#being trapped in europe is killing me
donnapalude · 1 month
i find something very interesting in what the show has done with claudia's ambivalent relationship with truthfulness, honesty, narrativisation, and storytelling.
claudia is, by and large, depicted as someone that feels some distaste at the idea of embellishing emotional truths by providing too much context, reasoning, or justifications for them. she is not blind to the existence of these things and in fact she is quite a good judge of character. but i believe she perceives it as a weakness to feel the need to organize them in a self-created narrative in order to give some meaning to life events. it feels deliberate that she enjoyed storytelling when she was younger (see, her semi-mythology about angels and devils) and then stopped after her father made her stare at the boy (who called her an angel!) she loved and killed while he was burning. i think she knows, from then on, that a story has no power and it changes nothing. to keep telling it would feel like intolerable self-deception. she would not disrespect what happened by painting a pretty picture about it and, from that point, she never does again.
this mindset, i believe, is also compounded by growing up around two parents extremely inclined to narrativisation as a method of obfuscation. she is perceptive enough to correctly guess this tendency stems from a fundamental inability to face their respective realities, although in almost opposite ways. lestat seeks to control his internal reality by attempting to warp his external one. which is to say, he lies to others to manage their perception of him because he is unable to deal with feelings of insecurity and rejection. louis seeks to control his external reality by attempting to warp his internal one. which is to say, he lies to himself to manage his own self-perception because it's the only way to survive the awareness of the coercions that society (and his various families) put on him. regardless, i think claudia sees how vacuous their attempts are in avoiding pain to themselves and others and she despises them for it. both for lacking the courage to do away with the attempts and for not being able to make them work (secretly, maybe unconsciously, it would be good to have some faith back).
at the same time, claudia keeps writing multiple diaries, loves theatre and loves acting. the diaries seem to become less cinematic over time and she is aware that when she watches a play or she is on stage there is no truth being tarnished, the story is all that exists. still, her intense search for these alternative forms of narration reads to me as a residual longing for the power of storytelling. it's no coincidence, i think, that in order to kill lestat, who had been initially responsible for destroying that belief and who she feels all-powerful, she needs and dares to tell herself one more story: the one about the vampires in europe that will love her, if she can just get through this. apart from that, i think theatre and her diaries represent the last refuge where she can relive the illusion that telling stories has some meaning and some impact. which makes it particularly cruel that the stage is then used as a place where stories become powerful again and they are deployed to first trap her and then kill her.
given all this. i think it's fair to say that claudia usually strives to be both truthful and honest: even the lies she concedes to telling are usually not flights of fancy but stick close to the truth. and they are borne out of a pragmatic need for self-preservation, not a desire to avoid uncomfortable realisations. she makes, overall, an heroic attempt to bear both her internal and her external reality, without trying (unless it's a matter of survival) to forcibly control them, but just accepting them and doing her best with them. the issue with her reasoning i feel, is that, while narrativisation can be a form of deception, it is also in many ways the only mean of creation of a sense of identity. i guess this point is debatable according to the philosophical tradition one draws from, but i would personally argue there is no ontological stable self that exists outside of our own perception. what exists are our thoughts and actions. and "identity" is the net that ties them together, created by the dialogue between the narrative we weave over them and our own reactions to that narrative. the moment the self begins a self-referential recounting, it is already in the realm of intrepretation. which does not mean truth and honesty don't have a role in this: there is, i believe, honesty in recognizing and accepting our actual thoughts and feelings and actions. but after that, their interpretation is always a truth created.
there are two consequence to this for me. the first, is that it becomes evident at some point that an abandonment of any recounting leaves you bereft of lies but also berefts of truths. claudia has no real tools to make sense of her interiority. in the few brief scenes where she explictly talks about her feelings regarding her traumatic experiences, she is merely able to make a list of facts and stark sensations. her conclusion about the "collision" in her, her sense of brokeness, being "i don't know". her conclusion over the retelling of her assault being simply "it fucked me up". i see in her a deep difficulty in re-elaborating her feelings and connecting them in a unitary vision, which deprives her of the possibility to consolidate an assessment over the impact of events on her identity and build something new on it. the second, is that her diaries by nature cannot escape being a form of narrativision. at least to some extent. even if she tries to describe "reality" as close as possible, the moment she puts pen on paper and decides which stories to tell and how, she is creating her own intrepretation. so yes the diaries are technically a truthful source, but the concept of truthfulness is not so uncomplicated that we can equate it to mean "objectively reliable".
as a final consideration i will say that i find claudia profoundly moving and brave in her decision to never close her eyes before life, and in the end, even before death. and even more so because hers is not a meek, passive stance. surrounded by liars and cowards, she is smart enough to see that truth is a very powerful weapon against people that can't bear it. when these people hurt her, she has no need to warp reality to hurt them back: she just puts them before themselves and lets them macerate in their own reflection. and this commitment to the truth stays with her until her final act and then transcends her in some way: as she fades, for once, it's lestat that cannot close his eyes.
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danieyells · 3 months
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PERVY OLD VAMPIRE IS AN ABSOLUTE GOOBER. . .he's also very very tired. But he has a very nice reaper taking care of him and a friendly dog that wants him to go outside more, so he has people who love and care for him even though he's. . .a little troublesome haha.
also I changed the format from previous posts and added the specific times and seasons and such for each dialogue! this should help lessen some confusion about how to get them.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Ah, there you are. I've a favor to ask of you— come to my room and I'll explain."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Oh? It appears we have some letters. Alas, my eyesight is not what it used to be. Read them out to me, would you?"
well maybe if you didn't stare at your tablet all day. . . .
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I have much to learn about the human world... Rui is teaching me a lot, but I cannot seem to divorce myself of careless blunders."
y'know, it's good he's trying to learn anyway. 400 years old is never too late.
"What did I do before Darkwick? I eked out a humble existence in Eastern Europe. Hm? The most powerful vampire? No, those are just rumors. "
didn't you confirm it yourself in the main story though--also if he was living in eastern europe for the past 400-ish years i wonder if he saw lyca when he was young, even if in passing? then again eastern europe isn't exactly small.
"I was taken by a sudden whim to travel abroad. I had heard good things about Japan so I came over to play, but alas, I was captured."
so he went to japan just to have a nice time for a while but the Institute decided to keep him trapped in Darkwick. . .and then they didn't listen to any warnings or concerns he had. . .no wonder he doesn't give a shit what's going on around here, why would he? They abducted him while he was on vacation--and for what?
"I have no interest in harming humans. After all, they die so quickly. They should enjoy their short lives while they can."
"(cough cough) Oh, it's you... I'm feeling worse than usual today. I don't suppose you could carry me to bed?"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) Good morning... What time is it? ...Still that early? Wake me up again at midday, would you?"
honestly Ed? Mood.
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"If this is about a mission, I can't help you, I'm afraid. I leave such day-to-day duties to Rui, so I suggest you ask him instead."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm more or less confined to this house most days, for various reasons. I'm on my best behavior. But I'll do what I can to support you from the sidelines."
y'know, he's offering to help a little even at Affinity 3 and that counts for something in my book.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"My favorite channel should be posting a new video at any moment... Sorry, but could we continue this tomorrow?"
you have not yet reached the stage of friendliness where you're more important than a youtube video lmao
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't suppose you know where Rui is? How troubling... My YouTube video has stopped playing..."
well at this hour i'd check either the bar or his room???
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh, it hurts... I cannot seem to shake this ache in the place Rui touched me earlier... I think I'll rest a while."
so it seems like either his limbs pop off/part of him breaks open when Rui touches him, or he suffers a great deal of pain for an extended period of time, maybe his body actively fighting extremely rapid necrosis? Rui did say that he basically insta-kills anyone who isn't super strong, so Ed being in excruciating pain instead of dying or losing a limb now and then makes sense.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I can't survive much sunlight. Without my parasol, I can barely go outside... (sigh) It really is quite punishing..."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Sounds like Lyca's having fun, from all that yapping. I think it's good for him to develop some temporary bonds with humans at this time in his life."
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I felt the urge to go stargazing, so I went to a hill nearby, but Towa was there already and he chased me away."
TOWA STOP BEING MEAN HE actually he probably would have bothered you and if he smells like a corpse to you that would have been annoying even if he didn't talk to you BUT STILL DON'T BE MEAN.
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You ought to be getting ready for bed. Me? Oh, I'll turn in soon... Just one more YouTube video."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Are you going for a walk? Take care not to spend too long in the garden. Humans are rather susceptible to the miasma there."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Do you realize that human society is controlled by a shady cabal of elites? There are many videos about it on YouTube."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The ghouls are rioting again? Ah ha ha ha, they certainly are full of energy. If you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of a YouTube video."
he simply does NOT GIVE A FUCK lmao the ghouls could be dying out there and he'd probably shrug it off. Maybe keep an eye on things with his sixth sense or have some bats watch. Maybe that's part of why so many ghouls dislike him? he doesn't have any concerns for their plights and problems?
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"How strange... I can't find my other sock. I could have sworn I put it here... Have you seen it?"
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Lyca made a mess again? Ah ha ha ha. Try not to judge him too harshly—he's not human, after all."
i think even for non-humans there's some cleanliness to be strived for. . .even pigs are pretty clean animals from what I hear. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Rui? Is my lunch ready yet? ...Oh, it's you. You wouldn't happen to be feeling heartsore, would you?"
he's asking if you're sad because he feeds off of tears more than blood. . . . .he wanted to see if you'd cry for him. . . . . . .wait how does Rui usually go about doing this!? Does he cry every day for him???
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Rui has his tavern work at this hour. He made sure I had everything I needed before he left, though."
ed's all cozy in bed with a nice bottle of tears and his fully charged tablet, all the dirty laundry's off his floor and everything--and now you're here! everything is perfect.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Has night fallen already? Do keep in mind that my vitality returns at this hour. You really should be more careful."
i'm kinda getting Taiga vibes here where as his affinity goes up he kind of clearly wants to eat you more, except where Taiga kinda tried to keep away from doing it until Affinity 24 where he snaps and ties you down and starts hurting you, Ed just starts warning you 'you're in danger being around me right now' lol. When he tells you to be careful he makes the sadist face, so he is telling you to be careful around him specifically. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You can't sleep? Come, close your eyes. I'll hold you in my arms until you surrender yourself to the land of slumber."
isn't Ed's skin cold. . .I feel like it may be hard to sleep like that for most people lol then again maybe he'd be perfect for temperature regulation?
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ah, thank you for coming so early. I slept even worse than usual last night... The cleaning can wait. Let me rest my head on your lap, would you?"
'the cleaning can wait' huh. . .is this another Jin situation where he's started to expect you to clean up his room all the time lmao I MEAN RUI ONLY CLEANS IT ONCE A MONTH SO A LITTLE SUPPLEMENTARY CLEANING WOULDN'T HURT. . . .
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"How are you finding Obscuary? Anomalies live quite differently to humans, so you're adapting to it remarkably well... Perhaps you're predisposed?"
'hey i know you're probably scared about becoming an anomaly that will harm your loved ones and all but you may already be showing signs so you should just stop worrying and join us!' also do they really live so differently. . .so far the main difference is cleanliness lmao
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My, where did the time go? Talking to you is just so relaxing. Why? Perhaps it's because I know I could feast upon you at any moment."
in Japanese he says something like "The sense of security of being able to strike at any moment"--he's saying he could bite you and you're so comfortable with him you wouldn't even put up a fight before he could do it. He's making his 'sadist' face, but I think he means it in a 'you're relaxed around me, and it makes me feel comfortable to' way. . . .or not. He could just mean that he appreciates you as easy prey 8D
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Really. You became embroiled in another petty human dispute? How absurd you humans are. Come here."
he feels so bad for you and always getting involved in some shit. . .you know you wouldn't have to do any of this if you abandoned your humanity and just became an anomaly?
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"So, you've come sneaking into my room in the middle of the night? You really are a wicked girl. What were you hoping for? Go on, say it."
Do you want him to feed off of you? Or do you want him to feast upon you? Or were you just that starved for his company? I feel like he's willing to put aside his tablet for you at this point, especially if you're coming into his window late at night for a little tryst.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Being with you brings up old, old memories... Perhaps it's because you remind me a little of her."
well he is hundreds of years old, so of course he had lovers in the past. . .I wonder if she was also mortal, and if he refuses to see humans and anomalies as compatible because of heartbreak. Or maybe he doesn't get heartbroken like some humans do, and it's just nostalgia. But for someone who struggles to remember things sometimes to have old memories stirred up, I think that's a good thing. He must feel quite old at this point, but having someone around who reminds him of being even a little younger must be nice, even if he doesn't think it will last. . .then again maybe that's part of why he seems like he encourages you to become an anomaly in his character stories. Because he'll get to have you around for longer.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"The plants in our garden become rather lively in the spring. See? There's a little cannibalism going on over there."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"My favorite channels have been updating more frequently than usual of late. I suppose humans really do experience spring fever."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"(yawn) I look more tired than usual? Must be the spring weather... Goodnight."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Cherry blossoms are fascinating organisms. Born carrying the stench of death and falling all too soon... Just like humans, really."
i don't think most humans smell like death(unless we're referencing the poem about sakura trees having corpses beneath them to make the petals pink again) but go off i guess--also it makes it seem like he wishes humans lived longer? funny thing for a guy who thinks humans aren't compatible to say.
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Obscuary is lovely in summer. It's so dark and cool, with a lovely miasma breeze. I've no desire to step outside its confines."
honestly living in eternal night during the summer doesn't sound bad aside from all the bugs. but the tentacle plant in the garden probably keeps most of them away, so. . .obscuary in summer sounds lovely.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"How the sun mocks me... Vampires across the nation are advised to avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It was so hot this morning that Rui was walking around after his shower in just a towel. A sight for sore eyes, I must say."
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH HE IS BISEXUAL. in Japanese he says that Rui was walking around soaking wet and that he's incredibly handsome but doesn't mention the towel--so Rui may have been wet and bare naked walking around Obscuary. . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"My air-conditioner? I believe I have it set to 64 degrees. Hm? You're cold? Humans truly are such fragile creatures."
that is almost 18 degrees celcius for the non-americans! it's not that cold imo but it's definitely a little chillier than most people like their personal space.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Humans take extra delight in their meals during the harvest season, do they? Interesting. Perhaps I'll follow suit."
lap up your tears nice and slow and sensual--
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The stamina and physical strength of a vampire is dozens of times that of a human. We don't need to work ou— (cough) (wheeze)"
YOU GOOD BUDDY YOU STARTED COUGHING WITHOUT EVEN MOVING i mean i get it i have asthma but still--
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ah, the curtain of night closes. Now that the days are becoming shorter, my physical and mental health have much improved."
does that mean you don't need help getting dressed for a while--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"How beautiful the moon looks tonight. Its light is such a comfort to us non-humans. You look rather lovely bathed in it too."
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"(sigh) Even in the dead of winter, Lyca is so full of energy in the mornings... Just try to imagine waking to him barking in your ear."
that explains why you lock him out of your room lmaoooo
(between 11am and 4pm)
"What do you think of my dressing gown? Rui made it for me. It's surprisingly warm."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"(cough cough) I only took a few steps outside, yet I felt as though my heart froze over... It's best not to leave one's room on days like this."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"They say that on cold nights like this, humans long for the warmth of another. Well? Shall I provide it for you?"
His birthday: (November 10th)
"Having you celebrate my birthday makes all these long years of life worth it. How old am I? A gentleman doesn't tell."
given your estimate was 'idk 400 i stopped counting around 300' i think it's less you won't tell and more you can't tell lmaoooo
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday, is it? I'll have to give you a present. What do you want? Go on, tell me."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I heard it's a tradition in this country to impart small monetary gifts. Here, for you."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"My, is this for me? I'm touched. I don't usually partake of human food, but I suppose I'll make an exception."
it's about the symbolism! it's the principle of the thing, even if the chocolate tastes bland to your vampire taste buds!
White Day: (March 13th)
"It seems that today those who received chocolates on Valentine's Day are supposed to return the favor. What a conscientious country this is..."
yeah but what'd you get them tho--
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Oh, I'm burning up... I'm not long for this world... Won't you grant me one last request? ...No need to make that face. I'm joking, of course."
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat. I'm a real vampire, you know. Give me your blood, or I'll play a trick on you."
probably the only time he's directly stated wanting to drink your blood lol
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas. Rather amusing for a vampire to celebrate a holy day, don't you think? Let's fill tonight with magic and wonder."
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"I'm going to lie down a while. If you need something, ask Rui."
(13 affinity and above)
"Hello? Oh good, there you are. It would be troublesome for me if you were to disappear. Let me know next time you decide to wander off."
WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'D BE TROUBLESOME. I guess it's because you clean up after him and help him and stuff. . .and at higher affinities maybe he feeds off of your tears and/or blood. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Well, hello there. It's been a while. Come over here—I've been looking forward to your return."
OUR SLOPPY LIL VAMPIRE BOY. Flirts, drinks tears, minds his own business, and is on his best behavior despite that he was abducted by Darkwick. They should be thankful he's not angrier, considering he's apparently strong enough to LEVEL A BUILDING ON HIS OWN. As his affinity goes up he seems to be more comfortable around you, although that comes with the concern that he expresses less human thoughts more openly. . .which isn't a bad thing, imo. He should be allowed to be an anomaly. He's not harming or preying on you, just saying he could and that he's dangerous. But he also just seems to like physical affection and flirting and having you do chores for him so he can be lazy. . . .
I love him lol he's stinky
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
S2 predictions...
Just listing this before the episodes hit next week :)
Based on the interviews, reviews and all the tidbits we have heard and seen over the last 1,5 years.
I'm putting this under the cut because there might be spoilers in it that some haven't seen?!? Probably not many surprises, given my asks :) Just in case.
Not in a particular order!
Armand's retelling of Lestat's and his past will have a very deliberate touch to them. He will paint his and Lestat's (his)story in a certain light, for effect. Personally, I don't think it will take away anything from TVL in s3 (if anything, it might build more anticipation, at least for me). Gabrielle won't be in it.
Louis will be aware. He knows - most of it. (What was it in that interview? 80-90%?^^). He probably has asked Armand to help, too. The things not matching will be little things at first, if at all. We haven't heard anything in the reviews wrt the episode 5 fight, or murder night, so they are keeping that for the last two episodes (since we have already seen shots of it in the trailer). That means that the events will likely be combined with the trial, and that... will then be quite cataclysmic. And harrowing.
The trial itself will probably be version 1, too. We'll see if we get a second one after the tale breaks once more in this season, but it might be that we only get it in s3, where we will probably get another ep5 revisit, too, imho. This version of the trial will show Lestat fully in control and blaming Louis and Claudia, too. (This is the version Louis will believe happened.)
Louis and Claudia probably have to flee in the war, we saw them running, which is probably also why they don't have access to their money. That will change in Paris, I bet. Roget's will come into play here, even if only in a short nod.
Louis and his hobby are definitely linked to Louis' perception of reality (and therefore his visions of Lestat, too). Guess Lestat is eating that one photograph Louis looked at in the extended look there... :) - and it will be the one they look at "together".
I don't think Claudia and Madeleine will be lovers. Not only to avoid the kill-the-gays-trap, but also because Claudia apparently bonds with her over compassion, not desire. Also, I believe it was Mark Johnson who said they would stay close to the book there.
The Eastern Europe parts will be gritty and sobering for Louis and Claudia. The horrific possibilities of their existence will be a grating wake-up call to the way Lestat lived with them.
Nicolas will be in the flashbacks to the 1790s, but Armand will not dwell on him for long... again, which I think is only proper, because a) did Armand not care for him too much, but b) also because I don't think the flashbacks will be as extensive as might expect them to be.
That said, Lestat strutting in with the cross does speak of a certain scene, so the kidnapping probably happens. As others have theorized as well, I think that it might be when Lestat is charging Armand in the red coat outside on the street.
I think the bitch fest in the first few episodes in Dubai will be epic.
A propos bitch fest, the one between Armand and Lestat in the past will be tame by comparison, as Armand's version is much more focused on how intense Lestat was and their relationship, imho. Nicki is likely dismissed as inconsequential, as said before.
Claudia will come full into her own throughout the season - almost there, almost free, toasting to the future - and then. That kiss to Louis' cheek will be the "Judas' kiss" just before the vampires come for them.
I think Louis will (try to) break up with Armand (to leave with Claudia and Madeleine), which will lead to Armand allowing it all.
Armand's little Frankenstein moment might be founded in genuine desire to help her slash wants to see what happens. I do think it will be part of the reveals in the last episodes.
With Carol Cutshall's comments re Lestat's pinstripes in mind (aka he being a "jailor" to Louis and Claudia) that speaks volumes for the pinstripes on Armand's pajama as well as the bedroom design in Dubai. With the comment re Louis "missing the natural world" in s1, I do think Armand is fully controlling the whole environment and keeping Louis in a golden cage in Dubai.
When the books come crashing down (which is in all likelihood connected to The Groan somehow) Armand will try to save Daniel. And he therefore might miss out on saving Louis.
I think Louis will throw himself off the balcony at sunrise (in a Merrick-esque event due to the (diary-) revelations) in an echo of Paul's suicide. I think they will think him dead and put him into his literal coffin and put pebbles on him, because he so loved the tree (which might have Claudia's ashes buried at its roots). (And that is why Jacob commented on "spreading Louis' ashes" through NOLA with these pebbles - because the Louis after will be changed.)
I think he will be resurrected through Lestat (and possibly Armand) as seen in the scene in the one trailer.
Lestat is somewhere near, probably comatose till the last episode. He will likely connected to The Groan, because while Armand certainly can conjure metaphysical events in the books this specific "hint" is imho connected to something else in that building.
That "something else" could very well be "Those Who Must Be Kept" because even in s1 there were a lot of Marius hints, and... well. The name has already dropped as well in s1, and in that one review there was that "Adam and Eve" hint... so I expect a lot more of THAT, too.
The Devil's Minion will be fact after the season - we have already heard about a bottle episode and Rolin's comments are fresh in my mind re ep5 and 8 and I expect those to set up, detail and then twist DM around.
Armand will save Louis and they will be hunted by Santiago, who Armand then defeats. Louis will burn down the theater with the fire gift (which he might discover during the season, I concur with @cbrownjc there (as well^^)).
The "Dream-Lestat" manifestations will be the representation of Louis' guilt, but also saying that what Louis cannot, for a lot of reasons. They will also taunt Louis with (and show us) that which Louis suppressed in s1.
Claudia will be (even more) breathtaking this season, which will make what will happen to her even worse to watch. That will not soften the blow of her diary-reveal (as said before likely at the trial) wrt Louis though, and I fully expect them to have the relevant entry read out (or narrated by her) live on stage.
I think the NOLA "reunion" will be around the year 2000 and that this is why Louis stopped killing, though why exactly will remain to be seen.
That's more or less it. I hope they'll think of the "Book of Hours" that got lost in Berlin (from ep6), I hope they'll think of Jonah, and maybe Miss Bricktop. I'm very interested to see what they do with Alice and Daniel's daughters, as daughters and twins are very important in the VC.
I'm extremely excited about the hints we'll get wrt more - since the Talamasca are apparently involved that opens the door to sooooooo much - and opens up crossover possibilities, too.
And I haven't heard anything of the "cameos" that Sam mentioned (of other vampires) - so we might see those in the last episodes as well.
Who knows, maybe Gabrielle will show up at the end!!! (And, maybe she will be the "interior designer"... and maybe, just maybe, Antoinette will show up as well.)
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stellarxdeath · 3 months
I've seen a handful of posts lately saying that the writers of IWTV have butchered Claudia's character and/or wrote her poorly, things of that ilk; lamenting how dirty she was done by the skill of the writers. Now that I'm all caught up and s2 is finished* [ sob ] I... Have some choice thoughts on this perspective.
Number one being that Claudia was explicitly doomed by the narrative the moment she'd been introduced to it. Her death is referenced but not outright stated initially, moreso implied, but the writing makes no mistake in telling us that Claudia, the Child Vampiress, will die. She's not potentially out there somewhere, she's not in hiding, she is dead, and she will never be able to tell us the whole of her truth beyond her diaries.
The second issue that the "IWTV Writers bad" crowd seems to forget is that, Even with the diaries, this is ultimately Louis' story, and the gaps in perspective are inevitably filled by him and eventually Armand, but never Claudia. She was disregarded because time and time again, Louis disregarded her for Lestat, and then for Armand; She was betrayed by the coven she professed her love for with a horrible, terrible, calculated eagerness because of Louis coming in and fucking with the coven dynamic; Regardless if that dynamic was healthy or not.
What Claudia and Louis had was precious, but it was also deeply, deeply flawed. He can effectively be blamed for her death, drawn all the way back to the riots incited by his choice to kill Fenwick; Was Louis justified in doing so? Yeah, abso-fucking-lutely, but this doesn't change the fact that his choices directly damned her to die.
Third is the claim that Claudia went from lethal and independent to desperate and weak? When? No?? Again I'm loosely paraphrasing some posts I've seen and attempting to take them in good faith; Claudia, from season one, was very interested in finding other Vampires, she was hellbent on it, and unfortunately it lead her to Bruce aka "The Motherfucker."
Her attempt to take Louis with her to Europe in s1 was in service of that goal. Claudia wanted to escape Lestat, she wanted to save Louis, and she wanted to find her people. She even tried to make her own Vampires despite being a fledgling! She has always wanted community, and I'd go as far as to say she was so strong because she could only rely on herself for so goddamn long, Louis being trapped under Lestat's thumb even after Lestat came crawling back in the later half of s1.
I understand that Claudia is a fan fave and people very rightly wished for her to live - the thing I have a gripe with is that some are taking this love for her and making it more important than the story itself. Interview With The Vampire is a tale of regret, trauma and abuse, a story of how memories are monsters and to be a Vampire is to be damned to the Odyssey of recollection, and if you don't survive, your memory will always inevitably be twisted over time. A life in eternity is a life full of pain.
The fact that people are so upset over the unfairness of her life is the intended effect; You are supposed to be upset that she is doomed, the writers of IWTV did a fucking fantastic job of making you feel that way - however, blaming the writers and crying "Bad writing" over the intended reaction feels just a tad silly to me.
As another post put it: Louis loved Claudia so much, but it was never enough. Everyone in Claudia's life except for Madeline betrayed her, her vampyric rebirth was the bandaid to a shitty vampyric marriage, she was denied her own life and Armand the Ancient fucking Coven Leader did nothing to save her; so much so that she was a goddamn Sacrifice so that Louis may live instead. Disregarded. Doomed. Damned. The injustice is meant to piss you off, I beg of those who think the Writers fucked up to simply sit with that feeling. Sit with the injustice. In the end, it's all any of us can do.
it was not finished oops* more opinions on the way
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roseonthewindow · 2 months
The backhand gesture
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In lies of p this seen is used to justify a ship but as someone who understands the nuance behind what it actually means to "slap away an offered hand" I can't understand how you can be so fucking lost form the story's narrative at this point. First and foremost Krat appears to be a Italian/French/German influenced region but studying it closely it is mealy Italian aristocracy with French/Germain influenced architecture basically your standard china template for South East Europe, which to them is anything that is not china. Back in the 1800's any gesture involving being smacked with the back of a hand was a insult/challenge.
In this reference it was the equalivant of Carlo telling Romeo "I would not fuck your fat mom." Carlo was not being cheeky he was insulting Romeo but what spurred the best of friends to be enemies at this point in time? Many people suspect it was the bosses up to this point being connected directly to Romeo and making a fated effort to try and KILL Carlo leading to the question why? our answer comes from a hidden boss.
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When Geppetto meets his end we see a strange device on his hand; this device seems to control the strings of un-awakened puppets. Since Romeos Court was made of Un-awakened puppets it was a no brainer who was really controlling the strings there. THIS shows us the hidden darker secret. Gepetto put Carlo against Romeo with his actions and we do not discover this fact until we climb the Alchemist tower to save the old man. IF Carlo was killed by the puppet frenzy and not his petrification disease or the Alchemists unfinished experiments it is not a exudation to assume he was killed by his old man. HOWEVER in game notations express that Carlo's death was the trigger point for the Puppet frenzy. Which means that even if was the disease, that at this time was being Amplified by the alchemists to attack the engenders, Carlo was murdered by the Alchemist faction. So when some bozo asked me "did we play the same game" I Played the official "Lies of P" game, I do not know where you are getting your information form. I am just not a lunatic and have a very very traditional East European family. I understand that backhanding an offered hand is a INSULT, and not a being a drama queen insult. At this time in the events of the GAME Carlo is PISSED at Romeo and has no incentive to know that Romeo had no control of his underlings it was mealy a play he was trapped in. Remember Carlo gives him true freedom by putting him out of his missery since he is in pain. "I'm burning up" is not Romeo blushing whatever's left of him that was human was literally catching fire!
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fdelopera · 11 months
Antisemites are going mask-off. And we Jews see you.
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So some shit for brains antisemite sent me this message the other day. This is one of several antisemitic Anons I've gotten recently, but this one is the most blatant.
My first response was to taunt them. I thought of writing something like this:
"Hey, you fucking loser, you forgot the part of your Nazi script where you try to deny that the Holocaust happened. Lame ass motherfucker, you can't even get your own lies right. Next time you try harassing a Jew online, at least try to tow the Nazi party line, you white supremacist. Also, you fucking COWARD, how dare you come to my inbox on Anonymous. If you’re going to tell me you wish I would die in a Nazi gas chamber, at least have the common courtesy to tell me your username so I know who I am blocking."
But then, I thought: No. That's not how to respond. Because that's not what this is about.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. Making fun of a stupid a Nazi by telling them that they forgot to deny the Holocaust when they decided to harass me for being a Jew — that is gallows humor of the darkest kind. But a morbidly glib zinger of a reply doesn’t actually address the real issue here.
The real issue is that a lot of you with antisemitic tendencies have been going completely mask-off the last few weeks, and you have been diving headfirst into Jew-hatred.
You are finally feeling liberated to speak the Jew-hating words that you have been dying to say.
You have been practically champing at the bit to tell a Jew that you wished there would be another Holocaust so you could get rid of all those millions of "bad Jews" that you don’t like, and now you feel liberated to scream those words from the rooftops.
Over the last few weeks, we Jews have been watching you, some of you that we considered to be friends, and we’ve seen many of you turn on us and spit out the most vile, hateful things about us.
And we know exactly what you will be doing when the next Nazi craze spreads like wildfire from country to country, throughout cities and towns.
You like to claim that you would have been punching Nazis in the face during World War II. You like to claim that you would have protected us. Some of you even like to claim that you would have sheltered us, like the heroes who hid Anne Frank.
But we know better.
No. That’s all just romantic bullshit that some of you like to tell yourselves to make yourselves feel important.
In reality, you would have been deciding who is a "good Jew" and who is a "bad Jew." You would have been deciding who you should rat out to the police for a reward. You wouldn’t be protecting us! You would be saying, "I really don't like that Jew. I’m going to go tell the Gestapo about them." Or worse, you would be saying, "Oh, that Jew over there, they’re just an animal. They’re barely human. The Nazis can kill them, I don’t care."
Most of the people who turned against their Jewish neighbors in Nazi occupied Europe weren't monstrous, inhuman beasts. Most of them were people, just like you, who had been conditioned to hate Jews by nearly two thousand years of Christian antisemitism coupled with a targeted campaign of white supremacist propaganda. This widespread antisemitism allowed the Nazis to transform an irrational and enculturated feeling of distrust towards Jews into a feeling of intense hatred, where gentiles demonized Jewish people and blamed "those Jews" for all the bad things that were happening in the world.
And the white supremacists are doing it again. And YOU are falling for their trap. Again!
Don't you get it? This is the oldest trick in the book! Periods of antisemitic violence usually erupt every 70-100 years or so, after most of the Jewish elders who hold the living memory of the last genocide have all passed away. And the Holocaust was 80 years ago. And here we are. Again.
And just like the Christians in Europe who turned on their Jewish neighbors, you are starting to turn on us.
You buy into antisemitic conspiracy theories, just like the white supremacists do.
You stand in the streets, screaming "gas the Jews" and "die Jews die."
You sound like the Proud Boys. You sound like Nazis. Do you even hear yourselves???
You pretend that all Jews are all a monolith and a hive mind, and you try to convince yourselves that we are all a proxy for the fucking Israeli government, which the vast majority of Jews fucking despise. If we could, trust me, most of us would strangle Netanyahu with our bare hands.
You celebrate Jewish deaths because you have convinced yourselves that killing a random Jewish civilian is "just the same" as killing Netanyahu, because you have manipulated yourselves into believing that all Jews are the Israeli government.
And you don't see how fucking STUPID that is!!
Jewish people are no more the Israeli government than YOU are YOUR government.
A people are NOT their government.
According to Tumblr statistics, nearly half of you reading this will be from the US. Shall I blame YOU personally for the actions of the US government? Of course fucking not! And you'd better fucking not blame random Jews for Netanyahu!
And some of you Jew-haters, in pretending that Jews are all a monolith and a hive mind, even say vile, antisemitic shit like, "Looks like the Jews are becoming the Nazis."
You choose those words carefully, twisting the Shoah, our greatest tragedy, into a knife. You try to weaponize the slaughter of our people against us. You try to reduce the 6 million of us who were murdered into a white supremacist meme.
And you do that to dehumanize us. You do that to feel morally superior. You do that to feel less uncomfortable when you laugh at our deaths.
But we know that WE are not becoming Nazis. But YOU are. The reason you say that shit about us is because YOU are projecting YOUR insecurities onto us.
Because you know that you are slowly, insidiously being coopted by the Nazi ideology of David Duke and Richard Spencer.
And perhaps somewhere deep down, you feel uneasy about it. So you accuse Jews of being a monolith, a hive mind, and then you say stupid antisemitic shit like, "Maybe the Jews are the Nazis after all."
And you say that to yourselves so that you can turn off your empathy and celebrate as you watch us die.
What a disgusting way to try to absolve yourselves of YOUR guilt.
And we Jews are watching you. We’re watching you very carefully. And when the dust settles, you will have found that we have vanished from your life.
Very soon, you won’t see us again.
And no, that won't be because we'll be walking into the gas chambers, as much as you'd like us to, like some historical movie about the Holocaust that you watched when you were a child but turned off halfway through because you just didn't care.
As much as we know that you ENJOY watching our deaths (sanitized, of course, with a blur filter over the video so that you don’t have to feel too guilty about watching us being tortured and murdered), that’s not the reason you won’t be seeing us again.
The reason you won’t be seeing us again is because we will be walking out of YOUR life.
You have lost us as friends, and you might not even know it yet.
We are gone from your life, because we know that we can’t trust you.
We know that when the Nazis come to our community and march down the street hoisting their swastikas and doing their Sieg Heils (I've seen it with my own eyes) … when the Nazis harass us Jews in the street (I've seen it with my own eyes) … when the Nazis SHOOT US DEAD (it happened at a synagogue a block away from my synagogue, and many of those who saw it will never open their eyes again) — we know you won’t help us.
You will shove us into the line of fire.
And we know that you’ll absolve your conscience, so you won’t feel too bad about our deaths. You’ll tell yourselves, “It’s okay. Why should I have protected that one? That one was a bad Jew.”
We Jews see you. We see your hypocrisy on full display.
And we are telling you this:
If you see Jewish civilians being tortured and murdered, no matter what country they are from, and your first response is to CELEBRATE … if your first response is to post memes that say shit like, "The Jews fucked around and found out" … if your first response is to say that mass murdering Jews is "brutal but justified" … if your first response is to behave like a Q-Anon believer or a MAGA-hat wearing Republican and treat all Jews like we're a monolith, a hive mind…
When THAT is your response to seeing a tragedy unfolding, you are a FAILED ally, and a FAILED advocate.
You are an antisemite.
But mostly, you are just a really horrible, shitty person.
And we don’t want you in our life.
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thenixkat · 8 months
It's still just wild to me that between
-> the setting (fantasy medieval-ish europe-y place where it's established that sometimes folks don't get to eat between lack of funds and bad harvests)
-> the worldbuilding (stuff like heavier adventurers likely being more skilled/too skinny means risking being unable to be revived)
-> and the themes (having a healthy relationship with food)
you would think that Dungeon Meshi would actually be kinda fat positive. But no. There's an undercurrent of fatphobia that runs through it that feels so jarring that once you notice it it's hard to stop seeing it.
And it's not just the two really blatant places that it happens in the manga, like characters deciding to insult the only fat noble/rich person in the setting on their weight (which never gets counterbalanced by any character like complimenting a fat character on their figure in the whole manga) or our main characters going 'oh no he might get fat' about the hero gaining what is effectively a disorder (that could very easily kill him due to accidental self inflicted injuries due to no longer being able to feel certain physical sensations) from the defeating the biggest bad in the setting.
But also the smaller stuff like the gag about Izutsumi being shocked to see the fat-looking succubi after it was drilled into her head that the things are mindbreakingly hot. (Hmmm)
Or how you see folks point at characters like Nemari, Dia, Senshi (and Leed) as examples of positive fat rep but like. If you actually pay attention to like the examples of fat dwarves in the extras or in a few minor characters, what they look like if they were turned into tallmen (more or less if they were built like real world humans), you'd notice that they aren't fat at all. They're just muscular and not dehydrated, much like how Laios isn't fat just built and not starved.
Or even looking at like Leed and Zon (named and important) compared to the unnamed background orcs after the artist changed their orc design by the second time orcs show up in the story. And you just notice how much thinner Leed and Zon are compared to every other orc in a scene.
(And of course, the extras that reveal that orcs and dwarves actually have a lot less body fat than it looks like they have b/c they are *literally just big-boned*. They are leaner than a irl human would be at their height and girth due to literally having thicker and broader skeletons.)
Or the whole thing where apparently fat elves just... don't exist. Not even fat civilian elves or fat adventurer elves. Like we know that there's fat half-foots even though none of the half-foot major characters are fat b/c being able to do their job in a dungeon means they have to be as light as they can to not set off traps. but we at least see some thicker half-foots. But elves? Apparently only come in noodle.
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threadfall · 3 months
Pernese Superstitions
The idea of what superstitions exist on Pern was raised recently on the Pern Connect Discord server and it's got me thinking.
It's been thousands of Turns since Pern's first, selected-for-their-lack-of-susceptibility-to-religion colonists came to Pern, so despite McCaffrey's insistence that Pern is beyond such things there's plenty of canon ones:
Bronzes hatching first is a sign of good luck (practical, because bronzes are rare and take more effort for an egg to grow into due to being bigger, this could mean a more healthy clutch)
Robinton in Masterharper of Pern wonders about ghosts of dragons watching over Fort Weyr (Anne says this is his own fancy and not common superstition, but come on, young boys also dare each to spend the night in abandoned weyrs)
Threadfall's return, by the end of the 9th Pass, without any tools to predict this or people trained in predicting space weather
(What kind of person impresses what colour is technically a superstition, we're shown time and time again that dragons buck the trend with their choices)
But what else? Earth is littered with tons of superstitions, what else exists in the corners of Pern we aren't shown in the books? I've had some ideas based on various English/British existing superstitions!
Hold Superstitions
Local superstitions will obviously vary. Black Dogs exist as an idea broadly across England and Europe, but Black Shuck is an East Anglian interpretation.
Saying Goodbye to the Hold Wher: the wher keeps everyone safe, saying goodbye to it before a long or important journey brings good luck
Telling the Firelizards: like the old tradition of telling the bees important details, what if local wild firelizard fairs similar things became important? They help destroy thread, afterall!
Black Whers: a wild wher might have actually killed someone, Turns and Turns ago, what if people still talk about it hanging around? Haunting the beaches?
Runners with night sweats: England used to believe finding horses sweaty in the morning was because they were being ridden by witches, but what if on Pern this is due to dragons lost between coming back briefly
Weird rocks: there was the Benden warning of D'lin getting stuck in rock betweening, there might be more...A mining hold has a shaft no one but the least superstitious will go down due to a 'wing shaped' piece of rock sticking out of the wall, a mountain pass with a 'dragon shaped' bit of rock near the entrance is unlucky – or watched over depending who you talk to
Weyr Superstitions
Then there's the weyr. Dragonriders, exposed to danger all the time, might have even more superstitions:
Trinkets or phrases to ensure a trip between (especially longer ones) goes without a hitch
Weyrlings whispering tales of riders stuck between that will knock them off course and trap them there, unless you do this one specific thing before betweening the first time...
Lighting fires on the ridges to keep riders and dragons returning from between away during Turnover
You have to toss one piece of firestone from a spilled bag away, or it'll bring back luck in 'Fall
Are dragons with certain 'markings' (in canon this would be more like slight changes of colour, or more hoselike shading) bad luck to have in your wing? That green's wing marking looks kind of like an eye...
What superstition would you like to add to Pern, if you could? Even small, tiny local ones!
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You know what? Let me explain.
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45 seconds in. These? Aren't just funny fairytale circus wagons. Circus wagons don't look like that. I'd know, I have worked in sideshows and know sideshow history. It's a passion of mine. Ones I've shared with my close friends in private. One I've shared the pain of as a Romani person.
Here is a early 40's circus. I'm begging you to look at it. This is from the time this show is set in. Look how bright and colorful and how many tents there are and all the activity. See how it's different. See how this "circus" "carnival" or whatever name else they come up with isn't the same. See the racism they sanitized and the racism they left in plain sight.
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These? Are vardos. These are uniquely Romani and that's what this specific episode is a slap in the face.
The plot isn't "scary vampire little girl abducts and kills kids from the circus" the plot is "Ambiguously Eastern European trope abducts children from a circus ripe with every trapping of centuries old stereotypes of Romani a single American can pull out of a hat" and only a few are missing entirely because Americans don't know about them.
Its xenophobia. It's antiziganism. Her stealing their life essence is literal blood libel.
I'm sick of sitting here watching you play us as fortune tellers and circus folk and magic casters with no idea what you're doing. I'm sick of having to stay quiet so you can have fun. I'm a person. I'm a human person. I am a human being. I'm not a fantasy elf. I'm not a race you can play for exotism. Circus, freakshows, and fortune telling isn't all we are and they aren't off limits, but how can all of you stumble into this over and over and painfully over and not for a single second see the writing on the wall? I just want to be seen.
Just give enough of a shit to at least remember we're more than props and stage dressing for your entertainment. We're real. We're here. We're suffering and because we aren't the right kind we don't get talked about.
It's 2024! Why is a NEW Batman show making the same mistakes from movies in 1996? And why is it ok? Why am I the one who has to just deal with it? I don't understand. I'm so tired.
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hueberryshortcake · 2 months
crawling out of the void to present a rare
this week it's DANGEROUS DISGUISE which is one of my favorites so you know i had to roll up. let's get going
so this comic was written in the middle of 1950 and is about spies. what else happened in 1950? THIS GUY. pause for hatred:
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[for the non-americans because i don't know how common this information is: joseph mccarthy gave a speech in early 1950 that leveraged post-war anxieties about the soviet union's influence on countries weakened by the devastation to turn americans against each other by claiming that secret communist spies were infiltrating the US government. he made up most of this information but it sparked another Red Scare where everyone was particularly afraid of spies and stuff. birth of the cia etc. this has been an off-the-cuff history lesson by caoimhin]
okay anyway so we start out with the ducks having been banished to europe because they were annoying uncle scrooge too much. this is after barks realized that having a rich guy as a plot device to let the ducks explore was, comment dit-on, awesome. so that's Interesting Barks History Fact Number 1. donald says "i wish uncle scrooge would get mad at us more often" . swag
Interesting Barks History Fact Number 2: homeboy got in trouble for having too many humans in this comic. in fact i believe that the duck family are the only non-humans in this one. after this he tends to stick to his "vaguely dog-humanoid things" strategy when he doesn't feel like coming up with unique animal designs. i approve of this because it means i get to go full sonofmegavolt humina humina at some of the women he drew. outside of disney early in his career barks drew some quite racy stuff btw. insert wolf whistle here. ANYWAY.
we get some "gee whiz uncle donald do you think any of these cool europeans are spies" from the boys to which he's like "whatEVER" and theHOLD ON HOLD ON WHA
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ok im focused.
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i lied. donald gets it
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these panels are fire. i just want to take a moment to appreciate this for being hella violent. there's like six guns in one panel guys. everyone say thank you carl. huge fan of cloakan dagger, what a great name.
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and here she is. my beautiful wife madame triple x. i mean who. who is that. well we can tell she's french because of. she talks like that. everyone point and laugh at the french people. anyway madame xxx looks incredibly sexy and says "it's fine for me to read this message there's nobody around except for those three little boys digging in the sand" which is her first mistake because as we learn time and time again they're. well they're Like That. also when she thinks to herself she loses the accent which i did not pick up on initially because im silly
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he's just like me guys
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this made me shriek sorry dude just appeared
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i KNOW barks was giggling and kicking his feet when he wrote this
at which point huey throws a grown man off a bridge. huey kill count 1
and would you LOOK WHO'S BACK
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madame triple x are you free on thursday because i am free on thursday when i am free
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how long was this guy just sitting there
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"i'm just a girl lol"
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bro you are two inches tall
you see it's FUNNY because the FRENCH PEOPLE went on STRIKE
"sorry dude im on strike"
omg. see it's donald but you can tell he's spanish because he has black hair
next the triplets trap donaldo el quacko in the shower by holding him at Freezing Water Point. this wouldnt work on me because even though i have severe cold sensitivity ive been taking cold showers for three days [rv water heater broken]
after this we have a clever reference to El Materdor when donald gets ready to fight a bull.
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get his ass louie
i like to think Miss Georgia Cornpone has a southern accent. actually can we fancast dolly parton. because of beautiful women
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that was so beautiful. thanks for coming with me guys. this comic is so good everyone listen to the Carl Barks Remarks episode about it because it's funny and informative ok byeee
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murfpersonalblog · 6 months
IWTV Season 2 Trailer - Wig? SNATCHED! (Pt2)
Back at it again with a frame-by-frame breakdown of the brand new OFFICIAL trailer for IWTV S2! (This will again be in 2 parts cuz Tumblr doesn't allow 30+ images per post.)
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I wonder if this contraption was made by the same person who made Nicki's music box for Lestat?
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Speak of the devil.....
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Hearteyes Armand.
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Lelio Rising!
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Who is he talking to? In all fairness this line could be for Nicki, Armand, or ofc Louis, as all three of them lived in darkness & self-hate, while Lestat insisted on living in the bright light of hope and joie de vivre.
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Burn, bish.
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Clever cut to hallucination!Lestat haunting the narrative--existing in the world Louis concocts in his own head/heart--and ultimately the IWTV book.
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You're SHOWING me Paris!Coven Master Armand, but I'm THINKING about NOLA!Coven Master Lestat. They know what they're doing! WHO has the power of life & death in LOUIS' undead life?
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Does Claudia KNOW these laws? Does she KNOW about their take on "Killing Your Own Kind"? Does LOUIS know? Is this a TRAP from the very beginning?! What exactly is Santiago reading out of that book in his left hand?
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Get your hand off her boobs ISTG Santiago.
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Potential Loumand breakup scene? Potential Merrick scene? What is AMC gonna do once Louis knows everything again?
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Because they cut to Madeleine Imma assume he remembers how Madeleine BEGAN....and how she ENDED--hence: The Trial hype!
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THE TRIAL, good lord, we're in the trenches now! She's crying & both of them are all bloodied up! Omg.
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Then they cut to Loumand in that scene where Louis walks away from Armand in disgust(?) Next time think twice about picking ANOTHER ONE, over ME!
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Lou & Claudia through war-torn Europe.
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*squints* Armand & Santiago?
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The thirst is real, OML. XD
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We finally see Loustat fighting in their bedroom upstairs. They're moving AWAY from the hidden coffin room door, towards the fireplace--so we'll HOPEFULLY see what went down IN the coffin room itself that left that huge dent on the top of Louis' coffin.
And ofc they cut from the Loustat fight to the WAR again, Louis & Claudia running from the bombed up building that we've seen before.
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Fanged angry Lestat losing a fight against Armand; you love to see it.
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We get another shot of Madeleine (acting?) on stage at the Theatre.
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Why does he look so scared/concerned? Is this the Trial? Or something else?
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Well, OBVIOUSLY he should know from the tapes at least SOME of what happened--he was "being disrespectful," demanding that Louis turn him into a vampire; Louis said NO; Daniel insulted him; Louis bit him. But WTF happened with DEVIL'S MINION?!
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That's NICKI (with his hands), so this is before Lestat leaves him w/ Armand & the Theatre. The question is: is that the same trenchcoat Lestat wore when he carried that Jesus Piece into Armand's lair?
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OMFG Madeleine's a JEW!?! O_O That's a whole Swastika spraypainted on her window! No wonder Rolin said they were doing something different with her to give her a reason to join Louis' coven/family!
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VERY clever cut from Madeleine smashing the swastika on her window, to Daniel amidst the broken bookshelves--is this confirmation that Daniel's Jewish too?
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I am SO confused about this woman--I mentioned last time that we see her IN the Theatre. But I had assumed she was an Eastern European revenant. WHO is this chick!?
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Interesting transition, cuz I still have no idea who this lady is either.
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PLEASE do, Louis; the suspense is KILLING me! This looks so dang good! I'm gonna be a MESS on May 12th, omg I'm so excited.
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Chapter 2
This boy was breathing the air without a mask. 
So far, there was only one person who could do that….
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"Tell me your name, kid." The Colonel's eyes narrowed suspiciously. He wanted to be sure. Not a mirage. The Colonel didn't want false hope into thinking this replica boy was his son. 
This boy was slightly tanned. It looked unnatural. When Quaritch was a boy, he was born with pale ivory skin. But, he loved playing outdoors so that his skin tanned by the time he was right.
And the boy's dirty blonde hair had golden blonde streaks. The nose and jawline was like his old human self. 
The Colonel sank on his knees and titled his head. 
"Spider…" the boy shrugged. "Last Name."
The Colonel's breath hitched. No fuckin way. It's true then.  "Miles Raymundo Quaritch?"
The general researchers gave the Colonel legal papers of you and your kids. Like birth certificates and all that. On earth, especially America. You are the widow of Quaritch and a single mom. 
Your name was Mrs. Name Quaritch. The young widow of an ex fallen soldier killed in action. An honorable hero not only in America but on earth. 
His death made you more widely known despite being voted as the most beautiful woman. 
The boy clenched his jaw. Discomforted. "I hate my real name."
The Colonel felt annoyance in his chest. This little ungrateful shit is embarrassed of his lineage. Quaritch worked hard to impregnate you. He felt insecure as a human due to his old age.
 This is the thanks he gets? Did you turn his kids against him and hate him? He will punish you.
"I'll be damned…" the Colonel drawled. He felt so many emotions all at once. His heart beating bat shit crazy. He felt excited, longing, curious and loving the idea of finally seeing you after a long time. 
"Your mother and siblings must be here if you are." The Colonel stared down at his first son. Spider shook his head stubbornly.
"Where the fuck is my wife!?" The Colonel wanted to marry you back on earth with his family in Europe. But he sadly died. And he hated the thought of you being called his mistress or sex elave or whatever. He wanted to make it legal as possible. He didn't have a wedding yet. But he made you sign a marriage certificate. 
Quaritch's thunderous roar made all wildlife quiet. The birds and the small creatures on the ground. The subordinates even looked scared. Lyle was not surprised. You always managed to decompsure his boss. Fike expected this but the yelling was worse than he thought. You sure knew how to weaken a marine. 
Damn temptress woman.
The Colonel lost his cool and leadership that moment. 
The squad waited for an order. The Colonel didn't want to do it. He was willing to torture his beloved son just to see you.
The colonel realized….
He loved you more than he loved his kids. 
Since women are weakened by babies and men are destroyed by women. He will get you to come out  of hiding and into his arms.
He will trap you with kids again. Like old times.  
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sentienttoastah · 4 months
Canto 6 possible literary reference other than Wuthering heights?
Canto 6 already ended a while ago but I’ve recently got a thought on it which I’ve already shared with some mutuals but I thought ehh, why not make a blog post on it.
This doesn’t really relate to the plot all that much and more about the literary references used in canto 6 that isn’t confirmed yet still gave me those vibes yk. But either way they still kind of count as spoilers so It’ll be under the cut for those who haven’t got there.
It’s noted that there’s many similarities with erlking Heathcliff and those abnos based on the little red riding hood fable, as well as the clear reference to the erlkonig of course and the possibility of the hunt being a reference to the fox hunting sport popular in many parts of europe (unrelated but calling it a “sport” specifically when they do it not for food or pest reasons and only for the thrill of killing a fox is very unjust) but I’ve also noticed another potential reference.
So this is going to be a far fetched stretch and I don’t know if anyone else mentioned or thought of it before but certain bits of canto 6 really, REALLY, reminded my favourite childhood novel of mine: Watership Down.
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I might just be delusional but like there really were a lot of similarities that I noticed between specific plot lines. And also considering Watership Down was one of the best selling novels of all time during its golden years it’s not that surprising if Project Moon included them right??
For those who don’t know; Watership Down is essentially a book about rabbits who, after one of them receives some kind of prophetic dream of destruction, leave their home warren to go in search of a new one. It sounds like a generic enough plot but it also tackles into topics of death and grief, the cruelty of nature, fjking politics, how much humans take their joys for granted and most importantly for me it’s also about acceptance. It’s a great book (and also old animated movie if you don’t want to take the time in reading, there’s a full one available on youtube) but that’s not the topic of discussion in this rant.
Now I’m not sure how to word this as it’s late into 3 AM as I write this so here’s a list of points and comparisons on why I think the reference might be there, more specifically on the erlking and the dead rabbits gang.
The Erlking and General Woundwort: General Woundwort is the Chief Rabbit of an opposing warren called Efrafa who is driven to attempt a siege on the down due to hatred and vengeance. The Erlking is of course very similar in being the “leader” of the Dead Rabbits and also having the same motivations by leading the hunt. Also noted that there is an implication I think that Woundwort wasn’t the original chief and got his position from some shady way.
The Dead Rabbits Gang and Efrafa Warren: Many members of The Efrafa, especially the lower class rabbits were actually kidnapped, trapped, forced or tricked into joining the warren. Similar to those mad rabbits who turned out to be T corp citizens who were experimented on. Plus they’re rabbits, obviously.
The Hunt and The Siege: This one is self explanatory but yeah. Both ends led their armies to attack a single, smaller-in-number group who pissed them off slightly lol. And both ended terribly.
Dante; Hazel and Heathcliff; Bigwig: Basically a comparison of characters. Dante being similar to Hazel and Heathcliff being similar to Bigwig. With Dante/Hazel starting off as inexperienced amateur leader who over time started to become more familiar with the traits of their group and soon adapted and developed their charisma. And Heathcliff/Bigwig being the more experienced and stubborn one who is doubtful at the beginning for their leader’s competence, but warms up and trusts them in the end. Plus that interaction with Heathcliff and Dante at the stairs part before they slowed down time can be compared to Hazel and Bigwig’s convo before Hazel made the run.
Woundwort’s Quote: One of General Wounwort’s quotes is “I fear no elil, I am the elil!”. With “elil” meaning “predator” or any carnivorous animal in rabbit language. Woundwort flipping the prey and predator roles can be compared to The Erlking, leader of the rabbits, hunting down our Heathcliff who is symbolised as a hound with his distortion.
There might be more, but for now those were the only comparisons I remember. I like to think of it kind of in the same way that Demian is not only a reference to himself as his book counterpart but at the same time is also a reference to La Petit Prince/The Little Prince. A dual reference!
though I might just be stretching it. What do you guys think? I’d love to hear thoughts :,)
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beefromanoff · 5 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 18
summary: Char, Nat, and Steve go on a mission to an abandoned HYDRA base and make a harrowing discovery.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: all the feels. all the emotions. all the angst. I know I'm doing the MOST with character development and slow burn and this plot we're building up to, but just stick with me okay! thank you for reading, let me know what you thinkkkk!
tag list: @bangtanxberm @scott-loki-barnes @kayhi808 @charmedbysarge
(let me know if you want to be added <3)
chapter list
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“Your mission briefs are in the folders.” Maria Hill gestured to the small stack of manila envelopes marked ‘classified’ in front of her before clicking a button to begin a three dimensional holographic presentation. “The objective is straightforward and this is not believed to be a combat mission. Your goal is to assess the base and retrieve any potentially valuable information pertaining to HYDRA’s resurgence and future plans. The base has been abandoned for years now, or so we believe.” 
Natasha, Steve, and Charlotte sat around the sleek conference table, their attention focused on the display shimmering before them. The room was dimly lit, the lights turned down to enhance their view of the hologram.
"As you can see, the target location was heavily fortified when it was previously occupied," Maria explained, her voice calm and authoritative as she rotated the display with a wave. "We don’t know how many of those security measures remain in place, or if they’re still monitored at all. Our objective is to gather as much intel as possible without triggering anything that would tip them off that we’re on their trail."
Steve nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he surveyed the holographic map. "We'll operate with caution," he remarked, his tone measured. "We won’t draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."
“I appreciate that, Cap, but you’re not the one I want to hear that from.” She raised an eyebrow in Charlotte’s direction. 
Chewing on the end of her pen, Charlotte didn’t notice at first. When she felt the eyes of the other two land on her, she pulled her eyes away from the hauntingly familiar insignia on the outside of the building in front of her. “What? Me? What would I do?”
“Crash a quinjet. Almost blow yourself up. Have a subconsciously triggered psychotic break and try to kill everyone in the vicinity.” Maria shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Hey,” Charlotte held her hands up defensively. “I haven’t given you any reason to think I’d do the last one.” 
“Bucky Barnes might disagree.” She folded her hands across her chest. Her tone was always so even, impossible to detect if her dry sense of humor was showing or just her pragmatic, no-nonsense work tone. 
Leveling a glare at Maria that didn’t phase her one bit, Charlotte sat back in her chair and mock bowed. “You have my word, I will try my absolute darndest not to lose my mind and rain hellfire down on half of Eastern Europe.” 
“Much appreciated.” The smallest smirk tugged at Maria’s mouth before she moved on. 
Charlotte listened intently, her mind already racing with strategic possibilities. Jokes aside, she knew this mission was crucial, not only for gathering vital intelligence but also for proving herself as a capable member of the team. This was her first official mission as an Avenger. She knew the reasoning behind both Steve and Natasha going with her, despite it just being an intelligence mission, was multifaceted. First, there was a possibility that the base was still in undercover operation and they would be walking into a trap. Second, there could be an alarm system in place that would alert any remaining HYDRA forces of their breach and draw them into an ambush. Finally and least pleasantly, Charlotte knew that she was somewhat of a loose cannon. Although she’d proven herself with the attack on the compound, she hadn’t worked in an organized mission format before and she was going to a place with significantly traumatic ties to her past. This wasn’t the facility where she’d been held, but entering any HYDRA territory at all was bound to bring back dark memories. Having two of the most seasoned Avengers with her would be to protect her from everything waiting for them, and to protect everything else from her.
Forty five minutes later when they’d walked through the interior renderings, the terrain map, and the mission plans ad nauseum, Maria concluded the brief and excused herself. 
“You ready for this?” Nat elbowed Charlotte as they stood to head towards the locker room.
Rolling her eyes, Charlotte tucked the manila folder under her arm. “How can I not be with Agent Hill’s heartwarming vote of confidence?”
Steve strode up between them as they crossed into the hallway. Putting his arm around each of their shoulders, he joked, “You’ll be just fine. You’re with two veterans here.” 
“Hey, don’t make me sound old, Rogers.” Nat shoved his arm off of her shoulder and pointed a warning at him. “Let’s not forget I’m the youngest one here by many, many decades.” 
“You ever think they put two of the oldest on a mission with you to keep an eye on you?” He grinned. Nat simply flipped him off and pressed the elevator button to bring them back upstairs to the residential floor. 
When they reached the common room, the chaos of dinnertime greeted them. “Perfect timing, grab a plate,” Wanda called out from her position behind the stove, serving herself what looked like lasagna. They jumped in line, grabbing and filling a plate before joining the rest of the team at the table. The aroma of marinara and freshly baked bread filled the air as the team settled into their unofficial assigned seats, like every other night.
"So, Cap, did Maria give you any more gray hairs?" Sam quipped, raising an eyebrow as he shoveled a steaming forkful into his mouth and immediately winced.
Steve chuckled, shaking his head. "She tried, but I think I've still got a few years left. Charlotte, on the other hand…she took the brunt of it."
Across the table, Wanda turned her attention to Charlotte, a concerned furrow marring her brow. "How are you feeling about the mission, Charlotte? Nervous?"
Charlotte flashed a reassuring smile. "Nervous? Me? Please." She spread the pasta around on her plate, learning from Sam and letting it cool down. “I think you’ll remember that I was born without the ‘self-preservation’ part of my brain. Well,” She held up her wrist, the thin metal bracelet jangling as she wiggled it. “Born, programmed, whatever.”
“Why was Maria giving you a hard time?” Calla frowned. She’d been joining them for dinner almost every night since she and Sam had finally gone public with their relationship. 
“Maria,” Nat answered for her. “Was reminding us all to keep a low profile, Charlotte in particular. She pointed out that Char hasn’t exactly done that, lately.” 
“Then she proceeded to give examples,” Steve added, fighting his grin as Charlotte rolled her eyes. “It was difficult to contest.”
“I’m feeling a little victimized.” Charlotte reached for the basket in the center of the table holding the rolls.
“So did I when you tried to rip my head off.” Bucky deadpanned, tugging the bread basket just out of her reach. “Both times.”
Pausing, Charlotte met his gaze as she stood, leaning over the table towards him. “Cry me a river.” She plucked a roll out of the basket in front of him, returning to her seat. “You better hope I don’t find the HYDRA secret to brainwashing or you’ll be doing my bidding all day, every day, Barnes.” 
Bucky cocked his eyebrow and ran his tongue along the inside of his lower lip. Steve, knowing all too well that the look on his best friend’s face meant nothing good, chose that moment to chime in. “Charlotte will do just fine. It’ll be an easy intelligence mission and we’ll be right back here in two days. Just try not to miss us too much.” 
The rest of the meal passed in a blur of the usual good-natured jabs, tossed rolls, and laughter that felt too lighthearted for Charlotte, knowing she was walking straight into the belly of the beast she’d so narrowly escaped from in just over twelve hours. When the dishes were done, lights were flicked off, and bedroom doors were closing, Natasha caught Charlotte’s arm before she disappeared into her room.
"Charlotte, you're more than capable of handling this. Just trust your instincts and rely on your training." She gave a warm smile and a reassuring squeeze. “Try to get at least a little sleep tonight, okay?”
“Deal. Thanks, Nat.” Charlotte did her best to return Natasha’s warm smile, knowing all too well she wouldn’t be sleeping a single minute that night. 
The locker room was quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the overhead lights as Charlotte meticulously checked her gear. She ran her fingers over the smooth surface of her suit, double-checking the straps and fastenings to ensure everything was secure. The night had been agonizingly long as sleep continued to evade her. Part of it was her nerves, the way her stomach writhed and twisted just thinking of stepping foot into a HYDRA base again. Part of it was fear of actually falling asleep and finding herself in the midst of an all too familiar nightmare, waking her in a cold sweat. Some of them got so bad she didn’t know if she’d have the balls to step onto the Quinjet if she had one. 
So she just didn’t sleep.
When her alarm had finally gone off, it somehow felt like a mercy from her own thoughts in the dark doom. She was up and out the door in less than a minute. By the time Steve and Natasha joined her in the locker room, she was almost fully suited up.
As she worked, her mind raced with the same thoughts that had kept her up all night. Thoughts warning her that this was a mistake. That she’d narrowly escaped with her life and freedom and to go back into enemy territory was to make a gamble with both. Taking a deep breath, Charlotte forced herself to push aside her doubts and fears. She knew she couldn't afford to let her emotions get the best of her, not when so much was at stake. Although this was a relatively low octane mission, the implications were heavy. Gathering information on HYDRA could prevent future attacks, stall their plans for growth. Today’s mission could be the catalyst to prevent everything she’d lost sleep fearing. 
With a final glance in the mirror, Charlotte straightened her posture, meeting her own somewhat bloodshot green eyes in the reflection. They looked more confident than she felt. Good. I can play a part with the best of them. Her hands absently patted down her body, feeling for the guns holstered on her hips and thighs, the belt fully stocked with tech. 
“Takeoff in ten, Char.” Nat called over her shoulder before leaving her alone in the room. 
Giving her a half-hearted two finger salute, Charlotte watched her disappear fully before bowing her head. She wasn’t sure quite where she stood on religion, but in that moment, she prayed to anyone who would listen to just let her make it out again. Whatever awaited them, she could handle it so long as she made it back to this place with these people. So long as she made it back home. 
“Hey.” A low voice snapped her out of her stupor. She opened her eyes to see Bucky, hair tousled and messy, eyes looking as sleepless as hers, standing in the doorway. He wasn’t dressed for an early morning workout, instead wearing dark sweats and a hoodie. 
“Hey,” She took a step towards him. “You look like hell.”
“Good morning to you, too.” He scowled. “I’d ask if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but something tells me you didn’t sleep at all.” 
“What tipped you off?” Charlotte grit her teeth. 
“I didn’t hear you wake up in a panic.” Bucky didn’t break her gaze. 
Pausing, she shifted her weight, folding her arms across her chest. “You can’t have a nightmare if you don’t sleep.” 
“You need sleep to be at your best today. If you’re foggy, if you miss something today ––” 
Charlotte cut him off, holding a hand up as she moved to push past him. “Look, if you’re just here to lecture me, I’m really not in the mood for  ––”
“I’m not.” Vibranium fingers gripped her waist just above her belt. Setting his jaw, he met her eyes again. “I just wanted to say…just be careful.” A moment of quiet passed between them. “You will be okay. You’re out, and you’re never going to be trapped again.”
From the ever-so-slight break in his voice, Charlotte knew he was talking to himself just as much as he was to her. She also knew it couldn’t have been easy to drag himself out of bed at the ass crack of done to come get touchy feely. It wasn’t lost on her. 
“Thank you, Bucky.” Her words came out breathless. Seeming to realize his hand was still on her waist, Bucky let go. Charlotte caught his hand in her own and gave it a squeeze as she offered a faint smile. “I’ll see you in two days.” 
“See you in two days.” 
As the Quinjet sliced through the dark skies en route to Eastern Europe, the atmosphere among the trio was surprisingly light. The hum of the engines provided a steady backdrop to their low conversations, the cabin dimly lit. The sun had finally come up, driving away some of the ominous thoughts of the night along with it. Charlotte was again absently checking her gear when Natasha, sitting across from her, leaned back in her chair with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“So, Char, are we gonna talk about when you and Barnes disappeared in New York?” Natasha’s voice was teasing, her smile knowing.
Charlotte rolled her eyes, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. “Oh, so first you want to cockblock, and then you want to gossip.”
Steve, looking over his shoulder from where he was maneuvering the jet, raised his eyebrows. “I’m sorry, was there a need for a cockblock?”
“I guess we’ll never know.” Charlotte shrugged.
“Oh, come on!” Nat nudged her chair with a boot. “First it gets all tense and awkward during the game, then you disappear to ‘get another drink’,” She made air quotes with her fingers. “After which, Barnes mysteriously also needs a refill. You’re gone a few minutes, you both come back flushed with a disappointing lack of messy hair or undone buttons.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Well, if we’re calling out cockblockers, Sam was the one who interrupted in the first place.”.
Steve, now so invested he’d switched the Quinjet to autopilot, turned around in his seat.. "Sam interrupted what, exactly?"
"I mean," Charlotte flushed with a laugh. "I don’t know. Bucky was about to kiss me, I guess—"
Natasha interrupted, her voice triumphant. "Ha! I told you, Rogers! Pay up. Fifty bucks."
Steve chuckled, holding his hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright. You win."
Curiosity gleamed in Natasha's eyes as she turned her attention back to Charlotte. "So, that’s a far cry from your usual interactions. How do you feel about it?"
Charlotte shrugged nonchalantly, waving them off. "I don’t know, we were both pretty drunk."
Natasha and Steve exchanged a knowing glance before Natasha spoke up again, her tone more serious. "Come on, Charlotte. We know there's something between you and Barnes. You two wouldn't be at each other's throats as much as you are if there wasn't something deeper there."
Steve nodded in agreement. "Nat's right. No one can deny the tension whenever you're in the same room. Have you ever noticed how there’s always someone ready to jump between you two?”
“Yeah, we thought it was to keep you two from tearing each other apart, but maybe it’s actually to keep from tearing each others’ clothes off.” Nat winked, causing Steve to shake his head. 
“Fuck…off…” Charlotte laughed, swatting at Nat’s feet, propped up on her arm rest. 
“Ladies, please.” Steve waved a hand between them, mock breaking up the spat. “Listen, for what it’s worth, and don’t tell him I said this…Bucky wasn’t that drunk last weekend.”
Charlotte sighed, her playful demeanor fading as she grew more introspective. "It's just... confusing, you know? I don't even know where to begin."
Natasha leaned forward. "Well, for starters, Barnes is not the easiest to read." 
“That’s for damn sure.”
Steve nodded in agreement. "But don't underestimate him. Bucky's a good man, Char. He just needs someone who's willing to get past the walls he's built around himself."
Looking down at her hands, Charlotte shook her head before meeting Natasha’s gaze. “Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on with him. Us.  It’s like... one moment, we’re just roommates, teammates –– whatever. Then, we’re talking at two in the morning because we both had nightmares and we’re bonding over this shared trauma bullshit. Then he’s jumping my ass like he hates me. Then we’re almost crossing a line we’ve never even approached, and the next, it’s like we’re right back to being roommates.”
Natasha’s expression softened. “It’s tough with Bucky. He’s been through a lot, and sometimes, he struggles with letting people in. Even those he cares about deeply. Trust me, if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t get so…aggressive.”
Steve nodded, his face serious now. “Nat’s right. Bucky does care about you, Charlotte. Maybe he’s just trying to protect you — and himself — from potential pain. I mean, if he doesn’t know where you stand then he’s not likely to put himself out there at all.”
Charlotte listened, her brow furrowing. “I get that, I really do. But it’s just so frustrating feeling like I’m constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. How am I supposed to even figure out how I feel when it’s like we have four different relationships happening at once?”
“Well,” Steve shrugged. “Which relationship do you want to stick?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Rogers.” Charlotte narrowed her eyes. “Why don’t you ask your bestie and report back to me, hm?”
“Buck and I don’t really talk about things like this.” He chuckled. 
“What do you talk about? Medicare? Viagra?” 
“Not viagra.” Nat pretended to check her nails, this time sending Steve’s face into a full blush as he turned back around to take the controls. When his back was fully turned, she held her hands up, miming a significant length between them as she winked. 
“Oh, gag me,” Charlotte stood up from her chair and stalked towards the back of the jet. 
“Don’t ask me, ask Barnes!” Nat called after her disappearing figure. 
Flipping her off over her shoulder, Charlotte was thankful Nat couldn’t see her grin.
The icy winds howled outside the decrepit structure that once served as a HYDRA base, nestled deep in the forests of some country Charlotte had never even heard of. Its walls, blanketed by a thick layer of snow, muffled the sounds of the harsh environment outside. The Quinjet was stashed just outside the treeline, cloaked in stealth mode. 
Steve, Natasha, and Charlotte approached the entrance with practiced silence, their movements precise. They were thankful for the quickly falling snow covering their tracks as they walked, finally reaching the entrance. The door was ajar, hanging crooked on the lower two hinges, swinging gently in the frigid breeze. Aside from the whistling wind, the creaking of the door was the only sound across the eerily silent clearing. Nat shot Charlotte a sidelong look, one final check to make sure she was okay before they crossed the threshold. Nodding, Charlotte fell into line behind Steve as they stepped out of the elements and into the dark building. A thick layer of dust swirled up from the ground as their boots disturbed it.
“Looks like no one’s been here for years,” Steve whispered, his shield ready as he peeked inside the shadowed hallway. “But stay sharp. We don’t know what’s left behind.”
Natasha nodded, pulling out her compact field device. “Charlotte, you’re with me. We need to find the main server room. There’s a good chance they left data behind, not expecting anyone to come back to this hellhole.”
Charlotte nodded, ignoring the way her stomach turned as she followed Natasha, her hands hovering above the pistols holstered on her hips. This building was hundreds of miles from where she’d been kept, but the interior similarities were uncanny. From the smell of gunpowder and antiseptic to the haunting emblem stamped on every door, the only difference was the lack of lowlife psychopaths crawling the place. The hallway was lined with old propaganda posters, the edges curled and the faces faded. Every step they took kicked up a new symphony of dust, dancing in the beams of their flashlights. She fought to stay present, stay in the headspace of an Avenger on a mission rather than a terrified girl in way over her head. Pretend. Play a part. Be like Natasha. Her breathing evened out as she forced herself to observe Nat, to catalog her every move. The slight bend to her knees as she crept forward, the way her head swiveled from side to side as she cleared each room, even her heart rate, faintly perceptible through her armor. As Charlotte tailored her own movements to those of Natasha, she felt her own heart rate slow. Mimic. Emulate. That’s what she was good at. That’s what would get her through this.
Reaching the server room, the door creaked as they pushed it open. Charlotte tried not to cringe at the loud noise, the fear that it would awaken some long dormant evil in this place. Inside the room, rows of ancient computers and servers hummed with a surprising flicker of life, the green lights blinking in the semi-darkness.
“Looks like we’re in luck, electricity hasn’t been cut off here,” Natasha murmured, setting up her device to interface with the HYDRA technology. “Char, keep an eye on the door. I need a few minutes here.”
Charlotte positioned herself by the doorway, her senses heightened. The silence was oppressive, filled only by the distant whir of outdated machinery and Natasha’s steady breathing as she worked.
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Minutes stretched into an eternity. Charlotte’s thoughts drifted to Bucky, to both of their sleepless nights. She wondered if he’d been on missions that took him back into the belly of the beast, if he’d been as terrified as she was. 
A soft beep from Natasha’s device cut through the silence. “Got something,” Natasha announced, her voice a mix of relief and urgency. “There are references to a new base of operations, coordinates embedded in an encrypted file. I’m downloading it now.”
“Good work, Nat,” Steve’s voice crackled over the comms, ever vigilant. “Wrap it up. I don’t like how exposed we are here.”
As Natasha hurriedly collected the last pieces of data, Charlotte felt a shiver that wasn’t from the cold. It was the realization that this mission, seemingly quiet, was just the precursor to something much larger. They were on the brink of uncovering a resurgence that could threaten their fragile peace. She’d told herself she just had to get through this mission, to quell her fears for today, and then she could breathe. This data…the trail to a new base, the source of the attack…this was far from over. A chill ran down Charlotte’s spine and she prayed Natasha didn’t notice. 
With the data secured, they retraced their steps, making their way back towards where Steve was positioned at the entrance. As they emerged into the final hallway, the biting cold seeped through the broken door, washing over them with a sobering chill.
“Let’s head back,” Steve said, his voice resolute. “Good work you two. We need to get this to SHIELD.”
With the data secured and the team poised to leave, a sudden, inexplicable intuition halted Charlotte. "Wait," she said abruptly, her voice echoing slightly in the now silent corridor.
Steve turned, his brow furrowed in concern. "Charlotte, we need to move. It's risky to linger."
"I know, but... I remember something," she insisted, her voice threaded with uncertainty. Her mind was flickering with disjointed memories, not her own but somehow familiar—whispers of conversations overheard from her past.
Natasha looked concerned. "What is it?"
"There’s... a basement. Hidden. I'm sure of it. They mentioned it once, back when I was being briefed on potential locations to track Buck––the Winter Soldier to. They thought he might try to target the smaller bases when he got free. They were especially concerned with beefing up security for this one…this place was important, not just a random outpost."
Steve's tactical mind battled with his protective instincts. "We don’t have much time," he warned, but his gaze softened. "Make it quick."
Nodding, Charlotte led them down a forgotten hallway, her eyes scanning for any sign of a concealed entrance. Her hand brushed against the wall, and she felt a subtle, almost imperceptible seam. Pressing against it, a portion of the wall gave way, revealing a narrow stairwell spiraling down into darkness. Both of them covered their mouth with their arms, avoiding the cloud of dust and debris that flooded the air.
"Good call," Natasha murmured, lighting the path with her flashlight as they descended.
The air grew colder as they reached the basement, a small, shadow-filled room that reeked of secrets long buried. Along one wall, files and documents were preserved in sealed cabinets. Natasha quickly began sifting through them, her hands skilled and efficient. Charlotte did the same across the room, making quick work of the folders there.
Charlotte’s heart thudded painfully as she pulled out a dust-covered file marked with a stark, black HYDRA stamp and the words "Winter Soldier Projekt." 
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Breath catching in her throat, Charlotte opened the dusty file with trembling fingers. She skimmed for only a few seconds before slamming it closed, heart pounding. The contents––the little she saw–– were chilling. On the first page alone, there was a detailed log of the original experiments conducted on Bucky during World War II, complete with photographs and medical reports. Considering the folder was at least two fingers thick, the thought of what else was contained in those pages made her want to vomit. She turned her attention back to the cabinet and found another two folders marked with the same project name. 
“Find anything?” Nat crossed the room before her eyes landed on the folders in Charlotte’s hand. "Oh, shit…this...this could be the parts of his past he's still trying to piece together."
Charlotte’s expression was grim. "He deserves to see this. Whether or not he reads it is up to him.”
Silently nodding, Natasha grabbed a stack of files she’d deemed important enough to take and turned for the door, Charlotte right on her heels. With the additional files secured, the gravity of their discovery pressing down on them, they ascended back to the ground level. The mission had been a success, but had unearthed more than they had bargained for, casting a shadow that would follow them back home. 
"Let's get out of here." Steve said again, his voice firmer this time, an edge underlying his calm as he read the expressions on both women’s faces.
As they emerged into the gray, sunless day, the German landscape bleak and unwelcoming around them, Charlotte felt a mix of triumph and trepidation. They had retrieved crucial information, hadn’t been intercepted or ambushed, and yet…this felt like they’d taken a massive blow. The emotional implications, especially for Bucky, loomed large—her heart ached for him and the pain he’d face when they got back. 
They quickly and quietly ascended the ramp into the Quinjet, taking their seats as Steve took them out of enemy territory. When they were safely soaring above the clouds, Natasha motioned for him to let her take over. “Take a look at what Charlotte found.” Her grim voice caught his attention.
​​Steve shifted in his seat, the low hum of the Quinjet the only noise as he turned and faced where Charlotte was seated. He noticed the tight set of Natasha’s jaw, the unusual tension in her shoulders. Charlotte sat looking equally somber, eyes glassy,  a thick file clasped tightly in her hands. The atmosphere was thick with a kind of urgency that made his stomach tighten.
"Steve, it’s about Buckyt," Charlotte said quietly as she handed him the file. Her eyes were shadowed, suggesting she’d already seen the horrors it contained.
Taking the file, Steve felt the weight of it, not just in physical terms but in what it represented. He opened it slowly, almost hesitantly, the pages filled with dense text and black-and-white photographs that made his stomach convulse. As his eyes scanned the documents, detailing operations and experiments carried out during the war, his expression darkened.
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He paused on a photograph, a stark, haunting image of Bucky strapped to a chair, machinery and wires surrounding him, protruding from everywhere imaginable. Bucky hadn’t even liked the doctor when they were kids, so this…Steve’s hands trembled slightly, the image hitting far too close to home, a vivid reminder of his failure to protect his friend when he needed him the most.
Natasha watched him closely out of the corner of her eyes, her voice softening. “We had no idea about some of these details. The depth of what they did—”
“It’s monstrous,” Steve interrupted, his voice rough with emotion. He continued flipping through the file, each page turn revealing another layer of the nightmare Bucky had endured. Reports of prolonged exposure to mind-altering techniques, physical endurance tests, and surgical manipulations filled the pages.
Closing the file abruptly, Steve looked up, his eyes clouded with pain and anger. “We shouldn’t be reading this. Not before he does…I mean, fuck,” His uncharacteristic swear jarred Nat and Charlotte. “I mean, do we even show him this? Or does this just set him back? He’s worked so hard, he’s finally been getting past some of the nightmares…I just––”
Charlotte reached out, her hand briefly touching his arm in a gesture of support. “It will be hard. Really fucking hard. I…I would want to know, though.”
Steve nodded slowly, the resolve setting into his features. “We’ll leave it up to him, give him a choice. We owe him that much.” He let out a slow breath as he put the files into an empty seat next to Charlotte.
As the Quinjet cut through the clouds, the cabin was filled with a tense silence, broken occasionally by the soft clacking of buttons and the murmur of the aircraft's systems. Charlotte sat near the communications array, her fingers absentmindedly tapping against the metal surface, her mind racing with the weight of the files just a foot away from her. The atmosphere of the ride home was a far cry from the ride there, laughter and jokes felt impossible at the moment. They hadn’t even called back for the mission report, putting it off as long as possible as they debated whether or not to submit the files to SHIELD’s official records, where they’d be available to everyone in the organization. When they could ignore the comm requests no longer, Steve finally gave in.
"Patch through to Maria Hill," Steve instructed Charlotte, his voice steady but carrying an undercurrent of urgency.
Charlotte nodded and quickly set the frequencies. A moment later, Maria's voice filled the cabin, clear and commanding. "Report, team. How did the mission go?"
"We secured the intel we were after," Natasha replied, glancing at Charlotte with a hint of concern. "But there's something else, Maria. It's about Bucky—files from his time with HYDRA during the war. They were hidden in a basement, in a concealed wing of the base. Charlotte located it. These files are…we’d like these to be handled with the utmost discretion."
There was a brief pause. "Understood," Maria responded, her tone turning somber. "Standard protocol dictates a full briefing with all operatives. However, I'm aware of the sensitivity of this information regarding Sergeant Barnes."
Charlotte’s voice was quiet but firm as she joined in. "Maria, I think it might be best if I briefed him privately first. This is personal and could be quite a shock. He trusts me, and it might be easier for him to process this with someone he's close to. Of all of us…" She glanced at Steve, praying she wasn’t stepping on his toes. “I understand this. What this will be like. I would want to be able to process it privately, maintain some dignity.”
There was another pause, longer this time. "I understand the delicacy of the situation," Maria finally said. "You have the go-ahead, Rossi. Brief Barnes privately. Depending on his reaction and the relevance of the information, we can decide how to proceed with the rest of the team. You have official clearance to classify the information until then."
A collective breath was let out across the cabin.
"Thank you, Maria," Charlotte said, her relief palpable even through the static of the comms. 
“Stay in stealth mode, we’ll see you when you get back. Good work, team.” Maria signed off, all business as usual.
Steve sat back, concern etched on his face. "You okay with this, Charlotte? It’s a heavy burden and Bucky doesn’t have a history of reacting…well to difficult information.”
She took a deep breath, leaning forward and bracing her elbows on her knees. "It needs to be me. There’s a level of…shame that comes with finding out what was done to you. What you couldn’t stop. As much as he loves you, both of you, it will be harder to hear from you. Me? I’m already a walking reminder of his past. I understand it better than anyone. If he gets mad, I can take it, but…it needs to be me.”
Steve nodded, giving her a faintly reassuring smile as he turned back to the control panel.
For the remaining hours of the flight, the Quinjet soared through the sky, carrying its crew and their heavy cargo of secrets back home, each member lost in their own thoughts about the implications of their findings.
It was early evening by the time they touched back down at the compound.
Steve and Natasha had given Charlotte reassuring nods as they left her alone in the locker room, holding the files and steeling herself for the hardest conversation of her life. Deciding that waiting would only make it worse, she set off to find Bucky without even changing out of her uniform.
The final rays of sun streamed through the windows of the training room cast long shadows as Charlotte entered. The sound of punching and the rhythmic thud of a heavy bag swinging greeted her, slightly echoing in the large space. Bucky, his hair clinging to his forehead with sweat, was relentlessly driving his fists into the bag. He paused, breathing heavily, as he noticed Charlotte standing in the doorway.
"Hey, you’re back,” he greeted, a small smile fleeting across his lips. “Glad to see you made it out and didn’t shit the bed,” Noticing the seriousness of her expression and the file clutched in her hands, he grabbed a towel, wiping his face as he walked over to her. "What’s wrong?"
“Hey, Buck.” Charlotte shifted, the file almost feeling heavier in her grasp. "It’s something we found at the base. It’s about... It’s about you. From during the war." She offered it out but he only stared at it.
Bucky's demeanor shifted as he read the label, the lines of his face hardening. "Who else has seen it?"
"Nobody, Bucky. I found it, and I’ve kept it safe. Only glanced through it enough to know it’s important, and personal." She met his gaze firmly, conveying her sincerity. "Even Steve didn’t feel right reading it. It’s been with me since I found it."
He nodded slowly, his eyes dropping to the file then back to her. "And if I decide I don’t want to know?"
"That’s completely up to you," Charlotte reassured him softly. "We’ve classified it from SHIELD. This is yours, Bucky. Only yours. You don’t ever have to read it if you don’t want to."
Bucky took a deep breath, the internal struggle evident in his eyes. After a long moment, he reached out and took the file from her. "Will you... stay?"
"Of course," she replied without hesitation, her voice gentle, albeit a little breathless from her own nerves.
They moved to a corner of the room where a small bench sat. Bucky took a seat, Charlotte settling beside him, close enough for support, yet giving him space to breathe. He opened the file slowly, his eyes scanning the first page, the photos paperclipped in. As he flipped through, his body tensed with each page turned, the horrors of his past laid bare in black and white. She knew in her bones that the glassy look in his eye meant he was reliving hell right in front of her.
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Charlotte watched him, her heart aching with each crease that formed on his brow, each slight twitch of his jaw. It wasn’t difficult to avert her eyes from the file, knowing that the information contained there was not only deeply personal to Bucky, but highly likely to fuel her own nightmares. When he finally closed the file somewhere around the halfway mark, his eyes were glassy, his face pale. His body was rigid, as if bracing against a storm. Abruptly, he stood up, the file slipping from his hands and fluttering to the floor, papers scattering across the floor. His breath came in short, sharp gasps, and then he crumpled in front of a trash can in the corner, his body convulsing as he vomited violently.
Instantly, Charlotte dropped to her knees by his side, her hands tenderly holding back his hair, rubbing absently up his back. She stayed close, unafraid, as he shuddered with the force of his reaction.
When the waves of nausea finally subsided, Bucky shifted, leaning his back against the cool metal of the wall. Charlotte turned beside him, her hands trailing across his shoulders, tugging him towards her. Bucky leaned in, his body trembling as silent tears began to stream down his face. With a gentle but firm touch, she pulled him closer, letting his head rest against her chest. His arms wrapped around her waist as his shaking intensified.
Charlotte held him tightly, her hand soothingly stroking his back, creating a small sanctuary against the rest of the world. They remained there on the floor, the only sounds in the room being Bucky’s soft cries and the muffled sounds of the outside world going on as usual, unaware of the pain only a wall away. She didn’t even feel the tightness in her muscles from sitting in one place for so long, didn’t feel the hard floor beneath her. All Charlotte felt was the warmth from Bucky, the damp tears soaking into her skin beneath her suit, the shaking of his body against her. 
She lost track of how long they sat there. Lost track of her hunger and time and the rest of the world. As far as she was concerned, her world was contained within the four walls of this room. There wasn’t a force on Earth that could take her out of it.
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jellybellyblimp · 2 years
I don’t know what’s not clicking with people that this all from LOUIS’ perspective, and therefore all colored by his perception of events. Like I know he explains to Daniel that “this is the more nuanced portrait” of Lestat, but it still is very clearly biased by Louis’ own emotions. This is far from an accurate portrayal of events “it’s an admitted performance” and there are several very clear examples of Louis misinterpreting Lestat’s actions.
The most clear example to me is the opera scene, where Louis is forced to act as Lestat’s valet in public. Louis interprets that moment STILL IN 2022 as manipulation. He sees Lestat expressing his loneliness and desire to be with Louis forever as Lestat preying upon Louis’ emotional weakness at being forced to act below his partner. BUT Sam Reid’s acting in that scene makes in clear that was exactly the opposite of what was happening. Lestat was attempting to comfort Louis. He was attempting to express that he saw them as equal, he was sorry that was happening, he loved him, and they had forever to not always be trapped by these racist social conventions. He wasn’t manipulating Louis, he was expressing his own feelings in an attempt at comfort, but Louis’ own tumultuous emotional states causes him to view that moment as uncharitably as possible. And it’s interesting and sad that even 50 years after the original interview, and having clearly reevaluated much of their initial relationship to try to see Lestat’s perspective of it, he still views moments like that as manipulative.
This isn’t a defense of Lestat necessarily, but this show has gone to great lengths to express, what always should have been obvious, THAT THIS IS NOT AN ACCURATE RETELLING OF EVENTS. This is Louis’ version of the story and we have no way of knowing Lestat’s version of events.
And I think people need to carry this with them as they continue on with the story. Because as much as we joke about Lestat “Baby trapping” Louis, when I initially read the book it was my view that that had never been Lestat’s true motive. Lestat hadn’t turned Claudia to trap Louis or even to have a child, it was because he knew Louis would never be able to live with himself if Claudia had died. Lestat would only lose Louis even more than he had already. It was his version of making the best out of a bad situation. It was still selfish and fucked, but Louis was just as complicit in her fate as Lestat was. It’s only Louis’ recollection that colors Lestat as more villainous. And I know people are going to disagree here, but seriously I am begging you to remember that all of the original Interview with the Vampire Novel is the uncharitable, bitter recollections of LOUIS. And that the more we see of Lestat in the rest of the books, the more obvious it becomes that IWTV was inaccurate portrait.
We already know the Claudia story has been altered. And I know speculation is predicting that Lestat will become violent, and that will prompt Claudia and Louis “killing” him and fleeing to Europe. I’m not personally fond of that if that’s what will happen, but I’m willing to suspend judgment because I was skeptical of some of the other changes and so far have been in love with every one of them. I think aging up Claudia changes her story, but also opens up a lot of new avenues of exploration. And frankly given how well they’ve handled the changes so far, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
So barring it being clear cut domestic abuse. I think we all need to remember that this is Louis’ perspective, and in the novels Claudia was canonically manipulative, (admittedly I feel understandably). Claudia intentionally worsened the wedge between Louis and Lestat. It’s absolutely possible Louis is interpreting any given moment as uncharitably as possible and his perspective of Lestat’s motivations have been skewed.
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bklynmusicnerd · 9 months
Nik wanting Ava to plan a party as part of his scheme to take down sociopathic mooch, makes zero sense unless he got some dirt on her during his time in Europe (like the killing of her adoptive parents? 👀) and plans to expose her/run her out of town. But even then, she'd probably just cry about that being the "old Esme" and Laura would do that disapproving frown she does, call her "sweetie" and wag her finger at Nik.
I can see Ava throwing a bon voyage party for Trina (and Spencer) when she hears about The Sorbonne opportunity but something tells me that Nik's big party trap will blow up in his face and lead to disaster.
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