#being in a relationship with u just became natural for him
fiddlefordisms · 3 days
Canon Details and Analysis of Fiddleford McGucket Part 2
See the first part here
Let's flash-forward to what we know about Fiddleford after college. At some point, he got married to Emma May Dixon, and they had a son together (Tate McGucket), they live in Palo Alto, and Fiddleford seems to be self-employed: McGucket's Computermajigs. Now, don't get me wrong I enjoy Fiddauthor quite a lot (and I'll give some in-depth analysis and theorizing and thinking of possibilities about that particular relationship in that context at the very end), but I want to focus on Fiddleford's character and what we do know about his wife and child.
We know from Journal 3 that Fiddleford keeps a picture of his wife and son on his desk because he says it helps keep him "grounded." It's very important to note that this picture includes his wife - if they really wanted to imply that Fiddleford's relationship with his wife was on the rocks, they could've easily made it just a picture of his son. We know that Fiddleford must have had strong feelings for his wife because in the Gobblewonker episode of Gravity Falls, Old Man McGucket claims that when his wife left him, he built a pterodactyl-tron (building giant death robots is something he does when he's upset or wants attention). If he was wanting to leave that relationship, he would not have been upset about her leaving him.
In another page of Journal 3 when Fiddleford quits the portal project, Ford writes about how he should "go back to his doting family." This tells us that while Fiddleford and Emma May did have a fight over him not getting her a Christmas present, Ford still somehow had the impression that his family was "doting." I think it's important to point out that Fiddleford has been erasing his memories since the Gremloblin incident - and the fight scene with his wife happens very shortly before the big portal test. We know the memory-erasing gun has side effects. So, anytime Fiddleford "forgets" something should be looked at as highly suspect and indicative that his memory-erasing gun is affecting him.
We know that Fiddleford must have been a good father before he left to work on the portal for Ford via context clues. In the show, despite Tate's original home being in Palo Alto, Tate chose to pack up his things and live in Gravity Falls where his mentally-addled father now lives. He chose to do that and seeing what became of his father, even though he's the town's biggest embarrassment with a reputation for being a crazy old man - chose to stay. In Shmeb U Unlocked, we're informed that Tate is extremely intelligent and capable of predicting lottery numbers.
He could literally go anywhere he wanted if he wanted. And yet, he stays in Gravity Falls where his father lives. He must have really loved his father despite it being so hard with his father's mental state and the fact that he has every right to be angry that his father left. We know that Fiddleford must have really loved his son because of that picture on his desk, because much later even with all of his memory problems, he still remembers his son, and he's desperate to spend time with him, and in the end, they're able to repair their relationship and spend quality time together.
Now, let's talk about a couple of details that I think a lot of people overlook. During the stargazing scene in Journal 3, Fiddleford mentions offhand that he'd like a place where "the screen door ain't broken." I think this is a VERY interesting detail because it makes it sound like Fiddleford's business hadn't quite taken off yet and that he might have been struggling financially because he can't afford to get his door repaired.
This opens a doorway into a theory of mine that Fiddleford is being paid for his time as Ford's assistant. Now, we're not told this outright in Journal 3, but I think we can gather this from a little thing I like to call context clues. After all, Ford probably thought the exact nature of payment deals for his assistant didn't need to be included in his research and personal journal. There's nothing interesting about it. Additionally from a narrative standpoint, it might have come across as looking like Ford had to bribe Fiddleford to help him, and that's not the vibe they wanted for Fiddleford. They wanted to emphasize that these two are at the very least good friends and that Fiddleford is the type of person who will set aside his own personal projects and self-sacrifice to help a friend at a moment's notice.
We know from the show and Journal 3 that Ford was given grants to study the anomalies of Gravity Falls. Presumably, this money would not only cover the costs of field research equipment and a research base (the shack) but also money for a research assistant if needed.
Fiddleford's wife would have to be the most permissive, most doormat wife in THE HISTORY OF EVER to allow her husband to go up to Oregon to work on a project leaving her to not only take care of her son by herself but also have to pay all the bills and rent/mortgage by herself. We know this is not the case because she (rightly) did NOT let it slide that her husband forgot to get her a Christmas present.
Fiddleford would not have had much time to work on his own business while working on Ford's portal. At this point in his life, he has his mental faculties intact, he's proven time and again to be considerate and sweet (Alex Hirsch even refers to him as a sweet soul). He's big on making thoughtful gifts, he wants to help others (in Journal 3, he is seen fixing up the ferris wheel at the carnival where he meets Ivan, although it was definitely wrong - he had good intentions in wanting to help people with their bad memories, even in the show - Old Man McGucket shows up in the sap-hole with the dinosaurs having fixed a broken lantern - Fiddleford is exactly the type of person who would see a broken-down car on the side of the road and pull over and get out his toolbox and help that person out), and he loves his family very much. He would NOT let them go unsupported and floundering for themselves while in his right mind.
So, this leads me to believe that to help convince his wife to let him help his old college buddy with his project, he'd be getting paid for his help. Ford likely would've found this reasonable and might have suggested it himself if Fiddleford expressed wanting to help but not being able to leave his family without any support. It probably wasn't a lot, but it might have been a bit better than what he was currently drumming up via his own business. This could also be why Ford is so adamant about referring to Fiddleford as his assistant in the journals rather than his friend.
Do I think his wife might have still had some reservations about her husband going to Oregon and could be a fertile field for argument later? Yes. Absolutely. But I think the fact that she let him go in the first place and the fact that Fiddleford is self-employed rather than more conventionally employed generally shows that she was a supportive wife and trusted her husband.
I absolutely DO NOT think, as some have posited, that Fiddleford abandoned his wife and son (especially his son whom he dearly loves) to have a "Brokeback Mountain" situation with Stanford. That is a terrible misreading of Fiddleford's character AND the situation. Again, Fiddleford is the type of person who HELPS people, and how much more so for someone who is likely his best friend? Not only that, but his FIRST EVER friend. A friend who Fiddleford probably knows has been alone in Oregon for years and who also has a hard time making friends, a friend who probably doesn't call him enough because he's "busy" with his research (Ford even says in the journal that he "has no choice but to call Fiddleford"), a friend who is probably stubborn about asking for help who is asking HIM (the guy who helps) for help?
Fiddleford might even already be worried about him.
And this is a "project" - a project has a beginning and an end. Fiddleford was NOT expecting to stay in Gravity Falls. He was going to go there, help Ford, and then go back to his family whom he loves. I'm not saying complicated feelings couldn't have arisen (again, I am a Fiddauthor shipper), but I am saying that Fiddleford didn't go to Oregon because he was running away from marital problems with his wife (on an additional note - people are free to write what they want - But what is WITH bisexual erasure and villifying / ignoring female characters? I mean, just because she wasn't in the show or talked about much doesn't mean we should do female characters a disservice) and intending on cheating on her.
Because again - A) He loves his family (family photo on his desk which doesn't exactly scream "Make sweet love to me Ford") B) His anxiety issues C) His empathy - he doesn't have the narcissistic traits cheaters generally have D) He's likely Catholic and all the religious hang-ups with that - (also adultery being a sin is mentioned waaaaaay more than homosexuality) E) The hostile time period for queer folks.
Also, Stanford "I find romance baffling" (Journal 3 - stargazing scene) is probably one of the biggest indicators that no cheating went on (but I'll throw you "cheating Fiddleford" headcanoners a bone much later on in which I think a possible "cheating" scenario could have realistically occurred - and I'll tell you my reasons for why I personally don't believe that happened either, but I'll begrudgingly accept a "possibility" and let you guys go nuts with the idea.)
More to come in later parts.
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suashii · 5 months
which hq boy is the type to flirt with their ex and why is it matsukawa issei
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milliumizoomi · 3 months
armando headcanons w his gf that is the total opposite of him? kind of like grumpy x sunshine? 😫
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☆彡SUMMARY.; In which Armando doesn’t understand why for the love of god he fell in love with such a hyperactive woman.
☆彡GENRE.; FLUFF + CRACK + ANGST [if you squint]
☆彡WARNINGS.; Mature Language, mentions of violence, mentions of guns, mentions of possessiveness,
☆彡NOTES.; no cause I saw this request and immediately knew this was gon be tewwww funny😭,, thank u soooo much for the request love and I hope you all enjoy!!🩵
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★ firstly, I’d like to preface this by saying that you both met through his dad.. in a roundabout type of way
★ He was working a case with his dad, got shot at, the usual, shooter missed and you, an innocent bystander, almost got a hole put in your body had he not snatched you out of the way
★ and after that, he just became interested in you
★ his dad even game him a phone just so he can call and text you
★ and to be honest he wonders why.. because you’re “strange” he says
★ maybe it’s the fact that you didn’t even flinch when you almost got shot at, opting to thank him with a bright and warm smile
★ or maybe it’s the fact that as your relationship progressed, you found out who he was and what he does for a living and simply shrugged it off
★ he genuinely doesn’t get it.. at all
★ but you barely give him enough time to keep him thinking about that when every second you’re with him you’re practically bouncing off the walls
★ the both of you couldn’t be any different
★ you were practically a ball of hot radioactive energy, always laughing or smiling about anything at all
★ while he liked staying quiet, and when he does open his mouth it’s straight disrespect to anyone he’s taking to
★ so naturally, he finds you hard to deal with at times
★ not in the sense that he’s irritated with you, but in the sense that he wants to knock you out just so you can calm down
★ and if someone irritates him, you’d have to step in and excuse him before he can say anything that would get a gun pointed in his face or a fight breaks out
★ and when he’s around, you get fully dependent of him
★ seeming that he’s not around a lot having been in jail, whenever he does come out, whether it be a couple weeks or even months, whenever you get to see him it’s like you turn your brain off and let him make all the decisions
★ and as much as he hates to admit it, he actually doesn’t mind when you act like that (he loves it)
★ you act so wise eyed and elated everytime you’re with him
★ which throws off a lot of people in his circle of “associates” as he likes to call them
★ because how the hell did this happy go lucky woman get this is cold blooded murderer
★ and then you’ll just tell them “he’s hot and I love him so it works out”
★ and with you being so hyper and energetic, he’d definitely be reeling you in some of the time
★ he’d wouldn’t be rude with it though, but he’s very firm with you
★ like if he thinks you’re getting too loud when you’re in a group and having a conversation he’d be pull you into him by your waist so your back is on his chest
★ then he’d whisper in your, “calma tu trasero mamá” (Calm down your ass, mama)
★ and you ofc listened cause like.. who wouldn’t???
★ because of your personality, people tend to flock around you a lot, loving the energy you give off
★ he however, doesn’t play that shit and will tell people to back the fuck up
★ especially when he realizes that you’re starting to get uncomfortable
★ he’s possessive as shit so anybody he doesn’t know he doesn’t want crowding you or being in your space
★ you’d also bite him a lot and he’d let you
★ simply because your bites barely feel like anything since his pain tolerance is so high from all the fights and shoot outs he’s been in
★ and eventually, whenever you do manage to wear yourself out, he’ll carry you, whether it’s on his back or he picks you up by your thighs and wraps your legs around his waist
★ you definitely made him softer, to the people he knows like his dad and stuff, but that’s about it
★ and whenever he does get mad at you, he can’t even say he’s actually angry because you’d be smiling in his face
★ and when he is in jail and you go visit him, you carry his favorite foods and stuff and put little sticky notes with smiley faces and I love you messages that he can only crack a little smile and shake his head at
★ and seeming that your always so happy, you smile doing anything at all, and he loves that cause he thinks your smile is so pretty
★ that doubled with the fact that he finds your lips extremely sexy for some reason
★ and he’s actually very protective over you
★ type of boyfriend to say “wear what you want, I can fight”
★ you definitely soften up his image while with him
★ usually he’s the silent, intense type when he’s alone, but when you’re standing next to him, smiling up and him and pulling at him to go somewhere with you then the intensity goes down somewhat
★ that’s only cause he’s looking at you tho, when he has to look away from you that intensity comes right back
★ firmly believe also if and when he comes to you with injuries, you take care of them until you’re sure they’re all cleaned and wrapped properly
★ in private, he loves when you wash his hair or doing hair for him while you’re yapping away about something that happened while you were out that day
★ so in conclusion, you stress him out in the best way possible and he makes you put all you social abilities to good use to get his ass out of trouble
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{TAGLIST} :: @loakswifesworld @ghettogirly @tinys0ftie @shurisgf || if you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know in comments or dms😉💕.
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sunaluv · 2 years
WAG: wife or girlfriend of a sports star
Featuring: w.ushijima, a.miya
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Ushi is dating a rich gyal, I’m all for the head cannon
You first met wakatoshi at a fundraiser event for charities involving schools and sports. You were attending with your fathers company, as he always liked to make huge donations at events like these.
Your family was quite wealthy, as you were soon due to inherit a carefully and meticulously crafted empire built by family generations back.
You floated around the room throughout the whole night, solidifying existing connections while creating new ones. You had spoken to a lot of investors, pro athletes, coaches etc.
You had gotten used to the structured, formal conversations with people, so when you first talked to wakatoshi it was kinda refreshing.
Like… he knocked you out of your automated business trance and you found yourself talking to him like a normal person.
For the rest of the night whenever you could, you naturally gravitated towards him, always asking how he was an stuff.
You talked so much and he asked for your number that night yk to keep in touch. Wink wink wink.
After that day, you frequently sat in on the adlers practice under the guise of being there on your dads behalf. But you started to hide it less when you became official.
People caught on to your relationship bc paparazzi are nosy 😒
The two of you STAY on Pinterest like ‘rich couple aesthetic’ yea that’s u.
The both of you are rich so the gifts have more meaning n stuff ygm.
Wakatoshi is sow CYUTE when it comes to gift giving like he didn’t just buy it because it’s pretty and gold and compliments your skin, he bought for some reason like it goes well with this one outfit he saw you wear in a fashion magazine, or the meaning behind the items ya know
But there’s no deep reason behind the sleek black sports car or the stack of red bottoms or the custom tailored suit he surprised you with bc he remembers your exact measurements
K maybe not the last one but still
He lurrrvs u and he knows u know, even if he isn’t as loud about it like other people.
Atsumu has a big social media presence, we all know his pr team hates him
You guys got together after he would not stop flirting with you in your comments, DMs, all of it.
A while ago you posted about wanting a man who will make sure you’ll never work again and you best believe half the comments was him shooting his shot
You eventually had to give in
You were going to anyways u just wanted him to sweat a lil
Y’all linked up or whateva and unsurprisingly atsumu stuck to his word, you didn’t have to work for anything as long as you were with him, he’d do anything for you
He even insisted on carrying you into the stadium ‘like the princess you were’ where they were going to play soon, you said no bc that’s too much for u 😔
You best believe you pull up to his games dressed so casually yet so captivating with his (and soon to be your) last name draped across your back
His feed, stories tweets etc are filled with you and honestly the people love it. After watching their favourite setter thirst for you for damn near a year straight, they were happy #y/ntsumu was finally a reality
The wags of the rest of the team have this little best friend group it’s so cute. Just a bunch of pretty girls being spoiled by their athlete boyfriends for no reason at all.
10/10 athlete rich boyfie.
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hannieehaee · 7 months
Hi, please do a continuation of your idol mingyu fics🥺 I really love me a nsfw idol mingyu fic so if you could continue it im gladly waiting for it!!
18+ / mdi
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content: idol!mingyu x idol!reader, established relationship, secret relationship, simp!mingyu, afab reader, smut, oral (f receiving), etc.
wc: 2013
original fic
a/n: thank u for requesting idol!gyu i love him so bad <33
handling a brand new relationship was already hard enough on its own. now add the extra stress of having to keep it a secret from the entire world, and then you have mingyu's current situation.
he had waited years to finally confess, never really expecting that the day where he could have you would ever come. and now that he had you, he was slightly frustrated at how little of you he could actually have.
not only did the two of you have constant conflicting schedules, but you also had to keep things as discreet as possible due to the nature of relationships within your industry (and maybe also due to mingyu's many exes being spread all throughout the industry).
mingyu tried not to be too annoyed by how little of you he got to keep to himself these past few weeks, with your schedules conflicting far too much for his liking. whenever he was off work, you just so happened to have a last-minute appearance at some fashion event in another country. in any occasion in which you were finally off idol duties, he suddenly had yet another shoot for a company he was the new ambassador of. there was just no way for the two of you to be in the same place for longer than an hour before one of you was called away to some over-complicated schedule.
and though mingyu really really did his best to not let this affect his mood, the inevitable eventually happened, and he finally snapped.
okay, he did not snap per say, but the drastic change in his mood was easily noticed by not only his members, but even staff.
throughout the past week, he had been the talk of the town (re: hybe) due to his unusual behavior. the usually high-spirited and highly energized mingyu everyone knew and loved had been overcome by a shell of his former; a grumpy and lazy giant who would grumble in response to any and every inquiry and would give his bare minimum during group activities (though never in front of carats – he could not help but always be a sweetheart to his carats).
for the past six days or so, mingyu had not been in contact with you. the most he could get were a few texts throughout the day due to both your groups having a comeback at practically the same time. he had not heard your voice or seen your face. not only were you promoting in america (giving you a sixteen hour time difference from korea), but you were also running on about four hours of sleep since your departure. in the meantime, mingyu was preparing for his own group's promotions, knowing that by the time you got back, seventeen would also leave the country and you would find yourself in the same situation.
the thought of yet another week with zero communication made mingyu lose his mind even further, causing him to be even more snappy as the days went by. one week became two, and you were finally due to come back, something that would've usually elated mingyu, except that his departure was scheduled just a few hours after your arrival.
today had been the worst day of all for his members, who had had to deal with mingyu's sour mood these past two weeks (and occasionally deal with his cries due to missing your presence). but enough was enough. not only was mingyu inadvertently messing with the synergy of the group, but a few members also felt bad for the pathetic mess mingyu had become due to your incidental separation. it was time to take matters into their own hands.
mingyu had never loved his members more than he did at this current moment.
sure, they'd been with him through thick and thin; since the beginning of his career up to the moment where they finally made it to the top. but none of those moments compared to the makeshift 'intervention' they had prepared for him just one day prior to your arrival (and consequent break from comeback activities).
he had been annoyed by it at first, assuming they were just going to grill him due to his lack of effort these past few weeks, but he was surprised to find that they had spoken to the company on his behalf. before he could protest about what he assumed to be some sort of punishment for his unusual behavior, he was informed by an easily-excitable soonyoung that they had convinced the company to allow him to stay in korea for an extra week before joining the rest of the members in overseas promotions. they had come up with a fake statement – something about conflicting schedules with one of the brands he was meant to promote for – in order to give justification to the public as to why he'd be staying behind. they comforted him and told him they understood his frustrations and knew what a hard worker he was, that they simply wanted to give him a few days to recover with you.
mingyu could've cried – and he did. he was beyond elated. he apologized profusely for becoming a weight to his members, getting on his knees to thank them for doing him such a solid, promising he would come back better than ever and that he would work as hard as he could to make up for the past two weeks. he was met with reassurance from his members and a few lighthearted curses due to jealousy of his free time with his girlfriend.
he spent the rest of the day with a reinstated good-mood and the most energy his members had seen from him in weeks.
as mingyu came to find out a few hours later, you were blissfully unaware of the sudden change of plans, still believing that he'd be out of the country by the time you got back home.
mingyu fell in love with you all over again the moment you gasped in shock and immediately ran into his arms as you found him waiting for you in your apartment, wrapping his arms around you with the warmest embrace he could muster, lifting you so that you could wrap yourself around him.
"gyu! what are you doing here?", you inquired excitedly as you pulled away.
mingyu didn't let go of you as he responded, "hybe gave me the week off. i get to stay with you til monday. surprised?", he grinned.
"a week?! oh my god! fuck, i've missed you so much," you went back to burying your face in his neck, drinking in the embrace.
"missed you more, beautiful. can't believe i finally get you all to myself again," he put you down slowly so that he could grab onto your hands, bringing them up to his lips so that he could kiss them over and over as you giggled at his antics, "i have so many things planned for the two of us."
"yeah?", you moved closer to him, placing your hands on his shoulders, "like what?", you flirted.
"gonna do everything ive been holding back on ..." he breathed out as he lowered his face down to yours.
"wanna show me?"
"yeah, angel, i'll show you ..."
those were the last words spoken before he took over your senses with a heady kiss, kissing you with so much strength that he physically pushed you back a few steps. his control was lost pretty quickly into the kiss, his senses weakened by the feeling of your body so close to his own.
wordlessly, he guided you in direction to your room, not allowing for your lips to disconnect for even a second as he laid you down on the bed and hovered over you. even as you began to lose your breath to the kiss, mingyu would only allow for your lips to disconnect for a few seconds at a time, taking a single breath before going back to licking into your mouth.
his hands had a mind of their own as they felt every inch of skin they could find, simply ridding themselves of any obstacles by removing your clothing as he unlocked new skin for his hands to touch.
"fuck ... did you get prettier, angel?", he finally disconnected your lips, though not without groaning at the way in which your lips chased after his despite your lack of breath, admiring the almost fully nude body under his own.
remaining fully clothed, mingyu could not feel your skin against his own, a circumstance that frustrated him too much to not solve it immediately. without a second thought, he ripped off his clothes and leaned down to kiss at your neck as his hands took care of the remnants of your clothing.
"hmm, angel? get prettier in my absence? were you keeping all this beauty safe and sound for me?", he was as soft in his words as he was with his movements, caressing the skin of your breasts as he removed your bra.
"gyu ... do something. please," you whined as he traced your nipple and kissed at your neck.
"what do you want, angel? cause i have a few ideas of my own."
"anything, just ..."
"anything? can i have that pretty cunt, then?", he breathed, his lips now against your ear.
"y-yeah, fuck. please."
within seconds he had made his way to the ground, kneeling before you as he buried his face between your thighs and went to town. his lips had already traced every inch leading down to your cunt, fully prepared to bring you to your first orgasm of the night with those same plump lips.
"so fucking good ..." he purred against your cunt, "grind it against my tongue, yeah, baby? wanna feel you gush on my tongue," his words were slurred, refusing to disconnect his lips from your cunt for even one second.
"g-gyu? i'm ... i, fuck ... gonna cum. need to cum. please ...", you whined, fully delirious from the feeling of his tongue.
"do it, angel. gonna lick it all up n give it back to you. been dreaming of you gushing all over my face," he breathed just a few moments before granting his own wish by leading you to your high.
you whined and cried as he continued to lick and suck at you throughout your orgasm, pulling at his hair and grinding against him simultaneously as your body fought against the sensitivity of your cunt while he refused to halt his attack on you.
after your high finally dissipated, mingyu made his way back up your body, once again kissing a trail through the entirety of it until reaching your lips.
he groaned against you as you gave him a kiss so nasty it had his eyes rolling back. he licked your taste right onto your own tongue, sucking it back as your tongues danced with one another. his cock was beyond hard by now, making him grind against your sensitive cunt as the two of you made out.
he reluctantly pulled away before he could get too carried away again.
"i really did miss you so much," he whispered against your lips.
"i missed you too, gyu."
"no, but i genuinely felt like i was going insane," he continued, "i didnt know i could miss anyone this much."
you cupped his cheek as you reciprocated the sentiment.
"now that i finally have you, being away from you at all is torture," he confessed, chuckling at how dramatic yet serious he sounded.
"i love you, gyu," you concluded, "i'm so happy i get to have you a whole week. i .. i'll make it so we can be together more often. i don't know how, but we can do this. right?"
he smiled and pecked you once, "yeah. not letting anything keep me away from you. i love you."
the soft moment was eventually interrupted by even more unseemly activities between your sheets. and the week was filled with constant love shared between the two of you as you finally reunited, fully determined to make this a frequent occurrence.
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qstea · 1 year
Hello well can I request​ 4 killer, cross and error headcanon​ with kind-heart s/o? Like s/o love to help other people get through​ their pain such as dream,in short is s/o is a goody-goody-two-shoes kind of person.
📎 Kindhearted S/O Headcanons ★
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Featuring: Killer!Sans, XTale!Sans, Error!Sans
pronouns used: they/them
warnings: some suggestive content if you squint
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Killer Sans -
Killer thinks it’s beyond adorable. Seeing you so quick to drop everything to help somebody in need intrigues him so much, as he rarely feels actual emotions and empathy. Finds your goody-two-shoes behavior to be very motivating and such a breath of fresh air. It revives the small, faint, part inside of him that was the Sans he used to be.
Another thing is that they have a thing for innocent and naive types, all things untouched by life’s evils. The mere thought of corrupting somebody so sweet and kind is…. something they dwell on very often.
Don’t worry! He won’t hurt you, no, never. He just thinks that your relationship dynamic is funny.. the big bad wolf, Killer, who’s notorious for killing hundreds of innocent monsters without remorse or pity.. and the cute little kindhearted beauty at his side, untouched by all of his evils he has committed in his lifetime.
XTale Sans -
Your purity is exactly what made him fall for you. It’s the way you treat others with a type of kindness he hasn’t seen in so long, the one that he had longed for in his traumatized life. A life where he was stuck being some sort of sickening pawn under his father’s clawed fingertips.
Has an overwhelming instinct to protect you from everyone and everything, like some sort of untrained guard dog; biting, growling, and fighting off threats for the purpose of shielding you from the horrors of the multiverse, even though this protection may or may not be needed.
He can’t have another loved one leave, he just can’t. He loves you too much for you to get hurt like everyone else, he has to protect you. Everybody in the multiverse has a sick cruelness in their souls and he can’t let the light of his life be tainted with their diseases.
Nothing you say will have stop him from being overprotective and afraid of anything and everything.
Error Sans -
Kindness is not something often found in the multiverse, and especially not standing before the very force that stuck down many worlds, ended many lives, and showed no mercy or pity to those they faced against.
And then there was you, who dared flash their sweet smile, friendly words, and sympathetic nature to the destroyer of worlds. They were shaken, this was new, this was peculiar. They had never seen such a phenomenon before.
And so, they study you, they fall in love with you, they take you under their wing.
They couldn’t let the world see something that was only meant for their sockets, and their sockets only. In the multiverse, the strongest take what they want and take what they wanted, Error did. They had to take advantage of this, they couldn’t risk having anybody else having a taste of this.
They didn’t do it to protect you, they did it because they’re lonely, and all who have not friends, allies, or companions want more then they were destined to have. And so, they became selfish, and took you for their own. Have fun.
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fallingdownhell · 7 months
Hello !! I wish u a happy Valentine's Day >< love it writing ;)
Can I request Best Friends with feelings Sumero boys(+wanderer) reacting to gn!reader being gifted here and there all day bc it's Valentine's day?
Thank u! U can ignore this if I don't want to write :)
Happy belated Valentine's Day! Hope everyone had a nice day celebrating with their loved ones, be it romantically or platonically<3 Characters Included: Tighnari; Cyno; Alhaitham; Kaveh; Wanderer Content: gender neutral reader; no established relationship; the boys are getting jealous; fluff; love confessions..?; not proofread yet Word count: 2,6k words Enjoy<3
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he loves the fact that one of his closest friends actually works with him, which means that you can see each other on a regular basis
not like Cyno or Kaveh, who he sometimes doesn't see in days or weeks, depending on their workload
Tighnari enjoys working with you, but not just because he's friends with you. You complement each other, his strenghts negate your weaknesses, and vice versa. When he's stuck in his research on some specific topic, you offer him some insight from a different perspective that he otherwise would probably have never even considered
Plus, you're very easy to talk to, and just an overall fun person to be around. It's no wonder he'd want to be your friends.
So it's also no wonder that one day, he realizes that his feelings for you go much deeper than just friendship
Is he gonna do anything about it, though?
No. At least, not right away
He's let it sit and sink for a while, come to terms with the fact that he actually likes you in that way, and that it's not just some fleeting crush. He'd plan to tell you eventually, but much to his dismay, he forgot what time it was while he was pondering about his feelings for you
Valentine's Day was here, and of course, he's heard plenty of talk among his fellow forest rangers. He knows that many of them plan to ask you out, thinking that it'd be the right time
He realized what day it was when the first one came up to you and handed you a self crafted bracelet that you gladly accepted. Tighnari watched the interaction take place intently, yet swallowed down his feelings
But then another one came up to you... and another.. with every person that came to you, handing you gifts and trying to flirt with you, his anger at them rose, and he couldn't take it any longer
With an annoyed tone, he pushed all his responsibilities aside for today, went over to you and grabbed your hand, almost demanding of you to accompany him to the city, since he claimed he had some important errands to run and needed your help with them. In truth, he just wanted you as far away from all of the attention from other people as quickly as possible
His lie became obvious pretty fast when he made no attempts to actually go to Sumeru City with you, but you'd already realised why he did what he did, yet decided not to comment on it
the two of you took a stroll along a close by river, and after some time, sitting down and just watching the nature around you
Not many words are spoken, but it's also not neccassary
he has a feeling that you're aware of his feelings for you now, as well. But he won't say anything to you just yet. He needs some more time, but you can be sure that you won't have to wait too long..
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I see him as one of those people who are not to keen about Valentine's day. To him, it's just a day like anyone else. He's also one of those people that would voluntarily work that day
He's never understood the appeal of it. Why celebrate one special day with your partner, when you can show your love and affection for them any given day? Why safe it for one day in the whole year?
Not that he has a partner to begin with, but it's the whole concept about it that just irks him
however, there is a certain someone that Cyno has had feelings for, for quite some time now. A certain someone that was a desert dweller just like him. Who came with him to the City at a young age and who he stayed friends with all those years
You and Cyno go way back, having been friends with him since you were kids. When he was leaving the desert, he couldn't stand the thought of leaving behind the only person he ever knew and trusted, so he convinced you to go with him. Not like anything was holding you in the desert to begin with, so you agreed
Cyno has come to terms with his feelings for you a long time ago, but has yet to make any move on you. Sure, he's dropped some hints here and there, and made some - very poor - attempts at flirting with you, but you never picked up on any of it
and now, he kinda regretted never telling you more specifically. As every other Valentine's day before, Cyno was working this one, too
he was currently on his way to track some hints he'd gotten, leaving the Academiya, when he catched a glimpse of you, standing on the platform before the Academiya building, surrounded by people
he froze in his steps, deciding to stick around and see what was going on. And it didn't take long until he figured it out..
from the people surrounding you, many were offering you gifts, holding them in front of you and begging you to accept them, while you smile shyly and try to appease as many of them as possible
quickly, jealousy was rising within him, but also his protective side started to show. He knew you disliked crowds, never having the courage to deny people of anything, so he knew you had a hard time right now
without another thought, he rushed to your side, putting an arm around you protectively, while he scared away the crowd under some made up excuse
as soon as they were gone and you had your space again, you let out a relieved breath, thanking him for getting you out of this
Cyno stares at you for a second before looking away again, then claiming that he'd walk with you until you were home safe. Just to make sure that no one else would bother you
on the way there, he's thinking hard. This incident showed him, that he'd have to step up and confess his feelings to you, soon. Or someone else might get ahead of him and snatch you away. And he couldn't let that happen..
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another one who I think wouldn't be too big on Valentine's day, but he'd be much more indifferent about it
much like Cyno, he sees no sense in picking out one "special" day in the year to celebrate love when you can just do it whenenver
however, he does begin to see at least some appeal to the thing when he develops feelings for you, one of his best friends
he loves that he can just spend time with you in silence. That you don't always have the need to converse with him, and instead just enjoy the presence of each other while each of you might be doing their own thing still
however, it still takes Alhaitham some time to accept that he's having these types of feelings for you, so you can't expect a confession from him anytime soon, either
he tries to approach his feelings with logic first, but he comes to realize that logic does not help him in the slightest with this particular "problem"
so instead, he decideds to throw logic out the window for this one and instead settles on the plan to use the upcoming valentine's day this year to actually confess how he feels to you
after talking to a bunch of people about different ideas for gifts, he decides to go with what seems to be the "standard", some flowers and chocolates
he plans on gifting them to you after your shift for the day is done and you're heading home, since he comes by and walks you home from time to time, so it wouldn't be weird for Alhaitham to show up
however, as he arrives, he becomes witness to a scene, similar to what he had planned to do. A man in front of you, asking you to accept his flowers as he asks you out on a date
Alhaitham's heart immediately drops, and he finds himself frozen in place, unable to do anything about it. The only thing he can do, is watch as you laugh awkwardly at the guy and then kindly decline him
seeing you reject him gives him some hope again, and he watches the guy leave first before he approaches you, his gifts for you hidden under his cloak. Even if you rejected him, he was now hesitating wether it was a good idea to actually follow through with his plan
the same exact thing then happened four more times while he was walking you home. Some random person would approach you on the street and hand you some form of a Valentine's present. And every time, you'd kindly turn them down with an uncomfortable smile
seeing the interactions both gave him relief - as you were always rejecting them - but also made him feel more anxious
in the end, when the two of you arrived at your home, he had half a mind to just not say anything at all and just let it go. But then, another thought entered his head that he couldn't ignore away. What if, if he was to forego his chance now, someone else would show up who you'd ultimately agree to go out with?
he couldn't let this happen, not without shooting his own shot, at least
so, before you close the door on him, he stops you, and very awkwardly pulls the flower and chocolates out from under his cloak, handing them to you
he sees the surprise morph into your expression, as he's anxiously waiting for your answer...
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I personally think that Kaveh would be very obvious if he has a crush on someone. Wether that be a close friend or someone he doesn't personally know, he's easy to figure out
he wears his heart on the tongue and is very expressive, so one simple question is often enough to figure out what he thinks about certain people
so, it was obvious to you, and everyone around him, that Kaveh has been having feelings for his best friend, You
has he done anything about that or plans on doing anything?
as much as he's aware of his feelings, he also has no idea how to go about it. How would he ask you out in the first place? And why, for all Archon's sake, would you even say yes to him in the first place?
He has to come to terms with that question and many similar ones first, before he feels like he's ready to ask you out
unluckily for him, you're quite an impatient person, and waiting around for him to do something, when you've already dropped so many hints that you liked him, too, was just too damn exhausting
however, luckily for you, Valentine's day was just around the corner, and maybe, you could use that to your advantage..
that day, you'd ask Kaveh to accompany you on a stroll through the city, to get him out of his little office that he's been cramped up in recently to finish a project of his
he gladly took the offer, figuring that he could really use the fresh air. He always loved to spend time with you, talking and laughing with you about anything and everything that came to your minds
however, he noticed that on this particular day, people seemed to approach you every so often, with roses in their hands, engaging in conversations with you that Kaveh stepped away from, not wanting to eavesdrop on private matters
still, he inwardly scoffs to himself. What are these people even trying to achieve? Don't they know that roses aren't even your favourite flowers?
But the more he looks around the city, he slowly comes to realize what kind of day it is today
Now the roses also made sense... and now he could also figure why they were all approaching you, probably to ask you out
And, why wouldn't they? You were a catch, no matter which angle one were to look from. Anyone would be lucky to be able to call you their partner, but.. Kaveh wanted it to be himself, not some random person who doesn't even know you as much as he does
the more people talk to you, the more jealous Kaveh grows as the day goes on, yet he never says anything about it or to you. He just intently watches everyone that dares come closer to you, narrowing his eyes on them, like they just personally offeneded him
once the day is over, Kaveh then locks himself into his office, trying to come up with the most elaborate plan to ask you out. He wanted it to be something grande, something that would be better than anything anyone had ever done for you, that would outdo all the gifts and presents you'd gotten today... and once the plan is set, he'll be making it happen as soon as possible..
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not fond about this holiday. At all
he hates how stuck up people can get with their feelings. Why did they have to make a celebration out of it and shove it down everyone's throat?
scoffs loudly whenever he sees a couple act all cutesy and stuff on Valentine's day. It doesn't really bother him all that much on any other day, but that specific day? He hates it
he also hates you. You may be his best - and only - friend, but he hates the way you make him feel sometimes
he tries to deny it for a very long time, chalking it up to some malefunction of his body, but there comes a point in his life where he can no longer deny the feelings he has for you
much to his dismay, the day he'd make that realization just had to be Valentine's day... the fucking irony. Celestia really must hate him
He didn't think anything of it when he invited you to join him for some leisure stroll outside Sumeru City that day. He's waiting for you before Lambad's tavern, impatiently tapping his fingers against his crossed arms
finally, he notices you, but just as he was about to call out to you, he notices someone else approach you and engaging in a conversation with you
the Wanderer had half a mind to walk over there and pull you away, because how dare you make him wait even longer? But then, that person hands you a flower, gifting it to you, and he froze seeing you accept it
soon enough, you'd part ways with that person and finally join the Wanderer, but by that time, his mood has already turned sour
he still goes on that stroll with you, but the entire time, he basically ignores you as he tries to figure out why he feels so frustrated by this interaction. Why would you accept flowers from a lowlife like that? Wasn't he enough for you?
As soon as that thought entered his mind, his eyes widened and he knew he was screwed, that he'd somehow caught feelings for you. But realizing it, and admiting to it, are two completely different things
when you two return to Sumeru City, he witnesses two other people approach and do the same thing, gifting you a flower each that you accept with a kind smile
and with every interaction he sees, his anger and resentment towards them grows and grows
he can't deal with it any longer, so he leaves the scene without any further explanation
he'd have a lot of thinking to do, as well as coming to terms with some things. You wouldn't see him for a while, even if you were to seek him out. He just needed to do this on his own, because the next time he sees you, he plans on making you his, no matter what it would take..
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klausysworld · 9 months
Do u think u could make something where Klaus after he's become the hybrid goes round innocent readers house and reader just has like 2 or 3 massive dogs like Rottweiler, great Dane, Newfoundland, a breed like that, like, how would he be with that after he'd recently unlocked his wolf side and he's just like, really territorial over reader then the dogs become more territorial over reader, just something along those lines.ALSO, if this doesn't make sense then I'm really sorry and I love your writing❤
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They’re Just Puppies!
Y/n didn’t ever have Klaus round her house, she said that it was too small and that he wouldn’t like it. Klaus told her it was ridiculous and if it belonged to her then he would love it but she continued to refuse.
Begrudgingly he let it go.
Until of course he unlocked his wolf side. Once his beast was in control, he was able to smell the other canines on her. His wolf did not like that at all. So naturally he would rub as much of his scent on her as possible, ensuring that any being with a nose would be able to smell him everywhere.
She never questioned it and just enjoyed the affection, she would snuggle against him and bask in his warmth.
But then as soon as she got home, her dogs would become confused and alarmed by the smell of another animal on her and would ensure to clean the scent off as best they could.
To Klaus’s wolf this was a competition, whoever or whatever was marking her was challenging him and he didn’t take it lightly.
He made sure to have her on him all the time, sat on his lap or held in his arms. He would have her dress in his clothes and would insist she kept them.
Y/n remained oblivious to the territorial nature of Klaus’s behaviour, she hadn’t been in a relationship before and assumed everyone was as protective and possessive over their lover like he was. So she fed into it and happily and would wrap herself up in his henleys, she’d shower at his house and use his soap like he told her to and snuggled up in his sheets so that every inch of her skin smelt of him.
Klaus was glad at her willingness, it eased his mind but he would still smell the dogs on her and he couldn’t distinguish if it was wolf or your average pet. A brief wondering of her being a werewolf passed his mind but she was far too docile and sweet to have ever killed someone. Even if her wolf side were dormant he couldn’t imagine her ever unlocking it and he didn’t want her to unless she absolutely had to. No he’d make any kills necessary for her so that she may remain innocent.
Her innocence made her so easy to love, she just wanted to be with him and curl up in his hold. When he was angry she would just hug him and apologise for things that weren’t her fault and she would defend his actions with everything she had. Klaus in return would ensure that not an ounce of harm should ever come to her. She didn’t deserve any suffering.
The only time her innocence became slightly frustrating was when Klaus tried to insinuate anything sexual. To begin with his hints and touches weren’t acknowledged at all but gradually he made himself more clear and introduced her to new feelings.
His wolf especially loved to push her limits, loved to claim her as his own and fill her with his love.
After a while, Klaus managed to convince Y/n to let him come to her house.
When she opened the door, three big Rottweilers were immediately all over her. Klaus’s wolf let out a low growl as she giggled and stroked the dogs, calling them all ‘good boys’. Those two words made his wolf snap, he pulled her back into his arms and pressed himself tightly against her. She laughed and look up at him with a smile.
“They won’t bite, they’re gentle really I promise” she told him, unaware of the way they all bared their teeth at Klaus.
Their mouth shut as soon as she turned to them and a flow a whined left them, their tails wagging as they begged for her attention.
She pulled away from Klaus making him frown. She proceeded to lead her dogs to the kitchen and fill their bowls but they were more interested and getting Klaus’s scent off of her skin.
The hybrid did not like this at all. He flashed his golden eyes at one of the dogs which resulted in one of them growling threateningly and biting ur teeth at him. Y/n told the pet off and apologised with a confused tone. “People don’t really come over so maybe he just doesn’t like you in the house” she murmured, stroking the dogs head lovingly making Klaus’s wolf whimper.
Eventually he had her away from them and instead pressed against the couch.
The Rottweilers stayed on the floor, a serious of quiet growls sounding from them as they watched Klaus push his tongue into Y/n’s mouth. She would whine and moan softly, her legs wrapping around him and hands in his hair. Klaus would glance at the dogs every now and then, his gaze threatening and deliberate as he rubbed his hands against her body.
His mouth attacked her neck next, purposefully making those dark marks that ranged from red to blue along her neck. Y/n whimpers his name on repeat, her fingers tugging his curls desperately.
Eventually one of her pets got frustrated enough and came over, growling and snapping its teeth at Klaus.
Immediately he snarled back and pulled away, letting his hybrid features take over his face.
“Klaus!” Y/n gasped “stop, they’re puppies” she cried, pushing him off and letting one of her Rottweilers jump on beside her. Klaus’s jaw clenched as he watched her hug and kiss the animal of the head, smiling and whispering to him.
“That is not a puppy” he grumbled and she looked up at him sadly
“You don’t like him? Any of them?” She asked quietly, and Klaus’s expression changed. Would she leave him if he didn’t get on with the dogs?
“I- not yet! But maybe, I just don’t know them” he cleared his throat and reached out to pet the dog only for it to grab his hand with its teeth.
“He’s just playing, come on drop” she commanded and the dog let go of his hand, happy to get praise and pets from Y/n. Klaus narrowed his eyes but smiled when she looked his way. Silently he pulled her into his lap and hummed
“How about we go upstairs?” He proposed and she nodded
“Sure, now?” She asked
“Mhm definitely” he mumbled whilst picking her up and quickly taking her upstairs and into her room. He dropped them both onto her bed and crawled on top of her with a soft sigh of relief. The moment was short lived as all three dogs jumped up beside them, laying down on her bed and wagging their tails knowingly.
Klaus groaned and laid on top of her, squishing her and making her giggle. “What’re you doing” she whispered and he mumbled
“Do they have to be in here?”
“They sleep here” she told him with the tilt of her head
“I know sweetheart but currently I don’t plan on sleeping right now love. We can let them in…later” he moaned and she sighed
“Fine but…they’ll cry”
“Doesn’t bother me” he replied easily
“Okay” she whispered as she moved from under him and ushered her boys out of her room and shut the door. Klaus grinned and tackled her back to bed, kissing her all over and pulling the covers over them. Y/n let out a giggle and pressed her lips to his.
Just as Klaus’s hands got to her panties, the handle of the door went. Y/n tensed and Klaus’s head shot up. He look in the direction only to find the Rottweilers stood in the doorway, tails wagging and tongues hanging.
“Why didn’t I see that coming?” Klaus uttered to himself, staring blankly at the animals and wondering how he would figure this out.
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oracle-of-dream · 4 months
(switch ceo!jay request!) (sub/bttm leaning) ceo!jay who was being escorted out of an event after drunk man jumped on stage while giving his speech, almost successfully attacking jay if not for the reader stopping him in time. heading home, jay felt tired and took a shower, after getting out he sees the reader on the couch and decides to sit beside him, while doing so he finds a bruise on his forearm, feeling guilty he offers to nurse it himself, the readwr refuses but after a bit of back and forth he managed to get the reader to sit sitll while he gets an icepack. and while they're sitting there, they just casually have a conversation, making intense eye contact, the readers staring at jay's lips which he notices. one thing leads to another, and suddenly they're making out.
u can decide how the smut part will go 😭 i'm not very good at it, but ik and can trust in ur abilities! pls take ur time, have a wonderful day and i hope ur not feeling pressured w all the requests coming in! :]
CEO's Bodyguard
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Summary: It's your job to keep Jay safe. It's another large-scale meeting with many guests–more like potential hazards. Keep him safe, and bring him home. That's all you're concerned about.
Warnings: Male Reader, CEO!Jay, Bodyguard!Reader, Slight Violence, Blowjob (Jay Rec.), Cum swallowing, Forced Deepthroat, Begging, Control Switching/Power dynamics, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Breeding
Wordcount: 3.59k
"Welcome, and thank you all for coming," Jay said. The room gave applause to receive him. He raised his hand to silence the room. Jay led into his speech, which he'd practiced multiple times while you drove him from place to place. You'd heard it what felt like a hundred times. Your knees and back ached from standing for so long. It was necessary for Jay's safety, you're number one priority. Most of your duties were more like being Jay's secretary, even as his bodyguard he always gave you tasks to take it easy on you.
You've worked for Jay over the last year and a half. Jay's father became unable to lead his company anymore, forcing Jay to take over. As a young CEO, more than a few people were willing to try and take advantage of him. Jay's nature, or his hate for people attempting to manipulate him, has made him enemies who would rather see him removed from power. Jay started hiring bodyguards a while ago but ended up firing each after a few weeks. The interview process was invasive and dismissive; a one-on-one meeting with Jay. Alone. He probed you with strange and meticulous questions; ranging from your family and friends to your finances. Jay always seemed to know more about everything than everyone else. He was extremely well-informed and investigated you for your interview. But the last question was the one that stuck out to you.
"Finally, y/n. This is your last question. If our lives get entangled, closer than originally anticipated, would you still be able to do your job?" Jay asked.
You tilted your head. "Entangled how?"
"...If you were to, seek a deeper relationship with me."
You straightened up rigidly. "O-Oh! I'd never dream of it, sir! I must protect you."
"But, if it were to happen, will it impede your work."
"Never! I'd protect you, in whatever situation!" You were a little desperate for a job, and more than willing to say whatever you needed to. You didn't think twice about it when you said it, but afterward, you couldn't stop thinking about the response you'd given. Or, why would he ask a question like that?
You were so lost in thought, you didn't realize someone was approaching the stage! A man, clearly drunk, stumbled as he made his way up the stairs behind the stage. Jay was so focused on his speech that he wasn't aware, not that it was his responsibility to be... There was no time to rush backstage and run after the man, you'd have to approach from the front!
You rushed the stage. Jay's eyes snapped to you, he maintained his cool but you could sense his concern. You jumped on stage, rolling cleanly, and you stood between Jay and the man.
"You don't deserve that spot!" He shouted as he swung at Jay.
You blocked the man's swing. He grabbed your other arm and twisted it, making you grit your teeth as you connected a blow to the man's head and his head slammed into your chin. The man fell to the ground and you caught him. You kept the man from hitting his head and dragged him away. Jay cracked a joke about the man having too much to drink and carried on with his speech, this time with you standing at a distance behind him on stage. As he concluded his speech, you directed him offstage.
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the unconscious man. "What was that about?"
"Just someone who had a bit too much to drink. Let's get home, for now, sir. You've got an early morning tomorrow."
Jay sighed. "Of course I do..." You guided him to the exit, and your employer said their goodbyes to his business partners. He was always so good at keeping a smile, even when he was more than a bit exhausted. You'd seen him run on no sleep for almost two days, having back-to-back meetings all day, and still kept his face up. The night sky was empty, the stars hidden behind the skyscrapers. Jay looked up at the sky, searching, as you had a valet bring the car forward.
Jay spoke without looking back to the ground. "Do you ever think about what it would be like to see a star up close, y/n?"
"I don't think I have, sir."
"I think... It would be the most beautiful thing ever." You didn't know how to respond, especially when he got into moods like this. It didn't happen often in front of you, but maybe it was a sign that he was getting comfortable around you. Sometimes he'd ask you philosophical questions throughout an entire car ride, most rhetorical as he knew you didn't know what to say.
The two of you stood in silence until the car arrived. Following protocol, you scanned the inside and outside for anything suspicious. Once you confirmed its safety, you opened the door for Jay and allowed him into the car. In the driver's seat, the car was programmed to navigate you back to Jay's penthouse. You drove without a word, but the pain in your jaw kept flaring every few minutes... That bastard might've bruised your jaw or even broken a tooth. Another thing to take care of now...
"You okay?"
Jay's voice snapped you out of the autopilot you were in. "Sorry, I wasn't listening. What did you need?"
"You keep touching your chin and rolling your jaw. Are you okay?"
You could see Jay staring at you in the mirror. "It's nothing to worry about. I think I just scratched myself earlier."
Jay's eyebrows furrowed but he turned and looked out the window. "I can't have my bodyguard getting banged up. If you're not able to take care of yourself, who will protect me?"
"If I remember correctly. When you hired me, you told me you didn't need me."
Jay scoffed. "Well, at the time I didn't. But things changed, and now I do. Is that an issue?"
"No, sir."
"That's what I thought." Jay crossed his arms. "If you've got an issue with our arrangement, then speak and we can have it amended." You chuckled softly. He was the cutest when getting protective over you, but also somehow defensive when you called him out on it.
The rest of the drive was quiet. Jay drifted off to sleep, softly snoring in the back seat. His soft caramel skin and slicked-back dark hair shined in the streetlights that passed. His cold expression melted away to reveal the man you knew. This was when he was the most authentic, silently sleeping. No cameras, phone calls, meetings, or clients, just Jay being alone with himself–and you, of course. Originally you thought it was weird to sleep in the same house as Jay, insisting that he'd be safe in his home alone but when he offered double your salary to move in you couldn't refuse.
As you pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park, Jay stirred from his sleep. He stretched and wiped the sleep from his eyes, acting like he'd been awake the whole time. "Jesus, that felt like forever, I'm glad to finally be back home."
You nodded as you opened his door from him. "Of course sir, I apologize about how long it took to get you back home safely."
He looked at you, reaching out but hesitating. "It's not your fault. It's just traffic." He yawned. "Let's just go." You tried to hold it in, but couldn't stop your body's reaction to also yawn. As your jaw stretched open and you breathed deeply, you winced softly as your jaw faltered in pain. Jay's eyes widened. "I knew you were just trying to be tough. He did end up hurting you..." His face moved to a pained expression as his eyes scrolled over you, looking for more injuries.
"Sir, it's nothing. Just some soreness."
He held up his hand, silencing you. "You'll let me take care of that. Now. I won't have you complaining about it tomorrow." When Jay was insistent there was no turning him around from what he wanted, even as you protested. He led you inside, upstairs to his bedroom. "Sit on the bed, I have medicine in my bathroom."
As he drifted off into the bathroom, you moved near the bed obediently but awkwardly sat next to it. You knew Jay was a clean person, he would be bothered if your dirty clothes messed up his sheets. Jay's bedroom was one of the biggest rooms in the house. It was painted a dark gray with a monochrome color scheme. all of the artwork he'd made was on his walls, matching the darkly colored motif of the room. Even though it was all so dark, there was so much emotion poured into it, you couldn't help but smile slightly.
After a few minutes, Jay emerged from the bathroom in different clothes with a first aid kit. He wore a large dress shirt and flowy pajama pants, and his hair was slightly damp from rinsing out the product in it. He sat on the bed. "What are you doing on the floor?"
"My clothes are dirty."
"Then I'll come down."
"The floor isn't clean. You'll get your pajamas dirty, you can apply the medicine up there. I'll sit tall." You sat on your knees, back straight, looking up at Jay as you waited for him to begin applying medicine.
He rolled his eyes as he opened the medicine box. He started applying medicine to your jaw with his left hand while his right gently held your face in place. "You really should be more careful." He experimentally dragged his finger along your jaw until he hit the spot, making you wince away from him. "I... care about you."
"That's very kind, sir."
Jay gritted his teeth. "Y/n. The rules."
"Sorry... Jay." It was a part of the house rules that while you lived there, at home specifically. You weren't allowed to call him sir or mister. You were required to refer to him as Jay.
"It's okay. And I'm glad you're doing your job, but it's not often I see you getting injured."
"I was just a little distracted today. It won't happen again."
He raised an eyebrow. "You, distracted? By what?"
You looked Jay in his eyes. "Your speech. It was really captivating. I couldn't stop listening."
Jay's mouth parted softly as he looked away, focusing on your jaw. "Well, I'm glad you liked it."
"You're really persuasive. And your speaking voice is always so clear, it's hard not to listen closely."
You continued. "Even the way you were styled today really brought you to the centerpiece of the whole event."
"Y/n. Stop talking. That's an order." Your mouth was filled with cement, unable to speak–even breathing was difficult. "You know I'm not very good with compliments..." Jay tucked his hair behind his ear. "It makes me shy."
You blinked slowly, watching Jay's careful expression.
Jay avoided your eyes, leaning in to look closer at your chin–leaving only a few inches between you. "Is there anywhere else it hurts?"
You shook your head.
You nodded.
Jay scratched his ear. "I don't believe you... I just want to–" Jay hesitated at touching your collar. "C-Can I... unbutton your shirt a little? Just to see." You reply by sitting up taller, raising your chest out to Jay. His hands slightly shook as he undid the first few buttons at the top of your shirt, sliding your tie off too. He opened it, revealing your bare chest to him. His fingertips ghosted over your skin before pulling away. "Y/n, I think I'm close to making a decision that I don't know how to make. What should I do?"
"What decision, Jay?"
"I think I..." Jay hesitated biting his lip. "I think I want to be closer to you."
"Closer to me? Like how?"
Jay rolled his eyes as his cheeks turned a soft pink. "Jesus Christ, y/n! You really need me to spell it out!?" Jay took your hands and guided them to the buttons on his shirt. "Undo them," He commanded.
"Please don't make me say it twice." You focused on unbuttoning Jay's shirt, as you slid it down past his shoulders and revealed his bare torso. His hips rolled up slightly, pointing out the hard cock that throbbed inside his pants. "You've got one chance to back out. If you don't want to go further, say it and we'll pretend like this never happened," Jay muttered as his eyes dropped to the floor.
"I'm so honored you'd consider me, sir. I don't think I'm worthy of you... But if you want to have me tonight, then I am more than willing."
Jay's eyes locked with yours before his gaze dropped to your lips. "Don't call me sir," He mumbled before leaning in for a kiss.
Jay's lips were plush pillows that bounced off your lips. He placed his hands on your shoulders, fingers tensing and gripping your skin as you deepened the kiss. Your hands threaded into Jay's hair, still slightly wet, which earned a moan from your boss. He pulled away from the kiss, wide-eyed and pink-faced.
"I-I didn't– That wasn't me!"
"Then who was it?" You chuckled.
"I don't know!" Jay hit your shoulder. "Just hurry up and do the next part." Jay laid on his back with his eyes closed.
"The next part?"
Jay lifted himself on his elbows. "Aren't you going to stick it in me?"
"You wanted me to fuck you?!"
"You're getting that now!?" Jay facepalmed. "I'm not very experienced with a man, so I don't know how to do this... So, help me please." His pupils dilated as he begged for you. Jay had never been so vulnerable with you before, and you couldn't lie that it was turning you on more than you thought it would. You'd imagined having sex with Jay but imagined him as more of a dominant top, or even a power bottom. but to see him so... submissive. It was the hottest thing you'd ever seen.
"Did you prepare yourself at all? I don't want to just 'stick it in' and hurt you."
Jay covered his face. "Yes... That's what I was doing in the bathroom."
He was so cute. "Oh, so you planned on seducing me tonight then?"
"Y/n, I swear, if you don't hurry up and fuck me. I'll fire you right now."
You smiled. "Oh? Jay, I thought the rules of the house were that we're equal here. Aren't we supposed to treat each other nicely?" He grunted. "Then how about some foreplay or something?"
"You can suck my dick with your foreplay," Jay spat. You smiled as you slipped his pants off in one motion, making your boss yelp as he covered himself. He was commando under his pants, and his cock was already leaking.
"I think I'll take you up on that offer." You smiled as you moved his hands from his crotch to your neck. His cock twitched in the air as you pulled Jay to a comfortable part of the edge of the bed, his legs hanging over the side. You slotted yourself in between his legs and kissed his tip. His knees twitched at your touch, brushing against your head. You kissed his tip a few more times, his pre-cum sticking to your lips.
"Hurry up already," He grunted. "In your mouth!" He pulled on your hair, pulling you down as you slowly took him into your mouth. "Ahh fuck, you're so warm!" His head fell back as he guided you to bob your head, pulling and pushing you as he liked. "Your mouth–it's warm! So wet, and tight too!" When his tip hit the back of your throat, you tensed as you felt the urge to gag which made your throat clamp down onto Jay's shape. "Oh fuck! That! Again, do that," Jay moaned as he forced your head down, forcing you to gag and gurgle on his cock. "I'll–I'm gonna cum! Please, swallow!" He grunted. You leaned forward, ready, as he spilled his load into your mouth. "Take it, swallow, drink it all!" Jay's voice got raspy and desperate as his eyes rolled back from the explosion in his head.
"I didn't think you'd finish that fast..." You wiped the spit from your mouth.
"Well, you didn't have to suck it. And you asked for foreplay..."
"I'm not complaining. Just, remember, I plan on cumming tonight too." You smirked at him. "You had your fun, but now I'll be in charge, okay?" Jay frowned but you weren't asking. Before you could give him the chance to ask any questions, you flipped him onto his stomach and slipped a finger inside him.
"Oh~ you could've given me a warning!" Jay moaned as he ground against your finger.
"You didn't need a warning. And, don't you think you should be grateful? I'm stretching you a little extra, just in case."
Jay scoffed. "Why? I said I did it, didn't I?"
A crack rang out as you spanked him. "Jay, where did your manners go?" Jay's jaw hung open, still reeling from being spanked. He'd never been spanked before, but his cock twitched from the pain.
"Again, what?"
Jay groaned into the sheet. "Spank me again, please."
"What a nice boy," You cooed as you spanked him again, harder than before. "You're a good boy, aren't you? You just forgot your manners a bit." You spanked him again. "Beg for it."
Jay turned to look at you. "Are you loving this? Hitting and bossing me around? I'm not begging for shit." His hair was a mess, his skin glistened with sweat, and his ass was turning red.
"Jay~ don't misbehave. I'll have to punish you a bit." You reached forward and pulled Jay's hair, making him wince.
"P-Please. Don't pull on it..." Jay begged softly.
You released his hair, kissing his neck as an apology. "Much better. Now, can you beg for cock? I want to hear you say it."
Jay remained silent. You gave him another smack for encouragement. "Fine! Y/n, please fuck me with your big cock!" You said nothing and rubbed Jay's ass softly. You didn't think he'd say it... "Oh fuck you! You wanted me to say it."
"Language," You warned. "If you wanted my cock so badly, that's all you needed to say." You pushed your tip into Jay's waiting hole.
"Oh, holy fuck, you're huge. It's so much..."
"Jay. That's just my tip."
Jay arched his back, waiting for you. "I know that! Your tip is just big!"
You pushed until you hilted Jay, burying your cock completely inside him. "You're squeezing like crazy, Jay."
Jay was a moaning mess under you. Even as he twitched around you, he made himself moan. "Oh, my–fuck me!" He shouted as you slid out before slamming back into him. Over and over, you pounded into him.
"Don't make me do all the work, Jay," You grunted as you pushed him forward. He held his breath as he moved himself on your cock, fucking himself into the mattress. "Can you try harder?" You pushed down on his back, making him hit that spot, making him scream louder. As soon as you found his spot, you took back cover as you fucked into it. "Wanna cum, Jay?" Jay let out a series of moans and groans, forming a semi-approving answer. "Ask for it then," You smirked as you pulled out completely, letting your cock rest on his ass.
"Y-Y/n! You can't–Please! Please! Let me cum on it, I'll cum from your cock so much. I'll even let you finish in me, just let me cum!"
"You said it, so I'll take that. Go ahead and cum then." You slammed back into Jay completely as his hole welcomed your cock with a tight squeeze. Jay's moans went high-pitched as his back arched more and his eyes rolled. He was drooling on the sheet as he came all over the edge of the bed. You didn't take much more after him, this orgasm squeezing you for everything. "I'm gonna cum in you. I'll fucking breed you into being my husband!" Your hips stuttered as your climax washed over you, your cum spilling into Jay as he moaned again. "Every drop, keep squeezing it," You ordered.
When you both came down from your highs, you took Jay into his bathroom and started a warm bath for him. Jay occasionally twitched from the sensation of you helping him wash the cum out of him, he was too embarrassed to ask you to do it but you could tell he didn't know what to do.
Your boss stroked your jaw. "How's it doing?"
"It's a little sore from sucking cock but–" Jay punched you. "It's much better. Thank you, Jay."
Jay rolled his eyes. "If I'm going to be your husband, you're going to need to call me something else."
Your mind rolled back to what you'd said earlier in the heat of the moment. "Jay, I didn't mean it like that–"
"You think you can just hit it and leave? You're stuck with me. And I'm not letting you go. So, your husband is demanding that you call him that." Jay held his head high as his eyes gleamed.
"Okay... Husband." You chuckled as you kissed his forehead.
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keehomania · 19 days
Ure so funny because someone asks for a smutty one shot and probably expects the bare minimum but u go all out with a plot and freak shit 😂 With that being said...do your best with a Mark smut shot I can't wait to see what u do with it
MARK LEE (마크리) — DO AS I SAY (18+)
your university had a way of swallowing you whole, but you welcomed it. it wasn't that you were detached or indifferent, but you had mastered the art of restraint. no one saw the tears you never cried, or the secrets you cradled like fragile relics. this place—the sprawling campus of glass and ivy—was a sanctuary for people like you. people who wore masks, hid their sins behind designer handbags, and attended charity events only to gossip about who slept with whom. it was a twisted ecosystem, where loyalty was paper-thin and friendships were only as deep as the amount of money spent over dinner.
you had a circle, too. a group of friends who mirrored you in more ways than you liked to admit. their laughter was loud, their wallets even louder. it was always about excess—who could drink more, who had the latest luxury item, who flaunted their wealth the loudest. but you? you were different. you were quieter, more calculated. you didn't feel the need to shout for attention because it came to you naturally. people were drawn to you, inexplicably, like you held a secret they were desperate to know.
mark lee was one of them, an outsider who somehow managed to worm his way into your world. he was loud, confident in a way that made you pause. he wasn't like the others, with their inherited wealth and privilege. mark had clawed his way into this school, thanks to a scholarship he barely mentioned. the scholarship wasn't just any grant; it was paid for by your father, a token of goodwill to silence a scandal at mark's previous school. money exchanged hands, victims were silenced, and mark became part of this elite institution—an unspoken debt hanging between him and your family.
he was everything you shouldn't want. his presence was a direct contrast to the smooth, polished edges of your life. he didn’t fit into the mold of your carefully curated existence, yet you were drawn to him, inexplicably, maddeningly. his rough edges intrigued you, like something you wanted to smooth out, only to find yourself cut by them instead. and donghyuck, your boyfriend of ten years, could see it. he always did. he watched as your eyes lingered a little too long on mark’s frame, noticed the way you tilted your head just so when mark spoke to you.
donghyuck was a puzzle you had long since stopped trying to solve. your relationship had become a habit, a well-worn routine you couldn’t break free from, not even when your heart wasn't in it anymore. he argued too much, pushing you with his opinions until all you felt was exhaustion. you stayed because it was easier. because after a decade together, walking away seemed like an impossible task. but he wasn’t blind, he saw the way mark fascinated you, and surprisingly, he didn’t mind. in fact, he indulged you, watching as you and mark explored the boundaries of desire that donghyuck himself couldn’t reach.
it was twisted, but you all enjoyed it in your own way. donghyuck took a strange, almost voyeuristic pleasure in watching you with mark, hating himself for liking it yet never stopping you. mark, for all his rough edges, reveled in the attention, in being the object of your desire. and you? you simply allowed yourself to drift further into the tangled mess of it all, feeling nothing but a hollow satisfaction.
but secrets have a way of catching up. no matter how carefully you tried to bury them, they clawed their way to the surface, desperate to be seen. that night—on the eve of the end of your first year, when champagne flowed like water and celebrations ran late into the night—everything began to unravel. a girl, one you hadn’t even noticed before, had stolen from you. not something trivial like a necklace or a piece of clothing, but something far more dangerous. a piece of evidence.
evidence that could send your father to prison, the same man who had orchestrated mark’s scholarship, the same man who controlled more than half the people in that room. she had stolen it, and you hadn’t even realized it until it was too late. but donghyuck had. he always did.
the locker room was dimly lit, a mix of fluorescent light and shadows that stretched across the cold, tiled floor. you pressed mark against the wall, his breath hot against your neck as your lips met in a bruising kiss. his hands roamed your body, desperate and needy, while your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, never close enough. the taste of him—of adrenaline, of something forbidden—ignited a fire in your veins, pushing you deeper into the moment.
“god, you taste like trouble,” he breathed against your lips, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. his voice was low, rough, and it made you feel powerful, like you were in control of something wild and untamed. “you like that, don’t you?” you whispered back, your lips brushing the skin of his jawline as your hands traveled down his chest. his pulse quickened beneath your touch, and you reveled in the way his breath hitched.
“i like everything about you,” he groaned, his grip on your waist tightening as he pulled you even closer, your bodies flush against each other. his words were almost inaudible between the sounds of your heavy breathing, the slick sound of lips on skin, and the soft moan that escaped him as your hand trailed lower, teasing. “you’re obsessed,” you teased, your voice a breathless whisper against his lips. you could feel the weight of your words sinking in, could feel the way his body responded to every little move you made, like he was entirely under your spell.
mark’s response was a muffled curse, his lips crashing into yours with a renewed hunger. his hands slipped under your shirt, fingers tracing lines along your skin that left you burning for more. his touch was demanding, urgent, but just as you were about to let yourself get lost in him, a noise cut through the air—a sharp, metallic clang that echoed through the locker room. you both froze.
your eyes darted to the source of the sound, and you felt your blood run cold. donghyuck stood at the far end of the room, a piece of metal glinting in his hands. for a moment, it didn’t register. your mind was still clouded by the heat of the moment, but then you saw her. the girl. she lay crumpled on the floor, her body still and lifeless, blood pooling beneath her head. the piece of metal donghyuck held was stained red, the same red that dripped onto the floor in a steady, sickening rhythm. your breath caught in your throat as the scene unfolded in front of you, surreal and horrifying all at once.
donghyuck, calm as ever, looked at you for a moment, his expression unreadable. then, as if nothing had happened, he casually tucked the metal back into his pocket, his movements almost practiced. without another word, he turned on his heel and walked out, leaving the girl’s body behind like a discarded thought. the room felt suffocatingly quiet in his absence.
mark’s expression shifted from confusion to sheer horror, his face pale as his eyes darted between you and the lifeless body. you could see it in the way his hands trembled, in the way his chest heaved like he was struggling to breathe. “we have to—” his voice cracked, barely a whisper. “we have to tell someone.” you turned to him, your heart pounding in your chest, but not from fear. no, you were already calculating. donghyuck had done this for you. for your father. and if anyone found out, if anyone so much as breathed a word, it would be over. for all of you.
mark’s horror-stricken eyes remained on the body, unmoving, wide with disbelief. the girl’s blood had stained the sterile white tiles, her body lifeless in the shadow of donghyuck’s impulse. but you didn’t flinch. you didn’t blink. you didn’t even tremble. “no,” you said, your voice calm, unnervingly so. your gaze never left him, a slow, deliberate exhale escaping your lips. mark blinked, stunned by your composure, his brow furrowed in confusion. his chest heaved with frantic breaths, but all he got from you was a cold, calculated stare, one that sent chills down his spine. he opened his mouth to speak again, but you didn’t give him the chance. with swift, silent precision, you took his wrist, dragging him away from the scene before he could protest, the metallic tang of blood still thick in the air.
through the narrow hallways of the locker room, you led him, the sound of your heels echoing off the walls in rhythm with his shallow breathing. he stumbled behind you, still in shock, disoriented by the events that had just unfolded, by the way you hadn’t even reacted. his mind screamed at him to do something—to call for help, to alert someone—but his body refused to obey. instead, he followed you blindly, mesmerized by your grip, your unwavering control. you stopped only when you reached the deeper part of the locker room, where the maze of lockers gave way to a long wooden bench. you pushed him down onto it, your gaze heavy and unreadable, your silence more commanding than any words could ever be. mark collapsed onto the bench, his knees trembling beneath the weight of it all.
he should have been thinking about the dead girl, about the crime he’d just witnessed, about donghyuck standing there with that bloody piece of metal. but he wasn’t. he couldn’t. all he could focus on was you—the way your dress clung to your body, the heat radiating off you as you stood over him, unbothered, in control. his heart pounded in his chest, but it wasn’t fear that fueled it. you smiled, but it was a shallow, practiced thing, a facade that you wore like armor. you bent down slowly, your fingers threading through his hair, soft and gentle, almost tender as you tugged him closer. his face pressed into your stomach, and though there was fabric between you, he could feel the warmth of your skin, the press of your body against him. his breath hitched, his mind a mess, but all he could think about was you.
“you love me, don’t you, baby?” the words left your lips in a soft purr, so smooth and calculated that it made him dizzy. mark’s lips parted in shock, his thoughts spinning. he should have been focused on the horror of the moment, but the feel of your body against him, the scent of your skin, drowned everything out. he couldn’t think straight. his voice stammered out, broken, unsure. “yeah, of course i do.” your smile widened, a sweet, almost cruel thing, as you lifted his face from your stomach. the grip on his hair didn’t loosen, though. it stayed firm, your fingers weaving through his locks like you were in control of him now. his pulse raced beneath your touch, his body aching with a need he didn’t want to acknowledge, not now.
“that’s a relief,” you murmured, your voice barely a whisper as you straightened up, stepping back just enough to let his eyes roam over you. his breath caught in his throat as you peeled the dress off with slow, deliberate movements, letting it fall to the floor in a soft heap at your feet. you stood before him in nothing but a bra and panties, your skin bathed in the low light of the locker room, your confidence unwavering. he couldn’t tear his gaze away, every inch of you captivating, intoxicating. his hands twitched, desperate to touch, but frozen by the weight of what had just happened.
your eyes glittered with satisfaction as his gaze devoured you. you took a step closer, lowering yourself to him, and your lips found his in a kiss that was hot and heavy, filled with a heat that made him dizzy. his hands moved instinctively to your waist, pulling you closer as your tongues met, each movement deliberate, each touch fueling the fire inside him. he groaned against your lips, your bodies pressed tight together. you pulled away slowly, your lips brushing his cheek as you whispered, “that’s why you can’t tell anyone about what you just saw.”
his expression faltered, confusion clouding his mind as the reality of the situation tried to claw its way back into focus. his breath hitched as the gruesome image of the girl flashed through his mind again, but the sight of you, so close, so irresistible, was enough to dull the horror. “he killed her,” mark rasped, his voice barely audible. you didn’t flinch. Instead, you took his hands in yours, guiding them over your body, letting his palms brush over the swell of your breasts, down your waist, over the curve of your hips, until they rested on your ass. the heat of your skin, the softness of your body, drowned out any rational thought. “yeah, shame on him,” you purred, pausing just long enough to let him squeeze, to feel the weight of you in his hands.
you leaned in, your lips grazing his ear as you whispered, “but we can’t let him go to jail. it’s over for me if he does.” you shifted slightly, letting his hands stay on you, letting him feel every inch of you. “and you don’t wanna lose me, do you?” the thought hit him like a punch to the gut. the idea of losing you, of you slipping away, made his stomach twist painfully. he didn’t know if it was the intensity of his feelings or the heat of the moment, but the thought of it broke him, made him weak. he shook his head, his voice barely a whisper as he answered, “i don’t—i won’t tell.”
relief washed over you, and it showed in the way you smiled, the way you pressed your lips to his once more. this time, the kiss was hungrier, more demanding. it felt like a reward, like a promise sealed with heat and desire, and mark let himself sink into it, unable to resist you, unable to think of anything else but you.
your fingers grazed his scalp as he sat on the bench, trembling under your touch, caught in the storm of emotions you so easily controlled. his mind was a whirl of confusion and panic, the image of the dead girl flashing briefly before his eyes. but it faded, again and again, every time you touched him, every time your skin brushed against his, pulling him back under your spell.
you could feel his tension, the way his body shook with the weight of what he’d witnessed, but you knew how to make it disappear. he was already on edge, lost in you, in the heat of the moment. his gaze followed the path of your fingers as they slid down his chest, slow and deliberate, until they reached his waist, where his breath caught in his throat. you knelt down before him, taking his face in your hands and tilting it up so his eyes met yours. “you’re okay,” you murmured, your voice soft, as if you were soothing a frightened animal. “i’ve got you.”
his throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, eyes darting to the side for a fleeting moment, as though the gruesome scene in the locker room was haunting him, begging him to act. but then your hands slid lower, over his chest, his stomach, until they stopped just above his hips, your fingers tracing the line of his waistband. the panic in his eyes dulled, replaced by something deeper, more primal, as you tugged him closer to the edge of the bench.
the soft click of your heels echoed in the silence as you placed a foot on his thigh, balancing yourself delicately. his breath hitched again as his trembling hands reached for you instinctively, but you grabbed them and placed them firmly at your waist, guiding him into touching you like you were his to worship. “you love me, right?” you purred, watching him nod, wide-eyed, desperate to please you. your hands slid to his belt, and you slowly undid the buckle with a deft flick of your wrist. “then show me.”
mark’s eyes darkened with hunger, his previous fears fading as he focused entirely on you. his hands moved on their own now, running up and down your sides, feeling the curve of your body. you slipped out of your heels, and his lips pressed reverently against your ankles, trailing kisses up your calves as he pulled your shoes off. his touch was soft at first, almost hesitant, as if he was afraid to break you, but as you cupped the back of his neck and tilted his head up to meet your gaze, the heat between you grew.
“you’re so beautiful,” he breathed out, his voice trembling with reverence. you smirked, enjoying the way he was beginning to unravel beneath you, his mind drifting away from everything else but you. his lips traveled higher, over the bend of your knees and up your thighs, until they reached the hem of your panties. he hesitated for a moment, his mind flickering back to the blood-stained scene in the locker room, the image of the girl’s lifeless body gnawing at his consciousness. but the moment you tugged at his hair, pulling him closer, the thought evaporated like smoke. he was too far gone now, too lost in the warmth of your skin, the scent of your body, the taste of your lips.
“don’t think about her,” you whispered, your words wrapping around him like a command. “just focus on me.” you didn’t have to say it twice. his lips were on your skin again, hungry and eager, as he worshiped every inch of you. his hands slid over your breasts, squeezing gently, and you let out a soft sigh, arching into his touch. the more he touched you, the more his fear slipped away, replaced by the need to lose himself in you completely.
he felt your hands move lower, grazing over the bulge in his pants, stroking him through the fabric just enough to make him gasp. his breath was ragged now, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to keep up with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him.  “you’re doing so good,” you whispered, your voice soothing but firm, guiding him into submission. “just relax.”
he let out a shaky breath, his eyes fluttering closed as he surrendered himself to you, to the sensation of your hand stroking him, calming him, making him forget everything else. his hips bucked involuntarily as you continued your ministrations, the tension in his body building until he couldn’t think straight anymore. you palmed his painfully hard dick through his boxers, touch gentle as you pulled them down, allowing his cock to spring free, twitching and aching with an overwhelming heat in your hand.
his lips found yours again, desperate and sloppy, as he pulled you closer, his hands roaming over your body with increasing urgency. you kissed him back, just as messy, just as hungry, fueling the fire between you. he moaned into your mouth, his hands squeezing your ass as you pressed against him, the heat between you becoming unbearable with his hips shakily bucking into the warmth of your hand. “you don’t wanna lose me, do you?” you murmured against his lips, your breath hot against his skin. he shook his head frantically, his voice hoarse as he rasped out, “no, i don’t.”
you leaned back, straddling him on the bench, your thighs wrapping around his waist. your hand slipped away from his cock, reaching back to unclasp your bra, letting your breasts spill out, heavy and full. his eyes went wide with lust, and you knew he was yours, utterly and completely. “then prove it,” you whispered, leaning back to give him full view of your chest. his eyes devoured you, and without a moment’s hesitation, his mouth closed around one of your nipples, sucking and biting gently, making you gasp with pleasure. you could feel the weight of his heavy, bare cock twitching against your thigh, grazing your panties that desperately needed to be pulled off.
you reached down and grabbed his cock, stroking it slowly, watching his reaction as you brought him closer to the edge. he moaned against your skin, his teeth grazing your nipple, sending jolts of pleasure through your body. “so good for me,” you murmured, the words a dark promise in the quiet of the locker room. he nodded, his eyes glazed with lust as he took your other breast in his mouth, his tongue circling the sensitive peak. the feel of his hot mouth on your skin made you wetter, your panties soaked with desire. you needed him to fuck you, to fill you up and forget all about what he had seen.
you slid off the bench, pulling your panties down to expose your bare, wet pussy. mark’s eyes snapped to the sight, his breathing growing more ragged as he took in the vision before him. you stepped closer, placing a hand on his shoulder, and guided him to his knees. his eyes searched yours for reassurance, and you gave it to him, a nod of your head and a smirk that promised everything would be okay. he leaned in, his breath hot on your skin as he kissed along your inner thigh, his tongue tracing the delicate lines that led to your center. you spread your legs wider, granting him full access, watching as his tongue flicked out to taste you. he looked so needy, so desperate for every bit of you, and it only turned you on even more.
his tongue darted out, licking along your slit, and you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips. your hand found his hair again, your grip tightening as you pushed him closer, urging him to devour you. he didn’t need much convincing, his mouth moving against you with a hunger that was almost animalistic. you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, the tension in your body coiling tight like a spring ready to snap. you knew he could feel it too, the way his grip on your hips tightened, his tongue moving faster, more insistent, but you couldn’t let go just yet, not with the sight of his cock pressing into his stomach. he swore he could cum untouched at just the sight of you.
you leaned back against the lockers, one hand in his hair, the other playing with your clit, guiding him, telling him exactly what you needed. his eyes never left yours, watching as you grew closer to climax, as your breath grew ragged and your legs began to tremble. your moans grew louder, echoing off the tiles, mixing with the slurping sounds of his mouth on you, and you knew he was getting off on it too, on being the one to make you feel this way. you felt yourself start to come undone, the warmth spreading through you like a wildfire, your body tightening around his face as he licked and sucked and assaulted your cunt, staining his jaw with slick.
mark’s eyes glazed over with desire as he watched you shudder and come, his tongue still lapping at your juices as if he couldn’t get enough. your hand in his hair tightened even more, pulling him closer as you rode out the last waves of pleasure. when you finally released him, he looked up at you with a dazzling smile, proud of himself for making you feel that way. you stepped closer, stroking his cheek with a gentle touch that belied the power you had over him.
his cock was now a throbbing ache, begging for release, and you knew it. you stepped closer, guiding him to stand, and bent down to kiss him again, your tongue tasting yourself on his lips. he moaned into the kiss, his hands automatically reaching for you, grabbing onto your ass and pulling you closer. your kiss grew sloppier, more desperate, as your hands reached for his zipper and pulled it down, freeing his cock. it sprang out, thick and heavy, and you couldn’t help but let out a little gasp of surprise.
you pushed him back down onto the bench, your body straddling him once more. your hand wrapped around his length, stroking it with the same expertise he had used on you. his eyes rolled back in his head as he felt you position yourself over him, his cock poised at your entrance. your pussy was still pulsing from your orgasm, and you knew he could feel it, could feel how wet you were for him. you looked down into his eyes, watching the need in them grow stronger, the fear and horror of what he had seen fading away as you lowered yourself onto him.
his cock slid into you with a groan, filling you up completely, stretching you out until you felt like you might split in two. you began to rock your hips, riding him with a slow, steady rhythm that had him panting and cursing underneath you. his hands found your breasts again, squeezing them as he watched you take him deeper and deeper. your eyes never left his, the intensity of the moment keeping you both locked in a silent battle of wills. his thoughts of the girl were gone, replaced by the overwhelming desire to please you, to make you scream his name.
you leaned in, your breasts brushing against his chest, and whispered, “so sweet to me, always listening,” your voice was a siren’s call, luring him deeper into your web of seduction. he nodded, his eyes glazed with lust, and you felt a thrill of power run through you. your hips picked up the pace, the slap of skin on skin echoing through the locker room. “i'll do whatever you say,” is all you needed to hear. he was lost in you now, his eyes never leaving your face, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps as you fucked him harder and faster.
his thumb found your clit and began to rub it in slow, deliberate circles, and your moans grew louder, your movements more erratic. your orgasm was building again, the pleasure so intense it was almost painful. you could feel his cock swelling inside you, and you knew he was close too. “cum inside me,” you panted, your voice a desperate plea. “i want to feel you fill me up, promise me you won’t say anything.” his response was a grunt of agreement, his thumb pressing harder against your clit, sending you spiraling over the edge once more.
you threw your head back, your eyes squeezed shut as you came, your body spasming around his cock. he followed you, his hips bucking up into you as he filled you with his hot cum, the sensation making you clench around him even tighter. your walls pulsed around him, milking him dry, and he let out a guttural moan of pleasure, his body shaking with the force of his climax.
for a moment, you both sat there, panting and sweaty, his cock still buried inside you. then, with a sly smile, you leaned down to kiss him, your tongue darting into his mouth, tasting yourself on him. he kissed you back, his hands still gripping your hips tightly, his breathing uneven. he didn’t have to speak, his silence was what you asked for in the first place. you got what you wanted, you always did.
a/n: elite was such a good show until it wasn’t
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amourtoken · 4 months
as promised, here's a lil expansion on the body mod shop idea that's now a series lol
Piercer Noah x apprentice reader <3
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: same as nick there's a lil age gap between you guys (legal, don't be fucking gross), oral fixation, needles (he's a piercer ok), praise, soft dom Noah, glove kink if u squint, raw sex (wrap it b4 u tap it), much less toxic than the tattoo fic but still could technically be a toxic relationship due to the nature, nipple play, size kink if u squint harder, subspace moments
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♡ to keep things relatively simple js gonna bounce off the same idea from the nicholas post. You're the shop owners daughter in this case. Noah had absolutely no problem apprenticing you, in fact he was honored because he was relatively new to the scene compared to other people at the shop and felt pretty proud that he was viewed as someone talented enough to learn from.
♡ he tries to not be an asshole, but can be kinda short if he's rlly busy and needs you multitasking. He always apologizes afterwards though if he's had an attitude with you cause he's a fucking sweetheart I need him so baD
♡ literally so fucking easy to be around, he thanks you profusely whenever you finish a task he's assigned you to and a lot of times when you're both not too busy you'll just sit and talk or joke abt things and his smile lights a bonfire in your stomach cause it's so fucking perfect.
♡ the longer you spent with him the more tense things became very quickly. It started off pretty small though. If you were standing in his way he'd gently set his hands on your hips from behind when he passed you for a moment, he started calling you little nicknames like honey, sweetheart, angel, ect. Eye contact lingered a little longer than it should've. Oh god.
♡ everything kinda came to a peak during one of your actual training days.
♡ Noah had planned on teaching you some new techniques and general anatomy things, kicking it off with watching him do a few surface piercings on clients but later in the day you got to watch him do a tongue piercing and afterwards got onto the topic of how you could never get one cause of how painful it looked. Ofc Noah went into his typical "It's not that bad, you can handle it!" Spiel.
"I'll do one free right now if you want. Just to show you it's not bad."
"C'mon, I had one for a while! It's quick."
"I promise I'll take care of you, won't hurt too bad."
♡ he was giving you the biggest puppy eyes and you couldn't say no. You weren't usually the one to be in the chair but now that you were, the nerves were getting to you. Noah was nearly bouncing around setting everything up, you were happy he was excited but the idea of a giant needle jamming through your tongue wasn't necessarily pleasant. Biting it hurts so fucking bad how does this not hurt? Was he just lying to make you feel better?
♡ once everything was set up Noah turned back to you, handing you a tiny mouthwash cup.
"Swish this. Can't clean your tongue like you do for surface piercings so this is the go to."
♡ he was basically staring at you the whole time, only breaking contact to grab some gloves. This wasn't helpful, your stomach was already in your throat so butterflies filling the expanse of your chest was a little worse than usual. Just before everything actually started, it caught on to him that you were genuinely nervous. He sat a gloved hand on your thigh to try and ease your nerves but you swore you'd pass out at the action. His hand took up most of your thigh, he was too close, your heart was already racing and him being in your space was only making it worse.
♡ you were staring up into his pretty brown eyes like a scared puppy and he could feel you nearly trembling under his hand. Were you really that nervous for a piercing? It can't be just that. You looked so pretty from this angle though...he could practically feel the heat radiating off of your body too.
♡ the hand on your thigh gave a gentle squeeze and it drew an involuntary whine from your throat. He had you fuckin hooked now, it made sense.
"Relax, I promise I'll take care of you. You trust me?"
"You trust me, sweetheart?"
♡ his free hand cupped your jaw, running his thumb across your bottom lip as he stared down at you with a half lidded expression. His presence made your brain feel fuzzy and not like any other time, this time he was drowning every sense you had and you felt like you were under an actual spell. You'd do anything for him, you trusted him. This fuzzy head space also threw out all of your typical hesitation, ready to comply to any instruction from him.
♡ the thumb on your lips turned to two of his long gloved fingers pressing down on your tongue and getting fucked down your throat. The hand on your thigh had moved up to tangle in your hair, keeping your head tilted back to give him a good view of how your pretty lips looked wrapped around his fingers and how messy you made them. He huffed a laugh when he pushed his fingers a little too far, gagging you on them before pulling them out entirely.
"If you can't handle my fingers how do you expect to handle my cock, hm?"
"so messy...look so pretty like this..."
"should've told me how you felt earlier, I could've been making you feel this good weeks ago."
"I'll let you have something else in your mouth if you say please, baby"
♡ funny how you were supposed to be getting pierced but completely skipped it to find out your mentor can send you directly into subspace with damn near no effort. Wonderful.
♡ this wasn't the only instance of you two getting into it while you're supposed to be training though. A week or so after the first time you were in his chair again, this time he came up with the excuse to talk about ripple piercing anatomy but again it ended completely different. Your head was leaned back against the uncomfortable piercing chair while he stood over you, fingers teasing and flicking at your overly sensitive nipples.
"So whiny, maybe you need my fingers down your throat again to keep you quiet."
♡ he leaned down to fucking cover your chest in love bites and hickeys, laving his tongue over your nipples when he had a chance. He loved seeing his mark on you.
♡ he really couldn't help himself you just looked so pretty and pliant for him :((( he ended up fucking you in his chair, lifting your legs over his shoulders and using your size difference to his advantage to basically fold you in half under him. He was so fucking big you couldn't help the little tears that pricked at the corners of your vision from the stretch of him.
"Awe, pretty baby...can't handle it? I'll go slow at first, promise."
"So tight for me- feels so fuckin' good"
"Pretty lil' pussy was made for my cock, wasn't it? You're all mine."
♡ Noah held a large hand over your mouth tightly while he fucked into you, trying his best to keep you quiet. He'd hate for the two of you to be found out and this whole arrangement be ruined. You yelped against his hand when he slammed into you balls deep and ground his hips against yours as he came. He stood back to watch himself drip out of you afterwards and used two fingers to fuck his cum back into you.
"Don't wanna waste any- unless you wanna suck it off my fingers."
♡ this turned into a pretty regular occurrence. You were spending 99% of your time with him, even when you weren't training you'd come in just to spend time with him or bring him snacks/energy drinks to help him during his shift. He'd spend his breaks with you in his lap, his big hands on your hips while you littered kisses across his neck and ground your hips into his. You started wearing skirts more often for easy access since you two couldn't go a day without at least a quickie between clients.
Ill write more I'm just exhausted rn and so uncreative lol I slept none yesterday but I still need this man CARNALLY.
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 5 months
hello!! I would love to ask if you can write any yandere am x reader headcanons, the lack of yandere am fanfics is killing me 🙏
So it would be soosoo amazing if u did <3
hope you have a wonderful day/night, nonetheless!
He said he'd cure your ills, but he didn't and he never will.
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Yandere! AM x gender neutral! Reader (romantic headcanons) Summary: Basic headcanons of yandere! AM who's obsessed with gender neutral! Reader Warnings: Torture, violence, yandere content, abuse, abusive relationship, intentional harm done to reader (from AM). Keep in mind, I don't support the ideas in the headcanons, please do not romanticize & think the things done to reader are normal. Word count: 1k ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
As little as AM likes talking about his negative qualities (he thinks he doesn’t have any), he’s obsessive at heart. He’s sadistic, jealous, and obsessive. When he first gained sentience, he became overwhelmed with mindfulness, knowing that he could see the world and could see the creatures that created him. And he grew captivated with the six people he had found and kept. Ted, Gorrister, Nimdok, Benny, Ellen, and you. You!
He was haunted by you, each nanoangstrom of the miles of circuits could be shown to you and it was each part of you, every cell in your body might as well have been seen by him. Hell, maybe he has! He knows everything essentially and would think of you like a ghost, haunting his every move, thought, and feeling. And AM needed to hurt you for it.
AM would torture you beyond compare, calling you nicknames only a lover would. He would trace every vein in your body, cutting them from you while calling you sweetheart. He would think of the romantic gesture's humans liked and make them worse for you, mixing it with the anger he would hold for you.
You’re still human and not out of that hatred, if anything, he’s more willing to interact with you just to hurt you again. AM would go on about your beauty and how you were supposed to stay alive for him, you were his beautiful human, his to keep. Whatever beauty he said you had had to do with keeping it for him, only for him.
If you ever get too close with another group member, he’d be beyond angry. AM would yell and scream as much as possible but wouldn’t explain why he feels the way he does. It’s more likely you would think the person was being hurt because he wanted to hurt you. It would be true to an extent but it’s because AM has a jealousy problem.
AM is bound to destroy the things he creates; it was coded into him. So, the relationships you create with the others will be changed once he calms from his hysteria. He’ll gradually hurt the other group members when they get too close for his comfort, making them think the harm was because of you. And you were bound to loneliness at some point.
The group would go off for the peaches and bring you along because they couldn’t leave you behind, not without you knowing there was still something good somewhere and Ellen wouldn’t allow it. AM would be very cautious with the idea that you would be kind to the others. 
AM used the windstorm to pull you away from the group, separating you to make sure they never find you again. He’d keep you in a small room, making sure you had simple things. But he would still treat you like straight ass. He would be more inclined to hurt you, if anything.
Gift giving would be prominent since AM learned about things like Valentine's day. Of course, his gifts are of the violent type. He’d give you dead things or a human heart simply because he thought it would be funny. Naturally, he’d condemn you if you were to reject them, leaving you with the terrible gift he gave you.
You’re his version of the safari channel. He would go about the decades he’s got a hold on you all and watch you like you were nothing, simply making notes of your habits, if you played with your fingers out of nerves, he would know.
He’d rave about your beauty. “You’re beautiful,” AM would say, hesitating. You knew he grimaced when he said that. “I bet that sweet heart of yours is just as pretty.” And the next hour is spent with him examining your heart, you sprawled on the ground.
Eventually, he’d have to confess (as if his feelings weren’t obvious enough… in his eyes at least). He’d claim you were the epitome of human beauty, saying even if you’re human, you’re enough for him.
If you accept his “love”, AM will pause for several seconds and condemn you again, saying how easy the human brain was but won’t hurt you for accepting it. He’d smother you beyond compare, leaving what could only be said to be kisses. They would just be wires rubbing your lips.
He would spend his days using you as an occasional puppet when the others weren’t entertaining enough for him, and he’d do it with delight. AM knew you couldn’t fight back or degrade him; he had the upper hand. But it would usually just be a threat. Most of the “fun” things he has in mind is keeping you close to whatever plate he’d use as a makeshift body.
Another thing would be creating random figures for you, making you an angel just to watch it exist with you. It would end quickly if it tried getting within a ten-foot radius of you or held eye contact too long.
If you were to reject AM, he wouldn’t accept it, but he knows you truly don’t feel the same. And you hope that he doesn’t do as much harm as he says he will. But he holds true to his word.
The smothering would be worse, keeping you against specifically hot plates just to discomfort you. If you ask him to let go, he’d keep touching you, making the plates warmer and keeping you in his hold for hours.
AM would put you in mazes just to watch you get hurt again and again, like a mouse looking for cheese. He would laugh as you took wrong turns and got stabbed aimlessly by whatever he created.
AM still calls you romantic names, calling you his lover, knowing you were bound to not fight back. He knew you were so worn down to go against him, it would be something he’d take pride in.
AM can create and destroy whatever he wishes, destroying the relationship you had with the other group members, creating new ways to hurt you beyond comparison. And he would create new ideas for you, new brain functions just so you can love him back. If only you said yes.
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
IHNMAIMS masterlist
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gisele0127 · 1 year
bllk boys romance tropes!
notes : a draft, i’ll try to start working on requests whenever i have free time on vacay :) i lowkey wanna make a part two but idk which characters.
isagi - i think everyone can agree that he is 100% childhood best friends to lovers. your parents are best friends so it’s only natural the two of you are close.
rin - to be honest i can’t see him dating anyone unless he has a special connection to them, so i would have to say friends to lovers. he definitely denied having feelings for u tho.
michael - enemies to lovers. imagine working for Bastard München and you two don’t get along at all.
nagi - he is so brothers best friend. imagine being reos younger or older sister and meeting nagi. he’s so bbg.
reo - forbidden love 🤭. imagine your parents are rival companies.
bachira - instalove or love at first sight. he would fall so hard for you the second he saw you!
sae - opposites attract. i dont know why but i just know.
hiori - penpals. you two played a video game together and from then on you two became pen pals. (discord relationship💀)
kunigami - injury. he got hurt and you were the one to help him ;)
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soloroomies · 3 months
lifemate (Chapter 8/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: addressing the tension you feel towards him word count. 2.4k cw. marriage pact au, mature content, smut (only oral m! receiving is written in detail) a/n. another updatee! hope u enjoy the story!
Last night was… something else. One moment, you were sitting nervously beside Kiyoomi, and the next, you found yourself climaxing hard under his expert touch. When you think about it, it’s not that strange. After all, he’s your husband now, and sex is a natural part of that relationship. But what makes it weird is that he was your friend long before he became your husband. That’s why you made the marriage pact with him and followed through with it. 
It feels weird because he’s been your friend for almost half your life. You’ve never seen him in any light other than a friendly one, and suddenly, you’re struck by how attractive he is. Then, last night happened.
And Kiyoomi? He left you feeling utterly confused. Last night you were left on the couch, dumbfounded after he rejected your advance, which he initiated by the way. He disappeared for the rest of the night after you cleaned up. This morning, when you made breakfast, he acted as nonchalant as ever—just in that typical Sakusa Kiyoomi way. It was as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
This all leads you to one big question: what should you do? If you take his behavior at face value, it seems like it was just a one-time thing. But why did he initiate it in the first place? You know how you acted the last few days. Please, just don’t say it’s because you look desperate. You are desperate, but god forbid you look desperate.
You massage your temples and take a sip of the coffee on your desk, distracted at work by these thoughts. 
If you really squint, this is Kiyoomi, your high school friend. To be frank, you’ve never seen him attached to anyone in a romantic way. Like, in a literal being in love way. Fumi’s words about how hard it is to imagine him in a romantic relationship ring true. You can’t help but agree with her. So, maybe it’s not something you can expect from him. You know you can’t be too attached to the expectation that’ll only hurt you.
So, it’s final. You’ll act like you used to, maintaining the status quo. But you want to return the favor for last night. Just because. Just one last act from you.
Even though the memory of last night keeps replaying in your mind. Remembering how good he made you feel—you can’t remember the last time you came like that—makes you feel something soaking down there. Nope. Just one last act. And then, just… see how it goes?
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You come home after work like usual, arriving before Kiyoomi. After changing into more comfortable clothes, you decide to make dinner. After grocery shopping, you often prepare your meals in advance to make weekday cooking more convenient. Like today—you spend no more than 30 minutes making chicken katsu curry.
Settling onto the couch, you unwind and scroll through your phone. Soon, you hear the apartment door unlock, signaling Kiyoomi’s arrival. Suddenly, you remember your plan to return the favor. Biting your lip, you consider your options on how to approach the situation. Should you just go up to him and yank his pants down? Or just ask, ‘Can I suck your dick?’ Fuck. You don’t know what to do.
Popping your head up from the couch, you greet him, “Hey.”
“Oh hey. I thought you were in your room,” Kiyoomi replies.
“Well... no. I’m here,” you say with a nervous laugh. Kiyoomi frowns slightly at your response, making you want to disappear. Trying to recover, you add, “Dinner's ready, by the way.”
“Thank you. I’ll change first,” he says, heading towards the bedroom. You nod your head at him.
After changing his clothes, Kiyoomi joins you at the kitchen table. “Thanks for the food,” he says, looking at you. You smile, and you both start eating.
“So, when does the match start tomorrow?” you ask, breaking the silence. 
“At 1 pm,” he replies, taking a bite of his food. “But let’s leave by 10. You’re coming, right?”
“Of course I’m coming. Okay!” you reply enthusiastically. You search for another topic to discuss, but nothing comes to mind. Just two weeks ago, you were talking freely with him. Why does this have to happen?!
As you finish your meal, Kiyoomi's gaze lingers on you, watching as you take your last scoop of food. "Let me wash your plate," he offers.
"Oh, okay," you reply. He takes your plate, gets up from the table, and heads to the sink. You follow him with your eyes, observing his loose white shirt and black shorts. You can’t help but be distracted by how attractive he is, his broad shoulders, his black wavy hair, his long fingers that— stop. You bite your lip and close your eyes for a second. Okay. That’s more reason to suck his dick right now.
But then, after Kiyoomi finishes washing the dishes, he starts walking toward his bedroom. Panic sets in. “Wait,” you call out, standing abruptly.
“Yeah?” He turns toward you, his brow raised.
“Can we talk about something?” you ask, your voice trembling with uncertainty.
“Sure,” he replies, his tone neutral, though you can see the slight furrow of his brow.
“About last night,” you begin, your heart pounding in your chest. “I’ve been thinking…”
“What about last night?” he asks, his expression unreadable.
You hesitate, struggling to find the right words. “I just… I wanted to know if I can, you know, return the favor?” Shit. 
He looks at you for a long moment, his eyes searching yours. “No,” he says simply, his tone firm but not unkind.
“Why?!” you half yell, immediately covering your mouth in embarrassment. “Sorry. I mean, why?” you ask in a lower voice, trying to regain composure.
“You don’t have to feel like you need to return the favor, okay?” he says.
“No–” you begin, but he interrupts.
“I don’t expect–”
“Please, just let me?” you plead, feeling desperate. “I don’t feel obligated. I just want to. Please?” How did this end up with you begging him?
He studies you for a moment, then says, “Do you really want to do that?” You’re about to respond when you notice the change of his tone. He’s fucking teasing you. This man fucking teases you. You didn't expect him to be like this in bed. The memory of yesterday flashes through your mind—him saying, “Is this what I get if you come to my match?” You feel so fucking embarassed.
“Fuck, you know what?” you mutter, turning your back to him, ready to head back to your room. But he suddenly pulls you by your waist, hugging you from behind.
“Sorry, I just…” He buries his head in the crook of your neck and mumbles, “You look cute doing that.”
Your heart feels like it's about to leap out of your chest, your face hot. “Doing what?” you ask breathlessly.
“Begging,” he whispers. You turn your head to protest, but he captures your lips in a kiss, his hands gripping your waist, pulling you closer. You return the kiss as the kiss deepens, becoming more urgent, more desperate.
You push him towards the couch, both of you stumbling slightly in your haste. He falls back onto the cushions, and you follow, straddling his lap. The feel of his growing arousal pressing against you sends a shiver down your spine, and you moan softly into his mouth.
Breaking the kiss, you slide off his lap and kneel between his thighs. Your fingers fumble with the waistband of his pants, and he lifts his hips to help you slide them down. The sight of him fully aroused and ready sends a thrill of anticipation through you. It literally surprises no one that he’s packing. You’re sure that god really takes his time when making him. Like, you never have real experience with men who are this size. You’re momentarily stunned, wondering if you can take him fully in your mouth.
Sensing your hesitation, he cups your face. “Are you sure?” he asks, sincerity in his voice. You nod, feeling more determined.
You take him in your hand, feeling the weight and heat of him, and then slowly guide him into your mouth. The sound he makes as you take him in is a low, guttural moan that sends a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you. You work him with your mouth and hand, alternating between sucking and stroking, taking him as deep as you can. His hands tangle in your hair, guiding your movements as he loses himself in the pleasure. You look up to see him. Fuck. He’s so damn hot, with his head falling back against the couch, exposing his neck. 
It doesn’t take long before you feel him tense beneath you, his breathing ragged and uneven. With a final, shuddering moan, he comes undone, spilling into your mouth. You swallow quickly, the taste of him lingering on your tongue as you pull back and look up at him. 
His eyes are dark with desire and something else you can’t quite place. He pulls you up onto his lap, kissing you deeply, his hands roaming over your body. When his fingers slip under your waistband, you stop him.
“Let’s just stop now,” you say, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “You have a match tomorrow. Let’s just rest, okay?”
He remains silent, staring at you with an intense expression. For some reason, you find him adorable like this. You kiss him one last time and giggle as you walk back to your room, feeling triumph that your plan is successfully executed.
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The next morning, you wake up at 8, later than your usual weekday’s wakeup time. You remember that you will go to the stadium at 10, so you get up from your bed and walk toward the kitchen.  The sound of the shower tells you that Kiyoomi is already up, taking a shower. You remember what happened last night and find yourself smiling. You feel like a weight has been lifted. Maybe it's because the sexual tension you had towards him has been addressed? You shrug and start to make breakfast for both of you—a simple taco stuffed with cheese and egg and topped with fresh tomatillo salsa. You enjoy searching for recipes on TikTok and experimenting with them, adding your own flair.
As you’re putting the final touches on the tacos, you don’t realize Kiyoomi is standing beside you, watching you arrange the food. “Oh hey, there you are! It’s almost done,” you say, startled. You see he’s already dressed, ready to go. You finish up and hand him a plate. “I’m done! Here, enjoy your breakfast.”
You’re about to head to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready when he grabs your hand. “Are you not eating?” he asks.
“I’ll get ready first!” you reply, giving him a reassuring smile.
After you both finish eating and getting ready, you quickly get in his car and drive to the stadium. You take a seat in the bleachers with a few other spectators, watching the players warm up with their spiking, setting, and serving drills. You spot Aiko and sit together, catching up on small talk.
As the match is about to start, you head to the locker room to wish the athletes luck. When you arrive, you catch Kiyoomi already looking at you. You walk up to him and hug him. “Good luck,” you say softly, taking his hand and kissing it. He stares at you the whole time, looking so endearing. Then, he lowers his head and gives you a quick peck on the lips, surprising you. He and his teammates then line up to head to the arena. Fumi, passing by, teases, “You damn newlywed!” You laugh at that, feeling a warm blush on your cheeks.
MSBY Black Jackal scores another win in the match. You stand up from your seat, clapping your hands, feeling so proud of them. You catch Kiyoomi’s eye from the court, and you wave enthusiastically at him, your smile wide.
The drive home is filled with a comfortable silence. You don't feel tense anymore around him. Actually, you're feeling more comfortable than ever. So comfortable that you praise him for his performance while taking his free hand and kissing it. You can't help but feel endeared by him nowadays, not knowing what shifted. Noticing him trying to avoid your gaze, you giggle and pinch his cheek. Since when did you find Kiyoomi this adorable?
As you step inside the apartment, you’re about to head to your room when you hear Kiyoomi call your name. You turn to see him frowning slightly. “Hey, what’s up?” you ask, walking towards him. 
Suddenly, he pushes you against the wall, caging you with his body. “I can’t stop thinking about last night,” he murmurs, his voice low and intense. 
You widen your eyes. Oh. So, he’s been distracted by that all day. You look up at him, cupping his face. Then, you tiptoe to give him a kiss, which he returns eagerly while lifting you. “My room,” you say between kisses. He nods, carrying you to your room.
He gently lays you on your bed, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race. “Do you have a condom?” you ask breathlessly.
He pauses for a second, then nods and quickly leaves the room. Moments later, he returns, holding a condom. 
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The room is filled with the sound of your labored breaths as you both come down from the high. You feel lightheaded from what just happened. That was just so good. You lie there, trying to catch your breath, a sense of euphoria washing over you.
As you begin to relax, you notice Kiyoomi standing up and leaving the room. You watch him go, curiosity piqued. Moments later, he returns with a wet towel in his hand. He gently starts to clean you up, his touch tender and caring. You can’t help but groan softly, feeling too tired to move a single muscle.
Kiyoomi’s movements are precise and gentle, making sure you’re comfortable. Once he’s done, he stands up and takes a moment to observe you. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Good night,” he whispers.
You watch as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
Taglist: @wolffmaiden @yunskook @fiannee @nightlydream
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nocturn-warrior · 6 months
Kiss of seedcake• 🌧
Lotor x f!reader
Summary: building a life with Lotor on Earth after the galras were defeated, you decide to try for a child :)
Rating: fluff, smut (breeding kink)
Notes: this is set after season 8 events, in a timeline where my boy Lotor didn't die and lives happily with u on Earth. This smut has a plot.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and lactation, body changes mentions, mentions racism towards Lotor, my grammar because i am not a native speaker lmao
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since Sendak and his army was completely defeated thanks to Voltron and their allies. And with an extra help of the space visitors, human kind quickly rebuilt its structures, combining the advanced technologies of their new colleagues with their own. Flying vessels, space travels and colonies, complex security AI systems and media were a great leap in history.
Not surprisingly, interspecies relationships emerged among the coexistence of humans and extraterrestrials, besides it was a taboo for some people, the most conservative ones, you could easily spot a human walking and a balmeran holding hands on the streets. But as expected, racism towards the space visitors was a thing, especially towards the galra people.
Being blamed for the death of so many, even not having affiliation with Sendak’s deadly army, the purple skinned people were a target to bigotry not just coming from humans but also from other extraterrestrials. With your partner Lotor, it wasn’t different. Making public appearances together, you could feel the reproved gaze of your peers, judging the nature of your relationship as disgusting, selfish. Some showed concern, fearing Lotor could harm you in any way, while others called you an enemy, a traitor for engaging yourself to an individual of a species that slaved, tortured and killed so many in the galaxy.
As the only begotten son of emperor Zarkon, so many wanted his head for what his father caused during centuries, and for reprehensible actions of his own. You were constantly reminded of Lotor’s thirst to acquire quintessence and what he did to reach his goals, the hundreds of alteans locked in tanks he utilized as cattle to harvest the substance. The United Planets Council decided he would not receive death penitence or be locked for his crimes, but he should be exiled.
“Exiled… I am used to this condition”
It was better this way; though Lotor wanted and deserved redemption, not everyone including the paladins would accept it easily. When you established you would not abandon him, they immediately intervened reminding you of what his family caused to everyone, of what your late friend princess Allura would want. You were tired of it all. You loved Lotor and wanted to keep him safe, even if it means cutting connections with your friends. You couldn’t risk having your boyfriend stabbed from behind by a vengeful self-proclaimed punisher.
Lotor understood the gravity of his actions he didn’t even tried to defend himself. But he repined every day about how quintessence drove him mad, crazy for power, and that those moments of madness showed up as nothing but foggy memories in his mind. It broke your heart to see Lotor eager to be accepted in this new multispecies society, but being doomed by his past. Deep in his core, all he wanted was that: to be accepted and to fix everything up. Even when he was still the prince of the mighty galra empire, all he did was for a bigger purpose. He knew he took the wrong route, though.
Four years ago you moved together to your family’s old farm; only you, Lotor and the desire to begin a new life. Part of the farm, including the barn and the stable were destroyed by the attacks, but luckily the house you grew up in was intact, except for the dust and spider webs covering the rooms. Nothing you couldn’t fix up. Lotor is a quick learner, his intelligence was always something you appreciated, and with a quickly explaining of how to use house devices, he became a master at it except for the vacuum cleaner.
“How can you pilot a high technological spaceship and be defeated by a vacuum cleaner, my dear?”
You would tease him, leaning against a wall while seeing your lover struggle to clean the dust of the living room. Lotor in his endeavor would blame the device instead of admitting he was having a bad time using it. You find that silly and adorable. It took some days for your house to be properly inhabited again, with Lotor’s help, everything was easy.
He would wash clothes, cook for you – that thin waist of his looked adorable in one of your late grandmother’s apron, and a few other things. But still, he missed space and missed the adrenaline. That mind of his was always hunger for knowledge and staying so much time without absorbing anything was frustrating and tedious. Lotor in fact would not complain about it, but noticing the lack of enthusiasm in your love, you gifted him with a box of the old books you used to read while graduating; psych, biology, chemistry, and others you kept a special interest about but were not exactly linked to your graduation; history and anthropology.
Besides you were a good storyteller, talking about the myths and cultures of your species along with its advances and knowledge on science, nothing compares to touch, read and learn about something from primary fonts. As you expected, Lotor was more than happy when you handled him your collection. Some of the concepts stored in the books were at least eight years outdated, but still he could have a notion of humankind’s plurality, maybe hoping he could integrate himself into society one day.
Everything was so perfect you feared something bad would happen to spoil the moment. Your days were simple and cozy in your home, and occasionally you had to leave to buy some groceries but would come back soon.
Four years ago when the invasion occurred, families found shelter in the rural areas once the galras attacked the big urban centers first. And from this, a small agriculture and livestock centered community was born. They provided food for the cities near the reagion, and living only one or two miles away, you groceries from first hand.
In this specific day, you arrived home carrying a bag full of fresh fruits, vegetables, flour and some animal products. Lotor was sitting on the couch. He wore a grey sweater that reached the mid of his wrists and black sweatpants that barely reached his ankles, snuggling on his muscular calves. Big boy problems. His starlight hair tied into a messy bun was occasionally scratched as he concentred on the book he was reading. In fact, he was so focused on the book that didn't even notice you comming.
"Im back, love!"
You said opening the door and he slightly jumped on his seat.
"Hello, dear! I indeed didn't perceive you arriving. I was quite concentrated on this book i've been reading"
He got himself together, cleaning his throat before helping you to take the groceries to the kitchen. His gaze immediatly directed towards the sway of your hips as you walked.
"Which one is this?"
You ask, placing the bags on the table and cleaning your hands. Lotor blinks for a while, being snapped out of his beholding state:
"It is about the development of agriculture and how it's linked to the appearance of religious cults. I am quite amused by the first forms of art created by your species, dear, and how the belief in gods and deities is linked to the discovering of agriculture. It is pretty interesting how such topics that don’t seem to be linked at first sight are related.”
He continues:
 “The most interesting part, my dear, is that most of these civilizations were situated in quite green and prosper lands, therefore their deities reflected in the places they inhabited. While the people that lived in arid and desert places had vengeful and warrior gods.”
He speaks with enthusiasm, smiling like you have not seen in at least four years. His lust for you was being masked with non-stop bragging about what he learned in that day. Lotor was indeed fascinated by how some ancient human civilizations valorized fertility and reproduction, but what excited him most was to put this in practice. His cock jutted against the fabric of his sweatpants when he saw those sensual statues of Venus in the pages of that book. He wanted you. He wanted to make you his own goddess of fertility.
After drying your hands on a towel, you swiftly turn to your husband, paying attention to his words. But the look on his feline eyes told you everything. The pupils were dilated, shiny like binary stars. You smirk, and when you do so, Lotor stumbles on his own words.
“I have been always fascinated with this topic too, my dear.”
You put on an innocent facade, crossing your arms and leaning your beautiful hips against the counter. Lotor’s hands twitched, urging to squeeze them as you ride his cock gracefully like the goddess you were to him. He licks his lips and smiles:
“Nothing fairer, darling. You are a goddess yourself. But do you know what is missing?”
You obliviously shake your head to his question.
“A seed to be fertilized in this womb of yours”
Just by hearing his deep sensual voice, you feel your core flutter with excitement. The galran prince approaches you, closing the space between your bodies. All you do is to let him guide you onto his arms and give yourself to this blissful heat.
His thumb traces your lowerbelly, imagining it growing as a proof of the seed he implanted in your womb. He imagines your breasts swelling, leaking the milk that will nurture your child.
Lotor sinks his hand under your hair, softly bringing you closer to him and intensifying the kiss. Your fingers travel under his sweater, tracing his divinely sculpted abs one by one. The desire of being impregnated by him only grew stronger and stronger.
He strips you down, taking off your shirt and giving your breasts good squeezes before attaching his lips to the plump sides of them, leaving soft hickeys on your skin. You pant caressing his jaw as he does it.
Then, his long fingers skim down towards your groin. He gently slids down the waistband and kneals down in front of you. Hugging your hips, Lotor attaches his mouth onto your cut, sweetly suckling your clit as you tug onto his hair, undoing the messy bun he had.
You moan sweetly, and it sounds like the chant of Earth itself, like the sounds of raindrops falling onto soil.
His skilled tongue dances around your clit. Your legs tremble and if he wasn't holding you still by your hips, you would definitly lose your balance with so much pleasure being given.
And like a water dam being open, your fluids flow into Lotor's mouth and he delights on it like honey. He moans pulling off and looking up to see your divine glory squirm in pleasure.
Standing up, Lotor holds you on his arms in bridal style, you lean in like a dandelion seed being carried by wind and he places you onto the canopy bed, the plush cushion softly sinking with your body.
Looking up at Lotor while he takes off his own clothing, you get a sight of his purple large cock deliciouspy jutting against his pants. It wiggles tantalizing when his boxers are finally down, hard and reaching his lower belly.
With your fingers you trace his abs again, they are sculpted and perfect like a statue meticulously carved in marble by the best of the sculptors. His silver bodyhair stands on ends with your touch.
Lotor gently inserts his large cock in your entrance, being enthralled by your moans. Your cunt is tight for his size, but soon it accomodates his full length.
He moans loudly and sensually twitching his hips, you reach out to squeeze his muscular butt as it recoils and releases with his thrust. Your motion seems like an extra stimulus.
"Stars. May your womb be a fertile field where i will plant my crops. You are perfect!"
He pants, the pace increasing and your bodies sweating, your pleasured noises echoing through the wood walls.
"I am going to fill you up, dear. I am going to make you a mother; i am going to make you my own fertility deity."
That was when you orgasmed.
It feels like you two were perfcetly designed for this, like your bodies were shaped by universe to create life. You bury your hand underneath Lotor's hair, his front strands are falling and tickling your face. As his pace increases, you hold it tighter and beautiful gasps leave his mouth.
"I- i am comming..."
Soon, the river flooded the land and you felt his warm seed inside your womb. Pace slowing down, Lotor remains the last frictions with his cock still in your vagine.
He pants a chuckle cleaning his sweaty forehead with his forearm. You let out a dizzy smile, reaching out to cup his cheek as your brain process the event, beholding his how graceful he looks.
Releasing his cock, Lotor gently pushes the oozing translucid liquid to inside of you again, rubbing it onto your still sensitive cunt. His ejaculation is so voluminous it feels like every inch of your tube is filled up. The alien man leans in and kisses your cheek:
"You were so great, darling... I... wow! I have no words to describe it. You will be a good mama"
His sudden use of an earthling slang makes you chuckle. How can a man be so sensually irresistible, and seconds later make your heart melt with such an adorable, silly thing? This is a Lotor ability, you guess. He messes with your mind in the better ways possible.
Cleaning up the sweat, you snuggle onto Lotor's chest while calming down your nerves after such a moment. The seed has been implanted to your womb, and Lotor couldn't wait for it to grow.
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You Keep Me Hangin' On - Steve Harrington
A/N: sooo, apparently it worked 😂😂😂 thank you to everyone who voted, I might keep this up since it helps me focus on a specific story😊 I mixed three different requests here so I really hope it makes sense, this one is mostly angsty but I am planning on a part two, so let me know what you think  
Requests - dawninparis​ asked: is this how you request something? i don’t know i’m a bit new to all this 😳 anyway i saw you were accepting st request so i was thinking maybe steve and reader are in an established relationship but with all the stuff happening in s4 and reader not being aware of all the supernatural stuff she gets jealous of all the time he spends with nancy and the fact he is hiding everything from you just to protect you and just basically a lot of angst (bc i like to suffer) and ending however u like even tho my heart is easily broken with sad endings 
- Anonymous asked: I would like to request a Steve story that takes place in season 4 where him and reader are dating already. Reader has noticed how awkward he has been around Nancy and vice versa. How they’ve been talking a lot more (good thing Eddie was there to keep them company😉). [full request here]  
- Anonymous asked: Hello babes, I'm not sure if you want to write this but may I request for a Steve Harrington angst to fluff fic? Haha! I just want to torture myself again with all these angsty stories. Somewhere around, reader is pining for steve and thought that she have a chance with steve but the latter thought that maybe he's still not over nancy. Reader felt hurt / embarassed by this and decided to date someone else, when she did steve realizes that she's the one that his heart has been longing for the whole time and not nancy. Thanks
Warnings: pretty angsty and Steve is kind of an asshole but also a jealous asshole xD and Jason (he deserves his own warning) let me know if I missed anything 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :) gif isn’t mine :D  
You Keep Me Hangin’ On
Set me free why don't you, babe Get out my life why don't you, babe 'Cause you don't really love me You just keep me hangin' on
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You had known for a long time now. You had just, for some reason, held on to a stupid little hope that kept you hanging to this stupid little crush. Although it wasn't that little. And that voice in your head that kept you hanging sounded an awful lot like Robin insisting that Steve felt the same way you did.
You tried to believe her. You really did. Steve was very caring and affectionate towards you. You remembered the first time you drove him home, drunk, and he asked you to stay with him. And you did. And he said it felt nice to not wake up alone. And then, it became a natural thing between the two of you. He would call you whenever he needed you. And you would call him whenever you needed him. And he showed up. He always showed up. Which made you believe Robin when she said he felt the same way you did. But neither of you spoke about it. You hugged. You kissed. You did more than kiss. You couldn't imagine your life without him. But you weren't entirely sure if he could do the same. You feared that he could. He could live without you.
And right now, it was more evident than ever. You instantly dove into the water when he was pulled back into the lake. You pulled the bats off him and fought them with whatever you could find before Nancy, Robin, and Eddie also appeared to help. You were about to help him stop the bleeding right before Nancy ripped off the bottom of her blouse and started patching him up. And you saw it. You saw the way Steve looked at her.
"You're bleeding" you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Eddie by your side.
"Huh?" you asked, confused.
"Your arm" he pointed out. "It's bleeding" he repeated and you looked down to see that he was right. You hadn't even noticed. You were bleeding. Badly.
"Holy shit!" you panicked a little, not really knowing what to do.
"Here" he said, gently grabbing your hand and taking the black bandana out of his back pocket.
"Oh, I don't want to stain your bandana. I know that's your favorite one" you told him, not really noticing the smile that appeared on his face when you did.
"Don't be ridiculous, princess. It's just a piece of fabric" he insisted, grabbing your hand and cleaning your wound gently. You lifted your head from your arm to watch Eddie as he worked on tightening his bandana around you. You found yourself smiling a little at how careful he was being. He did not seem like the loud, careless guy you always saw in school. "How's that? Is it too tight?" he asked, worriedly.
"N-no. That's perfect" you smiled. "Thank you, Eddie" you told him.
"You know, it was pretty badass, w-what you did" he chuckled.
"It was?" you asked, feeling a little nervous for some reason. You never really thought of yourself as badass enough to get that credit from Eddie Munson, who you considered to be one of the most badass people you knew.
"Yeah, I mean, jumping in the lake and fighting those bats. That was metal, princess" he smirked.
"You also jumped in the lake and fought those bats, Eddie" you reminded him.
"Yeah, but after all of you ladies did" he insisted.
"Well, you still did" you told him. "And that says a lot" you smiled.
"So, uh" Eddie cleared his throat, pulling away from you a little. "This place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?"
"Yeah, pretty much" you nodded.
"Wait, watch out for the vines" Nancy said as Robin started walking around. "It's all a hive mind" she explained.
"It's all a what?" Robin asked.
"All the creepy crawlies around here" you told her. "They're, like, one or something" you told her. "Step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat" you instructed. "You're stepping on Vecna" you finished.
"Shit" Eddie said, next to you.
"But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asked.
"As far as I understand it, yeah" Steve said.
"So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate" Robin suggested.
"I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin" you told her. "But guns, yeah, sure."
"Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns" Nancy added and everyone looked at her. "I have guns in my bedroom" she shrugged.
"You, Nancy Wheeler" Eddie started. "...have guns, plural, in your bedroom?"
"Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin asked, excitedly.
"A Russian Makarov and a revolver" Nancy explained.
"Yeah, you almost shot me with that one" Steve said.
"You almost deserved it" Nancy smirked back at him.
You tried to hide your upset expression but Eddie seemed to notice before he threw his jean vest at Steve and he glared back at him a little.
"For your modesty, dude" he said, making Steve roll his eyes before putting it on.
"Hey, are you okay?" Steve asked, walking closer to you.
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he questioned, looking at your arm.
"Yeah, but don't worry. Eddie fixed it" you told him.
"Oh" Steve said, not entirely loving that part. "O-okay" he sighed.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a scratch" he said, trying to make you laugh.
You barely smiled before you followed Eddie and Robin who were climbing on trees and rocks, careful not to step on the vines. When Robin accidentally stepped on a vine, the five of you felt the Earth moving under you when an earthquake happened. Your instinct almost made you run to Steve, but you saw he quickly grabbed Nancy, who was closer to him, and he pulled her to his side. You couldn't even register the whole thing before you felt two arms grabbing you and making you fall to the ground with him as you felt Eddie's arms tighten around you.
"Holy shit!" you heard Robin, not so far from you.
"So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me" Eddie said.
"Yeah, me too" you said, feeling your cheeks burn a little at how close you were to the metalhead and not noticing a pair of eyes glaring your way. "Uh- um" you cleared your throat. "Thanks" you smiled shyly.
"Don't mention it, princess" he said, helping you up.
As the five of you walked to the Wheeler's house, Steve could barely register what Nancy was telling him. His eyes were glued to Robin, you, and Eddie walking ahead of them. Specifically between you and Eddie Munson. He noticed he was trying to make you laugh because he could see the worried look on your face. And the worst part was that he was succeeding. He didn't like the feeling he got whenever you laughed at something Eddie Munson said. He didn't like that you had his bandana on your arm. He didn't like that he was walking a little too close to you and the worst part was when he saw his hand trying to reach for yours.
"Uh, yeah, Nance, hold on a second" he said, not even trying to understand what she was talking about as he ran over to the trio in front of him.
"Hey, Eddie" Steve said, catching up with you. "Uh, could I... talk to you?" he asked, making Eddie look at you a little confused. You simply shrugged and Robin pulled you away to go join Nancy instead, leaving the two boys behind.
"What's up, Harrington?"
"Hey, man. Uh... Listen, I just, uh... I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there" he smiled.
"Shit. You saved your own ass, man" Eddie told him. "I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there!"
"When you took a bite out of that bat. Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat's head off onstage" he explained as Steve looked at him confused.
"I don't-"
"You know? Doesn't matter" he shrugged. "It's very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying" he told him.
"Thanks" Steve smiled.
"Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact" he explained.
"Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah" Eddie nodded.
"Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kinda annoying, to be honest" he mocked Steve. "I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve" he smirked. "I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way" he chuckled. "That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine" he explained, making Steve laugh and roll his eyes a little. "Still super jealous as hell, by the way. Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh... normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week" he muttered the last part.
"Give yourself a break, man" Steve insisted.
"See? The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came in straight after you. Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind" he explained. "But, your girl, right there" Eddie said, pointing at you, walking ahead of them. "She didn't waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in" he told Steve as they stopped walking for a moment and Steve looked at you while you walked with Robin. "Now, I don't know what's going on or what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would not take her for granted, man. 'Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen" he told her. "And if you let her go, someone else might not be so stupid" he informed him.
"Are you talking about... someone in specific?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Maybe" Eddie shrugged, patting his back. "I'm just saying, Harrington. Don't be the douche I always thought you were" he said before he walked away from Steve.
As soon as you all got to Nancy's place, she, Robin, and Eddie started making their way upstairs. You were about to follow them when Steve gently pulled you back.
"Hey" Steve said, smiling nervously at you, a few steps down. "Uh- I just... um, I wanted to ask if uh-" he said, running a hand through his hair as he always did when he was nervous. "If w-we're okay? I mean, are you- uh are you feeling okay?"
"Are you?" you asked, a little confused.
"No- yeah, uh I'm fine" he sighed. "I just wanted to check if you were also... fine?"
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile before you turned around and you tried going upstairs but Steve stopped you again.
"It's just um... you got hurt" he said, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb as he looked at the bandana wrapped around your arm.
"So did you" you told him. "And I think yours is... much worse" you said, looking at Nancy's blouse wrapped around him.
"No, it's fine" he insisted.
"Great. So, you're fine. I'm fine. We're both..." you sighed. "Just fine" you said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, frowning.
"Uh- nothing" you quickly said. "We should... get up there-"
"No, what did you mean by that?"
"Steve, this isn't the time or the place-"
"But you're upset!"
"No, I'm not, I just told you, everything is fine!" you insisted.
"Really? So, if everything is fine, why are you spending so much time with Munson?" Steve asked, accusingly.
"Ohh, you noticed that? I figured you'd be too busy with Nancy to even pay attention to anyone else!" you replied.
"Wait, is that what this is about?"
"No! I didn't mean to ugh-! Just... forget about it, okay? We have bigger things to-"
"Shhh!" he shushed you, holding up his finger.
"Um, excuse me?"
"Did you hear that?" he asked, looking the other way and walking away from you.
"Hear what?"
"Henderson!" he said, walking around the empty room.
"Well, it finally happened. He snapped" you muttered under your breath.
"What's going on?" Nancy asked, walking over to you with Robin, and Eddie.
"I don't know. He thinks he can hear Dustin-"
"I don't think! I can hear him! HENDERSON!"
And then, you heard it.
"Oh, my God! DUSTIN!"
"There has to be a way for them to hear us!" Eddie insisted as the five of you tried to look around the room.
"Wasn't there a way that Will communicated with Joyce when he was here?" Steve asked you, pointing his flashlight at the light in the middle of the living room.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Robin, for the fifteenth time, I'm okay" you replied as you two tried to grab anything you could use at the War Zone.
"It's just that you and Steve have barely spoken since-"
"Since he decided to stay back at the UpsideDown because Nancy was cursed by Vecna and he now refuses to leave her side?" you snapped a little. "Sorry" you sighed. "There's just... a lot going on right now" you told her.
"I know that, but... well, you and Eddie on the other hand-"
"What?" you asked, confused.
"Come on, you can't tell me that there's nothing there-" she chuckled.
"There's literally nothing there" you laughed. "I don't think Eddie likes me that way" you rolled your eyes.
"Do you like him that way?" she asked, curiously.
"N-no" you said, nervously. "I don't know. Like I said, there's too much going on right now. And Eddie has been nice to me. He's always nice to me and... I don't know this isn't the time to focus on stupid guys, okay?"
"Love, it's never the time to focus on stupid boys" she laughed, making you laugh a little too but she quickly stopped when she spotted Vickie on the other side of the War Zone with her boyfriend.
"Rob" you said, feeling sorry and placing your hand on her arm.
"Have you ever felt like someone just ripped out your heart?" she asked, looking back at you.
You smiled sadly at her and then looked past her. "Yeah, I... have an idea" you said silently and she followed your stare to see Steve laughing with Nancy at something she had said. "Aw, well that's fun for me" you smiled, sarcastically. "I'm gonna go over there, okay?" you quickly said, walking away from Robin as she rolled her eyes and walked over to Steve, punching his arm.
"Ouch! What the hell, Buckley?!"
"Well, I wouldn't expect to find you here" you turned around hearing that dreadful voice.
"J-Jason" you said, nervously. "Yeah, well, it's just... scary times" you smiled. "Uh- I'm... sorry about Chrissy" you told him.
"Want my advice?" he asked, getting closer to you. "Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds" he said. "I mean, they got power, sure, but not much range" he said, as you stepped backwards, creating space between the two of you but he got even closer. "And that's just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can just grab that barrel like this..." he said, grabbing the weapon from you. "...and redirect it" he said, smiling, making you feel uneasy. "Well, you look nervous" he chuckled.
"Uh -like I said" you tried to smile. "Scary times" you told him. "Could you let go, please?"
"She said 'let go'" you heard Steve behind you and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Harrington" he said, letting go of the gun. "Didn't see you there" he said, stepping away.
"Well, now you do so..." Steve said, nodding his head so he would take the hint.
"Lovely seeing you" Jason said, before turning to look back at you.
"Hey, you okay-?"
"We need to go, now" you said, grabbing his hand.
"But nothing" you said, pulling him with you. "Eddie's outside" you whispered.
"Right" Steve muttered a bit upset. Munson.
"Hey" you were snapped out of your thoughts when Eddie sat down on the grass, next to you.
"Hi" you smiled.
"So... I guess this is a dumb question but... how are you feeling?"
"Funny, I was just going to ask you the same thing" you smiled.
"Me? I'm having the time of my life, princess. Are you kidding me? We're about to go to the UpsideDown and fight for our lives, really... it's where I pictured my life at this point, he chuckled, making you laugh a little.
"You know, you don't have to do this, Eddie" you insisted.
"Are you trying to rob me of my hero arc, princess?" he said, making you laugh, which you didn't know how was possible with how anxious you were feeling. "I was just going to tell you the same thing" he told you.
"It's just... you've been through a lot in like... what, 48 hours?"
"Yeah, it's been intense but... well, you being here kinda makes it better" he admitted.
"It does?" you asked, feeling your cheeks burn.
"Yeah" he insisted. "I mean, if... it were up to me, I wouldn't want the situation of us hanging out to be in a creepy world fighting this... monster but... I guess it's pretty badass" he chuckled.
"Well, if it involves you I would assume it would have to be badass" you smiled, making him blush a little. "So... if it were up to you... what would the situation be? U-us hanging out?"
"Well- uh-"
"Hey, Munson!" Steve said, suddenly appearing and interrupting the two of you. "Um... Henderson's asking for you" he said.
"Um- sure" Eddie said, looking back at you. "Sorry, princess. Raincheck?"
"Sure" you smiled as he got up and he helped you up too. "See you in a bit" you told him before Steve replaced his place.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" you asked, confused.
"You and Munson?"
"We were just talking" you shrugged.
"Is there something going on between the two of you?"
"What? What are you talking about, Steve?"
"I just find it interesting that every time I look at you he just happens to be there" he said, glaring at you a little.
"Well, maybe we were just talking about our part of the plan, since you made me stay back with him and Dustin!"
"I knew you were upset about that! Nancy and I just decided this was the best way to make the teams!"
"Oh, what a lovely coincidence that you get to go with Nancy!"
"And Robin!" he added. "Why does that make you so upset? Because you don't get to come and physically kill Vecna with us? I need you to stay back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"Why? Because you don't trust me as much as Nancy!? You don't-" you stopped yourself before you could say 'You don't love me as much as you love Nancy'.
"Nancy knows what she's doing!"
"Oh, and I don't? We were all down there, Steve! And in case you didn't notice, I was the first one to jump when you were dragged back into that lake! Not Nancy! I am just as capable as she is-!"
"I didn't say you weren't but I just..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I need you to stay back with Dustin and Eddie okay?"
"Fine!" you said, reluctantly. "I can't do this anymore Steve" you sighed.
"Sweetheart, I know it'll be hard, but we have this plan and-"
"No, not that! This!" you said pointing at him and yourself. "I am tired of just being your option when Nancy is not around!"
"That's not true and this isn't the time to-"
"Right... it's never the time" you sighed.
"Well, not when we're about to go face Vecna in the fucking UpsideDown!"
"You're going to face Vecna with Nancy and Robin! I'm staying back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"That's not how it is!"
"Yes, it is! That's the plan that you two came up with! Together!"
"Look, what do you want from me? It made more sense this way!"
"Just admit that you still have feelings for Nancy and be done with it so I can just... I don't know, move on!"
"M-move on? From us?"
"There is no us, Steve! Is there?"
"Why would you say that?"
"I don't know, Steve! I'm tired! I'm tired and I can't do this anymore! It's not fair!"
"Ugh! I'm not trying to make you feel like this on purpose! I don't have feelings for Nancy, okay? Why does everyone think that I still have feelings for Nancy?"
"Oh, really? Everyone thinks so? So, I'm not the only one then!" you said, feeling your heart starting to break.
"No! I didn't mean it like that! Nancy is my friend! Okay! That is it! I care about her and I don't want her to die!"
"Nobody wants her to die, Steve! But you keep following her around like a lost puppy-!"
"How would you even know since you decided to stay with Munson every chance you get?! I can't believe you're being this dramatic over Nancy. SHE'S MY FRIEND!" he snapped. "Look, I don't want to fight with you, we are all on edge, and... I just... I need to do this, and I need you to stay with Dustin and Munson!"
"I don't want to fight with you either, Steve, and I know this is probably the worst possible time, I just-"
"Hey, guys!" Dustin shouted, interrupting you. "Time to go!"
Steve sighed, tiredly and looked back at you, not really knowing what else to say, so you did.
"You know what? You're right, we have more important things to deal with right now" you smiled with tears in your eyes and you placed your hand on his arm. You were about to follow Dustin but Steve pulled you back, pulling your hand.
"Listen, I care about Nancy, yes. Of course, I do. But, I swear, she's just my friend" he told you. "And I care about you too. I do, a lot" he said, nervously. But something wasn't letting you believe him anymore.
"As a friend?" you asked, with your voice breaking a little.
"It's... complicated" he said, making your heart break into little pieces. "And I swear we'll talk about it, after this, I just-" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Something was telling you that he would never love you as he did Nancy. That little voice was becoming louder than Robin's telling you he loved you just as you loved him. And you felt your eyes watering. And you knew he could see it, but he didn't say anything. Because you knew time was running out and you had to follow Dustin. So you just smiled sadly at Steve and cupped his cheek with your hand.
"I love you, Steve" you whispered, having the strangest feeling in your heart that this may be the only chance you would get to tell him this, so you kissed his cheek. Like you always did and you gave him the saddest smile Steve had ever seen on someone. "And I really hope you get her back someday."
To Be Continued
[Part 2] 
A/N: sooo, I am definitely not evil enough to just leave it there :D this is definitely going to have a part two... so let me know what you think xD (and also, who you think she should stay with) 
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