you but you don’t want her to be. But you chose Wanda and she understands why. She soon hears other cries. The crying of her child as they are born. Tears slip down her cheeks as she hears them. The boys know not to go around her or to talk to her at this moment. She is breaking on the inside and all she has to blame is herself. 
An hour later Wanda walks out and comes over to Nat. Her head is down, not looking at the younger woman waiting for a scolding, but that doesn’t come. “You can go meet your son.” Wanda speaks with no emotion to her voice. Natasha looks up and Wanda can see she has been crying but that doesn’t change how angry Wanda is at her. “I have a son?” Nat whispers. Wanda just nods her head and moves out of the way. 
Natasha slips into the room quietly. Her heart stops seeing you laying in the bed with a blue bundle in your arms and a smile on your face. More tears spill as she quietly makes her way over to you. You don’t look at her until she is standing right next to you. “He’s beautiful.” Nat mumbles trying to stop the sob that so desperately wants to escape. You have a soft look on your face and she can’t read it. “Meet Alexander Pietro Romanoff.” You smile down at your son. Natasha lets the tears freely fall. “Romanoff?” She questions you. “Romanoff.” You repeat looking back up at her with a soft smile. She feels a flicker of hope that she can fix this, that she can have her family.
“Do you want to hold him?” You ask her softly and lightly lift him the best you can with your broken wrist. Nat nods and takes him from you holding him in her arms. She has so much love for him already that more tears well in her eyes. You watch her as she holds the baby and cries. 
“I’m sorry.” Nat whispers. “I'm so sorry.” She looks at you with teary eyes. “I know.” Is all you can respond with. She looks back down at the now sleeping boy. Just looking at him and remembering all of his features. She had seen the flicker of green in his eyes, the same as hers. But he looks so much like you. He is just as beautiful as you are. 
Loud beeping makes Nat’s head snap up. Your face is now pale and your eyes are closed. The sheets are staining red between your legs. Doctors rush in as she backs away holding her son close to her chest. He starts to cry with all the noise and commotion. Her heart rate picks up and she starts to panic. The voices of the doctors are muffled to her ears as she feels the blood rushing around. She can only focus on you, your face pale and your body limp in the bed as doctors work around you. They soon wheel you out of the room mentioning something about you hemorrhaging and needing to go to surgery. 
Nat starts sobbing in the empty room. All that is left is herself and her son. She slides down the wall begging to whatever is out there in the universe that you will be ok. That you will come back to her and your son. Promising that she will do better and be better. She will be the wife that she had promised in her vows. She will do anything for you to take her back, just please let you live. She whispers in the emptiness. “Please don’t leave me.”
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whoskimii · 2 months
Hiiiii hope you're doing well! I'd like to req a Megumi x reader fic with a scenario pls. So like reader is a student and also Shoko's helper when they're not busy so they usually help Shoko with patients in the infirmary. One day while reader was on a mission they got severely hurt and knocked out for a while and Megumi decided he should take care of them, seeing that they're always helping the others during times of need and that it's time that someone did the same for them. I'll leave the rest to you THXXXX ^^
ahh it's sooo cute i'm barking <33 he would def take care of his baby
⋆౨ৎ˚ notes > megumi x you. comfort - fluff <3 you got badly on a mission but 'gumi keeps his eyes on you. tell me if i missed anything!! ^^ ౨ৎ warning : you may have butterflies in your belly while reading this!! 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
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you were honestly tired. being a student and a half-time nurse wasn't that easy, despite what many people thought.
of course you weren't alone. shoko was there and she handled mostly everything. but when she wasn't there, it was strangely when you had the most patients to take care of. and usually, they didn't only have a little scratch on their knee. it was like the universe was laughing freely right in front of your nose.
you were grateful for shoko because she accepted your help. it permitted you to gain the basics of medical aids.
but when satoru announced that you'd have to go on a mission with nobara, you almost passed out. huh ? as if you weren't already tired and stressed enough. but you kept your mouth shut as you knew that you didn't have a say in it.
the day arrived and you left with nobara for the mission. "it'll be easy," satoru said. "you'll come back without any scratches." satoru said.
what an idiot.
that's why you eventually came back barely breathing. nobara was carrying you on her back, limping herself. satoru quickly realized that he had been underestimating that mission. but it was too late.
shoko immediately took you in and performed the first medical help on you. when your state steadied, she gave you some alone time. you were still sleeping.
after a few hours, you woke up with a throbbing headache and painful sides. it was awful. your teacher would definitely have to apologize with your favorite chocolates.
your eyes settled on a blurry form. when your vision stabilized, you noticed megumi sitting beside your bed, staring at the ground silently. he only lifted his head when he heard you sitting up, although with some difficulty.
he instantly stood up. "hey," he placed a hand on your shoulder. "easy." your pretty eyes narrowed as you finally registered the sunlight entering by the window. "how long have i been sleeping for...?" you mumbled. "a day. you came back pretty banged up. nobara was carrying you on her back."
at the mention of her name, your eyes widened slightly. "where is she ? is she okay ?" you asked urgently. megumi clicked his tongue. "she's fine. you should be worrying about yourself rather than putting others first."
a sigh left your scarred lips. "sorry..." megumi shrugged. "s'okay. i'm just upset you always care about other people instead of caring for your own well-being. s'all."
as you attempted to recall what happened during the mission, you frowned softly. you couldn't remember a thing. "i can't remember anything. the only thing i know is that our dumbass teacher said this would be an easy mission..." megumi scoffed. "oh, yeah. about him. i took care of gojo-sensei."
you giggled softly. "you took care of him ? what do you mean ? he's literally gojo satoru, you can't do anything." you were right, which caused megumi to roll his eyes. "yeah. i just... told him he was dumb to send you alone with nobara. i should've been there. or yuuji."
you smiled. "don't blame yourself. it just happened. it's nobody's fault. not even gojo-sensei's fault. i'm not mad." megumi's eyes flickered to your hand as you pulled on his uniform. you made him lean down before planting a kiss on his lips. "i love you." megumi tried to hide a smile. "love you too. don't scare me like that again, please."
maybe you were feeling better but satoru wasn't about to see the end of it. not yet.
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here you go, baby <33 hope u like it!
⋆˚࿔ kimi 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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abbyromanoff · 7 months
Hey i have some request :))
Yn is taking care of drunk lizzie :))
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PAIRINGS: Elizabeth Olsen x reader
WARNINGS: mentions of drinking, mentions of sex and pregnancy, kinda suggestive but no actual smut, R taking care of Lizzie, Liz being drunk, breast worshipping, lactation (kinda?), pretty used like a billion times, think that’s abt it :)
“C’mon, baby, ‘m not drunk.” Your wife falsely claimed, her eyes heavy and her breath reeking of alcohol. Her smile was full and giggly, and you rolled your eyes teasingly before continuing to guide her into the house.
“Mm, where you takin’ me, sweetheart?” You noticed it became a regular for her petnames to repeat when she was so out of it, and you felt a small red tint coming to your cheeks.
“I’m taking you to our room so we can get you ready for bed.” You replied, causing a smirk to instantly cover her lips.
“I mean, ‘m a little sleepy, but I wouldn’t mind sleeping with you.” She laughed, her head falling onto your shoulder as it bumped with every step. She bit her lip as she waited for you to chuckle in return, and when you finally did, she felt a sense of pride fill her.
“You..look s’good tonight, baby.” You hummed, placing your hand on her back to help her uneven steps.
“That shirt looks so,” She dragged out. “Good on you, I could just eat’ you up.” You gave her a suspicious glance before opening the door to your room, letting her take one step in before you were back onto her holding her by the waist.
“Mhm, we should do this more often, I like how you feel.”
“Yeah, no. I’m not letting you get this drunk again, and if you do I better go with you.”
“You’ the one who decided not to go with me.” She frowned. But it was true, you had stated you weren’t feeling all the best and wished to stay home. While she supported your decision and even wished to stay with you, it was a public event she had to attend. Fans and interviewers were skeptical about your disappearance, but she brushed it off with the truth before downing shots with many of her friends, all of which was photographed by paparazzi.
“Well, I am so very sorry that I’ve been puking all week and I do not feel like doubling that with alcohol.”
“Maybe you’re pregnant.” She guessed, sitting on the edge of the bed as you stepped into the walk-in bathroom for a cloth to remove her makeup. You nearly choked on nothing when she spoke.
“Let’s hope not.” You began wiping her skin, but she pulled back at your comment.
“You don’ want my babies?” You sighed with a hint of laughter before you set both hands on the sides of her cheeks. You pulled her in close, leaving a kiss to her lips before muttering.
“I would love to have your babies, but we’ve been together for eight months and I don’t think we’re exactly ready yet.” You pecked the brim of her nose and leaned back, continuing your actions before helping her remove her dress.
“I want you to be pregnant already.” She stated after a moment of silence. You hummed with a small grin, focused on the zipper on the back of her clothes.
“You’d be so pretty pregnant. Not that you’re not pretty right now, cause you’re really pretty right now, like, really pretty. But you’d be even prettier pregnant, and your stomach would get so big and your tata’s would too.”
“Did you just call my breasts ‘tata’s’?” She nodded with an exaggerated laugh, nearly falling over until you held her close by the arms.
“I love your breasts, they’re so pretty.”
“You call me pretty a lot,”
“You don’ like it?”
“Oh, I love it, baby. But I think you’re a little too drunk to be thinking about me pregnant, next thing you know I’ll actually be pregnant if you keep talking.” She now sat naked on the bed as you went through the closet to pick her pajamas for the night. She noticed the set you had on and that it was a matching pair with hers, and she quickly insisted you gave her that one. You agreed, helping her into the outfit before guiding her to the bathroom.
“Alright, last step is brushing those teeth.” She watched intently as you began the steps needed, and she made a face of disgust as she tasted the mouthwash.
“Don't swallow it,”
“I thought I told you to always swallow?” She quickly spit out the liquid to allow herself to make the dirty comment, and you bit your lip to stop the laugh that threatened to escape.
“I made you laugh!”
“You always make me laugh, Liz.” You dragged her back into the bedroom where you let her sit on the bed and begin cuddling herself under the blankets. You went to grab a glass of water and promised to be fast, coming back to the sight of Lizzie half asleep and small snores coming from her mouth. You placed the drink on her bedside table and got under the covers, letting her cuddle up to you instinctively. She rested her head on your chest, nuzzling her face against your breasts. Most of her body was on top of you by now, and you gave up on ever pleading with her to give you room when it came to sleep.
“Mm, take it off.” You unbuttoned the shirt she tugged on and smiled at her large expression. She pressed a kiss to your chest before sliding over a few and doing the same to your nipple. You sighed and ran your fingers through her soft hair. She looked up at you for permission before moving to the other, a small line of spit following her. She spent a few moments longer as she sucked soothingly, the action aiding her further into sleep. She left one last kiss to both of your breasts before your lips received the same.
“Pretty titties, I love ‘em.” You only shook your head and allowed her to attach herself back to your soft flesh.
“My pretty girl,” You exaggerated the compliment and earned a small giggle that was followed with a large blush adorning her cheeks.
“You prettier, baby.”
“How about we’re both very, very pretty, yeah? Will that make you happy?” She nodded and silence fell upon you two. You almost believed she was finally asleep as your body was close to following suit, that was until her voice came in a hushed whisper once again.
“You’re still..still prettier.” You decided it was best not to fight with her and agreed before hearing soft breaths coming from her mouth. You admired her sleepy form as you felt her open mouth slowly drooling onto you. You took a quick photo to show her the next morning before placing your arm around her back and shutting your eyes with a grateful smile.
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sweetbans29 · 3 months
Train With Me - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You met Caitlin at the gym (based on THIS request)
Warnings: fluff, flirting? if you even consider that a warning
Word Count: 2.4k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I know little to nothing about boxing, apologies.
It's 5AM when you walk into the weight room. You had only been there a few times but enjoyed the quietness of the morning. There have only been a few other people around who didn't bother you - one of which is a cute, brown-haired girl who you noticed stared a lot.
You were used to the staring as it came with the territory of being an Olympian but when it came to this girl - you found yourself wanting to capture her attention more than anyone else. You felt silly but couldn't help the way she would get flustered when you would put in time in front of the mirror shadowboxing.
As focused as you were, you would catch her eye through the mirror causing her to look away in a haste all while trying to hide the blush creeping into her cheeks. You thought it was the cutest thing in the world.
One day you saw her glancing at you, eyes turning away when you had stopped for a break. You decided you had seen enough and wanted to start a conversation. It was honestly kind of surprising to you that she was in the gym so early. You know she is a part of the basketball team and knows teams have workouts together every other day. So it was odd to see her there every morning before the crack of dawn.
Walking her way, you see her try to keep her reps going. You don't hide the fact that you see her and give her a little encouragement.
"You got it, keep going babe," you say boldly.
Caitlin feels her arms go to jello as she does indeed not keep going. She lets out a huff and sits on the ground looking up at you.
"Thanks for messing me up," she says teasing you.
"Hey, I was here to encourage - you could have easily done 2 or 3 more," you say as you reach your hand down to help her up. She gladly takes it and you easily pull her up. Caitlin shouldn't be surprised at how strong you are since she has been watching you for the past few weeks but can't help but feel a blush creep back to her cheeks when she thinks of how easily you maneuver her.
"Ya well, I got a little distracted," Caitlin says, avoiding eye contact with you.
"Why are you all shy all of the sudden," you tease. "Didn't seem too shy when you were staring at me in the mirror."
Caitlin desperately needs to find a way to regain any control of this conversation or she might just combust.
"Just been a minute since I have seen someone work that hard at 5 in the morning - you're putting in some serious work," she says feeling decent with the approach she took.
You shrug, "I don't mind it - knowing you're watching gives me a reason to work harder." You have no idea where this confidence is coming from but you aren't going to question it in front of the pretty girl.
"So are you on a team here?" Caitlin asks, not wanting the conversation to end and tired of blushing like a schoolgirl.
"Ya, I'm on the women's wrestling team - I recently transferred here from Michigan. I box as well," you say trying not to up-play the two sports aspect but she catches on immediately.
"Wait, you are on two teams?" She says in disbelief. "That's impressive."
"Thanks," you say, now the one a little nervous. "Sort of just became a thing when I was younger - you know, the parents saw an opportunity and took it."
Caitlin nods.
"And you, you are on the basketball team," you say wanting to know more about her.
"Ya, I am," she says with a smile. She likes the fact that you know what she plays and completely forgets the fact that she is wearing an Iowa Hawkeyes basketball team shirt. You knew what she played regardless of the shirt. "You should come watch a game sometime."
"If my schedule permits, I'll be there," you say with a smile.
The two of you part ways. Caitlin heads to practice and can't help but bring you up to a few of her teammates.
"I don't know what it is but I can't keep my eyes off of her," Caitlin says to Jada and Kate. "She has me feeling like a middle school boy."
Jada lets out a laugh and Kate just shakes her head.
"Have you talked to her?" Kate asks.
"This morning was the first time we actually talked but we have made eye contact multiple times before," right as Caitlin says the part about the eye contact she wishes she can take it back.
"Well, that's good," Jada says.
"She even knows who I am and that I'm on the basketball team," Cait says with a little sense of pride.
"You do know the whole school knows who you are right?" Kate says.
"Tell us more about her," Jada says as they continue stretching before practice.
"Well the only thing I know about her is she is on the wrestling and boxing team," Caitlin says as she begins to trail off.
"That is all you know?" Kate asks.
"We need more than that," Jada says. "Next time you go to the gym I am going with you. When do you typically go?"
Caitlin is sort of uneasy but doesn't combat Jada.
"5AM," Caitlin says under her breath.
"WHAT??? YOU ARE IN THE GYM AT 5AM," Jada yells and Caitlin hits her arms telling her to shut up.
"Caitlin, you hate getting up early," Kate says in disbelief.
"Ya, well I couldn't sleep one night and decided to put in some work on one of our off days and saw her. Ever since then, I've been going at the same time...ya know, to see her." Caitlin says shyly.
"You are whipped," Jada says. "I can't wait to meet her!"
Caitlin groans and puts her head in her hands. Kate pats her on the back as Jada starts to complain about getting up so early.
A few days later Jada regrets the decision to hit the gym this early with every ounce of her being. Kate also decided to join to be Jada's voice of reason, just in case Jada decides to go rogue.
The trio heads into the gym and Caitlin leads them to where she usually starts.
You are already mid-workout when the group comes in. You don't notice them at first which is definitely to their benefit. You are working on a punching bag in the zone when Caitlin and her friends see you.
"That's her," Caitlin says shyly and both Jada and Kate stand there with their jaws dropped.
"Caitlin, do you know who that is?" Jada asks in disbelief that you are who Caitlin has been talking to in the gym.
Caitlin mutters a ya and tells them your name.
"She has multiple gold medals from the Tokyo Olympics - I remember seeing her podium. She is a freaking beast," Jada says.
It all begins to click in Caitlin's head. Your name had been familiar but couldn't pinpoint from where. Now knowing you are a literal Olympian, Caitlin feels even more nervous around you.
"Introduce us," Kate says wanting to see the interaction between the two of you.
"Absolutely not, you are not meeting her. We are going now," Caitlin says grabbing both of their arms.
Both girls protest but Caitlin is not having this today. She is dragging them out when she hears you call her name.
"Hey, I thought that was you," you say coming over, out of breath. Sweat drips down your forehead and abs as you remove the gloves and tape you have on. "Who are your friends?"
Caitlin stumbles over her words at the sight of you which causes Kate to take over.
"I'm Kate and this is Jada," Kate says reaching out to shake your hand.
"I am such a huge fan - I watched you in the 2020 Olympics and you freaking dominated," Jada says, fangirling. You smile.
"Why thank you, that means a lot," you say and shake her hand.
"I can't believe you are here. What are you doing in Iowa?" Jada asks.
"My coach moved me here for training - Iowa's program from my sports are some of the best in the nation, not highly visible but solid. He wanted to make sure I was getting the training I needed for Paris 2024."
"That is so cool," Kate says.
Caitlin at this point is standing in awe of you. You have won gold and are planning on returning to the Olympics but are at school in the meantime. She also can't seem to keep her eyes on yours with the way your skin is glowing.
"Are you guys hanging out for a bit? I would love to jump into whatever workout you all are doing," you say and smile at Caitlin.
"Yes! Of course! That would be awesome," Jada is the first to respond.
The four of you pair off - Jada and Kate then you and Caitlin. The whole workout Caitlin does her best to stay focused but finds that incredibly hard to do when you are so close to her and whispering encouraging phrases.
When the workouts finished Kate and Jada say their farewells and tell Caitlin they will be waiting in the car.
"Thanks for letting them join," Caitlin says.
"I am the one who asked to join you remember?" You say with a little laugh. Caitlin nods as she remembers and scratches the back of her neck.
"I also wanted to say I'm sorry for not knowing who you are," Cait says with a shy smile.
"Not going to lie, at first I thought you were just trying to treat me like a normal human being which I really appreciate. But finding out you really had no idea is cute," you say. "The attention can be a lot."
Caitlin nods in agreement.
"How do you deal with it?" Caitlin asks - a genuine question as she ponders what the spotlight has been like for her.
"I have a great support system around me to keep me grounded in truth," you begin. "It is so easy to get caught up in the media and take whatever they are saying to heart but at the end of the day, they don't know me and they don't know what I have done to get where I am. Having people around me who know the real me helps keep me in check and is a reminder of who I am."
Caitlin nods and you can tell she is deep in thought.
"Hey," you say grabbing her arm. "I'm here if you ever want to talk more about it. It's a lot to wrap your head around and to adjust to, especially in school."
She smiles at you. The two of you part ways yet again. This time it is a little different - Caitlin begins to see a change between the two of you. A change she is liking.
It wasn't long after meeting Jada and Kate that you made your appearance at one of their games. This was also after you had asked Caitlin out on a date which she excepted without hesitation. You knew if the ball was left in her court - you would be waiting far too long before anything happened.
Going to their game was so much more fun than you would have ever expected. They pulled out the dub. You were planning on heading down to the court to see the girls when you got pulled aside for pictures and autographs. Your mindset was to never say no to those who sought you out.
When you finished - you noticed the team was making its way back through the tunnel. You picked up your pace and followed them back. Thankfully you weren't stopped and were able to grab Jada's attention before she went in the locker room.
"Hey! You made it!" Jada says as she gives you a hug. "Caitlin was telling us how she got you tickets but wasn't sure if you would be back in time."
"I did make it, missed the first quarter but was able to see the rest of it. You all did great," you say.
"Let me go get CC for you," she says as she enters the locker room. You thank her and wait outside.
You are only waiting a minute before the door opens and Caitlin walks through. She immediately lights up at the sight of you. She makes her way to you and wraps you in her arms.
"You were amazing, babe," you say and kiss her.
"I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. Glad you did," she says her hand trailing down your arms to hold yours.
"Of course I made it," you say with a smile. "You don't want to know how fast I had to drive to get here but I made it."
She playfully goes to push your shoulder, which you dodge and begin to bounce and bring your hands up. This became a common occurrence between the two of you as you were teaching Cait how to box. She gives up immediately and begins to fight you like a child.
You laugh and back her up against the wall. You kiss her shoulder and she sighs.
"Go get changed so we can go," you say wanting her all to yourself.
She nods rapidly and you release her from between you and the wall. She begins to head back into the locker room.
"Plus, we gotta be up early to hit the gym," you tease her.
She groans," You said we didn't have to after game days."
"Hey, you shouldn't complain. I still see the way you look at me when I train - don't even do half your workout," you shoot at her with a laugh.
"How you expect me to work out with my incredibly hot girlfriend, not 10 feet away is not on me," Caitlin says with her hands up.
"Mmmmhmmm, sure it's not," you laugh and wait for her to go home.
AN: Hope you enjoyed this! It is a cute one. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Smoker for Kissing Booth please? 💕🌻
The Kissing Booth: Smoker for Sunflowersatori
Word Count: 850+
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Notes: I hope you enjoy some dad-jokes. Ever since I saw the pants and the ice-cream, I couldn't stop slipping some cringe humor into his kisses. I hope you enjoy your kisses from the vice-admiral, sunflowersatori!
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The corner of your lips upturned as you heard a small child cry out in glee at winning a prize. Humming briefly, you shake your head and deeply inhale through your nose to take in more of the surroundings. 
Caramelizing sugars in the heated cylindrical dome rose towards you, as did several meats and vegetables smoking over an open fire. As you continued your analysis, you could almost smell your next guest before you heard him approach the table. The sour scent of cigars caused you to recoil slightly, shaking off the heady scent of tobacco-laden nicotine. 
Several leaves were placed beside you in the glass container, a gruff cough grunting out as you heard a larger body sit themselves down on the wooden stool in front of you. Alongside the cigar scent, the lingering woody scent of pine and oakmoss aftershave caused your brows to furrow inquisitively. 
“M’sorry to do this to you,” the rumbled baritone called in front of you, the stool scuffing the floor as he inched closer to you. “My-... uh-... underlings decided to force me to come to your booth. Not somethin’ I’d ever seek out for myself.” You sink back in your seat, pursing your lips and folding your arms together in disapproval.
“No, no, no. Not that I don’t think you’re-...” he trailed off, attempting to back track his words while growling under his breath, “...I’m just gonna dig myself a hole no matter what I say now, aren’t I?” 
“Seems that way, yes,” you admit with a small scoff. You heard him chuckle in response to your retort, his body beginning to descend closer towards you. He placed his hand over yours, drawing your digits up to his face and permitting you to dance your digits over his cheeks to map his face before your kiss.
“Just so you know who your kissin’,” he whispered, his face near inches away from yours as you rolled your thumbs over his face. His heady aftershave swirled your mind as you flicked over the coarse skin on his cheeks and chin. 
“Thank you,” you whispered in response, gently lacing your fingers over his cheek to card through the cropped hair at the nape of his neck, “Very considerate of a man who was priorly digging himself such a deep hole.” 
“What can I say?” he whispered, his breath tingling your lips due to his close proximity, “I’m a kind and considerate excavator.” You fling a carefree giggle in the air before finally pressing your lips to his.
His lips felt chapped, subtle creases in his upper lip that indicated the puckering grimace of a nicotine addict. He drew his broad hand down to cup your thigh as he dominated your lips with his almost immediately.
Circling his chin and changing angles of his kiss, he hungrily sought out more of your lips and mouthed at you to open yourself up to him. His tongue darted out to dance with your own, the slow grind atop your own tongue holding a lingering taste of sour smoke. 
You continued to press lengthy movements of your lips on his, slowly dragging your hands at the base of his neck and raking your digits down towards his chest. He hummed into the kiss, his nose brushing against yours as he switched angles once more before ending the engagement. 
Pulling away from your lips, he softly rumbles a soft chuckle. Reaching his hand up from your thigh, he slowly thumbs over your bottom lip and caresses your cheek gently. 
“I’ll, uh…” he sheepishly chuckled with a breathy sigh, “I’ll be back to plow you some more later.” You immediately furrow your brows and downturn your prior smile and clench your teeth. 
“Excuse me?” you recoil away from his grip, sitting back against the barstool. He immediately staggered over his words, coughing before reaching into his jacket pocket and rustling his hand around.
“I just meant, from our earlier hole digging-...” he trailed off, prompting you to shake your head and huff out a small laugh. He joined your laughter with a chuckle of his own, flicking back the metal flint to spark the heat of a small flame. He rose to his feet, sliding back the barstool and sighing deeply. 
“Enjoy taking your quarry somewhere else for a couple hours,” you giggle at him, your tight-lipped smile withholding your more unbridled laughter, “I don’t mean to bore you, but I’ll be planted here for a little while longer.” 
“Oh, you’ll be mine soon enough,” he chuckled in response, reaching down and grasping your hand, raising it to his lips and pressing a chaste kiss on your knuckles. He turned away from you, walking back over towards his subordinates and verbally chastising himself. 
“I’m a kind and considerate excavator?” he growled, sucking in a heavy lungful of his twin cigars, “What even is that?” Shaking his head, he spared you one last glance over his shoulder, noticing your kiss-bruised lips and subtle fluster on your cheeks. He can’t wait to see you again, if that’s at all something you would want from him.
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iitskahoko · 10 months
🌹Hungry Eyes - Luffy x Reader
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🌹Charater featured: Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Chopper (for now) 🌹Summary: Its crazy that's your sick buts its ok ur with luffy
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The door creaks open and you whip your head to face it, eyes wide and alert.
Luffy’s head pokes around the door, his big brown eyes meeting yours. “Are you hungry?” he hisses through the darkness.
You blink at him. “It’s past midnight,” you whisper.
Luffy blinks back. “Sanji said you didn’t eat dinner.”
“Didn't want any.” Truth be told, even the thought of eating made you sick. Chopper said it might be an offshoot of the concussion you had when they brought you aboard the ship, but for the few weeks you’ve been on board you haven’t been able to keep much more than a single sandwich down.
“Chopper says you have to eat. Sanji too.”
“You’re not my captain, you know,” you say bitterly.
Luffy just looks at you. “You’re on my ship. And you’re my friend.”
You frown. You were starting to understand Luffy’s nature, the delicate balance between his selfishness and loyalty to the people he cares about.
As soon as you were taken aboard, barely conscious and only half alive, Luffy had taken a liking to you. He had a knack for that, you’d heard, for picking up people based on very limited interactions and whisking them away to be part of his crew.
You weren’t interested in the crew part, and Luffy understood that. But because he had decided to become your friend he couldn’t just drop you off at any island: he needed to take you someplace you’d be safe.
Chopper has barely let you out of the medical room, only allowing a short daily walk if the weather permits. Otherwise, you’re stuck in the small cabin, the other crew members too busy to bother with your company. You aren't a mean person by any means, but your silence around others was usually seen as arrogance. The lonely nights you’ve spent in the room have only been broken up by thoughts of this pirate captain; and his strong, thick, slender fingers in places you wouldn’t mention aloud.
“I was having a snack,” he continues, creeping into the room. The only light filters through the small window, lighting his body with cool moonshine. “I thought you might want some. Only a little, though, because I ate the rest.” He offers you a few cubes of meat on a plate. You sit up and accept it wordlessly, placing it at the end of the bed.
Something in the moonlight catches your eye, and you turn to face him before your lips part slightly in surprise. Oh my god, you think, cheeks starting to burn. He’s shirtless.
The glow of the light catches on his burn scar, crossing across his muscular chest. He folds his thick arms over it, and your gaze drops to his shorts, hanging low on his hips. You shut your eyes.
Luffy squats down in front of you. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks softly. “You look like you’re gonna pass out.”
“I just need some sleep,” you say through gritted teeth, “but I’m fine.”
“Not until you eat.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Eat. That’s an order.”
“You’re not my captain.”
“So? I’m still your friend, and friends feed each other.”
Your mouth twists. It was hard to argue with him because of his natural bluntness. “Don’t you have something else to worry about?”
Luffy shakes his head.
“Like marines? Or Kaido?”
“Not right now.”
He sits down next to you and his forearm brushes against yours. You peek at his fingers, calloused and thick, in his lap.
“I don’t like seeing you hurt,” he mutters.
You blink at him. He's moving a little fast, and you're straining to keep up. But you suppose that's just how he is.
“When you’re hurt. I really…” He takes a deep breath. “I really don’t like it. It makes me feel bad.” He turns to face you, his eyes big and brown and full of something that borders on desperate. “Will you please eat?” He says softly, taking one of your hands in his.
You go rigid, eyes widening. The feel of his skin on yours makes your entire body tingle. His hands grip yours tightly, and you find it hard to meet his eyes.
“I…” you start. You try to unravel your hands from his, but he doesn’t let go, searching for your eyes. You finally let them meet, and it’s then when you realize that he doesn’t see you as a regular crewmate, or even a friend: Luffy wears his heart on his sleeve, and his eyes speak volumes about how he feels about you.
Little things start to click into place. He’s here, late at night, when he loves to sleep. He brought you meat even though he wouldn’t let most of his crew touch it. He peeks his head in when he thinks you’re sleeping. Chopper had mentioned, once, completely offhand, that Luffy asks about you almost daily.
What you don’t know, however, is that the entire crew has picked up on his crush on you and that you weren’t being avoided because you come across as arrogant: you were being avoided so that Luffy could have some space with you. It’s necessary, actually, because although the crew is oftentimes more than willing to get to know a new person on board, Luffy is anything but subtle: the most obvious example being when Zoro found him with his ear pressed against the crack of the door, fisting his cock in his hand, hanging onto every tinny mewl and moan of yours as you whispered his name, your fingers breaching your entrance and rapidly circling your engorged clit.
Zoro knows better than to interrupt Luffy, even when it’s this desperate of a case. He just let the rest of the crew know, in hushed whispers, that you were kind of off-limits, and that the next island would be approaching soon. Nami had sighed because she thought you were cute. Robin had sighed because she thought you seemed smart. Sanji had sighed because you’re a girl, but they all swallowed their annoyances because it’s their captain: and how can they trust him to lead them when you’re the only thing on his mind?
They noticed that this was a real crush and that he was thinking with his heart and not just with his cock. It was usually the latter, and he’d come back to the Sunny only a little before sunrise, after a full night of partying on an unknown island, exhausted. It was clear he always made the most of his time anywhere.
You try again. “I…”
Luffy takes this moment to get a little closer and your breath catches in your throat. His lips are so close to yours you can feel him breathe, and he gets closer and closer and to your horror, you realize that you’re not pulling away. That you don’t want to pull away.
The kiss isn’t what you expect—it’s not clumsy or sloppy. It’s gentle but firm and surprisingly practiced. His lips are so warm against yours, slightly chapped and a little salty. When he parts your lips with his, you let him, and his tongue isn’t hungry or invasive. It’s the best kiss you’ve ever had, and when he cups the back of your neck you gingerly touch his bicep. The muscle moves when he does, and you feel a rush of wetness down below.
It actually doesn’t really surprise you, the more you think about it. Luffy is always stopping at different islands, some more exciting than others, and people naturally flock to him. You assume that this also means women, and his high bounty and cheerful demeanor as well as his broad shoulders and muscular frame were enough to light a fire in some of the young women they came across. Besides, you thought absentmindedly, he has to get his energy from somewhere.
The kiss gets a little hungrier before it stops, and you realize that he’s left you breathless. Your hand fists the sheets involuntarily, already thinking about what you’re going to do the moment you’re alone.
“I like you,” he whispers, rubbing his nose against yours.
Your mouth snaps shut. “Why?”
Luffy shrugs. “I don’t really know. I’m just kind of…” he laces his fingers with yours, and you drop your eyes down to look. “Drawn to you, I guess.” He scratches the back of his head with his free hand, pulling away slightly. “I like girls. I know people sometimes think I don’t, but I do.”
You chuckle a little.
“Maybe it’s because I’m short,” he muses.
“You’re not that short,” you tease. “You’re at least two inches taller than me.”
A glint appears in his eyes as he peers at you. “How do you know?”
You frown. “What do you mean?”
“We’ve never been this close. How do you know I’m taller?”
You fidget uncomfortably, caught between a rock and a hard place. On your brief walks around the ship, you often glance over in Luffy’s direction; and a few times you even got close enough to see the many repairs that had been made to his treasured straw hat.
“I just…you’re a guy, right?” you say, at a complete loss for words. You can’t believe that’s the best you can come up with.
Luffy laughs then, leaning forward for another kiss. It’s more gentle this time, but his hands start to roam over your body. Nothing too explicit, just your lower back as he fingers the hem of your thin t-shirt, but even that has your cunt clenching around nothing.
Wordlessly, you break the kiss to grip the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up and off of your frame in one sure movement.
You hunch over a little, your blushed face slightly embarrassed that even you were taking things quickly in such a direction, but these weeks on the ship have left you needy for any sort of contact. Plus, he had just admitted that he likes you, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't have his wanted poster in your room back home. The thrill of finding out that he had rescued you was tempered by Chopper's strict instructions and the crew's indifference. But every time you saw him on the ship, whether it was fishing or bringing you a cup of soup, made you grip into the pillow and cry out his name as softly as you could.
He leans in to kiss you again, this time gently running his knuckles over the side of your breast. You let out a soft whine, your hand falling from his hair into his lap, directly on top of his hard length that is throbbing painfully in his shorts.
He hisses at the contact, catching your lip in his teeth and biting lightly. His hands leave your body to remove his shorts, his cock hot in your hand as you give it a few tentative strokes.
He dips his fingers into the side of your panties, and you do your best to shimmy out of them.
“You’re wet,” he whispers, his fingers softly rubbing your soaked folds. Luffy presses against you until you’re laying down on the mattress with his body keeping you there. “I like it when you’re really wet,” he mumbles.
He pulls back, sucking on his fingers with eye contact so heavy you feel pinned to the bed. Slowly, he makes his way towards you again, nipping at your jaw.
He presses his face into the crook of your neck. “I’m gonna pick you up, okay?” he breathes into your ear, and you nod. You wrap your legs around his waist, pressing his cock into his contracting abdomen as he places one hand under your bottom and the other around your waist. He stands, and you lift off the bed, his strength making you drip with arousal. Luffy’s steps stammer as he tries to keep kissing you while walking towards the wall, the cold surface making your nipples perk up as he presses you against it.
His lips leave yours and you chase his mouth with a whine, but gasp when you feel his leaking tip prod against your wet entrance.
“I really, really want to,” he gasps against your neck, pressing his face into your warm skin. “I-I’ll try to be gentle, I just really want you…”
Your hands grip his back, trying to pull his body closer to yours. A soft moan escapes your lips when he hits your clit. “I really want you, too,” you murmur.
His cock is long and stiff, and your eyes roll back just from thinking about it inside you.
Slowly, he starts to breach your entrance, hissing as the fat head is swallowed by your desperate cunt. You gasp at the pressure, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Jeez,” he mutters through grit teeth, sweat starting to glisten on his face. “You’re tight.”
You clench around his length as he continues to push inside, his hands gripping your body with bruising force. The concentration on his face is endearing, and your heart melts a little. He wants you to feel good, too, and he’s trying his hardest to keep from fucking you as hard as he can.
His cock bumps something inside you and you let out a lustful moan.
Luffy twitches inside you. “Th-that noise, make that noise again,” he groans, starting to move. He starts out gently, but it isn’t long before he’s bottoming out with each thrust. You moan louder, tears pricking at your eyes as his cock hits deeper. His thrusts become harder and rougher and more impulsive and you can tell he’s getting close. You moan again, the noise escaping from your lips involuntary despite his begging.
“I’m gonna cum,” he says through gritted teeth. “Is-is it okay if I…?”
You grip his shoulders tightly. “Please cum inside me,” you whimper.
It’s music to Luffy’s ears, and he wastes no time in pushing his cock up to the hilt inside you. You tighten around him as his orgasm starts, his hips stuttering and eyes fluttering closed.
The shots of his hot cum painting your tight pussy walls make you groan aloud, your head falling back to rest on the wall. Your thighs are burning from being held up, but nothing could distract you from his labored moans and stuttering breaths.
He rests his head next to yours as he comes down from his high, his heart rate slowing to normal. He places his hands under your thighs, still holding you up, his strength obvious and unwavering.
“Sorry…” he mumbles, still breathing hard.
You shake your head. “It’s okay,” you whisper. You have to admit you’re a little surprised, you had assumed his stamina matched the rest of him.
His cock twitches inside you, and you realize with a start that he didn’t get soft. “Let me try again,” he murmurs against your neck, walking back to the bed.
He drops you down and you giggle for the first time in weeks, earning a warm smile from him. It feels like the sun, even though it’s the middle of the night. He climbs on top of you, slotting his body between your legs, pressing a hot kiss to your lips. One of your hands pulls his head down closer, the other grips the defined muscle on his arms. He hums, then pulls away, looking down at you with hungry eyes. His gaze flits from your eyes to your lips, shifting his weight so he can run his big hand over your breast. You whine, and he gets bolder, pinching your nipple almost to the point of pain.
“Ah-“ you grunt out, body jerking. With you caged in under him he decides to chart your body with his hands, finding the spots you like to be touched the most. He's already used you for his pleasure, embarrassing as it may sound, and now it’s your turn.
He places a wet kiss under your jaw, taking note of the noises you make. He remembers listening to you from behind the door, the squelch of your wet cunt being rubbed by your own fingers, his name falling from your lips in soft pants. He continues to pepper you with kisses, running his hand down your stomach to settle in between your lips. He spreads them gently, earning a small moan from you, and seeks out your sweet little bud of pleasure. He figures that you like how strong he is, judging from how much you dripped when he picked you up. He flexes his chest and abdomen a little bit, and you hungrily run your hands over him. He smirks at you, and you know you’ve been caught. You smile sheepishly.
He presses his hand against yours, stopping you right over his heart. It thumps under your hand, and the gesture is so intimate, so mature, that you fight to urge to burst into tears.
The aching in your core is unbearable now, and Luffy’s inexperience becomes known as he clumsily rubs your clit. You assume that most women are content to be used as his own little cocksleeve, bouncing away to orgasm on his lap as he settles his face between their breasts. Or, more likely, he pins them against a bed and ruts endlessly until he spills.
You’re different, he can tell, and you’re not blinded by his notoriety.
Luffy bites his lip. He knows this isn’t his strong suit, but he’s determined nonetheless. You replace his hands with yours, rubbing practiced circles on your clit as he explores your folds. He dips a finger inside, sighing at your wetness. His fingers feel nice, but nothing compared to his fat cock, and you use your eyes to beg for it.
Your fingers stay at your clit while he presses his cock into your tight heat.
You whimper as he continues to push, stretching you open at an angle that has tears in your eyes. It's so much deeper than when he was fucking you against the wall, and when he finally bottoms out, you let out a delicious moan.
Luffy grits his teeth, his hips repeatedly pressing against yours, forcing the metal headboard to smack against the wall. "Th-that sound..."
He reaches down to feel your hand, and the closeness of it as well as Luffy's eagerness squeezes another hot moan from your mouth.
"I want to feel what you're doing," he pants into your open mouth before sealing it with a kiss. You continue to rub faster, his hand on yours adding a luscious pressure.
Your voice starts to come through in more than moans and whines, little squeaks of praise about how good his cock feels inside you. He desperately wants you to reach that high you're chasing, but your pussy is starting to clench around him and the thought of you cumming around his cock has him holding in his orgasm like his life depends on it.
"I'm close again," he gasps. "Can you cum for me? Please?"
That does it. The tight coil in your belly snaps, and you toss your head from side to side, crying out as you shake under him. "Luffy--" you shout, your voice strangled.
He continues to thrust into you, babbling praise. "I've never done it like this," he gasps, tripping over his words. "I really liked seeing you cum, and I like how wet you are. I like that you're so tight and I like the noises you make and I--" He whines your name as he cums again; his cum dripping out from between your red, swollen lips.
He looks down at you, panting, the lids of his eyes heavy.
"That was..." you start, "unexpected."
Luffy chuckles. "But good?" he asks hopefully.
You look away. "It was perfect," you whisper. "I...kinda want to tell you something."
He rolls off of you and you scoot over, barely making any room on the tiny medical bed. He opens his arms and you climb in between them, grateful for the time to rest. You lay your head on his chest as he strokes your hair tenderly. "What is it?"
You take a deep breath. "I have your wanted poster up in my room at home."
Luffy pauses, the gears turning in his head, then laughs.
You giggle. "I know, I know..."
He rests his arm on your shoulder, the other stroking your forearm. "It's cute," he says finally, "I like that."
You smile against his chest. Maybe joining a pirate crew isn't such a bad idea.
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backwzzds · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ 5 in the mornin’, trafalgar law (nsfw)
law never gets mad when you call. even if its to have phone sex with him at 5 in the morning.
only back to drop for my baby daddy’s birthday <3. might feed y’all some more later today i gotta see how tired i am 🙇🏾‍♀️
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it nearing 5 in the morning when you’d started to grow restless. usually you pulled all nighters on the night where law had to pull doubles at the hospital, most lasting anywhere from 36 to 48 hours. but no matter how many times he told you to stop waiting up two days straight for him—you didn’t listen.
you were sure that sleep was coming soon. law only worked four days a week, ranging at 96 hours of being head surgeon, and most of that time, you spent it awake, up and waiting for him—you were insane. you checked the time and figured that he’d finally be on his three hour break, permitting him to finally get at least a nap in his office quarters designated for senior doctors.
you began to grow irritable as you felt your body heat up randomly. you couldn’t remember the last time you had sex; it’s been a couple weeks due to how busy both you and law were. though the sun would be coming up soon, you’d felt the sudden urge to masturbate and hopefully release some tension like you usually did in order to sleep, but knew your fingers were nothing in comparison to law’s.
contemplation picked at your brain. you bit your lip, waging a mental war with yourself on what you should do. you were sure law would be napping right now—getting the little bit of sleep he usually did before his next and last surgery at eight in the morning, just a few hours from now. he always answered the phone whenever you called, but you felt so bad for disturbing him, even if it was just to get a nut from the sound of his voice alone.
you decided to try and settle it out yourself in hopes that you could have at least one orgasm before sleep naturally came over you. but with your plush legs spread open to the wall full of pictures of you two, you screwed your eyes shut in frustration when you couldn’t get yourself to cum. twenty minutes had passed by and you were growing annoyed for the lack of a nice orgasm.
finally giving into your nasty desires, you picked up your phone and clicked on law’s contact to facetime, resting the phone on the pillow by your ear, hand still between your hands and rubbing at your clit. you’re breathing heavily when he finally answers.
“hm?” you look over at your phone and notice that law is laying down with near closed eyes, the room to his quarters barely lit. “you alright baby?” his voice is groggy and tired. you felt bad for bothering him.
“i’m sorry,” you choked out. “just wanted to hear your voice is all. go back to sleep.” you’re prepared to hang up and just deal with your orgasm yourself but stopped when law hums in decline.
law opens one eye and furrows his brow as to why he was staring at the ceiling. “it’s alright. you okay?”
you breath out, rubbing your clit at the sound of his voice. even that was enough to get you to cum. “yeah, i’m good. just miss you.”
your man lets out a yawn as he finally sits up a bit and eyes the camera. “i miss you too. you sure you’re okay? you sound like something is bothering you.”
“law, please talk to me,” you whisper softly, “say something sexy, please baby. how was your day at work?”
“it’s fine. had a knee and back surgery today. the back one nearly blew me out from how intricate it was. one wrong move and you could nick an artery in the spinal cord and permanently paralyze the patient…” it doesn’t take long for your doctor boyfriend to hang onto your words once he hears your unsteady breathing grow louder. “you in bed right now?” you hum out a response and nod your head, forgetting he couldn’t see you. now law was more awake as the topic of conversation intrigued him. his voice remains low as he thinks about you in all your glory. “you touching yourself?”
“mhm,” you let out. “keep—keep telling me about your day, baby please.”
“you really couldn’t wait, huh?” he chuckled lowly. it was just like you to be impatient. “thought i told you i’ll deal with you when i get home in a few hours, hm? you know my work days are boring.”
“fuck,” you drew out. it wasn’t unusual for you to be the perverted one in the relationship. law was more of the quiet one but you never had a problem with expressing yourself—oncoming orgasms included. “c-couldn’t wait. g-gonna cum soon.”
your chest is heaving up and down as law responds, dominance slowly peaking into his still hoarse vocie. “alright. you gonna do everything i tell you to, baby?”
you slip your middle finger into your cunt, slowly teasing yourself in hopes of tricking your body into thinking it was law touching you, but your body knew better than that. no one could ever replace the surgeon of death’s hands. “yes daddy, just make me cum please,” you whisper, eyes fully closed now.
the sound of a zipper is being heard from the phone, and you could only assume that law was mirroring your actions in the confinements of his own room, pulling his fat cock out the tent of his pants. with a heavy breath, he mutters, “rub that clit for me. nice and slow, okay, baby? just let me take control.”
you nod your head and do as told, handling your little bud with the utmost care as law would have. a few seconds into doing so, you can’t help but ask, “you touching yourself?”
small grunts and moans from law’s end of the phone tells you all you need to know as he breathes heavily. “no other choice but to,” he grits out, referring to your irresistible personality that only got more attractive during your mutual masturbation sessions. only you could wake the surgeon three hours before his next surgery for some phone sex and an orgasm. “go ahead ‘n put a finger in for me just the way i do it.”
“as long as you rub your thumb over your fat tip,” you whisper, pumping your middle finger in and out of you. “can you do that for me baby? nice and slow.”
“mhm,” law hummed, nodding. “fuck,” he whined lowly. and just like you said, he rolled the D of his right thumb finger right over his reddened tip, sticky with pre-cum as he savored your voice over the phone. “take your tits out. squeeze them just the way you like it.” with your free hand, you opened your robe, revealing your already naked body. “add one more finger.”
you let out a gasp as you feel yourself stretch with the addition of another finger, but not in the same way it does with law’s. “wish i can show you,” you wheeze out. “show you how wet my pussy is for you.”
“i know, mama,” law coos as he talks you through it. “but i’m not there right now so you’re gonna have to work this one out on your own in the mean time. rub your clit clockwise. you know how i do it,”
you frown. “‘s not you, daddy,” you whine, “‘s not gonna work.”
“stop talking and focus,” law’s voice is stern as he practically bites down on his tongue to prevent a loud groan from escaping from his lips. “you wanna call me at 5 in the mornin’ knowin’ i got a surgery to prepare for soon? mhm hmm, shove those fingers up that cunt and be a good girl now.”
you immediately do as told and stuff yourself with another finger. you curve your thumb upward to rub at your clit, causing you to jolt with extra stimulation. “oh fuck,” you whined, kicking ur knees up to the ceiling. you begin to feel a large knot tie in your stomach as you sped up your pace. “keep talking, baby. please.”
“yeah? you like that, mama?” law’s voice is taunting and teasing as he himself begins to lose control of his breathing. “you like it when i talk to you mean like that? you little minx.”
“yes,” you dragged out in a whining tone. “need you so bad, papa, i miss you.” you hadn’t seen your man in four days—of course you were gonna be acting like this.
“fuck,” the young doctor’s straining himself to hear your words. with a few more pumps of his shaft to the sounds of your wet pussy and whiny cries, law finally comes undone, shooting thick ropes of his hot white cum all over his delicate fingers and scrubs.
the proof of his affection continues oozing out the slick red slit of his tip as he bites down on his lip, trying his hardest not to let his sounds travel outside his sleeping quarters. “you gonna cum baby?”
“law, ngh—i’m coming!—“ you’re gasping for air once you finally feel the knot in your stomach come undone once more. fingers soaking up your juices like prunes, your eyes flutter shut when you feel your heart finally slow down. you and your man are both are breathing heavily over the phone when law finally sits up from his position.
“i’m on my way home.”
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my-my-my · 2 months
i'm so happy to see you back! could i request a nsfw scenario of riding lieutenant aizen? 😳😳
Awww, yeah! I'm slowly answering requests and what a fun idea! I kind of... ran with this lol, so I apologize if this wasn't what you had in mind!
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This is NSFW so I'm putting it behind the cut.
TW: humiliation. Aizen's not nice in this lol.
Read this on AO3.
The tea shop was busy, with many curious customers seeking out new blends to try and brew. Today was especially busy since it was graduation day for the newest recruits of the Gotei 13. A few graduates entered your shop, deep in conversation that you couldn’t discern, until you heard one student’s comment,
“Isn’t Lieutenant Aizen totally dreamy?”
“Dreamy” was one word to describe him, as you felt your cheeks grow warm. You were amazed by how most people had a particular image of him, humble, kind and patient. Such an unassuming man at first glance, but his voice and presence left everyone with a lasting impression of him. You were no different at first.
But before you could reminisce on those memories, the graduates had decided on their tea selections and were ready to pay. More customers entered, more of them leaving. The waves of people coming in and out made the time pass by quickly for you. The setting sun gave your shop a golden glow, and you realized it was time to do some final checks before you closed up shop for the day.
That is, until a lone Shinigami entered the store.
“I’m sorry for the intrusion” the Shinigami announced, to no one in particular. As you walked closer to them, an uncomfortable feeling grew around you. “I’m here on behalf of Lieutenant Aizen of the Fifth Division. He requests these specific blends from your shop.”
Oh it was already that time of the month? You thought to yourself. The arrangement Lieutenant Aizen and you had agreed upon. His duties often left him with very little time to sample and shop for teas. As such, he asked if you could provide him with his staple favourites, and then one or two blends that were new to the shop that you thought he would enjoy.
“Oh yes! If you give me a moment, I can pack that for you.” You told the Shinigami, but they shook their head.
“I was instructed that you are to bring these items to his private quarters once you close your shop. I have a permit for you to enter the barracks for that.” As they handed you the slip of paper. You nodded your head and tucked the paper within your clothes, watching the soldier leave. Night was quickly approaching, so you shuttered your store, hanging the “closed” sign in front of the wooden door.
You did your final preparations needed for tomorrow’s opening, then prepared Lieutenant Aizen’s requests. Once you had packaged everything into a lacquered box, you made your way to the barracks.
Entering the barracks always left you intimidated. Lieutenant Aizen did not request you to come to his quarters often, but you felt strangely judged by those on watch, as if they knew some of the things you did.
You felt the familiar throb when you remembered your last visit to him. How he had tied you down and blindfolded you. You were so sure he would gag you with how loud you moaned and screamed.
And like clockwork, you were in front of Lieutenant Aizen’s quarters. Before you could knock on the wooden doorframe, Lieutenant Aizen slid the paper door open, pulling you inside. His room was sparse, with very few personal affects sprinkled throughout. He was in a simple robe, as if he was prepared to sleep.
“Here are the blends you requested, Aizen-sama” you said, bowing your head and handing him the lacquered box.
You knew this song and dance by now, so you also shared the price of this month’s request. Once Aizen handed you the correct amount, he instructed you to sit down.
He always instructed you to brew and share a cup of tea with him, and tonight was no different.
But before you could fetch his tea set, he had one more instruction for you,
“And before you pour our cups, strip.”
You nodded your head, humiliation washing over you, as he sat down, fully clothed. His glasses were gone, as he watched you with intense scrutiny. The “dreamy” Aizen those students giggled on about before rang in your head as you wondered what they would think of him now.
Once your clothes were off, you prepared the tea to his liking, gently pouring it and ensuring not a drop of hot tea splashed on to you or him.
You both sat in silence as you drank the tea. You kept your eyes lowered but would occasionally look at him. Lieutenant Aizen was enjoying his tea, that much you knew, with the way his eyes were closed, and a small smile gracing his chiseled face after each sip. Your eyes wandered further down, where his night robes loosely hung on him, revealing some of his muscular chest, but his eyes snapped open.
Aizen’s gaze was intense as ever, as he stared you down, his once calm smile turning into a cruel smirk. He set his cup down and got up. You watched him slide another door to what you assumed was his closet and pulled a thick black rope out.
He’s going to tie me up again you thought, until he instructed you to come to him. Your legs felt heavy as you reached him, sticking your arms together, but instead of securing your wrists, he looped the rope around your throat.
This… is a collar. Another wave of embarrassment hit you. You felt your body tremble as to how you got yourself into this predicament, but you were pulled away from your thoughts as Aizen tugged at your collar harshly, forcing you to your knees.
The lieutenant’s face was devoid of any kindness, humility or patience. He wanted only one thing from you, and in your embarrassment, you wanted to provide it for him. You loosened his robes, as they gently fell to the ground. He tugged at your collar again, as your face neared his crotch. No words needed to be said, as you knew what he wanted. You pulled his soft cock out from the confines of the remaining robes and softly kissed it. You lapped at his growing tip, as you a familiar taste hit your tongue. But your gentle ministrations weren’t to Lieutenant Aizen’s liking.
Before you could continue further, he pulled the collar again, forcing his cock down your throat. You gagged around him trying to steady yourself as he controlled the pace. He was always rough with you, but you loved it. You felt your pussy drip as he rammed your throat at an unrelenting pace.
Then he pushed you off him, a string of your saliva linking to his erect cock. You tried to regain your breath again, but Aizen used your face as a cloth for his cock, and rubbed the hot and heavy shaft all over you. Once he deemed his cock was clean for his liking, he yanked the collar and began to walk around his quarters, forcing you to crawl on your hands and knees. Your pussy grew wetter at how humiliating this was. Your pussy was bare for anyone to see and was glistening just from Aizen’s cruel actions.
He stopped abruptly, keeping you on all fours. His cock was so close, but before you could beg him for it, his fingers were sliding up and down your wet slit.
“You really are my little bitch” Lieutenant Aizen casually remarked. You moaned loudly as you felt two of his fingers enter you, then three. Like his pace with his cock, his fingers were unrelenting, forcing a shriek out of you. Your arms were shaking as you tried to hold your position, but then, his fingers hit the sensitive spot inside you. A low guttural groan escaped you as you squirted on his fingers.
Then it all stopped. Aizen pulled his fingers from you and again, and pulled on the collar again. You crawled again until you were face to face with your puddle. Grabbing your hair, Lieutenant Aizen pulled you down to the floor, “you made a mess of my private quarters, clean it up.” He instructed, watching you lick your juices. You heard him laughing as he watched you attentively lick up every drop.
Once he deemed it cleaned, he pulled you towards his futon, but to your surprise. He laid on it before you did. His cock still erect, with a small drop of precum pooling at the tip. You hesitated, unsure of what he wanted, until he yanked the collar again.
In his deep voice, Lieutenant Aizen calmly said, “you’re going to be a good slut and ride me.”
“Yes, sir.” You whispered softly, your voice slightly hoarse from the screaming before. The Lieutenant held on to the collar tightly as you propped yourself on top of him. You slowly lowered yourself on to his cock, moaning loudly as the fullness of him stretching your pussy grew. Once he was fully inside you, you placed your hands on his abs, trying to raise and lower yourself on him.
Aizen grinned at the sight of you on top of him, bouncing on his cock. He gripped the collar tightly, forcing you ever so slightly forward as you struggled to ride him. Your moans filled his room, with the wet sounds of your pussy echoing around the two of you.
But then Aizen grimaced, you were clearly enjoying yourself, but it wasn’t enough for him. Without warning, he pulled the collar again with such intensity, you fell into his chest and his arms immediately wrapped themselves around your ass.
“Stupid girl” Aizen admonished you, slapping your ass as he began to set the pace, “all you need is cock to please you that you can’t do anything else right.” But his cruel words were lost on you as his thrusts increased in speed. You felt another orgasm approach, but before you could cum, Aizen pulled out of you and forced you back on your knees. Aizen’s groans grew deeper as you watched him pump his cock for a bit, before his hot cum landed all over your face. Aizen gripped his cock and used it to smear his cum all over you.
Once he was satisfied, he tucked himself back, and undid your collar. “Thank you for the tea. I look forward to what you bring next month.” Aizen coldly said, as he began to prepare himself for bed. You nodded dumbly and got dressed, exiting his room and the barracks. The night breeze cooled the cum he left on your face.
Until next month… you thought to yourself, wondering what the dreamy Lieutenant would try next time.
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Do you think that the whole cake island would be the first place sanji and nijis fiancé darling meet?. Or did he know about her/see her during his childhood but was never permitted to speak to her because of his status as the weakest Prince. And potentially causing possible issues with the political alliance if it looked like judge was going to offer a betrothal with the noble girl/princess and his weakest child as that would be considered a insult
Initially, I had planned for that to be their first meeting, but this ask quickly made me considered the other option and it spiraled out of control from there. Here is the result.
I decided to use (y/n) instead the the name established throughout the au since this was supposed to be a reader insert originally. I apologize for any inaccuracies that there may be in this. I haven't gotten to this arc yet, so I'm just working off of random spoilers and wikis.
Confrontations and Complications
Sanji x Princess Reader
2.9k words
warnings: implied afab reader, this is straight up angst no comfort
Heels click loudly against the floor as you run through the quiet hallways. The skirt of your dress and your petticoats were bunched up in your fists to prevent you from tripping. There was no telling how long of a window you would have to do this, and you refused to miss your chance at this.
Niji became distracted at the perfect moment for you to slip away undetected, and Reiju had given her word that she would do her best to redirect him should he notice your absence. While you and Reiju weren’t on the friendliest terms as of late, she appeared to be acting in your best interest for the time being. It was debatable how trustworthy she truly was, but you were willing to take the risk in this one instance.
This was of the utmost importance.
The flurry of clicks from your shoes slow as the door you’ve been searching for comes into view, then eventually comes to a complete halt. You pant as you catch your breath and stare at the door. You make a hasty attempt to fix your clothes and hair, then straighten your tiara that had been bouncing freely on your head as you ran. After all of this time, you didn’t want to look unkempt when he saw you.
Steeling yourself with one last deep breath, you grasp the knob and open the door.
Sitting at a small table and absentmindedly flicking a lighter on and off was just the man you were hoping to see. Reiju had not led you astray with her directions. The man, Vinsmoke Sanji, looked startled at your sudden intrusion and was staring at you questioningly.
Oh. In your haste to confirm that this was, in fact, his room, it had slipped your mind to knock and you had just let yourself in. How unlike you.
“Can… Can I help you, miss?” Sanji removed the smoked down nub of a cigarette from his mouth and snubbed it out in a shockingly full ashtray before reaching for the cigarette pack on the table. His exposed eye kept darting back to you while waiting for an answer.
Ah. So he did not recognize you… This fact pained you, but it wasn’t wholly surprising. It has been a very long time since your last meeting. You swallow thickly and step the rest of the way into his room before closing the door behind you, “Please forgive me for barging into your accommodation. I was so overcome with emotion that I forgot my manners.”
Sanji offered a small, but noticeably forced smile, “No need to apologize. I would never complain over being sought out by such a lovely woman. I don’t believe we’ve met.”
“We have.” You inch closer to him while wringing your hands nervously. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you were certain that it had nothing to do with your previous exertion. “Though I do not blame you for not recognizing me. The last time that I was in your company, we were mere children sneaking into a kitchen to prepare a lunch for your dear mother.”
The fresh cigarette that was dangling from Sanji’s lips falls onto the table as he stares at you with a wide eye. He is momentarily slack jawed before he finds it in himself to whisper out your name.
A genuine smile spreads across your face as you see the recognition in his eyes. “Yes, Sanji. It’s me, (Y/N).”
In an instant, Sanji is up and out of his seat. He stumbles a bit from tripping over the leg of the table, then comes to a halt in front of you. His hands reach forward, then pause, unsure of whether or not he should touch you. You take the decision out of his hands and quickly close the gap. Your arms wrap around his middle in a tight hug, which he returns after only a brief moment of hesitation.
The harsh and overpowering scent of tobacco stings at your nose as you rest your face on his shoulder, but you wouldn’t dare complain over something so trivial. Not when you were experiencing such a foreign rush of joy and relief. 
With much reluctance, you force yourself to pull away first. Sanji held you a beat longer, but acquiesced to your action. His hands traced up and settled on your shoulders. The baby blue eye that wasn’t obscured flitted across your face, seemingly taking in every detail.
“I can’t believe it’s really you… I never thought I would see you again,” Sanji speaks to you in a hushed reverence that encourages your heart to feel ways that you know very well that it should not be given the current circumstances.
Your own hands are settled on his waist, not quite wanting to sever the physical connection. You offer him a half-hearted smile, “I could say the same for you. Prior to the last week, I believed you to be dead.” Your gloved hands clutch at his shirt, no doubt wrinkling it. A rude action, truly, but the only thing restraining you from cradling his face like you so desire. “I cannot quite put into words how relieving it is to see you alive and well.”
Sanji purses his lips and breaks the eye contact between you. He releases your shoulders and steps back, prompting you to relinquish your hold on him as well. It takes everything you have to not match every step he takes with one of your own. He heaves a sigh while reaching for his dropped cigarette, “I’m sorry. If there had been a way for me to let you know that I was okay, I would have done that in a heartbeat.”
“Oh, no!” The words come out so strongly and with so much force that it startles even you. You take a breath, then continue at a much calmer tone, “Please don’t misunderstand. I am not begrudging you for this. There are certainly people to blame, but you are not amongst them.”
A small smile is the reward for your clarification. Sanji flicks his lighter to life to ignite his cigarette. He takes a long drag of it, then exhales it. “Thank you. You’re too kind to me.”
“Hush, I am not. Dare I say, you could benefit from more kindness.” Everyone could, but you did not care about everyone right now.
Sanji chuckles, though it’s distinctly lacking any real humor. “You haven’t changed a bit since we were kids. I don’t know how you’ve done it.”
The silence that fell over you as he puffed away at his cigarette was neither comfortable, nor tense. So many things were left unsaid, and Sanji appeared to be content to leave it that way. You itched to ask him countless questions. How did he escape Germa? Where has he been this whole time? What was it like being part of such a notorious pirate crew? With so many queries running through your mind, it felt impossible to choose just one.
“What are you doing on Whole Cake Island, anyway? I didn’t think your family was close enough with Big Mom to be invited to a wedding.”
In an instant, your heart leaps up into your throat and you balk. This was precisely the topic you had hoped to avoid. Both for your own comfort, as well as his own. Ignorance is bliss, and you wanted him to know peace.
Unfortunately, your silence successfully attracts his attention. He turns to face you fully, and you can feel his eye boring into you despite the fact that you’re staring at the floor. “(Y/N)... Why are you here?” The thinly veiled urgency in his voice indicated that he was already coming to his own conclusions.
“I’m… here with my fiance,” the volume of your voice decrescendos with each word until ‘fiance’ comes out at a barely audible whisper.
It is unclear at first if the silence that followed was brought on by shock, or if Sanji simply hadn’t heard you. You get your answer shortly when he asks a quick and straightforward question.
Answering this was significantly more trying than explaining why you were here. You still couldn’t meet his eye, and you were grateful that he wasn’t forcing you to. There was no way to dance around or sugarcoat who it was. As much as you knew that he wouldn’t like the truth, he deserved to hear it.
From your peripheral vision, you could see his cigarette hit the floor. Before you could be alarmed about the rug catching to fire, it was snuffed out under Sanji’s foot as he rapidly closed the gap that he had once made. His hands find purchase on your shoulders again, though he’s far less gentle this time. If it weren’t for the ironclad grip he had on you, you’re certain that you would have toppled over from the strength he took hold of you with. You’re forced to look up at him and take in his expression. The eye that you can see is wide with a shrunken pupil. The color in his skin has paled noticeably, and his mouth hangs open as his breath comes out in frantic pants.
His hands tighten around your shoulders more as he spits out an accusation laden in desperation, “You’re lying.”
Oh, how you wish you were. How you wish that there wasn’t an engagement ring weighing down your ring finger. But that simply isn’t reality. You hold up your left hand, actively ignoring the way it trembled under the intensity of Sanji’s gaze. His eye zeros in on the gleaming, blue jewel that was the centerpiece of your ring.
The sight of it repelled him. You were released from his touch once more as he backed away until he crashed into the table, effectively tipping it over and sending it crashing to the ground. The ashtray that had been sitting on it flew and rolled across the floor, spreading cigarette butts and ash everywhere, but Sanji paid it no mind.
“No… no, no, no! You can’t be serious! Niji?!” His raised voice startled you. While you had been anticipating a poor reaction, this was far worse than you ever would have guessed. His hands shot up and threaded through his hair. The way that he pulled on it had to be painful, and you held out your hand to try and coax him into letting go, but then he evaded you by beginning to pace. His steps were quick and forceful, the soles of his shoes making more noise than your heels had made when you were running to get here.
As much as you wanted to speak, it was beyond you what there even was to say that would soothe him.
Sanji abruptly spun around to face you again, making you flinch. He all but ran to you and took your hands in his, pulling you towards him so hard that you almost crashed into him. He speaks in a frantic but hushed tone, “You need to leave.”
“I… I beg your pardon?”
“You need to leave now. It isn’t safe for you to stay here.” His head snaps to the side and he lets go of your hand briefly to slam the window shut before grasping it again. “I need you to listen to me. My cr- My former crew is here. They will be more than happy to take you away and keep you safe. I’m not sure how I’ll get you to them yet, but I promise you that I won’t rest until you’re under their protection.”
All that you can do is stare at him. Your heart is thudding in your chest, but an undeniable warmth is spreading through it as well. Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought that this could happen. You squeeze his hands and speak breathlessly, “You wish to run away together?”
Sanji freezes at your words. His mouth opens and closes several times, and then he averts his eyes, “I can’t do that. This is just for you.”
You rip your hands away from his and step away. “What? What are you talking about?”
The way he looks at you as if you’re clueless infuriates you. He speaks slowly as he explains himself, “I’m getting married to Pudding. I’m sure that you know that.”
This explanation leaves you appalled, you all but shriek at him, “You’re actually going through with that?!” The entire reason that you were so desperate to have this meeting in the first place was because you had assumed that he would leave with his crew before the wedding could occur.
Your shouting startles Sanji, giving him a quick moment of pause. He clears his throat before doing his best to speak in a calm and assertive tone. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I? Our marriage will be a good thing.”
Hearing him say this breaks you. All grace and decorum is forgotten in your outburst. “A good thing?! Nothing good can come from marrying someone like Pudding!”
While you generally tried to be kind and gracious to everyone, you were unable to grant Pudding the same courtesy. Not after you became privy to her true feelings towards Sanji when you overheard a conversation between her and a few of her siblings. The way she spoke of Sanji was as maddening as it was sickening. It took all of your self control to not burst into the room and demand that she trade her fiance for your own if she disliked him so much.
Maybe you should have. 
“Pudding is a lovely woman… And the marriage is good for political reasons as well.” Sanji was refusing to meet your enraged gaze, which only fueled the fire within you.
A sarcastic bark of laughter escaped you. “A lovely woman?! She’s a spoiled brat who doesn’t understand how fortunate she is!” That girl had everything that a woman could hope for in a political marriage, and she had the audacity to look down on her betrothed as if he wasn’t worthy of so much as breathing the same air as her. 
When Sanji only stared at you with a shocked expression, it made all of the hideous emotions that you had been suppressing up to this point bubble to the surface and boil over.
“That girl has it all, and she can’t even be grateful for it! She won’t have to put up with her husband lusting over everyone but her! She won’t have to be little more than a mere obligation to her husband! She won’t just be used to bring about a new generation of living weapons!” 
You fall silent as the words settle into the air, thickening the atmosphere until it became difficult to breathe. Hot tears begin to pour down your face in a shameful display. You turn away from Sanji as raw, pained sobs wrack through you.
Sanji stepped towards you and rested a hand on your shoulder, but you ripped away from him as if his touch burned you. The last thing that you wanted was his pity. You hastily dabbed at your eyes with a handkerchief as you hurried to the door, but Sanji put himself between you and the exit.
“Please, (Y/N)... I know you don’t like it, but you need to leave without me. You have no idea how much danger you’ll be in if you stay.” His face and tone are equally pleading. His hands reach towards you once more, but halt just before making contact.
“I am many things, but please don’t think me naive, Sanji… I know precisely what is expected of me in my marriage.” Every word out of your mouth is bitter and laced with contempt.
“Then why are you being so stubborn? I know that you don’t want this.” Sanji is visibly exasperated. 
“The better question is: Why are you being so stubborn? You are not compelled to do this like I am! You have an entire crew that is willing to fight for you, yet you’re refusing their help!” You exhale and shake your head, “You are almost as ungrateful as Pudding, perhaps you two are meant to be after all.”
“This is not as simple and straightforward as you think it is. There is much more going on… It’s better for everyone if I go through with this.”
Your hands ball up into fists at your sides and you snap at him, “Oh, what a martyr you are! How brave! How proud!” Having finally had enough, you fully abandon etiquette and shove Sanji out of your way. You grasp the doorknob, but rather than leaving, you decide that you have one last sentiment to tack on. “Martyrdom is the coward’s choice! If you really care for the people in your life, you will fight to be with them, not sacrifice yourself at the first opportunity!”
With that, you wrench open the door and slam it behind you the second you’re out of the room. You take off down the hall with no clear destination, only desiring to put as much distance between yourself and Sanji as reasonably possible.
Despite what you had said, you realize that you were actually quite naive. It was foolish to have ever believed that this meeting would have gone any better than it did.
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
Mitchell Charm
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,555
Warnings - a couple of comments about people thinking Mav would be an unfit parent, mostly fluff though
Summary - Iceman and Slider discover that Maverick has a daughter which was the last thing they expected from the man who constantly surprised others
A/N - it's been a hot minute but it's new fic time lads! I am so sorry it took me so long to get this out for y'all this cold has really been kicking me while I'm down. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Since arriving in Miramar for his training at Top Gun, Maverick had remained pretty private with his life outside the navy. Goose of course knew everything about Maverick’s private life since the two were practically family but any other student at Top Gun was clueless about Maverick’s young daughter. Maverick hardly knew nor trusted the people he was training with. He and Goose were all he needed when he was up in the air. Sure, he’d look out for his wingman when he was up in the air, but he’d much rather look out for himself and Goose, they knew what they were doing, and they both had loved ones to return to.
However much he wanted to keep you a secret from his fellow Top Gun students, it was bound to be revealed at some point. When families were permitted to fly out and meet with their loved ones, Carole had packed a bag with stuff for her and both you and Bradley before heading to the airport and jumping on the first flight to San Diego. When you got off the plane, you had been holding on to Carole’s hand but the second you saw your dad, you let go and darted into Maverick’s outstretched arms, laughing as he scooped you up and cuddled you close.
“Daddy!” You giggle happily as Maverick presses a kiss to your temple.
“Oh, I missed you, sweetheart.” Maverick says with a grin, holding you securely in his arms before he greets Carole and Bradley. The five of you decide to find somewhere to eat and soon stumble across a small restaurant along the beachfront. Unbeknownst to the group, Iceman and Slider were walking along to the beach to relax on their day off when they stopped in their tracks upon seeing the five of you. They knew Goose was married and had a son, but they had no idea that Maverick had a daughter.
“Mitchell has a kid?” Slider questions, watching as the group disappears into the restaurant.
“That cannot be true. Maybe Goose has two kids and Maverick is just helping out?” Iceman says, just as bewildered at his RIO. He knew there was no way Goose would’ve remained silent about having a second kid. He bragged lovingly about his family whenever he could. Iceman just couldn’t believe a reckless and dangerous man like Maverick could have a daughter. The pilot and RIO duo chose to move on and would question Maverick another day.
Iceman and Slider chose not to question Maverick while at Top Gun, they knew he’d most likely get defensive and shut them down, so they tried to figure out a way to ask him about it. They debated on asking Goose, but they knew his loyalties lay with Maverick and there’s no way he’d tell them about it. Instead, they happened to run into him again on the weekend. The two had decided to take a break from studying their flight manoeuvres and walk along the beach. As they watched a pair of pretty women walk past, they noticed Goose and Maverick further along the beach. They could see Carole sat with Bradley on her lap as Goose eased himself to sit down next to her. They then saw Maverick chasing after a little girl who giggled wildly as she toddled away as quickly as she could. She soon tripped on the sand and Maverick was quick to scoop her up, lifting her to sit on his hip as she looked up at him with all the love and admiration in the world.
“Mitchell!” Slider called, jogging over to the group as Iceman follows suit. Once the pair reach Maverick, Iceman notices how Maverick’s grip tightened on you ever so slightly.
“Slider. Iceman.” Maverick greets his fellow students, his face emotionless as he stares at them.
“We didn’t know you had a kid, Maverick.” Iceman comments, glancing at you as you wave at the two men, hardly intimated by them, which served as a dead giveaway that you were Pete Mitchell’s daughter.
“I wasn’t aware I had to tell you about stuff like that.” Maverick retorts as Goose rises to stand alongside Maverick.
“I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it. We’re just a bit shocked is all.” Iceman defends himself as he holds his hands up in surrender. In response, Maverick puts you down and tells you to go to Carole and Bradley, ruffling your hair with a grin before you cross to the pair and Maverick straightens up and returns his cold glare to Iceman and Slider.
“Are you trying to say that someone like me shouldn’t have a kid?” Maverick says lowly, angry at the mere thought of the accusation they could be throwing his way.
“No, man, it’s not like that. Shit, we knew Goose had a kid, he can’t stop bragging about his family. No offense man. But we figured you’d be the same. I mean from what we saw before we came over, you adore that kid, so we thought you wouldn’t keep something like that a secret.” Slider says quickly, addressing both Maverick and Goose who fold their arms over their chests in tandem.
“Slider’s right. I mean I did think it was odd that you have a kid. You never struck me as the kind of guy to settle down and have a kid already. You also live dangerously when you’re at work, so I know it was a horrible accusation to make but we just didn’t expect you to be a father.” Iceman continues, glancing from Slider to Maverick who nods faintly at his words.
“I understand why you’d think that. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt to hear you thought that. But I appreciate the honesty.” Maverick says to the two before gesturing to Goose, telling him it was okay for him to go and join his wife again. Iceman and Slider exchange an apologetic look with each other before apologising to Maverick quietly. Maverick nods at their words and before he could respond, he feels a small tug on the leg of his jeans, and he looks down to see you looking up at him with wide, curious eyes.
“Hey, squirt.” Maverick grins, scooping down to pick you up when you hold your arms up for him to hold you. Once you’re secure in your dad’s arms you wrap your arms around his neck and cuddle closer to him while looking at the two men standing before you.
“Hey y/n, this is Iceman and Slider. They work with me.” Maverick says gently, pointing out who was who to you as you wave at the two who wave back with soft smiles on their faces.
“Guys this is y/n.” Maverick says, introducing you to them. You then begin to wiggle out of your dad’s hold, wanting to investigate the two men. Maverick places you down on the floor and both Iceman and Slider crouch down to be at your height.
“Hey, y/n. I’m Slider, but you can call me Ron if you’d rather, whatever floats your boat.” Slider grins, watching as you smile back at him.
“I’m Iceman, but you can call me Ice or Tom. Your pick.” Iceman says, smiling softly as you blink owlishly at him. Both men were fully aware that most of what they were saying meant nothing to you, but they figured introductions were needed.
“Hello.” You say with a smile that reminds the two men of the man who stood right behind you. If they hadn’t already had verbal confirmation that you were Maverick’s daughter, your cheeky grin would’ve been what solidified the answer for them. Without warning, you grab Iceman’s hand and lead him and Slider over to where you had begun building a sandcastle and the beginnings of a moat were evident.
“You need a hand digging, Mini Mitchell?” Slider comments as he crouches down alongside the sandcastle as Iceman rolls his eyes at the name Slider gave you.
“Yes please.” You say, grabbing your spade and handing it to Iceman who takes it, immediately complying with your instructions and digging where you wanted the moat to go while Slider used his hands to dig. Maverick and Goose watched on with amused grins on their faces.
“She’s already got them wrapped around her little finger, huh, Mav?” Goose comments as he sits Bradley on his lap, rubbing sun cream on his son’s arms.
“What can I say? It’s the Mitchell charm.” Maverick shrugs as he eases himself to sit down next to his friends.
“Well that ‘Mitchell charm’ of yours isn’t working on them, is it? Seems you needed your daughter’s help to actually stop butting heads with those two.” Carole points out as she digs around in her bag for some water, ignoring Maverick’s spluttered protests.
“Oh man, Mitchell’s kid has us wrapped around her finger.” Slider mutters with a small grin as he continues to dig in the sand, watching as you place sea shells around the castle.
“Rather her than Maverick. Besides, she’s going to need more cool uncles than just Goose.” Iceman replies, sitting back on his heels to rest for a moment.
“Can’t argue with that. Hey, kiddo, how would you like to go and get some ice cream?”
“Ice cream!”
“Hey, stop trying to win over my kid!”
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ladylaviniya · 8 months
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Wails of Wedded Bliss
Chapter 2 || Masterlist || Chapter 4
Chapter Summary: After finding his debts you decide to take matters into your own hands...what a terrible decision...
Pairing: Sherlock Homes x wife!reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Dubious Consent, Historical Typical Sexism, Debts, Domestic Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Blackmail.
Word Count: 9k
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Author Notes:
★For those of you possibly turning around and saying “£290 is nothing for all of what Sherlock has bought”
...I’ll remind you this is set in 1890 and so since then inflation has risen greatly...
★So for the modern reader I must insist to explain that £290 in England is now worth £30,671...
★And for my American readers that would be $38,948
★And for my Australian readers that would be $58,490
★Basically...Sherlock Holmes is a material gorl 💅
Inspiring Song: "Ghiribizzi" by Paganini
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7:35am Tuesday 6th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
You wobbled onto your feet as Mrs Hudson entered the apartment with a scowl... probably because of something Sherlock said to her in passing the stairs.
The old crow’s frown spirited away when she noticed you were awake and outside of your bedroom.
She smiled warmly in fact and bid you a good morning. You returned the expression as she came and collected the breakfast plates.
Your fingers trailed over the countless of papers on the table and the sleek wood of his violin.
Shuffling through each parchment and a sigh drawled from your lips.
“Mrs Hudson,” you hummed as she passed you, “I request you show me the expenses of the household purse.”
It was a common duty of a wife nowadays to keep track of all home expenses.
She paused and her eyes widened, her mouth flapped open and closed quickly again. Her teeth grimaced and her bony finger wagged, “I am afraid my dear, they are in Mr Holmes bedroom, and as I said yesterday, he can be an incredibly private person.”
His bedroom? Oh yes...he kept it locked. But by god you needed to get to the bottom of this theory you were building in your mind. You were married and a married couple shouldn’t withhold secrets.
“I am his wife, I am the second close thing to the holy trinity in his life now,” you snorted softly as you collected all the papers on the table and made a neat single pile, “I will see the documents and understand his predicament.”
“And which predicament may that be?” the housekeeper inquired as she laid down a fresh virgin cup to pour scolding tea from the hot teapot.
“Enola mentioned something about debts,” You clutched the front of your dressing gown to contain some decorum while you sat back down and gestured to the chair beside you for her to sit in as well, “his foul dismissal of my presence suggests not only disdain of our union but in addition a set of a secrecy and disfavour I will not permit in my marriage.”
You needed to know exactly how much debt he was in. You were willing to part some of your dowry to pay for it if you could. His aggression was surely caused by the stress of these debt...if you could lift them off his shoulders, mayhaps he would be kinder, gentle and respectful.
She passed you the cup and saucer while she took to pouring herself a cup. The elder woman smiled giddily.
You were pleased that there was no judgement of your modesty before her. It was a fine change compared to your strictly grandmother who would berate you if you dared leave your bedroom under dressed.
The elder cradled her cup and lowered it carefully, clearing her throat, “Mrs Holmes...”
You blinked...you believed you had asked her to not call you by your new name, out of friendliness.
“Mrs Hudson?” you queerly answered.
“Before your marriage,” her lip curled inward and her fingers lightly tapped her cup, she looked to the tea and quickly glanced up at you, “The detective entertained himself in some...appalling activities. I think it best not to open those locked pasts for your own sake.”
Appalling activities...in a world of proprietary that could mean anything...you did have your thoughts...you were only surprised that the notorious detective would risk tainting his reputation with some illicit practice.
You swallowed dryly before sipping lightly at the tea. You licked your lips and sighed shaking your head, “Speak plainly Mrs Hudson.”
“Oh please,” She prayed mortifyingly, “I daren’t repeat it.”
It wasn’t difficult to see the pink rising in the pale wrinkled face of Mrs Hudson.
You leant over the table and used small tongs to pick up a sugar cube and clenched your jaw. You wouldn’t play in another game of riddles, especially not with a elder woman with a privacy for embarrassing details. The sugar fell into the cup with a soft plop in the awkward silence, a ticking of the clock caught in your ear.
“Tell me or leave Mrs Hudson,” you pinched the papers on the desk , “I have documents to find and unless your words hold any meaning, do not bore me with unheard gossip.”
Her beady blue eyes under her spectacles fluttered, her lips parted at your stern tone. She inhaled deeply and looked around the room before leaning in closer to you.
She said in a hushed whisper, “My dear girl, your husband is a whore mongering, drug addicted gambler.”
Now that was a surprise to hear fall from her wrinkled lips. You pinched your forehead and rubbed thoughtfully. How would you handle this type of man?
You glanced at her with a small grin.
“Was- Mrs Hudson,” You corrected, tapping the table with your knuckle, “I will not allow such boyish whims into my marriage,” you wagged your finger at her and flashed her a devious smile, “He shall need to divorce me if he wishes to continue such behaviours, it might be harder for me to remarry but I trust not a single woman would last longer than me as his wife.”
A small laugh came out of the woman who gave you a dramatic military salute, she grinned and chortled, “Well, I admire your determination, but however will you enter his chambers? He has the only key.”
Your chest deflated, she was right. How would you? You chewed the inside of your cheek and looked over your shoulder to look at the closed bedroom door on the far side of the wall beside your own.
You slowly pushed up to your feet again and trapesed back to your bedroom, “Mrs Hudson, wherever did you put my hat box?”
The elderly woman put down her cup and swayed inside to follow you, she pointed to above the wardrobe. Standing on your toes you palmed the box down and laid it on your unmade bed.
Mrs Hudson was opening up your wardrobe and peeling through your hanging hooks of dresses and coats.
“My dear, surely you’re not intending to go outside in your frail condition?” she muttered as she trailed a fresh chemise over her arm.
Shaking your head you jerked you chin, “No Mrs Hudson, indoors I will remain.” Your hand clenched your lower belly with a hiss as a nasty cramp prevailed, “I don’t recall entirely but I believe a doctor was here last night, said I have begun my menses for this month.”
“I can see dearest,” Mrs Hudson hummed, pinching at your dressing gown...you had bled through it. A wet crimson patch stained the white cotton. You balked and flushed.
“Best get it off now,” Mrs Hudson winked, pulling it back and off your naked shoulders, “I’ll make you some packing.”
You shuddered and gasped at how forward your housekeeper was presenting. Respectfully speaking, you wondered if Mrs Hudson had been a ladies maid in her earlier years before her own marriage.
You tiptoed to the water basin on the vanity and squeezed the clean cloth inside of it. You cleaned the red and burgundy chunks and stream between your thighs. Your washed your hands back in the water and faced Mrs Hudson sheepishly. She smiled and pulled the chemise over your head.
“Let me roll some packing,” she said, pulling a bandage from the top drawer of the vanity and folded it into a flat palm of thickened fabric.
You shoved it up against your intimate flesh and squeezed your thighs together tightly.
Mrs Hudson then found a sanitary apron in the same drawer and helped tie it behind your back.
“Mrs Hudson you are a fine woman of elegance and saintly kindness,” you exhaled, “Thank you.”
“I remember when I was a freshly married girl,” She clucked happily, “My dear friend was a constant visitor and helped me with these things. Mr Hudson grew very jealous of our time together,” she sighed, “Now, do you require a corset my dear?”
You shook your head and plucked your fingers, “I shan’t accept any visitors, and in my sickly state it would be kinder to leave it be if I should make a mess of my inconvenience.”
If your stomach threw up from the stress of your internal curse, you didn’t want to wash through the delicate fabrics of your whale bone undergarments.
You found a loose blouse and black skirt to pull and button onto your body. You pulled up a pair of stockings.
You sat on the bed as Mrs Hudson buttoned your shoes up with a hook. As the kind older woman did this gradually with her small fingers and greying eyes, you pulled the lid of your hat box away.
You pulled out a long metal stick...
A sharp hat pin.
“There we are, all done and ready for the day!” the housekeeper announced, rising to her feet.
You rose up with her and smiled, “Please Mrs Hudson, might I burden you with making another pot of tea?”
She beamed and nodded.
08:45am Tuesday 6th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
You were grunting on your knees before Sherlock’s locked door. Your hat pin jammed into the key hole. The tip of your tongue stuck out the corner of your lips as you shuffled the metal and tried to carefully listen to the locking of the inner gears.
Little did anyone know...this little talent you learnt on your own... Breaking into your grandfathers wine cellar was not a overexerting task when you were fifteen. It wasn’t a desire to rebel, rather a desire to educate yourself...you wanted to be seen as intelligent and knew your wines.
It wasn’t too long before you came to hate the bitter taste...and then found your grandfather’s rum drum.
When he found you, he didn’t not strike you and decided the headache you received in the morning was punishment enough for your sinful deed. And for a whole week he made you drink a cup of the stuff every night, to teach you why alcoholism was not befitting for a lady...
You smirked at the memory. Perhaps it was unorthodox. But it was kinder than a lashing or earful from your grandmother.
It was just one of many secrets between the both of you.
The loud click and sliding of the last inner lock made your eyes sparkle. As you twisted the handle the door peeled open with a awful squeak.
“My lord, what a mess!” you gasped.
The room was in a disarray. A smell of mould and death hit your nose. You gagged and felt your belly churn.
There was cigar burns in the rug, papers, news papers and books thrown about. There were plates that were piled up in the corner on a desk and there was a dirt dried mud trails...
The curtains were stained and the dust was unbelievable. When your finger ran along a small stand beside the door your finger came back looking pitch black with the soot.
You sat back and stood up. Piece by piece you picked up all the papers and went to his filing cabinet drawer, it was empty! Of course it was empty, all the contents had been tossed about, decorating the room messily.
You fingered the massive haul of papers and sighed, you would need to organise them all...
Taking them back out to the dining table you started to arrange piles of parchment stacks. Receipts, paid and unpaid, by date and purchases. Your eyes catered to the numbers, you fetched a notebook to tally the expenses and sighed, cupping your mouth every so often at his choices of spending.
You were so caught up in your own thoughts and game of pounds, shillings and pence, you hadn’t heard the return of Mrs Hudson with a fresh pot and tea set.
“Dear me,” she said clicking her tongue and shaking her head, “It looks like you’ve got your work cut out! Now what’s all this?” She asked picking up a receipt off a pile.
Rolling your shoulders back she smiled proudly at the organisation of affairs. You gestured to the individual sheet stacks.
“Ah sings Den, Cocaine Tooth Drops, Black Shag Tobacco, gambling...prostitutes,” you chewed your lip worriedly as you glance back at the small note book you write on with a blunt pencil, “He has wracked up a wicked sum...”
The housekeeper put the receipt back and sat beside you after pouring you another warm tea, this time she added the sugar cube for you and stirred.
“How much?” She whispered looking over the thick almost book like mountains of papers.
Since the new year began...Sherlock had designed quite the irresponsible money expenses and debts...
£5.65 for the Opium Den experience.
£3.25 for the Cocaine drops
£10.41 for the tobacco.
£120.78 for the overall gambling.
£150.33 for his Mayfair Row whores to Madam Adler.
Total: £290.42....
You felt your lips tighten, your belly squeezed. You paled and frailly held the cup to your lips, softly blowing and softly stating, “Perhaps that number I will keep to myself Mrs Hudson,” you pushed a pile close to her and tapped at the top, “Be not alarmed however, he seems to dedicate his rent responsibly to you.”
She chortled and shook her head, “Oh I don’t mind that, I trust him to,” her eyes narrowed at the
Mayfair receipts, “I just never liked the company he brought home.”
Your eyes widened and it was like air had been stolen and kicked from your lungs, “He brought...” you choked, shutting your eyes, “Those...those women back here?”
She grit her teeth and finished her tea, “Yes, they leave like newborn foals with wobbly legs.”
When Mrs Hudson caught your worrisome eyes she gasped and tapped your hand softly, “Forgive me, I needn’t provide details.”
You pursed your lips disapprovingly before conceiting, “As much as it is wounding to hear, it is unavoidable,” you sighed and poured yourself another tea, “As his wife it is best I know everything about my husband and if he is to keep secrets from me,” you shrugged, “However shall I be a decent partner?”
Mrs Hudson put her cup aside demurely and leant closer to you. Still in her hushed tones, ashamed of the secrets she was sharing...but her eyes were full of excitement, perhaps this gossip was something she needed off her conscious.
“I would hear them in the night, screaming...I thought he was killing them,” more colour was flushing back into her face. A rosy hue dusted her nose and cheeks, “I am thankful every time when I would see them leave with smiles on their faces.”
You sat back in your chair abruptly and looked at her curiously, “Screaming and smiles?” You whispered under your breath, “How peculiar.”
It wasn’t possible. Did he hurt those prostitutes like how he had done to you? How did they walk away with smiles? Was it because he paid them? Not even you could think how to muster a smile after experiencing such awful tortures.
“I thought perhaps, he did what he had done onto you my dear...but when I saw the blood and your lack of pleasantry, well, I can confidently say-”
You slapped your cup on the saucers hard enough for a loud clatter, you said tightly, “Mrs Hudson I’d very much prefer to forget yesterdays events, if you don’t mind...please do not refer back to them.”
The mention caused a spike of pain inside you, reminding you where he stuck his hot selfish poker.
The elder woman grew quiet for a moment. She looked off at the window in the distance and then down at her cup.
She nodded and tried to share a soft smile, “Apologies for any offence.”
A stab of guilt panged in your chest, you hadn’t mean to be so rude to her. Your nerves were in a terrible mood. In a moment you would be happy and then the next you would feel worrisome and hungry. Perhaps you might’ve grown to be afflicted by the disease of Hysteria?
Oh Hysteria, what a terrible condition...you dreaded the thought of need to go for a medical massage. One of your female cousins had been to one and her description made it sound both enlightening and frightful. In fact she said it felt like she had died and gone to heaven and returned.
All of which made you scared beyond belief.
“None received,” you pat her hand and brought her palm to your lips, “You are a kind Christian and for that I say god bless you Mrs Hudson.”
She smiled warmly and stole a soft kiss to your cheek, all was forgiven between your temper.
“Oh my dear, I must additionally confess,” she stunningly proclaimed, “Sherlock doesn’t attend church.”
Your brows rose, “What?” You snorted through a laugh, unable to comprehend her truth, “Don’t be ridiculous, what upstanding gentleman doesn’t attend church?”
You giggled and cheerfully wiped a tear away, your sanity returned when her face had remained stone solid. She did not find it funny and you realised finally it was because in fact not a joke...
You glanced over the papers...back to the number on your notebook...ah of course...no god fearing man could sin so easily...waste away fortune so carelessly and spend it on unnecessary frivolous activities.
“I think that might be the answer to your own question. The Doctor Watson wrote his newspaper articles and depicted him London’s hero. He can be truly a godless man. Frankly I believe he’s a sadist.”
You tilted your head at her and drank some of your tea.
You hummed and held a finger to your lip in thought, “Yet you said those women had smiles on their faces when they left?”
Mrs Hudson shook her head curtly and smirked, “Well I think I’d smile too with the amount he probably pays them.”
Laying your elbow on the table with your chin on your head you looked at the brothel papers, “You are right...they are over priced...Mayfair Row...they’re quality...but nonetheless still he pays them far too much.”
Your husband was an exuberant tipper when it wasn’t his money. Mayfair Row...you hadn’t been inside the Dove club where Sherlock spent most the wealth...but you knew the average price of a whore...it took you back to a time...many, many years ago...back when you believed you had a mother that loved you...back when seeing a naked man behave like an animal writhing on-top of her was your normal life. Where you mimicked the actions with your cloth doll that you carried everywhere. You tried to remember the name of that doll....Susie? Harriet? God only remembers now.
They weren’t pleasant memories...the stench of mud, the screaming of women, the yelling if men, the bite of hunger and the itch of lice in your hair and fleas covering your clothes.
You shuddered. Thank god you still did not live with her anymore. It was the only life you knew in those days but suffering is suffering and you amazed you how long you survived in such conditions.
The elderly woman looked into the pot and sighed at the low level of tea.
“I am surprised you know so much about them,” she casually noted, glancing back at you.
You realised how strange you must’ve sounded...you heart began to race. You grimaced, annoyed at yourself for being so relaxed you lost thought of your own words.
“Call it a terrible interest Mrs Hudson,” you licked your bottom lip and lied, “I was a reader of Josephine Butler’s work on her dismantlement of child sex work.”
She nodded slowly, clearly Mrs Hudson had no idea who Mrs Butler was...you felt a twinge of agitation for the uneducated.
You tapped your fingers nervously on your cup again and off handedly asked “Do you know if there are anymore receipts I might find Mrs Hudson?”
“No idea I’m afraid,” Mrs Hudson said as she noticed your cup was finally empty. She collected the tea set items and placed them on the tray. You turned in your seat and looked back at Sherlocks open door, there was still so much mess. You shook your head.
Before the housekeeper left you touched her arm.
“Please fetch me a broom and cloth and clean water.”
She followed your gaze at his room and warmly cupped your face, “Dear, perhaps you should lay in bed for a while, you shouldn’t be working so perilously in this physical state.”
You smiled and held her hand, rising out of the chair. You walked back to his room and called over your shoulder, “I would rather clean my husband’s hovel. No wonder he’s a beast considering he lives like one.”
You could hear Mrs Hudson cackling behind you as she went back down stairs only to return with your requested items after a while.
A clean room might clear his head, calm his woes.
12:23pm Tuesday 6th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
After hours of sweeping, dusting, mopping, washing and organising Sherlock’s room you tiredly flopped back on his mattress and yawn.
At this rate you considered a small nap was required. Except you knew yourself, you knew if you stopped your progress you’d be discouraged to finish.
There was one last thing to organise after folding and hanging all his clothes. At the foot of Sherlock’s bed was a large chest. It could be easily mistaken for an ottoman. Maybe they’re would be more debt documents or clothing in there.
You crawled down and climbed off his bed to crouch beside the chest. You clicked the latches open and lifted the lid slowly.
Inside were sinister objects...you gasped...too shocked to even close the chest. Rope, shackles, knives, long thin sticks, a riding crop, a whip, a bridle you knew deep down was too small for a horse and meant for a human...smaller boxes with printed words....rectal dilators and hysterical paroxysm vibrating aid. And the illustrations...
There was a book you were reading...you weren’t really thinking, you were just curious of the horrid that might follow within...
Men and women, all nude, illustrations and photos of them performing elaborate sexual deviancy. Your eyes widened and your breath caught in your throat. Between your legs the buzz of arousal enlightened to your belly.
There was a woman who was tied up in ropes in star like patterns being mounted by a man who held a riding crop in his hand. You paled thinking he was beating this poor woman...and as you read the words, it was discovered she enjoyed this...took pleasure in the agony??
It was very confusing for you to read such hypocrisy.
Who would enjoy being hurt like this?
And as you read more and more, the deeper into this strange arousal you sunk into.
There was a illustration on a woman holding her lover’s intimate member in her mouth. And another where the same lover was licking with a long snake like tongue at her clitoris.
Your thighs squeezed tight and you groaned as a cramp rippled through your body down to your knees.
Hearing your name on your housekeepers lips tore you away from the novel. You threw the book back inside the chest and shut it hard. You felt short of breath and grasped the wood of his canopy to stay stable before leaving his chambers.
You told yourself that it was wrong to be looking at such art and imagery of lust. A part of you however desired to peak back inside...curiosity was your master and chastity your mistress. So who would you listen to first?
Your eyes fluttered shut.
You met the elderly woman out in the sitting room where she was dusting at the unlit fireplace mantle... She was moving little trinkets and photos.
Within the centre of the mantle stand was a frame containing your own portrait. You had the image taken at a tintype shop over a year ago. You stood beside Mrs Hudson as you took in the reflection of yourself. You smiled at how brilliant it captured your likeness. You were still confused how it worked, something about sand and light...your grandfather stood aside that day and said he would be sending the image to his son to remind him of you, his daughter...you were embarrassed to say the least but dared not argue with his wisdom.
Well it seems your father didn’t get the photo...or perhaps he send it back. Now Sherlock had it in his ownership.
She smiled at you and ran a hand softly down your back and said, “I just wanted to ask if you liked mutton dear, I hope to cook some this evening for dinner.”
You smiled with relief, you told her, “I am ever grateful for any food you provide my husband and I, thankyou Mrs Holmes.”
The elderly woman eyes widened with joy. She turned on her heel, taking the bucket and cloth with her.
You looked over at the table covered in receipts she had kindly left untouched.
“Mrs Hudson,” You called after her as you stepped hastily over to a side board bureau and began to write up a cheque, “is there any chance you will be attending the bank today?”
Facing you she pat the door handle and exclaimed, “No, however I can stop by if you need me to, I am officially in need to buy some fresh mutton from the butcher.”
You smiled at her cheery attitude. You filled out the numbers and printed the expenses. You tore it away from the book and held it out to her.
“Fantastic...here. Take this.”
The housekeeper stepped closer and raced her eyes over the cheque. Her eyes blew up wide at the price you had written out.
“I don’t quite understand...” she shakily stated.
You sighed and clapped your hands as you went to finally sit down on the lounging chaise. It wasn’t hard to admit you needed the rest with how your head spun. You were dizzy and it was possibly from all the cleaning you had conducted and dust you had inhaled.
“Sherlock needs to be rid of these debts and I need to rid of his temper...my dowry Mrs Hudson I pray brings me peace.”
Yes, you were sure of it. Your very expensive dowry...you were going to pay the debt off and help your husband become less of an animal. Perhaps you might convince him to attend church.
“Mrs Holmes,” your housekeeper stammered, “I would advise you hold onto this...please...you cannot just-”
You cut her off dignifiedly, “Mrs Hudson, this cheque card will enter the bank whether by your hand or mine. And before you have insisted I rest. So please if you care enough for me, you shall hand it in on my behalf.”
Her face was flushed and her eyes shut tight. She shook her head disapprovingly while muttering
“Very well dear girl, I hope you know what you are doing.”
Out Mrs Hudson went, and down you went. Your face pressed into a cushion. With your eyes fluttering shut, you feel back into the darkness and peacefully slept, listening to the wafting sounds of Baker Street flow from Sherlock’s bedroom window.
6:00pm Tuesday 6th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
Sherlock still had not returned home from his morning flee. As Mrs Hudson laid out a plate of roast and potatoes with gravy she assured you that Sherlock had a habit of staying out for hours. Whether for a case or his own pleasures and addiction.
On the table in front of you was the paper bank statement, it accounted that the cheque had been entered and applied to the debts.
Now the Sherlock Holmes was a debt free man...
After you finished your dinner, Mrs Hudson kindly helped remove your shoes and change your bedding. You were redressed in a night gown and over your shoulders a warm dressing gown.
You now only wore a sanitary apron to protect yourself from your blood.
All his paid debt receipts were in a folder, you stared at that manilla folder smugly. Your left it on the table as you went to inspect the book shelves on the far wall near the entrance of the home.
You looked at the many novels on the shelves, now some of them being the ones brought over from your grandparents estate. On quick flicking through pages you found most of them being related to science, language and anatomy. Glancing back at Sherlocks open door, you thought about the book in the chest. That was more than just an anatomy book...
You squeezed your side, you were feeling a spike in temperature and a shortness in breath reimagining those images...those words.
It wasn’t the smut novella Fanny Hill, but it stoked fires inside you much like it. You knew it was something you probably shouldn’t have come across, because you shouldn’t have been inside his room, touching his belongings.
You had to. It smelt like something had died.
You prayed this would sort him out. You could only hope that the years ahead would not be so testing.
You had a list of mental rules. You may be his wife and beneath his status, however you would not just stand back and watch him act a fool and fall victim to further ridicule in society. You would not sink in the same boat again. You were excluded from many balls as a teen when some wicked foul mouth girl had revealed the secrecy of your parentage.
Your step mother was only eleven years older than you, so really...there was no possibility of pretending to be her child. Everyone in high society of they knew you, knew what you were. And because they knew you were treated like a unspeakable burden and unwanted pet at parties.
It wasn’t a mystery to you why you started playing the role of a wallflower at only fifteen.
You refused to allow Sherlock to bring you to such shame in society.
The heavy foot steps outside the close door alerted you to an approach made by someone other than Mrs Hudson.
With the loud snap of the handle and click of the lock, in entered a breathless giant. Sherlock.
He tore off his hat and coat and only after hanging the items on the rack by the door did he acknowledge you with a small nod, “Mrs Holmes,” he bid. Under his arm you noticed was a paper wrapped package.
You heard him march through the house towards the middle room and heard him swear under his breath, follows by a repetitive “no no no.”
You heard him frantically skid around the carpets and floor boards of his own room. He was tearing open and slamming drawers and wardrobe doors.
“What the hell have you done! What have you-?”
Storming out of his room, you gasped at how his face reddened and he continued shouting, but thankfully not at you. He raced to the front door and tore it open screaming down the stairwell,
“Where are you woman!? Mrs Hudson! You shrivelled cow!”
You slapped the book in your hands shut, regarding him disdainfully, “Our housekeeper is not to be rewarded by your insults.”
The turn around he made was slow as realisation came to his heated face. The snarl was replaced by a begrudged sneer as he scoffed, pointing his finger sharply back in the direction of the bedrooms, “...You did this destruction?”
“Destruction?” You whispered. What destruction had you done?
As he approached, you unconsciously took a step back and nervously licked your bottom lip. You felt air being pulled from you as he towered above and stabbed you beneath a invasive gaze.
His darkened eyes looked across the light material of your nightwear. His fingers tugged the book out of hands and pushed it back into the shelving where it belonged.
You decided you needed to stand firmer against him, You craned your head back and stared up at him.
“H-hardly...I have organised. Cleaned.” You took another step back and felt the wood of the display cabinet behind you dig into your waist.
“By subject,” you felt his body press up against you, what the hell was he doing? Trying to intimidate you? You were hardly dressed compared to his full clad attire. It scared you. He looked formidable, like he was going to tear you limb from limb, his nostrils flared. Your insides jumped and that buzzing feeling ran through your lower half. God...why did this of all things arouse you?
Your throat felt shaky, “then- then ah numerical dated followed by alphabetically.”
You glance him over and blinked at the red spot on his chest, was it ink? No, ink isn’t so dark....under Sherlock’s jaw was a scratch, a slight discolouration to his skin and under his hair curl on his forehead as another mark.
He leant down and pressed his mouth to your ear, “Do not ever enter my chambers or touch my belongings without my permission again.” It was a mix between a whisper, an disciplining snarl, and a lusty moan.
It left your knees feeling bloodless. Your own eyes shut closed at the hot breath that breathed into your lobe and hair.
As he pulled back, he stood away and for the first few moments you needed to remember how to control your breathing.
He looked over the dining room table and slid the thick folder closer to himself.
“And what is this?” he asked you.
“Your debts,” You swallowed and wiped your palm across your forehead, a trail of sweat drenched your hand, “Paid for.”
He smirked and shook his head, “Mycroft.”
“No,” you bluntly said, smoothing your hands down your dress to rid of the wrinkles that rose up. Seeing how your nipples had hardened beneath your nightgown you pulled the dressing gown tighter around you and crossed your arms protectively over your chest.
You looked at his body hunched over the table and blinked at the white marks over the edges of his dark navy suit jacket. It looked like flour...except flour had a tendency to clump. His nails were also clean of any baking incredibly. But his finger pads on the wooden table left little faint prints...
“You?” he chuckled condescendingly.
You nodded, “Yes.”
His laughter quickly fell away, his head snapped up fully to look at you, his brows knitted together,
His lips settled into a frown.
He put his hands on his hips, a power play...he was trying to show confidence, dominance...perhaps in response to your arms folded over your chest.
It would’ve been good to just tell him the truth, but to explain it to him would be impossible. You chose to simplify the answer...
“Easement on your consciousness?” You offered dryly. It wasn’t a total like, the less stress, the more relaxing and kindness....right?
His mouth twisted into a snarl, “Why you insufferable little-”
“Where did you go today?,” you pondered, cutting him off from finishing his insult, “A school?”
He jerked back slightly, he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, he took a deep breath and cupped his hands behind his back, “Excuse me?”
Good, he was calmer now.
This time you took to action...you stepped forward and sighed solemnly pinching one of his vest buttons.
“Chalk, on your cuffs. You smell like sweat in a teenage boy rather than a man. You’ve also had a scuffle with someone much shorter than you from the marks on your neck. Your shirt has a speck of what I believe is blood and the button is loosen,” you pinched and ripped it from the shirt and it’s faint loose thread.
“Fret not...” you smirked and pat his chest, “I will mend it should you ask.”
His hands came around and squeezed your forearms, his head moved back a little. He was perplexed...a light upturn in his lips revealed his sudden amusement.
He lifted a hand up and gently touched your face. He was breathing in a controlled state. You felt the intimacy of his closeness without fear of his wrath.
“No...” he drawled, “I was at Scotland yard. A poor deduction...” his thumb ran across your chin, “dear wife.”
You felt your heart pick up as his soft hand touched your face, you tried looking away from his staring eyes. Sherlock’s edged closer to your lips.
“Poor deduction but I am not stupid,” you consoled.
His lips broke into a wider smile revealing his teeth, he chuckled, “...I beg to differ.”
He moved abruptly back and fled to escape to his rooms. You knew his intention perfectly and chased after him, emphasising, “You had almost three hundred pounds in debt Sherlock. I at least know how to wisely spend my money.”
He spun on his heel and snapped at you, pointing harshly at your chest, “oh ho! Playing this game then are we? With your dowry gone, you have nothing left. I’d hardly call paying off my debts which were none of your concern, wise spending.”
You grabbed his finger and announced softer, serious and less aggressive, “Indeed, which is why I implore you to cease all further transactions in regards to your addictions.”
“Do not patronise me wife,” He scoffed and rolled his eyes tried tearing his hand away but your grip on his index finger tightened and the both of your grunted.
You grit your teeth at him, “Do not patronise me husband.”
He sighed and wiggled his finger from out of your hand.
He dusted his hands on his waist coat and huffed. He peered at you with a mischievous gaze.
“My debts...they included my friends...yes? From Mayfair?”
Oh that was cruel indeed. Mentioning those women when you were married to him. You wouldn’t dare let him threaten you over them.
You fought the urge to hit him and stomp your foot. You turned away from him and quickly composed yourself. Hastily you plucked some matches from the small box ontop of the fireplace mantel. You struck a small flame and tossed it into the fire place where you discarded some old newspapers as kindling.
“Yes,” you admitted tightly, “I know about your scandalous behaviours and forbid you from consorting in that demonstration again.”
He pushed passed you and unbuttoned his jacket and vest fully. He draped them over the back of one of the lounges, he pulled up his trousers slightly as he sat down.
He chuckled, “You forbid me?”
You glared at him and shot back up off the floor. You squeezed your eyes tightly as you firmly dictated, “I am the only woman to ever receive you carnally from now on.”
He smirked and spread his legs wide, folding his arms on his chest. He jerked his chin up at you and clicked his tongue, “I don’t believe you know what that means. Believe me little lamb, my fidelity is that last thing you’ll desire...or did you not learn from yesterday?”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“I stand by what I mean Sherlock. You will not commit adultery while married to me,” you snapped. You wanted control, this would not be taken from you if you could help it.
“Or what?” He laughed, he then condescendingly moaned, “You’ll tell my big brother?”
As he went back to his smug chuckling you clenched your fists and stood over him. You weren’t thinking straight. Only a red shade cast in your eyes. You grabbed his collar and tugged him hard, spitting down at him with full anger as you threatened, “...Or I will kill you.”
He stopped laughing but didn’t stop his smug smiling. His hands came up and grabbed yours, prying them from his shirt.
“Barely been forty eight hours of wedded bliss and you desire to murder me. Ha! I now owe John five pounds,” he looked down at your chest which you realised was hanging in a uncompromising position. He could see right down your chest practically to your third rib with your lack of supporting chemise. Sherlock tongued the inside of his cheek and hummed, “My word.”
You gasped with horror and attempted to rip away from his hold, you grunted gruffly, “You are a pig Sherlock Holmes!”
He pulled you forcefully downwards and made your knees buckle. Your chest fell into his and you both hissed at the impact of crushing into each other.
Lewdly his hot wet tongue licked its way from your neck up to your earlobe while his hands pushed your thighs up to straddle over him, his fingers sharply stabbed into your backside under the night gown.
“You have absolutely no clue to what I am little Lamb.”
You tried pushing off him immediately, and felt his arm wrap around your waist and trap you against him.
Your legs so wildly spread and pressed against his trousers made you feel like you were riding on a horse.
Despite the plethora of farm animals you could compare in his and your name, you had both your wrists this caught in his one hand.
“Go on,” he chuckled as you struggled against him, “Tell me how you would do it...,” he taunted,
“How would you kill the great Sherlock Holmes, London’s finest Detective?”
You shrieked as you felt crushed under his baring arm, “I can think of many ways!”
“Well go on,” he smugly waited with raised brows, “Tell me.”
Your eyes rolled and you whined when he dug his nails into your wrists.
“I’ll push you down the stairs!”
He barked with laughter and shook his head, “You cannot be sure the fall would kill me, perhaps I might be paralysed, with many broken bones, but no no, I also don’t think you have the strength to push me around anywhere, look at you right now.”
“Fine!” you yelled, “Ill stab you with a knife!”
“Ah a violent approach, but what of the blood?” He grabbed your hip and moved you to grind your centre down on a lump in his trousers, “Why, even those idiots in Scotland Yard would figure out it was you; blood staining the clothes, carpet and blood beneath your nails, and where would you ever be able to hide the weapon?”
“Sherlock! Let me go or I’ll poison your tea!” you whined terribly.
He bit his lip and shook his head at you, “Oh dear Mrs Holmes, it’s possibly the most common death among an unhappy married couple. Wives are known to favour poison greatly.”
You heaved as you tried to catch your breath. You fell forward a little. Your sweaty forehead touched his.
“Please,” you whined, “let me go. All I want is you to be a civilised man and honour our marriage bed.”
He looked down at your parted lips. He looked back at your chest and shut his eyes.
“You want me to give up my whores Mrs Holmes?”
You gulped and nodded, “Of course.”
When he opened those blue orbs with the brown flecks, he whispered, “I promise to forsake them...if...”
“If?” you stammered and narrowed your eyes.
“Hush!” He reprimanded, “I promise to forsake my whores on Mayfair Row...If I can have my whore of Baker Street.”
Before you and time to reply and question what he even meant, he stood up and tossed you onto the floor. Sherlock crawled over you and pinned your flailing hands above your hand.
“You want to please me, please your husband, Mrs Holmes?” he gasped as his other hand went groping and squeezing around your soft body.
You weakly nodded, your head rested on the floor trying to get back the breath he knocked from you when he pushed you down.
You hissed softly, “Please, you’re hurting me.”
His hands loosened but held you trapped to the floor.
His lips danced over your cheek, “Then you will need to perform like a whore for me.”
A sobbing cry ripped front our chest, unsure of his real intention you quickly jumped to the conclusion of his implications.
You choked and shook your head, “No! I am not going to become a prostitute!”
He cackled at your fearful cry.
“No, this body belongs to me,” he said as he pinched the strings of your night gown and pushed the material away to show off your bare breasts.
His lips wrapped around your right nipples and sucked hard, tickling you with his tongue tip. Tears started to well in your face. You didn’t understand what he was implying to do to you. It tickled and felt so warm.
You were scared. You knew some men of the world were evil. Evil husband’s that pimped out the women they married. You couldn’t imagine being so intimate with another person. You couldn’t imagine succumbing to the agony you received the night before by Sherlock’s hand.
Kicking your feet across the rug and tried pushing your body from under him. He grunted as your nipple left his lips. He pressed the hand hard on your hip and affirmed, “Keep still, little lamb.”
“Sherlock,” you started to beg on a whimper, “Please, stop! You are frightening me, you’re h-hurting me!”
He looked down at you, his hair falling slightly on your head. His smile wavered as he took note of your tears and wobbling lips.
His gaze softened along with his voice, “...be completely honest with me.”
You nodded desperately, “I will, I will!”
“Did you look in the trunk at the foot of my bed?”
The chest full of explicit items and torture devices.
Your eyes squeezed tight and you exhaled, “I did.”
He smirked and let you go completely, standing up and held his hand to assist you too. When you were finally upright, he pinched your exposed nipple. You shrieked.
“I am a man Y/N, I have needs. I expect you to fulfil them earnestly if you desire I abandon my charity to Mayfair.”
You tried pushing his hand back and covering your breasts with the dressing gown. He smirked and shook his head at you, “No, no, let me see them.”
The silence was vile. The crackling of the fire place was the only ambience that showed attendance.
You couldn’t do it. It was wrong to be so exposed beyond the bedroom.
He waited and when you showed no sign of showing him, he sighed and nodded, “Very well, good night Mrs Holmes, I will call upon my friend Irene.”
He walked around you and journeyed to his open bedroom door.
As if all colour drained from your face you feverishly held out a hand and quickly called, “Wait, please! Look!”
You all but chased him into his own bedroom. He snapped his head in your direction. You stood in the centre space between his bed and the door.
He raised a brow and watched almost unimpressed as your trembling fingers shed your dressing gown and pulled the neckline of your night gown open...there he could finally observe your luscious breasts.
“Why Mrs Holmes,” he mused, sitting on his bed and peeling his cravat off his neck, “Your teats are exposed, careful,” he sarcastically warned, “One might mistake you for a slut.” You felt breathless and curled your lips inside.
You couldn’t believe it, you were letting him hurt you in a new way. You were letting him bully you. It wasn’t right and you desperately hated it, but what else was there except to let him defile and destroy your holy vows?
“Is that a sanitary apron on your waist?” he question, pointing at the lump under your gown.
You nodded, “I am still bleeding husband...”
“Do you know what that means?” Sherlock said unbuttoning his shirt.
Your licked your lips, folding your arms behind your back you tried hard to not cover yourself,
“My body is extinguishing my mental illnesses.”
He smirked and rolled his eyes, “Your medical knowledge is dated, but that is not what I implied...I meant that you should come to your knees and perform fellatio.”
Your eyes widened...fellatio was such a naughty word to hear let alone say. It was the type of practise in the book in his chest. Oral sex. Seeing the woman hold her male companions member appeared lewd and distasteful.
You hadn’t thought of ever doing it yourself, it served no purpose in procreation with god.
Flustered and shy, you cupped your hands over your face to think.
Sherlock’s voice was softer this time. He wasn’t mocking you as he explained, “I will not force you to do this Y/N, you do not have to if you do not want to.”
You shook your head and scowled at him from your hands, “But I do! I don’t want you to ever lay with a woman other than me! I am-“ you choked on some on coming tears, “I am your wife Sherlock, please...promise me if I do this you won’t lay with another woman.”
He unbuckled his trousers and sighed, “Then get on your knees,” he pulled out his semi hard rod, “and kiss your husbands cock.”
You looked over your shoulder at his door and then back at him.
Would you do this? Humiliate yourself in promise of keeping his vows loyally to you?
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers.
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.
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scarlethexelove · 9 months
I Did
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Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2261
Warnings: Mentions of torture, scars, mean tony. Nothing much else.
A/n: I want to give credit to Dolls.mcu.editz on tiktok where I saw the edit that gave me this idea. So after asking for a poll of who this should be with I made this. Starts a bit angsty but it is super fluffy at the end. Soft Natasha and Wanda 🥰 Hope you all enjoy.
You sit in the meeting room surrounded by all of the Avengers. On either side of you are Natasha and Wanda, your girlfriends. The conversation that is happening is making you uncomfortable to say the least. They are all talking about what is to be done if one of you is captured and possibly tortured by hydra or another entity. What would be protocols and procedures that need to be followed during and after the event. You’re quiet throughout and don’t add anything. Tony notices this and doesn’t appreciate that you are not contributing to the conversation. 
“Y/n do you have anything to add?” Tony questions a bit of malice in his words. “I would rather not.” You reply, sinking more into your seat. Wanda placing a hand on your thigh in comfort. “You always have something to add so why don’t you actually contribute to the discussion.” He pushes. You scoff and look him dead in the eye. “You would not hold up well under torture.” You calmly spoke back to him. “Oh and you would?” He raises his voice. “I did!” You just about yell back to him. 
Tony pauses a moment. Tears shine in your eyes as memories flash in your mind reminding you how you even got here. You don’t notice the sad looks around you from your fellow avengers. “Y/n I didn’t mean-” Tony is cut off by you. “Save it.” You mumble as you push your seat back and quickly make your way out of the room. Your ears ringing with the memories of your life before. You can’t even hear that people are calling after you. 
Tears start to stream down your face as you quickly keep walking. You feel a burning sensation in your skin as you become overwhelmed. The scars that scatter your body make it feel as if they are open wounds again. The pain and memories still flood in as your body moves on autopilot back to your room. 
Natasha and Wanda quickly rise and try to start following you. “Where do you think you are going? We aren’t done with setting these protocols.” Tony quickly jumps back in as your girlfriends try to go after you. Both of them turn around specks of red swirling in Wanda’s eyes as Natasha clenches her fist. “We are going to see if our girlfriend is ok. I don’t really care what you have to say right now.” Natasha spits back her anger with the man clear to everyone in the room. 
“You can check on her later. We need to get these set.” Tony still protests. Natasha slams her hands on the table, a small crack forming where her hands hit the glass table. “Listen here tin man you insulted our girlfriend. I don’t care what you decide, we are going to comfort her.” The room is tense as there is a staring contest between the two. “Well she started it.” He comes back still trying to defend himself when everyone in the room believes him to be in the wrong. 
Wanda tilts her head and red swirls in her hand. “Tony, you have no clue what she has been through. You may have been captured and held but you were never tortured. Natasha was raised and trained as an assassin against her will. Bucky was taken and experimented on as they constantly brainwashed him. I was experimented on and locked in a cell.” Wanda seethes, pointing towards the living quarters. “But she was experimented on, locked in rooms, tortured for days on end. Cut up just for fun, you have no fucking clue. So if you will excuse me we are leaving and you can fuck off.” Wanda grabs Natasha’s hand and they walk out of the room. Everyone in the room is left in show of the revelation. The only other person who is not shocked is Bucky, your best friend.
The two hear arguing ensue as they walk away towards your shared bedroom. They lightly knock on the door to not scare you but they hear no movement so they slowly open the door. They slowly enter the room but don’t see you but they see the bathroom door open. Light shines out and the sound of water pelting the tile floor is heard. “Detka.” Wanda calls out for you as they make their way into the bathroom but hear no response. 
Wanda and Natasha enter the bathroom, their eyes landing on your form sitting in the shower, your knees pulled tightly to your chest. You're still in your clothes and shoes as the water beats down on you. Natasha quickly moves to you going around you to your right side crocheting down as the water hits her. Wanda moving to your left side. They give each other a look and look back to you. You’re staring off into space, your body slightly rocking. Both women know that sometimes in stressful times your mind plays back what happened to you. Not just your mind but your body has a physical reaction. 
“Detka can I touch you?” Natasha asks. You don’t respond. She slowly reaches out for you and gently touches your arm. You jump lightly to the contact and she pulls back, but then you give a small nod for her to continue. She reaches out again and places her hand on your back gently rubbing comforting circles. “Detka may I?” Wanda asks and you also give her a nod. She smiles and follows Natasha’s lead. 
“What can we do to help sweetheart?” Wanda asks you. You finally look over to her and she can see past the water that trails down your face that you are crying, your eyes red and puffy. You open your mouth trying to speak but nothing comes out. Your eyes telling Wanda what you want her to do. “Are you sure detka?” She questions before proceeding. You lightly nod at her. She smiles. “Okay.”
Her hand goes to your head as red fills her eyes and red whisps come from her fingers. She lets what words you can’t say fill her mind before pulling her hand back, her eyes turning back to their beautiful shade of green. She gives you a soft smile and small nod. She then looks up to Natasha who is watching the interaction. 
“Her scars are burning and her clothes are overwhelming.” Natasha nods at Wanda’s words. They both work together taking off your shirt as you raise your arms. Natasha then moves in front of you. She takes off your shoes and socks, tossing them into the bathroom to deal with later. Wanda has removed your undershirt and bra tossing it with the rest. Working together again they work to remove your pants and underwear. You lift your hips to make it slightly easier on them. 
Wanda gently runs her hand down your arm. “Do you want me to try and help?” She gently asks you. “Please.” You mumble lightly. She kisses your head. “Of course. Which ones hurt?” She asks you. “Big ones.” You tell her. She knows which ones you mean. Her hand going to your left side the scar runs from just under your breast down to your mid thigh. Red comes from her fingers as it seeps down into the scar. The burn slowly fades as you feel her magic calming the nerves. Her hand moves to your right shoulder covered in a large burn scar repeating her action. She then moves to your left thigh a large circular scar doing as she has done with the other two. Your nerves calming as the burning and pain disappear. “Better?” She asks you.
You give her a nod. “Thank you.” You tell her finally, letting your body relax as you lean into Natasha. Her arms wrap around you. “No need to thank me detka.” Wanda leans in kissing your forehead. 
“Do you want to get cleaned up in the shower and get in bed?” Natasha asks you. “Mhmm.” Your reply comes in a hum. So that is what you all do. They help you up before they take off their clothes. Throwing them into the pile already on the floor. Gently washing your body and hair. 
You love the close moments with your girlfriends. Nothing sexual about it, it is just full of love and caring as they take care of you. They quickly clean themselves before helping you out of the shower. Since you have already been sensitive and overwhelmed Wanda uses her magic to dry you three off. The feeling of her warm magic eloping you and calming your nerves even more. 
Natasha picks you up. Your legs wrap around her waist and you bury your head in her neck as she carries you to bed. “My strong and tough super soldier.” Natasha chuckles as you whine into her neck. Which just causes her to chuckle more and you to poke at her side. “Heyyy.” She says. Wanda giggling at your two antics. 
 Wanda walks around to the other side getting into the bed. She moves the covers and opens her arms as Natasha places you into Wanda’s open arms. You instantly wrap around her and lay your head on your chest. Natasha crawls into the bed behind you wrapping her arms around your waist and cuddling into your back. She places small light kisses on your shoulder causing you to smile. Wanda then peppering your face with kisses which then causes you to giggle. 
“There is my sweet girl.” Wanda smiles down at you as you nuzzle into her chest. The room becomes silent as you relax into your girlfriends. The skin to skin contact is doing wonders for you. Letting you feel a closeness that you wouldn’t get with clothes on. 
Natasha kisses your shoulder again. “Marry me?” Natasha breaks the silence in the room. You look up to Wanda before turning to look at Natasha. Not sure if this is just in the heat of the moment or a true proposal. Natasha smiles before letting go of your turn and reaching into the drawer of her bedside table. She pulls out two small velvet boxes. “Wanda Maximoff and Y/n Y/l/n will you two do me the honor of becoming my wifes?” Natasha asks opening the boxes to show off two gorgeous rings. Each of them is set in silver with a beautiful garnet as the center stone and surrounded by smaller black diamonds. You can’t help but cry in happiness as you and Wanda answer in unison. “Yes!”
The three of you are now crying, happy to be taking a step forward in your relationship. “I was planning to do some crazy romantic gesture for you two but this moment just seemed too perfect to pass. I wanted you two to know how much I love you and that I would fight to the ends of the earth to keep you safe.” Natasha says through happy tears as you and Wanda cry harder. She places the rings on your fingers. 
You kiss Natasha hard and filled with love before pulling back and kissing Wanda. Wanda then leans over you and gives Natasha a kiss. Wanda then chuckles and shakes her head a bit. “What?” Natasha asks. Wanda says nothing as she gets up and walks towards the dresser and opens her sock drawer. You whine when her body heat leaves you. “I’ll be right back detka.” Wanda chuckles. 
You can’t see what she grabs as she turns and hides what she has behind her back. She walks back to the bed and climbs back in next to you. “Great minds think alike I guess.” Wanda says, pulling two more velvet boxes from behind her back. She opens them revealing similar rings that have a ruby at its center and diamonds surrounding it.  
Natasha behind you chuckles. “I guess so.” She says. “So Natasha Romanoff and Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?” Wanda asks. You and Natasha laugh before saying yes to her. Wanda places one ring on Natasha’s finger the other she holds out for you not exactly knowing what to do with it since you have one on already. “I can wear both.” You proudly say before putting it above the other one. “Y/n/n that isn’t going to work.” Natasha laughs at your antics. 
“Wait, I have an idea.” Wanda gets back up and goes over to her jewelry box. You hear her digging through before pulling something out. She walks back to you and holds out her hand. You place the ring in her hand. She then reveals a necklace. She puts the ring on the necklace before motioning for you to turn. You turn around and Wanda secures the chain holding the ring around your neck. You smiled, placing your hand on the ring before turning back and kissing her again. 
As the excitement wears down a bit you three settle back into the bed relaxing. “I love you both so much and can’t wait to be your wife and for you two to be mine.” You say snuggled between the woman. “We love you too.” Both women say at the same time and kiss each of your cheeks. 
This day turned from a horrible day of overwhelming panic and pain into one of the best days of your life and you couldn’t be more happy than to be alive in this moment. Holding onto the loving memory forever and excited for what your future will hold.
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mothertoall2 · 1 month
Drama Queen (NatashaxReader)
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Description: Natasha woke up from a nap upset that you were no longer cuddling her and instead in the bathroom. She decides to take revenge by being dramatic for the rest of the day until you make it up to her.
Warnings: None
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Natasha's POV
I wake up from my nap expecting to see myself cuddling my amazing partner. I had a long mission and they told me to get some rest after so I fell asleep cuddling them on the couch. They are the only person I feel safe enough to be vulnerable around so I was more than willing to admit I was exhausted and wanted cuddles. I open my eyes though and Y/n was not there. I sit up confused and look around a little but they aren't in the living room. 
I hear a door open upstairs and Y’n starts to walk down the stairs and come into view. “Well good morning there sleepy head!” I just pout at them and cross my arms, they can’t just walk in here and pretend they didn’t do anything wrong. “What’s the pout for baby?” They walk over to me and try to kiss me but I turn my head. They gasp in shock and offense but I stay strong and keep my head turned. They left me so I have every right to be dramatic, and that’s exactly what I’ll do. 
Y/n’s POV
I stand there for a moment, shocked that she just dodged my kiss. “What was that for?!?!” I ask so confused at her behavior. “You left me!” She glares at me as I just chuckle. “My love I had to use the bathroom, I was gonna come right back!” I try to defend myself but her pout just deepens. “You left me all alone!” She falls back onto the couch and puts a hand over her head to add more flair. “What was I supposed to do, let my bladder burst?” She turns her head and glares at me before she turns over again. “You’re such a drama queen I swear.” I say with a small laugh as I sit next to her and start rubbing her back. 
“You don’t love me!” She mumbles with the puppy dog eyes. “Now you listen here woman I love you more than anything in this world!” Her mouth falls and she backs away from me. Oh boy here we go, I can tell that this is what is going to happen for the rest of the night. “So I’m just woman now?!?!” I start trying to defend myself but she just keeps shouting that she’s just a woman to me. I grab her face in my hands and have her look in my eyes.  “Now you listen here, you are the love of my life and my future wife, you are not just a woman but my woman okay?” She nods but continues to mumble something that I couldn't quite hear before she lays on my lap. 
I turn on her favorite show so we can watch a few episodes of it before it reaches lunch time. The whole time she makes sure to keep a grip on my hoodie making sure that I can’t get up to leave her. Once it hits about 1:45 I pause the show which causes her to look up at me with a pout. I always fall for those gorgeous green eyes but we need to get food. I start to get up and she is about to protest, no doubt by claiming I don’t love her, but I lift her into my arms and carry her into the kitchen. The whole ride she just says ‘weeeee’ until I place her onto the counter. “Alright lovey, what doth thou want for lunch?” She giggles this dirty laugh before kissing me. “Are you on the menu?” I laugh with her and shake my head. “Maybe later tonight but for now you need actual food.”
She pouts before I kiss her and then boop her nose with my finger. She tries to bite my finger before I pull it away which causes her to pout again. She leans down and bites my shoulder. “Ouch hey!” She giggles and kisses it before looking up at me. “How about some sandwiches?” I think for a minute before nodding my head. “Am I permitted to go and get the stuff to make them?” She taps her chin and pretends to think about it for a minute before nodding. I grab the peanut butter and bread from the cabinet and the jelly from the fridge. 
I set the stuff down on the counter next to Natasha and get the plates. I make her peanut butter sandwich and added jelly onto mine. I cut them both into two triangles and set them there while I tidy up the dishes. “Hey, it was my day for dishes.” I smile and kiss her lips. “Yes but you just got back from a mission and deserve to relax.” She roles her eyes before thanking me and taking a bite of her sandwich. 
After we ate we went back to cuddling on the cous as per Natasha’s request. Randomly she just asks me “Remember when you called me a bitch?” I can’t help but laugh because she constantly brings this up. “I did not call you a bitch! I said that you could be a bitch!” She sits up and glares at me. “Nope you said that I was a bitch.” I sigh knowing that this is going to be a long conversation again. “Didn’t you hear anything I said after that?!” “You mean after you called me a bitch? Nope.” I groan and fall back continuing to protest as she continues to say the same thing. “Will a kiss make it better?” I taps her finger on her chin pretending to think. “Make it two and we have a deal.” I lean up and kiss her twice and she smiles and lays on me. “All better?” She nods and kisses my chest before we go back to the movie. I love this woman more than anything but god she is a drama queen. 
(A/n- I know it’s short but here are real conversations between me and my boyfriend, I hope you enjoyed it!)
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
can u write dark g!p nat x fem reader pls pls hehe ty
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PAIRINGS: Natasha Romanoff x maximoff!reader
WARNINGS: smut, dark!Nat, kinda dark!Wanda, manipulation, delusional!Nat, cheating, use of magic, mind games, small smut, pining, small angst, think that’s all :)
“Wanda, please!” Nat begged, feeling more hopeless as the witch tried to ignore her.
“I told you, Nat, I’m not letting you drug my own sibling!” She countered, setting her food down on the counter as she grabbed a fork to stab into the chicken. It was a new recipe she had been wanting to try out for months now and finally got to, if only Nat wasn’t bothering her only sense of peace.
“I’m not drugging them, I’m simply guiding them in the right direction.” Wanda rolled her eyes, chugging down the glass of water in front of her. She didn’t know how she got stuck in this mess, but she wished she never did. Everyone knew Nat was in love with you, except you. You seemed clueless to her obvious signs sent your way, or maybe you chose to ignore it.
She didn’t believe your girlfriend deserved you, she wasn’t right. She knew how you should be treated and loved, and she knew she’d have to be the one to show you.
“C’mon, you know they deserve better, and you know I can show them that.” Wanda sighed, forcing herself to rid the thoughts that she could be right away. Your partner wasn’t the best person in the world, and she definitely wasn’t the best to you. She tried putting it in your head what she knew, but you were oblivious to Sharon’s acts. Maybe you had noticed a few out-of-place acts, but you still loved her, you couldn’t just change that instantly.
“You know deep down they need to be saved or else they’ll never leave her-“
“Who they choose to love is not my business-“
“Who they choose to love is not who they should love, Wanda!” She started. “You can’t deny it, you know I’m right but you refuse to admit it.” There was a long beat of silence, neither of them deciding to fill it. Wanda looked down when she felt a hand on top of hers, caressing the skin soothingly.
“Please, I want to help them. It’ll only get worse if I don’t.” She remained quiet.
“Do you remember the first time you saw a bruise on their skin? You asked what it was from and you told me you could tell they were lying. Or when you found Y/N crying alone in their bed, you asked them what was wrong and they said they found a hickey on Sharon’s neck. Please, Wanda, you need to let me do this or they’ll never be safe. Don’t you want to save your little sibling?” She was manipulating her, she knew that, but she did it oh-so well. Wanda felt tears threatening to pool in her eyes as they layered a gloss.
“They can’t know about this. If they find out, I was never a part of it-“
“Of course, of course. I will never let them find out, and if they do, you didn’t have a single clue.” Wanda nodded slowly, putting her head in her hands while a sniffle left her.
“Well, when it’s done, let me know.”
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The party was loud, creating a tense stimulation in your mind. You clawed at your fingers, playing with the promise ring your girlfriend had gotten you months ago. It didn’t shine like before, now it only held a dullness under the light.
“You want some company?” You heard a low voice come from behind you, turning around only to see your best friend, Nat. She had been with you through thick and thin, you loved her more than anything possible.
“Yeah, that would be nice.” A conversation struck between the two of you, and it felt like everything and everyone else disappeared. It was like sitting on clouds, it was just pure peace.
“I’m gonna get a drink, you want one?”
“Oh, I really shouldn’t.” You chuckled, pulling down the side of your dress that chose to ride up. She eyed you teasingly, leaning in to give a small smirk while your gaze fell to her lips. Suddenly, you remembered Sharon who was just across the room. Instantly, you pulled back, blinking a few times before clearing your throat.
“Uh, you know what, maybe I will take one.” She nodded and left, returning moments later with your drinks. You didn’t notice or question the slight glow surrounding your glass, only chugging down the liquid until your throat burned.
“Fuck, this is strong. What is this?”
“It’s a surprise, sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes before she rested her hand on your thigh, rubbing soft and gentle circles that brought you ease.
“Alright, I think me and Y/N should be heading out right about now.” Came your girlfriend's voice. You could sense the jealousy and fury roaming in her tone, she never was one to like your friends. She assumed they took advantage of your kindness and innocence, but in Nat’s mind, so did she.
“Oh, yeah, sure.” Nat decided to let you go without argument, knowing that her plan had worked. The drink should only take a few hours to start working, and then, you’ll be all hers.
“See you soon, Y/N.” You waved in return with a small smile, clutching onto your girlfriend's forceful hold. Her fingers were interlaced with yours, creating redness the harder she squeezed.
“Sharon, you’re hurting me.” She stopped, turning to look at you with flared nostrils, her mouth slightly agape before a hand came up to your neck.
“You’re mine, you got that? Not Nat’s; mine.”
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The month flew by quickly, most of your time being spent working or entertaining your girlfriend in your shared apartment. But something was different, something felt odd but you couldn’t quite explain it.
You didn’t know why you felt this way, but it felt as though a pit was formed at the bottom of your stomach, and every time Nat would be nearby, butterflies surrounded that cluster. Your brain would turn foggy and your pupils would dilate, these were all signs that you knew all too well. This is what you felt for Sharon; felt. Past context. Of course, you still cared for and loved her, but it wasn’t the same as before. Any time you’d share an intimate moment, you imagined your best friend. It only got worse the more you saw her, and the less you saw the blonde.
She had been on a mission for a week now and, you hated to admit it, but it felt almost relieving to have her gone. You loved her company, but you felt so guilty in her presence. Her absence also gave you time to think, but the only thing that would come to your mind is Nat. It’s gotten so bad that one night you awoke from a lustful dream where Nat was the star.
“Hey, babes.” The voice brought you out of your trance, causing you to jump before you saw who it was.
“Jesus, Nat, you scared me.” She chuckled with a small apology when you slapped her arm lightly, nearly shuddering as you felt the biceps bulging beneath her shirt.
“Did you just finish working out?” You asked curiously, although you already knew the answer.
“Yeah, Steve gave me a new schedule for once. Why, you need a training partner?” She hoped you’d say yes, that way she could be as close to you as possible.
“Uh, I was actually hoping you could help spot me. I want to hit a new PR.” She nodded while taking a sip of her water, her jawline seeming to shine perfectly under the light. You gulped, suddenly finding the floor much more important.
“Of course, you know I love helping my favorite Maximoff.”
“I’ll tell Wanda you said that.”
“Go ahead, I think we all know I’m not her favorite person either.”
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The weights were heavy against you, but you continued to pull through with the help of the redhead. You couldn’t help but notice the proximity between you two, the thought sending you into waves of arousal. Her crotch was pressed against your ass, her arms hovering over your waist as her face was so close to your neck, you imagined her lips painting the skin with purple hickeys.
“C’mon, you can do more!” You whimpered as your legs struggled to lift you, Nat quickly stepping in to pull you up when realizing you couldn’t do it.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me today, I can usually get at least six reps on that.” You sighed, biting your lip as your chest heaved for hope of oxygen.
“You’re distracted. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours that has you so out of it?” She leaned down to become level with you as you crouched, lowering your head in annoyance.
“Nothing, alright? I’m just having an off day.” She huffed, clearly not believing your lie.
“You don’t need to lie to me, Y/N. Seriously, I’m your best friend, you can tell me anything.” Her hand came to your shoulder in what seemed a comforting gesture, but it only caused you to pull away.
“Maybe that’s the problem.” Her eyes widened slightly, her mouth parting as her eyebrows furrowed. You couldn’t bear to look at her face without being tempted to pull her in and kiss her then and there, confessing everything that had been brewing in your mind for what felt like years.
“Maybe you’re my problem, Nat.”
“H-how? What did I do?” You didn’t give a response, causing her to ask again. She was worried her plan went to failure, maybe Wanda went behind her back to protect her sibling. No, she couldn’t have, Nat knew her well enough to know she fell for her manipulation so easily.
“Nothing, that’s the problem! You sit there, looking so fucking perfect all the damn time and I hate it! I hate how much I just want to hold you, and kiss you, and care for you, but I can’t have that. I can’t have you, Nat.” Her heart swelled in delight; it worked. The magic worked and now it was all in her hands, she wasn’t going to mess this up.
She quickly strutted forward, grasping the sides of your face as she pulled you in for a deep kiss, one that you melted into instantly. Sharon was completely ridden from your mind, all you cared about was this. Nat was here, you were her, everything else could come later.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” She pressed her lips to the side of your neck, inhaling the scent you radiated. You felt amazing in her arms, she never wanted to let go.
“Fuck, I need you so bad, Natty.” Your breath was short, your smile sending Nat into a trance. She wasn’t going to let you go, you were safe with her.
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Wanda walked into the gym, noticing two bottles of water that had been knocked over. She furrowed her brows in confusion before a small sound came from the showers. She could sense it was you, but Sharon was still gone. That’s when it hit her, Nat’s bottle was right next to yours. It worked, the drink she created worked.
She felt so guilty, she never wanted to hurt you, but she knew your girlfriend would only cause harm. She didn’t know what to do, she could only hope you’d never find out. And if you did, she didn’t have a single clue about any of this.
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