#being in online campaigns with me follows this blog
eowynstwin · 3 months
There has been more than enough drama about this whole situation so I will be as direct and concise as I can. This will be my last post about the matter regarding Myka/codslut. This will likely be my last post on this blog period.
This fandom community has crucified me over a story that has fallen apart over what I can only describe as the lightest scrutiny. FOIA requests, when expedited, have a ten day window to be granted, not a twelve hour window, and normally take months to even years to grant. Americans do not call small towns villages. Crisis workers do not have unfettered, immediate access to clients' personal information, let alone that of complete strangers on the internet.
I am not exaggerating when I say I have feared for my safety for the past week. The three people who have lead the charge against me have slandered, harassed, and outright stalked me—keeping track of posts I've made and deleted, changes I've made to my directory, and even the time between posts I have made. I have genuinely feared that the next step these people were going to take would be to search both of my blogs (because I have not, in the past, been very concerned about hiding my main) for my personal information in order to dox me.
I believe this campaign has been racist ("gaz erasure my ass") and ableist in nature. I believe my being autistic—and my trouble communicating in a way that could satisfy the aforementioned people this entire week—has played a part in the way this fandom has victimized me.
I believe in particular that sheheal has a personal vendetta against me, although I do not know why. I believe that their claim that they must leave their blog up as "evidence" is false—I believe they are keeping it active in order that it should always be digitally connected to me, and thus risk my safety and peace in whatever online space I choose to be in next. I am entertaining the belief that she even intends for it to follow me in real life, although that may be more paranoia than possibility.
I am aware of the mistakes I have made. I regret them. I am sorry for them. If what has happened to me is representative of what happened to Myka, I have nothing but empathy for her. Even before this happened, I would not wish this on anyone. I do not believe that dogpiling is justice, and have fought against it when I have seen it happening in this fandom in the past. I did not and do not want this to happen to anyone, ever, no matter their sins.
I want to extend a gratitude I find difficult to express the depth of to everyone who reached out to check on me. I especially want to thank Early for being the first person to stick their neck out for me, and for everything after. I hope to be friends with you all for a long time. You mean more to me than you know. You have made a lonely and difficult week feel less lonely and difficult.
I do not want to be a part of this fandom anymore. I have poured over a year and a half of work and creative energy into this community and it has meant nothing. I have loved this community and it has meant nothing. I have fought for this community and it has meant nothing.
If fandom was ever a safe space, it is not anymore. It is not safe for those affected by racism and it is not safe for those affected by disability. It is not safe for anyone who makes mistakes. It is not safe for me, and reader, it is not safe for you. I did not think this would happen to me. Do not make the mistake of thinking this won't happen to you.
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txttletale · 2 months
An observation and a question I want to ask in good faith
I should say I haven't been following your blog for too long. Something I have observed, rarely directly in your posts, but very often in the notes. The idea of an anarchist boogeyman. Or at least what seems like a boogeyman to me.
The character put together seems to have strange ideas about bathtub insulin and calling too many people tankies? I'm in anarchist circles only in real life. I work in housing, and I have friends who work with incarcerated people or are pursuing jobs in city planning with ideological motivation. Most just talk, which is fine. None of these people share the temperament of this boogeyman character.
I'm sure someone online does, but I've never met one. This reads to me as some terminally online non-issue? Unless there's been harassment campaigns or something. That is what I would like to know about. Who is actually causing problems, where, and why? Or is it a facade?
Because I don't want the good of people I know to be dragged down by others acting wrong under the same flag, and I don't want my dash to have poisoned talk on it either, even if it's a fraction of your posts.
the bathtub insulin discourse i have mostly encountered online, the anti-communism and obsession with "tankies" is something i've also observed to be quite common irl. anyway i have no desire to put particular individuals, however unpleasant, on blast on my blog, but i can definitely confirm that by being communist online (and sometimes offline) you will encounter very many tiresome people with strange ideas. ultimately there are anarchists who suck and communists who suck, you should evaluate each person or org on a case by case basis
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pudding-parade · 4 months
Sorry, but I have to get political on all your asses, at least those of you who live in the US. It will be a one-time thing on this subject, the only thing that I will say here about the election before it happens. And yeah, I'm going to say this on a blog devoted to a stupid video game. Why? Because I know that I have younger American people who follow me here, and if y'all are like some of the younger people I've talked to in real life and online in other venues, I have concerns. So I'm going to say all this as an old-ass, progressive American. Because if I can wake up one apathetic mind out there, it will be worth it. And if you're pissed at me for making a single political post at this important juncture, then fuck off and unfollow me or send me nasty messages or whatever you want to do. I don't care. And I'm not cutting this, either.
My dear followers: Donald Trump cannot -- CANNOT -- become president again.
Late last night, Trump posted on his Truth Social account a video containing language and images reminiscent of the World War era. It was about his fantasies of what America would be like, should he win the general election in about five months. It contained suspicious imagery and phrases like "creating a unified Reich." Does that sort of language sound familiar? Especially when combined with his rhetoric about immigrants being "vermin" that "poison the blood of our country?" Ring any bells? I'm sure it does for any German folks who might read this.
Trump's post was only taken down about 12 hours later, after backlash over it, and then Trump claimed that a "low level staffer" posted it, not him. Which is either a lie OR he was lying when he said previously that only he and his campaign's communications director have or will ever have access to that account. If you want more info about this, here's a short video from Jesse Dollemore, an independent commentator:
This election isn't about liberal/progressive vs. conservative. It truly doesn't matter what your personal ideology is because this election is about saving democracy. This is about preserving your freedoms, because we won't be able to do anything about any other issue, whatever our individual ideologies and pet issues are, if our basic freedoms upon which this country was founded -- freedom of speech and to protest, freedom of (and from) religion, freedom of the press -- are chipped away until they are gone. Because that's what autocrats do. They want freedom only for themselves, and Donald Trump and his cronies and hangers-on are all autocrat wannabes.
And if you -- Yes, you, even if you're sitting in the middle of blood-red state -- don't vote for Joe Biden, you will be doing your part to hand the autocrats what they want, because a non-vote or a vote for anyone other than Biden is in fact a vote for Trump and autocracy. Similarly, you must also vote for Democrats for all other positions, local, state, and federal so that America's overt flirtation with autocracy that's been going on since at least the 1990s might finally end once and for all.
Yes, yes, I know: "But Genocide Joe!" Think about it: Do you seriously think that Trump, who licks Netanyahu's asshole because he sees him as the kind of "strong man" that Trump wants to be, is going to help Gaza? Or that he'll go against Putin and continue aid to Ukraine? Because if you think that he will do either of those things, I have several bridges I'd like to sell you. No, Trump is going to "put America first." He says it all the time, and what he means by that is that he will do nothing except whatever it takes to keep himself and his cronies in power while also isolating America by severing ties to our allies. Gaza will be given to Netanyahu just as Ukraine will be given to Putin, should Trump win, and he won't give a shit. In the end, Biden (and Harris, should she have to take over) will listen and help Gaza, maybe not as much as we'd like because the Middle East situation is complicated and there are no simple solutions, but a Biden-led government will certainly help more than another Trumpian government would. And Biden will definitely continue to aid Ukraine, because that situation isn't complicated at all.
And in the end, it's not really about Ukraine and Gaza, though they are of course important. It's about us. Should Trump get into the White House again, he will surround himself with people who want America to be a plutocratic and authoritarian autocracy, very similar to Putin's Russia. This is not hyperbole. This is fact. A vote for Trump -- either actual or de facto by fucking around with not voting or voting for a third party because you think it's a "protest" -- is a vote to end democracy, plain and simple, which might very well mean that you'll never be able to protest again another day.
How bad could Trump be, you ask? Who cares who is president? Well, have a look at Project 2025. It's a 900-page "playbook" for the next "conservative" administration. (In quotes because there is nothing "conservative" about these people, including Trump and his cronies; they are radicals.) It is nothing less than a plan to destroy the federal government, the Constitution, and the freedoms that it enshrines and protects, which means the end of democracy. They published a similar tome before Reagan was elected, and once he was in, Reagan followed through with a lot of it. I have no doubt that Trump would, too, given that his "Agenda 47" platform is basically the same. Here is an article that summarizes Project 2025 and details some of its directives. And here is an article from Time Magazine, of all things, where the writer of it interviewed Trump about his vision for America, should he win. The first line of the article is, "Donald Trump thinks he’s identified a crucial mistake of his first term: He was too nice." You can read the transcripts of the interviews, too, so you can rest assured that the interviewer isn't being hyperbolic.
It ain't good, folks. Part of this extreme-right agenda is ridiculously expanding the power of the executive branch so that it would no longer be checked and balanced by Congress and the Supreme Court, which effectively turns the presidency into a dictatorship. And if Biden does not win, at least some of this bullshit will come to pass, especially because Trump already has the Supreme Court in his pocket. And he'll be able to appoint more young, far-right lunatics to that, too, should he win.
I'll repeat that Trump CANNOT win. I'll be the first to say that, as a pretty extreme (but also pragmatic) progressive, I'm not Biden's biggest fan, for various reasons. He is way farther right than I am, though he has been far more progressive-friendly than I expected and he has gotten some very good things done. But even if he wasn't and hadn't, he will preserve democracy and because of that, I will be voting for him without hesitation. I won't even have to hold my nose. Trump and his cronies in Congress and the Supreme Court will destroy democracy if you -- Yes, YOU! -- let them. And if you let them by deciding not to vote or doing some sort of lame "protest" vote, especially if you live in that handful of states where every presidential vote matters, you will have no one to blame but yourself and others like you. People being apathetic or doing "protest" votes is what got us Trump the first time around.
For fuck's sake, do the right thing.
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twerkinirken · 1 year
Okay listen up y’all, this shits important
I found out that there is going to be a special event at The Frida Cinema playing Enter The Florpus followed by a Q&A (or All A as per Jhonen)
Obviously we cannot ask the cinema to stream a movie, and that’s not what is important but I contacted the cinema to ask them if it were at all possible to buy a ticket to livestream or record the event to show for a limited time.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The cinema seemed receptive! In the email they said Nostalgic Nebula is helping running the event so a quick Google search has given me their contact information as well. I am going to reach out via their email as well.
Now as we all know, numbers are important. Let’s all email and ask to have this become an online event. I am reaching out to all Invader Zim fans whether you be shippers, gore fans, soft fans, NSFW or SFW it doesn’t matter. No in fighting, don’t ignore it because you don’t like the blogs usual content. We all want this to happen. Now some guidelines I feel are important:
I cannot stress this enough, being rude is not going to make this happen.
Money talks, no matter how many people ask they will be more inclined if we all say we are willing to purchase a ticket for a live-streamed or recorded event.
Just send one email and reply as appropriating, we wanna overwhelm them positively and spamming “make it a livestream!” Is not only annoying but it could overload this, I’m assuming, smaller more local theatre. Don’t spam the cast, the crew, social media’s, for the love of GOD don’t spam Jhonen, he’s not in charge of this and if we annoy him about this he would demand it not recorded out of spite.
Not every company is capable of live streaming events and could easily be overwhelmed or crash. Be sure to ask if it can be live streamed OR recorded, if they can record it and upload it for a limited time viewing that could be more accessible for them.
Here are the contact links:
I really want this to happen and I know there are tons of other fans who would love this too so please reblog this and share it around. Wow I never thought I would actively ask to have my post reblogged but I want this so yeah
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lesbianchemicalplant · 6 months
I've seen so many callout posts for trans women that accuse us of “using our identities as shields” even while specifically targeting us for being trans women. it's a mainstay of the transmisogynists on here who are constantly inciting harassment against trans women
(I've even seen it on callout posts written by obvious TERF blogs, callout posts which still get widely reblogged by people with “no transmisogynists” in bio. I've had such a callout post directly sent to me by a non-cis former-follower, about a trans women who was later subjected to a large-scale transmisogynist pedojacketing campaign)
and when trans women point this out—how we're constantly accused of Hiding Behind Being Trans Women even and especially when we're specifically targeted and harassed for being trans women—I think it's pretty obtuse to just quibble in the abstract “well don't you know that marginalized people can use their identities as shields” while brushing past the overwhelming context of how this applies to trans women both online and offline
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Sinning in real life ARO snark by u/SympathyEastern5829
Sinning in real life – ARO snark For context: at work, I had to submit a funding application for a fake business to test a software being launched, and we were encouraged to be funny, so I decided to use the opportunity to submit a request from "Canadian Riviera Orchard", and wanted to share snippets of the handiwork here. 😅Brief description of org: lifestyle brand selling raspberry jam, dog treats, and homeware items, including tableware and drink ware. Maybe a rosé wine.Brief history of org: married to Harry, formerly known as Prince, and worked for BRF for 72 days leading to massive staff turnover, which still plagues the organization. Everyone is just jealous.Project title: launch of lifestyle brand/authentic and organic marketing campaignBrief description of project: kickstarting brand launch and marketing campaign for new lifestyle brand based solely on deluded belief that everyone wants to emulate me. Also grifting off a title I don't care about, but I am a Duchess, after all.Key activities include:-Announce brand via IG and pay for bot accounts to increase engagement. Have no product available to sell on website or IG.-Pay for daily PR puff pieces to ensure visibility in the headlines. Still struggle to break 1 million followers on IG. Still no products available to sell on the website after 5 months.-Fall to the floor in heap of tears due to unfair criticism of (the worst ever) brand launch, release PR puff piece announcing it to silence critics online. Everyone is just hateful.-Announce an entirely new project in few months hoping everyone will forget about this and my failed podcast and docu-flops.Economic benefits: I will make millions; The world will fall in love with me and realize I should have been made Queen all along.Project costs: Jam jars; Labels that peel; Influencer posts.ETA: formatting change to make it easier to read, hopefully. Posting from my phone. post link: https://ift.tt/wog2vG7 author: SympathyEastern5829 submitted: August 13, 2024 at 02:57PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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prof-peach · 2 years
I'm making a dnd campaign with a pokemon module of 5e and wanted to use a bit edited version of Dotaku Island, Prof. Peach and the crew cause I like your headcannons and work nice with my idea of the inner workings of the Pokemon world.
Is it okay to use them?
It's a campaign with friends and we're not making any profit from it, but still wanted to ask cause now more than ever artist consent is important (even when nothing about this is goong online so normally people woukdn't ask, but I also wanted to say I've been a huge fan of your work for a long time so two birds with one stone ig).
Either way, thanks for showing your work to us here on tumblr and hope this ask isn't too weird :)
Haha sure go for it, I’m chill with non-profit use, and if you ever do post junk let me know so I can snoop.
Fun notes for anyone who may be inclined to do this: THESE DO NOT NEED TO BE USED NOR FOLLOWED, PICK AND CHOOSE IF YOU PREFER.
North is off limits, no exceptions. Being caught there will get you removed from the island on the first ship back to your original region. You will struggle to return here if found in the north. Patrols line the fences to make sure no one goes in, night and day.
Players will take damage if they try to touch peach in any way. Treat her as a high level monk/Druid, who 1000% will throw hands with u and your Pokemon given a good reason. Cold and distant to approach, pawns players off to other staff at any given opportunity. A hermit who will humour you if you can appeal to her better nature, or great desire to fight things. You may lose but it’s the trying that counts.
Wisdom saves (DC28) with Val if you try to touch her. Not only will you gain force damage if you succeed (half damage) or fail (full damage) to lay hands on her, but you’ll see horrifying illusions for a minute relating to loved ones. Frightened condition until a long rest, compelling you not to approach further. I cannot stress this enough. Penalise players for trying to touch her, peach will bluntly warn you once, after that you’re on your own.
Grey regularly hands out handy snacks that may help heal or buff teams. He is warm and open, a good person to approach for hints and tips. Notably found in his labs or out running errands, he’s always kind and gentle, unless that is you threaten his home or his loved ones in a severe way. He is scarier than peach when he’s pushed too hard.
Plenty of staff roam around to offer aid or information, ranging from gardeners, cleaners, shop staff, and specialist keepers who maintain the visitors sections.
A groomers, cafe, food stands, daycare, small fairground with rides and games, a hotel, lighthouse, port, greenhouses and of course multiple lab and practical spaces exist, amongst other interesting buildings.
The resident ranger can offer assistance but she is known to stay quite busy, and so getting her attention may prove difficult if it’s a trivial issue.
Adoption zones are the only approved areas to catch Pokemon, and even then it’s a process that requires a test and paperwork, so everyone involved is able to provide adequate care to the mons in question, and so they know any pre existing conditions.
The islands purpose is recovery, so human needs come in second. The Pokemon will always come first, a fact some visitors may have issue with. The staff will not care and continue to do their job without concern for this.
Year round events make the island busy and people are welcomed to join in with whatever’s going on, be it chilli cooking contests, fairs, pageants, board rental for the sweet ocean waves, or watching a migration pass by. There’s always something to do!
This is all optional, just have fun with it, and I hope your players enjoy! If they ask about it, redirect them to the blog so they can dive on into the content.
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mcytblr-archive · 6 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: mcyt-quotes
today's interviewee is mcyt-quotes, one of the first MCYT quotes blogs, member of MCYTblr since SMPLive, and winner of the first MCYTblr elections! below is a transcript of their questions and answers.
Q: To begin with, what was your overall MCYTblr experience like? Does anything particularly stick out to you?
A: it was fun, by and large. a good outlet for me to talk with likeminded people, and a good distraction to get me through my senior years of high school. i’ve been a public figure in a few online fandom spaces, now, and i think what stood out the most in the mcytblr space is the fact that some of the larger blogs were almost treated like mini-content creators themselves ? i got fanart a few times, especially through the whole election fiasco, and i remember there being incorrect quote blogs etc that i would pop up on now and then. i’ve never seen it happen on that scale before - it was odd, but fun in its own way. defiantly gave early-mid MCYTblr its own personality
Q: Speaking of the elections, do you remember what it was like to run in them? I remember that you won, but I'm interested to hear what it was like from your point of view.
A: ahahaha that was an experience. i fully signed up as a joke - i wasn’t very active on discord or very close with many of the other blogs, and i didn’t realise that my follower count was on the higher end of the spectrum, so i didn’t think i had a chance. just wanted to muck around and procrastinate studying for my final exams. things sorta spiralled though - i got hooked up with two bloody fantastic vice candidates (@the-royal-bat-snake and @sosigshoney) who did literally everything, and i also underestimated MCYTblr’s tendency to do it for the bit. i remember my campaign being something to the effect of promising a militia of arsonists, kitten genocide, cannibalism generally, and a total removal of free speech and thought ? and then i was elected and i was like ah fuck, i don’t have time for this. and then suddenly i was in the middle of some vast RP conspiracy that i was mostly asleep through, being Aussie, and very lost
Q: You mentioned that in the MCYT fandom, blogs were treated like smaller content creators-- how was that different from your other fandom experiences, out of curiosity?
A: so that sort of environment has popped up in other fandom spaces that i’ve been in - most obvious would be (and i want no judgement) the instagram DC and Marvel comics community, where i spent a few years running a large page. there were definitely elements of it - pages would get memes dedicated to them, etc. but lore ? i’ve never seen that before. i think it might be something about the nature of MCYT - aspects of the fandom, especially post Dream SMP (when this behaviour became most common) was built on mythologising people. not in the sense of worshipping them, but more so in the sense of fitting them into fictional narratives, just like the Dream SMP. and the blog owners themselves were primed to happily accept RP scenarios (something which has historically been seen as ‘cringe’), particularly those which blend absurdism and emotion. so the prison blogs, the election and subsequent RP, the penis SMP, the incorrect quotes blogs dedicated to fandom blogs (literally fandom-ception) came pretty naturally
idk, with more and time and reflection there’s probably something interesting there - Dream SMP was pretty unique in it’s time, and tumblr (especially post 2012) is a unique platform, so it makes sense they combined like that
Q: That makes me wonder, too-- it hasn't come up much before this, but I think it's an important aspect to examine: Do you think that large numbers of people (especially younger ones) being quarantined contributed to the intense/fast-paced fandom?
A: oh absolutely. it was pretty crazy to watch as a (semi) outsider. i joined the fandom in 2019, when it was Very small on tumblr - there maybe three other blogs i could follow who were MCYT related ? and then Covid hit and it bloody exploded. as i’ve mentioned, i was in my final year of high school, plus my town was only quarantined for a small period of time, so i didn’t really get that classic quarantine experience of having nothing to do. but christ, you could tell that so many people were spending practically their whole lives living through MCYT. and i don’t think that was a bad thing - it was clearly a great experience for a lot of people. but that’s why you had things popping up like the high school au blog dedicated to other MCYTblr blogs (where i think i was actually used as some evil class president or something ?? idk), which you would Not have seen in any other environment, i reckon
and i cannot stress your fast paced comment enough - every time i woke up it felt like heaps of astronomical events had happened in the few hours of USA timezone that had passed
it was fun - i felt like a long suffering older cousin at some points, but i don’t mind. that’s part of why i leaned into the election RP - if i could be as evil as possible, i gave them something to have fun with
Q: Now that you mention it, it's really interesting how that played out almost exactly as it did in the DSMP itself! A less-invested party coming in with a cartoonishly evil plan and winning the election to be played off of in roleplay, it's amazing how it worked out like that.
A: ahaha and it wasn’t lost on people at the time !! i was known for quite a while afterwards as a Schlatt-kinnie, which i was happy to lean into. a lot of the plot after that was lost on me - it was my two vice’s that i mentioned before and the rest of the cabinet which really carried things, and i would just pop in whenever i happened to be awake to endorse kitten genocide or something like that then go back to studying. but i’m pretty sure it did continue to trace the DSMP for a while afterwards - i banned the cult party [silverfish2020], so they were pretty quick to form a rebellion group, while i just continued to make worse and worse decisions. to be honest, though, it eventually spiralled out of control - i was taking it so laissez-faire that i forgot some people were genuinely invested, and while i forget details i definitely genuinely pissed a few people off at some point. i remember pretty vividly at one point someone made a post where they said they were worried i was going to doxx them or something like that (?) and i was like damn, this shits more serious than i thought it was. so i arranged to have my character assassinated and noped out - i couldn’t tell you what happened after that (or, frankly, before it). honestly, if you’re interested in niche fandom history though there’s probably something interesting in what went down - worth looking into if you’re bored
Q: Do you remember any other 'Big MCYTblr events'? It's alright if you don't remember what happened during them-- if you can't recall, I'll use them to ask around for people who participated!
A: i don’t rlly remember any other events…i know they happened, but i really had no interest in getting involved beyond answering whatever asks i would get about them. the election from memory was the first Big one (unless prom was first ? idk they were close together) and after that i was very happy to let Quotes as a character die, and i mostly ignored them
plus, it was about that time i started leaving the fandom - maybe a month or so later. by that point the community was Big, and moving fast, and a lot of drama had begun to leak in. you’ve covered some of the controversial blogs etc, and while i didn’t care about them personally they were indicative that the fandom space was different. combine that with me moving out of home and starting university, and i pretty much shut the blog down
Q: What led you to create the mcyt-quotes blog in the first place?
A: ummm i reckon just to have somewhere to talk about minecraft monday. there wasn’t a very dedicated fan base, and fuck knows i wasn’t gonna be talking about minecraft irl in a public aussie high school (i don’t have a death wish) so it just gave me somewhere to collect my thoughts. nothing interesting 🤷‍♀️
Q: Now that you mention it-- what are some of your most memorable moments from Minecraft Monday, whether from creators or the fandom?
A: ahhhhh there were some good ones. the fandom was deeply toxic during minecraft monday, but in a fun way - it felt sorta like following a sport more than anything. a niche reference here, but it felt the same as being a fan of australia’s soccer leagues - everyone hates each other, the organisers are greedy pricks who have no idea what’s going on, and there’s a new, entirely avoidable catastrophe happening every week. i think top moments include: the /top incident, where the fandom was divided after a scandal where Techno used an exploit to beat Vikkstar in an arena game; the a6d beef, where a6d was banned for not having enough viewers and then snuck back in and got into twitter drama with Keemstar; the week were Carson tried to sabotage Techno, leading to some of the most awkward moments possible and resulting in a lot of hate for the guy when he was otherwise still popular; week 7, where literally everything that could be broken was broken; James Charles getting adopted by the Minecraft community after his first cancelling but before everything that went down afterwards; and week 14, where a hacker griefed the arena, destroyed the event, and then accidentally doxxed himself while streaming it all. a fitting end
the main outlet for MCYT back then was actually reddit - there was a very active MCM subreddit which had a ton of statistics etc. the fandom was very into statistics back then, and actually analysing who would be a threat. that increased even more when serious esports players were added to the mix, like XQC and T1yler. they brought the toxic sweaty gamer energy to the competition, and the MC youtubers generally found them hilarious
it’s actually funny how much the vibe of the fandom changes depending on what’s most popular - MCM felt like sports fans, SMPEarth felt like historians, and DSMP was a giant role play arena
Q: Were you a part of the subreddit? (And, if so-- was it any different from MCYT Tumblr?)
A: yeah, i was crazy active on that subreddit !! i was always rooting for either Techno, Schlatt, or James Charles - Techno because he permanently dominated, Schlatt cause i was a casual SMPLive fan, and JC for the meme - and because at the time he was pretty widely accepted, since people loved that he genuinely seemed to get into the competition. funnily, the only time i’ve seen this competitive energy recreated was in the Techno vs Dream duel (which i also got way too competitive about). MCM was the first serious introduction of old school MC youtubers to the new generation - it was fun seeing all the classics slowly come around to Techno when they realised he wasn’t a sweat he was just good, or seeing them try to navigate conversations with the SMPLive gang when the old guard was still trying to be family friendly. the best week was actually Week 14, when a collection of old MCYTbers and new MCYTbers (and James Charles) decided fuck it and went to play on Hypixel for a few hours. it was great. i was also, later, very active on the SMPEarth wiki (the main hub for the fandom in those days) - that place is a gem to this day, and i’m not just saying that because i wrote far too much of it
Q: As time went on, did you see the culture of the fandom shift? What was it like to watch?
A: it shifted a Lot between different phases. even the demographic changed, at different points. you would be hard pressed to imagine that the fans of SMPLive were the same as DSMP, even though there was overlap in creators. even something more recent, like SMPEarth to DSMP - totally different vibe. you can see aspects that influenced each other, though - for example, the SMPE fandom’s obsession with making flags for different factions and putting factions at war with each other absolutely led into the establishment of L’Manburg. then Eret had his betrayal moment, and it turned from SMPE style war roleplay (which you would have on SMPLive, even, for example with the Stal conflict) to actual personal role play, where there were characters separate from the content creators. that division had never been identified before. that was when u started to see a lot of the mainstay parts of today’s fandom pop up - e.g. the c! vs cc! shorthand, or the constant division of content creators onto duos or other groups, and (of course) the shipping debates started up. they had always been there, especially in the Dream side of the fandom (which evolved spiritually from the Skeppy side, imo, which had similar debates) but they Really blew up with DSMP
that’s sort of when i stepped out - nothing against that style of fandom, it’s just not for me
Q: I've heard a lot of people who were in 2019-2020 MCYTblr say that the fandom was a lot more close-knit during that time-- was that your experience of it, too?
A: very much so. it was inevitable, we were a small bunch. i wouldn’t go so far as to say that everyone knew everyone, but everyone definitely had a mutual friend. i mean, hell, even connections to the creators were common - a lot of people on stuff like love or host were fans themselves. of course, looking back at the way that power was abused by certain creators paints it in a different light, but at the time it was fun
Q: Are there any fandom in-jokes, copypastas, running bits, or anything similar that you can remember from your time in the fandom?
A: too many to name. most of them id get in my inbox and just be confused, tbh, like the Kroger anon or some of the kinnies. i’ll try to go through some pre-DSMP era ones from the top of my head. the Hey Wilbur copypasta was cursed, as was SMPRompa (which i actually read the first couple chapters of, out of morbid curiosity. it was an experience). Stal, of course, was iconic in its time, as was the cuck shed. there was Keemstar being referred to as a gnome, his beef with the Skeppy gang, the ‘I could kiss you’ incident, ‘Hey Technoblade’. Jschlatt’s love or host bit where he was a closeted, deeply christian man made the rounds. Technoplane, of course. the Carson crying meme, and Gumball killing James Charles. Petezahutt dropping MCM to spite Keemstar, and Keemstar lying about it. ‘Preston is rusty’ was a classic MCM era meme, after the two fucking dominated. the sheer amount of times MCM got hacked was a bit of an in-joke, as was who actually won week 7 (to this day we didn’t know)
Q: Alright, and last one! Is there anything else you can remember/want archived, or any comments about MCYTblr as a whole?
A: ummmm i don’t think so ! i’ve said pretty much everything that immediately comes to mind. definitely an interesting fandom - one of the most unique i’ve seen. i appreciate your account a lot ! it’s funny to see old posts pop up again
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cindylouwho-2 · 1 month
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Hello, and welcome to my very last Marketing News update here on Tumblr.
After today, these reports will now be found at least twice a week on my Patreon, available to all paid members. See more about this change here on my website blog: https://www.cindylouwho2.com/blog/2024/8/12/a-new-way-to-get-ecommerce-news-and-help-welcome-to-my-patreon-page
Don't worry! I will still be posting some short pieces here on Tumblr (as well as some free pieces on my Patreon, plus longer posts on my website blog). However, the news updates and some other posts will be moving to Patreon permanently.
Please follow me there! https://www.patreon.com/CindyLouWho2
A US court ruled that Google is a monopoly, and has broken antitrust laws. This decision will be appealed, but in the meantime, could affect similar cases against large tech giants. 
Did you violate a Facebook policy? Meta is now offering a “training course” in lieu of having the page’s reach limited for Professional Mode users. 
Google Ads shown in Canada will have a 2.5% surcharge applied as of October 1, due to new Canadian tax laws.
Search Engine Roundtable’s Google report for July is out; we’re still waiting for the next core update. 
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
Facebook (includes relevant general news from Meta)
Meta’s latest legal development: a $1.4 billion settlement with Texas over facial recognition and privacy.  
Instagram is highlighting “Views” in its metrics in an attempt to get creators to focus on reach instead of follower numbers. 
Pinterest is testing outside ads on the site. The ad auction system would include revenue sharing. 
Reddit confirmed that anyone who wants to use Reddit posts for AI training and other data collection will need to pay for them, just as Google and OpenAI did. 
Second quarter 2024 was great for Reddit, with revenue growth of 54%. Like almost every other platform, they are planning on using AI in their search results, perhaps to summarize content. 
Threads now claims over 200 million active users.
TikTok is now adding group chats, which can include up to 32 people.
TikTok is being sued by the US Federal Trade Commission, for allowing children under 13 to sign up and have their data harvested. 
Twitter seems to be working on the payments option Musk promised last year. Tweets by users in the EU will at least temporarily be pulled from the AI-training for “Grok”, in line with EU law.
CONTENT MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies) 
Email software Mad Mimi is shutting down as of August 30. Owner GoDaddy is hoping to move users to its GoDaddy Digital Marketing setup. 
Content ideas for September include National Dog Week. 
You can now post on Substack without having an actual newsletter, as the platform tries to become more like a social media site. 
As of November, Patreon memberships started in the iOS app will be subject to a 30% surcharge from Apple. Patreon is giving creators the ability to add that charge to the member's bill, or pay it themselves.
Google worked with Meta to break the search engine’s rules on advertising to children through a loophole that showed ads for Instagram to YouTube viewers in the 13-17 year old demographic. Google says they have stopped the campaign, and that “We prohibit ads being personalized to people under-18, period”.
Google’s Performance Max ads now have new tools, including some with AI. 
Microsoft’s search and news advertising revenue was up 19% in the second quarter, a very good result for them. 
One of the interesting tidbits from the recent Google antitrust decision is that Amazon sells more advertising than either Google or Meta’s slice of retail ads. 
More than half of Gen Z claim to have bought items while spending time on social media in the past half year, higher than other generations. 
Shopify’s president claimed that Christmas shopping started in July on their millions of sites, with holiday decor and ornament sales doubling, and advent calendar sales going up a whopping 4,463%.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
How do y'all manage to stay so calm, after months of false allegations and attacks? We would've spiraled a long time ago, your perseverance is impressive :D How do y'all handle smear campaigns and general hatred?
Thank you... and.... I don't know...
I generally just... don't let it affect me much.
I mean, this is all online stuff. Nothing anyone says about me is going to have an actual impact on me in real life. It can put me in a bad mood for a few hours or a day, but I have system who can support me and make me stronger.
And I knew what I was getting in for when I signed up.
Okay, actually, that's a lie. I think the hate asks, suibaits and death threats were all expected. Gaining an active hatedom that obsesses over me, even to the point of blocking but then continuing to monitor my blog obsessively... and then screenshotting those posts to discourse about them and twist them in private servers... that was unexpected.
I genuinely had no way to predict that would happen.
I don't think that's a normal thing, even in Tumblr discourse.
I could see it happening to a celebrity. Even a popular enough TikToker. But I wouldn't expect it of a random tulpa blogger with only 1600 followers and not a single post that's crossed a thousand notes. I realize my blog is large in comparison to other tulpa blogs, but it's relatively average as far Tumblr blogs go.
But ultimately, I go into this with the mindset that I can never win over everybody. There will always be people who hate me for what I am, and for being vocal about what I am. I can't stop that and I don't need to.
So those people are irrelevant to me. They don't matter and I don't care about their opinions.
There are certain rumors that are damaging enough that I want to put them down quickly. But others, I really don't care about.
And some of the rumor, I honestly find entertaining.
A lot of my posts get so warped from what I originally said that it's truly fascinating to witness and see the results of the Tumblr Telephone game. (For instance, I think the "Sophie forced someone to dissociate so hard they couldn't think straight" might have came from that one post we've been discussing where I casually mentioned providing guides that teach dissociation.)
So I guess that's another thing I try to do. Observe the rumors as an almost scientific endeavor. It's truly interesting to see how they work. Some of the twists, I actually expected, but most veer so wildly from anything I would have predicted.
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loubatas · 1 year
Hey Brittany !
I noticed you’re a fan of webcomics as I came across your page seeing that you re-blogged a webcomic related post.
I’m Melissa, and I’ve recently embarked on an exciting zombie based webcomic project!
It would mean the world to me if you could check out my recent post about my GoFundMe campaign and consider liking or re-blogging it!
Your support could truly make a difference in bringing my vision to life and sharing it with a wider audience.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration! 🌼
I was unsure what to do about this, but in the end I'll answer in the off-chance you are actually a rude newbie artist here and not a scammer And also to explain to my followers why they shouldn't send you and people like you any money
First. That's not how webcomics work. You don't ask people to send you money before you actually make the comic. You first post it online, for free. You can also set up a patreon for people to support you financially in exchange of early access to your comic, and once you've published enough pages to make a book you may do a kickstarter to print it and sell the physical books But in the end the concept of webcomics is that they are passion projects, of various quality, free to read online. Some people manage to live off this, but you should never start a webcomic with the objective to live off them
If you want to get paid before making your comic, you'll have to pitch your project to a publisher But you don't ask people to send you money for a comic they know nothing about, no plot summary, no visuals safe for two screenshots on your blog's only post, no presentation of who the protagonists are, nothing "An exciting webcomic project" you say, but you say nothing about why it's exciting and why we should be interested in it, and more importantly why we should trust you
Tumblr has had its fair share of scams where people promised to make an animated series, a web series or whatever and the people ran away with the money. Right now your project looks exactly like one of those scams. No one with a smidge of common sense will pay you anything
Secondly, that's incredibly rude behaviour here I don't know you. You barely followed me before sending me this message, you didn't like or reblogged anything, you just went straight to promoting your stuff in my inbox. And the "I'm new to tumblr I don't know how it works" card doesn't work here because that would be rude on any social media Don't do that Promote your stuff like every other artists do, by actually posting art and talking about your project on your blog, and by using the relevant hashtags so people who are following them can find your work. This way you'll catch the attention of people who are actually interested in your project Because I don't like zombies stories anyway. Sorry, bad shot there
And thirdly, and this time it's more personal: MY NAME ISN'T FUCKING BRITTANY. THAT'S THE NAME OF WHERE I LIVE
If you're going to promote yourself into a stranger's inbox, maybe don't be even more rude than you're already being by calling them a completely wrong name??
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fishdavidson · 9 months
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2023 State of the Mackerel
Hello fine internet people! The blog portion of my main account has been dormant for quite some time, and I've been wanting to put something here to give the few people who are following me an update. I've also wanted to change a few things on here, so with the end of the year upon us, I wanted to put forward something to help provide some clarity about the blog's past, present, and future.
The Past: Noteworthy Life Events
Since my last official post on here on August of 2021, obviously at least a few notable things have happened in the intervening two years. Here is a quick rundown of the highlights, presented as fake headlines:
Fish Davidson gets over by a minivan and yells swear words
"Guess I'll go back to school," says local internet weirdo
Studies indicate minor promotion at work leads to corresponding minor improvements in life satisfaction
Combining a bunch of words, Fish Davidson writes a book
Yep, tabletop gaming is a thing and it's not going away
Fish Davidson learns to make two sounds at once
Okay, so now that I've hopefully piqued your interest, here's a little bit more detail about each of those items. In November of 2021, I was walking across the street at a crosswalk and was hit by a minivan. The driver wasn't going very fast, but it was enough to break three bones (including my tailbone) and put me on crutches for a while and I needed special orthopedic pillows for my butt for about 18 months. I'm mostly back to normal now, but it was a long road.
The next big thing was that I went back to grad school in an online program. I've been a student for about a year now, and I'm about halfway through the program. Whatever intermittent dreams I would have and wanted to write about have been shoved aside to make time for the seemingly endless papers of graduate work. It's stressful, but I'm glad to be back in school.
Part of the reason for going back to school is because I got a minor promotion at work. Predictably, it came with more responsibilities, but it also came with a little bit more money. I'm going back to school to learn more about things that are related to my job, but also to leverage it into another potential pay raise.
Now we get to the personal creative pursuits of the recent past. I wrote a novel called Power Frank about a superhero whose only power is that he can open any jar. And he has to leverage that power to both overcome family dysfunction and save his desert hometown from being destroyed by malevolent hogs. I'm starting the querying process for agents and hope to have it published eventually!
I also finished up my multi-year Dungeons and Dragons campaign, Shits and Giggles that ran from level 1 to level 20. Several smaller (much smaller) campaigns happened after that. Then Wizards of the Coast did some stupid stuff with their Open Gaming License, and now I've redirected the bulk of my gaming money to provide support for smaller independent creators and lesser known systems. I've really gotten into several OSR systems like Shadowdark, Basic Fantasy, and (if you count these as OSR) Cairn and Knave. Other non-fantasy systems that I'm currently really digging into are Orbital Blues and Mothership. Granted, I don't currently run those games for people yet, but I do like reading the books and seeing different approaches to solving certain mechanical problems. I've also been creating a bunch of random tables for things.
The last important creative pursuit is that of Tuvan throat singing. Tuva is a region in the geographic center of Asia that is known for a style of singing that allows the singer to produce multiple notes simultaneously. I've been fascinated by it for decades and tried off and on to learn it, but this summer I finally made progress and am finally learning how to do it. It takes a lot of practice and making weird sounds, much to the chagrin of my (very patient and supportive) wife.
The Present and Future: Lumped Together For Expediency
I want to write a dream journal and that's what this blog was primarily conceived for. Unfortunately, my dream output has been incredibly fickle and the other demands on my time (professional and academic) make it difficult to report or even remember dreams. Does that mean I'm closing up this blog? Nope! I'm still on tumblr almost every day. But if I'm not able to reliably post dreams on here, what should happen to this blog?
That's the question I've been wrestling with for the past few months. What should I do? Since fishdavidson is my primary blog and I can't easily swap over to a new primary blog to archive my content, I've decided to pivot a little bit. Even outside of tumblr, I use Fish Davidson as my basically my brand (obligatory shoutout to the 1-800 contacts commercial).
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So it makes sense to keep using Fish Davidson for personal promotion and creative pursuits. I'm not going to be deleting or moving any of my old posts, but new posts will be relatively rare and limited to mostly things that I create.
However, tumblr lets me create a bajillion different sideblogs for my various interests. I've got several different blogs, all geared toward different interests. Future dream journal entries, if and when they happen, will be published to fishdreams instead of here. Other posts and reblogs will be spread across my various sideblogs. So without further ado, here are
My Various Sideblogs and What They're For
fishdreams - dream journal stuff
fishcrap - various reblogs and anything that I find interesting but outside of the scope of my various side blogs
fishability - for disability awareness stuff
fishrpg - this will be where I post a lot of tabletop RPG stuff. I'm planning on participating in Hexplore24, which is a tiny daily challenge for RPG creation that starts in January.
tuvafish - stuff about throat singing (and maybe even some of my practice sessions) will go here as I find stuff to post (currently empty)
brownstonarmy - probably won't be updated, but if you want to read a novel-length account of the entire Shits and Giggles campaign, here you go!
Thank you all for being such cool people on tumblr, have a great holiday season and new year, and I hope we stay friends on here.
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menstits-illness · 9 months
I’ve started interacting with other ppls blogs more, so I figured I should really make a pinned post.
You can call me R, or puppy �� Most other pet names are fine too✨
transmasc bear, he/him. 4+ years on T. Bisexual 💗💜💙 (preference for men, but like all genders). Exclusively sub!!
I’m not particularly looking for a serious relationship, but I’d love to make some horny friends and be sexting buddies!! 💕 So,
This is just a casual blog for quickly rbing stuff that gets me wet, so I don’t tag anything!! If you have any major don’ts that you aren’t fine just scrolling past, you may not want to follow me (though you can always feel free to just talk to me over DMs ☺️)
Kinks and content that might appear here under the cut!
I’m into some heavy kinks, so you’re very likely to see stuff with cnc / dubcon / noncon here. Everything shared is with the intention of being between consenting adults irl.
I like stuff like abuse/manipulation, kidnapping/prisoner, forced petplay, general toxic relationship dynamics. While they aren’t really my kinks, it’s possible for you to see fake incest or underage if I like the vibes of the post.
I do like piss kink and may rb that, but no scat.
If you don’t vibe with that, that’s cool, but just let people do their thing in peace.
Major Kinks: puppy play, dirty talk!!! degradation/humiliation, CBT/anything with balls, spanking/beating, crying, breast play, edging, overstim, face fucking, dub con, piss, monsterfucking
I don’t have any major hard no’s when it’s all online, except fat shaming/any body shaming, feeding, and detransition. Feminizing things and pregnancy are a soft no, that’s something I’d need to work out with a person first. (Breeding is generally okay, just not detailing specifics about pregnancy). I may not follow you if you post any of these. But also I’m good at just looking away.
Randomly, I’m not fond of blood or blindfolds, but it’s not a big deal.
Words: I mostly use the words cunt and cock, though I’m not incredibly picky. Any boob words are fine, and I love anything involving tits. semi anal preference, but again it’s not a major thing.
I often like to talk as if I have a penis, so feel free to tell me how much you’d like to beat my cute little puppy balls ☺️
Other quick facts: I’m disabled and autistic, I like dogs and D&D, especially my character Bexon and his bf Obediah. If I tag something with ‘smv,’ that means Saturday Morning Violence, aka my main campaign. I like drawing, though it takes me a long time so I don’t do it too much.
I named this account super randomly and put my most recent photo as the pfp, whenever I made this acc years ago. So they may likely change soon to something more obviously horny.
Thanks for reading this far! ✨ Have a cookie 🍪
I’d really like to make some friends or fwb, so pls don’t be scared to interact!!!
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sapphicrpc · 11 months
"i thought cancel culture was about holding people in positions of social power accountable for their actions". I think this is a valid point you made and proves itself. rpts have followings, post people in the tags, and their blogs can be seen as almost "puesdo" power. some rpts hold rpgs and their admins accountable and that has distinct power... especially when they're in the tags and filling it. what greater sense of social power as it pertains to this site is there than that? especially when it looks "credible" via anon. dialing it down to this site, it is social power.
i guess there's a certain amount of power associated with a popular blog, but i still think its important to hold onto a sense of perspective when it comes to other users on the site. remembering that they are human beings behind the screens, more so than a celebrity is. let me give an example of how i think about this.
i don't consider myself an rpt as i don't like to get involved in the messy stuff and naming names, but let's just imagine for a moment that i am an rpt. i am just one 26 year old, typing this up on my android phone on my own. in comparison, when a celebrity makes some kind of statement online, they usually have a whole pr team, social media managers, people whose entire job it is to ensure that this person remains popular. if a rpt said the same offensive thing as a celebrity, i would say that the celebrity deserves MORE kickback due to their higher amount of influence and also the fact that they have resources available to them could have prevented it.... but that doesn't happen. rpt blogs on here are far more attainable, they read all the messages in their inbox in a way that a celebrity will neVER read all their mentions and dms. because that's like, what they do. therefore even though its a niche community, any kickback from something happening feels a lot bigger to that one singular person behind an rpt who is just doing this for funsies compared to a celebrity with a team of people who have their back and are in general, making money from online engagement whether its positive or negative.
this is NOT to say that i think we shouldn't hold rpts accountable. i think we should. i just think that mindfulness about who exactly is behind the screen is important. if you can kindly correct someone instead of starting a cancellation campaign, then DO THAT. they are just a person they don't have a PR team, it's very possible that they might not know what they said is wrong. if they don't listen, you can block and post a psa about them, but harrassing the rpt with mean anons only causes more harm both by allowing them to self victimise and by, well, introducing cyber bullying. cancel culture works because if you boycott an artist and cancel them, you suffocate their income. It's about MONEY as well as social power. rpts aren't making money, they're just doing a hobby.
if we focus only on this site, then sure, popular blogs hold social power, but behind every popular blog is a human being, and it IS important to remember that. hold people accountable but do it in a respectful and empathetic way.
there are also nuances to it like, predatory behavior, race faking, that kind of thing is on a whole other level to rping some taboo plots, being pushy with ships, etc. there's levels to it, yk?
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shutterlens · 1 year
About Me + DNI:
• I am staunchly pro-Palestine and I aim to advocate as best as I can for the liberation of the Palestinian people. Ceasefire now. 🇵🇸🍉
By the way, Zaen and Yahya, Palestinian children in Gaza and the sons of a man named Muhammad Shehab, need your help with getting the funds for their evacuation, so I've attached the link to their GoFundMe campaign here:
To add, Mohammed and his family, including his elderly parents, also need your help in getting the funds to evacuate Gaza as well. I have attached the link to their GoFundMe campaign here:
Youssef and his family need your help to get out of Gaza as well, so I've attached Youssef's GoFundMe campaign here:
Please donate if you can, but if you can't, I highly encourage you to spread awareness of this GoFundMe campaign by sharing it elsewhere.
• I am currently testing out a new online identity because my old online identity has appropriated the yin-yang symbol, an important and significant symbol of east Asian culture, for far too long. I sincerely apologize for having actively perpetuated such hurtful practices and I will do what I can to do better in the future.
• I am autistic and have been diagnosed as such since about late elementary school.
• You are not allowed to use my art in NFTs or AI generation at all. No exceptions.
• This blog is a SFW (not sexual and not kink or fetish) art blog, though I may occassionally post gore art onto here, which may be distressing to some viewers.
• To my mutuals: if you want to put reblog bait on your blog when you know I am following you here on Tumblr, please tag the post you're reblogging as reblog bait, e.g.- "#tw reblog bait" to let me know that I am safe to ignore it without feeding my instinctual fear with this kind of content.
• How I primarily tag distressing/triggering content:
#tw [distressing content]
• My Current Favorite Media:
DHMIS (the original web series)
Trivia Murder Party
• My Current Favorite Music Artists/Bands:
Lemon Demon
• My Current Blog Tags:
#shutterlens = my current posts
#shutterlens vent = my current vents
#shutterlens art = my new art (on or after May 2, 2024)
#shutterlens asks = asks on my blog • My Old Blog Tags: #8bityinyangart = my old art
#8bityinyang vent = my old vents
#8bityinyang = my old posts - The following Do Not Interact list is completely non-negotiable. This is something that I fully stand by and do not want to hear any argument about.
Do Not Interact: • Any and all accounts who are and/or support the following:
• AI generation users who wrongfully claim to be "artists" or "writers"
• Predators, e.g.- pedophiles/child predators/(NO)MAP zoophiles, incest, etc.
• Proshippers (those who make predatory (e.g.- child-adult sexual/romantic relationships, incestuous, abusive, etc.) ships within fictional media. The glamorization of these predatory fictional ships normalizes and encourages real-life predatory behavior and is therefore not accepted by me under any circumstance.)
• Bigots, e.g.- queerphobes (e.g.- homophobes, anti-mspec bigotry, aphobes (including aspec-exclusionists), transphobes (including transmeds, TERFS, and more), anti-nonbinary bigotry, etc.), racists, antisemites, fatphobes, islamophobes, ableists, misogynists, etc.
• Supporters of the ongoing genocide on Palestine (zionist/pro-genocide/etc.)
• Accounts that post primarily sexually explicit, overly gory, or kink and/or fetish-related content (I have designated my main account here to be SFW (not sexual), so, even though I'm mostly pro-kink as long as it doesn't harm anyone, I do not feel comfortable with being associated with NSFW (sexual)/gore content.)
• Anyone who is either at or under the age of 13 (This blog may contain content that those who are 13 and under would find distressing.)
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In Brazil, Twitter users fear effect of Musk’s rule
Experts are concerned about the billionaire’s monetisation and moderation plans and a lack of social media regulation.
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It was Easter, and Lola Aronovich, a Brazilian literature professor, was enjoying a break at a beach with no internet access, totally unaware of the defamation campaign being orchestrated against her on Twitter.
That day in April 2015, the son of Geraldo Alckmin, the former São Paulo governor and currently Brazil’s vice-president-elect, tragically died in a helicopter crash. Aronovich saw the events unfold on TV and headed home three days later – only to find thousands of vitriolic posts directed at her on Twitter for something she hadn’t done.
“A fake tweet was created where I was lamenting that Alckmin wasn’t in the crash. [The attackers] said I had deleted the tweet soon after posting it. The post went viral, and I got threatened by politicians, academics, and users with large follower bases,” Aronovich, who teaches at Federal University of Ceara, told Al Jazeera.
“I said I never wrote that. A far-right Twitter user noticed the image was false, but the damage was done. Some of the people [who reposted the fake tweet] deleted their posts, but no one ever apologised to me,” she said.
This was one of the many occasions where Aronovich, who uses Twitter to discuss feminism and human rights issues, has been bullied and abused on the social media platform.
“Someone harassed me incessantly for three years, and I get constantly attacked. I have blocked tens of thousands of users in the last decade,” said the professor, who has a base of just under 200,000 followers on Twitter.
Things do not bode well for activists like Aronovich with the changes to the platform under its new owner Elon Musk, namely paid verification product Twitter Blue.
“I am getting anonymous comments on my blog saying they cannot wait until [Twitter Blue] is available in Brazil. They are planning to create a verified profile in my name to defame me as they please,” Aronovich said.
The professor is concerned about Musk’s plans to enforce his vision as a “free speech absolutist”, while also generating profit.
“This is extremely dangerous, given that [Musk’s] supporters are usually those who harass others online with campaigns that may extrapolate into the real world,” Aronovich said. “[Twitter Blue] is effectively a license to attack.”
There are broader concerns over how the new management will affect the democratic debate on the platform. With 19 million users, Twitter is the ninth largest social network in Brazil, which pales in comparison with WhatsApp, the country’s most popular social app with 165 million users according to We Are Social and Hootsuite data.
Despite its relatively small user base, the microblogging site plays a vital role in shaping public opinion online, according to David Nemer, a professor at the University of Virginia and associate researcher at Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
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