#behind the flag mermaid day
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cobbbvanth · 7 months
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Fish on wheels
↳ Behind the Flag: Mermaid Day
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usersukuna · 7 months
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RHYS DARBY & TAIKA WAITITI Behind The Flag: Mermaid Day
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
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😭😭😭 Behind The Flag: Mermaid Day
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ofmd-ann · 7 months
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Behind the Flag: Mermaid Day (x)
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kiwistede · 7 months
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Rhys turning into a mermaid Behind the Flag: Mermaid Day by Samba Schutte
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priyajoyyy · 4 months
Rough waters
Literally what is that name?
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Clarisse la rue x mermaid!fem!reader
Very certain the perspectives makes sense, but may not.
It switches between what reader and what Clarisse are thinking and doing but is always in readers perspective, if parts are wrong, don’t be afraid to let me know.
Sorry about the ending I think it’s kinda shit.
Mentions of past trauma, protective siblings, eventually protective!Clarisse, poor writing, drowning, cannon typical violence, Clarisse isn’t toxic to reader for once 🥰🤩, implied nudity (the mermaids become human at one point and don’t really have clothing but it’s normal to them, they don’t expect any humans to actually see them and I’m not describing anything), mentions of anxiety and loneliness
Clarisse knew there were plenty of mythical creatures living in the forest and waters surrounding camp halfblood, but she had never realised the lake also habituated mermaids, and especially not pretty ones…
Clarisse hadn’t properly seen all of the creatures in the forest surrounding camp half blood drying her stay, mainly because a lot wouldn’t be very favourable to half bloods invading their space.
But she believed she at least knew of most of the other inhabitants of the camp, Chiron made sure to make all the campers aware of which to avoid and which would be keeping and eye on them and stopping them from misbehaving, so she assumed he wouldn’t miss any out.
It wasn’t till the middle of summer she learnt that mermaids lived in the camp lake, hiding away from the halfbloods and only surfacing when they knew nobody was about.
It had been hot the day she’s first seen them, she noticed someone swimming near the rocks while they were meant to be training.
Clarisses younger sister had gone to the toilet half an hour ago and hadn’t been seen since and she thought that it must be her in the waters, skiving to have fun instead of her punishment for their recent loss in capture the flag.
She stormed over towards the figure, expecting her sister to appear clearer as she got closer, only to realise it wasn’t her sister at all, and this person didn’t appear to have legs.
She watched from afar at first, listening and looking to see if she could approach any further.
She had seen you, laying by the side of the beach, your tail laid in the water while the top half of you lounged in the sun on the rock side.
Your eyes were shut, sun bathing and relaxing while what looked like your brother, sat on the rock to your side, watching over the lot of you.
Your sisters were through the bushes, chatting and dancing around, their tails now gone and replaced with legs, and carrying them through the small area of forest they dared venture in.
She watched you for a while, standing hidden behind the trees, looking at your face which rested on your hands and shifted every-once in a while, watching your tail flicker and flow around in the water.
She wasn’t sure how long she was there, observing and waiting for you to do something, but she was shaken out of her thoughts when she heard your sister shouting your name. Waking you up and telling you that they were all leaving.
“Come on y/n” your brother told you as you woke up, “we’re going back”
“I’ll stay a little longer” you responded in a mumble groggily, resting your head back down on your arms again and turning away from your siblings.
Your sister dived into the water then, swimming back up to the surface to splash you with water, laughing, “come on, you’ve done enough sunbathing for today”
You splashed your tail in the water in response, hitting her with water and causing her to swim backwards and grumble.
“I don’t want to, I’ll leave later” you responded rolling your eyes and then closing them.
“We’re not leaving you out here alone” your brother stated simply, raising his eyebrows at you as you ignored him.
“I’ll be fine, promise” you stated, before pushing yourself up and around to face him in annoyance, “I swear, I’ll be fine, I’m sitting by the water, if anyone comes by I can just swim off”
Clarisse knew then it would be a bad idea to try talk to you. But she couldn’t help but want to, she hadn’t felt this way about anyone before, especially not by just looking at them.
She thought about it, and she wondered if maybe it was because you were a mermaid, like how the Aphrodite girls could make people fall in love with them with their charmspeak, perhaps you had a natural version of that?
She had heard of sirens before, tempting people to their deaths with their voices, making people fall so deeply in love with them they loose their senses.
Perhaps you were one of those. Well perhaps not a siren, while there were some dangerous creatures when provoked in the forest, Chiron would never allow sirens to lure campers to their deaths.
But a mermaid that made people fall in love with them? She supposed that made sense.
Yes, that had to be it, it was the only reason why she felt so compelled to watch you, to have the need to speak, to you to kiss you.
“Honest, I’ll be fine” you reassured again, one of the girls in the water, rolling their eyes and finally swimming off.
“Scream if you need help” the boy said in full seriousness, causing you to laugh at his behaviour.
“Oh stop being so dramatic” your sister spoke laughing, giving you a quick grin and diving into the lake.
“I will” you responded as you turned back around to go back to resting, ignoring your brothers overprotectiveness and letting him swim off.
You knew he had reason to be worried, all of you had a distaste for humans and halfbloods, but he knew you particularly had a big fear of them.
You had good reason to be, humans could be cruel, halfbloods in particular, some of them were bitter and hateful, their parents habits reflecting on children they hardly raised.
You’d experienced this cruelty first hand, and ever since, your siblings had been more protective over you, especially when you ventured to the shores of the lake you lived in.
Of course, not all halfbloods were like this, but it didn’t make you any less cautious, hiding in the hidden parts of the shore and avoiding them like the plague.
The only time you voluntarily spent time near halfbloods was when you were trying to save them. Being the one out of your siblings that tended to save the younger children from drowning the most.
You found when they couldn’t breathe, they were much nicer to be around.
You had calmed down again on your rock, relaxing under the sun on such a nice day, you stayed still there for quite a while before you heard a noise.
Clarisse hadn’t meant to step on anything, infact she was normally quite agile.
She had deciding to leave, realising it was beyond creepy that she had been staring at you in silence for as long as she had and that her siblings would be waiting for her, but stepped on a twig as she took her first step.
You jumped up quickly, turning to look around you in fear, noticing her in the trees, frozen with a pained expression on her face.
You went to jump away, flinching as she turned to face you beginning to apologise.
“W-wait stop, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that” Clarisse stuttered out, she didn’t know what was wrong with her, she never stuttered.
“I swear I’m not gonna hurt you…I just saw you in the distance and decided to see who was by the lake during training.
Against your better judgement, you stayed for a moment, watching and listening to her with wide eyes.
Clarisse could tell you were scared, despite the warmth you shook, and your hands clenched together onto one rock.
“I didn’t mean to scare you” Clarisse gently told you, “my names Clarisse…what’s your name?”
“I know what your name is” you mumbled, watching the girl like a hawk.
“You do?”
“You make the children do pushups by the lake” you stated quietly like it was obvious as to why she knew of you.
She looked confused at that, how many things must you have seen and she didn’t even know you were there for.
“You were there last week too” you told her, “you screamed”
Clarisse certainly didn’t need help to work out what the girl meant, everyone in camp had heard her scream, and everyone had been receiving the brunt of her anger since her spear had been broken by the new son of Poseidon.
After a long pause, you finally told her your name, Clarisse could tell you had relaxed a little, inching back to where you had originally sat rather than the edge of the rock as far as you could get from her.
You both chatted for a while, Clarisse with lots of questions and explanations, and you with short answers that slowly got a little longer.
You opened up as the time went on, still cautious but somewhat excited to have a friend that wasn’t one of your brothers or sisters.
Eventually you both decide it was time for you to go, both needing to get back to your siblings waiting on you, but Clarisse, not wanting to never see you again after this point, asked to meet again the next day.
Neither of you told anyone about your daily meet ups, you knew your siblings wouldn’t approve, stopping you from going up to the surface for a long time.
Clarisse knew she’d never tell anyone else, word would reach everyone in camp about a family of mermaids living in the lake in a matter of hours.
She also knew you had a large fear of other people. It was clear something had happened to you, and she had a feeling it had something to do with the camper that washed up to shore last summer.
She’d not gotten specifics from you, she always tried not to push you too far but she was so curious. She just put two and two together. The boy was horrid, rude to girls and she even had a couple of her younger sisters complain to her about him in the past, he wasn’t exactly missed by anyone when they found out he had drowned.
Of course she didn’t think you had done anything to him, not intentionally at least. you didn’t seem like you could even touch a half blood without trying to swim as far as you could.
However after observing your siblings around you for only a few minutes, she got the feeling they could certainly have been apart of it.
She knew she couldn’t let any of them know about you, they’d only hurt you and then all the progress you’d both made on her fear of half bloods would be for nothing.
So they continued to meet up on the daily. Sometimes you would wait until your siblings had left to transform your tail into legs, and meet with Clarisse slightly deeper into the woods.
Other times, she’d meet you by the shore, sneaking away after dinner and before bed, even letting you teach her how to swim.
It was a perfect summer, and it certainly helped Clarisse with dealing with the arrival and quick departure of Percy Jackson. And you with your loneliness and anxiety.
Now you just had to tell your siblings…
Ending is kinda shit but I didn’t know how to end it lol, Let me know if you’d like a part 2!! Feel like I have some more ideas but I have a series in the works so may focus on that instead
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog
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transjudas · 7 months
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“Behind The Flag: Mermaid Day” from Samba Schutte (x)
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
The infirmary door creaks slightly as Nico pushes it open, wood swollen in the summer heat. He freezes, listening for the sound of angry curfew harpies, but luckily there don’t seem to be any around (they tend to camp around the Hermes cabin, understandably).
The infirmary is much darker than it usually is, letting the three or four people in it overnight rest. Some softer lights are on at the nurse’s station, making the blonde head under them glow. Nico pads forward, steps a practiced silence on the clay tiles. He can’t see if Will has his hearing aids on under his hair; he probably does, because Nico can’t imagine him on duty without them. Either way, he makes sure to approach the medic from in front, tapping the counter when he’s close enough. Will doesn’t startle, only glances up, flashing a smile — he heard.
“Hey, darlin’,” he greets.
Nico rolls his eyes, firmly holding back the smile that tries to force its way on his face. “Hey.”
Surprisingly, no, although maybe that’s just because Nico couldn’t fall asleep at all. After the third hour of trying — which was, frankly, remarkable, he should get an award for staying in his bed the entire time like the Mature Person He Is — he gave up, figuring he might as well put all his annoyance to good use. And Will, for some reason, is endlessly amused by Nico’s complaining, so it’s his personal mission to make the stubborn boy crack. One day, gods help him, Nico will turn that usually sunny grin into a scowl, just so he can make an irritating Apollo-related comment about it.
(He’s hoping for the same eye twitch he gets when he attempts any ‘Underworld-y stuff’).
“Something like that.”
Will hums, but doesn’t press. After a minute he gestures to the spinny chair behind the nurse’s station. Nico takes the hint, ducking through the half-door and sitting on the old leather.
He likes the infirmary at night. Maybe it’s a strange place for him to find so much peace — ghosts often linger here, many of them pained, and it always smells of rubbing alcohol and eucalyptus — but he likes it anyway. It’s less visually sterile than a hospital, more akin to an apothecary, and the whole place always feels warm. Will’s off-tune humming echoes quietly as he works, mixing with the soft snores of the few patients and the repetitive grinding sound of whatever poultice he’s currently preparing. If Nico wasn’t so randomly wired, the sounds would lull him to sleep. They have before.
“Prepping for tomorrow,” Will explains when he catches Nico looking. Some of the softness on his face fades as he tightens his jaw. “I’m sure we’ll need it.”
Nico uncurls slightly from the armchair, peering curiously forward. He’s not sure what’s more intriguing — whatever healing magic Will is prepping, or the uncharacteristic bitterness in Will’s voice.
“…Need what?”
“Oh, well, thank you, that clears things up nicely.”
Will snorts. His grip on the mortar loosens.
“C’mere, then, I’ll show you.”
When Nico is close enough, he sets down the pestle, revealing very fine, almost bleach-white powder.
“Shells,” he reveals, pointing to several still-whole ones. He smiles slightly. “It’s the kids’ job to gather ingredients, and this is probably their favourite. They’ll play with the naiads for hours to get enough, Gracie’s always tuckered right out after.”
Nico matches his small smile. Gracie, Will’s youngest sibling, is a cute kid, obsessed with mermaids. He imagines collecting seashells from the Greek version of mermaids is practically a dream come true.
“What’re the shells for?”
“They’re pure calcium carbonate, basically. Good for dyspepsia, which won’t help for capture the flag, but also good for caustic burns, which will.”
Nico nods. He has, for some reason, spent enough time around the apothecary to pick up more than a few medical terms – largely because Will talks like he swallowed a pre-med textbook, which isn’t that far off from reality.
“Why use shells, though?” He gestures to the powder Will is still crushing, even though Nico can’t imagine it getting any finer. “Why not just have Chiron order the stuff? It’d probably be easier.”
“Yeah, but it wouldn’t work as well.” Apparently finally satisfied with the crushed shells, Will tips the powder out into a much bigger bowl, then sets it aside. He carefully selects six of the whole shells and begins to crush them – Nico winces, because the first few cracks are much louder than he was expected in such a quiet room. “Whatever Chiron ordered would be crushed by machines, in a factory, probably made from chalk or limestone. It would still function as an antacid, sure, but –” Will pauses for a minute, facing Nico fully. His voice is softer, and he has to lean in to catch it. “Seashells held living beings. For years, they were homes. Maybe for an entire lifetime. And they were gifted, willingly, by spirits of the sea, and then crushed by human hands. At least three exchanges. There’s magic in that, and that makes them more powerful.”
As Will crushes the new shells, Nico steps up beside him, reaching into the larger bowl and digging into the powdered carbonate. The granules are finer than sand, fine as sugar – he buries his hands in them and concentrates, and in seconds he can feel the tiny remnants of spirits in them. Not souls – there is no human death lingering here – but thousands and thousands of fractured pieces of something that was once living. His arms tingle, goosebumps raising all over his flesh.
Will grins. “Yep.”
Nico watches him out of the corner of his eye as he works. He is totally focused on his work, face slacking again as he sinks into the motions of it: twist, twist, scrape, check grain size; over and over, again and again. His arms must ache. It’s something like three in the morning, he’s been on duty since ten. Nico knows him too well to assume he’s been sitting idly for any of that time.
“Why don’t you ever play capture the flag?” he asks, surprising himself. He’s not usually one to break silences. Will tenses slightly beside him, and the rest of the words come tumbling out of his mouth, although he was unaware he’d been holding them in so tightly. “I mean, you’re always on shift. I know you’re in here a lot, but you like training, usually. Especially stuff where you get to run around. I would’ve guessed that –”
“I know that capture the flag is important,” Will interrupts. His hands have gone still. Nico snaps his mouth shut immediately. “Obviously. Everyone needs to keep their skills sharp.” His presses his lips together. A particularly loud snore from one of the patients makes them both look over, and it’s a long time before he speaks again.
“But I don’t like when we play war against each other,” he says. He turns to Nico and smiles humourlessly. “I know it’s dumb. But it just feels…I dunno. I’ve treated the injuries after the fact for years – too many of them aren’t accidents. Besides, I’m more help here, anyway. Chiron’s a field medic, anything more serious will need the infirmary.”
He abruptly turns back to crushing the shells, clearly ending the conversation. He has also begun humming again – aggressively and upbeat. The tension is gone from his shoulders, but his knuckles are white against the grip of the pestle.
He is not telling the full truth, Nico thinks. Will is a bad liar. All Apollo kids are, but Will especially – he squirms.
But Will is his friend. And Nico can take a hint – or maybe a silent begging to drop it.
“What time does your shift end?” Nico asks. “Six?”
Will slumps in relief, shooting him a genuine smile. “Yeah. Austin’s taking over for the morning while I sleep, then I’m back again at 2, just before the game starts.”
“I’ll stay up with you, then.”
“Absolutely not, doctor’s orders, Nico, you need to sleep –”
Nico places his hands over Will’s shaking ones, fleeting. His stomach erupts in a way he’s learned to ignore. The tremor in the medic’s hands finally stills, grip loosening.
“I’ll stay up with you.”
“Yeah,” Will says finally, starting the pestle up again. “I guess that’s fine.”
part two
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saltpepperbeard · 7 months
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Mermaid Day Smiles Taika and Rhys in Behind The Flag: Mermaid Day
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cuddyclothes · 7 months
Behind The Flag: Mermaid Day
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spenglernot · 7 months
Mermaid Day: Feeling Very Normal About Rhys Darby
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Source: Samba Schutte's Behind the Flag OFMD S2 BTS "Mermaid Day" on YouTube.
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usersukuna · 7 months
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TAIKA WAITITI Behind The Flag: Mermaid Day
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ourflagmeansbts · 5 months
Source (Season 2 - November 21st 2023)
sambaschutte: “Behind The Flag: Mermaid Day”. This was a truly special day full of extremely hard work and glitter🧜🏻‍♂️✨Beware of spoilers☠️ Tag or mention when sharing. Also on Youtube. Thanks for supporting our beautiful show!🖤🏴‍☠️
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erasabledinosaur · 1 month
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What's in my Game: cc edition
(you can find all the links https://pleyita.tumblr.com/downloads)
Simlish Wall Flags
CASTable calendar and flowers
Scenery paintings
Antique Silhouettes paintings
Butterfly prints
Assorted Patterns
Pattern Party
Yummy Patterns
Pattern Dump
Tiny Patterns
13pumpkin - Office Nook - Pt. 1 | Decorations
13pumpkin - Divine Dining Set - Pt. 1 | Decorations
Aira - Mushroom Set
Aira - Froggy Set
Aira - Planet Pot
Aira - Dogi and Froggie Pots
Aira - Followers Gift
Awingedllama - Blooming Rooms Plants
Awingedllama - Pair O' Normal Plants
Cowbuild - My Home Set
Cowbuild - Morning Kitchen
Cowbuild - Mermaid Paradise
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs - Hampton's Chair
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs - Cute Succulents
The Sims 4 Vampires - Ancient Bassinet
The Sims 4 Realm of Magic - Antique Spellcaster Bassinet
The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff - Plants
The Sims 4 Tiny Living - No Item Left Behind Shelf
The Sims 4 Tiny Living - It Should Be There Shelf
The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff - AAAHH! Jaws of Death
The Sims 4 My First Pet - Nya Desk Chair
The Sims 4 My First Pet - Pawsome Desk
The Sims 4 High School Years - Random Stuff
The Sims 4 Laundry Day - Clean Sweep
The Sims 4 Parenthood - Rack of the Wood of the Dishes
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs - Ruffy Schnugglekins and Big Puds
The Sims 4 Werewolves - Lunar Vibes Wall Hanging Mirror
Gohliad - Random Stuff
Sims-KKB - Artificial Flowers Set | 1
Sims-KKB - Vintage Lights Set
Soloriya - Darina Set
Ravasheen - SMEGlish Retro Kitchen Appliances
Simbishy - Cute Stationery Set | Part 1
Syboulette - Dreamy Set
Syboulette - Millennial Kitchen
Syboulette - Claudette Set | Pt. 1
Syboulette - Advent 2022
Theplumbobarchitect - "The Chair of Meows" High Chair
Theplumbobarchitect - Home Is Where The Plumbob Is Mats
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meetmyothersouls · 9 months
Roll on this weekend for your many beautiful Jonah fics!
I hope you enjoy the start of my new series! Here’s my first Halloween special of the season!
The Through Hike
Jonah Hauer-King x first person reader
Warnings: Appalachian mountains, creature, blood, suspense
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Chapter 1
In this current moment, I’m not sure what is bothering me more. The fact that this is not going to be an indie film like I was being led to believe or that the casting director handed out the male lead role. I’ve trained my entire life for a role like this. I earned this role in more ways than just my acting ability. I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. I hiked the trails as an infant strapped to my moms back. I led my Girl Scout troop leader out of the Forrest with just a compass and the moon as my guide. I was born for this role.
Jonah Hauer-King was not. Clearly they handed him the role after his newly recent success from the live action Little Mermaid movie. I did my research immediately upon finding out he was to be acting along side of me. He grew up rich, probably never hiked a mountain in his life, let alone camped in the wilderness.
I roll my eyes as I enter the forest clearing for our first day of shooting. I see Jonah, it’s hard not too, he is incredibly tall. Even from far away I can tell he’ll tower over me which will make our kissing scenes even more awkward than I originally thought.
He looks over at me and I look away but not before I catch his eager wave and smile. He begins to walk toward me and I prepare myself. My thought is to pretend like I’ve never heard of him. Put him in his place a little bit. I won’t be pushed over but some A-list actor who things he’s doing is all a favor because he’s acting in an indie film.
“Y/n!” Jonah calls, kicking up leaves with each footstep towards me. I hate that he knows my name without me having to tell him. “Hi!”
I’ve got to look up to make eye contact with him. Jesus he’s massive. A little leaner than he was in The Little Mermaid, but massive nonetheless. “Hi,” I say back.
Jonah smiles again, a prominent dimple changing his face from attractive to downright adorable, but I’ll never make it known. He holds out his hand for a handshake. “I’m a huge fan of your work, I’m looking forward to working with you.”
“Oh are you?” I ask, I take his hand and give him a limp handshake. Suck up.
“Definitely, Eye for an Eye was incredible!”
This throws me off guard. I find it hard to believe any one knows about my films, let alone an actor of his status. Indie films usually appeal to a specific audience, one that I didn’t think he’d be a part of. “Well, thanks,” I say, unable to keep the facade of my hard exterior. “I’ve seen a few of yours as well.”
“Alright everyone! Let’s get to work,” Shaun, the director says. He’s got a few other behind the scenes people next to him. They begin marking areas with flags, so they don’t get lost on their way back out of the woods. Amateurs. “We’ve got a few scene on the docket for today, but nothing that’ll be too involved. Jonah, Y/n, we’ll be doing mostly nature shots for today, if you want to head back to the hotel for the day feel free to.”
Jonah looks over at me but says, “I’m good, I’d like to explore the terrain a bit.”
Shaun looks over at me and I wave him off. He knows where I’d rather be. I start walking, the feel of the ground beneath my new hiking shoes fills me with joy until I hear Jonah’s footsteps behind me. “So you enjoy the outdoors too?”
“Yeah,” I say, “I grew up here.”
“Oh yeah? Tell me about it.”
I eye him, arching an eyebrow. “Well, my parents are from Asheville, but moved out deeper into the mountain before I was born. My mom had me in the cabin her and my dad built and raised me on the mountain. You know how they say ‘the mountains are calling’?” I look over at Jonah, he’s smiling at me, listening intently. “Well, they literally know my name-the mountains I mean-they’re a part of me.” We’re silent for a moment, the only thing to be heard is the crunching of our footsteps on the ground. “What about you?”
Jonah huffs out a laugh, “ah well, I wouldn’t say I’ve got nature in my blood but-”
He stops talking once I hold my hand up to his face. “Did you hear that?”
Jonah looks around furrowing his brow as if the action would help him hear better. “What?” He whispers.
“I heard a scream.”
“Maybe an animal?” Jonah offers.
“Not an animal. I know every animal sound there is out here, that was human.”
Just as the words leave my mouth the scream sound again, only louder, more distraught and blood curdling.
“Okay I hear it now.”
Several more pierce the air and I turn back.
“I’m not sure how to get back!” Jonah calls out running after me.
“Just follow me and be quiet. No more yelling.”
Apparently we walked a lot farther than we thought, I haven’t seen one orange flag yet. We weave through trees and I make mental notes of everything that I can use as a natural marker. If I pass it again I know where going in circles. I whip past branches and duck skillfully under low hanging limbs. Jonah’s a few steps behind it he’s keeping up. Finally, I see an orange flag in the distance. I slow significantly, and hold my hand back so Jonah doesn’t bump into me. It’s eerily quiet. No birds chirping or squirrels dating from tree to tree. We walk gingerly across piled leaves. Jonah is next to me and I hold my fingers to my lips. We make our way to a massive tree, big enough to conceal both of our bodies. I press against it and peek around the bark.
“What do you see?” Jonah whispers.
I slow my breathing in an attempt to be as quiet as possible. There’s camera equipment scattered across the forest floor. There’s a shoe here and a phone lying in the mud right next to my shoe. Then I see a body. My hand goes to my mouth so my gasp isn’t audible. I’m quite sure that’s Keenan the boom operator. His chest is ripped open and organs are spilling out of his open abdomen. Something pulls his body out of view. There’s a wet crunching sound further to my left. I lean over a bit further but wish I hadn’t. Crouched down about fifteen feet away is what I can only describe as a monster. It’s skin is rotted and gray in some places. It’s wearing clothing but it’s extremely weathered and torn. It snarls as it digs into Shaun’s body. Blood squirts against the dirt, creating a bloody mud mixture.
“What?” Jonah barely whispers.
I turn to face him. “We have to go,” I mouth.
“Why? What did you see?”
“What is it?” He mouths back.
As soon as I hear the iPhone ringing in the mud next to me my heart drops. I hear the creature drop Shaun’s entrails. Then I hear it’s footsteps. I peek back around the tree and we lock eyes. I gasp and dart back behind the tree. I’m not able to speak, I grab Jonah’s shirt collar and I’m only able to get one word out before taking off.
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @wandamaximoffbae @twinkledinkleg-blog @justagirlwholovedtoread @nonsensical-nonsence @paramorelvrr @thedonswife13 @miniemonie2001 1 @jonahhauer-kingg @crazyyynyyyy @notagreekgal28
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