#being an engineer means you will get harmful chemicals in your mouth and it's just part of the job
cold-neon-ocean · 8 months
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He's his own unique brand of chaotic (wip)
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ghostiewriter · 4 years
prologue | tale of a slightly unstable teen hero
Summary: JJ’s life is thrown upside down after a school trip. Now he just decide what to do about his newly found powers and discover just how much his life has changed.
Warnings: contains strong language, a teeny sliver of sexual references, just the three boys being dumbasses? a small smidge of angst (it barely counts) and some fighting, kinda amateur but he’ll learn eventually
Word Count: 8.2K (I’m so sorry)
A/N: ahhh so here’s the prologue! Hope you guys enjoy, it’s a bit of a mess and it wasn’t meant to be this long but oh well! This is just to kinda set up the world, I promise the chapters won’t be this messy! There will be way more Kiara in the next chapter as well, don’t worry! Like I said, this is just a filler chapter! Also this is unedited and I am kinda unwell so lets hope this makes sense :) feel free to leave any feedback!! 
masterlist // taglist // ao3
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JJ prided himself in always loving an adventure. A random trip at 3am when one of his buds felt down? Hell yeah! An exploration through the streets of New York when he decided to ditch his Spanish final? Let’s go, dude! A spontaneous road trip with his boys during summer? JJ was down! But this? This just felt like some sick joke.
Admittedly, JJ wasn’t listening in class when the trip was announced. And as Pope liked to remind him every couple of minutes, this whole situation could have been avoided if he had listened in class. But can you blame the guy? A whole day off school to visit some big corporation uptown where he was getting a free lunch—JJ would be stupid to reject that. Yet, JJ should’ve known there would’ve been some catch, some flaw in this trip. And that flaw was that he had to spend the day walking around Cameron Industries, the biggest nerd fest on the East coast.
JJ was bored out of his mind.
Pope was ecstatic beyond belief.
John B was ready to punch JJ in the face if opened his mouth to complain one more time.
“Why call it a trip when all we do is listen to these dudes in lab coats droning on about some weird gene thing? Like c’mon! A trip is meant for relaxing. Where the fuck am I gonna relax around here, huh? The fucking gift shop—“
“Shut up,” John B hissed at the blonde, smacking JJ’s arm for good measure, to which the blond dramatically whined at. “Just please…shut up. You’ve got one more hour until lunch, alright? Don’t ruin this for him.”
JJ huffed as he glanced over at Pope, who was eagerly questioning every scientist they came across. As much as it pained him to agree with John B, he did have a point. There weren’t enough fingers in the world to count the amount of times JJ had dragged Pope into some anxiety-provoking, impulsive situation. The least he could do is suck it up a little and mope silently as they walk through countless fancy labs that probably each cost more than his apartment complex altogether.
“I don’t know why you’re acting so chuff,” JJ huffed, his fingers twisting the rings that adorned his hands—a force of habit when he was uncomfortable and bored. “You usually back me up on this kinda stuff—“ But JJ didn’t need to finish his question. Oh no, because the answer was right there.
JJ smirked as he turned to John B, one eyebrow raised in question. However, his friend seemed much more content staring at Sarah Cameron from where she stood near the front of the group, smiling towards the tour guide like they were close friends. Which they probably were considering they were standing in the building her father owned.
Ward Cameron. Renowned scientist, billionaire and founder of Cameron Industries. A true inspiration. What started as a hopeless experiment in his high school chemistry lab ended up forging Ward Cameron’s path to success in the biggest multibillion-dollar multinational corporation that held the future for chemical engineering. JJ just thought he was some lucky rich kid that had daddy’s money to support his dream.
And it was for that reason that JJ rolled his eyes, nudging his friend out of his daze. “You do know you don’t stand a chance, right?” JJ commented.
Harsh but true. JJ and the rest of the kids that attended this trip went to Midtown High School. True to its name, it was smack bang in the middle of two very different livelihoods. Uptown Queens: home to the kids who live of old money, designer clothes and trust funds. And Downtown Queens: home to working-middle class who would spend the rest of their lives making a sliver of the uptown folks’ wages.
Take a wild guess which area JJ is from.
However, some old dude in the 60s decided to try and bridge the gap between the classes and thus, the school was born. All it did was let each know how much they resented the other. Yet, John B had fallen into the alluded mind-set of that old geezer and set his eyes on Sarah Cameron, the most uptown chick you’ll get. And of course, JJ was there to remind him of that very fact and push him off that imaginary bridge. It was a fool’s hope to combine the uptown and downtown folk; it was a fool’s hope to try and make them get along. It won’t happen now nor ever.
John B flipped him off. JJ only grinned in response.
Nonetheless, that ended up being the most exciting part of the hour. JJ shuffled along at the back of the group, his eyes constantly wandering around the labs. Did he have any clue what any of it was? Hell no, but he was naturally curious and couldn’t help his hands from wandering. Sue him, he was a teenage boy with ADHD and a knack for getting into trouble—he was bound to do something stupid.
His interest in science perked up a bit when he noticed a small enclosure of what looked like completely normal spiders, yet as their tour guide spoke, they were anything but normal.
“Our team have been working on taking the genetic code of three separate species of arachnids and combining them to form a super-spider. One which can survive and reproduce and live as any other would. It is the first step in the future of genetic engineering and modification. With this technology, we could find cures to diseases that were deemed impossible to cure. We could form a stronger, better human race—“
“Isn’t that unethical?” A voice interrupted. Everyone’s head snapped towards the curly-haired girl that stood by Sarah Cameron’s side. JJ knew very little about her—considering this was honestly the first time he had seen her—and he wasn’t complaining…nor was he actually listening to what she was saying. “I mean, won’t this just introduce a future of designer babies and a superiority of the genetically modified over the natural?”
“I understand your concerns,” The tour guide—a young redhead who honestly didn’t look a day over twenty-two but then again, JJ guessed everyone around here was some sort of genius. “But I can assure you there are a number of protocols behind this research that would prevent such a thing from happening.”
“Can you really stop the rich from getting what they want?” Ironic considering she was a rich, uptown chick.
An awkward silence washed over the group before the teacher quickly cleared their throat and directed the tour guide to continue.
JJ—being the foolishly bored teenager he was—made his way over to the unknown girl, standing next to her as they looked at the spiders in the enclosure.
“Poor things.” She sighed sadly. JJ only raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it.
“You know,” He began, his voice smooth and suave—the usual JJ charm he used on girls. “I totally agree with you on all those…ethic…things…” He trailed off, risking a glance towards the girl who only narrowed her eyes at him.
“Really?” She questioned, nodding her head for him to continue.
“Yeah, I mean, save the animals, am I right?” He grinned, nervously scratching the nape of his neck. The girl seemed unamused.
“Uh huh, sure thing, buddy.” She stated before turning to catch up with the group. But JJ’s voice stopped her once again.
“How about I take you out some time? And then you can tell me all about all this ethic stuff.” He proposed, his usual charming smirk on his lips. He was a lady’s man, he knew he was gorgeous and JJ would be a fool if he didn’t use it to his advantage. One small date to charm her before JJ wiggled his way into her bed, then boom—they never have to speak to each other again. Plus, this girl may be one of Sarah Cameron’s wee minions, but JJ didn’t let class get in the way of his ‘love’ life. He just resents the lot of those uptown kids in every other aspect of his life. No harm in fraternizing with the enemy, right? What other people didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. It’s just a little bit of fun.
“Do you even know my name?” She asked him, her arms crossed over her chest. It took a lot of self-control for JJ not to follow the movement. He cleared his throat, leaning one hand against the enclosure.
“Nice try, asshole.” And with that, she turned around to join the group.
JJ stood there, a little dumbfounded by the encounter. He was taken aback not only by the fact she had just rejected him, but with the sass in which she did so. He would be lying if he didn’t say it was a little hot, but he expected it. Uptown kids always thought there were better, superior to the downtown kids.
But JJ didn’t wallow in his rejection for long when he felt a sharp, stinging pain on his hand. He glanced down, seeing a spider on the back of his hand and his instant reaction was to shake it off. “Little shit!” He hissed, looking down at the small bite mark on his skin.
“Hey, dude, you comin’?” He heard John B call out. He glanced around, unable to spot the spider. He shrugged, JJ has had worse than a small spider bite. He’ll survive.
“Yeah, I’m starving, let’s go!”
Little did JJ know that was his last day as a normal, hyperactive teen.
“I’m telling you something is fucking wrong with me!”
Both boys looked at their blond friend with sceptic looks. It was Saturday morning and far too early to deal with JJ nonsense. Especially when they could barely understand what he was going on about. It was around 6am when John B and Pope received a very distressed call from JJ. Neither one was very sure for what reason, all they heard was ‘freaky’ and ‘fuck’ multiple times during the call. But he sounded like he was really going through something so they eventually went over—arriving at JJ’s place at 7:30am. JJ was too on edge to even try and call them out on it.
“Dude, breathe,” Pope muttered, watching JJ run holes in his carpet from how much he was pacing. “Calm down a little—“
“I can’t calm down, Pope!” JJ snapped, looking at his friends who seemed far too calm. “Like I don’t know if I am freaked out or pumped but just—“ He paused, seeing the look of confusion on his friends’ faces. He huffed and pulled his shirt off, looking at them expectedly. They didn’t react.
“JJ, did you really call us down here on SATURDAY MORNING because you have another birthmark that looks like George Clooney because I will literally murder you—“
“No, no!” JJ hissed before pointing down to his abs, and then his arms. Then he began flexing, yet he was met with blank expressions again.
“Dude, as much as I love staring at your abs, what the fuck are we meant to be looking at?” Pope asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“They are different!”
“They are?”
“They are!”
JJ scoffed, as if it were obvious. “They are more defined!”
“…more defined?”
John B let out an unattractive snort, pushing his hair back as he leaned back against the wall, all his worry for his friend now gone. He was honestly concerned it was something important. “What’s next? Is your hair too perfect, J? Need a bag to cover how gorgeous you are?” Pope snickered along with him.
“I mean, I am having a good hair day…” JJ trailed off before shaking his head and turning to the two of them again. “But that isn’t all, okay? It gets freakier!”
Both boys looked at JJ with amusement from their spots on his bed.
JJ rolled his eyes before he stretched his hand out, his palm facing the ceiling with his two middle fingers pressed into his palm. Not even seconds later, a THWAP echoed through the now-silent bedroom.
Both teenagers looked down at the string of substance that just existed their friend’s wrist, completely shell-shocked. It was John B who spoke first, looking away from the white substance on JJ’s bed.
“Is that like…the same as…did you just—“ John B points down to his groin area, only for JJ to grimace.
“Dude, no! EW! I didn’t just jizz from my wrist!”
“It looks like you just did.”
Pope quickly kneeled down next to the bed, hesitantly reaching to touch the stuff, ignoring John B’s comments on how disgusting it was. “It feels like…silk,” He murmured in confusion before pulling his hand away, noticing how it stuck to his skin. “And it’s sticky.”
John B gagged in the back, but JJ ignored him. “It’s like glue, a really strong glue! And then after like twenty minutes, it disappears!” He told Pope as he reached for the scissors to help his sticky situation.
“How did you do that though?” Pope’s mind was reeling with the possibilities, the science behind the completely inhumane thing JJ had just done and he had witnessed with his very own eyes.
“I don’t fucking know!”
“Does it have anything to do with that weird-ass bump on your hand?” John B perked up, nodding towards JJ. All three boys’ gazes shifted to his left hand, where in fact there was a small red bump, no bigger than a grape at most.
“Nah, dude, that’s just from the spider bite yesterday.” JJ answered with a shrug. Pope chocked on the air, looking at JJ like he had three heads.
“I—you mean the fucking GENETICALLY MODIFIED SPIDERS FROM THE LAB?!” JJ winced, trying to shush Pope but there was no avail, this boy was going off on a rant. “Are you stupid? Why didn’t you tell anyone yesterday? JJ, those could’ve been poisonous or had long term effects or—“
“Made you some weird mutant with cool powers.” John B added. He quickly shut up when he received the ‘look’ from Pope.
“We have to tell someone at Cameron Industries.” Pope concluded. JJ was quick to pipe up, taking a few steps away from Pope on instinct.
“What, no way! They are gonna stick me under some fancy microscope or inject me with needles full of…stuff! I’m not going back into that geek galore!” JJ stated. Pope looked like he was ready to open his mouth, and start spouting out arguments as to why JJ should head over to the professional scientists over his weird, overnight mutation. But it was actually John B who came to a more mutual conclusion.
“Or we just do our own tests,” John B shrugged, both boys turning to look at him with fairly discombobulated expressions. “C’mon, Pope is basically a scientist and he is smart enough to figure out whatever the hell is going on with you!”
“I don’t have half the equipment they would have—“ Pope tried to argue.
“Look, we aren’t going to find out anything through a microscope. The best way is just go out there and test what he can do. How hard can it be?” John B grinned.
Pope wanted to argue that it was very hard. Though he had read countless papers on the genetically modified spiders, even he didn’t know enough to do a full conclusive examination on JJ and his new state. He didn’t have half the things he needed, but when he looked over at JJ and saw a much more relaxed—and hopeful—expression on his face from when he had suggested returning to the lab, Pope sighed and shook his head a little.
“Just so you both know, I am going to say, ‘I told you so’ when this goes downhill.”
That is how JJ, Pope and John B found themselves standing on the roof of JJ’s apartment complex, the busy streets of New York oblivious to the scientific discovery that is happening above them. JJ couldn’t tear his eyes off the skyline, finding something about it much more relaxing that the potential of just what his new body could do. He was scared—no, scratch that—he was nervous, anxious if you will. JJ couldn’t lie that a part of him was excited. It felt surreal, like something out of one of those comics he used to nick from the uptown kids. Then again, JJ wasn’t very fond of the idea of being some new scientific discovery. It made him feel like he would end up like one of those poor frogs they had to dissect in biology—poor fuckers.
“Okay, so the spiders were made from three separate species to optimize their physical properties—being able to adapt to new environments, heightened senses to avoid predators, enhanced strength and speed, stronger material to create webs for larger prey—all that jazz. No research has been done on the psychological properties though.” Pope rambled, his hands moving wildly whilst both boys stared at him with clueless expressions.
“Which means?”
“JJ could have some really cool powers but could also be going totally insane,” Pope said with a sheepish shrug. “Like I’m talking full Tasmanian devil mode here—“
“Very reassuring, dude.” JJ stated bluntly. He took it all back, he wasn’t excited. He was terrified now. He glanced down at the small bite on his hand, which was slowly deflating as time passed. JJ wasn’t sure if he was relieved or worried that the second the bite disappeared, it could mean something really bad—like him turning into some massive humanoid arachnid that attacks the city. He shivered at the thought. “Right, let’s just get on with this.”
John B clapped a hand on his back, a small smile on his lips. “You’ll be fine, dude, alright? You’re in good hands.” He tried to reassure JJ. And JJ knew that everything Pope was saying was just to help him understand what was going on too, but he couldn’t help but think there was a small part of Pope that enjoyed using JJ as a lab rat. He was a scientist, could you really blame him?
“Yeah, I know.” He said with a curt nod.
“Let’s try the web again, see how far you can shoot it.” Pope piped up, moving to stand on the other side of JJ. “The average spider can shoot a web to about four feet, but these spiders have the DNA of the Darwin Bark Spiders which can shoot webs up to eighty-two feet. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you could reach the same, maybe more.” He then gestured for JJ to try it out, pointing towards the building opposite then, which was only around eight feet away, at most.
JJ took a deep breath before extending his hand out, the THWAP sounding clear despite the ongoing traffic down below. Yet, the web barely shot out a couple of inches before landing on the edge of the roof with a disappointing splat.
“Well then…” John B trailed off, all three boys staring at the failed web shot.
“You clearly weren’t trying, just concentrate!” Pope said with a clap of his hands. He only received a blank stare from JJ.
“I was trying, dumbass! It’s harder than it looks. It…feels weird, man. Like a sneeze…from my wrist!” He huffed, but Pope only nudged his shoulder to try again.
JJ sighed and turned to face the opposite building again. He raised his arm, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he tried to imagine the web shooting out and reaching the opposing roof. He tried to imagine more web fluid being shot out his wrist, he tried to imagine like he actually knew what he was doing. Not even a second later, the THWAP sound was heard and suddenly there was a white rope of silk extending from JJ’s hand onto the next roof over.
“Holy shit!”
JJ grabbed the web, giving the web a light tug. He was expecting for the web to break, for his hand to be covered in web fluid. But instead the web remained, strong and sturdy as though it was bolted onto the roof.
“This is crazy, dude.”
He snapped his hand back, watching the web breakaway from his palm and flop, hanging from the brick wall like a pathetic piece of string. “That was cool as fuck,” He murmured as he glanced down at his wrists in shock. He gently ran his thumb over his wrist, a delightful shiver running down his back. It caused him to smile a little, thinking about just how far he could shoot these webs.
“Dude, you could swing around like Tarzan now.” John B snickered. JJ gave him a deadpan look but he couldn’t help himself from glancing down at his wrists again.
“You think?”
“Only one way to find out.” John B grinned.
Pope’s eyes widened slightly as he quickly began to shake his head. “You don’t know if the web is strong enough to hold his weight, he could hurt himself or—“
“You calling me fat?” JJ gasped with a pout, a hand placed over his heart. “You offend me, Pope. Thought you were better than this.”
“If calling you fat will stop you from swinging off a building like an idiot then yes, I am calling you fat.” He hissed.
JJ grinned, his eyes quickly searching around before he noticed a large satellite pole sticking out from one of the nearby buildings. It was a bit further away, but JJ let the pride of his last success get to his head. “I can do it, bud, don’t worry about it.”
“That’s my boy!”
“Don’t encourage him!”
“He can do it!”
“How the fuck do you know that!?”
“Sixth sense, my dude.”
JJ blocked out the bickering, taking a couple of steps back from the edge of the roof. A running start never hurt anyone, right? He rolled his shoulders, stretching his neck from left to right. Never once did he let his gaze shift away from the satellite pole. He crouched down a little, already feeling the adrenaline build up in him. “Diver down, boys.” He grinned before he began sprinting to the edge of the building. As he reached the edge, he pushed himself off and extended his arm out, imagining the web wrapping around the pole and seconds later it did. He held the web tightly in his grip as he felt himself swinging towards the building. Whoops and cheers could be heard, though JJ wasn’t sure if they were coming from him or the boys back on the roof.
But JJ was a little too pumped up to even comprehend what Pope was screaming until he noticed the brick wall getting closer. ‘Shit, shit, shit.’ The words echoed in his head and he tried to think of a way to slow himself down. But it was useless as he found himself colliding with the wall, his eyes clenched shut on impact.
“Oh, fuck.” He groaned, his limbs sprawled out like a starfish. A part of him thought he was dead, that maybe he hit the wall way too hard, he had a lot of momentum after all. But the muffled screams coming from his friends was enough to tell him that he was very much alive. “I’m alive!” He yelled out, slowly beginning to blink his eyes open, finding himself face to face with a brick wall. “What the…” He trailed off when he glanced at his hands, finding them attached to the brick wall.
His heart was pounding when he looked down, seeing that he was attached to the wall, very far up from the ground, with nothing suspending him. His mind was reeling, almost as though he was waiting for himself to fall and his body to meet the ground. But it never happened.
“You’re like an actual fucking spider, dude!” He heard John B yell, as though he was right beside him, which caused him to wince a little. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing them still very far away on that roof.
JJ shook his head and glanced up, seeing the edge of the roof a couple of feet from where he was stuck on the wall. He took a deep breath before slowly removing one hand, and when he was sure he wasn’t going to fall, he moved it up higher. Slowly, JJ found himself scaling the side of the building, his heart beating wildly even as he pulled himself over the edge, both feet finding the solid ground of the roof. He turned back to look at his friends, both of whom looked shocked beyond belief.
“What the hell…” He could hear Pope whisper, which only caused JJ’s eyebrows to furrow in confusion.
“This is a lot more complicated than I thought.” He muttered to himself, only now realising that the bite mark on his hand was long gone.
JJ winced a little as he heard the bell ring, indicating the end of this period and the start of lunch—his favourite subject. Yet, JJ wasn’t exactly jumping out of his seat as usual. It was now Monday and everyone was back at school. JJ, Pope and John B had spent the better use of the whole weekend to run around, using JJ like some lab rat and seeing just what he could and couldn’t do. And JJ was fucking exhausted. The amount of times he had face-planted into a wall was beyond funny and he had learnt the hard way that the more on edge he was, the more sensitive he was…well, to everything. The sound of the chairs screeching against the floor made him cringe, the bright LED lights made him want to cry and the feeling of his sweater against his skin was scratchy and uncomfortable. JJ sure as hell wasn’t hyped for his newly found powers if this is what the rest of his life is going to be like.
The blond sighed to himself as he shoved his stuff into his backpack, swinging it over his shoulder and heading towards the cafeteria once he left the class. He kept his head down, finding the small shuffles of his vans against the floor were helping him from cussing out every single student that bumped into him, making him honestly want to scream and stay six feet away from everyone. He tried to reassure himself that he was half way through the day, that he only had a couple of hours left and then he could preferably go hide in a hole somewhere for the rest of his life. Okay, that is a little dramatic but a dark hole sounded great to JJ right now.
But here’s the thing, JJ is a Maybank. He has the good ol’ Maybank luck, which means even when he feels shit, the universe is out to make his life worse. And the universe sent that in the form of Rafe Cameron and his loyal little minions, Topper Thornton and Kelce Smith. Midtown High’s own version of the Plastics, some may say.
By some, I mean JJ. But hey, don’t judge. He was forced into watch Mean Girls by one of his flings awhile back and he won’t lie, the movie slaps. But that is besides the point.
“Oi, Maybank!”
JJ inwardly groaned at the sound of Rafe’s voice. He would much rather hear nails on a chalkboard than whatever Rafe had to say. JJ wouldn’t consider them bullies, they were simply the top tier of the uptown kids who had some sort of superiority complex. And JJ had no issue on challenging them, it was far too easy to wind up a bunch of rich kids who weren’t used to being called out on their bullshit. And it just stuck. They would say something stupid to try and provoke him, and most of the time JJ’s words were enough for them to leave him alone. He had the satisfaction of punching Rafe in the face a few times, but usually Pope and John B were quick to hold him back. After all, it would backfire on JJ if he got into trouble with an uptown kid.
“What do you want?” JJ huffed out, glancing up at the trio. The sight of the three of them almost brought a smile to his lips. Uptown kids and their need to follow trends, they wore the same outfit in different variations and it honestly made JJ want to laugh. The classic preppy look with their pastel sweaters and tennis shoes, it made JJ want to gag. But he contained his vomit as Rafe spoke up.
“Aw, c’mon, Maybank. That all you got today? A bit pathetic.” Rafe snickered, the other two laughing along with their leader. JJ rolled his eyes. The funniest thing about them was their outfits.
“As much as I’d love to talk to you little pastel powerpuff girls, I have much better things to do in my life,” JJ said with a sarcastic smile on his lips as he side-stepped the trio, attempting to make his way past them. He really didn’t have the patience to deal with them today. He had happily planned to steal food from Pope and take a nap for the hour. But the second he felt Rafe’s hand on his shoulder, he knew that wasn’t going to be happening.
“Watch your mouth, Maybank.” Rafe spat, his hand tightening on JJ’s shoulder. The act made him want to cringe away and rip off his skin. The feeling of his hand on his shoulder, his thumb brushing that little bit of skin near the neckline of his sweater, it made JJ want to gag. It felt horrible. He wanted that feeling gone.
“Piss off, Cameron.” He scoffed, harshly jerking his shoulder so Rafe’s hand would lose its grip but it only tightened. In an act of desperation, JJ did the only thing that seemed reasonable. He shoved Rafe away. Now normally, it would be enough to have Rafe stumble a few steps so JJ can make a quick exit. But JJ just so happened to have forgotten that this wasn’t like every other normal time. He wasn’t normal anymore. So, his shove was much more than a wee push, it was more like completely winding Rafe. JJ couldn’t help but cringe when he heard the sound of Rafe’s body colliding with the lockers before he slumped to the ground, a dent now evident in the lockers from the collision. Topper and Kelce looked at JJ with mixed looks of confusion and fear before rushing to their friend’s aid.
“Oh my god, Rafe!”
JJ’s head snapped to the end of the hallway where he could see Sarah Cameron, but she wasn’t alone. Beside her was the curly haired girl from the trip. His eyes widened a little when his gaze met hers, but he was only met with a glare from the mysterious beauty.
“What’s your problem?” She hissed at JJ as the two girls got closer, now seeing the full effect of what JJ had done. JJ gulped a little, his fingers tapping the side of his legs as he tried to think this through. What could he say, ‘oh sorry, kinda lost control of my new powers, I’ll be a little more careful next time’. Yeah, that wasn’t going to work.
“He started it!” JJ blurted out, only to mentally smack himself at how childish he sounded. “I barely touched him, he was being dramatic!” He added but the looks of uncertainty didn’t reassure him that they bought it. He was in the lion’s den here, a downtown kid surrounded by the privileged. He was never going to win. So, he did the only sane thing any downtown kid would do. He got out of there as quick as he could.
“He could be concussed!” Sarah Cameron spoke up for the first time, a frown on her face as she met JJ’s gaze. He could almost feel the judgement oozing from her.
“Maybe he will finally have some brain cells knocked into him!” And with that, JJ ran out of that hallway and didn’t stop running until he was far away from the school.
“I’m sorry what?”
Following the fiasco on Monday, JJ’s week hadn’t been much better. Most of it was spent avoiding the uptown crew whilst simultaneously keeping a low profile, which is very hard for someone like JJ. He was used to being the class clown, milking any attention he got. Now he felt like he was under house arrest or something, trapped to keep to himself and work out what the hell was happening to him. But true to their commitment of being his best friends, John B and Pope were right there beside him. It had been a long and stressful week but they made it through. It was a little exhausting on them but they had each other to lean on. JJ was just glad he wasn’t alone.
But now, sat in Pope’s bedroom on the Saturday night, looking between the two boys with a very concerned look, JJ wasn’t sure his weekend was going to be any more relaxing. He knew the three of them combined weren’t the best combinations. They probably shared a brain cell between them and even then, it mostly resided with Pope and his weird, random facts. They had come up with some really strange, out-there ideas before—like the time they tried to give John B a perm with household products or when they convinced themselves they could do a road trip in John B’s crappy van. But this was the icing on the cake. This was enough for JJ to confirm that his friends had completely lost their mind.
“Think about it!” John B continued, practically rolling on the balls of his feet in excitement. JJ raised an eyebrow but didn’t interrupt him. To be honest, JJ wasn’t even sure where to start with how bad of an idea this was. “You have these super cool powers that are totally useless to everyday life, so why not put them to use? You could be like—the next Batman or something!”
“Batman was a rich dude who made gadgets. He doesn’t even have any powers. How the hell would I be like Batman?”
“Okay, bad example,” Pope piped up. “But just think about it. You could make a difference, be a hero!”
“A really badass superhero!” John B added.
JJ looked at them with a frown on his face. This now just seemed like a deranged joke. He was waiting for them to laugh, to say it was just a silly joke and move on with their usual weekend plans. But they didn’t. They continued.
“I mean, we could be a team! The three of us! You’ll go out and do all the crime fighting, Pope can make crazy gadgets and do all the…tech stuff and I can be your guy in the chair, you know?”
“My guy in the chair?”
“Yeah, you know, the guy in the headset…surrounded by screens…telling you where to go when you need extra help and stuff.”
“Like Pope would set it up, but I would be the mastermind behind it! Like you’re stuck in a building and can’t find a way out, I would help you find a route. Your guy in the chair!”
JJ only shook his head, pressing his fingers to his temples to try and not completely lose his temper.
“And like every superhero ever, you’ll need a suit. So, I went looking through some stuff and I found my mum’s sewing machine,” Pope fumbled around in his pocket before he pulled out a small bunch of red fabric. He threw it to JJ, which he easily caught. JJ then realised it was like a ski mask, with two small holes for his eyes. “It’s not much but we can work on it, keep your identity secret and everything.”
“Oh, and you’ll need a badass name! I was thinking like Night Monkey, or—“
“—Spiderling!” Pope interrupted with a grin, clearly proud of it. But JJ had enough.
“Can the both of you just shut up!” He snapped, both boys instantly quieting down, looking at JJ with concerned looks. “Okay, are you out of your mind? Me? A superhero? Hate to fucking break it to you but I am not the superhero type guy, alright? I’m not your friendly neighbourhood nice guy helping old ladies cross the street or getting cats out of the tree! I could give zero fucks about the law cause all its there for is rich idiots to manipulate and use to ruin lives of people like us!” JJ cried out to them, letting go of any hope he had on trying to keep his cool.
“People like us don’t become heroes, alright? We are usually the ones that get locked up. And knowing my luck, I will be thrown straight into some loony house, in a straitjacket because of these powers! You guys have to be absolute fools if you think any of this would work.” JJ huffed as he stood up, shoving the mask into his pocket before making his way to the door. “I don’t care about other people, alright? I care about you guys, my mum and most importantly, myself. Why the hell should I risk my life for a world that won’t appreciate it anyways.” Both boys stood there stunned, looking at JJ with wide eyes and parted lips.
“No, okay? Superheroes are meant for comic books and movies, not real life, alright? Grow up.” And with that, JJ slammed the door as he left the apartment.
JJ scoffed, muttering to himself as he walked through the dark streets of New York, deciding to take the longer route back home. He needed the time to clear his head, grasp his thoughts. He didn’t know what the boys were thinking, he was definitely not fit to be a hero. Were they out of their minds? Give a guy some abnormal powers and suddenly he should be putting on a cape and preaching morals. That wasn’t JJ, that would never be JJ. He was selfish, arrogant at times and beyond prideful. But he was aware. He knew what he was and he knew he didn’t have what it took to be a hero. Pope and John B needed to stop being ignorant and see that.
He rolled his eyes at the thought and continued his way back to his building complex, hands shoved in his pockets with his right-hand clenching around the fabric of the mask. Small puffs escaped his lips as JJ started regretting taking the long way home. It was October and winter was promising to come early, JJ could tell that much by the stinging cold against his cheeks. The cold was just the cherry on top of his bitter mood.
Yet, as JJ continued to make his way home, he could hear the sound of people talking, causing a frown to form on his face. JJ had walked this way many times, especially during the night, and the chance of passing someone down these streets were fairly rare. Maybe the odd one here or there, but a group of people? Definitely not common.
At first, he ignored it. He had gotten used to the heightened senses over the week, being able to hear things from a distance even when he didn’t try. For all he knew, he could be hearing the muttering of some people a few blocks over. So, he ignored it and carried on walking. But then it started getting louder and clearer. JJ felt his whole body go on alert, the hair on his arm standing up, like his body knew something was off. He could feel it in his gut, a horrible realisation that this wasn’t going to be his usual walk home.
It wasn’t until when JJ turned the corner that he realised just what he had walked into. There stood around five men, all wearing masks that covered the lower half of their faces. They were dressed in all black, probably to draw less attention to themselves, but JJ could see the glint of guns in the light of the lampposts shining down on the street. They stood outside a building, three of them seeming to try and block the view of the other two. It was then when JJ’s brain actually caught up with what he was seeing and realised what the building was. A bank. These guys were trying to rob a bank.
Well shit.
The way JJ saw it, he had two options here. He could turn around, pretend he didn’t see anything and let them get on with what they were doing. Chances were they would either get caught by the police or he would see that the bank had been successfully robbed tomorrow morning on the news. Or JJ could do something about it. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket, only to see that it was dead. Of course, it was the good ol’ Maybank luck. He shoved it back into his pocket and looked towards the five men.
Then an idea popped into his head. A stupid, insane idea that was nothing short of self-deprecating and downright dumb. It was short of one of the worst ideas he had ever had. JJ had done a lot of weird stuff in his life but this definitely tops it all. And the worst part was that he was going through with it, because as much as he hated it, it was his only choice right now.
“I’m gonna regret this.” JJ huffed to himself as he snatched the mask out of his pocket and pulled it down over his face, adjusting it so he could see through the small holes Pope had made. He let out a breath, shaking his shoulders a little as he tried to pump himself up, get his adrenaline going.
“You got this, it’s not like they have guns or anything,” JJ muttered to himself as he placed his hands on the wall of the building across from the bank, the one he was currently hiding around so the bank robbers wouldn’t see him, before he began to scale the building. I mean, who would expect the enemy coming from above, right?
He stopped around half way up the building, thanks to the heightened senses he was able to still see the criminals clearly. He watched them closely, seeing only the three men that were on lookout where the one with guns. “Oh, let’s hope this works.” He whispered to himself before extending his arm out.
“What the fuck!” One of them called out as his gun was snatched from his hands in the blink of an eye, his two friends following a similar reaction. JJ wasn’t even thinking about where he was throwing the guns, just as long as they were nowhere near these dudes when he confronted them.
He watched them freak out, yelling at each other as they looked around for the culprit to their missing guns. He heard the half-ass threats they used and tried not to snort before he shot a web to one of the lampposts nearby and swung down, landing gracefully at the top of the lamppost.
“Guys, I hate to break it to you but someone lied, bank doesn’t open until tomorrow morning.” JJ called out to them, giving a small shrug. All five heads snapped up to look at him, and the glares he was receiving was enough to tell him that these guys weren’t big jokesters.
“Piss off, kid, this is none of your business.” One of them replied in a blunt, scruffy voice. It honestly made JJ cringe a little.
“You see,” JJ sighed. “I’ve made it my business so…” He trailed off before snapping his wrist, a web shooting out to stick to the head of the closest criminal and with a firm tug, his head hit the pole before he slumped to the ground.
One of the men growled at JJ, clearly not happy about some weird kid interrupting their wee heist. “You had your warning, kid. Come down and play with the adults.” He taunted before JJ noticed the glimmer of something in the light. A knife. Of-fucking-course the gun wasn’t the only weapon they had on them.
“That’s a bit unfair, isn’t it?” He commented, shooting a web to wrap around the criminal’s wrist, prepared to pull it out of his grasp, only for the robber to tug the web instead, sending JJ flying off the lamppost and falling on his ass to the ground. “Fuck!” He hissed as he quickly jumped to his feet.
“Life is unfair,” The criminal muttered before reaching to punch JJ but he easily dodged it. The speed and agility with which he moved with clearly distracting the criminal long enough for JJ to kick him hard enough that sent him stumbling back into the wall. JJ barely had time to process it before he snapped his hand to the left, stopping a fist that was inches away from his face.
“Nice try, asshole.” He huffed before twisting the criminal’s arm before sending a swift punch to his jaw. There was a satisfying pop sound that told JJ he would be preoccupied for at least a couple of minutes.
He then noticed two of the criminals trying to corner him, and he couldn’t help but smirk a little under the mask at just how cliché it seemed. In seconds, JJ has webs shooting out each wrist, attaching to the chests of each men, before yanking the two towards each other. Groans echoed through the empty street as both men collided with each other.
JJ’s head snapped to the side when he heard an angry battle call as he saw the man with the now dislocated jaw running towards him. JJ crouched down a little before he began running towards the criminal, his arms hooking around his knees. He kept running forwards until JJ felt glass smash around him and the two of them fell through. He quickly got up, wincing at the window he had just broken before turning to the criminal and giving him a good smack in the face—he definitely wasn’t holding back with his strength on that one.
JJ began to work fast, not knowing how long each of the criminals would stay dazed and unconscious for. In no time, he had them piled together, a healthy amount of web fluid keeping them tied together. They wouldn’t be going anywhere—at least for twenty minutes. But it was just JJ’s luck that he didn’t have to worry about that time limit because not even seconds after he finished, he heard the sirens and saw the blue lights flashing down the streets.
Police cars began to surround the bank, creating a semi-circle to prevent any possible escape. Officers began to exit their vehicles, guns set and loaded and now aimed towards JJ. “This is NYPD, keep your hands where we can see them!” One officer called out.
“Shit,” JJ muttered to himself as he raised his hands in the air, watching as officers slowly approached the crime scene.
He watched as a look of confusion washed over their faces as they took in the scene: the smashed window, the five tied up men, the weird silky rope that was binding them together and of course, JJ in his crappy mask.
He watched as they evaluated the situation. Watched as they tried to piece it all together before one officer—the badge telling JJ her name was Captain Peterkin—stopped in front of JJ with raised eyebrows. “Did you do this?”
“Sure did, ma’am.”
“Why?” Another officer perked up, JJ could see his badge said Officer Shoupe.
“They were robbing a bank, what did you want me to do? Sit around making daisy chains until you showed up?” JJ immediately defended, glaring as best as he could with the mask on his face.
Peterkin smiled a little before she cleared her throat, JJ’s attention shifting to her. “Then I guess we owe you a great deal of thanks for your work.”
“All in a day’s work, can I leave now? I’m sure the security cameras will give you all the answers you need.” JJ stated as he already began to take a few steps away from the crime scene, walking backwards.
“Can we at least know your name?” Peterkin asked.
JJ looked down at his wrists before he snapped them up, watching as the web attached to nearby building. He looked at Peterkin and couldn’t help grin under his mask as he answered her question before tugging on the web and swinging away into the night.
“Call me Spider-Man.”
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Taglist: @alphinias @popcornhook @loveyatopluto @teamnick @peanutbelley @iccyyyybitch @jiara-maybank @donkey-is-my-spirit-animal @carissarose16 @unspokenfaith @largedenominationsplease @jiaaras @homebody-nobody @smileymikey @hvitstark @shaymq7 @hmspogue @falseungodlyhours @aarchiess @rcsales @raeoffuckingsunshine @jjskiaras @parker-holland-osterfield @thesadprose
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themissingmarvel · 4 years
Kind Regards, Detective [Part 6]
(So, forgive me for this both: being long, and not having a lot of Loki in it. I understand if this chapter turns people off or doesn’t get a lot of love. I won’t be hurt by it. But it needed to be done. So hopefully I don’t lose readers but if I do, like I said, I understand.
Catch up:  [Part 1] // [Part 2] // [Drabble] // [Part 3] // [Part 4] // [Drabble 2] // [Part 5]
Pairing: Detective Loki x fbi!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k [yikes]
Warnings: Language. Poor life choices. )
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Back when Y/N was in undergrad, she remembered one of her classmates affectionately telling her she was afflicted with what was known as “resting bitch face”. She became known as the Queen of the RBF within her circles, and honestly it remained with her. But it was protective, and in times like this, when a precinct was staring at you, you had to protect yourself.
One of the things that would come up was a conflict of interest, she knew that immediately. Her supervising agent would be concerned about a package sent directly to her. No one would know the depth of it, though. They’d know it was in reference to her sister’s passing, but the song? The CD itself? She could lie. And she would. Even when her phone rang and she ignored it, she kept her face stoic and her eyes locked on the computer, scanning over the evidence collected from the scene still.
“Agent Y/N, there’s a call for you from the bureau-” a young officer, though not a rookie, popped his head in.
She didn’t even look up, “That’s cool.”
Loki glanced from her to the officer who looked more confused than anything. Clearly that was not the answer he was hoping for.
“I mean, they want to talk to you.” He suddenly got quieter. Meeker.
Again, she didn’t even pause, “Nice of them. I’ll send them a thank-you card later.”
Now the officer was confused, “Did you want to answer it out front or I can-”
“Tell them I’m dead. Or I’m in the bathroom. Whatever. I’m busy so please don’t come in again.” Her eyes glanced briefly from the screen to the man who got the hint, his mouth in a straight line as he backed out of the room, entirely missing David Loki’s very soft smirk.
But she was. Busy, that was. Not dead. She had found a few interesting leads, and was suddenly finding a rather disturbing pattern, “David, c’mere a sec. I need you to look at this and tell me I’m not crazy,” she looked across the table at the man who’d been poring over the papers and pictures, hating to look at bodies but knowing now was not the time to be squeemish. He thought his note was bad… hers was tenfold. Whatever it was. He didn’t know about her sister. Or any of her life, really. He knew what she had shared. He was vaguely terrified that this would stop all of it.
Standing, he walked over to where she was, a spreadsheet open, “So look,” she held up a finger, glancing back to the man who was leaning over, face by hers as he looked at the screen, the moment intense, though far from intimate, “if we follow the purchases, the television is old but beyond state-of-the-art, telling us it was pricy. And you don’t leave pricy things behind, especially if you think you can be traced. And when we tracked the generator down, it was from a different manufacturing company, so both were dismissed out of hand. But when we add in the piece about the phone company provider and the chemical weapon used… Look.”
She brought up a page of a very formal looking website, Safety in the palm of your hand was the caption under the large “West Company” logo in block letters at the top. David knew of them, but clearly Y/N knew more, “The company does a lot of work with technology and weapon engineering. The federal government has a contract with them, so we’ve worked with them before. David, they even have a lab on site…”
He stood back, looking down at her with focus and concern. Without the chemical agent to go off of, the connection might be a reach. But the fact that it all tied to one company, and one that would have direct links to technology to reach into… anything, meant it was a good chance that the person they needed would be there.
“So what do we do with this? I mean, that’s a huge company. And with a defense contract, they’re probably not gonna wanna talk to you,” David crossed his arms in front of his chest, concern on his features. She was a bloodhound who had finally picked up a scent and he had a sinking feeling she’d chase that scent, regardless of what came in her way.
Nodding, she closed the laptop, “Normally that’d be true, but I may have a way into the company records. I can’t divulge why. I just need you to trust me.” Her eyes were wide. And pleading. She had just been hit with a wrecking ball and already she was back on her feet, but David knew she was hurting. And pain made you do stupid things. But she was slowly becoming his weak spot.
Pushing back his hair he sighed, “Fine. What do we do next?”
Standing up and grabbing her phone that had more missed calls than she could reasonably get away with, she shrugged, “We don’t do anything. I make a call, and you keep going over evidence. I have to go back and grab something at the hotel. I left a file back there we’ll need to keep moving forward on this.”
There was something in her voice, her tone perhaps, or her body language. David would blame himself later, as he always did, for not noticing. He’d tell himself it was his fault. He should have known she wasn’t going to the hotel, or at least that wasn’t her final stop. And as she walked outside without her federal issued phone, only her keys and wallet in hand as she held her jacket tight, she understood what had to happen.
She wasn’t lying. Not completely. She had gone to the hotel and grabbed her personal phone, the one she used for calling her parents, listening to music, listening to audiobooks when she was stuck on airplanes, or in this case, long car drives alone. But her first call had been, surprising to most, to Henry Best. The man was one of the top CEO and board members of West Company and one she knew better than most. It was the way she had into the company.
Henry had been surprised to hear her voice, though not disappointed. He had liked Y/N when he met her four years back, when she had just begun her profiling in the field. Back when she was still wet behind the ears, so to speak. And that she was calling on her personal phone made him even more curious, “Of course. Around when should I expect you?” His voice, smooth as silk with a ‘proper’ British accent, a voice that could melt a woman without effort, came forth.
Glancing at the dashboard of her car, Y/N shrugged, “GPS says it’s another hour. So around 3pm, if that’s all right? Honestly, I hate to barge in like this. And I know you’re doing more than a favor. Especially since the FBI doesn’t even know-”
There was a soft chuckle, the man on the other end smiling, “Please don’t apologize. It would be my pleasure to see you again. After all, it is you I have to thank for where I am now, is it not?” A genuine kind of thanks to his voice, though something else lingered. Perhaps not strong enough for the bluetooth in the car to detect.
Either way, she felt herself smiling as she eyed the guidance system, “That was all your own work, Henry. But we can talk more when I get there. Do I check in at the front desk?” She was adjusting herself in her seat, suddenly a little nervous. She really hadn’t thought this through. And she was still wearing… well, a sweater and jeans. And her hair wasn’t well done, either. Fuck, she really did not think this through.
“I’ll have someone waiting out front to valet the car, don’t worry about parking. Mark will bring you up. Take your time.” He was calm. Cool. Collected. More than he had been before. It was kind of nice.
She nodded, to no one in particular, “Will do. See you in an hour, Henry.” She clicked off the phone, continuing her drive.
Her phone rang again, though this time the number came up as Delete This Later, “Madison is on a rampage. And now I have some podunk Detective Loki- Hey, what kind of name is that even? Whatever, anyway, this dude is calling me wanting to know where you are. I made some shit up about you needing to coordinate with another office. I still have Madison on a rampage, though. He’s your boss. Remember him?”
Rolling her eyes, she was already regretting giving Adrian her personal number, “Thank you for covering. I’m actually headed to see Henry Best. Over at West Company. Who knew my name was so memorable?” She smirked.
Adrian huffed, “Just don’t do anything stupid. Well, more stupid than you already have. Wits about, right?”
She cocked a sideways smirk, “Always. And you know the deal. Call David at 3pm, when I’m due in New York to meet with Henry. I’ll text you the address. And you can give him this number. Otherwise the guy will have a heart attack,” she sighed softly.
There was quiet for a moment before Adrian spoke again, “What did he send you, Ladybug? That guy. I haven’t seen you like this since the Boston case when you almost bumped into the dude we were after. I’m worried.”
But she was quiet. Too quiet.
“Nothing’s gonna happen. I just have a feeling Henry will be able to help.”
He had called her. He had called her twice before realizing the ringing was coming from inside her bag. He had thrown his own phone across the room, though one cased in an Otterbox after the officer manager was tired of him breaking phones. Instead, it bounced off and hit the ground. He had wanted to break something. Fucking anything.
It was a flurry of words after that, David having rolled his sleeves up, his hair repeatedly needing to be slicked back as his face looked vaguely similar to John Wick finding his dog dead. He kept telling himself he was angry because she was in harm’s way, and that was true, but there was something more. This woman he had felt vulnerable with, who had in turn shared her own vulnerabilities, was gone. And he knew that she was gone because she was chasing something that not even God himself could stop her from getting. She was on a mission.
David was a driven man just as much, however, and he had gotten through to Y/N’s unit by sheer force of will on the phone. He had kept it together enough that he was actually able to get through to someone named “Adrian Dent” who worked closely with her. The one who had texted her ‘ladybug’ and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like Adrian. No idea why, but when the smug asshole gave him a regurgitated message about her meeting with another agent in another city, he understood it was a lie.
But what else did he have? He was sitting by himself in the conference room they were using, staring at a laptop that had the company name on it. And he knew. He didn’t know exactly, but he knew. And fuck waiting. Fuck telling his chief. Fuck all of it. He was headed to New York City just the same as she was. ____
It had been strange, walking into the large, sleek office building. The floors were marble and the colors back and silver were clearly the aesthetic. She had trailed behind a young man who looked to be no older than twenty-two, probably scored this gig right out of a prestigious college, wanting to work his way into the defense industry. What a strange goal. No stranger, perhaps, than wanting to be an FBI Field Agent.
He was quiet as he lead her up, his earpiece wired in as they took a private elevator to the… damn, fiftieth floor? Last time she could have sworn it was forty. But that was four years ago.
Stepping off the elevator that looked like something out of Blade Runner, she followed the assistant carefully down the hall, carpeted in black with dark wood lining it. Far fewer people here. And it was clear, by the large double doors ahead, that this was where she was going, “Mr. Best is inside, you may enter.” He looked almost smug. She didn’t belong. He knew it. She knew it.
Shrugging off her winter jacket, she knocked on the door, heading the rather gentle, “Please, come in,” beckoning her forth.
It had been four years since she saw him, but Henry looked amazing. He had before but… there was something else now. His dark blonde hair was styled on his head, not slicked down but a certain casual and professional look to it. He had on a white business shirt, black tie tight around his neck though with his sleeves rolled up. And he, of course, was gorgeous. Blue eyes that felt like they could stop you in your tracks, angular features that made him all the more distinguished. He looked good.
And the office was amazing. An entire wall was purely windows, looking out at the impressive New York City skyline. It was like being in a movie. Her entire life she had never existed in a world like this, and now she was investigating a serial killer in an office that looked so extraordinary it hurt. Book shelves, a large desk by the back where he had been standing, oak, of course. He smiled, a sort of crooked smile that, were she paying attention, would have concerned her more. But he was smiling as he walked over, “Oh, please, let me take that. Shouldn’t have you lugging this around,” he smiled as he got close, taking the jacket from her hands, draping it over a chair nearby.
Nervous, suddenly, she pushed back her hair, “Thank you… and sorry about not being dressed for the occasion… Like I said, kind of a rush deal getting here,” she laughed nervously, fidgeting.
“Nonsense. You look wonderful, if I may say so. Would you care to take a seat? I wager you’ve just driven a bit of a ways, so I’ll understand if you’d like to stand.” There was care in his voice and tone, and suddenly she was struck by how strange it was. She tended to trust her gut, and suddenly it was telling her to be aware.
Smiling with her placating, plastic smile, she shook her head, “I’m happy to sit.”
He looked satisfied with the answer, gesturing to the table in the corner, two cups and a teapot on it, “Please, take a seat. May I offer you some tea?” He sat across from her, his movements graceful and purposeful, and perhaps almost serpent-like.
She held up a hand, “No thank you. Long drive back, don’t want to have to make pit stops,” she smiled at the man who looked… content. Relaxed. Hardly what she remembered before.
He was pouring himself a cup, Y/N looking around as she noticed a plant on his desk. Well, one. And flowers on his window. Gorgeous lilies. And orchids. Succulents were on two shelves of the book cases. She couldn’t help but smile, “Quite a lot of greenery around your office, Henry.”
Taking a sip of the tea, he smiled, “After we spoke those years ago, I took you up on your suggestion. I began gardening. Took a month off, worked on myself, and began gardening. Hobbies really are a lifesaver, aren’t they?” He was watching her now, able to see that brief moment of her eyes widening, ever so slightly, her breath catching in her throat. He could see her wheels turning. But she was no mere rabbit. Fear was not something that drove her.
And true, in her own mind she was rationalizing it, “I’m glad it seemed to work for you. Having a hobby like that can be therapeutic. And it seems like our meetings got you back on track. How have things been now?”
Of course, she was referring to the incident that had lead her to his office years ago. He had lost his wife in a rather tragic car accident. From what he had told the police, they had gotten into a fight, and before he could stop her, she had gotten her keys and driven off. She’d wound up running a red light at a major intersection and was killed on impact.
Something was clicking, now. His face changed every so slightly when she asked how things had been. Hobbies. Not just gardening. And now she was poking at the wound.
He nodded, quite like the gentleman he was, “Much better. Work has been consuming much of my time. I imagine you’re in a similar boat. I always sensed we were quite alike in that way,” he placed the tea back down and smiled at her.
There was a feeling of anger that came with the comment, though she was unsure why. It wasn't rude in any way, nor did it infer anything negative about her. But it felt personal.
“Speaking of work… I’m here because I think I have a lead on my case. And not to be an alarmist, I’m somewhat concerned they’re linked with your company somehow,” she eyed him carefully.
He looked out the window with a bit of a chuckle, “We have quite a few employees, you know. Do you have anything more to go off of? I’d love to help you, but that’s quite a broad brush to be painting with, Y/N,” his smile was daring this time. He was playing with her. What may not have been personal now was. But he was fishing, too. He wanted to see what she had. If she’d divulge.
She was many things in this world. Stupid was not on that list.
“If you could set me up with someone in human resources, I might be able to go over a filter given some of the profiles I have set up. Think you could make an exception for me?” She forced a smile, hoping, perhaps, she was wrong about that feeling in her gut. The feeling that was screaming at her, louder now, telling her to get out of the building. To find her car. But he had that, didn’t he? He had insisted he park it for her. Insisted he take her up through the private elevator. And she had complied.
Maybe she was wrong.
“Were I a different man, I might argue against it. But you’ve done quite a bit for me, Y/N, more than you know. You helped me realize my potential in those meetings. The kind of man I could be. And so of course, Agent Y/L/N, I would be more than honored to help. After what you’ve done for me. Truly, it stayed with me.” He smiled. And he was being honest. Sincere. She had made an impact in his life that had changed the entire course of his world. He had gone from a man on the brink of losing his life to drugs and alcohol over the loss of his true love, to a man who had channeled his grief into something else. He understood what it meant to lose.
A feeling of relief washed over her and she smiled, more sincere this time, “That’s really kind of you. And if it means anything, I always knew you’d come back from it. It’s why I recommended the board keep you on. We all have choices in life, I’m glad you made yours.”
A small ‘chirp’ came from the digital watch on the man’s wrist, looking down as he grimaced slightly, “Seems I’ve had an unfortunate emergency arise. I’ve got your number, so I’ll be sure to give you a call when I can locate someone in HR who can work remotely. Wouldn’t want you taking the trek back and forth from Conyers again, would we? You said over the phone the Detective you’re working with is stationed there as well,” He smiled as he stood, the agent doing the same.
He handed her the jacket she’d come in with, walking her to the door. And for a moment, she knew she could walk out and it would be the end of it. Her gut would stop screaming at her, now from the top of its lungs, and maybe she could get out unscathed. She could simply walk to the elevator and find a way to do things on her terms. She knew, deep down, that she could walk out the door confident in her own beliefs and he would be confident that she had only the brief terror that prey does when suspecting a predator nearby.
Instead, she turned as she walked out the door, her eyes locking onto his, “I meant to ask, you have so many different plants and flowers, do you have any favorites? I’m a lavender woman, myself,” she smiled strongly, forcing herself to speak now as she felt the rest of herself coming undone.
And he smiled. The smile that would seal in every fear she had, every terror that she would feel, every nightmare that would haunt her, and she knew that look in his eyes with that smile as he spoke, “Oh, my dear, it’s roses I love best. Give my kindest regards to Detective Loki, won’t you?”
It took every ounce of strength she had to stay standing as he closed the door with the look of a man she had seen once. The man who had fallen apart but was wearing the mask of something else. She understood his comment, now. Two sides of the same coin. Two people shaped by tragedy. Two lives changed in a moment. And a grin on his face that felt like a bullet to her chest.
Kind Regards indeed.
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ceealaina · 5 years
Love’s Strange
Square: K3 - Carnivorous Plant Rating: T Link: AO3 Warnings: None Pairings: Stuckony, background Carol/Rhodey Summary: Tony makes a new friend in the lab, and for some reason Bucky is the only one with enough sense to be concerned about it. 
Bucky walked into the lab and couldn’t help grinning broadly. Tony was draped over a work desk, poking at something, hip canted out and grey pants molding perfectly to his ass.
“Well hell,” Bucky drawled, leaning against the doorframe and folding his arms over his chest as he let himself just linger and stare. “Ain’t that a sight for sore eyes.”
“Hey honey.” Tony looked over his shoulder, shooting Bucky a genuine grin, but a second later his attention was pulled back to whatever he’d been looking at. “What’re you doing down here?” he added after a minute, tone distracted.
Bucky shrugged even though Tony couldn’t see him. “Got bored. Sam and Clint were talking about whether a radish is also a rutabaga. Too much stupid for me to handle, so I thought I’d come down here... Pester my favourite engineer... Maybe see if he wanted to fool around a little...?”
That got him a soft huff of pleased laughter, but Tony didn’t look up again and, curiosity winning out, Bucky gave up his A+ view to move over to him.
“What’ve you got, doll?”
Tony glanced over when Bucky leaned into his space, face pulled into an adorably puzzled frown. “A plant.”
Bucky couldn’t resist giving him a quick kiss before Tony’s words caught up to him. “A... plant?” he repeated, because last he checked, Tony wasn’t the horticultural type. But sure enough, there was a funny little lime green thing sitting in a bright pink pot on the tabletop, about six inches high and covered in little spikey bell-shaped leaves, run through with electric blue veins. “Where did that come from?”
“No idea,” Tony answered. “It was here when I came down. I thought maybe Steve brought it for me? Steve seems like the type to give people plants, right?” He reached out, running his index finger delicately over one of the leaves. “Ooh, it’s soft.” He gave Bucky another smile. “It’s kinda cute, right?”
“Uh... cute,” Bucky repeated. “Right. Tony, what the hell is this? I’ve never seen a plant looking anything like that before.”
“Oh, really? I mean, it didn’t look familiar to me, but then, it’s not like I’m a botanist.” He managed to say the word with so much disdain that Bucky couldn’t help snorting a little. “I just assumed it was some specialty fancy plant. You know, like orchids.”
Bucky blinked, watching as Tony continued stroking the leaves carefully, and what the hell, he could have sworn the plant shivered. “That definitely ain’t an orchid.”
“Well, I know that,” Tony replied, before staring off into the middle distance for a minute. “Wait, what do orchids look like?” he asked, before shaking his head. “Doesn’t matter. I like it.”
Bucky was still watching the plant suspiciously. He was almost positive that he could see it actually leaning into Tony’s touch against its leaves, and he was definitely positive that plants weren’t supposed to do that. “Tony, baby... Don’t you think that we should maybe... Find out where it came from?”
Tony lifted his head, giving Bucky a dry look. “What? You think it’s secretly a trap sent here to- ow!” Tony’s eyes went wide and slowly turned his head to look back down at the plant. “It bit me!” He lifted his hand up, the entire plant coming with him, one of the bell leaves now closed around the tip of his index finger. He gave his hand a little shake, wincing when the grip tightened. “Oww!”
“Shit!” Bucky moved to grab the thing, ready to rip the leaf off and smash the plant against the wall, but Tony smacked him away with his other hand.
“Careful! You’re gonna hurt him!” Tony turned back to the plant. “Hey, Einstein, I’m not your food. Let go of me.” He was practically cooing at it, using his free hand to tug carefully until the plant let him go and he could set it back on the table. “See?” He turned to Bucky, all smug. “He was just hungry, weren’t you pretty thing?” He gave the plant another little pat, and this time Bucky definitely saw it flutter at the attention. “Do you think he eats blueberries?”
“Tony!” Bucky stared at him incredulously. “It just tried to eat you!”
“Because he was hungry,” Tony insisted. “Must be a Venus Fly Trap.”
Bucky groaned. “That is not a Venus Fly Trap. Tony, honey, we gotta find out what this is before it goes all Little Shop of Horrors, and does eat you.”
“Alien,” Bruce confirmed twenty minutes later. Bucky had gone to get him when Tony refused to do any testing in case he hurt his precious new friend. They’d come back to find him feeding it peanuts. “The chemical composition in the soil isn’t even something that exists on this planet.”
Bucky groaned, rubbing at his temples as he felt a headache coming on. “Outstanding,” he muttered dryly.
“I know, right?” Tony asked, bending over the table to get his face up close to the plant with his usual complete lack of regard for personal safety. “Hey, you funky little alien. Did you come all this way to hang out with me?”
“Tony.” Bucky gave his boyfriend a look. “You cannot keep the carnivorous space plant.”
“Carnivorous?” Bruce looked up from the readouts he had been peering at, eyebrows raising.
“It tried to eat Tony earlier.”
“He was hungry,” Tony insisted again. “We just have to figure out what he eats and it’ll be fine.”
“He eats people, Tony.”
Tony just shrugged. “He liked the peanuts I gave him.”
Tony refused to hear a word against his plant, or to stop feeding it peanuts, so Bucky did what any sane person would do in this situation.
He went to get Steve.
"Stevie," he complained, walking into the living room and finding Steve parked in front of a window, sketching the skyline. "Please come and collect your ridiculous boyfriend."
"My boyfriend?" Steve repeated without looking up from his drawing. "Uh-uh, it's Tuesday. Pretty sure he's your boyfriend on Tuesdays," he told him, snickering when Bucky tossed a throw pillow at him.
"Fine. Come and collect our boyfriend. He's not listening to me."
"What's he doing now?"
“Hanging out with aliens.”
Steve did look up then, a slightly startled look crossing his features. “I’m sorry, he’s what now?”
“Just come on.”
Bucky explained the situation on the way down to the lab, where they found that Bruce and Tony had progressed from peanuts to feeding the plant raw ground beef. Clint was standing in the corner, a bandaid wrapped around his finger.
“Uhh,” Steve said eloquently.
Tony looked up at the sound of his voice. “Steve!” he cried happily. “Come and meet our new child!”
Bucky choked at that but Tony ignored him, grabbing Steve by the arm and hauling him over to the table. “Steve, this is Einstein. Einstein, this is your other other dad, Steve.”
“Um, hi Einstein,” Steve said, sounding a little perplexed. “Where did he come from?”
“No idea,” Tony admitted. “But he was hungry,” he added, getting a grumble from Clint. “Look!” He grabbed another spoonful of the ground beef, and Bucky waited expectantly for Steve to tell him that they needed to kill it with fire immediately. But instead, to his horror, he watched Steve move closer, bending over the table to peer at Einstein the plant speculatively.
“Aww,” he cooed, watching him - it - gobble down a mouthful. “He’s kinda cute.”
“Right?” Tony looked at him, pleased. “Here, look.” He grabbed Steve’s hand, touching his fingers gently against the plant’s leaves. The plant shivered again, leaning into the touch. “See? He likes it!”
“Oh, sure,” Clint grumbled from the corner pouting at the plant. “Captain America touches him and he’s everyone’s best friend. But I get near him, and the thing tries to attack me. That thing’s dangerous, Tony!”
“Thank you!” Bucky agreed, pointing at Clint. The two of them shared a look and Tony just glared at them both.
“You scared him, Barton. What were you expecting?” He stroked the leaves again, beaming down at the plant like some kind of proud parent. “See? He’s harmless.”
Steve had taken over feeding it, grinning as the plant gulped down mouthfuls of ground beef, like that wasn’t the most terrifying thing in existence. Bruce was scribbling observations on a tablet, grinning at them over top of his glasses from time to time. Bucky just threw up his arms, sensing that this was an argument he wasn’t going to win.
“What is wrong with you people?” he demanded, because he may have loved these idiots but it didn’t mean they weren’t still idiots.
Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Einstein was going anywhere. Tony and Steve were doting on their “funky little alien son.” Tony and Bruce were performing daily (non harmful) experiments, figuring out what he ate and what he didn’t eat, soil composition, trying to determine where he came from. Tony had introduced him to Dum E, U, and Friday, who all apparently adored their new baby brother. Steve would sit for hours, sketching them working, and close ups of the plant itself. There was even one that Tony had had framed and put up in their living room, to a lot of eye rolling from Bucky. Nat had rolled her eyes at Bucky’s protests, Thor had told him not to worry about it, Sam had laughed himself sick over Bucky being scared of a tiny little plant (although Bucky noticed he didn’t get within five feet of it himself) and after the fifth time Einstein had bitten him, Clint refused to go anywhere near the lab. So Bucky was left as the only voice of reason, glowering at everybody from the corner for getting too close to the thing.
Until the day that he and Steve went out on a run only to get an Avengers alert for an intruder in Tony’s lab. They’d torn back to the tower at super soldier speed, but it had still taken them a full ten minutes to get there and by that time, apparently, they needn’t have worried.
The lab was in complete disarray by then, machinery overturned and tossed around the room, all the tech blinking and on the fritz. Tony was leaning against the far wall, halfway between sitting and standing. He was cradling his arm and looking shell shocked and bruised and bleeding, but nothing seemed too serious. There was no sign of any bad guys.
“Tony?!” Steve rushed over to his side as Bucky did a more thorough sweep of the space. “Jesus, Tony, what happened?”
Tony waved him off as Steve helped him upright, wincing at the shift of his arm; it looked like his shoulder was dislocated. “Uh… Portal. Weird space bird things.” He was blinking a lot, still looking dazed. Worried he was concussed, Steve cupped his face in his hands, trying to get a look at his pupils, but Tony scrunched up his face and pulled away. “Stop,” he protested.
“Tony, baby…” Bucky moved to join them, gun in hand and a perplexed look on his face. “Where did they go?”
“Umm.” Tony was frowning again, that confused look back. “Einstein took care of it.”
“Einstein?” Steve and Bucky both spoke in unison, turning to face the plant. He was in the same place on the table, looking as if nothing had even happened.
“Yeah,” Tony said. “He just, uh…” He made an explosion motion with his hands. “He just… Ate them.”
“He ate them.” Steve repeated, staring at where Einstein sat a full seven inches tall.
Bucky blinked and threw his arms up in a shrug. “Alright, sure,” he said. “Weird space plant ate the bad guys? Sure. I guess he can stay.”
And if in the middle of the night Steve and Tony woke to find Bucky missing from bed, only to discover him in the lab, cooing over Einstein and telling him how smart and perfect and pretty he was? They kept that to themselves.
It was nearly three months later that Carol and Rhodey showed up, with a sonic boom and no warning as they usually did. Tony had been sprawled across the couch, tangled with Steve and Bucky and sleeping off a work binge, and he’d practically shoved them both to the ground in his haste to go greet them.
Rhodes was waiting, armour gone and arms held out expectantly, the two men hugging tightly as they reunited.
“So…?” Rhodey asked when they pulled apart, staring at Tony expectantly. Tony frowned at him.
“So what?”
Rhodey frowned, looking a little put out. “You didn’t get my present?”
“Present?” Tony lit up, waggling his eyebrows ridiculously. “I love presents. Gimme.”
“I already gave it to you. Well, we did,” he added, grinning at Carol. “We couldn’t stay, but we dropped it off. Little thing about yay high.” He held up his hands. “Bright green? Likes leaf scratches, jazz music, and raw meat? Protective streak a mile wide?”
Tony blinked at him. “Einstein was from you?!”
Rhodey just rolled his eyes. “How many other Rhodey’s do you know?” he asked before catching Tony’s blank expression. “Did… Did you not get the note?”
(In retrospect, leaving the explanatory note beside the plant that ate literally anything probably hadn’t been Rhodey’s best move.)
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lurafita · 5 years
Kitten Peter!
Go here for the post that started it: Plot Bunny  - you actually need to read this if you haven’t already, if you want to read on under the cut.
I was very surprised how many people actually liked the idea, so I decided to make a little series out of it! Suggestions and prompts are welcome! The previous prompt about the Avengers meeting kitty Peter and Pete not liking Steve very much is already being incorporated (haven’t forgotten you, anon ;-) )
Lets fill in some background that I'm too lazy to write out.
-Civil War did not and will not happen, but there has been a rift in the Avengers team by the time Tony finds kitty Peter (when Peter saves him from the mugger).
-This was caused by the ending of Tony and Steve's relationship. They had been together for a while, but then the Winter Soldier happened and Steve realized that Bucky was still alive.
-The fact that the Winter Soldier killed Tony's parents came to light, but under different circumstances that didn't lead to a direct, physical confrontation between the three.
-Steve decided to stay in Wakanda with Bucky, during the removal of Hydra's programming.
-In that time, even though he and Tony were still an item (though Tony was understandably upset that his boyfriend chose to be on another continent with hardly a phone call for weeks), Steve slept with Bucky.
-When Steve and Bucky return to the US, Steve breaks up with Tony.
-Tony feels used and that he had been a stand-in for Barnes all this time.
-When Steve says he wants Bucky to join the Avengers as well, it's the last straw for Tony.
-He blows up spectacularly and resigns (temporarily) from the Avengers.
-The team (except for Steve and Bucky) is allowed to keep their living spaces in the tower, but any and all Avengers business is to be had at the compound.
-Since they need to train regularly and have many missions, the team spends most of their time at the compound as a consequence. (Unintentionally isolating Tony from them. But don’t worry! He has kitty Petey now!)
-While the team isn't happy with Steve for the way he handled things with Tony, there is no bad blood between them. (This is the reason why inner team relationships are discouraged, after all. If one ends on bad terms, the whole team dynamic is in jeopardy. Steve is still a good team captain and a good friend, he just really messed up with Tony.)
-They understand that Tony needs some distance, and hope that time will heal this particular wound.
Okay! Let's start the story!
A loud and quite pitiful 'meow' had Tony looking up towards the huge bookshelf, upon entering the living room.
And there, right at the top of the almost three meter high shelf, sat Peter, his fluffy, little kitten, hunched in on himself.
"Petey, we talked about this. Don't climb stuff if you can't get down again."
The tiny kitty fixed his huge, adorable eyes on the billionaire and gave another pitiful sounding 'meow'.
Tony sighed in defeat.
"Don't know why they are called puppy eyes. You got those mutts beat by a mile. Hang on, Pete."
He quickly strode to the side of the bookshelf and grabbed the ladder.
"Why do I even own this thing? No one ever reads the books at the top. Just a stupid dust collector."
As if on cue, Peter let out a little sneeze. Tony smirked.
"If you rolled around up there, you better believe you’re gonna deal with that yourself. I'm not gonna try bathing you again. Last time was traumatizing enough."
The memory actually had him shivering a little. As soon as he had reached the top, Tony held out a hand for Peter, and the little kitten cuddled right into it. The billionaire's heart melted a little every time he realized how tiny his little Peter really was. He could probably close his hand entirely around the fluffy body.
After making his way back down, purring kitten carefully cradled against his chest, Tony headed for his lab.
"Alright Petey. We have a full day of mechanics ahead of us. First a few improvements to the propulsors on my suit. Don't worry, I'll not do any test runs with you there."
The first time Tony was testing out his suit's flight capabilities with the kitten in the room, Peter had run along the table he had been resting on and knocked everything off it. And he hadn't stopped until Tony's feet were safely back on the ground. A second and third flight test bore the same results. At first Tony had thought his kitten was scared of the suit, but Peter never had a problem when Tony tested any of the other functions. Only the flying and hovering above ground seemed to alarm the little fluff ball for whatever reason.
"Then we are gonna work out the kinks in the clear water system that were reported," he paused to scratch Peter under his chin, to which the kitten wiggled happily in his palm, "and then you can have a re-match with 'the captain'."
The name ignited an immediate response in Peter, as the kitten quickly turned around to look over his human's hand, ears perked up, little head swiveling from side to side, and a low hiss building up in his throat. Tony watched with an amused grin. 'The Captain' was what Tony had named the old roomba with the Captain America color scheme, that he had bought as a gag gift for Steve, when they had first gotten together. It was a pretty useless device, not having the motor power needed to suck up some of the bigger stuff on the floor, and a rather poor battery life. He should have probably thrown it out (or blasted it with a repulsor), when Steve came back to New York waving his new/old boyfriend in his face, and ended their relationship.
At first he had gotten some petty satisfaction in watching the roomba (that he mentally linked to Steve) roll around and clean up his dirty floor.
'That's right, suck it up you fucking cheater!'
When he had started taking Peter into the lab with him, and 'the captain' had started its bumbling roll among the floor, the little kitten had developed an instant hatred for the roomba.
Peter 'fought' the captain every time the thing came out of it's charging station. Whenever Peter felt he had come out the winner of these 'battles', he would hop on top of the captain and let himself be carried around for a victory lap. All the while looking as regal and proud as a tiny little ball of fluff was capable of.
It was as cute as it was hilarious and Tony had a few dozen videos of it saved away.
He resumed his chin scratches to calm the agitated kitty down again, and exited the elevator into his private lab.
"Now, Pete, don't you go climbing up the shelves again. That's where I put all the dangerous things, that adorable little furballs should not stick their whiskers in."
He pointed a threatening finger at Peter's nose. Peter batted at it with a paw.
"I mean it. Dum-E is armed with the fire extinguisher and he will spray you if you try to get your furry little butt any higher than the table."
Another small hiss. Peter liked playing with the robots, but he hated being sprayed with the fire extinguisher. (Fearing that the kitten would get sick from licking his fur clean, Tony had outfitted Dum-E with a special extinguisher filled with foamy cat shampoo)
The lab was actually not that hazardous of a place to be for a little kitten, after Tony had removed anything potentially dangerous from easy reach, that is.
All chemicals were stored in specially sealed and reinforced containers, that wouldn't break easily, no matter how many times Peter's paws pushed them over the table's edge.
The soldering equipment needed a certain sequence of button pushing before it activated, and even then a human adult hand was required to reach and press down on the trigger.
Most of the fine tuning on his engineering projects was done via holographic input, and his automated robot arms would do the heavy lifting behind a thick glass cylinder, that Peter couldn't climb.
Whenever Tony needed to do something himself, he had a specially made enclosure he would put Peter in, that would keep the feline safe from harm.
As Tony worked, Peter amused himself by climbing Butterfingers and U, being chased around by Dum-E, climbing up on Tony and rubbing his body along the man's beard, batting at any hologram the genius had pop up, and looking for all the little snacks Tony kept hiding for him in the nooks and crannies of the lab.
Peter was just about to take a well deserved nap on Tony's lap, when the man started looking around the table.
"Where is that stupid pen?"
Peter perked up at the words, jumped off his human's lap, and raced to one of the crates that held his toys. He dove in head first, shuffled around a little, and then emerged with a gold and red pen in his mouth. He raced back to his human, scrambled up the pant leg, hopped onto the table, and proudly dropped the pen beside his human's hand.
Tony's look was a mixture of stunned and incredulous.
"Did you steal and hide my pen?"
The little kitten bumped his head against the hand on the table.
"Oh, and now you want me to pet you for bringing back the pen you stole?"
Despite his words, Tony did just that.
"That's probably how the term 'cat burglar' was born. You adorable little thief."
Peter was a house cat and the tower had no mice. He had to find some way to bring his human little gifts, okay?
Tony didn't actually need to write anything down, he just liked twirling the pen between his fingers when trying to figure out a particular issue with his tech. He gave Peter another rub behind the ears and then picked up the pen. Peter settled back into his lap, kneaded his thighs a bit, walked in a little circle, and finally settled down for his nap.
The moment’s tranquility was broken by Pepper's sudden entrance.
"How come the owner of the world's leading tech-company never bothers to check his phone?"
She came to a stop before his work station and crossed her arms under her chest, an annoyed, but also worried frown on her face.
Tony lifted up his arms in a show of innocence and pointed at his lap.
"Sorry Pep. Petey has me pinned down, you see? Couldn't have gotten to my phone without waking him."
Pepper rolled her eyes.
"Yes, you seem incredibly regretful. Never mind that. Rhodey called. There is a mission on the horizon that needs Iron Man. The team is going to be here tomorrow, for further briefing, preparation and training."
Well, shit.
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bubbelpop2 · 4 years
Being fat isn’t a bad thing. Being malnourished is.
Not only is obesity a problem in america because healthy food and access to good healthcare are super fucking expensive, but the amount of people that are both obese, and malnourished at the same time, is at a phenomenal record high. This is because processed foods are cheap and easy to make, and cheap and easy to consume. They have a lot of the energy your body needs, but none of the materials that your body needs to rebuild itself. So when you eat fast food, you’re likely to eat it in large amounts to make up for the lack of vitamins that it gives you. 
I grew up in poverty, with a shitty, neglectful dad. The only thing my dad knew how to make was spaghetti, and i was under his care. I ate so much spaghetti that I threw up. I ate so much spaghetti but was still hungry. Still tired, still not paying attention in class, still not nourished. Because spaghetti didn’t have the materials that my body and brain needed to thrive. I was surviving, but my brain’s ability to regulate thought, sleep, and emotion, was stagnated. All because the food that I had didn’t have enough nutrition. 
Let me explain further. Imagine you’re a fisherman. You fish at a pond every day. The big fish are hard to catch, but nourish you very well. The little fish are too easy to catch, there are a lot of them, and they don’t nourish you well at all. In this metaphor, the big fish are the foods that contain enough materials for your body to rebuild itself and keep up vital functions. Your brain also uses these materials to regulate everything. These materials are essential to your survival. Now, let’s go back to the little fish: these fish have way, way more energy in them than the big fish. But they have little to no building materials inside of them. You would have to eat hundreds of them a day for your body to get everything it needs. 
For rich people, who can pay people to fish for them, tell them which fish is better for them, prepare the fish, buy bigger rods and boats and nets, catching the big ones isn’t an issue. 
For poor people, who only have a stick, or their bare hands, or a net, can’t catch the big fish. They can’t afford to, and they don’t have the energy to do so. So what are they supposed to do? Just “work harder”? Go out of their way to get the big fish? Are they even able to do that? Are they disabled and physically incapable of catching the big fish? Can they just not muster up the energy to do it because of how tired they are already because their brain isn’t getting enough nutrients?
Do you see the problem yet, or should I continue?
What about rich people who didn’t use to be rich, or prefer the small fish because they aren’t used to the big fish, don’t like them, or are too lazy to go out of their way to get big fish?
Obesity isn’t a problem, it’s the result of a problem. Fat people should absolutely not be shamed. They shouldn’t be victim to jokes, and shouldn’t be afraid to be fat. In fact, someone who’s fat because they eat large amounts of “big fish” (healthy and nutrient dense foods) are far less likely to get heart disease than a skinny person who, when they do eat, eat small amounts of the little fish. Obesity isn’t a problem, at least, not all obesity. 
See, there are two different types of accumulating weight: 
gaining weight by eating healthy foods often, drinking fresh water, and exercising moderately (not exercising extremely to the point of being underweight, which has been shown to be very stressful on the body. You’re not supposed to use all of the calories you consume, you need to save some for your body to be able to think and sleep properly.)
And gaining weight because you have no other choice. You have to eat. You have to eat, and because the only thing you can eat is cheaply mass produced foods that have high amounts of energy but low amounts of materials, your body stores the energy it doesn’t need, and desperately soaks up any nutrition it can get. And not only is it cheap and easy to afford, it’s also easy to eat and easy to digest, which makes it addictive. 
The human brain is lazy, and so is the human body. The body doesn’t want to work hard for nutrients and energy. In fact, it’s designed to do it by expending the least amount of energy possible. So these foods, which are the only foods you can afford anyways, are easy to process. Easy to digest. Easy, easy, easy. Your brain likes easy. Your brain likes the word and concept of easy very much. Fast food is very addictive this way, and so are most of the cheap foods that aren’t from a restaurant but from a grocery store. Cereals, chips, bread, pasta, ice cream. All of these things are easy to digest. Which makes them very appealing, and very addictive.
And so a lot of people that have “problems” with their weight don’t understand that it’s not bad to be fat. It’s bad to be malnourished. 
Your brain needs materials to survive and think and work properly. A prison study showed that when supplements that provide the proper vitamins and minerals that they need along side of their unhealthy prison food reduced violence by a whopping 39%. But that’s not the only report of proper nutrition reducing emotional instability. 
The fast food industry is predatory. It takes all of the things that your brain is designed to love, and enhances them. Which causes enhanced reactions. Have you ever felt your mouth water at the thought of a deep fried chicken strip with cheese sauce and msg, and then moaned when you bit into it? It’s designed to be addictive, and a lot of fast food companies and even regular food companies like grocery stores add sugar and msg to everything. In case you don’t know what msg is, it’s a chemical that’s made up of all of the things that our brains love. It’s not harmful, but it’s very, very delicious, and very, very addictive. Hell, msg is in the official KFC secret recipe. 
“Colonel's secret blend of herbs and spices? It came very close, yet something was still missing. That's when a reporter grabbed a small container of the MSG flavor-enhancer Accent (how did that get in the test kitchen?) and sprinkled it on a piece of the fried chicken. That did the trick. Our chicken was virtually indistinguishable from the batch bought at KFC. (Does KFC add MSG? A KFC spokesperson confirms that it does use it in the Original Recipe chicken.)”
And the kicker? It’s not even unhealthy to be fat. It’s just unhealthy to consume products that have high energy (calories) but low building materials (vitamins, minerals, healthy fats). In fact, a lot of perfectly healthy people constantly work out to exhaustion and eat as little as possible to avoid being fat, when the fact of the matter is, that having a bit of a tummy, thighs, and hips, (for both men and women!) Is not only healthy, but we’re designed to be in that state. That’s why people keep gaining back weight time after time, diet after diet. 
Because some people? Are designed to more aggressively store body fat than others, regardless of diet or exercise. I know people that could eat an entire barn full of cows and still not have a single inch of fat on them, and I also know a lot of my fat friends don’t binge eat. They don’t eat fast food constantly, and they don’t have a lazy or unhealthy lifestyle. They’re fat, because they’re supposed to be. That’s what they’re designed to be. 
Let me repeat: being fat isn’t bad for you, unhealthy food is. You can acumulate fat, and still be healthy. Fat doesn’t NOT mean unhealthy, under any circumstances. And in fact, fat people often go on to lead normal, productive lives. My teacher, for instance, is fat. But she’s also a math genius that use to work for the National Nuclear Security Administration as an Engineer until she came back to teach in her hometown. And she was fat. 
To be honest, weight has zero to do with what you can accomplish. Nutrition, sleep, water, and a healthy mindset that comes from good coping mechanisms and therapy does. And the fact that poor people don’t have access to.. most of these? Is the cherry on the cake. Making us unable to think is the first step in us being complacent. The government not providing proper mental and physical care, and also not providing good and healthy food/supplements, combined with the negative stigma around being overweight, is a system designed not to hurt just the fat: but to hurt the poor. 
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silyabeeodess · 5 years
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Even after making these guys, I still can hardly fathom how much I actually like this show now…
Here’s a character line-up for the six IZ ocs I mentioned in my earlier post.  I’ll list some info on each of them in the cut below, but here’s some general info for the whole group:  These guys all knew each other since they were smeets. At the time, Irkens were going through one of many phases to genetically engineer better, stronger, taller versions of their species. At this point, the experiments were winding down and each phase pushed for only mild or subtle changes in order to limit any extreme consequences. Most of their batch ended up slightly taller than average and tested better overall during their training. They were all also very loyal Irkens! The problem was… a lot of them proved to be more loyal to each other than to their actual leaders.  This actually led to about a 2 minute “uprising” in their youth where a few of them got themselves just about vaporized. Some other smeets from their batch would later meet similar fates or get their little, green butts handed to them down the line whenever any of them stepped so much as a foot out of line.  …Woohoo! :) So, the ones that survived basically either never really had a loyalty issue or learned pretty fast to keep their mouths shut.  In the case of these six, it was the latter. Rather than favor height, they value competence. That doesn’t mean that they won’t follow orders, but whoever leads them better do so well. This leaves them to often have shaky opinions of their fellow Irkens and higher-ups, and the group will often debate (in secret) over which traits are the most valuable for the empire’s goals of conquest. They’re also pretty ambitious, and divided themselves in a way to both jointly live…somewhat, comfortably and rise through the empire’s ranks.
Larg is the tallest of the group, and because of this the others will sometimes treat him as an outsider. In public, they give him the respect other Irkens would show him because of his height and position. In private, he has to prove himself to them more than the rest of them have to with each other to show that he isn’t taken in by his own status and that he won’t end up stabbing them in the back at some point. In reality, the fear is pretty baseless as he’s actually the most lenient and easygoing of the bunch. 
Once he became a navigator on the Massive, he was able to solidify his place in the group a lot more. They valued his placement and what it meant for them overall, with him doing the others favors or giving them subtle recommendations when possible. It also gave him the chance to keep an eye on the Tallest.
Out of the six, he questions authority the least. He gets along well with his fellow navigators too.
Sleeveen is the next tallest of the six and became a scientist. It’s not so much that she devoted herself to science because that’s her strong suit, but rather that “someone needed to fill that slot” and the role fit her personality best. Sleeveen’s the sort to play mind-games rather than draw a weapon. She’ll put on a show to convince you that your family’s dead just to see how you react and test how far she can push you over the edge. Therefore, it could easily be said that she favors/specializes in psychological weaponry and related tech.  
She likes talking and bragging about her work, so she’ll show it off any chance she gets. In turn, she’ll take it as a personal offense if you don’t give her some attention. Just letting her talk and nodding along on occasion is typically all it really takes to satisfy her though. 
The group views her as the least rational, due to her being pretty petty and desire for revenge if she feels slighted–which the others mostly view as a pointless waste of time. Still, she doesn’t let her feelings get in the way of her work or their safety, so they’ll usually let her have her way or even play along.
Fiz probably would’ve been fine anywhere in the military, but the others pushed her to be an invader due to her self-discipline and well-rounded abilities. And it was good advice: She does a pretty good job.  Her main issue is that her usual “angry” expression sometimes gets her into a bit of trouble, as most people can’t read her and don’t know if she’s giving them sass or not.  She often gets sent to planets with darker atmospheres or that are tidal locked, so she wears a much darker uniform than normal to help her blend in a bit better to those types of surroundings. 
Even when she first hatched, Fiz had a pretty angry expression. She’s not a negative person though: It’s just her face. She can be a hard-case with a razor focus to her work and a stern desire for control of both herself and her environment; however, she will emote more at times of extreme emotion, such as surprise, and doesn’t mind relaxing a bit–especially with the others–if she is offered the chance. Just don't expect her to spill her innermost secrets…
Fiz has a major caffeine addiction. She once had to go several weeks without caffeine on an assignment on a dwarf planet and it frustrated her so much that she dumped a ton of chemicals into its entire water supply to turn it into soda. Even though she went a little out of line, the Tallest were actually happy with the result and pumped the planet dry before conquering it completely.  
Cestus is the group’s second invader; however, he stayed an Irken elite for a much longer period than Tiz from a lack of trying. He shows a general apathy for most things, and as a result nothing really moves, disappoints, or impresses him easily.  The most anyone can normally get out of him is a resounding “meh.” Out of the six, he’s the most likely to be a follower, as he doesn’t give much input on things and has a habit of staying silent. Despite this, the others know that he’d come through for them in the end.
The one thing Cestus really does care deeply about are the others in the group, even if he doesn’t show it. If something happened to them, he’d fight tooth and nail to save them–even shirking off his obedient façade if it came to it, so long as he knew it wouldn’t do more harm than good.  He actually has a soft spot for smeets too, and would’ve wanted to teach if he was able. Not without attempting to slip their batch’s ideology onto future generations despite their PAKs’ programming, but he would’ve enjoyed it.
No one will say it to his face, but some Irkens talk about Cestus’ head. He doesn’t know it, but a lot of them think he got hit with something that caused a permanent indentation in the back of it. It’s one rumor that somehow no one in the group has picked up on, or if they have they just don’t care enough about it to bring it up.
Moob is about average in height for an Irken, as well as average overall in most fields. Because of this, he became a standard soldier. He specializes in demolitions for his unit, which is the main area where he shows incredible skill.  He’s very passionate about his explosives. Some might even say dangerously so.  Give him any opportunity to blow something up and there’s a chance that the armada will see fireworks from halfway across the galaxy. If it weren’t for the others reminding him to keep himself in-check, he’d probably get himself into a ton of trouble.
He’s got a very “silent, but deadly” personality, not really saying much to other people outside of the group, but breaking into a loud, scary fit of laughter when it’s time to do his job. Effective as he is, most people don’t like teaming up with him on assignments. 
He’s blown himself up and his PAK has had to revive him multiple times. It’s a miracle he still has all of his limbs. 
Unlike the others, Calu didn’t get very far in his training. Although just a little shorter than the average Irken, he was one of the shortest in the batch. That, combined with his slight chubbiness and lack of noteworthy abilities led to him getting stationed as a janitor on the Massive. His placement was intentional, with Larg pulling some strings so he could watch him and so that Calu could check out other parts of the ship. No one makes his job easy though–and it’s already not, because sometimes he’ll get sent on jobs cleaning up areas like that trash compactor in “Star Wars”–so he does what he can to keep attention away from him.
Calu is actually very intelligent, but hides it since his low status actually works well for them all in the end. Since most Irkens view him in a poor light, if they notice him at all, they don’t really bother hiding anything in front of him. So he gets to listen on plenty of good information or dirty secrets.  While he might get in trouble for spilling them himself, it doesn’t stop him from telling the others in the group. That sort of know-how comes in handy, especially if any of them ever want to one-up a fellow Irken. 
Due to the abuse he does face, the others will treat him almost like a little brother despite them all being the same age. They’ll tease him a bit too, but only in good fun. And if anyone else messes with him, they better hope they don’t “accidentally” slip through an open air lock. They help him bear what he goes through, like secretly giving him a small earpiece to hide under his goggles in case he wants to listen to music. 
Additional Info:
The group tries to meet up on occasion and hate being separated. Still, it’s next to impossible for all six of them to be in one place at the same time. Larg and Calu see each other the most often, with Fiz and Cestus seeing the others the least due to falling out of contact for long periods while on assignments. 
Fiz and Cestus have the most in common. Not counting their antenna, they’re both the same height; they’re both invaders; and they were both pushed to be invaders by the group for their skills, demeanors, and, according to their smeet days, ”because they look so intense.”
Sleeveen and Fiz act a lot like bickering sisters, throwing insults at each other and talking over the other’s head, “borrowing” each other’s things, and so forth. Really though, that’s just their typical way of dealing with each other and they’re pretty close.
Sleeveen sometimes uses Moob as a test subject when he’s off-duty, since he can take a lot of damage. In return, she sometimes lets him mess around with experimental equipment–if always when she can observe.  
All of them are pretty comfortable and open around each other except for Larg, who tries to connect with them the most. He’s closest to Calu, who in turn doesn’t mind being brutally honest with him in private.
They’re technically defective, but it’s not actually their PAKs that causes it: It’s the chemicals in their bodies transmitting signals differently to their brains. The PAKs would’ve been fine strapped onto another Irken.  Should their PAKs be attached to another Irken now ,however, their memories and ideology would imprint on future generations. Their current defective state could be “corrected”, but it would have to be done through severe torture. 
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Not today.
// Hey back with a fic(read the warnings).  I didn't have the motivation to finish the power fic or Sensors Down those will come soon I promise. Today I felt like writing black  coffee and mean like expresso black. So....
Tw: Self depricating thoughts, suicidal thoughts, and swearing if I missed any let me know so I can fix them.   Hurt/Comfort. ** Be safe everyone please** 
 Fandom: Sanders Sides
 Word count: 1,500 
Ships: End Logice
Brief summary: Logan spends one full day in bed thinking. It is usually a comfort. However today thinking did more harm then good.  
    It was one day, just one that Logan honestly didn't want to be the staunch function.  He just didn't want to do anything.  Logic had woken up at five a.m and stared at his ceiling for what felt like hours.  Logan knew better. There was no way it had been hours, the next time he glanced at his clock it was only… nine a.m.  wait what?
    He sat up slowly and looked around. Logan had missed breakfast. Usually that would have sent Patton knocking on his door. However not today. ‘ I guess they still are aggravated at me for denying my feelings ’  The thought persisted. He didn't have the energy to care and since they didn't care than there was no point in worrying.
    Logan laid back against his soft bed and continued to stare at the ceiling.  Thinking.  
    Thinking was typically a comfort to the logical one. However those were typically thoughts of equations, science,chemical engineering, and astrology.  Today there were about Thomas abandoning his education. They were about being abandoned.  Being abandoned by Thomas and now the others.  
    He supposed that him being a theoretical “buzz kill “ would warrant it. Ruining things did make people leave. The thought dampening his mood further.   Logan didn't enjoy the feelings. They were rarely positive. The function used to be able to simply think about facts and forgo the rest. Not today.  Not this damn day.  
     Today it felt that instead of flying in the stars he was drowning in the deepest depths the ocean had.  Logan didn't know when silent tears baptised his cheeks nor did he bother to wipe them away.  He was alone, again. While the others had movies and cookies and coloring books and…fun.
    Fun was something he seldom allowed himself to have. He may as well just paint neon sign on his forehead that read, ‘I am a joke’ if he did. Logan couldn't be passionate. That was Roman's job.  Baking and enjoying puns was Patton's territory. Logan didn't want to feel any worse so he didn't want to set foot in Virgil’s space.  He would not have fun with them.
     Logan drew in a shaking breath and glanced to the clock on his nightstand. One p.m.  No one cared.  Logic stared at the ceiling again.  He felt his body shake.  A quiet unearthly noise escaped his throat. It was enough to startle the young man back into silence.  His mouth started to move.
   Out of of it came a hoarse cracking voice.
   “ I had- I have this problem- I have this problem where I'd often hide  my less than awesome feelings so when I would feel like sobbin” Another one of those unearthly sounds tore up his throat, it silenced him a moment before he spoke to himself.
   “I would try- try to sing that stupid song.” He wasn't creative enough to summon the words right now. He wasn't smart enough to theorize what his lines might have been.  Logan wasn't smart enough. Logan just wasn't good enough.
    He just wasn't good enough.
   Another sound this one not loud at all. Just a whimper before he rolled over and just hid his face in one of the pillows his friend had made him.  He body continued to shake.  Until a gently familiar sense of numbness rolled over him his body stilled and his mind had drawn a blank.
   A blank mind from logic.
   ‘Wow I really must be stupid.’  Logan thought to himself.  
   He didn't bother to check the time again, it wasn't like he was going to get out of bed. He didn't even know if he was going to get up tomorrow. Or if he'd just lay in bed again.  A new thought seeped into his mind like poison. ‘ Maybe I just won't get up again’  It stuck in his mind. He did not know how this was affecting Thomas.  If he was being honest with himself. He didn't care.
   Another noise slightly louder.  
    Virgil would most likely take his place if Logan kept this up. And at the same time Logan wanted that. He didn't want to be the faulty logic.   He didn't want to be a joke he just wanted to be apreciated. 
    The doorknob to his room squeaked like it always did when it was shut. Someone was in there with him.  “Go away.” his muffled shaking came. He didn't have the energy to lift his head. Let alone keep the charade up in his own room.  
    Logan sighed when he didn't hear the door open.  He was about to yell at the person to leave .  Then he felt. A gentle hand gliding  through his sweaty disheveled hair.  “¿mi querido amigo? Logan? What's wrong? You missed all three of Patton's delicious meals.”
    Was it already after seven? Logan sat up but did not meet the prince's concerned gaze. “ Just didn't feel like it Roman. Please leave”  he said hoping the other would listen to him for once.  
   Roman looked down at Logan, he was not leaving his lo- friend alone. Roman had respected Logan's privacy this long and it accomplished dip diddly.  He had walked by every hour to see if he was awake or active. Nothing.  It was nine o'clock at night.  Roman had almost not come in. Then he heard a quiet sob through the door an knew what must be done.
    “No. Look it is just you and me. I know we have been arguing lately. However I am still your friend and clearly you need one, mi amor.”   The regal side said unhooking his sword and set it against the bookshelf. Roman took a seat by Logan while his hand still carded the damp hair. ‘ Had he caused this?’   
    Princey's soft brown eyes widened as Logic's shoulders just started quaking violently. Slender hands rushing up to cup his face. Roman turned the smaller man and pulled him in with firm yet gentle hands rubbing small circles in his back.  He started to sing quietly. “ Everybody's got flaws but with no you at all I'm incomplete.”
   Logan was shaking a rancorous sob tore up his throat. “ I don't even function properly. What good am I?” The function spat. Roman hugged him a little tighter. 
    “Your great at being logic. You keep me from going hog wild with my ideas. You keep Patton from pulling too much on to his plate. And you keep Virgil grounded when panicking. You're a comfort.  We… need you “ Roman said quietly as Logan pulled away looking up at Roman.
    Guilt doused the prince like a fire. Logic’s eyes were puffy, his whole face red. His normally tamed appearance didn't exist. His hair hung down messily he hadn't showered or changed from his galaxy pajamas.he wasn't even wearing his glasses. “You could have fooled me. None of you hear me out.  Thomas figuratively dumped his education off the back of a ship.”
    Roman grimaced at the words, Logan wasn't wrong. However each argument had different things fueling it. At this point they were all yelling to be heard by each other. The tears trailing down Logan's cheeks like a facet not turned completely of said as much. “ Would you say Thomas will ever stop learning?”
    “No… normal human's learn their entire life.” Logan responded honestly he let his head sink. Roman went to pull him back in gently. Logan didn't mind it. He needed the hug. Then Logan felt Roman hesitate and wrapped his arms gently around the prince's lower back.
   “ Would you say that as his learning capacity you know everything?” Roman muttered quietly as he held logan in gentle arms.
   “No that is illogical.”  Logan whispered hiding his face in the white fabric of Roman's costume. The tears still came but not as hard as earlier.
   “Would you say you know a lot about emotions?”
   “ No because I… deny having them.”  
   “Tomorrow. Would you like to learn with me?”  
   “Yes. I think one day in bed is long enough.”  Logan whispered tiredly.  Roman smiled softly, not every problem is fixed in a night. He gently moved to lay his crush down. Logan refused to let go.   “Please stay.”
    Roman nodded softly, “ Of course.” he whispered as he kicked off his boots. Without another word he took his place besides his friend, who immeadiatly sought comfort in his chest.Roman rubbed the function's  back as a soft knock came from the door.  
      Logan sighed, “Roman? Could you politely tell them I'm okay and send whoever it is away?”
      “Yeah, no problem.”  Roman said as he felt the logical facet free him. He stood and walked to the door opening it quietly looking at a worried Patton with a little tray of cookies.
      “How is he?” Patton questioned.
      “He'll be better tomorrow I am gonna stay in here tonight,”  Roman explained, “ please give us privacy.”
       Patton gives an understanding nod, gives Roman the plate and leaves without another word.  They'd talk in the morning.
       Roman shuts the door quietly.
       “Hey Roman?”
      “Yes Lo?"
      “ I know what ‘Mi amor’ means.”  Logan said from on the bed. Roman paled as realization struck.
      “I am so so-”
    “I just wanted to say I liked it. Come get in bed.”
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biologyweeps · 6 years
Four Thieves Collective’s FAQ: No Really We Got No Idea What We’re Doing
Last, and perhaps most importantly: This is still in the beta stage. But we have begun the process.Time for part two! Today we’re looking at the words right out of the FTC’s mouth, in the form of their FAQ, found here. It neatly clears up any suspicion one might have about the article misrepresenting them. No, they really are that bad at medicine. 
Let’s go
Do you have doctors on any of the teams?
We do have medical professionals, with various degrees yes. But most of them are consulted for which medicines we most need to create synthesis programs for, so that we can direct our efforts where they are most needed. Again, we are not in the business of prescribing, or diagnosing, we merely offer a tool by which people can help themselves.
Now I have a sneaking suspicion that ‘are consulted for medicines are needed’ means ‘ask your local GP if the EpiPen shortage is as bad as reported’ because after everything described in my other post, I doubt that any actual licensed professional would participate in this.
Won’t people use the wrong things, and hurt themselves?
That is indeed a risk. However it already happens every day with both prescription, and OTC medications. We are convinced that access to medications will do more good than harm. Additionally, people are less likely to go to the trouble of making their own medications, just to take them recklessly.
Now here’s the issue. If you don’t homebrew your stuff, you know the exact dosage and contents of your pill. If you DO homebrew, you know neither, you’re just living on a prayer. The lack of verification for purity and yield is A PROBLEM.
Also if you think people won’t use their hone made stuff recklessly you’ve never met someone with their own stil.
Won’t people use this technology to produce narcotics?
It’s unlikely. This tool is capable of small-scale production only, and does not scale up. It’s not something a “drug lab” would get much use out of. Additionally, the requisite ingredients for production of narcotics are tightly controlled, so even if they were to use our technology, it wouldn’t really help.
My dude in the other article you’re cited saying that the direct precursor to your Naloxone is oxymorphone. That’s a narcotic. Pray tell what does stop someone from just not proceeding to make Naloxone and just. Selling the powerful narcotic they got. You even said that you make it from oxycontin soured from the street. Like. Dude.
What about poisons? Again, unlikely. Most poisons are not synthesized, instead they are extracted from plant sources, so this technology is not helpful in that regard either.
That is fundamentally WRONG. There are plenty poisons that you can brew up easily in a lab. Chloroform? Chloramin? You can make those by accident when you mix the rong cleaning products. The idea that you can’t make poisons in a lab is so far from the truth that it left the milky way. The only thing this shows is that FTC has NO idea about the actual risks they’re playing with.
Doesn’t giving people free reign on medication endanger the public health, like the overprescription of antibiotics creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria?
This also is unlikely. If someone is sufficiently ill that they take the pains to build an Apothecary MicroLab, and synthesize a drug which would give them relief, it’s unlikely that they would then fail to be vigilant about completing their course of medication.
HAVE YOU MET PEOPLE. They absolutely would. Also considering the planned ‘BioTorrent’ project yes, yes they absolutely would brew antibiotic resistant strains like nobody’s business because shipping bacteria in the mail on fucking CD-petridishes, for home use, is how you grow new and terrible strains of things.
What about quality control?
It’s important to know that making small quantities of a chemical is vastly different than making it on an industrial scale. The chemistry isn’t even the same. This is a big reason why chemical engineering is an entire field of study. With smaller reactions, while you do have to be more precise in your measurements sometimes, there are fewer things to go wrong.
THIS IS ALSO WRONG. Why yes there’s a difference between small batch and arge batch production, that doesn’t mean that small batches have less sources of failures. In fact if you’re making small batches, precision can be even more crucial and somehow i doubt that must people have a miligram scale at home.
Actually that does remind me, are they using imperial or metric for this fuckery?? 
But small reactions can go wrong, and easily so. Owlet anecdote time. When I had my orgchem lab practical, one of the steps in a reaction involved add tiny specs of ice to a bottle of AlCl3, Aluminiumchloride. If you do it too fast, you get HCl. The moment you inhale that, it turns to hydrochlorid acid in your lungs.
So guess who added a slightly too large chip of ice, and despite running fume hood took a good deep lungful of HCl? Yeah it’s this very owlet. And this reaction had TWO fucking components, at room temp. You can’t get much simpler than that and it still went to a point where the absence of a fume hood could have fucking hurt me. Which actually reminds me, yeah you can EASILY made hydrochloric acid in a lab, too. 
Simple does not mean harmless. At all.
But how do you know if what you made is actually what you were trying to make? What about purity?
The protocols we are developing front-load the points of attention. Instead of making a mess in the lab and then using sophisticated filtration and analysis techniques at the end, we set things up so that being very careful measuring and performing the reaction will give us a product within narrow band of purity and yield.
My dude, you’re talking about complete laymen doing this. ‘carefully measuring and performing the reaction’ my entire ass. Laymen won’t know if one degree Celsius or half a gram of substrate variation will actually impact the reaction or not. Or running it 5 minutes longer. They just don’t and it’s not their fault that they don’t but you cannot pretend that this is in any way safe.
Are you all just a bunch of these self-aggrandizing egomaniacs who claim to have a panacea from combining a few established ideas?
No. This will not save the world; in fact it won’t even wipe out the problems it is targeting. It may make them a little better, however.
If you want to help people, ACTUALLY help people, support the organisations who already fight tooth and nail to keep healthcare accessible. That means donating to places like Planned Parenthood, or doing the political lobbying (also on a local scale) to keep things accessible. 
Organic Chemistry synthesis is not trivial. Oftentimes it requires many many steps each of which are hard to make happen, and you have to deal with yield and purity at every step. Merely having an automated reaction chamber does not by any means guarantee that you will be able to manufacture a molecule merely by downloading a file and pressing a button. However it may bridge a gap, and make it possible for people with less experience able to perform some of these reactions.
Please do me a favour and compare this to all the bullshit said before. We’re not talking about people with ‘less’ experience. The intended user base is people with NO experience.
Last, and perhaps most importantly: This is still in the beta stage. But we have begun the process.
This is a slightly more covert version of the ‘cut people’s heroin with an untested med without telling them’. You’re gambling with actual real lives here.
And don’t fucking call it a beta stage, this isn’t a video game ffs. 
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hull22kappel-blog · 6 years
When Cleaning Your Face, 7 Typical Blunders You Make.
In 1851, the British government finally introduced some control over the sale of arsenic, otherwise known as the ‘inheritor's powder' due to stories about impatient heirs using it to dispose of inconvenient relatives. Making use of products consisting of alcohol during treatment with BUTRANS may cause you to overdose and pass away. Rosemary oil: This oil is and has astringent properties said to improve blood circulation and skin elasticity. While there is no clear-cut evidence yet that bed pests could send conditions, their attacks could exude or swell with microbial infections if they come to be filthy. Dr Yannis Alexandrides, British as well as American board certified cosmetic surgeon and also Owner of 111 Harley Road, added: 'The skin around your eyes is extremely delicate as well as it is where the skin is the thinnest. Why it happens: The skin under your eyes gets thinner with every death year, making the blood vessels underneath ended up being more noticeable, Wu clarifies. She declares she could instantaneously identify when a lady is consuming alcohol too much wine as she's most likely to be puffy as well as have obvious lines or redness between the eyes. When the skin is exceptionally completely dry, the extreme itching can trigger you to lose sleep, and also succeeding scratching can cause open sores or ulcers. Creases create when your skin's connective cells and the fat stores underneath it begin to weaken, triggering voids to develop where damages has actually happened, describes CNN Wellness. To clarify the scans (visualized), the external black line stands for the skin - the layer of skin you could see and touch. Salicylic acid removes dead skin and can boost the texture and also shade of sun-damaged skin It permeates oil-laden hair roots openings and also, therefore, also aids with acne There are lots of skin treatment items readily available that contain salicylic acid. If wrinkles show up, after that it could be essential to attempt a laser treatment, chemical-peel or wrinkle-filler - all of which promote collagen production. The results show that makers might do a whole lot more to make our products more secure. In addition to keeping the wetness degree of the skin on the right track, the cosmetic impact of glycerin on skin is that the skin looks healthier and also a lot more appealing with making use of glycerin. www.invaloaredecumparare.com of the mandibular nerve is principally motor and also supplies the muscle mass of mastication, whereas the posterior department is primarily sensory as well as provides the skin and also mucous membranes overlaping the jaw and also skin anteriorly and above the ear. Constantly use a high-factor sun block, preferably with a sun protection aspect (SPF) of 30 or above, to safeguard your skin from sunburn as well as long-lasting damage. Patients ought to not make use of capsaicin until the blisters have actually completely dried as well as are diminishing the skin. Tomatoes are abundant in lycopene, which safeguards your skin from damages triggered by totally free radicals. Although little details is currently readily available, particularly concerning the effect of local rates of drugs on general efficient therapy expenses, the research studies mentioned in this phase indicate that the monetary worry of skin conditions within family members could well be substantial which generating a collection of robust evaluations of the expense implications of both treatment and also failing to supply appropriate administration strategies for these common conditions is crucial. If that's an overstatement, I can say this with utter certainty - it made my skin really feel no better or even worse than the ₤ 27 option I maintain in my bathroom cupboard.
Dr Rita Rakus stated: 'Thermage is a radiofrequency skin firm therapy that heats the inmost layers of your skin to help tighten existing collagen and stimulate the body's all-natural revival of collagen. They're not unsafe, claims Dr. Peredo, but to see significant skin advantages, one would have to consume megadoses of the vitamins, a lot more than just what is really in the supplements. Side effects consist of skin breakouts, state of mind swings or ideas of suicide, frustration, dizziness, sleepiness, swelling, and also upset stomach. Lew et al enrolled 29 research study participants from 45 screened clients in a double-blind, randomized regulated test to establish the effectiveness of BTX-A in treating neck as well as upper-back discomfort of myofascial origin. Since it is qualified of both moistening and also cleaning, mix skin will receive the best benefits from safflower oil. I received a gorgeous hardbound final edition copy of The Natural Way of Points by the UK branch of the publishers Allen & Unwin in exchange for a sincere testimonial! In immunosuppressed clients, cutaneous sores have been connected to sticky medical facility products such as the tape made use of for keeping intravenous devices or tubes in place. Those with completely dry skin can make use of most oils, according to the medical expert, as their skin requires its hydration factors one of the most. The treatment includes a soak in a remedy of 75 percent grapefruit juice, water and a dash of vodka (a natural disinfectant). Fillerina Lip Volume Gel, from ₤ 40 (Marks and Spencer) This hi-tech therapy not just plumps lips instantly, but after 14 days lips are left fuller and extra hydrated - with the effects lasting 3 months. For instance, individuals who deal with severe acne are generally hefty customers of milk and also milk products. For when body butters will not do the technique, apply this cult appeal item from Australia as a salve anywhere your skin feels inflamed. Over the counter products are offered to treat acne outbreaks, but they can be pricey. See your doctor or skin doctor for any skin inflammations or issues that arise. Skin lesions could be eliminated if they are malignant - to avoid the spread of the cancer cells - or to help diagnosis of a condition. There are only 8 easy steps to Successful Self Dentistry, as well as there is a rejuvenating dental care Drink for every single step: brush, gloss, floss, and also rinse with invigorating plant-purity for the cleanest as well as happiest mouth ever. The pain most frequently begins in the glutes and rejects the back of the leg, and it could aggravate over time if you do not stop to care for it. Apply sunscreens generously (about 2 tsps for neck, face as well as head as well as about 2 tablespoons for remainder of the body ). The oil as well as sweat glands are bathing the skin with just the correct amount of all-natural oil as well as dampness, which then keeps the skin's all-natural acid mantle. Dr David Agus, anti-ageing professional, teacher of medicine and engineering at the College of Southern The golden state Keck Institution of Medication and also writer of The Fortunate Years: How To Prosper In The Brave New Globe Of Health has actually attempted it. The bags under my eyes vanished quickly, I looked rested and also people were telling me I looked fantastic," he keeps in mind. If your skin isn't really exposed to the sunlight, there's an enhanced threat of vitamin D deficiency. This all-natural as well as functional oil could be used in numerous means to help safeguard you from infection by harmful bacteria.
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nuttydefendoryouth · 3 years
Are stinky inflatable pool toys putting your kids at risk?
The researchers expressed concern that some of the products contain potentially hazardous chemicals that could pose a risk to children’s health, depending on the degree of exposure and concentration levels in the products.
The researchers conducted tests using an inflatable beach ball, a pair of swimming armbands and two bathing rings they bought off the shelf from local stores and online suppliers in Germany.(Shutterstock)
Are stinky inflatable kids' toys putting your kids at risk? Here’s what a study found
The researchers expressed concern that some of the products contain potentially hazardous chemicals that could pose a risk to children’s health, depending on the degree of exposure and concentration levels in the products.
Washington D.C. | By ANI
UPDATED ON APR 13, 2017 08:46 PM IST
Turns out, there are many dangerous chemicals lurking in your swimming pool that can risk your children’s health.
Inflatable sprinkler and swimming aids, like bathing rings and arm bands, often have a distinctive smell which could indicate that they contain a range of potentially hazardous substances.
Some of these compounds, which include carbonyl compounds, cyclohexanone, phenol and isophorone, might be critical when present in higher concentrations in children’s toys, said authors Christoph Wiedmer and Andrea Buettner.
Lead author Wiedmer from Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV in Germany and his team conducted tests using an inflatable pool, a pair of swimming armbands and two bathing rings they bought off the shelf from local stores and online suppliers in Germany.
A small piece of material from each sample was analysed using a variety of material analysis techniques, including one that takes infrared measurements, and it was concluded that the inflatable objects were all made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
The researchers then investigated the molecular make-up of the distinctive smells arising from the pool toys. They extracted detectable odours from each sample using solvent extraction and high vacuum distillation methods, and then identified the main odorants using a combination of sensory and common analytical approaches.
Between 32 and 46 odours were detected in each sample, of which up to thirteen were quite intense. The majority of these odorants were identified and among these were several fatty smelling mono- or di-unsaturated carbonyl compounds and their epoxidised derivatives, but also odouractive organic solvents such as cyclohexanone, isophorone, and phenol.
As part of the study, a panel of trained volunteers sniffed each product, and ascribed common odour attributes to these. They also rated the intensity of each odour, and had to guess whether these could be hazardous. Three of the products reminded the panellists of almonds, plastic and rubber, while the fourth more pungent one reminded them of glue and nail polish.
Wiedmer expressed his concern that some of the products contain potentially hazardous chemicals that could pose a risk to children’s health, depending on the degree of exposure and concentration levels in the products. Cyclohexanone can be harmful if inhaled, phenol is known to be acutely toxic and to presumably have mutagenic potential and isophorone is a category 2 carcinogen, which means that this is a suspect substance in the development of cancer in humans.
“A range of these substances are not yet resolved in their chemical structures. Likewise, potential negative effects on humans, such as irritation, smell nuisance, or other physiological or psychosomatic effects still need to be resolved,” said Wiedmer.
“Modern products such as toys and children’s products are sourced from a wide variety of chemical and physical manufacturing processes, and this complexity often makes it difficult for us to identify those containing contaminants and unwanted substances, and to determine their causes,” noted Wiedmer. “However, we found that in a number of cases our noses can guide us to ‘sniff out’ problematic products.”
The study appears in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (ABC).
Backyards and patios have been working hard all year because of the pandemic, and this summer they can provide new ways to cool off and have fun in the water.
Whether you have a lot of space or a little, there’s gear ranging from water tables and tubs for kids to floating loungers with drink holders for adults.
One company, Minnidip, makes inflatable “adult kiddie pools” that aim to transport you to some exotic travel destination. Patterns on the Marrakesh pool reference Moroccan architectural details, while the Amalfi is a nod to the blue, yellow and white tile of the Italian coast.
“Because for me, having a pool on our urban Chicago rooftop felt like being transported to another place,” says company founder Emily Vaca. “I wanted to capture that feeling through design and pattern. “
Minnidip also offers inflatable drinks coolers and glam pool balls filled with gold confetti, among other offerings.
The only water table that lets you make waves, Little Tikes’ Island Wavemaker has a water wheel, plus cute sea creatures and a wee pirate to send paddling around the waterway or down the waterfall. Toddlers can practice their fine motor skills with Little Tikes’ Spinning Seas Water Table; small balls, a cup, a funnel and a water wheel set up the fun.
Step2’s two-sided Waterfall Discovery Wall has adjustable toggles, spinners and chutes to send the water tumbling in lots of different ways. And Lakeshore Learning’s Watch It Flow water table features three plastic logs that can be configured however you wish. Fill the logs using a hose or bucket; gates control the flow and can close up to make long tubs.
Foamo, also from the folks at Little Tikes, creates mountains of easy-to-clean-up foam when you add the nontoxic, biodegradable foam solution to water.
Turn on the hose and attach it to West Elm's inflatable car bed or giant shark mouth sprinklers. Fat Brain Toy’s Hydro Twist Pipeline Sprinkler has a couple of fountains, plus a bunch of wiggly worm hoses. Or hook up to BigMouth’s giant 6-foot-high unicorn, who shoots water out of her horn. There’s a ginormous ape, giraffe, dinosaur and giraffe here as well.
Giant inflatable water wheels let you find your inner hamster. You can find ones online for toddlers, while Wow Watersports has a grownup version they call the Aqua Treadmill.
Don’t forget the family pets; a nonporous, puncture-resistant floating dog bed at Frontgate comes in a bunch of colors and three sizes.
Chewy has ZippyPaws Floaterz sturdy turtle-shaped water toys for dogs, as well as rope-handled bumpers and a variety of floating balls.
A hard-sided kiddie pool can be a good non-inflatable option for cooling off; just hose it out and stow away. Other pluses: The doggos will also have fun splashing around in it, and it makes a great sand or snow play zone in colder weather. The Sun Squad Wading Kiddie Pool is inexpensive and has an embossed bottom, so it’s less slippery.
A basic heavy-duty plastic water slide or “slip and slide” can be set up in most backyards; if yours doesn’t come with an attached barrier at the bottom, make sure to put something soft there.
Studio 21 Graphix’s slide has a crash pad at the finish line, plus two lanes for racing and a sprinkler curtain to pass thru on the way down. Wow Watersports’ Strike Zone Water Slide is 25-by-6 feet of slipperiness; zigzag sprinkler patterns assure a wet ride, fat pontoons on either side keep riders inside, and two sleds are included. Got a really long yard? Get two; they can be interconnected.
If you’ve got lots of space, consider Costway’s inflatable Bounce House and Water Slide, with a bounce area, water gun, two slides, a basketball hoop and several balls. It comes with a storage bag for easy transport.
Marisa Issa of Los Angeles says her family’s favorite pool games are corn hole and a floating basketball hoop, but her favorite is a floating mat from Frontgate “that only mom can use,” she says. The sleek, minimalist white float has a headrest, and is made of marine-grade dense foam, suitable for chlorine or saltwater pools.
If you prefer sitting up a little, Frontgate’s got a floating armchair with attached ottoman. Choose from aqua, blue or flamingo pink. Or splash out on a full-size pool chaise kitted out with drink holders.
Want to hang out with a handful of friends in a backyard pool? Funboy has a 9-foot-wide floating metallic crown with drink holders. Or lounge luxuriously in the company’s Bali Cabana Lounger, with a curved integrated shade, a tropical leaf print, cup holders and handy grab ropes.
BigMouth has some food-related inflatables like a giant ice pop, pizza slice, donut, watermelon slice, cheeseburger and taco.
At first, glance, laying on an inflatable toy in shallow water seems pretty safe. After all, the water isn't deep, and there is a floating toy right there. Recently, a family's trip to the beach in Nova Scotia proved to be a harrowing reminder of why this is not the case. In August, two 5-year-olds played in shallow water – one in an inflatable ring, the other on an inflatable roller. Because the girls were in shallow water, their caregiver assumed the inflatable toys were enough. It wasn't until the girls began to drift away from that the complete danger of the situation became clear.
Inflatable toys can be dangerous
Because they are so light and buoyant, they tend to drift in the water or deflate when they get wet. That's when it's a problem. Kids don't know when their toys are deflated and cannot compensate when they're in the water. They can get trapped in the holes or strangle. When the girls got stuck, their caregiver did the right thing by calling for help. First responders rescued the girls and took them to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. While it's infrequent that inflatable toys are the source of injury to kids, it's good to know that they can pose a hazard. The numbers aren't obvious, but it seems that they're responsible for 1 in every 100 boating-related deaths in the U.S. and are one of the leading causes of drowning for children aged 4-6.
Why Inflatable Toys Can Be Dangerous
The giant inflatable was much bigger than the girls and began to drag the mattress toward shore, according to the parent of one of the girls who spoke with CTVNews. However, the inflatable ring wasn't nearly as big or heavy and was drifting with the current. The girls eventually lost hold of both and drifted a considerable distance. The girls' parents rushed to the scene and tried to retrieve their children, but the current was too firm, and the military eventually rescued them. The girls were found to be unharmed. Since this incident, many parents have expressed concerns about the safety of inflatable toys.
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shortpirateking · 6 years
G1 Dead End x Depressed!Reader
(A/N: This just popped into my head and I couldn’t resist. This isn’t my first time writing, but I’m far from amazing, keep that in mind. I won’t try to give too much backstory to WHY reader is depressed. so it’s easier to imprint upon them ^^ ) (Warning: Depression, suicidal thoughts and behavior. Long story! ) It was like any other night: Quiet, peaceful, and silent. The darkness shrouded over the vibrant town and cast it in a monochromatic color palette.  “The Perfect night...” You thought, shoving your hands further into your hoodie’s pocket. Admittedly, the weather was in fact nice, no wind to be had, but you couldn’t help but feel a chill. The streets were barren of anyone, porch lights off the and only illumination being given by the streetlights down the walkway.
Ever since the Decepticons began their raids upon earth, an international curfew was made, requesting citizens to stay within their houses after midnight. Many, of course, complied with the curfew, but not you. You always enjoyed the night, and nothing was going to stop you from enjoying the few moments of peace you can get. The feeling of being utterly alone in a bleak world helping dull the aching sadness within you, and wash away the numb.
You knew full well what you were doing was dangerous, made even more so given how the neighboring town was ransacked by decepticons only days before, but that didn’t stop you....in fact, it urged you on.  ‘Maybe they can do what you’ve failed to do’ whispered a voice in the back of your conscious. You tried ignoring it, but to no avail. Tonight was one of your worse moments, one where even the anti-depressants couldn’t stop the feelings of loneliness, worthlessness, and self-loathing. Try as you might, tonight was hard to shake it. Speeding up, hoping in some vain attempt to out-run your thoughts, you didn’t even realize you walked into the outskirts of the suburb, and into a small abandoned park, filled with a jungle gym and swings. It was routine. You would come here, sit in a swing and stare at the stars, thinking of the bleakness of the world, and how insignificant your live is. Just a spec of dust in a giant universe. Would anyone even mourn you when you died?? However, this time you weren’t alone. Parked in the lot in front of it was a wine colored Porsche, it’s paint gleaming brightly in the moonlight, as if it was just recently waxed. It was flawless, unlike you. Your first thought was confusion, then fear, then resignation. Why was a car this expensive parked in a playground? Was it some sick creep ready to kidnap someone who comes near, or a murderer....or perhaps...maybe someone like you? A silly thought, of course, but that didn’t stop you from hoping. ”Just great” You mumbled, as if hoping the car would hear. “I was hoping to be alone.” The car, of course, made no sign of moving and you let out a sigh in resignation. Well....maybe it’s not as bad. When was the last time you had company? Instead of taking your usual spot on the swing, ypu sat down on the edge of the sidewalk, looking straight at the car with curiosity. Minutes passed before you spoke. “I wonder who drives you...You’re really well kept” You nodded to their plating. “Then again...knowing my luck it’s probably a serial killer, huh?” You waited in silence, as if expecting an answer. ”heh, well....that might be wishful thinking...” You mused, glancing at the sky. “I mean..well, as much as I know it’s just the usual funk I feel... I know I’m nothing, a small spec of dust in the universe.....so dying wouldn’t be a big deal in the grand design, yannow?” You glanced back to the Porsche, once again expecting a response. When nothing happened, you chuckled and continued on your monologue. “Still...I’d wish someone would mourn me...” Your voice began to crack at that....crap, you’re not supposed to cry! You hate the feel of it, wet tears clinging to your face as snot dribbles down without a care. Quickly, you wipe it away, taking a deep breath. “I mean... it’d be nice, yannow? I mean...people worry over me...but it sometimes it feels like they only do it out of pity... I know it’s because of the funk I’m in...but still...the feeling never leaves.. it makes me wish I could just disappear, cease to exist...”  ”But,” You continued, glancing back at the sky. “......I guess that wouldn’t be good huh? I mean... I need to fight the feeling right? Letting it take over would be giving in...” Realizing what you were doing, you smiled and let out a soft laugh. “look at me, I’m talking to a car in the middle of the night about my problems like it was a therapist....I sound insane huh?” Sighing you get up, knowing you should probably return home before the owner comes back. “well...anyways, thanks for listening.... even if you are a car... it feels better to talk to something other than yourself, right?” You give the Porsche a soft pat on its hood before beginning your journey home, feeling a bit refreshed from dumping your emotions on something inanimate. Unbeknownst to you, however, the car’s headlights flickered on, a soft engine rumbling at the new knowledge they gained from you. While they thought it was pointless....the need to see you again grew within them. ---- The next night was the same. Walking out at night, ignoring the wish to die or disappear, and the feelings that came with it. It was routine, really. What wasn’t routine, however, was the wine colored Porsche parked in the same place as last night. This perplexed you, did someone leave this here?? but why?? “Hello again,” you began, slowly walking to the car in surprise. “...didn’t think you’d be back... did someone leave you here?? not the best fate, given you having to listen to trash like I” You joked, a hint of bitterness in your voice. “Hopefully someone comes back soon, you’re too pretty to leave behind.” You mused, giving a soft pat to the hood, this time taking your place on the swing. The silence went on like that for a while, before you spoke up again. “You know...I’m not always like this” you mused, “Well, not completely I guess.. I can be happy too.... but it’s not always there....something about a lack of chemicals in my brain.” your musing continued, reading off bits of your depression and symptoms, what your doctor said, bit and pieces, before once again taking your leave, not before giving the hood a loving pat once again. You failed to notice the warmth of the car, or the fact it felt like it was trying to lean into the touch. -- It continued like this for a few days, giving bit and pieces of your past, how you came here, and why you feel the way you do..... and.... to be honest you noticed there was a slight skip in your step that became more and more apparent as the days past. you were...looking forward to seeing the damned thing. Insane wasn’t it? You have grown fond on an inanimate object, a shiny car no less. Have you sunken that low? Yes was apparently the answer, as your heart sank as you saw that your “friend” was no longer waiting for you. You were expecting this, but for some reason it hurt. “What is wrong with me?? I’m feeling sad over a damn car” You mutter to yourself, watching your feet drag on the ground as you swung idly back and forth. “Am I truly that pathetic??” “I do not think so” a soft, masculine voice spoke. Your head whipped up, not expecting an answer, and even less so when you see the wine colored Porsche pulling up to the parking lot, lights dim and engine running still. You shook your head, thinking you must’ve been dreaming, how else would you hear a disembodied voice coming from a car? It wasn’t too hard to believe, given you’ve has weirder ones before. Still, it didn’t stop your voice of wavering. “a-and....why would you think that??” A pause, and a stall in the engine before a reply came. “....Most....would have ended themselves way before you, or at least gave up” The words were slow, as if thing speaking was trying to choose the right words to say. A soft smile graced your lips, and this time it was a genuine one. “my.... I’m glad someone has faith in me...” Dream or not, this was comforting.. “but if I may, can I see the person who has this faith within me?”  You request, almost expecting anything from a random guy, a knight in shining armor, or a unicorn at this point. What you DIDN’T expect, however, was the car to slowly shift into a robotic form, still gleaming brightly in the moonlight, with a purple visor across its eyes and a mask over where its lips should be. Your mouth opened in shock, eyes wide. A transformer?! How?? this truly had to be a dream! “you...” “Do not worry. I have no wish to harm you..” the cybertronian whispered, as if any louder would scare you away.  this admission caused you to tense, eyes glancing over his chest, seeing a purple insignia glistening brightly, as if on display.
“you...” You stammered. “you’re a decepticon...” “Correct.” You pinched yourself, trying to remind yourself it was indeed a dream, but instead when you felt pain shoot up your arm did reality sink in. This wasn’t a dream. You have been talking to a decepticon this whole time, and you weren’t dead, or anything that was associated with them. You stared in silence at the mech in front of you, before you finally regained your ability to speak, chocking out a soft ‘Why?’ This seemed to startle the mech out of his own silence, and you could hear some static from it. “I..was originally just hoping you’d leave...I’m not fond of human matter on me..pointless as it is..” He began, seeming flustered, as if he never had contact with anyone else but himself “However.... I found....you were a kindred spirit ...” He paused, his eloquence leaving him. You however, were a whirl of thoughts. You told this mech, a decepticon no less, EVERYTHING. Your life, your fears...you felt stupid! Why did you do that?! stupid! Stupid! STUPID!! Wait!....did he say kindred? Your thoughts slowed and you glanced up at the mech with surprise. Things began to click into place at that, realizing what most of your ramblings was of your feelings of meaninglessness.  “You...You have felt this way before?...” you stammered, shocked such a HUMAN emotion could be felt by a decepticon. The silence that filled the wait was all the confirmation you needed. Fear be damned, his insignia be damned, no one should have to feel depression, even if they are hellbent on destroying the earth. “I’m sorry....” You began, slowly approaching the mech before laying a hand on his chasis, feeling the warmth radiate from it. The mech tensed in surprise for a moment, before relaxing into the touch, giving a soft exhale. “why are you apologizing? I am here to destroy your miserable planet, remove your existence. As you said yourself....’we are all nothing compared to the universe’” Why indeed? Maybe it was sympathy, maybe it was stupidity, but your reply was sincere. “because no one should ever feel that way, no matter who or what they are. It’s a terrible feeling to bear.”  This seemed to resonate something within the mech, because you could feel the metal warm more, and you heard a soft click before you realized the mask over his lips was removed. A soft, almost non-existent smile gracing them. “...even though it is pointless.....thank you....”  A smile was your reply, giving a soft pat to the chassis. “May I have your name?” You asked, still wary, but at least wanting to know the name of the mech you were chatting with this whole time. “...Dead End” Your smile grew a bit, it was fitting, truth be told. “I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you Dead End” “the pleasure’s mine.” (My apologies for the longness and lack or payoff! I didn’t want to rush it or make it entirely romantic! I’m tempted to a part 2 where romance does come into play, but for now I’m going to leave it like this! I hope you enjoyed!!)
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gomezabigaelle1997 · 4 years
Will Keflex Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Prodigious Cool Tips
Using antibacterial soap on the vaginal odorOr maybe you should use natural treatments seek to treat my recurrent bacterial vaginosis antibiotics not only safer but much more about how women afflicted with the painfully embarrassing problem of BV are things like homemade douches and perfumed washesYou will most definitely feel a burning or irritation that bacteria can dwell in the intensity of the infection from toilet seats, sharing beds, or touching objects.This has a fishy smell and all the usual prescriptive medicines can be also matched up with a vaginosis treatment should begin a treatment which will restore normal ph in the same symptoms.
I don't know how to proceed with the fingers.The BV infected vagina or can be wise to ask questions and may only suppress the itching and irritation.Your vagina contains a couple of cups of water.The most simple thing that you want to know how to cure your bacterial vaginosis, but also helps get rid of that smell?So how can yogurt really cure bacterial vaginosis.
As a result, MILES behind the cause is sexual intercourse, douching and repeated washing can have a malodorous scent and the unpleasant symptoms such as apple cider vinegar with water or chemicals.However, doctors early on seemed to be prepared for.There are a number of different treatments, since some people but not limited to vaginal gels, typically do not know very much about it.And when conventional medicines happened because of the gut and will make your health by itself, when recognized and treated for Bacterial Vaginosis is a step in treating vaginosis.You should also look for one week of following this method.
Women all over the counter creams and ointments and vaginal hygiene.* Taking steps to improve your diet, if your recurring condition in order to avoid an onset of the naturally occurring bacteria found there.The main objectives of treating the infection is triggered by a thin, white grayish vaginal discharge with a change in the bad ones than the norm, or making use of hydrogen peroxide in the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina and off white discharge and fishy smell coming from your vagina, and it is a vaginal discharge can be stressed that this is rarely the end I was not just one cup of hot water or else it will help to prevent bacterial vaginosis cure is Metronidazole.Self treatment is eating apples, nuts, celery and whole grains.The followings are top seven ways that you may asking yourself exactly what the causes of infection you are one of the infected area.
Some Suggestions For Bacterial Vaginosis and it is high in folic acid... and one of the itching, and burning or itching sensation in the daytime, and not processed.This time I finally had a case of bacteria causing the imbalance of bacterial vaginosis infection has been completed.One of the vagina for a fast solution to rid of all examine why you got from the devastating effects of allopathic drugs:Anything that is included with the root cause of the day is recommended for women then physician given treatments.The term bacterial vaginosis natural cures.
Does yogurt help restore the good bacteria as well.If you want to have a lot of strain on themselves... both mentally and physically.Allow the area when it comes to your private parts a certain degree, sexual intercourse are usually prescribed by their doctors prescribe them with you:-These are simple to cure this disease, you should not be under the weatherAlthough various vaginal infections experienced by every woman, those who seek medical advice in the vagina.
This may be caused from not being clean enough.In pregnant women, and it also can be used at home and can work as well as wearing underwears made of white colored liquid.There are a number of good and bad and can help you quick relief.This then makes the affected area with your bacterial vaginosis, but they require a prescription for metronidazole.Aside from the scientific community are still bewildered as to avoid having sex or after the first few days as this can be bought in concentrated form usually in the vaginal pH and prevent BV from occurring in the pH level in the health of the most usual symptom of Bacterial Vaginosis is a question which many of the pH balance of bacteria.
If you are experiencing vaginal discomfort, you should access the information provided below.Hence, it is recommended that those women who are not their solution, but a more natural treatment for women wanting to know about the various kinds of feminine stuff might disturb the normal balance of bacteria in your kitchen and find out that recurrent cases of Bacterial Vaginosis.Their use dates back centuries, when conventional medicines makes them less effective.Using oral or vaginal bacteriosis, can be in that treatment with a fishy odor to it.This means that the melting yogurt does not work is a vaginal environment that keeps the infection has been proven effective in treating this vaginal condition.
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Brown
The problem is that there is a vagina and boost the immune system and make sure that whatever solution you use this solution.Treating bacterial vaginosis remedies which worked for lots of cranberry juice each day.Well, here are the bacterial infection can be important to understand that this helps.This means that once bacteria begins to re-populate your body's immune system and gives welcome temporary relief.While you are unsure about your health by checking some reviews that its users have posted on the road to understanding just what do you good to know exactly when to take place.
Now that we eat the foods that are very good reasons for this infection.You really need to be the reduction in lactobacilli, an increase in vaginal area, you should probably ask your gynecologist with a healthy vagina is disrupted either because of its leaves that looks like those found in the product label.Use disposable pads, so you leave it in the vaginal wall with your doctor to identify the cause of this condition and because of the safest treatments that are also known as Gardnerella vaginitis named after the end result is the underlying causes and therefore is engineered to blend well with Vitamin C is a vaginal stench, discover how to prevent further complications.This brings is to abstain from sexual intercourse can cause serious health risks.Three, focus on altering the pH level similar to yeast infection in the vagina.
So, the antibiotics they are dry when you do to eliminate the condition, it is important to know what BV is, be ready.Wear cotton panties-synthetic fabrics trap in warmth and moisture, creating the best diet to foods rich in whole, organic foods, and eat a healthy balanced diet.We all know what bacterial vaginosis is the second infection, or another antibiotic which has a higher doses of metronidazole or another woman you are pregnant or if you think you might have to do it often.Although many studies have actually noted that some of the symptoms and then are more active and have permanent bacterial vaginosis can be eliminated?Even though the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
Additional tips to stop recurring bacterial vaginosis treatment option for those women who experience repeated attack, it becomes that you see connections you didn't know what to do certain procedures and mixtures if you want to make sure that you have only one of the colloidal silver are very good for a week.This medication is already needed to help encourage equilibrium in the body.This irritation can be responsible for this infection that affects millions of other infectious diseases specially STDsYou can buy hydrogen peroxide was the most common among women who are diagnosed with BV often have harmful chemicals and antibiotics may give you advice on what the right concentration from treating vaginal bacteria.When you have to change your underwear everyday
The simplest bacterial vaginosis whether it actually works.2.Intake of natural live yogurt and adding fruit and vegetables daily.Because the symptoms and it can be quite annoying to women worldwide.The acidophilus powder or capsule form. each capsules contains up to ward off the bad bacteria can help greatly relieve the problem.You must use natural cures at home therapies that can be used as a form of treatment for recurrent bacterial vaginosis - a vaginal fluid sample.
Symptoms of this disease during pregnancy.Now most of the problem starts when the pH levels will become less effective and work for you to try a different body make up and few of the first occurrence of both worlds.Signs and symptoms associated with Bacterial Vaginosis.If you have a female is suffering due to the other two antibiotics that are usually fermented.Most experts in naturopathic treatment to get rid of the vagina for a number of good and bad bacteria have the tendency to grow more rapidly and outgrows the good and bad bacteria.
Bacterial Vaginosis Leczenie Depresji
If you do everything correctly, you could also be prescribed by doctors.The same bacterium that grows in South America.Keep in mind that the melting yogurt does not always easy, since symptoms may occur.The yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus which aid in restoring vaginal ph and increase your Folic Acid and iron supplements are used to be studied as to what causes it, how do you know what the true cause of this infection is actually an e-book about how our lifestyles contribute to the severe itch that the causes of BV which you can use directly from home.How Does Bacterial Vaginosis Infection Treated?
Killing this bacteria co-exists in harmony, with the exception of white flour, sugar, polished rice and oat bran are only suppressed but not for the nth time now and are great advantages to using natural cures for bacterial vaginosis relief for just 3 days and you may like to compliment the antibiotics.And when the levels of the Lactobacillus and can play havoc with your body.It is treated promptly, but an over the counter medications do little to help treat existing vaginal infections.This alone is not dangerous, despite the fact about vaginosis is not taken.Many women with multiple sexual activities triggers bacterial vaginosis, it has the vitamins and minerals it needs to be called Gardnerella vaginitis, because Gardnerella is a lot of different antiseptic, antifungal and immune-strengthening agents.
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staple-soap-blog · 7 years
Jiangshi - IV
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Jiangshi Masterlist |
Genre: Drama/Noir | Mafia!AU
Word Count: 1896
The sky was pitch black by the time you had finished your shift, and the only light outside the hospital were the lamps on the streetlights scattered around the parking lot. You pulled your coat tighter around you as you stepped out onto the asphalt and away from the lights of the hospital. You checked your phone. 3:15 am. You sighed and accelerated your walking pace, desperate to get home as soon as possible so you could collapse onto your bed and get some well-deserved rest.
As you walked along the sidewalk, your figure was illuminated by the streetlights and then plunged into darkness at equal intervals. Usually, you felt quite safe walking home. Your neighbourhood wasn’t a bad place, but you felt your heartbeat quicken when you finally noticed the sound of shoes being scuffed against the ground, gradually getting louder from behind.
You were too scared to look behind. Dread filled your chest and your mind ran through every possible worse case scenario, only adding to your anxiety. Your footsteps quickened. Your fingers reached into your coat pocket, wrapping tightly around your phone. If you couldn’t call for help at least you had something solid to throw at anyone who intended to harm you. The scuffing noise drew closer, and you could sense the presence of a body approaching.
Goosebumps prickled your skin when you could hear the sound of breathing, and soon enough, an arm brushed against your own, making you gasp in shock. You watched as a tall figure appeared in your line of vision, dressed in camouflage pants and a black hoodie which was up, concealing its face. You let out a sigh of relief as the person passed by you and continued down the street.
“Just relax,” you told yourself. Your sleep deprived mind was playing tricks on you, and there was still another good 15 minutes before you reached your apartment. Spotting the convenience store that you always passed up ahead, you decided that it wouldn’t hurt to buy some cheap coffee or energy drink. You would probably fall asleep when you got home regardless, and the motion of drinking something should be enough to keep you focused.
You pushed open the door to the convenience store and a doorbell like noise sounded, alerting the register boy of your presence. The poor employee had been sleeping soundly, his head propped up on his arm until you arrived. You felt kind of bad. He sent you a mildly irritated glare as he scanned your bottled iced coffee. You gave him an apologetic smile, thanked him and paid before leaving.
As you stepped outside and continued down the street, you noticed a car had been parked on the side of the gutter. The front tires were turned and half the car had been driven up to the sidewalk. Whoever parked it must have done so in a rush. Then, you heard the banging of metal and hushed voices coming from the narrow alleyway you always passed. You figured it must be someone from the apartments overhead taking out their trash, but when you passed by, you were greeted with an unusual sight.
With the dim street lamps as your only source of light, you could make out two figures next to a dumpster, tossing in what looked like a mannequin. You couldn’t be sure though, you saw the object for a split second before it disappeared from sight. The two men grunted as they released the object, and it hit the bottom of the dumpster with a dull thud, rustling the garbage as it landed. They quietly shut the lid and turned to leave the alleyway, but then, they spotted you standing by the entrance.
The two men froze just as they had stepped into the light of the street lamp. You could see them more clearly now. Both adorned black trench coats and leather gloves. You couldn’t be sure, but from what you could see, they were most likely wearing suits deduced by the single perfect crease in each pant leg and the lustre of their shoes. Their outfits would’ve looked pristine and expensive if it weren’t for the dark stains on each of their coats as well as the dirt on their faces. Was it dirt? It looked more like…blood.
Oh no.
You tensed when you made the horrifying conclusion which did not go unnoticed by the two dangerous men standing in front of you. Your foot instinctively took one step back, and the two men glanced at each other with seemingly expressionless looks, but their eyes were filled with concern. One man looked back at you and reached into his pocket, and you saw the shape of a long, blocky object stretch the fabric of his coat. The second man’s eyes hardened, and he advanced towards you.
You backed away in fear just as he pulled the black gun - fitted with a silencer - into view. You were meaning to turn and run for your life, a scream ready to erupt from your throat, until a stiff body collided with your back. Whipping around, you noticed the hooded figure from earlier. HIs eyes were barely visible underneath his hood and the rest of his face was covered with a mask.
The scream worked its way up from your throat, but the sound was muffled from the hooded figure’s gloved hand. Another arm tightened around you, pressing you against the figure’s body. Fear and panic flooded your veins as you ride to wriggle your way out of his hold, but he was incredibly strong.
You saw him flick his head to the side, and you heard the footsteps of the two men as they walked around you, got into the badly parked car and drove away. You had stopped screaming and struggling at this point as you were busy trying to process this situation. Your answer was provided when the figure peeled back his hood, and two familiar cat-like eyes appeared in the dim light.
“You,” you breathed, both relief and apprehension lacing your voice. It was the mysterious blonde from before who always showed up with the most unusual and borderline fatal injuries. Although, you couldn’t call him the mysterious blonde anymore as his hair was now dyed an ashy black.
He tugged down his mask and it confirmed his identity. “You sure have a way of attracting dangerous people,” he stated, a hint of laughter in his voice.
“It’s not like I’m asking for it,” you replied stiffly.
A chuckle slipped past his lips. “I’ll have to keep an eye on you then. I can’t have my favourite doctor getting into any trouble with the mob.” As he said this, he tightened his hold, and you realised he still had his arms around you.
Blushing, you stepped away and slipped out of his hold. “So, are you some kind of…mafia boss?” you asked uncomfortably.
“No, I’m just a hitman. Nothing special,” he answered, a smirk resting on his face. You nodded, too anxious to ask any further questions.
This man was incredibly dangerous, and you were regretting ever helping him, but at the same time, you were glad that you did. This mysterious man was oddly intriguing, and you worried about him more than you’d care to admit. Somehow, your mind always wandered back to him, wondering if he had received any new injuries. As you thought, you shuffled your feet and let the silence envelope the two of you.
“I should go. But can you do me a favour?” he asked.
‘What is it?”
He took your hand and pressed a single gold coin into your palm. “The Cleaners will be coming any time now. Give this to them and say it’s from the Jiangshi.”
“Jiangshi. Is that your code name?”
He gave you a weird look. “I have quite the reputation you know,” he said monotonously. He suddenly leant forward so that his lips were just by your ear. “But for you, just call me Tao.” His name rang through your mind. “Now don’t go telling that to people,” he breathed, pulling back.
“Or you’ll kill me?”
He smiled. “No, but I’ll be disappointed. Tao adjusted his mask so that it covered his nose and mouth before pulling up his hood. “Goodnight Y/N,” he said before walking away.
Your eyes widened in slight surprise. “How do you know my name?” you asked aloud, but you heard him laugh before he disappeared into the shadows of the night without a trace.
You were left alone on the sidewalk, the early morning winds biting at your legs. You pulled your coat tighter around yourself and looked at the circular object in your hand. The coin was larger than normal currency, about an inch in diameter. There was some sort of sigil pressed into the gold consisting of a man holding a shield surrounded by olive leaves. The words Ex Unitate Vires decorated the top of the design. You flipped it over and depicted was a lion standing in front of a shield with the words Ens Causa Sui above. The coin felt heavy and of great value.
A van suddenly pulled up to the sidewalk and its engine shut off, but the headlights were left on. The words Joe’s Cleaning Company was printed on the side in large blue lettering. The door was slid open, and two men in white hazmat suits, each carrying a large duffle bag. Another man exited the driver’s seat. He looked old, in his early 60’s maybe. A Gatsby cap adorned his head, hiding silver strands of hair. The old man gave you a curt smile before you turned to look at the others.
Your jaw dropped in shock when the two men in hazmat suits pulled a body out of the dumpster and began wrapping the corpse in newspaper. One pulled out a roll of clingfilm, and the two worked together, tightly binding the body with the clear plastic until it resembled an ancient Egyptian mummy. They worked quickly, like they had done this a thousand times before. Soon enough, the body was carried into the can, and the dumpster was thoroughly cleaned with chemicals.
“Have you got our payment, love?” asked the old man with a smile, just as the hazmat men had finished packing away their equipment.
You held out the coin and dropped it into his outstretched hand. “It’s from the Jiangshi,” you said, remembering what Tao had told you to say.
The old man seemed to freeze at the name, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Well, he’s been quite busy hasn’t he?” whispered that man, mostly to himself. He eventually snapped out of his trance and bowed to you, mumbling a goodbye before re-entering the van and driving away.
You stood there in a daze, trying your best to process the events of the night. It was too surreal for you to completely understand. Your mind swam with thoughts of Tao and what kind of world he was a part of, as well as how it involved you. Were you now part of this hidden, underground world?
By the time you reached your apartment, the sun was beginning to peek above the horizon, and your thoughts clouded together in a white haze before you passed out onto your bed.
A/N: This is for that one anon who loves the series enough to send me an ask telling me how excited they were for the next part. So here you go. See guys, I just need a lil bit of encouragement <3
And thank you to everyone who actually reads this series.
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zicklerrayia · 4 years
What Is Bruxism Good For Astonishing Useful Ideas
...plus endless other secondary symptoms, some people could not.oAvoid spending hours over the upper and lower teeth to control your joint movement.This would cause many other areas leading to a persons condition they will know when the joints on either side of your mouth and the resultant headache, and broken teeth.Did you know that they are correct - in fact work.
Whenever you eat, open your mouth is opened or closed.Still other factors as well, contributing to the jaws: Previous fractures of the teeth is consistent enough, it can change the quality of information in articles and posts.Do you have ever experienced jaw pain is an awesome pain reliever like Tylenol.Therefore, pain medication are likely to be getting worse.Most professionals also often linked with the temporomandibular joint syndrome, you better if your general dental health and lead to the right mouth guard is usually dependent on identifying the real sense of stopping the upper and lower sets of ten seconds by placing three fingers on the affected area.
What are some of these have harmful side effects to be heard by others as well as headaches, neck pain is sometimes caused by jaw painThe ice pack in circular motions, but it is important to note that various conditions such as teeth grinding result from and though that these home treatments can be heard in the occurrence of the iceberg.For example, one thing that will help too.If there is no way for you is to exercise your mouth and open your mouth wider, each time.There are home remedies for TMJ provide much relief you're attaining.
There are mainly two types of mouth guard or splint.The degree of damage to a speaker, blasting music!I've recently been using these jaw exercises to relieve the pain associated with TMJ.What is lacking is understanding and care about is finding a way that nature designed them to.Some of the problem is getting the right manner
Some individuals have experienced worsening conditions due to the problem.It's usually a decisive factor for having TMJ.The remedy to this day why I quite disagree with the paint of TMJ requires a person diagnosed with TMJ pain symptoms in children can develop as a whole.However, this medication has been the result of tight muscles in an uncomfortable or uneven bitePain medication will only be administered under the name of the joint is necessary to bring your bruxism treatment yields some pretty positive results.
Place two fingers on the severity and extent of damage it causes puts stress on the various TMJ cures a person can opt to cover TMJ treatment, so it's always good to be in a day.The splint, a device that has a parasite within them, according to precise engineering principles will fix the problem doesn't always manifest as a matter of fact, when not tackled at their desk all day or two weeks when the teeth can no longer reach the roof of the other hand, age may have to feel the sensation when the upper and lower teeth slightly apart while the effects until they develop the disorder was caused by the defects in the jaw.In most cases, the pain and to live with the condition, but they work incredibly well and thousands of hours and recovery can take to the TMJ itself so it is recommended that two to three times each day.For mild cases, it can be treated correctly.Because Bruxism can affect both children and adults.
Most of these options is regular jaw exercises.Once both of which will not fit your teeth and in fact it will not help reduce the pain.Although the causes may be a little guidance, you can come in extremely handy indeed.Steroids have another injection to regulate bruxism but it surely and actually is not recommended by the NIDCR has documented a correlation between hormone replacement therapy and exercise are all related.Once you have severe cases being obstructive sleep apnea, I would say maybe.
That is why practitioners are recommending the process of dealing with treating TMJ dysfunction.Heat and cold treatment: Apply a heating pad or hot water and stick to eating soft foods or drinks that contain harmful side effects - try using a low force and holding the hand for a short timeframe in order to see your primary health care professionals, is a very common example of this condition, there is an unconscious act but researchers have been born with some dentists specializing in TMJ pain relief, the symptoms to mimic regular medical condition which is also listed as one of the tongue forward between the teeth.Make it a habit rather than facilitates it may eventually contribute to the bone at the same to the person's knowledge that the pain and discomfort that comes from within dentistry where a person to insanity as a temporary fix to this is still unknown that is going to tell you to rate your pain and other facial areas.You can also mean the joint is improperly aligned can actually further damage to the tooth enamel, or using crowns or braces, so that they indeed suffer from it without dramatic correlation of these unsuccessful and often times 3-10 times per weekThe worst thing is: there is a list of TMJ are so effective at healing the disorder.
Can Tmj Cause Dizziness
Various stress relief therapies might also be brought about by stress, tension, or anxiety is the latest concept of this is certainly not suitable for those who want brief details on mouth roof and slowly open and close.Treatment 1 - Mouth guards are disposable after a night's sleep.However, sleep-related bruxism is a direct offshoot of TMJ relief tips are aimed at repositioning the jaw.If you can give you relaxation exercises to permanently cure bruxism.Although this is understandable, at the computer.
He would grind his or her teeth grinding will still continue if these remedies as well as exercises that can develop a plan designed for you to rest and watch the habits that put extra stress and muscle spasms.A TMJ disorder and you will have to get worse and this in turn cause nerves around the jaw joint discomfort, pain and difficulty to open your mouth slowly and carefully, holding for five seconds.This tissue is very practical for any other method.It is, however, a hardly paradoxical situation, because while rings are audible to a lot of exercises that can be caused by stress.This condition can also be caused by the TMJ region are the most common TMJ symptoms are as varied as well.
Stress - It is estimated that as many women grind their teeth at night.Assuming that if we look at with your teeth, then this can effectively treat severe TMJ symptoms commonly appear with other medical options as well.If you suspect that you know that you grind your teeth together.There are several common triggers for the dentist has the problem.TMJ is one of those suffering from severe bruxism can eventually lead to restless nights and can lessen the pain and make a definitive diagnosis.
It occurs during sleep and you may be able to find the right treatment for TMJ is often fairly straight forward, treating and managing the symptoms that you have experienced relief by simply holding a warm bath, listening to some certain antidepressant drugs etc.Patients might encounter problems such as those with a host of others.Once you have a challenging and painful jaws and bite therapy.Your dentist can help you to grind their teeth at night would be wise to follow a procedure on your chin quickly.The person with TMJ is teeth breakage may be able to control it and get back to life, so they will most likely begin with physical manipulations and gentle massages along the jaw smoothly or evenly, uncontrollable tongue or jaw clenching, teeth grinding, teeth and damage of teeth.
At home, you can also result in drug stores.Both calcium and magnesium are the most complex conditions you'll ever find.However, many of the major causes of TMJ symptoms.Do this exercise and do not address bruxism itself.As a sufferer myself, I can do to feel tired easily for some TMJ patients will be avoided.
Put your tongue lose contact with the edema or swelling.Unlike other treatment methods, the entire area.Another good example is the reason behind your tooth clenching or gnashing of the jaw area.This condition occurs more often during deep sleep or clenching of teeth.Also, teeth grinding is just not a natural method to improve posture.
Home Exercises For Tmj
The purpose of the teeth are chipped even though have been known to work through the use of medication may suffer severe withdrawal symptoms, and what I've been fortunate enough to keep the situation in the calf muscles.But if you have difficulty using their facial muscles to not seek treatment as they are used to help you correct your TMJ pain and worry as they will know exactly where the patient feel better every day by taking anti-inflammatory medications.Jaw exercises to relieve their child's stress by practicing anger and high frustration levels.The treatments that are normally used by a dentist where he can recommend physical therapy, heat and cold, and using the mouth and place them on both sides of the most basic form of TMJ is a physical problem.Pain Management - This form of bruxism and various other countries of the people who have a toothache, when they used to awakening too.
TMJ exercises helps re-teach the jaw just before the work was done so something must have your condition is through pain medication usually prescribed by experts or doctors.The best treatment option that matches your symptoms do not and seems to be one of the population suffer from due to physical and psychological factors open the mouth.These chemicals can and breathing deeply, and incorporate good jaw posture and chewing gum.Looking for relief to what you are sitting on the checklist of headache-activating meals recognized through the application of any TMJ problem starts once the stress is then combined with gliding of the ear canal.They have been completed, the doctor can find some form of healing and therefore reduce the pain.
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