#ctf au
mediumgayitalian · 8 months
The infirmary door creaks slightly as Nico pushes it open, wood swollen in the summer heat. He freezes, listening for the sound of angry curfew harpies, but luckily there don’t seem to be any around (they tend to camp around the Hermes cabin, understandably).
The infirmary is much darker than it usually is, letting the three or four people in it overnight rest. Some softer lights are on at the nurse’s station, making the blonde head under them glow. Nico pads forward, steps a practiced silence on the clay tiles. He can’t see if Will has his hearing aids on under his hair; he probably does, because Nico can’t imagine him on duty without them. Either way, he makes sure to approach the medic from in front, tapping the counter when he’s close enough. Will doesn’t startle, only glances up, flashing a smile — he heard.
“Hey, darlin’,” he greets.
Nico rolls his eyes, firmly holding back the smile that tries to force its way on his face. “Hey.”
Surprisingly, no, although maybe that’s just because Nico couldn’t fall asleep at all. After the third hour of trying — which was, frankly, remarkable, he should get an award for staying in his bed the entire time like the Mature Person He Is — he gave up, figuring he might as well put all his annoyance to good use. And Will, for some reason, is endlessly amused by Nico’s complaining, so it’s his personal mission to make the stubborn boy crack. One day, gods help him, Nico will turn that usually sunny grin into a scowl, just so he can make an irritating Apollo-related comment about it.
(He’s hoping for the same eye twitch he gets when he attempts any ‘Underworld-y stuff’).
“Something like that.”
Will hums, but doesn’t press. After a minute he gestures to the spinny chair behind the nurse’s station. Nico takes the hint, ducking through the half-door and sitting on the old leather.
He likes the infirmary at night. Maybe it’s a strange place for him to find so much peace — ghosts often linger here, many of them pained, and it always smells of rubbing alcohol and eucalyptus — but he likes it anyway. It’s less visually sterile than a hospital, more akin to an apothecary, and the whole place always feels warm. Will’s off-tune humming echoes quietly as he works, mixing with the soft snores of the few patients and the repetitive grinding sound of whatever poultice he’s currently preparing. If Nico wasn’t so randomly wired, the sounds would lull him to sleep. They have before.
“Prepping for tomorrow,” Will explains when he catches Nico looking. Some of the softness on his face fades as he tightens his jaw. “I’m sure we’ll need it.”
Nico uncurls slightly from the armchair, peering curiously forward. He’s not sure what’s more intriguing — whatever healing magic Will is prepping, or the uncharacteristic bitterness in Will’s voice.
“…Need what?”
“Oh, well, thank you, that clears things up nicely.”
Will snorts. His grip on the mortar loosens.
“C’mere, then, I’ll show you.”
When Nico is close enough, he sets down the pestle, revealing very fine, almost bleach-white powder.
“Shells,” he reveals, pointing to several still-whole ones. He smiles slightly. “It’s the kids’ job to gather ingredients, and this is probably their favourite. They’ll play with the naiads for hours to get enough, Gracie’s always tuckered right out after.”
Nico matches his small smile. Gracie, Will’s youngest sibling, is a cute kid, obsessed with mermaids. He imagines collecting seashells from the Greek version of mermaids is practically a dream come true.
“What’re the shells for?”
“They’re pure calcium carbonate, basically. Good for dyspepsia, which won’t help for capture the flag, but also good for caustic burns, which will.”
Nico nods. He has, for some reason, spent enough time around the apothecary to pick up more than a few medical terms – largely because Will talks like he swallowed a pre-med textbook, which isn’t that far off from reality.
“Why use shells, though?” He gestures to the powder Will is still crushing, even though Nico can’t imagine it getting any finer. “Why not just have Chiron order the stuff? It’d probably be easier.”
“Yeah, but it wouldn’t work as well.” Apparently finally satisfied with the crushed shells, Will tips the powder out into a much bigger bowl, then sets it aside. He carefully selects six of the whole shells and begins to crush them – Nico winces, because the first few cracks are much louder than he was expected in such a quiet room. “Whatever Chiron ordered would be crushed by machines, in a factory, probably made from chalk or limestone. It would still function as an antacid, sure, but –” Will pauses for a minute, facing Nico fully. His voice is softer, and he has to lean in to catch it. “Seashells held living beings. For years, they were homes. Maybe for an entire lifetime. And they were gifted, willingly, by spirits of the sea, and then crushed by human hands. At least three exchanges. There’s magic in that, and that makes them more powerful.”
As Will crushes the new shells, Nico steps up beside him, reaching into the larger bowl and digging into the powdered carbonate. The granules are finer than sand, fine as sugar – he buries his hands in them and concentrates, and in seconds he can feel the tiny remnants of spirits in them. Not souls – there is no human death lingering here – but thousands and thousands of fractured pieces of something that was once living. His arms tingle, goosebumps raising all over his flesh.
Will grins. “Yep.”
Nico watches him out of the corner of his eye as he works. He is totally focused on his work, face slacking again as he sinks into the motions of it: twist, twist, scrape, check grain size; over and over, again and again. His arms must ache. It’s something like three in the morning, he’s been on duty since ten. Nico knows him too well to assume he’s been sitting idly for any of that time.
“Why don’t you ever play capture the flag?” he asks, surprising himself. He’s not usually one to break silences. Will tenses slightly beside him, and the rest of the words come tumbling out of his mouth, although he was unaware he’d been holding them in so tightly. “I mean, you’re always on shift. I know you’re in here a lot, but you like training, usually. Especially stuff where you get to run around. I would’ve guessed that –”
“I know that capture the flag is important,” Will interrupts. His hands have gone still. Nico snaps his mouth shut immediately. “Obviously. Everyone needs to keep their skills sharp.” His presses his lips together. A particularly loud snore from one of the patients makes them both look over, and it’s a long time before he speaks again.
“But I don’t like when we play war against each other,” he says. He turns to Nico and smiles humourlessly. “I know it’s dumb. But it just feels…I dunno. I’ve treated the injuries after the fact for years – too many of them aren’t accidents. Besides, I’m more help here, anyway. Chiron’s a field medic, anything more serious will need the infirmary.”
He abruptly turns back to crushing the shells, clearly ending the conversation. He has also begun humming again – aggressively and upbeat. The tension is gone from his shoulders, but his knuckles are white against the grip of the pestle.
He is not telling the full truth, Nico thinks. Will is a bad liar. All Apollo kids are, but Will especially – he squirms.
But Will is his friend. And Nico can take a hint – or maybe a silent begging to drop it.
“What time does your shift end?” Nico asks. “Six?”
Will slumps in relief, shooting him a genuine smile. “Yeah. Austin’s taking over for the morning while I sleep, then I’m back again at 2, just before the game starts.”
“I’ll stay up with you, then.”
“Absolutely not, doctor’s orders, Nico, you need to sleep –”
Nico places his hands over Will’s shaking ones, fleeting. His stomach erupts in a way he’s learned to ignore. The tremor in the medic’s hands finally stills, grip loosening.
“I’ll stay up with you.”
“Yeah,” Will says finally, starting the pestle up again. “I guess that’s fine.”
part two
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callsthefaithful · 7 months
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rly rly like @trissschmidt's swap!au design for angel so i wanted to draw it rq
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So Many Universes, So Many Possibilities (Updated Version)
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New chapter finally out!
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nightmare-foundation · 2 months
PJO x DC/Batfamily AU idea
Bruce- Son of Zeus, legacy of Phobos, blessed by Nyx
Dick- Son of Poseidon, legacy of Apollo, blessed by Hermes
Jason- Favored Son of Ares, legacy of Apollo
Tim- Son of Athena
Damian- Legacy of Zeus
Barbara- Blessed by Athena
Duke- Son of Apollo
Stephanie- No idea who her godly parent would be, but it'd definitely be a Roman God
-Dick, by 2024, is 28 while Percy is 31. TLT took place in 2005, sooo Percy is Dicks older brother!
-Because Gotham actually wards off monsters due to how dangerous it is (you'd think it was the other way around but nope) and the sheer amount of curses, monsters aren't actually all that common in Gotham. It's both safe and unsafe for demigods, given they don't have to worry about monsters, but do have to worry about... literally everything else.
-The entire batfamily wasn't aware of their heritage for the very large majority of their lives. This is because of a mix of reasons- Gotham wards off monsters, they were being taught how to fight anyways, and the family being a bunch of Demigods that live in Gotham of all places mean anything weird is just considered entirely normal. Also, Bruce kept scooping up the kids before Satyrs could get to them. (If this still doesn't make sense, then just deal with it lol I prefer the drama of them all finding out VERY late)
-Hades highkey hates Ra's.
-Lazarus Pits actually come up from the Underworld.
-Duke was the only one who knew of his godly heritage prior to joining the batfamily. He's one of the very few Apollo kids who can manipulate light. He just lies and says he's a meta.
-Diana has had her suspicions for YEARS prior to the Demigod stuff being confirmed.
-The batfamily are actually known as demigods to the Demigod community, and they're all legends, especially Batman and Nightwing. The Wayne family, meanwhile, is known as a Demigod safe place because Bruce keeps scooping up Demigod children. Demigods make bets that Bruce will be the reason another Demigod camp is made lmao.
-When the batfamily find out about their heritage, and Dick finds out Percy is his older brother, he basically bluescreens. Dick has always been the older brother, so to find out he's now someone's younger brother?? It's an experience for him, lmao. Him and Percy are excited to find out about each other. Dick is very determined to be an annoying little bastard.
-Jason highkey hates Ares, and always finds ways to annoy his father. Unfortunately, this has the exact opposite effect- Ares likes that Jason is sticking it to the man. This makes Jason REALLY mad.
-Jason is kind of a mini Ares in a lot of ways, but his Apollo heritage shines through a lot as well. It shows in his love of literature, guns, and mother henning. Appearance wise though? Yeah he's a mini Ares.
-The irony that Dick is a 'flying' Grayson and associated with birds while being a son of Poseidon is not lost on him. Shockingly, Zeus likes him. Percy is jealous.
-Dick isn't allowed to give any teams advice during CTF. Every time he does, that team wins. You'd think he was a son of Athena going off of how smart he is, but nope.
-Percy is really really protective of Dick. The second he hears anything about Spyral, or how Dick has been mistreated by Bruce, Dick has to actively hold Percy back from killing Bruce.
-Dick has a lot of feelings about the whole Demigod thing, especially about being related to Percy. He's compared to Percy a lot, and it really grates on his nerves, but he loves Percy. It's just irritating being compared to people after trying so hard to be your own independent person.
-Duke actually helps tour the batfamily through CHB when they visit. He's been there plenty of times of course :)
-The Ares cabin lowkey hates Jason for being the favorite. Jason also hates being the favorite. He does not want to be the favorite (something he'd never thought he'd think).
-Tim is easily the smartest in the Athena cabin. Him being a son of Athena explains his genius, though he would've been one regardless.
-Barbara is only allowed into CHB because of her blessing. She's suddenly very aware that she chose the name Oracle. Rachel thinks it's hilarious though, and they get along really well.
-Jason and Tim both already knew a ton about Greek mythology prior to finding out about their heritage.
-Dick and Jason are shocked to find out their related via Apollo. Dicks mother was a daughter of Apollo, and one of Jason's grandparents on his mom's side was a child of Apollo. Dick is ecstatic over this information, Jason has no idea what to think. Dick is also happy to find that he's related to Duke.
-Nyx is lady Gotham. She took a liking to Bruce when he became Batman, and gave him her blessing. She also likes the entire batfamily, and they all have more minor blessings from her. Only Batman's true heir will get her blessing. Dick would have gotten it had Bruce actually died. The one who will eventually get it is Cassandra.
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derangedthots · 2 years
while i love aemond being stuck watching jace be with someone else and all the angst that goes with what if jace likes him, what if it's one sided, etc, i think a lot about little luke who loves his brother dearly and he thinks it's definitely a brotherly love and not the targaryen type of brotherly love until he's picking up more on marriage talks. it's usually about other nobles or other people in his family but when he hears more about jace and his prospects he notices this sick and dark feeling in his stomach. he can't put a name on it until jace's betrothal being announced and luke knows he's definitely a targaryen because he feels sick thinking of someone else having his brother completely, he may have jace's love as a brother but someone else will have something more unique of jace. there's just a mini daemon basically developing because he really doesn't want to share jace and maybe taking more than an eye isn't so bad if it's for his brother.
this scenario is so *chef's kiss* anon i ADORE your mind and you've now planted a seed that i want to water and grow into it's own little divergent au fic to the FMF/CTF universe
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b2bcybersecurity · 1 year
IT-Security-Branche: Deutschlands Bester Hacker 2023
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Auch wenn das Wort Hacker vielleicht negativ belegt ist, so ist es der Wettbewerb "Deutschlands Bester Hacker 2023" nicht. Die Cybersicherheitsbranche sucht per Wettbewerb Nachwuchs, wobei Schüler, Studenten oder Quereinsteiger beweisen können, was sie drauf haben. In wenigen Tagen beginnt der Wettbewerb Deutschlands Bester Hacker 2023 und sucht auf diesem Weg nach den besten Security-Experten für Morgen.  2020 startete der erste Wettbewerb um die besten Hacker der Region zu finden, sie zu fördern und sie in die richtigen Bahnen zu leiten. Seit 2022 wurde diese Mission auf ganz Deutschland ausgeweitet und sind zu einer veritablen Größe im Bereich Cybersicherheit. Schirmherr des Wettbewerbs ist der CIO des Bundes Dr. Markus Richter. Am 02. August 2023 geht es los Die Challenge beginnt mit dem Qualifiers, in dem sich die Hacker in drei Sets unter Beweis stellen müssen, um sich so für die final challenges zu qualifizieren. Am Wochenende vom 29. September bis 01. Oktober wird unter den Finalist:innen in einer letzten Challenge der Sieger oder die Siegerin ermittelt und mit dem Titel Deutschlands Bester Hacker gekürt. Natürlich warten auch hochkarätige Preise – unter anderem eine Reise zur größten Hacker-Konferenz in Las Vegas. Auch die Teilnehmer:innen, die es nicht in die alles entscheidende Endrunde geschafft haben, profitieren von tollen Mehrwerten: sie werden Teil einer dauerhaften Community, in der sich Hackingfans und Profis austauschen können. Der Ablauf Deutschlands Bester Hacker 2023 In ein paar Tagen geht es schon los! Teilnehmen darf jede:r – egal ob Schüler, Student, Security-Experte oder aber auch Quereinsteiger. Wichtig: Verspätete Teams können auch noch später einsteigen! - Start des ersten Sets unserer Online Challenges - 02. August 2023 - Start des zweiten Sets - 16. August 2023 - Start des dritten Sets - 30. August 2023 - Final Challenge - 29. + 30. September 2023 in Dortmund Die Aufgaben werden wieder im Jeopardy-CTF-Stil gespielt – das heißt, dass Aufgaben aus verschiedenen Kategorien der Cybersicherheit nacheinander gelöst und bei Bestehen mit einer „Flag“ abgehakt werden. Auch wenn man erst beim letzten Set einsteigt, kann man noch alle Challenges von Anfang an lösen. Alle Aufgaben können bis zum Ende der Qualifiers (18. September 2023) gelöst und eingereicht werden.   Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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alexsavescu · 1 year
LPS Suceava și CSS Nicu Gane Fălticeni s-au calificat la turneul final al Campionatului Național de Volei Speranțe
L-a sfârșitul acestei săptămâni au fost stabilite ultimele echipe calificate la turneul final al Campionatului Național de Volei – Divizia Speranțe. Unul dintre cele două turnee semifinale a fost organizat la Fălticeni, cu participarea celor două reprezentante ale județului Suceava (CSS Nicu Gane și LPS Suceava) și două echipe bucureștene (Lumina Wolves și CTF Mihai I). Turneul a început cu…
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helenapsent · 2 years
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I did a Capture the Flag AU called "From the Moon to Saturn" in which the events take place after the main antagonists have failed and now have to rehabilitate themselves and try not to go to jail, aided by a married psychiatrist and her assistant. Anyway, I have it all spelled out in my Twitter (if any of you are reading this)... But so-so, if you haven't seen it, I'll leave a description of it all here:
Anyway: The events take place after the main events of the cartoon. Steve and his Boss return to Earth on the remaining charger (which is about to go down), after which they are both fixed (well, one is fixed, the other is given psychological treatment after the spacewalk).
So now the government is watching him closely, and they want to give him some time, but that decision can change at any moment, because Carson may become sane after his rehabilitation and not have to cough up some fucked-up shit. Actually, Carson continues to work and develop his oil company, but with a psychiatrist, Helen Palmer, assigned to him, whom Carson simply hires afterwards, since a psychiatrist is always a good thing and she will also record the condition of the workers.
Helen is assigned an assistant, Irene Robitaille, who assists her in her work and psychiatric sessions.
And on top of that, Helen has a husband, Daniel Palmer, who is a detective sent by the government to watch Carson's affairs and, if any illegal shit is announced, to report to the government so that they can put Carson behind bars in time.
Everything seems to be going fine, but there are some things that make it hard for Helen to work:
First of all, Carson himself is hitting on her, which Helen is not fucking happy about; Secondly, this idiot sometimes cannot control himself and has outbursts of aggression, and Helen has prescribed him sedatives, which he occasionally forgets to take, so she periodically has to remind this cunt about them; Thirdly, Danielle has been prying information from her about large-scale projects to keep the government informed, but there is such a thing as "official secrecy", and Helen follows this rule to the letter, so she tells her husband only laughs from work, trying to keep everything secret about what's going on (but at some point she just gets as tired of everything as possible and spills all the information she knows about the oil company and the shady dealings within it, but adds that if this gets out, she will be fired and have her license or work certificate revoked, and everything will go to shit. Like, she's not scared of blackmail, but she's worried about her and her husband going down, and she won't forgive herself at all if she sits on his neck. Daniel is no slouch, he shoots for the family and the yard at point-blank range, so he decides that he won't give her up and everything will remain a secret between the two of them); Fourth, despite the fact that Carson and Steve are in a near-romantic relationship, this does not prevent Richard from hitting on the married woman psychiatrist (Steve has already come to terms with this prank and therefore simply observes what is happening with his face, still remaining his faithful assistant and deputy).
And then there are such moments in our characters' biographies as: 1) Helen used to work in a psychiatric clinic, which was attached to a state prison, where maniacs and murderers were brought in to find out the cause of their atrocities, and to make a more detailed record of them and give them proper medical and psychiatric help. And while working with patients (criminals who were considered especially insane), there were acts of attack that were immediately stopped by the guards at the door of her office. So after these incidents Helen began to carry a knife with her. In addition, her husband was very worried about her and taught her some very important self-defense techniques so that she would not go to work with fear in her eyes and could keep herself alive. Therefore, in case of danger, Helen always threatens to "stab her 28 times" (bc no way).
2) Irene is married to Dan Robitaille, a beekeeper who has had a history of crime and debauchery, but now everything is fine and they both live in peace, and Irene herself is happy.
3) Daniel has experience in undercover surveillance, so he's good at disguises, and one day he decided to follow Carson, but his brilliant plan was ruined because his wife has a diamond eye and she quietly removed all the cameras behind his back and took them to the bathroom of the house (to make fun of him and show that back surveillance is a bad idea).
4) During his college years Richard was addicted to drugs, but was not too hung up on them (he only used them 3-5 times, after which his father found out about everything and gave him a good beating).
5) Steve is charged partly like a normal smartphone - from a wire, but if this wire breaks, he is placed in a capsule-bed, equipped with a special connection tube, which transmits energy by electric waves.
6) Richard does not like to talk about his mother, as she ruined his life (she drank a lot and often beat him while intoxicated, and raised her voice at everyone, due to which his father divorced her).
And finally, a couple of headcanons: 1) Helen, like Richard, does not deny herself the pleasure of smoking a pipe, but she does it once a week or if she feels pressure from all sides. 2) Irene has experience with hypnotic sessions (her husband taught her that). 3) When Richard began to experience bisexual panic, he asked Steve directly what it was and how to get rid of it, to which the answer was "you love both men and women and there's nothing you can do about it but move on. 4) Helen has a separate sheet where she counts Richard's fuck-ups and then trolls him with it. 5) Daniel sees right through his wife and when she tries to lie, he is bound to say something that Helen can find no explanation for. He only does this out of love for her and concern for her health (which she appreciates, by the way). 6) Helen often threatens Richard with a knife when he starts coming on to her, but very soon it became a kind of "thing" of their communication.
That's all
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Ngl, I don’t know a lot about Resident Evil (I hopped in when RE7 first released and hopped out again, but I’m back in now with the release of RE8 and am trying to learn the timeline),,, but I keep thinking about a Resident Evil AU for MCSM. I have too many other projects. This is a bad idea... but like... I could...
Would anyone be interested?
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Cease The Flare AU Luka, with his Sinnoh outfit and CTF Team Leader Mask, mah pretty boi <3
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phoebebrxdgers · 4 years
Omg seeing you reblog those posts with ctf vibes makes me wanna read it all again. I don’t think I finished it bc I was worried you wouldn’t finish it but I’m telling you it’s a good idea to write again!! 🤍🤍
not saying i’m gonna write bc yall know i can’t keep a promise but i am feeling.... nostalgic
i miss ctf au tc💓
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nct dream ; demigod au
Renjun - son of Athena📚 - feels more inclined to his mothers ‘warfare’ side than her ‘knowledge side’ - he’s very competitive during team activities like capture the flag - always strategises during ctf but has yet to test out his skills in real battle - only been at camp for a couple of years making him fairly new at camp - actually gets along extremely, extremely, well with the Ares kids - so well that when he first arrived everyone thought he’d be one of them - sings campfire songs with Donghyuck and Chenle grudgingly - actually very straightforward and smart despite his mischievous nature - lots of other campers look to him for advice because he’s smart™️
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Haechan - son of Apollo🎶 - long time camper and head camper of the Apollo Cabin - has campfire singing sessions which he forces other apollo kids to join - like Renjun, he’s very competitive during during team activities - loves taking new Apollo kids under his wing and teaching them ‘his ways’ - really enjoys archery but sadly he isn’t particularly good at it - brings a ukulele to the bonfire every night and serenades his friends - extremely dramatic, in true child of Apollo fashion - very recently took over as head camper of the apollo cabin - he hides it, but he actually hasn’t completely gotten the hang of it yet
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Jeno - son of Hermes🧳 - long time camp member, been at camp since before he was claimed - nobody expected him to be a Hermes kid but no one was surprised either - people say he’s kinda boring for a Hermes kid but he’s actually just shy - very good at taking in new campers and making them feel welcome - said to be next in line to head camper of the Hermes cabin - a bit of a heartthrob around camp - completely unaware of it too - his fellow Hermes kids love teasing him but he just takes it in stride - doesn’t partake in many pranks but loves watching other people do them - very friendly around camp and loved by basically all the campers
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Jaemin🍒 - son of Aphrodite - like most Aphrodite kids he doesn’t like fighting all that much - however unlike most Aphrodite kids he definitely does have a knack for it - extremely persuasive - said to be the best at charmspeak in all of camp - and uses his charm-speak to get people to do every little task for him - often underestimated because he’s a child of Aphrodite - but he love, love, loves showing off and proving people wrong - long time camp member and also a bit of a heartthrob at camp - however unlike Jeno he’s fully aware and uses it to his absolute advantage - first in line to be the next head camper of the Aphrodite Cabin
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Chenle - son of Apollo☀️ - newcomer to camp half blood and only very recently claimed by his dad - taken under his fellow apollo child, Donghyuck’s wing from his first day - fawned on by all the apollo kids because he’s small and cute - gets along with other campers easily, regardless of who their parents are - often mistaken for a Hermes kid because he’s loud and loves pranks - makes friends with all the nymphs and dryads, they really like his fluffy hair - much to his own surprise, he’s unexpectedly good at archery  - all of Camp Half Blood’s newly adopted baby brother - constantly gets into trouble for helping Hermes kids in their escapades
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Jisung - son of Zeus⚡️ - extremely, extremely, powerful but loses control when he gets emotional -  he’s constantly worried he’s going to electrocute someone - basically raised at camp (also all of camp half blood’s son) - babied by older campers, despite being more powerful than most of them - only zeus kid there, so the other big 3 kids bunk with him in the zeus cabin - very shy around new people and when he’s outside of camp - but very social inside camp - particularly loves making fun of his hyungs - most newer campers are too nervous to approach him because of his dad - one of zeus’ favourite kids and the only one reached out to consistently
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howlingcliffs · 4 years
Hi there, hope you're doing okay 👍. If you could direct your own movie about anything ever, what would you make it about? And is there any story/character design/etc. you've wanted to create but just haven't gotten around to for some reason?
im doing my best <:-) thank you dear
and this is gonna sound odd but id love to make a movie about my truenorth au for eddsworld. its a project ive had for almost two years now (sept. 22nd is its second "birthday") and ive poured a lot of love into it
and for the second, ive had a story that takes place in the same universe as my story "ctf" (change the formality, feel free to ask) called "the moss" where a character named luci finds an old jade amulet in a cavern and gets possessed by a demon/spirit of fire (who doesn't have a name yet) and has to get the help of his friends paruo and parker (par, for short) who turn out to be the spirits of animals and love respectively and ive never gotten around to really making anything for it haha
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Un superbe diamant rose pourrait rapporter plus de 21 millions de dollars aux enchères
Un superbe diamant rose pourrait rapporter plus de 21 millions de dollars aux enchères
Un diamant rose éblouissant, décrit comme l’un des plus purs au monde, pourrait rapporter plus de 21 millions de dollars lors de sa mise aux enchères en octobre à Hong Kong, a déclaré mercredi la maison de vente aux enchères Sotheby’s. À 11,15 carats, la pierre précieuse en forme de coussin est appelée “Williamson Pink Star”, du nom de deux autres diamants roses. L’un est le “CTF Pink Star”, un…
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derangedthots · 2 years
can't wait till we're past storm's end in the CTF universe so i can start writing the divergent AUs🫣 the shit cregan's gonna do to aemond when he still ends up betraying jace after everything🤭🤭
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helenapsent · 2 years
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Made a collage wallpaper for phone today~
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